LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0014 1125783 F 122 .D647 Copy 1 No. 136- I ASSEMBLY, APEIL 6, Mi From fhe Siicretar^ of State, in ansirer to resolutions re qumug .aformation in relation to the CZZlti STATE OF NEW-YOEK : Secretary's Office, ) Mbany, April 6t/i, 1854. \ To fhe Honorable the Assembly of the State of Mew-York: The undersigned in answer to two several resolutions of your honorable body the one bearing date on the 6th day of February «' ^t^^ ^^ '''' '''-' '-' '' ^-^^ ^-^-^' ^^^- ^-e REPORT : Jei]Tu!fT, 1 "' ^-""'-'-^ History have ever bee. or- dered by ihe Sei^ate, except those ordered by tlie resolution of January ,3th, 1849, ordering twenty times the usual nu^be^ That from a careful examination of all the resolutions by which hey have been ordered, commeneiug with that of January 4th, pea. that t.ere have been ordered in all, thirty-two thousand sU tundred ami eleven copies of the first volume ; twenty-four thou- sand seven hundred and twenty-one copies of the second volume ; lAssembly, No. 136.1 i , ' ' 111.] 2 [Assembly thirty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-one copies of the third voluoie, and eight thousand one hundred and fifty-one copies of the fourth vohime — making in all ninety-seven thousand and fourteen volumes. By the terms of the resolutions ordering such printing, said vol- umes were respectively awarded as follows : Of the first volume there were awarded to the Regents of the University, 1 ,300 volumes . To the Secretary of State, ,.>^... /, 1,000 « Legislature, 26,200 " Officers and reporters of Legislature, . . 3,680 " Governor and State officers, under the joint rules, 431 " 32,611 " Of the second volume there were awarded. To the Eegents of the University, 100 " Secretary of State, 500 " Legislature, 20,200 " Officers and reporters thereof, 3,490 " Governor and State officers, 431 " 24,721 « Of the third volume there were awarded. To the Regents of the University, 200 " Secretary>)f State, 500 "■ Legislature, 26,200 '' Officers and reporters thereof, 4,200 " Governor and State officers, under the joint rules, 431 " 31,531 " Of the fourth volume there were awarded, To the Regents of the University, 000 '^ Secretary of State, 000 " Legislature, , 6,400 " No. 136.] Officers and reporters thereof, 1 ,580 " Governor and State officers, 171 " 8,151 " In all, .... 97,014 " It will be observed that the resolution passed in the Assembly on the 7th day of April, 1853, ordering twenty copies to the mem- bers and officers of the Assembly of (hat year, became inopera- tive under the joint rules of that year, and the volumes ordered by that resolution were therefore not.printed. There were one thousajid copies of tlie first volume, and live tiundred copies of the second and third volumes each, awarded to the Secretary of State by his name of office, but none of the fourth volume. There were, in like manner, awarded to the Eegents of the University, one thousand copies of the first volume j all the other •volumes awarded to the Governor, or any of the State officers, or *he Regents of the University, were by virtue of the joint rules. And the undersigned further reports, that in order to ascertain 'Correctly the number of copies cf each volume which has been published, he addressed a note to the publisher of the same, Charles Van Bentliuysen, Esq., and a copy of his answer to the «ame is hereto annexed, marked (A.) From this reply it seems that there have been published of the several volumes, including in each case three thousand volumes of tlie quart* edition, as follows, viz : Of the first volume, 29,422 copies. second " 30,000 '■ third " 27,678 '• fourth " 13,137 « In all, , 100,237 " •without including those ordered in the year 1853. The same liave all been distributed as the undersigned is informed and be- 4 [Assembly lieves, except the few remaining in this office. There were re- maining here at the commencement of the present year, 62 copies of the first volume, 1,022 " second " 781 " third " 936 . " fourth " 2,801, in all of both editions. All of which still remain here with the exception of one hun- dred and thirty-five copies of the third and fourth volumes of the quarto edition allotted to the Regents of the University by my predecessor, but not delivered till the present year, and three copies which have been presented by the undersigned' to public institutions of learning. That the records of this office furnish no evidence of the per- sons and institutions to whom the same have been delivered ; that most of them have, without doubt, been delivered to the persons to whom they were awarded by the several resolutions under and by virtue of wliich they were ordered, as but one individual only, to the knowledge of the undersigned, has ever claimed that any copies were still due to him under any one of said resolu- tions. That from two to three thousand sets of said work, by some means, but the great body of them without any authority of law, so far as appears to the undersigned, found their w^ay into- the office of the Secretary of State ; that they were never ordered for him or the State officers, or the Regents of the University,, farther than is above stated ; that their being here is, to the un- dersigned, a mystery which he has been entirely unable to solve f, that a*i account of their distribution will be iound in a commu- nication kindly furnished by my predecessor, and which is hereto^ annexed, marked (B.) It will also appear, by a communication from the secretary of the Board of Regents, that they have received from the publisher of the said history, five hundred copies of each volume of said history, although but one hundred copies of the second volume, two hundred of the third, and none of the fourth were awarded to them. No. 136.] 5 Such communication, marked (C), is hereto annexed : That the undersigned has been unable to ascertain with accu- racy the cost of said work ; that the accounts for the same have now run through five years, and are so mixed up with charges for other printing, that it is a labor requiring much time, to separate the charges for this work only, and the undersigned has been unable to obtain, at the office of the Comptroller, an accurate statement of such cost ; that the undersigned can therefore but approximate to the real cost, but the estimate may perhaps be near enough for practical purposes. In the first volume of the Senate documents of 1852, document No. 5, will be found a report made by the late Comptroller, upon the cost of the volumes of the Documentary History ordered by the Assembly of 1851. Assuming the accuracy of that report, and it shows the cost of each volume of the work to be as follows : Each copy of the 1st volume, §1 C5 do 2d do 171 do 3d do 2 06 do 4th do 2 24 Omitting fractions. There have been published, of the first volume, exclusive of those ordered in the year 1853, and 3,000 of the quarto edition, 26,422. These, at $1 .65 per volume, amount to $43 , 596 30 Add, for 3,000 copies of the quarto edition, 9 ,000 00 Total cost of the first volume, $52 , 596 30 There have bsen published, of the second volume, excluding as above, 27,000 copies. These, at $1.71 per copy, amount to $46,170 00 Add, for $3,000 copies quarto, 9,000 00 Total expenses of second volume, $55 ,170 00 6 [Assembly There have been published, of the third volume, excluding as above, 24,678. These, at $2.06 per copy, amount to $50 ,836 68 Add, for 3,000 quartos, 9,000 00' Total expense of third volume, |59 ,836 68 There have been published, of the fourth volume, excluding as above, 10,137 copies. These, at $2.24 per copy, cost $22 ,706 88 Add, for 3,000 quartos, 9,000 00 Total cost of fourth volume, $31 ,706 88 The copies of the quarto edition are estimated at $3 per volume^ which probably falls short of the real expense ; but the under- signed has no means of arriving at a greater degree of accuracy. Provided these estimates were reliable, and they maybe regard- ed as an approximation near to the truth, they would show the' total expense of the Documentary History, exclusive of boxes and expense of transportation, to be as follows, viz.: Expenses of 1st volume, 29,422 copies, $52,596 30 « 2d " 30,000 « 55,170 00 " 3d " 27,678 " 59,836 68 '; 4th « 13,137 « 31,706 88 Total copies and expense, 100,237 $199,309 86 The work has been printed by Chas. Van Benthuysen, Esq., to whom the money for the sane has been paid. The number of each edition in. this office on the first of Janu- ary, was as follows: Octavo edition, 1st volume, 7 copies. '« 2d " 865 " " 3d " 260 '' « 4th « 497 " No. 136.] 7 Quarto edition, 1st volume, 55 copies. " 2d " 157 « « 3d " 521 " " 4th « 439 « All of which still remain in this office, except as is above stated. It appears from tlie foregoing facts that while 32,611 copies of the first volume have been ordered, only 29,422 copies have been printed; and that while only 24,721 copies of the second volume have been ordered, 30,000 copies have been printed; that 31,531 copies of the third volume have been ordered, and only 24,678 have been printed ; and that 8,1 51 only of the fourth volume have been ordered, and 13,137 have been printed. It further appears that while no copies of the fourth volume have been awarded to the Regents of the University, and only 100 copies of the second and 200 copies of the third volume, yet they have by some means received 500 copies of each of the four volumes. It also appears that there were awarded to the Secretary of State 1,000 copies of the first volume, 500 copies each of the se- cond and third volumes, and none of the fourth, yet he has re- ceived in all at least from three to four thousand copies of each volume. All of which is respectfully submitted, E. W. LEAVENWORTH, Sec'y of State, Albany^ April 6tk, 1854, (A. ) Albany, Feb. 1, 1854, E. W. Leavenworth, Esq., Secretary of Si ate: Dear Sir — Your favor of the 25th of JannarVjin relation to the number of copies of each voliirae of the Documentary History which has been published, &c., came duly to hand during my absence in New- York. The following is in answer to your inquiry, viz : Volume 1 , octavo edition; 20,423 copies. « 2, " 27,000 " « 3, " 24,678 « « 4, " 10,137 " Volumes 1,2,3, and 4, quarto edition, 3,000 copies each. The above comprises the entire editions delivered to the Legis- latures of 1849, 1850, 1851, and 1852. Respectfully yours, &c., C. VAN BENTHUYSEN, (B.) Cortland Village, March 4tli, 1854. Hon. Elias S. Leavenworth, Secretary of State: My Dear Sir — In pursuance of my ofler to give you the infor- mation in luy possession to enable you to comply with the resolu- tion of the House of Feb. 6th, calling on the Secretary of State for a statement of the number of volumes of the Documentary His- tory of New-York, printed by order of the House, from 1849 to 1853 inclusive, to whom delivered, &c., I submit the following No. 136.] 9 particulars of such information for the years 1852 and 1853, du- ring whicli I had the honor to be Secretary of State. I have not, in my possession, any account of the number of such volumes delivered by order of the House to its present and pre- vious members, or at the Secjetctry's office, during those years. This can of course be obtained by a comparison of such orders, with the vouchers of the printer to the Legislature. There were no full sets of either the octavo or quarto edition of the Docu- mentary History in the Secretary's office when I entered it, and, according to my recollection, no large number of the scattering volumes. Such as there were of these last, and such volumes as the printer subsequently delivered, were, tor a considerable pe- riod, furnished to proper persons applying for them, principally to those who had obtained a part of the volumes from my prede- cessor in office, without any list being kept of their names. I did not keep such a list, because it had not been customary in the office, because I was not required so to ut>, and because I then neither saw nor anticipated circumstances which rendered it ne- cessary or specially desirable. When I ascertained that the remaining volumes of the quarto edition were likely to be completed before the close of 1853, and that a large number of complete copies (say 2,500) would in that event be delivered at the Secretary's office, I felt it incumbent on me, in carrying out the presumed intentions of the Legisla- ture, to arrange some more systematic plan for their distribution. I use the words " presumed intentions," because I am not aware that the Legislature formally directed such distribution by the Secretary. But it steadily indicated its object in publishing the work, by annually making large popular distributions through its members and through all the officers of the House, and when it placeil otlier copies in the possesbion of that officer of the gov- ernment who had gratuitously supervised the completion and publication, the then Secretary of State, who was personally cog- nizant of and had advised in all the legishitive action in the pre- mises, construed it to be the intention of the Legislature that he should distribute such copies. He acted on this construction for as many as two years, and until the close of his term of office, 10 [Assembly with the full knowledge of succeeding Legislatures and of the public. He did so not only without objection from any quarter, but additional quantities of the work were from time to time de- livered to him, if I mistake not, in pursuance of repeated resolu- tions of the House, or, at all events, when a resolution of that body would at any time have changed the destination of the books, or corrected any mistake into which the Secretary had fallen in regard to the proper distribution of them. Regarding the above facts as entirely conclusive of the inten- tions of the Legislature in the premises, I proceeded, at the pe- riod already stated, to fix upon such a plan of distribution as I believed would best attain the philanthropic objects of that body in publishing the work, and best subserve the public interests. To this end, I determined, first, to place a copy of it in every public library in the State, excepting those of common schools and higher literary institutions. The former were very reluct- antly passed over, because all ths sets of the work at my dispo- sal fell short of one-fourth of their number, and no method of discriminating between them was perceived which would be either satisfactory to the inhabitants of the excluded districts, or just in itself. The higher institutions did not require them, being supplied by the Regents of the University. Anticipating that a much larger number of public libraries, other than the preceding, would be found in the State, than actually were found, I further determined, should it become necessary, to make a discrimina- tion in favor of those established for the benefit of that portion of our population to whom, as a general thing, historical collec- tions are less accessible. To carry out the above views, as soon as the number of full sets received in my oflace rendered it ex- pedient to. commence the distribution, I dispatched the following circular into all such parts of the State, as from density of popu- lation or other causes, I thought were likely to contain public libraries : Secretary's Office, ^ Albany, Oct. 17M, 1853. J Dear Sir — Will you be good enough to inform me what perma- nent and respectable literary or scientific association, or any others whose object is mental culture, (and especially associa- No. 136.] 11 tions of mechanics and other laboring men,) there are in your town, which have well regulated libraries for the use of their members or the public ? I inquire, because I have some sets of the Documentary Histo- ry of New-York (4 vols.) to distribute ; and I think it better to give them to such institutions, where permanent in their charac- ter, than to individuals. I shall, in all cases, give preference to associations of laboring men, though I may have enough to distri- bute among those of a different class. Give name of president, librarian, or some other officer, to whom the books will be directed in case I can send them. I am sir, very respectfully, HENRY S. RANDALL. In answer to the above, not to exceed two hundred and twenty libraries of any kind were reported, and not more than one hun- dred and fifty of these were of the class contemplated in the cir- cular. A few union and district school libraries stated to be used by a numerous population of all ages, and to take the place of " public libraries," and some college and academy libraries which had failed to receive the work from the Regents of the University, or subsequently lost it, were brought to my notice, and all such were included in the distribution. A number of libraries of religious, charitable and other associations were also reported, which in some instances probably prescribe peculiar conditions of admission which, in point of fact, may be said to necessarily exclwde large portions of the community from their benefits, aud which therefore cannot be considered public, even in that loose sense in which this designation is applied to town or literary association libraries, the first of which are confined to the use of single towns, and the last, frequently to a prescrib- ed number of members. But if denominational, professional and other peculiar tests of admission, were considered fatal to the claims of a library, it would exclude those of some of the most philanthropic, useful and best conducted institutions of the State. Having a surplus of the books, and believing that the library of any association w^ould give a wider publicity to their contents 12 [Assembly than the library of a single individual, I decided to send them to all the associations reported in answer to my circular, believed to be composed of respectable and intelligent men, and intended for the melioration of man in any particular, without constituting myself a judge of the means employed for that purpose. " The whole number of copies of the Documentary History sent to public or association libraries, of any description, was about two hundred, and the names of one hundred and thirty-two of these will be found in the annexed list. I next wrote or personally requested, individuals in various parts of the State, to furnish me lists for their county or a wider locality, of "a few of the clergy, editors, literary men, artists, teachers, physicians, lawyers, mechanics, merchants, farmers and men in all other avocations, without respect to party, creed, or school, who would be likely to put the Documentary History of the State, to the best use for themselves and the public." These enquiries drew very full replies from some quarters, and very mea- gre ones from others ; in many instances no names being sent in but those of a few prominent public men, confined to one or two professions, and mainly to one. I then hit upon the plan ol writing persons, and requesting them to furnish the names of the most suitable men in their own professions or avocations, over as wide a portion of country as their acquaintance extended. These letters, like the preceding, were answered very fully in some cases, and neglected in others. In the mean time, my term ot office was drawing to a close, and I was obliged to pmceed with the distribution, or leave it, after expending so much labor and exciting so many expectations, half finished ; completed in some counties and scarcely commenced in others. Under such circum- stances I felt it my duty to proceed upon the best information in my possession, and I accordingly did so. About one hundred copies were delivered to other State officers, members of the Legislature and other prominent citizens, for distribution in their respective localities, no account of which appears in the annexed list. In several instances I recollect the extra number thus delivered ; but to guard against the additional chance of mistakes, I have preferred in all cases to adhere to ray original written lists and memoranda. This rule also prevents my No. 136.] 13 now entering on the subjoining list the names of many members of the Legislature, who received the work, but whose names were not taken down among the others, incidentally recorded, because I expected to furnish every member with a copy, and a check mark, opposite their names in the Manual, was deemed sufficient. Neither of these marked copies of the Manual is now in my pos- session. Outside of the above exceptions, the list is still deficient in the names of some who received the work. 1 should remark, that my only object in keeping a list at[all, was for my guidance in carrying out my plan of distribution, and for my own future re- ference, should curiosity prompt it. I did not in the least con- template any occasion which would render its preservation desir- able for the information of others. While I therefore used such care for this purpose, as the above motives suggested, I did not regard it as an official paper or statement, which it was any part of my official duty to preserve. Many of my lists, made up from an inspection of my daily correspondence, were written from necessity on slips of paper, when I was confined to a sick bed, and were thus sent to the office. A portion of these were scat- tered and lost before I recovered sufficiently and found time among delayed and urgent duties, to attend to their preservation. The names below include all preserved on my written lists, and they designate the recipients of two thousand, one hundred and nine copies of the work. Owing to causes already stated, my original plan of distribution has not, doubtless, in all cases been perfectly carried out. Eut how far and how fairly it has been done, the annexed paper will show, which I must cheerfully enclose to you, to enable you to answer, so far as my term of office was concerned, the enquiries of the Legislature. I have omitted to mention, that, believing it Avould conduce to the interest and reputation of our State, I distributed about one hundred and seventy-five copies of the Documentary History among citizens of other States. The names of the individuals receiving them, will be found below. I have the honor to be, my dear sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, HENRY S. RANDALL. 14 j Assembly List of associations, libraries a7^d individuals to whom Documentary History of JYew-York was sent by Henry S. Randall, Secretary of State, during the years 1852 and 1853 : West Troy Young Men's Association, Troy. Mechanics' Library Association, Elraira. Union School Library, Morrisville. Oswego Library, (being founded,) Oswego. Richland Library Association, Pulaski. Naval Lyceum, Brooklyn. Brooklyn City Library, Brooklyn. Youth's Free Library, « Brooklyn Atheneum, " Brooklyn Law Library, <« Library of Lyceum, Chatham Four Corners. Franklin Libraiy Association, Hudson. Public Library of Greene, Greene. Library of Mechanics' Society School of Crosby street, New- York. Mechanics' Library, corner Bowery and Division streets, New- York. Apprentices Library, New- York. Hamilton Literary Association, Brooklyn. Durhamville Public Library, (being founded,) Durhamville. Middletown Lyceum, Middletown. Mechanics' Library Association, Canandaigua. Franklin Institute, Syracuse. Truxton Library Association, Truxton. Pooghkcepsie Lyceum, Poughkeepsie. Public Library of Poughkeepsie, Poughkeepsie. Young Men's Association, « Philomathean Society of Hamilton Academy, Hamilton. Buffalo Female Seminary, Buffalo. Young Men's Washington Association, Penn Yan. Young Men's Association, Ogdensburgh. Mechanics' Institute, New- York. Library of Debating Club, Charlotte Centre. Young Men's Association, Binghamtou. Vernon Literary Association, Vernon. No. 136.] 15 Union Society of Hamilton College, Clinton. Operatives in Utica steam mills, Utica. Phcenix Society of Hamilton College, Clinton. Young Men's Association, Palmyra. Public Library ot Waterville, Waterville. Deposite Seminary Library, Deposite. Franklin Library, Cooperstown. Library Association of Havana, Havana. Tompkins Lyceum, Stapleton. • Library of Staten Island Battallion, Stapleton. Ladies Library of Scipioville, Scipioville. Galen Mechanical and Historical Association, Clyde. Mechanics' Library, Nunda. Young Men's Association, Schenectady. Rondout Literary Association, Rondout. Mechanics' Association, Waverly. Philomathean Society of St. Lawrence Academy, Pottsdam. Literary Association, (being organised,) " Library of village of Setauket, Setauket, Library of Coxsackie, Coxsackie. Young Men's Association, Troy. Philomathean Society, Union College, Schenectady. Adelpliia Society, Union College, Schenectady. Medina Lyceum, Medina. Public Library of Eiiskirk's bridge, Buskirk's bridge. Hoosic Falls Library, Hoosic Falls. Library of People's College, (care H. Howard,) Lockport. Mechanics' Institute, Crosby street, New-York. Apprentices' Library, Chambers St., " Printer?' Library, " Mercantile Library, Beekman st., " New- York Law Institute, ?« American Institute, " Lyceum of Natural History, " New-York Chamber of Commerce, " Young Men's Association, Lockport. Irving Association, Blanchport. Reading Club, Liberty. 16 [Assembly Canastota Library Society, Canastota. New-York Geographical Society, New-York. New- York Historical Sociely 5 " Here a leaf is gone from the original list. Adams Scientific and Military Association, Adams. Weedsport Union School, Weedsport. Library of Union School, Geneva. Young Men's Christian Union, Buffalo. School District No. 22, Ogdensburgh. District School Library, Baldwinsville. • School District No. 2, Yonkers. Blooomingdale Insane Asylum, Bloomingdale. School District No. 23, New-York. School Dist. Library, Valatie. School Dist. Library, Cooperstown. School Dist. Library, Cherry Valley. School Dist. Library, New RDchelle. Union School Library, Mt. Morris. School Dist. Library, Lowville. School Dist. Library, Glens Falls. Union School Library, Newark. Union School Library, Camden. School Dist. Library, Fulton. School Dist. Library, Bridgehampton. School Dist. Library, Rosendale. Library of Dental College, Syracuse. Union Theological Seminary Library, New- York. Episcopal Theological Seminary Library, " St. Joseph's Theological Seminary Library, " Library of Mt. St. Vincent Sisters of Charity, New- York. College of St. Francis Xavier, " Presbyterian Board of Missions, " Episcopal Board of For. and Dom. Missions, N. Y Academy of the Sacred Heart, St. Paul's Female Orphan Asylum, St. Vincent's Hospital, American Bible Society, Young Men's Christian Association, No. 136.1 17 Library of St. Catherine's Covenant of the Sisters of Mercy j New-York. St. John's College, New- York. Union School, Lockport. St. Mary's Library Asssociation, Albany. St. Joseph's Library " Elmira Baptist Library Association, Elmira. Adelphic Society of Madison University, Hamilton. Library of Medical College, Geneva. Literary Association, Cincinnatus. Union Society Association, Scott. Young Men's Institute, (Corning) Corning. College Library, Rochester. Clarkson Academy, Clarkson. U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Zanesville Alheneum, Zanesville, Ohio. College Library, Princeton, New-Jersey. Brown's University, Providence, Rhode Island. Washington College, Pennsylvania. Fisk Free Library, New-Orleans, La. University of Vermont, Burlington. Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Masons' Library, Cayuga. Odd Fellows' Library, Liberty. Theological Seminary, Auburn. Hon. Hamilton Fish, (10 copies,) New- York. Hon. Washington Hunt, (10 copies,) Lockport. Hon. Horatio Seymour, (10 copies,) Albany. Hon. Erastus Corning, " Hon. Nicholas Hill, « Hon, John C. Spencer, " Hon. Robert H. Pruyn, " Hon. Amasa J. Parker, " Hon. D. D. Barnard, " Hon. Samuel Stevens, " Hon; John C. Wright, « Hon. Levi S. Chatlield, " Harman Pompelly, Esq. " [Assembly, No. 136.1 2 18 [Assembly Amos Dean, Esq. Albany. J. B. Plumb, Esq. a Hon. Wm. W. Forsyth, « Thomas W. Olcott, Esq., « Gen. Robert E, Temple, , « Hon. Bradford R. Wood, « Hon. Eli Perry, u Re7. Dr. John N. Campbell, " Rev. Dr. Wm. B. Sprague, « Rt. Rev. Bishop Kip, u Rev. Dr. Ray Palmer, « Rt. Rev. Bishop McClosky, « Rev. Mr. Conroy, « Rev. Dr. Horatio Potter, «« Rev. Dr. Henry N. Polhman, « Rev. Dr. Duncan Kennedy, « Rev. Dr. Isaac N. Wyckoff, " Rev. E. P. Wadhams, « Rev. T. Doran, u Rev. E. Devoll, u Dr. James McNaughton^ " Dr. Alden March, u Dr. J. H. Armsby, u Dr. J. P. Boyd, u Dr. E. H. Emmons, « Dr. Howard Townsend, « Dr. R. H. Thompson, « Dr. J. H. Salisbury, « Dr. Thomas Hun, « Henry H. Martin, Esq., « Lewis Benedict, Esq., « Lewis Benedict, Jr., Esq., « Henry H. Van Dyck, Esq., « William Cassidy, Esq., « John Rowland, Esq., u M. H. Rooker, Esq., « Thurlow Weed, Esq., « George Dawson, Esq., a Wo. 136.] 19 Frederick W. Seward, Esq., Albany. Visscher Ten Eyck, Esq., " Sherman Croswell, Esq., ■** James I. Johnson, Esq., " Samuel Hammond, Esq., ** L. S. Hammond, Esq., " James Kidd, Esq., <* Carlton Edwards, Esq., " J. Stanley Smitli, Esq., « Hugh Hastings, Esq., " Hon. Rufus W. Peckham, *' Hon. D. B. St. John, « Theodore Townsend, Esq., *' John Townsend, Esq., ^^ Col. W. H. F. Walker, « Peter Cagger, Esq., <' George Dexter, Esq., " Jacob I Werner, Esq., " Ezra P. Prentice, Esq., ** Eufus H. King, Esq., « Anthony Gould, Esq.,, " William Gould, Esq., « John B. James. Esq., " Benjamin Tibbits, Esq., " John N. Wilder, Esq., « Charles L. Austin, Esq.. ^* J. B. Brinsmade, Esq., " 'Rufus G. Beardsley, " Gen. P. Gansevoort, « John Knower, Esq,, " John McKnight, Esq., « Hon. R. J. Hilton, « Andrew J. Colvin, Esq., " Prof. Julian Molinard, " Archibald Campbell, Esq., " Alexander Campbell, Esq.. (in Chili,) " Col. Isaac Vanderpool, " Alfred B. Street, Esq., " Anthony Blanchard, Esq., " 20 [Assemble Dudley Burwell, Esq., Albany. Matthew McMahon, Esq., " John 0. Cole, Esq., " W. A. Livingston, Esq., " Amos Pillsbury, Esq., " Otis Allen, Esq., « Hon. Gideon Hawley, " John H. Reynolds, Esq., " John K. Porter, Esq., " Hon. Azor Taber, " Hon. Charles S. Benton, " Marcus T. Reynolds, Esq., "• -Dl'. Wilber, (Lunatic Asylum.,) " Luther Tucker, Esq., '^ -Benj'n P. Johnson, Esq., '^ Hon. Bradford R. Wood, (for son,) " Hon. Alexander S. Johnson, " E. D. Palmer, Esq., « Clinton Cassidy, Esq., «'■ Duncan Campbell, Esq., '^ Hon. Franklin Townsend, «' Robert Townsend, Esq., " Wm. A. Perkins, Esq., "^ Samuel B. Woolworth, Esq., " George W. Newell, Esq., " Jeremiah Osborne, Esq., « Hon. W. J. Mc Alpine, (5 copies,) " Regents of the University, (135 copies,)* " Hon. John A. Dix, New- York. Hon. Heman J. Redfield, •« Hon. Greene C. Bronson, « Hon. John Van Buren, " Hon. Charles 0' Conor, « Hon. Augustus Schell, « Hon. Azariah C. Flagg, u Hon. Joseph S. Bos worth, « Hon. George Bancroft, a ' For distribution among Colleges, Academies, States, and Territories, according to law. No. 136.J 21 Hon. Benjamin F. Butler, Hon. Nathaniel B. Blunt, Hon. James T. Brady, William C. Bryant, Esq., Hon. Robert J. Dillon, Hon. John W. Edmonds, Hon. Henry P. Edwards, Hon. David Dudley Field, Hnn. Ambrose L. Jordan, Hon. William Kent, Hon. Samuel J. Tilden, Hon. John C. Hamilton, Hon. A. W. Bradford, Hon. Hiram Ketchum, Alexander Hamilton, jr., William B. Astor, Esq., Hon. Ransom H. Glllet, Hon. Isaac V. Fowler, Hon. John Cochrane, •Hon. George Wood, Hon. John J. Cisco, Hon. J. Romeyn Brodhead, Hon. Mike Walsh, Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, Hon. Wm. Mc Murray, Parke Godwin, Esq., George D. Butler, Esq., John E. Develin, Esq., Andrew Carrigan, Esq., Hoe. Edward E. Cowles, J. C. H. Waddell, Esq., Richard Connolly, Esq., Michael Hoffman, Esq., Cambridge Livingston, Esq.. Jordan^ Esq., Andrew H. Green, Esq., Prof. Horace Webster, John Bigelow, Esq., Isaac Townsend, Esq., New-York. u a (( <( u (( u u u (I IC a « a (I tt u ii u II II a u u (I u tt tt n (t tl tt II It tl 22 [Assemble Francis Griffin, Esq., New- York, George H. Purser, Esq., « Fitz Greene Hal leek, Esq., u Family of John Targee, Esq.^ ti Gen. George P, Morris, u Henry James, Esq., a Thomas K. Downiug, Esq., u Nelson J. Waterbury, Esq., » Albert Gilbert, Esq., u Hon. William Jay, 11 Ambrose Stevens, Esq,, ii Hon. Ogden Edwards, u Samuel Hueston, u Thomas N. Rocker, Esq. ) u Bayard Taylor, Esq., ii Charles L. Ellicott, artisty ii George A. Baker, a u Daniel Huntington, u Ii Thomas Hicks, u it Henry Peters Gray, a (( Louis Lacey, Esq., u ;( Abram B. Durand, u (( J. T. Cropsey, u ii John T. Kensett, u a Frederick E. Church, Or ii D. W. C. Boutelle, U t,i F. B. Carpenter, a 11 Thomas Doughty, u 11 Jessee Talbot, u « T. Addison Richards, a (( Colman, Esq., a tc R. W. Hubbard, Esq., ii ii Thomas P. Rossiter, a (( William Page, u C{ George .James, u (( E. W. Nichols, u (( Emmanuel Leutze, u (( Edwin White, u a No. 136.] 23 William H. Powell, artist. New- York, Most Revd. Abp. Hughes, (C Rt. Rev. Bp. B. T. Onderdonk, (( Rev. Gardiiier Spring, (C Rev. S. H. Tyng, ii Rev. Francis Hawks, u Rev. WiHiam Berrian, ii Rev. Bangs, li Rev. T. W. Chambers, ii Rev. Thomas De Witt, ii Rev. Augustus A. Wood, ii Rev. S. H Cone, ii Rev. Edward Lathrop, ii Rev. G. B. Cheever, ii Rev. Henry Cheever, 11 Rev. David Bellamy, a Rev. Joseph Thompson, it Rev. S. Busche, a Rev F. F. Cornell, a Rev. John S. Ebaugh, a Rev. Isaac Ferris, a Rev. G. H. Fisher, a Rev. J. C. Guildin, ii Rev. J. B. Hardenburgh, a Rev. M. S. Kutton, it Rev. John Knox, a Rev. Jeremiah Lord, ii Rev. J. M. Macaulay, a Rev. N. J. Marsellus, it Rev. Enoch Van Aiken, it Rev. A. R. Van Nest, a Rev. C. Wiiitehead, it Rev. G. Cohen, a Rev. Maries Dendsiger, a Rev. Lehman Heitner, ii Rev. Theodore Boohn, a Rev. F. W. Geissenhamer, ii Rev. Valentine Buck, a 24 [Assembly Rev. E. E. Griswold, New-York. Rev. Peter Ross, c< Rev. Thorns H. TayloPj a Rev. H. J. Whitehouse, u Rev. L. P. W. Balch, a Rev. G. T. Bedell, k Rev. George Potts, K Rev. A. E. Camptell, ti Rev. J. W. Cummings, ii Rev. Joseph Muller, u Rev. John Garretson, li Rev. Henry W. Bellows, ti Rev. William Balch, u Richard Schell, Esq., u F. E. Gelbort, Esq., u Hon. Robert Emmet, u Hon. J. Prescott HalJ, u Hon. John Jay, l( Hon. John Duer, » Hon. Jolm Anthon, « Hon. Ogden Hofiman, (( Col. D. E. Dele van, u Hon. Lutlier Bradish, ii Rufus Wilmot Griswold, D. D., (C Hon. Mill I home Tompkins, » Daniel D. Tompkins, Esq., u Hon. David O'Keefe, u J. Livingston, Esq., it W. B. Sliaw, Esq., u C. S. Tappen, Esq., u George P. Putnam, Esq., (C Messrs. D. Appleton & Co., « Messrs. Harper, C( Messrs. Wiley & Putnam, (( Messrs. Stringer & Townsend, u Charles W. Sandeis, Esq., (( Watts Sherman, Esq., u No. 136.1 Hon. Abij.ili Mann, New- York Hon. Jfinies VV. Beekman, (( Hon. Edwin D. Morgan, (( Hon. Harvey P. Peet, <. Hon. J. A. Westervelt, u Hon. Will. W. Campbell, Cortland. Walter M. Conkey, Esq., (( Norwich. C. 0. Hdsted, Esq., C( New-York, G. B. Lamar, Esq., (( a F. W. Edmonds, Esq., (( u D. R. Martin, Esq., » ii C. W. Lawrence, Esq., u a S. Knapp, Esq., ii it James Van Nostrand, Esq. Ii a A. B. Hays, Esq., ii a T. R. Acly, Esq., a ii H. F. Vail, Esq., a ii A. P. Halsey, Esq., a a N. G. Bradford, Esq., u a G. A. Worth, Esq., ii a E.G. Drake, Esq., a a Geo. Curtis. Esq., ii a Samuel B. WTiite, Esq., a ii J. E. Williams, Esq., i( a Dr. William Taylor, Manlius. Dr. Alexander Thompson, Aurora. Dr. P. H. Hard, Oswego. Dr. A. Van Dyke, ii Dr. S. Hart, a Dr. Bryant Burwell, Buffalo. Dr. Austin Flint, u Dr. Corydon La Ford, Lockport. Dr. Jonathan Kneeland, Borodino. Dr. Nelson Wintor, Havanna. Dr. S. Pardee, Fulton* 40 [AsSEMBLlf Dr. Edson Carr, Dr. A. Niles, Dr. Morgan Snyder, Dr. Amasa Trowbridge, Dr. Jenks S. Sprague, Dr. Luke J. Tefft, Dr. Daniel Dennison, Dr. Luther Guiteau, Dr. Samuel Sluimway, Dr. Horace Nelson, Dr. John N. Todd, Dr. D. F. Jones, Dr. Hiram Adams, Dr. W. F, Cooper, Dr. Frederick Hyde, Dr. Phineas H. Burdick, Dr. C. M. Kingman, Dr. Eldridge, Dr. Horace Bronson, Dr. Miles Goodyear, Dr. George W. Bradford, Dr. Ashbel Patterson, Dr. Lewis Riggs, Dr. Ferris Jacobs, Dr. Simeon Snow, Dr. E. C. Kimball, Dr. Wm. S. Purple, Dr. Levi Farr, Dr. Henry Mitchell, Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Valentine Mott, Dr. John W. Francis, Dr. John C. Cheeseman, Dr. David M. Reese, Dr. Willard Parker, Dr. Horace Green, Dr. Gurdon Buck, Dr. Edward D. Coventry, Canandaigua. Bath. Fort Plain. Watertown. Winfield. Marseilles. Oran. Trenton. Schroon. Plattsburgh. Baldwinsville. a Fabius. Kelloggsville. Cortlandville. Preble. McGrawville Cincinnatus. Virgil. Cortlandville. Homer. Delhi. Palatine Bridge. Cato. Greene. Greene. Norwich. U. S. A. New- York. cc u a u u iC u No. 136.] 41 Dr. Edward Delafield, New- York. Dr. Gunning S. Bedford, " " Dr. John N. Carnochan, " Dr. William Darling, « Dr. Edmund G. Rawson, " Dr. Francis W. Johnson, " Dr. James R. Wood, " Dr. Alfred C. Post, " Dr. John W. Draper, " Dr. Joseph M. Smith, « Dr. John Watson, " * Dr. Richard K. Hoffman, « Dr. Isaac Wood, « Dr. Fordyce B. Barker, " Dr. Edward Bayard, " Dr. Thomas Cook, * « Dr. Martyn Payne, " Dr. Galen Carter, " Dr. Alexander F. Vache, " Dr. Edward Ruggles, " Dr. John H. Griscom, " Dr. Alexander E. Hosack, « Dr. Hugh Sweeney, « Dr. Jackson Stewart, " Dr. Henry De inison, Joseph McKeen, Esq., N. Y. Schools, Thomas W. Valentine, Esq., George W. PI} mptou, Amos W. Kellogg, Sumner C. Webb, Truman H. Bowen, Charles R. Coburn, Emerson J. Hamilton, Esq,, L. G. Corey, Esq., James Johonnot, Esq., Levi Johnson Esq., O.Morehouse, Esq., Syracuse. city, Sup't New- York Teachei ', Albany. do do do do do do do do do Binghamto do Bath. do Hudson. do Syracuse. do Auburn. do Albion. 42 [Assembly Solomon Jenner, Esq., John W. Bulkley, Esq., James H. Hardy, Esq., William Smith, Esq., Xenophon Haywood, Esq., L. Marshall Ingalls, Esq., Samuel G. Love, Esq., Abram Van Valin, Esq., E. D. Weller, Esq., Samuel C. J. Sweezey,Esq., E. A. Sheldoii, Esq., H. G. Abbey, Esq., L. A. Young, Esq., Rev. Moses Crow, Esq., J. G. Ogden, Esq., S. B. Cole, Esq., H. W. Allen, Esq., G. D. Reynolds, Esq., E. J. Snook, Esq., J. Winslow, Esq., D. W. Blanchard, Esq., D. M. Pitcher, Esq., Principal of Public School, W. V. R. Smith, Esqr., H. E. Pitcher, Esq., Wm. W. Newman, Esq., Mr. Rice, City Superintendent, Editor Geneva Gazette, Geneva. Oswego Palladium, Oswego. Gazette, Cherry Valley. Post, Troy. Republican, Ogdensburgh. Democrat, Lansingburgh. Republican, Saratoga Springs. Chronicle, Ithaca. Republican, Glens Falls. Herald, Sing Sing. Eastern State Journal, Sing Sing. T eachei ', New- York. do Williamsburgh, do Elmira. do Owego. do Troy. do Canajoharie. do Randolph. do Poughkeepsie. do Mt. Morris, do Greenport. do Oswego. do Brooklyn. do Schenectady. do Lima. do Bingamton. do Prattsburgh. do Elmira. do Fair mount. do Weedsport. do Watertown. do Waterloo. do Owego. do Ithaca. do Rome. do Burton. do Buffalo. do Buffalo. No. 136.] 43 Editor Democrat, Huntington. Courier, Bath. Advertiser, Owego. Republican, Bingharaton. Fredonia Censor, Fredonia. Buffalo Express, Buffalo. Democrat, (S. P. Allen, Esq.,) Rochester. Whig, (R. L. Adams, Esq.,) Lyons. Allegany Co. Whig, Angelica. Journal, Syracuse. Yates Co. Whig, Penn Yan. Journal, (A. W. Clark, Esq.,) Watertown. Morning Herald, Utica. of N. Y. Evening Post, New-York. True National Democrat, New- York. National Democrat, " Herald, " Times, " Tribune, " Express, " Courier and Enquirer, " Commercial Advertiser, " .Journal of Commerce, *■ Truth Teller, " Courier des Etats Unis, " Staats Zeitung, " Sun, " Democrat 5 Sunday Atlas, Spirit of the Times, Home Journal, Scientific American, Albion, Observer, Evangelist, Merchants' Magazine, Freeman's Journal, Celt, 44 [ASSEMBL Editor of N. Y. Christian Enquirer, New- York. Christian Advocate, " American Messenger, " Morning Star, " Mirror, « Golden Rule, " Military and Naval Argus, " Weekly Universe, " L' Eco d' Italia, « National Police Gazette, " Christian Intelligencer, " Churchman, " Sunday Dispatch, " Times and Messenger, " Sunday School Advocate, " Western World, " U. S. Journal, " ' Cosmopolite, '' Merry's Museum, " American Railroad Guide, " Foreign Missionary, " Home Missionary, '' . Knickerbocker Magazine, " Editor of Republican, Albion. Democrat, Batavia. Republican Era, Oramel. Advocate, Bath, Democrat, Dansville. Messenger, Canandaigua. Atlas, Phelps. Sentinel, Palmyra Democrat, Newark. Observer, Waterloo. New Era, Auburn. Journal, Ithaca. Gazette, Elmira. Democrat, Skaneateles. Democrat, Penn Yan. No. 136.] 45 Editor of Union, Rochester. Budget, Troy. Times, Troy. Journal, Olean. Union Democrat, Deposit. Telegraph, Granville. Democrat, Pulaski. Ind. Republican, Goshen. Telegraph, Poughkeepsie. Democratic Freeman, Hudson. Gazette, Lyons. Telegraph, Newburgh. The Independent, Brooklyn. Advertiser, Rouse's Point. Union, Norwich. — — (E. Max Leal, Esq.,) Norwich. American Agriculturist, New-Yark. Courier, Seneca Falls. Whig, (Mr. Horton) Fultcnville. Republican, Cooperstown. Eagle and Journal, Poughkeepsie. Ogdensburgh Sentinel (Mr. Foot) Ogdensburgh. Green County Whig, (Mr. Gunn) CatsklU. Kingston Journal, Kingston. Daily Advertiser, Auburn. Daily Journal, Oswego. Courier, (Mr Hagerman) Rondout. Schoharie Republican, Schoharie. Bingham(on Demorat, Binghamlon. Cayuga Chief, Auburn. Delaware Gazette, Delhi. Commercial Advertiser, Buffalo. Buffalo Courier, " Welsburger Gazette, " Buffalo Repubic, " Franklin Gazette, Malone. Spirit of the Times, Batavia. Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown. ^ (Mr. Joesbury) Catskill. 46 [Assembly Editor of Prattsville Advocate, Prattsville. Republican, (S. S. Hommel) Kingston. Mohawk Courier, Little Falls. Jefifersonian, Water town. Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn. Independent, Williamsburgh. Lewis County Republican, Lowville. Lewis County Democrat, Martinsburgh. Madison Observer, Morrisville. Reflector, Hamilton. Phoenix, Chittenango. Rural New-Yorker, Rochester. Cultivator, Albany. Rev. Wm. C. Boyce, Maine. Rev. David D. Demarest, Hudson. Rev. y. M. Hulbert, Yonkers. Rev. Henry Ostrander, Saugerties. Rev. Thomas K. Fessenden, Homer. Rev. Elias Bowen, Cortland. Rev. Hercules R. Dunham, Cortland. Rev. Henry Bowen, " Rev. Daniel. Coft, Norwich. Rev. Dr. Thompson, Buffalo. Rev. Dr. Hay, Oswego. Rav. Dr. Murdock, Elmira. Rev. Dr. Condit, Oswego. Rev. Mr. Griffin, Kingston. Rev. J. C. F. Hoes, " Rev. Gardiner K. Clark, Preble. Rev. Samuel N. Robinson, Truxton. Rev. Mr. Harvey, Homer. Rev. George Landon, Cincinnatus. Sanford C. Parker, Esq., Baldwinville. Hicks Worden, Esq., Fayetteville. William Porter, Esq., Jordan. Hon. Daniel Gott, Pompey. Chester Moses, Esq., Marcellus. Alanson Coats, Esq., Syracuse. No. 136.] 47 Hon. Frederick J. Betts, Newburgli. Hon. John W. Brown, " Hon. Thomas McKissock, " Hon. Robert Denniston, Salisbury Mills. Hon. Leander Babcock, Oswego. Hon. Henry Fitzhugh, " Hon. A. P. Grant, " Hon. Joel Terril, ' " Hon. E. B. Talcott, " Hon. G. A. Starkweather, Cooperstown. Col. John H. Prentiss, " Hon. Schuyler Crippen, " Hon. Saruuel Nelson, (3 copies) " Lyman J. Walworth, Esq., " Mrs. Gen. E. B. Morehouse, " George Clarke, Esq., " Hon. John Willard, Saratoga Springs. Hon. R. Hyde Walworth, " Finlay, Esq., " J. A. Cory, Esq., " Hon. William C. Bouck, Fultonham. John B. Tuane, Esq., Schenectady. Piatt Potter, Esq., " Hon. G. V. Sackett, Seneca Falls. Henry B. Stanton, Esq., " Samuel D. Tillman, Esq., " Samuel Birdsall, Esq., Waterloo. Hon. Federal C. Dinning, Addison. Hon. Robert Campbell, Bath. Hon. John S. Floyd, Brookhaven. Duncan Bell, Esq., New- York. John Lefferts, Esq., Flatbursh. Jeremiah Johnson, Esq., " Hon. A. C. Niven, Monticello. • C. Niven, " Hon. Wm. Wright, Kingston. Hon. Marius Schoonmal' ut ten Catskill names are here Avanting. Duncan P<^1], Esq., New-York. J. J. Joliiisoii, Esq., Flatbush. Cheney Ames, Esq., Oswego. 54 [Assembly Solomon Eagle, Esq., Oswego. Ceylon North, Esq., Ely Creek. Paul Fennimore Cooper, Esq., Albany. Miss Cooper, Cooperstown. ' John E. McMulion, Esq., Albany. Henry W. Depuy, Esq., "■ M. M Oicott, '* Jeremiah Cooper, Esq., Oneida Depot. Gen. J. M. McCormick, Ithaca. Levi Lawrence, Esq., Hamburgh. Philip Schuyler, Esq., Pelhara. Joshua Loornis, Esq., New Rochelle. Nathan Bell, Esq., " I Three New Rochelle names lost.] A. Churchill, Esq., Utica. Albert G. Carll, Esq., Jericho. Hon. William L. Marcy, Albany. Hon. James M. French, " Abel French, Esq., " John D. Norton, Esq., Syracuse. David W. Greenman, McGrawviUe. Stephen Kellogg, Esq., Taylor. Sheldon Warner, Esq., " Garret Pretchard, Esq., Solon. Johns. Dyer, Esq., Willet. Joseph Green, Esq., " William Church, Esq., Marathon. James Comsiock, Esq., " Dann C. Squires, Esq., Lapeer. Hon. Wm. H. Ludlow, Sayville. Major Zenas C. Priest, Little Falls. Messrs. Goodyear & Martin, Schoharie. Theodord Miller, Esq., Hudson. Rev. Mr. Howard, " Rev. L. II. Van Dyck, Guilderland Centre. Gen. Samuel G. Hathaway, Solon. John L. Boyd, Esq., " Messrs. Crooke & Palmer, Albany. No. 136,] 55 Sayles, Esq., (IIG Pier,) Albany. Graham, Esq., " " Alderman Goddard, " Timothy Hosmer, Esq., Lockport. H. A. Tilden, Esq., New Lebanon. S. A. Law, Esq., Meredith. Wm. Curtis Noyes, Esq., New-York. Rev. James B. Ten Eyck, St. Andrews. D. K. Olney, Esq , Windham Centre. Hon. Frederick A. Fenn, Prattsville. Wm. E. Leet, Esq., Coxsackie. Jeremiah Russell, Esq., Tivoli Depot. John G. Orton, Esq., Lisle. F. W. Willard, Esq., Lowville. Hon. Thomas L Chatfield, Owego. William F. Warner, Esq., " C. C. Wasson, Esq., Albany. Thomas Wheeler, Esq., Syracuse. q., Peekskill. John Merrit, Esq., Manlius. Morris Bird sal!, Esq., Greene. Frederick S. Cozzen-, Esq., Yonkers. D. W. C. Stamford, Penn Yan. William Tinsley, Esq., Glenns Falls. Tunis Waldron, Esq., Waterford. William Kay, Esq., Molfit's Siore. A. G. BffirdsJey, Esq., Auburn. J. G. Mcrowell, Chemung. Richard T. Compton, New- York. G. A, Conovtr, Esq., " William H. Cornell, Esq., New-York. 60 "[Assembly James Murphy, Esq., New- York. Joseph M. Marsh, Esq., " Electus B. Litchfield, « Hamilton Putnam, Esq., Cortlandyille. Edmund Stevens, Preble. Hon. Matthias Van Hoesen, Preble. James Baldwin, Preble. Dr. Charles Stevens, Coxsackie. James C. Pomroy, Esq., Cortlandville. James M. Burt, Esq., " Hon. Edward Everett, Boston, Mass. Hon. Rufus Choate, *' Hon. Marcus Morton. « Hon, Abbot Lawrence, " Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., « Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, " Hon. Samuel Lawrence, •' Hon. Charles Sumner, " Hon. Lemuel Shaw, " Hon. Samuel E. Sewall, « Hon. Benjamin R. Curtiss, " Benjamin F. Hallett, Esq., « William H. Prescott, Esq.^ « Richard H. Dana, Esq., " George Ticknor, Esq., " Edward P. Wiiippk-, Esq., « Rev. Dr. Lowell, « Epes Sargent, Esq., " G. B. Emerson, E~q., « Fletcher Webster, Esq , « Charles Francis Adams, Esq., " Lysander Spooner, Esq., " Hamilton Willis, E.-q., « Mrs. Joseph Coolidge, " Nahum Capen, E^q., « Rev. Thomas Srone King, " Rev. Edward Bright, « P. W. Parsons, Esq., « No. 136.] 61 Alvan Fisher, Esq.; Boston, Mass. J, Harding, Esq., " G. P. A. Healey,Esq., " Hon. Theophiius Parsons, Cambridge, Mass. Henry W. Longfellow, Esq., " Hon. John G. Palfrey, « Rev. George E. Ellis, Charlestown, Mass. Rev. E. Q. Sewall, Cohasset, Mass. Hon. Samuel Hoar, Concord, Ma?s. Hon. Edward S. Moseley, Newburyport, Mass. Rev. lieonard Whittington, " Hon. George Lunt, " Nathaniel Hills, Esq., " Hon. George N. Briggs, Worcester, Mass. James Arnold, Esq., New Bedford, Mass. Hon. George Bliss, Springfield, Mass. G. & C. Merrlam, « J. Ingersoll, " Rev. Dr. James Kendall, Plymouth, Mass. Rev. Charles H. Brigham, Taunton, Mass. Charles Sedgwick, Esq., Lenox, Mass. Miss Caroline M. Sedgwick, " Hon. M. Fowler, Westfield,Mass. Rev. Cyrus Pierce, West Newtown, Mass. . Rev. Wm. P. Lunt, Quincy, Mass. Rev. Caleb Stetson, South Scituate, Mass. Hon. Solomon Lincoln, Higham, Mass. Hon. Caleb Gushing, , Mass. Rev. Hosea Ballon, Medford, Mass. Rev. Thomas Hill, Waltham, " Rev. John Pierpont, Medford, " Hon. Stephen C. Phillips, Salem, Mass. Rev. John S. Stone, Erookline, '' • J. G. Canning, Gill, " Hon. Edmund Quincy, Dedham, " Ralph T^aldo Emerson, " Rev. August-j^ Woodbury, Lowell, " 62 [Assembly Hon. Cliauncy F. Cleaveland, Hampton, Conn. Hon. Daniel P. Tyler, Brooklyn, " Hon. Henry Barnard, Harlford, " Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney, " " Rev. Joel Hav/es, " " Rev. Horace Bushnell, " " Rev. Dr. Thos. Robbins, « " Hon. Thos. S. Williams, " " James H. Welles, Esq., " « Gov. Seymour, " " Hon. Thomas Barkus, West Killingly, " Hon. George Sharpe, Abington, " Hon. La Fayette S. Foster, Norvvich, " Charles C. Burleigh, Esq., Plainfield, " Dr. James B. Whitcomb, Brooklyn, " Rev. Charles T. Brooks, Newport, R. I. Rev. Dr. Francis Wayland, Providence, " Rev. Dr. E. B. Hall, " " Hon, Henry Anthony, " " Dr. Isaac Ray, " " Hon. Franklin Pierce, Concord, Hon. Harry Hibbard, " Hon. Moses Norris, Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, Portsmouth, Rev. Augustus Woodbury, Concord, Hon. Thomas G. Welles, Walpole, John G. Whittier, Esq., Amesbury, Hon. C. L. Knapp, Montpelier, Charles Chapin, Brattleboro', Hon. R. T. Robinson, Ferrisburgh, M. C. W. Wright, Shoreham, Joseph C. Canning, Sutherland Falls W. H. Flagg, Burlington, J. H. Allen, Esq., Bangor, Rev. Joseph H. Allen, " William Willis, Esq., Portland, Rev. Dr. J. Nichols, " John Neal, Esq., " N. H. Vermont. Maine. u No. 136.] C3 a u Delaware. Maryland- Rev. Henry F. Edes, Eastport, Maine. Hon. George M. Dallas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hon. Henry D. Gilpin, Hon. Charles J. Ingersoll, Hon. Josiah Randall, Hon. John Sargent, Wm. H. Browne, Esq., Hon. Horace, Binney, Chapman Biddle, Esq., Thomas Sully, Esq., " Hon. David Wilmot, Towanda, Hon. H. A. Muhlenburg, James Clurkson, Esq., Carbondale, Alexander Eryder., E^q., " Rev. Henry A. Riley, Montrose, Hon. James Campbell, Alvan Stevens, Esq., Hon. John M. Clayton, Hon. Roger B. Taney, Hon. Reverdy Johnson, Hon. John C. Kennedy, Brantz Mayer, Esq., Hon. John Tyler, Charles City C. H., Virginia Hon. Henry A. Wise, Onancook, " Hon. Tho's Jef 'son Randolph, Shiidwell, " Geo. Wythe Randolph, Richmond, " Prof. H. A. Washington, Williamsburgh, " Hon. James M. Ma?on, Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Hon. T. H. Bayly, Hon. T. L. Clinghman, Hon. James C. Dobbin, W. Gillmore Simms, Esq., Midway, Prof. Leeber, LL. D., Charleston, Rev. Prof. James W. Miles, " Col. Arthur P. Hayne, " Gen. James H. Hammond, Silverton, Gen. D. F. Jameson, Orangeburg, Troy, New-Custle, Baltimore, a li a a a u North Carolina. South Carolina. (( LS,?"^ O*" CONGRESS 64 Col. R. F. W. Allston, Georgetown, Soutli __® ®^^ ^12 578 3 4 Hon A. P. Butler, Hon. James L. Orr, Prof. M. Tuomey, Gen. Satterlee Warden, Rev. Mr. Rise, Hon. Jaraes Guthrie, Hon. Lynn Boyd, Charles Merriweather, I Gen. Samuel Houston, Hon. S. A. Douglass, Gen. James Shields, Hon. John Went worth, James Clapp, Jr., Esq., Dr. Jr'nes Campbell, Hon. C. L. Dunham, Samuel R. Ross, Esq , Hon. David T. Disney, Col. George W. Manypency, Hon. Henry Dodge, Wisconsin. Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit, Michigan. Henry Polhemus, Esq., Marshall, Michigan. Rev. Conistock, Detroit, " Hon. Francis W. Sherman. Lansing, " Alabama. Port Royal, Tennessee. Clarksville, IC Kentucky. u sq., Roscoe, a Texas. Illinois. (( Ch-icago, (C a a Springfield, Portsmouth, u Indiana. Ohio, a mv- u Hon. Robert McClelland, Hon. Jefferson Davis, Mississippi. Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Missouri. Hon. JuhnC. Fremont, California. Professor A. D. Bache, Washington, D. C. Professor Beecher, " Archibald Campbell, Esq., " Hon. Charles Mason, " Ed. DeVerneuil, Prest. Geol. Soc. of France, Paris, France. Prof. Joachim Barraude, Prague, Bohemia. Hon. Augustus Murray, Engjish Consul General in Egypt. (2,061 copies in the whole.) Wew-York State Library, Albany, March 10, IS54. Hon E. W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State: Dear Sir — I l.creby certify that I have received fr.r the Regents of the University 50U copies of each volume of the Documentary History of the Slate of New^-York, partly in 8vo., a id parljT- in 4to., from the Slate printer. Tc ROMEYN BECK, Secretary. ) \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 112 578 3