X o 1 — < W O CO < u, j o > HISTORY OF THE lottin of ta0t ireemutcl) Adjacent Territory, FROM 1677 TO 1877. BYD.H.GREENE.M.D. J. A. & R. A. Reid, Printers and Publishers. 1877. COPYRIGHT : Daniel H. Greene. 1877. Preface. Napoleon has somewhere said that a history of an army could not be Avritten till the history of its regiments had been written. This holds equally good with the history of a Union like ours. If you would tell its story truthfully you must go back to its first elements. It IS by seeing what each town and village had done, that we arrive at a satisfactory narrative of what each state has done. Thus the office of town historian is a very important office. It gathers up with minute accuracy the incidents of town and village life, and prepares them for the hand of the historian, and what is even more important, it tells you the story of their great men; their "guiltless Cromwells " and their mute " inglorious Miltons." It is only by the means of preliminary labors like these, that a general history of the United States becomes pos- sible. The volume which we here offer to the public, is one of these ele- mentary volumes which requires industry, zeal, and candid criticism ; to all of which I venture to lay claim. I have grown enthusiastic over anec- dotes and details which have no place in general history, but without which local coloring is lost and truth disguised. Such as it is I offer this volume, ( the result of many laborious days), to the kind acceptance of my fellow townsmen. ^outenb. fllustraltons. Town of East Greenwich, County Court House, Greenwich Academy, Frontispiece. Opposite page 40. Opposite page 203. Preface, Page. 3 CHAPTER I. Settlement of the Town, Early Legislation, CHAPTER II. 29 CHAPTER III. Manufactures, Pottery, Calico Printing, Saltpetre Works, Card Manufacture, Tanneries, Hats, Cotton Manufacture, Woolen Manufacture, Print Works, Brass Foundry, . Coir Brushes, Machine Shop, . 51 51 52 57 57 59 59 61 62 6^ 63 64 65 b CONTEXTS. CHAPTER IV. Page. Religious Societies — Friends, . . . . .66 Friends' Boarding School, ..... 102 CHAPTER Y. Religious Societies— Catholic Congregational Church of Christ, ........ m CHAPTER VI. Jemima Wilkinson, ....... 128 CHAPTER VII. Religious Societies— Episcopalian, .... 140 CHAPTER VIII. Religious Societies— Six Principle Baptist, . . . 147 CHAPTER IX. Religious Societies— Methodist Episcopal, . . . 149 CHAPTER X. Religious Societies— Freewill Baptist, .... 151 CHAPTER XI. Religious Societies— Marlboro Street Chapel, . . 155 Roman Catholic, ....... 156 Lutheran, ....... 156 Frenchtown Baptist, ...... 156 CHAPTER XII. Physicians, ........ 157 Thomas Spencer, ....... 158 Thomas Ahh-ich, ...... 158 Duty Jeraukl, ....... 1.50 Joseph Josl yn , . . . . . . . iqo Peter Turner, •-..... 1(51 Charles Eldridge, ...... 16.3 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. Lawyers, Archibald Campbell, Jacob Campbell, James ]Mitchell Varuum, Joseph L, Tillinghast, Albert C. Greene, Nathan Whiting, William G. Bowen, Joseph Winsor, W^illiam E. Peck, Page. . 166 166 . 167 169 . 176 176 . 177 177 . 177 17» Kentish Guards, CHAPTER XIV. 179 Kent Academy, CHAPTER XV. 202 CHAPTER XVI. The Rebellion— The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, 225 CHAPTER XVII. The Rebellion— The Ladies' Freedmen's Aid Society, 237 CHAPTER XVIII. Miscellaneous, ..... Extract from the Diary of Daniel Howland, Founding of King Solomon's Lodge of Masons, Commerce and the Fisheries, . Stonington Railroad, Fire Engine, .... Free Library, .... Rope-Walk, .... General Barton's Expedition, Newspapers, .... Lodges and Societies, Mineral Spring, New England Normal Institute of Music, Centennial Hymn, 246 246 251 251 253 254 254 255 256 260 260 260 261 263 CHAPTER I SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. The Town of East Greenwich dates from 1677, having been incori)orated October 31st of that year. In June, 1678, the name of the town was changed to that of Bed- ford, but the former name was restored in 1689. The boundaries of the township were nearly the same as at present, with the exception of the western Une, which extended furtlier than the present line runs. ^ The settle- ment of the village was begun at an early period after the incori)oration of the township. The excellence and safety of the harbor was a strong inducement for men of energy and business habits to settle on its shores. At the General Assembly held for the Colony at New- port, May, 1667, it was " Ordered that a certain tract of land in some conven- ient place in the Narragansett country, shall be laid forth into one hundred acre shares, with the house lots, for the accommodation of so many of the inhabitants of this Colony as stand in need of land, and the General Assembly shall judge fit to be supplied. ""in pursuance of said act of the General Assembly, this present court do enact and declare, that the said tract of land be forthwith laid forth to contain five thousand acres, which shall be divided as follows : Five hundred acres to be laid in some place near the sea, as commodious as may be for a town, which said five hundred acres shall be divided into fifty house lots, and the renminder of said five tliousand acres, being four thousand five hundred acres, shall be divided into^fifty equal shares or great divisions, and that each person hereafter named and admitted by this Assembly, to land in the said tract, shall have and enjoy to hiui and his heirs and assigns forever, in manner and form and under the conditions hereafter expressed, one of 2 iO HISTORT OF EAST GBEE^f^^WlCH. tlie said house lots, and one great division, containing iii the whole one hundred acres. " And further this Assend)ly do enact, order and declare^ for the services rendered during King Philip's war, the ]>ersons here named that is to say : John Spencer, Thomas Nichols, Clement Weaver, Henry Brightman, George Yaughn, John Weaver, Charles IMacarty, Thomas Wood, Thomas Frye, Benjamin Griffin, Daniel Yaughn, Thomas Dungin, John Pearce, Ste])hen Peckham, John Crandal, Preserved Pearce, Henry Lilly, John Albro, Samuel Albro, Philip Lomx, Richard Kniglit, John Peckham, Tliomas Peckhain, William Clarke,^ Edward Day, Edward Rich^ mond, Edward Calvery, John Heath, Robert Havens, John Strainge, Jolm Parker, George Browne, Richard Barnes, Samson Balloo, John Remington, Jonathan Devell, Benja- min Mowrey, Joseph Mowrey,William Wilbore, James Eyles Pearce, James Battey, Benjamin Gorton, Henry Dyre, John Knowles, Stephen Ai-nold, John Sanford, William Hawkins and John Houlden, arc the persons nnto whom the said tract of land is granted, and who sliall possess tlie same, their heirs and assigns according to the true intent and meaning of this present grant. " And to the end, that the said ]>ersons, and their succes- sors, the proprietors of the said land, from time to time may be in the better capacity to manage their public affairs, this Assendjly do enact and declare that the said ]»lantation shall be a town, by the name and title of East Gi-eenwich, in liis Majesty's Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, with all the rights, lLl)erties, and privileges whatsoever, unto a town appertaining; and that the said persons above mentioned, unto Avhom tlie said grant is made are ])y this ])resent Assembly and the authority thereof, made and admitted the freenien of the said town, and they, and so many of them as shall be then jiresent, not being fewer than twelve on the said land, recpiired and empowered to meet together npon the second Wednesday next, and constitute a town meeting, by electing a Mod- erator and a ToA\'n Clerk, with such Constables jis to them shall seem requisite ; and also to choose two persons their Deputies to sit in General Assembly, and two persons, one to serve on the Grand Jury, and one onthe Jury of Trials in the General Coui-t of Trials, and so the like nuiuber and for the said Court. " And to the end that the said Plantation may be speedily SETTLEMENT OF THE TO WIST. 11 settled and improved according to tlie end of this present in the granting thereof ; be it enacted and ordained that each person mentioned in tliis ])resent grant, shall, Avithin one year after the publication thereof, make on his house lot, by building a house fit and suitable for habitation ; and in case any person who hath any of the said house lots shall neo'lect or refuse, by hhnself or assignee to build accord- ingly, he shall forfeit both the house lot and greater divis- ion, to be disposed of by any succeeding Assembly as they shall see cause. " And further, this Assembly do enact and declare, that if any person unto whom the said land is granted, by this present act, shall, at any time witliin one and twenty years after this hereof, sell, grant, make over, or otherwise dis- pose of any land or lands hereby granted unto him, or unto any other person or persons interested in the said planta- tion, that then the said person or persons wdiatsoever, without liberty had been obtained from the General Assembly, that then the said person or jjcrsons so selling or disposing of the said land shall lose all other lands whatever, that he is ])Ossessed of in the said i)lantation, and also the lands so disposed of, to be and remain to this Colony. " And further, it is enacted by this Assembly, that the freemen of said town shall make, and lay out convenient highways from the bay u}) into the country throughout the whole township, as shall be convenient for the settlement of the country above and about the said township." The original settlers expected from the advantageous situation of their town, in the centre of the Colony, as well as from the excellence and safety of its l)eautiful harbor, that the place Avas destined to become large and nourishing, and perhaps ultimately the colonial emporium and seat of tlie government. So impressed were they with this idea that'they provided for its realization when planning and laying out the village by making the principal streets wide and straight, and giving them lofty and high-sounding names. Main street, running north and south through the cen- tre of the village is sixty feet wide ; as are also King street. Queen street, and London street, running at right angles from Main street to the harbor ; while Marlboro, Duke and other short streets are only half as wide. The village is situated on a small bay, which is a portion of Narragansett Bay. The harbor is completely landlocked, so as to be per- 12 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. fectly secure from all heavy winds ; no rocks or sand bars impede its entrance, or render its navigation unsafe in any direction. Its shores are remarkably bold, so that vessels of all kinds can approach very near, and the water deep enough for almost any craft which navigates Narragansett Bay. Formerly it was celebrated for its menhaden fishery, but of late years these fish have become very scarce. One hundred years ago oysters were so abundant in our bay, the inhabitants were in the habit of laying in an hundred bushels each for winter consumption, although they are so scarce here now. East Greenwich up to the present lime has always been celebrated for the excellence and abundance of its clams and quahaugs, but now these cheap and wholesome shell-fish, the chief deijendence of the j^oor, have become as scarce as oysters. The numerous establishments for summer resort in our vicinity, have made such great calls on our clam-banks to supply the wants of the vast number of visitors to those places, Avhere the principal food served u]) consists of baked clams and chowder, that, the supply is failing. Escalo])s are very al)undant, and at the j)resent time they furnish (in the season) tlie ]u-incipal food of a large portion of the j)eoi>le of our village. Abundance of the very finest fish are caught in our harbor during the spring and summer months; scup, tautog, mackerel, fiatfisli, bluefish, sucker- tearg, and a nun^jer of other kinds of fish afford an abund- ance of cheap, and wholesome food. During the winter, when the 'ce is sufiiciently thick and strong, immense quantities' of eels are caught with spears through holes cut in the ice. Vast flocks of water-fowl frequent our harbor during the months of 8ej)tember and October, affording fine s])ort to the lovers of foAvling and fishing. Very few places in New England possess advantages equal to East Greenwich. Its climate is mild and remark- ably healthy, owing to its location, the village being built on the side of a lofty hill, facing the southeast, protected from the cold north and west winds by still more high grounds in the interior, and is near enough to the Atlantic Ocean to re- ceivi the benefit of the warm air from the Gulf stream brought by the southeast wind, before it has become cooled by passing over a large tract of snow. A number of delicate plants and shrubs live through the winter in the open air in East Greenwich, which in other places in the same latitude can be preserved through the Avinter season only in green- houses. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 13 It is evident tliat the early settlers of tlie village gave their attention to the business of ship buiUling, as it a])pears that when laying out the original ])lan of the town, tliey set apart two locations for shij)-yards, to belong exclusively to the town ; and of course under the control and direction' of the pro]n*ietors' committee. One of these yards Avas located at the foot of Queen street, and the other near the railroad station, now owned and occupied by Mr. Benjamin Crompton as a coal wharf. At this latter place large brigs and schooners were built and launched; at which period tlie tide flowed far above where the de])ot now stands, but from natural causes the valley has since been filled up, and what was then a salt marsh, covered with thatch and overflowed twice in every twenty-four hours, is now covered with houses or laid out in streets. After laying out the requisite number of streets to accommodate the house lots, certain portions of land were reserved for public use. The triangular piece of ground at the junction of Duke and King streets, now occu])ied by the Steam Grist Mill and a few dwelling houses, was originally intended for a market, and was to become the property of any person who should erect upon it a building of certain specified dimensions, containing a certain number of stalls and cho])ping blocks. Another piece of land near the railroad station, on the first plat is called the Exchange. What idea our foi'efathers had of an Exchange, Avhether a building o that name was to be erected there, or the square itself wao ^o called, is now uncertain ; however, it has long since beei juilt u])on and occupied for other pur])oses. In the year 17U9 the boundaries of East Greenwich were enlarged by an addition of thirty-five thousand acres of land on our western border, which this old deed will show was acquired by purchase : "Know all men by these presents, that we Weston Clarke and Randal Holden, Jlichard Greene and Philip Tillinghast being a Committee appointed and fully empowered by the Governor and Company of this her Majesties Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations to dispose ^ and make Saile of the vacant lands in the ISTarragansett country belonging to said Colony, have for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand and one hundred pounds Current Money of New England in hand already well and truly paid to us who have Received the same, in behalf and for the use of the Governor and Company aforesaid of and at 14 IIISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. tilt' liniids of Bcii jaiiiin liartoii, Tlioinas Fry, James Carder, Joliii Spencer, Beiijaiiiiii (Greene, Pardon Tillinghast, Jolni AYaterinan, Tlionias Nieliols, John Nielnds, ]\[alachy lloades, James (h-eene and Simon Smith, all inhabitants of Warwick and East Greenwich in the Colony above said, have barjTjained, sold, conferred, made and passed over from the Governor and Company aforesaid, and their snccessors forever a certain tract or parcel 1 of hind being part of the A^^cant lands belonii'ing to this C\)lony, lying in the Narra- gansett C\)untry, within the Jurisdiction of this Colony, westward of East Greenwich, butted and bounded on the north by Warwick's south bounds ; l)ounded on the East by East Greenwich Ixnuids, and Jones his purchase bounded on the South beginning at the Southwest corner of Jones liis ])urchase and so to run due West, ])arallel with War- Avick's South l)ounds aforementioned until it comes to the Colony line that divides this Colony from Connecticut Col- ony, and bounded on the West by the said dividing line between said Colonys, containing by Estimation, thirty-iive thousand acres, be the same more or less, all which together with the priviliges and appertanences Avithin the bounds abovesaid avc have sold as abovesaid unto the afore named ])ersons, to them and every of them, their and every of their heirs. Executors and Administrators, and assigns for- ever jointly and severally to have and to hold forever the Avhich we Avill Avarrant forever against the Governor and Com])any of the Colony above said and their successors or any other person or persons Avhatsoever lawfully laying claim to the above l)ai'gained premises or any ])art or ])ar- cel thereof, by, through or under them the said Governor and Comi)any or their successors under Avhat i)retencc soever, in Avitness Avhereof Ave ha\^e hereunto set our hands and scales this thirtieth day of June, in the eighth year of her Majesties reign Ann by the grace of God queen of Great Bi-ittain, Ireland and France, Anno que Domini Nostri, 17UD. Weston Clarke,o KAXDAL irOLDEN,° 11 1 v h a u d ( j h k k x e , ^ Philip Tillinghast.'^ " Siiiiied, sealed and d(divercd in the i)vc.sence of us, Joseph Smith, Samuel Sweet. '• The day and year above Aviitteu the Committee acknowledged this to hp their act and deed before me, John Eldred, ClerJc," SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWX. 15 Acconliii'j; to this old (UhmI, tliirtcoii individuals owned what is now the Town of West Greenwich. Division of the Town. In the year 1740 the township was divided into the towns of East and West (ireenwieh, as the following en- try on the town records will show : "Propositions for setting-off the westerly part of said town into a townshi]) by itself, as set forth in a ])etition now lying before the General Assembly. The Moderator ]>ut it to Vote whether they would give consent for the set- ting oit' the westerly ])art of said town, as aforesaid, or not, and the vote was in the aHirinative l)y a very great majority." It a|>pears that the inhabitants residing in the easterly l)art of the township wei'e very willing to get i-id of their western neighl)ors, by the exultant manner in which they recorded their vote. I>y an entry bearing date 1741, it a])pears that every town in the Golony was entitled to draw a certain sum out of the General Treasury of the Colony. It api)ears that Kast and West Greenwich at that time belonged to the Gounty of l*rovidence. From the town records Ave make the following ex- tracts : "We, the subscribers, being Gommittees a])pointed by the Towns of East and West Greenwich, in the County of Providence, to ]»roi»oi-tion the Interest money to be drawn out of the (4eneral Treasury of the Colony, by the aforesaid two Towns ; we, having considered the ])remises, do mutually and unanimously agree and or(b'r that out of each and every one hunclred and fifty i)ounds, to l)e draAvn as aforesaid out of the said Gen- eral Treasury, the Town of Kast Greenwich draws Eighty Five pounds and seven shillings, and that the Town(d' West i Greenwich draws Sixty Four pounds and thirteen shillings, and so ])ropoi-tionally for greater or lesser smns, in confir- mation of v.hich we have hereunto set our hands, in said East Greeiuyich, the Tliirty First day of July, A. I). 1741. John Spencku, | Committee John Greene, ! for Benj'n Sweet, \ East Greenvnch. Thomas Spencer, John Jenkens, Thomas Fry, Jr., Committee for West Greenivieh.'^ 16 HISTORY OF EAST GllEENWICH. "We, the subscribers, being the eoiiiiiiittee n}ij»oiiite«l by East and West Greenwich, in the County of Providence, do proportion the money now in the Town Treasury of said East Greenwicli, and tlie poor in said Towns between the aforesaid Towns, now order and agree tliat West Green- wich shall draw one Hundred and Eighty Nine ])ounds and three shillings out of the Town Treasury, including Caj)- tain Spink's bond for their whole pro])ortion of the money now in the Treasury of said East Greenwich, and that West Greenwich be at one half of the chai-ge in keeping and maintaining the widow Elizabeth Low, in meat, drink and lodging and washing and ap]>arel for the future, and to take effect at the division of said Towns. As witness, our hands at East Greenwich aforesaid, this Thirty First day of July, A. D. 1741. John Spp:xcer, ) Committee John Greene, / for Benj'n Sweet, j EoU (ireeinvirh. Thomas Spencer, \ Committee John Jenken.s, \ for Thomas Fry, Jr., ) Wc^t Ci-ecmrich.^' In tlie year 174*2 is the following entry relating to the loaning out the money in the town treasury. Money must have been more abundant in the ti'casury at that pe- riod than at present, for the greatest trouble now is to collect sufficient to defray the current expenses of the town : "Voted, That the Clerk ])ut in the notification that no- tifies the next Quarter meeting, that there is a proposition for letting out the money in the Treasury if any to spare." In the year 1745 is the following entry : "An act for drawing money out of the Town Treasury, for j)urcliasing tickets in the Lottei-y ordered by act of Assembly, for the building of a bridge at Weybosset in Providence. "Voted, — That there shall be Ninety pounds in money forthwith drawn out of the Town Treasury, for the pur- chase of Thirty tickets in said Lottery, «'ind that Jonathan Price and John Pearce, shall be, and are hereby empowei-ed a Committee to draw said sum and purchase said tickets, and the said Committee upon drawing said money, shall give their receipt to the Treasurer for the same, and the said Treasurer is hereby ordered to deliver the said money, to the said Committee ; and be it further empowered, that SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 17 tlie said Coniinittee arc lierol)y ordered to manai^e tlie whole artair, for, and in belialf, and for the best benefit and l)ehoof of said Town, and that the said Committee, shall lodge the nnnd)ers of the said tickets with the Town Treasurer, Avhich they shall j)urchase with said money." Only imagine such wholesale gambling with the ])eo})le's money ! We presume, however, they were satisfied with one operation of this kind, as the following entry will show there was a loss instead of a, gain : " Voted, That the return of the Committee that man- aged at the Lottery at Providence, for said To.Avn Bridge, be received; and that the said Committee deliver the Twenty Nine pounds and five shillings drawn in said Lot- tery, for said Town, to the Town Treasurer, and that the Town Treasurer deliver them the receii)t for the money, they drawed for that use, and that the said Committee deliver the return accepted by said ToAvn to the Treasurer." The County of Kent was set off from the County of Providence, and East Greenwich selected for the county town June the 15th, 1750, according to the record which says : " The General Assjembly passed an act Incorporating East Greenwich, West Greenwich, Warwick and Coventry into a County By the Name of Kent, and East Greenwich Chosen for the County town through Great Oj)position, as a ])art of Warwick, and Providence in general doing their utmost endeavour to stop their proceedings." The " great opposition " of Wai-wick was owing to the local jealousy of the two ToAvns, as Warwick wished to be the county town, and have the court house and jail located at Old Warwick, Avhich was then considered the capital of Warwick, and ought to be now. The citizens of East Green- wich agreed to furnish a lot and build a court house and jail, upon the condition that the General Assembly and the courts should be held here. The first court house and jail were both small and incon- venient, and in 1805 were so much out of repair that the Legislature appropriated a sum sufficient to build the pre- sent court house and jail. The old jail building is now a dwelling house, standing on the corner of Marlboro and Queen streets, and owned by Mr. William N. Sher- man. The present court house stands on the site of the old one, and is a large and handsome structure. It 18 HISTOEY OF EAST GllEEXWICH. formerly contained the most beantiful court room in the State, hut it lias heen altered and changed so often that it now has no resenihlance to its former a|>])earance. The following entry shows that the first allusion to the court house is an abstract from the town records in 1750 : "At a quarterly meeting at the County House in the County of Kent November^the 27th 1750. — " Voted, That the Quarter meeting, and aH other quar- ter meetings, shall be held in the County House in said East Greenwich. "Drawed for the Grand Jurors to attend the first Supe- rior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of Law, to be held in East Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Avithin and for said County, on the second Tuesday of Jan- uary next, Wm. Sweet, Silas James, Thomas Madison and Colonel Peter Mawney." On the town records of January the 10th, 1732, is this entry : "Voted and Ordered, That there shall be a good j^air of stocks and a Whipping Post, made at the Town's Cost, aiul ]uit up at or near the House of Capt. John Drake in said Town and ordered that Robert Easter is appointed to build and put up the above said Stocks and Whi]q)ing Post, and to make return of his doings therein to the said Town Council at their next meeting, and the said Council to agree with said Robert, for making the same, and to be paid for the same out of the Town Treasury." It api)ears that the crime of stealing at that time, Avas punished by confining in the stocks, or whipi)ing, according to the value of the article stolen. How strange it sounds in the present time to hear of men l)eing tied up to a post and whipped publicly in the open streets ! Yet there are many i)eople now living who have often seen it done in tliis Village, with the still more revolting spectacle of stand- ing men on the pillory and mutilating their ears, and brand- ing their faces with red-hot irons. The penalty for counterfeiting the currency was cropping and branding, and standing on the pillory. Before this l)arbarous punislnnent was abolished by the Legislature our village was frequently the scene of this outrage on human- ity. The pillory was usually erected near the court house, sometimes at the foot of the steps leading to the court house yard, and sometimes at the head of King street fronting SETTLE.MKNT OF THE TOWX. 19 tlio county jnil. Tt consistcMl of a strong frame work, sup- jHjrting a'])iatt'oi-ni eight or ten feet from tlie ground, and on tliis ])latforni two upriglit })ieces of timber held aloft two ])ieces of hoard with their edges jdaced ])erpendicnlar, so that the criminal could not stand erect, hut was com- ])elled to remain in a stooping posture, witli his head bent down Mil the time he was standing on the pillory. Holes of a sutlicient size to admit the neck and wrists of a person Avere cut out of the boards, and then the two pieces of boai-d were fastened togethei- with iron clamps. Whenever a i>unis]nnent of this kind was to be can-ied into effect, a great festival Avas made of the occasion. Hundreds flocked in from the neighboring towns as they would to a military review. The pillory was erected the evening -previous, to the great terror of all the little boys who were obliged to be out in the streets after dark, and the })unishnient usually took place about noon, the criminals remaining on the pillory about an hour. When the time arrived, the criminal, followed by a long procession of men and boys, was led by the sheriff from the jail, usually sur- rounded by a guard of soldiers. After aiding the sheriff and criminal to the ])latform of the pillory, to which they mounted by a ladder in not a very dignified manner, the soldiers surrounded the pillory, the officers with their swords drawn and the privates with fixed bayonets, for the osten- sible purjjose of keeping off the crowd. Xoav all this Avas merely for effect, as there was not the least possible danger of a rescue or even of a riot. But the Kentish Guards Avere always fond of parading themselves, and seized every op- portunity for display. "When the sheriff and the criminal had reached the i)latform, tlie former Avould lift the upper piece of board and the latter Avould jJace his neck and Avrists in the grooves of the lower piece, and then the u])per piece Avith its corresponding grooves Avould be fastened to the loAver by the iron clami)S. After the criminal had remained in this situation the specified time, Avith the ])randing-iron heating in full view, placed in a brazier of charcoal on the jdatform, the sheriff cut off a small jneceof the lower ])art of the ear, and Avith tlie hot branding-iron just touclied the cheek so that the letter C (counterfeiter) i-eniained in the form of a slight scar. This scar Avas always on the cheek Avhere it might be concealed by a heavy beard. But my readers Avill hardly care for any further recital of these barbarous punishments, and Ave Avill not describe the scenes at the Avhipping post. 20 HISTORY OF EAST GEEEXWICH. Previous to 1790 that part of King street wliere tlie county jail now stands was an open clock. Here the tide ebl)ed and flowed, reaching a point now marked by tlie beautiful railroad bridge which crosses that street. Such is the situation of our village that nearly all the water Aviiich runs from tlie neighboring hills finds its way into the liarbor through tliis street. The consequence was that such a vast quantity of sand was washed down during the heavy rains, that serious apprehensions were felt that the harbor would soon be rendered useless. The Town Council to pre- vent such a calamity granted to some individuals residing in East Greenwich the ])rivilege of filling u]> the dock and building a Avliarf for their own use and benefit, as the fol- lowing entry sets forth : " Whereas it has been re])resented to this meeting, by sundry inhabitants of this Town, that the Cove in said Town is gradually filling up, occasioned by the sand that washed out of the street formerly called King Street, and that erecting a wharf at the foot of said street u])on a cer- tain piece of land called the Town Dock, belonging to said Town, Avould greatly tend to prevent the filling ii]) of said Cove, and whereas Jeremiah Baily and Benjamin Howland, yeomen. Inhabitants of said Town, are desirous of building a wharf on the same, "And ui)on mature consideration it is Voted and Re- solved by this Town Meeting that the said Jeremiah Baily and Benjamin Ilowland, together with such others as may be admitted by them as partners, their heirs and assigns have full and exclusive right to build a wharf and erect a Store or Stores on said Dock, now called the Town Dock, belonging to said Town, and enjoy the same forever here- after as an estate of Inheritance in fee simple, they or their heirs or assigns of either of them, and ]>aying into the Town Treasury of East Greenwich, Six ShilUngs per year, for each and every year forever hereafter. " Provided, nevertheless, it is the true meaning and intent of this Town Meeting, notwithstanding Avhat is heretofore written that to themselves, the exclusive right, at any time after the expiration of Twenty Years, to take said Avharf and Stores standing on the Dock aforesaid, into their pos- session, to and for their own improvement only, paying the then owners of said Wharf and Stores that may be then and there standing, and in good repair, the sum or sums the erecting and building cost, exclusive of interest." SETTLEMENT UF THE TOAVN. 21 Tliis wliurf and oilier itr()])orly now l)(.'l(mL!;s to Mr. Tliom.'is J. Hill, and avc should like to know if lie ]»ays six shillings rental per year, according to the terms of the orig- inal grant. It a})i)ears, however, that Jeremiah ]>ai]y and Benjamin Ilowland did not fultill their agreement, as the following entry will show : "May 2Gth, 1792. Voted and enacted by this present* Town Meeting and by the authority thereof, it is hereby enacted, that the ToAvn Dock ( in said Town,) be disposed of to the highest bidder, of one hundred feet in length, at the East end of King Street, the wdiole width of said Street ; and the highest bidder or bidders thereof to build a good wharf thei-eon forty feet wide, and the aforesaid one hun- dred feet in length; and to leave twenty six feet to the South side of said Avharf clear of all Incumbrances for a Dock forever for the ToAvn's use, and also to leave eighteen feet upon the South side of said Wharf clear of any build- ings for People to ])ass and re])ass thereon ; and the highest bidder or bidders thereof to give a good sufficient bond to the ToAvn Treasurer of said Town, in two Aveeks after the date hereof to pei-form the same in tAVO years after the i)ur- chase is made ( one Thousand Pounds, Current money of NcAV England,) and to ])ay the purchase money doAvn, to and for the use of said Town, and if the said Avharf is not. completed at the end and expiration of tAVO years; and n]ion the non-comi)letion of the same, to deliver up the same Avith all that is done thereon, peaceably and quietly to the said Town of East GreenAvich again; and the purchaser or pnrchasers so com]>leting and building the Avharf aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of this aforesaid act, and when so completed it shall create in said ])urchaser or pnrchasers a good and perfect estate of Inheritance in fee simple to them and their heirs and assigns forever. " Voted, that the ToAvn Clerk sell the same to the highest bidder immediately, and the same Avas sold accordingly at Public Vendue, and Charles AndrcAV Avas the highest bid- der for the same and to comply Avith the aforesaid act, Avhich bid Avas Thirty Pounds (old Tenor) and the money Avas paid down by the said Charles Andro^\" SUKA^EYOK. The first Surveyor of the port of East GreeuAvich Avas Captain Thomas Arnold, Avho Avas appointed to the office 22 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. I)y Ge'iicrnl Wnsluiintoii ; lie was an officer in the Revolu- tionary Army, and held a command at the battle of JMon- mouth, in Avhich action he was wounded, and in consequence lost his riglit les;. A rather curious incident occurred at tlie time when the limb was amputated. The wound was caused by a musket ball, which the surgeon Avas unable to extract. After the leg was cut off the ball Avas found and sent home to his Avife, Avho had a string of beads made of the leaden bullet, Avhich she ahvays Avore afterward as a trophy. The office of Surveyor Avas a more difficult and im])or- tant one than it is at present. The Surveyor Avas not only oblisred to attend to the duties of the custom house, but had the additional duty of coUectnig the taxes on carriages, i)late and Avatches. It Avas also his duty to sell the stamps issued by the general gOA-ernment. At that time no business transaction Avas legal unless done Avitli stam])ed i)aper. Tlie price of the stam})S varied from four cents to ten dollars. In the year 1794 Congress made a law imposing a tax on carriages, the collection of which Avas a part of the duty of the Surveyor. It appears that the owners of carriages Avere obliged to make returns to the Collector every quarter. Here is a. copy of one of the returns : "No. 40. I, Paul Greene, of the Township of Warwick, in the County of Kent, do hereby make entry with Thomas Arnold, Collector of the revenue of said County, of one Hiding Chaise to be draAVii l)y one Horse, Avitli a Top, and having two Wheels, agreeably to an Act of Congress of the United States, passed on the 5th day of June, 1794. Paul Greexe." " Dated at East Greenwich the 30th Day of September, 1794." The taxes on coaches Avas $15 ; on chariots, ^12 ; on phaetons, $9 ; on curricles, $6 ; on chaises, |3 ; and ^2 on all carriages on four Avheels without springs. It ap})ears from an abstract of returns made in 1797 that there were no coaches in the county at that time, and but one sulky, Avhich be- longed to Dr. Peter Turjier ; and of chaises owned in the Town of East Greenwich there Avere only nine. Another source of revenue to the general goAernment Avas the license hiAV for the sale of s})irituous li(]Uors. At that tune the Collector had the right to grant licenses, Avhich noAV belongs to the Town Council alone, and Avitli SETTLEMENT OF THE TOAVN. 23 the diffcrciK'c, that the revenue arising therefrom Avas .':ij)]>ropriated to the general government, instead of the town. The i)eoi)le of those days were not very strong ad- vocates of temjierance as is evident from the number of licenses granted during the year 171)4. In this year the number of licenses taken 'out amounted to eleven. Only imagine it, eleven places where rum was retailed in one small village of about eighteen hundred inhabitants. It Avould seem, however, that the business of selling rum Avas not considered A^ery immoral or disgraceful in those days, or at least public oi)inion had not set its face against it, for out of eleven licenses granted that year, three of them Avere for Avomen. Tlie folloAving document is a coi)y of an ap- 2ilication : "I, Anna Cozzens, WidoAV Woman, of the Township of East GreenAvich, in the County of Kent, in the District of Ivliode Island, Retailer of foreign distilled spirits hereby make Application at the otKce of Ins}>ection, of Thomas Arnold, in the fourth Division of the first survey of Rhode Island, for a License to retail foreign distilled s}>irits, fol- lowing the oOtli day of September 1749, at my store in King Street. Anna Cozzens. Captain Thomas Arnold Avhile Collector, did not find the office ahvays an easy one. East Greenwich at that time cai'ried on an extensive trade with the Dutch Colony of Surinam. The officers of the vessels engaged in the trade, always managed to arrive in the harbor during the night, and no small amount of smuggling Avas i)racticed, as the Collector's infirmity (the loss of a leg) kept him Avithin the house at that hour. A brig once arrived so late in the night in consequence of a fog doAvn the bay, that it Avas broad daylight before the vessel reached her moorings. XoAv Cai)tain Arnold had a son named Isaac, Avho Avas brim- full of mischief, and the very jjcrson for such an emergency. He of course Avas consulted to know Avhat could be done. His advice Avas that the old gentleman should be kept at home until the articles subject to duties Avere removed, adding that he kncAV hoAv it could be done. In the morn- ing Avhen the captain arose his Avooden leg Avas missing, and could not be found until the brig Avas in perfect order for the Collector's A^sit. Captain Arnold lived to extreme old age, and held the office of Surveyor until the infirmities of increasing age prcA'ented him from performing the duties required. 24 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. lie left a lar<>e iniiuber of descend ants, among whom is Tliomas Arnold Pearce, Jr., the popular station agent of the Stoningtoii llailioad at P]ast Greenwich. There is no place in llhode Island Avhere ])eople in mod- erate circumstances can live so well and easily a« in East "Greenwich. Those who have learned to save money, can build a house and receive the profits of a good investment that pays from ten to twelve per cent, interest. It is to this we owe, in a great measure, the comfortaljle circumstances of our middle classes, and that unexceptionably prosperous condition of our poor men. Indeed, we claim that liere, as in few other villages, small tradesmen and mechanics, fac- tory oj)eratives, street laborers, and even small market gar- deners, by exercising economy for a few years, are able to live in their own houses, and finally gather small compe- tences. To this enumeration of some of the advantages of East Greenwich as a place of residence, Ave may add fitly two attractions which we have ahvays offered, but which hiWQ come of late to be of es])ecial prominence and importance ; these are our healthful situation and our cheaj) and good markets. Our fish and clams cannot be equalled. We are also fortunate in another particular ; among other natural advantages of our town may be mentioned our enjoyment of the purest water. We are in the midst of a small fruit-growing region. Some growers scarcely A\'itliout our borders furnishing the best for the summer market. Farmers come daily into our A'illage with their products. Consumers are thus brought face to face Avitli them, and are enabled to secure fresh vege- tables and fruits. No steamer running three or four times per day to NcAvport carries off the best of these jiroducts, to be sold at higher prices than those that prevail in our home market. These are our attractions for the multitudes Avho are seeking an escai)e from the crowded city and hea^y taxes : salubrity, j^ure Avater, sui)erior markets in point of Aariety, freshness, quality and cheapness ; excellent railroads and cheap communication, and beautiful suburbs ; loAver taxes than are paid in other towns in the State ; institutions of academic, musical and common school education, for each sex, and all of established reputation. With all these pressing invitations for accession of popu- lation, Avhat Ave need is a comprehensive vicAV of our future SETTLE:>rENT OF THE TOWJST. 25 needs, and a resolute deterinination to meet tliein. Tlie im])r<)ving our streets and otiier ])ul)lic work must be ])r()m}itly and t'aitlifully done. Our ])lans must be such as will meet the demands, of the future. Small houses at chea}) rents will be required l)y new po]>ulation. Then they who own land on well graded and attractive streets will hold a fortune. A few years more must bring us an o])))ortunity which should not be neglected. Our raih'oad facilities at present are all we can ask for, but will in a few years be vastly improved, and made the very best possible. These will bring to our village a population worth having. AVe need only welcome them to retain tlieni, and make them inter- ested in common Avitli us. Our point, then, is that here is a cliance for real estate operators, and here is the best i)lace for people who wish for ])leasant summer residences of easy communication with the city ; for people of small capi- tal to invest in land ; for people Avho wisli to become traders, and for poor people who wish soon to get into comfortable circumstances. Neither is all this incompatible with our other promise foi- tlie future. We are to be a manufacturing town. Our village is so situated that we shall not become a murky, dirty jdace of factories. AYe have ample room and verge enough for factories in the lower part of the village, while leaving room for business places enough to satisfy our local demands. Beautiful for situation as is our village in the vicAV of the suburban resident, its advantages as a manu- facturing town are to the man of business equally conspic- uous. We enter the lists, then, in the close contest which is coming for population, growth and wealth, Avith full confi- dence.' We have the actual advantages of beautiful situa- tion, fine suburbs, and healthy climate. Our station is one of the most imi)oi-tant on the Stonington Kailroad. Our conmiunication with Providence is more direct and frequent than any other place on the line. We have no expensive bridges to keep in re])air. Our town taxes are as low as any other toAvn in Rhode Island, and we have a leading claim to the vast numbers who are to settle down within a circle whose centre is the City of Providence, and whose radius is twenty miles. Fifty years ago East Greenwich was only a small collec- tion of houses, generally unp;unted, and not half a dozen 26 HISTOKY OF EAST GEEENWICH. shade trees adorned our streets. It contained no nianu- facturini;- interests beyond tlie useful trades of carj)enter and blacksmitli, to wliicli might be added tlie indisi)ensable vocations of cobbler, hatter and tailor. A few grocers eked out a meagre trafHc l)y retailing gin, West India rum, or the New England " sta])le," to thirsty customers, for Avhicli jn'ocess no license Avas required in those halcyon days. Its limited commerce was confined to shipping once in a year horses, mules and dried fish to Surinam and the West Indian ports for a return cargo of sugar and molasses. If there was any excitement in the village at that time it Avas about the wharves, Avhen a few coasting sloops plied to Providence, Newport and Nantucket ; or fishermen, then as now, went across the bay to Jarvis's Rocks, or the muscle bed, in pursuit of shelly or hnny prey, and usually return- ing with the proverbial luck of tliat uncertain calling the world over. A tri-weekly mail su])}>lied all the demands of con-esjiond- cnce. One physician introduced youthful strangers when they came to town, or ]»rescribed for unlucky ]>atients when they left it, without being harrassed by the jealously of ill- natured rivals. One lawyer espoused the cause of the l)arty that earliest sought his advice, leaving the other party to almost cei'tain defeat before the tribunal of the scales of justice. Fifty years ago no peremptory bell called the early toilers to their monotonous tasks among the hum- ming s])indles. No iron horse careered through our village, or Avakened with its shrill whistle the drowsy echoes of the hill-sides. Fifty years ago the com]>act part of the town did not ex- tend south wai-d beyond the junction of Elm and Main streets, and along the entire length of Elm street. There was only one house on the eastern side of the street. The hill be- tween the railroad and the cove, crowned by the ancient rope- Avalk, Avas destitute of a single dwelling, Avhile now, more than hfty houses stand there. Since 1840 the nundjer of houses in the villiage has more than doubled, and the poj^u- lation has increased in a similar pro])ortion. Tlie construc- tion of the Providence and Stonington Pailroad, Avith its beautiful and costly granite bridge, the erection of the Orion Steam Mill, the Bay mill, the Woolen Mill, and a Bleachery Avhere the Narragansett Pj-int Works now are, gave an activity Avhich increased the growth of the village in a Avonderful manner. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 27 Fifty years ago the mail service Av^as performed l)y a stage coacli, wliich carried passengers from Kingston to Providence one day, and returned the next. A public scliool house wliich would accommodate about eighty ])uj)ils, who were governed by a single teacher, su])plied all the de- mands for free education. It was situated on the " heater " piece of land, near the corner of Duke and King streets, and at the periods of violent rain and consequent flood the nufoi-tunate ]>edagogue was obliged to convey the scholars to dry land on his back. On sucli occasions the school was susj^ended sometimes for a week or more, as there Avas no regular ferry. Now, more than two hundred pupils receive instruction at a graded scliool, from five teachers in a school house of four departments. Four mails are noAv received and made uj) at the })ost-oflice daily, and eighteen trains of ■cars arrive at the depot and depart during the twenty-four liours. An academic institution of learning, second to none of its class in New England, Avith an accomplished faculty, has the best of accommodations for over two hundred students. Spacious dwellings tastefully adorned have sprung u}) here and there, and no village in New England is protected and adorned by finer shade trees. Formerly, if the ]ieo])le Avere devoutly inclined, they Avor- shiped either Avith the Friends or Presbyterians ; but now the religious devotee must be able to find among the con- gregations of the IMethodists, Baptists, Friends, and E])is- copalians, at the Marlboro Street Chapel, or beneath the cross of the Roman Catholic Church of " Our Sister of Mercy," or Avithin the plain Lutheran Church on Si)ring street, some form of worship that will meet the require- ments of his creed. Fifty years ago the rural districts sup])lied the village Avith fuel from their forests, and no mineral coal Avas used ; now more than ten thousand tons of coal are landed an- nually u])on our Avharves. The manufactories of cotton cloth and calico alone furnishes employment and support to more than one thousand persons. The natural beauty and local advantages of East Green- Avicli have already been noticed. No town is better sit- uated for the pursuit of any domestic manufacture, for freight can always be forwarded either by water or by rail. It may be safely predicted that the next fifty years will shoAV far greater changes than those that have marked the 28* HISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. ])ast ; wlicMi the crowded denizens of our overflowing city shall enjoy its salubrious air, and its delightful hill-sides shall be dotted with the mansions of wealth, or with the neat cottages of industry. The entire population of East Greenwich in 1774 was 1,663, divided as follows: Whites, 1,563; Indians, 31 ; Blacks, 69. AVe a])})end as an item of interest the i)Oi»ula- tion of the town at the dates from 1708 to 1870 : 1708 1730, .... 240 ...1,223 1748 1,044 1755 1,167 1772 1,609 1774 1,663 1776 1,664 1790 1800 1810 1820 1,824 1,775 1,530 1,519 1830 1,591 1840 1,509 1850 2,358 1860 2,8S2 1865. . ....2,400 1870 2,661 1876 4,000 CHAPTER II EARL Y LEGISLATION. The following document is the agreement subscribed by the early settlers in East Greenwich : " Know all men by these presents, tliat we the subscribers, whose hands and seals are liereunto affixed, being inhabi- tants of Warwick and East Greenwich, in the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, having purchased a tract of land in the Narragansett country, being i)art of the vacant lands belonging to this Colony, and the com- mittee appointed by said Colony to dispose of said vacant lands, a Kefference* being had to the deed of saile bearing date eaven the same with these presents, said land being butted and boimded as follows : " We, the subscribers, do covenant and agree upon the following : First, — that we will take in as many i)artners as will make the number of fifty or sixty ])artners including ourselves in said number ; And the said land shall be divided into as many parts or shares, and if one man will not take a whole share, there may be so many taken in as will represent a whole share, in behalf of that share for the rest that are taken in said share. " Secondly, — that in all matters that relate to the well management and ordering of said land aforesaid, the major part of the partners i)resent votes shall be valid and bind- ing to all the partners, to stand to both to them that are in the Deed as well as them that are taken in for partners, who are to be equal with those who are in the Deed, in all respects with ourselves. " Thirdly, — none are to be taken in as partners without the consent of the major part of the purchasing partners, and not to take in more than to make as many shares abovesaid. 30 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " Fourtlily, — that any man shall have more than one share, yet lie shall have but one vote about anything relating to said land. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 30th of June Anno Domini 1677. " Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in presence of us, Benjamin Barton, John Waterman, Thomas Fry, Thomas Nichols, James Carder, Malachi Rhodes, John Spencer, James Greene, Benjamin Greene, Simeon Smith, Pardon Tillinghast, Joseph Smith." The earliest records of the Town of East Greenwich are contained in Book No. 1, noAv in the toAvn clerk's offic.e, and dated April 13th, 1677. For the first half century the records are limited, and the writing so unintelligible and contains so many abbreviations that little of interest can be obtained from them. It appears that John Heath was the first toAvn clerk. " Proprietors' Meetixg, June 6tii, 1700. " Ordered, That Peter Lee shall have twenty acres of land where he now dwells and is bounded as it is now set out upon the plat for and in consideration of forty three shillings and sixpence already ]»aid into the hands of our Treasurer for the use of all the proi)rietors toAvards defray- ing charges that hath or shall accrue on our purchase. "Ordered, That Thomas Eldridge shall have a corner of land adjoining to his first division, and that the surveyor draw it upon the plat accordingly, and that he hath paid forty five shillings into the hands of our Treasurer in con- sideration thereof. " Ordered, That Benjamin Greene, of East Greenwich shall have a small tract of land to his first division of land between that and the river, and that the surveyor draw it accordingly upon the plat and that he shall pay fifty shillings in money in consideration thereof into the hands of the Treasurer. " Ordered, That there be fifty lots made and numbered according to the numbers of the farms as they are numbered upon the plat, in the second division, and that they be put into a hat, and that Mr. William S. Church give to each proprietor, one of said lots according as his name is called, and that each proju-ietor pay thirteen shillings into the hands of our Treasurer, before he receives his lot, the which money is to defray the charges of surveying that hath EARLY LEGISLATION"* 31 'arisen, or .any other expenses that liath or shall arise upon our said grant, all which was accordingly done, and here followeth the names of the persons that drew the lots, and the nundjer of the lot : 4. 5. (!. 7. S. «). 10. 11. Michael Spencer No. 1 . Antlionv Lone; " 2. David Vaughi/ " T.. Kicliard Greene " Tlionias Eldredg " Henry Kenolds " Weston Clarke " Matliew Grinnall " Thomas Stafford " Benjamin Barton " Capt. James Bowen " Robert Spencer " 12. William Wanton " .1.3. John Spencer " U. William Knowles " 15. Clement Weaver " 1(5. Left. James Greene " 17. Maj . Randal Holden " IS. John Waterman " 19. Job Greene " 20. Thomas Nichols " 21. Thomas Spencer " 22. Daniel Sweet ^ Malachi Rhodes 24. Benjamin Smith No. 2(). Capt. James Greene " 27. Oliver Carpenter "28. Nath. Shettield " 29. Philip Tillinghast " liO. Joseph Dolliver " ol . Benjamin Greene " 32. Jabez Greene "33. Peleg Spencer "34. Charles Holden "35. Eljen, Slocnm " 3G. Simeon Smith " 37. Thomas Fry "38. Ishmael Spink " 39. Capt. Ben. Greene " 40. Samnel Greene "41. Capt. James Carder "42. Thomas Wicks " 43. Jolm Wicks "44. John Nichols "45, Gen. Samnel Cranston " 4(). Maj. Jo. Jenks "47. John Mumford "48. Pardon Tilliiig " 4(). Amos Stafford "25. Francis Bates' " 50. " Ordered, That whereas there is some timber now under seizure, that is not yet disposed of, we order that those per- sons that seized said timber, with John S])encer, Thomas Nichols and John Nichols, or the major part of them, shall or may agree with the persons that })retended to the right of said timber, and if they refuse to agree upon reasonable terms, then the i)ersons above empowered shall sell the said timber for the best advantage, and make returns to the projn-ietors of their doings therein, and whereas there are some swamps and other land not yet divided, we order that the pei'sons above named, are still continued to proceed to seize any timber cut upon said land according to former orders, and they to make their return to the next meeting of the proprietors, and this meeting is adjourned to the lirst Wednesday in June next." " East GuEEXAvirn, July 23d, 1711. Voted, that whereas, the town of East Greenwich hath made several grants of some small parcels of land by way of exchange or otherwise, this meeting doth confirm the same. "Voted, that there shall be two hundred house lots laid at or near the landing place, and to begin at Warwick 32 HISTORY or EAST GEEEXWICTT. south line and to extend southward to Mr. Heath's North- east corner, and to the eastward of the country. road, and down to the sea, and Lay out convenient highways or streets, and each ten acre lot, and each ninety acre farm, shall liaA^e one of said lots, and the other hundred lots to be disposed of by a committee hereafter named to such persons as Avill build a dwelling house in such time as the committee shall appoint, and upon neglect of building, the said lot to return to the i^roprietors, to be disposed of to other such i)ersons as will build upon said lots, and that no person in taking up any of said lots shall sell his lot to any person, to be approi)riated to any other use but only for building dwelling houses, and promoting a town, and that each one that liath a lot in said town shall pay the charge of the survey of said lot, and this division not to be drawn unto a ])recedent for any division of our land in this our Town of East Greenwich, and the committee a])])ointed for such work are John S])encer, Thomas Nichols, William IJennett, Peleg Spencer and David Vaughn ; they or the major part of them, and Avhen such lots are laid out the owners of the ten acre lots, and the owners of the ninety acre farms, shall go to lot for their lots, and the committee to ])roceed forthwith on said work, and this meeting is ad- journed to the first Mondy in October, at eight of tlie clock in the morning in order for drawing said lots." "East Greexwicii October, 1711. Voted, whereas Benjamin Spencer, Henry Sweet, Henry Mattison, Tliomas Mattison, Henry Straight Jr., John Carpenter, being freemen of this town of East Greenwich, and being settled u])on ])art of several farms, and not having a Avliole ])r()priety, the proprietors do hereby allow, each of the said ])ersons to draw each of them a lot in our new town ecpial as if they were pro]»rietors. " Voted, That each person that draws his lot in said Town shall pay nine pence towards the charge of survey- ing said town the lots being made and put into the cap in order for draught. " Voted, That no person having a lot adjoining the sea, shall improve any further than the line drawn ui>on tlie ]dat, but that they shall leave twenty feet for a street or highway for the convenience and benefit of all the rest of inhabitants of said town," These committee lots, as they were called, were all on llie east side of Main street, commencing at the old IMiode EABLY LEGISLATION^. 83 Island Central Bank Building, at the north end of the vil- lage, and extending south to London street, at the house then belonging to John Heath, now belonging to Manly Batenian. All the land within that square, extending to the harl)or, was divided alternately into town lots and committee lots, each lot containing one-fifth of an acre. " Voted, That whereas several proprietors have not yet drawn their lots, we do order that, if the proprietors do not come to the quarter meeting next in this toAvn, on the 10th instant, or to the clerk of tlie proprietors, and draw their said lots, that then the committee shall proceed to dispose of tlie lots, to such persons as will ])uild according to former order ; that is to say, the committee may proceed as above expressed after the first of November next. " Tlie bill of charge for laying out of the lots adjoining to the water side is as follows*^; £ s d "To Malaclii Rhodes, Surveyor 4 1-2 days at G shillings per day. 1, 7.0 '' Tliomas Nichols, 4 1-2 days at three shillings ,13.(j '• John Spencer, 4 1-2 days at three shillings and for enter- taining the surveyors ,15.(5 " William Bennett, 3 Vi days at three shillings ,10.6 " Peleg S])encer, 3 1-2 days 'at three shillings and for calling the surveyors ,10.0 " David Vaughn, 4 1-2 days at three shillings ,13.G £4,10.0 " We, the committee, do order that whosoever shall take one of the above said lots, shall jiay the Committee one shilling for the laying out one lot, and shall build a dwell- ing house, on said lot, of fourteen foot square, with a stone or brick cliimney to said house, the house to be nine foot l)etween joints, and to be no less, and as much higlier as they Avho l)uild on said lot see cause, and said house to be finished within two years and six months from taking up said lot or lots, and if any person shall neglect or refuse to build as above expressed they shall forfeit said lots to the proprietors of said town." " East Greenwich, June 27th, 1715. Voted and ordered that the committee proceed to procure a surveyor to draw a i)lat and perfect the work that Mr. Malachi Bliodes hath begun, and to lay down all the divisions upon the same, and that the committee and surveyor proceed to run Warwick south line and notify tlie proprietors of Warwick to joine with them if they see fit, so that we may proceed to lay out the rest of our i>urchase according to our next meeting; and 3 34 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. i this meeting is adjourned until the hast meeting in June next to thehouse of Mrs. Mary Carder's in Warwick. " Ordered, tliat John Maslioon, sliall have forty-five acres of land tliat is laid out upon the plat, provided he pay unto Thomas Fry, three pounds, seven shillings and sixpence, for the use of tlie ])roprietors, and his receipt shall be a good title to the said Mashoon ; his heirs and assigns forever." "East Greenwich, June 24th, 1717. Voted that Par- don Tillinghast, John Nicliols, and Tliomas Spencer are a Committee, to treat and agree with a Committee of the proprietors of Warwick, purchasers if possible, relating to > the dividing line between Warwick purchase and ours, and I what they or the major part shall do, shall be as binding as^ if done by the whole proprietors, and when they have agreed, they shall give advice to the otlier committee audi surveyor, to lay out the rest of our purchase. "Ordered, Tliat the committee and surveyor shall ]»ro- ceed to divide our line, Avhether they ngree or not with the Warwick committee. "Ordered, That Thomas Fry shall pay to Mr. William Hall for what service he hath ])erformed for ye proprietors,, upon his bringing his account and giving his receipt for the same. "Ordered, That the committee layed out our land shall have the rest of the money that is in Thomas Fry's^ liands towards their labor, so far as it will extend; audi also that Thomas Fry pay Mrs. Carder five shillings. "Ordered, That the committee and surveyor proceed to lay out the rest of our grant according to former orders. And whereas we are informed that there is several ])arcels of pitch-pine knots gathered upon ourgrantAvithout orders, Ave do hereby order our committee, either to make seizure of Avhat is gathered up, or shall be gathered, or agi-ee Avith those persons that have gatliered them, upon reasonable terms for the Avliole proprietors in trust, and that there be no more knots gatliered either l)y ourselves, or any others until the land be layed out, that every man may knoAV his OAvn and imjiroA^e it at his pleasure." "East Greenavich, December 15tli, 1718. Ordered, That our committee that Avas appointed to treat Avith a committee of WarAvick jn-oprietors concerning the dividing line between us, is hereby continued and em})OAvered to meet and agree, (if possible) Avith the WarAvick committee. But in case they make no agreement betAveen tliis day and EAKLY LEGISLATION. 35 the first of Marcli next, then onr coilimittee and surA eyor proceed to divide tlie rest of onr grant and lay it so far north nntill it shall meet with a dne west line that shall be extended from East Greenwich northwest corner (whicli is deemed to be seven degrees of the magnall west) to the bead of our said grant; and our committee that meets the Warwick committee shall have five shillings each man, eacli day that they meet and attend the said service, and onr committee shall have hereby as full power and authority, lliein or the major part of them as they had in any of our former orders. " Voted and ordered tliat our committee that is empow- ered to divide our grant, "have full power and authority, that if they find any timber cut u])on our grant, or any waste made by any persons, they may make seizure of the same, and when recovered, to dispose of the same, for the interest of the whole proprietors." "East Greenwich, July 19th, 1720. A jn-oprietors meeting called by a warrant from under the hand and seal of Thomas Fry, Justice, and held at the house of An- thony Saddler. Ordered, that Major Greene, Major Brown and Tliomas Spencer, be a committee to inspect into the accounts of the proprietors, as well as what is done to or from the said pro]>rietors, and to sell any small bits of land as they think may be best for their interest. " Ordered, That whereas there is a certain tract of land lying in our above mentioned grant, containing sixty acres more or less adjoining to the land of William Cass, as it lyeth in the plat drawn by AVilliam Hall, and the said pro- ])rietors liaving sold the said tract of land unto the above mentioned William Cass, for and in consideration of twenty ])Ounds in hand received by said j^roprietors ; " Ordered, Tliat whereas there is a small tract of land containing twenty-four acres, lying westward and adjoining to the farm No. 18, on the first division, which said twenty- four acres of land the proprietors have sold in considera- tion of forty shillings in hand to Mr. Pardon Tillinghast, his heirs and assigns forever. " Ordered, That wdiereas there was a warrant granted, and cedar and other things seized, and our committee hav- ing agreed with several j)ersons that have trespassed upon our })roperty, the i)roi)rietors do hereby authorize the said committee to take all lawful means, to receive the money that they have agreed for with said persons, and all other 36 illSTORY OF EAST GEEEKWICIt. persons that liatli tresspassed uj^on tlie said proprietors, to sue and imj)lead in as full and ample manner as if the Avliole i)roprietors were present." From the Council Records, February 14th, 1721 : "Whereas the town council hath been informed that several persons residins; within our jurisdiction doth give i themselves so great a latitude to drinking, to tliat degree that it is likely that they may bring themselves and their families to poverty and so become cliargeable to the town ; for the preventing whereof it was thouglit good to give out this admonition, that if there should be any such persons witliin this town that they take warning, and let the time past suthce, and refrain from all evil practices for the future, as they Avill expect to answer the contrary at the utmost pen alty of the law shall inflict, and that all retailers take no- tice herel)y to square tliemselves by tlie laws of this colony relating to their duty in selling and keeping good order tlierein, and that all housekeepers and heads of families do order tlieir chihlren and servants uj)on tlie first day of tlie week to repair to some place for the worship of God, or otherwise to kee]) in their own houses, and that the Clarke of the council transcribe copies thereof and sign them as Clarke of the council and i>ost them up in the taverns and alehouses in the town." Here is the first hint of a temperance movement, and according to the above record, East Greenwich was among the first towns in the Colony to suppress the evils of intem- l)erance. At a " Quarter meeting " held at the house of Thomas Nichols, January 12th, 1725, John S])encer was elected Moderator, James Reynolds was chosen grand Juryman to attend the next general court of tryals to be held for ye colony the following March, in the Colony House at New- ])ort, within and for said colony; and William Spencer and John Nichols j^etty Jurymen at the same court. It was voted at this meeting that two j^ounds should be set up in the town ; one to be set in the place where tlie old one stood, and the other in some convenient place at or near Jose]»h Hopkins'. Each pound was ordered to be built thirty feet square. Thomas Nichols was to build one and Ishmael S]>ink the other, for which each was to receive three pounds ten shillings. At the same meeting it wasj EARLY LEGISLATION. 37 ordered that a pair of stocks and wlii]>))Uig post he set up in the town, at or near Thomas Nichols' house. That Par- don Tillinghast buikl them in workmanlike manner, and set them up hy the next quarter meeting. A petition was presented to the meeting from committees in North Kingstown and South Kingstown relative to the building of an almshouse for the Colony, on which a com- mittee of conference, consisting of Thomas Fry, John Spencer and Pardon Tillinghast, was appointed to re])()rt at the next meeting of the town. The committees of the three toAvns met, and with what success may be learned from the East Greenwich committee at the next meeting. Their report read as follows : " That the said petition is disallowed off." " November Gth, 17'25. We the committee a])i)ointed for the laying out the small lots adjoining the water side, have u}»on consideration left a piece of laiul for luiilding vessels, and said land lieth to the southward of the lots numbered 124 and 125, and eastward down to the sea, and southwestwardly bounded by a highway ; and said land by estimation is one quarter and one half quarter of an acre of land, and Robert Estes, of the tow^n of Portsmouth, ship carjjenter, presents to improAC said land, and we the committee do grant the said land to the said Robert Estes, always provided the said Robert Estes, his heirs and assigns shall at any time hereafter neglect or refuse to improve said land, as is above ex2)ressed, then said land is to return to the Proprietors. " Ordered by the committee that henceforw\ard, wlioso- ever shall take up any of the lots, shall pay five shillings for said lots, and build on the lot in one year and eight months, and upon neglect to build on said lot according to order, shall forfeit said lot." " East Greenwich, March lltli, 1726. Clement Weaver a}>peared at said meeting and desired of the committee a lot for a meeting house to be built upon, and the said Weaver is allowed to take lot No. 54." At a quarter meeting, July 13th, 1726, John Spencer proposed that he have thirty shillings out of the toAvni treasury to pay for the making of a i)lat of the city lots in this town, which proposition was granted. At the same time William Hall was appointed to draw plats of all the land in Old Greenwich and the new jnircliase, and the charge to be paid out of the town treasury. 38 HISTORY OF EAST GREENAVICH. " Sept. 2d, 1727, Whereas it hatb been the custom for all persons that did take up lots in said toAvn, that they sliould buihl a house of fourteen feet square, and nine foot i)osts, with a stone or brick chimney to said house, and we* the committee, do find a great inconvenience in the proportion of said houses, it is therefore ordered, that whosoever sliall from this time forward take any one or more of said lots in this town of East Greenwich, sluill build a house of eighteen foot square, and fifteen foot between joints with a stone or brick chimney to the house, on each lot within twenty months from the taking up of each lot." " East GiiEExwirn, Feb. 17th, 1729, Wliereas the com- mittee having made their return of the sale of several par- cels of ovn- undivided land and tlie ])roprietors will accept of what tliey have done in the ])remises, and continue tlien to nuike sale of the rest of our undivided land in said ])ur- cliase, and that they ]>ay the reasonable charge that hath accrued thereon out of the money they have received, and to make their return at our next meeting." "East Gheenwicii, May 29th, 1729, Voted and ordered the committee's grant to Robert Estcs, and his heirs and assigns forever, concerning the ship buihling yard in this town we order that the word fore^ er be erased, and the rest of the grant is hereby confirmed until the proprietors shall take further orders concerning said shii) building yard. " Voted and ordered. That the persons hereafter named be a committee to make a division of all of our land in our l)urchase westward of East Greenwich, above said that is not yet divided, and to em])loy a surveyor if need require, or if they, the said committee think it w^ill be most to the l)i'o]n-ietors' advantage, to sell all or any part of the said land, it is their election to do which they i)lease. " Ordered, That whereas there are several small swamp lots tliat doth not yet extend to the colony line, the pro- prietors do order that the said lots shall extend to the said line, they paying to the committee for the same five shil- lings per acre for the addition." " East Greenwich, March 24th, 1730, Voted and ordered, that Ca])t. Benjamin Greene of Warwick, and Thomas Fry and Thomas Spencer, both of East Greenwich, are appointed to api)ear at the next General Assembly to be held at Newport, in May next, then and there to defend the proprietors' interests, in a certain tract of land mentioned EARLY LEGISLATION. 30 in one deed made by the Colony to several persons in East (ueenwieh and to eni])loy one attorney or more if need re- • (iiire, and to act, and do any matter or thing that they may ( onsider shall he most for the proprietors' interest or to the settling of peace and nnity in the Colony, and a co])y of this order under the proi)rietors' clerk's hand shall be their suffi- cient warrant for so doing." "JMay 29th, 1730. That whereas Thomas Fry having taken uj) the lot No. 27, and having erected a wharf and wherehouse thereon, which is the condition that the said lot was granted u])on, therefore the ])roprietors do hereby .make the said lot a good estate in fee simple unto the said Thomas Fry and to his heirs and assigns forever. "Voted, That tlie proprietors and inhabitants of the town are granted liberty to build a school house u])on the southeast part of the land that Avas allowed for a Town House, which said land lyetli between John Coggeshall's lot and John Nichols' lot as it ai)i)ears on the plat." " March 25th, 1734. Voted, that whereas the proprietors are desirous to exchange six lots that are laid out for room for a burying place, and in lieu thereof to lay out several water lots in the room of them, and whereas one of the lots ])roposed to be exchanged, belongs to Thomas Fry, and in lieu he shall have the liberty to take the choice of the lots that shall be laid out, and the present committee to proceed to exchange the said lots upon the shore according to their discretion for the best conveniency, for the accommodation, and for the promotion of our town; and the lots so ex- changed Avith the other land that they decide for a burial place, shall be and shall remain a burial place forever; and whereas there is a piece of land where the schoolhouse stands that was left for the building of a town house for- ever, Ave order and grant that the said land shall be and remain for no other use, but for building a ToAvn House." At a meeting July, 1734, an act Avas made, allowing a bounty of two pence on the killing of all kinds of squirrels, excei>ting the tiying squirrels : "August 28th, 1741, Whereas Ave, Pardon Tillinghast, Thomas Fry, and Thomas Spencer, Avei'c a})i)ointed a com- mittee for the proprietors at a meeting held in East Green- Avich July 29th, 1741, as may appear by the records of said meeting, to examine the records of said meeting of the i)ro- prietors and the proceedings of the standing committees 40 HISTOKT OF EAST GREENWICH. persons qualified to take ii[> lots in tliat part of the town, tliat were a]»)M)inte(l to manage the said affairs in kitting and hdd out into liouse h)ts in order for making, biukling and erecting a compact town or village; and also to see what power or authority the said standing committee had relating to the premises, and to exannne the mismanage- ment and illegal proceedings of said committee, and to lay hefore the said proprietors at their next meeting u])on adjournment, an act or order for the amendation of the said illegal proceedings of the committee and also how and in Avhat manner the said standing comnuttee may proceed for the future : We the ahove named ]»ersons, having ex- amined the above mentioned proceedings, and we, by the records of the proprietors, find that the said committee had no power to do any thing with said lots but to license quali- fied persons to take up said lots to build one house on of such dimensions and witliin such a time as may ap])ear by said records, and the said committee never had any power to sell or exchange or otherwise dis])ose of said lots, only to give leave for the taking uj) to build a dwelling house uj)on as aforesaid; we find that at a meeting of the said ])roprietors committee June 24th, 1738, the said committee did then take upon themselves to exchange the lot No. 101 for tlie lot Xo. 21o, with James Reynolds, Jr., hath set a stable on the said lot No. 99, notwithstanding he was for- bid by Jeremiah Pearce, one of the said committee from setting up the said stable before he had set it ui)he was fore- Avarned by said Peirce not to do it, for remedy whereof we, the said proprietors of said land, do hereby order, and em- power our said committee to warn the said James Reynolds to remove what buildings he hath on said lot, off from said lot, within two months from the date hereof, and in case he, the said lleynolds, shall neglect or refuse so to do, tlien the said committee are hereby empowered to take all lawful means to recover said lands oft' his hands." Deed of the Court House Lot. As a bill has been introduced into the Legislature to annex the County of Kent to the County of Pi'ovidence, and remove the courts from East Greenwich, some of our readers will feel an interest in seeing a copy of the original deed from John Pierce to the State. The plan is, in case of rewo^'al to present the State |)roperty to the Town of THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. 1877. Erected in 1805. EARLY LEGISLATION. 41 East Greenwicli, wliicli Avill ha very accL'i)taLle to East Groeiiwicli, 1)ut it is doubtful if the rest of the county will agree to it. According to a clause in the deed it a))])ears that the lot with the valuable and ex) tensive l)uilding upon it, will revert to the heirs of the original grantor : "To all peo])le to whom these preseuts shall come, I, John Peirce of East Greenwich in the County of Provi- dence, Colony of IMiode Island Yeoman, send Greeting: " Know ye, that I, the said John Peirce, for and in con- sideration of the love, good Avill and affection that I have and do bear unto the Colony of Rhode Island and l*rovi- dencc Plantations, in New England but now especially for and unto the free inhabitants of the County of Kent now erecting in said Colony, have given, granted and confirmed unto the free inhabitants of the County of Kent aforesaid and tlieir heirs and successors forever, one small house lot of land, in East Greenwich aforesaid, and is the lot No. 8 on the plat ; for to build and setup a County House theron, for tlie use, l)enefit and behoof of tlie County of Kent aforesaid, and is butted and bounded as follows : East on Main Street, South and W(!st on land of the Grantor, and North on Court Street. To have and to hold all the above granted land and premises, to the only jn-oper use aiul benefit of the inhabitants of the County of Kent, ami I the sairovided always, that there be a way of twenty feet next to said shore left and ke])t open aronnd or along said shore as far as water lots do obtain, for a privilege for the inhabi- tants to pass and repass forever. " And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all the vacant lands southward and Avestward as it lietli along the sea shore from the aforesaid toAvn lots to a ])lace called Mascochugg river, together with all tlie jirivileges and apj)urtenances thereunto belonging on said shore be and shall from time to time forever hereafter be ke})t open to and for the use and beuetit of all the free inhabitants of the town of East Greenwich aforesaid to pass and rejiass to them and to their assigns forever ; and be it further enacted that the wood standing on the aforesaid vacant lotts shall not be cut off by any ]iersons forever." " November 25tli, 1752, William Baily, of said town made aj^plication to this Town Council that he might have Liberty to Retail Strong Liquor in less quantities than a Gallon, for the space of two days and no more ; which is for two Muster Days for the second com})any or Train Band belono-ino- to East Greenwich there being no house in said Company suitable for that purpose. " liesolved that the said William Baily have the liberty to retail Strong Liquor in less quantity than a Gallon for the space of two days as above said he keeping good order and being under the same regulation as the other licensed houses." The next quotation from the records shows the care manifested in cases of contagious diseases : " January 2d, 1753, Whereas it manifestly api)ears to this Town Council that Elijah Johnson, Mariner, lately arrived from the City of Philadeljjhia into this toAvn, and is now a breaking out with the Small Pox in the compact part of said town, in the House of Thomas Casey and might be the means of spreading the same in this town if not in other of the neighboring towns; and for the prevent- ing of the the spreading of the same, Ilesolved, that Thomas Nichols, Caleb Spencer, Peleg Rice, Samuel Vaughn and all other proper assistance that tliey can get, are. ordered to take the aforesaid Elijah Johnson out of the aforesaid Thomas Casey's house in as careful a manner as they can, and convey him on board of the Schooner that he came from the aforesaid City of Philadelphia in, and then to convey the said Schooner to an Island not far 44 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. from hence known by tlie name of Clicpinoxet and there on board of tlie aforesaid Scliooner to be kept and nursed and tended by FelegRiee, Samuel Vanghn, and a certain l)assenger that came'from tlie aforesaid City of PhihideliJiia, with the aforesaid Elijah Johnson, as the law directs. " And it is further resolved that Thomas Casey's Family together with Deborah Johnson be confined to the aforesaid Thomas Casey's house, and not to go about the town from house to house in said town, upon the j^enalty of the ex- tremity of the Law in that case made and provided, for the space of twenty days from and after the date hereof, with- out License from this Town Council hrsthad and obtained ; excei)ting any of the aforesaid Thomas Casey's family, or the aforesaid Deborah Johnson shall be likely or sus])ected to be likely to brake out Avith the Small Pox (he, she, or them) then to be removed to some proi)er place at the dis- cretion of this Town Council; and it is resolved thatCai)t. William Wall is a]>pointed to take a particular care that none of the aforesaid Tliomas Casey's Family do, nor the aforesaid Deborah Johnson do not pass about the town for the time aforesaid." It appears by this record that "Chepinoxet" was then an island ; it can scarcely be called so now, exce2)t at a very high tide, when it is surrounded by water. Not having finished the business, the council met the day following and made the following record : "Whereas it is very probable that some of Thomas Casey's family or the widow Deborah Johnson, will l)reak out Avith the Small Pox insomuch that Elijah Johnson lately broke out Avith it in Tliomas Casey's house and that Debo- rah Johnson is Elijah's mother, and attended him Avhen he Avas breaking out with the Small Pox ; Therefore, Resolved, that Thomas Si)encer (son of Benjamin) go as soon as ])OSsible and air all the clothing and other things in Thomas Casey's house that he shall think is necessary, that is likely to be infected Avitli the Small Pox, and to cleanse the Chamber Avherein the said Elijah broke out Avitli the same, if he shall think need requires ; and also to_ go twice a day to the said Thomas Casey's house to see if any of them are likely to brake out Avitli Small Pox or Deborah Johnson, and if he can discover that they or any of them are, to give notice Immediately to some one or more of the Town Council of said Town ; that they give proper orders according to law about the same ; all of Avhich is to be EAKLY LEGISLATION. 45 done at tlie cost and charge of Thomas Casey and Deborah Johnson." One week ehii»sed and the council callelats thereof are in the possession of Thomas Al- drich. We do not find that the proprietors have ever held a meeting since the 26th of A])ril, A. D. 1766. We find that the proprietors' committee for licensing the taking up of lots in the compact part of the town consisted of five meml)ers, and that at times the proprietors used to ap])()int others as a committee to examine the doings of their stand- ing committee and report thereon ; some of which doings they approved, and other parts thereof they nullified. We do not find that the standing committee ever met after March, 1784, since w^hich time the whole business seems to have been left to Thomas Aldrich. 48 HISTORY OF EAST GKEENWICII. We Icjivn that the proprietors ordered their standing coniniittee to take bonds of persons licensed to take n]> lots as aforesaid, that on failure of building they should forfeit thirty shillings to and for the use of the town, which bonds Avere to be lodged in the town treasurer's office. Some of these bonds are now in the possession of Thomas Aldrich, although numbers have been forfeited, no payments having been exacted. Fifteen shillings Avere to have been takenby the committee in 1773 for each lot granted, and some lots were taken nj) a number of times — two of wliich were retaken by Elijah Freeborn, June, 1793, and Mr. Silas Casey licensed five of the i»roprietors' lots. "We find but two of the proprietors standing committee now living; wherefore we are of oi>inion that there is not, nor has there been for several years ])ast any |)erson or per- sons legally authorized to locate said lots." [ 1793.] "East Greenwich, 1794. Voted, That Avhereas Thomas Tillinghast and Josejih Fry, Avere a]>i)ointed a committee to receiv^' of Thomas Aldrich late proprietor's committee to licensing qualified peoi)le to take np lots in the comi)act ]»art of the town of East GreenAvicli, to build u})on agreea- ble to the acts of the ])roi»rietors and deliver them to the present Clerk, said Aldrich Avhen requested, delivered but one book ; the latest date therein contained is the 26th of April, 1796, Avhichis not the Avhole of said records belonging to the two offices ; it is therefore voted by this meeting tliat Thomas Tillinghast, Josejdi Fry, Robert Vaughn, and Far- don Mawney, be a committee to receive of said Aldrich all the records and i>a])ers he noAV holds belonging to said offi- cers, and deliver them to the i)resent clerk, give and take recei]^ts for the same. "Whereas some of the proprietors lots in the comi)act part of the toAvn are taken into possession and under im- provement by people Avho have not taken them np agreeable to acts of the proprietors, it is therefore voted l)y this meet- ing that our committee see that they comply Avith the acts of the proprietors, or recover the lots out of their possession by any lawful means ; voted, that Avhereas Thomas Casey and John Ailsworth, have got some of the proi)rietor's lots in their possession, not taken up agreeable to the acts of the ])ro])rietors, it is voted by this meeting that the clerk notify them to appear at the adjournment of this meeting, to account by Avhat authority they hnprove them." As an interesting portion of the history of the toAvn, avo EARLY LEGISLATION. 49 think the iianies of the lieads ot" families as tlie lists stood in 1774, will be appreciated l)y the present generation. In that year a eensns was taken nn(U'r the authority of the Ook)ny, and the following names were returned as heads of families : John Arnold, Jr., Charles Andrew, Thomas Aldrid^e, Matthew Aylsworth, Oliver Arnold, Pardon Allen, John Arnold, William Arnold, Joseph Arnold, Thomas Arnold, Richard Aylsworth, Anthony Aylsworth, Rel)ecca Andrew, Benoni Andrew, Jonathan Andrew, Edinond Andrew, Joh Alshane, William Baily, William Baily, Jr., Thomas Baily, Joseph Baily, George Baily, Daniel Bates, Rohert Babcock, Caleb Briugs, Clive Brings, Edwin Briggs, Job Briggs, Tliomas Briggs, Nathan Briggs, John Briggs, Jr., Richard JSriggs* sou of John, Benjamin Bennet, William Bentley, John Brightman, William Burlingame, John Bnrlinganie, David Brown, Bial Brown, Amos Brown, Clarke Brown, Amos Boose, Andrew Bayard, William Card, Job Card, Joseph Card, Charles Carr, Daniel Carr, Cornell Carpenter, Morgan Car so, Jonathan Capron, William Coggeshall, Benjamin Coggeshall, Thomas Coggeshall, Nichols Coggeshall, Joshua Coggeshall, Thomas Corey, John Cooke, Hopkins Cook, Steplien Cooper, Gideon Casey, Thomas Casey, Silas Casey, Archibald Crary, Job Comstock, Samuel Cahoone, Richard Corjiell, Cornelius Clarke, Samnel ] )avis, Nathan Ely, Jeremiah Fairbanks, Benjamin Fry, Joseph Fry, Lemuel Fry, Thomas Fry, Phineas Foster, Nathaniel Greene, Nathan Greene, Joseph Greene, Elisha Greene, Sylvester Greene, Stephen Greene, Rufus Greene, Jonathan Greene, Daniel Greene, Benjamin Greene, John Greene, Grilhn Greene, Henry Greene, Christopher Greene, AVilliam Greene, Augustus Greene, Matthew Greene, Nicholas Greene, George Greene, Samuel Greene, Albert Greene, Job Greene, Oliver Gardner, John Gardner, Henry Gardner, Job Gardner, Nicliolas Goddard, AYilliam Giles, John Glazier, John Grinnell, Archibald Graves, .loshua (iodl'ore, E])ene/,cr, Hath, Freebton came from Nantucket to East Green wicli, and manufactured eartliern ware for a number of years. The pottery where the articles were made, and the kiln where tliey were baked, stood on the lot now occu- ])ied by the dwelliug iiouse of John Weeden, on the corner of King and Marlboro streets. The articles made there consisted of pans, bowls, plates, cups and saucers. As there were no jK^rcelain manufactories in America at that time, and tlie Avar prevented the importation of such arti- cles from Euroi)e, many of the people here were obliged to use these coarse clumsy plates, cups and saucers for Avant of better. They Avere made of the coarse red eartli- ern Avare, Avhich Ave see at the i)resent day in the form of milk-i)ans, jars and jugs. A table set out Avith such rough looking specimens of crockery Avould look very strange at this day, but Ave presume that many a good dish of tea Avas drunk out of those thick, heavy cu])s and saucers, and many excellent dinners were eaten off of those red eartliern plates. The clay for making those articles Avas brought from Quidnesett at a place called Gould's Mount, on the farm noAv belonging to Henry Waterman, and Avhere great quantities of the same kind of clay still remains. Shortly after the termination of the Revolutionary War Mr. Up- ton returned to Nantucket, and no earthern Avare has been made here since. The Narragan setts, or some other race Avho inhabited this country previous to the Indians, manufactured articles of earthern Avare from this same deposit of clay. Directly opposite the village of East GreenAvich is a tract of land called Potowomut, and at the north end of this tract are 52 HISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. vast quantities of (|iialiaiig sliells. It is evident that these sliells were carried to tliis sj)ot by the former inhabitants of this continent, as they still bear the marks of hre. Among these shells are fonnd great numbers of stone ar- row heads and fragments of ancient pottery. These ])ieces of pottery contain the same coarse gravel Avhich is found in the clay from Gould's Mount, showing that the peojde who made this earthern ware, Avere not possessed of the conveniences for sifting and grinding the clay, as the moderns do when prejiai-ing it for use. The articles thus made were unglazed, and evidently made from the clay in the same state as Avhen dug from tlie deposits. The writer of this history has a number of fragments of this pottery in his possession, and once had a comj)lete jar or vase found in an Indinn grave, which is now in the possession of Dr. Parsons. The late Dr. Usher Parsons said it was made by covering a crookneck squash with a coating of clay and then baking in a Avood fire until it was sufficiently hard to retain its sha])e. In this deposit of shells are found quanti- ties of arrow and s})ear heads of stone. These arroAVS and spears are made of a kind of Hint called horn-stone, Avhich is not found in Rhode Island, and Ave belicAe noAvhere south of Xew nami>shire or Maine — Avhere it is very abun- dant. The race, therefore, Avhich used them, must have had some traffic Avith those Avho inhabited these northern regions, or otherAvise they must have traveled a great distance to j)rocure them. One great mystery is to knoAV how they Avere able to cut such hard stones into such thin sliarj)-pointed arroAv heads, as they certainly did not possess those fine steel hammers such as Avcre used to make gun flints. Calico Printing. Extract from Judge Staples's " Annals of Providence : " "About the year 1788, John Fullam Avorked a stocking loom in Providence, and in 1794 Messrs. Schaub, Tissot and Dubosque, Avere engaged in ])rinting calicoes ; they used cotton cloth imported from the East Indies and Avooden blocks to impart the desired figures and colors. Pi-evious to this hoAvever, by several years, calico i)rinting in the same manner Avas carried on at East Greenwich ; this it is supposed Avas the first calico i)rinting done in America. The Rhode Island Historical Society have, in their cabinet in Providence some of the calico first printed, and some of the blocks first used." MAKUPACTURES. 53 It appears, tlicn, that our village has the credit of estab- lishing the first calico printing works on this continent. A man by the name of Dawson first set up the business of printing calico in East Greenwich, and the print works Avere in an old building which formerly stood on the lot now be- longing to ]\[rs. Pliebe Davis and Mrs. Ruth Brown, at the north end of the village, and which was torn down within a few years. The ])rinting was done on linen cloth, wdiich was s])un, woven and bleached by the women of our village and its vicinity. The linen thread of which this cloth was made, was spun by hand on the small linen Avheel operated by the foot, then woven into clotli on the common hand- loom, and then bleached in the sunshine. This bleaching was a long and tedious process, and entirely different from the chemical bleaching of the present day. The long -web of linen cloth was laid on the grass, stretched out and fastened to the ground by wooden pegs, and then constantly S])rinkled with water, until the sun's rays, acting on the cloth, changed the brown tow-cloth into pure white linen, ready for the calico printer. A calico, or as it was then called a chintz dress, was at that time a rare and costly article, and ranked as liigli in the scale of fashion as the silks and velvets do now. As there was little or none of the calico in the sliops for sale, every family made their own cloth and then carried it to the printing establishment to be printed, each person selecting their own pattern and colors. The ]»atterns were very neat and pretty, and the colors remarkably brilliant, much more so than the calico of the present day ; but those brilliant tints were owing to the material on which they Avere printed, as linen will take color better than cotton. There are a nmnber of s])ecimens of this linen calico printed here more than ninety years ago, in this village at the present time. An old lady,who was living here until within a few years, and who spim, wove, and had printed a number of pieces of this calico, gave me an animated description of the man- ners and customs of the people of those times, their a]nuse- ments and social pleasures. She said that when a family had a piece of cloth printed it would lie kept for a long time before it was made up into dresses, so that they could exhibit it to their friends and neighbors, and it was made the excuse for man}- an afternoon visit, to drink tea, and to talk over and admire. Afternoon and evening parties were not then so formal 54 mSTORY OF EAST GKEENWICH. and exclusive as now. Our village was not divided into so many different circles as at j)resent, but consisted of only tAvo divisions — those who behaved with propriety and those Avho did not. It was unnecessary also to send out cards of invitation, as manners and fashions were very plain. Tlie dress of the men consisted generally of cloth man- ufactured in their own houses. Laborers of almost every description wore leather aprons, but the best suit of the opulent nvas of English manufacture made in a plain style. Some who were a little flashy would wear a cocked liat and have their hair powdered, with their hair clubbed or queued. Sometimes they would buy extra hair for the pur- pose of giving the club or queue the better effect. Women of the same neigldjorhood would visit each other wearing a checked apron, a stri])ed loose-gown, somewhat resembling the modern sacques, a handkerchief over the shoulders, and a sun-bonnet. Then they would divert themselves over a cup of Boliea tea, with those delicious short biscuits and cakes. A few wlio considered themselves a little superior would wear a silk or calico gown, with a long ruflie cuff, a lawn ai)ron, a little roll of wool something like a pin-cusli- ion on the head, Avith the liair smoothly combed over it, Avhich they called a " commode." On the infrequent holidays the young men amused them- selves in the lots, playing ball, shooting at poultry, or at a target, or uoav and then at Avrestling and jumping for a Ava- ger. But the liighest frolics Avere the large (piilting parties. After the quilt Avas finislied and rolled uj) out of tlie way, a dance Avas next in order. Tlie music Avas sui)plied by the A'iolin of an old negro named Pi-ince Greene, one of the servants of General Greene. Reels, contra-dances, and a dance called " fore and after," Avere popular at that period. Quadrilles, polkas, and Avaltzes Avere then unknoAvn. At harvest time, the young men Avould gladly travel the long- miles to a husking i)arty on a i)leasant evening, as the farmers generally made a great feast on such occasions. Among the curiosities to be seen in the State Genealog- ical Rooms at Newport is an antique spinning-Avheel, tliat Avas made and used more than a century prior to the inven- tion of the spinning-jenny, Avliich noAV Avhirls so busily in our great factories, performing so speedily and so Avell the work of hundreds of hands. In its construction the old Avheel tells of its antiquity. It is made of oak and niajde, and it is finished Avitli so much care as to indicate that it MANUFACTURES. 55 was not made l)y machinery, but carefully and laboriously wrought out by hand. Its early history is unknown. It was no doubt made either in England or Ireland. Some time ago it came into the ])ossession of E. H. Pease, Esq., being a gift from its former owner, Miss Eleanor Fry, a lady of East Greenwich. In a letter addressed to Mr. Pease, she gives the later history of the old wheel : "In 1754, it came to my father's house in East Green- wich, from Nai'ragansett ; it had been in America nearly one hundred years when it was brought here ; in 1777, I spun on it linen yarn enough to weave one piece of lawn handkerchiefs, twelve in number, as good as those imported from England ; the ladies here were emulous to excel, and were so patriotic that they chose the fabrics of their own country, and toiled with their own hands to spin lawn for their own dresses ; the wheel was given me by my father, Samuel Fry." In a subsequent letter. Miss Fry, who was more than eighty years old when she wrote it, says, in relation to a S])inning party: "It was done in 1789, to celebrate the adoption of the Federal Constitution, and to encourage manufacturing in Rhode Island. On that occasion forty- eight i)atriotic ladies assembled at the "Court-House in East Greenwich, with their OAvn wheels, their own flax, and for their own use spun one hundred and seventy-three skeins of linen yarn, in one day, from sunrise to sunset. One lady spun seven skeins and one knot — that being the most spun by any one of the company. " The young lady who spun the most yarn on that day was Miss Lydia Arnold, afterwards Mrs. Lydia Greene, wife of Dr. Jeremiah Greene; there were several Avho sjuin six skeins in the same time ; the usual amount was two skeins in a day for each to sjun." How interesting is this reminisence of a custom in vogue in the early times of our country, and patriotically observed in the midst of the stirring scenes and important events of the Revolution. These "spinning matches" were of an- cient date and of long continued observance throughout New England, and annually attracted much attention. Doubtless they aroused the deepest kind of excitement among our grandmothers. And how ]>atriotic they were ! They preferred fabrics of home-growth to foreign manufac- tures. Even the simple finery in which they choose to in- 56 HISTOEY OF EAST Ot11Ee:jCWICH. dulge must be of native production, and in their publia trials of skill and activity they forget not their beloved country. That " good old time," as well as nearly all of those noble souls who stamped upon it the imperishable impress of their characters, lias passed away forever, and all is chano-ed. In gazing upon this old spinning-wheel — this curious and venerable relic of almost two hundred years — our im- agination reverts to the match spoken of by Miss Fry, Avhen forty-eight young ladies of East Greenwich assembled in the Court House, and, in the presence of an excited mul- titude, all day long plied their quick and nimble fingers in the old-fashioned accomplishment of spinning. From the rising of the sun to its setting their wheels revolved merrily ; and what a buzzing there must have been in that room, and how^ interesting to witness such a scene under such circumstances. The Miss Eleanor Fry mentioned above was well known and affectionately remembered by many people of this vil- lage as Cousin Ellen Fry, who Avas in her later years a rigid Quaker, and a strict observer of the discipline and customs of that society; always known as a kind friend and comforter in times of illness and affliction. In her earlier years she Avas a gay young lady in the high-toned society which then existed in East Greenwich, mingling in festivities of the day, and dancing with grace the stately minuet. Music was then a rare accom})lishnient, though two pianos w^ere owned in this village previous to the year 1800 — one belonging to Mrs. Ray Greene, mother of the ])resent Governor William Greene, and the other to Mrs. Anne Greene, widow of Nathaniel, son of General Greene. Cousin Ellen, in conversation, mentioned that she once drank tea at General Varnum's house on Pearce street, with Lafayette and other French and Americali officers, at the time of Sullivan's expedition to Rhode Island, and that one of these officers j^aid her a very delicate compliment. A yellow slip of paper in faded ink Avas found carefully folded away in an old receipt book, Avhich came into the possession of one Avho valued it for tlie sake of its former owner. These lines Avere Avritten upon it, and it is quite ])r()bable that Ave noAv read the delicate compliment to which she alluded : " For man to bow to man below Is called Idolatiy I know, But wlien Angelic forms appear Like tliiue, 'tis diitj- to revere." MANUFACTURES. 57 The ancient dame who, in her gray age had become the universal Cousin Ellen of her quiet village, had not for- gotten the time of her brilliant youth, when as the beauti- ful Miss Eleanor slie shone in the polished society that as- sembled in the congenial centre afforded by the spirited little town, so deepl}' stirred in sympathy with tlie changes and chances of Revolutionary fortunes. The homely lines Avith their well-worn compliment, were perhaps penned and presented by some lionest provincial volunteer, and glorified to girlish imagination by the halo of patriotic devotion. This scrap of crumbling paper, with its faintly traced lines, was a magical link which still bound lier to the lingering- past. It was the potent talisman which called up about her, as she sat, lonely in the shadows of age, shining vis- ions of the power, the triumj^hs and the glories of youth. Saltpetee Works. During the Revolutionary War, saltpetre became a very scarce article. Previously all the nitre used in this coun- try was imported from Europe ; but at the beginning of hostilities the supply from this source was cut off. Nitre being an essential ingredient in the composition of gunpow- der, the general government gave its attention to the encour- agement of the manufacture of saltpetre. Richard Math- ewson united with otliers in the undertaking of manufact- uring it. The saltpetre works were erected near the old windmill grounds on Division street, on a lot still called the saltpetre lot. The earth which produced the nitre was col- lected from cellars and from the dirt under the foundations of the old buildings in the tillage. Card Manufacture. About the time of the erection of the saltpetre works, Richard Mathewson began the business of making wire. The war preventing the importation of the article, wire was very scarce and expensive. Mr. Mathewson used horse- ])ower for drawing the wire, and the building occupied by him for this purpose, stood on the lot at the corner of Main and Meeting streets. About the year 1790, Richard Mathewson and Earl Mowry commenced the manufacture of Avoolen cards in East Greenwich, and this was the first establishment of the kind in this country. 4 58 tllSTOEY OF EAST GEEENWICH. Earl Mowry inyented and constructed all the different machines necessary for the business ; those for puncturing the holes in the leather and those for cutting and shaping the teeth. Although at the present time machines are used for this purpose, Avhicli puncture the leather, cut, shape and insert the teeth in the curd, yet at that time a number of different processes were required to produce a card. First, the leather, after being cut into suitable dimensions, for the cards of different sizes, was put into the machine which made the holes for the reception of the teeth. These teeth Avere made by another separate machine, which cut, bent and shaped the wire into the proper form of card-teeth. The wire, which was of different sizes, suitable for cards Avhich were to be used for fine or coarse wool, came in the form of skeins like skeins of yarn. It was placed on a reel, whence it was wound off by the machine as it made the teeth. The machine itself was a very complicated and curious alfair, and five or six of this description were re- quired in the business of card making, Avliich Avas then a tedious process, Av^hile at present the requisite apparatus occupies a space of only tAvo or three feet. Tlien, after the leather Avas prepared, ca ery cai"d-tooth Avas inserted separately, by the fingers of Avomen and cliildren. This card factory at that time furnished employment for a num- ber of jjersons in the A'illage and Aicinity, and many families depended on it as their only means of sui)port. They Avere paid by the dozen cards for inserting the teeth into the leather, or, as it Avas called " setting cards." So common Avas this employment then, that Avhen tlie Avomen Avent out to " spend the afternoon," or evening Avitli their neighbors, instead of their scAving, embroidery or knitting, they carried their cards and tin-jjan of teeth. A number of young girls also found constant employment at the factory, occujiied in examining the teeth, pulling out all that Avere crooked and defective, and inserting perfect ones in their places. When Messrs. Mathewson and MoAvry commenced the business of card making they made Avhat Avere called "hand cards," used principally by the farmers' families for straight- ening the fibres of Avool, and forming it into rolls, ready for spinning. But Avhen the carding machines, driven by Avater poAver Avent into oj^eration, and still later when the business of carding and spinning cotton Avas begun in this country, they turned their attention to making the larger MANUl'ACTiJitES. 69 and more expensive kind of cards required for tliis purpose. They furnished all the cards used in this country for a nund)er of years after the cotton manufacture was intro- duced, and indeed until the machine which does all the work itself Avas invented. Tlie card manufactory was in the dAvelling house now owned by Mrs. LeBaron, nearly opposite the IJpdike House. Tanneries. As early as 1780 a number of tanneries were established in East Greenwich. The earliest one Avas by Nathan Greene, on the lot now OAvned and occupied by Dr. James H. Eldridge ; another, OAvned and Avorked by Caleb Greene, Avas located a short distance above the Oiion Mill, on the stream Avhich supplies the fountains for the use of the mill ; another on Queen street, betAveen Marlboro and Duke streets, Avas owned by Martin Miller, and another at the north end of the villaoe on Main street belono;ed to Robin- son Pearce, The process of tanning at tliat period Avas entirely different from the present method. It is noAV done in a short time by the use of chemicals and machinery ; then it required several months by hand labor to complete the process. Most of the bark used in tanning Avas brought from Maine and sold by the cord like fire-Avood. The man- ner of grinding the bark, Avas a A^ery clumsy and inefhcient one. A circular platform Avitli a deep grooAC on its outer edge Avas laid down, then a large lieaA^y stone shaped like a grindstone Avas made to revolve on its axis, Avith its edge in the groove, until the bark Avas crushed sufHciently for use. AfterAvards a bark mill Avas iuAented similar in its operation to the old-fashioned coffee mill, Avhich ground it much finer, Avith less time and labor. The tan-vats Avere Avooden tanks sunk into the earth level Avith its surface, filled Avith alternate layers of bark and hides, and left to soak until the salts of tannin had converted the skins into leather. The process Avas completed by saturating the leather Avith a horrible smelling oil, called gurry, the same Avhich is noAV used for medicine, under the name of cod liver oil. These tanneries supplied the surrounding country with all the leather then used. Hats. There Avere three extensive hat manufactories in East GreeuAvich prior to 1800. The princi])al one was owned 60 filSTORY OF EAST GUEEXWlCH. by John Casey, who employed a number of workmen, and the building was located on the lot now occupied by the large brick block belonging to the firm of BroAvning & Fitz. Another hat shop owned by Daniel Davis was on the lot where the Greenwich Bank Building now stands, and the other, owned and managed by Ezra Simmons & Sons, was in the house on the corner of Main and Queen streets, now owned by Miss Lydia Simmons, the only remaining descend- ant of the once large family of Ezra Simmons. This family will be remembered by the people of this village for their talent and eccentricity. Chaloner Simmons possessed a taste for painting and a genius for cai-icature, which had it been cultivated, would have made him celebrated ; l)ut intemperance, that bane of genius, killed him at middle age. The other two brothers, Caleb and Harry, were steady, in- dustrious men, and assisted their father in the hat business, until the invention of machines for making hats destroyed their trade. The old man and his tAvo sons would make up a quantity of hats, (all of the same shape), and then with as large l)undles as they could possil)ly carry in their hands, they would trudge off (single tile, one behind the other) among the factories on the Pawtuxet, until the hats were all sold. Tlie method of making hats at that ])eriod was a long and difficult process. The hat body as it was then called was formed in this manner : a block of wood in the form of a cone, wet, was placed on a large table, then the workman, holding a long bow suspended from the ceiling, in one hand, would sna]» the string of the bow among the wool on the table, until the wet block was covered witli the til)res of the wool of a sufficient thickness to form a hat. The block with its covering of avooI was then placed in boiling water, until the wooly fibres became felted sufficiently to remove it from the block. A large copper kettle set in brick with a furnace beneath for heating water was jdaced in the centre of the room with a Avooden frame around the kettle similar in shape to the hopper of a grist mill, only octagon, in- stead of square. The workmen, standing around with the palms of their hands covered with sole leather to protect them from the hot water, would roll and squeeze the hats until they Avere firmly felted. The hats Avere then shaped on blocks until they assumed the desired form ; then lined, bound and trimmed, they were ready for sale. Among other eccentricities, Avhenever Mr. Simmons saAv a stranger MAlSrUFACTURES. 61 ill the street wearing a liat Avliose sliape was new to liim, he wouhl take it from his head, and after examining it thoronglily, would rephxce it on the man's liead, as if it was nothinti" sinii'uhir. Cotton MxVxifacture. TJie first eotton mill in the Town of East Greenwich was in the western part of the township, about three miles from the village. It was built, I have been informed, by Dr. Tillinghast, and was called the Tillinghast Factory. It was on a small stream at the liead of Hunt's River, and is still there altliough enlarged. It was built as early as 1812 or lf^l4, and the cotton yarn s})un there Avas woven into cloth by the farmers' wives and daughters, Avho resided in the vicinity, on hand-looms. The mill is now owned, I believe, by a Mr. Moon. In the year 18'27 a company under the name of "-The East Greenwich Manufacturing Co.," built a steam mill at the foot of King street near the Jail. It was a stone building four stories in height, and in size about fifty by a hundred feet. The company consisted of Daniel Harris, Agent ; Ezra Pollard, Superintendent ; and Dr. Charles Etdridge, Albert C. Greene, Fones and Wicks Hill, C. W. and Daniel Greene and James P. Austin. The mill contained about seven thousand spindles and one hundred and twenty looms. The enterprise was not a success, and in a few years the company became l)ankrupt. Previous to the failure of the concern, Ezra Pollard left it, and built a Avoolen mill on Duke street. The cotton mill was destroyed by fire February, 1839. The ruins, with the site, were pur- chased by J. C. Sanford, of North Kingstown, and Waterman & Arnold, of Providence. After laying the foundation for the present mill, they abandoned the con- cern and sold it to the firm of Pierce, Salisbury & Co., who erected the mill now standing there. The present mill when lirst built, was about the same size as the first one, but it stands in a reversed ])osition. In 1845, Pierce, Salis- bury & Co. sold the mill with the other property connected with it, to J. C. Peckham, of Providence, who filled it Avith machinery and Avorked it about four years, and then, after removing the machinery to Olneyville, sold the Avhole concern to Thomas J. Hill, avIio is the oAvner at this present time. Mr. Hill afterwards Iniilt an addition on the south 62 HISTORY OF EAST GKEENWICH. side nearly as large as the original buildino;, and named the factory " The Bav Mill." In 1836 C. Wl and D. Greene, AYm. P. Salisbury, and others in New York, built a large brick mill on Main street, at the south end of the village — then outside of the com- pact part — it was lilled with machinery for the manfacture of fine broadcloths and called " The Union Mill." The company, being unable to compete Avith foreign produc- tion, soon failed, and after removing the machinery the mill was closed for a number of years, when it was pur- chased by Benjamin Cozzens. Mr. Cozzens built a large addition on the west end of the mill, and importing ma- chinery from England put it in operation as a cotton mill. After Mr. Cozzens failed in lousiness, the ])roperty was ])urchased by Adams & Butterworth, who now operate it for the manufacture of print cloths. The mill is now called "The Orion :Mill," and runs about 15,000 spindles. A serious accident happened to this mill al)out two months since. One of the six large boilers exploded with terrific force, killing the fireman instantly, and injuring the engineer. WooLEX Maxufacture. During the year 1836 Ezra Pollard built a woolen mill on Duke street and manufactured Kentucky jeans. It was a two-story Avooden structure, standing at the north end of the village, and operated two sets of machinery. It after- wards passed into the possession of Richard Ilowland. In the year it was destroyed by fire and the next year Mr. Rowland built a larger brick mill on the site of the old one. The second mill contained three sets of ma- chinery, and was operated by Mr. James Waterhouse until the year 1868, when it was again destroyed by fire. In the year it was rebuilt by Mr. Rowland on a still larger scale, but was never put in oi:)eration, and still remains vacant. Prixt-Works. The " Green's Dale Bleachery " was built by the East Greenwich Manufacturing Co., Moses Pearce and otliers. It was on a small stream at the south end of the village, called the Maskerchugg, but was operated by steam power. It was used as a bleachery for a time by a Mr. Thornly, and soon after came into the possession of George J. Adams, who converted it into a " print-works " for printing mouslin delaines, where was printed the first goods of this kind in MAXUFxK TUKES. 63 the United States. These delaines, were a rich and beautiful article, and were sold in Boston, New York and other cities as of French manufacture, very few people believing such elegant fabrics could be jiroduced in this country. Mr. Adams taking the hint, had tickets ])rinted in the French language attached to the ])rints, and many peoi)le wore dresses which were printed in East Greenwich, supposing they Avere of foreign production. The ]»i-inting was done with wooden blocks, by Scotch and English workmen, some of whom were fine artists in arranging and combining various rich tints. Soon afterwards ]\fr. .Vdams was induced to re- move to Taunton, Massachusetts, with his same workmen and manager, (Mr. Monocli), but there the business was a complete failure. For some reason, (perha})S want of purity in the Avater used), he could not bring out those clear and beautiful colors he was able to produce at East GreeuAvich, and the result Avas he abandoned the Avorks at Taunton and returned to Maskerchugg. After his return the " calico printing machine" coming into use, he turned his attention to calico printing, Avliich he prosecuted Avith success until the year 1850, Avhen the whole establishment, Avitli the excep- tion of the dry sheds, Avas burned to the ground. The Avorks Avere soon rebuilt, and o])erated bv George J. Adams for "Blue Printing" until 1858; from 1853 to 1856 tliey Avere operated by Adams tt; Butterworth in " bladder Printing;" from 1856 to 1858 they Avere operated by James C. Butterworth alone, Avlien they Avere again de- stroyed by lire. Undismayed by these calamities, the OAvners rebuilt the Avorks on a still larger scale, and leased them to Mr. Theodore Schroeder, AAdio operated them until August 2d, 1862. Mr. Schroeder, Avho Avas a native of Co]ienhagen, Demnark, continued to reside on the premises until his death, in the year 1867. Since 1862 the print- Avorks have been operated by Adams & Butterworth. Brass Fouxdey. About sixty years ago CroniAvell Salisbury operated a foundry for making brass andirons, shovels, tongs, and sup- porters, on Marlboro street. He was a Aery ingenious mechanic, man\ifacturing his OAvn metal, inventing his own patterns, and making the iron portion of his articles at his OAvn forge and anvil. These articles were very rare at that time, and he supplied the country around for a number of years. His patterns Avere Aery beautiful ; many of them are still in existence and highly valued. Some of our readers, 64 HISTORY OF EAST GREEISTWICH. perhaps, may not know what su})porters are. They are small pieces of brass in a semi-circular form, and fastened each side of a fire-place to su])port the shovel and tongs in an npright position. Mr. Salisbnry made many other nseful articles, which, at that time could only be procured by im- portation. Com Brush Maxufactory. In the year 1873 Mr. John EarnshaAv commenced making coir mats and brushes, on Duke street. He in- vented and patented his own machines, and at present he is the only manufacturer of coir brushes in the United States. Coir is made from the fibrous portion of the husk which covers the cocoanut. It is principally imported from Cal- cutta, although large quantities are made by the natives on the coast of Africa. The fibrous portion of the husk after being separated from the nut, is macerated in water, until by fermentation all the gelatinous portion is dissolved, leaving the fibres in a state to be spun into a coarse kind of yarn. The natives sphi the fibre by rolling it on the knee with the hand until there is twist enough to form it into a coarse thread, Avhich is then made up into skeins ready for export. It is im- ported in bales, each weighing about two hundred and fifty pounds, in the form of small skeins, very tightly packed, and will make four brushes to the pound. The first process in manufacturing the l)rush consists in reeling tlie skeins on spools. These are placed on a frame in front of a folding machine, then a boy with this machine folds the yarn into layers for two brushes, then compresses them and cuts them ajtart at the i-ate of four hundred brushes per day. The next process consists in binding around the brush and stitching it on, and it recpiires two binders to one folder. The brush is then finished by shear- ing and trimming. They are used mostly for scrubbing floors, and are called the "coir scrubbing brush." Mr. Earnshaw makes them for a firm in Boston, called the " National Manufacturers' Co." Mr. Earnshaw is also the inventor of the flour sifter, on which he receives a royalty on every one sold, and a ma- chine called the " Earn!?haw needle loom," for weaving ribbons and other narrow fabrics, which he sold to a firm in New London, Connecticut, MANUFACTURES. 65 MAciiiisrE Shop. In tlie year 1845 n lAvo-story wooden l)nil(lin<^ was erected at the corner of Division and JMarlboro streets, by Asa Arnold, for a macliine slio]). Mr. Arnold was a de- scendant of the Smithfield Arnolds and the Greenes of Potowomut. He was well known throughout New En"-- land by the past generation, for his invention of the com- l)Ound motion, or differential wheels, applied to the cotton s])eeder. This invention has been in use on all speeders throughout the world for over fifty years, and has never been su])erseded or ini])roved u])on. Tlie machine shop was used for the first four or five years, for the building of cotton machinery, mechanics' tools, machines for making ])ressed brick, and doing repairs for the mills and i)rint-AVorks. Since 1850 to the present time it has been occupied by his son, Mr. Benjamin Arnold, for building machinery invented by him for knitting seines and fishing nets. CHAPTER IV. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES— FRIENDS. The following liistory of the Society of Friends, or, as tliey are sometimes styled, Quakers, is probably the most full and reliable account of that Society now extant. The Avriter of this paper, Mr. Daniel Kenyon, in giving an account of the Friends of Rhode Island, has judiciously adhered to the original j^hraseology of his sect. His people may have outgroAvn their need for these forms of expres- sion, but they are eminently curious, valuable, and worthy of preservation, as remains illustrating a period in the his- tory of the j^ast. Language is the fluid amber which hard- ens in the lapse of time, and shows us extinct forms of life im])risoned in its substance. Fifty years hence the speech peculiar to the Friends will scarcely possess a single interpreter. Few folloAvers of Fox will then remain to enlighten the " AvorhVs i)eople " con- cerning such enigmatical i)hrases as "a meeting for suf- ferings," or " a renewed engagement," or " a testimony of denial," to " appear in supplication," or to be " bound by convincement," expressions descriptive of inward states, which the world knows by less formal names. Yet these quaint words were the signs employed by moral teachers whose deeds and names the world will not willingly let die. This curious sectarian dialect, as used within the narrow boundaries of our State, was drawn from the teachings and experiences of men Avho inculcated the broadest free- dom in church and state. Their ideas have been devel- oped in that A^ery education Avhich enables their successors to smile or sneer at the language of the old Avorthies. The modern liberal, before condemning his predecessors, should pause to inquire Avhether his liberality be not a legacy from KELIGIOUS S0( lETIES. 67 tliein. The ]»resent owes more to llie past tliaii can be es- timated or aekiH)wle(li>-ed. Religious " cant " is to the sectarian the speech of lieaven. To the man of tlie world it bears the inAariable stani]) of hypocrisy or imbecility. JMore careful thinkers will look deeper for the causes of a phenomenon recnrring amono- all professed religionists. Doubtless there is a pliilosophical iiecessity for the new arrangement of languao-e ap})ertain- ing to eacli new manifestation of religious intnltion. There must be an outwai-d and yisible sign, howeyer imperfect, to indicate the presence of the inward and spiritual grace. In dealing with subjects aboye mortal ken, as the wisest are the first to acknowledge, Ayho shall be the judge of the nianner in which an " inward light " may be made known V This striying after new forms of expression in which to set forth the truths felt to be new, iinds its most uotable mod- ern illustration in the strange " gift of tongues " possessed by the disciples of Edward Irying. It wa^s the last effort of human utterence to conyey the inexpressible, and it re- sulted in a literally incomprehensible jargon. But so long- as the seekers after the spiritual truth continue to belieyc that its reyelations can be formulated in human language, it will remain no more strange that they should craye the use of a mystical phraseology than that the author of dis- coyeries in physical science should in recounting them require the use of a terminology unintelligible to the un- learned. Eyery man who honestly belieyes that he has let in new light upon our dim consciousness of that vast spiritual region which encompasses us, has an undoubted right to l)e heard, and liis chosen mode of expression ceases to com- mand resi)ect only when it becomes the yehicle of hypoc- risy. Before it was an accredited speech, now indeed it is a " cant." Each new system of thought in science, philoso- phy, or religion, must create its outward forms and build up its especial phraseology by the active energy of its in- - ward life; just as the growing mollusk shapes his slowly hardening shell. But the creature within is free. Nature plans no prisons, and the expounders of a theory received to-day have no right to ask that it shall be ])erpetuated in similar forms of expression thi'ough the to-morrow of the future. Among such religionists as announced a new spiritual illumination, yet did not endeavor to make the human mind 68 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. a chattel by handing down the fetters of the present to be the bnrden of tlie fnt\ire, Init ratlier believed Avith the noble Puritan, that " God had yet more light and truth to break forth out of His holy word." Among these few a ])laee of honor must be reserved for witnesses to "truth's testimony," the Friends. The Society of Friends has been identified Avith East Greenwicli and its vicinity from the very earliest period of its settlement. Some families of this sect Avere the first to seek an asylum from persecution in the ncAV Colony of Khode Island, where liberty to Avorship God according to conscience Avas granted by its founder, Avho Avas himself a fugitive from religious tyranny. They located upon the beautiful island Avhence the State takes its name ; set the jtloughshare into the once fertile plains of Old WarAvick, and their herds cropped the grassy hill-sides of CoAveset. They erected the first house for public Avorship in this vicinity. A resident once remarked, " The people of East GreenAvich Avere either Quakers or nothing." Perhaps too many of them belonged to the latter class. As the history of East GreeiiAvich Avould be incomplete Avithout tracing the ju-ogress and decay of this denomina- tion, Ave will give an account of their ]»rominent members and ministers, together Avith such anecdotes and personal reminiscences as may seem interesting to the present gen- eration. As much ignorance prevails respecting the rise, doctrines and church government of this Christian sect, it is proposed to preface these annals Avith some account thereof. The sixteenth century Avas a period of great agitation. Various religious subjects, modes of faith, and forms of Avorship began to be freely discussed. The reformation of Luther swept aAvay the ecclesiastical barriers Avhich had been erected in the interests of bigotry and superstition. The sunlight of truth and knoAvledge Avas beginning to daAvn upon the dark age of ignorance Avhen the mystic circle of Popery Avas broken. But the progress of religious truth was ahvays sIoav, and another century elapsed before it daAvned upon the minds of men, that neither popes, nor kings, nor synods, nor clergy, Avere the keepers of conscience. The Church of England, "established by that august mon- arch, ui>on Avhom Pope Leo conferred the title of " De- fender of the Faith," had become only a shade less corruj^t than the ancient hierarchy Avhich it had displaced. The RELIGIOUS SOriETIES. 69 people saw tliat tlie Pope promulgated bulls and hurled anathemas in vain, and began to entertain and e.\i»ress ()]»in- ions of their own upon religious subjects. Numerous dis-- senting sects sprang into existence, all of whom suffered more or less persecution fi-om those who su])2)orted the established church. At this day it seems strange that it should have taken mankind so long to grope their way to com])lete freedom of thought and opinion. The principle of proselytism, either by persuasion or force, seems to be im])lanted in the human breast, and although doubtless intended for a good purpose, its office has been frequently abused. Even now it takes but little opposition to arouse the spirit of persecution ; not as in those days with prison, scourge and torch, but with the harsh epithets of controversy, or the sharp tongue of slander. None suffered more at the hands of civil or ecclesiastical tyranny than the Friends, or as they were first styled in derision, Quakers^ who had George Fox as their founder, together wxXh. his coadjutors, William Penn, Thomas El- Avood, George AVhitehead and Robert Barclay, who began to hold and establish meetino-s about the vear 1650. Commg out from the Episcopal Church of England, whose forms and ceremonies, authority and i)ractices they discarded, the fundamental doctrines which they promul- gated did not differ materially from the tenets held by that body. Their belief in the Trinity, in the efficacy of the Saviour, in faith, in repentance, in justification, in purifica- tion and sanctification, in eternal rewards and punishment, and in the inspiration of the Scrii)tures are the same; but they rejected the sacraments as mere outward forms. Agreeably to the commands of Christ's sei-nu:>n on the mount, they disapproved of war and fighting, and declined to swear before a civil magistrate. They disapproved of music as an auxiliary of divine worship, and thought some- thing beyond a mei-e literary education Avas required as a qualification for the ministry. A spotless life, a degree of religious expei'ience together with the immediate operation of tlie diA'ine si)irit upon the heart, were deemed requisite for the person Avho undertook the oftice of a religious teacher, Avhile all Avere enjoined to honesty, sobriety, tem- perance and industry, Avitliout neglecting love and broth- erly kindness. An accession of members Avas never made by what are knoAvn as revivals, and they had little faith in rapid and 70 HISTORY OF EAST (4REENWICH. exciting conversions. Like Moses, they have not found God in the wilderness, or in the fire, Ijut in the still, small voice. They preached the light of Christ Avithin, as God's gift for man's salvation, whence followed repentance, obe- dience and amendment of life. They did not consider vocal sounds always essential to the j)romotion of divine and acceptable worshij), "for as God was a spirit, worship must be in spirit and in truth." They considered it profit- able to sometimes sit together in silence for refiection and self-examination, that the mind might turn itself iuAvard and listen to the " still, small voice " that whispers approval or condemnation in the cpiiet recesses of every heart. They considered the Bible in its proper interpretation as the rule of faith and practice by Avhich the pious Christian should be governed, acknowledged in their original purity the evangelical doctrines of the New Testament, made man a free and responsible agent, but avoided the nseless discus- sion of those mysterious dogmas of foreknoAvledge aud foreordination which had vexed the brains of theologians and distracted the church. The form of church government which now prevails was established at an early date in the history of the Society, as were also se])arate business meetings for Avomen Friends, whose coequal rights, not only in conducting the affairs of the Church, but "in the office of the ministry, Avere fully recognized. The highest ecclesiastical body known in the Society is a yearly meeting, and each yearly meeting is an independent coordinate organization, composed of several quarterly meetings. These comprise sundry monthly meet- ings, Avhich are made up of subordinate pre]»arative meet- ings, the loAvest form of church organization. There are several yearly meetings in America, each comprising its OAvn section, as indicated by its name, as New England, NcAV York, Philadelphia, and Ohio Yearly Meetings. New England Yearly Meeting is composed of the quar- terly meetings of Rhode Island, New Bedford, Falmouth, Dover and "others. Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting is made up of the monthly meetings of East Greenwich, South Kingstown, Providence, Newport, and Swansea. East GreenAvich Monthly Meeting includes the preparative meet- ings of East GreeuAvich and Coventry, and the meeting is held at these places alternately. There Avere formerly ])re- parative meetings at Wickford and Cranston, but they have been long since suspended, and the meeting-houses sold. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 71 Each yearly mcetins: has its book of discipline, or church rules and advices, Avhich differ slightly, although their main ])oints conform to each other. Certain queries respecting the purity and consistency of the members are required to be answered periodically by all the subordinate ineetings, and a summary of the answers is prepared at the yearly meeting, which shall indicate the condition oft he Society. Exemplary members are appointed as overseers in each monthly meeting to report all breaches of morality, deco- rum or discii)line. Any persons, whether male or female, whose public appearance in speaking is favorably regarded and whose remarks are profitable and edifjdng, are recom- mended or approved by the monthly, quarterly and yearly meetings to which they belong, and thereafter they can travel in the ministry and appoint meetings if they deem it their duty, after being provided with a certificate of the ai)proval of the particular meeting to Avhich they be- long. " Weighty " members of the society, of deep relig- ious experience, Avho have never been called to the min- istry, are recommended and approved as elders, and such P'riends often accompany ministers in their journeys to preach the Gospel as companions. They claim all child- ren as members whose parents belong to the Society, but they are disowned if, when having reached the years of re ligious understanding, they fail to be consistent, and it not unfrequently ha])pens that youths are led astray by the charms of pleasure, the vanity of fashion, or the temptation of vice. Each monthly meeting is required to support its own poor, and never permit them to become a burden to the au- thorities ; and it is enjoined that the children of the poor shall be educated at the expense of the Society. Funds for necessary expenses are raised by contributions from the members of each meeting according to their ability. All members are advised against the use of all spirit- uous liquors and tobacco, except for medicine ; to abstain from vain amusements ; to avoid places of public resort, and to keep in true moderation and temperance on all occa- sions. Their marriages are solemnized at a public meeting, the parties having previously declared their intentions and obtained 25ermission of the monthly meeting, by rising in the presence of the audience and taking each other by the hand, the bridegroom saying, " In the presence of this as- 72 HISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. sembly I take this my friend, Rachel Penii, to be my wife, promising through divine assistance to be unto her a kind and affectionate husband, until it shall please the Lord by death to separate us," or words of similar import. The bride repeats the same with the names reversed. A cer- tificate is read and signed by the parties, and Avitnessed by those present, when the ceremony is completed. A wed^ ding with invited guests, a reception or a tour follows, at the pleasure or caprice of the contractors. The laws of England, as well as those of the United States, recognize this form of marriage, and divorces are never known among the Friends. The laws also have legalized the form of affirmation by which the oath is avoided, but Friends en- dured much persecution, and a long time elapsed before it was conceded. In conversation they use the pronouns thee and tliou in- stead of you in speaking to one person, as being both scrij)- tural and grammatical ; and avoid addressing either equals or superiors by magnificent titles. They recommend plain- ness of apparel, and discard all useless personal adornment, as well as the chano-es of fashion. In the coat and hat of 2-)lain Friends of the present day we discern the court dress of the seventeeth century, Avithout its lace, and even the drab silk bonnet which covers, but does not adorn the face of a modern Quakeress, was once a fashionable .head gear, and doubtless excited the admiration and envy of the court belles of the period. AVilliam Penn, Avho Avas both a scholar and statesman, as Avell as a consistent Friend, thus discourses upon the vani- ties of his day : " What rich embroideries, silks, feathers, lace bands, and tlie like, had Abel, Enoch, and good old Abraham ? Did Eve, Sarah, Susannah, Mary, and Elizabeth curl and poAv- der, patch, paint, Avear false locks of strange colors, rich points, trimmings, laced gOAvns, shoes Avith slipslaps, laced Avith silk and ruffled like pigeons' feet? Hoav many plays did Jesus Christ and his apostles recreate themselves at? What poems, romances, comedies and the like, did the apostles and saints make, or use to pass aAvay their time Avithall? I knoAV they bid all redeem their time, to avoid foolish talking, A\ain jesting, profane bablings and fabulous stories ; to Avork out their salvation Avith fear and trembling, to flee foolish and youthful lusts, and to folloAV righteous- ness, peace, goodness, loA^e and charity." RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 73 Tlic Friends li:ivo iievor l)ocii activo in makinu* ]>rosel ytos, l>iit no society looks closer after the cliaraetei- and welfare of its members. Wolves in the garb of the flock will a))- j)ear in every fold ; bnt gross delin(]uency is ]>rom])tly dealt Avith, and the subject thrust incontinently without the ]»ale of membership. The Society, almost from its origin, has suffered various schisms and divisions, Avhich have rent it seriously and reduced its members. A ]>urely si)iritual re- ligion, whose modes of worship avoid all extravagant dis- play does not readily address itself to the senses of the neophyte, and therefore gains but slowly. As the profes- sion Avhich they make was exalted, so when they permitted their high spiritual standard to trail in the dust they became dry, Avithered as a worthless branch. Xo society ought to be clearer from the taint of bigotry and superstition, yet they have sometimes fallen into the lines of letter and form, Avhile dull repetition and lifeless ceremony has taken the place of spirit and power. In every yearly meeting of the Society a committee con- sisting of from twenty-hve to fifty members of worthy character, sound judgment and exemplary life, are ai)pointed from time to time to constitute what is termed a ''meeting for sufferings," and they meet whenever any matters re- quire their attention. It is their province to revicAv all wi'itings or manuscripts proposed to be published by any of the members which relate to the religious principles or testimonies of the Society ; to correspond with other yearly meetings, and in general to represent the Society in all cases where its reputation and interests are concerned. In New England this meeting originated at a very early l»eriod, on account of the sufferings of Friends who were ])ersecuted for their faith or distrained to do military duty. It was desired to take cognizance of all grievances where any Friends might be affected in either person or property, or in regard to their C'hi-istian testimony, to advise, counsel and assist as best wisdom miglit direct; and any aggrieved Friends might apply to this meeting as circumstances might require. Wealthy and liberal Friends gave freely of their substance to relieve the sufferings of their less fortunate brethren, as well as others who were not members of the Society from time to time. Friends have suffered Ijoth in person and property on account of their conscientious re- fusal to do military service. There were several instances in Rhode Island during the late war, and as they utterly refused to h'ght they were detailed for hospital duty. 74 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. The ancient records of Greenwicli Monthly Meeting show an entry like the following : "At our monthly meeting held at East GreenAvich the 21st 4th month, 1V03, this meeting received 80 books of Daniel Gould's writing, concerning Friend's sufferings in Boston, from Rhode Island yearly meeting, for which is to pay twenty shillings." 3d Month, 1706. "Friends from Providence present their sufferings, which are ordered to the , its the mind of this meeting that Ebenezer Slocum and Daniel Cogshall are chosen to appoint Avhere a meeting house shall be built and set up for this jjurpose, to Avait upon God in, and to Avorship him in spirit and in truth." This meeting-house Avas placed on the land of John Spencer, aboutluilf a mile soutlnvest of the village of East GreenAvich, near the four corners, and just Avest of Payne's grist mill. The building Avas begun and so continued, that at a men's and Avomen's meeting at the ucav meeting-house in East GreeuAvich, "Ye 2d day of ye 7th month, 1700, it Avas ao-reed that a meeting l>e kept there on every First feELIGlOUS SOCIETIES. 77 dny, that is, at the aforesaid meeting-liouse, by all that are willing there to meet." The meetiiigTlioiise and lot were not conveyed to the Society until 1704. The quaint trans- fer is found upon the record book in the handwriting of John Heath, the town clerk : " This indenture, made 21st day of ye sixth month, called August, in the ninth year, of the reign of our sover- eign Lady Anne, Queen of England, and in the year of our Lord, one tliousand seven hundred and four, between John Spencer of East Greenwich, in ye colony of Khode Island and Providence Plantations, yeoman, on ye one part, and Benjamin Barton, Jabez Greene, John Greene of Warwick and Zachariah Jenkens, Abner Spencer of aforesaid colony, husbandman, of ye other part ; witnesseth that ye said John Spencer, for and in consideration of the sum of twenty shillings current money of ^ew England, do sell, by com- ])utation sixty three and one half rods, be it more or less, being that part or parcel of land on which stands a certain meeting-house in which ye people called Quakers usually meet in East Greenwich." This ancient document further i:>rovides, that none of the grantees shall divide it or sue out writs of division or par- tition, but hold the same during their natural lives in com- mon, and to the survivors and survivor of their heirs and assigns forever. This spot is now enclosed by a substantial wall, and within its precincts, marked by rude stones, rest the re- mains of many of those venerable Friends who worshiped within the walls of the old meeting-house more tlian one hundred and lifty years ago. What changes have been wrought since they rode to meeting on saddle and pillion, dismounted at the old stone horse block, crowded its cpiiet aisles, sat in silence or listened to words of truth ! As we turn the time-stained pages which bear the record of faithful labors, we mark their zeal ; admire their forti- tude under persecution ; respect the patience with which the}' tried to reclaim false brethren ; reverence their godli- ness, and desire vainly to imitate their lives. Although the house was used for meetings, it remained unfinished imtil the 3d month, 1703, when Peter Greene, Jabez Greene and Thomas Greenall were appointed a com- mittee to finish it. The next month the following minute appears : 78 filSTOHr OF EAST GREENWICH. " Upon further consideration of ye finishing our meeting house, it is seen convenient by this meeting yt those three Friends may omit ye finishing at ye present, yt they may propagate ye building a small addition to ye meeting house, as they may see convenient." The addition must have been very small, perhaps only a portico, as the account for its construction of one pound, ten shillings and three pence, was presented a few months afterwards. A great number of families must have belonged to the monthly meeting at this period, and they continued to in- crease for half a century. Some of the prominent Friends were Benjamin Barton, John Briggs, Jabez Greene, Wil- liam Knowles, Rowland Robinson, Ebenezer Slocum, Sam- uel Perry, Thomas Arnold, Henry Knowles, Thomas Greenall, besides Joseph Hull and AYilliam Gardiner, who were at least conspicuous, and retained so much of the " Old Adam," that they received and justly deserved the frequent admonitions of their watchful brethren. At one monthlv meetino- Samuel Perrv and Edward Carter were appointed to speak to Daniel Abbott, to be more careful to attend meetings, which he promised to do, and at another, " Friends are advised to be careful and bring up their fami- lies, in ye fear of ye Lord according to truth''s testimony." It will be seen by the preceding sketch, that the erection of the first house for divine worship on the western shore of N^arragansett Bay, is jnstly claimed by the Society of Friends, seven years before the building of St. Paul's Church in Kino-ston — which Avas removed to Wickford in the year 1800, and is now standing in a very ddapidated condition, to the disgrace of the parish — and twenty-eight years before Trinity Church, first built in Newport in 1702, w^as removed to the shore of Coweset Bay, and placed midway between East Greenwich and Aj^ponaug. When the Rev. James McSparran, a Scotch clergyman of the Church of England, Avho possessed both learning and eloquence, was sent to the Colony by the " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," in the year 1721, he found the country filled with Avhat he termed " Quakerism and other heresies. He says, (hnpudently) : " In Rhode Island no religion is established ; there a man may with im])unity be of any society or of none at all ; but Quakers are for the most i)art the people in power ; there IIELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 79 Lave been two incumbents here before me; but neither of them had resolution enough to grapple with the difficulties of the mission above a year. In 1700, after Quakerism and other heresies had in their turn ruled and tinged all the inhabitants for the sj^ace of forty-six years, the Cliurch of England, that had been lost here through the neglect of the crown, entered as it were uuQbserved and unseen, and yet not without some success. A little church was built in Xewport, the metropolis of the Colony, in 1702, and that in wliich I officiate in Xarragansett in 1707. I entered on this mission in 1721, and found the people not a Tabula rasa^ a clean sheet of paper upon which I might make any impression I pleased ; but a field full of briars and thorns and noxious weeds, that were all to be eradicated before I could imj^lant in them the simplicity of truth." It seems the Reverend Doctor did not succeed in eradi- cating those Quaker thorns and briars, but on the contrary, being so firmly rooted in the soil, they overrun and croAvded him out. Dr. McSparran ceased his labors in 1757, and was buried beneath the communion table of the Church in South Kingsto\\'n, whose interests he had served so Avell. He was succeeded by the Kev. Samuel Fayerweather, who, with less talent, had less tolerance than his predeces- sor. He complains bitterly that Quakers, Baptists, Fanatics, Ranters, and Infidels, swarm in this part of the world, and says that " Many good books are wanted in the Narragan- sett country for the suppression of Deism, Infidelity and Quakerism^ That the Friends did not readily embrace the discipline and teaching of that power which had despoiled them of their property, dragged them to prison, and which they had crossed the ocean to escape, nor listen receptively to the preaching of those exponents of Episcopacy who wished to establish in the New World the union of church and state cannot be denied ; but Avhether they could be classed Avith Infidels and Deists with any degree of propriety, the follow- ing " Declaration of Faith " will show, which was published in 1672 by one of the pioneers of the Society : " \Ye do own and believe in the only wise, omnipotent and everlasting God, the creator of all things, both in heaven and earth ; who is God over all, blessed forever ; to whom be all honor and glory, dominion, ])raise and thanks- giving, both now and forevermore ; and we own and be- 80 illSTOKV OF EAST GBEENAVICS. lieve in Jesus Christ, liis only and beloved son, who ^vas conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary ; in whom Ave have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins ; and Ave OAvn and believe that he Avas made a sacrifice for sin avIio kncAv no sin, neither Avas guile found in his mouth ; that he Avas crucified for us in the flesh, Avithout the gates of Jerusalem, and that he Avas buried, and rose again the third day by the power of his Father, for our justification ; and that he ascended up into heaven, and noAV sitteth at the right liand of God. He it is that hath now come in the Spirit, and hath given us an understanding that Ave may knoAA' him that is true ; he rules in our hearts by his law of love and life, and makes us free from the law of sin and death. He is our mediator that makes peace and reconciliation betAveen God offended and us offending ; He being the oath of God, the ncAV covenant of light, life, and grace and ])eace, the author and finisher of our faitli. Concerning the Holy Scriptures, Ave do believe that they Avere given forth by the Holy Spirit of God, avIio, as the Scripture itself declares, through the Holy men of God, spake as they Avere moved by the Holy Ghost." Without entertaining extraA^agant ideas of the purity and ])iety of our forefathers, for human nature is the same in all generations, it is safe to assert that the standard of morality among the Friends in that day Avas Avell main- tained, and departures from it promply noticed. Much labor Avas expended to reclaim the erring ; but if, after re- ])eated admonitions they Avalked in forbidden paths, the final remedy Avas excommunication. The manner in Avhich many members were admitted in the Society seems rather curious at the present time, and Avas called " marrying into the Society ; " that is, if one of the parties to a marriage Avas a Friend, tlie other, by being mar- ried under the auspices and according to tlie custom of the Society, would be afterwards recognize the meeting appointed two Friends to inquire into his circumstances and conversation and how he had left pro- vision for his ancient mother. They moved slowly in that day, for after three months the committee rejDorted that RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 91 they had made strict inquiry into his circumstances and clearness as to marriage, and that they find his business well settled, conversation good, and clear from any entan- glement with any one in marriage. It was customary in the early days of the Society of Friends for them to consider all persons as members who regularly attended their meetings, and the care of the "visitors" was extended to all families who were measura- bly consistent in their life and conversation ; and when- ever any went astray, a " testimony of denial," would be prepared and read in a public meeting, like this : "Whereas Daniel Comstock hath beat and abused a man, with other disorderly walking, for which this meeting do deny him to be of our profession till he repent and amend his ways. Signed by order of our monthly meeting, held at East Greenwich ye 20th of ye 10th niontli, 1708, by Benjamin Barton and ten others." It was towards the close of the eighteenth century before members came into the Society by formal api>lication and request. John Briggs, the first recorded clerk of Greenwich monthly meeting, being removed by death in the year 1708, Jacob Greene was appointed in his stead, who served the meeting until 1721, when he was released and Jeremiah Gould received the appointment. He was an excellent scribe, according to the testimony of his penmanship, and the records were neatly kept and plainly written during eighteen years, until bodily infirmities compelled him to ask the appointment of some other person. His request was reluctantly granted, and John Greene, of Potowomut, assumed the duties of clerk. He filled the office for twelve years, until 1751, until his failing sight rendered him inca- pable of writing, and Thomas Aldrich was then appointed. Soon after the middle of the eighteenth century the Society began to decline gradually. The general meetings were given up, not because they were not well attended, but because they drew together a crowd of disorderly pleasure seekers, who talked trade and swapped horses, with occasional scenes of riot. Various other denomina- tions, whose meeting-houses sj^rang up here and there, pre- sented modes of worship in more alluring forms, and when death made a vacancy there were none to fill it. Having noticed most of the peculiarities of the Society in the olden time, with their manner of conducting the affairs of the church, we will pass lightly over a period of 92 HISTORY OF EAST GEEENWICH. fifty years, until the nineteenth century opened a new era, pregnant with change, and sowing broadcast the seeds of decay. The abolition of negro slavery in Rhode Island, and the recognition of the United Colonies as an independ- ent nation at the close of a severe and protracted revolu- tionary struggle, had materially changed their social and political relations. This period is the broad moat which separated the modern from the ancient ; the living, breath- ing, acting present from the misty character of the ])ast, where shadow and substance are often blended. This period brought much persecution and suffering to the So- ciety of Friends, who faithfully maintained their traditions and testimonies against the sinfuhiess of war, at a time when the refusal to bear arms aroused a suspicion of dis- loyalty. The loss of property, and sometimes the loss of liberty were the penalties which our ancestors cheerfully paid for their devotion to principle. The era of 1800 introduces another generation, and their family names are connected with the present day. The ancient order had passed away, and " slept with their fathers." They worshiped no longer in the old meeting- house, which Avas never defaced (in their opinion) by either paint or plaster ; or dismounted from .saddle or pillion at the stone horse-block. A more imposing house of worship had been erected, and the affluent had thrown aside the saddle for the ease and luxury of a two-wheeled chaise, while less wealth or greater parsimony jolted to meeting in a s]>ringless wagon with a "grasshopper" seat. The clerk of Greenwich monthly meeting was Beriah Collins, and it was composed, as it had been for sixty years, of the preparative meetings of East Greenwich and Cranston. The lot of land on which the new meeting-house was built was purchased of Ethan Clarke by Sylvester Wicks, who was a committee for that purpose in 1804, and the house was erected by John Smith the same year. The site is the most eligible that could be selected, and commands a prospect of great extent and beauty. The meeting-house, which is still standing, and occupied by a small remnant who profess the faith and follow the forms of worship of this once highly favored Society, was first located with its gable end to the street, and was very near to it, fronting towards the south. It was placed in this awkward position by a whim of Sylvester Wicks, who was a prominent mem- RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 93 ber, as well as an elder, and considered wealthy in that day — and a very reasonable whim it was, as every public building should front the south if possible, so as to get all the sunlight during the time it is usually occupied. The Friends' meeting-house is not so well arranged for health at the present as it was formerly, as the building now fronts to the east instead of the south, and the windows are cov- ered with blinds, shutting out the glorious sun, and giving it a dismal, prison-like aspect. Sylvester Wicks built and resided in the house now owned by Christopher Hawkins, just south of the meeting-house, and he also owned some thirty acres of land in the vicinity of his house. This land is now laid out into streets and is covered with dwelling houses, a public school-house, and the Lutheran Church. Benjamin Rowland, who supported well his family reputa- tion for apt and pithy forms of expression, once said that " Sylvester Wicks ought to have been disowned for placing the meeting-house so awkwardly." It was removed farther from the street, and turned around in the year 1850, nearly fifty years after it was erected, when it receiA^ed the addi- tion of a jet, and other repairs. It was not adorned by paint, either without or within, until about the year 1845, when it was painted on the outside ; nor were the grounds beautified until recently ; but the general appearance of the house was that of an agreeable simplicity. The lot on which the house stands was a gift from Sylvester Wicks, upon the condition that it should ahvays be used for a Friends' meeting-house, otherwise it should revert to his heirs. The modes of transacting the affairs of the Society after the beginning of the present century assume more formal- ity and exactness. On the admission of members a com- mittee is appointed to visit the applicant, and if they believe the desire of membership originated in the persua- sions of truth, and their religious principles are found to be in accordance with the faith of the Society the com- mittee report favorably, and the candidate is accepted. On the removal of members from the limits of one meeting to another, certificates of their standing were always sent, even though the person was only a youth or minor. "To Geeexwich Moxthlt Meetixg — Dear Friends, Aza Arnold, son of Benjamin Arnold, is now serving an apprenticeship, within the verge of your monthly meeting, and his father requesting for him our certificate ; we there- 6 94 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. fore certify that he is a member of our monthly meeting, and was, when with us, an orderly lad ; as such we recom- mend him to your Christian care and oversight, with desires for his preservation and growth in the truth. " Signed by order of a monthly meeting, held at Provi- dence, '26th of 2d month, 1806, by Obadiah Brown, Clerk." Some of the ])rominent members of that day were Syl- vester Wicks, Paul Greene, John Langford, John Casey, Robert Hall, while some of the younger men were much used in the affairs of the Society, as Thomas Anthony, and Daniel, Benjamin and Thomas Rowland. John Smith re- sided in Wickford, Avhere a meeting-house had been built, and Warwick and Cranston were represented by Elisha Harris, John Greene, Isaac Fiske, Rowland Greene, Jona- than Knowles and Lloyd Greene. Ann Smith was an approved minister who attended Wickford meeting, and often visited distant parts of the country in that service ; Sylvester Wicks was an elder, but preached occasionally. John Casey, Daniel Howland, Thonuis Anthony and Row- land Greene, were all ap])roved ministers. We will give a few salient ])oints in the life and charac- ter of these men who have already passed from the stage of life, but are well remembered by persons of the present generation. John Casey was one of the most attractive and poAverful preachers that ever belonged to Greenwich monthly meeting. Of scarcely medium height, and rather inclined to corjnilency, his form was always arrayed in a well fitting suit of drab, while a broad-brimmed hat of the same color, shaded a face that was both handsome and intel- lectual. It was usual at that day to have two meetings on the Sabbath, both morning and afternoon, and such was the desire to hear him that the house would generally be filled, and sometimes extra seats were placed along the aisles. He was the son of John Casey, of iSTewport, and was married in the year 1797, to Rebecca Proud, the daughter of John Proud, formerly of Newport. She was the grand-daughter of John Proud, Jr., of Newport, who in the year 1738 was married in the old meeting-house to Ann Greene, of Potowomut. The father of this John Proud, Jr., emigrated from England and settled in New- port, where he followed the business of chair making, a trade in which other members of the family have been pro- ficient at a later date. John Casey was a hatter by trade, and had many apprentices to whom he taught the business. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 95 He owned and occupied the house next north of tlie Court House on Main street, in the basement of which was a drug store, then styled an apothecary sho}), which was conducted mostly by his niece, Amey Proud. The crowds who flocked to hear John Casey preach and wondered at his power, little thought that he was moved by a spiritual influence so objectionable. Occupying an ex- alted position in the Society, and peculiarly gifted in the service of the ministry, often extending his gospel labors to quarterly meetings in other states, an insidious appetite for the stimulating influence of intoxicating fluids obtained such power over him, that he sacrificed everything to its gratification. People were amazed, but that did not change the fact. Friends persuaded, and committees admonished, but Avithout effect. He was invited to silence, but paid no attention, and finally giving no hope of improvement or reformation, he was disowned by the Society, and a testi- mony of denial read against him at a public meeting. The members of the Society of Friends used to be very free and social in their intercourse with each other, and the hospitality of their houses was generously j^roffered. On the occasion of monthly and quarterly meetings it has always been customary for those residing near the place of meeting to provide entertainment for all who came from a distance, and as East Greenwich was no exception to this custom, most of the resident families made extensive pre- parations for these occasions, even if they were not mem- bers. It was not uncommon, forty years ago, for the meet- ing-house to be completely filled on the day that the Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting was held here, and there would be as many as an hundred horses and carriages within the yard. But that is all changed, and the limited numbers that now assemble here come mostly by steam and rail. The quarterly meeting is held during the first week in May, one of the pleasantest months in the year, and as a steamer from Fall River and another from Newport is chartered for the day to bring the Friends here in the morning and take them away at night, a number of others who liave relations and friends residing here, take that op- portunity to make a visit for the day, so that quite a festi- val is made of the occasion. Daniel Howland was an approved minister, who was contemporary with John Casey. He was the son of Daniel and Philadelphia Howland, and was married in 1793 to 96 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. Sarah Greene, daughter of Richard Greene, of Potowomut. He was a man of large stature, and inclmed to corpulency, but was very lively in conversation, with the heartiest and most mirthful laugh ever heard, and his genial nature en- deared him to. a large circle of friends. He traveled fre- quently in the service of the ministry, visiting different parts of New England, and sometimes extending his jour- neys to the more distant meetings of New York and Penn- sylvania. His sermon was never long, but some thought it a trifle prosy, and he always preached the same one. It is said that William Almy, whose wealth and position gave him the self-constituted right to snub and reju-imand whoso- ever he pleased, Avas once dining with Daniel Howland and others at a Friend's house, when William said, " Daniel, why does thee preach the same sermon over and over again?" Daniel quickly replied, " When thee and my other hearers pay heed to my advice, then perhaps my Divine Master will give me something more to say." He never coveted either the wealth or honors of the world, but cultivated a small farm for his support. If wanting in worldly wealthy he Avas rich in faith, and in the assurance of a treasure laid up Avhere '' Neither moth nor rust can corrui>t, nor thieves break through and steal." Another minister of this period was RoAvland Greene, Avho resided in Cranston, Avhence he removed to Plaintield, Connecticut, where a meeting-house was built and a prepara- tive meeting held, which formed a part of Greenwich monthly meeting. He returned to Cranston about the year 1835, where he continued to reside until his death. He was a physician by profession, but his frequent journeys in the ministry pr'evented his acquirino- a regular or lucratiAe practice. He was of medium height, and dressed in a suit of light drab Avith knee-breeches, u]i to a late period, Avhen the small-clothes gave place to pantaloons, and the drab was discarded for brown, the two only colors then Avorn by Friends. With a pleasant and pensive face, he pos- sessed a voice that Avas musical and persuasive, although his sermons were not remarkable for depth or eloquence ; but they ahvays pleased his hearers, and frequent visits to to the meetings of Friends all over Ncav England and else- where, rendered his name familiar Avherever the Society was knoAvn. Thomas HoAvland Avas raised to the station of an elder in the Society of Friends at an early period, and through- RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 97 out a life which terminated at an advanced age, he was an active member and thoroughly identified with the affairs of the Society. He owned a farm in East Greenwich, adjoin- ing that of his brother Daniel, about two miles from the village, where he chiefly resided. When the Friends' Boarding School was established in Providence, he was a teacher in that institution for some time. His personal appearance was attractive. Being about six feet in height, but sparely built, he possessed a countenance whose expres- sion was at once astute and benignant, as his manner was both authoritative and kind. Perhaps no person in New England Yearly Meeting had greater influence, and none whose counsel was more frequently sought than Thomas Rowland's. His suavity of manneVs and equanimity of mind secured the love of his friends, while his keen wit and sound judgment, expressed in choice language, made him formidable in controversy. Without being strained, his politeness and affability seemed born of courts, and included all in its range ; rich and poor, young and old, were greeted alike, and always with an air of interest and condescen- sion. In the business meetings of the Society his remarks were always pertinent, and if he spoke amidst the tumult and confusion of town-meeting, the people at once became tranquil and listened with respectful attention. He was a valetudinarian for many years, and the number of coats and wrappers in which he was enveloped when attending meet- ing in inclement weather was truly wonderful. He man- aged to withstand all the blandishments of feminality dur- ing a long life, and died in the summer of 1845, as he had lived, a bachelor, in the eighty-second year of his age. Always deeply interested in the welfare of the Society, and especially solicitous for the guarded education of its youth, he fulfilled more than fourscore years, and passed* from " works to reward." Lloyd Greene was a character whose uneventful life and sorrowful death might well " point a moral." He was a brother of Dr. Rowland Greene, resided at Old Warwick, and was a consistent Friend and preacher, though his gift was not sufiiciently extensive to merit the recommendation of the monthly meeting. The first meeting-house built at Warwick was partially destroyed in the severe gale of Sep- tember 23d, 1815, and Sylvester Wicks, who had removed from East Greenwich to Cranston, was appointed a com- mittee to rebuild it, which was done, and the result was 98 HlferOEY OF EAST GREENWICH. the house which is still standing near the head of Old War- wick Cove, and which bears the marks and scars of an- tiquity. A meeting was held there once a month, and was called Lloyd's meeting. We attended that meeting when young, and remember very distinctly the ride down there on a pleasant First day morning in June. It was the only meeting held in the vicinity, and the well-to-do farmers, with matrons and maidens in holiday attire, filled the meet- ing-house. Lloyd preached as usual, and his peculiar face and manner made an impression which has never been effaced. His form was slight but very straight, and a bright complexion subdued the expression of a countenance whose cast of features was seldom seen outside of the " Celestial Empire." A head, entirely destitute of hair, except a nar- row rim around the base of the crown, was covered with a broad-brimmed white hat, and his dress was drab of the plainest shade. A voice both weak and flat fell harshly on the ear, but the audience listened attentively, and Lloyd seemed anxious to relieve his mind. Without brilliant mental power, he had considerable aptness in conversation. Nicholas Congdon, of Cranston, a worthy Friend, whose lAain bluntness was sometimes rather disconcerting, was conversing on the subject of pride, when Lloyd said he thought "every person should have some necessary pride." " What kind o'f pride is that ? " said Nicholas. Lloyd re- plied, " It is that pride which leads to amiability." He was married rather late in life, to Freelove, the daughter of Simeon Arnold, and the small gambrel-roofed house where he lived and the farm he cultivated Avere a paternal inheri- tance. The history of the life of Lloyd Greene is rendered re- markable by its tragical end. The part of Warwick where he lived was rather isolated, until the raging fashion for summer resorts and sea-air turned the shores of our beauti- ful bay all topsy-turvey. But the same green fields and sloping hill- sides, the vista of blue ocean and the heights of Coweset, lighted up by the golden sunset, which have de- lighted the eye of artist and stranger, possessed a charm for the prosaic spirit of the quiet Friend, whose power he little knew. For more than half a century he had quietly jogged on in the same round of duties, to meeting, to mill, and to market, when, in the spring of 1842, by the advice and persuasion of friends, and prompted by his own inclination RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 99 to lessen the cares of life, he was induced to sell his home and remove to East Greenwich, where he could live at ease. But the ex]>eriment was unfortunate, for he missed the usual round of cares and duties, which had seemed a bur- den, but were really a pleasure. He missed the friends of boyhood and middle age, and he missed the monthly gath- ering of the rural neighbors in the ancient tabernacle, where he had held forth for their instruction. His [)eculiar temperament rendered liim very susce])tible to that terrible malady, home-sickness, which attacked his mind and com- pletely destroyed its balance. A negotiation for the re- purchase of his farm failed, and he grew melancholy and then inconsolable. Even the consolations of the religion he professed, were unable to restore and tranquilize his mind. He visited his old home one ])leasant afternoon, and instead of returning to East Greenwich as expected, he looked for the last time upon the scenes he had loved so well, and go- ing to a barn near his paradise, died by his own hand, pre- ferring death there to life elsewhere. Among the modes of faith which have rendered the Society of Friends a pecidiar people, tlie |)ractice of silent worship, to which reference has heretofore been made, is one which has often subjected them to the scorn, as well as the derision of the world. Even those who claim a Chris- tian experience and religious life, but confound action with adoration, think the time utterly wasted that is passed in silent meditation, ignoring the declaration of Christ himself, that " God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." If the object of di- vine worship is to j)lease the ear and gratify the senses, then there is efficacy in vocal and instrumental sounds. The pealing organ, the singer's tuneful voice, and the preacher's w^ords may be means of inspiration, but He who formed the " temple," and placed within it a living witness, loves a " contrite heart and a broken spirit," better than " sounding brass or tinkling cpiibals." If true and acceptable worship is an act of the lips and not of the mind, of the hand and not of the heart, then there may be a sav- ing virtue in long prayers, tithes and fasting. '* As if the pomp of rituals and the savor Of gxims and spices, could Jehovah please, As if His ear could bend with childish favor. To the poor flattery of the organ keys." But meetings of absolute silence were not common at East Greenwich on the First day of the week, until within 100 HISTORY of" east GREENWICH. tlie i)ast twenty years. The meeting at Wickford had no speaker for many years, and for a long time before it was given up it was attended by only two persons, Beriah Brown and Rowland Vaughn, who sat together in silence the usual time, and then sT^iaking hands, as the usual man- ner is of closing the meeting, went to their homes. Some- times inclement weather prevented moi'e than one from at- tending. At the period when the eloquent sermons of John Casey were tilling the meeting-house with hearers, and the mild tones of Daniel Rowland fell soothingly upon the ear, another voice was sometimes heard, which from small begin- nings was increased in compass and power until the gospel 2:ift possessed by Thomas Anthony expanded far beyond mediocrity. His form and face are well remembered by adults of the present generation, for less than a score of years have passed since he was summoned from the field by death. The eventful year that gave birth to a nation, 1776, contained the birth-day of Thomas Anthony, whose father, Joseph Anthony, lived in North Providence, and who was a member and preacher among Friends. Thomas was married in 1803 to Anna Knowles, of Cranston, and removed within the limits of Greenwich monthly meeting about the year 1806. He owned a farm at Pojack, in North Kingstown, and was engaged in the manufacture of salt. The process of making salt would be quite a novelty at the ])resent time. The water was pumped from the bay by windmills into large vats, whence it was evaporated by the sun, until only salt remained. The works were abandoned about the year 1840. The ride from Pojack was tedious in the extreme. The road, like all others in Quidnesett at that time, was barred by numerous gates, but Thomas was always punctual in the attendance of meetings twice a week, and his resolution de- fied alike the heat of summer and the drifting snows of winter. His first public communication was at a First day meeting, and his remarks were prefaced by these words, " Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not ; a body hast thou prepared me — in the volume of the Book it is written, Lo, I come to do thy will, O Lord ! " His ministry was approved or recommended by the monthly meeting in the year 1817, and thereafter he occasionally, though not frequently, visited Friends and appointed meetings in other states. It RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 101 may be remembered as a j^eculiarity of his gospel labors^ that he rarely ever preached at a mid-week meeting, and was never silent on First day. He was a man of short stature and stoutly l)uilt ; had a pleasant countenance, and a vigorous organization. The regular attendance of meet- ings did not prevent a close attention to business, for such is the frailty of human nature that the germs of selfishness almost defy the power of religion ; nor did the softening- influence of heavenly grace altogether subdue the occasional ebullition of a temper which was naturally irascible, for it is not always possible for the " new birth " to change com- pletely the rank growth of the "old Adam." He was no lukewarm disciple, but he rated prevailing sins in " good set terms," and fearlessly assaulted the strongholds of Satan with the mighty battle-axe of truth. A ready flow of lan- guage was })romoted by a pleasant voice and agreeable de- Uvery, so that the stolid hearer, if not moved by argument, was melted by exhortation. He skillfully traced the devious ways of transgression, warned his hearers against the in- sidious wiles of the " unwearied adversary," and then with glowing language described the benign influences of heav- enly love, and the glorious fruition of a godly life. He was often called upon to attend funerals among those who were not of his Society, and the country folks always spoke with reverence of "Elder" Anthony, as they res])ectfully termed him. The process of decay which the hand of time has written upon all things terrestrial, was gradually going on, and the power of preaching could not arrest it. The members who had attended meetings were dwindling away, and the seats remained unfilled. After having passed the allotted years of threescore and ten, Thomas Anthony sold his farm at Pojack and removed to East Greenwich, where he could be near the meeting and medical attendance, as the infirmities of age crept on. He had lost his wife in 1819, and in 1823 was married to Lois Chase, of Swansea, who died in 1843. Both left children and were buried in the meeting-house yard at East Greenwich, and in 1854, when towards the close of his seventy-eighth year, he passed from the scenes of labor and life, and was laid beside them. Like the ancient prophet of Syi'ia, his mantle descended upon successors, and two of his daughters possess the gift of prophecy ; one of whom, Mrs. Macomber preaches regu- 102 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. larly in the meeting-house in East Greenwich, and her man- ner and tones bring vividly to remembrance the voice which so often resounded within its walls. Friends' Boarding School. The Friends' Boarding School at Providence, Rhode Island, is an institution of learning which has attained considerable eminence, and as many of the youth of East Greenwich monthly meeting were educated there, some account of its early establishment may be interesting. The subject of a yearly meeting school had been agi- tated throughout the Society for some time, and finally Moses Brown, a wealthy Friend of Providence, was induced to offer an eligible lot of land for the purpose of erecting a suitable building. For several years previous subscrip- tions had been made by members of almost every monthly meeting in New England to effect this object. The money had been placed at interest, a fund was slowly accumulat- ing, and in 1803 we find the following extract from the minutes of the yearly meeting : " This meeting feeling a renewed concern that the object of establishing a school for the promotion of a guarded education, may still be kept in view, and put in execution as soon as it can be fully effected, do recommend to the several quarterly and monthly meetings to encourage Friends to a liberal subscription." Accordingly Greenwich monthly meeting appointed Syl- vester Wicks, Thomas Howland and John Greene to pro- mote and receive subscriptions for the purpose of a yearly meeting school. In the year 1814 the following extract from the minutes of the yearly meeting was sent to the several subordinate meetings : " This meeting having obtained information, by the read- ing of the minutes of the meeting for sufferings, that a suita- ble lot for the erection of buildings to accommodate a Yearly Meeting School, containing about forty-three acres in the vicinity of Providence, had been offered for that pur- pose, by our friend Moses Brown, to this yearly meeting ; and the meeting for sufferings having satisfied themselves, through the report of a committee of their appointment that the lot affords a pleasant and healthful situation to erect suitable buildings upon, for tliis desirable object, which has for many years occasionally occupied the serious RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. lOS attention of this meeting, and having at this time a renewed engagement for the guarded education of our youth, and a very general agreement being manifested that the time has arrived wherein it may be entered upon with a better pros])ect of accom})lishing the benevolent design than has been heretofore presented to our view, the present amount of the fund subscribed for this ])ur})ose, A\'it]i its interest, being upwards of |9,U(HI, and, although inadequate to the expense wdiich Avill attend the erection of suitable buildings and other necessary outlays ; we therefore recommend to Friends to aid the jjresent fund by subscriptions in their freedom, and forward to the meeting for sufferings an ac- count of the sums, that they may be qualified to act therein ; we tenderly exhort Friends to be liberal in their subscriptions, according to the means afforded them, re- membering that we are only stewards of the goods we pos- sess, that we hold them by a a ery uncertain tenure, and that a righteous and benevolent disposition of a part of them may produce a blessing upon the remainder." A substantial brick building was erected and completed in the year 1818, upon the land given by Moses Brown, on the hill northeast of the City of Providence. This land has become very valuable, and is now worth as many thousands of dollars per acre as it was hundreds at that time. The following circular Avas issued on the 12th month, 2d day, 1818 : "It is concluded that the Yearly Meeting Boarding School at Providence shall be opened to receive children the first of the next year — 6th of the week. As the funds already raised for this institution have nearly all been ap- plied in building and furnishing the house, the pi'ice for board, tuition, books and stationery, washing and mending, is at present fixed at |100 per annum ; and it is expected that for each scholar |25 be paid in advance, at the begin- ning of each quarter ; should this estimate prove higher than to meet necessary expenses, the price will be propor- tionally lessened. No child can be admitted for a less term than one quarter; nor in any other than a plain dress. Until a boarding house may be established in the neighborhood of the school, Friends or guardians that ac- company^ the children, may be accommodated with board and lodging at a moderate expense, with the superinten- dents, who are Mathew Purington and his Avife. It is con- cluded that no child under eight years of age, except 104 HISTOKY OF EAST GREEISrWICH. orphans, or such as are under the care of the monthly- meetings, or in some s})ecial cases at the direction of the acting committee, shall be admitted. No boys are to re- main, or to be received, at the school, after they attain the age of fourteen years, without the liberty of said com- mittee. " ^= All letters written to the children while at school, if sent by mail, must have the postage paid, or it will be charged to them. " Signed by order of the School Committee. Samuel Rodman, Clerk." In 18*20 it became necessary to raise |2,000 more, in aid of the institution, and notice was sent to the quarterly and monthly meetings, requesting Friends to subscribe to this object. It is a rule among Friends not to accept of any funds, either by will, donation or subscription from any persons except from members of the Society. A circular issued in 1821, reports the average number of children for that year about seventy-five, and gives the names of the instructors as Thomas Rowland, Stephen A. Chace and Abigail Pierce. In 1823 Greenwich monthly meeting comprised the pre- parative meetings of Greenwich, Cranston, Foster and Plainfield, while First day and mid-week meetings were held at Wickford and Coventry. Meeting-houses had been built at each of these places. The small body of Friends in Plainfield, Connecticut, was increased by the influence of Rowland Greene, who resided there for many years, and they were joined to the monthly meeting of East Green- wich because they were nearer than any other similar body. The air of Connecticut has never been favorable to the growth of Quakerism, for there has always been something peculiarly antagonistic between the " blue letter " laws of Presbyterianism — the religion which mostly prevailed there — and the spiritual liberty of the gospel as promulgated by the successors of George Fox. Of tlie meetings named above, only two are now maintained, those at Greenwich and Cov- entry The others were gradually reduced by death and removal until not a standard was left, and the houses remained closed until sold by order of the meeting. It has been previously mentioned, that the clerk of the Greenwich monthly meeting in 1806, was Beriah Collins, who retained the ofiice until 1815, when Thomas Rowland was appointed. He performed the duties but a few years RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 105 and resigned in 1818, when William Reynolds, who became a member of the Society in 1815, was chosen and held the office for about thirty years, until politic measures required a change ; so he resigned the ])lace which he had impartially filled, with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of Friends. Perez Peck held the office of clerk during the stormy period of discord and se])aration in the Society, which has greatly reduced its numbers, and the causes of which it is so difficidt for professing Christians of other de- nominations to understand. He was continued until the appointment of Solomon R. Knowles, who is the present clerk. Beriah Collins, who Avas clerk of Greenwich monthly meeting in the early part of the present century, resided in Foster, and was an elder in the Society. He was a very worthy man, and very regular in the attendance of meet- ings, from most of which he lived very remote. He carried on in a limited way the business of tanning leather, and from its profits, together with the productions of a small farm, he contrived to maintain a large family. This re- quired the inculcation of lessons of economy, as well as the practice of industry. He was once visiting at the house of Nicholas Congdon, of Cranston, whose bluntness we have before had occasion to illustrate, when some very fine apples were passed around for their entertainment. Beriah observed that he always told his family to select the specked ones first, and advised that Nicholas should do likewise. " I never serve my friends with rotten apples," said Nicholas in his sturdy way, and Beriah of course subsided. Beriah Collins died in the summer of 1864, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-two years and four months. Of all the Friends who attended the Greenwich monthly meeting fifty years ago, none are now living. The last survivors were Perez Peck and Deborah Howland. In addition to the members of the Society at Greenwich meeting, there was usually the constant attendance on First day, of certain people who professed no religion out- wardly, nor did their daily lives and conversation always bear evidence of the work of inward grace. One of this class was followed to meeting one day by the horse he usually rode, where he frisked about the yard, making mis- chief among the sedate and decorus steeds who were stand- ing around harnessed to the carriages. His owner apolo- 7 106 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. gized to Thomas Anthony for tlie unbecoming conduct of his favorite horse, by saying that " he loved to go to meet- ing as well as his master." " Yes," replied Thomas, " and it does him about as much good." One of the characters wlio used to be the diversion of unstable boyhood was Spencer Hall, who was an attendant at First day meetings. A small sized man, with twinkling eyes, deep set in a rubicund face, he talked loud and gave positive opinions with much assurance. He was always clad in the ancient styles that prevailed prior to the Revo- lution, and made the current coin, (quarters and ninepences), serve as buttons upon his coat and vest. His trousers without suspenders, required an occasional hitch to keej) them in place, and in cold weather an overcoat, with a mountain of capes, almost concealed his head! A carriage whip was always carried into the meeting-house for safety, and a refreshing nap prepared the mind for the reception of the sermon. His ancestors were Friends, but the faith which Spencer professed was in the efficacy of Jemima Wilkinson as the Christ and Saviour of mankind, and he was never better pleased than when talking of the so-called miracles of this imposter, and until his death continued to believe in her supernatural power. It is very seldom that persons of color have ever become members of the Society. The absence of music as an ele- ment of worship, together with silent meetings, fail to accord with the uneasy spirit of i)ure African devotion. Only two or three instances are upon record, and of these Greenwich meeting claims only one, Phillis Ripton, who was admitted by request or convincement, and continued a consistent member until her death, about the year 1835. This history of the Society of Friends would be incom- plete without some account of the separation which took place in nearly all of the meetings in New England, in 1844, and which has a tendency not only to greatly lessen the ranks of those who bear the name, but the discussion and controversy provoked have embittered and unsettled the minds of members of both parties, and prevented the youth, who must always be depended upon to fill the places of the aged, from entertaining that love for the faith of their ancestors, and that respect for its forms, which would induce them to follow in their footsteps. It is not within the province of this history to discuss this controversy be- yond what is necessary to a correct understanding of its causes. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 107 In 1829 a division occurred in most of the yearly meet- ings of America, except New England, in consequence of the preaching and views of Elias Hicks. Both parties claimed then to be Friends and have ever since, although generally known by the names of Orthodox and Hicksite. About the year 1838 Joseph John Gurney, a member and minister of the London Yearly Meeting, visited Amer- ica, where he traveled and preached extensively. His pen was prolific, and many books had emanated from it upon religious subjects. It was claimed that these writings con- tained many points of doctrine which differed essentially from the established creed of the Society, and those who were concerned for the promotion of its ancient principles, wrote and talke-d of these innovations. A controversy thus arose, based upon doctrinal issues, but finally merged into personal jealousies and animosities, with attempts to enforce rules of government contrary to the long established customs of the Society. One party claimed that the ortho- dox traditions of the Society had been invaded, which would in time destroy its identity, and that as faithful w^atchmen on the tower of Zion, it was their duty to expose these new lights and give warning of the api)roach of an enemy. The other party afiirmed that all was well, and commanded these sentinels to hold their peace. That there were steadfast Friends in both parties, deeply con- cerned for the preservation of their doctrines and testimo- nies there can be no doubt. But prominent and influential members, carried away by the spirit of domination, were determined to Ijend every thing to tlieir will, and there was doubtless some stubbornness in the j^ersistency with which the charges of unsoundness were pressed. Had a more conciliatory spirit prevailed — a little forbearance and charity on one side, greater toleration and freedom of 0]>inion on the other, with less disposition to cavil at faults — they might have continued to worship together. So it has been in all ages of the Christian church, that intoler- ance and even persecution have been born of religious zeal ; but it was for the present age to show, that Friends, not- withstanding their profession of high spiritual guidance, are only finite beings, liable to error, and that there is no security without the exercise of constant watchfulness. In 1844 these dissensions had become so extensive, that they culminated in a division, and New England Yearly Meeting became two distinct bodies, each claiming to be 108 HISTORY OF EAST GREEXWICH. the original Society. The division extended to most of the subordinate meetings, and the " world's people " Avere astonished to learn that a body of Christians, so quiet and peaceful, so patient and forgiving as the Friends, had as- sumed such a belligerent attitude towards their brethren as to attempt their forcible exclusion from houses of public worship. One party claiming to be the Rliode Island Quarterly Meeting, held its sittings in the meeting-house at East Greenwich, and the othei- claiming the same name and authority, occupied the Methodist liouse of worship, until it was removed to Westerly to accommodate a larger num- ber of Friends. The First day meetings of the same body at East Greenwich were held at a private house for some years, until removed to Warwick for the same reason which prompted the renioval of the quarterly meeting. The fact that both bodies have continued to decline in numbers is sufficient evidence that they were wanting in those elements of grace and truth which were the bulwark of the Society in its primitive days. Whether owing to neglect, perverseness, or disobedience, it is evident that the spirit and power which were once its life and glory have departed. Rather than wear the badge and maintain the rank of true soldiers of the cross, they have reclined like Samson, in the lap of Delilah, until com- pletely shorn of their S])iritual strength. It is doubtful whether the innovations which are gradu- ally creeping into the Society of Friends, are the subject generally of most approval or censure. To those who love the forms and traditions of their fathers, and who love and regard the distinctive traits of the sect, or their peculiar form of worship with reverence, these new ideas must bring unqualified sorrow ; but those who are weary of these restrictions and peculiarities, hail with delight the changes which must practically destroy the individuality of the Society. When the doors are thrown wide open, it is not easy to predict when or where the new departure will end. A convention of delegates from the several yearly meet- ings of America, met in Lynn, Massachusetts, to discuss the subject of First day schools, and the method of conducting them. The meeting continued three days and drew together a large concourse of people. The propriety of the introduc- tion of singing was considered, and much curiosity was manifested to learn the views of the speakers upon this RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 109 delicate subject, a majority of whom seemed to favor the measure. A reporter of tlie Boston (xlohe says : " If there has been any one point which the Friends have adhered to more than another, it is their great aversion to all musical adorn- ments in their worship. Although many a Quaker of modernized views may have his piano and violin in his own house, yet, when he goes to meeting, he does not want to hear the sweet sounds which may have pleased him at home. There has been for some time a tendency to break down this prejudice against singing, and for this reason the ques- tion was put on the programme for discussion." William F. Mitchell, of New York, approves of singing, and said " it should be introduced into our school at Provi- dence ; it is necessary at all our places of learning to reco- cile our children to our worship. They now go to places of worship of otlier denominations. In spite of all that can be done, the children are going to sing, and if there cannot be something arranged for their practice, they will sing something which will not be agreeable to Quakers to hear."^ Eli Jones, of Maine, said that " singing was expedient in our Friends' day school." He thought there was a desire and tendency to depart from the position which the old fathers of the Quakers held. Some people think that they ought to be left out in the cold, but he would stick to the old worthies as long as he lived ; he admired the old form of worship of the Quakers ; he had tried it on the red man and the black man, both in this country and in Africa ; he had tried it with Arab and Turk, and Greek, and it worked well. In the "Bible-class I am willing to accept singing Avithout hesitation, but as to introducing it into our meet- ings, I decidedly say no." Dr. Hartshorn, of Havorford College, believed that " sing- ing was innocent and laudable ; it is as natural for some people as for the birds in the fields, for the children espec- ially ; it is not only harmless but necessary in the boarding school, the college, and the First day school, but when we come to consider its introduction into our worship, then he would say it was not necessary, and whether it will be ex- pedient or not, is yet to be decided." Several others, among whom was Sarah F. Smiley, of Saratoga, approved of singing, while a few opposed it. Should singing and music generally be introduced into the First day schools conducted by Friends, they might just as 110 HISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. well prepare for its introduction into the meetings for wor- ship, for this would follow as a natural sequence. Then a regularly educated ministry, with written sermons and a fixed salary. But it is hoped that before this takes place, in justice to themselves and the world, the Society will sur- render all claim to being the followers of Fox, Penn and Barclay. The " Quaker of the olden time," if not already gone, will soon cease to exist. Probably before the end of the present century a Friends' meeting will be among the things that were, and the only evidence of this Society and its members, which were once so numerous, will be found in the memories of age, or on the plain stones which mark the places where their ashes rej)ose. CHAPTER V. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.— THE CATHOLIC CON- GREGATIONAL CHURCH OF CHRIST The first information connected with this Church, is found in the schedule of the doings of the General Assem- bly, October, 177'2 : " Whereas a Number of the Inhabitants of East Green- wich, of the Denomination of Christians, called Presbyte- rians or Congregationalists, preferred a Petition, and represented unlo this Assembly, That they liaAC, for a long time, labored under the Disadvantage of having no House to meet in for the public Worship of God ; And that they are unable, of themselves, to build one; but have great Encouragement from their Brethren, in the neighboring- Governments, that they will assist, in Case they, the Peti- tioners can obtain the Grant of a Lottery for that Purpose. And therefore prayed this Assembly to grant them a Lottery, for raising the Sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, for building a Presbyterian or Congregational Meeting- House in said Town, knd that Messrs. William Johnson, Gideon Mumford, James Searle, and Archibald Crary, may be appointed Managers or Directors of the same : On Con- sideration whereof, " It is Voted and Resolved, That the aforesaid Petition be, and the same is hereby, granted, under the usual restric- tions : Provided that the said Lottery do not take place until the First Day of May, A. D. 1773 : And that the Colony incur no Expence thereby." In the schedule of the doings of the General Assembly in 1774, is found the following entry : 112 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " A/i Act incorporatmg a religious Society and Congre- gation^ by the Name of the Congregational Church in East Greenvyich. " The Governor and Company of the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in New-England^ in America, convened in General Assembly, and sitting, by Adjournment, at East-Greenwich, in the County of Kent in the Colony aforesaid, on the Fourth Monday of August in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy-four, and in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland : " To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. " Whereas a Number of Persons of the Presbyterian and Cono-reo-ational Denominations, Inhabitants of East Green- wich in the County of Kent, and the Towns in the Vicinity thereof, within this Colony, have, for about Four Years past, occasionally assembled together for public Worship after the Congregational Way and JManner : And whereas AYilliam Johnson, Gideon Mumford, James Searle, Augustus Mumford, Andrew Boyd, Thomas Hubbard, John Shaw, Ichabod Smith, Archibald Crarey, Joseph Joslyn, Comfort Searle, Robert Taft, and James Murry, Inhabitants of East GreeuAvich, aforesaid, liaA^e voluntarily united and formed themselves into a. religious Society, and Congregation, by signing an Instrument, dated the Thirtieth Day of June last past, declaratory of their religious Sentiments, as be- ing agreeable to the Principles, Doctrines, and mode of Worship in the Presbyterian or Congregational Churches, and therein aoreeino; that the Church hereafter to be o-ath- ered, and the Ministry hereafter to be settled in said Con- gregation, shall be of the Denomination commonly called Congregational or Presbyterian : And whereas the said Society are now building a House for the public Worship of God, in Pearce Street, in East-Greenwich aforesaid, and are desirous that the said House, and the Lot of Land on which the same shall be erected, together with all other Estates with which they may be hereafter invested, should be legally held to the use, and for the upholding that Mode of Worship, and for the other religious and charitable Pur- poses, for which the same is, or shall be designed, intended, and appropriated. And thereupon they have petitioned this Assembly to grant to them a Charter of Incorporation, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 113 with the ])riviledges and Powers hereafter mentioned ; Now therefore, Know Ye that we, the said Governor and Coni])any in General Assembly convened, do for ourselves and Successors, Enact, Grant, Ordain, Constitute, and De- clare, and by the Authority thereof, it is hereby Enacted, Granted, Ordained and Declared, that the said William Johnston, Gideon Mumford, James Searle, Augustus Mum- ford, Andrew Boyd, Thomas Hubbard, John Shaw, Ichabod Smith, Archibald Crary, Joseph Joslyn, Comfort Searle, and Robert Taft, and all sucli, their Associates, as shall at any and all Times hereafter usually assemble together with them for public Worship, in East Greenwich aforesaid, to- gether with the Church, which may hereafter be gathered within the said Society and Congregation, shall be a body Cor- porate and Politic, with perpetual Succession, to be known in the Law by the Name of the Congregational Church in East-Greenwich in the County of Kent^ in the Colony of Rhode- Island^ and Providence Plant (it ions. And the same Body Corporate is hereby empowered to hold, and stand and seized of all such Estate, as they may be possessed of ; and also to take, receive, acquire, and hold. Donations Leg- acies, and Grants of Estates both real and personal; and the same to use, occupy, and improve, towards the support of the Pastors, relief of the Poor, or other religious Uses in said Congregation, according to the Will of the Donors, and to the purposes for which the same shall have been designed and appropriated ; All which estates said Congre- gational Church may, and shall take, hold, and stand seized of, and improve, notwithstanding any Misnomer of this Corporation ; and by Whatever Name, or however imper- fectly the same may be decribed in Donations, Legacies or- Assignments and Grants, ])rovided the true Intent and mean- ing of the Assignor or Benefactor be evident. And the said Congregational Church is hereby empowered to lease the real Estate, and also the same to grant, aliene, or hold in Perpetuity, according to the Tenor of the Property therein; and to let moneys, on Bonds, Mortgages or other Securities, and shall and may be. Persons capable in the Law, as a Body Corporate, in all Courts and Places, to sue and be sued, to defend and pursue to final Judgement and Execu- tion thereon, in all Causes whatsoever, by and in the Names of such Persons, as are hereby declared to be the present Committee of said Body Corporate and Politic, or by, and in, the Names of their Successors in said Office. 114 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " And it is furthe)' Enacted^ ordained and declared^ That those who for the Time being, and at any and all Times hereafter, shall usually assemble together for public Wor- ship in the Meeting-House now about to be erected in Pearce Street, in East Greenwich, aforesaid, belonging to the said Congregational or Presbyterian Church, shall be deemed, and they are hereby declared, the true and lawful Successors in this Corporation. " And furthermore^ at the Request of the said Society and Congregation, it is declared, That the Ministry to whose use this Corporation is, by this Act, empowered to hold Estates, shall be Congregational, or Presbyterian and Pedo- baptist, and no other : And that when a Church shall be once gathered in this Congregation, the Pastors, in all Successions, be mutually chosen, or dismissed, by the Brethren of the Church, being Communicants in regular Standing in the same, and by the Congregation, that is, by the Concurrence of the respective majorities of those pres- ent at public Meetings, duly notified for that purpose ; the Deacons, or any Three Brethren, to notify the Church- Meeting, in this case, and the Committee to notify the Meeting of the Cono-resation. " And he it further Enacted, That in Case any Grants or Donations, shall be made to the Pastors, Elders, Deacons, or Brethren, so that a Limitation thereof to the Church, as distinct from the Congregation, shall be evident, then the same shall vest, and remain in, and be at the Manage- ment and Disposal of the Church and its Successors, in their distinct and sei)arate capacity : And that the Church may lease its Estates, improve its Moneys at Interest by bond or otherwise, and sue for, and recover the same at Law. And all their Transactions respecting the same shall be of full Force, and Legal Validity, without being joined by the Congregation. " A7id be it further Enacted, That the secular meetings of this Society shall be called and notified, as usual, by the Committee thereof. And the said Cono-re2:ation are era- powered, at any such meeting, to chuse a Moderator, elect Committee-men, such, and so many, as they shall from time to time think proper ; and appoint a Secretary, Treasurer and other Officers as they shall judge necessary, and the same at any time to remove, and others to chuse and ap])oint in their Stead ; And to make such Laws, Rules and Orders, for the necessary Repairs of the Meeting-House, and such RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 115 other By-Laws, and Reo'ulatioiis about the Secular affairs of the said Congregation, as they sliall see lit, not contrary to the Laws of this Government : And it is hereby De- dared^ That William Johnson, Gideon Mumford, James Searle, Augustus Mumford, Jolni Shaw, Archibald Crary, and Andrew Boyd, be, and remain the ])resent Committee, so long as said Congregation shall continue them, and until they are removed and others chosen in their places. " And he it further Enacted^ That whatever Estate is, or shall be, held by said Congregational Church, either by Purchase or Donation, the same shall never be alienated from the uses and j^urposes thereof, nor applied towards the su])port of any other Ministry, or Mode of Worship, than w^hat hath already been described in this Act. And in Case at any Time hereafter any persons of said Con- gregation shall alter, and change their Principles res])ect- ing Presbyterian Ordination, the Mode of Worship, and other religious Usages practiced or acknowledged in the same ; the Individuals, so changing, shall cease to have part in the Management or Apjjropriation of the Incomes and Profits of the Estate ; but the same shall be, and re- main to those, and those only, who shall remain and abide by the original Principles of this Church, who are hereby declared to be the true, and only Successors of this Cor- poration. And they, and such their Successors, shall con- tinue to hold, improve, and enjoy, the Estate to the uses prescribed, and particularly, what shall be appropriated to the Ministry shall be held to the use of such Congrega- tional, or Presbyterian Ministry in said Congregational Church, as is hereinbefore defined, and for no other for- ever. "In full Testimony of which Grant, the said Governor and Company do hereby Order, that this Act of Incorpor- ation, on an Exemplification thereof, be authenticated by the Signature of the Governor and Secretary, and the Public Seal of this Colony : And the same being delivered to the said Congregational Church, shall be a sufiicient Warrant to them, to hold, use, exercise, and enjoy all the Privileges and Powers herein contained." The church edifice was erected in 1774, the sum sufiicient for this purpose being procured from the proceeds of a lot- tery. I cannot find any record of a church organization until October 15th, 1815. 116 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. Extract from the Church Records : " The Congregational Church of Christ in East Green- wich was organized the fifteenth day of October Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen by the Rev. Daniel Waldo, a missionary from the Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. The j^ersons who entered into covenant were : — Mrs. Mary Coggswell from the first Church in Newport, Mrs. Ann M. Greene from the Second Church in Newport, Mrs. Mahala Salisbury from the first Church in Little Compton. Captain Silas Holmes and his Wife made a profession of religion, and all of them united in giving their assent to the following confession of Faith : " We believe that there is only one living and true God existing in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. " That the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of God and the only rule of faith and practice. " That our first Parents by partaking of the forbidden fruit, brought themselves and all their posterity into a state of Sin and Misery. " That God after the fall, through the Mediator entered into a covenant of grace with man, on condition of re])ent- ance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ. " That the Lord Jesus Christ hath appointed the Ordi- nances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper to be observed in his Church until his second coming ; the former to be ad- ministered to visible believers and their children only, and the latter to none but visible believers. " That God hath appointed a day in which he will Judge the world by Jesus Christ ; and that he will reward every one according to his works, when the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eter- nal. And then the following Covenant was adopted by them : " You ( and each of you respectively ) do in everlasting Covenant give up yourselves to God in Jesus Christ. " You do humbly ask of God forgiveness, through the blood of Jesus Christ for all your sins of heart and life. " You do likewise (each of you) solemnly promise before God, his holy Angels, and in the presence of this assembly, that by the help of the Holy Spirit you will forsake the vani- ties of this world, and will approve yourselves the true dis- ciples of Jesus Christ, promising to submit to the discipline RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 117 of Jesus Christ, in his Church, and in this Church in partic- ular, (Matthew 18 and 15) ; and by his grace to live devoted to him all your days, in a faithful obedience to all of his Commandments." There is nothing on the church records to indicate how long the Rev. Daniel Waldo continued as Pastor over the church, but in the year 1829 ajDpears the following entry on the record : "August 29th, 1829. Church Meeting called and met at my house for the purpose of giving a call to Mr. Michael Burdett to settle over us as our Pastor ; adjourned to meet the first Saturday of next September." " At a Church Meeting held tit my house (agreeable to ad- journment) the meeting opened by Prayer' by the Rev. Daniel Waldo." " Voted, That we give Michael Burdett a call to settle with us as our Pastor. "Witness, Joh:n^ Beoavn." " The Society having held a meeting, unanimously con- curred in the call of Mr. Burdett, — of which Mr. Burdett being informed, accepted of the call. Wednesday the twenty third of September was aj^pointed for the ordina- tion. " Pursuant to letters missive, an Ecclesiastical Council was held in this place on the 23d of September, 1829. Present from the Church at Little Rest, South Kingstown, Rev. Oliver Brown, Pastor ; Deligate Brother Thomas Wales. From the Church in Bristol, Rev. Mr. Lewis, Pastor ; Deligate Henry Wright, D. D. From the Church in Rehoboth, Rev. Thomas Vernon, Pastor; Deligate Brother James Bliss. From the Church in Barrington, Rev. Joseph Patrick, Minister of the Place ; Deligate Dea. Joshua Bicknell. From the Church in West Taunton, Rev. Alvan Cobb, Pastor ; Brother Lorenzo Lincoln, Deligate. From the Church in Pawtucket, Rev. Asa Hopkins, Pastor ; Deligate Dea. Remember Carpenter. " After an examination of Mr. Burdett by the council they proceeded to his ordination. The Introductory jirayer was made by the Rev. Mr. Patrick ; Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Cobb ; Ordaining prayer by the Rev. Mr. Brown ; Charge to the Pastor by the Rev. Mr. Lewis ; Right hand of fel- lowship by the Rev. Mr. Vernon ; Concluding prayer by 118 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. the Rev. Mr. Hopkins. The services were very impressive and interesting." Mr. Burdett remained as pastor until July 10th, 1833. The next entry is the following : " The Monthly Church meeting on the Saturday before the first Monday in August, A. D. 1833, was held at my house. Present Sisters Mary Coggeshall, Mary Mowry, Mary Thurston and Mary Brown. This being the first Church Meeting since the Rev. Mr. Burdett left, it was thought best to continue the Church Meetings as an earnest cultivation of Personal Piety, Christian Love, and Har- mony with each other." Witness, Johx Browx, Deacon." " On the 6th of October, 1836. An unanimous Call was Given to the Rev. William G. Johnson, of Washington Village Church which was accepted ; from that time he regularly dispensed the Communion in this Church, and re- moved here on the 24th March, 1837. " A Sunday School was commenced by the Pastor on the 7th of May, 1837. A Sunday School Society was also formed and a Library commenced." This was the first Sunday School in East Greenwich. "May 14th, 1837. Moses and Harriet Pierce were re- ceived members into this Church by letter from Fall River Church, it being understood that they had difficulties on Infant baptism, and Slavery but waited for more light upon these subjects, therefore the Church agreed to admit them upon these terms, provided they did not agitate these sub- iects in the Church." -nr r^ r t»t- • ^ •' vVm. (Jr. Johnson, Minister. It appears that Mr. Johnson changed the name from the Congregational Church of Christ to that of the Catholic Congregational Church, of East Greenwich, as the new name now appears for the first time : "At a meeting of the Catholic Congregational Church, of East Greenwich, held at the house of the Rev. Mr. Johnston, June 7th, 1837, the committee appointed to draw up arti- cles of discipline, not being prepared to report, it was " Voted, That in all our Church meetings four Members shall make a quorum for business. " Voted, That John Brown be a Delegate to attend the Consociation to be holden at Bristol. I RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 119 " Voted^ That we intend to purchase a lot and build a House for Worship, as soon as funds can be acquired by our own exertions and the assistance of Friends. " Vbtecl^ That our delegate lay the above vote before the Consociation, requesting their advice and assistance. " Voted^ That our delegate enquire of the Ladies Benev- olent Society, in Bristol, whether, they ever voted, or re- mitted assistance in money to the C. C. Church in East GreeiiAvich ; and how much, by whom sent, and to whom paid. " Voted, That Avhereas our present Minister came to his labours with us, without any prospect or expectation of sufficient maintainance from us, our Delegate will lay this case before the Missionary Society, soliciting their advice, assistance, and prayers. " Voted, That the Treasurer call on all the members of of the Church, and as many of the Society as he shall think Judicious to solicite Subscriptions, for the Support of Our Minister." "At a Church meeting on January 22d, 1838, it was agreed that if funds could be secured we would build a Church, and that a circular letter should be sent to all the Churches in our State, of our Denomination requesting their aid ; and to try every means in our power to raise the money." " February 1st, 1838. At a Church meeting it was re- solved to forward the Circular letter. Mr. Whiting, Esq. was chosen Treasurer to receive any money that might be paid for building, and also to prepare us a Charter when required, and to do such other business for us as was necessary." About this time it appears that the old meeting-house was demolished in order to erect a new structure on its site, but the Society, when they discovered that they were un- able to build, for lack of funds, concluded to sell the lot and materials of the old house to the Episcopalians : " February 12th, 1838. At a meeting of the members of the C. C. Church, proposals were made by them to the Corporation of St. Luke's Church to give them a good deed of the place for $300, or for an equivalent in land equal to said sum. General ]N"athaniel Greene and Mr. Thomas Rhodes, acted as delegates for the Church to pre- sent our proposals to St. Luke's Corporation which they 120 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. did on February 15th and were to receive an answer at the annual meeting in ]March next." "March loth, 1838. The Catholic Congregational Church sold their Lot of land, to St. Luke's Corporation, for $250, and the agent was empowered by the C. C. Church to de- bate that sum to $244.46. This day the Deed was signed by the Church." "March 16th, 1838. At a Church meeting held at the Court House a vote of thanks was passed by the majority of the Church, to be given to General Xathaniel Greene and Xathan Whiting, Esq., for their kind services in assist- ing this Church in recovering her rights." " March 20th, 1838. A Xote for ^244.46 was delivered to Xathan Whiting, Esq., Treasurer, to the C. C. Church in East Greenwich to assist the Church in purchasing a lot of land, or for building." Here commenced the difficulties and misunderstandino-s which finally ended in the dissolution of the Society. The trouble began at the adoption of the new government, articles of faith and covenant. " June 2d, 1838. A Church meeting was held at Capt. Andros's where ten were present.' The new articles for re- organizing were read and approved of along with the cove- nant. The Articles and the Covenant were agreed to by all present as true and good, and some of the Articles of the old constitution were considered erroneous ; but it was agreed that we would appoint another meeting, and exam- ine the articles one by one, Avhich meeting was held and the articles and covenant were approved of, but some ob- jections were made to the Church rule 4th, therefore they were not unanimously approved of." " June 27th, 1838. A meeting of the Church was held at Capt. Jonathan Andros's at 3 P. M. when the Catholic Con- gregational Church was reorganized by the Rev. Wm. G. Johnson, Missionary of the Rhode Island Home Mission- ary Society and Member of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland." Foe:m or Reorganization, June 27th, 1838. " We, the Catholic Congregational Church of East Green- wich and members of said Church organized by the Rev. Daniel AYaldo, in October 15th, 1815, Missionary from the Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowl- EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 121 edge — Do now voluntarily recognize ourselves as the same Catholic Congregational Church, under the Pastoral care of the Rev. Wm. G. Johnson Missionary of the Home Missionary Society of R. Island, and member of the Estab- lished Church of Scotland with all our temj)oral immuni- ties, property possessions, rights and privileges of every kind, temporal and spiritual Avhich belong to us as said Cath- olic Congregational Society of East Greenwich, and for the better promoting the spiritual interests of the Church, we now renew and amend, our confession of faith, covenant and government and discipline, and reorganize said Church and are members of said C. C. Church by giving our assent to its Confession of Faith, Covenant, Discipline and Gov- ernment as thus amended and reorganized." " Being fully understood that this is the same Catholic Congregational Church, on Congregational principles alone, with its spiritual Constitution altered and amended, and should any of its members not unite with us, then we may become an Indejoendent Church." " Reasons for He-organizing the Church. " 1. Our Confession of Faith and Covenant have always been defective and erroneous, and at present our articles are so deficient, that an Antinomian can fully assent to them, and also an Armenian become one of our members. " 2. This Church has no discipline, and no government, w^e cannot call one member to account, however flagrant any of his crimes may be, and we have no government to regulate any of our proceedings, which makes our Church in a state of anarchy, and confusion, and should one have reason to complain of another, we have no remedy in our present state to offer. " 3. Many of our members are dead, others removed, and no proper account has been kept of the proceedings of the Church from the beginning. " 4. In view of building a meeting-house, it is necessary to have our Confession of Faith, Discipline and Govern- ment ready before we incorporate as a Church, or appoint Trustees over our proi3erty, to hand down to posterity the truth, and to fix the possession of the property of this Church, to them alone that believe the same truths and fol- low the same discipline and government which we main- tain — and by doing our duty now, we may insure the preaching of a pure gospel to future generations." 122 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " Confession of Faith. " The following is our Confession of Faith and Covenant, to which we have given our assent, and require the assent of all who may become in future, members of this Church. " Beloved Friends — You have presented yourselves before God, and his people, and the world, to make solemn pro- fession of your religious faith, and publicly, to take upon you the bonds of the Everlasting Covenant. We trust you have well considered the nature of this transaction, the most solemn and momentous, in which you can ever engage, and that you are prepared by divine grace, to give your- selves away, as a living sacrifice, holy and acce^^table to God, through Jesus Christ. " Having examined and assented to the articles of faith and covenant, adopted by this Church, you will now i3ro- fess the same before these Witnesses. " Article 1st. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, are the word of God, and the only perfect rule of Christian faith. " 2d. We believe that there is only one living and true God, who is a Spirit uncreated and unchangeable, that He is essential love, everywhere present, and possessed of in- finite knowledge, power, wisdom, righteousness, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. "3d. We believe in the unity of the Godhead, there is a Trinity of persons. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, that these persons are one in essence, and that the Son and the Holy Ghost, are equal and coeternal, with the Father. " 4th. We believe that God made all things for himself, and that he governs all his works, that he will overrule all things, so, as to display his own glorious nature, and pro- duce the greatest good, and this will be effected in a way, perfectly consistent with the moral agency and liberty of his creatures. "5th. We believe that Adam was created holy, and happy, that he was constituted the moral root of his posterity, that he apostatized from God, in consequence of which, all of his posterity come into the world with natures wholy depraved and alienatedfrom God. " 6th. We believe that God in his sovereign mercy and rich grace, has provided a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who being in his original nature one with the Father, did take the human nature, into personal union with the divine, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 123 and humbled himself to death, even the death of the cross, and thereby made a full atonement for sm, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. " 7th. We believe that all who receive Christ, were from the beginning chosen to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, (2 Tliessalonians, 2, 13), and will be kept by the power of God, through faith and salvation. " 8th. We believe that a cordial acceptance of Christ, in his true character, and in all his offices^ as our Prophet, Priest and King, by a faith charatjterized by repentance of sin and a holy life, constitute a true Christian. " 9th. We believe that we are saved by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, and that a true chanoje of heart is effected by the Holy Spirit of God. " 10th. We believe that Christ has a Church in the world, and that none in the sight of God, but real believers, and none in the sight of man, but visible believers, have a right to be admitted into it. "11th. We believe that Christ has instituted baptism, and the Lord's Supper, as ordinances to be observed in the Church to the end of the world ; that baj^tism, is to be ad- ministered to believers, and their children, and the Lord's Supper to such visible saints, as are able to examine for themselves, and discern the Lord's body. " 12th. We believe that Christ has instituted a discipline to be observed in the true Church, which is to be strictly maintained, according to his directions, in Matthew 18 : 15, 16, 17. " 13th. We believe that at the end of the world, Christ will appear in his glory, as the universal Judge, that the bodies of the dead will then be raised, and those then liv- ing, will be changed into an immortal state that brought to the judgment seat of Christ, all will be judged and sen- tenced, according to their works and that the reward be- stowed upon the righteous, and the punishment inflicted upon the wicked, will be alike eternal. " Covenant. " Humbly hoping that you have been savingly united to Christ by faith, and esteeming it a delightful privilege to serve the Lord, and regarding your obligations to Him as perfect freedom, you do now in the j^resence of God, his 124 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. holy Angels, and this assembly with sincerity of soul avouch the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost to be your God, the object of your supreme affections, and your por- tion forever; you cordially acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ in all his mediatorial offices. Prophet, Priest, and King, as your only Saviour, and the Holy Spirit as your sanctifier, comforter and Judge. " You humbly and cheerfully devote yourselves to God, in the everlasting covenant of his grace, you consecrate all your powers and faculties to his service and glory, and you promise through the assistance of his Spirit, you will cleave to him as your chief good, that you will give diligent at- tendance to his word, and ordinances, that you will seek the honor and interest of his kingdom, and henceforth denying all ungodliness, and every worldly lust, you will live soberly, righteously and godly in the world. " You who are parents do not only give up yourselves unto the Lord but also devote the children under your care to his fear and service promising by divine assistance to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord — to instruct and counsel them, to set a good and holy exam- ple before them, and all your household, and to maintain religious worship in your families. " You likewise acknowledge this to be a true Church of Christ, and do now cordially join yourselves to it as such, promising to submit to the rules of government and disci- pline which it has adopted, and to strive earnestly for its peace, edification and purity, and to walk Avith its members in love, faithfulness, circumspection, meekness and sobriety, as long as you live, unless your relation to it be regularly dissolved. " Thus you solemnly covenant and promise. (The ordin- ance of baptism will noAv be administered). " We therefore the members of this Church, (here the members of the Church rise), affectionately receive you, to our communion, and in the name of Christ, declare you entitled, to all the privileges, and immunities of this Church, and promise to watch over you, with christian affection and faithfulness according to our covenant and rules of discipline. And now Beloved in the Lord, let it be im- pressed on your mind, that you have voluntarily and unal- terably committed yourselves to God, and that henceforth you Avill be regarded as his servants, — hereafter the eyes of the world will be upon you, and as you demean yourselves, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 125 SO religion will be honored or dishonored : — if you walk worthy of your profession, you will be a credit, and a com- fort to us, but if it be otherwise, it will be an occasion of reproach. But beloved we are persuaded better things of you, and things which accompany salvation, though we thus speak. " May the Lord guide and preserve you until death, and at last receive you, and us, to that blessed world, where our love and joy shall be forever perfect and where every tear shall be wiped from our eyes." " October 12th, 1838. This day a Mortgage was laid upon the Episcopal Church and lot by the Treasurer on behalf of this Church for 1^253.46 as Trustee and Treasurer of said Church." " December 10th, 1838. We unanimously protest against the advice of the Ecclesiastical Council of the 13th of November of which the following is a Copy : " The mutual Ecclesiastical Council, that met at East Greenwich on the 13th of Nov. 1838, to deliberate and ad- vise upon the grievances, trials and Church affairs of the C. C. Church, — resolved that we should go as far back as the 10th of May 1837, and that all the proceedings of the Church, should be null and void from that date. "We the C. C. Church of East Greenwich, do protest against the division, and dissent from the advice of said Council for the following important reasons : " 1. The Council did not inform themselves properly of our Church affairs, and therefore were totally unqualified to give a proper decision. " 2. The Church records would require to be mutilated or destroyed from May 10th 1837, until Nov. 13th 1838, which would deprive posterity of all confidence in our records, and besides we have no power or right to alter, mutilate or destroy the public records of this Church, nor yet expunge them contrary to the mind of the Church. " 3. This decision deprives Mr. Whiting of being the Treasurer of this Church for building. " 4. If we should consent to the decision of this Council then we must adopt articles, that are confessed to be erro- neous by every member of this Church. " 5. As we have reorganized and adopted sound articles of faith and entered into covenant with God, we would be forced to renounce the truth and break covenant with God, if we adopted the old articles and covenant. 126 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " 6. We as a Church have sold our Church property to the Corporation of St. Luke's Church on March 15th, 1838, and if we assent to the decision of the Council, then we nullify the deed which we gave the Corporation of St. Luke's Church — and also nullify the Mortgage which we have upon said Church, neither of which we can do. Though the Council through ignorance of our affairs, and want of due inquiry and deliberation — have virtually recommended us to sacrifice truth, embrace error — sin against conscience — break covenant with God — and break our legal voluntary deed with St. Luke's Church and deprive them of that prop- erty which we sold them by the unanimous consent and in- dividual signature of each member of this Church." This church was a very large and convenient structure, two stories in height, with two rows of windows one above another, like a dwelling-house, the side of the building fronting on Pearce street, a square tower projecting from the north end of the building, with a door opening on a small court, (there was no street there then). The tower contained a winding stair-case leading to a gallery, which occupied three sides of the second story, with its rows of seats rising one above another like those of an amphithea- tre. This part of the church might be termed the Court of the Gentiles, as it would seem to be intended for the use and convenience of those who did not choose to remain through the long and tedious sermons of those days. Such persons could pass in and out without disturbing the con- gregation below. The builders of churches in those days were certainly more accommodating to the public than at the present time. The lower part of the church was furnished with slips in the centre of the floors with square pews at the sides ; there Avere seats around the inside of these pews, so that a portion of the occupants sat with their backs to the j^ulpit which was also of curious construction. It was a circular structure, elevated high in the air with a long, winding flight of stairs leading up to it. There were two beautiful silver candle-sticks at the sides of the pulpit, which once adorned a dwelling-house in Portugal. The church was never painted inside, and the awkward tower at the end of the building Avas left unfinished until about the year 1820, when a small, odd-looking spire, shaped like an old-fashioned extinguisher, was placed on its summit, while four strange looking objects called urns were fastened to the corners of the tower. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 127 Up to this time no bell had ever rung out its solemn peal from this old tower. The only bell in the village at that time hung in the belfry of the old Kent Academy, which then stood very near the old church. The congregation, like the man who borrowed his neighbor's knocker, had long depended upon the ringing of the academy bell to call them to meeting; but on the completion of this steeple, the citizens of the village raised by subscription a sum to purchase a small bell, which is now in the possession of the Episcopal Church. The old meeting-house, as it was then called, continued to be used by all denominations who wished to occupy it, until the year 1836, when the building, and the lot on which it stood were purchased by the Episcopalians, who, after pulling down the old structure, built on its site the first St. Luke's. For a long time after the old meeting-house was built BO clergyman preached regularly there, but old printed ser- mons were read there by different persons from the village. The good people of those days evidently supposed that rsince they possessed a church, they ought to use it, and that sermons read by the laity were better than no preach- ing. Among those who often filled the pulpit was an old revolutionary officer. Captain Thomas Arnold, who was not particularly pious, and was very much addicted to using strong language. One very warm day, after reading a ser- mon, he remarked on coming out of the church, while wip- ing his forehead, that it was " hard work to preach." CHAPTER VI. JEMIMA WILKINSON. Among the number of persons who have claimed for themselves supernatural jDowers, and by the zeal of fanati- cism, or the craftiness of deceit, have imposed alike upon the credulity of the superstitious, or the simplicity of the ignorant of every age and country, few have ever done a larger business on smaller capital than Jemima Wilkinson, who is the only individual of her class whose absurd frauds and fancies have ever germinated and flourished on the sterile, spiritual soil of Rhode Island, or borne fruit within its limited territory. Jemima was born about 1751, in the Town of Cumber- land, in this State, and was the eighth of twelve children. This might be called a numerous family even for those days, in which " the head of a household " meant something more than an empty name. Her mother died when she was eight years old, and Jemima grew up a neglected, indolent, willful girl. The i30pular impression, that she was a mem- ber of the Society of Friends is erroneous. Neither herself nor family, with the exception of her mother, were ever members of that Society. Her father possessed and culti- vated a farm, which with economy afforded a moderate suj^port for his family. Jemima became an adept at shirk- ing her share of household duties, and early showed some- thing of that craftiness, deceit, and love of authority, which characterized her in after life. Her education was very limited, but she possessed more than ordinary personal beauty, and the attractions of a fine form v/ere enhanced by the lustre of bright eyes, dark hair, and clear complexion. She was sprightly in manner, and fond of dress, amusement and pleasure. She attracted JEMIMA WILKINSON. 129 many admirers by her sharp wit and ripening beauty. Her time was spent either in idleness at home, or in visiting, or other amusements until the year 1774, when her mind seemed to be turned to religious subjects. She became serious and tlioughtful, passing much of her time in read- ing the Bible. She remained at home, took less pride in dress, and no longer essayed to emulate the rival beauties of the neighborhood. She continued in retirement until 1776, when she pretended illness and confining herself alto- gether to bed, excited the solicitude of her family, so that nightly watchers Avere procured. These she entertained with accounts of strange visitations and visions ; pretending to point out white figures and celestial forms at her bedside. One night she told her attendants that a great change in her condition was soon to take place, and that she was about to be called to act some great part in this wicked world for the benefit of mankind. She soon after lay for several days motionless and apparently lifeless, except for a respiration so soft and silent as to be almost impercep- tible. Suddenly she awakened, and in a tone of authority demanded her clothes, declaring that she had passed the gates of death and Avas now risen from the dead. Her ap- parel Avas then jn-ocured, and she immediately arose, dressed herself and Avent around in perfect health. When she Avas congratulated by her neighbors u]ion her re- covery, she denied that it Avas Jemima to Avhom they Avere s]>eaking, and Avith affected solemnity informed them that the body of Jemima Wilkinson had been dead ; that her soul Avas then in heaven, and that the tabernacle Avhich Je- mima had left behind, Avas noAV animated by the poAver and si)irit of Jesus Christ. She told them she had been se- lected to reign a thousand years, and Avould never die but Avould be taken up into heaven bodily at the end of that period. Her friends and relatives Avere not less astonished at her arrogant assum[»tion than they Avere A^exed at her ob- stinacy, but Avere intimidated by the intensity of her keen eye, tlie firmness of her Aoice and the immobility of her countenance. On the next Sabbath she attended the usual public meeting in the neighborhood, and at the intermission began to address the peo})le in the o|)en air. She soon collected a croAvd, to Avhom she spoke Avith fluency and Avithout embarrassment. In persuasive lan- guage, enfoi-ced by A'ery graceful gestures, she talked of the depravity of sin and the beauty of holiness, and aston- 9 ISO HISTORY OF EAST GREENAVICH. islied all who heard her by her knowlege of the Scriptures and by familiarity Avith religious subjects. Her fine eyes and expressive countenance were lighted up Avith fervor, and her masculine hearers hardly knew which to admire most, the doctrine preached or the fair preacher. A retentive memory enabled her to repeat much that she had read, and a year previous had been spent witli her Bible and other religious books. She did not immediately offer herself to her hearers as their saviour, but never after- wards acknowledged the relationship of brothers and sisters, and addressed her father as Jeremiah. Her fame soon spread, and many persons called at her father's house to converse ui)on religious subjects. After a fcAV months she began to make periodical journeys, visiting Newport, Provi- dence, Seaconet, East Greenwich, North and South Kings- town, and also some places in Connecticut and Massachu- setts. It seemed to be her purpose to establish a new religion, and to become the head and founder of a sect whicli should avoid the beaten track of other denominations, and reject all the usual forms of church government. Dissenters and backsliders from other societies became her disciples, a few weak men, a still greater number of silly women and chil- dren. She managed, hoAvever, occasionally to entrap per- sons of intelligence and Avealth. Three or four meeting- houses Avere built for her use. One of them Avas in this toAvn, and Avas standing fifty years ago, on the FrenchtOAvn road, just south of the residence of Josej)h Fry, and oppo- site the farm of John Pitcher. It Avas a plain structure of modest dimensions, and Avas ahvays called the "Jemima meeting-house." After her pretended resurrection, Jemima always called herself the " Universal Friend," Avhich she said Avas " a ncAv name Avliich the mouth of the Lord had named." Her proselytes and folloAvers Avere ncA'er numerous, but Avhat Avas Avanting in numbers Avas made uj) in dcA^otion. Many of the accounts given of Jemima retlect rather severely upon her moral character, and though these as- persions may be unjust, it is evident that she Avas reck- less and defiant, ncAcr giA'ing up a selfish project, and en- tirely unscruj^ulous respecting the means employed to effect her purposes. While the British forces occupied NcAVport during the RcAolution she remained there for a time, and preached to the officers, avIio Avere pleased as Avell as amused. JEMnrA WILKINSON. 131 One of tliem, a major, pretended to l)e greatly enamored, and his devotions ai>pear to liave been acceptable to the fair jii-eacher, who was ready to sacrifice her religion npon the altar of love ; while the son of Mars professed himself willing to abandon tlie service of his sovereign, and enlist nnder tlie banner of a mistress in whose service tliere was more ease and less danger. But like fickle man tlie \\'orhl over, lie proved only a " gny deceiver." The fieet sailed away and with it licr soldier-lover. Jemima waited and watclied in vain for his return, and a few months after Avent into retirement, from whence she emerged to ])romulgate an edict prohibiting matrimony among her followers as un- lawful and an " abomination unto the Lord." Her own disa]»poiiitment had evidently engendered a resentment Avliich she was unable to conceal. Judge William Potter, of South Kingstown, was one of her most enthusiastic and devoted adherents in this State. He possessed a fine estate about a mile north of Kingston Hill, and built a large addition to his mansion for the ac- commodation of Jemima and her followers, who made it their headquarters for nearly six years. Here was the scene of some of her preteuded miracles. A daughter of the judge having died, she attempted to restore her to life. A great concourse of people assembled to witness the mira- cle, but the impious prayers of Jemima availed nothing, and she attributed her failure to the want of faitli among the spec- tators. Penelope, the wife of Judge Potter, did not share in her husband's infatuation, and the artful insinuations of Jemima that they Avere the chosen lanil)s of God were too transparent to convince her of their perfect innocence. Judge Potter was one of the agents for the removal of Jemima and her followers to the State of New York, Avliere he afterwards followed her, having become greatly enibar- rased in his affairs, in consequence of his devotion to this crafty adventuress. One of her proselytes in this neighborhood was George Spencer, a member of the Society of Friends, who owned a farm in Frenchtown, opposite tlie 'residence of the late Nicholas Fry. In consequence of liis faith, and to distin- guish him from others of the same name, he was always called "Jemima George." There was another Spencer in that day whose faith was wanting, and he used to say that he would as " soon Avorship a Wooden God, as a Woman God:' The dwellina:-house about one mile and a half west of the 132 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. village, now the residence of William L. Holden, was one of her usual stopping-places, and she sometimes held meet- ings there. According to Spencer Hall, who delighted to talk about Jemima, this place was the scene of the fulfill- ment of one of her remarkable prophecies. She was ad- dressing a large number of people, who were assembled there, when she stopped abruptly, and declared that there was one within the hearing of her voice Avho would never see the light of another day. The announcenient created great alarm and amazement among the audience. One said, " is it I ?" another, " is it I ? " and a third, " is it I ? " but she resimied and finished her discourse. The young women of the family who were going to accompany Jemima and her retinue the next day on her journey, were up very late that night, and passing the door of the room occupied by a colored man who livexl in the family, heard groans, as if some one was ill, and on entering his room found him dying. This wonderful premonition increased her fame greatly in some quarters. Sceptics said " poison." In establishing a new system of religion, Jemima bor- rowed its forms of worshi]) from the Friends. Her capri- cious mind could establish many rules, and if any one com- ])lained of her tyranny he was answered that "it was the will of the Universal Friend," and from this law there was no appeal. The following description of Jemima has been given by one who knew her Avell : " She was tailor than middle stature, fine form, fair com- plexion, Avith florid cheeks, dark and very brilliant eyes, and beautiful white teeth. Her hair, dark auburn, or black, was combed from the seam on the top of her head, and fell on her shoulders in three full ringlets. In her pub- lic addresses she w^ould rise up and stand perfectly still for a minute or more, then proceed with a slow^ and dis- tinct enunciation. She spoke with great ease, and with increasing fluency; her voice clear and harmonious, and manner persuasive and emphatic ; her dress rich in ma- terial, but plain in make, and in a style entirely her own ; a broad-brimmed white beaver hat with a low crown, and the sides, Avhen she rode, turned down and tied under the chin ; a full, light drab cloak or mantle, with a unique underdress, and cravat around her neck, with square ends that fell to her waist in front. On horseback her ap- pearance w^as imposing. On her religious peregrinations Jud^e Potter usuallv rode beside Jemima, and then her f ol- JEMIMA WILKINSOX. 133 lowers, two by two, on horseback, constituted a solemn and inijiressi ve procession ." After having ]>reached in Khode Island, with occasional visits to adjoining states, for seven or eiglit years, Jemima, with a few followers, made a journey toPennsylvania, and being favorably received by the 'honest Init credulous Germans of Worcester, about twenty miles from Philadel- phia, she made the latter place her headquarters for two or three years. After one of her visits to Rhode Island, a robbery of the general treasurer of the State of the sum of two thousand dollars Avas ingeniously effected, and as one of Jeinima's satelites had been staying in the family, suspicion pointed at Jemima. She was pursued to Pennsylvania and her trunks being seized and searched, there was found the sum of eight hundred dollars, a part of the stolen money. It was just after this that Jemima set on foot the project to remove herself and adherents to the new and fertile lands in the State of New York, where she had concluded the jnirchase of a large tract in Ontario County, near Crooked Lake. Tliis retreat called the " New Jerusalem," the " land of promise floAving with milk and honey," where the faithful could enjoy themselves without molestation by the scoffs, the sneers and ridicule of the " servants of the devil," as she termed the people of the world who had no faith in her mission. She removed there in the month of April, 1779, with her trusty cabinet, council, followers and baggage. Here she continued to reside until her death in 1819, at the age of sixty-eight years, and managed the affairs of her community with such shrewdness and skill that considerable property was accumulated. We have referred to her tyranny and the devotion of her followers. Both qualities were strikingly exemplified in her rules and penalties, and in the manner of their recep- tion by the faithful. A member of her society for attempt- ing to gratify what she regarded as impertinent curiosity, was sentenced to wear for three weeks, a small bell, sus- pended from his neck by a rope. One of her punishments for noisy and garrulous women was to order a " silent fast." A weak sister, who had been accustomed all her life to talk and laugh with impunity was constantly in the habit of breaking her fast, until Jemima finally ordered her mouth to be sealed up with wafers and linen rags. She was able to endure this but for a short time, and abruptly burst the 134 HTSTUEY OF EAST GEEENWICH. bands of her slavery with a loud laugh, declaring that Jemima must l)e a fool to think of stopping any Avoman from laughing and talking for three consecutive days. Her immediate followers were in the habit of assuming Scriptural titles. One was called the " Proi)het Elijah," and Sarah Richards — who was her prime minister — was called the " Prophet Daniel." They both did a good busi- ness for a time, in dreams and visions, in cooperation with Jemima, but the " Prophet Elijah " tried to set up for him- self, and was in the habit of receiving loving messages for some of the weak sisters, which Jemima thought he Avas too fond of delivering i)rivately. She therefore degraded him from his dignity as a prophet, and thrust him out of the society. One of the sisters was called "John, the be- loved," and another "Enoch of old." Her followers not only avoided calling her by name, but shunned the use of the possessive ]U'onoun, indicating sex, and spoke of "the Friend's house," the " Friend's carriage," whenever they in- dicated her property. About thirty families removed with Jemima to the new settlement near Crooked and Seneca Lakes. These w^ere increased by the final addition of twenty more, although she had expected three or four hundred, whose zeal proba- bly abated with the absence of their beloved prophetess. Three tracts of land, comjirising several thousand acres, liad been purchased, and Avere rather thinly settled by these deluded people, Avho thought that their chances of salvation depended upon their obedience to this deceit er. The Duke de Laincourt, a peer of France, paid a visit to Jemima, and attended her meeting, Avhich Avas held in her own house. " This " he says, " was extremely pretty and commodious, though built of the trunks of trees. Her room is exquisitely neat, resembling more the boudoir of a line lady than the cell of a nun. It contained a looking glass, a clock and an arm chair, a good bed, a Avarming-pan and a silver saucer. Her garden Avas kept in good order; her spring-house Avas full of milk, cheese and butter, meat and game. Six or seven girls of different ages, but all of them young and handsome, Avaited ui)on her Avith surpris- ing emulation to enjoy the peculiar satisfaction of being permitted to aj^proach this celestial (?) being. Her fields and her gardens are ploughed and dug by her friends, Avho neglect their OAvn business to care for hers ; and the ' All Friend ' is so condescending as not to refuse their JEMIMA AVILKINSON. 135 services. She knows liow to keep her votaries at a respecta- ble distance, and has tlie art of effectually captivating their affections." After inviting the duke to dine Avith her, she sat down to an excellent dinner with her female friends, and after they had dined a dinner was served for the guests who had l)een invited. Although Jemima possessed considerable tact and shrewd- ness, her miracles were ahvays failures, and a modern Spir- itualist would far excel her in the develojiment of the super- natural. She once circulated extensively the information that she would on a certain day walk on the water. A great crowd of ])eo])le assembled in Swansea, Massachusetts, to Avitness this wonderful phenomenon in nature, and waited as patiently as possible for the appearance of Jemima and her retinue. She finally came, and began addressing the people ui)on the important subject of faith, artfully ]»roving that it would be owing to their sinful doubts if she failed to perform Iier promise, citing the case of the a])()stle who walked on the water until the faith of himself and brethren had departed. At the conclusion of her address slie a])- proached the margin of the water, but it refused to u])hold her weight, when she turned indignantly to the multitude and rated them soundly for their Avant of faith. She attempted at different times to ])erform the miracle of raising the dead. On one of these occasions a favorite apostle had been ill for some days, and his death being an- nounced, Jemima informed the people that she should only suffer him to sleep four days in death, and then raise him again. There was an immense concourse to Avitness this solemn performance. When they arrived at the place of interment, Jemima commenced the ceremonies by a short discourse upon death and the resurrection, and assured them that as it Avas in the days of her prototype, so it was even noAV, and concluded by ])romising to ])erform such a miracle in their presence that day as Avould convince them of her divine mission. A military ofhcer happened to be present in full uniform, and just as Jemima Avas about to issue the magical command, he stepped forAvard, and draAV- ing his sword, said, " Stoj) a moment, just allow me to run my sword through the coffin so as to be sure the man is really dead," and suiting the action to the Avord, raised his arm, Avhen the cover Avas quickly throAvn from the coffin, and its ghostly tenant lied in hot haste, to the astonishment of some, and the great amusement of others. The declar- her Aeaet - _ zit- '^-VL LJi£ ■•'•^;»nrter - ~ ' -sHHeii- S%i& emtimrei. due stdr z-zTTss ^ Iks* fise^. ~ - j'^poBBHs i<:<«nirDde;, :^kl merer I m^st siiin dcf&j .1 ksre yomj' a^i : iB^ iMMJiM g. If ^^ ionre %«» a ^tar- ZiZ lalfeid ia smnr . '« sake, ^e nient of lier genius. Could the expiring em- Lers of religious hatred h;ive been fanned into flame in tlie closing years of the last century? The air of Rhode Island has always proved unfavorable to spiritual pretension. This remains a truth in spite of the many sects who found a home here in colonial days. In tliis garden of the Lord, seed might be freely scattered, and not only by priestly hands. Tlie fathers of the Colony made no election be- tween the wheat and the tares. Xo spiritual plants were forced into unnatural vigor by the heat of persecution. None were stimulated l)y tlie nurture of patronage. In the l^rocess of natural selection, all sects were left to their in- evitable course of rise, maturity and decline. To-day we may lookback on the undisturbed growth of such forms of belief as took deepest root in our territory. Brief as is the history of Rhode Island, it is the oldest of records, permitting us to study the free development of religious instinct. Only for the two short centuries that have passed since the signing of our charter, the Magna Charta of religious freedom, has the state left man abso- lutely free to follow the dictates of his conscience. The hardy settlers of Rhode Island were the only really fearless men of their time. The colony that was founded by a banished man quietly received the banished Ann Hutchin- son and her followers, and the sjuritual infection of her "heresies" proved strangely harmless in an atmosphere of tolerance. Samuel Gorton, the Professor of the Mysteries of Christ, was the Savenarola of New England, of whom his last disciple living in 1771, at the age of eighty, said, " his master wrote in Heaven, and that none can under- stand his writings but those who live in Heaven while on earth." His tenets, so dreaded by the rulers of a neighbor- ing commonwealth, were here allowed full ex]>ression, and Gorton became a valued member of the Colony. There was indeed much of the wisdom of the serpent, as w^ell as the innocence of the dove, in the statesmansliip of Roger Williams. A man of the world, Avho should be unable to comiu'ehend the Christian charity of his motives, would yet admire the worldly wisdom of his acts. New England is not devoid of monuments of superstition. The readers of Colonel Higginson remember that abode which he describes as built on the hill near Worcester, where a solitary devotee had fixed his place of worship. The houses built for the use of the inspired woman of Cum- JKMI^rA WTLKTXSOX. IBO berland are of older date ; but the tumults of the cauij)- meetiug- and the "ascension-day" of the Millerites, call at- tention to the elements of fanatical zeal and credulity still lingering among us. Were Jemima Wilkinson living in our day we should doubtless hear of her as a successful "s])irit-medium." Yet how distant seems the time when claims such as hers, or such as advanced by Ann Lee, or still later, by Joanna Southcote, were heard and received. How great a change has been effected in the popular habits of thought by the agencies of the free press and the com- mon school. A great revolution is silently going on, of which we can only foretell that it will, in the end, promote the interests of the race, and remove forever the last rem- nant of religious superstition and fanaticism. CHAPTER VII RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.— THE EPISCOPALIANS. There was an Episcopal Church in tlie vicinity of East Greenwich, Avhere many of our villagers worshiped, as long ago as 1728. It was on a lot at Coweset, near the railroad station. The ground on which it stood is now owned by Mr. Jonathan Pearce. The lot Avas conveyed by the Rev. George Pigot " to the Society in London for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," for " erecting a church according to the establishment of churches by law in En- gland." When the congregation of Trinity Cliurch, in Newport, built their new church in 1726, "they gave their old church to the people of WarAvick wlio had no church of their own." It was taken down and carried on sloops to Coweset, (the Indian name of that part of Warwick,) where it was rebuilt. It Avas tAvo stories in height, Avith a steeple or spire fronting the post-road. After remaining unoccupied a long time in a ruined state, it was taken down a second time, about the year 1764, and removed to Old WarAvick. Before the materials could be removed from the shore a violent storm arose, during Avhicli they Avere scattered and lost. A number of graves, probably of individuals connected with the church, are still to be seen upon the lot. The Rev. George Pigot resided in Warwick a number of years, and owned a large tract of land near East Greenwich. He probably furnished the means of erecting the church. The Rev. Dr. McSparran, Mr. Fayerweather and others offi- ciated once in a month. It appears that the church Avas never in a very llourisliing condition, as Dr. McSparran says in his diary, " Ei)iscopacy never seemed to succeed in RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 141 the north \mrt of the State, as the Quakers and otlier her- etics are the dominant class." The ])arish of St. Luke's, East Greenwicli, was organized " according to the doctrine and disci])line of the Protestant Episcopal Church in tlie State of Ivhode Island," on the tenth day of August, A. D. 1833, at a meeting of sundry of the citizens at the Kent Academy, the Rev. Sylvester Nash, being chairman, and John P. Roberts, secretary. Charles Eldridge and Jose]di J. Tillinghast were chosen Avardens; Daniel Greene, Howland Greene, Wicks Hill, Silas Weaver, Kingsly Bullock, John G. Ladd, Emery Fiske, Wanton Casey and W^illiam G. Spencer, vestrymen. Augustus Greene was chosen treasurer, and John P. Roberts was chosen secretary. Services had been held in tlie upper hall of the academy for some weeks previous, and they were continued there regularly until the consecration of the new church, in April of the following year. The act of incorporation was |>assed at the January session of the Assembly in 1834. This charter gives power to assess the ])ews for necessary repairs, and for in- surance on the building, but for no other purpose. This ju-ovision or iccoit of provision, has led to much embarrass- ment in the support of the services, the contributions for this purpose being entirely voluntary. On the twenty-seventh of August the same year, it was voted, ^ " That Daniel Greene "and John P. Roberts be authorized to take proper measures to procure a lot for the purpose of erecting a house of Public Worshiji, and to take a deed in trust for this Society." It was also voted " that John P. Roberts, Kingsly Bullock and Daniel Greene be a committee to erect an Episcopal Churcli, on the lot which may be procured for that purpose." Also voted, " That the wardens and vestry be a committee to solicit donations to carry the same resolution into effect." Early in the year 1833, some time before the first named meeting, the old meeting-house belonging to the Catholic Cono-regational Society had been taken down Avith the in- tention of building a more commodious house upon the same lot. But in consequence of some difficulty or dissen- sion the plan was interrupted, and the lot with the materials of the old structure were sold to the new organization. The building committee set about their work with earnest- ness, and the new church was finished and ready for conse- 142 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. cratioii on the thirteenth of April, 1834. For this satisfac- tory result we are indebted very much to the diligent labor and lil)eral contributions of our late townsman, John P. Roberts. The Rev. Sylvester Nash was tlie first rector. His term of service began with the organization of the parish and continued until the spring of 1840. Before leaving he raised by solicitation from abroad, a sufficient sum to pay off the ind elatedness of the corporation, and thus cleared the property from incumbrance. Mr. Nash was an earnest worker in the church, had many firm friends here, and re- tained a warm interest in the affairs of the ])arish as long as he lived. His death took place in Wisconsin, in 1863. The Rev. William H. Moore was called to the rectorship in May, 1840. He first officiated on the second Sunday in July. After a residence here of a little more .than a year he resigned the charge. He now holds a prominent posi- tion in the Diocese of Long Island. In December, 1840, the Rev. Silas A. Crane made an en- gagement to supply the church for the winter, not contem- plating a ]>ermanent settlement, but remained from that time until his death, on the I'itli of July, 1872. Thus for more than thirty years he dwelt among us as a much loved and faithful minister. " The death of Dr. Crane leaves a broken link in our community that causes universal sympathy and regret. A good man has fallen. Dr. Crane was emphatically a man of good words and good works. For more than thirty years he was the highly esteemed rector of St. Luke's Par- ish, and very few rectors have left a better record. As a public Christian man he discharged his duties faithfully, always doing his work strictly in accordance Avitli a tender conscience and with the Wo7'd. As a neighbor and friend, Ave esteemed him as one of our choicest, and this was the general feeling of our community toward him. He died as he lived, strong in the faith, and ready to depart and be with Christ. He adopted and received strong consolation from St. Paul's words, ' To live is Christ and to die is gain.' He has gained the victory over death, gained a bright, immortal crown of glory, to be his forever. '^ The funeral service was read in St. Luke's Church, Thurs- day evening, at 5 o'clock. The Church was draped in mourning, and over the chancel there appeared in bright letters, ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.' RELKiTOUS SOCIETIES. 143 BLsho]) Clarke accompanied the services with some brief and e\C('eon his OAvn efforts and the effoi'ts 146 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. of this parish, then comparatively feeble ; and that his salary be now increased to five hundred dollars. " David Pinniger, Chairman. "James H. Eldridge, Secretary." " To David Pmniger^ Chairinan of the meeting of the JVarde?is, Vestry, and other members of ^St. Luke''s Parish, East Greenwich, held Ajyril 12^A, 1853 : " Dear Sir : — Permit me, through you, to make known to that meeting the very great pleasure which their letter afforded me. The terms in which they Avere pleased to ex- press their api)robation of my services as rector of the parish, are exceedingly gratifying, being all and more than all which I could conceive myself entitled to expect, and wdll ever be cherished by me as a rich reward for the efforts which I have felt it my duty to make. " The addition to my salary, made, too, without solicita- tion, is also ti'uly Avelcome, both as a timely help and en- couragement in my exertions to meet the wants of my family, and as an evidence of the earnestness and sincei-ity, of the esteem and approbation exju*essed in the resolutions of the meeting. It only remains for me to endeavor, by increased efforts, more justly to deserve the kindness and confidence so generously shown me. May God, who has given the Parish the disposition, give them also the ability to do more in his service, by enlarging their ])rosperity as individuals and their prosperity as a Cluirch. May he build us up together in the unity of the spirit, that our hearts may be filled with the hopes of the Gospel here and its eternal rewards hereafter. " Your faithful friend and Pastor, " S. A. Craxe, D. D." For some time after Dr. Crane's decease there was no settled rector. The Pev. William S. Cliild, of Newport, officiated in the autumn of 1872, until the communication by way of Wickford was interrupted. The IJev. Jose])h M. Turner, of Philadelphia, had the charge for a time, and then left to fill a previous engagement, under Bishop Tuttle, in Utah. The Rev. George P. Allen has had charge from 1874 to the present time. In 1875 the old church was removed, and an elegant stone structure erected on its site. The Society now holds its services in the Court House, as is usual here with all denominations deprived of a church edifice. CHAPTER VIIL RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES— SIX PRINCIPLE BAP- TISTS, The early history of this denomination in this country is involved in obscurity, as the hrst records of the oldest churches are no longer in existence. There existed a body of this order in the Town of East Greenwich as early as the year 1700, but the first account which we can glean of them begins with the year 1743, Avhen Daniel Fiske was their pastor, and the number of their members was fifty-three. Somewhere about the year 1700 this old Society built a meeting-house on the hill in the northeast part of the vil- lage, near the present railroad line. It was a plain struc- ture, two stories in height, the dimensions about thirty by forty feet, fronting to the south, on a short street un- named. It contained a row of square pews on the west side of the house, a double row of plain seats in the centre, occu})ied by the members, and a row of short seats along the east side, where the people who were not members Avere usually seated. The square pews on the west side of the meeting-house were owned by those people, with their descendants, who had contributed most towards the erec- tion of the meeting-house. In the double row of seats in the centre of the house, the men occupied one roAV and the Avomen the other, in the manner of the Quakers, from whom they probably copied the custom. The building was destitute of a steeple, Avas never painted, inside or out, and it gradually Avent to decay. It Avas so much injured by the great gale of 1815 as to bo unfit for further use, and in the year 1825, during a high Avind, it fell into a heaj^ of ruins. The site is still called " Meeting-House Hill," 148 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. Daniel Fiske died in 1753, when John Gorton was called to the pastoral office, and was ordained the same year. He continued to sustain this relation to the church until his decease in 179l2. After his death, Thomas Manchester met with them, and administered the ordinances of the Gosj^el among them, as late as the year 1834. After the society abandoned the old meeting-house, Elder Manchester (as he was called) held services monthly in the Court House, and was remarkable for the length of his sermons, and for his power of endurance, as he would sometimes preach from two o'clock in the afternoon until sunset. In the year 1827, after having passed through a variety of changes, and received between two and three hundred persons into fellowship, the Society was reduced to the original number of fifty-three. From 1834 to 1844, Elder Thomas Tillinghast officiated monthly, but for a number of years past there have been no regular services. After the year 1834, they worshij^ed in the school-house which stood near the junction of Duke and King streets. They had contributed to its erection on con- dition that they should be permitted to occupy it. The church, at the last yearly conference, numbered only fifteen members. CHAPTER IX. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.— METHODIST EPISCO- PAL CHURCH. DuRi^^G the year 1831 the Society of Methodists erected their lioiise of worship on the corner of Main and Queen streets. Previous to this time they hekl their services in the Court House, that asyhnn for all societies who have no church of their own. For a long time they struggled hard for existence, but are now in a flourishing state. In 1846 they built a handsome and convenient parsonage in the rear of their church. During the year 1850 they found their church was too small to accommodate all who wished to attend the services, and that an enlargement Avas abso- lutely necessary. The building w^as therefore sawed into two parts, the east end moved off, and a portion inserted large enough to contain twenty-four additional pews. An excellent organ, (for the time), the gift of the Power Street Church, Providence, was placed in the organ loft. That organ was afterwards removed to the vestry, and another magnificent instrument was procured, purchased by the financial efforts of Dr. Eben Tourjee, now Director of the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. Dr. Tourjee, was formerly a resident of East Greenwich, and for a long time the efticient Superintendent of the Sunday School in this church. The first Methodist sermon preached in Rhode Island was in Charlestown, by the Rev. Jesse Lee, then on a mis- sionary tour from New York to Boston, and was delivered on the third of September, 1789. East Greenwich first appears in the list of appointments in 1792. Up to 1807 it formed a part of the circuit con- 150 HISTORY OF EAST GREElSrWlCli. nected with Warren, Warwick and Providence at different times. ^ Since 1807 the following persons have been the succes- sive pastors at East Greenwich : 1807. Pliny Brett. 1808-9, Theophilus Smith. 1810. A. Stebbiiis. 1811. Elisha Streeter. 1812. Warren Bannister. 1813. Daniel Went worth. 1814. Joel Steele. 1815. Edward Hyde. 1810. Elisha Streeter. 1817. Daniel Dorchester. 1818. Jason Walker. 1819. Isaac Stoddard, Solomon Sias and Benjamin Sab in. 1820. Hezekiah Thatcher. 1821. P'rancis Dane. 1822. Lewis Bates. 1823. Elislia Frink and Caleb Rogers. 1824. Elisha Frink and Ephraim K. Avery. 1825. B. Hazleton and M. Wilbor. 1826. B. Hazleton and O. Bobbins. 1827-8. Francis Dane. 1829. Amasa Taylor and John D. Baldwin. 1830. Amasa Taylor. 1831. Charles Vir.oiu. 1832. Robert Gould and Jonathan Cady. 1833. Robert Gould and Hiram Cumraings. 1834-5. James Porter. 183G-7. Nathan Paine. 1338. B. K. Bannister. 1839. Francis Dane. 1840. Joseph McReading. 1841. Benjamin F. TefL 1842. George F. Poole. 184;i-5. Samuel C. Brown. 184(5. L. W. Blood. 1847-8. H. W. Houghton. 1849. J. M. Worcester. 1850-1. Richard Livsey. 1852-3. William Cone. 1854-5. N. Bemis. 185(). W. H. Stetson. 1857. William Livsey, 1858-9. R. Donkersley. 1860. Sanniel W. Coggeshall James A. Dean. James A. Dean. C. S. Sandford. A. P. Aikin. E. S. Stanley. A. A. Wright and J. T. Benton. J. T. Benton. S. A. Winsor. 1SG9-72. J. F. Sheffield. 1873. James Mather. Wheeler. Wrigbt. J. O. Benton, and 1861. 1862. 1863-4 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1874. 1875. 1876. who is the present rector, The "church music" at the Methodist Church here is now prohably the best in the State. Professor Hastings, who stands at the head of his profession as a music teaclier, for the past two years has been occupied in training a choir and chorus class, whicli is now able to execute some of the most difficult music. The singing gallery had become so crowded, that last year the Board of Trustees concluded to enlage the church by building an annex on the east end of the building in the rear of the clergyman's desk, to be occu- pied by the organ and choir. CHAPTER X. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.—THE FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH. The principles and practices of the Freewill Baptist Church were known to the people of this town, and had been embraced by some of them, many years before the foundation of the Baptist Church in this village. This is evident from the fact that meetings were occasionally held in the Court House and in school-houses, under the direc- tion of Messrs. Curtis, Niles and other Baptist preachers, as the result of which quite a number embraced Baptist princii)les, and were baptized in our branch of the Narra- gansett Bay, by the Rev. Dr. Gano, of Providence. The history of the church as an organized body dates from the year 1839. On the 30th of January of that year, an ecclesiastical council met at the house of the Rev. Thomas Tew to take into consideration the propriety of forming a Baptist Church in this village. Delegates were present from two churches in Providence, and from the churches in Westerly, Richmond, Pawtucket, Arkwright Fiskeville, Warwick and East Greenwich. The council was organized by the choice of the Rev. John Dowling, D. D., as Moderator, and the Rev. E. K. Fuller, as Clerk. Seventeen members of regular Baptist churches presented their letters to the council, together with the articles of faith and covenant adoj^ted by them, and were duly recog- nized and constituted as an independent church. The pub- lic services of recomiition were held in the Methodist meet- ing-house, which was kindly offered for the purpose by the members of that Society. Rev. A. G. Palmer offered the opening jjrayer. Rev. Jolin Dowling preached the sermon ; 152 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. B. C. Grafton gave the prayer of recognition ; B. Johnson the charge to the church, and J. W. Allen offered the con- cluding prayer. In a few weeks after its formation, the church received an interesting and encouraging letter from Mrs. Pardon Miller, of the First Providence Church, accompanied Avith a communion service which she presented to the infant body as a token of her interest in its welfare. The meetings of the church, for a number of years, were held in a school-house, or in the Court House, and the ser- vices were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Tew and other ministers, until November, 1845, when the Rev. O. C. Wheeler was called to the pastorate. A council consisting of delegates from fifteen churches assembled on the 12th of November, examined and ordained him. Deacon James Tilley was at the same time set apart to his office by " the laying on of hands." During Mr. Wheeler's ministry, in April, 184G, the church a])pointed a committee of six to inquire into the expediency of taking immediate measures for the erection of a house of worship. Tliat committee subsequently reported in favor of building a house, and recommended the appointment of another committee to present a })lan, procure a site, and re- port on the i)robable expense. Such a committee was ap- })ointed, and, in accordance with their recommendation the church voted, on the 25th of April, to build a house forty by fifty feet, at an expense of not less than |3,000, including the site. The pastor was appointed agent to solicit funds for the object, and Messrs. A. Wall and W. J. Shel- don were appointed a building committee. The house was built and dedicated in January, 1847, the Rev. T. E. Jameson, of Providence, preaching the sermon. The pews were rented in the afternoon of the day of dedi- cation. The first committee recommended the free-seat system, and the church adoi)ted their recommendation, but subse- quently rescinded the motion. In (Jctober, 1846, the church appointed a committee to procure a charter from the General Assem]>ly. Accordingly an act Avas drawn up, and a Society incorj)orated, under tlie name of the " First Baptist Society of East Greenwich." Messrs. Wm. J. Sheldon, James Tilley, Albert G. Little- field, John II. ];aker, Ashbel Wall, O. C. Wheeler, John D. Higgins, William Bodfish, Bowen Vaughn and William RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 153 Hoklen, were appointed to represent the Society in the charter. Mr. Wheeler continued in the pastoral office until No- vember, 1847, when he resigned. In February of the fol- lowing year the church extended an invitation to the Rev. B. F. Hedden to become its pastor, Avliich invitation he ac- cepted, laboring with so much success that the little church nearly doubled in numbers under his ministry, which terminated in July, 1851. Their house of worship was en- larged during Mr. Hedden's pastorate by the addition of twenty-four pews. The belfry was erected, a bell of line tone was placed in it, and Mr. Jabez Gorham, of Provi- dence, presented a clock for the interior. Mr. Hedden was followed in the pastoral office by the Rev. F. A. Archibald, he being unanimously elected pastor in November, 1851. He was a remarkably eloquent and talented preacher, and labored with the church until Aprils 1853, when he tend^i-ed his resignation. The Rev. E. Warren was the next pastor, acting in that capacity only one year, from October, 1853, to October, 1854. From December, 1854, to May, 1855, the Rev. Mr. Gilbert supplied the pulpit, when he was released from his engagement, and the Rev. S. G. Smith was invited to sup- ply the place for four months, at the end of which time the church called him to ordination. A council was convened September 6th, 1855, of which the Rev. J. C. Welch was moderator, and the Rev. C. Rhodes, clerk. The sermon was preached by the Rev. W. C. Richards ; the ordaining prayer made by the Rev. J. Welch; the hand of fellowship given by the Rev. W. Randolph ; the address to the church was delivered by the Rev. J. F. Baker, and the concluding prayer made by the Rev. N. F. Allen. Mr. Smith filled the pastoral relation about five years, his letter of resignation being read March 3d, 1860. During his ministry a season of spiritual refresh- ing was enjoyed, and a goodly number was added to the church. The meeting-house w^as frescoed, carpeted, and much improved in other respects. In October, 1860, J. E. Wood, of Groton Centre, Con- necticut, was called to the pastorate, but served in that capacity only a few months. The next pastor was the Rev. George Howell. He had been ordained in Nantucket, and came to this church on trial for three months, commencing 10 154 HISTOET OF EAST GEEEXWICH. June 1st, 1861. At the expiration of that time he was called as pastor, and was recognized as such by a council held on the 12th of November, of which the Rev. S. Adlam was moderator, and the Rev. William P'itts, clerk. The Rev. Henry Jackson, D. D., preached on the occasion. In the evening of the same day Mr. Bowen Vaughn was or- dained deacon, the Rev. William Fitts preaching an ap- propriate sermon. While Mr. Howell was pastor the War- ren Association, having become very large, was divided and a new association formed, called the Narragansett As- sociation, and the church in East Greenwich (intiuenced greatly by Dr. Jackson) became one of its constituent mem- bers, the vote to that effect being dated June 16th, 1861. On the 28th of May, 1862, Mr. Howell sent in his resig- nation, which was accepted. Rev. I. Cheseborough was the next pastor, commencing his official work on the first Sab- bath in November, 1862, and continuing in the faithful dis- charge of it until January, 1866, when he retired from the field. He was followed by the Rev. C. W. Ray, who was called to the i^astoral care of the church in March, 1866, and at his request was dismissed in February, 1868. In the last year of Mr. Ray's ministry an excellent organ was placed in the church through the enter|)rise of the women of the Society. The present paster. Rev. Gilbert Robbins, was unan- imously invited to the position he occupies, in October, 1868, and has continued up to this time, 1877. CHAPTER XI RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.— MARLBORO STREET CHAPEL. The ]V[arlboro Street Chaj^el was erected in 1872, at the sole expense of William N, Sherman, Esq. The dimensions are twenty-eight by fifty feet, and the edifice was built of the best materials the market afforded, high between joints, beautifully arched, and will seat about three hundred per- sons, and cost about $5,000. There are no pews, but settees enough to seat all who choose to attend, and the room is often crowded to its utmost caj^acity. It contains a pipe and a reed organ. The desk has been regularly supplied by various ministers of evangelical denominations, and the Sunday School and Library are supported almost entirely at the expense of Mr. Sherman. The sittings are free. Many persons in this village are unable to purchase a pew or hire a seat in any of the churches here, but at the Friends' Meeting-House or at the Marlboro Street Chapel, they can worship whenever they choose, free of expense. The opening notice at the dedication, closed with " whosoever will, may come." The mission has been successful. Introductory services were held in the chapel at its opening, November 10th, 1872. A church, which is an Independent Baptist, of liberal communion, was formed June 13th, 1874, consisting of more than sixty members. In the belfry at the north end of the building, hangs the finest toned bell in the village, the sound of which can be heard more distinctly than the others, on account of its clearness and sweetness. There are two other churches in East Greenwich, but as I have been unable to obtain any particulars in reference to 156 HISTORY OF EAST GREEXWICH. them, (even dates), I will only mention their names and locations : About twenty-five years ago the Roman Catholic denom- ination built a small chapel on Main street, at the south end of the village, and afterwards erected the present handsome church edifice on the same site. The name of the church is, " Our Lady of Mercy." In 1874 a Swedish church (Lutheran) was erected on Spring street, near the public school-house, where the ser- vices are conducted in the Swedish lans-uao-e. At ttie western part of the town, at a place called French- town, a small church edifice was erected more than fifty years since, called " the Seminary." I have not been able to obtain any information concerning it other than that it is a Baptist church. CHAPTER XII PHYSICIANS. This interesting history of the deceased physicians of East Greenwich, who have practiced here from its earliest settlement to the year 1888, was written by Dr. James H. Eldridge. The paper was found to be so full and exhaust- ive, that it is used entire. From the settlement of the town to the year 1700, there is nothing in the records to show that any practitioner of medicine resided here or in the vicinity. The intimate business relations and frequent intercourse with Newport, made it convenient to procure assistance from that town in pressing emergencies of sickness or injury ; while the more ordinary minor maladies were managed by loomen of ex- perience and good judgment. A scrap from the records will show how difficult and delicate affairs were disposed of by the authorities in those days. "At a Town Council called and held at the house of Susannah Spencer, widow, February 24th, 1684, after hear- ing complaint and taking the testimony, the Council see cause to empanel a jury of twelve women of the neigh- borhood. Thereupon eleven of them appeared. The names of the women who appeared are as follows : Hannah Ben- nett, widow, Hannah Long, Sarah Knight, widow, Elizabeth Heath, Elizabeth Pearce, Elsa Wood, Catherine Weaver, Nancy Nichols, Mandy Snell, and Anna Knight. Beino; eno-ao-ed accordino- to law, and receiving their charge, the women did immediately withdraw, and withm an hour's time return accordingly, having fully agreed upon a verdict." This shows how these wise women were relied upon to decide difficult affairs which would have been referred to a 158 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. pliysician, if there had been one in the village, or in the vicinity. It is sufficient proof that up to this date, there was no professed medical practitioner in the town. Thomas S])encer, son of John and Susannah S]^encer, born on the '2'2d day of July, 1679, was the first English child born in East Greenwich. He was also the first i)hy- sician who practiced here. As he was a seventh son, he may have been indebted to this fact for his title, as it was the custom of his time to attribute wonderful pOAvers to the seventh son in the healing art, and to call him doctor. However this may have been, he Avas CAddently a man of respectable attainments, as the records of the town abundantly shoAv. He Avas toAA'n clerk for thirty-nine years, from 1713 to 1752 ; scA^eral times deputy to the General Assembly, a magistrate and large proprietor, a member of the Society of Friends, and for some years be- fore his death a recognized minister of that respectable body of Christians. Dr. Spencer built the house in Avhich he resided on the hill near the bluff, the southern termination of that beauti- ful ridge Avhich extends from the Drum-Rock near Ap- j)onaug, to this i)oint. The house has been removed within the last fifteen years, and is noAv re])laced by one of modern construction, OAvned by Mr. Henry P. Eldridge. The old house Avas more recently known as the Benjamin HoAvland place, and before that as the Thomas Aldrich house. Dr. Spencer's house was a generous mansion of the olden time, Avith its huge stone chimney and hip})ed roof, small AvindoAvs — some- of them Avith diamond-sha])ed panes — set in leaden sash ; one great room, Avith the guest chamber OA^er it, of the same liberal dimensions, to be used on occasions of festiA'ity and hospitality, for Avhich it Avas always noted. Dr. Spencer's reputation as a physician does not appear to haA^e been confined to this immediate neighborhood, but reached other tOAvns. Thomas Aldrich came from Smithfield to reside in his (Dr. Spencer's) family as a student of medicine, and re- mained there, marrying his only daughter, and succeeding him in the possession of his estate and reputation as a man of note, and as a member of the Society of Friends, al- though it does not ap])ear that he ever practiced medicine. Perhaps his Avife inherited jn-operty sufficient to saA^e him from the laborious life of a country physician. Lucky man, and how much he is to be enA'ied I PHYSICIANS. 159 At a town meeting held for the choice of officers early in April, 1752, Giles Pearce was chosen clerk for the day': *'In ye room of Thomas Spencer of his impaired action and nonability of body, he not being able to ])erform ye duties of ye same." A few days later a meeting was called to choose a clerk in place of Thomas Spencer, deceased. A manifestation of respect and tender regard not often shown for our most honored public officials in these days. Dr. Spencer nearly com|)leted his seventy-fifth year. He was buried in the Old Friends' Meeting-House yard, near Payne's Mill, but there is no stone with an inscription to mark the precise s])ot. He was twice married, his first wife dying in 1742, and his second one in 1747. By his first wife he had two children, a son who died in early life, and a daughter who married Thomas Aldrich. Mrs. Aldrich left no children. In the year 1742, Doctor Duty Jerauld, came from Med- field, in Massachusetts, to settle in East Greenwich as a physician. His parents were French Huguenot refugees. But the doctor was born in this country, a fact he often mentioned with pride, that he was a native American, and probably might be President of the United States. His father was a physician, and it is probable that the son re- ceived his medical instruction from him. He was about thirty years of ao-e Avhen he came here, and soon after his settlement he married the daughter of Edward Gorton, of Warwick, near Gorton's Pond. When he first came to East Greenwich he resided at the corner of Duke and Queen streets, in a house formerly known as the Goddard house, but more recently as the Richard Edward's house. The house has been torn down since and a new one built on its site. After remaining here some twenty years, he removed to a small farm on the Ap])onaug road, jjrobably for the con- venience of his practice, it being situated midway between the villages of Apponaug and East Greenwich. The house is now standing, having been altered and used for a time as the asylum for the poor of the town of Warwick. Dr. Jerauld had a family of five sons and four daughters. His eldest son, Gorton Jerauld, was a physician, and at one time had a hosj^ital for the inoculation and treatment of small-pox, in the western portion of the Town of Warwick. He afterwards removed from the State, and died at the West. James Jerauld, another son, was for many years 160 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. town clerk of Warwick. One of his daughters married Samuel Pearce, of Prudence Island, and was the mother of the late celebrated Hon. Dutee Jerauld Pearce. Thirty years ago the name of Dr. Jerauld was often heard. His memory was very dear to many of the old peo])le in this part of the State. He was unusually kind and gentle in his manners, and especially so in his intercourse with the sick. He always wore the plain garb of the Friends, and in his latter years connected himself informally with that sect, probably by couA-incement. There are a few persons even now who remember him as a very old man, riding in a gig, or dismantled chaise, calling at the houses of his friends and patients, giving them greet- ings and advice without leaving his carriage, which lame- ness prevented, and receiving from them such refreshments as it was customary at that time to offer, and which his age and many infirmities required. His skillful treatment and kind care of the sick is not yet forgotten, and many of his prescriptions and wise hygenic injunctions, have been handed down to the present day. Dr. Jerauld was of short stature, rather stout in form and of a dark complexion. His countenance was marked by bright black eyes, of pe- culiarly pleasant expression, which is plainly to be seen now in his descendants of the fifth generation. When about eighty years old he was thrown from his carriage and received a severe injury from which he never recovered, but ever afterwards walked with difticulty and with the aid of a crutch. He died in July, 1813, in the ninety-first year of his age. Joseph Joslyn, an accomplished physician from Scotland, came to East Greenwich in 1770, having been induced to settle here through the infiuence of Governor Greene and other gentlemen of the neighborhood. He was esteemed not only as a skillful i)hysician but as an accomplished gentleman, and a great acquisition to the social circle. Soon after he came here he married the widow of Archibald Campbell, and lived in the house she owned on the west side of Main street, the third house north from the Court House and now owned by Mr. Duty J. Babcock. Dr. Joslyn devoted himself especially to the treatment of small-pox, and had a hospital here and elsewhere, to which great num- bers came from remote parts of the neighboring country to be inoculated and pass through the disease under his care. The old rambling gambrel-roofed house known as the Fry PHYSICIANS. 161 place was used for one of these hospitals. The house was ■ burned within the last three or four j^ears, and a more modern structure has replaced it, owned by our j^ostmaster, Christopher Shippee, Esq. Dr. Joslyn gave himself up to habits of intemperance and died at the early age of forty-four, in the year 1780, and was buried in the cemetery on what is called the Old Baptist Hill. Our late, much honored townsman, Joseph J. Tilling- hast, was named, as he told me, for Dr. Joslyn. At tlie close of the war in 1782, Dr. Peter Turner estab- lished himself here as a physician and surgeon. Dr. Turner was the son of William Turner, of Newark, New Jersey, and grandson of Captain William Turner, of Newport, Rhode Island. He was born September 2d-, 1751, and married in 1776, Martha, daughter of Cromwell Childs, in Warren, Rhode Island, and died in East Greenwich in the month of February, 1822. His father died when he was very young and left him in the care of Dr. Canfield, his half-, brother, with whom he studied medicine. At the com- mencement of the Revolutionary War he joined the army, and was attached to one of the Rhode Island regiments, commanded by Colonel Greene, as the surgeon, and served until the close of the war. He was inclined to settle in this town because he had formed many acquaintances and strong friendships for many persons from here while in the army, and also from the fact that General Varnum, who was his brother-in-law, resided here at that time. Dr. Turner was the first medical man in this part of the State who had any experience in surgery, and coming so recently from the army as he did, the good people of the country around felt no little api)rehension in placing themselves under the care of one who might, before they were aware of it, take off an arm or a leg, without so much as saying by your leave. This fear, however, soon wore off, and he found himself engaged in an extensive practice, ex- tending ten miles or more in every direction. He was a skillful surgeon, a bold and successful oi>erater, and much preferred this branch of his profession. He was, as stated, the surgeon of Colonel Greene's regiment, and his services and kind care, were gratefully remembered by the old sol- diers, as long as they lived. Captain Jonatlian Andros, who was in the battle of Red Bank, while relating the particulars of that memorable action, and it was always his pleasure to do it, ever spoke 16'2 HISTORY OF EAST GEEENWICH. of the tender care of the wounded shown by Dr. Turner, in contrast to the harsh treatment of the Hessian surgeon whom it would have been his pleasure to have shot dead on the spot, if he could only had the word of command to war- rant it. In this battle Count Don op was mortally wounded and left on the field. Dr. Turner attended and ministered to him in his last moments, securing his spurs and sword, the only substantial gifts he could bestow. These relics are still preserved and cherished in the family as of great value. His manner was at times severe, and when occasion seemed to require it, he could use strong language — a habit which he had probably acquired in early life in the army. " They swore terribly in Flanders," as Uncle Toby said, and this is not unusual in armies elsewhere, A habit of this kind, once contracted, is not easily controlled. If at times, in his inter- course with the people of a town like this he manifested this harsh temper, it was abundantly shown that he i30S- sessed tender feelings and refined and cultivated tastes. His house, on the corner of Court House lane and Pearce street, was in his time an attractive feature of the village. The front door, with its porcli shaded by a grape vine planted there over one hundred years ago, is still living and bearing fruit ; the curiously paved yard on the west side of the house, with the specimens of minerals and antiquities collected in the neighborhood ; the garden on the east filled with rare flowers and choice fruit, the low fence on the lane allowing every one passing to have the full enjoyment of all this beauty and not reserving it for himself alone. The first syringa, the first white lilac, and the first crown imperial ever seen in East Greenwich were in Dr. Turner's famous garden. This love of flowers was characteristic of every member of Dr. Turner's family, and has descended and remained with them to this day. Dr. Turner was one of the founders of the Social Library, a valuable collection of English literature, (stand- ard works), preserved with care and much read by the then young people, more than half a century ago. Dr. Turner had at different times many students — the late Dr. William Turner, of Newport, who was his nephew and his son-in-law ; the late Dr. Tibbitts, of Apponaug ; Dr. Thomas Tillinghast, who resided in the southwest part of the town, that is now called Frenchtown ; Dr. King, who was a nephew of his, and who lived and died in Exeter, and also his sons Daniel, who removed to St. Mary's, Georgia, PHYSICIAXS. 163 and died of yellow fever ; Henry, who abandoned the pro- fession of medicine and removed to the West, and after- ward to the South, where he died within the last twenty years ; and the late James Yarnum Turner, of Newport. In his figure and personal appearance Dr. Turner was short and rather stout, very erect, and active in his move- ments. He had lost the sight of one eye, over which he wore a green shade, or shaded it with his hand when he walked in the street. It was his custom to ride on horse- back to visit his patients, always on the canter, with his cane pointed forward between the horse's ears. He was very sociable in his habits, fond of conversation, and no man it is said could tell a story with better effect than he. For a number of years he was confined to his room, and for a long time to his bed, entirely helpless from paralysis. He died, as previously stated, February 14th, 1822, and was buried with masonic honors in the Grove, a beautiful spot which he owned, and which was then covered with splendid oak trees, one or two of which are still remaining near the house of Mr. Henry A. Thomas. After lying there many years his remains were removed to Newport and placed in the family burying-ground of his descendants. ' Dr. Charles Eldridge came to East Greenwich on October 10th, 1810, to supply for a time a vacancy made by the removal of Dr. Tibbitts. It was not his intention at the time to make a permanent settlement, but to em])loy himself with such work in his profession, as he might find, for a year or two. He intended to enjoy as he could a residence by the sea-side, (a novelty then), with the privi- lege of sailing and fishing for a time, and seek a permanent home in some more prosperous town. He soon found him- self actively engaged in his practice, and never, with very rare exceptions, left the town, and never availed himself for a day, of the promised pleasures of sailing and fishing. Dr. Eldridge was born in Brookline, Connecticut, July 31st, 1784. He studied medicine with Dr. Thomas Hub- bard, in Pomfret, attended medical lectures at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, and was for one year a resident student at the Pennsylvania Hospital. He soon became interested in the welfare of East Greenwich, its business, its institutions of religion and learning, and was a liberal contributor to its interests. He was very fond of agricul- ture, and did much by his example in this way, to introduce improvements in the cultivation of its soil. To the unfor- 164 HISTORY OF EAST GEEENWICH. tnnate and afflicted he was ever ready with his sympathy and substantial aid ; a terror to the truant boys and vaga- bond men, he often took upon himself their guardianship, and succeeded in improving and sometimes in j^ermanently reforming them. Although he could find time to interest himself in the affairs of the town, by far the largest share of his time and thoughts Avere absorbed in professional duties. Commenc- ing business w^hen a malignant ej^idemic was raging over Xew England, he was soon engaged in an arduous practice, with all of its cares and responsibilities. A disciple of Dr. Rush, his treatment of disease was marked by the peculiar- ities which distinguished the teachings of that wonderful man, and he was subjected to the severe criticisms of the physicians, and severe remarks from some of the intelligent people. He soon, however, gained the respect of one and the confidence and esteem of the other. The character of Dr. Rush he always held in the highest esteem, and pro- fessed himself a follower of his school of medicine ; but he was not a blind follower of any school or theory. His habits and poAvers of observation enabled him to notice and to appreciate every variety which disease assumed. The epi- demic tendency and influence of the season, the peculiar constitution and habits of the patient were always his care- ful study, and his prescriptions and treatment were adapted to their condition, never hesitating to use potent means when the necessity of the case seemed to require it. It was not his custom to give medicine to satisfy a caprice of the patient, or to keep up appearances among the friends. He kept himself well informed in the progress of medical science, and every thing new in the way of improvement which his jiidgment and his experience could approve, he readily adopted. For the practice of surgery he was physi- cally and and mentally fitted, and although he did not de- vote himself to it specially, his reputation and extensive acquaintance called him to all critical cases within a circuit of many miles. It was his pride rather to avoid than per- form heroic operations, and he would speak with pride and satisfaction of the limbs he had saved after those frightful injuries which so often occur in the cotton mills. Dr. El- dridge was one of the petitioners for the charter of the Rhode Island Medical Society, and was among its first mem- bers. In 1834 he was chosen President, and continued to hold the office for three years. He was an honorary mem- PHYSICIANS. 165 ber of the Connecticut Medical Society, and in 1835 re- ceived the degree of M. D., from Yale College. In the winter of 1837-8 he became involved in his pecun- iary affairs, having taken stock in a manufacturing company which had become bankrupt. Harassed by this unexpected change in his condition, a latent organic disease of the heart began to manifest itself. His hitherto robust consti- tution, which had withstood the wear and tear of thirty years of hard labor, began to show signs of decay. He soon became aware of the fatal tendency of his disease and submitted with Christian resignation to the will of Provi- dence. At times his sufferings were severe, but he contin- ued to visit patients until a few weeks before his death. He was comforted in his days of illness by the kind attentions of his professional brethren. His death occurred on the 15th day of September, 1838, in the fifty-fifth year of his. age, after a residence in this town of twenty-eight years. 11 CHAPTER XIII. LAWYERS. Archibald Campbell. The earliest lawyer of whom we have any account in East Greenwich was Archibald Camjjbell. He settled here about the year 1750, and commenced the practice of law in Kent County. Whether Mr. Campbell was liberally educated or regularly studied law, is unknown. He con- tinued in his profession at East Greenwich until his death. His practice was large in the county, and not inconsider- able on the circuits. He was pojiular and greatly esteemed by the public. The Town of East Greenwich, in 1768, elected him its representative to the General Assembly of the Colony. Mr. Campbell was a valuable member of the Legislature, and was apjjointed on various important com- mittees. He was reelected to the same honorable office as long as his health ])ermitted, but his constituents were shortly deprived of the benefits of his talents and useful- ness. Mr. Campbell died in 1769, leaving one son, named Jacob, and three daughters. In the Baptist cemetery in East Greenwich a handsome grave-stone is erected to his memory. More information is transmitted to us respecting him from the following inscription upon it than from any other source now extant : " In Memory of ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, ESQUIRE, Sou of Archibald, and Grandson of the Rev. Daniel Campbell, and nephew of the Rev. John Campbell Late President of the College of Glasgow, who departed this life October 16th, 1769. in the 41st year of His Age. Viator ecce patria columen Juris pressium benigniim genitorum Et indulgentissimus maritum." [Englished thvs : Traveler, behold the patriot, the lawyer. The kind father, and the most indulgent husband.] LAWYERS. 167 Jacob Campbell was the only son of Archibald Campbell, Esq., and was born in East Greenwich in 1760, and graduated from Rhode Island College in September, 1783, with the reputation of a fine scholar. After lie graduated he was preceptor of a classical school in East Greenwich for a short period, and then entered the office of General Varnum as a student of law. Daniel Updike, William Greene, Ray Greene, John Bowman and George Tillinghast were his fellow students. Jacob Campbell was admitted to the bar, opened an office in East Greenwich, and had some success in his profession. His talents and acquirements entitled him to a full share of practice, but General Varnum, who resided in the same town, overshadowed all his brother lawyers. Mr. Campbell devoted many of his leisure hours to classic literature and poetry. In his nervous temperament he was very unfortunate, for he was proud and yet often dejected, was early and deeply imbued with jealousy. With a mind sensitive and nervous, he was borne down by fancied in- juries and neglect. The ostentatious manner of Mr. Ray Greene filled him with an unbearable antipathy. If they met in the social circle, Campbell felt that any solitary re- treat would be more soothing to his sensitive nature. The Legislature, after the peace of 1783, ordered the sheriffs to read the treaty between England and America at the court houses of their respective counties. At this time Mr. Campbell, by request, delivered to the inhabitants of East Greenwich an address. The oration was considered a wonderful production, and Mr. Updike in his " Memoirs of tlie Rhode Island Bar," publishes the whole speech, from which we introduce a single extract showing its general tenor : " Under the auspices of your illustrious chief, you have suffered the vicissitudes of war, borne its fatigues, braved its dangers, have fought, bled and conquered. Through every stage of its progress. East Greenwich has stood unrivalled. When we consider the early and decisive j^art she took, the unanimity and exertions of her inhabitants, the number and abilities of her officers, we shall conceive her entitled to a splendid page in the annals of the Revolution ; and should she now pursue her advantages in commerce with that spirit and perseverance with which she has followed freedom her eminence in retirement will equal her glory in the field." 168 HISTORY OF EAST GEEEXAVICH. Mr. Campbell, having but little practice in his profession, indulged his innate taste for the muses. He published a small volume entitled " Poetical Essays." To what extent and with what success this talent was cultivated, the selec- tions which found a place in a well known school-book, "The Speaker," will demonstrate. Besides the small volume of " Poetical Essays," Mr. Campbell was the author of a number of essays in prose. Some letters of his were a fcAV years since in the possession of a relative. Upon en- quiry he told the same repeated story, that upon his fre- quent removals these papers were so troublesome, that to relieve himself of the burden, he had burned them. Elegies written upon the death of .Campbell, and of his fiancee^ Miss Russell, had shared the same fate. When relieved from the influence of his accustomed mel- ancholy, Campbell enraptured every circle with the spright- liness of his fancy and the fascination of his genius. His conversation was rich, his language vivid, his style lofty, accompanied by a captivating sweetness that went directly to the heart ; but when mentally depressed, he was silent and retiring, or disposed to pour into the bosom of some intimate friend the murmurino-s of his fancied o-riefs. JDurmg his residence in college he became attached to Miss Eliza Russell, daughter of Joseph Russell. Their love, growing out of a long friendship, was mutual. He was of a feeble constitution, and was inclined to consumption. During his lingering illness she was constantly with him, and with her own hand ministered to the object of her plighted love, and her delicate attentions and watchfulness were unceasing. His sickness was dubious and flattering for a long period, and she continued her affectionate efforts for his restoration with unremitted devotion, sometimes hoping for the joys of a speedy recovery, at others despair- ing of a hopeful termination. If she could not arrest dis- ease, she could relieve its pains, and with a holy affection smooth the pillow of death, pluck out its thorns, and deal out the consolations of the gospel. After his death and funeral she retired to her room, and darkening it to her feel- ings, admitted only a few select friends, and particularly those who could discourse of Mm^ and like heroi old^ refusing to be comforted, she remained there until her death. A lady of East Greenwich, who had been intimate with them both, called to see her, and was admitted to her chamber with scarcely light enough to distinguish an object. Her i LAWYEES. 169 whole conversation was of tbe sickness, suffering and death of Jacob Campbell. She was waiting, with patient resigna- tion, the arrival of the wished for hour, when she should join him in heaven. She caused a very handsome tomb- stone, as the last tribute of affection, to be erected at his grave in the old Baptist cemetery in East Greenwich, next to his fathers, with this inscription : In Memory of JACOB CAMPBELL, Son of Archibald Camijbell, Attovney-of-Law, Who departed this life March 5th, 1788, in the 28th year of his age. " Oh faithful memory may thy lamp illume, The sacred sepulchre with radiance clear, Soft plighted love shall rest upon his tomb, And friendship o'er it shed the fragrant tear." The suicidical course adoj)ted by this devoted woman upon this eventful occasion should not be allowed to pass without reproof. The dispensations of Heaven, however severe, are to be met and borne with Christian resignation. The in- fliction of self-injury or immolation, proceeds upon a princi- ple of retaliation or revenge utterly at variance with every feature of the Christian character, and must impress the con- viction that its doctrines have been defectively inculcated or grossly misunderstood. That she should have bitterly wept to be bereaved of the object of her tenderest affections ; that her wounded heart should have heaved with the deei3est emotions upon their earthly separation, is what all would expect, and in which all would sympathize. But to in- carcerate her person, and prematurely terminate her exist- ence, because the Deity, in his visitations, had disappointed her hopes, all must equally condemn. James Mitchell Varnum. James Mitchell Yarnum was born in Dracut, Massachu- setts, in 1749. He entered Rhode Island College — now Brown University — (then located in Warren), and was in the first class that graduated from that institution, in 1769, at the age of twenty. Soon after his college course he en- tered the office of Oliver Arnold, in Providence, then at- torney-general of the Colony. William Channing, Thomas Arnold, John S. Dexter, and himself, were fellow students at the time of Mr. Arnold's death, in 1770, and in the suc- ceeding year Mr. Varnum was admitted to the bar. He 170 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. settled in East Greenwich, where his talents acquired for him an extensive practice, and he traveled the circuits of the State, reaping the honors and emoluments of his profes- sion. Mr. Varnum had a great taste for military life, and early joined the " Kentish Guards," and in 1774 was appointed commander of that company, which, from their superior acquirements in military tactics, became the nursery of so many distinguished officers during the Revolutionary War — General Greene, General Varnum, Colonel Greene, Colonel Crary, Colonel Whitmarsh, Major Dexter, Captain Arnold, and others making thirty-two in all, who entered the patriot army, as commissioned officers from this company. The prominent part General Varnum took in the colonial con- troversy, inspired him with an ambition to enter the mili- tary service of his country. The venerable John Rowland, President of the Histori- cal Society in this State, in a communication, says, that " when the news of the battle of Lexington reached East Greenwich, General Varnum's company mustered and marched to Providence on their way to the scene of action. I recollect seeing them on their arrival, ISTathanael Greene, afterwards the famous general, was a private with a musket on his shoulder, and Christo] )her Greene, afterwards Colonel Greene, who defended Red Bank, was also there, a private in the same company. They marched beyond Pawtucket, and hearing that the enemy had returned to Boston, they returned to East Greenwich. The following week the Gen- eral Assembly convened, and resolved to raise three regi- ments of infantry and a comj^any of artillery. Mr. Nathan- ael Greene, then a member of the House of Representatives, was ajjpointed brigadier-general, and James Varnum, col- onel of the regiment to be raised in the counties of Kent and Kings, Daniel Hitchcock to be colonel of the regiment to be raised in Providence, and Church to be colonel of the regiment to be raised in the counties of Newport and Bris- tol. Varnum took rank over Hitchcock and Church from having comanded in the ' Kentish Guards,' with the rank of colonel. " The time for which these troops were called out expired December 31st, 1775. The State raised two regiments for the year 1776. Varnum commanded the first, and Hitch- cock the second. " The officers of these troops afterwards received com- LAWYERS. 171 missions from the President of Congress, when General Washington was appointed commander-in-cliief. They were then styled Continental troops. In January, 1776, the State raised a regiment called State troops, to be sta- tioned at Newj>ort. They remained there until the disas- trous battle on Long Island. General Varnum then suc- ceeded to the command of the brigade ; but the necessity of the case, and the perilous situation of the country, in- duced General Washington soon after to send General Var- num to the Assembly of Rhode Island for the same pur- pose, selecting for this all-important mission those officers for their well-known influence with their respective legisla- tures." " You may ask," continues Mr. Rowland, " why I have recited this long piece of old history, when the sub- ject on which I am engaged is merely a notice of Varnum, as a Rhode Island lawyer, to which I reply, that his military history is so intimately connected with his civil pursuits, that they cannot be properly separated ; and in this detail Varnum and Hitchcock, as two Rhode Island lawyers, re- flect no small honor on the Rhode Island bar." The Legislature of this State, in consideration of General Varnum's national services, and effectually to secure them in defence of the State, in May, 1779, elected him major- general of the militia of the State, to which office he was unanimously reelected during the remainder of his life. In April, 1780, the people of the State, in grateful recollection of his eminent services in the cause of public liberty, and desirous to throw into the national councils those distin- guished talents which could be spared from the field, elected him their delegate to the confederated Congress of that year. As that body sat with closed doors, his voice could not be heard by the public, but his name appears oftener on the published journals than many others of that body. After the war. General Varnum recommenced the prac- tice of law at East Greenwich with increased reputation, and was promptly engaged in all the important cases in the State. At that period great and important cases arose, growing out of the new position in which the State and Nation were placed. Congress, by the ordinance of 1787, established the Northwestern Territory. General St. Clair was appointed Governor, September 5th, 1787, and General Varnum and Samuel Parsons, judges, in October following. General Varnum left this State to assume his official duties in the spring of 1788, and arrived at Marietta, the established 172 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. seat of government, in May or June. St, Clair did not ar- rive until the middle of July, and the Governor and judges being empowered conjointly to adopt laws for the govern- ment of the Territory, no duties were performed by the judges until his arrival. Marietta was selected by General Rufus Putnam, agent of the New England Land Company, for the site of a great city. The settlers of Ohio congregated there. It was built at the confluence of the Muskingum with the Ohio rivers, and was named after the unfortunate Marie Antoinette. It was projected on a magnificent scale. They had their Campus Martins^ Sacra Via, Capitolenum, inscribed upon the plat. But it was an unfortunate location, uj^on a sterile soil, and it remains to this day an inferior village. General Yarnum was in feeble health on his arrival, and continued to decline during the autumn and winter season, until some time in the month of March, 1789. During the winter he was under the care of Mrs. Cushing, wife of Colonel Nathaniel Cushing, until his death at Campus JIartius, a stockade built by the first settlers under Putnam. His funeral was attended by the military officers of the Revolution, (Colonel Harmer's ofticers), and an escort from his regiment in military form, and he was buried on the ridge northeast of the mound. Whether there Avas, or is now, any monument erected at the place, is very doubtful. It might have been gratifying to his vanity, but General Yarnum committed an unfortunate error in accepting the oflSce to which he was ai)i)ointed. He had impaired his constitution by a free and liberal life, and with an en- feebled physical system, to leave his family, his circle of friends and the comforts of an old State, and a delightful mansion, erected in accordance with his own taste and ornamented to his fancy, to become a kind of pioneer in a new and unsettled country, among strangers, and in a society uncongenial to his habits, was delusive — fatally de- lusive. Professional pursuits in our populous cities are both more reputable and profitable than any of our national appointments. Yet the overpowering charm of being pre- distinguished from among the people, as capable, or being selected from among our associates, as entitled to public honor, is too alluring to individual vanity. But the abandonment of our country, our friends, our firesides, and the endearing connections of home, is a sacrifice too dear for it all ; and so the unfortunate Yarnum found it. On LAAVYEES. 173 horseback, and attended by a solitary comi)anion (Griffin Greene) he left a country which honored him and an idolizing people, and traversed eight hundred miles of Avilderness, mostly devoid of the comforts of life, and at his journey's end wns tabernacled in a rude stockade, and surrounded by excitements, his disorders aggravated for the want of retirement and repose, breathing the deadly exhalations of a great and sluggish river, and protected by military array from the incursions of the western savage. The issue proved that he had no chance for life, and with a constitution too much impaired to return, he there lin- gered and expired. The career of General Varnum was active and brief. He graduated at twenty ; was admitted to the bar at twenty- two ; resigned his commission at thii'ty-two ; was member of Congress the same year ; resumed his practice at thirty- three, continued his practice four years ; was elected to Congress again at thirty-seven ; emigrated to the West at thirty-nine, and died at the early age of forty. From the time of his admission to the bar, to his departure from the State, was seventeen years. Deducting the four years he was in the military service and three years he was in Con- gress, his actual professional life was only ten years. He died in the year 1788. Early in life General Varnum married Martha, the eldest daughter of Cromwell Childs, of Warren, Rhode Island, a family of considerable distinction. Mrs. Yarnum w^as an amiable and high-minded woman, and one of the most cheerful, sociable, and best of wives. She surviA'ed her husband forty-eight years, and died at Bristol, October 10th, 1837, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. General Yarnum was represented to be a kind and affectionate hus- band, a steady and useful friend, highly esteemed and respected by his professional brethren, and a gentleman of very courteous manners. He built the large and elegant house on Pearce street, opposite the Court House, in East Greenwich, now owned and occupied by George A. Brayton, Ex-Judge of the Su- preme Court, of Rhode Island. It is a very handsome structure even at the present time, and when it was erected, more than a century since, was considered one of the hand- somest houses in the Colony. The magnificent elm trees now standing in the front yard, were set there by the gen- eral's direction, before the Revolutionary War. Since the preceding sketch was written, the following in 174 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. relation to General Varnum has been discovered in the " Memoirs of Elkanah Watson " : "James Mitchell Varnum was appointed a brigadier- general in the Rhode Island line at an early period of the Revolution. He resided in East Greenwich, and was one of the most eminent lawyers, and distinguished orators in the colonies. I first saw this learned and amiable man in 1774, when I heard him deliver a Masonic oration. Until that moment I had formed no conception of the power and charms of oratory. I was so deeply impressed, that the effect of his splendid exhibition has remained for forty- eight years indelibly fixed on my mind. I then compared his mind to a he^mtiiul paterre, from which he was enabled to pluck the most gorgeous and fanciful flowers, in his progress to enrich and embellish his subject. " He marched into Providence, with his company on the evening of the 20th of April, on his way to Lexington. General Nathaniel Greene marched into Providence with General Varnum on that occasion, although it was as a private, and while he still held his connection with the Quaker Society. Greene and Varnum were soon after ap- pointed brigadiers and attached to the army besieging Boston. Varnum continued some years in the army, and saw some service ; he was a good discij^linarian, and invalu- able in council. He held an excellent pen, commanding a rich flow of language and eloquence, embellished by all the ornaments and graces of rhetoric. " While in command at Taunton, he addressed an admir- able letter to the commanding oflicer of the Hessians, on Rhode Island, and sent it in by a flag of truce. The letter was a transcript of his views of the great controversy with England, and was considered an able argument on the sub- ject. It was subsequently published in England, and reflected very much credit on the author. At the close of his military career, he resumed his professional attitude, and often came into conflict with Henry Goodwin, his great rival in eloquence, but of a totally distinct school. While Varnum's oratory was mild and conciliatory, and flowing in majestic and persuasive eloquence, Goodwin's Avas wrapt in fire and energy, mingled with the most burning sarcasm. " In the year 1785, General Varnum formed the project of establishing a colony on the north branch of the Ohio River, and erecting a city at the mouth of the Muskingum. He urged me to unite with him in the adventure. He car- ried out his design and founded Marietta, which he named LAWYERS. 175 in honor of the Queen of France. After my return from North Carolina in 1788, 1 was i)resent when his wife received a letter from him full of pathos and sensibility, and higlily impressive in some of its aspects. She allowed me as the intimate friend of her husband, to read it ; it subsequently found its way into the newspapers. The following is worthy of preservation : " ' Marietta, 18th December, 1788. *' * My Dearest Friend: " ' I now write you from my sick chamber— perhaps it will be the last letter you will ever receive from me. I expect to leave this, on Sunday next, for the Falls of the Ohio ; thence to New Orleans, and the West Indies, to seek a warmer climate, the only chance of my recovery. My physician thinks the chance of recovery is in my favor; I am neither elevated or depressed by the force of this opinion, and will indulge a hope that I shall once more embrace my lovely friend in this world; and that we may glide smoothly down the tide of time, for a few years more, and mutually enjoy the more substantial happiness, as we have already the desirable pleasures of this life. " • But my lovely friend, the gloomy moment, will arrive, when we must part: should it happen during our present separation my last and only reluctant thought will be employed about you; life is but a bubble; it soon bursts, and is remitted to eternity; when we look back to the earliest recollections of our youthful hours, it seems but the last period of our rest, and we appear to emerge from a night of slumber, to look forward to real existence. '"When we look forward, time appears as interminable as eternity, and we have no idea of its termination, but by the period of our dissolu- tion; what particular connection it bears to a future state, our general notions of religion cannot point out; we feel something constantly active within us, which is evidently beyond the reach of mortality; whether it "be a part of ourselves, or an emanation from the Great >'owers : " East Greexwich, October 8th, 1802. " Ethan Clark, William Arnold, Mathewson and Mowry, and Peter Turner, all of East Greenwich, and State of Rhode Island, and Ray Greene, Elihu Greene and Chris- topher Greene, all of Warwick, anxious to promote the hapi)iness of posterity, and to continue the blessings of a free and equal government, which this Country enjoys in as great a degree as any other nation, and believing that well conducted Seminaries of learning, in which youth may acquire knowledge, with the advantages of places of public worship, to incline their minds to morality and religion, ai*e the most probable means to effect their design — have as- sociated for this (as they consider) laudable purpose, and have purchased a lot of land in East Greenwich, containing one acre and twenty rods, upon which they intend (with the assistance of others that may be equally disposed to promote the good of mankind) to erect a building about sixty feet long and thirty feet wide, two stories high and convenient for the accommodation, and when properly regulated, suitable for the instruction of a considerable number of youth in such brandies of education as may be if KENT ACADEMY. 203 thought most for their advantage. They also please them- selves with the idea, that such an institution will be pro- ductive of the advantage to East Greenwich and its vicinity of introducing a settled Minister of the Gospel, to preach in the Meeting House, which is now so seldom improved. " The elevated situation upon wdiich the building is in- tended to be erected, its vicinity to the lot upon which the Catholic Congregational Society's Meeting House stands, the cheapness of living and ease of accommodating board- ers, all conspire to make this place agreeable in a town, the healthful air of which is thought to be exceeded by none. This place being central in this State and possessing so many advantages, w^ill induce many persons to place their children here for education, where they can visit them with convenience, and be frequent spectators of their improve- ment ; to complete the contemplated j^lan, very consider- able exjjense will be required, much more than is convenient or reasonable for a few to bear ; but we flatter ourselves that there are others, who, believing as we do, the dissemi- nation of Literature, information and religion is amongst the first duties of Society, and the most productive of order and good regulations in Republican governments, will become subscribers to this plan, and adding their names to those already mentioned, will lend their assist- ance to support the Society under the following articles of the association, viz. : " Akticle First. The cost of the land and the buildings to be erected thereon, shall be divided into One Hundred Shares at Thirty Two Dollars each share, and shall be pay- able Five Dollars on each share, on the first Monday in November, 1802. Ten Dollars on each share on the Twenty- Fifth day of June, 1803, and the sum remaining due on each share to be paid on the Twenty Fifth day of September, 1803. But it shall be in the power of the subscribers to this Institution to suspend or alter the time of paying in the two last installments, provided it be previously done by a vote of a majority, at a meeting of them duly notified. "Second. On the first Monday of November, 1802, the Subscribers shall meet at the tavern of Col. Wm. Arnold in East Greenwich, and pay each one of his first Installments, on the share or shares by him subscribed, and they shall at said meeting appoint a person to receive the Installments, collect the payments, and receipt for the same when paid ; they shall also appoint a Committee of Seven Subscribers to represent and conduct the business of the association. 204 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " Third. The Committee shall meet from tune to tmie, as they may find necessary ; five shall constitute a quorum, the majority of whom present shall govern. " They shall have power to contract or direct the build- ing to be erected, and order the manner and style of finish- ing the same ; they shall call meetings of the Subscribers at any time they may think necessary, giving due notice thereof ; they shall be continued in their appointment until the buildings be erected and the accounts are settled ; they shall as soon as maybe apply to the Legislature of the State for a Charter of Incorporation, with such i)Owers as may be thought necessary for the security of the property of the Association and the well ordering of the Institution. " The following articles shall be fundamental as the Con- stitution thereof : " First. At all meetings of the Subscribers their Heirs or Assigns, they shall have as many votes as they may hold shares, and may vote by themselves or by proxy duly ap- pointed, by writing under the hand of the person appoint- ing ; Sixty shares shall constitute a quorum and the majority l^resent shall govern. " Second. The Trustees of the Academy shall belong to the Association, or any person subscribing and paying a Donation to the amount of Thirty Five Dollars, for the use and promotion thereof, shall be entitled to a vote and eligi- ble to the jjlace of a Trustee. " Third. The Trustees shall be appointed by the Asso- ciation ; they may be chosen annually, and a meeting of the Association shall be instituted for that as for other pur- poses ; but they shall hold their appointment until others shall be chosen in their place. " We the Subscribers do each one for himself, promise and hereby bind ourselves, our Heirs, Executors and Ad- ministrators to i^ay or cause to be paid unto the before mentioned Ethan, William, Mathewson and Mowry, Peter, Ray, Elihu and Christopher, and their associates, or to the person who may be hereafter appointed agreeably to the aforegoing plan of association ; the sums as they shall be- come due on the shares by us subscribed, for the use and purpose of this our Association ; and on the event of failure of payment at the time herein stated, we hereby agree to forfeit for the use of the contemplated Institution, all sums of money by us previously paid, and moreover be liable for the full payment of the sums by us subscribed. " Xathax Whiting, Secretary." KENT ACADEMY. 205 Names of the Subscribers. ■William Greene, for himself and Ray, 10 shares. Elihu and Christopher Greene, 5 shares. William Greene, 2 shares. William Greene, (son of Nathanael), 2 shares. Benjamin Greene, 2 shares. Nathan Greene, 1 share. Jacob Greene, 1 share. James Greene, 1 share. Stephen Greene, 1 share. Jeremiah Greene, h share. Joseph Greene and son, ^ share. Stephen Greene, 5 share. Michael Spink, J share. Hopkins Cooke, ^ share. Jonathan Niles, Jr., h share. Ebenezer Williams, I share. Benjamin Davis, i share. Ethan Clark, 10 shares. Thomas Tillinghast, 2 shares. William Arnold, .3 shares. Mathewson and ]Mowry, 5 shares. Jonathan Salisbury, 2 shares. Clarke Brown, 1 share. Oliver Weeks, 1 share. Pardon Tillinghast, 1 share. Walter Spencer, 1 share. Jonathan Andros, 1 share. David Pinniger, 1 share. Peter and Daniel Turner, 2 shares. Nicholas R. Gardiner, 1 share. Benjamin Rowland, 1 share. Casey Whitford, 1 share. William Collins, 1 share. Samuel West, 1 share. Jonathan Niles, 1 share, William Sarle, 1 share. Stephen Arnold, 2 shares. Simmons Spencer, 1 share. Thomas Arnold, (Capt.), 1 share. Benjamin Tillinghast, 1 share. Nathan Whiting, 1 share. Thomas P. Ives, (Providence), 5 shares. John Brown, (Providence), 3 shares. Caleb AVheaton, (Boston), 1 share, entered on the Donation list,, this share being given and trans- ferred to the Corporation. Samuel G. Arnold and Co., (Provi- dence), 1 share. Nicholas Brown, (Providence), 3 shares. Jabez Bowen, (Providence), 1 share. George Gibbs, (Newport), 1 share. George Champlin, (Newport), 3 shares. Wm. Greene Spencer, 1 share. Thomas Rice, 1 share. Duty Arnold, 1 share. Henry Arnold, 1 share. Wanton Casey, 1 share. [ Samuel Wright, 1 share. ; John Fry, 1 share. I William Reynolds, 1 share. Thomas A. Howland, 1 share. Whole number of shares, 99. Donations. Nicholas Gardiner, 1 share. John Cooke, Jr., 1 share. Nathaniel R. Greene, 1 share. Benjamin Tibbitts, 1 share. George D. Sweet, of Savannah, 2 shares. Caleb Wheaton, 1 share. Charter of Kent Academy. " A?i Act to Incorporate Certain Persons by the name of The Proprietors of the Kent Academy. " Whereas^ The establishment of Public Institutions for the promotion of Literature and general diffusion of Knowl- edge, is an object of the highest importance to society, by- affording the means to the rising generation of gaining in- struction in the principles and practice of virtue, and of acquiring that knowledge and wisdom, which is necessary to qualify them to fill Avith usefulness and honor the 206 HISTORY OF EAST GEEEXWICH. various stations and offices of life : And whereas an Acad- emy founded at East Greenwich, in the County of Kent, would be highly beneficial to that place, and advantageous to the Government ; and whereas a number of persons have undertaken in this design, and have by their committee pre- ferred a petition to this General Assembly, praying that full liberty and power may be granted unto them to found, endow, and govern said Academy, and that they may be incorporated into one body politic, by the name of 'Pro- prietors of Kent Academy,' with all the powers, privileges and franchises necessary for the purjioses of said Institu- tion. "Section 1. Be it theri^fore enacted by the General Assembly^ and by the authority thereof it is enacted^ That William Greene and others, and their successors and assigns, shall be, and hereby are created a corporation and body politic, by the name of the proprietors of the Kent Acad- emy, and by that name they, and their successors and as- signs shall and may have perpetual succession, and are by that name made able and capable by law, as a body corpor- ate, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to an- swer and be answered to, to defend and be defended against, in all courts of record, and before all jn-oper judges what- ever, in all causes of whatever name, or nature ; to have a common seal, which it sliall be lawful for them to change or alter from time to time at pleasure ; And also to have, take, possess, purchase, acquire or otherwise receive, and hold lands, tenements, hereditaments, and rents in fee sim- ple, for term of lifes, years or otherwise, not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, in value ; and also, goods, chattels, and all other things of whatever nature, kind, or quality soever ; of all which they may stand seized, notwith- standing any misnomer of the corporation, or by whatever name, or however imperfectly the same shall be described in any gift, grant, devise, bequest or assignment, provided the true intent of the assignor or benefa'ctor shall be evi- dent : And also, to grant, demise, aliene, lease, use, occupy, manage and improve according to the tenor of the donations and to the purposes, uses and trusts, to which they shall be seized thereof. " Section 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be a meeting of said corporation, at tlie Academy in East Greenwich, on the third Wednesday of August, 1803, and annually on the said third Wednesday of August forever KENT ACADEMY. 207 thereafter ; at which time and place for the better ordering and managing the affairs of said corporation, they shall elect out of their body politic, a President, a Treasurer a Secretary, and a number of Trustees, not less than five, nor more than fifteen; a majority of whom, so elected, shall constitute a quorum, and such other officers as shall be necessary to conduct the business of said corporation. And the President of said corporation shall be ex-officio, a Trustee and President of the board. And the said Trus- tees shall have power to appoint, from their own body a committee of three, or more if necessary, to whom they may delegate so much of their power as expressed in said charter, as to them shall seem expedient, for the more convenient superintending and managing the affairs of said Academy. And it shall be the duty of the said Trustees to keep a record of their proceedings, which they shall from time to time, cause to be laid before the corporation whenever required. And the officers aforesaid, shall hold and execute their respective offices until others shall be chosen in their stead. "Section 3. A^id be it further enacted^ That the Trustees of said corporation shall have power and author- ity to elect and appoint the Principal and other Instructors in their various branches of literature ; to ascertain and fix their respective salaries, and the price of tuition and inci- dental expenses ; and to remove any Instructor from his or her office for misdemeanor, incapacity or unfaithfulness, and others to elect and appoint in their stead. And the said Trustees, shall have the superintendence and direction of said Academy ; and shall have power to make such laws, regulations, and*^ ordinances, with penalties, as to them shall seem meet for the successful instruction and government thereof, not contrary to the laws of this State or the United States ; and shall repair the Academy when needful, and may average the expense of said repairs in proportion to the shares, that each proprietor shall possess ; and in case any of the proprietors shall refuse or neglect to pay his or her part of such assessments, his or her shares shall be put up at public vendue and sold to the highest bidder, and if any overplus remains, it shall be paid over to each such delin- quent or delinquents, who shall thereafter cease to be mem- bers of said corporation. "Section 4. And he it further enacted^ That the jDro- prietors of Sixty Shares shall constitute a quorum of said 208 HISTOEY OF EAST GREENWICH. Corporation ; and that each Proprietor shall be entitled to as many votes as the number of shares he possesses, and may vote by himself or proxy, duly aj^pointed under the hand of the person appointing. "Section 5. And he it further enacted^ That if at any time of a regular meeting of said Corporation, there should not be a quorum of the members present, the President or in his absence the Secretary shall have power to adjourn said meeting, and shall give at least three days' notice of said adjournment to said Corporation ; and at the meeting adjourned, eight Proprietors, whereof the President, Treas- urer, or Secretary to be one, shall constitute a quorum to transact the business. " Section 6. And he it further enacted^ That the said Corporation shall and may receive into their body politic, any person being a Proprietor of one or more shares, or who shall make a donation to the use of said Academy to that amount. And that the said Corporation shall have, and there is hereby granted unto them full power to make and ordain such rules, regulations and by-laws, as they shall judge needful, for the better government of the Corpora- tion, and alter and repeal the same ; provided such rules, regulations and by-laws be not repugnant to the laws of the State, or the design of the Institution. " Section 7. And he it further enacted^ That for the greater encouragement of this Institution of Learning, the estate of this Academy lying and being within this State, shall be exempted from all taxes ; and the person of the Principal and other Instructors, during their connection with said Academy, shall be exempted from serving on juries, and from military duty, or impressment. " Section 8. And furthermore^ For the establishment of the perpetuity of this Corporation, and in case that any time hereafter any law should be enacted, or any matters done and transacted by this Corporation contrary to law or the tenor of this Charter, it is hereby enacted, ordained and declared that all such laws, acts and doings shall be in themselves null and void ; yet the same shall not, in any court of law, or by this Assembly, be adjudged in de- feasance or forfeiture of this Charter, but the same shall be and remain inviolate and entire unto the said Corporation in perpetual succession ; which said Corporation may at all times forever hereafter, proceed and continue to act, and all their acts conformable to the powers, tenor, true intent KEXT ACADEMY 209 and meaning of this Charter, shall 1)e and remain in full force and validity, the nullity and avoidance of any such illegal acts to the' contrary in any wise notwithstanding. '''Sectiox 9. And be it further enacted, That the Trustees of said Academy shall have power to call special meetings of the Corporation, whenever they shall think necessary, giving due notice thereof." The whole charter is copied for the express purpose of showing how liberal the Legislature was at that early period, in grantino- a charter so legally strong, and also the wonderful ability^of the Hon. Ray Greene, displayed in framing it. FiEST Extract feom the Corpokation Records of THE Kent Academy, dated December 7th, 1803. " Voted, That the sum of one hundred and thirty eight dollars be paid out of the Treasury to Messrs. Ethan Clark, "William Arnold, Richard Mathewson, Earl Mowry, Peter Turner, Ray Greene, Elilni Greene and Christopher Greene upon their executing a conveyance of the lot of land upon which the Academy stands, to the Corporation, in full for the consideration of the deed of conveyance." Extract from the Records, August 31st, 1804. " At a meeting of the Proprietors of Kent Academy, on the 15th of August, 1804, the subscribers were appointed to examine the accounts and bills of the Committee, author- ized to superintend the erection of said building, and pro- cure the materials for the same, whereof Richard Mathew- son and Stephen Arnold were chosen by them the principal agents— report, that they have carefully examined the ac- counts and bills, and find no material error in any of them, not sufficient in their opinion to make an alteration. « That the building has cost up to the 14th of August, 1804, the sum of $3,733.55. The subscriptions received and ma- terials up to said date, amount to 83,702.6,5 mills; balance due Richard Mathewson at same time 831.49,5 mills, refer- ence had to their statement on pages four and five, all of which we submit to the Proprietors. " William Greene, Wanton Casey. William Greene Spencer." 210 history of east geeexwich. Extract from the Records October 6th, 1804. " It is voted and resolved, That the Trustees shall have full power and authority, to control and apj^ropriate the funds of this Corporation for the use, benefit, and improve- ment of the Academy ; and principally to the following purposes, namely — for the fencing of the Academy grounds, and setting out trees thereon, procuring step-stones for the the doors, and necessary and suitable furniture and finish- ing for all parts of the Academy. And they shall also have power to apply the funds of the Corporation to the purchase of a bell. Maps, a pair of Globes, and such useful Books as they may judge proper for establishing a Library, which shall be under the regulations hereafter to be made by the Corporation." The maps and globes were S23lendid articles, and were imported from Euro])e. The maps were on a large scale, four by five feet and elegantly mounted, and the twenty- four inch globes were the best that could be procured. The bell, then the only one in the village was a very fine toned one, and remained in the belfry until the Academy became the property of the Providence Conference, when, being cracked, it was replaced by the one now in the south tower of the GreeuAvich Academy. The first person who had charge of the Academy as principal Avas Abner Alden, A. M. He Avas a man of supe- rior qualifications as a teacher, and succeeded in establish- ing an excellent school. After conducting the school for scA^eral years, Avith unusual success, he suddenly left the charge of the Academy, and conducted another school at Bristol. 'Mr. Alden was a man of high literary attainments, and was the author of a spelling book and a reader, both standard Avorks, and used in all the schools in Rhode Island for a number of years. Mr. Alden's assistant was Mr. Jeremiah Chadsey, of Wickford, who Avas one of the best mathematicians at that time, and Avas employed to make the calculations for a nautical almanac. Joseph L. Tillinghast succeeded Mr. Alden and continued as principal until 1811, Avdien Aaron Putnam took charge of the Academy. Mr. Putnam left the school in the year 1812, and Avas succeeded by the Rev. Ezekiel Rich. Mr. Rich continued the school until July, 1814, as it ap- pears from the Trustees' records in the folloAving extract : KEXT ACADEMY. 211 " Ethan Clark, Esq., agreeable to his appointment at the last meeting, made his report verbally — that he had called on the Rev. Mr. Rich at two several times and requested to know his wishes respecting his continuing as preceptor in Kent Academy and how long ; to which Mr. Rich had given him his ideas and observations in writing, which is ]>re- sented to this meeting directed to the Trustees of the Kent Academy under cover of seal, which on perusal, it appeared that Mr. Rich intended leaving the Academy on the first day of July next." " Voted, That, that part of Mr. Rich's letter above re- ferred to, wherein he states his intention to leave Kent Academy on the first day of July next, is very acceptable to this board." The next who took charge of the Academy was Mr. Jonas Underwood, in the year 1816. Extract from the Records of the Year 1816. " Voted and Be solved, That Samuel King and Franklin Greene be, and they are hereby appointed and empowered a Committee to obtain and agree with a Preceptor for said Academy on such terms and conditions as they may think proper, not involving said Institution or the Proprietors in any expense unless they send to school. " And it is hereby recommended to said Committee, not to engage any one for a longer time than until unless he should be fully approved of by the Board of Trustees, but that they advertise for a Preceptor, to take charge of said Academy at the expiration of the term which they may agree, and that a man with a family will be preferred." Who was Mr. Underwood's successor does not appear from the records, but we presume, from the following ex- tract of the year 1818, that it was a Mr. ISTorthup : " Voted and Hesolved, That a Committee of three, con- sisting of the following jiersons, be appointed : Samuel King, Wanton Casey, and Franklin Greene. " Resolved, That to the Committee our authority for the following purposes be delegated, and that they be author- ized and requested to act to the following effect : " First, That the said Committee instruct the Treasurer, and unite with him their exertions, that the Academy be kept in good repair, and that in case of injury the same be repaired at the expense of the person causing the injury. 212 HISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. " Second^ That the Committee, collectively and individu- ally attend at least once in the week at the Academy, and if necessary give the Preceptor the friendly and candid advice respecting the government and instruction of the Academy. " Thirds That the said Committee arrange without de- lay for a successor to Mr. Northup, on any terms which they may think beneficial to the Institution, and not involv- ing the Academy in expense, and the said Committee regu- late if necessary, the rates of tuition. '•'-Resolved^ That the Rev. Daniel Waldo be requested to call occasionally at the Academy, to afford to the scholars of the Institution such advice and instruction as his duty as a Clergyman, and parental kindness may dictate. " Resolved^ That whereas, in the year 1815, the Trustees of the Academy placed that Institution under the care of the Rev. Mr. Waldo, subject to a yearly rent, and it was soon after discovered that Mr. Waldo could not consist- ently with his arrangements with the Missionary Society, preside over the same, and that he ceased to i^reside over the Academy, we agree that all claim on Mr. Waldo for the rent of the Academy be cancelled, and the same be rendered null and void. " Resolved^ That the Treasurer be requested to discon- tinue his application to Mr. Jonas Underwood for rent of the Academy and that all claims for rent of the same since 1815, be cancelled and relinquished." Thus far it appears that the institution has not been of any pecuniary benefit to the Proprietors, but rather a con- stant bill of expense in the form of taxes on the shares for repairs, although it seems from the following extract in the year 1820, the officers' salaries could not have been very large : " Resolved^ That the Secretary's account for the sum of Three Dollars be paid to him for recording the proceedings of the Trustees from the founding of the Institution to 1820." Only three dollars for eighteen years of service. When I first examined the Trustees' records, several leaves of the book were absent. Afterwards they were found, which will account for the discrepancy of the dates. kent academy. 213 Extract from Old Record of 1805. " Yoted^ (upon application of sundry persons), That Mr. Harrington have liberty to teach a Singing School in the Academy every Saturday evening, Sunday and Sunday evening, for the term of one Quarter, commencing at this time, and that the Hall upon the lower floor be assigned for that purpose, to be under the particular care and super- intendence of the Preceptor, Mr. Alden. " Voted^ That Mr. Richard MathewsoTi, the Treasurer, be requested to procure immediately a tin stove pipe of suflicient length for an iron stove, to be placed in the middle of the Northwest room, upon the lower floor of the Academy, and to lead into the Chimney in the same room, and that he charge the amount thereof to the Academy, and that he also be requested to attend to the placing of the stove, as above, as soon as may be, and that he call upon Mr. William Greene for the stove, having borrowed it of him, for this winter, for that purpose." April 15th, 1805. " Voted, That William Greene be directed to purchase a set of twenty four inch globes, for the use of the Academy, and that he call upon the Treasurer for the amount of the same." August 24th, 1805. " Voted, That Mr. Alden be re- quested to open the upper Hall in the Academy, to be used by Mr. Carpentier, for the purpose of a dancing school, to be kept on Saturdays only, he the said Carpentier paying to the Treasurer of the Corporation fifty cents a quarter, for each scholar for the use of the Hall." It appears that the Trustees were very willing that the Academy should be used for a dancing school, but not for religious meetings, as the following entry will show : December 26th, 1805. "Application having been made to this meeting by Mr. Barney Greene for liberty to as- semble in the Academy, during the cold weather of the present winter for the purpose of Public Worship, " Voted, That in the opinion of the board they are not authorized by the Charter of the Institution to give such liberty." This shows how far bigotry will carry some people. Here was a request from a religious society for permission to hold meetings in the Academy on days when it was not used for any other purpose, yet the application was rejected 15 214 HISTOEY OF EAST GEEE^"AVICH. under the pretext that the charter of the institution would not allow it. " Application also having been made by Mr. Nathan Whiting (at the same meeting of the Trustees) in behalf of Mr. Charles Miller that he have liberty to teach a Singing- School in the Academy for one Quarter. " Voted, That Mr. Charles Miller have liberty to teach a Singing School during said term in the Academy, provided such school shall not interfere with Mr. Alden's school hours, and also provided that Mr. Alden will superintend the said school as respects the building, to see that order be observed and that no damage be done to the House, and in case of any damage being done, that Mr. Miller be accountable." At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Kent Academy, convened on the oOth day of October, 1807, by order of the President of the Board, in consequence of a letter from Mr. Abner Alden dated the 24th of October, 1807, directed to the Trustees of Kent Academy, intimating his intention to leave the Academy and relinquish his place as preceptor thereof, it was " Resolved, That Ethan Clark, Esq., Mr. Stephen Arnold and William Greene, be appointed a committee to take into consideration the subject matter of Mr. Alden's letter, and that they agree with Mr. Alden or such other person as they may think proper, to take charge of the Academy as Preceptor thereof, after the expiration of the present Quar- ter, provided that Mr. Alden shall conclude to leave the Academy at that time, as contemplated by his letter." December 4th, 1807. "The committee who were to re- port further upon Mr. Alden's answer, whether he would continue in the Academy and how long, offer the following report : " ' The committee above referred to, have received Mr. Alden's verbal answer, that he will continue as Preceptor of the Academy, until the 25th of March next, when he ex- pects to leave the town, and expects the Trustees to be gov- erned accordingly.' " January 22d, 1808, " Resolved, That whereas Mr. Alden's last communication to the Trustees (through their commit- tee) intimating his intention to leave this Town, and relin- quish his place as Preceptor of the Academy was verbal, and they have since had no written communication inform- ing his intention, therefore resolved, that the Clerk be KENT ACADEMY. 215 requested to write to Mr. Alden, and request his final determination in writing by two o'clock to-morrow P. M. " Resolved, That the following be rates of Tuition for the Quarter commencing the 21st of March, 1808 : " Reading and Spelling .'t?2 00 , Latin and Greek Languages. . $3 00 Reading, Writing and Spelling.2 25 Logic and Criticism 3 00 Arithmetic with Book-Keep- The principles of Astronomy ing 2 50 and Geography with the use English Grammar 3 00 , of the Globes 3 50 Composition and Speaking 3 00 " And it is understood that the Fifty Cents upon each Scholar who shall study Astronomy and Geography, shall be for the use of the Globes, and shall be collected by the Preceptor and paid to the Society's Treasurer, and that the above shall be the rates of Tuition until further directions from the Trustees." April, 1822. " It having been represented to this meet- ing that Nathan Whiting, Esq., offers to take charge of Kent Academy, " Voted, That Nathan Whiting be, and he is hereby ap- pointed Preceptor of Kent Academy on the following terras ; said Whiting is to have the use of the Academy, free of rent, he keeping the same in repair, with the liberty of fixing his own rates of tuition, one month's Notice pre- vious to the expiration of a quarter shall be given in writ- ing by the Trustees before the removal of Mr. Whiting, and one month's Notice previous to the expiration of a quarter shall be given in writing by Mr. Whiting to the Trustees before he shall be at liberty to relinquish the Pre- ceptorship ; the Academy to be opened on Monday the 6th of June." Many of our readers in East Greenwich will remember this school of Mr. Whiting's. There has never been a school there before or since where the scholars enjoyed such perfect happiness as they did under the administration of Mr. Whiting. Although he was a fine classical scholar, possessing an abundance of general knowledge himself, he had very little faculty to communicate it to others. Being rather absent-minded and very unwilling to punish dis- obedience or neglect, unfair advantage of these failings was taken and enjoyed supremely. Occasionally on pleasant summer afternoons, pupils were allowed, (during school hours), to sit on the front steps of the Academy, under the pretence of studying in the open air, w^iere they would amuse themselves in composing satirical poetry on their 216 HISTOEY OF EAST GKEEXWICH. teacher's eccentricities, and squibs on each other; (and really some of that poetry was worth preserving, for al- though most of it was doggerel, a great deal worse has been published and sold). "Yet in spite of all this, some learned more in certain branches of knowledge during Mr. Whiting's administration than ever before, partic^darly geography and general knowledge of the world. Previous to this all the information acquired was from "Morse's Geography ; " which was committed to memory and then recited, but Mr. Whiting taught by using the atlas, and demonstration with the " terrestrial o'lobe." o If space would permit, I should like to dilate still further on Mr. Whiting's natural ability as a teacher, as he was always ready to answer any question with a satisfactory explanation. It is true our ideas did not " shoot " much, according to the common acceptation of the term, but we gained a large share of animal spirits and bodily health. The Rev. Charles Heni-y Alden (ne])hew of Abner Alden, the first preceptor) succeeded Mr. Whitney in the year 1823. The following rates of tuition, while he was precep- tor, were fixed by the Trustees, per quarter : " Reading, Writing and Spell- ing 32 50 Arithmetic, English Grammar and Book-Keeping 3 00 Composition and Speaking. ... S3 50 Mathematics, Logic, Geogra- phy, Astronomy 4 00 Latin and Greek 5 00 According to this, the price of tuition had not increased much during twenty years. From the records. May, 1824 : " The members of King Solomon's Lodge (Masons) made application to the Trus- tees for two rooms in the Academy to be by them occupied for the accommodation of the said' lodge, and to know the best terms upon which they can have it. " Resolved^ That (if said Lodge assent thereto) they may have the exclusive privilege to occupy the South-West Chamber in said building, and occasionally may occupy the Hall^ Chamber, whenever they may desire the same for their public Meetings, for which privileges they are to pay the Treasurer of this Institution the sum of Five Dollars yearly, so long as they shall occu])y the same, and if the Lodge choose to put Venetian blinds to the windows of said Cliamber, they shall be remunerated that expense out of the rents to be by them paid. Said lodge are to keep the part of the building they use in repair, and if those rooms shall hereafter be needed for the accommodations of the school, KENT ACADEMY. 217 the lodge is to deliver up the same at any time after being duly notified thereof by the Trustees aforesaid, without charging the Academy with any expense for blinds, or re- pairs made farther than the same shall have been paid for by the rents." The Rev. Charles Henry Alden was preceptor until May, 1825, when the Rev. Mr. Coleman took charge of the Academy for one year, and was succeeded by Christopher Robinson, May, 1826. From 1825 to 1820 there is no record, but in December, 1831, a special meeting was called and the following min- utes were entered on the record book : " December 7th, 1831. Wanton Casey, Esq., in the Chair. JVJiereas, An application was made to the Trustees, by Mr. Penuel Corbett, of Bristol, R. I. to take the Preceptorship of said Academy upon such terms as might be agreed upon between the Trustees and the said Corbett. " Resolved^ That the said Penuel Corbett, be and he hereby is constituted and appointed Preceptor thereof, and that he commence his school, for the First Quarter, on Monday, December 12th, and it was further resolved by said Trustees that the said Preceptor have said Academy free of rent for the first Quarter, and if he should remain longer as Preceptor thereof, that he shall pay to the Treasurer of said Corporation the sum of $20.00 per year, or Five Dollars per Quarter for each and every Quarter afterward." Mr. Corbett left the institution November, 1832, and Mr. Christopher Robinson took charge of it as preceptor in December, 1832, at the request of some of the Trustees, and continued it until March, 1833. " At a special meeting of the Trustees, November 26th, 1832, Wanton Casey, Esq., being called to the Chair, a communication from Professor George W. Greene was re- ceived and read, proposing to take the Preceptorship of the Academy, and Avishing sundry repairs to be made." It appears by the records that Professor Greene soon after abandoned the plan he had formpd for establishing a school of a high order, and returned to Europe, where he resided for seventeen years, ten as United States Con- sul at Rome. Professor Greene, after his second re- turn from Europe, was appointed teacher of modern lan- guages in Brown University, which he retained for several years, and then received the appointment of Lecturer of 218 HISTORY OF EAST GEEEXWICH. United States History at Cornell University, which he re- tained as long as his health would admit. He is now living in retirement at East Greenwich, still engaged in literary pursuits, and where he has written and published a number of the most valuable and interesting books on American history. The next preceptor was Joseph Harrington, who took charge of the institution in the year 1833, and held it one year. He was succeeded by Joshua O. Coburn, who took possession March 17th, 1834, and left April 4th, 1835. August, 1835. " Whereas, An application having been made by Thomas P. Rodman, of Newport, to the present Board of Trustees, to become a Teacher in the Academy, and having produced such testimonials of his qualifications as were necessary to said board, it is therefore resolved that the said Thomas P. Rodman be, and he is hereby ap- l^ointed Preceptor of the said Institution." Mr. Rodman remained only one year, and it appears from the records of September, 1836, that Mr. Coburn was re- instated : " Daniel Greene and John P. Roberts, who were at a previous meeting of said Trustees appointed a Committee to confer with Mr. Joshua O. Coburn, and agree with him to take the Preceptorship of said Academy, made a verbal report as follows : that said Coburn would take said insti- tution, ])rovided he could be insured the sum of $600.00 Y>eY annum. " Said Trustees, considering the importance of having a good instructor for said Academy, agree to accept of said offer, and the said Joshua O. Coburn is hereby ai)])ointed Preceptor of the same, and the said Trustees (present) agree personally to make up the deficiency, if any, in said school, so that the said Coburn shall receive said sum of $600.00 yearly." Mr. Coburn was the last preceptor under the old admin- istration. About this time, Mr. Thomas J. Johnson, of East Green- wich, made an effort to buy up the shares of the institution, for the purpose of establisliing a school of a higher order than had. existed here for some time previous, under the patronage and control of the Methodist society ; but as he was unable to purchase shares enough to possess a controll- ing influence, the project was abandoned and the Academy KEXT ACADEMY. 219 passed into other hands. The new proprietors not meeting with the success they anticipated, in the year 1839 sold the institution to the Rev. Daniel G. Allen, A. M., a graduate of Middleton College. Mr. Allen in the month of August following repaired the building thoroughly, and commenced a school under the new system of instruction and government in Sej^tember, with Mr. Joshua Newhall, A. M., as assistant. He com- menced the first term with thirty-five students, and during his management the number of students increased to above ninety. He had a very prosperous school for two years, when he sold the establishment to the Providence Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church. We have been informed that Mr. Allen sacrificed much care, labor, and expense over and above the income of the establishment, to secure the permanancy of the school in this place. At the time he commenced his school, it will be remembered that business of all kinds was entirely pros- trated liere. However, his resolute will prevailed, and he has witnessed what no one expected when he commenced, the establishment of an institution that is an honor to our village and State. Soon after the Academy was transferred to the Provi- dence Conference, a new charter was obtained from the Legislature which also holds the charter of the old Kent Academy, and the name of the institution was changed to Providence Conference Seminary. Under the new organ- ization the Rev. Benjamin F. Teft, A. M., was appointed principal, Daniel G. Allen and Joshua Newhall, assistant teachers, and Miss Lavinia Livermore, preceptress. Soon after this Mr. Teft called to his assistance a new set of teachers, a part of whom were never engaged in the school. The institution, however, prospered, but at the com- mencement of the second year Mr. Teft unexpectedly dis- appeared from the faculty, the oflice of principal devolving upon a substitute. The Rev. George F. Pool was appointed to fill the vacancy, and under his administration the aca- demic year was concluded with only seven students. Discour- aged at this ruinous prospect the Trustees leased the Seminary to the Rev. Daniel G. Allen, and he again called Mr. Newhall to his assistance. Miss Jemima Brewer was appointed prece})tress. At the expiration of the year Mr. Allen gave up the school and the Trustees employed the Rev. George B. Cone, A. M., who commenced the fourth year with prospects of scccess. 220 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. As the number of students increased from term to term, and it was becoming difficult to procure suitable accommo- dation, it was finally resolved to erect a boarding-house. A building, three stories in height, and of sufficient dimensions to accommodate about one hundred students was erected, with suitable recei:)tion and dining-rooms. Mr. Cone had for assistants, Simon G. Waterhouse, Rev. Samuel C. Brown, Charles Hazard and Edward Harlow. Miss Brewer was apj^ointed preceptress, and afterwards Miss E. A. Adams. Mr. Cone was succeeded by the Rev. William R. Bagnall, A. M., as principal, and Miss Mary Whitney, preceptress. Mr. Bagnall had charge of the institution one year, and and was succeeded by the Rev. Robert Allyne, A. M., (1853). Mr. Allyne was the most valuable acquisition the Semin- ary had ever received. Puring his administration, and mostly through his efforts and perseverance, the present elegant and commodious Students' Hall was erected. It contains, conveniently arranged, principal's office, recep- tion room, reading room, museum, recitation rooms, music rooms, and on the third floor is an elegant chapel, contain- ing one of the largest organs in the State. As the limits of this work will not permit a further ex- tension of this subject we Avill bring it to a close, but if this history should reach a second edition, this and several other subjects will be further elaborated, as the material for it is ample. From the first Catalogue issued in 1840, we give the list of the Faculty and a few general remarks : ■ "(1840.) TEACHERS. Rev. Daniel G. Allen, Principal. J. Newhall, a. B., Languages and Mathematics. Miss Lucy G. Eldredge, Preceptress. Miss Hannah C. Eldridge, Drawing and Painting. Miss Anna S. Burge, Teacher of Music." KENT ACADEMY. 221 " Geneeal Remarks, (1840). The Academy went into operation under the direction of the present teachers, in September last ; since which time it has enjoyed an un- expected share of Public Patronage. As the Institution has never possessed the advantages of a Library, Philo- sophical Apparatus and such other means of instruction, it cannot be expected, under its present entirely new organiza- tion, immediately to avail itself of them. Until its means shall enable its friends to procure apparatus, diagrams and familiar illustrations must take the place of experiments, and a wish to retain and increase the patronage the Academy now enjoys, is, it is presumed, a sufficient guaranty that the instruction given to the scholars will be thorough and i)ractical." The list of the Faculty as taken from the last Catalogue, is as follows : "(1877.) FACULTY. Eev. Francis D. Blakeslie, A. M., Principal and Professor of 3 f oral Science and History. Joseph Eastman, A. M., » Latin and Greek. Roland S. Keyser, A. M., Natural Science and Mathematics. Joseph Hastings, Jr., Director of Music. John W. Dershimer, Commercial Department. Samuel R. Kelly, Elocuticm. Mrs. Mary F. C. Edie, Preceptress, English Literature, German and French. Mrs. Augusta M. Blakeslie, A, M., Mental Science and English Branches. Miss Carrie F. Davis, Vocal Culture. Miss Addie L. Makinster, Draiving and Painting. 222 HISTORY OF EAST GREEXWICH. Miss Ella Minnette Kenny, Piano. Miss Sarah E. Arnold, Harmony. Mrs. JuLLi A. Mosher, Matron.^' The reader will see there is vast difference in the school in 1840, with only five teachers and a few branches of study, to 1877 with its twelve teachers and numerous branches of knowledge. This institution was the first school of the kind in the State, and has continued to the present time without the interruption of a single year. From its founding to the year 1839 it was conducted as a stock Academy. It then passed for a short time into private hands, but upon the organization of the Providence Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1840, the school became the property of the Conference by purchase. The design of the school is to furnish the best possible facilities for thorough culture in all departments of academic instruction under religious influences. Although under the control of a single denomination, the religious teaching is non-sectarian, and frequently the majority of the students are fi-om other than Methodist families. The Academy grounds contain five acres, giving an am- ple play-ground, and a lawn beautifully laid out and orna- mented with trees and shubbery. Upon these grounds stands the Boarding Hall, the Windsor House — where most of the faculty reside, and the Academy. The Academy building is a tasteful, substantial structure, and is believed to be unsurpassed by any institution of the same grade. It contains ample and commodious recitation rooms, besides parlor, oftice, library, reading-room, cabinet, and one of the finest seminary chapels in New England. The buildings throughout are warmed with steam and lighted with gas, rendering the premises comparatively safe from fire. The Academy Library contains about three thousand volumes. The cabinet of geological and mineralogical specimens, and the Museum illustrating the history, habits and customs of various nations, embrace about three thousand specimens, and are rarely surpassed in variety and completeness. Members of the school also have access to the excellent KEXT ACADEMY. 223 Free Public Library of the town, which is but a few rods from the Acadeiuy grounds. The institution owns a good philosophical and chemical apparatus, a stereopticon, a set of English astronomical slides showing the various real and apparent motions of the heavenly bodies, a French eudiometer, a powerful electric machine, with a twenty-four inch i>late, Wightman's gas- ometer, and a fine set of gas bags, to be used with the Drummond light. The institution aAvards four diplomas — one to each graduate on liberal learning, one to those com- pleting the musical course, one to the commercial graduates, and one to graduates in art. " Arrangements are made with the State military authori- ties by which those students wishing to become familiar with the military drill can have the daily use of arms and the State's armory, located just across the street from the Academy. A proficient officer gives instruction. The college preparatory course embraces thorough in- struction and drill in the studies required for admission to college. It is designed to j)repare students to enter any American college or university. The classical graduating course is as comprehensive and thorough as that of any seminary or female college. Gentlemen, as well as ladies, who may Avish to take a systematic academic course, can pursue this to graduation, and receive a diploma. In the scientific department most of the branches are taught which are comprised in the corresponding department of a collegiate course. The courses of instruction in the musi- cal, oratorical and commercial departments are very thorousrh and exhaustive. Musical Institute. The general supervision of this important department has been committed to Dr. Eben Tourjee, Director of the celebrated New England Conservatory of Music, at Boston, whose high reputation gives satisfactory assurance of its excellence in every respect. It is designed to afford superior advantages for pursuing the study of music, both as a science and an art. An acquaintance with music, to some extent at least, has now become a necessary element of education. We will close this chapter by giving the names of all the principals who have had the government of the Kent 224 HISTOEY OF EAST GREENWICH. Academy, the Providence Conference Seminary, and the Greenwich Academy : 1802— Abner Alden, A. M 1808. 1808— Joseph L. Tillinghast, A. M 1811. 1811— Aaron Putnam, A. M 1812. 1812— Ezekiel Rich, A. M 1815. 1815 — James Underwood, A. M 1817. 1817— Rev. Daniel Waldo, A. M., died at the age of 101 1818. 1818— Benjamin F. Allen, A. M 1822. 1822— Nathan Whiting, A. M 1823. 1823— Charles H. Alden, A. M 1825. 1825— Rev. Ebenezer Coleman, A. M 1826. 1826— Christopher Robinson, A. M 1829. 1829— Rev. Henrv Edes, A. M 1831. 1831— Penuel Corbett, A. M 1832. 1832— Christopher Robinson, A. M 1833. 1833— George W. Greene, A. M 1831. 1834— Joseph Harrington, A. M 1834, 1834— Joshua O. Coburn, A. M 1835. 1835— Thomas P. Rodman, A. M 1836. 1836— Joshua O. Coburn, A. .M 1838. 1838 — Rev. James Richardson, A. M 1839. 1839— Rev. Daniel G. Allen 1841. 1841— Rev. Benjamin F. Teft, D. D., LL. D 1842. 1842— Rev. George F. Pool, A. B 1843. 184;3— Rev. Daniel G. Allen 1844. 1844— George B. Cone, A. M 1847. 1847— Rev. William Bagnall, A. M 1848. 1848— Rev. Robert Allvne, D. D = 1854. 1854— Rev. George W.'Quereau, D. D 1858. 1858— Rev. Micah J. Talbot, A. M 1862. 1862— Rev. Bernce D. Ames 1864. 1864— Rev. James T. Edwards, A. M 1870. 1871— Rev. David H. Ela, A. M. 1873 — Rev. Francis D. Blakeslie, A. M., present Principal. CHAPTER XVI. THE REBELLION— LADIES' SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY. I AM indebted to Mrs. William N. Sherman, the accom- plished wife of the editor of the Pendulum^ for the follow- ing elaborate and interesting history of this Society, which furnished such imj^ortant and absolutely necessary assist- ance to our soldiers in the field and camp, and afterwards to the destitute " Freed people." Mrs. Sherman was sec- retary of the "Greenwich Ladies' Soldiers' and Freed- men's Aid Societies," and cheerfully gave her time, means and efforts, to sustain these societies as long as they were required. Loyalty and Patriotism of the Ladies. In May, 1861, or soon after the fall of Sumpter, the loy- alty and patriotism of the ladies in East Greenwich was aroused. A meeting was called through The Rhode Island Pendulwiii^ and work commenced for the soldiers. It was considered unnecessary at that time to organize a society as a speedy settlement of the unhappy difficulties which threat- ened our beloved country was anticipated. It was, how- ever, deemed essential that a village treasurer should be appointed. Mrs. William N. Sherman received this appoint- ment, and the contributions for the benefit of the Green- wich soldiers were placed in her hands, It was voted that a subscription paper be circulated with the following heading : "Several ladies feeling the importance of thoroughly furnishing our volunteers with such articles that are not pro- ^ vided, and which will be needed by them while away from 16 226 HISTORY OF EAST GREENAVICH. home, we call upon the patriotic and benevolent to aid them, by contributions in money." The sum subscribed on this paper was $93.25. A con- cert by amateur performers, conducted by Dr. Eben Tour- jee for the same object was held. Mrs Eben Tourjee and and Miss Anna Henshaw were the leading soloists. One of Chickering's pianos was kindly loaned for the occasion by Daniel H. Greene, M. D. The avails of the concert were $51.68, making the whole^ sum received by the treasurer $144.93. Although no society was formed, ladies from all the religious denominations cooperated and harmoniously labored for the general cause. After the terrible battle of Bull Run in July, 1861, which sent such a thrill of agony throughout the nation, the ladies desiring to know especially the condition of the Kentish Guards, commissioned the treasurer to write a letter of inquiry. "VVe copy a portion of Chaplain T. C. Jameson's reply : « Camp Clark, July 30th, 1861. " My Dear Mrs. Sherman : " Through want of time and great fatigue, it has not been possible for me to answer sooner your kind note. A thou- sand thanks for the interest which you manifest in our brave men who are now suffering so much from the fatigue and excitement of the recent and terrible battle. May God reward both you and your associates a thousand fold. I have consulted freely with the captain of the East Green- wich company and others, and beg leave to suggest that you can aid our men (and soldiers more worthy of aid never carried musket nor drew sword) very much ; first, by using your influence to have some ice sent to us as soon as possible. In this hot climate, and in our exhausted and half sick condition this article is really quite indispensable, and unfortunately our supply is entirely exhausted, and we are suffering in consequence. Second, the men are not able to carry writing materials, and a supply of these placed in the hands of the captain for gradual and judicious distri- bution, would be an excellent use of a small portion of the money. Third, I shall like very much to have a small and carefully selected company library, of from fifty to a hun- dred appropriate miscellaneous and moral books, to be placed in the care of responsible officers and loaned at proper times, and for a few days at a time to the men. No more acceptable use than this can be made of a portion of ladies' soldiers' aid society. 227 the money. Fourth, tlie men are required to purchase for themselves materials for cleaning their guns and other equipments; in our ex})osed condition this is a matter of much importance, and involving more expense than most persons are aware of. If you will authorize a small portion of the money for this purpose, it will be of real service, and confer a favor upon us all. With renewed thanks to yourself and the other ladies who are thinking so kindly and generously of us in our isolated and exposed condition, " I remain, very affectionately and gratefully, yours, " T. C. Jameson." In Auo-ust a letter containino- the foUowino- extract was received from one of the officers of Comjiany H, Second Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, requesting the ladies " to send at once all the money which had been collected for them, as a majority of the men are entirely destitute of money, and are unable to }>rocure the most common neces- saries of life, (some might call them luxuries), such as tobacco, pipes and matches." As only about twenty dollars remained of the money to which reference was made, the ladies decided that the sum to which each member of the company would be entitled would be so small, that its ap- propriation for yarn with which to knit them stockings would be a more permanent good, therefore voted not to accede to the request. The money received had been ap- propriated thus far to the Kentish Guards. Twenty-live dollars were sent to the Rev. T. C. Jameson, chaplain of the regiment, before it left the State, to be used as occa- sion required for the benefit of Company H, Second Regi- ment Rhode Island Volunteers. Mr. Jameson was desired to consider particularly the necessities of the sick in dispensing the funds entrusted to his keeping, in part payment for the India-rubber overcoats, in the purchase of articles for their pocket-cases, and for ice, especially for this company. Extracts from another Document : " Camp Brightwood, October 22d, 1801, / Company H, Second Regiment, R. I. V. ) " To the Treasurer of the East G-reenwich Yolunteer Association : " Whereas^ It is generally understood that our friends in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, have at various times since 228 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. the commencement of the present unhappy struggle, con- tributed sundry sums of money for our comfort and benefit, " Therefore^ We, the undersigned, non-commissioned ofiicers and privates of Company H, Second Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, respectfully request the custodian of said sums of money to transmit the same to our com- missioned officers, to be expended for our benefit, as they know our wants better than any one else, and we have the utmost confidence in their integrity." To this were attached sixty-six names. The ladies in their associated capacity again voted not to acquiesce. Subsequent events proved the wisdom of their decision, as their only desire was to benefit the soldiers. Extracts from Chaplain T. C. Jameson^ Letter in answer to one of Inquiry : "Camp Brightwood, November 22d, 1861. " Mrs. W. JSr. Sherman : ^^ Dear Madam — I thank you for your letter of the 19th, and for the copy of the camp correspondence. I had heard nothing of the affair before, and was not only surprised, but mortified and grieved that you and your associates should have been annoyed by such communications, and that your protracted labors of kindness for us should have met with so thankless a return. For myself, I care but lit- tle. I learned long since that the servants of Jehovah are sent on many a thankless errand, and that they must not turn back on account of the ingratitude and selfishness of wicked men. It is enough for the servant to be as his Lord, and we must consider Him who endured such con- tradiction of sinners against himself, lest we be wearied and faint in our minds. The sentiment of the strange letter received by your association is strangely prevalent in the army ! Intemperance, profanity, the use of tobacco and the unrestrained indulgence of the appetites are looked upon as rather soldierly virtues. By too many the proprieties of life, the rights of private property, good manners, the im- provement of the mind, the Sabbath, and religion itself is ignored. Tobacco, cards and whiskey must be had, and they can be transported, but as for books and worship, and religion, and war and the army, there is no time and place for them. Among it all there is but one thing for us, and that is to work on patiently as did our Master. Before I \ LxVDIES' soldiers' AID SOCIETY. 229 left, you doubtless remember that twenty-five dollars were sent to me by your Society, to be used for books or in any other way which might seem desirable for the good of the company. In such way as I believe to be in strict accord- ance with your wishes, I have expended nearly one-half of that sum, and the rest still remains in my hands. I have repeatedly urged Captain Brown to take and use it as he thought best. This he has declined doing, and at the same time assuring me that he would watch, and when he found any thing to be needed by the men would call for the whole or part, as the case might be. I will still hold it in the same way, or return it to you as you may direct. I am not willing to have any agency in the use of it as is indicated by the letter which you received. " And now allow me to caution the ladies against regard- ing this ungenerous exhibition as a specimen of the feeling of the whole regiment. On the contrary there are hun- dreds who appreciate, and will ever be grateful for the af- fectionate and coijstant interest which the ladies of East Greenwich, and the whole of Rhode Island have taken in our welfare. We have been cheered and benefited in every way by the almost numberless acts of kindness re- ceived from our friends at home. The position of chaplain is indeed, as you perceive, one of no ordinary difficulty ; the wisdom of the serpent needs to be united with the harmlessness of the dove in the highest degree. Some have been so annoyed as to be compelled to give up the work in despair ; others ai'e toiling on amidst almost insuperable difficulties. My situation has never been so bad as either of these. By most of the officers and men, I have ever been treated with the greatest respect, and every facility for usefulness guaranteed to me. In the meanwhile, let the ladies not be weary in well-doing, for in due season they will reaj) if they faint not. " Very truly, "T. C. Jameson." " P. S. If you see Mr. Dodge again, remember me to him most kindly, and be assured that we shall ever regard any favor which the ladies may show to him, or any of our sick and wounded as a great kindness to us all. T. C. J." At a regular meeting which was held December 6th, 1861, it was proposed by Mrs. Rev. Dr. Crane, that a society be formed, and known as the " Ladies' Soldiers' Aid So- 230 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. ciety." This proposition was seconded by Mrs. Louisa D. Mumford. The meeting was organized for business by the choice of Mrs. Clara A. Ludlow as president, and Mrs. Mumford, secretary. The officers of the Society repre- sented five religious denominations, and were as follows : President — Mrs. William P. Greene. Vice-President — Mrs. William G. Bowen. Corresponding and Recording Secretary — Mrs. William N. Sherman. Treasurer — Miss Sallie G. Allen, Collector — Mrs. Sheffield Arnold. It was " Voted^ That the object of the Society shall be to furnish the soldiers with useful articles of clothing and sanitary comforts ; " and also Yoted^ That any lady may become a member by donations in money or work." The members' names were as follows : Mrs. Clara A. Ludlow, Mrs. Louisa D. Mumford, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Crane, Mrs. Eliza Gardiner, Mrs. William G. Bowen, Mrs. William N. Sherman, Mrs. William P. Greene, Mrs. Sheffield Arnold, Mrs. Charles W. Greene, Mrs. Nathaniel Sands, Mrs. Joseph Eastman, Miss Mary M. Sherman, Mrs. Lydia Crandal, Mrs. Mahala Young, Miss Mary E. Young, Mrs. Pardon Wightman, Miss Mary Pierce, Miss Ellen E. Eldridge, Mrs. Thomas Mathewson, Miss Anna Tourtelotte, iSIrs. Sarah Eldredge, Mrs. John C. Harris, Mrs. Russel Vaughn, Miss Hattie Cornell, Miss Mfirtha Thompson, Miss Addie Hawkins, Miss Julia Spencer, Miss Abbie L. Updike, Miss Alice Updike, Mrs. Enoch W. Lovell, Mrs. Juliet C. Nason, Mrs. Hannah Slocum, Miss Emily R. Eldredge, Miss Lizzie B. Greene, Mrs. Franklin Greene, Miss Sallie G. Allen, Mrs. Anne Ames. Various means were adopted to obtain funds to carry forward the object of the Society. . Exhibitions of paint- ings, curiosities, tableaux, fairs and festivals, were brought into requisition. Liberal donations in money and materials for work were gratefully received from ladies and gentle- men who were not connected with the Society. Among this number we would refer to the late Mrs. Silas W. Holmes, whose unobtrusive charities were frequent and liberal, and to Robert H. Ives, Jr., Esq., who was killed at the battle of Antietam, and whose name may well be classed among that list of noble martyrs whose valuable lives were sacrificed for their " country's good." Special donations were sent to Lovell Hospital, Ports- mouth Grove, in our own State ; to Missouri, and through Miss Dix to the Washington hospitals. The Second, ladies' soldiers' aid society. 231 Fourth and Eleventh Rhode Island Regiments, and the First Regiment New York Mounted Rifles, received assist- ance from the Society. Ten dollars were sent to the United States Sanitary Commission through Russell M. Larned, Esq., agent for Rhode Island. In November, 1862, about thirty young ladies — some of them members of the "Aid Society," organized a Knitting Circle, their special object being to labor for our volunteer soldiers. The officers were as follows : President— Miss Mary M. Sherman. Vice-President— Miss Mary H. Brown. Secretary— Miss Lucy M. Brown. Treasurer — Miss Emma L. Rhodes. Directresses— Miss Laura M. Eddy and Miss Lizzie S. Knowles. Committee of Ways and Means— Miss Mary H. Brown, Miss Lizzie B. Greene, Miss Maria Rhodes, Miss Annie D. Coggeshall, Miss Melissa B. Spooner. Gentlemen were permitted to attend the evening meet- ino:s by the contribution of money or yarn. In December, 1864, Rev. Professor Bernice D. Ames, a former principal of the Greenwich Academy, and agent of the Christian Commission, Philadelphia, visited East Greenwich to make collections for that Society and received $74.00. Mrs. Silas W. Holmes contributed twenty-five dollars of the amount, and thirty-five Avere accredited to " The Circle." The names of the other contributors are unknown to the writer. We find in a report by R. M. Earned, Esq., agent of the United States Sanitary Commission for Rhode Island, the acknowledgment from the Knitting Circle of twenty-two pairs of socks for Rhode Island soldiers in Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia. The full extent of the work accom- plished by this Society we are unable to state, as the secre- tary died some years since, and the records, which were in her possession, cannot be found. Miss Anna Eldredge and others, with some of the members of the Aid Society, were especially interested in furnishing supplies to destitute families of soldiers in the village, with very great acceptance. Copi/ of a Letter from Captain B. S. Brown: "Camp Second Regiment, R. I. V., Near Stafford, C. H., November 27, 1862 " Mrs Sherman : " Bear 3Iadam — Your note of November 19th came safely to hand last night. I embrace the earliest oppor- tunity of giving you the information required, and of 232 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. replying to such other points of your note as may seem desirable. In regard to the number from East Greenwich, there are at least thirty men in the Company from that place and the immecliate vicinity. The whole number of men in the company is ninety-four, but only seventy-fiye are at present with us, the remainder being, some of them absent, sick, others on detached service. " The entire company is sadly in want of stockings. Hequisitions for them have been sent to the proper persons again and again, but thus far we have failed to receive them. Thus many of the men are to-day suffering for the stockings that government should have furnished them a month ago. Anything the ladies in East Greenwich can do to relieve this want, will, you may be sure, be met with the liveliest expressions of gratitude by us. As you remark, the stock- ings you may send will be double^ yes, treble their value in money to us at j^resent. We can do without the money, but without the stockings we must suffer. You may send them by Adams Express, and direct to 'Captain B. S. Brown, Company H, Second Regiment, Rhode Island Vol- unteers, Aquia Creek Landing, Ya.' " Like you, I hope that the war will soon be at an end, and that not only myself, but the whole company may be re- stored to our families and friends. I am very glad that you are so much interested in my children at Sabbath School, and hope they may prove worthy of their teacher. I feel confident that under your care and instruction they will acquire those virtues and graces that are alike the beauty of youth and the strength of age. " It is true great things are expected from General Burn- side's well known energy and ability, and I think we may safely say, whatever he may do, that he will accomplish all he can. His whole heart is in the work of crushing the rebellion. " In relation to the funds in your possession, so confident am I that the money will be appropriated properly, that I feel entirely willing to take your statement to that effect. If you wish however to have some one examine your bills of expenditure, any one whom you may select for the pur- pose will be acceptable to me and the company. " Yours with respect, "B. S.Brown." A box was forwarded to Company H, December 11th, 1862, containing one hundred and ten pairs of yarn stock- ladies' soldiers' aid society. 23S ings and thirty pairs of mittens. Forty-six pairs of stock- ings were knit from yarn purchased with the money in the hands of the Treasurer of the Volunteer Fund. Miss Pa- tience B. Cook contributed thirty-six pairs, the Aid Society, the Knitting Circle and others making up the number. The appropriation of all the money received by the Treasurer of the Volunteer Fund, especially for Company H, was agreea- ble to the ladies interested in that company. The ladies ex- pected the box containing the stockings would reach the company in about three weeks, but three months had elapsed before it reached its destination. Extracts from a Letter from Captain Thomas Foy : " Camp Second Regiment, R. I. V., ) Near Fredericks, Virginia. ) " Dear Madam — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your kind note of 24th ult., in which you inform me that there is a box on board the schooner ' Elizabeth and Helen,' containing one hundred and ten pairs of stock- ings and ten pairs of mittens for Company H, contributed partly by the Society of which you are the Treasurer, and partly by ' friends,' and hoping if it is not too late I will be able to receive two pairs of the stockings and one pair of mittens ; 1 thank you very kindly for your good will in my behalf, but, although I take pride in claiming to be a ' Greenwich boy,' I fear I cannot claim any of the stockings or mittens. I read your letter to Lieutenant John C. Bev- eridge, Avho is at present commanding Company H, and he informs me that he received full instructions from Captain B. S. Brown in relation to the contents of the box. I am requested by Lieutenant Beveridge to say, that, in behalf of Company H he thanks you, and when he receives the box, with the letter contained therein he w^ill reply in a suitable manner. I did see the ' published report in the Pendulum of the bills of expenditure of the money collected for Corn- pany H, Second Regiment,' and in my humble opinion it was not necessary that they should be ' carefully examined by Mrs. William P. Greene and Mrs Louisa D. Mumford.' Permit me to say, madam, that the report reflects honor upon the treasurer who submitted it. "It is understood here in camp that the schooner is down at Belle Plain Landing. She arrived to-day, and there has been a ' detail ' made of six men and a cor- poral to go from here at reveille to-morrow to assist in un- 234 HISTORY OF EAST GREEXWICH. loading her. The corporal is from my company. It is said she contains boxes from various parts of tlie State for the various companies. Everything is quiet on the Rappahannock. Please convey my respectful regards to the members of your Society, and, " Believe me your obedient, "Thomas Foy." Copy of a Letter received from Acting Captain John C. Beveridge : " Camp Second Regiment, R. I. V., ) Near Fredericksburg, March 5th, 1863. \ '■'' 3frs. William N. Sherman; " Madam — In the absence of Captain B. S. Brown, and as commander of Company H, I take the liberty to inform you of the safe arrival of the box containing one hundred and ten pairs of stockings and thirty pairs of mittens ; that I also distributed the articles in accordance with your wish, delivering to each of the original members of the company two pairs of socks and one pair of mittens, to the others one pair of socks. I also embrace this opportunity in be- half of the company of returning their heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the ladies who thus so kindly contributed articles so necessary to their comfort. Although East Greenwich is not my place of residence, yet being so long- connected w4th Company H, both as an enlisted man and an officer, I do fully appreciate the honor conferred on the company, as that their welfare should be so tenderly consid- ered by the ladies. Three hearty cheers were given by the company for the ladies of East Greenwich, which, if they had been present to hear, would have been full compensation for the expense and labor tendered in their behalf. With my best wishes for the welfare of the ladies of East Green- wich, I am, madam, very respectfully, your obedient ser- vant, "John C. Beveridge, " First-Lie\itenant Commanding Company H, Second Regiment, R. I. F." Thus it will be seen that this fruitful subject for much criticism and speculation in regard to the action of the ladies, resulted in a greater and more permanent good than could possibly have been achieved, if the money had been forwarded at the request of the soldiers, to be expended in the purchase of pipes and tobacco. It was estimated by the " Aid Society," that from the va- rious oro'anizations in which some of the members of that ladies' soldiers' aid society. 235 Society were especially interested, that East Greeenwich ladies directly and indirectly aided the soldiers to the amount of more than three thousand dollars. This sum included money, rubber bed blankets, hospital garments, wines, jellies, ice, vegetables and reading matter. Over one thousand yards of bandages and compresses, prei)ared from surgeons' directions, were furnished by the Society. Among other things which belonged to General McClellan's grand- mother, and given to the Society by his aunt, Miss Lucy McClellan, was old linen, from which, a box of prepared lint was made and sent to tlie hospital. The Society existed until October 29th, 1865, when it was unanimously voted, to dissolve the " Soldiers' Aid So- ciety " and form a " Freedmens' Aid Society," transferring all money and materials on hand to that Society. In closing the records of the " Soldiers Aid Society," the secretary wrote : " The Society met agreeable to adjourn- ment with our indefatigable co-laborer, Mrs. Charles W. Greene, Avhose unwearied exertions, self-denying efforts and liberality, have been devoted to the interests of the So- ciety from its foundation to the present time. May she live many years to bless the world with her kind benefac- tions." We cannot refrain from bearing testimony to Madam Anne Ames. This aged friend of the soldiers demonstrated her patriotism by her labor of love. Her hand and heart were alike interested for those who were aiding in the preservation of the "nation's life." Although seventy- eight years old, she knit over one hundred and fifty pairs of stockings for the Society. A pleasant picture lingers in our memory of Mrs. Frank- lin Greene. Her placid genial face, her social and inter- lectual graces, ever made an atmosj^here of sunshine in the cloudiest days. Her presence was always an attractive feature of our gatherings. No fair Penelope of olden time ever labored more assiduously than did she, and the click, click, of her knitting needles made merry music in our ears. Who can estimate the many kindly thoughts of sincere sympathy and patriotic love that were woven in, as stitch by stitch she made rapid progress for the comfort of " Our Boys in Blue." 236 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. National Covenant. In May, 1864, some ladies, wishing to show still further their loyalty and love for their country, signed their names to "The Ladies National Covenant." The pledge of the Covenant was as follows : " For three years, or during the ymi\ we pledge ourselves to each other and to our country, not to purchase any imported article of apparel, where American can possibly be substituted." To this pledge were attached forty-seven names, headed by Madame Anne Ames, the venerable mother of the late Chief-Justice Ames of this State, and aunt of the great his- torian Motley. Names to the Pledge : Mrs. Anne Ames, Mrs. Charles W. Greene, Miss Abigail Reed, Miss Mary Reed, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Crane, Mrs. Rev. Prof. Bernice D.Ames, Mrs. H. B. Hart, Mrs. William G. Bowen, Mary Collins, Mrs. Betsey Bicknell, Louisa J. Arnold, Cynthia P. Bolton, Emma V. Adams, Mattie E. Gardiner, NancieM. Harrringtou, Phebe Titus, Emma S. Tabor, Mrs. Nathaniel Sands, Mrs. Henry \y. Greene, Miss Louisa Sands, Mrs. Sarah P. Eldredge, Miss Susan E. Black, Miss Anna E. Livesey, Kate C. Greene, Mrs. Lydia T. Hopkins, Sarah A. Vaughn, Mrs. Louisa D. Mumford, Amey A. Simmons, Miss Elizabeth B. Greene, Mrs. Franklin Greene, Miss Ellen E. Eldredge, Mrs. William P. Greene, Mrs. William N. Sherman, Miss Susan M. Godding, Miss Sarah M. Clark, A. Anna Keeney, Mary E. Miller, A. A. W. Aikin, Miss S. E. Greene, Miss C. P. Greene, Miss H. V. Greene, H. S. Joslin, Maggie Newall, E. P. Gardiner, H. C. Dawley, Annie P. Burdick, Mary Arnold. " Do noble deeds, not dream them all day long. So shall life, death, and the vast forever Be one sweet song. ' ' CHAPTER XVII THE REBELLION—GREENWICH LADIES' FREEDMENS AID SOCIETY. The Frocdmen's Aid Society was organized October 29tli, 18G5, at the same meeting at which the Sokliers' Aid So- ciety was dissolved. Mrs. William P. Greene, President, oeciipied the chair, and Mrs William N. Sherman was chosen Secretary. Owing to the ill health of Mrs Greene, she deemed it unwise for her to attempt to hold any pronii- nent position in the new organization. Devotion, faithful- ness and zeal characterized her interest for lier country as the presiding officer of the former Society. The officers of tlie Freedmen's Aid Society were : P/T'.sK^eHi— Miss Sarah M. Clark. Conx'spomlin;/ and Hci-ordiiu/ Se^retanj- TrcasiD'er — Miss Sarah M. Clark. -Mrs. William N. Sherman. The names of the members of the Society were as follows ; Miss Sarah M. Clarke, Mrs. William N. Sherman, Mrs. William P. Greene, [Mrs. Charles W. Greene, Mrs. Franklin Greene, Mrs. Eleanor Elclredge, Mrs. Gulielma Freehorn, Mrs. Esther M. Whitney, Miss Susan A. Pierce, IVLrs. Sheffield Arnold, Mrs. Anne Ames, Mrs. Chetty Ames, Mrs. Nathaniel Sands, Miss Lizzie B. Greene, Miss Mary M. Sherman, ISIiss Ahhie G. Shaw, Miss Carrie S. Hopkins, Mrs. Thomas Spencer, Mrs. Kev. Dr. Crane, 17 Mrs. Miss ISIiss Mrs. INIiss ISIrs. Mrs. ISIrs. Mrs. Miss Tflrs. Mrs. Mrs. ISIrs. IVIiss Mrs. INIrs. Mrs. Thomas ISIathewson, Anna S. Shaw, Mary Pierce, Samuel Arnold, Lucy W. Crane, Henry W. Greene, Sarah P. Eldredye, William G. Bowen, Eliza Gardiner, Mary Crane, Jones, Henry Judge Joseph Tlllinghast, Smith W. Pierce, Carrie INI. Pierce, Bev. Charles W. Ray, Thomas INIusgrave, William Arnold. 238 HISTOKY OF EAST GKEENWICH. The Soldiers' Aid Society transferred to this Society such materials as remained on hand at its dissolution, in- cluding thirty-five dollars in money. The Society sent sey- eral of its Avell filled boxes and barrels through the agency of Rev. H. G. Stewart, General Agent of the Khode Island Association for Freedmen, to Mrs. Josephine S. Grifiing, General Agent of the National Freedmen's Relief Associa- tion at Washington, D. C. We find by reference to the records that the Society was under sj^ecial obligations for materials for work and money, to Messrs Moses B. I. Goddard, Robert Ives, Frank E. Richmond, Mrs. William G. Goddard, Mrs. Moses Ives and others, of Providence, Avhose summer homes are in the vicinity of East Greenwich, and to David G. Wilbur, of this village for various favors. Items from the Records of the Society January bth^ 18G6: " The Secretary read a circular addressed ' To the Friends of Humanity,' from the Executive Committee of ' The National Freedmen's Relief Association for the District of Columbia,' signed by the committee and several members of Congress, with the Chaplain's statement of the wants of the freed people." " Received to-day from Miss Amy A. Simmons, the out- side for another quilt, pieced by her mother and grandmother, botli of whom were long since numbered with the dead. Tliis contribution Avas regarded as an evidence of deej) interest in that class for whom the Society is laboring." " January 8th. This day is said to be the coldest for over thirty years ; the thermometer ranging fifteen degrees below zero. This Svas not a regular meeting of the Society. The weather being so severe and the emergency so great, an extra meeting was called, at which eight ladies were present, Mrs. Charles W. Greene, and Mrs. Franklin Greene at whose res- idence we met. Miss Sarah M. Clark, Miss Susan A. Pierce, Mrs. Samuel Arnold, Mrs. Gorton Burlingame, Miss Lizzie B. Greene and the Secretary, Mrs. William Greene. One bed-quilt was finished and an entire one quilted. No idle hands to-day. Lights were kindly furnished by Mrs. C. W. Greene, who is deeply interested in the object of the Society." " February 2. The Secretary read a circular from General O. O. How-ard, of the War Department, Bureau of Refu- gees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, dated January 26th, 1866, in Avhich he commends Mrs. Josejihine S. Gritting as a worthy almoner of the Ijounties of tlie Society." ladies' feeedmen's aid society. 239 "December 17th, 18GG. Two or three circulars were read asking assistance for the Freed people. Why will the government deny assistance to these poor suffering refugees ? Circulars from different organizations presenting the claims of the Freed people, were frequently received. These ap- peals were soul-stirring and worthy, but the ability to assist all was not within the precincts of the Society, but we did what we could." " jNIarch, 18G7. A circular was received by the Secretary and read before the Society, dated New York, January 18th, 1867, headed, '• Famine at Home!! which portrayed the suffering existing in the South and Southwest from the failure of the crops, owing in part to a severe drought, and in part to conditions relating to the late rebellion. As the circular had the names of res]ionsible gentlemen attached to it, Nathan Bishop being Chairman of the Executive Committee, and James M. Brown, Treasurer, the Society at once resolved to hold a festival and ai:>propriate the proceeds to this specific object." William N. Sherman, Esq., editor of the Pendulum^ in order to call the attention of the public, gave a very full and extended notice in his paper of the needs and suffer- ings of the white and colored people in some portions of the South. Tlie posters contained the following notice ; " Festival for the Starving. The Greenvnch Ladies' Aid Society I)ropose holding a FESTIVAL, In Masonic Hall, Tuesday Evening, March lOtli, 18G7, In behalf of the suffering poor at the South, whose condition is represented as appalling." Friends in Providence, whose summer homes were here, sent contributions for the tables, embracing fruits, salads and such like things. We remember that Mrs. Judge Richard AV. Greene furnished a very large and nice ham. Mrs Crawford Allen's large oysters were the admiration of those who have a fondness for those bivalves. One gentle- man having been served to a plate of them, returned for more, when a lady reminded him that they w^ere six cents each. He replied, " Yes, I know, but I want more of them, they are so very nice ! " Candace, Mrs. Rufus Waterman's " Ethiopian Queen," afforded great amusement. As we noAV occasionally look at these specimens of woman's ingenuity 240 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. and skill, presiding over the cradle made and presented by " Friend " Freeborn, in which reposes a nicely dressed doll, a recollection of that " Festival " comes before the mind, imparting a lesson of gratitude to the author of all our blessino's, that out of the fearful suffering which our natiou, both North and South, then ex})erienced, has arisen the great blessing of freedom to millions who had been in bondage. The avails of the festival amounted to one hundred and seventy-five dollars, which were forwarded to James M. Brown, Treasurer of the Relief Fund, and in due time its reception was acknowledged by Lim. In answer to an appeal in the Summer of 1868, twenty- nine dollars, to purchase necessaries for the sick, were sent to Mrs. J. S. Griffing, at Washington, who was always a favorite agent of the Society. L. P. Brockett, M. D., wrote in relation to her, that "if the most thoroughly unsel- fish devotion of an earnest and gifted woman to the inter- ests and welfare of a despised and down-trodden race, to the manifest injury and detriment of her own comfort, ease or ])ecuniary pros|)ects, and without any hope or desire of re- ward, other than the consciousness of having been their benefactor, constitutes a woman a heroine, then is Mrs. Grifiing one of the most remarkable heroines of our times." We annex a copy of a letter from Mrs. Grifiing as a speci- men of a large number of letters received from her in an- swer to letters and contributions sent from the Society : " Wasiiixgtox D. C, April 21st, 1869. " My Dear Mrs. Sherman : " Your very interesting letter came two days since, and the barrel yesterday. Again most heartily do I thank you, and this seems very tame language for one who sees as I do, so many who are in such varied suffering for want of clothing. Poor Mrs. Peyton, who lay dying last Sunday, (as I sat in lier room, not more than seven by ten feet, and as dark as night), stretched out her bony arm, and almost gas-ping her last breath, said "see how bare I am; the ver- min eat me, and I am so nervous I shall die ; oh, how I want to go ! ' and she lived but a few hours more, and went to her rest. " Then, at another house, I found poor Mary Conover, who had lain in rags till her flesh is worn off her bones, with no one to care for her, or her poor clothing. I found her with her head on an old woman's lap — her body on the ladies' freedmen's aid society. 241 l»a]k't still ; she liad no cliaiigc of clothing, hut I sent her one last night from your barrel, and Mary cried like a child for joy, and said it was God who heard her ; he knew hoAV she suffered and had ' nobody to go 'i)on '; and wi]>ing the tears off of her bare arms, she said, ' what could I do with- out my blessed Master? I'se done all I kin; I'se earned my bread and dose as long as I could, and now I'se so bare ; how did dey know it, Avho made disV Honey, I tell you 'twas my Massa in heaven ; he tole 'em of dispoor creatur ; he'll i)ay 'em too, honey, dat he will ; he's got do man- sion in de skies ; his chillen all going dar ; if dey 'uRMnber us jjoor uns here, dey'll have de high seats dar.' How I want you should realize Avhat faith they have in compensation. I w^as impressed more than ever last. week, after a short attack of fever that kept me in bed and out of the otHce for ten days, when the old women came in and found me at my post again. Hannah Shanklin, one of the finest in organism and s}>iritual character, took me in her arms and said, 'You is Avell again, isn't you? I know'd you would be — you wasn't goin' — you couldn't die, cause Ave ])rayed and i>rayed, and tole our Master in Heaven, if he ]»lease let you slay till we go, and Ave all felt it in here, (laying her hand upon her heart), and Massa above said you Avouldn't die.' Old Anna Clifford, ninety years old, responded, 'heknoAvs dem dat do his Avork ; he's goin' to keep his arm tight roun dem ; he Avont turn dem off' like Ave is — Avid nobody to go 'j)on.' " Having learned dependence in slavery, ui)on the arm of flesh, Avhich has proven a broken reed to them, they never cease to illustrate their firm hold of the loving Friend Avho has never forsaken them, and seem, as none others Avhom I have seen, to grasp the object of heavenly disci- 1)1 ine, and the rcAvard of Avell doing. They seldom com- l)lain of their lot, and make keen observations of the sorrows- of others, never failing to show that 'GodAvill make it all right,' as they express it. "You ask me to name the slaves of General Washington noAV livino- here : Anna Fero'uson is one, and Ambrose Cooper, (now one hundred and eleven years old) is the other. I knoAV of none besides these tAVO. Uncle Am])rose fell into the fire the other day, and was brought in a cart from the poor colored man's house Avhere he liad been taken in — two miles on the Avestern suburbs — and dropped doAvn in Fredericksburg, a settlement on the south side of the city, where almost none but freed peoi)le who came from 242 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. Fredericksburg, Virginia, first landed in time of the war. The old man was burned on one side, the flesh literally crisped on one limb, so that he could not walk, and he was taken up by some colored women and helped into the nearest shanty, and laid on a pile of rags behind the stove, where he lias lain for eiglit weeks past. When at evening the mother of the family came from her ' service place,' she was sur- prised to find the stranger an inmate of their one-roomed cabin, but began to ask wliere he came from, and almost intuitively saw that he was something to her; and before long tlie truth came out that more than sixty years ago, he, the old man, left her and her mother down ' in the country,' and came to this city with George Washington as his body servant. They had not met since, and had no knowledge of each other. Is it any wonder that they see the hand of God in this ? The daughter is an uncommon woman, and has lost almost all of her children in slavery, has some grandchildren of fatliers who died in the army, and one sickly daughter here. From your clothing I made the old man a complete suit, for lie Avas only half covered, his cloth- ing poor at the best, all burned off. I provide all his food, and carried him your comforter, and he lies there on the floor praising God, that He has raised up such friends for him, when all he kncAV, or all who had known him Avere gone and left him Avith no friend or home on earth. I am going to see him again soon. He has sent for me to talk Avith me about his dear ' old Massa George,' as he calls him noAV, to distinguish him from another of the family Avhom he after- Avards served. " Old Anna has had her clothing, night-cap and all, made from your garments, and ahvays asks after you, as if you were benefactors sent for special help to the poor. Of course these people knoAV nothing of the money A^alue of clothing, but it is the higher A^alue of its real use, Avhich they prize so much, and are so thankful for. The ' old man patient,' as he Avas called in the hospital, died two Aveeks since. He Avas one of the Washington family, Avas over one hundred years old, ripe in faith and love, and died very hapjiy. " Old Fanny Tylor has been an object of special care to me for two years past. I found her at the Avash-tub last Aveek, although her eyes are dim Avith the film of years. She is not less than one hundred years old, and has the child of the fifth generation in the two-room shanty Avhere she lives, Avith a grandchild Avho is subject to fits. The old ladies' freedmen's aid society. 243 auntie was washing their little pile of rags, for she said the Lord did not like her 'wid dirty close on.' She is wonder- fully clear in her mind and talks much of her life in the j)ast century ; remembers about the Revolutionary men and their acts, and is sure of heaven any day when ' my Massa says come.' She has been entirely clothed from your gar- ments. " Old Nancy Williams is ninty-nine years old, and has been an ol)jectof care for the last four years. ^ You have been, as she says, ' better den Massa and Missis both, to give her such tine close!' She has never in her life had any thing but coarse linsey, and takes great pleasure in going to church (Methodist) in her calico dress. Aunt j\[ary Eastman is another of the ninety years' old saints that you have clothed. Also Elcy Harlan, one of the most ])rincely looking Avomen — six feet tall, and straight as an Indian. " Susan McGuirc, also ninety, is another of the sweetest si^irits. She was once whipped on her bare back, at a wliip]>ing i)Ost in Maryland, for being detected with eighteen others in the crime of trying to learn to read ! '^ Patsy Bird is another, tall and very black, who, on her master's twelve plantations was intrusted with the health of all his slaves, and went from one farm to another, the mother of thirteen children and wet nurse to all the chil- dren of her mistress. The first Union officers she ever saw were standing in her master's front door, and heard him say, ' No, I will not give them up ; they are mine, and I feed them. No, I will not surrender. I will eat acorns first,' with an oath. Patsy saw them handcuff him and put him on the wagon train for the Old Cape Jail. ^ When he started his slaves were on the same train. His Avife Avas taken to a quiet farm house AAdiere she soon died from the shock of seeing ruin and poverty before her. Patsy fre- (piently Aventto the jail in this city and carried some luxu- ries to her old master, Avho always shoAved great regard for her. Patsy sighs as she speaks of seeing the buildings in flames before they Avere out of sight of the old home. ^ She brought Avitli her eight children, six of Avhom died Avithin four montlis after she came here. You remember what a great mortality there Avas among the blacks Avhen they ilocked into tliis city in such great numbers as freed people. " Patsy is my main dependence noAV to cook and carry food to the sick and old. Yesterday she found Robert and ' Sallie Hunter, aA'Iio came on the same wagon train with her, 244 HISTORY OF EAST GREENAVICH. .111(1 their daiiglitcr Martha, sixty-five years okl, all sitting out ill a little nook of sunshine — Sallie, stone blintl, and Martha raj)idly sinking with consumption, (she had on an old ragged dress, no shoes or stockings, and sitting with her feet on a piece of tin picked up from the road-side); old Kobert so feeble as to totter, in his eighty-ninth year — all turned out of home because they could not pay house rent. Patsy was out all day finding a stable to put them in, and up early this morning to carry them food and clothes. I saw this poor family to-day, and never met a more resigned and truly suffering one. Your garments liave gone to-day to record your acts of unselfish love for God's dear down-trodden ones. Many, many more cases I might name, but you have not time to hear, nor I to write them. " You ask ' why all this suffering when Congress appro- l)riated 130,000,-^5,000 for Georgetown, |5,000 for the County of Washington over the river on the Maryland side, and 20,000 for this city and over in Virginia for miles around.' No part of this is expended in clothing. It could not be, however, so great is the want of food and shelter. AYliy do we not have money in hand to care for all ? This is never done by government. The agents have the pro- visions and fuel through government orders, in oflice hours never out of them. That is the way in all departments now. AYitli the mayor it is not so difiicult to help out of office hours, but money is never given under any circumstances, although cases occur where it is greatly needed. Our Avork is to j^ut up in fifteen-cent j^ackages thousands of dollars worth of sugar, tea, salt, rice, coft'ee and soap, and pack- ages of a peck of meal for multitudes of these worn-out slaves (we do not even help half of the suffering widows and children, that go hungry from day to day) ; and to penetrate to the very inmost soul all cases that we do not know, who come with tickets from others, and hear the same sad tale of a hundred in a day, till our own faces wear the shadow of the pangs they feel. Oh, that we could bear more and do more. I cannot tell you how much I prize your fellowship and cooperation. God knows. "My love to one and all, "J. S. Griffixg." Amono^ the laro^e number of those whose condition had been iin2)roved by the benefactions of the society, it was a pleasure to know, that there were two who had been at- ladies' fkeedmen's aid society. 245 tachccl to the family of General Washington. Anna Fer- guson received, Avitli other articles, the iirst one of tlie eighteen bed-quilts Avhicli Avere made and furnished by the Society. In order to show how industrious the ladies were we will mention that tlie number of one style of nnder-garments made for women and children was three hundred and forty- eight, nearly all of which were made from new material furnished by the members of the Society. Tavo hundred and ninety-one pairs of stockings were furnished. The number of articles sent from the Society, comprising bed- ding and every variety of wearing apparel for men, women and children, was eighteen hundred and twenty-eight. Tliis Society continued its labors nntil April 8tli, 1870, when the necessity for its continuance no longer existed. Tlie nineteenth and last barrel, filled as nsual with clothing, was expressed to Mrs. Griffing, at Washington. If it were proper we would gladly record the names of the few noble and faithful ladies whose fidelity and exertions in behalf of the soldiers and freed peo])le continued from the commence- ment of the war until this Society closed its labors, but their record is on high. In the Summer of 1866 a fair was conducted by Miss Nancy Allen, Miss Anna Waterman, Miss Kitty Larned, Miss Carrington, Miss Blodgett and other yonng ladies Avho were summer residents, assisted by Mrs. AVilliam P. Greene, JMrs. Thomas Mathewson, Miss Mary Crane, Miss Mary M. Sherman, Miss Lizzie B. Greene, Miss Anna Shaw and Miss jVbbie G. Shaw, who were members of the Aid Society. The amount realized was six hundred dollars, Avhicli was forwarded to the treasurer of the " Freedmen's Relief As- sociation," at Washington. The amount contributed for the freed peo])le in money and clothing through the ladies of East Greenwich, was nineteen hundred and one dollars. So far as we could conmiand the facts we have endeavored to faithfully repre- sent the work accomplished by the ladies of East Green- wich during our country's "darkest days." The sacrifice of ease, the energy required to overcome obstacles and the ])atient toil for others' good, Avould fill many pages of yet unwritten history, but these heroines unknown in earthly lore, may in the Book of the great hereafter, find their names inscribed by Him Avho knoAveth all good and faithful servants deserving the i^laiidit, " Well done ! " CHAPTER XVIII MISCELLANEO US. While Avriting this liistory, sevcrnl persons in this vicin- ity kindly sent nie a number of valuable old ])a])ers, many of wliicli furnished material for the work, and some of tliem, although not directly connected with East Green- Avich, were interesting enough to be worth i)rcserving. As they could not be used in the foregoing chapters, I have concluded to put them in a chajiter by themselves witliout any particular arrangement. Among them was a diary kej)t by Daniel Ilowland commencing A. D. 1740. Extract feom the Diaey of Daniel IIoavlaxd. "In 1739, war with Spain began. In May 1744, war with France was proclaimed here." "July the 5th 1740. Died, John Wanton, Late Gov- ernor of Rhode Island and was Decently Buried on the 7th of the Same a Great Concourse of People attending the fun- eral." Rather a singular Avay of noticing the death of a gov- ernor by saying he was "decently buried." "December 1741 and the first of January following there fell 6 or 7 Snows one upon another, without a thaw between. Bristol ferry was so froase the said winter that people pnssed upon the Ice from December 23d to January the 10th. January the 30th Father came away from Boston and Got home February the 5th there being thirteen in Com- pany most part of the way and travelling every Day, the bad travellinoj Avas caused bv a sfreat Snow which fell the 28th and 29th of January which with the rest of the Snows that was then remaining' on the Ground Avas counted 5 foot EXTRACT FKOM THE DIARY OF DANIEL IIOAVLAND. 247 Deep upon a level; about the 5lli and 8Ui of February the rivers were so extremely frose that live men went from Bristol to Newport on the Ice, and Nathaniel Manchester came from Bristol ferry to Greenige, and a few days before John Baly went from Coeset shore to Swansy u2)on the Ice ; our well that is 3 or 4 and twenty foot Deep was frose to a solid body of Ice, for three weeks, so that we got no water in the time about the first of February 1741. Feb- ruary the 25tli 1741 a Wedding Guest came from Freetown to common fence pint on the Ice, across the Bay. Some- time the last of February the Ice was measured up against Fall River and found to be 25 inches thick and about Shades ferry it was oO inches. March 6th. there went a man over Bristol Ferry and led a horse Avith a sled. March 7th. there fell a snow, which with the Rest since hard wether set in makes o2 inches." " March 10th. a man went over Bristol Ferry upon the Ice, and two boys came from Portsmouth to Coeset. March 20th it was generally thought that a man might have Gone from Common fence i)int to Swansy on the Ice. March the 24th, the Bay above us not yet broke up. March 26th. it broke up and the Ice came down by Acres. April 23d. I Avent to NcAvport, and in Moon's lane there Avas a snoAV bank for Rods together 3 feet or 3J feet Deep. June 2d. the Ice thaAved in John Ilowland's Well. June the 6th. tliere Avas SnoAV Brought to a tOAvn meeting held at the town house in Portsmouth, half a hat croAvn full from Job Lawton's farm. June the lOth. at the Wedding of Josej^h Freeborn, We the guests Drank Punch made of Snow ; The like Never known in these j^arts Before." " 1742. The S})ring very forAvard, the peach-trees bloomed in April for the most part ; a very promising Sea- son the fore part of the year but folloAved by a violent Drouth, Avhich began About tlie 26th of June and for about ten weeks, Avithout Rain except some scattering Drops some times and very Seldom any at all." " February the 19th, 1743. Grassliopi)ers seen to Day ])lentifully hopping about in the Meadows; the Winter past since Noa ember, exceedingly moderate, the Ground bare mostly, and l)ut little frost, fine pleasant Weather .some- times for a Week together and Summer like Days very common. November the 8th. Extraordinary Dark about the middle of the Day, so that people Avere obliged to light candles to do their business. January 1774 there appeared 248 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. a Blazing Star in the West in the Evening for a great while and afterwards it was seen by many in the Morning before it was light Easterly. The same Year in February died Martha Dyer aged JSTinety Nine years and Nine months, and her Sister Susan Brownel, aged Ninety Six years and Eleven months, both lived in one house, many years, and died in the same in a Aveek's difference." "June 17th, 1745. Louisburg surrendered to the English after a Siege of six weeks and five days. In May came orders from the King to the several Governments to Raise a Number of forces in order to join the British forces at Cape Britton, to go on an Expedition against Canada, in comi)liance with which Rhode Island raised three hundred men directly and the other Governments a great many more, but no fleets come as yet October the first. In the last of Sej^tember a general alarum in Boston Government, throughout the Province thirty or forty thousand men gathered into Boston out of the Country all Avhich was caused by inteligence of a large French fleet near the Cape Sable shore." " NoA^ember the 4th our Country Sloop and Sogers, which were enlisted for Canady on Bord the transports hauled oft" in Order to Sail to Anopilus Royal by order of Assembly in order to Strengthen that place against the French fleet, which we have inteligence has Sailed homewards Some- time last Month. Our forces afore mentioned, proceeded to the Vinyard shore, and there cast away one transjiort but lost no Men, took- them on bord the other transports, afterwards lost one more totally upon some of the islands, run the Country Sloop on shore, and the other transport. The Sloop they Got off again and after losing great num- bers of their men by reason of hardship and Sickness, returned home without proceeding any further. Wood in Newport ten pounds (-^50) a cord ; Hay not to be got at all hardly. Grain very scarce of all sorts." " In December 1746 Our Commissioners settled the Bounderies betwen the Governments ; Boston not Joining." These " Bounderies " I presume were those between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, which were so long in dispute, and Avere only decided by laAv a iew years since. " In the last of JMay came a man of War Snow and lay off by Block Island and took tAvo flag of truces, and prest several men out of Vessels. In the last of NoA^ember a prodigious Mob in Boston, chiefly exasi^erated by the Men EXTRACT FROM THE DIxVllY OF DAXIEL IIOAVLAND. 249 of Vi'dv i)resslng many of the people and tlie Govcrnoi-'.s Avinkino; too niiicli a.t it." " In February Commodore KnoAvls besieged find took ])ort Louis upon Ilispanola in Order as tis reported to make it a free port for the English, which I think was al- together needless, it being so already to several Govern- ments without employing fifteen of the King's Sliips to settle a traders dispute. About Midsummer came orders to proclaim a cessation of arms Between English, French and Dutch, and some time after the Spaniards also." " Marcli the 23d, 1749, it being the 5th Day of the Week, we put our Goods on bord a Boat in Order to move to East Greenwich, from Portsmouth came away the next Morning, and arrived at Updikes Xewtom (AVickford), just before Night, after a tedious passage and a very hard gale of AVind ; the Next Day carted up our Goods and got into our new House." This new house was the one now owned and occu[)ied l)y John Kenyon, and therefore by this date Ave know how old tlie liouse is. '' May the 5th Anno 1749, Peace proclaimed between English, French and Spaniards at NcAvport. " June the 15tli 1750, The General Assembly ]>assed an Act Incorporating East GreeuAvich, West Greenwich, AVar- Avick and Coventry into a County by the Name of Kent, Avith a proviso (viz.) That the Inliabitants of said County sliould by Free Contribution or Subscription build a Court House, near the Dimensions of the County House in Provi- dence to be suitable to liold a Court in by the last of Oc- tober, Avhich being Comj^leted agreeable to the Act, Avas Confirmed and the Officers chosen at that Sessions of As- sembly, through great Opposition parts of A¥arAvick and Providence in general doing their utmost Endeavours to stoj^ their proceedings." Tlie Court House here mentioned is not the present one. The older one Avas pulled doAvn in 1804, and the ju-esent built on its site. The opposition referred to Avas caused by the jealousy then existing betAveen the tOAAms of WarAvick and East Green Avich, AYarAvick being anxious to have the Court House located at Old AA^arwick, as it Avas then the most populous portion of the Town of AVarAvick, but the contribution and subscription of East GreeuAvich being much the greatest, the controversy Avas ended by building at East Greenwich. 250 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. " October the 27th. TJie Sheriff Avith a Jury (after two days spent to get a Full One) proceeded to set off a certain ]\arcel of Land which John Rice had Kecovered of John Pierce, and attempting to run across some Land in posses- sion of Joseph Nichols, was forewarned which they took a great Opj^osition and very dangerous to proceed and so fled to Providence for aid, returned two Days after with forty men, which were warned to appear in arms, But Did Not appear in arms, and with that aid proceeded to set off the Land." " The 22d of this Month we had a very violent Storm at S. E. but short attended w^ith an Extraordinary Gale of Wind Aviiich brought in a very high tide, Avhicli did Con- siderable Damage in chief of the Harbours about this Shore, and at Providence the loss is considerable sustained by the tide, in their Stores amongst the Salt chiefly ; in Newport, the Merchants suffered many thousand pounds Damage in their Stores amongst Dry Goods, Sugar and Salt." " This year 1752, Our Style Avas altered from Old to New, in the Month of September beginning the 1st and 14th. March folloAving A'ery Avarm, tlie Season seeming to be as much altered as the Style, some peach blooms said to be oijcned in this month N. S. but very plenty according: to O. S." " January 1755. Some stirr in all the American Gov- ernments about the French and Indians fortifying at or near the River Oliio. Our Government (R, I.) voted 100 men for to join the other forces in an attem])t upon that fortification, and such further Service as should be thouglit proper." " February the 5th the j)etition ])referred by Joseph Nichols and Ruf us Green in order to destroy our County of Kent, received its expected fate, for after a Warm Debate in the Assembly they declined taking a Vote upon it, and so withdrcAV it." " This year, , the 18th November, about half after 4 o'clock in the Morning Ave had a very surprising Shock of an Earthquake, and on the 22d about 8 at Night Ave had another small one, but A^ery perceivable. " On the 9th of July tliis year General Braddock met Avitli an almost total defeat, himself and great i)art of his head Officers being killed, just after they had passed tlie River Monongahala in their march towards the fortification on or near the Ohio." COMMERCE AND THE FISHERIES. 251 " October 'Jlst, wc were ordered to raise 400 men in the Government by an act of Assembly to join our forces al- ready in tlie Pl\i)edition formed against Crown Point wliicli was done at a very great expense, some leaving £300 besides tlieir wages, who were all dismissed without being mustered tlie rest of our forces sent home and dismissed presently after." FouxDixa OF KixG Solomox's Lodge of Masons. Tn the year 1810, a Masonic Lodge, under the name of " King Solomon's Lodge, No. 11," was estal)lished in East Greenwich. I shalll^e^able to give only the first paragraj)!! of the charter with the names of the charter members, all of whom have long since passed away: " Whereas^ a petition has been ])resented to us Ijy Peter Turner, Wanton Casey, Stephen Franklin, Abner Alden, James Miller, Thomas Allen, Thomas Tillinghast, Jr., Stephen Douglas, Job Tillinghast, all Ancient, Free and Accei)ted Masons, praying that they, with such others as shall hereafter join them, may be erected and constituted a regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons ; which peti- tion, appearing to us as tending to the advancement of Masonry and good of the Craft." As a remarkable circumstance, all of the above named })ersons were over eighty years of age when they died, and one of them, James Miller, died aged ninety-eight years. He had held the office of town clerk. Commerce and the Fisheries. The following is an extract from a " Genealogical liecord of the Fry Family," compiled by Benjamin Greene Fry, of Providence : "The Town of East Greenwich previous to the Revolu- tionary War had a large coasting trade in which my grand- father, Benjamin Fry, was to some extent engaged ; among other enterprises he imported a cargo of slaves from the coast of Africa, some of Avhose descendants still remain, bearing the family name of Fry. "In the War of the Revolution a Captain Gazzee, a resident of East Greenwich, fitted out a small schooner of fifty tons, called the Felicity, as a privateer, and with her surprised and captured a large English ship, with a valuable 252 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. car£»;o of dry goods, brought lier into the liarbor and anchored her in the uj^per end of the cove. I liave heard my father say that the English captain was so mortified at his capture that he actually shed tears, and remarked that had he been captured by a respectable force, he " could have borne it with more fortitude ; but to be captured by a d — d old squaw in a hog-trough was more than he could endure." " Captain Gazzee was a Frenchman with a very dark com])lexion, hence the allusion to an Indian squaw. He left a number of descendants, some of whom are still living here. " Within my own recollections many citizens of the toAvn were engaged in navigation, among others Colonel William Arnold, in connection with his sons Major Stephen Arnold and Caj^tain Perry Arnold, employed two brigs and a schooner, in the trade with the Dutch Colony of Surinam and the West Indies, exporting mules, fish and stoves, and im])orting sugar, molasses and other products of the islands and the Sjxanish main, as South America was then called. Colonel Arnold Avas the proprietor of tlie old tavern," Tlie Bunch of Grapes," which is still occupied as a Hotel, with the identical sign and now called the " Updike House." " Jonathan Salisbury, Captain Josejvh and Keynolds Spen- cer, Joseph and Barney Greene and others owned and em- ])loyed vessels in the coasting trade and cod fisheries. The fish were caught and salted on the Newfoundland coast, and then dried on fiakes on Hope-Walk Hill. My father, John Fry, was for several years engaged in the same busi- ness. I still remember the names of some of his vessels, a sloop called the Industry, Avhich ran regularly to Nan- tucket, another the Betsey in the trade to the James River and the cities of Norfolk and Hichmond, Virginia, and a schooner called the Beaver Avhicli was wrecked in a liun-i- cane in the Island of Antiqua. " About the year 1809, a company was organized, for the whale fishery, and two ships, the Hudson and tlie L)aui)hin were fitted out ; but the Embargo, and the Non-Intercourse laws, followed by the war of 1812, put a check upon all maritime enterprise, from which the town has ncAcr re- covered. The Hudson was Avrecked at Turks Island, and the Dauphin was driven on shore at the east end of Long- Island by a British privateer, and thus ended the whale fishery at East Greenwich. The oil works stood on a wharf, at the foot of Division Street. " STONINGTOX KAILROAD. 253 The embargo law passed by Congress iii 1812, was very disastrous to the commerce of East Greenwicli. At that time amimbcr of vessels were engaged in trade Avith the West Indies and the southern ports of the United States. A brig partially loaded, was lying in the harbor near Long l*oint, Avhen the news arrived tliat the act had become a law. Tlie collector of course notified the owners that the vessel must remain in the harbor until further notice, but a difference of opinion arose between the captain and the collector, and as a cargo was engaged for Surinam, the ca])- tain was determined (if possible) to carry it. Persons on the wharves observed that the brig settled deeper in the water every morning, until at last the suspicions of the collector were aroused and he intimated that he should go on board the next day and ascertain the source of the mys- tery; but the next morning the vessel had disappeared. The cargo had been })ut on board during the nights by boats from Old Warwick harbor. Stoxixgtox Kailkoad. The Stonington Kailroad, which passes through the wliole length of the village of East Greenwich, gave a great im- pc^tus to the growth and prosperity of the town. Tlie first survey carried the road through the valley west of the vil- lage, but the directors were induced, by making a curve, to bring the road through the village, to the great convenience of the inhabitants. The elegant and costly granite britlge across King street, is not only an ornament to that ])ortion of our village, but a monument to the taste and skill of the chief engineer. Major McN'eal. When the road Avas first built it was only intended for through travel between Bos- ton and New York, and way travel was a secondary con- sideration ; therefore a small and very inferior l)uilding for a depot station Avas erected, sufficient it Avas supposed for the fcAV Avho AvoukV avail themselves of this ncAV way of travel; but the intercourse between East Greenwich and other places became so great, the old depot Avas over- croAvded, and in the year 1873, the directors erected the present beautiful and convenient structure. The road Avas opened for business, November lUth, 1837. Two trains only Avere run, the steamboat train and the ac- commodation, and only one train each per day. Captain Nathanael Greene Avas the first station agent, but I ani un- able to ascertain the amount of the first year's receipts. 254 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. There were 34,300 tickets sold at this station during the year of 1876, and this does not inchide the commutation tickets. East Greenwich at the present time has more privi- leges than any other station except Kingston, as every pas- senger train stops here. FiKE EXGIXE. In the year 1795 a number of the citizens of our village ])rocured a charter from the Legislature for a lire corpora- tion. A large fountain was built on Division street, nearly o])posite where the old windmill once stood, and bored logy for the transmission of Avater were laid through the princi- ]ial streets. A fire engine was purchased and a liouse built for its nse, but it never was brought iuto use at a fire but once, when a blacksmith's shop belonging to Jonathan Sal- isbury was burned, This engine would now be considered a great curiosity. It was sim2)ly an open square tub, with the machinery in the centre, which consisted of a small double-acting force pump, operated by brakes at the sides. At one end of the engine was a small elevation, where the cai)tain of the fire company stood and directed the stream of water from an apparatus Avhich consisted of a revolving tube called a " goose neck" and a brass i)ipe about six or eight feet long, Avithout a hose. The Avater Avas poured in at each end of the tub, and Avhen in use the engine Avas stationed at tlie fire, and tAvo roAvs of persons extended from it to the Avater supply, and the Avater Avas conveyed to the engine in leather Avater buckets, the full ones by one row, and the empty ones returned by the other. Every person Avhosc jn-operty Avas insured at the Providence Mutual Insurance Company, then the only one in the State, Avas required to kec]) a pair of these buckets ahvays ready for use. Mem- bership Avas an exemption from military duty and the jury box, and therefore the company Avas ahvays full. The an- juial supper of the company Avas a great event, as the members had the privilege of inviting their friends. The Free Library. The Free Library Corporation was organized under the privileo^e of Chapter 132 of the Revised Statutes, on March 3d, 1867. William Greene, George W. Greene, Daniel H. Greene, James 11. Eldridge, William N. Sherman, Joseph W. ROPE-AVALK. 255 Coiigduii, Kicliard G. Howlaiul, Silas A. Crane, Samuel M. Kiiowlcs, James T. Edwards, Henry A. Rhodes, Jose]>]i Eastman, William W. Hill and Gilbert Robbins w^ere tlic oriijjinal members. William Greene, president, George AV. Greene, vice- president, James T. Edwards, secretary, James lI.Eldridge, treasurer, Joseph W. Congdon, librarian. In June following the first books were purchased and a room hired on Main street, and opened as a library and reading room — Miss Mary II. Brown in charge as librarian. August 13th a very liberal sum w^as realized from amateur tlieatricals at the Armory, under the direction of Mr. Alfred A. R^\ad, Jr., which was given to the library. In September, the same year, the Shroeder library Avas ])ur- chased for the sum of thirteen hundred dollars, consisting of a A'ery valuable collection — history, biography, travels and science ; some of them very rare and costly English editions, and near two thousand volumes. Payment for these books Avas assumed by Governor Greene, and a lot Avas purchased in November on Pearce street for eight hundred dollars for a site for a library Iniilding, plans for Avhich, draAvn by Mr. Morse, architect, of Providence, Avere accepted by the corporation, and a building erected during the summer of 1870, at a cost of about six thousand dollars. Of this sum Governor Greene paid one-half. Other contributions Avere made, and the balance hired of the Savings Bank, secured by mortgage, noAV amounting to three thousand dollars. The basement of the library building is arranged for the tOAvn clerk's oftice, Avitli a safe for the records, secure from fire and from in- jury by dampness. The number of volumes is now about three thousand, and the circulation is from four to six thousand per year. Within the last year the membership of the corporation has been increased, and it is proposed hereafter to supi)ort the institution by an annual assessment of two dollars upon each member. Rope-Walk. On the summit of the hill on tlie east side of the village once stood a long low structure called a " Rope-Walk." It Avas oAvned and operated by Joseph Greene and his two sons, Joseph and Barny, (B;irnabus) Greene ; many now living in East GreenAvich can, in imagination, see the old man AvalkingsloAvly backAvard, Avith a large band of hemp 256 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. around his waist, spinning Avitli his fingers, while one of liis sons turned the crank of the hirge wlicel which operated the spindles. " That building, lonji; and low, *\Vhere the wheels go round and round With a drowsy, dreamy sound, And the spinners backward go," When East Greenwich in its height of prosperity as a commercial port, and extensively engaged in maritime af- fairs, this rope-walk was quite an important concern, em- [iloying a number of workmen constantly at work, making cahles and cordage for the numerous vessels then owned here, while the air around was filled Avitli tjie agreeal)le odor of tar, with which the ropes were saturated to protect them from salt water. The rope-walk was used as long as there was business enough to support it. General Barton's Expeditiox. As this book is to be a history of East Greenwich and tlie vicinity, the bold and successful expedition of General Barton is here introduced. Warwick Neck is only about four miles from. here in a direct line, and ]»lainly visible from nearly every portion of our village. An ill-advised and ill-timed attack on Professor Greene's History of Rhode Island is reason sufficient for inserting it. The following is from Lossing's Pictorial Field-Book : "Early in May, 1777, (one hundred years ago), the com- mand of the British troops who held possession of New- ]»ort, devolved upon Major-General Prescott, infamous in llie annals of war, as one of the meanest of petty tyrants wlien in power, and of dastards when in danger. Possess- ing a narrow mind, utterly untutored by benevolence or ciuirity ; a judgment perverse in the extreme ; a heart cal- lous to the most touching appeals of sympathy, but tender when avarice half opened its lips to plead, he was a most unfit commander of a military guard over people like those of liliode Island, who could a|)preciate courtesy; but he was a tyrant at heart, and having the opportunity he exer- cised a tyrant's doubtful prerogatives. " General Lee was captured by the British in New Jersey, in December, 1776, while j^assing from the Hudson to join Washington on the Delaware; the Americans had no ]>ris- oner of equal military rank to exchange for him, therefore Colonel Barton conceived the bold plan of capturing Gen- GENERAL BARfOX^S EXPEDITION. 257 cral Prescott, in order to exchange lihn for General Lee ; it was accomplished on the night of the lOtli of Jnly, 1777, six months after the capture of Lee. " At that time General Prescott was quartered at the house of a Quaker named Overing, about ii\e miles above Newport, on the west road leading to tlie ferry, at tlie north part of the Island. Barton's plan was to cross Nar- ragansett Bay from the main, seize Prescott and carry him to tlie American camp. It was a very hazardous under- taking, for at that time there were three Britisli frigates, with their guard-boats, lying east of Prudence Island, and almost in front of Prescott's quarters. With a few cliosen men Colonel Barton embarked in four whale-boats, Avitli muffled oars, at Warwick Neck, at nine o'clock in the evening, and passed unobserved over to Rliode Island, be- tween the islands of Prudence and Patience. They heard the cry, 'All's well,' from the guard-boats of the enemy, as tliey passed silently and unobserved, and landed in Cod- dington's Cove, at the mouth of a small stream which passed by the quarters of Prescott. Barton divided his men into several squads, assigning to each its duty and station, and then with the strictest order and profound silence, they advanced towards the house. The main por- tion of the expedition passed about midway between a British guard-house and the encampment of a company of light horse, while the remainder was to make a circuitous route to approach Prescott's quarters from the rear and secure the doors. As Barton and his men approached a gate, a sentinel liailed them twice, and then demanded the countersign. 'We have no countersign to give,' Barton said, and quickly added, ' Have you seen any deserters hei"e to-night? ' The sentinel was misled by this question, sup- posing them to be friends, and was not undeceived until his musket was seized and himself bound and menaced with instant death if he made any noise. The doors had been secured by the division from the rear, and Barton entered the front jiassage boldly. Mr. Overing sat alone, reading, the rest of the family being in bed, and Barton incpiired for General Prescott's room. Overing pointed upward, signi- fying that it was directly over the room in which they were standing. With four strong men and Sisson, a power- ful negro Avho accomj^anied tliem, Barton ascended the stairs and gently tried the door. It was locked ; no time was lost in parleying ; the negro drew back a couple of l^aces, and using his head for a battering-ram, burst open 258 HISTOKY OF EAST GREENWICH. the door at the first effort. Tlie general, supposing the intruders to be robbers, sprang from liis bed and seized his gold watch that was hanging upon the wall. Barton placed his hand gently upon the generaPs shoulder, told him he was his prisoner, and that perfect silence was his only safety now. Prescott asked time to dress, but it being a hot July night, and time precious. Barton refused acquies- cence, feeling that it Avould not be cruel to take him across the bay, where he could make his toilet with more care, at his leisure. So, throwing his cloak around him, and i)lac- ing him betAveen two armed men, the prisoner was hurried to the shore. In the mean time. Major Barrington, Prescott's aid, hearing the noise in the general's room, leaped from a window to escape, but Avas captured, and he and the sentinel stationed in the centre of the party. At about midnight captors and prisoners landed at WarAvick Neck Point, Avhere General Prescott first broke the silence by saying to CNdonel l^arton, ' Sir, you liave made a bold push to-night.' ' We have been fortunate,' coolly replied Barton. " Captain Elliot Avas there with a coach to convey the pris- oners to Providence, where they arrived at sunrise. Pres- cott Avas kindly treated by General Spencer and other offi- cers, and in the course of a fcAV days Avas sent to the head- quarters of Washington, at Middlebrook, on the Karitan. Prescott AA as exchanged for General Charles Lee in April folloAving, and soon afterAvards resumed his command of tlie British troops on Phode Island. " On account of the l)raA'ery displayed and the import- ance of the service in this ex2)edition. Congress, having a 'just sense of the gallant behavior of Lieutenant-Colonel Barton and the brave officers and men of his party, Avho distinguished their valor and address in making prisoner of Major General Prescott, of the British army, and Major William Barrington his aid-de-camp,' Aoted Barton an elegant SAVord ; and on the 24th of December folloAving, he Avas promoted to the rank and pay of colonel in the Conti- nental army. "Tlie officers on the expedition AVere AndrcAV Stanton, Samuel Potter, John Wilcox. Non-commissioned officers, Joshua Babcock and Samuel Philips. Privates, Benjamin Pren, James Potter, Henry Fisher, James Parker, Jose]>li Guild, Nathan Smith, Isaac BroAvn, Billington Crumb, James Haines, Samuel Ajns, Alderman Crank, Oliver Sim- mons, Jack Slierman, Joel Briggs, Clark Packard, Samuel GENERAL BARTOn's EXPEDITION. 259 Cory, James Weaver, Clark Cranclall, Sampson George, Jedediah Grenale, Joseph Ralph, Kichard Hare, Darius Wale, Jeremiah Thomas, Josej^h Denis, William IJniff, Charles Ilasset, Thomas Wilcox, Pardon Cory, John Hunt, Daniel Page (a Xarragansett Indian), Thomas Austin, Jack Sisson, (black), and Howe, or Whiting, boat steerer. " Prescott while in command at Newport, rendered the citizens nncomfortable in every way j^ossible. lie impris- oned some of them for months, without any assigned rea- son ; among others was William Tripp, who had a large family, but the tyrant would not allow him to hold any communication with them, either written or verbal. The first intelligence he received from them was by a letter, baked in a loaf of bread, which was sent to him by his wife. In this way a correspondence was kept up during his con- finement of many months. " When Prescott took possession of his town quarters lie liad a fine sidewalk made for his acccommodation some dis- tance along Pelham and up Spring street, for which purpose he took the door-steps belonging to other dwellings. The morning after the evacuation the owners of the steps hastened to Prescott's quarters, each to claim his door-stone. It was a very exciting scene, for sometimes two or three persons, not positive in their identification, claimed the same stone. Prescott's fine promenade soon disai)peared and " ' The good citizens, some younger, some older, Each carrying a door-stone home on his shoulder," bore off their long-abused door-stejis." And after all this trouble and danger, the object proved to be useless. General Lee when exchanged joined tlie army again, but at the battle of Monmouth, the American army nearly lost the victory in consequence of the disobedi- ence of orders by Lee, and soon afterAvard suspended him from his position in the army, without pay for one year. He never joined the army again, and died a few years after at General Greene's residence on Cumberland Island, and his remains now lie in the Greene cemetery at Dungeness. General Lee's failino;s were those belonoincj; to an un- governable temper, and jealousy of General Washington. lie aspired to the position of commander-in-chief, and as he did not succeed he became soured and lukewarm in the cause, and there were strong suspicions that he was a traitor. He died a miserable, neglected and disappointed man. It would seem that treason is hereditary, as his son, the late 2G0 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. General Lee, commander-in-chief of the sonthern rebellion, followed in the footsteps of his father. Newspapers. In the year 1852, July 3d, Mr. John B. Lincoln issued the first number of the Kent County Atlas, in East Green- wich. It was a well conducted paper, and the citizens of our village were delighted with the idea of having a news- ])aper of their own. They encouraged it in every way^ in their power, wrote communications, furnished historical articles, collected items of news for the editor, but as Mr. Lincoln possessed no faculty for business or finance, the paper soon came to its hist issue. It was set up and printed liere on an old-fashioned hand-press, and distributed every Saturday morning, at .^1.50 per year. In the year 1854, Mr. William N". Sherman purchased the press, type and other material formerly belonging to Mr. Lincoln, and issued the first number of the lihode Island Pendulum, on the 27th of May, 1854, by Avhom it has been edited and i)ublished ever since. Lodges. There is an "Odd FelloAVs' Lodge" here, named "Har- mony Lodge." It is in a very flourishing condition, and the members are pre])aring to build a large hall on a lot OAvned by them on Main street, opposite the Court House. The lower story is to be used as a hall for lectures, con- certs, shows and such purposes, and the upi)er story for the use of the Lodge. There is also a Temple of Honor, named "Advance Temple," and a Lodge of Good Templars by colored persons. Mineral Spring. " Those persons who are visiting Greenwich for the season, will he pleased to learn that they can hero enjoy the benefits of a mineral spring, In a little notch at the head of the cove, wiiere the Potowoniut road crosses the Stonington railroad, is the "Red Spring," whose waters contain iron, magnesia, and some other mineral substances, and are highly henelicial when taken at the right time and in the right quantities. A walk of a mile brings one to the spot, where the party about to imbibe, or in other words drink, ought to arrive about sunrise and drink just as the sun is rising, and be very cautious not to drink any more than they want. We have drank it with beneficial results a few moments (say about IL'O) later. The knowing ones say it tastes nearly as bad as the Saratoga water, which is certainly high praise. We dare say that when it shall have been as much f/assifkd, it will be fully as potent. The benefits of the springs of Sara- toga'and the bathing at Newport are here united. This notice is not iroinj, although the Spring is. Go and imbibe gratuitously." XEW ENGLAND NORMAL INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. 261 The spring above referred to, is located about half a mile from the depot in East Greenwich and arises from a valley near, which evidently contains " bog iron ore," as the water is so strongly impregnated with iron held in solution, that the stones, leaves and everything with which it comes in con- tact, is covered with a heavy deposit of oxide of iron ; hence it has acquired the name of the "red spring." The water has been analyzed and holds in solution as much magnesia and iron as the Stafford Springs in Connecticut, once so celebrated. When the Stonington Railroad was con- structed, the contractor built a strong bank wall to pro- tect the spring, considering it sufficiently valuable for preser- vation. The grounds in its immediate neighborhood are very beautiful, and the Potowomut Railroad station is within a few rods of the spring, and boats can land at a very short distance from it, and the celebrated resort for clam-bakes, the " Old Dish," is very near it. If a hotel is erected there it will be a fashionable place of resort. The New England Nokmal Institute of Music. The New England Normal Institute of Music is located at East Greenwich, and its sessions are held at the Green- wich Academy during a portion of the months of July and August. It is not a local or state institution, but a na- tional one, and is the only one of its kind in the United States. Musical people and music teachers from the most distant states of the Union attend, and the citizens of East Greenwich while it is in session enjoy a great literary, scientific and musical treat. I will close this little article with this notice of the " Grand Oratorio Concert," from the Providence Journal: " Gra7id Oratorio Co7icert at East Greenwich. " The quaint and pleasant old Town of East Greenwich had a larger concourse of music-loving people within its limits yesterday than ever before in its history. There was a large delegation from this city, and from the summer resorts about, many came in carriages, while the session of the New England Normal Institute of Music furnished a large number. The occasion was the performance of the grand oratorio of 'Elijah,' by Mendelssohn. It is rarely that the opportunity is given to hear an oratorio adequately rendered and music-lovers were glad of the opportunity. The fine hall of the Institute was well filled, and its admi- rable acoustic qualities added much to the effect. 18 262 HISTORY OF EAST GREENWICH. "The concert was under the management of Dr. Tonrjee, and the singing under the accomplished baton of Mr. Carl Zerrahan. The chorus was by the members of the Insti- tute, assisted by a delegation from the Handel and Haydn Society from Boston. The choruses were given with great force and spirit, giving token of almost perfect training, and were admirably supported by the Germania orchestra, which intensified and vitalized, without being overwhelmed by the volume of sound. Among the accomplished musi- cians of the orchestra it was pleasant to see the ' good, gray head' of Mr. Thomas Ryan, of the Mendelssohn Quintette Club. The solos were given by Miss Lilian B. Norton, soprano, who has a magnificent voice, that pro- duced the finest effect. Mrs. Flora E. Barry, who sang with her accustomed grace and skill, Mrs. A. B. Carrington, who appeared in place of Miss Ita Welsh, who was una- voidably absent, Mr. A. Wilkie, tenor, and Mr. J. F. Rudolphsen, basso. All are artists of distinguished reputa- tion, w^hich they fully sustained under the demands of the oratorio. The duo between Miss Norton and Mr. Rudolph- sen was particularly admired. " The oratorio was not given in full, owing to its great length, but its most striking passages were rendered in full, and the connection and meaning of the composition fully preserved. It was a most admirable performance, and in a hall the size of that of the Institute had more than the dis- tinctness and general effect of its performances in Boston by the Handel and Haydn Society. One could not but wish that it could be given in Providence, Avhere so many more could have enjoyed it. It would be a revelation to many of the grandeur and sweetness of the oratorio, which we believe has not been heard in our city. " No one who attended yesterday regretted the journey. During the performance of the oratorio a portion of Parker's magnificent ' Redemption Hymn ' was given, Mrs. Flora E. Barry rendering the solo ' Sorrow and Morning Shall Flee Away ' with the finest effect and receiving hearty applause^ This is the second time that the hymn has been performed in this country, the first being at the triennial festival of the Handel and Haydn Society. Its composer, Mr. James C. T. Parker, was present. After the hymn the oratorio was resumed and concluded. Mr. Rudolphsen was unfortu- nately taken with a sudden hoarseness, but finished his part." CENTENNIAL HYMN. 26B I do not imagine that any one will deny that this work contains nearly every thiilg connected with our village. Some things may seem trifling and of no consequence, but if a copy of this history shall survive a century, doubtless what now appears insignificant will then be considered valuable. Perhaps some will cavil at the remarks and as- sertions of the writer, but then we have Scripture author- ity for our views on this subject. Job says, " Oh that mine enemy would write a book." There is a sharp, cutting malice in that saying, as many at this day experience. Probably Job wished an opportunity to review, and conse- quently criticise, a work written by some one he personally disliked. At any rate nothing is more bitterly malicious. As this work is published during the Bi-centennial year of the settlement of the Town of East GreeuAvich, and at the termination of the National Centennial, we will fittingly close with the following original hymn, by William N. Sherman, Esq. : " Eternal God! To Thee we raise, In humble thanks and solemn praise, Onr heart and voice before Thy throne, For blessings of a century gone. When our young nation was oppressed, Thine arm sustained in our distress. And when upon the battle field Thou wert our strength and Thou our shield. A hundred years have passed away, And on this hundredth natal day. The banner of our sainted dead Floats in rich folds above our head. Forever wave that banner high. Through every arch of Freedom's sky. And North and South, and East and West, In Union be forever blest. Then God's right hand shall shade our fears And bless the coming hundred years; And Freedom from her mountain height Proclaim aloud that — rifiht is mifjht. A century hence! We shall be gone! But generations yet unborn May float the flag — may voices raise And sing again Centennial praise." A STANDARD AND ENDURING WORK ! % %\)0xi |t0tori) of ll)0tie Island, By Geoege Washington Greene, LL D., (Late Non-Resident Professor of American History in Cornell University,) Author of the " Life ol Major-General Nathanael Greene," " Historical View of the American Revolution," " The German Element in the War of Independence," etc., etc. 13 nio : 386 pages. The Atlantic Monthly says of it : Mr. Greene's fitne.ss to write a history of Rliode Island is one of those facts which one recognizes with a sense of personal advantage too rarely felt in a world where at best the right man so often sets about the wrong- work. * * * * There is no attempt to cast the light of romance about the prime facts of a storj^ so precious to humanity in their simple grand- evir, but the vital point is brought out with fresh force, and we revere anew the greatness and clearness of soul in Roger Williams which, in an age when the whole world was bloodily j^ersecuting for opinion's sake, could conceive the idea of a perfect toleration iji matters of religious be- lief, and could establish at once the principle that the power of the state must never extend to these. This is the undying honor of Rhode Island, that in her narrow bounds, on the borders of a desert continent, in spite of the hate and jealousy of her si-ster colonies, she could preserve invio- late a principle of which, as yet, mankind hardly dreamed; and of all the benefits which America has bestowed uj)on the world, it may be questioned whether this ijrinciple is not the greatest. * * » * One of the pleasantest chapters of the book is that on The Mode of Life in our Forefathers' Days. This has a quite idyllic charm, and is only too brief. From Harpers' Magazine : A Short History of Rhode Island, by George Washington Greene, LL. D., is an admirable historj- of its kind. It tells the story of Rhode Island with the clearness and simplicity which always distinguish the style of Professor Greene. From the Magazine of American History : The name of Mr. Greene is enough to commend this history, and no man knows better its precise value than himself. He divides history into two classes. " One a sober teacher; the other a pleasant companion." * * * * ^Yg accept his book as a pleasant comijanion. It is more than this. It is happily divided and compact in form and treatment, and supplies all the information the ordinary reader looks for, with philosophy enough to satisfy the higher requirements of the historical student, who reasons backward to causes and forward to results from events. From the Neio York Tribune of June 15th: A valuable addition to the author's historical studies, but we trust not to their final completion, is presented in this compendious history of his native State. The work bears throughout the impress of the writer's vigorous mind, is enriched by numerous original and suggestive reflections, and presents a variety of lucid and picturesque sketches in his peculiar, felicitous style of composition. Bound in Fine Cloth, $2. J. A. & R. A. REID, Publishers, ^. S6 "Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. J 92e