4/30 LIBRARY OF iiiiiiiiiiii CONGRESS Kill II ii 027 249 333 9% Hollinger Corp. PN 4130 .F59 Copy 1 \ BRIEF TREATISE PRINCIPLES AND ADVANTAGES ELOCUTION By JOHN FORRESTER FOOT. BRIEF TREATISE PRINCIPLES AND ADVANTAGES ELOCUTION. "If nature unassisted couid form the eminent speaker, where were the use of art or culture, which yet no one pretends to question? Art is but nature improved and refined ; and before improvement is applied, genius is but a mass of ore in the mine, without lustre, and without value, because unknown and unthought o/." James Burgh, Author of the Dignity of Human Nature, Sec. <$-c AX By JOHN FORRESTER FOOT. NEW-YORK: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND PUBLISHED BY PEABODY & Co. 219 BROADWAY, AND GEORGE LONG, 161 BROADWAY PRICE 37i CENTS. b e