U G , U.55 iin aass___^'-:-^: All Book "bcl O til 0\ VVV-i^v. Si . C Fi LANDSCAPE SKETCHING REPUBLICATION BY THE ARMY WAR COLLEGB OF PART OF A PAMPHLET ORIGINALLY ISSUED BY THE SCHOOL OF MUSKETRY AUGUST, 1917 ,.^ / ^ -JL^:i WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OJFFICB 191/ WAR DEPARTMENT Document No. 645 OiTicE OF I'HE Adjutant General D. or i). WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, August 8, 1917. The followiDg pamphlet en Landscape Sketching is published for the information of all concerned. [062.1, A. G. O.] By okdeb or the Secsetaby of Wab : TASKER H. BLISS, Major General, Acting Chief of Staff. Official : H. P. McCain, The Adjutant General. 8 LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. THE CONTOURED MAP IS INDISPENSABLE IN MANEUVERING TROOPS. The panoramic or landscape sketch is the means par ex- cellence for target designation. It is also of great military value in illustrating a reconnaissance, making outpost sketches and range cards. Bridges, fords, forks in the road, and other features shown on topographical maps may be quickly identified by using marginal sketches. 30. Photography has been tested with elaborate devices as a substitute for landscape sketching. The results are fairly satis- factory when taken under propitious conditions of light and atmospheric conditions. But the camera can not select details. Useless features in the immediate foreground are emphasized, while essential details more distant are scarcely perceptible. Views of the same terrain taken from different angles are seldom possible in battle reconnaissance. Tlie delay caused by combining and analyzing the results will usually render the photographs of little service in that particu- lar engagement. For the quick work and immediate results demanded by battle reconnaissance there seems very limited use for photography and the maximum demand for rapid free-hand sketching. A landscape sketch shows tlie terrain graphically and re- quires no study or training to comprehend. The horizon is always of military importance. This is always shown, as woll as intervening crests, woods, houses, feiices, etc. A great French authority states: "It is as necessary for an ofticer to knov/ how to draw as to know how to write, for often with two lines h.e can tell more and tell it better than with two pages of v.riting, inasmuch as a few strokes of the pencil are made more quickly and easily than a report is composed, and secure and classify details for a report much better than do the memories which we preserve from a long reconnaissance." Drawing is the educator of the eye, par excellence. — It teaches one to judge ground rapidly by developing that iastinct whicli 5 6 LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. gives to the sight a power, and certainly not acquired otherwise tlian by the habit of studying the landscape in detail and in its various aspects. It engenders an accuracy of observation which mechanically notes the form and aspect of things, even though the mind be occupied with other matters. The habit of sketching gives to the memory a faculty that might be called intuitive, that of grasping, in spite of one's self and in spite of mental distraction, the form and color of objects seen. The ability to estimate distances and see military features of the terrain is admittedly an indispensable part of military train- ing. Tliere is no surer or quicker method of educating the eye for ground and distances than actual practice in sketching. This work, done from the terrain in the perspective, has a terror for most officers and men. It seems customary to state, " I am not an artist," and give up without an honest attempt to attain proficiency. The making of route and position sketches is required as a matter of routine knowledge throughout the Army. Many an officer and enlisted man points with pride at such sketches he now makes with little effort, where in the beginning lie viewed with alarm the possibility of ever being called upon to map a road or outpost position. When attacked in earnest, landscape sketching will be found to be no more difficult than topographical mapping and far easier to many. An item that may appeal to some is that the landscape sketch is made without the sketcher moving from one spot, and is usually executed while seated. Military positions are located on the sketch by the angular deflection, measured in rails, from a reference point. The range, determined by measurement or estimation, and the deflection together locate the target, etc. The deflection of each end of troops in line is shown, thus furnishing the necessary data for determining the hostile strength. As the reference point is chosen for its clear definition, it will seldom be exactly in the hostile position. The peak may be 20 miles beyond, the house or tree chosen may be nearer or more distant than the lines of enemy troops. This position of the reference point with reference to the place from which the sketch was made and the deflection of targets was determined must be considered in advancing to a position illustrated by a landscape sketch. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 7 The deflection in mils and the lateral arrangement of features is accurate only for the position from which the sketch was made. As soon as the observer moves from that position changes occur in the deflection due to parallax. This fact must be con- sidered in apportioning the target betvi^een companies, platoons, etc. The paper used by a patrol will usually be a notebook or the back of a field message bkmk. The length of the sketch will seldom exceed 8 inches, which includes a visual angle of about 30°. A pad especially prepared for sketching is furnished for this work at the School of IVlusketry. When landscape sketclies are made on the back of the field message blank (Signal Corps, 217, A), held 20 inches from the eye, each inch of the rule printed at the top of the sheet sub- tends 50 mils ; at 10 inches. 100 mils ; at 15 inches 1^ inches on the paper subtends 100 mils. TARGET DESIGNATION. 31. The landscape sketch presents graphically the location of the target and other data necessary to fire direction and control. The landscape sketch portrays graphically a sector of the terrain from the position of the observer to the horizon, includ- ing the targets. The reference point, an easily recognized fea- ture of the terrain, is identified on the sketch by an arrow head. Targets are indicated by use of conventional signs for Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and machine guns. The deflection of the target from the reference point is given in mils and the range in yards, both entered along the upper margin of the pai>er along with any explanatory data advisable. An error in de- flection should never exceed 10 mils. The manner in which the ranges are determined — by measurement or estimation — is noted on the sketch. The deflections locate the flanks of the target and permit a division into sectors, selection of aiming points, preliminary in- struction to range estimators, etc., before arriving at the point from which the sketch is made. ILLUSTRATION OF RECONNAISSANCE REPORTS. 32. By means of landscape sketches a patrol leader can render his report clear, accurate, brief, and comprehensive. 8 LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. A reconnoissance patrol may travel many miles and discover many items of military importance in the terrain covered. Land- scape sketches made at happily chosen places, identified on his route sketch, will reproduce the terrain in a familiar aspect. A few lines and explanatory remarks will convey graphically and accurately much valuable information otherwise difficult to describe. A report of a hostile position is of the greatest im- portance; the same report illustrated by a sketch showing graphically the flanks and location of the position with refer- ence to the neighboring terrain permits small opportunity for error. Such a sketch, locating the hostile disposition with reference to easily recognized features of the terrain, showing crest lines and possible firing positions, may be made from the concealment offered by brush, rocks, etc. The position of the observer and the direction illustrated by a landscape sketch are located on the route sketch thus : Gf J^ ®* The number corresponds to that on the landscape sketch and the arrow points in the direction illustrated. A battle reconnaissance patrol is sent out just preceding or even during an engagement. Reports must be brief but compre- hensive. Panoramic sketches made from pos;e noted by holding a pencil at arm's length before the eye and defining the limits of the object between the thumb and end of the pencil. Heavy lines will be used in depicting the foreground, medium lines objects in the middle distance, and the background sketched by fine strokes with a hard pencil. A careful study of the ground Iiefore commencing to draw will assist greatly. Field glasses will define accidents and de- tails not plain to the eye. First draw the sky line, then work toward the foreground, gradually thickening the strokes. It may be advantageous for a beginner to use rlii-ee pencils of varying hardness, as an H for the foreground, 3 H for middle distance, and 5 H for back- ground. Commercial pencils. Nos. 2 and 3, pointed and used with care, produce the same results and are always available. Several pencils should be carried pointed and ready for use. To put in woods, sketch the outline of the tree tops with a succession of short curves, then di-aw a broken line to show the near edge of the woods if in relief and fill the space between \\ith diagonal shading. This is the only shading required in the entire landscape sketch, the result being that trees stand out among other details. It will be nf)ted tliat woods are of great value for indicating depressions and defiladed areas. A tree on a plain or slope in full view will show a portion of the trunk. Trees partially concealed by ridges show only the rounded top. Draw only the silhouette or outline of the tree, do not attempt detail of branches. 12 lANBSCAPE SXETCHHTG. All roads are shown by two unbroken lines representing the ■edges which get closer together as the road recedes until they unite forming one line. Do not show unimproved roads and trails by dotted lines iis on contoured sketches ; use solid lines, and place any explana- tory data in the T-section at the top of the paper. Draw only the outline or silhouette of buildings. PRACTICE IN LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 37. (a) A beginner in landscape sketching should first copy :some typical sketches. He will thus learn how to handle his .pencils, the relative weights of the lines in foreground and ■distance, and the extremely small size of the few conventional signs used to represent troops. He will also appreciate the importance of a sharp point to his pencils, and keep several •always ready for use. (b) The next step should be drawing imaginary landscapes. This is excellent practice. Skylines and intermediate crests can be drawn, and troops of all arms placed iu position. (c) Select a sector convenient to quarters, and sketch the same landscape at least once a day until the result is satis- factory. (d) Select other landscapes for practice. .(e) Allow 10 minutes for the completion of a sketch. THE SCHOOL OF MUSKETRY SKETCHING PAD. 88. A pad of specially ruled paper has been designed for use in landscape sketching at the ^cliool of Musketry. (See plate 2.) The sheets are 8i by oi inches. Vertical lines in light blue •cross the paper. These vertical lines are of value as guides in dropping features of the landscape located over the top of the paper down to the sketch strip. The intercept between tlfese vertical lines equals the 50 mils division of the musketry rule. A cord run through the metal eyelet set in the center of the backing near the top and knotted at 15 inches is used to insure the paper being held at the same •dif^tance from the eye each time the pad is oriented. With this length of oord the interval between the vertical lines subtends 50 mils. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. IS < /? ^ ■ ;i i - ■ • 11 ■h Q Z «. — — . ^^ 0 yards, estimate the distance in miles and enter same below the name of the feature in the T-section as — Blount Scott 11 miles. 3. Targets are accurately located on the sheet by the vise of conventional signs. In addition to these conventional signs, the location is em- phasized by a perpendicular dropped from the " T " line. At tile top of this perpendicular, the abbrevation I., C, A,, or M. G. furtlier indicates the nature of the target. In case the target or position shown has mari^ed linear dimen- sions, as infantry deployed, a perpendicular is dropped to eacli end of the line occupied. 4. Information concerning the target and nothing else is Vv-ritten vertically upon the sketch along the perpendiculars in the broad space between the sketch and the DF* line. For example, on perpendiculars headed— 4 Plat. col. advancing. Entrenched. Column, moving east. O. Led horses. Moving north. 4 guns in position. Limbered. M. Q. 4 guns in position. Moving west. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 17 ^ p- b 6 p^ 1- (1^ D •i t / ^ J 1 lA c < ^ c . $ "^ 2 f . i ] S c ■ i 4 - U) 7493°— 17- «^ *- •-< o <-» «^ 7 M O "^ » h4 O ^# w w ^>» O jMI« CO H 1 z O w a) o ul ffc > u >» o o M >> +3 »4 iH a +» p ■3 1-4 •H •H o a •3 18 LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. The note on the perpendiciihir should state the strenjrth. formation, and whether in position or in motion ; if tlie latter, the direction taken. Give the length of target or enemy line in mils. This measui'e- meiit sliould he accurate witlnn 10 mils. Do not assign organizations to the enemy, as company, bat- talion, troop, etc., unless positive this information is correct. State the arm and give length of line observed in mils. 5. Eange. — Estimated or measured, is entered in the RN space, across the perpendicular indicating the target or ob.iect. The method of determining the range is written after RN — " Estimated " or " Measured." 6. Deflection. — The deflection in mils from the reference point is determined either by use of the vertical lines on the pad or by means of a mil scale and entered in the DF space across the perpendicular indicating the target or object. This deflection should never be in error more than 10 mils. Place a reference point on each sketch. Do not carry the deflec- tion across several joined sketches. The sketch containing the first refei'ence point may be lost, and thus make the others valueless. Each sketch must be complete in itself. 7. The location of the sketcher is described by using the name of the ridge, knoll, etc., or by giving the direction and distance from a known point, as — "Evans Knob," or " Ridge 400 yards west of Apache Gate." This data is entered in the lower left-hand corner of the sketch. 8. The sketches are numbered serially within the circle at the bottom of the pad. The location and direction illustrated on a route sketch are identified by the cori'esponding number in a circle with an arrow indicating the terrain sketched. 9. The compass bearing is shown by an arrow with one barb, drawn beside the circle. To determine its direction, orient the sketch in a horizontal position with the " vertical " line marking the reference point pointing toward the reference point. Then draw the arrow parallel to the compass needle, barb toward the north. 10. The time, date, and signature entered on right of the circle completes the sketch. Note. — Distance of pad from the eye. — The pad designed for use at the School of Musketry is ruled with vertical lines sub- LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 19 tending 50 mils when held 15 inches from tlie eye. This interval was selected as a matter of convenience to the student, conform- ing to the divisions of the musketry rule. If preferred, the paper can be oriented by holding the sheet about 12 inches from the eye and by moving the paper back and forth until the orientation marks coincide with two selected terrain features preferably on the sky line. In tliis case the deflection in mils must be determined by use of a mil scale, and tlie vertical spacing on the paper be ignored when enter- ing deflections from the reference point. The value of the intervals in mils (50) is correct only when tlie pad is held at the proper distance from the eye (15 inches). In making a hasty sketch on any paper at hand, the deliec- tion in mils is ascertained with a mil scale, or approximated by using the gun sight, lingers, or the trigger guard of a pistol. In infantry and macliiue-gun companies and battalions, the fol- lowing individuals should provide themselves with a mil scale as part of their field equijiment : (a) Battalion commanders. (h) Adjutants and reconnaissance officers. (c) Company commanders. ((7) I^eaders of platoons, sections, and squads. (c) Seconds in command and platoon guides. (/) Scouts and agents of communication. Also, any other individual who asi»ires to any of the positions above enumerated, should provide himself with a mil scale and seek to pei-fect himself in its use. JOINING SKETCHES. 41. Several sketches will often l)e made from one position for the purpose of showing more terrain than can be included on one sketch. ■\Mienever two sketches are to be joined, the same terrain feature must appear on each — near the left edge of one and the right edge of the other. The procedure is as follows, when given a terrain too wide to be included in one sketch : Make a complete sketch, including the terrain from the left, for example, as far as the paper will permit toward the right, noting an object approximately beneath the right orientation mark and preferably on the sky line. The next sketch will commence with its left orientation mark over the feature noted 20 LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. ou the right of the precefluig sketch, this feature appearing oa both sketches. This repeating of a feature on two adjacent sketches is continued luitil the required sector of terrain is covered up to a couiijlete panorama of 360°. A series of seven slcetclies may be made, for example, from one position, giving a panorama of 180°. If this panorama ex- tends from the east through the north to the west, the arrow on the first sketch indicating the magnetic bearing will lie parallel to the bottom of the paper pointing to the observer's left, the arrow on the fourth sketch (looking north) will lie at right angles to the lower edge of the paper, pointing toward the top. and the arrow of the last sketch (looking west) will lie parallel to the lower edge of the paper, pointing to the observer's right. The arrows of the second and third sketches will occupy inter- mediate positions with reference to the lower edge of the paper between those of the first and fourth sketches, and the arrows of the fifth and sixth sketches intermediate positions between the fourth and seventh. (See plate 4.) In assembling to form a panorama the sketches are placed in order on a flat surface with all the arrows parallel. In the above example, a panorama extending through 180°, the sketches form a semicircle. (See plate 4.) In " joining " two adjacent sketches, the corner of the right sketch (for example), folded muler in a line through the center of the common feature. (The fold usuallj- strikes the lower edge^of the paper about an inch from the corner and the right edge about one-half inch from the top.) Place the folded sketch over the other, so that half the common feature will be visible on each sketcli. and with this common feature as a pivot turn the right sketch until the arrows of both sketches arc parallel. The crests and other features of the two sketches should meet approximately along the edge of the fold. The section of the right sketch folded under will depict the identical terrain it covers on the left sket<'h. (See plate 5.) As landscape sketches are made rapidly and with a free hand, some adjustment of data will usually be necessary to secure un- broken lines whei'e the sketches meet. The joining should be checked on the ground and corrections made without hesitation. When several joined sketches are necessary to show the location of related targets, each sketch should be complete in itself with reference points, deflections, etc. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 81 22 LAITDSCAPE SKETCHING. in rr 77^y/Jy\//^M. Ko W'^i/Z^/^ /® 1st Step In Joining. Two sketches showinfT same terrain feature near adjacent edges. '/^//y ^© a_ 2nd Step in joining. Corner of sketcli on right folded through center of reservoir hill preparatory to placing over eKeteh on left. Srd Step In joining. 2 Sketches Joined. Pivot « on cbmmoi) point, arrows Plate 5. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 23 The sketches will be joiiiei3U9Jf.U3 %hln9 P- flV^IO^jfu^ "" ^% 34 lANDSCAPE SKETCHING. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 85 36 LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. "t. ^o. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING. 37 -#^ < o Ill Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y P*T. JAM. 21, \m