A^- .-■;;-;;;'i:,'?/:"-rV iM^rM PROVIDENCE ^ ROVIDENCE, the second city in size in New England and the twentieth in size in the Union, is finely located at the head of Narragansett Bay. Its surface is quite uneven, and liiie ancient Rome it sits upon seven hills. This fact adds to its beauty and picturesqueness. Two small rivers uniting near its centre divide the city into the east and west sides. The larger portion of the business section lies in the plain of the river on the west side. Many of the large business blocks are upon " made land." The hillsides and the plateau of the east side are covered with residences, among which are many of palatial size and elegance. The streets in the business portions are paved and in other sections are macadamized. These are l IMI SbM BH mm iHi nMi BHi WH WW i^w idtti iiiiBi INDUSTRIAL TRUST COMPANY, Westminster and Exchange Streets. Containing the banking rooms of the Trust Company and of the United National P.anl< on the lower floors, law and general offices in the several stories above. RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL TRUST COMPANY. A strictly modern and substantial building finished in an artistic manner. The pioneer of institutions of its kind in Rhode Island, with resources of over twenty-five millions. THE PROVIDENCE ATHENEUM, BENEFIT STREET. A granite structure after the style of a Grecian temple. Besides its library of 50,000 volumes, it contains many valuable paintings, statues, busts and rare curiosities. THE PROVIDENCE INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, SOUTH MAIN STREET. The first savings bank established in Providence. It stands near the spot where stood the historic William Field Garrison House during King Philip's War. a RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL, EDDY, HOSPITAL AND LOCKWOOD STREETS. Its benefits are alike extended to all who are unfortunate enough to need medical or surgical aid. THE UNIUX STATKJX rrS bUKROUNUlNGS. PUBLIC LIBRARY, WASHINGTON STRPJET. Italian Renaissance style. Contains about 100,000 volumes, several valuable paintings, and hundreds of interesting pictures descriptive of all parts of the world. HOPE STREET HIGH SCHOOL. The most recently Iniilt of the four high schools of Providence. Besides being one of the most convenient in all its appointments, it possesses an amply equipped and model laboratory for the study of physics. .»'>• y!i*«*fl9*i(<^s««ifi5^ m:r"^^ RHODE ISLAND STATE N(JRMAL SCHOOL. One of the most commodious and finely equipped normal schools in the country. SAINT JOHN'S CHURCH. The first Episcopal church established ia Providence (173.) under the name of King's Church. The present edifice was erected in 1810 a FIRST BAPTIST MEETING-HOUSE, NORTH MAIN STREET. Designed by Providence architects to resemble Saint Martin-in-the-Fields, London. The great bell of this church is stil at nine o'clock every evening. rung for the curfew CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Located on Angell Street, is an architectural gem, one of the finest in the Italian Renaissance style in the state. GRACE CHURCH. Was the first Episcopal church built on the "West Side." It is of brovvnstone and stands on the principal business street of the city. •a < 2 j= ^ .g. aj — < '-J f-. CO tJ o 2 S^ VAX WICKLE GATES. Main entrance to Brown University. BROWN UNIVERSITY And a few of its prominent buildings. SCENES IN ROGER WILLIAMS PARK. This magnificent pleasure ground was formerly the farm of Betsy Williams, a direct descendant of Roger Williams, and was bequeathed by her to the city tor a public park. i j '■ THE MAN GATES AND THE BETSY WILLIAMS COTTAGE, ROGER WILLIAMS PARK. At the Elmwood Avenue entrance to Roger Williams Park are the Man Gates, built from funds bequeathed to the city by Anna Man for beautifying Neariht Roger Williams Monument stands the Betsy Williams Cottage, so long occupied by the noble woman through whose liberality the citizens now enjoy this beautiful park. ROGER WILLIAMS MONUMENT, ROGER WILLIAMS PARK. In front of the Betsy Williams Cottage. The pedestal is surrounded by a flight of steps surmounted by the bronze statue of Roger Williams. History stands beneath inscribing upon the tablet of fame his name and " 1636." PARK CASINO, ROGER WILLIAMS PARK, Erected for the accommodation of visitors, containing an excellent cafe and a hall for dancing and whist parties. THE BOATHOUSE, ROGER WILLIAMS PARK. An extensive circuitous lake winds through the Park, crossed by several picturesque bridges, affording delightful excursions in boats and canoes provided at the boathouse. v/NTUM Club PROVIDENCE CLUBS. The Hope Club, on Benevolent Street, is the most noted of the men's clubs of the city. The Rhode Island Vacht Club House at Pawtuxet is constantly surrounded during the outing months with beautiful yachts from the yards of the Herreshotfs and other well-known builders. At Squantum, on the east shore of Narragansett Bay, is located the home of the Squantum Club, an association of Providence gentlemen for social enjoyment and culture. t'l'l'- 'ivV- '■'*' ^rP f'^.' si^- '"v-a. .,J«--:t..V'<,i' '!. • •.**!^^-- v-''^' ■ A>- £^» .1 K.r/.. .i. .jEI' -'>.^ ■■<■■■ ■ ^-.-.V"'' 1 tf :-■■<" 'i/!*-'-:;"-. ■ ^i''~i'/ ' /■■'Vf'V*''''T'''-' '■■ V'^' '■■'.iii'v^v'' ■'"■*•'*■'■■• •■•■J I',. ■- •/ '■■■ •> V , "f '•^i/^aj-A'. •I ■ ■ l-" *^