^i^r -v^x ^\'^- '^' .^. **#tvi>iiWi^ Class. Book. FA M^(o )i^ ^0. 2. NECROLOGY OF NEW-ENGLAND COLLEGES, FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR ENDING IN 1869. COMPILED BY ALBERT HARRISON HOYT, A.M., EDITOR OF THE N. E. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. [Repriuted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Uegisteh for April, 18T0 ] NECROLOGY OF NEW-EiNGLAND COLLEGES, 1868-9. Amherst College.' Class of 1824. — Shepakd, George Champlin — s. of Rev. ]Mase(D. C. 178.5), and Ilannali (Haskiiis) Slicpard ; 1). in Little Coiiipton, 11. 1., Feb. 7, 1802 ; entered Brown University, and at end of first vear entered Anilierst College; studied two j'ears under, and was ordained Deaeon, liv Hislmi) Brownell, in Hartford, Ct., Aug. 3, 1826; reetor of St. Peter's eh. Hebron, Ct., 1827; 1829, reetor of Christ's ch. Stratford, Ct. ; 1839, cnil)arked for Europe; 1843-4o, rector of St. Jolm's eh. Jamaica Plain, Mass. ; 1845, compelled by ill health to go abroad again ; Grace ch. in Amherst erected in part bv his nuiniticencc ; mar. May 26, 1827, Sally Inman, onlv child of jTlios. Kast, M.D., of Boston; D.D. (A. C.) 1843; d. in Amherst, Mass., Dec. "12, 1868. 1825. — LEWENwoRTir, Abner Johnson, b. in Waterburv, Ct., Julv 12, 1803; d. in Peters- burg, Va., Feb. 12, 1869; grad. at Andover Theo. Sem., 1828; 1829-32, pastor of Cong. ch. Bristol, Ct. ; 1S32-9, in charge of ' a young ladies ' seminary in Charlotte, N. C, and pastor of Presbyterian ch. there; 1839, established a school at Warrenton, Va. ; founded at Petersburg, Va., the "Leavenworth Academic and Collegiate Seminary;" coiTesponding secretary and cliief meml>er of the Virginia Educational Association; m, June 14, 1831, Elizabeth M. Peabody, of Salem, Mass., who d. in P., June 25, 1841. 1827.— Kingsbury, Enoch, b. in Langdon, N. H., April 21, 1800; d. at Danville, 111., Oct. 18, 1868; studied theology at Auburn, k. Y., and Hampden Sydney College, Va. ; ordained evangelist, 1830; pastor of Presbyterian ch. in Danville, 111., 1830-1857; assisted in cstalilishing Union Seminary (111.) ; preacher and teacher among the freedraen in Ala- bama, 1865-6 ; m. 1830. 1828.— MoouE, Arad, b. in Atliol, Mass., March 13, 1802; d. in Framingham, Mass., January o, 1869 ; studied law in Westminster and Concord, and settled in Waltham in 1831 ; m. Harriet P. Maynard, of Waltham, 1842. 1829. FosTEK, Benjamin Franklin; b. in Hanover, N. H., June 16, 1803; d. in Dum- merston, Vt., Nov. 2, 1868 ; ordained evangelist. March, 1832 ; pastor of Cong. ch. Salisburv, Mass., 1833-46, and iu Dummerston, 1846-1867. 1831. — Clakk, Albert, b. in Conway, Mass., Nov. 6, 1810 ; d. in Independence, la., Dec. II, 1868 ; taught after graduating, for about twelve years in Owego, Dunkirk, N. Y., and near Norfolk, Va. ; studied law in part, in city of New York ; admitted to the bar in Westlield, Mass. ; m. in 1847; practised law several j'ears each in Conway, Mass., and Dubuque, la., and in 1851 settled in Independence; member of legislature of Iowa, and commissioner of Insane Asylum. 1835.— D\vir,}[T, John, b. in Shirlev, Mass., Jan. 2, 1810; d. in Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 5, 1869; pastor of south Cong. ch. in North Bridgewater, 1837-9; 1841-6, pastor of a ch. iu Plymouth, and 1846-56 in North Wrcntham ; 1867 removed to Cambridge. 1839.— Clapp, Dexter, b. in Westhampton, Mass., Julv 15, 1816 ; d. in Salem, Mass.» July 27, 1868; grad. Divinity School, H. U., 1842; ordained evangelist 1843, and stationed in Savannah, Ga. In Dec, 1846, succeeded Rev. Theo. Parker iu W. Roxbury, Mass. ; afterwards colleague of James Flint, D. D., in Salem ; installed there in 1851, and resigned the pastorate in 1864. 1846.— Jackson, Arthur Harper, b. in Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1826 ; d. in Middletown, Ct.' March 9, 1869 ; educated for the medical jjrofession, but engaged in manufacturing busi- ness; m. Mary NicoU Thorne, of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1854. 1851.— Boies, Ethan Ely, b. in Blandford, Mass., Feb. 28, 1829; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jl.ay 4, 1869; in the Ijanking business in ^leriden, Ct., Ca])e May, N. J., and city of New- York; 1856-9, in commercial business in San Francisco, where he m. in 1857, Miss Mary E. Howe; 1859-63, practised law in Jancsville, Wis.; then paynmster in the army, and at the close of the war, settled in the city of New York, in the life-insurance business. 1857.— Beals, David, b. in Dalton, Mass., Jan. 28, 1829 ; d. in Southwick, Mass., Sept. 28, 1868; grad. Wind.sor Theo. Seminary, 1860; then for about five years pastor of Cong, ch. in East Ilartland, Ct. ; 18()5, acting pastor of Cong. eh. iu Southwick; m. in 1860, Harriet N. Hobart, of Leverett, Mass. ' lYom the annual " Kccrology " of the college. Necrology of Kctc-England Colleges. 15 18G.J.— L.vxE, Charles Edwavtl, h. in So. Newmarket, N, H., Dec. 27, 1837 ; d. in StviU- ham, N. H., Aug. 17, 1808; grad. Andover Tiieo. Seminary, 18G8. (Not previously re[)orted.) 1823. — IIowAKD, David, 1). in Marlboro', Vt. ; d. in Alton, O., in 1854, aged oo. After graduating he taught school several years in Maryland, and then became a farmer in Alton. 182S.— Stetsox, William Barrc, 1). in Amherst, Mass., Aug. lo, 1803 ; d. in Exeter, Me., ]\Iarch 12, 1863; 1828-44, taught school and engaged in trade iu Virginia, and then removed to Exeter. 1833— Ki:iD, William Shields—?, of Rev. W. S. Rcid. D.D. ; h. in Lynchburg, Ya., in 1814; d. of wounds received in the Confederate States service, in 1804; taught school in Lynchburg till the opening of the war. 1835.— Fassitt, James Wilson, b. in riiiladelpliia, March 19,1816; d. there June 7, 1859; engaged till Jan. 1, 1854, in business in Plnladcli>hia. 1836. — Fassitt, Robert Faris — brother of the next preceding; b. in Philadelphia, Aug. 17, 1818 ; d. there March 3, 1863; engaged in business in Philadelphia; spent several years in Europe, and on his return became a lilicral patron of art. 1838.— Parkek, Mclzar, b. in Ashlield, Mass., 1813 ; d. in Little AVolf, Wis., Jan. 7, 1867; studied theology. in East Windsor (Ct.) Tlieo. Seminary, but never ordained ; preaclied about six years, and taught school the remainder of his life. 1853.— AxDUEWs, William Hill, 1). in Meadville, Pa., April 3, 1833; d. in Cincinnati, Mav 14, 1866; admitted to the l)ar in 1856; engaged in mercantile business in Cincinnati ; m. Maria, daughter of Rev. Thomas J. Biggs, D.D., of C, 1860. BoTTDOiN College. 1 1818.— Smith, Seba, b. in Bridgeton, Me., Sept. 14, 1792; d. in Patchogue, L. I., July 29, 1868, aged 76; author of " Maj. Jack Downing's Letters," the first attempt to exliibit the alleged peculiarities of what is termed the Yankee dialect — and never equalled by its many imitators. 1821.— Socle, Cliarles, b. in Freeport, Aug. 29, 1794; d. in Portland, June, 1869, aged 75 ; for several years a minister of the gospel. 1824.— McDoroALL, Thomas, b. in Gorham, Me., Oct. 2, 1799 ; d. in Montgomery, Ala., May 28, 1869, aged 70. 1825.— GuEENLEAF, Patrick Henrv— s. of late Prof. Simon G., Cambridge, Ms. ; b. in New Gloucester, July 11, 1807; d. very suddeidy, in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 22, 1869, aged 62; for several years rector of a cli. in Charlestown, ^lass., and then rector in Brooklyn. 1825. — SxELL, Charles, 1). in Winthrop, Me., June 17,1805; d. suddenly in Bangor, Oct. 20, 1868, aged 63 ; a much respected physician. 1835. — Orh, John — s. of the late distinguished jurist and advocate Hon. Benjamin Orr ; b. in Topsham, Me., Sept. 2, 1813 ; d. in Melrose, Mass. Jan. 25, 1869, aged 55 years ; was for several years minister of the gospel in Alfred, Me. (Vide N. E. Hist, axb Gex. Register, vol. xxiii. p. 478.) 1835.— RoiiBixs, Augustus Cogswell, b. in Union, Me., June 3, 1816 ; d. in Brunswick, Me., Dec. 31, 1868, aged 53; a practising lawyer, casliier sec. of overseers, B. C. 1839.— Fletcher, Alfred, b. in China, Me., Aug. 3!, 1817 ; d. there Sept. 18, 1868, aged 51 ; attorney at law. 1839.— Pexxell, Joseph, b in Brunswick, Me., Sept. 7, 1812; d. in Connecticut, Sept. 3, 1868, aged 56. 18i0.— Hayes, Thomas McCulloch, I> in Saco, Me., Aug. 18, 1819; d. suddenly in Boston, Feb. 1, 1869, aged 50; was a leading lawyer in co. York, then removed to Boston, where he was rising to dij-tinction in the Sutlolk bar. (T7f/eN. E. H. axb G. Register, vol. xxiii. p. 478.) 1842.— Atkinsox, Josiah, b. in Newburvport, Mass., Aug. 16, 1817; d. there June 22, 1869, aged 52. 1843.— Craig, Wheelock, b. in Augu.sta, Me , July 11, 1824; d. in Ncufchatel, Switz., Nov., 1868, aged 44 ; minister of the Gospel, New Bedford, Mass. ; was highly respected as a scholar, a vigorous thinker and a foreilile preacher ; was on a tour for health, when he ■was suddenly cut down. 1841.— Thorxtox, Thomas Gilbert, b. in Saco, Me., .\ug. 25, 1823; d. in Madison, Wis., Nov. 4, 1868, aged 43. 1845.— Fi:ssF.xi)Ex, Thomas Amory Deblois, b. in Portland, Me., Jan. 23, 182G; d. in Auburn, Me., Sept. 28, 1868, aged 43 ; was an M. C. and an able lawyer. 1853. — Carletox, Cyrus Henry, b. in Sangerville, Me., Ajnil 2, 1832; d. in Foxboro', Mass., Dec, 25, 1868, aged 36. A respected niini.-tcr in the Bai)tist communion. 1832.— Beecheu, Frederic Henrv— .>. of Rev. Charles B. ; b. in New Orleans, La., June 22, 1841 ; Lieut. U. S. A. ; killed in a .^coating party, Kansas, by Indians, Sept , 1868, aged 27. I From data furnished by Prof. A. S. Packard. 16 Necrology of New-England Colleges. I8G0.— Adams, George William Moslier, b. in Wilton, Mc, Feb. 23, 1838 ; d. in La Crosse, Wis., Aug , 1868, aged 30. 1866.— Colby, Hiram Kendall, b. in Topsham, Me., Feb. 18, 184-5; d. there Jan., 1869, aged 24. 1866.— Fellows, John Allen Chandler, b. in Athens, Me., May 13, 1841 ; d. in Bruns- wick, Feb. o, 1869, aged 28 ; an instructor in Greek and mathematics, B. C. 1867.— Cole, Rolio Marble, b. in Paris Hill, Me., Feb. 27, 1844; d. there Sept. 12, 1868, aged 23. 1868. — CisHMAJ(, Charles Henry, b. in New Gloucester, Me., Julv 14, 1845; d. in Dover, N, H., Sept. 29, 1868, aged 23. (Not previously reported.) 1822.— Pakis, Moses Parsons— s. of Rev. Dr. Parish, of Bvficld, Mass.; 1). in Bvfield, Oct. 9, 1803 ; d. in Baltimore, Feb. 20, I860, aged 62. 1836.— Merrill, William, b. in Portland, Sept. 16, 1816 ; d. in Jackson, Miss., Dec. 6, 1866, aged 50. 1842.— Atkinsox, Jacob, b. Aug. 16, 1817 ; d. in Somcrville, Jan. 29, 18.37, aged 40. 1814.— Ham, Abncr, b. in Farmington, X. H., Feb. 12, 1820; d. in South Carolina, whither lie had gone for health, Julv, 1867, aged 47. 1814.- Page, John Tavlor, b. in Dover, N. H.. May 29, 1822 ; d. suddenly in Winchen- don, Mass., Dec. 25, 1866, aged 44. 1847. — Hatch, Samuel Weslej^ b. in Bowdoinham, Me., Dec. 17, 1826 ; d. in Jefferson- ville, Ga., April, 1864, aged 38; a successful teacher. 1849.— TiioMPsox, Robert Richard, b. in Rumford, Me., Dec, 1822; killed in action near Richmond, Va., Sept. 19, 1864, aged 42. 1850.— TowNSEND, Patrick Henry, h. in Salisburv, N, H., Oct. 28, 1823 ; d. in Washing- ton, D. C, May 21, 1864, aged 41. Brown University.' " 1800. — Tillixohast, Paris Jenckes — s. of Paris Jenckes and Elizabeth (Pierce) Tilling- liast, and descendant from the Tillinghasts who settled in R. I. in 1640 ; b. in Providence, July 18, 1780 ; d. near Columbus, Ga., Nov. 24, 1868 ; engaged in business in Fayetteville, N. C., till about 1838, then removed to Columbus, Ga. ; u\. Elizabeth Vowell Henley, of Fayetteville. 1801. — Williams, John Mason— s. of Gen. James and Susannah (Shaw) AVilliams, of Taunton, Mass.; b. there June 24, 1780; d. in New-Bedford, Dec. 28, 1868; ad- mittetl to the bar, 1804, and commenced practice in New-Bedford; 1816, removed to Taun- ton ; state senator, 1818 ; attorney for co. of Bristol, 1818 ; 1821-39, justice of court of com- mon pleas; 1839-44, chief justice of same court ; edited an edition of Hobart's Reports ; 1848, removed to Boston and practised his profession ; 1848-56, commissioner of Insolvencv ; removed to New-Bedford, 1856 ; an eminently able jurist. LL.D. (B. U. 1S43) and (H. U. 1845). He m. Nov. 9, 1806, Eliza Otis, dan. of Hon. Lemuel, scnr., and Rehecca (Otis) Williams, of New-Bedford. 1808. — Power, Thomas — s. of Thomas and Hannah (Lincoln) Power, b. in Boston, Oct. 8, 1786 ; d. in Franiingliam, Mass., Sei)t. 9, 1868 ; read law with Judge Chas. Jackson, of Boston ; admitted to bar, 1811 ; practised law in Northticld, Mass., 1811-16, then in Boston; 1S22-52, clerk of police court, Bcjston, removed by Gov. Boutwell, hut re-appointed bj- Gov. Cliltiird, and served to 1860; besides a poem on Lafayette in 1834, and other occasional ad- dresses, he delivered the oration in Boston, July 4, 1840; m. June 8, 1813, Betsey Sampson, dan. of Job and Betsey (Winsor) Sampson, of Roxbury, Mass. 1811.— TolmaN, Thomas— s. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wales) Tolman, of Stonghton, Mass. ; b. there, Feb. 2i), 1891 ; d. in Boston, June 20, 1869 ; admitted to the bar in BosKm in 1815, and the next year to the bar of Sontli Carolina ; returning to his native state, he )>ractiscd law in Canton and Boston ; held various offices of honor and trust. He m. April 30, 184'), Elizabeth Call Stearns, dan. of Col. Jacob Stearns, of Boston. 1814. — BELcnr.R, Manning — s. of John and Susannah (Hazelton) Belcher; b. in Wren- thani, Mass., July 13, 1790; d. in Pendleton Dist., S. C, in Sept., 1868; taught school the greater i)ortion of his life in South Carolina; m. in 1817, Susan, dau. of Judge Day, of Wrcntham. 1814. — Willi.vms, John Fowler— s. of Capt. Andrew and Sallv (Skinner) Williams; b. in West Woodstock, Ct., Dec. 30, 1790; d. there, Oct. 13, 1867; ilrei>ared for college under his uTicle Rev. Timo. Williams (Y. C. 1785) ; stmlied law under direction of Hon. Eben. Stoddard (B. V. 1807), and .fona. liarnt's.ot Tolland, Ct.; commenced practice in StaJford, Ct., but linallv settled in his nati\e town ; was judge of prol).itt' ; delivered occasional addresses; m". (1), Lucretia Tracy, Oct. 16, 1823— (2), Mary J.White, 1832; had three children. 1 From tlie rrovidence Daily Journal of Sept. 1, 1S09. For the Academic Fm/', 18G8-9. 17 ISIG. — B viiXES, fieorijc Leonard — s. of Daniel Leonard and Joanna (Jenckcs) Barnes; 1). in I'rovidcnee, Dec. 6, 1797; d. in Sniitlideld, R. I., March 27, 18G9; l)egan practice of tlic law in Woonsocket, 11. L, 1819, and a few years afterwanl.s removed to Providence; sul)se(iiiently resided in Sniitiilield ; m. (1), Maria Sherman, of Woonsocket, and (2), Eliza Greene Aliorn, of Prdvidenee. 1817. — SiAPLKS, Hon. ■\Villiam Read— s. of Samncl andRnth (Read) Staples; b. in Pro- vidence, Oct. 10, 1798; d. there, Oct. 19, 1868; admitted to tlie bar of R. I., Sept. 21, 1819; 183.), associate justice, and in 18;54 chief Justice of the siii)reme court of R. I. ; 18-5'j, state auditor; bS-JO, treasurer of tiie R. 1. Society fur the Promotion of Domestic Industry, which office he lilletl to the end of his life. He was one of the founders of the R. I. Hist. Society, and compiler of sevei'al historical volumes published \)y that society and by the state, lie m. (1), in 1821, Rebecca M.Power, of Providence — (2), 1826, Evelina Eaton, of Franiingham, Mass.— LL.D. (B. U. 1862). (X. E. H. and G. Rkgisteu, vol. xxiii. p. 218.) 1818. — ALniticii, Ezek — s. of Ezek and Susannah (Mann) Aldrich ; b. in Providence, Jan. 16, 1798 ; d. there. May 2), 1869; admitted to the bar, 1821; cngaj^ed in mercumilc business, master of a pulilic school, meml)er of the general assembly, assessor of ta.xes, city-treasurer, and member of the school committee of Providence, for the last five years as.sistant assessor of internal revenue ; m. Mary S. Peck, of Providence. 1820. — PoMEKov, Swan Lvman — s. of Josiah and Mary (Barnes) Pomcroy ; b. in War- wick, Mass., March 4. 1799 ;"d. in Sunderland, Mass., March 17, 1869; studied theology in Andover Seminar}- ; jiastor of Cong, ch., Bangor, Me., 1825-48; 1848-59, one of the Secretaries of tlie Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, residing in Boston; D.D. (B. C. 1847) and (B. U. 1848); m. (1), Frances Maria Fales, of Taunton, Mass., and (2), Ann Quincy, of Portland, Me. ; author of several publications and sermons, and some writings on ecclesiastical and missionarj^ sultjects. 1820. — RoGEKS, Henry Augustus — s." of John and Elizabeth (Rodman) Rogers, b. in Providence, Nov. 11, 1801 ; d. in Paris, France, Jan. 7, 1869; admitted to the bar, and com- menced practice in Providence, 1826, but soon entered upon and continued in mercantile pursuits. 1820. — Stone, Ebcnezer— s. of Silas and Jeannette (Twitchell) Stone, of Sharon, Mass. ; b. there, Oct. 10, 1797; d. in Walpole, Ma.ss., Aug. 15, 1869; grad. M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1824; settled in Walpole; m. 1831, Elizabeth Holbrook Harris. 1832. — AnxoLi), Jonathan Earle — s. of Smith and Mary G. (Earle) Arnold, b. in Woon- socket, R. I., Feb. 4, 1814; d. in Milwaukee, Wis., June 2, 1869; began the practice of law in his native place, but soon removed to Milwaukee, where he acquired great distinc- tion as a lawyer; 1835, m. Mary Passmore, of Smithtield, R. I. 1834.— Cole, George— s. of Azel and Elizabeth (Dunham) Cole ; b. in Sterling, Ct., June 22, 1808 ; d. in Dayton, Ky., July 14, 18i)8 ; instructor and then professor in Gran- ville college, Ohio ; 1838-47, editor of the "Cross and Journal," Colutnbus, O. ; subse- quently connected with the State Journal, Columbus, O., and Gazette, Cincinnati, O. ; 1856-64, connected with Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, O.; m. (1), in 1840, Eliza Moore, of Cummington, Mass. — (2) in 1852, Rosa Bartlett Yandis. 1836. — Lincoln, Jotham— s. Jotliam and Meriel (Hobart) Lincoln, and lineal descend- ant of Daniel Lincoln, one of the earliest settlers of Hingham, Mass.; Ii. in H., Nov. 7, 1815; d. in Colorado, Sept. 4, 1868; read law with Hon. Solomon Lincoln, of Hingham (B. U. 1822); admitted to the l)ar, co. Plymouth, 1839; practised law in Hingham, till 1847, then removed west and settled finally in Colorado, where he was killed by the Indians. 1837. — TiLLixGHAST, Rcv. Nicliolas Power — s. of Hon. Joseph Leonard and Rebecca (Power) Tillinghast ; b. in Providence, March 3, 1817 ; d. near Philadelphia, Aug. 7, 1869 ; in 1839 he enterod and passed three years in the Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va. ; in 1842, ordained presbyter in the Protestant Episcopal church, and became assistant rector of the Monumental ch. in Richmond, Va. ; subsequently either rector or temi)orarily in charge of the following parishes: Society Hill, S. C, Trinity, Washington, D. C., St. An- drews, Philadeli)hia, St. John's, Georgetown, D. C, of wliicli latter parish was rector for twent}' years, or till 1867 ; he published a few sermons and poems. 18.39.— Palmer, Edward Doit Griffln—s. of Ezra and Elizabeth (Caldwell) Palmer; b. in Boston, April 17, 1818; d. there, June 29. 1869; grad. doctor in medicine, at H. U. Medical School, 1842 ; achieved success and high reputation, and was honored by his fel- low citizens with various responsible trusts ; 1847, m. Cecilia Louisa Gale. 1810. — Sleeper, Jonas Darius — s. of Jonas and Sallv (Bean) Sleeper ; b. in Guilford Villaw, N. IL, Aiiril, 1815; d. in Plvmouth, N. H., Sept. 9, 1868; read law with Hon. Josiah Qninev, of Rumnev, N. H. ; (iraetised law in Hill, N. H., 1813-8 ; 1848, clerk of courts at Haverhill, N. H., to 18-38; cashier of State Bank, Concord, N. H., 1858; subs, clerk of courts for co. Merrimack, and Senator ; m. 1846, Mary G., dau. of Hon. Josiah Quincy. 1841. — Hale, William Mason— s. of Daniel and Lydia (Luther) Hale ; b. in Providence, Dee. 6, 1821 ; d. in Denver, Col. Ter., Oct. 8, 1868 ; engaged in a mercantile house in Pro- vidence for some years; 1S54-C, in service of Paraguay Company in South America, then in business in Providence ; 1862, captain in the 10th regt. R. I. volunteers, and after- Avards colonel of that regiment; settled in Colorado; m. 1841, Elizabeth B., dau. of George Bucklin, of Providence. 18 Necrology of New-England Colleges. 1843. — Van BuREN, Abram — s. of Abram and Sarah (Holme) Van Buren; h. in Phila- dclplua, in 1821 ; d. in Chicago, 111., July 28, 1869 ; after graduating he engaged in the in- surance business in Cincinnati, till 1866, when he removed to Chicago, and engaged in a similar business there. 1846. — JiLLsox, William Everett — s. of William and Elizabeth (Pond) Jillson ; b. in Cum- berland, R. I., June 6, 1824 ; d. in Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 27, 1869 ; after grad. taught in Providence and Bristol, then travelled and studied in Europe ; instructor in Brown Uni. ; assistant lil)rarian of library of Congress ; 18.55-9, professor in Columbian College, D.C. ; 1859, librarian and translator to Patent Office ; 186-5, chosen general assistant to the superin- tendent of the public library of Boston, in which otfice he remained till his death. 1847. — Fillmore, George Hedding — s. of Daniel and Susan F. (Cook) Fillmore ; b. in Nantucket, Mass., April 4, 1827; d. in San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 4, 1869; 1842, entered Sophomore class of Wes. Uni.; in 1846, entered Junior class of B. U. ; principal of high school, Cohasset, Mass.; professor of Math, in Newton College, Baltimore, and professor in Md. Agri. College ; then travelled in Europe, and attended lectures in Paris ; for the last five years of his life, an assist, in the Branch Mint in San Francisco. 1847. — Wiley, Rev. Frederic — s of Samuel and Lucy (Apley) AViley ; b. in Lynnfield, Mass., in 1821 ; d. in Stonington, 111., July 21, 1868, where he was pastor of a Baptist ch, ; studied theology in Newton, Mass., Theo. Seminary. 1865.— Thayer, Caleb Edmund— s. of Caleb and Hannah (Gaskill) Thayer ; b. in Black- stone, Mass., Sept. 3, 1841 ; d. there, Aug. 27, 1868; was reading law in Worcester, Mass.; m. April, 1866, Maria S. Cook, of Belchertown. Colby University.* 1823. — Paine, Rev. Henry — s. of Roswell and Sarah (Chamberlain) Paine ; 1). in Vernon, Ct., Aug. 17, 1793; d. in Rockland, Me., Nov. 12, 1868 ; most of his life was passed in teach- ing, except the year 1826, when he preached in Whiting, Vt. ; was settled successively in Eastport, one year ; Windsor, Vt., one year; Monmouth and Waterville, Me., four years each ; China, Me., nine years; five years in Rockland; seven in Thomaston, Me. ; and again in Rockland, from and after 1856; m. 1827, Evelina Bacon, of Waterville. 1828.— McClellan, Samuel— s. of Hon. Judah and Elizaljcth (White) McClellan; b. in Bloonitield (now So. Skowhcgan), Me., April 10, 1810; d. in Dexter, Me., Aug. 1, 1868; 1830-33, tutor in college in Jackson, Miss.; from 1835, lawyer in Dexter; m. Ann S. Greene. 1831. — Moor, Wvman Bradburv Sevej- — s. of Daniel and Rel>ecca (Spring) Moor; 1). in Waterville, Me., Nov. 3, 1811; d.'in Lynchburg, Va., Mar. 11,1869; 1833, opened a law office in Skowhcgan, Me., but in 1834, removed to Waterville ; member of the legis. 1842; att'y-gen- eral, 1844-8; from January to June 1848, U. S. senator in place of Hon. John Fairtteld, deceased ; 1849, removed to Bangor, Me. ; 1852-3, snperintemled the construction of the railway from Waterville to Bangor ; 1857, appointed consul-general for British Am. Provinces; 1868, removed to Lynchburg, Va. ; m. 1S34, Clara A. N., dau. of Daniel Cook, M.D., of Waterville. 1840.— Chase, Marshall Spring— s. of Dr. Hall and Hannah McMillan (Si)ring) Chase ; b. in Waterville, Me., Sept. 2, 1821 ; d. in Martinez, Cal., Jan. 24, 1869 ; in successful jnactice of the law in Boston, 1843-51 ; 1851 to 1859, in San Francisco, and afterwards in Martinez ; m. Mrs. Jane Fuller in 1867. 1855. — White, Roscoe James — s. of Hon. James and Lydia Shaw (Wood) White; b. in Belfast, Me., Sejit. 16, 1835; d. in Augusta, Me., Aug. 30, 1S68; in practice of the law in Belfast, from Jan., 1839 to Maj-, 1860, when he settled in business in Priucetun, Me., but in 1865 returned to Belfast. Dartmoitu (^ollege.2 1805.— Selden, Hon. Samuel — s. of Joseph and Susannah (Smith) Selden; b. in W, Lebanon, Ct. ; began practice of the huv in Lebanon, afterwards removed to Royalton, Vt., and thence to So. Jackson, co. Jackson, Michigan ; m. (1), Lois, dau. of Major Jabez Park- hurst, of Royalton, and (2), Fanny Parkhurst,"hcr sister; d. in .Jackson, Sept. 16, 1868. 1805. — H.VKDiXG, Alpheus — s. of Abijah and Silivl (Adams) Harding; b. in Barre, Mass., Jan. 19, 1780; d. in New-Salem, Mass.', Feb. 19, 1869; ord. pastor of Cong. eh. in New- Salem, Dec. 2, 1807; dismis.sed, Jan. 8, 1845; ni. (1), Sarah, dau. of Rev. Josiah liridgc, of E. Sudburv, now Wavland, Oct. 10, 1808, and (2), Mrs. Letitia (Titus) Freeman, of New- Salem, Mar. 18, 1860. " , Funiislicrt by Prof. C. E. Hamlin. 5 Compilod from notes fmiii.slicHl by rrof. C. A. Young, of Dart. Coll., Hev. Dr. .Vilu-n, Pres. of Union College, and from Kev. Dr. Cliapnmn's valuable liistory of the Ahinuii of Dartmouth Coll. For the Academic Year, 1868-9. 19 Mnj. Gcii. of luiliti:! in both states; removed to WestI)rook, Me., ISGl ; published orations, and a treatise on " Juries ;" ui. Deboi'ah Chandler, of New-Gloucester ; an eminent lawyer; A.M. (13. C.) 184(). 180(i. — Flhtchku, Hon. Rlehard— s. of Hon. Asaph and Sarah (Green) Fletcher; b. in Cavendish, yt.,.Jan. 8, 1788; re.id law with Daniel Webster ; went into practice in Salisbury, N. n., ISO;); removed to Boston; representative Mass. legis. ; meml)er of congress, 1837-9; jiidi^o of sui)rcme court of Mass. ; trustee of Dart. Coll. from 1818 to 1857; LL.D. (D. 0.) 181(), and (II. U.) 1849; d. in Boston, June 22, 1869 ; by his will left a large sum to his alma tnater. ISU. — Andrews, Abraham — s. of Solomon and Susan (Bradford) Andrews ; b. in Hills" borough, N. II., Dec. 14, 178(); d. in Charlcstown, Mass., Mar. 7, 1869; read law in N. H.J then taiiglit in Charlcstown, INIass. ; 1822, and for manv vears afterwards, master of Bowdoin school, Boston; ni. (1), in 1822, Eli/.alietli 11. Swift, an(r(2), in 18:30, Caroline Swift. 1813. — Elliott, Daniel — s. of David and Lucy Camplji'll (Emcrv) Elliott; b. in Dublin, N. H., Oct. 1, 1792; d. in city of New- York, Mar. 30, 18()S ; studied medicine, but never fol- lowed the jn-ofession ; taught in city of New- York in 181o and 'IG ; manufacturer in co. Ulster, N. Y.; returned to the city of N. Y. in 1827, and till 1844 was a merchant there; but then removed to his farm in Marlboi'ough, N. Y. 1814 — DiN-sMOOR. Hon. Samuel— s. of Gov. Samuel (D. C. 1789) and Mary (Reid) Dins- moor, of the Scotch Irish (Londonderrv, N. H.) stock; 1). in Keene, N. H., May 8, 1799; d. there, Feb. 21, 18G9; practised law inlvecne; Gov. of N. H, 1849-53; LL.D. (D, C.) 1851; m. (1), Ann Eliza, dau. of Hon. William Jarvis, of Weatherstield, Vt., Sept. 11, 1844, and (2), Mrs. Catharine Abbott (Pickm:»n) Fox, dau. of Daniel Abbott and wid. of Charles J. Fox, Esively in Meredith, Salisbury and Winchester, N. H., and Northfield, Mass., till 1825; practised law in Winchester, N. H., 1824-7, then removed to Wolfboro'; solicitor for CO. Carroll, N. H., 1841-6. 1824.— Allex, Hon. William Stickncv— s. of Ephraim Williams and Dorothy (Stiekney) Allen; b. in Newburvport, Mass., Aprir30, 1805; d. in New-Haven, Mo., June 23, 1868; began practice of law in Newljurvport, 1827 ; removed to St. Louis, Mo., 1837 ; edited for a time the Missouri Republican; m. 1832, Margaret Ann, dau. of Capt. John T. Ross, of Ncwburyport. 1824.— BoxxEY, Hon. Benjamin West— s. of Peter and Eleanor (Savage) Bonney; b. in Littleton, N. H., Feb. 2, 1803 ; d. in city of N. Y., Aug. 19, 1868 ; began practice of law in city of N. Y., 1829 ; judge of the sui)reme court of New-York, Jan. 1, I860 ; LL.D. (D. C.) 1859 ; trustee of D. C. 1865; m. Adriaua, dau. of Sylvanus Rapalye, of city of N. Y., Apr. 26, 1848. 20 Necrology of New-England Colleges. 1825.— AiKEx, Rev. Silas— s. of Phineas and Elizabeth (Patterson) Aiken ; b. in Bedford, N. H., May 14, 1799; d. in Rutland, Vt., Apr. 13, 1869; tutor in D. C, 1825-8; ord. pastor of Cong. ch. Amlicrst, N. H., Mar. 4, 1829; pastor of Park St. cli. Boston, Mar. 22, 1837 i pastor of Cong-, ch. Rutland, 1849, and dism. Julv 1, 1863 ; t--ustee of D. C, 1840-62 ; m. (1), Mary Osgood, of Salem, Mass., 1829— (2), Sophia Parsons, of Amherst, M;>ss., 1839; B.D. (Vermont University) 1852. 1826.— Hakris, Edward Pratt— s. of Rev. Samuel and Ruth (Pratt) Harris; b. in Ash- burnham, Mass., Nov. 17, 1802 ; d. in Rochester, Mich., Marcli 19, 1868 ; i)ractised law successively in Hartford, Vt., and Avon (Rochester Villajje) Mich., -where he was county commissioner for some time ; m. (1), Elizat)eth, dau. of David Wriglit, of Hartford, and (2), Elizabeth, dau. of Israel Gillctt, of same town. 1826. — Heath, Rev. William — s. of Joshua and Rachel (Nettleton) Heath ; b. in Newport, N. H., Mar. 9, 1799; d. in Wakefield, Mass., Jan. 17. 1869; studied theologj- in Newton Theo. Sem. ; taught in New-Hampton, N. H., Acad, and Theo. Insti. from 1832 to 1834; pastor of Baptist chs. in So. Reading and Shelburne Falls, Mass. ; missionarv in Boston, residing in So. Reading, now Waketield ; m. Siirah A. Yale, of So. R., 1832. 1826. — KiMHALL, Rev. Moses — s. of David and Priscilla(Herrick) Kimball ; b. in Hopkin- ton. N. H., July 24, 1799 ; d. in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 17, 1868; grad. Andover Theo. Sem. 1830; pastor of Cong. chs. successively in Randolph, Vt., Hopkinton, N. IL, Tcwkslmry, Mass., and preached temporarilv in E." Weathcrstield, Vt. ; m. Abliv Osgood, dau. of Hoii. Bailey Bartlett, of Haverliill, Mass., Sept. 20, 1822. 1831. — PoTTEK, Hon. Chandler Eastman — s. of Joseph and Anna (Drake) Potter; b. in Concord, N. H., Mar. 7, 1807 ; after teaching for a short time, he rend law, and began prac- tice in E. Concord, N. H., then in Manchester, N. H., there resided from 1844 to 1856, eiliting the Farmer's Monthly Visitor 1852-3, the Granite Far?ner and Monthhj I'isitor 18>4-5; removed to Hillshoro', N. H., 1856; co. editor of the Weekly Mirror and of the Mirror and Farmer, 1854-5 ; and Colonel of the Amoskeag Veterans from Oct. 8, 1864 ; pub- lished the His. of Manchester, 1855 ; an address to the A. Veterans, on Feb. 22, 1855 ; several occasional addresses; and compiled the Military His. of N. H., which forms parts of two volumes of the Adjutant General's Reports for 1866-8, and now pul)lishcd as one volume with portrait and memoir of author ; d. while on a visit in Flint, Mich., Aug. 4, 1868.— (See N. E. H. & G. Register, vol. xxiii. pp. 61-6.) 1841. — SwAix, Rev. Leonard — s. of Richard and Sally (Damon) Sw.iin ; b. in Concord, N. H., Feb. 26, 1821 ; grad. And. Theo. Sem , 1846 ; pastor of Cong. ch. in Nashua, N. H., 1847-52, and in Providence, R. I., SeiU. 1852-69; m. 1847, Julia Maria Allen, of Leljanon, N. H. ; D.D. (B. U.) 1857 ; d. in Providence, July 14, 1869. 1842. — HosKiNs, Dexter Everett — s. of Eli Hoskins ; b. in Can-oil, co. Chautauquc, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1820; taught in Silver Creek Acad. N. Y., Madisonvillc Acad. Ky., New-Orleans, La., then a civil engineer in N. Y. and Pa., and then settled as a merchant in Fond du Lac, Wis. ; m. 1819, Catharine Pier, of Jamestown, N. Y. ; d. , 1869. 1842. — Smith, Rev. Socrates — s. of Ezekiel and Abigail (Whipple) Smith ; 1>. in Henniker, N. H., June 16, 1814 ; grad. Union Theo. Sem. 1845 ; preached in Beardstowu and Chand- lersville. III., for several years ; taught in Greenville, 111. ; m. 184-5, Lydia Maria Harwood, of Westford, Mass. 1843. — Spofford, Rev. Lemuel Chandler — s. of Chandler and Betsey (Cobb) Spofford ; b. in Bedford, N. H., May 30, 1817 ; d. in Laporte, Ind., April 12, 1869 ;grad. Bangor Theo. Sem. 1816 ; pastor of Cong. ch. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 1846 ; then mis. in De Pere, Wis. ; m. Esther Parsons Dean, of JBangor, Me., 1846. 1844.— Bell, Major Joseph Mills— s. of Hon. Joseph (D. C. 1807) and Catharine (Olcott) Bell ; b. in Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 12, 1824 ; d. in Somerville, Ma.ss., Sept. 10, 1868 ; l)egan practice of law in Boston as a partner of Hon. Rufus Choate, whose dau. Helen, he m. in 1852 ; Judge Advocate in the army during an early period of the war, and Provo.st Judge in New-Orleans for some time. 1846. — Chase, Rev. Benjamin Chapman — s. of Benjamin Chapman and Eliza Stevens (Royce) Chase ; b. in Cornish, N. 11., Jan. 29, 1819 ; d. in Foxcroft. Me., Oct. 15, 1868 ; grad. Bangor Theo. Sem. 1849; i)astor successively of Cong. chs. in Camden, Me., Attlelx>rougli, Mass., Oldtovvn, Me., and Foxcroft, Me.; n"i. 1850, Almeda S. Blanchard, of Bangor, Me. 1860. — ScRipxrRE, Rev. James Oliver — s. of Isaac and Lvdia (Mead) Scripture; b. in Lowell, Mass., June 26, 1839; d. in Lincoln, Mass., Aug. 9, "1868; grad. Gen. Theo. Sem. N. Y., 1865 ; onl. deacon, and liecanie rector of St. Peter's ch. Salem, Mass., 18 )5 ; ord. presbyter, 1866 ; m. Augusta, dau. of Abel Wheeler, of Salem, 1865. 1863. — HiTCHixs, George Swan — s. of Chester Childs and Jane (Swan) Hutchlns; b. in Bath, N. H., Feb. 10, 1840 ; d. there Oct. 8, 1868 ; in business in New- York. Harvard University.' 1802.— Allen, Rev. William— s. of Rev. Thomas and Elizabeth (Lee) Allen ; b. in Pitts- field, Mass., Jan. 2, 1784 ; d. in Northampton, Mass., July 16, 1S(;S; studied theology; from 180.) to 1810, asst. lib. and regent of Harvard Uni., and there prepared first ed. of his Biog- raphical Dictionary ; 1810, ord. tirst pastor of Cong. ch. Pittslield, Mass. ; 1816, elected pres- j Compiled from article, by Dr. Joseph Palmer, in Christian Register, July 17 and 24, 1869. For the Academic Year, 1868-9. 21 iilciit of Dart. Uni., serving three years ; 1820-39, president of Bowd. Coll. ; then removed to Xoitlianiptoii ; iiu'inlu'r of Am. Board of Coium. of Foreign Missions; represented Am. Pejlce Soe. in Paris, 1819; voltmiiiious writer; for a list of his publications and a sketch of his life, SCO N. K. 11. iSc G. Rkoi.stei!, vol. xxiii. p. 217; honorary member of N. E. II. & G. ooc, 18.5); D.D. (U. C. 1n2D) ; m. (1), Maria Mnllcville, only dan. of President Whec- lock, Dart. Cull. 1812, and (2), Alice J. Bruce, of Xorwicli, Ct. 18J2. — KxAPi', .lacob Newman — s. of Isaac and Susan (Newman) Knapp; 1). in Newbnry- l)ort, Mass , Nov. 7, 1773 ; d. in Walpolc, N. 11., July IG, 18G8; studied theoloiry, but never was settled as a miui>lci-; taught in Jamaica Plain for a while, then removed'to Walpole ; m. Louisa Bellow.-*, of Walpole, 1819. 1803.— Skwall, William Bartlctt— s. of Daniel Sewall, of York, Me. ; b. there, Dec. 18, 1782; d. in Kciincbunk, Mc, Mar. 4, 1869; entered on the iiractice of the law in Ponland, where he contiuuctl till 1837; edited Portland Advertiser for several year.s; 1828, elected mem. of M. due His. Soc. ; 1815, represented Portland in the legis; m. (1), 1816, Elizabeth, only dau. of Joseph Cross, Jr., of Portland, and (2), 1837, a dau. of Richard Gilpatrick, of Kennebunk, to which Mr. S. had removed. 180.5. — Bi.CKFoiiD, Ebcnezcr Hunt — s. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Hunt) Bickford; b. in Salem, Mass., July 1, 1786 ; d. in Andover, Mass., Mar. 10, 18G9 ; studied law, but by reason of ill health never attended to anj' business. 1806. — Everett, Ebcnezcr — s. of Rev. Moses and Hannah (Clapp) Everett; b. in Dor- chester, Mass., Aug. lo, 1788 ; d. in Brunswick, Me., Feb. 6, 1869 ; studied law and began practice in Beverly, Mass., where he remained till 1837, then removed to Brunswick, where he resided till his death ; 1825-39, cashier of Bank in Brunswick ; 1828-64, trustee of Bowd. Coll. ; 1828, one of the comm. to revise Statutes of Me. ; 1840, representative in legis. ; m. 1819, Joanna B. Prince, of Beverl}-. 1808.— PixcKXEY. Hon. Charles Cotesworth— s. of Maj. Gen. Thomas and Elizabeth (Motte) Pinckney ; b. in Charleston, S. C, Fel). 15, 1789 ; d. there, June 9, 1865 ; studied law but soon crave it up for agriculture; 1832, Lt. Gov. of his native state ; m. 1811, Caroline Elliott, of Beaufort, S. C. 1810. — JoHXSox, Dr. Jonathan Grccnleaf— s. of Capt. William Pearse and Sarah (Green- leaf) Johnson ; b. in Ncwburyport, Mass., Nov. 12, 1790; d. there, Sept. 9, 1868; from 1813, practised medicine in his native town ; m. 1813, Elizabeth, dau. of Major Gilman White. 1810.— PicKEKiNG, Octavius — s. of Hon. Timothy and Rebecca (White) Pickering; b. in Wyoming, Pa., Sept. 2, 1791 ; d. in Boston, Oct. 29, 1868 ; adm. to the bar in Boston, in 1816 ; chiefly known as the reporter of the Supreme Court for 18 years ; published one vol. of the life of his father in 1867 ; m. Jane Pratt, of Boston, 1836. 1811.— Dabxey, Jonathan Peele— s. of Jonathan and Aljigail (Mason) Dabney; b. in Salem, Mass., Mar. 29, 1793; d. in Taunton, Mass., Sept. 25, 1868; he studied theology, but never was a settled minister; compiled a hymn-book, author of Annotations on the New- Testament, and edited an edition of Tyndall's Bible, and a vol. of Bp. South's Sermons. 1812.— DuxcAx, Hon. James Henry— s. of James and Deborah (White) Duncan ; b. in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 5, 1793; d. there, Feb. 8, 1869; adm. to the bar, 1815, and continued to practise law in Haverhill till 1848 ; 1848, elected to congi-ess ; held various offices of trust ; LL.D. (B. U.) 1861 ; m. 1826, Mary Willis, of Boston. 1816.— Bei-l, Hon. Samuel Dana— s. of Hon. Samuel (D. C. 1793) and Mehitable (Bowen) Bell ; b. in Francestown, N. H., Oct. 9, 1798; d. in Manchester, N. H., July 31, 1868; be- gan the practice of law in Meredith, afterwards removed to Chester ; 1830-6, cashier of the bank in Exeter ; 1836-8, in practice in Concord, N. H. ; 1838, removed to Manchester ; Police Justice there 1846-8 ; a justice of Ct. of Com. Pleas, 1849-55 ; a Justice of the Superior Ct., 1855-59; Ch. Jus. of the Supreme Jud. Ct. from 1859 to 1864; one of the coms. to revise the statutes of N. H., in 1826, 1840 and 1866; m. 1826, Mary Healey, of Kensington, N. H.; a learned and upright judnc ; a diligent student of New-England history ; Judge Bell was a Vice-President of tlie N. E. Historic, Genealogical Society at the time of his death. For memoir and portrait, see N. E. H. & G. Registek, vol. xxiii. p. 249. 1817.— Jones, Rev. Joseph Huntington; b. in Coventry, Ct.. Aug. 24, 1797; d. in Phila- delphia, Dec. 22, 1868; tutor in Bowd. Coll. one year; studied theology in New Brunswick, N. J., in 1824, and preached in Philadelphia; D.D. (H. U. 1855, and Lafayette Coll. 1862) ; m. 1825, Ann Maria Howell, of Gloucester, N. J. 1817.— Thompson, Thomas— s. of Thomas and Lucretia (Hussey) Thompson ; b. in Boston, Aug. 27, 1798 ; d. in New York, Mar. 28, 1869 ; studied theology, but devoted himself to the line" arts; m. 1845, Elizabeth Rowell, of Boston. 1818.— Emeksox, William— s. of Rev. William and Ruth (Haskins) Emerson; b. in Boston, Jnlv 31, 1801 ; d. in New York, Sept. 13, 1868 ; studied and practised law with dis- tinction in New- York, till late in life, when he removed to Concord, Mass. ; m. 1833, Sarah Woodward, dau. of John Haven, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H. 1819.— B.\rkett, Dr. Benjamin— s. of Peter Barrett ; b. in Concord, Mass., Feb, 2, 1796 ; d. in Northampton, Mass., June 14, 1869 ; 1829-46, practised medicine in Northampton ; held various otfices, local and civil ; m. 1826, Mary, dau, of Seth Wright, of N. 3 22 Necrology of New-England Colleges. 1820.— Hail, David Priestly— s. of Dr. Jonathan and Bathsheba (Mumford") Hall ; b. in PomtVet, Ct., July 15, 1798 ; d. in New- York, Nov. 22, 1868 ; 1821, adm. to the Ijar in New- York, and gained a high reputation, especially in Chancery practice ; m. 1832, Caroline, dau. of Jonas Miuturn, Esq., of N. Y. 1821. — Cheney, John Milton — s. of Hezekiah and Sallv (Swan) Chencv; h. in GeiTv, now Phillipston, Mass., Aug. 29, 1797 ; d. in Concord, Mass., Felj. 13, 1869 ; practised law for a time, but in 1832, beaime cashier of a bank in Concord; m. 1833, Louisa Paine Hos- mer, of Stow, ]Mass. 1822.— FoLsoM, Hon. George— s. of Thomas ; b. in Kennebnnk, Me., May 23, 1802 ; d. in Rome, Italy, Mar. 27, 1869 ; began practice of the law in Franiinghani, Mass., thence removed to Worcester; in 1837, removed to New- York, and Ijecame liljrarian of the N. Y. His. Soc. ; 1844, mc-mltcr of the senate of the State of N. Y. ; 1859, appointed ciiargc d'atfairs at the Hague ; early in life he compiled a history ot Saco and Biddeford, Me.; at a later period edited one vol. of Am. Antiq. Soc. publications, and one of the N. Y. His. Soc. publications; and held several offices of trust ; m. Eliza, dau. of Benjamin Winthrop, Esq., of N. Y. ; L.L.D. (U. C.) ; corresponding member of the New-England Historic, Genealogical Society. See notice of him in N. E. H. & G. Register, vol. xxiii. p. 481. 1823. — Broxson, Frederic — s. of Isaac and Ann (Alcott) Bronson; b. in New- York, May 20, 1802 ; d. there, Nov. 1, 1868 ; studied law, but never practised; m. 1S38, Charlotte Briuck- crhoff, of N. Y. 1823. — Wright, John ; b. in Westford, Mass., Nov. 4, 1797; d. in Lowell, Mass., April 18, 1869 ; practised law for a time in Groton, Mass., then engaged in manufacturing in Wor- cester, and was a State Senator ; subsequently removed to Lowell, as agent of Sutfolk Mills ; m. Susan, dau. of Hon. James Prescott, of Groton. 1825. — Lord, Nathaniel James — s. of Nathaniel and Eunice (Kimball) Lord ; b. in Ips- wich, Mass., Oct. 28, 1805; d. in Salem, Mass., June 18, 1869; adm. to the bar 1828, and practised law till about 1853, in Salem. 1832. — Dorr, James Augustus — s. of Samuel and Lucy Tuttle (Fox) Dorr; b. in Boston, June 8, 1812; d. there, Fel). 18, 1869; adm. to the bar and practised law in New- York. 1832. — MoTTE, Dr. Jacol) Rhett — s. of Abram and Mary Sarah Washington (Quincy) Motte; b. in Charleston, S. C, Sept. 22, 1811; d. on his i>Iantati(>n in l^xctcr, near O.dvly Station, S. C, Nov. 29, 1868 ; studied medicine, and served ten years in U. S. army ; m. 1S4G, Mary Motte, dau. of Dr. Haig. 1834. — Gleasox, Zebina — s. of Elijah and Lucy (Fav) Gleason ; b. in Westborough, Mass., Dec. 7, 1810 ; d. there Aug. 18, 1868 ; adm. to the bar'iu N. Y. and III., 1839 ; but afterwards returned to Wcstl)orongh and taught school ; 1850, became a farmer; m. (1). 1839, Mary L. Harrington, and (2), 1817, Caroline B. Clarke. 1834. — Parker, Rev. Lucius — s. of Rev. Jeroboam and Anne (Howe) Parker; b. in South- borough, Mass., Sept. 3, 1811 ; d. in Laramie, Nebraska, Sept. 24, 1868; grad. Oberlin Theo. Sem., and spent his life in missionary labors in tlie west; m. (1), Mrs. Eliza R. II. Dudlcj^ of Richmond, Mass., and (2), Miss Jane M. Skinner, dau. of Hon. Orson Skinner, of Mont- pelier, Vt. 1834.— Thacher, Dr. Charles— s. of Hon. Peter 0. and Charlotte I. (McDonough) Thach- er ; b. in Boston, Apr. 15, 1815 ; d. there Mar. 23, 1869 ; doctor in medicine, 1837, and retired from his profession in 1849 ; engaged in periodical business, 15 Court St., Boston, several years, and was one of the founders of the N. E. News Company. 1837. — VosE, Hon. Henrj- — s. of Elijah and Rebecca G. (Bartlett) Yose; b. in Charles- town, Mass., May 21, 1817 ; d. in Boston, Jan. 17, 1869 ; adm. to the bar and began practice in Springfield, Mass., which citj' he represented in the Icicis. 1857-8; judge of the superior court of Mass., 1859-69 ; m. 1842, Martha B. Ripley, of Grccntield, Mass. 1841. — Hall, Franklin — s. of Jesse and Sallv (Wiswall) Hall; b. in Cambridge, IMass., Aug. 8, 1822; d. hi Dorchester, Mass., Aug. 6, "1868; LL.B. (Dane Law School) 1844; and practised law in Boston; m. 1852, Miss Jennie V., dau. of Samuel F. Morse, of Boston. 1841.— Si'RAGUE, Scth E.— s. of Hon. Peleg Spraguc (H. U. 1812) ; 1). in Hallowell, Me., April 12, 1821 ; d. in Boston, June 22, 1869; began practice of the law in Boston; was for many years till a short time before his death, clerk of U. S. Dist. Ct. for Mass.; m. a dau. of William Lawrence. 1842.— Allex, Rev. Ihonias Prentiss- s. of Rev. Joseph (H. U. 1811) and Lucy C. (War- ren) Allen ; b. in Northborongh, Ma>ecrology of the College." For the Academic Year, 1S68-9. 29 1812 — AIoRSP, Riclianl Caw— s. of Jcrtidiah and Elizahctli (Breeze) Morse : b. in Clmrlcs- towii, isiass., June 18, 179.) ; cf. in Kissinsen, IJavaria, Sept. '22, 1868; cr- nethy; b. in Toniiiirtcjn, Ct., in Oct.. 1805; il. in Bridgeiiort, Ct., June 4, 1869; practised law tirst in.JXarcrlnuy, and second in Litchfield, Ct. ; judge of court for co. of Litchfield ; afterwards rc.-ii led in Bridgeport, and was judge of probate ; from 1859 to his death, clerk of the superior court for co. of Fairfield ; m. 1828, Charlotte M. dau. of Stephen Higgius, of New-Haven, Ct. 182.5. — Ives, Xatlian Beers — s. of Prof. Eli and Maria (Beers) Ivc s ; b. in New-Haven, Ct., Juno 26, 1806; d. June 18, 1869; practised medicine in New-Haven ; m. in 1829. 182.5.— McDowell, John Bayley— b. in York, Pa., Nov. 22, 1804; d. in St. Louis, Mo., July 8, 186S ; grad. in med. from Uni. of Maryland, Baltimore, his father's residence, in 1828; practised successively in Baltimore and Hagerstown, Md., and St. Louis; ni. 1833, Maiy (ireethum, of Baltiinore. 182.5. — Whitb, Chester — s. of Asa and Zilpha (Hayes) White; b. in Williamsburg, Mass., Sept. 18, 1797 ; d, in Racine, Wis., April 10, 1868; practised law a few years in Tennessee; then taught some timejn Ga. and Ala.; about 1836, engaged in business in Penn Yan, N.Y. ; 1839, removed to Racfne, of which he was at one time the mayor; m. 1847, Clarissa W. Spencer, of Stan st^d, C. E. 1827. — Gould, Geoii^e — s. of Judge James Gould and grandson of Judge Uriah Tracy ; b. in Litchfield, Ct., Sept. 2, 1807; d. in Troy, N, Y., Dec'^G, 1868; 1829, admitted to the bar from the school in L., conductecl Ijy his father, and settled in Troy ; a justice of the superior court of N. Y., 1855-63; mayor of Troy in 1852; m. 1840, a dau. of Hon. George Vail, of Troy. , - 1831. — Breed, William James — s. of William and Marv (Dennison) Breed; b. in Lynn, Mass., June 10, 1809; d. in We.-t Taunton, Mass.;, April i-2, 1869; grad. And. Theo. Sem. 1834; the greater part of his life was spent as pjistoryf'Cong. ehs. in Nantucket, Mass., Eucksport, Me., Providence, R. I., Southboi-o'and Rjinihani, Mass. ; m. 1835, Mary Smith, of Taunton. . . ■ ' •"' - '-* ' " 1831.— HrsTOx, Seth Craige— s.-^pf JThomn-s Huston ; li. in Philadelphia, Dec. .30, 1810; d. in West Philadelphia, Feb. 9, 18(i7 ; grad. at Uni.; of Pa., med. dept., 18.35; i)ractised suc- cessively in Attlelwrough and Phila. Pa. :.^n.-1.83^, Laviuia, dan. of Dr. Michael Leib. 1831.— JuDsox, David Plant— s. of Daniel -.itid Sarah (Plant) Jndson ; b. in Stratford, Ct., Ai)ril 16, 1809; d. there. May 23, 1869; read law two years, but pursued a mercantile career in his native town; m. 1835, Elizabeth S. dan. of Rev. Frederick Gridley, of East Lyme, Ct. 1833.— TiLTOX, David— b. in Gilmanton, N. H., July 6, 1806; d. in Woburn, Mass., Fel). 10, 1869 ; from 1835 to 18.50, pastor of Con. chs. successively in Edgartown and Gloucester, Mass.: afterwards canvassing agent for various publishing houses; m. (1), 1836, Sarah F. Batchelder, of Danvers, Mass., and (2), 1849, Thirza Lee, of New- Britain, Ct. 1834.— Jrosox, William— s. of Daniel and Sarah (Plant) Jndson ; b. in Stratford, Ct., June 9, 1813; d. in Providence, R. I., Aug. 30, 1868; practised law for a short time in N. Y., and then entered into business with Charles Goodyear, the inventor of vulcanized rub- ber; m, . 1836. — Daytox, Ralph — b. in East Hampton, L. I. ; d. on Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1868, aged 53 j-ears ; a teacher. 1837. — H.vw^LET, James Augustus — s. of Rufus F. and Betsey (Richards) Hawley ; b. in Farmington, Ct., June 1, 1813; d. in Yicksburg, Miss., Aug. 20, 1868; pastor of Cong. chs. in Farmington, III., Ridgcfield, Ct., Augusta, III., Jackson, Mich., and Ripon, Wis.; sub- se(pientl3' chaplain in the late war, supdt. of colored school for dis. of Yicksburg, and sub. comr. of the freedmen's liureau; m. (1), 1840, Marv Ann Trowbridge, of New-Haven, and (2), 1852, Ellen C. Ackerman, of Peoria, 111. 1838. — Ckaxe, James Burnet — s. of Rev. Dr. John R. and HaiTiet (Burnet) Crane ; b. in Middletown, Ct., Jan. 26, 1819; d. in Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 30, 1868; colleague pastor with his father over the 1st Cons. ch. in Middletown, 1854-6; hospital chaplain from 1863 to the close of the war; m. (l)-in 1847, and (2) Kate W. Field, 1861. 1838.— Key, Thomas Marshall— s. of Marshall Key; b. in Ky. in 1819; d. in Lebanon, 0., Jan. 15, 1869 ; liegan practice of the law in Cincinnati, 1833 ; 1853-8, justice of the com- mercial court of that city ; 1858-61, state senator ; judge-advocate on staff of Gen. McClellan, during the Intter's comniand of the army ; drafted and promoted the act aboUshing slavery in District of Columbia; m. 18.58, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Boylan. 1838. — McCiiAix, James — s. of John and Elizbcth McChain ; b. in the citv of New-York, Feb. 4, 1819 ; d. in Abington, Va., Mar. 1, 1869 ; grad. Union Theo. Sem. 1841 ; pastor of N. S. Presbyterian chs. successively in Franklin, N. Y., and Abington, Va. ; m. 1845, Jane C. Gibson. 1841.— Baury, William Taylor Sullivan ; b. in Columbus, Miss., Dec, 12, 1821 ; d. there, Jan. 29, 1868 ; successively, lawyer, planter, and represcn. in U. S. congress ; i>resident of the secessitm conv. of Miss, in 1851, and mem. of the confed. provis. congress; from sjjring of 1862 to April, 1865, colonel of the 35th Miss, inf., after that practised law in Columbus; m. 1851, Sallie, dau. of Dr. Thomas Fearn, of Huntsville, Ala. 1841. — Wasuixgtox, John Nicholson — s. of Nicholson and Elizabeth (McKinne) Wash- ington ; b. at Spring Bank, on Ncusc River, co. Wavnc, N. C, Nov. 19, 1819; d. in New- Bern, N. C, Feb. 14, 1869; from 1813 to 1851, i)ractiVed law successively in Ruthertbrdton and New-Bern, N. C; 1862, an ofticer in the confederate army; then taught in Pittsljor- For ilic Academic Year, 1868-9. 31 onph, N. C, to the close of the war; after that resided in New-BciTi, of which he was mayor in 1865 ; ni. 1848, Sallic V. Emery. 1842.— SiiEiiMAN, David Gould— s. of David and Louisa Sherman; li. in Ware, Mass., April 13, 1821 ; d. in Marion, Ala., Aug. 8, 1868 ; taught school, then read law ; adm. to the bar 18.50, and went south, l)ut engaged again in teaching, tirst in Macon, Miss., and then in Marion, Ala., and was profes. of anc. langs. in the college there ; m. 1850, Mrs. Mary II. Kennon, of Marion. 181.3.— Grangek, Gideon— s. of Gideon Granger (class of 1811, ante); b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1821 ; d. there, Sept. 3, 1868; practised law in his native place; m. 18.50, Josephine Pierson, of C. 1846.— RoinuNS, Samuel- s. of Samuel and Fanny Robbins; b. in Woodbury, Ct., Sept. 2, 1822 ; d. in Glcndalc, co. Hamilton, O., June 8, 1869 ; 1852, grad. in medicine in city of N. Y., and was appointed physician of Nursery Hospital on Ranilall's Island ; subsequently practised in South Carolina, and Glendalc ; m. 18.58, Elizabeth M.Oliver, of co. Yates, N. Y. 1848 — Sturges, Charles Dimon— s. of Lothrop L. and Jane (Corey) Sturges; b. in city of N. York, Jan. 14, 1827 ; d. there, Aug. 27, 1868; in business to 1862. 1852.— Alvoru, Edward Jcsup— s. of Jesup and Susan Alvord; b. in Southport, Ct.,. March 26, 1831 ; d. there, Oct. 16, 1868; practised law in S. till his death; 1862, rcprescn. in state legis. ; m. 1859, Sarah E. Bulkley, of Southport. 1852.— Creightox, Hamilton— s. of Robert and Eliza Crcighton ; b. in Philadelphia, June 17, 1S33 ; d. there, Nov. 24, 1868 ; in Ijusiness in Philadelphia. 18.52.— Grube, Franklin— I), in East Coventry, co. Chester, Pa., Feb. 10,1831; d. in Jacksonville, Oregon, June 11, 1869; grad. in medicine Uni. of Penn., 18-54; settled la Clinton, Miss. ; 18-57, removed to Geary city, Kansas; 1861, represen. in state legis.; sur- geon of U. S. vols, three years of the late war, and for a time exec, officer of Gen. Hospital, Camp Denison, O. ; removed to Oregon ; m. 1864, Miss A. L. Culver, of Rochester, N. Y. 1854. — Lee, Luther Maxwell- s. of James I. and Mary (Newman) Lee ; b. in Mcadville,. Miss., Jan. 27, 1831 ; d. there, Feb. 12, 1889; practised law in Meadville; an officer in the confed. service during the late war; m. 18-59, Miss Mock. 1854.— Potts, William Sherman— s. of Joseph C. and Elizabeth (Sherman) Potts; b. in Trenton, N. J., June 3, 1835; d. in Dubuque, la., Dec. 8, 1868; in business in St. Paul,, Minn., from 18.56 ; m. 1860, Harriet Ingersoll, of St. Paul. I860.— Brown, Thaddeus Howe— s. of Dr. Thaddeus and Susan (Crosby) Brown ; b. la Billerica, Mass., June 17, 1838 ; d. in No. Woodstock, Ct., Oct. 19, 1868 ; pursued his theo. studies in And. Sem. and Heidelberg; preached six mos. in Pittsford, Vt. ; pastor of Cong.. eh. Woodstock, Ct., from April 11, 186G, to his death; m. 1862, Lydia W., dau. of Rev. Henry Herrick, of New-Haven, Ct. 1830.— Parsons, John Russell— s. of Col. Edward Parsons ; b. in Northampton, Mass., Aug. 24, 1838 ; d. in Jackson, Miss., March 3, 1869 ; held the rank as 2d lieut., captain, and major, successively, in the late war ; took up his residence in Jackson, and represented the county of Hinds in legislature. 1860.— Way, Francis Roscoe— s. of Francis D. Way ; b. in Philadelphia, April 28, 1840; d. in Jacksonville, Fla., March 16, 1868 ; adm. to the bar in Philadelphia in 1863, and. soon after served for a short time in the militia-force organized to resist the invasion of Penn. ; then entei-ed into business in Philadelphia. 1861.— Shearer, Sextus, Jr. ; b. in Buffalo, N. Y., but entered college from St. Louis, Mo. ; studied law and taught school in San Francisco ; 1866-68, studied theology in Cam- bridge Div. School ; d. in San Diego, Lower California, March 5, 1869. 1862.— Hale, Ebcn Thom.as—s. of Eben and Lucy (Balch) Hale; b. in Newburyport, Mass., May 9, 1842 ; d. there, Sept. 7, 1868 ; served nine mos. in late war, in 45th regt. Mass. vols. ; grad. Dane Law School, 1865. 1866.— Ingersoll, Daniel Wesley— s. of D. W. Ingersoll ; b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1843 ; d. in St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 3, 1869 ; served in the quarter-master's department of the army a short time before graduating ; grad. Albany Law School, 1867 ; the next year he spent in the practice of law in the city of New York, returning to St. Paul in summer of 1868. 1866.— Smyth, Richard Edward— s. of Ralph D. and Rachel (Seward) Smith ; b. in Guilford, Ct., Sept. 2, 1843 ; d. there, Dec. 18, 1868 ; taught a short time in the academy in Mechanicsville, N. Y.