DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE -,„, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WASHINGTON THIRTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES 1910 NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS Prepared under the superviaion of WM. C. HUNT Chief Statistician for Population [Reprint of Chapter I, pages 21-124, of Volume I of the Thirteenth Census Reports] WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 97 of ^. CONTENTS, Page. Introduction 21 Population of the United States and of its outlying posses- sions 22 Area of enumeration 22 United States, exclusive of outlying possessions 23 Population by divisions and states 25 Distribution of the population and rank of states and divisions 25 Growth of population 26 Apportionment of representation 36 Population for apportionment purposes: 1910 36 Number of representatives under each apportionment. . . 36 Area and density of population 38 Area 38 United States as a whole 38 Divisions and states 39 Population per square mile 41 United States as a whole 41 Divisions and states 41 Acres per inhabitant 44 United States as a whole 44 Divisions and states 44 Center of population and median lines 45 Definition of terms 45 Method of determining the center of population 46 The center of population : 1910 46 Location of the center: 1790-1910 .• 46 The center of area 50 Median lines 50 Median point 52 Urban and rural population 53 Definition of terms 53 Proportion urban and rural 53 United States as a whole 53 Divisions and states 54 Increase in urban and rural population 60 United States as a whole 60 Divisions and states 60 Communities classified according to size 64 Proportion in the several classes of communities 64 United States as a whole 64 Divisions and states 65 Proportion of urban population living in each claes of urban places 66 Growth of the several classes of urban communities 70 United States as a whole 70 Divisions and states 71 Cities and their suburbs 73 Method of defining districts 73 Metropolitan districts 74 Cities of 100,000 to 200,000 inliabitants and their adjacent territory 76 Population of individual cities 78 Cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more 78 Cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more 79 Population of counties or equivalent divisions 98 Notes regarding changes in county boundaries 124 PRINCIPAL TABLES. Population of the United States, by divisions and states, and of specified outlying possessions, with rank according to population: 1790-1910 30 Increase in total population of the United States, by divisions andstates, and of specified outlying possessions: 1790-1910. 32 Population for apportionment purposes: 1910 36 Number of members in the House of Representatives under each apportionment: 1789-1910 37 Land area of the United States in square miles, by states and territories: 1790-1910 40 Population per square mile, by states: 1790-1910 44 Position of the center of population : 1790-1910 48 Urban and rural population, by divisions and states: 1880- 1910 56 Increase in population of urban and rural territory, by divi- sions and states: 1900-1910 62 Population of the several classes of cities and other urban places, and of rural districts, with per cent of total popula- tion living in each group, by divisions and states : 1880-1910 67 Population of urban classes and of rural territory, with per cent of increase, by divisions and states: 1900-1910 72 Area and population of central city, metropolitan district, and adjacent territory, for cities of 200,000 inhabitants or more: 1910 and 1900 74 Area and population of central city and of adjacent territory, for cities of 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants: 1910 and 1900. . 77 Population of cities having, in 1910, 100,000 inhabitants or more, 1790-1910, and decennial increase, 1820-1910 80 Fifty largest cities at each census from 1840 to 1910, arranged in the order of their rank 82 Population of cities having, in 1910, 25,000 inhabitants or more, 1850-1910, and decennial increase, 1890-1910 84 Population of places having, in 1910, 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1910, 1900, and 1890 87 Percentage of increase for combined counties: 1900-1910 100 Number of counties classified according to rate of increase of population from 1900 to 1910, by divisions and states 102 Area and population of counties or equivalent subdivisions in the United States: 1910, 1900, and 1890 103 Area and population of subdivisions of Alaska in 1910, Hawaii in 1910, 1900, and 1890, and Porto Rico in 1910 and 1899. . . 123 MAPS. Percentage of increase in total population, by states: 1900- 1910 34 Percentage of increase in total population, by states: 1890- 1900 34 Population per square mile, by states: 1910 43 Population per square mile, by states: 1900 43 Center of population, April 15, 1910 47 Center of population at each census, 1790 to 1910, and median point, 1880 to 1910 4ft CONTENTS. ^Position of center of area, center of population, and median lines: 1910 51 Per cent urban in total population, by states: 1910 58 Per cent urban in total population, by states: 1900 58 Percentage of increase in luban population, by states: 1900- 1910 63 Percentage of increase in rural population, by states: 1900- 1910 63 Percentage of increase in total population, by counties: 1900-1910 125 Population per square mile, by counties: 1910 126 Rural population per square mile, by counties: 1910 127 DIAGRAMS. Page. Increase of population in the United States and the principal ■ countries of Europe: 1800-1910 35 Population per square mile: 1790-1910 ^-. 41 Population per square mile, by states: 1910 and 1900 41 Population in places of 8,000 inhabitants or more at each cen- sus: 1790-1910 54 Urban and rm'al population : 1880-1910 54 Per cent luban in total population, by states: 1910 and 1900. 55 Per cent urban in total population, by states: 1880-1910 59 Population of cities having, in 1910, 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1910 and 1900 78 Chapter I. NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. INTEODUCTION. This chapter presents the results of the Thii-teenth Census with respect to the number of inhabitants, and their distribution over the territory of the United States. The tables show the number of inhabitants enumer- ated in each state, county, and city, or other incorpo- rated place of 2,500 inhabitants or more. Comparative figures are given for the states and 50 principal cities back to the first census in 1790, and for the medium- sized cities — those having from 25,000 to 100,000 in- habitants — as far back as 1850, but for the counties and smaller cities the comparison is confined to 1910, 1900, and 1890. In connection with the population of states, counties, and cities considerable attention is given to the in- crease of the population, especially for the last two decades. Tables are also presented showing for 1910 the population which was taken as the basis of appor- tionment of Representatives, under the act of 1911, and showing the membership of the House of Repre- sentatives under each of the earlier apportionment acts. Statistics of area and density of population are given for the several states and territories, as well as state- ments describing the location of the center of popula- tion, at each census, 1790-1910, and of the median point and median lines at each census, 1880-1910. The chapter shows further the distribution of the population between urban and rural communities, together with the gi'owth of population in urban and rural territory. It also further distributes the urban population by classes of communities grouped accord- ing to size. In the case of cities of 100,000 or more inhabitants tables have been prepared covering, in addition to the population of the given city, the popu- lation residing within the suburban territory adjacent to it and lying within approximately 10 miles of its boundaries. At the date of the Thirteenth Census, April 15, 1910, the jurisdiction of the United States embraced 46 states, 2 territories (Ai-izona and New Mexico), and the District of Columbia, together with the following outlying possessions: Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoa, and the Panama Canal Zone. The act providing for the Thir- teenth Census did not provide for an enumeration of the population of the Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoa, or the Panama Canal Zone. Since the enumeration Arizona and New Mexico have been admitted as states, and in the reports of the present census they are not generally distinguished from the states as terri- tories. In the Thirteenth Census reports the term "United States" when used without qualification embraces the 48 states and the District of Columbia but not the outlymg territories and possessions of the United States. Sometimes, however, the United States in this sense is referred to as the United States proper, or as continental United States. Returns of the population relate to the census day, April 15, 1910. All persons living on that date, in- cluding those who had subsequently died before the schedules covering their respective households were actually filled out, were enumerated, while children born after April 15, and immigrants arriving in the country after that date, were excluded. At previous censuses, beginning with that of 1830, the date of enumeration was June 1, and at the censuses of 1790, 1800, 1810, and 1820, it was the first Monday in August. For the country as a whole, and for each state, county, city, or other specified area, the population enumerated is the resident population. The enum- erators, under the law, were instructed to enumerate pei-sons at then- "usual place of abode" — that is, where they may be said to "live" or "belong" or to have then- "home." More specifically, the usual place of abode is defined as commonly the place where one "regularly sleeps." Hence pei-sons were not in every instance counted in the place where they hap- pened to' be found by the enumerators. Pei"sons temporarily absent from the country or from their usual place of abode — temporarily away from home on a visit, or on business, or traveling for pleasure, or attending school or college, or sick in a hospital — were enumerated at the place of then- habitual residence, information regarding them having been obtained from relatives or other persons ; while visitors, lodgers, and in general individuals present temporarily mthin any given district at the time of the census, but having a usual place of abode elsewhere, were not returned by the enumerator of the district, unless it waspracticallycertainthat they would not be enumer- ated anywhere else. (21) 22 POPULATION. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND OF ITS OUTLYING POSSESSIONS. In 1910 the aggregate population of the United States with its outlying possessions exceeded 101,000,- 000. The population given in Table 1 for the PhOip- pine Islands is for 1903, in which year a census was taken by the PhUippine Commission; that mcluded for the Panama Canal Zone is for 1912, in which year a census was taken by the Department of Civil Admin- istration of the Isthmian Canal Commission; the fig- ures for Guam and Samoa are estimates. Although the data included for these four outlying possessions were not obtained by an enumeration in 1910, the aggregate given in the table may nevertheless be ac- cepted as a close approximation to the actual popula- tion of the United States with its possessions in that year. This aggregate is distributed by areas as shown in Table 1. TJnited States, with outlying possessions . United States, exclusive of outlying possessions. Outlying possessions Alaska ■ Hawaii Porto Rico Military and naval service abroad. Philippine Islands Panama Canal Zone Guam (population estimated) Samoa (population estimated) Gross area (land and water) in square miles. 3, 743, 306 3, 026, 789 716, 517 590, 884 6,449 3,435 115, 026 436 210 77 101,115,487 91, 972, 266 9, 143, 221 64, 356 191, 909 1, 118, 012 55, 608 ' 7, 635, 426 =^62, 810 9,000 6,100 1 Population in 1903. The United States with its outlying possessions occu- pies approximately 6.7 per cent of the world's land area and embraces 5.9 per cent of its population.^ ' The area and population of the United States may be compared with that of other countries and of the continental divisions in the following table, which gives separate figures for the 11 countries or empires whose population, each as estimated, exceeds 25,000,000. Areas and populations, except as regards the United States, are taken from Hiibner's Geographisch-statistische Tabellen (1911). Some- what different figures representing a different classification of Polar regions, inland seas, coastal waters, and spheres of influence might be given, taken from various sources, and in general the figures given must be regarded as being in the nature of estimates. Ap- proximately two-thirds (65.1 per cent) of the world's land area is occupied by these 11 countries, which embrace nearly seven-eighths (87.2 per cent) of the estimated aggregate population of the world. KEGION OR COHNTBT. Aggregate. Continental divisions: Asia Europe America (North and South) 2 . Africa Australia and Oceania Polar regions Countries (including dependencies) China British Empire ■* Eussia United States France Germany Japan Austria-Hungary Netherlands Italy Belgium Other countries (approximately) Area in square miles. 17,052,000 3,821,000 15,058,000 11, 605, 000 3,457,000 4,892,000 4,227,000 11,548,000 8,609,000 3, 743, 000 4,471,000 1,2.37,000 259,000 261, 000 805,000 300,000 931,000 19, 494, 000 Population. 955,478,000 443,520,000 174,844,000 138,215,000 7,467,000 13,000 427,947,000 418, 253, 000 162, 439, 000 101,115,000 92,081,000 77,313,000 64, 129, 000 51,307,000 43,714,000 35,262,000 26.452,000 219,525,000 PEK CENT DISTRIBUTION OF AGGREG.iTE. 55.6 25.8 10.2 1 The square kilometer is taken as equal to 0.3S61 of a square mile. 2 Grouping the countries by continents the area of North America is 8,040,000 square miles, of South America 7,018 000. For population of North and South America separately, see Note 2, p. 23. 5 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. « The English sphere oi influence in the Libyan Desert e.xtends over 400,000 square miles. The population of this area is about 7,000. - Population in 1912. Area of enumeration. — The area of enumeration in 1910 embraced the 48 states and territories with tlie District of Columbia, and the following outlying pos- sessions: Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. Persons in the mili tary and naval service of the United States stationed abroad (that is, stationed beyond the limits of the United States proper and outside of the out- lying possessions included in the area of enumeration in 1910) were enumerated through co-operation with the War and the Navy Departments. This class of per- sons in 1910 numbered 55,608, as compared with 91,219 in 1900, and comprised officers and enhsted men and civilian employees at mifitary and naval sta- tions and on naval vessels abroad and, in addition, officers' servants and members of famUies of certain ofiicers and enlisted men and of civiUan employees. The total population enumerated was 93,402,151. Of this aggregate, 1,429,885 were enumerated in outlying possessions. At the census of 1900 the population enumerated aggregated 76,303,387, of which 308,812 were enumerated in outlying possessions; but to this may be added the population of Porto Rico (953,243) as enumerated in 1899, giving a grand total of 77,256,- 630 for the same territory as that covered by the enu- meration of 1910. Table 2 gives, for the areas enumerated in 1910, the aggregate population in 1910 and in 1900. The census of 1890 was the first at which a complete enumeration was made of the area now comprised within the boundaries of the 48 states. In 1880 no enumeration was made of persons living in Indian Ter- ritory and on Indian reservations, and at earlier cen- suses large tracts of unorganized and sparsely settled NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. 23 territory lay without the area of enumeration.' The population of Alaska was included in the census of the United States for the first time in 1880 and that of Hawaii in 1900. The population of Porto Kico was enumerated by a special census taken under the direc- tion of the War Department in 1899 but was first included in the general census of the United States in 1910. Table 2 AKEA. POPULATION. 1910 1900 93, 402, 161 ' 77, 256, 630 91, 972, 266 1, 429, 885 75, 994, 575 1, 262, 055 64, 356 191, 909 1,118,012 55, 608 63, 592 154, 001 ' 953, 243 91,219 Persons in military and naval service stationed abroad ' Includes 953.243 persons enumerated in Porto Rico in 1899. ' According to the census of Porto Rico taken in 1899 under tlie direction of tlie War Department. United States, exclusive of outlying possessions. — Excluding the population of outlying possessions and of the military and naval service abroad, the pop- ulation of the United States m 1910 was 91,972,266.^ The population of this area in 1900 was 75,994,575, the increase for the decade 1900-1910 bemg 15,977,691. This increase exceeds that for any other decade, bemg greater by nearly 3,000,000 than the increase in the decade 1890-1900, and greater by more than 2,800,000 than the increase in the haK century 1790-1840. The percentage increase in the last decade, 21, exceeds slightly the increase of the decade immediately pre- ceding, 20.7, but is below that of any earlier decade. The growth of population since 1790 is shown in Table 3, which gives the population at each census and the increase during each decade for the country as a whole, exclusive of noncontiguous territory. A diagram, page 35, shows the increase in population of the United States and principal countries of Europe, from 1800 to 1910. ' The area added at each census to the area of enumeration within the boundaries of the present states may be briefly indicated as follows: 1800. — The five states entirely within the Northwest Territory of 1790 — Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin — together with territory west of Georgia (now embraced ■within the boundaries of Alabama and Mississippi). Practically all of this territory was within the limits of the United States in 1790, but was not enumerated at the first census. 1810. — Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri. The rest of the Louisi- ana Purchase (1803) was not enumerated in 1810. 1820. — No change. Florida was purchased in 1819, but was not enumerated in 1820. 18S0.— Florida. 1840. — Minnesota and Iowa. 1850. — Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Washington, Oregon, and California. 1860. — North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and Ne\'ada. The Gadsden Piu-- chase (1853) was added at this census, but its population can not be determined separately. 7S70.— No change. 1880.— 'No change. 1890. — Indian Territory, Oklahoma, and Indian reservations. 1900. — No change. 1910. — No change. It should be noted, however, that the territories added at each census did not always at the time have the same boundaries and areas as states of the same name have at the present time. Since the Twelfth Census was taken as of June 1, 1900, and the Thu-teenth as of April 15, 1910, the inter- censal period was 9 years, 10 J months. It may be assumed that the population increase from April 15, 1910, to June 1, the end of the full decennial period, was not less than 200,000, a number sufficient to raise the decennial rate from 21 to 21.3 per cent. Some explanation is required of the revised per- centages given in the last column of the table for the 2 The distribution by countries of the population of the two American continents is shown in the following table. The figurea given are generally from recent census reports, or from the Bulletin of the Pan American Union, but in a few instances are taken from other sources and in such cases are in the nature of estimates. They relate to the population in 1910-1911, or at that date approximately . REOION OR COUNTRY AND DATE OF CENSUS OR ESTI- MATE. Population. REGION OR COUNTRY AND DATE OF CENSUS OR ESTI- MATE. Population. Aggregate, North and 179,036,561 North America— Contd. 553,446 379,533 Costa Rica (1910) North America, including 127,634,739 93,217,444 91,972,266 1,118,012 64,356 62,810 15,063,207 9,184,571 7,204,838 831,383 333,552 242,966 171,983 127,189 66,750 55,944 48,637 41,877 40,458 18,994 3 2,048,980 < 2,029,700 U, 992, 000 1,161,426 675,000 < 600, 000 French West Indies Grande Terre (1912). . . Guadeloupe (1912) Marie Galante (1912)... St. Martin (French) 212, 430 United States 1(1910).... The states (1910) Porto Rico (1910) 99,665 83,336 19,422 4,174 St. Bartholomew (1912) Bes des Saintes (1912). . Desirade(1912) Danish possessions Iceland (1911) 2,545 1,709 British possessions 1,579 125, 791 85,188 Trinidad with Tobago (19U) West Indies (1911) Greenland (1911) 27,086 13.517 54,469 Labrador (1911) Barbados (1911) Leeward Islands 2(1911) 51,401,822 Brazil (1911) < 23, 070, 969 Argentine R epubUc ( 191 1 ) Colombia (1910) < 7, 171,910 Bahamas (1911) St. Lucia (1911) St. Vincent (1911) British Honduras (1910) Bermuda (1911) < 4,320,000 < 4,500,000 < 2, 743, 830 « 2, 267, 935 < 1,500,000 Uruguay (1911 ) 1,177,560 Guatemala (1910) < 800,000 296,041 British Guiana (1911).... Dutch Guiana (1911).... French Guiana (1911). . . . FaUdand Islands (1911).. Dominican Republic 86,233 49,009 3,275 1 Inclusive of Alaslca, Porto Rico, and the Panama Canal Zone, and exclusive o( other outlying possessions. 2 .Antigua, Barbuda, and Redonda (38,899), Dominica (33,863), St. Kitts (26,283). Neris (12,945), Montserrat (5,.562), Virgin Islands (5,562), Anguilla (4,075). » Estimate for 1910, 2,159,471. • Estimated. 24 POPULATION. two decades 1860-1870 and 1870-1880. The per- centages of increase in these decades for the country as a whole were materially affected by the small increase recorded for the Southern states at the census of 1870. The evidence is conclusive, however, that the enumeration of 1870 was incomplete in those states, and that their population was in consequence understated. The census returns, therefore, give for the decade 1860-1870 a rate of increase which is un- doubtedly below, and for the decade 1870-1880 one which is undoubtedly above, the true rate. An esti- mate of the true population of the country in 1870 was made in the census report of 1890 (Population, Part I, pp. xi, xii, and xvi). In this report the number of omissions in the census of 1870 is estimated to have exceeded 1,200,000, and the true population of the country in 1870 is accordingly estimated to have been 39,818,449 instead of 38,558,371, the number derived from the 1870 returns. On the basis of this revised population total, the increase for the decade 1860-1870 becomes 8,375,128, or 26.6 per cent (instead of 7,115,050, or 22.6 per cent), and that for the succeed- ing decade 10,337,334, or 26 per cent (instead of 11,597,412, or 30.1 per cent). Table 3 CENSUS YEAR. Population of the United States, exclusive of outlying possessions. raCEEASE OVER PKECEDING CENSUS. Percentage of increase with correction 1 for 1870 and 1880. Number. Per cent. 1910 91, 972, 266 75, 994, 575 62, 947, 714 50, 155, 783 38, 558, 371 31,443,321 23, 191, 876 17, 069, 453 12, 866, 020 9, 638, 453 7, 239, 881 5, 308, 483 3, 929, 214 15, 977, 691 13, 046, 861 12, 791, 931 11,597,412 7, 115, 050 8, 251, 445 6, 122, 423 4, 203, 433 3, 227, 567 2, 398, 572 1, 931, 398 1,379,269 21.0 20.7 25.5 30.1 22.6 35.6 35.9 32.7 33.5 33.1 36.4 35.1 21.0 20.7 25.5 26.0 26.6 35.6 35.9 32.7 33.5 33.1 36.4 35.1 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 ' See explanation in text above. Indians and other persons in Indian Territory and on Indian reservations were, as noted above, enu- merated for the first time in 1890. Consequently the whole population of these areas in 1890 — that is, 325,464, and not simply the excess of the 1890 over the 1880 population (which can not be determined) — enters into the aggregate population increase given in Table 3 for the decade 1880-1890. Since this increase is therefore partly attributable to extension of the area of enumeration in 1890, it does not accurately indicate growth of population within the area enumerated in either 1880 or 1890. The increase within the area enumerated in 1880 may be determined by eliminating from the 1890 population these 325,464 Indians and other persons. The population in 1890 of the area enumerated in 1880 within the states and territories was 62,622,250, which gives an increase for the decade 1880-1890, within this area, of 12,466,467, or 24.9 per cent. This is perhaps a more correct statement of the increase than that which, taking no account of the extension of the area of enumeration, derives directly from the returns the increase of 12,791,931, or 25.5 per cent, shown in Table 3 (also in Table 11). For each of the earlier decades also, in which the area enumerated has been extended, the increase may be similarly determined by excluding the population of the areas newly added. The results of such a calcu- lation are shown in Table 4. While the rates so com- puted do not differ very materially from those given in the general table, the modifications result in making the percentage increases of the first seven decades more nearly uniform. The exceptionally high rates shown in Table 3 for the decades ending, respectively, in 1800, 1810, 1850, and 1860 are largely accounted for by extensions of the area of enumeration. Since, how- ever, the population ■wHthin these added areas in each given decade has undoubtedly grown to a greater or less extent by net immigration from other sections of the country — in which obviously the population growth has been to an equal extent lessened — the rate obtained by excluding the population of these areas is somewhat below, as the unadjusted rate of Table 3 is somewhat above, the true rate for the country as a whole. The error arises, in one case, from including in the increase the population at the beginning of the decade of the areas added durmg the decade; in the other case, it arises from excluding a certain number of migrants from the population at the end of the decade. In Table 4 the estimated population of 1870 has been used in reckoning the increases for the decades ending in 1870 and 1880. To complete the table, increases have been included from Table 3 for decades in which there has been no change in the area of enumeration. Since it includes a net gain by inunigration, the growth of the aggregate population from census to census exceeds the natural uicrease, or excess of births over deaths. Some analysis of the increase in the enumerated population with reference to the native NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. 25 and the foreign-born population elements is under- taken in subsequent sections of this Report, and for certain of these elements the increase shown is approx- imately a natural increase. Table 4 Total decennial increase. Popula- tion of area enumer- ated first in year specified. INCREASE WTTHIN AREA ENUMERATED AT PRECEDING CENSUS. Number. Per cent. 1910 15,977,691 13,046,861 12,791,931 110,337,334 18,375,128 8,251,445 6, 122, 423 4,203,433 3,227,567 2,398,572 1,931,398 1,379,269 15,977,691 13,046,861 12,466,467 10,337,334 8,375,128 8,068,917 5,731,013 4,153,870 3,187,519 2,398,572 1,833,997 1,318,141 21.0 1900 20.7 1890 325,464 24.9 1880 26.0 1870 26.6 1860 182,528 391,410 49,563 40,048 34.8 1850 33.6 1840 32.3 1830 33.1 1820 1810 97,401 61,128 34.5 1800 '■ Estimated increase (see p. 24). Summarizing, it may be noted that during each of the seven decades, 1790-1860, the population in- creased with remarkable uniformity by approximately one-third, dui'ing each of the next three decades, 1860-1890, by approximately one-fourth, and during each of the two decades following, 1S90-1910, by ap- proximately one-fifth. The lowering of the decennial rate, therefore, has not been by a gradual decline from decade to decade, but has been by two abrupt breaks downward, each rate of growth being maintained for more than one decade. Even in those decades which show the most considerable decline in the percentage of increase, however, as in every other decade, the absolute increase has exceeded that of the decade pre- ceding, the greatest growth of the absolute increase being that shown in 1910. To the large immigration of recent years may be attributed the slight increase in the rate for the last decade over that for the decade immediately preceding. POPULATION BY DIVISIONS AND STATES. Distribntion of the population and rank of states and divisions. — The population of each state and territory and its rank according to population at each Federal census, from 1790 to 1910, are given in Table 10 (pp. 30 and 31), which includes also the aggregate pop- ulation and rank at each census of the areas consti- tuting the nine geographic divisions in which the states are grouped in the 1910 census tabulations. The table includes data for Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. At each of the last ten censuses, beginning with that of 1820, New York has ranked fu'st among the states in population. In 1910 its population of 9,113,614 was approximately one-tenth of the total population of the country. In 1790 it was the fifth most populous state; in 1800, the third; and in 1810, the second. Pennsylvania, with a population in 1910 of 7,665,111, has ranked second at each census beginning vnth that of 1830; it ranked second also in 1790 and in 1800, but third in 1810 and in 1820. Illinois (population in 1910, 5,638,591) and Ohio (population in 1910, 4,767,121) have ranked third and fourth, respectively, at each of the last three censuses. In the last decade Texas rose from the sixth to the fifth, and Massachu- setts from the seventh to the sixth position in popula- tion rank. Missouri, the fifth state in 1900, was sev- enth in 1910; Michigan rose from the ninth to the eighth place; and Indiana dropped from the eighth to the ninth place. These nine states were therefore, in 1910 as in 1890, the nine most populous states, the four most populous of them having maintained their rank unchanged since 1890. Seven of them, with an aggre- gate population in 1910 of 36,061,902, lie north of the Ohio River and extend in an unbroken band east from the Mississippi to the Atlantic seaboard. Of the ten least popidous states, seven are located in the Mountain division, Nevada's population m 1910 (81,875) being less than that of any other state. Nearly one-fifth of the total population of the coimtry in 1790 was returned from Virginia, whose population at this date was 747,610. Vii-ginia mam- tained its rank as the most populous of the states at the census of 1800 and at that of 1810. In 1790 Maine was a district of Massachusetts, and Vermont had not been admitted to the Union. The population of these two states is, however, shown separately for 1790. Virginia extended over the area now constituting Kentucky and West Virginia, while the territory of Georgia extended west to the Missis- sippi River. The area now embraced within the boundaries of Tennessee was then known . as the "territory south of the river Ohio," while the area now constituting the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illmois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and a part of Mmnesota was in 1790 known as the "territory northwest of the river Ohio. " Florida and a strip along the southern border of what was then Georgia, together with the region west of the Mississippi River, were held by Spain. Although the territory of the United States, at the date of the First Census — the first Monday in August, 1790 — embraced the area lying between the Atlantic seaboard and the Mississippi River, not over 5 per cent of the population lived west of the Appalachian Mountains, the geographic distribution of the popu- lation giving an average depth of settlement or dis- tance of habitation from the coast of 255 miles. Prac- tically the total population retirrned in 1790, number- ing 3,929,214, with the exception of 109,368 persons credited to the region which is now Kentucky and Tennessee, lived within the area now constituting the three Atlantic Seaboard divisions. The geographic distribution of the population by divisions and sections, at each of the four censuses 1850, 1890, 1900, and 1910, is shown by percentages in Table 5, which gives also the population in 1910 of each section and division. In this table, as in other 26 POPULATION. tables where data are presented by sections, the North embraces the 21 states which — grouped by geographic divisions — constitute the New England, Middle Atlantic, East North Central, and West North Central divisions; the South embraces the 16 states and the District of Columbia, which constitute the South Atlantic, East South Central, and West South Central divisions ; and the West embraces the 1 1 states of the two far western divisions, namely, the Mountain and the Pacific. In 1910, 55,757,115, or 60.6 per cent, of the total population of the country were in the North; 29,389,330, or 32 per cent, were m the South; and 6,825,821, or 7.4 per cent, were in the West. Data for 1850 are included in Table 5 as repre- sentmg conditions immediately after the last con- siderable accession to the area now constituting the territory of the states. As stated above, a very large area lying west of the Mississippi River was unenu- merated at the census of 1850 — the extent of the area unenumerated at that census being in fact approxi- mately as great as the extent of the area enumerated. Since this unenumerated area was, however, practi- cally all unsettled territory, its scanty population if taken into account could not materially affect the percentages shown below. In 1910, 70.4 per cent of the population was returned from states lying east, and 29.6 per cent trom states lying west of the Missis- sippi River. In 1850 the states east of the Mississippi reported 91.4 per cent of the population. The pro- portion returned from the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast regions has increased since 1850 from 0.8 to 7.4 per cent. The North had substantially the same proportion of the total population in 1910 as in 1850, but the South had a smaller proportion in the later year than in the earlier. The Middle Atlantic division, which ranked second among the nine geographic divisions in 1900, ranked first in 1910, the East North Central division ranking second. Table 5 Population: 1910 PEE CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION. 1910 1900 1890 100.0 1850 91,972,266 100.0 100.0 100.0 65,757,115 6.552,681 19,315,892 18,260,621 11,637,921 29,389,330 12,194.895 8,409,901 8, 784, 534 6,825,821 2, 633, 517 4,192,304 60.6 7.1 21.0 19.8 12.7 32.0 13.3 9.1 9.6 7.4 2.9 4.6 62.3 7.4 20.3 21.0 13.6 32.3 13.7 9.9 8.6 S.4 2.2 3.2 63.3 7.6 20.2 21.4 14.2 31.8 14.1 10.2 7.5 4.9 1.9 3.0 60. S 11.8 25.4 19.5 3.8 38 7 20.2 14.5 4.1 0.8 0.3 0.5 East of the Mississippi Eiver West of tlie Mississippi River 64,723,990 27,248,276 70.4 29.6 72.4 27.6 73.4 26.6 91.4 8.6 Table 6 gives the states in the order of their rank according to population in 1910, and also a statement of their rank in 1900. New York Pennsylvania . Illinois Oliio TesBS Massachusetts. Missouri Michigan Indiana Georgia New Jersey. . Caiifomia . . . Wisconsin. . . Kentucky. . . Iowa North Carolina . Tennessee Alabama Minnesota Virginia Mississippi . Kansas Oklahoma-. Louisiana . . Arkansas. . . South Carolina , Maryland West Virginia.. Nebraska Washington Connecticut . Colorado Florida Maine Oregon South Dakota North Dakota Rhode Island New Hampshire. . Montana Utah Vermont District of Columbia.. New Mexico Idaho 9,113,614 7,665,111 5,638,591 4,767,121 3,896,542 3,366,416 3,293,335 2,810,173 2,700,876 2,609,121 2,637,167 2,377,549 2,333,860 2,289,905 2,224,771 2,206,287 2,184,789 2,138,093 2,075,708 2,061,612 1,797,114 1,690,949 1, 657, 165 1,666,388 1,574,449 1,516,400 1,296,346 1,221,119 1,192,214 1,141,990 1,114,756 799,024 752,619 742,371 672,765 583,888 577,066 542,610 430,572 376,053 373,351 356,956 331,069 327,301 325,594 204,354 202,322 145,965 81,875 1 The territory of Oklahoma in 1900 ranked 38 and Indian Territory 39. The rank given in Table 6 for 1900 is based upon the population of Indian Territory and Oklahoma combined. The following statement based upon Table 6 shows that east of the Mississippi River a majority of the states lost in rank, while west of the Mississippi River only four states — Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, and Nebraska — ^lost in rank in the decade 1900-1910. Gain- Not Total ing m chang- Losing num- mgm in rank: ber of 1900- rank: 1900- states. 1910 1900- 1910 1910 127 4 8 115 22 11 7 4 1 Includes the District of Columbia. Growth of population. — The decennial increase, by number and per cent, by divisions and states, during each decade 1790-1910, is given m Table 11 (pp. 32 and 33). For convenience the figures for the last two decades are repeated in Table 8, the divisions and states being arranged in the order of their percentages of increase during the decade 1900-1910. The maps on page 34 show graphically the relative rates of NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. 27 growth in the several states for the decades 1900-1910 and 1890-1900. DIViaiON AND STATE. DIVISION. Pacific Uountain West South Central Middle Atlantic United States. New England South Atlantic East North Central.. West North Central. East South Central. . STATE. Washington Oklahoma' Idaho Nevada North Dakota New Mexico Arizona Oregon Caluomia Wyoming Montana Colorado South Dakota Florida Utah New Jersey Texas West Virginia Ehode Island New York Connecticut Pennsylvania Massachusetts Arkansas Louisiana District of Columbia. . . Minnesota Georgia Illinois Alabama North Carolina Michigan Mississippi Ohio South Carolina. Wisconsin Nebraska Virginia Delaware Maryland Indiana Maine Kentucky Missouri New Hampshire. . Vermont Iowa INCREASE 1 IN POPtHJlTION. 1900-1910 1890-1900 15, 977, 691 960,664 1,751.415 2,265,040 1,290,498 S62, 144 623. SS7 866. 764 163.822 39.540 257,910 131.991 81.423 259, 229 892, 496 53,434 132, 724 259.324 182,318 224,077 96,602 653,498 847,832 262, 319 114,054 1, 844, 720 206,336 1,362,996 661,070 262,885 274, 763 52,351 324,314 392, 790 817,041 309,396 312,477 389, 191 245,844 220,454 609.576 175,084 264,818 125,914 207,428 17,587 107,302 lO'l, 173 184,414 47,905 142, 731 186,670 18.984 12,315 -7.082 628,358 460, 722 1,791,307 2, 748, 458 13,046,861 891,268 1,585,558 2,507,276 1,415,311 1,118.603 160,871 531,734 73, 224 -5,020 128,163 35,028 34,688 95,832 271.655 29,976 100,405 126, 451 52, 970 137, 120 65,970 438, 736 813, 183 196,006 83,050 1,265,720 162, 162 1,044,002 566, 399 183,353 263,037 48,326 441,111 378,978 995, 198 315,296 275,861 327,092 261,670 42,387 485,216 189, 167 375,712 3,644 198, 204 16,242 146,654 253,098 324,058 33,380 288,539 427, 48) 35.058 11,219 319.556 73.5 57.3 34.5 25.0 14.2 12.5 11.4 120.4 109.7 101.3 57.7 64.5 48.0 45.4 42.4 34.9 34.7 27.8 27.4 26.6 25.4 22.7 21.6 20.0 20.0 19.9 18.8 18.5 17.7 16.9 16.9 16.5 16.1 15.8 15.0 14.7 13.1 12.8 28.0 38.0 37.8 21.6 19.0 17.9 18.6 15.8 17.4 45.0 205.6 82.7 -10.6 67.1 21.9 39.3 30.2 22.4 47.9 70.3 30.8 15.2 35.0 31.3 30.4 36.4 25.7 24.0 21.1 21.7 19.9 25.3 16.3 23.5 21.0 33.7 20.6 26.0 20.8 17.1 15.6 20.3 3.0 13.2 16.4 22.2 14.0 14.3 14.8 1 A minus sign ( — ) denotes decrease. 2 Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900 and 1890. High percentage increases between 1900 and 1910 in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast states indi- cate a continuation since 1900 of the migration west- ward which has characterized other decades. For certain states located in other sections of the country, however, a growth due to migration is indicated by their high percentage increases; and the wide range of variation from state to state in the rates of popu- lation growth indicates in general a migratory move- ment of population the country over, which can not be completely summarized as a westward drift. It is true that all of the eleven states in which the popidation increase during the last decade exceeded 50 per cent lie in the region west of the Mississippi River, six of them being located in the Mountain division. Of the three states in which the population has more than doubled, one — Washington, with an increase of 120.4 per cent — is located m the Pacific division; one — Oklahoma, with an increase of 109.7 per cent — is in the West South Central division; and one — Idaho, with an increase of 101.3 per cent — is m the Mountain division. If, however, the geograpliical distribution of the states in which the percentage mcrease of population during the last decade considerably exceeded the average for the country as a whole, and if those in which it was materially below that average be noted, the state areas with relatively high and those with relatively low rates are found to be widely scattered and interspersed. Of the nine states, for example, in which the mcrease was from 25 to 50 per cent, one is in New England, two are in the Middle Atlantic divi- sion, one is in the West North Central, two are in the South Atlantic, one is in the West South Central, and two are m the Mountain. Of the 16 states in which the increase did not exceed 15 per cent, three are in New England, thi-ee are in the East North Central division, four — including one m which the population has slightly decreased — are in the West North Central, four are m the South Atlantic, and two are in the East South Central. Certain of the Eastern states in which the percent- ages of increase were high, notably New Jersey and New York, have received large accessions of popula- tion by foreign immigration; and m general it may be noted, as wiU be shown by subsequent chapters, that the population growth of the North, during the last decade as in earlier periods, to a much greater degree than that of the South, has been due to immigration from foreign countries. In the Northern states gen- erally, moreover, to a greater degree than in the Southern, the percentages of population growth have been affected by that migratory shiftmg of popula- tion over extensive but undefined areas, which has accompanied the development of urban industrial communities. Finally, as regards certain states, the relatively large extent, within their boundaries, of areas sparsely populated and available for settlement has attracted population during the decade. Natural mcrease, foreign unmigration, industrial development, westward drift, and agricultural devel- opment -within certain regions of the West and South may be mentioned as the chief causes of variations in the rates of population growth by states. As a result of the combination of these influences, the increase in certain states and divisions greatly exceeds, in others falls short of, the natural growth by excess of births over deaths. The more detailed presentations of the census returns — those relating to the foreign born, the growth of urban communities, state of birth, etc. — indicate, so far as data are available, for each state and division, the extent to which its population growth has been affected by these mfluences severally con- sidered. 28 POPULATION. Even for states within the same division no approxi- mation to uniform rates of increase is fotmd. The increase of 17.2 per cent for New England covers three states with increases of 6.9, 4.6, and 3.6 per cent, respectively, and three with 20, 26.6, and 22.7 per cent. Although the increase of 25 per cent for the three Middle Atlantic states is close to the rate for New York state — 25.4 per cent — it covers an increase of 34.7 per cent in New Jersey and of 21.6 per cent in Pennsylvania. The rate of 14.2 per cent for the East North Central division covers an increase of 7.3 per cent in Indiana and of 16.9 per cent "in Illinois. In the West North Central division tiie increase of 12.5 per cent covers a decrease of 0.3 per cent in one state, and an increase of 80.8 per cent in another, the inter- mediate rates being 6, 11.8, 15, 18.5, and 45.4. In the South Atlantic states a divisional increase of 16.8 per cent covers an increase of 9 per cent in Maryland and of 42.4 per cent in Florida; in the East South Central division, under a general rate of 11.4 per cent, the four states range from 6.6 to 16.9 per cent; in the West South Central a rate of 34.5 per cent covers the four rates, 20, 19.9, 109.7, and 27.8 per cent; in the Mountain division a rate of 57.3 per cent covers a range from 34.9 to 101.3 per cent; and in the Pacific division a rate of 73.5 per cent covers the three rates 60.1, 62.7, and 120.4 per cent. In four divisions — the Middle Atlantic, West South Central, Mountain, and Pacific — the percentage of increase for each of the last two decades has exceeded that for the country as a whole, and excepting one — the West South Central — these divisions with high percentage increases for the decade 1890-1900 show stiU higher rates for the decade 1900-1910, while the divisions with relatively low rates in the earlier decade have grown more slowly smce 1900. In considering the decennial increase in the popula- tion of divisions and states prior to 1890, allowance should be made in some instances for difi^erences in the area of enumeration at the several censuses, as already explained for the United States as a whole, on page 22. This is the case particularly with respect to the decade 1880-1890, because of the inclusion in 1890 of the population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations specially enumerated at that census. The population of the equivalent areas in 1880 was not ascertained. For the divisions and states affected, somewhat different percentages would be obtained if the population specially enumerated in 1890 were excluded in figuring the decennial increase. The absolute increase of population during the decade ending in 1910 exceeded that of any earher decennial period in each of the three Atlantic Sea- board divisions, as also in the West South Central, the Mountain, and the Pacific divisions. While the 10 years 1900 to 1910 has therefore been for these divi- sions the decade of their maximum population in- crease, of no one of the nine geographic divisions is it true, as it is of the country as a whole, that the popu- lation growth during each decade has exceeded that during the decade preceding. This would be true of the Mountain division except that the increase for this division from 1880 to 1890 (560,816) exceeded that from 1890 to 1900 (460,722). In the Middle Atlantic division the only decades for which the amount of increase falls below that for the decade preceding are 1850-1860 and 1860-1870. In the West North Central division such decades are 1890- 1900 and 1900-1910; and in the Pacific division 1860-1870 and 1890-1900. In the West North Central division the population growth of the decade 1880- 1890 (2,774,669) was more than twice as great as that of the decade ending in 1910 (1,290,498), and while the increase shown for this division in 1910 exceeded slightly that of the decade 1850-1860 (1,289,497), it was less than that of any one of the four decades fol- lowing. The population growth of the East North Central division was greatest during the decade 1890- 1900 (2,507,276), the mcrease of the last decade (2,265,040) being exceeded also by that of the decades 1850-1860 (2,403,624) and 1880-1890 (2,271,637). The greatest increase shown for the East South Central division was for the 10 years from 1870 to 1880 (1,180,706), the second greatest that for the decade ending m 1900 (1,118,603), and the thud greatest that for the decade ending m 1910 (862,144). ,The population of one state, Iowa, decreased during the decade 1900-1910, the decrease of 7,082, or 0.3 per cent (from 2,231,853 to 2,224,771), being shght. Iowa's greatest decennial increase is that shown in 1870 (519,107); in the three decades 1850 to 1880, however, its population rose from 192,214 to 1,624,615. The increase in the 10 years 1880 to 1890 outside of Indian reservations was 287,682 and in the following 10 years, 319,556. The 1910 returns indicate a loss by net emigration out of the state during the decade, which exceeds the gain by excess of births over deaths. These emigrants have undoubtedly contributed to the rapid population increase of newly developed agricultural regions in other sections of the country and in Canada. The three New England states with, low percentage increases for the last decade, namely, Maine (6.9), New Hampshire (4.6), and Vermont (3.6), had in 1910 an aggregate population of 1,528,899. In 1850 these states had an aggregate population of 1,215,265, the increase in the six decades 1850-1910 amounting to 313,634, or 25.8 per cent. Maine's population growth during the last decade (47,905), however, exceeded that of any other decade since 1850, and the increase shown for Vermont in 1910 (12,315) exceeded the increases shown for this state at the censuses of 1900, 1890, and 1880. The per cent distribution of the increase in the two decades 1890-1900 and 1900-1910, and for the sixty-year period 1850-1910, is shown by sections NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. 29 and divisions in Table 9, together with the absohite increase for the decade 1900-1910. Table 9 Increase in population: 1900-1910 PEE CENT DISTRIBUTION OF THE INCREASE IN POPU- LATION. SECTION AND DIVISION. Decade ending in 1910 Decade ending in 1900 Sixty years: 1850- 1910 15.977,691 100.0 100.0 100.0 8,377,418 960, 664 3.861,214 2,265,040 1,290,498 4,865,803 1,751,415 862, 144 2,252,244 2,734,472 958. 860 1,775.612 52.4 6.0 24.2 14.2 8.1 30.5 11. 5.4 14.1 17.1 6.0 11.1 58.0 6.8 21.1 19.2 10.8 34. S 12.2 8.6 13.7 7.6 3.5 4.0 60.7 5.6 19.5 20.0 15.6 29.7 10.9 7.3 11.4 9.7 3.7 5.9 9,700,477 6,277,214 60.7 39.3 67.8 32.2 63.3 36.7 Approximately one-fourth (24.2 per cent) of the increase smce 1900 in the country as a whole has been in the Middle Atlantic division. The four northern divisions, which contained more than three-fifths (62.3 per cent) of the total population in 1900, con- tributed 52.4 per cent of the increase since 1900; the three southern divisions, which contained very nearly one-third (32.3 per cent) of the population in 1900, contributed 30.5 per cent of the increase, and the two western divisions, which contained about one- twentieth (5.4 per cent) that of the population in 1900, contributed 17.1 per cent of the increase. Three-fifths of the total increase was in the region east, and two- fifths m the region west of the Mississippi. Fifteen states ^ have taken state censuses since 1900, 13 of them in the year 1905, Michigan in 1904, and Oklahoma in 1908. The provisions of law under which these state censuses are taken, and the prac- tices followed in making the enumeration, vary fi'om state to state. The returns are in certain cases made up by local assessors, incidentaUy to the performance of other duties, and are admittedly more or less in- complete or inaccurate. In other states, however, enumerators are appointed, and the census report is detailed, accurate, and of great value. Several of the states — for example, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin — took their 1905 census as of June 1. In other states the date of enumeration was April 1, May 1, or July 1, although the returns do not in every case clearly pertain to any single day. Al- though for these 15 states the increase may be deter- mined for periods which are approximately quinquen- nial, going back in the case of certain states to 1850 or even an earlier date, the state censuses have in some cases been taken at mtervals which are more or less irregular. The territorial law of Oklahoma, for ex- ample, provided for a biennial census, and under this provision a census was taken in 1908 — the population being returned as 1,445,261 — following the Federal enumeration taken on occasion of the admission of the territory as a state in 1907, when the population was returned as 1,414,177. ' Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Ehode liland, South Dakota, Wisoonsin, and WyominK. 30 POPULATION. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES, AND OF SPECIFIED 64 United States, exclusive of ontlylng possessions Geogeaphic divisions: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central. West North Central. South Atlantic East South Central. West South Central. Mountain Pacific New England: Maine New Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania. . East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Florida. East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi . West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain: Montana- Idaho Wyoming Colorado. New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington. Oregon California. . . Population. Rank. Alaska Hawaii Porto Rico Mihtary and naval ' 6,552,681 19,315,892 18,250,621 11,637,921 12, 194, 895 8, 409, 901 8, 784, 534 2,633,517 4.192,304 742,371 430,672 355,956 3,366,416 542, 610 1,114,766 9,113,614 2,637,167 7,665,111 4,767,121 2,700,876 5,638,591 2, 810, 173 2,333,860 2,075,708 2,224,771 3,293,335 677, 056 683,888 1,192,214 1,690,949 202, 322 1,295,346 331,069 2,061,612 1,221,119 2,206,287 1,515,400 2, 609, 121 762, 619 2, 289, 906 2, 184, 789 2,138,093 1,797,114 1,574,449 1,656,388 1,657,155 3,896,642 376, 053 325, 694 145,965 799,024 327. 301 204, 354 373, 351 81,875 1,141,990 672, 766 2, 377, 549 64, 356 191,909 1.118,012 55, 608 Population. Rank. 5,592,017 15, 454, 678 15,985,581 10, 347, 423 10,443,480 7,547,757 6, 532, 290 1,674,657 2, 416, 692 Population. Rank. 694,466 411,588 343, 641 1,805,346 428,556 908,420 7,268,894 1,883,669 6,302,116 4,157,645 2, 516, 462 4,821,550 2,420,982 2,069,042 1,751,394 2,231,853 3, 106, 665 319, 146 401,570 1,066,300 1,470,495 184,735 1, 188, 044 278, 718 1,854,184 958, 800 1,893,810 1,340,316 2,216,331 528,642 1,311,564 1,381,625 •790,391 3, 048, 710 243,329 161,772 92. 631 539, 700 195,310 122, 931 276, 749 42,335 518, 103 413,636 1,486,053 63,592 154,001 » 953, 243 91,219 4,700,749 12,706,220 13,478,305 8,932,112 8,857,922 6, 429, 154 4, 740, 983 1, 213, 935 1,888,334 661,086 376,530 332, 422 2,238,947 345, 506 746,268 6, 003, 174 1,444,933 .5, 258, 113 3,672,329 2, 192, 404 3,826,352 1,310,283 1,912,297 2, 679, 185 190,983 348,600 1,062,666 1, 428, 108 168, 493 1,042,390 230,392 1,656,980 762, 794 1,617,949 1,151,149 1,837,353 391,422 1,868,635 1,767,618 1,513,401 1,289,600 1,128,211 1,118,588 • 258, 657 2,235,527 142, 924 88,548 62, 556 413, 249 160,282 88,243 210, 779 47,355 357,232 317,704 1,213,398 Population. Rank, 4,010,529 10,496,878 11,206,668 6, 157, 443 7,597,197 5,585,151 3, 334, 220 663,119 1,114,678 648,936 346, 991 332,286 1,783,086 276,531 622,700 3,198,062 1, 978, 301 3,077,871 780,773 1,624,616 2,168,380 ' 135, 177 452,402 146,608 934,943 177,624 1,512,565 618,457 1,399,750 995, 577 1,542,180 269, 493 1,648,690 1,542,359 1,262,605 1,131,697 39, 159 32, 610 20,789 194, 327 119, 566 40,440 143,963 62,266 Population. 3,487,924 8,810,806 9,124,617 3,856,694 6, 853, 610 4, 404, 445 2, 029, 965 315, 385 675, 126 626.915 318,300 330,551 1,457,351 217,363 537, 454 4,382,769 906,096 3,621,951 2,665,260 1, 680, 637 2,639,891 1,184,059 1,064,670 439,706 1,194,020 1,721,296 « 14, 181 126,015 780, 894 131,700 1,225,163 442,014 1,071,361 705, 606 1,184,109 187,748 1,321,011 1,258,520 20, 596 14, 999 9,118 39,864 91,874 9,658 23,955 90,923 560,247 Population. 3, 135, 283 7,458,986 6,926,884 2,169,832 6, 364, 703 4,020,991 1, 747, 667 174, 923 444,053 628, 279 326,073 315,098 1,231,066 174, 620 460,147 3,880,735 672,035 2,906,215 2,339,511 1,350,428 1,711,961 .749, 113 776, 881 172,023 674,913 1,182,012 5 4,837 28,841 107, 206 112,216 687, 049 76,080 1,696,318 992, 622 703, 708 1,057,286 140,424 1, 165, 684 1, 109, 801 964,201 791,306 40,273 6,867 I Includes population (325,464) of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially enumerated in 1890, but not Included In the general report on population In 1890. ' Includes persons (6,100 In 1840 and 5,318 In 1830) on public ships In the service of the United States, not credited to any division or state. " For 1890 the rank of South Dakota advances from 37 to 35 and that of Arizona from 48 to 47, when the population specially enumerated Is included; and that oj Oklahoma advances from 46 to 39, when the population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations specially enumerated is included. ' Population for that part of Dakota territory taken to form North Dakota, in 1880, 36,909; and in 1870, 2,405; and for that part taken to form South Dakota, in 1880, 98,268; and in 1870, 11,776. » Dakota territory. ' Includes population of Indian Territory as follows: 1900, 392,060; 1890, 180,182^ NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. OUTLYING POSSESSIONS, WITH RANK ACCORDING TO POPULATION: 1790-1910. 31 1860 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 Fopulation. Rank. Fopulation. Rank. Fopulation. Rank. Population. Rank. Population. Rank. Population. Rank. Population. Rank. 1 23,191,876 2, "28, 116 6,898,735 4,623,260 880,335 4,679,090 3,363,271 940,251 72,927 105,891 V I III VII II IV VI IX VIII J 17,069,453 112,866,020 9,638,453 7,239,881 9,308,483 3,929.214 2 3 2,234,822 4,526,260 2,924,728 426,814 3,925,299 2,575,445 449,985 V I III VII II IV VI 1,964,717 3,587,664 1,470,018 140, 465 3,645,762 1,815,969 246,127 Ill II V VII I IV VI 1,660,071 2,699,845 792,719 66,686 3,061,063 1,190,489 167,680 lU II V VII IV VI 1,471,973 2,014,702 272, 324 19,783 2,674,891 708,590 77,618 Ill II V VII I IV VI 1,233,011 1,402,565 61,006 Ill II V 1,009,408 958,632 II III 6 6 7 8 9 2,286,494 335,407 I IV 1,851,806 109,368 I IV u 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 583,169 317, 976 314, 120 994,514 147,545 370, 792 3,097,394 489,555 2,311,786 •1,980,329 988,416 851,470 397,654 305,391 6,077 192,214 682,044 16 22 23 6 28 21 1 19 2 3 7 11 20 24 36 27 13 601,793 284,574 291,948 737,699 108,830 309,978 2,428,921 373,306 1,724,033 1,519,467 685,866 476, 183 212,267 30,945 13 22 21 8 24 20 1 18 2 3 10 14 23 30 399, 455 269,328 280, 652 610,408 97, 199 297,675 1,918,608 320,823 1,348,233 937,903 343,031 167,445 31,639 12 18 17 8 23 16 1 14 2 4 13 20 27 298,335 244,161 235, 981 523,287 83,059 276,248 1,372,812 277,576 1,049,458 581,434 147,178 56,211 8,896 12 16 16 7 20 14 1 13 3 6 18 24 27 228, 705 214,460 217,895 472,040 76,931 261,942 959,049 245,562 610,091 230,760 24,520 12,282 4,762 14 16 15 5 17 9 2 12 3 13 21 24 25 151,719 183,858 154, 465 422,845 69, 122 251,002 589,051 211,149 602, 365 45,366 5,641 14 11 13 5 16 8 3 10 2 18 21 96,540 141,885 85,425 378,787 68,825 237,946 340, 120 184,139 434,373 11 10 12 4 15 8 5 9 2 43,112 383,702 29 16 140,455 21 66,686 23 19, 783 23 32 33 91,532 583, 034 61,687 1,421,661 30 17 33 4 78,085 470,019 43,712 1,239,797 26 16 28 4 76,748 447,040 39,834 1,211,406 24 11 25 3 72,749 407,350 33,039 1,065,366 22 10 25 2 72,674 380, 546 24,023 974, 600 19 8 22 1 64,273 341,548 14,093 880, 200 17 7 19 1 59,096 319,728 16 6 35 747,610 1 37 38 39 869,039 668,507 906,185 87,445 982,405 1,002,717 771,623 606,526 209,897 517,762 10 14 9 31 8 6 12 15 26 18 763,419 694,398 691,392 54,477 779,828 829,210 690,766 376,661 97,574 352,411 7 11 9 27 6 6 12 17 25 19 737, 987 581,185 616,823 34,730 687,917 681,904 309, 527 136,621 30,388 215,739 6 9 10 26 6 7 16 22 28 19 638,829 502, 741 340,989 4 8 11 655,500 415,115 262,433 4 6 11 478, 103 345,591 162,686 4 6 12 393,761 249,073 82,648 3 7 13 41 42 564,317 422,823 127,901 75,448 14,273 153,407 6 9 19 21 26 17 406,511 261,727 7 10 220,965 105,602 9 15 73,677 35,691 14 17 • 1 40,362 1,062 76, 556 20 26 18 8,860 20 ir 212,692 25 61,547 32 11,380 35 13,294 92,697 34 29 59 60 61 1 ' ' The territory of Oklahoma in 1900 ranked 38 and Indian Territory 39. In computing the rank for 1900 the population of Indian Territory was included with that of Oklahoma. 8 Alaska was speciallv enumerated under the law, but the population was not Included in the general report on population In 1890 and 1880. » According to the census taken as of Dec. 28, 1890, imder the direction of the Hawaiian C overnment. 1 " According to the census of Porto Rico taken in 1899 under the direction of the War Department. " Persons in the military and naval service of the United States (including civilian employees, etc.) stationed abroad, not credited to any division or state. 32 POPULATION. INCREASE IN TOTAL POPULATION OP THE UNITED STATES, BY DIVISIONS DIVISION, STATE, AND POSSESSION. INCREASE ' IN POPimATION. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. United States, exclusive of outlying possessions Geogkaphic Di-nsioNs: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Ehode Island Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware ■ Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain: , Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon Califomia Outlying possessions enumerated Alaska Hawaii Porto Rico Military and naval 15, 977, 691 960,664 3,861,214 2,265,040 1,290,498 1, 751, 415 862, 144 2,252,244 958,860 1,775,612 47,905 18, 984 12,315 661, 070 114,054 206,336 1, 844, 720 653,498 1,362,996 609,576 184,414 817,041 389, 191 264, 818 324,314 -7,082 186, 670 257,910 182, 318 125,914 220,454 17,587 107, 302 52,351 207, 428 262,319 312,477 175,084 392, 790 224,077 142, 731 164, 173 309,396 245,844 262,885 274. 763 866. 764 847,832 132, 724 163, 822 63,434 259,324 131,991 81,423 96,602 39,540 ! 12, 791, 931 17.2 25.0 14.2 12.5 16.8 11.4 34.5 57.3 73.5 2,748,458 2,507,276 1,415,311 1,585,558 1, 118, 603 1,791,307 460, 722 528,358 19.0 21.6 18.6 15.8 17.9 17.4 37.8 38.0 28.0 2 690,220 2 2,209,342 2 2,271,637 2 2,774,669 2 1,260,725 2 844, 003 2 1,406,763 2 560, 816 2 773, 756 17.2 21.0 20.3 45.1 16.6 15.1 42.2 85.9 522,605 1,686,072 2,082,151 2,300,849 1, 743, 587 1, 180, 706 1,304,255 337, 734 439,453 15.0 19.1 22.8 59.7 352, 641 1,351,821 2, 197, 633 1,686,762 488,907 383, 454 282,298 140, 462 231,072 20.0 26.6 22.7 25.4 34.7 21.6 18.8 11.2 27.4 16.5 13.1 17.7 64.5 101.3 67.7 48.0 67.6 66.2 34.9 93.4 120.4 62.7 60.1 33,380 35,058 11,219 666,399 83,050 162, 162 1,265,720 438,736 1,044,002 485,216 324,058 995, 198 327,092 375, 712 441,111 319, 556 427,480 128, 163 52,970 3,644 42,387 16,242 145, 654 48,326 198, 204 196,006 275,861 189, 167 378,978 137, 120 288,539 253,098 315,296 261,670 183,353 263,037 531, 734 813, 183 100,405 73,224 29,976 126, 451 35,028 34,688 65,970 -6,020 160,871 95,832 271,655 25.3 24.0 21.7 21.1 30.4 19.9 13.2 14.8 26.0 15.6 22.2 33.7 16.7 16.0 67.1 15.2 14.0 21.0 12.0 25.7 17.1 16.4 15.5 14.3 20.8 20.3 70.3 82.7 47.9 30.6 21.9 39.3 31.3 -10.6 45.0 30.2 22.4 12, 150 29,639 136 2 465,862 68,975 123,658 2 920,303 313,817 2 975,222 2 474,267 214, 103 2 748,481 2 456, 953 2 377, 833 2 529,510 2 287,682 2 510,805 21,885 107, 447 52, 768 143, 415 144, 337 2 218, 199 155, 572 295, 173 121,929 209,945 225, 159 2 250, 896 158,003 2 325,686 2 178,642 2 258,657 2 643, 778 2 103, 765 2 55,938 2 41, 766 2 218, 922 2 40, 717 2 47, 803 2 66,816 -14,911 2 282, 116 2 142,936 2 348, 704 25.6 24.9 19.8 18.1 27.7 22.8 14.8 10.8 24.3 27.9 28.7 299.2 134.9 14.9 11.5 29.7 22, 021 28,691 1,735 325, 734 59, 178 85,246 700,112 225,020 760,940 532,802 297,664 537, 980 452, 878 260,827 341,067 430, 595 447,086 21,593 154,049 45,924 287,402 176, 443 328,389 289,971 358,071 81,745 327,679 283,839 265,513 303,675 22.4 27.2 15.9 20.0 17.7 21.2 38.2 24.7 77,6 36.1 26.0 17.3 19.7 34.9 23.6 39.9 24.8 22.6 26.6 36.7 -1,364 -7, 773 15, 453 226,285 42, 733 77, 307 502,024 234,061 615, 736 325,749 330,209 827, 940 434,946 278,789 267, 683 519, 107 539,283 9,344 94, 152 257, 193 12,799 93,845 56,620 -371, 165 442, 014 78, 739 1,898 165,327 148, 719 32, 791 36,617 265.0 171.5 200.9 112.7 375.6 81.8 40.3 18,564 90.1 20,595 17,611 117.4 14,99« 11,671 128.0 9,118 164,463 387.5 6,687 27, 691 30.1 —1,642 30, 782 318.7 9,658 57, 177 65.9 46,513 19,776 46.5 35,634 51, 161 213.6 12,361 83,845 92.2 38, 458 304,447 64.3 180,263 37,908 164, 769 -35,611 24.6 17.3 -39.0 31, 540 164, 001 963, 243 91,219 1 A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. 2 In computing the increase from 1880 to 1890, the population specially enumerated in 1890 was included. B In computing the decennial increases from 1820 to 1860, persons on public ships in 1830 and 1840 (see Table 10) were included. NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. AND STATES, AND OF SPECIFIED OUTLYING POSSESSIONS: 1790-1910. 33 INCEEASE 1 IN POPULATION. 1850 to 1860 1810 to 1850 1830 to 1810 1820 to 1830 1810 to 1820 1800 to 1810 1790 to 1800 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 1 8,261,445 3S.6 3 6,122,423 35.9 3 4,203,433 32.7 8 3,227,667 33.5 2,398,672 33.1 1,931,398 36.4 1,379,269 36. 1 2 3 4 407, 167 1,560,250 2,403,624 1,289,497 685, 613 657, 720 807,416 101,996 338, 162 14.9 26.5 53.1 146.5 14.7 19.6 85.9 139.9 319.3 493,294 1,372,475 1,598,532 453, 521 753, 791 787,826 490, 266 72,927 105,891 22.1 30.3 54.7 106. 3 19.2 30.6 109.0 2.50,105 938,596 1,454,710 286,359 279,547 759,476 203, 858 14.3 26.2 99.0 203.9 7.7 41.8 82. 8 294,646 887,819 677,299 73,869 584,689 625,480 78,447 17.7 32.9 85.4 110.9 19.1 52.5' 46.8 188,098 685,143 520,395 46,803 386, 172 481,899 90,062 12.8 34.0 191.1 236.6 14.4 68.0 116.0 238,962 612, 137 221,318 19,783 388,397 373, 183 77,618 19.4 43.6 433.9 223,603 443,933 51,006 22.2 46.3 S 6 7 8 17.0 111.3 434,688 226,039 23.6 206.7 9 in 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 45,110 8,097 978 236,552 27,075 89,355 783,341 182,480 594,429 359,182 362,012 860,481 351,459 470,490 165,946 482,699 499,968 \ 4,837 28,841 107,206 20,684 104,015 23,393 174,657 7.7 2.5 0.3 23.8 18.4 24.1 25.3 37.3 25.7 18.1 36.6 101.1 88.4 154.1 2, 730. 7 251.1 73.3 81,376 33,402 22, 172 256,815 38,715 60,814 668,473 116,249 587, 753 460,862 302,550 375,287 185,387 274,446 6,077 149,102 298,342 16.2 11.7 7.6 34.8 35.6 19.6 27.5 31.1 34.1 30.3 44.1 78.8 87.3 SS6.9 102,338 15,246 11,296 127,291 11,631 12,303 510,313 52,483 375,800 581,564 342,835 318,738 180,628 30,945 25.6 S.7 4.0 20.9 12.0 4.1 26.6 16.4 27.9 62.0 99.9 202.4 670.9 101,120 25,167 44,671 87, 121 14,140 22,427 545,796 43,248 298,776 356,469 195,853 102,234 22,743 33.9 10.3 18.9 16.6 17.0 8.1 39,8 15.6 28.5 61.3 133.1 185.2 255.7 69,630 29,701 IS, 086 51,247 6,128 13,306 413,763 32,013 239,367 350,674 122,65.5 42,929 4,134 30.4 13.8 8.3 10.9 8.0 5.1 43.1 13.0 29.5 152.0 500.2 349.5 86.8 76,986 30,602 63,430 49, 195 7,809 10,940 369,998 34,413 207,726 185,395 18,879 12,282 4,762 50.7 16.6 41.1 11.6 11.3 4.4 62.8 16.3 34.6 408.7 334.7 55,179 41,973 69,040 44,058 297 13,056 248,931 27,010 167,992 45,365 5,641 57.2 29.6 80.8 11.6 0.4 5.5 73.2 14.7 38.7 ?? ?3 V4 ?5 ■?6 345.8 77.8 43,112 243,247 ?7 173.2 73,869 110.9 46,803 236.6 19,783 28 RO 31 32 33 ^4 22.6 17.8 45.3 12.3 13,447 113,015 7,975 181,864 17.2 24.0 18.2 14.7 1,337 22,979 3,878 28,392 1.7 5.1 9.7 2.3 3,999 39, 690 6,795 146,039 5.5 9.7 20.6 13.7 75 26,804 9,016 90,766 0.1 7.0 37.5 9.3 8,401 38,998 9,930 94,400 13.1 11.4 70.5 10.7 5,177 21,820 14,093 132,590 8.8 6.8 35 36 17.7 37 38 39 40 123,583 36,201 151, 101 52,979 173,279 107,084 192,578 184, 779 225,553 190,240 14.2 5.3 16.7 60.6 17.6 10.7 25.0 30.5 107.5 36.7 115, 620 74,109 214, 793 32,968 202,577 173,507 180,867 230,875 112,323 165,351 15.3 12.5 31.1 60.5 26.0 20.9 30.6 61.5 115.1 46.9 15,432 13,213 174,569 19,747 91,911 147,306 281,229 239,030 67, 186 136,672 2.1 2.3 33.8 66.9 13.4 21.6 90.9 175.0 221.1 63.4 99,158 78,444 175,834 34,730 123,600 259,081 181,628 61,173 16, 115 62,332 15.5 15.6 51.6 83,329 87,626 88,556 15.0 21.1 35.1 77,397 69,524 89,747 16.2 20.1 55.2 84,352 96,518 80,138 21.4 38.8 97.1 41 42 4^ 21.9 61.3 142.0 81.1 112.9 40.6 157,806 161,096 127,901 35,096 13,211 76,851 3S.8 61.6 185,556 156,125 84.0 147.8 147,278 69,911 199.9 195.9 87.0 1,244.0 100.4 31,502 1,062 76,656 356.0 8,850 46 47 48 391,623 184.2 212,592 49 50 fil 5? 34,277 31,969 53 61.9 61,547 :::::::::::::::::::: R4 55 28,893 6,857 11,594 39,171 287,397 253.9 11,380 56 17 ■iS 294.7 310.4 13,294 92,597 59 fi"" 1 1 1 * Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 5 Decrease due to loss of territory. West Virginia liaving been set o3 from Virginia, Dec. 31, 1862. 82594°— 13- 34 POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE IN TOTAL POPULATION, BY STATES: 1900-1910. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE IN TOTAL POPULATION, BY STATES: 1890-1900. NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. 35 INCllEASE OF POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF EUROPE: 1800-1910. YEAR 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1 j 1 1 / ' / / / ' / y / / / Z < 1- 80 m < / / / / / z u. O 70 (O z f- / / J S eo ,x f ^5^ / / ^^ X ■*■/ -y > /' ^ V / y / ^^v^ ^^o'^ y^ ^^ o^'^'^';''- /^ r-^ ^<=^ ^^ ,--*' ^ U-=^ r^ ,^^^ _- — 30 ^-" £^ L^H'^■ -...^ ^'" ^^^^^ J2^ '>^ _^^^_^ /^ -olkV'*. ■ 10 ^-^'"'^ 1-.-.- _^ -"^ NORV rAY AND SW ^°^1..»». ^++ft+++++* ..„.„..., ■**■*"***" M«MMtAt >+*♦+*♦♦* t PORTUGAL 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 YEAR 36 POPULATION. APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATION. Population for apportionment purposes: 1910. — Table 12 gives, for 1910, the population of each state exclusive of Indians not taxed, who, according to the Constitution, are not to be included in the population forming the basis of the apportionment of representa- tives among the several states. The population of Arizona and New Mexico is not included in the main table but is added as an appendix. These states were still territories when the appro tionment act of 1911 was passed, though provision for their representation was made in the act. Now that they have been ad- mitted as states the total apportionment popidation of the states (that is, exclusive of Indians not taxed and the District of Columbia) is 91,569,325. POPULATION FOR APPORTIONMENT PURPOSES: 1910. Table 13 STATE. Total population: 19A0 Indians not taxed; 1910 Population basis of apportion- ment. STATE. Total population: 1910 Indians not taxed: 1910 Population basis of apportion- ment. 2,138,093 1,574,449 2,377,549 799,024 1,114,756 202,322 752,619 2,609,121 325,594 5,638,591 2,700,876 2,224,771 1,690,949 2,289,905 1,656,388 M2,371 1,295,346 3,366,416 2,810,173 2,075,708 1,797,114 3,293,335 376,053 1,192,214 81,875 430,572 2,537,167 2,138,093 1,574,449 2,376,561 798,572 1,114,756 202,322 752,619 2,609,121 323,440 5,638,591 2,700,876 2,224,771 1,690,949 2,289,905 1,656,388 742,371 1,295,346 3,366,416 2,810,173 2,074,376 1,797,114 3,293,335 366,338 1,192,214 80,293 430,572 2,537,167 9,113,614 2,206,287 577,056 4,767,121 1,657,155 672,765 7,665,111 542,610 1,515,400 583,888 2,184,789 3,896,542 373, 351 355,956 2,061,612 1,141,990 1,221,119 2,333,860 145,965 4,680 9,108,934 988 452 2,653 574,403 Ohio Florida. ■ . . 7,665,111 2,154 Illinois 8,212 675,676 2,184,789 3,896,542 Utah 1,487 Virginia 2,06l|612 1,856 1,007 1,307 2^332; 853 1,332 91,109,542 204, 354 327,301 37,425 24,129 10,318 91,072,117 180,225 316,983 9,715 Total, including Arizona and New 91,641,197 331,069 71,872 91,569,325 1,582 91,972,266 Number of representatives under each apportion- ment. — As the count of population is made primarily for the purpose of fixing the membership of the House of Representatives, under the provisions of section 2 of Article I of the Constitution, as modified by section 2 of Article XIV of the Amendments, a state- ment is given in Table 13 of the number of representa- tives assigned to each of the states by the Constitution in 1789 and by the several apportionment acts from the formation of the Government to the present time. The membership of the House of Representatives was originally fixed at 65, under the provisions of section 2 of Article I of the Constitution. The apportionments of representatives in Congress under the first six censuses — 1790 to 1840, inclusive — were made by Congi'ess, each by a separate act. The law for taking the census of 1850 (act of May 23, 1850, 9 Stat. L., 428), which was intended to be permanent, presented a rule of apportionment, fixed the number of members of the House at 233, and directed the Secretary of the Interior thereafter to make the apportionment. The apportionment under the census of 1860 also was made under this law, but Congress, on March 4, 1862, fixed the total number of membere at 241, and the Secretary of the Interior apportioned the new quotas to the states. The apportionments based on the census of 1870 and subsequent censuses were made by Congress, each by a separate act ; hence it may be assumed that the power conferred on the Secretary of the Interior by the act of May 23, 1850, was repealed by implication. Although the successive reapportionments, except that based upon the census of 1840, have each, inci- dentally to apportionment of representation, increased the membership of the House — from 65 in 1789 to 435 under the act of 1911 — the increase in the number of representatives has been relatively much less rapid than the growth of population. This is shown by the increasing ratio of number of inhabitants to number of representatives. APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATION. 37 NUMBER OF MEMBERS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNDER EACH APPORTIONMENT: 1789-1910. Table 13 state. 1910 1900 1S90 18S0 18701 I860' 1850" IS40 1880 1820 1810 1800 1790 1789 435 386 S 356 1 326 7 292 1 241 234 S 223 9 240 S 213 181 S 141 1 106 1 Assigned to new states after apportionment act.. 10 »1 7 n 4 5 1 4 12 27 13 11 8 11 8 4 6 16 13 10 8 16 6 1 12 M 43 10 3 22 8 3 36 3 7 3 10 18 2 2 10 5 6 11 1 9 9 8 g 6 7 7 5 3 <1 8 3 1 3 11 1 25 13 11 8 11 7 4 6 14 12 9 8 16 1 6 ■ 1 10 6 7 4 1 11 1 13 11 8 U 6 4 6 13 12 7 7 15 1 6 1 2 8 5 6 1 4 1 10 •1 20 13 11 7 11 6 4 6 12 11 5 7 14 1 1 3 1 2 7 4 4 M 4 1 9 3 3 2 2 1 <2 «1 4 1 1 8 4 1 <1 8 6 1 6 1 7 2 7 1 7 1 Florida 9 7 6 4 2 19 13 9 3 10 C 6 6 11 9 3 6 13 14 11 6 1 9 5 5 5 10 6 2 5 9 9 11 7 10 <2 3 7 1 3 <1 1 1 10 4 6 6 11 4 5 7 10 4 7 6 10 3 13 3 8 8 12 *1 12 3 7 9 13 10 < 1 «7 9 13 6 2 Maryland . 9 17 8 14 6 8 4 5 2 1 1 «1 1 1 3 7 «1 <1 3 5 3 5 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 4 5 3 4 New York 37 10 2 21 '5 32 7 li) 16 1 10 3 5 11 1 34 9 1 21 34 9 * 1 21 33 S 31 7 33 8 34 9 40 13 34 13 27 13 17 12 10 10 5 Ohio 20 19 21 21 19 14 6 < 1 30 7 10 13 •1 10 4 10 1 1 28 7 <2 10 11 1 27 2 5 1 24 2 4 '1 25 24 7 28 2 9 26 2 9 23 9 18 8 13 8 10 6 8 4 10 11 • 2 13 9 6 3 u Utah 2 10 <1 4 9 3 9 3 11 3 13 4 15 5 21 5 22 6 23 4 22 19 West Virginia 3 8 6 3 «2 1 ' Membership originally Qxed at 2S3, but Increased by act of May 30, 1S72, to 292 (17 Stat. L., 192). ' Membership increased from 233 to 241 by act of Mar. 4, 1862 (12 Stat. L.,353). ' Membership increased from 233 to 234 by act of July 30, 1852 (10 Stat. L., 25). Table 14 gives the dates of the apportionment acts and the ratio of representation according to each act. This ratio indicates for the country as a whole, approxi- mately, the average population per representative under each apportionment. Table 14 CENSUS TEAS. Date of apportionment act. Ratio. CENSUS TEAK. Date of apportiotmient act. Ratio. 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 Aug. 8, 1911 Jan. 16, 1901 Feb. 7, 1891 Feb. 25, 1882 Feb. 2, 1872 May 23, 1850 May 23, 1850 211,877 194, 182 173,901 151,911 131,425 127,381 93,423 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 June 25, 1842.... May 22, 1832.... Mar. 7, 1822 Dec. 21, 1811.... Jan. 14, 1802 Apr. 14, 1792.... Constitution, 1789 70,680 47,700 40,000 35,000 33,000 33,000 30,000 The original apportionment of 1789 was based upon a ratio of 30,000 inhabitants to 1 representative. Un- der the act of 1911 the ratio is 211,877 to 1. Itshould be explained that this number, 211,877, is not the quo- tient obtained by dividing the apportionment popula- tion by the number of representatives, but is a number somewhat arbitrarily determined upon as a * Assigned after apportionment. * Included in apportionment act in anticipation of its becoming a state. B Included in the 20 members originally assigned to Massachusetts, but credited to Maine after the admission of that district as a state. Mar. 15, 1820 (3 Stat. L., 555). divisor in apportioning representatives in 1911. It may be briefly described as the mean of the numbers which, had they been used as divisors, would each under the rule of apportionment adopted have given an apportionment identical with that actually made."^ The actual ratio of representation — that is, the quotient obtained by dividing the apportionment population of 1910 by the number of representatives under the act of 1911 — is for the country as a whole 210,504. By states the ratio varies from 80,293 in Nevada to 228,027 in Washington, as shown in Table 15. Nevada and three other states, Delaware, Wy- oming, and Arizona, whose populations were less than the number which would have entitled them to one representative by apportionment, were each given one under the constitutional provision that each state shall have at least one representative in the House. ' For a detailed account of the method of apportionment in 1911 and at earlier dates see the report on "Apportionment of Repre- sentatives," from the House Committee on the Census. Report No. 12, Apr. 25, 1911. 38 POPULATION. Table 15 STATE. Popula- tion per rep- resenta- tive: 19101 STATE. Popula- tion per rep- resenta- tive: 19101 210-604 198,702 80,293 213 180 224 216 199 222 202 1S8 217 809 225 921 051 643 951 322 165 497 215,286 211,431 316, 983 211,836 220,629 191, 468 Florida Oliio 216,687 207,144 224,255 212, 920 16i;720 208,837 207,760 202,252 211,369 208,173 207,049 185,693 216,891 210, 401 216,167 207,438 224, 639 205,833 183.169 180,870 216, 486 191,892 218, 479 216, 475 Utah 185,932 177,978 206,161 228,027 203, 520 212,078 144,658 1 Exclusive of Indians not taxed. 2 Exclusive of the District of Columbia. It is obvious from the above table that the repre- sentation of the states is not exactly proportional to their population. This results necessarily from the fact that the population of no state is exactly divisible by the ratio of representation, and also from the fact noted before that each state, whatever its population, is under the Constitution entitled to at least one representative. Under the apportionment of 1789 the entire mem- bership of the House came from the Atlantic Sea- board states and the same was true of the apportion- ment of 1790, except that under the act based on the census of that year two representatives were assigned to Kentucky and, after apportionment, one to Tennes- see. Under the apportionment of 1810 the region west of the Mississippi secured its first representative — the member from Louisiana — while under that of 1911 the trans-Mississippi members number 131. In Table 16 the House membership under the apportionment of 1790, and under each apportionment from that based on the census of 1850 to that based on the census of 1910, is distributed by geographic divi- sions and sections of the coimtry, with corresponding percentages. Table 16 NUMBER OP KEPEESENTATIVE3 FKOM SPECIFIED AEEA AS APPOBTIONED ON BASIS OF CENSUS OF— PER CENT OF TOTAL OF HOUSE MEMBERSHIP FROM SPECIFIED AREA AS APPORTIONED ON BASIS OF CENSUS OF— SECTION AND DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1790 1910 1900 1890 1880 18J0 1860 1850 1790 United States 435 391 367 332 293 243 237 106 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 100.0 100.0 The North 2ee 32 91 86 57 136 56 39 41 33 14 19 244 29 79 82 54 126 53 38 35 21 8 13 227 27 72 78 50 112 50 37 25 18 7 11 212 26 69 74 43 107 49 36 22 13 5 8 193 28 67 69 29 93 43 34 16 7 2 5 162 27 60 56 19 76 36 28 12 5 1 4 151 29 63 ^ 48 11 83 43 32 8 3 B7 29 28 49 46 3 61.1 7.4 20.9 19.8 13.1 31.3 12.9 9.0 9.4 7.6 3.2 4.4 62.4 7.4 20.2 21.0 13.8 32.2 13.6 9.7 9.0 5.4 2.0 3.3 63.6 7.6 20.2 21.8 14.0 31.4 14.0 10.4 7.0 B.O 2.0 3.1 63.9 7.8 20.8 22.3 13.0 32.2 14.8 10.8 6.6 3.9 1.6 2.4 65.9 9.6 22.9 23.5 9.9 31.7 14.7 11.6 5.5 2.4 0.7 1.7 66.7 11.1 24.7 23.0 7.8 31.3 14.8 11.5 4.9 2.1 0.4 1.6 63.7 12.2 26.6 20.3 4.6 35.0 18.1 13.5 3.4 1.3 53.8 27.4 26.4 West North Central 46.2 43.4 2.8 3 1.3 East of the Mississippi River West of the Mississippi River 304 131 281 110 264 93 254 78 241 52 207 36 215 22 106 69.9 30.1 71.9 28.1 73.9 26.1 76.5 23.5 82.3 17.7 85.2 14.8 90.7 9.3 100.0 AEEA AND DENSITY OF POPULATION. AREA. United States as a whole. — The gross area, land and water, of the territory under the jurisdiction of the United States at the Thirteenth Census was 3,743,306 square miles. The outlying territories had an area of 716,517 square miles, and constituted 19.1 per cent, or approximately one-fifth, of the aggregate area. The area in 1790 was 892,135 square miles, or somewhat less than one-fourth of the present area, and embraced substantially all the territory lying between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River excepting Florida. This original area, and the areas of successive accessions of territory from 1790 to 1910, are shown in Table 17. In 1803 the area of the country was nearly doubled by the Louisiana Purchase. Three accessions of territory during the decade 1840-1850, aggregating 1,204,896 square miles, increased the area of the country from 1,792,223 to 2,997,119 square miles. These three accessions constitute 39.8 per cent, or approximately two-fifths, of the present area of the country, exclusive of noncontiguous territory. ACCESSION OF TERRITORY. Aggregate, 1910— United States and out- lying possessions United States Outlying possessions. . Territory in 1790 i Louisiana Purchase (1803).. . Florida (1819) By treaty vrith Spain (1819). Texas(1845) Oregon (1846) Mexican Cession (1848) . . . Gadsden Purchase (1853). Alaska(1867) Haivaii(1898) Philippine Islands (1899). .. Porto Rico (1899) Guam (1899) Samoa (1900) Panama Canal Zone (1904)., (land and water) in square miles. 892, 135 827, 987 58,666 13,435 389, 166 286,541 529, 189 29,670 590, 884 6,449 1 Includes the drainage basin of the Red River of the North, not a part of any accession, but in the past sometimes considered a part of the Louisiana Purchase. 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. AREA AND DENSITY. 39 The aggregate area in square miles of the United States at each census from 1790 to 1910 is shown in Table 18. Table 18 AREA OF THE UNITED STATES AND OF ITS OUTLTING POSSESSIONS. Gross area (land and water) . Rela- tive area — area in 1910 = 100. The United States (exclusive of out- lying possessions). CEN3U3 TEAK. Gross area (L^nd and water). Rela- tive area- area in 1910 = 100. Land. Water.' Outly- ing posses- sions. 1910 3,743.306 3,742,870 3,617.673 3,617,673 3,617,673 3,026,789 2,997,119 1,792,223 1,792,223 1,792.223 1,720.122 892. 135 892, 135 100.0 100.0 96.6 96.6 96.6 80.9 80.1 47.9 47.9 47.9 46.0 23.8 23.8 3,026,789 3,026,789 3,026,789 3.026.789 3,026,789 3,026,789 2,997,119 1,792,223 1,792,223 1.792.223 1. 720. 122 892, 135 892, 135 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 59.2 59.2 59.2 56.8 29.5 29.5 2,973,890 2.974,159 2,973,965 2,973,965 2,973,965 2,973,965 2,944,337 1.753,588 1,753,588 1,753,588 1,685,865 867,980 867,980 52,899 52,630 52, 824 52,824 52, 824 52,824 52, 782 38, 635 38,635 38,635 34,257 24, 155 24, 155 716,517 1900 1890 716.081 590, 884 1880 590,884 590,884 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 . 1 Does not include the water surface of the oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Great Lakes, lying within the jurisdiction of the United States. Divisions and states. — The total land area of the United States and of each state and territory at the date of each census from 1790 to 1910, inclusive, is given in Table 21 on page 40. This table refers to the land area exclusively. For 1910, the gross area and the land and water area, respectively, of the states, ranked according to gross area, are given in Table 19. Seven states, each of which embraces within its limits over 100,000 square miles of territory and all lying west of the Mississippi River, have an aggregate gross area of 1,022,418 square miles, or approximately one-third of the total area of the United States. Texas, the largest of these, with 265,896 square miles of land and water, has an area more than four times that of the New England states, and more than 213 times that of Rhode Island, the smallest state. California, the next largest state, with an extent of territory' about three-fifths as great as that of Texas, nearly equals in area the New England and Middle Atlantic states com- bined. The aggregate area of these two states exceeds that of the Atlantic Seaboard states from Maine to Florida. The 5 remammg states with areas exceeding 100,000 square miles are in the Mountain division, and one other state in this division, Wyoming, falls just below the limit indicated. Twenty-one states, 14 of which arc located west of the Mississippi River, have areas ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 square mUes, and 20 states have areas of less than 50,000 square miles. The 22 states west of the Mississippi River have an average area of 97,514 square mUes ; the 26 states east of that river an average of 3.3,900, but little more than one-third that of the states west of the Mississippi. Table 19 STATE. Rank in gross area. AREA IN SQUARE MILES. Gross. Land. Water. I Xlnlted States 3,026,789 265,896 158, 297 146,997 122, 634 113,956 110,690 103,948 97,914 96, 699 84,990 84,682 83,888 82, 158 77,615 77,520 70, 837 70,057 69,420 69, 127 59,265 58. 666 57,980 56,665 56, 147 56,066 53,335 62, 426 51,998 49, 204 48,506 46,865 45,126 42,627 42,022 41,040 40,598 36,354 33,040 30,989 24, 170 12,327 9,564 9,341 8.266 8,224 4,965 2,370 1.248 70 2.973,890 262,398 155,652 146, 201 122, 503 113,810 109,821 103,658 97,594 95,607 82, 184 80,858 83,354 81,774 76.868 76,808 -0,183 69,414 68, 727 66,836 58,725 54.861 57.480 56,043 55,586 55,256 52,525 48,740 51,279 47.654 45,409 46,362 44, 832 40,262 41,687 40,740 40,181 36.045 29.895 30.495 24,022 9,941 9,124 9,031 8,039 7,514 4,820 1.965 1,067 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 3.498 2,645 1,092 Utah 3,824 Idaho South Dakota North Dakota 654 2,291 Florida 3,803 1 550 3,097 503 2,365 300 417 Indiana 309 494 143 2,386 440 310 227 710 145 405 181 1 Does not Include the water surface of the oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Great Lakes, lying within the jurisdiction of the United States. Table 20 shows, for each geographic division, gross area, rank in area, percentage of total area embraced within its boundaries, and average area of the states within the division. Data are given also for the North, the South, and the West, and for the region east and west, respectively, of the Mississippi River. Table 20 SECTION AND DIVISION. Rank in gross area. Gross area (square miles). Per cent of total gross area. Num- ber of states. Average gross area of states. 3,026,789 100.0 >48 ■ 63,067 935,462 66,424 102,654 248. 105 518.379 902,187 282, 910 181,483 437,794 1,189,140 865,017 324, 123 30.9 2.2 3.4 8.2 17.1 29.8 9.3 6.0 14.5 39.3 28.6 10.7 21 6 3 5 7 116 1 8 4 4 11 8 3 44,546 9 8 6 2 11,071 34,185 East North Central West North Central 49, 621 74,054 156,382 5 7 3 East South Central West South Central 45,371 109,449 108, 104 1 4 108, 127 108,041 881,476 2,145,313 29.1 70.9 126 22 133,903 97,514 ' Exclusive of District of Columbia. 40 POPULATION. LAND AREA OF THE UNITED STATES IN SQUARE MILES, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1790-1910. Table 31 STATE AND TERMTOKT. 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 18S0 1820 1810 1800 1790 United States Alabama 1 2,973,890 51,279 8 113,810 52,625 9 155,652 103,658 4,820 1.965 60 54, 861 58,725 83,354 "56,043 " 36, 045 55,586 81,774 40, 181 45, 409 29, ,S95 9,941 8,039 57, 480 80,858 46,362 68, 727 146,201 76,808 109, 821 9,031 7,514 122, 503 47,654 48,740 70. 183 40,740 69,414 95,607 44,832 1,067 30,495 76,868 41, 687 262,398 82. 184 9,124 40,262 66,836 24,022 55,256 97,594 2 2,974,159 51,279 113,840 52,525 i» 166, 092 103,658 4,820 1,965 "60 54,861 68,725 83,354 56, 002 35,885 55,586 81, 774 40, 181 45,409 29,895 9,941 8,039 57,480 80,858 46,362 68,727 146,201 76.808 109,821 9,03] 7,514 122,503 47,654 48,740 70,183 40,740 38,624 95, 607 44,832 1,067 30,495 76,868 41,687 262,398 82, 184 9,124 40,262 66,836 24,022 55,256 97,594 2,973,965 51,279 113,840 52,525 155,900 103,658 4,820 1,965 58 54, 861 58,725 83,354 56,002 35,885 65,586 81,774 40,181 45,409 29, 895 9.941 8,039 57,480 80,868 46,362 68,727 146,201 76,808 109,821 9.031 7,514 122,503 47,654 48,740 70,183 40,740 38,624 95,607 44,832 1,067 30, 495 76,868 41,687 262,398 82, 184 9,124 40,262 66,836 24,022 55,256 97,594 2,973,965 51,279 113, 840 52,526 155,900 103,658 4,820 1,965 58 54,861 58,725 83,364 66,002 35,885 55,586 81,774 40,181 45,409 29,895 9,941 8,039 67,480 80,868 46,362 68,727 146,201 76, 172 109,821 9,031 7,514 122,503 47,654 48, 740 (19) 40,740 2,973,965 51,279 113, 840 62,525 165, 900 103,658 4,820 1,965 58 64,861 68,725 83,354 56,002 35,885 65,686 81,774 40,181 46,409 29,895 9,941 8,039 57,480 80,858 46,362 68,727 146, 195 76, 172 109,821 9,031 7,514 122,603 47,654 48,740 (19) 40,740 s 2,973,965 51,279 < 2,944,337 51,279 1,763,688 51,279 1,763,688 51,279 n,763,688 51,279 e 1,686,865 867,980 I 867,980 Arizona Ark"aTisa.s 52,525 155,900 "103,668 4,820 1,965 ■ 58 54,861 58,725 52,525 166,900 52,525 62,526 106,275 4,820 1,965 58 54,861 68,725 4,820 1,966 90 54,861 68,725 4,820 1,966 90 54.861 58,725 4,820 1,966 90 54,861 58,725 4,820 1,965 90 4,820 1,965 90 4,820 1,965 District of Columbia Florida 58,725 111,877 146, 196 Illinois 56,002 35,886 55,686 "81,774 40,181 45,409 29,895 9,941 8,039 57, 480 " 80, 868 46, 362 68,727 56,002 36,886 65,686 56,002 36,885 191,656 56,002 35,885 56,002 35,885 192, 381 42,933 252,084 K" an tins 40, 181 45,409 29,895 9,941 8,041 57,480 163,457 46,362 68,727 40, 181 46,409 29,896 9,941 8,041 57,480 40, 181 45,409 29,895 9,941 8,041 186,052 40,181 45,409 29, 895 9,941 8,041 186,052 40,181 "34,065 "29.895 9,941 8,041 42,625 40,181 '5 40,181 Louisiana " 29, 895 9.941 8,041 "29,895 9,999 8,041 Micbigan 46,362 68,727 46,362 65,618 46,362 18 97,641 33,319 " 118,915 "61,260 9,031 7,514 "247,782 47,654 48,740 (19) 40,740 9,031 7,614 236,548 47,652 48,740 9,031 7,514 9,031 7,514 9,031 7,514 9,031 7,614 9,031 7,614 9,031 7,514 47,652 48,740 47. 652 48,740 47,652 48,740 47,652 48,740 47,662 48,740 47,652 48,740 North Carolina Ohio 40,740 40,740 40,228 40,228 40,228 » 40, 228 95, 607 44,832 1.067 30, 495 (19) 41,687 262,398 82, 184 9,124 40,262 66,836 24, 022 65,256 97,594 95,607 44,832 1,067 30. 495 (19) 41.687 , 262,398 82, 184 9,124 40,262 66,836 24,022 55, 256 97,694 95,607 44,832 1,067 30, 495 (19) 41,687 262, 398 "122,887 9,124 64,284 183,254 282,257 44,832 1,067 30,496 44,832 1,067 30,495 44,832 1,067 30,495 44,832 1,067 30, 495 44,832 1,067 30,495 44,832 1,067 30,496 2144,832 1,067 30, 495 South Daliota 41,687 262,398 230, 610 9,124 64, 284 41,687 41,687 41,687 41,687 41,687 22 46,977 Texas Utah 9,124 64, 252 9,124 64,252 9,124 64,252 9,124 64,252 9,124 64,252 9,124 64,284 West Virginia 66,256 65,256 82,643 WynTninfT, _ _ , Territory northwest of Ohio River 25,855 5,290 318,157 Territory south of Ten- 608,565 52,750 674,183 23 777,940 Indian Territory and un- 30,790 30,790 69, 414 147,687 69,414 147,693 69,414 "312,094 635,003 611,967 1 Net reduction of 269 square miles due to the drainage of lalces and swamps in nhnois and Indiana (201 square miles of land), and the building of the Roosevelt and Laguna Reservoirs (30 square miles of water surface), and the overflow of the Colorado River into the Salton Sea in California (440 square miles of water surface), 2 Increase of 194 square miles due to the reclamation of 2 square miles of Potomac River Flats in the District of Columbia and 192 square miles of Laiie Tulare in California. 8 Includes Gadsden Pftrchase (29,628 square miles) in 1863. * Includes Texas annexation (386,590 square miles) in 1845; Oregon territory (282,257 square miles) in 1846; and Mexican Cession (522,902 square miles) in 1848. 6 Includes Florida Purchase (64,861 square miles) and territory gained by treaty withSpain (12,862 square miles) in 1819. » Includes Louisiana Purchase (817,885 square miles) of 1S03. ' Includes the drainage basin of the Red River of the North. 8 Decrease of 25 square miles due to the building of the Roosevelt Reservoir and 5 square miles due to the building of the Laguna Reservoir. 9 Decrease of 440 square miles due to the overflow of the Colorado River into the Salton Sea. i» Increase of 192 square miles due to the reclamation of part of Lake Tulare, Cal. " Area given is that in 186L 12 Increase of 2 square miles due to reclamation of Potomac River Flats in the District of Columbia. 13 Increase of 41 square miles due to drainage of lal^es and swamps, n Increase of 160 square miles due to drainage of lakes and swamps. 15 Then part of Virginia; area given is that in 1792, when it was admitted as a state. 16 Then named Orleans territory; includes 4,611 square miles of disputed ter- ritory attached to the state of Louisiana in 1812, and excludes 1,134 square miles gained by treaty with Spain in 1819. 1' Then under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts; admitted as a state in 1820. 18 Includes 5,880 square miles of disputed territory attached to Mississippi ter- ritory in 1812. 19 Then part of Dakota territory. 20 Then part of "territory northwest of the Ohio River"; area given is that in. 1802, when it was admitted as a state. 21 Includes 314 square miles ceded to the United States by the state of New York in 1781 and sold to the state of Pennsylvania in 1792. 22 Then known as "territory southwest of the Ohio River"; includes 5,290 square- miles of territory ceded to the United States by the state of South Carolina in 1787. 23 Then named territory of Louisiana. AREA AND DENSITY. 41 POPULATION PER SQTJARE MILE. TTnited States as a whole. — Table 22 shows, for the United States, the total population, land area in square miles, and population per square mile of land area, at each census, 1790-1910; the diagram which follows also shows the density of population at each census. The decrease shown in the average number of in- habitants per square mile at the censuses of 1810 and 1850 was due in each case to large accessions of thinly populated territory during the preceding decade. At every other census from 1790 to 1910, the number of inhabitants per square mile had mcreased, from 4.5 m 1790 to 30.9 in 1910. Table 22 CEHSUS TEAR. Population of the United States. Land area In square miles. Popula- tion per square mile. 91,972,266 75,994,575 02,947,714 50,155,783 38,538,371 31,443,321 23,191,876 17,069,453 12,866,020 9,638,453 7,239,881 5,308,483 3,929,214 2,973,890 2,974,159 2,973,965 2,973,965 2,973,965 2,973,965 2,944,337 1,753,588 1,753,588 1,753,588 1,685,865 867,980 867,980 30 9 21.2 I860 1840 9.7 7.3 1820 5.5 6.1 Population per Square Mile : 1790-1910. population per square mile Divisions and states. — The population per square mile ua the United States and m each state and terri- tory at each census from 1790 to 1910, inclusive, is given m Table 26, page 44, while a diagram in the next column shows the relative density for the last two decades only. The relative density of population of each state of the United States in 1910 and 1900, is incUcated by the maps on page 43, while Table 23 shows, for each geographic division and state, the population and land area in 1910 and the population per square mile at each of the last three censuses. The distribution of the population of the United States in 1910 is also indicated bj' a map following page 124, in which, in computing density of population the county has been taken as the unit a,nd its total population divided by the land area in square miles. In the order of density of population, as shown by Table 23, the geographic divisions ranked as follows in 1910: Middle Atlantic, 193.2 inhabitants per square mile; New England, 105.7; East North Central, 74.3; East South Central, 46.8; South Atlantic, 45.3; West North Central, 22.S; West South Central, 20.4; Pacific, 13.2; Mountain, 3.1. Population per Square Mile, by States: 1910 and 1900. POPULATION, PER 6QUARE MILE It will be noted that, while increases in density of population during the last two decades have been marked generally in the sparsely populated states of the West, such increases have been no less marked in some of the more populous states of the East, as, for example, in the Middle Atlantic and in the three most southern New England states. 42 POPULATION. Table 23 DIVISION AND STATE. ITnited States Geogeaphic divisions: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central. West North Central. South Atlantic East South Central.. West South Central. Mountain Pacific New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania East Nokth Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West Noeth Central Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Teimessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma! Texas TBountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon Callfomia 6, 552, 681 19,315,892 18, 250, 621 11,637,921 12,194,895 8,409,901 8,784,534 2,033,517 4, 192, 304 742,371 430,572 355,956 1, 366, 416 542, 610 ,114,756 1,113,614 1,537,167 ,665,111 1,638,591 1, 810, 173 1,333,860 1,075,708 ;, 224, 771 ;, 293, 335 577,056 583, 888 , 192, 214 ,690,949 202,322 ,295,346 331,069 1,061,612 ,221,119 1,206,287 ,515,400 :, 609, 121 752, 619 1,574,449 .,656,388 .,657,155 1,896,542 376, 053 325, 694 145, 965 799, 024 327, 301 204,354 373,351 81, 875 ,141,990 672, 765 1,377,549 Land area in square miles: 1910 61, 976 100,000 245, 564 510, 804 269,071 179,509 429, 746 859, 125 318,095 29,895 9,031 9,124 8,039 47,654 7,514 44,832 40,740 36,045 56,043 67,480 55,256 80,858 55,586 68, 727 70, 183 76,868 76,308 81, 774 30,495 58, 725 54, 861 40,181 41,687 51,279 46,362 52,525 45,409 69, 414 262, 398 146,201 83,354 97,694 103, 658 122,503 113,810 82, 184 109,821 66,836 24.8 47.7 39.0 418.8 191.2 337.7 171.0 117.0 74.9 100.6 25.7 40.0 47.9 103.0 130.3 5,517.8 51.2 57.0 52.4 41.7 30.0 36.5 23.9 14.8 154.5 65.2 20.3 23.2 22.1 45.6 41.7 37.7 36.4 349.0 278.5 401.6 323.8 188.5 154.8 152.5 250.7 140.6 94.0 119.5 4,645.3 46.1 39.9 38.9 44.0 37.7 53.4 48.5 35.7 33.5 25.0 30.4 11.4 11.6 75.8 127.1 54.9 17.5 32.9 35.8 11.0 126.0 192.3 117.3 61.1 68,3 36.4 16.2 34.4 39.0 85.7 104.9 3,972.3 41.1 31.8 33.2 37.7 31.3 7.1 1 Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900 and 1890. Aside from the District of Columbia there were 10 states in which there was in 1910 a population per square mile of more than 100. These states, in the order of density of population for 1910, are shown in Table 24, from which it will be seen that, with respect to density of population, the rank was the same at each of the censuses named. The combined population (36,574,123) of these 10 states and the District of Columbia in 1910 consti- tuted very nearly two-fifths (39.8 per cent) of the total population of the United States, while their combined land area (222,675 square miles) comprised hardly more than one-fourteenth (7.5 per cent) of the entire land area of the country. Table 24 STATE. POPULATION PEE SQUAEE MILE. 1910 1900 1890 508.5 418.8 337.7 231.3 191.2 171.0 130.3 117.0 103.0 100.6 401.6 349.0 250.7 188.5 152.5 140.6 119.5 102.1 94.0 86.1 323.8 278.5 192.3 154.8 126.0 117.3 104.9 90.1 85.7 68.3 Pennsylvania Ohio The other states, arranged in the order of their den- sity of population in 1910, are shown in the following table: Table 25 STATE. Popula- tion per square mile: 1910 STATE. Popula- tion per square mile: 1910 74.9 57.0 52.4 51.2 50.8 49.7 48.9 47.9 47.7 45.3 44.4 42.2 41.7 40.0 39.0 38.8 36.5 30.0 25.7 Texas Florida Utah There were 16 states, as shown by Table 25, which had, on the average, fewer than 18 inhabitants to the square mile. Eight of these states are in the Moun- tain division (comprising its entire area), 3 are in the Pacific division (comprising its entire area), 3 are in the West North Central division, 1 is in the West South Central division, and 1 in the South Atlantic division. Their combined land area (1,718,338 square mUes) comprises very nearly three-fifths (57.8 per cent) of the entire land area of the United States, while their combined population (13,828,140) constituted only a little more than one-seventh (15 per cent) of the total population of the country in 1910. Among the outlying possessions Alaska had an average density of 0.1 per square mile; Hawaii, of 29.8, nearly that of Arkansas; and Porto Rico, of 325.5, which is greater than that of any state of the United States except Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. AREA AND DENSITY. POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE, BY STATES: 1910. 43 I I Less than 2 nm 2to6 ^ 6 to 18 ^ 18 to 45 ^ 46 to 90 Igg 90 and over. The heavy lines (^) show geographic divisions. POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE, BY STATES: 1900. 44 POPULATION. POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE, BY STATES: 1790-1910. [The density of population is obtained by dividing the population of eacti state and of the United States by its total land area in square miles at each census, as given in Table 21, p. 40.] Table 26 STATE. 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 30.9 25.6 21.2 16.9 13.0 10.6 7.9 9.7 7.3 5.5 4.3 6.1 4.5 41.7 l.S 30.0 15.3 7.7 231.3 103.0 5, 517. 8 13.7 44.4 3.9 100.6 74.9 40.0 20.7 57.0 36.5 24.8 130.3 418.8 48.9 25.7 38.8 47.9 2.6 15.5 0.7 47.7 337.7 2.7 191.2 45.3 8.2 117.0 23.9 7.0 171.0 508.5 49.7 7.6 52.4 14.8 4.5 39.0 51.2 17.1 50.8 42.2 1.5 35.7 1.1 25.0 9.5 5.2 188.5 94.0 4,645.3 9.6 37.7 1.9 86.1 70.1 40.2 18.0 53.4 30.4 23.2 119.5 349.0 42.1 21.7 33.5 45.2 1.7 13.9 0.4 45.6 250.7 1.6 152.5 38.9 4.5 102.1 <11.4 4.3 140.6 401.6 44.0 5.2 48.5 11.6 3.4 37.7 46.1 7.8 39.9 37.4 0.9 29.5 0.8 21.5 7.8 4.0 154.8 85.7 3,972.3 7.1 31.3 1.1 68.3 61.1 34.4 17.5 46.3 24.6 22.1 104.9 278.5 36.4 16.2 27.8 39.0 1.0 13.8 0.4 41.7 192.3 1.3 126.0 33.2 2.7 90.1 ^3.7 3.3 117.3 323.8 37.7 4.5 42.4 8.5 2.6 36.4 41.1 5.3 31.8 30.6 0.6 24.6 0.4 15.3 5.5 1.9 129.2 74.6 3,062.5 4.9 26.3 0.4 55.0 55.1 29.2 12.2 41.0 20.7 21.7 94.0 221. 8' 28.5 9.7 24.4 31.6 0.3 5.9 0.6 38.4 150.5 1.0 106.7 28.7 P) 78.5 19.4 0.1 9.2 3.6 0.4 111.5 63.6 2,270.7 3.4 20.2 0.2 45.4 46.8 21.5 4.5 32.9 16.0 21.0 78.6 181.3 20.6 5.4 17.9 25.0 0.1 1.6 0.4 35.2 120.6 0.7 92.0 22.0 65.4 18.8 15.0 11.5 6.0 2.5 8.3 2.4 0.3 95.5 57.1 1,294.5 2.6 18.0 4.0 0.6 1.9 0.6 0.1 « 76.9 46.6 891.2 1.6 15.4 64.3 39.7 485.7 1.0 11. s 61.8 39.1 442.6 0.6 8.8 67.1 37.0 367.1 64.3 37.0 266.9 52.1 32.7 156.6 5.8 4.3 1.5 0.6 Illinois 30.6 37.6 12.1 1.3 28.8 , 15.6 21.0 69.1 153.1 13.0 2.1 17.1 17.2 15.2 27.5 3.5 8.5 19.1 0.2 2.8 9.6 1.0 4.1 0.1 0.6 ■(=) 24.4 11.4 19.5 58.6 123.7 6.9 9.9 19.4 7.8 16.8 47.3 91.7 3.7 17.1 4.8 13.4 45.0 75.9 0.2 14.0 3.4 10.0 41.0 65.1 (=) 10.1 2.2 7.7 38.3 58.7 0.1 5.5 1.8 5.1 34.4 52.6 3.2 8.1 5.6 2.9 2.1 1.6 (0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 36.1 89.4 0.4 81.4 20.4 57.4 35.2 65.2 0.3 65.0 17.8 31.6 49.7 29. S 42.7 27.0 36.9 23.7 32.7 20.4 28.1 15.7 51.0 15.5 40.3 15.1 28.8 13.1 20.1 11.4 12.4 9.8 7.1 8.1 Ohio 48.6 37.3 23.3 14.5 5.7 1.1 Oregon 1.8 95.5 259.2 32.6 (») 37.0 6.1 1.8 36.4 37.6 1.1 25.7 23.8 0.2 1.0 78.6 203.7 23.1 m 30.2 3.1 1.1 36.2 30.4 0.4 18.4 19.1 0.1 0.5 64.8 163.7 23.1 m 26.6 2.3 0.3 34.5 24.8 0.1 51.6 138.3 21.9 38.5 102.0 19.5 30.1 91.1 19.1 23.4 77.8 16.5 18.1 72.1 13.6 13.4 64.8 11.3 9.7 64.5 8.2 24.1 0.8 <3i4 22.1 19.9 16.4 10.1 6.3 2.5 0.8 Utah 32.0 19.3 30.8 18.9 25.9 16.6 23.9 15.2 16.9 13.7 9.4 Virginia.. 11.6 14.0 5.5 0.4 ' Land area included in Missouri territory. ' Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ACRES PEE. INHABITANT. ' Dakota territory: 1880, 0.9; 1870, 0.1; 1860, less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ' Oklahoma and Indian Territory combined. United States as a whole. — The density of popula- tion may be indicated, also, by average area per in^ habitant. Table 27 is a summary and shows, for the United States, the number of acres per inhabitant at each of the last three censuses. Table 37 CENSUS TEAR. Population. L-^-^ Acres per inhabitant. 1910 91,972,266 75,994,576 62,947,714 1,903,289,600 1,903.461,760 1,903,337,600 20.7 1900 25.0 1890.. . 30.2 In 1890 there were, on the average, 30.2 acres to each inhabitant in the United States, but this number was reduced to 25 in 1900 and to 20.7 in 1910, the total reduction during the 20 years being very nearly a third. Divisions and states. — ^Table 28 shows, by divisions and states, the total population and land area in acres in 1910 and the number of acres to each inhabitant in 1910, 1900, and 1890, respectively. In the Middle Atlantic division there were in 1910, on the average, 3.3 acres of land to each inhabitant, while in the Mountain cHvision there were 208.8 acres, the corresponding numbers for 1890 being 5 and 453, respectively. In Rhode Island, the most densely popu- ■ lated state, there were but 1.3 acres per inhabitant ia 1910, while in Nevada there were 858.4 acres. The changes ia the number of acres per inhabitant are of course simply the converse of the changes in the num- ber of inhabitants per square mile. CENTER OF POPULATION AND MEDIAN LINES. 45 Table 28 DIVISION AND STATE. TTnited States. Geographic divisions: New England Middle Atlantic East Nortli Central... West Nortli Central .. Soutli Atlantic East Soutli Central... West South Central... Mountain Pacific New England: Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut MniDLE Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania. . East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota 2, 075, Iowa 2,224, Missouri ." 3,293,335 North Dakota 577,056 South Dakota 683.888 Nebraska ! 1,192,214 Kansas > 1.090,949 6,552,681 19,315,892 18,250,621 11,637,921 12,194,895 8,409.901 8,784,534 2,633,517 4,192,304 742,371 430, 572 355, 956 3,366,416 542,610 1,114,756 9,113,614 2,537,167 7, 665, in 4, 767, 121 2,700,876 5,638,591 2,810,173 2,333,860 Land area in acres: 1910 39,664,040 64,000,000 157,160,960 326,914,560 172,205.440 114.885,760 275,037,440 5,839,360 6,144,960 682, 880 3,084,800 30,498,560 4,808,960 28,692,480 26,073,600 23, 068, 800 35, 867, 520 36, 787, 200 35,363,840 61,749,120 35,576,040 43,985,280 44,917,120 49,195,520 49. 157, 120 52,335,360 ACRES PEE INHABITANT. 1910 1900 1890 3.3 8.6 28.1 14.1 13.7 31.3 208.8 48.6 25.8 13.4 16.4 24.9 16.0 13.4 4.1 9.8 31.6 16.5 15.2 42.1 328.3 84.4 27.6 14.0 17.0 29.5 15.9 14.2 140.7 122.5 46.1 36.6 6.0 11.7 36.6 19.4 17.9 58.0 453.0 107.9 28.9 15.4 17.6 39.5 18.6 16.4 235.2 141.1 46.3 DIVISION AND STATE. South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbi Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California 202, 322 1,295,346 331,069 2,061,612 1,221,119 2,200,287 1.515,400 2,609,121 762, 619 2,289,905 2, 184, 789 2, 138, 093 1,797,114 1,574,449 1,666,388 1,667,165 3,896,542 376,053 325, 594 145,965 799, 024 327,301 204,354 373,361 81,875 1,141,990 672, 765 2,377,549 Land area in acres: 1910 1,257,600 6,362,240 38,400 25, 767, 680 16,374,080 31,193,600 19.516,800 37, 584, 000 35,111,040 25, 715, 840 26,679,680 32,818,560 29,671,680 33,616,000 29,061,760 44,424,960 167,934,720 93,658.640 63,346,660 62,460,160 66,341,120 78,401,920 72,838,400 52,697,760 70,285,440 42,775,040 61,188,480 99,617,280 ACRES FEE INEABITANT. 12.5 12.6 14.1 12.9 14.4 46.7 11.2 12.2 16.3 16.6 248.8 163.8 427.9 83.0 239.5 356.4 140.9 858.4 37.5 91.0 41.9 13.9 16.0 16.5 14.6 17.0 66.4 25.6 21.0 56.2 55.1 3S4.5 329.8 675.0 122.9 401.4 592.7 190.1 1,660.2 82.6 148.0 67.3 16.6 20.2 19.3 17.0 20.5 13.8 15.1 21.7 23.0 29.8 26.0 171.8 75.1 826.6 249.5 1,484.2 119.7 192.6 82.2 CENTER OF POPULATION AND MEDIAN LINES. DEFINITION OF TEKMS. On the basis of the Thirteenth Census returns the center of population and the median pomt for the United States have been determined for April 15, 1910. In these calculations no accomit is taken of the terri- tory and population of Alaska and of other outlyhig possessions. The location of the center at the dates of the several censuses from 1790 to 1910, and the movement of the point from census to census, are indicated in the tables and maps of this section, which includes also a map on which are drawn the median parallel of latitude and the median meridian of longi- tude for 1910. The term "center of population" as used in census publications has a somewhat technical significance, different from that frequently attached to it. The center is often understood to be the point of inter- section of a north and south line which divides the population equally, with an east and west line which likewise divides it equally. This point of intersection is, in a certain sense, a center of population; it is here, however, designated the median point to distinguish it from the point technically defined as the center. The character of these two points may be made clear through a physical analogy. The center of population may be said to represent the center of gravity of the population. If the surface of the United States be considered as a rigid plane without weight, capable of sustaining the population distributed thereon, individuals being assumed to be of equal weight, and each, therefore, to exert a pressure on any supporting pivotal point directly proportional to. his distance from the pomt, the pivotal point on which the plane balances would, of course, be its center of gravity; and this is the point referred to by the term "center of population," as used in this chapter. Con- tinuhig the above analogy, it may be noted that the median point, which may be described as the numerical center of population, is in no sense a center of gravity. In determining the median point, distance is not taken into account, and the location of the units of popu- lation is considered only in relation to the intersecting median lines — as being north or south of the median parallel and east or west of the median meridian. Extensive changes in the geographic distribution of the population may take place without affecting the median point, whereas the center of population re^ sponds to the slightest population change in any sec tion of the coimtrj'. To illustrate, since the median point lies east of Minnesota, a million persons could move from Minnesota to Oregon without affecting the median point, wliile the removal of 500 persons from one town in Indiana to another, across the north and south line passuig through the median point, would change the location of the point. On the other hand, the removal of a milUon persons from Minne- sota to Oregon would have a very considerable effect on the center of population, since, in terms of the 46 POPULATION. above analogy, the pressure exerted by eacb indi- vidual would increase in proportion to the distance traveled away from the center. If all the people in the United States were to be assembled at one place, the center of population would be the point which they could reach with the minimuni aggregate travel, assuming that they all traveled in direct lines from their residences to the meeting place. METHOD OF DETERMINING THE CENTER OP POPULATION. In locating the center of population it is first assumed to be approximately at a certain point. Through this point a parallel and a meridian are drawn, crossing the entire country. In determining the center of popiila- tion in 1910 it was assxmied to be at the intersection of the parallel of 39° north latitude with the meridian of 86° west longitude, which lines were taken as the axes of moments. The product of the population of a given area by its distance from the assumed parallel is called a north or south moment, and the product of the population of the area by its distance from the assumed meridian is called an east or west moment. In calculating north and south moments the distances are measured in minutes of arc; in calculating east and west mo- ments it is necessary to use miles, on account of the ■unequal length of the degrees and minutes in different latitudes. The population of the coimtry is grouped by square degrees — that is, by areas included between consecutive parallels and meridians — as they are con- venient units with which to work. The population of the principal cities is then deducted from that of the respective square degrees in which they he, and treated separately. The center of population of each square degree is assumed to be at its geographical center, except where such an assumption is manifestly incor- rect; in these cases the position of the center of popu- lation of the square degree is estimated as nearly as possible. The population of each square degree north and south of the assumed parallel is multiplied by the distance of its center from that parallel; a similar cal- culation is made for the principal cities; and the sum of the north moments and the sum of the south mo- ments are ascertained. The difference between these two sums, divided by the total population of the country, gives a correction to the latitude. In a similar manner the sums of the east and of the west moments are ascertained and from them the correction in longitude is made, THE CENTER OF POPULATION: 1910. At the Tliirteenth Census the center of population was in the following position: Latitude 39° 10'12"N. Longitude 86° 32' 20" W. This point is in southern Indiana, in the western part of Bloomington city, Monroe County, as shown on the map on the opposite page. During the last decade, 1900-1910, the center of population moved west 43' 26'', approximately 39 miles, while its northward movement was only 36", or approximately seven-tenths of a mile. The great increase of population in New York and Pennsyl- vania tended to counterbalance the mcrease in Texas, Oklahoma, and southern California. The advance toward the west was, to a large extent, due to the in- crease of population ua the Pacific Coast states, their distance from the center giving any increase of popu- lation in those states much greater weight than an equal increase in the states of the East, which are nearer the center. The cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, and Sacramento combined, with a popula- tion in 1910 of 906,016, had, for example, as great an influence on the center as had the cities of Philadel- phia, Boston, and Baltimore combined, with a popula- tion of 2,778,078. An increase of 100,000 in the popu- lation of these far western cities would, therefore, approximately counterbalance an increase of 300,000 in the eastern cities named. The westward advance in the last decade was nearly three times as great as that in the decade 1890-1900, but was less than that in any decade between 1810 and 1890. LOCATION OF THE CENTER: 1790-1910. Table 29 and the map on page 49 show the location of the center of population and its proximity to im- portant places at each Federal census. In the period of 120 years, 1790-1910, the center advanced westward 557 miles from its position in 1790 a Kttle east of Baltimore. The progress westward from census to census has been uninterrupted, being greatest — 80.6 miles — in the decade ending m 1860^ and least — 14.4 miles — in the decade ending in 1900. The net advance southward in this period was only 7.6 miles. The position of the center in 1790, in lati- tude 39° 16' 30", was the extreme northern point, and the position in 1830, in latitude 38° 57' 54", the ex- treme southern point occupied at any of the several censuses from 1790 to 1910, the distance separating -^ these parallels being approximately only 21.5 miles. The closeness with which the center throughout its progress westward has clung to the thirty-ninth par- allel of latitude is remarkable. In 1790 it was legs than 20 miles north of this parallel, and in 1830 less than 2.5 miles south of it. In each of the first four decades, 1790-1830, the center moved westward and southward, the aggregate advance westward in this period of 40 years being 166.6 miles, and the aggregate advance southward, as noted above, 21.5 miles. In the eight decades from 1830 to 1910, the point moved alternately northward and southward, but considering the period as a whole the net deviation from a course due west was very slight. The aggregate advance westward in this period of 80 years was 390.6 miles; the net advance north- ward 13 miles. In traversing this distance the devia- tions north and south from a course due west were con- fined to the very narrow range of 16.1 miles. (47) 48 POPULATION. POSITION OF THE CENTER OF POPULATION: 1790-1910. Table 29 LOCATION. APPKOXIMATE LOCATION BY IMPOETANT PLACES. MOVEMENT IN MILES DUBINQ PEECEDING DECADE. CENSUS TEAK. North latitude. West longitude. From point to point In direct line. Westward. Northward. Southward. 1790... 39 16 30 39 16 6 39 11 30 39 5 42 38 57 54 39 2 38 59 39 24 39 12 39 4 8 39 11 56 39 9 36 39 10 12 76 11 12 76 56 30 77 37 12 78 33 79 16 54 80 18 81 19 82 48 48 83 35 42 84 39 40 85 32 53 85 48 54 86 32 20 23 miles east of Baltimore, Md 1800 18 miles west of Baltimore, Md 40.6 36.9 50.5 40.4 55.0 54.8 80.6 44.1 58.1 48.6 14.6 39.0 40.6 36.5 50.1 39.4 54.8 54.7 80.6 42.1 57.4 47.7 14.4 38.9 0.5 1810 40 miles northwest by west of Washington, D. C 16 miles north of Woodstock, Va 5.3 1820 6.7 1830 19 miles west-southwest of Moorefield, W. Va.' 9.0 1840 4.7 1850 23 miles southeast of Parkersburg, W. Va.' 20 miles south of Chillicothe, Ohio 3.5 1860 1.6 13.3 1870 48 miles east by north of Cincinnati, Ohio 8 miles west by south of Cincinnati, Ohio 20 miles east of Columbus, Ind 1880 9.1 1890 9.0 1900 2.8 1910 0.8 I West Virginia formed part of Virginia until 1 During the decade 1790-1800 the center moved south only 0..5 mile in advancing west 40.6 miles, but in the three decades following it moved south 21 miles in advancing west 126 miles. The progress southward during this period is largely accounted for by the course of the northern boundary of the country, which breaks southward through the Great Lakes. The population of the area south of the Great Lakes em- braced within the two East Central divisions was during this period increasing rapidly. The proportion of the total population of the country living within this area increased from 7.3 per cent in 1800 to 13.5 per cent in 1810, 20.6 per cent in 1820, and 25.6 per cent, or more than one-quarter of the total, in 1830. The pro- portion living in New England and the Middle Atlantic states, on the other hand, decreased from 49.6 per cent in 1800 to 43.1 per cent in 1830, while the total number of inhabitants enumerated west of the Mississippi River at the census of 1830 aggregated only 386,582, or 3 per cent of the total population of the country. The migration into the East Central divisions from the states of the New England and Middle Atlantic divi- sions is in the aggregate a migration southward as well as westward. This migration, together with the natu- ral increase of population within the area itseK, would tend to move the center of population south. Another factor which may be noted as in part accounting for the advance southward durmg the decade 1800-1810 is the fact that at the census of 1810 the area of enumer- ation was extended to include the three southern states just west of the Mississippi River (Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana). At the census of 1830, also, the area of enumeration was extended southward to include Florida. In the decade 1820-1830 the increase in the East North Central division did not greatly exceed that m the East South Central division, the respective in- creases being 677,299 and 625,480. In the following decade, however, the population growth was much greater in the Northern than it was in the Southern division, the increases being 1,454,710 and 759,476, respectively. A very considerable portion of the in- crease in the Northern division was in the territory north of the thirty-ninth parallel and would therefore tend to move the center northward. The population of Michigan, for example, increased from 31,639 in 1830 to 212,267 in 1840, or 570.9 per cent. In this decade for the first time the center of population moved north- ward 4.7 miles in a progress westward of 54.8 miles. During the decade 1840-1850 the center moved westward 54.7 miles and southward 3.5 miles, reach- ing a point in Virginia — now West Virginia — 23 miles southeast of Parkersburg, in latitude 38° 59' and longi- tude 81° 19'. In explanation of the deflection of the course southward, it may be noted that at the census of 1850 extensive territory in the Southwest, including the state of Texas with a population of 212,592, was added to the area of enumeration, and that the increase of population during the decade was large in Louisiana (165,351), Arkansas (112,323), and Mssouri (298,342). In the decade 1850-1860 the rapid growth of popu- lation in California and generally in the states of the far West and of the Mississippi VaUey carried the point west 80.6 miles, a distance which very considerably exceeds the westward advance in any other decade. There was a slight deflection (1.6 miles) of the course northward. The maximum advance northward shown for any decade — 13.3 miles — is that for the decade 1860-1870 and the maximum advaiice southward — 9.1 miles — that for the succeeding decade, 1870-1880. The northerly advance iiidicated by the census of 1870 is largely accounted for by the defective enumeration of the population in the Southern states at that census (see p. 24). The population returns for 1870 do not in fact accurately indicate the location of the center in that year. If it be assumed that the advance during the 20 years from 1860 to 1880 was in a course whose direction was practically unvarying throughout the period, the location of the center in 1870 was approxi- mately 1 1 miles south of the position given in Table 29. O z UJ a> O Q. n, u o T H ^ II o O < O < Hi Q 1- '- LU DC < S 82594°— 13- (49) 50 POPULATION. The net advance northward in these 20 years was 4.2 miles. This advance for two decades is not incon- sistent with the advance northward of 1.6 miles in the decade 1850-1860. It is, however, quite conceivable that the loss of population in the South, caused by the Civil War, may have been sufficient to carry the center of population northward somewhat out of the course which it would have followed m moving directly from the position occupied in 1860 to that occupied in 1880. In 1880 the center was located near Cincinnati, Ohio. During the decade 1880-1890 it moved westward 47.7 miles, and northward 9 miles, the advance north- ward being the result of the rapid population growth during the decade in the states of the Northwest. The population of Washington, for example, increased 282,116, or 375.6 per cent during this decade. Between 1890 and 1900 the growth of population m the country as a whole, amounting to 13,046,861, was so distributed geographically as to occasion only a very slight shifting oi the center of population. The dis- tance moved from point to point was only 14.6 miles, the westward advance being 14.4 miles and the south- ward 2.8 miles. If the percentages of increase for the several divisions be noted it will be found that the range of variation in these rates was much less for the decade 1890-1900 than in any other decade, the range being from 15.8 in the West North Central division to 38 in the Mountain division. In the preceding decade the range of variation in the rates for the different divisions was from 15.1 to 85.9, and in the decade 1900-1910, from 11.4 to 73.5. The slight shifting in the position of the center shown by the census of 1900 indicates that the geographic distribution of the in- crease in population during the decade 1890-1900 was more nearly proportional to the distribution of the population at the beginning of the decade than has been the case in any other decade from 1790 to 1910. THE CENTEB OF AREA. In connection with the location of the center of population it is of interest to note also the position of what may be termed the center of area — that is, the point on which the surface of the United States would balance if it were a plane of uniform weight per unit of area. This point is located in northern Kansas, 10 miles north of Smith Center, the county seat of Smith County (approximate latitude 39° 55"', longitude 98° 50'), and is therefore about three-fourths of a degree (51 miles) north and 12J degrees (657 miles) west of the center of population. Its location is shown on the map opposite designating the position of the median lines. This would be the center of population if the population were distributed evenly over the territory of the United States. In locating the center of area, no account is taken of the area of outlying possessions. MEDIAN lilNES. Another method of indicating the geographic dis- tribution of the population is that involving the loca- tion of median lines. A parallel of latitude is deter- mined which evenly divides the population so that the population north of that parallel is the same as that south. Similarly, a meridian of longitude is determined which divides the population evenly so that the population east is equal to that west of the meridian. In locating these median hnes it is neces- sary, in the case of the square degrees of latitude and longitude which are traversed by the lines themselves to assume that the population is evenly distributed through these square degrees or to make an estimated adjustment where this is obviously not the case. The eastern terminus of the median paraUel, accord- ing to the census ol 1910, is on the New Jersey coast near Sea Ght. In its course west this line passes through central New Jersey, leaving the state near Burlington and entering Pennsylvania a few miles north of Pluladelphia, thence passmg tln'ough NoiTistown and continuing through southern Penn- sylvania and across the northern extremity of West Virginia, leavmg the latter state at a point a few miles north of Wheeling. It nearly bisects Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, crossing about 10 miles north of Columbus, Ohio, 25 miles north of Indianapolis, Ind., and about 20 miles north of Springfield, lU. Through Missouri it runs about 30 miles south of the Iowa and Missouri line, thence passing through Nebraska about 10 miles north of its southern boundary, and across the northern part of Colorado, passing about 5 miles north of Boulder city. Its location in Utah is about 45 miles south of Salt Lake City near Spanish Fork. There are no large to^vns near its course across the northern part of Nevada and California. The western terminus of the median paraUel is on the Pacific coast, in Humboldt County, CaL, about 5 miles north of Point Delgada and 20 miles south of Cape Mendocino, the point of continental United States extending farthest west. The median meridian starts at Whitefish Point, on the northern peninsula of Michigan, near the eastern end of Lake Superior, thence passing south through the southern peninsula of Micliigan about 25 miles west of Lansing and through Indiana about 10 miles west of the Indiana-Ohio boundary and 25 miles west of Cincinnati. South of the Olaio River it bisects Kentucky about 40 miles east of Louisville, crosses eastern Tennessee, and leaves the state 20 miles east of Chattanooga. Tlirough Georgia it passes close to the Georgia-Alabama line, about 2 miles west of Columbus, Ga., leaving the state near the conjunction of the Alabama, Georgia, and Florida boundary lines. It then crosses the northwestern portion of Florida and terminates in the Gulf of Mexico at the city of Apalachicola. During the last three decades, from 1880 to 1910, there has been little change in the location of these lines — so slight in fact that the changes can not be accurately shown on a small map. For this reason the median lines are not drawn on the following map for any years prior to 1910. (51) 52 POPULATION. The median parallel has moved north a distance of 11.3 miles since 1880. In the same period the median meridian has moved west 46.3 miles. Each of the three decades has shown a slight movement of the parallel north and of the meridian west. Between 1900 and 1910, however, the northern movement was only 2.3 miles, and the westward only 7.5 miles. The greatest change took place in the decade 1880-1890, during which period the median parallel moved north 6.6 mUee, and the median meridian west 27 miles. The location of these Imes at the several censuses, from 1880 to 1910, is shown in Table 30. Their loca- tion in 1910 is shown on the map on the preceding page. MEDIAN LINES: 1880-1910. Table 30 CENSUS TEAK. Median parallel, north latitude. Median meridian, west longitude. MOVEMENT IN Mn,ES DUltlNG PRECEDING DECADE. Median parallel, northward. Median meridian, westward. 1880 39 57 00 40 2 51 40 4 22 40 6 24 84 7 12 84 40 1 84 51 29 84 59 59 1S90 6.6 2.4 2.3 27.0 10.8 7.5 1900 1910 It may be observed that while each median line exactly bisects the population as a whole it does not at any given point or through any given section of its course necessarily bisect the population even approxi- mately. The median parallel does not bisect even approximately, the population living either west or east of the Mississippi River. Similarly, the median merid- ian does not bisect the population either of the north- ern or the southern section of the country. Nor does any one of the four sections into which the intersecting median lines divide the country contain one-quarter of the total population. It is obvious, however, that the diagonally opposite sections are necessarily exactly equal in population.^ The population of the north- eastern section exactly equals the population of the southwestern; and, similarly, the population of the . southeastern exactly equals that of the northwestern. The northeastern and southwestern each contain, m fact, a population of about 27,500,000, while the south- eastern and northwestern sections each contain a population of about 18,500,000. MEDIAN POINT. What is termed by the Census Bureau the ' ' median point" of the population corresponds, as already stated, to a common conception of the center of popu- lation; that is, it is the junction of the median Ime dividmg the population equally north and south with ' The mathematical demonstration of this is simple. If A, B, C, and D represent, respectively, the population of the north- western, northeastern, southeastern, and southwestern sections, then: A-|-B=^ population of U. S. B-|-C=J population of U. S. A-hB=B-|-C. Therefore A=C. Similarly it may be proven that B=D. the median line dividing it equally east and west, dis- tance of the population from the point not being con- sidered. As already indicated, the changes in the median point reflect only the difference between the growth of population east of the point and the growth west of it and the difference between the growth north and south of the point. Other differences in relative growth do not affect its location. In 1910 the median point was located at latitude 40° 6' 24" north and longitude 84° 59' 59" west, prac- tically the eighty-fifth meridian, or 3J miles south of Winchester, Randolph County, Ind. ; its westward move- ment during the decade was 7.5 miles, its northward movement 2.3 miles. Comparing its movement since 1900 with that of the center of population, it will be noted that the north movement of the median point was 1.5 miles more than that of the center, while the center of population moved west 31.4 miles more than the median point, showing that the Increase in the popu- lation of the Pacific coast and of the far west gen- erally had a much greater influence on the movement of the center of population than upon that of the median point. The exact location of the median point is indicated by the median Imes already shown; in Table 31 its approximate location mth reference to certain places is described. Position op the Median Point: 1880-1910. Table 3 1 CENSUS YEAR. 1880 1890 1900 1910 APPROXIMATE LOCATION BY IMPORTANT PLACES. 16 miles due west of Springfield, Ohio. 5 miles southwest of Greenville, Ohio. In Spartanburg, Ind. 3 miles south of Winchester, Ind. URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. 53 URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The Census Bureau classifies as lu-ban population that residing in cities and other incorporated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more, including New England towns of that size. In most sections of the country aU or practically all densely populated areas of this size are set off from rural territory and incorporated as municipalities (variously known as cities, towns, villages, boroughs, etc.). In New England, however, this is often not the case. Some of the New England towns are densely popu- lated thi'oughout their area, and some are, on the other hand, strictly rural thi'oughout. Many of the towns consist m part of distinctly runU territory and in part of densely populated areas which are not incor- porated separately and for which it is impossible to make separate population returns. For this reason it has been necessary in the New England states to in- clude with the lU'ban population residing in incorpo- rated cities the popiilation also of aU towns having 2, .500 inhabitants or more. The urban areas in New England, as classified by the census, therefore, include some population which, in other sections of the United States, would bo segi'egated as rural. Nevertheless, in most of the New England towns of 2, .500 inhabitants or more, the larger part of the population is embraced m the densely settled parts, so that the proportion of the population classed as urban in the New England states is not so greatly exaggerated by the practice thus adopted as might appear at first thought. Urban population being thus defined, the remain- der of the country is classed as rural, consisting of all imincorporated territory and of incorporated places and New England towns of less than 2,500 inhabitants. The comparisons of the urban and inu-al population m 1910 with that at earlier enmnerations may be made either with respect to the varying proportions of the two classes at successive enumerations or with respect to the increase between enumerations. In order to contrast the proportion of the total population living in urban or rural territory at the census of 1910 with the proportion xu"ban or rural at the preceding census, it is necessary to classify the territory according to the conditions as they existed at each census. In this comparison a place having less than 2,500 inhabit- ants m 1900 and over 2,500 in 1910 is classed with the i-ural territory for 1900 and with the urban for 1910. On the other hand, in order to present fau'ly the con- trast between urban and iiu-al communities, as regards their rate of growth, it is necessary to consider the changes in population which have occuiTed from one decennial census to another in exactly the same teiTi- tory. For this purpose the territory which in 1910 was urban or rural, as the case may be, is taken as the basis, and the popidation in 1900 for the same territory (so far as separately reported at that census) is presented, even though part of the territory may, on the basis of its population at the earlier census, have then been in a different class. This method avoids the disturb- ing effect on comparisons of the rate of growth which would arise from the passage, for example, of commu- nities formerly classed as rural into the urban group. It should be noted in this connection that, even if there were no difference between urban and rural communities with respect to the rate of growth, there would nevertheless be a constantly mcreasiiig propor- tion of urban population provided the population of the country as a whole were increasing. Were there no movement from country to city, no disturbing effect from mternational migration, and no difference between urban and rural communities mth respect to the natural increase from excess of births over deaths, there would still be, in a growing population, a con- stant passage of certam communities from the rural to the urban class. The smaller towns, maintaining a rate of growth uniform with that of the country as a whole, would one by one pass the limit of 2,500 mhabitants fixed for the urban population, and thus the proportion of urban population would mcrease gradually from census to census. As a matter of fact, however, in the United States the urban communities have a much higher rate of growth than the rural communities, and the rapid increase m the proportion of urban population is largely due to the difference in the rate of growth. The statistics as to urban and rural population in this section relate only to the United States exclusive of outlying possessions. PBOPORTION URBAN AND RURAL. United States as a whole. — The proportion of the total population livhig in urban and in rural ten'itory at the censuses of 1910, 1900, 1890, and 1880, respec- tively, for the United States as a whole, is shown in Table 32. Table 33 POPULATION OP THE UNITED STATES. 1910 1900 1890 1880 Total, number 01,973,266 42.623,383 49,348,883 100.0 46.3 53.7 75,994,875 30.797,185 45, 197, 390 100.0 40.5 59.5 62,947,714 22,720,223 . 40,227,491 100.0 36.1 63.9 60,165,783 14, 772, 438 Rural Total, percent.... 36,383,345 100.0 29.5 70.5 Of the total population of the United States in 1910, 42,62.3,38.3, or 46.3 per cent, lived in urban ter- ritory, and 49,348,883, or 53.7 per cent, lived in rural territory. 54 POPULATION. Table 32 shows a steady and rapid increase in the proportion of urban population, which rose from 29.5 per cent in 1880 to 36.1 per cent in 1890, 40.5 per cent in 1900, and 46.3 per cent in 1910. This is a continuation of a tendency which has been manifested conspicuously ever since 1820. While the advance in the percentage of urban population from 1900 to 1910 was appreciably greater than from 1890 to 1900, it was somewhat less than the advance from 1880 to 1890. It would be extremely difficult, if at aU possible, from the earher census reports to even approximate closely the population in urban territory, as herem defhied, and no such compilation, therefore, has been attempted for censuses prior to that of 1880. (For a tabulation giving the last four censuses see Table 40.) The census report for 1880, however, contained a com- parative statement of the population hving in places of 8,000 inhabitants or more at each census Isack to 1790, and, as affording an approximation of the steady growth of urban popidation from the earhest to the latest census, it seems worth while to reproduce in Table 33 so much of this statement as apphcs to the censuses prior to 1880 and to give in conjunction there- with substantially equivalent figures for the last four censuses, 1880-1910, covering the same limit of popu- lation — 8,000 inhabitants or more — but including New England towns of that size. Table 33 Total population. PLACES OF 8,000 INHABITAMTS OK MORE. CENSUS YEAB. Population. Number of places. Per cent of total popula- tion. 1910 . . 91,972,266 75,994,675 62,947,714 50,155,783 38,558,371 31,443,321 23,191,876 17,069,453 12,866,020 9,638,453 7,239,881 5,308,483 3,929,214 35,726,720 25,142,978 18,327,987 11,450,894 8,071,876 6,072,266 2,897,586 1,453,994 864,509 475,135 356,920 210,873 131,472 778 656 449 291 226 141 85 44 26 13 11 6 6 38.8 1890 29.1 1880 22.8 20.9 1860. 16.1 1850 1840 8.5 1830 6.7 1820 1810 4.9 1790 3.3 Population in Places of 8,000 Inhabitants or More at Each Census: 1790-1910. an "^ ILLIONS ^ .0 ^BBi m MU 1 1 1900 1890 im ™ 1 n — 1680 ■ 1 1870 1860 ] 1 1860 ■ 1840 1830 1 ^j—— 1820 1 ■■i POPUUTIDN IN PLACES OF 8,000 OR MORE. 1810 1800 1790 =1 =1 From Table 33 and the accompanying diagram it may be seen that in 1790 about one-thirtieth (3.3 per cent) of the population of the country was hving m places of 8,000 inhabitants or more, in 1820 about one- twentieth (4.9 per cent), m 1850 about one-eighth (12.5 per cent), m 1900 about one-third (33.1 per cent), and m 1910 not quite two-fifths (38.8 per cent). A diagram is presented below, showuig the proportions of urban (2,500 inhabitants or more) and rural popu- lation at each census from 1880 to 1910. Urban and Kural Population: 1880-1910. millions URBAN I I RURAL Divisions aad states. — ^Table 36 (p. 56) shows, by divisions and states, the urban andrural population, and the per cent urban and rural, at the censuses of*1910, 1900, 1890, and 1880, respectively. As shown by this table, the proportions of the total population living in urban and rural territory vary greatly in different sections of the country. In the New England division more than four-fifths of the population in 1910 lived in urban territory, as defined by the Census Bureau. Vermont was the only state in this division in which the proportion was less than one-half, while ia Rhode Island and Massachu- setts it was more than nine-tenths. Were it possible to determine the urban population in this division on the same basis as for the rest of the country, the proportion for New England as a whole would probably be some- what less than three-fourths. It is probable that among the individual states the exaggeration resulting from the census definition of urban territory is least in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, and that in the three remaining states the exaggeration is considerable, especially in Vermont. Urban popula- tion constituted more than seven-tenths of the total in the Middle Atlantic division and more than one-half in the East North Central and Pacific divisions. The lowest proportion of urban population is found in the South — 25.4 per cent in the South Atlantic division, 18.7 in the East South Central, and 22.3 in the West South Central. In the North the urban population in 1910 num- bered 32,669,705 and the rural 23,087,410, the per- centage urban being 58.6. In the South the urban population was 6,623,838 and the rural 22,765,492, the proportion urban being 22.5 per cent. In the West, with an urban population of 3,329,840 and a rural of 3,495,981, the percentage urban was 48.8. URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. 55 In each of the nine geogi-aphic divisions the propor- tion of the population living in urban communities was larger in 1910 than in 1900, and larger in 1900 than in 1890. The proportion increased with exceptional rapidity from 1900 to 1910 in the Pacific division, where cities have shown a remarkable growth. The per cent distribution by goograpliic sections and divisions, of the urban and rural population, respec- tively, m 1910 is given in Table 34. Table 34 population: 1910 SECTION AND DmSION. Urban. Rural. Per cent urban. Per cent dis- tribution. Urban. Rural. 48,633,383 49,348,883 46.3 100.0 100.0 32,669,705 5,455,345 13, 723, .373 9,617,271 3,873,716 6,623,838 3,092,153 1,574,229 1,957,456 3,329,840 947,511 2,382,329 23,087,410 1,097,330 5,592,519 8,633,350 7,704,205 22,765,492 9,102,742 6,835,672 6,827,078 3,495,981 1,680,006 1,809,975 58.6 83.3 71.0 62.7 33.3 22.5 25.4 18.7 22.3 48.8 36.0 50.8 76.6 12.8 32.2 22.6 9.1 15.5 7.3 3.7 4.6 7.8 2.2 5.6 46.8 2.2 11.3 17.5 15.7 46.1 18.4 13.9 13.8 7.1 3.4 Pacific 3.7 East of the Mississippi River.. West of the Mississippi River.. 33,402,371 9,161,012 31,261,619 18,087,264 61.7 33.6 78.5 21.5 63.3 36.7 More than two-thirds of the urban population of continental United States in 1910 was contained in three geographic divisions, namely, the New England, Middle Atlantic, and East North Central. These divi- sions, on the other hand, contained only a little more than three-tenths of the rural population of the country m 1910. The maps on page 58 and the diagram in the next column show the percentage of urban population in 1910 and 1900, respectively, for each of the states, while the full-page diagram on page 59 presents graphically for each state the per cent urban in the total population for each decade from ISSO to 1910. As sho^vn by the map for 1910 and by Table 36 there ai'e 14 states in which more than half the population in 1910 was Uving in territory classified as urban. The percentage urban for each of these states in 1910 was as follows: Ehode Island, 96.7; Massachusetts, 92.8; Connecticut, 89.7; New York, 78.8; New Jersey, 75.2; CaUfornia, 61.8; Ilhnois, 61.7; Pennsylvania, 60.4; Now Hampshire, 59.2; Ohio, 55.9; Washington, 53; Maine, 51.4; Mary- land, 50.8; Colorado, 50.7. For reasons already stated the percentages for the New England states are some- what exaggerated. In Table 35 the density of the rural population in 1910 is given by divisions. In this table the rural population is related to the total land area, no deduc- tion being made for area classified as urban. Outside of New England the urban area in the divisional aggre- gates is too inconsiderable materially to affect the results. The distribution by states of the rural popu- lation in 1910 is also indicated by a map following page 124, in which the county has been taken as the unit. Table 35 DIVISION. Total rural population: 1910 Land area in square miles. Rural lation per square mile. 49,348,883 1,097,336 6,592,519 8,633,350 7,764,205 9, 102, 742 6, 8.35, 672 6,827,078 1,686,006 1,809,975 2,973,890 01,970 100,000 245, .564 610, 804 269,071 179,609 429, 746 859,125 318,095 16. S 17.7 55.9 35.2 15.2 33.8 38.1 15.9 2.0 5.7 Per Cent Urb.\n in Total Population, by States: 1910 and 1900. 56 POPULATION. URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION, DinSION AND STATE. Total population. Urban population. Rural popjlation. Total I '■^ tacorporar In unincorpO' ted places, rated places. Total population. Urban population. Rural population. United States Geographic divisions: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central.. West North Central . Soutli Atlantic East South Central . West South Central . Mountain Pacific New England: Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey East North Central: Ohio Indiana.. Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West Noeth Centrai.: Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas SoHTH Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma' Texas Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah....'. Nevada PACinc- Washington Oregon California 49,318,883 41,230,058 75,994,575 1,552,681 1, 315, 892 !, 250, 621 L, 637, 921 !, 194, 895 !, 409, 901 1,784,534 !, 633, 517 1,192,304 742,371 430,572 355,956 :, 366, 416 542, 610 , 114, 756 1,113,614 1,537,167 ,665,111 :, 767, 121 :, 700, 876 ,638,591 ,810,173 1,333,860 1,07.5,708 1,224,771 1,293,335 577,066 583,888 ,192,214 ,690,949 202,322 ,295,346 331,069 1,061,612 ,221,119 1,206,287 ,515,400 1,609,121 752,619 1,289,905 1,184,789 1, 138, 093 ., 797, 114 ,574,449 ,656,388 ,657,155 1,896,542 376,063 326, 694 145, 965 799, 024 327,301 21)4,364 373, 361 81, 875 .,141,990 672, 765 !, 377, 549 5,455,345 13,723,373 9,617,271 3,873,716 3,092,153 1,574,229 1,957,456 947,511 2,382,329 381,443 256,099 168, 943 3, 125, 367 524, 654 999,839 7, 185, 494 1,907,210 4,630,669 2,665,143 1, 143, 835 3,476,929 1,327,044 1,004,320 850,294 680,054 1,398,817 63,236 76, 673 310,862 493,790 97,085 658, 192 331,069 476,629 228, 242 318,474 224,832 538, 650 219,080 555,442 441,045 370, 431 207, 311 202, 681 496, 516 320, 165 938, 104 133,420 69,898 43,221 404,840 46, 671 63, 260 172, 934 13, 367 605,530 307,060 1,469,739 1,097,336 5,592,519 8, 633, 350 7,764,205 9,102,742 6,836,672 6,827,078 1, 686, 006 1,809,975 360,928 175, 473 187, 013 241,049 17, 956 114,917 1,928,120 629, 967 3,034,442 2,101,978 1,557,041 2, 161, 662 1,483,129 1,329,540 1,225,414 1,544,717 1,894,618 513,820 507,215 881,362 1,197,169 105,237 637, 154 1,585,083 992, 877 1,887,813 1,290,568 2,070,471 533,539 1,734,463 1,743,744 1,767,662 1,689,803 1,371,768 1,169,872 1,337,000 2,958,438 242,633 255, 696 102, 744 394, 184 280,730 141,094 200,417 68, 608 636,460 365, 705 907,810 27, 660 1,084,558 1,961,195 1,861,245 1,064,436 657,692 771,458 337,265 363,326 5,937 1,340 19,361 352, 294 150,305 581,969 452,030 299,457 675,602 285, 955 238,251 326, 166 438,715 358,799 98,020 117,679 243, 292 278,574 29,027 112,974 132,398 218, 482 129,360 285,803 87,509 188,872 133,940 164,511 170,369 174,764 109,802 230, 587 256,305 35, 186 58,881 22,866 96, 757 17,613 16, 406 80,644 8,912 120,532 89,742 153,052 1,069,686 4,607,961 6, 682, 155 5, 902, 960 8,038,306 6,177,980 6,055,620 1,348,741 1,446,649 364,991 174, 133 167, 652 241,049 17,956 113,905 1,575,826 479,662 2,452,483 1,649,948 1,257,584 1,486,160 1, 197, 174 1,091,289 899,248 1,106,002 1,635,719 415,800 389,636 638,070 918, 686 76,210 568,271 1, 472, 109 860, 479 1, 669, 331 1,161,208 1,784,668 446,030 1,545,591 1,609,804 1,603,151 1,419,434 1,197,004 1,060,070 1,106,413 2, 702, 133 207,447 196,815 79,878 297,427 263,117 124, 688 119,773 59,596 415,928 275,963 754,758 5,592,017 15, 454, 678 15,985,581 10,347,423 10,443,480 7,547,767 6,532,290 1, 674, 667 2,416,692 694,466 411,588 343, 641 2,805,346 428,556 908, 420 7,268,894 1,883,669 6,302,115 4,157,545 2,516,462 4,821,550 2,420,982 2,069,042 1,751,394 2,231,853 3,106,665 319,146 401,570 1,066,300 1,470,495 184,735 1,188,044 278,718 1,854,184 958, 800 1,893,810 1,340,316 2,216,331 528,542 2, 147, 174 2,020,616 1,828,697 1,551,270 1,311,564 1,381,626 790,391 3,048,710 243,329 161, 772 92,631 539, 700 195,310 122, 931 276, 749 42,335 518, 103 413,536 1,485,053 4, 470, 179 10,075,883 7,219,975 2, 946, 644 2, 232, 632 1,131,056 1,057,197 541, 363 1,122,356 337, 390 226,269 139, 180 2,567,098 407, 647 792,595 5,298,111 1,329,162 3,448,610 1,998,382 862, 689 2,616,368 952, 323 790, 213 598, 100 572,386 1, 128, 104 23,413 40,936 252, 702 330, 903 85,717 591,206 278,718 340,067 126, 465 186, 790 171,256 346,382 107,031 467,668 326, 639 216,714 120,035 111,733 366,288 58,417 620, 759 84,554 10,003 26,667 260,661 27,381 19,495 105,427 7,195 211,477 133, 180 777,699 ' Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900 and 1890. URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1880-1910. 57 1890 1880 1910 1900 1890 1880 I'otal Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Percent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent population. population. population. population. population. population. urban. rural. urban. rural. urban. rural. urban. rural. 1 62,947,714 22,720,223 40,227,491 60,155,783 14,772,438 35,383,345 46.3 63.7 40.5 59.5 36.1 63.9 29.5 70.5 2 4,700,749 3,561,763 1,138,986 4,010,529 2,753,850 1,266,079 83.3 16.7 79.9 20.1 75.8 24.2 68.7 31.3 3 12.706,220 7,333,772 5,372,448 10,496,878 6,242,574 5,254,304 71.0 29.0 65.2 34.8 67.7 42.3 49.9 50.1 4 13, 478, .305 5,097,181 8,381,124 11,206,668 3,077,131 8,129,537 62.7 47.3 45.2 54.8 37.8 62.2 27.5 72.5 5 8,932,112 2,308,819 6,623,293 6,157,443 1,116,869 5,040,574 33.3 66.7 28.5 71.5 26.8 74.2 18.1 81.9 6 8,857,922 1,728,019 7,129,903 7,597,197 1, 146, 165 6,461,042 25.4 74.0 21.4 78.6 19.5 80.5 15.1 84.9 7 0,429,154 817,308 5,611,846 5,586,151 470,653 5, 114, 498 18.7 81.3 15.0 85.0 12.7 87.3 8.4 91.6 8 4,740,983 715,999 4,024,984 3,334,220 407, 192 2.927,028 22.3 77.7 16.2 83.8 15.1 84.9 12.2 87.8 9 1,213,935 355,627 858,308 653,119 154,450 498,669 36.0 64.0 32.3 67.7 29.3 70.7 23.6 76.4 1,888,334 801,735 1,086,599 1,114,678 403,564 711,014 56.8 43.2 46.4 53.6 42.5 57.5 36.2 63.8 11 661,086 298,604 362, 482 648, 936 269, 072 379,864 61.4 48.6 48.6 51.4 45.2 54.8 41.5 68.5 2 376,530 192,479 184,051 346,991 136,014 211,977 59.2 40.8 55.0 45.0 51.1 48.9 38.9 61.1 13 332, 422 117,063 215,359 332,286 89,490 242,796 47.5 52.5 40.5 69.5 35.2 64.8 26.9 73.1 14 2,238,947 2,003,854 235,093 1,783,086 1,513,312 269,773 92.8 7.2 91.5 8.5 89.5 10.5 84.9 15.1 5 345,506 326, M2 18,904 276,531 258,527 18,004 96.7 3.3 96.1 4.9 94.6 5.6 93.5 6.6 G 746,258 623,161 123,097 622,700 488,435 134, 266 89.7 10.3 87.2 12.8 83.5 10.5 78.4 21.6 7 6,003,174 3,899,737 2,103,437 5,082,871 2,852,010 2,230,861 78.8 21.2 72.9 27.1 65.0 35.0 56.1 43.9 8 1,444,933 876,638 568,295 1,131,116 607, 186 523,930 76.2 24.8 1 70.6 29.4 60.7 39.3 53.7 46.3 9 5,258,113 2,557,397 2,700,716 4,282,891 1,783,378 2,499,513 60.4 39.6 54.7 45.3 48.6 61.4 41.6 58.4 20 3,672,329 1,504,390 2,167,939 3,198,062 1,030,769 2,167,293 55.9 44.1 48.1 61.9 41.0 69.0 32.2 67.8 21 2.192,404 590,039 1,602,365 1,978,301 386,211 1,592,090 42.4 67.6 34.3 65.7 26.9 73.1 19.5 80.5 22 3,826,352 1,710,172 2,116,180 3,077,871 940,504 2,137,367 61.7 38.3 54.3 45.7 44.7 66.3 30.6 69.4 23 2,093,890 730,294 1,363,596 1,636,937 405,412 1,231,525 47.2 S2.8 39.3 60.7 34.9 65.1 24.8 75.2 24 1,693,330 562,286 1,131,044 1,315,497 314,236 1,001,262 43.0 57.0 38.2 61.8 33.2 66.8 23.9 76.1 25 1,310,283 443,049 867,234 780,773 147,920 632,853 41.0 59.0 34.1 65.9 33.8 66.2 18.9 81.1 26 1,912,297 405,764 1,506,533 1,624,615 247,427 1,377,188 30.6 69.4 25.6 74.4 21.2 78.8 15.2 84.8 27 2.679,185 856,966 1,822,219 2,168,380 545.993 1,622,387 42.5 57.6 36.3 63.7 32.0 68.0 26.2 74.8 28 190,983 10,643 180,340 36,909 2,693 34,216 11.0 89.0 7.3 92.7 6.6 94.4 7.3 92.7 29 348,600 28,555 320,045 98,268 7.208 91,060 13.1 86.9 io.2 89.8 8.2 91.8 7.3 92.7 30 1,062,656 291,641 771,015 452,402 60,672 391,730 26.1 73.9 23.7 76.3 27.4 72.6 13.4 86.6 31 1,428,108 272,201 1,165,907 996,096 104,956 891,140 29.2 70.8 22.5 77.5 19.1 80.9 10.5 89.6 32 168,493 71,067 97,426 146,608 48,989 97,619 48.0 52.0 46.4 53.6 42.2 57.8 33.4 66.6 33 1,042,390 495,702 546,688 934,943 375,843 559,100 60.8 49.2 49.8 50.2 47.6 52.4 40.2 59.8 34 230,392 1,655,980 230.392 177,624 177,624 187,957 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 35 282,721 1,373,259 1,512,565 1,324.608 23.1 76.9 18.3 81.7 17.1 82.9 12.4 87.6 36 762, 794 81,365 681,429 618,457 64,050 564,407 18.7 81.3 13.1 86.9 10.7 89.3 8.7 91.3 37 1,617,949 115,759 1,502,190 1,399,750 55,116 1,344,634 14.4 85.6 9.9 90.1 7.2 92.8 3.9 96.1 38 1,151,149 116,183 1,034,966 995,577 74,539 921,038 14.8 85.2 12.8 87.2 10.1 89.9 7.5 92.5 39 1,837,353 257,472 1,579,881 1,642,180 145.090 1,397,090 20.6 79.4 15.6 84.4 14.0 86.0 9.4 90.6 40 391,422 77,358 314,064 209,493 26,947 242,546 29.1 70.9 20.3 79.7 19.8 80.2 10.0 90.0 41 1,858,635 356,713 1,501,922 1,648,690 249,923 1,398,767 24.3 76.7 21.8 78.2 19.2 80.8 15.2 84.8 42 1,767,518 238,394 1,529,124 1,542,359 117,631 1,424,728 20.2 79.8 16.2 83.8 13.5 86.6 7.6 93.4 43 1,513,401 152,235 1,361,166 1,262,505 68,618 1,193,987 17.3 82.7 11.9 88.1 10.1 89.9 5.4 94,6 44 1,289,600 69,966 1,219,634 1,131,597 34,681 1,097,016 11.5 88.5 7.7 92.3 5.4 94.6 3.1 96.9 45 1,128,211 73,159 1,055,052 802,525 32,020 770,606 12.9 87.1 8.5 91.5 6.5 93.5 4.0 96.0 46 1,118,588 283,845 834,743 939,946 239,390 700,556 30.0 70.0 36.5 73.5 25.4 74.6 25.5 74.5 47 258,657 2,235,527 9,484 349,511 249,173 19.3 80.7 7.4 92.6 3.7 96.3 48 1,886,016 1,591,749 135,782 1,455,%7 24.1 75.9 17.1 82.9 15.6 84.4 8.5 91.5 49 142,924 38,787 104,137 39,159 6,987 32,172 35.5 64.6 34.7 65.3 27.1 72.9 17.8 82.2 50 88,548 62,565 88,548 32,610 32,610 21.6 78.5 6.2 93.8 100.0 100.0 51 21,484 41,071 20,789 6,152 14,637 29.6 70.4 28.8 71.2 34.3 65.7 29.6 70.4 53 413,249 185,905 227.344 194,327 74,651 119,676 50.7 49.3 48.3 51.7 46.0 55.0 38.4 61.6 53 160,282 9,970 150,312 119,565 6,635 112,930 14.2 86.8 14.0 86.0 6.2 93.8 5.5 94.6 M 88,243 8,302 79,941 40,440 7,007 33,433 31.0 69.0 15.9 84.1 9.4 90.6 17.3 82.7 65 210, 779 75,155 135,624 143,963 33,665 110,298 46.3 63.7 38.1 61.9 35.7 64.3 23.4 76.6 56 47,355 16,024 31,331 62,266 19,353 42,913 16.3 83.7 17.0 83.0 33.8 66.2 31.1 68.9 S7 357,232 127,178 230,054 76,116 7,121 67,995 63.0 47.0 40.8 69.2 35.6 64.4 9.5 90.5 58 317,704 85,093 232,611 174,768 26,832 148,936 46.6 54.4 32.2 67.8 26.8 73.2 14.8 85.2 58 1,213,398 689,464 623,934 864,694 370,611 494,083 61.8 38.2 52.4 47.6 48.6 51.4 42.9 67.1 58 POPULATION. PER CENT URBAN IN TOTAL POPULATION, BY STATES: 1910. PER CENT URBAN IN TOTAL POPULATION, BY STATES: 1900. URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. 59 PER CENT URBAN IN TOTAL POPULATION, BY STATES: 1880-1910. EAST NORTH CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND PEH CENT 40 SO 60 MONT IDAHO WYO. COLO ■^ _, — -.^ 1 1 II 1 — "" "" — ■ ■ !| - M 1.. — ^ n 1 1 _--^al 11 = ~ ._ __ ~«i ^— 1 i — _ = m MIDDL E ATLANTIC =4* ^ 1 1 ' 1 ^1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOUTH ATLANTIC ai OHIO EAST SOUTH CENTRAL ^ 1 ^T WEST SOUTH CENTRAL 60 POPULATION. INCEEASE IN URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. United States as a whole. — In order to compare the rate of growth in urban and rural communities, it is nec- essary in each case, as previously explained, to consider the changes in population which have occurred in the same territory from one decennial census to another. For this purpose communities are classed as urban or rural according to their population in 1910, and the population of the places as thus classified is then deter- mined for 1900 for purposes of comparison. It should be noted further that, in the case of communities w-hose boundaries were changed between 1900 and 1910, the population for 1900 in the area comprised within the boundaries of 1910 has been taken as the basis for comparison wherever it was possible to segre- gate such population. The increase from 1900 to 1910 m. urban and rural population on this basis is shown, for the United States, m Table 37. The total population living in urban territory in 1910 — that is, in those incorporated places and New England towns which at that time had a population of not less than 2,,500 each— was 42,623,383; m 1900 the total population of these same places (so far as sepa- rately reported) was 31,609,645. The increase in urban population was thus 11,013,738, or 34.8 per cent. The total population living in rural territory in 1910 — that is, in territory outside of urban communities as above defined — was 49,348,883, as compared with a total population of 44,384,930 living in the same terri- tory in 1900, an increase of 4,963,953, or 11.2 per cent. The rate of increase for the population of areas which were urban in 1910 was thus over three times that for the population of territory which was rural. The figure given for 1900 is considerably larger than the figure previously given for the total population in 1900 of those places which at that time had over 2,500 each, namely, 30,797,185. The difference (812,460) is the net result of the changes which have occurred in the several states and territories, arising, first, from the passage of places classed as rural in 1900 into the urban group in 1910, either as separate communities or by annexation to places which in 1910 had over 2,500 inhabitants; and, second, from the falling back into the rural group in 1910 of a few places which in 1900 had over 2,500 mhabitants but which in 1910 had less than that number. Of the total increase in the population of the United States during the past decade (15,977,691), approxi- mately seven-tenths was in territory urban in 1910 and three-tenths in territory rural. Divisions and states. — Table 39 (p. 62) shows, b}^ divisions and states, the aggregate population in 1910 and 1900 of the territory classed as urban and of that classed as rural in 1910, and the increase or decrease during the decade. The largest percentages of increase in urban popu- lation between 1900 and 1910 were reported for the Pacific, West South Central, and Mountam divisions, in the order named, these percentages being 101.8, 68.5, and 64.7, respectively. ^ These same divisions also showed higher rates ot increase in rural population than any of the others, though the mcrease in rural population was much less rapid than that in urban pojaulation, being for these divisions 46.4, 27.1, and 53.4 per cent, respectively. The New England di- vision, on the other hand, showed the smallest per- centage of increase in urban population, namely, 21.5 per cent. For this division there was a slight de- crease in rural population which, it will be remembered, is the population living in towns which liad less than 2,500 inhabitants m 1910. The other five geographic divisions diS^ered little from one another in the percentages of increase in urban population, the rates ranging from 28.2 per cent for the West North Central division to 33.1 per cent for the Middle Atlantic division. They showed greater contrasts in the growth of rural j^opulation. In the South Atlantic division the increase m rural popula- tion was 12.3 per cent; in the Middle Atlantic, West North Central, and East South Central divisions it was between 5 and 10 per cent; and in the East North Central division there was a slight decrease in rural population. Although, as is shown in Table 37, the aggregate absolute increase (7,501,782) in the four divisions of the North for territory classified as urban in 1910, greatly exceeded the corresponding aggregate increase in the three divisions of the South (1,938,095) and in the two divisions of the West (1,573,861), the percentage in- crease for the urban in the North (29.8) was much below the corresponding percentage for the South (41.4), or for the West (89.6). The percentage increase for the rural population in the North (3.9) was much below the corresjaonding percentage for the South (14.8) and for the West (49.7). Table 37 POPULATION. INCKEASEr 1900-1910 1910 1900 Number. Per cent. 91,972,266 76,994,575 15,977,691 21.0 42, 623, 383 49,348,883 31,609,646 44,384,930 11,013,738 4,963,953 34.8 11.2 The north: Territory urban in 1910 Territory rural in 1910 The South: Territory urban In 1910 Territory rural in 1910 The West: Territory urban in 1910 Territory rural in 1910 32,669,705 23,087,410 6,623,838 22,765,492 3,329,840 3,495,981 25,167,923 22,211,776 4,685,743 19,837,784 1, 755, 979 2,335,370 7,501,782 875,634 1,938,095 2,927,708 1,573,801 1,160,611 29.8 3.9 41.4 14.8 89.6 49.7 There was in every state between 1900 and 1910 an increase in urban population, but in six states — namely, New Hampshire, Vermont, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri — there was a decrease in rural population. In all but two states — Montana and Wyoming — the urban population increased faster than the rural population, and generally at a much more URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION. 61 rapid i-ate. There is no state in which the increase in urban population was less than 10 per cent, and m six states — namely, Oklahoma, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon — it was more than 100 per cent. There are 22 states, on the other hand, m which the rural population either decreased or showed an increase of less than 10 per cent. These include nearly all the northern states east of the Rocky Mountains, the Dakotas, however, being conspicuous exceptions. Tlio decrease or slow increase m the rural i^opulation throughout large areas is m no sense due to lack of agricultural prosperity. On the contrary, in almost aU such areas there has been a remarkable increase in the value of farm property. In Table 38. which includes 22 states with little or no increase in rural population, the percentage changes in rural popula- tion are compared with the percentage changes in average value of farm land per acre for the decade 1900-1910. The maps on page 6.3 show the rates of increase in urban and m rural population since 1 900 for each state. In states shown in white on the second map the rural population decreased ; for the other states, as for all states on the fu'st map, the different rates of increase are indicated by differences in shading. Table 38 STATE. Per cent of increase 1 in rural popu- lation: 1900-1910 Per cent of increase in average value of farm land per acre; 2 1900-1910 1.7 -5.4 -4.2 2.2 6.4 0.8 0.6 -1.3 -,5.1 0.3 2.0 5.7 7.7 -3.5 9.6 7.3 6.3 7.1 5.7 4.2 3.5 75.4 29.1 Rhode Island NewYork 32.0 Ohio 96.0 Illinois ' A minas sign ( — ) denotes decrease. 2 See Reports of the Thirteenth Census, Ajriculture, Vol. V. 62 ' POPULATION. INCREASE IN POPULATION OF URBAN AND RURAL TERRITORY, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1900-1910. DIVISION AND STATE. TERRITORY URBAN IN 1910. Increase: 1900-1910 TEKEITOSY BUEAL IN 1910. Increase: 11900-1910 TTnited States Geographic divisions: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central. . West North Central . South Atlantic East South Central . . West South Central. Mountain Pacific New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Jsland Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Peimsylvania East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma^ Texas Mount^un: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California 42, 623, 383 5,455,345 13,723.373 9,617,271 3,873,716 3,092,153 1,574,229 1,957,456 947,511 2,382,329 381,443 255,099 168,943 3,125,367 624,654 7,185,494 1,907,210 4,630,669 2,665,143 1,143,836 3,476,929 1,327,044 1,004,320 850,294 680,054 1,398,817 63,236 76,673 310,852 493,790 97,085 658,192 331,069 476,529 228,242 318,474 224,832 538,650 219,080 555,442 441,045 370,431 207,311 202,681 496,516 320, 155 938, 104 133,420 69,898 43,221 404,840 46,571 63,260 172,934 13,367 605,530 307, 060 1,469,739 4,489,531 10,307,717 7,348,011 3,022,664 2,337,717 1,186,290 1,161,736 575,332 1,180,647 339,564 226,007 148,406 2,569,494 411,679 794,381 5,352,283 1,363,653 3,591,781 2,027,462 876,294 2,666,333 966.826 811,096 613,595 567,267 1,143,431 33,362 47,945 261,853 355,211 85,717 593, 133 278,718 354,861 137,464 208,215 177,270 376,052 126,287 483,233 335,722 237,670 129,665 131,719 380,997 89,148 559,872 89, 476 22,107 33,526 269,662 26,484 21,409 108,168 4,500 227,614 142,840 810, 193 965,814 3,415,656 2,269,260 851,052 754,436 387.939 795,720 372, 179 1,201,682 21.5 33.1 30.9 28.2 32.3 32.7 68.5 64.7 101.8 1,097,336 6,592,519 8,633,350 7,764,205 9, 102, 742 6,835,672 6,827,078 1,686,006 ■9, 975 41,879 29, 092 20,537 655,873 112,975 205,458 1,833,211 643,567 1,038,888 637,681 267,541 810,696 360,218 193,224 236,699 112,787 256,386 29,874 28,728 48,999 138,579 11,368 65,059 ■ 62,351 121.668 90,778 110,269 47,562 162,698 92, 793 72,209 105,323 132,761 77,646 70,962 115,519 231,007 378,232 43,944 47,791 9,695 135, 178 20,087 41,851 64.766 377,916 164,220 659,646 21.6 27.4 26.9 31.6 30.5 30.4 37.3 23.8 38.6 19.9 22.3 89.5 69.9 18.7 39.0 13.3 11.0 18.8 34.3 66.0 53.0 26.8 43.2 73.5 14.9 31.4 55.9 ■■30.3 259.1 67.6 50.1 76.8 196.5 59.9 197.0 166.0 115.0 81.4 360,928 175,473 187,013 241,049 17,956 114,917 1,928,120 629,957 3,034,442 2,101,978 1,557,041 2,161,662 1,483,129 1,329,540 1,225,414 1,544,717 1,894,518 513,820 507,215 881,362 1,197,159 106,237 637,154 1,686,083 992,877. 1,887,813 1,290,668 2,070,471 633, 539 1,734,463 1,743,744 1,767,662 1,589,803 1,371,768 1,169,872 1,337,000 2,968,438 242,633 256,696 102,744 394,184 280, 730 141,094 200,417 536,460 366,705 907,810 1,102,486 6,146,961 8,637,670 7,324,759 8, 106, 763 6,361,352 5,370,669 1,099,326 1,236,045 364,902 186,581 196,235 236,852 16,877 114,039 1,916,611 520,016 2,710,334 2,130,083 1,640,168 2,165,217 1,454,156 1,267,946 1,137,799 1,664,586 1,963,234 285,784 353,625 804,447 1,115,284 99,018 594,911 1,499,323 821,336 1,685,595 1,163,046 1,840,279 402,255 1,663,941 1,684,779 1,591,027 1,421,605 1,179,960 1,000,628 701,243 2,488,838 153,853 139,665 59,005 270, 038 168,826 101,522 168,581 37,835 290,489 -5,160 446,558 -4,220 439,446 996,979 474,320 1,466,409 586,681 573,930 6,026 -10, 108 -8,222 6,197 1,079 878 11,509 109,941 324, 108 -28,105 -83, 127 6,445 28,973 71,594 87,615 -119,869 -68,716 228,036 153,690 76,915 81,875 6,219 42,243 85,760 171,541 202,218 127,522 230, 192 131,284 70,522 58,965 176,635 168, 198 191,808 159,244 635, 757 469,600 88,780 116,031 43,739 124,146 111,904 39,672 31,836 30,673 ' A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. - Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 3 Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900. URBAN AND RUHAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE IN URBAN POPULATION, BY STATES: 1900-1910. 63 PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE IN RURAL POPULATION, BY STATES: 1900-1910. 64 POPULATION. COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE. PROPORTION IN THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF COMMUNITIES. United States as a whole. — In addition to classify- ing the population according to the broad grouping into urban and rural, a further analysis may be made on the basis of a more detailed size classification. Comparison is first made of the proportion of the total population residing in communities of the several groups at each of the last four censuses. In making this comparison, therefore, a community may at one cen- sus be iu one group and at another census in another group. Table 40 shows, for the United States as a whole, the number of places constitutiag each of the specified classes at the censuses of 1910, 1900, 1890, and 1880, the combined population of each group, and the per- centage which each group contained of the total popu- lation of the country. Under the heading "Urban territory," which in the previous discussion has been considered as a unit, the communities of 2,500 inhabit- ants or more are here divided into nine classes of places by size, while the population of the rural territory is also subdivided by distinguishing the population living in incorporated places of less than 2,500 inhabitants from that living in unincorporated territory. Only incorporated places and New Eng- land towns of 2,500 inliabitants or more are included m the urban classes for 1910, 1900, and 1880. At the census of 1890, however, separate returns for urban communities were not confined to incorporated places, and as the incorporated places were not distmguished from the unincorporated, the number of mcorporated places can not be accurately determined for that year. The number of unincorporated places of 2,500 or more inliabitants outside of New England was, however, small. For the urban classes, therefore, the figures for 1890 are fairly comparable with those of other cen- suses. In order to make the figures for incorporated places of less than 2,500 inliabitants in 1890 comparable with corresponding figures for the three other years shown in the table, the number of such places in 1890 has been estimated according to the method adopted in the Census Report for 1900. (See Note 2, Table 40.) Table 40 1910 1900 1890 1S80 PER CENT OF TOTAL POPtn.ATION. CLASS OF PLACES. Num- ber of places. Population. Num- ber of places. Population. Num- ber of places. Population. Num- ber of places. Population. 1910 1900 1890 1880 91,972,266 75,994,575 62,947,714 50,155,783 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 2, 402 3 5 11 31 59 120 372 629 1,172 42,623,383 8,501,174 3,010,667 3,949,839 4,840,458 4,178,915 4,062,763 5,609,208 4,364,703 4,105,666 49,348,883 8,118,825 41,230,858 1 1,891 3 3 9 23 41 82 2S5 476 969 8,892 30,797,185 6,429,474 1,645,087 2,861,296 3,272,490 2,760,477 2,785,667 4,409,900 3, 278, .518 3,354,276 45,197,390 6,247,645 38,949,745 11,507 3 1 7 17 30 67 232 359 791 2 6,466 22,720,223 3,662,115 806,343 2,447,608 2,781,894 2,027,569 2.298,765 3,487,139 2,495,594 2, 713, 196 40,227,491 4,719,835 35,507,656 11,099 1 3 4 12 15 42 150 265 607 14,772,438 1,206,299 1,917,018 1,300,809 1,817,114 947,918 1,448,407 2,251,760 1,809,279 2,073,834 35,383,345 46.3 9.2 3.3 4.3 5.3 4.5 4.4 6.1 4.7 4.5 53.7 8.8 44.8 40.5 8.5 2.2 3.8 4.3 3.6 3.7 5.8 4.3 4.4 59.5 8.2 51.3 36.1 5.8 1.3 3.9 4.4 3.2 3.7 5.5 4.0 4.3 63.9 7.5 56.4 Places of 500,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants 3.8 Places of 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants ■ Places of 10,000 to 25,000 inhabitants Planes of 5,000 t.n 10,000 inhahitnnts Incorporated places of less than 2,500 inhabit- 1 The total number of places of certain classes for the United States as a whole, and for certain geographic divisions, is less than the sum of the numbers shown for the individual states of the country or of the division, for the reason that three cities each lie in two adjoining states, namely, Bristol (Virginia and Tennessee), Tex- arkana (Arkansas and Texas), and Union City (Indiana and Ohio), and are therefore counted twice. Moreover, one of these cities — Bristol — lies in two different divisions (South Atlantic and East South Central). Each of these cities consists of two incorporated municipalities, but each is, from the statistical standpoint, one city, and should be classed according to its total population. In each case that part of the population lying in each state, whatever its number, is credited to the group of cities to wMch, according to the total population, the city belongs. According to total population, Bristol fell in 1910 in the class of cities of 10,000-25,000, in 1900 and in 1890 in the class 5,000-10,000, and in 1880 in the class 2,500-5,000; Texarkana fell in 1910 and 1900 in the class of 10,000-25,000, in 1890 in the class 5,000-10,000, and in 1880 in the class 2,500-5,000; and Union City fell at each census from 1880 to 1910 in the class of 2,500-5,000. 2 The number of incorporated places can not be exactly determined from the returns for 1890. This census did not distinguish incorporated from unincorporated places, and did not enumerate separately very small places, whether incorporated or not. It has been assumed that those places were incorporated m 1890 which were separately returned in that year and returned in 1900 as incorporated. (See Census of 1900, Population, I, Iviu.) The figures given for 1890 in Table 40, for Incorporated places of less than 2,500 inhabitants may, therefore, include some unincorporated places and omit some incorporated places. In addition to the 46.3 per cent of the total popu- lation which in 1910 resided in communities classed by the Census Bureau as urban, 8.8 per cent resided in incorporated places of less than 2,500 inhabitants, the aggregate population Uving in mcorporated places being 50,742,208, or 55.1 per cent of the total popu- lation. Although this aggregate does not include the population living m unincoiporated villages, it is ap- proximately the total for what may be described as the agglomerated population of the country. The population living m rural territory outside of incor- porated places — numbering 41,230,058, and constitut- ing 44.8 per cent of the total population — although it includes a small village population is in the aggregate a scattered population, and is, therefore, more essen- tially rural in character than the aggregate rural given in Table 40, which includes the population of small incorporated places. It may be noted that the con- ditions of environment and of occupation for the population of small as well as of large villages are essentially diflFerent from those which prevail in dis- tinctly rural districts outside of such villages. The urban population of continental United States in 1910 was contained in 2,402 cities and other urbsm COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE. 65 places with a combined population of 42,623,383, or 46.3 per cent of the total population of the country. Fifty of these places were cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more, with a combined population of 20,302,138) or 22.1 per cent of the total population, and 179 were cities of from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, with a combined population of 8,241,678, or 9 per cent of the total population. These two groups together had a combuaed population of 28,543,816, or some- what more than three-tenths (31.1 per cent) of the total population of the country. Nearly one-tenth (9.2 j)er cent) of the total popu- lation m 1910 resided in the three cities (New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia) which had more than 1,000,000 uiliabitants each. The small urban com- munities of from 2,500 to 25,000 inliabitants contained 15.3 per cent of the total population. Comparmg the pei'centages for the four censuses, it is seen that each of the several groups of communi- ties classed as urban comprised a larger ])ercentage of the population of the country in 1910 than m 1900; that, with three exceptions, each class m 1900 com- prised a larger percentage ol the total population than ia 1890; and that, with one exception, each class in 1890 comprised a larger percentage than in 1880. The fact that the proportion of the population residing ui cities of from 250,000 to 500,000 inhabitants was less m 1900 than m 1890 was due to the passage of two cities (Boston and Baltimore) from this class m 1890 to the next higher class m 1900. A similar explana- tion applies to the fact that the proportion residing in cities of 100,000 to 250,000 mhabitants was sUghtly less in 1900 than m 1890. In Table 41 the grouping of cities is such as to throw mto one aggregate the total population living in cities having more than the specified population. Table 41 CLASS OF PLACES. Number of places of specified 25,000 or more 100,000 or more 250,000 or more 500,000 or more 1,000,000 or more Population living in places of specified size: 25,000 or more 100,000 or more 250,000 or more 500,000 or more 1,000,000 or more Percentage of total popula- tion living in places of specified size; 25,000 or more 100,000 or more 250,000 or more 500,000 or more 1,000,000 or more 1910 1900 1890 229 161 125 50 38 28 19 15 11 8 6 4 3 3 3 28, 543, 816 19, 754, 491 14,024,294 14,208,347 9,697,960 15,461,680 10,935,857 6,916,066 11,511,841 8,074,561 4,468,458 8,501,174 6,429,474 3,662,115 31.0 26.0 22.3 22.1 18.7 15.4 16.8 14.4 11.0 12.5 10.6 7.1 9.2 8.5 5.8 1,637,565 1,241,240 :, 424, 126 1,123,317 ,206,299 Whereas, in 1880, 2.4 per cent of the population resided m cities of 1,000,000 mhabitants or more, this proportion had risen to 9.2 per cent in 1910. Cities of over 100,000 mhabitants together contained, in 1880, 12.4 per cent of the population, as compared with 22.1 per cent in 1910. Cities of medium size, namely, those 82594°— 13— 5 having from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, contairied 4.8 per cent of the population in 1880 and 8.9 per cent in 1910. The proportion of the population residing in smaller urban communities having 2,500 to 25,000 inhabitants has shown somewhat less change, being 12.2 per cent in 1880 and 15.3 per cent in 1910. Divisions and states. — Tlie population of each class of urban places and that of rural districts m the several geographic sections and divisions in 1910 is shown in Table 43, from wliich the percentages in Table 42 are derived. Very great differences appear among the sev- eral divisions with respect to the distribution of the urban population among communities of different sizes. Thei'c are onlj' two of the nine divisions which contained cities of more than 1,000,000 uiliabitants ui 1910 and two contained no city of over 250,000 inhabitants. In Table 43, because of the facts just stated, the classes of cities having more than 100,000 inliabitants are combined. Table 43 PER CENT OF POPULATION IN 1910 LIVXNG IN— SECTION AND DIVISION. Places of — Rural 100,000 or more. 25,000 to 100,000. 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000. 2,500 to 5,000. dis- tricts. 22.1 9.0 6.1 4.7 4.5 53 7 2S.7 24.6 44.5 26.1 13.5 7.2 9.6 7.1 3.9 24.2 8.1 34.2 10.9 25.0 10.9 8.5 0.9 5.6 5.8 3.4 7.3 8.8 6.4 7.4 14.3 7.0 7.0 3.9 3.6 3.6 2.6 4.0 6.6 5.5 7.3 5.7 11.3 4.5 6.0 4.3 3.9 3.3 2.7 2.G 4.5 6.6 3.2 4.8 8.2 4.1 4.5 4.7 3.4 3.0 2.8 4.5 6.2 7.0 5.7 East North Central 47.3 77 5 East of the Mississippi River West of the Mississippi River 25.9 13.1 9.7 7.1 6.7 4.6 5.1 3.8 4.2 5.0 48.3 66.4 Table 42 shows that the Middle Atlantic division had m 1910 a larger proportion (44.5 per cent) of its population living in cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more than any other division. The next division was the Pacific, in which a little more than one-third of the mhabitants lived in cities of that size. In the New England division a little less than one-fourth and in the East North Central a little more than one- fourth of the population resided in such cities, while in the other five divisions the proportion found in such cities was very much smaller. In three of the four divisions just named as having a large propor- tion of their population in cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more, there is no other class of cities havuig any- thmg approaching to the same proportion; but in New England 25 per cent of the population was found in cities and towns of from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabit- ants, as compared with 24.5 per cent in cities of more than 100,000. In the West South Central and Mountaiti divisions also a larger proportion of the population was found in cities of from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants than in the larger cities. 66 POPULATION. Table 43 PLACES HAVING IN 1910 A POPULATION OF— SECTION Aim DIVISION. 100,000 or more. ,25,000 to 100,000. 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000. 2,500 to 5,000. KUKAL DISTRICTS^ POPULATION. Number of places. Population. Number of places. Population. Number of places. Population. Number of places. Population. Number of places. Population. 60 20,302,138 179 8,241,678 1372 5,609,208 629 4.364,703 1 1, 172 4,105,656 49, 348, 883 The North 34 S 11 10 6 9 4 4 1 7 1 6 16,544,485 X,B06,9S4 8, 599, 877 4,761,966 1,575,658 2,109,178 1,172,021 598,082 339,075 1,648,475 213,381 1,435,094 133 34 44 38 17 35 16 7 12 11 6 6 6, 104, 509 1,637,987 2,110,782 1,553,809 801,931 1,638,486 712,387 289,285 636,814 498,683 230,996 267, 688 273 61 91 88 33 69 27 15 27 31 12 19 4,137,942 936.653 1,349,807 1,396,143 455,439 1,019,660 444,714 220,364 354,582 451,606 144, 593 307,013 461 106 130 154 71 124 58 33 33 44 25 19 3,199,187 738,450 875, 771 1,086,197 498, 769 856,400 397,081 229,933 229,386 309,116 174,020 135, 096 764 163 223 232 150 289 105 67 117 119 54 65 2,683,582 635,371 787,136 819,166 541,919 1,000,114 365,960 236,565 397, 599 421,960 184. 622 237,438 23,087,410 1,097,336 5,592.519 8,633,350 7,764,205 22,765,492 9, 102, 742 6,835,672 6,827,078 3,495,981 1,680,006 1,809,975 New England Middle Atlantic 37 13 16,738,930 3,563,208 139 40 6,304,250 1,937,428 282 91 4,347,581 1,261,627 481 148 3,327,432 1,037,271 780 392 2,744,178 1,361,478 31,261,619 18,087,264 The population of the several divisions and states at the last four Federal censuses is distributed among cities and other jilaces grouped according to specified limits of population in Table 46. The 229 places of 25,000 inhabitants or more as shown by Table 46, are distributed among 40 states, 9 states having no cities of over 25,000 inhabitants. Besides the District of Columbia, which is wholly urban, there are 15 states in which the percentage of the total population in 1910 living in cities of over 25,000 iiahabitants exceeded that for continental United States as a whale (31.1) and in some of these states the proportion was very large, notably in New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. There are only three states — Delaware, Utah, and Nevada — which did not in 1910 contain one or more places belonging to each of the other groups of smaller urban communities. The distance which would separate cities from one another if they were so located withm the given area as to be equidistant from one another, measuring the distance from central points within the cities, may be called the proximity of cities. This index — which assumes an artificial distribution of cities and area — is somewhat similar to the density figure for popula- tion, which assumes an artificial distribution of in- dividuals over a given area. At each census the proximity of cities has decreased, and for each class of cities it is less in the eastern divisions than it is in the western, as shown in Table 44. On the assumption made, places of 2,500 inhabitants or more in 1910 would, considering the country as a whole, be separated by 38.1 miles. The average proximity of such places in 1900 was 43 miles, and m 1890 48.1 mUes. Con- sidering places of 10,000 inhabitants, or more then- average proximity was, in 1910, 76.2 mUes; in 1900, 88.5 miles; and m 1890, 98.9 miles. Restrictuag the calculation to places of 25,000 or more, the average Table 40, p. 64. proximity of such places was, in 1910, 123.5 miles; in 1900, 147.3 miles; and m 1890, 167.2 miles. In 1910 places of 2,500 inhabitants or more in the Moun- tain division would, on the assumption made, be separated by a distance of 101.5 mUes; in New Eng- land by 14.5 miles. The average proximity of places of 10,000 inhabitants or more, in 1910, was 235.5 miles in the Mountain division, and 27.3 miles in New England; of places of 25,000 or more, 408 mUes in the Mountain division, and 42.7 miles in New England. Table 44 AVERAGE PROXIMITY IN MILES OF URBAN PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF — DIVISION. 2,500 or more. 10,000 or more. 25,000 or more. 1910 1900 1890 1910 1900 1890 1910 1900 1890 United States 38.1 14.5 15.4 23.4 46.1 39.5 40.9 51.6 101.5 57.0 43.0 14.8 17.7 25.2 50.9 46.3 44.8 71.8 129.0 75.3 48.1 15.0 19.9 28.2 58.8 52.7 54.5 91.0 168.9 84.0 76.2 27.3 28.5 45.9 104.3 83.8 90.6 112,4 235.5 109.9 88.5 29.7 33.3 51.0 122.3 92.7 107.9 159.0 301.3 157.9 98.9 33.1 36.5 57.7 132.7 106.1 114.4 183.6 333.1 163.5 123.5 42.7 46.4 77.2 164.9 127.8 138.0 197.2 408.0 176.6 147.3 49.7 64.4 96.1 182.3 172.3 138.0 268.7 499.7 216.3 167.2 Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central.... South Atlantic East South Central West South Central.... 61.8 114.1 206.8 180.7 173.0 290.2 Proportion of urban population living in each class of urban places. — Table 45 shows, for the United States, for tlie last four censuses, the proportion which the population of each urban class bore, not to the total population of the country, but to the total urban population alone. Table 45 CLASS OF PLACES. POPULATION. PER CENT OF TOTAL URBAN POPULATION. 1910 1900 1890 1880 1910 1900 1890 1880 Total urban. Places of — 1,000,000 or more.. 100,000 to 1,000,000 25,000 to 100,000... 2,500 to 25,000 42,623,383 8,501,174 11, 800; 904 8,241,678 14,079,567 30,797,186 6,429,474 7,778,873 5,546,144 11,042,694 22,720,223 3,662,115 6,035,845 4,326,334 8,695,929 14, 772, 438 1, 206, 299 5,034,941 2,396,325 6,134,873 100.0 19.9 27.7 19.3 33.0 100.0 20.9 25.3 18 35.9 100.0 16.1 26 6 19.0 38.3 100.0 8.2 34.1 16.2 41.5 COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE. 67 POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF CITIES AND OTHER URBAN PLACES, AND OF RURAL DISTRICTS WITH PERCENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN EACH GROUP, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1880-1910. ' [The total number of cities of certa ; classes for the United States as a whole, and for certain geographic divisions, is less than the e individual states of the country or of the division, as explained in Note 1 to Table 40, p. 64.] 1 of the numbers shown for the nmTED STATES 1910 1900 1890 1880 New England: 1910 1900 PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF— Num- ber of places Middle Atlantic: 1910 1900 East N. Central; 1910 1900 1880 West N. Central: 1910 1900 SoDTH Atlantic: 1910 1900 1890 1880 East S. Central: 1910 1900 West S. Central: 1910 1900 1890 1880 Mountain: 1910 1900 1890 Pacific: 1910. 1900. 1890. NEW ENGLAND. Maine: 1910. 1900. 1890. New Hampshire: 1910 1900 1890 Vermont: 1910... 1900... 1890... Massachusetts: 1910 1900 1890 1880 Rhode Island: 1910 1900 1890 Connecticut: 1910 1900 1890 1880 20, 303, 138 14,208.347 9, 697, 960 6, 241. 240 1,067,800 580, 623 467,696 8,599,877 6,465,480 4,446,905 3,188,885 4,761,966 3,403,810 2,173.891 1.150,397 1,575,658 1,310,307 1,022,832 350, 518 1,172,021 787. 675 664,831 509,937 307,051 161,129 123, 758 339. 075 287, 104 242, 039 216,090 213,381 133.859 106,713 25,000 to 100,000. Num- ber of places 1,435,094 445,261 298, 997 233. 959 10,000 to 25,000. 1,146,999 784. 176 448. 477 362, 839 224. 326 17,5,597 132, 146 104,857 1,637,987 1,286,437 1,061,673 585,590 2,110,782 1,315,158 1,084,175 756,483 1,553,809 935,320 698, 122 386,263 801,931 448,447 354,998 207,094 712,387 614,853 409, 189 254,917 289,285 348,494 264,388 135, 794 636,814 243, 376 158,255 230. 995 112.158 44, 843 35,629 267,688 341,901 250.691 34, 555 84.818 50,145 ,')6,425 33,810 56, 987 44,126 32,630 1,008.483 852.988 706,723 384, 569 143,525 67, 435 • 27,633 ,305,093 258. 882 246,766 134.581 I 5,000 to 10,000. Num- ber of places 1,027,611 770,956 453, 766 1,396,143 1,252,955 947,440 501,510 455,439 335,850 312, 545 207,615 444, 714 429,391 286,374 167, 472 220,364 98, 512 147.837 354,582 174, 907 118,479 82, 807 144,593 99, 787 97,218 46,505 307,013 108, 903 101,080 73,009 81,615 96, 867 77,024 48,590 78,044 67, 374 49, 105 38,927 44,748 30, 139 26.350 23,514 450,898 413,698 319,886 308, 265 87, 405 78, 403 76,702 211,472 186, 501 154, 442 144, 570 4, 364, 703 3,378,518 2.495.594 1, 809, 279 738, 450 662,279 571,366 424,658 875, 771 636,600 547,893 483,866 1,086,197 899,043 052,288 484,226 498, 7C9 402,293 286, 188 148,297 397,081 203,328 145,079 119,220 229,933 154,241 111,454 71,785 229, 386 156, 377 94, 704 40,881 174,020 71,664 47,185 24,751 135,096 92, 693 39,437 11,695 107,505 79,613 81,990 67, 301 40,074 63,926 42, 584 27,844 51,231 53, 797 39,546 25,206 342, 831 310, 720 250.050 175,571 63, 915 49, 008 67,240 46,166 4,105,656 3,354.276 2.713.196 2.073.834 787, 136 631,034 483,843 359, 574 819, 156 728,847 625,440 554, 736 541,919 449,647 332, 250 203,345 365,950 297,385 222,646 94,609 236,666 222, 758 132, 500 60, 808 397,599 195,433 102,522 67,414 184,522 123, 895 59, 668 47,565 237,438 133,598 111,530 50, 346 Rural districts- population 107,505 110,765 103, 165 119, 371 40,913 47,982 66, 664 35,613 55,244 51,167 40, 770 176. 156 205,516 278.718 282,068 23, 112 28,202 31, 180 30,802 114,721 123, 970 121.997 126,814 49, 348, 883 45.197,390 40, 227, 491 35,383,345 1,097,336 1,121,838 1,138,986 1,256,679 5,592,619 6,378,795 5,372,448 6,254,304 8.633,350 8,765,606 8,381,124 8,129,537 7,764,205 7,400,879 6,623,293 5,040,674 9, 102, 742 8,210,848 7,129,903 6,451,042 6,835,672 0,416,701 5,611,846 5,114,498 6,827,078 5,475,093 4.024,984 2, 927, 028 1,809,975 1,294,336 1,086,599 711,014 360,928 357,076 362, 482 379, 864 175,473 185,319 184,051 211,977 187,013 204,461 215,359 242, 796 241,049 238,248 235,093 269, 773 17, 956 20, 909 18.904 18,004 114,917 115,825 123, 097 134,265 PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION UVING IN— 100,000 25,000 or to more. 100,000. 18.7 15.4 12.4 24.5 19.1 12.4 11.7 44.6 41.8 35.0 30.4 26.1 21.3 16.1 10.3 13.5 12.7 11.5 41.3 41.0 38.2 37.9 25.0 23.0 22.6 14.6 27.4 28.5 33.1 21.6 14.3 15.8 15.0 10.0 5,000 to 10,000. 1.3.4 10.2 5.2 14.7 11.1 7.3 14. :( 11.2 12.4 17.3 9.8 15.8 12.9 11.8 4.3 20.4 11.4 6.6 'Xl.l 16.6 9.0 27.7 16.7 11.1 19.0 11.9 10.3 20.5 12.7 13.6 211.7 13.4 16.3 23.2 13.2 20.4 68 POPULATION. POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF CITIES AND OTHER URBAN PLACES, AND OF RURAL DISTRICTS WITH PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN EACH GROUP, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES : 1880-1910— Continued. Table 46— Contd. Num- ber of places PLACES HAVraO A POPULATION OF— 25,000 to 100,000. rr'Sf ropu.. 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000. Num- ber of places Rural districts — population. PEE CENT OF TOTAL POPtTLATION LIVING IN — New York: 1910 1900 1890 1880 New Jersey; 1910.... 1900 1890 1880 Pennsylvani 1910 1900 1890 1880 Otiio: 1910. 1900. Indiana; 1910.. 1900. . 1890. . 1880.. Illinois; 1910.. 1900.. 1S90.. Michigan: 1910.... 1900.... 1890.... 1880 ... Wisconsin; 1910.... 1900.... 1S90.... Minnesota; 1910..., 1900.... 1890..., Iowa: 1910 1900 1890 ISSO Missouri: 1910 1900 1890 1880 North Dakota: 1910 1900 1890 South Dakota; 1910 1900 Nebraska; 1910... 1900.., 1S90... Kansas; 1910. 1900. 1890. 5,646,249 4, 060, 571 2,711,204 1, 928, 096 740,848 557,674 344, 833 257,230 2, 212, 780 1,847,235 1,390,868 1,003,559 1,390,839 965, 052 558,261 415,285 233, 650 169, 164 105, 436 2,185,283 1,698,575 1,099,850 503,185 578,337 2S5, 704 205, 876 116,340 373,857 285,315 204,468 115,587 516, 152 365, 783 297,894 935,410 841,969 584,486 350,518 6S5, 322 396. 402 442,324 322, 577 023, 079 349,073 275, 530 181, 828 802,381 569,623 366, 321 252,078 393, 371 241, 866 349, 709 140, 462 245, 421 170, 794 116.366 157,253 434,395 216,570 72, 518 56,527 261, 592 182,718 134,439 32, 016 219,030 117,372 25,090 78,466 52, 969 33.115 88,360 330,091 218.259 145,082 144,677 26,023 52,324 88,216 439,571 458, 937 346, 523 266,023 271, 936 218,271 125,899 30, 373 638, 300 350, 403 298,534 157,370 360, 984 305, 089 199, 186 145, 360 339, 996 218,623 143. 945 08, 503 331,285 319, 195 294,926 118,288 203,817 212, 890 160, 098 89,638 160,061 197,158 149,285 79,821 60,219 42,031 29,468 10, 208 137, 107 129,090 115,234 126,227 124,096 102,555 140,452 24, 847 10, 266 10,177 70,232 66, 170 55,154 30,518 178,465 85,026 69,323 125,378 102,579 69, 530 47, 103 162, 373 184, 029 221,375 169, 394 142,066 107,651 74, 334 99,619 571,332 344, 920 252, 184 214, 853 321, 860 299, 714 188, 790 161,751 119.441 62,246 166, 749 158, 649 125, 549 74, 103 115,083 72, 060 40,362 30, 999 59,402 70,618 56,582 57,791 120,938 120,291 73.573 16,788 17,241 5, 664 97,180 67,863 71,196 20,031 251,979 198, 112 178,311 165, 920 129,281 96, 493 56, 042 38, 136 405, 876 336, 429 249, 490 155, 518 198,089 186,661 197, 365 178, 634 135, 978 136, 357 104,851 98,204 239, 887 199, 792 143, 671 116, 745 116,549 112, 362 104,332 93, 415 128,653 93,675 75,221 67, 737 80,374 64,651 42,210 18,353 127,039 88,543 97.808 56,709 19,639 6,172 4,979 2,693 24,118 24,460 18, 378 7,208 44,528 35,973 17,863 17,151 92, 767 75,435 62, 152 37, 822 1, 928, 120 1,970,783 2, 103, 437 2,230,861 029, 957 554, 507 568,295 523, 930 3, 034, 442 2, 853, 505 2, 700, 716 2,499,513 2, 101, 978 2, 159, 163 2, 167, 939 2, 167, 293 1, 557, 041 1,653,773 1,602.365 1,592,090 2,161,662 2,205,182 2,116,180 2, 137, 367 1,483,129 1,468,659 1,363,696 1,231,525 1,329,540 1,278,829 1,131,044 1,001,262 1,153,294 867, 234 632,853 1,544,717 1,659,467 1,506,533 1,377,188 1,894,518 1,978,561 1,822,219 1,622,387 513,820 295,733 180,340 34, 216 507, 215 360, 634 320,045 91,060 881,362 813,598 771,015 391,730 1, 197, 159 1,139,592 1,155,907 891, 140 62.0 55.9 45.2 37.9 29.2 29.6 23.9 22.7 28.9 29.3 26.5 23.4 1 See Note 1 to Table 40, p. 64. COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE. 69 POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF CITIES AND OTHER URBAN PLACES, AND OF RURAL DISTRICTS, WITH PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN EACH GROUP, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1880-1910— Continued. Table 46— Contd. FLACE3 nAVING A POPULATION OF - Rural districts— PEK CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN— DIVISION, STATE, AND CENSUS YEAR. 100,000 or more. 25,000 to 100,000. 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000, 2,500 to 5,000. Places of- - Rural dis- tricts. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. 100,000 more. 25,000 to 100,000 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000. 2,500 to 6,000. SOUTH ATLANTIC Delaware; 1 1 1 1 87,411 76,508 61,431 42,478 3 3 3 2 7 7 7 4 9,674 9,209 9,636 6,511 23,216 22,688 22,619 10,909 105,237 99,018 97,426 97,619 637, 154 596,838 546, 688 559, 100 43.1 42.8 41.7 35.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.2 43.2 41.4 36.5 29.0 4.8 5.0 5.7 4.4 1.8 1.9 2.2 1.2 52.0 63.6 67.8 66.6 Maryland: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 558,483 508,957 434,439 332,313 331,069 278, 718 230,392 177,624 127,628 3 2 2 1 48,757 30,719 22,847 10,693 4 4 2 3 27,734 28,842 16,797 21,928 3.8 2.6 2.2 1.1 2.1 '2.4 1.5 2.3 49.2 60.2 52.4 59.8 District of Columbia: Virginia: 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 105,010 131,674 116,239 63,600 72,802 38,878 34.522 30,737 59,762 16 7 6 5 4 3 1 95,532 130,306 96, 460 84,630 62,724 34,725 10,108 6 16 15 4 6 4 3 2 13 6 3 3 9 4 2 1 14 7 5 1 6 36,764 38,261 29,910 24,929 49,803 24,231 22,376 12,917 96,184 42,181 21,346 22,802 60,737 22,056 14,151 6,160 90,403 47,757 35,967 6,099 35,456 15 12 12 15 13 8 5 3 20 16 11 S' 12 12 10 3 22 18 12 8 13 8 8 1 20 19 14 18 14 15 17 12 14 15 3 19 9 3 16 15 8 6 3 32 10 1 51,595 39,826 40,092 14,798 42,913 27,631 14,359 10,396 73,245 67, 162 39.887 14,964 45,685 49,030 31,724 8,359 74,406 63,937 39,434 26,110 46,216 27,902 24,795 2,562 68,069 66,806 48.300 22, 432 62,220 45,398 19,439 12,727 58,530 60,022 41,471 15,144 47,746 51,532 23,290 10,505 65,293 29,906 9,219 18,882 52,167 27,331 19,349 8,094 107,217 32, 693 4,161 1,685,083 1,514,117 1,373,259 1, 324, 60S 992,877 833,335 681,429 664,407 1,887,813 1,707,020 1.502,190 1,344,634 1,290,568 1,169.060 1,034,906 921,038 2,070,471 1,869,949 1,679.881 1,397,090 533,539 421,611 314,064 242,546 1,734,463 1,679,506 1,501,922 1,398,767 1,743,744 1,693,977 1,529,124 1,424,728 1,767,662, 1,611,983 1,361,166 1,193,987 1,589,803 1,431,235 1,219.634 1,097,016 1,371,768 1,199,831 1,056,0.52 770, 605 1,159,872 1,016,337 834,743 700,566 1,337,000 731,974 249, 173 8.0 7.1 7.0 4.2 6.0 4.1 4.5 5.0 2.7 4.6 7.0 6.8 5.6 5.1 3.6 1.3 4.0 4.6 3.4 1.2 2.2 3.3 1.3 1.0 2.8 2.3 2.2 2.9 5.7 9.6 12.0 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.6 4.1 2.5 2.9 2.1 4.4 2.2 1.3 1.6 4.0 1.6 1.2 0.6 3.5 2.2 2.0 0.4 4.7 ■'"i.4' 9.0 3.7 2.6 2.7 2.2 1.5 1.0 0.9 1.0 2.0 2.7 2.1 0.6 3.9 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.2 2.4 1.8 1.8 '"i.'e" 2.7 0.7 2.1 2.5 2.1 2.4 1.0 3.5 2.9 1.9 1.7 3.3 3.0 2.5 1.1 3.0 3.7 2.8 0.8 2.9 2.9 2.1 1.7 6.0 5.3 6.3 1.0 3.0 3.1 2.6 1.4 2.8 2.2 1.1 0.8 2.7 3.3 2.7 1.2 2.7 3.3 1.8 0.9 4.1 2.3 0.8 2.4 3.1 2.0 1.7 0.9 6.5 4.1 1.6 76.9 81.7 82.9 87.6 West Virginia: 81.3 86.9 89.3 91.3 North Carolina: 5 6 4 1 2 3 1 1 5 3 2 3 2 3 3 89,283 87,447 54,526 17,350 33,258 44,363 15,353 10,036 72,233 51,131 40,049 44,763 42,927 50,700 47,031 8,5.(1 90.1 92. S 96.1 South Carolina: 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 85, 152 55,807 54,955 49,984 146,769 183,557 142,022 68,118 95.481 28,429 5.9 5.6 4.2 4.8 5.0 5.6 8.3 7.7 4.4 12.7 5.4 85.2 87.2 89.9 1880 92.5 Georgia: 1910 1 154,839 79.4 1900 84.4 86.0 90.6 Florida: 70.9 79.7 1 3 12 8 7 6 5 13 13 2 6 7 4 1 10 4 2 2 3 2 14 5,532 24,385 84,079 56,616 50,631 36,924 33,479 20,754 16.618 15,070 41,695 49,462 31,627 7,529 71), 680 27,409 12,578 12,262 21.143 15,523 26,755 80.2 90.0 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. Kentucky: 1910 1 1 1 1 2 1 223,928 204,731 161,129 123,758 241,469 102,320 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 118,678 97,608 37,371 29,720 80,950 143,656 169,763 76,942 89,657 107,230 67,254 29,132 4 3 3 2 12 1 4 60,688 42,907 59.282 37r089 22,927 14,511 32,574 12,892 47,864 9.8 9.5 8.7 7.5 11.1 5.1 6.2 5.2 4.6 2.0 1.8 3.7 7.1 9.6 5.0 4.2 5.9 3.8 2.3 2.7 2.0 3.2 2.2 1.0 0.7 1.8 0.8 2.2 "i'.i' 1.3 4.9 2.6 2.6 1.0 4.5 2.1 1.0 1.6 2.9 2.0 2.0 76.7 1900 . . 78.2 1890 80.8 1880 84.8 Tennessee: 1910 ... . 79,8 1900 83.8 1890 86.5 92.4 Alabama: 1 132,685 82.7 88.1 1890 1 1 5 3 3 1 15 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 21,883 16,713 88,885 41,094 34,098 11,814 70,304 27,997 11,311 13,138 47,768 27,282 22,457 89.9 1880 94.6 Mississippi: 1910 88.5 92.3 94.6 96.9 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. Arkansas: 1910 1 1 1 45,941 38,307 25,874 2.9 2.9 2.3 87.1 1900 91.5 93.5 96.0 Louisiana: 1910 1 1 1 1 339,075 287, 104 242,039 216,090 1 28,015 5 4 29,491 24,571 20.5 20.8 21.6 23.0 1.7 70.0 73.5 74.6 2 6 1 1 15,206 44,072 5,081 6,333 74.5 Oklahoma: 2 2 89,483 6 2 79,383 20,043 5.4 4.8 2.5 80.7 92.6 96.3 Te.xas: 8 5 4 473,375 205,069 132,381 113 17 6 4 157,127 99,585 84,711 69,669 19 15 1 10 4 134,680 110,602 62,616 25,675 51 29 22 112 172,922 105,503 69,803 40,438 2,958,438 2,527,951 1,886,016 1,455,%7 12.1 6.7 5.9 4.0 3.3 3.8 4.4 3.5 3.6 2.8 1.6 4.4 3.5 3.1 2.5 75.9 82.9 1890 84.4 1880 91.5 1 See Note 1 to Table 40, p. 64. ' Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900 and 1890. 70 POPULATION. POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF CITIES AND OTHER URBAN PLACES, AND OF RURAL DISTRICTS, WITH PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN EACH GROUP, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1880-1910— Continued . Table 46— Contd. PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF - Rural districts — population. PEK CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING Of— DIVISION, STATE, AND 100,000 or more. 25,000 to 100,000. 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000. 2,500 to 6,000. Places ot- - Rural dis- tricts. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- herof places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. Num- ber of places Popula- tion. 100,000 or more. 26,000 to 100,000 10,000 to 26,000. 5,000 to 10,000. 2,500 to 5,000. MOUNTAIN. Montana: 1910 1 1 39, 165 30,470 5 2 2 59,497 25,700 24, 557 3 1 16,015 9,453 5 6 4 2 7 1 18,743 18,931 14,230 6,987 24,838 4,046 242,633 158,775 104,137 32, 172 255,696 151,769 88,548 32,610 102, 744 65,874 41,071 14,637 394,184 279, 049 227,344 119,676 280,730 167,929 150,312 112,930 141,094 103,436 79,941 33,433 200,417 171,322 155,624 110,298 68, 508 35, 140 31,331 42,913 536,460 306,628 230,054 67,995 366,705 280,366 232,611 148,936 907,810 707,354 623,934 494,083 10.4 12.6 15.8 10.6 17.2 4.3 3.9 5.0 7.8 10.0 17.8 7.6 2.5 1900 1890 1880 Idaho: 1910 1 17,358 4 1 27,702 5,957 5.3 8.5 3.7 1900 1890 1880 Wyoming: 1910 1 1 1 11,320 14,087 11,690 3 1 1 22,423 8,207 6,388 3 1 1 2 16 13 6 6 7 5 1 9,478 4,363 3,406 6,152 65,224 43,453 17,318 19, 162 24,307 15,540 3,785 7.8 15.2 18.7 15.4 8.9 10.2 6.5 4.7 5.4 29.6 6.9 8.1 4.2 9.9 7.4 8.0 2.4 5.5 5.2 3.6 10.2 8.7 4.9 4.7 3.1 17.0 15.9 13.5 4.6 6.1 8.0 9.5 6.9 6.7 5.3 4.7 5.8 6.0 6,6 4.0 1900 1890 1880 Colorado: 1910 1 1 1 213,381 133, 859 106,713 2 1 73,473 28,157 1 3 3 1 1 10,204 43,687 46,082 14,820 11,020 7 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 52,558 11,495 15,792 6,040 11,244 11,841 6,185 6,635 27,631 13,075 5,150 7,007 16,447 11,636 5,159 6,069 26.7 24.8 25.8 9.2 5.2 "is." 3' 1.3 8.1 11.2 7.6 3.4 6.6 2.1 3.8 2.6 3.4 6.1 3.9 6.6 13.5 10.6 5.8 17.3 4.4 4.2 2.4 4.2 1890 . . 1880 1 35,629 New Mexico: 1900 .... 1890 1880 Arizona: 1910 - 2 24,327 3 2 1 11,302 6,420 3,162 11.9 1900 84 1 1890 1880 Utah: 1910 2 i 1 118,357 53,531 44,843 12 8 3 2 1 2 2 2 15 9 7 2 11 8 6 3 39 21 19 10 38,130 23,947 10,264 6,828 2,500 7,195 7,613 8,436 62,195 31,523 28,413 7,121 46,542 27,710 16,863 8,275 138,701 74,365 66,254 34,950 31.7 19.3 21.3 ""5.9 7.1 14.4 13.3 1900 1 1 1 1 16,313 14,889 20,768 10,867 1890 1880 Nevada: 1910 1890 1 8,511 18.0 2.8 2.8 1 5 1 1 10,917 96,218 10,049 19,922 17.5 8.4 1.9 5.6 PACIFIC. Washington: 1910 2 341,596 1 3 2 83,743 155,233 78,843 4 2 31,778 14,672 29.9 7.3 30.0 22.1 1900 1890 1880 Oregon: 1910 1 207,214 1 14,094 5 2 2 39,210 15,044 11, 313 30.8 "21.9" 14.6 2.1 '"3.3 10.0 8.3 6.7 5.8 6.4 6.8 3.6 3.6 2.7 4.2 2.3 1.4 1900 1 1 90,426 46,385 1890 1 1 13 6 5 4 10,532 17,557 196, 701 98,854 70,626 55,452 1880 California: 3 2 1 1 886,284 445,261 298,997 233,959 5 2 3 1 183,945 96,242 125,463 34,555 10 9 5 2 64, 108 62,977 28, 124 11,695 37.3 30.0 24.6 27.1 7.7 6.5 10.3 4.0 1900 1880 . Of the total urban population of the United States in 1910, nearly one-third was found in places of 2,500 to 25,000 inhabitants, nearly one-fifth in places of 25,000 to 100,000, and nearly one-half in places of more than 100,000 inhabitants. Comparing 1880 mth 1910 there has been a material decrease in the pro- portion in places of from 100,000 to 1,000,000 inhabit- ants and m those of from 2,500 to 25,000 inhabitants, and a material increase in the projiortion in places of more than 1,000,000 mhabitants, with a slight mcrease as well m those of from 25,000 to 100,000 mhabitants. GROWTH OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF URBAN COMMUNITIES. United States as a whole. — In comparing the growth of the several classes of urban communities from 1900 to 1910, each community is grouped, for both censuses, according to its population in 1910, so as to avoid the disturbing effect of the passage of communities from one group to another. The population shown for 1900 represents, so far as it could be ascertained, the population within the boundaries of the communities as constituted in 1910. The comparison for the United States as a whole is presented in Table 47. With one exception, there was no very gi-eat difference in the rates of growth of the several classes of urban communities. There are two groups in which the in- crease in population between 1900 and 1910 was some- what more than 40 per cent, namely, cities of from 100,000 to 250,000 inliabitants and those of from 50,000 to 100,000. For all but one of the other groups the increase was between 30 and 40 per cent. The re- maining group — that comprising five cities having in 1910 from 500,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants— showed an increase during the decade of barely 20 per cent. The five cities comprising thi-s group are St. Louis, Boston, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh, and for only one of them was the individual rate of increase more than 20 per cent, namely, Cleveland, with 46.9 per cent. COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE. 71 Table 47 CLASS OF PLACES. Num- ber of places in 1910. POPULATION. INCREASE : 1900-1910 1910 1900 Number. Per cent. United States .... 91,972,266 76,994,675 16,977,691 21.0 Territory urban in 1910 . 12,402 42.623.383 31.609,646 11,013,738 34.8 Places having in 1910— 1,000.000 or more 500,000 to 1,000,000... 250,000 to 500,000 100,000 to 250,000 50,000 to 100,000 25,000 to 50,000 10,000 to 25,000 5,000 to 10,000 3 5 11 31 69 120 372 629 1,172 8,501,174 3.010,667 3,949,839 4,840,458 4,178,915 4,062.763 5,609,208 4,364,703 4,105,656 49,348,883 6.429,474 2.501.226 2,932.040 3.421.849 2,948,511 3,028,007 4,153,442 3,194.278 3,000,818 44,384,930 2,071,700 509.441 1,017,799 1,418,609 1,230,404 1,034.756 1,455,766 1,170,425 1,104,838 4,963,963 32.2 20.4 34.7 41.5 41.7 34.2 35.0 36.6 11.2 1 See Note 1 to Table 40, p. 64. Divisions and states. — Table 48 presents a com- parison of the increase, between 1900 and 1910, in the population of different classes of urban com- munities and of rural territory in each of the nine geographic divisions of the United States. The num- ber of classes of urban communities shown in Table 48 has been reduced to tliree by consohdating some of the minor groups shown in the table immediately preceding. For the Pacific, West South Central, and Mountain divisions — the three divisions having the largest per- centages of increase in total urban population since 1900 — the table shows increases ranging from about 50 to more than 100 per cent for each of the three classes of urban communities, with one exception, that the single city of over 100,000 in the West South Central division (New Orleans) increased only 18.1 per cent. In the remaining divisions, with one exception, the rates of increase for the three classes of urban communities ranged from 20 to somewhat more than 40 per cent. The exception is the group of smaller urban communities in the New England division, for which there was an increase of only 16.7 per cent. Table 48 PLACES OF 100,000 OR MORE IN 1910. PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 IN 1910. PLACES OF 2,500 TO 25,000 IN 1910. TEEEITOET RURAL IN 1910. DIVISION. Num- ber. Population. Per cent of in- crease. Num- ber. Population. Per cent olin- Num- ber. Population. Per cent of in- crease. Population. Per 1910 1900 1910 1900 1910 1900 1910 1900 of in- crease.' United States. . . . New England Middle Atlantic East North Central.. West North Central. South Atlantic East South Central. . West South Central . 50 8 11 10 5 4 4 1 1 6 20,302,138 1,606.984 8,599,877 4,761.966 1.575. 658 1.172,021 598.082 339,075 213,381 1,435,094 15,284,589 1,325.651 6.575,912 3,600,614 1,208,321 974, 643 444, 444 587, 104 140. 472 727,428 32.8 21.2 30.8 32.3 30.4 20.3 34.6 18.1 51.9 97.3 179 34 44 38 17 16 7 12 5 6 8,241,678 1.637,987 2, 110, 782 1.553,809 801,931 712.387 289,285 636,814 230,995 267.688 5,976,518 1.269,941 1.574,958 1,127,923 640,520 516,427 237,257 331,409 149,556 128,527 37.9 29.0 34.0 37.8 23.2 37.9 21.9 92.2 54.5 108.3 22,173 320 444 474 260 190 115 177 91 103 14, 079, 567 2.210.374 3.012.714 3,301,496 1.496,127 1,207,745 686,862 981,567 503, 135 679. 547 10,348,538 1.893.939 2. 156. 847 2, 619, 474 1,173,823 846,647 504,589 543, 223 285,304 324 ,.692 36.1 16.7 39.7 26.0 27.5 42.7 36.1 80.7 76.4 109.3 49.348,883 1.097.336 5.592,519 8.633,350 7.764.205 9.102,742 6.835,672 6,827.078 1.686.006 1.809,975 44,384,930 1,102,486 5,146,961 8,637,570 7,324,759 8,105,763 6,361,352 5,370.669 1.099,326 1.236,045 11.2 -0.5 8.7 m 6.0 12.3 7.5 27.1 1 A minus sign ( — ) denotes decrease. 2See Note 1 to Table 40, p. 64. ' Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. In five dirisions — the Middle Atlantic, South Atlan- tic, East South Central, Mountain, and Pacific — the rate of increase for places of 2,500 to 25,000 inhabit- ants was higher than for either of the other two groups. In three divisions — the New England, East North Central, and West South Central — the rate of increase was highest for the medium-sized places, those having from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants. Only in the West North Central division was the rate for cities of 100,000 or more higher than for either of the other two groups. The general fact that urban communities m all sec- tions of the United States are growing more rapidly than rural communities has already been shown. Table 49 shows that tliis is true, with few exceptions, also of each class of urban communities. In each of the three groups of urban communities, as shown by Table 48, there has been, for the United States as a whole, an increase from 1900 to 1910 of more than 30 per cent. There are 10 states, however, in which the increase during the decade was less than 30 per cent for each group of urban communities rep- resented in the respective states. These states, in their geographic order, are Maine, New Hampsliire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Missouri, Nebraska, Dela- ware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Wyoming. There are 17 other states in which the increase for one or more of the specified groups was also less than 30 per cent, these states with one exception, Montana, being in the eastern and central sections of the country. In 21 states, on the other hand, the increase during the decade was, in each group represented, more than 30 per cent, the majority of these states being in the western and southwestern sections of the country. 72 POPULATION. POPULATION OF URBAN CLASSES AND OF RURAL TERRITORY, WITH PER CENT OF INCREASE BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1900-1910. Table 49 DIVISION AND STATE. PLACES OP 100,000 OR MORE IN 1910. Population. Per ct. in- crease. PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 IN 1910. PLACES OF 2,500 TO 25,000 IN 1910. TEEKITOKY RURAL IN 1910. United States Geographic divisions: New England Middle .'Vtlantic East North Central . West North Central. South Atlantic East South Central. . West South Central. Mountain Pacific 14, 079, 567 44,384,930 8,599,877 4,761,966 1,575,658 1,172,021 698,082 339,075 213,381 1,435,094 1,325,651 6,575,9X2 3,600,614 1,208,321 974,643 444,444 287, 104 140, 472 727,428 32.3 30.4 20.3 34.6 18.1 51,9 97.3 1,637,987 2,110,782 1,553,809 801, 931 712,387 289, 286 636,814 230, 995 267, 688 1,269,941 1,574,958 1,127,923 640,520 516,427 237,257 331,409 149,556 128,527 29.0 34.0 37.8 25.2 37.9 21.9 92.2 54.5 108.3 2,210,374 3,012,714 3,301,490 1,496,127 1,207,745 686,862 981,567 503, 135 679,547 1,893,939 2,156,847 2, 619, 474 1,173,823 846,647 504,589 543,223 285,304 324,692 16.7 39.7 26.0 27.5 42.7 36.1 80.7 1,097,336 5,592,519 8,633,350 7, 764, 205 9, 102, 742 6,835,672 6,827,078 1,686,006 1,809,975 1,102,486 5, 146, 961 8,637,670 7,324,759 8, 105, 763 6,361,352 6,370,669 1,099,325 1,236,045 New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut MIDDLE Atlantic: New York New .Tersey Pennsylvania East N. Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West N. Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida East S. Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West S. Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California 14.8 18.8 1,146,999 224,326 • 235, 659 5,646,249 740,848 2,212,780 1,390,839 233,650 2,185,283 578,337 373,857 616, 162 971,031 175,597 179,023 4, 155, 610 561,778 1,858,524 1,067,919 170,963 1,698,575 377,842 285,315 365,783 18.1 27.8 31.0 3.5.9 31.9 19.1 36.7 28.7 63.1 31.0 1,008,483 143, 525 685,322 623,079 802,381 393, 371 245, 421 434,395 261,592 219,030 78,466 330,091 144,677 772,596 111,192 231,362 612, 198 435,513 627,247 259,893 178,215 330,806 180,827 178, 182 62, 969 253,637 30.6 29.1 31.9 43.1 27.9 61.4 37.7 31.3 44.7 22.9 70,232 178,465 66,170 115,575 558,486 331,069 127,628 608,957 278,718 94,766 296,626 159,031 168,943 969,885 156,803 469,087 863,923 543,283 1,615,508 880, 933 664, 764 857,251 487,115 411,433 255,676 349,963 318,730 63,236 76,673 116,524 315,325 9,674 99,707 265, 65S 145,122 148,406 826,867 124,890 383,996 684,475 366,362 1,106,010 699, 650 527,116 636, 952 408, 157 347,599 194,843 313,730 251,179 33,362 47,946 93,128 239,636 9,209 84,176 13.8 17.4 26.6 19.6 25.9 26.1 34.6 19.3 18.4 31.2 11.5 59.9 25.1 31.6 360, 928 175,473 187,013 241,049 17,956 114,917 1,928,120 629,957 3,034,442 2,101,978 1,557,041 2,161,662 1,483,129 1,329,540 1,225,414 1,544,717 1,894,518 513,820 507,215 881,362 1,197,159 105,237 637,154 354, 902 186,581 195, 235 235,852 16,877 114,039 1,916,611 620,016 2,710,334 2,130,083 1,640,168 2,165,217 1,464,156 1,257,946 1,137,799 1,664,686 1,963,234 285, 784 353,626 804, 447 1,115,284 99, 018 594,911 223,928 241,469 132,685 205,173 183,512 55,759 31.6 138.0 165,010 72,802 59,762 85,152 146,769 95,481 118,678 80,950 89,667 109, 425 52,381 39,067 76,915 116,967 45,174 101,645 62,791 72,821 50.8 39.0 53.0 10.7 25.5 111.4 45,941 28,015 473,375 39,165 33,556 16,013 14,291 267,549 30, 470 75.0 526.1 76.9 341,596 207,214 886,284 122,994 90,426 614,008 177.7 129.2 72.4 5 183,946 90,813 102.6 183,891 155,440 258,712 139,680 237, 042 123,599 212,836 118,626 148,089 207,311 156,740 129,426 230,672 464,729 94,255 69,898 43,221 117,986 46,571 63,260 54,577 13,367 180,191 99,846 399,510 150,671 85,083 169,148 100,355 166,892 81,113 176,415 89,419 109,090 129,665 98,163 77,880 74,857 [ 208.2 292,323 I 59.0 69,006 22,107 33,526 79,948 26,484 21,409 38,324 4,500 59.7 216.2 28.9 47.6 75.8 195.5 42.4 197.0 66,906 169.3 52,414 90.5 205,372 94.5 1,585,083 992,877 1,887,813 1,290,568 2,070,471 533,539 1,734,463 1,743,744 1,767,662 1,589,803 1,371,768 1,159,872 1,337,000 242,633 255,696 102,744 394,184 280,730 141,094 200,417 68, 508 536,460 365,705 907,810 1,499,323 821,336 1,685,595 1,163,046 1,840,279 402,255 1,663,941 1,684,779 1,591,027 1,421,605 1,179,960 1,000,628 701,243 2,488,838 153,863 139,665 59, 005 270,038 168,826 101,622 168,581 37,835 290,489 270,696 674,860 1 A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. ' See Note 1 to Table 40, p. 64. ^Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. CITIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. 73 CITIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. In its general tables dealing with the population of cities, the Bureau of the Census must necessarily deal with political units, or, in other words, with the popula- tion contained within the municipal boundaries of each city. It is a familiar fact that, in some cases, the municipal boundaries give only an inadequate idea of the population grouped about one urban center, and as regards the large cities in very few cases do these boundaries exactly define the urban area. In the case of many cities there are suburban districts with a dense population outside the city limits, which, from many standpoints, are as truly a part of the city as the districts which are under the municipal gov- ernment. These suburbs are bound to the cities by a network of transportation Imes. Many of the resi- dents in the suburbs have their business or employ- ment in the city, and, to a certain extent, persons who reside in the city are employed in the suburbs. It seems desirable to show the magnitude of each of the principal population centers taken as a whole. Statistics have, therefore, been compiled for each city m the United States with a population of 100,000 inhabit- ants or more, which, in addition to the population within the city lunits, show the population in adjoining communities that may be considered as intunately associated with the urban center. Two sets of com- putations have been made. (1) For each city having 100,000 inhabitants or more within its municipal boundaries a computation has been made of the total population in civil divi- sions within 10 mUes of the city boundary. The areas thus mapped out may be briefly defined as "cities and adjacent territory." (2) In the case of each city having Avithin its own boundaries 200,000 inhabitants or more, the bureau has also mapped out what may be termed a "metro- politan district," which besides the city itself mcludes only those sections of the adjacent territory which may be considered as urban in character. Method of defining districts, — In laying out the two classes of districts the popidation is first deter- mined for all civil divisions (that is, cities, towns, boroughs, precincts, etc.) which are located Avnthin 10 miles of the city boundaries. Divisions which lie partly wdthin and partly without the 10-mile limit are included if either one-half of theu- total population or one-half of their total area comes within that lunit. State boundaries are disregarded, so that in some cases the adjacent territory and the metropolitan dis- trict lie partly in two states. The area within the 10- mile limit thus defined is the "adjacent territory." It is, of course, very different from the territory m- cluded within a circle drawn with a radius of 10 mUes from the center of the city; nor is it the territory m- cluded within a Ime dra\vn parallel to the city boun- dary at an exact distance of 10 miles, because m making up the "adjacent territory" no civil divisions are subdivided. Hence the outline of the area can not follow geometrical lines, but must conform to the boundaries of the political divisions which are on the outer edge of the mcluded area. Owmg to this fact, the boundary of the adjacent territory thus defined may vary considerably from pomt to pouit m its actual distance from the city limits. The "metropolitan district," which, as previously noted, has, as its nucleus, a city of at least 200,000 inhabitants, includes the population and area of the central city itself and of aU minor civil divisions lymg within the "adjacent territory" except, as a rule, those which had a density of population of less than 150 per square mUe. Where the density was less than that the division was considered as rural rather than urban in character, and as not properly a part of the metropolitan district. This limit of density, how- ever, was not always rigidly applied. In some in- stances for special reasons divisions having a somewhat higher density, perhaps as high as 200 per square mile, have been omitted, and in a few instances a mmor civil division has been included within the metro- politan district, even though it had a lower density than that just stated, because that division was com- pletely or almost surrounded by other civil divisions having a density which would requu-e them to be included. The exception in such cases seems justified ua order to avoid undue itTegularitj^ in the shape of the districts, or gaps lying wholly \vithin then- area. It is safe to say that these deviations from the rule have had very little effect upon the totals finally arrived at and have yielded on the whole as consistent and satisfactory results as would have been obtained by the application of any rigid rule. In fact, abso- lute exactness in applyuig a density limit is out of the question because in most cases the area of the minor civil divisions can only be approximated from the available maps and data. In general, the city with its "adjacent temtory," as here defined, includes the central city, and in addition all cities, towns, villages, or other divisions located within 10 miles of the boundarj^ of the central city; while the metropolitan district includes, besides the central city, only those divisions withm the 10-mile limit which had a density of population of not less than 150 persons per square mile. Two special instances of slight exceptions to the application of the definition of metropolitan districts should be mentioned. Since a strict application of the rules for determinuag the metropolitan district of Boston would give an area ahuost identical with the area of the "mdustrial district" of Boston, as laid out in Census Bulletin 101, Industrial Districts for 1905, the latter area is for convenience of compari- son considered as the metropolitan district. The same is true of New York City, except that Nas- sau County, which was not included in the industrial district, has been added to the metropolitan district. In the case of the other industrial districts shown iji 74 POPULATION. the bulletin mentioned, the areas were so different from the metropolitan districts as determined by the application of the rule here described, that no attempt was made to secure conformity- METROPOLITAN DISTRICTS. Table 50 shows for 1910 and 1900 the population of the 25 metropolitan districts contatnmg individual cities of 200,000 or more inhabitants, distinguishing the population lying within the city proper from that outside the city. The districts are arranged in the order of their aggregate population. The table also shows the total population of each city with all its "adjacent territory." It will be noted that two cities of more than 200,000 inhabitants — Newark and Jersey City — do not appear in the table. They are included within the metro- pohtan district of New York. AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL CITY, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, AND ADJACENT TERRITORY, FOR CITIES OF 200,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910 AND 1900. Total for 25 metropolitan districts In central cities (28 cities) Outside central cities Cities and adjacent terri- tory Adjacent territory NEW TORK. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory CHICAGO. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory PHILADELPHIA. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory BOSTON. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory PITTSBUKGH. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent teiTitory ST. LOUIS. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory SAN FEANCISCO-OAKLAND. Metropolitan district In city proper(San Francisco) . In city proper (Oakland) Outside Cities and adjacent territory Adjacent territory BALTIMOKE. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory Area in acres: 1910 4,717,632.2 1,185,795.8 3,531,736.4 616,927.6 183,555.0 433,372.6 409,086.7 118,433.1 290,653.6 437,732.5 83,340.0 354,392.5 335, 904. 7 26,289.0 309,615.7 401,568.0 875,279.0 405,880.1 26, 510. 7 379,369.4 197,993.4 39, 276. 3 158,717.1 289,380.8 29, 760. 29, 248. 230,372.8 384,760.0 325,752.0 POPULATION. 22, 083, 331 17,099,904 23,018,533 5,918,629 6,474,668 4,766,883 1,707,685 2,446,921 2, 185, 283 261,638 1,972,342 1,549,008 423,334 1,520,470 670, 685 849,885 1,042,855 633, 905 608, 950 828,733 687,029 141,704 881,927 194,898 416.912 150, 174 119,787 658,715 668,485 100, 230 16,322,800 12, 833, 201 4,607,804 3,437,202 1,170,602 1,837,987 1,698,575 139,412 1,850,739 152, 164 1,623,149 1,293,697 329,452 1,249,604 660,892 688, 612 792,968 461,612 341,456 806,564 356,062 649,711 575, 238 74,473 473,073 342,782 66,960 63,331 677, 670 608,957 68,713 599,406 90,449 Per cent of in- crease: 1900- 1910 35.3 33.2 43.0 21.5 19.7 28.5 21.7 19.6 23.4 31.5 18.2 49.1 CLEVELAND. Metropolitan district . . . In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory craciNNATi. Metropolitan district. In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL. Metropolitan district In city proper (Minneapolis) . In city proper (St. Paul) Outside Cities and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory Metropolitan district . In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory Metropolitan district. In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory LOS ANGELES. Metropolitan district. In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory Mn."WAUKEE. Metropolitan district. . . In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory PROVIDENCE. Metropolitan district . In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory. Adjacent territory WASHINGTON. Metropolitan district. In city proper Outside 13. 4 City and adjacent territory. 34. Adjacent territory Area ii acres: 1910 103, 173. 6 29, 208. 8 73,964.8 332,019.2 302,810.4 111,771.7 31,893.3 79,878.4 94,539.0 32,069.0 33, 390. 29, 080. 96,563.8 26,102.6 70,451.2 132, 413. 4 24,791.0 107,622.4 306, 867. 2 282,076.2 252,826.8 63, 4S0. 189, 346. 8 112,339.4 14,585.8 97, 753. 6 126,469.4 11, 352. 2 115,117.2 271,590.4 260,238.2 190, 389. 2 38,408.4 151, 980. 8 POPULATION. 613,270 560,663 52,607 563,804 363,591 200,213 526, 256 301,408 214,744 10, 104 500,982 465,766 35, 216 521, 233 66,467 438, 226 319, 198 119, 028 427, 175 373,857 53, 318 395,972 224,326 171,646 420,020 381, 768 38,252 443,808 62,040 495,979 325,902 170,077 530, 663 204, 661 372,009 202, 718 163,065 6,226 410,934 46, 151 318,967 286,704 33,263 337, 163 51,459 394,031 352,387 41,644 123,062 102,479 20,583 324,963 285, 316 39, 648 306, 110 175,597 130,513 377, 249 201,652 306,684 278,718 26,966 346,432 67,714 lA minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. CITIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. 75 AREA AND POPULATION OP CENTRAL CITY, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, AND ADJACENT TERRITORY CITIES OF 200,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910 AND 1900— Continued. Table 50— Contd. DISTRICT. Area in acres: 1910 POPULATION. Per cent of in- crease:' 1900- 1910 Area in acres: 1910 POPULATION. Per cent of in- crease;! 1900- 1910 NEW ORLEANS. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory KANSAS CITY (MO. AND KANS.). Metropolitan district In city proper (Kansas City Mo.) : In city proper (Kansas City, Kans.) '. Outside Cities and adjacent territory Adjacent territory LOUISVILLE. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory ROCHESTER. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory 137, 760. 125,440.0 12, 320. 62,030.5 37,443.0 10,940.0 13, 047. 5 620, 748. 8 672,365.8 141,504.9 13,229.7 128, 275. 2 472,505.6 459,275.9 119,506.7 12,876.3 106,630.4 315,392.0 302, 515. 7 348, 109 339, 075 9,034 340,446 248,381 82,331 9,734 391,632 60,920 286, 158 223,928 62,230 317,743 93, 815 248,512 218, 149 30, 363 294,615 287, 104 7,511 228,235 163, 752 259,856 204,731 55,125 288,372 83,641 185,409 162,608 22,801 18.2 18.1 20.3 49.2 51.7 -25.5 41.7 34.0 34.2 33.2 SEATTLE. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory INDIANAPOLIS. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory DEm-ER. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory PORTLAND, OREG. Metropolitan district In city proper Outside City and adjacent territory Adjacent territory 41,151.6 35, 750. 5,401.6 27,850.4 21,130.4 6, 720. 46,148.0 37,028.0 9,120.0 43,538.2 30, 975. 12, 563. 2 239, 269 237, 194 2,075 237,783 233, 650 4,133 283,226 49,576 219,314 213, 381 5,933 215,048 207, 214 7,834 103,960 23,279 173, 632 169, 164 4,468 135, 809 133, 859 1,950 91,668 90,426 1,242 61.5 59.4 204.3 134.6 129.2 530.8 nus sign (— ) denotes decrease. Note. — The foUowine statement gives tlie name and population of each munici- paUty of 5,000 iimabitants or more falling ^vithin each metropohtan district, except the central city itself. New York dis/n'rt.— New York: Yonkers city, 79,803; Mount Vernon city, 30,919; New Rochelle city, 28,867; Mamaroneck village, 5,699. New Jersey: Newark city, 347,469; Jersey City, 267,779; Paterson city, 125,600; Elizabeth city, 73,409; Hoboken city, 70,324; Bayonne city, 55,545; Passaic city, 54,773; West Hobo- ken town, 35,403; East Orange city, 34,371; Perth Amboy city, 32,121; Orange city, 29,630; Montclair town, 21,550; Union town, 21 023; Kearny town, 18,669; Bloomfield tovni, 15,070; Harrison town, 14,498; Hackensack town, 14,050; West New York town, 13,560; Irvington town, 11,877; Englewood city, 9,924; Eahway city, 9,337; Rutherford borough, 7,045; South Orange village, 6,014; Nutley town, 6,009; Roosevelt borough, 5,786; Guttenberg town, 5,647. Chicago district. — Illinois: Evanston city, 24,978; Oak Park village, 19,444; Cicero town, 14,557; Chicago Heights city, 14,525; Blue Island village, 8,043; May- wood village, 8,033; Harvey city, 7,227; Forest Park village, 6,594; BerwjTi city, 5,841; La Grange village, 5,282. Indiana: Hammond city, 20,925; EastCliicago city, 19,098; Gary city, 16,802; Whiting city, 6,587. Philadelphia district. — Peimsylvania: Chester city, 38,537; Norristown borough, 27,875; Bristol borough, 9,256; Conshohocken borough, 7,480; Darby borough, 6,305. New Jersey: Camden city, 94,538; Gloucester city, 9,462; Burlington city, 8,336. Boston (ifefricf.— Cambridge city, 104,839; Lynn city, 89,.336; Somerville city, 77,236; Maiden city, 44,404; Salem city, 43,697; Newton city, 39,806; Everett city, 33,484; Quincy city, 32,642; Chelsea city, 32,452; Waltham city, 27,834; Brook- line town, 27,792; Medford city, 23,150; Revere town, 18,219; Peabody town, 15,721; Meh-ose city, 15,715; Hyde Park town, 15,507; Wobum city, 15,308; Framlngham town, 12,948; Weymouth town, 12,895; Watertown town, 12,875; Wakefield town, 11,404; Arhng'tou town, 11,187; Winthrop town, 10,132; Na- tick town, 9,866; Winchester town, 9,309; Dedham town 9,284; Braintree town, 8,066; Saugus town, 8,047; Norwood town, 8,014; Milton town, 7,924; Marblehead town, 7,338; Stoneham town, 7,090; Swampscott town, 6,204; Bel- mont town, 5,542; Wellesley town, 5,413; Needham town, 5,026. Pittsburgh district.— iicKeesport city, 42,694; Braddock borough, 19,357: Wilkins- burg borough, 18,924; Homestead borough, 18,71.'!; Duquesne borough, 15,727; McKees Rocks borough, 14,702; North Braddock borough, 11,824; (;amegie borough, 10,009; Sharpsburg borough, 8,153; Jeannette borough 8,077: Millvale borough 7,861; New Kensington borough, 7,707; Tarentum borough, 7,414; Swissvale borough, 7,381; Bellevue borough, 6,323; Wilmerdlng borough, 6,133; Carrick borough, 6,117; Rankua borough, 6,042; Etna borough, 5,830; Ivno.xville borough, 5,651; St. Clair borough, 5,640; East Pittsburgh borough, 6,615; Glassport borough, 6,540; Coraopohs borough, 6,252; Munhall borough, 6,185. St. Louis district.— Missouri: Wellston city, 7,312; Webster Groves city, 7,080 Illinois: East St. Louis citv, 58,547; Granite city, 9,903; Madison village, 5,046, San Francisco-Oakland district.— Berke\ey city, 40,434; Alameda city, 23,383; Rich- mond city, 6,802; San Rafael city, 5,934. Cleveland district.— hnkevfood city, 15,181; East Cleveland city, 9,179; Newburgh city, 5^813. Cincinnati district.— Ohio: Norwood city, 16,185; Madisonville city, 5,193; St. Bernard city, 6,002. Kentuckv: Covington city, 53,270; Newport city, 30,309; Dayton city, 6,979; Bellevue city, 6,683. Detroit district.— Wyandotte city, 8,287. Buffalo 62, 882 216,090 1,911,698 1,164,673 51,980 699,495 56,669 38,991 136,508 34,555 30,518 51,031 847, 170 236,071 17,577 104,867 63,600 89,366 350,518 41,473 233,959 45,850 3,533 69,422 21,789 267,364 62,367 9,654 212,418 60,763 2,672 169,054 33,721 24,209 12,630 {') 5,349 3,498 Baltimore, Md 102, 313 80,620 62,738 46,555 26,614 13,603 Boston, Mass 250, 626 18,969 117,714 39,634 298,977 216,239 92,829 31,274 30, 473 4,769 79,677 26, 766 16,507 48,244 82,546 32,260 5,728 100,763 40,928 40,226 71,440 13,066 26,865 > 50, 840 191,418 1,478,103 942,292 37,S9S 419,931 45,468 33,029 105,059 10,500 16,083 33,679 674,022 139,266 8,293 68.904 61,038 62,386 310, 864 20,030 149,473 35,092 1,107 177,840 » 13,299 81, 129 26,060 109,260 161, 044 43,417 18,554 20,081 136,881 !7,660 42,261 15,215 29,963 115,435 17,034 17,882 10, 977 93, 383 3,294 18,213 8,409 4,470 46,338 6,071 6,048 6,067 61,392 43,298 33,787 24,937 18,320 Buffalo, N.Y 8,668 6,072 2,095 3,295 2,323 2,453 2,115 24,831 1,076 2,436 2,950 9,642 1,000 45,619 14,026 8,085 18,611 29,226 4,418 4,385 68,033 36,827 22, 623 45,246 2,564 16,988 139,267 168,676 1,174,779 813,669 23,593 279,122 S2,90S 25,492 71,941 1,543 1,883 19,686 566, 529 77,923 2,874 50,666 37,910 48, 204 160,773 10, 401 66,802 9,223 21,019 11,524 2,686 8,091 6,856 9,102 6,738 2,222 4,158 1,422 1,594 1,296 Grand Rapids, Mich 2,692 3,072 1,610 43, 194 33,383 8,841 20,061 21,210 20,796 10, 341 6,474 4,012 1,367 359 200 1,712 10, 166 ■20,345 116,376 696,115 515,547 8,032 138,882 18,593 15,061 38,894 6,929 12,960 102, 193 391, 114 312,710 6,S46 47,613 14,480 10,965 17,290 6,666 10, 180 46,082 242, 278 20:1,689 3, 023 20,535 9,049 7,082 7,147 27,176 162,056 123,706 2,782 11,187 8,246 6,135 6,772 17,242 119,734 96,373 2,267 8,303 'r,4U 5,347 4,049 New York, N. Y '. 79,216 60, 6 K 1,755 5,740 6,642 4,664 49,401 Manhattan Borough . . . Bronx Borough Brooklyn Borough Queens Borough Richmond Borough S3, 131 1,781 4,495 6,159 3,835 121,376 67,863 93,666 31, 204 80, 462 15,369 63,802 7,248 53,722 4,768 41,220 1,665 28,522 41,513 27, 570 36,403 77,860 1,112 '34,776 23,171 20, 153 20, 191 16,469 16,833 16,060 9,207 11,767 12,067 10,071 9,735 7,614 5,737 6,380 3,761 51,792 50,137 177,624 58,291 43,051 31,584 109, 199 41,105 28, 119 13,768 61, 122 24,960 22,271 3,829 40,001 17,049 1,222 23,364 7,497 18,826 4,173 13,247 2,962 8,208 2,577 2,411 2,095 1 Not returned separately. 2 Population of town; town and city not returned separately. * Population of New York and its boroughs as now constitutad. POPULATION OF CITIES. 81 OR MORE, 1790-1910, AND DECENNIAL INCREASE, 1820-1910. [A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 56— Continued. Albany, N.Y Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Birmingham, Ala Boston, Mass Bridgeport, Conn Buffalo, N. Y Cambridge, Mass Chicago, III Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich Fall River, Mass Grand Rapids, Mich lndiana[]olis, lad Jersey City, N.J Kansas City, Mo Los Angeles, Cal Louisville, Ky Lowell, Mass Memphis, Tenn Milwaukee, Wis Minneapolis, Minn Nashville, Tenn New Haven, Conn New Orleans, La New York, N.Y ManMftan Borough.. Bronx Borough Brooklyn Borough Queens Borough Richmond Borough.. . Newark, N.J Oakland, Cal Omaha, Nebr Pater.son, N. J Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa.< Portland, Greg Providence, li. I Richmond, Va Rochester,N. Y St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn San Francisco, Cal Scranton, I*a Seattle, Wash Spokane, Wash Syracuse, N.Y Toledo, Ohi J Washington, D. C Worcester, Mass INCREASE IN POPULATION. 6,102 64,967 49,628 94,270 109, 093 31,058 71,328 12,953 486, 708 37,689 178 55, 951 31,244 79, 522 180,062 210,719 19, 197 11,325 28,785 88,542 98,690 29,499 25, 578 51,971 SS0,47S i67, 769 ISl.Oii 18,9i8 101,399 83,214 21,541 20, 429 255,311 82, 393 55,541 111,791 51,679 74, 130 27,841 156, 523 67,554 28, 875 36, 675 52,351 27, 565 2S. 41.2 124.3 21.0 19.4 19.7 27.8 50.1 34.2 19.4 31.7 21. b 27.3 194.0 183.3 26.6 27.8 - 772 24,339 74,518 12,23: 112,415 22, 130 96,723 21,858 698,725 28, 994 120.416 37,410 24, 113 27. 146 79, 828 30, 465 27,287 63,728 43, 430 31,036 52,084 43,002 17,273 37,825 80,847 37,980 4,697 26,729 45,065 SSS.036 65.91,9 15, SIS 64,240 18,278 -37,897 26,824 246, 733 107,608 44,041 43,451 3,602 28, 712 123,468 29,909 43,785 20,811 37,834 16, 926 20,231 60,388 48, 326 33,766 103. 4' 27. ll 22.2 58.6 39.6 23.1 4,165 28,124 102, 126 23,092 85, 638 21,223 100,530 17,359 696, 666 41, 7( 101.207 36,503 22,542 71,084 89,530 25, 437 28, 262 30,380 42,281 76,931 39, 212 117,851 32,818 18,416 25, 949 45, 322 14, 127 109,934 27,316 199, 794 108,833 28.808 27,289 17,788 44, 530 101,252 91,683 65,038 29, 305 39, 304 19.922 36, 351 31,297 52,768 26,364 76.8 64.8 33.0 58.3 199.5 77.0 62.0 88.3 40.5 35.0 137.9 360.6 30.2 30.6 92.0 76.9 251.4 75.7 29.3 12.0 31.2 SS.7 71.0 40.9 360.2 S3. 5 23.6 46.3 163.9 26.0 28.0 49.8 28.9 221.1 27.8 64.0 1,112.5 21,336 15,620 64.959 3.08(; 112,313 37,420 13,035 204, 208 38,900 67, 317 20,373 8,205 30, 870 36, 763 22, 195 15, 509 26. 81 38,17 23, 525 5,455 23,005 18,547 -6,634 44,147 33,821 17. 485 12,042 24, 672 4.33, 595 SSI, 381 14,587 179,574 11,091 6,963 31,449 24,055 14. 435 17, 452 173, 148 95, 815 9,284 35, 953 12. 562 26, 980 39, 054 21,443 84. 486 10,758 2,426 8,741 18,553 68, 426 17, 186 45.3 -16.6 61.8 258.8 67.6 23.7 12.9 7,055 12, 235 54, 936 72,680 5,670 36,585 13,674 189,717 55, 196 49,412 12, 720 10,392 4,759 33,958 12,740 8,4: 29,633 53,320 27,842 1,343 32,720 4,101 17,603 26, 194 10.502 8,877 11.573 22, 743 IS. 800 HO, 799 IS, 565 7,5S7 33,118 8,95; 14,200 13,993 108, 493 61,333 6,419 18. 238 13, 128 14, 182 150.091 9, 629 92,671 25.869 1,107 14,932 17,816 48.077 16, 145 1L3 128.1 25.9 40.9 42.6 45.1 52.1 173.0 34.3 113. 104.2 159.2 182.4 630.2 30.6 48.1 11.1 77.8 57.9 46.0 580.5 754.1 71.4 19. 78.7 188.6 36.0 34.6 29.4 93.4 92.6 163.1 280.5 11,604 6,982 43,364 40,' 959 5,739 38,868 10,845 79, 297 45, 609 26, 383 672 9,104 "24,"o66 2,502 5,399 10,620 22,370 4,418 2,775 24,839 3,444 13,782 25, 185 2, 564 6,823 18,922 62,300 15. 561 liO.SiO 14. SW 10.431 33,047 1,543 1,883 19, 586 444,153 22.9 271.5 25.7 29. 76.9 92.0 71.3 264.6 39.5 154.9 21.7 201.0 130.0 326.3 172.4 57.5 10.3 67.1 93.0 44.9 68.8 67.8 19S.7 101.0 77.0 366.9 14.8 10,060 2.874 9, 163 22. 10,340 " " 11,801 32.4 82. 913 63. li 6,848 129.4' 9,939 21,121 04. 7|' 7,911 106.5 836.3 63.3 26.3 269.6 62.8 46.4 17,042 2,572 66,741 4,266 24,048 6,806 10,963! 180. 11,834; 195.7 4, 910 80. 9 2,086 5,399 3,784 1,010 21,984 12.587 3,236 7,385 14, 182 18.342 7,417 16, 212 61,391 1,112 34, 776 22, 271 2,607 16,637 46.7 57.0 13.9 213.3 71.2 127.4 9,512 '2i,"693 "3i,'99i 3,294 9,645 2,337 4,470 21.50' 4,996 3,613 3,117 66,111 148,836 110. 1st S,SSS S7,078 6,4S1 S,S8S 17,290 1,222 4,538 3,324 24.6 27.3 121.8 78. 8 1S1.9 60.0 54.8 11,579 'i7,'882 'is,' 094 1,076 2,435 1,950 9,348 5,066 3,993 9,207 91.7 '28.'5 'ii'.k ss.e 947 16.4 < Includes population of A Ileftheny as follows: 1900, 129,.S96; 1890,105,287: 1880,78,682: 1870,53,180; 1800,28,702; 1850,21,262; 1840,10,089; and 1830, 2,801. s Population as reported by state census of 1852; the returns for 1850 for San Francisco were destroyed by fire. 8 Population as returned from ISSO to 1910 is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is now coextensive. 82 ' POPULATION. FIFTY LARGEST CITIES AT EACH CENSUS FROM 1840 TO 1910, ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF THEIR RANK. Table 5 'i 1910 NewYork, N. Y Cliicago, 111 Philadelpliia, Pa St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Cleveland, Ohio Baltimore, Md Pittsburgh, Pa Detroit, Mich Buflalo, N. Y San Francisco, Cal. . . Milwaukee, Wis Cincinnati, Ohio Newark, N. J New Orleans, La Washington, D. C Los Angeles, Cal Minneapolis, Minn... Jersey City, N. J Kansas City, Mo Seattle, Wash Indianapolis, Ind — Providence^. I Louisville, Ky Rochester, N. Y St. Paul, Minn Denver, Colo Portland, Oreg Columbus, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Atlanta, Ga Oakland, Cal Worcester, Mass Syracuse, N. Y New Haven, Conn . . Birmingham, Ala. .. Memphis, Tenn Scran ton, Pa Richmond, Va Paterson, N. J Omaha, Nebr Fall River, Mass Dayton, Ohio Grand Rapids, Mich Nashville, Tenn Lowell, Mass Cambridge, Mass Spokane, Wash Bridgeport, Conn. . . Albany, N.Y 4,766,883 2,185,283 1,549,008 687,029 670,685 560,663 558, 485 533, 905 465, 766 423,715 416,912 373,857 363,591 347, 469 339,075 331,069 319, 198 301,408 267,779 248, 381 237, 194 233, 650 224,326 223,928 218, 149 214,744 213,381 207,214 181, SU 168,497 132, 685 131, 105 129,867 127,628 125,600 124.096 119,295 116,577 112,571 110, 364 106,294 104,839 104,402 102,054 100, 253 New York, N. Y. . Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa. . St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md Cleveland, Ohio Buflalo, N.Y San Francisco, Cal. Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Pittsburgh, Pa New Orleans, La... Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis . . . Washington, D. C. Newark, N.J Jersey City, N. J... Louisville, Ey Minneapolis, Minn . Providence, R. I . . . Indianapolis, Ind . . Kansas City, Mo... St. Paul, Miim Rochester, N. Y... Denver, Colo Toledo, Ohio Allegheny, Pa.'.. Columbus, Ohio . Worcester, Mass. Syracuse, N. Y . . New Haven, Conn. Paterson, N.J Fall River, Mass... St. Joseph, Mo Omaha, Nebr Los Angeles, Cal. Memphis, Term . . Scran ton. Pa Lowell, Mass Albany, N. Y.... Cambridge, Mass Portland, Oreg Atlanta, Ga Grand Rapids, Mich. Dayton, Ohio Richmond, Va . . . Nashville. Tenn. Seattle, Wash.... Hartford, Conn.. Reading, Pa 3, 437, 202 1,698,575 1,293,697 575,238 560,892 508,957 381,768 352,387 342, 782 325, 902 321,616 287, 104 285, 704 285,315 278, 718 246, 070 206, 433 204,731 . 202,718 175, 697 169, 164 163,752 163, 065 162,608 133,869 131,822 129,896 125, 560 118,421 108,374 108,027 105, 171 104,863 102,979 102, 555 102,479 102, 320 102,026 94,969 94, 151 91,886 90,426 89,872 87, 565 85,333 85,050 80,865 80,671 79,850 78, 961 New York, N. Y Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa Brooklyn, N. Y.a St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md San Francisco, Cal. . . Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Buflalo, N.Y , New Orleans, La Pittsburgh, Pa , Washington, D.C... Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Newark, N.J Minneapolis, Minn . . Jersey City, N. J Louisville, Ky Omaha, Nebr Rochester, N. Y St. Paul, Minn Kansas City, Mo Providence, R.I Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind. . . Allegheny, Pa Albany, N.Y Coltunbus, Ohio Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass Toledo, Ohio Richmond, Va New Haven, Corm . . Paterson, N. J Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn Scranton, Pa Fall River, Mass Cambridge, Mass Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn Wilmington, Del Dayton, Ohio Troy.N.Y Grand Rapids, Mich Reading, Pa Camden, N. J Trenton, N. J 1,515,301 1,099,850 1,046,964 806,343 451,770 448,477 434,439 298, 997 296, 908 261,353 255, 664 242,039 238, 617 230,392 205, 876 204,468 181,830 164, 738 163,003 161, 129 140,462 133,896 133, 156 132,716 132, 146 106, 713 105,436 105,287 94, 923 88,150 88,143 84,655 81, 434 81,388 81,298 78,347 77,696 76, 168 75,215 74,398 70,028 65,533 64, 495 61,431 61, 220 60,956 60,278 58,661 58,313 57,458 New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Chicago, 111 Boston, Mass St. Louis, Mo Baltimore, Md Cincinnati, Ohio . . . San Francisco, Cal. New Orleans, La. . . Washington, D. C. Cleveland, Ohio..., Pittsburgh. Pa Buflalo, N.Y Newark, N. J Louisville, Ky Jersey City, N.J. Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis.. Providence, R. I. Albany, N.Y Rochester, N. Y . . Allegheny, Pa Indianapolis, Ind . Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn . Lowell, Mass Worcester, Mass. . . Troy, N.Y Kansas City, Mo . . . Cambridge, Mass. Syracuse, N.Y... Columbus, Ohio . . Paterson. N. J Toledo, Ohio Charleston, S. C Fall River, Mass... Minneapolis, Minn. Scranton, Pa Nashville, Tenn Reading, Pa Wilmington, Del.. Hartford, Corm . . . Camden. N. J St. Paul, Minn.... Lawrence, Mass. Dayton, Ohio... Lynn, Mass Atlanta, Ga Denver, Colo Population. 1, 206, 299 847, 170 566,663 603, 185 362, 839 350,518 332,313 255, 139 233, 959 216,090 177, 624 160, 146 156, 389 155, 134 136, 508 123,758 120, 722 116, 340 116, 587 104,857 90, 758 89,366 78, 682 75,066 63,600 362,882 59, 476 58,291 56,747 55,785 52, 669 51,792 51,647 51,031 50, 137 48,961 46,887 45,850 43,350 43,278 42,478 42,016 41,669 41,473 39, 151 ' Annexed to Pittsburgh in 1907. ' ConsoUdated with New York in 1S9S. * Population of town; town and city not returned separately. POPULATION OF CITIES. 83 FIFTY LARGEST CITIES AT EACH CENSUS FROM 1840 TO 1910, ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OP THEIR RANK— Con. Population. New York, N. Y. . Philadelphia, Pa. . Brooldyn, N. Y... St. Louis. Mo Cliicago, 111 Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio. . New Orleans, La.. San Francisco, Cal Bu£Ealo, N. Y Washington, D. C. Newark, N. J Louisville, Ivy Cleveland, Ohio... Pittsburgh, Pa Jersey Cit.v, N. J.. Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis... Albany, N. Y Providence, R. I.. Rochester, N. Y... Allegheny, Pa Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn Charleston, S. C... Indianapolis, Ind . Troy, N. Y Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass... Lowell, Mass Memphis, Tenn... Cambridge, Mass. . Hartford, Conn Scranton, Pa. Reading, Pa Paterson, N. J Kansas City, Mo.. Mobile, Ala Toledo, Ohio Portland, Me Columbus, Ohio... Svilmington, Del.. Dayton, Ohio Lawrence, Mass... Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Lynn, Mass Fall River, Mass . . 942. 292 674,022 396, 099 310, 8lM 298, 977 267,354 250.626 216,239 191,418 149,473 117,714 109,199 105,059 100, 753 92,829 86,076 82,546 79, 577 71,440 69,422 68,904 62,386 53,180 51.038 150,840 48,956 48,244 46, 405 43,051 41,105 40,928 40, 220 39,634 37,180 35,092 33, 930 33,679 32,260 32.034 31,584 31,413 31,274 30,841 30, 473 28,921 28,804 28,323 28, 235 28,233 26, 76G New York, N. Y... Philadelphia, Pa. . . Brooklyn, N. Y Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass New Orleans, La.. . Cincinnati, Ohio .. . St. Louis, Mo Chicago, 111 Buffalo, N.Y Newark, N. J Louisville, Ky Albany, N. Y Washington D. C. San Francisco, Cal. Providence, R. I... Pittsburgh, Pa Rochester, N. Y D'^troit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Cleveland, Ohio Charleston, S. C New Haven, Conn. Troy, N. Y Richmond, Va Lowell, Mass Mobile, Ala Jersey City, N.J... Hartford, "Conn Allegheny, Pa Syracuse, N. Y Portland, Me Cambridge, Mass.. . Roxbury, Mass.^. .. Charlestown, Mass Worcester, Mass Reading, Pa Memphis, Tenn Utica, N.Y New Bedford, Mass Savannah, Ga Salem, Mass Wilmington, Del... Manchester, N. H. . Dayton, Ohio Paterson, N. J Lynn, Mass Indianapolis, Ind . . Columbus, Ohio Petersburg, Va 813, 669 665, 529 266, 661 212,418 177,840 168, 675 161,044 160,773 109, 260 81,129 71,941 68,033 62,367 61,122 56,802 50,666 49, 221 48,204 45,619 45,246 43,417 40,522 ■39,267 39,235 37,910 36,827 29,253 29, 226 ■ 29, 152 28,702 28,119 26, 341 26,060 25. 137 25, 065 24,960 23,162 22,623 22, 529 22,300 22, 292 22, 252 21,258 20, 107 20,081 19, 586 19,083 18,611 18,564 18. 266 New York, N.Y Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Philadelphia, Pa New Orleans, La Cincinnati, Ohio Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Spring Garden, Pa .< . . . Albany, N. Y Northern Liberties, Pa Kensington, Pa.* Pittsburgh, Pa Louisville, Ky Charleston, S. C Buffalo, N. Y Providence, R.I Washington, D. C Newark, N. J Southwark, Pa.* , Rochester, N. Y San Francisco, Cal Lowell, Mass Wllliamsburgh, N. Y.6. Chicago, 111 Troy, N. Y Richmond, Va Moyamensing, Pa.* — Syracuse, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Detroit. Mich Portland, Me Mobile, Ala New Haven, Conn Salem, Mass Milwaukee, Wis Roxburv. Mass Hartford, Conn Columbus. Ohio Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Worcester, Mass Cleveland, Ohio New Bedford, Mass Reading, Pa Savannah, Ga Cambridge, Mass Bangor, Me Norfolk, Va Ljran, Mass 616,647 169,054 136, 881 121,376 110,375 115,435 96,838 77,860 58, 894 50,763 47, 223 46. 774 46,601 43, 194 42,985 42,261 41,613 40,001 38,894 38, 799 36, 403 '34,776 33,383 30, 780 29,963 28,785 27,570 26,979 22,271 21,262 21,019 20,815 20,515 120,345 20, 2M 20, 061 18, 364 117,966 17,882 17,565 17,216 17,049 17,034 16,443 15, 743 15,312 15,215 14,432 14,326 14,257 New York, N. Y Baltimore, Md New Orleans, La Philadelphia, Pa Boston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio Brooklyn, N. Y Northern Liberties, Pa Albany, N. Y Charleston, S. C Spring Garden, Pa Southwark, Pa Washington, D. C Providence, R . I Kensington, Pa Louisville, Ky Pittsburgh, Pa Lowell, Mass Rochester, N. Y Richmond, Va Trov, N. Y Buffalo, N.Y Newark, N. J St. Louis, Mo Portland, Me Salem, Mass Moyamensing, Pa New Haven, Conn Utica, N. Y Mobile, Ala New Bedford, Mass Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Petersburg, Va Springfield, Mass Norfolk, Va Allegheny, Pa Poughkeepsie, N.Y... Smifhlield, R.I Hartford, Conn Lynn, Mass Detroit, Mich Roxbury, Mass Nantucket, Mass Bangor, Me Alexandria, Va Lancaster, Pa Reading, Pa Cambridge, Mass Wilmington, Del 312,710 102,313 102, 193 93,665 93,383 46,338 36,233 34, 474 33,721 29,261 27,849 27, 548 23,364 23,171 22,314 21,210 21,116 20,796 20,191 20,153 19,334 18,213 17,290 16,469 15, 218 15,082 14,, 573 12,960 12,782 12, 672 12,087 11,484 11,214 11,136 10,985 10,920 10,089 10, 006 9,534 9,468 8,459 8,417 8,410 8,409 8,367 1 Population of town; town and city not returned separately. ! .\nnexcd to Boston in 1874. > Annexed to Boston in 1867. ' Annexed to Philadelphia in 1854. * Population as reported by state census of 1852; the returns for 1850 were destroyed by fire. i Annexed to Brooklyn In 1854. 84 POPULATION. POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING, IN 1910, 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, 1850-1910, AND DECENNIAL INCREASE, 1890-1910. POPULATION. Birmingliam- Mobile Montgomerj'.. Berkeley Los Angeles... Oakland Pasadena Sacramento San Diego San Francisco. San Jose Colorado Springs. Denver Pueblo Connectlcnt Bridgeport 3. . . Hartford 3 Meriden town.. Meriden citi New Britain =.." New Haven 3.. Norwich town. Stamford town. Stamford cit Waterbury 3... Delaware Wilmington ' District of Columbia Washington 5 Florida Jacksonville Tampa Atlanta Augusta... Macon Savannah . Aurora Bloomington.. Chicago Danville Decatur East St. Louis. Elgin Joliet Peoria Quincy Rockford Evansville... Fort Wayne. Indianapolis. South Bend., Terre Haute. Cedar Rapids.. Clinton Council Bluffs. Davenport Des Moines Dubuque Sioux City Waterloo Kansas City. Topeka Wichita Covington . Lexington. Louisville. Newport . . 132,685 51,521 38, 136 40,434 319,198 150, 174 30, 291 44,696 39,578 416,912 29,078 213,381 44,395 102,054 98,915 32,066 43,916 133,605 28,219 28,836 25, 1S8 73, 141 154,839 41,040 40, 665 65,064 29, 807 25,768 2, 185, 283 27, 871 31,140 58, 547 25,976 34, 670 66, 950 36, 587 45, 401 51,678 69,647 63, 933 233, 650 53, 684 58, 157 32,811 25,577 29, 292 43,028 86, .368 38,494 47, 828 26, 693 82, 331 43, 684 52, 450 53, 270 35,099 223. 928 30, 309 38,415 38, 469 30,346 13,214 102, 479 66, 960 9,117 29,282 17. 700 342, 782 21,500 21,085 133,859 28,157 70,996 79, S50 28,695 U,296 25,998 108,027 24,637 18,839 15,997 45,859 39,441 23,272 54, 244 24,147 23,286 698,575 16, 354 20, 754 29, 655 22,433 29,353 56, 100 36,252 31,051 34,159 59,007 45,115 169, 164 35,999 36, 673 25,656 22, 698 25,802 35,254 62, 139 36, 297 33, HI 12, 580 42,938 26, 369 204. 731 28, 301 26, 178 31,076 21,883 25,874 5,101 50,395 48,682 4,882 26,386 16,159 298,997 18,060 11,140 106,713 24,558 16,519 81,298 23,048 15,700 17, 201 5,532 65,5.33 33,300 22, 746 43, 189 19,688 20, 484 099, .850 11,491 16,841 15,169 17, 823 23, 264 41,024 31,494 23,684 24,963 60. 756 35,393 105. 436 21,819 30,217 18,020 13,619 21,474 26,872 50,093 30. 311 37, 806 6,674 38, 316 31.007 23, 853 37. 371 21,567 161,129 24. 918 32,034 10,588 21,420 2,637 233,959 12,567 4,226 35,629 3,217 27,643 42,015 18,340 15, HO U, 800 < 62, 882 21.143 11,297 16,283 2,300 149, 473 113,299 < 29, 152 7,426 < 60, 840 16, 653 < 39, 267 14,048 7,185 17, f 61,122 2,118 37,409 21,. 891 12,749 30, 709 11,873 17,180 503,185 7, 733 9,647 9,185 8,787 11,657 29, 259 27, 268 13,129 19,743 10, 104 9,052 18,063 21,831 3,200 15. 452 4.911 123,758 20, 433 21, 789 15,389 10,810 28,235 298,977 4,751 7,161 5,644 6,441 7,263 22,849 24,052 11,049 17,364 21,830 17,718 48, 244 5,940 6.129 10,020 20. 038 12, 035 18,434 3,401 4,337 9,554 12,493 8,247 22, 292 6,011 7,075 109, 260 1,632 3,839 2,797 7,104 14,045 13,718 6,979 9,320 11.484 (') 18,611 3.832 8.594 2,011 11.267 3,965 13, 000 20,515 8,728 6,820 »34,'776 <7,S60 117,966 3,559 •20,345 10,265 6,000 40,001 1,0-15 2,572 («) 5,720 15,312 15,087 10, 046 94,270 13,052 7,790 27, 220 216,719 83,214 21,174 15,414 21,878 74,130 7,446 79,522 16,238 31,058 19,065 3,371 2,969 17,918 25,678 3,682 64,967 1,599 17,393 10,820 3,543 5,317 10,860 10, 640 18,818 64,486 17,685 21,484 7,155 2,879 3,490 7,774 24,229 2,197 14,717 14,113 30.913 10,076 27,779 10, 332 8.730 19,197 245.4 33.9 25.7 206.0 211.5 124.3 232.2 52.6 ■123.6 21.6 34.6 37.9 59.4 57.7 43.7 23.9 11.7 23.7 14.5 53.1 57.1 59.5 23.4 10.7 28.7 70.4 50.0 97.4 15.8 18.1 19.3 18.0 41.7 38.1 27.9 12.7 13.5 22.1 39.0 60.1 30.0 112.6 1 A minus sign ( — ) denotes decrease. ' Population as reported by state census of 1852 ; the returns for 1850 for San Francisco were destroyed by fire. 8 Now coextensive with town in which located. ' Population of town ; town and city not returned separately. ^ Population as returned from 1880 to 1910 is for the District of Columbia, with which the city is now coextensive. fl Not returned separately in 1850; in 1852, according to a census taken by local authorities, it had a population of 10,217. ' Not returned separately. 12,237 7,393 8,463 8,113 52,084 18,278 4,235 2,896 1,541 43,785 3,4to 9,945 27,146 3,599 22, 130 26, 620 3,272 26,729 1,589 3,139 11,228 10,307 4,459 2,802 698,725 4,863 3,913 14, 486 4,610 6,089 15,076 4,758 7,467 9,196 7,636 9,079 4,328 8,382 12. 046 6,986 —4, 695 5,567 4.802 43. 602 POPULATION OF CITIES. 85 POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING, IN 1910, 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, 1850-1910, AND DECENNIAL INCREASE 1890-1910— Continued . Table 58— Continued. CITY. POPDLATION. New Orleans. Shreveport... Massachusetts Boston Brockton Brookline town.. Cambridge Chelsea Chicopee Everett Fall River Fitchburg Haverhill Holyoke Lawrence Lowell Lynn Maiden New Bedford Newton Pittsfleld Quincy Salem Somerville Springfield Taunton Waltham Worcester Battle Creek... Bay City Detroit Flint Grand Rapids. Jackson Kalamazoo Lansing Duluth Minneapolis . St. Paul Joplln Kansas City . St. Joseph .. . St. Louis Springfield . . Lincoln Omaha South Omaha. New Hampshire Atlantic City Bayonne Camden East Orange Elizabeth Hoboken Jersey City Newark Orange Passaic Paterson Perth Amboy Trenton '. West Hoboken town. 27,792 104,839 32,452 25,401 33, 484 119, 293 37.826 44,115 57.730 85,892 106, 294 89. 3.36 44.404 96,652 39. 806 32, 121 32, 642 43,697 77,236 88,926 34,259 27,834 145,986 25,207 45.166 465,706 38,550 112,571 31,433 39, 437 31,229 50,510 73, 466 301,408 214,744 32.073 248. 381 77. 403 687,029 35,201 43,973 124,096 26,259 46, 150 ,'i5,545 94,538 34,371 73, 409 70,324 267.779 347.469 29,630 64,773 125,600 32, 121 96,815 35,403 560, 892 40, 063 19,935 91,886 34, 072 19,167 24, 336 104, 863 31.531 37. 175 45,712 62,559 94, 969 68,513 33, 664 62,442 33,587 21,765 23.899 35,956 61,643 62,059 31,036 23, 481 118,421 18,563 27,628 285,704 13, 103 87,505 25,180 24,404 10, 485 42,345 52,969 202,718 163,065 26,023 163, 752 102,979 575,238 23, 267 40, 169 102, 555 26,001 27,838 32,722 75,935 21,506 52,130 59,364 206,433 246,070 24,141 27,777 105,171 17,699 448, 477 27,294 12, 103 70, 028 27. 909 14,050 11.068 74, 398 22, 037 27,412 35,637 44, 654 77, 696 55, 727 23,031 40,733 24,379 17,281 16,723 ,30, 801 40, 152 44, 179 25,448 18,707 84,655 13, 197 27,839 205,876 9,803 60,278 20,798 17,853 13, 102 46,322 33, 115 164,738 133, 156 9,943 132,716 52,324 451.770 21,850 55,154 140,452 8,062 44,126 19,311 13,055 19,033 58,313 37,764 43,648 163,003 181,830 18,844 13,028 78,347 9,512 67,458 216,090 8,009 362, 839 13,608 8.057 52, 669 21,782 11,286 4,159 48, 961 12,429 IS, 472 21,915 39, 151 59, 475 38,274 12,017 26.845 16,995 13,364 10,570 27.563 24,933 33,340 21,213 11,712 68,291 7,063 20,693 116,340 8,409 32,016 16,105 11,937 8,319 10,525 7,038 55,785 32,431 350,518 6,522 250,526 8,007 6,650 39, 634 18, 547 9,007 2,220 26, 766 11,260 13,092 10, 733 28,921 40, 928 28, 233 7,367 21,320 12,825 11,112 7.442 24,117 14,685 26, 703 18,629 9,005 41, 105 6,838 7,004 79,577 5,386 16,507 11,447 9,181 5,241 7,460 3,131 13,006 20, 030 32,260 19,505 310,864 5,555 168. 675 2,190 177,840 6,584 5,164 26, 060 13, 395 7,261 14. 026 7, 805 9,995 4,997 17, 639 36, 827 19, 083 6,865 22, 300 8,382 8,045 6,778 22, 252 8,025 15,199 15,376 6,397 24,960 (') 1,583 45,019 2,950 8,085 4,799 6,070 3,074 1,699 2,564 10, 401 4.418 8,932 160, 773 1,043 '26,'645' 20,832 20,297 82,546 105,059 9,348 11,567 9,662 29,226 71,941 33,679 '22,874' 19,686 'i7,'228' 3,684 20,816 136, 881 3,939 2,516 15,215 6,701 8,291 11,524 6,120 6,877 3,245 8,282 33, 383 14.257 3,520 16.443 5.258 5,872 5,017 20, 264 3,540 11,766 10,441 4,464 17,049 1.064 2i,'6i9 2,686 2,363 2,607 109,693 16, 815 7,857 12,953 -1,620 6,234 9,148 14,432 6,295 6,940 12,018 23, 333 11, 325 20, 823 10, 740 34,210 6,219 10,355 8,743 7,741 15,593 26,867 3,223 4,353 27,565 6,704 17,538 180,062 25,447 25,006 6,253 15,033 14,744 8,165 6,050 84,629 -25,576 111,791 11,934 32.5 37.6 13.8 20.0 18.7 26.3 37.3 11.9 30.4 31.9 54.8 18.6 47.6 36.6 21.5 25.3 43.3 10.4 18.5 23.3 36.1 63.5 63.0 194.2 28.6 24.8 61.6 89.4 19.3 23.2 61.7 -24.8 19.4 61.3 24.5 59.8 40.8 18.5 29.7 41.2 22.7 97.2 19.4 81.5 32.1 53.3 2,060 13, 720 112,415 12, 769 7,832 21,858 6,163 6,117 13, 268 30, 465 9,494 9,763 10,075 17.905 17, 273 12, 786 10, 633 21, 709 9,208 4,485 7,176 5,155 21,491 17,880 5,588 4,774 33,766 5,366 -211 79,828 3,300 27,287 4,382 6,651 3,383 -3,977 19,854 37,980 29,909 16,080 31,036 50,655 123, 468 1,417 -14,985 -37,897 17,939 14,783 13,689 17,622 14.366 15,716 43,430 64,240 5,297 14,749 26,824 8,187 16,849 » A minu.s sign ( — ) denotes decrease. 2 Not returned separately. » Excludes Duluth village (iwpulation 2,645) which was set apart by act of legislature Feb. 23. 1877, but which again became part of the city by the act ol Mar. 2, 1887 86 POPULATION. POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING, IN 1910, 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, 1850-1910, AND DECENNIAL INCREASE, 1890-1910— Continued. Table 68— Continued. POPULATION. increase: I 1900-1910 increase;! 1890-1900 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. New York 100,253 31,207 34, 668 48,443 423, 715 37, 176 31, 297 25,908 30,919 28, 867 4,766,883 2,SSl,5i2 iS0,980 l,63i,SBi S84,0il So, 969 27, 805 30,445 27, 936 218, 149 72, 826 137,249 76, 813 74, 419 26,730 79,803 34, 014 25, 748 69,067 60,217 363, 591 560, 663 181, 511 116, 677 35, 279 30,508 28, 883 25,404 46,921 168, 497 79,066 28,026 25,278 64,206 207,214 61,913 52, 127 38,537 28,523 66,525 64, 186 25, 452 55, 482 47,227 42,694 36,280 27,876 1,549,008 533,905 96,071 129,867 25,774 67, 105 31,860 44,750 27,149 51,622 224,326 26, 629 38, 125 58,833 26,319 44,604 36,346 131,105 110,364 94,151 20, 929 30,345 39,647 352, 387 36,672 22, 892 24, 535 21, 228 14, 720 3, 437, 202 1,860,093 100,501 1,186,682 162,999 67, 021 24,943 19, 457 24,029 162, 608 31,682 108, 374 60, 661 56,383 21,696 47,931 18,091 20, 976 42,728 30,667 325, 902 381, 768 125,560 85, 333 23,914 21, 723 16,028 18, 167 38, 263 131, 822 44,885 23, 538 4,254 10,037 90,426 35,416 38,973 33,988 25,238 52, 733 50,167 14, 230 35,936 41, 459 34,227 28,339 22,265 1,293,697 451,612 78,961 102, 026 20,321 61,721 28,757 33,708 22,441 39,231 175,597 21,316 28,204 55,807 21,108 30,154 32,637 102, 320 80,866 94,923 17, 336 25,858 35, 006 265, 664 30, 893 16,038 21,261 10, 830 9,057 2, 507, 414 l,44l,2W 88, 908 SSS, 6Iil Sr, 060 61,693 23, 087 90, 758 9,466 21,924 17, 317 155, 134 20,541 9,357 18, 344 4,586 5,276 1,911,698 1,164,673 61,980 699,496 66,569 38,991 18, 049 69,422 5,426 17,226 12,692 ' 117,714 15, 863 6,336 6,315 2,700 3,915 1,478,103 9411,293 37, 393 419,921 46, 468 S3, 029 17, 014 62, 367 50, 763 6,102 10, 338 4,323 8,796 71,328 1,504 8,405 1,373 9,691 14, 147 1,329,681 481,449 230, 473 467,769 1S1,04B 18,948 2,862 10,988 3,907 55, 541 41, 144 28,875 16, 162 18, 036 5,034 31, 872 15, 923 4,772 26, 339 19, 550 37,689 178,895 56, 951 31, 24-1 11, 365 8,785 12, 865 7,247 8,668 36,676 34, 181 4,488 21,024 54,168 116,788 16,497 13, 154 4,549 3,285 13,792 14,019 11,222 19,546 5,768 8,467 7,941 5,610 256,311 82,393 17,110 27,841 5,453 15,384 3,103 11,042 4,708 12,391 48,729 5,313 9,921 3,026 5,211 14,450 3,709 28,785 29,499 6.6 49.4 14.2 22.2 20.2 4.2 36.7 5.6 45.7 96.1 38.7 26.0 114.9 40.1 86.6 ss.s 11.5 66.5 16.3 34.2 129.9 26.6 26.6 32.0 23.2 66.5 88.0 22.7 61.6 63.7 11.6 46.9 44.6 36.6 47.5 40.4 80.2 39.9 22.7 27.8 76.2 19.1 494.2 539.7 129.2 46.6 33.8 13.4 13.0 26.2 27.9 78.9 54.4 13.9 24.7 28.0 25.2 19.7 18.2 21.7 27.3 26.8 29.7 10.8 32.8 21.0 31.6 27.8 24.9 35.2 5.4 24.7 47.9 11.4 28.1 36.6 -772 3,593 4,487 4,642 96,723 4,779 0,854 3,274 10,398 5,663 929, 788 408, 877 111,699 328,035 65, 949 16,323 1,866 -0.8 20.7 10,986 8,326 81, 129 9,548 17.4 13.3 42,261 37.8 15.5 3,165 42.7 16.4 96.0 3,519 1,174,779 813,669 23, 593 279, 122 32,903 26,492 2,458 696, 116 516,647 8,032 138,883 18,693 16,061 62.5 37.1 28.4 125.5 39.1 75.8 29.7 8.0 22,206 133,896 19,902 88, 143 60,966 44.007 14; 726 32, 033 11,657 20,056 27. 601 26, 189 296, 908 261, 363 88, 150 61,220 17, 565 15,981 4,803 14, 270 31, 895 81, 434 33, 220 21,009 20,207 89,366 13, 656 51,792 56, 747 33, 914 10, 697 18, 892 7,094 17,350 16,512 12,258 265, 139 160. 146 51,647 38,678 12,122 7,567 1,695 9,600 20, 730 50, 137 15, 435 18, 113 20, 080 62, 3S6 11,026 43,061 46, 465 28,804 9,336 14,726 48,204 9,679 28, 119 39,236 22,629 1,823 28, 712 11,780 20,231 -305 12,376 6,971 15,898 6,634 920 15, 127 4,478 28, 994 120, 415 37, 410 24, 113 6,349 6,742 11, 165 3,887 6,358 50,388 11,665 2,529 8.2 36,403 8,921 22,271 28,785 17,565 21.4 59.2 ' 23.0 -0.5 Utica 28.1 47.3 49.6 North Carolina 4,473 13,446 10,006 8,660 216,239 92, 829 31,274 30, 473 11,081 4,500 2,265 9,552 3,477 4,041 161,044 43, 417 18, 564 20,081 7,223 1,989 1.065 7,264 3,266 2,603 115,436 17,034 17,882 10,977 3,210 757 66.5 4.6 Ohio 54.8 17.1 9.8 46.1 42.4 39.4 36.1 35.9 IvOrain 229.6 6,698 12, 662 31,684 8,075 . 10,011 4,675 7,002 13,768 2,759 9,229 3,654 6,108 3,829 27.2 19.9 61.9 35.1 7,929 12.0 Oklahoma 4,151 46,385 25,228 .30,337 20,226 14,481 40,634 39,385 11,872 21,805 32,011 20,741 11,600 19, 791 1,046,964 343, 904 58, 661 75,215 15,944 37,718 27, 132 20,793 19, 457 27,633 132,146 17, 761 20,830 54,955 15,353 29,100 22,535 64, 495 76,168 5,886 44,041 10,188 8,636 13,762 10, 757 12,099 10,782 2,368 14, 131 9,448 13, 486 16,739 2,474 246,733 107, 608 20,300 26,811 4,377 14,003 1,625 12,915 2,984 11,598 43, 461 3,5,55 7,374 852 5,755 1,054 10, 102 37,825 4,697 141.8 Oregon 17,677 18,063 19,710 14,997 11,924 27,737 30,762 6,935 8,380 25,769 8,212 8,418 13,063 847,170 236,071 43,278 45,850 10, 147 23, 339 18,934 13,940 15,693 19,030 104,857 12, 164 16,050 49,984 10,036 12,892 9,693 33, 592 43,360 8,293 13,884 10,610 9,485 10,987 19,646 23,104 4,317 6,028 20,233 2,623 6,164 10,753 674,022 139,256 33,930 35,092 2,951 10, 174 16,030 11,003 12,521 6,619 68,904 10, 453 11,527 48,956 9,298 6,093 8.682 40,226 25,865 2,874 8,025 3,591 4,631 8,944 9,419 13, 405 1,707 4,185 17, 603 2,166 1,882 8,848 565,529 77,923 23, 162 9,223 94.3 3,779 40.4 28.5 1,667 7,260 6,858 7,834 68.0 74.3 29.8 27.4 19.9 1,269 12,369 1,392 1,614 6,024 121,376 67,863 15,743 64.8 29.5 65.0 144.3 12.5 23.6 31.3 34.6 35.6 27.5 4,253 5,664 8,605 10,508 4,200 50,666 8,916 2,723 1,615 6,863 9,563 3,753 41,613 7,740 37.1 6.0 York 62.1 Rhode Island 15.3 42.0 32.9 20.0 36.4 South Carolina 40,622 8,052 42,985 6,060 16 37.5 Tennessee 3.6 22,623 16,988 2,076 8,841 10, 166 44.8 58.6 Nashville 62 ' Population of New York and its boroughs as now constituted. * Includes population of Allegheny as follows: 1900, 129,896; 1890, 105,287; 1880, 78,682; 1870, 53,180; 18G0, 23,702; and 1S50, 21,262. ' Not returned separately. POPULATION OF CITIES. 87 POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING, IN 1910, 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, 1850-1910, AND DECENNIAL INCREASE, 1890-1910— Continued. Table 6 8— Continued. POPULATION. increase:! 1900-1910 inckease:' 1890-1900 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 18S0 Number . Per cent. Number. Per cent. Texas 29,8(50 92,104 39.279 73.313 36.981 78, 800 96, 014 - 26,425 25,580 92,777 29.494 67,452 33. 190 127. 628 34,874 237, 194 104, 402 83,743 31,161 41,641 25.236 .30.417 25..V.1 373,857 33.062 38,002 26,398 40.384 22,258 42,638 15, 906 26,688 37, 789 44,633 53,321 20,686 16,313 53,531 18.891 46, 624 17,427 85, 050 21,495 80, 671 36,848 37,714 11,923 38,878 18,684 28,895 19, 164 285,315 28,284 29, 102 22,962 31,091 14,575 38,067 10,338 23,076 29, 084 27,557 37, 673 14,445 14,889 44, 843 19, 709 34,871 13,268 81,388 16, 159 42,837 19,922 36,006 10, 108 34, 522 9,069 25, 090 13, 426 204, 468 22, 836 21,014 16,359 11,983 11,013 10,358 736 0,663 22, 248 16, 513 20, 550 7,295 6,069 20,768 15, 959 21,966 11,390 03,600 "069 3,5.33 4,428 3,494 629 7,602 49,466 23,373 46, 624 —808 .34, 167 43, 293 5,7.39 9,267 39, 246 10, 603 20,828 15,763 42, 578 13,379 156,523 67,554 46,029 19,238 2,763 6,552 1.522 6.367 88, 542 4,778 8,900 3,436 9,293 34.2 116.0 146. 9 174.7 —2.1 76.6 81.2 27.7 56.8 73.3 56.1 44.7 90.5 50.1 62.2 194.0 183.3 122.0 161.4 7.1 35.1 5.3 33.2 31.0 16.9 30.6 15.0 29.9 7,683 4,571 5,568 3,61» 8,705 17,076 15,648 6,241 1,424 8,688 —818 11,753 4,159 3,662 5,336 37,834 16,926 1,708 1,815 4,356 9,615 3,805 6,738 80, 847 5,448 8,088 6,603 19, 108 52.7 13,818 9,. 382 12,256 7,307 4.845 8,235 4,177 2,396 3,488 29.9 41.5 43.2 Utah 3,127 12,854 6, 825 19,229 10, 590 51,038 1,464 8, 236 0,853 14,620 9,4% 37,910 9.6 19.4 Virginia 8,071 14,326 8,122 27,570 —4.2 Norfolk 33.7 31.3 4.5 Washington 1,107 88.3 4.7 West Virginia 3,174 30, 737 7,464 14, 505 10,324 115,587 15,748 16.031 7,314 Wheeling 19, 280 4,666 7,785 9,176 71,440 12, 6C3 9,880 5, .310 14,083 2,275 3,860 6,611 45,246 6,086 7,822 4,262 11,435 12.6 Wisconsin 106.0 1,525 20,061 42.7 35.5 23.9 5,107 38.5 40.4 1 A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. - Returned as Big Lick town in 1880. POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [This table Includes all incorporated places having 2,.500 inhabitants or more in 1910, so far as they have been returned by the census enumerators separate from the townships, precincts, districts, etc., of which they form a part. It also includes all towns in New England which had a population of 2,500 or more in 1910.J Alabama Alabama City town Anniston city Attalla town Bessemer city Birmingham city Decatur city.. Dothancity.. Eufaulacily.. Florence city. Gadsden city. Girard city Greenville city... Huntsville town. Jasper town Lanett city Mobile city Montgomery city . . New Decatur city. Opplikacitv PhenixCity Selmacity Sheffield city.. Talladega city . Troy city Tuscaloosa city Tuscumbia city Tnskegee town Union Springs city. Bisbeecity... Cliltoncity Douglas city.. Globe city Nogales town. Phoenix city. Prescott city.. Tucson city... Yuma town.. 4,313 12,794 2,513 10,864 132,685 4,228 7,016 4,259 6,689 10,557 13,649 4,,S65 5,854 4,961 8,407 3,324 2,803 4,055 9,019 4,874 6,437 11,134 5,092 13, 193 2,914 2,276 9,695 1,692 6,358 38,415 3,114 3,275 4,532 6,478 4,282 3,840 3,162 8,068 1,661 8,713 3,333 5,056 4,097 5,094 2,348 2,170 5,544 3,559 7,531 1,254 4,544 26, 178 4,394 6,012 2,901 777 31,076 21,883 3,565 3,703 3,700 7,622 2,731 2,063 3,449 4,216 2,491 1,803 2,049 1,194 3,152 1,759 5,150 Arkansas Argentacity Arkadelphiacity. IBatesville city Blytheville town. Camden city Conway city El Dorado city Eureka Springs city. .. Fayetteville city... Fordycecity Fort Smith city.. Helena city Hope city Hot Springs city.. Jonesboro city Little Rock city. Malvern town Marianna city Mena town Newport town... Paragould city... Pine Bluff city.. Prescott town... Rogers town Russellvillecity. Stuttgart city Texarkana city i. Van Buren city.. California Alameda city Alhambracity .\naheim town . . . Bakersfleldcity... Berkeley city Chico city Coalingacity Coltoncity Corona city Emeryville town. 3,849 3,995 2,794 4,202 3,228 4,471 2,794 23,975 45,941 2,778 4,810 3,953 3,557 5,248 15, 102 2,705 2,820 2,936 2,740 5,655 3,878 2,840 2,003 1,069 3,572 4,061 1,710 11,587 5,550 1,644 9,973 4,508 38,307 1,582 1,707 3,423 3,324 11,496 2,005 2,158 1,832 1,258 4,914 2,573 16, 464 "i,'456' 4,836 13,214 2,640 1,285 1,434 1,016 1,666 9,952 1,287 1,265 1,321 1,165 3,528 1,273 2,626 5,101 2,894 "i,'3i5 CaUtornla— Con. Eureka city Fresno city Glendalecity Grass Valley city . Hanford city Hay ward town.., Lodicity Long Beach city.. Los Angeles city.. Marysvillecity... Merced city Mill Valley town. Modesto city Monrovia city Monterey city Napa city Nevada City Oakland city Ocean Park city. Ontario city Orange city Oroville city Oxnard city Palo Alto city... Pasadena city . . . Petalumacity Pomona city Porterville city.. Red Bluflcity... Redding city Redlands city Redondo Beach city. Richmond city Riverside city Roseville city Sacramento city Salinas city San Bernardino city. San Diego city San Francisco city... 5,430 3,102 2,551 4,034 3,576 4,923 5,791 2,689 150, 174 3,119 4,274 2,920 3,859 2,555 4,486 30,291 10,207 2,698 3,530 3,572 10,449 2,935 6,802 15,212 2,608 44,696 3,736 12,779 39,578 416,912 4,719 2,929 1,965 2,252 102,479 3,497 2,024 1,205 1,748 4,036 3,250 66,960 4,797 855 '7,973 2,009 ' '2.462 907 1,662 4,395 2,524 48,682 26,386 2,339 4,012 ' Joint population of Texarkana city, Miller County, .\.rk., and Texarkana city, Bowie County, Tex.: 1910. 15,445; 1900, 10,170; 1890, 6,3 POPULATION. POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.] Table 59— Con. California— Con. San Jose city San Leandro city San Luis Obispo city. San Mateo city San Rafael city Santa Ana city Santa Barbara city . Santa Clara town. . . Santa Cruz city Santa Monica city . . Santa Rosa city South Pasadena city.. Stockton city Tulare city Vallejocity Ventura city Visaliacity Watsonvillecity., Whittier city Woodland city... Colorado Alamosa town Boulder city Canon City Colorado City Colorado Springs city. Cripple Creek city. Denver city Durangocity Englewood city Florence city Fort Collins city Fort Morgan city Grand Junction city. Greeley city La Junta city Lamar town Leadville city . . Longmont city. Loveland city.. Monte Vista town. Montrose city Pueblo city Rocky Ford city... Salidacity Sterling city... Trinidad city . , Victor city Connecticut Ansonia city i Berlin town Bethel town Bethel borough Branf ord town Branford borough. Bridgeport cityi Bristol town.. Canton town Danbury town Danbury city Danielson borough (si Killingly town). Darien town Derby city i East Hartford town. East Windsor town.. Enfield town Essex town Fairfield town Farmington town Glastonbury town Greenwich town Greenwich borough.. Griswold town Jewett City borough. Groton town Guilford town Hamden town Hartford city i Huntington town Shelton borough Jewett City borough (see Griswold town). 28,946 3,471 5,157 4,384 5,934 7,817 4,649 23,253 2,75S 11,340 2,945 3,013 9,539 5,162 4,333 29,078 6,206 213,381 4,686 2,983 2,712 8,210 2,800 7,754 8,179 4,154 2,977 7,508 4,256 3,651 2,544 3,254 44,395 3,230 4,425 3,044 10,204 3,162 SMI 6,047 B,B60 102,054 2,732 23, 502 8,138 3,362 9,719 2,745 6,134 3,478 4,796 16,463 4,233 S,02S 6,495 3,001 5,850 21,500 2,253 3,021 1,832 3,879 4,933 6,587 3,650 5,659 3,057 6,673 1,001 17,506 2,216 3,528 1,590 2,886 1,141 6,150 3,775 2,914 21,085 10, 147 133,859 3,317 3,503 3,023 2,513 12,455 2,201 1,091 1,217 28,157 2,018 12,681 3,448 3,327 i,B61 5,706 S,i73 70, 996 2,678 19, 474 16,537 3,116 7,930 6,406 3,158 6,699 2,630 4,489 3,331 4,260 12,172 B,4£0 3,490 6,962 2,785 4,626 79,850 5,572 s.ssr 3,290 3,62S 5,864 2,891 5,596 1,580 6,220 3,330 2,825 4,460 '48,866 7,382 2,500 19,473 16,55S 4,455 2,890 7,199 2,035 3,808 3,179 3,457 10,131 3,113 l,9Si 5,539 2,780 3,882 53,230 4,006 1,9B2 Connecticut— Con. Killingly town Danielson borough . . . Litchfield town Manchester town Meridentown Meriden city Middletown town Middletown city Milford town Montville town Naugatuck borough i. . New Britain city i New Canaan town . . . . New Haven city ^ New London cityi New Milford town Newtown town Norwalk town Norwalk city South Norwalk city. . . Nor^vich town Norwich city Orange town West Haven borough. Plainfield town Plainville town Plymouth town Portland town Putnam town Putnam city Ridgefield town Rockville city (see Ver- non town). Salisbury tow^n Seymour town Shelton borough (see Huntington town). Simsbury town South Norwalk city (see Norwalk town). Southington town Southington borough . Sprague town Stafford town Stafford Springs bor- ough Stamford town Stamford city Stonington town Stratford town Suffield town Thomaston town Thompson town Torrington town Torrington borough. Vernon town Rockville city Wallingford town Walhngford borough. Waterbury city i Waterford town Watertown town West Hartford town. . . West Haven borough (see Orange to^vn). Westport town Wethersfield town Willimantic city (see Windham town). Winchester town Winsted borough Windham town Willimaniic city Windsor town Windsor Locks town.. Winsted borough (see Winchester town). Delaware Dover town Milford town New Castle city Wilmington city District of Columbia Washington city ^ 1 Now coextensive with town in which located. 1910 1900 6,564 2,9S4 3,005 13,641 32,066 B7,16B 6,835 S,S2S 3,214 10,601 28,695 Si, 296 20,749 11,851 4,366 2,804 12, 722 17,486 9,589 3,783 2,395 10,541 43,916 3,667 133,605 19,659 5,010 25, 998 2,968 108,027 17,548 4,804 3,012 24,211 6.9B4 S,96S 28,219 m,ser 3,276 19,932 6,125 6,591 24,637 17,251 11,272 S,BiS 6,719 2,882 5,021 3,425 6,995 6.2^7 4,821 2,189 2,828 3,856 7,280 e.esr 3,118 7,348 6.667 2,626 3,522 3,489 4,786 3,541 2, .537 2,094 6,516 S,714 5,890 S.ill 2,551 5,233 1,339 4,297 S,059 28,836 HS.ISS B,460 18,839 15,997 9,154 6,712 3,841 3,533 4,804 8,540 3,657 3,521 3,300 6,442 16,840 15, /.SS 9,087 7,977 11,155 8,690 12,453 S,S60 8,483 7,287 9,001 e,7S7 73,141 3,097 3,850 4,808 46,859 2,904 3.100 3,186 4,259 3,148 4,017 2,637 8,679 7,7 5 i 7,763 6,804 12,604 11,BS0 4,178 3,715 10,137 8,9S7 3,614 3,062 , 3,720 2,603 3,351 87,411 3,329 2,500 3,380 76,508 331,069 278,718 3,304 8,222 25,423 21,652 15,206 9,01S 3,811 2,344 16,519 2,701 81,298 13,757 3,917 4,582 1,993 2,147 4,687 6,512 '2,'235 3,420 3,300 7,184 2,008 3,169 3,278 6,580 6,048 4,2SS 8,808 7,772 6,584 4,2S0 2,661 2,323 1,930 3,061 2,565 4,010 61,431 Florida Apalachicola city. Bartow town Daytona city De Land city Fern'andina city . . Gainesville city... Jacksonville city.. Key West city LakeCitt Lakeland town . , . Live Oak city . Miami city. . .. Ocalacity Orlando city... Palatka city.-. . Pensacola city Quincy city St. Augustine city. . . St. Petersburg town. Sanford city Tallahassee city. . . Tampa city West Tampa city.. Georgia Albany city... Americuscity. Athens city Atlanta city... Augusta city. - Bainbridgecity... Barnesvillecity.. Brunswick city. . Carrollton town . . Cartersvillecity. . Cedartown town. Columbus city... Cordelecity Covington city . . . Cuthbert town . . . Dalton city Dawson city Douglas city Dublin city East Point town.. Elberton city Fitzgerald city.. . Fort Valley town. Gainesville city... Griffin city Hawkinsville city . La Grange city Macon city Marietta city Milledgevine city . . Monroe city. .. Moultrie town. Newnan city . . Quitman city. . Rome city . — Sandersville city . . . Savannah city. Statesboro city Summerville town . Thomasville town . . Toccoa town Valdostacity Washington city . . . Waycross city Waynesboro town . Idaho Boise city Caldwell city Coeur d' Alene city . Idaho Falls city Lewiston city . Moscow city... N ampacity. .. Pocatellocity. Sandpolntcity. . Twin Falls city . Wallace city. . . . Weisercity 19,946 6,032 3,719 3,460 5,471 4,370 3,894 3,779 22, 982 3,204 5,494 4,127 3,570 5,018 37,782 8,258 8,190 8,063 14,913 154,839 41,040 4,217 3,068 10, 182 3,297 4,067 3,210 5,324 3,827 3,650 6,795 3,682 6,483 6,795 2,697 5,925 7,478 3,420 5.687 40, 665 3,029 3,349 5,548 3,915 12, 099 2,641 65, 064 2,529 4,361 6,727 3.120 7,656 3.065 14,485 2,729 17,358 3.543 7.291 4,827 6,043 3.670 4,205 9,110 3,245 3,633 28,429 17,114 4,013 1,180 2, 481 3,301 2,641 3,036 9,081 1,998 3,136 2,823 17,614 3,473 2,062 2,641 3,834 1,817 2,022 4,382 6,867 2,103 4,274 23,272 4,446 4,219 1,846 2,221 3, 654 2,281 7,291 2,023 64,244 1,197 3,245 5,322 2,176 6,613 3,300 6,919 2,030 ' Coextensive with District of Columbia. POPULATION OF CITIES. 89 POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.) Table 59— Con. nilnols Alton city Anna city. J Aurora city Averyyille village. Batavia city Beardstown city. Belleville city. . .. Belvidere city Benton city Berwyn city Bloomington city.. . Blue Island village . Bridgeport city Bushnell city Cairo city Canton city Carbondalecity. Carlinvillecity. . Carinicity Carterville city. . Centralia city Cbampaigncity. Charleston city . . Chester city Chicago city Chicago Heights city . Cicero town CUnton city Coal City ColUnsville city Danville city Decatnr city Dekalb city Dixon city Downers Grove village. Duquoin city East Moliue city. . . . East St. Louis city.. Edwardsville city. . . Efflnghamcity Eldorado city.. Elgin city Evanstoncity. Fairbury city.. Flora city Forest Park village.. Freepert city Galena city Galesburg city Geneseo city Granite city Greenville city.. Harrisburgcity. Harvard city Harvey city Havana city Herrin city Highland city Highland Park city. Hillsboro city Hoopeston city . . . Jacksonville city. Jersey ville city. . . Johnston city Joliet city Kankakee city Kewanee city La Grange village. La Salle city Lake Forest city.. Lawrenceville city. Lincoln city Litchfield city Lockport city Macomb city Madison village Marion city . . . , Marseilles city., Marshall city... Mattooncity... 17, 528 2,809 29, 807 2,668 4,436 6,107 21,122 7.253 2,675 5,841 25, 708 8,043 2.703 2,019 14.548 10. 453 5.411 3,010 2,833 2.971 14,525 14,557 5, 105 2,007 7,478 27,871 31,140 8,102 7,216 2,601 5.454 2,605 58,547 5,014 3,898 3,366 25,976 24.978 2,505 2,704 6,594 17,567 4,835 22,089 9,903 3,178 5,309 3.008 7,227 3,525 6,801 2,675 4,209 3,424 4, 698 15,326 4,113 3,248 34, 670 13, 986 9,307 5,282 11.537 3,349 3,235 10,892 5,971 2, 555' 6,774 6,046 3,291 2,669 11,456 1 Joint population 14,210 2,618 24.147 4,827 17, 484 6,937 1,341 6,564 3,318 3,502 2,939 1,749 6,721 9,098 5,488 2,832 1,698,576 5,100 16.310 4.452 2.007 4,021 10,354 20, 754 5,904 7,917 2,103 13,258 6,005 18,607 3,356 3.122 2,504 2.202 2,602 5,395 3,268 1,559 1,970 3,823 15,078 3,517 787 29,363 13, 596 8,382 3,969 10. 440 2,216 1,300 8,962 5,918 2,659 5,375 10,294 2,296 19,688 4,226 16.301 3,807 20,484 3,329 5,004 2,382 3, 293 4,763 5,839 4,135 10,204 2.598 1.672 3,498 11.491 16,841 2,579 5,161 4,353 4,052 29, 655 4,157 3,774 1,446 16, 169 3,561 3,260 22,433 19,259 17,823 2,187 2,311 4,085 2,324 1,696 10, 189 5,635 15,264 3,182 1,808 1,723 1,967 1,911 12,935 3,207 23, 264 9,026 4,509 2.314 9,855 1,203 865 6,725 6,811 2,449 4,052 nilnols— Con. Maywood village .... Melrose Park village. Mendotacity Metropohs city Molinecity Monmouth city Morgan Park village. Morris city Mound City Mount Carmel city. . Mount Olive village . Mount Vernon city . . Murphysboro city Naperville city Normal town North Chicago city . . Oak Park village Olney city Ottawa city Panacity Paris city... Paxton city. Pekin city. . Peoria city . . Peru city Petersburg city Pinckney ville city. Pontiac city Portland city Princeton city Quincy city Robinson city , Rochelle city. Rock Falls city Rock Island city.. . Rockford city . . St. Charles city. Salem city Sandwich city.. Savanna city... Shelby ville city . . . Sparta city Spring Valley city. Springfield city Staunton city Sterling city Streatorcity. . . , Sullivan city. .. Sycamore city.., Tayiorville city . Upper Alton city. Urbana city Vandalia city Venice city Virden city Waukegan city West Hammond village Westville village Wheatoncity White Hall city Wilmette village Winnetka village Woodstock city Zion City Indiana Alexandria city.. Anderson city . . . Angola city Attica city Auburn city Aurora city Bedford city Bicknell to\vn Bloomington city.. Blufltonoity Boonville city Brazil city Clarksville town. . . Clinton cit.v Columbia City 3,806 4,665 24, 199 9,128 3.094 4,563 2,837 0,934 3,601 8,007 7,486 3.449 4,024 6,090 3,194 4,131 36,687 3,863 2,732 2,667 24,336 3,590 3,081 7,036 51,678 5,048 7.467 14,253 2.621 3,926 6.446 8,245 2.974 3.718 4,000 2,607 3,423 2,854 6.096 22, 476 2,610 3,335 3,919 4,532 2,592 3,736 4,009 17, 248 2,935 5,216 6,463 2,629 3,795 1,150 4,260 10,688 5,630 4,023 36,252 1,083 2,073 2,176 19, 493 31,051 2,075 1,642 2,520 3,325 6,309 14.079 2,399 3,653 4,248 2,373 6,728 2,665 2,460 2,280 9,426 2,935 1,605 2,345 2,030 2,300 1,833 2,602 7,221 20, 178 2,141 3.005 3,390 1,979 Boonville city 3,934 2,849 2.510 1,,338 Brazilcity 9,340 7,786 6,905 2.569 2,210 Clarksville town 2,743 2,370 1,692 2,077 1,900 Clintoncitv 6,229 2,918 1,365 9,622 6,833 Columbia City 3,448 2,975 3,027 of Union City, Randolph County, Ind., and Union City village, Darke County, Ohio: 1910, 4,804; 1900, 3,998; 1890, 3,974. 3,542 3,573 12,000 5,936 1,027 3,653 2,187 6.347 41,024 6,550 2,342 1,298 2,784 ' '3,396 1,493 2,516 3,097 3,837 24,903 2,209 6,824 11,414 1,468 1,803 3,511 2,144 1.458 1,079 1,683 10, 741 1,840 2.320 2,416 Indiana— Con. Columbus city Connersville city Crawfordsville city . C^o\^'n Point town.. Decatur city Dunkirk city East Chicago city.. Ellchartcity Elwoodcity Evansville'city Fairmount town.. Fort Wayne city. Frankfort city Franklin city Garrett city Gary city Gas'City" Goshen city Greencastle city . . Greenfield city...". Greensburgcity.. Hammond city. . . Hartford City Huntington city. . Indianapolis city. Jasonville town Jeffersonville city. , Kendallvillecity.. Kokomocity Lafayette city Laporte city Lawrenceburg city . Lebanon city Linton city Loganspor't city Madison city Marion city Martinsville city. . Michigan City Mishawakacity.., Mitchell city Montpelier city Mount Vernon city. .Afunciecity New Albany city . . . New Castle city Nolilesville city North Vernon "city.. Peru city Plymouth city Portland city. . . Princeton city.. Richmond city. Rochester city. . Roc kport city.. Rushvillecity Seymour city Shelby ville city... South Bend city.. Sullivan city Tell City Terre Haute city. Tipton city Union City i V^alparaiso city . . . Vincennes city Wabash city Warsaw city Washington city.. West Lafayette town . . West Terre Haute town Whiting city Winchester city Iowa Albiacity Algonacity Ames city Anamosacity.. Atlantic city... 8,813 7,738 9,371 2,526 4,471 3,031 19,098 19,282 11,028 69, 647 2,506 63, 933 8,034 4,502 4,149 16,802 3,224 8,514 5,420 20,925 6,187 10,272 233,660 3,295 10,412 4,981 17,010 20,081 10,525 3,930 5,474 5,906 19,060 6,934 19,359 4,629 19,027 11,886 3,438 2,786 6.663 24,005 20,629 9,446 5,073 2,915 10.910 3,838 5,130 6,448 22,324 3,364 2,736 4.925 6.305 9,600 63.684 4,116 3,369 68,157 4,075 3,209 6,987 14,895 8,687 4,430 7,8.54 2,908 4,223 2.983 4,660 6,649 2,336 4,142 3,187 3,411 15, 184 12, 9.50 59, 007 3,205 46,115 7,100 4.005 3,910 3,622 7,810 3,601 6,034 12,376 5,912 9,491 169, 164 10, 774 3,354 10,609 18,116 7,113 4.326 4. 405 3,071 16, 204 1,772 3,405 5,132 20,942 20,628 3,406 4,792 2,823 8.403 3,666 4,798 6,041 18, 226 3.421 2,882 4,541 6,446 7, 169 35, 999 3,118 10, 249 8,618 3,987 8,551 2,911 2,422 2,891 5.046 90 POPULATION. POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.] Table 59— Con. Iowa— Con. Belle Plaine city Boone'city Burlington city Carroll city Cedar Falls city Cedar Eapiils city. . . Centerville city Chariton city Charles City Cherokee city Clarinda city Clinton city Colfax city Council Bluffs city... Crescocity Crestoncity Davenport city Decorahcity Denison city Des Moines city Dubuque city Eaglegrove city Estherville city rairfleldcity Fort D edge city Fort Madison city. . . Glenwood city Grinnellcity Hampton city Harlan city Independence city. . . Indianolacity Iowa City Iowa Falls city Keokuk city Knoxville city Le Mars city Mancl lester city Maquoketa city Marion city Marshall town city . . . Mason City Missouri Valley city . Mount Pleasant city. Muscatine city Mystic town Newton city Oelweincity Oskaloosa city Ottumwacity Pellacity Perry city Red Oak city Sheldon city Shenandoaii city Sioux City Spencer city Valley Junction city. Vinton city "Washington city Waterloo city Waverly city Webster City Winterset city Kansas Abilene city Anthony city Arkansas City Atchison city Beloitcity Caney city Chanute city Cherryvale city Clay Center city Coffeyville city Columbus city Concordia city Council Grove city.. Dodge city Eldorado city Emporia city Fort Scott city Fredonia city Frontenac city Galena city 3,121 10, 347 24, 324 3,546 5,012 32,811 6,936 3,794 5,892 3,832 25, 577 2,524 29, 292 2,658 6,924 43,028 3,592 3,133 86,368 3,387 3,404 4,970 15, 643 8,900 4,053 6,036 2,617 2,570 3,517 3,283 10, 091 2.797 14,008 3,190 4,157 2,758 3,570 4, 400 13, 374 11,230 3,187 3,874 16, 178 2,941 4,976 47,828 3,005 2,573 3,336 26, 693 3,205 5,208 2,818 3,597 9,272 4,304 3,438 12,687 3,064 4,415 2,545 3,214 3,129 9,058 10, 463 3,040 3,396 6,096 3,283 8,880 23, 201 3,276 22,098 2,053 25, 802 2,806 7,752 35, 254 3,246 2,771 02,139 36, 297 3,557 3,237 9,278 3,040 3,860 2,727 2,422 3,656 3,261 7,987 2,840 14, 641 3,131 4,146 2,887 3,777 4,102 11,544 6,746 4,010 4,109 14, 073 1,758 3,682 5,142 9,212 18, 197 2,623 3,986 4,355 2,282 3,573 33,111 3,095 1, 700 3,499 4,255 12,580 3,177 4,613 3,507 1,179 6,140 15, 722 2,359 887 4,208 3,472 3,069 4,953 2,310 3,401 2,265 1,942 3,466 8,223 10, 322 1,650 1,805 10, 155 2,623 6,520 22, 565 2,448 3,459 18,020 3,608 3,122 2,802 3,441 7,200 26, 872 2,801 1,782 50, 093 30,311 1,881 1,475 3,391 4,871 7,901 3,163 2,254 7,016 2,632 4,036 2,344 3,077 2,797 3,997 11, 454 3,321 1,478 2,440 6,674 2,346 2,829 2,281 8,347 13,963 2,455 542 2,826 2,104 2,802 2,282 2,160 3,184 2,211 1,763 3,339 7,551 11,946 1,515 Kansas— Con. Garden City Great Bend city Herington city Hiawatha city Holton city Horton city Hmnboldt city Hutchinson city Independence city. , . lolacity Junction city Kansas City Kingman city Lamed. city Lawrence city Leavenworth city McPherson city Manliattan city Neodesha city Newton city Olathe city Osawatomie city Ottawa city Paola city Parsons city .'... Pittsburg city Pratt city Rosedale city Saliuacity Topekacity Wellington city Wichita city Winfieldcity ^Kentucky Ashland city Bellevuecity. Bowling Green city.. Catlettsburg city. . . . Central City town . . . Corbin town. , Covington city Cynthiana city Danville city Dayton city Earlington city Frankfort city Franklin city Fulton town GeorgetoNSTi town Harrodsburg city Henderson city Hickman town Hopkinsville city Lebanon city Lexington city Louisville city Ludlow town ' Madisonville city Mayfieldcity Maysville city Middlesboro city Morganfield city Mount Sterling city.. Newport city Nicholasville city Owensboro city Paducah city Paris city Princeton town Riclimond city Russeilville city Shelby ville city Somerset city Winchester city Louisiana Abbeville town Alexandria city Baton Rouge city Covington town Crowley city Donaldsonville town Franklin town Hammond town Houma town Jennings town 3,171 4,622 3,273 2,974 2,842 3,600 2,548 16,364 10,480 9,032 5,598 82,331 2,570 2,911 12, 374 19,363 3,546 5,722 2,872 7,862 3,272 4,046 7,650 3,207 12, 463 14,755 3,302 5,960 43, 684 7,034 52, 450 2,589 63, 270 3,603 5,420 6,979 S, 931 10,465 3,063 2,575 4,533 3,147 11,452 2,736 9,419 3,077 35,099 223,928 4,163 4,966 5,916 6,141 7,305 2,725 3,932 30,309 2,935 16,011 22, 700 5,859 3,015 5,340 3,111 3,412 4,491 7,156 2,601 5,099 4,090 3,857 2,942 5,024 3,925 1,590 2,470 1,607 2,829 3,082 3,398 1,402 4,695 51,418 1,785 1.583 10,862 20, 735 2,996 3,438 1,772 6,208 3,451 4,191 6,934 3,144 7,682 10,112 1,213 3,270 6,074 33, 608 4,245 24, 671 6,332 8,226 3,081 1,348 1,544 42,938 3,257 4,285 6,104 3,012 9,487 2,106 2,860 3,823 2,876 10.272 1,589 7,280 3,043 26,369 204, 731 3,334 3,628 4,081 6,423 4,162 2,046 4,105 2,692 1,511 3,212 1,539 1,490 2,450 1,353 2,486 2,727 3,316 1,361 8,682 3,127 1,706 4,502> 38,316 2,390 1,861 9,997 19, 768 3,172 3,004 1,528 3,294 2,662 6,248 2,943 6, 736 6,697 1,418 2,276 6,149 23,853 5,184 4,195 3,163 7,803 1,.374 1,144 37,371 3,016 3,766 4,204 1,748 7,892 2,324 1,818 3,230 8,836 1,652 5,833 2,816 5,358 3,271 1,094 3,629 24,918 2,393 2,157 3.189 9,837 9,446 12, 797 4,603 4,218 2,556 1,857 4,653 5,073 2,591 2,233 3,016 2,679 3,384 2,025 5,964 4,519 1,536 637 5,648 2,861 1,269 10, 478 1,205 976 4,214 420 Louisiana- Con. Kentwood town . . . Lafayette town Lake Charles city.. Minden town Monroe city MorganCity Natchitoches town. New Iberia city New Orleans city. . Opelousas town Patterson town Plaquemine town.. Ruston town Shreveport city. . . Thibodaux to^Ti. Winnfield town... 3,609 6,392 11,449 3,002 10, 209 5,477 2,532 7,499 339,075 4, 023 2,998 4, 955 3.377 28,015 3,824 Maine Auburn city . . Augusta city. Baiigor city... Bath city Belfast city. . . Biddeford city Brewer city Bridgton town Brunswick town.. Brufiswick villa Calais city Camden town Caribou town Chelsea town Dexter to\vn East Livermore town.. Eastport city Eden town Ellsworth city Fairfield town Fairfield village. Farmiugton town.. Fort Fairfield town. Fort Kent town Gardiner city Gorham town Hallowellcity Houlton town Jay town Kennebunk town.. Kittery town Lewiston city Lisbon town Lubectown Madison to^Ti MiUinocket town . Milo town Norway town... Old To\vn city.. Orono town. ... Paris town Pittsfield town . Portland city Presque Isle town Prcsque Islejvillage Rockland city Ruraford town Rumford Falls village Saco city Sanford town Skowhegan town South Berwick town. South Portland city , . Van Buren town Waldoboro town. AVatervillecity... Westbrookcity... Winslow town York town Maryland Annapoliscity Baltimore city Bninswick town... Cambridge town... Chestertown town. 15,064 13,211 24,803 9,396 4,618 17, 079 5,667 2,660 6,021 e,3ii 6,116 3,015 5,377 3,216 4,961 4,441 3,549 4,436 4,381 3,710 5,311 2,822 5,845 2,987 3,099 3,633 26,247 4,116 3,363 3,379 3,002 6,317 3,555 3.436 58,571 6,179 e,oss 8,174 6,777 6,683 9,049 6,341 2,936 7,471 3,065 558.485 3, 721 6, 407 2,736 5,428 2,332 2,388 6,815 1,.324 16,013 3,253 12; 951 11,683 21,850 10, 477 4,615 7,655 2,825 4,758 3,092 2,941 2,129 5,311 4,379 4,297 3,878 «,23« 3,288 4,181 2,528 5,501 2,540 2,714 2,768 3,228 2,872 23,761 3,603 3,005 2,764 2,902 5,763 3,257 3,22o 50, 145 3,804 1,256 8,150 3,770 i,B9B 6,122 3,145 9,477 7,283 2,277 POPULATION OF CITIES. 91 POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See beadnote to table, p. 87. 1 Table 59-Con. Maryland— Con Crisfield town Cumberland city . . Easton town Frederick city Frostburg town^. . . Hagerstowncity... Havre de Grace cit; Salisbury town Western'port town. Westminster city. . Massachusetts A bington town Adams town Agawam town Amesbury town Amberst "town Andover town Arlington town Athol town Attleborougb town Ayertown Barnstable town... Barre town Belmont town Beverly city Billerica town Blackstone town. . . Boston city Braintree town Bridgewater town. Brockton city Brookline town Cambridge city Canton town Chelmsford town. . Chelsea city Chicopeecity Clinton town Cohasset town Concord town Dal ton town Danvers town Dartmouth town. . Dedham town Dracuttown Dudley town East Bridgewater town Easthampton town.. . Easton town Everettcity Fairhaven town Fall River city Falmouth town Fitchburg city Foxborough town Framingham town. . . Franklin town Gardner town Gloucester city Grafton town Great Ban* ington town Greenfield town Hardwick town Haverhill city Hingham town Holbrook town HoUiston town Holyoke city Hudson town Hyde Park town Ipswich town Lawrence city I^ee town...." Leicester town Lenox town Leominster town Lexington town Lowell city Ludlow town Lynn city Ualden city . . .' 3,468 21,839 3,083 10,411 5. 45.5 13,020 3,501 9,894 5,112 7,301 11,187 8,536 16,215 2,797 4,676 2,957 5. .'542 IS, 650 2,789 670, 585 8.066 7,6.S8 56, 878 9,407 4,378 9,284 3.461 4,267 3,363 8.524 5, 1.39 33.484 6,122 119, 295 3.144 37, 826 3,863 5,641 14,699 24,. 398 5, 705 5,926 10,427 3,. 524 44,115 4,965 2,816 2,711 57, 730 6, 743 15,507 5,777 85, 892 4,106 3,237 3,060 3,165 17,128 3,074 9.296 5,274 13,591 3,423 4,277 1,99S 3,199 7,061 11,335 2,446 3,929 13,884 2,775 5,721 560, 892 S,981 5,806 40, 063 19,935 91,886 4,684 3,984 34,072 19,167 13,667 2,769 5, 6.52 3,014 3,025 6.603 4. 837 24,336 3,567 104,863 3,500 31,531 3.266 11,302 5,017 10,813 26.121 4,869 5,854 7,927 3,203 37,175 5,059 2,229 45,712 5,454 13,244 62, .559 3,596 3,416 2,942 12,392 3,831 94,969 3,536 68, 513 33, 664 1,565 12, 729 2,939 8,193 3,804 10,118 3,244 2, 905 1,626 2,903 4,260 9,213 2,352 9,798 4,612 6,142 6,629 6,319 7,577 2,148 4,023 2,239 2.098 10.821 2,380 12,103 7C, 028 4,638 2,695 27,909 14,050 10, 424 2,448 4,427 2,885 7,454 3,122 7,123 1,996 2,944 2,911 4,395 4,493 11,068 74,398 2,667 22, 037 2,933 9,239 4,831 8.424 24, 651 6.002 4,612 5,262 2,922 27,412 4,564 2,474 2,619 35, 637 4,670 10, 193 4,439 44, 654 3,785 3,120 2,889 3,197 77, 696 1,939 55, 727 23,031 Massachusetts— Con. Manchester town Mansfield town Marblehead town Marlborough city Maynard town. ." Medfield town Medfordcity Medway town Melrose city Methuen town Middleborough town. Milford town Millbury town Milton town Monsontown Montague town Nantucket town Natick town Needham town New Bedford city Newburyport city Newton city North Adams city North Andover town . North Attleborough tow^n North Brookfield town Northampton city Northbridge town Norton town Norwood town Orange town Oxford town Palmer town Peabody town Pepperell town Pittsfield city Plymouth to"wn Provincetown town... Quincy city Randolph "town Reading town Revere town Rockland town Rockport town Salem city Saugus town Somerset town Somerville city South Hadley town... Southbridge "town Spencer town Springfield city Stoneham town Stoughton town Sutton town Swampscott town Taunton city Templeton town Tewksbury town Uxbridge town Wakefield tow* Walpole town Waltham city Ware town Wareham town Warren town Watertown town Webster town Wellesley town West Springfield town West borough town . . . Westfield town Westford tou-n West port town Weymouth town Whitman town Williamstown town, . , Winchendon town Winchester town Winthrop town Woburn city Worcester city 2,673 5, 183 7,338 14,579 6,390 23, 150 2.696 15,715 11,448 14,949 39, 806 22,019 5,529 5, 282 3,361 8,610 15,721 2,953 32,121 12,141 4,369 32, 642 4,301 6,740 88,926 7,090 6,316 6,204 34,259 3,756 3,7.50 4,102 4,188 12,875 11,609 5,413 9,224 5,446 16,044 2,851 10, i.32 15, 308 145,986 2,700 1,493 11,079 2,985 8,519 4,814 6,065 6,296 3,268 9,118 3,035 40, 733 13,947 24,379 16,074 3,742 6,727 3,871 14,990 4,603 1,785 3,733, 4,568 2.616 6, .520 10,158 3,127 30,801 3,673 2,106 40,152 4.261 7,665 2.604 IS, 707 7,329 3,461 4,081 7,073 7,031 3,600 5,077 5,195 9,805 2,250 2,599 10,866 4,441 4,221 4,390 4,861 2.726 13, 499 Michigan Adrian city Albion city Allegan city Alma city Alpena city Ann Arbor city Battle Creek city BayCity Relding city Benton Harbor city. . . Bessemer cit.v Big Rapids city Boyne City Cadillac city Charlotte city Cheboygan city , Coldwater city Crystal Falls city Detroit city Dowagiac city East Jordan village Escanaba city Flint city Gladstone city Grand Haven city Grand Ledge city Grand Rapids city Greenville city Hamtramck village Hancock city Hastings city Highland Park village, Hillsdale city Holland city Houghton village Ionia city Iron Mountain city Ironwood city Ishpeming city Jackson city Kalamazoo city Lansing city Lapeer city Laurium village Ludington city Manistee cit^ Manistique city Marine City Marquette city Marshall city Menominee city Midland city Monroe cit.v Mount Clemens city. . . Mount Pleasant city. . . Munising village Muskegon city Negauneecity Nilescity Nonvaycity Onaway city Otsego village Owosso city Petoskey city Pontiaccity Port Huron city Red Jacket village River Rouge village. . . Saginaw city St. Clair city St. Johns cily St. Joseph city Sault Ste, Marie city. . . South Haven city .'.... Sturgis city Three Rivers city Traverse City Wyandotte city Ypsilanti city 6,230 92 POPULATION. POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.] TabHc 59— Con. Minnesota Albert Lea city Alexandria city Anoka city Austin city Bemidjicity Brainerd city Cbisholm village Cloquet city Crookston city Detroit city Duluthcity Bast Grand Forks city Ely city E veleth city Fairmont city Faribault city Fergus Falls city Hastings city nibbing village Lake City Little Falls city Luveme city Mankato city Melrose city , Minneapolis city Montevideo city Moorhead city , New Ulm city , Nortbiield city Owatonna city Eed Wing city Richfield village Rochester city St. Cloud city St. Paul city St. Peter city South St. Paul city.... Staples city Stillwater city ThiefRiver Falls city.. Two Harbors city Virginia city Wabasha city Waseca city West Minneapolis vil- lage West St. Paul city Willmar city Winona city Mississippi Aberdeen city Bay St. Louis city Biloxi city*. Brookhaven city Canton city Clarksdale city Collins city Columbus city Corinth city , Greenville city Greenwood city Grenada city Gulfport city , Hattiesburg city Jackson city Laurel cit5[ McComb city Meridian city Moss Point city Natchez city Okolonacity , Pastagoula city Starkville city Tupelo city Vicksburg city Water Valley city West Point city Winona city Yazoo city Missouri Aurora city Boonville city Brookfleld city Butler city Cameron city 6,192 3,001 3,972 6,960 7,684 7,031 7,559 2,807 78,466 2,533 3, 572 7,036 2,958 9,001 6,887 3,983 8,832 3,142 6,078 2,540 10, 365 2, 691 301,408 3,056 4,840 5, 648 3,265 9,048 2,673 7,844 10, 600 214, 744 4,176 4,990 10, 473 2,622 3,054 3,022 2,660 4,135 18,583 3,929 4,079 2,581 11,733 21, 262 8,465 6;237 23,285 3,054 11,791 2,584 3,379 4,500 2,681 3,769 5,474 2,183 7,524 3,072 5,359 52, 969 2,077 6,072 3,811 2,481 2,744 5,774 2,223 10, 599 2,146 3,730 5,403 3,210 5,561 7,525 6,843 8,663 163,065 4,302 2,322 1,504 12,318 1,819 3,278 2,962 2,528 3,103 1,648 1,830 3,409 3,434 2,872 5,467 2,678 3,404 1,773 6,484 3,661 7,642 3,026 2,508 1,060 4,175 7,816 3,193 4,477 14,050 12,210 2,177 3,813 3,193 2,455 6,191 4,377 5,484 3,158 2,979 3,305 2,118 4,252 3,901 1,205 6,620 3, 772 3,705 1,437 2,088 5,321 7,686 133, 166 1,696 1,825 18,208 781 4,569 2,111 6,668 1,055 2,416 1,172 5,920 10, 101 2,099 1,725 1,477 13,373 2,832 2, 762 1,648 3,286 3,482 4,141 4,547 2,812 2,917 Missouri — Con. Cape Girardeau city. . Carrollton city CartervUle city Carthage city Caruthersville city Charleston city Chillicothe city Clinton city Columbia city De Soto city Eldorado Springs city. Excelsior Springs city, Farmington city Fayette city Festus city Flat River city Fi'edencktown city. . . Fulton city Hannibal city Higginsville city Independence city Jefferson City Joplin city Kansas City Kennett city Kirksville city Kirkwood city Lexington city Liberty city Louisiana city Macon city Maplewood city Marceline city Marshall city Maryville city . . .^. Mexico city Moberly city Monette city Neosho city Nevada city Poplar Bluff city Rich Hill city Richmond city St. Charles city St. Joseph city St. Louis city Sedalia city Sikeston city Slater city Springfield city Trenton city Warrensburg city Washington city Webb City Webster Groves city . . Wellston city West Plains city Montana Anaconda city Billings city Bozeman city Butte city Deer Lodge city Great Falls city Havre town HelenajCity.. Kalispell city Lewlstown city Livingston city Miles City Missoula city Red Lodge city Nebraska Alliance city Auburn city Aurora city Beatrice city Benson city Blair city Chadron city Columbus city Fairbin-y city Falls City 3,144 6,266 4,992 9,662 4,721 2,503 3,900 2,613 2,589 2,556 5,112 2,632 6,228 18,341 2,628 9,859 11,850 32,073 248, 381 3,033 6,347 4,171 5,242 2, 980 4,454 3,920 4,869 4,762 5,939 10,923 4,177 3,661 7,176 6,916 2,756 3,664 9,417 77, 403 687,029 17,822 3,327 3,238 35,201 6,656 4,689 3,670 10, 134 10, 031 5,107 39, 165 2,570 13,948 3,624 12,515 5,549 3,105 2,729 2,630 9,356 3,170 2, .584 2,687 5,014 5,294 3,255 4,815 3,854 4,445 8,416 2,315 6,905 5,061 5,661 5,611 2,137 1,881 1,778 2,717 1,266 1,577 4,883 12, 780 2,791 9,664 26.023 163,752 1,609 6,966 2,825 4,190 2,638 5,086 4,577 5,099 8,012 3,115 2,726 7,461 4,321 4,053 3,478 7,982 102,979 575,238 15,231 1,077 2,502 23,267 6, .396 4,724 3,015 9,201 1,895 9,453 3,221 3,419 30,470 1,324 14,930 1,033 10,770 2,626 1,096 2,778 1,938 4,306 2,535 2,664 1,921 7,875 510 2,970 1,665 3,522 3,140 3,022 4,297 3,878 2,884 7,981 230 1,381 6,717 4,737 4,000 3,960 1,543 2,034 1,394 2,247 1,335 4,314 12,857 2,342 9,943 1.32,716 302 3,610 1,777 4,. 537 2,558 5,090 3,371 1,977 4,297 4,037 4,789 8,215 1,69? 2,187 4,008 21,8.50 5,039 4.706 2,726 2,143 10, 723 1,463 3,979 'is,' 834 2,850 956 3,426 1,537 1,862 13,836 Nebraska— Con. Fremont city Grand Island city. Hastings city Havelock village. . Holdrege city Kearney city . . Lincoln city McCook city Nebraska City. . Norfolk city North Platte city. Omaha city Plattsmouth city. South Omaha city. UniversityPlace village Wymore city York city 10,326 9,338 2,680 3,030 6,202 43,973 3,765 6,025 4,793 124,096 4,287 26,269 3,200 2,613 6,236 3,134 2,630 2,102 Reno city 10,867 2,600 New Hampshire 11, 780 Claremont town 7, .529 21, 497 5,12S 13,247 Farmington town 2,621 Goffstown town Haverhill town 2,579 3,498 10, 068 10, 183 Lancaster town 3,054 6,718 4,069 Littleton village Manchester city S,0S9 70,053 3,939 26, 005 Newmarket town 3,348 3,765 Pembroke town Portsmouth city 3,062 11,269 8,868 Somersworth city 6,704 2,668 New J'ersey A sbury Park city 10,150 46, 150 55,545 Rloomfield to^^m 15,070 4,930 4,250 3,970 14, 209 Bordentown city Bound Brook borough. Burlington city 8,336 94,638 Carlstadt borough Cliffside Park borough. Collingswood borough. Dover town . . . . East Newark borough . East Orange citv East Rutherford bor- 3.807 3,394 4,796 7, 468 3,163 34.371 4.275 Edgewater borough 2.655 73.409 Englewood city Flemington village Fort Lee borough 9,924 2,693 4,472 3,233 Garfield borough Glen Ridge borough Gloucester citv Guttenberg to'wn Hackensack town Hackettstown town Haddonfleld borough. . Haledon borough Hammonton town 10,213 3,260 9.462 5,647 14,050 2,715 4,142 2,560 5,088 14. 498 Hawthorne borough . . . Hobokencity 3,400 70,324 7,241 7,654 7,188 1,480 3,007 5,634 40, 169 2,445 7,380 3,883 3,640 102,655 26,001 1,130 19,632 3, 154 3,583 13,207 4,922 2,265 3,414 9,165 8,042 3,190 4,965 4,066 56, 987 3,739 23,898 2,892 3,126 3,183 10,637 8,466 7,023 4,148 27, 838 32, 722 9,668 3,901 4,110 2,622 13,913 7,392 75,935 2,674 968 1,633 5,938 2,500 21, 506 2,640 2,934 3,504 1,960 6,840 3,825 9,443 2,474 2,776 POPULATION OF CITIES. 93 POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.1 Table 59— Con. New Jersey— Con. Irvinstontown... Jersey City Kearny town Keyport borough . Lambert ville city. Little Ferry borough. Lodi borough Long Branch city Madison borough Millvillecity Montclair town Morristown town New Brunswick city . Newark city Newton town North Plainfield bor- ough Nutley town Orange city Passaic city Paterson city Perth Amboy city Phillipsburg town Plainfield city Pleasant\nlle borough. Princeton borough Prospect Park borough Rahway city Raritan town Red Bank borough Ridgewood village Roosevelt borough Roselle borough Roselle Park borough . Rutherford borough . . Salem city Secaucus borough Somerville borough . . . South Araboy city — South Orange village. . South Riverborough.. Summit city Tenafly borough... Trenton city Union town Vineland borough.. Wallington borough... Washington borough. . West Hoboken town . . West New York town. West Orange town Westfleld town Wharton borough Woodbury city New Mexico Albuquerque city Cloviscity Las Cruces town Las Vegas city (Kast LasV'egasP. O.) Las Vegas town Raton city Roswellcity Santa Fe city Silver Citj; Tucumcari city New Tork Albany city Albion village Amityville village . Amsterdam city . . . Auburn city Babylon %'illage Baldwinsville village. Ballston Spa village. . Bata via village Bath village Bingham ton city Brockport village Buffalo city . 11.S77 207,779 18,o59 3.554 4,057 2.541 4,138 13,298 4,658 12,451 21.550 12, 507 23,388 347, 409 4,467 29,630 54,773 125,600 32, 121 13.903 20,550 4,390 5,136 2,719 9,337 3,672 7.398 5,416 5,786 2,725 3,138 7,045 6, 614 4,740 5.000 7,007 6,014 4,772 7,500 2,756 96,815 21,023 5,282 3, 44S 3, 5(;7 35, 403 13,660 10, 980 0,420 2,983 4,042 3.755 3.179 4.539 6, 172 5.072 3,217 2,526 100, 253 5,016 2,517 31 . 267 34,668 2.600 3,099 4,138 11,013 3,884 48, 443 3, ,579 423,715 5,255 206, 433 10, 896 3,413 4,637 1,240 1,917 8,872 3,754 10.583 13,962 11,267 20,006 246, 070 4,376 24,141 27,777 105, 171 17,699 10, 062 15,369 2,182 3,899 7,935 3,244 5,428 1,626 4,843 6,349 4,608 2,792 5, .302 1.746 73,307 15.187 4.370 1.812 3,540 2,049 5,003 2,735 2,157 2,992 3.923 9. l.SO 4,994 39, 647 3,398 352,387 6,151 3,030 7,231 2,409 10,002 8, 166 18, 603 181.8,30 3,003 18,844 13,028 78,347 9,512 8.044 11,207 2,556 4,145 1,047 3,861 4,330 3,106 1,796 1,040 57,458 10,643 3,822 New York— Con. Can ton village.., Carthage \illage. Catsldll village... Clyde village Cohoes city Cold Springs village . Coming city Cornwall village Cortland city Dansville village Depew village Dobbs Ferry village. , Dolge ville village Dunkirk city East Aurora village . . East Syracuse village. . Ellenville village Elmira city Elmira Heights village Fairport village Fishkill Landing vil- lage Fort Edward village . . Fort Plain village Frankfort village Fredonia village Freeport village . . Fulton city Geneva city Glens Falls city.. Gloversville city. Goshen village Gouvemeur village . . . Granville village Green Island village. . . Greenport ^'illage Hastings-upon-Hudson village Haverstraw village Hempstead village. Herkimer village . . Homer village Hoosick Falls village . . . Homellcity Hudson city Hudson Falls village . . Ilion village Ithaca city Jamestown city. . . Johnstown city... Kingston city Lackawanna city. Lancaster village . . Leroy village Lestershire village. Little Falls city Lockportcity Lowville village Lyons village Malone village Maraaroneck village Massena village Matteawan village Mechanicville Wllage . Medina village Middletown city Moimt Kisco village. . Mount Morris villagf Mount Vernon city. New Roclielle city . - New York City ^ ... Manhattan Borough.. Bronx Borough Brooklyn Borough.. Queens Borough Richmond Borough Newark village 3,503 5,290 2, 095 24,709 2,549 13,730 2,058 11,504 3,938 3,921 3,455 2,085 17,221 2,781 3,274 3,114 37, 170 3.902 3,762 2,762 3,303 5,285 4,836 10.480 12, 446 15,243 20,642 4,128 3,920 4,737 4,652 6,069 4,964 5,632 13,617 11,417 6,189 14,802 31,297 10, 447 26. 908 14, 549 2,940 4,400 6,407 6,099 2,961 6,727 6,634 5.683 15,313 2.802 2,782 30,919 28, 867 4.766,883 I, SSI. 541 430, 9S0 l,6Si,S5l SS4.0il 85.969 6,227 2,757 2,895 5,484 2,507 23,910 2,007 11.001 1,906 9,014 3,633 3,379 2,888 1,915 11,616 2,366 2,509 2,879 36, 672 1,703 2,489 3,673 3.521 2:444 2.664 4,127 2,012 1 8, 206 10, 433 12,613 18, 349 2,826 3,689 2,700 4,770 2,366 2,002 5,935 3,582 5,565 2,381 6. 071 11.918 9,628 4,473 6,138 13,136 22, 892 10, 130 24,535 3,750 3,144 3,111 10,381 16,681 2,352 2,580 2,278 4,920 2,638 22,609 2,231 2,881 30,893 2,552 3,617 2,804 2.291 3,399 16,036 7.657 9,609 13,864 1,406 5,070 4.831 11.079 16.038 7.768 21,261 1,049 4,278 2,679 4,492 11.977 1.095 10.830 9,057 2. .507, 414 1,441. me 88,908 SS8.647 87,050 51,693 Ncwburph city Niagara Falls city North Tarrytown vil- NorthTonawanda city. Norwich village Canastota village. 1 Includes population of Oswego Falls village as follows: 1900,2,925; 1890, 1,821 5,421 11,955 7,422 3,179 4,793 6,212 New York— Con. Nyack village. . . Ogdensburg city. Oleancity Oneida city Oneontacity Ossining village. . . Oswego city Owego village. Patchogue village.. PeeksklU village.. . Penn Yan village Perry village Plattsburg city Port Chester village.. Port Jervis city Potsdam villa( e Poughkeepsie city Rensselaer city Rochester city Rockville Center vil- Rome city Rye village Sag Harbor village. St. Johnsville village... Salamanca village . Saranac Lake rtllage . . Saratoga Springs viX- Saugerties village. Schenectady city . Scotia village Seneca Falls tillage Sidney village Silver Creek village. Solvay village Southampton village. . .'^nffem village Syracuse city Tarrytown village . Tonawanda city . . . Troy city Tuckahoe village Tupper Lake village. Uticacity Walden village Walton village Wappingers Falls vil- lage Warsaw village Waterford village Waterloo village Watertown city Watervliet city. . . Watkins village.. Waverly village . . Wells ville \'illage. Westfield village White Plains village. Whiteliall village Yonkcrs city North Carolina Ashevillecity... Belhaven town . . Burhngtoncity.. Charlotte city. . . Concord city Durham city Edenton tOHTi Ehzabeth City town. Fayetteville town . . . Gastonia town Goldsboro city Graham town Greensboro city Greenville to^\'n Henderson town Hendersonville town. Hickory town High Point city Kinston town Lenoir town 4,619 15,933 14,743 8,317 9,491 11,480 23,368 4,633 3,824 15,245 4,597 4,036 27, 936 10,711 218,149 20, 497 3,964 0,588 2,507 2,512 6,139 2, 609 2.063 137,249 6.600 8,290 76,813 2,722 3,007 74,419 4,004 3,103 3,195 3,206 3,245 3,931 26, 730 16,074 2,817 4,855 4,382 2.985 15,949 4,917 79, 803 18,762 , 2,863 18,241 2,789 8,412 7.045 5,759 6.107 2,504 15,895 4,101 4,503 2,818 3,716 9.,'i25 6.995 3,364 4,275 12, 033 9,462 6,304 7,147 7,939 22,199 6,039 2,926 10, 368 4,050 2,703 8,434 4,251 2,594 12,409 3,097 31,682 6,519 2,331 1,944 3,493 2,289 1,019 108,374 4,770 7.421 00,051 56,383 3,147 2,811 3,504 3.048 3.140 4.250 21,696 14, 321 2,943 4,465 3,556 3, 692 18,091 7,910 6,079 3,046 0.348 4,670 4,010 5,S77 2,052 10,036 2,505 3,746 1,917 2.535 4,163 4,106 1.296 2 Population of New York and its boroughs as now constituted. 94 POPULATION. POPULATION OP PLACES HAVING. IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.] Table 59— Con. CITY, TOWN, TILLAGE, OK BOROUGH. North Carolina — Con. Lexington to\vn Monroe city Moores^ille town Morganton town Mount Airy town Newbem city Oxford town Raleigh city ReidsvlUe town Ilocliy Mount to'^^'n Salem town Salisbury city Shelby to^vn States\ille city Tarboro town Thomasville town ■Washington city Wilmington city Wilson town Winston city North Dakota Bismarck city Devils Lake city Dickinson city Fargo city Grand Forks city Jamestown city Mandan city Minot city Valley City WilUston city Ohio Akron city Alhance city Ashland city Ashtabula city Athens city Barberton city Baraesville village Bellaire city Bellefontaine city Bellevue city Berea village Bowhng Green city Bridgeport village Bryan village Bucyrus city Byesville village Cambridge city Canal Dover city Canton city Carthage village CeUna village Chicago Junction vil- lage Chilhcothe city Cinciimati city Circleville city Cleveland city Cleveland Heights vil- lage Clyde village Columbus city Conneaut city Coshocton city Crestline village Crooksville village Cuyahoga Falls village. Dayton city Defiance city Delaware city Delphos city Dennison village East Cleveland city . . . East Liverpool city — East Palestine village.. East Youngstown \il- lage Eaton village Elmwood Place village 4,163 4,082 3,400 2,712 3,844 9,961 3,018 19,218 4,828 8,051 5,533 7,153 3,127 4.599 4,129 3,877 6,211 25,748 4,358 3,873 6,188 69,067 15,083 6,795 18,206 5,463 9.410 4,233 12.946 8,238 2,609 5,222 3,974 3,041 8,122 3,156 11,327 6,621 50,217 2,950 14,508 363,591 6,744 2,955 2.815 181,511 8,319 3,028 4,020 116,577 7,327 9,076 5,038 4,008 9,179 1,234 2,427 1,533 i;938 2,680 9,090 2,059 13, 643 3,262 2,937 3,642 6,277 1,874 3,141 2,499 751 3,319 1,729 2,853 1,058 1,277 2,446 4,354 3,721 9,912 6,649 4,101 2,510 5,067 3,963 3,131 6,560 1,267 8,241 5.422 30,667 2,659 2,815 2,516 126, 660 7,133 3,186 85, 333 7,579 7,940 4,617 3,763 2,757 7,843 2,907 12,678 2,969 816 2,711 4.418 1,394 2,318 1,924 ■ 590 3,545 20,056 2,126 8,018 5,604 4,979 27,601 7,607 3,566 3.207 9,934 4,245 3,052 2,533 3,467 3,309 3,068 5,974 789 4,301 3,470 26,189 2,257 1.299 11,288 296,908 6,556 2,327 88, 150 3,241 7,694 8,224 4,516 2,925 10,956 1,816 "2; 934 Ohio— Con. Elyriacity Findlay city Fostoriacity Franklin village Fremont city Gallon city Gallipolisoity Girard village Glouster village Greenfield village Greenville city Hamilton city Hartwell village Hillsboro village Iron ton city Jackson city Kent tillage. Kenton city Lakewood city Lancaster city Lebanon village Leetonia village Lima city Lisbon village Lockland village Logan village... London village Lorain city Madison\dlle city Mansfield city Marietta city Marion city Martins Ferry city Marys^alle "village Massillon city Medina village Miamisburg village Middleport village Middletovvu city Mingo Junction village Montpelier village Mount Vernon city Napoleon village Nelson ville city New Comerstown vil- lage New Lexington village. New Philadelphia city, Newark city Newburgh city Nilescity North Baltimore ^dl- lage Norwalk city Norwood city Oberlin village , Orrville village '. Painesville city Piquacity Pomeroy village Port CUnton village..., Portsmouth city Ravenna city Reading village Rockport village St. Bernard city St. Marys city Salem city Sandusky city Shelby village Sidney city., Springfield city Steubenville city Struthers village Tiffin city Toledo city Toronto village Troy city Uhrichs\ille\'illage Upper Sandusky vil- lage Urbanacitj; Van Wert city 14,825 14,858 9,597 2,659 4,228 6,237 35,279 2,823 4,296 13, 147 5,468 4,488 7,185 16,181 13,093 2,698 2,665 30,508 3,084 3,439 4,850 12, 923 18,232 9,133 3,576 13,879 2,734 4,271 3,194 13, 152 4,049 2,759 2,943 2,559 8,542 25,404 5,813 8,361 2,503 7,858 16,185 4,366 3,101 5,601 13,388 4,023 3,007 23,481 5,310 .3,985 3,179 5,002 5,732 8,943 19,989 4,903 6,607 46,921 22,391 3,370 11,894 168,497 4,271 3,779 7,739 7,157 8,791 17,613 7,730 2,724 7,282 5,432 2,630 2,155 3,979 5,601 23,914 1,833 4,535 11,868 4,672 4,541 6,852 3,365 2,867 2,744 21,723 3,330 2,695 3,511 16,028 3,140 17,640 13,348 11,862 7,760 3,048 11,944 2,232 3,941 2,799 6,633 3,639 5,421 2,659 1,701 6,213 18,157 5,909 7,468 5,024 12, 172 4,639 2,450 17,870 4,003 3,076 2,038 3,384 5,359 7,582 19,664 4,685 5,688 38,253 14,349 5,611 18,553 7,070 2,729 7,141 2,460 5,473 17,606 1,507 3,620 10,939 4,320 3,501 5,567 2,474 3,119 3,313 4,863 2,214 13,473 8,273 8,327 6,250 2,810 10,092 2,073 2,952 3,211 7,681 1,856 1,293 6,027 1,470 4,456 14,270 5,780 18,471 1,977 4,850 31, 895 13, 394 10,989 131,822 3,526 3,365 6,808 6,422 3,572 6,610 6,512 Ohio— Con. Wadsworth village Wapakoneta city Warren city Washington Court House city Wauseon village Wellston city Wellsville city Wilmington village Woodsfield village Wooster city Xenia city Youngstown city Zanesvillecity Oklahoma Ada city Altuscity Alva city Anadarko city Ardmore city Bartlesville city Blaekwell city Chlckasha city Claremore city Clinton city Coalgate city Durant city El Reno city Elk City Enid city Frederick city Guthrie city Hartshorne city Hobartcity Hugo city Kingfisher city Krebscity Ivawton city Mc Alester city Mangum city Miami city Muskogee city Norman city Nowata city Oklahoma City Okmulgee city Pauls Valley city Pawhuska city Perry city Poncacity Purcelloity Sapulpaoity Sha^vnee city Stillwater city Sulphur city Tahlequah city Tulsa city Vinita city Wagoner city Waurika cit^ Woodward city Oregon Albany city Ashland city Astoriacity Baker City Corvalliscity Eugene city Grants Pass city Klamath Falls town... La Grande city Marshfifcld to\vn Medford city Oregon City Pendleton city Portland city Roseburg city St. Johns city Salem city The Dalles city 3,073 5,349 11,081 6,875 7,769 4,491 2,602 4,349 4,821 3,688 3,439 8,618 6,181 3,266 10,320 2,866 2,781 3,255 6,330 7,872 3,165 13,799 3,027 11,664 2,963 3,845 4,682 2,638 2,884 7,788 12,954 3,667 2,907 25,278 3,724 3,672 64,205 4,176 2,689 2,776 3,133 3,444 3,684 2,891 18, 182 4,082 4,018 2,928 2,696 2,768 4,843 2,980 8,840 4,287 4,460 207,214 4,738 4,872 14, 094 4,880 1,764 3,916 8,529 8,045 6,146 3,613 1,801 3,257 1,927 2,644 7,862 2,064 1,278 2,921 4,510 5,370 2,195 10,087 2,036 11,652 2,435 3,136 2,676 2,214 1,508 5,562 8,144 2,672 1,893 14,418 3,040 2,223 32,452 2,322 2,157 2,408 2,881 2,529 2,653 4,259 10,956 2,577 2,935 1,916 7,298 1900 3,149 2,634 8,381 6,663 1,819 1,791 3,494 4,406 90,426 POPULATION OF CITIES. 95 POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.] Table 69— Con. Cnr, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. laio 1900 1890 aTY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. 1910 1900 1890 Pennsylvania 61,913 52,127 2,649 5,205 3,006 7,194 6,855 5,601 2,592 3,796 2,941 4,317 4,634 5,369 3,535 3,456 12, 191 4,145 6,323 5,357 12,837 2,930 3,572 5,345 7,413 3,134 19,367 14,544 3,860 9,256 3,003 20,728 3,891 17,040 10,303 10,009 6,117 6,260 11,800 9,615 38,537 3,326 2,612 6,851 3,155 5,154 11,084 11,454 12,845 7,480 2,670 5,252 5,991 3,100 4,583 2,549 7,517 6,305 2.954 9,331 8,174 4,046 3,326 3,304 12,623 17,615 15, 727 7,487 5,046 3,548 5,615 3,330 28,523 2,69fi 8,407 2,587 3,902 3,501 2,916 3,192 35,416 38,973 1,884 25,228 30,337 1,073 Pennsylvania— Con. Erie city 66,525 5,830 3,537 4,850 5,74i 3,118 9,767 3,060 6,197 . 4,027 3,504 4,030 5,401 4,396 5,540 9,058 13,012 5,909 3,674 7,057 64,186 25, 452 3.734 18,713 2,946 6,801 6.749 2,886 8,077 2,968 3,168 5,381 4,334 65,482 , 5,285 6,626 6,449 4,311 6,651 47,227 8,321 3,651 4,066 9,288 8,777 19,240 3,624 5,316 3,081 8,166 7,772 5,426 2,943 3,389 2,543 14,702 42,694 16,936 3,962 3,662 12,780 4,469 3,662 3,741 5,374 7,861 7,460 3,159 7,240 3,376 11,775 7,698 3,964 17,632 4,241 5,812 3,338 5,185 18,877 3,978 52,733 5,384 1,948 2,870 4,279 2,594 7,317 1,783 5,254 2,416 2,769 3,495 4,373 3,666 40,634 3,707 790 Pennsylvania— Con. Now Brighton borough New Castle city New Kensington bor- 8,329 30,280 7,707 2.512 27,875 11,824 2,072 S,729 3,517 3,436 15,657 11,324 8,505 2,522 2,578 4,338 3.907 3.967 2.779 1,549,008 3,585 10,743 4,975 533,905 10,267 16,990 2,078 2,954 15,599 20,236 3,801 6,042 90,071 4,621 3,189 5.408 5,903 3,073 5,640 6,456 6,346 6,426 4,747 5.456 129,867 4,479 19.588 15,270 8,153 3,634 25.774 3.457 4.454 2.612 19,973 3.943 4.592 10, 190 3.734 2,700 2,880 14,246 4,379 4,209 13,770 3,478 7,381 5,396 9,462 7,414 9.060 5.133 8,533 4.281 4,995 6,820 28,339 4,005 1,320 22,205 6,635 2,068 5,016 11,600 Ambler borough Exeter borough Ford City borough Forest City borough. . . Frackville borough Apollo borough 2,924 5,396 B, 438 4,046 1,231 3,749 2,300 2,130 3,487 4,106 1,482 2,348 10,054 4,216 3,416 3,916 110,758 2,264 3,386 3,915 6,170 2,156 4,032 7,340 3,192 2,319 2,620 6,221 704 1,730 New Philadelphia bor- Archbald borough Norristown borough. . . North Braddock bor- ough. 19,791 Ashley borough Aspiuwall borough Athens borough Freedom borough Freeland borough Gale ton borough GaUitzin borough Gettysburg borough. . , Gilberton borough Girardville borough. . . Glassport borough Greater Punxsutaw- 3,274 1,679 804 3,031 2,509 North East borough . . . Northampton borough. Northumberland bor- ough. . 1,538 2,392 3,221 3.687. 3,584 Austin borough A valon borough A voca borough Bangor borough 2,748 2,323 13,204 5,030 6,180 1,788 1,791 2,529 2,051 2,784 1,803 1,293,697 3,266 9.196 2.601 !451,512 12,556 13.649 2,168 816 13.696 16,710 3,014 3,775 78,961 4,082 3,435 3,515 4,688 2,607 2,744 1,678 Oakmont borough 1,552 9,735 3,946 1,418 2,701 19,521 2,261 3,126 2.452 4,635 «6,746 6,508 4,814 1,599 5,302 50,167 14,230 2,998 12,654 2,864 6,063 4,142 2.452 5,865 2,091 2,567 3,070 3,894 35,936 1,709 5,296 3,846 •3,902 3,511 41,459 4,888 2,754 2,630 »4,194 4,202 3,674 1,160 3,746 39,385 11,872 2,975 7,911 2,816 5,729 1,903 2,428 3,296 1,609 2,650 1,853 Old Forge borough Oh'phant borough Parkesburg borough... Parnassus borough Parsons borough Patton borough Pen Argyl borough Perkasie Jsorough Philadelphia city Philipsburg borough. . . Phoenixville borough . . Pitcaim borough Pittsburgh city Beaver borough 4,083 1,614 616 2,412 Bellefonte borough Bellevue borough Berwick borough Greensburg borough. . . Greenville borough Grove City borough. . . Hanover borough Harrisburg city Bethlehem borough Birdsboro borough 2,108 458 1,046,964 3,245 8,514 Blakeley borough Bloomsburg to^vn HoUidaysburg borough Homestead borough . . . Honesdale borougn Huntingdon borough .. Indiana borough Braddock borough 15,654 15,029 3,097 7,104 2,472 10,853 2,714 13,536 9,626 7,330 8,5C1 10,514 2,651 6,563 2,478 8,734 2,113 10,833 7,620 "343,904 Pl.\Tnouth borough Port Carbon borough. . Portage borough Pottstown borough Potts viUe borough Quakertown borough. . R ankin borough Bristol borough Brookville borough Jeannette borough Jenkintown borough . . Jermyn borough Jersey Shore borough. . Johnsonburg borough . Johnstown citv Juniata borough 9.344 1,976 Butler borough Canonsburg borough... 13,285 14,117 Carhsle borough 21,806 2,169 2.944 2,381 3,096 1,723 32,011 4,004 1,858 58,661 4,164 2,789 Renovo borough Reynoldsville borough. Ridgway borough Rochester borough Royersford borough . . . St. Clair borough * St. Clair borough 5 St. Marys borough Catasauqua borough. . . Chambersburg borough 3,963 8,864 5,930 33,988 3,704 7,863 Kingston borough Kittanning borough . . Kno.xville borough 20,226 Lansford borough Lansdale borough Lansdowne borough. . . Larks\^IIe borough Latrobe borough 1,815 Clairton borough Clarion borougn ' 2,004 5,081 2,330 2,164 2,248 1,820 4,638 4,295 5,243 3,654 , 4,261 102,026 3,568 18,202 8,916 6,842 2,970 20.321 3,228 3.773 1,834 13,241 1,805 2,635 3,680 1,745 4,614 17,628 2,459 4.629 3,457 4.451 7,210 3,817 2,762 2,122 2,475 6,352 34,227 13,504 4,029 2,300 10,291 3,841 3,075 3,024 5,608 6,736 6,175 2,224 4,815 2,008 2,197 5,173 1.227 13, 179 2,295 4,745 1,086 3,589 14,664 1,921 2,969 3,248 3,273 7,368 2,398 2,450 SchuylkUl Haven bor- Coatesville borough Columbia borough 6,721 12,316 7,160 5,762 1,581 2,555 5,369 3,217 1,927 1,937 8,042 3,429 2,347 4,948 3,680 10, 599 5,629 6,470 880 962 5,677 1,530 Leechburg borough Lehighton borough Lewisburg borough Lewistown borough. . . Lock Haven city Luzerne borough Lykens borough Mc.\doo borough McDonald borough McKees Rocks borough McKeesport city Mahanoy City borough. Mauch Chunk borough Mayfield borough Scottdale borough 2,693 75,215 Conshohocken borough Coplay borough Corao polls borough Scwickley borough Shamokin borough Sharon borough Sharpsburg borough. . . Sharpsville borough. . . Shenandoah borough. . Shippensburg borough . Slatington borough Somerset borough South Bethlehem bor- ough 2,776 14,403 7,459 Coudersport borough . . 2,330 Curwensville borough . 1,664 7,998 2,972 1,968 3,110 1,698 15.944 2,188 2,716 Darby borough Derry borough 20,741 11,286 4,101 1,695 9,620 3,691 2,736 1,847 5,080 3.809 5,317 2.075 3,504 1,494 1,713 10,302 South Brownsville bor- Dorranceton borough. . 2,211 2,133 3,034 9,375 12,583 9,036 586 1,920 2,519 6,149 8,315 1,030 Doylestdwn borough . . Mechanicsburg bor- Soutn Fork borough.. - South Sharon borough. South Williamsport 1,295 Media borough Meyersdale borough . . . Middietown borough. . Millvale borough Milton borough Miners Mills borough.. Minersville borough. . . Monaca borough Monessen borough Monongaheia City Moosic borough Mount Carmel borough Mount Oliver borough. Mount Pleasant bor- 3,328 1,616 2,666 12,086 3,460 2,986 9,810 3,813 1,716 2,204 7,267 5,472 4,215 2,204 8,244 4,663 3,263 2,900 Spangler borough Spring City borough. . . Steelton borough Stroudsburg borough . . Summit Hill borough. . Sunbury borough Susquehanna borough. Swissvale borough Swoyersvllle borough.. Tamaqua borough Tarentum borough Taylor borough Throop borough East Conemaugh bor- 2,175 3,458 2,883 2,64S 26,238 1,139 5,165 1,473 2,243 1,468 2,463 2,451 1,158 2,772 1,797 9,250 East Mauch Chunk 2,419 2,816 East Pittsburgh bor- 5,930 3,872 East Stroudsburg bor- 1,819 14,481 616 3,284 1,218 4,096 8,254 ••■'• 4,627 Edwardsville borough. Elizabeth town borough Ellwood City borough. 3,652 810 Mount Union borough. Munhall borough Nanticoke borough Nazareth borough 883 2,147 8,073 Emporium borough. . . Ephrata borough 12, 116 2,304 10,044 1,318 Towanda borough Turtle Creek borough . . 4,169 1 Includes population of West Bethlehem borough as follows; 1900, 3,465; 1890, 2,7 « Includes population of Clayville borough as follows: 1900, 2.371; 1890, 1,402. » Includes population of Allegheny as follows; 1900, ]29,896; 1890, 105,287. •Allegheny County, t Schuylkill Cojmty. 96 POPULATION. POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [See headnote to table, p. 87.] Table 59— Con. Pennsylvania— Con. Tyrone borough Union City borough . . . Unionto^Ti borough . . . Vandergrift borough . . Vandergrift Heights borough Verona borough Warren borough Washington borough . . Waynesboro borough . . Waynesburg borough . . Weatherly borough Wellsboro borough West Berwick borough. West Chester borough . West Hazleton borough West Homestead bor- ough West Newton borough. West Pittston borough. Wiekboro borough Wilkes-Barre city Wilkmsburg borough. . Williamsport city Williamstown borough Wilmerding borough . .Windber borough Winton borough Wyoming borough . . . York city Rhode Island Bristol town Burrillville town.. Central Falls city. Coventry town Cranston city Cumberland town East Greenwich tovra. . East Pro\^dence town. Johnston to\^Ti Lincoln town Newport city North Kingstown town North Providence to North Smithfieldtov Pawtucket city Portsmouth town. Providence city. . . Scituate towm Smithfleld town . . . South Kingstown town Tiverton town Warren town Warwick town Westerly to^vn . . . Woonsocket city . South Carolina Darlington town.. Easley town Elorencecity Gaffney town Georgetown city. . Greenville city.. Greenwood town Laurens town Marion town Newberry town. Orangeburg city. . Rock Hill city Spartanburg city . Sumter city Union town 5.512 11,767 4,715 3,009 2.880 6,848 2,775 67,105 18, 924 31,860 2,904 6.133 8.013 5,280 21,107 10, 107 3,420 15,808 5,935 9,825 27.149 4,04S 5.407 2. C99 51, 622 2, CSl 224.326 3.493 2.739 5.176 4,032 6.585 26, 629 8.696 38,125 Abbeville city 4. 459 AUcencity 3,911 Anderson city 9,654 Bennettsville town 2,646 Camdencity 3,569 Charleston city. Cheraw town... Chester city Clinton town.. - Columbia city.. 5,530 15.741 6.614 4.818 3.844 5,028 5,847 3,104 7,344 2,076 1,910 1,904 8,043 7,670 5,396 2,544 9,524 2,616 2,467 5,846 3.425 1,909 33, 70S 12, 138 4,305 8,937 22.441 4,194 3,016 2.422 39,231 2,105 175,597 3,361 2,107 4,972 2,977 5,108 21,316 3.766 3,414 6,498 1,151 4,075 1,869 21, 108 3,028 903 4,647 3,937 4, 138 11,860 4,824 4,029 1,831 4,607 4,455 6,485 11,395 6,673 6,400 4,705 2,261 6,359 37,718 4.662 27, 132 2,324 20, 365 19, 457 4,193 2,084 3,173 27, 633 132, 146 3,174 2,500 4,823 2,837 4,489 17,761 6.813 20,830 1,696 2.362 3,018 3,395 1,631 2,895 8,607 1,320 2.245 1. 640 3,020 2.964 2,744 6,644 3,865 1.609 South Bakota Aberdeen city . . Brookings city.. Deadwood city. Huron city Lead city Madison city. Mitchell city.. Pierre city Rapid City ... Redfleld city Sioux Falls city. Watertowncity. Yankton city Tennessee Bristol town 1 — Brownsville city.. Chattanooga city. Clarksvillecity... Cleveland city Columbia city. .. Covington to\vn. Dyersburg city.. Fayetteville towi Franldin town... Harriman city Htunboldt town Jackson city Johnson City town. Knoxville city La FoUettecity... Lebanon town Lenoir City town. Memphis city Morristo^Ti town. Murfreesboro city. Nashville city Paris city Park City tcwn ... Pulaski town Rockwood town.. ShelbjTiUe town. TuUahoma town.. Union City town. Texas Abilene city Amarillo city. . . Austin city Ballingercity... Bay City town. Beaumont city Beevillecity Belton city Big Spring city Bonham city Bowie city Brady city Brenham city Brownsville city... Brownwood city... Bryan city Calvert town Cameron city Childress city Cleburne city Coleman city Comanche to\vn. . . Commerce city Corpus Christi city Corsicana city Crockett town Cuero towTi Dalhart city Dallas city Denison city Denton city Dublin city Eagle Pass town... El Paso city Enniscity Fort Worth city... Gainesville city Galveston city Georgetown city .. . Gonzales city 10, 753 2,971 3,653 5,791 8,392 3,137 6,516 3,656 3,854 3,.060 14,094 7,010 3,787 5,549 5,764 2,990 4,149 3,439 2,924 3.061 3; 446 15, 779 8.502 36,346 2,816 3,659 3,392 131,105 4,007 4,679 no; 364 3,881 6.126 2,928 3,6 9,204 9,957 29,860 3,536 3, 156 20,640 3,269 4,164 4,102 4,844 2,874 2,669 4,718 10,517 6,967 4.132 2,579 3,263 3,818 10,364 3,046 2,756 2,818 8,222 9,749 3,947 3,109 2,580 92,104 13,632 4,732 2, 551 3,536 39, 279 5,669 73.312 7,624 36, 981 3,096 3,139 4,087 2,346 3,498 2,550 4,055 2,306 1,342 1.015 10, 266 3,352 4,125 6,271 2,645 30, 154 9,431 3,858 6,052 14,511 4,645 32,637 2,236 2,684 3,407 3,411 1,442 22, 258 1,128 5,042 2,600 5,968 6,305 3,965 3,589 3,322 3,341 692 1,362 2,070 1,800 4,703 9,313 2,612 3,422 26.688 7; 874 37, 789 3,182 1,518 2,366 3,038 2,581 1,736 10,177 2,672 3,670 3,324 2,516 29,100 7,924 2,863 1,837 10.039 4,161 22,535 2,305 1,823 2,439 3,441 3,361 1,486 5,209 6,134 2,176 2,979 2,632 1,608 3,278 906 1,226 810 4,387 6,285 1,445 2,442 10, 338 2,171 23,076 6,594 29,084 2.447 1,641 Texas— Con. Greenville city Hillsboro city Houston city Houston Heights town Jackson\'ille city Jefferson city Laredo city Lockhart town Longview city Lutkin town McKinney city Marlin city Marshall city Mart town Mexia town Mineral Wells city Mount Pleasant city.. Nacogdoches city Navasota town New Braunlels city.. . Orange city Palestine city Paris city Platnview town Port Arthur city Quanah city San Angelo city San Antonio city San Marcos town Seguin town Sherman city Smithville city Snyder town Stamford city Stephenville city , Sulphur Springs city.. Sweetwater town Taylor city Teaguecity Temple city Terrell city Texarkana city 2 Tyler city Uvalde town Vernon town Victoria city Waco city Waxahachie town Weatherford city Wichita Falls city Yoakum town Utah American Fork city. Bingham town Brigham city Eureka city Lehicity Logan city Murray city Nephicity Ogden City Parkclty Prove city Richfield city Salt Lake City Spanish Fork city. .. Springville city Tooele city Vermont Barrecity Barre to\vn Barton town Bennington to\\Ti Bennington village. Brandon town Brattleboro town Brattleboro village . Burlington city Colchester town Win^oski village — Derby town Essex town Fair Haven town Fair Haven village.. Hardwick town 6,115 78,800 6.984 2,875 2,515 14,855 2,946 4,714 3,878 11,452 2,939 2,694 3,950 3,137 3,369 3,284 3,165 5,527 10, 482 11,269 2,829 7,663 3,127 1,568 2,860 13,429 2,306 3,591 1,627 4 342 3,092 7,865 2,393 2,048 1,827 3,857 2,097 3,835 8,297 9,358 53, 321 2,292 2,421 1,902 3,635 670 4,211 7,065 6,330 5,256 8,069 1,889 1,993 4,010 20,686 4,213 4,786 2,480 3,499 3,085 2,719 5,451 16,313 3,759 6,186 1,969 53,531 2,735 3,422 1,200 8,448 3,346 2,790 8,033 S,656 2,759 6,640 S,197 18.640 5,352 S,78S 3.274 2,203 2,999 2,466 1 Joint population a Joint population of Bristol town, Sullivan County, Tenn., and Bristol city, Va.: 1910, of Texarkana city. Miller Coimty, -4rk., and Texarkana city, Bowie 13,395; 1900, 9,850; 1890, 6,226. Coimty, Tex.: 1910, 15,445; 1900, 10,170; : POPULATION OF CITIES. 97 POPULATION OF PLACES HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 189vA-Contmued. [See beadnote to table, p. 87.) Table 69— Con. Vermont— Con. Hartford town . . . . Lyndon town Middlebury town. Montpelier city Morristown town. . Newport town Newport village . Northneld town . . . PouJtney town Proctor town Proctor village . . Randolpli town Richford town Rockingham town . . . , Bellows Falls village. Rutland city St. Albans city St. Johnsbury town St. Joh nsbury village. Springfield town , Springteld village.. . Swanton town Waterbury town. . . . West Rutland town, Woodstock town Virginia Alexandrii city Bedford City town. , . Big Stone Gap town. Bristol city i Buena Vista city Charlottesyille city . Clifton Forge city . . . Covington town Danville city FannviUe town Fredericksburg city . Hampton city Harrisonburg town . . Lexington town Lynchburg city Marion town Martinsville town . . Newport News city . Norfolk city Petersburg city Portsmouth city . Pulaski town Radford city Richmond city... Roanoke city Salem town South Boston town. Staunton city Suffolk town Williamsburg city . Winchester city. .. Wytheville town . . Washington Aberdeen city. .. Anacortes city . . . Bellinghara city a Bremerton city. . Centralia city 4,179 3,204 2,848 7,856 2,652 3,6S4 3.226 3,644 2,S71 2,756 3,191 2,907 6,207 4.88S 13,546 3.628 3,273 3,427 2,545 15,329 2,508 2,590 6,247 3,245 6,765 5,748 4,234 19,020 2,971 5,874 5,505 4,879 2,931 29,494 2,727 3,368 20,205 67,4.i2 24,127 33,190 4,807 4.202 127,628 2,714 5,864 3,054 13,660 4,168 24,298 2,993 7,311 3,817 2,956 3,045 6.266 2,583 3,113 1,874 2,855 3,108 2.136 B.OIS 3,745 2,810 2,914 2,557 14,528 2,416 1,617 4,579 2,388 6,449 23,579 2,950 16,520 2,471 2,764 3,521 3,203 18,891 2,045 2,384 19,635 46,624 21,810 17,427 2,813 3,344 85,050 21,495 3,412 1,851 3,827 2,044 5,161 3,003 3,740 2,619 2,793 4. 160 2,411 3,232 2,196 4,579 6,567 S,867 2.881 I.SIS 3,231 2,232 3,680 2.545 4,528 2,513 2,792 3,059 19,709 1,651 13,2a8 2,112 2,060 81,388 3,354 1,831 5,196 2,570 1,638 1,131 8.135 Washington— Con, Chehaliscitv Cle Elumcity Colfax city Ellensbufg city Everett city Hillyard city Hoquiam city North Yakima city.. Olyrapia city Port Townsend city . Pullman city Puyallup city Renton town Roslyn town Seattle city Snohomish city South Bend city Spokane city Tacoma city Vancouver city Walla Walla city.... Wenatchee city West Virginia Benwood city Bluefleld city Charles Town Charleston city Chester city Clarksburg city Davis town Elkinscity Fairmont city Grafton city Hin ton city Huntington city Kevser town McMechen city Mannington city Martinsburg city Morgantown city Moundsville city Parkersburg city Princeton city Richwood town Sistersville city Wellsburg city Wheeling city Williamson city Wisconsin Antigo city Appleton city Ashland city Baraboocity Beaver Dam city Beloit city Berlin city Burlington city Chippewa Falls city . Columbus city Cudahy city De Pere city Eau Claire city Edgerton city Fond du Lac city . . . 14,082 6,996 4,181 2,602 4,544 2,740 3,126 237,194 3,244 3,023 104,402 83,743 9,300 19.364 4,050 4,976 11,188 2,662 22,996 3,184 3,656 31,161 3,705 2,921 2,672 10,698 9,150 8,918 17,842 3,027 3,061 2,684 4, 1,S9 41,641 3,561 7,196 16,773 11.594 6,324 6,758 15,125 i.eae 3,212 8,893 2,523 3,691 4,477 18.310 2.513 18,797 3,154 3,863 3,443 37,714 3,126 10,049 4,511 4,644 2,392 11,099 4,050 2,391 2,016 5,655 5,650 3,763 11,923 2,536 1,465 1,681 7.564 1.895 5,362 11,703 2,979 2,688 38,878 13,074 5,751 5,128 10, 436 4,489 2,526 8,094 2,349 17.517 2,192 15,110 1,732 'i^484 2,570 10, 108 2,165 7,226 1,011 2,&SS 4,424 11,869 9,956 4,605 4,222 6,315 4,149 2,043 8,670 1,977 3,625 17,415 1,595 12.024 Wisconsin— Con. Fort Atkinson city . . . Grand Rapids city Green Bay city Hartford city Hudson city Janesville city Jefferson city Kaukauna city Kenosha city La Crosse city Lake Geneva city Madison city Manitowoc city Marinette city Marshfield city Men:isha city Menomonie city Merrill city...." Milwaukee city Mineral Point city Monroe city Neenah city New London city Oconomowoc city Oconto city Oshkosh city Platteville city Plymouth city Port Washington city Portage city Prairie du Chien city. Racine city Reedsburg city Rhinelander city Rice Lake city Richland Center city. Ripon city Shawano city Sheboygan city SouthMilwaukee city Sparta city Stanley city Stevens Point city Stoughton city Sturgeon Bay city Superior city Tomah city Tomahawk city Two Rivers city Washburn city Watertown city Waukesha city Waupaca city Waupun city Waiisau city Wauwatosa" city West .\llis city Whitewater city Wyoming Casper town Cheyenne city E vanston town Laramie city Rawlins city Rock Springs city Sheridan city . . .". 3,877 6,521 25,236 2,982 2,810 13,894 2,582 4,717 21,371 30,417 3,079 25,531 13,027 14,610 3,3S3 3,054 5,629 33,062 4,452 3,094 3,792 5,440 3,149 38,002 2,615 5,637 3,968 2,652 6,092 3,973 2,675 8,692 4,761 4,262 40,384 3,419 2,907 4,8.50 3,830 16.560 3.346 6,645 3,224 2,639 11,320 2,583 8,237 3,043 4,493 18,684 1,632 3,259 13,185 2,584 5,115 11,606 2,585 19, 164 11,786 16, 195 5,240 6,589 8^537 285,315 2,991 3,927 5,954 2,742 3,232 29, 102 2,225 1,863 22,962 3,392 3,555 2,387 9,524 3,431 3,372 31,091 14,087 2,110 8,207 2,317 4,363 1,559 1 Joint population of Bristol town, Sullivan County. Tenn., and Bristol city, Va.: 1910, 13.395; 1900, 9,850; 1890, 6,226. 2 Includes population (367) of \Vest Clifton Forge town. > Fairhaven and New Whatcom cities consolidated under the name of Bellingham city in 1903. 82.594°— 13 98 POPULATION. POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT DIVISIONS. The population of states and territories by counties or equivalent subdivisions, as shown by the returns of the Thirteenth Census, taken as of April 15, 1910, is given in this section. The states and territories of the United States are, in general, divided into counties, but in Louisiana the equivalent subdivisions are called parishes; and there are also a few cities which are mdependent of any county organization, namely, Baltimore in Maryland, St. Louis in Missouri, and most of the cities of Virginia. There are no counties in the District of Columbia, the county organization having been abolished m 1874. Of the outljing pos- sessions enumerated, Hawaii is the only territory which has a county organization, but in the case of Alaska recorders' districts and in the case of Porto Rico mu- nicipal districts are treated as equivalent to county areas. Table 63 (p. 102) shows the number of counties in each state of the United States which have either increased or decreased in population smce 1900, and classifies those which have increased according to the rate of increase, while Tables 60 and 61 give the aggre- gate area of counties in which population decreased. The relative increase in the population of counties, from 1900 to 1910, is also shown graphically in a map following page 124. The states comprising continental United States were in 1910 divided into 2,953 counties or equivalent sub- divisions, but, because of the organization of new coun- ties from parts of other counties since 1900, the number of areas for which increase or decrease in population is shown in Table 63 is onty 2,841. Of these areas, 2,785 are single counties, and 56 are combinations each of two or more counties. In the case of each state the total area is embraced within the counties and combinations of counties for which population increases or decreases are shown. The counties which are combmed in order to deter- mine the rates of increase are given in Table 62. Table 64 (pp. 103 to 123) gives the area and popula- tion in 1910, by counties, for each state in the United States, and, so far as possible, in comparison with similar figures for 1900 and 1890, respectively. For the state of Oklahoma, formed from the terri- tory of Oklahoma and- Indian Territory since 1900, comparison is made with the figures of the special census taken as of July 1, 1907, and also, where pos- sible, v/ith those of the censuses of 1900 and 1890. Table 65 (pp. 123 and 124) gives the population of Alaska in 1910, by recorders' districts, but without com- parison for former censuses ; that of Hawaii, by counties, for 1910, 1900, and 1890; and that of Porto Rico, by municipal districts, in 1910, in comparison with simi- lar figures derived from the special census taken in 1899 under the direction of the War Department. Wlien counties have been organized or have under- gone changes in boundaries during the 20 years from 1890 to 1910 an explanatory statement is made in the notes which immediately follow Table 65. For the United States as a whole, as shown in Table 63, the population decreased in the decade 1900-1910 in 769 counties, or combinations of counties, represent- ing 27.1 per cent of the entire number considered, while in 2,072 counties, or 72.9 per cent, it increased. In 327 counties, or 11.5 per cent of the entire number considered, the increase in population since 1900 was less than 5 per cent; in 561, or 19.7 per cent, it was from 5 to 15 per cent; in 373, or 13.1 per cent, it was from 15 to 25 per cent; in 364, or 12.8 per cent, it was from 25 to 50 per cent; and in 447, or 15.7 per cent, it was 50 per cent or more. The 769 counties or combinations of counties in which the population decreased during the decade 1900-1910 had an aggregate area of 472,462 square miles, representing 15.9 per cent, or nearly one-sixth, of the total land area of the country. The extent of the area of decreasing population and the geographical distribution of the counties composing it are of sig- nificance when taken in conjunction with the liigh rates of population growth durmg the decade in urban communities generally, and in the rural dis- tricts of certain sections of the country. Table 60 shows that the proportion which the area of decreasing population formed of the total area in 1910 was greatest m the North, where nearly one- third of the total area (30.4 per cent) was embraced witliin the counties or combinations of counties which had decreased in population since 1900, and was least in the West, for which th-e corresponding percentage was 5. Table 60 TOTAL LAND AEEA: 1910 LAND AKEA OF COUNTIES OK COMBINATIONS OF COUN- TIES WHICH DECREASED IN POPULATION DURING THE DECADE 1900-1910. Square miles. Per cent distri- bution. Square miles. Per cent of total land area. Per cent distri- bution. 2,973,890 100.0 472,462 15.9 100.0 918,344 61,976 100,000 245, 564 510,804 878, 326 269,071 179,509 429, 746 1,177,220 859,125 318,095 30.9 2.1 3.4 8.3 17.2 29.5 9.0 6.0 14.5 39.6 28.9 10.7 278,955 11,927 26,879 92,328 147,821 134,128 36,830 45,3.39 51,959 59,379 37,743 21,636 30.4 19.2 26.9 37.6 28.9 15.3 13.7 25.3 12.1 5.0 4.4 6.8 69.0 2.5 5.7 East North Central West North Central 19.1 31.3 28.4 7.8 East South Central .... West South Central 9.6 11.0 12.6 S.O 4.6 East of the llississippi River . . West of the Mississippi River.. 836, 120 2,117,770 28.8 71.2 213,303 259, 159 24.9 12.2 45.1 54.9 POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 99 The North, which embraces 30.9 per cent of the total land area of the country, embraced, in 1910, 59 per cent of the total area of the counties or combinations of counties in which the population decreased during the decade 1900-1910. The South embraced very nearly the same proportion of the total area as of the area of decreasing population, the percentages bemg 29.5 and 28.4, respectively, while the West, which embraces 39.6 per cent of the total area of the country, embraced in 1910 only 12.6 per cent of the area of decreasing population. Table 61 shows for each division and state the aggregate area of the counties or combmations of counties in which the population decreased during the decade 1900-1910, together with the percentage which tliis aggregate forms of the total area of the division or state. In Iowa the counties within which the population decreased between 1900 and 1910 embraced 38,929 square miles, or 70 per cent of the total land area of the state; in Missouri such counties embraced 42,937 square miles, or 62.5 per cent of the total area. The correspondmg percentage for Indiana is 59.7; for lUmois, 44.7; and for Ohio, 43.5. In ten other states the proportion exceeded one-fourth of the total area. Table 61 DIVISION AND STATE. Total land area in square miles: 1910 land area or pouN- ties ok combina- tions OF COUNTIES WHICH decreased IN POPULATION DURING THE DEC- ADE 1900-1910. DIVISION AND STATE. Total land area in square miles: 1910 LAND AREA OF COUN- TIES OR COMBINA- TIONS OF COUNTIES WHICH DECREASED DJ POPULATION DURING THE DEC- ADE 1900-1910. Square miles. Per cent of total. Square Per cent miles. 1 of total. United States 2,973,890 472,462 IS. 9 South Atlantic: 1,965 9,941 60 40,262 24,022 48,740 30,495 58,725 54,861 40,181 41,687 51,279 46,362 52,525 45,409 69,414 262,398 146,201 83,354 97, 594 103,658 122,503 113,810 82.184 109,821 66,836 95,607 155,652 617 3,251 61,976 100,000 245,564 510,804 269,071 179,509 429,746 859,125 318,095 11,927 20,879 92,328 147,821 36,830 45,339 51,969 37,743 21,636 19.2 26.9 37.6 28.9 13.7 25.3 12.1 4.4 6.8 Virginia 11,956 3,963 2,804 2,638 9,756 1,845 12,766 15, 130 8,921 8,522 7,158 5,233 18,412 31,156 6,218 29 7 16.5 5.8 16.6 East South Central: 31.8 29,895 9,031 9,124 8,039 1,067 ■ 4,820 47,654 7,514 44,832 40,740 36, 045 56,043 57,480 55,256 ' 80,858 65,586 68,727 70,183 76, 868 76,808 81,774 5,832 2,062 3,466 567 19.5 22.8 38.0 7.1 17.4 Maine.. 18.4 West South Central: 13.6 11.5 1 12.1 11.9 Middle Atlantic: New York 14,016 437 12,426 17,712 21, 536 25,047 16,167 11,866 17,204 38,929 42,937 3,264 10,119 11,557 23,811 29.4 5.8 27.7 43.0 59.7 44.7 28.1 21. S 21.3 70.0 62.5 4.7 13.2 15.0 29.1 Mountain: 4.3 4,401 12,374 4.5 11.9 Arizona Utah 10,342 4,408 858 4,520 16,258 12.6 4.0 PACmc: 1.3 4.7 10.4 ' Based on the returns of 1907. 100 POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE FOR COMBINED COUNTIES: 1900-1910. [A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 62 POPULATION. PEE CENT OF IN- CREASE: 1900-1910 , COtTNTT COMBINATIONS. population. PER CENT OF IN- CREASE: 1900-1910 CODNTY COMBINATIONS. 1910 1900 For the combined counties. For each county, disre- garding changes in area. 1910 1900 For the combined counties. For each county, disre- garding changes in area. ALABAM.i: 32,414 21, 60S 26,230 20,943 Idaho: 13,588 22, 747 21, 189 19,096 36, 147 2.0 37.4 -42.1 10,216 Total for combined counties. . Twin Falls 255.7 36,335 13, 543 7,197 10,216 32.4 101, 195 16,348 76,432 4,973 12,272 228.7 3,951 Arizona: Gila Total for combined counties . . Louisiana: La SaUe 424.9 20,740 9,402 10,415 3,951 San Carlos Indian Keservation 125.6 Total for combined counties 16, 348 23, 999 7,245 14, 162 1 793 Catahoula 16,351 -36.3 69.5 Total for combined parishes . . Minnesota: 19,817 18,840 16,351 14,375 1 1,514 21.2 San Carlos Indian Reservation (part of) 31.1 23,999 13,591 61,665 14,955 60.5 White Earth Indian Reservation Total for combined counties. . 18.6 California: IS, S40 6,870 19,337 15,889 San D iego 35,090 76.7 75,256 213,381 8,892 10, 263 6,002 8,499 35,090 114.5 11,030 '317 75.3 White Earth Indian Reservation Total tor combined counties . . 131.0 26,207 6,431 17,208 11, 347 Arapahoe 153, 017 1,241 1,729 -93.3 383.6 391.6 Washington i~ mg 4,573 276.3 Total for combined counties. . 416.9 58.4 23,639 3,249 13,446 4,573 247,037 1,013 25,270 155, 987 15,045 11,656 -10.6 12, 168 107.7 White Earth Indian Reservation 116.0 26,283 6,577 11,933 12, 168 Total forcombined counties. . Total for combined counties . . (.') 16,695 9,376 6,564 16,700 Florida: Palm Beach Dade 4,955 140.8 RedLalie 12, 195 -46.2 Total for combined counties . . 17,510 4,075 4,717 4,955 253.4 Total for combined cotmties . . Mississippi: 15,940 20,722 7,685 12, 195 30.7 5,158 -8.5 70.5 Pp™„ ' 14, 682 8,792 11,863 11,487 10,075 16,423 10,461 13,486 22, 772 19, 147 20, 554 5,158 Total for combined counties . . 93.5 GEORGLi: Ben Hill 28,407 6,599 6,050 15,451 14, 682 Tilt 6,795 16,513 —6.4 Total for combined counties. . 20.6 13,645 11,097 19,440 18,664 26, 567 -23.3 21.5 17.1 2.6 -22.6 28, 100 12,860 16, 909 13,080 23,308 Wilcox Worth 13, 076 15, 103 29.3 — 13.4 52.4 Total for combined counties. . 52.1 136,268 18, 457 29,045 29, 071 89,413 42,849 11,741 15,599 10,593 28, 179 29,454 31, 076 -1.4 -6.5 13, 501 6,697 16.6 68.2 26.5 Total for combined counties . . Montana: 87.8 76; 573 6,050 12,318 21,953 60, 530 37,933 3,638 18, 7S5 20, 198 12,336 16,169 -0.1 35.8 9,375 100.4 41.5 Total for combined counties. . 139.2 40,321 11, .520 26,464 27, 268 25, 140 20, 202 11,206 19, 63S 18,569 28,605 22,423 5,904 12, 988 9,375 21,377 30,165 21,279 19,252 23.8 -9.6 18.1 4.9 17, 393 -25.3 . Total for combmed counties.. 8.6 18, 892 7,985 14, 123 22,944 17,393 i6,359 20,419 20.0 -9.1 7,89i 6,212 2,660 . 79.0 269.3 24.2 160,007 9,728 17,894 10, 134 128, 851 Total for combined counties - . 168.8 45,052 3,713 23, 596 16, 763 17, 700 13,604 1.1 -25.5 Habersham Missoula 13,964 69.0 Total for combined counties 37, 756 Estimated. 31,304 20.6 Total for combined counties . . 2 Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 27,309 per cent. 13,964 95.6 POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 101 PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE FOR COMBINED COUNTIES: 1900-1910— Continued. [A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 62— Continued. population. PER CENT OF IN- CREASE: 1900-1910 COUNTY combinations. population. PER CENT OF IN- CREASE: 1900-1910 COUNTY COMBINATIONS. 1910 1900 For the combined counties. For each county, disre- garding changes 1910 1900 For the combined counties. For each coimty, disre- garding changes in area. Nebraska: 3,538 1,786 South Carolina: 16,634 23,487 32,040 55,893 2,630 -32.1 30,454 27,264 59,663 102.4 17.5 5,324 4,5S4 4,551 2,630 Total (oreomhined counties.. 9.1 128,054 22,615 20,596 117,381 5,570 -18.3 64.0 9,135 3,321 3,489 5,570 35,181 Total tor combined counties . . 12.8 43,211 25,318 36,027 27,094 38,472 35,181 3,284 6.2 107.4 32,388 24,696 51,237 6,810 11,443 14,912 12,064 10,927 11,404 16,850 3,284 New Mexico: Totalforcombinedcounties. . South Dakota: 17.2 126,911 2,929 108,321 5,429 4,528 4,773 101.3 151.9 253.0 Standing Rook Indian Reserva- 1,658 426.8 77,600 3,913 12,893 14,813 14,730 Total for combined counties. . 70.7 2,929 647 1,145 292 252 1,658 8 10, 187 12,883 26.6 15.0 Dewey 37.1 31,619 12,963 16,624 8,504 8,579 10,119 23,606 7,822 22,930 14, 770 14,761 13, 320 23,070 Cheyenne River Indian Reserva- tion 2,357 13,777 4,828 20.7 76.1 Total for.combined counties. . Harding 2,336 4,228 11,348 4,993 2,305 -1.2 1 oiTdute 28,630 4,953 22,053 14,658 12, 195 13, 895 -17.5 57.9 4.0 0.8 21.0 -4.1 Perkins Butte 2,907 71.8 Total forcombined counties. . 20,569 8,323 96 2,1C4 1,700 2,907 607.6 33.9 153, 998 11,376 22,635 17,010 114,989 5,201 Total for combined counties . . Texas: 136.2 12,283 392 17,882 5,201 23,912 23,622 -5.3 -28.0 7.3 51,021 5,407 12,504 4,668 10, 186 5,302 4,747 6,557 5,720 47,534 6,804 North Dakota: Total forcombined counties . . Terrell 168.6 18,274. 1,430 2,071 6,804 Stark 7,621 64.1 975 944.7 2,360 Total forcombined counties. . Virginia: 48.3 1,778 167.0 3,501 5,748 14, 173 2,360 431.0 55,091 9,064 26,ZS1 8,491 7,840 10,374 16,330 Total forcombined city and county. Washington: 22.0 19,921 8,698 9,227 16,330 7,961 217.6 536.6 50,070 6,015 14,234 7,961 4,926 S7.3 Total forcombinedcounties. . 263.9 1,530 830.3 17,925 7,937 10,180 41,709 4,926 1,223.5 20,249 8,103 14,490 1,530 6,407 13,462 58.9 4,791 202. C Totalfor combined counties . . Wisconsin: 201.1 371.7 59, 826 11,160 32,103 19,869 22,599 11,328 10,449 4,791 Oklahoma: i 33,037 8 23,624 -30.4 Total for combined counties . . Wyoming: Park 31.0 17.6 43,263 4,909 8,886 33,037 27,777 8,016 16,336 23,624 Oregon: 13,199 23.8 Bighorn ■ 4,328 84.5 Total for combined counties . . 218.7 24,352 13,199 13,795 4,328 I Combinations based on changes since 1907 only. 2 Special census of 1907. 102 POPULATION. NUMBER OF COUNTIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATE OF INCREASE OF POPULATION FROM 1900 TO 1910, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES. DIVISION AND STATE. Total number of counties: 1910 Number of counties (or combi- nations) con- sidered. NUMBER OF COUN- TIES IN T\^HICH, SINCE 1900, THE POPULATION HAS— Decreased. Increased, Less than 5 per cent. From 5 to 15 per cent. From 15 to 25 per cent. JtoM 50 per cent per cent. "^ °i°^®- United States.. .. Geographic DmsiONs: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central . West North Central . South Atlantic East South Central . "West South Central . Mountain Pacific New England: New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Ehode Island Connecticiit Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Permsylvania East North Central: Ohio Indiana ULinois Michigan Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana , Oldahoma Texas , , Mou^ntain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California t Based on the returns of 1907. See Table 64, p. 116. 2 Including Yellowstone National Pari.. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 103 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [In computing the increase from 1S90 to 1900 for certain counties the population of Indian reservations in 1900 has been deducted from the total population of the county, in order to make that total comparable with the total for 1890, which does not include the population of Indian reservations.] [Per cent not shown where base Is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64 COUNTY. Autauga. Baldwin . Barbour. Bibb Blount'.. Bullock.. - Butler Calhoun - . . Chambers. Cherokee. . Chilton.. Choctaw. Clarke . . . Clay'.... Cleburne ' Coffee Colbert'... Conecuh . . . Coosa Covington . Crenshaw . Cullman'. Dale'.- Dallas Dekalb... Elmore . . . Escambia. Etowah.. - Fayette . . . Geneva ' Greene.. Hale Henry'. Houston'... Jackson Jefferson'... Lamar Lauderdale. Lawrence'. Lee Limestone . Lowndes... Macon... Madison. Marengo. Marion... Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery. Morgan. Perry... Pickens. Pike.... Randolph. Russell Bt. Clair... Shelby Sumter Talladega'. Tallapoosa. Ttiscaloosa. Walker' Washington.. Wilcox Winston Land area in square POPULATION-. 61,279 2,138,093 18.178 32, 728 22, 791 21,456 30, 196 29,030 39, 115 36,056 20, 226 23,187 18,483 30, 987 21,006 13,385 26,119 24,802 21,433 16, KH 32, 124 23,313 28,321 21,608 53,401 28,261 28,245 18,889 39, 109 16,248 19,369 26, 230 22,717 27,883 32,414 32,918 226, 476 17, 4S7 30,936 26,049 47,041 39,923 17, 495 28,653 80,854 27, 155 82, 178 33, 781 31,222 25,055 30, 815 24,659 25,937 20,715 26,949 28,699 .■!7,921 31,034 47, 559 37,013 14,464 33, 810 12,856 1,828,697 11,613,401 17,915 13, 194 35, 152 18,498 23,119 31,944 25,761 34,874 32, 554 21,096 16,522 18, 136 27, 790 17,099 13,206 20,972 22,341 17,514 16,144 15,346 19,668 17,849 21,189 54,657 23, 558 26,099 11,320 27,361 14, 132 16, 511 19, 096 24, 182 31,011 36, 147 30, 608 140, 420 16, 084 26, 559 20, 124 31,826 22,387 35, 651 23,126 43, 702 38,316 14, 494 23,289 62, 740 23,666 72,047 28,820 31.783 24, 402 29, 172 21,647 27,083 19,425 23,684 32, 710 35, 773 29, 675 36, 147 25, 162 11,134 35, 631 9,664 13,330 8,941 34,898 13,824 21,927 27,063 21,641 33,836 26, 319 20,459 14, 549 17, 526 22, 624 15,765 13,218 12, 170 20, 189 14,594 15,906 7,636 15,425 13, 439 17, 226 49, 350 21, 106 21,732 8,666 21,926 12,823 10, 681 10, 690 22, 007 27,601 24,847 28,026 88, 501 14,187 23, 739 20, 725 28, 694 21,201 31,550 18, 439 38,119 33, 095 11,347 18, 935 51,587 18, 990 56,172 24,089 29,332 22, 470 24,423 17,219 24, 093 17,353 20,886 29,574 29,346 25, 460 30,352 16, 078 7,935 30,816 6,652 24.5 11.0 22.4 42.9 15.0 17.3 13.8 -12.3 72.3 10.7 20.0 23.0 10.8 11.6 20.1 30.6 24.8 10.2 54.6 58.7 13.4 11.9 25.4 14.6 16.8 27.7 23.0 21.6 24.6 28.3 12.4 11.9 13.4 10.6 21.9 16.6 19.1 66.5 40.3 15.6 45.8 ' State total includes population (384) specially enumerated In 1890, not dis- tributed by counties. ' For changes in boundaries, etc. . of counties, see p. 124. 3 State total includes population (3,055) of San Carlos Indian Reser^-ation, not letumed by counties in 1900; returned in 1910 in Gila and Graham Counties. Apache'. , Cochise... Coconino' Gila Graham . . Maricopa. Mohave.. . Navajo'. . Pima ' Pinal Santa Cruz ' Yavapai'. , Yuma AREANSAS. Arkansas., Ashley Baxter Benton.... Boone Bradley.. Calhoun. Carroll... Chicot..., Clark Clay' Cleburne. . Cleveland . Columbia' Conway. . . Crawford'.. Crittenden. Cross Dallas Desha Drew Faulkner. Franklin'. Fulton.... Garland Grant Greene' Hempstead. Hot Spring.. Howard ' Independence. Izard Jackson Jeilerson Johnson... Lafayette' LawTence. Lee Lincoln... Little River., Logan' Lonoke Madison Marion Miller Mississippi'.. Monroe Montgomery. Nevada Newton... Ouachita.. Perry Phillips... Pike Land area in square 11,379 0,170 18, 238 POPULATION. 34,488 3,773 11,471 22,818 9,045 6,766 15, 996 7,733 16, 103 25,268 10,389 33,389 14, 318 14,518 9,894 16,829 21,987 23,686 23, 690 11,903 13,481 23, 820 22, 729 27, 627 23,942 22, 447 14,042 12,621 15, 274 21,960 23,708 20, 638 12, 193 27, 271 9,425 23,852 28, 285 15,022 16,898 24, 776 14,561 23,601 52, 734 19,698 13,741 20, 001 24, 252 15,118 13, 597 26, 350 27, 983 16,066 10, 203 19,555 30, 468 19,907 12,455 19, 344 10, 612 21,774 9,402 33, 535 12,565 8.297 9,251 5.514 4,973 14,162 20, 467 3,426 8,829 14,689 7,779 4,545 13,799 4,145 19, 734 9,298 31,611 16,396 9,651 8,539 18, 848 14,528 21,289 16,886 9,628 11,620 22, 077 19,772 19,506 21,270 14,529 11,051 11,518 11,511 19, 451 20, 780 17,395 12,917 18, 773 7,671 16,979 24, 101 12,748 14,076 22,657 13, 606 18,383 40, 972 17, 448 10,594 16,491 19,409 13, 389 13, 731 20, 563 22,544 19,864 11,377 17,558 16, 384 16,816 9,444 16,609 12, 538 20,892 7,294 26, 561 10,301 12,073 4,251 2,671 1.128,211 11,432 13,295 8,527 27, 716 15,816 7,972 7,267 17,288 11,419 20,997 12,200 7,884 11,362 19,893 19, 459 12,026 21,714 13,940 7,693 9,296 10,324 17,352 18, 342 19,934 10,984 16,328 7,786 12,908 22, 796 11,603 13, 789 21,961 13,038 15, 179 40,881 16, 758 7,700 12,984 18,886 10, 255 8,903 20, 774 19, 263 17, 402 10, 390 14,714 11,635 16, 336 7,923 14,832 9,950 17,033 5,538 25,341 8, 637 273.9 47.4 228.7 10.1 29.9 55.3 24.1 28.0 11.7 60.4 15.9 -10.7 51.3 11.3 41.6 12.6 64.5 27.1 32.7 12.9 14.1 18.6 45.3 22.9 40.6 17.4 17.8 21.3 25.0 12.9 -1.0 28.1 24.1 -19.2 -10.3 11.4 86.0 18.4 31.9 16.5 28.9 26.3 22.0 4.8 20.7 < State total includes population (28,623) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by counties. s See headnote to table. « State total includes population (32) specially enumerated in 1890, nnt dis- tributed by counties. , 104 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. couNxr. POPULATION. Land area in square POPULATION. ARKANSAS Con. Poinsett Polk Pope Prairie Pulaski Randolph St. Francis Saline Scott' Searcy Sebastian' Sevier' Sharp Stone Union Van Buren Washington White Woodruif Yell CALIFORNIA. Alameda. . Alpine Amador.. Butte Calaveras. Colusa' Contra Costa. Del Norte Eldorado Fresno ' Glenn' Humboldt. Imperial'.. Inyo Kern Lake Lassen Los Angeles. Madera' Marjn Manposa. . . Mendocino . Merced Modoc Mono Monterey. Napa Nevada... Orange Placer Plumas Riverside'.. Sacramento. San Benito. . San Bernardino'. San Diego' San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo. San Mateo Santa Barbara. .. Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Slitter Tehama.. Trinity... Tulare'.. Tuolumne.. Ventura Yolo Yuba 1,024 1,763 5,950 1,169 1,27S 4,531 4,067 2,112 629 1,395 2,594 7,240 20.167 4,221 2,190 1,878 1,014 12, 791 17,21.6 24,527 13, 853 86,751 18,987 22,548 16,657 14,302 14,826 62, 278 16,616 11,688 8,946 30,723 13,509 7,025 18, 352 21,715 11,875 63, 179 17, 156 17, 167 13,122 13,183 36,935 16,339 12,199 8,100 22, 495 11,220 34, 256 24,864 16,304 22, 750 4,272 9,283 19, 468 11,374 47,329 14,485 13,543 11,311 12, 635 9, 664 33, 200 10,072 10, 418 7,043 14,977 8,567 32, 024 22,946 14, 009 18,016 12.9 16.7 37.3 -4.2 10.4 36.6 20^4 -1.1 14.9 23.0 15.7 60.1 7,732 31,674 2,417 7,492 75,657 7,172 33,857 13,691 6,974 37, 715 16,230 5, 526 4,802 604, 131 8,368 25,114 3,956 23,929 15, 148 6,191 2,042 24, 146 19,800 14,955 34,436 18,237 5,269 34, 696 67,806 8,041 56, 706 61,665 416,912 60, 731 19,383 26, 585 27,738 83, ,539 26, 140 18,920 6,328 11,401 3,301 36,440 18,347 13,926 10,042 11,116 17,117 11,200 7,364 18,046 2,408 14,640 13,515 2,592 9,232 32, 026 89.0 -39.3 -18.3 59.5 -18.1 5.0 23,469 "3,' 544 9,871 6,017 4,511 170, 298 15, 702 4,720 20,466 9,216 5,076 2, 167 19,380 16,451 17, 789 19,696 15,786 4,657 17,897 45,916 6,633 27,929 36,090 342,782 35, 452 16,637 12,094 18,934 60,216 21,512 17,318 4,017 16, 062 24, 143 38. 480 9,650 10, 996 4,383 18,375 11,166 14,367 13,618 8,620 13,072 3,787 17,612 8,086 2,002 18,637 16, 411 17,369 13, 589 25, 497 34,987 298.997 28,629 16,072 10,087 15, 754 48,005 19,270 12, 133 5,051 12,163 20, 946 32.721 10,040 5,469 9.916 3,719 24,574 6,082 10, 071 12, 684 15.5 12.9 93.9 47.7 21.2 21.0 43.1 16.5 14.1 2.5.8 136.8 64.4 97.7 11.6 11.3 62.2 17.1 16.0 50.2 -20.5 39.6 15.3 COLORADO Adams' Arapahoe' Arctiuleta Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee' Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Custer Delta Denver' Dolores Douglas Eagle El Paso' Elbert Fremont' Garfleld Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale' Huerfano Jackson ' Jefierson' Kiowa Kit Carson La Plata Lake Larimer' Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa - Mineral' Montezmua Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park' PliiUips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande'... Routt Saguache' San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller' Washington'... Weld Yuma' CONNECTICTTT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlese-x New Haven New London Tolland Windham DELAWARE.... Kent Newcastle Sussex DIST.COLrMBLA. Districtof Coliunbia 1,220 2,552 1,524 1,620 2.121 1,857 1,657 2,629 4,809 2,570 1.019 1,630 2,433 30, 330 7,622 3,687 6,001 11,285 1,947 13,688 213,381 642 3,192 2,985 43.321 5,331 18,181 13,320 1,013 14,231 2,899 7,483 10,812 10, 600 25,270 33,643 5,917 9,549 22, 197 1,239 5,029 10.291 20,201 3,514 2,492 3,179 62,223 2,332 6,563 3,063 4,700 3,061 2,063 14,351 6,002 245, 322 250. 182 70.260 45,637 337,282 91,263 26, 459 48, 361 32, 721 123, 188 46, 413 4,632 2,937 5,487 31,002 3,101 15,636 7,016 18,054 12, 168 21,842 926 3,292 9,267 1,913 3,0.58 4,535 3.268 11.522 4,731 2,998 7,020 3,766 34,448 1,690 4,080 3,661 3,853 2,342 6,379 29,002 1,241 16,808 1,729 184.203 195, 480 63,072 41,760 269, 163 82, 758 24, 523 46, 861 3,491 2,970 2,634 -93.3 56.0 231.6 66.4 636.9 -29.4 28.3 18.7 -33.7 149.5 1,498 3,006 3,725 21,239 1,856 9,156 -0.8 37.1 71.9 16.3 73.8 -38.3 151.3 10.6 -59.9 58.7 8,450 1,243 2,472 6,609 14, 663 9,712 17,208 1.601 4,192 6.510 3,548 2,642 31,491 1,200 3,451 2,369 3,313 1,672 2,909 1,293 1,906 2, ,301 11,736 2,596 160,081 147, 180 53,642 39, 524 32, 664 97,182 38, 647 62.9 313.6 373.6 64.1 -41.3 107.7 64.0 539.0 190.1 139.5 -35.2 64.5 126.9 193.1 75.3 -25.7 -16.9 100.8 -35.0 152.8 51.6 216.2 -27.0 -50.5 383.6 133.1 391. 6 33.2 28.0 10.3 331,069 I 278,718 18.8 18.8 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. ^ State total includes population (5,268) of Indian reservations specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 3 See headnote to table, p. 103. ' State total includes population (1,051) of Indian reservations specially merated in 1S90, not distributed by counties. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 105 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900 AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base la less than 100. A minus sign ( — ) denotes decrease.) Table 64— Con. COtJNTY. Land area in square POPtnATlON. Land area in square POPULATION. FLORIDA. Alachua Baker Bradford , Brevard' Calhoun Citrus Clay Columbia Dade' Do Soto Duval Escambia Franklin Gadsden Hamilton Hernando HUlsboro Holmes Jackson Jeflersou Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Monroe Nassau Orange Osceola Palm Beach!.. Pasco ' Polk' 5'utnam St. John St. Lucie' Santa Rosa.. . Sumter Suwanee Taylor Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington... GE0RGL4. . Appling' Baker Baldwin Banks Bartow Ben Hill' Berrien ' Bibb Brooks Bryan Bulloch' Burke' Butts Calhoun Camden Campbell Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke' Clay Clayton ' Cliiich Cobb Coffee' Colquitt 752,619 35.0 1,244 1,047 4,031 1,337 1,647 1,100 1,2.50 1.773 3,048 1,395 1,546 .583 692 1,064 1,256 34,305 4,805 14,090 4,717 7,465 6,731 6,U6 17,689 11,933 14,200 75,163 38,029 5,201 22, 198 11,825 4,997 78,374 11,557 29,821 17,210 6,710 9,509 6,294 19,427 10, 361 4,700 10,919 9.550 26,941 21,503 10,525 19, 107 5,507 5,577 7,502 24, 148 13,096 13, 208 4,075 14,897 6,696 18,603 7,103 16, 510 4,802 16,460 16, 403 32,245 4,516 10,295 5,158 5,132 5,391 5,035 17,094 4,955 8,047 3,638 36,013 7,702 23,377 16, 195 4,987 7,467 3,071 19,887 8,603 2,956 15, 440 4,003 24,403 18,000 9,054 11,374 3,444 22,934 3,333 7,510 3,401 1,681 2,394 5,154 12,877 861 4,944 26,800 20, 188 3,308 11,894 8,507 2,476 14,941 4,336 17,544 15,757 8,034 1,414 17,7,52 6,580 1,452 14,316 2,895 20. 796 18, 780 8,294 12,584 3,133 12,472 11,641 9,105 4,249 7,905 11,186 10,293 6,187 14, 554 3,999 10,003 5,149 9,340 10, 154 7,901 5,303 10, 524 2,122 18,354 11,244 25,388 ■26,464 27,208 13,624 11,334 7,090 10,874 30,855 7,184 5,580 13,008 16, 601 23,273 10,453 8,424 28, 397 21,953 19,789 12,336 6,704 17,708 10,545 .20,823 6,144 14,608 8,562 20,616 19,440 50, 473 18,606 6,122 21,377 30, 165 12,805 9,274 9,518 20,576 5,823 3,592 71,239 5,790 12,952 15, 243 17,708 8,568 9,598 8,732 24,664 16,169 13,636 10,694 42, 370 13,979 6,520 28, 501 10,505 8,438 6,178 9,115 22,301 5,431 3,335 57,740 4,902 11,202 15,412 15,186 7,817 8,295 6,652 22, 286 10, 483 4,794 104.8 10.4 19.8 18.9 3.3 6.6 21.9 14.2 10.1 23.4 31.5 11.9 40.0 35.5 37.0 61.7 205.3 125.2 9.3 32.7 475.5 02.8 117.2 12.0 30.6 103.6 7.9 61.1 29.3 15.4 38.3 19.1 33.1 10.9 15.7 31.3 10.7 GEOKGIA— Con. Columbia. Coweta. . . Crawford . . Crisp' Dade Dawson Decatur'... Dekalb Dodge Dooly' Dougherty. Douglas Early Ectiols Effingham. Elbprt... Emanuel ' Fannin . . . Fayette.. Floyd Forsyth. . Franklin' Fulton'.. Gilmer... Glascock. Glynn Gordon... Grady'... Greene Gwinnett. Habersham ' Hall Hancock Haralson Ha Hart Heard . . . Henry.. . Houston. Irwin 1 . . . Jackson . . . Ja.sper Jeff Davis' Jeflerson . . Jenkins'. . Johnson... Jones Laurens... Lee Liberty... Lincoln... Lownde.s. . Lumpkin . Macon Madison Marion Meriwether. Miller Milton Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan. ...'. Mmray Muscogee. ,. Newton Oconee Oglethorpe ' Paulding.. Pickens . . . Pierce Pike Polk Pula-ski Putnam... Quitman.. Rabun Randolph. 4.686 29,045 27.881 20, 127 20,554 10,035 8, 953 18,122 3.309 9,971 24, 125 25,140 12,574 10,966 36, 736 11,940 17, 894 177, 733 9,237 4,069 15.720 15,801 18,457 18,513 28,824 10, 134 25,730 19, 189 13.514 17, 886 16,216 11,189 19.927 23.609 , 10. 461 30. 109 16.562 6,050 21,379 11,520 12, 897 13, 103 35,501 11,679 12,924 8,714 24,436 5,444 10, 325 6,442 16.010 10.851 9,147 25,180 7,239 22,114 20. 450 19,638 19,717 9,763 36.227 18,449 11,104 18,680 14,124 9, on 10,749 19.495 20, 203 22,835 13,876 4,591 5,562 18, 841 10,653 24,980 10,308 4.578 5.442 29,454 21,112 13, 975 26,567 13, 679 8,745 14,828 3,209 8,334 19,729 21,279 11,214 10, 114 33, 113 11,550 17,700 117,363 10, 198 4,516 13.604, 20. 752 18,277 11,922 18,009 14,492 11,177 18, 602 0,537 14,093 13,224 10,080 23,339 6,319 6,703 14,707 20,682 10.359 15,813 8.023 29,836 10, 734 8.002 17,881 12. 969 8,041 8,100 18. 701 17,856 15.7 15.3 -19.8 6,707 5,612 19,949 17,189 11,462 18. 146 12.206 7,794 9,792 3,079 5,599 15, 376 14, 703 8.724 8.728 28,391 11.155 14,670 84,655 9,074 3,720 32.1 44.0 -22.6 22.3 18.1 12.1 11.573 18,047 17. 149 11.316 16,797 10,887 9.557 10. 220 21,613 6,316 6,129 12.709 13,747 9,074 12,687 6.146 15, 102 6,867 8,789 6,470 13, 183 11,024 7,728 20. 7,-0 4.275 6,208 10. 900 19.137 9.248 16.041 8.401 27, 761 14,310 7.713 10, 951 11,948 8,182 6,379 10,300 14,945 16,569 14,842 4,471 37.0 12.9 -1.3 13.2 21.4 10.2 29.1 -2.3 -11.5 11.8 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 106 POPULATION. AEEA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. GEOKGIA— Con. Richmond. Rockdale.. Schley Screven ' . . . Spalding... Tattnall! Taylor... Telfair... Terrell... Thomas 1 Tifti Toombs ! Towns.. Troup — Turner'. Twiggs.. Union... Upson . . Walker. Walton Ware Warren Washington. Wayne Webster.. White Whitfield. Wilcox' WUkes Wilkinson . Worth' IDAHO. Ada' Bannock'.. Bear Lake. Bingham'.. Blaine' Boise Bonner'. Canyon ' Cassia'.. Custer. . . Elmore Fremont'. Idaho Kootenai'. Latah Lemhi' . . . Lincoln'.. Nez Perce', Oneida Owyhee Shoshone' Twin Falls'.. Washington., Adams . . . . Alexander. Bond...;.. Boone Brown Land area in square 3,469 3,129 1,283 2,611 4,589 2,665 0,006 11,012 2,043 1,128 4,867 3,283 3,844 2,655 POPtlLATION. 5,213 20,202 19,741 9,728 13, 437 29, 092 11,696 8,766 18,569 10,839 13,288 22,003 29,071 11, 487 11,206 3,932 26,228 10,075 10,736 25, 393 22,957 11,860 28,174 13,069 6,151 5,110 15,934 13, 486 23, 441 10,078 19, 147 325,594 29,088 19,242 7,729 23,306 8,387 5,250 13,588 25,323 7,197 3,001 4,785 24, 606 12, 384 22, 747 18,818 4,786 12, 676 24,860 15, 170 4,044 13, 963 13,643 11, 101 64, 588 22, 741 17, 075 15, 481 10, 397 15,856 26,212 12. 197 7,912 10.083 19,023 31,076 8,716 8,481 13,670 15,661 20,942 13,761 11,463 28,227 9,449 6,618 5,912 14,509 11,097 20, 806 11,440 IS, 664 161,772 11,559 11,702 7,051 10,447 4,900 4,174 7,497 3,951 2,049 3,4-16 1,784 13, 748 11, 950 "6,'882' 67,058 19, 384 16,078 15, 791 11,657 45, 194 6,813 5,443 14,424 13,117 15,682 22, 107 13,258 7,291 5,477 14,503 26,164 17,467 8,811 10,957 25,237 7,485 6,695 6,151 12,916 18,081 10,781 10,048 2,955 4,108 9,173 61, 888 16, 563 14, 550 12, 203 11,951 38.3 -7.1 -13.6 21.6 12.3 -11.9 237.8 82.2 46.5 109.3 91.9 35.8 122.7 39.9 208.7 < 130. 4 46.6 <64.6 "382.' 9 31.0 88.2 122.0 "79."4 17.0 10.5 29.4 -3.3 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. = Includes land area (51 square miles) of that part of Yellowstone National Park in Idaho. No population reported. 3 State total includes population (4,163) of Indian reservations specially enumer- ated in 1890, not distributed by counties; also, population (6,798) of Alturas and Logan Counties, taken to form Blaine and Lincoln Counties in 1895. ILLINOIS— Con. Bureau Calhoun... . Carroll Cass Champaign. Christian . Clark Clay Clinton. . . Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland. Dekalb Dewitt Douglas . Edgar. Edwards. . EfELngham, Fayette.. Ford Franklin. Fulton. . . Gallatin.. Greene Grundy... Hamilton. Hancock.. Hardin. . . Henderson . Henry Iroquois . . . Jackson Jasper Jefferson... Jersey Jo Daviess. Johnson.. . Kane Kankakee . Kendall . . . Knox La Salle... Lake Lawrence Lee Livingston. . Logan McDonough. McHenry. McLean. . , Macon .... Macoupin . Madison. . Menard. Mercer Monroe Montgomery. Morgan Moultrie Pope , Pulaski. .. Putnam . . . Randolph. Richland.. Land area in square POPULATION. 51,829 34, 594 23, 517 18,661 22,832 34,517 2, 405, 233 20, 281 14,281 33, 457 18, 906 19,591 33, 432 27,336 10, 049 20,055 28, 075 17,096 26,943 49,649 14,628 22,363 24, 162 18, 227 30,638 7,015 9,724 41,736 35, 543 35, 143 18, 157 29,111 13,954 22,657 14,331 91,862 40, 752 10, 777 46, 159 90, 132 55,068 22,661 27, 760 40, 465 30, 216 26,887 32, 609 68,008 54, 186 50, 685 89,847 35,094 15, 679 17,377 14, 200 12, 796 19,723 13,508 35,311 34,420 14,630 27,864 100, 255 22,088 16,376 28,622 11,215 15, 650 7,561 29, 120 15,970 18, 963 17,222 47,622 32, 790 24,033 19, 553 19, 824 34, 146 1, 838, 735 19,240 16, 124 31,756 18,972 19,097 28, 196 28,273 10,345 20, 465 28,065 18,359 19,675 46, 201 23, 402 24, 136 20, 197 32, 215 38,014 33, 871 20, 160 28, 133 14,612 24, 533 15,667 78, 792 37, 154 11,467 43,612 87, 776 34, 504 16,523 29, 894 42,035 28,680 28,412 29,759 67,843 44, 003 42,256 64,694 30,446 16,370 17, 491 13,110 14,336 20, 945 13,847 30,836 35, 006 15, 224 29,129 88,608 19,830 17,706 31,595 13,585 14, 554 4,746 28,001 16,391 35,014 7,652 18,320 16,963 42, 159 30, 531 21, 899 16, 772 17,411 30, 093 1,191,922 17,283 16, 443 27,066 17,011 17,669 22,561 26, 787 9,444 19,358 23, 367 17,036 17, 138 43, 110 14, 935 23, 791 21, 024 17, 800 31,907 7,234 9,876 33, 338 36, 167 27,809 18, 188 22, 590 14,810 26, 101 15, 013 65,061 28, 732 12, 106 38, 752 80, 798 24,235 14,693 26, 187 38, 455 25,489 27, 467 26, 114 63, 036 38, 083 40,380 51,535 24,341 13,653 : 16,067 11,313 13, 120 18,545 12,948 30,003 32,636 14,481 28,710 70,378 17,529 17,062 31,000 14,016 11,355 4,730 25, 049 15, 019 -2.9 -2.0 (•) -6.9 31.9 7,2 -7.6 -4.4 0.1 -9.8 -4.9 -5.8 -10.3 23.1 19.9 38.9 -4.3 13.1 11.4 * See hcadnote to table, p. 103. 5 State total includes population (l)specially enumerated in 1890,not credited to any county. s Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 107 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A ] 3 sign ( — ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. Land area in square miies: 1910 POPULATION. Land area in square POPULATION. ILLINOIS— Con. Roclt Island St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wavne White Wliiteside Will Williamson Winnebago Woodlord IKDIANA Adams Allen Bartholomew Benton Blackford Boone Brown CarroU Cass Clark Clay Clinton Crawford Daviess Dearborn Decatur Dekalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart Fayette Floyd Fountain Franklin Fulton Gibson Grant Greene Hamilton Hancock Harrison Hendricks Henry Howard Huntington Jackson Jasper Jay Jefferson Jennings Johnson Knox Kosciusko Lagrange Lake Laporte Lawrence Madison Marion Marshall Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan.... 70,404 119,870 30,204 91.024 14.852 10, 067 31,693 10,098 36,821 34,027 21,856 77,996 14,913 23,313 18,759 25,697 23,052 34,607 84,371 45, 098 &3,153 20,506 55, 249 86.685 21,685 71,593 16,129 10,455 32, 126 10, 186 34, 933 33,221 22, 610 65, 635 12,583 23,163 19, 526 27,626 25,386 34,710 74,764 27, 796 47.845 21,822 41,917 66,571 19,342 61,195 16,013 21,549 49,905 11,866 21,281 19,262 23,806 25,005 30,834 62,007 22, 226 39,938 21,429 12.8 62.2 32.0 -6.0 3,516,462 2,192,404 406 21,840 93,386 24,813 12,688 15,820 24,673 7,975 17, 970 36,368 30,260 32,535 26,674 12,057 27,747 21,396 18,793 25,054 51,414 19,843 49,008 14, 415 30,293 20,439 15,335 16,879 30, 137 51,426 36,873 27,026 19,030 20, 232 24,727 13,044 24,961 20, 483 14,203 20,394 39,183 27,936 15, 148 82,864 45, 797 30,625 65, 224 263,661 24, 175 12, 950 29.350 23.426 29, 296 21,182 24,594 13, 123 17,213 26,321 9,727 19,953 34,545 31,835 34,285 28, 202 13, 476 29,914 22, 194 19,518 25,711 49,624 20,357 45,052 13,495 30,118 21,446 16, .388 17, 453 30,099 54,693 28,530 29,914 19,189 21,702 21,292 25,088 28,675 28,901 26,633 14,292 26,818 22, 913 15, 757 20,223 32, 746 29, 109 15, 284 37,892 38,386 25,729 70, 470 197,227 25,119 14,711 28,344 20,873 29. .388 20, 457 23,867 11,903 10,461 26,672 10,308 20,021 31,152 30,259 30,536 27,370 13,941 26,227 23,364 19, 277 24,307 30. 131 20, 253 39, 201 12,630 29. 458 19,558 18,366 16, 746 24,920 31,493 24,379 26, 123 17,829 20, 786 21,498 23,879 26, 186 27,644 24,139 11,185 23,478 24,507 14,608 19, 561 28,044 28,645 15,615 23,886 34,445 19, 792 36, 487 141, 156 23,818 13,973 25,823 17, 673 28, 025 18,643 -2.1 18.6 16.1 31.8 30.2 12.1 17.0 20.6 25.1 19.8 20.8 73.7 17.0 14.5 10.3 27.8 14.2 -6.5 INDIANA— Con. Newton. Noble... Ohio.... Orange.., Owen Parke.. Perry.. Pike... Porter. Posey. . Pulaski Putnam Randolph.. Ripley Rush St. Joseph.. Scott Shelby Spencer Starke Steuben Sullivan. ... Switzerland. Tippecanoe.. Tipton Union Vanderburg.. Vermilion Vigo Wabash Warren Warrick Washington.. Wayne.. Wells... White... Whitley. IOWA... .\dair .Vdams Allamakee. Appanoose, .\udubon.. Benton Blackhawk.. Boone Bremer Buchanan... Buena Vista. Butler Calhoun CarroU Cass Cedar Cerro Gordo.. Cherokee Chickasaw. . . Clarke Clay Clayton.. Clinton... Crawford., Dallas.... Davis Decatur Delaware . . . Des Moines. Dickinson... Dubuque. Emmet... Fayette... P'loyd Franklin.. 3.5 9.7 Fremont. . Greene Grundy.. . Guthrie... Hamilton. 10,504 24,009 4,329 17,192 14,053 22,214 18,078 19, 684 20,640 21, 670 13,312 20,520 29,013 19,452 19,349 84,312 8.323 26, 802 20, 676 10, 567 14,274 6,260 77, 438 18,865 87, 930 26, 926 10, 899 21,911 17,445 43, 757 22,418 17.C02 16, 892 14,420 10, 998 17,328 28,701 12,671 23, 156 44,805 27,620 15,843 19,748 15,981 17,119 17,090 20,117 19,047 17,765 25,011 16,741 15,375 10, 736 12,766 25,576 45,394 .20,041 23, 628 13,315 16.347 17.888 30, 145 8,137 57,450 9. 810 27,919 17,119 14,780 15.623 16,023 13,574 17,374 19,242 10,448 23,533 4,724 16, 854 15, 149 23,000 18,778 20,486 19, 175 22,333 14,033 21,478 28,653 19,881 20, 148 58, 881 8,307 20, 491 22, 407 10,431 15,219 26,005 11,840 38, 659 19,116 6, 748 28,235 11,371 22,329 19,409 38, 970 23,449 19, 138 17, 328 23,359 4,955 14, 678 15, 040 20,296 IS, 240 18,544 18,052 21,529 11,233 22, 335 28,085 19,350 19,0.34 42, 457 7,833 25,454 22,000 7,339 14,478 21,877 12,514 35,078 18,157 7,006 59,809 13, 154 50, 195 27, 126 10,955 21,161 18, 619 37,628 21,514 15, 671 17, 768 10. 192 13,601 18.711 25,927 13,626 25,177 32,399 28.200 16,305 21,427 16,975 17, 955 18,569 20,319 21,274 19,371 20, fi72 16,670 17,037 12,440 13,401 27,750 43,832 21,685 23,058 15,620 IS, 115 19, 185 35,989 7,995 56, 403 9,936 29,845 17,754 14,996 18,546 17,820 13,757 18,729 19.514 14,534 12,292 17.907 18,961 12,412 24, 178 24,219 23,772 14, 630 18,997 13,548 15,463 13,107 18,828 19,645 18,253 14,804 15,659 15.019 11,332 9,309 26,733 41,199 18,894 20, 479 15,2.'i8 15,643 17,. 349 35,324 4,328 49,848 4,274 23, 141 15,424 12,871 16,842 15,797 13,215 17,380 15,319 -8.0 38.5 -2.0 ' State total includes population (401) of Indian reservations specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 108 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES' 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. ' ' [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] • Table 64— Con. COUNTY. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. square miles; 1910 POPULATION. Hancock. Hardin... Harrison. Henry. .. Howard.. Humboldt. Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson. Johnson.. Jones Keoknk. , Kossuth.. Lee Louisa. Lucas. - Lyon... Madison.. Mahaslca. Marion... Marshall . Mills Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery. Muscatine Palo Alto.. Plymouth. Pocahontas Polk Pottawattamie. Poweshiek Sac Scott... Shelby. Sioux.. Story.., Tama Taylor Union Van Buren.. Wapello Warren Washington.. Wayne Webster Winnebago.. Winneshiek. Woodbury.. Worth. Wright.. AUen Anderson . Atchison.. Barber Barton Bourbon . Brown... Butler... Chautauqua.. Cherokee. . Cheyenne. Clark Clay Cloud KANSAS— Con. 638 12,731 20,921 23, 162 18,640 12,920 12,182 11,296 18,409 21,2o8 27,034 15,951 25.914 19,050 21. 160 21,971 36, 702 60, 720 12,855 13, 402 14, 624 15, 621 29,860 22, 995 30, 279 15,811 13, 435 16, 633 25, 429 16,604 29,505 17,262 8,956 24, 002 13,845 23, 129 14,808 110,438 55, 832 19, 689 12,904 16, 655 60, 000 16, 652 25, 248 24,083 22, 156 16, 312 16, 616 15, 020 37, 743 18, 194 19,925 16, 184 34, 629 11,914 21,729 67,616 9,950 17,951 13,752 22,794 25,597 20,022 14,512 12,667 12,327 19,544 23,615 26,976 17,437 24,817 21,954 24. 979- 22,720 39,719 55,392 13,516 16, 126 13, 165 17, 710 34, 273 24, 159 29, 991 16,764 14,916 17, 980 17,985 17,803 28, 242 16, 985 8,725 24, 1S7 14,354 22, 209 15, 339 82, 624 54, 336 19,414 15, 325 17, 639 51, 558 17,932 23,337 23, 159 35,426 20, 376 20, 718 17, 491 31, 757 12,725 23, 731 54,610 10,887 18, 227 7,621 19,003 21,356 18, 895 11, 182 10,705 18,270 22,771 24,943 15,184 23,082 20,233 23.802 13, 120 37, 715 45,303 11, 873 14, 563 15,977 28,805 23,058 25,842 14,648 13, 299 14, 515 13, 666 15,848 24,504 13,060 6,574 21, 341 9,318 19, 568 9,553 65,410 47, 430 18,394 13,556 14, 522 43,164 17,611 18, 370 18, 127 21,651 16, 3S4 16, 900 16,253 30,426 18,269 18,468 15,670 21,682 7,325 22,628 56,632 9,247 12,057 28, 107 9,916 17,876 24,007 21,314 23,059 7,527 11,429 15,251 19,507 13,938 28, 606 6,594 13,784 24,712 22,369 23,363 8,246 11,804 42,694 2,640 1,701 15,833 18,071 13.509 14,203 26,758 7,973 13, 172 28,575 20,319 24,055 8,233 12,297 27,770 4,401 2,357 16. 146 19,295 -13.2 -10.6 -13.4 -10.7 -3.8 -7.5 9.0 -6.4 -1.7 50.4 29.7 -10.6 60.9 140.6 -3.7 66.5 13.3 54.0 13.5 11.5 12.2 11.6 47.1 73.7 53.7 -40.0 -27.8 Comanche. . Cowley Crawford... Decatur Dickinson.. Doniphan. . Ellis Ellsworth - Finney 3 . . Ford Franklin.. Geary Gove Gmham. Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood. Hamilton... Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman. , Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson, . . Keamy . . . Kingman . Kiowa Labette... Lane Leavenworth.. Lincoln Linn Logan Lyon McPherson. Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery . Morris Morton Nemaha. Neosho . . Ness Norton... Osborne , Ottawa Pawnee Phillips Pottawatomie.. Pratt Rawlins. . Reno Republic. Rice Riley... Rooks.. Rush . . . Russell. Saline. . . Scott Sedgwick. Seward . . . Shawnee . . Sheridan.. 15,205 3,281 31,790 51,178 24.361 14,422 24, 724 7,033 10, 128 12,170 10, 444 0,908 11,393 20,884 1,335 16,060 3,360 14,748 19,200 2,930 16,861 15,826 18, 148 18,288 3,206 13,386 6,174 31,423 2,603 41,207 10,142 14, 735 4,240 24,927 21,521 22,415 23.880 6,055 20, 030 14,089 49, 474 12,397 1,333 11,156 6,380 37, 853 17, 447 15, 106 3,047 73,095 4,091 61,874 5,651 16,643 1,619 30, 166 38,809 9,234 21,816 15,079 25,096 3,682 11,443 8,626 10,744 2,441 5,173 16, 196 1,426 10,310 17,591 2,032 17.117 17, 533 19,420 18, 104 1,107 10, 663 25,074 21,421 20,676 24,355 1,581 21,641 14,647 29,039 11,967 304 20.376 19,254 4,535 11,325 23,659 11,844 11,182 6,084 14,442 18, 470 5,241 29, 027 18, 248 14, 746 13,828 7,960 6,134 15,856 2,549 34,478 30,286 8,414 22,273 13,535 23,961 7,942 9,272 3,360 10,423 2,994 5,029 1,308 2,416 1,264 16, 309 2,027 13,266 17, 601 1.077 2,395 14, 626 16, 620 19,349 17,385 1,571 11,823 2,873 27,586 2,060 38,485 9,709 17,215 3,384 23,196 21,614 20, 539 23,912 2,542 19,614 15,037 23, 104 11,381 724 19,249 18, 561 4,944 10,617 25, 062 12,083 12,581 6,204 13, 661 17,722 8,118 6,766 27,079 19. 002 14, 451 13,183 8,018 5,204 7,333 17,442 1,262 43, 626 1,503 49. 172 3,733 -1.5 91.0 -11.5 25.5 161.1 14.7 67.6 21.7 30.4 -4.4 177.5 66.0 397.7 15.2 1 See headnote to table, p. 103. 2 State total includes population (1,012) of Indian reservations specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties; also population (881) of Garfield County, annexed to Finney County in 1893. 3 For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 109 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base Is leas than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. KANSAS— Con. Sherman Smith Staflord Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte KENTUCKY... Adair Allen Anderson. Ballard... Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon. Boyd Boyle Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge. Bullitt , Butler Caldwell.. Calloway.. Campbell. Cirlisle.... Carroll Carter Casey Christian. Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden . . . Cumberland., Daviess Edmonson. Elliott Estiin Fayette Fleming Floyd.... Franklin. Fulton... Gallatin.. Garrard.. Grant Graves. . . Grayson. Green Greenup. Hancock. Hardin... Harlan... Harrison . Hart Henderson. Henry Hickman... Hopkins... Jackson Jefferson.. Jessamine. Johnson... Kenton... Knott Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. 4.549 15,365 12,510 1.034 2,453 30,654 5,455 6,398 12,721 2,759 20, 229 2,006 19,810 9,450 100, 068 16, 503 14.882 10, 146 12,690 25,293 13,988 28, 447 9,420 17, 462 23,444 14, 668 10. 308 17.540 21,034 9,487 15,805 14,063 19, 867 69,369 9,048 8,110 21,966 15,479 38, 845 17,987 17,789 8.153 13.296 9,846 41,020 10,469 9,814 12, 273 47,716 16,066 18,623 21, 135 14,114 4.697 11,894 10.581 33,539 19,958 11,871 ■ 18, 475 8,512 22,696 10,566 16,873 18,173 29,352 13,716 11,750 34,291 10,734 262, 920 12,613 17, 482 70,355 10,791 3,341 16,384 9,829 327 620 25,631 4,112 2,722 12,813 1,178 21,963 1,197 15,621 10, 022 73, 227 14.888 14,657 10,051 10, 761 23, 197 14,734 15,701 11,170 18,069 18,834 13,817 12,137 14,322 20,534 9,602 15.896 14,510 17,633 54,223 10, 195 9.825 20, 228 15,144 37,962 16,694 15,364 7,871 15,191 8,962 38,667 10,080 10,387 11, 669 42,071 17,074 15,562 20,862 11,546 5,163 12,042 13, 239 33,204 19, 878 12,255 15,432 8,914 22,937 9,838 18,670 18,390 32,907 14, 620 11,746 30,995 10,561 232,549 11,925 13, 730 63,591 8,704 5,261 15,013 8,520 1.031 1,418 22, 894 1,827 15. 286 13,721 13,692 10,610 8,390 21,490 12, 813 10, 312 12,246 16, 976 14,033 12, 948 12,369 8,705 18, 976 8,291 13, 956 13, 186 14, 675 44,208 7,612 9,266 17,204 11,848 34,118 16,434 12,447 7,047 13,119 8,462 33,120 8,005 9.214 10,836 35,698 16,078 11,256 21,267 10,006 4, 611 11,138 12, 671 28,634 18,688 11,463 11,911 9,214 21,304 6,197 16,914 16,439 29,536 14.164 11,637 23,605 8.261 188,698 11,248 11,027 54. 161 6,438 27.3 216.2 295.6 -5.1 81.2 -15.7 15.8 3.6 -12.5 27.3 10.6 24.0 13.9 10.0 20.2 22.7 33.9 KENTTTCKY- Con. Knox Larue Laurel Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lincoln Livingston Logan Lyon McCracken McLean Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell' Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Tavlor ToSd Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Whitley Wolfe Woodford LOUISIANA: Acadia Ascension... Assumption. Avoyelles. .. Bienville Bossier Caddo Calcasieu.. Caldwell.. Cameron . . Catahoula ' Claiborne Concordia De Soto East Baton Rouge . . Land area In .square POPULATION. 3,650 531 1,601 22. 116 10, 701 19,872 20,067 9,531 8,976 10,623 16.887 17,897 10,627 24, 977 9,423 36.064 13, 241 26,951 13,6,54 16, .330 15,771 7,291 18,611 9,783 6,153 14.063 10,453 13,663 12,868 16, 259 28,598 16,830 10,601 27, 642 7,248 14.248 7,979 11,986 11,255 31,679 6,268 35,986 4,121 14, 473 9, 4,38 10,861 16,966 18,041 11,460 7, 567 11,961 16,488 14,539 6, 512 19.886 30. 579 13,940 17,518 31,847 23,887 24, 128 34, 102 21,776 21, 738 58,200 62, 767 8,593 4,288 10,415 26, 050 14,278 27,689 34,580 17,372 10,764 17, 692 19,612 6,753 9,172 17,868 17,059 11,364 26, 994 9,319 28,7,33 12,448 26,607 12,006 16,290 13,692 5,780 20, 446 10,633 6,818 14,426 9,988 13,063 12,834 12,792 20,741 16,587 11,952 27,287 7,078 17,553 6,874 14,947 8,276 22,686 6,443 31,293 4,900 12,416 8,277 9,695 18,076 18,340 11,624 7,406 11,075 17, ,371 14.073 7,272 21,, 326 29,970 14, 182 14,892 20,097 26,015 8.764 13,134 1,381,625 <1, 118,688 13, 762 9,433 13, 747 17, 702 6,205 3,964 6,920 14,803 16,962 9,474 23,812 7,628 21,051 9,.8.S7 24, 348 9,196 15,648 11,287 4,209 20,773 9,484 4,666 16,034 9,871 10,989 12,367 11,249 17,955 16,417 10,764 22,946 6,754 17,676 6,976 16,346 10,878 6,760 9,353 16,814 13,902 7,140 18,229 30,1.58 13,622 12,862 17,196 23. 4.S3 24,142 21,620 29,701 17,588 24,153 44, 499 30,428 6,917 3.952 10,351 23,029 13. 559 2,5,063 31,163 13.231 19, 546 19, 629 25, 112 14, 108 20,330 31,555 20, 176 6,814 2.828 12.002 23,312 14,871 19,860 25, 922 27.3 -0.6 13.0 15.2 26.1 -9.0 -18.8 16.1 -19.8 36.0 39.6 -2.7 15.0 -15.9 16.6 14.0 12.0 -6.2 » For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. » Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. * Subdivisions are designated as parishes. • State total includes population (1) specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any parish. 110 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. COUNTY. Land area in square miles; 1910 POPtlLATION. PEE CENT or INCREASE. 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 LOUISIANA— Con. 420 464 630 683 589 584 578 425 640 279 991 472 662 650 831 1,289 200 642 1,005 • 576 1,370 400 565 1,020 616 295 420 254 231 1,645 525 632 906 790 632 1,766 918 1,213 1,367 655 609 214 306 362 969 29,895 11,637 20,055 11, 989 15,958 31,262 30,954 13,818 18,247 9,402 28,733 33, 111 18,485 10,627 10,676 18,786 36,455 339,075 25,830 12,524 25,289 44,545 11,402 15, 769 19,874 5,277 11,207 9.172 23,009 14.3.38 66,661 23,070 39,308 18.917 29, 160 17,060 28,320 20,451 26,390 17,384 18,886 19,186 12, 636 6,249 13, 449 18,357 742,371 11,373 20,443 8,890 12.902 29,015 27,006 9,119 15,321 12. 362 17,903 6,900 8,270 20, 997 21,848 7,453 13,221 2.3 -1.9 34.9 23.7 7.7 14.6 51.5 19.1 -8.0 14.2 28.8 56.0 38.2 23.6 22.4 15.9 MARTLAND— Con. 663 685 442 250 282 521 482 365 371 331 268 469 371 495 8,039 52,673 20, 105 27, 965 16,106 16, 957 32,089 36, 147 16,839 17,030 26, 455 19,020 49,617 26,815 21,841 3,366,416 51,920 17,701 28,209 16,715 18,7«6 30,451 .29,898 18,364 17,182 25,923 20,342 45, 133 22,852 20,866 2,805,346 49,512 14,213 28,993 16, 269 17,471 27,185 26,080 18,461 15,819 24,155 19, 736 39,782 19,930 19, 747 22,238,947 1.5 13.6 -1.1 -3.6 -9.7 5.4 20.9 -8.3 -0.9 2.1 -3.5 9.9 17.3 4.7 20.0 Garrett Montgomery Prince Georges Queen Annes St. Marys 12.0 0. s 22,825 28,882 16,898 8,100 12,322 16,634 33,216 287, 104 20,947 13,039 25, 777 39,678 11,648 11, 116 15,421 5,031 9,072 8,479 20, 197 12,330 52,906 18,940 34, 145 13,335 17,625 19,070 24,464 18, 520 20,705 10,327 9,628 15,125 10, 285 3,685 15,994 9,648 694,466 16,966 22,095 14,753 5,769 14, 135 16,786 25,836 242,039 17,986 12, 541 19, 613 27,642 11,318 10,230 9,390 4,326 7,737 8,062 15,715 11,359 40,250 14,884 22,416 10, 160 12,656 16, 647 20. 167 17,304 14, 234 .5,903 6,700 12, 466 8.363 3.748 16,062 7,082 661,086 25.9 14.6 16.3 31.2 -13.4 12.9 9.8 18.1 23.3 -3.9 -1.9 12.5 -1.3 41.9 28.9 4.9 23.5 8.2 13.9 16.3 26.0 21.8 15.3 41.9 65.4 -10.5 15.8 10.4 27.5 68.3 96.2 26.8 22.9 69.6 -15.9 90.3 6.9 43.0 30.7 7.8 40.4 -12.8 -0.9 28.6 18.6 16.5 4.0 31.4 43.2 2.0 8.7 64.2 16.3 17.3 5.2 28.6 8.6 31.4 27.3 52.3 31.3 39.3 14.6 21.3 7.0 45.5 74.9 43.7 21.3 23.0 -1.7 6.2 36.2 8.0 Washington 13.5 14.7 5.7 MASSACHUSETTS Natchitoches 25.3 409 966 567 107 497 697 636 585 832 51 410 675 51 1,556 67,480 27,542 105,259 318,573 4,504 436,477 43,600 231,369 63,327 669.915 2,962 187,506 144, 337 731,388 399,657 3,810,173 27,826 95, 667 252, 029 4,561 357,030 41,209 175, 603 58,820 565, 696 3,006 151,539 113, 985 611,417 346, 958 2,420,982 29, 172 81, 108 186,465 4,369 299,995 38,610 136,713 51,859 431,167 3,268 118, 950 92, 700 484,780 280,787 '2,093,890 -1.0 10.0 26.4 -1.2 22.3 5.8 31.8 7.7 18.4 -1.5 23.7 26.6 19.6 15.2 16.1 —4.6 Plaquemines Pointe Coupee Bristol.. .. 36.2 Essex. 19.0 Franklin 6.7 29.4 13.4 Middlesex' 31.2 St. Charles —8.0 Norfolk' 27.4 St. John the Baptist 23.0 Suflolk' 20.1 23.6 MICHIGAN St. Tammany 15.6 684 920 833 684 476 374 917 556 443 314 569 497 693 493 411 725 1,6'3 582 571 575 1,169 776 571 485 655 519 1,133 467 579 597 1,019 864 553 579 570 1,200 672 707 652 673 860 664 579 666 338 5,703 7,675 39,819 19,966 15, 692 9,640 6,127 22, 633 68,238 10,638 63,622 25, 605 66, 638 20,624 19,157 17, 872 24.472 9,240 23, 129 3,934 30,108 20,624 30,499 18,561 64, 565 8.413 23,333 23,784 28,820 29,673 88,098 34,758 53,310 33,530 9,753 15,164 23, 029 53,426 60,427 8,097 169, 145 7,156 4,939 26.033 10,608 5,691 5,868 38,812 18,264 16, 568 9,821 4,320 22,514 62,378 9,685 49, 165 27,811 49,316 20,876 13, 956 16,616 21,338 8,360 25,136 2,943 23,881 17,890 31,668 15,931 41,804 6,564 16,738 20,479 29,889 29,865 66.063 34, 162 39,818 34,329 10,246 8,990 22,784 48,222 44,310 7,133 129,714 3,217 4,957 27,641 10, 556 6,409 1,238 38, 961 15,581 10,413 5,683 3,036 23,783 56,412 5,237 41,285 26,791 43,501 20,953 9,686 11,986 12,019 7,558 26,509 2,962 13,336 0.2 30.8 2.6 9.4 -5.3 -1.8 41.8 0.5 9.4 9.8 9.1 -7.9 14.8 -1.2 37.3 15.2 14.7 10.5 -8.0 33.7 26.1 14.7 -3.7 16.5 54.4 28.2 39.4 16.1 -3.6 -0.6 33.4 1.7 33.9 —2.3 -4.8 68.7 1.1 10.8 . 36.4 13.5 22.7 122.4 -0.4 -5.8 0.5 6.2 Alger 374.0 —0.4 Union 17.2 59.1 72.8 42.3 -6.3 10.6 West Carroll Benzie 84.9 West Feliciana Winn 19.1 3,8 13.4 -0.4 MAINE Charlevoix ' 44.1 469 6,463 863 1,789 1,522 879 351 457 1,980 3,258 3,770 250 3,633 724 2,528 989 9,941 59, 822 74,664 112,014 19,119 35,575 62,863 28,981 18,216 36,256 85,285 19,887 18,574 36,301 23, 383 42,905 68,526 1,295,346 54, 242 60, 744 100,689 18,444 37,241 59,117 30, 406 19,669 32,238 76,246 10, 949 20,330 33,849 24,185 46,232 64,885 1,188,044 48,968 49,589 90,949 17,053 37, 312 57,012 31,473 21,996 30,586 72,865 16,134 19,452 32,627 27,759 44,482 62,829 1,042,390 10.3 22.9 11.2 3.7 -4.5 6.3 -4.7 -7.4 12.5 11.9 17.3 -8.6 7.2 -3.3 -5.1 5.6 9.0 10.8 22.6 10.7 8.2 -0.2 3.7 -3.4 -10.6 5.4 4.6 6.1 4.5 3.7 -12.9 1.7 3.3 14.0 29.5 77.5 Clare 10.6 -5.2 -0.6 Delta 65.8 32,094 8,756 39,430 4,208 13, 166 13,355 28,668 30,660 35,389 28,545 37,666 32.801 16,224 4,432 18,784 45,031 39,273 5,160 109,922 2,894 6,505 29,213 7,944 -1.3 Emmet' 81.9 Oxford 6.0 56.0 Sagadahoc 27.1 Grand Traverse 63.3 4.3 Waldo -2.6 Washington York 86.7 19.7 Ingham 5.7 4.7 MARYLAND.... -32.7 443 432 650 30 218 319 447 377 464 57e 62, 411 39,553 122, 349 558,485 10,325 19,216 33, 934 23, 759 16, 386 28,669 63,694 39, 620 90, 765 508,967 10, 223 16,248 33,860 24,662 17,662 27.962 41, 571 34,094 72, 909 434, 439 9,860 13, 903 32, 376 26,851 15,191 24.843 16.2 -0.2 34.8 .9.7 1.0 18.3 0.2 -3.7 -7.2 2.5 29.2 16.2 24.6 17.2 3.7 16.9 4.6 -4.6 16.3 12 6 102.8 21.3 7.1 Baltimore city 12.8 38.2 18.0 11.2 Cecil -23.8 -5.4 Dorchester 32.9 ^ For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 2 State total includes population (4) specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county. 3 State total includes population (1) specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county; also, population (995) of Manitou and Isle Royal Counties, annexed to Charlevoix, Leelanau, and Keweenaw Counties in 1896 and 1897. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. Ill AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPUHTION. PEB CENT OF INCREASE. COimTY. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PEB CENT OF INCKEASE. 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 MICHIGAir— Con. 743 568 920 1,044 472 562 1,870 494 571 1,056 529 682 673 724 561 504 861 886 643 680 1,333 577 576 528 565 678 538 828 710 603 976 1,207 557 827 617 704 620 577 80,8S8 47.907 17.736 4,004 9.249 32,606 26,688 46. 739 21,832 19.466 25,648 14,005 10,606 32.917 32.069 3.756 40.577 19, 220 49,576 18,379 8,907 8, WO • 17,889 2,027 6,552 45,301 11,249 2.274 89,290 52,341 25,499 33,930 8,681 33,246 34,913 33,185 44,714 631,591 20,769 2,075,708 48.406 19,664 2,983 7,703 33,244 27,850 41,239 18,885 20,693 27,046 14,439 9,308 32,754 32,754 3,234 37,036 17,673 44, 792 16,644 7,765 6,197 17,859 1,468 6,176 39,667 8,821 1,787 81,222 65,228 23,889 35,055 7,889 33,866 35,890 33,274 47, 761 348,793 16,845 n,751,394 48,448 20,858 2,455 7,830 31,813 24,230 39,521 16,385 19, 697 33,639 10,657 5,048 32,337 32,6.37 1,487 40,013 20, 476 41,246 15.698 5.583 3.756 14.630 1.904 4.272 35,358 4,687 2,033 82,273 52,105 25,356 32,589 5,818 30, 952 32,508 30,'541 42,210 267,114 11,278 31,310.283 -1.0 —9.8 34.2 20.1 -1.9 -4.2 13.3 15.6 --5.9 -5.2 -3.0 13.9 0.5 -2.1 16.1 9.6 8.8 10.7 10.4 14.7 39.6 0.2 38.1 6.1 14.2 27.5 27.3 9.9 -5.2 6.7 -3.2 10.0 -1.8 -0.3 —6.4 52.4 23.3 18.5 -0.1 -5.7 21.5 -1.6 4.5 15.0 4.3 15.3 5.1 -19.6 35.6 84.4 1.3 0.4 117.5 —7.4 —13.7 8.6 6.0 39.1 65.0 22.1 —22.9 44.6 12.2 88.2 —12.1 —1.3 6.0 —5.8 7.6 36.6 9.4 10.4 8.9 13.2 35.7 49.4 33.7 MINNESOTA- COD. Koochii-hinKi qui I^arle Lake 3,141 790 2,099 466 535 708 496 672 1,788 719 621 583 1,143 711 704 443 722 860 666 2,039 607 1,413 469 1.979 093 161 432 881 978 495 492 1,670 6,503 366 448 585 1,362 431 564 741 957 568 541 638 431 397 434 745 637 691 749 46,362 6,431 15,435 8.011 18.609 9,874 15,722 18,091 3,249 16,3.38 17,518 17.022 10,705 24.053 22.640 11.755 14. 125 15,210 13,440 22,497 46,036 9,376 15.878 9.653 36.001 12,746 223,676 6,564 18,425 23,123 25,911 10.222 11.338 ■ 163,274 14,888 8.136 15,540 47.733 16.146 8,293 12.949 23,407 8,049 18,654 8,652 13,466 26,013 11,382 9,063 33,398 28,0S2 16,406 1,797,114 14,289 4,654 20,234 8,966 14,691 19,595 10,382 1.299 19,057 5,691 9,501 17,026 8.0 72.1 -8.0 10.1 7.8 -4.6 37.6 258.3 «, . . 6.2 57.5 16,698 16,936 17,753 8,066 22,891 22,335 11,911 14,774 14,932 15,045 23,119 45„175 9,130 9,403 15,456 2,845 13,325 18.019 6,692 13,382 7.9.58 10,618 19,806 34,232 4.1 3.4 -4.1 32.7 5.1 1.4 -1.3 -4.4 1.9 -10.6 -2.7 1.5 Midland 14.9 183.5 71.8 24.0 78.0 Monroe Montcalm „ Montmorency Nicollet 10.4 Nobles 87.6 Norman' 41.7 uceaiid Olmsted 16.7 ugemaw 32.6 Penningtoni rt 1 11.546 9,204 35,429 12,577 170, 554 12,195 17,261 23.693 26,080 9,668 6.994 82,932 15,147 7,281 16,862 44,464 16,524 8,721 13,503 22,214 7,573 18,924 7,921 14,760 27.808 11,496 8,080 35,686 29,157 14,602 1,661,270 4,052 6,132 30,192 10,032 139,796 37.5 3.1 1.6 1.3 31.1 -46.2 6.7 -2.4 -0.6 5.7 62.1 96.9 -1.7 11.7 -7.8 7.4 -2.3 -4.9 -4.1 6.4 6.3 -2.0 9.2 -8.8 -6.5 -1.0 12.2 -6.4 -3.7 6.5 15.8 184.9 80.5 Polki. 17.3 25.4 22.0 St. Clair 9,386 17,099 23,968 6,817 38.6 Rice . 8.8 Schoolcraft 41.8 44,862 13,831 5,908 15.199 34,844 13,232 3.251 10.161 12,930 4,516 16,972 4,053 13,313 25.992 7,7.46 4,346 33,797 24,164 9,854 1,289.600 *82.9 9.5 Sibley Wexford 27.6 Steele. 24.9 MINNESOTA.... Stevens 66.1 32.9 71.8 Aitkin 1,830 459 1,349 3,822 405 491 762 612 867 376 2,104 591 427 1,043 1,019 1,498 640 1,057 599 440 648 719 868 735 767 553 565 670 958 442 2,730 702 534 ,S01 1,111 10,371 12,493 18,840 19,337 11,616 9,367 29,337 20, 134 17.559 17,455 11.620 13,468 13.537 19,640 6,870 1,330 12,651 10,861 25.171 12,094 17,669 19, 949 25,680 22,282 31,637 9,114 333.480 14,297 9.831 12,615 17,208 14,491 6.461 18, 969 9.609 6,743 11,313 14,375 11,030 9,912 8,731 32.263 19,787 10.017 17.544 7.777 12.499 13.248 17,942 2,402 9,884 9,401 312 6,284 6,722 29,210 15,817 6.272 16.532 1,217 8,6.56 10,359 11,517 53.8 10.4 31.1 75.3 17.2 7.3 -9.1 1.8 75.3 -0.6 49.4 7.7 2.2 9.5 173.9 14.5 62.9 < 2, 950. 3 57.7 52.6 10.5 25.1 <83.0 6.1 4 332.7 46.1 27.9 55.8 67.7 Beltramii 11.5 96.4 Waseca 10.9 Washington Blue Earth 48.4 Carlton 85.9 5.6 Wrk'ht 20.7 Yellow Medicine MISSISSIPPI.... Clav 20.3 810 12,069 14,250 21,733 13,340 17, 9M 22,055 28,238 21.838 31,137 8,935 228,340 15,400 6,578 11,676 4,673 14,793 4,614 18,416 7,889 98 7,412 8,852 20,240 10,864 14,600 16,708 25,966 17,962 28,806 6.875 186.294 14.6,53 1,412 7,607 743 8,924 1,579 13,997 5,387 64.9 4.8 18.3 15.8 -9.3 -1.6 -9.5 -9.1 2.0 1.6 2.0 46.0 -7.2 49.5 8.1 276.3 -2.0 40.0 3.0 61.0 7.4 22.8 23.0 32.0 8.7 21.6 8.1 30.0 23.2 5.1 365.9 53.5 «42o.O 66.8 192.2 31.6 46.4 Cook 426 386 714 716 396 879 579 624 501 414 489 675 408 530 769 410 475 462 547 475 25,265 18,159 22,954 28,851 10,245 48,905 17. 726 23,139 22,8)6 14,357 17,403 21,630 20,203 34,217 35,914 16,909 23,130 20, 722 15,193 6,599 30,111 14,987 20.708 26.248 10,510 35,427 16,512 22,116 19,892 13.036 20,787 17,741 19,563 26.293 34,395 13.076 24, 751 26,031 13,115 18,198 22,213 10,685 29,980 14,688 18,773 19,891 10,847 14,516 15,826 18,607 18,342 30,233 8.299 24,183 -16.1 21.2 10.8 9.9 -2.5 38.0 7.4 4.6 14.9 10.1 -16.3 21.9 3.3 30.1 4.4 29.3 -6.5 1.5. 7 14.3 13.8 Dakota 18.2 -0.7 18.2 12.4 Filhnore 17.8 (') 20.2 43.2 Clarke 12.1 5.1 43.3 13.8 57.6 De Soto 2.3 Franklin 13.67S 10.424 11.1 31.2 Kittsoni Georeei ' For changes in boundaries, el c, of counties, see p. 124. 2 State total includes population (3.486 in 1900) of White Earth Indian Eeser- vation not returned by counties in 1900; returned in 1910 in Becker, Clearwater, and Mahnomen Counties. estate total includes population (8,4.57) of Indian reservations specially s nerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. * See headnote to table, p. 103. ' Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 112 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. Land area in square POPmATION. Land area in sq uare miles: 1910 POPULATION. MISSISSIPPI- Con. Greene 1 Grenada Hancock ' Harrison Hinds Holmes. Itawamba. Jaclison I . . . Jasper Jefferson Jefferson Davis i Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar i Lauderdale Lawrence i Leake Lee Leflore Lincoln... Lowndes. . Madison . . Marion'.. Marshall Monroe Montgomery . Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha. . Panola Pearl River i Perry ' Pike Pontotoc. . Prentiss.. Quitman. . Bankln... Scott Sharkey... Simpson . . . Smith Sunflower. . Tallahatchie. Tate Tippah Tishomingo . . Tunica Union . Washington . "Wayne "Webster "Wilkinson . . Winston. .. Yalobusha. Yazoo Adair Andrew. . . Atchison.. Audrain.. Barry Barton Bates Benton . . . Bollinger . Boone Buchanan. Butler Caldwell... Callaway... Camden 6,050 15,727 11,207 34,658 63,726 39,088 10,560 14,526 15,451 18.498 18,221 12, 860 29.885 20,348 21,883 28,894 36,290 28,597 30,703 33,505 15,599 26,796 35, 178 17,706 17.980 23,085 28,503 19,676 31,274 10,593 7,685 37,272 19,688 16.931 11.593 23,944 16, 723 15,694 17,201 16,603 28,787 29,078 19,714 14,631 13,067 18,646 18,997 37,488 48,933 14,709 14,853 18,075 17, 139 21.519 46, 672 6,795 14,112 11,886 21,002 62,677 36,828 10,400 13,544 16,513 15,394 21,292 17,846 20.492 &, 110 38, 150 15. 103 17,360 21, 956 23,834 21,552 29,095 32, 493 13,501 27,674 31.216 16,536 12,726 19,708 30.846 20,183 29,027 6,697 14, 682 27,545 18,274 15,788 5,436 20,955 16,084 19,600 20,618 12,983 10, 124 16,479 16,522 40,912 49,216 12.539 13, 619 21,453 14, 124 19.742 43,948 3,106,665 3,906 14,974 8,318 12,481 39,279 30,970 12,318 11, 708 11,251 14, 785 18,947 -11.0 11.4 -5.7 65.0 21.2 29,661 12,318 14,803 20,040 27,047 27,321 9,532 26,043 30,730 14, 459 11, 146 16,625 27,338 21,203 14,940 13,679 3,286 17.922 11,740 8,382 10, 138 10, 635 9,384 14,361 19,253 12,951 9,302 12, 158 15,606 33,164 40,414 9,817 12,060 17,592 12,089 16,629 36,394 2,679,186 22, 700 15,282 17,332 13,604 16,501 21,687 21,160 23,869 25,532 16,747. 25,869 14,881 14.576 30,533 93,020 20,624 14,605 24, 400 11,582 21,728 17,417 16,000 15,533 22, 074 22,943 18, 263 30,141 16,556 14,650 28,642 121,838 16, 769 16, 656 25, 984 13,113 70,100 10, 164 15, 152 25,131 10, 040 -23.7 23.0 -12.3 -6.1 -11.7 18.9 -15.6 15.7 28.6 22.6 17.3 14.4 14.2 18.5 29.9 22.3 15.4 65.4 16.9 21.9 45.3 26.3 22.8 71.4 21.8 27.7 12.9 -14.2 -6.5 -10.1 10.6 -0.5 11.7 6.6 10.0 MISSO"D"EI- Con. Cape Girardeau. Carroll Carter Cass. Cedar Chariton... Christian... Clark Clay.. Clinton Cole Cooper Crawford. Dade Dallas Daviess . . Dekalh... Dent Douglas.. Dunklin - Franklin... Gasconade - Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison . Henry... Hickory.. Holt Howard.. Howell... Iron Jackson.. Jasper Jefferson. Johnson... Knox Laclede... Lafayette. Lawrence . Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston. McDonald . . Macon . . . Madison , Maries. . . Marion . . Mercer . . . Miller Mississippi . . . Moniteau.. .. Monroe Montgomery . Morgan New Madrid. Newton Nodaway Oregon Ozark. . . . Pemiscot. Perry Pettis Phelps.. Pike Platte... Polk.... Pulaski. Putnam... Ralls Randolph. Ray Reynolds.. 27,621 23,098 6,604 22,973 16, 080 23,503 15,832 12,811 20,302 15,297 21.957 20.311 13,576 15, 613 13, 181 17,605 12,631 13,245 16,664 30,328 29,830 12,847 16, 820 63,831 16, 744 20, 466 27,242 8,741 14,539 15,653 21.065 8,663 283, 522 89, 673 27, 878 26,297 12, 403 17,363 30, 154 26,583 15,514 17,033 25,253 19,453 13,539 30,868 11,273 10, 088 30, 572 12,335 16,717 14, 557 14,375 18,304 15,604 12,863 19,488 27, 136 28,833 14,681 14,283 11,926 19, 559 14,898 33,913 15,796 22, 556 14,429 21,561 11,438 14, 308 12,913 26, 182 21,451 9,592 24,315 26, 455 6,706 23,636 16,923 26, 826 16.939 15; 383 18,903 17,363 20. 578 22,632 12. 959 18, 125 13, 903 21,325 14, 418 12,986 16,802 21, 706 30. 581 12.298 20,554 52, 713 17,832 24, 398 28,054 9,985 17,083 18,337 21,834 8, 716 196,193 84,018 25,712 27. 843 13,479 16,523 31,679 31,662 16, 724 18,352 25, 503 22,302 13, 674 33,018 9,975 9,616 26,331 14,706 15, 187 11,837 16.931 19,716 16,571 12, 175 11,280 27,001 32,938 13,906 14.096 12, 145 12, 115 16, 134 32,438 14, 194 25,744 16, 193 23,255 10,394 16,688 12,287 24,442 24, 805 8,161 22,060 25,742 4,659 23, 301 15, 620 26,254 14,017 15, 126 19,856 17,138 17.281 14,539 12,149 14.111 15,085 28.056 11.706 19,018 48,616 17, 876 21.033 28,235 9,453 15,469 17.371 18.618 9,119 160.510 50, 500 22, 484 28.132 13,. 501 14, 701 30,1.84 26,228 15,935 18,346 24, 121 20, 668 11,283 14, 162 10, 134 15, 630 20,790 16,850 12,311 9,317 22, 108 30,914 10,467 13, 080 9,796 6,975 13,237 31, 151 12, 636 26, 321 16,248 20,339 9,387 15,365 12. 294 24, 893 24,215 6,803 -12.4 -6.5 —16.7 -18.2 21.1 -6.1 -12.5 -14.9 -14.6 11.3 -12.4 -10.9 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. ' State total includes population (1) specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county. > Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 113 AREA AND POPULATION OP COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900 AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is leas than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COTTNTT. MISSOUEI— Con. Ripley St. Charles St. Clair St. Francois St. Louis St. Louis city .. Ste. Genevieve. Saline Schuyler Scotland Scott Shannon.. Shelby.... Stoddard. Stone Sullivan. Taney... Texas Vernon . . Warren . . Washington. Wayne Webster Worth Wright Beaverhead . Broadwater * Carbon ' Cascade ^ Chouteau * . . Custer^ Dawson ^ Deer Lodge* Fergus Flathead*. . . Gallatin Granite* Jefferson * Lewis and Clark * Lincoln* Madison Meagher* Missoula * Park* Powell* Ravalli* Rosebud* Sanders* Silver Bow* Sweet Grass* Teton* Valley ' Yellowstone* NEBRASKA.. Adams Antelope. . Banner. .. Blaine Boone Boxbutte. Boyd*.... Brown Buffalo... Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Chevenne* Clay Coltax.... Cuming... Custer Land area in square 6,070 2.513 1.637 1.650 3,465 3,630 4,581 3.766 4.243 2.675 2,559 POPULATION. 13,099 24,695 16.412 35,738 82,417 687,029 10,607 29,448 9,062 11,869 22,372 11,443 14,864 27,807 11,559 18,698 9,134 21,458 28.837 9,123 13,378 15.181 17,377 8,007 18.315 376,053 13, 186 24,474 17,907 24,051 50,040 575, 238 10,359 33,703 10,840 13,232 13,092 11,247 16, 167 24,669 9,892 20.282 10, 127 22, 192 31,619 9,919 14,263 15,309 16.640 9.832 > 243,329 6,446 3,491 13,962 28,833 17,191 14,123 12,725 12,988 17,385 18, 785 14,079 2,942 5,601 21,853 3,638 7,229 4,190 23,596 10,731 5,904 11,666 7,985 3.713 56,848 4,029 9.546 13,630 22,944 5,615 2,641 7,533 25,777 10,966 7,891 2,443 17,393 6,937 9,375 9,553 8,512 22,977 16,747 17,347 36,307 451,770 9,883 33,762 11,249 12,674 19,000 7,973 19,406 31,605 9,913 13,153 11,927 15, 177 8,738 14,484 2,056 15, 165 3,614 20,900 14,003 1,444 1,672 13, 145 6,131 8,826 6,083 21,907 12, 726 15.403 19,786 15, 191 3,613 10,414 4,551 15,729 11,610 13,782 25,668 2,526 13.904 7,341. 4,692 4,749 14,427 1,066,300 "1,062,656 -0.2 16.4 -3.6 10.3 4.4 70.9 16.6 1.7 26.4 -8.1 3.4 12.7 42.4 16.9 39.5 -8.3 6.7 -H.X 27.0 -3.3 14.4 14.8 32.2 85.3 11.9 56.8 79.0 420.9 -25.3 150.6 100.4 30.6 87.9 213.0 269.3 18,840 11,344 1,114 603 11,689 5,572 7,332 3,470 20,254 13,040 15, 703 21,. 330 12, 467 2,. 559 6,541 5,570 15, 735 11,211 14.584 19,758 24,303 10,399 2.435 1,146 16,310 10, 453 12,265 21,677 >21.3 18.8 14.8 97.4 64.0 -46.8 • -lao 10.9 -22.5 2.3.4 9.1 29.6 -54.3 177.3 -47.4 12.5 34.6 10.0 1.4 20.4 955.0 75.3 -20.4 21.8 41.2 59.2 -5.5 18.9 1 Includes land area (181 square miles) of that part of Yellowstone National Part in Montana. No population reported. 2 State total Includes population (2,660) of Crow Indian Reservation, not re- turned by counties In 1900; returned in 1910 in Rosebud and Yellowstone Counties. ' State total includes population (10,765) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by counties. * For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 82.594°— 13 8 NEBRASKA- Con. Dakota' Dawes Dawson Deuel < Dixon Dodge Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Garder* Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hitchcock. Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson . . . Johnson Kearney Keith Kimball . Knox Lancaster.. Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson* Madison Merrick Morrill*.. Nance Nemaha. . Nuckolls. Otoe Perkins . Phelps.. Pierce... Platte... Polk Red willow,. Richardson. Rock Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff. Seward Sheridan Sherman. Sioux Stanton.. Thayer... Thomas Thurston Valley Washington.. Wayne Webster Wheeler York Churchill... Clark* Douglas Elko Esmeralda. Land area in square 7,432 POPULATION. 6,564 8,254 16,961 1,786 11,477 8,572 12,083 30,325 3,538 3,417 4,933 1.097 8.047 20,361 13, 459 9,578 3,011 5,416 16,545 10,783 16,852 10,187 9.106 3,692 3,452 1.942 18.358 73, 793 15,684 1,521 2,188 2,470 19, 101 10,379 4,684 8,926 13,096 13. 019 19,323 10.682 2,570 10,461 10, 122 19,006 10,521 11,056 17,448 3,627 17,866 9,274 21,179 8,365 15,895 7,328 8,278 6,699 7,642 14,776 10,397 12,008 2,292 18. 721 6,286 6,215 12,214 2,630 10, 535 22, 298 140, 590 2,434 15, 087 9,465 8,781 12, 373 30,051 432 10,343 16, 196 11.197 9,866 1,961 3,076 758 14, 343 64, 8.35 11,416 8,222 14, 952 12.414 22,288 11,770 1,702 10. 772 8,445 17,747 10,542 9,604 19,614 2,809 18, 252 9,080 22,085 2,562 16, 690 6,033 6,550 2,055 6,959 14,325 628 6.517 7.339 13,086 9,862 11,619 1,362 18,205 1.534 5,688 1,972 9,722 10, 129 2,893 8,084 19,260 158, 008 4,012 16,022 7,693 8.497 426 9.430 14.850 10,333 9,061 2,556 3,920 959 8.582 76, 395 10,441 6.773 12, 930 11,417 25,403 10,340 4,364 9,869 4.864 15,437 10.817 8,837 17, 674 3.083 20,097 6,399 2,452 4.619 12, 738 3,176 7,092 11,869 1,551 4,794 2,148 32.8 30.7 -32.1 -6.9 43.8 41.4 18.3 11.2 22.8 27.2 127.1 12.2 156.2 28.0 13.8 37.4 67.7 377.8 12.5 12.1 -0.2 15.1 -11.0 29.1 89.6 33.6 29.2 -2.7 23.6 43.0 375.1 16.7 -36.1 20.6 15.8 -11.0 -39.3 14.9 -31.5 -24.0 -10.6 -21.5 -21.0 67.1 -15.1 -30.3 -21.6 28.9 24.2 -16.2 60.7 12.5 6 9.5 1-26. 4 6 See headnote to table, p. 103. ' State total Includes population (3,740) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by counties; also population (91) of Arthur County, annexed to McPherson County between 1890 and 1900. ' Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. estate total includes population (1,594) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by coimties. 114 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. ' [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus (— ) denotes deerease.I ' 'Table 64— Con. NEVADA— Con. Eureka Humboldt. Lander Lincoln!... Xyon Nye Ormsby Storey Washoe "White Pine. H. HAMPSHIRE Belknap Carroll Cheshire Coos Grafton Hillsborough Merrimack Rociringliam Stafford Sullivan NEW JERSEY. Atlantic Bergen Burlington 1 Camden Cape May Cumberland Essex Gloucester Hudson Hunterdon Mercer Middlesex Monmouth Morris Ocean i Passaic Salem Somerset Sussex Union Warren. NEW MEXICO. Bernalillo • Chaves I Colfaxi Curry 1 Dona Ana i Eddyi Granti Guadalupe 1 Lincoln 1... Luna 1 McKlnley. Moral Otero 1 Quay' — Rio Arriba ' Roosevelt ' . San Juani.. San Miguel ' Sandoval 1 .. Santa Fe' .. Sierra Socorro' Taos Torrance' .. Union ' Valencia ' . . Land area in square miles: 1910 POPUIATION. 1,214 9,408 3,798 1,406 3,821 6,923 7,428 3,987 4,779 2,976 5,506 2,571 6,689 2,905 5,871 2,265 5,476 6,825 1,786 3,489 3,568 7,613 3,415 3,045 17,434 7,441 430,572 21,309 16,316 30, 659 30, 753 41, 652 126,072 63, 336 62, 188 38,961 19,337 71,894 138,002 66, 565 142,029 19,746 66, 153 512,886 37,368 537, 231 33.569 125, 657 114, 426 94, 734 74,704 21,318 216,902 26, 999 38,820 26, 781 140, 197 43,187 23, 606 16,850 16,460 11,443 12,893 12,400 14,813 10,927 7,822 3,913 16,624 12,064 8,504 22,930 8,579 14, 770 3,536 14, 761 12, 008 10,119 11,404 13, 320 1,954 4,463 1,534 3.284 2,268 1,140 2,893 3,673 9,141 1,961 411,588 19, 526 16,895 31,321 29, 468 40,844 112, 640 62, 430 61,118 39,337 18,009 46,402 78,441 58,241 107, 643 13, 201 61,193 369,053 31,905 386,048 34, 607 95,366 79, 762 82, 057 65, 156 19. 747 155, 202 25,530 32, 948 24,134 99,353 37, 781 28, 630 4.773 10, 150 3,229 12,883 5,429 4,953 22,053 14,668 3,158 12, 195 10,889 1,528 3,275 3,434 2,266 2,466 1,987 1,290 376,530 20,321 18, 124 29,679 23,211 37, 217 28,836 47, 226 58,628 45,438 256, 098 28,649 275, 126 35,355 79,978 61,754 69,128 64,101 15, 974 105, 046 25,151 28,311 22, 269 72, 467 36,553 7,974 '9,'i9i' 9,657 "f.'oii 669.0 18.0 -17.1 42.8 17.1 39.2 -2.7 31.8 43.6 15.4 17.8 11.0 41.1 14.3 -17.5 253.0 62.2 284.0 15.0 101.3 -40.3 30.0 -32.3 2 27.6 14.1 -11.6 -40.8 -68.3 = 31.1 13.9 30.< 60.9 66.1 -0.5 22.8 17.2 12.7 40.2 11.4 40.3 -2.4 19.2 29.2 18.7 20.4 23.6 47.7 21.9 2 33.4 '27.3 3 12.3 V63.'6 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 2 See headnote to table, p. 103. 3 State total Includes population (6.689) of Indian reservations specially ' merated In 1890, not distributed by counties. NEW YORK. Albany Allegany Broome Cattaraugus. Chautauqua.. Chemung Chenango Clinton Columbia Cortland . . Delaware.. Dutchess.. Erie Essex Franklin. . Fulton.... Genesee... Greene Hamilton. Herkimer.. Jefferson . . . Kings Lewis Livingston. Madison Monroe Montgomery. Nassau' New York ' . . Ontario. Orange Orleans Oswego Otsego Putnam Queens' Rensselaer Richmond Rockland St. Lawrence.. Schoharie. Schuyler. Seneca... Steuben.. Suffolk... Sullivan . Tioga Tompkins Ulster Warren Washington.. Wayne Westchester ' Wyoming Yates N. CAROLINA. Alamance.. Alexander. Alleghany.. Anson Ashe Beaufort... Bertie Bladen Brunswick. Buncombe. square miles: 1910 POPULATION. 173, 666 41,412 78, 809 65,919 67, 106 105,126 64, 662 35,575 48,230 43,668 29,249 46,676 87,661 528, 985 33, 458 45,717 44,534 37, 615 30,214 4,373 56, 356 80, 383 1, 634, 361 24,849 38,037 39,289 283, 212 67, 567 83. 930 2,762,522 92,036 154, 167 200,298 62,286 ,116,001 32,000 71,664 47, 216 14,665 284,041 122, 276 86,969 46,873 89,005 61,917 88,235 23,865 14,004 26,972 33,647 91,769 32,223 47, 778 50,179 283,055 31,880 18,642 28, 712 11,592 7,745 25,465 19,074 30,877 23,039 18,006 14,432 49, 798 166,671 41,501 69, 149 66,643 66,234 88,314 54,063 36,568 47,430 43,211 27, 576 46, 413 81,670 433, 686 30, 707 42,853 42,842 34,661 31,478 4,947 51,049 76,748 1,166,582 27,427 37,059 40.545 217,854 47, 488 55,448 2,050,600 74,961 132,800 168, 735 49,605 103,869 30, 164 70,881 48,939 13,787 162,999 121,697 67,021 38,298 89,083 61,089 46,862 26,854 15,811 28,114 82, 822 77,582 32,306 27, 951 33,830 88,422 29,943 45,624 48,660 184,257 30,413 20,318 26,665 10, 960 7,759 21,870 19,581 26,404 20,538 17,677 12,657 44,288 164, 555 43,240 62,973 60,866 65,302 75, 202 48,265 37,776 46,437 46,172 838, 647 29,806 37,801 42,892 189, 686 45,699 62, 491 122, 922 146, 247 48, 453 97, 859 30,803 71,883 50, 861 14,849 128,059 124,511 51,693 35, 162 85,048 57, 663 29, 797 29,164 16,711 28,227 81,473 62, 491 31,031 29,935 32, 923 87, 062 27, 866 49,729 146, 772 31, 193 21,001 6,523 20, 027 16,628 21,072 19,176 16,763 10,900 35,266 22.8 16.1 18.7 -11.2 -11.4 -4.1 < State total includes population (5,321) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by counties. ' State total includes population (2) specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 115 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. (Per cent not shown where base Is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.) Table 64— Con. COUNTY. Land area In square miles: 1910 POPULATION. Land area in square POPULATION. N. CAHOLINA- Con. Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell... Catawba.. Chatham 1, Cherokee. . Chowan. . Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland.. Currituck . Dare Davidson. Davie Duplin.... Durham Edgecombe. Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham... Granville. Greene Guiliord... Halifax Harnett Haywood . . Henderson . Hertford . . . Hyde Iredell... Jackson . . Johnston. Jones Lee 1 Lenoir Lincoln . . . McDowell. Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg. Mitchell Montgomery . Moore'.. Nash New Hanover.. Northampton. Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank.. Pender Perquimans.. Person Pitt Polk Randolph.. Richmond' Robeson Rockingham . Rowan Rutherford . . Sampson 21,408 26,240 20,579 5,640 13,776 14,858 27,918 22. 635 14. 136 11, 303 3,909 29,494 28,020 25,594 35,284 7,693 4,841 29,404 13,394 25,442 35,276 32,010 47,311 24.692 37.063 25,102 13,083 60,497 37,646 22,174 21,020 16, 262 15,436 8,840 34,315 12.998 41,401 8,721 11,370 22.769 17,132 13,538 12,191 20, 132 17,797 67,031 17,245 14,967 17,010 33.727 32,037 22.323 14,125 15,064 9,966 16,693 15.471 11,054 17,356 36, 340 7,640 29,491 19,673 17,699 22, 456 15, 694 5,474 11,811 15,028 22,133 23,912 11,860 10,258 4,532 25,078 21,274 24, 160 29,249 6,529 4,757 23, 403 12,115 22,405 26,233 26,591 35.261 25,116 27,903 10,413 4,343 23,263 12,038 39,074 30,793 15,988 16,222 14, 104 14,294 9,278 29,064 11,853 32, 2.50 8,226 18,639 15,498 12,567 12, 104 20,644 15,383 S5,268 15,221 14, 197 23,622 25,478 25,785 21,150 11,940 14,690 8,045 13,660 13,381 10,091 16,685 30,889 7,004 28,232 15,855 40,371 33,163 31,066 25,101 26,380 14,939 18,142 12,298 5,667 10,825 16,028 18,689 25,413 9,976 d,167 4,197 20,394 17,856 20,533 27, 321 6.747 3,768 21.702 11,621 18,690 18,041 24,113 28.434 21.090 17,764 10,252 3,313 24,484 10,039 28,052 28,908 13,700 13.346 12,589 13,851 25,462 9,512 27.239 7,403 21.0 16.9 31.1 26.1 -5.3 19.2 10.2 -13.7 17.6 31.7 25.6 10.6 13.6 34.5 20.4 34.2 22.3 38.7 29.6 15.3 14.879 12.586 10.9.39 10, 102 17,805 15,221 42,673 12,807- 11,239 20,479 20,707 24,026 21,242 10,303 14,948 7,146 10,748 12,514 9,293 15,151 25,519 5.902 25,195 23,948 31,483 25,363 24, 123 18,770 25,096 15.7 2L3 13.3 -28.0 32.4 24.2 23.9 22.2 15.6 20 8 13.1 1.3.7 18.5 23.8 27.6 23.0 19.1 17.7 10.3 24.0 19.1 57.1 31.1 -5.0 19.9 39.3 16.7 21.5 12.0 25.3 23.1 14.9 19.8 15.3 23.0 7.3 -1.7 12.6 27.1 10.1 21.0 18.7 12.1 2&2 30.8 28.8 33.7 5.1 ' For changes In boundaries, etc., of coimties, see p. 124. ' State total includes population (8,264) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by counties; population (875) of Buford and Flan- nery Counties, taken to form part of Williams (Jounty between 1800 and 1900; and iwpulation (563) of Church, Garfield, Stevens, and Wallace Counties, and old Het- tinger, Mountraille, Renville, Sheridan, and Williams Counties, annexed to Botti- neau, McLean, McHenry, Pierce, Ward, Staric, and Mercer Cotmties between 1890 and 1900. K. CABOLIITA- Con. Scotland ' Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania Tyrreil Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey N. DAKOTA... Adams'. Barnes. . Benson . Bottineau' Bowman '. Burke'... Burleigh.. Cass Cavalier.. Dickey Divide'... Dunn' Eddy Emmons.. Foster Grand Forks. Griggs Hettinger' Kidder Lamoure. . Logan McHenry ' . Mcintosh . . McKenzie' McLean'.. Mercer'... Morton Mountrail' Nelson Oliver Pembina. Pierce' Ramsey... Ransom.., Renville ' . Richland.. Rolette... Sargent... Sheridan'. Stark' Steele Stutsman . Towner... Traill Walsh..., Ward'..., Wells.... Williams' 1,164 1,113 1,651 1,763 1,494 1,142 1,270 2,084 651 1,563 1,132 1,386 1,117 1,055 1,205 1,282 2,054 1,293 2,138 15,363 19,909 20.151 29,705 10,403 7,191 5,219 33,277 19,425 63,229 20,266 11,062 13,556 35,698 12,553 15,220 19,866 25.. 515 8,401 0,620 4,980 27, 156 16,684 54,626 19,151 10,608 13,417 31,356 26,872 23, 596 14,0.83 11,404 12,136 17,199 19,281 6,. 577 5,881 4,225 21,259 17,581 49,207 19,360 10,200 10,611 26,100 22,675 18,644 13,790 9,490 22.5 16.4 15.7 5,407 18,006 12,681 10, 186 17,295 4,668 9,064 13,087 33,935 15,659 9,839 6,015 5,302 4,800 9,796 5,313 27,888 6,274 6,557 5,962 10,724 6,168 17,627 7,251 5,720 14,496 4,747 25,289 8,491 10,140 3,577 14,749 9,740 15, 199 10,345 7,840 19,659 9,558 9,202 8,103 12,504 7,616 18, 189 8,963 12,545 19, 491 25,281 11,814 14,234 37.3 52.4 944.7 129.6 6,081 28,625 12,580 4,247 19,613 6,471 115.2 18.6 24.5 3,770 24, 459 4,744 1,210 18,357 2,817 40.9 14.0 32.3 6,048 1,625 6,253 77.3 279.6 235.6 50.5 4,791 1,778 no, 277 38.6 261.3 -17.5 104.4 65.2 49.5 10,751 2,427 5,076 13.1 19. S 52.4 9,143 6,491 13,107 2,304 3,777 5,266 1,450 10,217 16,587 64.1 29.3 98.9 'See headnote to table, p. 103. < Includes population (2,208) of part of Standing Rock Indian Reservation, not returned by counties in 1900. 'Includes population (511) of Fort Yates and Standing Rock Indian .\geney. 116 POPULATION, AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— j denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. square miles: 1910 POPULATION. Land area in square POPULATION. OHIO.... Adams , Allen Ashland Ashtabula.. Athens Auglaize Belmont Brown Butler Carroll Champaign. Clark Clermont. . . Clinton Columbiana Coshocton. . Crawford... Cuyahoga. . . Darke Defiance Delaware.. . Erie Tahfield Fayette Franklin Fulton , Gallia , Geauga Greene Guernsey. . , Hamilton. . Hancock. . . Hardin Harrison Henry Highland... Hocking Holmes Huron Jackson Jefferson... Knox Lake Lawrence. . 24,735 66,680 22,976 69, 647 47,798 31,246 76,866 24,832 70,271 15,761 26,351 66,435 29,551 23,680 76,619 30,121 34,036 637,425 42,933 24,498 27,182 38,327 39,201 21,744 221, 667 460,732 37,860 30,407 19,076 26, 119 28,711 23,650 17,909 34,206 30,791 65,423 30, 181 22,927 26,32S 47,970 21,184 51,448 38,730 31,192 60,875 28,237 56,870 16,811 26,642 68,939 31,610 24,202 68,590 29,337 33,915 439,120 42,532 26,401 37,650 34,259 21,726 164,460 22,801 27,918 14,744 31,613 34,425 409,479 41,993 31,187 20,486 27,282 30,982 24,398 19,611 32,330 44,357 27,768 21,680 39,534 22,223 43,656 35, 194 26,980 52,277 33,553 24,240 . 59,029 26,703 31,927 309,970 42,961 26,769 ' 124,087 22,023 27,006 13,489 29,820 28,645 374,573 42, 563 28,939 20,830 25,080 29,048 22.668 21,139 31,949 39,416 27,600 18,235 39,556 IS.O -4.7 17.9 10.0 -1.1 12.7 -6.5 12.5 -9.8 -2.5 -6.9 -7.9 -7.3 -3.1 -8.2 5.8 -10.1 47.5 8.7 6.8 -0.1 OHIO— Con. Licking Logan Lorain Lucas Madison Mahoning Marion Medina Meigs Mercer Miami Monroe Montgomery . . . Morgan Morrow Muskingum Noble Ottawa Paulding Perry Pickaway Pike....". Portage , Preble Putnam , Richland Ross Sandusky Scioto Seneca Shelby Stark'. Summit Trumbull Tuscarawas Union Van Wert Vinton , Warren Washington . . . Wayne Williams Wood Wyandot 55, 590 30,084 76,037 192, 728 19,902 116,151 33,971 23,698 25,694 27, 636 46,047 24,244 163,763 16,097 16,815 57,488 18,601 22,360 22,730 35,396 26,158 16,723 30,307 23,834 29,972 47,667 40,069 35,171 48, 463 42,421 24,663 122, 987 108, 263 62,766 67,035 21,871 29,119 13,096 24,497 45,422 38,058 47,070 30, 420 54,857 153,669 20, 590 70,134 28,678 21,968 28,620 28,021 43,105 27,031 130, 146 17,905 17,879 53,185 19,466 22,213 27,528 31,841 27,016 18,172 29,246 23,713 32,525 44,289 40,940 34,311 40,981 41,163 24,625 94, 747 71,715 46,591 53,751 22,342 30,394 15,330 26,684 48,246 37,870 24,953 61,565 21,125 43,279 27,386 40,295 102,296 20,057 65,979 24,727 21,742 29,813 27,220 39,754 25, 176 100,852 19, 143 18,120 51,210 20, 753 21,974 25, 932 31,151 26,959 17, 482 27,868 23,421 30, 188 38,072 39, 464 30,617 36,377 40, 869 24,707 84,170 54,089 42,373 46,618 22, 860 29,671 16,045 25,468 42,380 39,005 24,897 44,392 21,722 38.6 25.5 -3.3 -10.3 26.8 -10.1 12.6 32.6 10.0 16.3 -4.2 -14.6 -4.2 OKLAHOMA Adair' Alfalfa'... Atoka' Beaver'... Beckham'. Blaine' ... Bryan' Caddo' Canadian'. Carter' Cherokee'. Choctaw'. . Cimarron'. Cleveland., Coal' Comanche '. . . Craig' Creek' Custer' Delaware' Dewey' Ellis' Garfield' Garvin' Grady Land area in square 821 1,024 POPULATION. 10, 535 18, 138 13, 808 13,631 19, 699 17,960 29,854 35,685 23,601 26, 368 16, 778 21,862 4,653 18,843 15,817 41, 489 17,404 26, 223 23, 231 11,409 14, 132 15, 375 33,050 26,545 30,309 9,116 16, 070 12,113 13,364 17,768 17, 227 27, 865 30, 241 20,110 26, 402 14,274 17,340 5,927 18, 460 15, 585 31,738 14,955 18,365 18, 478 9,876 13, 329 13,978 28, 300 22, 787 23,420 S,819 '22,"676' 16.6 12.9 14.0 18.0 16.9 -4.0 17.6 26.1 -23.2 30.7 16.4 42.8 25.7 16.1 6.0 10.0 16.8 16.5 29.4 OKLAHOMA —Con. Grant' Greer' Harmon' Harper' Haskell' Hughes ' Jackson' Jefferson' Johnston' Kay' Kingfisher Kiowa' I,atimer ' Le Flore' Lincoln ' Logan Love' McClain' McCurtain'.., Mcintosh' Land area in square POPULATION. 18,760 16,449 11,328 8,189 18,875 24, 040 23,737 17, 430 16, 734 26,999 18,825 27,526 11,321 29, 127 34, 779 31,740 10,236 15, 659 20,681 20,961 16,248 11,619 13, 596 12,744 52, 743 16,865 19,945 17,087 13, 439 18, 672 24,757 18,010 22,247 9,340 24, 678 37,293 12,888 13, 198 17,975 14,307 13,144 11,064 11,948 37,467 22, 530 18,501 27,007 26,563 11.9 20.5 21.5 66.7 16.6 28. S 19.5 1 State total includes population (13) specially enumerated in 1890, not distrib- uted by counties. 2 Special censusof Oklahoma and Indian Territory, taken as of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. s State total Includes population (13,873) of Kaw, Kiowa, Comanche and Apache, Osage, and Wichita Indian Reservations; population (2,173) of Day County, part taken to form part of Ellis County In 1907 and part annexed to Murray'... Muskogee'. Roger Mills County since 1900; and population returned by counties in 1900. < State total includes population (16,641) of that part of Oklahoma, and popu- lation (180,182) of Indian Territory, specially enumerated in 1890, r' j--*--^— -j by counties. ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 92,060) of Indian Territory, no' ot distributed POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 117 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign ( — ) denotes decrease.] Table64— Con. Land area in POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. COUNTY. Land area in POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. miles: 1910 1910 1907 1900 1890 1907- 1910 1900- 1910 miles: 1910 1910 1907 1900 1890 1907- 1910 1900- 1910 OKLAHOMA— Con. Noble' 734 5S6 623 717 679 2,277 477 584 678 1,370 728 793 1,430 14,946 14,223 19,995 85,232 21,115 20, 101 16,713 17,332 23,736 47,660 24.331 43,695 10, 118 14, 198 10,453 15,595 55,849 14.362 15,332 12,827 17,112 22, 022 37,677 23,057 43,272 8,295 14,015 5.3 36.1 28.2 52.6 47.0 31.1 22.5 1.3 7.8 26.5 5.5 0.7 22.0 6.6 ""mg ""'46."2 13.5 ""'es.'i OKLAHOMA— Con. Roger Mills'... Rogers ' Seminole' Sequoyah' Stephens' 1,135 730 633 693 897 2,065 733 665 645 425 1,006 1,255 1,233 12,861 17,736 19,964 26,005 22,252 14,249 18,650 34,995 22,086 17,484 25,034 17.567 16,592 13.239 15, 485 14,687 22, 499 20,148 16,448 12,869 21,6Efi 19,529 12,813 22,007 15,817 14,596 6,190 -2.9 14.5 35.9 11.1 10.4 -13.4 44.9 61.3 13.1 36.5 13.8 13.2 13.7 25,915 11,742 Okmulgee ' Tillman' 12,366 20,909 7,215 Wagoner' Washington'... Washita' Woods' Woodward ' Pittsburg I 15,001 34,975 7,469 66.9 26,412 Land area in square miles: 1910 POPtTLATION. PER CENT or INCREASE. COUNTY. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 95,607 672,765 113,636 ! 317,704 62.7 80.2 PENNSYLVANIA —Con. 601 1,142 878 479 1,038 628 621 186 8015 781 796 423 751 402 574 918 829 666 392 451 941 360 360 344 892 1,220 987 700 398 623 484 130 372 454 564 133 544 1,071 777 311 1,034 458 824 1,142 305 661 902 S62 739 1,039 397 903 36.638 93,768 31.545 48, 467 61,565 54, 479 136, 152 117,906 35,871 115,517 167.449 9.435 59,775 9.703 28,882 38,304 66,210 63,090 15,013 259,570 167,029 34,283 80,614 29, 197 39.896 63,643 60,344 114, 443 94,762 32,903 98, 473 110,412 11,039 54,902 9.924 28,281 34.650 42,556 59,113 16,054 193,831 159,241 36,802 69, 565 28,685 36,832 65,324 47, 271 96,977 74,683 22,239 86,074 80.006 8,482 51,433 10. 137 28,935 35,751 42, 175 44,005 16,656 142,088 149,096 37,617 48, 131 76,631 201,203 70,579 46,863 56,744 19,996 20,111 123.290 15,645 84,220 74, 698 26,276 1,046,964 9.412 22,778 154,163 17,651 37,317 11,620 40,093 52,313 17,820 46,640 37,585 71,155 31,010 112,819 15,891 99,489 6.9 16.3 8.0 21.5 -3.3 8.2 19.0 24.4 9.0 17.3 51.7 -14.5 8.9 -2.2 2.1 10.5 55.6 6.7 -6.6 33.9 4.9 22.8 10.7 26.6 33.6 6.8 -6.8 35.4 20.0 8.4 22.0 -4.2 28.1 22.6 -8.1 19.7 -8.4 -2.9 20.2 -2.9 36.9 -6.9 -5.7 -12.7 -7.6 13.5 1.6 55. 9 -3.1 44.4 -9.6 17.2 3,060 688 1,864 821 662 1.628 7,778 1,498 4,922 1,201 4,520 9,933 543 2,83« 1,751 5,999 7,920 4,612 1,008 2,243 9,883 1,194 2,025 451 f09 836 1,125 3,173 2,087 3,145 2,343 731 1,704 714 44,832 18.076 10,663 29,931 16,106 10,580 17.959 9,315 2,044 19,674 3,701 6,607 4,069 8,016 25,756 9,567 8,554 4,658 33,783 5,587 22,662 8,601 39,780 4,357 226,261 13,469 4,242 6,266 20,309 16, 191 8,364 16,336 21,522 2,484 18,285 7,665,111 15,597 6,706 19,668 12,766 6,237 10,324 3,964 1,868 14,665 3,201 5,948 2,598 6,764 8.660 15,233 10,016 5,191 8,874 3,244 1,709 11,864 3,600 5,080 2,559 16.9 59.0 52.3 26.2 69.6 74.0 136.0 9.4 36.1 15.6 -6.7 56.2 130.6 -22.5 29.0 27.4 20.2 16.3 35.1 9.3 22.8 -11.1 17.1 1.5 Clearfield 15.9 8.3 6.5 18.0 26.9 Elk.. 48.0 Gilllami 14.4 38.0 30.1 6.7 13,698 7,517 3,970 2,847 19,604 3,575 18,603 4.203 27,713 4,151 103. 167 9,923 3,477 4,471 18,049 16,070 6,538 13,199 14,467 2.443 13,420 6,302,116 11,455 4,878 2,444 2,604 15, 198 88.0 27.3 116.6 63.6 72.3 56.3 21.8 104.6 43.5 5.0 119.3 35.7 22.0 40.1 12.5 0.8 51.0 23.8 48.8 1.7 36.3 21.6 19.6 54.1 3 16.0 9.3 29.0 ' "i4.'4 61.6 20.8 -1.3 37.8 8 24.3 94.0 52.6 S24.4 33.4 51.3 3 40.7 20.8 '"'a23.'2 19.9 -2.1 -2.3 -3.1 0.9 34.3 -3.6 16,266 2,601 22,934 4,205 74,884 7,858 1,792 2,932 13.381 12.044 3,661 9,183 11,972 36.4 6.8 62.0 69,665 1 .'53.827 11.8 118,832 343, 186 80,813 47,868 77,699 27.785 22.941 169.590 14,868 127. 6117 111,420 24,136 1,549,008 8,033 29,729 207,894 16,800 67,717 11,293 37,746 42,829 16,249 66,359 39, 573 143,680 29,236 231,304 15.509 136.405 93,893 257, 121 75,663 61,343 67, .387 23,160 _21, 161 138,995 15,526 99.687 90.911 26,263 1,293.697 8,766 30,621 172, 927 17,304 49.461 12,134 40.043 49,086 17.592 49.648 38,946 92,181 30,171 160, 175 17,162 116,413 22.5 Polk 27.8 7.2 9.6 2.9 Mifflin... 15.8 5.2 12.7 -0.8 Wheeler' 18.4 Yamhill 10.692 •5,258,113 Northumoerland 21.7 0) Philadelphia 23.6 PENNSYLVANIA. Pike -0.9 528 725 653 429 1.026 865 534 1,145 608 790 717 392 406 1,146 777 34,319 1,018,463 67,880 78,353 38,879 183,222 108.858 54.526 76.5.30 72,689 166,131 7,644 62,846 43,424 109,213 34,496 775,058 52,551 66,432 39,468 159,615 85,099 59.403 71,190 56,962 104,837 7,048 44,510 42,894 95.695 33,486 651,959 46.747 50,077 38,644 137,327 70,866 69.233 70,616 55,339 66,375 7,238 38.624 43,269 89.377 -0.5 31.4 29.2 38.8 -1.5 14.8 27.9 -8.2 7.5 27.6 58.5 8.5 18.7 1.2 14.1 3.0 40.4 12.4 12.7 2.1 16.2 20.1 0.3 0.8 2.9 57.9 -2.6 16.2 -0.9 7.1 12.2 -2.0 32.5 Sullivan 4.4 -0.1 -6.2 Blair Union -1.3 6.4 3 3.4 29.5 -2.7 Westmoreland 42.0 7.9 Chester York 17.0 * For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. a State total includes population (3,937) of Indian reservations specially enu- merated in 1890, not distributed by counties. *See headnote to table, p, 103. * State total includes population (99) of Indian reservations specially enumerated In 1890. not distributed by counties. 6 Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 118 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES : 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base Is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. Land area in Bquare miles: 1910 POPULATION. Land area In square miles: 1910 POPULATION. B.HODE ISLAND. Bristol Kent Newport Providence Washington S. CAROLINA. Abbeville I. Aiken Anderson.. Bambergi . Barnwelli.. Beaufort... Berkeley!.. Calhouni... Charleston' Cherokee'.. Chester Chesterfield. Clarendon... Colleton! Darlington'. DiUon' Borchester' Edgefield'. , Fairfield... Florence'.. Georgetown. Greenville... Greenwood'. Hampton... Horry Lancaster.. Laurens Lee' Lexington' Marion' Marlboro Newberry'-. Oconee Orangeburg' Pickens Richland Saluda ' Spartanburg' Sumter ' Union' Williamsburg ' York' SOUTH DAKOTA. Armstrong.. Aurora Beadle Bennett' Bonhomme. Brookings... Brown Brule Buffalo Butte' Campbell Charles Mix. Clark , Clay Codington... Corson' 432 1,061 612,610 346,606 17,602 36,378 39,335 424,353 24,942 32,599 328, 683 24, 154 11,428 26,754 28,552 255,123 23,649 33.9 21.4 20.7 29.1 34,804 41,849 69,568 18,544 34,209 30,355 23,487 16,634 88, 594 26, 179 29,425 26,301 32, 188 35,390 36,027 22,615 17,891 28,281 29.442 35,671 22,270 68,377 34,225 25,126 26, 995 27,094 26,650 41,650 25,318 32,040 20,596 31,189 34,586 27,337 55,893 25,422 55,143 20,943 83,465 38,472 29,911 37,626 47,718 33,400 39,032 55,728 17,296 35,504 35,495 46,854 31,822 43,696 28,616 20,401 28,184 33,452 32,388 26,660 18,468 23,233 40,293 29,134 16,294 25,478 29,425 28,474 24,696 24, 311 37,382 49,259 28.599 25,027 22, 361 20,761 31,610 27,264 35,181 27,639 30, 182 23,634 59,663 19,375 45,589 18,966 65,560 51,237 25,501 31,685 41,684 22,181 29,976 23,500 26, 434 18,687 49,393 43,605 25,363 27,777 38,831 -41.5 12.8 14.6 15.7 31.2 21.0 10.4 27.3 -24.9 17.3 18.8 14.5 25,867 6,451 1,589 4,993 5,244 14,899 10,901 8,711 14,092 2,929 15,286 5,401 1,790 2,907 4,527 6,942 9,316 8,770 15.0 12.0 14.2 28.8 19.4 -11.2 71.8 15.8 75.3 57.0 -6.5 60.7 11,625 14, 372 7,768 1,145 7,4 12,254 6,656 4,891 5,449 9,168 4,574 63.4 55.4 17.3 16.7 -28.7 22.7 27.5 10.5 21.3 -17.0 11.2 10.4 17.1 18.3 17.4 17.6 14.2 26.5 20.8 -19.8 5-32.8 180.3 29.0 -44.2 37.3 33.7 Deuel Dewey 1,907 ' For changes in boimdaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 2 State total includes population (9,216) of Cheyenne River and Rosebud In- dian Reservations and part of Standing Rock Indian Reservation, not retiirned by counties in 1900. 3 State total includes population (19,792) specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties; also population (1,351) of Choteau, Ewing Harding, Martin, Delano, Scobey, Jackson, Ziebach, Nowlin, Pratt, Presho, and old Todd Counties, annexed to Butte, Meade, Stanley, Lyman, Gregory, and Pennington Counties between 1890 and 1900. * Exclusive of population of part in Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, not re- turned by counties. SOUTH DAKOTA —Con. Douglas Edmunds Fall River Faulk Grant Gregory'. Hamlin.. Hand Hanson.. Harding' Hughes Hutchinson. Hyde Jerauld Kingsbury.. Lake Lawrence. Lincoln... Lyman'.. McCook... McPherson. Marshall Meade' Mellette'... Miner Minnehaha. Moody Peimington' Perkins' Potter Roberts Sanborn.. Schnasse. Shannon. . Spink Stanley'.. Sterling.. Sully Todd'... Tripp'... Turner... Union'... Walworth Washabaugh Washington Yankton Pine Ridge Indian Reservation ^ TENNESSEE. Anderson. Bedford... Benton Bledsoe... Blount Bradley Campbell.. Cannon Carroll Carter Cheatham., (Chester Claiborne.. Clay Cocke Coffee Crockett (Cumberland.. Davidson Decatur Dekalb... Dickson.. Dyer Fayette.. Fentress. 1,158 1,756 1,018 691 1,032 520 1,426 432 2,682 759 817 1,058 1,279 1,629 6,400 7,654 7,763 6,716 10,303 13,061 7,475 7,870 6,237 4,228 6,271 12,319 3,307 5,120 12,560 10,711 19, 694 12,712 10,848 6,791 8,021 12, 640 1,700 7,661 29,631 8,695 12,453 11,348 4,466 14,897 6,607 292 (») 15,981 14,975 262 2,462 2,164 8,323 13,840 10,676 («) («) 13,135 5,012 4,916 3,541 3,547 9,103 2,211 5,945 4,525 4,947 4,600 4,399 4,478 4,062 6,814 295 4,626 6,646 4,267 27.7 55.7 119.2 490.7 25.7 73.9 26.1 3,684 11,897 1,492 2.798 9,866 9,137 17,897 12, 161 2,632 6,327 5,942 4,907 5,044 10,469 1,860 3,605 8,562 7,508 11,673 9,143 9,487 1,341 m 1,715 4,610 10,581 1,028 12,649 6,827 17,717 22, 667 12, 452 6,329 20,809 16, 336 27,387 10,825 23,971 19,838 10,540 9,090 23,504 9,009 19,399 16,626 16,076 9,327 149, 478 10,093 15,434 19,956 27,721 30,257 7,446 17,634 23, 845 11,888 6,626 19,206 15.759 17,317 12,121 24,250 16,688 10,112 9,896 20,696 8,421 19,153 15,574 16,867 8,311 122, 815 10,439 16,460 18,636 23, 776 29, 701 6,106 15,128 24, 739 11,230 6,134 17,589 13,607 13, 486 12,197 23.630 13,389 8,846 9,069 15,103 7,260 16,523 13,827 15, lie 6,376 108, 174 8,995 15,650 13, 645 19,878 28, 878 5,226 12.2 21.7 -3.3 21.9 2.8 5 See headnote to table, p. 103. 6 Not returned separately. ' For 1910 comprises the unorganized counties of Shannon and Washington, and parts of Bennett and Washabaugh, for which the population was not returned separately. ^ s Total land area within the limits of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, 4,374 square miles, comprising Shannon, Washington, and parts of Bennett and Wash- abaugh Counties, Included under the respective counties. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 119 AREA AND POPULATION OP COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES' 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. ' ' ' [ Per cent not shown where base Is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.) Table 64— Con. COUNTT. TENNESSEE- Con. Franklin Gibson Giles , Grainger Greene , Grundy Hamblen . . . Hamilton... Hancock .-. . . Hardeman . . Hardin Hawkins. . Haywood . . Henderson. Henry Hickman!.. Houston Humphreys. Jackson James Jefferson Jotinson Knox Lake Lauderdale * Lawrence. Lewis' Lincoln . . . Loudon... McMinn . . . McNalry. Macon . . . Madison . . Marion . . . Marshall . Maury Meigs Monroe Montgomery. Moore Obion... Overton . Perry i . . . Pickett. . Polk Putnam... Rhea Roane Roberteon. Rutherford. Scott Sequatchie. . Sevier Shelby Smith Stewart Sullivan.. .. Sumner Tipton.... Trousdale. Unicoi Union Van Buren.., Warren Washington., Wayne' White Williamson. Wilson TEXAS. Anderson.. Andrews > . Angelina. . . Aransas Archer Land area in square POPITLATION. 20,491 41,630 32,629 13,888 31,083 8,322 13,650 89, 267 10.778 23,011 17,521 23,587 25.910 17.030 25,434 16, 527 6.224 13, 90S 15,0.30 5,210 17, 755 13, 191 94, 187 8,704 21,105 17,569 6,033 25,908 13,612 21,046 16,356 14,559 39,357 18, 820 16,872 40,456 6, 131 20,716 33, 672 4,800 11,458 29. 946 15,854 8,815 5,087 14,110 20,023 15,410 22,860 25,466 33,199 12. 947 4,202 22, 296 191,439 18,548 14,860 28,120 25,621 29,459 5,874 7,201 11,414 2,784 16,534 28,968 12,002 31,929 16, 420 24, 213 25,394 17,705 2.106 6,525 19,246 24,267 25,189 18,117 24, 208 10, 367 6,476 13, 398 15,039 5,407 18,590 10,589 74,302 7,368 21,971 15,402 4,455 26, 304 10.838 19,163 17,760 12,881 30.333 17,281 18,763 42,703 7,491 18,585 36,017 5,706 9,587 28,286 13,353 8.800 5.366 11,357 16,890 14.318 22, 738 25,029 33,543 11,077 3,320 19, 026 15,224 24. 935 26,072 29,273 6.004 5,851 12, 894 3,126 16,410 22, 604 12. 936 32. 546 14, 157 26, 429 27,078 20,392 18,929 39,408 35,869 33,035 34,957 15,512 13, 196 30, 590 26, 614 7,802 6,345 12, 728 11,418 61,095 63,482 11,147 10,342 22,976 21,029 17,698 22,246 23,558 16, 336 21,070 14, 499 5,390 11,720 13,325 4,903 10, 478 18, 756 12,286 2,555 27, 382 9,273 17,890 15,510 10, 878 30, 497 16,411 18,906 38, 112 6,930 15,329 29, 697 5,976 7,639 27,273 12,039 7,785 4,736 8,361 13,683 12,547 17,418 20,078 35,097 9,794 3,027 18,761 112,740 24, 271 6,850 4,619 11,459 2,863 14.413 20.354 11,471 28,955 12,348 26, 321 27, 148 3,048,710 3 2,235,627 13, 481 1,716 2,508 6,306 1,824 2,101 -4.5 24.6 26.8 18.1 -5.3 -18.2 11.5 -1.0 16.9 26.3 -2.2 23.1 -11.5 31.3 22.7 160.2 23.0 11.5 15.4 12.9 20.1 14.3 12.9 10.3 12.8 19.5 24.8 38.9 17.1 14.5 18.4 19.1 12.1 21.2 21.3 -4.5 10.9 13.0 13.3 35.8 23.4 13.2 30.5 24.7 24.9 19.4 10.2 13.9 11.1 12.8 36.4 33.9 113.8 -5.9 19.4 TEXAS— Con. -\rmstrong. Atascosa. .. Austin Bailey Bandera... Bastrop. Baylor.. Brazos . . . Brewster' Briscoe Brown . . . Burleson. Burnet Caldwell., Calhoun.., Callahan . , Cameron., Camp Carson Cass Castro Chambers. Cherokee. , Childress. , Clay Cochran.., Coke Coleman Collin Collingsworth. Colorado Comal Comanche.. Concho Cooke Coryell Cottle Crane Crockett. Crosby... Dallam.. Dallas.... De Witt.... Deaf Smith. Delta Denton Dickens Dimmit Donley Duval Eastland... Ector Edwards. . . El Paso.... Ellis Erath Falls Fannin Fayette Fis"her Floyd Foard' Fort Bend. Franklin... Freestone.. Frio Laud area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. 2,682 10,004 17,099 312 4,921 25,344 8,411 12,090 49, 186 119,676 4,311 1,386 19,013 34,827 13,299 18,919 5,220 2.162 22,935 18,087 10.765 24,237 3,635 12,973 27,158 9,551 2,127 27,587 1,850 4.234 29.038 9,538 17,043 65 6,412 22,618 49,021 5.224 18, 897 8,434 27, 186 6,664 26,603 21,703 4,396 331 1,296 1,765 4.001 135, 748 2,320 23, 501 3,942 14, 566 31,258 3,092 3,460 5,284 8,964 23,421 1,178 3,768 52, 599 53,629 32,095 35,649 44.801 29,796 12.596 5,726 18,168 9,331 20, 567 8,895 1,265 44,479 1,995 9,447 1,143 1,205 7,143 20,676 4 5,332 26,845 3,052 7,720 45,635 69,422 4,703 776 17,390 26, 676 14,861 18,859 2,356 1,253 16,019 18,367 10, 628 21, 765 2,395 8,768 16,095 9,146 25.154 2.138 9,231 10.077 60,087 1,233 22,203 3,108 24,880 50.059 29,960 33,342 51,793 36,542 3,-'08 2,020 1,568 16,538 8,6/4 18,910 4,200 55 3,795 20,736 2,595 3,720 33,377 49,266 4.649 222 14,224 20,267 11,506 22,975 1,175 7,503 122.6 40.1 -14.4 -5.6 175.6 56.6 121.6 72.5 43.2 11.4 61.8 48.0 15.608 1,065 24, 696 16,873 1.049 1,056 7,598 10, 373 l,9-'0 15,678 31.774 21,594 20,706 38,709 31,481 323.7 -14.9 20.3 -18.5 124.0 2,640.4 64.1 168.6 212,8 91.7 209.2 21.2 111.4 -13.5 -18.5 239.7 129.6 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. ' Decrease of less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. Gaines' Galveston Garza' Gillespie Glasscock s State total includes population (4) specially enumerated In 1890, not credited to any county; also population (3.007) of Buchel, Foley, and Encinal Counties annexed to Brewster and Webb Counties between 1890 and 1900. 120 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNiriES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES' 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. TEXAS— Con. Goliad Gonzales Grayi Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman ' Hardin Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays Hempliill.... Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hunt Hutchinson ' Irion Jack Jackson Jasper Jen Davis Jefferson Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kent Kerr Kimble King Kinney Knox' La Salle Lamar Lamb ^ Lampasas Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano Loving Lubbock Lynni McCulloch McLennan McMulleu Madison Marion Martin Mason Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris 1,654 872 1,507 1,561 945 1,022 1,073 1,049 1,302 POPITLATION. 3,405 65, 996 14, 140 21, 205 24,913 7,566 8, 279 15,315 935 11,213 12,947 115, 693 37, 243 1,298 16, 249 15, 518 3,170 20, 131 1,283 11,817 6,471 14,000 1,678 38, 182 34, 460 24, 299 14, 942 35, 323 4,517 2,656 5,505 3,261 810 3,401 9,625 4,747 46, 544 540 9,532 26,418 13, 132 16, 683 10, 686 34, 621 2,634 3,442 6,520 249 3,624 1,713 13,406 73,250 1,091 10,318 10,472 1,549 5,683 13,594 5,151 13,415 2,707 3,464 36,780 8,956 25,123 15,679 26, 106 21. 386 1,680 1.670 13, 620 167 26,452 2,628 47, 295 7,138 1,160 14,239 2,322 2,303 48, 627 28, 121 14, 695 18,072 3.960 69,772 1,024 10, 432 5,573 6,097 4,066 2,011 1,741 39,666 7,851 6,910 18, 016 21,312 15,217 3,904 3,956 37, 249 26, 721 19,360 1,210 31,886 68 870 9,740 3,281 5,592 1,394 5,867 22,313 3,797 3,637 21, 598 3,826 324 4,462 2,243 173 3,781 1,134 2,139 37,302 21,887 11, 952 13, 841 3,217 39,204 1,038 8,512 5,180 3,985 3,698 5,730 1,215 1,033 24,773 6,493 2,059 18,863 11,766 14.6 -18.8 16.5 350.4 395.7 13.3 459.9 10.5 -6.1 233.4 61.8 -10.7 40.6 60.3 136.6 19.6 31.3 22.6 40.5 133.0 137.6 46.2 26.6 -6.9 27.6 71.2 19.3 24.6 57.0 62.6 85.7 27.6 -17.5 143.1 7.2 177.6 11.6 11.6 183.2 -35.3 104.8 28.5 22.1 30.6 91.5 50.3 TEXAS— Con. Motley Nacogdoches . Navarro Newton Nolan Nueces Ochiltree . Oldham... Panola.. Parker.. Parmer • Pecos'.. Polk.... Potter... Presidio. Rains Randall. . Red River. Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson. . Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine San Augustine. San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schlelcheri Scurry Shackelford. Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell... Starr Stephens. . Sterling!.. Stonewall.. Sutton Swisher. Tarrant. Taylor.. Terrell'. Terry 1... Throckmorton . Titus Tom Green' Travis Trinity Tyler Upshur Upton' Uvalde Val Verde. . Van Zandt. Victoria Walker Waller Ward Washington. Webb' Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger. . . Williamson. Wilson Winkler' ... Wise Wood.... Yoakum ' Young... Zapata... Zavalla... Land area in square miles: 1910 1,030 1,059 1,060 2,275 891 1,543 1,116 1,387 1,195 1,589 3,083 POPULATION. 6,580 ' For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 27,406 47,070 10, 850 11,999 20,424 26,331 1,555 2,071 17, 469 12,424 5,218 6,787 3,312 28,564 4,392 2,814 950 27,454 8,072 20,858 26,946 8,582 11,264 9,542 7,307 11,246 1,893 10,924 4,201 26,423 1,376 41,746 3,931 13, 151 7,980 1,493 6,320 1,569 4,663 16, 422 17,882 55, 620 12, 768 25,661 14, 990 16,061 12, 138 25,561 22, 503 21,133 12,000 42,228 17, 066 442 26, 450 23, 417 602 13,657 3,809 1,889 1,257 24,663 43,374 7,282 2,611 10,439 1,820 3,673 6,127 29,893 1,847 1,641 620 31,480 8,631 5,379 26,099 6,394 8,434 10,277 2,372 7,669 11,469 6,466 1,127 2,183 1,727 1.227 62,376 10, 499 25.481 13, 678 15,813 14,246 1,461 32, 931 21,861 16, 942 5,759 38,072 13, 961 60 27,116 21,048 15,984 26,373 4,650 1,573 270 4,770 8,320 21,452 1,247 1,239 6,972 3,193 18,559 7,360 1,312 6,641 28,324 3,419 8,190 5,152 36, 322 7,648 16,225 8,737 12,874 10,888 29,161 14.842 7,584 7,092 25,909 10,656 18 24, 134 13,932 110.3 600.0 132.7 61.4 58.7 -4.6 682.6 42.1 10.8 243.9 -4.4 137.8 71.6 53.2 -12.8 -5.4 70.7 29.3 1,223.1 11.7 12.4 14.7 23.4 32.5 143.7 227.0 107.3 150.4 160.7 33.6 162.8 17.4 16.3 24.7 726.7 177.2 108.4 10.9 22.2 -2.5 11.3 "ios.'s' -20.0 138.5 POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 121 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910 1900 AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not sliown where base Is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. COUNTY. UTAH. Beaver Bo.xelder. , Cache Carbon 3.. Bavis Emery 2.. Garfleld2. Grands... Iron Juab Kane'... MUlard.. Morgan. Piute 2.. Rich.... Summit.. Tooele... Uinta Utah!.... Wasatch Washington.. Wayne s Weber Addison Bennington. Caledonia 2.. Chittenden.. Esse.x Franklin... Grand Isle. Lamoille... Orange Orleans Rutland Washington^ Windham Windsor VIRGINIA. Accomar Albemarle Ale.xandria Alexandria city . Alleghany 2 Amelia Appomattox. Augusta 2 Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt. . . Bristol city . Bruns%\ncK.. Buchanan Buckingnam Biiena Vi.'Jta city » Campbell 2 Caroline Carroll Charles City Charlotte Charlottesville cifv Chesterfield Clarke Clifton Forge city 2 Craig Culpeper Cumberland Land area in square 2,060 5,444 1,164 1,487 275 4,453 5,234 3,692 3,256 3,410 1.862 6,849 5,235 2,034 4.354 2,465 2,475 POPULATION. 4,717 13,894 23,062 8,824 10,191 6,750 3,660 1,695 3,933 10,702 1,652 6,118 2,467 1,734 1,883 131,426 2,377 16,704 9,776 8,200 7,924 7,050 37,942 8,920 6,123 1,749 35,179 20,010 21,378 26,031 42,447 29,866 3,761 12,585 18,703 23,337 48,139 36,650 29,871 10,231 15,329 14, 173 8,720 18,932 8,904 32. 445 6,538 29,549 5,154 17, 727 6,247 19,244 12,334 I,'!, 204 3.245 23,043 10,596 21,116 6,253 15,785 4,711 13, 472 9,195 3,613 10,009 18,139 5,004 3,400 1,149 3,646 10,082 1,811 5,678 2,045 1,964 77,725 1,023 16,313 8,451 9,439 7,361 6,458 32,466 4,736 4,612 1,907 25,239 343,611 21,912 21,705 24,381 39,600 8,056 30,198 4,462 12,289 19,313 22,024 44,209 36,607 26,600 32,225 32,670 28,473 6,430 14,528 16,330 30,366 6,497 17, 161 4,579 18,217 19,303 6,040 16,343 6,449 18,804 7,927 3,340 7,642 16,609 7,733 3,700 2,762 23,768 332,422 22,277 20,448 23,436 35,389 9,511 29,755 3.843 12,831 19.575 22, 101 26, 788 4.258 14,339 9,283 31,213 5,129 14,8.54 2,902 17,246 15, 497 6,066 16,077 5,591 10,965 8,071 27.1 72.3 27.5 11.1 -8.3 39.4 -4.6 2.2 112.4 32.2 80.6 14.9 -31.2 27.4 33.0 3 136. 4 24.1 36.3 27.3 65.2 -0.4 6.1 35.9 -0.9 8.8 -0.7 0.2 9.4 24.6 4.2 -0.5 2.9 1.8 4.9 15.3 13.3 10.8 6.7 -5.1 1 State total includes population (2,874) of Indian reservations specially enumer- ated in 1S90, not distributed by counties. 3 For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. » See headnote to table, p. 103. VIRGINIA— Con. Danville city 2. Dickenson Dinwiddle Elizabeth City. Fairiax Fauquier. . Floyd Fluvanna - Franklin . . Frederick'. Fredericksburg city, Grayson Greene Greensville. Halifax Hanover Henrico^ Henry Highland Isle of Wight.. James City . . King and Queen.. King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg L\Tichburg city ^ Madison Mathews Mecklenburg. Middlesex Montgomery ^ Nansemond.. Nelson New Kent Newport News city: Northampton Northimiberland, , Nottoway Patrick Petersburg city .. Pittsylvania^ Portsmouth city' Powhatan Prince Edward. Prince George. . . Prince William. Princess Anne . . Pulaski Radford city^ Rappahannock.. Richmond Richmond city * . Roanoke 2..' Roanoke city* Rockbridge 3. . Rockingham.. Russell Scott Shenandoah.. , Smyth Southampton. Spotsylvania . Stafford Land POPULATION PER CENT OP mCEEASE. square miles: 1910 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 3 19,020 16.520 10,306 16.1 60.3 326 9,199 7,747 5,077 18.7 52.6 618 15,442 15,374 13,615 0.4 13.8 54 21,225 19,460 16,168 9.1 20.4 258 9,105 9,701 10,047 -6.1 -3.4 417 20,536 18,580 16,655 10.6 11.6 666 22,526 23,374 22,590 -3.6 3.6 376 14,092 15,388 14,405 -8.4 6.8 286 8,323 9,050 9,608 -8.0 -4.8 697 26,480 25,963 24,986 2.0 3.9 434 12,787 13,239 12,684 -3.4 4.4 1 6.874 6,068 4.528 1.5.9 11.9 369 11,623 10,793 9,090 7.7 18.7 223 12,477 12,832 11,653 -2.8 10.1 287 9,237 9,519 9,958 -3.0 -4.4 425 19,856 16,853 14,394 17.8 17.1 165 6,937 6,214 6,622 11.6 10.5 307 11,890 9,758 8,230 21.8 18.6 814 40,044 37, 197 34,424 7.7 8.1 512 17,200 17,618 17,402 -2.4 1.2 266 23,437 30,062 22.006 -22.0 36.6 444 18, 469 19, 265 18,208 -4.2 5.8 422 5,317 5.647 6,352 -5.8 5.S 314 14,929 13, 102 11,3)3 13.9 15.8 164 0,338 5,732 6,643 10.6 1.6 320 9,576 9,265 9.669 3.4 -4.2 180 6,378 6,918 6,641 -7.8 4.2 263 8,547 8,380 9,605 2.0 -12.8 130 9,752 8,949 7,191 9.0 24.4 446 23,840 19,856 18,216 20.1 9.0 519 21,167 21,948 23,274 -3.6 -5.7 516 16, 578 16,517 16,997 0.4 -2.8 430 12,780 11, 706 11,372 9.2 2.9 6 29,494 18,891 19, 709 5!!. 1 -4.2 324 10,055 10,216 10,225 -1.6 -0.1 94 8,922 8,239 7,584 8.3 8.6 669 28.956 26,551 25,359 9.1 4.7 146 8,852 8,220 7,458 7.7 10 2 396 17,268 15,852 8.9 -10.7 423 26,886 23,078 19,692 16.5 17.2 473 16,821 16,075 15,336 4.6 4.8 191 4,682 4,865 5,511 -3.8 -11.7 20,205 62,744 19,635 60,780 404 28,899 3.9 76.7 7 67,462 46,624 34,871 44.7 33.7 239 16,672 13,770 10,313 21.1 33.5 205 10,777 9,846 310 13,462 12.366 8.9 359 13,486 12,571 12,814 7.3 -1.9 322 14,147 13,794 485 17,195 15,403 14.147 11.6 8.9 3 24,127 21,810 1,012 50,709 46,894 8.1 3 33,190 17,427 273 6,099 6,824 6,791 -10.6 0.5 356 14,266 15,045 14,694 -5.2 2.4 294 7,848 7,752 345 12,026 11,112 9,805 8.2 279 11.526 11.192 9.510 3.0 17.7 333 17,246 14,609 12,790 18.1 14.2 4.202 8,044 3.344 8,843 25.7 274 8.678 -9.0 1.9 204 7.415 7,088 7.146 4.0 -0.8 11 127, 628 85,050 300 19,623 15,837 13,942 23.9 13.6 5 34,874 21,495 16,169 62.2 33.0 613 21,171 21,799 23,062 -2.9 -6.5 876 34,903 33,527 31,299 4.1 7.1 496 23,474 18,031 16,126 30.2 11.8 643 23,814 22,694 21,694 4.9 4.6 510 20,942 20,253 19,671 3.4 3.0 435 20,326 17.121 13,300 18.7 28.2 604 26,302 22.848 20,078 15.1 412 9,935 9,239 9,706 7.5 -4.8 274 8,070 8,097 7,362 -0.3 10.0 * state total includes population (9,715 In 1900 and 9,246 in 1890) of Manchester city, made independent of Chesterfield County in 1874, annexed to Richmond city, April 16, 1910. 122 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OP COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 64~Coii. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. COUNTY. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PEE CENT OP INCREASE. COUNTY. 1910 1900 1S90 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 VIRGINIA— Con. Staunton city 1 3 278 515 531 216 67 602 262 1 420 479 136 66,836 10,604 9,715 13,664 24,946 8,689 6,041 32,830 9,313 5,864 34,162 20,372 7,757 1,141,990 7,289 8,469 12,082 23,384 8,837 4,888 28,995 9,243 5,161 19,663 20,43Z. 7,482 618,103 6,975 8,266 11,100 19,899 8,280 6,660 26,118 8,399 5,196 9,346 18,019 7,696 2387,232 46.5 14.7 13.1 6.7 -2.S 23.6 13.2 0.8 13.6 73.-8 -0.3 3.7 120.4 4.5 2.6 8.8 17.6 6.7 -26.5 11.0 10.0 -0.7 110.3 13.4 -1.5 4S.0 WEST VlRGIiriA —Con. 393 418 438 533 315 310 475 419 349 416 358 457 233 680 107 699 132 904 650 336 697 1,036 463 522 369 175 405 260 361 617 583 357 218 364 502 S5,2S6 18,281 20, 491 14,476 47,866 42,794 32,388 23,019 38,371 16,674 19, 431 24,334 13,055 7,848 17,699 57,672 9,349 8,074 14,740 26,341 18,587 25,633 26,028 17,875 21,543 18,420 16,554 18,675 16,211 16,629 24,081 9,680 23,866 9,047 38,001 10,392 2,333,860 16,980 15^434 6,955 18,747 32,430 26,444 24,142 23,023 12,883 11,359 - 19,049 13,130 7,294 11,403 48,024 9,167 9,346 8,672 22,727 17,330 12,436 17,670 18,901 19,852 16,266 14,978 13,433 18,262 14,696 23,619 8,862 22,880 10,284 34,452 8,380 2,069,042 16,896 11,240 11,101 7,300 20, 721 20, 735 22,863 16,002 12,085 7.7 32.8 108.1 156.3 32.0 22.5 -4.7 66.7 29.4 71.1 27.7 -0.6 7.6 55.2 19.9 2.0 -13.6 72.0 16 9 7.3 106.1 47.3 -6.4 8.5 13.2 10.5 39.0 -11.2 13.2 2.0 9.2 43 -12.0 10.3 24.0 12.8 6.8 37.2 ^^^^ -37.3 T wpli McDowell 166.8 i azeweu 66.5 "Warren 27.5 6.6 Washington 43.9 6.6 Winchester city Wise 16,706 12,429 6,744 9,309 41,557 8,711 7,639 6,814 20,355 14,342 9,697 11,633 16,621 15,303 13,117 12,147 6,459 11,962 12,714 18,652 4,783 16,841 9,411 28,612 6,247 '1,693,330 21.3 Wythe Mnnrnp 6.6 York 8.2 22.5 15.6 WASHINGTON... 1,912 606 1,671 1,927 2,900 1,726 634 858 1,153 1,787 2,220 1,206 694 2,720 208 1,747 2,111 371 2,329 1,825 2,369 2,302 930 5,221 895 1,701 178 1,774 1,685 2,064 1,756 3,866 709 267 1,265 2,082 2,108 6,059 24,023 10.920 5;831 7,937 35,690 15, 104 6,755 26,115 7,042 12,661 9,227 4,800 6,153 4,199 8,698 4,704 8,337 284,638 17,647 18,661 10, 180 32,127 17, 539 5,156 12,887 12,532 120,812 3,603 29,241 2,887 59,209 139,404 26,297 17,581 3,285 31,931 49,511 ■ 33,280 41,709 1,221,119 4,840 3,366 2,098 1,580 125.6 73.2 130.7 113.0 Pendleton 24.0 25.8 11.7 20.8 15, 124 3,931 5,603 13,419 7,128 7,877 4,926 4,562 486 3,918 9,249 135.3 284.2 20.6 94.6 -1.2 59.5 87.3 5.2 960.3 7.2 8 61.4 3 87.2 14.6 6.2 33.1 55.8 ""-36.'2 0.5 ea 2,771 11,709 6,709 5,917 3,161 29.6 51.9 Ritchie 13.7 29.7 24.0 23.3 Tucker 108.0 696 3,897 Tyler 52.6 16.6 Wayne 26.6 1,870 5,712 110,053 6,767 9,704 6,407 15,167 11,969 3,810 4,689 5,983 55,615 2,928 14,272 1,688 23,960 67,542 10, .643 9,927 2,819 18,680 24,116 26,360 13, 462 958,800 1,787 8,368 63,989 4,624 8,777 5,167 11,499 9,312 2, 826 1,467 4,358 50,940 2,072 8,747 774 8,614 37,487 4,341 9,676 2,526 12,224 18, 591 19,109 4,429 762,794 151.6 46.0 168.6 160.8 91.3 58.9 112.0 46.6 35.3 174.8 109.5 117.6 23.1 104.9 71.0 147.2 142.3 139.9 77.1 16.5 70.9 106 3 31.2 209.8 27.4 4.6 3-32.2 3 71.8 3 43.3 10.6 24.0 31.8 28.5 34.8 3 170. 3 37.3 9 41.3 3 60.0 118.1 3 175.8 53.5 3 129.3 2.6 11.6 52.8 3 27.8 32.7 3163.8 25.7 36.6 Jefferson King Kitsap 34.1 WISCONSIN 22.2 684 1,082 885 1,603 529 687 860 324 1,039 1,218 778 679 1,202 89? 469 1,337 869 638 497 726 1,400 1,169 593 360 781 792 990 552 802 282 337 481 642 875 902 602 1,554 1,415 457 235 8,604 21,965 29, 114 15,987 54,098 16,006 9,026 16,701 32, 103 30,074 31,129 16,288 77,435 47,436 18,711 47, 422 25, 260 32,721 3,381 61,610 6,782 39, 007 21,641 15,491 22,497 8,306 17, 075 34,306 19,569 32,929 16,784 43,996 20,075 17,062 19,064 44,978 66, 054 33,812 10, 741 433,187 9,141 20, 176 23,677 14,392 46,369 16,765 7,478 17,078 33,037 25,848 31,121 17,286 69,435 46,631 17,583 36,335 25,043 31, 692 3,197 47,589 1,396 38,881 22, 719 15,797 23,114 6,616 17,466 34, 789 20,629 21,707 17,212 42, 997 20,959 12, 653 16,269 42,261 43,256 30, 822 10,609 330, 017 6,889 20, 063 15,416 7,390 39,164 15,997 4,393 16.639 25, 143 17,708 28, 350 15,987 69,578 44,984 16,682 13,468 22,664 30, 673 2,604 44,088 1,012 36,661 22,732 16, 163 22, 117 -5.9 8.9 23.0 11.1 16.7 -4.5 20.7 -2.2 -2.8 16.3 -6.8 11.5 1.7 6.4 30.5 0.9 3.2 6.8 8.4 385.8 0.3 -4.7 -1.9 -2.7 25.5 -2.2 -1.4 -5.1 51.7 -2.5 2.3 -4.2 36.9 17.2 6.4 27.3 9.7 2.2 31.3 . . . Vj" Asnianu Pacific p o |V 3 16.6 4.8 Burnett 70.2 2.6 31.4 Clark.. .. 46.0 9.8 otevtj 8.1 Wahkiakum 16.5 3.7 Walla WaUa 12.1 169.8 w miman 10.5 laKima 3.3 22.8 WEST VIRGINIA. Fond du Lac 7.9 348 325 606 617 89 261 286 332 317 667 331 461 998 648 83 674 416 461 211 860 15,868 21,999 10,331 23,023 11,098 46,685 11,258 10,233 12,672 61,903 11,379 7,838 24,833 11,694 10,465 9,163 48,381 20,966 16,889 81,457 14,198 19,469 8,194 18,904 7,219 29,252 10,266 8,248 13,689 31,987 11.762 7,275 20,683 11,806 6,693 8,449 27,690 22,987 15,936 54, 696 12,702 18,702 6,885 13,928 6,660 23,595 8,165 4,669 12,183 20,642 9,746 6,802 18,034 11,419 6,414 7,667 21,919 19,021 16,653 42,756 11.7 13.0 26.1 21.8 63.7 69.6 9.7 24.1 -7.4 62.3 -3.3 7.7 20.1 -0.9 56.4 8.6 74.7 -8.8 -0.3 48.9 11.8 4.1 19.0 36.7 8.4 24.0 26.9 •77.0 12.4 65.7 20.7 7.0 14.7 3.4 4.3 11.7 26.3 20.9 2.5 27.9 37.9 6.1 Green -0.1 4.2 4.5 15,797 33,630 17, 121 15,581 16,153 38,801 20,265 9,465 12,008 37,831 30,369 20,304 9,676 236, 101 10.6 3.8 20.5 39.3 6.6 10.8 3.4 32.6 35.5 11.7 42.4 8.6 Kanawha Milwaukee 1 For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 2 State total includes population (7,842) of Indian reservations specially enum- erated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 3 See headnote to table, p. 103. 1 State total includes population (6,450) of Indian reservations specially enum- erated in 1890, not distributed by counties. & Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 123 AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES OR EQUIVALENT SUBDIVISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: 1910, , 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Per cent not shown where base la less than 100. A minus sign (- -) denotes decrease.] Table 64— Con. Land are* in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PER CENT OP INCEEASE. COUNTY. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- 1900 WISCONSIN— ' Con. 937 1,118 901 646 233 236 563 935 812 1,279 324 590 716 925 735 842 1,320 1,1.58 521 991 748 821 833 28,881 25,657 11,433 49,102 17,123 7,577 22,079 21,367 30,945 13,795 57,424 18,809 55,538 11,160 25,910 32,869 6,227 31,884 54,888 13,641 22,928 28, 116 6,019 28, 103 20,874 8,875 46,247 16, 363 7,905 23,943 17,801 29,483 9,106 45,644 19,483 51,203 23,211 15,009 5,010 38,690 14,943 6,932 20,385 12,968 24, 798 5,258 36,268 19, 121 43,220 2.8 22.9 28.8 6.2 4.6 -4.1 -7.8 20.0 5.0 51.5 25.8 -3.5 8.5 21.1 ' 37. 5 77.1 1 16.9 9.5 14.0 17.5 37.3 18.9 73.2 25.9 1.9 18.5 WISCONSIN- Con. 560 835 431 549 759 646 459 809 97,594 29.614 8,196 23,784 37,100 32,782 18,880 62,110 30,583 146,965 29,2.59 5,521 23,589 35,229 31,015 15,972 58. 225 25,865 92,631 27,860 2,926 22,751 33,270 26,794 13,507 50,097 18.127 3 62,566 1.2 48.5 0.8 5.3 3.7 18.2 6.7 18.2 S7.7 37 Waukesha 16.2 42.7 Wood Polk WYOMING... ». 47.9 4,401 6,768 8,029 6,740 5,441 12,659 4,175 6,992 ■ 5,353 6,420 2,575 10,500 11,044 4,593 2,904 11,574 8.886 11,282 6,294 6,492 11,822 3,453 26,127 4,766 4,909 16,324 11,575 16,982 4,960 519 13,084 4,328 9,589 3,337 3,137 5,357 2,361 20,181 1,785 8,865 -11.5 105.3 17.7 88.6 106.9 120.7 46.3 29.5 167.0 Racine Richland. Cirhr,n2 6,857 2,738 2,338 2,463 2,357 16,777 1,094 39.8 21.9 Rock aroon 26,830 33,006 3,593 27,475 50,345 11,262 23,114 28, .351 4,929 23,139 30,575 1,977 19.236 42,489 6,731 18.920 25,111 -3.4 -0.4 73.3 16.0 9.0 21.1 -0.8 -0.8 22.1 16.0 8.0 137.6 134.4 18.5 67.3 22.2 12.9 137.9 Sauk ,. Laramie 20.3 Daw>« Natrona^ 63.2 ou u^^^^ Park2 5,122 8,455 12,223 3,203 369 1,972 4,941 7,414 2,422 467 218.7 36.9 38.9 54.9 40.7 Taylor 71.1 Trempealeau 32.2 Yellowstone Nat.Pk.< -21.0 1 See headnote to table, p. 103. ! For changes in boundaries, etc., of counties, see p. 124. 3 State total includes population (1,850) of Indian reser\^ations specially enumerated in 1S90. not distributed by counties. * Geographically located within the limits of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana; total population returned in Wyoming. AREA AND POPULATION OF SUBDIVISIONS OF ALASKA IN 1910, HAWAII IN 1910, 1900, AND 1890, AND PORTO RICO IN 1910 AND 1899. [A minus sign ( — ) denotes decrease.] Table 65 RECORDER'S DISTRICT. 1910 RECORDER'S DISTRICT. 1910 RECORDER'S DISTRICT. ' 1910 ALASKA 1 (arpain sq. milp,^ 590,fiS4) 64.356 1 ALASKA— Continued. 20,078 ALASKA— Continued. 15,216 1 16,711 5,854 3.520 2,210 1,980 1,652 12,351 1,083 4,502 677 553 1,779 271 623 1,692 2,448 19 103 210 1,303 4,815 368 799 543 7,675 858 341 372 68 3,924 686 543 308 2,201 2,711 2,262 1,007 293 1,127 2,255 455 491 [For total, see judicial district 2.] [For total, see judicial district 2.] 232 Kuskokwim district (part of) Total foT Kuskokwtm district injudi- 785 562 Otter district 1,234 370 1,128 [ For total, see judicial district 2.] St. Michael district (part of) Total for St. Michael district injudi- 430 1 The population of Alaska in 1900 was 63,592 and in 1890, 32,052; from 1900 to 1910 the increase was 764, or 1.2 per cent; from 1890 to 1900 it was 31,540, or 98.4 per cent. Table 65— Continued. Land area in square miles: 1910 POPULATION. PER CENT OF INCREASE. 1910 1900 1890 1900- 1910 1890- • 1900 HAWAII 1 6,449 191,909 164,001 '89,990 24.6 71.1 Hawaii' 4,015 000 11 641 1,182 55,382 82,028 785 23,9i2 29,762 46,843 58,504 1,177 20,734 26,743 26,754 31, 194 18.2 40.2 -33.3 15.5 11.3 75.1 87.5 ll.So9 » 20, 183 74.8 Mauii 32.5 1 County organization went into effect in 1905; comparison for 1890 and 1900 made from population of island groups. ' Figures derived from the census taken as of Dec. 28, 1890, under the direction of the Hawaiian i.'.ovemment. ' Includes population, not returned separately, of territory taken to form Kalawao County in 1905. 124 POPULATION. AREA AND POPULATION OF SUBDIVISIONS OF ALASKA IN 1910, HAWAII IN 1910, 1900, AND 1890, AND PORTO RICO IN 1910 AND 1899— Continued. [A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease.] Table 65— Continued. MUNICIPAL DISTRICT. POPULATION. increase: 1899- 1910 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT. POPULATION. increase: 1899- 1910 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT. POPULATION. increase: 1899- 1910 PORTO RICO (area, sq. miles, 3,435) ... Adjuntas Aguada AguadiUa Aguas Buenas Aibonito Anaico Arecibo Arroyo Barceloneta Barranquitas Bayamon Cabo Rojo Caguas Camuy Carolina Cayey dales Cidra Coamo Comerio Corozal 16, 954 11,587 21,419 8,292 10,815 14,407 42, 439 6,940 11,644 10,503 15, 02S 29, 986 19, 562 27, 160 11,342 15,327 17,711 18,398 19,484 10, 581 17,830 13,311 36,910 4,867 9,357 8,1,03 14,845 19,940 16,154 19,857 10,887 11,965 14, 442 18.115 40.3 13.1 35.4 12.8 PORTO RICO Contd. Culebra ' . . '. Dorado Fajardo Guayama GuayaniUa Gurabo Hatillo Humacaoi Isabela Juana Diaz Juncos Lajas Lares Las Marias Loiza Manati Maricao Maunabo Mayaguez' Moca Morovis Naguabo Naranjito 1,315 4,885 21, 135 17, 379 10,354 11,139 10, 630 26, 678 16, 852 29, 157 11, 692 11,071 22, 650 10,046 13,317 17,240 7,158 7,106 42,429 13, 640 12, 446 14,365 8,876 3,804 16, 782 12, 749 9,540 8,700 10, 449 22,915 14,888 27, 896 8,429 13,989 8,312 6,221 38,915 12,410 11,309 10,873 8,101 23.2 -13.9 14.2 PORTO RICO Contd. PatiUas Periuelas Ponce Quebradiilas Rineon Rio Grande Rio Piedras Sabana Grande.. Salinas San German San Juan San Lorenzo San Sebastian . . . Santa Isabel Toa Alta ToaBaja Trujillo Alto . . . . Utuado Vega Alta Vega Baja Vieques ' Yabucoa Yauco 14,448 11, 991 63,444 8,152 7,275 13,948 IS, 880 11,523 11,403 22,143 48,716 14, 278 18, 904 6,959 9,127 6,254 6,345 41,054 12,831 10,425 17,338 31, 504 11,163 12, 129 55, 477 7,432 6,641 12,365 13, 760 10, 560 16, 412 4,858 7,908 4,030 5,683 43,8f0 6,107 10,305 2 5, 938 13,905 27,119 29.4 -1.1 14.4 15.2 43.2 15.4 24.5 75.8 24.7 16.2 1 For changes in boundaries, etc., of municipalities, see note below. '■ E-xcludes population (704) of Culebra Island, organized as Municipality of Culebra since 1S99. NOTES REGARDING CHANGES IN COUNTY BOUNDARIES. Alabama— WOO-M/O.- Organized, Houston; gain in area, Cullman; loss in area, Blount, Dale, Geneva, Henry: both gato and loss, Calhoun, Cleburne. 1890-1900: Gain in area. Clay, Franklin," Walker; loss iu area, Jefferson, LawTence, Talladega; both gain and loss, Colbert. AnizoNX— 1890-1900: Organized, Coconino, Navajo, Santa Cruz; loss in area, Apache, Pima, Yavapai. Arkansas— /900-J910.- Gain in area, Lafayette, Logan, Mississippi, Sebastian; loss in area, Columbia, Scott. 1890-1900: Gain in area. Clay, Crawford, Sevier; loss in area, Franklin, Greene, Howard. California— W00-J9;0.- Organized, Imperial; gain in area, Kings; loss in area, Fresno, San Diego. 1890-1900: Organized, Glenn, Kings. Madera, Riverside; loss in area, Colusa, Fresno, San Bernardino, San Diego, Tulare. Colorado— i900-J9J0.- Organized, Adams, Denver, Jackson; gain in area. Park, Washington. Yuma; loss in area, Arapahoe, Denver, Jefferson, Larimer; both gain and loss, Adams. 1890-1900: Organized, Mineral, Teller; loss in area, Chaffee, El Paso, Hmsdale, Rio Grande, Saguache; both gain and loss, Fremont. Florida— W00-i9;0.- Organized, Palm Beach, St. Lucie; loss in area, Brevard, Dade. 1890-1900: Gain in area, Polk; loss in area, Pasco. G^oB.QiK— 1900-1910: Organised, Ben Hill, Crisp, Grady, Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Stephens, Tilt, Toombs, Turner; gain in area, Clarke, Fulton; loss in area, Apphng, Berrien, Bulloch, Burke, Clayton, Coffee, Decatur, Dooly, Emanuel, FrankUn, Habersham, Irwin, Montgomery, Oglethorpe, Screven, Tattnall, Thomas, Wilcox, Worth. IDABO— 1900-1910: Organized, Bonner, Twin Falls; gain in area, Fremont, Nez Perce: loss in area, Bingham, Cassia, Kootenai, Shoshone. 1890-1900: Organized, Baimock, Blaine, Canyon, Fremont, Lincoln; loss in area, .\da, Bingham, Lemhi. Kansas— 1890-1900: Gain in area, Finney. Kentucky- JS90-i900.- Gain in area, Powell; loss in area, Estill. Louisiana— /900-MJO.' Organized, La Salle; loss in area, Catahoula. Massachusetts— J90O-!970.- Gain in area, Hampden, Norfolk; loss in area, Hampshire; both gain and loss, Middlesex, Suflolk. Michigan— -/S90-/SOO.' Organized, Dickinson; gain in area, Emmet, Keweenaw, Leelanau; loss in area, Marquette, Menominee; both gain and loss, Charlevoix. Iron. MmwESOTA— 1900-1910: Organized, Clearwater, Koochiching, Mahnomen, Pen- nington; loss in area, Beltrami, Itasca, Norman, Red Lake. 1890-1900: Organized, Red Lake, Roseau; gain in area. Crow Wing, Hubbard; loss in area, Cass, Kittson, Polk. Mississippi — 1900-1910: Organized, Forrest, George, Jeflerson Davis, Lamar; loss in area, Covington, Greene, Hancock, Jackson, LawTence, Marion, Perry; both gain and loss. Pearl River. 1890-1900: Organized, Pearl River; loss in area, Hancock, Marion. Montana— 1900-!9W.' Organized, Lincoln, Powell. Rosebud, Sanders; loss in area, Custer. Flathead, Missoula, Silver Bow; both gain and loss. Deer Lodge. 1890-1900: Organized, Broadwater, Carbon, Flathead, Granite, Ravalli, Sweet Grass, Teton, Valley; gain in area. Cascade, Flathead, Lewis and Clark; loss in area, Chouteau, ■ Dawson, Deer Lodge, Jefferson, Meagher, Missoula, Park, Yellowstone. NEERASK.V — 1900-1910: Organized, Garden, Morrill; gain in area, Dakota: loss in area, Cheyenne, Deuel. 1890-1900: Organized, Boyd; gain in area, McPherson. Nevad.i— 1900-J9;0.- Organized, Clark; loss in area, Lincoln. New Jersey— M90-J900.- Gain in area. Ocean; loss in area, Burlington. New Mexico — 1900-1910: Organized, Curry. Guadalupe, Luna, McKinley, Quay, Roosevelt, Sandoval, Torrance: loss in area.BemaUllo, Chaves, Dona Ana, Grant, Guadalupe (old), Lmcoln, Quay, Roosevelt, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Socorro, Union, Valencia; both gain and loss, Rio Arriba. 1890-1900: Organized, Chaves, Eddy, Guadalupe (old), Otero, Union; gain in area, BemaliUo; loss in area, Colfax, Dona Ana, Lincoln, Mora, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Socorro. New Youk— 1890-1900: Organized, Nassau; gain in area. New York; loss in area, Queens, Westchester. North Carolina— J900-i9i0.- Organized, Lee, Scotland; loss in area, Chatham, Moore, Richmond. North Dakota— /900-J9/0.- Organized, Adams, Bowman, Burke, Divide, Dunn, Hettinger, McKenzie, Mountrail, RenviUe, Sheridan; loss in area, Billings, McLean, Mercer, Stark, Ward, Williams. 1890-1900: Organized, Williams; gain m area,Bill- ings, Bottineau, McHenry, McLean, Mercer, Pierce, Stark, Ward; loss in area, Dunn, Hettinger, Renville, Sheridan, Williams. Oklahoma . — Most of the counties were organized in 1907. Among the few existing in 1890 there was no change tiU after 1900. There has been no later change in Cleve- land, Kingfisher, Logan, and Oklahoma, but since 1900 Canadian has gained in area, Beaver and Pavne have lost, while Greer has had both gains and losses. The counties organized between 1890 and 1900 were formed from Indian reservations. Of these counties the following remain unchanged: Dewey, Garfield, Grant, Lin- coln, and Pottawatomie: there has been a gain in area in Blaine, Custer, Kay, Noble, Pawnee, and Washita, and both gains and losses in Roger Mills, Woods, and Woodward. For comparison of the special enumeration of 1907 with that of 1910 it may be noted that Harmon was organized in 1909; there was a loss of area in Beckham and both gain and loss in Greer. Oregon— i900-79;0.' Organized, Hood River; gain in area. Baker: loss in area, Union, Wasco. 1890-1900: Organized, Lincoln, Wheeler; gain in area, Sherman, Wallowa: loss in area, Benton, "Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Tillamook, Union, Wasco. South Carolina— i900-;9ia- Organized CaUioun, DiUon, Lee: gain in area, Florence, Newberrv; loss in area, Berkeley, Darlington, Kershaw, Lexington, Marion, Sumter, Williamsburg: both gain and loss, Orangeburg. 1890-1900: Organ- ized, Bamberg, Cherokee, Dorchester, Greenwood, Saluda; gain in area, Charleston, Florence; loss in area, Abbeville, BamweU, Berkeley, Colleton, Darlington, Edge- field, Spartanburg, Union, York. South Dakota— J900-;9i0.- Organized, Corson, Harding, Perkins, Tripp; loss in area, Butte, Union: formed, Bennett, Mellette, Todd. 1890-1900: Gain in area, Butte, Gregory, Lyman, Meade, Pennington, Stanley. Tennessee — 1900-1910: Gain in area,. Perry: loss in area, Lauderdale, Wayne. 1890-1900: Gain in area, Lewis; loss in area, Hickman, Wayne. Texas— 1900-1910: Organized, Andrews, Dawson^ Gaines, Garza, Gray, Hutchin- son, Lamb, Lvnn, Parmer, Reagan, Schleicher, Terrell, Terry, Upton, Winkler, Yoakum; loss 'in area, Pecos, Tom Green. 1890-1900: Organized, Foard, Sterling; gain in area, Brewster, Webb; loss in area, Hardeman, Knox, Tom Green. XJtas— 1900-1910: Gain in area, Sevier; loss in area, Piute. 1890-1900: Organized, Carbon, Grand, Wayne; gain in area, Garfield, Utah; loss in area, Emery, Kane, Piute, Sanpete. Vermont— JS90-M00.- Gain in area, Caledonia; loss in area, Washington. Virginia— J900-J9iO.- Orcanized and made independent of county, Clifton Forge city; gain in area, Danville city, Lynchburg city, Norfolk city, Portsmouth city, Richmond city, Staunton city:' loss in area, Alleghany, Augusta, Campbell, Hen- rico, Manchester city, Norfolk, Pittsvlvania. 1890-1900: Organized and made inde- pendent of county," Buena Vista city, Newport News city, Radford city: gain in area, Dan-sille city, Portsmouth city, Roanoke city: loss in area, Montgomery, Norfolk, Pittsylvania, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Warwick. Washington— I900-/9;0.- Organized, Benton, Grant; loss in area, Douglas, Enickitat, Yakima. 1890-1900: Organized, Chelan, Ferry; loss in area, Kittitas, Okanogan, Stevens. West ViEGraiA— JS9O-W00.- Organized, Mingo; loss in area, Logan. Wisconsin— /90O-;9W.- Organized, Rusk; gain in area, Oneida: loss in area. Chippewa, Forest; both gain and loss, Vilas. 1890-1900: Organized, Iron, Vnas; lose in area, Ashland, Forest; both gain and loss, Oneida. Wyoming — 1900-1910: Organized, Park; loss in area. Bighorn. 1890-1900: Organ- ized, Bighorn, Natrona, Weston; loss in area. Carbon, Crook, Fremont, Johnson. Porto Rico— lS99-J9/ft- Municipality organized, Culebra; gain in area, Humacao, Mayaguez; loss in area, Vieques. (125) (126) (127) o v^^^\*^ %.^^''r \'^^'\^'' %'^^'%^' . \'^^'\r '\**--*A°^ "^^ ..^V'A'i'.X y':^^'/V ..^\.;4:^i.X .X^;^^'.%. .^^\^:4,-iiv "-^^ ,^■^^% '- it ^^ ... < V^-*/.--.V^">... -o •sy ..* ,0 •. ^^^.<^^ :i 'bv •y^?v^/^:v^->::,.,;>--->: ^q,. *'^^-' ^0' :•. ^^^.♦^ ;, "o^z-tt;-* ^o' aS> ^Cr. .4? "^. ♦ ay 'Hi, 'bV