^^22&*fr55^j^ ?**&$ «1 M If A I ** H£i . ■~^ Y4 . ^ -^ LOVE ON FIEE, -OR- SOUL AND BODY WORK. / -BY- G. HAINES. Evangelist. G. HAINES, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. \vv ^ COPYRIGHTED 1567, BT G. HAINES. PRINTED BY MORNING STAR PUB CO., 1887. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE, I. Origin of Good and Evil, - - - 5 II. Man's Relation to God, - - - - 9 III. Fall and Redemption of Man, 14 IV. Salvation by Christ, 19 V. The New Birth, - - - 24 VI. Trinity of Faith, 27 VII. Faith and Works, 33 VIII. Following Jesus, 37 IX. Entire Consecration, 41 X. Holy Ghost Fire, 46 XI. Purity of Heart, 50 XII. The Extent of Salvation, - - - 54 XIII. Purification, 57 XIV. The Anointing Power, - - - - 61 XV. Holiness, 66 XVI. Preservation, 69 XVII. Soul and Body Work, 72 XVIII. Sickness an Enemy, 76 XIX. Cause and Cure of Sickness, - 82 XX. Affliction and Sickness, - - - - 86 LOVE ON FIRE. CHAPTER . PAGE XXI. The Great Physician, - - - - 89 XXII. Our Duty in Case of Sickness 92 XXIII. Responsibility, 101 XXIV. Why not Accept Healing Now? 105 XXV. Healing from a Desire, - - - no XXVI. Healing by the Word, 116 XXVII. Healing by Inspiration, - - - 121 XXVIII. Trances, 126 CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OF GOOD AND EVIL. God is love. His infinite nature de- mands that all finite accountable beings should glorify Him; and His goodness strongly invites us to become partakers of His wonderful grace. He created an in- numerable company of holy angels, and a great central world called heaven, in which they might eternally dwell with Him. God's supreme majesty made Him the sole ruler of the angels and their home. Do you not wish we had such a home on earth? If so, then let us unite in praying, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." Matt. 6:10. But alas, there came a time when one of the leaders of the angels dared to presume against the prerogative of God; and as- sumed that, inasmuch as his power had never been tested, he himself might be equal, if not superior to God. In the great and decisive battle that tested his strength God threw him out of heaven, at which 6 LOVE ON FIRE. time he transformed himself into "that old serpent, called the Devil." Rev. 12: 7-9. Ever since that overthrow and transforma- tion he has been the incessant enemy of man, of angels and of God. As the poet has said: " Pride still was aiming at the blessed abode, Men would be angels, and angels would be gods; A striving to be gods angels fell, A striving to be angels man rebelled. " Thus it was by presumption, pride, and rebellion, that the devil was originated, and by his subsequent acts has caused the fall of the human race, and all the misery known to mankind. God's love led to the creation of other worlds than heaven, one of which (this earth) became the abode of man. The creation of man, like the creation of angels, was designed for the glory of God. He will protect all beings from evil whom He creates, as long as they are true to Him. In- asmuch as all evil is from the hand of Satan, and all good from the hand of God, it became necessary that the Creator be- come the protector of His creature man for good, and his safeguard against evil, that he might fill the vacancy caused by the angels that fell. 2 P. 2: 4. Good and evil ORIGIN OF GOOD AND EVIL. 7 existed before the creation of man, as well as subsequently, and will continue to exist while the probation of man lasts. There- fore he must ever choose the right and re- ject the wrong. In fact, his eternal weal or eternal woe depends on his own choice. u The tree of life" planted by God him- self "in the midst of the garden of Eden," and afterwards seen in heaven by John (Gen. 2:9; Rev. 22:2), typifies Christ, who is to be obtained and retained only by entering into and meditating upon the things of God. u The tree of knowledge of good and evil" represents man's natural goodness in his fallen state, or the natural man out of Christ. Presumption, or going outside of God's will to think or act, is eating of the forbid- den fruit, which leads to the disfavor of our heavenly Father, to death, and finally to hell. O, beware of the tree of knowl- edge of good and evil, and eat only of the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God. Beware of human philosophy and reason, the wrong use of which have robbed heaven, desolated the earth, and peo- pled hell. Surely "God hath made man upright, but they have sought out many 5 LOVE ON FIRE. inventions." Eccl. 7:29. Yea, "Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity." Eccl. 1:2. It is true, "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" Ps. 53: 1. But the god- ly "delighteth in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night." Ps. 1:2. If you would he godly, and not as the fool, do not presume in reference to any thing the Lord has not taught; but meditate much on that which He has revealed by His word, and by the Holy Spirit. If sons, "Ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. The anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teach- eth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him." 1 John, 2: 20, 27. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to ail men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing waver- ing. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." James 1:5-7- MAN S RELATION TO GOD. 9 Therefore, as long as you maintain your cleansing by faith in the blood of Christ, and are led by the Lord, it is impossible for you to presume in reference to the things you do not know. CHAPTER II. MAN'S RELATION TO GOD. We value things according to what they cost, and by the time we hope to keep them. God could have created millions of worlds of fine gold, or precious diamonds, without pain to anyone, and without sacri- fice to Himself, but the redemption of a lost world cost Him " the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person" — the Bright and Morning Star — the only begotten Son of God. Yea, God laid on Him the iniquity of us all, and forbade men and angels to save Him from the ignomini- ous death of the cross. How great the sacrifice on the part of God, and how inex- pressibly great the suffering of His Son when He cried, ^ Eloi, Eloi, lama sabach- IO LOVE ON FIRE. thani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Mark 15: 34. How forceful the poet's words concerning the sacrifice the Father made in the giving of His Son to die for us: " Could I with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies a parchment made, And every stock was made a quill, And every man a scribe by trade, To tell the love of God above, Would drain the ocean dry, Nor could the scroll contain the whole, If stretched from sky to sky." Yes, God is love; otherwise He would not have given His only Son to suffer and die in man's stead. But you ask, what is man that God was so mindful of him? Surely he must have been very precious in the sight of God, or He would not have ransomed him at such a wondrous cost. Let us look prayerfully into this matter and see if we can not know ourselves, and under- stand our true relation to the Creator. God made man to do His will in earth as it is done in heaven, and for nearly six thousand years the Creator has been King and Ruler of the w r orld. His Son was born a king; of a kingdom not of this world. Man was created in the image and likeness of God. It is said, "The proper study of mankind is man." But this is not MANS RELATION TO GOD. II enough, for man without God is like a train of cars detached from the engine. Hence, the proper study of mankind is man and his relation and responsi- bility to God. Man, like his Creator, is a trinity. He has a spirit, a soul, and a body; i Thes. 5: 23. These natures in Adam, prior to the fall, worked as harmoniously as the three persons of the God-head. The spirit, soul, and body, when adjusted to the will of God, are like a set of measures within and filling each other. The spirit dwells in, and fills the soul, while the soul dwells in and fills the body. The body is the house of the soul, and the soul the house of the spirit. As a wise king rules his kingdom, so the spirit of man should rule his soul, and the soul the body. This world is man's king- dom. Gen. 1 :26. As the world is his king- dom, it having been created and fitted up for him, so the body is the soul's kingdom, and the soul the spirit's kingdom. A king- dom without a king or ruler is like an army without a commander, not prepared to de- fend itself against foes, much less conquer- ing its enemies. The mental or intellectual man is the 12 LOVE ON FIRE. soul which occupies the body and has hands, feet, eyes, ears, and five senses within the senses of the body. The heart of the soul is the will, which dwells in the center of its realm, which center is within the physical heart, the king of the body. The will is the king of the soul. Derange or destroy the will and both soul and body are dead as to the great end for which thev were created. The soul possesses all the at- tributes necessary to perpetuate its existence endlessly, independent of the body, which dies when separated from it. The moral man is the spirit that dwells in the soul, and is either of Christ or of Satan, because man is either a Christian or a sinner. When God created man He placed His likeness in his soul and His spirit in his heart; thus God dwelt and reigned in the heart of the soul as "King of kings and Lord of lords." Rev. 19: 16. It is no mar- vel that the sweet singer of Israel said of himself, " I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Ps. 139: 14. But alas! man has fallen from under the hand of God into the hands of Satan, who rules him soul and body, as a tyrant king with an iron rod. When man fell the image of Satan was man's relation to god. 13 stamped on his soul, and the image of God was removed therefrom. Satan has taken such complete control of the human heart and will, that when one would do good, evil is present to prevent it. Rom.' 7: 21. Yea, Satan has, with his poisonous fang, touched every human soul, and sown the seeds of disease and death in every human body. The poison of his sting brings moral death to the soul, physical death to the body, and damnation to both. "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eter- nal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 6: 23. In order to be saved the heart of man must be unreservedly surrendered to God. " My son, give Me thine heart." Prov. 23:26. "Ye shall seek Me and find Me when ye shall search for Me with all your heart." Jer. 29: 13. Christ or Satan dwells in the heart of man, according as his will is. If a man wills to be saved there is no power that can prevent it; if he wills to be lost, there is no power that can save him. Salvation comes by saying, "Thy will be done "- — damnation by saying, My will be done. Let God in the heart, and He will soon drive out all your and His ene- mies. Let Satan in your heart and he will 14 LOVE ON FIRE. soon drive out all your friends and the friends of God. By conversion " the carnal mind " is re- moved from the heart, and the holiness of God enters it to cleanse and reign therein. Satan is cast out to make room for the birth of Christ in the soul. The birth of Christ within does not sanctify you wholly, but you should seek to be as soon as born of God. CHAPTER III. FALL AND REDEMPTION OF MAN. Praise the Lord for man's salvation. Oh, how complete and glorious it is. u As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive." i Cor. 15: 22. The life received by faith in Christ brings back to us all we lost in the fall. Then let us "Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good ; for His mercy endureth forever." The image of God, in which man was created, was blotted from the soul of Adam when he ate the forbidden apple. All his FALL AND REDEMPTION OF MAN. 1 5 posterity inherited from him a predisposi- tion to sin — all his children's teeth are set on edge. Ezek. 18:2. All of Adam's children that have arrived at the age of ac- countability have followed the footsteps of their father and have eaten of the forbidden fruit ; therefore every soul must have the touch of the blood of the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world. 1 John 1 : 7. The salvation wrought out by the Lord Jesus Christ covers all the natures of man — spirit, soul and body. It not only casts Satan's image out of the heart, but re- stores the image of God and makes it a fit temple for the Holy Ghost to dwell in. It cleanses the triune man. Matt. 6: 23; 8:16, 17; 10: 7. Mark 3: 14, 15; 5: 8; 6: 13; 16:15-18. Luke 4:40; 6:19; 10:17; 13:11- 17. "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you who also will do it." 1 Thes. 5:23, 24. God is omniscient. There is no increase of knowledge with Him. All His laws are in force until fulfilled. Unlike man, He never repeals a law on account of imperfec- l6 LOVE ON FIRE. tion. When He first planned the scheme of redemption it was as perfect as at pres- ent, and will be as perfect in the day of judgment as in the beginning — no more so, no less so. Eighteen hundred years ex- perience in saving sinners has taught God nothing; neither has the cleansing of the in- numerable host of sinners lessened the cleansing power of the blood of the ever- lasting covenant. "Dear, dying - Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power Till all the ransomed church of God Are saved to sin no more." The blessed Redeemer went about doing good to all men everywhere; preaching the Gospel to the poor and rich alike, healing the sick and casting out evil spirits "with His word." Matt. 8:16. It is the grand privilege of God's ambassadors of the pres- ent day to accomplish the very same things "in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, " and by the very same power they had at Pentecost. 'Tis the very same power, The very same power; 'Tis the very same power That they had at Pentecost. 'Tis the pow'r, the power, 'Tis the pow'r, the power; 'Tis the power that Jesus promised should come down. FALL AND REDEMPTION OF MAN. l*J We have the same Christ to send us, the same great commission to preach, and the promise of the same power the Apostles had, and any failure to accomplish the same things will be wholly on the human side. The commission given to the Apostles was to hold good to the end of the Gospel dis- pensation — the end of time. Hell was not prepared for man, but " for the Devil and his angels." Matt. 25:41. Nevertheless, all who die in the service of Satan must pass an eternity in his home, where the cankerworm of sin never dies,, where the fiery torment is never quenched, and where the smoke of the torment of the damned ascends forever and forever. No one need hope for the salvation of Christ unless he complies with the Gospel of the grace of God, in which this salvation is freely given to all mankind. Friendly read- er, how is it with thy soul? If Jesus should come to-day with ten thousand of His saints, with " the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God," would it be well with thy soul? If not, then flee; flee to-day to the Rock that is cleft to take thee in. How far short of his privileges and du- 1 8 LOVE ON FIRE. ties man has come. He is constantly leav- ing undone the things he should do, and as constantly doing the things he should not do. In the way of excuse for neglect and wrong-doing, some argue that some other way than the one marked out in the Gospel of God's dear Son will do quite as well. Such thoughts are suggested by the Devil. A constant watch the devils keep: They eye us night and day, And never slumber, never sleep, Lest the}' should lose their prey. If the Gospel of the Son of God was preached and practiced by Christ's ambas- sadors of our day, as it was preached and lived by the blessed Master and His holy Apostles, Satan's empire would tremble from center to circumference, and the king- doms of this world would soon be trans- formed into the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Instead of preach- ing the whole Gospel of Christ many have changed it to suit the religious dogmas of the day in order to please the itching ears of lukewarm professors. In so doing they check the work of God's grace, and hazard the souls of men. Oh, let us preach the whole Gospel and nothing but the Gospel, and live out the same — for then, and not SALVATION OF CHRIST. 19 until then, will this wicked world be brought to the feet of the blessed Re- deemer. CHAPTER IV. SALVATION BY CHRIST. "Oh, horrible! A hell here! The flames around me! The fire within me! Burning, agonizing, dying! A hell to go to hell in! My God! But I have no God. I have re- jected Christ, and he who rejects Him re- jects the Father. Is there no hope for me?" "None but in Christ." "Then I am lost! O, hell, why did I choose you rather than heaven? O, Devil, why did I take heed to you, in preference to taking heed to God?" "There is life for a look." "Where? How? When? Tell me, oh, ye who can, how I may escape the fire of hell, to which I am fast hastening?" "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." "Ah, that's the trou- ble. Believe on Jesus — He whom I have spurned, defied and resisted all my life? No! no! After spending a lifetime, that was given me to love, worship and obey Christ, 2 20 LOVE ON FIRE. in the service of Satan, the common enemy of God and man, then to throw the snuffings of a misspent life in the face of so good, gracious and holy a being as God's Son, I can not do it." "Then you are lost! Forever lost!" "I know I am. Lost without hope, plea, or remedy." "No! no! no! There is hope, plea, and a remedy in Him whom you reject. "\ am the way, the truth and the life.' Look and live." ' O, the flames of hell! My conscience, how thou dost goad me! Why have I so long stood against Him who still offers pardon and deliver- ance? Save me, good Lord, or I perish!" "Hark! I hear a sound as of a chariot from afar. Nearer it comes. Ah, I see its lone occupant now. How pale he looks! His sweat is like great drops of blood. His hands and feet have imprints, as though cruel spikes have been thrust through them. His body is bruised and scarred, as though He had been terribly beaten and maltreated. O, God, I know who it is! It is Christ, who died that I might have life. He suffered this that I might escape the flames of hell, and rise on wings of love to a mansion in heaven. I will praise Thee for this coming to me, if I am damned, O, thou Christ, the Holy One." SALVATION BY CHRIST. 21 "But I have come to save thee." "Not me?" "Yes, thee." "But I am lost." "I came to save the lost." "Then, truly, Thou didst come to save me." "I did." "But, dear Savior, I have nothing to give — no merit of my own, nor none to recom- mend me to Thee for so great a salvation." "Be quiet, my child; my gifts are free to those who accept them as such. Will you take salvation now?" "I will. I do. I am Thine. Oh, glory ! hallelujah!" The sinner is in that broad and easy road that leads to the open mouth of a yawning hell. Jesus has made provisions to arrest him, by the Holy Ghost, in his mad career, turn him about towards heaven, and put a desire in his soul to run with patience the Christian race to glory. Conversion includes justification, which is a change of state; and regeneration, which is a change of nature. The first is a work done for us; the second a change wrought in us. God is the author of both. 22 LOVE ON FIRE. When God pardons a sinner He changes his heart; so that the love of sin, as well as the guilt of it, is taken away. Thus we see when a sinner is converted he is justified and renewed; his sins are blotted out and he is made a new creature in Christ Jesus. God. through love to man, not only pardons and changes his heart, but He adopts him as His child, puts him into His Church, and sends the Holy Spirit to bear testimony with his spirit that he is a child of a King, an heir of a mansion, of a robe and a crown. Repentance is essential to salvation. No thief or murderer can enter heaven. There is no other way to heaven but by Jesus. You may try for another, but alas, it will be a failure. Christ is the only source of sal- vation. If you go into one's house, you want to enter by the door and not at the window or through the roof. There is great danger of being shot or kicked out as a thief if you do. So in entering the Church of Christ, if you would be recognized by God and the angels, you must enter through Christ — the door. The recording angel keeps the register and no man can deceive God. Earth's records do not save any. You may deceive the world and yet live in hell, but it is impossible to deceive God. SALVATION OF CHRIST. 23 Every man must stand before God in the general judgment and render an account of the deeds done in the body. All must answer for themselves, and stand or fall ac- cording to their relation to Christ. If they have repented of all sin, and accepted Christ as their Savior, they stand justified before God and will be saved; if not, they will be lost — eternally lost. So all must repent or perish. "Time enough yet," cries the oarsman, as his friend on shore warns him of the rapids below, into which he soon glides and is lost. "Time enough yet," shouts the inebriate, as he nears the awful gulf of a drunkard's hell. "Time enough yet," cries the sinner, as he dashes madly down into the flames of the damned. "Too late," howls the demon, as his victim struggles to escape his fingers of death, "Toolate,"ejaculatesthe lost soul, as an angel reaches forth a helping hand. "Too late," wail all the unsaved sinners, as the flames of hell sweep over them forever and they are lost from earth, heaven, God, angels and the redeemed. Reader, is the above your photograph. 24 LOVE ON FIRE. CHAPTER V. THE NEW BIRTH. Salvation from sin is the free gift of God, through the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is to be obtained not by acts of righteous- ness which we have done or may do; (for "All our righteousness are as filthy rags." Isa. 64: 6.) but as a wholly unmerited gift of an independent king to an utterly un- worthy and wholly dependent subject. Grace first contrived the way To save rebellious man, And all the steps that grace displays, Unfold the wondrous plan. In order to salvation, one must believe himself to be a helpless and lost sinner, Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and only Savior, repent of his sins and turn to the Lord who will delight to have mercy, and to our God who will abundantly pardon, Isa. 55:6,7. Before conversion the sinner has his back to Christ, to heaven, to angels and to God — his face to sin, to sinners, to devils, and THE NEW BIRTH. 25 to hell — but when converted he turns his back on the latter and his face to the form- er. Friendly reader, how is it with thee? Is thy back turned to Christ, thy best friend? Let thy heart answer in the secret chamber of thy immortal soul. Remem- ber that if thy heart condemns thee, God is greater than thy heart and will condemn thee, too. i John 3: 20, 21. When one is born from above, God sends the Holy Spirit into the heart as a witness to the work done, and as an infallible guide to the new-born soul. Rom. 8: 14-16; John 16: 13; 1 John 5: 10; 1 Cor. 3: 16; 6: 19. "Ye must be born again," said the Master. At the spiritual birth, "the carnal mind" (which always is at " enmity against God") is cast out, and the spiritual mind, which is life and peace, is imparted to the soul. Rom. 8: 6-8. This new spiritual life [is the body and blood of Christ, which the dear Savior said we must eat of and drink, in order to have spiritual life. John 6: 53. This spiritual nature escapes with the soul at death, and becomes the spiritual body; which the soul inhabits until the final resur- rection, at which time it will receive a glo- rified body. I Cor. 15: 44. The new birth 26 LOVE ON FIRE. is the beginning of the existence of this spiritual body within us, and is as real as was our natural birth, or the birth of the human nature of Christ. If true to God and our own souls, we will persevere until the carnal nature is cast out of both soul and body, so that the child Jesus born within may grow, until we are filled with all the fullness of God. Turning from all sin with a full purpose of heart to forsake it, and turning to God with full purpose of heart to serve Him, constitutes evangelical repentance. The evidence of such repentance is confession of sin to God, and making restitution to those whom we have wronged, to the fullest extent of our ability. We are sorry to say that the latter evidence is too fre- quently wanting. See Luke 19: 8. This means far more than to join church, and live as thousands are living, with no spirit- ual life, no power. We will close this chapter by quoting three golden invitations that fell from the lips of Him who spake as never did man: "Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out." John 6: 37. "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and TRINITY OF FAITH. 27 cried, saying, 'If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink.'" John 7: 37. "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28. CHAPTER VI. TRINITY OF FAITH. Faith, like the God -head, is a trinity in unity. In it we have asking-faith, receiv- ing-faith, and overcoming-faith, following each other in the order just named. Ask- ing-faith is given first. God gives this with each of His promises. He creates the desire in the heart of the sinner to come to Him. Except the Father draw the sinner he will not come to Jesus. John 6: 44. The desire to come, the knowledge as to how to come, and the asking-faith — all are of God. Asking-faith, and the knowledge how to ask, accompany each gift bestowed on man. The way of eternal life has been made so plain and easy that they who neglect it are left without a single excuse. In the judg- 28 LOVE ON FIRE. ment day all these will be as speechless as, and share the fate of, the man who had not on the wedding garment. Matt. 22: i2 r 13. As the king furnished each invited guest with a wedding garment, so the Lord offers to furnish the garment of salvation to each one who desires and asks for it. Every desire created in the heart by God, is a promise given by the Holy Spirit, and points to man's need. When man is true to God He will give him desires covering all the needs of both soul and body. The knowledge given with each desire shows our need of the things desired. When God gives a desire for a certain thing, He will grant the thing desired. He never tantal- izes His children with a blessing He does not intend to give. Matt 7: 7-1 1. To obtain the thing desired we must be- lieve the desire is of the Lord, and ask for the witness to this end. God's witness to man is His will spoken in the soul by the Holy Ghost. To get a desire cashed at heaven's bank we must accept it as coming from God, and ask for the witness to that effect. In thus accepting a desire we make up our minds to ask God to cash His check at sight. Getting the consent of the mind TRINITY OF FAITH. 29 to ask, is the submission of the human will to that of the divine. It is marvelously strange that a great portion of the desires created by the Lord, or checks on the bank of heaven, are neglected or thrown away. How utterly foolish would he be thought who would reject or throw away a check for $100,000, signed by all the officials of the First National Bank of our city! How much more foolish is he who rejects or throws away a check on the bank of heaven for eternal life, when it is presented as a gift and signed by the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! To ascertain whether a desire is from the Lord we must ask for the witness and hold on to God with all faith and knowledge received until we hear the voice of God speaking in the soul. Whatever the still, small voice whispers in the soul is the will of God and should be our guide. The conscience in the Holy Ghost always speaks of our need of Christ. The Word says, " My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4: 19. To obtain the knowledge of God and the asking-faith from the desire, we must ask 30 LOVE ON FIRE. without doubting (" He that doubteth is damned." Rom. 14: 23.) for the witness, which is the word spoken by the Holy Ghost in the soul. When we ask God, from one of His given desires, with all the knowledge and faith accompanying it, if He will grant the desire of the heart, He always answers back in the desire — "Yes." When we hear the voice of God speaking in the soul, our faith leaps from the desire into the witness or word of God, and brings forth taking-faith, which enables us to re- ceive the gifts offered by our heavenly Father. Taking-faith is received with the witness from God from a given desire. Every wit- ness given by God is accompanied by tak- ing-faith, which is much stronger than ask- ing-faith. In asking-faith we believe from a desire; while in taking-faith we believe in the word of God. There is great differ- ence between belief for a thing and faith in that thing ; the latter is much the strongest. In the former we have the desire with- out the evidence, while in the latter we have both. Belief for a thing grows out of a felt want, and without internal evidence from God; while the latter has not only the TRINITY OF FAITH. 3 1 external promise accompanying the desire, but the internal witness or Holy Ghost, bearing witness with our spirit that the thing desired is granted and awaits our taking. "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 1 1 : 24. Having received taking-faith, together with the knowledge as to how to use it, we should take the gift as coming from the God-given desire; therefore from God. In receiving God's gifts our faith becomes stronger than Satan's power of resistance. If our taking-faith is weaker than Satan's power it may be made more perfect and powerful. The trial of our faith, or per- fecting of it for greater power, is holding on to God and persevering through opposi- tion until victory is obtained. To obtain power to receive God's bless- ings, and to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven, we must have perfect faith. When our faith is finished, by the trial of it, it will embrace "love, joy, peace, long-suf- ering," etc., and these rest upon us until the power is perfected within, when we should at once take the gift sought. We take the power, from time to time, as w r e are able to 32 LOVE ON FIRE. receive it, and the Holy Ghost gives the knowledge of it and tells how to use it. Overcoming-faith will enable us to keep and use, to the glory of God, the gifts and graces He has so graciously given. This faith is as necessary to the Christian as ask- ing-faith or taking-faith. Without it no one could retain or use the blessings received of the Lord. " He that overcometh shall in- herit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." Rev. 21: 7. Over- coming-faith is received with the gift taken by asking-faith, which grows out of the de- sire given by the Lord. Asking-faith, when properly used, secures taking-faith, which, when used aright, secures overcoming-faith. We do not get over-coming-faith until we take the things desired of the Lord. God does not give one a thing he does not need. The promise is, " My God shall supply all your need." We do not need overcoming- faith until we have received something from the hand of God, Satan desires to take away from us. Rev. 12: 7-1 1. FAITH AND WORKS. 33 CHAPTER VII. FAITH AND WORKS. All we need is freely provided by God. The body and soul need many things to save them from death and hell, and to pre- pare them for life and heaven. These wants are all met through faith and works. Both are essential. Faith and works should har- monize. As soul and body should agree in all things, so ought faith and works. Faith without works is dead. So is the body with- out the soul. God made provisions in the atonement for soul and body, so He has for faith and works. The soul and body are saved through these channels. Faith is the master, works the servant. In all things the master should rule. As the soul should rule the body, so ought faith to rule works. When this is done, and faith is^made perfect through the truth, soul and body will be saved up to the standard of truth, as revealed in the Bible. We are saved "by grace through faith, and that notjof ourselves; it is the gift of God." Eph. 2: 8. According to our faith so is our salvation. 34 LOVE AND FIRE. Man gets what he believes for. God has a channel for everything. Man must seek each needed want through God's channel to possess it. All things are yours if rightly sought for. Faith produces works. Believe right and you will act right. The world is full of unbelief. It is the damning sin of the age. Devils believe more than some professed Christians. "Lord, increase our faith! 1 ' Every spiritual blessing man enjoys comes through faith. "By faith we live" (Gal. i: 20.), "stand" (2 Cor. 1: 24.), "walk" (2 Cor. 5: 7.), "conquer" (1 John 5: 4.), "endure" (Heb. 11 : 27.), "are sanctified" (Acts 26: 18.), "are healed" (Mark 16: 17.), "and preserved to the end" (Heb. 10: 38.). There is no other way of prevail- ing save through faith in God. By faith, Peter walked on the angry waves of the Galilean Sea to go to Jesus. It was a wonderful walk. The life of faith is a life of wonders. Our lives should be a constant and close walk with God, hence a life of wonder. Is it such with us? If not, we are not walking with God as we should. If our lives have nothing wonderful in them, nothing to distinguish us from the world, FAITH AND WORKS. 35 we certainly are not in line with the won- der-working God. The life of faith is above and beyond the ordinary and natural life of man. Peter's walking on the water was beyond his nat- ural powers. Before this, no one (save Christ) had ever walked on the water. Thus it is, that those who walk close with God are enabled to have an influence, and perform deeds not possible to those who do not walk with Him. "Enoch walked with God," and "God took him" because he walked with Him. Gen. 5: 24. The walk of faith is a triumphal one. By it we may have power to bring this world to Christ. As Peter walked on the angry waves of the sea, so we, by faith, may walk on the angry waves of sin and not sink, but bring Jesus across the angry waters of death to perishing sinners that He may take them in the "life-boat." If Christ calls you, step out on His promises. Peter had no power to support himself on the raging sea; nevertheless he walked in perfect safety as long as he kept his eyes on the Master, but began to sink as soon as he looked away from Him. So it is in the Christian life; we must step out on the 3 36 LOVE ON FIRE. naked promise of God, trusting in it to the very letter, remembering that He has said in His immutable Word, "My grace is suf- ficient for thee," "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." 2 Cor. 12: 9; Heb. There is a great difference between the faith of many and the faith of the Son of God. T.he faith we need is independent of ours. Such faith sympathizes with the poor, sick and distressed of our land. There are two kinds of faith. Nearly everybody has the general faith; but the faith not of man is the faith we want. The reason why so little faith is exercised is because we have not the faith of the Son of God. When we get this faith we will see great changes. The presence of the Holy Ghost in the soul gives the faith we need. It comes from God — is of God. When we get it we will have the same faith Jesus had. Faith is taking God at His word. Then we can laugh at seeming impossibilities and cry, "It shall be done." The prophets made the ax swim and the fire fall, by faith. "According to your faith be it unto you," is a universal law of God in bestowing gifts to His chil- dren. "All are yours," on condition you FOLLOWING JESUS. 37 receive them by faith. Are you believing for all God has done for you? God's universal law is, that no blessing outside of those given in common to all men is available without the exercise of faith. Therefore, salvation from sin, or any of its effects on the spirit, soul or body, is received purely on the condition of a living, active faith in the atonement made once for all. In fact, Christ is "made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and re- demption," by our exercise of faith in Him, "who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Ps. 103: 3. CHAPTER VIII. FOLLOWING JESUS. God is able to save to the uttermost. He who can raise the dead, as he did Lazarus, can make alive those dead in sin, or heal those who are sick. Now give to God the things that belong to Him. Withhold nothing that is due Him. Many have vowed and have not paid their vows. Glory to God, He is able to keep us. He 38 LOVE ON FIRE. kept the three Hebrew children, amidst the flames of the furnace, and He will keep us if we trust in Him. Daniel was delivered from the lion's den, M©ses from the wrath of Pharaoh, and David from the murderous thrust of Saul. Fear not, but trust the liv- ing God. The Devil trembles when he sees The weakest saint get on his knees. We were created for the glory of God. Let us be true to Him, so that our words and acts shall not surrender us to the Devil. Give up the Devil's trappings. Step over the line and trust. Many cripple themselves through neglect to testify to the salvation God has given them. Honor God with your every-day walk and life. If we do not, we dishonor Him and hazard our own salvation. "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Such, only, shall enter the kingdom of heaven. God sees us through and through. See Him out on the barren mountain of sin seek- ing the lost. Behold, this is the day of salvation. Ho! every one that thirsteth, come and drink of the water of life. Haste to Him now. FOLLOWING JESUS. 39 Heaven has millions of gifts for the saints of God. Have no hobby, but take them all. Be a whole Christian. Take the word of God. Everything of God is of revelation. We may have an experience that the gates of hell cannot prevail against. O, how many have they prevailed against! While we want the gifts of God, we need to be es- tablished in Christ's church — not my church, nor your church, but His church. "Upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matt. 16: 18. Christ's church must receive the whole Gospel. They who deny any part of the Gospel turn themselves out of the church. If you do not understand God's church, keep your hands off of it, for you would better dig your own grave and bury your- self than attempt to steady the ark. He who rejects the ark, which is Christ in the saved, is liable to be stricken dead, as were Ananias and Sapphira. You may fight creeds, but you must never fight the Church of God; he who does it fights against God. It is death to do this. The bride is the church of the first born. If we are converted to God we are espoused 4-0 LOVE ON FIRE. to Christ, and when sanctified we are mar- ried to Him. If we are married to Christ, and lust after the things of the earth, we commit adultery. The Holy Spirit wants to bring us back to chastity and purity. We may serve God in righteousness and holiness all the days of our life if we will let the Son make us free. "If any man keep My sayings he shall not taste death." "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." So we sustain the same relation to God that Jesus does. For, beloved, now are we the sons of God, and if sons, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with our Lord Jesus Christ. The glorious liberty of the sons of God is at hand. Prepare to see His wonders, and see face to face and know as we are known. "He that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself even as He is pure." Christ came to take away our sin and sickness. Let us press through the crowd of unbelief as did the woman who touched the hem of Christ's garment and was made whole, and get healed of sin and all its contaminations. Let us do it now, for Jesus' sake. Amen! ENTIRE CONSECRATION. 41 CHAPTER IX. ENTIRE CONSECRATION. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, accept- able unto God, lohich is your reasonable service. Rom. 12: 1. To be wholly and holily consecrated to God means a great work. Many do not comprehend, but think it a small matter. The above text indicates that the body, as well as the soul, is to be a "holy" sacrifice; that is to say, a pure one. To be conse- crated to God, as were the Hebrew chil- dren, means something. They were ready to live or die for their Master. The conse- cration required is that of the Apostle Paul, when he said: "What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? fori am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusa- lem for the name of the Lord Jesus." Acts 21: 13. As Christ died once for ail, so should we die to self and enter into an everlasting union with Him. When our all — spirit, soul and body — are laid on the altar of God, 42 LOVE NO FIRE. Christ sanctifies the gift and makes us holy as He is holy. Bible consecration means death to the world, death to the flesh, and an entire ex- communication of the Devil from both soul and body. It means just what the dear Savior said when he prayed, "Thy king- dom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Matt. 6* 10. Supreme love to Christ, and this only, will enable one to make such a consecration. The He- brew children had this love to such a degree that they were willing to burn in the fiery furnace if it would please God. When our lives are "hid with Christ in God," then it is that He can and will trust us. Col. 3: 3. When thus consecrated we can pass through fiery trials victoriously. In the natural and spiritual world life comes through death. The seed is cast into the earth and dies, and from its death springs new life. So, also, we must die to sin, that we may have a new life in Christ Jesus. Rom. 6: 11. In religion, to go down in the valley of humiliation is to get ready and to go up on the mount of spiritual transfig- uration. "Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble ENTIRE CONSECRATION. 43 himself shall be exalted." Matt. 23: 12. As a hill or mountain begins at every val- ley, so spiritual exaltation must begin at every valley of humiliation. The deeper the valley, the higher the exaltation. Here we have natural law in spiritual life. Bless the Lord for full and free salvation. It is for all — none need be without it. The floodgates of salvation to me have been thrown open wide and my soul is basking in ineffable glory. Hallelujah! But alas, alas, multitudes are still walking in the broad and downward road that leads to eternal death and endless hell. O let us plunge into the fountain filled with blood, be cleansed from all sin, that God may use us in rescuing the perishing. Jesus went down into the garden of Gethsemane, pros- trated Himself on the cold ground, agonizing for us until His sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood. He went to the death-line and prayed, " Father, if it be possible let this cup pass." It could not pass; therefore He passed over the death-line, and voluntarily gave Himself a living sacrifice for us all. The Devil tried to persuade Jesus to not sacrifice Himself, but He thrust him aside, plunged into crucifixion and death, went 44 LOVE ON FIRE. into the grave, rose triumphantly from it, conquering the Devil, death, hell and the grave, thereby securing eternal redemption for us on the easy terms of His everlasting Gospel. Are we willing to yield to death to sin for Him who has done such great things for us? The old man of sin must die within us that we may be made alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We do not get the salvation Jesus died to obtain for us until we receive the Holy Ghost. The sealing comes after pardon, and is the inheritance of the believer. Could you conceive of a more exalted position than to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus? This is the position He calls us to. Do not put off your great privilege in Christ; for, behold now is the day of salvation. Having surrendered all to Jesus we are introduced into the holy of holies, where all is peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Come, then, to-day; for the night of death may over- take you this hour, and then it will be too late. Too late — too late will be the cry; Jesus of Nazareth has passed by. See what wonderful power Peter had on the day of Pentecost when he charged the Jews with having slain the Lord of Glory. Where ENTIRE CONSECRATION. 45 from, and how did he get such wonderful power? He got it from heaven, and by tarrying, by praying and believing it would come. a < " 'Twas while they all were praying, And believing it would come, Came the power, the power, That Jesus promised should come down." So, also, we should tarry until we receive the Holy Ghost; then the same mighty works shall be done by us. If this should cause some to be put in jail it would doubt- less be the salvation of the prisoners and of many others. Lord, give us this sin-slaying and soul-saving power until all the socials, broom-drills, wheelbarrow-entertainments and all other works of the Devil are de- stroyed. God can take a worm and thrash a mountain. He can cause the Jordan to divide to let us enter the land that flows with milk and honey. When fully saved we can and will reach others. Men and women are sinking to destruction every day because we do not reach out and save them. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. 46 LOVE ON FIRE. CHAPTER X. HOLY GHOST FIRE. It is coming. Like the thunder's roar it may be heard. Yon vivid light, to one not acquainted with its destructive power, might be termed beautiful. But our opin- ion of it does not change its character in the least. On it comes. Death is in its track. Like perdition, it swallows up all it overtakes. See its darting tongue of fire. No mortal being can check or turn aside its onward course. My God, the great prairie is on fire! We are fifty miles from any known place of safety, and be- fore one- tenth of that distance can be reached the flames will overtake us. Swift horse, run, run for your life, for the angel of death is on our track! But why go far- ther? You are already exhausted. I can hear your loud panting, and see the white foam bursting from your exhausted body. Must we die? Is .there no hope? Stop, horse, we can't outride the maddening HOLY GHOST FIRE. 47 flames. Let us use the only known rem- edy. Let us fight fire with fire. O, for a match, a coal, a torch, a little fire. But I have none. Give me fire. Ever so little — so it is fire. I must have fire. 'Tis fire or death. My God, give me fire. I will give you my watch, money, horse, farm, yea, all I have, for fire. Vain offer. God's favor is not to be bought by man's possessions. Try it again. O, for fire! Great God, I give myself to Thee; wilt Thou for Jesus* sake, send me a little fire? Ah, that flash of lightening dazzles me. But see, O, see where it struck, the grass caught fire! Glory to God, we have got fire. I thank Thee, O God, for heaven-sent fire. It has saved me. Roll on, thou nearing flames, I fear thee not. Thou mayest rage like the flames of hell, rolling out to destroy sin- ners, but I am safe. As safe as the soul from which the Holy Ghost fire has burned out all sin; for to such the flames of hell can not reach, nor in such can they find any thing to burn. This way, good horse, keep close to me. Let ©ur breath fan on the heaven-sent fire. It is burning faster and faster. Let us fol- low it up close. There, by lying on our 48 LOVE ON FIRE. faces, we will now be safe. But we will trust God for more. The breath of the sea of fire fans on our saving fire. See how it spreads and gathers power at every breath. It is already a great fire. Up, good horse, we may now, in safety, stand on yon burned spot, and shout defi- ance to a million prairie fires. Wonderful! Surrounded by a sea of fire. The two have met, yet we are safe. Hallelujah! The fire that threatened our lives is already dying out, and the one in answer to prayer is out-ranking it in bril- liancy and power. Thus God's fire out- ranks Satan's, as His power does the power of the great arch fiend. So now, dear horse, we may pass on our way over this burned district in as great safety as a blood-washed soul can traverse this sin- cursed earth on his way to the paradise of God. God's fire can burn out and destroy all sin. Cast all on the altar and it will sanctify the gift. "Be ye clean, saith the Lord." O Lord, let Holy Ghost fire fall on all the people. It is a thousand times better to have the Holy Ghost fire burn all sin out of us than to have the fire of sin burn in us HOLY GHOST FIRE. 49 ill hell forever and forever. If we get all sin out of our hearts, hell will not have us at any price. Both sin and holiness will seek its level and its own. God is omnific and equal to any emer- gency. When fully trusting in Him one can walk through a den of lions. Satan did not have in the beginning, has not now, and never will have power equal to or su- perior to God. The Devil is to be "cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented forever and ever." Rev. 20:10. Daniel slept soundly among the blood- thirsty lions, with angels for his body-guard. The Hebrew children walked through the flames of the furnace, and came out with- out the smell of fire on their garments. Likewise may Christians now walk through the flames of sin without being contami- nated with it. Are we fully saved? If not, why? We cannot serve God with perfect acceptability until we are wholly given up to Him, spirit, soul and body. Oh, for the holy fire — sin-killing, carnal- consuming fire! More of this fire, and less preaching of theories, is the great need of to-day. Lord let the fire come on all the 5