^^^^ <*>. • .i:s^<^^..^<^ o ^ •^ 4^ * (^ «« A ^f^ <;^ * • 0^ 4o^ • ^c^vS^Vv.,.'' O '» o -^0 4 o iV o V > -lo. OPIJV ION S ATTORNEYS GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA, PREPARE© BY STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. ^hxR S?amfzkl£± is. Ike /zf^a/ze/^tif af ^chaaL QIiisti'-Lci J^CL. /^aiuitf o.f „ / ta be 8.afeh^. kefil b-ij. tJze t^Le^k. af the QI)Lsi^icL, cuzd cLelii^ei^ed ta fits, siiccesso^ ui office. PRESS PRINTING COMPANY. 1869. 7 5-6; STATE OF MINNESOTA, ^ Departmen't of Public Instruction, > St. Paul, Minn., June 1, 1869. ) Section thirty-eiglit, chapter thirty-six, general statutes of the state, . makes it the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, from time to time, as he deems expedient, to cause to be published the de- cisions of the Attorney General upon the school laws, together w ith. the rules and regulations of this department, and distribute the same. In complying with the pi'o visions of the law I have deemed it proper to prepare for publication those decisions only which are made upon the school laws now in force, and those which are applicable to the same, though made upon laws now repealed. I have consequen tly omitted others which have become wholly obsolete by a repeal of the laws upon which they were given. It has seemed expedient in some instances, in order to save expense, to give only a portion of the pub- lished decision, especially when such a course would do no violence to the reasonings of that officer or lessen the value of the decision. As- these decisions are by law made binding, until annulled by the judg- ment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, they should be carefully studied by every school officer. I have also determined to publish herewith the school laws of the state, together with forms for the use of school officers. This pamph- let will be forwarded to the county superintendent of each county. This officer will deliver one copy to each county commissioner, county auditor, treasurer, and the clerk of each school district. The super- intendent will make distribution to the clerks of the several districts after filling blank on first page of cover. MAEK H. BUNNELL, Superintendent of Public lustruftion. OPiISf IONS OP THE ATTORNEYS GENERAL. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE BY SCHOOL OFFICERS. 1 am in receipt of your favor, stating that prior to the Neglect to me receipt ot my opinion of Jan. 26, published on pa^e 22 J7 '"'* '^^*^' fT.. "^ T. . I'll 1 -I iiT ^ ^ . date orgamza- 01 decisions, a district which has already held a meeting tion— sept. 12, and elected its officers, who were acting, but had neglect- ^862. AtfyGen. ed to file their acceptance, as prescribed by statute, held ^'''*" another meeting, called by three freeholders, and elected a new set of officers, and that both organizations still exist, each claiming legality for itself, and alleging error and irregularity in the other. The first organization was not irregular on account of the neglect of the officers to file their acceptance. That requirement as I have repeatedly held, was simply direc- tory. If the first was regular j it follows as a matter of course, that the second was not. I am aware of no provision of law which authorizes the calling of a meeting of the voters of a district already organized and having a board of school officers, by three freeholders. ACTION BY TEACHER AGAINST DISTRICT. I am in receipt of your favor of the 11th inst., stating Action against that a teacher was hired by a district in your county, to er— sep't^iri862 teach a school for *the term of three months — that she AWy Gm.'coie. taught two weeks and ceased teaching for some reason not 4 OPINIONS OF THE stated, but has twice offered to complete the contract, which the trustees have declined, and she now demands payment for the entire period of three months. In reply, I have to say, that at the expiration of the term for which she was employed, she may maintain an action against the district for the entire amount, if it ap- pears that the cessation of the school was occasioned by no fault on her part, and that she has always been ready and willing to fulfill her contract, unless the district can show that during the whole or a portion of the time, she was engaged in a similar emplojment, or was offered such employment and refused it. If so, this may be shown in reduction of damages. Costigan vs. Mohawk and Hud- son E. R. Co. 2 Denio 609. APPOETIONMENT OF SCHOOL FUND. Again you ask, had the commissioners in 1857 a right Cannot be made ^Q appoitiou the school fuud of the couuty on " Verbal tur^oot. IS, return " of the number ot minor children in the school \85S. Atfy Gen. districts? -^^■'^- To this I answer, no. Verbal returns are not contem- plated by sections 10 and 11 of page 146 of the revised statutes. Such a return to the commissioners, to be valid, must be a list which may be copied. Of course a mere verbal return is not " a list," nor can a copy be taken of it ; nothing less than a writing will do ; such a statement is not a legal return, and hence no division of money can be made upon it. I am in receipt of your favor enclosing certain in- quiries by school district officers in the town of Kenyon. The statements upon which I am asked to decide, are among^diltricts SO vaguc, coufuscd aud unccrtaiu that it is extremely dif- on basis of re-ficult, if not impossibls, to form a satisfactory opinion. turns^f district j^ jg g^j^-j ^j^^j. a ^^ ^j^g g^.g^ meeting uodcr the present 166?. AtvyOm. school law, the management of the district was taken out Cole. Qf the hands of the old trustees and assumed by the new ones, that the old trustees got themselves aud the larger part of the territory of the town set off into a new district and got the district badly in debt," and I ani asked, 1st. Whether district No. 87, being the remainder of ATTORNEYS GENERAL. 5 the district, after the creation of the new district, ought to pay any part of the debt of the old district, by which I understand the indebtedness contracted by the town un- der the old law, and if so, what proportion ; and 2nd. When the new district will be entitled to draw public money, (meaning the district created as aforesaid, I presume.) I answer, first : That all indebtedness contracted by the district under the law of 1861, is to be paid by the dis- trict as then constituted, and by section 24 of the present law, such districts are authorized to levy a special tax for that purpose. 2nd. That when a new district is created out of a part of the territory of an old one, the remainder bearing the old name, constitutes the old corporation, retains all its property, powers, rights and privileges, and remains sub- ject to all its obligations. It continues seized of all its lands, possessed of all its property, including the public moneys apportioned to it, entitled to, all its rights of ac- tion and bound by all its contracts, and the new district is entitled to none of its property and bound by none of its obligations. Sec. 4, Mass. R. 384. Under section 24 of the present school law it is not necessary that a school should have been taught in a dis- trict to enable it to draw public money. At the next ap- portionment after the creation of a new district, it will be the duty of the auditor to treat it as any other district, and to apportion the public moneys to it in proportion to the number of scholars between 5 and 21, as shown by the report of its clerk. The county auditor is required to apportion the public moneys in October and March ; he is also required to make same-Apruio, his report to the State Superintendent in November. The ^^'^^- ^«'i/^«»- basis upon which only the apportionment of both county ^''^^' and state funds can be made, is the reports of district clerks. If these are delayed, the apportionment cannot be made, and the entire school system and finances of the state are thrown into confusion. If but one district of the county makes a report to the auditor, he can only report the number of scholars in that district as the quota of the count}^, and the State Super- intendent can only apportion to such 3ouuty the school money properly belonging to that district. Shall the dis- trict thus complying with the law be required to share a 6 OPINIONS OF THE fund of which it has already had its just proportion among other districts who have occasioned the deficiency of the sum apportioned to the county by their own delinquency, or that of their officers, for which they are responsible? This certainly is not justice, nor is it within the spirit of the act. Any delay which does not affect the apportion- ment may be disregarded. So far the law is directory, but the absence of reports will justify the officer making apportionment in disregarding the delinquent districts, and school mone3's should be distributed by the county auditor to those districts which have entitled themselves to them by a report made in season to govern the action of the superintendent. In some states, the consequences of a neglect to report are fixed by law, in the absence of this I can see no alter- native between a failure of the law from want of power to enforce it and holding school district officers to a strict compliance. The provisions of the law are reasonable, easily understood, and nothing but wilfull misconduct or culpable negligence can ever deprive a district of its share of the fund under this ruling. I hold, therefore, that with the limitations which I have stated, the law is, in this particular, imperative. Same— Aprius, J am in receipt of your favor of the 7th inst., stating ^^ote. "^ ^"' that " certain scholars resided in a school district when the October report was made, moved into another and at- tended school in yet another, and enquiring where they shall draw their school money under the March appor- tionment." Undoubtedly in the district in which they resided when the report was made. The October reports are the data, and the only data upon which all apportionments are or can be properly made. Section 24 declares that the au- ditor shall make the apportionment in proportion to the number of scholars in the district, between the ages of 5 and 21, as shown hy the reports of the several districts. Our statutes make it the duty of the district clerks in ,. ., October, in each year, to transmit to the county auditor a Same— Mar, 16 , ^ 1866. AivyGm. Written repoit, showing the names of all persons, between Qoiniiu. the ages of five and twenty-one years, residing in their respective districts ; and it is made the duty of the county auditor, in November of each year, to report to the State ATTORNEYS GENEEAIi. 7 Superintendent an abstract of the school district reports, and upon these abstracts, as reported, the State Superin- tendent, in February and August of each year, apportions the school money among the several counties. The counties only receive from the school fund an amount in proportion to the number of scholars actually reported, and it would be an injustice to those scholars and to the school districts reporting, to have their propor- tion of it reduced by an allowance to school districts not reporting Such an allowance would tend to defeat the object of the law, and I know of no authority given to the county auditor to make it ; on the contrary he is re- quired to apportion the money in the county treasury for the support of schools, in March and October of each year, among the several school districts of the county, according to the number of scholars as shown by the re- ports of the several districts, which reports are the same required to be made by the district clerks, between the 1st and 15th of October of each year. The county audi- tor should require the correction of district reports im- properly made out and at once, in case it is not done, should make his own report to the State Superintendent conform to the actual facts of the case, stating the nature of the alteration. The meaning of the first two provisions of sec. 5, of Same-Feb. 2, chap. 36, revised statutes, is, that the county commission- '^s^'J-_^(t'y6en. ers have the power to create new school districts, change "** ^' the boundaries of districts or unite two or more districts, upon application of a majority of the legal voters of the territory affected thereby, and that at their next meeting they may change or modify their action at the preceding meeting, in such manner as they may deem just, upon the application of five or more voters of the district affected by the action of the commissioners at the preceding meeting, notice of such application having been duly posted, &c. Each school district clerk is required, between the first and fifteenth days of October in each year, to make and transmit to his county auditor a report stating among im^~^tfy'em'. other things, " the names of all persons residing in his comeii, district on the last day of September preceding the date thereof, between the ages of five and twenty-one years'' — 8 opmiONS or the sec. 19, chap. 36, general statutes. The county auditor of each county is required, between the first and fifteenth of November in each year, "to report to the State Su- perintendent an abstract of the reports of the clerks of the several districts in his county." (Sec. 22 same chapter.) In February and August next succeeding the return of such abstracts by the county auditors, the State Superin- tendent makes his semi-annual apportionment of the school funds in the state treasury, among the several counties of the state, upon the basis of the resident schol- ars of the requisite ages therein, as disclosed by such abstract. (Sec. 44 same chap.) It will be seen from these provisions, that the State Superintendent takes as his basis for apportionment, the census of scholars made by the several school district clerks, between the first and fifteenth of October of the year next preceding his apportionment. Undoubtedly the same census must be taken by the county auditors in making their apportionment under section 24 of said chapter, among the several school districts of their respec- tive counties. Hence, in the making of their October apportionment, they will not regard the census taken by the school district clerks during that month, but the re- ports of October of the year next prior thereto. The proviso added to section 24 by chapter 2, of the general laws of 1867, removes all doubt, if any existed, as to this being the true construction of this section. BONDS OF SCHOOL OFFICERS. I am in receipt of your favor of the 13th inst., in- quiring, 1st. When a new school district is orsranizecl is it au- _ thorized to exercise corporate powers as soon as it has proTC*^do^ not elected its officers and they have complied with the statute create vacancy- aud uot bcforc ? It IS authorized to act immediately upon August 17,1862. g^^l^ election; the provisions requiring the officers to y en, o e. q^^jj^y ^j,^ merely directory, and a school district may do many things before the qualification of its ofiicers. The- neglect to take an oath or file a bond will not, unless ex- pressly so declared, vitiate an election or render the act of the officers void. ATTORNEYS GENERAL. i) BOUNDARIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS. I am in receipt of your favor, stating that at a meeting of the county commissioners, a petition from a portion of 2^^^j3^g_ the inhabitants of a school district asking for a division of sept. u, ises. the district, and also to attach a strip one half mile wide ^«V The number of private schools, high schools, colleges and universities in his county, their condition and resources, and the number of teachers and pupils therein. He shall also receive from the State Superintendent and forward to the several clerks of school districts such blanks, reports and circulars as are forwarded to him for that purpose. Sec. 23. Any failure on the part of a clerk of a school rmeoncierkfor district to make report to the county auditor as provided negieet. herein, shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars, for the use of the district. Sec. 24. The county auditor on the last Wednesday of March, and on the last Wednesday of October of each year, shall make apportionment of the money in the conn- School fund- ty treasury for the support of schools among the several ^J^ apportioa- school districts in the county, in which a school has been taught for three months during the year by an authorized teacher, which apportionment shall be in proportion to the number of persons in the district between the ages of ^ amended by five and twenty-one years, as shown by the reports of the Aet approved several districts, and he shall transmit to the clerk of ^^•='^ ^' i^^^- each district a copy of the apportionment of said district : Provided, That this section shall not deprive districts which have been organized but one year of their appor- tionment. Sec. 25. The county treasurer shall pay over upon the order of the county auditor, to the treasurer of any school district, any money in his hands belonging to such Dutyof treas- Fchool district, by any apportionment, or by collection of"®'" any delinquent taxes, or other money belonging to said district, but the county treasurer shall pay no school moneys to any district treasurer until such district treasu- rer has filed in the office of the county auditor notice from the clerk of his district, countersigned by the direc- tor thereof, that such district treasurer has filed in the office of the district clerk his official oath and bond, as provided in section fifteen aforesaid. Sec. 26. The legal voters, when lawfully assembled, not less than five being present, shall have power, by a majority of votes of those present : ^°*y ""^ ^°*''"'' First. To appoint a moderator. Second. To adjourn from time to time. Third. To elect a director, clerk and treasurer, and when necessary, to choose a clerk pro tern., in the absence of the clerk of the district. 28 SCHOOL LAWS OF MLN'NESOTA. Fourth. To designate a site for a school house. Fifth. To vote an amount of money to be raised by a tax on the taxable property of the district, sufficient, with the apportionment of the common school fund, to support a school the length of time voted by the district ; to purchase or lease a site for a school house, and to build, hire or purchase such a school house when the same is necessary ; to keep in repair and provide the same with the necessary furniture and appendages ; to procure fuel, and to purchase or increase a library and school apparatus. But no school di'^trict shall in any one year levy a tax ex- ceeding eight mills on the dollar, for the purpose of build- ing a school house, or leasing or procuring a site for a school house. Provided, That any district in which the above rate will not produce the sum of six hundred dol- lars, may raise by a tax a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars. Sixth. To repeal or modify their proceedings from time to time. But the board of trustees have power to levy a tax sufficient to support a school three months in the year without a vote of the district, and the legal voters may vote to have a school any length of time more than three months. Provided, The legal voters of any school district containing less than ten voters, when lawfully assembled, not less than three being present have power, by a majority of the votes of those present to do and perform all the acts mentioned in the several sub-divisions of this section, except that such meeting shall not vote a tax to exceed in amount more than one hundred dollars in any ono year. Sec. 27. All taxes raised by virture of this title, shall ied. ' be levied and collected in like manner, and by the same persons, as county taxes are levied and collected. [Sections 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 were repealed by act approved March 5, '69, relating to the appointment of county superintendents of schools.] Sec 33. Every teacher shall jDrocure a register for his school from the clerk of the district, keep a daily ciTerl^'ster^'" Tccord of attendance and of such other matters as may be required in such register, and receive all persons sent to him betw een the ages of five and twenty-one years ; but older per sons may attend school under any arrangement with the board of trustees. Provided, That the board of trustees shall have sole power to determine who shall at- tend school from other districts, and the terms on which. Taxes, how ley- Teachers to pro- SCHOOL LAWS OF SnNNESOTA. 29 they may attend ; and no person shall have any right to attend school out of his district, unless in accordance with an arrangement with the board of trustees of the district where he proposes to attend school, who may at their discretion admit scholars from an adjoining district. Pro- vided further, That the board of trustees may expel any scholar for insubordination, immoralit}^ or infectious dis- ease. But if any child of suitable age is denied admission, or any scholar expelled without sufficient cause, or on account of color, social position or nationality, the board of trustees by whose direction the offence was committed, shall forfeit and pay a fine of fifty dollars for each offence. Sec. 34. Any teacher who has complied with the Teacheis-how provisions of this title, shall be paid out of the first paid, moneys in the treasury, and no subsequent claim shall supersede his or hers ; and no money in any district treasury shall be applied to any purpose whatever, other than the payment of teachers, so long as there is any such -^ amended by claim against it. And any school district treasurer who ^Mchriseg. shall violate the provisions of this section, shall be per- sonally liable to the teacherj who was entitled to such moneys, which may be recovered against such treasurer and his bail in any court having jurisdiction of the action, provided that nothing herein contained shall authorize the treasurer to pay teachers out of any money other than that raised or apportioned for the payment of teachers. Sec. 35. For the purpose of maintaining common schools, the commissioners of each county shall levy an annual tax of one-fifth of one per cent, on the amount of the assessment made by the assessor for the same year, which tax so levied shall be extended upon the assessment ^^y levy tax. rolls of the year, by the county auditor, in a separate column, and this shall be collected in the same manner and by the same person as other county taxes are. collected, except that the school tax shall be collected in gold or silver, or United States treasury notes, and the money so collected shall be paid into the county treasury for the support of common schools, to be apportioned as provided in this title. As a further provision for the support of : schools, there shall be set apart by the county treasurer '' of each county, the proceeds of all fines for the breach of any penal law in this state not otherwise appropriated by law. And the county auditor shall open an account with each district in his countj^ and keep an accurate account of all moneys received by or due to each of said districts, ^; 30 SCHOOL LAWS OF MmNESOTA. and all such matters as are necessary to show the condition of accounts between each of said districts, and the county treasury ; and for this purpose he shall examhie any or all of the books in the office of the county treasurer. Sec. 36. All lands now held or which may be acquired from^t^aUom ^y *^^ school districts for common school purposes, shall be exempt from all taxes and assessments while held ac- cording to the provisions of this title. Sec. 37. Nothing herein in changing the title, con- Legaiquestioiifl, ditiou Or relation of existing school district property, how settled. shall aficct or prejudice any right of such district to en- force by law against the proper jiarties thereto, any con- tract, right, obligation or cause of action now existing, or prejudice any right of any party who holds any contract, obligation, right or cause of action, or lien upon any such district or the property thereof. Provided, That if any differences of opinion arise among the officers of the dis- tricts, towns or counties, who are empowered to carry out the provisions of this title relative to the legal construc- tion of the same, the attorney general, on the written application of the county auditor, submitting such ques- tions of doubt or difference, shall give his legal opinion in writing to such auditor, on the points thus submitted ; and his opinion thus given, shall be binding until annulled by the judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdic- tion. Sec. 38. The Superintendent of Public Instruction Duty of Super- shall, from time to time as he deems expedient, cause to- mtendent. v,g published, the decisions of the attorney general upon the school laws, and the rules and regulations of this de- partment, and distribute the same. Sec. 39. Each of the incorporated towns and cities in this state having by their several charters a common or special school sj^stem, which shall, by some proper officer Dutvof incor- thereof, make to the school supernitendent or director of porated towns, their propcr county a report of the enumeration of scholars and other matters by this title made necessary to be re- ported, the same as is required of school districts, shall be entitled to an apportionment of public school funds, ta be apportioned and drawn substantial!}^ as provided by their special acts of incorporation ; Provided Jioioever^ Act approved That nothing herein or in any act amendatory hereof shall March 4, 1869. bc SO coustrucd as to autliorize any school trustees, board of education, or other school officer or authorities in such incorporated town or city to classify the scholars- SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 31 therein with reference to color, social position or nation- ality, or to set apart the children so classified into separate schools without their consent and the consent of the par- ents or guardians of such children. And no town or city which shall ofi'end, in this respect, or in which any child of suitable age shall be refused admission to any school in the proper locality or ward on account of color, social position or nationality, in violation of section thirty-three (33) of this chapter, shall be entitled to any portion of the school funds of this state apportioned among the several counties pursuant to section forty-four of the title and chapter of the general statutes aforesaid. And it shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion in making such apportionment of school funds pursu- ant to said section forty-four, in all cases when satisfied of the commission of such ofiense, by complaint of the ag- grieved party or otherwise, to withhold from the county wherein the ofiense was committed an amount of such school funds proportionate to the school population of the town or city committing such ofiense ; and it shall be the duty of the auditor of such county to withhold all said state school funds from the city or town in which such offense was committed. Sec. 40. The Superintendent of Public Instruction superintendent shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the ad.'°^^^PP°^'^'^' vice and consent of the senate, and shall hold his oflSce for the term of two years, commencing on the first Tues- day in April ; and before entering upon the duties of his ^^ ^^^^^^^ i, office, he shall take and subscribe an oath or make affirm- ^^^ j^pp^o^^^ ation, that he will support the constitution of the United March 9, ise?. States and of the state of Minnesota, and discharge the duties of his office faithfully, and to the best of his ability, which oath or affirmation shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 2. An office shall be provided for him at the seat office to be pro- of government, in which he shall file all papers, reports, ^^•^®*^- and public documents transmitted to him by county super- intendents or county auditors, or received from other sources ; and he shall keep a fair record of all matters peri.ainiug to his office. Sec. 3. He shall receive annually a salary of twenty- five hundred dollars, and also all necessary contingent ^^^'^* expenses for traveling, postage and stationery, pertaining to his office, to be "audited and paid as the salaries and contingent expenses of other state officers : Provided, 32 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. Duty of Super- intendent. Further duty. Superintendent to prepare re- port. Report, when. That his contingent expenses for these purposes shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars in any one year. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the State Superinten- dent to meet the county superintendents of each judicial district, or of two or more districts combined, if he shall deem it more conducive to the interests of education, at such time and place as he shall appoint, giving due notice of such meeting, the object of which shall be to accumu- late valuable facts relative to common schools, to compare views, discuss principles and in general to listen to all communications and suggestions, and enter into all discus- sions relative to the compensation ot teachers, their quali- fications, branches taught, methods of instruction, text- books, district libraries, apparatus, teachers' institutes, visitation of schools, and other matters embraced in the common school system. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the State Superinten- dent to organize and hold each year a teachers' institute, in such counties as shall be found practicable, encourage the organization of county associations of teachers, and to this end visit and confer with county superintendents and other school officers in difi'erent parts of the state. Sec. 41. The State Superintendent shall prepare and submit to the legislature in each year, a report containing : First. An abstract for the common school reports receiv- ed by him from the several county auditors, showing the number of organized school districts in the state, the number of schools taught, the enumeration of persons between the ages of five and twenty-one j'ears, distinguish- ing between male and female, and the whole number taught in the district schools. Second. A statement of the condition of common schools and of all other institutions of learning in the state that may report to him. Ihird. The amount of school moneys collected and expended each year from all sources, specifying the amounts from each source respectively. Fourth. All matters relating to his office, the common schools of the state, and the school fund, the number and character of teachers, and whatsoever he may deem it expedient to communicate. Sec. 42. He shall prepare his report on the fifth day of December in each j'ear, and prepare and forward to each county auditor all blanks necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this law. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 33 Sec. 43, He shall prepare and distribute proper school To prepare registers for teachers, and forms necessary for the returns school registers. of county auditors and district clerks, which he is author- ized to procure from the state printer. Sec. 44. The State Superintendent shall make an ap- portionment of the available current school funds in the fo^^^'^rT*^^^* state treasury among the several counties of this state on gchooifund, the first Monday of February and first Monday of August ■^'len. each year, in proportion to the number of scholars between the ages of five and twenty-one years residing therein on the first day of October previous, and transmit a state- ment thereof to the county auditor of each county. TITLE II. COUNTY superintendents. [Sections 45, 46, 47 and 48 were repealed by act ap- proved March 5, 1869, relating to the appointment of county superintendents of schools.] Sec. 49. The county superintendent of schools shall examine and license teachers and annul certificates on gupJrinteride!!! proper cause shown ; visit and instruct the schools of his county at least once in each term, and give such advice to the teachers as may be requisite and necessary ; he shall organize and conduct at least one institute for the instruc- tion of teachers in each year, if he deems the same neces- sary ; encourage teachers' associations ; introduce to the notice of teachers and the people the best modes of instruc- tion, the most improved plans of building and ventilating school houses, and ornamenting and adapting school grounds for the cultivation of the taste and healthful ex- ercise of the children ; stimulate school officers to the prompt and proper discharge of their duties ; receive the re- ports of the several school district clerks, and transmit an abstract of the same to the State Superintendent, adding thereto a report of the condition and prospects of the schools under his charge, together with such other infor- mation and suggestions as he deems it expedient to com- municate. Sec. 50. The county superintendent of schools shall hold in and for each commissioner district in his county, Further duties, at least two meetings in each year for the examination and licensing of teachers, of which meetings at least thir- ty days' written notice shall be given to each school district 5 34 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. clerk Id the commissioner district fur which the meeting" is to be held, and by him posted in some conspicuous^ place in his district. Such notice shall contain the names of the towns embraced in the commissioner district, and the time, place and objects of the proposed meeting. The examinations of teachers thus held shall be public, and be conducted by written and oral questions and answers. The} shall be uniform for the county in which they are held, and no certificate of qualification shall be given ex- cept in accordance with the provisions of law respecting teachers' certificates. Provided, That any teacher may be examined by the County superintendent at his office at any time other than as above specified, on proper proof offer- ed that such teacher was unable to be present at the public examinations above provided for, and on payment of the sum of fifty cents for such service. Sec. 51. The county superintendent shall examine any person proposing to teach a common school in the county, in orthography, reading in English, penmanship^ arithmetic, grammar, modern geography, and the history of the United States, and if he is satisfied that such per- Teaehers to be ^^^ ^g ^^ ^^^ moral character extimiaed, in ■what branches Duties of offi- sers. and qualified to teach in all the aforesaid branches, he shall give such a person a certificate, the grade of which shall be determined by the relative merits of the examination standard. County su- perintendents are authorized to issue three grades of teach- ers' certificates, viz : first grade, valid in the count}' for two years ; second grade, valid in the county for one year ; third grade, valid in a given district only for six months. The county superintendent may. renew such certificate at its expiration by indorsement thereon, and he may revoke the same for gross immorality, iucompetency or other ad- equate cause. Each county superintendent shall also keep a careful record, in a book provided for that purpose, of all the candidates to whom he issues the certificates, not- ing the date of examination, the name, sex and age of each candidate, and the grade ol the certificate granted, a transcript of which record shall be included in the annual jTeport to the State Superintendent. Sec. 52. In such counties as elect to adopt the county superintendency as above prescribed, that part of section twenty-two aforesaid which relates to the reports of coun- ty auditors to the State Superintendent, shall apply to the county superintendent, which latter officer shall make the reports therein prescribed ; and the county auditor shall SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 85 deliver to the county superintendent, for this purpose, the report of the district clerk made to him, and such other information as shall aid him in the discharge of his duty. The county superintendent shall also receive from the State Superintendent and forward to the several clerks of districts such blanks, reports and circulars as shall be for- warded to him for that purpose, and shall be guided gen- erally in the discharge of his duty by the rules laid down by the State Superintendent. Sec. 53. The compensation of the county superin co npensation. tendent of schools shall be fixed by the county board of commissioners, and paid in the same manner as the sal- aries of other county officers are paid. TITLE III. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Sec. 54. Any city, town, village, township, school district, or sub-school district, now or hereafter organized, may be organized into and established as an independent ^°'^ependent school district, in the manner and with the powers here- inafter specified. Provided, That this title shall not apply to any township, school district, or sub-school district, containing less than five hundred inhabitants, unless said school district consists in whole or in part of an incorpo- rated city, town or village ; provided further , That the pro- visions of this title shall not apply to any city, town or village, or any part thereof, which is now governed as to schools by any special law. Sec. 55. In order to such organization, written notices how district to shall be posted up in three of the most public places in ^e organized. the contemplated district, signed by at least six resident freeholders of the same, requesting the qualified electors in said district to assemble upon a day and at some- suit- able place in said district, to be named in said notices, then and there to vote by ballot for or against the adop- tion of this title, which notices shall be so posted up at least ten days next prior to said meeting. Sec. 56. The electors assembled at said time and place shall proceed to appoint a chairman, assistant chairman, Q'^e^tion to be and clerk, who shall be judges of said election. The elec- ^°'^ tors in favor of the adoption of this title for said district shall write upon their ballots "school law," and those opposed thereto, " no school law," the adoption or rejec- S6 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. lion of this title to be determined by a majority of votes to be cast in manner aforesaid. Sec. 57. In case a majority of votes are cast for said law the electors of said district shall assemble at the place last aforesajd, within twenty days thereafter, of which at Jlll°JXow legist ten dsijs' previous notice shall be given by said chair- chosen, man and clerk in the manner aforesaid, and shall then and there choose by ballot six directors of the public schools of said district, two of whom shall serve for one year, two for two years, and two for three j^ears ; the time that each shall serve to be designated on the ballot, and annually thereafter, on the last Saturday of March, there shall be chosen in the same manner two directors, each of whom shal! serve for three years and until their successors are elected and qualified. The persons so elected shall within five days after their election, file in the office of the clerk of said district their several oaths as required by law. Sec. 58. Said directors and their successors in oflice director, to he a ^ |j ^ ^ . corDorate by the name of " the board of education of ," (the name of the city, town, village or township,) and as such and by such name shall have perpetual succession, and shall receive all moneys and other property belonging or accruing to said district, or to said city, town, village or township, or any part of the same, for the use or benefit of the public schools therein, and succeed to all the rights and be subject to all liabilities of the same, and the said board shall be capable of contract- ing and being contracted with, suing and being sued, and shall also be capable of receiving any gift, grant, bequest or devise made for the use of the public schools in said city, town, village, township or district, and all moneys accru- ing to said city, town, village, township or district, under any law of this state for the use of the public schools therein, shall be paid over to the treasurer of said board of education. Sec. 59. Said board shall, within ten days after their election as aforesaid, and annuallj^ thereafter on the first Board to choose jyjQj-^fjay jjj April, meet and organijie by choosing from ^®^^''~^^™''^ their number a president, clerk and treasurer, who shall hold their offices, as such, for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The board of educa- tion may also elect, by ballot, a school superintendent, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the board ; who shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the board. The superintendent shall be ex-officio mem- SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 37 ber of the board of education, but not entitled to a vote therein. The board may, for satisfactory reasons, remove any member or officer of the board and fill the vacancy ; jprovided. That no member shall be removed except by a concurrent vote of at least four members of the board, and at a meeting of which he was duly notified. Sec. 60. No member of said board shall receive any compensation for his services, except the clerk and treas- ^^^"^'^p®"**- urer, whose compensation shall be fixed by the board. Sec. 61. Four members of said board shall constitute Quorum. a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. Sec. 'o2. In case of vacancy, the board of education have power to fill the same by appoiutment until the next vacancies, how annual district election, when the electors of said district ^"®'^' ' may choose a suitable person to fill the remainder of such term. Provided^ The clerk of said board shall give notice of such vacancy as required in other cases. Sec. 63. The superintendent shall visit the schools of the district and report their condition to the board as often as the board prescribe ; he shall superintend the ^"*y <^f Super grading of the schools and examinations for promotion, and shall perform such other duties as the board prescribe. Sec. 64. The president and clerk shall file in the office of the clerk of the district their written acceptance of officers to me office as such. The president shall preside at all meetings acceptance of of the board and district, (except that a president pro o^^^e. tempore may be chosen in his absence), shall sign all or- ders drawn upon the treasurer for moneys voted to be paid by said board, and perform such other duties as the board prescribe. Sec. 65. The clerk shall act as clerk of the district as well as of the board, (except that in his absence a clerk Duty of cierk, pro tempore may be chosen), shall keep a record of the proceedings of all district meetings as well as of the meet- ings of the board, and of all reports made by him to the county auditor, and shall keep an account of the expenses of said district, and a correct and full list of the property of said district ; shall furnish to the county auditor, on or before the first day of September in each year, an attest- ed copy of his record, stating the amount of money voted to be raised by the district for school purposes at any an- nual or special me.eting, or by the board of education ; he shall give due notice ot all the meetings of the district, shall, upon the order of the board, draw and sign orders 38 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. upon the treasurer of the district for the payment of mon- ey, stating in every such order the consideration for which it was drawn and the name of the person rendering such consideration, and the particular fund upon which it was drawn, and shall take a receipt for every such order from the person to whom the same is delivered, and preserve the same ; he shall keep all records, books and papers be- longing to his office, and deliver the same to his successor. He shall, between the first and fifteenth day of October in each year, make and transmit to the county auditor a re- port in writing, showing : First. The names of all persons, male and female res- p( ctively, residing in the district on the first day of Sep- tember preceding the date of his report, between the ages ot five and twenty-one years. Second. The number of those who have attended the schools during the year. Third. The length of time schools have been taught by qualified teachers, and the wages paid them by the dis- trict. Fourth. The amount of money received from the county treasurer from the monej'' apportioned by the county auditor. Fifth. The amount of money received from taxes voted to be raised by the district ; the purpose for which they were raised ; the manner in which said amounts have been expended ; the condition of school houses and grounds, the kind of books used, and such other facts as the State Superintendent may require ; which repoit shall be veri- fied by oath before some competent person. Any failure on the part of said clerk to make report to the county au- ditor as provided herein, is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, for the use of the district. Said clerk shall furnish to each teacher, be- fore the commencement of any school, and as often there- after as may be deemed necessary, a school register. Said clerk shall perform such other duties as are designa- ted by said board. Sec. 6(5. The records of said board, signed by the president, or a transcript thereof, or any part thereof, and all papers belonging to the office, or a transcript thereof, certified by the clerk, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated, and all records, book and papers be- longing to said board, shall be subject to the inspection of any legal voter of said district. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 39 Sec. 67. The treasurer, before entering upon the du- "ties of his office, shall execute a bond to the board of ed- giye^b'!)^nda-his iication in double the amount of money, as near as can be duties. ^ascertained, which will come into his hands as treasurer, during the year, with not less than two sureties, to be ap- ■proved by said board, and conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as treasurer. J^uch bond shall be tiled with the clerk of the board, and in case of any breach of the condition thereof, the board shall cause an action to be commenced thereon in the name of the board of edu- cation, and the mone}^ recovered shall be applied to the use of the district. Said board ma}^ require said treasurer to give additional security from time to time. Said treas- urer shall receive, and upon the order of the board, signed by the clerk and president, pay out all moneys belonging '"to the <»listrict, paying each order only out of the particu- lar fund upon which it is drawn, and shall keep an accu- rate, detailed and separate account of such fund coming into his hands, in a book or books provided for that pur- pose. Said treasurer shall, within three days preceding the last Saturday in March in each year, file with the clerk of the board, a report in writing, signed by him, and containing a statement of all the moneys received by him, during the year preceding, and of all his disbursements. Said report shall be examined by the board (before which the treasurer shall exhibit his vouchers) before the annual meeting of the district, and be approved or disapproved by resolution entered upon the records of said board. Said treasurer shall make such reports of the business ot bis office as may be called for by the board at any time. He shall keep all records, books and papers belonging to his office, and deliver the same to his successor in office, on demand. He shall pay over to his successor in office, on demand, after such successor has given bonds as here- inbefore required, all money in his hands belonging to said district, and perform such other duties as may be ordered by the board. Sec. 68. Said board may hold stated meetings at such -times and places in said district as they may appoint. Special meetings thereof may be called by the president, Meetings. or by any two members, on giving one day's notice of the time and place of the same, and said board, by resolution, shall direct the payment of all moneys that shall be paid ■out of the treasury except in pursuance of such resolu- tion, and on the written order of the clerk, countersigned by the president. 40 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. Sec. 69. Whenever said board deems it necessary to> Proceedings to purchase or erect a school house or school houses for said Retaken when district, or to purchasc sites for the same, they shall call school house to a meeting of the legal voters of the district, by giviug Toe "built etCi ^ ^ ^ ^^ o o ' ' ten days' notice of the time and place, and object of said meeting, in some newspaper printed and in general cir- culation in said district, if any, and if their is no such newspaper, then by posting up written or printed notices thereof in five or more of the most public places in said district, and said meeting may determine by a majority vote upon the erection of a school house or school houses^, and the purchase of a site or sites therefor, and the amount of money to be raised for the purpose aforesaid, and the time or times when the same shall be paid, which moneys so voted shall be thereupon certified by the board of education by its chairman and secretary, to the auditor of the county, and shall be assessed in said district : Provided, That no tax shall . be levied in any one year exceeding eight mills on the dollar, for the purpose of building a school house or school houses or procuring sites therefor. Sec. 70. The board of education shall have power^.. and it shall be their duty : — First. To establish and organize such grades of schools, Powers of the ^.Itcr and discontinue the same in said district, as they board of educa- may deem expedient. ^°°' /Second. To provide necessary rooms or buildings for school houses, and grounds about the same. Third. When authorized by a vote of the district, to purchase or erect one or more school houses, and purchase sites for the same. Fourth. To purchase, sell and exchange school appa- ratus, furniture, stoves and other appendages for school houses, and to furnish fuel for the same. Fifth. To take care of the property of the district and procure insurance, and make ordinary repairs upon the same, or any part thereof, when deemed expedient. Sixth. To contract with, employ and pay teachers who have received certificates as provided herein, and to discharge the same. Seventh. To defray the necessary expenses of the board, pay the compensation of the clerk, treasurer and. superintendent, and for such printing, record books, sta- tionery and other incidental, matters as may be deemed, proper. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 41 Eighth. To superintend and manage in all respects the schools of said district, and from time to time to adopt, alter, modify and repeal rules for their organization, gov- ernment and instruction, for the keeping of registers, for the reception of pupils, resident and non-resident within the district, their suspension, expulsion and transfer from one school to another ; to prescribe text-books and a course of study for the schools, and to visit each of the schools in said district not less than once in every three months. Ninth. To make rules and regulations respecting the protection, care and safekeeping of the property of the district, and prescribe penalties for the breach thereof, to be recovered as penalties in other cases before a justice of the peace, and to change and repeal the same. Tenth. To make, change and repeal rules relating to the organization, government and business of said board, and the duties of its officers. Eleventh. To provide for the prompt payment, at maturity, of the principal and interest of any indebtedness of the district, by voting, from time to time, taxes upon the taxable property of said district sufficient to meet the same, making allowance for delinquency in paying any part of such taxes. ^Lwelfth. To furnish to the board of examiners the ne- cessary blanks for all such grades of such certificates as said board of education may at any time order, which cer- tificates shall severally contain the branches fixed for the several grades of certificates. Sec. 71. Said board of education shall keep said schools in operation not less than sixteen nor more than forty- Term of schools, four weeks in each year, determine the amount of the an- nual tax to be raised for the purpose aforesaid, including all the necessary expense of said schools, except for the erection of school houses and the purchase of sites ; and on or before the first day of September of each year make known the amount of such tax to the auditor of the coun- ty in which said district is situated, which tax shall be as- sessed in said district, collected and paid over to the treasurer ot said district, and said board shall keep an ac- curate account of iheir proceedings, and of their receipts and disbursements for school purposes, and at the annual meeting for choosing directors in said districts, make re- port of such receipts and the source from which the same were derived, and of the disbursements and the objects to 42 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. which the same were applied ; and they shall also make report at the same time of such other matter relating to said schools as they deem the interest of the same to re- quire. [Sec. 72 repealed by act, approved March 6, 1868.] iSec. 73. Said board of education, within twenty days alter their election, shall appoint three competent persons, citizens of said district, to serve as school examiners of Board to ap- \]^q public schools therein, one to serve one year, one for pomt examiners ^^^ years, and oue for three years from the time of their appointment and until their successors are appointed, and annually thereafter said board shall appoint one ex^iminer to serve for three years, and until his successor is ap- pointed and qualified : and said board shall fill all vacan- cies that may occur from death, removal or otherwise. Said examiners, or any two of them, shall examine any persons that may apply for that purpose with the inten- tion of becoming teachers in any of the schools of said district, and if they find the applicant, in their opinion, qualified to teach in any of said schools and to govern the same, and of good moral character, they shall give said applicant a certificate made out on such blanks as may be provided by the board of education, naming the branches in which the holder of said certificate is found qualified to teach, setting opposite each branch the degree of attain- ment, on a scale of which five shall be the maximum ; and no person shall be permitted to teach in said schools with- out such certificate ; and said examiners may in all cases when two of their rmmber concur, have power to annul such certificate, and when so annulled and reported to the board of education, the person holding the same shall be discharged as teacher. Said examiners shall also, sepa- rately or otherwise, together with said board of education or any of them, or such person as they may appoint or in- vite, visit said schools as often as once in every three months, and observe the discipline, mode of teaching, progress of pupils, and such other matters as they may deem of interest, and make such suggestions and report thereupon to said board as they think proper, which re- port may be published at the discretion of said board, to- gether with their annual report. Sec. 74. All taxes raised by virtue of this title, shall Taxes, how lev- ]jq levied and collected in the same manner, and by the same ofiicers as county taxes are levied and collected. Sec. 75. Upon the adoption of this title in the man ied SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 43 iier herein provided, by any oily, town, village, township, Repeals moon-: district or sub-district, ail laws now in force therein, in- sistentiaws. ■consistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 76. This title is not to be repealed or affected by Not to be affect- any subsequent act, unless specially mentioned therein. edbysubse- •^ -^ i ./ c[xient acts, TITLE IV. ACTIONS BY OE AGAINST TRUSTEES. Sec. 77. The trustees of any school district organized in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, may prosecute actions in their official capacity in the following Trustees may ^ i. ./ o bring actions. cases : First. On a contract made with them in their official capacity ; or, Second. To enforce a liability, or a duty enjoined by law in favor of such officers, or the district ; or Third. To recover a penalty or forfeiture given to such officers or the district ; or Fourth, To recover damages for an injur}'- to their official rights or property. Sec. 78. An action may be brought against them in their official capacity, either upon a contract made by such ^ officers in their official capacity, and within the scope of Actions against their authority, or for an injury to the rights of the plain- trustees. tiff, arising from some act or omission of such officers or of the district. The actions authorized by this title, may be brought by or against said trustees, upon a cause of action which accrued during the term of their predeces- sors, as well as during their own term of office, and when brought may be continued by or against the successors in office of the parties whose names may for that purpose be submitted in the action. Sec. 79. In legal proceedings against the trustees in ^^^^^^^ ^^^ their official capacity, all process and papers may be serv- served.' ed on any one of them, and the party served shall notify the others of the fact of such service. Sec. 80. When a judgment is recovered against ^.nj'- .^^^^^ trustees in any action prosecuted by or against them in recovered. their name of office, no execution shall issue on such judgment, but the same, if for the recovery of money, shall, unless reversed or stayed on appeal, be paid by the 44 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. treasurer upon demand, and the delivery to him of the certified copy of the docket of the judgment if there is sufficient money of such district in his hands not other- wise appropriated. If he fails to do so, he shall be per- sonally liable for the amount unless the collection thereof is afterwards stayed on appeal. Sec. 81. If such judgment is not satisfied or proceed- copy of docket, jj^gg ^j^gj-g^jj stayed by appeal or otherwise, before the next annual meeting of said school district, a certified copy of of the doccket of the judgment may be presented to said district at its annual meeting. Sec. 82. The trustees of the district shall thereupon Duty of trustees g^^gg ^hc amouut duc ou the judgment, with interest from the date of its recovery, to be added to the tax of said dis- trict, and the same shall be certified to the county auditor and collected as other district taxes are collected. Sec. 83. If such judgment is not paid within thirty recOTered™^^* days after the time fixed by law for the county treasurer to pay over the money in his hands, levied for the purpose ot paying such judgment next after the rendition thereof, execution may be issued on such judgment but only the property belonging to said district shall be liable thereon. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 45 LAWS SUPPLEMENTARY TO CHAPTER 36. PASSED BY THE LEaiSLATURES OF 1867, 1868, and-1869. An Act to amend section one, of chapter twenty-six, of the laws o/*1866, entitled an act to authorize the trustees of the several organized school districts of this state, or those that may he hereafter organized, to issue school district bonds. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota : Section 1. That section one, of chapter twenty-six, be amended as to read as follows : That the trustees or board of education of any school district in this state, be and the same are hereby authorized and fully empowered to issue the orders or the bonds of their respective districts [with coupons] in such amounts May issue bonds and at such periods as they may be directed, by a vote of two-thirds of the legal voters present and voting at any legally called meeting of the same ; said orders or bonds to be payable in such amounts and at such times not ex- ceeding ten years, as the legal voters thereof at such meeting shall determine, with interest not to exceed twelve per cent, per annum, payable annually, which orders or bonds and coupons shall be signed by the director and countersigned by the clerk of said district or by the presi- dent and treasurer of the board of education. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the issuing of such orders or bonds, unless two- thirds of all the lei^al voters present and voting shall vote in favor thereof, at an annual or special meeting of the legal voters of said school district. Sec. 2. All taxes levied, or orders, or bonds issued ^^^^^j.^^^ ^^^^^ since February 28th, 1866, by school districts in this etc state, for purchasing site for and the erection, completion 46 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. and furnishing school houses, are hereby legalized and declared valid. Sec. 3. This act shall take eflect and be in forcq,from and after its passage. Approved March 1, 1867. An Act to promote Education. Section 1. That the trustees of any school district, or the board of education of any city, town or organized school district in this state, may provide for the instruction of the pupils of the common schools in their district, or such as may desire it, in any of the foreign languages, for one hour each daj^ : Provided, That the teacher of such school is competent to give such instruction, or a proper instructor for such purpose can be obtained. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 9, 1867. An Act to provide for supplying each Board of School- District Officers with the Minnesota Teacher and Journal of Education, and to make it the organ of the Depart- ment of Public Instruction. Section 1. The superintendent of schools in each county of the state may annually forward to the publisher of the Minnesota Teacher and Journal of Education, the name and post-office address of each schojl district clerk in his county, and at the same time may order from said publisher one copy of said Journal for each district clerk, whose duty it shall be to preserve and transmit the same to his successor in office as property of the district. Sec. 2. When the first number of said Journal ha& been forwarded to the school district clerks on such sub- scription as provided in the preceding section, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of schools in each county to file with the county treasurer a certificate of the number of copies so transmitted to the clerks of his county, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the county treasurer to pay to the order of said publisher, out of the proceeds of SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 47 the two mill tax fund belonging to said district, the amount due as ascertained by the aforesaid certificate of the su- perintendent of schools, and not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents for each yearly subscription therefor. Sec. 3. The Minnesota Teacher and Jownal of Edu- cation shall publish free of charge such orders, decisions, circulars, all amendments to the school laws, and other offi- cial communications relating to education, j^s the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction may direct. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to examine and approve each issue of said Journal before it is issued, and to require from the publisher of the leacher a good and sufficient bond that he will publish and distribute the same according to the terms and conditions of the subscription and payment therefor. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval. Approved March 2, 1868. An Act to authorize the Sujperintendent of Public Instruc- tion to give Certificates of Qualifications to Teachers. Section 1. The State Superintendent of Public lustruc- „ . , ^ , ,. ., 1 1 • -I -t • ^ j_ 1- ^ Superintendent tion is hereby authorized to grant and issue state certiti- ^ grant certifi- cates of eminent qualifications as teachers, to such persons cates of quaim- as may be found worthy to receive the same upon due °^"o°\*° ^^^''^- V V 1. Gr8*~"WilGn CGI"' examination by himself, and who shall exhibit satisfactory tifleates may be evidence of practical experience and success in teaching ; cancelled. said state certificates shall supercede the necessity of any and all other examinations, and shall be valid in any county and school district in the state for the period of seven years ; but a state certificate may be cancelled by the State Superintendent, upon proof of immoral or unpro- fessional conduct. Sec. 2. This act shall take efi"ect and be in force from when act to and after its passage. take effect. Approved March 5, 1868. 48 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. A71 Act in relation to the Duties of the Clerks of School Districts. Section 1 . It is hereby made the duty of the clerk of ^, . , ^ each school district in this state to transmit by mail or oth- echooi districts crwisc to the Superintendent of common schools of the required to trana county in "^hich the school housc of his district is situated, mil attested ^j^ attcstcd copy of his record of the proceedings of the ceediDgs of an- aunual school mcctiug ol his district within ten days after nuai:meeting. the time Said meeting was held, the said clerk shall also include in the report the post office address of the trustees of his district. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect be in force from and VThenactto ^ftcr its passaorc. take effect. Appiwcd March 5, 1868. An Act to regulate admission into the Common Schools of the State, and to repeal section seventy-two, chapter . thirty -six (36) of the General Statutes. Section 1. Admission to any school organized under Admission to the general school law of the state, or any special school school gratui- |^^^^ sustaincd in whole or in part by state school funds, of all actual res shall bc gratuitous to the children of all actual residents idents. lu the district wherein such school is taught between the ages of five and twenty-one years, and to all other persons between the same ages who may be in good faith living in said district, and have not come into the same for the purpose of attending such school. Sec. 2. Section seventy-two of chapter thirty-six of the general statutes, is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1868. Repeal of for- mer section. An Act to secure uniformity in the Text-Boohs to be used in the Common Schools of this State. Section. 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Principal of the University of Minnesota, and the Sec- retary of State, shall constitute a board of commissioners, SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. . 49 whose duty it shall be to select the text-books to be used in the common schools of this state. Sec. 2. Whenever any text-books shall be selected by said board of commissioners, it shall be authoritative and bindinac upon all public school officers and teachers for the period of five years.- Provided ^ That said period shall not begin to run till after three months from the selection and adoption of such books. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of said board, whenever an exchange of any any text books shall be made under the provisions of this act, to make a written contract with the publishers of the same, Ihat said publishers shall re- ceive all the books in the hands of the families and schol- ars in the state in exchange for the new books of the same class adopted by said board. Provided^ That it shall be lawful for said board, whenever such exchange of books cannot be effected, to make a contract with the publishers of any book adopted ; that they shall receive all the books in the hands of the families and scholars in the state of the same class as the one adopted, allowing therefor the true value of the same, according as the same has or has not been used, the said value to be determined under proper regulations, to be adopted by the board and made a part of such contract with said publishers. Sec. 4. Said board of commissioners shall hold their session at St. Paul, in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The members of said board shall re- ceive no compensation for their services, except that the traveling expenses of the Principal of the University of Minnesota to and from St. Paul and St. Anthony shall be paid out of the state treasury. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to insert in the blank school registers the books which shall be made authoritative and binding upon school officers and teachers, agreeably to the provi- sions of this act. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and aiter its passage. Approved March 5, 1868. .50 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. An Act relating to the apportionment of school money by county auditors. Section 1. It shall be the duty of each county auditor in the state, on the last Wednesday of March, or on the last Wednesday of October of each j^eai , to make a report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, showing the whole amount of money hy him apportioned on that day among the several school districts in his county ; the sources from which said money was received into the county treasury ; the aggregate number of scholars in the county, and the number of districts receiving a portion of said school money. Sec. 2. This act shall take eifect and be in force from' and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1868. An Act to provide for Teachers^ Institutes. Section 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall annually hold in as many counties as shall be found practicable, a Teachers' Institute, to continue in session one week at least ; give due notice thereof to all teachers and persons proposing to become such, and invite their attendance. He shall attend and have charge of each institute ; invite the aid and co-operation of the superin- tendent of schools for the county ; emplo}^ suitable instruc- tors and lecturers to give instruction and addresses with the view to aid the teachers for qualifying themselves for a more successful discharo-e of their duties in the common schools of the state. Sec. 2. To defray the expenses of the institutes, two thousand dollars are hereby annually appropriated to be expended by the superintendent, who shall render an ac- count thereof to the State Auditor, to be examined and audited by him. Provided, That no more than one hun- dred dollars shall be expended in the support of any one institute. Sec. 3. A second institute shall not be held in any county under the provisions of this act, till a session has been held in every county of the state where the number of teachers or the interests of the common schools in the judgment of the Superintendent shall demand it. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. ' 51 Sec. 4. This act shall take effect aud be in force from ■and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1868. An Act for an act to regulate the apportionment of the cur- rent school funds of the State and their payment by the State Treasurer, Section 1. It shall be the duty of the State Siiperiu- tendent of Public Instruction, when he shall make a semi- annual apportionment of the current school funds of the state as regard to law, forthwith to transmit to the State Auditor a certified copy of such apportionment. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the State Auditor, when he shall receive a certified copy of any semi-annual appor- tionment, as provided in section one (1) of this act, forth- with to draw a warrant on the State Treasurer payable to the order of the teasurer of each county named in the said copy of the State Department, and for the amount due such county, aud transmit the same to the county treas- urer. Sec. 3. There is hereby annually appropriated out of the moneys in the state treasury, belonging to the general school fund, a sum of money equal the amount of tlie cur- rent school funds due the common schools of the state, and agreeably to law apportioned among the several coun- ties by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its approval. Approved March 5, 1869. An Act relating to the appointment of County Superinten- dent of Schools. ' Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota : Section 1. The county commissioners of each and every county in the state in which no superintendent of schools has already been appointed, agreeably to title two (2) chapter thirty-six (36), of the general statutes, shall either at the next general or special session of the board 52 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. after the passage of this act, appoint a fitting person of high moral character and literary attainments, county su- perintendent of schools, who shall forthwith enter upon the duties of his office, and hold the same until the first Tuesday of April, a. d. 1870. Sec. 2. The county commissioners of each and every county of the state in which a county superintendent of schools has already been appointed, agreeably to title two (2) chapter thirty-six (36) of the general statutes, shall at the September session of the board after the passage of this act, appoint a fitting person, of high moral character and literary attainments, county superintendent of schools who shall enter upon the duties of his ofiice on the first day of January next after his appointment and hold the same till the first Tuesday of April, a. d. 1870. Sec. 3. The county commissioners of each and every county of the state shall at the January session of the board next after the passage of this act, and biennially thereafter, appoint a fitting person of high moral character and literary attainments, county superintendent of schools,, who shall enter upon the discharge of his duties upon the firtst Tuesday of April next alter his appointment, and hold his ofiice for two years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 4. The county auditor of each county shall trans- mit to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction the name and post office address of the superintendent of the county, as soon as such officer has been qualified. Sec. 5. She county superintendent of schools may be removed from office by the board of county commissioners upon satisfactory evidence of incompetency or willful neglect of duty. Provided, That no removal shall be valid unless the person so removed has had at least twenty days' notice of the charges brought against him and op- portunity to be heard in his own defence. And provided further. That the superintendent and the person or persons preferring the charges, or either of them, shall have the right of appeal to the Superintendent of Public Instruction at any time for fifteen days after the decision of the coun- ty commissioners. Sec. 6. A vacancy occurring in the office of county superintendent of schools by death, resignation or other- wise, shall be filled by the county commissioners at the next special or general session of the board of commis- sioners after such vacancy happens, and such appointee SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 53 shall hold his office tor the balance of the unexpired term. Sec. 7. The county superintendent of schools shall perform all the duties and have all the powers enumerated in sections forty-nine (49), fifty (50), iifty-one (51) and fifty-two (52) of chapter thirty-six (3«o) of general stat- utes. Sec. 8. The salary of the county superintendent of schools shall be paid by the board of county commission- ers, and paid in the same manner as the salary of other county officers are paid. Sec. 9. Sections twenty-eight (28), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31) and thirty -two (32), of chap- ter thirty-six of the general statutes relating to school dis- trict examiners are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. Sections forty -five (15), forty-six (43), for- ty-seven (47) and forty-eight (48) of chapter thirty-six (36) of the general statutes are hereby repealed. JPro- vided, That such repeal shall not afiect appointments al- ready made agreeably to their provisions. Sec. 11. This act shall take efiect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 5, 1869.. An Act to amend section twelve (12) oj chapter nineteen (19) of the General Statutes relating to estray money. Be it enacted by the Legislature oj the State of Minnesota : Section 1. Section' twelve (12), chapter nineteen (19), of the general statutes, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 12. The county treasurer shall, after deducting two per cent, for his fees, pay such surplus money, if claimed within one year after such date, to the owner of such estray, if not claimed within that time by the school fund of the county in which the estray was kept. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 3, 1869. 54 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. FORMS FOR USE OF SCHOOL OFFICERS. No. 1. Form of petition for the organization of a School District. Form of petition To the County Commissioners of the County of ; for '.he organi- The undersigned, a majority of the legal voters of the territory to be zation of « affected therebj^, do hereby petition yoiir honorable body to organize a School District, new school district to be comprised of the following described terri- tory, to wit : \_Here describe the territory.^ {To he signed by a majority of the legal voters affected thereby.) Dated at this day of , 18 . . See Sec. 5, page 20. No. 2. Form of petition for the altw^tlon of aSchoolIMS- trict. Form of petition for the alteration of a School District. To ihe County Commissioners of County : The undersigned, a majority of the legal voters of the territory to be affected thereby, do hereby petition your honorable body to alter the boundaries of School District No..., as follows, to wit: [Here des- cribe the alteration desired.'\ {To be signed by a majority of the legal voters affected thereby) Dated at this day of 18 . . Note. — When the districts to be organized or changed comprise territory in two or more counties, the petitions must be presented to the commissioners of each county in which any part of such territory is situated. See Sec. 5, page 20. No. 3. Voters aggrieved may apply for rehearing. To the County Commissioners of- ........ County : Voters aggriev- '^^^ undersigned, legal voters of the territory affected thereby, feel- edmayapwiy for ^°« aggrieved at the action of your honorable body in the organization- rehearing (*^^ alteration) or change of the district (or district No. . .,) embracing; ''■ the following territory, to wit : {Here describe territory) hereby make- application for a rehearing at your next session. {To be signed by at least five voters.) Dated at this day of , 18 . . See Sec. 5, page 20. Form of notice SCHOOL LAWS OP MINNESOTA. 55 No. 4. !Form of notice for the urst meeting of a Scliool District, to be posted in five pieces in tlie District, ten days before said meeting. The nndersigned, resident freeholders of School District No. ..em- f*"" ^"* '^*®*^" bracing the foflowing territory, to wit : [Here describe hounds of dis- ^f °^ * School trict,'] do hereby give notice that there will be a meeting of the legal District, voters of said district, for the purpose of organization and the election of officers, at , in said district, on the day of 186.., at.. o'clock in the [To be signed by three resident freeholders or householders.'] Dated at this day of , 18 . . See Sec. 7, page 22. No. 5. Form of order organizing a new School District, to be recorded in the p^^^ ^f ^^.^^j. office of County Auditor, and a copy directed to the District Clerk. It is hereby ordered and determined that [here describe the territory to be comprised in the districts, by sections and parts of sections,'] shall hereafter constitute a school district, to be known as School District No. . . , of the town of By order of the Board of County Commissioners : A. B., County Auditor. Dated at ,a. d.18.. See Sec. 4, page 20. organizing a new School Dis- trict. No. 6. Eorm of order altering the boundaries of a School District, to be re- corded in office of County Auditor, and filed in the office of the Clerks of Districts aifected thereby. Form of order It is hereby ordered and determined that the [Jiere describe the terri- altering the tory by sections and parts of sections] now a part of School District No. boundaries of a , of the town of , be, and hereby is taken from said School School District. District, and attached to and made a part of School District No. . ., of said town, for all purposes whatsoever. This order will take effect on the day of , 18 . . . By order of the County Commissioners of County : A. B., County Auditor. See Sec. 4, page 20. No 7. Notice of election to office of School rSee section 8, chapter 36, General Statutes.] „ . iTq , ^ , , , Notice of elec» You are hereby notified that at a meeting of school district No ... in ^'^°^ *° °^*'®' the county of , held on the day of , 18 .... , you were duly elected school of said district. Dated this .... day of ,18 Clerk of said election. ^6 •► SCHOOL LAWS OF MLNT^ESOTA. If you accept the office to which, you are elected, as mentioned above, please fill the blank below and send it to the office of the Dis- trict Clerk within ten days after this date. See sec. 8. Ko. 8. Notice of acceptance. Sec. 8, chapter So, General Statutes. ^ ,. . To Notice of accep. ^.^^^^ ^^ School District No , town of , county of ^^'^^- , and State of Minnesota. Sir : I hereby signify my acceptance of the office of , in School District No . . •'• , county of , to which your notice o: election, dated , 18 , informs me that I have been elected. Dated this day of , a. d. 18 Signed No. 9. Form of refusal to accept district office, to be filed with the clerk of the district. Form of refosal j,^ .^^ ^^^^^ ^j. gchool District No...., in the town of : to aeeept dis- y^^ ^^^ hereby notirx.d of my refusal to accept the office of , trict office. ^Q which I was elected at the meeting of said district held on the day of , 18 . . . . Dated this day of , 18 [Signed] G. H. Note.— This notice of refusal must be filed within ten days after the election, or the person will be deemed to have accepted the office, and be liable to fine for non-performance of duty. See section 8. No. 10. Form of Deed of a school house site. Know all men by these presents, that A. B. \_and C. B., his wife, if maiTied,} of the town of , in the county of , in the State of Minnesota, party of the firt part, for and in consideration Form of Deed of of the sum of dollars, to them in hand paid by the district a school house board of School District No . . . . , of the town of , county eite. of , and state aforesaid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said school district, party of second part, and their assigns, the follow- ing described piece or parcel of land, namely : [Here insert description of land.'\ Together with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto be- longing; to have and to hold the same, to the said party of the second part, and their assigns forever; and the said party of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant, bargain and agree to and with the said party of the second part, and their assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they are well seized of the premises above conveyed as of SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 57 good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in the law in fee simple, and that the said lands and premises are free from all incumbrances whatsoever, and that the above bargained premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, and their assigns, against all and every person or per- sons lawfully claiming, or to claim, the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part will forever warrant and defend. ■ In witness whereof, the said A. B. and C. B., his wlfCj party of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , A. D. 18 A. B. [seal.] C. B. [seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered ) in presence of E F. > G. H. ) Note. — Such deed should be duly acknowledged before a notary pub- lic, justice of the peace, or other officer authorized by law to take such acknowledgment, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for the county. See sec. 10. No. 11. Teachers' Contract. [Five cent revenue Stamp.] It is hereby contracted and agreed by and between School District Teachers' Con- No , County of and State of Minnesota, tract. and a legally qualified teacher, of the town of that the said , shall teach the school in said District for the term of months for the sum of Dollars per month, commencing on the day of , 18 . . . i And the said , agrees faithfully to te>ach the said school according to the best of h ability, and to keep a register of the daily attendance of each pupil belonging to the school, and make such report of the school as is or may be required by law, or by the County Superintendent, or by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and to observe and enforce all rules and regulations established by proper authority, for the government and management of said school. And it is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that the said , shall use h best endeavors to preserve in good condition the school house and premises connected with it ; also the apparatus and furniture thereto belonging, and also all books and records provided by the School Board for the use of said school, and to deliver the same to the Clerk of said District, at the close of the said term of school, in as good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. And the said School District hereby agrees to keep the school house and premises connected with it in good repair, to provide necessary fuel for the use of said school during the said term, and for the services performed as above described, the said district agrees to pay the said , the sum of Dollars, on or before the day of 18 ... . In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our hands this day of 18 ... . District Clerk. Teacher. I hereby consent to the above contract. Director. Treasurer. (Signed in duplicate.) 8 58 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. No. 12. District Treasurer's Bond. [Stamp. J Know all men by these presents, that vre Treasurer of School District No , in the. of and State of , and , his suret are held and firmly bound unto said School District, in the sum of dollars, to be paid to the said School District, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administra- tors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of a. d. 18 . . The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said , Treasurer as aforesaid, shall faithfully discharge the duties of Ms office as treasurer of said School District, and shall well and truly pay over to the person or persons entitled theretO; upon the proper order therefor, all sums of money which shall come into his hands as Treasurer of said District, and shall, at the expiration of his term of office, pay over to his successor in office, all moneys remaining in his hands as Tresurer aforesaid, and shall deliver to his successor all books and papers appertaining to his said office, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise of full force and virtue. = [seal.] [seal.] [seal.] Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of ^ "We approve of the above bond and surety. Directoi'. Clerk. No. 13. Notice of Appointment. Sec. 15. To The office of of School District No , County of and State of Minnesota, having become vacant,. you are hereby appointed to fill such vacancy until the next annual meeting of said School district. Dated this day of , a. d. 18 . . . . Signed, g@= If you accept the above- appointment, please fill the blank "Notice of Acceptance," and send it to the office of the District Clerk within ten days from this date. See Sec. 8. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 59 No. 14. ,18. To Form of order Treasurer of School District No on District County of. .- Treasurer. Pay or Order, the sum of Dollars, for out of any money in your hands for that purpose. Signed, District Clerk. Attest : No Director. No. 15. Notice of Annual School Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of school district No. „ . county of State of Minnesota, , that the ^°*'°'' °^ ^' annual meeting of said district, for the election of school district °^^^ School officers, and for the transaction of other business will be held at ^^^^^s- , on the last S aturday, being the day of A, D. 18 , at o'clock in the noon. Dated this day of , 18 . . . . [Signed.] District Clerk. No. 16. Form of Eequest for Clerk to call a Special District Meeting. To A. B., Clerk of School District No of town of : Sir: You are hereby requested to call a Special Meeting of the p. above District on the day of , at .... o'clock in ^°"^ f"^ ^^- the noon, for the purpose of, [here state the business to be trans- ^ ,, r, acted.'] ^ Special Dated this day of , 18. . . ^"'^""^ Meeting. [Signed.] Note.— The above notice must be signed by five legal voters. See Sec. 18, page 24, , 60 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. No. 17. Notice of special School Meeting. [See section 18, chapter 36, General Statutes.] Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of School District Jf otice of Spe- jf q ^ county of , and State of Minnesota, cial School that a special meeting of said district will be held at on Meeting. the "day of , a. b. 18 , at o'clock in the noon, for the following objects, yiz : IHere state the objects of the meeting.'] Dated this day of , 18 District Clerk. No. 18. Certificate of District Clerk. Sec. 25, Chap. 36, General Statutes. To County Auditor of County, And State of Minnesota. Sir : I hereby certify that has been duly School Treasurer of School District No in the County of. ^- . fpi° V ^^^ t.hat that he has filed in my oflBce his official bond as such Treasu- Distnct Clerk. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^-^^ Same has been approved by the undersigned in accord- ance with law. Dated this day of , a. d. 18.... District Clerk. Coutersigned by DirectoT- No. 19. Form of Oath of Office of County Superintendent, to be filed with County Auditor. I, A. B., do swear, (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution Form of Oath of of the United States, and of the State of Minnesota, and that I will County Super- faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Superintendent of com- intendent, Di'^ii Schools of the County of , to the best of my judgment and ability. Signed, A. B. Sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me, a in and for the county of this dav of 18 CD. SCHOOL LAWS OP MINNESOTA. 61 No. 20. STATE OF MINNESOTA. TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE FIRST GRADE, I certify that I have examined the bearer, M , in Ortho- graphy, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography and His- Teacher's Cei . i tory, and find h qualified to teach in the public schools of this yQ(,^jg_j,jj.gji ' county. Satisfactory evidence of good moral character has been fur- ^ , ' nished. This license will be in force for two years unless sooner re- ^^ ' yoked. The scholarship of the holder of this certificate is indicated by the marking on the margin. Witness my hand this day of , a. d. 18 ... . County Superintendent of Schools. Superintendent of Public Instruction. No. 21. STATE OP MINNESOTA. I TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE. ■ SECOND GRADE. I certify, that I have examined the bearer, M , in Ortho- graphy, Reading, Writing, , Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography and xeacher'e Cer- £ History, and find h qualified to teach in the public schools of this ygeate— ge & county. Satisfactory evidence of good moral character has been fur- ^ , ^°^ nished. This license will be in force for one year unless sooner '^^ ^' revoked. The scholarship of the holder of this certificate is indicated h by the marking on the margin. y i Witness my hand, this day of , a. d. 18 ^ County Superintendent of Schools. *^ Superintendent of Public Instruction. 62 SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. No. 22. STATE OF MINNESOTA. TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE. THIRD GRADE. I certiy, that I have examined the bearer, M in Ortho- Teacher's Cer- graphy, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography and tifieate— Ttird History, and find h quatified to teach in the Public Schools of this Grade. County. Satisfactory evidence of good moral character has been fur- nished. This license will be in force for six months unless sooner revoked. The scholarship of the holder of this certificate is indicated by the marking on the margin. Witness my hand, this day of a. d. 18 Superintendent of Schools, For County. Superintendent of Public Instruction. No. 23. Form of Notice to a Teacher to appear for re-examination. To A. jB., Teacher in School District No of the town of ; Form of Notice ^ to|a Teacher to you are hereby cited to appear at my office in on the appear for re- ^^^ ^^ 18 .... for the purpose of a re-examination as esammation. ^^ ^^^^^j. qualifications as a teacher, in disregard whereof your certifi- cate will be forthwith annulled. C. D., County Sup't of Schools. Dated a. d., 18.. No. 24. Forms of annullment of a Teacher's Certificate and Notice to District Clerk. To A. B.: Sir: The certificate of qualifications held by you as a Common Form of annuU- g^iiool Teacher in the District [or county'] of , issued on or about ment. ^-^q (Jay of A. D. 18 . . , is hereby annulled. C. D., Countij Sup't of Schools. SCHOOL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. 63 No. 24. To the Clerk of District No toion of Sir : You are lierebj' notified that on the clay of » A. D. 18 .... , I annulled the certificate of qualifications held by A. B., a Form of annuU- teacher in your district, for the reason that in my opinion the said A. ment. B. does not possess the requisite qualifications as a teacher in respect to [;moral character, lea'rning, or ability to teach, as the case may be.] Dated this day of , a. d. 18 CD., County 8upH of Schools, Note. — On receipt of the above by the district clerk, the teacher whose certificate is so annulled is no longer competent to teach, and from the date thereof his wages shall cease. No. 25. Form of notice by County Superintendents to District Clerks of the time and place of holding public examinations of teachers in their respective commissioner districts. To the School District Clerks of the Commissioner District : Form of notice You are hereby notified that I shall conduct a public examination of for holding pub- the teachers of the commissioner district, comprising the towns uc examinationB of \_here insert the names of the towns embraced in the district,'] at the of teachers. house of , in the town of , in said district, on the day of ..., a. d. 18 , between the hours of and o'clock of said day. [Signed] A. B., Sujft of Common Schools. Note.— The above notice must be served upon each of the district clerks iu said commissioner district at least thirty days prior to the date of the examination thus to be held. (L PD 5. -n^^ ^ ° tU ■v\ » ^^^ v' .. -^ 4 Oj DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING ^ uL 7 %,^* "*;^"- \^/ .•^\ "W^ * 5T. AUGUSTIME C ^r> "^ TZm^^ Z V-^ - '^Ui^^ o <^ 0^ C,Kf^