"M CA.TA.LOGTJE SHOWING THE SUBJECT OR TITLE ^1[E¥ [F^TTilRinr GRANTED BY THE U. S. GOVERNMENT, Prior to the year 1855 ; AND THE NUMBER ISSUED UNDER EACH TITLE. J. S. BROWN, A. M. WASHINGTON : HENRY POLKINHORN, PRINTER. 1855. 0'=© CATi^LOatJE SHOWING THE SUBJECT OR TITLE oi^ Wi^Y F^TilROT gmnted by the u. s. government, . trior to the year 1855 ; AND THE NUMBER ISSUED UNDER EACH TITLE. j.'s:^ROWN, A. M. WASHINGTON : SENRT POLKINHORN, PBtlNTEB^ 1855. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by J. S. BROWN, In the Clerk's Office bl" the District Court for tJtife District of Cblumbia. CATALOGUE Subject. No. Abdominal and uterine supporters 22 Accordions 2 Account books :^ 3 Accounts, keeping 1 Accoucheurs' chairs 3 Acid, for points and lightning rods 1 Acid, sulphuric, manufacture of 5 Acid, vegetable 1 Acid and naphtha from rosin, distilling. . . 1 Acids, margaric, stearic & oleic, separating 2 Acids, mixing for dyeing woolens 1 Acoustic drums 1 Adding machines 2 Aeolian attachments 2 A griculture , improvement in 1 Ague and fever, specific for 1 Air, apparatus for condensing 1 Air-back for chimneys 1 Air engines 21 Air heaters 3 Air, propelling machinery by 5 Air, supplying to stoves 2 Alarms 9 Alarms, burglars' 8 Alarms, for indicating want of water in boilers , . . . 3 Alcohol, manufacture of 7 Alembics, vaporous 1 Alkali, extracting 2 Alkaline chromates, manufacture of 1 Alloys 5 Alum, manufacture of 2 Alumina, sulphate of. 1 Amalgamators 1 Amputating apparatus 1 Anchors 6 Anchors dragging, preventing 2 Andirons 10 Anglets 1 Anglers' float and sinker, combined 1 Annunciators 3 Annunciators, electro-magnetic ] Annulets 1 Anodynes and alteratives 2 Anti-bilious pills 1 Anti-friction wheels, application to steam- boats 1 Anvils 5 Apples, gathering 2 Apples, grinding 14 Apple-paring machines 7 cutting 11 Subject. No. Archil, preparation of 2 Architecture, naval 2 Areas, irregular, measuring 1 Arithmetic, teaching 2 Ark, safety 1 Asbestos, use of in stoves 1 Asclepias Syriaca, use of in manufactures 1 Ashes, leaching 1 Astronomical machines 1 Augers 56 Augers for boring earth 1 Awl hafts 10 Awnings 2 Axes 21 Axes, machines for making 2 Axes, pick 2 Axles, car 8 Axletrees 35 Baby jumpers 1 Baby tenders 1 Bagasse, drying 3 Baggage, securing 1 Bags 2 Bags, paper, machine for making 1 Bakers 14 Balances 78 Balance pedestals, design for 1 Bales of cotton, floating in rafts 1 Bales of goods, roping 1 Balloons 4 Balls 2 Balls, cannon, of malleable iron 1 Balls, machine for throwing 1 Ball stocks, printers' 1 Balsam, lavender 1 Bandages, pad 1 Band boxes, manufacture of 2 Bands 4 Bands, metallic 4 Bank notes 5 Barge and army boats, portable, safety.. . 1 Barilla, from tobacco stems 1 Bark mills 38 Barks, extracts from 8 Barometers 1 Barrels, casks &c 90 Barrel carriages 1 Barrels, gun 15 Barrel machinery 12 Bars from rivers, removing 1 Bars, metallic 2 Bars, mosquito 1 Subject. No. Baskets, manufacture of. ,,,...... 2 Baskets, for catching fish 1 Bathers, uterine 1 Bathing apparatus 21 Bathing tubs 2 Baths, shower 11 Baths, vapor 9 Bats, for felting 2 Batteries, floating 3 Batteries, submarine 1 Bayonet sockets 1 Beaming hides and skins 2 Beams, metallic 1 Beams, sheet-metal 1 Bee hives 90 Bee houses • • 4 Beef, dried, apparatus for cutting 2 Beef-steaks, preparing for cooking 1 Bed bug destroyers 7 Bed clothes, hasps for 1 Bed pins, machines for making 2 Beds , 34 Bedsteads 155 Bedsteads, sofa , , 12 Bedsteads, invalids',,,,,, ..,,, 2 Bedstead fastenings, ,.,...,,.,,, 17 Bedsteads, designs for. .., 3 Bedstead, vsrardrobe and bureau, combined 1 Beer, manufacture of 7 Bells , 13 Bells, fog 1 Bells, ringing ,.... 2 Bellows 30 Belts, leather 2 Benches 3 Benches, shoe 2 Bench hooks 1 Benches, tailors' 1 Bending mast and truss hoops 3 Benzole vapor, for lights, manufacture of 4 Bevel gear 1 Bevel surfaces, sawing 2 Bilges, lever for supporting ships' 4 Bilge water, apparatus for discharging. . . 1 Bilge ways 1 Bill registers 1 Bills of credit 1 Bills of exchange 1 Binders' board, machine for cutting 1 Binding grain, machines for 2 Binnacle lights 3 Bits, ex|)ansiljle 2 Bits, spiral, for cutting screws 1 Bit braces 5 Bitters, jaundice 1 Bitterings from salt kettles, separating. . . 1 Bit fasteners 2 Biting figures on steel cylinders for calico printing 1 Blaclcing 2 Blankets 3 Blasting 10 Bleaching 15 Bleeding instruments 1 Subject. No. Bleeding with leeches , , 1 Blinds, window 7 Blinds, window, metallic 1 Blind operators and fasteners 65 Blind-slat machines ,...., 2 Blind horses, curing 1 Blocks, ships' 34 Blocks of wood for paving , 2 Blocks for printing fabrics , , 1 Blocks, stereotype , 12 Blood, purifying the 2 Blowers , 14 Blowers, steamboat , , 1 Blower-stand, design for 1 Blow-pipes , , . 5 Blow-pipes, dentists' 1 Blow-pipes, hydro-oxygen 1 Blubber knives 2 Blubber, machines for cutting.. , 3 Boarding machine, for softening hides., , . 1 Boards, seasoning 2 Boards, shearing 1 Boats 60 Boats, India-rubber , 1 Boats, life 4 Boats and vessels, construction of , ,58 Boats to facilitate the discharge of car- goes 1 Bobbins U Bodkins 1 Bog and bush cutting machines 6 Boilers, adjustable . . . . , 1 Boilers, for culinary purposes 26 Boilers, steam , , .148 Boilers, steam, revolving 2 Boilers, stone, for chemical purposes 1 Boilers, indicating height of water in 9 Boilers, regulating supply of water to. . . . 5 Boilers, safety apparatus for 19 Boiling liquids 1 Bolts .20 Bolts, machines for making 4 Bolting machines 22 Bomb shells 4 Bones, apparatus for setting 1 Bonnets 3 Bonnets, pressing 3 Bonnet-frames, wire 1 Books, binding 17 Books, cutting leaves of J Books, machines for turning leaves of. ... 3 Books, paging ,.. 8 Book safes 1 Booms 1 Boot crimps 36 Boot forms, machine for dressing 1 Boot heels, i-evolving 1 Bootjacks 2 Boot patterns 1 Boot soles, cutting pegs out of. 2 Boot trees , , 4 Boots and shoes, cutting out 10 Boots and shoes, machines for trimming soles of, , ,, , , 2 Subject. No. Boots and shoes, manufacture of 62 Boots and shoes, screw fastenings for 1 Boots, cork soles for 1 Boots, lasting, machines for 3 Boring and tapping for water, under hydro- static pressure 2 Boring earih 7 Boring machines 42 Boring metals 20 Bottles 2 Bottles, clay 1 Bottles, valve gauge for 1 Bottle stoppers 10 Bottles, cleansing 2 Bougies , 1 Box traps 1 Boxes, anti-friction 3 Boxes, ballot ] Boxes, boot , 1 Boxes, casing with sheet metal 1 Boxes, instruments for opening. , 2 Boxes, journal 18 Boxes, manufacture of , , , , 9 Boxes, marking 1 Boxes, paper, machine for making , 1 Boxes, prismatic, removing , 1 Bowls, wooden, machine for turning...., 1 Braces, body and shoulder 6 Brackets, designs for 3 Braiding machines . , , 9 Brakes, carriage, car &c 66 Brands ,,,,., 3 Bran dusters , , 9 Brandy, manufajture of 2 Bread cutters 1 Bread, making 9 Bread soup, portable 1 Breaking stone 4 Breathing tubes , . 1 Breast cups 3 Breast pumps r r , , . 5 Breast, artificial 1 Breech pins 1 Brewing , 7 Bridges 77 Bridges, travelling 1 Brick machines 236 Bricks, air-conducting.... 1 Bricks, burning H Bricks, coloring 1 Bricks, cornice 1 Bricks, fire, composition for 1 Bridles 1 Bridle bits 1 Bristles, cleansing and assorting 1 Bromine, manufacture of 1 Bronchitis, cure of 1 Bronze powder, manufacture of 1 Broom corn, machines for preparing 3 Brooms, manufacture of.. 13 Brushes 22 Brushes, for blending colors., 1 Brushes, hair 2 Brushes, hair, design for 1 Subject. No, Brushes, painters'. 1 Brushes, shaving 1 Brushes, tooth I Buckets 2 Buckles 36 Buckwheat, machines for cleaning 2 Buds, delaying blossoming of I Buggy tops 1 Bugles. 2 Buildings 10 Buildings, removing 1 Bulk-heads, for steam boats 1 Bullets 4 Bullet moulds , X Bumpers, car 3 Bungs, machines for making 7 Bui'eaus 3 Burners ,, 4 Burning fluid , . 1 Burning machines, 10 Bushes, mill... 7 Busts, designs for 8 Butter fi'om firkins, instrument for cutting 1 Butter, making. . , 5 Butter workers 10 Button holes, instrument for cutting I Buttons , 44 Cables 3 Cables, chain 2 Cables, relieving 1 Cabooses 12 Caissons 2 Calashes, balloon, for ladies 1 Calcareous earth, treatment of 1 Calculating machines 7 Caldron and furnace, combined 1 Calendars 1 Calico printing 11 Calipers 3 Calking vessels , , 2 Caloriferes- ...... , 1 Camphor, refining 3 Camera stand, design for 1 Canal boats, siphon for freeing from water 1 Canals, navigating. • • • , 13 Canals, construction of 27 Cancers, curing 2 Candles, manufacture of 36 Candlesticks. . , , 9 Cane corerers I Cane cutters 4 Cane juice, clarifying 2 Cane juice, expressing 2 Can hooks 1 Canisters, sealing 1 Cannons, ,.26 Cans 1 Cans, cotton 2 Cans, for holding liquids 2 Cans, oil , ,,. 2 Cans , shoe , 1 Canvass, frames for sti-etching 1 Caoutchouc, vulcanizing & manufacturing 42 Caoutchouc, cutting into shreds. .,...,,,, J 6 Subject. No. Cnps, manufacture of , , , , 2 Caps, percussion, machines for making. . . 2 Cap spinners , , . , , ,,..,... 2 Capstans and windlasses ..27 Carding , , 3 Carding, composition applied to.- .' 1 Carding machines ...75 Cards, cleaning. .. ,, , 2 Cards, machine for dealing 1 Card teeth.... ,, 3 Cargoes, determining weight of, in vessels 2 Carpentering, art of. ...,., ,.,.,, 1 Carpet-bag frames , - 1 Carpet bags..... , 1 Carpet cleaning machines 2 Carpets 18 Carpets, designs for 6 Carpets, securing to floors 1 Carpet stretchers 1 Carriages 145 Carriages, gun 5 Carriage plates, design for 1 Carriages, seats of 4 Carriages, steam 3 Cars 114 Cars, apparatus for replacing upon tracks 3 Cars, dumping 9 Car tickets, holding 2 Cartouches 3 Cartridges 5 Carts 6 Carts, self-loading 2 Carving machines • • 6 Carving machines, bits for 1 Casks, &c., turning out of solid pieces. ... 1 Casting .20 Catamenial supporters 1 Cataracts, removing 2 Catches and clasps 6 Catholicon 1 Caviar, preparation of 1 Ceilings, fire-proof 2 Cements 44 Cements, hydraulic 2 Centre boards 4 Chains 8 Chains, safety, for hauling down ships. . . . 3 Chairs, dental 3 Chairs, enema 1 Chairs, invalids' 3 Chairs, invalids', locomotive 1 Chairs, library-step 1 Chairs, manufacture of 38 Chairs, marine 1 Chairs, railroad 10 Chandeliers 2 Chandeliers, design for 1 Channels , deepening 1 Charcoal burners 1 Charcoal, manufacture of 5 Chargers, attached to fire arms 1 Checks, blanks for 4 Cheese cutters ••t.f, 2 Cheeses, rnaking j>,nd cubing — 4 Subject. No. Cheese nets. 2 Cheese shelves .~ 1 Cheese vats 1 Chemises 3 Chickens, apparatus for feeding I Chickens, hatching 3 Chimney caps 6 Chimneys 59 Chisels 1 Chlorine, neutralizing 1 Chocolate, moulding 1 Chromates, process for Obtaining 1 Chronometers 4 Chucks 3 Churn doors, design for 1 Churns 248 Cigars, manufacture of 4 Cigars, self-lighting 1 Circumferenter 1 Cisterns 13 Cisterns, boiling 1 Clamps, carpenters'. 2 Clamps, shoemakers' 3 Clamps, for holding paper 1 Clap-board joints 1 Clap-boards, machinery for making 15 Clavicle adjusters 1 Clevises 8 Climbing machine. 1 Clocks 76 Clocks, calendar, . . .i 4 Clocks, galvanic and electric 2 Clocks, illuminated 1 Clocks, designs for 12 Clogs, or pattens, 1 Clothes clamps 5 Clothes horses. , 3 Clothes pins 4 Clothes, scouring 1 Cloth , bucking 1 Cloth-cutting instruments 8 Cloth, machines for folding and measuring 8 Cloth, machines for shearing and dressing. .58 Cloth, machines for stretching and drying 9 Cloth, manufacture of 39 Clover harvesters 5 Clover hullers 71 Club feet, apparatus for curing 3 Clutches 4 Coaches, mail , , 3 Coach lace, looms for weaving 2 Coal breakers. , 2 Coal, preparation of 12 Coats, blocks for stretching 1 Coat forms ,,... .^ 1 Cob cutters 1 Cockeyes for harnesses 1 Cocks. . . , 60 Cocoa grass, destroying I Cocoanut cutters 1 Cocooneries , , 2 Coffee and tea, making ,.,,.. 2 Coffee extractors 1 Coffee pots , 7 StlBJECT. No. Coffee roasters . * ; 9 Cofl'ms and burial cases .4; ;; 9 Coin, counterfeit, detectors ; 3 Coins, apparatus for counting a i 1 Coke, nianufacture of ;......; i ; ... . 2 Collars, coat a i. 1 CoUarsi harness 14 Collarsj shirt. . . «; ^ « . . > 2 Collision, preventing, on railroads ] Collodioh for photographic jJicturesi 1 Coloring and hardening wood 2 Colors.. V t 9 Colors, imprinting <, , 4 , . . . 1 Columns-, cast-iron. 1 Combs, designs for. , 5 Combs, manufacture of.... ; s... .. i69 Combustion of fuel 1 Compasaes .- 19 Compasses, for mfeasuring joints; 1 Compositions, fit e-ptoof 7 Compositions, for artificial stone 1 . 4.13 Compositions, for blasting rocks «;■•. 1 Compositions, for burning* 4 2 Compositions, for covering metals 11 Compositions, for door knobs ; i i <, . 1 Compositions, for lubricating ..13 Compositions, for making fringe and tassel moulds.. ..ti. 1 Compositions, for medical purposes; 6 Compositions, metallic, for packing 1 Compositions, metallic, for sheathing ves- sels. ., . .......; 3 Compositions, for pencils 4 Compositions, for preserving provisions. .. 3 Compositions, for preserving wood-, &C...15 Compositions, for tables.. s 1 Compositions, for taking off the glaze of mill stones . . . , 4 1 Compositions, for treating wool. 1 Compositions, for writing & drawing books 1 Conj positions 5 substitute for joss sticks 1 Compositions, water-proof. 3 Compounds, explosive, for propelling ma- chinery 1 Compounds, for the hair 4.44 3 Compounds, for leather 7 Compressed air, for drawing liquids, i . . . . 1 Conception, instrument iot preventing. ... 1 Condensers. 44.. 7 Condensers, for steam engines .20 Conduits , , , . 8 Confectionery, manufacture of ...,., 3 Consumption, cure of. 4 2 Coopering, tk*. ...(,. 6 Copper^ ac'etate of , 1 Copperas, manufacture of 1 Cop tubes. 1 Copy books, method of binding 1 Copying machines , . . . . 3 Copying presses, .. ..i 3 Cordage, manufacture of .83 Cordials .......4 3 Cords, couplings for 4.4.. 1 Cork-cutting machines , 3 SuBJECt. No. Corking apparatus. 4 s 4 . i. $ i i 26 Corks 5 Corn and grain hullers 19 Corn and seed planters 116 Corn buskers 2 Cora shellers ]3l Corn stalks, cutting.. 5 Corns, eradittating 2 Corns, tincture, for curing 1 Corn planting 2 Corsets 5 Corselets, for curved spines.. 1 Cosmetics, manufacture of- , 1 Cotton batting. 5 Cotton cleansers 22 Cotton, cultivating 10 Cotton, drying. ,, 1 Cotton gatherers 2 Cotton gins 87 Cotton, gun 1 Cotton-inspecting machine 1 Cotton, manufacture of. 4 Cotton seed for food, preparing 1 Cotton stalks, cutting 2 Cotton thread, covering with wool....... 1 Cotton, waste, rags &c., dressing 1 Couches , 4. 2 Cough drops i.,i 1 Counterfeit notes, detecting. 4 <*...; 9 Counterfeits, preventihg4 4 . . . j 8 Counterpanes 4 1 Countersinks .4.... «.«... 1 Counters, store. ..4 a 1 Couplings, car 12 Cow-catchers 4 1 Cracker machines 30 Cradles 4 13 Cradles, grain ....4» 9 Cranes 4 .... • 5 Crank indicator 4 1 Crayon rubbers. ..4.4 2 Cream of tartar, preparation of. . . « * . 4 . . . 1 Cream, preparation of. 2 Croup in poultry, curing;. 2 Crow killers .»«.....* -J Crozing ma,chines ..*..« 2 Crucibles 3 Cruppers 4 a 1 Crushers, corn 2 Crutches .4*..... 1 Crystallizing tin ....^4... i Cultivator plows. 1 Cultivators .135 Cultivators, bog-cutting 4.. 4.. 1 Cupid, magnetic ^..4 1 Cupping instruments 1 Cups and saucers, metallic ».« 1 Curbs, well 4 2 Curd cutters. 2 Curing meat, processes for4 ...... » 4 Current wheels 2 Curriers ' beams and knives 2 Curriers' knivest 4. 12 Curry combs. 10 8 Subject. No. Cfut-i'ying leather. ...... i i 3 Curtains, and fixtures 13 Cushions 1 Cutting cane, bushes &.c 1 Cutting fodder 5 Cutting grain and grass 39 Cutlery 6 Cutting paper, machines for 1 Cutting presses, bookbinders' 2 Cylinders, toothed, mode of making 2 Daguerreotypes, taking , 37 Dairy coolers 1 Dampers 2 Dampers of steam engines, regulating. . . . 1 Damping paper 2 Dams 7 Davits, ships' , . . . . 1 Dead bodies, preserving 1 Dead-eyes, cutting &. boring lanyard scores in 1 Dental cups, hydraulic 1 Dentists 'instruments 1 Dentrifices 1 Derricks 4 Desks 2 Diamonds, setting 1 Diaper pins 1 Dies 10 Dies, substitute for etching , 1 Discharging cargoes from vessels 4 Dislocations, apparatus for reducing 1 Distances, measuring 4 Distilling 192 Ditching machines 8 Dividing machines 2 Diving bells 3 Diving dresses 9 Divitials for preventing forgeries 1 Docks of horses, holding 2 DofFers 2 Dog power, application of 1 Domes, construction of 1 Door fasteners 15 Door knobs 29 Door knockers 1 Door plates 7 Doors -. .21 Doors, fixtures for closing 1 Door springs 4 13 Dough, kneading 16 Dovetailing boards 5 Dovrelling bit ^ * 1 Dowels , coopers ' i..i 2 Drags, for removing stones from bottoms of lakes < 2 Drafting machines 8 Drawers 1 Drawers, for wearing 1 Drawing frames 5 Drawing instruments 2 Drawing knives 1 Drawings, machines for making 3 Drawing machine, centrifugal 1 Dredging machines. 6 SuBJEct. No. Dresses, ladies', cuttihg.i s > . . .. i 3 Drilling rocks i 40 Drills, dentists' 2 Drills, grain j i. 93 Drills, hand, cutting j 1 Drop bridges ^ ; 3 Dropsy and epilepsy, cure of 1 Drums, for machinery* 1 Drying and oxydizing colored gOods. . .... 1 Dry docks 50 Drying fruit 1 Drying grain * .a* ... .22 Drying machines. 1 Ducks, mode of catching. 1 Duck, yarn for 1 Dustj metallic, removing a 1 Dyeing 38 Dye woodsj cutting j. 18 Dynamometers ;....;.<... 1 Dysentery and dyspepsy, cure of ..-....'. . 1 Ear-rings. . , s i i j , 1 Ear, instrument for examining the... ^ j * . . 1 Earthen ware and pottery i 12 Edge-planes,- for shoemakers j ,• . . 3 Education tables 1 Eggs, hens', preserving in the nest 1 Elaine and stearine, separating ^ . . 1 Elastic goods J i j j.. 1 Electrical apparatus 6 Electricity, copying surfaces by. 1 Electi'icity, removing from wool 1 Electro-magnetic alarms *. 3 Electro-magnetism 4 6 Electrotyping 1 Elevators, for pots and kettles 1 Elevators, water 76 Elixirs 3 Ellipses, cutting 1 Embankments and levees, forming 1 Emery, manufacture of. 2 Enamelling 4 Engines, actuating by bi-sulphuret of car- bon 1 Engines, electro-magnetic 8 Engines, fire 4 Engines, gas 8 Engines, hydraulic. .37 Engines, oscillating * 5 Engines, steam 344 Engraving ^ 3 Engraving, machines for 4 Engraving on glass.. • w^ . . . . 1 Envelopes, machines for making. . . .■ 3 Escapements, for clocks 5 Ether, apparatus for administering^ 1 Evaporating. . w 19 Excavators 84 Exercising machines 7 Explorers, submarine 1 Extracts •■; 2 Extinguishers, fire and chimney 7 Extinguishing fire in inaccessible places. . 1 Eyelet machines^ 4 Fabrics, bleached, dechlorinating 1 9 Subject. No. Fabrics, corded, weaving 1 Fabrics, long-nap, printing 1 Fabrics, particolored, weaving 2 Fabrics, plain and figured, manufacture of 8 Fac-similes, delineating 1 Fans 2 Fans, automatic 2 Fans, exhaust 1 Fastenings, for garments 6 Fats and oils, purifying 9 Faucets 19 Feathers, cleaning 19 Febrifuges 1 Feeding apparatus, for boilers 4 Feet, reel for straightening the 1 Fellies, machines for making 6 Felt, manufacture of. 14 Felting cloth 2 Fences 23 Fences, cast-iron, designs for 2 Fences, construction of. 4 Fences, iron 17 Fenders 5 Fenders, for boats 2 Fermenting 7 Ferrules ..*.... 1 Ferrules, wire 2 Ferry boats, guards for 1 Fetters 1 Fibres, treating vegetable 8 Fibrous material, combing 1 Fibrous substances, gilding and plating... 1 Fids, for ships' masts 1 Figures, ornamental, burning upon wood. . 1 Files and rasps, manufacture of. 26 Files, for papers. 9 File supporters 1 Filters 27 Filters, for steam boilers 2 Fire alarms 4 Fire arms 102 Fire arms, breech-loading 18 Fire arms, repeating 16 Fire ,boxes 3 Fire escapes and ladders 15 Fire-kindling machine 1 Firemen, machine for protecting 1 Fire places 72 Fire places, design for 1 Fires, compounds for extinguishing 2 Fish, catching..... > t 3 Fish hooks , 8 Fishing mills, floating and silent 1 Fish, mode of carrying in warm weather. 1 Fishing rods and floats 1 Fish, spinning bait for catching 1 Fish vessels and nets ^ 1 Flannels, wetting ..^ 1 Flasks, powder .^ 1 Flax and hemp, hackling and dressing. . .130 Flax and hemp pullers 3 Flax, picking and cleaning 1 Flies, killing 1 Fliers 6 Subject. No. Float valve, for discharging condensed wa- ter 1 Flocks, machines for preparing G Floor cloths, designs for 5 Floor cloths, printing 6 Floor plates, for malt kilns 1 Flour barrels, ventilating 1 Flour, cooling and preserving 22 Flower pots 1 Flowers, artificial, manufacture of 1 Flues 13 Fluids, discharging 2 Fluids, distributing 2 Fluids, measuring 5 Flumes 2 Flutes 2 Fly brushes 1 Fly drivers 1 Fly traps. 4 Fly wheels 1 Foot stools, designs for 2 Forceps, dental 2 Forebays, regulating 2 Forks, manure and hay 13 Forts, iron, constructing 1 Foundations, securing stone in .- 1 Fountains 2 Fountain and evaporator, combined 1 Fractures, apparatus for treating „^ . . 6 Frame, glass, for pictures 1 Freezers, artificial 7 Fret work painting 1 Friction matches, manufacture of .17 Friction , reducing , 5 Friction rollers , 9 Fringes, shawl, machine for twistin g. . . . . 1 Fringes, paper, machine for cutting 1 Frogs, railroad < 4 Fruit gatherers 4 Fuel 8 Fuel, granular. 1 Fulling, chemical process for 1 Fulling mills ...15 Funnels , 2 Furnaces .m Furnaces, designs for 4 Furnaces, for calcining gypsum. 2 Furnaces , for smelting and working metals . 63 Furnaces, for steam boilers .,17 Furnaces, glass 3 Furnaces, hot air 14 Furniture 2 Furniture ornaments, designs for 3 Furs, dressing. ' 23 Fuses, for blasting 2 GafFs, sail i Galley, ship's for distillation of saltwater 1 Galvanic batteries 6 Galvanic regulators, for steam boilers. ... I Galvanic instruments 2 Galvanism 2 Gardens, geographical 1 Garlic separators 2 Garments, apparatus for pressing 2 10 Subject. No. Garments, cutting and making 76 Gas burners * U Gas, manufacture of » 34 Gas metres 12 Gas pipes 1 Gas regulators » 7 Gates, farm 23 Gates, metallic, design for 1 Gates, railroad 1 Gates, water 14 Gauges. . » < • • 5 Gauges, pressure 10 Gauges, saw •• 1 Gearing..... 33 Gelatine 1 Genealogy and chronology, representing.. 1 Generators, steam „ ... .47 Geography and astronomy, teaching 1 Gigs , 1 Gilding and silvering, in dead colors 1 Gilding copper 1 Gimlets 4 Gin, manufacture of. 1 Gi-randoles, designs for 3 Glasses and lenses 2 Glass, manufacture of 44 Glass, ornamental painting on 1 Glass pipes, moulds for making 1 Glaziers' points, cutting 1 Globes 3 Globes, design for 1 Globes, for teaching geography 1 Glucose, manufacture of 1 Glue, manufacture of. fi Gold amalgamators..... 11 Gold, digging 1 Gold, machines for beating 4 Gold , preparing for filling teeth 6 Gold, dissolving and refining 5 Gold separators 49 Gongs 1 Gouges 1 Gout and rheumatism, cure of. 3 Governors 29 Governor^ steam-engine G Grain and^grass harvesters 91 Grain, elevating 6 Grain, measuring 1 Grain separators 19 Grain washers 1 €rrammar, teaching 3 Granaries 2 Grape vines, training 2 Grapples, spring 1 Grappling irons 1 Grass burners 1 Graters < . 4 Graters, nutmeg — |g«,- 1 Grates ^^W* ^- Grates, agitating ./jSh 1 Grates, designs for 28 Grease cocks 1 Griddles 5 Gridirons 10 Subject. No. Grindstones 4 Gripes, for holding leather 3 Grommets 3 Grommets, metallic 1 Gudgeons 7 Guide posts 2 Guitars 5 Guitars, design for 1 Gum -elastic , applying to vessels 1 Gum Senegal, substitute for 1 Gunpowder, manufacture of, 14 Guns, magazine. 3 Gutta percha, preparing & manufacturing. IG Gypsum , applied to cisterns 1 Hackling broom-corn brushes 1 Hair cloth, manufacture of 1 Hair, manufacture of 43 Hair, treating, for wearing 1 Hame fastenings 1 Hame tugs 1 Hammers 16 Hammers, steam 3 Hammers, trip 24 Hand rails, sawing 1 Harmonicons 1 Harnesses from horses, detacliing 2 Harnesses, manufacture of 64 Harness saddles 4 Harpoons 15 Harrows 25 Harrow and roller, combined 1 Harvester and thresher, combined 1 Hatches, preventing from leaking 3 Hats, leather 3 Hats, manufacture of .130 Hat stands, design for 1 Hay elevators 1 Hay, loading 1 Hay, protecting and preserving 3 Hay, spreading and turning , 1 Head rests, for chairs, 1 Hearth plates, design for .• 1 Hearths, for ships , 1 Heat, generating 39 Heating air, by hot water 3 Heddles 9 Hedge trimmers 1 Heel cutters I Hemp machines 8 Hemp, manufacture of, from okra 1 Hemorrhage, instrument for arresting 1 Hermetical sealing 1 Hernia, cure of 3 Hides, bating ',i Hides, preparing 27 Hin ges. .50 Hods, coal 1 Hoes 25 Hoes, planting 1 Hoisting machines 11 Hog pens 1 Hones 1 Hones, metallic 1 Hooks , chain 1 11 Subject. No. Hooks and eyes, for garments 12 Hooks, for attaching bits to bridles 1 Hoops, making ^ 11 Hoops, splitting, machine for 1 Hopper blowers 1 Horse shoes 6 Horse shoes, machines for making 2 Horses and cattle, modes of breaking in. . 3 Horses' cars, mode of setting 1 Horses' hoofs, instrument for paring 1 Horses, improving shape of 1 Horses, machine for stopping 1 Horses' tails, holding up, after nicking. . . 1 Horse powers 143 Hose couplings 4 Hose, manufacture of. .11 Hot-water apparatus 5 Houses, portable 1 Hubs .'22 Hullers, coffee 7 Hullers, cotton-seed 13 Hullers, rice 54 Hurdles, for rearing silk worms 2 Husking machiwes 1 Husks, splitting, for mattresses I Hydrants 22 Hydraulic heaters 2 Hydraulic presses 7 Hydraulic rams 16 Hydraulic structure... 1 Hydrolator 1 Hydrometers 2 Hydrostatic presses 3 Ice breakers 8 Ice-cream freezers I Ice, gathering and preserving 18 Ice, manufacture of 5 Illumination, for stair cases 1 Igniting, by hydrogen and platina 1 Impressions upon metal. 1 Incrustation, in steam boilers, preventing 2 Inclined planes, ascending and descending] 9 Indicating motion, machine for 1 Inhaling apparatus 5 Ink distributers 15 Ink fountains 1 Ink, printers' 1 Inks, manufacture of. , 9 Ink stands 17 Instructor, self. 1 Insulators 4 Interest tables 6 Iron buildings 5 Iron, malleable, making directly from the ore 5 Iron, manufacture of 29 Irregular forms, cutting 3 Isinglass, preparation of 4 Ivory, bleaching 1 Ivory, inking 1 Ivory, slitting 1 Jacks, lifting 16 Jacks, steam 1 Jasper, artilicial 1 Subject. No. Jointing boards », 5 Joint, rule and socket 1 Joints, carpenters' sliding 1 Joints, for rules 1 Joints, for glass tubes 1 Keels 4 Kettle bails 2 Kettles 8 Kettles, hatters' 1 Kettles, tea 1 Key-hole protectors 2 Keys, for musical instruments 1 Keys, watch 3 Kilns 20 Kilns, lime 22 Kitchens „... 7 Knapsacks 2 Knife saws 1 Knife sharpeners and polishers 12 Knitting machines ,...^^'Z Knitting needles 1 Knives or dirks, attaching to pistols 1 Knives, table 1 Knobs, of clay 1 Knots, machine for tying 1 Label cards 1 Ladles 1 Lagging machine, for cutting circles 1 Lamp black 4 Lamps 185 Lamps, alarm time-piece, for lighting.... 1 Lamps, designs for.... 3 Lamps, rosin-oil 3 Lamps, street, reflectors for 7 Lances, bomb 1 Lancets, revolving ,, 1 Lancets, spring 7 Land, clearing 1 Landing net, for anglers 1 Lanterns 14 Lanyard chains 1 Lapping machines 1 Lap stones -. 1 Lard, preparation of 3 Last blocks, fastenings for.. 1 Lasts 3 Latches, door 27 Lathes 84 Lathing buildings 1 Lath machines 28 Laths, metallic 1 Lead, red, manufacture of. 1 Lead, white, manufacture of. ,26 Lead pipes, manufacture of 7 Leaf holders 1 Leather, cleansing , , 1 Leather, crimping 9 Leather gauges 1 Leather, machines for splitting and cutting36 Leather, manufacture of 18 Leather, polishing and finishing 9' Leather, pricking and punching 6 Leather, rolling , 4 Leather, shaving , 8 12 Subject. No. L3alher, silvering and gilding 1 Lsather, stretching 2 Leather tubes, machines for making 1 Leather, stripping 2 Leather, uniting by wooden or metallic pegs 1 Leather, water-proof. 4 Lectography 1 Lee boards 1 Leeches, mechanical 1 Lee-way indicator 1 Legs, artificial 8 Legs, apparatus for treating the 2 Lemonade, making 1 Lenses, adjusting 1 Lens lamp-chimney, .oe 1 Letters and figures, metallic 1 Letters, block . , 1 Letters, shaded, making ,. , 1 Levels. , , 7 Levels, pendulum , 2 Lewises , .. , — , 1 Lexidromic pulley, for measuring ships' ways. 1 Life pole and fire-engine assistant 1 Life preservers 19 Lighters, for ships 1 Lightning rods, 8 Lightning rods, for vessels 1 Light, producing 6 Lights, glass for ships' 6 Lights, revolving, for light houses 1 Likenesses, fixing to monuments 1 Lime, spreading 1 Linch-pins and washers 2 Linen, smoothing 2 Liquid, charging with gas 2 Liquids, purifying, by galvanism 1 Liquids, skimming 1 Liquors, cooling 1 Liquors, determining strength of 1 Lithography , 2 Lithontriptors. 2 Locks and keys 178 Locks, cannon 7 Locks, gun. 42 Locomotives. ....,...,.......,., 18 Logs, hand., , 4 Logs, setting r r : • r 2 Longitudes, finding. 1 Looms, for weaving figured fabrics 4 Looms, for weaving hair cloth 1 Looms, for weaving harness 3 Looms, for weaving pile fabrics 10 Looms, hand. 3 Looms, Jacquard. 10 Looms, operating by electricity 1 Looms, power 311 Lotions, 1 Lotteries 17 Loi^ngps. 2 Lozenges, machine for cutting 1 Lubricating cylinders of steam engines. . . 1 Macaroni, manufacture of 2 Subject. No. Machine, floating, for supplying ships with fresh water 1 Magazines, powder 1 Magnesia, preparation of 1 Magnetic cylinders 2 Magnetic fire-alarms 1 Magnetic machine, for washing and separ- ating gold 1 Magnetic needles 1 Magneto-electric machine 1 Mail bags 8 Mail bags, air-tight 1 Mail bags, labels for 2 Maize harvesters 4 Mallets, screwing and worming 3 Malt, washing 1 Mandrels, expanding 2 Mandrels, for lining cylinders with metal. 1 Mangles 1 Manifold letter-writer 1 Mantle pieces 3 Mantle pieces, designs for 2 Manures, artificial 4 Manure carts 2 Manure spreaders 6 Manuscript, copying 1 Map holders ^.... 1 Maps, coloring 2 Maps, instruments for delineating 3 Marble, preparing for painting 1 Mashing tubs 6 Masts and spars, telescopic connection of. 1 Match splints, manufacture of. 14 Mats, manufacture of 2 Mattresses.., ,, , 17 Mead, preparation of 4 Meat tenderers. , , 1 Meat, mincing 1 Meats, cutting 43 Medallions, designs for 3 Medicines 23 Melodeons and sepaphines 19 Mercantile houses, navigable 1 Metallic bodies, treatment of 1 Metals, annealing 1 Metals, bending .35 Metals, burnishing and planishing 2 Metals, coating , 7 Metals, cutting 13 Metals, dressing and polishing 9 Metal separators 1 Metals, forging 33 Metals, grinding 5 Metals, hardening and tempering 8 Metals, joining and riveting, 2 Metals, moulds for casting , 23 Metals, planing .,..,,,.,,., 9 Metals, punching 22 Metals, rolling 36 Metals, uniting by casting 5 Metres, fluid ,,,. 2 Mile marks, cast-iron 1 Milk cans..., , 1 Milkers' protectors 1 13 Subject. No. Milking cows, instruments for 1 Milking stools, designs for 3 Milk, preparing for butter and cheese. ... 1 Milk, preserving 1 Milk strainers , 2 Milking machines, 2 Mills 32 Mills, cattle 1 Mills, cider 20 Mills, coffee 20 Mills, grinding 286 Mill spindles 12 Mill stones 44 Mill stones, dressing 20 Mineral-water apparatus 22 Miniature cases 1 Mitre boxes,,, 7 Moccasins 7 Molasses gates 2 Monuments, casting 1 Moorings, ships' : 1 Mop heads 4 Morocco, polishing and finishing 7 Mortar, mixing and preparing 1 Mortising machines 82 Moth killers 1 Motion, rectilinear, changing to rotary. . . 6 Motion, rotary, changing to rectilinear. . . 3 Moulding machines, cutter heads of. 1 Mouldings 4 Mouldings, enamelling , 1 Mouldings ornamental, machine for plan- ing 1 Moulds, for shaping boat timbers, 1 Mowing and reaping machines 18 Mowing grass under water , . , 1 Musical instruments 9 Musical instruments, bellows for. 1 Musical instruments, stringed I Musical notations , . . , 2 Musical scale, revolving 1 Music, arranging , 1 Music, printing. , 4 Music stands 1 Music, teaching 1 Music, writing 4 Mustard, preparation of 2 Nails, instrument for driving in difficult places 1 Nails, screw 2 Nails, spikes, rivets &c., machines for making. .,,,,, 225 Nankeen , manufacture of. 1 Napping cloth, ,.,,,.., 36 Navigation...., .. . . , 12 Needles, manufacture of , . , , 2 Needles, sewing 1 Nets and seines ,,...., 9 Newspapers, binding 2 Newspapers, printing subscribers' names on 1 Nipper blocks, self-acting , 1 Nipples, artificial 1 Nipple shields ,,..,,,,, 2 Nozzles, tapering, for exhaust pipes ,. 1 Subject. No. Nursing bottles , 3 Nut crackers j Oakum, preparation of 23 Oar heads , g Oar-locks i Oars, machines for turning, ,,,.,., j Odometers , , 7 Oil-cloth, manufacture of 40 Oil cups, for steam engines 3 Oil feeders , . , 3 Oil, paraffine, manufacture of 2 Oil, rosin, manufacture of 5 Oil-silk, manufacture of 1 Oils, manufacture of, 40 Ointments g Omnibus registers 7 Omnibus steps , 4 Opium, manufacture of. 1 Ores and stone, stamping and crushing. . .19 Ores, reducing , 7 Ore separators, electro-magnetic l Ores, washing 12 Organ and piano-forte, combined l Organs , , 6 Organs, vocal, improvement of. i Ornamental bodies, casting, 1 Ornamenting columns , 2 Ornamenting, gilding &c., with types 1 Ornamenting railings. . , , 1 Ornamenting textile fabrics 1 Ornamenting walls and ceilings 2 Ornaments from anthracite coal 1 Oven doors, designs for 2 Ovens 58 Over-shoes 4 Ox-shoes, machine for making 1 Oxymuriate of lime, preparation of. 1 Oyster knives .....,,,, 2 Oyster platforms 1 Oysters, cooking , 1 Packages, marking and lettering 1 Packing, machines for. . , , 21 Packings, for pistons 7 Paddle wheels , , 15 Paillasses , 1 Pails and buckets, manufacture of. 1 Painting cloth , , 1 Painting rooms 1 Painting translucent surfaces 1 Paints , 138 Pales, for fences 2 Palm-leaf hats, finishing. . , 1 Palm-leaf, machines for splitting 3 Pans, manufacture of. ... , 3 Pantagraphs 2 Paper-cutting machines 2 Paper hangings .,,,.,, 2 Paper, machines for folding 2 Paper, manufacture of 102 Paper-ruling machines. ,, , 1 Paper, separating by single sheets 1 Parallel motion , for beam engines 1 Parrel and bow 1 Pasteboard, manufacture of. 3 14 Subject. No. Patterns, stamping on rollers. 1 Pavements 11 Pawls, jointed 1 Peaches, peeling and cutting 1 Pearlash, manufacture of. 3 Pea vines, machine for gathering 1 Pedestals and columns, designs for 2 Pedestals, fastening to columns 1 Pegging machines 12 Pegs, shoe, manufacture of 14 Pen and pencil cases 22 Pen and pencil, combined 2 Pencils, ever-pointed 5 Pencils, tailors' ma-rking 1 Pendulum power 10 Pendulums 7 Pendulums, for illustrating the motion of the earth 1 Pen holders 8 Pens, double 1 Pens, flying 1 Pens, for ruling paper.. 2 Pens, fountain 13 Pens, metallic 15 Pens, microscopic 1 Peppermint drops 1 Perambulators, nautical 2 Perambulators 1 Perspective, machine for drawing „ . . . 1 Percussion pellets 1 Percussion powder 1 Pessaries 9 Pestle and mortar 1 Photographic pictures, composition for ma- king 1 Photographs 6 Physiognotraces , 2 Piano-fortes lOG Piano-fortes, designs for 2 Piano-fortes, glass strings for 1 Piano-fortes, tuning 2 Pickers , cotton and wool 12 Picture frames 1 Pictures, shading, by metallic leaves 1 Pictures, with looking-glass back-ground . 1 Pigments, from iron ore 1 Pile drivers 6 Pile fabrics, machine for cutting the pile of 1 Piles, sawing off, under water 1 Pill boxes, machine for making 1 Pills, manufacture of 21 Pills, mode of counting 1 Pincers, for weaving pile fabrics 2 Pins, dress 1 Pins, machines for sticking 10 Pins, manufacture of 8 Pins, sewing 1 Pipes, casting 5 Pipes, clay 10 Pipes, inserting, through ground without excavations 1 Pipes, introducing wire into 1 Pipes, steam 2 Pipes, water .19 Subject. No. Pistols 5 Pistols, revolving-breech ,. 1 Pistons 15 Pitch, manufacture of. 3 Pit saws 1 Planes 26 Planetaria 2 Planing lumber " out of wind " 1 Planing machines 110 Plants, destroying insects on 2 Plants, use of 1 Plasters 3 Plate-holder, self-regulating 1 Plates, for pressing woolen clothes 1 Plates, polishing 3 Plates, stereotype 10 Plettro lira 1 Pliers, cutting , 1 Plotting instruments 2 Plow handles, machine for polishing 1 Plow, planter and cultivator, combined.. . 2 Plows 372 Plows, hill-side 28 Plows, snow 3 Plugs, for ships 4 Pneumatic machines 3 Pocket book and watch safe, combined. . . 1 Points, metallic, for removing paint 1 Poles of carriages, attaching 6 Polishing wheels 1 Polygraphs 2 Pontoons 2 Portfolios 1 Porte-monnaies 1 Post-marking letters &c,, machine for. ... 1 Posts 1 Potash , manufacture of. 15 Potatoe diggers 10 Potatoe planters' 2 Potatoes, mode of preserving 1 Potatoes, washing 3 Preserving animal and vegetable substances 9 Preservers, fruit and vegetable 1 Preservers, meat 3 Preserving plants from frost 1 Preserving vessels and wood under water. 4 Presses 97 Presses, cheese 16 Presses, cotton 89 Presses, for copying letters 1 Presses, hay • 16 Presses, printing 117 Presses, seal 2 Printers' forms, locking up 1 Printing 16 Printing, anastatic <... 1 Printing, electrographic 1 Printing, in colors 4 Privies 14 Pronunciation of syllables 1 Propelling vessels 251 Protractors 6 Provisions, preparation of 1 Pruning shears 1 15 Subject. No. Prussiate of potash, preparatiott of ...... . 1 Pulleys 5 Pulleys, attaching to shafts * 1 Pulleys, loose 1 Pulleys, window-cord * 1 Pulp dressers 8 Pulp screws ^ 1 Pulverators 3 Pulverizers 1 Pumps ii .259 Pumps, air 2 Pumps, steam 4 Quadrants .<.... 9 Quadrants, gunners' 1 Quilting frames 5 Racks and pinions « 2 Kadiators 6 Rafts 4 Rags, preparing for paper .15 Railings 4 Railings, iron, designs for 3 Railroad cars, apparatus for starting 1 Railroads 99 Railways, marine 16 Railway tickets, printing 1 Rakes 57 Rakes, for gathering apples 1 Ramrods 2 Ranges 36 Ranges, designs for 7 Rapid-jack, for ascending rapids 1 Rasps, peg 1 Ratans splitting 6 Ratchet levers 1 Rat traps 18 Razor cases, portable 1 Razors.....^ 2 Razor straps 15 Reading, mode of teaching 1 Reconductors 1 Rectifying spirits 6 Reeding and fluting machines 1 Reeling and twisting silk 1 Reels 5 Reels, for chalk lines 1 Reflectors, metallic, 7 Refrigerators 17 Refrigerators, for steam and gas engines. . 1 Registers, designs for 12 Registers, stove 7 Respiring apparatus 1 Resuscitation, apparatus for 1 Reticules 1 Retorts 1 Ribbons, manufacture of 1 Rifles, scythe 4 Rigging vessels , 7 Rims, making 2 Ringing bells, by steam. 1 Riving machines 1 Roasting jacks 2 Roads 10 Rockets 15 Rocks, moving 1 Subject. No- Rollers, calender 1 Rollers, covering, for sizing 1 Rollers, land 2 Rollers, vibrating 1 Roofs .• 26 Rope spinners .,33 Roving, cotton, machines for laying in cans 2 Rudders 47 Ruffles 1 Rulers, parallel 1 Rules, printers' 1 Ruling machines 18 Ruling paper 5 Saccharifying rice, maize, &c 2 Sacking, cotton 2 Saddle and winch, combined 1 Saddle bags 2 Saddles .88 Saddle trees 8 Safes, fife-proof. 17 Safes, portable, locking to the floor 1 Sails 9 Saleratus, manufacture of 1 Saliva pumps.. . . , 1 Salt, manufacture of 72 Salts, alkaline and other, manufacture of. 6 Sample boxes 1 Sand-paper holder 1 Sand-paper, manufacture of 7 Sap buckets 1 Sash fasteners 38 Sash machines 2 Saucepans. 1 Sausage stufiers 9 Saving oil in machinery 1 Saw gummers 16 Saw mills '. 259 Saws, driving 4 Saw sets 28 Saws, for sawing ice. . ^ 1 Saw gates. 2 Saws, hanging 6 Saws, sharpening 9 Saws, manufacture of 72 Saw teeth, nibbing 1 Scabbards 1 Scafi"olds 1 . Scagliola, shining, manufacture of 1 Scalding hogs, machine for 1 Scale boards, cutting. 1 Scales for weighing 6 Scales, platform. 16 Scarificators 5 Scoops, submarine 1 Scouring goods 1 Scrapers, cabinetmakers' 1 Scrapers, wad 10 Screens, fire 3 Screw blanks, machines for making 37 Screw blanks, threading 24 Screw drivers « 2 Screws 38 Screws and pins, machine for counting . . 1 Screws, Archimedean..... 3 16 Subject. No. Screws for propelling machinery 2 Screw wrenclies 14 Scribing lumber, machine for 1 Scrubbing machines 2 Sculptors ' apparatus 1 Scythe fastenings 12 Scythes 18 Scythe snaths. . * * 10 Scythe snaths, attaching nibs to 4 Scythe snathsj moulds for making 1 Sealing preserve cases 2 Sealing wax » 1 Seal skinss curing-.. . i . .» 1 Seals, notarial 1 Seals, watch ' 1 Seats, for public buildings 2 Seidlitz powders, machines for folding. ._. • 2 Selvedges, double-stitched 1 Sewers • 4 Sewing birds 3 Sewing butterfly . . s 1 Sewing cloth 1 Sewing leather, machines for 4 Sewing machines 66 Sewing-on bindings 1 Shafts, coupling 1 Shafts, sheet-iron 1 Shaving wood..... 5 Shears, 8 Shears, tailors' 9 Sheet lead, manufacture of 4 Shell or horn, machines for cutting 3 Shingle machines. 132 Siiips' boats, raising 8 Ships, instruments for laying down curves of 1 Ships, lifting out of water 1 Ships' model measurer 1 Shirt bosoms 1 Shirts, manufacture of 2 Shoehorns 1 Shoe knives 2 Shoemakers' work-stands 1 Shoemaker, the.^.i 1 Shoe latches 1 Shoe-making machine 1 Shoe patterns, perpetual. . i 1 Shoes, horse, construction and manufac- ture of > 21 Shoes, India-i-ubber 3 Shoe socks < 3 Shoes, stretching 1 Shoes, water-proof 1 Shooting, with steam iii 1 Shot chargers 2 Shot, manufacture of. 14 Shot pouches 1 Shoulder irons, shoemakers' 1 Shovels * 19 Shovel stands 1 Shouldering machines 2 Shrouds of vessels, tightening 1 Shutters 3 Shuttles 8 Sickles, files for cutting 1 Subject. No. Sick; machine for i*eilioVirig th6. ..**.... 1 Sieves, farm ; « , . 2 Sifters, coal i.*;. 4 Sifters, sand and lime i Sight, means of renovating &, correcting the 1 Signals, electro-magnetic. 1 Signals, railroad 3 Signals, submarine 3 Signs, for lottery offices 1 Silk, manufacture of 15 Silks, removing spots from 1 Silks, straining and printing 1 Silk worms, treatment of. 3 Silvering looking-glasses 1 Silver ware, manufacture of , 1 Sinks i 2 Siphons ; i 4 Sirups, manufacture of > ^ 1 Size, buckwheat; manufacture of . < ;. 1 Sizing cloth 2 Sizing, paper, manufacture of 1 Skates 5 Skins, dressing 2 Skiving machines 5 Slabs, for tire bricks and stoves 1 Slag ware, ma,nufacture of. 1 Slate frames *. 2 Slates, artificial 1 Slates, manufacture of. .» 6 Sleds » 4 Sleigh bells 2 Sleighs ; , 18 Slitting timber 5 Slivers, reducing wood to....*. 1 Slotting machine 1 Smoke and gases, condensing. ^ 1 Smoke, consuming j . . . . 3 Smoke ventilators 1 Smoothing irons 11 Smut machines a »140 Snatch blocks 1 Soap, manufacture of. 16 Sockets ^.... 2 Sockets, for bench hooks 1 Soda, carbonate of, preparing 2 Soda, chromate of, preparing 1 Soda fountains 4 Soda powders, papers for; machines for crimping 1 Soda, stannate of, preparing. 2 Sofas 6 Soldering furnaces 1 Soldering in a vacuum, apparatus for,. ... 1 Soles, India-rubber or gutta-percha 1 Sores, curing « '. . . . 1 Sounding boards, for musical instruments. 1 Sounding instruments » 3 Spark arresters 81 Speaking tubes 1 Spectacles 12 Speculum ani 1 Speeders , 5 Spherometers 1 Spikes, machines for drawing 1 17 Subject. No. Spindles, for spinning i 3 Spine, instruments for treating the 5 Spinning cotton, machines for 202 Spinning flax or hemp, machines for 15 Spinning roving, machines for 3 Spinning silk, machines for 5 Spinning wheels 32 Spinning wool, machines for 35 Spirits and wines, ameliorating 1 Spirits of turpentine, manufacture of 6 Spittoons 1 Spittoons, design for 1 Spit turner 1 Splicing cotton and woolen rolls 1 Splints, for baskets 1 Splints, surgical 6 Spoke shaves...., 1 Spokes, machines for making 7 Spooling, machines for 2 Spools 3 Sponges, for artillery 1 Spoons 22 Spoons and forks , designs for 6 Spoons, designs for 4 Spoons, for administering medicine 1 Spring-body carriages 1 Springs 12 Springs, car and carriage 81 Springs, for garments 2 Spurs '. 1 Square, scale, level and bevel, combined.. 1 Squares, carpenters' 5 Squares, for finding centres of circles 1 Stables, releasing horses from, in case of fire 1 Stagings, construction of 1 Stagings, swing 1 Stairs, construction of. 2 Stammering, instrument for curing 1 Stamping engravings on horn 1 Stamps, for malleable metal 1 Stamps, letter 4 Stanchions, for cattle 1 Stands 1 Starch, from maize 8 Statues 2 Statues , method of casting 1 Stave machines 93 Stays, ladies' 1 Steam, application of 14 Steamboats 17 Steam, exhaust, use of for creating draught 1 Steaming apparatus 3 Steaming apparatus, agricultural 1 Steam tables 1 Steel, manufacture of . . . * 16 Stencilling 3 Stethoscopes] 1 Stiles, sash, mortising 1 Stills 3 Stirrups •• 6 Stocks, gun, manufacture of 5 Stocks, neck 11 Stone, applying colors to 1 Stone, cutting, dressing and polishing.... 84 Subject. No. Stone-picking machines... 1 Stools, piano-forte 2 Stoppers, chain-cable 5 Stoppers, shank-painter 2 Stores, preserving from fire 1 Stove pipes 14 Stove pipes, thimbles for 1 Stoves 682 Stoves, designs for 478 Stoves, gas ",.. 1 Strabismus, goggles for 1 Straps, for pantaloons 2 Straps, leather, fastening 1 Straps, leather, machines for edging and creasing 4 Straw bonnets, pressing. 5 Straw, braiding 2 Straw cutters 153 Straw, machines for cleaning 2 Straw, weaving with silk or thread 1 Streets, sprinkling 1 Street sweepers 6 Studs, for shirt bosoms 2 Stuffs, uniting fibres of, by adhesive mix- tures 1 Stump extractors 21 Submarine vessels, steering 1 Sugar, manufacture of 65 Sulphur, sublimating 2 Sumach, preparation of 5 Sun dials 3 Sun-flower and rhubarb leaves, as a sub- stitute for tobacco 1 Sunken vessels, raising 22 Surgical operations » 1 Surveying instruments 4 Suspenders, manufacture of 19 Swings 2 Switches, railroad 15 Swivel hooks 1 Swivel, screw, for steam engines 1 Swivels, watch-chain 2 Sword canes 3 Syphilis, cure of 2 Syringes, enema 3 Syringes, eye-bath 1 Syringes, shower 1 Table and bedstead, combined 1 Table and chair, combined. 1 Tables 19 Tables, designs for 3 Tables, extension 5 Tables, reading 2 Tables, sea 3 Tables, self-waiting 1 Tables, to hold bank notes 1 Tally, machines for keeping 2 Tanks, for supplying locomotives with wa- ter 1 Tannin, extraction of 7 Tanning 88 Tanning, compositions for 2 Tansy, essence of, extracting 1 Tapestry^ printing yarns for .... * 1 18 Subject, No. Tape-worm traps 2 Teeth, artificial 33 Teeth, extracting 8 Telegraphs 44 Telegraph wires, composition for coating 1 Telescopes 1 Telescopes, submarine 2 Temperature, regulating 1 Temples, weavers' 8 Tenders, locomotive 1 Tenons, machines for cutting 17 Ten-pins, setting up 3 Tentering cloth 3 Tent frames 1 Terrets 1 Theodolites 3 Thermostats 1 Thigh fractures, apparatus for '. 1 Thimbles 4 Thimbles, for rigging 3 Thrashing machines 378 Thread and twine, manufacture of 9 Tide gauges. 3 Tide mills 12 Tiles, manufacture of 2 Timber, ship, bending and preparing 3 Timber, machines for bending 2 Timber, machines for boring 1 Timber, machines for dressing 4 Tinder boxes 1 Tin-plate-working 14 Tires 23 Tobacco, curing 35 Tobacco, preparation of •. . . . 2 Toggle-joints. Toilet furniture 1 Tombs, cast-iron , design for 1 Tongs 2 Tonguing and grooving, machines for. . . .22 Tonsil instruments 2 Tool holders. 6 Tools, for boring caster recesses 1 Tools, for grinding and polishing 1 Tools, grinding 2 Toothache, remedies for 3 Topsails, extra guard to 1 Topsails, reefing 2 Tops, pepper-box 1 Torch lamps 1 Torpedoes 1 Tourniquets , 1 Tow-boats 5 Towel stands, design for 1 Tow-lines 4 Track, railroad, clearers 2 Trapdoors ,., i Traps, steam 1 Traps, mole, design for, 1 Tread mills. 2 Tree-nails 3 Trees, felling 1 Trees, preventing destruction of 4 Trees, tearing up 1 Trigonometers 2 Subject, No. Trucks, car 17 Trucks, gun 1 True meridian, finding the. ......,., 1 Trunk frames, metallic 1 Trunk handles , 1 Trunks 12 Trusses 89 Trusses, for vessels &c 9 Tubes, for glass lamps 1 Tubes, sheet-metal, manufacture of 17 Tuning forks 1 Tunnels, submarine 6 Turn-tables 2 Tuyeres 21 Twisting machines 2 Type cases 1 Typographer 1 Typography, universal 1 Types, casting 30 Types, elastic, for printing on uneven sur- faces 1 Types, for cylinders 1 Types, machines for setting & distributing 5 Types, machines for smoothing 4 Types, setting, spaces for 1 Types, wooden 1 Umbrella handles, machine for turning. . . 1 Umbrellas 14 Umbrella stands, designs for 5 Uterine injections, instrument for admin- istering 1 Vaccination, performing 4 Valves 80 Valves, for wind instruments 1 Valves, safety 4 Varnishes - 5 Vases 2 Vats, tan 8 Vault lights 2 Vaults and cellars 10 Vegetable cutters. ., 15 Vegetable extracts , 1 Velocimeters 2 Velocipedes 2 Veneering 34 Ventilators , 12 Ventilators, car 17 Ventilators, ships' 9 Verdigi'is, manufacture of 1 Vermifuges 2 Vermin , destroying 1 Vessels, ascertaining centre of gravity of. 1 Vessels, ascertaining draught of. 1 Vessels, carrying over shoals 3 Vessels, measuring depth of water in 2 Vessels, of soft metals, manufacture of . . . 1 Vessels, paying the seams of 2 Vessels, planking 4 Vessels, protecting against snags 3 Vessels, sheathing , . . .- 2 Vessels, submai'ine 1 Vessels, yards of, suspending 2 Victualery, economical 1 Vinegar, manufacture of 5 19 Subject, No. Violins ,.. 6 Violins, keyed finger-board for 1 Violin, teaching the 1 Vises 22 Vitriolic test for bank bills 1 Wadding, manufacture of. 8 Waffle bakers 1 W agons 20 Walls, building in deep water 1 Walls, papering 1 Walls . securing staples to 1 Wardrobes, portable 1 Ware, wooden, manufacture of 3 Warming houses, by steam 2 Warming rooms IB Warping and dressing yarns 1 Warp-net fabrics 2 Wash-boards 5 Washers, bevelling surfaces of. 1 Washing machines 309 Wash mixture 1 Wash stands 3 Waste gates 1 Watch chains 2 Watches 6 Watch hands, stamping and punching. . . . 1 Water, conveying 3 Water, cooling 4 Water guards, for doors 2 Watering cattle, apparatus for 3 Water, mode of obtaining 1 Water power . . , 18 Water-proof cloth , 1 Water, purifying 1 Water wheels 327 Waxed-ends, machine for twisting 1 Wearing apparel; seamless felt for 1 Weather strips 4 'Weaving double cloth 1 Wedge machines 1 Wedges, circular 1 Weevils, destroying 3 Weighing grain, self-acting machine for. . 1 Weighing machines 13 Weights, machines for raising 11 Weirs, for catching fish 1 Wells, covers of... 1 Wells, digging 8 "Welts, trimming and cutting 4 Whaling apparatus, electric 1 Wharves 3 Wheat, preparation of, for grinding 1 Wheelbarrows 3 Wheels and track, railroad, combination of 1 Wheels, car 222 Subject. No. Wheels, floating 1 Wheels, weathercock 1 Whittletrees H Whip, percussion-pistol 1 Whippers , cotton 5 Whips 5 Whip-staffs, varnishing 1 Whistles, child's, design for 1 Whistling tops 1 Whiting, preparation of 1 Wickets 1 Wicks, candle 2 Wicks, spinning 2 Wigs 6 Willowers 1 Winches 2 Winches, ships' 1 Winding cotton &c 12 Winding rope, cords &c 1 Wind instruments, mouth pieces for 1 Windmills 14 Window blinds 15 Window frames 3 Window sashes, manufacture of 41 Windows, cleaning 1 Windwheels 44 Wine from cider, manufacture of 3 Winnowing cranberries 1 Winnowing machines 163 Wire, manufacture of. 21 Wire rope, machines for making 2 Wire, weaving 2 Withes, machine for twisting 1 Wood, as a substitute for curled hair 1 Wool, cleansing 4 Wool-combing machines 3 Wool condensers 1 Woolen goods, manufacture of 40 Woolens, printing on, design for 1 Wool, removing from skins 1 Worm ing rigging, machine for 1 Wrenches 10 Wringing dyes from cloth 1 Wringing machines 2 Writing desks 2 Writing machines 3 Writing, modes of, teaching 3 Writing on glass, composition for 1 Writing-plates, geometrical -».... 1 Yarn, manufacture of 1 Yeas and nays, machines for taking 4 Yokes, neck 1 Yokes, ox 14 Zinc, coating with lead 1 Zinc, manufacture of . . . , ,, 8 ^i.-i- ^ \ |^2555^(^^-^(^2-«-^,^--»^r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^^i^ iilllllllllliliiill* '^' jr. s. BR.0O 019 923 872 3 WASHINGTON, D. C, iGENT FOR OBTAINING PATENTS IN THE ©nitcit g,tatcs miif mmopmi (toxintv Drawings and papers of all kinds required in securing, obtaining, extending, defending or selling patents, prepared ; and all business connected therewith, attended to Copies of drawings, illustrations, specifications, records, descriptions, and inform- ation relative to inventions and the arts, both in this country and abroad, promptlv fur nished. ^ y J "*•■ Inventors are advised to have preliminary examinations made at the Patent Office to ascertain if their inventions are probably new, before proceeding to make applications for patents. By doing so, disappointment and expanse will often be avoided After making such an examination and deciding that an invention may be patented he rerv seldom fails in any case he proceeds with. The fee for this examination is generally five dollars. It is necessary, however, to except brick machines, churns, looms grist and saw mills, plows, pumps, steam engines, stoves, thrashing machines, washing ma- chines, and water wheels ; the very great number of patents already granted in each of which classes, requiring a double fee to be charged for a thorough examination • and in the case of stoves, it would generally cost less to make application at once than to at- tempt to make a previous, reliable search. But, when desired, he will make as careful an examination in these classes as he can afford, for the ordinary fee, and in most instan ces would discover it, if the device should be old. To enable him to make an examina- tion a model sent to him would be best. But a rough sketch of the invention, accompa- nied by a description referring to the sketch by letters or figures, is generally sufficient Rejected applications receive special attention. Many patentable and very valuable in ventionsnow lie buried in the Patent Office, because the applications were imperfectly prepared or unskillfully prosecuted. If, after examination, a rejected case is believed to be patentable, he will undertake to prosecute the application for a contingent fee pre- vious y agreed upon and guaranteed, charging nothing for his services unless he succeeds m obtaining a patent. A long and successful experience in this branch of his business ZfT /? ."f ul '\ '""''^' *'™^ *° '"^^"^°"- ^^' '' the inventor should prefer a stated fee will be charged independent of the result. M e.tra charges made for Zpatnf Officl"''"' ''^"' '" ''""'''•^' "^""^' ^" '"''' "^ interference or appeal beyond ^Models, sent by express, should be directed to his office, 451, 7th street, Washington ■m^iiisism>m(^siiissm)m :it^. i