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Will you be firm enough? You will be firm. 1 fear you. The rough fur. The three sheep The fur ruff. We were on the high bluff by the river Move my muff. The far river view. Were you in the blue room? How few are here I Will William be here? Why will you whimper? 3 hear the rush of the river. The number five. Blue or buff? Half of the number are here. Are the full number with you? Are three of the number here? Now 1 breathe freely. 15 The full number. Brush your arm* 1 fear the fire. You threw my muff in the fire. You are firm enough. Will you bribe me? Your rule will be firm. You v/ill blur the line. Will you pull the wire? The wire will burn your thumb . ] threw your muff in the river. ] fear you will burn your thumb. The fire will burn freely. 1 love the river. You are free, Pun in my room. 1 move my arm freely enough now. J will burn the pine. The blue fire. You rule firmly 1 will flee from the fire. 16 William will run with you. Will the beam move freely? Five are in your room. Brush the fur* Will you relieve me? Will you leave me the ripe olive? Will you rely upon me? People will breathe freely now. The fire will burn you. Will you furnish your room in buff? Will you reply? ] will furnish my rocm in blue. Will you remove the rubbish? Will you polish with a brush? Will you reprove me? How far will you rxtn^ Will you be far from me? You will be far off on the river. The reaper will be in the rear. 17 You. wiil hear of the repeal of the bill. You will repel ish. Were you in the shower? The rough mob . The lovely flower will fill the room with perfume. Will the wheel revolve? The ripple on the river. How firm you are! } threw your whip in the river. A brown muffler. A fine rural view. 1 fear you will whimper. The fine view of the river from the bluff. In the flume near the mill. 3 will vie with you. The buff ribbon. We were in the room. 18 ] fear ] will rob you, ] hear a rumble. You will hear a rumor . We were on the roof. We revere the Father. ] will be brief. 3 prefer the blue ribbon- 1 prfer a fine fibre* Will you prefer a firm fibre? Why frown on me? The Hebrew Bible. Are you her brother? The robin will fly. Why are you in a huff? 7 will be here in one hour. We were by the mouth of the river. Are you sure? Why hire the room? My blue muffler. Will you be far off in the harbor? 19 ELEVENTH EXPRESSION . When giving the sound of aw the mouth is open but the corners are near- er together than in Expression 3rd. 31 - 2 « oi & oy. 11 11 .8 * all & awl 1 - o aw all) awl ) law raw fall wall warm ball brawl pore floor forth form former formal formerly formula forthwith forum before befall or four perform auburn 1 aure 1 1 awful lawn gnaw wore horn wharf yawl shawl nausea shorn reform north lawyer awful awful ly bore born brawn flaw more worn yore northern orb war shore fallen fawn thaw thorn thrall 20 01 oy 7.11 2 ~ boy boy loyal oil boil foil loin boiler roil oiler broil royal oily foible ship ! ahoy ! 9. 11-1 * no no show throw low- below blow flow roll roller roly pcly homeopathy lone lonely opinion mole ivory limbo loaf loam loan loathe lobel ia v/oe whoa woful wnolly rope pillow Pome borrow b ov i ne bowl home hole ) wnole) pole oral noble oath pony shoal throne though knoll hope elope follow hero hollow foe mope burrow folio open hoe holily homel i^er broma 1 ower oriole oval over overflow overshoe owe owner 21 wove robe prone woven foam pronoun fro promotion violin opal proportion mower probe row roan both bureau lobe The pronoun she. Pull the rope. You are a hero. Will you bore a hole in the wall? Are you from Rome? Half a loaf. J hope you will be worthy. ] fear you will hear of the overflow of the river. My overshoe in the hall. Will you roam far from home? How noble in William! Are you warm? Will you be here with your violin? The ivory ball or the rubber ball? Will you probe for the ball? Will you be lonely if far from heme? 22 A bowl of warm broth. Will you show me the bow of blue ribbon? Roll up the purple ribbon. 2 wore a blue robe. Will you borrow the ribbon? J fear 1 will bore you. In the hollow near the mill. On the bureau in my room. Follow in the rear. On the knoll by the river. Burrow a hole in the earth. Below the barn near the flume. Low in the hollow. A fine folio in purple. The opal or the ruby. 2 will owe you one. Are you warm enough? Will you be on the hill or near the shore? Pull for the shore. 23 We will be in awe of you. The overflow from the river below the high bluff. The mole in the mill. 1 hope you will be here . Are you from Rome? 1 v*ore neither the blue nor brown. My brown muffler on the bureau. The fire will burn a hole in the floor. He wore a brown robe. On the shoal. On the purple throne. She wore buff with purple. Unroll the ribbon. ] rove far from home. Rover will be here with me. ] hear a robin or oriole. You will hear a rumor from Rome. You know both. Throw me a pillow. 24 1 hope you will hear of reform. Why will you mope in your room? Are you lonely? Will you bore a hole in the wall? Whoa r pony. 1 fear the river will overflow near the mill • Will you row on the river? Will you row in the harbor? My knife will be sharp enough* The Pope in Rome* 25 TWELFTH EXPRESS J ON. Tne tcngue is quickly brought down from the tipper gum in giving T & P. D does not show as light a movent nt as T. 12* 11. 8 tall tar tart tall tea teeth tooth team tier) tear) tie tile time tithe tower turtle twin twilight fifteen type fifty filter fourteen tight until tip toe toll tone tore top town toy title tomb taunt toil tulip twine twill twitter try tribe Tartar trip to too two tool wash tub tough tuft tiff turf turn term tube tune turnip twirl tree tilt tint trifle trouble eat wheat 26 forty trill what faulty trim whittle fit triumph wit fleet trial ' wat er tire trolley fought treat Troy twit trite tripe trot troop feet f 1 ight trump foot flit true fight float truth fit flirt flute fort write mutton part boat fright pout bolt frighten port boot front put but fritter point beautiful fruit pert bieet prototype treaty blight vote sheet blot virtus short bright winter shot brute hurt shoot British mart shout naughty meet) shut ninateen meat) party ninety white plot light mint pretty lift mote brought lint motto thought bought naught theatre lot might thirteen loft night thirty lute note thrift right trite triple root thrifty out throat 27 How tail are you? Will you be home to night? Will you meet me here? Short or tall? I want a tall broom, not a short one. I will be in the theatre. You naughty boy! 3 will not hurt you. Have you the ripe fruit? 1 bought a pretty ribbon for you. ] will vote for you. 1 hope your room will be warn enough in winter. 1 have bought a violin. The bright light might hurt your eye. You might be hurt by the fall. You are right. ] will not be home to-night. 28 Will you vote? Were ycu out in the water? Will you float near the shore? Why will you fight over a trifle? The boy will whittle out a boat. The British fought all night. Are you fleet of foot? Will you filter the water? No, but I will boil it. * We have the sheet of wate-r near by. 1 put the pretty bail on the floor. What a beautiful flower! A Hebrew tribe of forty. I hear the sheep bleat. 1 hope I will not frighten you. Rover might frighten you. A fine point. You might pout over it a little. Your bright wit. A trite proverb, 29 Will you be near Fort Erie? Won f t you write a note for me? William might not be popular with the people. I hope you will not prowl about in the night. How far are you from the water? A fine view of the fort from the water. A fine view of the water from the wharf You are right in your view of the trouble • The fight near the river will be short. We fought by tha fort. Will you be on the top of the hill? Try to be here tomorrow a little be- fore four. Will you be in town all winter? J tore off part of your sheet. Will you tune my violin for me? What a beautiful tulip! 1 have put the flute in the other rcom. 30 1 will not eat the tough meat. Will you eat the mush? ]n the moonlight or twilight? 7 will tie your ribbon for you. We live near the town on top of a hill The beautiful tulip tree in front of our home . We are not far from the town. The term will be a short one. The title ought to be short. We will rush to the top of the hill. Here will be a treat for all of you. One of my front teeth. ] will not have the muffler tight about my throat. I bought a lot near the shore. A short proverb will be a fine motto for you. One hour of my t ime • A ball of blue twine? 32 Put the oval mirror in the other room * The boy put the foil by the root of the tree. What a beautiful moonlight view! We meet to-night* A sharp point? The ripe fruit will fall from the tree. ] fear the boy will fall from the tree. Will you be in the ship all night? The river will be on our right in the trip from Albany. A report will be brought in to-morrow We might meet a few people. Are we to meet here to-night? Will the woman be here to-morrow? A trip to the moon. Will you be in our theatre party to- morrow night? We are lonely without our brother. My brother will be home in about a month. 32 In a month from now the tree will be in bloom. A little tOY/n high up on a hill» Though near the water we are without a fine view# ] will put off my trip for a while. The truth will be brought out to- night probably • Will you be in town all winter? wide bald wild ride flood proud wad wand weird bead would beard word bind wider band world build find widow board builder widower bond fold ford food field bleed pond pound plead plod Tweed bud bird bundle pride dole blind dart dome blood dawn don f t broad bride brood bridle dear deal deep dean dote door dot doll * 53 third deed down tide dye doubt told did dude toad doe doom dove dwarf done dull dwindle drift dump draught drill dearth draw drove dew drawl droll daughter drear drone dial dream drop depart dry- drown dipper dried droop dollar drive drum diamond drip need lead rod nod loud round rude needle We were out in deep water. Don't you wish to write for me? We will know all about it by the third of the month. Were you down by the river? Were you abroad all winter? Will it be low tide or high tide? How do you know? How do you do? 34 Will you open the door for me? 1 will shut the window for you. 1 doubt if you will be here in time to meet xne* How old are you? 3 do not know* Plow wide will the hall be? Did William wear a beard? We were down by the lily pond. Will you put the bird in the window? Will you build a barn in your field by the road? 3 will wander down over the field. The water will flood our field. 1 will find the ball for you. 3 will drive you down town to-night. WOl you drive out to-night? We were on a broad road. Were you up in the early dawn? 3 told Arthur you would write to him to-night* 35 ] will dream about it. No doubt you will hear the rumor. It will dwindle to a fine point. A dipperful of water. We will be in town by the third of the month. The water will drip on the floor. Did you drop a dollar bill in the hall by the front door? Did you drill a hole in the wall? A high drift • The poor blind bay will not know you. Did you know 1 would be here to-night ? Did you write the note for me? Did you ride over? Did you row on the river? Did you leave William in the room? Do you ride the wheel? I did not know you were here. 36 1 did not write but J will* Did you buy the field near my barn? I did not know the people were in deep trouble* We do not doubt you. 3 hope 3 did not frighten you. THIRTEENTH EXPRESSION . Short e and short a require a drop ping of the lower jaw. 7, 2* 1. 13. 10 * beware at phantom fathom tap tab flabby tabby flap fashion mad taffy flare pad tally flatten fad tariff flatter rabble tarry flash ware beware wear vat wrap van wrapper fat value fan vanity tan fair fairy family prayer mash pan prepare shadow marr y 37 shad pad bad sham pat shaft shall pear bear share plateau blab thrash mat than plan man that mat tear plaid nap rap trap nab raft trash narrow ram dare and ran lap rapt damp lad rash dash dapple lamb abhor apple ablution arrow dram lash abol ition abandon adapt abash rapidly adaptability adapt addle abbey add adder abhorrent addition aroma rapid admiralty admirable alloy adamant admiral ample Adam admire allure ampl if y where alluvial animal there ally happy hat aloe antelope appeal altitude antipathy apply attitude anterior appoint alum additional apt allude ash have amber appear ashy . amble ammonia atom ambush admission affair admonish admit affirm admonition afford airily 38 air -pump adorn adverb attire dandy daily baboon ballad ham hammer barrow v/he el -barrow battery affront allot beforehand happen dashboard tattoo baffle dandle baron barrel barefoot barely battle album affable hand daffodil famine babble bamboo beatitude banish bantam barrier barytone Did you rap on the door? 1 wore a brown wrap. What more will the man demand? Have you a blue wrapper? Do you believe in high tariff? . Did you wear a light wrap? 1 fear the lamp will flare up too high in that draft. Do you fear that a white phantom will appear in the night? What value will you put on that bam- boo furniture? 39 Were you a fat little boy? We were all in cur fine attire ^he family will be there all winter. Do ycu know the truth of that matter? 1 fear that we shall be thrown over the dashboard. 1 would feel abashed. Shall we appoint a time for to-morrow? Shall we abandon the matter gt merely drop it for a while? The man will appeal for another trial. That will be too abrupt. Did you drive into the narrow roaa on your right? Where did 1 put the hammers? You .ought to be there? Will you share that apple with me? J shall tear off a part of that sheet That would not be fair. 40 Where did you turn off the road? Where will you be to-night? That will be enough. Are you the man who thought of that plan? Have you a map of Europe? There will be no time. ] hope we shall land to-morrow. J wish that you would turn up the lamp a little higher, for 1 ne&d. ore 1 ight » Will you have an apple pie or an apple tart? Don't be rash! It might be too damp. What a lot of trash! Did the boy annoy you? The man and boy were not there. You should not flatter. Another trouble will loom up before him. A barrier between the platform and the people. 41 A little hamlet high up on a hill. You were a little barefoot boy at the t ime . A little matter should not baffle you I knew that before* Have you found your hat? The British won a hard fought battle. Will you have a banana? That man should be banished. It might not happen to be the right man. That would be unbearable. What a bad habit of mine! Will you have a little ham? Will you have a little hominy? When were you born? Shall we review? Were you there at the time? Will you be there in half an hour? 42 deaf den fellow deafen remember death whe t he r deathblow dent weather rebel dental felt debt dependent fled debtor. depth fret definition editor terror definite eleven terrier deftly elm whenever bed end went heavy enemy fresh helmet envy yellow dead feather help twelve welfare That will be better. Are you an adept in the art? What have you on top of your head? When shall we meet you, and where? Do you live near Fifth Avenue? Anywhere you wish. Have you any fresh fish? Do you remember me? The apartment will be ready for you to-morrow. Did you meet the boy on the ferry boat? Are you ready? 43 Did you hear the anthem? 3 remember you very well. Don't you feel well? How shall J let you know? 1 shall be very happy to have you here . When will you appear before the refe- ee? When you are ready, let me know. The man fell from the ladder. Have you found any error in the proof? J went to town to buy your ribbon. ] found one error. That measure might benefit the people. What a very benevolent man you are! ] want the right definition of the word . That would be a death blow to the man. J wish you would be more definite. ] would not be nettled by that. Do you know when the man will be home? 44 Would eleven be the right number? Do you know the depth of the we!2? Will you let me help you? Don't fret over that* The woman fled in terror. J shall be happy tc be there, if the weather should permit. 1 will be there whenever you wish. Have you a terrier? We ought to put up a tablet in memory of the event . When will you be there? 1 want a breath of fresh air. ] have no talent for that art . Let me find your hat for you. ] have no doubt you are an adept. I will not attempt any more now, 1 am too tired. You have no enemy. 45 What v/i 1 1 the end be? 1 hope the measure v/i 11 prove bene- ficial . 1 found a pretty yellow flower. J will put a deep hem on that. We have but one white hen* Have you the libretto of that opera? 1 shall borrow an umbrella. FOURTEENTH EXPRESS! Oil . The mouth is opened, but not in an expressive manner, and the front of the tongue is not prominent in the mouth, when K, £, & Kg are sounded, • 7*8.13, 14 - black. park puck frock week work fork meek public pack peak whack peck bark walk pike ink wick pick pink wink poke back folk pork L . 46 look flock plan wreck frantic pluck mark black mock prank thwack monk prick shark mink blank tack shank brick shock tank broke shook talk Mike shriek tick thick lukewarm took Turk duck tack track duke like tract neck 3 ook trick nick lack truck knock leak dark nook lock •lack lark lurk diks camp rock dock coin wreck car keep rook cart kept cash card kite caw calm kind c aught care kid call cab kilt cork cat cone cord can kill corn cap key coke comical keen ccmb conqueror quick quill cucumber quirk quilt quaff quarrel quit quart queer quote queen quell quarry quality quire quart ei quite choir coy 47 quietly quack curl quiver curt quoit curb quoth curve quorum cube quotient camel quibble Carter quinine clear clan clam clap clad clothe cloak clamber clutter cluck club clump crush crumb crew crude credit critic eripple carpet query candy inquire kitten claw coat cold coal cool cot cob eod cock oow calf clean cleave clack clank clash clerk clue clock clot clod cloud c 1 own walked flicker victor victory factory pocket pickerel cough kirk Clark coil coo cook coop cup cut cuff collar c ome cull quickly cloth quiet cleft cliff cl imb clip click clove clover clever crah crack cracker craft cram cramp cruel wickerwork Walker blanket market 48 milk crypt creep creed crime crimp crop crown darker ac ademy aconite act action active actor attract attractive acumen acute attic Atlantic artic ark oak turkey crash cream crept crib crow crock croup accrue acme accl ivity accompany company accord accordingly acquital Amer i c a American requital antic ant i que antiquity article auction crank crawl creak cry criCK croak crowd crook aback abduct require acqti.ire account accountable account book actual actually affect affection affliction African alacrity alarm clock alcohol 1 wish that we were in the park. Have you a flock of sheep on your farm? How do you like the book? Did you put. the book on the shelf in your room? How would you like to have a pink 49 flower in your bonnet? 1 think that a dark coat would look better than the light one. Did the man wear a black coat? No, but he wore a black beard? 1 like that hat better than the other one* Kow thick will the book be? How do you like the view from your back window? ] have a ball in my pocket. Have you packed your trunk? The pin rolled into a crack in t he- floor. 1 wish 1 had a pretty book-mark. What a crush! Put very little coffee in my cup. Do you walk home? 1 admire your pluck. The woman will oe frantic about that matter. 50 I do not like to be in a crowd* 7 have a crick in my back. Shall we walk back to Fourth Avenue? Are you cold? Will you have a crab? 1 shall come a week from to-morrow. Look at that kite high up in the air. A beautiful oook bound in red 9 1 can tell you better on Monday. In what part of the book did you read about that kind of tree? How could you think ] wuld do that? You are very kind, J thank you. 1 hope that you can carry out your wish. 3 shall put your top in the corner of your drawer . 1 turned quickly around the corner. How very queer J You are correct in theory. In what direction from here do you 1 ive? 52 ] live in Hew York* Did you ever live in Brooklyn? That tight shoe will cramp my foot.' What a noble action! Queen Victoria never lived there* The Duke of York lived there. Have you corrected that proof? Do you 1 ike corn bread? Direct the reply to me in care of my brother. When can you come? The crew of the ship are a fine lot of men. The woman filled the bottle with a white liquid. The woman caught up her shawl and left the room. J like yellow corn meal better than white in winter. I shall be home by three o'clock. 52 What an awkward man J . You are a very attractive woman. The boy will come back. Did you put the cork in the bottle? Did you put more coal on the fire? I hope you will not quarrel over that matter. Do not worry over the quarrel • ] heard a heavy crash. Have you a quarter of a dollar with you? Will you have milk or cream? I have a weak ankle • When should the doctor come? J shall hav8 to cram. The man went to the Artie Ocean. You act your part well . Were you in the old attic? Have you any doubt about the ant i qui ty of the book? 53 Are you an American? I fear your action would not be approved. You are an active little woman. Do you feel active in warm weather? We were under an oak tree. 1 would like to have a full account of that affair. ] left my account book at home. Will the referee require a week for the hearing? Did you have an acute attack? What a valuable article. William the Conqueror might approve the action. Did you ever have croup? The man showed an affection for the boy. Have you a black cloak in your ward- robe? Shall we walk? 54 Did you knock on my door? Will you walk to your club to-night? Did you try camphor for your cold? Will you have a quart of milk? No, ] will have fog fig foggy flog flag vogue wig wagon Pis plug gap gash gone get ^uide guile gig gift give gild gimp guilt glee gleam glean glen i cream, bag lag big leg brag rag mug rig magnet rug shrug ragged frog keg dog crag dug garb drag guard go girl gold girt goat gird gore girth got garden gown garment good guitar gun gaudy gum girdle gull glare gulf glad gush Greek glue grief gl immer grieve gl itter grim glory grit 55 glid8 glutton grip glib grand grin glow grab grow globe graft grown gl oom green agreeable glum greet grotto glove grammar grumble growl gruel together ground again gather growth granite agony- grew grub gruff groove Hggrieve agree group begin cargo grunt . bigot egg angul ar grope autobiography grant grove biography Gome into the garden. Have you been in the garden? 1 will get you a book. Did you buy a pretty gift? 1 shall be glad to go tfith you* 1 wore a blue gown. The man went home an hour ago. The woman can talk very glibly. We were in a thick fog all night How big will the bundle be? 56 The man wore a brown wig. Will you go in the wagon? Where did 2 put my other glove? J would like to know the Grand Old Man. How gloomy you are to-night! Come into the warm glow of the fire. J did not know the people were in deep grief. Shall we go together? 1 am tired of the glitter and glare. Will you grieve over that? We glory in the victory of our country. We grown up people ought to know better. Are you a member of the golf club ? Why do you grope about in the dark? 1 shall have to grin and bear it. I do not like to go out alone after dark. When shall we go to the grove? 57 How tall you have grown! That dog will growl if we go in the barn.. Do not get into that groove of thought. William and Fred were in the group. Will you have a little oatmeal gruel? Do not forget to corne. Did you throw the ball on the ground? Shall we agree to differ? You might be angry with me. The poet Whittle* did not write an autobiography . 1 have begun to doubt the man. 1 thought you were very dignified. The woman wore a calico gcwn. The captain left the cargo on the wharf • 1 shall have to forego the pleasure. Will your brother forgive the man? Will you have sugar in your tea? Thank you, 1 will have both sugar 58 and cream. We will glide down the river in the moonlight • Shall we go home now* CJood night. Good bye! ring rang rung ringing looking beaming believing clothing cl ing wishing will ing talking pointing brushing buttoning boarding thank think drink drank Frank preparing pinning putting flowering finding ding dong going knocking backing being bring walking marketing wiping flying wedding boating matching burning pricking blink brink shrink anchor link planting pocketing varnishing floating fishing weeping 1 aughing keeping rocking barking begging buying drink according moving folding forgiving bowing morning evening proving rink angle anger angry new-fangled pushing pounding warming touching wondering 59 working shipping leaping thinking calling melting afflicting belonging borrowing brimming willing sharpening heaping shocking blowing milking affecting blending bragging climbing want i ng ripping cooking blacking winding requiring beginning booming breathing cramming Did you ring the bell? Are you willing to go with me? The man wrote to me begging for money Did you find me the book belonging to my father? We were in a high wind blowing hard from the north. The ship will anchor near the shore. Can you hear the booming of tne cannon? How shocking! ¥ou found me, borrowing an umbrella, I have been working hard. The man went up the hill breathing very hard We were all brimming over with fun. 60 7 do not like quarreling. I am not ouying anything to-night • 1 have been calling to you for a long- time. We were tired out after climbing the mountain. Did you bring warm enough clothing with you? ] have been walking a long time and I am very tired. The people were flocxing from every direction. ] think of going to-morrow. We were talking over that matter when you arrived. What do you think of camping out for a month? What are you doing? Are you trying to kill time? Bid 1 hear you coughing? The men were digging for gold. 61 How do you like farming? Do you know the correct meaning of the word? Good morning! J have been brushing the mud off my coat I am fond of boating. Do you know "The Shining Shore"? You might be angry with me. What new-fangled notion now? FIFTEENTH EXPRESSION. Long a requires two movements. Its appearance differs from long i only in the mouth being not opened quite so widely. An expression similar to the Fourteenth is followed by a slight elongation of the mouth. 15.7 * ape bake mail rain take bail dame lake tail lane 62 shake ape brave cake eight bray make table fail rake cable break ale fable pate rail name upbraid pal e t aaae brain ate came wade wake frame wafer wail faith bathe wait vain blame wakeful pave blade wave pain may wane paint Maine way- painful plain table cloth native play tailor mutilate pray aim acquaint await fame flake away game 1 ame alloy abate flame awaice avoid amiable baby able amiability bake taper application cane ache approbation f av or acre arbitration depreciate acorn arcade cul t. ivate hay education invasion concave canary hale elevate railroad multipl icati evade nation operate gate native retain grate pavement population gravitation Q.uaker You are an amiable woman. 63 Do you think the people will favor that measure? Did you ever go to a clam bake? Where did I put my cane? You are a very capable woman . I hope you wiU not complain of me. 1 gave the man your name. Shall we wait for you? Gome out on the lake awhile. I will take you down town in the morning. Did you wake up early? ] hope the boy will grow up to be a brave man. Will you go out in the pouring rain? An attack of gout may prevent my uncle from coming. You talk very plainly but no doubt you mean well , You will find the book on the table in my room. 64 Are you a native of New York? 1 am going to Portland, Maine, for a month, 7 do not blame you. Can you give me a remedy to relieve my pain? Do ycu remember the multiplication table? ] am going to buy another acre of land. Are you acquainted with the man? The English people are a powerful nation. Come out and have a game of golf That will pave the way for you. He acted Y/ith deliberation. Your land may depreciate in value. Both men are well educated. Will you go up town by the elevated road? The man might evade the law. We may not be familiar with that poem When 1 came J found your gate wide open. 65 Have you a canary bird? We will have a bright fire in the open grate % You are hale and hearty for an old man. Did the men put all the hay in the barn? We want a very careful operator for the work. Did you mail the letter that ] gave you? I hope it will not rain to-day. A little rain would be very benefi- cial . I dropped my bundle on the hard pave- ment . The traitor should be punished immediately. Will you take a Broadway car? J will have a quire of that paper. 66 SIXTEENTH EXPRESSION The mouth assumes a somewhat smil* ing appearance when the sounds repre- sented, by S & Z are made* 13*16.7 =* asp asp sack because ask sad bosom best sale breast dress sailor busy- Spain salt sand is seem same salute sample sank sap scarf insane satisfy scarf-pin scene sauce scholar France see school slippers saw Spanish scale face scalp whisp scamp first whist fuse forest whistle wasp foster whisper whisk wolves furious wise waste false wisdom fluster flax feast fast wax fist freeze box pace frizzle vest peace vase fox purse Venice vessel -L 67 person visit worse place famous paste please praise prance pleasant press prison bracelet promise breakfast bur s t . miss mouse bless blouse mice blister brace ice breeze brisk rice modest medecine mosquito say safe sail save same Swedish sake sat sag Sam sash sand seen seed seize seal seat seek set sex sell said self- sells send sigh side sent sign sight size sit sip six sin sick sieve sing sift silk sill since sink sixth Fl anders so soap soak soul sold sore sob soft song sound sour soil quince suit soon soup soot sun sum sup sir surf serve sue sable saddle sardine salad satin sashes Sarah separate saucer sermon season cease L L £ 68 secret second silence sixfold sixty sixtieth subsist circus sphere spherical spheroid sphinx spake spat speed Sweden spent spy spite spike spill spoke spot spoon swimming spur sponsor smart smash smack small smell smile smite smote smoke smooth see-saw seven simple sixteen sister silly submit Samuel spar spark spade space span speak spear sped spell spine spice spire spin sport spoil spool spun sparrow star start stay stale state staid starve stamp staff stare stairs city cedar cider eircle sword scissors subscribe swan swamp swap sway Switzerland sward swarm sweet swept sweat swell swim wwing swift Swiss swallow swinging Florence spindle Srcain starve stake Paris stain glass stand stack stag stall stalk Li-X 69 Smith stork s t crm smaller stow stop smallest storm stock smil ing steam stout smilax steel s t ool smitten steep stoop smuggle steed stud snarl steer stun snail stern stuff snake step stump snag sty stir snap style stew snare stick stiff Spaniard stable statue snort still steady sneak sting stockings sneeze gloss stubble sneer stole S tUCtti snipe stone study SBtip store stove sniff slay slight snow slave s 1 ime snore slate slim snooze slaxe slick snub sleigh slid snuff slat sling snug slap slip slab slit Cincinnati slack s 1 ang scar slant slash skate slam sleep skates sleet sle«ve scan sleek sled scare sly slice scarce slide slight scat slime slim scab u 70 slick slid scant sling slip scald slit slink scoff slow slush scorn slew- sluice scheme slander slender skein splash spray- Boston spleen sprain sky spl ice sprawl skim splint spread skin spl it spry skiff splendid sprite skip sprig spring scold sprout spruee scope sprinkle stray score straight Alaska Scot strain strap Scotlan strand stream scow street streak scour Glasgow stress scowl stripe strife scoop strive stride scup strike strip scull string strict scud straw strong scum strove stroke skulK stroll struek skirt strut strew scarlet strawberry- stricken scamper struggle scaffold sceptic squash scrape thistle squad scrap thirsty square scrag thrust s quaw Nebraska z bus squall scrawl these squeeze scream those - - ££ squeak squeal squire squint squirm squalid squander squabble squadron squirrel grocery- desire discover rasp rest roast reason rusk rust rose gl impse czar zeal zest zine quiz Astoria screen scribe scrip script scroll screw scrub scramble scribble douse news lace case cast coax quails close crimson goose glorious zone zebra zenith zero 71 thence taste task tax tease test text tickets t¥/ist disk dust -pan Mississippi drowsy loss letters kiss coast claws cluster grass gust zephyr zigzag zodiac zouave Yes, if you please. Were you there at the same time? The boys were playing in the sand. Will you have some lobster salad? V/ill you take apple sauce? 1 see vnii «*»a infilinfirf tn ha r.^H. ir»ol _ 72 7 have sold that house, 1 want there yesterday. We have had several applications for the position. I do not see any sign of a storm, do you? 1 have bought a white silk scarf. 1 hear the sound of hoofs. What is the secret of your success? How is your sister? You have some fine cedar trees. Give me seme simple story. Is Cooper st own at the northern end of the lake? Shall we drive around the swamp? Can you swim? This is a sweet apple. The bird flew swiftly over the water. 1 admire the woman's spirit. 73 Where will you spend the summer? That paper is too small. I would like a square envelope* Have you paper of a smooth surface? How beautiful those flowers are! 1 put two stamps on that letter. Did you come up stairs too fast? Will this train stop at Albany? Oh! look at the beautiful green grass. Does it snow to-day? Have you seen the statue of Nathan Hale in City Hall Park? Will you go cut sleighing this after- noon? Remember it is slow but sure. Will you have some roast beefV Have you been out skating this morn- ing? That is a fine scheme. What a beautiful blue sky! 74 This is like a spring &%y • Have you noticed that beautiful crim- son rose? I caught a glimpse of you going around the corner. Be careful or you will spoil your dress . Have you seen the magazines of this month? We have read several of his articles in the magazines. That is a new institution. Seeing is believing. Did you understand what 1 said? We have not seen the people since our last visit to them. The service has commenced. Our friends left for Paris yesterday. Have you seen the professor of chem- istry at the University? 7 will send the parcel by express. 75 The exercises will commence at half past seven o'clock. 7 should think it might prove to be an interesting exhibition • We prefer a fast sailing yacht. At last we are home safe and sound. The little girl has a sweet dispo- sition. Has the bank closed? 76 APPENDIX • Ch, soft £ oc ^ nave the same ap- pearance as sh (Expression sixth). The only difference is that Sh is form' ed more slowly than the other sounds • 6»15»9 = chain chancel charm char charter chain chafe chance chant chaff chat cheek cheap chief cheese chest chess chide chime chill chin chip chose choice choose chum chirp Children cherish church chew chapel chapter cherry cherries chickens chimney match notch march latch much satchel touch wretch torch watch teach witch patch which chart chr chair chap chalk cheer chefck child chicken chink chop chops churn larch cheerful chieftain chestnuts chewing catch beach fetch larch arch French bleach 77 peach pinch pitch pitcher perch preach wrench quench such scratch sketch starch twitch trench Dutch drench ranch rich coach ci inch scorch screech snatch speech. blanch branch broach launch leach lurch couch crutch Scotch stretch stitch finch Let me carry your satchel for you. Will you take your sketcn book with you? Are you a Scotchman? Did you go to church last Sunday? Are you chilly? What a remarkable chain of cireuxn- s t anc a s I Will you have some cherries? Come to the window and see this torch light procession. Are you fond of peaches? Which book will you take? Will you paint a branch of peach blossoms? 78 Watch the child and do not let him touch the machine. Would you like to play a game of chess? Let us choose new quarters* Can you draw a chalk picture? Did the man catch his train? We were completely drenched. Take this chair. Do you hear the bird chirp? The goods were sold cheap. You did not latch the door. Let me take a stitch for you. Try to be cheerful. The man is lame and goes on crutches. Have you a match? The vessel gave a sudden lurch. The orator made an eloquent speech. A fine chime of bells have been added to the church. 6. 3,9*12 n jaunt 79 jar jay jag jam Jack jaw jaunt George ge^, jet gl^e jig Joe joke job jog jot joy join joist jug judge jump iust jut germ juice Japan gentle jelly gentleman ginger ?. ourney jewel general ba adage twinge bridge dodge trudge nudge drudge tinge ledge rage cringe lodge gauge wage pledge gorge wages page grudge wedge pigeon ridge frigid vigilant voyage fragile vigil sage large John siege collegiate Virginia surge charge engine sponge change engineer stage cabbage badger strange cudgel danger age Jane subject courage James object baggage Joseph college language carriage justice geography June package ax 80 A large number of guests were present . The soldiers marched under the Wash- ington arch. So subject has received more atten- tion than this one. 1 want a jar of strawberry jam. Have you ever visited Smith College? Did James pass the June examination for College? The occupants of the stage were in danger. It is an old adage. You were very courageous. Shall we change our quarters? We met some friends on the voyage from San Francisco to Japan. We sail in July. John and Virginia have started on their journey. That is the engineer. 81 We crossed a ridge of the mountains* Shall T get your baggage checked for you? There are jewels in that package. Joseph has received an appointment in the College. His friends are jubilant. Will you take some jelly7 Your judgment was good. Justice shall be done » The boy uses excellent language- We crossed a bridge over a stream. Would you like to study the Japanese language? Will you take a ride in my carriage? My horses are very gentle. Will you join our party? Did you see the large engine? 5 3 ? k ? > ^> > >^ •„, > > y> > >^ o> > * X> > » ~m > y > ;> >)> ^ > >■> >^? ^> >X> '» > * :> ^ see* ;^4s =>S TTX*> ) J) > } >) > 50 >^ » > >£E> > >> > >3» > «>>>£»? 5205> 9 1>J> < > > > 6>.^ -? o ^ > - > > > > » » )•)>-) » ^ » > > m> > yy > > > ^ ^> ^ o > ) 1 > > 5 > > ) > > > > j> j> i > :> > ^» J> ^> > > ^> J> > ^ ^ £T> l>: 5>T> 3» »)> > ^> ^> >.' >^8> j> > v r3> 2> >3J ^X> X> >> )» J>> > >3> i> > ° >^ 5^> V ;^ ^n >)> -^ < o >:> > J> 0> > > > > > ">'» ' > ~ J) ^y^) J> » ) ) X»» > > > 5^s> y ) > 2B :> :> ■> x>) > > > > x> > ^ ) >X> x> j> ;> w > > ; "> » > > ;> :> J>J» >^ > >j> .->> j> :> >j> > > > ~> » > ;> >>> > > > >»> j> >>> ^>»^> >> ~»> # ;> ) j> > > ;> ) > >> :> > > 3 > >:> :>;> ^>:> » :Oo> > T> X> > ■>. > >> -> f> x>>3>:> 5> >T~ > ) ^X> >"^TJK1»J ^>"3 X^ W ">^>X3l > n> > S*9w >:> ^ ^ " ^ D> 3> )^»>>> >^> ^; » ) x> J> J» J >j»3>^) :>> ^ + ) J>> > ^g> >3X>B» r>J> IJ ^ ) x> > :» v>J»3>^ >~> ^P ► > x> ► » ?&>m> ^>^ j:^ ) >> > T^ 3 X» >^i> > > » >3^3^>>^^> SEC 0>> , > > >^> w v< m iOSSlSL 0F CONGRESS 027 Kb HO »ras ■ ■ IT HBI H ■■I I^H A