.W33 H74 Copy 2 •P^ A* _ _ .W.^ -^Z ,^'v -^^^^^ -^V.-' •^^. • HISTORICAL SOCIETY, WATERTOWN MASSACHUSETTS. RE VISED igo8. BOSTON : PRESS OF DAVID CLAPP 1908. SON, \A/ Ths Society DEC 13 TO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. In 1888, after several conferences had been held of those interested in the formation of an histori- cal society for all of the original township of Wat- ertown, it was on July 31st decided to form such a society. Accordingly on Nov. 20th, 1888, a meet- ing was held at the home of Dr. Alfred Hosmer for the formal organization of the society under a plan which had been prepared. There, gathered about the same table upon which the original call for the founding of the Public Library had previ- ously been drafted, seven gentlemen met, and sub- scribed to the code of by-laws of the new society in the following order, viz. : Dr. Alfred Hosmer. Wm. H. Ingraham. Rev. Edward A. Raxd. Solon F. Whitney. Charles Brigham. Dr. Bennett F. Davenport. Dr. Julian A. Mead. To these, at the next meeting were joined Rev. Wm. H. Savage, Herbert Coolidge and Joshua Cool- idge, thus forming the ten original members of the historical society. At the first meeting the following officers were chosen : Dr. Alfred Hosmer, President. Rev. Edward A. Rand, Vice-President . Solon F. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Dr. Bennett F. Davenport, ) ^ .„ -r^ T * ,r r Councillors. Dr. Julian A. Mead, J These five together forming the Standiug Com- mittee, the managing board of the Society. The declared purpose of the Society was as fol- lows : ''To investigate and to excite a general in- terest in the study of all historical events, subjects and questions, whether of a nature civil, military, educational, ecclesiastical, or otherwise, that con- nect themselves with any portion of the large ter- ritory that was originally included under the muni- cipal title of Watertown ; to obtain biographical sketches of all individuals ever resident therein who have enacted a prominent part in it^ local affiiirs, or whose family names have become dis- tinffuished in state or national history; and in general not only to obtain the above historical knowledge, but to preserve and make it known." By May 7th, 1891, the membership of the Society had increased to sixty-nine persons, including women as well as men. It then seemed advisable for the Society to become incorporated under the general provisions of the statutes. This was ac- cordingly done, and the following is a copy of the Seal adopted by the Society, and of the certificate of incorporation : CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. No. 4,606. Common&aealti^ of iHassacIjusetts. Be it ftnobJlt, That whereas Edward A. Rand, Charles F. Marion, Ellen M. Crafts, Solon F. Whitney, Julian A. ilead, Charles S. Ensign, Ruth A. Bradford, Bennett F. Daven- port, William H. Ingraham, Jesse Fewkes, Charles F. Fitz, Albert M. Davenport, Fred E. Crawford, Charles A. Stearns, A. C. Stockin, Francis Kendall, O. W. Diraick, and Sumner Coolidge have associated themselves with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of the Historical Soci- ety of Watertown, for the purpose of collecting, preserving and publishing historical matter relating to tlie towns and families occupying the original township of Watertown, and in connection tlierewith, to found and maintain a society building with a museum, art gallery and library, and have complied with the provisions of the Statutes of this Common- wealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Council with powers of Directors of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corporations, and re- corded in this office : Xobj, ttcrcforE, I, Willlam M. Oliu, Secretary of tiie Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that said E. A. Rand. C. F. ilason, E. 31. Crafts, S. F. Whitney, J. A, Mead, C. S. Ensign, R. A. Bradford, B. F. Davenport, W^ H. Ingraham, J. Fewkes, C. F. Fitz, A. M. Davenport, F. E. Crawford, C. A. Stearns, A. C. Stockin, F. Kendall, O. W, Dimick, and S. Coolidge, their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as and are hereby made an existing corporation under the name of the Historical Society of Watertown, with the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions which by law appertain thereto. Witness my official signature hereunto subscribed, and tlie seal of the Conmiouwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed this twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. WM. 31. OLIN, SecretavY of the Commonwealth. BY-LAWS HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. CHAPTER I. MEMBERS AND DUES. Article 1. The members of the Society shall be of three classes, Active, Associate and Honorary, and all shall be open to both men and women. All Active members shall be eligible to any office, and they only shall be entitled to vote or to take part in the business of the society. Art. 2. Blanks shall be kept by the Recording Secretary for signature by any desiriug to be pro- posed as an associate member. These blanks shall also be signed by two members who shall join in recommending the candidate. The blanks shall have a space for a brief statement of the place of residence and qualifications of the person proposed for membership. But no nomination shall be made except by a report of the Council at a stated meet- ing of the society. Transfers of members from one class to another class, however, may be made at any stated meeting upon the recommendation of the Council. Art. 3. All members shall be elected by ballot at a stated meeting by a majority of the votes cast. A separate ballot on any name shall be taken upon the request of three or more members. 8 Art. 4. Each Active aud Associate member shall pay two dollars at the time of admission, and one dollar each first of May afterward into the treasury, for the general purposes of the society; but any member admitted in March or April shall be ex- empted from the next following May assessment. Any member shall be exempted from the annual payment if, at any time after admission, he or she shall pay into the treasury twenty dollars in addi- tion to previous payments ; and all commutations shall be and remain permanently funded, the inter* est only to be used for current expenses. Art. 5. If any person elected a member shall neglect, for four months after notification of elec- tion, to accept membership by subscribing to the by-laws and to pay the admission fee, the election shall be void ; and any member who shall neglect 'to pay the annual assessment for six months after it shall have become due and attention shall have been called to this article of the by-laws, shall cease to be a member ; but it shall be competent for the Council to suspend the provisions of this article for a reasonable time. Art. 6. Any member may withdraw from the society by giving the Secretary written notice and paying all dues. Art. 7. Upon the unanimous recommendation of the Council present at any meeting thereof, any member may be expelled for cause at any stated meeting of the society, by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. CHAPTER II. Art. 1. There shall be a stated meeting of the society on the second Tuesday of May, September, y November, January and March ; provided, how- ever, that the Council shall have authority to post- pone any stated meeting, or to dispense with it altogether, whenever, for any cause, tbey may deem it desirable or expedient. Special meetings shall be called by either of the Secretaries, at the request of the President, or, in case of the Presi- dent's death, absence, or inability, of one of the Vice-Presidents or of the Council. The stated meeting in May shall be the annual meeting of the society. Art. 2. At all meetings the record of the pre- ceding meeting shall be read by the Recording Sec- retary immediately after the presiding officer has called the meeting to order ; after which at all special meetings, the business for which the meet- ing was called shall be transacted ; and at all stated meetings the order of business shall be as follows : 1. The reading of Papers and Essays. 2. The Report of the Corresponding Secretary. 3. The Librarian's Report. 4. The report of the Council. 5. The election of members, and action on the recommendations of the Council. 6. The Historiographer's report. 7. The unfinished business and assignments of the last meeting taken up in their order. 8. The transaction of other business. Art. 3. Upon the request of the presiding offi- cer, any motion or resolution offered at any meet- ing shall be submitted in writing. Art. 4. Seven members shall be a quorum for all purposes except for amendment of the By-Laws, which shall be made only by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at a stated meeting (in 10 the notification of which the proposed change in the By-Laws shall have been stated), at which not less than nine members are present. CHAPTER III. OFFICERS. Art. 1. The officers of the society shall be a President, a First Vice-President from Watertown, a Second Vice-President from Weston, a Third Vice-President from Waltham, a Fourth Vice- President from Belmont, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and a Li- brarian. There shall be an Executive Council of nine, composed of the President, the First Vice-Presi- dent, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, the Librarian, and three others. All of these shall be chosen by ballot at the Annual Meeting and shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until others are duly chosen and installed. Elections to fill vacancies which may occur among the officers or in the Council shall be for the unexpired term, and such vacancies may be filled at any subsequent stated meeting. The President of the society shall act as chairman of the Council, and the Recording Secretary shall act as the secretary of the Council. Each member of the Council shall have a vote. Art. 2. There shall be a Historiographer and an Editor of Publications appointed annually by the Council, to whom they shall be responsible for the proper discharge of their duties. Art. 3. At the stated meeting in March a Nomi- nating Committee, consisting of five persons, shall 11 be appointed, who shall report at the annual meet- ing a list pf members for the places to be filled. Nominations may also be made by other members of the society. CHAPTER IV. THE PRESIDENT. Art. 1. The President shall be the Chief Execu- tive Officer of the society, and, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall superintend and conduct its prudential afiairs. Art. 2. The President, and in the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents (the Vice-President from Watertown having prece- dence) , shall preside at all meetings of the society. In the absence of all these officers, a President pro tempore shall be chosen. CHAPTER V. THE RECORDING SECRETARY. Art. 1. The Recording Secretary, or, in case of the Recording Secretary's death, absence, or ina- bility, the Corresponding Secretary, shall warn all meetings of the society and of the Council, in such manner as the Council shall direct. Art. 2. The Recording Secretary shall attend all meetings of the society and of the Council, and shall keep a true record of the same, entering in full all accepted reports of committees, unless otherwise specially directed, or unless the same are to be included in the printed proceedings. Art. 3. The Recording Secretary shall enter the names of all members systematically in books kept for the purpose. 12 Art. 4. All books and papers iu the Recordiug Secretary's custody shall be the property of the society. Art. 5. In the absence of the President and of all the Vice-Presidents, the Recording Secretary shall, if present, call the meeting to order and pre- side until a President p?'o tempore is chosen. CHAPTER VI. THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Art. 1. The Corresponding Secretary shall in- form all persons of their election as members, and send to each a copy of the By-Laws, calling atten- tion to Articles 4 and 5 of Chapter I. Art. 2. The Corresponding Secretary shall con- duct the correspondence of the society not other- wise provided for, and shall deposit all original letters received as may be directed by the Council. CHAPTER VII. Art. 1. The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due to the society, and shall keep, in books belong- ing to it, regular and faithful accounts of all the moneys and funds that may come into the Treasur- er's hands, and of all receipts and expenditures connected with the same; which accounts shall be open always to the inspection of the Council. At the annual meeting the treasurer shall make a writ- ten or printed report of all his doings for the year preceding, of the amount and condition of all the property of the society intrusted to him, and the character of the investments. Art. 2. The treasurer shall invest and manage the funds of the society, with the consent and ap- proval of the Council. 13 Art. 3. When required to do so, the treasurer shall give bonds to the satisfaction of the Council for the faithful performance of the duties of the office. Art. 4. The treasurer shall not pay any money except by direction of the Council, or of its duly authorized committee. CHAPTER VIII. APPKOPEL^TIONS AND TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. Art. 1. No person or committee shall incur any debt or liability in the name of the society, unless in accordance with a previous vote and appropria- tion therefor by the society or the Council. Art. 2. At the stated meeting in March an au- diting committee, consisting of not less than two persons not members of the Council, shall be ap- pointed to examine the accounts of the treasurer for the year preceding, and at the annual meeting to report thereon and on the state of any property of the society in the treasurer's hands. CHAPTER IX. THE LIBRARIAN. Art. 1. The librarian shall have charge of all the books, pamphlets, maps, manuscript, and other property appropriate to the library, and of all coins, works of art, remains of antiquity, and other articles appropriate to the cabinet ; and shall cause to be made and kept suitable catalogues of each and all of them, doing whatever may be possible at all times to preserve and increase the collections of the society. The further duties of the librarian shall be the usual ones of the office, except as otherwise direc- ted by the Council. 14 CHAPTER X. THE HISTORIOGRAPHER. Art. 1. The historiographer shall collect mate- rials for a historj' of the society, prepare biogra- phies of its deceased members for publication, and deposit the same iu the library. He may read at the stated meetings such of the biographies, or such parts of them, as he may deem advisable. CHAPTER XI. the editor of publications. Art. 1. The Editor of Publications shall edit, under the direction* of the Council, the memorial biographies of deceased members, the proceedings of the annual meeting, and all other publications of the society not specially committed to other editorial supervision; and shall receive such com- pensation as the council shall determine. CHAPTER XII. THE COUNCIL. Art. 1. The Council shall determine their own quorum ; establish rules for the transaction of their business; fix all salaries; authorize all expendi- tures of money, drawing upon the treasurer from time to time, for such suras as may be required ; provide all engraved or printed blanks and books of record ; act upon all resignations and forfeitures of membership ; see that the By-Laws are complied with; and in general conduct all business of the society not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws. Art. 2. They shall appoint, annually, the his- toriographer and the editor of publications. Art. 3. They shall appoint such subordinate of- ficers and agents as they may deem necessary (who 15 shall hold their respective offices during the pleas- ure of the Council), prescribe their duties, and allow them reasonable compensation. Art. 4. They shall report at their discretion, nominations for active, associate, and honorary members, to which not less than five of their num- ber shall have assented at a meeting of the Council. Art. 5. They shall meet within one week pre- vious to every stated meeting, on such day and at such hour as they may fix by standing rule, and upon notice, at such other times as the chairman shall appoint, for the discharge of their appropriate duties and for furthering the transaction of such business as may be brought before the society. Art. 6. They shall report, at every meeting of the society, such business as they may deem it ad- visable to present. Art. 7. They may appoint, for terms not ex- ceeding one year, and prescribe the functions of such committees of their number, or of the mem- bers of the society, as they may deem expedient, to facilitate the administration of the society's affairs. Art. 8. They shall make all proper rules and regulations for the use of the library and the cabi- net. Art. 9. At the annual meeting they shall make an annual report. It shall incl ude a detailed state- ment of the condition of the library and the cabi- net, both of which they shall carefully examine annually in the mouth of March. 16 OFFICERS BEFORE THE INCORPORATION. Dr. Alfred Hosmer . . President. 1888-1891 Rev. Edward A. Rand . Yice-Pres. 1888-1891 Solon F. Whitney . . Sec'y and Treas. 1888-1891 COUNCIL. Dr. Alfred Hosmer 1888-1891 Rev. Edward A. Rand 1888-1891 Solon F. Whitney 1888-1891 Dr. Bennett F. Davenport 1888-1891 Dr. Julian A Mead 1888-1891 OFFICERS AFTER THE INCORPORATION. Rev. Edward A. Rand . President. 1891-1903 Charles F. Fitz .... 1904-1905 Dr. Bennett F. Davenport " 1905- Wm. H. Ingraham . . .1st Vice-Pres. 1891-1900 Jesse Fewkes " " '' 1900- Miss Mary F. Peirce . . 2d " 1892- Alexander Starbuck . . 3d " 1893-1897 Jesse Fewkes . . . . " " " 1897-1900 Mrs. Ruth A. Bradford . ^' " 1900-1903 Rev. Robert Murray . . " " " 1903- Edward Whitney . . . 4th " " 1892-1896 Mrs. Caroline A. R.Whitney " '« " 1896-1903 Reuben L. Richardson . " " " 1903-1906 Alfred C. Fuller . . . . ^' ^' '' 1907- Miss Ellen M. Crafts . . Rec. Sec'y 1891-1893 Charles F. Fitz .... 1893-1904 AValter C. Stone .... 1904-1908 Alberto F. Haynes ... " " 1908- 17 Charles S. Ensign Cor. Sec'v 1891-1892 Charles F. Fitz . " 1892-1893 Dr. Bennett F. Davenport .. 1893-1905 Charles F. Fitz . " 1905- Charles F. Mason . Treasurer 1891- Solon F. Whitney Librarian and Curator 1891- Charles F. Fitz . . . Historiographer 1891-1893 Solon F. Whitney . . u 1896-1906 Mrs. Emma A. W^right . " 1907- COUNCIL. Rev. Edward A. Rand 1891-1903 Wm. H. Ingraham 1891-1900 Charles F.Mason 1891- Solon F. Whitney 1891- Miss Ellen M. Crafts 1891-1893 Charles S. Ensign 1891-1892 Dr. Bennett F. Davenport 1891- Dr. Julian A. Mead 1891-1894 Mrs. Ruth A. Bradford . 1891-1892 and 1904- Charles F. Fitz 1891- Charles A. Stearns. . . 1892-7, 98-9 and 1905-08 Mrs, Annie E. Davenport 1893- George S. Wright 1894-1898 Miss Maria Brigham 1897-1898 Wm. H.Whitney 1898-1904 Mrs. Alice M. Silsbee 1899-1900 Jesse Fewkes , . 1900- Walter C. Stone 1900-1908 Alberto F. Haynes • 1908- Members. * Deceased. t Withdrawn. t Mrs. Alice Greeley Abbott .... Watertown Charles Matthew Abbott *' t John Edward Abbott '♦ 18 t Samuel Phillips Abbott t George A. Alden .... t Frederick George Barker . * Mrs. Abby Vose Barry. Aug. 8, '98, 86 79-10-30 t Herbert Francis Bent . . * Frank Winthrop Bigelow May 25, '04, se 70-10-7 t Francis Hill Bigelow . . * Jonathan Bigelow. May 11, '07, fe 82-4-11 t ]Melvin Madison Bigelow. . t Mrs. Emma Augusta Blair t Lafayette Gilbert Blair . . t Mrs. Mary Robinson Bostwick Mrs. Ruth Ann Bradford . Charles Brigham .... t Miss Maria Brigham . . . William Herman Bustin, Jr. Henry Chase t Miss Abby Clarke . . . * Henry Ware Clarke. July 27, '07, ee 85-2-17 f Leonidas Sidney Cleveland t James Waldo Colby . . . t William G. Comstock . . t Mrs. Caroline Melville Conant Mrs. Elizabeth Abbott Conant t John Henry Conant .... t Mrs. Alice Austin Coolidge . * Austin Jacobs Coolidge. Mch. 20, '95, £6 70-11-28 t Miss Fanny Gertrude Coolidge Miss Harriet Adelaide Coolidge t Herbert Coolidge . . . . , Joshua Coolidge f Dr. Sumner Coolidge . . . Watertown Weston Lexington Cambridge Watertown Brockton Ashland Watertown 19 * Miss Ellen Mary Crafts. Mch. 14, 1893 .... t Fred Erastus Crawford . . . t Frederic Ernest Critchett . . t Miss Ethel Cushing .... * Mrs. Fanny Elizabeth Cushing. Nov. 22, '90, £8 60-11-25 * William Cushing. Oct. 22, '00, jfi 79-0-21 . * Dr. Vivian Daniel. Sept. 22, '07, ^41-9-26 Albert Mortimer Davenport . Mrs. Annie Emeline Davenport Dr. Bennett Franklin Davenport ^Mrs. Emma Judson Davenport Herbert Elbridge Davidson . Mrs. Sarah Coolidge Davidson f Thomas White Davis . . . f Brenton Halliburton Dickson, Jr t Mrs. Lizzie Martha Dimick f Orlendo Wales Dimick . . . t Albert Dutton * ^Irs. Sarah Eliz. Holden Fairman Jesse Fewkes , t Andrew Fiske , t Charles Henry Fiske . . , Charles Frederic Fitz . . . t Augustus Flagg t Charles Ruel Fletcher . . . t Mrs. Charles F. Fletcher . Alfred Cook Fuller .... * John Benton Goodrich. Jan. 11, '00, 86 64-0-4 , George Edward Goodspeed Mrs. Gertrude Goodspeed . f Rev. James Grant .... Arthur Fairfield Gray . , Watertown Belmont Weston Watertown N. Y. City Watertown Weston <( Watertown Waltham Watertown Belmont Ne-svton Watertown 20 Mrs. Mabel Gray • . . . . Rev. \Yalter Folger Greenman Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Harrison * Gen. Russell Hastings. Sept. 18, '04, 86 69-3-18 Alberto Frederick Haynes t Mrs. Lizzie Hale Haynes . David Heald Miss Laura Henry . . . t Mrs. Eva F. Hersey . . . t Mrs. Mary Barnard Home * Robert Francis Home. June 5, '05, se 61-8-0 . * Dr. Alfred Hosnier. May U, '91, £e 58-7-28 t Selah Howell t Mrs. Elizabeth Abbie Howard * William Hutchinson Ingraham. Jan. 26, '00, se 81-5-0 . Jarvis Brewster Keene . . Sarah Vinal Keene .... * Francis Kendall. Mch. 20, '04, 86 82-2-8. . f John Hathaway Kendall . . * Mrs. Margaret Valentine Kenda Dec. 30, '92,86 75-9-29 . t Daniel S. Lamson .... Wilbur Franklin Learned . . t Mrs. Mary Josephine March . f Stillman Pierce March . . . Charles Frank Mason . . . Mrs. Helen Baker Mason . . Dr. Julian Augustus Mead t Miss Clara Belle Morse . . . Rev. Robert Murray .... I Frank Russell Page Miss Mannie Bradley Patten . Water town Cleveland, O. Water town Belmont Watertown Roslindale Watertown Weston Watertown Waltham Watertown 21 t Charles Quincy Pierce . . . f Mrs. Julia Ann Pierce . . Miss Mary Frances Peirce . , * William Thomas Pierce. Feb. 26, '06, « ol-3-U t Lewis Bates Porter . . . , * George Eaton Priest. July 22, '97, fe 55-5-22 George Wesley Priest . . . Mrs. Ellen Mary Priest . . Amy Carol Rand .... *E,ev. Edward Augustus Rand. Oct. 5, '03, a? 66-6-0 . Mrs. Mary Frances Abbott Rand Miss Addie Lucy Rice . . . * Reuben Lee Richardson. Aug. 24, '06, 88 56-9-7 . Mrs. Julia Danforth Richardson t Rev. Wm. G. Richardson . . f William Minard Richardson . * Abraham Lawrence Richards. Dec. 6, '07, Jfi 80-10-5 . t Mrs. Joanna Bailey Richards . Geo. Fred Robinson .... t Mrs. Harriette E. B. Rogers . t Miss Mabelle Winthrop Russell f William Whitney Russell . . t Mrs. Georgiana Butler Savage * Rev. Wm. Henry Savage. May 2, '07, se 74-3-0 Herbert Hayward Sawyer . . * Supplv Thwing Sharp, Dec. 21, '99, £6 64-9-0 . Mrs. Alice Maria Silsbee . . f Henry Reuben Skinner . . t Guy Smith Mrs. Bertha Home Snow . . Walter Bradley Snow . . . Watertown Weston Watertown Belmont Watertown Cambridge Watertown 22 ■2-14 Alexander Starbuck . . . Mrs. Abby Catherine Stearns * Charles Augustus Stearns Aug. 11, '08, ee 70 * Abner Chase Stockin. Jan. 11, '01, se 69-4-12 . . t Arthur Stockin. Jan. 29, 01, Sd 36 f Mrs. Helen Medora Stockin . . t Mrs. Frances Maria Stone . . Charles Wellington Stone t Charles Wm. Stone . . Mrs. Lao Potter Stone • Walter Coolidge Stone . t George R. Stratton . . Charles Edward Stratton t Mrs. Mabel Rogers Tabor t Rev. Luther Tracy Townsend t Rev. Horace Leslie Wheeler * Mrs. Caroline Abbie Rogers Whitney Feb. 4, '04, se 76-3-21 . . * Edward Whitney. May 26, '96, ae 80-11-19. . t Myron William Whitney . . . Solon Franklin Whitney . . . William Henry Whitney . . . t Benj. Osgood Wilson .... * Mrs. Elizabeth Almira C. Wilson. June 24, '96, « 64 . . . . t Mrs. Ellen Warren Wilson . . f George Levi Wilson t Mrs. Ida Frances Wilson . . . ■j- Miss Mary Caroline Wilson . . t Rev. Charles L. Woodworth . , Mrs Emma Augusta Wright . . George Sumner Wright .... HoxoRABY Members Charles Sidney Ensign ..... * Eben Norton Horsford. Jan. 1, '03 Waltham Watertown Boston Watertown Boston Watertown Belmont Waterto-wn u Cambridge Watertown Newton Cambridge 23 LIST OF THE HISTORICAL PAPERS READ BEFORE THE SOCIETY, AXD FOR THE MOST PART PUBLISHED SOON AFTER IX THE LO- CAL PAPERS. DATE. SUBJECTS. AUTHORS. Jan. 15, '89 Sources of information upon Old Watertown History. Dr. B. F. Davenport Mch. 19/89 Reminiscences of the Old Meet- ing-house. Joshua Coolidge May 21, '89 Capt. Benj. Church and the Indi- an War. Mrs. R. A. Bradford Sept 17, '89 The Old Bridge. W. H. Ingrahara " Old Mills, Bridges and Ferries. Dr. B. F. Davenport " The Acadians in Waltham. Alexander Starbuok Nov. 19, '89 Reminiscences of Old Town School. Joshua Coolidge Jan. 21, '90 The Northmen in America. Selah Howell Mch. 18, '90 Ipswich River Site of Norum- bega. Jesse Fewkes " Parson Bailey's Record Book. Rev. W. H. Savage ** Watertown on Charles River. Solon F. "Whitney Apr. 15, '90 The Norumbega Tower. Mrs. E. A. W^right *« Indians of Watertown. Rev. E. A. Rand " Rev. George Phillips. Rev. W. H. Savage <« Location of Meeting-houses. Dr. B. F. Davenport Apr. 15, '90 ' Early Traditions. Joshua Coolidge " The Wears and the South Side. Chas. S. Ensign " Hugh Mason. Chas. F Mason " The Free Masons. A. F. Haynes July 15, '90 The Dorchester Field. W. H. Ingraham and B. F. Davenport Sept. 16, '90 The Union Social Library. S. F. Whitney " " Waterto wn on B unker Hill day. Chas. F. Fitz Nov. 18, '90 Reminiscences of Watertown. Joshua Coolidge Dec. 5, '90 Changes in State Laws and Ad- ministration. J. E. Abbott Mch. 17, '91 The Old Phillips Parsonage. Joshua Coolidge '• The Old Storer and Eliot Parson- age. Mrs. Ruth A. Bradford May 19, '91 Mrs. Mercy Otis Warren. Ditto Sept. 15, '91 John Oldham's Mill. Jesse Fewkes " " School Life of the Past. Miss M. F. Peirce " " Gen. Jos. Warren in Water- town. A. F. Haynes '* " Reminiscences. Joshua Coolidge " " Thos. Mayhew. Gr. H. Folger Nov. 17, '91 Annual Address of the Presi- dent. Rev. E. A. Rand " " The Bigelows, Old Lawyers of Watertown. H. R. Skinner Jan. 19, '92. Saltonstall's Plantation. Wm. M. Richardson Mch. 22, '92 The Fisheries of Watertown. W, H. Ingraham '' " The Roads of the Early Settle- ments. J. W. Colby Sept. 27, '92 Early Days in Watertown. Rev. E. A. Rand 25 SpT>t 27 '92 Early Churches and Ministers. ^ * ' Dr. B. F. Davenport a .i Arlington St. Cemetery Epi- taphs. Mrs. E. J. Davenport u ti East Watertown. Miss H. A. Coolidge Nov. 15, '92 Annual Address of the Presi- dent. Rev. E. A. Rand a a Franciscan Missions in California. Mrs. R. A. Bradford (< n The Provincial Congress in Watertown. L. G. Blair Jan. 17, '93 Marco Polo. O. W. Dimick Apr. 18, '93 Relics from the Old Parsonage. Mrs. A. E. Davenport *• 4« A Story about the Parsonage. Mrs. M. F. A. Rand a '« A Colonial Newspaper. Geo. S.Wright ti. a Town Meeting in Revolutionary Days. S. F. Whitney Sept. 12, '93 Col. John Fowle and Capt. Christopher Marshall. Dan. S. Lamson <( t« Address at erection of the Jos. Coolidge Monument. A. J. Coolidge Nov. 16 '93 Annual Address of the President. ' Rev. E. A. Rand .4 n Court Records of Nath'l Harris. F. E. Crawford Jan. 9, '94 Weatherfield, Watertown's Old- est Daughter. C. S. Ensign i. .* Indian Fish Festivals. J.W.Colby Mch. 13, '94 Reminiscences of Watertown. Joshua Coolidge a a Ditto W. H. Ingraham a s« Journal of Provincial Congress. A. F. Haynes Anr. 10, '94 Storv of an Indian Maiden. ^ ' ' J.W.Colby a «' Some Middlesex Co. Records. Mrs. R. A. Bradford 26 Apr. 10, '94 John Eliot and the Indians. W. C. Bates Oct. 1. '94 The Early Planters about Water- town. Jesse Fewkes " " The Coolidge Farm. Dr. Sumner Coolidge Nov. 13, '94 Annual Address of the President. Rev. E. A. Rand " " The Young Men's Assembly. L. S. Cleveland " " The Woman's Club Mrs. A. M. Silsbee '• " The Early Water town Church. Rev. W. H. Savage Jan. 8, *95 Indians of New England. Jesse Fewkes Mch. 12, '95 Andrew Belcher and his grand- son Gov. Belcher. C. S. Ensign Nov. 29, '95 Annual Address of President. Rev. E. A. Rand " " Patriotism in the Public Schools. Frank A. Hill " " Parson Storer's Pocketbook. Samuel A Green Jan. 14, '96 The Council, the Executive of State, 1775-80. Dr.B. F. Davenport " " Charles River. Jesse Fewkes Feb. 11, '96 The Powder House. Chas. F. Mason " " Committee of Correspondence and Safety. Geo. S. Wright " " Gardner Manor on Gardner's Island. Miss Maria Brigham " " Estates and People of Weston. F. W. Bigelow Apr. 14, '96 Weston in the Revolution. Miss M. F. Peirce " " The Marshall Fowle house. Mrs. Eva F. Hersey Sept. 15, '96 A Winter in California. Mrs. R. A. Bradford 27 Sept. 15, '96 The Old Bird and other Taverns. Rev. E. A. Rand '* " Northmen's Remains in New England. Jesse Fewkes Nov. 10, '96 The Old Brown House. Rev. E. A. Rand " " Parson Bailey's Record Book. Rev. \V. H. Savage Dec. 8, '96 The Royal House at Medford. Mrs. Eva F. Hersey " '> Churches on the " South Side." Charles S. Ensign Jan. 12, '97 Watertown Society for Relief of the Sick. Mrs. R. A. Bradford Mch. 9, '97 Ancient Nonantum. Jesse Fewkes Apr. 13, '97 The Stone Family of Watertown. Miss Josephine M. Stone " " Watertown Artillery Company Records. Dan. S. Lamson Sept. 14, '97 400th Anniversary of Cabot's landfall. Rev. E. A. Rand Jan. 11, '98 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, the Cemeteries. A. F. Haynes " " Nathaniel Bowman and Descend- ants. Mr. Snow " " Paul Revere House and the Con- tinental money. Rev. E. A. Rand Mch. 8, '98 Some Old Cellar Holes. W. C. Bates " " Frontier Life of the Farmers. Wm. H. Whitney Sept. 13, '98. Reminiscences of Old W^atertown. Miss Ellen Robbins Nov. 10, '98. Annual Address of the President. Rev. E. A. Rand " •' Eeminiscences of 50 years in Watertown. W. H. In graham Jan. 10, '99 Simon Stone's Pear Tree. W. C. Stone " " Watertown and Cambridge Bounds. \V. H. Whitney 28 Mch. 14, '99 The U. S. Flag and the Arms of the Washmgtons. Jesse Fewkes June 23, '99 The Old Ward, Dexter, Pierce house in Weston. Miss M. F. Peirce Nov. 14, '98 A Day in Manilla. Major Jones, U.S.A. Jan. 9, 1900 Home of Sam. Jennison. His Collection of Commissions. Mrs. R. A. Bradford Apr. 3, '00 Churchyard Literature. Charles S. Ensign Sept. 11, '00 Ditto. Ditto. Nov. 13, '00 The Crossing of Mt. Auburn and Arlington Sts., a forgotten Old Time Corner. Rev. E.A. Rand Jan. 8, '01 The West District School. Rev. Robert Murray •« " Lady Washington Visit to New England. Rev. E. A. Rand Mch. 12, '01 Reminiscences of WatertOAvn. Francis Kendall Rev. R. Murray Sept. 10, '01 The First Mill at Watertown. Jesse Fewkes Oct. 8, '01 The Old Sudbury Road and the Indians. W. H. Whitne)-- Nov. 12, '01 Old Time Town Meeting. Rev. E. A. Rand Jan. 14, '02 Beginnings of Waltham. Rev. R. Murray •» " Unchronicled Interlude in First Parish History. Rev. W. H. Savage Sept. 9, '02 The First Waltham Meeting- house. Rev. R. Murray Nov. 11, '02 Rev. Sam. Angier and the Meet- ing-house at " Four Corners," Rev. E. A. Rand " '« The Old Barrett House. Miss A. L. Rice 29 Jan. 13, '03 The Old Planters of New Eng- land. Jesse Fewkes Mar. 10, '03 The Second Church of Waltham. Rev. R. Murray Sept. 9, '03 Watertown's Military Record. A. F. Haynes Nov. 15, '03 Memorial to Rev. Edw. A. Rand. Rev. Robert Murray " " Reminiscences of the High School. S. F. Whitney Jan. 12, 'Oi Rev. Joseph Morse of "Weston. Tho. W. Silloway Mch, 8, '04 Journalism in Nantucket. Alexander Starbuck Sept, 13, '04 Site of the Second Meeting-house of Watertown. W. H. Whitney Nov. 15, '04 Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham. Rev.R. Murray " The West Precinct Church. Mrs, Ruth A. Bradford Jan. 10, '05 Events just before Lexington and Concord. Alex. Starbuck " " Rev. Daniel Adams. Mrs. Ruth A Bradford " " Derivation of " Pequussett." Dr. B. F. Davenport Mch, 14, '05 Experiences in Rebel Prisons, 1861-62 W.C.Bates " " A ^liddlesex Farmer of a Cen- tury Ago. Charles F. Fitz Sept. 12, '05 Some Old Colonial Customs. A. F. Haynes Nov. 14, '05 The English Church in America. Rev. R. Murray Jan. 9, '06 Watertown the Mother Town. Alex. Starbuck Mch. 27, '06 The Lewis and Clarke Expedition S. F. Whitney " '' The Peter Clark Family. Mrs. Ruth A. Bradford 30 May 8, '06 Waltham in Colonial Days. Rev. R. Murray Nov. 13, '06 Beginnings of Ancient Waltham. Jesse Fewkes. Jan. 8, '07 The Ministerial Fund. Geo. S. Wright " " Cotton Mill in Watertown. S. F. Whitney Meh. 9, '07 Some Watertown Quacks. C. S. Ensign May U, '07 Civil War Record of Rev. W. H. Savage. Charles F. Mason Nov. 12, '07 Maryland in the Revolution. L. G Blair Jan. 14, '08 The Puritans and Pilgrims. Nathan Warren May 13, '08 Memoir of Miss Harriet G. Hosmer. Mrs. R. A. Bradford *' " The Puritan Theocracy. Rev. Robert Murray A Committee of the Society has already pnb- lishert four volumes of the Records of the Town and Precincts, and another committee one volume of the Military History of the Town. An atlas of the sites, with full description of all of the earlier homesteads of the town, is in process of prepara- tion. The file of original earlier papers, in the custody of the town clerk, are being mounted by a committee of the Society into firmly bound scrap- books, to ensure the preservation, and facilitate their consultation, aided by the full indices which have been made. fD 18 •TV ^ ♦ o > .M*" .', ,\* ,.. °* •"'■>' aO^ ■^^ .V .„.<.. *^T.-.c;^^^ <^' . .'.^Sto.'. -^.^^^^^ ,^, .^^^^. ,'^ o * ST. AUGUSTINE c^ ^ ,^<,; ^^^3208-4 ^ FLA. ,^^ '^^