u/ ■ * No. CIX. THE MINOR DRAMA HI-A-WA-THA; OR. .ARDENT SPIRITS AND LAUGHING WATER. A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA. BY CHARLES M. WALCOT. WITH CAST OF CHARACTERS, STAGE BUSINESS, COSTUMES, RELATIVE POSITIONS, &c, &c. ') AS PERFORMED AT THE PRINCIPAL THEATRES. NEW YORK: SAMUEL FRENCH, 122 Nassau Street. PRICE,j 12* CENTS. FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAMA, Price 12)4 Cents each.— Bound Volnmes $1. VOL. I. 1. Ion, 2. Fazio, 3. The Lady of Lyons, 4. Richelieu, > 5. The Wife, 6. The Honeymoon, 7. The School for Scandal 8. Money, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs, A. C. MO WATT. VOL. V. 33. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, 34. Look Before You Leap 35. King John, 36. Nervous Man, 37. Damon and Pythias, 33. Clandestine Marriage 39. William Tell, 40. Day after the Wedding With a Portrait and Me- moir or G. COLMAN, the Elder. VOL. IX. 65. Love, 66. As You Like It, 67. The Elder Brother, 68. Werner, 69. Gisippus, 70. Town and Country. 71. King Lear, 72. Blue Devils, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs. SHAW. VOL. XIII. 97. Soldier's Daughter, 93. Douglas, 99. Marco Spada, 100. Nature's Nobleman, 101. Sard anapalus, 102. Civilization, 103. The Robbers, 104. Katharine and Pe- truchio. With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. EDWIN FOREST. VOL. II. 9. The Stranger, 10. Grandfather White- 11. Richard III. [head, 12. Love's Sacrifice, 13. The Gamester, [ache, 14. A Cure for the Heart- 15. The Hunchback, 16. Don Csesar de Bazan, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. CHARLES KEAN. VOL. VI. 41. Speed the Plough, 42. Romeo and Juliet, 43. Feudal Times, 44. Charles the Twelfth, 45. The Bridal, 46. The Follies of a Night 47. The Iron Chest, 48. Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady, VOL. III. 17. The Poor Gentleman, 18. Hamlet, 19. Charles II. 20. Venice Preserved, 21. Pizarro, 22. The Love Chase, 23. Othello, [lings 24. Lend me Five Siiil- With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. W. E. BUR- TON. VOL. VII. 49. Road to Ruin, 50. Macbeth, 51. Temper, 52. Evadne, 53. Bertram, 54. The Duenna, 55. Much Ado About No- thing, 56. The Critic, With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Me- moir of E. BULWER moir of R. B. SHERI- LYTTON. DAN. VOL. XVII. 129. Camille, 130. Married Life, 131. Wenlock of Wenlock 132. Rose of Ettrickvale, 133. David Copperfield 134. Aline, or the Rose ofj 142, 135. Pauline, [Killarney, 143. 136. Jane Eyre. | 144 VOL. X. 73. Henry VIII. 74. Married and Single, 75.' Henry IV. 76. Paul Pry. 7T. Guy Mannerlng, 78. Sweethearts and Wives, 79. Serious Family. 80. She Stoops to Con- quer, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Miss C. CUSH- MAN. VOL. XIV. 105. Game of Love, 106. Midsummer Night's Dream, 107. Ernestine, 108. Rag Picker of Paris, 109. Flying Dutchman, 110. Hypocrite, 111. Therese, 112. La Tour do Nesle, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM. VOL. XVIII. 137. Night and Morning, 138. .(Ethiop, 139. Three Guardsmen, 140. Tom Cringle, [ken. 141. Henriette, theForsa- Eustache Baudin, Ernest Maltravers, Bold Dragoons. VOL. XI 81. Julius Caesar, 82. Vicar of Wakefield, 83. Leap Year, 84. The Catspaw, 85. The Passing Cloud, 86. Drunkard, 87. Rob Roy, 88. George Barnwell, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs. JOHN SEFTON. VOL. XV. 113. Ireland As It Is, 114. Sea of Ice. 115. Seven Clerks, 116. Game of Life, 117. Forty Thieves, 118. Bryan Boroihme, 119. Romance & Reality. 120. Ugolino, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. BARNEY WILLIAMS. VOL. XIX. 145. Dred, or the Dismal Swamp, 146. Last Days of Pom- 147. Esmeralda, [peii, 148. Peter Wilkins, 149. Ben 'he Boatswain, 150. Jonathan Bradford, 151. Retribution, 152. Minerali. VOL. XXI. 161. All's Fair in Love, 162. Hofer, 163. Self, 164. Cinderella, 165. Phantom, 166. Franklin, 167. The Gunmaker of Moscow, 168. The Love of a Prince VOL. XXII. 169. Son of the Night 170. Rory O'More, 171. Golden Eagle, 172. Rienzi. 173. Broken Sword, 174. Rip Van Winkle, 175. Isabelle. 176. Heart of Midlothian, VOL. IV. 25. Virginius, 26. King of the Commons 27. London Assurance, 28. The Rent Day, 29. Two Gentlemen of Verona, 30. The Jealous Wife, 31. The Rivals, 32. Perfection, A\"ith a Portrait and Me- moir of J. 11. HACKETT VOL. VIII. 57. The Apostate, 58. Twelfth Night, 59 Brutus, 60. Simpson & Co. 61. Merchant of Venice, 62. Old Heads and Young 63. Mountaineers. 64. Three Weeks After Jh.rriage. With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. GEORGE H. BARRETT. VOL. XII. 89. Ingomar, 90. Sketches in India, 91. Two Friends, 92. Jane Shore, 93. Corsicaa Brothers, 94. Mind Your Own Bus- iness, 95. Writing on the Wall, 96. Heir at Law, I With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. THOMAS HAMBLIN. VOL. XVI. 121. The Tempest, 122. The Pilot, 123. Carpenter of Rouen, 124. King's Rival, 125. Little Treasure, 126. Dombey and Son, 127. Parents and Guard- 128. Jewess. fians, vol. xxni. 177. Actress of Padua, 185. 178. Floating Beacon, 186. 179. Bride of Lammer- 187 moor, [ges, 188 180. Cataract of the Gan- 189 181. Robber of the Rhine 190 182. School of Reform, 191 183. Wandering Boys, 192 184. Mazeppa. [ Catalogue continued on third page of cover.] VOL. XX. French Spy, Wept of Wish-ton Wish, Evil Genius, Ben Bolt, Sailor of France, Red Mask, Life of an Actress, Wedding Day. VOL. XXIV. Young New York The Victims. Romance after Mar- Brigand, [riage, Poor of New York, Ambrose Gwinctt, Raymond and Agnes, Gainbler's Fate, THE MINOR DRAMA No. CIX. HIAWATHA: OR, ARDENT SPIRITS AND LAUGHING WATER. A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA, TWO ACTS. BY CHARLES MV WALCOT, Author of" Washington, or the Spirit of '76 ;" " Giovanni in Gotham j? ,4 Fried Shots;" " The Dons not Done ;" " Britannia and Hihcrnia ;" "Edith ;" "The Haunted Man ;" " David Copperficld ;" •' Frank McLaughlin ;" " Richard HI. to Kill ;" '« Hohoken ;" " ^1 (rood Fellow;" " O/tZ Friends and New Faces ;" " .4 Stitch in Time ;" '• 7%6 Customs of the Coun- try," "Patience and Perseverance;" " Snip Snap" cf-c. cfc. TO WHICH ARE ADDKD, A Description of the Costume — Cast of the Characters — Entrances and Exit*— Relative Positions of the Performers on the Stage., and the whole of the Stase Business. hwred according to Act of Concresa, in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six, by Chat. M. WaJooC, In the Clerk'a Office of the District court of the United Statea for the Southern DUtrict of New York. NEW YORK : SAMUEL FRENCH, 121 NASSAU-STREET. Cast of tt)c Characters.— (Hiawatha.) Fir*^ ■produced at Wallaces Theatre, N. Y., under Mr. Stuart's man- agement, Thursday, Dec 25///, 1S56. Hiawatha — a character strikingly more in the style of a Short-Boy than a Lono-Fellow Mr. Walcot. Nukkleundah — a creation, a la Frankenstein " Reynolds. Gitc/ti Manito— great, viewed as a spirit, but, as a part, a " Small Potato" " Levere. Wabun — a down east Indian " H. B. Philips. Kabuionokka — of the north '" Lee. Shawondasce — of the south " Harrison. Ycnadizzi — the original *• Young New York". ... " C. Stuart. Dumniidortur — a-n-arrow-minded person, father vt' Minnehaha " Owen. Minnehaha — surnamed " Laughing Water," and eminently calculated, (when she has a good chance) to infect her audience, to the danger of sundry bands and strings Mrs. John Wood. (The celebrated Comedienne, from Boston, her first appearance here.) Poohpouhmammi — an indescribably self-willed young lady ; in fact, a sort of " Genesee Squaw"' Miss Mary Gannon. No-go-miss — Hiawatha's Grandmamma Mr. G. Holland. Hianakite — Poohpoohmammi's mother " Peters. . Indians. Messrs. Harrison, Rea, Bee, Oliver, Cotton. De SUveria, Hill, James, Mason, &c. Squaws. Mesdames Carman, Thompson. Hall, Pyne, Peters, Bishop, De Voe, Browne, Carter, &c. STAGE DIRECTIONS. EXITS AND ENTRANCES. L. means First Entrance, Left. R. First Entrance, Right. S. E. I* Second Entrance, Left. S. E. R. Second Entrance, Right. U. E. L. Upper Entrance. Left. U. E. R. Upper Entrance, Right. C. Centre. L. C. Left of Centre. R. C. Right of Centre. T. E. L. Third Entrance, Left. T. E. R. Third Entrance, Right. C. D. Centre Door. D. R Door Right. D. L. Door Lejt. U. D. L. Upper Door, Left, IT. D. R. Upper Door, Right. *** The Reader is supposed to be on the Stage, facing the Audience. TO W . STUART. ESQ. My dear Mk. Stuart. Written in thirty-four hours, during eight days of almost constant suffering from rheumatism, " Hiawatha" is necessarily hut a poor offering, even at the shrine of such considerate friendship as yours ; but I. nevertheless, venture to inscribe it to you, because, by so doing, I obtain an opportunity of publicly recording my deep sense of your rare courtesy, liberality and good faith as a manager, but for which, and the goodwill evinced towards myself, even your excellent company could scarcely have been expected to achieve the triumphant production of a Two Act Musical Extravaganza, after only ten daijs from your receipt of the MS., and but two full rehearsals. But knowing well how much the artist-disposition, kindled by urbanity and delicate consideration, might surmount, I risked foi it, the hasty construction of a mere vehicle for the conveyance of the highest artistic talent, to the most appreciative of audiences ; and with the heartiest acknowledgment of my indebtedness to all concerned in, and upon, " Hiawatha," to you, my dear Mr. Stuart, (the " Gieat Spirit," to whose benign influence may also be ascribed its signal success,) I dedicate it, with t'ie sincere regard of, Your obliged friend, Chas. M. Walcot. 124 Crosby street, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1856. HIAWATHA. ACT I. Sck,** f. — The Great Bed Pipe Stone Quarry on the mountains of tlie Piutiic : from the mountain descends a cascade, falling into a winding cowse, and forming a stream at the foot of the mountain or rock, which is set at back. Curtain rises to music, during which Gitche Manito, the Great Spirit, gradually advances through mediums and stands on rock, then finding a pipe near him he sits down, takes tobacco from pouch, fills his pipe, takes out a match-box. lights a match, and with it fits pipe, which he then proceeds to smoke, wh°.n the music changes to sym- phony of " Chough and Crow," during which, and while he smokes, diminutive figures of tribes of Indians are seen approaching from all quarters in the far distance, and at the end of the opening solo by Gxtchi Manito, all the Indians enter from all sides, singing chorus as they approach. SOLO— MANITO. The Fox and Crow for moose are gone, The Choctaws on a spree, The Pawnees to obtain a loan From Mo-hawk's charity. My mild cloud dances on the fen, The Red Man's on his way. No rows, my men, come hither and atten- Tion lend to what I say. Chorus — Entering. No rows, my men, let's hurry and atten- Tion lend to what he'd say. Soio. My child and nurse were fast asleep, My wigwam closed an hour, And scarce from winking I could keep, When 1 started on this tour; Big Will Derhinds and short Hen Kens Shot turkeys on the way, And they vows like men, they'll readily alten- Tion lend to what you'd say HIAWATHA. Chorus. We vows like men, &c. Solo. Mohawks, I see, Mandans, C\ '.ctaws, Blackfcet and Shoshomes, Good De (a) l-o'-wares. some chickasaws, And likewise Cherokeys. You smoked your pipe, we smoked you tnen, And hastened on our way, With vows, like men, to readily atten- Tion lend to what you'd say. Chorus With vows, like men, &c. Git. See here, people, my good people, Aborigines, red people, Listen to a hint I'll give you, To a hint that's worth your heeding, From the wisdom of an old 'un The nut of a smart Indian : You have land to grow tobacco, Rice to jerk your little pudding, Cotton of the South the staple, Wrought into a useful fabric, Sugar, adjunct of the pudding, Of the many phase of pudding. You have wooden hams and nutmegs, Of the home of the great daylight, Gheezis, the great beaming sunlight. Northern hand-craft, western grain crops, Corner lots, the safe investment, For the grocery, the investment, Why in thunder not content then 1 I am weary of your squabbles, Of your Tammany outpourings, Your infuriated Sachems, The heads of the old wigwam. Of the whig, too, the old fogie In his home lodge, his headquarters ; " All your danger is in discord, " All your strength is in your union !" Wab. Well, see here, folks, I kinder IiKe that idea, Guess, on that question, this crowd won't divide here. No one won't kick up no internal broils. Providing always that we shares the spoils. Kab. That suits my book, I'm a peace man, by thunder! Only let's have a fair shake at the plunder, Now them's my sentiments, what's Shawondasecs \ S»awonoasee rises suddenly. HIAWATHA. Sha. I thought I'd have to fire up here like blazes, But see the thing in your light very clearly, Honor ! my country ! — Kab. [Aside to Sha.] Snacks 1 Sha. Ah ! you've touched inc nearly. Oil. What says M> Mudjekeewis 1 Of the far west he me father! Wab. Well, he's agreeable. Kab. You're good enough to say so. If thus he slips his chances, why he may do. Wab. Don't he afraid, he's busy just at present, And couldn't come, but since you seem so pleasant, Just understand that he won't take no man's sarse, If you skin him, he'll take it out of Kansas. Kab. I'm satisfied. Wab. I guess you'd best be rather. [Hiawatha whoops outside — all jump up and look out, L. V But see who comes ! Omnes. Hi ! hi ! hi ! hi ! — awatha ! [ Whooping Enter Hiawatha, l. u Git. Wherefore thus behind hand, sonny ? Hia. I saw your smoke, but says I there's no knowing Whose purl" it is in this grand age of blowing ; Suppose, says I, instead of the Great Spirit, It's Charles's gin, of which they puff the merit, It might be Barnum — blowing for aught I know, But hard luck put his pipe out long ago. 1 heard no bell, so 'spose you didn't ring it, The reason why I'm late is — stop, I'll sing it. SONG.— Hiawatha. I. I popped my head out of the door To see where the smoke was arising, And waited five minutes or more. But thought it was nothing surprising ; Till it formed a small cloud in the South That grew black as it roll'd ?long Nor'ard, Mum. '■ays I. I won't open my mouth. Til. 1 I know what's the game ijoing for'ard. That wasn't so green for a poor Aborigine, Whoo ! whoo! whoo ! You can't fool this here b'hoy ! II. Well, I travell'd along on my way. With nobody holding communion, Till I heard some 4i Roughs" shouting •' Let's play A hand at the game of disunion." HIAWATHA. 7 No, no, says I, boys, it's played out, You may puff and blow all you desire; But try, and you'll soon solve the doubt, That you're making a smoke without fire. That wasn't so green for a poor Aborigine, Whoo ! whoo ! whoo ! You can't fool this here bh'oy ! Git. You are right, my son. Hut. Well, yes, I rather guess so I runs with Thirty-eight, — I do — what ! Git. 'Jes' so ! Hia. So much for Mose. I think he's had his day As hero of Burlesque, of Farce and Play, (Made so In/ me, I ho' others :, I think ; that's just like me. No. Ohl you're too elegant to bo resisted— [Aside. 1 Lucky for you, if your neck don't get twistcd> 24 HIAWATHA. But I don't care, so as he makes these fellows Nukkelundah and Hiawatha jealous. Yen. [Who has sauntered up to Minnehaha, l. c] Not heard the Traviater — oh ! dear me, Why, what a savage your liege lord must be ! Min. Why, I've been told that's such a naughty piece. Yen. Oh, no, not more than just enough to increase It's popularity ; it isn't broader Than novels of the yellow-covered order ; And then 'tis done in Fourteenth-street, you know, Where only fashionable people go — And so, of course, 'tis proper. Min. (l. c.) To be sure. Nothing with fashion's stamp can be impure. Licentiousness may then claim admiration, Tho' shocking when in a cheap publication. Yen. Yes ; cheap and nasty — I catch the idea. Pooh. [Coming down l. of Min.] Minnc , what are you preach- ing about, dear ! Yen. [Aside c] Jealous, poor little dear! — jealous, 'tis plain, " Of my devotions at another's fane." Wab. Come, mister, won't you do a little suthin' To keep the pot a biling 1 Ain't there nothin' That you can sing or dance 1 — they say you're some Punkins at pigeon-wings : so step out — come. Omnes. Ay. ay, a dance — a dance — whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo ! Yen. Oh, really now you flatter me, you do. Upon my life, I'm but an amateur. Min. Oh, do oblige us. Pooh. Oh, you will, I'm sure. Nufc. Your manner, madam, actually appears Pooh. If you don't hold your tongue, I'll box your ears. " Wab. Oh, see here, don't let's have so much paw-paw. Yen. Well, then, suppose we dance a pas de trois 1 These charming ladies, will they be so kind 1 Pooh. With pleasure. Mm. [To Hiawatha ] Shall I, dear ! Hia If you're inclined, My love, by all means jerk your little pas. Yen. You're most obliging, 'pon my life you are. Nuk. [To Poohpoohmammi] Mind, I object. Pooh. Oh, stuff, my dear ! Nuk. I swear I'll lick that chap ! Pooh. Well, lick him, I don't care. Yen. Now, ladies, by your leave. Commencz, Messieurs. [Yenadizzi, Minnehaha and Poohpoohmammi take places. Leader. What's it to be 1 Yen. Oh, sir, our choice is youre HIAWATHA. 25 [Indians sit around — Nogo-miss and Hianakite in corner, r. to- gether, watching — Hiawatha and Nukkleundah, who sit at l. corner. Dance — Yenadizzi, Minnehaha and Poohpoohmammi. — During which Yenadizzi makes tender advances to Minnehaha and Pooh- poohmammi, at which Nogomiss and Hianakite rejoice— Nukkle- undah gets very uneasy, he by gestures threatening Yenadizzi, but restrained by Hiawatha, who smokes his pipe in great com- posure, and sips a tod which he gets from l. 1 e., when dance is about to commence. As soon as dance commences, Nogomiss watches till Yenadizzi be- gins to flirt roith Minnehaha, then Nogomiss goes round stealthi- ly at back and gets beside Hiawatha, who does not notice Yena- dizzi kissing Poohpoohmammi, but as he is about to kiss Minne- haha, Nogomiss nudges Hiawatha, who thereupon turns and sees what transpires. — Hiawatha gets up in a rage amidst the yells of applause of the Indians at the dance. Hia. [Throwing Yenadizzi into r. c] I'm hanged if I stand that; see here, you sir, What in thunder do you mean hy kissing her] Yen. My good sir, I No. [Sarcastically. ] It's only courtesy. Min. Of course not, and I ain't the least bit hurt, you see. No. You can't take umbrage at mere courtesy. Pooh. [To Nukkleundah.] I'd like you to object to his kissing me. Yen. [To Hiawatha.] Oh, quite preposterous ! Sir, your conduct's low Hia. It is, eh ! Well, I can take you anyhow. Min. Don't be absurd. Yen. [Alarmed.] My good friend, now keep cool. Min. You're making yourself an egregious fool. Pooh. What small potatoes ! No. Go in — give him beans ! Hia. No: but I'll lick him, only just for greens. [Pitches into Yenadizzi — General row— Nukkleundah makes to- wards Yenadizzi, but is stopped by Poohpoohmammi, who takes him by the car and leads him off r —Minnehaha clinging to Hia- watha, exclaiming — Min. Oh, spare him ! — spare him, dear. Don't kill him quite ! No. Give it him — give it him ! It serves him right ! [All get well up and closed in. Scene III. — Landscape, or wood in two. Enter No-go-mis and Hiana- kite, laughinar, (l.) No. Didn't I tell you what a row there'd be. Hum. An<\ Yenadizzi licked, that tickles me. My gal tells her cli3p he's a jealous donkey, But that kiss that she got so raised his monkey That she can't gammon him to look it over. No. Poor Minnehaha, too has lost her lover. 26 HIAWATHA Her goose is cooked, that Hiawatha sweaiB — He's done with her forever, lie declares. See. here he comes, and after him the gal, Four daughter, too. Now for a tragical, Comical, semi-serious pow-wow ; Let's stand aside and watch 'em, anyhow. [No-go-mis an.l Hianakite exit, l. Enter Hiawatha, r. 2 e. Hia. My heart's broke by the very girl that won it ; False Minnehaha's been and gone and done it. There's no one here for me to love or lick, " All. all is lost now" — so I'll cut my stick. Enter Pooh-pooh, supporting Minnehaha, r. Pooh. Pluck up a spirit, dear, and tell him flat, You want to know what sort of game he's at. You've done no wrong, and won't stand his abuse. Go to him — give him Jessy — Min. What's the use ? He won't believe me. Pooh. I'll speak to him : Here ! See, Mister — 'taint for me to interfere, But you'll break this girl's heart — that's what you will. Hia. I've had dor-darn had luck — so I guess I skill. She's bruk mine, anyhow. Min. Oh, don't say so ! What have I done 1 Hia. Go, false one, G — g — go. REGIT. AND AIR.—" All is Lost Now." All is lost now ! Oh, I never — no, I never Could have thought as how you'd sever The true love's knot you tied with me. Cut, cut your stick, now, go, false deceiver. See this face, down which is running All the paint you once said made me look s< Running; Now 'tis plain you were but funning. Just to get me on a string, I see. Still round here I feel a sneaking Kindness, that would fain be leaking, 'Bout which now 'tis not worth speaking, Since you've treated me so ill. Tho' that other cove may get ye. Strikes me that I've spoiled his prettj Yet. ne'er fear, I will not hit ye — No ! I love you, false one, still. [Minnehaha bursts into tears, and cries loud!} Exit Pooh*pooh, supporting Minnehaha, k. HIAWATHA. 27 Hia. Ah ! false to me 1 to me ? to me 1 to me 1 [No-go-mis ailers, l., and signs to Hianakite to exit, which she dot ; then No-go-mis advances to Hiawatha., r. No. My son, in what a dreadful rage you be. Hia A vaunt ! begone ! thou damnable old hag ; I swear I'll tie your head up in a bag, If you provoke me farther. No. IIere*s a muss ! Hia. What sense had I of the infernal buss ; I didn't, see it 'till you told me on't. I'd all the kisses I could ask or want. She that is kissed, her husband thinking true, Let him not know it, and she's good as new ! [Crosses to U No. Weil, I declare, that's pretty talk to me. Ilia. I had been happy if each Cherokee, Pawnee, and all had kissed her cherry lip ; So I'd not known it, I'd not cared a fip ! Oh! now, forever, farewell the cheerful mug — Farewell, tobacco, and the whiskey jug ! Farewell, Ojibeways and Chickasaws — Farewell, my own crack tribe and the big wars, In which we licked our enemies. Oh, farewell, Farewell my togs, in which I've cut a swell, And oh, ye mortal Injuns, whose rude whoops Sweli in the breeze like fashionable hoops. Friends, foes. Kith, Kin, all, ail, and every one, Farewell ! This fellow's occupation's gone ! No. My son ! Hia [Seizing and shaking No-go-iMis.] Villain, be sure In kissed her be quite sure ! Swear thou hadst occular proof, or by this skewer, [Draws knife.] Thou better hadst been born a tinker's dog, Toad, skunk, worm, bed-bug, cock-roach, pollywog, Than raise my dander up! No. Upon my life ! Hia. If this be a base lie on my poor wife, Never smile more — abandon all your tods, There'll be the devil to pay, by all the Gods ; For nothing" can be too tarnation bad Natur'd for that. [Throws her off to l., and gets R. No. [Scolding violently.] Well, cuss your impudence, I'll starve you out. Knocking your poor old grandmother about And all because I told you for your wood, If I did n't see it. who the devil could T But there, I see I've been a precious fool, Nothing like taking family matters cool. She'il make a nice accommodating wife, And entertain your company to the life, 28 HIAWATHA. I've done ; from this I've nothing more to say, i r ou may just go to the devil your own way. [Exits Nogomis in a great rage, L. 1 Hia. Th' old gal's in earnest, — would I were satisfied. Enter Nukkelundah k. Nuk. See here, these girls insist that they're belied ; Now that wont do lor me, and Poohpoohmamma Says J'm a fool ; I'm not so green tho' damme, As to be humbugged, by that sort of talk. I mean to make that fellow toe the chalk, You've had your fling at him, and I'll have mine. Hia. Kind heaven, I thank thee, for my cause is thine By one or both of us the slave shall die. Your hand. [They join hands. Nuk. But mind I'm in for the first shy. DUETT— Suoni la tromba. Nuk. If your'e the trump I think you are Loving your gal as I do, Ready to fight as drink you are, Then we shall put him through. Hia. I'm in the pool with you, my boy, For drinking and fighting too, But one at the time will do my boy, Either can put him through. Together. If you're the trump, &c. Loving your gal, &c. Ready to fight, (fee. You or I will put him through. [Exeunt l] Enter all the Indians, r. Wabun. Look'ee here, Injiins, here's a precious go ! I'm blest if I han 't struck a light '11 throw A reglar 'lumination on this muss About the gals ; that mischievous old cus Motber Nogomis and that other fright, What d'ye call her — old ma'am Hianakite, With Yenadizzi and old Dammidortur Know more of this here row than what they'd orter. I caught 'm all together a while ago Jawning like thunder all about it. — So I jist kept dark and listened for a spell. They could'nt see me, and I heern'em tell How it had been agreed to get that pup, HIAWATHA. 29 That Yenadizzi dandy to shin up To both the gals to get their fellows riled, That their intended marriage might be spiled. Nukkelundah and to'ther have both gone' To pay the dandy for the work he's done. And here co.nes Minnehaha in a stew. Not knowing clearly what they mean to do. You keep her here and I'll engage 'fore long, To fix what the French call a Denoument! Strengthen a Sangaree with a small stick, And let her sip it for, poor thing, she's sick. [Exit Wabun l. Enter — Minnehaha, r. 1 distracted; dressed in white; hair down, 6cC Min. Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, to dinner, You must eat, I wont have you any thinner, You're angry, ehl what harm, sir, have I spoken, Whip your ill nature ! get you to Hoboken, Oh, you're returned ! Am I to blame to love him. Come, stop that, you've no right to pinch and shove him, "Where art thou \ He's here somewhere ; love, where be ye 1 Ah, Ketcheei Ketchee 1 Peep-bo! Ah I I see ye, Stand off, I say ! What, gone again ? Who'll dare To keep him from me \ Ha ! look there ! look there ! [Sings from " the Maniac."] I see him leap the garden wall, He heeds me not, No, by Evings ! I am not mad ! Oh, release me ! No, by Evings ! I am not mad 1 Here he jumped down ; oh, I'll dig dig the den up. I've come to something to be digging men up. [Sings — from Lucia, and rushes off R. 1, L. At end of Mad scene — Yenadizzi is heard without, b. h. u. e. Yen. Help! help! help! murder! murder! help! Hia. [Outside, u.] Stop thief 1 Nuk. [Outside, k.] Seize him ! Upset him ! Enter Yenadizzi, running breathlessly, b. u. Yen. If you'd just as lief, I'd rather you'd permit me to escape. Min. [Entering, b. 1. ; seizing him.'] Never! you got me into this vile scrape, You stole a kiss, an unprovoked attack. Yen. My dear, I'm quite prepared to give it back. Min. Wretch ! can you give me back my peace of mind 1 Pooh [Also holding /urn.] What satisfaction, fool, am I to find ? Hav'nt I lost a husband ? 80 HIAWATHA. Min. And I too? Yen. Damme, I'll marry both, if that '11 do. Hia. [Enter r. ; outside.] This way he ran f Nuk- [Outside, r ] Come on ! Mm. My love ! Puuh. And mine ! Hia. [Outside, a.] Vengeance 1 Nuk. Destruction ! Hia. Torture ! Nuk. Death ! Yen. [Getting to l, corner.] " Dem fine ! " Enter Hiawatha and Nukkleundah r. u. hastily. Nuk. At last my turn is come, and thus I seize — [Lays hold of Yenadizzi, but Poohpooumammi seizes Nukkleundah and passes him over to r. Pooh. Turn yourself over here, sir, if you please, And have the goodness, will you, to keep cool. Nuk [Passionately.] Ma'am, do you take me for an arrant fool. Pooh. Of course 1 do ! Nukkelundah bursts away and stalks up followed by Poohpcohmammi. Min. [To Hiawatha.] pray hear reason, dear. Hin. My mind's made up ! Yen. So's my account, 1 fear ! Ilia. Seizing Yenaoizzi, and bringing him c] Nukkel, the victim'* yonrs, if now you claim him. Pooh, (n.) I'll slap your face, now, if you only name him. Nuk. (h.) Yes, but I tell you. Pooh. Hush up ! Nuk. I cave in ! Hia. Then thus I instantly t4 go in and win." [About to scalp Yenadizzi — Wabun speaks loudly as entering with Nogomis, Hianakite and Dammiooktur, tied in a rope, L. u. K. Wab [Down l. corner.] No, no— hold on ; don't hurt that .-silly cusi. These is the critters that made all the muss. Min. My father ! Pooh. Mother ! Wab. Yes, and aunty, here. Old Mrs. Belzebub came pretty near Fixing your flints, and blowing you to thunder, For they was bent on keeping you asunder, And so they set that fool a making love To both the gals. Min. Oh, if you could but prove That interesting fact beyond a doubt, From all this bother it would help us out ; Form a convenient climax to our play And end things in the good ©id-fashioned way. HIAWATHA. 31 [A loud, slou. whoop heard at back ; all separate to either side, look about and listen. Hia. " If I were superstitious, I should say," Some one's about ycur wishes to obey ; But tho' I own at present 'tis obscure, It only wants a gong to make me sure. [Gong — change to fancy scene, discovering Gitche Manito. Git. [Adva?icmg c ] To clear up, then, this troublesome mishap, Save some blue fire and a vampire trap, I come, like an established fairy queen. To make you happy in a new last scene. Hia. Tis Gitchie Manito ! oh, welcome tones ! I knew he'd come, I felt it in my bones Git. I heard your wish, and knew just what you meant. Min. Speak ! Pooh. Quick ! JVuL My Pooh ! Hia. My Min ! Git. [ Very loud.] Is innocent ! [Indians yell. TV k \ S weet » injured excellence — come to my heart. [Hiawatha, who is l. c, and Nukkleundah, who is r c, back quickly upon Gitchi-manito. and knock him down; he gets vp, and limp, off. while Minnehaha a»d Hiawatha, and Nukkleundah and Poohpoohmammi, meet and embrace. — No-go-miss, Hianakite, and Dammidortur. vpsct Wabun and Exeunt, l. 1. — Yenadizzi steals across from r. to l., but is checked by Hiawatha's voice. Yen. I guess it's about time I should depart. Hia. Yes, cut your stick, follow your crowd along, We let up on 'em, tho' perhaps 'tis wrong, The attempt and not the deed recoils upon All who'd dissolve our happy Union. [The Symphony of "Finale'" is commenced, when Minnehaha advances, and stops the Leader. Min. One moment if you please I To Audience ] Should you ask me whence this drama, Whence these cut-woods and setpieces, With the impress of the Forest, With the smell of Metamora, With the rushing of live supers, W T ith its frequent song and chorus, And its queer instrumentation, As of scoring by La Manna 1 I should answer — I should tell you — From Longfellow's " Hiawatha," From the song of the Professor, The edition of one Ticknor. From the store of Mr. Lorkwood ; — You have seen it as 'tis altered By the pen of Charley Walcot o2 HIAWATHA. The Comedian, the Mummer. Should you ask where Charley Walcot Found his version of the story, This his murder of Longfellow ; I should answer — I should tell you — In the scarcity of suhjects, In the dearth of striking subjects. In the knowledge of its value. In its value for its title. Ye who love extravaganza. Love to laugh at all things funny, Love the bold anachronism, And the work of paste and scissors, And " the unities" destruction, Nigger airs, old glees and catches, Interspersed with gems of Op'ra. Jokes and puns. good, bad and so-so, — Come and see this mutilation, This disgraceful Hiawatha, Mongrel, doggrel Hiawatha ! FINALE.— "VMisire d'Amore. Min. Our mimic troubles ended, we have nothing else to do, But turn with some anxiety, kind gentlefolks to you, In hopes you'll come again, and bring your friends to see our pranks, That we long may have your countenance and you our hearty thanks. Chorus. In hopes, &c. Nuk. My little woman here and [ may sometimes have a spat Pooh. My dear, don't be absurd Nuk. My love, I will speak, and that's flat. An angry word may now and then, like bitters in the cup Of life, disturb our sweets Pooh. What then 1 ' Nuk. We'll kiss and make it up. Chorus. An angry word, &c. MORAL. Hia. As with them, so with these happy States, still let the maxim be, Shake hands and make it up again, whene'er they disagree. As with us, so may the enemies of Union ever fail. And patriot hearts and hands protect what treason would assail. Chorus. As with us, &c. [Catalogue continued from second page of c< r> VOL,. XXV. 193 Father and Son, 194 Wassaniello, 195 Sixteen String Jack 196 Youthful Queen, 197 Skeleton Witness, 198 Inkeep'r of Abbeville 199 Miller and his Men, VOL. XXVI. 201 Adiienne the Actress 202 Undine, 203 Jessie Brown, 204 Asinodeus, 205 Mormons. (wine. 206 Blanche of Brandv- 207 Yiola. Aladdin. , 208 Deseret Deserted. HAMLET, in Three Acts, condensed and adapted by Walter Gay. Price, 12^ cts. THE SPANISH WIFE : by Samuel M. Smucker, Esq., with a Portrait and Memoir of EDWIN FORREST. Price 12^ cents. THE OATH OF OFFICE; by Charles James Cannon, Esq., with a Portrait of the Author. Price 12)4 cents. GUTTLE AND GULPIT. Price 12^ cents. Plays \%M Cents Each. 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