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The C'onunissioners' work was in aniieipation of an extension of the Cit.v boundaries and was mostly performed before the actual extension. Thou.i;li their duties were identical in their respective precincts, they were separate and distinct bodies. Tlie I'reeinct Coiinuissioners often worked with the City ("onnnis- sioners when the grade of a street to bi' established extended in itoth the City and Precincts. This book completes the Records of Baltimore City from 1729 to ISlo, of this particular character, which are in volumes entitled : "First Records of Baltimore Town i^ .Tonestowii. 172'J to 17i>7." "Records of the City of Baltimore (City Comnu.ssoiners). 17!»7 to 1813." "Records of the City of Baltimore (City Connnissiouer.s) (Supple- ment), 1729-1813." "Records of the City of Baltimore (Special Commissioners), 1782 to 1797." "Records of the City of Baltimore (Eastern Precinct Connnission- ers). 1812 to 1S17. and (Western Precinct Connnissioners). isio to 1817." which were published under the same ausitices in the order named. This printed copy has been made to conform to the original in every possible detail. WILBUR F. COYLE. Citii T/ihniriiiu. Bai.timork. August 1st. 1909. Eastern Precinct Commissioners^ Records J8I2— I8I7 (Chronologically Arranged) Easforn pre- cinct Cdlll- niissioiu-rs. An AC'l' t(i appoint counnissioiiers to grade, level, pave and i-cpaii- the streets, squares, lanes and alleys in tliat i)art of the eastern precincts of l^altiniore therein described, and for other pni-- poses.— 1811, eh. 138. [By this Act the inhabitants who are qualified • T • T • I'll J^iiisicrii [jr to vote for delegates, residing within the follow- cinctcdm ing limits, to wit : Beginning at the intersection of the lines of the city and precincts in Market street. Fell's Point, and running thence with the east side of a road which runs from the said street northwardly and west of the Hospital, until it intersects Harford run ; thence with a straight line southwardly to the intersection of Aisquith street and the old Harford road ; thence with a straight line westerly to a new street laid out by Dr. Stevenson, immediately south of his house ; thence with the north side of the said street to Jones' Falls ; thence with, the said Falls to the line of the city, and thence with the lines of the city to the beginning; on the first Monday of March next, and on the first Monday of March in every year thereafter, were to elect by ballot five persons residing within said limits, as com- missioners of the eastern precincts of Baltimore. Levy court to appoint judges of elections — com- missioners declared to be a body politic, their du- ties, (fcc. The supplement relates to sinking wells and erecting pumps, removal of nuisances, &c., and inipowers the commissioners to appoint one or more superintendents of chimney sweepers with the same power, and under similar regulations, with those appointed by ordinance in the city.J [From Boundaries of Baltimore and Acts of Assembly 1729 to 1830.] I'owi'i-s trans- VUl ACT relating to the city of Baltimore, 1817 — eh. 148. 8. And bk it enacted, That all the powers, ferred to privileges, rights and property vested in or grant- city Council. ed to the commissioners of the western precincts, the commissioners of the eastern precincts of Bal- timore, or their respective officers, the commis- sioners of the western precincts market, or the commissioners of the eastern precincts market, shall be, and the same are hereby, vested in the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore as fully and for the like purposes as the same were pos- sessed by the above named boards or officers re- spectively; and that the acts entitled "An Act to appoint commissioners to grade and level the sev- eral streets, squares, lanes and alleys in the pre- cincts of Baltimore," and "An Act to appoint commissioners to grade, level, pave and repair the streets, squares, lanes and alleys in that part of the eastern precincts of Baltimore therein de- scribed, and for other purposes," and the several supplements to those Acts, be, and the same are hereby repealed, except so far as relates to rights acquired under the said boards and to suits now depending in which any of the said commission- ers are parties, or there remain contracts unexe- cuted or claims unliquidated in which they are respectively interested, for the completion of which the Mayor and City Council shall provide. IFroni Boundaries n Baltlmorf>, Acts of Assembly 1729-1830.] PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE EASTERN PRECINTS OF BALTIMORE 1812 James C Dew Clerk EASTERN PRECINTS, March 4tli 1812 The Commissioners met and being duly qualified proceeded to buisness. Daniel Conn Avas nominated and elected Chairman of the board. James C Dew being in nomination for Clerk was duly elected and qualified. Motion made and seconded, it was Unanimously adopted that the Office of the Commissioners shall be kept at No. 87 Harford Street in said Precints. Motion of the Chairman and Seconded, was adopted that Adam Denmead and Hezekiah Price wait on the different Sur- veyors and report at their next stated meeting. Motion was made and Seconded, was Adopted that the Stated Meeting be on Thursdays in each and every Week at 10 O'Clock A. M. Received a Petition from the Inhabitants of Potter Street to Grade, level & Pave, and Acted on in due form. by Order James C Dew Clk EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE March 12 1812 Motion Made and Seconded for an Election for a Surveyor Jehu Boulden was Unanimously Elected. Motion made and Seconded it was agreed that the Petition from the Inhabitants of French Street lay over to the next Stated meeting and a Committee consisting of Three, viz Heze- kiah Price, Adam Denmead, and Joshua Fort are appointed to make the necessary enquiries on the subject contained in the Petition. 2 RECORDS OF Received a Petition from the Inhabitants of McElderys Street to Grade the same from Asquiths Street to Potters Street, and acted on it in due form. by Order James C Dew Clk EASTERX PRECIXTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE March 19. 1812 Eastern Precints Commissioners Met. Daniel Conn John M Smith & Joshua Fort >- Present. And Proceeded to buisiness. The Committee apointed at the last meeting on the Petition from the Inhabitants of French Street reported favourable, and the board acted on the same in due form. The Chairman appointed a Committee of Two of the board viz. John M Smith and Joshua Fort, to make the necessary enquiry on the Petition from the Inhabitants of Low Street and to Report at the next Stated Meeting. Received a Petition from the Inhabitants of Harford Street to Grade, Level, and Pave the Same, from Bridge Street until it intersects the old Joppa Road and acted on in due form. by Order James^ C Dew. Clk EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE March 26th 1812. Eastern Precincts Commissioners Met Viz. Daniel Conn Adam Denmead John M Smith & Hez. Price Joshua Fort. > Present. BALTIMORE CITY. O The Committee appointed at the last meeting to Examine, the Situation of Low Street as Petitioned for, reported that there should not be any alteration in the Grade as now established in part. The Petition for Grading, and Paveing the same were acted on in due form. bv Order James C Dew, Clk EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 2d 1812 Eastern Precints Commissioners Met Viz. Hezekiah Price "" John M Smith Joshua Fort ^Present. & Adam Denmead And proceeded to buisiness. Received a Petition from the In- habitants of Green Street to Grade, level, pave, and Remove ISTuicences and Pave, the Foot Ways from Low St. Southward to the City line, and Acted on the same in due form. by Order. • James C Dew, Clk EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 6. 1812 Eastern Precints Commissioners Met as p. Advertizement on Potters Street. Daniel Conn Hezekiah Price Adam Denmead John M Smith & Joshua Fort. ^Present. And Received from the City Commissioners, that they could not attend as requested to act in Conjunction with the above 4 RECORDS OF Commissioners Consequently adjourned until to Morrow 9 O'clock by Order James C Dew Clk EASTERN" PEECINTS COMMISSIOXERS OFFICE April Tth 1812 Eastern Precints Commissioners Met agreeable to Adjourn- mt. on the 6tli Inst, on Potters Street. Present with their Daniel Conn Hezekiah Price Adam Denmead John M Smith ( surveyor. Joshua Fort I After making Sundry experiments, Resolved that Potter Street from the small Alley Purchased by the Corporation to Conduct the water from Potters Street into Green Street, and from thence into High Street shall have an asscent of Two thirds of an Inch in every Ten feet to the iN" W Gutter of McElderys Street, thence to have an Asscent of one Inch in every Ten feet to the part of Union Street, which is now Paved, Provided the Consent of the Holders of Property on Union Street can be Obtained to take up Fifty feet of the pres- ent Pavement, and in Case their assent can not be obtained, then the Asscent from McElderys Street to Union Street to be One & a quarter Inches in Ten feet more or less to meet Union Street Pavement. Also that the Grade of the said Potters Street South of the said Alley to the City Line shall intersect such grade as the City Commissioners may Adopt beyond the City Line, which Shall be Five Inches in Every Ten feet. by Order James C Dew. Clk BAI/riMORE CITY. 5 EASTERX PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 9. 1812 do Commissioners Met Viz. Adam Denmead John M Smith & Daniel Conn ■ Present. And proceeded to buisiness, After having some Conversation agreed that Cry and Hetzeter should pave Potters Street Agree- able to their Proposals, and to receve the Money as it can be Collected by the Clerk under our directions by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUIS^TY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 13th 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met on McElderys Street agreeable to Advertizement. Daniel Conn Adam Denmead Joshua Fort V Present. & John M Smith And in Consequence of the Inclemmeney of the Weather and the Surveyors not iittending adjourned until Saturday the 18th Inst at 10 O'clock A. M. by Order James C Dew. Clk RECORDS OF BALTIMORE COUXTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 16tli 1812. Eastern Precints Commiss Met. Jolin M Smith Josliua Fort Adam Denmead & Hezekiah Price >. Present. There being no business before the board Adjourned by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS OFFICE Apl 18. 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners met as p. Advertisement on Harford Street. Viz. Daniel Conn Adam Denmead John M Smith & Joshua Fort y Present with their Surveyor. After making sundry experiments thought proper to Ad- journ the Grading of Harford Street until Tuesday 28th Inst for the purpose of giving the parties concerned an opportunity of pointing out and devising means to the Commissioners a bet- ter mode of carrying the water of Harford Street then in a Streight direction down Bridge Street, Consequently ad- journed until Tuesday 28th Inst at 10 O'Clock A. M. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 7 BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECIXTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 18. 1812. Eastern Precints Cominissioiiers met as p. adjounimeut on the 13tli Inst, on McElderys Street Viz. Daniel Conn John M Smith Joshua Fort & Hez. Price Present with their >. Surveyor to Grade said McElderys St. Resolved. That the grade begin at the N E Gutter of Potters Street and ]\IcElderys Street from thence to the North East Gutter of Liberty Street with an Asscent of Two thirds of an Inch in Every Ten Feet, from thence to North West Gutter of Friendship Street an asscent of one Inch in Ten feet froni thence to the N E Gutter of said Friendship Street, an asscent of One & half Inches in Ten feet, thence to the N W line of Asquith Street with an asscent of Eight c^^ half Inches in every Ten feet. by order Ja-aies C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 20th 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners met. on French Street as p. Advertisement. John M Smith ~) Daniel Conn ^ Present. Adam Denmead J And in Consequence of the City Commissioners not being present to Act in Conjuction adjourned Lentil Tuesday 21st Inst, at 10 O'clock A. M. by order James C Dew. Clk 8 RECORDS OF BALTIMORE COimXY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIO^^ERS OFFICE April 21st 1812. Eastei'ii Precints Commissioners Met on French Street as p. adjournment on the 20th Apl 1812. Adam Denmead ] „ . . , . „ T- , n.r <-, • , Present with their Surveyor John M Smith » • ^ ■ • T 1 -r^ Lto Act m Coniuction with J oshua i ort f , Daniel Conn J City Commissioners and after making Sundry Appointments Resolved. That from the East Gutter of Jones Street to the East Gutter of High Street have an asscent of about one & Three quarters of an Inch in Every Ten feet to intersect the Present Pavement from High Street, to have a regular Grade to Opposite the South Side of Center Street which is to be run across French Street as Graded with an Inch in Ten feet, de- scent from the South West Gutter of Green Street, Thence asscending to Green St on the same Grade of one Inch in Ten feet, thence from the East Gutter of Green Street to the York Road at about one & Three quarters Inches in Ten feet to Six Inches below the Gutter on the West side of Fx)rrest Street Pro- vided leave can be obtained of the Road Company to take up and Pave a Gutter a cross the said Road. If not obtained Then to run from Green Street Gutter to Forrest Street Gutter on an even Grade. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 23d 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners met. Adam Denmead John M Smith r Present. In Consequence of not having a quorum Adjourned by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 9 BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSRS OFFICE April 24th 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners met on French Street to Condemn the same for a Publick High Way. Daniel Conn Present with their Surveyor. Hez. Price John M Smith S>- Joshua Fort A Denmead Eesolved. That the commencement be at the Corner of House South 73 West Forty Nine feet Six Inches meeting a Point Fifty Two Feet three Inches from the East Corner of John 'M Dohlers Brick House, then Running to the North Side of Union Street Six Inches Northwestardly from the West Cor- ner of William Fultons House, Thence WestAvardly along the Front of Thomas Wheelers Brick House. Which Width of said French Street from the York Road to Green Street to be Forty Feet, from thence to Union Street to be the same Width, from thence on the West side with a Streight line to Misses Slyes House, which shall determine the Width of that, from thence to High Street to be Forty feet in Width, and from thence to Jones Street The Permanent Houses shall determine the width thereof by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 28 1812. Eastern Precents Commissioners met for adjournment on the 18th Inst on Harford Street Viz. Daniel Conn Hez. Price John M Smith Joshua Fort Present with their Surveyor. After making sundry Experiments Resolved, that the Orade of Harford Street commence at the South Corner of 10 KECORDS OF Union & Bridge Streets, and asscend to East Street with an asscent of Three quarters of an Inch in every Ten Feet, Thence to the Pump, to Asscend Three quarters of an Inch in every Ten Feet, The bottom of the Gutter to be Six feet Two Inches below the bottom of bottom of the Pump Stock, Thence to the jSTorth East Corner of William Laffertys Lott, to asscend Three quarters of an Inch in every Ten feet, from thence to the south side of Asquith St, to Asscend one Inch and seven Tenths m every Ten feet, from thence to the old Joppa Road, to asscenct One Inch & 7/10 in every Ten feet. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Apl 30 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met Viz. Adam Denmead ^ Joshua Fort y Present John M Smith J Resolved. That the report of the Committee on Low Street the 26th of March 1812, be and is hereby confirmed and directed to be paved by Cry & Hetzeler on the same Terms as Potters Street. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE May 2d 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met on Green Street as p. Advertisement Viz. Joshua Fort Adam Denmead John M Smith Daniel Conn Present. , BALTIMOKE CITY. 11 And in consequence of the City Commissioners not attending and the inclemency of the -weather, adjourned Fiitil Saturday 9th Tiisf at 4 O'clock P M. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY PRECINTS COMMIS- SIONERS OFFICE May 7. 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met Viz. Joshua Fort Adam Denmead L Present. John M Smith J Received a Petition from the Inhabitants of A Twenty feet Alley between Eden Street and Strawberry Ally and North of Pitt Street Extended to remove the obstructions out of said Alley and the jSTuisances that are or may be in the Neighbor- hood, and acted on the same in due form »S: ordered to be advertized until the 8th June Next. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE May 9th 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners as p. adjournment on th>- 2d of May on Green Street. John M Smith ^ f=- Present with their Surveyor, Adam Denmead j And acted in conjunction Avith the City Commissioners. Resolved, That the South West Gutter of Green Street commence at the North West Gutter of Pitt Street Asscend Three Inches in Ten feet to the distance of Twenty feet, then to descend to the Gutter of Necessity Alley. The North East Gutter of Green Street to commence at the North West Gutter 12 RECORDS OF of Pitt Street and x\sscend three Inches in Ten feet, to the dis- tance of Six feet then with a Regular descent to the Gutter of JSTecessity Alley by Order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERI^ PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE May 14. 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met Viz. Adam Denmead "^ John M Smith I Present. Daniel Conn J And Proceeded to business, after Reading the Proceedings of the 9th May Inst on Green Street. Resolved, That there should be no alteration in the Grade of Green Street from Necessity Alley to Pitt Street. Resolved. That the commencement of ye East Gutter of Green Street, be at the south East Gutter of Green & Low Streets, Asscending to the Bend in Green Street to the bottom of the Gutter as now Paved, and the West Gutter of Green Street to commence at the South West Gutter of Green & Low Streets, and asscend to the bend in Green Street to the bottom of the Gutter as now Paved, Erom thence Southwardly to Necessity Alley to remain in grade as now Paved. Resolved. That Cry & Hetzeler pave Harford Street agree- to their Proposals. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSRS OFFICE May 21st 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met Viz. John M Smith ^ Daniel Conn L ^^^^^^^^ ^ Proceeded Adam Denmead to Buisiness. BALTIMORE CITY. 13 Resolved. That Elisha Bailey and J Bailey Pave French Street agreeable to their Proposals Signed by the Clerk. Eeceived a Petition from the Inhabitants of Union Street to Grade, level, & Pave Union Street from Bridge Street to Low Street, Ordered to be advertised until the the 20th June next 4 O'clock. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS * COMMISSIONERS OFFICE May 28" 1812. Adam Denmead Joshua Fort John M Smith J After reading the proceedings of the last Meeting adjourned by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSR OFFICE June 4th 1812 Daniel Conn r Present. and Hez Price Present. Adam Denmead John M Smith Joshua Fort Resolved. That a Loan of Two Himdred Dollars be obtained to Enable Cry k Hetzeler to go on Paving Potters Street & to be continued until the amount can be collected of the Inhab- itants by the Clerk, and the amnt of Interest to be Charged to the Property Holders on Potters Street it being a Necessary expence by order James C Dew. Clk 14 RECORDS OF BALTIMORE COUXTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE June 8th 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met. On Twenty feet Alley (or Union Alley) agreeable to adver- tizement. Joslivia Fort ^ I ^Present. John M Smith j Not having a quorum adjourned until Thursday 11th Inst at 12 O'clock A M. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE June 11, 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met Viz. John M Smith Daniel Conn Joshua Fort Hez. Price Received a Petition from sundry Inhabitants, or Owners, of Property on old Joppa Road for condemning the same from Bridge Street extended to the Road West of the Hospital, and joins that part laid down by the Levy Court of Baltimore County and acted on in due form of Law, and Ordered to be advertizd until the 16th of July next 11 O'Clock A M. Resolved That John M Smith and Joshua Fort are appointed to examine into the situation of Union Alley And report at this office at 3 O'Clock P M. The Committee reported that the Obstructions and Nuisances on said Union Alley had not been removed and is very offencive to the Property Holders on said Union Alley & injurious to Health. by order James C Dew. Clk > Present. BALTIMORE CITY. 10 BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECmTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE ,Tmie lltli 1S12. Eastern Precints Commissioners met on Union Alley. Daniel Conn John M Smith > Present. Joshua Fort Resolved. That the Property Holders on Union Alley be and they are directed to remove all Obstructions, out of said Alley consisting of Fences, Tubs, &c &c Also all Nuisances, that is or may be in said Alley, and to have the same compleated in Ten Days from the date hereof this Notice, and from time to time to continue to keep the same Clean and in good order, otherwise the Commissioners, will do the same at the Expence of those Offending in due form of Law. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE June 18, 1812. Eastern Precincts Commissioners met. Viz. Daniel Conn ~1 i Adam Denmead T.r r^ . - , Present. John M Smith [ Joshua Fort J Resolved. That a loan of Five Hundred Dollars be obtained for Cry k Hetzler and continued on until Colletd and the Inter- est to be charged to the Property Holders on Potters Street. Received a petition from the Property Holders on McElderys St. between Potters Street and Asquith Street to pave the same and ordered to be advertised until the ISth July next. by Order James C Dew. Clk 16 RECORDS OF BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN^ PRECmTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE June 18 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met on Harford Street. Daniel Conn "^ John M Smith Adam Denmead Joshua Fort. > Present. Resolved. That the southeast side of Harford Street com- menced at the Northwest corner of Samuel Longs Brick House near the corner of Harford & Union Streets, and thence with a Streight line until it comes to a point Forty Nine feet Six Inches distance South East from the South East corner of John Murrays Brick House near the old Joppa Road, the said Harford Street to be of the width of Forty Six feet Nine Inches from Bridge Street to the old Joppa Road, and the same is hereby condemned for a Publick High Way for Ever. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE June 25" 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met. Daniel Conn ^ Adam Denmead v Present. John M Smith J Resolved. That a Loan of Two Hundred and fifty dollars be obtaind to enable the Pavers to go on Paveing of Green Street and the Interest to be Charged to the Property Holders on Green Street it being a Necessary Expence. by Order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 17 BALTIMOKE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSRS OFFICE July 2d 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners met. Hezekiali Price Adam Denmead John M Smith Joshua Fort Present. Keceived a Petition from the Proi)erty Holders on Liberty Street to grade, Level, c^' Pave the same from McElderys Street to the North extention of Asquith Addition to Baltimore ToAvn, and acted on the same in due form and ordered to be adver- tized until the first of August next at 8 O'Clock A M. Resolved, That Lyon eV Sommerville Pave LTnion Street agreeable to their proposals A\ith the addition of one Row of Flag Stones. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSRS OFFICE July 7th 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met on Union St. John M Smith ^ Adam Denmead |> Present. Hezekiah Price J Resolved. That Union Street commence as follows to Wit. — Begining for the North East side thereof, on the southeast line of Bridg(> Street Southwestardly Fifteen Feet Seven Inches from the West Corner of Samuel Longs Tavo Story Brick House, and runing thence Southeastwardly to Low Street, Thirty feet Three Inches North eastwardly, from the East- wardly from the East Corner of Henry Hardestvs Two Story Brick House, and the South West line of said Street, begin as aforesaid on the South East Side of Bridge Street, and South- westardly forty Five feet Ten Inches from the West Corner of Samuel Longs Two Story Brick House, and runing Southeast- 18 REtORDS OF wardly to the East Corner of Xatlian G Brisons Two Story Brick House, thence to Continue the same to Low Street, pass- ing the East Corner of Henry Hardestys Two Story Brick House. Resolved. That Union Street asscend in grade from the South East Gutter of Bridge Street to the line of Bridge Street Twelve Inches, and thence to descend to the N"orthwest gutter of Low Street. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE July 9th 1812. Eastern Precincts Commissioners Met. Daniel Conn "^ Joshua Fort [>. Present. John M Smith J Received Sundry Proposals for paving McElderys Street and Liberty Street after Reading them over concluded that Cv} k Hetzlers were on the best Terms. Resolved. That Cry & Hetzlers pave McElderys Street and Liberty Street agreeable to their proposals. bv order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE July 16, 1812. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met. John M Smith "] y Present. Joshua Fort j And not having a quorum adjourned, also Adjourned the Loca- tion of the old Joppa Road Until the 23d Inst at 11 O'Clock AM. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 19 BALTIMOKE COUNTY EASTEKN PRECINTS COMMISSRS OFFICE July 23d 1812. Eastern Prccints Couimissioners met. Adam Denniead ^ John M Smith y Present. Joshua Fort J Resolved, That the postponement of the old -loppa Road be until further Orders. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COU:\^TY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE July 30th IS 12. Eastern Precints Commissioners Met. After Reading the Proceedings of the last Meeting concluded to go to green Street to make out a platt for Paveing Tax. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Augt 6. 1812. Daniel Conn "^ John M Smith L Present. Joshua Fort J Received. A Petition from Sundry Property property Hold- ers on a Nine feet xAlley West of Potters Street Praying that a Nuisance may be removed from some Lots to George Adreon Adjoining said Alley and Acted on in due form of Law. by order James C Dew. Clk 20 RECORDS OF BALTIMOEE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSR OFFICE August 13tli 1812. Adam Denmead "^ Joshua Fort W Present. Jolm M Smith J After reading over the Proceedings of last Meeting adjourned by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSRS OFFICE Augt 27. 1812 Commissioners met. John M Smith ^ Adam Denmead V Present. Joshua Fort j After reading the Proceedings of the last meeting, Estab- lished the grade of Liberty Street from the intersection of the same with McElderys Street Northwardly to the Extremity of the said Liberty Street, Begining at the North westerly Corner of the intersection of the said Liberty Street and Liberty Street, and McElderys Stre-et and runing with an asscent of Two thirds of an Inch in Ten feet, to the North Extremity of the said Liberty Street. Resolved. That Michael Bandle fill up fifty feet of Ground fronting on Liberty, McElderys, &: Potters Streets, within the Space of Two Months from the present date, The said Lott bee filled up so high above the grade of the Kirb Stones as to discharge all the water at all times from the Lott, for which the Commissrs agreed to give the said Michael Bandle One Hundred Dollars — deducting an Allowance of Six p. Cent from the same for the Collection thereof. Resolved. That Michael Bandle likwise Samuel Greens Lot so high as to dis- charge the watei- that now lies on the Same, and prevent it liAl.TI.MOKE CITY. 21 from hiving there lor the future, at Tweh'e ^' half Cents pr Load within the Space of one Month from the present date. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS OOMMTSSRS OFFICE Sept. 3d 1812. Commissioners Met After reading over the Proceedings of the last meeting Ad- journed. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE September 10th, 1812. Commissioners Met Daniel Conn Adam Denmead John M Smith Joshua Fort > Present. Resolved. That Henry Anderson fill up the Footways on Union Street at 181/', Cents p. Load, within the space of Seven Weeks from this date and Collect the Money for the same luider the direction of the Commissioners. The said filling u]) to be Sufficiently high as to discharge all the water from the said Footways over the Kirb Stones. The Clerk to assertain and inform Henry Anderson who if any of the Propriertys will fill them up themselves in due time. by order James C Dew. Clk 22 RECORDS OF BALTIMOEE COUNTY EASTEKN" PRECINTS COMMlSSTOiSrERS OFFICE Sepr 17. 1812. Commissioners Met. Adam Denmead ^ John M Smith [^Present. Joshua Fort J After reading over the last Proceedings adjourned. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE September 21st 1812. Commissioners met on McElderys Street. Adam Denmead ^ Joshua Fort [ Present and James Baker John M Smith j Surveyor. Daniel Conn J Resolved. That the commencement of McElderys Street be at the North East corner of Wm PoAvells Two Story Brick House on the South West Corner of Potters Street & McEl- derys Street and thence runing North 71 degrees East along the North East Corner of Mrs Tannocks Brick House and to Continue the Same to Asquith Street. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE September 22d— 1812. Commissioners Met on Liberty Street. Daniel Conn ^ Hezekiah Price ! Present with James Baker Joshua Fort & f Surveyor. — John M Smith j KALTl.MOKE CITY. 23 Resolved. That Liberty Street counneiice at the coriiei- of John Oakleys Lott North 71 degrees East distance One Hun- dred and Twenty Feet Six Inehes, from the North East corner of Wni Powells Two Story Brick House, and from thence North 18% West to the Extremity of Liberty Street as laid down by Will Asqnith in his Addition to Baltimore ToAvn. by order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE October 1 1812. Commissioners Met. John M Smith "^ 1^ Present. Adam Denmead j Not having a (^uornm adjourned bv order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Octor 8 1812. Commissioners Met on French Street. Hezekiah Price ^ p,.ese,,t with James Baker John M Smith [>- ^ 1 Surveyor Adam Denmead J And in consequence of not having the Necessary papers to Establish the West line of French Street adjourned by order James C Dew. Clk 24 RECORDS OK BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE October 9th 1812. Commissioners Met on French Street. Hezekiah Price "^ „ -it t-. i . , -r. 1 ! Present with James rJaker Adam Denmead I ^ r 1 Tvr o -1 f Surveyor. John M Smith ^ xlfter Runing the lines of Coles Harbour, assertained that there is Sufficient Ground to Admit of French Street being Forty feet in width Received a Petition from the Inhabitants of a Nine feet Alley West of Potters Street, and acted on it in due form of Law. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Octor 15 1812. Commissioners met. Daniel Conn ~] John M Smith l Joshua Fort j Received, A Petition from the Property Holders on Liberty Street, South of McElderys Street and acted on it in due form of Law, and ordered to be advertised for to meet on 14th Novr next. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Octor 22d 1812. Commissioners met. John M Smith Joshua Fort J Present. BALTIMORE CITY, 25 And in ( 'onscquence of not having a (luoruni adjourned by Order James C Dew. Clk ILVLTOIOKE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSrONERS OFFICE Octor 29 1812. Coniniissioiiers met. Adam Denmead ^ John M Smith >- Present. Joshua Fort j There being no Business before the Board adjourned. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Novr 5th, 1812. Commissioner met. John M Smith There not being a quorum adjourned. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Novr 12 1812. Commissioners met. John M Smith y Present. Adam Denmead J There not being a quorum adjourned by order James C Dew. Clk 26 RECOEDS OF BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Novr 12 1812. Commissioners met on Liberty Street south of McElderys Street. Adam Denmead "^ John M Smith |^ Present. Joshua Fort j Resolved. That Liberty Street, south of McElderys Street have an asscent of Two thirds of an Inch in Ten feet until ii intersects the Grade of the old Pavement heretofore Paved. by Order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE November 19 1812. Commissioners met. John M Smith ^ Joshua Fort |> Present. Adam Denmead I Resolved. That Nine feet Alley West of Potters Street have an asscent of Two thirds of an Inch in Ten feet from the Gutter of Potters Street to the Angle of Said Alley, from thence with the same Grade to the line of McElderys Street. Resolved. That Cry & Hetzler pave said Alley West of Pot- ters Street agreeable to their proposals. Resolved. That the Collector be and is hereby directed to enforce the payments of all the back paving Tax on Green Street & Low Streets agreeable to Law. by order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE CITY. ^' BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Novr 26 1812. Commissioners met. Hezekiah Price ^ Adam Denmead i Joshua Fort ( John M Smith J Fesolved. That the petition of Solomon Brown lay over foi- for the further Consideration. And that Hezekiah Price and Adam Denmead be and are hereby requested to take Counsel on the same and Report the result to this board. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Decer 3d 1812. Commissioners met Viz. Joshua Fort ^ )>- Present. John M Smith j There not being a quorum adjourned. by Order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE December 10 1812. John M Smith met and adjourned by order James C Dew. Clk 28 RECORDS OF BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Decer 17 1812. Commissioners Met. Viz. Adam Denmead "^ Hezekiah Price i John M Smith h^^''"'"' Joshua Fort j Received. A Petition from Sundry Inhabitants owners of Property on Liberty Street North of McElderys Street to re- move the Nuisances on the Lotts on said Liberty Street and ordered the Same to be advertised until the 18th Jany next. Resolved, That the Collector proceed Immediately against the Property Holders in the Eastern Precints of Baltimore that are in Arrears for Paveing Tax Removing Nuisances &c. Resolved. That the above Resolution be Published Four times. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE February 25 1813. Commissioners met. Daniel Conn Adam Denmead Hez. Price ^ John M Smith Joshua Fort And examined the Accots of the Clerk and find them correct as Stated by him. Resolved, That the Balances of Fifteen Dollars be paid Michael Bandal k his Receipts be taken in full, for filling up a Lot on Liberty Street belonging to the Heirs of Jas Hammond & the Heirs of Duncan McColmn. by Order James C Dew. Clk J UAI/riMORE CITY. 20 BALTIMORE COUNTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE March 4 1813. Conimissioners met and being duly Qualified befor -J nines AVilson Esqr proceeded to Business. Hezekiali Price ^ John M Smith t Present. Arthur Mitchell J James C Dew was elected (^lerk and qualified before James Wilson Esqr and gave the necessary Bond required by the Act appointing Conimissioners of" the Eastern Precints of Balti- more. Received, The resignation of Heiiry Pennington in Writing who was elected by the People of the Eastern Precints at the Election held at Jacob Wilsons for the Conimissioners in the Eastern Precints of Baltimore, who was also qualified before James Wilson Esqr, and declined serving as a Commissioner of the Eastern Precints of Baltimore. Besolved. That the Commissioners adjourn until Monday next at one O'Clock P M the 8th Inst in order to go into an Election to fill the Vacancy Occurred by the Resignation of Henry Pennington. by Order James C Dew Clk BALTIMORE EASTERN PRECINTS COMMIS- SIONERS OFFICE. March 8th 1813. John Schunk being duly qualified before James Wilson Esqr appeared k took his Seat. 1 Commissioners met. Hezekiah Price John M Smith Arthur Mitchell ^^^^'^^ent. John Schunk J And went into an Election of a Commissioner to fill the Va- cancy Occured by the Resignation of Henry Pennington. 30 V RECORDS OF George Millemon was duly Elected a Commissioner of the Eastern Prescints of Baltimore. Adjourned until Thursday next. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE COUXTY EASTERN PRECINTS COMMISSIOXERS OFFICE March 11th 1813. George Millemon duly Elected and qualified before James Wilson Esqr, took his seat. Commissioners Met. Hezekiah Price >- Present. John M Smith Arthur Mitchel John S chunk George Millemon And Proceeded to an Election of Chairman Hezekiah Pi-ice was duly Elected Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Eastern Precints of Baltimore. Received a Petition from the Property Holders on Britton Street to grade, Level, & Pave, cV Condemn the said Britton Street from York Road to the line of the said Precints on the Brow of Gallows or Blue Ball Hills, and Ordered the same to be advertised until the 12th April next at 3 O'Clock P M. Resolved. That the Property Holders in the Eastern Pre- cints of Baltimore Avhere the Streets have been Paved be Noti- fied to have the Footways Paved on or before the 1st June next, otherwise the Commissioners of the Eastern Precints of Balti- more will have the same Paved agreeable to Law. by order James C Dew. Clk HAI.IIMDKK CITY. 31 BALTIMORE COUXTY EASTERN PRECIXTS COMMISSIOXERS OFFICE March 18. 1813. Conmiissioiicrs met. Hezekiah Price ^ John Schunk \ . , T.^.^ T n > Present. Arthur Mitchell ( Geo Millemoii J After Reading over the Proceedings of the last meeting Ex- amined Accounts Viz. Barnet Kitts John Hussebaugh Wm Sutton Charles R Pindle Sol Brown or Martin Bowers Joseph Roache Peter Grant Resolved. That the several accounts be collected by distres.-> and Sale of the Goods and Chatties of the within Named Per- sons, Provided any Goods and Chatties can be found agreeable to Law. Received A Petition from the Property Holders on Asquirli Street to Grade, Level, Pave, and Establish the Corners, fix the Bounderys thereof, and Condemn the same a Publick High way for Ever, from the City Line near Pitt Street to the exten- tion of Asquith Street on the Brow of Gallows or Blue Ball Hills, where the said Aisquith Street forms an Angle with the old Harford Road and ordered the same to be Advertised until Tuesday the 20th of April next at 10 O'Clock P M. Resolved. That the Commissioners adjourn until the 12th of April next at 3 O'Clock P M on Britton Street. by order James C Dew. Clk BALTIMORE, 6th March 1815 At ail Election held in the Eastern Precincts of Baltimore For five Commissioners for Said Precincts the following Per- sons were dulv Elected — John. M. Smith, John Schunk Wil- 32 KECOKDS OF Ham Wallis and Adam Denmead and James Foster wlio were on the 8th day of March 1815 duly qualified — before James Wilson A Justice of the peace for Baltimore County — and on the Same day they formed a board — and Elected Adam Denmead Chairman of the Board of Commissioners the Board then went into the election of a Clerk when Henery Hardesty was unanimously elected, and he was duly qualified before James Wilson a Justice of the peace for Baltimore County. John Schunk and John. M. Smith was appointed by the Board to Call on James. C. Dew the former Clerk to deliver to them the Books, Accompts, and all the papers belonging to the Commissioners BALTIMOKE March 10th 1815 Eastern precincts Commissioners met at the house of John ^I Smith in green Street. O. T. Adam Denmead John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis James Foster Received Henery Hardestry Resignation in writing as Clerk to the Eastern precincts Commissioners. ISTicholas Bnrke was nominated, and, duly elected Clerk and Collector for the insu- ing year and Regularly qualified before James Wilson a Justice of the peace for Baltimore County, and commenced to discharge the duties of his office on Same day Motion made and Seconded and unanimously Adopted that .the office of the Commissrs Shall be kept at Xo 78 Liberty Street in Said precincts. O. T. Resolced that the Board of Commissioners pay Nicholas Burke thirty dollars Rent for aroom to keep there office in for the insuing year the Business of the meeting being gone through the Board adjourned By order JSTiCHOLAS Burke Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 33 EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 13th March 1815 Commissioners met by order Ada in Den in cad John M. Smith John Schmik ^ William Wallis James Foster Commissioners pre a sent the purport of the meeting is to meet anote due on the Frank- lin Bank of Baltimore and after due deliberation Resolved that the note be Re- duced by paying five hundred dollars on the note and have anote disconted for two hundred dollars — Resolution agreed to tlie Board adjourned to meet again to morrow By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 14th March 1815 Commissioners met as per adjornrnent John. M. Smith ^ John Schunk i William Wallis j^Preasent James Foster j Motion made and Secconed and Carried that John. M. Sup't^i take the Chair, and the preceding of the last meeting being- Read the Board preceded to Business,, the paving of Aisquith Street in order and after due deliberation — Resolved that pub- lick Notice be given in one of the news papers of Baltimore four times between this time and the 23rd of the preasent month at 3 oclock in the Evening for Seperate proposals for paving Said Aisquith St, Resolution agreed to the Board adjourned to meet on 23rd inst at 3 oclock. p. m. By order Nicholas Burke Clk 34 RECORDS OF EASTEKN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE March 23rd 1815 Commissioners met as per adjornment Adam Deninead ^ John. M. Smith | Commissioners John Sehunk ^ William Wallis preasent James Foster j and after Reading the preceding of the last meetinp; proceded to Business — Motion made and Secconed and Carried that Wil- liam Wallis and James Foster be a committee to waite on Sol- lacoffer and others, to know if they would permit a street to be opened through there property on the East Side of Ai^quith — Resolved that publick notice be given in one of the news pa- pers of the City of Baltimore that the Commissioners will meei on the 25th of April next at 9 oclock in the morning to i)erma- nately fix the grade of Aisquith Resolved that Cry k Hetzler pave Aisquith Agreeable to there proposal James Baker was nominted and duly Elected Serveyor to the Eastern precincts Commissioners for the insuing year the Board ajornod to meet again on the 28th march 1815 By order Nicholas Birke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE March 28th 1815 Commissioners met as per adjornment Adam Denmead ^ John M. Smith Commissioners John Sehunk L William Wallas ! preasent James Foster J the preceding of the last meeting Being Read the Settlement of the Books before the Board Resolved that James. C. Dew Settle his accompts and adjust the Books for the last three years that being up to the 4 march BALTIMORK ( 11 V. 35 1815 tlie time of liis Clerkship and then lay theui before the Boad for examination It was then agreed on by tlie Board & James. C. Dew that the two last years office T\(Mit up to tlie 4th march 1815 be at thirty dollars ])er year the Board adjorned By order Nicholas BrKKK Tlk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 3rd April 1815 Commissioners met By order Adam Denmead John M. Smith John Schunk L William Wallis James Foster Commissioners preasent the proceding of the last meeting Being Read the Board pro- ceded to examine the Supplement to an act Entitled an act to appoint Commissioners to grade level pave and Repair tlic Streets Square lanes and alleys in that part of the Eastern pre cincts of Baltimore therein discribed Resolved that the Board of Commissioners withe the Clerk waite on lawyer Heath to have his opinion of the law and Sup- plement for the Eastern precincts of Baltimore — Resulvc.d that the Clerk procede against all persons indebted to the Commissioners as the lawyer imployed may direct — Received Apetition from the property holders on Liberty Street old Town, praying that the Well in front of Mrs proc- tors property may be Cleaned out and apump put {herein the Said petition acted on in due form Resolved that John Bandel Clean out Said well and i)ut anew pump threein — and Such other work as may be necessary to Complete the Same the Board adjorned to meet again on Wednesday at 3 oclock in the Evening By order Nicholas Burke Clk 36 KECORDS OF EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE, 5tli April 1815 Commissioners met as per adjornment Adam Denmead Jolm. M. Smith John Schmik William Wallis James Foster and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting proeeded to examine the well in liberty Street as petitioned for — and from that to a seller in potters Street Owned by Mr. White which is in abad situation — Resieved a petition from alexander Turner one from thomas Leaman one from Moses. G. Smith and one from Frederick Ellender for the Situation of Superindent of Chimney Sweeps Resolved that the Superindent of Chimney Sweeps pay for his license thirty dollars per year Eesolved that the Sum of thirty dollars shall be paid into the hands of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners by the Superindent of Chimney Sweeps previous to entering on the discharge pf the duties of his office — for the benefit of the Eastern precincts of Baltimore Resolved that the Superindent of Chimney Sweeps Give Bond to the amount of one bundled dollars With aproved Security to the Board of Commissioners for the Eastern precincts of Balti- more — for the f aithfull performance of his duty Resolved that it Shall be the duty of the Superintend of Chim- ney Sweeps for the Eastern precincts of Baltimore to Render quarterly begining on the first of may to the Board of Commis- sioners acorrect account of all the Chimneys Sweep and all moneys Reed thereon designating the nomber of one two three and four Stories — and further it Shall be his duty on any Chimney taking fire he shall Emediately make Report thereof at the office of the Commissioners Specifying the Cause thereof ; Went into the examination of the Several petitions for the Sit- uation of Superintend of Chimney Sweep and after due deliber- ation went into Ballot — and on Counting the votes Moses. G. Smith had three votes and Alexander turner two BALTIMORE CITY. 37 Moses. G. Smith was duly Elected Superintend of Cliinmey Sweeps for the Eastern precincts of Baltimore the Clerk was orderd to notify him of his appointment the Board adjorned to meet on the 8th April 1815 ordered that the property holders on Green Street be notified to pave their foots ways on or before the first of June next By order I^icHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 8th April 1815 Commissioners met as per adjornment Adam Denmead "■ John. M. Smith Commissioners John Schunk f preasent William Wallis j after Reading the proceding of the last meeting preceded to Business — Received apetition from the property holders on Green Street praying that the well in front of the property formaly Belonged to Mr Buckhannan near the Bend in Said green Street may be Cleaned out and apump put therein — Acted on in due form Resolved that John Bandel Clean out and put anew pump in Said well Resolved that the Clerk precede forthwith to Close the acmpts on the following Streets as our lawyer may direct Potters Street Green Street union Street Hartford Street Liberty Street McEl- derry Street and french Street and the alley the Board adjo'ned. By order Nicholas Burke Clk 38 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE lOth April 1815 Commissioners By order met Adam Denmead John M Smitli John Sehunk i Conimss. pi-easent William Wallis Jamas Foster and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting; proseded to Business the perport of the meeting of the Board was to Examine the old accounts as Rendered by James. C. Dew the former Clerk to the Eastern precincts Commissioners of Baltimore James. C. Dew preasent and after Some Interrogatorys and explicatives the partys not Not Clearly understanding each other and not Likely to Settle to their Satisfaction ; the partys agreed to leave the Settlement of the Accounts to Referees the Board Choose Mr Benjamin Bond on their part, and James. C. Dew Choose Mr Henery Hardisty on his part, and if the, the Referees Could not agree they calld in athird person the partys agreed to abide by the decision of the Referees the Board adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 19th April 1815 the Commissioners met By order for the porpose of leveing the pump tax on South liberty Street Adam Denmead John M Smith John Sehunk L William Wallis James Foster Commiss Preasent And after Reading the Procedings of the last meting; proceded to South liberty Street; and after Examining the Situation of the porperty on Both Sides of Said Street from McElderes liALTI.MOKE CITY. 39 Street U]) to nessisity alley and up the north East Side of Said alley to a t'lani house owned by 'W Kirk of Ciscle County, and Acted on the Same in due form — — Resolved that each lot \' tcnnamcnt i)ay three dollars Each in the above mentioned limniets, twenty five feet of vacant ground not Built on to pay three dollars : and every twenty five feet within the aforesaid limniits to pay three dollars more or less of unimproved ground in ])roportion Ilefiolred that the following be published Wareas on the 10th day of march 1815 Nicholas Burke was duly appointed Clerk and Collector to the Board of Commissioners for the Eastern precincts of Baltimore; he is hereby Authorized to Collect all moneys now due or Which may hereafter Become due for any act done by the Board, Persons indebted to the Board are Eequested and Eespecfully Solicied to make immedeate payment to the Clerk adjorned to go on Britton Street for to examine if the work is done in aworkman like nianer; and found the work of said Street done to their Satisfaction By Order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 2Dth April 1815 Adam Denniead "^ John M Smith John Schunk ^preasent William Wallis James Foster Commissioners met as per advertizement To grade Aisquith Street the City Commissioners preasent the City Commis- sioners was of opinion that Simpson had not been paid for his lot through Avhich the street is to Run ; therefore they had no legal Right to enter on said lot as apublick high Way, the Com- missioners adjorned; the grading of Aisquith Street until they had Some further information Respecting Simpson lot; and procedid to Britton Street in Conjuntion and after Examining that part of Britton Street that intersects the york Road and 40 RKCORD.S OF City line the Coiumissioners agreed, that the City Commissioners Shold pave up with the Center of the old harford Road to the center of Britton Street and down the Center of Britton Street across the york Road to the Center of french Street the Eastern precincts Commissioners to have the precincts part paved. Receved apetition from the heirs of McElderry to Condemn three new Streets by names of Jacksons Orlenes and Jeffesons Streets ; and ordered publick notice to be given that the Eastern precincts Commissioners will meet the 26th may 1815 at 2 oclock P. M to Condemn Said Streets as pnblicks high Avays for ever ad.iorned untel 2 oclock p. m. 2 (.clock p. m.: Commissioners met again for the purpose of levying the pump tax on the new pump pump on green Street near the Bend in Said Street Adam Denmead John M Smith John Schunk William Wallis James Foster Commissioners preasent procedid to green Street and after due deliberation devided Said Street into districts the district and levy for the new ])umi) is as folloAvs Samuel Williams four dollars Mrs Cole four dollars Gedian dickerson four dollars John Kipp four dollars Patrick ward four dollars David wilson five dollars Patrick Mcgee Seven dollars Joshu Dorsey Seven dollars John Grays four dollars antony Eagon or Samuel frenches heirs three dol- lars and fifty Cents James Doiialley three dollars and fifty Cents Solloman Johnson three dollars John M Smith four dollars adam Denmead four dollars Elijah Hutton three dollars and fifty Cents Mrs pence three dollars and fifty Cents Mr Foreman three dollars and Seventy five Cents John anderson four dollars Samuel Russel Six dollars peter Roberts five dollars the two next houses and lots beloning to Some unknown person or persons four dollars each Frederick Hoffman four dollars Mrs Harper three dollars Capt Bennett Six dollars William Stansbury Seven dollars; which Comprises the district and levy BALTIMOKE I ITY. 41 Besolrnl thnt Thomas Jones and William. P. Mills be notified to Kenu.vc a nuisance which is on the Back part of their prop- erty hclwecii potters and liberty Street; and in Case they or Either of ihcin Refuse or neglect to Remove the above men- tioned nuisance the nuisance law Shall be inforsed against them or Either of them as the case may be Resolred that the Clerk procede forthwith against any person or ])ersons that Refuse to pay the pump tax by warrent or any other mode that the law directs Resolved that the Clerk obtain from the County Clerks office aplat of aisquith Street as Condemned by the Commissioners for that purpose the Board adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 6th may 1815 Commissioners Met by order Adam Denmead Commissioners John M Smith John Schunk William Wallis \ Preasent James Foster r J and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting commenced Business made inquire into the Conduct of the Chimnej- Sweep elect, upon Examination was found that he had gone contrary to his instructions from the Board of Commissioners by Sweeping Chimneys in Said precincts before he was licened and Coni- plyed with aResolve of this Board on the 5th april 1815 that before the Superindent of Chimney Sweeps Enters on the dutys of the office of Sweeping Chimneys he shall Pay into the hands of the Chairman of this Board thirty dollars for the benefit of the Eastern precincts of Baltimore and Shall be licened; and further when acting with out any authority his conduct was Such that the Board is of 0]nnion they would not be justifiable in licensing him 42 RECORDS OF therefore Resolved that this Board will not license Moses G Smith Superindent of Chimney Sweeps for the Eastern pre- cincts of Baltimore Resolved that the Board meet on the 9th may 1815 at three oclock. P. M. for to assertain the intersection of the old York Roard and Aisquith Street; and that the Clerk notify James Baker Serveyor to the Commissioners and Reqnest his attend- ance Resolved that no moneys from this day forth Shall be paid by the Clerk to any person or persons Which the Board may be indebted to for any act of the Boai^d unless he she or they have and order Signed by the Chairman of this Board ; and in Case it Shold So happen that the Chairman of this Board Shold have to be absent he is hereby authorized and directed to appoint any one of the Board Chairman protem pore who Shall have the Same powers as the Chairman of this Board untill his Return to his duties as Chairman of the Board Resolved that those persons that have nuisance on their loi be notified to fill up the Same other wise the law v ill be i)ut in forse against them the Board adjorned to meet on the 9th at 3 oclock. p. m. By order JSTiCHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERX PRECmCTS COMMISSIOXERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 9th May 1815 Commissioners met as per adjornment Adam Denmead ^ John M Smith i Commissioners William Wallis fPreasent John Schunk and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting; proceded to Business Commissioned alexander Turner Superindent of Chimney- sweeps; after he had complyed with the Regulations of the Board BALTIMORE CITY. 43 Bi'fiolred that moneys clue to the E. P. C now nearly three years that has been put into the hands of Mr Heath to institute Suits against delequints and has not been proeeded against, Shall be put in to the hand of Some other laM-yer the Commis- sioners with their Serveyor proeeded to asertain the intersection of the old york Koad and and aisquith they Started at the intersection of aisquith Street and Harford Street; and took their Torses as laid out by the Commissioners ap])ointed for that purpose and found the intersection of the old york Roard Enad and aisquith to be Correct adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERI^ PRECmCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 17th May 1815 Commissioners met per order for the purpose of grading Aisquith Street; and owing to the inclemmency of the weather Could not grade the Same and preceded to other Business Adam Denmead "^ John. M. Smith i Commissioners John Schunk {Preasent William Wallis j Received apetition From the Property holders on Liberty Street north of McElderry Street for to have the puiu]) Re- paired near Michels Bandels Property on liberty street Resolved that Said pump be Repaired as petitioned for and Resolved that John Bandel Repair the Same adjorned to meet again on monday next at three oclock in the afternoon By order IsTiCHOLAS Biirkp: Clk 44 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECK^CTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 22nd May 1815 Commissioners met by order on Aisquith Street in Conjunc- tion with the City Commissioners — on that part of aisquith Street which lays in the City John M Smith "^ Eastern Precincts John Schunk William Wallis (- Commissioners James Foster J preasent Henery Stofer ^ City Hinson Fernarden Comss J pres. t And after Sundry Experiment Resolved that the grade Commence at the Cerb Stone of Pitt Street and assend one inch in ten feet to the Center or there- abouts of anew Street layd out by Simpson one hundred and forty feet distance from Cerb Stone north side of pitt Street Adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 26th may 1815 Adam Denmead John M Smith John Schunk William Wallis James Foster > J Comss preasent Commissioners met as per advertizement to Condemn three new Streets as petition for by thomas McElderrys Heirs — proceded to Condemn the said streets First ; Jackson Street to Commence 142 feet — 6 inches from the South Corner of hollins Street which will Strike and pass bv the South Corner of the lake thomas McElderrys Brick BALTIMORE CITY. 45 dwelling house at the distance of one hundred and forty two feet Six inches from the South west Corner of hollins Street — thence north eighty eight East unto harford Street thence South- erly fifty feet parlel with aisquith Street thence •with astraight line to aisquith Street thence northwardly fifty feet Binding on aisquith Street to the place of begining — Jackson Street to be fifty feet wide Second, — Orleans Street to Commence at the distance of thirty nine feet three inches from the north west Corner of Mrs Elversons brick house on aisquith Street To the South west Corner of Orleans Street thence north Eighty Eight East to harford Street thence Southerly forty feet parlel with aisquith Street; thence with astraight line to aisquith Street; thence Southerly binding on aisquith Street forty feet to the place of Beginning — Orleans Street to be forty feet wide. third; Jeffersons Street to begin at the north west Corner of Harmanious alricks Brick house on aisquith Street; thence north Eighty Eight East to harford Street ; thence northwardly parlel wdth aisquith Street Sixty feet — ; thence with astraight to Aisquith Street ; thence Southerly Sixty feet Binding on Aisquith Street to the place of begining Jefferson Street to bo Sixty feet wide the above named three Streets; Condemned as publick high ways for ever then proceded to the unfinished business of Aisquith Street ; — and after Sundry Experiments Resolved that the grade Com- mence at the distance of one hundred and forty feet from the Cerb Stone north Side pitt St to meet the grade established by the City Commissioners and Eastern Precincts Commissioners in Conjunction on the 22nd may 1815 from thnece to McEl- derry Street which is four hundred and forty five feet to desend one inch in ten feet which will Sink the top of the Cerb Stone Eleven and ahalf inches below anail drove in the South West Corner post of Aisquith and McElderry Streets; from thence two hundred and Sixty five feet to assend one inch in ten feet; (Except McElderry Street which is to be level across; — ) from thence to the South west Corner of low street, to desend one inch in ten feet; Avhich will Bring the top of the Cerb Stone Six inches above the preasent Surface of the ground; — from thence across low Street to be level from the north west Corner of 46 RECOKDS OF low Street to asseiid with a Regular grade to the line of harford Street; from theiise to have the desend of the foot way on the South Side of harford Street unto the gutter Resolved that Wm Wallis and James Foster is hereby ap- pointed and autherised to Superindent the paving of Aisquith g^-j-eet the Cirb Stone to show nine inches adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 6th June 1815 Commissioners Per order met Adam Denmead John M Smith John Schuiik William Wallis James Foster Commissioners Preasent Preceded to Britton Street to Servay Several lot of ground which had been paved by Cry & Hetzler at the Request of John Diffenderffer k James Stirling and upon Servayin the Several lots of found all Correct except James Sterlings Bill Which Avas over Charged Sixty Six dollars ordered the Said Sixty Six dollars be Deducted from James Sterlings Bill Resolved that William Wallis is hereby authorized to proced forthwith to emjiloy aperson or persons to pave the foot ways of Delinquents on Green Street — as ordered to be notified to have their foot way paved on or before the first of June 1S15 Resolved that the Property holders on union potters and low Street be notified to have their foots ways paved on or before the 10th day of July next otherwise the Commissioners will pave the Said foot ways agreeable to law — the following notice apeared in the american of the 10th of June— 1815 owners of property on union Potters and low Streets from the City line near Bridge Street to the City line near pitt Street and from the City line on low Street to union Street Are BALTIMOKK CITY. 47 heareby notified to liave their foots ways paved on or before the 10th of July next otherwise the Connuissiouers will have the Said foot ways Paved agreeable to law By order Nicholas Burkp: Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 17th June is 15 Coiniuissioners met by order III Consequence of Receiveing acommunication from the City Commissioners Respectining french and Britton Streets and the alterations on the york Road John M. Smith " John Schunk Commissioners William Wallis f Preaset James Foster j the Chairman not being preasent motion made Secconed and Carried that James Foster take the Chair, the Chair Being taken proceded to Examine the Communication from the City Commissioners, and after due Deliberation ordered that the following note be addressed to the City Com- missioners Gentlemen your Communication of the 13th inst Having been laid before the Commissioners And observing it to Command or order the performance of Several duties the propriety of Avhich wee Can- not at preasent accede to; have to Request your Board will appoint a time for apersonal Conference; in hopes that the present difficulty may in ])art or Entirely be Removed — and Remain 3'ours & C. By order of the Board. Resolred that the folloAving notice be published Respecting nuisances Frequent Complaints having been nuide Repecting nuisance — property Holders, agents and inhabitants of the Eastern pre- cincts are hereby notified to have all nuisances Removed that is or hereafter may Be on their property or possession forthwith 48 RECOEDS OF otherwise delinquents will be delt with According to the pro- visions of the nuisance law — The above notice appeared in the American adjourned by order N'icHOLAs Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 24th June 1815 Commissioners met by order in Consequence of Recieving anote of invitation from the City Commissioners to meet them at their office Adam Denmead "^ John M Smith j Commissioners John Schunk L William Wallis Present James Foster J proceded to Examine Said note and After Due deliberation found it Would not be conveinant to meet on monday next at 11 oclock A M. as invited therefore Resolved that the following note be addressed to the City Commissioners Gentlemen your note of invitation to attend at your office on monday next has Been Recieved Wee therefore inform you you it is not convenient to meet at the time you have appointed But when Convenient will give timely notice motion made Seconed and Carried that there Be a Board day therefore Resolved that this Board meet Weekly and the day of meeting Shall be on Every thursday at two oclock in the Aft- ernoon information had been given Respecting Several nuisances — James Foster William Wallis and John M. Smith was ap- pointed to examine Said nuisances and Report to the Board if they ware nuisances as Reported Reported that Wm H Cole has two prives in astate of nui- sance ordered that Said Cole be notified to have the same Re- BALTIMORE CITY. 49 moved Keported that John Richard Isaac Brooks Wm Weeh and george Kurk lias anuisaiico on Each of their possessions Ordered tliat the above iiaincd persons be notified to Remove Said nuisances adjorned by order !N^icHOLA8 Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 29th June 1815 Commissioners met John M Smith John Schunk William Wallis James Foster Chairman not present moved Seeoned and Carried that John M Smith take the Chair the Chair being taken proced to Business Received a writen notice Complaining of anuisance that is on Mrs Bennets and Isaac McCratons lots John Smith and ■\villiani wallis to Examined the said lots; and Reported that there is anuisance on Mrs Bennets lot and ordered She or her agent be notified to Remove the Same Reported that Isaac McCratons lot is not in astate of nui- sance in their way Examined alot of Robert McCule Reported that Said lot is in astate of nuisance — on friendship St. Ordered that Robert McCule be notified to Remove the Same City Commissioners met at the office of Eastern Precincts Commissioners for the purpose of Consulting the Eastern Pre- cincts Commissioners on the Best plan to Remove the difficultes that is Complained of on the City part of french Street — and after Some Conversation agreed to meet on the groun on Satur- day next 1st July at 4 o'clock. P. M. adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk 50 RECORDS OF EASTERN" PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 1st July 1815 Commissioners met as per adjoriimet Adam Deumead "^ John Schunk i Commissioners "William Wallis (Present James Foster j and proceded to french Street and met the City Commissioners, and after Some Conversation the Eastern Precincts Commis- sioners agree to have the gutter Cleaned out on the Precinct Side that is to Say north side of french St. then Proceded to Examine the Sewer and found it in avery Bad vState But for want of funds and the ground at the entranse of alley on Brit- tons Street being Claimed as private property deturmined noth- ing as final Repecting the Sewer adjorne By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 6th July 1815 Commissioners met "William "Wallis "^ Commiss John M. Smith j Present not having a quorum adjorned By order Nicholas Burke Clk . EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 13th July 1815 Commissioners met Adam Denniead ^ John M Smith i Commss William Wallis (Present James Foster j BALTIMORK CITY. 51 and after Reading the Preceding of the last meeting Preceded to Business Resolved that wm wallis be and he is hereby Authorized to procede forthwith to have the foots Ways of delinquents paved on union potters and Low Street — Resolved that wni wallis be and he is hereby authorized to have the gutter north Side of freneh Street Cleaned out on the Best terms he can — Re- solved that John Cipp be notified to have anisance Occationed by his privy on alley Back of potters Street Removed Resolved that all persons on Said alley be notified To keep that part of the alley opposet there possissions Clean — or- dered that heirs of thomas McElderrys ; Bill be made out and Rendered for payment — the Expences of Condemning three new Streets — namely Jacksons Orleans and Jeffersons Streets — Resolved that Arthur Mitchel be notified that legal proced- ing will be Resorted to if he obstructs the passage of the water passing on freneh Street to go down Center Street to Jones's Falls Resolved that David mumma be notified that legal proceding will be Resorted to if he obstructs the passage of the Avater passing on Britton Street to go down the alley ajoining his property and into the Sewer Resolved that Wm. Wallis be and he is hereby appointed to Superintend the Repairing of the old Joppy Road at the inter- section of Said Roard and fells point maket Street Road adjorned By order I^iCHOLAs Burke Clk EASTERN" PRECIISrCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 20th July 1815 Commissioners met John Schunk John M Smith acoram not being present adjourned By order Nicholas Burke Clk 52 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECII^CTS COMMISSIOXERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 22nd July 1815 Commissioners met By order John M Smith " John Schunk Conimss Wm Wallis |^ James Foster presant Adam Denmead J Commissioners meet for the porpose of fixing on the price for paving aisquith Street Cry k Hetzler not attending the prices was not fixt on adjorned By order ISTiCHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 25th July 1815 two Commissioners meet John M. Smith and Wm Wallis ordered that the porson or persons owning the priveys at thc- head of nessesssety alley which is in a state of nuisance he notified to have the Said nuisance Removed Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 27th July 1815 Commissioners met Adam Denmead ^ „ . . -nr^.T,. ^Tr IT I Commissioners William Walks James Foster and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting preceded to Business Resolved that Joshua Smith be notified to fill his lot on union Street so as to Remove anuisance which is thereon Resolved that one cent be leved on each square foot of pav- ing on aisquith Street to defray necessary Expences proceded to assess the Expence of Repairing north liberty Street pump near Michels Bandels property I Preasent BALTIMORE CITY. 53 Resolved tliat the property Holders be assessed as follows Heirs of James Hammond one dollar and Sixty nine Cents — Heirs of Duncan nicColuni fifty six (.^ents — John. W. Glen one dollar and Sixty nine Cents Wm Cole two dollars and twenty five Cents John Hahn two dollars and twenty five Cents Michel Bandel fifty six Cents — Mrs Graham two dollars and twenty five Cents — Aqnilla Carroll four dollars and fifty Cents — Spindlow Williams two dollars and twenty five Cents — Wm Graham four dollars and fifty Cents — Michel Bandel four dollars and fifty Cents — Charles R. pindell two dollars and twenty five cents — Aquilla Carroll two twenty five Cents — James Gallowmay four Dollars and fifty Cents — Harrison wells fifty nine Cents — James Foster two Dollars eighty One Cents Matliew Williams two dollars twenty five Cents Joseph Henson two dollars twenty five Cents Prisillia morrison two Dollars twenty five Cents Wm Bandel two Dollars tM'enty five Cents Nicholas Burke two Dollars twenty five Cents Mr Green Survayor one dollar twelve rORE CITY. 79 Suporiutendciit of Chimney Sweeps for the Easterii preeiucts of Baltimore — adjorned to meet on monday next at 4 oclock P. M. By order !N'lCHOLAS BUKKE Clk EASTERX PKECIXCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 6th may 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment George inillemon John M Smith John Schunk Benjamin Bond and after Reading the preceding of last meeting proseded to Business, Resolved that the Clerk proced against Joshua mott by special Avarrant Returnable before John. F Harris for the amount of twenty Dollars as aflne for anuisance and obstructing the Street occationed, by his lime, Resolved that the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the property ajoining Michel Bandels; fronting on liberty Street, be notified to have the privey Cleaned Cleaned out as it is astate of nuisance in ten days from the Delivery of Said notise adjorned by order ITiCHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERX PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 9th may 1816 Commissioners met as per advertisement to Grade mill Street George Millemon John M Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis and proceded to mill Street and surveyed Said mill street and adjorned to meet on monday next at 2 oclock P. M. By order Nicholas Burke Clk 80 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 13tli may 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment • George milleman John S chunk Wm. Wallis Benjamin Bond and after Reading the preceding of the last meeting — pro- ceded to'holland Street to grade that part of holland street — • that was left for further consideration and after Sundry Experiments — Resolved that the Grade Descend one and three quarters of an inch in ten feet from the South East Corner of Mr. Elliotts Brick house on said holland Street to a fence Spacified in the petition for Grading and paving Said holland Street. Recieved a petition from Richard Frisbey for paving near the foot Bridge ordered that Said petition be posponed until monday next adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 17th may 1816 Commissioners met as per advertisment to ascertain and establish the lines between heirs of thomas McElderry the trus- tees of German Reformed Church Harmanious Alricks and Mrs Zollicoffer on the north Side of said Church lot John M Smith ^ present with John Schunk y Uria Browr William Wallis J Serveyor the Chairman not present John M Smith was appointed Chairman proteni. and affer Reading the preceding of the last meeting, preceded to Aisquith Street ; and after Examinig the titles papers, and serveying the different lines by way of experi- ment, and it being too late to finish adjorned to meet to morrow morning at nine oclock By order Nicholas Burke Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 81 EASTERN PKECUNCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 18th may 1816 Cominissioucrs met as ])er adjonimeiit to finish the unfin- isliod Business of yesterday John M Smith ^ present with John Schunk Vuria Brown William Wallis J Serveyor tlie Chairman not present, John M Smith was appointed Chaii-nian proteni, and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting, preceded to aisquith Street to Complete the unfinished Business of yesterday and after further experiments Resolved that the Begining be and the Same is hereby Estab- lished for the same at astone planted in aline of land belonging to the heirs of the late thomas McElderry sq. deceased, on the East side of Aisquith Street at the distance of ninety two feet from the north wests Corner of Harmanous Alricks Brick house, and Runing with and binding on the East Side of aisquith Street north one and half degrees west, one hundred twenty five feet and one third of a foot to astone planted in the line of the Said Harmanious Alricks land ; thence Runing with and Bind- ing on Said line north fifity six degrees east one hundred nineteen feet to astone ; thence Runing with and Binding on the land of Mrs. Zollicoffer, one Course to wit : — north sev- enty eight and an half degrees East, three hundred and three feet and one third of a foot to a locust tree thence Runing with and binding on the lands of the before mentioned heirs of the said thomas McElderry the four following Courses to Wit : — South tweenty nine degrees west, two hundred eighty six feet and three quarters of a foot to an old Stone; thence north forty nine degrees west eighty three feet to astone thence north thirty four degrees west, sixty one feet to a stone ; thence South fifty six and half degrees west; one hundred and Eighty-eight feet and two thirds of a foot to the place of begining. the partys all present agreed to the foregoing Establishment Recieved a petition from the property holders on eaden street for the Erection of anew well and pump on Said eaden Street, acted on Said petition in due form — and then preceded to Eaden Street, and Examined the Situation of Said Street; i§2 RECORDS OF Resolved that the well and pump be at thoinas Jones Corner on the East Side of Eaden street ; south west Corner of fifteen foot alley, and Resolved that John Bandel is hereby author- ised do the work of well and ])unip in a substantial and Avork- man like manner adjorned to meet on monday next at 10 oclock. A. M the applicants all present ^ agreed to the foregoing ^By order Establishment J N^iCHOLAs Burke Clk EASTEEN^ PRECIN'CTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 20th may 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment George millemon John M Smith John Schunk William Wallis and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting, Com- menced Business, the perport of the meeting was to Grade mill street — But not being in possession of the plat and pa- pers Relative to said Street — adjorned untill thursday next at 8 oclock A. M. By order JN'iCHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN" PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BxlLTIMORE 23rd may 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment John M Smith John Schunk william wallis Chairman not present John M Smith was appointed Chair- man protem, — and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting — Commenced Biseness Recieved apetition from the property holders on bridge Street Extended, to Grade and pave Said Bridge street Extended; the Commissioners proceeded to BALTIMORE CITY. 83 Exaiuiiie if there are alegal uoinber of Signers to said petition, and on Examination found that there was not a legal noinber of Signers to Said petition and then proceeded to fix the South East. Corner of the new Street laid out by Daniel Conn and James Sterling. Kuning from aisquith street to Friendship street; — Resolved that the south East Corner of said street be and the same is hereby Established at the distance of four hundred and twenty nine feet six and half inches from the South East Corner of John McKims Brick house on the Corner of Aisquith and McElderry Streets; Runing northly and binding on the west Side of ais- quith St. the above mentioned distance of four hundred and twenty nine feet six and half inches to the place of Establish- ment — , and Seventy nine feet from the north west Corner of Mrs. Elversons Brick house on the East side of aisquith street, to the place of Establishment at the South East Corner of the above mentioned new Street, — adjorned to meet on Saturday next at 8 oclock A. M By order N^icHOLAs Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 25th may 1816 on account of the inclemency of the weather the meeting of this day posponed untill tuesday next at 9 oclock. A. M. By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 28th nuiy 1816 Commissioners met as per posponement George millemon John M Smith John Schunk william wallis Benjamin Bond 84 RECORDS OF and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting, Com- menced Grading mill Street and after Sundry Experiments; Resolved that the Grade ascend from french Street to the Cen- ter of liberty Alley, one inch in ten feet and from thence to descend one and a half inches in ten feet to the South Side of falls Street, and from the north Side of falls Street, to as- cend one and half inches in ten feet, the distance of three hun- dred and fifty four feet, and from thence to descend one in ten feet to madison Street the Cirb Stone to show nine inches above the the top of the Gutter, and Sink nine inches below the toj) of the Gutter ; and the Cirbs stones to be four inches thick. — ■ Resolved that one Cent be leved on Each square foot of pave- ment on north friendship Street to defray nessary Expences allowed by law ordered that publick notice be given that the Commissioners of the Eastern precincts will meet on the first of July next at two oclock P. M. to Grade that of the old Joppa Road Between the new bridge over Jones falls and the junction of Jones and french Streets adjorned by order ISTicHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 7th June 1816 Commissioners met by order George millemon John Schunk William Wallis Benjamin Bond and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting Com- menced businss Resolved that the trustees of the German Reformed Church be and they are hereby assessed fifteen dollars and fifty Cents for their proportion for ascertaining and establishing the boun- derries of Said Church lot, and the heirs of thomas McElderry are hereby assessed fifteen dollars and fifty Cents for their pro- portion of Establishing said devision lines between them and the Church lot ; — and that Harmanious Alricks be and he is hereby BALTIMORE CITY. 85 assessed for his proportion of Said Establishment between him and the Church lot ; ten Dollars and sixty one Cents adjorned to meet on monday next at four oclock in the after- noon By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN" PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 10th June 1816. Commissioners met as per adjornment John M Smith John Schunk William Wallis the Chairman not present John M Smith was appointed Chairman protem. and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting, Commenced business Resolved that Daniel Conn, be and he is hereby assessed for his proportion of Condemning anew street between him and James Sterling : — nine Dollars ; and James Sterling is hereby assessed ten Dollars for his pro- portion of Said Condemnation adjorned to meet on thursday next at three oclock in the aft- ernoon By order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 13th June 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment George millemon John M Smith William Wallis Benjamin Bond and Reading the proceeding of the last meeting; Commenced Business ; RecieA^ed aproposal from John Brady and Elex- andria Mcdonald for paving mill Street. Recieved apetition from thomas tenant S. Smith Henery tompson and Wm. pat- terson, for Removeing obstructions at or near Gallows hill. 86 BECORDS OF placed in the publick liigli Avay by Avlieelrights and Blacksmith on or near said hill, and after Examining Said petition found that it do not Come within the provisions of the law proceeded to make the levey for to pay for anew well and pump on Eaden Street ; Resolved that the property holders on and near said Eaden Street be and they are hereby assessed as follows; Basquel Ba- lone eight dollars, Samuel Rusel, Eight dollars, william Hoff- man, fifteen Dollars, thomas mabury, two dollars, timothy Kirk, ten dollars, thomas Jones, ten dollars, Henery Dudy, ten dollars, Mary Little, Eight Dollars, John Jellens, Eight dollars, Wil- liam Bartcher, Eight dollars, Mr. Colfuse, five Dollars, John S. Yong, five dollars, william Hill, five dollars, the heirs of thomas McElderry, twenty two dollars, thomas Quay, twenty Six dollars ; the Commissioners then made the levey for the Expences of Grading Eaden Street from pitt Street to union alley on the following property holders. Resolved that thomas Quay, be and he is hereby assessed for his Proportion, Eleven Dollars and Sixty two and half Cents — and Resolved that, timoth Kirk, thomas Jones, Henery dudy, mary little, John Jellens, and William Bartcher, be and Each of them are hereby assessed for their proportion of said Grad- ind two dollars and twenty nine Cents. Each. adjorned by order ISTicHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN PRECIA^CTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 20th June 1816 Commissioners met by order John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Benjamin Bond the Chairman not present Benjamin Bond was appointed Chairman for the day, and after Reading the preceding of the last meeting. Commenced Business; it appearing that william Hoffman was Charged with one vacan lot more than he owned ; therefore Resolved that william Hoffmans Bill be Reduced one BALTI.MOK?: CITY. 87 dollar and twenty five Cents? and that Ix' and he is as- sessed for his proportion for Eaden street })unii) one dollars and twenty five Cents; — Recieved ])oposal from Cry & Hetzler for paving mill street, and one from John M'nulty for paving said mill street Resolred that the property holders on the following Strecit be notified to have their footways paved with Brick in front of their Respective lot — Lane, union, Potters, McElderrys, Lib- erty, Aisquith, French, Briton, and Harford Streets on or be- fore the twenty Second of July next Resolved that, Mrs. Parrish, Barney, Kitts, and John. W. Glen; be and Each of them be notified to Remove nuisances that is on their property in ten days after the deliverry of said notice and Resolved that Charles Pearce be notified to have the water Removed out of his seller fronting on union street which is in astate of nuisance in ten day after the delivery of said notice adjorned by order •Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 1st July 1816 Commissioners met as per advertisment to Grade 'that parv of the old Joppa Road from the new Bridge over Jones Fall to the Junction of French and Jones Streets George Millemon John M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting — Coni- enced Business; Resolved that the Grading of the Joppa Road be posponed untel the pavers Commence paving mill Street; — and Resolved that we precede to grade the new street Laid out by Daniel Conn and James Stirling Runing from aisquith Street to Friendship street, and after Sundry Experiments, Resolved that that desend with aregular Grade from Aisquith street to meet the Grade of Friendship street, — the grade of Friendship Street to Continue from that part already paved with an ascend of one inch in ten feet to meet the Regular S8 RECORDS OF grade from aisquitli on the new street Laid out by Daniel Conn a7id James Stirling adjorned by order ITicHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERIi PRECINCTS COMMISSIOTvTERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 11th July 1816 Commissioners met George millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis Benjamin Bond with James Baker Surveyor and after Reading the the proceding of the last meeting; Com- menced Business Received apetition from the property holders on Bridge street Extended to grade and pave Said Bridge Street Extended; acted on said petition in due form ; and ordered that Publick notice be given that the Eastern Precincts Commissioners will meet on the twelveth of august nex at two oclock P. M. to Grade Bridge street extended, and then proceded to Grade mill Street; and locate the Same; and after sundry Experiment; Resolved, that We Reconsider the grade of mill street ; as Estab- lished on the twenty Eight of may last and that We now Estab- lish the Grade as follows ; the grade to Commence at Fi-ench Street and to ascend with aregular grade to anail drove in post at the Corner of John Kelso house; about the distance of on«^ hundred and eighty five feet from French Street; and from thence to descend with aregular grade to anail drove in a post at the South west Corner of mill and Falls street; the next place of Begining of the grade is at Gross & Whites Brick house on the south West Corner of mill & madison Streets ; the top of the Cirb stone to sink thirty five inches below anail drovw in the Corner of the said Gross (Sc Whites Brick house on the said south west Corner of mill and madision Streets; and from thence ascend with aregular Grade the distance of one hundred and fifty : feet to a brake thirten inches below the present Surface of the ground; and from thence to descend With aregular to HAl-TIMORE CITY 89 aiiail drove in the before luentioned post at the south west Corner of mill cV fall street; the top of the Cirb stone to meet all the l.eforc points and to Kegulatc the grade tile Un-ation of mill & Burne streets to be agreeable to amap Recorded in Li her W. G. no. 90, folio 355 and from thence the Commissioners proeeded to Grade that part of the old Joppa Road from the new Bridge over Jones Falls to the Junction of French cV Jones street; and after sundry experiments Resolved tJiaf a rebut be formed ten feet from the Bridge and said Rebut to Sink about three inches ; and from thence to ascend with aregu- lar Grade to meet the Grade at the Junction of French & Jones Streets adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERA^ PRECmCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 18th July 1816 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith Wm. Wallis and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting; Com- menced Business; Resolved that one Eighth of acent be leved on Each squar foot of pavement on Holland Street to defray nessary Expences allowed by Law — ordered that the City Commissioners be in- vited to attend in Conjuntion with the Eastern Precincts Com- missioners on the twelvth of august next at two oclock. P. M., to Grade that part of Bridge street Extended, which Binds on the City line Resolred that John Bandel be paid by the Eastern Precinct Collector; out of the nessary Expences allowed by Law; three Dollars for Repairing the pump on south Liberty near Mrs. Proctors property adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk 90 RECORDS or EASTERN PEECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 30th July 1816 Commissioners met George Millemon John M Smith John Schiink Wm. Wallis Benjamin Bond and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting ; Com- menced Business Resolved that thirteen dollars and tweenty five Cents, be Leved on that part of the of the old Joppa Road between the new Bridge over Jones Falls and the Junction of Jones, and French, Streets ; to defray nessary Expences allowed by Law Resolved that the trustees of the German Reformed Church pay three dollars for the Coppy of the plat of the German Re- formed Church Lot Resolved that the Accounts of the following persons be de- manded and if they or either of them neglect to make Emediate payment, the Clerk is hereby ordered to Commence Suite Eme- diately; "William Armatage, Henery Nicoles, Elizabeth Brady, John Green, Elexandria Chambers, George Cullender, Mrs. Me- Cormick, Frederick Ellender, Avilliam Wates, Isaac Smiley, maryann Evens, the heirs of Mrs. Elverson trustees of the Ger- man Reformed Church & Mrs. French adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 3rd August 1816 Commissioners met by order George Millemon John, M. Smith William Wallis and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting Com- menced Business ; Recieved apetition from the property holders on union Street to have a pump Repaired on said Union Street BALTIMORE CITY. 91 near William Bandols property on said street, acted on Said petition in due form; and ordered said pump to be Repaired and also appointed, William Wallis ; to Contract for and to Sui)eriH- tend; Said pum]) untell Said Kopairs be Compleated, adjorned by order XlCflOKAS BUKKE Clk EASTERX PRECINrTS COM^IISSrOJs^ERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 12tli August 1816 Commissioners met as per advertisemet to grade Bridge Street Extended George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting, — Com- menced Business — and after sundry Experiments from Forrist Street to the intersection of Bridge Street Extended and Brit- ton Street; near the Brow of Blue Ball hill, and it being too late to finish the Establishment of the Grade adjorned by order to meet on thursday next at three oelock. P. M. Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECIXCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 15th august 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornmet John. M. Smith William Wallis Received apetition from the property holders on potters street for to have anew well Sunk and anew pump put there in at or near the the intersection of McElderrys and potters streets Acoram not present adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk 92 RECORDS OF EASTERIs" PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 17tli august Commissioners met by order George Millemon William Wallis acoram not present adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECTNCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 19tli August 1816 Commissioners met by order George Millemon John. M. Smith John S chunk William Wallis and after Reading the procedings of the last meetings; Com- menced Business; Recieved apetitioii from the property holders on Orleans street East of Aisquith Street to Grade that part of Orleans street from aisquith to Harford street; acted on said petition in due form — Resolved, that, that, publick notice be given that the Eastern Precincts Commissioners will meet on the 20th September next at two oclock. P. M. to Grade Orleans Street as petitioned for acted on the petition Recieved on the 15th inst from the property holders on potters street for anew well and pump — Resolved that the well be sunk on the west side of potters street near the Corner of Mr Johnsons Brick house ; South west Cor- ner of McElderrys and potters streets Recieved apitition from the property holders on Upton street; for to have anew well sunk and anew pump put there in acted on said petition in due form Resolved that the well & pump be erected at the South line of James Lewis lot on the west side of Upton street Benjamin Bonds seat being vacated by his Removel out of the district, william Joyce was nominated and unamiously Elected to fill the vacancy for the Remainder of the year; and BALTIMORE CITY. 93 ordered that the Clerk notify Williniu Joyce of his appoinl- inent adjorned by order j^iciiOLAs Burke Clk EASTEKN PRECINCTS (COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 20th August 1816 Coiiiiiiissioners met by order George Millemon John. M. Smith John Sehunk William Wallis and after Reading the procedings of the last meeting; Com- menced Business— and then proceded to finish the Establish- ment of the Grade of Bridge Street, Extended — and after fur- ther Experiments — Resolved that the grade Commence at For- rist Street; and ascend one inch and seven eights of an inch in ten feet ; ahout the distance of four hundred and sixty feet ; and from thence two inches and three quarters of an inch in ten feet about the distance of nine hundred and fifty feet; and from thence with aregular grade to meet the Grade, at Brit- ton street near the Brow of Blue Ball hill Resolved that One Cent be Leved on each squar foot of pav- ing on Mill Street to defray uessary Expences allowed by law— William Joyce was duly quallified as Commissioners of the Eastern Precincts of Baltimore ; on the twentyeth of august 1816 before James Wilson Esq Justice of the peace for Balti- more County Adjorned by Order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 30th August 1816 Commissioners met by order John Sehunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce appeared and took his seat 94 RECORDS OF the Chairman not present Wm. Wallis was appointed Chair- man for the day; and after Eeading the proceding of the last meeting, Commenced Business ; Recieved Several poposals for paving mill Street — Extended Resolved that We pospone Giving out the paving of Bridge street Extended untell thursday next at 2 oclock P. M. and or- dered that Publick notice be Given that poposals will he Re- cieved at the Commissioners office for paving Bridge street Ex- tended, untell thursday next at 2 oclock P. M. adjorned by order JSTicHOLAs Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 5th September 1816 John, M, Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce the Chairman not present John, M, Smith ^^'as appointed Chairman for the day; and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting, Commenced Business ; Recieved apetition from the property holders on the York Road for to Erect anew pump thereon; ordered Said jietition to be posponed untell the next meeting, Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 5th September LSI 6 Commissioners met as per djornment John M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce the Chairman not present John. M, Smith was appointed Chairman for the day ; and af Reading the proceding of the last meeting Commenced Business ; Recieved apetition from the property holders on the york Road for to Erect anew pump # BALTIMORE CITY. 95 thereon; ordered Said petitioned to be posponed untell the next ni(>eting- and then preceded to make the levey for Union Street pump near the property of Wm. Bandell; and after surveying the property ; Unsolved that the property holders be assessed as fol- lo^vs AquiHa Carrel, one dollar and fifty Cts, Spindlow Williams, fifty Cents, Gross & White, three dollars & fifty Cents, Mieheal Bandel, three dollars & fifty Cents, Wm. Stans- bury, of Bridge street two dollars & fifty Cents, Jerimiah Watts, two dollars cV fifty Cents Vollentines heirs, one dollar & fifty Cents, Joshua Stevenson, three dollars; Benjamin Amos, two dollars & fifty Cents, Widow Wilson two dollars, Daniel Spot- wood, two dollars (Sr fifty Cts, 14 foot vacan lot fifty Cents Majer W^allis, three dollars, Mr. Langelle, one Dollar & fifty Cents, heirs of John Kelley, fifty Cts Henery Hardesty, two dollars, Ezekiel Bell, one dollar & fifty Cts William Stansbury, fifty Cts Joshua Smith, fifty Cts John Richards, two dollars, Hugh Beard, two dollars. Widow Ensor, two dollars, Henery Hardesty, one dollar & fifty Cts, William Stansbury two dol- lars, Henery Penington, two dollars, Henery Bond, two dollars, heirs of James Brown Seventy five Cts, Robert Harris, two dol- lars k fifty Cts, William Bandel, two dollars & fifty Cts, heirs of Jerimiah Williams, two dollars & fifty Cts, heirs of Fany Henson, two dollars. Widow Ross, one dollars & fifty Cts, Bar- ney Kitts, four dollars, heirs of Samuel French, four dollars, — Vensand, on Low street, one dollar, Henery Hardesty, on Do. two dollars, Wm. Wallis, on do. one dollars Widow Tolbot, on do. one dollar; John Tolbot, on do, one dollar, Wm. Wallis, on do. two dollars adjorned by Order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 14th September 1816 Commissioners met by order John M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce 96 RECORDS OF the Chairman not present John. M. Smith was appointed Chairman for the day, and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting, Commenced Business ; Recieved apetition from the property holders on Hulls Lane for to pave said lane Acted on Said petition in due form Resolved that publick notice be given that the Eastern Pre- cincts Commissioners will Commence to pave hulls lane on or after the 16th October next according to the afore said peti- tion — Resolved that John Brady pave Bridge street Extended, agreeable to his poposal Signed by the Clerk adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 20th September 1816 Commissioners met as per advertisement to Grade Orleans street John M Smith John S chunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce the Chairman not present John, M. Smith was appointed Chairman for the day, and and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting. Commenced Business ; and then preceded to Grade Orleans Street ; and after Sundry Experiments Resolved that the Grade Commence at Aisquith Street and from thence to descend two inches in ten feet for the distance of two hundred and fifty feet and from thence to descend with about one inch and three Eighth of an inch in ten feet to har- ford Run — and then proceded to make the levey for anew well and pump on potters street near the intersection of McElderrys & Potters streets, and after Surveying the property — Resolved that the property holders be and they are hereby assessed as follows John, W. Glen, fifty Cts, Vallenetine Hart, two dollais, John Nuton, four dollars, thomas Levy, twelve dollars, John Kipp, fifteen dollars, Abijah Johnson, five dollars, John Gor- such, five dollars, Mr. Delourt, silver smith, five dollars, James Smith, five dollars, Corneilous Vansand four dollars k fifty Cts. BALTIMORE CITY. 97 irarrisou Wells, four dollars & fifty Cts, John Cross, four dol- lars (S: fifty Cts, Mr. Welsh, four dollars & fifty Cts, John Houghbourgh, four dollars. & fifty Cts, Wni. & HoAvel Down- ings, four dollars & fifty Cts, Joseph Ilarrien, three dollars, Patrick Beveling, tAvo Dollars, Robert Offley, two dollars, Darbey Camion, two dollars, Wm. Mcnear one dollar, John Powel, two dollars, Benjamin Garrison, two dollars, thomas Jones, two dol- lars, John Buck, two dollars, Aquilla Carrell, one dollar, Wni. Fishei-, one dollar, Widow Bassett, five dollars, McLeand, five dollars, Morgans Pottery, three dollars, John Okley, four dol- lars. Ford for Hammonds heirs, one dollar ; Priestley for Dun- can McCollums heirs, fifty Cts, John, W, Glen, one dollar, Isaac McCreton, two dollars, Mrs. Hilton, two dollars, Micheal Bandel, two dollars, Mrs. Graham, two dollars ; — Adjorned by order JSTicHOLAs Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 28th September 1816 Commissioners met by order to locate Bridge Street Ex- tended : — George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting Commenced Business; and after Sundry Experiments Resolved that Bridge Street Extended be and it is hereby located as follows, Begining for the Same north Seventy three degrees East seventy six and a half feet from the South East Corner of Isaac Taylors Brick house and at the north west Corner of the old publick Road leading to Joppa & Bridge Street Extended at letter A on the plat and Runing thence with & Binding on the west Side of Bridge Street Extended north Eighteen degrees East thirty six perches fourteen & half feet unto acorner of Zachariah Hattons Lot sill Binding on said Street north four degrees East forty Eight perches & Eleven feet unto astone marked with a Cross standing- on the South East Side of Briton Street thence Run- 98 ' RECORDS OF ing & bouuding on Said Street north, twenty five degrees East Eiglit perches and Six feet unto astone thence Runing and bounding on the East Side of Bridge Street Extended unto the old pulick Road leading to Joppa thence bounding on Said Road unto the begining; and Examining the former Establish- ment Resolved that we Reconsider the Grade of Bridge street Ex- tended as Established on the 20th of august 1816 and that w^e now Establish the Grade as follows, the top of the Cirb Stone to sink four feet four & half inches below anotch in the Second post from the north East Corner of Bridge Street Extended & the old Joppa Road; the said post binds and stands on the old Joppa Road East of Bridge Street Extended — and from thence with aregular Grade five inches below anail drove in Zaclia- riah Hattons Brick Shed and from thence with aregular Grade to anail drove in the underpining of McCubbins house and from thence with aregular Grade to meet the Grade of Britton Street ; at the junction of Briton & Bridge street Extended adjorned by order !N^iCHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 4th October 1816 Commissioners met by order John. M. Smith John S chunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce the Chairman not present John. M. Smith was appointed Chairman for the day ; and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting, Commenced Business ; and then proceded to make the levey for anew well & pump on upton Street, and after Sur- veying the property ; Resolved that the property holders be and they are hereby assessed as follows; John Diffenderffer or the heirs of Charles Rogers, ten dollars ; John Conoles, Sixteen dol- lars, Mrs. Barnckman, five dollars; Frances Murry, thirteen dollars, James Leners* fourteen dollars, Mr. Priestman, Seven ♦Indistinct. See original. BALTIMORE CITY. 99 dollars, Coffle woods, five dollars, John. Berger, fifteen dollars, James Starritt, Sixteen dollars, Herman Johnson, three dol- lai-s, Martain wisbach, six dollars, James Stirling, forty nine dollars adjorned by order ITiCHOLAS Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS (COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 10th October 1816 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting — Re exam- ined the levey for upton street pnnip, and after some conversa- tion Respecting the levey & property Resolved that Said Levey Remain as it was assessed on the fourth; October 1816 adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 22nd octr. 1816 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting no business being before the Board adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk 100 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 25tli October 1816 Commissioners met John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce the Chairman not present John M Smith was appointed Chairman for the day, and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting, Commenced Business Resolved that Wm. Harris account for paving Friendship Street, be placed in the hands of the shriff for Collection- — Resolved that John Brady pave Hulls Lane Agreeable to his proposal signed by the Clk adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 1st November 1816 Commissioners Met John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis the Chairman not present John. M. smith was appointed Chairman for the day, and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting Commenced, Business. Recieved apetition from Ann Swan c^' Ann Tompson, Com- plaining of anuisance on Bridge Street Extended Occasioned by afish house owned by Michel Ford • acted on said petition in due form Res(dved that Micheal Ford be notified to have said nuisance Removed in ten days after the delivery of Said notice Resolved that thomas Jones be notified to have anuisance Re- moved that is occasioned by the overflowing of his privey be- tween Liberty & potters Streets adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 101 EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 7th November 1816 Commissioners met Jolin. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce the Chairman not present John. M. Smith was appointed Chairman for the day and after Reading the preceding ol the last meeting Commenced Business Resolved that one Cent be leved on Bridge Street Extended, for Each squar foot of paving to defray necessary Expences allowed by law adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 15th November 1816 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce and after Reading the preceding of the last meeting, Com- menced Business the purport of the meeting was to Consider the paving of Hulls Lane on account of apetition from the property holders on said lane to Reduce the weth of the stone pavement on said lane — and on Examining said petition find that all the prop- erty holders had not Signed said petition — and the law speci- fying the weth of said lane — therefor the Commissioners did not act on said petition adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk 102 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 20th November 1816 Commissioners met George Millimon John M Smith John S chunk "Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting — Com-, menced Business Resolved that James Stirling account be placed in the hands of the shiriff for Collection adjorned By order to meet on the 26th inst Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 26th November 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment , George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce and after Reading Reading the proceding of the last meeting Commenced buisiness Resolved that one Cent be leved on Each squar foot of paving on Hulls lane, to defray necessary Expences allowed by law adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 103 EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 6th December 1816 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk Wm. Wallis Wm. Joyce aiul after Reading the ])roceding of tlic last meeting, Com- menced Business Recieved apetition from the property holders on Britton street to Repair awell and pump on Said Street near the old Sugar house in asubstantial manner acted on said petition in duo form Resolved that the Clerk be and he is hereby autherised to have Said well and pump Repaired and done in asubstantial manner on the Best terms he Can adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 17th December 1816 Commissioners met Greorge Millemon John M Smith Wm. Wallis— and after Reading the proceding of the last meeting proceded to Bridge street Extended to take into Consideration ; the altera- tion of the Grade of said Bridge street, from the nail Drove in the underpining of Samuel McCubbins house and after sundi-y Experiments Resulved that so much of the Grade of Bridge Street Ex- tended be altered, that is to say, from the nail drove in the un- derpining of McCubbins house to Run with aregular Grade the distance of fifty four feet to anotch in astake aleven inches above the present Surface of the Ground; and fi'om thence with aregular Grade to meet the Grade of Briton street; at the in- 104 RECORDS OF tersiction of Briton and Bridge street Extended; anything to the Contrary notwithstanding in the Resolve of the 28th Septem- ber 1816 So that nothing in this Resolve may be Construed to alter any other part of the Grade as Established on the 28th September 1816 Except from the nail Drove in the underpining of McCubbins house the distance of fifty four feet and from thence with aregular Grade to Briton street adjorned to meet to morrow By order Nicholas Burke Clk easterint precincts commissioners OEEICE BALTIMORE 18th December 1816 Commissioners met as per adjornment George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis William Joyce and after Reading the proceedings of the last meeting; Com- menced business Resolved that the Cirb stone on the west side of Bi-idge street Extended make aregular sweep ten feet below tho intersection of Britton & Bridge streets, untell the Cirb Stone on the west side of said Bridge Street Extended meet the Cirb Stone on Britton street adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 30th December 1816 Commissioners met John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis William Joyce George Millemon ; Came after the Board was formed BALTIMORE CITY. 105 the Chairman n6t present John. M. Smith was appointed Chairman for the day and after Reading the preceding of the last meeting Commenced business Resolved that the Collector pay to the Commissioners of the Eastern Precincts — one hundred and sixty four dollars for their Services as Commissioners of Said Precincts Resolved that the Clerk to the Commissioners of the Eastern Precincts of Baltimore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to proceed to Annapolis on behalf of the Eastern Pre- cincts Commissioners of Baltimore and to apply to the General Assembly of Maryland for ASuppliment to the law to appoint Comrs in said Precincts and Resolved that the said Clerks Expences be paid out of the funds of the Eastern Precincts of Baltimore Adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 19th Febury 1817 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis William Joyce and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting Com- menced business Examined the Grade and accounts of Bridge street Extended and found them Correct adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk 106 RECORDS OF EASTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE BALTIMORE 23rd Febury 1817 Commissioners met George Millemon John. M. Smith John Schunk William Wallis William Joyce and after Reading the proceeding of the last meeting: it was stated that the Levey Court had not appointed judges of Elec- tion for the Commissioners of the Eastern Precincts of Balti- more : which was to take place on the first monday in march, and after some further Conversation, it Avas. Resolved that the Commissioners wait on Mr. Robert Welsh, foreman of the Levey Court and to Request him to Call the Court togeather for the perpose of appointing judges of said Election; so as the Com- missioners of said Precincts: might Go on and settle up their Business: and Comply with their Contracts that was already made; and when the Commissioners Waited on Mr. Robert Welsh, and informed him what their Business was : and if the Election did not take place : that those persons whom they had Contracted with for to level and pave streets, and Repair pumps ; had expended larges sums of money which Could not be Collected if Commisisoners was not appointed: and it would be avery Grate injury and loss to those persons Avho had Ex- pended their money: to wait as Long as in all probability it would be before the money Could be Collected if the Commis- sioners was appointed and Mr. Robert Welsh was of opin- ion that the Commissioners of the Eastern Precincts ought to be appointed and he also said that the levey Court forgot to appoint the judges of said election —and he Mr. Robert Welsh esued noticies for the meeting of the Levey Court for for to make the appointment of Judges for the Election of Commis- sioners for the Eastern Precincts of Baltimore and Mr. Welsh had no way for to send the notices to the Country members of the Court — and it was Resolved that the Clerk to the Commis- sioners Carry the notices to the County members of the Court — adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk BALTIMOEK CITY. 107 EASTER^^ PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS BALTIMORE 4th March 1817 Commissioners met George Millemon John Smith William Wallis and proceded to the Court house to meet the Levey Court that was to meet to appoint judges of the Election for the Commis- sioners of the Eastern Precincts: as the law for the Commis- sioners Sayes that the Commissioners shall be Elected on the first monday in mach or within ten days thereafter: and the levey Court neglected to make the appointment : at their former meeting the foreman had ordered the Court to meet for that purpose ; they did meet and Refused to make the appointment — and the Commissioners Returned adjorned by order Nicholas Burke Clk Western Precinct Commissioners^ Records J8I0— 1817 (Chronologically Arranged) UEOORDS OF BALTIMOKE CITY. Ill All ACT to appoint Commissioners, to Grade and Level the several Streets, Squares, Lanes & Alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore. — 1809 — Ch. 131. I. Whereas It is represented to this General Assembly by the Petition of sundry owners of j)roperty in the Precincts of the City of Balti- more West of Jones' Falls, that the public good and the convenience of the Inhabitants would, be greatly benefitted by the appointment of Commis- sioners, to grade and Level the several streets, squares, Lanes and alleys, and to Establish the Corners and fix the boundaries thereof, and the same to condemn as public highways in the said Precincts, and the prayer of the petitioners ap- pearing reasonable Therefore Preamble II. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Peter Little, William Krebs and John Davis be and are hereby appointed Commissioners for the Precincts -of the City of Baltimore west of Jones' falls and that they or a Majority of them be and are hereby author- ised and empowered to Grade and Level any Street or Streets, Square or Squares, lane or lanes, alley or alleys, that are at this time laid out or hereafter may be laid out, and the same to Condemn as public highways and to establish the Courses and fix the boundaris of such streets, Squares, lanes or alleys in the said precincts when applied to for that purpose, agreeably to the Provisions of this Act. appointment of Commission( rs to Tievel & Grade Fix boundaries and condemn as highways III. And be it enacted. That whenever two thirds of the owners of property on any street, square, lane or alley shall apply in writing to the said Commissioners to grade or level, or establish the Corners or fix the boundaries thereof, or the same to condemn as public highways, it shall and may be lawful for said Commissioners, or a ma- Two thirds of Owners of Property Shall apply 112 KECORDS OF Majority of Commisiont rs give 10 days in one newspaper jority of them, after giving Ten days notice in one or more of the public newspapers printed in the City of Baltimore, Stating in such notice the object of such application to them made, and the time fixed on by them for executing the same, then to proceed to grade or level, or to establish the corners or fix the boundaries, or the same to condemn as public highways as in their Judg- ment, or a majority of them, may seem right and proper. Appoint a Clerk To keep a fair rt'cord Records be open for inspection Give Extracts Clerks Emoluments TV. And be in enacted That the said Com- missioners, or a majority of them, shall, as soon as may be, after their appointment, appoint a Clerk, whose duty it shall be to keep a fair rec- ord of all their proceedings in a good and sub- stantial bound book, by them provided for that purpose, which records shall be open to the inspec- tion of all those interested, and it shall be his duty to furnish, on application from any person or persons interested, extracts of their proceed- ings, for which he shall be entitled to receive ten cents for every hundred words he may write. Persons Injured How to get redress — appoint Refferees V. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall think himself, herself or themselves injured, or likely to be injured in any of their improvements by any Grade established by the said Commissioners, it shall and may be laAvful for them, at any time within Ten days thereafter, to hand in writing their objections to the Com- missioners, who shall forthwith appoint two per- sons, owners of real or Leasehold property, and not interested, to meet and confer with two other persons, with like qualifications, to be appointed Avithin Ten days by the person or persons com- plaining, to adjudge the damages if any and as- sess the same on the property benefited by such grade, taking into consideration the public good, the advantage and disadvantages from any such Grade to the parties therein concerned; and in case the aforesaid persons cannot agree they are authorised to make choice of a fifth person, with like qualifications, Avhose decision, or a majority BALTIMORE CITY, 11 ;] of them, shall be made within ten days after their appointment, which shall he final and conclusive; linl before they act, they shall lake the following Oalb or aHirmatioii "I, A. B. do solemnly and sin- ceaidy swear (or athrm as the case may be) that 1 will faithfully and honestly try and determine what damages C D. (or as the case may be) has or will sustain from the grade attixed by the Com- missioners on the street, lane or alley (as the case may be) and if any, that I will impartially with- out favor oi- affection, equitably assess the same on the pro})erty ou said street, lane oi- alley hene- fited, to the best of my Skill and -ludgment and conformably to this act, So help me God," a copy of which ])roceediugs shall be filed and recorded by the (^lerk to the commisssiouers whose duty it shall be. to attend and administer the oath, but before the said street, lane, square or alley shall be either dug down or filled up, the Clerk of the commissioners shall proceed to collect the damages adjudged and assessed, and which is hereby made lawful to recover before a single magistrate, or if above fifty dollars, before the Baltimore County court, after application is thereto made and in either case this act shall be given and received in Evidence and the decision had therein shall be final and conclusive. Oath of Referees Proceedings to be recorded by the Clerk who SlKlll admiuister the oath Clerk shall Collect dam- ages. Procedure VT. And be it enacted That on application be- ing made to the Commissioners in manner speci- fied in the second section of this act, for the pur- pose of levelling any street, square. Lane or Al- ley, conformably to the grade which hath been established by them ; it shall and may be lawful for them, or their Clei'k, under their direction to Su])erintend the digging down or filling up said street, square, lane or alley, as applied for, Con- formable to the Grade, which hath been Estab- lislied by them, and all reasonable expences in- cured by them to levy and assess on the property benefited and the same to collect in manner and form provided by the fourth section of this act : provided the owners of any lot on said street, lane or alley shall not reduce the ground to the grade Digging down or filling up Streets, «S;c. 114 BECOEDS OF fixed, or within such time as the said Commis- sioners shall deem reasonable. per diem of Commisioners Dittu of Clerk & Surveyor Cost of Grading &c how to fcollect the same Vll. And be it enacted That the Commission- ers shall be allowed two dollars per day for every day they may attend to the discharge of the duties vested in them by this act, which, together with two dollars per day to their Clerk, and all neces- sary expences of a Surveyor and advertising the notices, shall be equally apportioned among the persons holding property on said Street, Square, Lane or alley and collected in manner prescribed bv the fourth* section of this act. Clerks percentage (111 Collection Penalty VIII. And be it enacted That the Clerk to the Commissioners shall be alloAved six per cent, out of all monies collected by him under this act, and shall pay over the balance to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, in conse- quence of any damage they may have sustained, or for other causes, as soon as collected, under the penalty and forfeitures of twice the amount then collected by him, recoverable before a single mag- istrate, or if, above fifty dollars before the Bal- timore C^ounty Court, by the Commissionei's of the Western precincts market house, and by them to be appropriated to the damages for which it was first collected and the balance to the use of said Market house. Clerk Give Bond Clerk-s Oath IX. And be it enacted That the Clerk to the Commissioners shall give bond conditioned paya- ble to the Commissioners of the "Western precincts market house, in any sum to be approved of by them, with sufiicient security for the faithful dis- charge of all the duties assigned him by this Act, and take the following oath or affirmation, as the case may be, "I A B. Do solenmly swear (or af- firm) that I will act as Clerk to the Commission- ers, make out and keep a fair record of their pro- ceedings, had and done under and by virtue of this act, and in every other respect faithfully and ♦See 5th Section. Commissioner's BALTIMORE CITY, 115 honestly discharge the several duties of my ap- point iiieut, to the best of luy skill and Judgnient so lielp me God," also the records, books and pa- pers of his office, or in case of death or removal from office shall be faithfully delivered over to said Commissioners. X. And bk it knauted That the said Comiuis- siojiers shall before they enter upon the duties of their appointment, take the following oath or oatii affirmation, "I A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) That r will honestly and impartially, without fa- vor or affection, discharge the duties of (Commis- sioner for Grading and Levelling the Several Streets, squares, Lanes or Alleys, and for Estab- lishing the courses and fixing the boundaries there- of in the precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls, according to Law and to the best of my skill and Judgment so help me God. XL Anb be it enacted That the said Peter Lit- tle, William Krebs and John Davis shall hold and exercise the office of Commissioners for grading ;in(l Levelling the several streets, squares, lanes or alleys and for fixing the courses and for establish- ing the boundaries thereof, in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls, until the next Election of commissioners for the Western pre- cincts market house, who, or a majority of them, shall on the second monday in February, in the year Eighteen hundred and Eleven, or within Ten days thereafter, and on the second monday in the same month, or within ten days thereafter, in each and every year, ai)point five persons, residents of tiie Precincts, West of Jones' Falls and holding real or Leasehold property in said Precincts, as commissioners under this act, to whom, and their successors, all the powers vested by this act, shall devolve, they taking the oath as is prescribed by this act for the persons first named as Commis- sioners. XII, And be it enacted That in case of a va- cacy, at any time, of the said Commissioners, 116 RECOKDS OF cither by death resignation, removal or other dis- qualification, under this act, the Commissioners of the Western precincts market shall, as soon as may be, fill such Vacancy. XIII. And be it enacted That the powers of the present Commissioners or their successors shall not extend to altering the grade of any street, lane or alley, that may be at this time paved or graded by the consent of the owners of the iiroperty, on such street, lane or alley, or a majority of them, but upon the unanimous consent of the owners for the time being, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. By the house of Delegates By the Senate January 6th 1810 January 6th 1810 Eead and assented to Read and assented to By order By order John Brewer Clk. Thos. Rogers Clk. Edwd (L.S.) Lloyd BALTIMORE CITY. 117 Baltimore County, January 24th 1810 Whereas the (xeneral Assembly of Maryland by their act passed on the Sixth Instant, Did appoint Peter Little, Williani Krebs and John Davis as (Commissioners for the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls; to Grade and Level any Street (ii- Streets, Square or Squares, Lane or Lanes, Alley or Alleys, and the same to Condemn as public highways, and to Estab- lish the Courses and fix the boundaries of such Streets, Squares, Lanes, or .Vlleys in the said Precincts; The said Peter Little, Williani Krebs and John Davis personally appeared before me, one of the Justices of the peace in and Baltimore County on the day above written and did severally take the Oath as is di- rected by tlic Act aforesaid to wit : I Peter Little Williani Krebs -John Davis do Solemnly Swear that I ^\■ill honestly and impartially without favor or affection discharge the duties of Commissioner for (rrading and Levelling Streets, Squares, Lanes or Alleys and for Establishing the (^ourses and fixing the boundaries thereof, in tlie Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls according to law, and to the Best of my skill and -ludgment, So help me God. signed Peter Little. Swoi'ii to before Owen Dorse y. Baltimore, March IBtli 1S10 Commissioners met Present Peter Little & William Krebs Appointed J Lewis Wampler as their Clerk. Received the following application viz To the Commissioners of the precincts West of Jones' Falls, We the subscribers composing two-thirds of the prooe^'tv hold- ers on an Alley East 138 V2 feet from & parallel with ChT"les street, and leading from Pleasant Street Southward-- ;^rnr that 118 EECORDS OF you will Establish and Grade the same. — Baltimore 27th Jaiiy 1810. Signed K. Owen Richard Norris Jas. Barroll Bayer Ricaud Nathl F Williams John Donaldson James Cheston Ordered that notice be given in the Baltimore Evening Post that the Commissioners will meet on said alley on Tuesday the 27th instant at 10 oclock A M for the purpose of Establishing and Grading the aforesaid alley Baltimore County to wit : On the 16th day of March 1810 personally appeared J Lewis Wampler before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the County aforesaid and took the following oath viz : I J Lewis Wampler Do solemnly swear, that I Avill act as Clerk to the Commissioners, make out and keep a fair record of their proceedings, had and done under and by Virtue of this act, and in every other respect faithfully & honestly discharge the several duties of my appointment to the best of my skill and Judgment so help me God. Which Oath is required to be taken by the Clerk to the Commissioners, (appointed at last jSTovember Session of the Assembly of Maryland), for Grading, Levelling & Establishing the several Streets, Squares, Lanes and alley in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls. J. Lewis Wampler. Sworn to before Owen Dorset. istotioe Whereas application hath been made to the Commissioners for Grading and Levelling the several streets. Squares, Lanes and Alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls. BALTIMORE CITY. 119 In- Two tliirds of the property holders on an Alley East 138VL' feet from :in mutual consent for the purpose of widening said street,) then South parallel with Charles Street and the West side of said alley at a Descend of 1° 45' (which is equal to the Descent of Charles Street), about 180 feet to the line of the City— The alley aforesaid is twenty feet wide, and is hereby declared apub- lic highway — J Lewis Wampler Clk (For plat. See Original Record.) Howard Street, from Franklin Street to the Poor house .o^round — We the subscribers owners of property on North Howard street, to the north of the City of Baltimore do hereby agree to grade said street in the following manner to wit : Beginning at the corner of the poor-house ground as the said Street is now graded and Levelled, thence Southerly with a descend of four inches in a perch, so as to intersect Center Street twenty two inches below the top of a peg now put into the ground, thence continuing the same grade to the north* gutter of Center Street, thence with a rise of an inch and a half in every ten feet until it meets the grade of a rise of four inches in every ten feet from Franklin Street, and in case it shall be thought advisable to lower the road at the corner of the poor- house fence, we shall have no objections to its being done, and in such case the grade is to be fix'd from the said twenty two inches below the said peg, to conform thereto. Witness our hands this Sixteenth day of February l.SOS John E Howard Isaac Phillips Geo. W. Moore George Grundy, Supervisor of the road Witness Geo : Baxley *ought to be South J L W 122 RECORDS OF To be entered on the records April 2, 1810 George Grundy The same day recorded and examined per J Lewis Wampler, Clk. April 18 1810 Received the following application to wit : "The subscribers composing two thirds of the holders of prop- erty on Eutaw Street, between Franklin and Saratoga Streets, request the Commissioners appointed for that purpose to Grade the said part of Eutaw Street For the Methodist Church Signed Owen Dorsey John Fennell Alcxr. McCartee John E Howard Johannas Ilgenfritz Georg Faas his E. Finley Martin (X) Griffith Ths. Owen mark IsTotice Is hereby given, That, the Commissioners for the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls, Avill meet on Monday the 30th Instant at 10 oclock A M to Establish and Grade Eutaw Street between Franklin and Saratoga streets Those who are in- terested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk April 18— 1810 E. P. 4 times April 30th 1810 Eutaw Street between Saratoga & Franklin Streets The Commissioners met present Peter Little and William Krebs From the North side of Saratoga Street, thence North with the East side of Eutaw Street at an Ascend of 35' 45'' 374V2 feet to the north side of Mulberry street still at the same ascend BALTIMORE CITY. 123 of 35' 45" 30 feet tlience at oue grade of an ascend of 1° 37' 30" 255 Feet to Franklin Street The Curb Stones on the West side of the Street are to be sat one foot higher than those on the East Side and the same is hereby declared a public highway. J Lewis W ampler Clk Saratoga Street is 66 feet wide Eutaw street is 821/^ feet wide Mulberry street is 50 feet wide Cost on Grading the above part of Eutaw Street. Kecording application eV notice $ .20 Printing Adverticements 2. • Commissioners fees 4. Clerks fees 2. Surveyors Charges 2. Clerks percentage on Collecting 60 $10.80 May 5" 1810 Received the following application to wit : We the Subscribers 'composing two thirds of the holders of Property on Pleasant Street between Charles and Calvert Streets, do hereby request the C^ommissioners ap]:)ointed for Grading and Establishing Streets &c in the Precincts of Balti- more west of Jones' falls, to Grade and Level Pleasant street from Charles to Calvert Street. May 3. 1810 — Signed — George Brandingham Thomas Baltzali Littleton Holland Christian Adreon John Jephson Barroll & Ricaud Amos A Williams John Donaldson 124 RECORDS OF Henry Green Chs. Sterett Ridgely John Sinclair John Pleasants for Judith C Riddell John Gillingham Notice Is hereby given, that the Commissioners for the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls, will meet on Tuesday the 15th Inst, at 9 O'clock A M to Grade and Level Pleasant Street from Charles to Calvert Streets. Those interested are requested to attend J Lew^is Wampler Clk May 4. 1810 B. E. Post 4 times May 15th 1810 Pleasant Street from Charles to Calvert Streets 491/2 feet wide Commissioners met present Peter Little William Krebs Began to grade said Street from the South East intersection of Charles Street and Pleasant Street and run East at a descend of 5° 45' 1361/2 to the west side of a 20 feet alley, still at same 5° 45' 20 feet across said alley still at same descend of 5° 45' 1381/2 feet to Saint Pauls lane still at same descend 5° 45' 431/2 feet across said lane still at same descend 5° 45' 130 feet to Courtland street which is 45 feet wide then Avith a De- scent of ° ' 265 feet to Calvert Street, total, 733 V2 feet; Which Street is hereby declared apublic highway J Lewis Wampler Clk May 15th 1810 Received the following applications To the Commissioners for Grading and Levelling Street &c in the precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' falls. We the sub- BALTIMORE CITY. 125 scribers two thirds of the persons holding property on Pearl Street require that you grade and Establish said street from its intersection with the Reisters town Turnpike road to market street extended. May 2. 1810 Signed Edwd J Coale for Ann Coale Philip Piper Henry Reiman Basil H Warfield Joseph Hook A Welsh Henry Grove Andrew Dalcke Peter Hedges Joseph A. Waller Nicholas Owings John Rilson Daniel Lammot Daniel McJilton Philip Horn Philip Entler Matthew Steem Henry Thompson O Dorsey Chs. Wirgman Wm L Bowley Beale Spurrier George Nailor Joseph Brown Peter Little Hannah Hughes David Forney Jacob Hay ,Tno. E. Eigdon William Jones David Bixler Geo : Rohrbach Jonas Yoner George Myers Jacob Myers Henry Myers Geo. A Dunkel James Pawley Saml. G Jones Wm Lorman Joseph Little Joseph Krems May 15 1810 Received the following application to wit : To the Commissioners for Grading and Levelling- the Streets &'c in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls We the Subscribers composing two thirds of the persoii- lidd- ing property, require that you Grade and Establish Fayette street from Paca street Westward — May 15. 1810 126 RECORDS OF Signed Henry Green Philip Piper Henry Reiman Rich A Shipley Jacob Smith Jr. David Forney John Stewart John Zimmerman Joshua Lucas Notice An application being made conformably to Lav by the per- sons holding property on Pleasant street between Charles and Calvert streets, to the Commissioners for grading and Levelling the several Streets, Squares, Lanes and Alleys; for fixing the Courses, establishing the boundaries thereof and the same to condemn as public highways, in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls — the said Street being now graded, and agreeably to said application it is ordered that the several per- sons holding property on said part of Pleasant street, on or be- fore the 16th day of July next, dig down and remove the earth from before their respective Lots (between Charles and Calvert streets) to the Level of the Grade Established on the 15tli In- stant, and recorded in the Office of the Commissioners. By order J Lewis W ampler Clk May 16— 1810 A. & E. P. th St ISTOTICE Is hereby given that the Commissioners for the Precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' falls will ineet on Saturday the 26th Instant at 10 o'Clock A M. to Grade and Establish Pearl Street Tliosc iiitorested are requested to attend J Lewis Wamplkk Clk Mav 16 1810 A h E P d4 ITOTICE Is hereby given that the Commissioners for the Precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' Falls, will meet on monday the 28th BALTIMORE CITY. 127 Instant af 3 O'clock 1*. M to grade and Establish Fayette street from [*aca Street westward. Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk May 16 1810 A & E. P. d 4 May 18" 1810 Received the following application to wit To the Commissioners for Levelling and Grading the Streets in the Precincts of the City of Baltimore West of Joneses falls, two thirds of the holders of property on the following Streets to wit Miilbery Saratoga, Lexington, Fayette, Pine and Spring Streets together with park Lane from Union Street westerly to Cove Street. Request the same Leveled and graded; Therefore your early attention to the same will much oblige your friends, tSrc. May 16. 1810 Signed Robert Sinclair & Co. H. Reiman & B. H. Warfield Job Smith Henry Reiman David Forney . Chrs. Johnston Trustee of Luke Tiernan D. Deady Geo Repold A Welsh L. Pascault Geo Peters Christ. Raborg Sr. Henry Green Daniel Reiman Henry Moore May 26— 1810 Pearl Street from the Baltimore and Frederick town Turn- pike road to the Baltimore and Reisters town Turnpike road Sixty feet wide Commissioners met agreeably to notice, present Peter Little, Mr. William Krebs was indisposed could not attend. June 14— 1810 Commissioners met present Peter Little & William Krebs 128 RECORDS OF Proceeded to Grade and Establish Pearl Street planted a stone on the west side of said street and on the north side of the Baltimore and Frederick town Turnpike road marked B. F. & W S — P S and one on the East side of said Street and on the I^^orth side of said Turnpike road marked B. F. tt E S— P S standing sixty feet apart in the clear and ran north with the western gutter of Pearl Street at an Ascend of forty eight (48') minutes 20 ps to Fayette street Ditto do do 4 " across said street Ditto do do 20 " to Lexington street Ditto "npn do do 4 " across said street, Ditto Thirty nine (39') ditto 29 " to Saratoga Street Ditto do do 4 " across said street Ditto do do 16 " to Mulberry street Ditto do do 3 " & 6 inches across Ditto do said street do 36 '' &c 91/2 feet to the Baltimore 136 ps & 10 feet and Reisters town Turnpike road, and planted a Stone on the west side of Pearl Street and on the South west side of said Turnpike road marked B R &- W S — P S and one on the East side of said street and on the South west side of the said Turnppike road marked B R & E S — P S. The gutter on the East side is to Corespond with the grade of the Cross Streets, provided the descent of the cross Streets Avill not exceed one foot in crossing Pearl Street, — Pearl Street as hereby Graded and Established is declared a public Highway. J Lewis Wampler Clk May 28— 1810 Received the following application to wit To the Commissioners for Grading and Levelling the Streets &c in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls — We the subscribers composing two thirds of the persons hold- ing property on Union Lane running South from Saratoga Street to Fayette Street, opened by mutual consent between Dan- BALTIMORE CITY. l'2i^J icl l.aiiiiiiut, lA'wis rascault and J)avid i^niey, require that you Grade ^' Establish the said Lane as a public highway. May 5. 1810. Signed L. Pascault Wm. High David Forney David Eixler Arnold Dalck Danl. McJilton Nichos. Owings Pliilip Endler James Pawley Henry Grave Joseph Little Peter Hedges Henry Myers Joseph Osborn John Stewart George Myers ISTOTICE Ts hereby given. That the Commissioners for the Precincts of IJaltinioi-e west of Jones' falls, will meet on thursday the 14th Instant at 10 o clock A M. at the intersection of Pearl and Lexington Streets for the purpose of Levelling and Grading, Mnlbery, Saratoga, Lexington, Fayette, Pine and Spring streets and ])ark Lane. Those interested are particular requested to attend. J Lewis Wampler Clk June 4th 1810 A. e^ E. P. d 4t ISTOTICE Is liereby given that the Commissioners for the Precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' falls will meet on monday the 25th T)istant at o Oclock P. M to Grade and Establish Union Lane Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk June 15 1810 A. & E P D 4 times June 16— 1810 Received the following application. To the Commissioners appointed by Act of Assembly for grad- 130 RECORDS OF ing the Several Streets, Squares Lanes & Alleys tliat are now- laid out and that hereafter may be laid out, in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls. Gentlemen We the subscribers composing two thirds of the property hold- ers on what is now called the "George town or Washington road," Lying between Paca Street and Cove Street; Request that you as soon as may be, do grade said part of the Street or road as above Specified and the same to condemn as apublic highway, agreeably to the powers vested in you and by so doing you oblige Signed George Wai-ner John Albright Saml. Ford G Lendenberger John Hignat Wm. Edwards Foster Maynard Robt. Edwards Wm. Krebs J E Howard Michl. Warner J no H Rogers l^OTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN That the Commissioners for the' precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls Avill meet on Tuesday the 26th Instant at 10 o'clock A M for the purpose of Grading the road leading from Baltimore to the City of Washington from Paca Street to the Junction of Cove Street or ISTewington road and Charles Street and to condemn the same as a public High way — Those interesetd are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk June 26— 1810 A c^- E P. 4 times D. June 19 1810 Received the following application To the Commissioners of the Western precincts of the City of Baltimore Gentlemen We the Subscribers holding property between Eutaw Street ind Strawberry alley, commonly known by the name of Cham- BALTIMORE CITY. 131 berlains alley; request you to Grade the Same — without delay (two thirds communing therein Baltimore June 19 1810 Signed Thomas Owen L. Chevigne Jos. Wright Jonathan Whelan John Lynch Wni. Kraher & Son Zachariah Tensfield J^TOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN 'J'liat the ('oinmissioners for the precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls will meet on monday the 2d of July next at 3 o'clock P. M for the purpose of Grading Chamberlains alley Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk June 20. 1810 A. & E P. 4 times D. June 22d 1810 Received the following communication. To the Commissioners for grading and levelling sted are ])articiilarly requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk A tV: E V. 1)4 times September 8tli 1810 Talvekt stkkict from Saint Tauls Street to I'leasant Street Commissioners met ■ present William Krebs Jobn Davis Graded said Street Began at tlu> north gutter of saint Pauls Street at a level with the bottom of the freestone of the house on the South West intersection of Calvert and Saint Pauls Streets, and ran ISTorth with the West gutter of Calvert street at an Ascent of 52' 210.4 feet then at a Descent of 45' 210.4 feet to the South gutter of Pleasant street — which point 10 inches below the Cellar win- dow arch of the house on the South East corner of Pleasant and Calvert Streets. J Lewis Wampler Clk Cost Writing 40 Printing 3 00 Commissioners 4.00 Clerk 2.00 Surveyor 2.00 Commission 60 $11.00 September 14— 1810 Franklin Street from Catheral Street to Lerews Alley Grade The offset or basement of the Eesurvoir at the S W intersec- tion of Catheral and Franklin streets is 2 feet 9 inches higher 146 RECORDS OF than the gutters of said Streets at their intersections — ran west with the South gutter Descent 363 feet to the East gutter of North Street De- scent 54' 40 feet to the West gutter of North street, which is one foot eight inches lower than the under jaart of the cellar window arches on North street of Thomas Kenneys house Ascent 2*^ 33' 13 feet Descent iTSVi. feet to Lerews Alley. J Lewis Wampler Clk September i4th 1810 North Street Grade The South West intersection of North and Franklin Streets is 1 foot 8 inches lower than the under part of the cellar win- dow arches on North Street of Thomas Kenney's house, then ran South with the West Gutter of North Street Descent 1° 21' — 704 feet to the north gutter of Saratoga Street. The East gutter of North Street is to bo one foot higher tliiin the West gutter — : J Lewis Wampler Clk September 24th 1810 Received the following protest to wit To the Commissioners for grading the Streets «&c in the Western Precincts Gentlemen Observing by the Grade you have Established of North Street between Eranklin and Saratoga Streets does great injury to my house house standing on the South East corner of North and Mulberry Streets, on which account I do hereby appeal, that I may have such immuneration as ought to be alloAved by the act of assembly in this case made and provided I am respectfully Gentlemen your Obt. Servt. 24th Sept. 1810 Chas. L. Boehme Whereon the Commissioners have appointed Henry Stouffer BALTIMORE CITY. 147 and Henry Peters Esquires as relerees on their behalf, and ordered the ronii)hiinant to be notified thereof J Lewis Wamplkk Clk October 7— 1810 XoKTK Street The referrees appointed in j)ursuance of a Protest prefered by Charles L Boehme against the grade of North Street as es- tablished by the Commissioners on the 15th ultimate, met. Present Henry Stoutfer Henry Peters in behalf of the Commissioners Robert Sinclair George W. Moore in behalf of the Complain- ant They being duly qualified After investigating the premises, reported as follows to wit : That they do Consider Charles L Boehme has and does Sus- tain an injury on his improvements by the Establishment of the Grade of North Street between Franklin and Saratoga Streets, but, that, under the present circumstances, they cannot concieve or determine what property has or does derive any benefit by said grade to authorise them to assess damages on. Test J Lewis Wampler Clk October 16— 1810 Mulberry street Grade from Greene to- Pine streets From The west Side of Greene street ran West with the North gutter Descent 4" 24' 182 feet to the East guter of Pearl street D 48' 36 feet to the west gutter of Pearl street Ascent 2^- 54' 387 feet to fair with the West side of Benjamin Eagle- stons house; the gutter is Si/, feet lower than the top of the door cill of said house r> 2° 9' 264 feet to the East gutter of Pine Street October 16— 1810 Pine Street Grade From the North gutter of Mulberry street ran South' with the East gutter of Pine street 148 REOOKDS OF Descent 2° 45' 357 feet to the South gutter of Saratoga street Desceut 45' 5U1 feet to the North gutter of Lexington Street, which is level with the under part of the arch of the Culvert huilt across said streets Descent 45' feet to north gutter of Spring Street Level feet to the south gutter of Spring street Ascent 1° 24' feet to the north Side of Fayette Street October 16th 1810 Saratoga Street Grade between Union & Cove Streets From the west Side of Greene street ran west with the South gutter Descent 4° 18' 182 feet to the East gutter of Pearl street D 1° 36' 36 feet to the West gutter of Pearl street D 1° 6' 162 feet to the center of Union Lane Ascent 277 to o])posite Lewis Pascaults door the Cill tliereof is six feet higher than the gutter • D 2° 52' 205 feet to the East gutter of Pine Street Level 30 feet to the West gutter which is 8 inches below the top of a stone planted at the S. W intersection of Saratoga and Pine streets Ascent 45' 240 feet A 57' feet to fair Avith the West end of a Brick house Erected by William Shipley, then with a regular ' Ascent feet to Cove street meeting the grade of Cove Street 15 inches higher than its Establishment — J Lewis Wampler Clk October 16th 1810 Lexington Street between Greene and Cove Streets (irade From the west side of Greene or Union street ran West with the Xorth gutter of Lexington sri-eet Descent 182 feet to the East gutter of Pearl street, D— 1 ° 36' 36 feet to the West gutter of Pearl St, D— 150 feet to Union Lane, Level 24 feet to the West side of of said Lane Ascent 21' 138 feet. Descent 21' 320 feet to the East gutter of BALTIMORE CITY. 149 Pine sti'cct. Level .')() feet to the west giittei' wliieli is al a level of tlie iimler i)art of the areli of the (Uilvert across said stret — Ascent 3° 15' 398 feet, then with a i-egular Descent to Cove Street 435 feet J Lkwis Wampler Clk October 16th 1810 Fayette Street Grade From tlie intersection of the West gutter of Grreene and the i^orth gutter of Fayette Streets, which intersection is Sy^ feet Lower than the top of the door cill of David Forney's house, then ran west Descent 3° 6' 195 feet to the East gutter of Pearl Street D 1° 36' 36 feet to the West gutter of Pearl Street D 3° 150 feet the East side of Union Lane Level 24 feet to the west side of said Lane Ascent 57' 488 feet to the west gutter of Pine street A 3° 15' feet to Christo- pher Raborg's Land. October 16—1810 Spring Street Grade Ran from Union Lane West said street Descent 42' 150 feet to the center of a Ten fe^t alley (run- ning from this street South at a Descent 42' to Fayette street) then Ascent 42' feet to the East gutter of Pine Street October 16th 1810 Park Lane Grade From the West gutter of Greene street ran West with said lane Descent 195 feet to the East gutter of Pearl street De- scent 1° 36' 36 feet to the West gutter of Pearl Stret, D 3° 36' 215 feet then Ascent 2° 45' feet to Christopher Raborgs Land The last grade passes 2 feet 5 inches below the top of the door cill of Francis Peppers house. J Lewis Wampler Clk 150 RECORDS OF February 20tli 1811 Received the following communication to wit : Chamberlains Tavern, February 18. 1811 The Commissioners of the Western Precincts market house met Present Daniel Lammot Emanuel Kent George Warner Adam Welsh Luke Tiernan Amongst other proceedings was the following to wit: Resolved that Peter Little William Krebs John Davis Robert Sinclair & John W Berry be appointed Commissioners for Grading and levelling the several streets squares Lanes Al- leys &c in the precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' falls for the ensuing year Daniel Lammot Secy Baltimore County Ss. March 5. 1811 personally appeared before me one of the Justices of the peace in and fore the county aforesaid John W Berry as a Com- missioner for Grading, Levelling and Establishing the Bounda- ries of the several Streets, Squares Lanes and alleys in the Pre- cincts of Baltimore West of Jones falls, who has been Sworn to the Law passed on 6th of January 1810 for the purpose of Lev- elling and Grading the Several Streets &c in the Precincts of Baltimore aforesaid RiCHD : Key : Watts BALTIMORE CITY. 151 March 5 1811 Received the following application To The Commissioners for Grading the Streets &c in the Pre- cincts west of Jones' Falls The undersigned two thirds of the property owners, com- mencing on the north side of Franklin and Pearl Streets (at the corner,) Sontli to Mulberry Street, west with Mulberry Street to Cove Street, thence north with Cove street to a right line with Franklin street thence with Franklin Street to the place of beginning, request you as soon as may be, to grade all the Streets lanes and alleys within the above discribed Limitts, fix and Establish the Corners thereof and the same to Condemn as public high ways Signed Wm Hollins Henderson P. Low James Bowley Frances Russell Bowly Will Shipley Jr Chas. Wirgman R H Moale Wm L Bowly Walter F. Athey Saml H Bowly Patrick Caughy R M. Bowly Philip Horn L Peirce Will Shipley Jr A Rider WESTERN PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSION^ERS OFFICE March 6th 1811 The Commissioners will meet on Saturday the i6th Inst, at 10 oclock A M for the pur])ose of Grading and Establishing Franklin Street from Pearl Street to Cove Street and Mulberry from Pine to Cove Streets and all other lanes or alleys between Franklin and Mulberry Streets Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk d 4 t Baltimore County ss March 16 1811 Personally appeared before me the Subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid Robert Sinclair as a Com- missioner for Grading and Levelling the several Streets, squares, Lanes and alliies in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' 152 RECORDS OF falls, who duly affirmed to tlie Law passed on 6th of Januai'y 1810 for the purpose of Grading, Levelling the Several Streets &c in the Precincts of Baltimore aforesaid RiCHD : Key : Watts April 8 1811 Received the following application To the Commissioners for Grading the Streets &c in the Pre- cincts of Baltimore west of Jones' Falls The undersigned two thirds of the owners of property on Cove Street between the intersections of Catherine St. and the Balti- more and Frederick town Turnpike road with said Cove Street, request you Grade and Establish Said Cove Street between the points aforesaid Signed Will Shipley Jr Thos. Hollingsworth Henry Schroeder Thomas Winwood S Barthe Wm. Lorman Jno Kennedy Jas. Fulton George Repold Hezh. Clagett Saml T Smith L Peirce Luke Tiernan The aforegoing petition was endorsed as follows viz We the undersigned 2/3rds property holders on Cove Street between Catherine Street and the Reisters town road, do pray this as a Supplement to the above request Signed Saml T Smith Robert Walsh Wm. Patterson B. I Vonkapff Ths. Hollingsworth The undersigned property holders on Cove Street from the intersection of Cove street and the Baltimore & Frederick town Turnpike road to the intersection of said Street 'o the George town road request the within application to be Extended as far as the latter place Signed Joseph Young Jno S Horn Wm B Barney John Penn BALTIMORE CITY. 153 WESTERN PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 8—1811 The Commissioners will meet on thursday the 18th inst : at ten o'clock A M for the purpose of Grading and Establishing Cove Street or the Newington road Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk daily 4 times Baltimore April 10— 1811 To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts We the Subscribers proprietors of the two thirds of the prop- erty at the intersection of the Reisters town Turnpike road and Union or Green Street, request that, as soon as may be you will Establish the junction thereof Signed Wm Lorman Wni Hollins WESTERN PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE April 16— 1811 The Commissioners will meet on the 27th Inst, at 3 oclock P M for the purpose of Establishing the intersection of the Bal- timore and Reisters town Turnpike road and Green or Union Street Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk Aril 18th 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met : present William Krebs John W Berry Robert Sinclair Proceeded to business Adjourned until the 25th Inst : 10 o clock. 154 RECORDS OF April 25tli 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Met agreeably to adjournnieut, Present William Krebs Robert Sinclair John W Berry John Davis Proceeded to business. Adjourned to 2d of May next. April 27— 1811 South West Corner of Baltimore and Reisters town Turn- pike ROAD & Union Streets. Commissioners met present John Davis William Krebs John W Berry And established the south west intersection of the Baltimore and Reisters town Tui'npike road and Union Street as follows: 4 inches East of the North East corner of Philip Horns two story Brick house which point is 42 feet north of Hannah Hughes' house and 31 feet 9 inches Southeasterly in a line of the said Turnpike road from the north side of Franklin Street J Lewis Wampler Clk May 2d 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment, present Peter Little William Krebs John W Berry Proceeded to business Adjourned to 14th Inst at 10 o clock May 14— 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment — present William Krebs John Davis John W Berry Proceeded to business Adjourned to July 5. 1811 at 3 o clock. BALTIMORE CITY, 155 We the Subscribers owners of Property on ''Short Alley," wish to have said alley graded and Established from Saratoga Street to the new market house in the Western Precincts Balto 15th May 1811 To tlu" Precincts Commissioners John Boyle Aquila Hughes August Schwatke Thos. Kilbrath Alexander McCartei" F Pien Daniel Kieman Henry Stouffer Frederick Krieg Job Merryman Jacob D Preston To the Commissioners for grading the several Streets Squares lanes and alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls and for fixing to courses and establishing the boundaries thereof &c We the subscribers two thirds of the property holders on the line between the City and precincts from the West side of Charles Street Eastward to the Falls* do hereby request that you in Conjunction with the Commissioners of the City of Baltimore will Establish the boundaries and fix the Courses thereof as soon as convenient — We in duly bound &c May 16— 1811 Signed John Sinclair Benjamin Ricaud K Owen James Barroll Jno. J. Pleasants for James Biscoe J. E. Riddell Wm H. Dorsey WESTERN PRECINCTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE May 17— 1811 The Commissioners will meet on Thursday the 30th iust : for the purpose of Establishing the boundary lines betAveen the *Ed.— Means City lines from Roman Catholic Cliapel to City Springs. 156 RECORDS OF Precincts and City from the north side of Charles Street, run- ning East 371/2 prs N. E. by N. 21 ps— Those interetsed are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk May 30th 1811 Establishment of the City lines ofrom the Roman Chaple to the City Spring The Commissioners met in Conjunction with the City Com- missioners Present William Krebs ^ John W Berry y Precincts Commissioners Robert Sinclair J Henry Stouifer ^ Jacob Small { _,. ^ . . -rrr ^ ^ ii -,1 >■ City Commissiouers Wm. C. Gouldsmith [ "^ S. H. Gatchell J Proceeded to business and worked 'till 3 o'clock, then ad- journed to 7 oclock to morrow morning May 31. 1811 Commissioners met Present Same as Yesterday and Mr John Davis Proceeded to business Found by making Sundry admeasurements that the end of the second line of the addition to Baltimore town made in the year one thousand Seven hundred and fifty four called, "Halls addi- tion," is and ought to be on the l^orth ISTorth East line of a Tract of Land called "Todds range," from where a line drawn North forty eight degrees and fifteen minutes West from the N^orth West corner of the addition to the Roman Chaple Avill intersect that line of the Tract of Land called "Todds Range," — from which intersection the Commissioners of the Westren Pre- cincts and of the City commenced running the third line of "Halls addition," afore said as follows to wit South forty eight degrees and fifteen minutes East to the west side of Charles Street, Crossing that side one hundred ten feet and six inches BALTIMOKE CITY. 157 South I'roiu the 8uutli East Corner of Charles L Boehuie's two Story Brick house on Charles Street, then continuing the said South forty eight degrees and fifteen minutes East line into Charles Street until it intersects a line drawn South Eighty Six degrees and forty five minutes West from the front wall of Kenedy Owens two story brick house Standing on the East side of Charles Street, Commencing north twenty three inches from the South West corner of said house; at which last point of intersection the Commissioners have Established the end of the third line of Halls addition and from which point they com- menced running the fourth line thereof as follows ; North Eighty six degrees and forty five minutes East Six hundred and eleven feet (passing Ridgelys alley Thirty seven inches South from the South East corner of Kenedy Owen's Stable) to the north westward most line of that part of "Todds Range," formerly by John Frazer, and which spot the Commissioners have caused to be located as follows, ISTorth fifty five degrees and forty five minutes West ninety three feet and four inches from the dwell- ing house of the "City Spring," and which spot is also to be found by another opperation, in case any building hereafter may be made that will obstruct it namely by running from the I^orth West corner of the said house, north in a range with the West wall thereof fifty seven feet, then South Eighty six degrees and forty five minutes West Seventy four feet will reach the spot as now Established ; then running ISTorth thirty degrees and thirty minutes East Three hundred and Seventy nine feet and six inches (in Calvert Street) to the North West corner of the said John Frazer's ground, which spot is found to be one hundred and thirty two feet from the center of a stone marked, "The Beoinning of Hanson^s Improvement/' and Worth nineteen and a half degrees West one hundred thirty five feet and nine inches from the north West corner of Hosea Johns Brick house and also South nine degrees West one hundred fifty three feet and nine inches from the South west corner of John Kenedy's house on Calvert Street ; then running South fifty nine and a half de- grees East Eight perches to that stone the beginning of Han- son's Improvements, Standing in Pleasant Street, which Stone is North fifty six degrees East Eighty nine and a half feet from the North West corner of Hosea Johns house aforesaid; then running South thirty and ahalf degrees West thirteen and three 158 RECORDS OF quarter perches — ending in Calvert Street, Twenty Seven feet from the South West corner or Simpsons four story Brick house; and Seventy three feet nine inches from the north West corner of George Williamsons two story Brick house. J Lewis Wajvipler Clk (Ed. — For plat, see Original Book.) WESTERN PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE June 2. 1811 The Commissioners will meet on the 13th Inst at 10 oclock A M for the ]>urpose of Grading and Establishing nn alley run- ning from Saratoga Street to the new market Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wampler Clk Gent. We the Subscribers being two thirds of the property holders, are desirous of having the South West Corner of Cider alley and Eutaw Street, and also the North West corner of Lum- bard and Eutaw Streets Established. Baltimore June 7th 1811 Signed Fra Forman James Reynolds Daniel Crommer John W Berry Reynold Knox June 8" 1811 Alley Running South from Saratoga street to Louisianna Street Commissioners met present Robert Sinclair Adjourned to 13 Instant June 13— 1811 Commissioners met Present Robert Sinclair John W Berry John Davis BALTIMORE CITY. 159 Graded said Alley. Beginning Seven Courses of Brick below the window cill of Frederick Pains house standing at South East intersection of said Alley and Saratoga Street, which is taken Level fi-oni the South gutter of said Street and running South with said alley at an Ascent of 1° 80 feet at 22 inches lower than the top of the door cill of Aquilla Hughes house, then at a Descent of 1" 21' 259 feet to the Curb Stone of Louisianna Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk WESTEKN PKECIT^CTS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE July 3 1811— The Commissioners will meet on Saturday the 13th instant at 3 o'clock P. M for the purpose of Establishing the north West intersection of Eutaw and Lombard Streets and also the South West corner of Eutaw and Cider alley Those interested are requested to attend J Lewis Wamplek Clk July 5— 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners agreeably to adjournment Present William Krebs John W Berry No quorum; adjourned to 5th September next July 13th 1811 Establishment of the JSF. W. intersection of Lumbard & Eutaw Streets and the S. W. intersection of Eutaw Street &: Cider ALI-EY. Commissioners met present William Krebs John Davis John W Berry The IST. W. intersection of Lumbard and Eutaw Streets is Established as follows, north 66 feet from the north East corner 160 RKCOBDS OF of a Brick house standing on the South west intersection of Eutaw and Lumbard Streets, and 100 feet 9 inches West from a Brick house standing 18 feet 3 inches East of Eutaw Street on the north side of Lumbard Street. The S. W intersection of Eutaw Street and Cider alley is Established as follows. That the Brick house now standing at the said intersection (called Pogue's house) Stands Six inches within the Limits of Eutaw Street and three inches within the Limits of Cider Alley. with respect to the Conveyances, that take their departure from the South west intersection of Eutaw Street and Cider alley are to take their departure from the Corner of said Pogue's house. J Lewis Wampler Clk Cost Writing 400 words $ .40 Printing 2.00 Commissioners 6.00 Clerk 2.00 Surveyor 3.00 $13.40 Baltimore County ss July 18— 1811 Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the jus- tices of the peace in and for the County aforesaid Moses Hands as a Commissioner for grading Levelling and Establishing the Boundaries of the Several Streets, Squares Lanes and alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' falls who has been Sworn agreeably to an Act of Assembly passed Oii 6th January 1810 for the Purpose of Levelling and Grading the several Streets kc in the Precincts of Baltimore aforesaid RiCHD. K : Watts July 22 1811 Paca Street grade from Lexington to Franklin Sts. Received the following to be recorded, from John W Berry BAI/n.MORE CITY. 161 We the riubscribc'i-.s owners of property ou I'aqa Street in the Western precincts of Baltimore, do hereby agree to the following Grade for the said Street, and we promise and agree to make our Imildings and ini])rovements on said street to correspond with the Grade hereby established. Viz. Thill the bottom of the Gutter at Adam Welsh's cornor of Paca and Lexington Streets be fixed twelve inches below the top of the present Curb Stone, and that the rise of Paca Street thence northward shall be one inch and one quarter of an inch in every ten feet distance until it intersects the same Grade of one inch and quarter in every ten feet from Franklin Street Southward, so as to make the break or highest ground in said Street, at or near the corner of Paca & Saratoga streets. Given under our hands this nineteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and four — Signed J. E. Howard -Jacob Moore A Welsh Christian Zoll William Edwards Barnhard Zoell Robert Edwards John Vinn Casper Weaver Christian Keener Daniel Richman Jolm W Berry Frederick Pean True Copy J Lewis Wampler Clk July 22d 1811 Establishment of Washington street Commissioners agreeably to appointment Present William Krebs John Davis John W Berry Moses Hand William Krebs being Interested declined acting. Conniienced Establishing Washington Street Began at the Easternmost intersection of Washington and Charles Street Three feet Southerlv from an Iron bolt lately 162 RECORDS OF set by the City Commissioners and ran thence N. 51%° E. 412 feet to a stone; N 52%° E. 182 feet to a stone; N. 54° E. 544 feet to a stone heretofore planted at the end of 40 ps on the 8th line of Luns Lot Still N" 54° E 166 feet to Paca Street. Then Began for the north West side of Washington Street at the North West intersection of Washington and Paca Streets and thence S. 54° W. 242 feet to a stone marked N— I being the Beginning stone of a Deed of Conveyance from Charles Ridgely to George Lindenberger bearing date August 5. 1780 then running with said Deed two courses S 54° W 495 feet to an Original Stone; S 52%'° W. 184yo feet to an Original Stone then S 51%° W. 395 feet to Cove Street Cove Street at the narrowest place is forty nine and ahalf feet wide, but was laid out for GG feet wide so recorded by the Com- missioners. J Leavis Wampler Clk Cost $14.30. September 5th 1811 An Alley running East & West between Mulberry & Franklin Streets from North street to Lerew's Alley Commissioners met agreeably to appointment Present • John Davis John W Berry Moses Hand Proceeded to Grade the said Alley Commenced at the West Guter of North Street and ran West in the center of the said alley at an Ascent 2° 45' 18 feet then with a Descent 2° 15' 1751/9 feet to Lerew's Alley J Lewis Wampler Clk September 5th 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment liALTIMOKE CITY. 163 Present John Davis John W Berry Moses Hand Proceeded to Business Adjourned 'till 10 o'clock to morrow September 6th 1811 Establislunont of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment Present Robert Sinclair John W Berry Moses Hand Proceeded to business Adjonnied 'till 9th Tnst : 10 o'clock September 9th 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment Present William Krebs Robert Sinclair John W Berry Moses Hand Proceeded to business Adjourned until September 14th at 2 o clock. September 14—1811 Establishment of Cove Street Coniuiissioners met agreeably to adjournment Prest : William Krebs Robert Sinclair John W Berry Moses Hand Proceeded to business Adjourned 'till 9th October next at 10 o'clock Hii KECORUS OF October 9tli 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment Present William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Proceeded to business Adjourned to early candle light in the evening of the ISth Instant at their office October 18th 1811 Establishment of Cove Street Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment Present William Krebs John Davis Robert Sinclair John W Berry Moses Hand When the Commissioners finally agreed and Established the Grade of "Cove Street," as follows to wit : Beginning for the Grade thereof at the Divisional line of ISTewington and Chatsworth (which being tracts of Land so called) which point is at an ascent of fifty seven minutes from the Baltimore and Reisters town Turnpike road and ran thence Southerly in the said Street at an 1 Ascent (17') minutes (19.6) nineteen and Six tenths perches to the Southermost side of the Windsor Mill road ; then at a 2 Descent (1° 15') one and a quarter degrees, Sixty one and a half perches (61.5 ps) to fair with the South front of Wil- liam Pattersons house; then at an S Ascent (46') forty six minutes (60 ps) Sixty perches then at a J-f Descent (1° 0') one degree and nine minutes (37 ps) Thirty seven perches ; then at a BALTIMORE CITY. 165 5 Descent (3") three degrees (44 ps) forty four ])erches; then at a () Descent (3° 30') three and a lialf degrees (34 ps) Thirty fonr perches ; then at a 7 Descent (2'^) two degrees (13 ps) tliirteen perches; then at a S Descent (42') forty two niinntes (61V-.') Sixty one and ahalf perches, to the north side of Saratoga Street; then at a 9 Descent (42') forty two minutes (99 ps) ninety nine perches to the center of the Baltimore and Frederick town Turn- pike road, one foot above the present pavement thereof; then at a 10 Descent (42') forty two minutes ( ) perches to the center of Lumbard Street; then at a 11 Descent (2° 21') two degrees and twenty one minutes, ( ps) to center of Pratt Street; then at a 12 Descent (57') fifty seven minutes ( ps) perches to the north side of Washington Street alias "George town road. The Commissioners then Ratified the Establishment of the Limits of Cove Street as done and marked by them during their proceedings as follows to Wit : Beginning at the divisional line of Newington and Chatsworth aforesaid; A two stoi'y Brick house belonging to William Phillips, standing on Newington on the South west side of Cove street, the front Avhereof was Established as the Southwestern line or side of said Street, then ran in the Center of Said Street, South twenty two and a half degrees East five hundred and fifty perches to the south side of Washington Street aforesaid; which point is to be found, by measuring from the intersection of the range of the Western Gable and Wall of John Hignatt's house and the South side of Washington street, Three hundred and twenty three feet will shew the Center of Cove Street. Cove Street is Sixty six feet wide. The Commissioners caused Sundry Stones to be planted to shew the Limits of Cove Street, one Stone near the junction of Catherine Street on the East side of Cove Street :N'. 72%'' W 1461/2 feet from the South West corner of Samuel R Smith's house and N. 841/0° E 741/2 feet from a stone standing on the 166 RECORDS OF west side of Cove Street (it being a Land boundary) marked W. L. which Stone was also declared to be the Western line of Cove street, also at the North west and North East intersections of Saratoga and Cove Streets and at the North west and South west intersections of Cove Street and the Baltimore and Fred- erick town Turnpike road. Test J Lewis Wampler Clerk N. B. John W. Berry was satisfied with and assented to the Grade of Cove Street, — to the Establishment of the Limits thereof he dissented therefrom. In pursuance of the Kemoustrances prefered against the Grade of Cove Street by William Thorpe, Simon Barthe and William Allcock the Commissioners have appointed on their part Solo- mon Etting and Peter Faubel Esquires as Commissioners of review, and ordered the following notice to be served on the Complainants to wit WESTERN PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE October 26th 1811 To William Thorpe, Simon Barthe and William Allcock Gentlemen The Commissioners have appointed Solomon Etting and Peter Faubel Esquires as Commissioners of review agreeably to your remonstrances against the Grade of Cove Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk Served on Wm. Thorpe twice WESTERN PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE November 2d 1811 The Commissioners on the 26th ultimo have appointed Solo- mon Etting and Peter Faubel Esquires as commissioners of re- view on their part inconformity to the remonstrances prefered by William Thorpe, Simon Barthe and William Allcock against the Grade of Cove Street, The Complainants have this day ten- BALTIMORE CITY. 167 dcrcd to UK' tlic iiaiucs of William Jones and Jolm Matthews Escjuiros as Commissioners of review on their part. Mr. Williiun Thorpe yon will with the advise of Mr. Solomon Etliii.y ajjpoint a day of meeting within ten days from the date hereof, and notify the other Commissioners of their appoint- ment and tlic time and place of meeting. J Lewis Wampler Clk ISTovember 11th 1811 The Commissioners of Review on the Complaint against the Grade of Cove Street i)refered by William Thorpe, Simon Barthe and William Allcock, met agreeably to appointment Present Solomon Etting Peter Faubel William Jones John Matthews Who were then duly Sworn agreeably to Law And adjourned 'till 3 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday the 20th Instant for the pur])ose of investigating the premises J Lewis Wampler Clk November 20— 1811 The Commissioners of revieAv met agreeably to adjournment Present Solomon Etting Peter Faubel William Jones John Matthews Proceeded to the premises, on investigating the same The Commissioners disagreed and appointed Beall Spurrier Esquire as a fifth person, and adjourned 'till 3 o'clock P. M. on the 26th Instant to moot nt the Commissioners Office. J Lewis Wampler Clk 168 RECORDS OF November 26tli 1811 The Commissioners of review met agreeably to adjournment Present Solomon Etting Peter Faubel John Matthews William Jones And delivered the following report of their Decision Baltimore N'ovember 26. 1811. The Subscribers met agreeably to adjournment: to confer on the complaint of Wm. Thorpe, Simon Barthe & Wm. Allcock, who agreeably to the LaAv in that case made & provided, think themselves injured, or likely to be injured in their improvements by the Grade Established on Cove Street; by the Commission- ers — the subscribers having been Sworn faithfully & honestly to determine what damages Wm. Thorpe, S Barthe & Wm. Allcock has or will sustain from the Grade affixed by the Com- missioners & if any, then impartially without favor or affection equitably to assess the same on the property on said Street bene- fited. After taking the premises into Consideration, the subscribers are of opinion — That at present the Complainants have not sustained any injury ; there being no improvements of any knid erected on the property belonging to the Complainants. But what injury the Complainants agreeably to the words of the Law "are likely to sustain," the Subscribers have it not in their power to asscertaiii. — The Subscribers are nevertheless of opin- ion, that by the Grade as Established, the Complainants will hereafter be injured ; yet the Subscribers cannot point out what property on Cove Street is benefited by the Grade Established; on which an assessment should be made. (Signed) Soi>OMON Etting Peter Fowble John Matthews Test J. Lewis Wampler Clerk BALTIMORE CITY. 169 December 30th 1811 The following Streets and alleys were duly Graded and Con- demned as public high ways vidilizet Fkanktjn Street. From the west gutter of Pearl Street ran west with the South gutter of Franklin Street Ascent 2° 54' 492 feet Descent 3° 12' 4081/2 feet to the east gutter of Chatsworth Street (at the break of the above grades a curvature is allowed of 60 feet on each side to lower the grade at the break two feet) then Level 30 feet to the west gutter of said street Ascent 1° 52' 577y2 feet then at a regular Descent feet to Cove Street J Lewis Wampler Clk December 30— 1811 Chatsworth street. Grade From the North gutter of Saratoga Street ran north at an As- cent of 42' 981 feet to the south gutter of George Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk December 30— 1811 Cherry Alley. Grade. From the west gutter of Pearl street which is 3 feet lower than the door cill of Patrick Caugheys house; Ran West at an Ascent 2° 45' 440 feet Descent 2° 57' 212 feet to the East gutter of Pine street Descent 2° 42' 253 feet to the East gutter of Chatsworth street. J Lewis Wampler Clk December 30— 1811 Mulberry street from Pine to Cove Streets. Grade From the east gutter of Pine of Pine Street ran West at a De- scent 253 feet to the East gutter of Chatsworth street Level 30 feet to the West gutter of Chatsworth street Ascent 1° 52' 339 feet to the first line of Welshes Adventure Ascent feet to the East side of Cove street fifteen inches higher than the gutter of Cove street, so that the water of Cove street cannot turn into Mulberry Street. J Lew^is Wampler Clk 170 RECORDS OF Baltimore County to wit March 30th 1812 Personally appeared before me the subscriber oiip of the Jus- tices of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid William Krebs, Robert Sinclair and Moses Hand as Commissioners for grading and Levelling, and for Establishing the corners and fixing the courses and boundaries of the Several Streets Lanes and Alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' Falls, who were duly qualified for that office as required by Law John F. Harris. March 30th 1812 Mulberry street between Charles & Calvert Streets Commissioners met present William Krebs Robert Sinclair Moses Hand Proceeded to Grade said Street Began on the East side of Charles Street from the to]) of the foot pavement at the Corner of the house now standing at the South East intersection of Charles and Mulberry Streets for the bottom of the Gutter and ran East with Mulberry Street at a Descent of 5° 45' 136yo feet to an alley 20 feet wide Ditto " " 20 " across said alley Ditto " " 1381/- " to Saint Pauls Lane Ditto " " 431/2 " across said Lane Ditto " " 130 " to Court Land street, then with one Ditto " " 265 " to Calvert Street 7331/2 [Courtland Street is wide 45 feet] , J Lewis Wampler Clk Baltimore County to wit : April 18th 1812 personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of the jus- tices of the peace in and for the County aforesaid John W BALTIMORE CITY. 1*1 Berry a Commissioner for grading and Levelling and for Estab- lishing the corners and fixing the courses and boundaries of the Several Streets, lanes and alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' falls, who was duly Sworn for thar office as re- quired by Law. John F. Harris. April 27— 1812 Greene Street between Lexington & Baltimore Streets Commissioners met present John Davis William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Graded Greene Street Ran from the South side of Lexington Street, South at a Descent of 1" 9' feet to Fayette Street (which grade will pass Stephen Groves house 2 feet 10 inches below the top of the marble door cill of said house) then Level feet across Fayette Stret then Descent 2° feet to Baltimore Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk April 28— 1812 Paca Street between Baltimore & Pratt Streets Commissioners met present William Krebs John Dayis Robert Sinclair John W. Berry Moses Hand Graded said street Began on the south side of Baltimore street which is 7 courses of Brick below the under side of the cellar window arch of John E Howards new Tavern, and ran South with at a Descent of 2° 9' feet to Pratt street J Lewis Wampler Clk 172 • RECORDS OF LuMBARD STREET between Paca & Greene streets Done same day and present as above — Graded said street Began at the Gutter of Paca Street and ran West with Lum- bard street Ascent 54' 2461/2 feet Descent 1° 54' 110 feet to the East gutter of Green street — Decent 58' 40 feet to the west gutter of Greene street. J Lewis Wampler Clk At the same time Established the North West intersection of Paca and Lumbard Streets, where an Iron Bolt was put down, three feet long and three quarters of an linch diameter. J Lewis Wampler Clk May 9— 1812 Saint Pauls Lane between Pleasant to Franklin Streets Commissioners met present Robert Sinclair John W. Berry Moses Hand Graded said Lane Began at the North gutter of Pleasant Street and ran North with Saint Pauls lane Ascent 1° 45' feet to Mulberry Street then Level feet across said Street then As- cent 1° 12' feet to the Center of an Alley then Descent 36' feet to Franklin Street J Lewis Wampler Clk June 8th 1812 Sundry Streets and Alley Commissioners met Present John Davis William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand BALTIMOKE CITY, 17H Graded iiiid Coiidoinned as public high ways the following Streets and Alloys to wit : Franklin Stkkkt I'roiu (^ove to Sehroeder Streets 1st Kau from the West gutter of Cove street West with the south gutter of Franklin street Ascent 1° 57' 593 feet to the East gutter of Sehroeder Street, which is level with the top of a Stone planted at the South East intersections of said Streets. Mulberry Strkkt from (^ove to Sehroeder Streets 2nd Kan from the west gutter of Cove Street, with the South gut- ter of Mulberry street West Ascent 1° 51' 723 feet to Sehroe- der Street, which is four feet lower than the top of the stone planted at the South East intersection of said Streets. ScMROEnER street from Franklin Street to Peach alley 3d Kan from the intersection of the gutters of Sehroeder and Franklin Streets, which is level with the top of a stone planted at the South East intersection of said Streets, South Ascent 2° 9' 227 feet to opposite the center of Henry Schroeders house, which point is Eight feet and six inches lower than the toji of the stone Cellar WindoAV cill of said Henrv Schroeders house, then still South as aforesaid Descent 3° 43' 249 feet to the north side of Peach alley — which grade i)asses four feet lower than the top of the stone planted at the South east intersection of Sehroeder and Mulberry streets. Peach Alley from Cove to Sehroeder streets 4th Ran from the west gutter of Cove street West with said alley Ascent 1° 18' 735 feet to Sehroeder Street Peierc'e Street from Cove to Sehroeder Streets 5tli Ran from the West gutter of Cove street west with Pearce Street Ascent 2° 36' 675 feet to Sehroeder Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk 174 RECORDS OF N'ovember 17 1812 Paca Street from N". side of Pratt to the South side of Wash- ington streets Commissioners met present William Krebs John Davis Robert Sinclair Moses Hand Graded street. The Xorth West intersections of the gutters of Paca and Pratt streets is twenty inches lower than the celler Window arch of Tuns Inn, than ran witli the West gutter of Paca Street Descent 57' feet to the north gutter of Washington street then Descent 42' feet to the south gutter of Wash- ington Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk I John Davis Robt. Sinclair Moses Hand John W Berry Do solemnly swear and affirm that I will honestly and Impartial- ly without favour or affection discharge the duties of Commis- sioner for Grading and leveling the several streets Squares lanes and Alleys and for establishing the corners and fixing the boundaries thereof in the precincts of Baltimore west of Jones Falls, acording to Law and to the best of my skill and Judg- ment So help me God John Davis BoBT. Sinclair MosEs Hand John. W. Berry Wm Krebs Balto. County to wt. Feby 22nd 1813 Subscribed and Sworn to before RoBT. R Richardson BALTIMORE CITY. 175 Balto. County to wt. Oil this 4th of March 1813 personally appears before uie Wm Krebs and qualify ed as Commissioner according to Law Sworn before RoBT. R Richardson April 24— 1813 Fayette Street between Paca & Greene Streets. Grade Present John W Berry Robert Sinclair Moses Hand Graded Fayette Street— from the East Gutter of Greene Street East with Fayette Street at an Ascent of 2° 39' meeting the west side of Paca Street nine inches higher than tlie west Gutter of Paca Street as now Paved J Lewis Wampler Clk April 25th 1813 Twenty feet Alley running from Fayette Street South to Baltimore Street, passing the East side of the Burrying Ground — And a Small Alley running from the above Alley West to Greene Street Present John W. Berry Robert Sinclair Moses Hand The twenty feet alley running from Fayette Street South De- scent with one regular grade to Baltimore street. The Small alley running from the above alley West Descent Avitli one regular grade to Greene Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk Septebmer 22d 1813 City lines from the City Spring to Jones' Town— Established WESTERTv^ PRECINCTS STREETS COMMISSIONERS OFFICE September 22d 1813. The Precincts Commissioners in Conjunction with the Com- 176 RECORDS OF missioiicrs of the City of Baltimore did meet on the 3d Instant having given 10 days notice of the time place and intention of their meeting and having adjourned from time to time did again meet on the 6th Instant — Did proceed to ascertain the out lines of that part of Baltimore Town agreeably to the Plat and Survey thereof made on the 10th day of November 1747 and now on record in the office of the regester of the City of Baltimore Commencing at the center of a Stone the begin- ning of Jones' Town as expressly called for in the Certificate of survey aforesaid and running the lines of said Survey with three and ahalf degrees allowance for variation to the end of the ]Sr 20 ■ W 15Vi' ps line thereof — Then went to the end of the 13% perches line as heretofore Established on the 30th day of May 1811 in conjunction of with the Commissioners of the City of Baltimore and ran S 6° 40' W 27.4 ps to the end of the N 20° W 151/2 ps line aforesaid which is found to be four feet nine inches Westwardly from the West end Wall of Jacob Myers back brick building and five feet seven inches Southerly from the front of said Myers Privy, thence running the out lines of Bal- timore town reversly S 231/4° E 151/2 ps to the end of the N 80° W 161/- ps line thereof, which is found to be S 51/2° E 16 feet 9 inches from the S. E. corner of Samuel Williams three story brick house on Calvert and new church Streets (the last men- tioned line crosses Dark lane thirty five feet eight inches East- erly from Jonathan Meredith's Stable) thence S 831/2° E lei/o ps to the end of the 45 ps line of said Town which is found to be S 231/2° E I4I/2 feet from the N". E. corner of Lemuel Tay- lors Stable thence N" 361/2° E 45 perches. Crossing the north East side of Fish Street Westerly 30 feet 9 inches from the Westermost corner of Samuel McKim's two Story Brick build- ing on Eish Street. In Witness whereof .we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year above Written Henry Stouffer (Seal) John Davis (Seal) John Bankson (Seal) Wm. Krebs (Seal) Peter Bond (Seal) Robpjrt Sinclair (Seal) S. H. Gatchell (Seal) John W Berry (Seal) City Commissioners Moses Hand (Seal) Precincts Commissioners J Lewis Wampler Clk BAl/riAIOKK iU'lY, 177 Sei)tciiil)cr 30— 1833 (\\i.vKiJT Stkkkt i'roui New cliucli to Siiiut Tuuls Streets ( 'oimnissioncrs met pi'csciit Joliu Davis William Krebs J. W. Berry II Sinclair Moses Hand Graded Said Street, From New church Street Street North at a decent of I'-j inches in ten feet to the center of Dark Lane then with a regular Descent to the South side of Saint Pauls Street J Lewis Wampler Clk September 30th 1813 Xew Chikch Street from Washington Square to North street Commissioners met in Conjunction with the City Commis- sioners Graded said street From the N W intersection of the Gutters of New Church and Calvert Street East Level Across Calvert Street. From the S. E. intersection of Washington Square and New Church Street— East at a Descent 3° 56' feet to five inches below the western hinch in the ashler of James Sloans Carriage house door, then Descent 57' to the West gutter of North Street J Lewis Wampler Clk October 16th 1813 LuNNS Lot Lane and Jefferson Street Established Present William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Establislied the N. W. intersection of Eutaw and Jefferson Streets Avhich point is to be found by measuring from the Brick house on the N. W. intersection of Eutaw Street and Brandy Alley, S 2%° E 154 feet and also by measuring from the said point Easterly 82% feet to tlie front of the Brick house on the East side of EutaAv Street — 178 RECORDS OF Establislied the X. E. intersection of Jefferson Street and Lunns Lot Lane which place is to be found by measuring S 87i/>° W 96 feet from the aforesaid N W corner of Eutaw and Jefferson Streets then ran with the N. E. side of Lunns Lot Lane N 43%° W 2811/. feet meeting a Point S 2%° E 671/2 feet from a Stone heretofore planted at and for the S. E. inter- section of Lunns Lot Lane and Paca Street. Established the S W intersection of Lunns Lot Lane and Jef- ferson Street which point is to be found by measuring S 211/2° W 33V4 feet from the 'N. E. corner of Lunns Lot Lane and Jefferson Street, as now Established, then ran with the S. W. side of Lunns Lot Lane N 43%° W 433 feet to a stone hereto- fore planted at the S. W. intersection of Lunns Lot Lane and Elbow lane which Stone is hereby Established for the said in- tersection. From the aforesaid Establishment of the S. W intersection of Jefferson Street and Lunns Lot Lane ran the N. W. side or line Jefferson Street S 52° 38' W 1266 feet to Charles Street in Ridgeleys addition to Baltimore ToAvn at the distance of IST 311/2° W 96 ps 31/2 feet from a Stone at the N W intersection of Charles and Johns Streets as Established by the City Com- missioners — From the West side of Eutaw Street S 871/4° W 46% feet to the S E angle of Jefferson Street Jefferson Street and Lunns Lot Lane are hereby declared and Condemned as public high ways J Lewis Wampler Clk N. B. Jefferson Street is 60 feet wide, Lunns Lot Lane is 30 feet wide J L Wami'lkk N'ovember 27— 1813 Lerew's Alley between Franklin and Center Streets Graded the said alley From the North Gutter of Franklin Street north with said alley at an Ascent of 57' 222 feet (exclusive of the foot way of Franklin street) and then with a regular Descent to Center Street. J Lewis Wampler Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 179 1, -loliii Davis, William Krebs, Moses Hand John W Heny and William Jonos Do Solemnly Swear that I will honestly and impart ially without favour or affection discharge the duties of Commissioner for Grading and Levelling the Several Streets Squares Lanes and Alleys and for Establishing the courses and fixing tlic boundaries thereof in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls according to Law and to the best of my Skill (.V Judgment So help me God — John Davis Wm Krebs MosEs Hand John. W. Berry William Jones Baltimore County to wit Subscribed and Sworn to Before February 26 1814 RoBT. R Richardson April 23d 1814 Pearl Street — Graded between ISTew (^liurch and Saint Pauls Streets From the North side of New Church street, ran north witli Pearl street at a Descent of 1^ 54' 108^2 feet then at a regular Descent to Saint Pauls street. This Street is 40 feet wide J Lewis Wampler Clk May 20th 1814 Establishment of North West intersection of Paca and ErTAW Streets; and the North East intersection of EuTAw AND Pratt Streets and the Lots held by Wil- liam FoLTZ AND Joseph McKeldin fronting on the South side of Pratt street Commissioners met and adjourned from time to time until the 4th of June 1814 when a full board made the following Establishments 180 RECORDS OF The South East intersection of Pratt and Paca Streets is N 871/2° E 841/2 feet from the North East corner of Tunns Inn in the line of the south side of Pratt Street : and the South west intersection of Pratt and Eutaw Streets is S 87V2° W 82 '^ feet in the line of the South side of Pratt street from William Foltz's three story Brick house on the East Side of Eutaw street meeting a point Southward 66 feet from the South East corner of Charles Snyders house standing at the North West intersection of Pratt and Eutaw Streets. Then Established the Lots of Joseph McKeldin and William Foltz (The petitioners for the above Establishments) »To- seph McKeldins lot commences on the south side of Pratt street, at the distance of one hundred and fifty feet westward from the above Established South West intersection of Pratt and Eutaw Streets (being the north East corner of said Lot and running thence South ward parrallel With Eutaw street to Bot- tle alley, and the remainder of the Courses of said Lot agree- ably to the Expressions as stated in the Original title paper thereof. William Foltz's lot the north West corner thereof begins on the south side of Pratt street at the distance of JST 871/2° E 90 feet from the above Established South East intersection of Pratt and Paca Streets and running thence South parallel with Paca street to Bottle alley and the remainder of the courses reverse or otherwise as are expressed in the original Tittle paper thereof. Postscript The distance from Mr Durhams house Stand- ing on the South West intersection of Eutaw and Camden Streets is 300 feet & 10 inches Eastward from a stone hereto- fore established as and for the South East intersection of Paca and Camden Streets which distance was measured between Paca and Eutaw streets, on the south side of Pratt street, and the same is correct with the above Establishments. J Lewis Wampler Clerk June 21st 1814 Ei.Bow Lane From its junction with Paca Street and Lunns Lot lane The South West intersection of Elbow Lane Paca street" and Lunns Lot lane — the paving Gutter is 13 inches lower than BAT.TTAfORE CITY. LSI I lie 'I'ojt of ;i Sloiic at the South West corner (jf Elbow and Jauiik^ Lot Lanes then with Elbow Lane South West at a de- scpiit of 2SVi;' to the west lino of John H Rodgers' ground and the said Elbow Lane is hereby declared a public high way twenty feet wide J Lewis Wampler Clk ExTENTioN OK Greene Street AND BoTTLK Alley as per act of Assembly November Session 1813 Bai.'I'imokk Ooi'nty to wit: In ]»ursuance of an act of the General Assembly of Maryland passed at November Session 1813: Thereby authorising and em- ])()wei'ing the Commissioners of the Western precincts of the (Uty of Baltimore to open and extend Union or Greene Strep:t, from the south side of Pratt Street; to be laid corresponding with the said street on the north side of Pratt street, as hereto- fore laid; and running thence in a Southerly direction to the George town road (now called Washington street). — Bottle Alley from its present Termination, which is on the East side of Ridgelys old Carriage road, and running thence West to the said Uiiion or Greene Street. We do hereby certify that we have carefully surveyed and laid out, the said street and alley, as will more fully ap])ear by the Plat annexed, on Avhich the respective courses and distances are shown. The Rhomboides marked A in Ridgely Carriage road is Val- ued at two hundred and fifty dollars, and the Rhomboides marked B is \^alued at Fifty dollars. The valuation on A is to be paid by George, Christopher Fred- erick and Jacob Lindenberger Jointly and severally unto the Legal heirs and representatives of Charles Ridgely (of Ridgelys delight) late of Baltimore County deceased. B is to be ])aid to the heirs and Legal representatives of the said Charles Ridgely deceased, as follows to wit : On the south side of Bottle alley by William Edwards or his assigns the sum of fifteen dollars, and on the north sid(> of said alley by James Powers four dollars eighty seven and a half cents; by William Ed- wards, nineteen dollars and eighty cents; by John E. Howard Six dollars eighty one and a half cents; by Henry Smith three 182 RECORDS OF dollars and fifty one cents, making thirty five dollars the bal- ance, to be paid by their respective heirs or assigns to the legal heirs and representatives of the aforesaid Charles Ridgely De- ceased. Given under onr hands and seals this Eleventh day of Febru- ary in the year Eighteen hundred and fifteen. Test J Lewis Wampler Clk John Davis (Seal) Wm Krebs (Seal) John W Berry (Seal) Moses Hand (Seal) William Jones (Seal) True Copy from the Original J Lewis Wampler Clk (Ed.— For plat See Original Book.) At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Western Precincts Market held at Chamberlains Tavern othe 23d of February Present Louis Pascault Ebenezer Finley Adam Welsh Hoops Chamberlain George Warner The Commissioners in pursuance of the act of assembly in that Case made and provided proceeded to the appointment of five persons to serve as Commissioners to Grade, Level and Pave the Streets Lanes and Alleys in the precincts of Baltimore West of Jones falls and also to carry into effect other Provisions of the said Law and the Several Supplements thereto and on Counting the Ballots it appeared that John Davis William Krebs Moses Hands, John W. Berry and William Jones were duly Elected Geo. Warner A. Welsh L. Pascault Hoops Chamberlain E. Finley BALTIMORE CITY. 183 Wo John Dnvis; William Krebs ; Mosos ITaiid; John W Borry and Williiiiii -loiics Do Solemnly swear that w(> and eitlicr of us will IntiK'stly and iinpni'cially witlioiit favoui' or afTcction dis- (diai-gc tile duties of Commissioners for (trading and Levelling the Sevei-al Streets, squares, Lanes and alleys and for establish- ing the courses and fixing the boundaries thereof in the Pi'c- eincts of Baltimore west of Jones' falls according to Law and to the best of oui" respectivi; skill and Judgment. So help me God. BAI.TI^roKK County to wit: February 27 1815 John Dougherty Baltimore 3d March 18ir> The Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present Wm. Krebs Jno. W. Berry Wm. Jones Moses Hand and Jno Davis. John Davis was appointed president of this board Then proceeded to the appointment of a Clerk to the Board for the ensuing year whereupon, Joseph Sumwalt was duly elected, and is requested to give Bond, with security to Amount of Five Thousand Dollars Know all men by these presents that we, Joseph Sumwalt William Krebs and Frederick Sumwalt of Baltimore county am held and firmly Bound unto John Davis William Krebs Moses Hand John W. Berry and William Jones, Commissioners for the Precincts of the City of Baltimore M^est of Jone's Falls in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars money of the United States of America to be paid to the Said Commissioners for the Precincts of the City of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls, their certain attorney successors or assigns; to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves and each 184 RECORDS OF of US, our and eacli of our heirs, Executors and Administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents, Sealed with our seals and dated this Eighteenth day of March in the Year One Thousand Eight hundred and fifteen The Condition of the above obligation is such, Tliat if the above Bound Joseph Sumwalt shall well honestly and faith- fully discharge the office of Clerk to the Commissioners, ap- pointed to level and grade fix and establish the courses and boundaries of the several squares streets lanes or alleys in the Precincts of Baltimore West Jones' Falls agreeably to an act of Assembly passed January 6th 1810. (and the several Suple- ments thereto) Then the foregoing obligation shall be void and of none effect if otherwise to be and remain in full force and Virtue Joseph Sumwalt (Seal) Wm. Krebs (Seal) Frederick Sumwalt (Seal) Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Rob Gorsuch Baltimore March 14th 1815 Paving North Street from Saratoga to Franklin Streets. Received the following Application for Paving North St from Saratoga to Franklin Streets WESTERN PRECINCTS STREET COMMISSIONERS Gentlemen We the Subscribers oAvners of Lots On North Street from Saratoga to Franklin wish you to have the same paved as soon as possible Balto. March 8th 1815. Signed Thomas Kelly Joseph Watson Amos Honey Alexr. McDonald Kenedy Morrow C. L. Boheam James Inloes George Foas Samuel Chamberlain C. Sadies Thomas Kenny M. Taylor BALTIMORE CITY. 185 BAr,TiMORE 18th March 1815 rhe C'ouiniia.siuiKTs Mv\ I his iMciiin^' Present John Davis William Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand and William Jones Received the follov^^ing Application dated A])ril 16th IS 14. The Subscribers some i)roprietors of property on Saint Pauls Lane extended between Franklin and Hamilton Streets, Others on Lombardy between Hamilton and (Center Streets request the Western Precincts Commissioners to (yause the Same to be g'raded and paved Signed M McBlair Cornelius McFading I. L. Boyd James Boyd Simon Jepson Neal Morrison William Lusby Water Co., Jno Davis Pres. James Sater Stevenson Baltimore County To Wit On the 18th day of March 1815 personally appeared Joseph Sumwalt before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the County afforsaid and took the following Oath viz., I Joseph Sumwalt do solemnly swear that I will act as Clerk to the Commissioners appointed for the Precincts of Baltimore West Jones's falls Agreeably to An Act of the General Assembly of Maryland Passed I^ovember Session 1810 & the Supplements thereto make out and keep a fair record of thei^- proceedings had and don(> under and by virtue of the act and the several Supplements thereto, and in every other respect faithfully and honestly discharge the Several duties of my ai)|)ointment, to the best of my Skill and judgment so help me God Joseph Sumwalt Rob Gorsuch 186 RECORDS OF Balto. 25th March 1815 Establishment of the North East Intersection of Eutaw AND SARAT0(iA StREETS & HuGH RiCKETs' LoT ON SARATOGA Street Commissioners Met — Present Wm Krebs Jno W. Berry Moses Hand & Wm. Jones The point of Intersection will be found by measuring on the East Side of Eutaw Street North QQ feet 2 Inches from David Fulton's House* and measuring on the North side of Saratoga Street west 50 feet 7 Inches from Hugh Ricketts' House. Then Proceeded to the Establishment of Hugh Ricketts' Lot being 20 feet front to Commence from the above Establishment 50 feet therefrom and running Northward that width agreeably to his Title Papers *Which House is 9 inches too far east from the line of Eutaw Street which measurement Coresponds by measuring 97 feet 3 Inches from Bernard Coskerys House westward on Mulberry Street. Joseph Sumwalt Clerk Baltimore April* 5th 1815 The Commissioners Met Present Wm. Krebs Jno. W. Berry Moses Hand Wm. Jones Established the Division Lines between Margaret McAllister Elisha T. Bayly and betwen Elisha T. Bayly and John Lynch on the West Side of Eutaw Street running Westward to Long Alley. In the first place they Established the N. W. intersection of Eutaw Street and New Lane which intersection was found to be North Six inches from the South East Corner of the Brick *Mav meant. BALTIMORE CITY. 187 House (111 tlic Said intersect ion belonging to the Heirs of the late George Sanders Then Established the North East intersection of New Lane and Long Alley and was found that the south west Corner of the Brick house standing at the said intersection belonging to Nicholas Matthias was Correct The division Line between Margaret McAllister and Elisha T. Bayly Commences on the West Side of Eutaw Street at the dis- tance of jSTortli 214° W. 200 feet 31/. inches from the first above established intersection of Eutaw Street and New Lane and run- ning thence S. 87-)4° W. parallel to New Lane meeting a point on the East Side of Long Alley, at the distance of 214° W 200 feet 31/2 inches from the South West Corner of the aforesaid Es- tablished house of Nicholas Matthias. The Division Line between Elisha T Bayly and John Lynch Commences on the West Side of Eutaw Street at the distance of North 214° W. 237 feet 91/2 inches from The aforesaid Es- tablished intersection of Eutaw Street and New Lane and run- ning thence S. 87%° W. parallel to New Lane to the east Side of Long Alley meeting a point of N 21/1° W 237 ft 91/0 inches from the S. W. Corner of the aforesaid Nicholas Matthias' House Joseph Sumwalt Clerk Baltimore April 6tli 1815 Grade of Saint Pauls Lane Extended between Franklin & Hamilton Streets and Lombardy Street between Hamilton & Center Sts. Commissioners Met Present William Krebs John W. Berry William Jones Graded Saint Pauls Lane Extended from Franklin to Hamil- ton Streets and Lombardy Street from Hamilton to Center Streets The Paving now done in franklin St at the West Gutter of St Pauls Lane is correct agreeably to Said Grade, Then ascent to the north Line of Franklin Street 6 Inches then descent down 188 RECORDS OF west gutter of St Pauls Lauo 7 in. to 10 feet to the south gutter of Hamilton Stree't Then down Hamilton Street 7 in. to 10 feet Then across Hamilton Street level Then as- cent to the north Line of Hamilton Street 6 Inches Then descent down the West gutter of Hamilton Street 7 inches to 10 feet into the south gutter of Center Street T. D Baltimore April 8th 1815 The W. P. S. Commissioners met this Evening Present William Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand and William Jones Eeceived the following Petition To the Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers two thirds of the Owners of Property on Lombard Street, between Eutaw and Cove Streets do request you to establish the Metes and Bounds of said Street, Agreeably to the Several Conveyances given and made and Calling for said Street, And Condemn the Same as a Public highway. Also Whiskey Alley from Green Street to Penn Street, as soon as may be Suitable to your convenience Baltimore 28th April 1814 Signed Elisha D. Butts Profr. of Alfred Griffith for and in be- Chemistry for the Uni- half of the trustees of the versity of Maryland Methodist Episcopal Church Barbary Alter of the City and Precincts F. Haubert of Baltimore Thos Griffin Joseph Young George Eichsteine Solomon Etting Henry Stouffer on behalf Jas. Hindes of the Trustees of Dunk- John Lerew ert burial Ground Henry Augustine Alexr. Robinson J- B. Davidge John W. Siglor Charles S. Sewell Joseph Walter BALTIAIOUK CITV, .189 Received an a|)i)lieutioii to Establish the South West Corner of Union and Mulberry Streets the South East Corner of Mul- berry and Pearl Streets and the Division Line between the Petitioners, George Peters and Jacob Myers Also Archibald Cook was re-appointed Superintendant of the Sweeping of Chimneys in the Western Precincts for the ensue- ing year, (^oinnioncing from the 2d April 1815 — To the Connuissioners of the Western Precincts Gentlemen I Apply to your honours to Establish the boundaries of the South West Corners of Union and Mulberry Streets the South East Corner of Mulberry and Pearl Street and set the Division Line between me and Mr Myers according to our title the party fence is down be pleased to attend to this business as quick as possible as the fence cannot be put up again unless on the Line I am Gent Yr Obt St Balto 15 Apl 1815 George Peter Baltimore April 20th 1815 Condemnation of Lombard Street and Whiskey Alley The W. P. S. Commissioners Met Present William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand and William Jones Agreeably to the application of the Property owners on Lom- bard Street and Whiskey Alley between Eutaw and Cove Streets, For the purpose of Locating Laying out and Establishing the said Street and Alley and Condemn and Declare as public high- ways the same according to the ])owers in them vested. Lombard Street was commenced for its beginning in the Pre- cincts for the South Side thereof at the North East Corner of John Sauners brick house Standing at the South West intersec- tion of Lombard and Eutaw Streets and running thence west- wardly meeting a point on the East side of Green Street at the 190 RECORDS OF distance of South Sixty Six feet from the South west Corner of the Medical College yard wall then still westwardly to a stone heretofore planted on the East side of Cove Street Lombard Street is Sixty six feet wide as Located and is hereby declared and Condemned as a Public Highway Whiskey Alley was commenced for its beginning in the Pre- cincts on the "West side of Eutaw Street at the distance of South one hundred seventy one and an half feet from the south side of Lombard Street and running thence with the north side of said alley parallel with Lombard Street to Penn Street, hereto- fore opened by the proprietor of the Land The Said Alley is Twenty feet wide as above Located and is here by declared and Condemned as a Public Highway Joseph Sttmwalt Clk April 21st 1815 The Connaissioners Met Present Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand and Wm Jones Eor the purpose of Establishing S. W. intersection of Union and Mulberry Strets The South East intersection of Mulberry and Pearl Streets and the division Line between Jacob Myers and George Peters The S. W. intersection is to be found by measuring 80 feet from a Brick house belonging to the estate of Gebhart Standing on the West Side of green St. and South of Mulberry St. and by measuring on the South line of Mulberry Street from the to]) of the Curb Stone West 13 ft. 10 inches to the end of the afore- said 80 feet The S. E. intersection is distant Westwardly 170 feet 10 inches from the above Establishment which point is to be found by measuring from the end of the 80 feet north- erly 49 1/2 ft. from that distance in a range with the front houses west of Pearl Street on the l^orth Side of Mulberry Street on the east side of the above range measure southerly ^dy^ ft halting 60 ft easterly from a Line drawn from Eichelbergers house and the Corner of Cheny's Alley. J SUMWALT Ck BAI/riMOHE CITV. * JOJ Received the following Application Baltimore 21 April 1815 Western Precinct Commissioners Gentlemen "We the subscribers owners of of property on a twelve feet alley that runs North and South between Mulberry Street and Oha})i)ill alley Tlarnestly desire to have the said alley Graded pa\('d and Condemned as a public highway Signed Jas. Kelly Robt X Carson Alexander McDonald Charles Whitlock Jas Kelly for Mr. M. Taylor Sewell Stephen H. Ford Baltimore 22d April 1815 The Western Precincts Street Commissioners met this Evengi Present John W Berry Moses Hand and William Jones Received and Acted upon the following Application, To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts of Baltimore Gentlemen We the Subscribers wish you to Establish the Division Lines between John Lynch and Elisha T. Bayly and Margaret McAl- lister and Elisha F. Bayly bounding on Eutaw Street and Long Alley as soon as may be Convenient Signed John Lynch Elisha T Bayly Balto 22nd April 1815 Ordered That The Commissoiners Meet friday 5th May to Establish The Same. Joseph Sumv^alt Clerk ld'-2 BECOKDS OF Baltimore 22d April 1815, The Commissioners Met this Evening Present Jno W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones Received and Acted on a petition from Thos Armstrong re- questing that the Division Lines between him and Daniel Scwartzauer and John Fitzgerald may be Established Ordered To Meet Saturday 6th May 1815 J SuMWALT Clerk Baltimore 6th May 1815 The W. P. S. Commissioners Met There Where Present Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand Wm. Jones The following Application Was taken up and agreed to. To th(> Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers holders of Property on Saint Pauls' Lane extended being desirous of having said Saintpauls Lane graded Levelled and paved between Mulberry Street and the City Line in Conjunction Avith that part of the same which is allready paved. Do therefore jn-ay you have the same done as soon as may be according to the powers Vested in you by an act of the Assembly and Supplements thereto passed for that pur])ose. Signed John Sinclair . 11. P. Low Kobert Fisher James Smith A. Clopper liALTIMORK CITY. 193 BAi/riMORE 15th May 1815 This (l;i,v tlic ('oiuiiiissioiicrs Mot for tlie purpose of Estab- lishiii<>; the grade of Saint pauls' Lane between Mulberry Street and the City Line There Where Present Wm Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand and Wm. Jones Ordered that Notice be given to tlie persons owning Lots on Saint Pauls between Mulberry Street and the City Line to dig doAvn in front thereof to the grade Established Accordingly Served the following Notice On Doct James Smith and John Sinclair W^ESTERN PRECINCTS STREET COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Baltimore 15th May 1815 Sir Agreeably to an order of the Board of Commissioners you are hereby Notified to dig doAvn and Remove (the Earth before your Lot on Saint pauls Lane between Mulberry Street and the city Line) to the Grade Established on this day on or before the 14th day of Jun Next otherwise the Commissioners will have the Same done and Charge you with your proportion of the Expence by order the Board Joseph Sumwalt Clk Baltimore May 15tli 1815 Grade of Saint Pauls Lane South of Pleasant Street to THE City Line Present Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones I ill KEOORDS OF 15th May 1815 Commenced at the South Gutter of Pleasant Street and Said Lane then South with an ascent of 41/4° in 10 feet to the Soth Side of Pleasant Street then at a descent of 1° 45' 180 feet to the City Line Joseph Sumwalt Clerk Baltimore 20th May, 1815 The "WPS Commissioners Met this Evening Present Wm Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand and Wm Jones Read Sundry papers relative to the Division Lines of Daniel Scwartzeaur John Fitzgerald and Thomas Armstrong And ad- journed to Meet Baltimore May 25th 1815 Received the following Application Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen You are requested as soon as convenient, to ascertain the Boundary Lines of a Lot of Ground On the North Side of Franklin Street Situated between Eutaw and Howard Street the property of Martin F. Maher Signed Martin F. Maher 31st May 1815 Ordered that the Commissioners Meet on 10th June to Estab- lish as above applied for Baltimore 3d June 1815 Received the following A])plication Gentlemen I request you will be pleased to Establish the lines of a Lot of ground being Lot No. 2, part of Ridgelys Delight Situated 15ALTIi\IOI{K CITY. 1<)5 on the North side of Market or I>alriiiiore Street extended, and a short distance West of Union or Greene Street assigned to mc by Mrs. W A. Deady on or about tlie 30th day of September 1805 (Then Under Lease from George Repold) and on the 17th day of March 1808 Conveyed to me in fee by Said Repold I am Gentl Your Obt. St. Signed D Williamson 3d June 1815 The Commissioiiers of the Western Precincts of Balto. 10th June 1815 Commissioners met to establish Lines of a Lot of Ground On the North Side of Franklin street Situated between Eutaw and Howard Streets. No quorum Adjourned to Meet on the premises 14th June 1815 Baltimore 14th June 1815 Martin F Makers Lot on Franklin Street between Eutaw & Howard St. The Commissioners Met Present John W. Berry Moses Hand and Wm Jones Established Martin F. Mahers Lot on Franklin Street Commencing for the same at the distance S. 871/2° W 259 ft. from the S E Corner of John E Howards Tavern on the N. W. intersection of Franklin and Howard Streets and running thence binding on Franklin St. S 87° W 25 feet then due North 100 feet to the S. E. Corner of Steward Browns Yard Wall then par- allel to Franklin St. N. 871/2° E 24 feet and then to the begin- ning Jos SUMWALT, C 196 RECORDS OF Baltimobk 17th June 1815 Tlic CoiHiuissioners Met this Evening There where present "William Krebs John W Berry and William Jones The following Eules and Regulations for the Government of the Superintendant of Chimney Sweepers and preventing fires in the precincts of Baltimore "West of Jones' Falls Unanimously passed the Board of Commissioners on this Seventeenth day of June in the year of Our Lord 1815 By Authority & in Virtue of An Act of Assetnbly Passed the Legislature of Maryland at December Session Eighteen Hundred fourteen, The Western Precincts Street Commis- sioners do, Adopt the following Articles for the regu- alating the Sweeping of Chimneys and for Preventing f\.res in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls Article 1st. There shall be appointed and Licensed one Superintendant of Chimney Sweepers in the Precincts of Balti- more West of Jones' Falls and no person shall exercise the em- ployment of a superintendant of Chimney Sweepers in Said Precincts unless he shall have previously obtained from the aforesaid Commissioners, A Licence, and given bond with secur- ity as herein after directed, on pain of forfeiting for every such offence a sum not exceeding five dollars, and for every licence aforesaid the Superintendant shall pay to the Commissioners for the use of the Western Precincts the sum of five dollars and before any licence shall be granted or renewed the person ap- pointed superintendant of Chimney Sweepers shall give Bond unto the Commissioners in the Penal sum of One hundred dol- lars with security to the satisfaction of the Commissioners with condition that he will faithfully execute the employment of a superintendant of Chimney Sweepers in the Western Precincts will duly pay and satisfy all just claims that may be against him as such and in all things well and faithfully perform the several duties required by these articles relating to his office Art. 2nd. The superintendant is hereby directed to apply to the occupier or occupiers of every house or of any room or ap- BALTIMORE CITY. 197 pai-tiiiciit ill the Western Precincts for j^erinission to sweep any Chiniiicy in such house oi- belonging to sucli room, which has been so iiiucli used, as to i-cqiiire in the oi)inion of tlie superin- tendaiit to be s\ve])t and liath not been swe])t at any time within the term of one month next preceeding the day of such ap])liea- tion ; And if the said occupier or occupiers, will not then permit sucli superintendant to sweej) such chimney or will not appoint a reasonable time within twenty four hours thereafter, for tlie doing thereof or will not permit such chimney to be swept at the time so appointed, he, she, or they, shall pay to the superintend- ant the same sum of nionc^y as if the said chimney had been swept by him, and shall forfeit and pay to the Commissioners a sum not exceeding five dollars and in such case the said superin- tendant shall and is hereby directed to apply each and every day for the sweeping of such chimney, untill the same be actu- ally swept; and upon every such application if the occupier or occupiers of such house or room shall not permit him to sweep such chimney, he, shall be entitled as aforesaid to recover each and every day from such occupier or occupiers the same sum of money as if the said chimney had been sAvept by him each and every day at the special instance and request of such occu- pier or occupiers, and every such occupier or ocupiers shall for- feit and pay to the commissioners for each and every such of- fence a sum not exceding five dollars Article 3rd. And if the said superintendant does not every month apply as afi"orsaid for permission to sweep each and every chimney in the Western Precincts which by these articles ought be swept, and each and every day (if necessary) repeat such application as aforesaid he shall for every such default for- feit and pay to the Commissioners a sum not exceeding five dol- lars. And no superintendant, licensed as aforesaid, shall de- mand or receive from any i^erson either directly oi- indirectly for his services any other or greater fees or rates than are here- in alloAved, under the penalty of five dollai's for every such of- fence. To Wit : for a chimney of one story, eight Cents; for two storys; Twelve and an half cents; Three storys ; fifteen cents; for four or more storys; eighteen cents; And if any chimney in the W. Precincts shall take fire and blaze out at the top, the Superintendant shall forfeit and pay to the commissioners tlu; sum of Ten dollars ; Provided nevertheless that such forfeiture 198 RECORDS OF shall be paid by tbe occupier or occupiers of such room or house wherein such chimney may be in case he or they would not permit such chimney to be swept upon application having been made by said superintendant agreeably to the provisions of these Articles Signed John Davis Balto. 3 June 1815 President Bd Commissioners Baltimore June 22d 1815 DAVin Williamson's Lot on Market Street Extended. present Wm Krebs Jno W. Berry Wni Jones The Western Precincts Street Commissioners Established for David Williamson the Lot of Ground he purchased from George Repold by deed bearing date March 17th, 1808. Beginning for the same at a stone now planted at the end of the 18th. Line of Ridgelys Delight Marked D W— 1 and run- ning thence S. 28V8° E. 60 feet to a Stone now planted on the North Side of the Baltimore and Frederick Town Turnpike Road marked D W — 2 then running With & Binding on said road S. 871/2° W. 104 feet to a stone now planted where the fourth Line of Marys' Plains Crosses said road Marked D W — 3 then Binding on said Line reverse North 4° E. 83i/> feet to a Stone now planted marked D W — 4 where the fourth Line of Marys Plains and the 18th Line of Ridgelys Delight Cross each other and binding on the 18th Line S 70° E 73 feet to the begin- ning Stone marked D W — 1 J L Wampler Syr Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore 24th June 1815 Division Line between Daniel Schwartzaur John Eitzger- ALD AND Thomas Armstrong The W. P. S. Commissioners Met. BALTIMORE CITY. 199 Tlicrc Where i)resent * Win Krebs Jno W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Established the division Line between Daniel Sehwartzaur -lohn Fitzgerald and Thomas Armstrong CommeiK'ed at a Stone now planted on the 4th. Line of Da- vids Faney dated Nov. 1st 17:58 on the East side of Back Street and i-niuiing tlience withe the 4th Line reverse N". 81%° E. 255% feet then S. 9° E 156% feet then with the said Division Line S. 81%° W. to Back Street meeting a point Si/i feet Southward from the Brick Building now Owned by John Fitz- gerald Jos. SUMWALT Clk Baltimore July 1st 1815 The Commissioners Met Present John W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Received the following Petition for ])aving Mulberry Street from Lerews Alley to Charles Street Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers owners of Lots on Mulberry Street from Lerews Alley to Charles Street wish you to have the same paved as soon as possible Baltimore June 12th 1815 Signed Thos. Towson Mary Booker John Walsh James Inloes Saml Knox Perry Young George Vaughan J. E. Howard John Campbell White JSTicolaus Hacke Prest. Balto. College Benjamin Grammar Charles L. Boehm Mum])hrey Sanders Stephen Ford Frederick Lenhart 200 KECORDS OF Baltimore 13th July 1815 The Commissioners Met this day 4 oClock p m at the Office There where present John Davis Prest. Wm. Krebs John W. Berry and William Jones Ordered by the Board that the Clerk make a correct List of Delinquents for paving Tax due previous to the 1st day of January 1815. The Amount due by each delinquent, situation of the property &c. and to be submitted to the board at their next meeting for inspection and publication agreeably to Law. x\lso Ordered the the Clerk address Mr. Elisha T. Bayly by Letter and inform him that the property on Eutaw Street North of franklin Street request that the Same Street agreeably to their petition be Compleated. J Stjmwalt Clk Baltimore July 27th, 1815 The Commissioners Met this day 4 oClock p m. at the Office Present Wm Krebs Jno W. Berry Wm. Jones Received the following Petition for paving Lexington Street from The N'ew Market to Cove Street. Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers owners of Lots on Lexington Street from the New Market to Cove Street wishe you to have the same paved as soon as possible Baltimore 20th April 1815 BALTIMORE CITY. 201 Signed Wm Buck Joseph Little Jas. ITorris Jr. Thomas Henning Joseph Heaver Wrn Robinson Job Smith Robt. Sinclair John Davis Fredk. Waesche jSTcIs. I>()iiiiefin L. Pascault J no. L. LaReintrie H P. Louis Geo. Warner L. Pascault A. Welsh Owen Dorsey I ■ommrs. of the New J Market. Baltimore August 17th. 1S15 The Board of Commissioners Met at office Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Jno. W. Berry and Wm. Jones. Received the following Petition for condemning grading and Paving Chappell alley from North Street to College alley Baltimore Augt. 7th 1815 To the Commissioners Of the Western Precincts Gentlemen We the subscribers Owners of Property on Chai)pell Alloy between North Street and C^ollege alley request tliat the said alley may be Condemned Graded and paved as soon as possible with curb stone Signed John Welsh Jas. Kelly Thos. Towson Antony Fleishall Kelly Morsell William Jackson his Robert (X) Carson mark George Vaughan 202 RECORDS OF Baltimore August 24th 1815 The Commissioners Met this evening at their Office Present Messrs. Wni Krebs Moses Hand Wm. Jones Received tlie following Petition To the Commisioners appointed to Grade level and pave the Streets in the Precincts of Balto. West of Jones' Falls Gentlemen The Subscribers being two thirds of the owners of the Prop- erty within the Limits you are hereby requested to :'xercise your official duties, they request you will agreeably to the powers vested in your Board Grade Jefferson Street from Eutaw to Charles Street and Cause the same to be opened as a public Highway. Balto. Augt. 24th 1815 Signed Geo. Warner Jno. E. Howard Wm Krebs Wesley Starr Michl Warner John Ripp Baltimore August 25th 1815 The Commissioners Met this day Present Wm. Krebs Moses Hand and Wm Jones Grade of Mulberry Street from North Street to the middle of Cathedral St. is, Ascent 31/4° equal to 7 inches in 10 feet which passes 7 feet below the top of the door cill of Charles L. Boehm's House next to a twelve feet alley J L Wampler Syr Jo Sumwalt Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 203 Baltimore August :^5t.h IS 15 Grade of Ciiappell Alley from North Street to College Alley, Commissioners Met this day Present Messrs. Wm Krebs M. Hand Wm. Jones Graded Chappell alley. From North Street to College alley xlscent S%° equal to eight inches in ten feet which passes 71/4 feet below the top of a door cill of a house on the east side of a Twelve feet alley Grade of Twelve feet alley. Ascent feet from Mulberry Street to the Center of said alley. Descent feet to Chappell Alley Jo Sumwalt Clk Baltimore September 1815 To Grade Jefferson Street from Eutaw to Charles Street. The Commissioners Met the 4th day of September 1815. Present Messrs Wm Krebs Jiio W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones Commenced at the junction of the Gutters at the south east angle or Turn of said Street (which is S 871^° W. 46% feet from the west side of Eutaw Street) two feet higher than the west gutter of Eutaw Street then ran with the south east gutter of Jefferson Street S. 52° 38' W. Descend 24' -|- (that is to say % inches fall in every ten feet 1315 feet to Charles Street in Kidgelys Addition to Baltimore Town J L Wampler Suy Jo Sumwalt Clk LuNNS Lot Lane Elevation of 4 inches to the line of the Houses &c then with a regular ascend to the W. gutter of Jefferson St 204 RECORDS OF Received the following Petition Baltimore 19tli Sep 1815 Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers property owners on German Street as far West as Cove Street, hereby petition the Western Precincts Commissioners to fix the grade of said Street until it inter-. sects Cove Street, the subscribers also property holders on the South side of Market Street from Green to Cove Street, also petition the Commissioners of the said Western Precincts to have paved the footway of Market Street, on the South side from Green to Cove Street * R. K. Heath Church Warden & Xicholas Emock Vestry man of St Pauls Par- Wm. M. Smith ish Wm. McCarter Market Street Jonas Clapham vestry Man of only St Pauls Parish Jacob. Israel Market Street Alex. Robinson Only Geo Hoffman H. P. Low. John Mathews Paul Ruckle for Market H. Pence Street only provided both objects are L Donsee for Market Street agred to only H. Pence provided both objects Solomon Etting for pavement are agred to on South Side of Market Horatio Berry Street not to exceed 4 to 5 Jacob JSTewman ft and Curb Stone Peter Wyant Jur. Alex McCoy John Stinchcomb Isaac McCoy Hugh Hamilton ^provided Only So much of the footway on Market St. be paved as shall give a good an sufficient walk, say 4 or 5 feet and a C^urb Stone BALTIMORE CITY. 205 Baltimore 21st Septem. 1815 Keceivcd llic following Petition for paving Lombard Street Baltimore 10th Augt 1815 To the Conuuissioners of the Western Precincts of Baltimore Gentlemen We I he suhscribers being two thirds of the owners of Property binding on Lombard Street between Eutaw and Paca Streets wish yon to have said Lombard Street paved as soon as may be convenient agreeable to the powers in you vested Signed Henry Augustine John Larew Jas Hindes her George Richstein Barbara (X) Alter F. Haubert mark Thos Griffin Sept. 26, 1815 (See Oct. 5, 1815). Baltimore 29th Soptm. 1815 The Commissioners Met this Evening at their Office Present Messrs. Wm. Krebs M. Hand John W Berry Keceived the following- Application Western precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen The undersigned Owners of property on (Jourtland Street between Pleasant and Mulberry Streets request the same to be paved under your direction and the Grade of the said part Established as soon as possible Sept. 25th 1815 Signed John Martin Christian Adrian Jno C. Richards A Clapper Robt Fisher 206 RECORDS OF Baltimore 5tli October 1815 The Gommissioners Met this evening at the office Present Messrs Jno. W. Berry Moses Hand "Wm. Jones Received the following Application Baltimore 26th Sept. 1815 Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen We the undersigned property owners on College Alley from Mulberry to Saratoga Street request the Commissioners to Con- demn Grade and level said alley as soon as may be convenient Yours &c &c Signed Thos Towson Franz. Brunsted G. A. McGill Zebulon Waters in Behalf of \ Saml Knox Baltimore College ( Wm Sinclair Baltimore Oct. 10th 1815 Grade of Courtland Street from Mulberry to Pleasant Street. The Commissioners met this day. 10 oClk a. m. Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Jno. W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Graded Courtland Street between Mulberry and Pleasant Streets Commenced at the South West intersection of the Gutters of Mulberry and Courtland Streets and ran South with the West BALTIMORE CITY. 207 Gutter of Courtland Street Ascent 4° 10 feet then with a regnUir descent to the North gntter of Pleasant Street Baltimore October 11th 1815 Grade of German Street fro.m Green to Cove Street. The Commissioners Met this day 10 oclk Present Messrs Wm Krebs Jno W. Berry- Moses Hand Wm. Jones Graded German Street from Green to Cove Street. Commenced at the N^orth West intersection of German and Green Streets and Ran with the N^orth Gutter of German St west (whicli intersection is to be found by measuring level four feet ajid one inch lower than the top of the door Cill of the House standing at said intersection) at a descent of 1° 54' about 4 in ten feet feet to fair with the west end of a Brick house next to and on the east Side of the run, which point is established to meet a point two feet higher than the top of a Boundary Stone standing under the south west corner of the said house The level 20 feet across said run and then at an ascent of about 1" to the east side of Love Street meeting a point nine inches higher than the gutter of Cove Street Mr Berry requested a suspension Baltimore 19th Oct 1815 The Commissioners Met at the Office. Present Messrs Wm Krebs Moses Hand Wm Jones Received the following Application 208 RECORDS OF Baltimore 16th Oct 1815 Western Precincts Streets Commissioners Gentlemen We the subscribers owners of property on George St from the Reisters Twon Turnpike Road to Pine Street request that the said Street may be Graded as soon as may be convenient Yours &c &c Signed Jonza Sellman Wm Lorman Henry Peters eino Knuckle Philip Horn . Baltimore N^ovember 11th 1815 Gb-ade of George Street from the Reisters Town turnpike Road to Pine Street. The Commissioners Met this day 10 oClock a m. To Grade George St from the R. T. turnpike Road to Pine Street Present Messrs Wm Krebs Jno. W. Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones The Western intersection of the Gutters of the said Street and the said Turnpike Road which point is 6 inches at level, lower than the top of the boundary stone heretofore planted at the intersection aforesaid, then South 87 Vs W. A. 1° 25' at passing 40 feet at right angle from the aforesaid boundary Stone then Ascent 3° feet to the West end of Henry Peters Ground Avhich is *2 feet 4 inches lower than the top of the door Cill of said Peters' new House and then Descend 1%° to the east Gutter of Pine Street *By unanimous agreement of the property owners, changed from 4 ft 4 in to 2 feet 4 in consequently the ascent and De- scent changed per alteration UAl/n.MOHE CITY. 209 Bai.tiaioki.: lOtli Xov. 1815 The Commissioners Met tliis e\eiiiiig- at tlic Office Pi-esent Messrs. Win. Krebs Jno W. Berry Wm eTones Received the following Application Western Precincts St Commissioners Gentlemen I request you to establish my Lot on i^ranklin Street as soon as Convenient :N'ov. 11th 1815 Signed Jno J. Donaldson Baltimore 25th Nov. 1815 Establishment of John J. Donaldson's Lot On Franklin St. The Commissioners Met this day 10 oClk a. m. Present Messrs Wm Krebs Moses Hand Jno W. Berry Wm Jones The Estern division Line of said Lot aiid Doct. Maxeys Lot, towards franklin Street is Established 25 feet 10 inches East from the N. W. Corner of Said John J. Donaldsons Brick House fronting towards franklin Street which is 87 ft West from the West Side of Saint Pauls Lane and 581/. feet East from the east side of a twenty feet alley running North to franklin Street Then Established the S. E. Corner of William Fulfords Bk House Standing on the West Side of Saint Pauls Lane and a twenty feet alley running West, then West with the North side of said alley 87 feet to the aforesaid Eastern division line of John J. Donaldsons and Doct. Maxceys Lots and then still west with the north side of said alley 581/L> feet to the aforesaid 20 feet alley running North to franklin Street J. Sumwalt 210 RECORDS OF Baltimore 14th Dec. 1815 The Board of W P. Commissioners Met at the Office Present Messrs. Wm Krebs John W. Berry William Jones Messrs Wm Krebs & And John Davis was Appointed a Com- mittee for the purpose of preparing a petition to be presented to the Maryland Legislature for authority to Cause a survey and plat to be made of the precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls ; In conformity to a resolution which passed a meeting of the inhabitants of the Precincts of Baltimore on Thursday last December 7th 1815 The Commissioners reconsidered the Establishment of the division Lines between Daniel Scwartzaur John Fitzgerald and Thomas Armstrong Baltimore 27th December 1815 The Commissioners Met at the Office Present Messrs. John Davis Wm Krebs Jno W. Berry and Wm. Jones Messrs John Davis* and Wm Krebs agreeably to their appoint- ment at the last meeting presented and Laid before the board A Petition and Law, for Authority to cause a survey and plat to be made, of the Western Precincts of Baltimore, and for other purposes therein mentioned After making certain alterations amendments &c it finally passed the board And Mr Wm Krebs was appointed to send the said petition and Law to the Maryland Legislature as soon as possible Jo Sum WALT Received the following Application To the Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We respectfully request that out of the monies over which you have the controul there may be made an appropriation BALTIMORE CITY. 211 lowardH r('|);iiriug the Road Leading to the Ferry Point on which our burial Ground Binds for and on behalf of the 'I'rustees of the Methodist Episcoi)al Church Owen Dorsey January 24. 1816 Acting Steward Baltimore Feby. 1st 1816 The Commissioners Met at the Office Present Messrs. Wm. Krebs Jno W. Berry William Jones Received the following Communication from the Commis- sioners of the Western Precincts Market House We the Undersigned Commissioners of the Western Precincts Market do hereby Certify that Messuers Jno Davis William Krebs John W Berry William Jones and Moses Hand were this day Elected Commissioners to Grade Level and Pav^e the Streets Lanes and Alleys in the Precincts West of Jones' Falls Given under our hands and seals this twenty first day of Feb- ruary Eighteen hundred and Sixteen, (Signed) George Warner (Seal) A Welsh (Seal) Owen Dorsey (Seal) HooPEs Chamberlain (Seal) Baltimore 3rd February 1816 The Board of Commissioners Met at the office Present Messrs Wm Krebs John Davis Jno W Berry Moses Hand Wm. Jones Received the following Petition for Levelling and ])aving St Pauls Lane from Charles to Holliday Street 212 RECORDS OF To the Commrs. of the Western Precincts k City Commis- sioners Gentlemen The Subscribers a Majority of the holders of Property owners thereon request that St. Pauls Street be levelld' and paved from Charles Street to Holliday Street without delay Sg Amos A Williams James W Collins James Kemp on behalf of A Clopper for self and H Ful- tlie vestry of St Pauls ford Wni Lorman Geo. Williams James Mosher for self and James Smith John Donnell Ordered that the Clerk in form the City Commissioners that they are ready at any time to Act in Conjunction with them on the above petition — provided that two thirds of the property owners on the above Street have signed the petition. Baltimore 10th Feby 1816 The Commissioners Met this Evening at the Office Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones The i)orport of the Meeting being to Appoint a Superintend- ant Of Chimney Sweepers provided a Suitable person should Offer Read the petitions of the following Persons, John Crosall Wm Cochran James Younger Samuel Foy Whereupon it was thought ]iroper to defer the Appointment until Monday evening — and Ordered that Archibald Cook be Notified of the Same BALTIMORE CITY. 213 Tilt' l'olK)\viiif;' lu'sohitiuii was oifcred hy Mr Hand and Passed the Board Resolrrd that Mr Win Kri'bs l)c and is hereby ap])ointed to receive from the County Collector Such part of the Sum of Twchc hundred dollars appropriated by the Maryland Legisla- tni'e foi- the use of the Western Precincts of Baltimore 'rh(> Board adjourned to Monday Evening next Jo Sum WALT CI Baltimore 12th Feb. 1816 The Commissioners Met at the Office Present Messrs. William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones It was agreed by the Board that the Houses in the Western Precincts be laid off into two (Sweeping) Districts as follows District i^o. 1 To Consist of all those Houses on the W. Pre- cincts North of Mulberry Street to Calvert Street and the West Side of Calvert Street to Bath Street and on the. North Side of Bath Street to Jones' Falls, — District No. 2. To Consist of all those Houses in the West- ern Precincts not included within the Limits of No. 1. The Commissioners agreed to Continue Mr Archd. Cook as Superintendant of Chimney Sweepers for the District No. 1 — untill the 2nd day of April Next, by his giving Bond with Se- curity and taking out Licence from this office Mr. John Croxall was then appointed Superintendant of Chimney Sweepers for District No. 2. By giving Bond with Security and taking out Licence from this office agreeably to the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board cf W P. Com- missioners Ordered that Messrs. Cooks & Croxalls Appointment be pub- lished in two public Newspapers of this City, Signed by Mr. John Davis. 214 KECOKDS OF We William Krebs John W. Berrj^ and William Jones Do Solemnly Swear that we and either of us will Honestly and impartially without favour or affection discharge the duties of Commissioners for grading and Levelling the Several Streets Lanes and alleys and for establishing the Courses and fixing the boundaries thereof in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls according to Law and the best of our respective Skill and Judgment So help me God Baltimore County to wit February 21st 1816 Wm. Ashman Received the following Petition Baltimore 21st Feb. 1816 Western Precincts St Commissioners Gentlemen [ request you to establish the division line between John Mc- Kim Ints. Lot and the subscribers Lot Situated on Paca "Street between German Lombard Streets as soon as may be convenient. Yours &c &c his Henry (X) Shamburg mark Baltimore 28th Feb. 1816 Received the following Application To the W. Precincts St Commissioners, Gentlemen The Undersigned being Two Thirds of the Holders of Prop- erty within the limits to be effected by this application and they being desirous of ascertaining the lines and grade of the following Streets, they therefore Solicit that agreeably to the powers vested in your board by Law, you will ascertain and fix the intersection of Paca and George Streets, and also ascertain and establish, the lines of George Street, from the said intersec- tion to Charles Street, in Eidgelvs Addition to Baltimore Town BALTIMORE CITY. 215 and establish the grade of George Street, from Luims Lot Lane to the above named Charles Street in tlie addition as aforesaid Tour (Compliance will serve &c &c Signed George Warner John Allbright Michael Warner Balto 29th Feb. 1816 I Moses Hand Do Solemnly Swear that I M'ill Honestly and impartially without favour or affection discharge the duty of Commissioner for Grading and Levelling the Several Streets Lanes and alleys and for establishing the courses and fixing the Boundaries thereof in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls according to Law and the best of my Skill and Judgment So help me God. Baltimore Cottnty To wit. March 4 1816 Sworn to before Wm. Ashman March 9th 1816 Johnzee Sellmans Lot commences N. 43 W. 59 feet 8 inches from Anthony Fleishalls Brick House and running thence bind- ing on Biddle Street S 431/2° W. 31.6 ps to George Street then binding on Said Street N" 871/4° E. to the Stone heretofore planted at the Intersection of said Street and the Baltimore and Reisterstown Turn^nke Road and then by a straight Line to the beginning. Jo Sum WALT Baltimore March 11th 1816. Establishment of the South East Intersection of Paca Street & Cider, Alley & Henry Shamburgs Lot. on Paca Street The Commissioners Met Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Jno. W. Berry Moses Hand and William Jones 216 RECORDS OF Established the South East intersection of Paca Street and Cider Alley on the west side of Paca Street at the distance of S. 3° E. 447 feet South of the General Wayne Inn, Standing at the North West intersection of Paca Street and the Balto and Frederick Turnpike Road Then Established a Lot of Ground leased by John Eager Howard To Nicholas Shaun on the 16tli day of August 1794 and running thence, (beginning at the above establishment) N. 2%° W. 30 feet binding on Paca street then parallel with the Turnpike Road aforesaid S. 87° W. 120 feet then S. 2-%° E. 30 feet to Cider Alley and then binding on Said alley JST. 87° 120 feet to the Beginning J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk Received the following Application Gentlemen We require you to establish the Northern side or line of George Street and then also to establish the lines and corners of the Lots we respectively hold from under the title of Mr Johnzee Sellman March 13th 1816 Signed Paul Ruckel Benj Henning Henry Peters Thomas Henning Andrew Dolck Moses Hand John Reese A. Fleishall David Delacour Philip Horn Jacob B Wentz Baltimore March 22nd 1816 George Street Establishment from Lunns Lott Lane to Charles Street in Ridgelys Addn. to Baltimore Town. The Commissioners Met, Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Jno W Berry M. Hand & William Jones BALTIMORE CITY. 217 From tlio Stone at tlic Intersection of Lnnns Lott Lane and Elbow J.anc, then Sonth Eastwardly with Lunns Lot Lanc^ 39 feet to George Street tlien South S'^ E. 99 feet to the Northern turn of George Street, then South S 52° 38' W. to Charles Street, in Ridgleys Addition to Baltimore Town. This is for the North Western Side of George Street, whieh Street is 60 feet wide From the aforesaid Stone at the intersection of Lunns Lot Lane and Elbow Lane then Running South Eastwardly with the South west side of Lunns Lott Lane 1821/+ feet to the South Eastern Corner of George Street and Lunns Lot Lane then with the South Eastern Side of George Street at the distance of One hundred and fifty feet NorthWestwardly from Jefferson Street and ran the Said Street parallel to Jefferson Street at the dis- tance aforesaid, S. 52° 38' W. to Charles Street aforesaid. J L Wampleb Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk On the 23d March 1816, Joseph Sunnvalt was re-x\ppointed Clerk to the W. P. Commissioners for the ensuing year and is requested to renew his Bond James Younger was duly Appointed a Superintendant of Chimney Sweepers for District No. 2, by his Giving Bond withe Good Security for the faithful performance of the duty thereof being for One year to Commence from the first Day of April 1816. Archibald Cook was also re-appointed A Superintendant of Chimney Sweepers for the ensuing Year for the District No. 1 — to commence from the 1st day of Ai)ril 1816 To renew his bond at that time. Mr John Davis was appointed president of this Board of Commissioners for the Ensuing Year I. John Davis do solemnly swear that I will honestly and im- partially without favour or aifection discharge the duty of 218 RECORDS OF Commissioner for Grading and Levelling the Several Streets Lanes and Alleys and for Establishing the Courses and fixing the Boundaries thereof, in the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls according to Law and the best of my Skill and judgment, So help me God. Baltimore County To wit. March 25th 1816 Sworn to before Wm. Ashman Baltimore 30th March 1816 The Commissioners Met at the Office Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Jno W. Berry Moses Hand and William Jones Received the following Petition for Grading k Paving Cam- den street — Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the subscribers two thirds of the Property Owners on Camden Street between Eutaw and Paca Street request that said Street, may be Graded and paved as Soon as convenient. Baltimore 7th March 1816 Signed Benjamin Macker Mary Hay T K Saumenig L S Dushan Received the following Petition 'I'o the Commissioners of the Western Precincts We the subscribers being two-thirds of the property Holders from Paca Stret to Cove Street, on Fayette Street, are desirous BALTIMORE CITY. 219 that the Same may be paved and we do hereby i)etitioii that you should have the same done Yours &c &c Signed Kezon White Saml Cook Tlobt. Sinehiir L. Frailey Charles G Boehm John F. Keys Athail Hussey Ann McCoy Samuel Lyeth Jur J. & J Sullivan C. Capitio L Pascault Wm Lormaii Petr Forney Solomon Etting Fredek. Waesehe Luke Tiernan Isaac Philips &c Kobt R Richardson John Stewart Job. Smith Richd A Shipley B. D. Mullikin Cloudsberry Kirby John 0. Weilerstraiidt.* Pliilip Piper Baltimore 6th April 1S16 The Commissioners Met at the Office Present Messrs "Wm Krebs (absent) John W. Berry Moses Hand and Wm Jones Received the following Petition Baltimore 29th February 1816 The Commissioners for the Western Precincts of Baltimore Gentlemen We the Subscribers being two thirds of the Owners of Pro])- erty binding on Paca Street, between Market and Pratt Streets, wish you to have Paca Street paved as soon as may be conven- ient. Signed Henry Hoffman Peter Fowble William Wellman Jno McTvim Junr. Wm Lorman Henry Shamburg *or Wederstrandt. John E Howard provided, that only one half, that is on the west side be paved from German to Market Street, for I will not agree to pay for the east half for that square 220 RECORDS OF Received tlie following Petition Western Precincts St Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers holders of property on Franklin Street between the intersection of the same with pine Street and Cove Street, being desirous of having the same paved, agreeably to the Grade already established, do hereby request you to have the same done as soon as possible : according to the powers vested in you by an act of the Assembly and Sumplements there- to Signed Saml H Bowly Christian Adrian Frances E, Bowley H. P. Low, Adam Maxwell Charles Wirgman George Adrian James F Fisher Daniel Dayly Wm Scott Jacob Moellinger Joseph Shane & Co, Jacob Rothrock Jr. Wm Shipley Junr. Received the following Agreement relating to Franklin Street which was ordered to be recorded The free passage in franklin Street between Chatsworth and Cove Streets being interrupted by my fence — when those per- sons who are desirous of having said obstruction removed shall have caused a substantial Bridge to be Built in franklin Street over the Stream which runs down Chatsworth Street, to accord with the Grade of Franklin Street at that place so that a wag- gon or other heavy carriage can pass over the bridge to my fence I do hereby agree and bind myself to cause the said fence to be immediately removed so that franklin Street be opened to its full width say Sixty feet, as far as my property can effect the same and the said Franklin Street being thus opened, to remain so, as a public highway Witness my Hand this 24th day of January 1816. Hezk. Clagett. agreed to and Signed in presence of Thomas Clagett Jr. BALTIMORE CITY. 221 Western Precincts Streets Commissioners on application have Establislied A n Stone as per plat appears at the junction of The Kcisters Town Turnpike Road and George Street at B a stone at the intersection of George and Biddle Streets which ])oint is to be found by measuring S 60° E. 88I/4 feet from the Eastern corner of William Alcocks house Then Established the several lots on the Baltimore and Rois- ters Town Turnpike Road the numeral figures on the plat are feet as Avell as that on the back Lot of Henning Also established the first line of Henry Peters' Lot from C on the North side of George Stret at the distance of S 87Vi.° -|-- W. 432 feet from the junction of the Reisters road and George Street and running thence N" 3° W 80 feet to I). J Lewis Wampi.er April 9th 1816 Commissioners Present on the above Establishment Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand William Jones (Ed.— For plat See Original Book.) April 0th 1816 Grade of George Street from Lunns Lot Lane To Charles Street. Commissioners Present Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand & William Jones From the top of the Stone at Lunns Lot Lane and Elbow Lane South eastwardly with Lunns Lot Lane — Level 391^ feet to Paca Street then with said Street Descent 281/2' to George Street then with the Western Gutter of George Street, Descent 34' to Charles Sti'eet in Ridgleys Addition to Baltimore Town J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk 222 RECORDS OF Baltimore lOtli April 1816 Camden Street Grade from Paca to Eutaw Street. The Commissioners Met Present Messrs. Wni Krebs Moses Hand John W. Berry William Jones From the Northern Gutter of Pratt Street South with the east gutter of Paca Street Descent 39' to the North East Inter- section of the Gutters of Paca and Camden Streets, East with the North Gutter of Camden Street Descent, 281/-' to Eutaw Street. N. B. The aforesaid N. E. intersection is 1 foot higher than the N. W. intersection of Paca Street and Elbow Lane J L Wampler Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore April 20th 1816 Eeceived the following Petition for Paving Pearl Street from Fayette to Franklin St, Commissioners Present Messrs John W Berry Moses Hand William Jones Baltimore 28th Feby. 1816 To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts Gentlemen We the subscribers owaiers of Property on Pearl Street be- tween Fayette and Franklin Streets wish you to have the said Pearl Street paved as soon as it may be convenient agreeably to the Powers vested in you BALTIMORE CITY. 223 Signed George Peters Henry C Peters Henry White Jno Martin Foster Maynard Jas Chalmers John Zinmiernian Joseph (^assell Owen Dorsey Beale Spurrier A Welsh John Bilson Geo. Bushey David Bixler John Brevitt P L Tanner Jno T Gibney Henry Grove Andrew Dolck Henry Moore Pnicll linor Jacob Myers ircnry Myers Jno G Neale Jno Walter (J CO. Myers Francis Harden Jacob Shippy Joseph Krems Danl Dayly Charles Brown Jonas Yoner Thomas Burke Joseph Little John Yewell William Jones Joseph Hook WESTERN PRECINCTS April 20th 1816 The W. P. Commissioners Met. Present Messrs. Wm Krebs Moses Hands John W Berry William Jones Proceeded with the, EST.VBLISHMENT OF THE LiNES OF LeXINGTON St. The North side of said Street, The Pillars of the Western Precincts Market house are cor- rect. The North side of said Street near Cove Street, is south nine feet from a stone planted in the second line of a Tract of Land called Welsh's Adventure which stone stands North 85° E. 12 feet from the east side of Cove street. 224 RECORDS OF Lexington Street, is sixty six feet wide and the South side thereof is Established parallel to the N'orth side J L Wampler Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk W. PKECINCTS April 20th 1816. The W. P Commissioners Met Present Messrs. John W. Berry Moses Hand &- William Jones The Clerk laid before the Board the following Petition which was Read and Accepted, Baltimore April 1st 1816 To the Western Precincts Streets Commissioners Gentlemen We the subscribers two-thirds of the Property owners on Hamilton Street from the conjunction of Lombardy Streets and Saint Pauls Lane, to Charles Street, Request that said Street be Graded and Paved as soon as possible. Yours &c &c, Signed, Michael McBlair Philip Horn William Mask Neal Morrison Isaac Mask also. The Clerk laid before the Board the following Petition, which was Read accepted and thirty days Notice ordered to be given to the property owners on said alley to pave the footways agreeably to said petition To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts Gentlemen We the subscribers Owners of i)roperty on Short alley be- tween Lexington Sts and Saratoga Street request that you will have the foot pavements paved on said Alley forthwith, Baltimore 20th April 1816. Signed Frederick Kreig Henry Stouffer F. Pine Augt. Seswaterne Christn. Keener Thomas Kilbrath Daniel Reismann BALTIMORE CITY. 225 April 24th 1816. Received the folloAving Petition whidi Kcad and accepted, Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen I request that you will be pleased to Establish the lines of my Lot, on Davids Fancy near Back Street as soon as may be convenient April 24th 1816 Signed his Philip (X) Sitzler mark WESTERN PRECINCTS 4th May 1816 The Commissioners Met Present Messrs. William Krebs John W Berry William Jones The Clerk laid before this board a Counter Petition for Pav- ing Franklin St from Pine to Cove Street modifying the for- mer petition by leaving out the paving of that part of said Street in front of W. L Pearces property, — Read, and de- ferred in consequence of there not being a sufficient number of signers to justify the same agreeably to Law. The Clerk also laid before this board the folloAving Petition, which was read and accepted To the Western Precincts Streets Commissioners Gentlemen The subscribers being owners of adjoining Lots situated on Washington Street in the Western Precincts Baltimore and there being a i)robibility of permanent improvements being made, on a ])art thereof They are therefore desirous of having the division Line accurately ascertained and permanently fixed, They therefore request that you will appoint some convenient day, and agreeably to the powers vested in you board deter- mine and fix the same Baltimore April 14th 1816. Signed, George Warner John Sands, 226 RECORDS OF W. PRECINCTS May 4tli, 1816 Grade of Hamilton from Lombardy to Charles Street The W. P. Commissioners met. Present Messrs. William Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand & William Jones Graded Hamilton Street from Lombardy to Charles Street Ran from the West side of Lombardy Street Ascent to the East side of Charles Street May 17th 1816. Received the following Application Avhich was Read and accepted Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the subscribers reques that you will Establish the Lines of our Lots situated at the Corner of Eutaw and frankin Streets as soon as may be convenient Baltimore May 14 1816 Signd Andrew Patterson Jarett Bull WESTERT^ PRECINCTS May 17th 1817 Establishment of the Division Lines between the Lots of Geo. Warner and John Allbright, on Washington Street. The W. P. Commissioners met Present Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand & William Jones Established the Division Line between John Allbright and George Warner from Washington Street to Elbow Lane as per BALTIMORE CITY. 227 Deed from the said -lolin Allbriglit to the said George Warner Dated A|)i'il 2iid 1S06. Gratifying the calls in said deed men- tioned respecting the Distances, not the courses Avhich where found by sundry admeasurements to be erroneous as to their bearing. Beginning foi- the said Division Line at the distance of S. 54° W. 49 feet from a stone heretofore planted at the end 40 ps on S. E. 80 ps line of a tract of Land called Ridgleys De- light which stone stands on the South Est side of Washington Street on the old George Town Road, and running thence S. 42° E. to the North west side of Elbow Lane meeting a point 'N. 49° E. 77y2 feet from the eastern Corner of the said George Warners Brick Stable standing on the N. W. side of the said Elbow Lane J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk BALTIMORE W. PRECINCTS 17th May 1816 Establishment of the Lines of Philip Sitzleks' Lot, on David's Fancy near to Back St. On the 8th of May 1816. The W. P. Commissioners Met Present Messrs Wm Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand & William Jones Established Philip Sitzlers Lot Beginning for the same at the distance of IST 81%° E 641/4 feet from a Stone heretofore established on the east side of Back Street being the beginning of a Lease from Richard Moale to Henry Brown for 31/2 Acres part of Davids Fancy dated April 13th 1780 and Running thence S 9%° E 107yo feet to Fitzger- alds house at the distance of N 81%° E 161/4 feet from the North west corner of said house then N 81%° E 38 feet then N 91/0° W 107 VL' feet then South 81%° W. 38 feet to the Beginning— J L Wampler Sy Jo SuMWALT.Ck , 228 RECORDS OF Baltimore W. P. May 27the 1816 Establishment of the Lines of Andrew Pattersons & Jar- RETT Bulls Lots, of ground at the Intersection of Frank- lin AND EuTAw Streets. The W. P. Commissioners Met Present Messrs. William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand & William Jones Commenced with the Establishment of A Patterson & J Bulls Lots. From the west end of Martin F. Maliers Brick House on the North side of Franklin Street, as heretofore Established ran thence with Franklin Street S. 871/2° W. 181/2 feet to the East of Jarrett Bulls lot, still with said street S 871/2° W I8I/2 feet to the East side of Andrew Patterson Lot still with said street S. 871/2° W. 20 feet to Eutaw Street N". 21/2° W. 80 feet being 201/2 feet south from the S. W. Corner of Jarett Bulls Brick House then parallel with Franklin Street N". 871/2° E. 20 feet to Jarrett Bulls Lot fronting on Franklin Street, then with that lot parallel to Eutaw Street S. 21/.° E 80 feet to franklin Street and then binding on Franklin Street as before stated S 871/2° W. 20 feet to Eutaw Street, Jarrett Bulls Lot. Beginning on the N^orth side of Franklin Street S. 871/2° W. I8I/2 feet from Martin F. Mahers House as above stated and running with said Street S. 871,/'° W. 18i/> feet to Andrew Pattersons Lott then parallel with Eutaw Street N". 21/.° W. 100 feet meeting a point six inches south from the wall of his Brick house, fronting on Eutaw Street and twenty feet east of the. ISTorth West Corner of said house, then parallel with Franklin Street N 871/2° East I8I/2 feet meeting a point four and an half feet easterly from the South East corner of the said eTarrett Bulls Brick House, fronting on Eutaw Street, and then by a straight line to the beginning. J L Wampler Sy Jo SUMWALT Ck BALTIMORE CITY. 229 Baltimore County To Wit. On the 51 li of -I line 1816 Personally appeared Joseph Sum- wait before me the Subscriber One of the Justices of the Peace ill and tor the County aiforesaid and took the following Oath — viz, I Joseph Sum wait do solemnly Swear that I will act as Clerk to the Commissioners appointed for the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls agreeably to an act of the General Assem- bly of Maryland passed November Session 1810 and the Several Suplements thereto and make out and keep a fair record of there proceedings had and done under and by virtue of the act of Assembly and the Several Supplements thereto, and in every other respect faithfully and honestly discharge the several du- ties of my appointment to the best of my Skill and judgment So lu'lp iiu" (Jod Jos Sum WALT Wm. Ashman Know all men by these presents that we Joseph Sumwalt William Krebs and Frederick Sumwalt of Baltimore County are held and firmly bound unto John Davis William Ivrebs Moses Hand John W. Berry and William Jones Commissioners of the Precincts of the City of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls, in the Sum of Five thousand dollars money of the United States of America to be paid to the Said Commissioners for the Pre- cincts of the City of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls their Cer- tain attorney Successors or assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves and each of us, our, and each, of our, heirs executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly, by these presents, sealed with our Seals and dated this Fifth day of June in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Joseph Sumwalt Shall well honestly and faithfully discharge the office of Clerk to the Commissioners appointed to level, and grade, fix and establish, the Courses and boundaries, of the Several squares, streets, lanes, or alleys, in the Precincts of Baltimore west of Jones' Falls, Agreeably to an Act of As- sembly passed Jany 6th 1810 and the Sever?: 1 Supplements 230 RECORDS OF thereto, Then the foregoing obligation to be void and of I^one effect — if otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Joseph Sumwalt (Seal) "Wm. Krebs (Seal) Frederick Sumwai-t (Seal) Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Wm. Ashman Baltimore W. P. 5th June 1816 Received and Read the following Petition which was ac- cepted, Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen, I request that you will be pleased to Establish the division Line between my Lot and John Brackens Lot Situated on the west side of Eutaw Street between franklin Street and Ross Street, as Soon as possible Yours &c Signed Geo. W. Bayley Baltimore W. P. June 14th 1816 Establishment of the division Line between the Lots, ov Geo W. Bayly and John Bracken on Eutaw Street. The W Precincts Commissioners met. Present Messrs — William Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Established the division Line between the lots belonging to George W Bayly and John Bracken, on Eutaw Street, which is three feet five inches, south from the North West Corner of John Brackens brick house on Eutaw Street, opposite the door cill of said House, Jo Sumwalt Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 231 "Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen AVc tlio Subscribers Request that you will be pleased to Es- tablish the South east Corner of Peach alley and Pearl Street as soon as possible 15 June 1815 Yours Servs Signed Joseph Capell James Chalmers John Zimmerman Henry White John King Baltimore W. P. June 18th 1816— The W. P. Commissioners Met Present Messrs. Wm Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand & William Jones The Clerk laid before this Board the following Petition which was read and accepted, Western Precincts Sts Commissioners Gentlemen We the subscribers two-thirds of the property owners on a Twenty feet alley between Mulberry and Franklin Streets run- ning parallel with said streets, Request that said alley may be paved without Curb Stone from Saint Pauls Lane untill it intersects another twenty feet alley, as Soon as may be possible Yours &c &c Signed R B. Mitchell Wm Fulford John. J. Donaldson Geo. Mathiot The Clerk laid before the board the following Petition which was read and accepted Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the subscribers wish you to have Mulberry Street Paved from Eutaw Street to Pine Street, being two-thirds of the prop- erty holders on ssid street, yours with respect &c &c 232 KECOKDS OF Signed, Benjamin Eggleston D. Williamson Jolin Zimmerman Stewart Brown John King George Fringer Daniel Dayly W McMeclien Thomas Maybury Susanna Smith John Gatchell R Moore Jacob Moellinger L. Tiernan Charles Freman J Latour James Pawley Owen Dorsey for Methodist Frederick Kreig Church Joseph Capite June 28th 1816 S. W. Corner Peach Alley and Pearl Street. The Commissioners met Present William Krebs John W Berry M Hand Wm Jones Established the South West Corner of Peach Alley and Pine Street South 41/0 Inches from the North East corner of Brick Houses now building by George Peters Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore W. P July 8th 1816 The W Precincts Commissioners Met this day at the office, Present, Messrs. William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand William Jones The Clerk read the following Petition which was accepted, to The Commissioners of the Western Precincts We the subscribers being two-thirds of the property owners on Union Alley from Lexington Street to Saratoga Street do hereby Petition that the same may be paved May 7th 1816. BALTIMORE CITY. 233 Signed William Lonuan L. Pascault Jno F. Gibney P. L. Tanner -lolui G. ISTeale Andrew Dalcke William Ball Adam Welsh Tlie Clerk Road \\w folloAviiig- Petition which was accepted. Baltimore 20th June 1816 To the Western Precincts St Commissioners Gentlemen We the owners of property on Saratoga Street, wish you to have the . same paved from Green street to the west side of Union Lane Signed Adam Welsh George Peters Foster Maynard L Pascault her Rebecca (X) Brightman mark Henry Myers her Rachael (X) Mathews mark Baltimore July Sth 1816 The Clerk read the following Petition, which was accepted. Baltimore June 6th 1816 To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts of Baltimore. Gentlemen We the Subscribers being two-thirds of the Property holders on Holliday Street, between fish and Center Streets, request you to have Holliday Street paved as soon as may be Convenient from fish to Centre Streets. Signed Samuel Cooper Jacob White Redman Grace Mathew McColm Danl Kalbfus John Curlet Samuel Fernandis John Yeiser Jr. John Hildt Marcus McCausland Frederick Jordon Jacob Hun await Richard Perry Peter Swaurts 234 RECORDS OF Baltimore July 8tli 1816 The following Petition was Read and accepted Baltimore 24th May 1816. To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts Gentlemen We the subscribers owners of Pro^Derty on Cherry Alley, be- tween Pearl and Pine Streets wish you to have the said Alley Paved with Curb Stone on each side, as soon as Pearl Street is paved Signed Daniel Daley Jacob Moellinger Patrick Caughy Benjamin Eggleston James Grieves P. L. Tanner Stephen Joice John Gambrall James Davis Wm Hollins John Martin John Mathews Uriah Jones W. F. Athey IT P Low Luke Tiernan John Zimmerniiui Baltimore July 8th 1816 — Read the following Petition which was accepted Baltimore 3rd June 1816 To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts Gentlemen We the Subscribers three fourths of the JSTumber of the own- ers of Property on the South Side of Franklin Stret between Pearl and pine Streets wish you to have the footways Paved on the South Side of Franklin Street, Signed Wm Hollins James Grieves Danl Dayly W. F. Athey Saml Smyth Rezin Hammond Baltimore W. P. July 15the 1816 The Western Precincts Commissioners Met this day on Mul- berry Street for the ])urpose of Examining the Grade thereof. iiALTIMORE CITY. 235 Present Messrs William Krebs John W. Berry Moses. Hand & William Jones MiLBERKY Street, to descend at a regular grade from Paca Street West to Gfreen Street and from Paca Street, East at a regular descent to Eiitaw Street, the Curb Stone to be set agree- ably thereto Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore W P. July 18th 1816 The W. Precincts Commissioners Met. Present Messrs. William Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Bead the following application which was accepted To the W. Precincts Commissioners The Undersigned Owners of property binding on a 20 feet alley, running parallel to Charles Street from franklin to Mul- berry Street, agree to have the same Graded and paved by the Commissiones of the Western Precincts, and paved by John McXulty McNulty on the usual terms and we desire that the same may be done immediately, Balto 22d June 1816 Signed Geo P Stevenson J no McKini Jr. Jno J Donaldson Philip Wallis H W Evans B B Mitchell Baltimore W. Precincts 19th July 1816 Received the following Petition which was Read and accepted. The Commissioners for the Western Precincts are requested 236 KECORDS OF to Establish tlic South East intersection of Carlvert and St Pauls Streets as soon as possible, and Oblige their Obt Servants Balto 16th July 1816 Signed Geo Williams for self, Susan Susan Williams Mary Williams and Mar- James Mosher. tha Williams July 23d 1816. Received and Read the following which was accepted, To the Western Precincts Street Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers request you to Establish our respective Lots of Ground and fix the boundries and courses thereof situate on the ferry Point Road, and to Establish Said Road which is required to be done as soon as can be attended to. Baltimore July 2nd 1816 Signed Wm Lorman Joseph Cox Christopher Hughes Cumb Dugan Le Loup Edward Haythrop Alexander Gould Philip Deaver John Gordon John McFerran Thomas Armstrong Jno H Rogers James Jaffray John Fitzgerald, A. Sellers Baltimore W P. July 30th 1816 Establishment of the S. W., N. W., N. E. mmissioners appointed for the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls agreeably to an act of tlie General Assembly of Maryland passed at November Session 1810, and the several Sui)plements thereto and make out and Keep a fair Record of their ])roceedings had and done under and by virtue of the act of Assembly and the Several Supplements thereto, and in every other respect faithfully and honestly discharge the several duties of my appointment to the best of my Skill and judgement So help me God. Joseph Sumwalt Wm. Ashman April 12th 1817 Grade of Sellmans Alley from Georege to Biddle Street. The Commissioners Met Present Messrs. William Krebs John M Berry Moses Hand William Jones Established Graded and condemned as a public higway Twenty feet wide Sellmans Alley Ran from the west side of George St. as heretofore Graded N". 43° W. parallel to the Turnpike Road at a Regular Grade of an ascent of T 51' to the east side of Biddle Street meet- ing a point six Inches higher than the Eastu. gutter of Biddle Street. J L Wampler Sy Jo Sumwalt Clk 254 RECORDS OF Baltimore April 24tli 1817 The Western Precincts Commissioners Met Present Wm Krebs Jno. W. Berry M. Hand "Wm Jones Received and Read the following Letter of Resignation from Jas Beatty as a Commissioner of W. Precincts Baltimore 22nd April 1817 Sir, I have rd. your ]^ote of the 20th of February last announc- ing my appointment as a Commissioner of Western Precincts of Baltimore. I am sensible of the Honour intended and would with great pleasure have performed the duties of that station had I time to devote to them, but situated as I am it is out of my power you will therefore be pleased to notify the gentlemen of that Board that I can not accept the appoint- ment I am Respectfully Your obt Sevt. Signed Jas Beaty. Mr Jos. Sumwalt. Baltimore April 28th 1817. Received the following Application viz Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers request that you will Establish the Divi- sion Lines between our Lots Situated on Union Lane between Lexington and Saratoga Streets as soon as may be convenient — respectfiilly Sg Andrew Dalck George Myers BALTIMORE CITY. 255 Baltimore May 16th 1817 EsTAltLLSllMKNT DaNIEL ScH WAKTZAUk's LoTS ON "UpTON Court. The Commissioners met Present Wm Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand 1st. Established the 1^ E Corner of the Tavern to be Ten Inches within the limits of the Street then ran at right angle to said street South 241/.° ^ g perches then N'orth 65%° W. ten perches parallel to the said Street then N" 24l^° E 8 perches to the said Street and then by a straight line to the beginning 2nd. The south West Corner is Established ISTorth 841/0° E 79 feet two inches from the Tavern house and running thence ]Sr 24° E 401/4 ps to the northern end of the foot wall two feet west therefrom then north westwardly binding on the water of the North west branch of Patapsco river untill it intersects a line drawn from a point or end of a line drawn on the north side of the said main Street at the distance of twenty four perches from the beginning then with the line so drawn first as aforesaid S 241/;° ^^ to the said main Street and then ■with the said main Street S. 65i/o° E. 24 ps to the first men- tioned place of beginning J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk Received the follig communication Baltimore 16th May 1817 Gentlemen We have to inform you that we have agreed upon the course of Charles Street among ourselves and therefore desire you A\ill not proceed any further in that matter. Very respectfully Signed W. D. Canningham Kichard Catrem Saml Chase Thos Chase R G Harper for Selfs Jno E Howard 256 RECORDS OF Baltimore May I7tli 1817. The W. P. Commissioners met Present William Krebs Jolin W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Received and Read tlie following application viz . April 24tli 1817 The Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers owners of property on Calvert Street be- tween Bath and John Streets, do Request that the said section of Calvert Street be paved under your jurisdiction as soon as can be done Signed Robert Mill President of Owen Allen the Water Co. and the Thomas Myers Calvert St Building N. Price Compy his Solomon Etting. John (X) McNulty Roby Harper mark May 17th 1817 Establishment of the Division Lots Andrew Dalck and George Myers on Union Lane. The Western Precincts Commissioners met Present Messrs. William Krebs John W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones The A^orth AVest intersection of Lexington and Pearl Streets is Established S 1V2° E 26 feet from the S. E. corner of Geb- BALTIMORE CITY. 257 noys two story Brick liouse then N. 1V2° W 197 feet to the (listniicc of six inches south of George Myers' house. The end of the division line between the parties aforesaid Stops six inches Short of the yard wall of Andrew Dalcks and eighteen feet seven inches south from the said Andrew Dalcks slaughter House J L Wampler Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore May 19th 1817. Establishment ok the South west Corners of Back and Cross Streets. The Commissioners Met. Present William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Established the South west Corner of Back and Cross Street, Avhich is S 81%° W 521/. f^g^ fj-oni a Brick house standing on the South east corner of the said Streets. Then Also Es- tablished the North west corner of said Streets which point is to be found by measuring diagonally across said Street, 72% feet to the corner of the aforesaid Brick house on the S. E. corner of said Streets and also by measuring Eastwardly 5814 feet to the S. W. Corner of a Brick house Standing nearly on the east side of Back Street and within the Limits of Cross Street and the said Cross Street between the Eerry Point Road and Back Street is hereby condemned as a public high- way. J L Wampler Sy Jo SuMWALT Clk Received the following Application viz, Baltimore May 22nd 1817. Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers Request that you will Condemn as a Public Highway and Establish the lines of Back Street to 258 RECORDS OF Cross Street and Cross Street from the Ferry Point Road to Back Street and tlie JSTortli west and South west corners of said Back and Cross Street Signed Henry G. Freburger his John McFerran Abraham (X) Urby Joseph Owens mark Thomas Dempster John Fitzgerald Ms John S Adams Austim (X) Fitzgerald Danl Schwartzaur mark John Hilbert Peter Armstrong -Levy Eiggin Elijah Jones Baltimore May 30th 1817— Grade of Holliday Street from Fish to Center St. The Commissioners Met Present Wm Krebs Moses Hand Wm Jones From the North gutter of Fish Street North with the East gutter of Holliday Street at a Descent of 281/2' to the Center of the Culvert heretofore made across Said Street then at an ascent of 28I/2' to the distance of 120 feet beyond the south Gable end of John Hildts House then at a descent of 281/2' to the South gutter of Bath Street meeting a point 1 foot 9 inches lower than the top of the lower Cill of Moores Bridge and then at an ascent of 2 8 1/2' to the South gutter of Center Street— The Said Section of Said Street is hereby Condemned as a Public Highway J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk Received the following Application (viz) The Western Precincts Commissioners are Requested to Es- tablish the Boundary Lines of My Lot Situated on Franklin Street between Saint Pauls Lane and franklin Street James P\wley Baltimore June 24th 1817. BALTIMORE CITY. 259 Baltimore 27tli June 1817. Jlccoived the following Application viz To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts of the City of Baltimore. The Subscribers Bequest the Establishment of the lines of a Lot of ground Situate on Pratt Street & Lombard Street. Con- veyed by John E Howard to Adam Garhard on the 28th of April 1787 and by him Conveyed to John Hoss the 28th April 1790 Owen Dorset Trustee for the sale of the Estate of Jno. Hoss Baltimore July 3rd 1817. Beceived the following Application viz Baltimore 28th June 1817. To the Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers composing a legal Majority thereon, Be- quest that you will condemn Grade and Pave that part of Hamilton Street from Charles Street to Cathedral Street as soon as Convenient. Signed Crosdale & Gibson Robert Carey Long R. Virgin Cothour Geo Hoffman. Baltimore July 3rd 1817. Beceived the following Application Baltimore June 28th 1817— Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen We the Subscribers composing two-thirds of the property owners on Bichmond Street from Cathedral Street to Bolton Street Bequest that you will condemn as a public Highway and Grade said Bichmond Street within the aforesaid Limits. 260 RECORDS OF Signed John E. Howard Jolin Hatterson Wm Lovell Abraham Boothe Abraham & Jno White Henry Collmary John Shortt William Staylor R. G. Harper for self Anthony Hitselberger & Richard Caton John Clark July 7th 1817 Hoss' Lot See Return from the Surveyor thereof below Baltimore July 7th 1817 The Commissioners met Hoss Lot on Pratt St. Brest. Wm Krebs M. Hand Wm Jones After making sundry admeasurements adjourned Baltimore July 7th 1817 Establishment Lines of Lot Este. John Hoss Decd. on l^ORTH Side Pratt Street. The W. P. Commissioners Met Present Messrs Wm Krebs William Jones M. Hand Established the Lot of Ground on Pratt St held by the late Jno Hoss Deceased Commencing for the same as per his title paper at the end of the seventh line of a Tract of Land Call'd Lunns Lett as run by two Degrees allowance for variation from the Boundary Stone standing at the end of the fifth Line of said Land and running thence Reverse with said Line two hundred and fifty eight feet to Lumbard Street then with said Street east parallel to Pratt Street one Hundred and Sixty nine feet meet- ing a point of seventy eight feet west from Green Street then south parallel with Green Street to Pratt Street then west with Pratt Street to the eight line of Lunns Lot and then by a straight Line to the Beginning J L Wampler Sy Jo Sumwalt Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 261 Baltimore July 12th 1817 — Tliu W. P. Commissioners met and Established James Pawleys Lot on Franklin Street. present Wm Krebs Jno W Berry Moses Hand William Jones Established the N E Corner of Franklin Street and Saint Pauls Lanes which point is found by measuring from the west side of James Pawleys on Franklin Street west 46 feet meeting a point of a line drawn I^orth 71 feet 8 Inches from a Brick Building on the south east intersection of Franklin Street and Saint Pauls Lane Then Established the above mentioned James Pawleys Lot as per application which commences East from the corner or intersection as above stated of Franklin Street and Saint Pauls Lane at the distance of 45 feet then running East 261/2 feet on franklin Strt Then established the North end of said Pawleys Lot to be east 45 feet from the corner of Sater Stevenson house at the in- tersection of Hamilton Street and Saint Pauls Lane then east on Hamilton Street 261/2 feet J L Wampler Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore July 12th 1817^ The Commissioners met. Present William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand William Jones Received and Read the following Application Baltimore June 25th 1817 — To the Western Precincts Commissioners The undersigned being two thirds of the property owners be- tween Pearl and Cove Street on Market Street extended re- quest the same to be graded and that part between the crown of the Bridge and Fergusson Street Paved Also the footway 262 RECORDS OF on the South Side of said Street from Pearl to Cove Street paved Signed Paul Ruckle Wm. McCartee J. & J. Sullivan John Stinchcomh Solomon Etting provided Alexr Robinson the lowest part be the Jas Norris Jr crown of the Bridge to Jos A Sturchka convey all the water into H P Low the river Leonard Pouder Henry Payson Iskael Hussey John W Berry Geo. Hoffman Christopher Raborg Lewis Rippert Jacob Newman Jr Robt Sinclair Hugh Hamilton Elder & Taylor Jacob Israel Wm Norris Jr Peter Wyant Jr R. A Shipley Baltimore July 17th 1817 Grade of Hamilton Street from Charles to Center St. The Commissioners Met Present Messrs William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Ran from the East side of Charles Street then west Descent 214° 13 feet to the east gutter of Charles Street then ascent 57' 40 feet to the west gutter of Charles Street and then ascent 11/2° to Cathedral Street meeting a point 9 Inches higher than the east gutter of Cathedral Street Baltimore July 18th 1817. Howard Street Grade from Moores Orchard to Richmond Street. The Commissioners met Present Wm Krebs Moses Hand Wm Jones Jno W Berry BALTIMORE CITY. 263 I-'roiii the end of George "W. Moores Orchard or pavement at an ascent of 1 -' 9' to the distance of 21 feet South of Mr. Arrni- tages Lot on the East side of Howard Street then with a descent of 30' meeting a point 9 inches above the top of a stone Stand- ing at the Sonth east intersection of Howard and Richmond Streets J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk Baltimore July 18th 1817. Grade Richmond Street from Cathedral to Bolton Street. The Commissioners met present William Krehs Moses Hand William Jones John W Berry The following agreement was handed the Commissioners be- ing the Grade agreed on by the parties conserned for Richmond Street having examined the same and finding it to corresponde with their opinion of a grade for the said Street it was accord- ing- ordered to be Recorded. We whose names are hereunto Subscribed, being owners of property on Richmond Street in the western Precincts of Balti- more, do agree that the said Street shall be graded as follows, to wit. Beginning twenty one inches below the door cill of Arthur O' J^eills house on the north eastern corner of Bolton and Richmond Street and running thence south easterly with the northern gutter of Richmond Street with a dt^scent of two degrees and twenty four minutes, one hundred and sixty two feet to the curb stone of an alley easterly of Owen Dorseys house, (which grade passes fifteen Inches lower than the top of the door cill of said Dorseys house) then with a descent of one degree and twenty four minutes one hundred and eighty six feet to the easterly side of the intended water way to be pur- chased of John Stark then with an ascent of one and an half degrees one hundred and ninety six feet, and thence with a de- 264 KECOEDS OF scent of one degree and three minutes three hundred and Sixty two feet to Cathedral Street — In witness wherefore we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this eight day of N"ovember in the year Eighteen hundred and fifteen Witness Signed pr agreement filed John E Howard (Seal' George Grundy (SeaP "Wm Gibson (Seal^ "Wm Lovell (Sear Jno McNulty (Seal^ John Clark (Seal^ William Staylor (SeaP Jno Lampley (SeaP A White & Son (Seal^ RoBT G Harper (Seal^ Baltimore July 29th 1817 Grade Market Street Extended from Green to Cove Street. The Commissioners Present Wm Krebs M Hand Jno W Berry Wm Jones From the Center of the Stone Bridge at John Mathews mo- rocco factory Ran west with said Market Street at an ascent of 42' to Cove Street meeting a point two feet higher than Cove Street Grade From the Center of the aforesaid Bridge Ran east with said above mentioned Street at an ascent of 1'^ 30' to the west gutter of Green Street J L Wampler Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk BALTIMORE CITY. 265 Baltimore August 7tli 1817 — The Western Precincts Commissioners met. Present William Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand William Jones Received and Read the following Letter from Mr. Jessop President of Baltimore and Reisters Town Turnpike Road Com- pany To the Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen the Enclosed is the Resolve of the Board of Managers for the Baltimore and Frederick turn pike Road Company by which we will discover it is made my duty to attend to that part of Baltimore Street extended as you are about to pave I have no fears as to the correctness of your Grade as far as you are about to Repave but shall you stop your work at any point between the Bridge and Cove Street and thereby cause an impediment or obstruction in the free course of the water running down to the culvert it may become necessary to remove that obstruction which I hope you will consider must be done without any ex- pence whatever to the said company. Your Obt Sevt Wm. Jessop V Prestd pr Balto. & F. Baltimore 7tli August 1817 T. T R Cy. Baltimore January 1817 Resolved that leave be given to Alexr. Robinson and others to Run that part of the Baltimore & Fredk Turn pike Road west of Market Street Culvert So that the Road be put and left in Complete order under the Direction of the Presdt Baltimore August 7th 1818 — Received the following Application Commivssioners Present Wm Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones 266 RECORDS OF The Commissioners of the Western Precincts are Respectfully requested to Establish and fix the south West Corner of Biddle Street and Price and the north west corner of Biddle Street and Ross Street as soon as Convenient hy their Obedient Robert Walsh Baltimore 7th August 1817. Baltimore August 23rd 1817 — South West Corner of Biddl. and Price Street and the North West Corner of Biddl. & Ross Street. The Commissioners met Present Messrs. William Krebs Moses Hand William Jones Established the Southern Corner of Bidde and Ross Streets which point is found N 43yo E 6.4 ps from the l»I"orth East side of Michaels Krafts House (brick) on the North West side of Biddle Street being the South West side of a Stone heretofore planted at the said Corner and Ran with the North West side of Biddle Street N 43 Mi E 32yo perches to Paca Street where a stone is now planted — the eastern Corner thereof is the true intersection J L W AMPLER Sj Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore August 28th 1817 — The Western Precincts Commissioners met Present William Krebs John W Berry William Jones Received the following application To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts of the City of Baltimore J „ ! Gentlemen We the subscribers holding property in Lots of ground on Union Street and Pearl Streets, under deed or deeds from BALTIMORE CITY. 267 Christian Bauni and Daniel Lanimot & others do most respect- fully request you to fix and establish the boundaries of our Re- spective Lots on Said Streets We are Gentlemen Your Most obt Servants Signed Alexander Yearley Samuel Shaw "William Jones -Tiio Tiothrock Josep Hook Baltimore Augt 25. 1817 Received the following application Baltimore August 28th 1817 — To the Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen finding myself in a difficult Situation and much to my In- jury in the present establishment of the South east Corner of Mulberry and Pearl Street — my petition and prayer is to your honours to establish the said Coimer according to John Smith, plat being the original and true plat of the real proprietor this true plat not being in possession of you honours nor the owners of the property having the least knowledi^e of it, has unfortunately removed the present corner considerably on my ground and much to my loss I therefore petition to your honours to remove the mistake and establish the same to its former situation I am Gentlemen your most obedient Geo. Peters Baltimore August 28th 1817 — The Western Precincts Commissioners met Present Messrs Wm Krebs Jno W Berry M. Hand Wm Jones The Board Received an application from property OAvners on the South side of Mulberry Street signed by the following per- 268 RECORDS OF sons requesting that the footways thereof may cut down and paved as soon as possible per application filed Signed Jno L Hammond Adam L. Kyle Jno A Morton Jr F P. Donaldson A. Hale Sylvester Zoll Henry Osgood ISTathl G Maxwell Received the following Application Baltimore September 7th 1817 To The Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen The undersigned holding property on North Howard Street extended wish to have the same paved in the folloAving Spring from the North east corner of Moores Orchard, to the North West corner of Richmond Street, Signed Emmon Hussey John Walsh Isaac Knight James McKinnell Rufus Eddy John Ready Danl Kone Thomas Connolly Barney Donoho Jere Sullivan Thomas Sheridan A Worthington Joseph Jarvis John Hauptman Wm Lovell Hugh Griffin John McKinnell Ben. Armitage Robert Harbison John Dougherty Jr James Timon Fredk Sumwalt Charles McClean W. W. Handy John G. Neale John Stevenson H Winters James B Shaw Joseph Sumwalt was appointed and continued as clerk to the Commissioners of the Precincts of Baltimore West of Jones' Falls for the cnsueing Year and is required to give Bond with security to iimount of Five Thousand Dollars Baltimore 16th September 1817 The Western Precincts Commissioners met in compliance with an application from Property owners on Union St and UALTIMOKE CITY. 269 Pearl Street i-equestiiig the establishineiit of the lines of their Lots hiiidiiin- t hereon Corars Present William Krebs Jno. W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Established the square of Gronnd bounded by Union Saratoga Pearl and Lexington Streets withe the lines of the respective Lots thereon as appears per plat Signed by the parties Con- serned September — 1817. Jo SUMWALT Clk (Ed. — For plat See Original Book.) We the Subscribers proprietors and holders of ground, in the Square bounded by and lying between Greene, Saratoga, Pearl and Lexington Streets, Do agree to the Within Piatt as the true and legal location and description of our respective lots As Witness our Hands this 20th day of September 1817 Signed Alexander Yearley Jno E. Kigden Samuel Baum for William Jones Margaret Baum Joseph Hook John Rothrock Daniel Lammot by Alexr. Samuel Shaw Yearley his Agent Baltimore 25th Sept 1817 The Western Precincts Commissioners met Present Messrs. Wm Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand Wm Jones To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts Gentlemen We the Subscribers Request that you will establish the North Line of Mulberry Street from Pearl Street to Union Street 270 RECORDS OF agreeably to John Smiths Plats of said Street — and also the Corners thereof Respectfully George Peters Leonard Pouder Baltimore 24th Sept 1817. Baltimore September 28th 1817 Received the following Application To the Commissioners of the "Western Precincts of Baltimore. You are Requested to meet as soon as may be and locate the square of Ground in the Western Precincts of Baltimore bound- ing on the North by Baltimore Street on the South by German Street on the East by Eutaw Street and on the West by Paca Street John E. Howard September 25th 1817. Baltimore October 6th 1817 The W P Commissioners met Present Jno W. Berry Moses Hand William Jones Made sundry admeasurements of Mulberry and Pearl Streets and the Square of ground contained on John Smiths plat — and the North east and south east corner of Mulberry and Pearl Streets — agreeably to an application signed by George Peters and Leonard Pouder after which the Commissioners adjourned for the purpose of examining plats papers &c &c relative to the above (Ed. — For plat See Original Book.) Baltimore October 7tli 1817 — Establishment Col. John E Howards Square of Ground BINDING on Market Paca German & Eutaw Streets. The Commissioners met Present Wm Krebs John W Berry Moses Hand William Jones BALTIMORE CITY. 271 Established Jolm Eagers IToAvards Square of Ground bounded on the North by Market Street on the west by Paca Street on the South by Gernian Street and on the east by Eutaw Street — The N'orth East Corner thereof is S 871/2° W. 821/2 feet from the N". W Corner of Galhighers Brick House on Baltimore and Eunning thenee with the south side of Baltimore Street S 871/2° W 301 Vo feet to Paca Street. The said square Puns south on Eutaw Street and Paca Street 172 feet to German Street — The South East Corner of said square is S 87i/o° W 81 feet 8 inches from a Brick shed which shed 214 feet north of German J L Wampleb Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore October 25th 1817 The Commissioners Met. present Messrs. John W Berry Moses Hand William Jones Received and Read the following Application Baltimore October 22nd 1817. To the Commissioners of the Western Precincts of the City of Baltimore Gentlemen We the Subscribers and proprietors of Lots on New Lane be- tween Eutaw St and long Alley do most Respectfully solicit you to attend and Settle and Establish the lines thereof by altering the former Corner on Eutaw Street has altered the Call of the leases we wish your Honours to grant your petitioner their Request as soon as may be practicable Signed Ignatus Boarman Peter Klunck Anthony Lynch 272 RECORDS OF Also Same Day Eeceived and Read tlie following applications To tlie Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen The Subscribers proprietors of Ground on Ross Street on both sides from Riddle Street to Smith Street, or a lane so Calld running throng "William McMechens Ground, Request to have the Roundaries established provided the Subscribers hereto Constitute a legal majority to call on you for such meas- ures Signed Solomon Etting John Lord Michael Riddlemoser Michael Kraft Ignatus Eoarman Wm McMechen John Walsh Saml P. Walker Michael Marek James Martin Raltimore Oct 30th 1817 Western Precincts Commissioners We the Subscribers Request to have the Line between George Poe and Michael Riddlemoser established from the Turnpike Road to Ross Street at the same time the Boundary lines of Ross Street are established Signed Edward Chaisty his Michael Riddlemoser James (X) Baffin Edward Ward mark Robert White Neal Dougherty Z Dunnigan Ignatus Boarman Received the following Application Oct 25th 1817 To the Western Precincts Commissioners Gentlemen I Request that you will Establish the Boundary Lines of a Lot of Ground leased by Martin Eichelberger to Horatio Berry and by him to John W Berry, Situated on Market Street ex- tended West of Union Street as soon as may be convenient Respectfully ^ ttt td i ■ John W Berry Baltimore 4th October 1817 BALTIMORE CITY. 27/5 Kccoivod and Read an application foi- the alteration of tlu; pavement of Gravel ally and Saint pauls Lane in sncli ;i iiianncr that gravel ally may carry off its own water tliroug and across Saint panls Lane Mr. Jones was appointed to examine the said Streets and as- certain in what most efficient manner the said np])lication may be complied with Upon examination it appeared that tlie ai)i)]ica(ioii above alluded to could not be Complied willi uiilill Gravel alley was condemn througth to another alley westwad of St Pauls Lane Consequently deferred. Jo SUMWALT Clk Baltimore Nov. 9th 1817 — Lines of Ross Street from Biddle to Smith Street and the Division Line Michael Riddlemoser and George Poe, On Reisters Road and Ross St. The Commissioners Met Present William Krebs Moses Hand John W Berry William Jones Establislied the Eastern Intersection of Ross and Biddle Streets I^. 43M.° E. 39% feet from Michael Krafts Brick house on Biddle Street thence North 431/4° W. 25yo ps to Michael Riddlemosers Lot The begiiming of Michael Riddlemosers Lot on the turnpike Road as per his title paper begins S 431/^° W. 3 feet 2 Inches from Jacob Hemmils Brick house meeting a ])oint of 4 inches eastward from the Western Corner of said House Adjourned to the 25th Inst Nov. 25th 1817 Commissioners Met Present as above Established the N. E. side of Ross Street near to Smith Street which is S. W. 4 tenths of a perch from Kennedy Longs Gar- deners House (a frame building) at a Locust tree. 274 BECORDS OF Ross Street is Sixty Six feet wide and is hereby Condemned as a public Highway J L Wamplek Sy Jo Sum WALT Clk Baltimore N^ovember 11th 1817 The Western Precincts Streets Commissioners met agreeably to public notice for the purpose of Establishing the Lots on the South side of new Lane between Eutaw Street and Long Alley — Ik consequence of the houses on said lane, their Locations differ from the Title papers Therefore we the Subscribers owners of Lots as aforesaid do request that the Establishment be made according to the plat an- next which is agreeably to the buildings, as now Erected and do request that this Instrument of Writing be recorded in the said precincts office to perpetuate our boundaries Signed Ignatius Boarman Josiah Reihm Peter Klunk Conrad Eberhart Anthony Lynch Benedick Funck J L Wampler Sy Jo SUMWALT Clk (Ed.— For plat See Original Book.) Baltimore N'ovr. 12th 1817— Establishment Lines of Jno W. Berry's Lot on Market Street Extended. The W. P. Commissioners Met Present Wm. Krebs M. Hand Wm. Jones Established the Division Line between Martin Eichelberger as per Deed from Dan'l Deady dated December 7th 1795 and Dan- iel Deady as per deed from Martin Eichelberger dated Dec 9th 1795 BALTIMORE CITY. 275 On "Baltimore Street extended west of Green Street which ])y sundry admeasurements is found to be at the western end of John W Berry's brick house on Baltimore Street being the North West Corner thereof and Running thence at right angh' to Baltimore Street to German Street From the aforesaid Cor- ner of J. W. Berrys brick house ran west with the south side of Baltimore Street in front of Horatios and John W Berry Lot, (formerly AndreAV Grub's Lot first Lesser) sixty feet — then at right angle to Baltimore Street south to the Xorth side of Ger- man Street meeting a point at the end of the second (two Lines drawn as follows videlicit : From the Center of a Boundary Stone Standing on German Street at the end of the fifth Line of a Tract of Land Calld Lunns Lot from said Stone north at Right angle to Baltimore Street to the north side of German Street, then Avith the ISTorth side of German Street— West One Hundred and twenty Six feet Signed J L Wampler Sy Jo SuMWALT Clk The foregoing Establishment is the last act of the Commis- sioners of the Precincts of Baltimore ivest of Jones' Falls rela- tive to the establishment of Lines — Grades &c. November 12th 1817— Jo Sumwalt Clk W P C. INDEIX. A. NAMK. PAGE. Accounts cxiiiniiuMl 28 rcrcrccs to settle. ... 38 Act iippointiu.i; Kasteru Pre- cinct ('oniiiiissknuTS vii Act apiiointinji Western Pre- cinct Coniniissioners. . . .111-11(1 Act translcrrini,' jiowers of Precinct Connnissioners. . . vii! Adri'on, Geo lit Albrisiht. Jolm— lot 22(j Alcock. Wm.— house 221 Alley between Fayette & Bal- timore iSts. (& east of Green St.. grade of. . 175 " east from and parallel with Charles St., i»eti- tion to establish and grade 117. 118 " establishment 120 from Mulberry St. to Chappel Alley, petition to pave and condemn. 1!)1 " from Saratoga St. to Louisiana Ave., grade, I.IS running east &. west be- tween Mulberry and Franklin Streets, and from North St. to I^a- rews Alley, grade. . . . li'>'2 small 4, 87 twenty feet, petition to grade 11 Alrick, Harmanioiis. .77, SO, 81, 84 " " house. . . 4.") Ai)])roiirint ion from Legisla- ture 21.-; Armstrong. Jas. .Jr., l»rick house 2.'t7 Tbos. -lot...l!»2. 194, 198, 209 As(iuith Addition 17, 2o St....7. 10, 15, 22, 39. 41. 59, 87 " a street east of. . 34 " grade 43,44,45,(12 " ■' " altered. . . . .V.» " i)aving..33, 34, 4(i, 52, 57, (!4. 05, 08 " " petition to grade, level, pave, es- tablish and con- demn 31 NAMK. PH:K. .\s(|nitli St.. jdat of, clerk to jirocnre 41 •' " Simi>son's lot on, 39 " " and Voi-k road in- tersection 42, 43 B. I'.ack St. and Cross St., inter- section of, estal)- lished 257 l)etition for. and lines of, lot near. . . .225, 227 Baker, Jas 34.59 Baltimore College 252 & Frederick Town Turn] like Road, 127. 105, 198 Keisterstown Turn- pike Boad. . .127, 104 (See also Keisters- town Turnpike Road. ) Eutaw, German & Paca Sts. lots. .. 270 St. (See Market St.) Water Co 250 Water Co.'s Mill.. 252 P.andeli. Michael 20 Bavly, Elisha T.— lot, 187, 191, 200 Geo W 230 Beatty. James 249, 254 Berry. Horatio — lot. establish- ment of lines 275 Berry. Horatio, petition for lines of lot 272 John W 150.171. 179.182,211.249 •• — brick house. 275 " ■ — lot, lines es- tablished . . 274 " " — lot, petition for lines.. . 272 P.iddic St. i^ George St. inter- section 221 " & I'rice St. inter- section 20(i " " & Ross St. inter- section 2GG Blue Ball Hills 30, 31, 91 Boehme. ("has 157 I'.ond, Benjamin 71 278 Index. NAME. PAGE. Bottle Alley ISl Boulden, Jehu 1 Howers, Martin 31 I'.rnckcu, Jolin— lot 230 Bridge St 2,10,14,16,17, GO, 100, 101, lO.j " " establishment 07 " grade 91,93,98,104 " grading and paving petition 82 " paving 94,90 Brison, Nathan G. — house... 18 Britton St 39, 50, 51, 87 " alterations 47 " petition to grade, pave and con- demn oO " paving 40, 46, 04 Brow of Gallows 30 Brown, Solomon 27, 31 Bnckhanau, Mr 37 Bull, Jarett— lot 220, 227 " — brick bouse.... 228 Burke, Nicholas 32, 39, 71 Burviiig Grounds — M. E. Church 210 Dunkert 188 C. Calvert St. condemned 253 " grade 145. 247. 252, 177 " notice 143 " grading petition. 142,247,251,250 " eV: St. I'aul St. in- tersection . . .235, 230 Camden St. grade 222 " grading and pav- ing petition.... 218 Cathedral & Franklin Sts. in- tersection 242, 244 Cemeteries — (See Burying Grounds.) Centre St 8,51 Chairman elected 1, 30, 32 Chamlierlains Alley, grade. . . 133 " " grading petition, 131 widtb of, 133 Chamberlain. Hoops 182 Chappill Alley grade 203 " " grading peti- tion. 201 Charles St., establishment of, 255 " and Franklin St. intersection. . . . 242 NAME. PAGE. Charles St., petition to grade and extend. . . . 250 ( iharles St. ( Fremont Ave. ) . 214 Chase St., petition to lay out, 250 Chatsworth 104 " St.. grade and con- demned 109 Cheny's Alley 190 Cherry -Mley, grade and con- demned 109 paving petition, 234 Chimney Sweep Districts. . . . 213 rules 190 " " superintend- ents. . .30. 37, 41, 42, 70, 78, 189, 212, 213, 217, 252 Cider Alley and Paca St. in- tersection 215 City Commissioners. 4, 7, 10, 40, 50 " limits 3,4,31,40,89,193 " lines from Roman Cath- olic Church to City Spring, petition for. 155 establishment 150 '• lines from City Spring to .Jones Town 175 " S]n'ing 157, 175 Clerk, accounts examined .... 28 appointed . . .39, 71, 117, 217 bond 32, 119. 183, 229 (lualihes 1.29,32, lis, 185, 229, 253 resigns 32 Clover, Wm 138 Coales Harbour 24 C^ole, Mrs 40 Collector 32, 39, 71, 105, 213 ( 'ommissioners — ( See City Commissioners, Eastern Precinct Commis- sioners, Western Precinct Connnissioners, S p e c i a 1 Commissioners.) Commissioners of Review on Cove St. Establishment. . . 100, 107, 168 Conn, Dau'l 1, 85, 87 " St. establishment 83 " grade 87 " " opened and con- demned 59, 63 Cook. Archibald 189, 213, 272 Courtland St. paving petition, 205 " width 170 Cove St. or Newington Road establishment. ..153, 154, 159, 102, 163. 164 Index. 279 NAME. PAGE. Cdvc St. cstablisliiiuMit. pro- te.st iijiainst KiG " ostahliislimcnl. Com- niissioiit'i's of Jlc- view IGO, 107, ins " ixrade Ki-l " " ,i;ra(U' notice ]r)i{ '• •• " iH'tition in2 Cove. Franklin, Pearl & Mnl- berry Sts., petition to .tirade and fix courses of streets inclosed by the above 151 Cove St.. width 1 (I'J. Kiu " " or Ne\vin,i?tou Koad l.").-} Cross & Back Sts. intersec- tion 257,258 St. condemned 257 Croxall, John 2i:! D. Dalck, Andrew— lot 25(5 — slauizihter house 257 Davids Fancy, lines of lot iu, 225 lot, lines of 227 Davis, John 117, 150, 179, 182 Deady, Dan'l— lot 274 Denmead, Adam 1, 32, 72 Dew, Jas. C 1. 29, 3li Dickerson, Uedian 40 Dobler, John M. — brick house. 9 Donaldson, J. J.— lot 209 Dorsey. Owen 117, 118 Duukert Burial Ground 188 E. Eastern Precinct Commis- sioners 1 , 29, 30, 31, 32, 71, 92, 93 Act Appointini: vii Otlice 1,32 No Provision for IClec- tiou 10(3,107 Powers Transferred viii East St , 10 Eden St 11,70 " yrade 72 EichelberKer. Martin — lot. . .. 272. 274 Elbow^ Lane 178, 180 Elverson, Mr. — brick house, 45 Establishments — Alley east from and paral- lel with Charles St 120 Back & Cross Sts. intersec- tiou 257 NAMK. PAGE. Establishments — Berry, J. W., lines of lot.. 274 Bridice St., from near For- rest St. to BriMon St 97 Calvert ^: St. Paul Sts. in- tersection 230 ( 'harles St 255 Cider Alley v*t En) aw Sts. intersection 100 Cider Alley it Paca St. in- tersection 215 City lines from It. C. Church to City Sprinj:;... 1.5(! City lines from City Spring to Jones Town 175 Conn St 83 Cove St 104 " ])rotest. ...1()(), 107, 1(J8 Eutaw St. & Cider Alley in- tersection 100 " & Franklin Sts. intersection 228 " & Lombard Sts. intersection 159 " & New Lane in- tersection 180 " & Saratoga Sts. intersection 180 Ferry Point Road 243, 245 Franklin & Eutaw St. in- tersection 228 George St 210 George St. & Reisterstown Turnpike Road intersec- tion 221 (Georgetown Road or Wash- ington St KjI Green St., Union St. and Reisterstown Turnpike Road junction 1.53 Jefferson St 177 Lexington St 223 Lexington, Union, Pearl & Saratoga St.— lots 209 Liberty St 23 Lombard & Eutaw Sts. in- ter.section 159 Long Alley & New Lane in- tersection 187 Lovegrove Alley 120 Lunns Lot Lane 21() McElderry St 22 Market St.— lot 274 Mulberry & Union St. — coi*- ner 151 New Lane & Eutaw St 180 & Long Alley... 187 Paca St. & Cider Alley 215 Peach Alley & Pear' St... 232 280 Index. NAME. PAGE. Estalilislimeuts — rearl St 127,138 *' Jjexiugton, Union & Saratoga St. — lots 2G9 " & I'each Alley in- tersection 232 Jieisterstown Tni-npilte Road & George St. intersection . 221 lieisterstown Turnpike Ivoad, Union & Green St. junc- tion 153 Itiddleuioser's h.t 273 Koss St. lines 273 " " & Biddle St. inter- section 2(iG St. I'aul & Calvert St. in- tersection 23(J Saratoga & Eutaw Sts. in- tersection 18(5 Sellnian, Jonzee — lot 21.5 Union St 17 " , Green St. & lieis- terstown Turn- pike Road junc- tion 221 " & Mulberry St. in- tersection 151 Upton Court, Lots on 255 Warner, Geo.— lot 22(; Washington St. or George- town Road It'll Whiskey Alley UJU lOutaw St. grade 122,141,143 & Cider Alley inter- section 1.5S, ICO &, Franklin St. inter- section and U)t on. . 22(i. 228 " German, Paca & Bal- tunore Sts 270 " iV: Lombard Sts. inter- section 1.58, 15!) & New Lane intersec- tion 180 t& Saratoga St. inter- section i8(! Street, lots on 230 l':wald, .John 11.— lot 243 F. Kayctic S(. grade 149, 175 " " grading i)etition, 12,5, ]2(). 134, 218 " " notice.. . 120, 138 NAME. PAGE. Ferry I'oint Road establish- ment. .237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 245 Fifteen feet, or Strawberry Al- ley 133 Finley, E 182 Fitzgerald, .John— lot 192, 194, 198, 209 " —house 227 Flagstones 17 Fleishall. Anthony — bridv laouse 215 Foltz, Wm.— lot 179 Forest Tjane paving petition. 240 Forney, David 129 Fort, Joshua 1 E^owble, I'eter — house 243 Franlvlin Banlc note 33 Franklin St. Agreement 220 i^ Cathedral St. in- tersection 242, 244 c^ Cliarles St. inter- section 242,244 St. condemned im, 173, 248 " & Eutaw St. inter- section 228 " " footway paving petilion 234 " grade. . .145, 1(J9, 173 " " " notices. .. 122,142,145,153 " " " petitions, 144, 220, 225 located and con- demned 248 " lots on . 194, 195, 209, 22(j, 228, 258, 201 Pearl, Mulberry & Cove Sts., petition to grade all Sts. and iix corners of Sts. enclosed liy. . 151 Frazer. .John 157 French St 8, 37, .50, 51, 87 "alterations 47 " " condennied 9 '• establishment. .9, 23. 24 " " grade 7, 8 " " paving 13, 07 " •' petition 1, 2 Friendshii) St 7, (51, 87 " establishments, 07 " grade ("3. (i(i " paving 84, 100 Fulford, Wm.— brick house.. 2(J9 Fulton. Wm. — brick house... 9 Index. 281 NAME, PAGE. (!. <;:ill()\vs, r.i'ow of .•{(), ',>A Hill 85 Ocbiu'.v's hrk'k house 2')7 Goiit'i-al Wayne liiu 21G George St. & Bicldle St. inter- section 2;5i " " estublisiniKMit. . . . 21(1 petition for. . 21 (i •• grade 20S, 2;iS, 23altimore Sts. and east of (ireen St. . . 17.1 frcjni Saratoga to JiOii- isiana Ave ir)8 running east & west between Mulberry & Franklin Sts. and from North St. to Larews Alley I(i2 As(iuith St 43, 44, 45, .11), (12 " grade altered. . H!) Bridge St ;n , !)3, !)S, 1 04 Calvert St 14."), 177, 247, 2r>2 Camden St 222 Chamberlains Alley 133 Chappill Alley 203 Chatsworth St i(i<) Cherry Alley i(i<"i «t icu, 171,174 Peach Alley 173 Pearce St 1 73 l'*'iii-l >^t (127,138) Pearl St. (Davis St.) 170 Peieirce St 173 I'ine St 147 I'leasant St ' 124 Riclimond St 2(i;> St. I'auls Lane 172,187,103 Saratoga St I4,s Scliroeder St 173 Spring St 14<) Twelve Feet Alley 20:! Twenty F(H't Alley 17r», 237 Union Lane 131; Union St ly Wlu.sk ey Alley 243 (Jrant, Peter 31 Gravel Alley, petition to change grade of 273 (ireen, SamI — lot 20 Green St " grade lo, 11, 12 " petition 3 " paving l(i, 10,20,40 Gi-ecuc St. extended 181 " grade and con- denmed 171 " Lexington, I'earl and Saratoga St. lots 200 " Union St. & Pici.s- terstown Road, petition to estab- lish juncliou. . .. l,-)3 " Union St. & Reis- terstown Road .lunction estal)- tablishment 1.14 (Jross & White 88 Grub, Andrew — lot 275 282 Index. H. NAME. PAGE. Halls Addition lOO Hamilton St. grade 22(). 2(;2 " " petition to grade and pave. 224, 2.")!) Hand. Moses 100. 170. 179, 182, 240 Hansoms Improvement 157 Hardesty, Henry 32 " " brick house. . 17, IS Harford Road, Old 31 " " paving 40 Harford St 1, 37, 87 " " condemned 1(> " grade 6,9,1(3 " petition 2 " paving 12 " width 16 Harris, J. F 119 Heath, Mr 43 Hemmil, Jacob — bricli house, 273 High St 4 " pavement 8 Hignatt, John 165 Hildt. John— house 258 Holland St 89 " grade 02,68 " " paving 65 " petition. ... 58 Holllday St. grade 258 " " paving petition. 233 Hollins St 45 Hookstowu Road, iot on. .243, 244 " " (See also Reisterstown Turnpike Road.) Hoss' lot 259. 260 Howard, Col. J. E. — square of ground 270 J. E.— tavern 171,195 St. grade 121,262 " petition 268 Hulls Alley grade 66 " " " petition. . . . 03 " Lane paving. . .100, 101, 102 petition.... 96 Hussebaugh, John 31 Jackson St. condemned 44 " " petition to con- denni 40 Jefferson St. condenmed 45 " " petition to con- demn. . 40 " " establishment . . 177 " grade 203 NAME. PAGE. Jefferson St. grading and pav- ing petition. . 202 Johns. Hosea 157 Jones St 8 Wm 179,211 Jop])a Road. (Sec Old Joppa Road.) Joyce, Wm 92 K. Kelso, John — brick house. ... 88 Kenedy. John — house. . . .247, 252 Kenny. Thos 146 Kipps Alley 76 Kirb Stone 20, 21, 44 K irk, T.— house 39 Kitts, Baruet 31 Kraft, Geo. — brick house.... 273 Michael — house 266 Krebs. Michael 138 Wm 107,150, 179, 182, 211, 249 Lafferty, Wm.— lot 10 Lanmiot, Daul 129 Larews Alley grade 178 Law empowering Eastern Pre- cinct Conunissioners Supplement to 35 " , petition for Supple- ment 105 Levy Court 106 Lexington St. grade 148 " notice..l29, 138 " " " petition. . . 127, 134 " " lines estab- lished.. 223 " " paving petition, 200, 205 " Pearl, Saratoga tSt Greene St. lots es- tablished 209 Libei-ty Alley, grade and pav- ing i)etition 77 Libertv St 7. 23, 37. 72, 73. 70, 87, 100 " establishment 23 " filled up 20,28 " footwavs 57 " grade 20,26 " lots 28 " paving 18, 26, 57 " " " petition 17 Lindouberger, Geo.. . .137, 161, 181 Little, Peter 117, 150 Loan, Paving 13, 15, 16 Index. NAME. PAGK. T.oiiili.-ird St. cslMblislu'd and (■oiulcmiu'd. . . . 189 " " footway ]»:iviiig pc'tilioii 241 " .m-Jido 172,188 " " " potitioii. . . 185, 188 " lot 2.")!). 2(;() " " paviii.i; iK'titioii. 20,") Long Alley & New Ijiine iuter- seetloii established 187 LoiijI, KeiK'dy — ixavdeiiers house 2T;> Saial — brick house. ... 1(;,17 J.ovem-ove Alley establishment, 120 " " grading peti- tion. .117.118.120 Low St 2,3,12,17 " " footway paving.. ..46,51 " " paving 10. 2(5, 4() r.unns Lot 2(!0, 275 " Lane 21(1 " " " establishment, 177 " " grade 20:J Lynch. .John— lot 187, 191 M. McAllister. Margaret— lot 187, 191 McColnm. Duncan — lot 28 McElderry, Heirs el 40 St.. ..4,15,17,28. 37, 58, 72, 87 " establishment. 22 " filled up 20 " grade 7 " " grading peti- tion.. 2 " paving.. .18,57.70 " petition, 15 McElderry. Thos — bricli house, 44 •' —estate.. . .(13. 84 McKeldin. Joseph — lot 179 McKim, John — lot 214 Maher, Martin F.— lot... .194. 195 " " — bride house, 228 Marlcet St. grade 204, 2G5 " letter about, 2(!5 " " grading i)etition... 2(i1 " lot, petition for lines of 272 " Road (Fells Point (10 " (See also Balti- more St.) NAiMK. PAGE. Mary's I'lains 198 Ma.xcey's Lot 209 Meth(i Mill St 93 •' " grade S4. 88,89 " grading iteLition. . .73, 75, 79, 82 " " paving 85,87,89 Mitcliell. Arthur 29 Moores I '.ridge 258 Orchard 2(13 Mulberi-y St. establishment petition. .2(19. 270 " " footway paving, 252 l)etition, 2(57 " grade. .147, 1(J9, 170, 173, 202. 235 " notice 129,138,1.51,170 " grading petition, 127. 134 " " pavnig petition, 199, 231. 240. 24(i tV I'earl St. petition to establisli corner, 189 . Pearl, Franlclin & Cove Sts. petition to grade and fix corners of streets inclosed 151 tS: Lnion St. petition to establish corner, 189 tfc Union St. estab- lished 190 St. width 123 -Murray. John — brick hou.se.. 1(5 Myers. Jacob — lot 189 N. Necessity Alley 11, 52 -Xewingtou 1(14 road. (See Cove St.) New Lane and Entaw St. in- tersection estab- lished 180 <& Long Alley in- tersection (>stab- lished 187 petition to estab- lish 271, 274 Nine feet Alley grade 26 " " " paving 27 petition 19.24 North St. grade 146 " " notice 145 28-1 Index. NAME. PAGE. North St. grade petition 144 protest 14U ' referees report, 147 " ■• i)a\iiig petition ]84 Note on Franklin Banli 33 O. Oaldey, Jolin— lot 23 Offic-e of lOastern Precinct Commissioners 1, 71 " rent. (Sec Iloom Rent.) Old Harford Itoad 31 '• " ])aviug. ... 40 Old .Toppa I toad.. .2, 10, 10, 87, 90 grade 89 •• location IS, 19 " " " petition to con- demn .... l4 " " " repairs 51 Old Pnblic Road 97 Old Y(.rk Jtoad (See York Road. ) Ont'lll, Artlinr — lionse 203 Orleans St. condemned 45 '■ ])etition to cou- denni 40 •• grade 90 " grading petition. 92 Owens, KtMinedy 157 Paca, Baltimore, Entaw and (Jerman Sts. lots. . . . 270 & Cider Alley intersec- ti(m estal)lislied 215 & George St. intersec- tion establislied 214 " & Pratt St. intersection established 179 " St. footway paving pe- tition. . .' 242 " grade ICO, 171, 174 " grading p"tition 219 " lot 214, 215 I'ark J.ane grade 149 notice.. .129, 13S petition. 127, 134 Pascault, I.ewis 129, 182 Patterson. Andrew— lot. .220, 227 I'awley. .Tames— lot 258, 2(>1 rcacli Alley grade 173 & I 'earl St. inter- section. ...231, 232 l'earce"s, W. Ij. — property.... 225 I'earce St. grade 173 I'eai'l St., establishment of... 127, 138 NAME. PAGE. I'earl St. footway paving.. .12, 245 ■• grade 127, 138 •• grading notice..l20, 136 •' petition. .. 124 protest. ... 131 " " refei'ees. . 132, 133 I^exington, I'nion and Saratoga St lots pe- tition to establisli. . . . 2(i0 ■• lots established 209 " & Mnlberry St. intersec- tions, petition to es- tablish 189, 207 " Mnlberry, Cove &; Frank- lin Sts.. petition to grade and establisli streets, lanes and al- leys within the said limits 151 " St. establishments. ..109, 173 " " paving petition 222 " " i*t Peach Alley inter- section establish- ment 232 " " & Peach Alley peti- tion to establish, 231 Pearl St. (Davis St.) grade.. 179 Pearce, W. L.— property 225 Pearce St. grade 173 Peierce St. grade 173 Pennington, Ileiu'y 29 I'eter, Geo. — honse 232 ■' —lot 189 " Henry— honse 238, 239 " —lot 221 Phillips, Wm. — house 105 IMne St. grade 147 " " " notice 129, 138 " " " petition 127, 134 I'itt St 11. 31 Plat of Western Precincts, pe- tition to authorize making, 210 Pleasant St. grade 124 " grading 140 notii'cs . . 140, 141 petition. 123.120 " width of 124 I'oe. Geo. — lot, lines of estab- lished 273 l)etition for lines of 272 Poorhouse 121 Potter St.. .7. 15, 22, 30, 37, 73, 87 " , Alley near. (See Nine Feet Alley.) " tilled up 20 Index. 285 NAMK. PAGE. rotttT St. rootw.-iy [i;iviii.ir. .4(i, 51 " j,M-:ulo 3, 4 " iiaviiij,' 5, 10, 18, 15 I'owcll. Will 22, 23 I'nitt St. .V: Kiitaw N. E. In- tcrsoct ion cstabl isli- moiit 370 " lots 259, 2G0 rfcciiict ( "oiiiini.ssioncrs. (S(>o i;asti*ni rrocinct Commis- .sioncr.s or Western I'reeinet t'onuiiissioners. I'rice &; Middle Sis. intersec- tion 2(i() lle/,eki.ili 1, 2!) I'roperty Owners. (See Pum[)s.) I'ublic Road, Old 97 Pnni]is on Asiinilli St 53, 54 " r.riton St 103 " Eden St SI, S(i, 87 " Falls St GO •• Green St 37. 40 " IlarCord St 57 " Liberty St 38. 39 " Liberty St. (Old Town) ...35, 30, 43, 52, 89 " Mill St 00, 74 " I'otter St.... 91, 92, 90 " Tinion St 90, 95 " Upton St 92, 98. 99 " York Road 94 I'nni])tax 41 R. Raborij. Cliristoplier 149 Reisterstown Turnpike Road and (Jeorce St. inter.seetion establisbed 221 Reisterstown Tnrii]iike Road, lines of lot on establisbed. . .. 244 " petition to es- tablisb lilies of lot 243 " Thiion & Green St. intersection establisbed. . .. 154 " noti'-e of estab- lisbment 153 " petition to es- tablisb 153 (See also Hooks- town Road.) Iteservoir 145 Jticbardson, Robert R 179 Riclunond St. grade 203 " petition to grade . . 259 NAMK. PAOK. Itiddleinoser. (Jeo. — lot... 272. 273 Ridgely's Addition 214 Carriage Road 381 Charles.... 137, 338, 101 Delight.... 3 94, 198, 220 Ivoaclie, Jos 33 Road west of IIosi>ital 34 Rog<'rs, .Tolin H. — ground 381 Itoom rent 32, 34, 71 Ross & Riddle Sts. intersec- tion established 200 Ross St. liii(>s established 273 " '■ iH'tition to establish, 272 Rusk, David 338 S. St. I'aiil's [jane grade. . . .172, 187, 193 " grading 193 " petition to grade. .385, 192, 211, 273 St. Paul & Calvert Sts. inter- section establisbed 23(5 St. Paul & Calvert Sts. inter- section, iietition to establish. Sands. John — lot 225 Saratoga tV: Eutaw Sts. inter- section (>stablished 180 Saratoga, (JreiMie. Pearl and Lexington St. lots established 2(i9 St. grade 148 " notices 129. 138 " " petition 127, 134 " paving jielition.. . 233 " width cf 123 Scbann. Nicholas — lot 210 Schrotxler St. grade 173 Scbuiik. John 29. 31. 71 S<'hwartzaner, Daniel — lot... 192, 194, 198. 209, 255 Philip — lot on road to Fort iMcIIcMiry 240 Selliiian's Alley grade 253 " petition, 251 Sell man. Jonzee — lot 215, 210 Sew(>r near Frcnich St 50 Shamburg. Henry — lot... 214, 215 Short Alley petition to grade, 155 to pave foot pavements . . 224 Simpson's lot in As(|nitii St. . 39 Sinclair, Robt 150 280 Index. NAME. PACE. Sitzler. I'liilip — lot near Back St... 225. 227 Slye, Misses — houso !• Smith. John — plat 270 John M 2.29,31.71 Moses G 36. 87, 42 Spring St. irradi' l-iD - " •• notices... 129, 138 " " " petitions, 127, 134 Sterling. James 85. 87, 102 Sti-awhei-ry Alley or Fifteen feet alley H, 183 Street laid out by Simpson . . 44 Sunnvalt, Joseph 183, 185 SniHH-intendant of Chimney Sweeps. 3(;. 37, 212. 213, 217, 252 Snrveyor 1, 34, 59 T. Tannock. Mrs.— brick honse. 22 Todds Range 156 Tnruer, Alex 42 Twelve Feet Alley grade 203 Twentv Feet Alley (or Union Alley) 11. 14 Twenty Feet Alley grade. . . . 175 Twenty Feet Alley grade 237 " " peti- tion.. 235 " " " i)aving peti- tion.. 231 U. Union Alley (or twenty feet Alley) 11, 14, 15 " Lane grade 13(i " notice. .129. 132 " petition. . . . 128 " •• lot on 2.5U " '• i)aving petition. . 232 " width of 132, 13U Street..4, 9. 10, IG, 37. 59, 01, 74. S7 establishment.. 17 " " footways tilled np..". 21 grade 18 " " " petition. .. 13 Green St. & Reisters- town Tnrnpike Road .innctlon established. 154 " notice of establish- ment. . . 153 " petition to establish. . 153 NAarE. PAGE. Union Street lots 260, 269 & Mnlberry St. inter- section establishe(U . 190 " petition to 1S9 " Street paving... .4. 17. 46,51 r])ton Court, lot on estab- lished— 255 W. Wallis, Wm 32, 71 Ward. Patrick 40 Warner. Geo 182, 211 , 249 " —brick stable.. 227 •' —lot 225, 226 Washington St. or Geoi-getown Road.. ..165. 181. 227 " establishment, 161 " grade 137 " notice. . . 130 ". " petition.. 130 " lots on 225, 226 " width 137 Water ('omi)any 25(5 mill 2.52 Waterconrse in Union Lane. . 32 Wavne, General — Iim 216 Welsh, Adam. . .161. 182, 218, 249 Western Precinct Commis- sioners. . .117. 1.50. 151. 160, 170, 171, 179, 182. 183. 212, 214, 215, 217. 249. 250, 2.54 Western Precinct Commis- sioners. Act appointing.. lll-lKi Western Precinct Commis- sioners" powers trans- ferred viii Western Precinct Market ITonse ( 'onniiissioners 182 West(M-ii Precinct plat, peti- tion lo authorize making... 210 Wheeler. Thos. — brick honse. 9 Whiskey Alley establishment. 190 establisli. peti- tion to 188 grade 243 " petition. 241 Williams. Sam'l 40 Susan — honse 237 Williamson. I>avid. . .194, 198. 249 Wilson. Jacob 29 James 29,32 Index. 287 Y. NAIMK. PACK. NAMK. I'ACK. York KoiUl pMviii;; 70 York Koud S, 30, 40 Younger, Jtinu'S 252 " Mltorations 47 " Co 8 Z. " Old & As(iuitli St. iiitorso.-tion 42, 43 /olli^'konVr, Mrs 77, SO, 81