L ty-r. r-^^. 'W^\^^^te\/ ,v * .0^ c«" ♦ < • <^ * ... ./%:■■: 7n d-n.^K^ CHESTER (AND ITS VICINITY,) DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA; #nualo§ical ^kdtljcs of $mt dh Jfamilies, JOHN HILL MARTIN, Esq. ' ' 1877. rmi.ADKi.PHiA : •I) liY WM. H. I'lLl-; ,t SONS, I. 422 WALNUT SlKIiliT. . ( l.imitcJ luiilioii ii/'joo Cofics/or Stibscribi- PREFACE CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. In a work of this kind there are, of course, some errors, which are here corrected, so far as they have been detected, viz: On page I o, line 5, column i, "Pn," ought to be Per; and in same column, " Leals Lauson" should be NealsLaer- son. At p. 24, 1. II, c. 2, omit " W." after Richard. P. 30, 1. 41, c.2, John Austin McDowell, not "J. McD." P. 34, 1. 29, c. I, "Alfred," should be Algernon. Edward Minshall, men- tioned on p. 45, is not the present Coroner. I went to school with Ed- ward and William Anderson Minshall ; the latter is the Coroner, and his fa- ther's name was Thomas. P. 55, 1. 5, c. 2, " 1864," should be 1684. P. 70, c. 2, "ronn" and '• ronne" should be come. P. 73, 1. 41, c. 2, "Jones" should be James. P. 96, 1. 15, c. i, ' ' Levi Bird, ' ' should be Gustavus Cleg- gett Bird. On p. 138, 2 c. 12 1. from bottom, ' ' letter, ' ' should be latter. My article on pp. 138^ 139 and 140, was written previous to 1870. Since then I made further research on the subject of the vote of the New York Delegation in Congress, on July 4, 1776. In Foi'ces' Archives, (5th Series,) i vol. 117, Jo- seph Hewes, in a letter, on July 8, 1776, says: " I send you the Declara- tion enclosed ; all the Colonies voted for it except New York ; that Colony was prevented by an old instruction." And in Austin s Life of Elhridi:;e Ger- ry, p. 202, in a letter to General War- ren, on July 5, 1776, Gerry writes: "All the- Colonies, except New York, whose Delegates were not empowered I to give either an affirmative or nega- tive voice, united in a declaration." These letters seem strong cotemporary authority against my views as express- ed ; but it is singular that if, as John Adams says in a letter to his wife on July 3, 1776, "Yesterday * * a resolution passed, without one dissent- ing Colony, that these Colonies are and of right ought to be free and indepen- dent States," &c., that the New York Delegation who voted for the substance on the 2d, should withdraw and not vote for the form on the 4th ? If the letters of Gerry and Hewes tell the truth, the Minutes of Congress, as printed, are a lie, and the statements of Governor McKean, are those of a dotard. A careful reading of the letter and resolution (see Forces' Archives'), of the Assembly of New York of July nth, and their approval of the Decla- ration before receiving the notice from Congress under the resolution, show nothing to indicate that their Delega- tion did not vote, but rather the con- trary, and was a cordial approval of what had been done. It is now believed by historians, that a copy of the Declaration was signed on July 4, 1776, and that the paper will vet be found among the Govern- 1' ]| E V A C E. menl Archives ; searches are to be made with that hope. The copy of the Declaration in Jefferson's hand- writing, in possession of the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, is not the original, but a copy sent by Jefferson to Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, and on the death of Lee, was found among his papers and presented to the Society ; it was not the paper read in Congress; an examination of it shows that it was a copy made after amendments were made by Franklin and others ; which amendments are noted on it, but written by Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson says positively, that the Declaration was signed on the 4th. The printed copy issued that day, does not state that it was the unanimous Declaration, but the one printed and issued after the signing of the engrossed copy, now in possession of the Government, had in it the word unanimous. If the New York Delega- tion did not vote, they quietly con- sented to the proceedings of Congress, who were, no doubt, assured that that Colony would assent to their action. Could the copy above referred to be found, it would settle all doubt on the subject. Page 103, Elizabeth Cranston is sup- posed to have been a daughter of Wal- ter Marten, her first husband being Joseph Baldwin, (see pp. 106, 479,) but this is manifestly an error, as Wal- ter Martin, in his will, names his daugh- ter Elizabeth Marten, after Joseph Baldwin's death. Elizabeth Marten, I have since discovered, married Ed- ward Whitaker, prior to 1720. Wil- liam Clayton, the son-in-law, purchased the homestead of Walter Marten from Daniel Williamson, surviving execu- tor, and obtained a release, Jan. 23, 1719-20, from the other heirs, to wit, Stephen Martin, Adam Buckley and wife Ann, Edward Whitaker and Eliza- beth his wife, and Sarah Martin. At p. 154, respecting the Nethermarks, it may be added, that Christian Nether- mark, in her will, dated Sept. 15, 1764, proven Dec. 15, 1767, mentions her son Luke; daughter Elizabeth, wife of Lawrence Frederick; daughter Re- becca Taylor and grand-daughter Chris- tiannaTaylor; son Matthias, deceased; sister Dorothy, and brother-in-law Daniel Culin. Thos. Taylor, of Rid- ley, died intestate, and letters were granted to Rebecca Taylor and Luke Nethermark, May 20, 1764. Page 177, line 12, column i, Levis, not " Lewis." At p. 201, I have said the Masonic bowl and pitcher were given to my grandfather, which is an error. They were presented by my grandfather, William Smith, Jr., of Philadelphia, to the Lodge No. 69, and when the Charter was surrendered and the property of the Lodge at Ches- ter passed over to the Grand Lodge, No. 69, gave the bowl and pitcher to my father. The lines inscribed on the bowl and pitcher, as given on p. 200, are slightly erroneous; they should read : — " The world is in pain Our secrets to gain But still let them wonder & gaze on, Yox they ne'er can divine The Word nor the Sign Of a Free & an accepted Mason." P. 180, •' Supreme Executive Coun- cil," should read. Provincial Council. P. 181, "Smith Futhey," a Commis- sioner of Purchases, should be, Samuel Futhey. P. 227, 1. 26, c. i, " Hud- son" should be Hodgson. P. 266, " Francis Malin" should be Thomas M. P. 267, 1. 5, c. 2, for "abrother," read a nephew. P. 272, "1750," should be J 720. P ]{ E F A C K. Page 335, in list on 2d c^olumn, Lu- cius "Burrows," should be Barrows. P. 375, omit the "M" in Col. Joseph Willcox's name. P. 376, in loth line from bottom of first column, for "and regiments," read, in the regiment. The name of " R. W. Flickwir," in page 423, should be, probably, Richard Flower Flickwir. In a note at page 462, on the last line of second column are the words "Jeuffro Armgard Printz," no doubt Jeuffro, should be Jungfro, the Swedish word for " the young girl." And the words "alias Pappegoya," ought not to follow her name ; because, after she married John Pappegoya, the Governor of New Sweden, in 1653, she would no longer be 2iJungfro. P. 494, Benanuel Lownes was married in 1 744, not " 1774." I neglected to insert at p. 282, the following : — Lavinia Roberts, daughter of James and Sally (Broom), m. Thos. Deighton, of Philadelphia. Helen Broom (see p. 284), dau. of Jacob and Cornelia, m. (ist) William T. Hacker, of Philadelphia, (2d) Robert Smith, brewer, May 4, 1862, and had issue, Helen R., b. 1863 ; Florence J., ^. Jan. 20, 1865. Jacob Broom, M. C, died at Washington, D. C, Nov. 18, 1864, in his 54th year, and his remains buried in the Congressional Cemetery. In writing of Mr. and Mrs. Elie Charlier, at p. 46, I omitted to give the names of their children, who are, I. Elie Stacey, 2. Winona, 3. Jeannie, 4. Marie, 5. Van Dycke, and 6. Daniel Howard Charlier. Henry Hollingsworth, was Coroner of Chester County in 1708, his name is omitted in the list on page 447. Randall Vernon's name should be included in the list of Justices of the Peace; commissioned in 1693. In writing of Mrs. Jane Bartram, at p. 331, it should have been stated that she, Jane Martin, was married to Alex- ander Bartram, on Jan. 14, 1767. By reference to page 330, it will be seen that Mrs. Mary Martin, died Dec. 11, 1785. I do not know Avhether this was the mother or step-mother of my grandfather. Dr. William Martin ; the family have always thought she was his mother, but later research seem to in- dicate that she was his step- mother, for in 2d Pa. Archives, 2 series, p. 198, is the marriage of John Martin to Mary Raine, on July 22, 1767. Dr. William Martin was born Sept. 2, 1765 ; so if this John Martin was his father, Mary Raine was his step-mother. In the same list of marriages, it appears that John Martin m. Ann Tate, Sept. 5, 1 761, and another John Martin /;/. Mary Van Luviney, Oct. 21, 1761, this latter marriage, if that of my grand-parents, would indicate that the Mrs. Mary Martin, who died Dec. 11, 1785, was grandfather's mother; but if Ann Tate was the first wife of my g. grandfather, John Martin, then his two wives are accounted for ; of course this is all guess-work as yet, future in- vestigation may settle the matter. The widow of John Flower, (who d. 1737-8,) is subsequently called Mary Scarlet ; and at a later date, one Mary Raine files accounts as Executrix of John Flower. Whether this was the one who married John Martin is un- certain. She would be advanced in years in 1767. It is not strictly cor- rect, as stated at page 436, that Wil- liam Flower devised his estate to Mary Flower, as she ' is not mentioned in the Avill , but he gave it to his son-in- law, John Flower. Referring to page 210, it will be found stated, that Judge Crosby's first wife was a Miss Culin, her surname rRKFACE. Elizabeth, ihcy were married Sept. 1766; she died soon afterwards. ' Judge's brother Richard (3d), see :o(), ^\ho died in 1790, leaving a 'I ii.-,hter, Elizabeth, probably married I -liier Phipps, Dec 12, 1763. Mice C'rosb)-. (widow), >//. (ieorge Spe.it", March 4, 1771 : see ]). 209. Major Sketchley Morton, .see p. 143, Mi.irrieil June 19, 1773, H<-'becca, dan. "I I Ihn and Mary Taylor. Miry Morton w. Charles Justis, ■ '* M> 1775 J Sarah Morton, no < ■■ it the daughter of the Signer, for ' n I could not account, married I' II, 1773, William Grantum, P' rlijps of the Ridley fiuiiily of that name: seep. 145. For all these mar- ri.igcs, see 2 I^a. Archives, 2 series. \ iM.-e dates are those of the licenses r.oi of the marriages. This volume of 1I1C \rchives is just out, April 7, 1877, xviix h accounts for these additions to ■ ' llimily sketches. e following de.scription of the ;, Crest and Motto of the family oi V E.ST, (Earl Delawarr,) will inter- le readers of this work : IMS — Quarterly, first and fourth, I fe.sse dancettce Sa, for West ; id and third, gu, a lion rampant, *r, rmed and langued Az, between 'ig' cro.sses crosslet fitchee in orle, of 'li' .econd, for Delawarr. Ckkst — <> )f a Ducal Coronet Or, a Griffin's \\ az, ears and beak gold. Sup- Kks — Dexter a Wolf coward, ar, jd with a plain collar Or, Sinister, ;katrice Or, shadowed and scaled Motto — Jour de ma vie ; /. e. , e brilliancy (day) of my life." ling to the taking of John, King ranee, a jjrisoner at the battle 3ictiers. Ste Bur/ee's Armory — r ; and Burke'' s Peerage, for Arms Mawarr. engraven. The following announcement has been in many of the American news- papers lately : '' Married.— i)\\ the nth of Feb., 1877, at the Russian Chapel, Vienna, according to the Russian service, and at the house of the American minister, by the Episcopal service, G. B.\khimkteff, of the Russian diplomatic service, and attached to the Russian Embassy at London, to M.\KV, daughter of the Hon. Edward Fitzgerald Beale, En- voy Extraordinary and Minister Plen- ipotentiary of the United States to Austria." Glory, they say, "consists in hav- ing your name spelled wrong in the newspapers." Mr. Beale's middle name is Forbes ; the first name of the ; groom is given as G. ; the omission to ' give the first name in full in signatures i and in lists of names is all wTong; the stranger does not know, whether J. i stands for John, Jane, James or Julia. On Mar. 12, 1877, Elwood Tyson, was elected President of the National Bank of Delaware County, in place of Crozer, resigned : see p. 268. Married at Media, March 15, 1877, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hare, Annie Preston Morris, dau. of Arabella and the late Joseph R. Morris, Esq., and grand-daughter of the Hon. Edward Darlington, to Dr. Rush S. Huide- koper, of Meadville, Pa. Died, at the residence of James M. Willcox, at Ivy Mills, on Sept. 19, 1 861, Caroline Augusta Bracket. Died, Nov. 16, 1865, at the resi- dence of Edward Darlington, Media, Arabella, widow of Preston Eyre, in her 77th year. Died at Philadelphia, Mar. 9, 1877, in his 30th year, George W. Clyde, son of 'Hiomas and Rebecca; see \). 268. PREFACE. Dr. Richard Gardiner, a well-known physician of Philadelphia, d. March 22, 1877, aged 84 years i mo. and i day, having been born Feb. 21, 1793. He was a native of Delaware County, and practiced in Darby until 1835, when he came to Philadelphia. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and afterwards studied Homoeopathy, and graduated from the Homoeopathic College in 1848. Dr. Gardiner was a member of- the Baptist Church, and for two succes- sive terms he represented the District of Southwark in the Board of Health. He m. in 1841, Miss Rice, of Darby, who died in 1863, leaving six children, one of whom is an eminent physician. The Doctor was a son of Dr. William Gardiner, and his son. Dr. William A. Gardiner, was Surgeon of the 8ist Regt. of Pa. Vols., resigned Aug. 5, T862, and died not long afterwards, after having served with his regiment for about a year. There was a Dr. Joseph Gardiner in Delaware County, in 1779, (see p. 181,) and a Captain John Gardiner, (see p. 182.) Gen. Patterson, at p. 385, speaks of going to school with Mary Gardner, a dau. of Capt. Edward Gardner, Jn Spring- field, which must have been about 1804 or 5. Died, at his residence at Media, Hugh Jones Brooke, in his 71st year. \ He was born in Radnor township, i Delaware County, Dec. 27, 1805. He received a good common school edu- caticju. To tlie life of an agricultu- , rist lie devoted the greater part of his time. In 1843, ^''e was elected to the lower branch of the Legislature, and in 1849 to the Senate. He was again elected to that body in 1868, his term j closing with the session of 187 1. ' Din-ing the war he was appointed : Commissary of Purcliases in Pennsyl- vania. He assisted in building up the town of Media, and was prominent and active in its growth and prosper- ity. He was a Director of the Bank of Media from the date of its or- ganization, and was Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble Minded Children. He was for 12^ years a Director of the Del- aware Mutual Safety Insurance Com- pany, and was the organizer of the Farmers' Market in Philadelphia, and its first President. He was afterwards instrumental in the organization and establishment of the. Twelfth Street Market, and at the time of his death was President thereof. In various positions through life, he proved him- self an estimable and valuable citizen. The following is copied from the Delaware Coirnty Pape7- and Mail of April 3, 1877: '■'■Death of a Delaware Countian. — \\\ Philadelphia, March 29, 1877, Ed- ward S; Sayres, Consul for Brazil and Vice-Consul for Portugal, in his 77th year. He was the son of Dr. Caleb Smith Sayres, once a prominent phy- sician of Delaware County, residing at Marcus Hook, and like Dr. William Martin, died from over-Avork during the yellow fever season along the Del- aware, in I 798. Mr. Sayres in early life went to Brazil, as supercargo of his own ship, antl there made the acquaint- ance of the Royal family, and attended the Emperor Dom Pedro during his late visit to the Centennial Exhibi- tion. After his return from Brazil, Mr. Sayres was in active business as an importer in wines, doing a large business with the South until the Re- bellion. He was for some time Con- sul for Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 1 1 is brother, Matthias Richards Sayres. VI P R E F A C E. was a well-known member of the Bar of Delaware County, as were also his relatives George Richards Grantham, John Richards, Jacob Richards, and others. The Sayres are related to the Crosbys, Andersons, Richards, Gran- thams, and many other prominent families in Delaware County. Mr. Sayres has left three sons and one daughter, one of the sons studied law with J. Hill Martin, formerly of this city, and is now in his ofifice." The following scrap of history, con- cerning a well-known Delaware Coun- ty family, will interest all my readers: John Thomson, the father of the late John Edgar Thomson, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, (who died in Philadelphia, May 27, 1874, in his 67th year,) was for several years in the service of the great "Holland Land Company," in Western Pennsylvania and New York. At the close of one of his engagements (1793) he encamp- ed at Presque Isle, now Erie, Pa., and with one assistant, and without other tools than usually attend an engi- neering expedition, he built the schoon- er White Fish, in which he sailed from that place for Philadelphia, conveying the schooner by teams of oxen around the Falls of Niagara to Lake Ontario, thence to where Oswego now stands, and up a small river to Oneida Lake, passing through which, and carrying his vessel again by land to the Mohawk, he followed that stream to the Hudson, and thence to the Atlantic Ocean. From this he entered Delaware Wwy and reached Philadelphia, when h'is schooner was taken to Lidependence Square, where it remained until de- stroyed by time. This was the first vessel that ever passed from Lake Erie to New York and Philadelphia. John Thomson was a native of Del- aware County, and a well-known civil engineer. Li the bridge over a small run on the Baltimore Turnpike, at Pennsdale, theestateof J. Edgar Thom- son,, in Springfield township, is a stone bearing this inscription : " Built gratis by John Thomson, for the Philadel- phia, Brandywine and New London Turni)ike Company, 181 1." This bridge was rebuilt within a few years, and the old slab was placed in the new structure, which is still known as "Thomson's bridge." The following privates from Chester, were enlisted in Captain John Single- ton's Company, from May ist to 8th, 1758, with their age opposite each name. Samuel Armitage, Charles Bevard, loeaT'cr, Thomas Callican, Thomas Connolly, David Cowpland, John Cross, cord2vaincr, John Cruthers, stout made, Hugh Davise, smith, William Foster, William Kennedy, lueave?-, John Long, Edward McSorley, Terence Yt.f:fi[y,/ock-pitted, John Richeson, Patrick Roe, bold-looking, John Shannon, cliandlcr , Edward Sheppard, red hair, David Way, tanner, Henry Williams, drummer. History of Chester, The, precise date of the settlement of the old town of Chester is unknown. We do know, however, that it was first settled by the Swedes, probably about the year 1645. Its Swedish name was Upland. The Dutch called it Op- landt. The Indian name according to Campanius was Meco-po-nack-a, and finally William Penn, on landing there, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 1682, at the re- (juest of his friend Pearson, whose first name is unknown, gave the town the name of Chester, after the city of Chester in P2ngland, from which city Pearson came — Hazard's A?jnais, 605. When I lived in Chester, the inhab- itants called it affectionately "Old Chester;" now it is incorporated as a city, and known as the " City of Ches- ter. ' ' I propose to write of old Ches- ter, as I knew it previous to i860, adding such information, as I can ob- tain, of its history since that time. Heckewelder in his Indian names, (part vi., p. 242, Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society,) says, " Chester River, (in Delaware Coun- ty,) is called in early deeds Macopana- fhan, corrupted from Meechoppenack- han, signifying, the large potatoe stream, /. e. the stream along which large potatoes grow," and in a note — " Me-cheek and Ma-chive-a, large, Hob-he-7iac, potatoes," (on the au- thority of Zeisberger. ) The name occurs in an Indian deed executed to William Penn, 14th day of the Fifth month, 1683, ^or lands lying between Mannmnk, alias Schuylkill, and Maco- panackhan, alias Chester River. The Swedes called the stream Upland kill." In Smith, Laws of Pa., vol. ii. pp. no, III, the Indian name of the spot where Chester stands is given as Macopa?ia- chan, and Dr. George Smith in his History of Delaware County, p. 381, '^ gives this as the name of Chester Creek, and the name of the place as Mecopa- nacha. Ebeling in his history of Pennsylva- nia says: "There was al)out llie mitldle of tliis cen- tury, (1650) two Swedish and Finish settle- ments, called Upland, and Finland ; the former afterwards received the name of Chester," (Acrelius, 39,) "none of these settlements, however, were of importance, not even except- ing Upland, which was made the chief place of a Judicial district by the Dutch in 1668." Armstrong, says in his introduction to the '■^Records of Uplatid Court," vol. vii.. Memoirs of the Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania, p. 27 : * In referring to authorities, I shall hereafter write in the short way, after having given the title of a work once — thus, as Dr. Smith states, or Hazard, or Clay, !•' ClIESTKU. " The earliest mention of Upland as a loca- tion in America, occurs in 1648; the name might seem rather English than Swedish, were it not known that many emigrants came from Upland, a province in middle Sweden, on the Baltic, to which the natural features of the new region bore some resemblance. Upland, although not named, was probably one of the settlements referred to in 1643, as existing lietween the Island of Tinicum and Fort Christina. " By what title the lands at Upland were held by the Swedes is iniknown. The royal archives of Sweden were destroyed with the palace at Stock- holm, in 1697, and the destruction in Holland, some years ago, of the doc- umentary history of New Netherlands, was another great loss to the student of Pennsylvania history. Our annals prior to the titue of the grant to Penn, are very meagre and unsatisfactory, but the Swedes had, however, an un- doubted Indian title. Campanius says, that Upland pos- sessed a Fort ; if so, it is quite likely that the town grew up around this out- ])0st in the first place. Ferris, in his History of the original settlements on the Delaware, suggests, however, that the /^^r/ was only a ''Block House," a place of refuge and defence, always erected in those days near a settle- ment. ' 'I'he House of Defence at Upland,' is spoken of in 1677, in which year it was ordered to be fitted up for the uses of the Court. Cam- panius says: "At Mocoponaca, (on the stream of that name, ) there were some houses built, and afterwards a fort," see Hazard's Register, vol. i., p. 181. 'i'he exact language used will be found in the Memoirs of the Histori- cal Society of Pa., vol. iii., p. 80, in the History of New Sweden, by Tho- mas Campanius, of Holm, translated j b\ IVter S. I)n|)Oii(tau, ],. I,. I)., in which it is stated, '' Mecoponacka w Upland, was an unfortified place, but some houses were built there. There was a fort built there sometime after its settlement. It is good, even land along the river shore. ' ' No doubt the ' ' Block House ' ' was the fort referred to, as P^rris suggests in his history. The History of New Sweden, by Thomas Campanius, of Holm, was compiled from the writings of his grandfather, the Rev. John Campa- nius, who was born in Frost Hiilt, Sweden, in 1600. He arrived at Tin- icum in February, 1643, where he was chaplain under Governor Printz, and returned to Europe in the ship S7van, May 13, 1648. He died Sept. 17, 1683. As he says, some houses were built at Upland, he means of course that they were erected there before he came to this country, or during his residence at Tinicmn, so we may safely say that Chester was first settled about 1645. Campanius goes on to state that " a fort was built there some time after its settlement," all of which occurred prior to 1648. See History of Montgojiiery County, by Wm. J. Buck, p. 21. Campanius be- gan the translation of the Catechism in the Z^«/«-Zd'//<7/le General, that he will vouchsafe me his aid, and take into consideration my forlorn situa- tion, so that I without becoming a burden to others, may supply my daily wants, &c. Laukentius Carei.s, iMiuish'?-.'' On the 24th July, 1663, Abelius Zetscoven, received a call from the Swedish congregation, but Rev. Lears opposed his preaching, so that the Commissioners had to threaten him with a protest, before he would allow the new minister to preach on Whit- Sunday. I Albany Records, p. 431. In 1676, the dominie again, (under the name of Laurence Carol i, ) got into trouble for selling liquor to the Indians, and about a mare. The mare suit was entitled Hans Peterson vs. Dom. Laurentius Carolus, Upland Re- cord, p. 74. The translator of Cam- panius calls him Laurence Lock, and it is said by Duponceau, that his real name was Laurence Charles Locke- nius ; for which statement there is no evidence. In 1677, Laurentius Carolis had a grant made to him of 350 acres of land near Croom kill, and in 1678, com- plaint was made to the court, that Lears Carolus had fenced in some of the church glebe lands; and it was " ordered that he should have all be- longing to him, the rest he must leave out." The Swedes made an effort to sui^er- cede the Rev. Lears, which was not, 12 HISTORY OF CHESTER. however, successful. Our dominie ap- pears also to have been the school- master ; I give the statement in full. "Towards the close of the Dutch dynasty (1664), the Swedes made an effort to supercede the Rev. Lears, by the appointment of Abelius Zetsco- ven, but the opposition made by the reverend incumbent was so strong, no permanent position seems to have been assigned to him. This gentleman preached at Tinicum church on the last Monday of Pentecost, at the re- quest of the Swedish Commissioners. They desired to engage him as a school- master, at the same salary as given to the Rev. Lears ; but the people of New Amsel, where it may be inferred he was employed in the came capacity, would not dismiss him. He never had charge of any congregation in the South River as a regularly ordained minister. ' ' The Rev. Lears' "great infirmity seems to have been an over fondness for intox- icating drinks. It may, however, be inferred that he became reformed in his later years; for in 1674, he became the proprietor of a tract of land for- merly occupied by Olle Stille, at the mouth of Ridley Creek, and we are informed by Campanius, that he died in the Lord, in 1688." The dominie, in the record of the Upland court, where there are numerous suits record- ed against him, is always styled Lau- rentius Carolus, which is the Latinized version of his real name, Lawrence Carels. In old documents, the same name is often spelled two or three different ways in as many lines. Peo- ple often deny relationship with others of the same name, saying, " they are no connexion of ours ; they spell their name with an s, an e, or a y, instead of an i, &c., as we do;" not know- ing, as for instance, that the Cornish Saer, Sair, Sairs, Sayre, Sayers, Sayres, or the Scottish Eyre, Ayre, Air, Ayres, Eyres and Aire, are but variations of the well-known names of Sayres and Eyre. Lower' s Dictionary of Family Names, pp. 4, 106, 305; Dixon' s Sur- name.^, pp. 24. 65. Our ancestors, who emigrated to this country, were not only careless in this manner, but of- tener did not know how to spell their own names, especially those not of English descent, and not educated. James Sandilands, was a Scotchman, who appears to have come to this coun- try as a common soldier, in Captain Carr's company, from which he was discharged April 27, 1669, having pre- viously, in 1668, obtained a patent for lands at Upland, on the upper side of Chester Creek, where the ancient i part of the town stands. His younger brother, Jonas, appears to have joined him after his settlement at Upland. James Sandilands, was one of the most noted persons in the early history of Upland. He married a daughter of Jurien Kien, and died April 12, 1692, aged fifty-six years, leaving several children. They were Catharine who married Jasper Yeates, a native of Yorkshire, England.* Elinor who married George Foreman, and James, Jonas, Christian, Mary and Lydia, who were minors at the time of their father's death. James Sandilands, his son, is the one to whom the church of St. Paul's, at Chester, is so much indebted for his liberality. He died in the year 1707, aged twenty-nine years, and his widow married Henry Munday. See Administration Book B., p. 62, 1708, at Philadelphia, the "Petition of Prudence Monday, late * Mr. Yeates was a lawyer, and became one of the Provincial Judges. lie was the grand- father of Judge Yeates, of the Supreme Couj-t of Pennsylvania. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 13 Sandilands." The frontispiece to the Record of Upland, is copied from the mural tablet in St. Paul's church, for- merly standing against the south wall of the old church, torn down about 1845. It is a massive slab of gray sandstone. The emblems cut upon it are excellently executed. Along its borders, in large capital letters are the words — HERE LIES INTERR-D THE BODIE OF JAMES SANDELANDS, MARCHANT, IN UPLAND, IN PENSILVANIA, WHO DEPARTED THIS MORTAIL LIFE, APRILE THE 12, 1692, AGED 56 YEARS, AND HIS WIFE, ANN SANDELANDS. Its face is divided into two parts, the upper bearing in cypher the initials J. S. and A. S., the arms of the San- delands family — Argent, a bend Azure, on the border dividing the upper from the lower part are the words, vive MEMOR. LETHI FFUGIT HORA. The lower half contains many emblems of mortality, the tolling bell, the passing bell, the skull and cross bones, the empty hour glass, an upright coffin bearing on its side the words memento MORI, TIME deum, and in either cor- ner crossed, a scepter and mattock, and a mattock and spade. The tablet was removed to the exterior of the church many years since, in consequence of interfering with some repairs, and was defaced with white-wash, and broken in half, and a small piece chipped off containing the year of the death. In the attempt at restoration, the figures 1682 were cut, instead of 1692. It has been carefully cleaned and placed in the vestibule of the new church lately, through the exertions of Dr. J. M. Allen. Upland Record, note, p. 167. The church was formerly entered by a large door in the centre of the north wall. When the old structure was re- paired, a new belfry and steeple were put on it at the west end, a vestry-room built at the eastern end, a large en- trance door cut out of the western wall, over which there was erected a gallery, the old north door closed up, the space thus saved turned into extra pews, and the Sandiland tablet which was in the aisle, against the southern wall of the church, opposite the old northern door, was removed to the outside of the church, immediately opposite, on the other side of the wall from where it formerly stood inside, and whitewashed to protect it from the weather. The old church in my early boyhood, had no steeple on it as it had at a later date, and is repre- sented in a plate in Smith's history. The belfry was detached from the church, and stood at the north-west corner. The lower part was built of stone, the upper portion frame-work, where the bell was hung. The frame portion vibrated dangerously when the bell was ringing, which was the cause of the old belfry being torn down, instead of being repaired ; and an ugly belfry and steeple built at the west end of the church. The old bell-tower was about 35 feet high, and about 10 feet square on the out- side. The bell, bible, and commu- nion service used in the old church, were presents from Queen Annie. The bell became cracked, and was re- cast in the year 1835, at the time the new belfry was put on the church. The old metal was, however, used in making the new bell. The communion service presented by Queen Annie and Sir Jeffry Jeffries is still used. The old bell and one set 14 HISTORY OF CHESTER. of the communion service, had engrav- ed on them Annte Regina. The Queen made similar gifts to other churches in the colonies at the same time. I find it stated that, " In 1835, when the church was repaired, George W. Piper and J. (rifford Johnson took the bell in a wagon to Wiltbank's foundry in Philadelphia, to be re-cast, and before that was done, the establishment was destroyed by fire, and all the metal collected there was fused into one mass, and the identity of the old bell was thus lost. The present bell was cast at the foundry, but there is no certainty that it contains any portion of the old bell presented by Queen Annie." I never heard the above story until 1872, and am not inclined to believe that part about the old metal not being in the new bell, else I would have heard the statement before. In my boyhood, it was said, with pride, by the church i)eopIe, that the old metal was preserved in the new bell, I am certain I heard my father, who was a vestryman of the church say so, and my mother confirms my recollec- tion. The old stone belfry of the church, would, if standing now, be one of the greatest antiquarian curiosities in the United States. The destruction of this, of the old church, of the old market-house in the square, and the first meeting-house of the Friends, — improperly called the old assembly building, — is much to be regretted. Those old buildings were well known all over the country, and rendered the name of old Chester attractive, and the place interesting to the curious traveller, to the historian and anti- quarian. I have not been able to obtain views of the old bclfrv, or of the old market- house, else I should have preserved them in the form of illustrations to this work. After the Swedish settlements on the Delaware were conquered by the Dutch, the Swedes were directed to concentrate in villages, but they never did so. Among the places named for this purpose was Upland. The Swed- ish magistrates were permitted to re- main in office — a conciliatory policy which was imitated by the English, when they came into possession of this part of the country. By the terms of the capitulation of P'ort Christina, in 1665, all the Swedes and Finns in the country, were ordered to take the oath of allegiance to the States General of New Netherlands. The oath taken by the Swedes, and others, residing on the Delaware, was as follows : " I, undersigned, promise and swear, in the presence of the Omniscient and Almighty God, that I will be true and faithful to their high and mighty lords and patrons of this New Netherland province, with the Director Gen- eral and Council already appointed, or who may be appointed in future, and will remain faithful without any act of hostility, sedition or intention, either by word or deed, against their high Sovereignty, but I will conduct my- self as an oliedient and faithful subject, as long as I continue to reside on this SoiTH River in New Netherland. So help me Ciod Al- mighty." Hans Hofi'el, Harnian Jans, Claes Peterson, Johan Anies, Constantinus Grumbeigh, Oloflf Transen, Abraham Jansen, Lambert Michielsoii, Barent Jansen, Simon Hidden, Martin Martens, Jan Echost, Samuel Peterse, Thomas Bruyn, William Morris, Andress Jansen, Claes Tomassen, Jan Jansen, Molens Andriessen, Matheys Elkisse. In all twenty, of whom, only seven wrote their own names. I do not re- cognize among them any residents of Upland. Wc must presume that this HISTORY OF CHESTER. 15 paper was only one of many circulated by the Dutch officers, appointed to take the oaths of the Swedes and others living on the Delaware, as we know it does not represent the tithe of the names of the people then living there ; for it is not at all probable they ran away for a time, or secreted them- selves ; they simply remained passive, as they did in regard to the order to concentrate in villages. The Dutch divided the western shore of the Delaware into three counties or judicial districts, the most northern of which was called Ophlandt, its capital being Upland. This division was re- cognized and continued by the En- glish ; and in 1676, under (Governor Andross, the magistrates of Upland were, Peter Cock (now Cox), Peter Rambo, Israel Helm, Lace Andries, Oele Swen, and Otto Ernest Cock, {pronounced in Swedish Coke, ) all Swedes. Helm, or Helme, was for many years Indian interpreter. Ram- bo and Cock, were two of the four magistrates who, in 1658, met Gover- nor Stuyvesant at Tinicum, with a pe- tition for various privileges. The list of laxalilc in 1677, was as foil()\v^ ial)ilants of Uiiland, I Claes Schram, 2 James Sanderling & I Robert Waede, slaue, I Jan hendricx, 2 John Test & servant, 1 Richard Bobbinghton, i Jurian kien, 2 neeles Laersen & Son, i Rich : noble, 1 henry bastings, i John hayles,* 2 will woodman & servt. i mich Yzard. "■ I suspect the name of John Hayles, in the list of Upland taxables, to mean John Bales or Beal. John Beals testified in court ( 1691) that he had plowed certain land in dispute fourteen years before. Dr. Joseph Beale, of Chester County, is now (1874) Surgeon-(ieneral U. S. Navy; his relatives reside in the vicinity of Coatesville. Dr. Bealc entered the Navy, Sept. 6, 1837. III. Upland had for its western boun- dary Chester Creek, and, it is presum- ed, Ridley Creek for its eastern limit. Marritties, or Marcus Hook, included all the land between Chester Creek and Naaman's Creek. At a court at Upland, Nov. 13, 1677, Capt. Hans Jargin was ordered to fit up the House of Defence, for the use of the court at its next sitting. The court had been previously hold- ing its sessions at the house of Neeles Laersen, who kept a tavern, and who was a troublesome fellow, if we judge him by the number of suits and com- plaints made against him to the court. His daughter seems to have taken after her father. There are several entries in the record of Upland Court con- cerning her, all growing out of the same matter, which is thus related at page 182, under the date of Oct. 13, 1680: " Complaint being made by the constable, Andries Homman, that Claes Cram keeps un- lawful company with Anna Laers daughter, y« wife of Benk Salung, the court have ordered and strictly forbidden them both for yo future not to keep company together any more, under what pretext soever, upon payne of severe punishment, and do order that Claes Cram pay y'' cost of this and y'= former complaint & order about y* same." On Nov. 12, 1678, James Sandi- lands, on behalf of the inhabitants of Upland, complains that Neeles Laer- son, with a fence stops up the old and usual way to the fly—/, e. the marsh or meadow. The court ordered him to remove the obstruction. On the same day, complaint was made by the church-wardens, that Neeles Laerson has taken in with the two lots of land he bought of dominie Lasse Carolus, here in Upland Towne, some of the 16 HISTORY OF CHESTER. church or glebe lands. The court ordered, that he should have his due of the two lots purchased by him, equal with the other lots in Upland, but what it shall be found he had taken in more the same shall be taken out and a?inexc(i to the other church lots. This statement is another evidence of the existence of a prior episcopal own- ership in the glebe lands mentioned in the text. At a court held at Upland, by his majesty's authority, Nov'r y" 12, 1678 — p'sent Mr. Peter Cock, Mr. Peter Rambo, Mr. Otto Ernest Cock, Mr. Lassie Andries, Mr. Oele Swensen, Justices — the case of Wm. Orian vs. John D'haes, an action on a book account for the sum of 167 guilders was tried, and ihe first Jury known to have been called in Pennsylvania, was empanelled. Their names were, — bans moens, dunk williams, Xtopper Barnes, Edm draufton, Peter Jockum, Isacq Sauoy, Jan hendriks, Jonas kien, moens Cock, John Browne, Jan Boel- son, henry bastings. The verdict was for the plaintiff for the full amount of his claim which had been disputed. The justices were not satisfied, how- ever, with the verdict, for the " court thought fitt to suspend y" verdict of y^ jury, and y' determinacon of this case till next court day, at w*"" ty°"^ both pit and dft are to bring their bookes in court," — when, as Dr. Smith says the court "determined to be the judge both of the law and the facts," for they then "doe Judge this a vexatious suite and order a nonsuit agst y* Pit with y* costs," — thus exemplifying the glorious uncertainty of the law. March y' 13, 1678-9, Neeles Laer- sen was ordered by the court to make or Leaue a lane or street from upland Creeketo y* House of Defence, or coun- t/y house, between that time and the next court, and in default to be fined at the discretion of the court. Neeles Laersen was a Swede; he owned 182 acres of land in the very heart of Upland, or Old Chester. The first court of which we have any record, was held at his house, which was an Inn. The records are lost. At a court at Upland, Nov. 14, 1676, it was ordered that Laerson be paid for his charges for keeping the court last year, and that the former clerk, William Tom, deliver to the present clerk, Eph. Herman, the records and other public books and writings be- longing to the court. This was done, but as they were found to be in con- fusion, Mr. Tom was ordered to ar- range them in proper order. When Tom died, in 1677, they were still in his po.ssession, and are now, pro- bably, lost forever. The judicial pro- ceedings, from 1676 to the present time, in the district including Chester and Delaware counties, have been pre- served. Those covering the time from 1676 to the commencement of Penn's administration in 1681, were publish- ed by the Historical Society in i860, under the the title of the Record of Upland Court, edited by Edward Armstrong, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, with notes, which I have freely used. J. Smith Futhey, Esq., of the Chester County Bar, in his Historical Sketches of that county, criticising the Upland Record, says : ' ' The forms of proceedings in these early courts were primitive and incongruous in their character, and there does not seem to have been any clearly drawn distinction between civil and criminal cases. The whole method of practice was rather a dispensation of justice, as the idea of it existetl in the heads and HISTORY OF CHESTER. 17 was tempered by the hearts of the judges, than the administration of any positive law, written or unwritten. The justices were uneducated, but well-meaning men, and an examina- tion of the Record shows, that they acted with the strictest regard to justice, and the preservation of the public morals." Neeles Laerson, mentioned so fre- quently in the Record, died in 1689, leaving a widow, Anico, /". e., Ann, and several s'ons, who were known by the name of Friend. So says Dr. Smith, p. 476, who seems to think it is quite probable that the name of Friend was an alias. May it not be that the widow, who lived to the advanced age of 106 years, dying in 1724, married a second time, and perhaps that Richard ffriend, who owned in Chester two tracts of land, one of 160 acres, and the other of 28 acres, and was also part owner of another lot together with James Sandilands and Samuel Buckley, as will be seen by reference to the old map in possession of Thomas Darling- ton, z. fac simile of which is in Dr. Smith's history, facing page 138. On the same map is laid down Neeles Lau- son's 182 acres. It will be noticed that the name on the map is spelled Lauson. In the graveyard at St. Martin's church, Marcus Hook, there stand alongside of each other two tombstones, one bear- ing the name of Lauson, the other Lawson. Were those buried there the descendants of Laerson ? There is living in Chester a family called Lear, probably, descendants of Neeles Laerson. I went to school with Wil- liam, Edward and Annie Lear. Their father, " Charley" Lear, was the sex- ton of St. Paul's church for many years, and his stout jovial wife, " So- i)hv" Lear, was a well-known laund- ress, who had a smile, a joke and a pleasant word for every one. If Dr. Smith is correct then, perhaps, the Lears of Chester are descendants of the Rev. Lears Carolus, and not of Laerson. In Clay s Annals is the following list of Swedish families, residing in New Sweden in 1693, with the num- ber of individuals in each family, taken from a document left by the Rev. Mr. Ruddiman, who was the founder of the old Swedes' church in Philadelphia, which was built A. D. 1700. He died in 1708. See also Acrelius'' History of New Sweden. I have followed the spelling in Acrelius ; (except in two cases of evident error — Bengston and De Foff — which I giv-e corrected,) see Memoirs of the His- torical Society of Pa., vol. ii., p. 190, &c. The list gives the names of the heads of families only : 5 Hindrich Anderson,* 9 Johan Andersson,* 7 Johan Andersson, 5 Joran Anderson, 6 John Arian, 3 Joran Bagman, 9 Anders Bengtsson,* 2 Bengt Bengtsson, II Anders Bonde,* I Johan Bonde, 5 Sven Bonde, 8 Lars Bure, 6 William Cabb, 7 Christian Classen, 6 Jacob Classon, I Jacob Clemsson,* 9 Eric Cock, 7 Gabriel Cock, 7 Johan Cock, II Capt. Lasse Cock, 8 Mans Cock, 5 Otto Ernst Cock, I Hindrich Collman, 6 Conrad Constantine, S Johan von Culen, 7 Otto Dahlbo, 9 Peter Dahlbo, 5 Hindric Danielsson, 6 Thomas Dennis, I Anders Didricsson,* 7 Olle Diricksson,* 5 Staphan Ekhorn, I Eric Ericsson, 1 Goran Ericsson, 3 Matte Ericsson, 5 Hindrich Faske, 10 Casper Fisk, 6 Mathias de Foss,* 4 Anders Frende, 7 Nils Frendes (widow), 7 Olle Fransson,* 7 Eric Gastenberg, 3 Nils Gastenberg, 2 Eric Goransson, 6 Brita Gostafsson, 8 Gostaf Gostafson, 7 Hans Gostafsson, 3 Jons Gostafsson,* 2 Mans Gostafson, 3 Johan Grantrum, I Lars Hailing, 9 Mans Hallton,* 5 Israel Helm,* 3 Johan Hindersson, ji. 4 Anders Hindricksson, 7 David Hindricsson, 5 Jacob Hindricsson, 6 Johan Hindricsson,* 5 Johan Hindricsson, 7 Matts HoUsten, 9 Anders Homman,* 7 Anders Hoppman, 7 Frederic Hoppman, 7 Ji'han Hoppman, 18 HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. 5 Nicholas Hoppman, 9 Hindricli Iwarsson,* I Hindrich Jacob, 1 Matts Jacob, 4 Hindrich Jacobsson,* 9 I'eter Joccom, 5 Didrich Johansson, 6 Lars Johansson, 10 Simon Johansson,* 4 Anders Jonsson, 2 Jon Jonsson, 3 Mans Jonsson, 6 Nils Jonsson, I Thomas Jonsson, I Christiern Joransson, 11 Hans Joransson, I Joran Joransson, 5 Staphan Joransson,* 6 Lasse Kempe, 6 Frederic Konig, 6 Marten Knutsson, 6 Olle Kuckow, 5 Hans Kyu's (widow), 8 Jonas Kyn, 3 Matts Kyn, 5 Nils Laican, 7 And. Persson Longaker, 6 Hindrich Larsson, 7 Lars Larsson, I Lars Larsson. 1 Anders Lock, I Mans Lock, 3 Antonij Long, 4 Robert Longhom, I Hans Lucasson, 1 Lucas Lucasson, 1 Peter Lucasson, 5 Johan Mansson, 3 Peter Mansson, 10 Marten Martensson, jr.* 3 Marten Martensson, sr.* 4 Mats Martenson, 11 Johan Mattson, 3 Nils Mattsson,* 7 Christopher Meyer, 5 Paul Mink,* 8 Eric Molica,* 3 Anders Nilsson, 4 Jonas Nilsson,* II Michael Nilsson,* 5 Hans Olsson,* 5 Johan Ommerson,* 2 Lorentz Ostersson, 4 Hindrich Parchon, 5 Bcngt Paulsson, 6 Gostaf Paulsson, 9 Olle Paulsson,* 5 Peter Palsson, I Lars Pehrsson, 6 Olle Pehrsson, 8 Brita Petersson, 5 Carl Petersson, 7 Hans Petersson,* 5 Hans Petersson, 1 Lars Petersson, 3 Paul Peterson, 3 Peter Petersson, 3 Peter Stake, alias Petersson, 2 Reiner Petersson, 9 Anders Rambo, 6 Gunnar Rambo, 6 Johan Rambo, 6 Peter Rambo, jr., 2 Peter Rambo, sr. ,* 3 Matts Repott, 3 Nils Repott, 5 Olle Resse,* 3 Anders Robertsson, 3 Paul Sahlunge, 7 Isaac Savoy, 6 Johan Schrage, 4 Johan Schute, 5 Anders Seneca,* 7 Broor Seneca,* 6 Jonas Skagge's (widow), 1 Johan Skrika, 3 Matts Skrika, 2 Hindrich Slobey, 5 Carl Springer,* I Mans Staake,* 3 Chierstin Stalcop, 6 Johan Stalcop, 6 Peter Stalcop, I Israel Stark, 3 Matts Stark, 8 Adam Stedham, 5 Ashmund Stedham, 7 Benjamin Stedham, 7 Lucas Stedham, 9 Lyioff Stedham, 8 Johan Stille, 5 JohanStiUman, 4 Jonas Stillman, 4 Peter Stillman, 3 Olle Stobey, 5 Gunnar Svenson, 9 Johan Svenson,* 7 William Talley, 4 Elias 'Lay, 6 Christiern Thomo's (widow), 9 Olle Thomasson, 4 Olle Thorsson, 5 Hindrich Tossa, 4 Johan Tossa, I Lars Tossa, I Matts Tossa, 7 Cornelius van der Weer, 7 Jacob van der Weer, 3 Jacob van der Weer, I William van der Weer, 7 Jesper Wallraven, 1 Jonas Walraven, 4 Anders Weinom,* 4 Anders Wihler. Making in all 939 in(li\i(luals in 188 families. Of these, IVtrr Rambo and Andrew lionde, had l)een in thi.s coun- try fifty-four years; having, therefore, arrived here in 1639. Those mark- ed with an asterisk [ thus * ] are the names of persons born in Sweden. Sven Svenson, although living in 1693, '•'' omitted from the list, Acre- lius, p. 193. Carl Springer had a mid- dle name — Christopherson. It will be l)erceived that the authography of many of the above names has been changed, for instance — Bengtsson, is now Bank- son ; Hindricsson, Hendrickson, then Henderson ; Svenson, is Swanson ; Cock, into Cox ; Gostafsson, is now Justis ; Jocum, pronounced in Swedish Yocum, is now so rendered ; Hollsten, is Holstein ; Kyn, Keen; Hoppman, Hoffman ; Von Culin, Culin ; Hail- ing, is now Hulings or Hewlings;* Seneca, is Sinnickson ; Martenson, or Mortenson, has become Morton ; Whiler, Wheeler ; Ericsson, is Erick- son, &c. And with regard to Chris- tian names, many of them correspond with our own, and merely show a dif- ference in spelling and pronunciation between the two languages. Anders, therefore, among the Swedes, natur- ally becomes with us Andrew ; Johan, John ; Mats, Matthew, or Matthias ; Carl, Charles ; Bengt, Benjamin, or '"" The family of Hewlings tliat setlled in tlie vicinity of Marcus Hook, and had a patent from Pcnn for their land, are said to i)e of English descent. Proud, vol. i. p. 150, in a note says, that in 1678, a ship arrived from London which "brought John Dunn, Thos. Kent, John Hollingshead, with their fam- ilies, William Hewlings, Abraham Ilewlings, and others ; the former of these settled about Salem, the rest at Burlington." One of my friends, Edward Hewlings, of Philadelphia, a descendant of the Marcus Hook Hewlings, has the original deed of Penn to his ancestor Abraham Hewlings, who was the owner of a large tract of land in Gloucester County, New Jersey. The late Pishop While, of Philadelphia, married a grand-aiint of Mr. K.Kvard I Un\ lin-s. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 19 Benedict ; Nils, Nicholas ; Staphon, Stephen ; Wilhelm, and also Olle, William ; Hindrick, Henry ; Michel, Michael ; Jons, Jonathan. And I may- add, that the names of Nilsson, became Nelson ; both Jonasson and Johansson are now Johnson; Lucasson, Lucas; Thomason, Thompson, or Thomson. Van der Weer, is now Vanderveer ; Resse, Ross and Rawson. Grantrmia became Grantham ; but this old Ches- ter name and family are extinct in this country, although there is in the Ches- ter Directory for 1859, p. 73, the name of James Grantham, farmer. He is not, I believe, a descendant of the old family. There are, however, descendants in the female line living in the town. The name of Ostersson, is Otterson ; Pehrsson, has become Pear- son ; Paulson, Poulson ; Longaker, Longacre, and Bonde, Bond. Al- though some of the latter family call themselves Boon, yet they are not to be confounded with the English fam- ily of Boon, which is also an English name, as will be seen by reference to the Records of Friends' Meeting at Reading. The ancestors of Daniel Boone, the celebrated Kentucky fron- tiersman, were English, and Friends, as the Reading Record shows conclu- sively. Some of the Bonds of Dela- ware county retain their original name, dropping the e only, which in Swed- ish is sounded soft in pronouncing the name. Bonde in Swedish means a peasant. A descendant of this family lived on the Delaware about a mile below Chester bridge, on Third Street, and when my uncle Joseph W. Smith, lived at Fairview, then called Bermuda Farm, I used to visit the Bond boys. The old Swedish names are yet very common, and very familiar in Dela- ware county, and it would be very difficult to find any of the old families without Swedish blood in their veins, except, perhaps, among strict Friends. IV. In Upland Record, note C, Arm- strong states, "The House of Defence, or Block-house, which Jargin had been directed to ' fit up, and furnish fitt for the court to sitt in,' was built upon the land of Neeles Laerson. We are able to fix its position and probable size, by the description in a Deed from Lydia, the widow of Robert Wade, to Edward Danger, Oct. 10, 1697, Deed Book A, 270, IVest Chester. That deed recites deed from Ann Learson, als Friend, and Andrew Lear- son, her son, to Robert Wade, Sept. 7, 1687. Recorded in Philadelphia, March 29, 1689. It stood on the east side of, and at an angle to, the present Second Street, which was laid out after its erection, and the eastern line of which street ran through the centre of the building, from its S. E. to its N. W. corner. If it was rectangular in shape, its size was 14 by 15 feet, and, according to measure- ment, its S. E. corner stood about 84 feet from the N. E. cor. of Front and Filbert. The northern portion of the house of Mrs. Sarah B. Coombs — built by Captain Thomas Robinson — occu- pies about II feet of the south end of the site of the House of Defence." Dr. Smith in Appendix H., p. 542, says : ' ' The second court-house was erected in 1 684-5 '^"'^ ^^^ location is established by a deed from Robert Wade and wife, to Henry Hollingsworth, executed in Oct., 1695. This deed describes the lot as ' directly opposite the old Court House, fronting said Chester Street.' 20 IIISTOKY OF CHESTER. A jail was erected at tlie same time, but there is reason to believe that it was built near the creek, and that there was a street laid out between the two buildings. The same deed recites that the northern line of the lot it describes passes back from the street, ' along the south side of the newly erected Court House.' Henry HoUingsworth, who was a Friend, was dealt with by the Meeting the same year, ' for cut- ting the eaves of the new prison.' Besides this fact, there is evidence in advance that there was a prison as well as a Court House erected on the lot next north of the lot conveyed by Robert Wade and his wife to Henry HollingsAVorth. A Court House and prison were erected on that lot about 1694. They probably occupied the site of the prison erected in 1684-5. The deed last mentioned, establishes another important fact ; the lot con- veyed by it is described as having 'a passage 6 foot broad on the south side,' extending from the street to I the creek. This passage is now built up. Its location nearly opposite the House of Defence, leaves little room to doubt that this passage is the iden- tical lane that Neeles Laerson was directed by the Upland court to leave open." The third building occupied as a Court-house, or rather the fourth, if we count Laerson 's tavern as the first, for the House of Defence was not the tavern — for Captain Hans Jar- gin's company was quartered in the Block House when he was ordered to " fitt up and finish y* house of defence att Upland fitt for the Court to sitt in" — stood nearly opposite to the House of Defence, 259 feet 6 inches from the S. W. corner of Front and James Streets. It was erected in 1695, upon a lot sold to the county by John Hoskins, [Deed Book A, p. 190, at West Chester,^ and its first story was used as the prison. A portion of the old wall is yet to be seen, preserved in the northern gable of the building now occupying its site. The jail was in the cellar, and the bars of the windows are, or were a few years ago, in their original position. This court-house was built by John Hoskins, in the year 1695, and by him conveyed to the Commissioners of the county. At March court, 1701, it was order- ed that the " old Court House be set on sale, the 6th day of the 3d mo. next, papers to be set up to give notice that it is to be sold at Vandew.'' At the same court it was ordered that Jasper Yeates, Ralph Fishbourn, Joseph Co- bourn and Andrew Jobe, be super- visors for the building of a new prison upon the ground of James Sandilands, and they are to build the said house 25 feet long and 18 feet wide in the clear, or thereabouts, as they see cause, the said house to front on High Street, and at the north corner of the ground. At the Dec. court (10 mo.,) 1701, James Sandilands, by his attorney, David Lloyd, delivered a deed to John Blunston, Caleb Pusey, Ralph Fish- bourn, Robert Pile and Philip Roman, for a piece of land, being 120 feet square, in the township of Chester, for which said lot the grantees, at the same time, delivered a declara- tion of trust, showing that the i)ur- chase was for the use of the county. At the same court it was agreed by the Justices and the Grand Jury, "to repair the Court and Prison House" with all possible speed, and they ap- pointed Walter Martin, John Hoskins and Henry Worley to be supervisors, and oversee the work, and agree with HISTORY OF CHESTER. 21 the workmen, provide materials, and finish said work with all expedition, and to provide a pair of stocks and a 7vhippiiig post. At a Court held 24th of 12 mo. (Feb.) 1701- 2 : " We of the grand Jury for the body of this county do present to this court the necesity of a Court hous and prison hous, and finding y' there is little money in the bank, and that many have not paid their moiety, ^ Rate of the last assessment, desirs that such may be forsed; and also that there is necessity for speedygatheringof the other half of the county tax yet behind, do request the Justices to issue out warrants for the speedy gathering of the s'd half tax for the carying on s'd work and defraying y" charg &c." " Also in case of Emergency for the speedy perfecting of s'd work, &c., we the grand Jury request that the Justices take care to raise more monys, as the law directs, for we are sensibl that Law and Justice cannot have its perfect courc without such housis for their distribution as aforesaid." In 1703, the old Court House, no longer used, was presented as a nui- sance, and ordered to be torn down. The following is the order of the court : "The Grand Jury having presented the house commonly called the old Court House, as being a nuisance, and dangerous of taking fire, and so would endanger the town, the court, on deliberate consideration, orders — the said House to be pulled down, and that Jasper Yeates, Chief Burgess of the Borough of Chester, shall see the order performed." Now these proceedings must have had reference to the old House of Defence, which we know was constructed of logs. They could not have had reference to the second Court House, or else the pro- ceedings were stayed ; for at the close of the year 1705, an act was passed by the Legislature, to assure, grant and convey unto Ralph Fishbourn of Ches- ter, gentleman, one messuage, cottage house or tenement and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate in Ches- ter, in the couiaty of Chester, formerly known by the name of the " Old Court House." This was the court house buik in 1684-5. The fourth Court House, a substan- tial stone structure, two stories high, was built in 1724, which date may be seen on its south wall. The building is still in a good state of preservation. Its position is on the west side of Mar- ket Street, between Work and Free, now Fourth and Fifth Streets. The building contains the town-clock, and its style of architecture denotes the olden time, being girded above each story with roof projections, which gives it a look of solidity quite unlike modern erections. The Jail, its ne- cessary companion, once stood upon the same lot, at the corner of Market and Work Streets, but the county seat having removed to Media, the jail was sold and turned into a manufactory of cotton goods, having been much in- creased in size. Its site is now occu- pied by Lincoln Hall, erected in 1866. The old jail stood back from the street some distance, thus giving a handsome, wide, paved walk from Work Street to the Court House door, beneath two rows of linden trees. That part of the jail building fronting Market Street, was occupied as a residence by the sheriff of the county. The old Court House is now used as the Town Hall, and for other purposes. The fine sand-stone of which it is built, has been disfigured by paint of a dull red color. The jury roorns were in the second story of the building. In reference to the names of the streets, before they were re-named by the city authorities : Second was call- ed Filbert : the present Front is anew 22 HISTORY OF CHESTER. street entirely, made by filling- in the flats. Old Front, is now called Edg- Diont Avenue ; it was anciently called Chester Street. The present Third Street was czS\&di James Street ; Fourth was Work ; Fifth was Free Street ; Market was called Main Street, and Welsh Street was named ' ' Love Lane. ' ' This latter was a quiet, retired walk, embowered in trees twenty years ago; and there the old, old story has been told many and many a time. Dr. Smith, p. 234, says : " The ancient but substantial building, now occupied as a Town Hall in the Borough of Chester, and which was used as a Court House u]) to the time of the removal of the seat of justice to Media, was erected in 1724. The following addition to the rear of the building, (forming a recess where the judges sat,) was erected at a much later date. An act was passed this year (1724), ' to enable the trustees to sell the old Court House and prison, belong- ing to the borough and county of Chester.' This sale was effected the following year, and the record shows conclusively, that the 'old Court House' referred to, was the one built ajjout the year 1694-5, upon the lot purchased from John Hoskins, and for which a deed was executed by him to the county in 1697. The purchase-money paid by the county, was ;^8. The trustees sold the property to William Preston, of Philadelphia, mariner, for £2^." /Recorder's Office, West Chester, Deed Book D. p. 276. It is now (1862) owned by Fred- erick Fairlamb. . Directly to the north of this old Court House, there formerly stood, at about 30 feet distance, the old struc- ture, called ' ' The old Assembly House, ' ' (erroneously, as the first assembly met Dec. 7, 1682, before it was built,) late the well-known residence of Samuel Long, the cooper, torn down previous to i860. The south side of this old building was 230 feet 6 inches, south of the S. W. corner of Front and James Streets. It was the fijst Meeting House of the Friends at Chester, and was erect- ed in 1693, and it is said William Penn often preached there. Samuel Lytle, the old school-master of Chester, used to be fond of speaking of this tradi- tion. He was 85 years old in i860, and is now deceased. The following extracts from the pro- ceedings of the Court, show that the new Court House was for a time made the depository of the Public Records : " At a Court of Private Sessions, held at the house of John Hannum, in Concord, Dec. 15, 1724, Joseph Parker having petitioned this Court setting forth y® great danger y'= records of y« county lay in, as well as by casualities of fire, as other accidents which might happen, and refer the same to your consideration to provide a place for keeping y^said Records in w't may be of greater security, whereupon y*^ Court upon mature consideration of the same, allows y^ petition to be reasonable, and orders y'^ clerk to present y^ same before y^ commissioners and Assessors of y* same county, in order that they may fit a room in y^ new Court House for keep- ing y® s'd Records in ; and when prepared order y^ old clerk to transmit all y« said Re- cords to y* place so appropriated accordingly, and not to be removed without y'> Court's di- rection." In 1 741, the Court House and Pri- son, were repaired and painted, a well dug in the Court House yard, and an order given by the Commissioners to Nathan Worley for ;^io, for planks for flooring the two dungeons on the east side of the prison and laying the floors, &c. And one to Thomas Mor- gan for ^5 \\s. 6d., for 150 lbs. spikes for laying the dungeon's floors. Charles Justis says : " The old wooden pump that stood in front of the old jail, had an iron handle. That when the old Lombardy i)Oi)lar trees were cut down, the plat was paved with brick, and two rows of linden trees were planted to replace the old pop- lars. The plat was laid in grass pre- viously." When the county offices HISTORY OF CHESTER. 23 which stood to the north of the Court House, on the same side of the street, at the corner of Free, were erected, I cannot say. The building was double, with a stairway at the north end lead- ing into the second story, a part of which was used as the office of the County Commissioners, and I think Edward Darlington had his law office in the other part, at one time. The first story was occupied by the Pro- thonotary of the County, &c. Upon the Record of Upland Court, of March 13, 1677, there appears the following curious entry : " Mr. John Test lirought into Court a certain man-servant named William Still, a Taylorhy trade, whome he the sd Test did acknowledge to have sold unto Captain Edmund Cantwell, for the space and tearme of four yeares, be- ginning from the first of April last past. The sd William Still, declared in Court to be will- ing to serve said Captain Cantwell the above tearme of four yeares." At a Court held 11 Sep"" 1677, there was tried a case of assault and battery ; Justice Israeli Helm, P", Oele Oelesen (als) Coeckoe Def. It appears that the Deft, at the house of Juns Justisse, with Evill words abused the Justice and af- terwards beat him and tore his shirt. The Court after hearing the testimony of Lace Coleman, &c. "Doe Condemne the said oele oelsen in a fyne of 210 gilders ; sixty thereof for the poore or Church and the Remainder to the sherife, and doe further order y' the s** oele oelsen doe humbly aske forgiue- ness of Justice Israeli helm and the Co''' for his s^ offence." Oelesen, is now Allison. Albert Hendriex, having served his leare as constable, was relieved. He is the first person known who held that office in Pennsylvania. Proud, in his History of Pennsyl- vania, vol. i. p. 193 (1797), writing of the settlement of the English under Penn, states : " Three ships sailed for Pennsylvania this year (1681), two from London, and one from Bristol. The 'John & Sarah,' from London, commanded by Henry Smith, is said to have been the first that arrived there, the ' Amity,' Richard Dimon, master, from the same place, with passengers, was blown oft" to the West Indies, and did not arrive at the Province till the spring of the next year ; the ' Bristol Fac- tor,' Roger Drew, commander, arrived at the place Chester now stands, on the nth of December, 1681, when the passengers seeing some houses, went on shore at Robert Wade's landing, near the lower side of Chester Creek, and the river having frozen up that night, the passengers remained there all winter." Watson says : " They dug caves and built huts of any materials they could find for their habitations, and thus passed the cold weather. In one of those caves or huts, was born the patriarch Emanuel Grubb, who lived to be nearly 1 00 years old. Some of his descendants live in Chester at the present time. He died in 1767, aged 86 years. ' He was really called the first born of English parentage in the Province.' " See note to communication of John F. Watson, in the Upland Union of Nov. 4, 1826, and in his MS. Historical Collections, p. 190, in the Library .of the Historical Society of Pa. The winter of 1681, must have been a very severe one, and it is said the winter of 1657 was remarkable for its severity ; the Delaware was frozen over in one night, so that a deer could run over it, which, as the Indians related, had not happened within the memory of man. The only passengers in the three ships, whose names are mentioned by Proud, are — William Markham, De- puty Governor, John Otter, Nathaniel Allen, Edmund Lovett, with their fam- ilies, and several servants of Governor Penn, and Joseph Kirkbride, then a 24 HISTORY OF CHESTER. boy, afterwards a celebrated Quaker l)reacher. The preceding paragraph introduces Robert Wade, the first member of the Society of Friends who settled at Up- land, where he arrived and took up his abode in the year 1675. He was an f^nglishman, who came over to this country in the "Griffith," with Fen- wick ; his residence was on the west side of Chester Creek near its mouth, on the same tract that had been known as Printzdorp, and which had been previously occupied by Mrs. Papegoya, the daughter of the Swedish Governor Printz. This lady having been re- instated in the family possessions at Tinicum, disposed of her Upland pro- perty to Robert Wade, or some other person from whom he obtained it. Formerly, a solitary pine tree stood near the place, pointed out by the old folks as the former site of Wade's house. I remember Joseph B. Wade, late of Chester, now of Philadelphia, pointing out the place to me. The old pine tree was blown down by a storm, in 1864. Printzdorjj was situated on the grant by Queen Christina to Capt. John Amundson Besk, who never seems to have taken possession of the lands given him. The letter of Beekman, of Sep. 14, 1662, gives the exact loca- tion of the place. He writes, " I in- quired into the situation of a certain lot of land on the south-west side of Upland Kill, and was informed by the Swedish Commissaries and other an- cient inhabitants of said nation, that the aforesaid is called Printz' s village, which had already been in ])ossession during 16 years of the Swedish Govr. John Printz, and his daughter, who owns it." Tlie maiden name of Mrs. Papegoya of Upland was Jeuffro Armigart Printz, as appears by the record of a judgment obtained by her in 1672, at the Assizes in New York, against Andrew Carr and Priscilla, his wife. Hazard' s An- nals, p. 423. Along the banks of the Delaware, near by, there grew in my boyhood, about 1836, a number of walnut trees, extending along the shore to Edmund Pennell's place, near Richard W. Flowers' residence, called Lamokin ; here I used to Avander with my young companions, my brother, William Martin, Jr., Franklin A. Dick, Lewis Ladomus, Harry Porter, Samuel and Harry Edwards, and others, to gather walnuts, or to hunt for Indian arrow heads on the sandy beach. We used to find great numbers of the latter, made of white, yellow, and gray flint stones, some of which I have yet ; we put most of our treasures in the Lyce- um, in a room over the old Market House in Chester. The residence of Robert Wade, was called the Essex House (probably in remembrance of his native place), and was rendered famous, as being the dwelling wherein William Penn was first entertained upon his first landing in Upland, on the 29th of Oct., 1682. It was here also that William Edmund- son, an eminent Quaker preacher, held a meeting in 1675. Whether Essex House was built by Friend Wade, or by the daughter of Gov. Printz,* is unknown, probably by the latter, as we find Robert Wade within a few months after, taking up his abode at Upland, the owner of a house large enough to entertain Edmundson, and hold a meeting in, and prepared to * I am aware oilier parties say, Mrs. I'ape- j^oya's liouse aiibank or key side without boating or litering it. It would be well if y* river com- ing into y' creek be navigable at least for boats up into the country, and y' the scituation be high, at least dry and sound, and not swampy, wch is best knowne by digging up two or three earths, and seeing the bottom." HISTORY OF CHESTER. 29 In Gordon's Appendix to his His- tory of Pa., p. 605, it is said, "It is not probable that Chester detained the attention of the commissioners, since it is wanting in ahiiost all the requi- sites for a large city." At this time all the titles to the land upon the Delaware River and Bay, from Upland to the Capes, were held from the New York Government. In 1 71 7, when the Earl of Sutherland was endeavoring to obtain a grant of the counties of New Castle, Kent and Sus- sex from the crown, James Logan resisted his pretensions in an essay, tending to prove that they were always a part of the New York colony. In referring to the statement of the claims of the two proprietors, Lord Baltimore and William Penn, he states that, " al- though the title is not expressly men- tioned, it is there shown from Dr. Heylin's Cosmography, that Nieii Ne- derlandt extended to the westward and southward of Delaware River and Bay — that the Dutch had planted the western side of it, and built two towns on it, viz. : Whoorhill, now Lewes, and Sandt Hook, now New Castle — that this river being taken by the English from the Dutch in 1655, together with New Amstel and the Noord Riviere, now New York and Hudson, altogether as one country, known by the name of Nieu Ncdcrlandt, came therefore under the government of the Duke of York, whose right to the western side of the Delaware was fully submitted to by the Dutch and all settlers amongst them ; and when retaken by the Dutch, and conquered a second time by the En- glish, it returned to its former subjec- tion to the Duke." At the first session of the Court held at Upland, under the new dispensation of Dep. Crov. Markham, in 16S2, the following gentlemen were appointed officers of the court : — William Clay- ton, William Warner, Robert Wade, Otto Ernest Cock, William Byles, Ro- bert Lucas, Lasse Cock, Swan Swan- son and Andreas Bankson, Justices ; John Test, Sheriff ; and Thomas Re- vell. Clerk. Five of the Justices were English and four Swedes. The Duke's laws were declared abolished, and all legal proceedings were, by the Deputy Governor's orders, to be conducted " according to the good laws of Eng- land." During the first year the court found it impossible to carry out fully their instructions in this regard. The first case reached and called for trial by the new Court, was that of Peter Errickson vs. Harman Johnson and Margaret, his wife, an action of assault and battery. Morgan Drewet, Wm. Woodmanson, William Hewes, James Brown, Henry Reynolds, Robert Schooley, Richard Pittman, Lassey Dalboe, John Ackraman, Peter Ram- bo, Jr., Henry Hastings, and Wm. Oxley, yurors. Witness, — William Parke. Verdict, for the plaintiff, dd., damages and costs. In the next case the same parties were reversed, the same cause of action, and the same jury. The witnesses were Anna Colemon, Richard Buffington, and Ebenezer Taylor. Verdict for plaintiff, 40 shillings and cost of suit. It will be perceived that the old prac- tice of making the prosecutor plaintiff in criminal cases was still continued. And in a case of debt tried by the same court, there was a verdict given for 62 gilders; showing that it is hard to break off old habits. After the Re- volution, our ancestors found it as difficult to forget their £. s. and d. I have copied the above proceed- intrs to show that luiglish names were so HISTORY OF CHESTER. becoming, in 1681, (juite common at I Upland, and we might call a jury to- day in Chester, with some of the same names on the panel. Besides these English names, others occurred in the proceedings of the new court, which are familiar to our ears, viz. : Charles Brigham, AValter Humphrey, Casper Fiske, Richard Ridgeway, Richard Noble, Wm. Cobb, Francis Stephen- son, John Wood, John Champion and Thomas Nossiter. These and many others had become residents of Upland and its vicinity prior to the date of Penn's patent. Andreas Banckson, mentioned as one of the justices of the new court at Upland, in 1682, was a Swede, a na- tive of Stockholm, and arrived in this country March 24, 1656, in the Swed- ish ship '^ Mercuriusy His real name was Andres Bengtsson, and there were nine members of his family living in 1693 ; and he was still living in 1703. See Clay s Annals, "^^i. 29, 167. An- dres Banckson, mentions in his will, proven at Philadelphia, Sept. 2, 1706, his wife, Gertrude, his sons Banet, John, Peter, Jacob, and Daniel, and his daughters, Catharine and Bridget. He was the possessor of an extensive estate in Passayunk, and elsewhere. The homestead, consisting of 218 acres, he devises equally to his sons, Peter, John, Jacob and Daniel ; and a portion of it is held to this day by his descendants. Banet, /. e., Benja- min, was the father of Jacob, who was the ancestor of the wife of my brother William. My mother's grandmother, Ann Bond, wife of John Welsh, of Phila- delphia, merchant, was, family tradi- tion says, of Swedish descent ; she was a daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Bond, of Marcus Hook ; Elizabeth, being, probably, a daughter of Walter and Sarah Martin, of the same place. Jacob Bankson in. Hannah, another daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Bond. They had issue, Benjamin, Mary, Elizabeth, Rebecca {b. June 23) 1753)) and Sarah; all of whom are mentioned in his will, proved April 20, 1788, in which he calls himself "Yeoman of the District of South- wark," and refers to his son, Benja- min, thus : " If he returns again, and is alive after the decease of my wife, Hannah," &c. Benjamin was the captain of a merchant ship, which sailed from Philadelphia and was never heard of again. Mary, daughter of Jacob and Han- nah, b. Oct. 7, 1745, d. July 19, 1829, ;;/. Samuel Taylor of Philadelphia, d. Oct. 7, 1780, and left issue ; Rebecca, Martha, b. Oct. 9, 1766; Hannah, b. Feb. 24, 1769 ; Mary, b. Sept. 13, 1770; Bankson, b. Sept. 17, 1772; Samuel, b. Feb. 26, 1775 ; and Eliza- beth, b. Aug. 12, 1777. These two latter died young and unmarried. Re- becca, m. Capt. Azel Howard ; he d. Dec. 28, 1824, she d. Jan. 24, 1858; their only child, Elizabeth, m. William Connell Graham, son of the late Robert M. Graham, druggist; their children were, i. Montgomery, d. at 10 years: 2. Emma, m. Samuel Grant Smith, a grandson of the late Sam- uel Grant, an old and esteemed mer- chant of Philadelphia, they have one child, a daughter : 3. Clementia, ;//. Mr. Miller, and died March, 1875, leaving a son and a daughter, Em- ma : 4. Eliza, ?;/. John McDowell, and has a daughter: 5. Ella, m. Ben- jamin Cross, Jr., musician, (a son of the late distinguished musician, leader and composer, of the same name) ; they have three sons, lienjamin, Oliver, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 31 and another. Martha Taylor, b. Oct. 9, 1766, m. a Mr. Wilson, of Ber- muda, W. I., and had Patty, m. Wm. Alexander, who died childless, and Mary Ann, m. George Claxton, who was a clerk of Bankson Taylor, ship- chandler, and had issue, George Wil- son Claxton, who married, but died without' issue about Jan. i, 1875, and Bankson and Howard Claxton, twins ; the latter died and left no issue, the former married a Miss Thompson, and died leaving three children. Martha Claxton, died single. Fannie Clax- ton ni. Howard lidwards ; and Alex- ander Claxton, who married, but his wife and children are all dead. He was lost at the burning of the ferry- boat, " New Jersey," on the night of March 15, 1856, when crossing the Delaware to his house in Camden, N. J. Mary Taylor, b. Sept. 13, 1770, VI. Jacob Clement, and died Aug. 18, 1793, leaving Elizabeth, Samuel and Charles. Jacob Clement d. Dec. 24, 1825, aged 71 years; his second wife was Hannah, a sister of his first wife, she died Jan. 6, 1847, without issue. Elizabeth, m. Elisha N. English ; they had, I am informed, three sons and two daughters, some of whom are liv- ing in Philadelphia. Bankson Taylor, shipping merchant of Philadelphia (in partnership with his brother-in law, Clement), married Hetty McWilliams^ daughter of Richard, of New Castle, Delaware ; she was a very handsome little lady, and an excellent performer on the piano ; she died Aug. 19, 1821, aged 37 years ; he died Dec. 26, 1836, aged 64 years and 3 months ; leaving Richard, (m. Emeline Kenton, ward of Stephen Girard, and died Dec, 1855, leaving a widow and two daugh- ters, Emily and Annie ; he was a Brewer, 8th and Vine, Philadelphia,) and the following daughters, Mary and Louisa, who died in infancy. Hetty, ni. Francis King ; she died Sept. 13, 1876; they had Annie, Hetty M., and Mary B. m. Joseph H. Wainwright, in May 1875. -Rebecca, VI. Chauncy P. Holcomb, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, Jan. 10, 185 1 ; they removed to Delaware, and Mrs. H. died there, Nov. 4, 1851, leaving two sons, Bankson T. andJPhomas, now a member of the Bar, of New Castle, Delaware ; their father d. April 5, 1855. Martha, vi. Franklin P. Hol- comb, of Georgia, and died April 28, 1858, without issue. William B., ni. Ellen Jane Tingley, (daughter of Benj. and Elizabeth,)who died Feb. 19, 1872, leaving the following children : Eli- zabeth (;//. Frederick Addicks), Nellie, Alice, Anna and Bankson. Bankson Taylor's youngest son, Samuel, was drowned, by falling from Race Street Wharf into the Delaware. Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Hannah Bankson, b. Jan. 2, 1747-8, d. Dec. 24, 1 819, m. (ist) Capt. Daw- son Durham, a merchant captain, Aug. 8, 1779 ; he went to sea 22 days after, and has never been heard of since. She married, 2d, Capt. William Wroth of the merchant service, Sept. 25, 1783; they had three children, one only survived infancy, Sarah Mont- gomery, b. Feb. 19, 1785, d. Jan. 15, 1861, m. (ist.) James McKeever, a merchant captain, Sept. 7, 181 7, and had a son, Wm. Murdock, who died in infancy ; she married, 2d, Walter Thompson, grocer, of Philadelphia, in 1823; she being his second wife ; he died Jan. 29, 1854, leaving her sur- viving, and a son, Walter, andadaugh- ter Elizabeth B. Walter, b. Feb. 15, 1824, ;;/. Eliza Cooper ; they had George, Walter and Georgiana, who HISTORY OF CHESTER. died youiiL;, and Mary Baxter, and Frederick Wolhert. Elizabeth B. ?n. William Martin, Jr., Aug. 3, 1848 ; and they had Walter Thompson, and Sallie Martin. Walter T. d. July 22, 1876, aged 27 yrs. and 3 days. Sarah Bankson, dau. of Jacob and Hannah, b. Dec. 28, 1759, in. Joseph Huddell : and had issue, Bankson, who died in boyhood of hydrophobia, and Hannah, b. Sept. 13, 1792, tn. Rev. Charles M. Dupuy, an Episcopal min- ister, and died without issue, (and was buried in Christ Church grave-yard,) Dec, 16, 1851 ; she was educated at the Moravian school for girls, at Beth- lehem, Pa. Rev. Mr. Depuy d. in 1875, and her real estate, consisting of a portion of the plantation of her g. g. grandfather, Andres Bengtsson, will be divided among her next of kin, living at her decease, in accord- ance with the provisions of the in- testate laws, which need a careful revision. After the death of his wife, Sarah, Joseph Huddell ni. (2d) Re- becca Matlack, by whom he had (ieorge, Joseph, Jr., the present Asst. Treasurer of the Philadelphia, Wil- mington and Baltimore R. R. Co., and Martha, Elizabeth and Wm. Penn Huddell. Joseph Huddell, d. Jan. 15, 1820, in his 86th year ; and his widow, Rebecca, April 30, 1830, in her 8ist year. Their tombstone is near the south side of the belfry-steeple of St. Peter's Church. Rebecca Bankson, daughter of Ja- cob and Hannah, b. June 23, 1753, d. March, 1847, i'"* the 94th year of her age, immarried ; she was buried in the Bankson vault in St. Peter's Church yard, Philadelphia, being before her death the oldest living member of that church. She was familiary called "Aunt IJcfkv" l)v her relatives, and lived during many years of the latter period of her life with her sister Eliza- beth's daughter Sarah, at whose resi- dence, in Second Street below South, she died ; and by her will, dated July 5, 1824, she devised all her estate to her niece, Hannah Huddell, and in case Hannah should die unmarried, the estate was to go to Bankson Tay- lor. Latrobe, in his history of Mason and Dixon's Line, given in an address be- fore the Historical Society of Pa., Nov. 8, 1854, p. 34, mentions the north wall of a house on the south side of Cedar (now South) Street, in Phila- delphia, then occupied by Thomas Plumstead and Joseph Huddell as the point from which the line ran due west until it met the tangent line form- ing the western boundary of the State of Delaware, y^/rr;/ miles north of the line forming the southern boundary of Pennsylvania. Family tradition says : That Mr. Mason was entertained by Joseph Huddell during his stay in Philadelphia, and that a brother of J. H. was Mason's assistant in the survey. Mason and Dixon arrived at Philadel- phia, Nov. 15, 1763, and on Jan. 12, 1764, they, together with their obser- vatory and instruments in wagons, "except the Telescope, i\:c., of the Sector, which was Carry'd on springs (with our Beds under it) of a Single Horse Chair," left Philadel]jhia on the work of surveying the boundary lines between the Provinces, and passed the night at Chester, and set out from there next morning for John Harland's, in the forks of the Brandywine, thirty- one miles west of, and having the same latitude as the southern point of Phila- deli)hia. John Welsh, who is mentioned as marrying Ann Bond, had issue John, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 33 (Who was a merchant captain at the age of 1 6 years, and has descendants in Philadelphia,) Ann, Mary and Mar- garet, my grandmother, formerly a resident of Chester ; she was b. Aug. 26, 1763, d. Nov. 16, 1843, ^^ ^^ residence of her son-in-law, William Martin, Esq., and was buried in the vault of her husband in St. Peter's church yard. She was m. (ist) to Capt. McCarty, of the merchant ma- rine, and had a daughter Mary, who married a Frenchman named Lavalle ; they had a son, Adolphus, who died in infancy, and a daughter Veronique, a beautiful girl, who married and died in a decline two years afterwards, child- less. After the death of Capt. Mc- Carty, his widow married my grand- father, William Smith, Jr., a merchant of Philadelphia, an importer of sail cloth and Irish linens, doing business on Front Street, below Chestnut Street, where I was born. He was of English descent (son of William and Elizabeth,) of the Island of Bermuda, {b. Dec. 3, 1758, d. April 22, 1818,) where, I believe, the descendants of Anthony Smith, his brother, yet reside, and have a large coffee and sugar planta- tion. My grandparents were married in Old Swedes Church, Dec. 24, 1784, and had issue, — Elizabeth, James, Ann, all of whom died young, Wil- liam, Joseph Welsh, George W., (who married Sophia Bartlett and had a daughter Sophia,) Charles, Margaret and Sarah Ann Smith, my mother. We had for many years a number of old account books which belonged to my grandfather, in which were ac- counts of sales of large (juantities of Russia duck, to Stephen Girard. He was also the owner of several vessels trading to the West India Islands, two of which were seized bv the French, and I have the proofs and papers in two old French claims against the United States Government for the losses of the vessels and their cargoes, amounting to a very large sum of mo- ney, which we never expect to recover. Congress has paid millions to South- erners, whose loyalty is very doubtful, for losses during the rebellion, but re- fuses to pay these just claims, for which they have received a compensation from France, and agreed to settle. The heirs of Bankson Taylor, a relative of my grandmother, are interested in one of these claims, which exceeds in amount $160,000, without interest. Grandfather Smith had a great dread of thunder and lightning, and during a thunder-storm would get all the fam- ily together and sit in a dark room. He would only allow white sugar to be used in his household : having been brought up on his father's sugar plan- tation in Bermuda;, he had a great dis- taste for brown sugar and molasses, which is not to be wondered at, as he had seen so much made. James Smith, his eldest son, b. Feb. 18, 1787, m. Ann Paulding, of Salem, N. J., they had but two children, James, who died in infancy, and Wil- liam Smith, a well-known machinist, whose foundry is near 2 2d and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, who married his cousin, Matilda Paulding, and has several children living. The family of Paulding's, are the descendants of i one of the captors of Maj. Andre, during the Revolution, and the late Theopholis Paulding, a brother of Mrs. James Smith, was for many years a Director of the Delaware (county) Mutual Safety Insurance Co., and a prominent Philadelphia merchant, of the late firm of Taylor & Paulding. The widf)w of James Smith, after 34 HISTORV OF CHESTER. the death of her husband, married a Mr. Hritton ; she was a lovely lady, both in person and disposition, and was affectionately called by her friends and relatives "Aunty Britton." William Smith, son of William and Margaret, b. May 19, 1790, vi. Mar- garet, daughter of Capt. John Wood, who lived in Third Street near Union ; they died without issue. Philadelphia at this time had a large trade with China, and the city had numerous merchant captains, for whom the la- dies of my grandmother's time seem to have had a great partiality. Mary Welsh, daughter of John (and Ann Bond,) died, childless, in 1824, and was buried in St. Martin's church yard, Marcus Hook ; by her will, duly proven in Philadel])hia, Feb. 19, 1824, she makes inter alia, certain bequests to " My dear sister, Margaret Smith, widow, and to her daughter, Maria Davis, Margaret Smith, Jr., and Sally Ann Martin, and my grand-daughter, Veronique, late Veronique Lavalle, the daughter of Mary Davis," &c. The witnesses to this will were, Deborah Logan, and her son, Alfred Sidney Logan, two of her friends, whom she often visited at Stenton. My grand- aunt carried on quite a correspondence with Mrs. Logan, but it is not known what became of her letters ; my mother remembers reading them, and speaks of their interesting character. Joseph W. Smith, my mother's bro- ther, b. Aug. 20, 1795, ^"- Ann Crosby, daughter of Dr. William Martin, of Chester (my father's sister), and had issue Wm. Martin and Pollen Crosby Smith. Margaret Smith, Jr. , my aunt, /'. July 28, 1798, ;//. C.raham Hoskins, a descendant of the Chester family of that name. Nearly all the persons named above have resided in Chester, or been frequent visitors there in the past ; those of the family who had no connection therewith, I have omitted to mention. In 1819, my grandmo- ther, Margaret Smith, removed from Philadelphia to Chester, and lived for two years at " Green Bank," (the old Lloyd mansion was so called) with her children Joseph W. and (my mother) Sarah Ann Smith. The river then came up to a sandy beach in front of the wall surrounding the old mansion to the south and west. The property was then owned by Commodore David Porter, it having been presented to him by Major Wm. Anderson, his father-in law, as a wedding gift. Some- time previous to my grandmother's occupation of "Green Bank," it had been the residence of Captain and Mrs. Muller, who lived there in great style, and entertained largely. After her husband's death, Mrs. Muller re- turned to Philadelphia to live, and kept a boarding-house in Chestnut Street, above Front, on the north side. My grandmother on leaving Chester, returned to Philadelphia, and occupi- ed the former residence of her husband. No. 48 South Front Street, where I was born. During her absence from the city, the dwelling-part of the house was rented for $500 a year. After my grandfather's death, April 22, 1818, grandmother purchased the house in Third Street, fourth door north of Spruce Street, west side, for $5,500, and lived there a short time before removing to Chester. Grandfather was, for many years, a pew-holder in St. Peter's Church, Third and Pine Streets, and there is a large tombstone over his remains in the grave-yard at- tached to that church. Joseph Parker, formerly a prominent citizen of Chester, was a nephew of IIlSTom' OF CHESTKl}. 35 John Salkeld, the well-known preacher of Friends. He was born in Cumber- land, England, and came to America in 1 714, and ma.de choice of Chester as his place of residence, in order to be near his uncle. He brought with him from Friends in England a certi- ficate, which was presented to Chester Monthly Meeting, on 11 mo. (Jan.) 25, 1 713-14, and is recorded in the first volume of Marriage Certificates (at the other end of the book), p. 9, and reads as follows : "At our Month- ly Meeting, held by adjournment, at our meeting-house att Coldbeck, in Cumberland, in Great Britain, this 20th day of the 7th mo., 1713 : To ; ffriends in Pensilvania, in America. After the Salutation of our Dearest Love to you in the unchangable truth, ' these are to give you to understand, that the bearer hereof, Joseph Parker, hath signified to this meeting his In- tentions of coming over into your country to settle amongst you, and after consideration of the matter, this meet- ing left him to his liberty. And we further signifie unto you, that he is a young man and was born of believing Parents, and hath been educated in the way of truth from his childhood, and his conversation hath been agree- able to his holy profession ; and we further Certify you, that he is in unity with us, and we give you further to understand, if it should be his Lott to marry amongst you, that this meet- ing is fully satisfied that he is clear of all women on that occasion, so shall conclude, desiring his prosperity in the truth and his wellfaire in that w"' will tend to his Everlasting peace. Signed on behalf of y* sd meeting by us. John Scott, John Sowerby, William Greeniipp, John Wilson, jr." 6 Tho. Parker, Parent, Thomas Prestman, Joseph Prestman, Joseph Peacock, At the time of his emigration, Joseph Parker was 25 years of age. He en- tered, at Chester, the office of David Lloyd, and after his death, succeeded him as Register and Recorder of Ches- ter County ; this position he held for many years. In 1724, he was in office as Prothonotary of the Courts and Clerk of the Peace of the county, and in 1738, was commissioned a Justice of the Peace. He m. Mary, daughter of John Ladd, of Gloucester County, New Jersey, May 21, 1730, she d. June 4, 1 731, after giving birth to a daugh- ter, Mary, /;. April 29, 1731. Joseph Parker survived his wife many years, and d. May 21, 1766. He purchased and resided in the house on Filbert, now Second Street, known at a later day as the " Logan House," a fine old double brick building, still standing; it was erected I presume, by Jasper Yeates, as the deed for the "Green," from David Lloyd to Jasper Yeates, Sept. 22, 1703, is endorsed, "FortheGreen before Jasper Yeates' door. ' ' Attached to the east of this house, there used to stand a one-story brick office, which it was said Squire Parker occupied for office purposes ; at a later date, it was used for a school-house for small chil- dren. Writing, Dec. 6, 1813, Mrs. Debo- rah Logan, says: "To those of my family who may think as I do, the fol- lowing particulars of my dear mother's family will not be unacceptable. Her father, Joseph Parker, came over to this country pretty early in the last century ; he had received a good English education ; was born in York- shire, Great Britain, where his father possessed a freehold estate. The rigor and hard usage of a mother-in-law, forced him to emigrate, and he loved his half brother (her son) who would II ISlOi; 'i OF CllKSTKH. l)c hcncfital by his absence. Upon his arrival, he landed at Chester, and Judge Lloyd, who lived there, took him into his office as his secretary. His integrity and good conduct, soon made him respected, and lie acipiired property, (not as it is now done by speculation, and over-reaching of oth- ers, but by prudence and honest indus- try) : he enjoyed many public offices in the county and was much respected by the Government and his fellow- citizens. After some years he married Mary Ladd, the daughter of a respect- able family in New Jersey, and received a handsome fortune with her ; but this hajjpiness was soon interrupted, for she died a few days after the birth of her first child, who was my mother. He used to say, that he was deterred from the thoughts of a second marriage by the recollection of his own suffer- ings under a bad mother-in-law. He might, he .said, get a wife for himself, but was not sure of getting a mother for his child. My mother repaid this kindness by being the best of daugh- ters, and they lived together in a har- mony and friendship the most delight- ful. I have frequently heard her speak . of the happiness of her early life, the i state of society, sociability, kindness j and good neighborhood that was j among them, seemed to realize the golden age. The young people had enjoyed uncommon advantages in their education, from the settlement among them of some persons cmincnth' (|ual- ified to benefit others. The mother of Henry Hale Graham ' was one of these ; she was a woman of excellent sense, a gentlewoman born, and had received the best education herself, in Englantl. She was like a parent to my mother and the other young persons of th;U time, at ("lies- ' ter, who enjoyed greater advantages j than could be found in most other I places. j My mother was an excellent woman I and of very good abilities ; she had I received a much better education than { was usually bestowed on daughters, j when she was young. Her mind was j enriched by acquaintance with the I best authors, her memory was uncom- j monly good, her disposition cheerful and her conversation instructive and entertaining. She was solid, prudent, affectionate and benevolent. The manner in which she conducted her- self after the decease of her husband and the very able manner in which she investigated and settled his affairs se- cured her the kindest friendship of her family, and the esteem and a])])lause of all who knew her. ' ' From the geneological table of the Norris family, MS., I extract the fol- lowing information, viz. : That Charles Norris, was the 12th child of Isaac Norris, the elder, and Mary Lloyd ; he was born in the " Slate-roof house," Philadelphia, May 9, 1712, ///., ist, Margaret Rodman, of Burlington, N. J., who died, childless, in 1752 ; he ;//. 2ndly, 6 mo. 21, 1759, at Chester Meeting, Mary, the only child of Jo- sei)h and Mary Parker, of that county. Charles Norris died Jan. 15, 1766. A few years after the death of her hus- band, Mrs. Norris returned to the pa- ternal mansion at Chester, where she died Dec. 4, 1799, in the 69th year of her age, and was buried in Friends' grounds at Chester, beside her parents' remains. They had issue, Isaac, Deb- orah, Joseph Parker, and Charles Nor- ris. Their only daughter, Deborah, b. Oct. 19, 1 761, ;;/. Sept. 6, 1781. Dr. George Logan, of Stenton, son of William, and grand-son of James HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 37 Logan, Secretary of the Province from 1701 to 1726, President of tJie Supreme Executive Council from 1736 to 1738. Dr. Logan d. April 9, 1821, aged 61 years. From 1801 to 1807, he was a member of the Senate of this State. His widow died Feb. 2, 1839, in her 78th year. They had issue, Albanus Charles, Gustavus George, and Alger- non Sidney Logan. The only living representatives of the old Chester family of Parker are, ist, The descendants of the late Alba- nus Charles {b. Nov. 22, 1783, d. Feb. 10, 1854) and Maria (Dickinson) Lo- gan ; Gustavus George and Algernon Sidney Logan, having died without issue ; 2ndly, The descendants of Charles and Eunice Gardiner Norris ; and 3rdly, The descendants of Joseph Parker and Elizabeth Hill Norris, (nee Fox.) Isaac Norris, Jr., the third of the name, having died without issue. Isaac Norris the elder, the founder of the family in Pennsylvania, born in London, England, July 26, 1671. was a son of Thomas Norris, a merchant of that city, and Mary Moore, his wife, whu emigrated, with his family, to Jamaica, in 1678, and lost his life in the great earthquake which destroy- ed Port Royal, June 7. 1692. His son, Lsaac, being at that time in Penn- sylvania. Isaac Norris, the first, was an Elder of the Society of Friends, a director, or overseer, and promoter of the first Public School in Philadelphia (a free school for Friends, was first in- corporated, by charter, in 1697. See Proud' s Pa., vol. i. p. 343), S])eaker of the Assembly in 171 2 and in 1720, Mayor of the City in 1724, Member of the Assembly, a member of the Gov- ernor's Council and a Trustee under William Penn's will. He died at Meeting, in 1735. ^^ 173^' '"i^" ^^'^■'^ appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Provincial Court, but declined. David Paul Brown, in his Forum, speaks of Isaac Norris, John Morton and others, as having been " Chief Justices of the Common Pleas;" there never was any such dignity in the Common Pleas, and the names of the presiding judges before the time of Alexander Stead- man, in 1759, are unknown. Isaac Norris \\as appointed a Justice of the Peace and of the Courts, in 1715, and i at a later day may have, by virtue of ! his commission, been the Presiding Justice. Isaac Norris, the second, his son, was a man of much learning, a Hebrew scholar, having been partially educated in Europe. He was an Al- derman of Philadelphia, a member of the Assembly, and its Speaker from 1750 to 1765, except during periods of his sickness. Benjamin Chew, was elected Speaker in 1756, but being called to the Governor's Council, Nor- ris was elected. VL The Swedes do not seem ever to have had any difiiculties with the In- dians occupying the banks of the Del- aware. They were ever treated by the Indians with the greatest consider- ation. In relation to this, the Rev. Eric Biofk states : " The Indians and we are one people ; we li^■e in much greater friendship with them, than with the English ; they call the Swedes in their language, their own people." William Penn looked upon the Swedish l)eoi)le as the original settlers of the Province, pioneers in the path of adventure and privation. Upon his landing at Upland, he was received by them, as he says himself, "with (jreat kindness." The Swedes on that 38 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. ciciasion, as a distinct jicoplc, deputed Lacv ("ock to address the Troprietor on their l)elKiir. He assured Penn that the Swedes "would love, serve, and obey him with all they had," de- claring, " it was the best day they ever saw." And Penn, in his description of the Swedes, given in a letter to the Society of Traders, in London, under date 6 mo. (Aug.,) 1683, says that, '''I'he first planters in these parts were the Dutch, and soon after them the Swedes and Finns. The Dutch appli- ed themselves to trafifick, the Swedes and Finns to husbandry. The Dutch inhabit mostly those i)arts of the Pro- vince that lie upon or near the Bay, the Swedes the freshes of the river Delaware. They are a ])Iain, strong, industrious people, yet have made no great progress in the culture or ]jropa- gation of fruit trees ; as if they desired rather to have enough, than plenty, or for traffick ; but I presume the Indians made them more careless by furnish- ing them with the means of profit, to wit : skins and furs, in exchange for rum and such strong liquors. They kindly received me as well as the Eng- lish, who were but few, before the people who were concerned with me came among them. I must need com- mend their respect to authority, and their kind behavior to the English. They do not degenerate from the old friendship between both kingdoms. .Vs they are a people proper and strong of body, so they have fine children, and almost every house is full. It is rare to find one of them without three or four boys, and as many girls, some six, seven and eight sons ; and I must do them that right to say, I see few young men more sober and laborious." The Swedes before Penn's time never settled far from tide water: one of their writers says, that at Christina, none of them settled more than a Swedish mile from the Fort, which is six and two-thirds English miles. Their places of worship, and most of their dwellings, w^ere always built on the shore of some navigable stream, so that they might go to church, or visit each other in boats. Captain Lasse Cock was, in 1683, chosen by William Penn, as a member of his Council, and in the first Assem- bly, two of the members were Swedes, namely : Anders Bengtsson and Sven Svensson. After Penn's authority was firmly established in the Province, the Sw^edes were left at liberty in their church discipline, which was not so before. The homes of the early Swede set- tlers were very rude affairs, built of logs, and generally consisted of only one room, the door so low as to require the occupants to stoop on entering or leaving the house. Their windows were very small, square holes, cut in the logs, without glass, sometimes they had window frames with isinglass in them, but oftener, they had only a sliding board before the opening, which was i)ushed back during the day, and closed at night ; a very bad arrangement in cold weather. The chimneys were in the corner, built of grey sandstone, sometimes they were outside of, and erected against the gable end of the house. Some few of these old log cabins are yet standing. The kitchen part of the residence of the late John F. Hill, at the " Island field,^'' on little Crum Creek, where he lived about 1850, was one of these primitive structures. It consists of one large room, and two very small ones, on the ground floor, the latter used as closets then, but formerlv. no doubt HISTORY OF CHESTER. 39 bed rooms. The up stairs is a mere cock-loft, one large room, where the farm hands used to sleep. When I went to Ridley school at Little Crum Creek bridge, to Christopher W. Steele, about 1834, there stood near the school- house, and near the bridge on the north side of the old post road, one of these " Old Log Cabins," as they were then called. It has just been torn down, and a handsome brick house, with a Mansard roof, erected on its site. In 1859 or i860, when we lived just east of Ridley .school-house, at Lewis Cjarrett's old place, (then be- longing to the widow of James Mc- Cormick), the old log house mention- ed, constituted a part of the residence of Thomas McCullough, who died there Oct. 16, 1866, aged 94 years. He was a very remarkable man, over six feet in height, and noted for his strength, which he retained until a few days before his death ; when he felled a large tree, and cut it up for winter use with his axe. It is thought that the exertion he then made, caused his death. He was of Scotch-Irish de- scent, and most of his life in the em- ploy of the Leiper family, and followed ditching ; that is digging the ditches by which the meadows along the Del- aware are drained of water. In 1814, he enlisted in Captain James Serrill's company of Delaware County Fenci- bles, and was honorably mustered out of service with his company. In the village of Leiperville, there once stood another of these log cabins, on the road leading north to Westdale, owned and occupied by Joel Lane, "the village blacksmith," his wife, son and daughter. I passed the spot lately, but the old log house had dis- appeared, and a neat frame occupied its site, and the ancient Thorn hedge had given place to a luxuriant hedge of Osage orange. I am sorry to see the Thorn hedges giving way to the Osage orange. There is still standing near the bridge over Darby Creek, leading to Tinicum and the Lazaretto, two of these ancient structures, one of which is in good condition, the other dilapidat- ed ; no doubt it is quite 200 years old. Before the bridge was erected, there was a rope ferry there, called Morris Ferr-y, and when I was a boy, old Mr. Morris' parents occupied the more an- cient structure ; such is my recollec- tion. When quite young, I used to visit Philip Morris, one of my school- mates at Ridley school ; a boyish visit in those days, meant several days, generally from a Friday, after school, until Monday morning, when both boys went to school again. The log house mentioned as still standing at Morris' ferry is, no doubt, one of the houses indicated on Holmes' map, published in 1684, and was the residence then of Morten Morten, or of John Cornelus. Their tract was bounded on the west l)y the tract of John Henreckson, and on the east by the Muckinipatus, and the tract east of that was owned by Hans Urin, Morten Morten, and Moun Stoker, and called Calcoon Hook, and the tract west of John Henreckson is laid down to Henrick Jortin, from whom the Jordan family are, perhaps, descended. The Swedes dressed in vests and breeches made of the skins of animals, and they wore on the head, hair-skin caps. They made their own .shoes, the soles and upper of the same materials. They were more like the Indian moc- casins than our shoes. The women wore jackets and petticoats also made of skins ; the covering for their beds, were the skins of deers, beavers, bears 40 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. or wolves. The wolves were very nu- merous, l)eing attracted by the domes- tic animals. Leather breeches were very common about fifty years ago, in the vicinity of Chester ; and at a later day, when I was a boy living in Rid- ley, I have seen old-fashioned men wearing them. I i^articularly remem- ber that the father of the late Henry I'^ffinger wore leather breeches ; his name was Jacob, I believe. An hun- dred years ago, a calf-skin vest and jacket, and buck-skin breeches, was not an uncommon dress. It was eco- nomical, and its protection in winter, may account for the health and long life of the people, " in the good, old (lays of Adam and of Eve." The more modern houses of the de- scendants of the Swedes, which took the i)lace of the log cabins, were very comfortable and very picturesque. There is a \ery good specimen of ' one still standing, in a dila])idated condition, at Crum Creek station, on I the old line of the Philadeli)hia, Wil- mington and Baltimore Railroad, built of stone, with a high, double or curb | roof. It was the residence of Richard Crosby, about 1750, a grandson of the first settler of the same name. These houses in the country were generally built of stone, one story and a half high, with garret rooms on the second floor, lighted by windows in the gable. The one referred to, however, has three i dormer windows in the lower curb root". In the towns they were erected of red and black gla/ed brick, regularly intermixed, giving them a very pleas- ant ajjpearance. Our English ances- tors erected the same kind of houses, with curb roof, when they first settled here. One of the chief peculiarities of these sul)stantial old structures, was the large open fnv -phu es in the kitch- en, with large cranes, from whi( h hung great iron pots used for cooking, boil- ing water, &c., and the huge back-logs used in, and the immense fires kept up in, these old fire-places night and day, around which the servants of the houses all gathered of a cool evening, some even sitting on the ends of the back- log, while ghost and fairy tales were told ; these are memories of my child- hood ; for I used to steal away to the kitchen fire, despite the admonitions of my grandmother. The consmnption of wood in old times was enormous, but it was very plentiful ; great piles of wood could then be seen near every country house. The "wood pile," was an institution. The wood was all cut and sj)Iit for use with the axe. The large back-logs were hauled from the woods by yokes of oxen, generally after the snow had fallen. From Lewis' History, 1 extract the statement respecting the abodes of early English settlers in Chester County. •' Their hiiuses — if the teniporan- huts erect- ed by the first settlers deserve the name — were of the most inferior kind. The general plan of the construction of these, was furnished by William Penn. They were about thirty feet long, and eighteen feet wide, with a partition in the middle. When the shell was up, the hut was to ]>e covered and defended on the outside by clap-boards, and lined by the same within. The the external ( mtervenmg s]>ace )vering and the insii )et\veen lining. was to be filled with earth to keep out the frost and cold. The ground floor was to con- sist of clay, the upper of wood, and a clap- board roof was to cover the whole. Many of the cabins were madeof much ruder construc- tion, and instead of clap-l>oards, logs were used for the ends and sides, and thatch for the roofs. The chimneys, down which much of the light came, were of wood, the windows of the better sort of houses, paper ; of the more in- ferior, blocks of wood, made to fit the cases. That they inhabited caves, is a historical fact. •::- * 'i -piie caves of whicli we often liear, HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 41 were in general, I believe, only the temporary residence of the first emigrants. A few were inhabited a number of years, and large families raised in them." He mentions a settler by the name of Hickman, as having lived in one of these caves, and raised a large family. The people in those days had no wagons on their farms; they used drags. Mr. Lewis also says : "An old woman at Chester, who remember- ed seeing Lord Cornbury, (Governor of Jersey in 1702,) at that place, observed him with par- ticular attention, because he was the Queen's cousin, and a Lord, but could find no difference between him and those she had been accustom- ed to see, but that he wore leather stockings. ( William Penn speaks of his leather stockings. ) They were probably an ugly rarity." The Indian tribe living along the banks of the Delaware was called the Lenni-Lenape, i. c, the Original peo- ple ; the river in their language was named the '^ Lenape Whittiick,^^ or the rapid stream of the Lenape. My father (William Martin/) called his mill and residence upon Chester Creek, "Zc//- ni Mills;'" and the Philadelphia and West Chester, and the Chester Creek Railroads, that now pass the place, on the opposite side of the creek, call their stopping place at that point, " Leiuii Statioti. ' ' My father' s old friend Davis B. Stacey, who once lived one mile east of Lenni, near Rockdale, named his residence '•^ Mount Lenape.'" The pres- ent owner of the place has re-named it Glen Riddle, and by that name the Railroad station at Lenape is now known. As Samuel Riddle, the exten- sive manufacturer, is the owner of that beautiful spot, (where I passed many happy days, when it was the residence of that estimable, courteous gentleman, Mr. Stacey,) its new name is accounted for, and is much more euphoneous than the names of many of the Railroad sta- tions. The name of Stacey will be found among the very first English settlers on the Delaware. On the 28th of Novem- ber, 1678, Andross directs Sheriff Cant- well to put Robert Stacey in possession of Mattiniconk Island, which the Gov- ernor had leased to him for seven years. The Stacey' s of Chester do not, how- ever, claim descent from the settler. The late Mr. Davis B. Stacey was, how- ever, the descendant of an old Chester family on the maternal side. He was a true gentleman of the old school, and one of the most entertaining and agree- able companions it was possible to meet with. He was at one time a prosper- ous merchant in Philadelphia, and in his younger days had travelled much in Europe. At the time of his death, and for many years previously, he had been the Secretary of the "American Mutual Insurance Company" of Phil- adelphia, of which the late William Craig was President. The following account of the family of Stacey of Chester, quite full and interesting, was furnished me by one of the family: "John Bevan,*or John Ap, as he was sometimes called, was born in Glamor- ganshire, Wales, in 1646; being the eldest of five children. His parents, who were wealthy, died while he was quite young. Being the heir, when he arrived at age he found himself in pos- session of a large estate, while his bro- thers were unprovided for — his only sister being dead. His strong sense of justice at once induced him to por- tion all his brothers, and to give them a helpful subsistence in the world. In 1665 he was married to a strict member *John Bevan, /. e. Ap Evan, that is, John, the son of Evan. •lli IIISTOKY OF CHEST EH. of ihe cstahlislied church, who when her husband had shown a disposition to become a Quaker was distressed, and felt it to be her (Uity to interpose her serious objections. They argued the ([uestion without result ; but the in- discretion of the priest, in pronouncing the sentence of excommunication, w^ith- out previous notice, against the husband in the presence of the wnfe, so shocked her feelings as to nearly make her faint away, and after a time made her will- ing unto the mighty w^ork of Salvation. " They both became Quakers, and in the language of their certificates, were re- garded as a nursing father and a nurs- ing mother to the spiritually weak and young of their neighborhood. In 1683, John Bevan with his family removed to Pennsylvania, and settled either in Merion or Haverford, Dela- ware county, his land being located in both townships. He had been a pillar of the meeting he left, and was equally so of Haverford meeting, w'hich he aided in establishing, and which was frequent- ly held at his house in its infancy. He stood high as a preacher in the society, and the records of Haverford attest his constancy and efficiency, in the promotion of works of benevolence i and charity. While in this country he travelled much as a minister, and in 1 704 visited his native land ' ' on truth's account," accompanied by his wife and youngest daughter Barbara, who was also a preacher. He never returned to America, but after suffering some per- secutions, being im])risoned in Cardiff jail in 1721; he died shortly after- wards. He had four children married in Pennsylvania. His daughter Jane to John Wood of Darby in 1687; his daughter Elizabeth to Joseph Richard- son of Philadeli)hia, 1696 ; hisson P^van to Eleanor Wood of Darby, in 1693; and one other. Aubrey Bevan, son of Evan Bevan and Eleanor Wood, b. June 1705, m. Ann Davis of Darby, in 1732. They had six children : Mary b. in Chester, April 4, 1733, '''• to Nathanial Forbes, d. in Germantown, Feb. 22, 181 7. Katharine, b. in Chester, March 16, 1734, d. March, 1744. Tacy, /;. Dec. 12, i']2,(>,fn- to Thomas Pryor of Phila- delphia. "A woman of much excel- lence, w^hose memory is still dear to those who knew her. ' ' ( Old family Bi- ble.') Davis b. at Chester, Aug. 16, 1738, 7n. to Agnes Cowpland, daughter of David Cowpland, June 12, 1760, d. Mar. 30, 1818. Jane b. July 1741, d. Aug. II, 1742. Alice (^. Oct. 24, 1743, d. Nov. 15, 1743. Davis Bevan was a member of the Society of Friends, but ^ was read out of meeting for joining the Revolutionary army, in which he held a commission as Captain of Artificers. He was with Washington at the battle of Brandywine in 1777, and after the de- feat of the American forces he carried 4. dispatches from General Washington to the President of the Continental Congress, then sitting in Philadelphia, announcing the result of the engage- ment. A gentleman by the name of Sharp accompanied Capt. Bevan. Af- ter proceeding some distance from the army they observed they were pursued by a party of British light horse. Mr. Sharp was not so well mounted as Capt. Bevan, who had a thoroughbred mare of great action and endurance. Find- ing that the light horse were gaining on them constantly, and that Mr. Sharj) would persist in urging his nag up the hills in spite of his advice to the con- trary, Capt. Bevan said, "Sharp, if we keep together our capture is certain^ therefore I think vou had better take HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 43 the next cross road that we come to, and I will continue on. They will fol- low me, but I am confident they can- not capture me." This proposal was agreed to, and as soon as Mr. Sharp had turned off Capt. Sevan gave the rein to his mare, and his pursuers soon finding themselves distanced, gave up the chase. When Capt. Bevan reach- ed the Schuylkill during the night, he found, owing to a heavy freshet, the ferry boat was either unable to run, or had been carried down the river. A boatman, however, rowed him over, while his mare swam by the side of the boat. He landed safely on the Phila- delphia shore, and replacing his saddle, he hastened to deliver his dispatches. This officer had various adventures, and often ran great risks while the Ameri- can army was at Valley Forge. On one occasion he went to visit his wife at the house of a Mr. Vernon, where she had come from Philadelphia for the purpose of seeing him. Mr. Vernon's house was but a short distance from the Brit- ish lines, and it was therefore neces- sary that considerable caution should be excercised to prevent capture by the numerous parties of British foragers scouring the country. Mr. Vernon's sons were posted around the house at convenient points for observation to give warning of the approach of ene- mies, and Capt. Bevan went to bed. About the middle of the night one of the boys came to his room, and inform- ed him him that a mounted party were approaching the house, and he had bet- ter prepare to take his departure. Be- ing rather an obstinate man he did not seem to believe the report, but present- ly another picket came in and told him that he would certainly be captured if he remained any longer. He sprang out of bed, hurried on his regimentals, and reached the back door just as the British party knocked at the front. He got to the stable, where he found his mare already saddled, and leading her out and mounting, he leaped the farm- yard enclosure, and being perfectly familiar with the country he had no difficulty in evading his enemies. The crew of the Brigantine Holker was enlisted at Chester, by Capt. Davis Bevan, to sail as a privateer. He was Captain of Marines. The Holker was commanded by Capt. Matthew Law- ler, his son-in-law, and captured some valuable prizes, one laden with lead which was invaluable to the army, as at that time the supply for making bul- lets was about exhausted. Most of the enlistments were made in July, 1 779, as appears by the receipt book of Captain Bevan, now in possession of the Dela- ware County Institute of Science. The bounty paid for a single cruise was from ^50 to ^100, most probably Continen- tal money. Davis Bevan had six children, Ann b. June 5, 1761, m. Capt. Matthew Lawler, afterwards Mayor of Philadel- phia, d. in Cincinnati, Mar. 25, 1835. David b. Dec. 28, 1763, m. Jane Shaw, widow,* d. Aug. 21, t8i2. Aubrey b. Dec. 31, 1765. Isabella /;. Mar. 16, 1767, d. x\pril 6, 1822. TacyAnna/;. Nov. 15, 1774, ///. George Stacey> -"• John .Sharpless, son of John and Jane, the original seUlers near Chester, Pa., married Hannah Pennell, daughter of Robert, in 1692. Their son Daniel married Sarah, daughter of Bartholomew and Phoebe Coppock, of Spring- iield, in the year 1736. Their eldest son, Thomas Sharpless, married Martha, daughter of Jonas and Jane Preston of Chester, 1764, and settled near Chester. Jane, the daughter of Thomas and Martha Sharpless, married first James Shaw, son of Samuel and Hannah of Chester, and secondly she married David Be- van, son of David and Agnes of Chester, in 1803, and they settled there. She was dis- owned 9 mo. 23, 1796, for marrying out of meeting. 44 HISTORY OF CHESTER. cither in I 796 or I 797, ^/. in J'hila., July 22, 1831, and Matthew Lawler Bevan, b. Aug. 23, 1779, in. Deborah . Captain Bevan was a very liberal man, and jjresented the ground to the Government upon which the upper pier in Chester is now built, also the bury- ing-ground for the jioor in Welsh street, near the former residence of Commo- dore David Porter, of Essex fame. George Stacey, the husband of Tacy Anna Bevan, was the son of George and Susannah Stacey, and born in Salem, Massachusetts, in May, 1764. He was admitted to Harvard College in the summer of 1780, being sixteen years of age at the time. He graduated in the Academical dejjartment in 1784. He was a descendant of the Rev. Joseph Sta- cey, who came to this ( ountry in the Speedwell, a ship that arrived here shortly after the Mayflower, or accom- j)anied her. (ieorge Stacey's mother was twice married. Her son by a pre- vious marriage — Major Swasey — was an officer in the Revolutionary army, and fought at Bunker Hill. George Stacey studied law and prac- tised it in Biddeford, Maine, in the early part of his life. He was appoint- ed by John Adams, in one of the last acts of his administration, U. S. Con- sul to the Isle of France, which was re- voked by Mr. Jefferson when he became President. He traveled a great deal and spent some time with the celebra- ted Count Rumford in Germany. Af- ter his return to America, he married Tacy Anna Bevan, by whom he had three children, viz : James George, b. Oct. 24, 1796; Davis Bevan, b. June 4, 1798, and a daughter who died at birth. In 1807 he had a contract to supply the Spanish garrison at St. Au- gustine with i)rovisions, also other forces of that nation, and went to IHor- ida for the pur})Ose, taking with liim his wife and two sons The embargo was laid by Mr. Jefferson. George Stacey sent his wife and children home, hoping to follow them soon, but in his efforts to get his vessels into the United States, by exposure to the night air on the St. John's River, in Florida, he con- tracted the yellow fever, from which he died Oct. i, 1808, at St. Mary's, Geor- gia. His wife and two sons went home to her father — David Bevan — who be- came a devoted guardian to the boys, and was loved by them as a second fa- ther. They lived in the house now owned by Dennis Clark, and used as a confectionery. James George, and Davis Bevan Stacey received good ed- ucations. Their first tutor was a priest in St. Augustine, Florida. They afterwards went to school to Samuel Lytle a school-master of Chester, and they were later taught by their grand- father, who was a man of education, and they both added greatly to their knowledge by hard study and travel. J. G. Stacey went into business in the house of his uncle, Matthew L. Bevan. The firm was known as Bevan & Por- ter. D. B. Stacey went in the house of Whitton P^vans, shipping merchant of Philadelphia. The boys afterwards established a shipping house of their own, the firm being known as J. G. & D. B. Stacey, and they finally became the largest ship owners of Philadelphia of their time. No two men probably, had a greater faculty of endearing them- selves to their employees. The writer of this has seen old ship captains, who sailed vessels for them, shed tears when speaking of the kindness and liberality of the firm. They were like fathers to their clerks, and tlie \oung men edu- cated in their ( ounting-rooni always re( urred to that period as the most HISTOKY OF CllESTEK 45 happy in their lives, and were extrava- gant in their expressions of respect and gratitude. Like most other merchants they met with great misfortunes; one of their ships, the "Edward Bomfy," was destroyed by fire, with a large and valuable cargo of cotton. She was on fire at sea seven days with everything battened down, and the crew living on deck, finally reaching port, and when the hatches were raised she burned like a tinder box. The "John Sergeant," a very fine, new ship, named after the celebrated Philadelphia lawyer and statesman, was lost by Captain Chris- topher Van Dycke, brother-in-law of D. B. Stacey, on Turk's Island, where she was bound for a cargo of salt. The dangerous currents of that part of the ocean were not so well known then as now, and being unknown to her cap- tain, who was an experienced and com- petent navigator, she was set out of her course. They lost several other large vessels about the same time, which all coming together was more than they were able to bear, and they suspended business, although their friends came forward in the handsomest manner and begged them to continue. James George Stacy married Hannah Weyman of New York, in 1826. In 1826 they removed from Philadelphia, where they resided, to New York, where Mr. Stacey engaged in business. He cbed near Geneva, N. Y., in 1855, leaving behind him his widow, four sons and five daughters. The mother of Hannah Weyman was Ibbe, (Isabella,) Cowpland, of Marcus Hook, where she resided with Dr. Caleb Smith Sayres, and there met and married Mr. Weyman, of New York. Mrs. Weyman was a step-daughter of Peter Salkeld, who lived near Marcus Hook, east of the creek ; he was a de- scendant of John Salkeld, the celebrated preacher of Friends, a son of Thomas of Coldbeck, Cumberland, England, b. 1672, in. 9 mo. 8th, 1704, Agnes Powley, daughter of Edmund, b. 1678 ; sailed with his wife for America, 7 mo. 9th, 1705, and produced a certificate to Chester Monthly Meeting, 12 mo. 25th, following. He was a farmer and maltster ; occupied 400 acres of land near Chester; d. 9 mo. 20th, 1739, aged 67 yrs. 9 mos. and 4/lays ; his wife d. \\ mo. 1 2th, 1748, aged 70 yrs. 10 mos. and 26 days ; both buried in Friends' grounds at Chester. They had issue : Joseph, Mary, John, Thom- as, Agnes, Edmund, William, David, Samuel, Jane and Jonathan. Agnes m. Thomas Minshall, and Jane m. his brother Moses in 1 741 . They had one child, Edmund, and resided in Chester, where Edward Minshall, their descend- ant, the present coroner of Delaware County, resides. " A recent niiml^er of the Bridgelon Chroni- cle, N. J., 1874, contains a short sketch of the life of John Salkeld, an aged citizen of that city, in which it is stated he was born, Feb- 28, 1792, in a house between Chester and Marcus Hook. In 1810 he went to Bridge- ton, and during that year returned to his birth- place and cut the \\ indow frames of the house he yet lives in, and took them to Kridgeton in a sloop. In 1838 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, and at the close of the same year was re-appointed to the same office for ten years, and it is said not a single appeal was ever made from his decisions. In 1840 he was appointed an Assistant Judge of Cumber- land County, and in 1846 elected coroner of the same county. During his term of office he received in fees exactly one dollar. In 1814, Mr. Salkeld attached himself to the Methodist church, and since that time has filled successively every important lay position in that religious body. Of all the inhabitants of Bridgeton in 1810, when he went there, there are but seven ]3ersons now living who were residents of the town then, and at that 10 HISTOUV OF CllESTKIJ. liiiu-, llic now most importanl city of South Jersey, was a villaj^c containing a pojjulation of one hundred souls. Among the public buildings were five taverns, two churches, and but one three storied building. Almost all the houses of that day were one story and a half frame structures, while washed, and the window casing red washed. At that time a lot was offered to him for one thousand dollars, which to day could not be purchased for one hundretl thousand dollars." Davis Bevan Stacy while travelling in Holland, njade the acquaintance of Miss Sarah Van Dycke, daughter of Constantine Van Dycke and Jeannette Rynd, and they were married in 1825. Miss Van Dycke's father was the son of Susannah De Clyver and Jacobus Van Dycke, a lawyer of Flushing. He was born in Flushing, in 1767, and was married to Jeannette Rynd in 1 799. Constantine Van Dycke belonged to the celebrated Dutch East India Com- pany, and made several voyages to China as captain and supercargo, and shared in the prosperity of that great company, but in the war with England and France, the trade of Holland was completely ruined, and the ships of the East India Comi)any driven from the seas. While returning from the East Indies with a shi[) richly laden, he was captured by the British cruisers, his ship seized, and he himself thrown into prison in England. The French treat- ed him no better, for they also captured one of his ships. They also made large levies on many of the Dutch towns and cities, for .sums of money, &c. Flush- ing was treated in the same manner, and to ensure payment they seized several of the most influential citizens, and carried them to France as hostages. Constantine Van Dycke was one of these so selected, and was confined in the interior of France for some time. When Flushing was bombarded bv the English, he sent his wife and children out of the town, but remained himself, and at one time when a shell had fal- len near his house, he and one of his servants picked it up and threw it into the qtiay before it exploded. He died in Dec, 181 2. D. B. Stacey brought his wife to this country, and they resided in Phila- delphia from 1826 until 1842, when they removed to Pennsgrove, near Rockdale, or Lenni Station, on the West Chester, Media and Philadelphia Railroad. In 1848 Mr. Stacey re- moved to Chester with his family, and continued to reside in the house built by his great grandfather until his death, Feb. 7, 1864. His widow died Aug. 30, 1873. Resulting from the mar- riage with Miss Van Dycke, were five sons and. five daughters, named as fol- lows: Jeannette Van Dycke, Davis Bevan, James George, George, Matthew Bevan, May Humphreys, Augusta Law- ler, Constance Isenberg, Natalie Remy, and Elizabeth. Of the sons, James George, George, and Matthew Bevan Stacey are deceased. George died in Philadelphia in 1838 ; Matthew Bevan died June 13, 1861, aged 26 yrs., and James died May, 1866. In 1856 Jeannette married Prof. Elie Charlier of New York. In 1858 Davis emigrated to California, where he now resides. At the breaking out of the Rebellion in i86i, James joined the 12th regi- ment of Penn.sylvania Volunteers, as ist Lieutenant of Captain Henry B. Edwards' company, and served with c:redit until mustered out at the expi- ration of his term of service. He was present at the battle of Falling Waters in Virginia, and, indeed, took part in all the movements of General Patter- son's army. During the remainder of the war he was associated witli some HISTORY OF CHESTER. 47 gentlemen who were furnishing sup- plies to the army. At the time of his death he was 35 ; and a man univer- sally beloved wherever known. For a long time he was an active fireman in Philadelphia, and secretary of the America Hose Company. May was appointed a ist Lieutenant in the 12th regiment of United States Infantry, on the 14th of May, 1864. Previous to this he crossed the plains to California with Lieut. Edward F. Beale, (in 1857,) who was surveying a wagon road between Alberquerque, New Mexico, and the Colorado River. The first and only camels that ever crossed the American continent, as far as heard from, were taken by Lieuten- ant Scale's party. Remaining over a year in California, May returned home in a merchant ship via Calcutta and the Cape of Good Hope. In 1859 he received the appointment of Master's Mate on board the United States steamer Crusader, Captain J. N. Maf- fitt, (he who afterwards commanded the rebel cruiser Florida, which inflict- ed such damage upon our mercantile marine,) and served as Acting Lieut- enant during the cruise on the north side of the island of Cuba, to break up the slave trade. Two prizes were cap- tured, in one of which he returned home, and soon afterwards joined the United States Coast Survey steamer ' ' Corwin. ' ' He remained in her until his appointment to the army. Lieut. Stacey was brevetted captain for gallant services at the battle of Welden Rail- road, in 1864, and soon afterwards promoted to captain. He also re- ceived the brevets of major and lieuc. colonel for gallant services during the war. He is still in the army. Colonel Stacey married Miss May H. Banks, dau. of Hon. Thaddeus and Delia Banks of Hollidaysburg, Penn- sylvania, Dec. 9, 1869. Miss Banks on her mother's side is a lineal des- cendant from Oliver Cromwell. They have issue Aubrey Banks, and Delia Van Dycke Stacey. Augusta Lawler Stacey m. Dr. Edward Curtis, of New York, in 1864. He is a brother of George W. Curtis, the author, and was at that time an assistant surgeon in the army, but has since resigned and is a professor in one of the New York Medi- cal Colleges. Constance w. Caleb Churchman Eyre, son of William Eyre, of Chester, Jan. 28, 1873. 11"^ the old Quaker burying ground at Chester laying side by side, are the Bevans and Staceys for nearly two hundred years back ; and living and dead, they can claim that town as their resting place, nearly if not quite as far back as any other family now resident there. VII. The live stock in the early days of the Province were permitted to run at large, and as they increased in num- bers, it became necessary that the own- ers should have their particular marks and brands placed upon them, so as to be able to recognize their own animals. The marks and brands were required to be entered on the records of the Court ; and such entries frequently oc- cur. The following are given as speci- mens : "James Sanderlaine's ear mark: both ears cropt and slitt; his brand mark, I.S." "John Harding's ear mark : a crope on the inside of the farr eare ; his brand mark, I.H. on the farr buttocks." "Samuel Levis — his ear mark: a swallow fork taken out of the near ear ; his brand mark, S.L." :\ 48 HISTORY OF C'lIESTEli. •'Francis Chads' car mark: a croj)e on the inside of the near ear ; his brand mark on the left heipe, F.C." "John Symcock's mark: a slitt in the right ear; his brand mark, S." "The ear mark of John Bhmston, of Darby : a crop in the near ear, and a hole in the far ear; his lirand mark, I. B." The Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania has had lately presented to its Library, a book containing the draw- ings of the ear marks of the cattle owners of Bucks County, in the old times, taken from the County Records, and presented to the Society for pre- servation. It is a great curiosity, be- ing the only book of the kind I ever saw. Constables and Supervisors were ap- pointed by the Court. It appears that at the expiration of their term of office, it was the practice for them to come into Court and report that " All was icu'll.'" The following are copies of the minutes of some such reports: " Nicholas Newlin, Constable for the last year from Concord, made his re- turn, 'All was well,' whereupon George Stroad was elected to serve in his stead. James Browne, Constable for the last year from Chichester, made his return by Thomas Usher, ' All was well ;' whereupon Francis Chads was elected to serve in his room the ensu- ing year. Robert Taylor, Supervi- sor for the Highways, from Chester Creek to Crome (Crum) Creek, made his return, ' AlHaell ;' whereupon Bar- tholomew Copi)ock was nominated and appointed Supervisor in his roome for the ensuing year." At a Court held the 2nd day of the first week of the 10 mo., 1686, a crimi- nal ca.se — Charles Pickering, pleads as .Attorney for the King. This is the first notice in the Court's records of an Attorney appearing on behalf of the Crown. David Lloyd was made At- torney General of the Province, April 24, 1686. No doubt Charles Pickering held his appointment under him as Deputy. In the case referred to, "the Petty Jury returne their verdickt and find the prisoner not guilty of the in- dicktment, l>tct guilty of suspicious cir- cumstances in relation to the indicki- nient. In 1686, the Grand Jury presented Richard Crosby, " for keeping an un- lawful fence to the great damage of John Marten, in his swine." At the next Court, Richard appeared to an- swer the presentment, and was fined 30 shillings. The Court the same year appointed two ' Fence Viewers' for each- precinct. This is the earliest notice on the records of the appoint- ment of these officers. The Court was very strict in enforc- ing the laws on the subject of Mar- riage, and in punishing those who fail- ed to comply with its provisions on that subject. Witness the troubles of the Rev. Dr. Laurentius Carolus, al- ready set forth. Then as now, much time was taken up with tippling cases, slander suits, and suits for assault and battery. The Grand Juries at first were drawn for the year, but the practice .soon changed to the present one, of having a Grand Jury drawn for each term of the Court. I am indebted to J. Smith Futhey, Esquire, of the Chester County Bar, for the above, and many other e.\tracts, made from the Court records, he hav- ing very kindly placed at my di.sposal the fruits of his researches. In refer- ence to them he says: " Tlie records of llie Court from the first d.nv HISTORY OF CHESTER. 49 it ^\•as held at Chester under William Penn, on the 13th day of September, 1681, to the present time, for the county of Chester, have been carefully preserved, and are all in the public offices at West Chester. Those ex- tending from 1681 to 1710, and which were comprised in two volumes, having become much worn and difficult to decipher, were by an order of the Court, made on the 13th of June, 1827, copied into one large book labelled ' Old Court Records,' which is now in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions. The records of the first Court com- mences thus : ' The Province of Pennsylvania, at a Court held at Upl.a.nd, Sept. 13, 1681,' and at a Court held 'on the 14th day of Feb- ruary, 1682,' or as we would now term it 1683, the old style by which the year ended in March then being in use, is recorded as being held at Chester, in the county of Chester. William Penn had in the meantime arrived in the Pro- vince, and from a mere whim, and to gratify the caprice or vanity of his friend Pearson, had changed the name from Ujjland to Ches- The next Court was held at Chester, on the 27th of 4th mo. (June , 1683, William Penn, Esq., Proprietary and Governor, Presiding. This is the only Court held at Chester, at which he appears to have been present and pre- sided. A law had been enacted by the first Assembly of the Province, "that y*^ days of y'' week, and y'' months of y'^ year, shall be called as in Scripture, and not by Heathen names (as are vulgarly used), as y^ first, second and third days of y" week, and the first, second and third months of y" year, beginning with y" day called Sunday, and y° month called March.' This style was accordingly adopted in recording the proceedings of this Court, and continued for a considerable time. At the next Court a Grand Jury, composed of seventeen persons, was empanelled " to look out a convenient highway leading from Providence to Chester," and thev were ordered to meet on a particular day at Thomas Nossiters, "thereto consider the pre- mises." At a Court held on the 17th of the 8th mo. (Oct.), 1683, the name of Robert Eyre, appears as Clerk. He was the ancestor of the well-known family of Eyre, whose numerous de- scendants live in Chester, Philadel- phia, and elsewhere throughout our State and New Jersey. One of his descendants, Charles Eyre, Esq., a young member of the Philadelphia Bar, who studied law with the emi- nent lawyer, St. George Tucker Camp- bell, Esq., also of the Philadelphia Bar, shared my office for a number of years. He is a son of Joseph K. Eyre, of Montgomery County, a descendant of a New Jersey branch of the family. Robert Eyre was born in England, Jan. 30r 1648, O. S. He served his apprenticeship with William Rogers, a merchant of Bristow, a town of some note in that day, on the borders of Somerset and Gloucestershire, in Eng- land. Here he acquired that ready use of the pen that fitted him for the duties he was subsequently called upon to discharge. After the expiration of his apprenticeship, he for some time followed the sea as a supercargo, but eventually migrated to Pennsyl- vania, where he married Ann, the daughter of Francis Smith, a gentle- man of education and wealth, whose residence was Devizes, in the county of Wilts, and who was one of the original purchasers of land in England. On the authority of family tradition, it is said Robert Eyre first settled in New Jersey, but as part of the land, (300 acres,) purchased by Francis Smith, was in Bethel township, Delaware Co., and was conveyed at an early date (i 704 1 to Robert Evre and his wife, this doubt- 50 HISTORY OF CHESTER. less causal liiin to change his ])lace of residence. Having been appointed Clerk of the Courts of Chester County in 1683, he held that office until 1690. His children were, Robert, Ann, Jane, William and Francis. Robert Eyre, the elder, was not a Quaker, but some of his descendants imited themselves with that Society. The time of his death is not exactly known ; but he was alive in 1697. His son, William, intermarried with Mary, the daughter of Lewis David, of Haverford,in 1723- 4, and occupied the patrimonial estate in Bethel. Francis Smith, father-in- law of Robert Eyre, settled in Ken- nett, and it is said, named the town- shij) after the place in- which he was born. See Biographical Sketches by Dr. Smith, p. 462, History of Dela- ware County. Ann, widow of Robert Eyre, died in 1726. The father of Jose])h K. Eyre, be- fore mentioned by myself, lived in the vicinity of Haddonfield, New Jei'sey. His son, lately a merchant in Philadelphia, retired some years ago from active business, in very com- fortable circumstances. One of his daughters, Bessie, married my friend, and student at law in my office, Rich- ard Harding Reilly, only child of Dr. Thomas A. Reilly, a well-known phy- sician of north Broad Street, Philadel- phia, and Henrietta Harding, his wife, one of the daughters of the late Rich- ard and Maria Harding. Richard H. and Bessie Reilly have issue — Henri- etta and Richard H. Reilly, Jr. The only other children of Joseph K. Eyre are, Emily, Edward Hoi)kins and Ella Eyre. I. Bernard Reilly, came from Ire- land to America, and first settled in New York in 1796, accomjjanied by his son. a bov, named 2. John Reilly, who married a girl of his own name, Reilly, by whom he had two children. 3. Paul, who died in California. 3. Dr. Thomas A. Reilly, of Phila- delphia, now deceased, who married Henrietta, daughter of Richard and Maria Harding, of Philadelphia, they had issue, an only son, 4. Richard H. Reilly, above named. The Montgomery family of Eyre, use as a book-plate the following blazon: '■'■Arms, Argent, on a Che- veron. Sable, three-quatre foils, or. Crest, a leg, couped at the thigh, bent at the knee, in armour, proper ; Spur, or. Motto, Se je puis." (If I can). These arms, with a different motto and crest, are those now borne by the Baron Eyre, of Ireland, patented 3rd July, 1768. See Edtnundson's Dis- play of Heraldry. In the Pennsylvania Packet, of March 30, 1772, is a notice, "To the Public, dated at Marcus Hook, the 24th of March, 1772, of Allen Meiiros, de- fending himself against his ' calumniat- ing adversary, Robert Eyre,' appended to which, is a certificate of good char- acter ; signed, Robert Crau;, Missionary at Chester, and Richard Reilly, J. P., Joshua Coupland, J. '. John Smith, Grazier, John Crawford, Samuel Armor, Archibald Dick, John Jord, John Power, Joseph (Jribblc, Kichard Clayton John Flower, John Taylor, Andrew Forsyth. The English family of Air, A)res, or Eyre, was founded A. D., 1060. The first known member thereof was called Trulovc. At the battle of Hast- ings, JVilliam was flung from his horse, and his helmet crushed into his face, which Trulove seeing pulled it off, and assisted his commander to re-mount. The Duke said to him : " Thou shalt HISTORY OF CHESTER. 51 hereafter from Trulove be called Eyre (Air) because thou hast given me the Air I breathe. ' ' After the victory the Duke on inquiring for Trulove, learn- ed that he was severely wounded, his leg having been cut off at the thigh. He saw the wounded soldier, and ordered that he should receive the utmost care. On his recovery the conqueror gave him lands in Derby for his services ; and for his O'est, a leg cut off at the thigh. See Thorpe' s Catalogue of Deeds of Battle Abbey. In the 22nd year of the reign of Henry II. (11 72), the office of Jus- tices in Eyre, in itinere, was instituted by the king ; this is the more proba- ble origin of the name of Eyre. See Blackstojie'' s Commentaries, vol. iii. pp. 58, 72, 73, and vol. iv. 422, 423. William Eyre, son of Robert and Ann of Bethel, was married 1723-4 at Haverford Meeting, to Mary Davis of Darby, dau. of Lewis David, and con- tinued to reside in Bethel until his death, in 1763 or '4. His widow sur- vived him several years, and was an overseer of Chichester Meeting from 1756 to 1774. Their children, so far as known, were Lewis, William, Robert, John, Isaac, Rebecca, Jane and Ann. Lewis died in 1 771, unmarried. William, also unmarried, died 11 mo. 18, 181 4, aged about 88. Robert married about 1765 and removed to Virginia in or before 1774, but probably returned before his death. Rebecca married 2 mo. 27, 1749, Joseph Askew, and died a few years after, leaving three sons, John, William and Parker. Jane married, in 1756, Robert Wilson, Jr. Ann Eyre died, unmarried, 12 mo. 3, 1812, aged 73 years. John and Isaac Eyre settled in Ches- ter, and the first was married 12 mo. 1 3' 1759? at Chester Meeting, to Re- becca, dau. of Daniel and Sarah Sharp- ies, of Nether Providence, by whom he had issue — William, b. 2 mo. 22, 1763 ; d. about 1782 : Caleb, b. 9 mo. 7, 1767; d. iinm. 6 mo. 11, 1805: Sarah., b. 4 mo. 19, 1772 ; m. 5 mo. 30, 1799, George Palmer of Concord, and d. 8 mo. 10, 1861, without issue: Rebecca, b. \\ mo. 13, 1778; d. unm. 9 mo, 30, 1826 : Beulah, a twin sister, ;//. II mo. 20, 1806, Townsend Thomas of Willistown, afterward of Chiches- ter. They had children — Rebecca, Mary, Beulah Elma, Townsend, Sarah and Caleb Eyre Thomas. John Eyre's wife, Rebecca, died 2 mo. 3, 1796, and he married (2nd) Isabella Campbell, 4 mo. 29, 1799, by wliom he had a dau. , Mary Ann, b. i mo. 29, 1800. He removed from Chester in 1776 to Upper Chichester, probably settling on some property in- herited from his brother Lewis, and there died 6 mo. 4, 181 2, having been a prominent member of Chichester Meeting, of which he was appointed an Elder in 1 776. His widow married Robert Innis, and both were suffocated in 1841, by the fumes of a coal fire in their bed room. Isaac, son of William and Mary Eyre, m. 6 mo. 26, 1766, at Chester Meeting, Ann, dau. of Jonas and Jane Preston. They had issue — Jonas, b. 4 mo. 28, 1767; d. 3 mo. 21, 1836: Lewis, /^. 3 mo. 23, 1769: William, b. 3 mo, 22, 1 771 : Preston, b. 2 mo. 17, 1774; ;//. 9 mo. 8, 1803, Arabella Ashmead : Mary, b. 3 mo. 9, 1776; m. Edward Engle, 1796: Isaac, b. 4 mo. 19, 1778. Isaac, the father, took an active part in some measures for securing the in- dependence of our country, and in consequence thereof, lost his member- 52 HISTORY OF CHESTER. ship anioPL^ l-Vicnds in 1775; luit in 17.S3. lie made an a(kno\vlc(l<,niicnt to the Meeting anti again became a mem- ber. By his second marriage, which was by a magistrate, to Abigail, dau. of Nathan Dicks, he again lost his right of membership, in 1786. His death occurred 10 mo. 23, 1825, at the age of 85. Jonas Eyre, his son, was first married about 1 79 1, but his wife died a few years after, leaving two children, Jesse Beckerton and Jonas Preston Eyre. He ;//. (2nd) II mo. 11, 1801, Susanna, dau. of Joshua and Mary Pusey, of Londongrove, Chester Co., by whom he had issue — Lewis, b. 5 mo. 19, 1805 ; d. 7 mo. 5, 1806: Joshua Pu- sey, b. 7 mo. 14, 1803: William, b. 7 mo. 14, 1803. Jonas Preston Eyre, ///. 2 mo. 12, 1 81 8, at New Garden Meeting, Re- becca, dau. of David and Margaret Wilson, of Londongrove, and settled in Bethel. Their children were — Jo- nas, /;. 4 mo. 19, 1819: Margaret W., b. II mo. 4, 1820: Susanna, b. 12 mo. 16, 1822 : Elizabeth, /;. 12 mo. 21, 1824; d. 12 mo. 23, 1824: Anne Yj.,b. I mo. 18, 1826: Joshua, b. 4 mo. 16, 1828: David W., b. 12 mo. 2, 1832. Rebecca, their mother, died in Aston, 4 mo. 13, 1854, at the age of 64. Joshua P. Eyre, an old and influ- ential citizen of Chester, d. April i, 1872, in the 69th year of his age. In early life he and his brother Wil- liam, began business as general grocers, which in a country town, means trad- ing in all kinds of farm products, and articles of family consumption and use. Their old sloop, ''Jonas Pres- ton,'" made weekly trips to Philadel- phia, carrying the j^roducts to a mar- ket, and bringing back everything necessary for their trade. Prosj)erous in their business, and universally es- teemed, they retired early in life from active business pursuits, yet occupying many high positions of trust in the community in which they lived. Both were directors of the Delaware Mutual Safety, the old Delaware County In- surance Company, a Chester institu- tion originally, now of Philadelphia, for over a quarter of a century. Joshua was one of the incorporators of the com- pany, in 1835, and a director thereof from the first election, and both bro- thers took great interest in its affairs. Excellent likenesses of both the bro- thers, by the celebrated Philadelphia portrait painter, Wai/gh, adorn the di- rector's room of the company, a tribute of respect, and in remembrance of their long and faithful services. Joshua was one of the directors of the Bank of Delaware County, at the time of his death. The close friendship, and life- long companionship of these two bro- thers, is very pleasing to recall. It casts a mellow radiance over their deaths, and fills our hearts with sen- sations of genuine regret for the loss of such men. William Eyre, Jr., married twice, having a' son by his first wife called after his brother ; he now occupies the old family residence on Concord Road. He married again and had a daughter and two sons, Caleb and William. His first wife was Anna Louisa, dau: of Dr. Job H. Terrill, of Chester, ///. March 4, 1837. His second wife was Rebecca P., dau: of Caleb Churchman, ni. Nov. 26, 1843. Through all these changing events of life, Joshua remained un- married, and continued to live with his brother, and after his death, in 1863, continued to live with his chil- dren, their guardian and their friend, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 53 and at his death left his large estate equally divided between them. I will be pardoned this just tribute, I know, for these gentlemen were from boy- hood, my father's friends. Joshua P, and William Eyre, for many years after their retirement from business, occupied the handsome resi- dence erected by the late Archibald T. Dick, Esq. Both brothers were tall, slender men, like most of their name and generation ; kind, gentle, and courteous in their manners ; and in their friendships, " true as steel." Joshua was particularly fond of a good joke, and his hearty, genial laugh, can easily be recalled by any who knew him. He died the possessor of the original tract of land on which his ancestor first settled in this Pro- vince. Of this he was justly proud, so many of our families having dis- appeared from amongst us, and so many others no longer owning their ancestral acres. The Eyre family of Delaware County, contains a large number of members of both sexes. There was living with Joshua P. Eyre, at the time of his decease, and I believe she had lived with him all his life, an honored old aunt — Lydia Pusey — who nursed him in his last ill- ness, which extended through several years, and at last, her life-long friend and relative having "gone home," she went soon after to her rest, on the 19th of April, 1872, in the 93d year of her good old age. A few days previous to the death of Miss Pusey, an estimable old lady of Chester passed away, who was born in 1783, Mary Ann Taylor, a daughter of Nathan Supplee. She married John Taylor, of Aston, about 50 years be- fore her death. He, after his mar- riage, became well-known as the War- den of St. Martin's Church, at Marcus Hook, — a position he held for many years. Miss Mary Eyre, a daughter of the late Manuel Eyre, of Kensington, who owned the ground on which the tree stood, under whose branches it is said William Penn made his great Treaty of Amity with the Indians, married Col. Lewis Downing, late principal chief of the Cherokee nation. He was the Lieut. Col. of a regiment of native Indian volunteers during our late Re- bellion, and a frequent visitor at Beth- lehem. They are both dead now, and had no issue. Col. D. has left chil- dren, however, by a former marriage. The roots of the old " Penn Treaty Tree," were dug up by Miss Eyre, and taken with her, when she made Bethlehem her residence, and where she lived in a quaint old house, the "First Moravian Store," formerly, now torn down. The old roots stood in her parlor, and were used as a " What-not,'''' and their curious ap- pearance attracted the attention of all her visitors. They were deposited by her executrix and niece. Miss Rosalie Tiers, in the Museum of the "Young Men's Moravian Missionary Society," at Bethlehem, Pa. Miss Tiers says: — " The ground on which the Treaty Ehn of Penn stood, lielonged to Mr. Matthew Van Dusen, at the time the tree was blown down, March i, 1810. My imcle, Mr. FrankHn Eyre, owned the property immediately adjoining, and to him Mr. Van Dusen made the proposition, that if he would have the entire trunk sawed into planks, he might have half the wood. This Mr. Eyre gladly acceded to, and afterwai'ds he received permission to possess himself of the root. A very curious piece of Indian pottery was found, and the large space in the centre of the roots now shows where it was imbedded. Much to the disappointment of many, this jar crumbled to dust on exposure to the air. The 54 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. root was never (Iiviu_<:;h of necessity much of it was lojiped off from the main part. The cobhit stone which was entanj^lcd among the roots when they were growintj still remains near its outer edge, and could not l)e easily re- movetl." 'riu' roots mentioned, liave since been presented to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It is proper to state, however, in this connection, that no such Treaty as that represented in West's Pawting ever took place; but a '■^ Big Talk'" was held, a mere verbal treaty of Am- ity ; no purchase of land whatever. And several of the persons represented in West' s picture, did not visit this country until several years later, and some were never here at all ; among the latter, the artist's grandfather. William Penn never bought any lands of the Indians, except a small tract, in 1682, in Bucks County, known as '■'■ Penn^s Manor,''' in extent 10 by 12 miles. The deed for which can be seen in our Historical Society. The punishments inflicted by the Courts, during the earlier days of the Province, seem to have been, in crimi- nal cases, confinement in the stocks, and whipping at the pillory, or at the tail of a cart. Exposure in the pillory bearing a placard, inscribed with the offence of the criminal, and fines. If the defendant could not pay the latter, and costs of prosecution, he was sold out to service for a period of years. In 1690, the following is a sentence in one case, which will serve as an example : — " Whipping with thirty-nine lashes, well laid on his back at the cart's tail, and to be sold eight years for his fine and costs, and to repay the losses occasioned by a former larceny." 'I'his ptmishment was inflicted on a servant -man of Chichester, for steal- ing 14 dressed deer-skins. The fines sometimes were very heavy ; in one case, "One half of the defendant's estate." (Whether that was heavy, depends upon the extent of his estate.) Sometimes the convict was banished from the Province, and in rare cases imprisonment was resorted to. The want of proper and secure jails had as much to do with these various modes of punishing criminals as anything else. Jonathan Hayes, Randall Vernon, and Robert Piles, did refuse the office of Justice of the Peace in Chester. I Col. Record, 375, May 13, 1693. A Jury of Women was called at Chester, on the 27th of 6 mo., 1689. A case of Crini. Con. came before the Court ; the parties having confessed themselves guilty of the charge, were presented by the Crand Inciuest ; " Upon which they were both called to the bar, where they made their ap- pearance, and upon her further con- fession and submission, a Jury of Wo- men, whose names are underwritten, ordered to inspect." The names of the Jury impannelled were, Lydia Wade, Sarah Usher, Hester Rawlence, Mary Carter, Jane Hawkes, Mary Hos- kins, Elizabeth' Musgrove, Mary Bay- less, Elizabeth Hastings, Mary Little, Jane Moulder and Anne Saunderlaine. "They make return they cannot fine she is (as charged), neither be they sure she is not. ' ' The case is rendered at full on the records of the Chester County Court. John Hoskins and Mary, his wife, (one of the above jury,) came from Cheshire, England, and settled at Chester. He was a Friend, and pur- chased a lot at Chester, in 1688, upon which he built a house, and kei)t it as an Inn. This old tavern was on lulge- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 55 mont Avenue, between Front and Se- cond Streets. He was one of the origi- nal purchasers under Penn, and is set down in the list for 250 acres, which were laid out 4 mo. 27, I864, in Mid- dletown, between lands of Richard Crosby and David Ogden, by virtue of a warrant dated 9 mo. 21, 1683. He was a man of education, as evinced by his having been elected to the Provin- cial Assembly of which he sat as a mem- ber on March 12, 1683. His will, dated 11 mo. 2, 1694-5, and proven Aug. 15, 1698, is register- ed in Philadelphia, in which he is styled " of the county of Chester, tailor," and the name written Hodgs- kinson. In the early records, the name is frequently written Hodgkins, at least by others. He left but two children, John and Hannah, of whom the former was married in 1698 to Ruth Atkin- son, and the latter in the same year to Charles Whitaker; while their mother married, in 1700, George Woodier, a widower, of Upper Providence, after- ward of Chester. She was an active member of Friends' Meeting at Ches- ter, of which she and Ann Pusey were appointed overseers in 1696 ; but at a meeting held 8 mo. 28, 1700, it is stated — "because Mary Hoskins Re- fuses, Being Anchent, to stand over- seer with Ann Pusey for Chester meet- ing, soe this meeting makes Choyes of Eliz : Job to stand in her place." John Hoskins, Jr., must have been a person of considerable ability, as he was elected Sheriff in 1700, when not more than twenty-three years of age, and continued to hold the office until 1 715, except during the 'year 1708. His death occurred 8 mo. 26, 1716, and that of his widow, Ruth, in 1739. Their children were — John, b. 12 mo. 24, 1699 ; Stephen, //. 12 mo. 18, 1 701-2; George, b. 8 mo. 8, 1703, died young ; Joseph, b. 4 mo. 30, 1705; Mary, b. 8 mo. i, 1707. Ste- phen, a cooper by trade, married in 1727, Sarah Warner, a widow, of Ma- ryland, and removed thither, but re- turned to Chester in 1730, and perhaps about 1743, settled in Philadelphia. His children were John, Ruth in. to Wilson, and Mary in. to Warner. Joseph Hoskins in. 8 mo. 26, 1738, at Chester Meeting, Jane Fenn, a noted Quaker preacher, but left no children. In 1 731, he made a voyage to Barbadoes, but did not re- main long, and in 1739, went on bus- iness to Boston. He was styled a "cordwainer" in the old writings. In 1756, his wife paid a religious visit to New England, and on her journey received a hurt, causing lameness, by which she was detained at Boston several weeks. After her return, she appeared at meeting "and gave some short relation of her journey, and of the openness of the Presbyterians to hear the free Gospel of Christ preach- ed, and their particular respect and sympathy to her in particular in her affliction, which is matter of comfort and satisfaction to this meeting." After her death Joseph married, about the close of the year 1765, Esther Bickerdike, of Bucks County. In his will, proved July 21, 1773, he devised ;^io, to be used in enclosing or fenc- ing the burying ground belonging to the Friends of Chester Meeting; also, the sum of ^30, toward schooling and educating such poor children of the borough or township as the Meeting should think worthy of such assistance. To his friends, Henry Hale Graham and William Swaffer, he devised a lot 100 feet square, at the intersection of Welsh or Back Street and the King's 56 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Road, in trust for the use of the in- habitants of the borough and town- ship, "for the Building and Erecting (thereon) a School House or School Houses or other Edifices for the Teach- ing, Instructing and Educating of youth therein." His nephew, John Hoskins, of Burlington, was his resid- uary legatee, and executor. This John Hoskins was married 9 mo. 22, 1750, to Mary dau. of Joshua and Sarah Raper, of Burlington. His son, Raper Hoskins, came to Chester to reside as early as 1775, and was married at Chester Meeting, 5 mo. 2, 1 78 1, to Eleanor, dau. of Henry Hale Graham. Another son, Joseph, came from Burlington in 1784, and m. 6 mo. 12, 1793, Mary Graham, n sister to Eleanor. Mary Hoskins, dau. of John and Ruth, m. about 1730, John Mather, who was a prominent citizen of Ches- ter and for some years a Justice of the Common Pleas. They had three chil- dren — Joseph, Ruth and Jane. To Ruth, her grandmother, Hoskins de- vised the house and lot where Awbrey Bevan now lives in Chester, and com- monly known by the name of Penn- sylvania Arms : will dated July 3, 1739. This grand-daughter became the wife of Hon. Charles Thomson, while her sister, Jane, married Dr. Paul Jackson. Graham Hoskins, son of Raper and Eleanor, l>. Nov. 4, 1792, druggist, of Philadelphia, m. Margaret, daugh. of William Smith, Jr., and Margaret, and has living five grandchildren, James, William S., Graham, George W. and Margaret, children of his deceased son, William Smith Hoskins. \'ehicles were not used for travel- ling in the early days of the Province. The Swedes used boats, as did also the Dutch before them, the creeks and rivers were the natural highways to these people in their own countries, and both nature and necessity made them so in ours. The roads were gen- erally mere paths through the woods, which were free from undergrowth, from the habit the Indians had of fir- ing the woods every fall. On Nov. 12, 1678, the "Court at Upland ordered that every person should within the space of two months, as far as his land reaches, make good and passable wayes from neighbour to neighbour with bridges when it needs, to the end that neighbours on occasion may come together. Those neglect- ing to forfeit 25 guilders. ' ' The Court at New Castle a few months later or- dered, " the highways to be cleansed as followeth, viz. : The way bee made clear of standing and lying trees, at least len foot broad, all stumps an^ shrubbs to be close cutt by y® ground. The trees mark'd yearly on both sides, sufficient bridges to be made and kept over all marshy, swampy, and difficult dirty places, and whatever else shall be thought more necessary about y* high- ways afores'd." See New Castle Re- cord, Book B, p. 146. I call attention here to the peculi- arities of ancient spelling, &c. The' y in old manuscripts in the word y% is an alteration of the Saxon character called Thorn, having the sound of th, and not y* as is commonly given it. Y', is that ; y"", means them ; y"^, means thereof; two small uu's represent the capital W. U and V were used in- discriminately, being considered the same letter.* I, was used where the J now is. The capital F, was represent- ed by two small f 's [thus ff ] ; wlicrc y"*, mee, or engine to raise and lower the same is of no public utility, and yet attendi-d with extraordinary ex]K'nses and inconveniences to the public. Therefore, Be it e?meted, d-v., that the Commissioners and Assessors, with the concurrence of the Magistrates of the County of Chester, shall, as soon as may be, cause a new bridge to be built at the place where the old bridge for- merly stood, leaving at least twenty feet clear between the timber or stone work, and not less than eighteen feet in breadth, and eight feet headway at high water, for the easy passage for rafts, flats, shallops, and othe» crafts ; and the said bridge shall be made fast, and close continued from one side of the creek to the other, without any draw or opening for a mast," &c. I pre- sume the bridge erected in accordance with the above act, was the one that stood over the creek immediately pre- ceding the present one, or of which the present bridge is an alteration, made about the year 1868, with side- walks for i)edestrians. The former, or old bridge, was a wooden structure, supported by large, heavy chains ])ass- ing over iron columns resting on either abutment. I think each link of the chains must have been about two feet in length, all made of wrought iron. Connecting the two columns on either side of the bridge was a large planking cut out to represent an arch, present- ing a very neat appearance, and right over each arch was a sign painted white with the following notice in black letters: — " Walk your horse, and drive not more than fifteen head of cattle at one time over this bridge, under a penalty of no less than ^30." The author of the lines must have been a Mason. I have heard it was John K. Zeilin, Esq. Watson, in his Historical Collec- tions, MS., says: — "The road from Chester bridge to New Castle was call- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 59 ed the King's Road. I have heard old j^ersons say, that there were mile stones having some signs of royalty en- graved on them along this road." As some of the old mile stones had Penn's arms cut on them, it accounts for these statements. At a meeting of the Provincial Coun- cil held at Philadelphia, y^ 19th March, 1705-6. The following petition (co- pied from a copy, among the " Logan Papers," in possession of the Historical Society of Pa., and never before print- ed,) was presented and read, as will appear by the minutes. See 2d Colonial Records, 244, &c. To the HonUile John Evans, Esq., Lieut. Governor of the Provmce of Pennsilvania and the three Lower Counties and to his Council. The Humble petition of the Inhal)itants of tlie town and County of Chester and others, humbly showeth : That whereas by ye Laws of this Government y^ sole power of laying out of the Queen's Road is lodged in the Governor and Council — and whereas the Town of Chester is daily improving, and In time may become a great place and very advantageous to the Propriatour, but forasmuch as most of the People of that place concerned In the Im- provement is much discouraged for want of a direct Road from thence to Philadelphia, wee your Petitioners, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do beg the Governor and Councill — that an ord'r may be granted to fitt and pro- per persons to lay out the Queen's Road on as direct a Line as can be from Darby to answer the bridge on Chester Creek ; and your peti- tioners in duty bound will ever pray. Edward Dutton, Jonathan Rutdand, David I'owell, John Wiley, Isaac Taylour, Charles Booth, Joshua Calvert, Richard Prichard, John Houldston, Samuel Bishop, Jonathan Hayes, John Grubb, Henry Hollingsworth, James Hendricxson, Richard Crosby, Joseph Cloud, Edward Wilburn, Thomas Buffington, Richard Elwell, Jonathan Munrow, John Morton, David Jones, James Thomas, Joseph Baker, Daniel Lewis, William Gregory, George Simpson, Ephraim Jackson, Peter Trego, Edward Kennison, James Swaffer, Phillip Yarnall, Edward Jennings, John Gibbeans, Morgan Jones, Roger Jackson, James Chivers, Richard Addams, David Loyd, JohnChilde, Jasper Yeates, Ralph Fishburn, James Sandelandes, Wm. Pickells, John Hoskins, Wm. Hurtin, John Wade, David Roberts, Paul Sanders, Wm. Swaffer, Robert Barber, Thomas Cartwright, Sam'l Tomlinson, John Bauldine, David Merrideth, John Test, Edward Danger, Jnhn Test, Jr., John Hikenes, John Dutton, Thomas Oldham, Thomas Dutton, Thomas Bauldwin, Alexander Badcock, Joseph Richards, George Woodiar, Walter Martin, John Bristow, Tho. Powell, George Oldfield, Nicholas Faiilamb, John Sharpies, Moses Key, Tho. Vernon, Henry Coburn, Jeremiah Collet, Sr. Nathan Baker, Mordicai Howell, Geo. Chandler, Israel Taylor, John Worrall, Jeremiah Collet, Jr. Humphrey Johnston, By a memorandum in the Council Minute Book D, begun 19th March, 1705-6, p. I, it appears that the "in- habitants of Chester petition for a road from Darby to Chester bridge, with an ord'r for its being laid out." See Logan Papers, vol. iv., marked "Roads," paper No. 59. Thereupon it was ordered by the Council — " That the said Road lie laid accordingly, and if there shall be occasion for building a bridge over any Navigable creek or water for the greater conveniency of Travelling the said Road, that such bridge shall be so built that the same may in no wise hinder any Boats from passiiTg up or down such creek or water. And it is further ordered yt Jasper Yeates, Caleb Pusey, Jeremiah CoUett, Robert Barber and John Hendrickson, or any four of them, do survey and lay out the said Road, and that they return as soon as they can to this Board, under their hands and seals, an exact draught setting forth the several courses thereof." A draft of this road is on file in the office of the Surveyor General, and also of that of the Secretary of State, at Harrisburg. And in accordance 60 11 IS TORY OF CHESTER. with the order of Council the Road was promptly laid out, and the Suj^ervi- sors of Chester, Ridley and Darby, were directed by the County Court and no- tified by the Sheriff to clear the same. But this does not seem to have been done ; for it ap])ears by a draft sub- mitted to Council in 1747, by Joseph Bonsall and John Davis, that scarcely any part of the road as travelled, cor- responded with the road laid out in 1 706. The travelled road, except for a very short distance, (at which end or what place is not stated,) being from twenty to forty perches or more south of that laid out in 1706. In the ist Penna. Archives, pp. 767-8, are copies of two petitions asking for a re-survey of the line of the road, &c., signed by a number of the prominent inhabitants of the county, and read in Council 17th August, 1747, as follows: " To the Honorable President and Coitneil of the Pren'incc of Pennsylvania. The Petition of the subscribers, Commis- sioners and Inhabitants of the County of Ches- ter, in said Province, Humbly sheweth, That whereas it appears after strict search made that there are divers jjarts of the King's Road leading from Cob's creek jjridge to over Ches- ter liridge to the line of New-Castle county, not to be found upon Record, or any return thereof made. Therefore, as well for the benefit of the Publick as the satisfaction of private Persons, Likewise for the erecting of Bridges & repair- ing of said Highway, We your petitioners Hum- bly crave that you will be pleas'd to take the same into consideration and appoint such men as in your wisdom shall think proper, to lay out such parts of said Road as are deficient. And your Petitioners (as in duty l)ound) shall ever pray. August the 13th, 1747. Jacob Hjblwrd, Samuel Bunting, John Griffith, Job Harvey, George Wood, Thos. Pearson, Isa. Pearson, John Davis, Joshua Thomson, Thomas Cummings, John Baldwin, John Taylor, David Cowpland, Jacob Howell, Sr., John Paschall, John Pearson, Geo. Ashbridge, John Mather, James Mather, Joshua Ash. The second petition is indorsed, " Petition of George Gray, &c., for a warrant to survey the road leading from Philadelphia to Chester, and is as fol- lows : " 7() the Hvitorahle, the President and Council of the J'ro'i'inee of Pennsylvania . The humble petition of George Gray, keeper of the lower Ferry over Schuylkill, on the Road frt)m the city of Philadelphia to Chester, and others living in the county of Chester, and using said road, Shewtth, that the said Road leading from South st., of the said city, over the said Ferry to Cobb's creek bridge near Darby, in the county of Chester, has time out of mind been the only old and accustomed Road to Darby, Chester, New-Castle and the Lower Counties. That the inhabitants of the Townships through which the said Road passes, not doubting its being a recorded Road, have hitherto duly repaired and amended the same, but now being apprized that it either has not been regularly recorded, or that the record thereof cannot be found, so that they are not obliged to repair the same or contribute thereto, the said Road is at present much out of Repair, growing worse, and will in Winter become utterly impassable or dangerous to travel with Horses, Chaises, or other Car- riages^ unless the same he repaired before the ensuing Winter. That your Petitioners are informed that if the said Road was surveyed and recorded ac- cording to Law, the same would and ought to be from Time to Time repaired by the Inhab- itants of the Townships through which the same lyes, whereby the same, being a great and much travelled Road would become safe and passable. Therefore your Petitioners humbly pray the Honorable, the President and Council, would be pleased to grant an Order or Warrant for surveying the said Road, so that it may be surveyed and recorded, and sufficiently amend- ed and kept in Repair, or that you would be ]ileased to give such other Order or Warrant concerning the same as the nature of the case HISTORY OF CHESTER. 61 may recjuire. And your Petitioners will ever pray, &c. Joseph Bons.ill, George Gray, Samuel Levis, George Wood, John Davis, Jonathan Puschall, Job Harvey, Thos. Pearson, Samuel Bunting, William Home. On the 8th of Sept., 1 747, the Coun- cil appointed Caleb Cowpland, Joseph Parker, Joseph Bonsall, Samuel Levis, James Mather, John Davis, Peter Dicks, Thomas Pearson, and John Sketchley, or any five of them, in con- nection with seven persons from Phil- adelphia, to lay out the Road from "the Division line which parts Phila- delphia county from Chester county to the limits of the county of New Castle." On March 22, 1747, five of the committee from Delaware County re- ported that it would be injurious to property owners to lay out the road between Darby and Chester in accord- ance with the courses and distances given, (the survey of 1706 had been found), and asked for further powers, to keep that part of the road where it already ran. The Council thereupon ordered, that the road be laid out as " it now runs, making no other altera- tions than what may be absolutely ne- cessary to make it more regular and direct in some Places, or more com- modious to the Fording Places or Bridges that are now used on the said Road." VIII. When Upland was first settled, and for many years afterwards, the country in the vicinity was full of wild animals and game. Wolves were numerous, and bounty was paid for each one killed. Deer were quite common, large herds wandered through the country ; and it has only been during the present century that they have en- tirely disappeared. When I was about 12 years old, I attended the last deer hunt in Delaware County. The deer ran through Chester, and jumped off the upper pier into the Delaware, and was followed by two of the hounds. Some men in a boat pursued and cap- tured it at the lower end of Chester Island, and returned with it and the dogs to town. I remember that I rode a gray, blooded horse called Buzzard. The deer was a tame one,, however, and let loo.se for the purpose of a hunt. There were a great many fox hounds about Chester when I was a boy, but I do not recollect ever hearing of a fox hunt, although I do recall several drag hunts. But to return to the old times. Black bears were frequently to be met with, and in cold weather, sometimes visited the farm houses in search of food. Wild turkeys and pigeons visit- I ed the country in immense flocks, in the fall of the year. The foxes were great pests to the farmers, lurking around their barns, and carrying off poultry. Squirrels, rabbits, pheasants and partridges abounded. When I was a boy living with my step-grandfather, in Ridley, about a mile south-west of Morton station, I remember well going out with him gunning for flying squir- rels and wild pigeons in Carr's thicket, not far distant from his residence. At the end of the lane leading to " Our house," stood at that time a magnifi- cent pine tree ; it was a perfect cone of green, its lower limbs sweeping the ground. It still stands, although shorn by the winters' winds of many of its branches. Mr. John Fairlamb Hill, my step- grandfather, died at Chester, June 14, 1870, in the 90th year of his age. He (VJ IIISTOKV OF CHP]STEK was at one time a very prominent man in the county, and from his stone quar- ries at Cn///i, Ridley and Naaman's Creeks, he furnished much of the stone used in the Delaware Break- water, near Cape Henlopen, He mar- ried, July lo, 1804, my grandmother, Eleanor Crosby Martin, the widow of Dr. William Martin, of Chester, who died of the yellow fever, caught in at- tending the crew of a British vessel, lying off Chester, Sept. 28, 1798. She was a daughter of John Crosby, late an Associate Judge of Delaware County, and Ann Peirce, his wife, of Ridley Creek quarries. In a MS. entitled " a brief account of Pennsylvania, in a letter to Rich- ard Peters, in answer to some queries of a gentleman in Europe, by Lewis Evans, 1753," it is stated: "We have coarse stones for building every- where, and a quarry not far from Ches- ter, affords a sort of .stone nearly re- sembling frce-sto7ie, but its ordinary muddy color is no recommendation to it." Mr. Evans, at that time, could have seen only the surface-stone of the (piarries of Delaware County, which really is of a muddy color in some localities. The stone taken from the "Cro-sby quarries," at Ridley Creek, for the last forty years, has been a beautiful free-stouc^ and J have often been surprised that it has not been more^ generally used for building pur- poses. Much of it is sold for cellar walls, but there are some houses in Delaware County built entirely of it ; however, they are built with the rough, uncut stone, which shows none of its beauty, which is of a handsome light gray color. Some fine specimens of this stone can be .seen in the abut- ments of the wire bridge over Callow- hill Street, in Philadeli)hia, with the letters I. Y. H, cut on them, meaning John F. Hill, who leased the quarries and furnished the stone for that work. The "Crosby quarries" were in operation in the year 1789. See 16 Provincial Records, p. 100, where is recorded : An order was directed by the Supreme Executive Council to be drawn on the treasurer in favor of John Crosby, for ^^53 13.?. 4^/. for stone for repairing the bank at Mud Island. The green stone that is now (juarried near Lenni, is much used for building purposes, and much admired. The quarry at Lenni, is owned by Col. Archer N. Martin, a son of Robert L. Martin, and the new buildings of the University of Pennsylvania, are in part erected with this green stone. Mr. Evans, in the letter referred to says, "Chester, Bristol and Newtown, have been long at a stand." I may add the former is now moving, l)ut the two latter stand still. I remember saying to a witty friend of mine, Whit- ton Evans, in salutation one day, when business was very dull, " Are you still on the wharf, Whit?" His eyes twinkled as he passed on, saying qui- etly, " Very." Many writers have given an account of William Penn's arrival at Ui)land, on Sunday the 29th of Oct., 1682,* and the traditionary story of his changing the name of the town to that of Chester, at the request of his friend, Pearson. Armstrong suggests *Thc " Welcome" arrived at Upland, now' Chester, on Oct. 28, 1682; positive evidence of this fact exists in an old Manuscript Hook of Evan Oliver, a passenger in that vessel, he says : " We came out of Radnorshire in Wales about y® beginning of y" 6 mo. (August), '82 & arrived at Ujiland in jjcnsilvania in America, y« 28th of ye 8 month, '82." See leUer of Benj. Ferris lo Edward Armstrong, of 12 mo. 31, 185 1, in jmssession of the Historical Society of rcnnsylvania. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 08 that Pearson's first name was Robert; another writer, a correspondent to the Republican oi Oct. 6, 1871, gives the Christian name of Pearson, as Thomas, and says he was the maternal grand- father of Benjamin West, the celebrat- ed painter. He also says, Printzdorp is included in the present South Ward of Chester. William Penn in one of his letters about laying out a city, alludes to Chester, and mentions that he gave it its present name. I will give the whole account .as related, of Fcn?t's voyage and the change of name : It appears that on Wednesday, the 30th of Aug., 1682, William Penn sailed from England in the ship "Welcome," Robert Greenway, master, in company with about 100 emigrants, destined for the Province of Pennsylvania; most of the passengers were members of the Society of Friends, chiefly from Sus- sex. During the voyage, the small- pox broke out on board the vessel, and thereby many of the passengers died. Otherwise the voyage was prosperous, although a very long one, and on the 27th day of Oct., 1682, the ship arrived and anchored in safety at New Castle, on the Delaware. An incom- plete list of the passengers will be found in a note to the published address of Edward Armstrong, before the Histo- rical Society of Pennsylvania, at Ches- ter, on the 8th of Nov., 1851, p. 22, &c. On the 28th of Oct., 1682, the ' ' Welcome ' ' anchored off Upland, op- posite the residence of Robert Wade, and William Penn landed at his seat of government. Upon landing,* Penn determined to change the name of the place and " turning around to his *The landing may not have taken place until the next day, Sunday, the 29th. That pose that the authors in question, did not ex- amine the record for themselves, as the word Chichester distinctly occurs instead of Chester. However, at a meeting held 'The nth of y* 7th mo., 1682' — still before the arrival of Penn — ' It is agreed by this meeting that a mpeling shall be held for the servis and wor- ship of {]od eveiy first day of the week, att the Court House all Chester.' Now what is the history of this first volume of minutes? It contains the evidence that about the year 1712, 'I'homas ("halklcy, an eminent minis- ter in the Society, and a good pen- man, was employed to transcribe the original minutes within a large book obtained for the purpose. This may have been at the time he was tempo- rarily detained at Chester by the sick- ness of his wife. However correct he may have been in his religious views, he certainly had not the future local historian in his eye when he transcribed those minutes. Fortunately the origi- nal record has been preserved, and although a part of the first date is missing, yet the minutes read thus : — [torn] ' day of y^ 11 month, 1681, a monthly meeting of f rends belonging to Marcus hooke er' Upland heeld then at Robert Wads house.' Again, 'At the men' s meeting at Upland, the nth yth mo., 1682. * * It 7C'as then agreed y^ a meeting shall be held for y^ service &= worship of god cveiy first day * * * at y^ Court House at Upland. ' The name of Upland is frequently, l)ut that of Chester never mentioned in these old minutes, until the nth mo., 1682." The proof thereof seems to be conclu- sive, that William Penn did change the name of Upland to Chester, and that the minute copied by Dr. Smith is from the incorrect copy made by Thomas Chalkley. The cpiotations above, in italics, are the exact words of the original. In Armstrong's list before referred to, are some errors, which I correct here. From an entry that will be found in the proceedings of the Race Street Monthly Meeting of Friends, at Phila- deli)hia, it appears that William Brad- ford and Elizabeth, his wife, brought certificate (which is set out in fiill on the record), from Devonshire House Monthly Meeting, London, dated 6 mo. 12, 1685, signed by 19 Friends. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 65 He did not, therefore, come in the " Welcome," as stated. John Sharpies (mentioned in Arm- strong's list), came from Ratherton or Hadderton, in the county of Chester, England. He married Jane Moore of the same place, in 1662. They had seven children, Phebe, John, Thomas, James, Caleb, Jane and Joseph. The whole family, with the exception of Thomas, who died at sea, 5 mo. (July), landed at Upland on the 4th of the 6th mo. (Aug.), 1682, more than two months before the arrival of the "Welcome." See Records of Ches- ter Monthly Meeting. In one place in the old record, it is plainly written, that " Thomas Sharpless, son of John and Jane Sharpless, dyed the 1 7th day of y' first mo., 1682, at sea." Else- where it states that "Thomas Sharp- less Sonne of John and Jane Sharpless, dyed 17th of 5th mo., 1682, buried in sea." At Sharpless' Mills on Ridley Creek, there is quite a curiosity. Engraven on a rock on the banks of the creek, are the initials I. S., 1682, which marks the spot where John Sharpless, the original settler, erected his cabin, on his purchase that year. In the record of the Sharpless family, p. 14, printed in 1 81 6, which is a very rare book, it is set forth, they took up part of the land purchased of William Penn, on Ridley Creek, about two miles north- west from Chester, where they fell a large tree, and took shelter among the boughs thereof, about six weeks, in which time they built a cabin against a rock, which answered for their chim- ney back, and now contains the date of the year when the cabin was built, viz., 1682, in which they dwelt 20 years, and there they all died, except the mother and three sons, in which time Joseph learned the trade of house carpenter, and when of age built the first dwelling house, which is now standing and occupied by one of their descendants. Part of the original floors are still in use, being fastened down with wooden pins of about an inch in diameter, instead of nails. It is a sizeable two-story dwelling ; the walls of stone. Some description here of the city in England, from which our Chester takes its name, may be of interest. Ches- ter's '■^god-mother,'''' derives its name from the Latin word castra, signify- ing ar«/;//. This ancient fortified city is one of the oldest cathedral towns in England. The old original town is enclosed by walls two miles or more in circumference, which now form a favorite promenade. The settlement of the place dates from the year A. D. 58, when a Roman colony was estab- lished on the banks of the river Dee ; and the site of the town was the ca;n/> of the xxth Legion, called the " Vic- TRix;" hence its ndiXi\e Legion' s Cas- tra, corrupted by the Roman soldiers into Legicestra, whence Chester. From that date until about 150 years ago, Chester has been the scene of many eventful occurrences, battles and sieges ; at times the peaceful abode of royalty, sometimes its prisen ; the history of which, and of the town, would fill half a dozen volumes. Its more ancient parts remind one of the description we have of cities of the middle ages. Along its streets are to be found antiquated houses, built with story overhanging story, with outside stairways, leading to balconies above, which overshadow the curious old stories beneath. So . very quaint and so very quiet are the more ancient streets of the town, that (H. HISTORY OF CUESTEK. OIK' would hardly feci surprised, were he to meet a cavalcade of knights in armor, riding up the thoroughfare, with the lances, banners, and all the warlike trappings of several hundred years ago, or see emerging from a by- street a gay Cavalier of a later day, with slouching hat and trailing plume, escorting along the pave a ladye fair, all hoops, curls, feathers and ribbons. The principal attractions to the visit- ors, are the grand old walls built by the Romans, the remains of the old castle, once the palace and abode of the Earls of Chester, nothing of which now remains except the Tower, called the Tower of Jn/his Agricola, the Cathedral and its ancient buildings, which are wonderful specimens of the exuberant architecture of the olden times. Many of these old buildings are in excellent order and well pre- served, and a marvel to see. The city is encircled by a charming country, through which flows the river Dee, whose beauties have been sung by many an English poet. Such is Ches- ter in the mother-land. In (Gordon's History of Pennsylva- nia, p. yS, it is stated : " The survey of the euunliy inhabitocl by the Europeans having l)een completed, (in the year 1682,) the Proprietary divided it into six counties; three in the Province and a like numl)er in the lenitories. 'l"he former he named Philadelphia, liucks and Chester; the latter New Castle, Kent and Sussex. The seals adopted by the Legislature for the three counties, are indicative of the simplicity of the times. ■ That of Philadelphia was an Anchor; for Hucks, a Tree and a Vine ; for Chester, a Plough ; for New Castle, a Cassia Plant ; for Kent, three Ears of Indian Corn; for Sussex, a Wheat Sheaf." The seal of Chester County, on an old deed of May i, 1767, from JoJm Morton, sheriff, to John Crosby, (my g. g. grandfather, ) is the arms of I'enn, with a Plough for a crest, and the le- gend around the seal of " Chester — William Penn, Propriator and Gover- nor." On the 7th of Dec, 1682, William Penn held his first legislative Assembly at Chester, at which time the Great Code of Laws, (containing 61 chap- ters,) that had been prepared in Eng- land, was passed and ordered to be taught in the schools of the Province and Territories. The three lower comities on the Delaware were annex- ed to the Province, and the Dutch, Swedes and other foreigners natural- ized. It has been universally believ- ed until quite recently, and is yet by many people in Chester, that " the first General Assembly of Pennsylva- nia, and the territories thereunto be- longing," held at Chester on the 7th of Dec, 1682, (i Laws of Fa., p. i,) met and held its sessions in the rear part of the old building which recently stood on the west side of Front Street, (now Edgmont Road,) near the mar- gin of Chester Creek, and occupied then by Samuel Long, for his cooper- shop. This structure was familiarly called "The Old Assembly House," and is alluded to and designated as such by Benjamin Ferris in his history, by the Rev. Richard D. Hall, in his sketches of Chester, and other writers, but it appears now that this old building was erected by Friends, and was the first FrieJids' Meeting Hause Imilt in Chester, and was never used for any other purpose whatever ; in fact it was not built until 1693, and the first As- sembly met in 1682, eleven years be- fore it was erected. This disposes of that part of the matter. No doubt the first Assembly held its first sessions in the Court House, which was then the HISTORY (3F CHESTER. 67 " House of Defence," as Dr. Smith says: "It was the only public build- ing erected in Upland at that time, of which we have any knowledge. ' ' Wat- son in his Annals of Philadelphia, vol. i. p. 128, ed. 1856, says: "The oaken chair in which William Penn sat as chief of that Assembly, is said to be now in the po.ssession of the aged and respectable widow of Col. (Persifor) Frazer. ' ' At Chester, the first meeting for Divine worship in Pennsylvania, by the Society of Friends, was establish- ed. It was visited by William Ed- mundson, in 1675. Proud, states: — "In that year (1675), Robert Wade and divers others came over, and meet- ings were regularly held there from that time." Ferris says, " Chester is located in a rich fertile district ; the situation is very plea.sant, on the N. E. side of a fine mill stream, naviga- ble a short distance from its mouth." He erroneously states, however, that Chester is situated on a point of fast land, and that " Wade's house was on a beautiful rising ground, on the south side of Chester Creek, where he had a landing place." At the time of Penn's landing all the country between Marcus Hook and Chester, was called Finland. The gentleman to whom Queen Christina, in 1653, granted all the land, was a native of Finland, hence without doubt its name. There were many Finns among the early settlers of this country. The word Hook is supposed to mean a promontory, or a point of land projecting into the water, and the word Marcus, to be a corruption of the name of an old Indian chief who lived at the Hook, {at the point. ^ His name was Maarte, and is referred to by Commissary Hudde, in his re- in port, in 1645, when he visited the Swedish settlements on the Delaware, in which he speaks of " two of the principal Sachems," on the west side of the Delaware, named '■'■ Maaiie, and Wissetne?tets,'' as grantors of the land to the Dutch. See Report, p. 439; also, Ferris' History, p. 134. But as Hook Creek on Holmes' map, 1684, is called '^Marcus Creek,'" I think the creek took its name from some settler named Marcus. At this time there are twelve families of that name living in Philadelphia. The land between Marcus Creek and Naa- maji's Creek was, in 1684, called Marcus Hook, and was undoubtedly the Swedish name of that tract. Naa- niati's Creek did, however, take its name frpm an old Indian chief, who was an orator of the Minquas tribe, now conjinonly called the Mingoes, located in that vicinity. William Penn wrote from Philadel- phia, Jan. 9, 1683. to the Duke of Ormond, then Viceroy of Ireland, among other things, as follows : " I thank God I ame safely arrived in yo province y' the providence of God & Bounty of the King hath made myne, & which the credit, prudence, & industry of the people concerned w'"^ me must render considerable. — I was received by the ancient Inhabitants wth much kindness & respect, & the rest brought it w"' them. There may be about four thousand souls in all. I speak, I think, within compass ; we expect an increase from France, Holland & Germany, as well as our native country. " The land is generally good, well water'd & not so thick of wood as I immaggined ; there are also many open places y' have been old Indian fields. The trees y' grow here are the Mulberry, white and red. Walnut, black, gray and hickoi7; Poplar, Cedar, Cyprus, Chestnut, Ash, Sarsafrax, Gum, Pine, Spruce, Oake, black, white, red ; Spanish Chestnut & Swamp, w'^'^ has a leaf like a willow, and is 68 HISTORY OF CHESTER. most lastinjj. The food the woods yield us are Klks, Deer, Racoons, Beaver, Ral)l)itls, Turkey, Phesants, Heath-birds, Pidgeons & Partridges innumerably ; we need no setting dogs to ketch, they run by droves into the house in cold weather. Our Rivers have also plenty of excellent fish & water fowl, as Stur- geon, Rock, Shad, Herring, Cod-fish, flat- heads, Roach and Perch & Trout in inland streams. Of fowls, the Swan, white grey and black ; Goose & Cranes ; the best Duck & Teal I ever eate, & Snipe & Curhie, with y* Snow- bird are also excellent. " The air is sweet and cleare, w"^^ makes a screen and steady sky as in the more southern parts of France. — Our Summers & Winters are commonly once in three years in extreames, but the winters seldom last above ien weeks & rarely begin till yo latter end of December. The days are above two hours longer & the sun much hotter here than with you, w«'> makes some recompense for y^ long nights of y" winter season, as well as the woods y' make cheap & great fires. " We have of graine. Wheat, Maize, Rye, Barley, Oats, several excellent sort of beans & pease, pumkens, water & mus-mellons, all English roots & garden stuff, good fruit and excellent sider. The Peach we have in divers kinds & very good & in great abundance. The Vine of several sorts (& y«sign wth us of rich land) is very fruitful & tho' not so sweet as some I have eaten in Europe, yet it makes a good wine, and the worst a good vinegar. I have observed three sorts, the great grape y* has green, red & black on y" same tree, the muskedell, and black little grape (the fox grape I take it), which is the best, and may be improved to an excellent wine. These are spontaneous. " Of the cattle we have the Horse, not very handsome, but good — low cattle and hogs in much plenty and sheep increase apace." It will be noticed that the Proprie- tary makes no mention of pear or jjlum trees, nor of the wild cherry, several different kinds of which are in- digenous, as is also the persimmon, crab-apple, and the wild plum (red), a delicious fruit tree, which was very common about 25 years ago, in Dela- ware and Chester Coimties. As it is far superior to the common blue plum, I have often wondered that it has not been cultivated, but I never saw it growing except in the woods ; and of the smaller- bushes and fruits, people now make wine of the elderberry, blackberry, gooseberry, currants, black and red, and eat the wild raspberry, strawberry, dewberry, hawberry and huckleberry. From "An Account of the Lands in Pennsylvania, granted by William Penn, Esq., Chief Proprietary and Governor of that Province to several Purchasers within the Kingdom of England, Ireland and Scotland," i Pa. Archives, p. 40, I extract some well-known Chester and Delaware County names, with the number of acres purchased by each. Richard Baker, looo Joseph Martin, 5000 Tho. & Sam Buckley , 503 Walter Martin, 500 William Carter, 500 Richard Mills, 250 Thomas Cobourn, 500 Thomas Minshall, 625 Richard Crossby, 1000 Randall Maylin, 250 Robert Dunton, 500 Thomas Paschal, 500 John Edge, 125 John Peirce, 250 Edward Edwards, 250 Richard Pierce, 1000 Nathaniel Evans, 500 Thomas Pierce, I coo Enoch Flower, 2COO Thomas Powell. 500 Joseph Hall, 503 Caleb Pusey, 250 John Hewcs, 500 John Pusey, 250 John Hill, 500 Joseph Richards, 500 John Hoskins, 250 John Sharplcss, 1000 Richard Jordan, 250 Christopher Taylor, 5000 William Lane, 500 Robert Taylor, 1000 Charles Lloyd, ) Marg't Davis, / 5000 Richard Townsend, 250 Robert Vernon, 625 William Lloyd, 20C0 Thomas Vernon, 625 Robert Lodge, 500 Ralph Ward, 250 Jane Lownds, ISO Edward West, 1000 Henry Maddock, 750 John West, 1250 Richard Marsh, 10,000 Thomas Woolfe, 250 Isaac Martin, 500 Peter & J. Worrel, 500 John Martin, 500 Richard Worrall, 500 There are some familiar names to Delaware County folks, in the follow- ing lists of Arrivals, copied from a manuscript book in possession of the Historical Society of Penna., entitled "Registry of Arrivals in Philadel])hia, 1682-86." The "Welcome," Rob. Greenaway, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 69 master, from London, arrived at Up- I land about the end of the 8th mo., 1682. Richard Townsend, carpenter, servant to y^ Society for 5 years, to have ^50 per ann. salary, Ann Towns- end, his wife, and Hannah, their daughter, Wm. Smith, Nathan Harri- son, Barthol. Green, his servants, each for 7 years. The ^^ America,'''' Joseph Wasey, master, from London, arrived 20th, 6th mo., 1683. Jacob Shoemaker, born in y'' Palatinate, in Germany, servant* to Daniel Pastorius & Com- pany. In the " Endeavour'' of London, a Ketch, Geo. Thorp, master, which arrived here the 29, 7 mo., 1683. Fran : Rosell late of Maxfield in Cheshire in Old England, millin'' ; Michall Rosell late of the same place husbandman : Tho : Janeway & Margaret his wife late of Pownall in Cheshire, husband- man : children — Jacob, Thomas, Abel and Joseph Janeway : servants John Neild, Hannah ffalkner : Jos. Miln'' & Ann his mother, late of Poonnell, blacksmith ; children Sarah and Ralph Miln'. Ralph Miln"" & Rachell his wife late of ditto, carpenter: child Robert Miln''. Tho : Pierson & Marg' his wife late of ditto, mason : John his Brother and Mary Smith his sisf all of the same place : John Nickson & Margery his wife late of Powell in Cheshire, husband- man : children — John, Tho:, James, Nehemiah, Joseph & Shedrick Nick- son : servant — James Witak'' : Mary, Jane, Margery & Eliz : Nick- son (children) : * Servant, means apprentice ; and they were generally relatives whose expenses were to be paid by the term of service mentioned. John Clous & Margery his wife late of Gosworth in Cheshire, husbandman : children W"- Margery & Rebeckah Clous : servants — Jos. Charley, John Richardson, Sam : Hough : Richard Hough, late of Maxfield, in Cheshire, husbandman : servants — ffran : Hough, Jam : Sutton, Tho. Woodhouse, Mary Woodhouse : Fran : Stanfield «& Graas his wife late of Garton in Cheshire, Husband- man : children Jam:, Mary, Sarah, Eliz:, Grass & Hannah Stanfield: servants — Dan : Browne, Tho : Marsey, Isa: Brookesby, Rob: Sidbotham, John Smith, Rob' Bryan, Wm. Rud- way, Tho : Sidbotham : John Maddock, joyn'', Richard Clous, joyn"", John Clous, Shoemaker, Char : Kilbeck, Glover, all of Nantwich in Cheshire : Geo. Philips and Ralph Duckard, servants to Henry Maddock. Daniell Sutton, Taylor, John Preson"", blacksmith, both of Maxfield in Ches- hire, & Jo : Charlesworth, Tan"" of the same place : John Oudfield, Taylor, of the same place. John Howell & Mary his wife late of Budworth in Cheshire, Husband- man, and Hannah his daughf : Mary Taylor, late of Chatterwitch in Cheshire: children Isaack, Tho:, Jona : , Pheb : , Mary & Martha Taylor : Anne Robotham, serv' to the master of the s** Ketch. Mary Taylor was the wife of Robert, who had probably come over pre- viously. They were ancestors of Bay- ard Taylor. Her children's names follow hers, though one, Josiah, is not given ; but he probably came with his father. Their son Thomas afterward married Hannah, the dau: of John and Mary Howell. Mary Howell, her mother, was a sister to Daniel William- 70 HISTORY OF CHESTER. son, and became the second wife of Walter Martin, of Chichester, while another daughter, Barbara Howell, married (ist) Walter Martin, Jr., and (2nd) Francis Ruth. William Morgan and Elizabeth his wife, both arrived at Philadelphia in the " Morning Star, Thos. Hayes, master, in y* 9th mo., 1683." John Richards and Susan his wife, and daughters Hannah and Bridget, and Hugh and Daniel Harris, the two latter from Macchinleth, Montgomery- shire, arrived 17th, 7 mo., 1684, in the Vine, of Liverpool, W^illiam Preeson, master. In the ''Amity,'" Christopher Sib- thorp, brazier, and Barbara his wife, of London ; Thos. Poppitt and Bar- bara Poppitt ; the children of Chris- topher Sibthorp's wife, Barbary ; and Wm. Pike, their servant, bound in London, for 7 years, and had about 4 years to serve when they arrived here, which was in ship above written, y* 23d 3d mo., 1685. Thomas Carter, Sr., and Frances his wife, Thomas, Henry and John, his sons, and Ann his daughter, ar- rived in the .ship "Bristol Merchant," John Stephens, master, loth, 9 mo., 1685. Samuel Hall and John Ward came in the same vessel, at the same time. " The Vn'Icorne from Hristoll, arrived here this i6th of the loth month, 1685, Thomas Cooper, commaiuler. The Passengers' names are as followeth : Daniel Flower, Margerj' Martin, Mary Bradwell, Mary Martin, Mary Bradwell, Jr., Sarah Martin, Sarah Bradwell, Hannah Martin, Thomas Mixon, Rachel Martin, Tho. Mixon, Jr., Tho. Hopes, Philip Doling, John Hopes, Mary Townscnd, Moses Mcndcnhall, Hannah Smith, Godden Walter, Joshua Chart, Annie Morgan, Jane, -j Faith Wotten, ► Chart, Eliz. Philpot, Henry Laking, John Roberts, Jos. Ben. Tho. Tiislin, Tho. Martin, [■ Morga Sarah Laking, Susanna Laking, Moses Laking, John Ironmonger. Jane, -j Sam. M Jane, ) The last five names, in the original, are in a different handwriting from all the rest of the paper and names. Of the arrivals in the Unicorne, Thomas Martin was from Bedwin Magna, in Wiltshire, and his wife Margery, was a sister to John, Benj. and Moses Mendenhall. I suppose Mary, Sarah, Hannah, and Rachel, were children of Thomas and Mar- gery. Thomas and John Hopes (pro- perly Hope,) afterwards settled in Ken- nett, or what is now Pennsbury town- ship. I may mention, there was a John Martin, from Edgcott, in Berkshire, who settled in Middletown. His only child, Thomas, married Mary, daughter of Giles Knight, of Byberry. There was also a John Martin, who came over in 1 68 1, as a servant, and received his 50 acres " head land," which was laid out near Brandywine. The ship ''Delaware,'" from Bristol, England, John Moore, commander, arrived here the nth of the 5th mo., 1684. Thomas Greene, husbandman, and Margaret, his wife, Thomas and John Greene, his sons, Mary Guest, his servant for 7 years to ronn from third day of May, 1686, Richard Moore, brickmaker, and Mary his wife, and Mary his daughter, and John Moore his son, Sarah Searle, his ser- vant for 4 years to ronne from the 3rd day of May, 1686, Henry Guest, Sawyer, and Mary his wife, and Hen- ry, his son. The first Court of the new county of Chester, met Yah. 14, 1683, at Ches- ter, and adjourned to the 27th of the same month. John Simcock, Presi- dent ; Thomas Brasy, William Clayton, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 71 Robert Wade and John ^tztx, Justices. Thomas Usher, Sheriff, and Thomas Revell, Clerk. William Rawson, James Browne, Jeremiah Collett, Wm. Hewes, Walter Martin, Nathaniel Evans, Joshua Hastings, Wm. Wood- manson, Thos. Colborne, Albert Hen- drickson, Joseph Richards and Edward Carter, Jurors. In addition to the regular Court, a tribunal was established called the "Fence Makers,'" consisting of three persons, who held their appointment from the Court. The duties of these Peace Makers seem to have been some- what analogous to those of Arbitrators at the present day, except that they were appointed without reference to any particular case. They held regu- lar meetings, and decided whatever matters were referred to them. It is to be regretted that the system has not been continued, the relief to the Courts in our large cities would be very grateful to our over-worked judges. At a Court held June 27, 1683, it was ' ' ordered that the Peace Makers are to meet the first Fourth-day of every month ;" and at a Court held Aug. 5, 1684, the Peace Makers made the fol- lowing award on a reference ; " Ac- cording to the order of the Court to us directed, we have seriously consid- ered the premises between the Plain- tife, Richard Crosby, and the Defend- ant, George Andrews, Whereupon we, the Peace Makers, do give, grant, judge and allow, that the said Defendant, George Andrews, hisheirsand assignes, shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said Plaintife, Richard Crosby, or his assignes, the full and just sum of Eigh- teen pounds, of Lawfull money of this Province, att or upon the 20th day of this instant, December, att the now dwelling house of James Saunderlaine, att Chester : halfe of which said eigh- teen, the said Defendant George An- drews or his assignes is to pay the said Plaintife Richard Crosby or his Assignes, as aforesaid in ready money, the other halfe as aforesaid, in good and merchantable wheat or rye att the common market price of this river. To which conclusion wee the Peace Makers for this County of Chester, have sett our hands att the aforesaid Chester, the 17th of the loth moneth, 1683. John Hastins, John Harding. At a Court held in June, 1687, Caleb Pusie, Randall Vernon and Wal- ter Fawcett, were elected Peace Makers of the county, for the ensuing year. At a Court held in 1684, it was or- dered that the Grand Jury have power to examine all weights and measures, and that they be sealed according to the law in that case provided. Deeds were then acknowledged in open Court, and a minute made thereof on the records. This practice con- tinued for many years, and in the course of time became a considerable item of business ; no doubt there was a law requiring this to be done. Here are some specimens of such entries : — John Hendrickson came into Court and gave possession to Charles John- son, of a parcel of meadow, by deliv- ering his deed in Open Court. Arnoldus Lagrange, past over a deed in open Court unto Christopher Taylor, for the Island commonly known by the name of Mattinnacotick, bearing date the 2d day of the 12th month, 1685. Henry Reynolds past a mortgage of his House and lot att Chichester to James Sanderlaine for j[^2(), dated the 6th of the 2d month, 1685. John Hastings, attorney for John 72 HISTORY OF CHESTER. March, past over a Deed to Thomas Marten, his Heirs and Assigns, dated the ist day of the ist month, 1685, for seventy acres of land lying near Chester Creek. IX. The earliest appointment of Super- visors or overseers of Roads, was made Oct. 13, 1680. Upland Record: — "•Whereas the Court finds it necessary that some fitt persons be appointed as Overseers of y* highwayes and roads ; and as Overseers and Viewers of all fences throughout this county : It is therefore resolved that Mr. John Cock & Lasse Dalboe were this day appoint- ed & sworn overseers & viewers of y" highwayes and roads & fences within this county for one year, or till others bee appointed in their s** places." The Court under Penn's government continued to make these appointments until 1692, when the power was dele- gated to the townships ; returns to be made to the Court from time to time of those appointed Supervisors and fence-viewers. On the 3d of the 12th mo., 1684, Thomas Nossiter was presented by the Grand Jury, " for falling of marked trees, and blocking up the highway laid out by them, by a former order of the Court." The Grand Jury continued to lay out the Roads and Highways until 1699, when the practice was changed, and they. were thereafter laid out by si.x persons apjjointed by the Court. The first appointment of such a Jury, was upon Ralph Fishbourne's petition, made at October Court, 1699. The first report of a Jury of View, especially apjwinted by the Court, lay- ing out a new njad, was made in Dec. 1700. The form of return was the same as that used by the Grand Jury previously. The Jury who made this return, were John Worrell, Randall Malin, William Edwards, George Smedley, Robert Pennell and Daniel Hooi)es ; familiar names at the present day in Delaware and Chester Counties. In 1702, the Court Ordered that all Cart Roads laid out by order of the Court, shall be fifty feet broad, as the two Roads laid out from Upper and Nether Providence to Darby, and ' Caleb's Mills,' and all others. The Caleb's mill here referred to, was doubtless the mill of Caleb Pusey, on Chester Creek, at the present Upland or Crozier's. Previous to the year 1 707, all bridges were erected and maintained at the expense of the townships. In that year, the Court made the following order, directing that certain bridges should be a charge upon the county. This is the first instance on record of a county Bridge : "Feb. 25, 1707, upon the petition of the inhabitants of the town and county of Chester, and consented to, and agreed to be allowed by the Grand Inquest of this county, representing that the bridge at Chester over the Creek, and one bridge built over Ridley creek, and also a bridge to be built at Crum creek, at the Rock, in the Queen's Road ; and that all roads leading to and from the same, shall be erected, repaired and maintained at the publick charge of the County of Chester; and it is by the Court considered, that the same shall be and remain upon the County's charge for ever hereafter." The first report of a Jury assessing road damages, was made to the Court Nov. 25, 1707, as follows: "In pur- suance to an Order of Court to us, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 73 dated the 26th day of Aug., 1707, to adjude the vahie of so much of Joseph Richards' s manured land as is laid out for a road leading from Chester to As- ton ; haveing viewed the said road, do judge the said land contained in the said road, to five pounds ; witness our hands y^ 26th day of November, 1707. Thomas Martin, Daniel Williamson, Randall Malin, Joseph Baker, Thomas Powell, Randall Vernon." Allowed by the Court, and ordered to be entered on the records, and the Court orders the Treasurer to pay said Joseph Richards the said five pounds. The first Council of the Province was selected by Gov. Markham, in 1 681, in pursuance of authority from William Penn, {^Hazards' Amials, p. 503). It consisted of nine persons, and held its sessions at Upland. We have no record of its proceeding, except the obligation taken by the members. It is given in the following language, in ist Penna. Archives, p. 37 : Whereas, wee whose hands and seals are hereunto sett, are chosen by Wm. Markham, (Agent to William Penn, Esq., Proprietor of y*' Province of Pennsylvania), to be of the Coun- cill for y* s"^ Province, doe hereby bind ourselves by our hands & seales, that wee neither act or advise, nor consent unto anything that shall not be ac- cording to our consciences the best for y^ true and well government of the s'* Province, and likewise to keep se- cret all y^ votes and acts of us the s*^ Council unless such as by the General consent of us are to be Published. Dated at Vpland, y' third day of Au- gust, 1681 : Robert Wade, James Sandlenes, Morgan Drewt, Will Clayton, The mark W. W. of Otto Ernest Kock, Wm. Woodmanson, ye mark L. of William Marriner, Lacy Cock. Thos. ffairman. In the early days of the Province, elections were sometimes conducted by the use of white and black beans — those in favor of a particular person casting a white bean, and those oppos- ed to him a black bean. A dissension in the Provincial Council in 1689, with reference to the validity of the election of a member, shows that this mode of balloting was in use in Ches- ter County. In the course of discus- sion, Griffith Jones, a member of the Council, observed, " That it is in use at Upland, and in all the lower coun- ties, by white and black beans put into a hat, which is a balloting in this sense, and cannot be denied by the Charter when it is demanded." In 1691, the Council ordered, "that each county shall henceforward elect, or give their suffrages according to Char- ter, viz., by y* ballot." The Provincial Court which usually held its sessions at Philadelphia, occa- sionally met at Chester. The follow- ing is a record of its proceedings at a session held in 1698: "At a Pro- vincial Court, held at Chester, for the County of Chester, the 3d day of the 8th month, Annoq. Domi. 1698, Joseph Growden, Cornelius Emptson, Judges ; Andrew Job, She- riff : John Childe, Clarke. After Proclamation made and silence com- manded in his Majesties name, the Justices of the Court were called, and they appeared and gave their attend- ance, and the Judge's commission was read." Thomas Thomas, appealant, vs. Mor- gan Jones. "This cause was called. John Moore appeared for the Appeal- ant, and David Lloyd for the Appeallee. After some debate about the cause by the two attorneys before the Judges, they hearing the same debated by both 74 HISTORY OF CHESTER. parties, the Judgt's.{)nlcrc(l that ifllicy could agree to put the same to arbitra- tion, they might end it, or otherwise they ordered it to be continued till the next Provincial Court in law, to be held for the said county of Chester." Another session of the Provincial Court was held at Chester, on the i8th of 2d mo., 1699. The Judges present were Edward Shippen, Cornelius B^MPTSON and William Biles. John Moore and David Lloyd, appeared as attorneys. At a session held at Clicstcrm 1705, it is entitled "The Supreme or Pro- vincial Court." The Judges then in commission were John Guest, Jasper Yates, Sam'l Finney, Joseph Grow- DON, and William Trent. Subse- quent sessions of this Court were also held at Chester. There was also a Court of Petty Sessions occasionally held by some of the Justices. Its sessions were usually held at one of the public houses. The following is a copy of the record of such a Court. " At a Petty Sessions held at Chester, the 26th day of Dec, 1693, at the house of Peter Baynton. Justices present — Jeremiah Collett, Thomas Wei thers, Jonathan Hayes and Thomas Smith ; and having seriously consid- ered of the presentment of the Grand Inquest for the building of the Prison, and it being that which the law made by the representatives of the county and Province requires to be done, did appoint the 8th day of January, at the house of John Hodgskins(Hoskins),at Chester, where they met according to appointment, and there did make an assessment for the Raiseing of thesum of ;^i5o for defraying the charges, at the true value of two pence per pound upon the real and personal estates of all the inhabitants of this county — all free- men, six shillings per head — and there did at the house of John Hodgskins, constitute and appoint and authorize Joseph Wood, High Sheriff of the County, to be the Collector of said levy, to be gathered by the ist day of 3rd month next. Counsellor Fore- man being then present with the ffore- named Justices. ' ' In addition to its other duties the Court of Quarter Sessions, exercised the province of binding out children to suitable persons, and looking after their interests. The following entries show the manner in which this duty was performed : Francis Chadsey, brought a boy whose name is Alexander Steward, who was ajudged to sarve eight years from the 14th day of September last past, if he be taught to reade and right, or else to sarve but seven years ; also, he had a sarvant maide whose name is Ann Bean who was ajudged to sarve five years from this Court, to said Francis or assigns. Henry Nayl, brought a servant boy to the Court whose name was Alexan- der Stewart, whose time said Nayl had bought of Francis Chadsey, and said boy consents and agrees to serve said Henry Nayl one year and a quarter above his time of record, if Henry Nayl teach him the trade of Shoe- maker ; if not the said Nayl to allow the said boy satisfaction for the over- plus time as the Court shall allow. Elinor Clayton, an orphan of the age of 14 years, was ordered by the Court to serve Daniel Hoopes for the term of seven years, on condition that he should teach her to read, knit and sew, and pay ;£\2 according to the order of the Court. Richard Clayton, an orjjhan boy, is ordered to serve Edward Danger for HISTORY OF CHESTER. 75 the term of nine years, in considera- tion the said Edward teach or cause to be taught the said Richard the trade of a Cooper, and find and allow him sufficient meat and drink, lodging and apparel during said term, also to teach him to read and write, and pay ;^i4 5^-. to the order of the Court. Andrew Job complained to the Court, that an orphan girl living at Isaac Few's ought to be taken care of by the Court. Ordered that Isaac Few be cited to the next Orphans' Court to give an account of said girl and her estate. The Court also aided widowed moth- ers in obtaining suitable places for their children, when they were desirous of binding them out. In 1698 Sarah MacDaniel having some children to place out, she came into Court and desired the assistance of said Court for placing out of the said children. She had a son whose name was Alexander, and by the ap- probation of the Court placed him with John Howell till he was of the age of twenty-two years, he then being one and a half years old, and " he the said John Howel or assigns, is to teach or cause to be taught the said Alex- ander to read and write, or else to allow the boy one year of his said time." Also the said Sarah MacDaniel does by the approbation of the Court, place out a girl whose name is Elinor Mac- Daniel unto David Phillips till she comes of the age of twenty-one years, she being now three years old, and the said David Phillips is to teach or cause to be taught the said girl to read and write, or else to allow her one year of her time. Nicholas Newlin, brought a boy whose name is William MacDaniel, 11 who was adjudged to be sixteen years of age, and to serve five years and a half if taught to read and write, or else to serve but five years. Mrs. MacDaniel, with the assistance of the Court, seems to have got rid of all her children. One is tempted to imagine that she was about to marry again some man who objected to a ready-made family. In regard to the MacDaniels, it may be observed that then as now, the . name was a corruption of McDonald, the children mentioned being those of Owen McDonald. Servants who run away from their masters, or committed some offence, were frequently brought before the Court and required to serve a length of time beyond that called for by the original binding. The following en- tries are given as examples of such orders, and are copied from the min- utes of the Court : A petition was read from John Worrall, concerning a servant boy, named William Gill, that had run away several times ; the Court order- ed that the said William Gill shall serve his said master, John Worrall, according to law 240 days. David Lewis, brought a servant woman named Euphiam Cattell to the Court, to have judgment for what loss and trouble he hath been about her, and the Court orders that she shall serve said David Lewis, one whole year after the expiration of her time that she was to serve before. Thomas Smith brought his servant boy, whose name is Alexander Mick- ence, who having run away from his master, and for several pther misde- meanors, and for what charges he put his master to, is ordered to serve the said master or his assigns eight months 76 HISTORY OF CHESTER. after the cxjiiration of liis lime, if he behave himself well, ur else to serve ten 7nonths. At the expiration of their term of service, servants were entitled to a cer- tain allowance of clothing and other articles, which were called the '■'■cus- tom of the country,'" complaints by ser- vants that this custom was denied them or inadequately furnished, were of fre- quent occurrence. In 1693, it is recorded, that John Neales exhibited a petition to this Court for the custom of the coujitry. He having served his time faithfully, and his indentures being brought into Court, expresses the custom of the coun- try to be paid to him, the Court's order is that his master, Robert Taylor, shall pay him the said custom. In another case, where a servant complained that he had served out his time, and had been turned off " with- out clothes fitting a servant to have," the Court ordered his master to pay him a hat, coat, waistcoat, breeches, drawers, stockings and shoes, all new, and also ten bushels of wheat or four- teen bushels of corn, two hoes and one axe. In 1684, Margaret Person complain- ed against her master, John Colbert, for ill usage and beating her contrary to law. Ordered that she be disposed of for seven pounds. Ordered that Randolph Vernon and Robert Eyre, clerk, doe look out for a convenient master for said Margaret Person, that will lay down the seven pounds or- dered to free her from her master, John Colbert. At a Court held in the same year it is recorded that " Richard Crosby made his usuall complaint, that he could not get his execution served on the estate of George Andrews. Or- dered that the Sheriff levy the execu- tion in the hands of Henry Renolds." At a Court held in 1685, Robert Cloud had a pass granted him to de- part this Province, dated the 26th of 9th mo., 1685, — his brother, William Cloud, of Concord, being his security to save the Country harmless. The Coroner in those early days was known as the "■ Croiuner,''' and there is an entry on the Court records in 1685, upon the petition of Richard Kenala, the Crowner, it was ordered that forthwith execution be granted against Henry Renolds for the Crown- er's fees, charges of inquests, and tak- ing up the body of the said Renolds' maid, with all other charges whatso- ever thereunto belonging, and of the Sheriff's return of having levied on Renolds' oxe, and the said Henry Renolds came into Court and made full satisfaction for said oxe, where- upon the Court ordered him his oxe again. For crimes and misdemeanors of the higher grades the county courts bound over to, and were tried before the Pro- vincial Court, which usually sat at Philadelphia, and was held by the Governor and Council. The follow- ing will show the course of procedure in such cases, viz. : — At a Court held the 3rd day of the ist week in the ist month, 1685, (March 1685-6,) it was " Ordered that the Sheriff do take into his custody the body of David Lewis, upon suspition of Treason, as also the body of Robert Cloud for concealing the same, for that he the said Robert Cloud being attested before the Court, declared that upon the 3d day of the week before Christmas last, att the house of George Foreman, the said David did declare in his hearing that he was accused of being concerned with the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 77 Duke of Monmouth in the west Coun- try," in England. Robert Dyer became security that his servant, the said David Lewis, shall appear at the next Provincial Court, held at Philadelphia, the loth day of the 2d month, 1686, to answer the premises. William Cloud became se- curity for his son, Robert Cloud, that he shall appear at the said Provincial Court to answer for concealing the same. In March, 1685-6, the Grand Jury presented a bill against William Taylor, Samuel Rowland and Thomas Butter- field for maliciously and tumultuous- ly assaulting and presenting a gunn against the body of John Brisstoll. George Foreman Became security that his man, Sam'l Rowland, shall appear at the Provincial Court held at Phil- adelphia, there to answer the pre- mises. In the same year, "James Saunder- laine was presented by the Grand Jury for keeping an ordinary (a house of entertainment for travellers) without lycense, as also for keeping disorders in his house upon the first day of the week, to which he made his appear- ance. Witness, Randall Vernon. The Court dispenses with his keeping an Ordinary until the Provincial Council shall sit, and in respect to his disorder, upon his promise that it shall be so no more, it is remitted." He does not, however, seem to have kept his promise to the Court, for the next year he "was fined five shillings for suffering Robert Sheppard to be drunk in his house." In 1684, an Act of Assembly was passed, providing that monthly and quarterly sessions be held in every county by the respective Justices, and that each Quarter Sessions be as well a Court of Equity as Law, concerning any Judgment given in cases of law, capable of trial in the respective County Sessions and Courts. The first notice on our County Court records of a Court of Equity, is in the appeals taken in two cases tried before the Common Pleas, on the third day, of the first week, of the tenth month, 1686, one (the first) case was that of Jeremy Collet, Plff., Henry Renolds, Deft. , an action in case. The jury find for the defendant two pence damages upon account of the Canow (Canoe), and that he shall pay to the plaintiff x^s. 2[d. upon balance of his account, and that the plaintiff pay the costs of suit. Hereupon judgment is given, upon which the plaintiff makes his appeal to the next Cm/rf of Equity held for this county. The first " Court of Equity" was held two days after the above trial, and was composed — under the title' of Commissioners — of the same Justices who held the County Courts. The appeal taken in the above and other cases, were considered and decided. The following is a copy of the pro- ceedings in above case. At a Court OF Equity held at Chester, the 5 th day of the first week of the loth mo., 1686. Commissioners present, — John Blunston, John Simcock, George Ma- ris, Bartholomew Coppock, Samuel Levis, Robert Wade and Robert Pyle. Clerk, Robert Eyre. Jeremy Collett of this county, pre- ferred a bill to this Court, requiring a remedy against the verdict of jury and judgment of Court, in a case depend- ing between himself and Henry Ren- olds of same county, at the last Court of Common Pleas held for the county of Chester, the third and fourth days of the present week ; upon which it was decreed that Henry Renolds should 78 HISTORY OF CHESTER. \K\\ one-half of the charges of Court and costs of suit. The first Orphans' Court under that distinctive title, was held in the year 1687. I copy the proceedings. At an Orphans' Court held at Ches- ter, the 3d day of the first week of the 8th mo., 1687. "Justices, — John Kristow, Presi- dent; John Symcocke, John Blunstone, Ceorge Maris, Bartholomew Coj^pocke and Edward Beasar. Sheriff, Joshua Firne. Clerh, Robert Eyre. "Richard Few appearing, was or- dered to bring an account to the next Orphans' Court, held the 3d day in the first week of the ist mo. next, of the estate, usage and employment of his grand-daughter, Susannah Few." Margaret Smith, petitioned the Court against Richard Few, for his breach of promise made to her rela- tions in England ; ordered, that Rich- ard Few bring in his account of charges against Margaret Smith, the next Court of Sesion. The Court adjourn- ed until the 3d day in the first week of the ist mo. next. Previous to the year 1700, there was a law against any strangers travelling without Passes, and obliging all inn- keepers to give notice to some magis- trate, of strangers coming to lodge at their houses, and against ferrymen and boatmen carrying strangers, unless they had a testimonial of good conduct from a magistrate. Ferrymen had to enter bonds to perform their duty in this respect. As a punishment for crimes, stand- ing in the pillory, became more frequent year after year. At November Court, 1724, a man was sentenced to be sold for three years, to serve after the man- ner of a servant, "for payment of his gaol fees." Criminals frequently pe- I titioned the Court for the privilege of I being sold to service, instead of being imprisoned for a term of years ; from which, Dr. Smith infers, " that the jails of that day, did not afford such comfortable quarters to malefactors as prisons of a modern date." X. In the year 1682, the Society of Friends jnirchased and enclosed a suit- able lot for a burial place. It is now surrounded by a substantial stone wall, and is situated on the west side of Edgmont Avenue, between Sixth and Seventh Streets. The earliest death entered on the records of Chester Monthly Meeting, was on the 23d of the loth mo., 1682; this was a short time before the Meeting had selected a place for burial at Chester. On the ist of nth mo., 1682, the Monthly Meeting appointed a committee to see a piece of ground for a burial place at Chester, and on the 5 th of the 9th mo., 1683, John Hastings and Thomas Vernon were appointed to "fence the burial ground as soon as may." See Painte)-'' s Reminiscences of Delaware County, MS., in the Historical So- ciety. In 1706, by direction of the Quar- terly Meeting of Friends, action was taken by the Monthly Meetings in re- gard to the erection of grave-stones in their burial places. The committee appointed by the Chester Monthly Meeting stated, that they found but "six small stones to the graves." It was " the sense of the Meeting," that they ' ' be sunk or taken away. ' ' Near- ly one-third of the graves in the old Friends' grave yard there, have now tombstones, or head and foot stones to them. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 79 I believe that now Friends make no objection to the erection of sim- ple memorial head and foot stones over graves of deceased members of the Society in their burial places, although one stone seems to me to be enough, and that laid flat upon the grave, as Moravians do in their grave-yards. By them each grave is marked by a small marble slab, a foot and a half wide and two feet long, laid flat upon a rectangular piece of ground raised about a foot above the level of the original sod, emblematic that death levels all, and that all are alike ; upon each stone is engraved the name, age and birth- place of the one who lies beneath. Sometimes a quotation from the Scrip- tures, or the verse of a hymn is added, and loving hands often plant flowers on the graves of the dear ones who have "gone home." In the Jordan burial ground, in England, in which the remains of William Penn and his family are in- terred, it will be seen that head stones mark not only the grave of Penn, but those of his two wives, his children, his relatives, and his intimate asso- ciates and his fellow-laborers. The Friends have acted wisely in placing those memorial stones in the Chalfont burial ground. A simple name and date can never be called ostentation, and history and posterity demand that the burial place of a great man should be marked out ; the living owe some- thing to their deserving dead ; a little stone to recall them to memory once and awhile, and to mark the spot where their remains repose, is but just and proper. But the fashion of wearing black for mourning, is a custom that ought to be abolished ; poor people will follow the example of their richer neighbors, and funeral displays are made every day by families who are not able to bear the expense, and enough is often spent in mourning dresses, carriages, plumed hearses, and a grand funeral dinner, that would support the family of the dead one for a year or more. Friends and Mora- vians very sensibly do not wear mourn- ing of black. We can mourn our dead in our hearts, without hanging out a sign to tell our neighbors of our loss. The Gaskills, of Rolfe's Hold, Bucks, England, and of Ireland and Pennsylvania, (the latter family now called Penn-Gaskill,) are descendants of William Penn by his first wife, Gulielma Springett. Penn left his vast Pennsylvania estates to the children of his second wife, Hannah Callowhill. This may seem strange ; but at his death in 1718, the property was worth little more than ;^5oo a year. One of Penn's descendants is now, or was very lately, a resident of Ches- ter — Mary, the daughter of the late Peter Penn-Gaskill, of Philadelphia. She married Dr. Isaac T. Coates. Her brother, the present Peter Penn-Gas- kill, inherited the Irish estates of the family, and resides in Ireland. Mrs. Coates had four sisters, all now de- ceased, two of whom I knew — Guli- elma, a beautiful girl, who died young, and Elizabeth, a very charming wo- man, who married a Southern gentle- man. The youngest married Wash- ington Irving, a Paymaster in the U. S. Navy. She is now dead. The other, Emily, married Dr. John Paul Quinn, a Surgeon in the U- S. Navy, now both deceased. I believe they left a son living. Lieut. Col. Peter P. G. Hall, Paymaster, U. S. Army, is also a descendant of Penn. The Swedes had a burial place at 80 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Chester, previous to that laid out by the Society of Friends in 1683. It will not do to say there was no such place; it was an absolute necessity for forty years before that date. Henry Graham Ashmead, Esquire, a gentle- man of Chester, of antiquarian tastes, and an excellent writer, states that — " In the will of Grace Lloyd, dated the 6th of the 4th mo., 1760, is the following; Ijeqiiest: ' And it is my mind and will, and 1 do hereby order and direct that the pcicc of burying groiiud, being forty feet, fronting Edgmont Road, in said Borough, thence seventy feet back, and forty feet in breadth, shall at all times hereafter, forever, he used for and as a huryiitg place for negroes, that is to say, for such as shall have belonged to my late hus- band or myself, and such as shall descend from them, and such as do or hereafter may belong to Friends, or Chester Meeting, and such as in their life-time desire to be Ijuried there, but not for any that are executed, or lay violent hands upon themselves, and that none be buried there without the consent of the Overseers of Friends' Meeting in Ches- ter.' " Where was this grave-yard for colored people situate? Certainly not within the in- closure of the old Friends' burial place, ad- joining General Beale's residence, for that was laid out in 1683, and Mrs. Lloyd in another part of her will appropriates a certain sum (jf money to rail in the old Friends' grave- yard, which is sufficient proof that the two places were separate and distinct. I have asked several of our oldest people about this matter, but they have no recollection of the site of the old colored ctvc\^\.QT)' . " Grace Lloyd was the wife of David Lloyd, to whom she was married in 1686. Her maiden name was (irowden. Her death oc- curred in 1760. She certainly reached an advanced age, for from the date of her mar- riage to that of her death, there is an interval of seventy-four years; supposing that she was sixteen years of age at her wedding, she must have l>een 90 years of age when she died. Her husband, David Lloyd, was an important personage in Colonial times. Watson in his Annals, says he had ]>een 'once a captain in Cn.niwcirs army, and sought his jieace by coming to this country.' This is evidently a mistake. He died in 1 731, aged 75 years, which would make his birth as having occur- red in 1656. Cromwell died Sept. 3, 1658, and it is impossible that an infant two years of age could have been an officer in the army of the great Protector." This erroneous statement is made again in the Logati Papers, vol. i. p. 155, in a note. The old burying ground for ne- groes, referred to above, was situate on -'Edgmont Great Road," (some- times called the Middletown Road,) just above or to the northward of where the "Providence Street Road" in- tersects the former. The place has not been used as a burial ground for a long period of time, and its ex- istence was entirely forgotten by the present inhabitants. The owner of the adjoining property came into pos- session by the decay of the fences around the burial ground. No doubt, as it was not his duty to keep them in repair, or his interest to preserve them intact, I take it that the possession of the ground thus acquired, for twenty- one years, is the adverse possession required by law. The Overseers of Friends' Meeting at Chester, were cer- tainly to blame for not keeping posses- sion of this burial lot ; still it may be, that neither the Society nor the Over- seers, ever considered the lot as being placed in their charge by the terms of Mrs. Lloyd's will ; at all events, this property, which was formerly partially on the two roads mentioned, hidden from view by a tall, thick set thorn- hedge, is now covered by dwellings. At the time of the erection of the buildings, coffins and human bones were uncovered in digging the cellars, but nobody could account for their presence in that locality, the fact of its having been a grave-yard not being HISTORY OF CHESTER. 81 generally known, and that it was the site of the ''piece of burying groiimV referred to in Mrs. Lloyd's will, has only lately been brought to light by the inquiry of Mr. Ashmead, which appeared in the Delaware County Re- publican, and from information receiv- ed from an aged negro. I do not use the word negro in an offensive sense, but as the proper de- signation of all people, vaguely called "Colored people." The first black men, on their introduction to this country as slaves, were brought here from Negroland, in Africa. Look on the riiap, and the country of that nation of black people will be seen thus designated, and as all African slaves were black, they all were natur- ally called negroes. And as we say, he is an Irishman, an Englishman, or a Frenchman, I say he is a negro, just as I would say he is an Indian, a Ma- lay, or a Swede, &c. Nigritta, or Negroland, covers an immense extent* of land in Africa, bounded on the north by the desert of Zahara, east by Darfoor, south by Guinea, and west by Senegambia. The river Niger, traverses the central part of this coun- try, and on the coast of Africa we find Cape Negro. See Goodrich's Univer- sal Geography, pp. 796 to 809, and the term which the negro deems one of reproach, he should be proud of, as designating the native country of his race. On the last page of the book of " Registry of Arrivals in Philadelphia in 1682-86," will be found the fol- lowing entry : — " David Lloyd, borne in the yeare 1656 in y" Parish of Man- avan, in y* county of Montgomery, in North Wales. Sarah Lloyd, his wife, borne in y^ year 1667, at Cirensister, in Glocester Shire, England." And they are put down as having come over to America, "In the Amity, and as having arrived the 15th of the 5th mo., 1686." Dr. Smith, pp. 480-'!, says "David Lloyd, a Welshman, and one of the most eminent of the early settlers of Pennsylvania, arrived at Philadeli^hia in 1686, and at first set- tled in that city, where he married Grace Growden, a most estimable lady." He was a lawyer, and Wil- liam Penn made him Attorney Gen- eral, April 24, 1686. He must have been appointed before leaving Eng- land. He was a member of the Pro- vincial Assembly, and its Speaker, and in 1 718, he was appointed Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Provincial Court, which position he held until his death. He purchased a large tract of land at Chester, and became possessed of the Swedish Church lands at Chester, or the "Green," as it was called, by means not then considered very hon- orable. He erected the fine old man- sion now known as " Commodore Porter's House," and called, rather singularly before Porter lived there, "Green-Batik.'' He came to reside in Chester in 1700, and built the house at Green-Bank, in 1721. In the western gable on a rectangular stone, is engraven the following letters, mean- ing Lloyds, David and LL 3D « O 1721 Grace : a very pretty idea, but one that was quite common at that time. He died A. D. 1731, aged 75 years. His widow survived him a number of years. Their remains were buried in Friends' burying ground at Chester. They left no children, though a son, Thomas, was born 11 mo. 27, 1697-8. It will be perceived from the entry I have quoted from the list of arrivals in the "Amity," the 15th of the 5th 82 HISTORY OF CHESTER. ino., i6,S6. that Sarah, the wife of David Lloyd, accompanied him to this country ; therefore Mr. Ashmead is mistaken in saying he married Grace Growden, in 1686; however, he mar- ried her afterwards, and she was his second wife. The will of David Lloyd of Ches- ter, gent., dated Mar. 29, 1724, proven April 15, 1 731, mentions neice Jane Smith, wife of Thomas Smith, now or late living in New England, to whose children he devises ;^5o. To .servant Jane Fen, ^^lo, and the remainder of estate to wife Grace. On his tomb- stone in Friends' grave-yard at Ches- ter, is inscribed, " Here lyeth the body of David Lloyd, who departed this life the 6th day of the 2d month, Anno Domini 1731, aged 78 years." S Jane Fenn, .above mentioned, be- came a noted minister among Friends, and married Joseph Hoskins in 1738, as already stated. Li a short auto- biography she says, " I entered into David Lloyd's family as an upper ser- vant, such as we call in England, housekeepers, having all the keys, plate, linen, &c., delivered to me. They had a great family, and every- thing passed through my hands ; and as they had reposed such a trust in me, it brought a weighty concern on my mind, that I might conduct aright and discharge my duty faithfully to my principals and their servants." In 1727 she went on a religious visit to England and Ireland from which she returned in the 12th month, 1730. She says, "soon after my arrival David Lloyd was taken ill with his last sick- ness, during which I thought it my duty to attend on him as usual. On the 6th of the Second month, 1731, he departed this life: and in him I lost a father and a sure friend. In all the journeys I went, whilst he li\ed, he cheerfully supplied me with the necessaries requisite. He was exemplary in his family, treating all about him with humanity, choosing rather to be loved than fear- ed. He was diligent in attending meetings for worship, and those of his servants w^ho inclined to go to meet- ings, he allowed to perform that neces- sary duty. After my arrival I did not live as an hired servant with David Lloyd, or with his widow, though I remained with her, at her request, till I married, which was in the year 1738." See Friends' Library, I, 468. The Monthly and First-day meet- ings of Friends, at Chester, were held in the Court House, i. e., the House of Defence, until the erection of the first meeting house, which was com- pleted in 1693, as has been herein be- fore shown. The lot upon which the first meeting house of Friends at Ches- ter was built, is thus described in the conveyance made on the ist of March, 1688, by Urin Keen, in trust, to John Simcock, Tho. Brassey, John Bristow, Caleb Pusey, Randal Vernon, Thomas Vernon, Joshua Hastings, Mordecai Maddock, Thomas Martin, Richard Few, Walter Faucett and Edward Car- ter, "beginning at the corner of .the said Urin's lot or garden, by the Creek side, and so running sixty foot along and fronting the street towards the prison house, then down to the low water mark in Chester Creek, thence along the said creek sixty foot, thence to the place of beginning, * * * to the use and behoof of the said Ches- ter meeting of the people of God called Quakers, and their successors for- ever." "At a m"" meeting at Walter ffo- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 83 cett's y^ s**" lo"" mo"' 1687 : ffeofees chosen, in trust, for y* purchased land & meeting house at Chester:" then follow the names above. The date of this minute is clear in the original, yet, being misplaced in the record, Thomas Chalkley, in transcribing made it 5th of 6th mo. 1688. It would seem that there was a house on the property, when pur- chased, suitable for the use of a meet- ing. Mordecai Maddock, of Springfield, the last surviving trustee, conveyed this property, by direction of the meeting, to Edward Russell, of Ches- ter borough, April 2, 1736 ; and in the deed therefor it is said that the society had purchased a larger lot elsewhere, and erected a new meeting house thereon. The origin of the term Quaker, applied to Friends, is thus given : " George Fox bade the magistrates at Derby who sought to interfere with the worship of his followers, ' to tremble at the Word of God ;' •and from the use of the word ' tremble,' in this connection, the feerilTg crowd applied the epi- thet of ' Quakers,' to the newly-formed Society. The term has been applied to them ever since that time, by many who supposed that the 'quaking' was a characteristic either of voice or of person among the ministers of the de- nomination." The first meeting of Friends was held at Robert Wade's house, in 1675. No meeting of record was held at Upland, until the year 1681. The following is the earliest minute, Dr. Smith says, at page 134: "The loth day of the nth mo., 1681, a Monthly Meeting of Friends, belonging to Mar- cus Hook and Chester, alias Upland, held at the house of Robert Wade." This extract is erroneous ; it should read, " The loth day of the nth mo., V2 1 681, a Monthly Meeting of Friends, belonging to Marcus Hooke and Up- land, held then at Robert Wade's house. ' ' In the copy of the minutes made by Thomas Chalkley about 1 7 1 2, he introduces, in copying the above entry, the words "alias Chichester," after the words "Marcus Hook," and from this interpolation, others manag- ed to alter the extract again, by put- ting "alias Chester," after theVord "Upland," thinking, I suppose, that " alias Chichester" was an error, and these alterations led to the idea that Upland had been called Chester before Penn's arrival, which is not the fact. The lawful name of Marcus Hook is Chichester. The young people among Friends were very much restricted in the early times, in the matter of courtship and marriage. The meeting at Haverford in 1699, ordered, "that all young men among Friends make known their in- tentions to their parents or guardians, before they acquaint the young wo- man's relations, and to make it known to the woman's parents or guardians, before they speak to them, and if they do otherwise, that they shall condemn the same before they proceed any fur- ther." About the same restrictions prevailed generally in the Society. Dt\ Smith, p. 198. At the County Court, held in Feb., 1685, the first sentence inflicting cor- poreal punishment Avas passed, and the sentence carried out at Marcus Hook. The prisoner's sentence for stealing money, was twelve stripes on his bear backe, well laid on, at the common Whipping Post at Chichester, on the 4th instant, between the loth and nth hours in the morning. As there was a common Whipping Post at Chiches- ter or Marcus Hook when the sentence 84 HISTORY OF CHESTER. was j)assed. it is highly probable that the above sentence was not the first by any means. In the next caiie, the prisoner, con- victed for abusing and menacing the magistrates, was sentenced to receive twenty-one lashes at the public whip- ping post on his bare back, well laid on, and fourteen days imprisonment at hard labor in the House of Correc- tion. There are those who now think it is a pity that the Pillory, Tread-mill, Stocks, the Whipping Post and Hard Labor in a House of Correction are not still punishments for crimes and vagrancy. Our prisons are filled dur- ing the cold weather, by those who commit petty larcenies to get a home for winter, and our alms houses by vagrants who pass their time in idle- ness while in either place. If the small rogues got a lashing, and the loafers had to work, these useful insti- tutions would contain less able-bodied men and women. Our station houses are places of refuge at nights for drun- ken loafers, who if they had to stand in the pillory in the morning, or work half a day to pay for their lodging, would be very careful not to seek this public shelter. I have noticed, that since "no license" prevails in Dela- ware County, the tramps who used to infest its highways, have abandoned in disgust, its inhospitable roads. The following, which has the merit of being original, was written by Emanuel Price, a dealer in second- hand books, w^hose stand is in 5th Street below Locust, west side, Philadelphia, against the wall of the Burying ground of the "Free Quakers," sometimes called the "Fighting Quakers,'' be- cause they served in the Continental Army during the Revolution. Price is a well known contributor to the Press, under the ?wm-de-phime of " Peter Pep- percorn." It will please our friends, the law-makers of Delaware, where the pillory still stands, and the people be- lieve in the restraining virtue of TUK C.OOI) OLD WHIPI'INC-l'OST. " .'/ Post of vwrit, — not by honor wonT All hail to thee, old relic Of those grand and glorious times, When rogues and rascals, great and small, Were punished for their crimes, The terror of the base and vile, And all the thieving host. Reformer of dishonesty, The good old whipping post. The veiy best invention That ever was designed, To teach the whole light-fingered gentry, Their duty to mankind, Not one of all the numerous throng, Who thy acquaintance boast, Forgets the lesson learned at The good old whipping post. Thy mark upon society, May easily be traced; Although thy form by honest hands Has never been embraced, And few reluctant worshippers Of all thy hardened host, Embraces thee a second time, The good old whipping post. No preacher ever could convert A criminal like thee. Or leave such an impression On the back of knavery, To every rogue thy form appears, As grim as Banquo's ghost ! But honest men can smile upon The good old whipping post. The swindler may howl at thee, And gnash his teeth in rage ; Denounce thee as a relic of A by-gone barbarous age. When there's reform by being fed On milk and buttered toast ! We may give up, and throw aside, The good old whipping post. David Lloyd's house was at one time HISTORY OF CHESTER. 85 the residence of the late distinguished sailor, Commodore David Porter, of the United States Navy, and U. S. Min- ister to the Sublime Porte. He mar- ried Evelina the daughter of William Anderson, of Chester, a Major in the Revolutionary Army, whose remains re- pose in the old grave yard of St. Paul's church covered by a large handsome tombstone. Mrs. Evelina Porter, died Oct. I, 1871, in the 80th year of her age. She was a remarkably intelligent woman, and the mother of a large family of boys and girls. Her husband, Cap- tain David Porter, was a man of too much note in his day to render neces- sary here any attempt to sketch his eventful life. His writings are not so well known. In 1822, he issued in two volumes the "Journal of a Cruise made in the Pacific Ocean in the U. S. Frigate 'Essex,' in the years 181 2, '13, '14," of which I haveasecond edition, and in 1825, a volume containing "an exposition of the facts and circumstan- ces which justified the expedition to Foxardo''* appended to the "Minutes of the Proceedings of the Courts of En- quiry and Court Martial in relation to Captain David Porter." The Commodore, as he was called, although there was no such rank in his day in the Navy, but which was a title applied by courtesy to any officer who had commanded a squadron, after his resignation from our service, entered that of Mexico for some years and final- ly became the U. S. Minister to Tur- * Foxardo was a town on the island of Porto Rico. The Commodore landed men on the Is- land to obtain goods stolen by a gang of Pi- rates, and to obtain redress for an insult to one of his officers. For this violation of Spanish ter- ritory he was court martialed and sentenced to six years' suspension. Indignant at so heavy a sentence for what was, in fact, a justifiable and laudable action, he resigned his commission as a Captain in the Navy. key, and filled that position at the time of his death, which occurred late in the year 1 843. On Saturday evening, Jan. 27, 1844, I visited the Walnut street theatre, at Philadelphia, to see the cele- brated tragedian Booth, as Pescara, in the Apostate : Florinda — Charlotte Cushman — after which there was erect- ed on the stage "an emblematic Tab- leaux to the memory of the gallant Por- ter." All the company appeared in the tableaux, and the "Star Spangled Banner' ' was .sung by Mr. Peter Rich- ings, Mr. Edward L. Davenport and Mrs. Mossop, " with additional verses, commemorative of the worth of the il- lustrious deceased, written expressly for this occasion by William R. Blake," after which was performed "The Nau- tical Drama of American Valor! or Yankee Tars on Hand. ' ' The present eminent American tragedian, Mr. Dav- enport, was then attached to the Wal- nut, and celebrated for his delineation of the peculiarities of the American sailor. The children of Commodore Porter were, viz : The late Commodore Wil- liam D. Porter, who was the eldest son, entered the U. S. Navy as a Midship- man, Jan. I, 1823. He commanded the iron-clad "Essex," on the Missis- sippi river, during the rebellion, and was injured at Fort Henry, by escaping steam — a cannon ball from the enemy having passed through the boiler of his vessel, he died finally from its effects. His father once commanded the U. S. Frigate "Essex,'' 32 guns, in which he captured His Brittanic Majesty's ship "Alert,'' and afterwards proceeded to the waters of the Southern Pacific, where he inflicted great losses upon the English commerce in that quarter, hav- ing captured 12 British ships, mostly whalers, and was finally drawn into an HISTORY OF CHESTER. action o(f the harlior of Valparaiso, by H. B. M. ships, "Phoebe," 36, and " Cherub," 20 guns. The Essex having parted her anchors in a gale and been driven out to sea, where the British ships awaited her, and she was captured after a desperate engagement, having 58 men killed and 66 wounded, and 31 missing ; probably drowned in attempting to swim ashore, or knocked overboard dur- ing the action. The entire loss was 155 out of 255. Thousands of people on shore witnessed the fight, which was so close to shore that some of the Phoebe's shot struck the beach. The English vio- lated the neutrality of Chili. But there is scarcely a doubt that Capt. Hillgar of the Phoebe, although instructed not to fight the Essex single-handed, was ordered to take her if he could with- out regard to the neutrality of the South American ports. The action occurred on the 28th of Mar., 1814, and at its conclusion, "both the Es- sex and the Phoebe were in a sinking state." Vorter' a yoi^ ma/, 2 vol. 170. The two men, father and son, and their vessels of the same name, should not be confounded. The present Admiral David D. Por- ter, of the U. S. Navy, is the second son of the Commodore. He was ap- pointed a Midshipman, July 2, 1829. The late Theodoric Porter, was another son. He entered the regular army in 1838, and at the breaking out of the war with Mexico, he was a Lieu- tenant in the 7th regiment of U. S. Infantry, and was killed in a skirmish with Mexicans on April 18, 1846, dur- ing the advance of Gen. Taylor's army, previous to the battle of Palo Alto. He was a powerful man, and like all the Por- ters, devoid of the sensation we call fear. His brother, Hamilton Porter, a Lieutenant in the Navy, died in the service, Aug. 10, 1844, of yellow fever- Henry Ogden Porter, the youngest son of the old Commodore, entered the Navy as a Middy, Nov. 3, 1840, re- signed in 1847, ^"d was appointed a Lieutenant in the U. S. Revenue Ma- rine. During the late Rebellion he tendered his services to the Govern- ment, and was made an acting Lieu- tenant in the Navy. He was the ex- ecutive ofificer of the U. S. steamer " Hatteras," when she was captured by the Confederate cruiser "Alabama." He died May 22, 1872, in the 47th year of his age. Captain David Porter had two daugh- ters. The eldest, Evelina, married her cousin, Harris Heap, son of Samuel Heap, late U. S. Consul at Tunis ; she died recently at Chester. They had issue, David Porter, (now in the U. S. Army), Jannette, Emma and Charles. Mr. Heap is the present Consul Gen- eral of the U. S. at Tiaiis. The young- est daughter, called Imogene, married a Mr. Harris. That estimable gentleman and ac- complished sailor, the late Captain Henry Ogden, was a cousin of the Por- ter's, and so was my old friend Major David Porter Heap, late paymaster of the U. S. army, now deceased. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John C. Bowyer, ofLexington, Va., and left surviving him, his widow and Annie, Laurence, Mattie and Evelina. Major Heap was U. S. Consul at Constanti- nople, just previous to i860. The elder Mr. Heap, Samuel, now deceased, formerly U. S. Consul at Tunis, mar- ried Margaret Porter, a sister of the old Commodore. The names of their children were, Lawrence, Harris, David P., Angelina and Evelina. David Porter entered the U. S. Navy as a Midshipman, April 16, 1798, was HISTORY OF CHESTER. 87 made a Lieutenant, Oct. 8, 1 799 ; Com- mander, April 2, 1806; Captain, July 2, 1812 ; resigned his commission, Aug. 18, 1826. During the Revolution two brothers of the Porter family, David and Sam- uel, received commissions from the Continental Congress as Captains in the infant navy of our country, and commanded vessels employed for the purpose of cutting off supplies sent to the British army. During this service Capt. Samuel Porter was wounded, cap- tured, and became a prisoner on board the Jersey prison-ship. Capt. David Porter was also afterwards captured, and became a prisonor on board the same vessel with his brother. Samuel died and was buried by his brother while a prisoner. David effected his escape in a water-cask, aided by some of the British sailors with whom he had be- come on friendly terms. He served faithfully during the remainder of the war, after which he retired to live at Baltimore, and we hear of him as build- ing and erecting marine telegraphs on Federal Hill in that city. He also founded a society for the relief of captains and mates in the merchant service. He had two sons, David and John. They both entered the navy of the. United States, and were in the war of 1 81 2. John died a Commander, at Watertown, Massachusetts, and David was the well-known Commodore Por- ter of the U. S. Navy, and Minister to Constantinople. General Fitz John Porter is a son or grandson of Com- mander John Porter. Captain David Porter Heap, of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, at present engaged in rebuilding Forts Sumpter and Moultrie, in Charlston, S. C. Har- bor, is the eldest son of Evelina Por- ter and Harris Heap, late of Chester. An old cannon has lately been found in Chester and christened " 77^1? Old Morton Gun,'" concerning which Hen- ry G. Ashmead, Esq., in a communi- cation, says: — " In the report of the celebration of the Cen- tennial eve in this city, mention was made of an old gun in the line of the procession, which having been found lately in making an exca- vation in Quinn's stable-yard, was, therefore, supposed to be a Revolutionary relic. Of this old gun something is known, and that little goes to negative the idea of its Revolutionary history. Thirty odd years ago this cannon, which is a ship's gun, it will be remembered by many of our older citizens, was embedded as a step at the end of a walk which led from Green Bank Mansion to the river bank. When it was placed there, or by M'hom, is not known, but it is supposed that it was so located by the orders of Commodore David Porter^ after the war of 1812. At all events the old gun served the purpose of a step for many years, until the breaking out of the civil war, when it was taken from its resting place by Capt. Boone and others, and sent to a foundry to be examined. It was found to be sound and in excellent con- dition, after the rust of time had been removed. It was therefore mounted, and on Fourth of July, and during the public rejoicing that fol- lowed all the great victories of the Union for- ces in the field, that old gun was used to fire salutes in honor of those events. Often its deep toned voice was heard in Market Square, when Union men assembled to celebrate the glorious news from the annies. After the sur- render of Lee the cannon was placed in the rear of the Columbia House, and in time was forgotten by all. When or by whom it was dismounted is not known, but the old gun was thrown on the ground and the carriage removed. During the years that have passed since then, the accumulation of earth about it was such that it was buried from sight until its very existence passed entirely from recollection." XI. The first street laid out in Chester was ordered 8 mo. 2, 1686, the Grand Jury report that they "doe layout a 88 HISTORY OF CHESTER. street, and a landing upon the creek, to the corner lot far as over against the North-west corner of the Court House fifty foote in breadth and from thence up the said Chester towne for a street 30 foote in breadthe." This street was first called Chester street, then Front street, now Edgmont Avenue. At June Court, 1689, the Grand Jury laid out a landing place and open street "beginning at the North-westerly cor- ner of the Court house to low water mark by Chester creek [being part of Filbert or Second street,] and so of the same breadth by the said creek down to Delaware river to low water mark, [now Edgmont from Second lead- ing to the lower pier,] thence and also from the first mentioned corner of the Court House a Public street 30 feet wide through Chester town," being Edgmont Avenue laid out by the re- port of the former Grand Jury, In accordance with a petition of David Lloyd, a road or street was laid out from his plantation on Chester creek to the public landing. The Grand Jury on 4 mo. 4, 1690, laid out a street 30 feet wide, "the one-half of this public street to be on one side of the line dividing betwixt David Lloyd's and the Green, L. C. [i. e, Laurentins Carolus] one-half on David Lloyd's land, the other half on the Green's side." The street began at the public landing place on Chester creek, and ended "at the further side of Joseph Richard's lot near David Lloyd's house; note also that if any part of the 15 foot on David Lloyd, his side, which is laid out for the street, it must so remain." The street thus laid out was called Filbert street, and is now named Second street in the jjlan of the City of Chester. Dr. Smith savs, "The street thus laid out is now known as Filbert street, and we are thereby enabled with great pre- cision to locate the "Green," a plot of ground well known at that period, and for some time afterwards by that name. This Green was church land, and was no doubt secured by the Swedes in anticipation of the erection of a church at Upland. It is included in a patent for a larger tract of land grant- ed to the Rev. Laurenty Caroly, Min- ister to the Swedes, April 8, 1669, [a copy of which has been hereinbefore inserted.] The patent includes the whole of the river front from Upland kill to Prisser's kill, and is referred to as the Minister's land, in a patent grant- ed to Jurien Kene, on the 14th of Aug. of the previous year. ' ' On the 7th of Sept., 1684, the bounds of "the Green" were definitely deter- mined by a survey ; it consisted of five acres in the form of a parallelogram, 1 2 perches along the East side of Ches- ter creek to the Delaware, thence along the river for 65 perches, "a tract of the Swedes in Upland township," re- corded in the office of the Surveyor- General, Book B, page 3, &c. Mr. Weidner's foundry is situated on the Green, at the present writing, and the lot from Market street to the houses on Edgmont street, and from Second to the river, was called the Green when I lived in Chester. On the 15th of May, 1699, David Lloyd presented a Petition to the Pro- vincial Council, stating that he had purchased a small parcel of land at Ches- ter, "called the Green," which ^^ Lyes very commodious for building a town. It fronts both Chester creek and Dela- ware river, and is protracted, and a Market place laid out, with streets by y* Surveyor General, as by the mapp to the said ])etition annex't ai)pears;" HISTORY OF CHESTER. 89 and he asked the Council "to allow and confirm the said Model as the law in that case directs." But Jas- per Yeates interfered, and stated that the Green was Church land, and he was unwilling that Lloyd should " ob- tain an Act of Assembly to strengthen a pretended title to the Green lying be- fore Upland." The map mentioned by David Lloyd in his petition, is not on record. It appears, however, in regard to the title, that Lloyd obtained on Dec. 28, 1693, a conveyance of the Green to himself, from the Church Wardens of the Swedes congregation att Wiccocoe, which with an indem- nifying bond, was recorded Dec. 30, 1693. The consideration was "five shillings of Lawful Monie of Pennsyl- vania;" and the quantity of land con- veyed, was ' ' seven acres of Land & Meadow, situate, lying and being in the County of Chester." For a copy of the Conveyance, see Dr. Smith' s His- tory, p. S5S, note K. Jasper Yeates' objection was, that the Green was Church land still in 1699, and appropriated for that use forever. Lloyd's petition was granted, however, "Saving to the Proprietor & Gov. & to all other persons their rights." I Col. Records, (i ed.,) 526. In note B, Record of Upland Court, p. 200, it is stated, " The deeds for the property here referred to are in possession of Dr. J. D. Logan, and the premises were conveyed by David Lloyd to Jasper Yeates, by deed of Sept. 22, 1703, recorded at Chester, in Deed Book K, No. 10, p. 180 — endorsed, ' For the Green before Jasper Yeates' door.' The deed recites that the land was formerly granted by warrant from Wm. Penn, 31st March, 1684, and laid out by the Surveyor General, Oct. il, 1684, for the use of the Swedes' minister, and afterwards confirmed by Patent from the Commissioners, May 23, 1690, to Swan Swanson, Andrew Bankson, Lasse Cock, Casper Fish, and Peter Rambo, ' the Church Wardens, of the Swedes' Congrega- tion, for the use of the Minister then present or to come ;' and that the patentees, by order and consent of the Swedes' Congregation at Wicaco and Crane Hook, on Dec. 29, 1693, conveyed the premises to David Lloyd. The objection to the title was removed, by release from Penn, of Oct. 24, 1701, Patent Book A, p. 233. The 'Green' extended along the river from Chester Creek nearly to Welsh Street ; but the map of the market-place is not to l)e found at Harrisburgh ; and the street called New Street, which ran parallel with the Delaware, has long since been washed away." In I Col. Records, (i ed. ,) 600, under date of Nov. 19, 1700, is the entry: "At w"" time upon reading the Peti- tion of James Sandilands of Chester town to the — — , adjourned," &c. I am fortunately able to supply the blank in the printed record by the following, which is a copy of the ori- ginal, taken from the Logan Manu- scripts, viz. : — " Unto the Honble William Penn, Esq., Absolute Proprietor «& Ciovernor in Chief of the Province of Pennsilvania & the Territo- ries thereunto belonging, and the Council thereof now sitting at New Castle. " The Petition of James Sandilands of Ches- ter in the Countie of Chester, most humbly showeth, That whereas his Late Ma- jesty, Charles y* 2* of England, y« King by his Letters Patent and y'= great Seal thereof, bearing date y* fourth day of March, in the 33rd year of his Reign Annoy Domi 1681, among other things did for him, his Heirs and Successors Give & Grant to the said Wm. Penn his heirs and assigns a free & absolute power to divide the Countie or Province of Pennsilvania in sd letters Patent mentioned, into Towns, Hundreds and Counties, and to erect and incorporate Towns into Burroughs, & Burroughs into Cities & to make & consti- tute Fairs & Markets herein, with all other convenient privileges & Immunities, according to the meritts of the Inhabitants & fitness of y^ places. And that whereas by the custom & usages of y« said Province, the Governor & Council have been used att all times to settle 90 HISTORY OF CHESTER. & order y* scituasion <.)( all Cities & Market towns in evcric Coiintie in )■•' s** jnovince, and to model therein all public buildings, streets & Market places. And whereas y" Petitioner is possessed of a certain spot of land lying in s* Countie of Chester, verie fitt & naturally com- modious for a Town & to that end lately caused the s** spot of Land to be divided & Laid out into Lotts, Street & Market place, a Draft & Model whereof (the generallie desided & Leiked of by y* sitants thereof in particular. " And your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray," &c. •' Att a Council held at New Castle in the Territories of the Province of Pennsilvania die mart is the 19th of Nov. 1700. " Present the Honorable William Penn Proprietor and Governor, Phineas Pemberton, Caleb Puscy, John Blunston, Thomas Storie. " Upon reading the within Petition & upon hearing the Petitioner & some of y* Inhabi- tant of ye within Countie of Chester, Jasper Yeates & Robert ffrench who married two of the Petitionei-s' Sisters, wer sent for, and y« s^ Petition was again read to them, and being Askt if they had anything to object Ak' the same, they answered that they had not ; and Ja.sper Yeates added that he had advised with a person or persons skilled in the Law, whether the said Petitioner had power to sell the Land in the petition mentioned, and they had told him hee had power & might sell the same. Whereupon the Proprietory & Governor & Councill having approved of the within Pe- tition & of the design thereof & Looking upon the place within proposed to be fitt for a Town, did not onlie approve of y" within & annexed model, but also did erect & do hereby erect the said spot of Land so modelled & Laid outt Into a Town ])rovided the same do not encroach upon othermen's Lands without their express consent under their Hands and Scales, and saving to the Projirietor & Governor & everie one their right. Signed by order, Patrick Robinson, SecfyT It is to be regretted, that the model or design mentioned, is not annexed to the petition as stated. Robert E. Hanniim, Esq., says, "I had a copy of the original plot or map of the town of Upland, which I loaned to the town Council of the city of Chester for safe keeping. I applied for the map to the city authorities, and was told it could not be found." Jasper Yeates, above mentioned, married a daughter of James Sandi- lands, the elder, who died in 1692. Her name was Catharine. Mr. Yeates came from Yorkshire, in England, and settled in Delaware ; afterwards he married and resided for many years in Chester. In 1697, he purchased the mills and property at the mouth of Naaman's Creek, and about the same time he purchased lands at Ches- ter, known as the Granary. It was torn down some years since, and its site is now occupied by a cotton fac- tory. The upper story of the old building was used for the storage of grain, while the lower story was used as a biscuit bakery. Mr. Yeates was educated for the Bar, but preferred speculation, in which he Avas not suc- cessful. He was the grandfather of the late Mr. Justice (Jasper) Yeates of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. He represented New Castle County in the Assembly, and after the separation of the lower counties, he was a Repre- sentative and Speaker of the Assembly. He was a Justice of the Supreme Pro- vincial Court from 1705 to 1715, and at the time of his death, about 1720, he was a member of the Provincial Council. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 91 From the proceedings taken by the Court in 1692, it appears that there was a Public Dial at that time in Ches- ter, erected for the use of the people. Upon the petitions of James Lownes and others, the Grand Jury was author- ized ' ' to lay out a road to the Dyall Post straitway to the road for the conveni- ence of both town and country. ' ' This road was laid out, and returned as fol- lows : " Beginning at the Dyall post, and so running South 22 degrees West, to low water mark ; then beginning again at the Dyall post and running North 22 degrees P^ast, up the King's road, which said road or street is to contain thirty feet in breadth, and the said Dyall post is to be the Western bounds thereof." — Br. Smith, p. 183. The street thus laid out must have been Main Street, from the river to the intersection of the railroad, P^dg- mont Avenue and Sixth Street. Pro- vidence Road was laid out in 1683, to Chester, and as it led to the King's Road, it could be the only road called the " King's Highway," when the road from Edgmont to the King's Highway in Chester, was laid out 60 feet broad in 1687. The King's Road did not pass through Chester ; it crossed Chester and Ridley Creeks at the head of tide water. The Dyall Post must have stood about where the old Market House stood, at Third and Main Streets. It will be observ- ed, that I treat the streets of Chester, as if they stood exactly north and south, east and west. I know that they do not run so precisely. I use this mode for convenience, so that positions can be more easily understood. I took the idea from William Flavill, the pre- sent Surveyor of Chester, whom I no- ticed spoke of the streets as intersect- ing each by the principal points of the compass. In the return of the Grand Jury it will be seen that the street laid out, runs north 22 degrees east, and if I am in error in saying it is Main Street, the City Surveyor can easily put me right ; but as Lloyd in his pe- tition, says that a market place is laid out with streets in 1699, I think my idea is correct. I have not been able to find the date of the erection of the old Market House referred to, as standing at the intersection of Third and Market Streets. It stood on a platform of brick, about 44 by 24 feet, .surrounded by curb-stones ; the roof was support- ed on either side by seven brick pil- lars ; between the third and fourth columns, on the east and west sides, were small arches. The longest length of the structure extended along Mar- ket Street ; it had an arched ceiling, plastered, and was covered with a shingle roof. The four stalls on the north end were used for butchers' stalls, the other six by provision deal- ers. Over the northern half, there was erected about 1830. a frame struc- ture, 21 feet square, containing one large room, used in my boyhood by the Clicstt'r Library Company,^'' and as the Town Hall. This room was reached by a wooden stairway, on the outside of the eastern side of the Mar- ket house. On the centre of this story was a frame cupola, with green blinds, surmounted by a spire and a weather vane. The Market House was torn down in 1857, and the frame portion sold to J. Edward Clyde, Esq., Justice of the Peace, who removed it to Fifth Street, east of Market, opposite the Columbia Hotel, and now uses it for his office. The following is copied from an original paper in possession of the Historical Society, in the hand- 92 HISTORY OF CHESTER. writing of William Martin. ni\ fatlR-r, tlie then C'hief l^iirgcss cif C'lK-stcr. "At a iiiLctiiiuiofll'.c t'oimcil oft lie limou^li of C'hoter. held on WolncMluv, the iblh e placed on the spire of the Town Hall. Extract fmm the minutes. (.Signed.) JosiiLA C. Eyki:, j. M. G. Li-.scfia.-., Jiiu' ]5r(X).mii,\i,i,. 7 07011 Council. v.. lJ.\Kl.lNi;i(iN. Sfot-tarv:' At the June term of the Court, 1699, Jcseph Edge, Constable, of Chester, presented Henry Barnes, "for calling Governor Penn, a Rogue," n Clerk.' What is contained therein, was hastily searched out and dotted down at the time when the Vestry of the Church had a dispute with the School Directors, in regard to the title to the land and old School-house, lo- cated on one end of the lot, donated by Walter Martin, in 1699. One of the direct descendants of Jan Hendrick- son, (from whom was purchased the old building moved on to secure the lot. in 1702,) was Chairman of the Board of Sciiool Directors, and I deemed it of some consequence to in- fluence the Board to abandon their claim ; it succeeded, and I was satis- fied." The article referred to is as follows : "A certain Walter Martin, of the township of Upper Chichester, in the county of Chester, in the Province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, for divers good causes and considerations him there- unto moving, executed a deed of free gift to the inhabitants of the town and township of Chichester, bearing date the 1 8th day of December, in the year of our I,ord 1699, for a churchyard and free burying place, for the inhab- itants — Quakers and reputed Quakers only excepted." 'I'he following clause of said deed sets forth a rule of faith and doctrines, which must be ( om- plied with, and heldhs that " persua- sion of Christians, who can secure the lot by building a church, chapel, or meeting-house thereon. The inhabi- tants of said town and township which are to have free liberty to build a church , chapel, or meeting-house, are intended to be such as own the two ordinances of the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, viz., water baptism, ! that is, sprinkling or dipping ; and the Lord's Supper of bread and wine; ' and such as own the resurrection of the bodies of the dead, and own the ordi- nance of singing of psalms in the praise of God, in the congregation, or in their families, and such as own the taking an oath on the Bible, according to the laws of England, if lawfully called thereto for the confirmation of the truth ; and it is to be a free burying place to such as will bear part of the costs of keeping up the fences, or concern themselves with building a church, chapel, or meeting-house there- on." With regard to the exception against Quakers, he gives the following explanation : '-One reason is, because the Quakers have a meeting-house of their own in the said township." He, the said Walter Martin, chose William Thomas as the "first sexton or grave- digger for the town of Chichester, during his life, or so long as he is able to perform the duties appertaining to the office of sexton or grave-digger, and after his death or disability, he gives full liberty to such as are ''con- cerned" in keeping up the said bury- ing place, to choose his successor; and his true intent and meaning is, " that the said lot, containing one acre and one scpiare perch of land, is to be kept for the purposes above named and for no other whatever." It is interred from other evidence, that HISTORY OF CHESTER. 97 Walter Martin, was a man of means I and of intelligence, and probably of no | immediate descendants, as he reserves a grave lot for hwiself and friends in ] a particular part of the yard. By reference to Hazard's Annals of Pennsylvania, we find the same Walter Martin was an inhabitant of Chester County, in the year 1682 ; for upon the arrival of William Penn, in that year, he convened a General Assembly, to meet him at Upland (now Chester), and Walter Martin appears as one of nine Assemblymen elected to represent the inhabitants of Chester County, in that Assembly. In the list of lands sold in England, Ireland and Scotland, and sent over to the Surveyor General with instruc- tions to lay out to the respective pur- chasers, we find Walter Martin's name set down for five hundred acres, in the 20th division of ten thousand acres. In the vestry-book of St. Martin's church, we find that the friends of the Protestant Episcopal Church living in the township and surrounding neigh- borhood, for the purpose of promptly securing the lot thus laid open to the competition of different denomina- tions, exerted themselves to obtain a building, and in a very humble way succeeded, as will more quaintly ap- pear by the following statement, which is found written on the opening page of the old vestry-book of the church. "Sundry persons, adventurers from England, Scotland and Ireland, into the Province of Pennsylvania, being well principled in and affected to the pure apostolick and primitive doctrine and discipline of the truly Episcopal and Protestant Church of England, as by law established, &c., finding little or no satisfaction in their own mind, without having sacred places set apart for paying that public worship and adoration to the Supreme Being, which from the dictates of our conscience we know to be due, &c. We, the con- gregation, professors of the Church of England, at this time being few in number, and of less ability to build a decent place of worship," &c. They purchased an old wooden frame house from Jan and Tobias Hendrick- son, for about five pounds, which was a great sum in those days, and having removed it from where it stood, into the lot conve)'ed by Walter Martin for a churchyard, they fitted it up as well as they could for divine worship, &c., in the year of our Lord 1702. Then the honorable Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Anno Domini 1702, sent over the Rev. Henry Nichols, as their missionary to Chichester church. Some years after, the Rev. George Ross was sent to suc- ceed him, and in the year 1724, the Rev. John Humphries came, who re- mained five years.* From the time of Mr. Humphries' ministry (1724), up * Captain Smith is in L-rrur in hi.s dates. In Dr. Pcrr/s Papers relating to the Church in Pennsylvania, p. t,t„ the Rev. Evan Evans, in a letter, states, that he preached frequently at Chichester and Chester until the arrival of the Rev. Mr. Nichols in 1704, and at p. 53, it is said of Mr. N., "that gentleman remained with us above three years." George Ross was Missionary at St. Martin's from 1708 to 1714. John Humphreys, from 1714 to 1725, when he went to Baltimore, and refused to return unless the churches at Marcus Hook and Chester would raise his salary to ^40 per annum. In 1726, "a great mortality reigned amongst us ; we were obliged to desire the Rev. Mr. Hesselius, the Swedish minis- ter at Christiana, who, out of his pious and christian disposition, came to bur)' our dead, and seeing the disconsolate condition of our churches, offered to assist us once a month at our churches, which he still continues to do." This statement in Dr. Perry's Papers, Penn- sylvania, pp. 152-3, is dated April 5, 1727, and signed by Ralph Pile, Philip Ottey and others. 98 HISTORY OF GllKSTEK. to tliis pL'ridd, till.' records liave been very regularly kept. The generous donor, Walter Martin, lived until the year 1 7 19. Massive head and foot stones mark his grave in the lot he reser\ed for himself ami friends in the deed of gift. A few years since the wardens and vestry of the church, with commendable taste, had his grave-stone \ re-dressed and re-lettered, bringing out j the old inscription, which bears the j following expressive and quaint coup- ' let : I ' The just mail And when he 111 good men's love, he's bless'd above." The only other mention found of Walter Martin, in any of the records, is in the t)ld township book, where there is a record that in the year 1701, Walter Martin was superseded as one of the post wardens of the town of Marcus Hook : by which we infer that that ancient town, even at that time, had all the attributes of greatness which it so eminentlv retains unto this day. The John, or Jan Hendrickson from whom the old frame building was ob- tained, to answer the purpose of the first church edifice, according to Ha- zard'' s Annals, was one of the six per- sons to whom the grant of Marcus Hook was made, in the year 1676. The grant embraced 1000 acres of land, and was made by Gov. Francis Lovelace, some five years before Wil- liam Penn obtained his charter of Pennsylvania from the crown of Great Britain. The descendants in the sev- enth and eighth generation from the said Jan Hendrickson, are our present cotemjjoraries, and are both numerous and among our most substantial in- habitants. The regular transactions of the ves- try are duly recorded, with very slight interruptions, from the time of the Rev. John Humphries' arrival in the year 1724, to this day. The names mentioned in the original deed, as holding lands adjoining the church- yard conveyed, are among the first vestry. John Flowers was the first Warden. He owned the lands on the south end of the yard, and his descen- dants have been regular worshippers ever since. Generation after genera- tion of that family and name have been gathered to their fathers, and are now mouldering to dust, side by side, in the very centre of its bounds. The first son of English parents, born under the Penn grant, in the Province of Delaware, is said, in Wat- son^ s Annals, to have been Emanuel Grubb, who was born in the year 1682, just after the landing of his parents, at the place known as Grubb' s Land- ing, in Brandywine Hundred, about three miles below Marcus Hook. His birth is said to have taken place in a cave, provided in a hurry, on the bank of the river. His name appears among the vestrymen, in 1725, and from that year up to this time, his descendants have been zealous worshippers, and generous patrons of the church. He died at the advanced age of 85 years, and lies buried in the centre of a vast circle of green mounds, each one la- belled with his honored surname. They have gathered around him like a faith- ful body-guard, as though anxious to protect him from the near approach of all, save their own clan. The name of Grubb is found among the vestry every year for over a hundred, with- out a single interruption. lx\ the year 1745, the names of Emanuel Grubb, Sr., Emanuel Grubb, Jr., and Joseph Grubb, appear as liberal subscribers to HISTORY OF CHESTER. 99 the funds raised for the purpose of building a new church, on the site of the present edifice. It was built of brick, and after undergoing various alterations and additions, was finally torn down, and the present beautiful one constructed in its stead, in the year 1846. In the year 1725, Jeremy Collett left by will a legacy of ;^5o, for the " better support of the Episcopal min- ister officiating in the Chapel;" the old frame which stood on the ground near where the school-house now stands. After the brick church was built in 1 745, the "old frame " was generously per- mitted to be used, from time to time, as a school-house. In the year 1730, the Rev. John Humphries was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Backhouse.* From the year 1738 to the year 1758, the church was presided over by the Swedish ministers. Rev. Israel Acrelius, Rev. John Abraham Lindinus, and the Rev. Eric Unander, each succeeding in the order of their names. The funds raised for the new church in 1745, were subscribed by an array of names familiar to us all who have an acquaintance extending to the cotin- try around us. I'here are the Fords, Kellims, Grubbs, Richards, Robinetts, Claytons, Worrells, Marshalls, Con- nells, Kerlins, Lampleys, Lawrences, Derricks, Carters, Clouds, Hanbys, Davises, Taylors, Flowers, Stewarts, Websters, Talleys, Phillips, Johnsons, Birds, Beestons, Perkinses, Centmells, Moulders, Buckleys, and a certain Eli- " Richard Backhouse took charge of Ches- ter, Marcus-Hook and Concord Churches, either late in 1727 or early in 1728. See Perry's Collections, 161. He died Nov. 19, 1749, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Thompson, who sometime afterwards aban- doned his charge. When he did so, is not stated 14 zabeth Smith, who at that time was 46 years of age, being born in the year 1699. She lived until the year 1802, attaining the great age of 103 years, and thereby living in part of three centuries. She lies buried in the yard, with a head and foot stone marking the spot, on which is the record, from which this interesting fact is derived. In the year 1758^ the Rev. George Craig* came over from London, un- der the patronage of the celebrated "Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts," and continued Rector until the Revolution broke out. There is an interruption to the records during the War, from 1775 to 1783, but in the latter year, we find the Rev. George Craig presiding at the Easter meeting, and appointing his warden. After that year, the church records make no further mention of him, but his tombstone in the floor of the church commemorates the fact that he died some years after, and was there buried. At the annual meeting of the vestry, in the year 1760, Emanuel Grubb pro- posed the name of St. Martin's Church, in incidental commemoration of Wal- ter Martin, and the name was unani- mously adopted . From that time it has been known as St. Martin's Church, Marcus Hook. Great efforts had been made from the year 1682, to change the name of Marcus Hook to Chiches- ter, but without success, although an Act of Assembly had been obtained to effect it, and all legal documents, for many years, had so styled it, yet its old Indian name, slightly changed from the original, has pertinaciously adhered to it, and constitutes its great- est glory "until this day." * Married, June 15, 1775, the Rev. George Craig of Chester, to Miss Margaret Currie of the same place. — Penna. Magazine, \'o\. i. p. 290. 100 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. In the year 1769, the Treasurer ot the Coninu)n\vealth, Mr. Moore, paicl over to the wardens of St. Mar- tin's church the sum of j£66 i^s. 4^/., being St. Martin's share of the pro- ceeds of a lottery authorized by the Assembly of the Province, for the im- provement and repairs of St. Peter's and St. Paul's churches, Philadel])hia, and a few churches in the counties around the city. After the Revolutionary War, the church services were duly kept up by clergymen and lay readers, until the year 181 7, when the Rev. Jacob M. Douglas was called to the church as Rector. In the beginning of the pre- .sent century, it being found that the old frame building which constituted the first church, and had been used for that purpose from 1702 until 1745, then being replaced by a new church, had been used from time to time for school purposes, was now crumbling into ruins from age, and both the church members and the i)ublic at large were feeling the great need of a school- house to replace it; under this pressure of circumstances, a jniblic spirited old member of the church, took up the subject with zeal, and proposed to the vestry, if they would permit it, he would raise what funds he could by subscription, and any deficiency he would make up himself, and build a school-house on the " hitching lot," or the lot used for hitching horses on, which lot was a part of the church yard, fenced off for that purpose. The plain men composing the vestry very innocently acquiesced, but made it a particular condition to their consent, that the house should be built in a position to drive round, and offer no other obstruction to the lot, for the purpose for which the church used it. than occup)ing its size in its centre. It was built accordingly, and in strict compliance with the conditions exact- ed, and has always served as a place to hitch to ever since ; it has also always afforded some protection from the cold winds to horses hitched under its shelter. And although this permis- sion was not granted in writing, nor to the State, county or to the township, as an organized body politic, but a mere verbal permission given to certain individuals without corporate powers, as a favor to the community of which the grantors form a part. In short it was done in the fostering spirit of a few godly-minded men, who deemed it a duty to do good when an oppor- tunity offered, never dreaming they were violating the conditions of the deed of gift, or that they were giving to the public rights and powers which Avould in time enable them to lay claim to a property which had been for 160 years consecrated to a pious and praise- worthy use. The people inhabiting this section of the county, cannot fail to profound- ly reverence the memory of their an- cestors who worshipped in St. Martin's church ; and whose mortal vestments are sinking into dust under the shadow of its walls. Where is the man, woman, or child in this community, whose pro- genitors lived and died here, that is without relatives sleeping the sleep of death in that crowded church-yard ? It has been planted over and over again with the children of men, who have had their day upon this earth, 'i'hey cherished it while they lived, and ap- pointed it as their last resting-place when time should be done with them. There is a beautiful record of two of them. It was written a hundred years ago in the vestry-book, that John Mar- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 101 shall and Emanuel Grubb, each gave ^5 to secure to their posterity the same seat they respectively occupied in the church at that time, so long as their descendants should continue Episco- palians. The white monuments of our prede- cessors are crowding each other around the church, adding greatly to the in- terest it presents as a ' Village Church- yard,' and seems eminently calculated to inspire those solemn contemplations which every sober-minded person feels from time to time, stealing over their senses, when reviewing the past, or casting their thoughts forward to the impenetrable future. How many are daily seen lingering about these silent habitations of the dead? How many who never enter the walls of the church to join in its public worship, or hear the ' Gospel trumpet sound,' are, nevertheless, touched by the silent solemnity that pervades the scene in that crowded city of the dead. Town Clerk.'-' A brief visit to the grave-yard of St. Martin' s enables me to add some names on the tombstones of families whose relatives are there interred, viz. : Harding, Burns, Gray, Toy, Justice, Vanneman, Davis, Moore, Queen, Elliott, Phillips, Hickman, Johnson, Lawrence, Bird, Wilson, Twaddell, Butler, Allen, Button, Mann, Larkin, Herbert, Lodge, Morton, Douglass, Lamplugh, Heacock, Winfield, Spran- zey. Churchman, Talley, Glover, Black, Cook, Boyd, Hayes, Shull, Gorbey, Taylor, Perkins, Grubb, Ford, Wood- worth, Young, Biddle, Coburn, An- derson, Goodley, Waggoner, Lauson, Lawson, Connot, Ebrite, Madgin, Beny, Miller, Loven, Flower, Art, Welsh, Marshall, Moulder, Tilby, Crow, Arans, Council, Bowan, Trute, Sayres, Wall, Laurence, Truett, Chap- man, McKee, Mofhtt, Parks, Weid- berg, and Williamson. The only quaint inscription I no- ticed, was this: — "In memory of Erasmus Morton, born Sept. 9, 1796, died Dec. 7, 1861. " Farewell my wife and children all, From you a father, Christ did call; Mourn not for me, it is in vain, To call me to your sight again." The Republican of April, 1 87 1 , says : "The Episcopalians attached to St. Martin's church, at Marcus Hook, who have so long been without a parsonage, have at last concluded that great want shall exist no longer. Through the liberality of two of the residents in that locality, a lot of ground containing 75 by 150 feet, adjoining the Odd Fel- low's Hall, on the ridge, commanding a most beautiful view, has been dona- ted for the purpose. Subscriptions to the amount of between fourteen and fifteen himdred dollars have already been collected. The parsonage will cost about twenty-five hundred dollars, which the Committee hope speedily to obtain, when the building will be com- menced and completed without delay. We congratulate our friends at Marcus Hook, on a movement which will se- cure to their pastor a comfortable home. The Rector of the church is Rev. J. S. Pearce, and the Vestrymen elected on Monday last, are : William Trainer, Abner Vernon, G. H. Huddell, David Trainer, Frank Smith, A. T. Glass, Dr. John Cardeza, J. N. Trainer and J. Smith." Walter Martin, came from Westmin- ster, Middlesex County, England, and was a resident of Marcus Hook before Penn's arrival. He was the owner of a large tract of land on Naaman's creek 102 HISTORY OF CHESTER. which he purchased before leaving England. On his tombstone is en- graven, ''In the memory of Walter Martin, buried June 26, 1719, aged 68 years." The stone is a rough sand- stone, and the couplet below illegible, (this was written before the stone was re- cut,) at the top of the stone is cut an hour-glass and cross-bones. Walter Martin, above mentioned, married in 1684, Jane a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Bushal, (the name is generally written Bushell,) of the So- ciety of Friends. John Williamson married Elizabeth Buckley, (daughter of Adam and Ann Buckley,) a grand- daughter of Walter and Jane Martin of Marcus Hook ; she was born 7 mo. 21, 1730, died 7 mo. 22, 1805. This latter item is from the records of the family of Williamson from England who settled in Newtown in 1682. He was named by Walter Martin, as one of his executors with Nicholas Pyle ; both were Friends. For some mention of this family of Williamson, see A^in- cents' History of Delaware, i vol. 477. I was groomsman to Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Howell there mentioned. Adam, son of John and Elizabeth Williamson, above mentioned, lived about 1816 in Brandywine Hundred, Delaware. About half a mile from his residence was an old burial place called the Buckley grave-yard, enclosed by a stone wall, by the margin of the road leading from Grubb's landing to Bir- mingham. The graves of the Buck- ley's are marked by rude stones. Adam W. was a connection by marriage with the Gilpin's of Delaware. The will of Joseph Bushal, of Concord, dated 8th of the 1 2th mo. 1703, in the Reg- ister's office at Philadelphia, shows that Walter and Jane Martin, had seven ( hildren. The dc( cdent gives to " my son-in-law Walter Martin, Twenty shil- lings ; unto my daughter Jane's .srzvv/ children, that is to say, Walter, Mary, Steven, John, Ann, Sarah, and Eliza- beth Martin, Five pounds a piece. To my daughter Abigail Pyle 20 shil- lings, and to her five children, Mary, Edith, Nicholas, Samuel and James Pyle, p^5 a piece. To my wife Sarah all my estate during her life, after to my daughters or their heirs." Dr. Smith says Walter Martin left no male descendants, but he must have known that he left daughters. His will is dated Aug. 4, 17 15, and proven June 27, 1 719, in which he mentions his father-in-law Joseph Bushell, mother-in law Sarah Bushell, wife Mary, daughters Mary, Ann, Elizabeth, and Sarah Martin, also grand-daughters Mary and Hannah Martin, and son Stephen, and appoints his brothers-in-law Nicho- las Pyle and Daniel Williamson, his Executors, but makes no mention of his son John. He gives to son-in-law- William Claiton, twenty shillings, and to daughter Mary, twenty shillings, to be paid to thetn within one year. Sarah Bushal in her will, (the name is written Bushell, but she only made her mark,) dated 2 mo. 9, 1716, proven Jan. 18, 1717-8, does not mention the names of Martin or Pyle, or in fact any but collateral relatives. This is ac- counted for by the willof her husband, who provided for their children and grand-children, leaving his wife only a life-estate in his property, adding " I doe give her full power to give and dis- pose at her discretion Twenty pounds at her decease." Sarah Bushell men- tions her "kinsman James, son of my brother Samuel Webb, formerly of Derets, in the parish of Chipnani, in the county of Wilts, in the Kingdom of Great Britain." Also gives to kins- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 103 woman Mary Webb, dan. of William Webb, in England, ^5, and mentions Elizabeth, the youngest dau. of Rich- ard Webb, of Birmingham. Walter Martin, Junior, died in 1711, leaving a wife Barbary and two children Mary and Hannah, and mentions in his will filed in Philadelphia, also, his brother John and sister Elizabeth, his father Walter Martin, and his wife's uncle Daniel Williamson. His will is dated at Chichester, June 26, 1711, and proven Sept. 11, 1711. Walter Martin, the elder, was mar- ried a second time, and probably to the widow of John Howell, as he styles Daniel Williamson "brother-in-law." D. W. was brother-in-law to John How- ell, who.se wife was Mary. We know that Daniel married Mary Smith, and as W^alter's second wife was Mary, there is no way of making them brothers in law, except by supposing that Mary Martin was D. W.'s sister. She died intestate about 1723. The will of Elizabeth Cranston, given hereafter, renders it possible that she was Eliza- beth Martin, daughter of Walter, the elder. In that case the author is a de- scendant of Walter Martin. My mother's aunt, Mary Welsh, was buried in the graveyard of St. Martin's Church, at Marcus Hook, 1824. Ann Welsh, a sister of Mary, is said to have married, during the Revolution, a Brit- ish officer named Drew, and when last heard of, he was a Colonel in command of Tilbury Fort, England. My grandmother, Margaret Welsh, widow of William Smith, Jr., during her life-time, inherited from her cousin, Aunt Marshall of Marcus Hook, some real estate situated at that place. My mother says, in her girlhood, she and her Aunt Mary often visited Aunt Mar- shall at Hook. She was the wife of David Marshall, and when she married him, was the widow of Captain James Art. Her maiden name was Armor, she was a daughter of Samuel Armor, of Marcus Hook, who married Eliza- beth Bond. There were three Bond girls, Elizabeth above named, Ann my great grandmother, and Hannah who married Jacob Bankson. Their moth- er's maiden name was Elizabeth Mar- tin. I believe she died in 1756, and is buried in St. Martin's graveyard. Mrs. Marshall's brother was the Rev. Sam- uel Armor,* a Professor in one of the Maryland universities. His health fail- ing he accepted a call to Concord church, where he died unmarried, and his sister inherited his property, and when she died no relatives could be found in the Armor line, so her rela- tives on her mother's side, the Bonds, inherited the property, viz : her cousins , my grandmother, my aunts Mary Welsh and Rebecca Bankson, with whom she had always been very intimate. Her residence in Marcus Hook was called " Liberty Hall," and was the abode of a generous hospitality, She always en- tertained the clergy ; the Rev. Jacob M. Douglass often spoke of it, and Rev. Richard D. Hall said there was no place like it in Marcus Hook, and that when they were gone 1 meaning Mr. and Mrs. Marshall,) St. Martin's lost two of its best members. I have in my bed- room an old mirror with an old fashion- ed gilt frame, once belonging to Aunt Marshall, a relic of "Liberty Hall" and its palmy days. It was the best glass then in the house and hung in the parlor. My mother says that when she and Aunt Mary visited "Aunt Mar- shall," they went down in the stage *He graduated at the Philadelphia College, May 17, 1775, as M. A. Sfe Penna. Mag., vol. I, 235. 104 HISTORY OF CHESTER. coach, but when grandfather and grand- mother Smith went, they drove down in their carriage. The residence of Mrs. Marshall was on the square, near the old market house, which has been torn down. Samuel Armor's tomb is a large marble slab on a brick paral- lelogram. Capt. Art's tomb is quite a prominent one, built in the fashion of that time, all marble, the slab being Italian, and the sides panelled with Italian and blue marble, it cost $400. The inscription is simply " Captain James Art, died May 19, 1805." On his left is the head and foot stone of his wife, who survived him about twenty years. The inscription on her head stone is " Ann Marshall, wife of David Marshall, Esquire, died August 30th, 1825." A kw yards distant in the "Marshall row," stands the head and foot stone of Ann's second husband, with this inscription: "David Mar- shall, Estpiire, Sept. i2th, 1825." In the fall ofthe year 1825, both David and his wife were seized with the prevalent epidemic of that year, and died twelve days apart, the wife first, and his deep lamentations over her loss, for the few days he survived her, his friends thought accelerated his death. Thinking that perhaps Mrs. Marshall had derived the i)roperty that passed to my grandmother from Capt. James Art, and that his will would explain the matter, I obtained a copy of it, proved May 1 1 , 1 805 , but found that after leav- ing " a legacy of ;^5o cash to be paid by my executrix to James Art, my nephew, son of my brother William Art, to be propreated for the use of his school- ing," he devised all " the rest and re- mainder of his estate real and personal of what kind or nature soever the same may be in the township of Lower Chi- chester," iV-c, to his wife, without anv estate over to any other person. On ordering an examination ofthe records at Media, there was found a deed of Margaret Smith and Elizabeth Bills, on record dated April 8, 1828, convey- ing to Gideon Jacques their one undi- vided half interest in six lots or pieces of land, situated in Lower Chichester, " Being the same premises which Ann Marshall, wife of David Marshall, de- ceased, (formerly Ann Armor,) being lawfully seized in fee, died intestate, which descended to the said Mar- garet Smith and Elizabeth Bills and others as her heirs, they being entitled to one half of the same and of which this deed shows." Walter Marten devised to his daugh- ter Ann Marten, " my lots that are fenced in with posts and rails, with the building and orchard on it lying bounded on the one side with Bald- wins Lots and one the other side with Jerimiah Collets Lot fruntingthe River on one head and the other Bounded on the market place and the street at Chichester town, and four acres of wood Land to it next to John Bosse's wood Land, being part of my wood Land at the old Kings road, to be eighteen perch wide at each head, be- ing bounded between the old road and Jonas Sanderlins Land," to her and the heirs of her body, if any ; other- wise to daus. Elizabeth and Sarah. " I give to my daughter Elizabeth Marten the two Lots that frunt the market place at Chichester town, to her and her heirs and assigns forever. Bounded on one side with the Lote- with the house and orchard on it and Jerimiah's Lot and the other side with the Lot Late William Thomases andthebacke head with other of my Lots And ffour acres of wood Land to it next ajoin- ing to the Lot of woodland Late Wil- HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 105 liam Thomas to be Eighteen perches wide at both heads Lying between the road and Jonas Sanderlin's I^and as aforesaid. " " To my Daughter Sarah Marten the Great Lot at Chichester town * * * Bounded on one side with the backe head of John Bosses Lots and Jerimiah Collets Lots and on the other side with Market street and one head bounded one new Street and the other head Bounded on the back heads of the Lots that ffrunt the mar- ket place ; Likewise * * * two other Lots ffrunting the said new Street with one head and the other head bounded [by] Joseph Clouds Lots and bounded on one side with Grubs Lots and on the other side with the said market street : And two acres & a half of wood Land be it more or Less, being the remainder of what is Left when my Daughters Ann & Elizabethes is taken out it Lying between theirs, frunting the Road as afores** with one head & Jonas Sanderlins on the other head." "The messuage and planta- tation with the house, Barne and out- housing and all its Lnprouments and appurtenances whatsoever that I now live on in the township of Chichester being about one hundred and sixty acres of Land, be it more or less, I doe hearby order my said Executors and give them power to sell, ' ' &c. The lot on William Claiton's side of the street, adjoining to the market place, and two acres of woodland to it, to be sold and the money divided between Elizabeth and Sarah. The money for the plan- tation to be put at interest for use of son Stephen* during his life and then to be divided between his sisters or their heirs and the children of son * Stephen was non sane memoria, as stated in some records. Walter. Witnesses, Thomas Linvill, Willyam Chandalar. The will is signed distinctly " Wal- ter Marten." Mary Clayton, after the death of her husband, William Clayton, Jr., married in 1759, Thomas Evan, of Goshen. Her children by her first husband, were: Mary, b. 8 mo. 8, 1710, w. Nineveh Carter ; William, Ik 10 mo. 13, 1 713, VI. Mary Evans; Lydia, b. 4 mo. 4, 1 716, m. John Spruce and Abraham Carter ; Sarah, b. 4 mo. 10, 1719, m. John Phipps ; Moses, b. 10 mo. 25, 1722 ; Prudence, /'. 3 mo. 17, 1725, m. John Ford; Patience, ///. Henry Grubb ; David, m. Sarah . Nineveh and Abraham Carter were sons of Jeremiah and Mary, of Chester township. The David Marshall mentioned in the foregoing sketch must not be con- founded with David Marshall, of Mar- cus Hook, whose will is on record at Media, dated July 30, 1826, and proved Sept. 9, 1826, by the subscribing wit- nesses Benjamin F. Johnson and John Kerlin. His wife's name was Mar- garetta, and he mentions a married daughter Mary, but does not give her husband's name. He leaves his estate to his wife for life, after her death to be equally divided between his children, except Mary, whose portion he devises to his son Jesse, in trust for her sole and separate use during life, and after her death to be equally divided among her children. My mother's aunt, Mary Welsh, (originally Welch,) who lies buried in St. Martin's grsye-yzrd, Marcus Hook, used to have a large globular pincush- ion, around which was a metal band, having a chain attached, by which it was suspended from her waistband, it 106 UlSTORY i)¥ CHESTER. was her mother's before her marriage, and the hand had engraven on it her maiden name, "Ann Bond." The mother of Ann Bond (who married John Welch, of Philadelphia, my g. grandfather), was Elizabeth Cranston^ widow, of Chichester, (probably a daughter of Walter Martin, of Marcus Hook,) who in her will, dated Aug. i, 1 75 1, proven Sept. i, 1756, mentions her children, John Balden (Baldwin), James Bond, Ann Welch, Elizabeth i Armor, Mary Clark, William Cran- I ston, and Hannah Bankson. Exe- | cutors. Jacob Bankson and Richard Clark. Undoubtedly this was my g. g. grandmother. She married _^rs^, Joseph Baldwin, of Chester, tailor; 2d, Joseph liond, of Chichester ; 3d, a Cranston. Joseph Bond, of Chichester, died intestate, leaving a widow, Elizabeth, and six children, James, Ann, Eliza- beth, Mary, Hannah, and a son George who died young. The widow admin- istered by letters of Sept. 21, 1734. In the accounts which she filed, she charges for bringing up three children, from Sept. 6, 1734, to Feb. 6, 1736-7. It seems reasonable to suppose, that her husband died on the first of these dates. As she is the one who subse- quently married a Cranston, then the date of William Cranston's birth, as given hereafter (1734), is not cor- rect, as she was still Elizabeth Bond May 30, 1738; at which time she re- l)orted sale of real estate, to pay debts. Joseph Bond was a taxable inhabitant of Chichester, in 1722. In Deed Book E, p. 540, Chester County, on Dec. 4, 1735, J^h'"' Bald- win, of Philadelphia, joyner, son and only issue of Joseph Baldwin, late of the township and county of Chester, taylor, dec'd, and Elizabeth Bond, of Chichester, widow of Joseph Bond, and formerly wife of Joseph Baldwin, and mother of said John Baldwin, convey to Richard Barry, of Chester, 25 acres, which Thomas Baldwin, late of Chester, blacksmith, conveyed Nov. 20, 1708, to his son, Joseph, who built a messuage thereon, and died intestate. ;^3o paid to John, and 20 shillings to his mother. The statement hereinbefore made, that the estate of Mrs. Marshall de- scended to and vested in her relatives on the mother's side, because there were no descendants in the Armor line, is apparently erroneous; but not so in reality. The property descend- ed to Mrs. Marshall from her mother, . who inherited it from her mother, and for that reason, it descended, as a mat- ter of law, to her heirs on the mother's side, she having no brothers or sisters to inherit her property. I make this explanation because I believe there are descendants of other branches of the Armor family living in this State. Family tradition says, the Bond's of our family were Swedes, but I have some doubts on the subject ; they may have been English. In the list of Tydable persons in 1677, will be found the names of Andries Boen and Swen Boen. Record of Upland Court, '^. 79. In the list of Swedes, Acrelius, 190, are the names of Anders, Johan and Sven Bonde, and at p. 193, Anders Bonde and Peter Rambo, are men- tioned as still living, having been born in Sweden, and "have been here fifty-four years," showing that they came over in 1639. Mr. Clay says, Bonde has become Boon. Acrelius, p. 203, mentions "Bond's Island," and in a note says, "Bond's Island, so-called from the Bonde family, which was settled there." Bonde is Swed- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 107 ish, pronounced Boon-da, meaning a peasant or farm- laborer. This pro- nunciation accounts for the name be- coming Boone. Bond's Island is call- ed on the old maps Boon's Island, also Minquas Island ; it lies near the south- ern boundary of Philadelphia in King- sessing, surrounded by small streams, "being north-east of Bow creek, and formed by Kingsess and Boon's or Church cr. flowing into Bow cr. ;" so says Wescott, in his History of Phil- adelphia, Chaps. IV., XV., and xlvi. He also says, " Andries Swanson Boone seems to have owned it even before the days of Upland Court. An- dries Boon took up 200 acres from Upland Court, June 14, 168 1. In a list of Swedish families (1693), are the names of Anders Bonde and Sven Bonde, who were precisely the same persons called, sometimes, Boone." From the old maps, Boon's Island, appears to me to be surrounded by Bow cr.. Church cr., Minquas kill and Darby creek. In the will of Jame.j Bond, of Bal- timore, dated Aug. 22, 1808, proven Jan. 14, 1809, registered at Philadel- phia, 1843, Book 16, 326, he devises to his beloved wife, &c., except such parts as have been heretofore conveyed to his daughter, Maria Hatton, the fol- lowing tracts of land, that is to say : " Part oi James' first attempt, formerly Bond's Neck re-surveyed; partof ^/z- dreid' s neglect, and part o{ Limb rick." Although these designations seem odd at this day, they were not uncommon at the time the will was made. For instance, " Lanigan's Patch," and " Dingman's Choice," are somewhat famous pieces of land in the interior of the State; or to come home, " Am- mesland," in Delaware County, is a well-known tract. Bond's Neck was 15 probably in the vicinity of Bond's Island. I have a cojjy of a survey and plan of the town of Chichester, made by Isaac Taylor, Surveyor of Chester County, about 1701, on which the town lots are all laid down. On the east side of the market place are five lots ; beginning at the north, is Roger Jackson's lot, then the Proprietor's, then William Thomas' and two lots of Walter Martin ; on the west side are two lots laid out, one to Wm. Clayton, Jr., the other to Walter Mar- tin. It was on one of these latter lots that the residence of Ann Mar- shall (my grandmother's cousin,) stood, opposite the market-house, now torn down, all of which my mother dis- tinctly remembers, this lot Ann (Arm- or) Marshall inherited from her mo- ther, Elizabeth (Bond) Armor, who inherited them from her mother, Eli- zabeth (Martin) Bond, daughter of Walter and Jane (Bushal) Martin. On the plan referred to, eight dwelling houses are depicted on ffront Street, ■ facing the river ; to the east of Broad Street are the residences of Jer. Collett, J. Bond, Collett, and Boss; to the west, the residences of William Clayton, J. fiflower, a mill, a stable, and the farm houses of Richard Bezer and William Hughes, (properly Hewes. ) The whole lot, except the two lots of Wm. Clay- ton, Jr., and Walter Martin, (the latter on Discord Lane,)"west of Broad Street, north of Discord Lane for some dis- tance, is noted as the property of Wil- liam Clayton. On the east side of Broad Street north of Market Lane, are lots of Joseph Cloud, J. Clemson, Jackson, Howell, and Walter Martin. On the west side of New Street, from Discord Lane to Market Lane, the en- tire lot is marked " W. Martin," north 108 HISTORY OF CHESTER. of Market Lane a lot of Walter Martin ; the rest John Grubb ; east of New Street, south of Discord Lane is also John Gruhb's land ; north of the lane, John Humphrey's land. The following account of the Cran- ston family, formerly of Marcus Hook, is exceedingly interesting. It is stated that the original settler at Hook of this name came from Rhode Island, and was a son of (}ov. John Cran- ston of that Colony. It is well known that a son of Gov. Oanston failed in business and went South. In those da\s it was deemed a great disgrace to fail. And from the tenor of the will of Elizabeth Cranston, of Chi- chester, proven Sept. i, 1756, regis- tered at West Chester, she appears to have been his widow, as she mentions a son, William Cranston, from whom the family of Cranston, now of New- port, Delaware, are descended. Wil- liam is said to have been born in 1 734, and died in 181 1, aged 77 years. His father dying when -he was about 12 years of age. It is quite probable that he was born at a later period, perhaps in 1743, as Elizabeth Cranston was the widow Bond, May 30, 1 738. He (Wm. Cranston) married Mrs. Ann Ford, a widow, with three sons and one daugh- ter ; her maiden name was Johnson. She had two sisters, Rachel, married to Adam Prince, and Betty to a Lamp- high. Mrs. Ford's children by her first marriage, were, Benjamin Ford, who settled in New Jersey, Jacob and Wil- liam, in Philadelphia, and Elizabeth, ;//. 1st, Robert Fergueson, 2d, John Keys, of Chester. Mrs. Ford's bro- ther, Humphrey Johnson, has descen- dants who reside in Chester, or its vicinity. The Fords were ship-carpen- ters. William and Ann Ford Cranston's children were, Benjamin, died aged 21 years; Simon, Ann and Hannah. W^illiam Cranston was a ship-carpen- ter, at Hook, and served his appren- ticeship there with Simon Sherlock, after whom he named one of his sons, who afterwards, in early life, became a ship-carpenter, at Hook ; but later removed to Stanton, Del., where he married Mary Marshall, dau. of Wil- liam and Mary (Tatnall), formerly of Concord, who had settled near Stan- ton and purchased a mill property there. Mrs. Marshall's parents, the Tatnall's, lived on the Brandywine. She was born 8 mo, 4, 1775. The Marshalls were Quakers. Simon Cranston, was born 11 mo. 10, 1768, died I mo. 10, 1856. The following is extracted from a Wilming- ton paper. '^ Ati Old Citizen Gone. — Simon Cranston, died at his residence near Stanton, last month, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-eight years. He was a native of Delaware County, Pa., and his parents resided near Marcus Hook, which place was fired on by the British fleet, and he with others gathered up the bullets which had fallen on the ground, or been driven into the trees. In coming into Delaware, he located near Stanton, improved his farm, reared a large family, accumu- lated wealth, enjoyed in a large de- gree the respect and esteem of his neighbors, and has gone down to the grave full of years." The children of Simon and Mary Cranston were, William, I). 7 mo. 16, 1797, jn. Mary Johnson; Joseph, b. 8 mo. 25, 1799, '''• Hannah Kelly; Mary Ann, w. Samuel P. Johnson ; Eliza, />. 8 mo. 27, 1805, m. Alexan- der Armstrong; James, b. 9 mo. 29, 1807, in. Jan. 28, 1836, Eleanor Arm- i strong, dau. of John and Elizabeth, /^ HISTORY OF CHESTER. 109 Feb. 28, 1814; Samuel, b. 10 mo. 7, 1809; Sarah, b. 11 mo. 9, 1811, ;//. Ellis P. Wilkinson ; Benjamin, b. 8 ■mo. 23, 1814, m. Hannah Wilkinson. James and Eleanor (Armstrong) Cranston, had issue, Mary Elizabeth, b. June 2, 1837, ///. Robert C. Justis ; Ella Frances, b. Aug. 28, 1839 ; John A. b. Jan. i, 1843, ^'^- Martha Church- man ; Samuel Marshall, b. July 7, 1846, m. Ellen F. Lyman ; and Edwin James, b. Oct. 4, 1847; and Sarah El- kn and Ida Paulina, who died young, unmarried. The Armstrongs came from Ireland, and were purchasers from Penn of land in Christiana Hun- dred, Del., on which their descendants still reside. The incidents connected with the attack of the British fleet on Marcus Hook, as related by Simon Cranston, are worthy of preservation. He was quite young, but the events made a powerful impression upon him. He says: — "The fleet lay opposite the town, and the Continental' Light-horse Cavalry were stationed back of the village. My parents' dwelling lay between the two forces. The fleet fired on the troops, and the British sent a boat ashore, and an oflficer told my mother to take her children into the cellar; in her fright she took them outside of the house and down into the cellar in that way exposed to the flying balls." William Cranston finding his family so much exposed at Marcus Hook, thought to seek safety by flight ; so after burying all his val- uables, he removed to Chadd's Ford, where he soon found himself and fam- ily surrounded by the opposing British and American armies, and Simon had the great honor, one night, of sharing his bed with Washington. When the British were in their neighborhood, they came and offered money for com- forts : but of course the Americans dare not take any money, so the British helped themselves and threw down the money. They were not so particular after the battle of Brandywine. In the Providence Gazette of Oct. 3, 1813, will be found a Genealogical sketch of the families of Cranston, Craw- ford, &c. , prepared by the Hon. T. Fos- ter, which is very curious. I insert here a certificate of the Lyon King of Arms of Scotland, as to the " Predecessors of the Cranstons," viz: "To all and sundry persons whom these presents do or may concern : I, sir Alexander Areskine of Cambo, Knight and Baronet, Lyon Kingof Arms of that part of Great Britian called Scotland and Isles and Dependencies thereof, Sendeth Greetings : — Whereas I have taken to my consideration the applica- tion made to me as Lyon King of Arms aforesaid, in name and behalf of Sam- uel Cranston, sometime Governor of Rhode Island on the coast of New Eng- land, son to the deceased John Cran- ston, sometime Governor of said Island, of Scottish extract for an authentic Di- ploma or Certificate of his genealogy and descent ; of the Coat of Arms pro- per for him ; and having made all in- quiry into said matter,do therefore here- by certify and declare, that the said John Cranston was lawful son of James Cranston Master of Arts and one of the Chaplains of his late Sacred Majesty King Charles 1st, of ever blessed memo- ry, which James Cranston was lawful son to John Cranston of Bool, and Chris- tian his wife, daughter to Sir Robert Stewart, predecessor to the Earl of Fra- quair, which John was a younger son of James Cranston, brother to John, Lord Cranston and Elizabeth his wife, daughter to Francis Stewart, Earl of 110 HISTORY OF CHESTER. BothwcU, and wliicli James Cranston was son to William, Lord Cranston and Helen his wife, daughter of Lindsay, predecessor to the Earl of Crawford. And the Ensign Armorial of the said Samuel Cranston are matriculated and recorded in the Registers of my office, and thus blazoned, viz : — Gules, three Cranes, argent, with a bordure embat- tled of the second, above the Shield and Helmet befitting his degree, with man- tle gules doubling, argent, and on a wreath of his colors is set for his Crest, a crane, passant. Motto — D//m Vigilo Curo, which Coat above blazoned I ratify, assign and confirm to the said Samuel Cranston and his heirs in time coming, as their proper Coat of Arms and Bearing. In testimony whereof, I have sub- scribed these presents with my hand, and have caused to be appended my Seal of Office hereto, at Edinburgh the 29th day of June, 1724. Alex.-vnder Areskine, Lyon." See Heraldic Journal, 3 vol. pp. 59, 60-1, for a copy of the memorial stone of Gov. John Cranston of Rhode Island, with some remarks as to his ancestry. Westcott in his history of Philadel- phia, chap. 416, says: — " Adolph Ulrick Wertmuller, a native of Sweden , after having i)ainted in Europe, came to America, at the age of forty-four years, in the year 1794, and settled at l'hiladeli)hia. He brought with him someof hisi)aintings, which were great- ly admired. President Washington sat to him. He re-copied, it is said, for James Hamilton, the portraits of the Hamilton family, and then Hamilton destroyed the originals. Wertmuller went back to Europe in 1796, where he lost money by the failure of a great house in Stockholm. He came l)ack to Philadelphia in uSoo, and brought with him his celebrated i)icture of Dance, which, being a nude figure, was exhibited only to such as might apply to view it ; and from the exhibitions Wertmuller received a handsome in- come. He remained in Philadelphia Some years, married a lady of Swedish descent, who brought him considerable property, and finally removed to Mar- cus Hook, Delaware County, where he lived until his death, in 1812. His pictures were sold at auction shortly after his death and brought good prices. For a copy of his Danae five hundred dollars were paid." In an article in the U. S. Gazette, Nov. 7, 1817, it is said : — '' A^ Marcus Hook, is the place memorable as the encampment of our Martial youth dur- ing the threatened attack of the enemy on Philadeli:)hia, a party was formed to pay it a visit. The camp was laid out about eighty perches from the Main road, on an elevated spot, but now af- fords nothing worth describing. We stopt awhile at the public house ' Spread Eagle,'' printed on the sign, but there was no appearance of the bird, he had probably been frightened away by the military preparations in the neighl)or- hood. Marcus Hook was anciently called Chichester, but the name was changed by Wm. Penn at the recpiest of the inhabitants. Why it received its present name I found no one who could inform me. The place has three taverns, a market house, and an E])is- copal church and two or three stores, but does not seem to be flourishing." NoTK. — The name of the present Rector of St. Martin's Church, is the Rev. GusTAVus Ci.ACOETT Bird, and not I-evi Bird, as giyen in the list on page 96. XII. In 1699, William Penn and his family left England for America, in- IIISTOKY OF CHESTER. Ill tending to take up his permanent resi- dence in his Province. He arrived in the Delaware in November, and landed at Chester, where he passed the night at the residence of Lydia Wade, the widow of Robert, meeting there Thom- as Story, who had just returned from Virginia. Before going on board of his vessel in the morning, he visited the town, crossing to the east side of the creek in a boat. As he landed, some of the young men of the town, who, in defiance of the orders of the town authorities, had procured two small cannon, commenced to fire a salute in honor of the visit of the Proprietary. One of them, B. Bevan, was severely wounded by a premature discharge of one of the pieces, having inserted the cartridge before it had been sponged out after the previous discharge. His left arm was so badly injured, that it had to be amputated, and he died in the following April. The Proprietor's cash-book shows, that he paid all the expenses of attending, nursing and burying the unfortunate youth. William Penn, was a tall slender man, remarkably graceful, and not at all like what Benjamin West represents him in his picture. He dressed in the costume of a gentleman of his period, and did not wear the style of dress in which West and others have repre- sented him, that being the dress of a century later. It was during this visit of the Pro- prietary to America, that he granted the following Charter to the Borough of Chester. " Preamble. — William Penn, true and abso- lute Proprietary and Governor in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania & Territories there- unto belonging. To All to whom these pre- ents shall come sends Greeting. Whereas, in my first Regulation and Division of the ('(•unties of this Province, I thought tit to order, That the Townsted or Village there having the name of Upland, should be called Chester, which I thereupon constituted the Shire-town of the County of Chester, and or- dered and appointed all my Courts of Judica- ture for the affairs of that County to be there held and kept, and the County Gaol or Prison to be and remain there forever. And Where- as, about the same time, or soon after, for the Encouragement of the said Town, I was pleas- ed to grant unto my ancient friend, yohn Sim- cock, in behalf of himself and others the In- habitants of the said Place, the Privilege of a Market, to be there weekly held and kept. After which the said Inhabitants, upon their special Instance, did also obtain from my late Lieutenant Governor and Council a Grant for two Fairs to be held in said Town yearly. All which the inhabitants of said Town, and of the adjacent Parts of said County of Chester, having humbly besought me to confirm unto them, together with such additional Privileges & Franchises as I may think fit or requisite for the better Encouragement of the Settlers & Regulation of trade therein. Now Know YE, that I favoring the just and reasonable Request of said Inhabitants, have of my own free Will erected, and do by these Presents for me, my Heirs & Successors, erect the said Town into a Burrough, which Town & Bur- rough shall extend from the River Delaware two miles backwards into the woods ; and shall be bounded Eastward by the West side of Ridley creek, and Westward by the East side of Chester creek, to the said extent of two miles backward from the River, and shall ever hereafter be called Chester. And I further will, that the Streets, Landing & Market place in said Town shall forever hereafter be, con- tinue and remain, as they are already, and have lately been laid out and modelled & ap- proved by me and my Council, then sitting at New Castle. "And I do hereby name and constitute Jasper Yeates, Ralph Fishbourn, Paul Saun- ders and Robert Barber, to be the present Burgesses, and James Lownes, High Consta- ble of the said Burrough, who shall continue until the loth day of the 1st month next, on which Day, as also on the same Day in the same month yearly afterwards forever, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Freeholders and Housekeepers of said Town and Burrough puhlickly to meet in some convenient Place, 112 HISTORY OF CHESTER. within the said Town, to be by them appoint- ed for that Purpose, and then and there nom- inate, elect and choose by the Ballot of the Inhabitants of the said Town, fit and able men to be Burgesses, and High Constable, with such other officers, as by the Burgesses and Freeman shall be judged needful for assisting and serving the Burgesses in manag- ing the Affairs of the said Burrough, and keep- ing of the Peace therein from time to time. And the Burgess first chosen in said Elec- tions, shall be called Chief Burgess of the said Town. " And I will and ordain, That all the said Burgesses for the time being shall be, and are hereby empowered and authorized to be Con- servators of the Peace within the said Bur- rough, and shall have Power by themselves and upon their own view, without any law proceeding, to remove all Nuisances and En- croachments out of said streets as they shall sec occasion. With power also to arrest, im- prison and punish Rioters and Breakers of the Peace, and to bind them and all other Offen- ders and Persons of evil fame to the Peace or good Behavior, as fully and effectually as any of the Justices of the Peace of the said County can do, and return or bring the Recogniz- ances by them to be taken to the Court of Quarter Sessions for the said County. And that tlie said Chief Burgess from time to time, shall by virtue of these Presents, without any further or other Commission, be one of the Justices of the Peace, and one of the Justices of the County Court and Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery in and for the said County of Chester. And shall have full Power and Authority with the rest of the said County-Justices, or a Quorum of them, or l)y liimself, where the Laws of this Province, &c., directs one Justice to award Process, and to hold pleas cognizable by and before the Justices of the said County of Chester, from time to time. " And I do hereby grant and appoint, that the Sheriff and Clerk of the Courts of the said County of Chester for the time being, if not residents in said Burrough, shall appoint and constitute sufficient Deputies, who shall from time to lime reside or constantly attend in said Town of Chester, to perform the duties of their respective offices. But before any of said Burgcs.^es, Constal)les or oilier officers, shall take U| on llicm the Execution of their resjiec- tive offices, they shall subscribe to the Decla- ration and Profession of their Christian Belief according to the late Act of Parliament made in the first year of the Reign of King Wil- liam, and the late Queen Mary, entitled ' An Act for exempting their Majesties Protestant Subjects dissenting from the Church of Eng- land, from Penalties of certain Eaws.' And they that are to be newly elected for Burges- ses, Constables and other officers, from time to time, shall be Attested for due Execution of their respective offices, and shall subscribe the said Declaration and Profession of Belief be- fore the old Burgesses, or such of them as go off and are not again Chosen in the new Elec- tions. But in case the old Burgesses are all chosen by the new Elections, then they shall have power, and they are hereby empowered and qualified to act upon their former Attests and Qualifications. And I do further grant and ordain, that the High Constable of the said Burrough for the Time being shall be Clerk of the Market, who shall and may have Assize of Bread, Wine, Beer, Wood and other things; and to execute and perform all things belonging to the office of Clerk of the Market within the said Town & Burrough of Chester. "And I do for me, my Heirs & Assigns, grant unto the said Burgesses & their Succes- sors, That if any of the Inhabitants of the said Town and Burrough shall be hereafter elected to the office of Burgess or Con.stable as afore- said, and having notice of his or their Election, shall refuse to undertake and execute that office to which he is so chosen, it shall ])e lawful for the Burgess or Burgesses then act- ing, to impose moderate Fines upon the Re- fusers, so as the Burgess's Fine exceed not Ten Pounds, and the Constable's Fine Five Pou7ids ; to be levied by Distress and Sale, by Warrant under the Hand & Seal of one or more of the Burgesses, or by other lawful ways, to the Use of the said Town. And in such cases it shall be lawful for the said Inhabitants forthwith to choose others to supply the Defects of such Refusers. And it shall and may be lawful for the said Burgesses and Constable for the Time being, to summon and assemble Town-meetings from time to time as often as they shall find Occasion. At which Meeting they may make such Ordinances and Rules (not repugnant or inconsistent with the Inws of this Province), as to the greater part of the Town-meeting shall seem necessary and conve- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 113 nient for the good Government of the said Town. And the same Rules & Ordinances to put in Execution, and the same to revoke, alter and make anew, as occasion shall require. And also to impose such Mulcts and Amerciaments upon Breakers of said Ordinances as to the Makers thereof shall be thought reasonable; to be levied as above directed in cases of Fines, to the use of the Town, without rendering any account thereof to me, my Heirs or Assigns, with Power also to said Meetings to mitigate or release the said Fines and Mulcts upon the submission of the parties. "And I do further grant to the said Bur- gesses and inhabitants of the aforesaid Town and Burrough of Chester, that they and their successors shall and may forever hereafte'r hold and keep within the said town in every week of the year, one Market in the fifth day of the week, called Thursday: And also two Fairs therein every year, the first of them to begin the fifth day of the third month called May, and to continue that day and two days after ; and the other said Fair "to begin the fifth day of October, and to continue to the seventh day of the same month, in such place and places in said town as the Burgesses shall from time to time order and appoint. " And I do further grant, that neither I -nor my Heirs or Assigns shall or will seize any of the Liberties or Franchises hereby granted, nor take any Advantage against said Burrough for non-using or waiving the present Execution of any of the Powers or Privileges hereby granted. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and caused my Great Seal to l)e affixed. Dated the one and thirtieth Day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and one, 1 701. William Penn." Recorded in Patent Book, vol. ii., p. 138. Chester was incorporated as a Bo- rough by Act of Assembly of March 5, 1795. See Law Book No. 5, p. 387. And for all acts relative thereto, see BeiteV s Digest of Corporations, under the head of Boroughs. By act of Assembly of Feb. 14, 1866, Chester was incorporated as a City. ':^eQ Pamphlet Latas of 1S66, p. 30, «S:c. Under that Act, Abraham Blakeley, William Hinkson, John O. Deshong, George Baker, William Frick, Crosby P. Morton, Joshua P. Eyre, John H. Barton, Abraham R. Perkins, Fre- derick Fairlamb, Samuel Ulrick and William B. Reaney, were named Com- missioners for certain purposes enu- merated therein, and the citizens were authorized to elect a Common Coun- cil of fifteen person. In regard to the mooted question, whether there ever was a Swedish church erected at Upland ? I think I may safely say, in view of all the evi- dence on the subject, that there never was such a structure built at that place. Had there ever been one, the Rev. J. C. Clay, D. D., would have naturally referred to it in his "Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware." And it would have been mentioned in the conveyance of the Church lands at Chester to David Lloyd, in 1693, by the Church Wardens of the Swedish congregation at Wiccacoe, for in all old deeds of that time, all the improve- ments are carefully set forth; in veri- fication thereof, I need only refer to the conveyance of Hans Jurianson Kien to his brother Jonas Jur. Kien, on the 2 2d of March, 1698, herein- before fully set out. But what settles the question in my mind, is the order made at a special Court, held by the Governor at New Castle, in 1675, " That the church at Tinicum Island do continue as heretofore ; that it serve for Uplands and parts adjacent." Hazard's Annals, p. 417. There was therefore no church edifice at Upland in 1675. It may be observ- ed, that the Swedish Church is Epis- copal in its order of Christian minis- try, and holds to a liturgical service. We know that there was a Swedish 114 HISTORY OF CHESTER. minister at Lapland, tlic Rc\-. Laurence Lock, /. e., Laurentius Carolus, who came over to America in the time of the Swedish Governor, Lieut. Col. Printz, and officiated in the Swedish churches at Tinicum and Christina. He died in 1668, after having served as min- ister and schoohiiaster for 26 years, in the settlements on the Delaware. There was no necessity for a church at Upland. The number of its in- habitants would not have justified the erection of one ; for the number of taxables in 1677, was only seventeen, and but seven of them were Swedes ; besides this the Swedes were eminently a maritime people, who preferred tra- velling by water to any other mode. The church at Tinicum, was only a short sail or row from Upland, especi- ally when the wind or tide was favor- able. It is quite probable, that the Rev. Mr. Lock held occasional reli- gious services at Upland in private houses, or in the " House of Defence," just as the Friends did before they erected their meeting-house in 1693. I am aware, that the Duke' s Laws concerning the public worship of God were in force here in 1677, which di- rected a church should be built in in each parish, of a size to accommo- date 200 persons ; but evidently Up- land was not a parish separate from Tinicum. The block-houses which the Swedes erected for refuge and defence, were often used as places in which to hold religious services. So that as long as the "House of Defence" remained, there was no use of erecting a church at Upland. Clay, in speaking of the original church at Wicaco, says, at page 57, in a note: "This church was originally a l)l()ck-house. It is not known when it was ])uilt ; but it was first used as a place of worship in 1677. It had loop-holes, and occu- pied the site of the present church." He gives a picture of the rude struc- ture, or block-house. No doubt the " House of Defence" at Upland, was a "fort," of a like character and ap- ])earance ; as the representations of nearly all like erections of defence built about the same period, bear a strong resemblance to each other, as if they were constructed from the same model. Lewis, in his History of Chester County, says: "The Swedes had a church upon Tinicum Island, to which they came in canoes from New Castle, and other places along the Delaware, both above and below the island. They then went from place to place, principally by water. There was a store at Darby, which they often visit- ed, and always in their^anoes; though the distance by water was twice that by land." In Dr. Perry's Collections, vol. ii., (Pennsylvania,) p. 503, he states : " At New Castle the church is built on a plot of ground where formerly was a fort." I quote this as further evidence that the Swedish forts or block-houses, were used for churches and other pub- lic purposes, more especially after they became useless as a means of defence against the savages and other foes. There is no record in existence, that we know of, which shows where the first Episcopal congregation assembled in the town of Chester. Nor can the precise date be determined, conclu- sively, when the erection of the old church of St. Paul's was commenced, but it was finished in July, 1 702. The church records do not go back of the 14th of April, 1 704. The Rev. Richard I). Hall, when pastor of the church, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 115 wrote a sketch of its history, and fixes the probable date of its erection ' ' about the year 1650 or '60, and that the Swedes were probably the first found- ers." I am sorry to say of my old pastor, that his statement shows a want of proper research, concerning the matter about which he was writ- ing. We know that there was no church edifice in Upland in 1675, from the order of the Governor, Sir Edmund Andross, read at the Court at New Castle, on the 23rd day of May, 1675. However, Mr. Hall evinces, very properly, some doubt upon the subject of his early dates, and says, "The Swedes may have erected a church in 1682." This latter guess no doubt grew out of the old Chester tradition, that "James Sandilands, who died in 1692, gave the lot to the congregation to erect the old church on, and that he was one of the original founders." But this is also an error. Yet there are good grounds for the story ; for it was his son James, to whom the church is so much indebted for his liberality, as has been heretofore stated, and will be hereinafter shown. Dr. Smith says, pp. 202, 208 and Ap- pendix F., writing of the year 1701 : " Evidence of the existence of Episco- pal organizations within the limits of our county, now begin to dawn upon us. In the History of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, we are told that ' The Swedes and Dutch who settled in this Province (Pennsylvania) had some Ministers among them ; but the English had none till the year 1 700, when the Rev. Mr. Evans was sent over to Philadelphia, by Bishop Crompton.' After describ- ing the labors and success of Mr. Evans, the author goes on to say: 'A hearty love and zeal for religion spread so wide, that there arose soon several congregations in other parts of the country. Mr. Evans was forced to di- vide his labors among them, as often as he conveniently could, till they might be formed into proper Districts, and the Ministers sent over to them. He went frequently to Chester, Chichester and Concord, to Montgomery and Radnor, each about 20 miles distant from Philadelphia, and to Maidenhead in New Jersey, 40 miles distant. This traveling was both fatiguing and ex- pensive, yet he frequently visited those places, being determined by all means, to lose none of those he had gained.' There is no notice of a Church edifice existing at either of the places named, except Philadelphia." In 1704 the Society received a let- ter from the vestry at Chester in Penn- sylvania, full of religious sentiment, "that they did bless God who had put it into the hearts of so many charitable persons, to engage in the great work of promoting the salvation of such as were so widely removed from all con- venience of Divine worship as they were, till the Christian charity of the Society, not only procured a Minis- ter for them, but also supported him. This truly was absolutely necessary, for though in some parts of that province, and particularly in and about Philadel- phia, abundance of souls were daily added to the church, yet the number of this parish being small, and the charge of building their church, then not quite finished, together with the great scarci- ty of money among them since the war with Spain, had quite disenabled them from taking that weight from the Soci- ety, which otherwise they would have willingly done. They never before had grounds to hope the Gospel would be 116 HISTORY OF CHESTER. projiagatcd in these al)ove all other foreign jjarts, till they found themselves the subjects of the Society's care." ' ' The people of Chester county show- ed very early zeal to have the Church of England worship settled among them. This county is so called because most of the first inhabitants of it came from Cheshire in England. Chester the chief town of the county is finely situate on the river Delaware, at that place three miles over; the Road forshipi)ing here is very commodious and safe, and is so large that a Royal Navy might ride there. The people here were stirred up by Mr. Evans' preaching, to engage in build- ing a church. They erected a very good Brick Fabric, one of the neatest on the continent, and completed it in July, 1702, at the sole expense of the private subscriptions of the church members ; it was opened on St. Paul's day, and therefore called St. Paul's, and Mr. George Keith preached the first sermon in it. The Society ap- pointed Rev. Mr. Nichols Missionary in 1703. He acquainted the Society in 1 704, that he found the people very well inclined to the Church of England, and recommended them earnestly to the Society's care on account of their good disposition, tho' they had not any fixed minister till now. The people made a subscription of jQdo a year'tow- ards Mr. Nichols' support, and became very regular and constant at divine wor- ship. Mr. Nichols said he did not want for a considerable congregation on his first arrival, notwithstanding his being seated in the midst of Quakers, and ascribes this advantage to the in- dustrious preaching of the Society of Itinerant Missionaries, the Rev. Mr. Keith and Mr. Talbot, who had pre- pared the people very much by their labors. Mr. Jasper Yates and Mr. James Sandilands (the younger) two worthy gentlemen of this place, deserve particular mention here. They were the principal promoters of the building of this church. Mr. Thomas Powell also gave a valuable piece of ground for a Minister's garden (the lot on which the new church now stands) the par- ishioners contributing the rest ; and as .soon as the outside was completed, the inside was beautified mostly at the ex- pense of those who frequented it, and adorned with decent furniture, a hand- some Pulpit and Pews." — See Humph- ries Historical Account of the Incor- porated Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the year 1728 — London, 1730, pp. 151, 152 and 154. Mr. Nichols continued in charge of St. Paul's till 1708, when he removed to Maryland. The Rev. George Ross, from New^ Castle, succeeded him, " in July, 1708, by y^ Bishop of London's leave, and about two years later he went for England, and having his de- sire returned to Chester in Septem- ber, 1 71 1," and remained in charge of Chester, Marcus Hook and Concord churches until 1714, when the Rev. John Humphreys, another of the Soci- ety's missionaries, was placed in charge of the Chester church. At this time the congregation numbered about one hundred and fifty. The following extracts are taken from the Journal of the Travels of the Rev. George Keith, A. M., London, 1706. — " Sunday, Jan. 24, 1702 (1703 N. S.), I preached at Philadelphia, on Mat- thew, V. 17, both in the forenoon and afternoon, Mr. Evans; the minister, having that day been at Chester, in Pennsylvania, to accompany Mr. Tal- bot who was to preach the first ser- mon in the church after it was built." HISTORY OF CHESTER. 117 — p. 59. " Feb. 7, Sunday, I preached at Chester, in Pennsylvania, in the new church, on Matthew xvi. 18. Aug. 2, I came to Vpland, alias Chester, by Delaware river, Mr. Talbot having gone before me to preach there, Aug. i. — Aug. 3, I preached in the church at Chester, a second sermon, on Titus ii. II, 12, 13, 14, and had a considerable auditory. We were kindly entertain- ed at the house of Jasper Yeates, there. ' ' — P- 73. "Sunday, April 9, 1704, I preached at Chester on John iv. 24, being my last sermon there." — p. 80. Mr. Keith enumerates five Church of England congregations in Pennsyl- vania and Delaware " who are supplied with Ministers and have convenient churches. ' ' St. Paul's is the only one so circumstanced in Chester county. Mr. Keith had formerly been a preach- er in the Society of Friends, and after having created a division in that soci- ety was disowned as a member. There- upon he went back to England, became an Episcopalian, took orders in that church, and returned to America as a Missionary in the society for the propa- gation of the Gospel in foreign parts. The Rev. John Talbot preached the first sermon in St. Paul's church' in Chester, and not Mr. George Keith, as before stated by Humphries. See Papers relating to the History of the Church in Pennsylvafiia, 1680 to 1778, pp. 502, 511, edited by Wm. Stevens Perry, D. D. In the same work, p. 78, &c., there is an account of the building of the church at Chester, enclosed in Mr. Ross' letter of June 21, 1 714, to the Society for Propa- gating the Gospel, in which the same error occurs. This account states : — "This Church being 49 foot in length & 26 in lireadth, was founded l)y divineprovidencein July, 1 702 ; & on St. Paul's day after was open- ed with the usual sollemnity of a Sermon w<^^ was preached by ye Rev'd Mr. George Keith, then Missionary from the Hon'ble Society, for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. " The ground on which this small but com- pact fabrick of brick is built was foi-merly a burying place belonging to a Colony of Swedes, the first Inhabitants of this Province from Eu- rope, which Colony had likewise a Church [referring to the House of Defence, without doubt] endowed with a valuable Glebe not far from this place of burial, but of this building there remains no sign at this day : and y* Glebe land was irreligiously sold by some Swedes under y« name of Churchwardens to a powerful Quaker [David Lloyd], who now plows and sows it & disposes of it at his pleasure, but 'tis hoped his precarious title will be one day or other inquired into & the Church restored to her just right again. " In this Swedish Dormitory, James Sande- lands of Chester, (or as it was first called, Up- lands,) merchant, a man of good reputation in the country was on account of affinity interr- ed to keep up the memory of this founder of a growing family; 'twas agreed on amongst his relations that his grave, as also that of kindred and family who were or might be buried there should be distinguished & set apart from the rest of the burying ground by "an enclosure or wall of stone. This design was no sooner formed & noised abroad, but 'twas happily suggested by a projecting fellow in Town, that if it seemed good to Mr. Sandeland's re- lations, the intended stone -wall about the place of his interment might be with somewhat more charges, carried up & formed into a small Chapel or Church. " This new motion was well liked of by y® s* relations & encouraged by every body in the neighborhood that wished well to the Church of England & longed to see its primi- tive worship set up amongst them, but they who put life into this proposal & prosperously brought it to pass were Jasper Yeates, Mer- chant of Chester, and James Sandelands, son to the above named M"^ Sandelands, the latter of which two Gentlemen, besides other gifts gave some land to enlarge the Church yard, but the former, to wit, M*" Yeates, a zealous assertor of our Constitution in Church and State, must be allowed to have been the main pro- moter of the founding of St. Paul's upon Del- aware. It would be too long particularly to 118 HISTORY OF CHESTER. relate the several benefactors who contributed towards the building of the s^ Church . Those of its Parishionei-s who were chief helpers to carry on the work were Jeremy Collett, Jno. Ilannum, Menry Pierce, Ralph Pile & Thos. Barnsly, but especially Thos. Powell, y* princi- pal supporter of the Ministry here, for y« fur- ther encourajjing of which in the place, he has of late given a valuable piece of ground for a Minister's house, garden and other conveni- ences too long to be inserted in this paper. There is yet one generous Patron and bene^ factor to y« whole infant Church in North America, 'twere a crime to forget or conceal ; we mean The Hon''''' Col' Fran. Nicholson, Esq'', whose liberality to this & other churches on this main deserves y" highest encomium. We may safely say no man parted more freely w"" his money to promote the Interest of the Church in these parts, nor contributed so uni' versally towards y" erection of Christian .Syn- agogues in different and distant plantations of America. " The Church of Chester, one of the neatest on this Continent, being thus founded and builded ; y« inside work of it was soon after compleated & beautified mostly at the charges of those who frequented it as their place of worship, and now it wants no decent or pro- per furniture (lior has it done for some years) to grace and adorn it. A handsome pulpit w"> a communion table, well rail'd in & set out w**" a rich cloth & a neat chalice (besides that which was given by H" Jeffrey Jeffryes,) both bestowed on this church by our most gracious Queen, are y« garnishing of its east end w'='> by no means are diminished or ob- scured by yo well contrived pews w"'' take up its west end and both sides of its spacious chancel. The Rev. M^ Henry Nicholls, a a man of good parts was the first Missionary that by particular appointment of ye Hon''"' Society officiated in this Church. He served here above four years; having entered upon the charge in February, 1703-4, & upon his move to Maryland with, as we are told, y* Bp of London's leave, ye Rev<> M'' George Ross, then Missionary at New Castle, not having his health at that place, settled here in July, 1 70S, and about 2 years after to jnocure the Society's approliation of his move, he went for England & having hi& desire he returned to Chester in September, 171 1, where lie still continues to serve the Church to the general satisfaction of his parishioners. " Thus you have a brief account of the found- ing, building and finishing of St. Paul's Church, at Chester, in Pennsylvania, & how the same has been supplied with Missionaries by that noble body for propagating the faith ; which account or history as it contains nothing but what most of us know to be true from our own experience ; so we hope our honorable Patrons, the Society will receive, as a faithful relation of the building of our Church; & as such transmit to posterity, that they may know the certainty of those things which God hath wrought for us in these remote parts of the world & bless his holy name for the same. Given, according to the 'Society's order, under our hands, at Chester, the 25th day of Jnne, in the 13th year of our Sov- ereign Lady, Anne, Queen of Great Bri- tain, &c., Annoque Domini, 1714." Ill reference to the Glebe, /. e., the Green, in Perrf s Papers, p. 23, it is said: "This land was given to the Swedes Church by Armgardt Pappe- gaya, daughter of Gov. Printz, the first Swedish Governor, for their use." — See the Address of Minister & Vestry of Church at Chester to the Society. The Rev. John Humphrey's in a let- ter to the Society from *' Chichester, alias Marcus Hook, near Chester, Oct. 24, 1 7 18," says he could not get a house in Chester to live in, and had to buy a plantation of 100 acres, " about 3 miles distant from Chester ; the Church people did attempt to build a Parsonage house there, but were not able to ac- complish it, & it remains as it has been these 3 years, just about 4 feet above ground as a reproach to them, and an infamous mark of their Poverty. I have undertaken to pay ;;^i5o, this coun- try's money for it." It would be in- teresting to know whether he refers to the Powell gift ; if not, where it was situated. I ^jresume it is the lot upon HISTORY OF CHESTER. 119 which the present edifice of St. Paul's is erected. There is an address from St. Paul's Church, at p. 28, of Dr. Perry's Pa- pers, signed " Jasper Yeates & oth- ers," and at pp, 53, 54, 58 & 59, Peti- tions signed " Jasper Yeates and oth- ers," but very unfortunately the names of the others are not given ; a very cul- pable omission in an historical work. The inhabitants of Chichester and Chester, on April 5, 1727, addressed the Society, (ib. p. 152,) asking for a Minister to supply Mr. Humphreys' place ; he appears not to have been a favorite. The letter is signed by Ralph Pile and Philip Ottey, only. At p. 219, same work, there is a Peti- tion of the congregation of St. Paul's to the Society, desiring the appoint- ment of Charles Fortescue, as a School- teacher, in the place of Mr. Houston, who had gone to Maryland — signed by James Walker, Charles Conner, Alex"" Hunter, Jno. Walker, Joseph Richards, Edward Richards, Chas. Illcore, Will" Turner, Sam' Webster, William Black and others. The Rev. Tho^ Thompson, Mission- ary at Chester, writing April 23, 1752, says, "I found no Church Wardens or Vestry, no house for the Minister to live in, nay, not a fit house to hire." In Anderson's History of the Church of England, in the Colonies, (1856,) 3 vol. pp. 258, '59, & '60, there is a short history of the Rev. Messrs. Evans, Nichols, Ross and Humphreys' mis- sions and services, of no particular in- terest except that it states, that Mr. Evans induced the people of Chester to build a church in 1703, and that Mr. Nichols was a successful mission- ary at Chester for five years, neither of which statements are precisely cor- rect. The account is rose-colored in regard to the successes of the Mission- aries at Chester, Concord, and Chiches- ter, but it paints in doleful colors the fatigue of the long and distant journeys made by each missionary once a month to Marcus-Hook or Concord to preach. The letters of Rev. Mr. Backhouse, and other Missionaries, complain of the smallness of the congregation, (at Chester,) the want of a Parsonage, the insolence of the Quakers and other sects, the extreme poverty and igno- rance of the people, the long journeys they have to make, the small salaries they receive, &c. It is not pleasant reading for many reasons which I will not give. Humphries in his account, states, that the Rev. John Humphreys was very acceptable to the people of Ches- ter, &c. His letters in Perry' s Papers denote the contrary very emphatically. See pp. 117, 152 and 217. The Rev. Mr. Backhouse, in a let- ter dated June 26, 1748, {Perry's Pa- pers, 251,) writes, "The Moravians have hired a house to keep their meet- ings in twice a month, (/. e. every other Sunday,) at Marcus Hook, to which place my congregation resort, but I hope (and believe) more through curiosity than anything else, because they show me the same respect they ever did, and carefully attend the church as formerly when it is my turn to be there," &:c. A most excellent Christian was Backhouse ! For it will be well to remember in this connection, that in the year 1737, Dr. Potter, the Arch- bishop of Canterbury said, " That the Moravian Brethren were an Apostolic and Episcopal church, not sustaining any doctrine repugnant to the thirty- nine articles of the Church of England ; that they could not therefore with pro- 120 HISTORY OF CHESTER. priety, nor ought they to be hindered from preaching the. gospel among the heathen." — See Martin's Bethlchcni and the Moravians, p. 8. Jeremiah Collett left a legacy to the minister at Chester to jireach four times a year at Marcus Hook. In Ferry's Papers, 314, the Rev. Thomas Thompson is referred to as a man of bad character. At p. 22 there is a letter without date, but arranged among the papers of 1 704, of no par- ticular interest here, from the minister and vestry at Chester, to the Society, signed Henry Nichols, Minister, Jasper Yeates, James Sanderlands, Wm. Pic- kett, Edward Danger, Wm. Davies, Thos. Powell, Tho. Baldwine, John Wade, Henry Pierce, Jer. Collett and Wm. Martin. The latter is an error, it should be Walter Martin. The following, to us, curious adver- tisement, is extracted from the Penn- sylvania Journal for Jan'y 14, 1762 : " Whereas the memljers of the Episcopal congregation of St. Paul's church, in the an- cient Burrough of Chester, in the Province of Pennsylvania, having received repeated inti- mations from the Honorable Society for pro- pagating the Gospel in foreign parts, that by the standing rules in said Society, they will be obliged to withdraw the Mission from them if they do not forthwith make the necessary pro- vision for the better accommodation of their Missionary which the Society expects and re- quires, viz., a glebe, a dwelling hpuse, and their Church and burying ground in decent order and repair; which things, unfortunately for them, their predecessors did not care to secure when land was to be had at any easy rates, and building cheap to what it is now. They find themselves under the disagreeable necessity to apply to the publick by way of a Lottery, not doubting that it will meet with all suitaljle encouragement, frdni the well dis- posed of every denomination, as it is intended for the Glory of God and consequently for the good of the Province. This LoUerj' is calcu- lated greatly to the advantages of the adven- turous, the large prizes being so reduced as to make the small ones of more value than any hitherto exhibited to the public for the raising so small a sum as that of £,^(^2 10. o. The Scheme is as follows, viz. : No. 0/ Prizes. Value in Dollars. Total Value . 1 of 500 is 500 2 of 200 is 400 6 of 100 is 600 12 of 50 is 600 30 of 20 is 600 90 of 10 is 900 1590 of 4 is 6,360 I First drawn Blank, 20 I Last drawn Blank, 20 1733 Prizes. 10,000 3267 Blanks. 5000 Ticket at 2 Dollars each, is 10,000. Deductions at 15 per cent, is 1,500. Managers. — Rev. Richard Peters, John Ross, esq., Mr. James Young, Mr. Charles Stedman, and Dr. John Kearsley jr., in Phil- adelphia; Roger Hunt, esq., Messrs. John Mather and James Day, in Chester, who are to give Bond and be upon oath faithfully to dis- charge the Trust in them reposed. Tickets are sold by the respective Managers at their dwellings, and by the following gentle- men, viz. : in Chester county, by Dr. Paul Jackson, Elisha Price, George Lownes, Philip Ford, John Henley, Walter Smith, Jonathan Vaughan, Jacob Richards, John Marshall ; in New Castle county, by Emanuel Grubb, Dr. John McKinlcy, Dr. Benjamin Vanleer, Thom- as Dunn, and William Golden, esq'rs, and Mr. Slater Clay ; in Dover, by Thomas Parke, esq'r, in Lancaster, by John Douglass, Isaac Rich- ardson and David Stout, esq'rs, and by Wil- liam Bradford and David Hall, in Philadel- phia. The Drawing to begin the first of March next in Philadelphia or Chester, or sooner if full ; the fortunate numbers will be published in the Philadelphia Journal and Gazette, imme- diately after the Drawing is finished. Prizes not demanded in Six Months after the Draw- ing is finished to be deemed as given to jiro- mote the Pious Design. N. B. — As the above sum will fall vastly short of completing everything as could be wished, it is hoped that if any are scru]:)ulous as to the Method of raising Money, yet wish HISTORY OF CHESTER. 121 well to the Design, and are willing to promote the same, if such Persons will deliver their Liberality into the hands of Mr. Charles Thompson, Merchant in Philadelphia, or to any of the Managers aforesaid, it will be grate- fully acknowledged and carefully applied ac- cordingly." Raising money by Lottery, seems to have been at that time a favorite mode of accompUshing any public or charita- ble object. In the same paper from which the above is copied, there is a Lottery announced for raising ^1500, " to finish the Presbyterian Church now erecting in the Forks of the Brandy wine." Also — " A Scheme to raise ^175 towards building a bridge in Manatawny Road over the rapid creek called Skippack." And in the issue of Jan. 28, 1762, '^ KScheitieiox a Lottery for raising ^^3000, to be ap- plied to erect a Lighthouse on Cape Henlopen, and otherwise to facilitate the navigation of the Delaware. ' ' St. Paul's Church, Chester, was one of the churches, that in 1785, joined in the act of Association, and was therefore one of the founders of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. The meet- ing to form the Diocese, was held in Christ Church, Philadelphia, May 24, 1785- John Crosby, Jr., and John Shaw, were the deputies present from St. Paul's, Edward Vernon, the other deputy being absent. St. Paul's church, Chester, and St. Martin's church, Marcus Hook, are both set down in the records as admitted in 1786, which is an error in regard to St. Paul's. From the Philadelphia Gazetteer of July 3, 1789, I extract the following interesting notice, which shows that Chester' was a place of Sunday resort in the last century ; that the Minister was popular, and from this and other like advertisements, that the Kerlin's were great tavern-keepers and stage owners, and got up early in the morn- ing : " The Subscriber, (Matthias Ker- lin, Jr.), intends to run a Carriage from this city to Chester, every Sun- day and means to carry passengers at a lower rate than in the regular stage ; and in order that they may arrive in Chester in time for the Sermon, the Coach will leave the Indian Queen, in Fourth Street, at half-past 5 o'clock in the morning. At Chester a fresh set of able-bodied Horses will be pro- vided to return, so that the company may start thence in time for an agree- able refreshment at Messrs. Gray's, and arrive in Philadelphia as early as they wish." Thus all the senses were to be gratified in one day, and by a trip to Chester. By numerous adver- tisements in the newspapers of that time, it appears that George and Ro- bert Gray, at their " new House, Gar- dens and Greenhouse," gave a concert of music once a week, and run a stage twice a day to the city from Gray's Ferry, and kept " a genteel and plen- tiful table and fresh fish every day." The great dish of that day was, I sup- pose, " Catfish and Coffee. ' ' The well- known establishment of the Gray's stood on the west bank of the Schuyl- kill River, at the western extremity of the once celebrated floating bridge, near where the tracks of the Philadel- phia, Wilmington and Baltimore rail- road now cross that river. The old tavern still stands, but will soon dis- appear, as it is on the verge of a large stone quarry, and is besides in a very dilapidated condition. XIII. In the U. S. Gazette, Nov. i and 7, 181 7, will be found the following ex- tract from the West Chester Federalist. 122 HISTORY OF CHESTER. "A Day in Chester. — Mr. Miner. — Ac- companied by a friend, I took a ride last week to Chester, the seat of Justice in Delaware County. The town lies on the west bank of the river 'Delaware, 15 miles below Philadel- phia and 12 above Wilmington. It is laid out in handsome squares, contains more than an hundred houses and about 1,000 inhabitants. The principal streets are paved. Thepublick buildings consist of a Court-house, Gaol, Bank- ing-house, Friends' Meeting house and an Episcopal Church. The Court-house and Gaol are situate on the south side of the main street. They are both of square stone, plain and convenient, and are ornamented in front by a double row of Lombardy Poplars, form- ing a pleasant shade and an agreeable walk. The Court-house bell probably shows the time that the buildings were erected ; it has cast on it, ' CHESTER, 1729.' The Episcopal Church is built of brick and is very ancient; the steeple, which is square, is of stone and entirely separate from the church. The bell is evidently of a later date than the building, it is not large, and has cast on it, 'ROGER RICE, CHESTER, 1743.' The burial Ground is one of the oldest in Pennsylvania. Some of the tombstones are more than a hundred years old ; our attention was directed to one in particular, remarkable for its antiquity, rudeness of sculpture and singularity of inscription. The following is a faithful copy : — For THE MEMORY OF FRANCIS BROOKS, who died Avgvst tlie 19, 1704, Aged 50 years. In Barbarian bondage And cruel tyranny For ten years together I served in Slavery After this Mercy broght me To my country fair At last I drowned was In River Delaware. The inside of the church is divided into four compartments by two aisles, one extend- ing from side to side, to the double doors, the other from the pulpit to the extreme part of the church ; fixed in the wall at the bottom of the aisle, opposite the pulpit, is a reddish sandstone, six feet by three, curiously carved, &c. [I omit the description of the Sandiland tablet which follows here.] Upland was the original name given to Chester. When or why it was changed, I could not learn ; but Upland is manifestly an improper appellation, as the town lies on the low lands of the Delaware. This spot was in the first place fixed upon by Wm. Penn for the I seat of government. On the bank of Chester Creek, which passes through the town, there is still shown an old wall, now making a part of a dwelling house, which formed one side of the first hall of justice in Pennsylvania— an- swering for the sessions of the Legislature, and the Courts of Justice; in both of which, Wm. Penn occasionally presided. Chester was formerly a place of considerable commerce ; but at present, of very little. The warehouses, and buildings nearest the water, are generally in a neglected and decaying state ; presenting a melancholy pictureof the "gleams of better days." In passing from the Court- house to the wharf, the eye is gratified by the view of the new banking-house, erected by the Bank of Delaware County. It is a brick building, handsome in its design, and neat in its execution, combining beauty with conveni- ence ; it is at once an ornament to the town and a credit to the liberal Directors of that institution. Would that the Directors of the Chester County Bank would ' go and do like- wise.' From the main street, and from the street next below, there are two noble wharves, ex- tending 500 feet into the river. They were erected by the voluntary subscriptions of the inhabitants, liberally aided by grants from the Legislature. The cost has been about$io,ooo each. They are calculated to aid the com- merce of the State, affording a safe harbor for vessels on their passage up and down the river, in stormy and inclement weather. From the end of the wharf the view was extremely fine. A hundred vessels, moving with a light breeze in various directions, gave a high degree of animation to the scene. The steamboat, ra- pidly moving through the water — the noise of the dashing wheels, the volume of smoke pouring from her pipe, looking like a vast sea monster, or a new ferry-boat of old Charon, just risen from the regions below — though a hundred times seen, still attracted attention like a novel exhibition. On the bank of the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 128 river, in the upper part of the town, is a house surrounded with trees, presenting a handsome appearance from the river; but its chief inter- est is derived from knowing it to be the man- sion of Commodore Porter, who so gallantly, nay, desperately defended the ' Star Spangled Banner,' on board the Essex in the bay of Val- paraiso. His dwelling is suitably placed for a sailor. The wave of the flowing tide almost washing the foundation of the building, and ' Soothes him with its lullaby.' Among the vessels that passed while we were standing on the wharf, was a fine ship, in ballast. Capt. R. informed us, that a day or two before, the man who had attempted to pilot tlie ship down from Philadelphia, had run her aground. Desperate in his mortification, he threw himself into the stream and was seen no more. On the whole the day in Chester was very pleasant. The accommodations at P- 's were excellent." P Stands for Piper, no doubt. There is no name to the communica- tion, but it was probably written by Charles Miner, the editor of the Fed- eralist, to his paper. Capt. R. was Capt. Thomas Robinson. In 1835, the old church of St. Paul's at Chester, underwent extensive re- pairs. The number of pews was in- creased ; the old north entrance door closed ; a new chancel was built ; a gallery was erected across the western end of the building, and an entrance door cut out of the western wall ; a new belfry was put upon the west gable ; the high backs of the old pews were cut down, and the large square pews each made into two. I think there were six large pews. The Crosby's occupied the two south of the pulpit ; Major Anderson's descendants, the two northern ones ; Dr. Samuel Anderson occupied the large pew west of the Crosby's. He used to read the responses in a deep, full voice, and being a large man, quite overshadowed the small form of the Rev. Mr. Hall, in my youthful mind, although the lat- ter was perched up in a high box, with a sounding-board over his head, which looked like the extinguisher to the old tallow candles, so much so that I used to fear it would fall and put the min- ister out. . I can recall the Terrills, Deshongs, Edwards, Johnsons, Prices, Kerlins, Engles, Williams, Ladomus, Squire Samuel Shaw's family. Eyres, Porters, Cochrans, Wm. Martin's and John Martin's family, Irwins, Thur- lows, Dicks, Zeilins, Pipers, Bartrams, Finchs, Squire Smiths' family, &c. It was during the time the above alterations were being made, that the old detached belfry was torn down. Those old bell-towers were c^uaint, picturesque and attractive. Now the towers are invariably attached to the church buildings in this country. In Europe there are many yet standing apart from the church edifice. The most celebrated one is the leaning lower of Pisa. There are detached Cavipa- niles, or bell-towers yet standing at Chichester and Salisbury Cathedrals, and at Evesham, Berkeley, Walton, Ledbury, Pennbridge, Myler and Lap- worth, in England ; but none now, that I know of, in the United States. Formerly the Passing Bell was rung at St. Paul's Church on the death of one of the congregation. One toll for each year of the life of the person who had departed. I never remem- ber to have heard it but oi^ce ; I was then very young, and asked what it meant, and was told. The windows of my sleeping room at the north-east corner of Third and Main Streets, Chester, overlooked the old church and graveyard, and the graves of my ancestors, and I saw them daily for years, and everything concerning the 124 HISTORY OF ClIKSTEK. rhurcli is ini]iirssc(l on ni\ inind more vividly tlian anything else connected with ni\- childhood. In our Moravian churches the custom is still preserved of announcing the death of a member of the congregation, by music from the church steeples. As soon as a mem- ber of the church departs, -the trom- bone choir assemble in the belfry, and play three dirges. The second air announces the sex, age and choir of the one who has gone home, and thus unless a death is sudden and unexi>€ct- ed, the hearers know who has died. " And each departed hath its own sweet token, Whispered to loved-ones in that trumpet's tone, Distilling dew o'er hearts with sorrow broken — From Heavenly home." In 1850, the congregation of St. Paul's erected the present church edi- fice on the north side of Third Street. It was built in the most substantial manner, the building "being of stone, 44 feet front by 84 feet in depth, with a steeple and belfry attached. During the winter of 1872 and '73, the new church was altered, increased in size and improved inside and out ; galle- ries being added capable of seating 150 persons, and the number of pews in the body of the church being increased to 100, each capable of holding six persons, thus giving the building a capacity of .seating 750 people. A new steeple and belfry was erected on the building, which gives a really ele- gant and graceful appearance to the whole structure. At the risk of appearing to be pro- lix, I copy from the Chester Directory of 1859-60 : " The old structure which stood upon the opposite side of the street, and had subserved the holier inirposes of primitive days, then (in 1850), yielded to the fiat of time, and the stone that marks the grave of Sandilands, and a few other crumbling ones, are the only mementoes of the spot, where — Tlie rude forefatl leep. " The first edifice was small, having contained 24 pews. Its style was very primitive ; one of its gables was cccu- l)ied by a large window, and exterior to the other was a tower some twelve feet distant from the gable, containing a belfry. The pulpit had its old-fash- ioned sounding boards. Among the venerable relics of the olden time, are two Chalices and their Salvers or plates ; one presented to the congregation by Queen Annie, the other by the Hon. Sir Jeffrey Jeffryes. The pieces are of very pure silver, but of workman- ship somewhat rude, in comparison with the refined skill of our own time. The Chalices bear the marks of the workman's hammer, and appear to have received their polish principally by long and frequent handling. The Chalice presented by the Queen has engraven upon it Annie Regin^. The time at which these pieces were pre- sented is not certainly known ; but it must have been prior to 1702, as they were used at the first communion of the church. They are still regularly used." The compiler of the Directory, says the church was repaired m 1702. We have seen that it was erected then. Queen Anne reigned from 1702 to 1 714. Her present must have been subsequent to March 8, 1702, when William III. died, at the earliest during that year. The church was first opened for Divine worship on St. Paul's day, 1702, old style, the edifice having been completed in July of that HISTORY OF CHESTER. 125 year. St. Pauf s day comes on the 25th of January; therefore, the church was opened for the first time, for the service of God, on Sunday, Jan. 24, 1703, 7iew style, as has been stated by the Rev. George Kieth, in his Journal, and the chalices were first used on that day, if the communion was adminis- tered, as it undoubtedly was. But there is no proof that I know of, that they were used at the first communion, except unreliable tradition. I make the following extracts from "The Registry Booke of S' Paul's Church, Chester, in the Province of Pennsylvania, bought April i8th, 1 704, pret. oo;^ 14s. od." The first entry is, '• Att a Meeting of y" Parishoners of Chester in Penn- sylvania, April 1 8th, 1704: We the inhabitants and Parishoners of S' Paul's Church in y^ County of Chester, In y<= Province of Pennsylvania, do unani- mously constitute and appoint, Henry Nichols, Min., Wm. Pickels, Jasper Yeates, Hen. Pierce, Jer. Collett, John Wade, James Sandelands, Edward Danger, Thos. Powell, John Bristow, John Hannams, Sam. Bishop, To be our vestrymen, and do hereby Impower them or any five of them to be our Representatives In managing all the affairs that relate to y* Due Care of y* Church, as constituting of Church Wardens annually, hearing and re- ceiving their accounts and So Dis- charging them. And we do promise to allow such their constitutions and Discharges to be as valid as If Done by our Selves. Witness our hands. Thomas Barnslj' ^James Mill, Edw. Jennings, Ralph Pyle, Gab. X Friend, Tho. Baldwin, Jt)hn Evans, John Maxfield, David Roberts, Isaac Calvert, Richard Adams Thom. Butterti( The above s^ psons Did at y" same Meeting and time afores** Constitute and apoynt Thomas Powell and W"" Pickle, Church Wardens." Then follows an account stated by the Wardens for the year 1704, in which they acknowledge to have re- ceived contributions, probably to pay for building the church, from Gov'' Nicholson by y* hands of Coll. Quarry, and from : — James Sandelands, Edward Danger, John Hannoms, John Bristow, John Wade, Gabriel Friend, Thomas Baldwin, John Evans, David Roberts, Isaac Calvert, Thomas Evans^ Widow Calvert, Charles Brooke, Joseph Corher, £57,08,9. ames Sandelands, ye Balla Jeremiah Collet, Thomas Powell, Henry Peirce, William Pickels, James Mill, Edward Jennings, Thomas Linvell, Samuel Bishop, John Ma.xfield, Joseph Powell, Richard Kenderdine, David Meridith, John I'owell, Ralph Pyle, Jack Beard, Thomas Powell and J p'd by them, ,£3, 14, 10. The Wardens claim credit Nov. 12, 1704, for "cash p"* Y ferymen for Bringing Doun y'' Dyal, \s. 8(/., ac. of nayles for setting up y* Dyall, is. 2d., money spent and p** y^men for setting It up, 4J\" In 1704, William Cutler, clarke, is paid for services; and 6 shil- lings is paid "for a common prayer book with y* new Psalm for y^ clarke," and in 1 705 , there is a charge for ^i i , 14, o, for a silver Communion Cup. From Ap'l 18, 1704, there was no meeting of the Parishioners until April 22, 1 71 2, Mr. George Ross is men- tioned as Minister, and it was unani- mously agreed, that Joseph Worrayand Thomas Withers be Church Wardens ; and the following persons Joseph Powell, Thomas Baldwyr Jasper Yeales, Ralph Pyle, Thomas Powell, Joseph Thomas Barnesley, Henry Peirce, John Hannoms, Thomas Withers, Wm. Heurtin, Worray. 126 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 1 715 and 1716. Jill). I luniiilircys, Minister. Cliurih Wai'dens. Jonas Sandelands, Thomas Banisley. I'estryiiit-u. Wm. Heurtin, Tobias Hendrickson, Ralph Pyle, Ed. Danger, Uiirencc Friend, Jos. Worrall, Henry Nayle, Jno. Hannoms, Henry Peirce, Jno. Tyler, John Wade, Thos. Withers. 171 7, 1718 and 17 19. Chttrch Wardens. Henry Nayle, Henry Peirce. Vestrymen. Jonas Sandelands, William Heurtin, Thos. Withers, Jno. Hannoms, Ralph Pyle, John Tyler, (Taylor?) Tobias Hendrickson, Thos. Barnsley, Gabriel Friend, Ed. Danger, Tho. Baldwin, Johannes Rawson. 1720. Church Wardens. Tobias Hendrickson, Jonas Sandelands. Vestryvicn. Henry Peirce, John Wade, Henrj' Nayle, Alex. Hunter, John Hannoms, Thomas Broom, Ralph Pyle, Francis Edwards, Thomas Baldwin, Eben Jenkins, Edward Danger, Richard Marsden, No Records until 1727, when the following were Chureh Ulii-dens. Alexander Hunter, Jno. Mather. Vestrymen. Henry Peirce, Jno. Wade, Jno. Hannoms, Thos. Broome, Ralph Pyle, Eben Jenkins, Thos. Baldwin, Jonas Sandelands, James Mather, Thos. Cooke, Thos. GifTling, Thos. Richards, Jr. The old Registry from which the above extracts are copied, contains besides the minutes of the meetings of the Parishioners and proceedings of the vestry, many other interesting matters inchiding a record of the baptisms, marriages, deaths and accounts of the church, from 1704 to 1820. "At a meeting or vestry held at Ches- ter church, Mar. 30, 1 741, the follow- ing subscribers promised to pay the several sum or sums annexed to their s-J several name or names, to iv for in consideration of purchasing a bell for said church." Jno. Mather, J. Barton, Jt)hn Sketchley, Sam'l Webster, Stephen Cole, Rob't Mcfarland, Alexander Hunter, George Lownes, Edward Richards, Will'm Keepers, Humphrey Johnson, James Mather, Charles Conner, William Turner, Joseph Richards, William Black, Edmond Bourke, George Scott, Chas. Grant, Esq. Arthur Thomson, Joseph Keepers, William Hay. The bell-tower, or " turret to hang thi; bell," was ordered to be built at a meeting of the vestry on April 15, 1^45. "To be built of stone in the foundation from out to out Twelve by Fourteen foot." The bell was paid for by a Bill of Exchange of ^^30 in 1742, one half of which was donated by John Mather. As the bell had cast on it "-Roger Rice, Chester, 1743," no doubt it was cast in England. This was not the Bell said to have been presented by Queen Anne. That was used previously, "on25xber, 1713, Cuffy was paid (>s. 6d, and Dick, David Roberts' boy, one shilling, for ring- ing the Church Belh" At a meeting of the Parishioners of S' Paul's Church on y^ 19th day of April, (being Easter Monday,) 1742, to chuse church wardens & vestrymen for y^ said year. Resolv'd that James Mather & Charles Conner, y* old Churchwardens, Be and Continue in y'= said Office this year Also and y*" Vestrymen be as follow. Alex. Hunter, Jno. Mather, Charles Grant, Jno. Sketchley, Jos. Richards, Edw'd Richards, Jno. Hanly, Stephen Cole, Geo. Lownes, Tho. Barton, Wm. Turner, Sam. Webster Resolv'd by y* said vestrye that y* stone over James Sandeland, deceas'd, be removed and put into a more com- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 127 modius posture, & that y^ Pew in which it lies be converted into Two Pews. 1753- Church Wardens. William Hay, James Day. Vestrymen. John Mather, James Day, Jr., James Mather, John Hauly, Samuel Shaw, John Morton, George Lownes, William Noblit, Joseph Richards, Aaron Baker, Joseph Baker, James Barton. 1760. Church Wardens. Philip Ford, James Day, Jr. Sides- men. John Salkeld, William Marlow. Vestry 7?ie}i. John Morton, George Lownes, John Henley, George Morton, James Day, Jacob Richards, Thos. Nucem, Andrew Uerin, Samuel Shaw, John Mather, Wm. Thompson, George Culen. In 1760 the Minister chose Geo. l.ownes, to be Clerk, and the Vestry- chose Thomas Derrick to be Sexton. 1764, John Whitehead, Sexton. Be- tween 1 7 60 and 1 79 1, the following new names appear among the Wardens & Vestry. 1761, James Cole, Richard Briggs. 1762, Walter Smith, Minis- ter's Warden, Vestry, George Morton. 1763, Thomas Carver. 1764, Jacob Eyre, John Worrall, Valentine Wea- ver. 1766, Dr. Branson Vanleer, People's Warden, Vestry, Joseph Thomas, Elisha Price. 1767, Wil- liam Elliott. 1768, Peter Steel, Peo- ple's Warden. 1769, Vestry, Dr. David Jackson. 1770, Job Fallows, Isaac Salkeld, Doc"' Thomas Keymer. 1 71 1, Thomas Fallows, Sketchley Morton, John Shaw. 1772, Joseph Marlow, Samuel Landers. 1 773, John Crosby, Jr. x']']'], Minister' s Warden, Joseph Gill, Vestry, Edward Vernon, Jonathan Richards. 1780, Wardens, John Worrall and James Withey, Ves- ' trymen, William Currie, Jr. 1782, Aaron Morton, Thomas Weaver. 1785, ' John Powell, John Harper, George Peirce. 1 787, John Caldwell, Thomas Richards. 1788, Richard Tidmarsh, Wm. Haselwood, Isaac Culen. 1789^ William Price, Jacob Peterson, War- dens, Vestryman, EdAvard Richards. 1791. Church Wardens. Elisha Price, James Withy. Vestrymen. Peter Salkeld, ' Wm. Haselwood, John Caldwell, Wm. Willis, George Peirce, Charles Grantham, Edward Richards, William Price, John Crosby, Jonathan Richards, John Marlow. 1792 and 1793. Church Wardens. Elisha Price, Jas. Withy. Vestrymen. John Crosby, John Crozier, Caleb Davis, John Caldwell, John Marlow, William Willis, Peter Salkeld, Abner Barton, Edward Richards, Charles Grantham, Wm. Haselwood, William Price. 1794. Church JVardens. John Crosby, James Withy. Vestrymen. John Crofier, John Caldwell, William Price, George Pierce, Chas. Grantham, William R. Atlee, Isaac Culen, William Willis, Elisha Price, Abner Barton, William Haselwood, Caleb Davis. 1796. Church Wardens. John Crosby, Esq., James Withy. Vest>ymcn. Elisha Price, Charles Grantham, Isaac Culen, Abner Barton, Wm. Haselwood, Peirce Crosby, Thos. Smith, John Crosby, Jr., John Caldwell, Bream Shottero, William Willis, Jesse Beckerton. 1797 and 1798. Church JVardens. James Withy, John Crosby, Esq. Vestrymen. Wm. Martin, Esq., Mr. Wm. Anderson, Elisha Price, Esq., Phillip Painter, Isaac Culen, Thomas Smith, John Caldwell, Eden Barton, Jesse Beckerton, Peirce Crosby, Abner Barton, John Crosby, Jr. In 1798, John Crosby declined to act as Church Warden, and William 12^ HISTORY OF CHESTER. ISIartin, Esq., was unanimously chosen in his place. In Feb. 14, 1799, Wm. Martin being deceased, John Caldwell was made \Varden in his stead. In 1804, Peter Salkeld was re-appointed sexton. On Dec. 9, 1811, "all the deeds, &:c., which had been in posses- sion of 'John Crosby, Esq., for the Glebe House & for that part of the burying ground adjoining Welch street, &c., were deposited in the hands of Abner Barton, one of the Church War- dens, and also the two silver chalic.es, & two pewter plates, & the two silver salvers are now missing, it is hoped they will be returned." Aug. 6, 1814, "Abner Barton going out of the State, delivered the above articles to George B. Lownes." In 1782, the glebe- house, kitchen and garden, belonging to the church, were rented to Dr. Jacob Tobin, for j[^2\ per annum. After the Rev. Levi Heath left the church in 1798, John Odenheimer rented and lived in the glebe house for many years. It is a disgrace to the church, that this property fronting on Market Street, was ever sold. 1799. Church II ardt'tis. John Caldwell, James Withy. Vestrymen. Capt. Wm. Anderson, John Odenheimer, James Shaw, Caleb Davis, John Saflfer, Eden Barton. 1801, 1802 and 1803. Church Wardens. John Caldwell, James Withy. / 'est ry men. John Crosby, John Crozier, Pcircc Crosby, James Bernard, Wm. Odenheimer, Samuel Price, William Anderson, Abner Barton, Eden Barton, Isaac Culcn, Philip Painter, James Shaw. The church was incorporated June John Crosby, John Crozier, Isaac Culen, Peirce Crosby, Phillip Painter, Abner Barton, 13, 1818, and the Charter enrolled in office of the Secretary of State, in Book 2, p. 423. It was amended by the Court of Delaware County, Aug. 24, 1846; the corporate title being, "The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry- men of St. Paul's Church in Chester, Delaware County." The names of the corporators are Peirce Crosby, Charles Granthum, Peter Deshong, Mark Winter, George B. Lownes, Jo- seph Piper, John Caldwell, Nimrod Maxwell, John Crosby, Job H. Terrill, Curtis Lownes, A. Perlee, Robert P. Crosby and John S. Morton, who were the Wardens and Vestrymen of the church at the time of the application for the Charter in 181 8. The Ministers of St. Paul's, from 1702 to this time, have been, viz. : — ev. Evan Evans, . . . , 17:2 t J 1704 " Henry Nichols, . . . . 1704 ' 1708 " George Ross, . . . . 1708 ' 1714 " John Humphreys, 1714 ' 17^6 " Samuel Hesselius, 1726 ' 1728 " Richard Backhouse, . 1728 ' 1749 " Thomas Thompson, 1 751 ' " Israel Acreliiis, . . . . 1756 ' " George Craig, . . . . 1758' ' 1781 " James Connor, . . . . 1788 • ' 1 791 " Joseph Turner, . . . . 1791 ' ' 1793 " Levi Heath, 1796' • 1798 " Joshua Reece, . . . . 1803 ' 1805 " William Pryce, . . . . 181S * 1818 " Jacob Morgan Douglass, 1818 ' 1822 " Rich'd Umstead Morgan, . 1822 ' ' 1831 " John Baker Clemson, D. D., 1831 ' ' 1835 " Richard D. Hall, . . . . 1835 ' ' 1837 " Mortimer Richmond Talbot, 1837 ' 1841 " Greenberry W. Ridgely, 1842 • 1848 " Anson B. Hard, Associate rector, 1844- ' 1848 " Charles W. Quick, 1849- 1850 " Lewis P. W. Balch, D. D., . 1850 • •1853 " Nicholas Sayre Harris, 1853 ' ' 1855 " Daniel Kendig, . . . . 1855 ' 1859 " M. Richmond Talbot, . I8S9 ' ' 1861 " J. Pinckney Hammond, 1861 ' ' 1863 " Henry Brown, . . . . 1863 ' The same minister had charge of St. Paul's and St. Martin's churches until 1850. The Rev. Messrs. Evans, Hes- selius and Acrelius, were not regularly stationed at Cliestcr, but officiated there during the jjcriods mentioned. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 129 The Society for Propagating the Gos- pel in Foreign Parts, was organized June 27, 1701, and Chester was made a missionary station that year, and the same missionary had charge of the con- gregations at Chester, Marcus Hook, and Concord. Lewis P. W. Balch, D. D., now deceased, was lately Arch- bishop of Canada; Nicholas Sayre Harris, graduated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy at West Point, June, 1825, No. 25 in his class, promoted to Bvt. 2d Lt. 5th Infantry, assistant In- structor of Tactics at the Military Academy, from 1831 to '34, resigned May 31, 1835 ; J. Pinckney Ham- mond, Chaplain U. S. Volunteers in 1862, brother of the then Surgeon General of the U. S. Army. The Rev. M. R. Talbot served temporarily, the second time, he being a Chaplain in the U. S. Navy, and stationed at the U. S. Naval Asylum, Philadel- phia, where he died April 21, 1863, in the 59th year of his age. Mr. Talbot had once been a midshipman in the U. S. Navy. He married Eliza Horn- blower, daughter of the late Chief Justice of New Jersey ; their only child, Joanna, married Dr. Charles Evesfield, late Medical Director U. S. Navy. He died Oct. 5, 1873. There are some monumental remains in St. Paul's old Church-yard of an interesting character. The oldest of these has been already given. The next in date runs, — "Robert French, obt, Sept. 9, 17 13." This is cut upon an ordinary slat of sienite, six feet long, and three and a half feet wide, and is made the stepping- stone from the front gateway of the present church edifice. The following inscription has a his- tory which will interest all my read- ers. " Here lieth PAUL JACKSON, A. M. He was the first who received a Degree In the College of Philadelphia. A Man of virtue, worth and knowledge. Died, 1767, aged 38 years." Dr. Samuel Jackson, of Philadelphia, who died within the past year (1873,) at an extreme old age, was a nephew of Paul Jackson and a son of Dr. David Jackson by his second wife, Susan Kemper. In Watson's Annals, pp. 127 and 128, edition of 1856, it is stated, that "Dr. Paul Jackson was a surgeon in the Braddock Expedition, and a broth- er-in-law of the Hon. Charles Thomp- son, and one of the best classical scholars of his time." His brother, David Jackson, graduated in the Col- lege of Philadelphia, as Bachelor of Medicine, June 21, 1768. On that day the first public Commencement of any medical college in America, was held by the University of Philad'a. There were two departments to the Univer- sity of Philadelphia, the literary and the medical, then, as there is now to its successor, the University of Penn- sylvania. Dr. Paul Jackson, was Pro- fessor of Languages in the University of Philadelphia, from 1758 to 1767. I derive this information from an old writing that was deposited in the cor- ner-stone of the old University, and which was taken out of it when the building was torn down Dec, 1873. He was not, therefore, the first person who took a degree in the Medical De- partment of the College of Philadel- phia, as he died in 1767, and the first degree was taken by his brother in 1768. Medical instruction in the College did not commence until May 3, 1765. The inscription upon the tombstone 130 HISTORY OF CHESTER. nia)', however, have reference to his degree inscribed thereon of Master of Arts, and is, perhaps, correct. Dr. Smith says, in his Biot^^raphical Sketches : " Dr. Paul Jackson was distinguished fur his talents, and was one of the most highly edu- cated men of his day. When quite a young man he was appointed professor of Greek and Latin in the College of Philadeljihia, now the University of Pennsylvania. Finding his health impaired by confinement and study, he left college and joined the expedition of Gen- eral Forbes, got up for the reduction of Fort Du Quesne, as commander of a company. In this expedition his prudence and bravery com- mended him to the particular notice of the General. By the active life of a soldier, his health was improved; but his fondness for study returning with his renewed health, he abandoned the military profession and engag- ed in the study of physic. Having by great application, and Ijiy attendance at what was then called " The Royal Hospital," become well versed both in the theory and practice of medicine and surgery, he settled in Chester, where he soon became a well established and successful physician. After practising his pro- fession for some years, and while holding the office of Chief Burgess of the town, he died at Chester, in the year 1767, at the early age of 38 years, and was buried in St. Paul's church- yard. There are reasons for believing that this eminent man was a native of Chester." As to what Dr. Smith's reasons were he, unfortunately, leaves us in the dark; we like to know all about Chester folks. Samuel Jackson, of Oxford, Chester County, died in 1765, leaving sons, Paul, Samuel and David. Paul mar- ried Jane, daughter of John Mather of Chester, and settled there, and by virtue of his office of chief burgess was a Justice of the Common Pleas from 1762 till his death. He left three children, John Mather Jackson, Mary and Charles Jackson, and his widow married in 1770, Dr. David Jackson of Phila.leli)hia. Dr. David Jackson, Sen., was " Sur- geon, G. hospital," Pennsylvania, dur- ing the Revolution. Whether he was Surgeon General of the Pennsylvania troops, or Surgeon in the General Hos- l)ital, (.see 14 Colonial Records, 435,) I cannot determine. Near the tomb that covers the re- mains of Dr. Jackson, and like it, lying flat upon the surface of the ground, and of the same material, a dark slate-colored marble, there is an immense memorial-stone, on which is cut the following: " In Memory of Margaret Mather, wife of James Mather, who departed this life Feb- ruary 1st, 1777, in the 68th year of her age. Firm to her friend, and to her promise just, Benevolent and of a religious trust. Also in memory of James Mather Ver- non, son of Edward and Mary Vernon, who departed this life April 24, 1777, aged two years, eight months and 24 days. Grand mamey's gone before, God's will be done, I'll follow her, she's nigh, I'm her own grand- son. Also in memory of Jamks Mather, who departed this life January nth, 17S0, in the 77th year of his age. Though the worms my antiant body turns to dust, Yet I hoj^e my soul in heaven will live among the just. Also in memory of Peter Mather \'er- NON, son of Edward and Mary Vernon, who departed this life November 10, 1779, aged 20 months. Also in memory of Abigal Vernon, daugh- ter of Edward and Mary Vernon, who departed this life December 15, 1781, aged five weeks. Also in memory of Rehecca Vernon, daughter of Edward and Mary Vernon, who departed this life December 15, 1784, aged I I months and 1 1 days. Also in memory of Edward Test Vernon, son of Edward and Mary Vernon, who de- parted this life July 9th, 1785, aged one day. Also in memory of Mary Vernon, wife of Edward Vernon, Esq., who departed this life, October 16, 1785, aged 35 years. HISTORY OF OlIESTEK. l;jl She seven sweet h.ibjs with patience bore, | then died, 1 Five of them now mouldering by her side, The other two here left her to bewail, Her hiisl)and also to lament her fall. That blooming rose, the pride once of this life A tender Mother, a virtuous loving wife. Called from the bosom of her husband dear; For fifteen years he was her constant care. Firm to her friend, and free from all deceit, 1 ( lood Abraham's bosom we hope will be her seat I Slie's gone before, to Paradise we trust — Prepare to follow her, she'll not return to us, What once had virtue, grace and wit. Lies mouldering here beneath your feet. Cold is her bed, and dark her room. But Angels watch around her tomb, Till the last music of the skies, Relieves her guard and bids her rise. At the head of this memorial stone is sculptured an hour-glass, crossed by two arrows, and supported on each side by angel's heads, winged; and at the bottom, underneath the above lines, are two crossed thigh bones, with winged angel's heads at the corners. On the monumental stones in this ancient graveyard, one can read the names of the old Episcoi>al families of Chester and its vicinity ; the Jacksons, Shaws, Prices, Lownes, Crosbys, Mor- tons, Martins, Granthams, Porters, Odenheimers, Wades, Andersons, De- shongs, Bowens, Bartons, Baggs, Jus- tises. Haddocks, Richards, Mathers, Terrills, Vernons, and others. Immediately to the south-west of, and at the head of the vault of my late uncle Robert Peirce Crosby, stand two ancient gray sandstone memorial stones side by side ; at the top of each is cut an hour-glass ; in the middle, and at each upper corner, angels' heads without bodies, but with wings issuing from behind their ears. On one of these stones will be foimd the following inscription : 18 ^^In Memory of Samuel Shaw, Who was born in Lincolnshire, In England, A. D. 1707, And departed this life at his seat Near Chester, in Pennsylvania, September 20, 1783. He lived resolved & steady to his trust. Free from deceit, in all his actions just. And upon the other stone : Here lies the body of Marv, The wife of Samuel Shaw, Who departed this Life, the 19th Janu- ary, I 768, in the 40th year of her age. In the midst of life we are in death. Here lies The tender Mother, who bears a child. Then dies. Samuel and Mary Shaw, above men- tioned, had four children, viz. ; John, Samuel, Ann, and Mary, all of whom died young, being swept off by that fearful scourge, the yellow fever, so prevalent and fatal along the banks of the Delaware during the last half of the 1 8th century. Samuel Shaw's se- cond wife was Hannah, a daughter of Tristram Smith, of Delaware County, Penna. They had five children, Wil- liam, Hannah, James, Jane and Lydia. William died without issue. Hannah m. Passmore West, they had two chil- dren, Samuel and Sallie Annie, who died without issue. James 7?i. Jane, dau. of Thomas and Martha Preston Sharpless, of Chester ; their only chil- dren were Martha Preston and Samuel Shaw. James died, and his widow, Jane, m. Davis Bevan, son of David and Agnes Bevan, of Chester, in 1803. Martha P. Shaw, dau. of James and Jane, m. George W. Hill, of Ridley, late of Aston, deceased : they had is- sue, Catharine Fairlamb, ;«. John Hastings ; James Shaw, m. Elizabeth Massey ; Jane Sharpless, w. George 132 HISTORY OF CHESTER. I luwanl : C.corgc \\'ashiiigt()n, /;/. Mary 1). Peters ; antl Mar)-, in. Edward Massey ; of these Catharine and Jane are deceased. Samuel Shaw, son of James and Jane, m. Mary Ann, dau. of John and Isa- bella Eyre, of Upper Chichester, and had four children, James George, John Eyre, Martha Preston, and Emily Anna. Martha died in infancy. James G. m. Virginia, dau. of the late Major Joseph Carr, of New Castle County, Delaware. They have one son, James George Shaw, Jr. ; Emily Anna ;//. William M. Burgin, of Philadelphia, and they have three children, Samuel Shaw, Alice, and William Matthews Burgin. John Eyre Shaw, Esq., is unmarried, and is a practising member of the Philadelphia Bar, but resides in the city of Chester. Jane, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Shaw, w. Ephraim Pearson, of Chester. They had eight sons, William, Samuel, Ephraim, James, Charles, Edwin, Be- noni J. and Hamlet. William, the eldest, when young, went to Rich- mond, Va., where he married and died, leaving four sons, William H., living in New York City ; George, who died in St. Louis ; Robert, living in Chester, and Charles E., wlio died in Leavenworth City. Samuel married, but died without issue. Ephriam was lost at sea. James died leaving a widow and three daughters. Charles died unmarried. Edwin died, leaving two daughters, both married and living in Chester. Benoni J. died, leaving three sons. Hamlet died, leaving surviving a widow, three daughters and a son, since dead. Mrs. Pearson died in Philadeljihia in 1862, in her 88th year. She out-lived all her sons. Lydia Shaw, sister of Jane, married Jacob Peterson ; they had three chil- dren, of whom onl\ Samuel Shaw Pe- terson survives, and is now residing in Binghampton, State of New York. In an old note book of Judge Crosby, wherein the first entry is made May 2, 1803, there is entered, without date, the following: — " Elisha Price, Esq., John Crosby, Jr., Wardens; P. S. Isaac Culin, was chosen Warden on account of Elisha Price, Esq., being sickly, and not able to attend to the business. D'' the following persons to the Church Wardens of St. Paul's Church, in the township of Chester." The original leaves of this old book have been torn out and others sewed in, upon which are copied numerous legal forms of writs, &c. The last entry is dated May 20, 181 3. showing that John Crosby was an Associate Judge at that time. He was appoint- ed April 20, 1799. I have his com- mission bearing that date. There is an illustration in Dr. Smith's history of the county, facing page 209, containing in the centre of the picture an end view of old St. Paul's Church, as it appeared after the repairs and alterations were made in 1835, when the old stone belfry was torn down. On the left of the picture is seen a portion of a double stone dwelling. This was the first office of the Delaware County, now the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, and my father, the then Secretary of the Company, occupied the dwelling, and from the back win- dows of the house, we could look out upon a long view of the river Delaware to the east ; an idea of which can be had from the engraving; and also upon old St. Paul's Church and the churchyard, and upon the tombs of our ancestors, most of which were directly in front of the gable door seen in the drawing. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 133 To the right of the picture is to be seen the end of the frame structure, or Town Hall, which was formerly over the old Market House, in the square at Third and Market Streets, and which was occupied in 1835, by the Chester Library Company. The old church building of St. Paul's was torn down about 1850; an useless destruction of an old edifice. It would have been much more credit- able to the congregation, had it been preserved for its antiquity, and applied to the purposes of the Sunday-School. " They all are passing from the land, Those Churches old and gray, In which our forefathers used to stand, In years gon; by, to pray." I have been much pained to know, that a majority of the lay members of the congregation of St. Paul's, per- mitted the sale of a portion of the old graveyard to the west, leading out into Market Street. In the early part of 1872, a suggestion was made without effect, by some person or persons con- nected with the congregation, that the whole of the old graveyard lying south of Third Street should be sold, and the proceeds applied to increasing the size of the present church. I may here say that this kind of thing cannot be le- gally done without the consent of the families of those buried in the enclo- sure. I am aware, that in Philadelphia such removals have been attempted and been resisted in the Courts; yet finally the object has been accomplished, but always by compromise, a new place of burial being obtained, the land having become too valuable to let the dead rest in their chosen jjlace of repose ; but that such an idea should be entertained in Chester, where land is plenty, and where live relatives of many of the dead, who lie buried in old St. Paul's graveyard, is almost incredi- ble. Apart from the mere matter of feeling, our ancestors bought of the Church the right of burial, and such a right was sold, knowing it was to exist for all time. And whatever may be the rights of the present congregation, the dead and their descendants have rights which cannot be successfully resisted. I trust the day may never come when the congregation, to save their purses, will sell the bones of their ancestors. ■ 9 2 < 10 3 II 4 12 SOUTH DOOR. 5 19 13 6 14 18 7 IS 17 8 16 1 The above is reduced from a simi- lar plan on p. 25 of the first Registry book before referred to^ and is called '' A list of y'^ Pews of S' Paul's Church, Chester, (S: to whom they belong." Pages 23 and 24 are missing, perhaps 134 HISTORY OF CHRSTER. stolen, and with them the list of Pew- owners ; however, a partial list of those who occupied the pews at other periods is given. No. i was "The Pulpit," No. 2 " The Minister's Seat." In 1791, No. 2 was occupied by Wm. Willis; 3, by John Caldwell & Jno: Marlow ; 4, by George Peirce & Jesse Beckerton ; 5, Peter Salkeld ; 6. J. Wor- rall & Cooper; 9, Ed. Richards; 10, John Crosby, Esq., eS: C. Grantham; II, E. Price, Esq. ; 12, Wm. Hasel- wood ; 13, Isaac Hanes ; 14, J. Slaugh- ter & Ad. Barten ; 18, J. Withy. In 1792, Abner Barton has No. 13 ; James Withy, No. 4. In 1793, No. 10, Thomas Smith ; No. 9, John Cros- by, Esq. ;'i4, Stephen Cioele. In 1803, No. 2, James Bernard; 3, John Caldwell ; 4, Caleb Davis, Esq. ; 5, Daniel Morton; 6, Wm. Siddons li: John Wood ; 9, John Crosby, Esq. ; 10, Messrs. Barton; 11, Doc'' Ander- son & John Odenheimer ; 12, Wm. Anderson; 13, Isaac Culin, ; 14, Philip Painter, Esq., tSc his brother; 15, George B. Lownes. Before 1835, ^'""^ Pulpit was where the Chancel is marked on the plan ; and the Pews, I believe, were differently arranged. One other monument standing in the old burial grounds of St. Paul's, demands attention. It consists of a plain shaft of marble, nine feet in height, its four sides facing precisely the four cardinal points of the com- pass. It is without any ornamental carving, except the coats of arms of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, encircled by a wreath of laurel. Here lies the body of one of our country's patriot sons, and Revolutionary heroes, a native of our Commonwealth, and of the county of Delaware ; the inscrip- tion on the Avest side of. the memorial shaft, states that it is — " Dedicated to the memory of JOHN MORTON, A Member of the first American Con- gress from the State of Pennsylvania, Assembled in New York, 1765, and of the next Congress Assembled in Phil- adelphia in 1774. Born A. D. 1724 — Died April, 1777." Upon the east side of the column is the following statement : " In voting by States upon the ques- tion of the Independence of the Amer- ican Colonies, there was a tie until the vote of Pennsylvania was given ; two members of which voted in the affir- mative, and two in the negative. The tie continued until the vote of the last member, John Morton, decided the promulgation of the glorious Diploma of American Freedom." Upon the north face of the shaft will be found inscribed, that — "John Morton being censured by some of his friends for his boldness in giving his casting vote for the Decla- ration of Independence, his prophetic spirit dictated from his death bed the following message to them : ' Tell them they will live to see the hour when they shall acknowledge it to have been the most glorious service I ever rendered to my country.' " And upon the south face of the stone are engraven the w- ords : "In 1775, while Speaker of the As- sembly of Pennsylvania, John Morton was re-elected a Member of Congress, and in the ever memorable Session of July, 1776, he attended that august body for the last time, enshrining his name in the grateful remembrance of the American People by signing the Declaration of Independence." The first mention I find made of the name of tiie Morton family of Dela- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 135 ware County, in this country, is in the names attached to the Oath of Alleg- iance of the Swedes to the Dutch in 1655, {^Hazard, 186,) where the name is spelled Martin Martens. In an old Book of Surveys at Harrisburg, dated 1675, p. 32, will be found the follow- ing " Laid out for John Cornelis and Marton Marteson, (Morton Morton- son,) one piece or parcel of land, where- on they now dwell, situate, lying and being on y^ west side of Delaware river, and on a creek which cometh out of said river, commonly known and called Amsland or Mill Kill, beginning at a small Stony Run which divides this land from Henrick Johnson's and Bartol Escoll's (land) running into the woods N. W. and W. 320 p. to a corner mark- ed black oak, standing by a creek J/i?^/^- oronipattc, then along the several courses of the creek to the mouth there- of 320 p., then along Mill creek to the first place of beginning, 300 p. laid out for 728 acres more or less." The words in parentheses are Dr. Smith's, see his history, p. 522. In a suit at Upland, in 1672, the name is written Martin Martinson. In a petition to the General Assembly in 1709, Patent Book No. i, p. 565, are the names of Morton, Anders, John and LorsMorteson ; and in a document on file in the office of the Secretary of State, at Albany, N. Y., 1672, the name is written Morten Mortenson. It is conceded that this name has now be- come Morton in this country. Morton Mortonson, by name, a Swede, resided as early as 1655, on his plantation at Ammesland, in Ridley township in Chester (now Delaware) county, in Pennsylvania, and was still living there May 24, 1703, when by deed addressed " To all Xtian People," bearing date that dav and delivered the next in open court, conveyed to his son Matthias Morton, but reserving a main- tainance for himself and wife during their natural lives, " all and all manner of my estate undisposed of, as Goods and chattels, Depts, Implements of House- hold stuff of nature what kind or quali- ity soever," &c., "together with my plantation at Amosland afores** with all the clear lands, feilds, fences, woods, underwoods, meadows, swamps, crip- ples* and three hundred fifty seven acres & a halfe ac'' of land to the s'^ Plantacon now belonging and in pos- session of me y® said Morton Mor- tonson. Together with one Moiety or half of all my lands in West Jersey to be equally divided between my s'* son Matthias Morton and my son Andreas Morton &:c. * * giving and delivering unto my s** son Matthias Morton, one Pewter Dish with a turf of land upon it in full seizen and peace- ful and quiet possession of the whole premises." Recorded Dec. 25, 171 2, Deed Book A. 231, West Chester. The present D. B. is a copy, and the above is entered in it at p. 340, and is signed with a simple " x" mark, but the origi- nal deed mark may not have been cor- rectly copied. Immediately preceding this is a eked dated 20th of March, 1694-5, from Andreas Johnson, late of Amosland, Husbandman, to Morton Mortonson of Amosland, by which Johnson conveys for ;^4o, "All and every part and parcell of my Land, cleared and uncleared, being & being in y^ Township of Ridle & place called Amasland ; Resurveyed togather with * Cripple, as applied to land, means, — ist, both in law and fact, a marshy piece of ground with the timber cut off, and in an un- improved condition. 2d. The flats or land lying between high and low water mark on a river side, formed by natural deposits or otherwise. \st Wliarton'' s Reports, 535. 13( HISTORY OF CHESTER. the Land of y" s'' Morton Mortonson by Charles Ashcom the Eight day of y" fifth month 1683; And since sur- veied & divided into several Lotts by Robert Longshore ; the s'^ Lotts Bounds at y" one end with John Simcock Land, y" other end with Mucanippott & Darby Creek ; Joyning & Bounded on every side of y* s** Lotts with y^ Land of y' s** Morton Mortonson ; The said Lotts & Tract of Land Hereby Granted & sold to y" s^ Morton Mortonson, his heirs & assigns Containing; upon y" sccurcity sur\-ey by Robert Longshore, Two hundred seventy & five acres of Land." Among the list of taxables at Cal- koens Hock in 1677, are Mort Mor- tens, Jujiior, Mort Mortense, Senior, and Lace Mortens, and in the list of Swedish inhabitants on the Delaware previous to May 31, 1693, made for the King of Sweden, Acre/ms, 191, will be found the names of Marten Martens- son, Junior, 10 in family. Marten Mar- tensson. Senior, 3 persons in his family, and Mats Martenson, 4 in family, and there is also Marten Knutsson, (that is. Marten, the son of Knut or Canute,) with 6 in family. There were two persons of the name of Morton Mortonson, distinguished by the addition o^ Junior and Senior, in the lists, but not in the deeds and other papers, so it is simply impossi- ble at this date to say whether they were father and son or not, although it is probable they were. The above deed of May 24, 1703, of Morton Mortonson to his two sons Matthias and Andreas, shows that at that date there were three in his family, and he had not provided for these sons, and that he was the senior of that name. This Morton Mortonson, speaks of himself, and is spoken of, as of Ammesland ; while the other Morton Mortonson, in his will dated Nov. i, 1718, and registered Jan. i, 1 718, at West Ches- ter, calls himself " 0/ Calking Hook,'' and names in his will his children, David, Andrew, John, Matthias, Kath- arine and Margaret. * To David he leaves all his estate real and personal, and cufs the rest off with a shilling each. No doubt he had provided for them before. It will be perceived, that M. M., Jr., had 10 members in his family, according to list of Swedes on the Delaware, so M. M., ^ Calk- ing Hook, was M. M., Jr. But this having been doubted by several writers, I have, in endeavoring to solve the question whether it was Mortonson, junior or senior, who died in 17 18, consulted J. Smith Futhey, Esq., who found on record at West Chester, four deeds made by Morton Mortonson, of Colran Hooke, to his sons, all dated Dec. 29, 1708, one to Laurence, one to John, and one to Andrew Morton- son, each for 300 acres, in Philadel- phia County, east of the Schuylkill, all described as part of a tract of 1200 acres granted to "one of the said Swedes, Morton Morton," by William Penn, by patent dated Oct. 20, 1701, and enrolled in Rolls Office at Phila- delphia in Patent Book A, No. i, p. 565. I suppose that this Patent is but a confirmation of a former title of cer- tain lands before granted to Morton Morton and other Swedes. The fourth deed bearing the same date is to Lau- rence Mortonson, for 60 acres, in Cal- kan Hook ; all these deeds are signed by Morton Mortonson by a peculiar mark, but unlike the usual X. There arc also of record two deeds made by Morton Mortonson, of Darby, in 1716; one to Hans Boon, the other to John Broom. These are signed HISTORY OF CHESTER. 137 without any mark, at least the record indicates none. This seems to show that the Mortonson who made the deeds to his son in 1 708, and signed with his mark, was, probably, not' the Morton Mortonson who made the above deeds in' 1716. These latter deeds are for lands in Darby, they recite the title of the land as conveyed to said M. M., by a man whose name appears to be Ohson, (probably Olsson, as in the list in Acrelius, there is a Hans Olsson,) by deed dated April 10, 1683. The deed to Broom, is made by Mor- ton Mortonson and Margaret his wife. That to Boon, although made at the same time and by the same M. M., does not refer to his wife and is not signed by her. The Will of Morton Mortonson, dat- ed Nov. I, 1 718, is signed with the peculiar mark like the deeds of Dec. 26, 1708, and does not mention his son Laurence at all. This is. account- ed for, however, by the fact that Lau- rence had already been provided for. There is also of record, a deed of Morton Morton to Jonas Morton, dated Feb. 8, 1 741-2, for 126 acres in Ames- land, in Ridley, which recites, that Mat- thias Morton was in his lifetime seized of a certain tract of land, meadows, marshes, swampsand cripples, situate in Amesland and in the township of Rid- ley, and being so seized thereof died intestate, leaving five sons and two daughters, viz., Andrew, Morton, John, Peter, Matthias, Mary and Christiana. It then recites the vesting of the title of the two brothers and sisters in one of them, Morton Morton, the grantor; also, that Mary married John Stolcup and Christiana married Samuel Peter- son. Morton Morton's will is on re- cord, proved June i, 1781 ; he had only one child, Rebecca Boon. Mr. Futhey says, in view of his re- searches, ' ' If these two Morton Mor- tonsons were different men, they were cotemporaries. The one who made the deeds of 1716, and had a wife Margaret, and who is recited as of Darby, purchased in 1683, and the other one who signed with his peculiar mark, and who died in 1718, got his by Patent in 1 701, at least, the land he conveyed." The question of the re- lationship of the two Mortonson's, ju- nior and senior, I fail to solve ; I leave it as a nut for future local historians to crack. Andrew Morton died intestate, and letters of administration were granted to his wife, Margaret Morton, Nov. 8, 1722. In 1732, Matthias Morton, ex- ecutor of Laurence Morton, of Darby, filed his account. The widow's name was Bridget, and Morton Mortonson was paid for nursing. Laurence's will is indexed in Register's office, Phil- adelphia, thus : — " Filed, Chester Co., Morton Laurence, filed [at Philadel- phia] 1 713, p. 171, Will-book D," but there is no such will entered at the page indicated, or on file in the office, nor can it be found at West Chester. Mat- thias Morton also died intestate, and letters were granted to Bridget Morton, Dec. 9, 1736. I have a copy of the will of John Morton, son of Morton Mortonson, of " Calking Hook," and father of John Morton, the signer; so this family is of Swedish descent. John Morton, the father of the signer, married Mary, the daughter of John (incorrectly William by authors) and Gertrude Archer, of Ridley. They had but the one son, and the father died sometime between the date of his will, Feb. 6, 1724-5, and its pro- bate, 12 mo. 20, 1724-5. In his will 188 HISTORY OF CHESTER. he leaves all his projjerty to his wife, Marv, during her widowhood, and if she should have a child "of both our bodies lawfully begotten," the estate was to descend to him, if not, then "my lands shall be equally divided between my brother George Culin's sons by my sisfe/- Margaret, — John, George, Morton, Daniel, Jonas, to them and their heirs forever." Mar- garet and John were two of the chil- dren of Morton Mortonson, who died in 1718.* John Morton, the signer, was not born until after his father's death, sometime early in the year 1725, the exact date is unknown. His mother survived him, but died the same or the next year ; both their wills were proven Aug. 26, 1778. The widow married John Sketchley, an English yeoman, who came over to America in 1 718 and settled in Ridley in 1724, and died in 1753, without issue. His step-son, in remembrance of his kind- ness, named a son Sketchley, who was a Major in the Revolutionary army, and a man of note in his day and generation. His signature may be seen on the State bills of credit, which are now only curiosities. John Morton, (the signer,) married Ann Justis, and had issue three sons and five daughters. He was a member of the Provincial Assembly for 1 1 years from 1756. Justice of the Peace and ••>' The will of John Archer of Ridley, is dated Nov. g, 1738, and proven Sept. 19, 1740. In it he mentions sons (junner, John, Adam, Jacob, daughters Eleanor and Eli/.aheth ArcheV, and j^rand-children John Morton, John and Mary Waldrum and Christian Archer. The will of his widow, Gertrude, is dated Nov. 9, 1748, and proven the 29th of the same month. She mentions son Jacob and dau." and signed in their i)roper handwriting by " E. Price, Nich's Fairlamb. Sketchley Morton." The credit issues of the Provinces, were properly called after the Colony making the issue, as " Pennsylvania currency," "New York currency," &c. And the bills of the United Col- onies were called " Continental mo- ney." But in the laws of Pennsylva- nia, its issues are styled " The paper Bills of Credit of this State." See i Laws of Pa., 763. The Act states, " That all Bills of Credit issued by any Act of General Assembly of Pennsyl- vania, struck under the sanction or authority of Great Britian, on or be- fore the 19th of April, A. D. 1775," which shall not be brought in or ex- changed before a day named, shall be irredeemable, except, &c. Most of these bills had endorsed on them the ominous warning, "To Counterfeit IS Dkath." HISTORY OF CHESTER. 141 XIV. Dr. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, in speaking of a visit he and Dr. Charles Magnus Von Wrangel made to the Swedish families near and at Tena- kum, says: "July 29, 1761. We lodg- ed with an Englishman, Mr. John Taylor. * * His pious wife was the daughter of a Brandenburger, Mary Niedermark, but her mother was a Swede, who had lived on this island. * '^' On Thursday, we visited the place of the first graveyard, where we found mouldering remains of bodies, and of the first Christian church in this western wilderness. In the afternoon, accompanied by some friends, we rode back to Squire Morton's, at Ammes- land. A meeting was appointed there to consult about a new Swedish church." Acrelius, 348. Probably the church at Kingsessing. John Morton, the signer, was appointed a Justice of the Peace and of the Courts, in 1757, and his residence at Ammasland was, pro- bably, the dilapidated old log house still standing though uninhabited, at Morris' Ferry, on Darby Creek. Re- ference cannot be made to the house he built on the west side of Stone Creek, now in Ridley Park, where he af- terwards resided. This house was built of stone, in 1764, and has the signer's initials and those of his wife, with the date cut on a circular marble tablet set in its southern gable, in full view of the passing trains on the Baltimore Railroad. The situation was origi- nally very retired. It is to be regret- ted that there exists no portrait of our Signer of the Declaration. John Morton, the signer, niarrietl Ann Justis, of Chester County, and they had issue, as appears by his will duly registered at West Chester, Aug. I 26, 1 778, three sons and five daughters j I i\AR0N, Sketchley, John, Mary, Sarah, Lydia, Ann, and Elizabeth. I. Aaron Morton, was initiated in Chester Lodge, No. 69, A. Y. M., Jan. 30, 1798, under the name of Aaron Moreton. He married Frances, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth (Paschall) Armitt ; their children were Benjamin, John, Mary Ann and Richard ; they all left issue except Richard, who died unmarried. Mary Ann married her cousin Richard Marshall, and had a son, Morton, and two daughters ; one of them, Margaret, married a Mr. Wil- liams, the other was named Frances Ann Marshall. I know nothing fur- ther in regard to the rest of the chil- dren, as all the family removed to Ohio I over 50 years ago. Richard Armitt, above mentioned, had a sister, Mary, who married Thomas Bell. Fanny (Armitt,) Mor- ton had two sisters, Margaret, who married Jacob Marshall, of West Brad- ford, Chester County, and Sarah, who married Samuel Worth, of East Brad- ford. Margaret Pyle, a daughter of the former, lives in West Chester, while the sons and grandsons of the latter own near 900 acres of good land in East Bradford, near Marshallton. Much of this information was obtained from John Worth, one of the sons. Aaron Morton, before his removal to Ohio, lived in the former resi- dence of his father at Ridley Park. Peter Hill, of Ridley, late of Lenni MiHs, who married Rebecca, a daugh- ter of Charles and Mary (Morton) Justis, lived in this house after Aaron Morton moM'd out WV'st, and liere his wife died in a dec line, Jeaxing an infant son, which also died, and Peter becoming embarrassed, his life estate in the property which belonged to 142 HISTORY OF CHESTER. liis witV. was sold to l^lwanl Home. No doubt but that my old friend Justis Morton, son of Justis, who is a com- l)Ositor in the office of the Delaware County Republican, is a descendant of the Mortons of Ridley. 2. Sketchley Morton, 2nd son of the signer, was a Major in the Pennsyl- vania Line of the Revolutionary army, and died in 1795. His signature can be seen on the State Bills of Credit, issued according to the resolves of the Assembly, Nov. 18, 1775, the i6th year of the reign of his majesty George III. Among the members of the Provincial Conference which met at Carpenter's Hall, in Philadelphia, June 18, 1776, relative to calling a Convention to adopt a form of State government, will be seen the names of the following from Chester County : Major Sketch- ley Morton, Col. Richard Thomas, Major William Evans, Major Caleb Davis, Col. Thomas Hockley, Elisha Price, Esq., Col. William Montgom- ery, Mr. Samuel Fairlamb, Col. Hugh Lloyd, Richard Reiley, Esq., Col. Evan Evans, Col. Lewis Grono, and Captain Thomas Levis. Major Morton became embarrassed financially before he died, by endors- ing for his friends, and his property was sold to pay their debts. Amosland, is the name now given to the property owned by Thomas T. Tasker, directly opposite the "White Horse Tavern," in Ridley, and is a portion of the ancient tract so-called. There can be no doubt but that the Major owned a part of the Ammasland tract, (a part is owned now by his grandson and namesake. Judge Mor- ton, at Morris' Ferry on Darby Creek.) On examination of the Sheriff's con- veyances, I found that Ezekiel Leon- ;ird. Sheriff, sold in Ridk'\- 72 '4 acres, as the proi)crty of Sketchley Morton, by a Venditioni to November term, 1787, at the suit of Wm. Black alias Carpenter ; and the levy is upon " two messuages or tenements and one plan- tation and tract of land situate in the township of Ridley, bounded by lands of Joseph Pearson, Aaron Morton and others, containing 88 acres, more or less." The record of the conveyance is as follows : " Ezekiel Leonard, Esq. , High Sheriff, acknowledges the exe- cution of a deed dated the i6th of Nov., 1787, to Elisha Price, of the Borro of Chester, in the County of Chester, Esquire, for a certain mes- suage or tenement, plantation and tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of Ridley and county aforesaid, containing 72 acres and a half, more or less, late the estate of Sketchley Morton," &c. I extract the following from an item entitled, "Ridley Notes," in the Re- publican of March 20, 1874. " Moving day among us is at hand, and many are preparing for the change. I notice the removal of Henry Shell- drake to the farm now owned by the Ridley Park Association, and which belonged a century ago, to John Mor- ton, the signer of the Declaration of Independence. Williani H. Price will remove from his old homestead, for- merly the " Plough" tavern, where he has lived over 50 years, to the late re- sidence of William H. Gesner, at Nor- wood, which he has purchased. The old " Plough " tavern was built during the reign of Queen Anne, by one of the family of Hendrickson, who owned a good deal of land at and above the mouth of Crum Creek. It was purchased by John Morton, the signer, about 1765; at his death his son, Sketchley, grand- father of the present Hon. Sketchley HISTORY OF CHESTER. 143 Morton, of Springfield, became the owner. He sold it in 1785. to Joseph Pearson, who, dying in 1803, bequeath- ed it to his son, John L. Pearson, who, at his death in 1842, bequeathed it to William H. Price. The house was kept as a tavern long before and during the Revolutionary war, and was so con- tinued until 1820, when John L. Pear- son moved into it and took down the sign." Major Sketchley Morton, married Rebecca, daughter of John and Mary (Niedermark) Taylor, of Tinicum. She was born June 19, 1757. They had issue, Charles, Rebecca, Ann, of whom I have no information, Aaron- Taylor and John S. Morton. After the death of the Major, his widow mar- ried a Mr. Miller ; and after his death, resided with herson, John S., in Spring- field, at the place now called Morton, on the Philadelphia and West Chester railroad, where she died March 28, 1 819, in her 77th year. Aaron Taylor Morton, son of Major Sketchley and Rebecca, married Ann Peirce, daughter of John and Sarah Lane Crosby of Ridley, b. Dec. 31, 1795, issue — Sarah, Albert, Charles Justis, Annie, Rebecca, Mary, Eliza, John and Ellen . He was a well-known man in the county in his day ; a pri- vate in Capt. Anderson's company in 1814; and died at his residence in Ridley Park, at the 12th mile-stone from Philadelphia, on June 6, 1840. After his death, his widow married Edward Home, a near neighbor. She died May 27, 1872, during her se- cond widowhood. Sarah, their eldest daughter, m. William Mcllvain, of Reading. Their son, Howard, b. Oct. 26, 1834, was junior ist Lieut, in Dur- rell's Battery, 104 Pa. Vols., and was dreadfully and mortally wounded in battle, and died at Warrington, Va., Nov. 15, 1862. He was a noble and gallant young officer, much beloved by his comrades in the army and friends at home — Diilce et decorum est pro patria mori. The other children's names are Morton, William, Spencer, and Annie Mcllvain. Dr. Charles J. Morton, son of Aaron T. and Ann P., is a practising physi- cian, residing in Chester, and has been twice married. His second wife, is Anna E., daughter of Moses Coates, of Chester County. His sister Annie ;//. John Clark, and Eliza vi. John Noble, of Ridley, June 5, 1838; Al- bert, John and Ellen, died young ; Mary m. William Miller, of Chester County, Pa. ; Rebecca ni. Richard Harper, of Ridley. John S. Morton, late of Springfield, son of (Major) Sketchley and Rebecca, b. Feb. 21, 1780, d. Dec, 2, 1857, m. June 30, 1803, Susannah, daughter of Judge John Crosby and Ann Peirce his wife, of Ridley. She was b. Feb. 16, 1786, d. April 9, 1857; they had issue, Ann Crosby, Rebecca Taylor, Susan Crosby, Sketchley, John Crosby, Ellen Elizabeth, Crosby Peirce, Frank- lin H. who died in infancy, and Catha- rine Plummer Morton. Ann Crosby Morton,/;. Aug. 2, 1804, d. Mar., 1866, m. Dr. Ellis C. Harlan, of Ridley,- March 5, 1824; he was a talented and able physician, but died without issue. May 4, 1826, aged 28 years ; and his widow married Jere- miah Mcllvain, of Ridley, son of Jere- miah and Elizabeth, March 8, 1833, and had issue, George and Annie. They removed to Darlington, Har- ford County, Maryland, where George married Rachel, daughter of Dr. Sam- uel and Susanna G. Ramsey, and has three sons, John, Morton, and an 144 HISTORY OF CHESTER. infant. Mis sister, Annie Mcllvain, is unniarrietl. Rebecca Taylor Morton, /'. May 31st, 1807, m. John D. Pearce, a plumber, of Philadelphia, a widower with four children ; they had issue, Emma, who married James Young, of Chester County; they have Morton, Harry, Laura and Thomas Young. Rebecca, m. Thomas H. Maddock, Esq., of Ridley, and has three sons, Harry, Charlton and Edgar. Susanna Crosby^ unmarried. Eliza Crosby, m. Harry Valentine, of Chester Co., and have a daughter Susan. Ellen Eliza- beth, b. Oct. 10, 1834, (i. Oct. 3, 1853. Sketchlcy Morton Pcarcc, a minister of the Presbyterian Church, who mar- ried Susan McNeal, daughter of John, of Chester County, of Scotch-Irish de- scent ; they have a son named after his father. Antiie Crosby Pearce, in. Dec. 17, 1874, George W. Jones, of Altoona, Pa. Kate Morion Pearce, m. Wesley Miles, of Chester. Susan Crosby Morton, vi. John Spencer Mcllvain, of Ridley, they had one son, Edward, who died Nov. 13, 1856, single. Sketchlev Morton, of Morton, Springfield, b. Oct. 12, 1810, late an Associate Judge of the Courts of Del- aware County, is an active and j)rom- inent man in the county. He married March 5, 1834, Elizabeth Annesley, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Newlin, d. i mo. i, 1872, in her 58th year, leaving issue, John S., Benjamin N., Elizabeth N., Sketchley, Annes- ley, Susan and Mary Morton ; twins by the names of Crosby and Hattie died in infancy. John S., m. Eleanor Baker, and has living two children, Elizabeth and Virginia. He was for- merly a conveyancer, and is now Pre- sident of the West Philadelphia Pas- senger Railway Company, and resides in Philadeljjhia. Benjamin N., ;//. Mary, dau. of John L. Passmore, of Paschal; secondly, Mary Farson, dau. of John and Susan, by whom he had issue, Sketchley, Jr., John Farson Annesley, and Benjamin N. , Jr., de- ceased. Elizabeth N., m. Rev. John Pleasanton Du Hamel, Rector of the Episcopal Church of the '^Beloved Disciple^'" Philadelphia; they have issue, William and Fanny. Sketchley Morton, Jr., h. March 2, 1842, died in the U. S. Service, Nov. 12, 1862, at Port Royal, S. C, of yellow fever, as ist Eieut. 97th Pa. Vols. Annes- ley Newlin Morton, conveyancer, Phil- adelphia, m. Elizabeth Day, dau. of Henry and Virginia, they have a son, John. Annesley N. was 2d Lt. 97th Pa. Vols., resigned — afterwards ist Lt. of the Anderson Cavalry. His sister, Susan, m. Isaac M. Lewis ; and Mary ;//. J. Ridgeway Bunting, and has a daughter, Susie. John Crosby Morton, fifth child of John S. and Susannah, b. Nov. 30, 181 2, d. Nov. 25, 1841, ;;/. Elizabeth Worrall, of Delaware County, left is- sue, Jeremiah and Ellen Crosby Mor- ton. Ellen Elizabeth Morton m. Wil- liam Wright, plumber, late Pres. of the West Philadelphia Passenger R. R. Co. He died Oct. 9, 1863, leaving William Morton, (who maried Marion Mullen, of Philadelphia, and have issue, Flor- ence Gilbert and Wm. Edwin), Ellen E., Crosby Morton, Clara, and Her- man Lombaert. William M. and Cros- by M. Wright, are plumbers, and their establishment is at the N. W. cor. of nth and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia. Crosby P. Morton, seventh child of John S. and Susannah, b. Nov. 27, 1 81 9, d. at his residence in Chester, HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. 145 July 1 6, 1870. He was an active bus- iness man, full of life and energy, and did much to promote the interests of Chester ; the old Queen's Road was named Morton Avenue, as much in his honor, as that of his distin- guished ancestor. He m. his cousin, Sarah Ann Lownes, of Springfield, ♦laughter of John and Rebecca. He left surviving him his widow and a daughter, Susanna, who w. J. Frank Black, of Chester, and had issue, Crosby Morton and Sarah Lownes Black J the latter d. Jan. 9, 1876, aged 2 years and 5 months. Catharine Plummer Morton, the youngest child of John S. and Susannah, }n. David S. Brown, Jr., of Philad'a, and has six children, Mary Thornton, Susan Morton, John M., Crosby M., Ellen Elizabeth and Wm. Lewis Brown. Mary T., m. Newbold R. Haines, of Philadelphia, and has one child. Susan Morton, tn. Herbert A. Pennock, Sept. 7, 1876. Dr. John Morton, 3d son of the signer, was a Surgeon in the Continen- t-al Army. He died while a prisoner of war, on board of one of the British Prison Ships, "The Falmouth," in New York harbor. The late John S. Morton of Springfield, had for some- time a letter in his possession, written by Dr. Morton to his father, while he was a prisoner, in which he said they were almost starved, and could eat brickbats if they could get them. The letter was given to a collector of auto- graphs, and maybe in some private col- lection. He was unmarried. Concerning Sarah and Lydia daugh- ters of the signer, nothing is known, except that it is said a " Dr. Currie," married one of them, and "Governor Bibb," the other. Elizabeth, daughter of the signer. died of consumption at the residence of her brother Aaron, in Ridley, be- fore he moved west. My aunt, Ann C. Smith, recollects the event perfectly. Mary Morton (4th child of the sign- er,) married Charles Justis of Kingses- sing, where they resided all their lives and died, and their remains were buried in the old grave-yard of the Swedes church at that place, now called St. James Church. On his tombstone is this inscription : "Deposited in Hope ! Here resteth Charles Justis, who died Jan. loth, A. D. 1789, aged 34 years & 3 months. ' ' There is a space where his wife is buried alongside his grave, but no stone covers her remains. She died suddenly in the harvest field, where she had gone to oversee her men at work, some years after her husband's death. Sheleft four children, Charles, John M., Rebecca, and Mary ; the lat- ter died unmarried. Charles, m. Elea- nor Maddock of Chester, they had two children, Charles and Jesse Maddock Justis. Their mother died in 1820, and their father in 1835, and lie side by side in the old grave-yard of St. Paul's, Chester. Their son Jesse M. , died Oct. 24, 1845, ^^^ li^s by their side. He was at one time in the dry-goods busi- ness at Chester, and married Lydia McLauchlin of Marcus Hook, daughter of William ; they had issue one child, which died at the age of one month. William McLauchlin was a tavern-keep- er and had several pretty daughters. Af- ter the death of Jesse, his widow Lydia, ni. a Capt. Walton, afterwards Henry May, both now deceased. Charles Justis, son of Charles and Eleanor, emigrated to California in the ship " Grey Eagle," when the " gold fever' ' first broke out in 1849. He now resides at Wheatland, in Yuba County, Cal. He married Charlotte McFerran, 140 ISTORY OF CHESTER. dan. of John Johnson Lynn, late of Brownsville, Pa.^ but who removed to the "Golden State," in 1853; they have four children, Eleanor Bella, Lynn Morton, Charles Eyre, and Theodore Jesse Justis. Johji M. /ustis, son of Charles and Mary, of Kingsessing, married Re- becca Worrall of Springfield, and had one son and four daughters. Rebecca Justis, dau. of Charles and Mary, was the first wife of Peter Hill of Ridley, late of Lenni Mills. They had but one child, a son, who died in infancy, and the mother died soon af- ter in a decline, at the old family resi- dence at Ridley Park. Peter Hill m. (2d,) July 31, 1824, Hannah, dau. of Nathan Sellers. Ann Morton, (7th child of the sign- er), married in 1784, Capt. John Davis, ofTredyifrin Township, Chester Coun- ty, Pa., son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Bartholomew , born in the year 1752. He entered the Continental service Nov. 15, 1776, as captain in the 9th Regt. of the Pennsylvania Line, and served until the close of the Revolu- tion. " SaffcWs Records of the Revo- lutionary War,'' pp. 396, 417. He was present at the surrender of Corn- wallis, when Gen. Lafayette took him by the hand and said : '' Captain Davis ! this is a happy day for America. ' ' Af- ter the war Captain Davis returned to the family estate near Paoli, where two generations of his ancestors had pre- viously resided, and became an Associ- ate Judge of the courts of Chester Coun- ty, which position he occupied until his death. All his life he took great interest in military affairs, and became a General of Militia, which fact is re- corded, I am informed, upon his tomb- stone. He was entitled under the dif- ferent acts of Congress to half pay, com- mutation and bounty land, but neither he nor his heirs have been able to ob- tain either. He was a member of the Society of Cincinnati, and left three diaries of the events of the Revolution- ary war, connected with his service, which are in possession of John W. Davis, of Oil City, Pa. An old sketch of the life of Captain Davis, says, among other things : " He was a man of note in his day and was one of the first to join General Wayne in raising a regi- ment immediately on the breaking out of the war. He served continuously till its close, bearing a full share of the hardships and dangers of eight cam- paigns under his intrepid leader. He first saw fire at Three Rivers, and fought at Brandywine, Paoli, German- town, Monmouth, Stony Point, Green Spring, Yorktown and in Georgia, and he traversed in the service every State in the Union, from the St. Lawrence to the Mobile. Though a brave officer, and in many battles and innumerable skirmishes, he passed through the war without a wound. He was for many years one of the Judges of our county Courts, and possessed a handsome land- ed estate in the Great Chester Valley. There are many that still recollect his erect, large and manly form, seated in his chair at the right of Judge Darling- ton, and always looking the full soldier, and wearing his high military air, even in his place of judgment. He died July 10, 1827, just half of a century after John Morton ; having lived to see the death-bed prediction of his father-in- law completely verified. The father of Judge Davis was one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace and of the Courts, a position similar to that held in the present day by our Justices of the Peace and associate Judges of tlie county Courts combined. HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. 147 ' Squire Davis' used to relate that in his day couples would come as far as ten and twenty miles to him to be mar- ried, the mode of travel being on horse- back, the groom on his saddle with his bride on a pillion behind him. The pillion being so called from its form, being something like a pillow." Captain John Davis, married his first wife Ann Morton, in 1784, he being then 30 years of age. They had the following children, Isaac, John Mor- ton, Mary, {d. 1796, d. 1868, unmar- ried,) Charles Justis, Ann, Benjamin, and Albert, and three others who died young. Captain Davis' remains were interred in the grave yard of the Great Valley Presbyterian Church, in Chester County. His second wife was the widow of Major McLean, a brother officer of the Captain during the Revo- lution. 1. Isaac Davis, M. D. A Biographi- cal notice of Surgeon Davis written for the Delaware County Medical Society, and printed in the Medical Reporter, states, he was the eldest son of Gen. John Davis, of Chester County, born July 27, 1787, that in 1806 he com- menced the study of medicine under Dr. Joseph Shalcross of Darby, took three courses of lectures in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1810 ; entered upon the practice of his profession in Edgemont township, Del- aware County; was appointed by Presi- dent Madison, surgeon in the 6th U. S. Infantry, commanded by Col. Sim- onds, and died at Fort Jackson, Mis- sissippi, from a rupture of a blood ves- sel of the lungs, July 21, 1814. He never married and was much esteemed by his acquaintances and comrades. 2. John Morton Davis, b. 1788, d. 1848, at the family residence, Chester County, where he resided all his life. He married (first) in 181 8, Elizabeth Knight of Philadelphia; they had issue, Mary and Albert K. Mary ///, Joseph Baker of Philadelphia, and died leaving issue, Matilda, Mary, John Morton and Josephine Baker. Albert Knight Davis, b. 1821, in. Matilda, dau. of Charles Thompson of Philadelphia in 1857, theyresideonpartoftheold fam- ily estate, and have issue, John, Charles T. and Matilda. John M. Davis, mar- ried (secondly) in 1830, Anna Maria Walley, and had issue, William W., Henrietta, John Morton, Elizabeth (;;/. Wm. Lee, of Chester County, and died without issue,) Isaac Henry, {J>. 1836, 7ti. 1863, Sidney Bowman, of Philadelphia. He died in 1867, leav- ing Walley and Nellie Davis,) Anna Maria, b. 1840, in. 1862, Clinton Baugh, merchant of Philadelphia, and has issue Louis and Florence Baugh. 4. Charles J. Davis, b. 1799, at the family homestead, commenced busi- ness at Reading as a grain merchant, afterwards a coal merchant in Phila- delphia, where he died Oct. 23, 1874, in the 75th year of his age. He mar- ried in 1824, Mary Siter, dau. of Adam and Sarah, of Delaware County. They had issue, Mary Emily, who died un- married. John Wesley, (chemist. Oil City, Pa., in. Emily Ritter of Chester County, and have Emily R., Mary S., Dora and Charles Graicey Davis,) Car- oline, Cornelia, both unmarried, Sarah Ann, Martha who died in infancy, and Robert Breckenridge, in. Sallie Porter of Philadelphia. He was engaged in coal-mining, and lost his life in 1873, in the mines, leaving a son and a daugh- ter surviving him. 5. Ann Elizabeth Davis, b. 1804, in. 1836, Dr. John A. Brown, of Chester Co., removed to Staunton, Virginia. Their only child, Ann Mary Morton, 148 HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. ///. Alexander H. ImiII/, 1-',s(|., of that place, ill 1.S6S; ilu\ lia\i- one chilil, John Morton. 6. lienjaniin l)a\is, son of John and Ann, /'. Jany. 9, 1806, at the old family homestead, married June 9, 1831, at Norristown, Pa., Elizabeth N. {b. Nov. 10, 1809), dan. of Robert and Isabella Todd Hamill, and lives at St. Georges, Delaware, where he carries on the business of a coal and lumber merchant. They have the following children, all living. Rev. Robert Hamill Davis, now Pastor of the Pres- byterian church, Dearfield, New Jersey, b. 1832, ;//. Nov. 23, 1862, Adelia Thum, of Philadelphia, they have issue Elizabeth H., Adelia Thum, Elbe T., John Morton, and Susan T. Davis. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1834, m. Nov. 2, 1865, Daniel B. Stewart, lumber mer- chant, of St. Georges, and had issue, Fredk. B., d. in infancy, Elizabeth Hamill, and Anna Margaret Stewart. John Alorton Davis, b. 1837, Druggist, Philadelphia, served in the Union Army during the Rebellion, and was wounded in battle. Charles L. Davis, b. 1839, served throughout the war of 1861-5, enlisting in the Common- wealth Artillery of Philadelphia in 1861, subsequently as 2nd and then as ist Lt. and then Capt. in the 31st and 82d Penna. Vols., promoted to Capt. in theSignal Corps of the Army of the Potomac, was chief of his corps in that army, and brevetted a Major and ap- pointed 2d Lt. loth U. S. Infantry, Feb. 23, 1866, married 1867, Sarah G. Moorehouse, dau. of Washington Bee- bee and Sarah A. (Fuller) his wife, of Cooperstown, N. Y., niece and adoi)ted daughter of Eliza C. and Judge Kben B. Moorehouse, of the same ])laiains. David Parry, And. McDowel, Roger Hunt, John McCoull, George Aston, George Taylor, Wm. McKnight, James Graham, Moses Dickie, Robert Grace, Richard Richison, Hugh Killpatrick, John Williamson, James Hunter, John Mathers. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 165 Lieutenants . Isaac Davy, John Culbertson, Guyon Moore, John Vaughn, Robert Morrell, Wm. Darlington, Robert Anderson, John Kent, John Boyd, Wm. Buchanan, John Cuthbert, John McMakin, Jno. Cunningham, James Mathers, Charles Moore. Ensigns. Nathaniel Davies, James Scoot, William Littler, Robert Aull, Edward Pearce, Francis Garmer, Samuel Love, Jacob Free, Jas. Montgomery, Wm. Gumming, John Hambrith, John Johnson, Geo. McCuUough, Joseph Talbert, Benjamin Weatherby. And on March 29, 1748, (5 Col. Records, 210,) the following list of offi- cers, commissioned for Chester Coun- ty, is given. The regiment was called the " AssociATORS," and furnished their own equipments. Andrew McDowel, Colonel. John Frew, Lieut. Col. John Miller, Major. Job Ruston, William Bell, Joseph Wilson, Henry Glassford, Joseph Smith, Robert McMullin, James Cochran, Robert Allison, James Dysart, Rowland I'arry, Joseph Parke, John Emmit, Captains. William Boyd, William Reed, William Porter, John Miller. Lieutenants. John Culbertson, Thomas Hope, Robert Macky, George Bently. Ensigns, John Donald, Thomas Clarke, John Smith, Thomas Brown. At the Council held May 25, 1748, I find the following entry, (5 C. R., 246): "The following officers being chosen & returned by the Associators to the Presdt & Council, were approv- ed of & Commissions issued to them accordingly : William Clinton, Cap- tain; Morris Thomas, Lieut., and Wil- liam Carr, Ensig/i.'" And on Aug. 4, 1748, the follow- ing persons were commissioned from Chester County : Thomas Hubert, Jr., and George Leggitt, Captains ; John Rees and Thomas Leggitt, Licuts., and Anthony Richard and Archibald Young, Ensigns. During the fall of 1748, Peter Kalm, the Swedish naturalist, arrived in Philadelphia, and after spending a short time in that city, he passed through Delaware County, on a visit to Wilmington. On his return, he says he passed some time at Chichester (Marcus Hook), "A borrough on the Delaware, where travellers pass the river in a Ferry." He adds: "They build here every year a number of small ships for sale ; and from an iron works which lies higher up the country, they carry iron bars to this place, and ship them. The environs of Chichester, contain many gardens which are full of apple trees, sinking under the weight of innumerable apples. ' ' About noon our traveller says, he reached "Ches- ter, a little market town which lies on the Delaware. The houses stand dis- persed. Most of them are built of stone, and two or three stories high ; some are, however, made of wood. In the town is a church and a market- place. ' ' Smith's History, 258. The following is a list of licenses granted in Delaware County, in 1755 : Chester, James Mather, Aubrey Bevan, John Hanley, David Cowpland. Darby, John Rudolph, George Wood. Chichester, Thomas Clayton, Mary Pain, James Pillion. Middletown, Joseph Talbot. Concord, Jno. Hannum, Nath'l Newlin. Chester Township, James Strowd. Ridley, Mord. Thomson. Radnor, Sampson Davis. Newtown, John West, Richard Barry. In 1757, the Court recommended to the Governor the following named persons to be licensed as tavern keep- ers in Chester Borough, viz., Aubrey 166 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Bevan, James Mather, David Cowp- land and John Hanley ; for the town- ship, William Miller. In 1762, among the list of new Jus- tices of the county of Chester, appears the name of Henry Hale Graham, Esq. , who during his lifetime occupied so many prominent positions of profit and trust in the county. The Grahams of Delaware County, claim an importance in Scotland as early as A. D. 404, when Graham, Regent of Scotland, commanding its army, breached the mighty wall erect- ed by the Roman Emperor Severus, between the Forth and Clyde. They in- termarried with the Stuarts of the royal family, and were conspicuous in the wars for Scottish liberty by the side of Wallace and the Bruce. The great Marquis of Montrose and Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, call- ed by the Covenanters for his deeds, ' ' Bloody Dundee, ' ' and * ' Bonny Dun- dee" by the Cavaliers, on account of his great personal beauty, were of this family. William Graham (father of Henry Hale Graham), born in London, April 25, 1692, was the second son of Rich- ard Graham, of Blackhouse, Cumber- land, and Alice his wife, daughter of William Hale, of Hointon, Worcester. Richard was the second son of George, the son of William Graham, of Black- house. Richard Graham and Alice his wife, with most of their children, lie buried in the Quaker burying ground near Bunhillsfield, London. William Graham, m. Feb. i, 1719, Anne, dau. of Thomas and Patience Bradford, in Friends' meeting-house, called " Buil-and-Mouth,^' in St. Mar- tin's le Grand, near Aldersgate, Lon- don, and had issue three sons and four daughters, all of whom died young, (except a daughter, Hannah,) and were buried in Bunhillsfields burying ground. His wife Annie, d. Dec. 29, 1727; and in 1729, he married in Friends' meeting-house at Waltham Abbey, in "Middlesex," Eleanor, dau. of Zedekiah & Dorothy Wyatt, of Grace Church St., London, where she was born, 5 mo. 8, 1705. He had by his second marriage two sons and three daughters. William Graham, emigrated to the Province of Pennsylvania, in the year 1733. See Records of Chester Monthly Meeting. In 1743, a daughter, Anna Maria, born in Philadelphia, died and was buried in Friends' grave-yard at Chester, where her tombstone still stands. William Graham d. Aug. 6, 1 758, and was buried in the same place. His sons' names were, Henry Hale, and Zedekiah ; the latter was born in Darby, Oct. 21, 1737, and died un- married. In the Minutes of Chester Monthly Meeting, under date of 28th of 8th mo. , 1 758, it is said, that " Dorothy Graham Requests to come under the care and Notice of Friends, which this meeting agrees to, as her conversation and con- duct shall agree with the Rules of our Discipline." 6 mo. 25, 1759. A certificate was produced " for Eleanor, the widow of William Graham, from London, dated in the year 1733, setting forth her good Life and Conversation, & that .she was in unity with Friends there, but as the said Certificate has laid so long, this meeting thinks proper to appoint Peter Dicks and John Sharp- less to join with the women [Jane Hoskins and Sarah Sharpies,] to en- quire into the Reason why it was not delivered in sooner." They report next n")nth that they "have taken an HISTORY OF CHESTER. 167 opportunity with her and heard her Reasons why her certificate was not delivered in sooner, which Reasons being allowed of, and that they do not find but that her Conversation has been orderly, therefore the said certificate is received. One of her children is come under the care of Friends by Request. The rest, for sufficient Rea- sons are not looked upon as Members until they apply in like manner." This none of the others appear to have done. The wife oif Henry Hale Gra- ham retained her membership with Friends, and two of their daughters, Eleanor and Mary, became members prior to marriage. The family history says : " One of the daughters, Dorothea, married a Dr. Smith, and died without issue, a victim to the yellow fever, at Chester, in the latter part of the last century." From Friends' records it appears that Dorothy Graham, daughter of Wil- liam and Eleanor, " passed meeting" with John Smith, of Lower Chiches- ter, 7 mo. 30, 1 781, but the marriage was interrupted by her mother, who became dissatisfied with him " for not being so willing as she desired, to re- ceive some goods which she proposed to give to her daughter on such terms as she thought fit to propose." Har- mony was restored however, eventu- ally, and the marriage took place 12 mo. 3, 17S3. Her mother was still living. Henry Hale Graham, was born in London, in 1731, and came as a child to this country with his father. He was a man of much influence in the Province, a lawyer by profession, and held the offices of Register, Recorder, Prothonotary and Clerk of the several Courts of Chester County. He was an industrious man, and with his own hands wrote the greater part of the papers on file in his office, which his peculiar chirography attests. In 1761, he was appointed one of the Justices of the county ; in 1775 and again in 1789, to the same position. The offi- cial report on the condition of Penna., made in 1775, by Gov. Richard Penn, shows that the offices of Prothonotary, Register, Recorder, &:c., were held by Mr. Graham at that time, and the com- pensation thereof was placed at ^120 per annum. In March 26, 1777, Thomas Taylor was appointed Mr. Graham's successor in office, although he never assumed the duties of the position, nor did Benjamin Jacobs, who was appointed April 4, same year, for on the nth of June, Caleb Davis was qualified. On the 28th of July, the records of the county were still in Mr. G.'s posses- sion, when the Council authorized Mr. Davis to "enter the dwelling and out- houses of H. H. Graham, take posses- sion of the books and papers of the county, and remove them to a place of safety." In 1777, when the English army held possession of Chester, Mr. G. seems to have lost by their depre- dations, ;^25. He took no active part in the Revolution. In 1789, when Delaware County was created, he was appointed with others one of the trustees for the purchase of the Court House and Prison, at Ches- ter, "for the use of the inhabitants." On Nov. 7, 1789, he was appointed President Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, but on account of not hav- ing been a Justice of the Peace at the time his appointment was illegal ; where- upon the President of Pennsylvania and Council revoked the commission they had granted, and commissioned him a Justice of the Peace, and then 168 HISTORY OF CHESTER. appointed him President Judge of the several Courts of the new county. In 1790, he was a delegate from the coun- ty to the Constitutional Convention of the State, and during its sitting he died. The Convention, out of respect to Mr. G. , adjourned, and sent three of their members to Chester to attend his fu- neral. His remains are interred in Friends' grave-yard. A large portion of the clothing Henry Hale Graham wore when an infant, and in which, it is said, he was taken to meeting to be enrolled on the Records of the Socie- ty,* are now in the possession of Henry Graham Ashmead, his g. grandson. Mr. Graham married Abigail Pen- nell, by whom he had the following children: Eleanor, b. 7 mo. 17, 1761, wifeof Raper Hoskins; Mary, /;. i mo. 4, 1764, wife of Joseph Hoskins; Wil- liam Graham, b. 2 mo. 13, 1766 ; Hen- rietta, b. 4 mo. 27, 1768, wife of Rich- ard Flower ; Dorothea, b. 6 mo. 22, 1 770, wife of Dr. Pennell ; Catha- rine Greenleif, b. i mo. 2, 1773, wife of Capt. Thomas Robinson ; Henry Hale, b. 5 mo. 24, 1777, d. 7 mo. 21, 1777; Abigail Graham, spinster, b. 4 mo. 19, 1780, and Anna Maria, b. \\ mo. 29, 1782, d. 9 mo. 22, 1783. William Graham, only son of Henry Hale Graham, was born in Chester in 1766; admitted to the bar Nov. 14, 1788, and married Jane Robinson, sister of Capt. Thomas Robinson, who had married one of Mr. Graham's sisters. During the whiskey insurrec- tion in 1794, he commanded a body of troops from Delaware County, who had responded to the call of Gov. Mifflin. Mr. Graham, owing to a dis- ease in his throat, could never argue matters before the Court ; but enjoyed a large attorney practice. This dis- •"■ 'riii> i> not a ( hiakcr cunIoih. ease Avas thus occasioned ; when a young man he went to Chester Island, in company with some gentlemen, rail- shooting, and became separated from his companions. When night came on he could not be found, and they re- turned to Chester, determining at day- break to resume their search for him. All that night he remained on the bar, the tide rising so high that his head and chin alone were out of the water. When rescued next morning, his voice was entirely gone, and he fiever re- covered it. He ever after spoke no louder than a whisper. He died with- out children in 1821, and was interred in Friends' grave-yard. His remains have since been removed to Woodland Cemetery, Philadelphia. The above births of Henry Hale Graham's children, were recorded on the minutes of Friends' Meeting at Chester, at the particular request of the mother; the father not being in membership with Friends. Although the writer of much of the foregoing sketch says Judge Graham was a Friend, it is a mistake. The Records of Ches- ter Monthly Meeting are my authority. They state distinctly that he was not a member. Judge Graham was born in London, July I, 1731 ; he died Jan. 24, 1790. He married as stated, Abigail Pennell, daughter of Thomas and Mary, July I, 1 760. She was born June 29, 1 740, and died Nov. 4, 1797, (copied from the family Bible, in possession of Mrs. Eleanor Pearsoll, a g. grand-daughter of the Judge). I have in my posses- sion an old, black letter law book, en- titled '■'■ Tryals per Pais,'" })ublished in London, 1702. On the inside of the front cover is pasted a book-plate, on which is engraven, "Henry Hale Graham," and the arms are, Ar, on HISTORY OF CHESTER. 169 a Chief, or, three escallop shells, ppr. Crest, two wings conjoined or. Motto, ^^ Nee Habeo, Nee Careo, Nee Curo,'" i. e., I have neither property, want nor care. This was the motto of the "En- glish Bowstring Makers Company." In the book are the signatures of "Henry H. Graham, Wm. Graham, and Wm. Martin, Chester, Pa., 1819, William Graham's office. ' ' My father and grandfather, both named William Martin ; both studied law with William Graham. Graham is not a place-name, but from the old Norse Graine, signifying worth. The family had its origin in Cumberland or Scotland. New Eng- land Historical Mag., 23 vol., 80. From an old scrap-book of my grand- father. Dr. William Martin, I copy the following: — "For the Pennsylvania Packet, Jan. 26, 1790. On Saturday, the 23d inst., departed this life at Phil- adelphia, after a short illness, Henry Hale Graham, Esq., in the 59th year of his age. President of the Courts of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Delaware County, and one of the Delegates in Convention for altering and amending the Constitution of the State. And on Tuesday morning, his remains were interred in Friends' bu- rial ground at Chester, attended by his family and a very large collection of relatives and acquaintances, and a committee of the Convention. "The regret that the Publick mind must feel for the loss of a valuable cit- izen, can only be excelled by the deep sorrow of an amiable family, and large connection of relatives and friends. With the tears that shall flow for his loss, will often be mingled those of the poor and friendless, to whom in his professional and private character, he was a liberal benefactor. "While speechless o'er thy closing grave we bend, Accept these tears, thou dear departed friend ; Oh, gone forever, take this last adieu ; And sleep in peace, ." Eleanor, daughter of Henry Hale Graham, and wife of Raper Hoskins, died July 3, 1835. Mary, another daughter, wife of Joseph Hoskins, de- parted this life Dec. 2, 1836. Henri- etta Graham, wife of Richard Flower, died Oct. 6, 1841. Catharine G. Gra- ham, who married Thomas Robinson, departed Jan. 24, 1836. Abigail War- der, daughter of Raper and Eleanor Hoskins, died June 15, 1832. Their son, John G. Hoskins, died June 20, 1845 J ^i^d their daughter Henrietta, died Nov. 2, 1852. Zedekiah W. Flower, son of Richard and Henri- etta, died Feb. 14, 1846; and Jane, the widow of William Graham, Esq., died Dec. 10, 1855. William G. Flow- er, son of Richard and Henrietta, died Aug. 21, 1865. The following article, entitled "Re- miniscences of William Graham, Esq.," is copied from the West Chester Re- publican, of the year 1854. I do not know who wrote the article. " The remains of Mr. Graham were inter- red in Friends' burying ground in Chester, beside those of his kindred and many of the friends of his early youth. The house he formerly occupied has been re-constructed, and the law office in which he was consulted by his clients, has been remodelled and con- verted into a dwelling. Occasionally we find one of his ancient books travelling the rounds of the reading community, and we have now in our possession a work printed in black let- ter, in 1695, entitled 'Tryals per Pais, or the Law of England, concerning Juries by Nisi Prius,' which belonged to him. A few of his relatives yet reside among us. "Among the attorneys of the old Judicial District, of which Chester County was a part, there is no one around whom, in my memory, so many interesting associations cluster as 17U HISTORY OF CHESTER. William Graham. My first acquaintance with him was in the year 1815, when a commission from the Hon. Jared Ingersoll, then Attorney General of Pennsylvania, made me Prosecut- ing Attorney at old Chester. " In his office at that time, Barnard, iJick and Kerlin were students. He was a son of Henry Hale Graham, whose name was iden- tified for many years with the legal history of real estate in Chester County before its divi- sion. To the professional man and to the annalist, Henry Hale Graham is a very inter- esting character. His residence looked out upon the landing place of Penn, and was close by the spot where stood the building in which the first law of the Province was enacted, and near where Joseph Parker once kept the county offices and records of the Court. The style of his house and office reminded one of the olden time, but his library still more so. His name, written in his plain, peculiar hand on their leaves, is still to be seen in many an ancient folio, and scattered far and wide in the hands of a fourth generation. Many of them contain- ed the name of Joseph Parker, a previous learner from the same pages. "William Graham had studied law with Edward Tilghman, and held his name in the highest reverence, an interest which he ex- tended to the descendants of his legal precep- . tor. His regard was well justified, as may be seen in the laudatory but plain and just eulo- gium upon Mr. Tilghman, written by Horace Binney, to be found in the American Encyclo- pedia, and which has been i^anked by common consent as a rare gem of legal biography. Mr. Graham's doings and surroundings were of a character with the son of such a father, the pupil of such a preceptor, and the heir of an estate in such a locality. " He commanded a troop of cavalry in the Western Expedition, when the exposure Ijrought on an attack which affected his voice, so that afterwards he could not speak much above his breath. He continued his profes- sional aid, however, to his friends, neighbors, and old clients while he lived, and whenever he attempted to speak in Court, all ears were open. His uniform good sense, great propri- ety and dignity of character and accurate knowledge of the law and practice, command- ed attention from bench, bar, the jury and the public. He died some thirty odd years ago, when ( )ld Chester lost the rcniaininir distin- guished name of the olden time. At the sale of his library, Major Barnard and myself were in attendance, and purchased a large number of his books. Among these ancient volumes were many curiosities, historical and literary, as well as legal. I bought a very old Bible, and presented it to Judge Darhngton, whose tastes as a bibliographer were marked, also a copy of Symboliography, which has found its way, through a seccjud hand, intcj the Phila- delphia Law Library, and a law Ijook of Pre- sident Reed, his manual when a student at the Inns of Court, London, together with many curious, old and time-worn publications of Wil- liam Penn's day. A well kept volume of ' Crampton on Courts,' published in 1594, yet in my possession, reminds me that the motto of Henry Hale CJraham, was 'Nee Habeo, Nee Careo, Nee Curo.' The book is printed in Norman French, with the black letter type, and is now 260 years old. "The Court, in 1815, when William Gra- ham was at the head of the bar, was composed of Wilson, as President Judge, Lloyd, Wil- cox and Crosby, Associates ; Joseph Engle, Prothonotary ; Joseph W^eaver, Clerk, and Daniel Thompson, (a former Sheriff) as Crier. "The manner in which the public records had been kept by Thomas B. Dick, when he held the public offices, was proverbial for ac- curacy and neatness, and his dockets a pattern of beauty and propriety. Could William Gra- ham have lived, the seat of Justice would never have been removed from ancient Up- land, and I shall never cease to regret that a respect for its interesting memories did not keep it there." William Graham lived and had his law office in the fine old mansion house, at the S. E. corner of Graham Street and Edgmont Avenue, directly oppo- site the former site of the first meeting- house of Friends, lately the residence of ''Squire" Smith. Capt. Thomas Robinson, erected and lived in the hotise next to it, to the south, with a garden between. Mr. Ed. S. Sayres, says: " \Vm. Graham, was a very lively, jolly man, full of fun, wit and anecdote ; a most agreeable companion. I often visited HISTOllV OF ClIESTEH. 171 him. He married Tom Robinson's sister. I did not know that Robinson had been in the war of 1812, with De- catur ; but he was at Tripoli, I know, with him and Preble." In the life of Commodore Preble, in the Poi-t Folio, 1810, vol 4, 546, it is related : " The bomb-vessel, command- ed by Lieut. Robinson, had all her shrouds shot away, and was so shat- tered in the hull, as to be kept above water with difficulty." In Friends' burying ground at Ches- ter, there is a stone erected to the memory of "William Graham, who departed this life 6th August, 1758, aged 69 years." Another has on it " Henry H. Graham, son of William Graham," and marks the spot where lie the remains of Judge Graham. XVII. ■ In the Pennsylvania Gazette of Nov. 17, 1768, is an obituary notice, which reads thus : "On Saturday last, de- parted this life John Mather, Esq., an ancient inhabitant of Chester, in the 73d year of his age. During that long period, in every station of life which he filled, his Reputation for Piety, Honesty and Benevolence, was universal." "Stranger to civil and religious Rage, The good man walk'd innoxious thro' his Age, Unlearn' d, he knew no Schoolman's subtle Art, No language but the Language of the Heart, By nature honest, by Experience Wise, Healthy by temperance, and by Exercise." And in the Packet iox Dec. 7, 1772, it is stated that, " On the 28th ult., Mr. James Mather, Jr. , of Chester, coming to this city, was flung from his horse, and so violently hurt, that he died in three hours after being carried back to Chester." ,Among the arrivals at Philadelphia by the Rebecca, of Liverpool, 31st of 8 mo. (Oct.) 1685, was Richard Ma- ther, but whether he was the ancestor of the Chester Mathers, is unknown. John and James Mather were among the Chester taxables in 1724, after which the names frequently appear in the old records. John married Mary Hoskins as already noted, (p. 56) and was commissioned a Justice of the Peace, April 4, 1741, in which station he continued by reappointment near twenty years. John. Mather, Jr., per- haps a son of James, was an attorney- at-law, at Chester, where he died in September, 1 763. In his will he men- tions his sister, Rebecca Vanleer, and only son, James; appoints his friends Plunket Fleeson, of Philadelphia, and William Atlee, of Lancaster, his ex- ecutors. John Mather, Sr., mentions, in 1768, the children of his brother Thomas, namely, John, James, Jane, Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah. To his grand-son, John Mather Jackson, he devised a stone house and lot opposite the parsonage, and then in the tenure of Francis Richardson. The home- stead appears to have been a brick house on a lot at the S. E. cor. of James and Front Streets. Dr. Smith says, p. 275, that "As early as 1734, some small quantities of silk had been made in Pennsylvania, probably from the native mulberry. About this period (1770) the subject was revived, and great efforts made to introduce the culture on a large scale. Premiums were offered to the persons who should bring the greatest weight of Cocoons to a filature established in Philadelphia. In 1771, the quantity brought to this establishment from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela- ware, chiefly by ladies, was 1754 ll)s. 172 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 4 ozs., of which Chester C\)unty [iro- duced 335 lbs. Of this, some resi- dents of Chester sent in tlie follow- ing quantity: — Al)igail Davis, 3 lbs. 2 ozs. ; Henry Thomas, 8 lbs. 6 ozs. ; Jane Davis, 28 lbs. 12 ozs.; Jacob Worrall, 2 lbs. ; John Hoops, 23 lbs. 10 ozs.; Margaret Reiley, 11 lbs. 10 ozs." In the Pennsylvania Packet for Oct. II, 1770, a reward of four dollars is offered for the recovery of a black mare stolen from Davis Bevan, of Chester. By another advertisement in the same paper, Joseph Thomas appears to have been the -''Gaoler" at Chester, at that time; and in the issue of Dec. 27, 1770, is the following notice: " It being agreed l)y many JoLLY HuN- iKKS to meet at Christiana Ferry, and open the Xi:\v Vkar with a Fox-Chase, Notice is hereby given to all lovers of this noble and manly E.xercise, that a numerous and good Pack of Hounds will be collected at Mr. (Samuel) Morton's, as (sic) between Wilming- ton and New Castle, the ground is excel- lent and the Foxes very plenty." " There you shall hear Most gallant chiding; for beside the groves, The skies, the fountains, every region near Will seem one mutual cry." In the number for June 28, 1773, of the same paper, is a notice that, " On the tenth instant, was married at Chester, Mr. Joseph Mifflin, of this city, merchant, to Miss Debby Rich- ardson, daughter of Mr. Francis Richardson, of that place." It will be perceived from the above marriage notice, that the present fashion young ladies have of calling themselves Til- lie, Katie, Sallie, Sibbie, Minnie, ^-c, is merely a revival of an old custom of giving nick names, or pet names, .such as Debby, Nancy, Betsey, &c. I like the f)l(l way best : l)ut in mnrnnge notices the familiar household pet name should not be used ; it is in very bad taste. In the same journal for April 3, 1779, there is offered for sale, three lots on Market street, Chester, in all 80 by 120 feet, at the corner of Mid- dle street ; the first having a frame building for a store thereon, in the tenure of Francis Richardson ; the 2d, a two story brick, opposite Mr. Cowp- land's frequented and well-known tav- ern; 3d, vacant. The resident of Ches- ter will easily locate these lots as the property where Dr. Terrill lived, the store, the house to the south of his residence, and the vacant lot his gar- den, at the S. E. cor. 4th and Market streets. Watson, in his Annals, i vol. 560, says : " Col. Frank Richardson, was a person of great personal beauty and address, born of Quaker parentage at Chester. As he grew^ up and mixed with the British officers in Philadel- phia, he acquired a passion for their profession, went to London, got a commission, and at length became a Colonel of the King's Life Guards. This was about 1770." This may be an error as to his birth- place, his birth being recorded by Friends in Philadelphia as occurring 3 mo. 15, 1746. His father and three of the younger children, Hannah, John and Deborah, became members of Chester meeting in 1773, and the son, John, was disowned in 1775, for taking part in military preparations. The above family of Richardson, must not be confounded with the pre- sent numerous family of the same name, residing in Philadelphia, many of whom are xmibrella manufacturers on Market street, and who are related to, and intermarried with the Hills HISTOKY OF CHESTEK. 173 and several other Delaware County families. The ancestors of the pre- sent family, were two brothers from L-eland, who came to this country about 1770; hence confusion might arise. Eliza, the sister of Sarah Anna Davis, widow of my late uncle, Robert P. Crosby, of Ridley creek quarries, m. Dr. John Howard Hill, a physi- cian at Hatboro, Montgomery County, Pa., afterwards a druggist of Philadel- phia, who is still living, a hale, hearty man, well advanced in years. One of his daughters, Kate, m. William H. Richardson, a son of one of the brothers who emigrated from Ireland ; and their son, Henry Richardson, married my cousin, Margaretta, a dau. of Charles R. Hawes and Sarah Ann Crosby, his wife, who is a dau. of Robert P. Crosby. They have one child, a son, called Gardiner Hawes. Charles R. Hawes, now deceased, was a son of the late Mayor of New York, Peter Hawes. Dr. John Howard Hill, above named, is a cousin of the late Peter, George W., William and John F. Hill, of Delaware County. They were the sons of Peter Hill, of Ridley, a miller during the Revolution. His teams and flour were taken by the Govern- ment in an emergency during the war, and afterwards the U. S. gave him a tract of land in Virginia, of 5000 acres. One of my first cases was em- ploying Fitzhugh Lee, late a Con- federate General, to obtain possession of this land, near Clarksburg, Lee County, Virginia, in which we were i successful. And John F. Hill and his second wife, Mary Roberts, a de- scendant of the Brooms of Delaware, resided on a portion of the tract until driven away by the rebels. AVilliam and Mary Hill, of Delaware County, were early settlers there. Mary was a daughter of John Hunter, who was a native of the north of England, from Avhence he removed to County Wicklow, Ireland, to escape the per- secutions of theRomanish Stuart Kings after the Restoration, and married there a Miss Albans. He was a Trooper under William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne, July i, 1690, and came to Chester County in the first quarter of the last Century, and died about 1736. William Hill died about 1747 leav- ing six children, Alexander, Mary, John, Peter, Christiana, and another whose name is not obtained. Four of them were minors and two were under ten years of age. The widow married James Bennett before 1751. J. Howard Hill, son of Dr. John Howard Hill, above named, was a I St Lieut, of the 2d Dragoons of the U. S. army. He graduated from the U. S. Military Academy, June 30, 1839, and died in service during the Mexican war, at Puebla, Mexico, July 29, 1847. Another son, Na- thaniel Davis Hill, was one of my boy- hood's friends. He married Miss Sallie Haddock, a sister of Mr. Daniel Had- dock, Jr., a well known merchant of Philadelphia. He is now a resident of Washington Territory. Dr. John Howard Hill, is a grandson of John Hill, late a resident of Middletown, Delaware County, a brother of Peter Hill, the old miller of Ridley. Maria Davis, another sister of Mrs. Anna Robinson — for after the death of Robert P. Crosby, his widow married the late Captain Thomas Robinson — married Dr. William Bradley Tyler, of Frederick, Maryland. She\vasawidow when she married the Doctor, having 174 HISTORY OF CHESTER. been previous!)- married to Rol)ertMc- Pherson ; and 1 knew his son John Mcpherson, a merchant of Baltimore, and his sister Kate, who is still living. Miss Maria Tyler, a dau. of the Doctor and Maria, married a merchant of Balti- more, Mr. Thomas D. Belt. She has a brother, Bradley Tyler, and a step- sister, Eleanor Tyler, who married a Dr. William Johnson. A son of the last named couple, Bradley Johnson, is the former well known Confederate General. Dr. Tyler was a very pro-^ minent Democrat, and a candidate of that political party for Governor of the State, on one occasion. During the Rebellion, he was loyal, and sympa- thized strongly with the Government. When the Doctor married Mrs. Maria McPherson, he was a widower, with several children. The following copy of an old "Death Warrant," the original of which is in possession of William Sharpless, of West Chester, sufficiently explains it- self : [L. S.] CiE()R(;i-: the TiriRD, liy the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and soforth. To Jesse Maris, Sheriff of the County of Chester, within our Province of Pennsyl- vania, Esquire. — Whkrkas, At a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General (laol de- livery, held at Chester, on the nth day of June inst., before William Allen, John Law- rence and Thomas Willing, Esquires, our Justices, assigned by our Letters Patent, under the great seal of our said Province, a certain Matthew McMahan, late of said county, la- bourer, was presented, arraigned, tried for and convicted of Felony and Murder, by him the said Matthew McMahan committed on the body of a certain James McClester, and the said Matthew McMahan did then receive sentence of our said Court of Oyer and Terminer, that he should be hanged by the neck till he should be dead ; of which sentence execution remaincth Id be done. These are therefore to rcciuivc and (imnnand you to see and cause the said sentence to 1)C executed upon the said Matthew McMahan, at the usual place, within or near the town of Chester aforesaid, on Saturday the thirteenth day of June instant, between the hours of ten in the forenoon, and four in the afternoon of the same day, with full effect, as you will answer the neglect thereof at your peril. And we command all of our officers, Magistrates and others our subjects within our said Pro- vince, to be aiding and assisting you in this service. In testimony whereof, we have caused the lesser seal of our said Province to be hereunto affixed. Witness, John Penn, Esquire, by virtue of a commission from Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esquires, true and absolute proprietaries of our said Province, and with our loyal approbation. Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province aforesaid, and the Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex on the Dela- ware, at Philadelphia, the twenty-first day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and seventy, and the tenth year of our reign. John Penn. Chester was not the scene of any very important events during the Re- volutionary war ; of what occurred in the county during that period. Smith's History gives a full account ; I shall therefore relate only such matters as hajjpened in Chester and its immedi- ate vicinity. On Dec. 20, 1774, a large number of the inhabitants of Chester County, assembled in the Court House in Ches- ter, for the purpose of choosing a Com- mittee " To carry into execution the Association of the late Continental Congress. ' ' The purposes of which were to take into consideration, mea- sures for defending their liberties. The following Committee was chosen : Anthony Wayne, Evan Evans, Francis Johnson, Richard Riley, Hugh Lloyd, James Moore, ■fhomas Hockley, D.ivid Cowpland, Lewis Gronow, Joseph Taylor, Edw. Humphreys, Harry Lawrence, Wm. Montgomery, Pcrcifer Frazer, John Foiilkc, Joseph I'cnncll, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 175 Sketchley Morton, John Hart, John Crosby, Samuel Fairlamb, Isaac Eyre, Aaron Oakford, Nicholas Diehl, Benj'n Brannan, Jesse Bonsall, John Talbot, Samuel Price, Joseph Brown, John Taylor, John Crawford, Richard Thomas, William Miller, Walter Finney, Joseph Musgrave, James Evans, James Simpson, Jonathan Vernon, Jr David Wherry, William Edwards, Thomas Bishop, Joseph Gibbons, Jr., Thomas Evans, Lew Rob't Mendenhall, ' Nich's Fairlamb, George Peirce, Samuel Trimble, Charles Dilworth, John Hannum, George Hoops, Joel Bailey, John GiUiland, John Kcrlin, Joseph Bishop, Jr., William Lewis, Patrick Anderson, Dr. Branson Van Leer Edward Jones, William Evans, Thomas Hartman, Joseph Cowan, Joseph Evans, Patterson Bell, Thomas Haslep, Dr. Jonathan Morris, Andrew Mitchell, Thos. Buffington, James Bennett, Richard Flower, Davis, Sr. The committee elected Anthony Wayne, chairman, and Francis Rich- ardson, secretary, and after the trans- action of some business, adjourned to meet at the house of David Cowpland, in Chester, Jany, 9, 1775. All the meetings at Chester, were held at his house. Caleb Cowpland, who was appointed one of the Justices of the Supreme Provincial Court of Pennsylvania in 1750, was the brother of David Cowp- land, above mentioned. David built the dwelling house now occupied by the daughters of the late Davis B. Stacey. And, as before stated, Agnes Cowpland, a daughter of David, mar- ried Davis Bevan. During the Re- volution, David Cowpland was taken from his bed in the middle of the night, and carried on board of a British vessel of war, then lying off Chester. The name of the vessel was the ' ' Vulture. ' ' The exact date of this occurrence is unknown, but it must have been after the battle of Brandy- wine, and probably tluring the lime the British occupied Philadelphia. While on board the English vessel, Mr. Cowp- land contracted the ship fever from exposure and hard usage, which to a man of his then great age, proved fatal. When he was nearly at death's door, he was set on shore and died soon afterwards, one of the numerous vic- tims of the uncalled for brutality of Englishmen. He was a member of the Committee of Safety for Chester County as will be seen by the above Ust ; a firm friend of American Inde- pendence, and a personal friend of General Lafayette, who had been en- tertained at his house in Chester. A Jonathan Cowpland on Feb. i, 1777, commanded the armed boat Basilisk, and on April i, 1777, was transferred to the Hawk. In the year 1776, there was a con- siderable body of troops raised for the defence of the Province, stationed at Chester and Marcus Hook. It appear- ing that there was not a sufficient num- ber of houses in those two towns in which to quarter the soldiers, the Com- mittee of Safety, on the 13th of April, directed "that the Committee do pro- cure for the use of said Troops 100 good tents. "At Marcus Hook two tiers of Chevaux-de-frize were sunk in the channel opposite the town, but no harbor defences seem to have been erected at Chester. The Provincials had quite a fleet of armed boats at this time, consisting of 15 vessels, manned by 679 men. One craft was a Floating battery, and one ship the "Montgomery." They do not seem to have cruised much below New Castle. Captain Reed commanded the Flotilla. On May 8, 1776, his fleet attacked the British frigate " Roebuck," 44 guns, and the "Liverpool," 28 guns, off Wilming- 176 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. ton, to |)rcvent their ascending the river. Col. Samuel Miles went down with 150 riflemen, and witnessed the engagement. He reported ' ' Our Boats and the Men of War have been engaged for two hours, at long shot. I believe there is no damage done on either side." There was much disappoint- ment expressed at the failure of the "Gondolas," and other armed boats to capture the enemy's vessels, but as Captain Reed was directed by the Committee of Safety, to be careful and not expose any of the boats to capture or destruction, perhaps that accounts for his want of success, and engaging the enemy at long shot. See 4 Penna. Archives, 748. In May, 1776, there must have been cjuite a Provincial land force stationed at Chester, as the Committee of Safety ordered Robert Towers "to deliver to Col. Samuel Miles, for the use of the Provincial Troops under his command, 1000 lbs. of gunpowder and 2,000 lbs. of lead, or as great a part thereof as in store. Also 20,000 cartridges for muskets, for the use of the Asso- ciators of Chester County;" and the next day the commissary was directed " to send down to Chester, for the use of the Provincial Troops under Col. Miles, sixty fire-locks." This does not indicate a large force, but after- events show that he had a large force under his command ; for it becoming known to the authorities, that New York and not Philadelphia, was to be attacked by the British forces, Col. Miles was on July 2, 1776, ordered to march his battalions to Philadelphia. Col. Miles' command consisted of two battalions, consisting of 971 officers and men. Col. Atlee commanded a battalion of 444 officers and men, and f'aptain Tliomas Proctor's Artillcr\', numbering 117 officers and men, were in the command. 4 Pa. Archives, 1 80. Col. Miles in his Journal, i Penna. Archives, 519, (2d series) says: — " In the spring of 1776, I was appointed to the command of a regiment of riflemen, con- sisting of 1,000 men, foniied in two battalions. Nearly the whole of this number was raised in about six weeks, and rendezvous at Marcus Hook, when the Row Gallies were ordered down the river to attack the Roebuck and her companion. I left the Council of Safety in the evening with some powder and lead for my rifle- men, and in the morning marched about 150 of them, which were all I could equip in time, to Wilmington, and saw the whole of that ac- tion, and I am convinced that had the Gallies been sufficiently supplied with ammunition in due time, (although one-half of them appeared very shy and never came within point blank sh(5t of the ships,) that those vessels, at leasts the Roebuck, would have fallen into ourhands. A few days after this action I was ordered to march 500 men to suppress an insurrection in Sussex county, Delaware, but before I got to Lewibtown,the insurgents had dispersed and the ringleaders made their escape to the East- ern shore of Maryland. On my return from I.cwistown, I was immediately ordered to send a body of men to suppress an insurrection in Monmouth county, N. Jersey, and Lt. Col. Brodhead was sent with a detachment of about 400 men, but the whigs of that State had com- pleted the business before his arrival. He pro- ceeded in obedience to orders and joined Gen- eral Mercer, at Amboy, and the next day the whole of the regiment remaining began its march for the same place, as did Col. Atlee's battalion of musketry and Cap. Proctor's com- pany of artillery. Not many days afterwards we got to Amboy, General Roberdeau arrived there to take command of the Flying camp, of which, by a resolution of the Assembly, our corps was to form a ])art; the General to com- mand the Flying camp w as elected by the ofticers of the militia, who had been selected to be added to Col. Atlee's corps and mine, to make up that body ; they met at Lancaster and elected Daniel Roberdeau. As we had no choice in electing the General, we refused to serve under him. The General was therefore at Amlioy for sonic lime w itliout any command. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 177 My regiment was soon ordered to join the army at New York. At that time General Wash- ington had 24,000 men in his army, upwards of 7000 of whom were returned sick and unfit for duty." On the day of the battle of Long Is- land, Aug. 27, 1 776, a return was made of the troops quartered near Philadel- phia. One battalion is mentioned as being in the barracks. Colonel (name indistinct) 's Battalion. Captains — John Hart, 41 men ; Thos. Lewis, 24; Nich's Diehl, 38; Nath. Vernon, 27 ; John Crosby, 42 ; And'w Boon, 34. This was one of the Chester County battalions. Li my researches of the Crosby family I discovered that Capt. Crosby was in Col. Morgan's regiment, but neglected to note my authority. The following list of the names of Chester County officers and men in the 5th Regiment of the Pennsylvania line, commanded by Col. Robert Ma- gaw, and captured at Fort Washington, Nov. 1 6th, 1776, is copied from a com- munication in the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia, of Sept. 30, 1873, viz. : John Richardson, Lieutenant ; James Wilson, and Samuel Shaw, Ser- geants j Timothy Moriarty and Ar- thur White, privates, of Chester. John Rudolph, Lieutenant; Thomas Fields, Sergeant ; John Porter, Ezekiel Pop- lin, Thomas Pendergrass, (died in prison,) Arthur Cook, John Poplin, John Robinson, John Moore, Michael Ligan, Jonathan Earle, and Dennis Kelly, privates, Derby. Robert Wil- kins, Lieut. ; John McGilton, Robert Glass, Joseph Walker and Charles Magee, privates, Chester County. This battalion was the first Penn- sylvania regiment mustered into the army of the Revolution, with Col. William Thompson, of Carlisle, as its Colonel ; his commission bears date June 25, 1775. The regiment arrived at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Aug. 8, 1775. On the 8th of March, 1776, Col. Thompson, was made a Brigadier General. He was taken prisoner on the Expedition to Quebec, and re- mained a captive until Oct. 25, 1780, when he was exchanged for Major General Riedesel, who commanded the German auxiliaries {Briinswickers) in Burgoyne's Army, at the time of its capture at Saratoga. Gen. Thompson died at Carlisle, Sept. 3, 1781, aged 45 years. Col. Robert Magaw, who succeeded General Thompson in command of the 5th Penna., was a celebrated law- yer of Carlisle. He was commissioned Colonel of the 5th, early in 1776. He married Henrietta, the daughter of Rutger Van Brunt, of Long Island, [in 1780,] where he was a prisoner of war for four years after the surrender of Fort Washington. He died in 1 790, leaving two children, Elizabeth, and a son. Van Brunt Magaw. Col. Ma- gaw was a brother of the Rev. Samuel Magaw, who was elected Vice Provost of the University of Philadelphia, in 1782. In the summer of 1777, Chester was again occupied by the American forces. On the 25th of August, the British fleet passed up the Elk River to the head of navigation, and General Howe landed with a well appointed force of 18,000 men. On the day before the Continental Army passed through Philadelphia on its way to Brandy- wine, General John Armstrong was ordered to take command of the Mili- tia at Chester. On the 25th of April, at the request of Congress, a call had been made for 3000 militia, one-half of which had been placed in camp at or near Chester. At tliis time the 178 HISTORY OF CHESTER. number of men returned in C 'Hester County as eapable of bearing arms, was 5000. Washington passed through Chester Aug. I, 1777, and wrote from there to Gen. Putnam. {Sparks' Corrcs- poiiih'iicc of Washingto7i, 5 vol. 2,) and on Sept. 11, 1777, the famous battle of Brandywine was fought. The American army was defeated, and re- treated that night to Chester, from whence Washington w'rote the same night, at 12 o'clock, to Congress, an- nouncing the disaster, saying, among other things, " I have directed all the troops to assemble behind Chester, where they are now arranging for the night." The next day he marched his army to Philadelphia. The British army encamped at Village Green a few days after the battle. On the 13th a portion of the British force occupied Chester. The following notice is from the Pennsylvania Packet, of Sept. 21, 1779: " Chester County, ss. Notice is hereby jriven to those who have suffered by the inroads and depredations of the enemy, that an appeal will be held in the Bo- rough of Chester, on the 21st instant. At Dil- Wvjrth's tavern^ in the township of Birming- ham, on the 22d ; and at Kerlin's tavern, in the township of East Whiteland, on the 23d instant, in order to make such allowances out of the last year State and quota taxes, as cir- cumstances may permit. Signed, Skktchley Morton, David Cloud, Andrew Boyd, Sept. 8, 1779. Commissioncrf.r I have not been fortunate enough to find the law appointing the above com- missioners, and cannot therefore tell what its precise object was, although it appears to be evident that the suf- ferers from the depredations of the enemy were to have a certain remission of taxes to indemnify them for the losses they had sustained. The enemy plundered the inhabi- tants of the county, during their stay, without any mercy. Some families were reduced to poverty, being stripj^ed of every thing they possessed. Whigs and tories both suffered alike from the common soldiers, who finding the country rich in agricultural products, and the houses filled with all the real comforts of life, helped themselves without stint to all they needed, or even fancied, and carried off or de- stroyed many things for which they had no use whatever. An official state- ment of the losses sustained by each person, was afterwards made, in pur- suance of an Act of Assembly of the 2ist of Sept. 1782, and 'the following is a list of those who suffered in Ches- ter township, together with the amount of damage sustained by each, viz : — From John Crosby The late David Cowpland, Renj'n Bartholomew, stolen by British army under General Howe, Alex. Mills, by Mr. Johnson, Commissa- sary of the British army, commanded by Count Dunop and Col. Sterling, Sarah Day's furniture, destroyed by the British, ■s.^^■]-%, when in Philadelphia, Estate of James Mathers, by a party of Scotch and Hessians, when marching from Wilmington to Philadelphia, Edward Vernon, by the same, . Sarah Thomas " " Wm. Evans, team pressed, George Spear, saddle, .... William Kerlin, harness, .... Thomas Logan, sundries, Elisha Price, cart, Henry Myers, a cow, .... Thomas Pedrick, horse, .... James Beatty, sundries, .... John Odenheimer, 2 horses, Raper Hoskins, sundries, Mary Withy, " ... Rob't Ferguson, " ... Estate of Capt. Stork, sundries, " Val. Weaver, "... " Mary Norris, "... Martin Carter, "... John Powell, "... Widow Deacon's estate, "... 7 6 £ J 1 72 o o 43 o o ,796 4 o 20 o o 62 o o 33 5 o 600 6 10 o 13 o o 600 7 10 o 20 o o HISTORY OF CHESTER. 179 £ s.d. John Hogan, sundries, . . . . 1500 Joseph Neidy, by Britieh under Cornwallis, 27 o o Ann Davis, " " " 500 Henry Hale Graham, " " 25 o o Zedekiah H. Graham, " " 20 o o Adam Grubb, " " 51 12 o Taken from 31 persons in Chester, £2,742 12 6 Whether these amounts were ever refunded to the sufferers or not, I can- not say. The act of Sept. 21, 1782, being obsolete, is not given in my old edi- tion of the laws of Pennsylvania, by Alexander James Dallas, published in 1793, but in Vol. 2, p. 80, a synopsis is given of it, thus: "An Act for procuring an estimate of the damages sustained by the inhabitants of Penn- sylvania from the troops and adherents of the King of Great Britain during the present war." Recorded in Law Book No. 2, 26. And in a note it is stated, "By this Act the County Commissioners of every county which had been invaded, were directed to call on the Assessors and procure and return accounts and estimates of the damages that had been done by the enemy since the i8th of April, 1775, to register such accounts and estimates, and to transmit the originals to the Executive Council." Nothing is said about paying the sufferers, but no doubt the intent of the Act was that they should be in some way paid or indemnified. XVIII. In 1777, the British General Howe, having completed a line of defence from the Schuylkill to the Delaware, and a reinforcement of troops from New York having arrived at Chester, he felt strong enough to place an army in New Jersey, sufficient to reduce Fort " Mercer" without jeopardizing 34 his troops in Philadelphia ; accord- ingly at noon on the 17th of Nov., Lord Cornwallis crossed the middle Ferry with 3000 men, and taking the Darby Road proceeded to Chester, where he united his forces with those from New York, and the whole force embarked the next day on board of transports, and on the 19th they landed at Billingsport, N. J. General Greene, finding they had a superior force, aban- doned the Fort, recrossed the Dela- ware, and the American fleet passed up the river and by Philadelphia, with- out molestation. Thus the British General effected a junction with his fleet ; Fort Mifflin having been pre- viously evacuated. See Smith's His- tory, 324. In the "Accounts of Penn'a," will be found the accounts of Thomas Tuc- ker and Samuel Cunningham, Collec- tors of Excise in Chester County, from Aug. I, 1776 to Nov. 7, 1783. The following is a list of the persons Paying Caleb Way, Arthur Parke, John Sowder, Timothy Kirke, James Miller, John Swisher, Nathan Beaker, Nehemiah Matson, John Webster, Rob't Darlington, George Graham, George Robeson, William Burns, John Vallentine, Walter Hood, John Wilmor, Thomas Lunn, John Underwood, William Thomson, Mary Muller, Peter Mather, Richard Jacobs, William Kerlin, Edward Vernon, John Scantling, William Price, Thomas Moore, Sarah Gill, Isaac Taylor, Excise. Richard Cleyton, Alexander Clay, John Jerman, Thos. Carpenter, Abner Cloud, Wm. Beaumont, Thos. Beaumont, Benj. Brannen, Esq. Edward Horn, Joseph Smith, Samuel Dickey, John Kinege, William Henry, John Walker. Daniel Stever, John Bowan, Dav. Woodside, Joseph Furey, Henry Brower, Zachariah Rice, James Graham, Thos. Douglass, Thomas Rider, Ale.v. McCalley, Joseph Black, Jona. Valentine, Jacob Langacker, Isaac Thomas, Jno. McClenachan, 180 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Jonathan Morris, Samuel Johnson, Harrj' Heays, Esq., Ann Bryce, Jamima Lenard, Ann Davies, John Ross. David Hayes, Nathan Edwards, Andrew Mclntyre, John Brown, Frederick Wendt, Isaac Shounk, Ephriam Jones, James Hannum, Jacob Sinke, Abel Hudson, Isaac Thomson, Rob't Kennedy, Alexander Bougs, George Hoops, James Batton, Elizabeth Anderson, Francis Hickman, James Way, John Philips, Caleb Taylor, Ezekial Webb, David Lions, Richard Thornbury, Casper Stonemetz, Rob't Dunwideys, John Fillson, John Irwin, Isaac Griffith, William Cleyton, John West, Joseph Gibbons, Mary Howel, Phil. Housekeeper, John Tenny, John Moore, Richard Harkely, Jas. Woodward, John Woodward, John Rhoads, Sebaston Rulle, Allen Cunningham, Gideon Gilphin, _ Samuel Painter, Joseph Chandler, Elizabeth Kelly, Thenis Messey, Parker Askew, Bartholomew Sutton, Peter Bell, James McDowel, Thos. Downing, George Pierce, George Crismer, Robert Lamburn, Isaac Dutton, David Wheny, Is. Lawrence, Jas. McMuUcn, Israel Wheelen, Charles Fausett, John Miller, Jnl,„ Witner, John Baugh, John McKee, John Evans, Elizabeth Peters, John Harper, Mary Evans, Nath'l Squabb, John liryce, Henry Chrisman, Isaac Allen, Ezekiel Lcnord, Phil. Dougharty, John Buckwalter, Edward Lean, Patrick Cochran, John High, Valentine Miller, John Lawshey, Mordecai Piersol, John Kcriin, Davewalt Beaver, Steven Cochran, Roger Davis, John Ogden, Mearey Withey John Fawks, Robert Moulder, David Willey, Sim. Litzenberger, Frederick Ingle, Rob't Furgeson, James Dunwidey, John Buyers, Joseph Doweler, Jacob Coffman, Christian Sucke, William Dewecs, George Lappe, Martin Vice, John Craig, Richard Shewal, Caleb James, Esther Musgrove, Alex. McCaracher, John Gardiner, Eli Baley, Thomas Jackson, Caleb Pirce & Co., David Cloyd, Wil.son & Davis, Phineas Whitakcr, Ed. Woodward, Askew & Hutton, Gardner & Douthal, Phillip Benner, John Kremer, Isaac Webb, Joshua Vernon, Zeb. Holingsworth, Jno. Righnhart, James Elliot, Michael Lovin, John Pyle, John Steel, John Haas, David Brown, Dan'l B.ickwatcr, Henry Deem, Abram Sharadon, Amos Mendinghall, John Dimond, E.rcisr Benj'n Wallace, Jos. Bartholomew. Peter Wade, Chas. Dilworth, Rich'd Robeson, Widow Wilson, Widow Moore, John Flower, Joseph Branton, John Faroks, John Quindrel, James Comens, C. & G. North, Peter Hartman, John Jackson, Philip Rapp, William Starritt. Penelope Haley, William Carver, William Robeson, Christ. Christian Beery, James Climson, Atim. Holderman, Jessey Peneck, Henry Hays. Unpaid. John Garrett, Ephriam Davis, John Holt, Benj'n Miller, Christian Risk, Henry Hinshey, Mark Willcox, John Thomas, John demon, Dani Shoemaker, Nathan Scoffold, John Furguson, Peter Shofnevlcr, John Robeson, Meras Myers, Henry Biggord, John Gregory, John Jones, John Griffith, George Spade, Harmsh. In the same work, Samuel Miles is named as the Col. of a Pa. Rifle regi- ment, and Samuel J. Atlee, Col., and Caleb Parry,* Lt. Col. of Musketry. In Colonial Records, I find Jacob Ru- dolph, 1777, Robert Elton, 1777, under Col. John Gardner, Samuel Vanleer, 1777, and John Craig, 1 781, mentioned as Captains of Militia. Lt. Col. Danl. Brodhead in a letter from Kings- bridge, Sept. 5, 1776, after the battle of Long Island, says: — "Col. Miles & Col. Piper are pri.soners, and I hear are well treated ; poor Atley I hear nothing of; Col. Parry died like a Hero." Commissioners of Forfeited Estates. William Evans, Col. Jno. Hannum, Thomas Levis, Patterson Bell. Members of the Supreme Executive Council from Chester County. Ralph Withers, 1683 Francis Harrison, 1685 John Symcocke " John Bristow, 1687 William Clayton, " Bartho. Coppick, 1688 William Wood, 1684 John. Blumston,^^^/. 1690 Thomas Lloyd, " \\'m.\lo\ve\\,decl'd " * For an iiUcresliny sketch of the Party fami- ly, see Gen. Davis' I/istorv of Buei-s Coiintv, p. 68i,&c. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 181 George Foreman, 1693 John Mackey, 1777 David Lloyd, 1695 Dr. John McDowell, 1778 Caleb Pusey, Dr. Joseph Gardiner 1779 George Harris, " Evan Evans, 1785 John ffinney, 1702 Richard Willing, 1788 John Evans, 1777 Collectors 0/ Excise. Caleb Cowpland, 1729 Thomas Tucker, 1773 John Owen, 1734 Samuel Cunningham, 1778 Thomas Cummings, 1740 John Christie, 1783 Jeremiah Starr, 1752 Phillip Sheaf, 1789 Charles Humphreys, 1756 Co7}iJiiiss2oners of Fisheries. John Churchman, 1785 John Turbutt, 1785 County Lieutenants. Robert Smith, 1777 Joseph McClelland, 1787 Charles Dilworth, 1786 Luke Morris, 1789 for Delaivare County. Sub-Lieutenants. Benj'n Brannon, 1777 Thomas Strawbridge, 1777 Lewis Gronow, " Robert Wilson, 1778 Andrew Boyd, " Thomas Levis, " Thomas Cheyney, " Paymasters. John Beaton, 1777 James ISIoore, 1777 Wagon-Masters . Jesse Jordan, Andrew Boyd, 1778 Thomas Boyd, 1778 John Moore. Coviviissioners 0/ Purchases. Thomas Heslit, ^778 John Beaton, 1780 Sam. Culbertson, " William Evans, " Smith Futhey, " John Crosby, Jr., " Col. Persifer Frazier, 178O John Hannum, " Robert Young was Collector of Taxes, 1 786. Henry Valentine, Issuing Com- missary, 1780. Capt. Elijah Weed, Storekeeper at Downingtown, 1778. David Watson, Purchaser of Flour, 1780. William Boyd, Collector of Taxes in 1780, was murdered by John or Robert Smith, a reward of ^20,000 was offered by Council for their ap- prehension. 12 Cfll. Rec, 349. In 1776 Chester Co. had five battal- ions of Militia, ist, commanded by Col. James Moore ; 2d, Col. Thomas Hockley ; 3d, Col. Hugh Lloyd ; 4th, Col. Wm. Montgomery, and 5th, Col. Rich'd Thomas. In May, 1776, Dr. Robert Harris was in charge of a Powder Mill on Cromb Cr. about 3 miles from Chester. Mill house 20 x 30 ft., head of water 2^ ft., fall 6 ft., water wheel 12 feet. The shaft (worked 80 stampers of 2^ X 3^ inches and 11 feet long,) 32 feet long, 5 mortars of 2 in. plank, about 5 ft. each. One mortar and stamper for preparing sulphur. Drying-house 15 X 30 ft., neither floored nor plastered. He reported that he expected to fur- nish a ton of powder weekly. In \\\Q Penna. Archives, 7 vol. 21 to 40, (i 778), will be found twelve several petitions, among the names attached to which will be found those of the prin- cipal inhabitants of Chester County ; whole families appear to have signed, one after the other. On Mar. 17, 1777, Fire boats and rafts were ordered to be stationed in Darby Creek by the Navy Board, and on the 29th, Commodore Hazel wood was directed to erect a Battery at or near the mouth of the creek for their protection, he thinking the same neces- sary. By proceedings of the State Navy Board, April 10, 1777, it appears that the Signal and Alarm Post, No. 8, was at Chester, and that during 1776 the Post was in charge of Mr. (John) Coburn, and he was continued, but on account of some neglect, Mr. Grubb "of that Place" was directed to see that he attended to his duties. July 19, 1777, boats were ordered to be sent to Gen. Potter to convey the Militia from Chester to Billingsport, and the Accommodation sloop from Darby Creek for the same purpose. On Sept. 4, the five Guard boats at Hen- lopen were ordered to their stations at the mouth of Darby Creek. On the 1 2th, 20 shovels were delivered to Col. John Eyre for the use of the Fort at Darby Cr. mouth. John, Benj. G. and Manuel Eyre were brothers, and noted shipwrights of Philadelphia. During the fall of 1777, while Ches- 182 HISTORY OF CHESTER. ter was in the possession of the IJritish forces, it must have been a busy place. Major John Clarke, Jr., writing from Mrs. Withey's, Nov. 19, 1777, says, about 80 sail lie opposite to this place, and 80 opposite Billingsport. They have plundered the neighboring inhabi- tants of everything. Clark's letters to Washington, 36 pages, will be found in the Bulletin of the Historical Society, ist volume. The Supreme Executive Council, Aug. 8, 1780, by resolution^ directed the following persons, under the direc- tion of Col. Andrew Boyd, wagon- master, to collect the quota of horses in the County of Chester, viz : — David Denny, ist battalion ; Owen Thomas, 2d; Joseph Luckey, 3d ; David Wilson, 4th ; Thomas Strawbridge, 5 th ; John Crosby, 6th ; George Peirce, 7th ; and Joseph Spear, 8th. In 1684 Charles Ashcome was De- puty Surveyor for the county :. John Taylor in 1728; Thomas Tucker in 1785- Provincial Deputies from Chester Co., 1774. Francis Richardson, Anthony Wayne, John Hart, Elisha Price, Hugh Lloyd, John Sellers, Francis Johnston, Richard Reiley. PrcTi-'incial Convention Delegates in 1775. Anthony Wayne, Lewis Davis, Hugh Lloyd, Wni. Montgomery, Richard Thomas, Joseph Musgrave, Francis Johnson, Joshua Evans, Samuel Fairlamb, Pcrsifer Frazer. Provincial Conference , 1776. Col. Richard Thomas, Col. Wm. Montgomery, Maj. Wm. Evans, Col. Hugh Lloyd, Col. Thos. Hockley, Richard Reiley, Esq., Maj. Caleb Davis, Col. Evan Evans, Elisha Price, Esq., Col. Lewis Grono, Samuel Fairlamb, Maj. Sketchley Morton. Capt. Thos. I^vis, Delegates to Convention, 1776. Ben. Bortholomcw, John Jacobs, Thos. Strawbridge, Robert Smith, Sam'l Cunningham, John Hart, John Mackey, John Fleming. Collectors 0/ Continental Loan, Dec. 16, 1777. Alex. Johnston, George Irwin, John Bartholomew, Andrew Boyd, Ir., Thomas Cheney, Commissioners of Traitors' Effects, Oct. 21, 1777. William Evans, Patterson Bell, Thomas Cheney, William Gibbons, Thomas Levis, Is.iac Taylor, Capt. Wm. Brooke. The following itemsof Revolutionary news are taken from the proceedings of the Supreme Executive Council, July 29> 1777- John Pearson, Nicholas, Diehl, Isaac Hendrickson, Isaac Serrill, Harvey Lewis, and Jacob Richards, were appointed a committee for driving off stock on the enemies' approach. Nov. 8, 1777, the following persons were appointed to collect of those who had not taken the oath of allegiance, certain enumerated articles of clothing for the army, viz: — Maj. Cromwell Peirce, Capt. John Gardiner, John Wilson, Capt. William Brookes, Col. Thomas Taylor, Elijah McClenaghan, Capt. Benj'n Wallace, Co^ George Pierce, Samuel Holliday, Col. William Evans, Capt. Samuel Vanleer. Col. Evan Evans, Capt. John Ramsey, Patterson Bell, Esq., Capt. McCay, Concord, Capt. Allen Cunningham Capt. Israel Whellan, Thomas Levis, Esq., Capt. David Coupland, Philip Scott, Esq., Thomas Boyd, Esq. William Gibbons, From the Pennsylvanische Staats Courier or Current Weekly Ne7vs, No. 745, published at Philadelphia, Wed- nesday, May 6, 1778, by Christopher Saur Jr., and Peter Saur, in 2 Street, " We are assured cjf the truth of the foUow- iny circumstances which occurred at Chester. At the beginning of this week two persons made an excellent draught of fish, and w ere in tiie act of dividing them in a store house at the water's side, when two light-horsemen came down and inquired of a woman who lived near- iiy, what they were doing, who rejjlied to them, they were neighbors who had been fishing. Whilst the woman was still conversing with them and one of the tisliermcn liad taken his portion, and in the act of going away, one of these heroes rode up to him and asked him where he was taking the fi.sh. To my house, was the answer. Hereupon the horseman rode so closely to the poor man, that he set fire to I his coat from the ]ian of his pistol, anil shot him I without further ceremony, dead on the spot. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 183 The other rode to the warehouse where the second unhappy fisherman was, cursed hini for a tory, and instantly shot him to death, although he was surrounded by a number of children." The paper was of course, Tory, and was a continuation of the Saur German- town paper, as I conjecture from the numbering ; I have never seen an origi- nal. The contents of May 6, are con- tained in Schlozer's Brief Wechsel, Gottingen, 1780. April I , an order was drawn in favor of Stephen Cochran, Esq., for ^^2000, to be paid to Samuel Futhey to purchase horses to mount the cavalry, and Wil- liam Evans, Thomas Cheny, Thomas Levis, Patterson Bell and John Han- num, were appointed Commissioners of Forfeited Estates. On Sept. 15, Thomas Coburn was paid for attending the flag at Chester from July 4, 1777 to Sept. 13, 1777. Sept. 15, 1778. James Fitzpatrick, Blacksmith, was " convicted on his own confession of larceny and burglary, ' ' at Chester, and sentenced to be hanged. Ordered that he be executed on the 2ist, at the usual place of execution. ^GQ. 11 Colonial Records, e^^2. Heat- tempted to escape, and was removed to Philadelphia for safe keeping, and was not sent back to Chester gaol until the 25th, and was hanged on the 26th. A reward of ^1000 had been offered by the Council for his capture, $500 of which was paid to Mrs. Rachel Walker, and ^500 to Capt. Robert McAffee. Some of the occurrences at his capture are set forth in 11 Col. i?., 616, 617. From these and other sources, I find that James Fitzpatrick, was born in Chester County of Irish parents, and learned blacksmithing with John Pass- more at Doe Run ; he was noted for his enormous strength. When the Revo- lutionary war broke out he enlisted in the Militia, and marched to New York; there he deserted, swam the Hudson, and returned home, was arrested and imprisoned in the Walnut St. Prison, Philadelphia ; was released on re-enlist- ing, but deserted again. In 1777 he was re-arrested while at work, mowing in one of Mr. Passmore's fields, but getting his captors. Continental sol- diers, to allow him to go to his house, he there seized his rifle and drove them off, and was not again disturbed. Wlien Gen. Howe landed his forces at the head of Elk, he joined the British army, and fought against his country at Brandy- wine. He accompanied the British to Philadelphia, and from there, in com- pany with Mordecai Dougherty, who was brought up by Nathan Hayes near Doe Run, he made many foraging raids on his former acquaintances in Chester County; after the British evacuated Philadelphia, he seems to have desert- ed their service in 1778, and he and his companion located themselves at Hand's pass, near the present Coates- ville. Here as the captain of a band of outlaws, with Dougherty as his lieuten- ant, he became a terror to the inhabi- tants, and many a story is still told of "Capt. Fitz," and his bold adven- tures. He was a tall handsome man and very gallant to the women. On the evening of Aug. 23, 1778, he went to the house of Wm. McAffee, in Edge- mont, near Castle rock, a cluster of peculiar boulders often visited by the curious. "Capt. Fitz"demanded;,ri5o of McAffee, who was a well known Whig, and proceeded to help himself to what he wanted. There appears to have been quite a number of people in the house at the time. McAffee and his wife, Mrs. Rachel Walker, David Cunningham, a boy, and Capt. Robert McAffee of the Militia. Mrs. W. says, 184 HISTORY OF CHESTER. she was up stairs, heard screaming and came tlown ; a boy told her Capt. Fitz was there. Fitz asked her liow she was, expressed sorrow for the disturbance, and ordered Capt. McAffee to march. He laid down his sword and pistol to l)ull up at the heel a pair of Capt. Mc- Affee' s pumps he had put on, and then the captain, who was a powerful man, and Mrs. W., seized Fitz, and after a sharp struggle captured him. The place of his execution was at the intersection of Providence and Middletown roads, on the then outskirts of Chester. In 1817, John Craig, who was found guilty of the murder of Edward Hun- ter, Esq., of Newtown, was hung in the Widow Mcllvain's meadow near Munday's run, close to the old Post- road, now Morton Avenue. The first trial for nuirder at Chester, that I find recorded, was in 1718, when Hugh Pugh, millwright, and Lazarus Thomas, laborer, were convicted of the murder of Jonathan Hayes, committed in 1 7 15, three years previously. The circumstances are not narrated in the Colonial Records ; they were condemn- ed to be hung, as they say in their peti- tion for a new trial, dated May 8, 1 718, "on ffryday next," and as Gov. Keith refused to interfere, they were no doubt executed. Jonathan Hayes was a well known citizen, and a former Justice of the Peace of the County. Aug. 3, 1722. William Hill, Mary Woolvin and James Battin were prison- ers in Chester Gaol under sentence of death. The two first were reprieved for 12 months, but Battin was directed to be executed and hung in irons in the most i)ublic place. On Nov. 27, I 752, before the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Province at Chester, Thomas Kelly was convict- ed of the muriler of I'^leanor Davis of Chester County, and was executed on Dec. 16, 1752. On Aug. 25, 1760, John Lewis was convicted at a Court of Oyer and Termi- ner held at Chester, of the murder of his wife Ann, and on Sep. 8, 1760, a warrant was issued for his execution by the Provincial Council. On Nov. 30, 1 764, at a Court held at Chester, before Wm. Allen, C. J., and Alex'r Stedman, Jane Ewingwas found guilty of the murder of her bastard male child on April 3, 1763, and sentenced to be hung ; a warrant for her execution on Saturday, Jan. 29, 1765, was issued. Thomas Vaughan and John Dowdle, were convicted at a court held at Ches- ter, Aug. 15, 1768, before the Justices of the Supreme Court, sitting as a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of the murder of Thomas Sharpe, and sentenced to be hung, and Council directed their ex- ecution to take place on Saturday, Sep. 17, 1768. On June 11, 1770, before the same Judges, Matthew McMahon was tried and convicted of murdering John Mc- Clester of Middletown ; sentenced to death, and a warrant issued for his ex- ecution on Saturday, June 30, 1770. On Mar. 23, 1772, Patrick Kennedy, Thomas Fryer, Neal McCariher and James Dever, were tried, convicted and sentenced for a rape on Jane Wal- ker of Thornbury, before the Judges of the Supreme Court at Chester. The three last were reprieved during the Lt. Governor's (Richard Penn) pleasure. Kennedy was ordered to be executed on Saturday, May 2, 1772. On Saturday, Dec. 26, 1772, Hen- ry Phillips was executed at Chester for the murder of Richard Kelley. John Penn, Gov'r, by warrant direct- ed that James Willis, who was tried at Chester, found guilty and sentent ed HISTORY OF CHESTER. 185 to death for the murder of Daniel Culin, should be executed on Saturday, Sep. 3°. 1775- On Saturday, May 20, 1780, Joseph Bates, convicted of burglary, was order- ed to be hung, at the usual place of ex- ecution at Chester, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Robert Smith and John Smith were found guilty of the murder of William Boyd, Collector of Public Taxes, in May, 1780, at a Court held at Chester, on the 26th of June, 1780, and ordered to be hung on Saturday, July i , at the usual place of execution. I have gathered the following recital of the occurrences of the accusation and execution of Elizabeth Wilson at Ches- ter, in the year 1786, for the murder of her two natural sons, twins. It ap- pears that Elizabeth, a young woman of a very reputable family in Chester County, was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to be hung, when her brother William presented to the Coun- cil (Dec. 6, 1785), a petition for a re- spite of thirty days, accompanied by a confession of Elizabeth, saying that he believed his sister was innocent, and that if he had time he could prove it. The Council ordered that the warrant for her execution on the next day be revoked, and that another be issued di- recting her execution on Jan. 3, 1786, (14 C. E., 591.) Among the papers of a distinguished officer of the govern- ment of this State, long since deceased, I find the touching sequel to this tragic story. He says : — " She said visited her when she lived in Philadelphia ; that, under a promise of marriage, he seduced her, and was the father of her twins, for the murder of whom she was con- demned ; that, when the children were six weeks old, he came to see her at the house she boarded, in Chester County, and persuaded her to take a walk with him, saying he intended to put the children out to nurse ; that, when they got into the woods, he took them from her, and laying them on the ground, the inhuman monster put his feet on their breasts, crushing them to death. He then threatened to murder her if she ever mentioned a word about what he had done ; bid her go home, and tell the people she lodged with that he had taken the children to Jersey to nurse, which the dread she was under — fear of his murdering her — made her comply with ; that she would at the expense of her life, have endeavored to save the children, but she had no sus- picion of his diabolical intention until it was too late to save them. The bodies of the children were found a few days afterwards by some dogs, which led to the discovery of the murder. Council, immediately upon the peti- tion being read, agreed to a respite for thirty days, and young Wilson set off, the same day, for Jersey. He there found the man, who declared he never knew his sister, and said he had not been in Philadelphia for two years. Wilson, after making some inquiries, rode back to his sister, and getting further infor- mation from her, went again into Jer- sey. He found a person who could prove had been in Philadelphia and lodged in the house with her, and was in expectation of obtaining further proof against him, whe*i he was taken sick. Finding the time draw near, sick as he was, he set off for home in order to get a further respite. It was late morning when he reached Chester, and, to his great surprise, he was told that the time granted her was out that day — he thought it was not until the next — and the Sheriff was preparing for her execution. Wilson was verv un- I SI) HISTORY OF CHESTER. well, having suffered much both in body and in mind. He, however, galloped to Philadelphia as fast as possible. Un- fortunately, he went to the President's, where, notwithstanding all his entrea- ties, it was sometime before he could get to see him, and when he did he staid, endeavoring to persuade the Doctor to give him a line to the Sheriff, which the former, thinking it impro- per, refused, and directed him to me. I was just leaving the Council chamber when he came, all the other members but one having gone. I immediately wrote, ' Do not execute Wilson until you hear further from the Council,' and directed it to the Sheriff. I well knew the Board intended to grant a further respite, but had there been a doubt | with me, I should have written to defer the execution — putting off for a day could be of no consequence. Wilson set off the moment I gave him the paper, carrying it in his hand ; he rode down in an hour and a quarter, a distance of fifteen miles, and the road at the time excessively bad. His sister had been turned off about ten minutes. What a dreadful sight for an affectionate brother ! They immediately cut her down, but although every means was used, they could not bring her to life. She persisted in her former story to the last moment of her life, which she re- signed with great fortitude, being per- fectly calm and composed. The only thing she found to regret was the trouble she had given her poor sick brother, and the pain he must suffer on her account. Just before the cart drew away she looked attentively to- ward Philadelphia, to see if her brother was in sight. For my own part, I firm- ly believed her innocent, for to me it appeared highly improbable that a mother, after suckling her children for six weeks could murder them. The next day when Council met and we heard of the execution, it gave uneasi- ness to many of the members, all of whom were against her being executed, at least until her brother had full time to make his inquiries ; and I am sure, if he had not been successful, there was a large majority for pardoning her. It is strange, considering the chances this unfortunate girl had, that her life w^as not saved. It was extraordinary that none of the members of Council, the Secretary or his deputy, should not have recollected the time granted was expired ; that herself, the clergymen that attended her, none of her fam- ily nor friends should have applied before, or that the Sheriff, who was a very good man, should not have called or sent to Council before he execut- ed her; and lastly, that her brother, who knew Council was sitting at the State House, should pass there and go to the President. Had he stopped at the State House, she would have been saved. He expected, if he stopped at Council, there would be some time taken up in debate, and that the Presi- dent would immediately have given him a letter to the Sheriff. I under- stood afterwards, that he soon followed his sister to her grave. " Perhaps the punishment of death is too great for an unmarried woman who destroys her child ; they are gener- ally led to it from a fear of being ex- posed. It is, to be sure, a shocking crime. If confinement for life or a term of years, at the discretion of the court, was the punishment, more would be convicted, and it would tend to put a stop to the crime. W^hile death is the punishment, a jury will seldom find a verdict against them. As death is the imnishment of the mother, what punish- HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. 187 ment is too severe for the villain who seduces and afterwards abandons the wretched mother?" Robert Wilson Avas ordered to be executed at Chester, Feb. ii, 1786. Warrants for the execution of John McDonough and Richard Shirtliffe, convicted severally of rape, at Ches- ter, were ordered to be issued by Coun- cil, June 5, 1786, but a reprieve or- dered to be granted to Shirtliffe, until further order, but the Sheriff be di- rected not to make it known to him until he be taken under the gallows. One night, in the fall of 1824, the residence of Mary Warner, in Upper Darby, was visited by three burglars. The family consisted of Mrs. W., Wil- liam Bonsall and his wife, and al- though Bonsall was sick in bed, one of the robbers stabbed him in the stomach, causing his immediate death. The desperadoes were arrested and tried at Chester, in October, before Judge Isaac Darlington, and his Associates, Hugh Lloyd and John Pearce; and Michael Monroe alias James Welling- ton, was convicted of murder in the first degree, Washington Labbe, of murder in the second degree, and Abraham Buys was acquitted. Wel- lington was defended by Benjamin Tilghman, and his address to the jury was one of the ablest appeals ever made in the old Court House, at Ches- ter. The jury rendered their verdict on Sunday morning. So great was the prejudice against Wellington that many were disposed to criticise Mr. Tilghman severely for having appeared in his defence. The Upland Unio?i gives the follow- ing account of 'the execution of Wel- lington : "On Friday morning, Dec. 17, 1824, Michael Monroe alias ]dime?, Wellington, was executed. At an early hour the Borough of Chester was crowded with strangers. At 11 o'clock he was conducted from the jail to the place of execution, a distance of one and a half miles, accompanied by the Sheriff and all of the police officers of the county. He was attended by Revs. John Woolson, William Pal- mer, R. U. Morgan and John Smith. At half-past eleven o'clock, when the procession reached the gallows, the Rev. William Palmer delivered a so- lemn and appropriate prayer, after which he was followed by Rev. John Woolson. The prisoner ascended the scaffold about half-past twelve o'clock, and there addressed the spectators in the following words, which were spoken with firmness that astonished all who were present : ' I have heard it said that no inno- cent man was ever executed in this county, but it will lose that honor to- day. ' After he had concluded the above sentence, he sang a hymn with the greatest ease and composure of mind. He then told the Sheriff, that he had no more to say. It wanted seventeen minutes of one when the drop fell, and the prisoner was no more. An au- topsy of Wellington's body was made the same evening by Dr. William Gray, Ellis Harlan, and other phy- sicians, in what was then known as the old pole-well house on Third Street, below Franklin, which, modernized, is still standing." There ought to be many incidents connected with Revolutionary times, occurring in Chester and its vicinity, but very few have been handed down to our day ; these have, or will here- after appear in the family sketches. One more incident from our county historian, is all I have collected re- 188 HISTORY OF CHESTER. lating to Chester and tlic Rc\olutii)n : The crew of the brigantine " Holker," which was "to sail as a i)rivateer," appears to have been enUsted at Ches- ter, by Captain Davis Bevan, who probably commanded the vessel. Most of the enlistments were made in the month of July, 1779, as appears by a receipt book of the Captain's, now in possession of the Delaware County In- stitute of Science. The bounty paid by Captain Bevan for a single cruise, was from $50 to ^100 ; probably Con- tinental money. Dr. Smith does not give a muster roll of the men enlisted. Oct. 17, 1779, by request of Joseph Reed, President, a detachment of 20 men of the First City Troop of Phila- delphia was detailed to escort Mons. Girard to Chester. In the II Colonial Records, 729, Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council, of March 29, 1779, is this entry: "A certificen appears to have been discovered and returned to his master, as he was sold, and ran away again. There ai)pears to have been at this time another class of servants, as the fol- lowing notice in the Packet o{ ]\.\\y 12, 1773, will show: "Just arrived in the ship 'Betsey,' from Newry, and now lying off Market Street wharf, Phila- delphia, A Number of Redemption- ERS and Servants, whose times are to be disposed of by Joseph Carson, or the Captain on board." Soul Drivers ! So were denomi- nated a certain set of men that used to drive Redemptioners through the country and dispose of them to the farmers. They generally purchased them in lots of fifty or more, of Cap- tains of ships to whom the Redemp- tioners were bound for three years' ser- vice, in payment of their passage over from Europe. But some of them, as McCullough, who used to drive in Chester County, would go themselves to Europe, collect a drove, bring them- to the Province, and retail them here upon the best terms they could pro- cure, without the intervention of the wholesale dealer. The trade was pretty brisk for awhile, but was at length broken up by the numbers that ran away from the drivers. The last of the ignominious set that followed, dis- appeared about the year 1785. A story is told of McCullough having been tricked by one of his herd. The fellow by a little management, con- trived to be the last of the flock that was unsold, and travelled about with his master without companions. One night they lodged at a tavern, and in the morning the young fellow, who was an Irishman, arose early, sold his master lo the landlord, pocketed the money and marched off. Previously, however, to his going, he used the precaution to tell the purchaser that his servant, although tolerably clever in other respects, was rather saucy and a little given to lying. That he had been even presumptions enough at times to endeavor to pass for mas- ter, and that he might possibly re- present himself as such to him. By the time mine host was undeceived, the son of Erin had gained such a start as rendered pursuit hopeless. These Redemptioners were gene- rally, and always properly sold in their presence by a tripartite agree- men t . See Lewis' Sketches of the His- tory of Chester County, 1824. Joseph Jackson Lewis, Esq., of the Chester County Bar, who is still living, is the author of the Sketches just re- ferred to. When he wrote them, he was a teacher in the West Chester Ac- ademy, and studying law. They were written for, and first appeared in the Village Record of West Chester, then published by Charles Miner, whose daughter Mr, Lewis subsequently mar- ried. The Sketches were copied into Poiilson' s Philadelphia Advertiser, in 1824. Joseph J. is a son of Enoch Lewis, the celebrated Mathemati- cian. The author of the ''Historical Col- lections of Chester County,'' recently published in the American Republican, of West Chester, is J. Smith Futhey, Esq., also a member of the Chester County Bar. He writes the articles, for he has not yet finished his valuable contributions, as a relaxation from the labors of his profession. Some of the Sketches are, however, written by Gil- bert Cope, a well known Antiquarian of Chester County. In No. 24 it is stated, that his contributions will be HISTORY OF CHESTER. 191 signed with his initials, G. C, and Mr. Futhey's with his, J. S. F. The removal of the Court from Up- land was ordered in 1680, and Haz- ard states that " Upland, where the Sessions of the Court had hitherto been held, being at the lower end of the county, they resolved for the greater ease of the people, for the future, to sit and meet at the town of Kinsesse, on the Schuylkill. This removal was undoubtedly, however, only tempo- rary, and a part of the system of ac- commodation of that time, that jus- tice should be had within convenient distance of all." For one hundred years after this episode, up to the year 1780, Chester remained quietly the Seat of Justice of Chester County, notwithstanding its position, but during that year an ef- fort was made to have the county seat removed to a more central locality, which resulted in the Act of Assembly of Mar. 20, 1780, entitled "An Act to enable William Clingan, Thomas Bull, John Kinkead, Roger Kirk, John Sel- lers, John Wilson and Joseph Davis to build a new Court House and prison in the County of Chester, and to sell the old Court House in the borough of Chester." These gentlemen were authorized to locate the County Seat just wherever they pleased ; but for some reason, now unknown, the mat- ter rested until 1784. On the 22d of March, 1784, a sup- plement was obtained to the Act of March 20, 1780, authorizing John Hannum, Isaac Taylor, and John Jacobs, or any two of them to carry the Act into effect. These three Com- missioners were all earnest removalists, and went to work at once to accom- plish their purpose. They were re- stricted by the sui)plement from erect- ing the county buildings at a greater distance than one and a half miles from the old Turk's Head Tavern, in Goshen Township, so they contracted, in the summer of 1784, for a site near the Turk's Head, where the Court House now stands, and commenced the buildings, a Court House and a Prison, adjacent to each other and con- nected by the jail yard. While these proceedings were going on at the Turk's Head, the present West Ches- ter, the people of Chester, who were naturally opposed to the removal of the Seat of Justice from their town, were not idle to try and prevent it. Taking advantage of the winter season when the work on the new county buildings was suspended, and the Le- gislature in session, they obtained the passage of the Act of March 20, 1785, to suspend the supplement. But not being entirely satisfied with their vic- tory, the Chester folks, fearing the passage of another supplement, de- termined to make assurance doubly sure, and resolved to demolish the erections already partially made at the Turk's Head. Accordingly a strong force was assembled, armed and equip- ped, and provided with one field piece, the whole being placed under the command of Major John Harper, marched for the purpose of destroying the works of the enemy in Goshen. A few days before the expedition left Chester, spies had informed the lead- ers at the Turk's Head of the intended raid, they immediately made their preparations to repel the invaders. Col. Hannum took command of the whole defending force. Col. Taylor and Mr. Marshall soon collected to- gether quite a respectable body for defence. Grog and eatables were dis- tributed among the men, and they 101 HISTORY OF CHESTER. were then set to work to put the l)uild- ings in a state of defence. The win- dows of the Court House were boarded up on either side, and the space filled with stones, loop holes being left for the sharpshooters ; each man had his station assigned him ; Marshall and Taylor commanded in the upper story. Underwood and Patten the ground floor, Avhile Col. Hannum had direc- tion of the whole. All was thus ar- ranged for a stout resistance, when Major Harper's force arrived in sight, and took their position on Quaker Hill, which commanded the Court House, and made preparations to bat- ter down the unfinished walls with his artillery. A conference, however, took place between the adverse lead- ers, and an armistice was agreed upon ; the opposing forces soon fraternized, the Chester cannon was fired in the peaceful rejoicings which followed at the Turk's Head, which became the theatre of conviviality, all hands had a jolly time, and the Chester army marched home again, all quite mel- lowed by tlie refreshments furnished them by their hospitable hosts. How they were received at home is not stated. On the 1 8th of March, 1786, the suspending act was repealed by "an Act to repeal an Act, entitled an Act to suspend an Act of the General As- sembly of this Commonwealth, en- titled an Act, to enable William Clin- gan," &c. This settled the contro- versy. The new county buildings were finished in 1786, and the trans- fer of the county records and govern- ment to West Chester was peacefully consummated. No proceedings were ever instituted against Major Har])er, or any portion of his force, I he matter was allowed (luietly to drop as far as the violation of the law was concerned ; but the wags of the day, and of the Removal party, published many lampoons in doggerel rhyme. I copy from the Directory of West Chester, of 1857, the following written by Joseph Hick- man, on the subject, called : LAMENT OVER CHESTER'S MOTHER. Poor Chester'' s Mother^ s very sick ; Her breath is almost gone : Her children throng around her thick, And bitterly do mourn. Cries little 'Lisha""" the firsl born, — " What will become of I ? A little orphan, held in scorn — ■ If Mamma she slK)uId die. Not only I will be opprest : — I younger brothers have, Who cannot do without the breast, When Mamma's in her grave." And then poor helpless Billyf cries — " Oh ! how shall I be fed ? What shall I do, if Mamma dies ? — I cannot work for bread. These little hands have never wrought : " Oh ! how I am opprest ! For I have never yet done aught, But hang on Mamma's breast." Little Davis, J he comes ne.\t, — A puling, silly boy ; His countenance appears perplex'd, And destitute of joy. " How is our dear Mamma?" he cried : " Think you we can her save ? How is the wound that's in her side, Which cursed Hannum^ gave ?" * Elisha Price, a prominent and active o])- ponent of the removal of the county seal. Neither his particular history, nor his relation to the Seat of Justice is now known. f William Kerlin, one of the principal inn- keepers of Chester, and consequently a ve- hement opponent of the removal. X Davis Bevan, a retail merchant of (Jhes- ter, and an active partisan in this controversy. ^ John Hannum, Chairman of the Com- mittee for effecting the removal, and the mas- ter spirit of the whole affair ; of course, he was exceedingly ubno.\ious to the |)eoi)lc of ( hcstcr. HISTORY OF CIIESTEH. 193 Says little Ned,* — " Upon my word, Poor Mamma will be slain ; — Though cursed Hannum lost his sword,f He's got it back again. What shall I do if Mamma dies? What will become of Ned?" The tears came trickling from his eyes. And straight he took his bed. Then CaIey,J he came next in view, — His mouth was all awry ; Says he — " Oh ! what will Caley do, If Mamma dear should die ? She might have liv'd for many a year. And all her children fed. If Hannum hadn't poison'd her — Curse on his frizzled head !" Cries little John,^ the youngest son. Who just began to crawl — " If Mamma lives, I soon shall run ; If not, I soon shall fall. Oh ! may Jack Hannum quickly die — And die-in grievous pain ; — Be sent into eternity. That Mamma may remain : May all his projects fall, likewise,^ — That we may live again !" — Then every one roU'd up his eyes, And cried aloud, " Amen !" The first removal act authorized the sale of the old Court House and jail at Chester, upon completion of the new buildings erected for the use of * The reference here is either to Edward Vernon, or Edward Richards, but which is now uncertain. f The allusion here, is to the capture of Col. Hannum, by a party of British Light Horse, who surprised him one night in his bed, and took him a prisoner to Philadelphia. J Caleb Davis, who held the office of Pro- thonotary from 1777 to 1791, and who took a lively interest in the question of removal. ^ Major John Harper, a Revolutionary officer who had recently commenced keeping a tavern in Chester ; of course he was opposed to the removal. Tradition says he commanded the belligerent forces that marched to destroy the unfinished buildings at the Turk's Head. He afterwards went to reside in West Ches- ter ; and was for some time landlord of the famous Turk's Head tavern. See Historical Sketches in West Chestei- Directory for 1857, written bv Dr. Dnrlinsjton. the county ; accordingly, March 8, 1788, that property was sold and con- veyed to William Kerlin for ^415. Mr. Kerlin at that time owned and kept the tavern opposite the old Court House in Chester. XIX. On the 28th of Sept. 1789, an Act of Assembly was passed, authorizing a division of the County of Chester, and the formation of a part thereof into a new county, upon a petition of " the inhabitants of the Borrough of Ches- ter and the Southeastern part of the county." The petitioners to expedite matters, also contracted with William Kerlin for the purchase of the old Court House and Prison, to be used for the new county; and on the 3d of November following, Mr. Kerlin conveyed the property to Henry Hale Graham, Richard Reilly, Josiah Lewis, Edward Jones and Benjamin Bran- nin, for the sum of ^693. 35s. 8d., and they the same day executed a de- claration of trust. By the same act, John Sellers, Thomas Tucker and Charles Dilworth, or any two of them, were named Commissioners " to run and mark the line dividing the coun- ties of Chester and Delaware." The first election in Delaware coun- ty, was held on the second Tuesday in October, 1 789 ; and the first Court was held on Feb. 9,1790. At the election , Nicholas Fairlamb was elected Sheriff; Jonathan Vernon, Coroner, and John Pearson, Thomas Levis, Richard Hill Morris and George Pearce, Justices of the Peace ; and on Nov. 7, 1789, Hen- ry Hale Graham was appointed Presi- dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, &c. , for the county of Delaware, 194 HISTORY OF CHESTER. but he (lied before tlie first session of the Court. In The Independent Gazetteer, or the Chroniele of Freedom, published in Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1788, on the first page, will be found a long advertise- ment of Greeshom, Johnson &: Co., of "The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Eastern Shore Line of Post Coach Car- riages. ' ' It states that carriages will set out in 4th street, nearly opposite the Old Indian Queen Tavern, during the winter, on Monday and Thursdays of every week, at 10 o'clock in the fore- noon, and arrive in Baltimore on Wed- nesdays and Saturdays in good season for dining. The passengers on their way from Philadelphia, will dine at the " Queen of France Inn," kept by Mr. John Jarvis, 22 miles from the city. In the issue of July 12, 1788, the notice is somewhat changed ; and the rates of fare are given thus : From Phila. to Chester, 15 miles, ^^o. 5s. od. Chester to Qu. France, 7 " o. 2s. 6cl. Q. of F. to Wilmington, 6 " o. 2s. 6d. Wil. to Christiana br., 10 " o. 3s. 4c]. Christiana br. to Elk, 12 " o. 4s. 2d. Elk to .Susquehanna, 16 " o. 7s. 6d. Phila. to Susque. br., 66 miles, £\. 5s. od. Susque. to Baltimore, 37 " gratis. The passengers sleep the first night at Chris- tiana bridge. At the heads of these announcements, is a picture of the " Post Coach Car- riages' ' of that day. They were similar in appearance to our army wagons of the present date ; namely, very large dearborns or market wagons, with round tops covered with canvas, with the driver seated at the front, his feet outside of the body of the wagon, rest- ing on a foot board ; the whole drawn by four horses. In the issue of the same journal of Feb. II, 1788, the following notice is given: "The pro])riel()rs of the Old Line of Stages, having united with the lines from New York to Philadelphia, and thence to Baltimore, will begin to run on Monday the i8th inst. The stages will leave New York and Balti- more Stage ofifice on 4th street, two doors from the Indian Queen, kept by Mr. James Thompson, at 6 o'clock on the mornings of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and will return again on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays each week during the winter season." Among the names of the proprietors appears the name of William Kerlin, an old and well known Chester name. William Kerlin, his son, (I presume), used to live in the first house below Chester creek bridge, on the left-hand side of the old stage route to Baltimore. His old residence is not the first house below the bridge now, of course. He used to flood his meadow, then consist- ing of several acres, every winter, to cut ice from it when the water became frozen. It made a splendid skating place for the boys and girls, when I was a boy and went to school at Ches- ter. Many a happy hour I have passed there skating; no doubt there are plenty of men and women in Chester, who can say the same thing. In the month of April, 1789, Gene- ral Washington passed through Ches- ter, on his way to Philadelphia. My grandmother, then Eleanor Crosby, often spoke of seeing him on that occasion in company with her father, Judge Crosby. I have in my pos- session, in the hand-writing of my grandfather, Dr. Wm. Martin, the copy of an address made to the Presi- dent on his visit, which is as follows : " To his Excellency George Washing- ton, Esqr., President of the United States, Sir : The inhabitants of the IIISTORV OF OHESTEIJ. 195 town ot Chester, impressed with the liveliest sentiments of esteem and ven- eration for your Excellency's charac- ter, congratulate themselves upon this opportunity being afforded them to pay their respects to, and to assure you of the unfeigned joy that swells their bosoms, while they reflect that the united voices of millions have again called you from the bosom of domestic retirement to be once more the public guardian of the liberty, happiness and prosperity of United America. From this event they entertain the most pleasing expecta- tions of the future greatness of the Western world ; indeed they cannot but observe to your Excellency, that ' the torpid resources of our country already discover signs of life and motion,' from the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Accept, sir, our fervent wishes for your welfare — may you be happy ; may a life spent in use- fulness be crowned with a serene old age ; and may your future reward be a habitation not built with hands, eternal in the Heavens." No doubt the Doctor delivered this address to the President. He was the foremost man of his day in Chester, and practised both Law and Medicine, and but for his early taking off, I have reason to think from his many writings, which are in manuscript in my posses- sion, and his extensive library and cor- respondence, that he bid fair to reach a prominent position in his country. The late widow of Major Anderson, used often to talk to me of my grand- father. It seemed to be a pleasant and favorite topic with her. She said "Dr. Martin was one of the handsomest men of the day." She spoke also of his dress — purple velvet small clothes, black silk stockings, pumps or shoes with large buckles, which are in the family yet, purple vest and coat, with "sugar-loaf," or pine apple shaped buttons, studded with brilliants, like the buckles of his shoes, and his hair worn in a queue, and powdered at times, with the cornered hat of that period. He may have looked very stylish in that day, but a man dressed so off the stage, would look peculiar at this time, to say the least of it. In a short essay on Joy, written by Dr. Martin, somewhat before the date above mentioned, in 1785, he states that "Dr. Ramsey, speaking of the first inauguration of the President, Washing- ton, says it was a moment of the most sublime political joy — which is one of the strongest emotions that the human mind has to contend with ; ' ' and gives in another portion of the essay this illus- tration of the effects of joy, viz : "The door-keeper of Congress died sudden- ly on hearing of the capture of Corn- wallis." On Sept. 2, 1790, a new Constitu- tion was adopted for the Common- wealth. Under its provisions. Justices of the Peace ceased to sit in the Courts as Associate Judges. And the Courts were re-organized with a President Judge, learned in the law, with two Associates, laymen ; whose duties are well told in an anecdote by an Asso- ciate Judge. He said: "I sat five years on the same bench, in the old Court House in Chester, without open- ing my mouth. One day, however, towards night, after listening to the details of a long and tedious trial, the President leaning over towards me, and putting his arm across my shoul- ders, asked me a question : ' Judge, ' said he, 'don't you think this bench is infernally hard ?' To this import- ant question, I replied: 'I thought it were!' And that's the only opinion 196 HISTORY OF CHESTER. I ever gave during my long judicial career. ■' In early times, the General Election for the whole county, was held at the ( ouit I louse in Chester. l'"-\eryl)ody, men, women and (hildrcn, irom all parts of the county, flocked into town, in all kinds of vehicles, some also on horseback, and others on foot. It was a grand holiday. Booths for the sale of eatables of all kinds, were erected about the streets in every available space, and the drinkables were not forgotten. The quarries at Crum and Ridley Creeks, which furnished the stone for the Delaware Breakwater, near Cape Henlopen, gave employ- ment in those days, to large numbers of Irishmen. Most of these men were naturalized and went to Chester to vote, and see the fun. Party feeling ran high, and the day seldom passed without a furious fight between the rival factions of Irishmen. Sometimes the quarrymen attacked the people of the town, but were always driven out of the place, although the citizens had on' several occasions to call out the militia to drive the mob out of town. I remember an occasion in which a company, commanded by Capt. John K. Zeilin, was called out to suppress an election riot, which began by an attack of the quarrymen on Theodoric Porter, in John O. Deshong's store. During the year 1794, the (General Government was obliged to raise a militia force to quell a rebellion in the western i)art of Pennsylvania, known as the "Whiskey Insurrection." Ches- ter sent a company of infantry to the scene of the disturbance ; some ac- counts say it was a company of cavalry. It was at all events under the command of William Graham, Esq., a member of the bar, and a son of Henry Hale Graham. It is said that ('apt. Gra- ham lost the use of his voice by ex- posure during this campaign, and not by exposure on Chester Island, as has been sometimes stated. Chester Island (onsists of about 70 acres, 1) ing opjiosite that town, in the Delaware River ; 25 acres of it was once banked in, but is now partially covered with water. It is the great place for rail shooting in season, and is now owned by the heirs of Geo. Wil- son, deceased, and my friend, Frank Field, well-known in Chester, and who is the descendant of an old Delaware County family. " Almighty Jehovah Descend now and fill Our hearts with thy glory, Our hearts with good will, Preside at our meeting, Assist us to find True pleasure in teaching Good will to mankind." I have in my library, a pamphlet entitled the " By-Laws of Lodge No. 69, held in the Borough of Chester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, print- ed by Joseph M. G. Lescure, at the office of the Upland Union, 1825," from which I extract the following in- formation, of interest to my Masonic brethren, viz. "List of members of Lodge No. 69, A. Y. M., admitted from the date of the warrant, June 24, 1796, to this time," being Jan. i, 1825. The war- rant is signed by the then Grand Offi- cers of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl- vania, William Moore Smith, G. M. ; Gavin Hamilton, D. G. M. ; Thomas Town, S. G. W. ; John Poor, J. G. W. ; Thomas Armstrong, G. S. ; John J. McEllwee, G. T. ; and is directed to William Martin, Worshipful Mas- frr; James Bernard, Senior Warden ; HISTORY OF CHESTER. 197 William Y^wwitW, Jiiuior Warden ; John Odenheimer, M. M. ; Mathias Kerlin, M. M. ; William Hill, P. M. ; Robert Smith, M. M., admitted Sep. 27, 1796. Na)iics. Preston Eyre, M. M., Daniel Harmony, M. M., Jacob D. Barker, " Peter Stirable, " James Shaw, " Thomas Vernon, " •'■Abraham Kerlin, " William Peirce, " John Wood, " Joseph Hall, " ■ *John Saffer, " Seth Levis, " James Sharpless, " George McNeally, " Edward Engle, " William Ford, William Anderson, P. M., John Entriss, M. M., Robert Hall, Robert McNeally, M. M., Joseph Harrison, " John Thompson, " James Craig, " Lewis Cornog, " Aaron Moreton, " William Haughy, Evan Peters, " William Witeman, F. C, Benjamin Neidy, M. M., George Bail, " William Willis, George Gill, " Nathaniel Sykes, " Jona. Y. Haight, " Joseph T. Heath, " adm *John Rowan, " Abijah Price, " ;i;Joseph Engle, P. M., admitted Samuel Pennell, M. M., Jona. Salyards, " Abraham Philips, " Thos. Coburn, Jr., " Enoch Welsh, " James M. Walker, F. C, John Sealah, M. M., William Robinson, M. M Michael Oburn, " Charles Farren, F. C, James Merryhew, M. M., *Samuel HoofF, " Job Vernon, ' Abraham Palmer, " John H. Cheney, " Joseph Merryhew, " William Miller, , William Wright, John Attmore, " Henry Wood, " Robert Pennell, Sept. 1796. Nov. 29, Jan. 31, Feb. 22, Feb. 28, Mar. 14, Mar. 28, Apr. 25, May 30, June 27, Aug. 29, " Oct. 31, " Jan. 30, 1798 Feb. 28, May 29, « June 26, " Aug. 28, Dec. 25, " Feb. 26, 1799 Mar. 26, Nov. 26, '< Dec. 31, " Jan. 28, i8do May 27, " July 29, " Sept. 28, " Oct. 8, " Feb'y 2, l8oi Sept. s, " Aug. 8, Feb. 6, 1802 Oct. 2, " Nov. 6, Dec. 6, 1806 Jas. Mendenhall, M. M., . Joseph Holston,F. C, William Baker, M. M., . Francis Patterson, M. M., Joseph T. John, P. M., Samuel Iddings, M. M., William Moore, " Robert Watton, " Robert Given, " David Stewart, " John Makie, P. M., John Dermont, M. M., . Daniel MacAllister, M. M., Samuel Blanchard, " William Fell, " . Cornelius Mackey, " Septimus Flounders, " George Warner, " John Young, " Thomas Fell, " . Jonas P. Fairlamb, '' John Pearl, Charles Cooper, " Robert Davidson, " Thomas Ottey, " William Geary, " *Job H. Terrill, P. M., Terrence Campbell, M. M., John Barber, " N. Wilkinson, James Cummings, " David Cummings, " Israel Thomas, " Aaron Wood, " Robert Patterson, " Isaac White, E. A., " *John Caldwell, Jr., M. M., Joseph Neefe, " James Nelson, " Isaac Barton, " Joseph Weaver, Jr. , " *John Martin, " John Harland, " Mark Winter, " *John Thomson, " Joseph Piper, P. M., admitted Joseph Bowen, M. M., " Nathaniel Newlin, M. M., Benjamin Kirk, " adi George Irwin, " Nehemiah Baker. " Wm. Robinson, " George Spear, " *Thomas D. Barnard, M. M., *Jona. P. Worrall, Daniel Howe, E. A., *M. Richards Sayres, M. M., George Caldwell, " *John Welch, George Elkins, " John J. Richards, P. M., *MosesCo.\-, M. M., . *Joseph Black, " Dr. EUis C. Harland, M. M., Jesse Haimer, *George Hawkins, " Joshua A. I'earson, " Dec. 6, 1806. Mar. 7, 1807. Apl. 4, " June 6, " Sept. 12, " Mar. 5, 1808. June 4, " July 2, " July 30, " Oct. 29, " Dec. 31, " Jan. 28, 1809. Aug. 9, " " 19. " Nov. 18, " Dec. 16, " Dec. 26, " Feb. 17, 1810, June 16, " Feb'y 2, 1811. Aug. 3. " Aug. 20, 1812. Aug. 3, " Feb. 13, 1813- Apl. 10, " May 10, " Mar. 10, 1814. July 25, " Apl. 22, 1815. July 15, Sept. 16, " Dec. 20, 1816. Jan. II. 1817 Mar 29, " Apl. 26, Aug, 23, " Oct. iS, " Dec. 20, ',' Jan. 17, iSi's Feb. 14, " Apl. 18. June 13, Aug. 15, ;; Jan. 9, 1819 Feb. 6, " Mar. 6, " Apl. 3. " June s. Oct. 2, " Dec. 25. July 7, 1S20 Sept. 16, 198 HISTORY OF CHESTER. ♦Robert Beale, Esq., M. U., *Thomas N. Barker, E. A., *Richard Dutton, M. M., *Archibald T. Dick, Esq., P. M. *George R. Grantham, M. M., . *John P. Crosb>', " William Tussey, " John Irwin, " Edward Richards, Esq., " Joseph Thatcher, " *John J. Thurlow, " *George W. Bartram, P. M., . *Francis Murphy, M. M., Charles Attmore, " Jas. Brattin, Esq., " *William Corkey, " *Zedekiah W. Flower, M. M., *OIiver Stevenson, " *John Taylor, " *Henry G. Kerlin, " *Samuel R. Lamplugh, " *William Martin, Esq., " *Samuel Shaw, Jr., " *Dr. Samuel Anderson, ■ " *Rev. R. U. Morgan, " *John Cochran, " *Jame.s Sloan, " Dec. i6, 1820. Jan. 13, 1821. Feb. 10, " Sept. 8, '■■ Mar. 30, 1822. June 28, " July 27, " Nov. 23, " Dec. 21, " Feb. 22, 1823. Mar. 22, " Oct. j8, " Nov. IS, " Feb. 7, Apl. 10, June 5, Oct. 30, 1824. Nov. 5, Dec. 4, Present ofificers of the Lodge, No. 69 : Archibald T. Dick, Esq., IVor- shipful Master ; William Martin, Esq., Se?iior Warden; Zedekiah W. Flower, Junior Warden; George W. Bartram, '^%Q^. , Secretary ; Joseph Black, Trea- surer. Those marked thus * were living members of the Lodge, at the time of the printing of the by-laws in 1825. It will be observed, that at that date the title of Esquire, was only given to Judges of the Courts, lawyers and Jus- tices of the Peace, or to those occupy- ing official positions in the State. I give also a list of members initiated in No. 69, after the publication of the pamphlet in 1825 : Joseph M. G. Lescure, John Martin, carpenter, Albert G. Pearson, Jacob Effinger, Joseph Hall, — ^ohn Hinkson, John Shaw, Joseph Baker, Ezekiel Norman, James O'Hara, James F>ans, Joseph Rhoads, Isaac T. Thomas, Samuel Hale, John K. Zeilin, Benjamin H. L. Hulings, Jehu Broomhall, Thomas Williamson, John Hart, Thomas Baker, Isaac Briggs, John Schofield, James Holms, HuKhMcI,ai,Kl.ii„, Oswald Patchell, Isaac S. Williams, William Fo.\, William Garthwait, Melville Thomas Hard, Alexander M. Wright, Francis Graham, Thomas McKinney, Joseph P. Williams. The Lodge surrendered its charter in 1836. Its last officers were, Wil- liam Martin, Esq., W. M. ; Isaac S. Williams, S. W. ; and Francis Gra- ham, J. W. In the month of Dec, 1864, I sent to the Grand Lodge the old Minute Book of No. 69, and re- ceived a receipt, and transcript of the proceedings taken thereon by the Grand Lodge. It seems to have been the cus- tom in old times to have an Annual Address delivered before the members of the Lodge on St. John's day, in December. I have three manuscript addresses, one bearing date Dec. 27, 1797, all in the handwriting of Dr. William Martin, and all, no doubt, spoken by him before the Lodge. " When the Senior Warden standing in the west, Calls us from our Labors to partake of rest, We unite, while he recites The duties of a Mason. On the Level meet, on the Square we part, Repeats each worthy Brother, This rule in view, — we thus renew, Our friendship for each other." The projectors of Chester Lodge No. 236, of Ancient York Masons, first endeavored to get the Grand Lodge to re-charter the old Chester Lodge No. 69, but the application was not successful ; so a new charter had to be obtained, which was done, and Ches- ter Lodge No. 236, was instituted by a charter granted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, bearing date Dec. 4, 1848. The Lodge was instituted Feb. 23, 1849, by the installation of George W. Bartram, as Worshipful Master ; Joseph Weaver, as Senior Warden; and Alexander M. Wright, as Junior Warden. The charter members were George M. l^artram, Samuel R. Lam- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 199 plugh, James Campbell, Isaac S. Wil- liams, Ezekiel Norman, Thomas Ba- ker, Joseph Baker, John Martin, Alex- ander M. Wright and others ; many of them members of the old Chester Lodge No. 69. On April 5, 1849, ^^ the first regu- lar communication for business, John Larkin, Jr., and Charles D. Manley, Esq., were entered, being the first ap- plicants. George W. Bartram served three years as Master. Joseph Weaver was then elected W. M., but died a short time thereafter, when John Lar- ken , Jr. , was elected W. M. The Lodge increased in membership very rapidly, and although all the charter members of Lucius H. Scott Lodge, withdrew to form the new Lodge, Chester Lodge now bears upon its rolls 194 members (June, 1873). The list of its succes- sive Worshipful Masters has been as follows, viz. : Geo. W. Bartram, 1848 John M. Greig, 1863 Joseph Weaver, 1851 Dr. J. L. Forwood, 1864 John Larkin, Jr., 1852 Col. Thos. I. Leiper i86s Charles D. Manley, 1853 Dr. John M. Allen, 1866 Joseph R. Morris, 1854 John Fountain, 1867 Perciphor Baker, 1855 George Robinson, 1868 Thad. K. Martin, 1856 Dr. Jacob Boon, 1869 James Wilkey, 1857 Wm. H. Flavin, 1870 Samuel Cliff, 1858 Robert S. Taylor, 1871 James Holmes, 1859 Lewis W. Govett, 1872 Dan. B. Thomson, i860 Thomas Mould, 1873 George Baker, 1862 James Gartside, 1874 Since the organization of the Lodge, regular monthly communications have been held, during which time 322 members have been initiated, and 34 admitted from other Lodges. I had intended to give here a list of the members of the Lodge, living and dead ; on mature consideration, I have decided not to give a list of those living. The list of deceased brothers is as follows, viz. : George W. Bartram, William Blair, John Booth, Theop. D. Mustin, Philip Morris, Thaddeus K. Marti i James S. Neil, James Campbell, William Crozer, Thomas Donaldson, John Donaldson, William W. Doyle, Charles W. Deans, George Derbyshire, George Evans, George W. Flood, John Goff, William L. Grubb, Dr. Chas. G. M. Griffith, Robert Gartside, James Holmes, Robert R. Johnson, Adam Keen, Samuel R. Lamplugh, Washington B. Levis, John Martin, Jonathan P Joseph Monroe, John Maloney, Robert Marlor, Robert McCall, David W. Morrison, Wm. H. McChntock, Samuel Palmer, William Rhodes, George B. T. Robinson, Thomas M. Smith, Lewis Speakman, Charles Shrowder, John Schureman, James Talley, Ralph Taylor. William R. Thatcher, Joseph Weaver, Alexander M. Wright, Isaac S. Williams, A. K. Winslow, Worrall. The meeting-room of Chester Lodge, is over the store of Hinkson & Smed- ley, on Market Square, which is well fitted up. The Lodge meets on Thurs- day nights before the full moon. I am indebted to Brother Secretary William Hinkson, for the data which has en- abled me to write thus fully of his Lodge. " When the Jr. Warden to refreshment calls us, And the Sun is at meridian's height, Let us merrily, unite most cheerily In social harmony, new joys invite, One and all at his call. To the feast repairing. All around joys resound, Each the pleasure sharing." After a regular communication of Chester Lodge, on Dec. i, 1870, the officers to serve for the ensuing year, commencing on St. John's day, hav- ing been elected, the members partook of the usual annual supper at the hall, prepared by the well-known caterer, John Munshower, in excellent style. The entertainment was attended by the brethren, accompanied by their wives and sweethearts ; an unusual circumstance ; this being the first ap- pearance of the fair ones at a Masonic supper at Chester, or elsewhere. Their 200 HISTORY OF CHESTER. presence gave an additional charm to the place, and to the order and har- mony, which ahvays marks an assem- blage of the brothers of the mystic tie. " In the West sec the Wardens submissively stand, The Master to aid and obey his commands, The intent of his signal we perfectly know. And we ne'er take offence when he give us a l)Iow." The L. H. Scott Lodge, No. 352, A. Y. M., was chartered Dec. 27, 1864. The charter members are John P. M. Greig, George Baker, Henry B. Tay- lor, George E. Darlington, Esq., James Barton, Jr., Stephen C. Hall, Charles D. Pennell, Alfred Taylor, Rev. John R. Quigg, William D. Pennell, S. H. Stevenson, John H. Barton, George Wilson, Samuel A. Dyer, S. F. Baker and Charles J. Andrews, The Lodge was constituted March 16, 1865, and the following ofificers installed :— J. P. M. Greig, W. M. ; Henry B. Taylor, S. W. ; George E. Darlington, Esq., J. W. ; George Ba- ker, Treasurer, and James Barton, Jr., Secretary. The present number of members (March, 1873), '^ 7°- The regular communications of the Lodge are held in the same room occupied by the parent Lodge, No. 236. I have a full suit of the Regalia of the Master of a Masonic Lodge, once be- longing to and worn by my grandfather, Dr. William Martin, and a large Punch bowl and Pitcher, made of fine white delft-ware, both covered with emblems of our mystic craft. On the bottom of the bowl, inside, is blazoned in the semblance of a coat of Arms, argent, on a chevron, sa. an opened compa.ss, between three castles, ppr. resting on a tessellated pavement, from which rise two columns ; and on a ribbon woimd around the base of the dexter column, are the words sit lux, and on the sinis- ter, F.T LUX FUiT. Crest, a bare arm couped at the shoulder, cnihoived, grasping a gavel, ppr. Motto, amor HONOR ET JUSTITIA. Supporters, two Master Masons in full regalia, each standing on an Altar as a base. The whole surrounded by scroll work, orna- mented with Masonic symbols, above which is the '' all seeing Eye," looking from out a cloud studded with stars, over which is engraven : — "a heart THAT CONCEALS AND A TONGUE THAT NEVER REVEALS." Encircling the in- side rim of the bowl are emblems twined with ribbons; on the exterior, symbolic designs of the Order, and in the centre of one group are the words, " The world is in pain f )ur secret to gain. But still let them wonder & gaze on, For they ne'er can divine. The WORD nor the sign. Of a Free and accepted Mason." Similar ornaments decorate the Pitch- er, under the spout of which, enclosed in the space formed by the Square and an expanded Compass, is the mysterious letter G. On one side of the pitcher are two columns standing upon a tessellated floor ; around both are coiled ribbons ; on the right one is printed vide, aude, TACE, and on the other, sit lux, et lux FUIT ; between the columns, are various emblems of Masonry, and the words MEMENTO MORI, above the letter G. The right hand column is surmounted by a female figure bearing a cross, rep- resenting Faith. On the left hand one, is a female bearing in her arms a child, leading another one by her hand, em- blematic of Charity, while above, en- circled by a semi-circle of leaves and roses, rests Hope with her Anchor ; the whole is surmounted l)y two (|uill jjcns HISTORY OF CHESTER. 201 crossed, and tied together with ribbons, forming a true lover's knot. This bowl and pitcher were present- ed by the Members of Lodge No. 69, A. Y. M., to my grandfather. The.se Punch bowls and Pitchers were made to the order of Richard Potter, an Englishman, and an enthusiastic Mason, in the latter part of the last century. XX. Chester was again incorporated as a Borough, under the new order of things after the Revolution, by Act of Assembly of this Commonwealth, of March 5, 1795. See Carey 6^ Bi- oren'' s ed. of the Laws of Pa. (1803), 5 vol., 42, recorded in Law Book 5, p. 387, &c., as follows : An Act to Erect the To2vn of Chester and its, Vicinity, in the County of Delatvare, into a Borough, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Whereas, The inhabitants of the town of Chester and its vicinity, in the county of Del- aware, have by their petition, prayed to be in- corporated, and that the said town and vicin- ity, as hereinafter described, should be erected into a Borough ; therefore. Sec. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Coni7?iotiwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the town of Chester, with its vicin- ity, in the county of Delaware, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a Borough, which shall be called the Borough of Chester, the extent of which said Borough is, and shall be comprised within the following boundaries; that is to say, beginning on the river Delaware, at the mouth of Lamokin run, at low water mark ; thence up the said river to the mouth of Ridley Creek ; thence up the creek to the place where a line, two miles from and paral- lel with the low water mark in the Delaware, will intersect the same, being a corner of the former Borough ; thence along the said parallel line to Chester Creek, another ancient corner of said Borough ; thence down the said creek to the place where the line lielween the lands formerly of David Co^^■pland and John Salkeld, directly continued, would intersect the same : thence down the said line to the Delaware, the place of beginning. Sec. 2. And be it fui-ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the freeholders and such other of the inhabitants as are qualified to elect members of the General Assembly, and shall have resided within the limits of the Borough at least for the space of one whole year next preceding any such election as is hereinafter directed, shall have power, on the first Monday in April in every year, to choose by ballot, at the county Court House, from amongst the inhabitants qualified to elect as aforesaid, two fit persons to be Burgesses, and that the person having the greatest num- ber of votes shall be the Chief Burgess; and also to elect, from amongst the inhabitants qualified to elect as aforesaid, three suitable persons as Assistants, for advising and aiding the said Burgesses in the execution of the pow- ers and authorities hereby given them ; and also to elect a High Constable and Town Clerk ; all and every of which persons .shall be resident within the said Borough of Chester. Sec. 3. And be it firthcr enacted by the authority afresaid. That the Sheriff of the county of Delaware, for the time being, shall open and hold the election on the fir.st Monday in April next, and call to his assistance three reputable freeholders of the said Borough, who shall take the votes of the electors, and count them oft', and publicly declare the names of those voted for and chosen to be Burgesses and Assistants, High Constable and Town Clerk, as aforesaid ; and on the first Monday in April, in every year thereafter, the Burgess- es and assistants shall open and hold the said election in manner aforesaid. Sec. 4. A)id be it fia-ther enacted by the authority afresaid. That if any of the inhab- itants of the Borough, qualified as aforesaid, shall be elected to the office of Burgess, and, having notice of his or their election, shall re- fuse to undertake and execute that office, each person so refusing shall pay a fine of five pounds ; and if any of the inhabitants of the Borough, qualified as aforesaid, who shall be elected to any other office, shall refuse to un- dertake and execute the office to which he shall be chosen, he shall pay a fine of three pounds for the use of the said corporation ; '2i)2 HISTORY OF CHESTEK'. find ill any such case the said acting Burgesses shall issue ihcir process, directed to the High Constable, re([uiring him to hold an election for the choice of some other fit person, in the stead of such who shall so refuse. Sec. 5. Au(/ be it further enacted by the atitliority ciforesaid, That the Chief Burgess shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, before one of the Justices of the Peace for the county of Delaware, to support the Constitu- tion of the United States, and of this State, and an oath or affirmation well and truly to execute the office of Chief Burgess of the Bo- rough of Chester ; and when so qualified, he shall administer an oath or affirmation to the other Burgess, Assistants, High Constable and Town Clerk, in manner and form aforesaid, before they shall enter upon their respective offices. Sec. 6. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That it shall and may be lawful for the Burgesses and inhabitants afore- said, and their successors, to have, hold and keep, within the said Borough, two markets in each week to wit : one market on Wednes- day, and one market on Saturday, in the com- mon market-place of the said Borough, to- gether with free liberties, customs, profits and emoluments to the said markets belonging; and that there shall be a Clerk to the Market, who shall and may perform all things belong- ing to the office of Clerk of the Market within the said Borough, which said Clerk of the Market shall be nominated, and from time to time appointed by the Burgesses and Assist- ants, or any three "of them, the Chief Burgess being one, and shall be removable by them, as they shall find necessary. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That it shall and may be lawful for the Burgesses and inhabitants afore- said, to assemble in town-meetings, as often as occasion may require, and make such ordi- nances and rules, and assess such ta.xes not repugnant to or inconsistent with the laws of this State, as to the majority of the inhabitants a.ssembled aforesaid shall seem necessary for the good government of the .said Borough, and the same to revoke, alter and make anew, as convenience may require, which said town- meetings shall be assembled by the Burgesses aforesaid, at their discretion, who shall require the High Constable to give at least five days' notice of such intendetl town-meeting by ad- I vertisements, fixed up in at least six o( the most public jilaees in the said Borough, noti- fying the time, place and object of such in- tended town-meeting. The following is the copy of a paper, endorsed, "Address to the President of the United States," found among the papers of Dr. William Martin, in his hand-writing. William Graham, Esq., was or had been Captain of the Comi)any mentioned, and it is proba- ble that Dr. Martin was also one of its officers. It is to be regretted that the names of the signers are not attached to the address. No doubt the paper I have is the original, which accounts for the absence of the names. Its con- tents are in the words following : " To the President of the United States. The address of the officers and soldiers of the Ches- ter Light Infantry Company of Volunteers, of the county of Delaware and State of Penna. Sir : — In the present eventful crisis of pub- lick affiiirs, we beg leave to approach you with affection & confidence; with affection, because we live under a government of our own choice ; with confidence, because we believe its con- stituted authorities have done all that could be done, consistent with national honor & in- dependence to preserve peace. Believing with you that ' A free republick is the best of govern- ments, and the greatest blessing that mortals can aspire to,' it is our fixed determination to give it every support in our power, and we trust that under Chiefs who have so ably con- ducted our country to independence, there will be no doubt of maintaining it against a foe who has left no arts untried to rob us of it. Adverse to war as Americans and Christians, we should have been happy to have spent our lives in the enjoyment of peace, but when that peace is to be the price of national degradation, and the enjoyment of it so purchased, wholly insecure, we have, no hesitation in choosing the alterna- tive, with a confident reliance on that Provi- dence, which on more than one occasion has manifestly interfered to the safety and happi- ness of the American people. Under these impressions we offer our liest services to our country, and beg you to accejit this tender of them, with the assurance that HISToliY OF CHEST EK. 203 when circumstances require it we are ready to take the field. In the presence of the God of Armies, we make the offer and pledge our- selves to fulfil it. Accept Sir, our best wishes for your happiness ; may you have the felicity of seeing our country pennanently placed upon that footing of Peace and Independence which your ardent patriotism and unwearied exer- tions in the cause of genuine freedom lead us to suppose, is the prime wish of your heart. Chester, Aug. 25, 1 798. Signed by unanimous consent." Dr. William Martin was born in the city of Philadelphia, Sept. 2, 1765, of which city his father, John Martin, was a resident. He was a practising lawyer in Chester, as well as a Physician. His father was undoubtedly a Friend, and from the Doctor's choice of Chester for his residence, I think our family are descendants of the English family of the same name that settled originally in Chester (now Delaware) county, on the adjoining tract to that taken up by Richard Crosby, in Middletown. The Doctor resided in the stone house, the site of which is now occupied by the residence of Mrs. Gray, the widow of Dr. William Gray. The old locust trees still standing in front of the pre- sent mansion, were planted by my grandfather about 1795 or '96. The old office occupied by the Doctor, is still standing in good repair, to the west of Mrs. Gray's dwelling. It is a small frame building, and is still used for offices, but has been divided, and has two occupants. Mrs. Anderson told me -that the Doctor could never be induced to go to the funeral of one of his patients, saying: "It looked too much like a carpenter taking his own work home." It shows he had a grim kind of humor. I have his diploma of Bachelor of Medicine from the " Uni- versity of Philadelphia," which did not then grant diplomas of Doctor of Medicine. It bears date Jtily 3, 1786. Dr. Joseph Carson, the author of the History of the University of Penn- sylvania, says : It is the only diploma of the old University known to have been preserved. It is in as good con- dition as it was on the day it was con- ferred, as is also his diploma from the " American Medical Society," or as it is written, " Sodetas Medica Ameri- cana,'''' bearing date, 1786. Dr. Car- son is a Professor in the University of Pennsylvania, and has a rare and valu- able collection of manuscripts, illustra- tions, letters, autographs and other papers relating to the history of that famous old medical college, to graduate at which is esteemed an honor at home and abroad. I have also Dr. William Martin's certificate of admission to practice as an Attorney in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, dated March 24, 1794, and signed "Charles Biddle, Prothonotary." I have also his com- mission as Justice of the Peace for the townships of Chester, Ridley, Middle- town and Lower Providence, in the county of Delaware, dated Aug. 9, 1797, signed " Thos. Mifflin." Among the many old papers that have been preserved in the family, I have an old commission to John Cros- by, as one of the Judges of the Court of ComiTion Pleas in and for the coun- ty of Delaware, dated April 26, A. D., 1799, signed "Thos. Mifflin." Judge Crosby, during the Revolu- tion, was the Captain of a Chester coun- ty company of infantry, attached to the " Flying Camp," at Perth Amboy, in Col. Morgan's regiment.* When the *Col. Jacob Morgan, Jr., commanded the 1st Battalion of Pa. Militia, in the Brigade under Brig. Gen. John Cad^^•alader, in 1776 and '77 ; 5 Archives, 188. He was one of the purchasers of land in Tinicum, part of the con- fiscated estate of Joseph Galloway, Esq., a con- victed Traitor. 204 HISTORY OF CHESTER. company was first mustered into service, at the White Horse Tavern, John Cros- by was its First Lieutenant, and the company was commanded by Captain Culin. tlie brdthcr of tlie Judge's first wife. A few niiniitcs alter they were mustered in. ('apt. Culin was shut dead by a private, and John Crosby took command. Afterwards during the war, while on a visit to his family in Ridley, he was taken prisoner by a boat's crew from a British man-of-war then lying off Chester, and taken on board the vessel ; he was afterwards transferred to one of the prison ships at New York, where his wife went on a visit to him, and he obtained his release on parole, not to serve again during the war, or until exchanged.. It is said his hair turned white during his confinement, which lasted about six months. His residence was on the east bank of Rid- ley creek, a short distance above Ridley Creek Bridge over the Great Southern or old Queen's Road. The boats of the British ship ascended the creek at night, under the guidance of a near neighbor of Captain Oosby, and he was arrested while washing himself at the pump near the door of his house. The neighbor's name who.be- trayed the Captain to the enemy is given in family tradition as Efifinger. Henry Efifinger, Jr.'s name appears upon the " Black List ;" a list of those who were attainted as traitors during the Revolution, yet it appears that on Jan. I, 1784, John Crosby, the youn- ger, of Ridley, yeoman, and Ann his wife, sold to Henry Efifinger, Jr., of Springfield, .some land. In 16 Col. R., 372, it is stated: " The Register and Comptroller Gen'l reports upon the account of Capt. David Crosby, for the pay of his com- pany of Chester County Militia, in the Battalion commanded by Col. Jno. Mc- Dowell, while under marching orders from the Lieutenant of the county in Oct. 17S1:" see also 16 C. R., 424. And I find also mentioned as captains of Chester County Militia during the same ])eriod, Robert Elton, Israel Moore, Jonathan Rowland and John Bryan. I have not been able to trace the relationship of Captain David Crosby I to the Crosby's of Ridley. Samuel Crosby, of Londonderry, carpenter, by his will, dated Jan. 23, 1776, proven Mar. 29, 1776, gives all his estate to his mother, Rachel Crosby, and broth- ers and sister, John, David, Rachel (Crosby,) and Thomas. Executors, John and David Crosby. The name is written Cosby in the will, but he made his mark, and the name is un- derscored as incorrect, and it is spelled Crosby in the probate. Edw'd S. Sayres, Brazilian Consul at Philadelphia, says he visited the an- cient Cro-sby mansion lately, to revive old memories. That when a young man, in the winter of 1821-2, he visited the sons of Judge Crosby, then living in the old house by Ridley creek, and after an evening passed pleasantly with two pretty and jolly daughters of the Judge, he and the Crosby boys sat up late drinking mulled cider. He also says he attended the wedding of one of the late Pierce Crosby's daughters, (they were his cousins,) at Crosby's mills, just above the old dwelling re- ferred to ; that it was quite agrand afifair, a building being erected on the lawn to accommodate the dancers. In 12 Col. R., 372, under date of June 2, 1780, John Crosby, John Hannum, William Evans and Thomas Heslip, were appointed (for Chester county) to execute " an Act for pro- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 205 curing an immediate supply of provi- | sions for the Federal army in its pre- sent exigency. ' ' And at a later date, p. 393, an entry is made in the minutes of Council, that " an order was drawn on the Treasurer in favour of Mr. John Crozier, for the sum of 600 dollars in part of a certificate for five head of cattle purchased by John Crosby, Jr. , Commissioner for Purchases in the county of Chester, agreeable to an Act of Assembly passed the ist of June, instant." And on the 21st of July, 1 780, another order was drawn (p. 399) on the Treasurer in favor of John Cro- zier, for 6,467 dollars and two-thirds, Continental money, in State money, at the rate of sixty Continental money, in full for five head of cattle purchased by John Crosby, Jr., Commissioner, &c. This appears to be a heavy price to pay for five head of cattle, but it was really only ^42 per head. It will be noticed that the family name now rendered Crozer, was then, and until very recently, I believe, spell- ed Crozier, which meant a Bishop's crook or pastoral staff, a symbol of pastoral authority and care ; originally a Crosier was a staff with a cross on the top, in the form of a crutch or T. The first of the name of Crosby, who settled in Chester, now Delaware coun- ty, Pa. , was Richard Crosby, who came from Cheshire, (a corruption of Ches- tershire) in England, about 1682, and located himself in Middletown, he having been a purchaser before emi- grating to this country. See i Penn- sylvania Archives, 45, among lists of purchasers, "Richard Crossby, 1000 acres." He had also a lot on Race street, Philadelphia, assigned to him as one of the first purchasers. See Read's Map and Survey, z\%o Patent Book, A, I vol. 230-1, and 363. He seems very soon after settling to have sold his land in Middletown, and removed to Ches- ter, where in 1684, he was appointed a collector " to gather the assessments" made for the Court house and prison, along with Edward Carter for Ches- ter, and Andrew Nelson for Providence. About this time he purchased the pro- perty on Ridley Creek, ever since known as " Crosby's Mills," and which until very recently was owned by his.de- scendants. At a Monthly Meeting at Chester, II mo. 4, 1685, Ellinor Crosby and Mary Button were appointed to inquire concerning the clearness of Jane Lang- ley, on account of her intended mar- riage with Thomas Cartwright. Jasper Yeates and Joseph Jervis, acknowledged a deed in open court to Richard and John Crosby, for a mill and 63 acres of land in Middletown, dated 27th of Feb., 1704-5; and Richard and John Crosby acknow- ledged a lease of the same property to James Cooper for twenty-one years, dated 25th of Mar. 1705. This is thought to have been the mill on Rid- ley creek, just above the rail road bridge, near Media. Mar. I, 1 71 1. Richard Crosby of Ridley, yeoman, and wife Elianor, Nicholas Fairlamb of Chester, mer- chant, and Katharine his wife, daugh- ter of the said Richard and Elianor, convey to William Pennell, 270 acres of land in Middletown, which Richard had given but not conveyed to Nicholas and Katharine Fairlamb, This was part of 370 acres patented to Richard Crosby, May 18, 1685, in right of his purchase from John ap John and Thomas Wynne, May 11, 1682; he having sold the other 100 acres to Robert Pennell, father of William. Elianor made her mark. 206 HISTORY OF CHESTER. John Crosby made the following ac- knowledgment to Chester meeting, dated Ridley, 9 mo. 20,1719: "Where- as I have unadvisedly broke the good order Established amongst ffriends in case of marriage, tending to the breach of unity in the brotherhood, and an Example of Looseness to young people, for which I am heartily sorry and desire the forgiveness of God and of my Brethren," &c. Richard and Eleanor Crosby had several children ; one daughter, Catha- rine, married Nicholas Fairlamb in 1703. He came from Stockton in Dur- ham, England, settled in Philadelphia, and afterwards removed to Middletown. John Fairlamb, son of Nicholas and Catharine (Crosby,) was married 11 mo. 13, 1742, to Susannah, the daugh- ter of Frederick Engle, whose wife Ann, was the daughter of Joseph and Mary Cloud. Frederick Engle died in 1737, and about a year after, his widow married Jonathan Vernon. John Fairlamb, of Middletown, died in 1766, leaving nine children: Ni- cholas, Frederick, Samuel, John, Cath- arine, Anne, Susannah, Eleanor and Mary. He appears to have been in easy circumstances, and appointed his trusty friend, Henry Hale Graham, as principal executor of his will, and guardian of his minor children. His widow married in 1769, Robert Pen- nell, and died about 1793. Of the children, Nicholas was married in 1 768, to Hannah Preston ; Frederick in 1 767, to Mary Pennell, adaughter of Robert ; Samuel in 1774, to Hannah, dau. of Francis Richardson ; John in 1 784, to Susannah Ashbridge. Susannah died unmarried, in 1786. Annie married John Pedrick. Catharine was married 4 mo. 3, 1773, by Friends' ceremony, before H. Hale Graham and otiiers, at the house (^f her brother Samuel, in Chester, to Peter Hill, son of William Hill, deceased, of Middletown. They were the parents of the late John Fair- lamb Hill, who was their youngest child, Peter Hill built a large cotton factory on the Brandywine, near West Chester, which is known by the name of Hills- dale factory, but for many years it has been converted intoapapermill. John Fairlamb was a Justice of the Peace, and of the Courts in 1761, and again in 1764; Sheriff of the county from 1762 to 1765; and a member of the Assembly from 1760 to 1765. Thomas Dunbarbin, (or Dunbabin) came from Cheshire in or about 1714, and died in Aston the following year. In his will he mentions his cousins John Crosby of Ridley and Catharine Fair- lamb, but no wife or children of his own. In the Delaware County Republican of May 27, 1870, there will be found a notice of the death, from a gun-shot wound, of Joseph C, a son of R. Cros- by Fairlamb, evidently a descendant of this daughter of Richard Crosby. Another daughter married Robert Dut- ton, they had two daughters, Susannah and 'Hannah. Richard Crosby died intestate in 1718, and letters of ad- ministration were granted to his sun, John Crosby, May 2, 1718. This son of Richard, John Crosby, better known in the family records as " Squire Crosby," was commissioned a Justice of the Courts, and ex-officio Jus- tice of the Peace for the county of Ches- ter, Aug. 25, 1726, and again in 1730, '37, and' 38, and remained in office until hisdeath. iCol.R.,2ix. In 1723-4 he was a member of the Provincial As- sembly. His will, on record at West Chester, is dated Sep. 22, 1750, and was ])r()ven Oct. 15, of the same vear, so he HISTORY OF CHESTER. 207 died between those periods. He devised his real estate about equally between his two sons John and Richard. He left John the plantation he lived upon at Ridley, and directed that his body " be decently buryed in Friends' Bury- ing Ground, at Chester, by or near my relations." He gave legacies to his daughter-in-law, Ellinor Crosby, to his sister Catharine Fairlamb, to his cotisins, (nephew) John Fairlamb, and his (niecesj Susannah and Hannah, daughters of Robert Button, and to his grand-daughter Susannah Crosby, and his grand -sons Richard and Samuel Crosby. It will be observed that the Squire calls his nephew and nieces, cousins ; in a general sense this term applies to all those more remotely re- lated than a brother or sister, and was in common use at that time. John Crosby was half-owner of a forge, which he devised to his son John, " together with my part of the utensils belonging thereto." Peter Kalm, the Swedish naturalist, who visited Chester County in 1 748, says, " About two En- glish miles behind Chester I passed an iron forge, which was to the right hand of the roadside. It belonged to two brothers, as I was told. The ore is not, however, dug here, but thirty or forty miles hence, where it is first melted in an oven, and then carried to this place. The bellows were made of leather ; and both they and the hammers, and even the hearth, but small in proportion to ours. All the machines were worked by water." Dr. Smith, 258, says, ' ' The location of this forge must have been on Crum creek, just Avhere it is crossed by the Post Road. ' ' Acrclius, p. 165, says, the iron works at " Crum creek belong to Peter Dicks, has two stacks, is worked sluggishly, and has ruined Crosby's family;" this was sometime previous to 1756, but the statement as to the family is erroneous. It might be inferred from what Kalm says, that Squire Crosby had a brother, but such was not the case. The other half-owner of the forge was Peter Dicks. See Smith's History, note 258, and statement at page 254, that "A con- troversy brought before Chester month- ly meeting, in 1742, between Thomas Dell of the one part, and John Crosby and Peter Dicks of the other, reveals the fact that the latter (party) had erected a forge on Crum creek." 8 mo. 25, 1742. "The Representa- tives of Chester meeting have acquaint- ed this meeting that there is some Difference between John Crosby and Thomas Dell, because the said John Crosby and Peter Dicks haveing built a forge on Crum crick, y** damm where- of overflows some part of y^ said Dell's land, the Damage of which they have not yet been capable to settle, neither by themselves, nor by some assistance they have had, y" said Thomas Dell haveing insisted to have a certain sum of money yearly or to have the dam Pull'd down. After sum debate on the affair and Proposals of appoint- ing of friends to Indeavor to Recon- cile y^ said Difference, y" said Tho- mas Dell, being present, absolutely Refused to be determined by either friends of their own choice or such as the meeting should appoint, but Re- fused to Confer any Longer on the Oc- casion, and Departed the said meeting, not only without Leave, but Contrary to the Request and advice thereof." I mo. 28, 1743. "Thomas Dell hath Complained to this meeting that y'' damm at y'' forge on Crum creek yet overflows some part of his Land, and that they cannot agree to settle y* dif- ference or damage between them, nor 208 HISTORY OF CHESTER. will the said Thomas Dell chose men to (ieside y'^said difference; therefore this meeting appoints John Maris, William Pennell, Thomas Goodwin, Samuel Lewis, James Bartram and Joshua 'I'hompson, to meett some time at y° said damm, between and next* meeting, to Compute y^ said Damage, and In- deavour to Reconcile y'^said difference, and make Report thereof at next meet- ing." 2 mo. 25, 1743. The Committee report they cannot reconcile the parties, and that Thomas Dell is not willing for the matter to be determined by any- body but himself, but they think John Crosby & Peter Dicks should pay him ^5 ^ annum so long as the water Dam- nifies the said Dell's land ; to which John cS: Peter, (being present) agree. Thomas Dell appealed to the Quarterly meeting ; what disposition was made of the case I have not ascertained. T have a copy of the original "Arti- cles of agreement between Jos. Carter, Jos. Carter, Jr., and Jacob Carter of y'' one part, and John Crosby, Junior, and Richard Crosby, all of y° township of Ridley," &c., dated Dec. 24, 1740, the consideration being " Four hun- dred weight of iron." The paper is so eaten by mice, that I cannot make out what the agreement is about ; but Crum is spelled Crumb creek, and the signatures are distinct. So no doubt Kalm is right. The two brothers, sons of the Squire, John Crosby, evidently carried on the forge at the time of his visit; perhaps they were the lessees. The forge was on the east branch of (rum creek, and very probablv stood near where Jacob Hewes' house now stands, just west of the bridge over the creek, below Leiperville. On the right ''"■'■Between and nex/,'" a coniinon form of i-xpression in the lecorrls. hand side of the road, just east of Mr. Hewes' house, will be still seen a large enbankment with trees growing upon it. This I imagine was the breast of the dam, which gave the water power necessary for the forge, which Kalm speaks of being used. John Owen, Sheriff of Chester Coun- ty, certified to the Lt. Governor, Sept. 18, 1750, that there was but one mill or engine for slitting and rolling iron within the county, and that was in Thornbury, erected by John Taylor in 1746, which had been in operation until June 1750, and that there was no plating forge to work with a tilt-ham- mer, nor any furnace for making steel, in the county. XXI. I HAVE an old deed of John Crosby and Susannah his wife, to George Van Culin, dated Nov. 10, 1724. Mrs. Crosby must have died before her hus- band, as she is not mentioned in his Avill. John and Susannah Crosby had only the two children, the sons mentioned, John and Richard. In the Pennsylvania Gazette of July 26, 1770, there is an advertisement offering a reward for a bay mare, taken from the plantation of Richard Cros- by, the elder, late of Ridley township, signed William Worrall, Administra- tor. This was the Richard Crosby that lived at the quarries on Crum creek, whose quaint old mansion is still stand- ing near where tlie railroad bridge of the Chester branch of the Reading Rail- road crosses that creek. John Crosby (the 2nd), son of John and Susannah, was born at the old fami- ly mansion on Ridley creek, June 4, 1721, old style. His wife's name was Eleanor Graham, (so says family tra- dition. ) Until lately I alwavs took it HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 209 for granted that she was a sister or near relative of Henry Hale Graham, who was very intimate with her husband, but later research appears to show that she was not. John Crosby (the 2nd) died Sept. 9, 1788, aged 67 years, 2 months and 24 days. His widow, Eleanor, died July 7, 1793, aged 70 years. They had several children — Richard Crosby, (the 3rd,) who died May 24, 1790. He married and had a daughter Eliza- beth. See will of Eleanor Crosby, on file at Media, proved Aug. 15, 1793. Susannah, who married Caleb Phipps, and had issue Elisha, Isaac and Crosby Phipps, and John Crosby. At Chester Monthly Meeting, held 7 mo. 29, 1740, John Crosby, Jr., pro- duced an acknowledgment for marriage by a priest, which was accepted, and Thomas Cummings was appointed to read it in a First-day meeting at Ches- ter. Richard Crosby, (the 2d,) "a young man under y® notice of this meeting," was disowned 8 mo. 28, 1751, for some loose behaviour and keeping disorderly company. 6mo. 25,1753. Elizabeth Crosby, wife of Richard, produced an acknow- ledgment for marrying out of meeting. She belonged to Springfield meeting, but her maiden name is not given. Richard was evidently married twice, for the records of Chester County, at West Chester, show that on April 10, 1758, John Crosby, and wife El- eanor, released to his brother Richard, land devised to them undivided, and that on May 21, 1770, Richard Crosby and wife Alice, sold some of this land to William Rushton. Richard Crosby died intestate, and letters of administration to his estate were granted to William Worrall, June 27, 1770, and from the records of the Orphans' Court it appears that he left five children, Samuel, Susanna, Joshua, Elisha and Alice, all minors. Lands were awarded to Samuel. The widow was wife of George Spear in 1775. On June 20, 1775, Samuel Crosby, cooper, of Philadelphia, sold land in Ridley, part of his father's estate, and another portion in 1776. Susan Crosby, no doubt the above named daughter of Richard, married Isaac Mcllvain. My aunt Smith re- members having seen her, and knew her son Thomas Mcllvain ; but we have no knowledge of any of the others. Isaac was probably the son of John Mcllvain by his first wife, Mary Roman . I have a refunding bond of Eleanor Crosby, widow, of Delaware Co., and Caleb Phipps, of Chester Co. , yeoman , and Susannah his wife, to John Cros- by, Executor of the last will of John Crosby, Sen'r, deceased, for ^600, dated April 23, 1790, stating that by a deed made the same day, they " Re- leased unto Elisha, Isaac and Crosby Phipps, all their right to the interest of a certain legacy of ^300, bequeathed by the last Will and testament afore- said to their use during their lives," &:c. John Crosby (the 2nd) was a mem- ber of the Provincial Assembly from 1 768 to 1 7 7 1 , and Coroner of the coun- ty in 1771 and 1772. By his will, on record at West Chester, dated Aug. 30, 1788, and pi'oved Oct. 4, 1788, he gives and bequeaths to "My dear and loving wife Eleanor, all my household goods and kitchen furniture of every sort and quality ; all my gears, imple- ments and utensils of husbandry, and all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep and swine ;" and devises to her all his real estate for the term of her natural life, and after her decease the same in '2M\ IIISTOHV OF CIIESTEK. trust, the income to be i)aid to his son Richanl, for his natural life, and after his death, the said real estate "To my grand-son, John Crosby, son of my son John. ' ' His will also contains legacies to his grand-children, " the children of my son John," but does not give their X, names. Also the interest of ^300 to his daughter Susannah Phipps, and af- ter her death the principal to be equal- ly divided between her children ; and appoints his son, John Crosby, and his grand-son, Elisha Phipps, his execu- tors. John Crosby, the 2n(lj resided about half a mileabove where the old Queen's road crosses Ridley creek, in a large stone house, with three rooms on the first or ground floor, one a very large kitchen, with a large open fire-place; so large was it that on one side within the jamb of the fire-place there was a window, with a bench under it to sit on in cold weather ; the large back-logs used in the fire-place were dragged into the kitchen by a horse, having a chain hitched around the log. One of these huge back-logs lasted a week even in winter. At a later date the kitchen was further heated by a large ten-plate iron stove which stood in the middle of the room. In the other two rooms there were large open fire-places, with large andi- rons, to support the burning wood, with brass headed shovel and tongs. The fire-place was ornamented with a high wooden mantel-piece, on which stood the large silver candlesticks used in those days. The entire mantel, which extended to the floor, was ornamented with panels of carved wood. This pro- perty was devised to "my grandson John Crosby, son of my son John." After his death the house was occupied by John L. Crosbv his son. until he built his late new residence on tlie hill, east of the highway, above the old man- sion on the creek, above described. John Crosby, (the 3rd,) son of John and Eleanor, better known among his descendants as "Judge Crosby," was born in tlie old mansion on Ridley creek. Mar. 12, 1747-48, and was a Captain of Infantry in the Revolu- tionary army, and was for sometime a prisoner of war, and was confined in the British ship "Falmouth," in the harbor of New York, during the time the English army occupied that city. He was an Associate Judge of the county Courts, and his first wife was a Miss Culin, sister of Captain Culin, as before stated. She died without issue, and he married secondly, Ann, the daugh- ter of Robert and Elizabeth Peirce, of Christiana Hundred, in the State of Delaware. She was born Feb. 11, 1747, died Aug. 7, 1825. This latter union was blessed with a numerous progeny. — Eleanor, b. Nov. 1 4, 1 7 70 ; she died eight days after ; Peirce ; John, Jr. ; Eleanor, /;. Ap'l 24, 1777; Richard, b. April 3, 1780, d. at sea; Ann & Elizabeth, twins, b. Aug. 14, 1782; Elizabeth, d. May 12, 1810; Susan- nah, b. Feb. 15, 1786, and Robert Peirce Crosby, b. June 7, 1789. My grand-aunt, Ann Crosby, born Aug. 14, 1782, did not marry until late in life, when she united her- self with George Ludwick. She was much beloved by her relatives, and affectionately called by all of them "Aunt Nancy." She died childless, Oct. 16, 1844, aged 62 years, and is buried in the old grave-yard of St. Paul's Church, at Chester. Peirce Crosby, of Crosby's Mills, for many years President of the Bank of Delaware County, was the second child of John and Ann, born Nov. 25, 1771 ; IIIS'lORY OF CHESTEK. 211 died July 26, 1853. He married (first) Christiana, a daughter of Jacob Rich- ards, (the elder) and had the follow- ing children: John (P.) Crosby, b. Dec. 17, 1795, (i- Feb. 10, 1828; Jacob Richards, b. Feb. 17, 1797, died in infancy. A/iii, b. July 30, 1798; (she married James Leiper of Ridley, and had a daughter Elizabeth, who married John Holmes, and died Feb. I, 1873. After the death of Mr. Leiper, his widow married Thomas Hemphill, of Thornbury ; now dead. They had issue, Thomas W. , Margar- etta, Joseph, and Peirce Crosby. Mrs. Ann Hemphill, died Dec. 9, 1873, ^t her residence in Thornbury.) Peirce Crosby, Jr., /;. Jan. 3, 1800, died in infancy. Peirce, Jr., (2d) b. April 18, 1805, died at the age of 21 years. He was aman of herculean size and strength. Sarah Crosby, daughter of Peirce and Christiana, b. Dec. 15, 181 4, m. Thos. Harrison, of Philadelphia, white lead manufacturer. They have issue, Mil- icent, who married William H. Tevis; George L. ; Virginia, married to James N. Whelen; Annie; Edward C, and Elizabeth. Christiana R., b. Oct. 24, 1809, ;//. Charles L. Desauque, son of Louis Desauque, of Philadelphia. She died March 30, 1863. Mr. Desauque d. Jan. 27, 1872. They had three daugh- ters, Christiana, Caroline and Virginia, now dead, and three other children still living, Catharine, Peirce Crosby and Mortimer Desauque. Elizabeth Crosby, daughter of Peirce and Chris- tiana, married, first, Holland Bowen, of Chester County ; they had no is- sue. She married, secondly, Nathan- iel Davis. Their son, Peirce, was drowned in the mill-dam at *' Crosby Mills;" and their daughter, Jane, mar- ried Seth Holmes, of Philadelphia. She was one of the most beautiful wo- men I ever saw. She died in a decline, leaving two little children, who died in infancy. The youngest son of Peirce and Christian a, ^^wan/^zV/^ar^/j' Cros- by, b. Nov. 21, 181 1, w. Amanda Berry, of Washington, D. C, and died in 1855, near Chester, leaving five chil- dren, Lucia, Susan, Antoinette, Ed- ward Richards, and Charles Raborg Crosby. On the occasion of the mar- riage of Holland Bowen and Elizabeth Crosby, Mr. Ed. S. Sayres says, a large dancing pavilion was erected on the lawn at Crosby's Mills, and the wed- ding festivities were in a style that was the wonder and talk of the county. John Crosby, Jr., (third child of John and Ann,) was/;, x^pril 4, 1774, d. Aug. 22, 1804. He married in Dec. 18, 1794, Sarah, the daughter of Wil- I liam Lane, and Hannah Maddock his wife, of Springfield. (She died May 6, 1858). They had issue, first, Ann Peirce, b. Dec. 31, 1795, d. May 27, 1872. She married Aaron Taylor Morton, of Ridley. He died June 6, 1840, leaving surviving him, his widow and several children . See Morton fam- ily, p. 143. Second, Rebecca, b. May 13, 1797, d. Sept. II, 1850. She mar- ried John L. Lownes, of Springfield, and had two daughters ; Sarah, who m. Crosby P. Morton, and Hannah, who jn. William Maddock, of Ridley. They have an only son, Lownes Maddock, who m. Elizabeth Worrall. Third, John L ane^ Crosby, b. Jan. 24, 1799. He resided on the property where his parents lived before him, and died un- married, Aug. 10, 1 861. He was a stout, handsome, jovial man, full of humor. Fourth, Sarah, b. April 25, 1 801, d. Dec. 21, 1865. She married Spencer Mcllvain, of Chester town- ship, near Ridley Creek, on the great road, one mile east of Chester. They 2VA HISTORY OF CHESTER. liad two children ; Henry, married to Sallie, daughter of Edwin and Mary Pearson, and had three children, Spen- cer, Edward and Henry ; and a daugh- ter Annie Iv , married to Edward Clarke Diehl, Esc]., a member of the Philadelphia Bar, son of William and Mary A. Diehl. They have issue, Sal- lie, Ella and Mary Diehl. Fifth, £/isa, daughter of John and Sarah L. Crosby, was d. Oct. 24, 1803, //. May 7, 1823. Robert P. Crosby, youngest son of John and Ann, of Ridley, /a June 7, 1789, if. Sept. 7, 1832, married Sarah Ann, daughter of Nathaniel and Cath- arine Davis, of Philadelphia, Sept. i. 1810. Her father if. Aug. 24, 1798, and her mother, Aug. 27, 181 6. Robert P. and Sarah Ann Crosby, had the following children : /o/in, b- Dec. 7, i8n, and died in infancy. Jolvi Davis, b. July 19, 1813, d. Jan. 10, 1835. Robert Peirce, b. April 19, 1819, d. Nov. 28, 1846. Nathaniel Davis, b. June 10, 1822. He married his cousin, Mary John Crosby, daugh- ter of John P. and Catharine Beale, and died Sept. 19, 1843. He was a splendid looking fellow, and of ex- ceedingly graceful carriage ; and Eliza- beth, who died Feb. 10, 1827; all without leaving any issue. Catharine Davis, b. October 23, 1815, vi. Charles William Raborg, son of Wil- liam and Mary, of Baltimore, Md. He was /\ Dec. 25, 181 4, in Baltimore, and was a druggist in Chester. She died March 10, 1845, leaving issue, Joseph Cloud, b. Sept. 27, 1834, who died at New Orleans in 1853, and Emily Eislen Raborg, now a Catholic Nun, bearing the name of Emilie Mary Josephine. Her mother was a very sweet, lovely woman. They had also Robert C, Clara and Catharine, all of w^hom died young. Sarah Ann Crosby, youngest daughter of Robert P. and Sarah Ann, married Captain Isaac E. Engle, of Chester, a well- known merchant captain in the East India trade. He died in Macao, China, No\ . 3, 1844, of nervous fe- ver. He was a son of Edward Engle and Mary Preston his wife, of Ches- ter, and left surviving him, his widow and two children, James Edgar and Lucie Chauncy Engle. Edgar married Augusta Fox, of Rochester, N. Y. , and resides in Washington, D. C, and has issue, Charles and Clarence. He en- tered the 97th Penna. Vols, as a pri- vate, and was Color Corporal, and des- perately wounded, May 16, 1864, at the battle of Bermuda Hundred, (Green Plains,) Virginia, and was promoted to 2nd Lieut, in the Veteran Reserve Corps, and brevetted Captain for "gallant conduct on the field of bat- tle," having lost his left arm, which was amputated twice. Lucie C. mar- ried Norris H. Hannum, of Delaware County, and had issue, Annie H., d. in infancy ; Edgar E., drowned in the Delaware, Aug. 16, 1875, Jo^ii'' H. and Harry Huhn Hannum. Mrs. Sarah Ann Crosby Engle, some years after the death of Capt. Engle, married, Nov. 4, 1847, Charles Rob- ert Hawes, of New York, who died at Cincinnati, Ohio, from the effects of a railroad collision, Nov. 4, 1859, leaving surviving him, Charles Rob- ert, who was drowned at sea, Nov. 9, 1869, by jumping overboard from the United States steamer "Idaho," in the Indian Ocean, in the delirium of brain fever, superinduced by the ex- citement he experienced while sick, the ship having been caught in one of those terrible cyclones, that visit the the ocean they were sailing through, "homeward bound." Margaretta, who HISTORY OF CHESTER. 213 married Henry Richardson ; son of Wm. H. and Catharine D., daughter of John Howard Hill, she died June 2, 1876, in her sixtieth year. William Martin, and Catharine Davis Crosby Hawes. Mrs. Hawes and her children have great musical talents and excel- lent voices, which is a source of great delight in their social family circle. John P. Crosby, eldest son of Peirce and Christiana, born Dec. 17, 1795, was baptized John, and his name is so entered in the family Bible of my g. g. grandfather, John Crosby, which now belongs to me ;_ and his name is so given in the list of the Chester Lodge, No. 69, A. Y. M. ; but as there were several John Crosbys, he intro- duced the P(eirce) into his name, and his cousin John L. used the L(ane) in his, so as to distinguish them one from the other. John P. Crosby married Catharine, daughter of George and Mary Beale, of Washington, D. C, Oct. 20, 1820, and died Oct. 10, 1828, leaving issue: ist, Mary John, who married,yfrjY, her cousin, Nathaniel Davis Crosby, and some years after his death, James J. Miller, editor, of Lexington, Ky., by whom she has two children, Ada Beale and Walter Queen Miller. 2nd, Peirce Crosby, now a Commodore in the U. S. Navy, who married fii-st, Matilda, a daughter of John C. Boyer, of Lex- ington, Va. She died Sept. 26, 1853; secondly, Julia, daughter of Wm. P. Wells, who died May 3, 1866 ; and he married again, Miriam, dau. of Ben- jamin and Ann Gratz, of Lexington, Kentucky. They have issue, Annie Gratz, b. Jan. 13, 187T, ; Benjamin G., b. Jan. 18, 1872 ; Miriam, /;. Sept. 23, 1874, and Peirce, b. Feb. 16, 1876. Ann Cornelia, third child of John P. and Catharine Crosby, married Charles William Raborg, of Chester. He died Dec. 23, 1859, leaving issue, Mary Hubley, (married to Dr. Alfred M. Owen, Oct. 13, 1874. He is an As- sistant Surgeon in the U. S. Navy ; entered the service May 20, 1869; a son of Dr. Joshua Owen, of Chester. They have issue a son, Frederick Cros- by, h. Aug. 17, 1875, ^t Rio de Ja- neiro, Brazil;) George Beale, William Anderson, Charles William, Catharine Beale, deceased, Peirce Crosby, and Walter Queen Raborg. Christiana, the fourth child of John P. and Catharine, married Walter Queen, now a captain in the U. S. Navy. The wife of George Beale of Washington, D. C, was Mary Dixon, of Virginia. Her sister, Elizabeth, was the wife and widow of Major William Anderson, of Chester. John Crosby (the Judge), owned the last two negro slaves held in Delaware County, "Old Aunt Rose," and her husband ' ' Sampson. ' ' After they were freed by law, this ancient couple lived in an old Log Cabin, on the left hand side of the road running from the old Queen's road, north-west from near Jacob Hewes' residence, below Leiper- ville, then called Ridley, to " Crosby's Mills." They died at an extreme old age. After their death, the Judge built a frame addition to the old cabin, and leased the house and about an acre of ground, to a worthy old workman in his employ, who had been his school- fellow in youth, John Terrance, for the term of his natural life, for the nomi- nal rent of d. penny a year. Here he lived to enjoy the generosity of his friend, the Judge, for many years. Sarah Ann Crosby, the widow of Robert P., of Ridley Creek quarries, married many years after his death, Capt. Thomas Robinson. I have fre- 214 HISTORY OF CHESTER. iiut'iuly heard it stated that he was at one thiie a vohinteer Lieutenant in the U. S. Navy, and on board the U. S. frigate President, and had the trumpet at the close of her action with the Brit- ish frigate Fhidymion. Capt. Stephen Decatur commanded the President in that action, which occurred Jan. 15, 1 8 1 5 . Decatur made a wreck of the Endymion, then surrendered to the Tenedos and Pomone two other of H. B. M. frigates ; the President being surrounded by the British squadron off Long Island. The story, as I heard it, is confirmed in one of Brady's no- velettes, called " Forecastle Yarns," ]). 16, and the yarn entitled " The Capture of the Frigate President," is given in better nautical phraseology than Cooper relates the events in his Naval HistoTy, 2 vol., 479. Cooper does not mention Robinson, however, but says "an order was sent below for John Templar Shubrick, 2d Lieuten' ant, to come on deck and take the trumpet," this order was caused by the I St Lieutenant being killed. The novelette states, that the first, fourth, and the fifth lieutenants being dead or wounded, Decatur sung out for Lieut. Gallagher, the 3d Lieutenant, to take the ti-umpet, but Robinson, a volun- teer, who is now in the Havre line, hearing the hail, came up from the gun- deck, and Decatur said, " take the trumpet, sir." So Robinson took the deck, &c. When Robert P. Crosby was living, he was one of the parties who furnished stone to the Delaware Breakwater, from his quarries on Ridley Creek, about 1830. The shallops in ascend- ing and descending the creek had to be propelled by long poles ; the creek then took a bend or curve which brought it (lose nj. to the old M( 11- vain quarries. This curve was called the "Bull-cod." By cutting it off, a long distance could be saved, the bend being so peculiar, that it came back to near where it .started from. So one dark stormy night, a large force of quarrymen, with shovels, picks, horses and carts, and plenty of whiskey, went to work, and in the morning the creek had a new channel, shortening the dis- tance to the Delaware, for the upper quarries, quite a quarter of a mile, but leaving the Mcllvain quarry some distance from the creek. This was thought a good joke, and the new channel was attributed to the storm, but everybody suspected who did it. Rough practical jokes were quite com- mon in those days. Robert P. Crosby, Jr., died in a decline at Chester, to which place the family removed after the sale of their Ridley property. His death was brought about by his indulgence in feats of strength, for which he was quite noted ; in one of them, throw- ing a heavy sledge hammer, used in the quarries, he burst a blood vessel. He was slightly, yet powerfully built. He was a gentleman of fine personal appearance, courteous manners, and a very agreeable companion, but being in comfortable circumstances never followed any useful occupation. He had an exquisite baritone voice, worth a fortune to an opera singer. He was a member of the First Troop of Phila- delphia City Cavalry. The Republican of Chester, on Sept. 15, 1 861, in commenting upon the success of the expedition against Fort Hatteras, concludes thus : " The gallant conduct of Lieut. Peirce Crosby, is a source of high satisfaction to his numerous friends, not only here, but where- c\er he is known. According lo Maior(ienc- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 215 ral Butler's report, he was foremost in the en- gagement, and did most essential service in landing our little army. Ever since the break- ing out of the war, in every case in which our navy was required, the name of Lieut. Crosby appears among the officers doing important active duty. He has made a record for him- self by his promptness, efficiency and daring. As a native of our town, we feel proud that we have furnished the navy with so brave and meritorious an officer." And again on Feb. 14, 1862, the editor of the same journal writes : " Lieut. Peirce Crosby of this borough, now in charge of the new gunboat Pinola, arrived at "Washington, D. C, on Saturday last, hav- ing passed the rebel batteries on the Potomac without damage. The Pinola is a screw pro- peller steamer, and is furnished with two en- gines of 500 horse power. (She was built at Chester.) She is now taking in her arma- ment at the Navy Yard in that city, and will join the squadron at once. Her commander is a brave fellow, and will give a good ac- count of himself, should he get into an en- gagement with the enemy." And in the Philadelphia Inquirer, of a later date, the prediction of Mr. Walter is verified in an article which I copy here : " Among the gallant officers who distin- guished themselves in the recent engagement below New Orleans, and whose acts are fa- vorably recorded in official and journalistic reports, is Lieut. Peirce Crosby, the comman- der of the Pinola. Lieut. Crosby, is a native of Delaware County, in this State, and entered the navy in 1838. At an early period in the history of the rebellion he was detailed upon important service in the Chesapeake Bay; subsequently distinguished in the lower waters of Virginia, and now by his creditable, brave and energetic movements, under the murderous fire of the enemy, has again brought his name prominently before the country. As an officer he is able and valorous, and as a man respected by all who know him. The following article of an earlier date, is headed " Capture of a Pirate," from a special dispatch to the Inquirer, Perry ville. May i, 1861. " The U. S. steamer, William B. Reaney, of Philadelphia, Capt. John Gallagher, arrived here to-day from Annapolis, having on board Senator (John) Sherman, Congressmen Grow and Grimes, and Captains Mercer, Grimes and Goldsborough, U. S. N., as passengers going North. On her trip up she took a prize, the steamer Lioness, of Baltimore, sailing under a roving commission from Col. Trimble, the secession leader of Baltimore. Her officers and crew were placed under arrest here, and her papers sent to the Secretary of War. An eye witness describes the incidents of the cap- ture as extremely interesting : The Reaney mounts four brass guns, and has a crew of thirty sailors, under Lieut. Crosby, U. S. Navy. During the engagement with tbe Lioness, the guns were served and fired by the Senators and Congressmen, their movements being di- rected by the naval officers. The men-o'- wars-men were jubilant over the capture of what they considered a piratical craft." From '■^ Hamnierslef s Records of Living Officers of the U. S. Navy,'' Philadelphia, 1870, p. 80, I gather the following information, to which I add my own knowledge, that " Peirce Crosby entered the navy as a mid- shipman, June 5, 1838. Passed Midshipman, May 20, 1844, dutingthe Mexican war, at To- baso and Tuspan, Schooner Petrel. Lieu- tenant, Sept. 3, 1853. During the summer of 1 86 1, he served in the Chesapeake, keeping open the communication between Havre-de- Grace and Annapolis. Commander, Sept. 2, 1862. Captain, May 27, 1863. In the latter part of 1 86 1, he was Naval Aid to Major Gene- ral Benjamin F. Butler, sloop Cumberland, N. A. B. squadron, 1 861, in the attack upon Forts Hatteras and Clark. Commanded the Pinola in 1862, at the bombardment and pas- sage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Chal- mette batteries and capture of New Orleans. Also at the bombardment and passage and re- passage of the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, and engagement with the ram Arkansas. He com- manded the iron clad Sangamon, in 1863. Fleet Captain of the North Atlantic Squadron in 1863. Commanded the Florida in 1863-4, 216 HISTORY OF CHESTER. in an engagement with the rebels at Mason- boro' Inlet, N. C, while destroying four blockade runners. In 1864-5, commanded- the U. S. S. Metacomet. Commanded the Metacomet in the attack on Mobile ; planned and constructed torpedo drag-nets, and su- perintended the removal of the torpedoes from Blakely River, and occupied Forts Huger and Tracey, on the night of their evacuation by the confederates. Commanded the U. S. S. vShamokin, S. A. Squadron, 1866-8. Captain, May 27, 1868." During the years 1863-4, Captain Crosby was commander of the U. S. steamer Keystone State, off Charleston, S. C, and captured a number of blockade runners, including the British steamer Lillian, with a valuable cargo on l)oard. In Frank Leslie' s Illustrated Maga- zine for 1861, will be found a spirited illustration of " The Naval Brigade, under the command of Lieut. Crosby, conveying the Federal troops over Hampton Creek, on the night of the 8th of June, previous to the battle of Great Bethel, from a sketch by our special artist accompanying Gen. But- ler's command." Comd're Crosby, in 1872, commanded the U. S. S. Pow- hatan, a vessel to which is attached sad memories for the writer ; for in her captain's cabin died, at midnight of July 16, 1868, in the Pacific Ocean, of the vomito negro, my youngest and dearly beloved brother. Dr. Ernest Dudley Martin, an Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Navy, a young, handsome and talented fellow, being only 25 years and 26 days old, and was buried at 12 meridian with naval honors, in the ocean. Rear Admiral Turner, wrote the same day to the Navy De- partment announcing his death, say- ing: "Having but a i^w days before come into the command of these forces, I did not know him personally, but it seems he was a noble fellow, who en- deared himself to his associates and messmates by many fine traits of char- acter that attract man to his fellow- man." I may say in conclusion, that Comd're Crosljy, in person bears evidence of his English descent, although his fam- ily has been here near 200 years. He is over six feet in height, well formed, weighing over 200 pounds, light hair, blue eyes and a tawny mustache, and with his high military air, he is the beau ideal of an American soldier, and possesses all the warm and gen- erous emotions that are the general characteristics of his noble profession. In old Deed book A, at West Ches- ter, p. 100, is a deed dated 7th day of 7th month, called September, 1696, from John Cock of Ridlye, to Richard Crosby of Midle Towne, yeoman, for 80 acres in Ridley, part of 280 in John Cock's possession, for ^30. The 80 acres being on Crum Creek, and at the S. W. end of the whole tract. No doubt this is the property I have here- inbefore referred to as being occupied by Richard Crosby, the 2nd, who died 1770, (all of whose descendants are dead, I believe,) and remained in pos- session of the family until about 1843, when it was sold to Samuel M. Leiper, and is now owned by John C. Leiper, his nephew. On this place there is an excellent quarry of fine, light gneiss ; while not 200 yards distant, on the Island Field, now owned by John O. Deshong, but lately by John Fairlamb Hill, there are quarries containing a very dark, close-grained granite ; the hardest stone in the county, and which can only be broken into irregular frag- ments. In regard to the relationship of the Crosbys, Fairlambs and Thomases ; I find that when John Fairlamb was mar- ried, in 1742, the near relatives signed the certificate thus : HISTORY OF CHESTER. 217 Jonathan Vernon, Ann Vernon, mother &= step-father to Susannah Fairhimb. John Crosby, Mary Thomas, Susannah Crosby, Grace Thomas, Jur., Richard Thomas, Jur., Sarah Button, &c. When Richard Thomas, Jr., was married, in 1739, John Crosby and John Crosby, Jr., signed among the relatives. Mary Thomas married John Harrison, in 1745, and John Fairlamb's is the fifth signature among the rela- tions. Again, Richard Thomas, Jr., in his will, dated Sept. 23, 1754, appoints his "cousin," John Fairlamb, one of his executors. The mother of the above Thomases, was Grace Atherton. I find no Atherton wills on record, and am not able to define further the relationship. Family tradition says, this family of Crosbys, are the descendants of Sir John Crosby, Alderman and Sheriff of London, and Member of Parliament, Warden of the Grocers' Company, and Mayor of the Staple of Calais, previous to 1 47 1. Knighf s History of Londo7i, 318. He was knighted by Edward IV., in 1 47 1, on the occasion of the young King's entry into London, for his gallantry in the field, in resisting the attack made by the bastard Fal- conbridge on the city. See also Stow' s Annals of England, 1600, p. 706. Ed- ward was entertained for several days at Crosby Place, the residence of Sir John, who had loaned the young King large sums of money, without which he would never have been able to mount the throne. Sir John was one of the richest merchants of his time, a grocer and wool-stapler. He built Crosby Place for his residence in 146 1. It is said in history, to have been the most splendid private residence in the city of London. The more ancient parts of the present structure are genuine remains of the original building. Shakspeare, in Richard III., men- tions Crosby Place several times. In the third act, when Buckingham and Richard send Catesby to tamper with Hastings, Gloucester says : "Shall we hear from you, Catesby, ere we sleep ? Catesby. — You shall, my Lord. Gloucester. — At Crosby Place, there you shall find us both." It was then Gloucester's Palace, and he says to the murderers, commission- ed to destroy Clarence in the tower : "When you have done, repair to Crosby Place." I have heard it said, that about 1829, the family here were visited by an English attorney, who offered for a large fee, payable in advance, to re- cover for the family Crosby Place and other property, which had escheated, he said, for the want of heirs in Eng- land, to the Crown ; that in 1501, Sir John Crosby's executors sold the pro- perty, which was held on a lease from the Convent of St. Helen's; and in 1538 upon the dissolution of Monas- teries by Henry VIII., the freehold reverted to the Crown. A family council was held by the male heirs, who were few in number. At the meeting my father informed his rela- tives that foreigners could not inherit or hold real estate in England. A piece of information which will, per- haps, save many Americans seeking estates in England, some money. It will be remembered in this connec- tion, that the late George Peabody, bought land in London and erected houses for a certain class of poor ; as soon as he died, steps were taken to escheat the property to the Crown, but the charity was preserved by act of Parliament. Sir John Crosby died in 1475. ^ 218 HISTORY OF CHESTER. beautiful tomb in tlie Cliurch of St. Helen's has been erected to his mem- ory and that of his wife. Upon the tomb may be still seen the recumbent figures of himself and his wife. The Knight is fully armed, but wears over his armor his Alderman's mantle, and around his neck a collar of suns and ro.ses, the badge of the House of York, to which he was so devoted. Crosby Place was purchased by Wil- liam Friem, in 1692. The family still own it. The great banqueting room, the throne room and council chamber, were restored in 1836. The expense being principally borne by a Miss Hacket. It is one of the buildings that escaped the ravages of the great fire in London. On the north front of Crosby Place next to St. Helen's, sculptured above the oriel, are the Arms and Crest of Sir John Crosby, viz. : ^r///.*-— Sable, a Chevron Ermine, between three Rams passant, Argent. Crest — A Ram trippant. The motto is not given on the building, but is " Tc Diice Liber- tas,^^ i. €., "Liberty under Thy guid- ance," meaning, of course, under the guidance of the Lamb of God. A good motto for the Crosby's of free America, whether they are the descen- dants of Sir John Crosby, or not. The name of Crossby, as the first settler in this country, Richard, at first rendered his name, indicates its origin, taken when men first began to use surnames in England. Thus, Richard Crossby, meant that Richard lived near the Cross-roads, or more likely near by where a Cross was set up ; a common thing in England once, as it is in many parts of Europe yet. The armorial bearings of one family of the Crosbys indicates this origin of the name: Arms, Gules, a Cross Or, within a bor- (1 1 1 re A rge n t . Crest, A H ol y Lamb pro - per, standard gules. Motto — "Nil Despcrandum,'" i. e., Never Despair. To render the description of the Arms in plain language, it means: On a red shield, such as warriors in ancient times wore on their left arm to protect their bodies from arrows, lances, &c., there was a golden Cross inside of a silver border around the Shield. The Crest was worn on the Helmet to dis- tinguish the wearer in battle, when the visor was down. The Crest above, a Holy lamb proper, means the lamb car- ries a golden Cross ; standard gules, a red banner, attached to the Cross. Upon the coast of Lancashire, England, about twenty miles from Liverpool, there is a place called Crossby. XXII. In organizing the Militia under the Act of Assembly of April 9, 1799, and numbering the regiments, it is said : "In the county of Delaware, the regiments commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Levis, shall be No. 65 ; and by Lieutenant-Colonel Wilcocks, No. no." In 181 4, Chester furnished a company of volunteer infantry, which was under the command of Capt. Samuel Ander- son, M. D., who were mustered into service and marched to Camp Brandy- wine, but were afterwards returned to their homes without having faced the enemy ; not that they were not ready to do so, but none came. This com- pany was called ' ' The Mifiiin Guards, ' ' and was attached to the ist Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Col. Clement C. Biddle, commanding. The following is a copy of the muster- roll of the company, called in the re- cords the loth Company of the ist IIISTUKY UF CHESTER. 219 Regt. Penna. Vols., which arrived at Camp Brandywine, Sept. 21, 181 4, mustered out of service Dec. 6, 1814. Samuel Andekson, Captain. Fked. Shull, \st Lieutenant. D. A. Marshall, 2;!'/.zV«/. Wm. Biggern, Ensign. Sergeants. John Caldwell, William Evans, Benjamin Haskins, Henry Home. CorJ>orals. John Thompson, John Marshall, George Hawkins, Joseph Derrick, John Rowan. Privates. Samnel Edwards, Edward Minshall, Thomas Kitts, John Garrett, John Lambert, John Lloyd, Joseph Hall, David Fisher, Joseph Martin, Jr., John Hawkins, Levi D. Martin, Thomas Parsons, Lazarus Martin, Daniel Broomall, Robert Beatty, Thomas Pedrick, James Burns, Jeremiah Brown, Thomas Painter, William Beatty, James Evans, Thomas P. Smith, Charles Lear, John Stevenson, John Pyewell, William Geary, William H. Marshall John M James Lock, Daniel Mitchell, John McKee, John Martin, Joseph Wilkinson, Leonard Cole, William Cummins, Thomas D. Barnard, Thomas Bowers, Charles Justis, James Cleary, John Dunant, Richard G. Martin, Charles Snowdon, Joseph Pfill, William Lindsay, George Caldwell, David Cummins, James Bratton, Aaron Morton, Joseph Hibbert, John Hansell, Joseph T. Jones, William Torrance, John Dermont, William Grubb, John Bradford, artin. No. 2. This company and the "Delaware County Fencibles," from the vicinity of Darby, also well officered, were com- posed of some of the best men of the county, entirely volunteers — men able and willing to do their duty, and like militia and drafted men, they were called into service to defend the ap- proaches to Philadelphia, against a threatened invasion of the British, with whom we were then at war. But fortunately no actual hostilities occur- red on the Delaware ; but the appear- ance of the British fleet in the Chesa- peake, aroused the citizens of Penn- sylvania to the adoption of measures for defence. Dr. Smith says, p. 351, that "in Oct., 1814, an encampment of militia was formed back of Marcus Hook, on the high grounds, number- ing several thousand men, drafted from the south-eastern part of the State. Of these, Delaware County furnished two full companies of 100 men, upon two separate drafts, the second of which was considered illegal. The first com- pany was convened at the "Three Tuns," now the Lamb Tavern, in Springfield, on Oct. 14, and marched to Chester. Its officers were, Capt. William Morgan ; ist Lieut. Aaron Johnson ; 2nd Lieut. Charles Carr ; Ensign Samuel Hayes. This com- pany remained at Chester for two weeks, waiting for their camp equi- page, before repairing to the encamp- ment at Marcus Hook. During this time the men occupied the meeting- houses and other public buildings. The second company arrived at camp about two weeks later. It was com- manded by Capt. John Hall; Ensign Robert Dunn. John L. Pearson, of Ridley, held the office of Lieut. Col. in the regiment to which the above two companies belonged. These com- panies were mustered out of service, Dec. 24, 1814. The "Delaware County Fencibles," consisted of 91 men, officers, non- commissioned officers, and privates. The company was equipped and mus- tered into service Sept. 21, 181 4, marched to Camp Marcus Hook, on the 23d, remained there one month, then marched to Camp Dupont, and from thence on Nov. 16, were march- ed to Camp Cadwalader. On the 29th of Nov. they marched by the way of New Castle to Philadelphia, where 220 HISTORY OF ClIKSTKN they arrived Dec. 2(1, and wtTc mus- tered out of service on the 6th. This organization of vohmtecrs was called the i2th Company of the isl Kegt. of Volunteer Infontr\ . I'lom a work c ail- ed, "A Brief Sketch of the Military Operations on the Delaware," 1820, I extract a copy of the muster-roll of the Fencibles, as follows : James Sekkill, Ca/>t a// people to 7C'/iom these presents sliall come : I, Ephraim Pearson, of Ciiester, Dela- ware County, send greeting, and whereas by an Act making an appropriation for the erec- tion of piers in the river Delaware," &c., as set forth in the former conveyance: "Now know yc, lliat I, the said Ephraim Pearson, do hcreliy grant, transfer and cede to the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, all that piece of ground, known by the name of " Richardson's Lower Wharf," lying on the river Delaware, between the mouth of Chester Creek and Front Street continued and extending from high water mark to low water mark, being in the Borough of Chester aforesaid. To have and to hold the sam-j, to the said Commonwealth forever, for the purpose of erecting and constructing wharves and piers, and for no other purpose ; provided that if the said Commissioners shall not make use thereof for the purpose aforesaid, within the time limited by the above recited Act for finishing their work, then this cession to-be void." Dated May 6, 181 6. Witnessed by William Eyre and John G. Hoskins, and recorded in Book M., p. 281, &c. To the right of the causeway leading out to the lower pier, there is a strip of land that is exposed at low water. To whom does it belong? The exact boundaries of the land given are not stated, so it is to be taken for granted only what ground was necessary for the ])urposesof the piers was conveyed, or at most only the then existing Rich- ardson's lower wharf. On the 9th of Nov., 1819, the first newspaper ever printed in Delaware County, was issued by Butler & Worth- ington, at Chester. It was called the Post Boy. It was a weekly, anci the size of the paper was 15;^ by 9)^ in- ches, printed on four pages of four columns each, with large tyi)e. All the work on the pajicr, including edit- ing and distributing it over the country by i^ost-ridcrs was done by Mr. Worth- ington and William W. Doyle, the latter quite a young lad. Edmund Pennell, the late President of the De- laware County National Bank, says : "The Post Boy was printed in the building now No. 11 S. Third Street, then owned by William Eyre, and be- ing the next house south of the garden of the bank — upon which Dr. Foley, and Dyer & Appleby, have lately erect- ed buildings," and that he set up type in the office sometimes for his amuse- ment. After the Post Boy had been jHiblished for six years, the establish- ment was sold out, the newspaper and all, to Joseph M. G. Lescure, who changed the title of the paper to tliat of the "Upland Union," and in- creased the size of the pages. Mr. Les- cure edited it and continued to issue it until 1838, when he disposed of it to Joseph Williams and Charles F. Coates, who soon afterwards sold out to Alexander Nesbit, from whom it was bought by Alexander McKeever, who continued its publication until 1852, when the paper was discontin- ued for want of patronage. Mr. Les- cure and his family left Chester after he sold his interest in the " Upland Union." Mr. Williams, was a man of more than ordinary abilities, an agreeable and accomplished gentleman, and the life of every social circle that he entered. He was a good lawyer, a good poet, good political speaker, an excellent musician — playing remar- kably well on the fife, violin, drum and clarionette, and sang delightfully. He was appcjintcd by the President, a Judge of Iowa, and while tipon the bench, sought to enlist as a private in the Mexican war. After theTcrri- HISTOIIY OF CHESTEli. 225 tory became a State, Mr. Williams was made Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. On one occasion, while on a visit to Philadelphia, he called on Chief Justice Black, at Jones' Hotel, who chanced to be absent from his room. Seating himself at the table, he dashed off the following verse to his old friend and school-fellow: " From the Chief Justice of Iowa to the Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, greeting : "Oh, Jerry, dear Jerry, Fve found you at last, And memory fondly reverts to the past, Cues hack to old Somerset's mountain of snow. When you were but Jerry and I was but Joe." Many of the old residents of Chester can remember how touchingly he sang "Black Eyed Susan." During the Presidential contest of 1828, William Russell, then a resident of Chester, commenced the publica- tion of a weekly newspaper, called The Weekly Visitor, with Strange N. Palmer, late a Judge of the Courts at Pottsville, Pa., as the editor. This paper was Whig in politics, and supported John Quincy Adams for President. At this time the Upland Union became Demo- cratic; it had previously been neutral in politics. Messrs. Russell & Palmer soon quarreled, and the Visitorvfas. sold to a party of thirty gentlemen, support- ers of Mr. Adams, who called them- selves '■'National Republicans,''' for whom Mr. Palmer still continued to edit the paper until the end of the Presidential campaign, when it passed into the hands of Thos. Eastman, who published it till 1832 ; when the Week- ly Visitor was discontinued, and the materials were sold to Y. S. Walter, who removed them to Darby, and commenced there on the 31st day of Aug., 1833, the publication o{t\\Q Del- aware County Republican. In Nov., 1 841, Mr. Walter removed his resi- dence and establishment to Chester, where that paper has been published regularly and weekly ever since. It contains six times the matter that the Post Boy used to contain in its col- umns, and is issued upon the same terms per year. In 1875, M^- Walter erected on Market, between 2nd and 3rd Streets, a handsome brick build- ing in which to carry on his printing business. It is replete with all the modern improvements, and is the grat- ifying evidence of his success in life. In 1835, during the contest in this State over the office of Governor, a newspaper named The Delaware Coun- ty Democrat, was published and edited by Caleb .Pierce, the well-known Ches- ter school-master. It was a weekly pa- per, advocating Mr. Muhlenberg for Governor, and had a brief existence. The Upland Union at the same time supported George Wolf for Governor. Both papers were Democratic. In 1843, a small newspaper, singu- larly named The Chariot, was printed and issued by Edward E. Flavill and Mr. Jackson, advocating temperance principles. It had but a brief run. • During 1848, a small comic paper was published and issued in Chester, called The Owl. It was printed se- cretly at irregular intervals, by un- known persons, and distributed at night. Its articles were rather per- sonal, and its numbers ahvays created some excitement. In May, 1850, S. E. Cohen, com- menced to issue a monthly paper, call- ed The Chester Herald. On the 13th of Sept., in the same year, he changed it to a weekly, but soon discontinued it entirely. In Oct., 1856, a paper called. The Upland Union a?id Delaware Cou?ity Democrat, was started bv T- G. Mich- HISTORY OF CHESTER. clon, it had a short hTe of a few weeks 1 only. During 1857-8, a small literary news- paper, named The Evening Star, arose irregularly, under the auspices of the Washington Literary Society, an asso- ciation of young men formed for the purpose of literary improvement. On Saturday, Oct. 5, 1867, The Delaware County Democrat, a weekly newspaper, was established in Chester, by D. B. Overholt. His interest was soon thereafter purchased by Dr. J. L. Forwood, who edited it for some time, then sold out to Col. William Cooper Talley. In 1876 Col. Talley sold out his interest in the paper to John B. McCay, who shortly afterwards trans- ferred it to William Orr, the publisher of the Democratic Pilot, and the two were consolidated, and called " The Democrat and Pilot. ' ' When the De- mocratic Pilot's materials were sold in 1872, Mr. Orr said, the name did not pass with the materials, and in 1874, resumed the issue of his paper under that name, which he continued until it became merged in the Demo- crat. On Oct. 27, 1866, The Chester Ad- vertiser was issued by John Spencer and Dr. William Taylor, and contin- ued into a second year, when its pub- lication was suspended. Mr. Spencer purchased the interest of Dr. Taylor in the business, and soon after began the publication of The Chester Advo- cate ; the first number of which ap- peared June 6, 1868. It is now called ' ' The Delaware County Advocate. ' ' A weekly paper, called The Indepen- dent, was established in Chester, in June, 1869, by Arnold & James. It was afterwards conducted by James & Sheilds, then by James & Co. Its jniblication is now suspended. On Saturday, June 3, 1871, The Democratic Pilot, a weekly paper, was first issued by William Orr and H. M. Bowman. Bowman shortly after sold out his interest to Thomas Mullen. In June, 1872, John Mullen purchased at .sheriff's sale the materials of the oflice, and began the publication of The Ches- ter Pilot. Subsequently, Mullen sold his interest to J. T. Desilver & Co., and on Thursday, Nov. 27, 1873, the new proprietors issued the first number of The Delaware County Mai 1,-^x16. on Nov. 27, 1876, it was sold, and merged into \\\Q Delaware County Paper. The latter journal was established in May, 1876, and is published by John Mc- Feeters, and edited by Henry Graham Ashmead, Esq., and is now known as The Delaware County Paper and Mail. On the ist day of June, 1872, the first number of the first daily news- paper that was ever issued in Chester, made its appearance. It was called The Evening News, and on June 17, the name was changed to Chester Even- ing Neivs. It was edited and owned by F. Stanhope Hill, who after a few months' experience sold out the con- cern, on Oct. I, 1872, to William A. Todd, who still continues to issue the paper. Mr. Todd had previously been the Receiving Teller of the First Na- tional Bank of Chester, from its organ- ization. In old times, before the days of rail- roads, and before our postal facilities for the delivery of letters and papers became so common, the newspapers of the day were delivered by carriers, who rode around the country on horse- back, with the papers in large leather saddle bags, and in rain or sunshine, ice or snow, we used to look for our carrier to make his accustomed weekly visit. The dam]) paper was received HISTORY OF CHESTER. 227 and carefully dried before the fire, and its contents devoured with a pleasure that has no experience in the present day. We say old times, yet it was but a k\v years ago. In the city of Stock- holm, Sweden, there is a daily news- paper now in its 302nd year, with a daily is.sue of 15,000 copies. So al- though the Delaware County Republi- can is in its 44th year, it is yet a young paper ; but its editor is a veteran in ^ journalism. On May, 3, 1876, a Republican pa- per entitled, " The Public Press,'" owned and edited by Thomas Hig- gans and Robert Simpson, was first published in Chester; subsequently Mr. H. withdrew, and Mr. S. contin- ued the paper for 15 numbers ; then he removed to Darby, issued one num- ber more there, and abandoned the enterprise. In Sept., 1876, " The Daily Times;' an afternoon daily newspaper, was established in Chester, by Prince & Stow, and edited by John Hudson, the founder of the West Chester Jef- fersonian. XXIII. Previous to, or about the year 1819, a number of young gentlemen of Ches- ter and its vicinity, formed asocial cir- cle called " The Bachelors' Club," as their revised Constitution (a copy of wh i ch I have) says : " /« order to promote the happiness of Society ;' &c. A very commendable undertaking, although, as their Constitution shows, it was more evidently formed for promoting their own enjoyment. There is no list of the names of the members given, and only one minute of their proceedings has been preserved. It is as follows, viz.: " Chester, Dec. nth, 1819. At at a special meeting of the Bachelors' Club, held according to public notice at Bachelors' Hall, on the nth instant, 1819 — the President and Secretary not beingpresent — John J. Richards, Esq., was called to the chair, and William Martin appointed Secretary. The fol- lowing resolutions were then adopted, viz. : Resolved, That the style of the President be hereafter, the Grand Coe- lebs ; the Vice-President, the Knight 'Bachelor, and the Secretary, the Knight of the Records. The Society then pro- ceeded to elect the following officers for the ensuing year : John J. Rich- ards, Esq., Grand Coelebs ; John Will- cox, Knight Bachelor ; William Mar- tin, Knight of the Records ; George Richards Grantham, ^?,(i., Judge Ad- vocate, and Dr. Ellis C. Harlan, Trea- surcr. Resolved, That J. J. Richards, Dr. E. C. Harlan, G. R. Grantham, and William Martin, be a Committee to revise the Constitution of the Society. Resolved, That Joshua A. Pearson be admitted a member of this Society." The revised Constitution is very fun- ny, but is scarcely interesting enough to warrant its insertion here. The above young gentlemen and their as- sociates, seem to have amused them- selves by holding what they called " Flaxseed Courts." I have a record of the proceedings of one such Court, " Held in the Borough of Chester, in the month of Rains, 1820. The cause before the Court being a suit for a Di- vorce. The names of the parties, Mr. and Mrs. Little Jonny Pringle, are ot course fictitious, and time has robbed the details of their point. . Barney was the Judge Advocate, and Martin the Attorney. The certified copy of the record (?) which I have, was made in the month of Flowers, 1820, and Jonny Jumpup was the Clerk of the Court. 228 HISTORY OF CHESTER. These may appear as very tri\ial mat- ters, but they are given, as showing how our fathers amused themselves in their leisure hours in a country town. On Washington's birthday and on the Fourth of July, annually, in those days, it appears to have been the cus- tom of the substantial residents of Ches- ter and its vicinity, to celebrate those occasions by grand public dinners ; speeches were made at such times, and patriotic toasts were drunk. I have copies of several speeches made at such dinners, and of the toasts drunk at many different celebrations in Chester, be- ginning about the year 1795, up to the year 1820. In 1824, the last public execution of a criminal in the county of Delaware, was the hanging of Wellington, which took place on Mrs. Bartholomew's farm, at Carterville, near Chester, for murder. The circumstances attend- ing the commission of the crime are set forth in full on page 187. The scenes at his execution are represented to have been of the most revolting character. Most of the spectators being of the lowest class of the com- munity, from all parts of the adjacent counties and neighboring towns and cities. The majority of these got gloriously drunk, and indulged in nu- merous free fights. Thimble-riggers, gamblers of all kinds and pickpockets, plied their several avocations undis- turbed ; the civil authorities being pow- erless to prevent the lawless occurrences that took place. Those who have witnessed at a later period, the scenes at Chester on a race- day, and the occurrences on the roads in its vicinity after the day's races were over, can form some conception of what happened at the execution of Welli ngton . See also Jud<^e Darliiii:;- foii's cJiarge to the Grand Jury at the fall term of the Court in 1833 : see 12 Hazard's Register, 188. I have ob- served with pleasure, that at a meeting of the representatives of the religious Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, held at Philadelphia, the igthdayof 12th mo., 1873, t^^^y adopted an address against the practice of horse-racing, both in regular race courses and at Agricul- tural Fairs. By the Act of Feb. 17, 1820, all racing, running, pacing or trotting of horses, mares or geldings, for money, goods or any other valuable thing, is declared a public nuisance; the horses are forfeited, and any money lost on a bet thereon, is recoverable back, &c. The Act of 2 2d March, 181 7, for- bids all horse-racing, &c., in Phila- delphia, whether for money or not. It should be extended to the whole State. In Aug., 1 841, the last execution of a criminal took place in the jail yard, at Chester. This was the hanging of a colored man, Thomas Cropper, for the murder of Mary Hollis, in Bir- mingham. I was present, and never want to see another execution. After the close of the war with Eng- land, manufacturing establishments of different kinds were rapidly formed in all parts of the county. In 1826, these improvements excited so much inter- est, that a public meeting of manufac- turers and other citizens was called, which met at Chester, and a commit- tee consisting of George G. Leiper, John Willcox and William Martin, were appointed, "to ascertain the number, extent and capacity of the manufactories, mills and unimproved mill-seats in the county of Delaware. The committee employed Benjamin HISTORY OF CHESTER. 229 Pearson, Esq., to take account of the same. ' ' His statement accompanies the re- port of the committee, which was printed in pamphlet form, in 1826, by Joseph M. G. Lescure, at Chester. It is endorsed in my father's hand- writing, as being the first i2mo. ever printed in the county. Graham Hos- kins says, "It is the first book ever printed in Delaware County," upon the authority of Richard Flower. I insert the following interesting pro- ceedings of the meeting, held to re- ceive the report of the committee, copied from the pamphlet ; a copy of which I have, viz. : " At a meeting of a numljer of manufacturers and other citizens of Delaware County, con- vened agreeably to public notice, at the Court House in Chester, on Saturday the 5th of August, 1826, for the purpose of receiving the reports of the committee appointed at a former meeting, to ascertain the number of manufac- tories, improved and unimproved mill-seats in the county, William Anderson, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and Dr. Samuel Ander- son, Secretary. The object of the meeting being stated from the chair, Mr. Leiper rose and delivered the following appropriate address : Mr. Chairman.— \i becomes my melan- choly duty, fellow-citizens, to announce to you, as Chairman of your Committee, and in behalf of Mr. Martin, who is absent, the decease of our respectable colleague and friend, John Willcox, Esq., of this county. When the grey- headed pilgrim, covered with honor and with years, after a life of usefulness, seeks a repose in the tomb from the defections of human na- ture, or when the infant, crowing in the moth- er's arms, is snatched from her caresses, we yield them with submission to their God. The one anchors his shattered boat in safety, where the perils and dangers of life shall disturb it no more; the other the Almighty calls to him- self before the fast is let loose and his little bark of destiny is allowed to leave the shore, to begin the voyage over the tempestuous and troubled ocean of mortality — but when we behold a young man in uncommon vigor of health ; in the spring-tide of life and of useful- ness ; the prop of a most respectable and aged parent; a tender and affectionate husband and father, suddenly snatched from among us ; are we stocks, or are we stones, that we will not sympathize with those who are in sorrow? Shall we not feel for that afflicted parent ; for the bruised heart of her whom he had vowed to cherish forever; for the little pledges of their love, too young to realize the loss of their kind and indulgent protector? There is a balm in sympathy; there is a pleasure in know- ing those we love are loved by others ; and a resolution of this meeting may be often looked upon with interest by a child, too young to re- collect a father while living — a reminiscence founded on the evidence of those who associ- ated with him, who loved him while living, and deplored him when dead. I beg leave to oifer the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by the meet- ing : Resolved, That this meeting sincerely regret the loss the county of Delaware has sustained by the decease of John Willcox, Esq., one of her most public spirited and respected citizens ; and beg leave respectfully to offer to the family their condolence on this melancholy occasion. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution, signed by the Chairman and Secretary, be de- livered to his venerable father, and three copies be enclosed to Mrs. Willcox — one for herself, the other two to be handed by her in proper season to her children. George G. Leiper, Esq., from the commit- tee appointed for that purpose, submitted a report containing a statistical account of the manufactories, mills, improved and unimprov- ed mill-seats in the county. The report being read, it was on motion resolved, that 500 copies be printed. Resolved, That Mr. John P. Crozer fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. John Willcox, in the committee. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet- ing be published in the Upla)id UnionC' The committee then submitted their rejjort to the meeting, in the following words : " The connnittce appointed to ascertain the number, extent and capacity of the manufac- 230 HISTORY OF CHESTER. lories, mills and imim|iniv(.'cl niill-scats in Delaware County, het; leave to repin-t, that lliey employed Benjamin Pearson, Esq., to take an aecount of the same ; and from his slatcnient it appears, that tliere are in said county, viz. : 38 Flour mills; 16 of which grind 203,600 bushels of grain per annum. 53 Saw mills; 16 of wliich cut 1,717,000 feet of lumber per annum. 5 Rolling and slitting mills, which roll 700 tons sheet iron per annum; value $105,000; employ 30 hands ; wages, $7,200. 14 Woolen factories ; employ 228 hands. 12 Cotton factories ; manufacture 704,380 pounds yarn per annum ; value $232,445; em- ploy 415 hands; wages, $51,380. II Paper mills; manufacture 31,296 reams of. ])aper per annum; value, $114,712; em- ploy 215 hands; wages, $29,120. 2 Powder mills; manufacture 11,900 quar- ter casks per annum; value, $47,600; employ 40 hands; wages, $12,000. I Nail factory; manufactures 150 tons of nails per annum; value, $20,000; employs 8 hands ; wages, $2,400. 4 Tilt blade and edge tool manufactories ; 2 of which manufacture per annum 2,000 axes, 200 cleavers, 1,200 dozen shovels, 200 dozen scythes, and 500 drawing knives. 1 Power-loom factory, weaves 30,000 yards per week; value, $3,000; 200 looms; employs 1 20 hands, wages per week, $500. 2 Oil mills; manufacture 7,000 gallons lin- seed oil ; $7,000. I Machine factory ; 5 Snuff mills; 2 Plaster or gypsum mills ; 3 Clover mills ; 3 IJark mills; I Mill for sawing stone. 42 Mill seats unimproved on the ]irincipal streams, of various falls. 200 Mills and Mill- seals. Making in the whole 158 Mills and Factories in operation, and 42 mill-seats unimproved, in a district of country not exceeding twelve miles square ; in the five kinds of manufacto- ries which have returned the hands, viz.. Pa- per, Woolen, Cotton, Powder and Edge tools, employ 1,038 hands. For a further and more particular account of the location and capacity of the different Mills, Factories and unimproved Mill-seats, we refer you to the annexed statement as given to Mr. Pearson by the respective owners and oc- cupiers of the same. There are many jiarticu- lars relating both to this report and to oilier branches of industry, which your committee felt anxious to obtain, but owing to several circumstances they found it impossible to do so. It was therefore, reluctantly abandoned; but with the hope that the inquiry will be further pursued in due time. G. G. I.KII'KR, Wm. Martin. Mr. Pearson's report addressed to the committee, is of too extensive a character to plea.se the general reader, although it could not fail to interest every inhabitant of Delaware Co., as it gives not only brief descriptions of all mill-seats in the counties, but the names of the owners and occupants of them. I give a few descriptions, taken from the report, as an example of the whole. "No. I. Ridley Creek, in Chester township, at the head of tide water, a grist and merchant mill, and a saw mill ; head and fall eleven feet, owned and occupied by Pierce Crosby, Esq., can manufacture from 30 to 50 barrels of flour per day. Saw mill cuts from two to three hundred thousand feet of lumber per annum, out of logs procured principally by water. No. I. On a small branch of Ridley Creek, in Lower Providence town- ship, a tilt mill, head and fall about twenty feet, owned by Henry Sharp- less, and occupied by William Beatty ; manufactured last year (1825) about 1,600 cast steel pitching axes, 500 broad axes, 500 drawing knives, 200 cleavers and choppers ; steeled about 500 axes and adzes, besides making a great number of chisels, gouges, butcher knives, and various other edge tools, all of cast steel ; employs about 10 hands. No. I. On Chester Creek, in Ches- ter township, one and a half miles from the Court House, in the Borough of Chester, and near the head of tide HISTORY OF CHESTER. 231 water, a grist and merchant mill, and a saw mill, called Chester Mills, head and fall 12 feet 6 inches clear of the tide ; owned by Richard Flower, and the grist mill occupied by him; has manufactured from 30 to 40,000 bush- els of grain per year, for many years past ; is now only grinding grist occa- sionally ; the present stone mill house is the third on this seat, which was first improved in 1683. A vessel car- rying 1,200 bushels of grain can be navigated to the door of the mill. The saw mill is occupied by William G. Flower, and cut last year 310,000 feet of lumber out of logs procured by water. ' ' This place is now called Up- land, and is the site of the extensive mills of the heirs of the estate of John P. Crozer, deceased. " No. 2. On Chester Creek, in Ches- ter township, a mill-seat, a good fall of water, on lands of George Chandley, dec'd, Jonathan Pennell, Isaac Morgan and others. No. 3. On Chester Creek, in Ches- ter township, a grist mill and a saw mill ; head and fall about 1 1 feet ; owned and occupied by John Button, grinds about 10 or 12,000 bushels of grist per annum. Saw mill employed occasionally. No. 2. On the west branch of Ches- ter Creek, in Aston, a cotton factory, head and fall 13 feet, to which 3 feet may be added ; owned and occupied by J. P. Crozier; has 10 carding en- gines of 24 inches, 2 drawing frames of 3 double heads each, i roving frame of 16 cans, one stretcher of 102 spin- dles, 588 throstle spindles, 648 mule spindles; spins about iioo pounds of cotton yarn per week, from Nos. 17 to 20; employs about 30 hands; dwel- ling houses for 9 families, besides man- sion house. No. 4. On the west branch of Ches- ter Creek, in Aston, a mill-seat; fall of water 17 or 18 feet, on lands of Mark Willcox, Esq., and Wm. Peters. No. 5. On the west branch of Ches- ter Creek, in Concord, a i vat paper mill, head and fall about 14 feet; own- ed by Mark Willcox, Esq., and occu- pied by his son, John Willcox; man- ufactures about 1500 reams fine paper per annum, employs 18 hands." This is Ivy Mills, established by Thomas Willcox, in 1729, (father of the above-named Mark,) shortly after his arrival in this country. It was the second paper mill erected in this country. It will be pleasing to know, that the prophetic words of Judge Leiper have become true. The daughters of John Willcox prize the resolutions of the meeting amongst the most treasured mementoes of their father. John Willcox married Elizabeth Brackett ; his eldest daughter, Ellen Jenkins, married J. Howard Golder, of Baltimore ; the youngest, Caroline, married William Seal, now dec'd, son of Joseph H., of Philadelphia; neither of whom have issue. His widow, Elizabeth (Brackett), married many years since, Commodore John Mars- ton, of the U. S. Navy ; they had issue, John, Jr., Josiah Randall Marston, late a Captain in the U. S. Army, now deceased, leaving a widow ; and Francis Du Pont Marston. A brother of Com- modore Marston, Lieut. Col. Ward Marston, is a retired officer of the U. S. Marine Corps. Thomas Willcox, of England, and his wife, Elizabeth Cole, of Ireland, settled at Ivy Mills, Delaware County, Pa., in 1727. Mr. W. died in 1779, and his wife in 1 780, leaving a numerous progeny. The Willcox's of Delaware 232 HISTORY OF CHESTER. County and Philadelphia, are the de- scendants of one of their sons, Mark WiLLcox, born 1743, died 1827, who married Mary Cauffman ; they had yoscph, y^ohn and yatnes M. yaines M. Willcox married, first, Sallic Orne, had issue, Mark and Wil- liam J. ; secondly, Mary Brackett, had issue, Mary, Thomas, James M., John, Joseph, Mary, Edward J., Henry B., and Ida E. Willcox. Mary and Eliza- beth Brackett, who married the two brothers Willcox, were sisters. Mark married Ellen Lucas, of Baltimore, and has Eliza, Ellen, Mary, Louisa, James Mark, William Fielding, Eliza, Thomas Carrell, Rose and Mark. James M. Willcox (the 2d) married Mary Keating, of Philadelphia, (and had John K., William J., Eulalia, Mary Amelia, jCora Elizabeth and James Mark.) She died Aug. 5, 1862, and he married (2d) Katharine Sharp- ies, and had (Arthur V. and Annie.) Joseph Willcox married Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. R. U. Morgan, (and I has Percy Willcox,) Mary Willcox; Edward J. Willcox (married Sophie Pochon ;) Henry ; Eliza married David W. Odiorne, and had Mary, Thomas and Ida Odiorne. The second place in this State where Catholic service was held, was at the Willcox residence at Ivy Mills. The list of minerals of Delaware County in Dr. Smith' s History, and in Dana' s System of Mineralogy, 1868 and '69, was prepared by my friend. Col. Joseph Willcox, who says: "The garnets near Leiperville, and the An- dalusites in Upper Providence, are the best specimens that have been found in the world. And that few districts of its size in the world, have as great a mmiber of interesting minerals as Dela- ware County. Col. W. has the finest collection of the minerals of the county in his cabinet that has been made. The following article is from a late number of the West Chester Republican. "In a narrow, cosy little valley on Chester Creek, eight miles below West Chester, on the Philadelphia and West Chester Railroad, are Glen Mills ■—two great rambling piles of stone qnd frame architecture, of no definite style, but great solidity. Here it is that all the paper is manufactured which is used by the Government for greenbacks, fractional currency, reve- nue stamps, &c. Glen Mills consist of two separate establishments, situate a quarter of a mile apart, on the south side of Ches- ter Creek. They are owned and run by Mark and James Willcox, a family whose connection with the manufac- ture of paper dates back for several generations, being descended from Thomas Willcox, who settled at Ivy Mills, about three miles distant, in 1727, and who was one of the first to commence the manufacture of paper in the New World. At Ivy Mills, the senior representatives of the family still reside, and there, is still to be seen the small ivy-covered mills in which all the bank note paper in the country was made for many a year, including that used for the Continental currency. It is around the lower and largest mill, which is driven by both steam and water power, that the interesting part of the business settles. This mill is run as two separate and distinct de- partments — a paper mill, and a branch of the U. S. Treasury Department. The Messrs. Willcox are the ])atentces and owners of the process and machi- nery bv which tlie peculiar red and blue mixture is made in tlie fibre of the pajier used by tlie Cunernment, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 233 and they manufacture it under a con- tract terminable at pleasure. The material used is pure linen rags, white, or nearly white. Now all the linen rags that are produced in this country would furnish but a small part of the quantity required; so a great part of them comes from Europe, fur- nished by A. T. Stewart, of New York, under a yearly contract. The ' dis- tributive fibre,' is a long, red and comparatively coarse fibre, that may be seen running promiscuously through the body of the paper. The manufacture of this paper is attended with great expense in time and labor. The length of the fibre necessitates a slow motion in the ma- chine, or else it will not feed even. The ' localized fibre ' is liable to feed too fast or too slow, causing blotches or bare spots, which spoils the sheet. Then a great deal of paper is thrown out in the manufacturer's inspection, and more in the government inspec- tion. All this goes to reduce the quan- tity of good paper, so that the mill does not turn out more than one-fourth the amount that it would of book or letter paper, and all these drawbacks add to the cost. The majority of the paper for bank notes is shipped to the American Bank Note Company and the National Bank note Company, who engrave and print the notes by contract ; one company printing the face and the other the back, and vice versa; but no one com- pany printing awhole note. The note, after being printed, goes to Washing- ton and receives the Government seal and number, when it is ready for cir- culation. The internal revenue paper goes to the Continental Bank Note Company, who print the revenue stamps. For checks and bonds, a chameleon paper is used, the peculiarity of which is that the application of an acid will immediately change the tint to one color, while an alkali will turn it an- other, thus preventing the application of any means that can be used to alter the denomination of a check or bond. All the paper for the Government, is manufactured on a 6 2 -inch Fourd- rinier machine. Short pieces of red silk are mixed with the pulp in the en- gine, and the finished stuff is conduct- ed to the wire without passing through any screens, which might retain the silk threads. By an arrangement above the wire cloth, a shower of short pieces of fine blue silk thread is dropped in streaks upon the paper while it is forming. The upper side, on which the blue silk is dropped, is the one used for the face of the notes, and, from the manner in which the threads are applied, must show them more distinctly than the lower or reverse side, although they are embedded deeply enough to remain fixed. The mill is guarded by officers night and day, to prevent the abstraction of any paper. ' ' The history of the Willcox family in connection with the Government, is interesting and unique. Their bus- iness, commencing about 1729, has descended through four generations, during a period of nearly 150 years; and their house is, at this time, not only the oldest Paper house, but the oldest business house of any kind in the United States. When the old Colonies, much more than a century ago, found themselves obliged to issue paper money, the currency-paper used by all of them, was manufactured by Thomas Willcox, at Ivy Mills, and mostlv printed in Philadelphia. No 234 HISTORY OF CHESTER. other rurrency-paiier was used upon [ the Continent than that made at tlie old Ivy MilL Many years later, in the necessities of the newly confederated States, the paper for all the Continen- tal currency was supplied from the same establishment. There was no other possessing experience in the man- ufacture ; and during the Revolution- ary war, paper could not be imported. Again in the war of 1812, the Govern- ment was obliged to issue paper money, and again recourse was had to the old Ivy Mill to supply its necessities. At that time a distinctive paper, with col- ored silk shreds woven through it, was made for the Government's use ; and the mill was guarded by the Govern- ment, to prevent the paper from leak- ing out into unlawful hands. The business was then conducted by Mark Willcox and his son John. After this time several other mills commenced the manufacture of bank-note paper, for the use of banks, that then began tx) multiply throughout the country; but the Ivy Mill continued its special manufacture until about 15 years ago, at which time it was the last ''hand- mill" in operation in the United States. Before then, however, Mark, James and Joseph Willcox had suc- ceeded in perfecting the manufacture of bank-note paper upon their large Fourdrinier machine at Glen Mills, near three miles distant. When the war of the Rebellion broke out, the Govern- ment, for the third time, in the neces- sity of war, issued paper money, and drew^ the main part of its supply from the Willco.x mills. The old "hand- mill" could have made but a small ]jortion of the unprecedented amount recjuired ; and even the large machines of the Glen Mills were taxed to their full ca])acity for that pur])ose. About the end of the rebellion, the Govern- ment undertook to make its own cur- rency-paper, in a paper mill erected in the basement of the Treasury build- ing in Washington; and, after several years of experimenting to produce a special paper to prevent frauds, at the cost of many hundreds of thousands of dollars, the attempt was abandoned as unsuccessful. The manufacture then fell back into its naturaj channel, and Mark and James M. Willcox have, since that time, continued 'to meet the various requirements of the Trea- sury, with different protective papers for notes, bonds, fractional currency, stamps, checks, &c., that have proved to be the most useful and efficient ever made. From Mr. Pearson's report I make two more extracts : No. 8. On Chester Creek, above the West Branch, in Middletown and Aston, a mill-seat, fall of water 9 or 10 feet, owned by William Martin and Joseph W. Smith. No. 9. On Chester Creek in Aston, a stone cotton factory, 35 by 55 feet, three stories high, head and fall 16 feet, owned by William Martin ; and Joseph W. Smith, and occupied by William Martin, has 10 carding en- gines of 30 inches, 2 drawing-frames of three double heads each, i double speeder of 20 spindles, one roving- frame of 16 cans, one stretcher of 102 spindles, 648 throstles spindles, 936 mule spindles; spins 1200 pounds of cotton yarn per week from Nos. 18 to 25; employs 45 hands. Also, a 2 vat paper mill on the same race, head and fall 15 feet, owned by Wil- liam Martin and Joseph W. Smith, and occupied by John B. Duckett, manufactures 60 reams of quarto jjost paper and ;^;^ reams of ])rinting me- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 235 dium per week ; employs 23 hands. There are on the premises, three large stone dwelling houses, and tenements for 17 families." M)' father lived in one of the stone dwelling houses mentioned ; my uncle, Joseph W. Smith, resided in the other. My father gave the name to the mills which they yet bear, viz., "Lenni Mills." After my parents left Lenni, my father having been unfortunate, not in his business, but in misplaced confidence in one he thought a friend, the mills and property passed into the ownership of Mrs. Sellers, the mother- in-law of the late Peter Hill, who oc- cupied the property at the time of his death, about i860; previous to which Mr. Daniel Lamot rented the mills, carried on business there, and resided in the former residence of my father, which was erected by Mr. Lungren, the former owner, from whom my father and uncle purchased the estate. After Peter Hill's death, the mills were rented by Gen. Robert Patter- son, the great manufacturer, (who re- sides in Philadelphia, but was a Dela- ware County boy,) and the old Lun- gren house was occupied by his agent, Robert L. Martin, who superintended the mills for a time. Mr. Martin has since purchased the farm and residence of the late George W. Hill, on the east side of Chester Creek, at Lenni, ad- joining the property now owned by the heirs of William Martin, dec'd, the heirs of the late Right Rev. Bishop Alonzo Potter, the daughters of Mr. Richard S. Smith, and William Martin, Jr. The road running to the south of the two last mentioned properties, and leading to Lenni depot and mills, is still called the "Lungren Road," which is the road leading from Lenni mills to Lima. 31 XXIV. I OBTAINED from John K. Zeilin, Esq., an old book, called " The Min- utes OF THE Bible Society of Dela- ware County," from which I make the following interesting extracts. Mr. Zeilin was the second and last Secre- tary of the Society. The first entry in the minutes reads thus : " Agreeable lo pul)lic noUce, a nvimlier of the citizens of Delaware County, met at Ches- ter on the 6th of December, A. D., 1827, for the purpose of aiding the Philadelphia Bible Society in their benevolent design of furnish- ing every destitute family in Pennsylvania with a copy of the Scriptures. Peirce Crosby. Esq., was called to the Chair, and the Rev, Joseph Walker was elected Secretary. On mo- tion of George G. Leiper, Esq., it M'as resolved, That the members of this meeting, duly ap- preciating the motive of the Philadelphia Bible .Society in their desire of placing in the hands of every destitute family in the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, a copy of the Bible, in a period of time not exceeding three years, we offer the said Society our full co-operation (as far as the county of Delaware is interested) to carry into effect their philanthropic inten- tion." It was then Resolved, That a Com- mittee of two persons be appointed in each township in Delaware County, to ascertain those families which are not in possession of a copy of the Bible. The following Committees were ap- pointed in the several townships : Aston — Francis Wisley, John Bowen. Bethel — Powell Clayton, Robert Johnson. Birmingham — Eli Harvey, Robert Frame. Chester — Jesse J. Maris, Peirce Crosby. Coneord — R. N. Gamble, Nathan Sharpless. Lo'tver Chichester — Rev. Richard U. Morgan, Rev. Joseph Walker. Upper Chichester — Rev. Jacob M. Douglass, James Craig. Darby — Thomas Smith, Esq., Dr. Morris C. Shallcross. Upper Darin — Rev. William Palmer, David Evans. 236 HISTORY OF ciiest?:k. F.di^motit — Cieorjjc l^ishop, Joseph Rcucslur. Havcrford — Andrew Lindsay, Sani'l (lani- gues. Marple — Samuel IJlack, Isaiah Fawkes. Middletotvn — Abraham I'ennell, Jas. Emlen. iVinvlo-wn — John Hunter, Enos Williamson. .W'thcr Providence — Isaae Sharpless, Henry Forrest. Upper Providence — Isaac Cochran, Amor Bishop. Radnor — Edward Siter, Jesse Brooke. Ridley — George G. Leiper, John L. Pearson. Spritigfield — Dr. Joseph Wilson, John Ogden. Thornhury — Thomas II. Brinton, Thomas Hemphill. TinicuDi — David Rose, John Rohhins. A meeting of the citizens of Dela- ware County favorable to the circula- tion of the Holy Scriptures, was held at Chester, the 7th of Jan. 1828; and agreeably to adjournment, a number of the citizens of Delaware County met at the Middletown Presbyterian Church the 2d of Feb., 1828, when the Rev. Jacob M. Douglass was ap- pointed Chairman, and the Rev. Joseph Walker, Secretary. The Throne of Grace was addressed for the blessing of the Lord on the labors of the asso- ciation, and several addresses were delivered to excite the attention of the members to the importance of the work assigned them by the Great Head of the Church. Reports were received from 12 townships, by which it ap- peared that the aggregate number of families in those townships destitute of the Bible, was 199, as follows: Aston, . 17 Chester, . . .33 Bethel, ... 7 Marple, . . .15 Birmingh.im, 9 Middletown, . . 19 Concord, . . .12 Nether Providence, . lO Lower Chichester, . 12 Ridley, . . .45 Upper Chichester, . 9 Springfield . .11 On motion of Rev. R. U. Morgan, it was unanimously resolved, That this meeting now form itself into a So- ciety to be denominated " The Bible Spcicly of Delaware Coitnly ;'' the ob- ject of wliich shall be to circulate the sacred Scriptures without note or com- ment, and aid tlie Philadelphia Bible Society in extending its operations, and particularly to co-operate in their present laudable undertaking, of sup- l)lying every destitute family in Penn- sylvania with a copy of the Holy vol- ume. On motion, Messrs. Leiper, Morgan and Walker were appointed a Com- mittee to draft a Constitution, and the following was reported and adopted : Article i. — This Society shall be known by the name of " The Bible Society of Delaware County ;^'' the ob- ject of which shall be to assist in the circulation of the Sacred Scriptures without note or comment, and to aid the Philadelphia Bible Society in ex- tending its operations. Article 2. — Every person subscrib- ing the sum of one dollar per annum, payable in advance, shall, during the continuance of such payment, be a member of this Society. Ten dollars shall constitute any person a member for life. (L. M.) The other articles of the Constitu- tion, being those relating to the mode of transacting business, and of no pub- lic interest here, are omitted. The following names, most of them in the Rev. Jacob M. Douglass' hand- writing, are attached to the Constitu- tion, in another part of the book. Those names marked with * are signa- tures in the original : Jacob M. Douglass, Adly McGill, Joseph Walker, Jr., John K. Zeilin, R. U. Morgan, John Smith, George G. Leiper, L. M. Joseph Bint, Samuel Black, Frederick Shull, Jacnl) Habbersett, Thomas Parsons,* Mary Moulder,* Harriet D. Cobourn,' John Ogden, James Craig, Robert Bcatty, Jemima Massey, Richard Ottey, Thomas Clyde, George Thompson, George W. P.artram, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 237 Eliza S. Leiper, John Burt, Samuel C. Brinckle, Isaac Cochran, Thomas Sellers, John Hill, Sarah Thompson, Henr>' Myers, L. P. Thomson, M. D., Peirce Crosby, L. M., Elizabeth Lewis, Sarah A. Douglass, Sarah Bryan, Marj- Douglass, Samuel Anderson, Rachael Wetherill, John Wells, Rebecca Grumbes, Robert Young, Susan Ann B. Cobourn,* Selina Louisa Cobourn,* Salkeld Larkin, Lydia Ebrite, Joseph Talbot. John Taylor, Justus Dunnet, M. D. ISIark Elliott, Aaron Huston, Robert N. Gamble, Catharine Brinton, William Anderson, Marj' K. Brinton, John P. Crozier, Abraham Sharpless, Abraham Pennell, Elizabeth Walker, Baruel B. Beckwith, John D. White, Mary D. Vanneman, Lsaac C. Derrick, Benjamin F. Johnson, Samuel Russell. The Constitution being adopted, the following officers were elected : President— GuoRG^ G. Leiper. Viee-Presidents, Rev. R. U. Morgan, Rev. Jos. Walker, Phineas Price, M. D. Secretary— ^^x . J. M. Douglass. Treasurer — Samuel Black. Managers . Peirce Crosby, James Craig, Robert Johnson', Rev. William Palmer, Frederick Shull, Thomas H. Brinton, John Lindsay, Abraham Sharpless, Henry Myers, Rev. John Smith, Rev. Sam'l C. Brinckle, John P. Crozier. On motion, resolved. That this So- ciety meet the first Saturday in April next, at the Presbyterian Church in Ridley, at seven o'clock, A. M. Saturday, the 5th of April, 1828, the Society met at the Presbyterian meet- ing house in Ridley, near Leiperville. A respectable congregation was pre- sent. The meeting was opened with singing a hymn, after which the Rev. Joseph Walker prayed, and the Rev. Messrs. Morgan and Douglass address- ed the congregation on the subject of the authenticity and importance of the Holy Scriptures, and the necessity and obligation of circulating them. The Society being organized, the President took the Chair, and reports were re- ceived from Haverford, Upper Provi- dence and Darby, and an additional report from Chester. It appears that there are destitute of the Bible in Darby, 23 families; Haver- ford, II families; Upper Providence, 6 families; Chester, (in addition to former report) 3 families. Making a total in three townships of 43. On motion of Rev. R. U. Morgan, it was resolved. That the Treasurer be requested to procure from the Phila- delphia Bible Society as soon as practi- cable, 300 Bibles, and deposit 150 at Chester, for the purpose of supplying the different ToAvnship Committees in the vicinity of that Borough. On theafternoon of June 2, 1828, the Society met in the Episcopal Church at Chester, and after adjournment of the Society, and the meeting of the Board of Managers, the gentlemen be- longing to the Bible Society continued to sit in the Church for the purpose of organizing " The Tract Society of Del- mvare County,'''' which was according- ly organized. The Bible Society continued to hold meetings until Dec. 6, 1830, when, by the minutes, their last meeting appears to have been held, although they ad- journed to meet on Jan. i, 1 831, at the Episcopal Church, Concord; but no such meeting was ever held. The So- ciety having fulfilled its purpose, natu- rally cea.sed to exist. In the Upland Union of x-Vug. 19, 1828, will be found the following in- teresting account headed "The Leiper Canal— The First Railroad." "It is with pleasure as Avell as pride, we announce to the world, that on Sat- urday last, the 1 6th of August, 1828, the corner stone of the first lock of the Leiper Canal (in Ridley Town- ship) was laid bv William Strickland, 238 HISTORY OF CHESTER. (the celebrated Architect,) Engineer, assisted by John K. Kane, Esq., Mr. Striithers, and Mr. George Daniels, of Philadelphia. About half past ii o'clock, A. M., the procession moved toward the canal lock, to see the grand ceremony per- formed. The scene was novel as well as interesting to the citizens of our coun- ty, and the event must ever be hailed by future generations as one of the most glorious epochs in the history of Del- aware County. The large concourse of ladies and gentlemen present, who had assembled from the city and neigh- boring villages to witness the beautiful sight, gave an interest to the ceremony truly grand and imposing. Amidst the group of ladies, was to be seen Mrs. Elizabeth C. Leiper, the aged and amiable consort of him who had first projected this great work, who had lived to see what was first suggested by her husband, commenced by her eldest son, George Gray Leiper, Esq., and we hope the work, this day begun, will be consummated by him. Thomas Leiper may truly be denominated the Clinton of Delaware County. With him origi- nated the plan for the construction of the first Railway in America, and which was completed in 1807. The Railway was used for a number of years, but Mr. Leiper being advanced in age, and firm in the belief that the day was not far distant when his first plan, which was the construction of a Canal, would eventually be completed, the Railway was suffered to be neglected, the Legis- lature of this State having refused a law which would have enabled him to carry his first plan hilly into operation. After the corner stone was properly adjusted by the Engineer, the following short address was read by Professor Pat- terson, of Philadelpliia, ac()])y()fw]ii(h was put in a small bottle, and deposited in the corner stone, by one of the grand- daughters of the venerable projector. ' The Leijier Canal was projected by Thomas Leiper, in the year 1790, for the purpose of completing a navigable communication between his quarries on Crum Creek and the Delaware. Ap- plication was made to the Legislature for a law to authorize its construction ; but it was found that Mr. Leiper's en- larged views were in advance of the age in which he lived, his scheme was con- sidered visionary and ruinous, and the law which he solicited was refused. Thus foiled in his favorite plan, now universally acknowledged to have been expedient and wise, he formed in the year 1807, a connection between his quarries and tide water in Ridley creek by a Railway, which will ever be dis- tinguished, as the first constructed in America.'' After the lamented death of Thomas Leiper in 1825, his project of a Canal was revived by his eldest son George Gray Leiper ; this corner stone being the commencement of the work, was laid on the 19th of August, 1828, by William Strickland, Engineer, in the presence, and amid the good wishes of a numer- ous assemblage of friends and neigh- bors. Liimediately on the close of this part of the ceremony, three hearty cheers w^ere given by the spectators. The jovial bowl was then passed around, and seve- ral excellent toasts were drank upon the ground. The following sentiment was given by our worthy fellow-citi/en. Joseph Gibbons: George Gray Leiper. One of the Keystones of Delaware County. He has just laid the first Stone of the first l,ock, of the first Canal in Delaware HISTORY OF CHESTER. 239 County. May he live to reap the fruit of the great work which he has this day commenced. The company was then invited to the hospitable mansion of Mr. George G. Leiper, and pariook of an excellent dinner. After which a variety of toasts applicable to the great work, which had on that day been commenced, were drank. The company separated at an early hour, delighted with the proceed- ings of the day." At a meeting of the Assembly in 1790, a project for a canal was brought forward by Thos. Leiper and John Wall, of Delaware County, supported by a petition from the Stone-cutters and Masons of Philadelphia. Mr. Leiper desired the privilege of cutting a canal from the flowing of tide in Crum creek to Mcllvain's mill-dam, and thence to Leiper's mill-dam, in order to cheapen the cost of transportation of his stone from his quarries to tide-water. The mechanics stated that Mr. Leiper's stone was the best produced in the neighborhood of the city, and that the building of the canal would be an ad- vantage to the public. Against this privilege, John and Isaac Mcllvain re- monstrated, and nothing was done in the matter. — Westcotf s Philadelphia. Sunday Dispatch, Feb. 16, 1873. The first canal constructed in what is now the United States, was built by Lieut. Gov. Golden, in Orange county. New York, in the year 1750. It was a small affair, and was used for the trans- portation of stone. This was forty years before Mr. Leiper's application. Part of the Leiper canal was really the old mill-race enlarged, leading from Mcllvain's dam to their mill which stood just below the "Big-road," pass- ing through the town of Ridley, (now Leiperville ; ) which accounts for John and Isaac Mcllvain's remonstrance, for reasons easily imagined. John Mcllvaine, mentioned above, lived near his mills and tannery, in the large stone mansion house, in the vil- lage of Ridley, yet to be seen in per- fect condition, and lately occupied by Thomas Maddock, Esq., standing back from and to the south of the Post Road, passing through the village of Leiper- ville. In addition to the water obtained from the dam, through the race which Leiper wished turned into a canal, the mills used other water pumped from the creek alongside of the property, by machinery. James M'llvain lived in the large stone dwelling house, standing now, as it did in 1790, on the hill to the north of Leiperville. He was well-known throughout the county for his large stock of Merino sheep, of his own rais- ing. From the report of the Committee on mill-seats of Delaware County, here- inbefore referred to, I copy the de- scription of above mill-property of the Mcllvains, and of that of the Leipers, as therein set forth : "No. I. On Crum creek, in Ridley, at the head of tide water, a valuable mill-seat, formerly occupied as a grist and merchant mill, on which a saw mill and bark mill are now erected ; head and fall about 15 feet, owned and oc- cupied by Jeremiah Mcllvain ; can grind about two cords of bark per day, and cut from two to three hundred thousand feet of lumber per annum ; logs procured by water. ' ' The above description is hardly cor- rect. The flour mill of John Mcllvain stood at the southern extremity of the Leiper canal, where the boats were lock- ed into Crum creek at high tide. It 240 HISTORY OF CHESTER. was burned down — when I do not know ; its ruins were still standing there when I was a boy visiting John F. Hill, (1845,) when he lived on the "Island Field," just below the mouth of little Crum creek, now called Crum Lynne. There may have been once a grist mill on the site of the present factory, just below the canal bridge over the old Post Road leading to Chester, but when John S. Mcllvain lived in the old stone house, just east of the canal bridge on the north side of the Post Road, now called the Plank road to Darby, in Leiperville, about 1834, there was only a tannery, bark and saw mill on the premises marked No. i above. " No. 2. On Crum creek, in Ridley township, a grist and saw mill, head and fall 12 feet, owned and occupied by George G. Leiper. Saw mill em- ployed principally on logs procured by water. Also a woolen factory and grist mill ; has one pair of stocks, two card- ing engines, one billy of 59 spindles, and two Jennys of 70 spindles each, machinery owned by Mr. Leiper and occupied by Joseph Burt, who employs about 1 7 hands at the factory. ' ' These are the mills located near the late resi- dence of Judge Leiper. "No. 3. On Crum creek, in Lower Providence, two snuff mills, with eight mulls, two cutting machines, tS>:c. ; and a two vat paper mill on the same race, head and fall 12^ feet, owned by Thomas Leiper & Sons, and occupied by John Holmes. Also a mill from the same dam on another mill-race, has been employed in sawing stone, grind- ing oyster shells, threshing grain, and making cider, in Sjjringfield townshij); head and fall 14 feet." " No. 4. On Crum creek, in Lower Providence, a tilt mill ; head and fall from 12 to 13 feet, owned bv Thomas Leiper & Sons, occupied by Nathan Ke)-s, who manufactures about 200 dozen scythes and straw knives per an- num." "No. 5. On Crum creek, in Spring- field and Lower Providence, a mill seat on lands of Thomas Leiper & Sons and John Ogden." Thomas Leiper died in the year 1825, in the 80th year of his age. He was a Scotchman by birth, and came to this country at the age of nineteen, and at the time of the Revolution had accu- mulated quite a large fortune as a to- bacconist, in Philadelphia. He was Orderly Sergeant, Treasurer and Sec- retary of the First City Troop, and af- terwards President of the Common Councils of the city. His mills and quarries were in Delaware County, and he passed much of his time there. He married Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of George Gray, of Gray's Ferry. After his death, his sons, George Gray, Sam- uel M., and William J. Leiper, engaged extensively in the business of quarry- ing stone on Crum creek, and furnish- ed large quantities thereof to the Dela- ware Breakwater, as well as for other purposes. John C. Leiper, the son of George, is still engaged in the same business, and has his quarries on Rid- ley creek, formerly known as the Cros- by quarries. John K. Kane, Esq., late Judge of Admiralty, and of the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Penn- sylvania, married Jane, a daughter of Thomas Leiper, and was the father of the latewell-known Arctic explorer. Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, a surgeon in the U. S. Navy, and of Gen. 'I'homas Leiper Kane, late Colonel of the famous "Bucktails," 42d Penna. Vols., and of Robert Patterson Kane, Esq., both members of the Philadelphia Bar. Dr. HISTORY OF GIIESTEK. 241 John K. Kane, of Wilmington, Dela- ware, and Miss Bessie Kane. The family of Patterson are of Scotch- Irish descent ; that is,~ John Patterson, born about 1640, emigrated to the vi- cinity of Derry, Ireland, from Scotland, where he married and had ason Robert, &:c. See "A Record of the Family of Robert Patterson, (the elder), &c., printed in 1847." Robert, b. in Ulster, May 20, 1743, grand-son of the above named Robert, and third in descent of the same name, emigrated to America in 1768, settled in Bucks County, Pa., and married Amy H. Ewing, {Jk Jan. 20, 1 75 1, dau. of Maskell and Mary,) May 9, 1774, being at that time Princi- pal of Wilmington Academy. During the Revolution he became Military In- structor for three companies formed in Delaware ; he having served a term of service in the Army before leaving Ire- land. In 1779, he was made Profes- sor of Mathematics in the University at Philadelphia, a position he held for 35 years. In 1805, Mr. Jefferson ap- pointed him Director of the U. S. Mint, in place of Mr. Boudinot, who resigned. In 1799, he was a member of and President of the Select Council of Philadelphia, and in i8i6, the Uni- versity of Pa. conferred on him the degree of LL. D. The Doctor resigned as Director of the Mint, about July i, 1824, and died July 22, 1824, in his 82nd year. His wife died May 23, 1844. They had eight children, six of whom lived to maturity and five mar- ried. Dr. Samuel Moore, a physician of New Jersey, married Mary Patterson, their second child. He succeeded the Doctor as Director of the Mint at Phila- delphia, in 1824, and retired fromlhat office in 1835. He graduated at the University of Pa. in 1798, and located at Dublin, in Bucks County. See Gen. Davis' His. of Bucks Co., 671-2 & 3. The sixth child of Robert and Amy, was the late Dr. Robert Maskell Pat- terson, b. Mar. 23, 1787, d. Sept. 5, 1854. He graduated at the University of Penna., in 1808, m. Helen Hamil- ton Leiper, dau. of Thomas and Eliza- beth, April 20, 1814, (/a April2o, 1792, d. Dec. 17, 1 87 1.) In 1828 he was elected Professor of Natural Philoso- phy in the University of Virginia. On July 18, 1835, h^ ^^^s appointed by President Jackson, Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, and held that position until July i, 185 1, when he resigned. He left six children , of whom the young- est, Mary Gray, ;;;. Oct. 7, 1847, Sam- uel Field, well-known in Chester and Delaware County, where his ancestors resided, and where he lived many years with his family. His only living chil- dren are Robert Patterson and Mary Stanley Field. When Mr. and Mrs. Field were married, Frank Field, John C. Leiper and myself were among his groomsmen. In the American Historical Record, I vol. 543, will be found an article under the heading of "The first Rail- roads and Locomotives in the United States," written by Theo. Livingston Chase, as follows : "In an article refer- ring to this subject, on page 503 of the Record, the writer 'S,' quotes the His- tory of Delaware County, as his au- thority that ' the first railroad in the United States was built in Ridley town- ship in 1806, by Thomas Leiper,' and states that the author of that work ob- tained his information from the late Hon. George G. Leiper, the eldest son of Thomas Leiper. It will be ap- parent from the consideration of the facts hereinafter presented, that Mr. (Judge) Leiper was mistaken in the year he gave, as that in which the road •242 HISTORY OF CHESTER. \vasl)uilt. * * In a note on p- 389 I of tlic History of Delaware County, \ the author says: ' Previous to engaging in the raih-oad enterprise, Mr. Thomas Leiper employed a mill-wright from Scotland named Somerville, to lay a track sixty yards in length, at a grade of one inch and a half to the yard, he having seen a similar one in Scotland,' iVc. This experiment of Somerville was made on land adjoining the ' Bull's Head Tavern,' in Philadelphia, and not until the year 1809, (in Sept.); therefore, as it occurred previous to Leiper'' !> engaging in the railroad enter- prise, there certainly had been no rail- road constructed by him in Ridley township before that year. There is, however, other evidence to prove that it was not built until the year following, viz. 1810. In the Delaware County Republican, of Feb. 24, i860, the Editor states, that he was in possession of a memorandum book kept by Thomas Leiper' s own hand, commencing in 1807, and end- ing in 1810. He says ; 'It appears therein that he (Leiper) contemplated the road in 1809.' This date corres- ponds with the year that the experi- ment was made at the Bull's Head Tavern. In May of that year, (1809) he made an estimate for a railway three-fourths of a mile long, from his quarries to the landing place on Crum Creek, (at the head of tide) to be built of wood, opposite to which he has a short profile of the work. The estimate is not complete, and the idea, as far as the work is concerned, seems to have been abandoned until Jan. or Feb. of the following year. He then estimates three-fourths of a mile of the railroad minutely, and arrives at the conclusion that it will cost, in- cluding the survey, $1592 47-iooths. It would seem from tliis, that the road was commenced in 18 10, and com- pleted that year. In view of this testimony, I think it may be safely assumed, that three years previous to the building of the Leiper road, the first railroad in America was built on the western slope of Beacon Hill, near Boston." The following extract from the pro- ceedings of "The Delaware County Institute of Science," held Feb. i, 1873, settles the dispute, and fixes the date when Mr. Leiper built his railroad : " Mr. John M. Bromall read Dr. (Joshua) Ash's answer to the ques- tion, 'When and where was the first railroad built in the United States.' It gave credit to that built by Thomas Leiper, to move stone from his quarries in Nether Providence-, (not Ridley,) and built Oct. 1809, as shown by the original draft made by John Thomp- son. The original map was presented to the Institute by Dr. Ash, who pro- cured it from J. Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, son of the draughts- man. Dr. Smith explained the dis- crepancies in the date. He obtained those in his history from the son of Thomas Leiper. He subsequently as- certained there was doubt about it, and believed his history incorrect in the particular, that the road was built in 1806." In this connection it may be in- teresting to know that the first rail- road in the United States was that built in 1807, on Beacon Hill, by Silas Whitney, and the second road was Thomas Leiper's railroad in Ridley, construc-ted and finished in Oct. 1809. The next railway was that laid in Nashua, N. H., in 1825 ; the fourth was the one laid down at Quincy HISTORY OF CIIESTEli. 243 Granite Quarries, in Massachusetts, in 1826 and '27, and the fifth, the great enterprise at Mauch Chunk, Pennsyl- vania, nine miles in length, to which the former ones were mere child's play. The latter road will be found fully de- scribed in my "Sketches of the Le- high Valley," published in the Bethle- Jiem Daily Times, during the summer of 1872. I cut from the Times and put in book form, two copies of those sketches, il- lustrated them handsomely, and gave one to the Historical Society of Pa., and retained the other. My friend, Augustus H. Leibert, of Bethlehem, also made and illustrated a copy for himself. Thomas and Elizabeth Gray Leiper had the following children : Betsey, who m. Robert Taylor, (and had issue. Dr. George G., Janfes' L., Samuel L. & Thomas L. Taylor)'; Martha, ;;/. to the Rev. Dr. Jacob T. Janeway ; Helen Hamilton, m. Dr. Robert M. Patter- son ; Ann Gray, m. to George G. Thomas ; Jane, who ;//. Judge John K. Kane ; Julia, m. to Col. HeMy Taylor, of A^irginia ; George G. m. Eliza S. Thomas ; William J. who d. single ; Samuel M., m. Mary B. Lewis, and James who m. Ann, daughter of Peirce and Christiana Crosby. He d. leaving an only child, Elizabeth Gray, who m. John Holmes, of Philadelphia. She d. Feb. i', 1873, leaving several children. George Gray Leiper, son of Thomas and Elizabeth, m. Eliza S. Thomas, and had issue, Thomas, John C, George, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, (who married Dr. Jesse Kersey Bonsall, of Chester, brother of Mrs. Dr. William Gray, of Chester. After her death, Dr. Bonsall married Martha Lee, of Phila- delphia, both now deceased. He left no issue by either wife ;) and Martha, that I can recall. My friend John C. Leiper married Mary, a daughter of Peter ajid Rebecca Fayssoux. Cap- tain Fayssoux was a military store- keeper in the service of the United States. His ancestors were French Huguenots who fled from France and settled in South Carolina. Mrs. Fays- soux was a daughter of Gen. William Irvine, a Colonel in the Pennsylvania Line, (commissioned Jan. 9, 1776,) and Brigadier General of the Revolu- tionary Army, and after the Revolu- tion, Commissary General of the U. S. Army. Gen. Irvine married a Miss Callender ; and his son, Callender Ir- vine, succeeded him as Commissary General. Another daughter of Gen. William Irvine married Dr. Charles S. Lewis, of Philadelphia. A daugh- ter of theirs, Mary, married Samuel M. Leiper, a brother of George G., William J. and James Leiper. John C. and Mary Leiper, of " Cros- by Place," Ridley, have the following children: George G., Rebecca, Ed- wards Fayssoux, Eliza, Barnard Bee, and John Henry Leiper. Their son, Barnard, is named after Gen. Barnard Bee, of the Confederate forces, killed at the battle of Bull's Run, a relative. Mrs. Leiper had two brothers whom I knew, Clement and Edwards. The former was a Cadet with me at the U. S. Military Academy. Mrs. Samuel M. Leiper' s brother, Callender Irvine Lewis, was an old acquantance of mine, and was quite well known in Delaware County and Philadelphia, from the extraordinary resemblance he bore in personal ap- pearance, head, weight and beauty, to the great Napoleon. One of Mrs. Samuel M. Leiper' s sons. Col. Thomas Irvine Leiper, m. Emma, daughter of 244 HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. Young S. Walter, of Chester, Pa., they have issue, Mary, Virginia, Nina and Let ilia. XXV. J)k. Samuel Anderson, frcciucntly mentioned in this work, was not a re- lative of Major William Anderson, that 1 am aware of. He was a very prominent and popular man in the county in his day. He was a tall, slender, dignified gentleman, dressed with great care and neatness, always in dark clothing, and was very active in church affairs, being a strict member of St. Paul's Church. He was born in 1774, and served repeatedly in the State Legislature, was Speaker of the House in 1833, Representative in Con- gress from 1827 to '29, and died at Chester, Pa., Jan. 17, 1850. His widow, Mrs. Sarah Richards Ander- son, died in Chester, Nov. 5, 1870, at the advanced age of ninety-five years. She was born in the county, and was the youngest daughter of Jacob Richards, the elder of that name. She was the widow Moore when she married the Doctor, and although blind for the last twenty years of her life, took a lively interest in passing events, and being well-to-do, she had atten- dants to read to her the papers con- taining the daily occurrences of the town and country. She retained all her other faculties to the last, had no dis- ease of any kind, and finally slept her life away without pain or suffering. She had six children, all of whom sur- vive her. Mrs. Anderson was not, however, a remarkable instance of longevity in Chester or its vicinity. The healthi- ness of the town and whole county is i)roverbial. Tlic water especially, is exceedingly beneficial to the human system, and accounts in a great mea- sure for the health of the inhabitants, 'I'he people of Chester have no occa- sion to resort to Saratoga or the White Suljjhur Springs, for the benefit of the waters ; those at home being of a similar medical character. If the healthiness of Chester people should undergo a change, it will be because they cease to use the well water. Dr. Joshua Owen, of Chester, says: (Di- rectory of 1859,) "We have no en- demic disease, and our epidemics are few, and of the mildest form of the prevailing malady. Fever is an ele- ment in the diseases of man attendant upon almost every instance of aberra- tion from health ; even the slightest cold. But whatever its concomitants, it assumes the type and character of an intermittent, remittent or continu- ous fever. But these fevers are be- lieved to be as few and mild here as upon any other inhabited section of the globe; and so well is it supported by experience, that where death oc- curs from fever, uncomplicated, our citizens are in the habit of suspecting something wrong in the treatment. Dysentery, one of the grave diseases of our climate, is scarcely known here, not averaging one case in two or three years. Bilious fever, too, so much dreaded, is extremely rare, occurring not oftener than dysentery, and ty- phoid fever, so tedious, has not given us ten cases in the last ten years. Liver complaints and bilious diseases gene- rally, find no fitted soil at Chester. " Within a few years the population of Chester has largely increased, and though the writer has had opportuni- ties of observation, he cannot call to mind a solitary case of intermittent fever or chills, contracted by any of the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 246 new settlers; notwithstanding some of these, from employment and exposure, are made the most liable to disease. One family of eight children, living most exposed to the influence of the river and fattest land, has enjoyed un- interrupted good health for ten years. Extending the inquiry along the shore below Chester, embracing therein one dozen farms, some of the houses of which are located upon the banks of. the river, and none from it a quarter ' of a mile, including families, numer- ous city boarders, laboring men in harvest, and servants, the amount of sickness of every kind at each of these farms, is not worth to the physician ten dollars a year, at the charge of one dollar a visit. The largest and most celebrated boarding house in this sec- tion of the country, situated near the river, two miles below Chester, John J. Thurlow's, every summer filled to overflowing, including a herd of little children, does not average twenty dol- lars a year for medical aid. On the tarm adjoining this, there has been but three cases of sickness within the last eight years ; and a farm nearest the river, one and a half miles below Chester, has been exempt from dis- ease for a number of years. At the largest and best farm in the county, lying one mile above Chester, and about half that distance from the river, (Henry Effinger's,) there has not been a case of sickness for eight years. Another large farm,, one quarter of a mile above this, has been blessed with uninterrupted good health for stilTa longer period. Leaving these more notable instances, and taking a general view of the inhabitants, it is no rare circumstance to find large families in the neighborhood, living, one, two and three consecutive years. without occasion for medical aid for disease; whilst there is no one place that can be given in illustration of much sickness. As localities differ in amount and kind of disease, so do the distinct races of men, differ in their susceptibility to particular maladies, and to the influence of particular loca- tions. Yet these difi'erent nationali- ties find at Chester the same freedom from disease. The Irish, with their strong affinity for agues and fevers, live here most exposed with compara- tive impunity. Even at the period of the early settlements, when, from the uncultivated condition of the country, disease would be more frequent and violent, the instances of longevity de- note a healthy location." In 1832 the Cholera, which ravaged other parts of the United States, did not visit Chester at all, although the old people were much alarmed. I re- member that my grandmother made me carry brimstone in a little bag, sus- pended by a string around my neck, and resting on my breast, tp ward off the pestilence, and every child in school wore a similar bag, filled with powdered brimstone, and the larger boys had lumps of it in their pockets, just as people now-a-days carry a stolen potatoe to keep off the rheumatism. Some say a horse-chestnut should be added to render the remedy effectual. I have already given William Penn's evidence, as to the good health enjoyed by the Swedes who settled on the banks of the Delaware. In Chester, many people have reached an extreme old age. I can recall Mrs. Rebecca Brobson, David Abbott and Samuel Long, who all d. about 1867, at advanced ages. Mrs. Mary Deshong, ^/. Dec. 29, 1869, aged 90 years. Mrs. Mary Engle, d. Feb. 2, 1870, aged 94 years. John 246 IlISTOllY OF CIIKSTER. Fairhiml) Hill. if. at ("licstcr, June 14, 1870, in his 90th year, having been born Dec. 25, 1780. Miss I,ydia Pusey, d. April 19, 1872, in her 93d year, and five days afterwards, Mrs. Mary Ann Taylor d. in her 90th year. Mrs. Catharine Ladomus', d. Apl. 10, 1874, ageil 84 years ; and I recollect that Samuel Lytle, Mrs. Elizabeth Ander= son, widow of the Major, " Squire Sam^ uel. Smith," father of Miss Maria, one of my old Sunday School teachers at St; Paul's Church ; Captain Thomas Rob- inson, and Mrs. Commodore Porter, all died at good old ages. I have only a partial record of the deaths at Chester in the past. I agree with Dr. Owen, that the banks of the Delaware, notwithstanding its banked marshes, and its outside cripples or flats, is a remarkably healthy section of country. I have known some cases of fever and ague, at and near Leiper- ville, but very few, and those were caused by the overflow of the marshes between Darby and Crum Creeks, which were allowed to lie imder water for several years, owing to the negli' gence or inability of the owner to pay for repairing the banks ; but when that was done, the chills disappeared from the vicinity. Mrs. Mary Deshong, mentioned above as dying Dec. 29, 1869, Avas the widow and relict of Peter Deshong, an old inhabitant of Chester. He was a tall, slender man with dark hair and very pale complexion, and was noted as the last gentleman of Chester, who wore his hair done up in the old fash- ioned queue. During the Revolution, one Peter Deshong, miller, (father of Peter Deshong, late of Chester I pre- sume,) was made one of the keepers of the Gates of Philadelphia by the British military authorities, during the time they had possession of the city, in Sept., 1778 ; he was tried for Treason, before C. J. McKean, and acquitted, it being proved that he accepted the position with reluctance, and that he was so lenient to the inhabitants that he was deprived of his office by the British. Wescotf s Philadelphia. — Sunday Dis- patch, Apl. 7,1872. He was the father of John O. Deshong, Maurice W. and Louisa. Mrs. Deshong was Post Mis- tress at Chester for a number of years previous to 1 834. Women seem to have been appointed Post Mistresses at Ches- ter, frequently. Charlotte W. Doyle, a widow, served in that capacity re- cently for several years. Her daugh- ter, Lydia C, married Samuel Riddle, the well known manufacturer at Glen Riddle. In 181 7, Mary Davenport was Post Mistress at Chester ; her en- tire pay amounted to ^132.77. The salary is now twenty-four hundred dollars per annum. In the same year Jacob D. Barker, of Switzerland, was Post Master at Marcus Hook, his in- come from that source being $20.59. John O. Deshong married Emeline, a daughter of the late Dr. Job H. Ter- rill, and has three sons, Alfred, John O., Jr., Clarence, and a daughter Louisa. The late William Eyre, Jr., of Chester, married, 3 mo. 4, 1835, Ann Louisa, another daughter of Dr. Terrill, and the present Joshua P. Eyre, of Chester, is their only son. John O. Deshong kept a dry goods ard grocery store in Chester, when 1 was a boy, about 1836. There were seve- ral other stores of the same character carried on in tlie town then or pre- viously, by Thomas Clyde, Jesse M. Justice, J. Ashmead Eyre and Joshua P. and William Eyre. Maurice W. Deshong removed in 1855, to Phila- deli)hia, with his family, and tlicd there HISTORY OF CHESTER. 247 Oct. 9, 1876, in his 68th year, leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters. In the vicinity of Chester there are numerous cases of people reaching ex- treme old age, the most noted of which is that of Thomas Button, who, on the 2nd of Feb. 1869, celebrated his one hundred and first birthday. He was born in Aston, Feb. 2, 1769. He lived about seven months after the celebration of his looth year. On that occasion there assembled at his old homestead, which was the place of his birth, over two hundred of his descen- dants and family connections. He had been married three times, and of eleven children, five were living and present, besides nineteen grand-chil- dren, and twenty- three great-grand- children. His direct descendants at that time numbered seventy-eight. At the gathering, the family history and traditions were related. The ancestor of the family settled in Aston in the days of William Penn, and had enter- tained the founder of the Province at his house. Many of the early settlers, it was stated, selected large flat rocks near cooling springs, for their places of residence, and built their cabins or log houses on them. This family cherishes the memory of such a rock on their estate. Mr. Button erected the house in which he lived in 1790, on the site of one still more ancient. He was a tanner by trade, and carried on that business for many years, and intro- duced a steam engine into his estab- lishment, which is said to have been the first used in Belaware County, and many doubted the feasibility of the ex- periment. For four years subsequent to 1808, he took charge of Friends' Mission for the civilization of the Seneca Indians, in the Albany Reser- vation, New York, at the time when the celebrated Corn-planter was their Chief. Mr. Button was six feet in height, temperate in his habits, used tobacco, had a strong constitution, enjoyed good health, retired from busi- ness in his 77th year, and lived a quiet life, free from excitement. All the com- panions of his youth departed before him, except, perhaps, an aged friend, Phoebe Thomas, who died in Wilming- ton, Bel., i mo. 19, 1875, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Mendejihall, of Concord, who celebrated her looth year, on July 7, 1870, when some of her direct descendants to the fifth generation were present. In 1792, she married Gideon Thomas, of New- town, at Friends' meeting, at Barby. She was a widow over half a centu- ry, having had three children, Sarah, Robert and Ann. She had in 1869, living, about fifty great-grand-children, two great-great-grand-children, four nieces, aged respectively, 95, 92, 85, and 79, and a grand-nephew 86 years of age. Until the age of 95, Mrs. Thomas was an active women, and drove to meeting, and to visit her friends and relatives, alone with her horse and chair. Her grandfather, Benjamin Mendenhall, came to this country in 1686, from a town called Mildenhall, (originally the family name), in Wilt- shire, England. His sister Mary, mar- ried Nathaniel Newlin, a prominent man in his day. Ann, a daughter of Benjamin, became the second wife of John Bartram, the distinguished Ame- rican Botanist, on the nth of 10 mo., 1729. Ann Thomas, a daughter of Gideon and Phebe, of Newtown, mar- ried Nathaniel Speakman, and is now a widow, residing with her son-in-law, Philip Paxson, in East Bradford, Ches- ter County, with whom Mrs. Thomas was also residing when her looth year 248 HISTORY OF CHESTER. was celebrated, and when her grand- son, Thomas H. Si)eakman, Esq., read an interesting family history of the centenarian and her branches down to the fifth generation, from which the above facts are gathered. At the time of the above event, Mrs. Thomas, her daughter, grand-daughter, and her g. grand-children, were all living under one roof. John Bartram's first wife, was Mary daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Maris, of Springfield ; they were married 2 mo. 25, 1723. Cyriis Mendenhall, residing at pre- sent in Cincinnati, Ohio, says: "Ben- jamin Mendenhall and his brother, John, emigrated from Wiltshire, Eng- land, and settled in Concord, in 1683. The brothers were then grown up men. Benjamin married 2 mo. 1 7, 1689, Ann, the daughter of Robert and Hannah Pennell, of Middletown ; their youngest son, Robert, then in his 2 2d year, married 13 of 9 mo. 1734, Phoebe, the youngest daughter of Philip and Ann Taylor, of Thornbury, at Birming- ham Meeting; after her death he mar- ried secondly, Elizabeth, the widow of John Hatton, of Concord, 6 mo. 23, 1762 ; their youngest daughter, Phoebe (Thomas), was born 7 mo. 1770. The maternal ancestry of Phoebe Thomas, maybe stated thus: Ezekiel Harlan, of Kennett, son of George and Eliza- beth Harlan, from Ireland, was ;;/. in 1706 to Ruth, the daughter of Richard Bufifington, the immigrant. Their daughter, Elizabeth, ;//. Wil- liam White, whose daughter, also named Elizabeth, was w. in 1755, to John Hatton, of Concord. There were three brothers Mendenhall, who came from England to this country. John is first mentioned as being in Concord in 1683, Benjamin and Moses were there in 1685. Moses returned to England, where his descendants now reside. Benjamin was a wheelwright, and his children's names were Benjamin, Jr., Joseph, Moses, Hannah, Samuel, Rebecca, Ann, Nathan, and Robert, (whowasborn 7mo. 7, i7i3,died6mo. 23, 1785.) In 1 7 14 he was a member of the Assembly, and died in 1740, at an advanced age, leaving his widow sur- viving him. Their son Benjamin, m. Lydia, the daughter of Owen Roberts, of Gwynedd, and Hannah ;;/. Thomas Marshall. John Mendenhall, Dr. Smith says, was one of the earliest settlers in Concord; m. in 1685, Elizabeth, the daughter of George Maris, and was an influential and active member of the Society of Friends, and in 1697, gave the ground now occupied by the Con- cord Friends' Meeting House and grave yard to the Society for that purpose. In 1708, having been a widower for some time, he married secondly, Hes- ter Dix. His children's names by his first wife were George, John and Aaron, It is not known whether he had any by his second wife. He was one of the original shareholders of the Con- cord mill." Gilbert Cope, a well-informed gen- ealogist, says: "The Mendenhalls — John, Benjamin and Moses — did come from Wiltshire, as writings of that date will show ; but the last did not re- main long. Having returned to Eng- gland, he may have entertained the idea of coming again to this country, but, in the language of that time, ' he sedd his mother would not let him goe back.' This was a veritable case of ' three brothers,' although but two remained in this country. Few persons, besides genealogists, are aware of the prevalence of this tradition of ' three brothers,' in nearly everv fam- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 249 ily ; while in a vast majority of cases it merely denotes absence of know- ledge, or may be compared to an algebraic symbol, which represents an unknown quantity." The family of Philip Mendenhall, a former resident of Chester County, have an old book, in which is written, " Philip Mendenhall, his Almanack, for the year 1772," and through it are bound leaves of paper, on which Philip noted important events that occurred while he resided on his farm in what is now Delaware County. Under date of April 25, 1772, occurs this item: "At or near 8 o'clock in the morn- ing, the roaring of an earthquake was heard, succeeded by a shake which made the house to tremble. A second, ensued soon after the first had ceased, which was more violent." Mr. Mendenhall seems to have used this book for en- tries, for a long period subsequent to its date, for forty-two years afterwards, is the following : " The 1 8th of 12th month, my sons came home from camp, in the year of our Lord, 1814," which shows that the young men bore arms in defence of the State, when the British threatened Philadelphia at that time. At the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, Oct. 19, 1876, on '' Dcl- atuare Day,'''' there occurred an inter- esting event, Mr. Dell Noblit, of Wilmington, Delaware, was present, and celebrated there his 99th birth day. Dell Noblit, son of John & Mary, of Middletown,wasbornOct. 19, 1777. His father was born at the same place in 1 714, being 63 years of age at the time his son was born. Dell Nob- lit has had 16 children, 48^. children, 38^. g. children, and 2 g. g. g. chil- dren ; in all 99, of whom 62 are liv- ing. He ?H. (ist) Elizabeth Wyall; and had Stephen, Hamilton and Mar- garet, ^\ dead; (2ndly,) Elizabeth Brattin, of New-Castle, Del., and had by her, James B., dec'd ; Maria, m. Gregg Chandler ;y- Johnson, d. 1870, 8, 9th, a. go yrs., Middletown. William Larkin,,^. 1870, 8, nth, a. 91 yrs., Bethel. Abigail Steel, d. 1870, y, 171b, a. 84 yrs., Marple. Rachel Moore, d. 1871,9, 5th, a. 8g yrs., U. Provid. Ann Urian, d. 1871, 10, 12th, a. 84 yrs.. Darby. William Kirk, d. 1871, 10, 20th, a. 83 yrs., U. Darby. Dr. Morris C. Shallcross, d. 1871, 11, 27tb, a. 81 yrs. late of Darby. Ann Sharpless, d. 1871, 11, 30th, a. 82 yrs., relict of Henry. Susanna Abbott, d. 1871, 11, 26lh, a. 81 yrs., Chester. Ann Henvis, d. \'iT2., i, 21st, a. S2 yrs., Upland. John Garrett, rf. 1872, i, 19th, a. 83 yrs, Village Green. Jane Johnson, d. 1872, i, 28th, a. 80 yrs., Chester. George Gibson, d. 1872, i, 26th, a. 86 yrs., Chester. Thomas Steel, d. 1872, 3, 21st, a. 84 yrs., Marple. Abel Green, d. 1872, 3, 23d, a. 89 yrs., N. Providence. George Bittlc, d. 1872, 3, i6th,rt. 92 yrs.. Spread Eagle Tacey Litzenberg.fl'. 1872, 4, i8th,rt. 84 yrs. U. Provid. Jane Smedley, d. 1873, 6, nth, a. 89 yrs., Middletown. Dr. Ralph C. Marsh, d. 1872, 6, 13th, «. 90 yrs.. Con- cord. Jesse Marshall, d. 1872, 6, 14th, a. 81 yrs,, M. Hook. Elizabeth Lewis, ^i'. 1872, 7, 13th, a. 88 yrs, Lapland. Margaret Levis, d. 1873, 8, 6th, a. 83 yrs., Springfield. Dan'l H. Brooks, d. 1873, 8, 15th, a. 84 yrs., Claymont. Anna G. Miller, d. 1872, 9, i6th, a. 95 yrs., Concord. Rebecca Humphreys d. 1872, 12, 6th, «. 82 yrs.. Haver- ford. Henry West, d. 1872, 12, 12th, a. 87 yrs., Chester. Samuel Pancoast, rf. 1873, 5, 22d, a. 86 yrs., Marple. Jonathan Hood, d. 1861, 5, 17th, a. 85 yrs., Newtown, born on the nth of Sept., 1777. Cyrus Baker, d. 1861, 11, 1st, a. 85 yrs., Middletown. Mary Morgan, d. 1862, i, 8th, a. 81 yrs., Radnor. Mary Moore, d. 1862, 2, 15th, a. 81 yrs , Radnor. Ann North, rf. 1862, 3, 20th, rt. 84 yrs., Chester town'p. Mary Ash, d. 1862, 3, 24th, a. 96 yrs. and 8 months. Upper Darby. Elizabeth Peters, d. 1862, 3, 26th, a. 90 yrs.. Concord. Thomas Jarman, d. 1862, 3, 29th, a. 84 yrs.. Upland. Phebe Williams, d. 1862, 4, 10th, a. 84 yrs., Middle- town. George Wilson, d. 1862, 9, 2d, a. 89 yrs.. Mar. Hook. Rachel Crosby, d. 1862, 9, 12th, a. 82 yrs., Chester; widow and 2d wife of Peirce Crosby, dec'd. Mary Berry, d. 1862, 9, 20th, a. 80 yrs., Ridley. Priscilla Thompson, d. 1S62, 12, 30th, a. 81 yrs., Mar- cus Hook, Ann McMichael, ])y the Ladies of Ches- ter, to which upwards of 100 gentlemen sat down at I o'clock in the morning. Colonel Anderson presided at tlie tal)le. Thirteen regu- lar toasts were given, and a number of volun- teers; the fii-st a very aj)propriate one from General Lafayette himself; The utmost harmo- ny prevailed. The Citizens of Chester deserve great credit for their handsome reception of 'the Nation's Guest.' The General retired at an early hour. Yesterday morning at 7 o'clock, after receiving salutes from various artillery companies, and reviewing several volunteer corps belonging to Delaware and adjoining counties, he proceeded in a barouche and four, under suitable escort to Wilmington." The late William E. Whitman, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, said that the " Washington Grays,'' of which he was a member, formed a part of the escort of Lafayette, which went down on the steamboat with him to Chester. West- cott in his history says : "The e.scort to Chester was a ' battalion of volunteers' to the steamboat wharf, under the com- mand of C. G. Childs, Senior Captain, and commandant of the ^^ Washington Grays. At Chester the patriot passen- ger was landed and remained all night in that ancient borough." In a note he says further ; ' ' The company [Gray ' s] form- ed portion of the escort to Chester and the Delaware line. In commemoration of the part which the Gray's took in the reception, it was introduced in the back- ground of the full-length likeness of Lafayette painted for the corporation of the city of Philadelphia, which still remains in the Independence Hall building." The minute books of the First City Troop contain the following accounts of the service of the company at this time : " Oct. 4. Assembled at Vaux Ilall at three o'clock, P. M., agreeably to orders of Lieu- tenant Simmons. Took up the line of march for Chester, where we arrived at sundown ; took quarters at Mrs. Engles'. At eleven o'clock in the evening the signal was given of the ap- proach of the steamboat having on board Gene- ral Lafayette and suite. Upon the arrival of the boat, paraded with Major Wilson's battal- ion : received the General, and escorted him to his lodgings. Returned to quarters and dis- missed. "Oct. 5. Formed at nine o'clock, joined the procession, and proceeded to the State line, where we arrived at half-past eleven o'clock. Previous to parting with General Lafayette, an address, written by David Paul Brown, was handed to him by Lieut. Simmons,* on behalf of the Troop. * * * Delivered our dis- tinguished guest to the proper authorities of the State of Delaware, after which the Troop pro- * Lt. Anthony Simmons, was a Colonel of Militia, an Associate Judge of the District Court of Philadelphia, commissioned May 6, 181 1. He had a son Anthony, who left issue one daughter, Jeannie, now the wife of Dr. John W. Lodge, of Lower Merion, Montgomery Ccjunty , I'a. Mrs. Lodge and her youthful daughter, are the only living descendants of the old Judge, and her only relative on her father's side, is Judge Henry H. Anthony, the present U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 257 ceeded to a tavern, one mile from the line, where a handsome cold collation was prepared for them by the committee of Councils. Took up the line of march and escorted the Gover- nor back to Chester. Dined at Mrs. Engles'. Offered the services of the Troop to the Gov- ernor as an escort as far as West Chester, which he declined, by saying that the gentlemen had lieen lately kept much from their homes and business, and he could not think of taking them out of their road. Saluted the Governor with three cheers (dismounted) upon his leaving his quarters. At three o'clock took up the line of march for the city, where we arrived at seven o'clock. Charles Justis, says : I see you stated that the space between the Sheriff's dwelling and the Court house was plant- ed with Lombardy poplar trees ; that was so. I remember playing amongst them when I was a boy. In their midst stood an old wooden pump with a long iron handle; I stood by that pump when Gen. Lafayette visited Chester. From a work entitled ' ' Lafayette in America in 1824 and 25. — A Journal of his journey in these years to the United States, by A. Lavasseur, Sec- retary to Gen. Lafayette during the journey," I make the following extract translated from the original, by Wil- liam T. Read of Delaware, in 1870, being from Chap XL of the original : "The 5th of Oct., at eight o'clock, P. M., (1824,) Gen. Lafayette received the touching adieus of the inhabitants of Philadelphia, and we embarked on the Delaware, at an early hour, to go down to Chester. We were ac- companied by the Governor of Pennsylvania, the Committee of arrangements, a battalion of volunteers, and a great number of staff officers. At eleven o'clock at night we ai-rived at Ches- ter, and entered it under the light of its illumi- nation. The apartment wherein the General was received and harangued, recalled a very interesting epoch in his life. It was in this same apartment that after his wound at the battle of Brandy wine, dressing was first applied to it. Before he dismounted from his horse, he had the strength and presence of mind to I rally a part of the troops who were flying, and place them at the head of the bridge over Ches- ter creek to meet the enemy, should he have thought fit to follow up his success. These several circumstances were recalled in a very touching manner by the speaker (Dr. Ander- son,) charged toreceive the General in the name of the citizens of this village. After having partaken of an excellent supper prepared by the care of the ladies of Chester, we repaired to the house of Colonel Anderson, an ancient companion in arms of General Lafayette, and passed the rest of the night there. " On the morrow we passed on our journey, and at an early hour arrived at the State of Dela- ware. Here we took leave of our Philadel- phia companions, after they had put us into the hands of the Delaware committee of arrange- ment, at the head of \\'hich Gen. Lafayette re- cognized with much pleasure, the old Colonel McLane, who commanded with great courage, under his orders, a partizan company, during his campaign in Virginia, and who this day, notwithstanding his age of eighty years, pre- sented himself on horseback, wearing his cha- peau and plume of the revolution. " We arrived to dinner at Wilmington. This pretty town, regularly built between the Brandy- wine and Christiana, is the most considerable in Delaware, although its population all count- ed does not exceed 6000, it is nevertheless the centre of a considerable commerce facilitated by its means of navigation. The vicinity of Philadelphia and Baltimore give great activity to its manufactures. Notwithstanding the earnest solicitations of the people of Wilming- ton to remain longer there, the General was obliged to continue his journey that he might on the same day reach Frenchtown, where we were to find a steamer to convey us to Balti- more. But we were a little delayed by our sojourn of four hours at New Castle, ^\■here we assisted at the nuptials of a son of Victor Du Pont and Miss Vandyke," &c. Miss Vandyke was a daughter of Nicholas Vandyke, of New Castle, and the General (Lafayette) and suite, took supper with Mr. George Read before leaving New Castle. A copy of the journal from which the above is trans- lated, is in the New Castle Library. William Thompson Read, the trans- 258 HISTORY OV OllKSTEK. lator, (lied in Fob. 1.S73. at his ivsi- denre in New Castle. He was the grand-son and author of the " Ivife of George Read," a signer of the De- ( laration of Independence, from Dela- ware. 1 am indebted to the Rev. James Shrigley, late Librarian of the Histori- cal Society of Pennsylvania, for a copy of the above translation. Mr. Shrig- ley is a native of Cheshire, in Eng- land, the birth place of the ancestors of so many Delaware County folks. Col. Allen McLane mentioned, was the father of the late Louis McLane, late U. S. Minister to the Court of St. James, under the administration of President Jackson. The newspapers of Revolutionary times are full of anec- dotes of the daring adventures of Col. Allen McLane ; so also is a rare old book called ^^ American Anecdotes,'" printed in Boston, in 1830. The only copy I ever saw, I purchased lately at a book stand. In a poem called " The Battle of Brandywine,'^ written by John F. Miller, A. M., and recited by the au- thor before a large Pic-nic held on the battle ground, by the Pulaski Associa- tion of Wilmington, Delaware, on the 8th of June, 1857, will be found the following verse : " How Washington paused on thai road Till every man had passed, Still by him wounded Lafayette, Whose knee was bleeding fast ; How gazing back they bade farewell To the still advancing foe, To Chester then in triumph sped Just four-score years ago." It is certainly a new light to look upon that disastrous retreat as a tri- umph. We have just seen Lafayette was not with Gen. Washington, and was not woimded in the knee, but in the foot, so the i)oem is historically incorrect. Two other verses relate to Lafayette. The whole poem will be fotmd in the Dcla^vare Weekly Re- publican of Oct. 16, 1873. The following telegraphic dispatch explains itself: Paris, Dec. 9, 1875. — ^^^ conform- ity with the resolution adopted by the American Congress, on the 2 2d of Jan. last, Mr. Washburne, United States minister, to-day handed to M. Oscar de Lafayette, Deputy in the National Assembly, from Seine-et- Marne, and grand-son of the Marquis de Lafayette, the watch Washington presented to the latter as a souvenir of the capitulation of Lord Cornwallis. The watch was stolen from the Mar- cjuis de Lafayette while he was travel- ing in the United States in the yeai 1825, but was recovered in later years. The presentation ceremonies took place at the home of the embassy, in the presence of the entire Lafayette and other families, the attaches of the United States Legation, and many distinguished Americans. Mr. Washburne, in addressing M. de Lafayette, spoke in the French lan- guage. He narrated the circumstances of the theft of the watch, and the passage by Congress of the resolution for its restoration to the descendants of the Marquis de Lafayette, and said : "I am fulfilling a pleasant duty. The inscription on the watch recalls to mind a great deed, which can never be effaced from the history of the United States; the deed which termi- nated the American Revolution and assured the independence of the United States. I am here as the interpreter of the sentiments of the government and jjeople of the United States towards HISTORY OF CHESTER. 259 you and other descendants of the Mar- quis de Lafayette. Let us form earn- est wishes for the happiness and pros- perity of all bearing your venerated name ; and with those wishes let us associate France, who was allied with the United States as her traditional friend, and whose glory is so dear to us." M. de Lafayette, in reply to Mr. Washburne, solemnly acknowledged his thanks for the relic presented to him by the United States Congress. He also thanked Mr. Washburne for the kind words he had uttered, and added, that the Lafayette family were filled with profound gratitude for the sympathetic remembrances which have been preserved for their ally by the Americans after so many years. He requested Mr. Washburne to ex- press to the American people, and to their Congress and government, the thanks of the Lafayette family, and their homage and admiration for their second country. Attached to Dr. Smith' s Histoiy of Delaware County, there will be found an interesting series of Biographical Sketches of the early settlers and emi- nent men of the county. I give here a list of those, who were at times, resi- dents of ''Old Chester/' as a refer- ence, for it is good to recall the old folks to memory : William Anderson, Dr. David Jackson, Neels Laerson, Ann Friend, Francis Baldwin, Thomas Baldwin, Lawrence Charles Lock, Robert Barber, Isaac D. Bernard, David Lloyd, Grace Lloyd, Peter Baynton, Wm. Markham, Thomas Bracey, Richard Noble, 34 Mrs. Papegoya, Dr. John Goodsonn, James Sandilands, John Baldwin, Henry Hale Graham, Paul Saunders, John Grubb, Emanuel Grubb, John Test, Thomas Usher, Heni-y Hastings, Robert Wade, Lydia Wade, Israel Helm, Hen. HoUingsworth, John Bristow, William Oxley, John Oxley, Richard Buffuigton, John Churchman, Thomas Powell, Thomas Powell, Jr. John Powell, Joseph Powell, Thomas Cobourn, Richard Crosby, Ralph Fishbourn, William Fishbourn, Walter Wharton, John Hoskins, Jane Hoskins, Ralph Withers, Will Woodmanson Roger Jackson, John Worrell, Joseph Hoskins, John Wright, Dr. Paul Jackson, Jasper Yeates, Andrew Job, Michael Yzzard. XXVIL The following interesting account of the celebration of a golden wedding, is inserted for the purpose of giving the form of a certificate of marriage among Friends, of showing their mode of per- forming that ceremony, and for record- ing the custom of celebrating the ter- mination of 50 years of married life : " The ' Golden Wedditig' of Thomas and Hannah Darlington, of Miamishurg, Ohio, was celebrated in a becoming manner at their residence in that place, on the 28th of the 2d mo., 1872, being the first occurrence of the kind that ever took place in that town. Friend Darlington and his wife removed from Mid- dletown, Delaware County, Pa., 35 years ago, to Ohio, and purchased a farm near Dayton. Five years ago he sold his place and removed to his present abode ; his children having all married and left home. After prayer, con- gratulations by friends, the reading of essays, poetry, singing and other exercises ; a hand- some gold-headed cane and a number of other presents, were given as mementoes of the oc- casion, to Mr. and Mrs. Darlington ; after which the company sat down to dinner; then follow- ed an evening of much social enjoyment, during which the marriage certificate of Mr. and Mrs. D., given according to the order of Friends, was read, in these words : ' Whereas, Thomas Darlington, of the town- ship of Middletown, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, son of Jesse Darlington, of the same place, and Amy his wife, and Hannah P. Dilworth, daughter of Richard Dilworth and Sarah, his wife, (the former deceased,) of the township of Edgmont and county afore- said, having declared their intentions of mar- 2G() HISTORY OF CHESTER. riajjc with each other hcfore a Monthly Meet- iiij,' of llic religious Society of I'lieiuls, held at Providence, in the county aforesaid, accord- ing to tlie good order used among them, and luning the con>ent of iheir pnicnls, their said |'n>p,,s;,l of marriage was allowed of by said Meeting; now these are to certify whom it may concern : that for the full accomplish- ment of their intentions, this twenty-eighth day of the Second month, in the year of our l.oril one thousand eight hundred and twenty- two, they, the said Thomas Darlington and Hannah P. J)ilwortli, ap])carcd at a public meeting of the said people, held at Middle- town, aforesaid, and the said Thomas Darling- ton taking the said Hannah P. Dilworth by the hand, did on this solemn occasion, openly declare that he took her, the said Hannah P. Dilworth, to be his wife, jiromising, with Di- vine assistance, to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until death should separate them; and then in the same assembly the said Hannah P. Dihvorth, did in like manner de- clare, that she took the said Thomas Darling- ton to l)e her husband, promising, with Divine assistance, to be unto him a faithful and lov- ing wife until death should sepiarate them (or words to the same effect). And mcjreover, they, the said Thomas Darlington and Han- nah P. Dilworth, (she according to the custom of marriage, assuming the name of her hus- band,) did as a furtlier confirmation thereof, then and there, to these presents set their hands. Tm)MAs Dari.in(;t()n, Hannah Dai^i.incion.' 'And we whose names are hereunto sub- scribed, being present at the solemnization of said marriage and subscription, have as wit- nesses thereto, set our hands the day and year above written : Joseph Thatcher, Mary Thatcher, Sarah Emlin, Ann Wilson, Jane Yarnall, Isaac Yarnall, Mary Yarnall, Jamc-s Broomalt, Hannah Broomall, William Russell, I'rudcnce Russell, Rachel Yarnall, Sarah Hibhard, Ann Williamson, Sarah Russell, Mary Ann Hannt.i Jesse Darlington, Amy Darlington, Sarah Meredith, Mary T. Dilworth, Edward Darlington, Samuel J. Darlington, Jared Darlington, Isaac Hewcs, Rhoda Hewes, Deborah E. Penncll, Joseph Meredith, Eliza D. Peirce, Amy Darlington, Susan Peirce, Priscilla Penncll, T:.ma/in TVnuell. Susan Fairlamb, Priscilla E. Yarnall, Samuel Poole, Abraham Pennell, Thomas Williamson, James Emlin, Joseph Hannum, Jacob Hibbard, Fred'k Fairlamb, Jr., Sarah Penncll, Hannah IViinell ' " A history of the houses of enter- tainment in Chester ought to l)e a l)rolific subject. I liave made every endeavor to obtain all the information I could concerning them. Before and during the Revolution, Mrs. Mary Withey kept the " Colum- bia Hotel." It is said to have been, in her life-time, the best kept tavern in America. She was the widow of an English officer, James Withey, and had a pension from the British government of $60 a year. She became wealthy, and died, Jan. 7, 1810, in her 76th year. Charles Justis says : "The old Withey farm, below Chester, was pur- chased by William Graham and my father ; they divided it, and father got the portion below the road, and built a large house on it in 1829, and after- wards sold it to Edmund Pennell for $10,700, and he sold it to John M. Broomall for $45,000. Maj. William Anderson then kejjt this tavern for a number of years, and was succeeded by, I believe, Nimrod Maxwell, who kept the hotel until about 1821 ; per- haps later. He was the father of four daughters, who were quite popular in the town. One of them not long ago, kei)t a boarding house at the S. W. cor. of 1 2th and Walnut Sts., Phila- delphia. Two of Mr. Maxwell's daugh- ters were educated at Bethleheni Mo- ravian Seminary. From the catalogue 1 extract the following: "1816. Sarah Ann Maxwell, daughter of Nimrod, of Chester, Pa., ;//. May 19, 1840, Mat- thias Maris, of Philadelphia ; — 181 7, Maria G. Maxwell," &c. A Chester lady says, of the Maxwells, "They were a much esteemed familv. con- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 261 sisting of Mr. Nimrod Maxwell, his wife and four daughters and two sons. The daughters were school-mates of mine at Bethlehem Seminary. The eldest son, James, was a very popular minister of the Episcopal Church, out West, some years ago." After Max- well left the Columbia, John J. Thur- low kept it until about 1833, when he removed to the National, and the ho- tel property was purchased by Capt. Elijah S. Howes. Capt. Howes mar- ried Mary M. Burns, of Chester, daughter of James and Ann. They had issue, Emma, Francis, Henry and Mary. Mary Burns married Henry Eyre, son of Jesse M. & Sallie i Church- man), both deceased. They had a son, George Baker Eyre. Capt. Howes, was a sailor, and had been the master of a merchant ship, for several years before he took charge of the Colum- bia Hotel. After keeping the old hostlery several years, the captain was succeeded, in 1854, by John Harrison Hill, who kept there until the year 1858, when the property was purchas- ed by Mrs. Elizabeth Appleby, whose husband formerly kept a tavern at Marcus Hook cross-roads ; her son, Thomas, is now mine host of the Co- lumbia. With the exception of a small addition built on Market Street some years ago, this inn is the same size it was an hundred years ago ; and in this respect, and in its accommoda- tions, is like all the rest of Chester's taverns. The proximity of Chester to Philadelphia is no doubt, however, the cause of her hotels being so small. The town lias no summer boarders, and its floating population is exceed- ingly small. The Chester Directory of 1859-60, says : " The miinljer of taverns in Chester at an early date, was much greater than at present. About the year 1 790, says a venerable resident, almost every house of any size was an inn, and among the most prominent of these were the following: " The Inn of Sarah Cill stood upon the property now owned by Rebecca Brobson, on the north side of James Street (now Third), west of Chester Creek, extending to the creek. The proprietress married an Englishman nam- ed George Gill, who sided with his country- men in the war of the Revolution, and went with the English army to Halifax. George afterwards returned to Chester, was imprison- ed, but liberated by an act of pardon. This house has not been a tavern for the last fifty years, and is at present the residence of Fred- erick J. Ilinkson, who married the daughter of William Brobson. At the period at which the inn flourished, the people of Chester made their own malt, and a malt-house stood xxpon the same lot. This was a brick building and in a dilapidated condition fifty years ago." Valentine Weaver owned and kept the inn now known as the City Hotel, at the north-east corner of James and Edgmont Streets. This property was conveyed in 1750, by William Preston to Solon Hanley, as the " Blue Anchor Tavern." It was kept By Edward Engle, until he died about 1810, and subsequently by his widow, until 1832 or 1833. During the time of Mrs. Engle's proprietorship, it was the pop- ular and fashionable hotel of the place, and was called the "National Hotel." When Mrs. Engle retired from busi- ness she leased the tavern to John J. Thurlow, a native of England, and this old hostlery became famous among the travelling public for its good cheer. Mrs. Thurlow, the pleasant, bustling, handsome hostess, was a model land- lady, and during her time the National saw its palmiest days, as it was the stop- ping place of the lines of stages that passed through Chester for Baltimore, Washington, and the South. Here the horses were changed and the tra- 262 HISTORY OF CHESTER. vellers took a meal. The long row of frame stables that were necessary in those days, have only lately been torn down, and their site near the old Chester bridge is now occupied by a block of stores, the property of my old school-fellow and friend, Lewis Ladomus. Many of our old-fashioned country inns are still used ; but, alas ! their glory has departed. How well I re= member "Thurlows," in the days of its busy greatness ; well I remember how, when I was a boy, I lingered near its hospitable doors to see the handsome horses of the Reeside, Stock- ton & Stokes, Murdock & Sharp, and Janvier's rival lines of stage coaches changed, the smoking steeds detached by active hostlers, and the new relay of well groomed horses substituted, and saw the " Stage-driver," an important man in those days, with his great coat of many capes and long Avhip ; the well-dressed travellers sauntering about talking and smoking after their meal, waiting for the stage. Oft I have peeped into the small, clean bar-room, in the centre of which stood a large coal stove (in winter) in a large sand- box, that served as a huge spittoon. In one corner of the room stood a semi-circular bar, with its red railings reaching to the ceiling, into whose di- minutive precincts the jolly landlady could scarcely get her buxom person, while her husband with his velveteen shooting-coat, with its large buttons and its many pockets, excited my in- tense admiration. At his heels there were always two or three handsome set- ter dogs, of the finest breed and well trained. Sometimes I got a glimpse of the south-west room. This was the par- lor ; back of it was a room where trav- ellers wrote their letters ; and back of the bar was a cosy little room, mine hostess' sanctum, into which only si)e- cial friends were admitted. All these are now one large American bar-room. In reading accounts of the old Eng- lish inns of coaching days, my mind involuntarily reverts to "Thurlow's," for there on the walls were hanging the quaint old coaching and hunting prints imported from England, and around the house was "Boots," and the "Hostler," and the "pretty Wait- ing maid with rosy cheeks, "all from Old England. But I must away to school, or Caleb Peirce will thrash me. The horses are all hitched, the passengers are "all aboard," the driver has taken his seat, (the guard is blowing his horn, having taken one inside,) is gathering up his many reins; now he feels for his whip, flourishes it over his four-in- hand, making a graceful curve with its lash, but taking care not to touch his horses; but does it with a report like a rifle shot, the hostlers jump aside, and with a bound and a rush, the coach is off for Washington, or Philadelphia, carrying perchance within it Clay, Webster or Calhoun. And of a winter's evening when I have stolen out from home, I have passed the "Tavern," and seen seated around its cheerful fire the magnates of the town, telling stories of other days (as I now could tell their names). And sometimes peeping through the green blinds, I have seen a quiet game of whist going on ; perhaps it was "all- fours," or else a game of checkers or dominoes, but now such things are out of date, or else the times are out of joint, and the good old days of Adam and of Eve have passed away forever. When Mr. Thurlow retired from bus- iness in Chester, with a handsome com- l>etency, he purchased a fine farm near HISTORY OF CHESTER. 263 what is now " Thurlow Station," on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, two miles below Chester. Mr. Thurlow is still living at "Bermuda Farm," just below Ches- ter, once owned by my grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Smith. I went to school, in Chester, with Thomas T. and Emeline, the only children of Mr. and Mrs.- Thurlow. Maurice W. Deshong succeeded Mr. Thurlow, and afterwards, Major Sam- uel A. Price succeeded him as the landlord of the "National," and kept the house for a number of years, until he retired from business. The Major was at one time a prominent politician, and was elected Sheriff of the county, in 1834; for three years previous to which time, he had carried on in Ches- ter the business of a hatter. He was a son of Samuel Price and Ann Rich- ards, his wife, who was the eldest daughter of Jacob Richards, the elder, who seems to have resided in Aston township, in 1772, as will appear from a deed of William Grubb and Lydia, his wife, of Brandywine Hundred, to Jacob Richards, dated April 13, 1772, for 225 acres of land on Chichester Creek, bounded by lands of Robert Shelby, Robert Plumer and Thomas Linvill. Grubb purchased the pro- perty from Thomas Withers, son of William Withers, of Bishop' s-Can- nings, county of Wilts, yeoman, whose grant from William Penn, for the tract of 500 acres, or lease and re-lease, are dated the 5th and 6th of Sept., 1681, and duly recorded at Philadelphia. The originals are in possession of Ed- ward Smith Sayres, of Philadelphia, a grandson of Jacob Richards. Major Price, died at his residence in Chester, March 22, 1868, in his 64th year. An obituary in the Republican announcing his death, said, among other things : " The deceased was extensively known, had conferred on him several military distinctions, and had filled the office of High Sher- iff of this county. During the last six or eight years he had retired from bus- iness, and had confined himself very much to the society of his family." The Major married Sarah Bickham, of Philadelphia, and died leaving his widow and a large family surviving him. His daughter, Sarah, married Henry Lindsay, a hatter, of Philadel- phia. Annie married J. Gififord John- son, of Delaware County, and after- wards Hiram Saunders. The names of the Major's sons were, Samuel A., Jr., Thomas Bickham, Henry Clay, Ed- ward A., William G., John C, and Joseph Wade Price ; the latter died at Media about 1872, in the 35th year of his age. He had served in the 5th Pa. Cavalry, Co. D, U. S. Vols., dur- ing the Rebellion. Edward A. Price, Esq., is a member of the Bar, and re- sident of Media. After Major Price ceased to keep the "National," it passed into the hands of George Wilson, who kept the hotel for quite a number of years, after which it passed into the hands of Lewis A. Sweetwood. It is now kept by Paul Klotz, and has been renovated. Mrs. Mary Engle had a life estate in the hotel, and after her death the property passed into the hands of the heirs of her deceased husband, and was sold to make a division of his estate. Mrs. Engle was the mother of the late Rear Admiral Frederick Engle, of the U. S. Navy, a gallant and accomplish- ed sailor, and an amiable and estima- ble gentleman. He died Feb. 12, 1866, aged 69 years. He entered the naval service as a midshipman, Dec. 1^64 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 6, 1814. The Admiral married Mary, the daughter of Joseph Mcllvain, of Burlington, New Jersey, late U. S. Senator from that State, and a sister of the late venerable Protestant Epis- copal Bishop of Ohio, who died in April, 1873. ^^^'^^ ancestor of Sena- tor and of Bishop Mcllvain, came to America and settled in Baltimore. He was a brother of James Mcllvain, of Antrim, Ireland, who came to this country and settled in Ridley township, Chester Co., Penna., in the year 1740, from whom the Mcllvains of Delaware County are descended. Admiral En- gle died, leaving him surviving a widow and the following children : Frederick, Edward, George, Charles, Henry, Mary and Family. The late Capt. Isaac E. Engle, of Chester, a well-known merchant cap- tain, who died of a nervous fever at Macao, from over-exertion while on a tempestuous voyage to China, Nov. 3, 1 844, was also a son of Edward and Mary Engle. He married Sarah Ann, young- est daughter of Robert P. and Sarah Ann Crosby, of Ridley, and left a widow and two children, viz., J. Ed- gar and Lucie Chauncey. See Record of the Crosby family, ]). 212. Edward and Mary Engle had also two daughters, one of whom, Mary, mar- ried Samuel Edwards, Esq., a mem- ber of the Delaware County Bar, and an estimable citizen, whose memory is cherished with affection and respect in Chester, the place of his residence for the greater part of his life, where he built the mansion at the junction of Edgmont Avenue and Market Street, and entertained his friends with ele- gant hospitality. At his decease he left his widow surviving, and two children — Henry B. Edwards, Esq., a member of the Bar, who command- ed a company composed of his friends and neighbors during the late Rebel- lion, called the " Chester Blues ;" and Mary Engle, who intermarried with Edwai:d F. Beale, late a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy, who distinguished himself in the war with Mexico, and whose exploits as a scout in connec- tion with the celebrated " Kit Carson" are now a part of the romance of the border history of our country. Mr. Beale was afterwards General Super- intendent of Indian Affairs for Califor- nia, and is the owner of the tract of land in that State, whose size and ex- tent would make some of the small German Dukes sigh with envy. It consists of 173,065 acres of land, and lies in Kern County. Mr. and Mrs. Beale, have lately removed to Wash- ington, D. C, where Mr. Beale pur- chased, last year, the old Decatur mansion, and has refitted it in hand- some style, making it one of the most comfortable and commodious residen- ces in that city ; so says the Washing- ton correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, who adds further : "General Beale is a native of this District. Mis father, a purser in the Navy, married a (laughter of the gallant Commodore Truxton, and resided on that fine estate just beyond the limits of the city, on the road to Glenwood, now the residence of his widow. General Beale, who is now fifty years of age, served for several years in the U. S. Navy where he rose to the rank of lieutenant. During the administration of General Pierce, he resigned his commission, and received the appointment of Superintendent of the Avagon road to Cali- fornia, in the construction of which he dis- jilayed great energy and perseverance. After the completion of this road, (Jeneral Beale l)e- came the purchaser of a large ranche near Los Angelos, where he devoted himself to wool- growing and raising of blooded horses. On this ranche he now has 180,000 sheep. His clip of wool yields $40,000 a year. Last win- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 265 ler he spenl in this city with his daughters, who were great favorites in society." From The Delaware County Repub- lican, of April 17, 1867, I copy the following interesting sketch of Gen. Edward F. Beale: " General Beale was among the first of the pioneers from the States to California. In 1846, while on board the frigate Congress, as sailing master under Commodore Stockton, he was selected as bearer of despatches to the Navy Department. On leaving the ship in the Atlantic Ocean, he joined a Dutch galliot, and went to London, and from thence to Washing- ton. Immediately after his arrival, the Secre- tary sent him with despatches to Commodore Stockton, whom he found at Callao, in South America, having travelled over the Isthmus, long before it was known as a route to Cali- fornia, and, indeed, before we had any definite knowledge of the latter country. When he reached California, hostilities had commenced between Mexico and this country, and he at once took charge of a company of volunteers, and served until the conquest of California was completed. At the close of the war he received a handsome letter from his command- ing officer. Commodore Stockton, of which the following extract will show the estimation in which he was held by that gallant officer : ' I have selected you to be the bearer of the accompanying despatches to the Navy Depart- ment, in consequence of your heroic conduct in volunteering to leave General Kearny's camp, (then surrounded by the enemy) to go to the garrison of San Diego, for assistance, and because of the perils and hardships you underwent during that dangerous journey to procure aid for your suffering fellow-soldiers.' At the same time, his brother officers who had served with him during the Mexican war, presented to him a sword of honor and epaulets, w'ith their hearty wishes for his promotion. The sword, which is a beautiful piece of Ame- rican workmanship, bears the following inscrip- tion : ' Presented by the officers of the United States Navy, on the station at San Diego, California, to Lieut. Edward F. Beale, of the United States Navy, for his gallant conduct in the charge upon the Mexican forces at San Pasquale and San Bernardino, and his con- veying intelligence from San Diego, of the position of Gen. Kearny, through the enemy's lines, at great personal hazard, on the 6th and 7th days of Dec, 1846.' From that time to i860, Lieut. Beale was constantly connected with important public services, as Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and in command of parties of exploration in relation to the lines of railroad and the great public highways from the Western frontier to the Pacific Ocean, of which his many reports to the War and Interior Departments may be found in the Congressional documents. On the election of Mr. Lincoln, he was appointed Surveyor General of California, and on the breaking out of the rebellion, he requested by letter — which was published in this paper at the time — to the President, to be relieved from the position, in order that he might serve his country more actively in the field. This favor was denied him, and he continued in office for some time, and since leaving it, has been en- tirely engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is the owner of an immense body of real estate, comprising 200,000 acres of land, from which he has sold within the last two years 15,000 head of cattle and the same number of sheep. He has- at this time between 40 and 50,000 head of sheep on one of his large estates, from which his clip this year will amount to over 125,000 pounds of wool. The land, also abounds in rich mines of gold, silver and cop- per. Few farmers in this part of the Union, can realize this large tract of land held by one man, and the immense quantity of stock sold yearly therefrom. And yet, we are told, that these vast possessions are managed with com- paratively little trouble to the owner, whose work goes on with harmony and system dur- ing his absence from its personal supervision." General Beale is now (1876, ) United States Minister to Austria. Saniuel Edwards was one of the most prominent and influential men in the county in his day, and he was univer- sally esteemed. In politics he was a Democrat, and represented the county in the Lower House in the Congress of the United States ; and during An- drew Jackson's and Martin Van Bu- ren's administrations, George G. and Samuel M. Lei per, Samuel Edwards, 200 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Levi Reynolds and James P)iu hanan, were the powers behind the throne. The other daughter of Edward and Mary Engle, Abby, married John Ker- lin, Esq., a member of the Delaware County. Bar, and who, previous to his death, resided in the house lately occu- pied by Joshua P. Eyre, dec'd. Mr. Kerlin was, for many years, President of the Bank of Delaware Co. , and at his death, left a family consisting of his widow and two sons; Charles, after- wards a merchant captain, and Fred- erick E. Kerlin, now deceased. In the American Annual Registe?-, for 1796, published Jan. 19, 1797, is the following on the travelling of the times : •'The roads from Philadelphia to Baltimore exhibit, for the greater part of the way, an aspect of savage deso- lation. Chasms to the depth of six, eight, or ten feet, occur' at numerous intervals. A stage-coach which left Philadel- phia on the 5th of Feb., 1796, took five days to go to Baltimore. The weather for the first four days was good. The roads are in a fearful condition. Coaches are overturned, passengers killed, and horses destroy- ed by the overwork put upon them. In winter, sometimes, no stage sets out for two weeks." The great road from Philadelphia to New-Castle, was surveyed and laid out through Chester County by the Commissioners appointed for that pur- pose, viz. : Caleb Cowpland, Joseph Bonsall, Samuel Levis, John Davis, Peter Dicks, James Mather, Thomas Pearson and John Sketchley, and their return made to Council, July 16, 1748. On March n, 1748-9, John Salkeld complained to Council, that if the road was laid out as surveyed, sixty feet ivide, in front of some of his lands, which he held on both sides of the road near Chester bridge, it would interfere with another road laid out by the County Court and damage him; but it ap- peared he had no just cause of com- plaint. \\\ I Pa. Archives, 767, there is a petition to Council, to lay out the road from Cobs Creek bridge to Chester bridge, the old record being lost, Aug. 13, 1747; also, for building bridges and repairing the highway, signed by Jacob Hibbard, Geo. Ashbridge, Samuel Bunting, John Davis, John Griffith, Thos. Gumming, Job Harvey, John Baldwin, Geo. Wood, John Taylor, Thos. Pearson, David Cowpland, Isa. Pearson, Jacob Howell, Sr., John Paschall, John Mather, John Pearson, James Mather, Joshua Ash, Joshua Thomson. XXVIII. "The Blue Ball Inn," one of the old taverns of Chester, was the ancient- looking brick building still standing upon the N. E. cor. of Market and Second Streets. It was erected by David Cowpland, who at one time re- sided in it. The sign, a blue ball, Avas attached to the end of a pole or staff that projected through a hole made in the wall of the house, on the gable end on Market Street. Samuel Fairlamb was the landlord of this inn. No tav- ern has been kept there for the last 60 or 70 years. For a number of years it was the residence of Sarah Malin, the widow of Francis Malin, who died there recently ; so the Directory of 1859-60 says. In 1777, a British man- of-war was practising with her guns, one day, when, by some mistake, a ball was fired that went right through one of the upper rooms of this hou.se. It will be observed that in the walls of HISTORY UF CHESTER. 267 the house, which is a substantial brick building, there are holes still appear- ing in which the timbers were inserted, that upheld the scaffolding put up when the house was being erected. I have been told that in former tiraes^ before the days of Mechanics' Liens, when the masons were not paid for their work, these holes were always left in the walls, and no mason would close them up until the builder was paid. "The Washington House," on Mar- ket Street, near Fifth Street, east side, opposite the old Court House, is said to have been erected by Aubrey Bevan,* (fother of Davis Bevan, who died in 1761,) and kept as an inn by him about 1755, and afterwards by Wil- liam Kerlin, and was a noted hostlery. Chester seems to have been noted for its hotels. After the death of Mr. Kerlin, the house was kept by his son- in-law, Joseph Piper, until his decease ; after which his widow, Mrs. Sarah Pi- per, kept the tavern for many years. Joseph Piper died Nov. 9, 1827, in the 50th year of his age. Major Piper is- said to have prepared the supper given in the old Court House to Gen. La- fayette, on his visit to Chester, Oct. 5, 1824; but I believe that to be an error; as Major Anderson, who entertained the General, owned a hotel, and na- turally gave the preference to John J. Thurlow, who rented it of him. After Mrs. Piper's death, Evans S. Way kept it until he was elected Sheriff; then Samuel A. Price; after him Edward E. Flavill, who used a painting of * Aubrey Bevan kept, previous to 1 739, a house called the " Pennsylvania Anns.'" This property was owned by Ruth, the widow of John Hoskins, Jr. She died in 1739, and de- vised the house and lot to her grand-daughter, Ruth Mather. See ante, p. 56. It is more than probable that this tavern is the one referr- ed to, and that it was not built by Aubrey Bevan. 35 Penn's Treaty with the Indians, as a sign, the work of a Quaker artist, Edw. Hicks, and the hotel was conducted as a temperance house. The sign was presented by Samuel West, a brother of Benjamin West, the celebrated painter, Flavill sold the property to Thomas Clyde, who continued it as a temperance house for some years, when it was pur- chased by John G. Dyer, ^(who married Arabella, a daughter of Thomas Clyde,) by whom it was kept for a number of years, until he was succeeded by his son, Samuel A. Dyer. It is now own- ed and managed by Henry Abbott, Jr. Mr. Clyde formerly kept a grocery store, about 1826, at the N. E. cor. of the old Market place, on Market' St., north of Third St. J. Edward Clyde, Esq., one of the present Justices of the Peace of Chester, is a son of Thos. Clyde. Col. Samuel A. Dyer,;;/. Caro- line B. Vaughan, daughter of Jacob K. and Matilda M. ; she died at Chester, Dec. 7, 1874. Thomas Clyde married Henrietta Mifflin Ashmead, a daughter of Mr. John Ashmead, who was a manufac- turer of wall paper in Philadelphia. Their only children were J. Edward, and Arabella, wife of John G. Dyer, who died April 15, 1871, in her 53d year. J. Edward Clyde married Catha- rine Collins, in Feb., 1857, she died Aug., 1857, and in 1858, he married Emma Ott. They have six children. Thos. Clyde, d. June 22, 1855. aged 76 yrs. ; Mrs. Clyde, d. Sept, 29, 1874, aged 82 years. Preston Eyre married a sister of Mrs. Clyde, Ara- bella Ashmead. I can recall several of her children; J. Ashmead Eyre, who kept a dry goods store at the N. W. corner of Market Square, in Ches- ter ; Henrietta, Arabella and Edward Eyre, who now resides in San Fran- 268 ISTORY OF CHESTER. cisco,and is in opulent circumstances. Arabella married Edward Darlington, Esq., of Chester, now of Media ; and Henrietta married Caleb IJooth, of Delaware Count)-, now a prominent judge and lawyer in one of our Wes- tern States. Mr. Darlington's son, George, is a well-known member of the Delaware County Bar. His sister, Arabella, married Joseph R. Morris, Esq., also a member of the Bar, but who died some )'ears since. William, another son, resides in the West. The Republican of Oct. 2, 1874, contains the following obituary : " Died — In this city, on the 28th ult., Hen- rietta M. Clyde, relict of the late Thomas Clyde, in the 82d year of her age. Another link that bound the old time with the present has been broken in the death of Mrs. Cl.vnK. The deceased was the daugh- ter of John Ashmead, a manufacturer in Phil- adelphia, and grand-daughter of Capt. John Ashmead, a noted seaman. vShe was born in Philadelphia, Aug. 20, 1793. Within the com- pass of her life, almost the entire history of this government, as it has existed under the Fed- eral Constitution, has been made. In 1813, she was married to Thomas Clyde, and a not unimportant event in her life was, that Thomas Clyde, the now largest steamship owner in the United States, in 1820, an orphan of eight years, came to this country in his uncle's care, and his youthful training was entirely in her hands. Forty-eight years ago, in 1826, Mrs. Clyde and her husband came to reside in this city, and here her life has been remarkable for an unostentatious charity, a l)usy life of good works ; and many are those among us now, who will miss the hand of help the aged dead extended to the needy. Eighteen years ago Mr. Clyde died, and now his helpmate follows him into that mysterious state that no man knoweth what it is. Dead — the sum of life ended — the great good deeds done in the body are inscribed upon that roll that fades not henceforth forever. The last of the seventeen who organized the first Presbyterian Church of this city, still bravely battling, she fell 'At the side of her Captain, Christ, Under whose banner she had fi)Ughl so long.' " Thomas Clyde, a nephew of Thomas Clyde, and a former resident of Ches- ter, is now a prominent and wealthy shipping merchant of Philadelphia, and is conceded to be, by all those well versed in maritime affairs, the largest ship-owner of the present day in our country. He is the owner or part owner of over fifty steamers, and has extensive branches of his Shipping House in New York and Baltimore. His two sons, William P. and George W. Clyde, are connected with him in business. He was born in Ireland, in 181 2, and came to this country when only eight years of age, and lived in Philadelphia with his uncle, who was a grocer. In 1826, he and his uncle removed to Chester, and he continued in his employ until 1832, when he took charge of a stone quarry on Ridley Creek, as overseer. That quarry, like others at that day on the Delaware, furnished immense blocks of stone weighing from two to seven tons, to the U. S. Government for the for- mation of the Delaware Breakwater, near Cape Henlopen. These stones were carried to the Capes in large sloops. Shortly after this, Mr. Clyde purchased the "Slaymaker Farm," at Naaman's Creek, which he still holds. He married Rebecca, a daughter of William Pancoast, of Springfield, Del- aware County, Pa. Soon after his marriage, he bought the "Jacques Quarry," located between the Prac- tical Farmer and Shellpot Hill, on the Delaware River, 4 miles east of Wilmington, Del., at a place called Quarryville, and furnished stone to the United States, for the Delaware Breakwater and other Government works — a profitable business if care- fully managed, as Mr. Clyde proved. Sometime afterwards he contracted to HISTORY OF CHESTER. 2f)9 build a number of locks for a Canal Company in Virginia, on such favor- able terms, that he sold his contract to other parties at a profit. He then turned his attention to building steam vessels. During the late Rebellion he fitted out numerous steamers and char- tered them to the Government, fulfil- ling all his engagements honorably and honestly, with profit to himself and to the satisfaction of the Government of his adopted country. He is now in- terested in a majority of all the steam vessels that ply between the ports of Philadelphia and New York, Norfolk, Richmond, Alexandria and Washing- ton, and to other ports along the At- lantic Coast line, and is constantly engaged in building more steamers. Mr. Joseph Piper, mentioned above, who married Sarah, daughter of John Odenheimer, died, leaving two sons and two daughters. One son yet living. Dr. George W. Piper, was once a well-known druggist in Chester. His brother, Ferdinand Piper, was ap- pointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy, Nov. i, 1827. Passed mid- shipman, June 10, 1833 ; and pro- moted to Lieutenant, Dec. 9, 1839. Drowned at sea, Oct. 28, 1844. He was a gallant young officer, and sacri- ficed his life in the noble discharge of duty to save the lives of the men under his command. A boat in his charge was upset at sea, the whole party cling- ing to the capsized boat caused it repeat- edly to sink beneath them. Lieutenant Piper ordered the men to hold on to the boat until rescued. He then said, " Good bye, lads," loosened his grip, and sunk beneath the waves, giving his young life to save those of the common sailors. I have no fitting words to characterize, as it deserves, this act of sublime courage, this proud instinct of an officer's duty to those under his command. It has been justly said, an officer should act in battle and in peace as the father of his men. This principle seems to have actuated our young hero. The following appeared in one of the Chester newspapers : " Died.— On the 28th. of Oct., 1844, in the Bay of Pensacola, in the 32d year of his age, Lt. Ferdinand Piper, of the U. S. Navy, youngest son of Joseph and Sarah Piper, deceased, late of the Borough of Chester. Death has thus, within a few short months, deprived the Borough of Chester of two es- teemed and highly respected citizens and officers of the Navy, creating deep grief in the hearts of their relatives and friends that time alone can assuage. Mr. Piper was de- servedly beloved by his relatives, friends and brother officers, for the urbanity of his man- ners and the goodness of his heart." Caroline, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Piper, married May 2, 1831, John K. Zeilin, Esq., a member of the Delaware Co. Bar, formerly a promi- nent man in the county. He was elected Captain of the Pennsylvania Artiller- ists, May 15, 1833; Colonel of the 47th regiment of Militia, ist Brigade, 3d Division — consisting of the Militia of Chester and Delaware Counties — for 14 years, from Aug. 3, 1835 ; and was Deputy Prosecuting Attorney at one time. They had issue, Henrietta, J. Henry, Mary C, Virginia, and Win- field Scott. The other daughter, Louisa Piper, married John Cloak, of Smyrna, Delaware ; he died leaving two daughters, Caroline, who married Horace Peterson, of Philadelphia, and after his death, Gideon Speakman, of Chester, Sept. 9, 1876; and Emma Cloak, who married Dr. George D. Mahon. Some years after the death of her husband, Mrs. Cloak married Edward Boker, of Philadelphia. The Zeilins are of German descent. Briga- dier General Jacob Zeilin, comman- 270 HISTORY OF CHESTER. (lain of the I'nited States Marine Corps, is a brother of John K. Zeilin, Esq., now deceased. J. Henry Zeilin, ///. Eiiielinc C, dan. of Judge Carleton J^ and Susan U. Cole, of Macon, Georgia, where he resided from 1853 to 1870, and carried on business as a druggist. They have issue, Mary Bell, Carleton B., Susan E. and Maria O. Zeilin. In 1870, Mr. J. Henry Zeilin removed to Philadel- phia. Mary C. Zeilin, dau. of John K. and Caroline, m. Albin M. Wilson, of Philadelphia. The late John K. Zeilin, Esq., at an early age went to Chester to live, and became a clerk in the Prothono- tary's office, then held by Henry Myers. He studied law during his clerkship with Edward Darlington ; was ad- mitted in 1827, and continued in prac- tice until he removed to his native city, in 1852, and died there Aug. 6, 1876, in his 73d year. He was Pro- thonotary of the Courts of Delaware County during part of the administra- tion of Gov. Wolf. On the 1 8th of Sept., 1846, a conven- tion of the Whig citizens of Delaware Co., assembled at the Black Horse in Middletown , to nominate a ticket. At this convention, John K. Zeilin was nominated for Congress by a large majority of the delegates present, and Dr. Joseph Wilson, John G. Hender- son and John M. Bromall were ap- pointed conferees to meet similar con- ferees from Montgomery County— the District being composed of Delaware and Montgomery. A clear under- standing existed that the candidate should come from Delaware County. The conferees met on two occasions, and failing to agree, adjourned sme die. Meanwhile, Samuel M. Leii)er, of Delaware Co., was nominated bv the Democrats, and the imjjression got abroad that,vshould Mr. Zeilin con- tinue in the political field, he would be defeated by Mr. Leiper. A county meeting was called, to which the con- ferees made their report. At this meeting H. Jones Brooke presided, and Joshua P. Eyre and James J. Lewis, of Newtown, acted as Secretaries. After the report of the conferees, Hon. Edward Darlington moved that a com- mittee from the meeting be appointed to confer with the Montgomery County conferees, who were then present. The chairman appointed Y. S. Walter, Jas. Huston and William Bishop the com- mittee, with instructions to report what measures were necessary to be adopted to secure the harmonious action of the party in the District. While the com- mittee was absent, Mr. Zeilin addressed the assemblage, and at the close of his speech withdrew from the canvass. Mr. Walter, chairman of the com- mittee, then reported to the meeting the following resolution, which was adopted without a dissenting voice : ^^ Resolved, That John K. Zeilin, Esq., who was placed in nomination for Congress by the Whigs of Dela- ware County, at a county meeting held on the 1 8th of Sept. last, having mag- nanimously withdrawn his name as a candidate for Congress for this Dis- trict; and as John Freedley, Esq., of Montgomery, is the nominee of the party in that county, we imanimously recommend him to the support of the Whigs of the Fifth District, and earn- estly request our political brethren of this county to give him their cordial and \nidivided sui)i)ortat theai)proach- ing election." The withdrawal of Mr. Zeilin re- stored harmony to the party, and Mr. Freedley received the whole Whig vote HISTORY OF CHESTER. 271 of the county — 1,457; his majority for Congress over Mr. Leiper, in the District, was 377. This act of Col. Zeilin's gave to the Whig party the majority of one in the House of Representatives. At the me- morable election of the Hon. John Banks for the Speakership, he had a ma- jority oione vote, and that was obtained by the election of John Freedley, Whig. Had Col. Zeilin remained a candi- date, Mr. Leiper, Democrat, would have been elected, and the House of Representatives organized as a Demo- cratic body. The Directory of 1859, states that " The brick house on Edgmont street north of James, upon the tan-yard lot, was likewise a Tavern, and kept by a person named Johnson. The same house is now occupied by Mr. J. S. Bell. '' In the building at the S. W. corner of Market and Work street, now occu- pied as a Stationery Store by Mr. Zook, a tavern was kept by James Pennell. James' house became noted by his keep- ing a tiger for exhibition, which attract- ed numerous visitors ; Pennell subse- quently removed to the Black Horse in Middletown, Avhere he continued his exhibition. As he was one day ex- perimenting with the animal, he fell a victim to its ferocity, having been caught by it and so severely lacerated as to cause his death. The property referred to is now owned by Frederick J. Hinkson. ' ' The second house from the cor- ner of Work street, on the east side of Market street, was a Hotel kept by John Scantling, an Irishman ; and the resort of all the sons of the Emerald Isle. For a number of years, and up to about 1855, it was kept as a tavern by John Irwin." There is some confusion and mis- take about the two last descriptions. The tavern kept by the Irwin's was on the west side of Market Street and included the corner building and the one next door, (now occupied by Joseph Ladomus' jewelry store,) and had extensive stabling in the rear,, with a large yard and sheds for horses. I lived next door where the Stacey family now reside ; and played at cir- cus in Irwin's stables when a boy. Maurice W. Deshong rented the hotel, and conducted it for some years, and until about 1852. David Cowpland, who was the son of William, a cooper, in Chester, built the old White Swan tavern, late Irwin's, and the house next door, where the Stacey's live, about the year 1750. He owned the farm on the banks of the Dela- ware, lately owned and occupied by Mr. Laws — the old Bond farm. I knew William D. Laws, a son of James Laws. He was in the service during the rebellion as a Major of volunteers. The bricks with which the old tavern and the dwelling are constructed were made upon Mr. Cowp- land's farm. Some of them, it is said, were imported from England ; but that is hardly probable, although bricks were brought from England at an ear- lier day. David Cowpland ;;/. 10 mo. 31, 1730, Isabella Bell, and on the same day, his sister Mary, m. William Pan- coast ; all of them of Chester. His daughter Agnes 711. 6 mo. 12, 1760, Davis Bevan ; Joshua, his son, in. in 1765, Ann Evans, of Middletown ; David, another son, m. Hannah James, of Chester, (daii. of Samuel, deceas- ed, and Johanna,) 6 mo. 11, 1772. Sarah a dau. of Joshua and Ann, m. 6th of 3d mo., 1813, Thomas Malin, of Middletown. 'in HISTORY OF CHESTER. Margaret Cowpland, daughter of William, cooper, of Chester, ?n. Nov. 9, 1727, Edward Bezer, of Bethel. In 1779, David Cowpland was still living and kept the old tavern men- tioned ; and as I find he had a license in 1755, I suppose he kept the same inn until his death, which occurred in 1779 or '80. Whether there ever was a tavern opposite to the White Swan, on Mar- ket street, as^ alleged, I cannot say, but I doubt it, as I believe the house next door to Dr. Terrill'sold residence is a small frame. If there was a tavern kept there by Scantling, it could only have been a small drinking shop. Caleb Cowpland, who was appointed in 1750, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Provincial Court, was a son of William, and a brother of David ; he died 10 mo. 12, 1757; aged 67 years. David Paul Brown in " The Foriwi,'" ist vol. 252, says: "Of Caleb Cowp- land, we cannot find a single trace, except his name." Mr. Brown's ge- nealogical researches were not exten- sive, as will be perceived by any one who reads his work. At Chester Monthly Meeting held at Providence, 8 mo. 25, 1714, "Caleb Cowjjland Produced a Certificate of his Removall from Sedberg Monthly Meeting, in Yorkshire, Old England," which was recorded as follows: ••r<( our well beloved ffriends in the Pro- vince of Pensilvania, in America. Dear Friends, with Dear and Brotherly Love in our Lord Jesus we salute you, &c., and do hereliy acciuaint you that the Bearer hereof, our ftViend Caleb Cowpland, signified to us att This, our Monthly Meeting, That he Intended to Re- move (as way might be made) from hence into your country in order to settle there, And Desired our Certificate along with him to you r'oncerning his Conversation and Circuni- ! stances, &c. : Now These are therefore to Certify you, that He is the son of Honest Pa- rents who have carefully Educated him in the \^•ay of the Truth ; and he has thus far well approved himself, for we believe he hath not only Received Truth by Tradition, hut in llie Love of it ; Insomuch that he is a young man of a sober and good Conversation and hath always been so from his childhood. We have further to acquaint you that he Removes with the Consent of his Parents, and that he is free from any Ingagement on any account, either in Relation to marriage or otherwise ; so that he Comes to you a clear and ffree young man. We truly Wish his Welfaire, And that as he hath begun well the Lord may Preserve him so that he may continue therein the Remain- ing Part of his time ; and then we doubt not but he will meet with Incouragment from such amongst you as are Honest harted to God ; and that it may be soe is what we De- sire : Farewell. From our Monthly Meeting held at Brigg- flats, near .Sedbergh, in Yorkshire, in Great Britain, This 23d Day of the 12th month, '7 '3- Signed by order, and in Behalfe of the said meeting By William & Agnes Cowpland, I'arents. Edmond Winn, William Adamwait, John Hugginson, John Gosling, Robert Willan, Isaac Hadwen, John Betham, John Greenwood, William Baynes, Samuel Parrott, Christo. Winn, Tho. Blaykling, Joseph Bayns, Jr. Antho. Pinder, Ralph Anderson, John Atkinson, John Close, John Burton." In 1750, his brother Joshua brought a certificate from the same meeting, dated 26th of 2d month, and in 1723 the parents and their other children also came over. Caleb Cowpland took an active part in meeting affairs, and being a good writer he was appointed to write all certificates of marriage for the particu- lar meeting of Providence, to which he for some years belonged. He was appointed clerk of the Monthly Meet- ing in 1722, and at the next meeting after his death the following Minute was made : HISTORY OF CHESTER. 273 " Oiu- Worthy and Esteemed P^riend, Caleb Co^vpland, since our last meeting being De- ceased, who for upwards of Thirty-four years past has been clerk to this meeting to General Satisfaction ; But now it is Necessary that another Clerk be appointed : But as this meet- ing has not yet concluded who it shall be, Peter Dicks, for the present, is Desired to serve as Clerk." Judge Cowplancl married, the 14th of ist mo., 1 716-7, Mary Tidmarsh, of Chester; she d. 8th mo. 5th, 1719, leaving a son William, h-. the 26th of loth mo., 1 71 7, who d. in the 7th mo., 1728. On the loth of the nth mo., 1 721-2, Caleb Cowpland mar- ried secondly, Sarah Edge, of Provi- dence, widow of Jacob Edge and dau. of Rees and Hannah Jones, from Wales, and they had the following children: David, b. 1722, 10, 31; Jonathan, b. 1724-5, nth mo. ; Agnes, b. 1727, 6, 4; Caleb, b. 1730, 3, 15; Grace, b. 1732, 12, 18; d. 1756, 10, 17. Sarah, wife of Caleb, the Judge, d. 1758, 3, 28; aged 68 years. Agnes Cowpland, dau. of Caleb and Sarah, m. 1753, 8, 27, John Lownes, son of Joseph and Sarah, of Philadel- phia. On the tombstone erected to the memory of the old Judge is en- graven these words, "Caleb Cowp- land, departed this life the 12th day of the loth month, 1757, in the 67th year of his age. ' ' In the records of Chester Monthly Meeting, I .find the following birth of Bevan's. Elizabeth, born 1706, ist mo. Ann, 1708, 7th mo. Mordecai, 1 710, ist mo. Benjamin, 1711, 9th mo., no days given. And among the deaths, William died 1715, 10, 17 ; Isabella, 1822, 4, 6. Sarah,* a dau. of Davis and Agnes Bevan, married Benj. Bartholomew ; * Sarah Bartholomew was disowned in 1783, for marriage by a priest to one not a member. who died 1784, without issue. He was an uncle to -Captain John Davis, already mentioned, (p. 146, ) and raised and equipped, at his own ex- pense, a company of men for his coun- try's jiervice. He was a member of the Assembly, from Chester County, in 1774. Mrs. Bartholomew survived her husband many years, and inherited from her father, the property at the S. W. corner of 4th and Market streets, in Chester ; consisting of the tavern and present Stacey residence, in which she lived until near the time of her death. On April i, 1819, John Irwin, a native of Ireland, took possession of the old Hostlery at the N. W. corner of Market and Work streets, then called the ^^ Hope' s Anchor.'" He changed the name to the " White Swan;'' I remember the sign, with a White Swan painted on it swimming in blue water, on a rectangular board swinging in a frame, supported on a heavy pole, at the corner mentioned. Mr. Irwin was noted for his hospitality ; a keen sports- man, he owned several fast race horses, and kept a pack of hounds. His house was the resort of most of the people from his native country who visited Chester, as well as those from the sur- rounding country who were fond of field sports, besides the travellers. He died Sept. 8, 1834, and the business was continued by his wife until her death, the result of an accident, the fracture of her hip, ^ Aug. 17, 1847. William, their son, then kept the hotel until 1849, when Maurice W. Deshong became the landlord. Wil- liam Irwin was a man of talent ; he invented and patented a process for raising sunken vessels. He died Oct. 5, 1854, during a visit to Cleveland, Ohio, of cholera. His remains were 274 HISTORY OF CHESTER. brought to Chester, and interred in the grave yard of St. Paul's, adjoining the Church, in his sister Jane's lot, along- side of his mother, father, and sister Ellen. I'he parents of John Irwin, were William Irvine, and Jane Nelson, of Scotch-Irish descent, living on a farm near Enniskillen Castle, County Fer- managh, Ireland. They had sons, Rob- ert, John and James, farmers; Christo- pher, an Episcopal minister; and Henry Irvine, a physician of several diplomas. He married Letitia Armstrong, in Ire- land. He came to America and set- tled in Georgia as a planter, and also practised his profession. James and Christopher visited the United States, but returned to Ireland ; they had sisters, Ellen and Bessie. John Irwin, of Chester, married in Ireland, May 28, 1814, Jean Mayne, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Mac- kensie ;) their son William, born Mar. 7, 1 81 5, was but a few months old when his father became embarrassed, having, before marriage, become surety for a friend, and had to sell his farm to pay the large sum required ; his father-in-law having refused to assist him. Being deprived of most of his means he determined to emigrate to America, leaving his wife with her parents until he had made a home for her in the new country, but she re- fused to be separated from him ; her father finding her firm then offered to assist Mr. Irwin, but he declined, and he and his wife sailed for America, arriving in Providence, R. I., in 1816. They went from there to New York, and finally came to Chester, to look up an uncle of Mr. Irwin's, (John Nel- son,) who had also been unfortunate in going security for a friend in Ireland, whom they found living at " Green Bank," and who w'cnt with his family to Canada, a short time afterwards. On his arrival at Chester, Mr. Irwin found his means diminishing, and by the advice of Dr. Job H. Terrill, took the " Hope's Anchor;" the old sign of which the Irwin's left in the garret of the hotel when they finally left it. Mr. Irwin never let his wife's family know that he kept a tavern in America, because the people of the " Old Coun- try" differ from ours, and pride them- selves upon their mode of living, or making a living. Mrs. Irwin said there were none but professional men in her family in Ireland. John and Jane Irwin had the follow- ing children. Williain, already men- tioned, who dec'd unmarried ; John Asbey, who ;//. Delia Campbell, of Phil- adelphia; she ^. Dec. 1871, childless; Samuel H., m. Kate House, of Phila- delphia, (has issue, James and Lizzie, m. to Geo. Wright, June 18, 1873;) Mary, m. Daniel J. Chapman, of Phila- delphia, (and has one child, Dolly ;) /a?ie Nelson, residing in Chester, un- married; Ellen, who died in 1844, un- married ; Annie in. Peter Ritter, of Ho- boken, N. J., (and has Henry, m. to Lottie Kuster, Nov. 28, 1872 ; John I., Peter, William I., and Annie Ritter;) and Lizzie Irwin, who died unmarried, Jan. 21, 1876. Mrs. Irwin's })roud speech, and the services those of her family and Mr. Irwin's rendered this country during the Revolution, will render the follow- ing brief sketch concerning them, of interest. The Mayne's were originally English, Capt. William Mayne, of the British army, saved, it is said, many lives at the time of the Irish re- bellion. His power to do so, is thus related by tradition. He was offered knighthood for his services in India, H 1 S T 11 Y O F C li E S T E R . but asked instead, the privilege of saving life from the gallows, and was granted the right of saving nine lives each year; be this true or not, the descendants of one whose life was cer- tainl)^ saved through his intercession, are well known here. The Mayne's were at one time a very wealthy family. Samuel Mayne, heir of Golden, pos- sessed 40 estates ; he was a cousin of Mrs. Irwin's father. The latter owned three estates, and left one to each of his three sons, viz. : John Sedsbor- rough (named after an ancestor, Lord Sedsborrough, the ruins of whose cas- tle are still to be seen on his place,) Samuel and William Mayne. Their mother's name was Mary, a daughter of Dr. Samuel Mackensie; she had besides the three sons mentioned, ten daughters, and another son. Dr. Samuel Mackensie married in 1768, Jane Warner, daughter of Richard and Mary. He came to America and was a surgeon at Fort Pitt, under the Eng- lish government. On March 30, 1776, the Committee of Safety appointed Dr. Mackensie Surgeon to the 2d Bat- talion of Pennsylvania Troops in the service of the United Colonies. He offered his services, expended his means in procuring medical supplies and never received any pay, pension, or repayment. At the battle of "Three Rivers," June 8, 1776, Dr. Mackensie, Gen. Wm. Thompson, (his mother's brother,) and Col. William Irvine, were taken prisoners, but afterwards ex- changed. It is said he bought the ground the town of Greensburg stands on, with a gold repeater watch, and purchased several houses in Baltimore, one of which he had furnished before he left the country in 1781, and re- turned to Ireland for his family, in- tending to bring them to this country, 80 when he died, June 1781, from in- juries received by being thrown from his carriage, leaving a widow, and one child, Mary, who married Samuel, son of Arthur Mayne^ of Golden. Col. William Irvine, of Enniskillen, captur- ed at "Three Rivers," was an uncle of Willliam Irvine, father of John Irwin, of Chester. He served to the end of thewar, ^. Aug. 12, 1804. None of Dr. Samuel Mackensie' s heirs ever came over to see after the property he left here. Mrs. Irwin's father wrote to her, that she and her brother, John Mayne, might have all they could get of the Doctor's property, and a Power would be sent to her if necessary ; but nothing was ever done in the matter. Dr. Mackensie was accompanied to America by his brother Col. Robert Mackensie, and they both served under their uncle William Thompson, a Brigadier Gene- ral in the Continental Army, appointed by Congress, from Pennsylvania, who also served until the close of the war, and died Nov. 22, 1796. Robert Frazer, Esq., a son of Col. Persifer Frazer, of the Revolutionary Army, and who was an intimate friend of Dr. Samuel Mackensie, dined one day at the "White Swan," and enter- ing into conversation with Mrs. Irwin, was much surprised to find that she was a grand-daughter of his father's friend. He became much interested in her family history, and promised to look after the property Dr. Mackensie had left in America, but died before he could do so, so it has passed into the hands of strangers. Robert Fra- zer, Esq., was the father of the late John Frazer, Professor in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and a brother of Eliza, wife of the late Judge Henry Myers, of Delaware County. Her daughter Mary Ann Myers died at 276 HISTORY OF CHESTEU. her l)rother's, \\m. Henry Myers, who was agent for the Pepper estate, and lived near the Navy Yard in Philadel- phia ; his brother Persifer Myers died while storekeeper at the Navy Yard. Judge Myers lived next door to the White Swan tavern for many years, and was U. S. Post-master at Chester. The John Mayne mentioned as the brother of Mrs. Jane Irwin, eldest son of Samuel Mayne and Mary Mackensie, while on a visit to his sister at Chester, married Sallie Ann Harlan, a widow of John, a brother of Dr. Ellis C. Har- lan ; her maiden name was Sallie Ann West, she was a niece of Samuel and Benjamin West ; the latter being the great painter. She died in Ireland, and left one child, Mary Ann, who came to this country and married a Mr. Hewett. John Mayne married secondly, Matilda Hare. He and his brothers Samuel and William, married sisters, daughters of Capt. Hare, of the British Army. They all visited this country and returned again to Ireland. Samuel, a son of John, came to this country in 1874, and purchased a farm in Schuyler Colfax County, Illinois. A singular incident is related con- cerning the wife of Judge Joseph Mayne, of Dublin, an uncle of Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. Mayne, being supposed to be dead, was placed in a vault, and her engagement ring containing a valuable diamond was buried with her ; one of her servants knowing this, deter- mined to get the ring ; in trying to get it off he cut her finger, when she re- vived, and he fled the country, al- though the Judge advertised for him, and would have given him a handsome reward for saving his wife's life. Capt. John Irvin, U. S. Navy, (1875) is said to be a member of this family. There is a fine large building on the "Upi)er Pier," known as "TheSteam- boat Hotel," formerly rented by Cross- man Lyons. Who kept it before he did, I cannot remember, nor do*" I know when it was first used as a house of entertainment, but before Lyons kept the hotel, it was occupied as a tavern, by John Ford, father of Nelson Ford, then by Henry Rease, and after- wards by a Mr. Niles. It stands back from the line of Market street on the east side, and the new street called Front street, passes close along its southern side. It had been used as a tavern several years before 1832, as will appear by the following adver- tisement which I copy from the Weekly Visitor, verbatim. '' For Rent. — The Steamboat Hotel, Chester, Pennsylvania. This well- known establishment, situate on the upper pier, which has been occupied for several years as a public house. It is most advantageously located, being but a few yards distant from the landing of the numerous steamboats, which ply uj) and down the river. There are seventeen fine rooms in the building, which are large and airy and very comfortable. The bar room is fitted up in the neatest manner. A two-story piazza, extending nearly around the house, is sufficient to ac- commodate nearly 100 persons to dine, and affords a delightful promenade, and an extensive view on the Delaware, the Lazaretto, &c. There is stabling on the premises sufficient for 20 horses, with a fine shed attached. A spring of excellent water on the premises and a good garden, containing three acres of excellent land. Terms easy, and made known on application to James M. Broome, 6th street below Chestnut, Philadelphia, or to Samuel Smith, Chester, Delaware Countv. Posses- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 277 sion can be given on the 25th of March next. Jan. 29, 1832." It is said that the old Steamboat Hotel is one of the most ancient build- ings in Chester, and that during the Revolutionary war, when the British fleet sailed up the river to Philadel- phia, the frigate "Augusta," which went up and never came down again, opened fire on the town of Chester as she passed, and that a shot from one of her guns struck the gable end of the hotel next to the river, at the spot now marked by the circular window. Tradition says that the whole British fleet opened fire on every house along the river banks within range. I have heard it said that one shot struck the "Crosby House," at Ridley Creek Quarries, now occupied by John C. Leiper ; and that at Chester many houses were struck, among others, the residence of Henry Hale Graham and the old pent-house* or tavern at the N. E. corner of 2d and Market streets. Mr. Graham and his family sought shelter in the cellar, as no doubt every- body else did, during this display of the bravery and humanity of the naval heroes of Great Britain, in making an uncalled for attack upon a defenceless people. The Directory mentions also, a beer house called the Globe, which "was once kept upon James street, below Market street, by a man named Scott, but abandoned as a public house for nearly fifty years. It was burned down in 1830, and the site is now occupied by the Upland Buildings^ owned by Samuel A. Price." As the beer-house * A pcnl-liouse is so called, because there is a ilenii-roof or a projection over the win- dows of the different stories to shed the rain, such as is found built in the old Court-House, and in almost all the ancient buildings in Chester. was burned down during Scott's occu- pancy, there was good reason for its being abandoned as a public house. Scott sold eatables and table-beer, thus keeping the first restaurant in Chester. Table-beer does not seem to be made in this country now. Our people have been educated to drink strong liquors, more the pity. Table-beer was some- thing like the present Weiss-beer, but more pleasant to the taste, and a half mug of it with the other half porter, was called ' ' Half-and-half. ' ' The old structure referred to, stood on the north side of Third street, east of Edg- mont street, and next to the stone stables of " Thurlow's tavern," which were between the Globe and the tav- ern. It was a fine old brick house with a curb roof. I think it was burned down about 1835 or '36, not in 1832; however, I remember the fire very well, young as I was then. A line of men were stationed along the street down to Chester Creek, who passed up buckets of water to fill the old hand fire engine, whose house was opposite the residence of Mrs. Gray. The empty buckets were passed back to the creek by another line composed of women and small boys. The place was entirely destroyed, as well as the stabling of the National Hotel I have before referred to. The next morning we boys had great fun hunting up our "Fire Buckets. ' ' Those belonging to my father, I lately deposited with the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company. They were made by John Birchel, of Chester, in 1798. Some of the older inhabitants of Chester may be able to recall the -lines that a])peared a day or so after the burn- ing of Scott's liouse, beginning: Fire ! fire ! cried John Dyer, Where ? where ? said Preston Eyre, 278 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Down the street, said Joiiatliaii Treat, It's liere! It's here! yelled Cliarley Lear, \'our wrong, your wrong, cried John Deshong. A short distance below Chester Creek bridge, on the river side of the old post road leading to Baltimore, now Third Street, on a high embankment, there stood about 1840, an ancient, long, low building, built partly of logs, partly of boards, a frame, and partly a frame filled with bricks and plates of iron, which it is said were brought over from England, that is, the bricks and iron plates. The house was only one and a half stories high, and consisted of three parts, or rather of three con- tiguous houses. The frame house stood with the gable to the road ; next came the frame filled in with brick, &c., and next a one-story long, old log house used as a kitchen. This old house was one of the first taverns in Chester, and was called " The Black Bear Inn.'' It was at this tavern that William Penn was en- tertained when he visited Chester, and from this circumstance it was called " the old Penn mansion," by persons that had heard that Penn once lived in it, they thinking it had been his re- sidence, and not knowing that it had been once quite a famous inn. This property formerly belonged to Capt. Isaac E. Engle, who married my cou- sin Sarah Ann Crosby. He sold it about 1841-42, and it was torn down soon after to make room for more modern improvements, in course of which the high groiuid on which the house stood was levelled or dug away. The pretty, pleasant, little town of "Old Chester," of my school-boy days, is now scarcely to be recognized in the new city that has sprung up; so many new buildings have been erect- ed, some on the gardens of the old residences, and so many old landmarks obliterated in the march of improve- ment, that Chester is a new town now, and mostly inhabited by a new peo- ple, and I feel like a stranger in a strange land whenever I re-visit its once familiar environs. The old Black Bear Inn, stood al- most directly opposite the residence of the late William Brobson, and nearly opposite that of the late Samuel Shaw, the father of my old friends James E. and John Eyre Shaw, Esq. There stood around this quaint old house, in my boyhood days, many fine large shade trees. It was a beau- tiful spot, and captivated my youthful fancy. At that time it was the resi- dence of the children of William Baggs, viz. : James, Catharine, Mary and Jane Baggs. James B., was in business in Philadelphia, and was always the best dressed man I ever remember to have seen ; quite a dandy. He had two sons, Theodore, who is living, and James, who died some years ago, in a decline. Mary and Jane Baggs, when I left Chester, in 1838, to go to West Point, were very handsome young women. Mary, afterwards became the wife of my good friend John Larkin, Jr. ; Jane married Jeremiah Stevenson, the well-known auctioneer of Chester. The eldest daughter of William Baggs, Catharine Harmony, met, while on a visit to her brother in Philadelphia, our good old friend. Squire Sam- uel Ulrich, and became his wife in the year 1828. Mr. Ulrich removed to Chester, about 1834, or '35, and kept a tobacco and segar store in Market Street, on the west side, north of Third Street, in the former residence of Preston Eyre, and his place of business was the resort of all the gen- tlemen of Chester ; some passed most HISTORY OF CHESTER. 279 of their time there ; among whom I remember Mr. William Gerhard, a re- tired merchant of Philadelphia, who boarded with Squire Smith's widow, in the old mansion erected by William Graham, on Edgmont Avenue, with his wife and his daughter, who was a very beautiful young lady ; she after- wards married Henry J. Du Pont, of Wilmington, Delaware. Her brother, Benjamin Gerhard, Esq., was a prom- inent member of the Philadelphia Bar, and married a daughter (Maria), of the late celebrated lawyer, the Hon. John Sergeant. I find in my note-book the following- entry : — Dec. 6, 1871. There died at Chester, an old and well-known resi- dent of the town, Samuel Ulrich, in his 69th year. He was a noted Justice of the Peace, and an old-time honest country Squire. All the inhabitants of Chester knew and loved the short, thick-set, cheerful "Squire Ulrich." As a magistrate, it was his delight to settle disputes between his neighbors, not to encourage them in litigation. He was a tobacconist by trade, and his store was a favorite place of resort, and around his cheerful fire during the long winter evenings, oft gathered a social circle of old friends, and many jokes were told and many a good thing said ; may his memory ever remain green. He was the father of my friend Dr. William B. Ulrich. His parents, John and Mary Ulrich, were residents of Philadelphia. He was the father of the following children : William B. , John, Mary, who died in infancy, Clara, Rachel, Mary Cline, unmar- ried, Job Terrill, Kate B., and Anna Ulrich, who was married, Oct. 21, 1874, to George F. Erdman , of Chester. Dr. William B. Ulrich, the eldest son, married Eliza, daughter of David F. Miller, of Louisiana, where he prac- tised medicine for 20 years. They have issue, Samuel, a Civil Engineer on the Pennsylvania Railroad, William and David Ulrich ; Dr. Ulrich now resides in Chester. John is married, has three children ; resides in Camden, N. J., and is a clerk in the office of the Penna. R. R. Co. Clara Ulrich, is the wife of William Ward, Esq., the well-known and pro- minent lawyer of Chester, one of the men to whom the city owes so much of its prosperity. He was elected in the fall of 1876 to represent the coun- ties of Chester and Delaware in the lower house of Congress of the United States. They have six children, S. Ulrich, John Broomall, William, Rena, Clara, and Madgie Ward. Rachel B. Ulrich, is the wife of David D. Miller, of Louisiana, now of Natchez, Miss. They have only one child living, Rachel Miller. Job Terrill Ulrich, was lost at sea, in 1871 ; he was on the steamer "At- lanta." The history of that vessel is this. " The Rebel Ram Atlanta," built by the Confederate Government, was captured by the Federal forces, repair- ed and sold to the Republic of San Domingo, and under the name of "II Triumphe," she sailed from Chester, and was never heard of again, suppos- ed to have foundered at sea, and all hands lost. Kate B. Ulrich, is thejvife of Or- lando Harvey, Esq., a member of the Bar, and a son of Dr. Elwood Harvey, of Chester, who is a prominent man, and an esteemed physician. They have one child, Albert. Dr. Smith, in a manuscript, giving some particulars of the Hoskins' fam- ily, of Chester, states, that "At a Court held the 6th of 8th month, 1691, the 280 HISTORY OF CHESTER. following appears among the minutes: 'We, the Grand Jury present, Richard Parker, Caleb Pusey, Robert Moulder, George Foreman, James Sandilands, John Hoskins and Roger Jackson, for selling beer, &c., without license, con- trary to law.' The persons presented by the Grand Jury were among the most respectable in the county. Caleb Pusey was a noted preacher among Friends, and had been foreman of the previous Grand Jury. The present- ment probably had its origin in malice or revenge." In the latter assertion I think he is mistaken, because the large number of emigrants^ arriving at that time at Chester, caused nearly every house, if not all of them, in the town, to be turned into houses of entertainment, and with such a number of English yeomen and their families, all accus- tomed to the free use of beer and ale, it is quite natural that their host should get into trouble for selling or allowing it to be drunk on their premises. In the olden times our tavern-keep- ers were among our best known and most popular citizens, especially those keeping inns on the well travelled stage routes, or who kept taverns in the coun- try towns ; and such is the case, in some degree, in the country yet ; and there is no more popular or successful candi- date for sheriff, or other county office, than the landlord of a country tavern, where the j^^eople re.sort in winter to balls, and where sleighing parties stop to refresh and dance, and near which in summer, fairs, shows and circusses exhibit their attractions. I know now at least a " baker's dozen" of the keep- ers of favorite country inns, who are, or who have been Sheriffs in different counties of this State ; and as many, who have been Colonels of militia re- I giments. In the late civil war, numer- I ouscommanders of volunteer regiments were tavern keepers, when they first went into service. About fifty years ago, Chester was a favorite Sunday drive for Philadelphi- ans. My father told me he had seen both sides of the great road now called Fifth Street, from Major Anderson's hotel to where the railroad crosses the 'Big road," lined with the different kinds of vehicles of Sunday visitors, the horses hitched to the fences, there being no room for them in the stables of the town. These Sunday excursion- ists drove down to Chester, where they took dinner, and frequently something stronger, and drove back to the city in the afternoon. Tavern keeping is almost a certain road to office, or to a comfortable com- petency, in this country, so that few hesitate to engage in the business. The daughters of "mine host," are proverbially handsome. "Why is this thus?" as the celebrated humorist, Ar- temus Ward, would say. I believe that it is not generally known, that this nom- de-plinne of a successful writer of the present day, now deceased, is the ver- itable name of a Gentleman who re- ceived from Congress the first com- mission of a Major-General in the Con- tinental army, dated June 17, 1775, and ranked next to the Commander-in- Chief, our beloved Washington. In the Sunday Dispatch, Feb'y 15, 1874, an inquirer says he has a letter in his possession, dated Dec, 1777, from D. Montgomery, which appears to have been written from Chester, in which he speaks of the consequences of war, and seems to have been a pris- oner, and he wishes to know the name of the prison which is referred to at Chester, and who the writer was. The HISTORY OF CHESTER. 281 battle of Brandywine was fought, Sept. II, 1777, after which the British fleet passed up the river on Nov. 19. Clies- terwas in possession of the British, who kept their prisoners on board H. B. M. frigate, "Vulture," lying off Chester, so says tradition, but "tradition is a careless story teller." XXIX. The ancestors of the family of Broom in this country, appear to have settled first in Chester County. In 17 16, Mor- ton Mortonson made conveyance of lands in Darby to John Broom, and in the records of Chester Monthly Meet- ing of Friends, it is recorded that Daniel Broom, son of Daniel, of Mar- pie, married, 1725, 10 mo. 8th, Judith Calvert, of Providence, daughter of John, and in the register of births will be found the following entries: James, 9 mo. 8, 1726; Mary, 9 mo. 25, 1728; Daniel, 12 mo. 25, 1730; Thomas, 3 mo. 20, 1734; Betty, 3 mo. 20, 1734; children of Daniel and Ju- dith Broom. James Broom brought a certificate from Friends at Frenchay in Glouces- tershire, to Concord Monthly Meeting, held 10 mo. 2, 1717. In 1719 he re- turned to England to attend to some business, and in his absence his wife, Mary, died early in 1720, leaving two small children, Edith and Alexander. James Broom died in 1721, leaving some estate in Marshfield, Gloucester- shire, to his son Alexander, whom he desired might be sent to his relations there, when four years old. One Thomas Broom married Eliza- beth, daughter of John Hannum of Concord, prior to 1730, and a James Broom of Wilmington, married about 1740, Esther, daughter of John and Mary Willis of Thornbury. They had a son John Broom, and perhaps other children. I have no data by which to trace the descent to the present generation of the family, but such information as I have collected may be of use hereafter; for the alleged descent of " the very ancient and eminent family of Broom," as Burke styles them, is the very ro- mance of history. Having been frequently asked how the Brooms and Crosbys are connect- ed, it will be as well here to dispose of that question. John Crosby of the 4th generation from Richard, the original settler in Middletown, married early in 1770, (secondly) Ann, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth. Peirce, of Christiana Hundred, in the State of Delaware. There is an advertisement in confirm- ation of this residence in the Pennsyt- vania Gazette oi Dec. i, 1773, offer- ing a reward of ten dollars for a mare stolen from Robert Peirce, living in Christiana Hundred, near Wilming- ton, dated July i, 1773. About this time Jacob Broom, " an eminent and talented citizen," {Mont- gomery,') who afterwards represented the State of Delaware in framing the Constitution of the United States, married Rachel, another daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Peirce, a sister of Ann, who married Judge John Cros- by of Ridley. James and Mary Broom, were the original emigrants to this country. They came from England, and their daughter, Edith, married Benjamin Sharpless, 2 mo. 27, 1737, a son of Joseph and Lydia (Lewis). She had three children, Joseph, Benjamin and Edith, and died Aug. 13, 1744? in the 26th year of her age ; so says Spencer '2S'2 J STORY OF CHESTER. BonsalL in his Extracts from Friends' Records in Pennsylvania, MS. Miss Bessie Montgomery, in her ' ' Reminiscences of Wilmington, " 1 85 1 , pp.42, 43, 58, 75, says: "Jacob Broom, Esq., was an eminent and talented citizen of the State of Delaware. He selected, in 1795, the only eligible spot for a cotton factory, the first in this region, on the banks of the Bran- dywine, near Du Font's celebrated powder mills. It was deemed a won- derful enterprise. Soon after he built a mansion, spacious for that day, on the hill near Wilmington, now occu- pied by Dr. Smith, called Tuscalum. In the summer of 1797, Mr. B.'s fam- ily spent some weeks there, and I re- member the spot when I was on a visit to his daughters. He was engaged in commerce for many years in Wilming- ton, and represented the State in fram- ing the Constitution of the United States. ' ' She says also : ' ' The address to General Washington, Dec. 16, 1783, is unrivalled as a composition. It was probably written by Jacob Broom." Jacob and Rachel Broom had issue : Elizabeth Peirce, who m. John Ro- berts ; Esther, who became the wife of William Lyons, Esq., of Bedford, Pa. ; Lavinia ; Ann, who m. Asa Moore; Jacob P., who m. Eliza Rob- erts, sister of John, who ;//. Eliza- beth, and of James Roberts, who be- came the second husband of Sally Broom, as will be seen presently; James M., attorney-at-law, of Wil- mington, Del., and of Philadelphia, and Sally. Sally Broom, m., first, Jacob Brin- ton, by whom she had a daughter, Elizabeth, who died in Coatesville, Pa. , Aug. 27, 1867, without issue. She /«., secondly, James Roberts, and had issue, Mary, the second wife of John Fairlamb Hill, of Ridley, they had no issue ; Rachel, who m. Samuel Henry, of Philadelphia ; of their other chil- dren, Lavinia, Margaret, Virgilinadind James, I have no account. Their youngest daughter, Sarah Maria Ro- berts, was my childhood's playmate, and a frequent visitor to my grand- mother Hill's, while I lived with her in Ridley. She married Charles Hen- ry Stone, son of John, a member of the large silk-house of John Stone & Sons, of Philadelphia. He died some years ago, leaving surviving him, his widow and the following children: John, Brinton, Charles A., Newton Henry, Edward Roberts, Mary Helen and Bessie Stone. John Stone, m. Annie, daughter of Hugh E. and Hannah Steele, of Laurel Iron Furnace, in Chester County, Pa., now of the Iron firm of Steele, Worth & Co., of Coatesville. Dr. Brinton Stone, who commenced the study of medicine under Dr. John Brinton and Dr. De Costa, and after tak- ing one course at Jefferson College, upon a call of the Government for sur- geons, presented himself to the Medical Board of the army, passed a very cred- itable examination, and on the same night proceeded to join the army under Gen. McClellan, before Richmond, and was assigned to duty with the ist U. S. Cavalry. After the retreat of McClellan to Harrison's Landing, he went with the wounded to the Military Hospital at Chester, and after some- time, was ordered to the Surgeon-Gen- eral's Office, Washington, D. C, as assistant to Dr. John Brinton, and af- terwards to Dr. George Otis, in the Medical Museum, who were engaged on a medical work for the Government on Gun-shot and projectile wounds. Sin- gularly, I do not find Dr. Stone's name HISTORY OF CHESTER. 283 on the Army Register until May i8, 1864, when his name appears as As- sistant Surgeon of Vohmteers, with the rank of Brevet Major. Yet the above are the facts concerning his services dur- ing the Rebellion. In 1865, he married Elizabeth D., dau. of Richard C. and Martha Magdalen Bowie, of Baltimore, Md. He was honorably mustered out of service, April 11, 1866, and settled at Coatesville, Pa., as a practising phy- sician, Dec. 5, 1873; he entered the U. S. Navy as a volunteer Asst. Sur- geon, and died at Washington, D. C, Jan. 21, 1875, leaving surviving him a widow and two sons, Charles Henry, and George Loring Porter Stone. Dr. Stone graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1864. Charles A. Stone is now a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy. Newton Henry Stone, ;//. Ellen Hale, of Bellefonte, Pa., dau. of James N. and Jane, Dec, 29, 1875. Edward Roberts Stone is a practising physician in Philadelphia, having graduated at Jefferson Medical College, in March, 1872 ; he in. Vir- ginia, only dau. of W. L. Gilroy, Oct. 3, 1876. Their sisters, Mary Helen and Bessie Stone, are unmarried. My old friend, Mr. John F. Gilpin, says: "In 181 7, I lived in Wilming- ton, Del., and knew Jacob Broom. He was a magistrate, and familiary call- ed 'Squire Broom.' His son, James M. Broom, was a lawyer, and married a daughter of Daniel Lowber, a tanner, in Wilmington. She was very beauti- ful, but became very stout later in life, as did also her husband, after he remov- ed to Philadelphia. His office was in Walnut St., above Third, on the north side, next to the office of the late Charles Chauncey, Esq. Maria, a daughter of Jacob Broom, married Mr. Grant, a merchant of Baltimore." Miss Montgomery, p. 75, writing of James M. Broom, Esq., of "Tusca- lum," says: " At an early age he was unanimously elected a representative to Congress. His ancestors were here in the olden times. He practised law in Delaware, and honorably represent- ed his State. His family were of the old Federal party, and he is now ranked among the most able and respectable lawyers of Philadelphia, whither he went more than 30 years ago." He was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar March 16, 18 18. Mr. Gilpin says : " James M. Broom was a law partner of the late John Wales, U. S. Senator from Delaware. I often saw their shingle (/. e., tin sign,) on their office window, in Wil- mington." BROOM & WALES, rJ^'Uia'ineuS' at S£aifj-. From Drake' s Biogi'aphical Dictioii- a?y, p. 128, I copy, as follows: "Ja- cob Broome, statesman, delegate to the Convention which formed the Fed- eral Constitution, died at Philadelphia, April, 1810, aged 58 years. He filled many offices of honor and trust in Del- aware. ' ' His son, "James M. Broome, Princeton College, 1794, a member of Congress, 1805-7, from Delaware, died in 1850." His son, "Jacob Broome. Philadelphia Bar, member of Congress from Pennsylvania, died 1864. He was the candidate of the Native Amer- ican party for Presidency of the United States, in 1852, along with Dr. Rey- nell Coates, of Camden, N. J., for the Vice-Presidency, and received a small vote in some of the States. The party was large, but mismanaged. ' ' During the parades and at the meetings of the 284 IIISTOKY OF CHESTEK. partN- preceding the electii)n, l^rooms j and old Coats were carried as party standards or emblems. ••John Broome, merchant, member of the New York Constitutional Con- vention, 1777 ; Lieut. Governor of New York, 1804, died Aug. 1810, aged 72." In Allen' s Biographical Dictionary , p. 144, it is further stated : " He was many \ years at the head (^'i various commer- cial, charitable and religious institu- tions, died at the age of 82." There is a county in the State of New York, and a street in the city of New York, both called Broome, in honor, I pre- sume, of the old Lieut. Governor. The Broome's of Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, are all relatives, and are a very handsome race. I have a copy of a miniature of "Aunt Sally Broome," as she is spoken of by the older members of the family, taken when she was about 18 years of age, just after her first marriage, in which she has on one of those tall white caps, that all married women wore in her days ; and despite this disfigurement, there is presented to the view, one of the most charming and piquant faces it is possible for a man of taste to im- agine. 'Abraham Broome, the brother of Ja- cob Broome, of Delaware, was a Major in the Regular Army of the United States, and lived in Washington. His eldest son, James M. Broome, was shot on board the "Chesapeake," about the same moment that Capt. Lawrence was carried below mortally wounded. Charles and Thomas Broome, two other sons of Abraham, were officers in the U. S. Marine Corps ; Major John L. Broome, of the Marine Corj)s at this time, (see Naval Register of 1874,) is a son of Charles, just mentioned. He was born in and ajjpointcd from the State of New York. The late Hon. Ja- cob Broom, M. C, from Pennsylvania, admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, Apl. 30, 1832, W.Cornelia Chamberlain, and had nine children, viz. : i. James M., Captain U. S. Army during the Rebel- lion ; 2. Virgilia, w. Dr. Marcellus ; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Louisa; 5. Helen; 6. Cornelia; 7. Caroline ; S.Clara, and 9. Annie. The Brooms of America, allege that they are descended from the old En- glish family of the same name, and there is no doubt of the fact, although I am unable to connect them with any particular branch of that family in En- gland, with the very meagre informa- tion I have on the subject. Burke, in his " General Armory, ''' says: Broome, (Herefordshire,) had Arms granted in 1670 : " sable, on a chevron or, three slips of Broom ew/. Crest, a demi- eagle or, wings sable, in the beak a slip of broom vert.'" Motto, ^'Domini Dirige Nos. ' ' There are other families of Brome, Broom, and Broome, in England, with arms and crests all having in one or the other, some reference to the family name. In " Loiver' s English Sur- names, 2d vol. p. 5 and 6, it is stated : " The tlirice illustrious name of Plantagenet, borne by ei^lit successive kings of England, originated with Fouhiucs or Fulke, count of Anjou, who nourished in the twelfth century. This personage, to expiate some enormous crimes of which he had been guilty, went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and wore in his caji as a Vwdge of humility", a Plantagenista, or broom plant (which was sometimes used by his descendants as a crest), and on that account was surnamed Plantagenet. The ancient En- glish family of Broome, are said to be descend- ants of this nobleman. " S(mie authorities deny this, and allege that these sovereigns never used it. True ; but this does not prove that Plantagenet, was not their rcnl family name. Ilcr majesty Queen ^'ic- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 285 toria, has no occasion whatever for a surname, (the design of which is to distinguish one family from another,) and therefore it might with equal force be argued, that her family name was not Guelph. Non-use does not im- ply non-possession." (juelph, means wolf, in English. Henry II., appears to have been the first King of England, who used a badge or crest. He adopted the Car- binicle, the cognisance of the House of x\njou, he being the son of the Empress Maud, daughter of Henry I. and of Plantagenet, Earl of Anjou. His other cognisance, (see Clark! s Introduction to Heraldry, 83,) was a " Gennet pas- sant, between two sprigs of broom." x\ gennet, is a small animal of the fox species, but not larger than a weasel. All English writers seem to be igno- rant of the fact that FulkeV., Comte d' Anjou, became, despite his humility, King of Jerusalem, in 1131, during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. See Galaries Historiqucs Du Palais De Versailles, 6 vol. part i, p. 30, in which the arms on the shield of Foulques V., Comte d'Anjou, Roi de Jerusalem, 1 131, son of Foulques le Richim, are thus depicted — " Gules, two Leopards or, that is to say, on a red shield there are painted two golden leopards. " The first of the royal name of Plantagenet, who ascended the throne of England was Henry 1 1 . That name, one of the proudest in English history, was adopted to mark the humiliation of the noble who first bore it. This was Fulkc, Count of Anjou, in the loth century, who, for the murder of his nephew, Drogo, Count of Brittany, was enjoined by his confessor, by the way of penance, to proceed to Jerusalem, and to submit to a severe castigation. Dressing himself in mean attire he set out, attended only by two servants, one to lead him liy a halter to the Holy Sepulchre, the other to strip and whip him. The Plantagenista, or broom plant, being the only tough pliable shrub in Palestine, was chosen for his chastisement, and he afterwards wore it in his cap as abadge of his humility, thus taking his name from the switch with which he was scourged." " Genealogy and Sui-nanies,'' by IVni. Anderson. " Fulke was the father of Godfrey Plantagenet, who married Matilda, the daughter of Henry I., and widow of Henry V., Emperor of Germany. Fulke of Anjou, was the son of Azzo of Este by his second wife, Garsenda, daughter of Baldwin II., who died Aug. 1 131, when Fulke succeeded him as King of Jerusalem. Through an intermarriage with the Denney's, the Broome's of England, derive a direct descent from Edward I . , Ki ng of England . ' ' Burke' s Her- aldry. I give the above extracts for what they are worth ; at all events they are pleasing and interesting, and show that the romance and prestige of a royal line of descent still cling around the narne and history of the Broomes. Robert Peirce, of Delaware, was a tanner, and probably a descendant of Edward Peirce, (leather seller,) of London, who was one of the associ- ation called the "Free Society of Traders, founded in London, April 3, 1682, under a grant from William Penn to them of 20,000 acres of land, under the title of the 'Manor of Frank.' " See Westcotf s History of Philadelphia, chap. 18. In olden times every Englishman of any note, had his coat of arms, crest and motto. The chief use to which they were applied, was to mark their service of silver plate, use as a book- mark, paint on their coach panels, or display, cut in stone, on their resi- dences, generally over the principal entrance ; and even in this country, in many old volumes of our grand- fathers' days, that were owned by American gentlemen of English de- 286 HISTORY OF CHESTER. scent, will he found its ancient owner's book-mark. Henry Hale Graham's, has been referred to heretofore. The arms of the family of Peirce, of London, were " Argent, a fesse humity giiks, between three ravens rising sable, Crest, a parrot, in its beak an Annu- let." Watson, in his '■'■Historic Talcs of Olden Titnes," 308, says : " In the year 1788, the bosom of the Delaware was first ruffled by a steamboat. The pro- prietor, at that early day, was John Fitch, watch and clock maker by pro- fession." The facts are — The first ve.ssel ever moved by steam in the world, was a small skiff built by John Fitch, and made her first trip on the Dela- ware, July 20, 1786, and was propelled by paddles. Speed attained was seven miles an hour. Engine, three inch cylinder. Second boat was 45 ft. long, 12 ft. beam, 12 inch cylinder; worked by paddles. First trial on Aug. 27, 1787. The third steamboat was built by James Rumsey ; tried Dec. 3, 1787, at Sheppardstown, Virginia; this boat was propelled by sucking water in at the bow and ejecting it at the stern ; speed, four miles an hour. The fourth boat, by Fitch, ran on the Delaware to Burlington, 4 miles an hour; propelled by paddles at the stern, in July, 1788 ; the boat was 60 ft. long, 8 ft. beam, engine, 12 inch cylinder. It was not until 1807, that Robert Fulton, built the '•Clermont,'' and ran heron the Hudson River, at a speed of five miles an hour. During the months of June, July, August and September, 1 790, the first steamboat successfully navigated in the world, for the carriage of freight and passengers, ran on the river Delaware, between Philadelphia, Burlington, Bris- tol. Chester and Wilmington, adver- tising her trips regularly in the news- papers, and passing over 3000 miles that summer. This was 1 7 years be- fore the "Clermont," Robert Fulton's first boat, navigated the Hudson. This steamboat had no name, as will ap- pear from the numerous advertisements of her trips collected in Thompson, ^'JVestcott's Life of John Fitch,'' one of which I give, from the Federal Gazette of July 30, 1790. ''The Steamboat sets out from Arch Street wharf, on Sunday morn- ing at 8 o'clock for Chester, to return the same day ; and on Thursday fol- lowing, at 7 o'clock, for Wilmington and Christeen bridge." In the New York Magazine for 1 790, is an extract from a letter, dated Phil- adelphia, Aug. 13th, saying: " Fitch's steamboat really performs to a charm. It is apleasure while one is on board of her in a contrary wind, to observe her supe- riority over shallops, sloops, ships, &c., who, to gain anything, must take a zigzag course, while this, our new invented vessel, proceeds in a direct line. On Saturday morning she sets off for Chester, and engages to return in the evening — -40 miles. God willing I intend to be one of the passengers, were it only to encourage American ingenuity, and the fine arts. Fitch is certainly one of the most in'ge- nius creatures alive, and will certainly make his fortune. I am told he is now in contem- plation to build a steam vessel on a larger scale, which may be capable of carrying freights and passengers to the West Indies, and even to Europe. One great advantage I can see in these voyages, which is, the steam- ship can make progress in a calm when other vessels must lie motionless. How she would behave in a gale of wind must be left to ex- perience to determine. Having no sails, masts or top-hamper to lay to, or scud under, it is probable she might at such a lime be in great jeopardy." I can recall of the steamboats that navigated the Delaware in the past : The "Robert Mc)rris," a fine, large boat. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 287 running on the line to Washington, via New-Castle and Frenchtown, with two smoke-stacks; also, her compan- ion, the "Ohio," Capt. Davis, which was deemed a very large steamer in her day. She had two smoke-stacks, two boilers and two vertical walking- beams ; for I was aboard of her when one boiler became disabled, and we got to Chester by the aid of one boiler and one paddle. It is hardly neces- sary to say that all our river passenger steamboats are propelled by side- wheels, while most of the freight boats are propellers, or are driven by stern - screws. The old Ohio, is now a tow-boat in New York harbor, and looks small alongside of the floating palaces that run up the Hudson, or the huge steam- ers that traverse Long Island Sound, on the Boston line. Steamboats, like individuals, grow old, and their for- tunes change. First, they are splendid fast passen ger boats ; as they grow older , they carry freight, and in time grow dirty and disreputable-looking ; their machinery grows stiff and they degen- erate into tow-boats, and go up and down the river shorn of their deck- cabins and gilding, towing dirty coal or lime barges. At a later day, I recall the "Bal- loon," Captain Wilmon Whildin, a swift and beautiful boat — her captain a handsome and intelligent gentleman. One of my friends, William M. Farr, married his daughter. The " Pioneer" was also a handsome boat, very fast, but very crank ; she rolled heavily if there was only a slight sea. The " Rip Van Winkle," a splendid steamboat, ran on the Delaware about 1847-48. She was one of the Hudson River floating palaces, and attracted many visitors during her stops at Ches- ter, from whence she made excursion trips to Cape Island. I have a picture of one of the earlier steamboats that ran on the river. On her wheel-houses and sides was painted in large letters, "Marcus Hook, Ches- ter, Lazaretto, Wilmington and Phila- delphia ; ' ' below these words and above her guards, in immense letters, was her name, '' jBrandyimne Springs.'''' She had two smoke-stacks, and one upright walking beam. There died at Chester, Feb. 9, 1874, Captain Richard Ross, aged 89 years. He was the oldest steamboat captain on the Delaware, having been in that business for 50 years and more. He commanded at different times the Wil- liam Penn, the Robert Morris and the Ohio. In the Uplaiid Union, for Dec. 15, 1829, there appeared this notice : " Attention I Pennsylvania Artillerists ! — Excursion to the Lazaretto. The corps will meet in full uniform, (blue pantaloons,) on Thursday, the 24th day of December, inst., at 7 o'clock, A. M., at Mrs. .Sarah Piper's, Chester, to repair on board the steamboat Wilmington, Capt. H. Read, who has kindly offered his boat for the accommodation of the corps, for the purpose of a visit to our esteemed fellow- citizen and soldier, George W. Bartram, Esq., at the Lazaretto. By order of Capt. William Martin. John L. Crosby, O. S. The com- pany will hold their stated meeting for drill on Saturday evening, the 19th inst., at Mrs. Piper's. John K. Zeilin, iVc'/r." I cannot state when the above com- pany was first formed, nor can I give a roll of the members. I have the first commission of William Martin, my father, as 2d lieutenant of a volunteer company, called the " Pennsylvania Artillerists," dated Aug. 23, 1821, signed by Gov. Joseph Hiester. Also his commission as Captain of the same company, signed by Governor Andrew^ Shultze, May 28, 1825 ; and a second 288 HISTORY OF CHESTER. commission as Captain of the same, dated Aug. 3, 1828. I have been in- formed by my aunt, Mrs. Ann C. Smith, that the company was organized about 1 82 1, and that John James Richards, son of Colonel Jacob Richards, was its first Captain. John K. Zeilin .says, that Captain Richards was suc- ceeded in the command of the com- pany by Joseph Weaver, Jr. , and af- terwards William Martin and John K. Zeilin, were in order as Captains. The company paraded at the reception of Lafayette, in Chester, and was a well drilled and efficient company, and disbanded about 1833 or '34. While my father was in command, one of his lieutenants was Thomas Dodd, who now lives in Philadelphia. Col. Jacob Richards, father of the above-named Captain J. J. Richards, was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, Feb. 18, 1795, and was a member of Congress and Colonel of militia in Delaware County. He was a brother- in-law of the late Peirce Crosby of Cro-sby's Mills, who married Christi- ana, a daughter of Jacob Richards, the elder. Mrs. Crosby was very proud of the handsome race into which she had married. She said, " The Cros- by's were like the oaks of the forest, tall and stately." All the men of the family in her day wer^e about six feet in height, with blue eyes and light brown hair. The second wife of Peirce Crosby was Rachel, a daughter of Major John James, and cousin of his first wife. Col. Jacob Richards, mar- ried Elizabeth James, also a daughter of Major James, of the State of Dela- ware. Mrs. Rachel Crosby, in her youth was a famous beauty, and called "the belle of Delaware;" another sis- ter, Leah, married Jacob Reese, late of Phiia(lel].hi;i. I remcmlK-r well, Samuel, Ferdinand and George B. Reese, their sons. Col. Richards had four sons by his marriage ; Jacob, John James, William and Edward. Captain John James Richards, was admitted to the Philadeli)hia Bar, May 25, 1821, having been previously, Jan. 19, 1819, admitted to the Delaware County Bar. He married, 6 mo. 13, 1821, Eliza, the daughter of Major William Ander- son, and she still resides in Chester. He died 6 mo. 27, 1822. Edward Richards was admitted to the Dela- ware County Bar, July 28, 1823. Their cousin, George Richards Grantham, was also a member of the Delaware County Bar, but I have not the date of his admission. Dr. Caleb Smith Sayres, a well- known physician of Marcus Hook, where he settled about 1789, married Susan Richards, a daughter of Jacob Richards, the elder. Matthias Rich- ards Sayres, his son, studied law with the Hon. John Sergeant, and w'as ad- mitted to the Delaware County Bar, July 22, 1 81 6, having been previously admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, June 6, 1816. He was well known in Chester, where he was a great favorite with every one, and I have heard la- dies of his day speak of him familiarly as "Dick Sayres;" a sure evidence of his popularity. He lived in Chester, practised law there and died there, unmarried, 4 mo. 18, 1826, and was buried in the old graveyard of St. Paul's, although no stone marks the spot where his remains repose ; but they are no doubt near those of his kindred, many of whom were buried there also. Mr. Sayres was the writer of some excellent pieces of poetry, which are in possession of the Bartrams. His only other son, Edward Smith Sayres, P'.sq., is the present Consul for HISTORY OF CHESTEH. 289 Brazil, and Vice-Consul for Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Portugal, for the Port of Philadelphia. He married Jane, daughter of John Humes of Philadelphia, and has issue: i. Em- ma Stalker, and 2. Caroline Augusta, both of whom died, unmarried ; also, 3. Harry ; 4. Edward Stalker Sayres, who studied law in the office of John Hill Martin, and was admitted to the Bar of Philadelphia, Dec. 27, 1873 J 5- Horace, and 6. Jennie Humes Sayres. Ed. S. Sayres, Jr., as he is com- monly styled at the Bar, was, while a student, the Recorder of the Law Academy of Philadelphia, during the session of 1872-3 ; and as has been shown, belongs to a family of lawyers. Dr. Caleb Smith Sayres, who settled as a practitioner of medicine at Marcus Hook, came from the vicinity of Eli- zabeth, N. J., w^here his ancestors re- sided, and where many of their de- scendants still live. This family of Sayres came from the vicinity of Bos- ton, Mass., with the " Elizabethtown Associates." The family in Boston spell their name Sears, and are the descendants of Richard, who came to Plymouth, Mass., landing there May 8, 1630. He came from Amsterdam, his ancestors having left England in the reign of Henry VIII. on account of religious persecutions, leaving a large estate in Colchester County, Es- sex, which passed through the female branch of the family to Sir John Mar- sham, only son of Sir John and Esther, the daughter of George Sayre. This name has been written at different times Sarre, Serre, Syer, Sayre, &c. The name is of Norman origin. See ^^ Burke' s Visitation of Arms,'" Lon- don, 1853. The family bear for their Arms, Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three peewits, ppr. garnished, or. Crest, A dexter arm, in armor, embowed,^r., garnished or, the hand grasping a griffin's head (erased) gold. The house occupied by the Doctor in Marcus Hook, is still standing on Water Street, east of Church Street, fronting the river, and has a porch running along its front. Dr. Sayres was a pew- holder, and a generous subscriber to the Church Fund of St. Martin's Church, at Hook, from the year 1793 to 1799; the next year Mrs. Susan Richards Sayres' name is on the pew- list. The tomb of the doctor now appears on the floor of the new church of St. Martin's, at Marcus Hook, as the extension of the old church en- closed his place of burial. Engraven on his memorial stone are the words : " In memory of Caleb S. Sayres, Doctor of Physic, who departed this life, December 3d, in the year of our Lord, 1799, in the 32nd year of his age." Besides the two sons mention- ed, the doctor had a daughter, Caro- line Augusta, who died unmarried. After the doctor's death, his widow married John Galvin, an officer in the navy, by whom she had a daughter, Caroline, who married Eleazer Twin- ing McDowell, Esq., a prominent mem- ber of the Bucks County Bar; they had issue, Georgine, who died unmarried ; Aletta, m. John H. Fine ; Fannie, m. Harry F. West ; and Edward Sayres McDowell, Lt. of Co. K, 104 Penna. Volunteers, who was killed at the battle of "Fair Oaks, Va." The family of Richards appear in the records of St. Martin's Church, as vestrymen and pewholders from a re- mote period, but for some reason they buried their dead in the old grave- yard of St. Paul's Church, Chester. I found the following inscriptions there: I "Edward Richards, Esq., died April 'J9U HISTORY OF CHESTER. 13, 1794, aged S3 yt'^^rs, 5 months, 3 days. Susanna, wife of Jacob Rich- ards, Esq., died August loth, 1794, aged 58 years, i month. Elizabeth Richards, wife of Jacob Richards, Esq., died July 15, 1807, aged 34 years, 3 months and 15 days. Jacob Richards, died July 20, 181 6, aged 43 years." Jacob Richards, the elder, and Su- sanna his wife, had two sons and five daughters. The sons were, Col. Jacob Richards, M. C, above mentioned, and Edward, who died unmarried. The daughters were ; Ann, who married, first, Samuel Price, and secondly, "Squire Marshall." 2. Betsy (Eli- zabeths who married Charles Gran- tham. 4. Kitty (Christiana), who married Peirce Crosby. 4. Sarah, who married Dr. Samuel Anderson ; and 5. Susan, who married Dr. Caleb Smith Sayres. Among the arrivals in the " Vine," on the 17th of the 7th mo., 1684, is John Richards and Susan his wife, and daughters Hannah and Bridget, and one servant, Susan Griffeth, for 8 years. Joseph Richards, with his wife Jane, and family, settled in Chichester, as early as 1685. He was a Friend. His daughter Ann ?;/. Humphrey Scarlet, and Susanna ;;/. James Lownes, of Springfield. His sons, Joseph and Nathaniel, lived in the lower part of Aston. They were from Oxfordshire. Joseph Richards died in 1710. His son Nathaniel died in 1700, leaving William, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and Mary. I think it jjrobable that Matthias and John Richards were cousins of the children of Col. Jacob. Dr. Sayres named one of his boys, Matthias Rich- ards Sayres. Matthias Richards, was born 1757; Judge of Bucks County, Pa., 1788 to 1797; Representative in Congress from 1807 to 181 1 ; died in 1830. John Richards, was a Repre- sentative in Congress from 1795 to 1 797 ; whether he represented Delaware and Chester, I cannot determine au- thoritatively. He may have represent- ed Bucks. Lauman's Congressional Directory says, Richard Thof?ias, an old Revolutionary soldier, was in Con- gress from 1795 to 1801, and Dr. Dar- lington says, he represented the dis- trict composed of Delaware and Ches- ter Counties. XXX. The following sketch of the Gran- tham ^mily, was furnished me by Ed- ward Stalker Sayres, Esq., of the Phil- adelphia Bar. " Charles Grantham* owned a farm of 128 acres adjoining the old Eftin- ger property. The estate extended from the Delaware River to the Ches- ter road. He married Elizabeth Rich- ards, daughter of Jacob Richards, the elder, and had three sons, Isaac, George Richards, Charles E., and one daughter, Susan. None of them ever married. Isaac attended to his father's estate. George Richards Gran- tham studied law with Samuel Ed- ■•■■' Charles (Irautuin, (as the name is j,eiie- rally given,) was commissioned a Justice of the Peace as early as 1741. He married (tirst) Catharine, daughter uf Andrew (?) and Margaret Morton, of Ridley, who left three sons, George, Jacob and Charles Grantum. He was in the Commission of the Peace for the county of Chester, in 174 1, 1745, 1749 and 1752. The name is given in the Col. Rec. as Charles Grant, but in the Minutes of the Orphans' Court from 1752 to 1757, Charles Grantum's name frequently appears among those of the Justices holding the Court, but no name of Grant. Charles Grantum attended Dec. 21, 1756. A new Commission of the Peace was issued Feb. 22, 1757, in which he was not included. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 291 wards, Esq., and was admitted to practice. Charles was engaged in business in Philadelphia, and died in that city. The Granthams got into pecuniary difificulties about 45 years ago, and were compelled to dispose of their farm ; they then all removed to Doylestown, and from thence to Illi- nois, where they all died, as I have said, unmarried. Isaac, was the sur- vivor; he died in the year 1858, and left his estate to Mrs. Dr. Samuel An- derson, of Chester. Charles E. Gran- tham, died August 20, 1 81 5, aged 17 years and 6 month, and is buried in old Chester church-yard. In company with my father, Edward Smith Sayres, I visited the old Gran- tham property on Oct. 26, 1873. We had quite a chat with the person who lives in the old Grantham house, which is situated about 200 yards from the river. The walls are two feet six inches in thickness, and the whole building is in excellent condition. The late owner, a Mr. Dennis, plaster- ed the whole of the edifice fronting the railroad, and the two ends. I cannot imagine what it was done for, as the house was built of cut stone, and the side fronting the river still re- mains in its original state, looking far prettier than the portions covered with the showy white plaster. The Effin- ger farm adjoined the Grantham pro- perty, and the old Effinger house was separated from the Granthams by but one field. The Effinger house was standing until within a few years ; latterly it was used as a fish-house. The Efifingers have lived for a good many years back in the old yellow house, adjoining the beautiful and ad- mired collection of forest trees, known as ' ' Effinger' s Woods. ' ' The remains of the old lane which ran down from 88 the Chester road, are still to be seen. It ran alongside of Efifinger's Woods, and was used by the Granthams and- Effingers jointly, as it divided their pro- perties. The Granthams were known through the country as Grants, antl the rocks in the river opposite their house were called "Grant's Rocks." Our informant told us, that they are to this day called by the same name, and are a resort for persons fishing for perch, as that fish is plenty in their vicinity. These very rocks, my father tells me, prevented the Granthams from obtain- ing, in olden times, as high a price for their shad-fishery as their neigh- bors, the Efifingers, who got, I believe, ^800 per annum, while they could only get $300. My father says that he recollects the Granthams living in their new house on Chester road, in a direct line back from the old one that still stands by the river-side and before de- scribed. The site is now occupied by the house of the late owner, Mr. N. F. H. Dennis, who has ingeniously turn- ed the old Grantham quarry, which is situated near the house, into a fish- pond. This quarry produced a stone from which Mr. Grantham manufac- tured scythe stones. They were ex- tensively sold in Philadelphia, and branded as " Crum Creek Scythe Stones." Mr. G. employed quite a number of men in quarrying and dress- ing these stones. I cannot find who bought the pro- perty from the Granthams. I was told that the Bank of Delaware County, sold it about 16 years ago, to Mr. Dennis, of Philadelphia, a Frenchman, and an extensive manufacturer of quinine. This Mr. D. also bought the adjoining property, — I think, the old Trimble property, which joined Grantham's property on the east. I do not know 292 HISTORY OF CHESTER. \vh()thcGi"antliamsl)C)iight the property from. My father thinks it had been in the family for a long time. I believe the (Iranthanis were originall) of Kng- lish descent, from tjie name, whit h is purely English. Mr. N. F. H. Dennis died at his residence in Ridley, Sept. 5, 1872, aged 73 years." The old Trimble i)roperty, as Mr. 1 Sayres calls it, was occupied by Abra- ham Trimble. The mansion of that estate is on the west side of Ridley creek. Lewis Trimble purchased the Gran- tham property I suppose, as he lived in the old Grantham residence mention- ed, which was situated near the quarry. He built the new mansion now occu- pied by Mrs. Dennis, and tore down the house formerly standing between the quarry and the road. Lewis Trimble disposed of the property to the mother- in-law of Richard C. Risley, the well- known acrobat, who, with his two sons, gave very entertaining exhibitions about 20 years ago, in Philadelphia and elsewhere. Richard Risley Carlisle, better known as " Professor Risley," who about 15 or 20 years ago, occupied the place now in the tenure of Mrs. Dennis, in Rid- ley, near to Leiperville, died at Phila- delphia, May 25, 1874, aged 60 years. He was born near Tuckerton, New Jer- sey, and went to Philadelphia when (piite a young man, and engaged in the business of glass cutting and dealing in glass, having his warehouse and factory in Third Street near Arch. He failed in busine.ss, and being a proficient in athletic sports and a man of great per- sonal strength and endurance, he went upon the stage as an Acrobat and Gym- nastic performer, and was very succe.ss- ful in the exhibitions he gave, assisted by his two little sons, handsome lads of 5 and 6 years of age, whom he threw about in a graceful manner. With his sons, John and Harry, he travelled over all the United States and Europe, and made money. His first ai)pearancc was at Welsh' s Circus, in 1838. In Eurojjc he performed before many of the crowned heads and nobility, and engaged in contests with local athletes. He was a heavy-built man of medium height, and to the last, presented the appearance of a man of great bodily strength; he was a fine wrestler, skater and swimmer, with a fine musical voice, and performed with taste upon the flute. Hissonsgrowingto manhood, Mr. Ris- ley visited Japan in 1848, and brought out to this country the first troupe of 'R.oydX Acrobats diWd Wrestlers, an enter- prise which cost him much money but brought him no profit. At one time he exhibited a Panorama of the Mis- sissippi River at the Masonic Hall at Philadelphia, and rapidly made money. Later in life he appears to have been very unfortunate in his undertakings, and his sons, to whom the estate de- scended through their mother, sold the farm at Ridley, and removed to Phila- delphia, where he died, poor, deserted and deprived of reason, so say the daily journals; yet I saw him in the month of March last, (1874,), and al- though he looked his age, and walked as if stiff in the joints, he was well dressed and had a handsome travelling bag in his hand. I went to school at Ridley school house with Lewis Trimble's son Henry, and also with Abraham Trimble's children, Abraham Jr., and Mary Trimble, who was one of the prettiest girls I ever saw. All of the surviving members of the Trimble family reside, I believe, in Philadelphia. I frequently meet Hen- ry on the street. I can remember see- ing scythe-stones tpiarried from the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 293 quarry back of Lewis Trimble's house, when I was a boy. I think there was also a whetstone quarry on Abraham Trimble's place. At that time the best whetstones were made by old Robert Blythe, who lived on the land of the late William Hill, just west of the Hill's dam, on little Crum creek, in Ridley. At one time the four brothers Hill, Peter, George W., William and John F. , owned adjoining farms in the vicini- ty of the dam referred to, which was then, I believe, the only dam on little Crum creek. There are evidences of a dam and race on that stream, below the old Queen's road, and on the "Is- land Field' ' place, lately owned by John F. Hill, now the property, I am inform- ed, of John O. Deshong. In the old graveyard of St. Paul's Church, Chester, is a tombstone, among the memorial stones of the Richards' family, with the following inscription cut upon it : "Charles E.Grantham, son of Charles and Elizabeth Grantham, born Feb. i8, 1798, died, Aug. 20, 1815, aged seventeen years and six months." Among the papers of Dr. Caleb Smith Sayres, of Marcus Hook, who, it is well to note, fell a victim to over exertion in his practice during the prevalence of the yellow fever, was found a doc- ument in the following words : " T9 Doc'r Sayres, Sir ! Reposing Especial Trust and confidence in your Patriotism, Skill and abilities, I do by these presents Constitute and appoint You to be Surgeon of the Eight Battalion of Militia, formerly in the County of Chester, but now in the County of Delaware. Given under my hand and seal at Chester, in the County of Delaware aforesaid, the eighth day of April, in the Year one thousand and seven hundred and ninety. Edw'd Vernon, Lt. Col." Edward Vernon m. Hannah James, (his second wife), she was the widow of David Cowpland. In Friends' records it appears that Hannah Vernon, widow of David Cowpland, was disowned 9, 22, 1786, for marriage by a hire- ling minister, to Edward Vernon. And again; Edward Vernon, (of Provi- dence Meeting,) was disowned 3, 22, 1 771, for marriage by a priest, (a minister.) Probably this was his first marriage. David Cowpland m. 6 mo. II, 1772, Hannah James, dau. of Saml. dec'd, and Joanna. Jemima Dazey Vernon, dau. of Edward and Hannah, ;;/. Chester Clarke; their son Edward Vernon Clarke, resides in New York City. Edward and Hannah Vernon lived near Marcus Hook, where he died , about 1794 or 95. Ed. Vernon's first wife was Mary Mather, dau. of James, who in his will appears to have been desirous to entail his estate on the male line of his grand-son, Peter Ma- ther Vernon, who, however, died in infancy. (See.^;//^, p. 130.) He also mentions his daughter Rebecca Van- leer, but no son or grand-child of the name of Mather. The three brothers, Vernon, came from England to Pennsylvania, about the period of Penn's first arrival in his Province. Thomas came from Stan- thorne, in Cheshire, and served as a juror at the first Court held in Chester County. Court first met Feb. 14, 1682, "& adjourned unto y* 27th of y^same month;" the minutes state: "At the same cort by Adjournment until y^ afores'^2 7thffeb'" 1682," after four cases being attended to, that of John Mar- tin, Plaint, and Rich" Dymon,* Deft. was Trycd, the Jurors were William Rawson, James Browne, William Hewes, Walter Martin, Nath. Evans, * Richard Dymond was master of the Amity, and the suit was for some goods shipped on that ve-ssel, but not delivered to Martin. 294 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Joshua Hastings, Will"" Woodmanson, Tho. Colboiirne (properly Coebourne) Albert Hendrickson, Joseph Richards, Edward Carter and Tho: Vcrjion. He was a Friend, and died in 1698. Randall Vernon, the second brother, emigrant, came from "Sandy way," Cheshire. He served in the Assembly, 1 687, was an active member of Friends, and died in 1725, aged 85 yrs. ; his wife's name was Sarah, she died 1719. The three brothers settled in Nether Providence, their lands adjoining each other. Robert came from Sioakc, in Cheshire ; he was a Friend, and Month- ly Meetings were sometimes held at his house. In 1 710 he conveyed his brick messuage and 330 acres of land, where he resided, to his son Jacob; his wife Eleanor, came to America with him; she died in 1720, the date of his death is unknown. This family of Sayres are intermar- ried with the family of David Hume, the English historian, and author of Hume' s History of England. Samuel Humes, the original emigrant to Ameri- ca, came from near Ballimony, county Antrim, Ireland, and .settled at Lan- caster, in this State. He was a maker of the old fashioned spinning wheels, so common in the days of our grand- mothers. He became quite rich, and has many descendants living in this State and Maryland at the present time. He was the grandfather of Jane, the wife of Edward Smith Sayres. Mr. Hume, the original settler here, added the final s to his name, for fear that he jnight be taken for a descendant of the historian, who was an infidel, he being a strict Presbyterian. What he con- sidered a reproach, was not the descent, which is a matter of pride, but the opinions of his relative. John Humes, the son of Samuel, was formerly Regis- ter of Wills of Philadelphia from 1830 to 1836. Dr. Samuel Humes, the youngest son of Samuel, was an emi- nent physician of Lancaster. He graduated at the University of Penn- sylvania, in 1808. He was Treasurer of Lancaster County in 1816. John Humes, as the eldest son of Samuel, became heir to the ancestral estate in Ireland, but refused to avail himself of his right, as he would have had to reside in Ireland to get and keep pos- session. The holders of estates in Ire- land are compelled by law to reside there a portion of the time. In con- sequence of his refusal the Hume estate there passed to an officer of the English army, bearing the family name, so says tradition. Be that as it may, there were lately living near Ballimony, a Dr. George Hume, adistinguished surgeon, and the Rev. Lawrence Hume Fenner, near Carrigallen. Sarah Humes, a daughter of Samuel, the emigrant, married George Bryan Porter, late Governor of the State of Michigan, one of whose sons was the late Gen. Andrew Porter, of the Regu- lar Army of the United States. David R. Porter, who was Governor of this State from 1839 to 1845, ^^'^s a brother of Gov. Porter of Michigan, and father of Gen. Horace Porter, late of the Army. William A. Porter, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, and sometime an associate Justice of the Supreme Court of this Commonwealth, is a son of the late Gov. David R. Porter; and James Madison Porter, Esq., of the Easton Bar, is a son of James Madison Porter, a brother of our late Governor. The late Judge, George Porter of Reading, was an uncle of the two Governors; his daughter married Robert Dechert, Esq., of the Reading Bar, and their two sons, Henrv M. and Col. Robert P. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 295 Dechert, are members of the Philadel- phia Bar. This family of Porters are of Irish descent. The grandfather of the two Governors, Robert Porter, emigrat- ed early in the last century to this coun- try from the North of Ireland, near Londonderry. Their father's name was Andrew Porter, born in 1 743. He was the Colonel of the 4th Regiment of Artillery in the Revolutionary Army. For further particulars, see Armor's Lives of the Governot-s of Pennsylvania. Humes Porter, who used to be a fre- quent visitor to Chester, is of this fami- ly, and resides in Lancaster. Samuel Humes, the settler in this State, married Mary Hamilton of Lan- caster Co. ; they had issue : John, a mer- chant of Philadelphia, at one time sen- ior member of the firm of Humes & Et- ting, flour and commission merchants. He was the Register, and successor to the Irish estate. James Humes, a manu- facturer, he had extensive woolen mills at Humesville, Lancaster County, Pa. , in 1 81 2. He organized a company of militia and marched with his command toElkton, Md.,duringthe war of 1812. One of his sons, Samuel Crane Humes, now resides at Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Samuel Humes. Sarah, who mar- ried George B. Porter of Michigan. William Humes, a merchant of Phila- delphia. He was a private in Hartman Kuhn's company, ist Regt., Pa. vol- unteer Infantry in the war of 181 2-14, and Mary Humes who died unmar- ried. The Home or Hume family were at one time, one of the most powerful of the Scottish nobility. Hume Castle, in Berwickshire, the old seat of this family, occupied a commanding posi- tion at the western extremity of the great plain of the Merse ; it was held against Cromwell's forces for a long pe- riod ; the Governor of it on being sum- moned to surrender replied, "That he knew not Cromwell, and for his castle, it was built upon a rock." Four days later, it having been reported that the castle had surrendered, it is said the Governor sent the following curious letter: " I, William of the Wastle, Am now in my castle, And awe the dogs in the town Shand garre me gang down." David Hume, the Historian, was the son of the Laird of Ninewells, in Ber- wickshire, near the Scottish border, and the nephew of a Scotch peer, the Earl of Home. A curious codicil to David's will was one leaving to his friend, John Home of Kildufif, (the author of Doug- las), six dozen of port wine, provided that he attested under his hand, signed John Hume, that he had finished a bot- tle at two sittings ; the philosopher and his friend John, had many disputes as to the proper way of spelling their com- mon family name, and that was the in- tent of the codicil. The armorial crest of the Humes fami- ly is a lion's head, erased, or, Motto, True to the end. I have spoken several times of the Field family of Philadelphia, as having been former residents of Delaware County. My friend Samuel Field, was, until very lately, for many years a resi- dent of the neighborhood of Walling- ford station, on the line of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, and Frank Field, who married Sallie, the daughter of Rev. Anson B. Hard, of Chester, and makes his summer resi- dence at that place, thus keeping up the family-liking for their old home. As one of these, my boyhood's friend, says : ' ' The very sound of the name of Delaware County has a charm to my 296 HISTORY OF CHESTER. ear. What a host of endearing recol- lections crowd the mind connected with it! The old Ridley place, 'Grand- father Hill's,' the marshes along the Delaware; oh, those boyhood days ! O, would I were a boy again !" and I can add, the pleasant memories of the happy days we have passed together along the shores of the Delaware, where we fished, gunned, sailed, and enjoyed the sum- mer days of our boyhood, will not be forgotten, while memory remains, nor the unalloyed friendship, began at Chester, which has lasted over thirty- five eventful years. In the Report of Benjamin Pearson, made in 1826, the old mill property occupied by the father of my friends, is thus described : "No. 7. On Ridley creek, in Lower Providence, an old snuff mill, lately employed in pulveriz- ing medicines; head and fall about nine feet ; owned and occupied by Park Shee, Esq." While Charles Field occupied the above property, he employed the mill j for grinding bark, used as a medicine for fevers, but the business was destroyed by the introduction of quinine. The bark ground was, I presume, Peruvian bark. Mr. Field, after the destruction of his business, sold the property to Park Shee, (it is now owned by Antrim Osborne, 1 and removed to Philadel- phia, where he soon became a leading merchandise broker, for the sale of sugar, molasses and coffee by the cargo, in which he was succeeded by Field & Keehmle, and upon the retirement of Mr. Wm. Keehmle, in 1872, the firm became Samuel and Frank Field. Charles Field was a son of Nathan and Sarah. He married Catharine, a daughter of Dr. John White of Phila- delphia, and they had a numerous fami- ly, vi/: I. John W. Field, who m. Eliza, daughter of the late Richard Peters, Jr., who edited the U. S. Su- preme Court Reports for many years. 2. Charles Field, Jr., who in. Mary B. Berry, and d. leaving a widow and three children, Kate, Eleanor and Charles. "Nellie," in. Aug. i, 1876, Edwin A. Pue. 3. Wm. Yardley Field, in. Eliza, dau. of James Bell, dec'd. He died, Jan'y 8, 1861, without issue. 4. Elizabeth Stanley, and 5, Susan W., both of whom died single. 6. Samuel Field, in. to Mary, daughter of Dr. Robert M. Patterson, and have one son, Robert, and one daughter, Mary Stanley. 7. Thomas Yardley Field, a Lt. Col. in the United States Marine Corps, in. to Margaret, a daughter of Hugh Elliott, a Scotchman, now de- ceased, a member of the once well known book house of Gregg & Elliott. They have Thomas Y., Jr., and Elliott Field. 8. Sarah, unmarried. 9. Frank Field, who ///. Sallie Hard of Chester. They have issue, Frank H. and Susan W. 10. Catharine W. Field, m. to the Rev. James B. Crane, of Elizabeth, New Jersey. He was a chaplain in the U. S. Volunteers during the Rebellion, and died leaving her a widow with one son, Burnet Crane. She married, 2nd, Louis Charles Carra, of Parma, Italy, June 14, 1874. II, Edward Field, who died unmarried. Mr. and Mrs. Field had several other children who died in infancy. Susan, Samuel and Thomas Y., were born at the old mill in Delaware County. The Rev. Anson B. Hard had seve- ral children, viz: Mary, Laura W., Sallie, who ;//. Frank Field ; Louisa, wife of Henry K. Kelly, who have issue, Howard A., Louisa W., Nettie, Maggie and Dora. Hr. Hard's only son, Anson W. Hard, resides in New York, where he married Sallie, daugh- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 297 ter of James Brown, and has one son, John B. Hard. The following interesting proceed- ings of a public meeting are given for the purpose of showing who were en- gaged in the business of furnishing stone for the erection of the Delaware Breakwater, the price of stone, &c., and as it is a part of the history of that great enterprise: " At a meeting of a number of gentlemen, interested and engaged in quarrying stone on the Delaware River, held in the Borough of Chester, on Wednesday, the nth of Jan., 1832, John F. Hill, was called to the chair, and Albei-t Eobinson, of Delaware, and Wil- liam Martin, of Pennsylvania, were appointed Secretaries, when the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, We deem the encouragement of monopolies to be inconsistent with the rights of freemen, and dangerous and oppressive in their tendency ; and being more fully con- vinced of this fact from past experience, the dread of further oppression has induced us to attempt an exposition of our grievances, for the purpose of obtaining redress. In attempting this, it is not our intention to say anything dis- respectful of the government, but to prevent, if possible, the effects of unfair representations. In the year 1830, the United States con- tracted with several individuals for the de- livery of stone, at the Capes of the river Dela- ware, for the purpose of constructing a Break- water at that point. Owing to the competition that year, between the contractors, a fair price was obtained for our stone, and most of us, as sub-contractors, sent stone to that work in Messrs. Leipers & Co.'s contract ; but the last year, the contract for the whole of the stone wanted, of the description sent in 1830, was given to two companies, Messrs. Leipers & Co. on the Delaware, and White & Co. on the North River. White & Co. being unable to furnish stone at the contract price (2.20 per perch,) from the North River, or for some other reason, transferred their contract to Leipers & Co. in preference to others who offered them their own terms. Thus, every opportunity of sending stone to the Break- water, but through Leipers & Co., was closed. Leipers & Co. obtained their contract, with- out our having the slightest knowledge that the Government was prepared to make any. Immediately on learning that Congress was about to make an appropriation for continuing the work at the Breakwater, we appointed a committee to enquire of the government whether proposals for supplying stone would be received, when, for the first time, to our astonishment, we learned that Leipers & Co. had obtained the whole contract for the Dela- ware. The effect of this monopoly has been to paralyze the exertions of all — to prevent some from sending any stone, and others to abandon the business as soon as possible ; and those that did send were compelled to pay Leipers & Co. a Bounty of 20 cents a perch for the privilege. Thus they realize from otir lalior about $15,000, without leaving us one cent of profit, and, in some instances, a suiificiency to meet the cost and expenses of quarrying. The total quantity of stone sent to the Breakwater the last year being about one hundred thousand perch, Leipers & Co. not supplying more than fifteen thousand perch from their quarries. We were, in a measure, compelled to sub- mit to the payment of this bounty, as many of us were at that time extensively engaged, and at great expense, in getting out stone for the Breakwater, and having large quantities on hand, which were suitable for no other pur- pose, we had no alttrnative left us but to sell upon their own terms, or abantlon the business at a great loss. If Leipers & Co. could have supplied, from their own quarries, a majority of the stone, there might have been a shadow of justice in the measure ; and this, we presume, the gov- ernment supposed, from the quantity which appeared as sent in their names in 1S30; but the fact is, that many of us can send as many as any of the concern ; and some of us can send more than the combined quarries of the Leipers & Co. We have felt it our duty as citizens, and our right as freemen, freely to assert our opin- ions. We cannot, and, if in our power, will not, suffer influences to be exerted and advan tages to be taken which we conceive alike in- jurious to ourselves and to the public. And, Whereas, From circumstances too evident to be mistaken, we are persuaded that exer- tions are now making by the same concern to obtain the whole contract for the ensuing sea- 21)8 HISTORY OF CHESTER. son, iiolwitlistamliiii^ proposals liave been made, on the pan of the L'niled States, l)y Major Bender, to w it : ' That proposals will be received until the 14th inst., for stone, to be delivered at the Breakwater, from every responsible person, who will contract to deliver 5,000 tons, at $1.80 per ton, for stone weighing from a quar- ter to two and a (piarlcr tons, and $2.50 per ton for those of twi) and a half to five tons, between the ist of April and the 1st of Nov. next.' Therefore, Jiesok'et/, That we approve of the plan and terms proposed by Major Bender, on the part of the United States — that we will hold our- selves severally and individually responsible for the delivery, at the Breakwater, of 120,000 tons of stone, or more if wanted — provided that the proposals already made by us, agreeable to Major Bender's terms, be confirmed by government. /iesoh'fd. That should Leipers & Co., again obtain the contract for supplying the United States with Breakwater stone, we will not as sub-contractors, supply them with any for that work. Resolved, That Dr. Gideon Jacques, of Dela- ware, R. Churchman, and S. M'llvain, of Pennsylvania, be a committee to submit these proceedings to the proper departments of gov- ernment, and make such explanations relative to the contract, as may be most conducive to the views of this meeting. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet- ing be signed by the Chairman and Secretai-v, together with the gentlemen present, and those engaged in the quarrying business, friendly to these measures, with the names of their cpiarries. John F. IIii.i., Chairman, Crum Creek Quarries. Al.liKKT R(JHINSON, ) .• Wii.Li.v.M Martin, | Secretaries. Robinson, Carr & Co., Quarry vilie. Thomas Clyde, Ridley Creek Quarry. Robert Churchman, Ridley Creek. Spencer M'Hvaine, Ridley Creek. Jonathan Roberts, Christiana Creek. William D. Shoemaker, Ridley Creek. ^'oung & Murray, Chester. John Hawkins, Ridley Creek. Ranibo & I'erry, I )elaware near Quarryville. Isaac Henvis, Chester Creek. William Hill, Crum Creek. Thomas B. Shoemaker, Ridley Creek, tiewes iS: Harrison, Naaman's Creek. John Burk, Ridley Creek. Jonathan I'. Worral, Chester Creek. A. M. W^right & Co., Crum Creek. Samuel Lytle, Chester Creek. A short description of the " Dela- ware Breakwater," located near Cape Henlopen, and the mouth of the Dela- ware Bay, may add interest to the foregoing proceedings. From my old friend and class-mate, Lt. Col. John D. Kurtz, of the U. S. Corps of En- gineers, who is now in charge of the Government works and improvements on the river Delaware, I obtained most of the following information — premis- ing however, that from earliest youth, I have been familiar Avith this great national work, having lived at the quarries in Delaware County, that fur- nished a great part of the stone with which it is constructed, and that many of my relatives were contractors for supplying the same. I remember vi- vidly the process of quarrying the large masses of material necessary, the huge stones, varying in size, and weighing from two to seven tons ; the immense excavations made in the earth in the process of quarrying out the rock. Many of these are still to be seen filled with water, which is clear and cold, and most of them are full of cat-fish, sun-fish and roach. In the quarries, great numbers of Irishmen were employed in drilling deep holes in the rocks, for the reception of the blasting powder, to break the stone as it lay in the original mass. I can recall the thunderous roar of the "blasts," like unto the sound of the explosion of a heavy piece of ordnance, or the heavy, deep thud of a "sand-blast," accompanied b}- a tremble of the earth — a small earthcjuake ! The large jjairs II 1 S T ( ) Ji Y (J F il E S T E li . ^99 of wheels that carried the broken rock to the shallops, on Crum or Ridley Creeks, were drawn by oxen ; six or eight pairs being necessary to draw the larger sized stones. Large cranes were erected at the landing places on the banks of the creeks, by the use of which the stone was swung on board the sloops or schooners that carried it to the Breakwater, near Cape Henlopen. Weigh-masters appointed by the Unit- ed States, marked on each stone its weight, before it was shipped on board the vessels. Each quarry had its black- smith shop, wheelwright shop, its boarding houses, its powder house, its store, &c. ; and its owner, bosses, weigh-masters, laborers, ox-drivers, and other employees and their families, formed quite a little community. The store was the centre of attraction for all hands when the work of the day was over. On a fine evening nearly all the principal men of each com- munity gathered around its doors. " The Boss," (the owner of the quarry,) the bosses of the different gangs of workmen, and those pompous Gov- ernment officials, the weigh-masters, the remembrance of whose official dig- nity oppresses me yet. I thought then that Major Richard Delafield, the en- gineer officer in charge of the work, was the great man of his day. Lieut. Carlos A. Waite, his assistant, was in fny eyes, a very dignified person, he came next, and then the weigh-masters. Lieut. Waite, had his office in Ches- ter, in the small square building still standing at the N. E. corner of Gra- ham street and Edgmont avenue, op- posite the site of the first Meeting House of Friends. It was then, in 1833, surrounded by fine large trees, in the midst of a neatly kept yard, and was an attractive spot. 39 The necessity of forming an arti- ficial harbor of refuge for vessels in the Delaware Bay, was first agitated about the year 1822, perhaps earlier. In 1823, Commissioners appointed by the Department of War, examined the Bay and recommended the construc- tion of a Breakwater near Cape Hen- lopen. The necessity of some such place of refuge for vessels in cases of approaching heavy weather having become apparent ; the loss of shipping in consequence of the want of such a natural harbor being so serious as to attract the attention of the whole mer- cantile community. By statistics afterwards compiled by the Philadelphia Chamber of Com- merce, it appeared that between Jan., 1807, and Aug., 1826, 20 ships, 57 brigs, 48 schooners, 43 sloops, and 25 other craft — a total of 193 vessels — had been driven on shore in the neigh- borhood of the Capes, blown out to sea, wrecked, sunk or damaged. Be- tween the 28th of December, 1826, and the 15 th of Jan., 1827 — a period of only 18 days — 62 vessels of all kinds, having cargoes valued in the aggregate at more than ^2,000,000 had been driven to sea, injured by storms and ice, or compelled to seek a precarious anchorage in the bay ; the crews being much injured and frost-bitten. I have in my possession a lithograph of one of the earliest plans of the "Delaware Breakwater," drawn by Lieut. Farley,* U. S. Army, no date given. On it the Breakwater, is stated as intended, 1200 yards long, and the ice-breaker, (which does not ac- complish its intended purpose,) as 500 * John Farley, graduated at the U. S. Military Academy, 2d Lieut, ist Artilleiy, July I, 1823; 1st Lieut. Aug. ist, 1832; re- signed Feb. 29, 1836; Assistant on the Coast Survey, April i, 1837. 300 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. yards in length. The distance between the nearest point of the two parts of the work is given as 550 yards. Some years ago — about 1857 — when Edward Joy Morris, late U. S. Minister to Tur- key, and myself were associated in the practice of law, he was elected to Con- gress, and I prepared some evidence for him, showing the necessity of clos- ing the gap between the Breakwater proper and the Ice-breaker, at the re- (piest of John C. Leijjer, of Ridley, and Henry L. Powell, of Chester. This data Mr. Morris gave to Senator Pearce, of Maryland, who used it in a speech in the U. S. Senate on the sub- ject. Col. Kurtz in his report of Sept. 8, 1 87 1, to the Chief Engineer, says among other things in regard to the Delaware Breakwater : "The completion of this harl)or, according to the original inojcct was reported in last year's annual report. This project was devised more than forty years ago. This harbor is quite too small for the ac- commodation of the vessels which now resort to it. Its position on the coast line is admira- ble for the use it was designed to subserve, that of a harbor of refuge for vessels plying north and south along the Atlantic sea-board. It is situated just half way from Sandy Hook Bay to the mouth of the Chesapeake, and ves- sels can enter it with very little deviation from their routes, and resume their voyages again, with minimum loss of time. I.ast year's report shows that 15,000 vessels were recorded as visiting this harbor. Add- ing those entering and leaving without Ijeing noted, 20,000 or 25,000 may be taken as the number that used the harlior during the year. Its present capacity is determined by the space that is sheltered by the Breakwater ])roper. This is a straight line nearly half a mile long, and it may l)e taken as the diameter of the half circle behind it, the area of which will represent approximately the sheltered harbor. Northeastwardly of the Breakwater is the Ice- breaker structure, a tpiarter of a mile in length, ])ut sejwrated from the Breakwater proper by a gap of nearly ecjual extent, through which the sea rolls in during northeastwardly weather without hindrance. If the sea which now rolls through this gap were excluded, the diameter of the sheltered area would be about doubled, and that area would be increased to between three and four-fold its present extent. The three practicable methods of enlarging the harbor are as follows : ' First. Fill the gap between the Breakwater and Ice-breaker with stone, uniting the two structures, and making the whole a continuous barrier to the sea. The first project will re- (juire 301,600 tons of stone, and cost $1,314,- 200. Second. Prolong the Ice-breaker to the eastward till it laps the Breakwater sufficiently to exclude the sea. The second project will require 443,300 tons of stone, and cost $1,- 944,950. Third. Construct a detached work in ad- vance of the gap of sufficient length to cover it at both ends. This will require 519,200 tons of stone, and cost $2,278,000. The first method is the cheapest, but it pre- vents all access to the harbor by the gap, and requires vessels coming down the Bay, as well as those going up, to pass to the southern end, and enter between Cape Henlopen and the Breakwater. The third method allows access by the gap to vessels entering from either direction. Moreover, it interferes in the least degree with the currents and tides of the harbor, and so best avoids the risk of injuring the depth of water and disturbing the shore lines." A Board of Engineer officers con- stituted in Oct., 1871, to examine the condition of the harbor and report a plan to meet the growing Avants of maritime commerce, and a methoQ^ necessary to increase the area of shelter for vessels at the Breakwater, adopted the first proposition of Col. Kurtz, al- though he ])referred the latter. The Delaware Breakwater as it now stands, was completed in 1869, having been commenced in 1829. The amount of stone used in both structures was 892,528 tons, and the entire cost was ^2,123,505.33. Tlie length of the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 301 Breakwater proper, at the plane of high water, is 2,589 feet, and it rises from 1 1.3 to 14.89 feet above this plane. The depth of water at low tide was then about 30 feet. The number of vessels recorded as having been sheltered at the Break- water from 1833 to 1 87 1, inclusive, is 246,011. During 1873, it afforded re- fuge for 17,474 vessels, of which 192 were ships, 844 steamers, 877 barks, 867 brigs, 13,960 schooners and 735 sloops. The Delaware Pilots recommended that the Breakwater be erected on Shears Shoal, but the Government officers said that in time of war, an enemy could come in and take pos- session. We had no heavy guns then. Had the Breakwater been built at the Shears, we would have had a magnifi- cient harbor, where the largest Ships in the World could have entered at any time. The same quantity of stone used on the Shears, would have made a Breakwater a mile long. XXXI. I HAVE the copy of a proclamation against allowing swine to run at large within the limits of Chester Borough, dated Jan. 7, 1832, signed " William Martin, Chief Burgess. ' ' To that date I haye found mention of the following persons, only, as Chief Burgess, viz. : Jasper Yeates, 1703; Joseph Hoskins, in 1758; Paul Jackson, from 1762 to 1767, and David Cowpland, 1779. It is to be regretted that the old minute books and records of the Borough have been lost. I am in- formed none exist back of 1861, so I am unable to give a list of the Chief Burgesses and other Borough officers. In 1859, the Borough officers of Chester were: Robert Gartside, Chief Burgess; John Brooks, Treasurer; James Riddle, Town Clerk; James Campbell, Joseph Ladomus, James Bell, John Larkin, Jr., Abraham Blakeley, Dr. William Young, Ben- jamin Gartside, William Lear and Ro- bert R. Dutton, Town Council; Job Rulon, Auditor ; Jos. Taylor, yudge of Elections ; Amos Gartside, Inspector ; Isaiah H. Mirkil, Assessor ; Charles Williams, Constable. Since its incorporation as a City, on Feb. 14, 1866, the officers of the municipality have been as follows : Mayors. John Larkin, Jr., 1866101872. Dr. J. L. Forwood, .... 1872 to . City Council. Presidents. William Ward, Esq., . . . • 1866 to 1869. William A. Todd, .... 1869 to 1873. Young S. Walter, .... 1873 to . Members of Council. William Ward, Perciphor Baker, Wm. B. Reaney, Edmund Esrey, James Stephens, William Appleby, Samuel A. Dyer, David W. Morrison, Chas. F. Kenworthy, David S. Bunting, Ellis Smedley, James Ledward, William A. Todd, Jas. A. Williamson, John Hinkson, George Robinson, George Flood, Henry Hinkson, N. Walter Fairlamb, Gideon Speakman, Chas. A. Weidner, Wm. B. Broomall, James Scott, William Hinkson, Crosby P. Morton, George Weigand, Stephen Cloud, Jr., Fred J. Hinkson, Jr., Amos Gartside, Jos. R. T. Coates, J. Wesley Ottey, J. Frank Black, William C. Gray, Jonathan Kershaw, Dr. J. L. Forwood, George Goeltz, William G. Price, Charles Roberts, George Derbyshire, Thomas I. Leiper, J. Engle Hinkson, Jonathan Pennell, Y. S. Walter, William Armstrong, Jno. O. Deshong, Jr., Humphrey Fairlamb. Clerks. Henry L. Donaldson, .... 1866 to 1868. Dr. J. M. Allen, 1868 to 1873. C. H. Allen, 1873 to . Among the retailers of foreign mer- chandize returned by the Constables of the different townships to the Court at January sessions, 1833, I find the following in Chester, viz. ; Joshua P. :;02 IIISTOIIY OF CHESTER. fLyre, Jesse M. Justice, John O. De- shong, Jonathan P. Newlin, George Sneath and Samuel Slawter, who were required to take out licenses. From the Upland Union of March 15, 1833, I copy the following notice: " Dancing School. F. C. Labbe, of Philadelphia, takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of the Bo- rough of Chester and its vicinity, that he contemplates opening a Dancing School at the house of Mr. John J. Thurlow, in this Borough, on the loth or 1 6th of May next, for the reception of pupils. F. C. L. begs leave to as- sure the public, that the strictest at- tention will be bestowed, as well as every effort within his power, which an experience of twenty years has given him, to teach those the art of dancing who may form his class." Chester at that time had a very pleasant circle of society. In winter a series of cotillon parties were given, in the large east room, in the second story, over the dining room of Mr. Thurlow's hotel, the " National ;" and sometimes select Invitation Balls were held in the same room, at which the elite of the town and county were pre- sent. I have the invitation printed on green paper, which led to my going to my first ball. It is as follows : "Birth Night Ball. The pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin's Company is requested at a ball on Wednesday, the 22nd day of February, inst., at John J. Thurlow's National Hotel, Chester. Managers. Levi Reynolds, Samuel Edwards, Caleb H. Booth, Samuel M. Leiper, Samuel H. Kneass, John K. Zeilin, Theodoric H. Porter, William A. Engle, Thomas M. Smith, William Gray, Charles D. Manley, John G. Johnson. Fibruary loth, 1837." This was an annual celebration of Washington's Birthday, and was con- tinued for many years. When first instituted I cannot say; but I have a similar invitation to the above, on yellow paper, for Feb. 22, 1830, for a ball given at the same place, addressed to Mrs. William Martin, and signed by "Robert P. Crosby, Samuel M. Leiper, John K. Zeilin, John L. Cros- by, Dr. William Gray, Archibald T. Dick, Wm. J. Leiper, Joseph Neide and Samuel Edwards, managers." From Gordon' s Gazetteer, 1832, p. 103, (Sic, I extract the following. " Chester, Post-town, Borough and seat of justice of Delaware County, 121 miles N. of Washington City, and 96 miles S. E. of Harris- burg, on the river Delaware, 15 miles S. W. of Philadelphia. This is the most ancient town of Pennsylvania. There were several dwellings and a Quaker meeting here, before the grant to William Penn of 1681. It was then known as 'Upland;' but the name of Chester was substituted by the Proprietary at, and before the granting of the Borough char- ter, on the 31st of Oct., 1701. The first ad- venturers under Penn, landed here on the nth of Dec, 1 681, and were compelled to remain the winter, the river having been frozen over the night of their arrival. On the 4th of Dec, 1682, the first Provincial Assembly was holden here, memorable for having enacted, in a ses- sion of three days, seventy laws, comprising an efficient code for the government of a po- litical society. There are still standing in this ancient town, some old houses, among which is the Church. Perhaps few places in the country have improved less. There is a water power near it, but it is not great, and the l)usiness of the surrounding country lies in Philadelphia. It may contain at present about 134 dwellings, chiefly of stone and brick. A substantial and neat Court House of stone, sur- mounted l>y a cupola and bell, brick offices, and a stone prison, 5 taverns, 4 stores, an AtheuKum, the Delaware County Bank, a Church, and Quaker meeting house. A manufactory of straw paper has lately been established near the town. For the accom- modation of the trade of the Delaware, there arc siers sunk in the river opposite the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 303 tcnvn, which have been lately repaired by the U. S. Population in 1830, only 848. There are here six practicing Attorneys and two Physicians." The Directory of 1859-60, states that "Chester, from its earliest settlement, grew at a very slow pace. Holm says of it in 1702: ' Macoponaca, which is called Chester, was a bare place, with- out a Fort, but there were some stone houses built there.' Oldmixon says of it in 1 70S, that it had 'One hundred houses. ' This would give a population of probably 500 persons." Acrelius, writing about 1754, says Chester has 120 houses ; yet by the census of 1820, a population of only 657 is given it, and in 1850, it had increased to no more than 1667, making an increase of about 1000 persons in thirty years, averaging about thirty-four per annum, and in 142 years, but about eight per- sons per annum. In Hazard'' s Register, 13 vol., 9, (1834,) it is stated that "Chester contains about 150 houses and 1000 inhabitants." Chester's po]nilation in 1820, was 657; in 1830, 848. In 1840, Chester Borough and township had a popula- tion of 1790. In 1850, the Borough had 1667. The census of Chester for 1859, taken expressly for the Directory, was, white males, 1865 ; white females, j 1927 ; colored males, .142 ; females, 173 — total, 4107. In i860, the records of the Prothonotary's office of the County Courts fixes the population at 463 1 , while the U.S. census report gives it as: males, 2,055; females, 2,159, ^ total of 4,214. In 1870, the census gives 9,500 souls. Delaware County contains 113,289 acres and has a popu- lation of 39,451. The census of 1790, gives, white males of 16 yrs. and up- wards 2,536; females over 16 yrs., 2,113; white males and females, in- cluding heads of families, 4,495 J ^^^ other free persons, 289; slaves, 50. Total, 9,483. The census of 1800 give a total population in the county of 12,809. And that of 1810, of 14,- 734. The following table is of great interest, as showing the increase of population in the County and in the townships, from 1820 to 1870. 1820 1830 1840 1850 i86o 1870 Aston .... 753 1070 1469 1558 1671 1870 Bethel ... 324 367 386 426 511 554 Birmingham . 515 584 605 566 621 765 Concord . . . 1032 iod2 1357 1049 1229 1257 Chester Boro' . 657 2481/1667 4631 9500 Chester To wn'p 63S 672 J (.1553*2026*1468 Darby Borot.gh) < 780 1200 Darby fown'p J ' = \ ^^^ ^^^ Upper Darby . 692 1325 1489 2044 2571 3133 Edgmont ... 640 758 713 621 647 678 Haverford . . 786 980 1139 1401 1350 1360 U. Chichester . 413 431 475 531 555 541 L. Chichester ] ^^^ ,_ „, f 422 ) Mar.HookBor.l ^"^ ''= ''M 492/ ''' "'^ INIarple . . . 700 793 759 876 916 883 Middletown . . 994 1188 1451 1972 2397 2559 U.Providence 1 , 780 1 778 884 760 Media Borough i ^ '^ I 285 900 1080 N. Providence 566 747 1025 1457 1497 1480 Newtown . . 611 667 752 824 830 760 Radnor . . . 1059 1097 1205 1335 1230 1440 Ridley ... 893 1058 1075 1389 1324 1140 Springfield . . 576 700 860 1033 1109 1245 Thornbury . . 537 610 675 873 1017 1007 Tinicum . . . 182 166 153 178 193 147 Upland 1345 South Chester 1163 14810 17361 19791 24640 30597 39451 * Village of Upland included, which in 1850 contained 436 inhabitants. The Directory of 1859 says that : — " Until the year 1849, hemmed in by farms, which the possessors did not seem willing to relinquish, but few improvements wei-e made beyond the seeming exigencies of the small population. Though enterprise wished for an outlet upon which to exercise its energies, the surrounding land-owners did not recognize its claim to a wider scope. From 1839 to 1848, but very few houses were erected. Towards the last of February of the latter year, the store and dwelling of Preston Eyre, comprising all the N. W. corner of Market Square, was burnt; and under the ownership of John M. Broomall, the site was embellished with fine stores, of ample dimensions. From this date others multiplied, and a stimulus seemed to 304 HISTORY OF CHESTER. have been ijiveii Id Ijiiiklinj^ ami trade. This was increasetl by some fortunate eirciimstances, the most prominent of which was the l^ringing into market of some of the farms that had been a barrier to the growtli of tliis ancient Borough. One of these farms was ]iart of tiie old Wade property, which with some additional land, comprised 64 acres along the Delaware, southwest of Chester Creek. Mr. Broomall's enterprise, in conjunction with that of John P. Crozer, induced the purchase of this tract in 1849. Streets of ample width were laid out, and lii>eral inducements given to all who needed improved dwellings. By building and selling at cost, and in many instances ad- vancing to those without capital three-fourths of the means necessary to build a dwelling, these gentlemen soon dotted the new pur- chase over with modernized habitations. In 1855 Mr. Broomall bought out the interest of Mr. Crozer, and has since pursued the same liberal policy to those in need of a home. Upon this purchase there have been built forty-four brick dwellings, two cotton facto- ries, five cotton and M'oolen factories, one bleaching and finishing factory, one dying factory, one oil mill, one steam saw and plan- ing mill, one sash and door factory, one large seminary, numerous shops, coal and lumber yards, three ship yards, and six hundred and ten feet of wharfing, besides other imiM'ove- ments. One year subsequent to this purchase, in 1850, John Larkin, Jr., bought part of the Cochran estate, lying towards the northeastern part of the Borough, and with a laudable spirit of improvement, vigorously addressed himself to the task of making a new and regu- larly built town. His policy, likewise, has been of a highly liberal character, by placing the price of lots on a scale so low as at once to enable those in moderate circumstances to buy, and induce the capitalist to seek liberal investments. The old race course which was upon the property, where feats of agile horse- manship prevailed, and time, money and rough jests were freely expended, is now the scene of the steady march of improvement. The hum of industry is heard instead of the sportsman's halloo, and the racer and his jockey are supplanted by the steam engine and the swiftly revolving machinery. When Mr. I.arkin purchased the property it was one enclosure, with one small stone house and stable upon it. At this date it contains two hundred and sixty dwellings, four cotton mills, one machine shop and foundry, two brick yards, one steam sash door and furni- ture factory, one market house, one boarding school, one coach maker and smith shoj), two public schools, one bakery, ten stores, and an Odd Fellow's Hall. In 1852, F. & A. Wiggins, of New York, purchased the balance of the Cochran estate, lying to the north of Mr. Larkin's improve- ments, and having opened streets through the new purchase, facilities are afforded to those who wish to purchase eligible sites for home- steads. Of this the Right Reverend Alonzo Potter, Bishop of Pennsylvania, purchased seveenteen acres, upon which is the old man- sion house of the Cochran's, where occasional hours are spent from the arduous field of ministerial labor. The manufacturing interests of Chester, have received their greatest impulse since 1848. In that year, Mr. James Campbell, the most extensive manufacturer of cottons in the Borough, led the way. His mill was the old jail at the N. W. corner of Work and Market streets, to which additions were built to some extent along the former street, to accommodate the various machinery. The same building is at present occupied by the enterprising Mr. Stephens, Mr. Campbell having removed to a more extensive site upon a fine avenue, Broad street, laid out by Mr. John Larkin. Mr. Campbell has been followed by Messrs. Stephens, Blakeley, Green, Eccles, Knowles, Leiper and Irving, and the Gartsides, all of whom, by their industry and perseverance, bid fair to make Chester eminent in the in- terests in which they are engaged. So far as we have been able to approximate the real condition of the cotton and woolen manufac- tures, they may be condensed as follows : Number of operatives, 5110 ; number of looms, 518; spindles, 16,260; yards of fabric manu- factured per annum, 4,000,000. Investments, $362,000; sales per annum, $529,000. The oldest foundry in Delaware County is located in Chester, having been established by Mr. Kitls, in 1836; ills now owned by Charles A. W^eidner, and worked by W'eidner & Co., who are at present putting the works in thorough repair, preparatory to extensive business. In the same business, Lewis Mil- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 305 ler, on Broad street, and John Haycock, on Filbert street, are building up the same in- terest by the conquering power of steam, and human skill and industry." The Delaware County Democrat, a weekly paper established in Chester, in 1835, edited by Caleb Pierce,* publish- ed in its columns during its brief ex- istence, an article headed, ^'- First settle- ment of America — Original Reminis- cences of Chester, and of St. Pauf s Epis- copal Church,'''' written by the late Rev. Richard D. Hall, then Rector of St. Paul's. It is often referred to by his- torical writers and others, and portions thereof quoted, so that it has become a part of the history of Chester, and although containing may errors that I have before alluded to and corrected, is very interesting. Mr. Hall, says: "Although the English had very early made the discovery of North America, a considerable time elapsed before any advantages accrued, and to Sir Armigal Wadd, an Englishman of Yorkshire, clerk of the Council to Hen- ry VIII. and Edward VI., belongs the honor, as the first of his countrymen, of making discoveries in America. Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1584, was the first Englishman who attempted to plant a regular colony under grants in it. In this year he obtained a patent from Queen Elizabeth, for him and his heirs, to discover and possess forever, under the crown of England, all such countries and lands as were not then possessed by any Christian prince, or inhabited by Christian people. En- couraged by this grant, Raleigh and other partners, at divers times fitted out * On March 22, 1737-8, the Council order- ed Caleb Pierce, Samuel Levis, Aaron James, Moses Key, Thomas Gilpin and Samuel Bunt- ing, to review a certain road in the county of Chester. Familiar names, these, at the pres- ent day. ships, and settled a colony at Roanor, in Virginia, now Roanoke, in North Carolina; but notwithstanding various attempts, they met with such discour- agements, that no great improvements were made until some time after- wards. In the year 1606 King James, with- out any regard to Raleigh's rights, granted a new patent to Virginia, in which was included New England, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland ; from Queen Elizabeth's time to the time of this patent, the whole country bearing that name, which was given it by Raleigh, in honor of his virgin mistress, as some say ; others have it, that it took its rise from the country not being settled before. The extent of the land granted, was from thirty- four to forty-five degrees of north lati- tude, with all the islands lying within one hundred miles of the coast. By virtue of this patent, two distinct colo- nies were to be planted. The London Company fitted out several ships with artificers of every kind, and all things requisite for a new settlement, which sailed for America, and planted a colo- ny there; but in the year 1623. there were so many complaints made of bad management, that the patent, after a trial in the King's Bench, was declared forfeited. In the same year the patent was grant- ed, the Plymouth Company also at- tempted to make a settlement, but with no great success, until about the year 1620, when they sent a fresh recruit from England, under the command of Captain Standish, who arrived at Cape Cod, in the latitude of forty-two de- grees, and having turned the Cape, found a commodious harbor opposite the point, at the mouth of the Bay, at the entry of which were two islands oOO mSTOKV OF CHESTEK. well storked with wood. Here they built a town whi( h they called New Plymouth. From what appears, it is evident that the Colonies, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, were in- cluded in the great patent last mention- ed, but that becoming void, the crown was at liberty to re-grant the same to others ; but it does not appear that any part of tho.se Provinces was settled by virtue thereof; nor indeed was any dis- tinct discovery of them made until many years afterwards. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other lands adjacent, notwithstanding the ancient right of the crown of England, deduced as afore- said, had two pretenders to them — the Dutch and the Swedes. The claim the former set up, was under color of a discovery made in the year 1509, by Henry Hudson, an Englishman, com- mander of a ship called the Half Moon, fitted out from Holland by the East In- dia Company, to discover by a North- west passage, a nearer way to China. In this voyage, he sailed up to the i)lace now New York, and up the river from him called Hudson's river. Returning some time after to Amsterdam, the Dutch pretended to have purchased the chart he made of the American coast ; and having obtained a patent from the State in 1614, to tradetoNew England, they settled New York, which they called New Netherlands, and kept pos- session until Sir Sam. Argole, Gover- nor of Virginia, disputed their title, alleging that the country having been discovered by an Englishman, in right of his master, he could not suffer it to be alienated from the crown, without the King's consent. He therefore com- pelled the Dutch colony to submit to him, and to hold it under the English. Some time after, a new Governor coming from Amsterdam, they not only neglected to pay their usual acknowl- edgment to tlie Governor of Virginia; but in the year 1623, they fortified their colony by building several forts; one on the Delaware, ( by them called South river,) near Gloucester in New Jersey, which they named Nassau; a second on Hudson's, (the North River,) in the Province of New York, which they named Fort Orange, now Albany; and a third on Connecticut river, (by them called the Fresh river,) which they named the House of Good Hope. Hudson's river lying near the sea, and the navigation esteemed less difficult than the other, their settlements were chiefly on both sides of that river; at the entrance of which the town by them also called New Amsterdam, was built. So that by the time the Swedes came in- to America, which was a few years after, the Dutch had wholly quitted the land adjacent to the river Delaware. The proceedings of the Dutch in building the forts, and in a manner taking possession of the country, having been represented to King Charles the First, his ambassadors at the Hague, made such pressing instances to the States, that they disowned having given any commission for what the Dutch had done, and laid the blame on their East India Comj)any. Upon this King Charles gave a commission to Sir George Calvert, afterwards Lord Bal- timore, to possess and plant that part of America now called Maryland, (from his Queen Henrietta Maria,) and to Sir Edward Ployden to ])lant the Northern parts towards New England. The Dutch, afraid of the power of the Eng- lish, were willing to compound matters a second time, offering to leave their plantations in consideration of two tliousand five hundred jjounds sterling, HISTORY OF CHESTER. :;()7 to be paid them for the charges they had been at. Soon after King Charles being involved in his troubles, was hindered from supporting his colonies ; they therefore not only fell from their first proposals, but as was reported, fur- nished the natives with arms and taught them the use of them, that by their as- sistance they might dispossess the Eng- lish all around them. We shall now turn our attention to the Swedes, whose first settlement in America, according to their own ac- count, was thus occasioned. In the reign of Gustavus Adolphus, and in the year 1626, an eminent merchant, named William Useling, gave a great character of this country, applauding it for fruitful, fertile land, abounding with all the necessaries of life, and used many inducements to persuade the Swedes to settle a colony here. Gus- tavus issued a proclamation at Stock- holm, exhorting his subjects to con- tribute to a company associated for the purpose aforesaid, which was called the West India Company, confirmed by that Prince. In a General Assem- bly, the year following, sums of money were raised to carry on the intended settlement, to which the King, Lords of the Council, the Chief of his Ba- rons, Knights, Counts, principal of- ficers in his army, Bishops, Clergy, and divers of the common people of Sweden, Finland and Lapland con- tributed ; and responsible persons were chosen to see what was proposed put in execution, consisting of an Admi- ral, Vice-Admiral, merchants, factors, commissaries, and it was concluded to procure as many as they thought fit, of those who would voluntarily ship themselves to America, to settle and cultivate a colony. } In 1627, the Swedes and Finns ac- \ cordingly came over thither. Their first landing was at Cape Inlopen, now Henlopen. The sight created a plea- sure, and they named it Paradise Point. Some time after, they purchased of some Indians, the land from Cape Inlopen to the Falls of Delaware, on both sides of the river, which they called New Swedeland Stream, and made presents to the Indian chiefs to obtain peaceful possession of the lands purchased. The Dutch, however, con- tinuing their pretensions, in 1630, one j David Pieterszen de Vries, their coun- tryman, built a fort within the Capes of the Delaware on the west, about two leagues from Cape Cornelius, at the place now called Lewis Town, then and after called by the name of Hoarkill. In 1 63 1, the Swedes also built a fort on the west side of the Delaware, to which they gave the name of Chris- teen, which was destroyed by the Dutch from New Amsterdam, or New York, in 1655; and being upon a water-course falling into the Delaware, it gave rise to the name which it bears to the present day, with some little variation, namely, — the Christiana. Here a small town (near the pre- sent venerable building called Trinity church, which bears date 1698, and was erected in the place of a log edi- fice of many years standing,) was laid out by Peter Lindstnim, their engi- neer, and here they first settled, but this settlement was afterwards demo- lished by the Dutch. It is a tradition handed down by the first Swedish set- tlers, that their fathers were obliged to keep sentinels during their public worship in their log church, for fear of an attack from the Indians. On the island called Tennicum, now the site of the Lazaretto, the Swedes erected another fort, which they nam- :5o^ IIISTORV OF CllESTEK. ed New Gottenhurg ; this fort was also destroyed by the Dutch from New Amsterdam, or New York, in 1655. A church was consecrated in 1646,* and John Printz, then (Governor, built a fine house, and other suitable accom- modations, planted an orchard, and called his settlement Printz's Hall. The principal freemen had also their plantations on this island. About this time the Swedes also built forts at Upland, and other places. As this is the first mention made of Chester, in any document or history extant, at least to our knowledge, we must take it for granted that in this year the pre- sent town of Chester was settled, and settled as we have already seen by the Swedes and Finns. On the old maps of Campanius, the Swedish historian, and Lindstrbm, among other places named or held by the Swedes, we find the present Chester, called Manaiung. * 111 the " History of Ne7i> Sweden,"' l)y Israel Acrelius, a translation of which was lately published by the Historical Societies of Pennsylvania and Delaware, there is a state- ment concerning the ancient bell on the old Swedes' church at Tinicum (Tenacon), Dela- ware County. The document is in the form of a certificate of transfer from a daughter of (iov. Printz, one of the early Swedisli ruler-, on the Delaware. It reads thus: "l.Ais 1)1:0, May, 24, 1673. I , the undersigned, Armegot Printz, acknow- ledge to have transferred to the congregation of the Adherents of the Augsburg Confession in this place the hell that has been on Tcnna- kong, that they may do therewith what pleases them, and promise to keep them free from all claims that may be made, &c., &c., &c. .'Vrmec.ot Printz." There was great complaint about this among the Swedish congregation of the Tenacon church, and they bought their bell back again by two years' reai)ing in harvest time. (Jov. Printz, who arrived there in 1643, ''"''t a church in 1646, which was consecrated on the 4th of September in that year, and elsewhere in the history said to be the'lirst Swedes' church built in America. It was on this church that the bell was, that was sold by his daughter, Armegot, in 1673. In 1675, ^oiiie Friends settled at Chester, probably from the Jersey col- ony; and this is here noted to correct an- error, that they, as the companions of William Penn, were the first settlers of Chester. One of the original names of the town was Upland. By this name also, it is recognized by William Penn, in giving his directions for set- tling his colony, in 1681, and locat- ing a "great towne." In an account of Philadelphia, and the Province of Pennsylvania, down to the year 1696, Chester is mentioned as one of the four great market towns, and as " mightily enlarged in this latter improvement." There are several facts of interest connected with the ancient town of Chester — the foundation of the vener- able church edifice and congregation of the Episcopal Church, known by the name of St. Paul's — and also the landing of William Penn, in 1682, and the hospitable reception himself and friends received at the "Essex-house," then the residence of Robert Wade. His house, at which the scene of the landing is laid, stood about 200 yards from Chester Creek, near the margin of the Delaware, and on a plain of about 15 feet above tide water. Near the house, by the river side, stood several lofty yellow pines, two of which remain at the present day, and thence ranging down the Delaware, stood a large row of lofty walnut trees, of which none survive. As a striking relic of ancient times, the brick building is still standing, now in the occupancy of Samuel Long, as a cooper's shop, in which, it is said, was held the first Assembly of Penn- sylvania. It is a storied and a half structure, of moderate dimensions, bearing many of the features of the ancient architecture of this country, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 309 located close by the side of the creek. Attached, there stands a stone house which bears the marks of great age, said to have been erected in 1690, and used for a Friends' meeting house. It is now occupied by Mr. Long's family. About seventeen years after Penn's landing, in 1699, the first mill in the county was erected one mile from the town, and now owned by Richard Flower. The Yeates' house, now in the Lo- gan family, and doubtless considered in its time the largest and most splen- did, built about the year 1700, was made remarkable in the years 1 740-1, the "cold winter," for having been visited in the night by a large black bear, which came into the yard and quarrelled with the dog. It was killed next day, near the town. The original expectations of Ches- ter, at one time, were great. It was once thought it might grow into a shipping port. In an original petition of the inhabitants of Chester, of the year 1700, they pray, that 'Whereas, Chester is daily improving, and in time may be a good place, that the Queen's road, (the road below Chester was call- ed the King's road,) may be laid out as direct as possible from Darby to the bridge on Chester Creek. ' This paper was signed by ninety inhabitants, all writing good and fair. Besides this, Jasper Yeates, an ancestor of the pre- sent family in Lancaster County, and who married a daughter of one of the early settlers of Chester, James Sandi- lands, erected, about the year 1700, the present extensive building now in the tenure of Samuel Smith, Esq., and repaired and refitted completely for dwellings, and commonly known by the name of the " Granary." It was built as a repository for grain, and the basement story for an extensive biscuit bakery. For some time it had an ex- tensive business, by having much of the grain from the fruitful fields of Lancaster and Chester Counties. When the first colonists, who arriv- ed by the ship Factor in i68i, under Penn, were frozen up at Chester, and these being followed by several ships in the spring of 1682, before the plot of the city of Philadelphia was chosen and located, they must have given an air of city life to the Upland Village, which may have well excited an ori- ginal expectation and wish of locating here, " the city of brotherly love." It was all in unison with the generous hospitality afforded at Wade's house, and among all the families of Friends previously settled there from Jersey — but Chester Creek could not compete with the Schuylkill River, and Chester was rivalled by Philadelphia — 'so that it seemed appointed by its two rivers and other conveniences, for a town.' The concluding remarks of the au- thor of the Annals of PJuladelphia, to whom the present writer is indebted for much of the foregoing matter, are very striking : 'At this late day, it is grateful to look back with 'recollected tender- ness,' on the state of society once pos- sessing Chester. My friend, Mrs. Lo- gan,* who once lived there, thus ex- pressed it to me : ' She had pleasure in her older age of contemplating its society as pictured to her by her hon- ored mother, a native of the place. Most of the inhabitants, being descen- dants of the English, spoke with the broad dialect of the North. They were a simple-hearted, affectionate people, always appearing such in the visits she * Relict of the late Dr. Logan, several years engaged in public life. Mrs. L. and the Dr. were lineal descendants of the Penn colonists. :}10 HISTORY OK CHESTEK. miulc witli Ikt niothcr to that place. Little distinction of rank was known, but all were honest and kind, and all entitled to and received the friendly attentions and tenderness of their neighbors in cases of sickness and dis- tress. Scandal and detraction, usual village pests, were to them unknown. Their principles and feelings were too good and simple, and the state of the whole was at least a silver age." XXXII. From the Life of jFohii P. Crozcr, written by J. Wheaton Smith, D. D., of Philadelphia, 1868, pp. 128-9, I make the following extracts, premising that the reverend author might haVe made a much more interesting work out of his subject : " Upland is beautifully situated upon Chester Creek, about two miles from its entrance into the Delaware. It is within the limits of the ancient town of Chester. Chester was settled by the Swedes in 1643, and has the dis- tinction of being the oldest town in the State of Pennsylvania. English settlers had found their way among the Swedes before the arrival of William Penn, and landings by the English had also been effected on the Dela- ware, above and below the original site of Chester. Indeed as early as 1640, Puritans from Connecticut, de- sirous ' of planting Churches of a God- ly sort,' and to trade and traffic with the Indians along the Delaware Bay,' made a purchase of land for ;,^30 ster- ling, transported thither about fifty families, and erected trading houses. This curious connection between piety and trade, illustrates a trait not yet wholly eradicated from Connecticut ( haracter. It is much in the vein of a letter to Secretary Wallingford, from the good old navigator, Capt. Davis, who, with a simplicity that is quite re- freshing, says : ' If these people (the Indians of America) were once brought over to Christian faith, they might soon be brought to relish a more civilized kind of life, and be thereby induced to take off great quantities of our coarser woolen manufactures. ' It was probably this party of New Englanders, whose progress awakened the attention of William Kieft, the Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam, who, in 1642, fitted out two sloops to drive the En- glish from the mouth of the Schuyl- kill." The present Upland is near the site of the famous "Chester Mills," which were framed in England, and brought to this country in the "Welcome," and erected in 1683. Traces of the old mill dam are still visible, and the old log platform under water, still re- mains, or at least did some years ago, at the ford where the King's road to Philadelphia once passed the creek. The old dwelling of Caleb Pusey, who erected the mill, is still preserved on the estate. The old mill that was burned down about twelve years ago, was built in 1745, by Samuel Shaw. I remember visiting "Flower's Mills" when I was a lad, and being attracted by a curious old iron weather vane on the saw-mill. That relic of the olden time is now doing duty on the building of the Historical Society of Penna. , No. 820 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. It had no pointer to it when I first saw it on the mill. Now the old tail-piece has become the pointer, and a large feather-end or tail-piece has been add- ed, and the whole gilded, and our old country friend is no longer to be recognized. The change is as great HISTORY OF CHESTER. 311 as when the country lad becomes a city dandy, and my old friend Reece Wall Flower, would be astonished if he could see how the old relic he presented to the Society has been preserved. The original Vane was made of wrought iron, very roughly. In a frame.are the letters S. C. C. P., and under these a band, and resting on a lower band, the figures 1699 ; resting on a top band, over the above letters, are two others, W. P. The letters indicate the names of the then owners of the old mill — William Penn, Samuel Carpenter and Caleb Pusey, and the date 1699, of the erection of the vane. There were other partners it is stated, who agreed to erect one or more water- mills. Richard Townsend says, (i Proud, 229) : "After some time I set up a mill on Chester Creek, which I brought ready framed from London, which served for grinding of corn and sawing of boards, and was of great use to us." In Day s Hisiorical Collections, \'&\t^, 303, and Watson' s Annals, i vol., 128, the old dwelling with a hipped roof addition added by Samuel Shaw% is spoken of (a picture of it given,) as the residence of Richard Townsend. Dr. Smith, 147, says, Townsend was only one of the partners ; the others were, Philip Ford, John Bellars, David Worley, Daniel Quare, John Barker, John Bickley and Thomas Burberry. These parties agreed that Caleb Pusey should be the Agent and Manager. Warrants for two parcels of land, one on each side of Chester Creek, were surveyed for the use of the mills, each containing twenty acres. Upon this land Caleb Pusey erected the mills above spoken of, by order of the Pro- prietary and his partners. Samuel Carpenter was not one of the original partners. The circumstances of his ownership are set forth in Dr. Smith's History of the County, pp. 563-4, and are thus explained by Henry G. Ash- mead, Esq., of Chester, who says: — "I have in my possession a deed, bear- ing date Dec. 19, 1705, which sets forth, Samuel Carpenter, a merchant, of Philadelphia, by this instrument conveys his interest in the Chester Mills to Caleb Pusey. This old deed relates that William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of the said Province, together with Philip Ford, John Bellars, Daniel Worley, Daniel Quare, John Barker, Richard Townsend, John Bickley, Thomas Burberry and Caleb Pusey, ' Did ver- bally agree upon a Co-partnership, in one or more Water Mills by them in- tended to be built and Erected in the said Province ; and in Geer, Utensills and Implements proper for such an undertaking and in such Lands, Build- ings and Conveniences as might be necessary to accomplish the same.' The property was divided into shares, and each party received that propor- tion of shares that his interest entitled him to, and Caleb Pusey was appoint- ed agent and manager of the ' said joint concern.' In 1683, Caleb Pu- sey, ' with the advice of the s* Pro- prietary and such others of the said Partners as then were in the Province,' erected ' a corn-mill ' upon Chester Creek, ' near his new dwelling house. Which Mill, with the Dam belonging to it, were soon Carried away by a flood. And the said Caleb Pusey after- wards by the advice of the said Pro- prietary and y'' other partner, that was here, Did upon y* said Joynt Account Build another Corn Mill and a Saw Mill upon the part of the said Twenty acres of Land, and Made a Dam over 312 HISTORY OF CHESTER. the said Creek, a little above where the first Mill stood. But the floods carried away that Dam, whereupon the said Partners then present, Consider- ing the Violence of the said Creek in Times of Land Floods, found it most advissable to Take the Water out of the Creek about a Mile above the said Mill, and for that purpose the said Caleb Pusey, purchased of one Thomas Breassey a slip of land of about four perches in bredth adjoining upon y* said creek containing about Two Acres where he Digged and made a mill-race or Water Course down to the s*^ mill.' The charge of making this mill-race, and the necessary repairs to the mill building, absorbed all the earnings of the mill, and Caleb Pusey borrowed from time to time, money from Robert Turner to pay for the improvements. All the partners but Penn and Pusey — Richard Townsend had transferred his interest before that to Pusey — refused to pay the amount assessed to each share, and were thereupon sued by Turner for ^390 8^. id. half-penny. Judgment was entered in his favor on the 14th of June, 1692, and the Cor- oner, Jacob Simcock, — Pusey was at that time Sheriff of the county, and interested in the suit, — instructed to collect that amount by sale of the pro- perty. Twelve men, summoned for that purpose, assessed the property at ^S^o. It was then offered at public sale, but ' found no buyers,' where- upon, on the 13th day of September, 1692, 'f»suant to the Laws of this Provence in such case provided,' the Coroner sold the interests of the de- linquent parties to Robert Turner, at the appraisement ; and he the same day transferred the property to Sam- uel Carpenter, who, until the date of this flced, thirteen vears afterwards, acted as a partner with Penn and Pusey. It is an interesting fact, not men- tioned in the old deed, that William Penn was present and saw the first log laid in the first dam, that was swept away by the flood. The old deed is written on two sheets of parchment, fastened together at the bottom by catgut, so that they fold one into the other. In the center of this lap at the bottom, a tongue or tag of parchment has been inserted through both sheets, and then sewed down. On the lap at the bottom of the deed is the signature, in a bold round hand, ' Sam : Carpenter. ' The letters ' ter,' are made to run over on the tag or tongue. Below the signature, on the tag, is Carpenter's seal. It looks as though it was an impression made by a ring, and shows a heart pierced di- agonally by two arrows. Carpenter at that time was a single man, as he alone is mentioned as grantor. It is witnessed by Robert Burrow, Thomas England and David Lloyd. The ac- knowledgment was made before Jasper Yeates, and is certified as being re- corded Feb. 4, 1 706, by Peter Evans, Recorder. The seal of Justice Yeates is so defaced that I cannot decipher it. That of the Recorder bears a shield, divided transversely by a broad bar. The figure in the upper divisions I cannot make out; that in the lower is a partly opened scroll, rolled at each end. Circling the seal is 'Chester Covnty. Inrolmt. Office.' It will be noticed, that this old deed uses the words, 'Said joint concern.' Recently the London publication, iV^^/^j- and Queries, stated that 'concern,' when applied to a business, or used with a like meaning, was an American- ism. Yet this old indenture, over 171 years of age, shows that the term, HISTORY OF GUESTEK. 313 as we now apply it was in common use then, and that too among educated people who had but recently come from England. Like many other so- called Americanisms, the origin of ' concern' might, without much diffi- culty, be traced back to the mother country." The '^ Fenn Papers,'' consisting of original letters, MSS., documents, charters, grants, printed papers, rare books and pamphlets, relating to Wil- liam Penn, the early history of Pennsyl- vania and of this country, passed into the hands of a dependent or relative of the Penn family, after the death of Thomas Gordon Penn, in 1869, the last surviving descendant of the name, who sold these invaluable papers to a rag-dealer in London, for a mere trifle. He, discovering their value, sold them to Edward G. Allen, a dealer in old manuscripts, I believe, who sold them, in 1873, to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, for about $4000. Their historical value cannot be estimated, but some idea may be formed of the quantity when it is known, that when arranged, it is expected they will make over 100 volumes of matter. The following "History of Chester, Fa., by the Hon. John M. Broomall," is taken from tht Delaware Fiver and West Jersey Failroad Commercial Di- rectory, for 1872, pp. 93, 94, 95, 96, and is in these words : " The cily of Chester, is situated on the west bank of the Delaware River, below Phil- adelphia. Its distance from Market Street wharf, measured on the river, is about twenty miles, while that from Market Street bridge, on the Schuylkill, by the Philadelphia and Baltimore post-road, is but thirteen. This difference is mainly owing to the great l)end in the Delaware, about the mouth of the Schuylkill, known as the Horse-shoe. The line of highland on which the higher portion of West Philadelphia is located, re- cedes from the shore line, and running nearly straight along the island limits of the Tinicum meadows, approaches the river about a mile above Chester. At this point the meadow land narrows to a mere strip, and gradually disappears altogether on the approach to the town. The site of Chester is as high above tide-water as that of West Philadelphia. While Chester is twenty miles nearer the Capes by water than Philadelphia, the dis- tance between the limits of the two cities by land, is but about eight miles, and the actual distance between the built-up portions of each is rapidly diminishing. The two cities will be united along the highlands long before any great improvement will be made along the river line between them. Chester is the oldest town in Pennsylvania. The titles of its town lots extend back through the ownership of Europeans and their descend- ants to 1645. A village of considerable size existed there in 1682, at the time of the found- ing of Philadelphia, containing a market house, court house, schools, places of public worship, a flour mill and several taverns. It is well known that Penn intended locating his city there, but was prevented mainly by the fear that it might prove to be within the limits of Lord Baltimore's domain. There is good reason to suppose that this fear was not with- out foundation, and more than that, that the removal to the mouth of the .Schuylkill did not mend the matter. It is shrewdly suspect- ed that nothing but Penn's influence at Court saved him from holding his grant under Lord Baltimore, if at all, up to a line considerably north of Philadelphia. Chester was the seat of Government cjf the Colony of Pennsylvania for several years. It continued to be the seat of justice of Chester County until 1788, when West' Chester de- prived it of that honor. This event was im- mediately followed by a division of the county, when Chester became the seat of justice of the new county of Delaware, and remained so until 1850. At that period, the courts and records were removed to Media, a point five miles in- land, about the middle of the county, the pre- sent seat of justice. After the establishment of Philadelphia, Chester gradually declined in importance, if not in population and extent. For a century and a half nothing but its Court house distin- :U4 HISTORY OF CHESTER. guished il from Mucus Hook, its neighboring fishin;T town. Long since the comm encement of the present century, its inhabitants consisted of throe or four tavern iceepers, a doctor, a few dozen fishermen, two country storekeepers and a custom house-oflicer, whose arduous duties consisted of signing a receipt for his small salary four times a year. About 1840, however, a spirit of innovation began to exhibit itself, a little to the alarm and discomfort of the old inhabitants. Delaware County had always contained much of the elements of progress, and the county town could not always escape the contamination. Manufactures of paper, cottons, woolens, iron, &c., had sprung up in various parts of the county, and it began to be perceived that steam upon tidewater is better than water power a few miles off. The advantages of Chester as a seat for manufacturing establishments soon became manifest, and from that lime onward, its progress in material wealth and population has surprised even the most far-seeing. In 1840, the popahtion was 700 ; in 1 850, 1600; in 1860,6400; and in 1870, including the suburbs, about 14,000. Not many towns in Pennsylvania, or anywhere east of it, can show a corresponding increase. With equal advantages of location, Marcus Hook and New Castle have remained nearly stationary during that period of thirty years. j. In 1827, the first stationary steam engine was started in Chester, and its advent produced more sensation among the simple villagers than did the downfall of the French monar chy. Now the number in operation is about sixty. These engines operate 28 cotton and woolen mills, 8 machine shops, and some 18 or 2<3 other manufacturing establishments. The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti- more Railroad passes through the town with 23 trains daily, including six from the Ralti- more Central road, and the new route along the highlands, which will soon be opened, will render Chester accessible to Philadelphia every half hour in llie day without crossing the Schuylkill and Tinicum meadows, which constitutes so uninviting a feature of the pre- sent road, with its ditches, swamps and draw- bridges. This new route is already attracting the attention it deserves, pa.ssing as it does, through a country beautifully midulating and rich as a garden, with streams of pure spring water coursing every ravine. Already streets are being laid out and buildings erected upon them, promising a continuous town, so that the southern traveller, in a few years, w ill not suppose he is outside of Philadel])hia, until he reaches the Delaware State line. The southern terminus of the Chester Creek Railroad, is at Chester. This road is leased and operated by the Haltiniore Central Rail- road Company, and it forms the connecting link between the two Baltimore and Phila- delphia railroads. Connecting at Lenni with the Westchester railroad, and at Chadd's Ford with the Wilmington and Reading Railroad, the Baltimore Central and Chester Creek roads open out to Chester the rich agricultural and mining districts of Chester County and the en- tire country traversed by those roads. The Media and Chester Narrow Gauge Rail- road Company has been chartered and organ- ized ; and its road is now being located along the valley of Ridley Creek. This, when com- pleted, will bring Chester within twenty min- utes ride of the seat of justice. The scenery along the route of this road is not excelled anywhere within the same distance of Phila- del]5hia. In places it approaches the moun- tainous, and all along the valley are hill sides teeming with agricultural wealth, and manu- facturing villages swarming with a busy pop- ulation. It is in contemplation to construct an 80 feet carriage-way along the bed of the railroad, so as to afford the citizens of Chester an opportunity to reside upon the highlands of the county and be within a few minutes ride of their places of business. With all the railroad, facilities, and with a river not obstructed by ice up to that point once in twenty years, few localities offer the inducements to manufacturers which Chester does : and this, with the energy and enterpri.se of those who have made it their home, is the sufficient explanation of the fact, that in thirty years the population has increased t%venty-fold. The width of the Delaware at Chester, is about a mile and a half. The channel is near the town, and is deep and wide enough for vessels of ordinary draft of water to tack and manoeuvre in, so as to avoid the necessity of being towed. Few vessels that enter the port of Philadelphia recpiire towing, except from Chester upwards. In 1856 and 1857, two winters in succession, the river was frozen over at Chester so as to bear loaded wagons, and for a few weeks, much hauling of wood HISTORY UF CHESTER. 815 nnd other commodities was done to and from the ojjposite shore. No such occurrence had taken place for years before, nor has the river there been frozen over since. On both those occasions, it was open opposite the pre- sent extension of the town southward, and at that point and below, the river has probably never been fast during the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Among the public institutions of the town, may he mentioned the Delaware County Na- tional Bank, founded as a State Bank in i8i6, and for many years so ably conducted as to merit and enjoy a high degree of juiblic con- fidence. It became a national bank in 1865, with a capital of three hundred thousand dol- lars. The First National Bank of Chester, established in 1865, with a capital of one hun- dred thousand dollars. This institution ranks among the best in the country. The Chester Gas Company, founded about 1856, well man- aged and exceedingly profitable to the stock- holders. The South Ward Water Works, supplying a large portion of the city with water from the Delaware. The Crozer Theological Institute, a college founded. by the late John P. Crozer, and managed by the religious de- nomination of Baptists. The Chester Militaiy Academy, under the charge of Col. Theodore Hyatt, as principal. Thirteen public schools and five private academies. There are also 19 places of public worship ; 2 Episcopal, 6 Methodist, 3 Baptist, 2 Presby- terian, I Catholic, and 2 of the demomination of Friends. There are also 7 hotels, and more drinking houses than the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county is probably aware of. There are 5 shipyards in Chester, one of which, then operated by Messrs. Reany, Son & Archibold, was extensively engaged during the recent war, in making iron vessels of war for the Government. Though the business of ship-building has been unprosperous in this country for the past few years, yet the facilities afforded at Chester have been such that these yards continue in operation, and are now do- ing a good paying business. These facilities consist of cheapness of the river front for loca- tions, as well as of living for the workmen, and the opportunity of obtaining materials by water and by railroad at less cost than in the larger cities. The town was erected into a Borough by Penn's government in 1682. Its charter was reconstructed and amended on several occa- sions by the State Legislature, and in 1866, it was constituted a city. The old town occu- pied a part of what is now the Middle Ward. The North Ward was laid out and to a large extent built up liy John Larkin, Jr., the first and present Mayor of the city, having been commenced in 1850. John P. Crozer and John M. Broomall laid out and began to build up the South Ward, in the same year. The three wards constitute the city proper. But the town has extended beyond the city limits in almost all directions. One of these exten- sions is the Borough of Upland, founded by John P. Crozer, about 1847, and still owned almost wholly by his heirs. It contains two large cotton mills, a church, several school buildings, and the theological college already mentioned. Another is the Borough of South Chester, laid out by John M. Broomall and William Ward, in 1863. This contains two shipyards, a brass foundry and machine shop, foin- cotton and woolen factories, three places of worship, and three school houses. The other extensions are embraced within the township of Chester, and contain factories and schools, and other establishments. In giving the population and business of Chester, these extensions are necessarily in- cluded. Except in the case of Upland, they are mere extensions of the same streets, with nothing to mark where the city proper ends, and doubtless liefore long, they will be in- corporated with the City, under the same gov- ernment. Among the curiosities of Chester and its • vicinity, are several old buildings erected dur- ing the early importance of the place, and still in good condition. Among these may be mentioned the dwelling house of David Lloyd, an important personage in the early colonial history. It was built by Lloyd, in 1721, and is beautifully located on the banks of the Delaware. Though suffered to fall into decay within a few years, it still bears marks of its ancient grandeur. Many years ago, it became the property of the late Com- modore David Porter, and it is still held by his heirs. The Logan house, built by Jasper Yates, about 1700, is still standing, though altered into two dwellings, and all marks of its antiquity effaced. This building is situated upon Filbert street. Until desecrated by mod- :UG ISTORY OF CIIKSTEK. cni utilitarian liaiuls it was a grand specimen of the mansion house architecture of that day. The City llali, once the Court house of Chester County, and afterwards of Delaware, wasliuilt in 1724; it is still one of the best huild- in.!,'s of the place, and will outlast most of those now in process of erection, if spared by Vandal hands. The residence of Caleb Pusey, still standing on the banks of Chester Creek, in Upland, is older than any of these. It was built about 1683. It is a one-story building with a Mansard roof, better proportioned than roofs of that kind now being constructed. It was, however, the style of that day, and the change may justify the charge made against our age, that we take up what was really good of centuries ago and spoil it. This building has been carefully preserved in its original style by the late John P. Crozer and his heirs, who still own it. IJut the present work has more to do with the town of our day than the past, and we conclude our observations of both by the re- mark, that from present appearances, Ijefore many years have passed by, Chester will be in fact, if not in name, a p.irt of the city of Phila- delphia." The Directory toiitaining the above account, was published by my old friend William Moran, whom I knew well formerly when I took part in po- litics, and was a member of the Whig Executive Committee of Philadelphia, previous to General Taylor's election as President. XXXIII. Between the property of the late John Cochran, deceased, and the lands late of Spencer Mcllvain, now of Wil- liam Simpson, on Ridley Creek, there is a small run, now almost dry, called " Munday's Run," perhaps after Henry Munday, who married Prudence, the widow of James Sandilands, the young- er. When I was quite young, my nurse, Hannah Allen, a very pretty, sweet and intelligent girl, who afterwards married Robert Blythe, and curious to relate, went to live in the little frame house still standing on the left hand side of the old Post road, now Morton Avenue, just east of Munday's Run, used to repeat very freqtiently some lines, about an occurrence that hap- pened in the latter part of the last century, beginning as follows : " At Munday's Run near Chester town. Old Siddons knocked the pcdler down. And robiied him of his golden store. And left him weltering in his gore," &c. 1 have forgotten the rest, but the above tells the whole story. It was a delectable piece of home-made poetry, describing how Siddons did it — was caught — taken to Chester and tried. He was acquitted, however, and died in 1824, aged about 76 years. His remains lie buried in the old grave yard of St. Paul's, near the street, opposite the entrance door of the pre- sent church across the street. It was said that the pedler's ghost was often seen in the dusk of early twilight walk- ing about the " widow Mcllvain's meadow;" and I have not forgotten how I used to run, as fast as my little legs could carry me, along the high- road, and over the little bridge across Munday's Run, in the glooiTi of the evening, when going home from school at Chester to my, father's house, Crosby place ; or how I used to look at the meadow, with mingled feelings of cu- riosity and dread, to see whether I could discover Siddons digging up the pedler's pack, from the .spot where he had hid it after his murderous deed. This was his spirit's regular nightly job ; a kind of a purgatorial punish- ment inflicted after death. Once or twice I thought I saw him at his even- ing task ; but as I had staid after school to play, and forgotten all about HISTORY OF CHESTP]R. 317 the ghost until it was nearly dark, it ma}^ have been a cow or a horse I saw ; however, I \yas just as much scared as if it had been the ghost of the pedler or the spirit of Siddons ; the effect was the same. Even now the recollection of what I suffered in crossing Mun- day's Run late in the evenings, sends a cold shiver down my back. The " Widow Mcllvain," mention- ed above, was Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Spencer, h. 9 mo. 30, 1770, d. 3 mo. 12, 1842. She m. II mo. I, 1792, Jeremiah, son of John Mcllvain and Lydia Barnard, his second wife ; he was b. 6 mo. 29, 1767; d. 2 mo. 19, 1827. They had issue: Sarah, /;. 10 mo. 27, 1793, and John, both died in infancy. Lydia, b. 10 mo. 4, 1795, m. Edward H. Bon- sall, conveyancer, of Philadelphia, and d. in 1854, leaving Spencer, in. to Ellen C. Martin, and have one son, William Martin Bonsall, (see Martin family.) Jeremiah, m. to Margaret Hutcliinson, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth, of Phila- delphia, and had Robert, Edward, Henry and Lydia, c/^rV/, ?i\\di Joseph, City Surveyor of Denver, Colorado, who died in 1876, unmarried. Elizabeth ;//. Jacob Hewes, of Ridley. Spencer Mcllvain, b. 3 mo. 27, 1803, ;//. Sarah L. Crosby, a sweet and lovely woman, {Ante, 211 & 212.) John Spencer^ b. 9 mo. 24, 1805, m. Susan Morton, who was b. April 27, 1809. {Ante^ 144.) Jeremiah, /;. 2 mo. i, 1808, m. Ann Crosby Morton. {Ante, 143.) Ann Mcllvain ;//. Levis Miller, of Delaware County, and had issue : Liz- zie, Mary, Edgav, George, Levis, dec' d, Annie and Ellen, that I can re- call, and Samuel Mcllvain, b. 12 mo. 6, 1813, d. 1834, unmarried. The Mcllvain's, of Delaware Co., are descendants of James and Jane Mc- llvain, of Ridley, who came to Ameri- ca, from County Antrim, Ireland, in 1740, and settled on Crum Creek, in Chester, now Delaware Co.* The old family mansion, a fine large stone structure is still standing, in excellent repair, a short distance back or north of the village of Ridley, now Leiper- ville, and to the east of the creek and the Leiper canal. The maiden name of Jane Mcllvain is supposed to have been Heaney. Hugh Heaney, of East Fallowfield, Chester County, in his will, dated Jan'y 11, 1764, and proven Mar. 30, 1767, mentions his wife Margaret, son Hugh, and daughters Isabella Cum- mings, Jane Mcllvaine and Margaret Heaney. He was a resident of the township in 1754. John Mcllvain, a son of James and Jane, married Mary Roman who was his first wife, and their son, Isaac Mc- llvain, married Susan Crossley, (not Crosby, as stated on p. 209, so says Ann Mcllvain, who luarried Levis Miller,) by whom he had two children, one of whom was called Thomas. I cut from an old number of the Delaware County Republican, the fol- lowing interesting account of the death of two old horses: "A horse owned by Robert Playford, who resides near Media, died recently, aged t^t^ years and 10 months. 'Jack' was raised by Mr. Playford, and served the family faithfully for the long period above stated. A sorrel mare, named ' Peg,' * The Mcllvain's are not, however, Ii'ish, but Scotch. This year, (1874,) Charles Mc- llvain, of Philadelphia, visited the ancient castle and estates of the family in Scotland, and met many of the name. He was told that some of the clan went to Ireland, but only re- mained there a year or so. A portion of the old estate in Scotland is without an owner. Castle Mcllvain is occupied by the Mcllvain's yet, and they received their American relative with great cordiality. 318 HISTORY OF CHESTER. owned by Spencer Mcllvain, of this Borough, died about the same time at the advanced age of 36 years. She was purchased by Mr. Mcllvain at the age of 6 years, and has been in his possession ever since. These animals were, perhaps, the oldest in the county, and having been well used, their lives were greatly prolonged. It is seldom, however, a horse lives beyond 30 years. Mr. Percival gives an account of a barge-horse that died in his sixty- second year ; and Mr. Youatt quotes the record of another horse that re- ceived a ball in his neck at the battle of Preston, in 1715, and which was extracted at his death in 1758. These are rare instances of old age in the horse, and have been deemed worthy of especial record." When I was a l)oy, all country residences had near the front of the house a "horse block," or "mounting block ;" a set of steps, generally made of stone, raised three or four steps above the ground for the convenience of the family in mounting and dis- mounting from their horses, with a l)ost alongside of the block to take hold of and to assist them, and to hitch their horses to. Riding on horseback by women was much more common a few years ago than now. It is interesting to recall anything relating to old times in the county; and the manners and customs of the people. I noticed it stated recently, that John Pyle, of Thornbury Town- ship, is the owner of .some table knives and forks, whose age is over a century and a half, (1873) — they have been in the family that time. The knives are curved like a cimeter, and a knife and fork weigh a pound, which shows that handling a knife and fork with our ancestors was a weighty operation. In old wills, the gift of a pewter dish was deemed worthy of mention. They were in common use about 30 years ago, as also sets of Britannia ware, and may be yet, in the country. At the time of the settlement of this country by the English, wooden dishes and spoons were used. The comforts of living in the coun- try and our country towns, and even cities, is very different from what it was even less than one hundred years ago. Then the people had no illumi- nating gas in the towns, no oil or cam- phene in the country, nothing but the light of pine knots, the fire or tallow candles after dark ; people went to bed early, in cold rooms; no fires were kept in country houses except in the large open fire places in the kitchen, where the chimney was so large and open, you could see the stars when you look- ed up them, and where the rain and snow at times fell down on the fire; except, perhaps, in very wealthy famil- ies, who had a fire in the sitting or dining rooms, all the rest of the house was, in winter, as cold as out of doors. No carpets were on the floors, except, perhaps in the best room. No pumps to draw water from ; the drinking wa- ter was carried from the nearest spring, that for washing from the nearest creek, or drawn from a well by a sweep or pole, and the "old oaken bucket." All cooking was done in the open fire places; for baking, each house had, beside the fire place, an o\en built, generally of brick. How dreary it was to get up before light on a win- ter's morningand find the fire had gone entirely out, and then struggle over the flint, steel and tinder, to try and get a light, and often not succeed until every finger was numb with cold and bruised with blows from the flint. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 319 There were no friction matches then. When I was a boy, comforts had begun to come to country life. We had in tiie kitchen an immense, ten-plate iron stove ; in the parlor and in the sitting room one of Franklin's iron open fire places, with brass headed Andirons, shovel and tongs ; now all the fashion again. Wood was plenty, and the fires were large ; we roasted in front, when sitting before a fire, while cold chills crept down the back. No wonder men stood with their backs to the fire in those days. We had no heaters to warm the houses. No contrivances were arranged for saving the heat, consequently most of it es- caped up the chimneys. The Ger- mans, with their large tiled stoves, standing in the middle of the room, were far in advance of us. When I was quite young, the old frame house east of Robert Blythe's resi- dence, spoken of as at Munday's Run, was occupied by Thomas and Esther Ottey, and a large family of children. I can recall Hetty, Hannah, Amanda, John, Thomas, Sarah and Maria Ottey ; after the death of her husband, Mrs. Ottey became dairy-woman for my step-grandfather, John F. Hill, and lived in the large stone spring-house near his residence in Ridley, distin- guished by a large pine tree, which grew on the Springfield road, now called Swarthmore Avenue, running through Ridley Park. One of Mrs. Ottey' s daughters, Hetty, married John De Camp, who was then in the employ of Mr. Hill; another, Hannah, married James Burke, of Ridley ; and a third, Amanda, married Peter Stewart, who leased the old West farm, at Westdale, the birth-place of the celebrated painter Benjamin West. Sarah and Maria are also married and reside in Philadel- phia, I believe, but I do not know their husbands' names. The name of Ottey is an old Delaware County one. Old Thomas Ottey and John F. Hill, were both bitten by mad dogs in their youth, and both were subject to vio- lent outbursts of passion during the full of the moon. The two houses mentioned, Ottey's and Blythe's, and another near Chester, also frame, were then the only houses between the old school house at Chester and the houses at Ridley Creek bridge, that were situated on the post road. Although there are several families of Cochrans dwelling in Delaware and Chester Counties, they are not known to be related, even remotely, to those so long domiciled in and near Chester, and who comprise a portion of the descendants of Alexander Cochran, who came to America from Scotland very early in the present century. In Scotland, the Cochrans dwelt for many years on the banks of the Po- million, in Strathaven, Lanarkshire ; and an old family Bible, printed in Edinburgh, in 1712, informs us, that the father of Alexander was John Coch- ran, whose name has been made very familiar in southeastern Pennsylvania by its possessors in subsequent gene- rations. This John Cochran had nine children : Alexander, Helen, Eliza- beth, Hugh, Scotty, (girl,) John, Marie, Janet, and Thomas, two of whom, Alexander, born May 12, 1768, and John, born Sept. 21, 1779, sought homes and fortunes in the New World, and from thence sprung two large families. John came first ; landed in New York in 1801 ; and lived in Philadel- phia until 1835, when, lured by in- ducements in the southwest, he moved to Louisville, Kentuckv, where, bv 820 inSTOKV OF CHESTER. integrity and diligenre he acquired a handsome fortune, and died greatly respected Nov. 27, 1864, aged 84 years. In 1810 or 11, he espoused Helen Prentice, daughter of Archi- bald Prentice, also of Lanarkshire, and by her had seven children : Helen, Jane Leiper, Mary, Margaret, John, Archibald P., and Gavin Hamilton, all born in Philadelphia, and all living except John and Mary. John, (third in this line) died in 1856, leaving an infimt daughter, Jessie, possessed of great musical talent, and at this time, (1874) considered the finest amateur pianist in Louisville. Jane L. became the wife of James Speed, a lawyer, of Kentucky, who was Attorney-General of the L^nited States during portions of the administration of Abraham Lin- coln and Andrew Johnson, and had seven children, all sons. The others, excepting Helen, also married and have had issue, all residing in Louis- ville. John Cochran was elected a member of the St. Andrew's Society, Philadelphia, 1813, and later of the Scots Thistle Society. He retained to the last, in a marked degree, his Scot- tish brogue and clannishness, and was interred in Cave Hill Cemetery by the side of his wife, who died in Phila- delphia, but was removed to Louis- ville. His descendants at this time, (1874) number thirty-one. Alexander Cochran followed his brother John to America a few years later ; sailing from Ivinick and landing in Philadelphia, he proceeded to Dela- ware Co., and, through a relationship with the Leiper family, settled near them at Avondale, in Nether Provi- dence Township, about 1804. With him came his wife {nee Sarah Morri.son) and four children : John, Matthew, Alexander, and Sarah. 'I o these were afterward added four others : George, James (second), Thomas, and Janet. One child, James, (first) died in Scot- land, and Janet died in America when eight years old. Alexander Cochran continued to live in or near Chester until the 3d of Feb. 1842, when he died at his residence on what is now known as Fifth street. He was nearly seventy-five years old, and his wife, who followed him to the grave Sept. 30, 1851, reached eighty. Both were zealous in religion, and now sleep in the old cemetery at Mid- dletown, within a few feet of the corner- stone of the church. The eldest of their children was the late well-known John Cochran, (born Mar. 12, 1792,) upon whose former farm a large portion of the present City of Chester stands. Mr. Cochran, like his father, was a farmer, and al- though a heavy, robust man, was ex- ceedingly fond of field sports, and was famous as a good horseman, and a graceful dancer. He married first, Elizabeth Engle, of Delaware County, daughter of Isaac and Abigail Engle, connections of the Engle and Edwards families of Chester, by whom he had two children : Sarah and Isaac En- gle. May 2, 1844, Sarah became the wife of Herman J. Lombaert, sub- sequently Vice President of the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company, and first President of the American Steamship Company, and they have issue : Charles, Sallie, Bessie and Emma Lombaert. The father of Mr. L., Charles J. Lom- baert, died recently in Philadelphia, at an extremely old age. Isaac Engle married Jo.sephine M., daughter of Mark Pennell, and resides in Chester. Elizabeth Engle Cochran died May 25, 1822, and the following year Mr. Cochran married her sister, Abigail, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 321 who bore him four children : Eliza- beth, John, Margaret E., and one who died in infancy. Abigail died Jan. 23, 1839, and her husband Oct. 31, 1843. -^1^ were buried at Middletown. John Cochran, (third in this line,) son of John and Abigail, and one of the most active and influential citi- zens of Chester, was born Oct. 24, 1825, in what is now North Ward. June 6, 1849, ^^^ married Catharine, a dau. of Samuel and Kitty Johnson, of Mar- pie Township, and by her had ten children : Isaac Engle, Samuel J., Herman Lombaert, Helen, Kate, Mary, Anna, John Howard, Archi- bald, and Meta Winifred. Of these, Kate and Meta died in infancy ; and Herman, an unusually promising lad, met a tragic end by being accidentally drowned in company with a lovely girl, a daughter of James Irving, of North Chester, while skating on the lake in Chester Rural Cemetery, Dec. II, 1869. Both of the young people were of the same age — the i6th year. Mr. Cochran was engaged in farm- ing in early life, and for a time lived near Marcus Hook. Later, he was associated with R. Morgan Johnson, as Johnson & Cochran,general merchants, Chester; and in 1858, established the first real estate and insurance agency in Chester. This business from in- significant proportions grew with the town, until now, under the title of John Cochran & Sons, it is one of the leading and most successful interests. The sons are Isaac E. and Samuel Johnson. The former, I. Engle Coc/i- ra// married June 10, 1875, Adele D., daughter of Lewis Ladomus, of Ches- ter. I used to be well acquainted with James Cochran, a brother of John, the elder, who was born in Nether Provi- dence Township, Sept. 8, 1813. He lived on Fourth street, and in 1841, (July 15,) was married by the Rev. Wm. Suddards, D. D. in Grace Church, Philadelphia, to Sarah J. Gillespie, eldest daughter of Thomas and Ann Gillespie, (nee Gamble,) and sister of an old friend of mine, Thomas L. Gillespie, of the firm of Gillespie, Zeller & Co., Philadelphia. This marriage resulted in six children : Henry Clay, Thos. Gillespie, Edmund Pennell, Mary A., Harriet Spencer, and James Alexander. Edmund and Harriet died when quite young, and Thomas G., a very popular and suc- cessful young merchant, died suddenly at his father's, Aug. 15, 1870, in his 27th year. The press of the day, in recording his death, said: "He was a young man of most exemplary habits, of cheerful and obliging disposition, and open, frank, and upright in his intercourse with his fellow men." Mr. Cochran did not long survive his son, dying, strange to say, in al- most exactly the same way, Oct. 11, 1871. He was a man of heavy build, great business activity, wonderful en- durance, and remarkably abstemious habits. During the famous "shower of meteors," in 1833, ^""^ ^^"^'^^ riding through a forest in Ohio, in the pur- suit of his vocation, which led him to make long journeys on horseback, be- fore the era of railroads, and to be known at every town and stopping place between Chester and the Ohio river. The war history of this family is illustrative of the dark and anxious days of the Rebellion, when so many Delaware County homes were repre- sented "at the front." Mr. Coch- ran, originally a Whig, then a Repub- lican, and always a strong anti-slavery IIISTOIIY OF CHESTER. partisan, was one of those devoted and enthusiastic Union men who could not control their grief when the memo- rable news reached Chester that the old flag had been fired on at Fort Sumter. It is related of him and his neighbors, the Rev. John Ruth, Mr. Joseph H. Hinkson and others, that they cried like children. Later, when in 1863, Philadelphia was threatened, he abandoned his business, and, although then fifty years of age, shouldered a musket, and was conspicuous among the first exempt* men of Chester who volunteered in the 37th Regt. P. V. M., and marched to the Cumberland Val- ley, to repel the Lee invasion. His eldest son, Henry, had preceded him in the good cause, and the second, Thomas Gillespie,, soon followed, leav- ing only two infants at home. Henry Clay Cochrane first served as a Corporal of Militia in guarding the railroad communication between Phila- delphia and Baltimore. Through the influence of the late Hon. John Hick- man, Rt. Rev. iVlonzo Potter, and other friends, he was appointed by President I,incoln, a Second Lieu- tenant in the Marine Corps, and passed his entering examination Aug. 29, 1 861. Owing to his youth, he could not then be commissioned, and served as a Master's Mate in the Navy until Mar. 10, 1863, when having attained his 20th year, he was regularly con- firmed by the Senate. Aug. 20, 1865, he was promoted to First Lieutenant. He served throughout the war under Ad- niirals Goldsborough, Dupont, Farra- gut, Porter, and Lee, in the North and South Atlantic, Gulf, and Missis- sippi Squadrons, receiving his "bap- tism of fire" at the bombardment of * Men over forly-five years were not linl.lc to conscription. Port Royal, S. C, Nov. 7, 1861, being then a division officer of the gunboat Pembina. He is a young man of edu- cation and niucli intelligence, and since his last cruise in the sloops-of- war Saranac and Jamestown, in the Pacific Ocean, has delivered several interesting lectures at Chester, and in New York before the American Geo- graphical Society, of which he is a Fellow. He is also a companion of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and is now on duty at the Naval Academy at Anna- polis. Thomas G., better known as Gillie, was also in the Navy and served as Captain's clerk on the U. S. steamer Alabama, Act. Vol. Lt. Frank Smith, of Delaware Co., commanding, princi- pally on the blockade of Wilmington, N. C. Before this, he had served as a private in the militia with his brother. Matthew and George Cochran, broth- ers of John and James, removed to Mount Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio, many years ago, and still reside there, engaged in farming. Matthew was one of the pioneers of that State, having taken up land in 181 6, when he could sit in his cabin door and shoot deer at the oat- stack. He married Ann Clements of Butler Co., Penna., Christmas, 181 8, and had three children, Alexander, John and James, the second still living. George Cochran married Martha Shaw, of Darby, and had a large family of sons and daughters. Several of the former were either killed or wounded in the Union Army. Alexander Cochran, Jr., married Beulah Gray, and was killed by a rail- road accident, Sept. II, 1840. peleft four children, Thomas, James, Sarah and Mary, who married and have issue. Thomas fought with distinction during the Rebellion of 1861-65; was twice HISTORY OF CHESTER. 328 captured, and twice promoted as an officer in a Pennsylvania regiment. Thomas Cochran, brother of James and Matthew, died a bachelor in Ches- ter, July, 23, 1846, in his 32d year. Sarah, a sister, is yet living in Phila- delphia. She married George Valen- tine, farmer, and brother of the late John Valentine, of Chichester, in 1826, and spent much of her life in Brandy- wine Hundred, Delaware. They had eight children, Alexander, John, Wil- liam, Thomas, James, Sarah, Elizabeth and Engle, all living except James. The descendants of Alexander num- ber about fifty. Cochran street, Chester, is named in honor of the Cochran family. During the Revolutionary war, there was a John Cochran, who was made chief Physician and Surgeon of the army, Oct. 19, 1780, by Congress. He was born in Chester County, Pa., Sept., 1730, and entered the Provin- cial army as Assistant Surgeon, in 1755, where he became intimate with Captain (afterwards General) Philip Schuyler, whilst on duty in northern New York. After the war he settled in Albany as a physician; and there married Schuyler's sister, Gertrude. He then settled at New Brunswick, N. J. In 1776, he entered the hospital service of the army. In 1777, he was Surgeon of the Middle Department ; in 1780, Director General of Hospi- tals. After the Revolution, he set- tled in New York, and Washington made him Commissioner of Loans. He died at Palatine, N. Y., April, 1807. Atncf'ican Hist. lie cord, 3 vol . , 173, note. Dr. Cochran was not, I imagine, any relative of the present family residing in Chester. The Cochranes are an old family in Scotland. They rose to distinction in 4':2 the 15 th century, and have always been remarkable for courage and ingenuity. Sir William Cochrane was elevated to the peerage as Baron Cochrane in 1 647, and advanced to the dignity of Earl of Dundonald in 1669. • His grand-son was Sir John Cochrane, of Ochiltree, who, along with Sir Patrick Hume, of Polwarth, was concerned in the poli- tical troubles which, in the reign of James II., brought ruin on the Stuart dynasty. While Hume was so fortu- nate as to escape abroad, Cochrane was taken prisoner in the rising under the Earl of Argyle, and being con- ducted to Edinburgh, was ignomin- iously lodged in the Tolbooth, on the 3d of July, 1685, there to await his trial as a traitor. The day of trial came, and, as a matter of course, he was condemned to death. Sir John Cochrane was married and had a family of several sons, and at least one daughter, Grisell, about 18 years of age, who frequently visited her father, whose friends were inter- ceding for his pardon, although he was daily expecting the arrival of his death warrant from London. Grisell, deter- mined, if possible, to prevent the de- livery of the warrant, and assisted by her nurse, disguised herself in male attire and set off and waylaid the post carrier beyond the Scottish borders, and com- pelled him to deliver his charge ; then taking from the mail-bags her father's death-warrant, she destroyed it and made her way home without discovery. The time thus gained was well em- ployed ; one of the King's favorite counsellors for a bribe of ;^5ooo, in- duced the King to pardon Sir John, who afterwards succeeded as the se- cond Earl of Dundonald. Those of the Cochranes who claim noble de- scent, add the final e to their names. 'J4 ISTORY OF CPIESTER. To the north-west ofthe " Pine'I'ree Ph\ce," the former residence of John F. Hill, in Ridley, which he inherited from his father, and near West Dale lived, when I went to school to Ed- ward 'I'lionipson, at Springfield school house, ail old Mrs. Worrall anil her son Abraham, and two of mv school- mates were Isaac D. Worrall and his sister. Dr. Smith, in his biographical sketches, has notices of four persons of the name, viz. : Richard, who, he says, emigrated from Oare, Berkshire, England, in 1682. He was a Friend, and served as a juror in the last Court held at Upland, but does not api)ear to have settled in the county. 2. John, a Friend, who came from the same place as Richard. Both presented their certificates at the same time and to the same Meeting in Philadelphia. John removed to the neighborhood of Chester, where, in 1683, he married Frances, the widow of Thomas Taylor. She died in 1712. In 1714, he mar- ried Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Goodwin, of Edgmont, and died there in 1 742, aged 84 years. By his second wife he had seven children, Elizabeth, Mary, John, Peter, Sarah, Thomas and Mary. By his first marriage he had but one son, who died young. 3. John Worrall and Mary his wife, a sister of Henry Lewis, of Radnor, settled early in Marple. He is sup- jjosed to have been a son of Richard, the settler. He died in 1716, leav- ing six children, John, Peter, Joshua, Henry, Mary and Hannah. His wi- dow married John Ikomfield. of White- land. 4. Dr. Thcjinas Worrell, a physician of considerable reputation about 1800, born in Upper Providence, in 1732, was a son of Dr. John Worrell, who also practiced in the county ; he grad- uated at an European college and died young. Dr. Thomas Worrell, married Lydia Vernon, cousin of Major Frederick Vernon and Captain Job Vernon of Revolutionary fame, and of Cideon, who took sides w^ith the British, and whose property was con- fiscatetl as a traitor. Dr. Worrell, the younger, and the two doctors Bern- hard Van l^eer, were reputed quite skilled in native herbs. He died in 1818, aged 86 years. He was a Friend, and his descendants, the Cassins, set- tled in the county, and others settled near Zanesville, Ohio. Dr. Smith says: " It is supposed that the name of Worrall, or Worrell, was originally Warel, and that those bear- ing it are descended from a Sir Hu- bert de Warel, who lost three sons at the battle of Hastings." I have made the above brief extracts from Dr. Smith's sketches, which are much more minute, for the purpose of calling attention to two other settlers in Chester, now Delaware County, of the name of Worrall. I have before me a deed from the Proprietary, dat- ed the 2 2d of March, A. D. 1681, to Peter Worrall, of Crudt-lanes, in the county Palatine of Chester, tanner, and Joshua Worrall, of Newtown, in the same county, tanner, for 500 acres of land within the limits of his grant from Charles II., called Pennsylvania, to be entered and enrolled within the space of six months after such time as a public Register shall be appointed and settled within the said Province. This old deed is now in possession of Thos. J. Worrall, Esq., a member of the Bar, and late City Solicitor of Phil- i adelphia, a descendant of Peter Wor- rall, one of the grantees named in said I deed, who settled in Chester, now De- laware Countv. He was admitted to HISTORY OF CHESTER. 325 the Philadelphia Bar, November 29, 1862. He married, C2ndly,) Eliza- beth, dau. of the late William B. Wood. The tract of land located by Peter Worrall, the original settler, was situ- ate in Marple, lying between "Crook- ed kill," or Crum Creek, and the road from Radnor to Chester, laid out in 1 69 1. See D}'. Smith and Holmes' Maps. No mention is made of Joshua ; so I presume the whole 500 acres were located in Peter's name. It is proba- ble that Joshua did not come to Ame- rica, as I do not find his name on the records of Chester or Concord Month- ly Meetings. John Worrall, son of Peter, of Marple, married in 1723, 4 mo. 20th, Hannah Taylor, of Marple. James, son of Peter, married in 1735, 5 mo. 24, Margaret Calvert of Upper Providence. Benjamin, son of Peter, married, 1743, 4 mo. 23d, Phoebe Ed- wards, of Middletown. Among the deaths in records of Ches- ter Monthly Meeting, I find, Frances Worrall, d. 1712, 10 mo. 13, wife of John, of Edgmont ; John, d. 1742, 2 mo. 4, in his 85th year; Peter, d. 1722, 5 mo. 7, of Middletown ; Mary, d. 1806, 7 mo. I, widow of Thomas ; William, of Ridley, d. 1826, 12 mo. 23, aged 96 yrs. ; Mary, widow of Na- thaniel, of Ridley, d. 1839, i mo. 8, aged 67 yrs. ; Eliza, widow of John, of Springfield, d. 1857, i mo. 22, aged 88 yrs. William Worrall above-mention- ed, was son of Jonathan, his wife's name was Phoebe ; they had issue, Mary, b. 1766, 10 mo. 17, m. Nathan- iel Newlin, 1789, 11 mo. 4; Ann, b. 1 771, II mo. 17, ;//. Joseph Downing, 1 79 1, 5 mo. 4 ; and Nathaniel, b. 8 mo. 14, 1769. The following, extracted from the Upland Unio7i, of Dec. 3, 1833, is very interesting : " Hon. Henry Clay. — At a meeting of the friends of Mr. Clay, on Monday, the 25th ult., at Chester, Thomas Smith, Esq., was called to preside, and Robert Churchman, appointed Secretary. It being understood that Mr. Clay was in the city of Philadelphia, and that he intended to remain there but a short time, they resolved to appoint a Committee to wait on him, and request him to visit the Borough of Chester, on his way to the seat of Government, to afford themselves and their fellow-citizens of Delaware County, an opportunity of person- ally paying their respects to him, as a testi- mony of their sense of his private worth and public usefulness, — when the following gen- tlemen were appointed ; Thomas Smith, Esq., Capt. Thomas Robinson, Samuel Smith, Esq., Joseph Walker, Samuel A. Price, Robert Churchman, Wm. Eyre, Jr., Edward R. Cros- by, John F. Hill, and William Martin. They also appointed Dr. Samuel Anderson, John Edwards, Jas. M. Willcox, Dennis Kelly, J. P. Crozer, J. Bancroft, Daniel Lamott, Parke Shee, Pierce Crosby, Capt. Jas. Serrill, Oborn Levis, J. P. Eyre, Wm. Trainer, John Kerlin, Samuel Hannum, John Wells, Charles D. Manley, Wm. Eyre, Isaiah Fawkes, Hugh P_ Lloyd, J. S. Phillips, John Cochran, John King, Nicholas Fairlamb, Y. S. Walter, Thos. Hemphill, George Serrill, Thomas M. Smith, John Larkin, Rev. J. B. Clemson and Job H. Terrill, a committee to make suitable ar- rangements to receive Mr. Clay. The Hon. Henry Clay arrived at this Bo- rough in the steamboat Emerald, on Wednes- day last. He was received by a large assem- blage of the citizens of this county, without distinction of party. A very handsome enter- tainment had been provided by the Committee of Arrangement, at the public house of Mr. Henry Reese. After Mr! Clay had been ad- dressed by Dr. Anderson, and given a cordial shake of the hand to all who were present, he with a numljer of others partook of the refresh- ments. Mr. Clay's reception, considering the siiort space of time allotted the Committee, to make the necessary preparations, must have been flattering to his feelings. We have been po- litely favored by one of the gentlemen who was present, with the whole of the proceedings, which will be found in to-day's paper. I never saw Henry Clay but once. 'S2Q HISTORY OF CHESTER. and the following occurrence will show under what circumstances. On Aug. 15, 1847, (Sunday,) I wrote a friend as follows, from Philadeli)hia : " Henry Clay, arrived here yesterday afternoon very unexpectedly. He was met at the cars by a few friends, and escort- ed quietly to the residence of his friend Henry White, in Walnut, west of Schuylkill 8th Street, but he was seen and recognized, and with flushed faces and hurried steps you might have seen the Whigs gathering together and has- tening to their reading room ; for at the name of Henry Clay, what Ameri- can does not feel his heart bound? the Statesman ! the Patriot ! and the Leader of the great Whig party. At II o'clock, P. M., a crowd of over 1000 persons had assembled, in perfect silence, in front of the residence of Mr. White ; and in a few moments after, Capuani's Band in the distance, rang out a quick-step, and marched up with several thousand more warm- hearted Whigs, and as they halted, ' thirteen cheers for Harry of the West,' rolled like distant thunder over the quiet city, waking sleeping thousands, and telling them in cheer after cheer, that the Whig defeated ( andidate for the Presidency was re- ceiving his friends. Then silence reigned once more, and from Capu- ani's silver bugle, there was breathed a strain, low, sweet and mournful, such as should awaken the grief-stricken Patriot and Father. A few moments more and he stood before us at an open window reaching to the floor, a flood of light behind him ; cheer after cheer was given, which told of the admira- tion all of us felt for the man before us, who had given to his country his talents, and to her flag and service the life-blood of a dear son. Then, amid a deep silence, that clear and flute- like voice, which had welcomed La- fayette to America for the people of his country, fell upon our ears, saying: Fellow citizens ! I left my home to escape from the scene of thoughts and recollections, arising from one of the severest afflictions of human life, with which it pleased Providence to visit me. I made my journey through the mountainous parts of Virginia, wish- ing to avoid all public demonstrations such as this, intending only to seek some relief and consolation in the so- ciety of my friends. And to-day, when I entered, and took as it were by surprise your beautiful city, I was not prepared for such a scene as this — and I should be deficient in gratitude, and destitute of all the finer feelings of fhe human heart, if I failed to feel deeply the kindness you manifest. To Phila- delphia, in all the troubles and vicissi- tudes of this life, I have always looked for sympathy and support, and I have always received it. The feelings under which I labor, the time itself and the occasion, are all unfitting to make a set address, and as it is now drawing near that day we all must respect, I will only add in conclusion, that under w^hatever circumstances, in Peace or in War, under a good government or a bad one, right or wrong, our coun- try is always entitled to our support." On my return home the night be- fore, I wrote out the above remarks in my Journal, to preserve a touching in- cident in history. The allusion to his affliction arose from the death of his son, Lieut. Col. Henry Clay, Jr., of the first regiment of Kentucky volun- teers, who fell mortally wounded, and died at the battle of Buena Vista, "while leading his regiment with gal- lant daring against the enemv." T-t. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 327 Col. Clay, was a graduate of West Point, as were also nearly every officer commanding volunteer regiments dur- ing the Mexican war. I copy from the Upland Union of Oct. 8, 1834, the following notice: — '^Married in Philadelphia, on Wed- nesday evening last, by Alderman Hooten, Mr. Robert Churchman, of Chester, to Miss Martha Jane, daugh- ter of Alexander W. Reed, of the for- mer place." Mr. Churchman died at a good old age, during the fall of 1873. His ^^^y child, Albert, died a year or so ago in a decline ; after his death, Mr. C. failed in health ra- pidly. His widow and 2nd wife, Julia Cauffman, survives him. XXXIV. It may be interesting at this day, to recall the contents of a copy of the old Upland Union or Delaware County, Kingsesmig and Blockley Advertiser, one of which I have before me, dated Octobe 28, 1834, consisting of four pages of five columns each, published every Tuesday morning, by Joseph M. G. Lescure, opposite the Prothono- tary's office, at two dollars per annum. The first page contains several pieces of poetry, some anecdotes and short tales, &c. The second page has. an advertisement of a change of hours of the steamboat "Wilmington," Capt. H. Read — fare to Lazaretto, Chester, or Marcus Hook, 50 cents, and others; a piece of doggerel poetry, entitled "Biddle let the Bank alone;" a list of the Legislature of 1834-5, in which Chester and Delaware's Senators are given as George Smith and Francis James, and Delaware's Representative as Samuel Anderson ; a notice of the burning of the Hermitage, Gen. Jack- son's residence, in Tennessee. The third page, Ohio election returns; the opening of the Columbia and Phila- delphia Railway, by Locomotives draw- ing the cars ; saying "the sceptics — the opponents of the improvement system — are convinced by the evidence of their own senses — are struck dumb by the completion of a work which the one believed impracticable — the other pretended would be ruinous to the State; ' ' the official returns for Congress, 4th dis., the candidates being Archi- bald T. Dick, Benjamin Champneys, John Morgan, Edward Darlington, David Potts, Jr., and William Heister. The 4th district, consisted of Delaware, Chester and Lancaster Counties. The three last had a majority of 1867 votes. The Chester advertisements are Dan- iel Broomall's hat store, next door to Charles Justis' store ; estate of John Irwin, by Jane Irwin, Executrix; no- tice of an election of thirteen Direc- tors of the Bank of Delaware County, by Preston Eyre, Cashier ; and the fourth page has a large displayed notice of "Purdy, Welch & Co.'s Grand Mammoth Zoological Exhibition," to be given in Chester, near J. Thurlow's National Hotel, Oct. 29, from i until 4 p. M. There is a picture of the Gnu or Horned Horse, &c. Admittance, 25 cents. I remember, that I went to see the horned horse> but my recollec- tion is, that the menagerie tents were back of the Court House and public offices. There was a clown, or some other performer, who sung a song, which I have forgotten. The chorus was : "The Elephant now goes round, And the Band begins to play, The boys around the monkeys' cage, Had better stay away."' Charles Justis, advertises that he has 328 HISTORY OF CHESTER. taken the store lately occupied by Pri( e ^- Cowgill, and "invites the public in general and his friends, to call and see his goods, which he promises to sell cheap." David Abbot, removes his Saddle and Harness manufactory to Main Street, three doors above the hotel of John Thurlow. ' ' Joseph Tay- lor, Coach and Harness maker, calls attention to his business. Samuel A. Price, sells Hats and Caps. W. H. Chapman, shaves his friends and scours their clothing. J. P. & W. Eyre, sell lumber and shingles. The steamboat "New Jersey," leaves Marcus Hook and Chester every Thursday for Phil- adelphia, returning on Friday ; fare, 37)4 cents; Charles Bilderback, Cap- tain : and the sloop " Jonas Preston," will continue making regular trips, leav- ing Chester on Mondays and Thursdays for Philadelphia, and returning on Wednesdays and Saturdays. In writing of the steamboats that plied the Delaware, I neglected to mention one of the finest boats that formerly traversed the river, the " Wil- liam Penn." She was a large and noble craft, and after many years doing good service to the public, was destroyed by fire on the 4th of March, 1834, when just above the Point House, near Philadelphia. There were many passengers on board when the fire was discovered, and great dismay and con- sternation took place, particularly among the ladies. She was at once run aground on the flats, and the pas- sengers, by jumi)ing from the burning boat into the shallow water and wad- ing through the mud foi' some distance, were all saved, except seven persons, who were drowned by reason of their fright, and not taking the advice of the others. Henry Reece, landlord of the then Steamboat Hotel at Chester, Col. John K. Zeilin, with his wife, child and servant, and having under his charge Mrs. William Neal, Miss Newlin, and another young lady^ were on board of the unfortunate craft. Through the activity, coolness and good judgment of Captain Jeffries, Mr. Reese and Col. Zeilin, who were the last to leave the burning vessel, order was preserved and most of the lives saved. The boat was, however, a total loss, being burn- ed to the water's edge. From some old papers of my grand- father, I extract the following, as giv- ing the names of some residents in the vicinity of Chester: On the ist of Feb., 1798, proceedings to recover possession of certain devised premises in Aston, were commenced before William Martin and Samuel C. Price, Esqs. , Justices of the Peace, by George Peirce vs. Peter Stimmell ; and the Sheriff, Abraham Dicks, summoned the following Jury : Raper Hoskins, William Anderson, James Withy, Jo- nas Eyre, Thomas Pedrick, Tristram Smith, Jonathan Pennell, James Shaw, Edward Engle, Nathan Sharpless, Wil- liam Evans and James Mcllvain. MARTIN, THE MAN AT ARMS. A Soiiff hy Bellamy— Music by Lodor. Printed in London. Martin the Man at Arms, stalwart and stronij, Keeps watch on turret high — Now humming the snatch of a rude border song. Gazing now at the star-lit sky. lie listens to windward ; he looks o'er the lea ; All around is calm and still, Save the kine in the fold, lowing lazily — And the tinkle of the rill. While full and low Floats down below The sentinel's dee]), Good night I The sentinel's deep, Clood night! The name of Martin, is from the Latin word Martins, i. c, warlike, from Mars, the god of war. In the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 129 Gallic, Mor, is great, diiin, a man ; Alordiiin, a chief, a warrior. See Ar- thur' s Etymological Dictionary, 191. The Martin's of England, claim their descent from two illustrious sources — some from " Martin of Tours," a gen- eral in the army of William the Con- t]ueror ; others, more ambitious, from Martins, a Pro-Consul of Rome under the Emperor Tiberius. A singular in- cident gives color to the latter boast : "In digging the foundation at the back of the London Coffee House, adjoining the Church of St. Martin's (Ludgate), by the remains of London wall, a stone in the form of a Hexagon, was discovered in Sept., 1806, with an inscription cut on it in Roman letters, of which the following is a translation : " To the all-glorious Deity Anonclitus, in the eleventh year of his provincial government, Has most piously erected this monument. To the memory of his wife Claudia Martina. ' ' See Hiighson' s History of London, 3 vol., 619. The ancestor of the General, in the army of the Conqueror, was St. Mar- tin, a Bishop of Tours, who suffered many persecutions for his liberal opin- ions. Many churches in London and elsewhere, are named in his honor. In France, the season we call " Indian Summer," is denominated "■ L' Ete de St. Mai-tin,'" that is, the short summer of St. Martin. In Mexico, it is called " Veramillo de San Martin.'''' This delightful season of the year commen- ces in Pennsylvania on St. Ma?'tin''s Day, Nov. nth, generally, but some- times earlier. " A smoke as from a thousand wigwams tells The Indian Summer, soft and calm the air Swings like a heavy curtain, in the glare Of the new risen sun, whose fervor quells The frost of Autumn ; by those wondrous spells Green woods have been transmuted into red, lirown, golden tints, — as beautiful as shells Stolen from Ocean's silver stranded bed. A languid, dreamy, deep, delicious haze. Through which the nearest objects mellowed seem, Hides the blue distance, whilst the meadows gleam As if with harvests of the yellow maize; 'Tis the return of summer, brief and bright, His last warm sigh ; last smile of love and light." My family claim descent neither from the soldier, consul, nor saint; but we believe ourselves to be, on the female side, descended from Walter Martin, of Marcus Hook, he being the father of myg. g. grandmother; and on the male side, descendants of John Mar- tin, who settled in Chester, now Dela- ware Co., under William Penn, in 1682; having a grant of 500 acres of land, lo- cated next to that of Richard Crosby, in Middletown . But this latter is mere guess. The first of the family of whom we have any reliable information, is my g. grandfather, who lived in Phil- adelphia, and whose signature is at- tached to the marriage certificate of my grand-parents, which is in the words following : "This is to certify, that Dr. William Martin and Miss Eleanor Crosby, were joined together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony, on Thursday, the 8th day of December, 1796, by me, Levi Heath, Rector of Pequia and Bangor churches, Pennsyl*. Witnesses, Sally Broom, Ann Crosby, Elizabeth Crosby, John Martin, John Crosby, and Richard Crosby." There is a tradition in the family that the name of the father of John, my g. grandfather, was William, and that he was a man of means, doing busi- ness in Philadelphia, and was drowned in Neshaminy Creek, in his carriage, on the night of the great storm in the summer of 1795, while on his way to visit his daughter, Mrs. Jane Bartram. 83(1 II ] STORY OF CHESTER. who lived at Newtown, Bucks County. My aunt, Ann C Smith, says her re- collection of this tradition is, that the William Martin referred to, was a bro- ther of John ; that the night being dark and he not knowing that the Neshaminy was swollen by the heavy rain, drove his horse into the stream and was drown- ed. The Button record mentions a great flood of 1795. The father of Mrs. Bartram must have been a man of some means, because after her hus- band Avas declared a traitor, and all his large property sold, she retired to Newtown in comfortable circum- stances. On Holmes' map, a John Martin is given as one of the owners of land in Southampton township, Bucks County. My g. grandfather, John, died in 1805, about 70 years of age, at the residence of his sister in Newtown, and is buried there ; no doubt his ex- act age is on his tombstone; but sin- gular to say, notwithstanding the in- terest I take in such matters, I have never visited the spot where his re- mains lie. He w^as married twice; by his second wife, he had a son and daughter, John and Sarah, who were living in Newtown, in August, 1817, in the former residence of their aunt, but they afterwards removed to the West, and their whereabouts is unknown to us. My grandfather, Dr. William Martin, was the only issue of John, by his first wife. The maiden name of his mother is unknown. In a book called " The History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ," printed in 1717, once ow^ned by the Doctor, on a fly- leaf are the following words : "The gift of Mrs. Mary Martin to William Martin, A. D. 1785," evidently a death -bed gift, because on page 136 there is this entry, under a prayer for the glorification of the body after death: "Mrs. Mary Martin, departed this life December nth, A. D. 1785, at 3 o'clock A. M., aged 53 years." Both entries being in the Doctor's bold familiar hand, of whicli 1 have so many specimens. As the will of Mrs. Jane Bartram, contains the best account we have of the family on my father's side, I will give the most material parts : " Be it remembered that I, Jane Bartram, of Newtown, in the county of Bucks, widow, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, viz. * * * w\ the residue of my estate I order and direct to be divided into five equal parts or shares. One equal fifth part thereof I give and bequeath to Alex- ander James Bartram, son of Ann Bartram, late Ann Nicholson, of the city of Philadelphia ; one other equal fifth part thereof, I give and bequeath to be equally divided between William and Ann Martin, son and daughter of my nephew, Dr. William Martin ; one equal fifth part thereof, I give and be- queath to my nephew^ John Martin, son of my brother, John Martin, de- ceased ; one other equal fifth part thereof, I give and bequeath to my niece, Sarah Martin, daughter of my said brother John Martin, deceased ; and the other equal part thereof, I give and bequeath to be equally divid- ed among all the children of my niece, Deborah Davis, wife of David Davis, immediately upon the death of her the said Deborah ; and during her natural life, I order and direct that she shall receive the interest thereof annually," &c. The will is dated the 13th of the II mo., 1813, and duly proved and re- gistered in Bucks County. Mrs. Bartram was the widow of Al- HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 331 exander Bartram, of Scotland, and a merchant of Philadelphia, who took sides with the British during the Re- volution, and was declared a traitor, &c., all the incidents concerning him and his family have been hereinbefore related. She was a Friend, belonging to Arch Street Monthly Meeting, and was disowned for having been married by a priest, and refusing to make ac- knowledgment ; see entries 7 mo. 31, 1767, and 8 mo. 28, 1767. The Mar- tin's from whom I am descended, were therefore originally Friends. The min- utes of the Arch Street Monthly Meet- ing of Friends will, no doubt, show where the Martins came from ; but I have been unable to obtain access to them. My grandfather. Dr. William Mar- tin, was born in Philadelphia, Sept. 2nd, 1765. He studied medicine, and graduated at the University of Phila- deli)hia, now the University of Penn- sylvania, in the year 1786, as a Bachelor of Medicine, the old University not then giving the degree of M. D. Shortly after his graduation, he went to Georgetown, Virginia, to practic:e his profession, and whilst there became Worshipful Master of the Georgetown Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. After a residence of a few years there, he settled at Chester, Pa., where he practiced medicine, and studied law with William Graham, Esq., and was admitted to practice in 1794. I have the certificate of his admission to the Philadelphia Bar, dated March 24, 1794. His diploma, the only one in existence, of the University of Phila- delphia, I have ; as also his certificate of membership in the American Med- ical Society. He was appointed a Jus- tice of the Peace, on the 9th day of Aug., A. D. 1797. He appears, from his papers, to have been the captain of a military company, at Chester. He was also the first W. M. of the Chester Lodge, No. 69, A. Y. M. ; and was evidently a prominent man in his day. Dr. Martin, married Eleanor, daugh- ter of John Crosby (the Judge) and Ann Peirce his wife, of Ridley, Dec. 8, 1796 ; they had only two children, William, born Sunday, Sept. 17, 1797, and Ann Crosby, born at Ridley, April II, 1799, still living; she married Jo- seph Welsh Smith, son of William Smith, Jr., and Margaret Welsh his wife, of Philadelphia, April 15, 1824; he died Dec. 22, 1842, aged 48 years, buried in Ronaldson's Cemetery ; they had issue a daughter and son. The daughter, Ellen Crosby, born April 3, 1S32, died in a decline, March 22, 1857, unmarried, and was buried in Woodlands. The son, William Mar- tin Smith, now Vice-President of the Anthracite Insurance Company of Phil- adelphia, married Elizabeth Westray Way, a grand-daughter of the late dis- tinguished actor, William B. Wood — author of "Personal Recollections of the Stage," published, Philadelphia, 1855, by Henry Carey Baird, one of my old friends. They have had issue, Julia Way, William Wood, Eleanor Crosby and Elizabeth Worrall, the lat- ter dying in infancy. Dr. William Martin died at Chester Sept. 28, 1798, and his widow mar- ried, secondly, Jan. 10, 1804, John Fairlamb Hill, of Ridley, son of Peter ; they had an only son, John Crosby Hill, who died May 14, 1819, aged 13 years. He fell from a log laid over a creek, on his way to school, and caught a severe cold, which settled on his lungs and caused his death, and did not die as has been stated from injuries re- ceived by being run over by a roller 132 HISTORY OF CHESTER. on his father's farm. Large heavy roll- ers were formerly much used by farmers, made out of the trunks of large trees and drawn by horses over the fields after harrowing, particularly over wheat- lields after the grain was sown. My grandmother Hill, died Jan. i6, 1837, at Crosby Place, in the same room in which she was born, aged 59 years, 8 months and 23 days. Dr. Martin was a very prolific writer, chiefly on medi- cal topics. I presented to the Histo- rical Society of Pa., three volumes of his MS. writings, and many old and rare books from his library ; also, books, letters, old deeds, &c., from my father's library, my own and of my brother. Dr. Ernest D. Martin's. William Martin, my father, a sketch of whose life will be hereafter given, was born in Chester, and married Sarah Ann, a sister of Joseph W. Smith, who married my father's sister, Ann Cros- by. They were married at St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. James Abercrombie, D. D., in 1821. The following editorial remarks ap- peared in the Delaware Coi/nfy Repuh- lican, of Oct. 24, 1862: Death of a Good Man. — An oljituary in our columns this week, records the death of William Martin, Esq., a gentleman well and favorably known to most of the citizens of this county, in which he spent many of his early years. Few men have passed away whose loss will be more deeply regretted, and none who have left a brighter record of a use- ful life. In all the various positions M'hich the deceased was called to fill, by the parti- ality of his fellow-citizens, he discharged his whole duty faithfully and efficiently, and more than one benevolent institution in the city of his adoption, owes its success, in a great mea- sure, to the ability and integrity which he in- fused intt) the management of its affairs. The Board of Directors of the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, of which the deceased had been President for many years, assembled at the office of the institution on Saturday last, and organized by appoint- ing Thomas C. Hand, Chairman, and James B. McFarland, Secretary, when the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WllKRKAs, wilh saddened hearts, we are assembled together upon the melancholy occa sion of the death of our beloved fellow-mem- ber and President, William Martin, Esq., who from the origin of this Company, embracing a period of 27 years, so ably and satisfactorily discharged the duties devolving upon him, for a portion of the time as Secretary of the Com- pany, but for the last 18 years as its Executive officer ; and whereas, it is fitting and proper that suitable expressions of the feelings of the members of this Board, induced by the sad event, be entered on the records of the Com- pany. Therefore, Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Martin, we mourn the loss of a wise counsellor and faithful officer, one whose entire official course extending over a period of more than a quar- ter of a century, has been eminently charac- terized by high-toned probity, discriminating judgment, ability and fidelity to the welfare and prosperity of this corporation. Resolved, That we cherish the' memory of Mr. Martin, as a friend endeared to us by so many fond recollections and happy associa- tions, ever evincing as he did kindness of dis- position, urbanity of manners, nobleness of heart, and purity of purpose. Resoh'ed, That we tender to the family of our deceased friend our warmest sympathies in their affliction, and the assurance of our earnest prayers, that He who hath declared that He doth not willingly afflict the children of men, will vouchsafe to them that consola- tion which He has promised to those who put their trust in Him. Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting, attested by the Chairman and Secretary, be conveyed to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That this Board will attend the funeral of our deceased memi>er in a body. Resolved, That these proceedings be entered upon the minutes of the Board, and be pub- lished. The obituary referred to by Mr. Wal- ter in his editorial, was in words fol- lowing, written by John P. Crozer, of HISTORY or CHESTER. 333 Upland, the life-long friend of my father : Died — At his residence in the city of Phil- adelphia, on the evening of the i6th instai^t, William Martin, Esq., President of the Dela- ware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, in the 66th year of his age. The halo that encircles military renown, and men occupying high places in the arena of political life, seems, in the present state of our country, to cast into the shade much of the distinction and notice due to private worth, and to citizens of high local position. Yet, while we may properly feel emotions of pain and regret when heroes and military chief- tains, and men in high places are stricken down by death — while the chronicles of these fill so largely the columns of our periodicals, we ought not, we must not withhold a passing notice of the departure from among us of men of high, though unobtrusive excellence of character, like him whose name appears at the head of this communication. William Martin was no common man, and the simple enumeration of the many and varied places of honor and trust he had, through life, been selected to occupy, and which he, in every instance filled with efficiency and high satis- faction to those immediately interested, and to the public, is, of itself, amply sufficient to mark his character as of great value. Mr. Martin was born in Chester, Pennsyl- vania, in 1797. His residence was partly in his native County of Delaware, where a nu- merous and highly respectable maternal an- cestry had long resided, and partly in Phila- delphia, and his active life is equally identified with both these places. After his school education, at the instance of his grandfather. Judge John Crosby, he read law under William Graham, Esq., of Chester, and was admitted to practice in 1821. But other pursuits were more congenial to his taste, and he engaged in business life, first as a Com- mission Merchant in Philadelphia, and then as a cotton manufacturer, in Aston, Delaware County. In 1826-7, he represented the county in the .State Legislature. The two leading questions of these sessions of the Legislature, were the State internal improvement by canal^ and a system of common schools for the Com- monwealth, in both of which Mr. M. took an active interest. Soon after he relinquished manufacturing, and became a resident of his native Borough of Chester, filling there the ofiice of Justice of the Peace, and also Clerk to the Commissioners, to whom he rendered essential service in originating a complete system of book-keeping for the accounts of the county, a degree of looseness in these ac- counts having previously existed. About the year 1834, he was elected Secre- tary and responsible officer to the newly char- tered Delaware County Insurance Company, now the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, of Philadelphia. Upon the removal of the office of this company to Philadelphia, Mr. M. was transferred with it, and as its chief officer, first as Secretary, and for the last 18 years as President, he presided over that institution, with what degree of success its present prosperous condition can best testify. Mr. M.'s position as chief officer of a com- pany doing a very large Fire and Marine busi- ness, brought him into contact with a great variety of men, and his easy affability of man- ner, natural kindness, and prompt decision, won for him a standing and popularity in his vocation excelled, perhaps, by no underwriter in Philadelphia, or elsewhere. Amidst the duties of his office, Mr. M. lent his judicious aid and services to many public institutions, and also to several benevolent societies. Of the public institutions may be named : Director of the Pennsylvania Rail- road, Director of West Philadelphia Railroad, Director of the Ocean Telegraph Company, President of the Pennsylvania Steamship Com- pany, President of the Philadelphia Steam Tug Company, President of the Board of Fire Un- derwriters of Philadelphia, and a Director, from its origin, of the Penn Mutual Life In- surance Company. C)f benevolent societies, he was a Manager of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, a Director and Controller of Public Schools, and President of the Board of Direc- tors of the Public Schools of the old City of Philadelphia, Director of Girard College, Manager of the House of Refuge, and Direc- tor of the Seaman's Friend Society. Mr. Martin was for many years a consistent memlier of the Episcopal Church, and a Ves- tryman, first of St. Paul's, Chester, and then in Philadel]5hia, of the Church of the Ascen- sion, and of St. Luke's, in that city. After this enumeration of the many places of confidence and trust filled by the deceased. 384 HISTORY OF CHESTER. it w.nil.l l)e needless panejryric to say more. This brief obituary would, however, be in- complete if it were not added that these nu- merous apjwintments were seldom — never, in- deed, in later life— of his own seeking. His life was ever characterized by unassuming modesty and refinement — never intentionally wounding the feelings of any, and his inter- course with all, \\as marked by courtesy and kindness. The writer of this notice will not invade the d(mucile of his home life, other than to remark that it comported well with what might be inferred from his more public char- acter. ^■ William and Sarah Ann Martin, had the following issue: William, (born at Green Bank, Oct. 12, 1821, died in infancy,) John Hill, William, Junior, Ellen Crosby, Mary Welsh, Luther, Georgiana, Mortimer Richmond Tal- bot, Sarah Ann and Ernest Dudley Martin. 2. John Hill Martin, the Author of this '■^History of Chester and its vieini- t}>," was born in Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 1823, at No. 48 South Front street, first door below Chestnut street, west side, my father's residence and place of business. The house had been previ- ously the residence and place of busi- ness of my mother's father. After his death, the family removed to "Green Bank," at Chester, and lived there a year or so, during which time Father and Mother were married. After prac- ticing law at Chester for a few years, father went into business as a com- mission merchant with Peter Hill, and it was then he removed to Phila- delphia. Soon after my birth, father removed to Aston, (Lenni Mills,) Dela- ware County, and began there the man- ufacture of cotton goods. In this he became embarrassed and lost all his means, and returned to Chester and to the practice of the law about 1827. At an early age, before I can remember, I was taken by grandmother Hill to live with her at the "Pine Tree Place," in Ridley, and remained there until about my thirteenth year, after which I passed most of my time with my parents in Chester, for the purpose of attending school. My first teacher in Chester was a Mr. Boyle, a short stout Irish- man, who taught "a select school," in the second story of the old red brick school house on Welsh street. My next teacher was Caleb Pierce, who died Jan'y 13, 1877, in his 78th year, and who taught in the same school house, down stairs. He used to flog the boys frequently, but his whippings did not amount to much. My third and last preceptor, was William P. Saunders of Virginia, a tall, handsome man, with long flowing hair, a great beau and a favorite with the Chester ladies. He induced my father to send me to West Point Military Acadamy. Accordingly proper application was made, and on the 19th of February, 1838, 1 received from the President the appointment of a cadet, and passed at West Point, three of the happiest years of my life, delight- ed with air the surroundings of every kind, and leaving that noble institution with sorrow, yet having no cause to regret my resignation ; which took place July 10, 1841. I immediately there- after commenced the study of the law with George L. Ashmead, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, a most estimable gen- tleman, and was admitted to practice, Nov. 13, 1844. During the time I studied law, I became a member of the Law Acadamy, and was for two years the Treasurer. I compiled while a student "A Digest of study," consist- ing of about sixty pages of foolscap, which has been of great use to myself and others ; several copies are in exist- ence in manuscript. In Jimc, 1857, I HISTORY OF CHESTER. 335 became the Legal Editor of the Phila- delphia Intelligencer, an Insurance Journal. Fond of scribbling, I kept a journal until ,i86i, also a family record, and made a collection and copy of all old family papers, with sketches of the lives, and anecdotes of members of the family, and finally, having many years ago visited Bethlehem, Pa., and be- come attached to its Moravian people and that charming spot, which I have ever since made my summer home, I wrote and published in the Intelligen- cer, a History of ^^ Bethlehem a?id the Moravians,'''' which was put in book form in 1872, and a second edition issued in 1873. I ^^so wrote a series, ' ' Sketches in the lehigh Valley, ' ' which were published in the Bethlehem Daily Times, in 1872. In 1873, I edited and published "Historical Notes on Music in Beth- lehem," Pennsylvania, by Rufus A. Grider, a pamphlet of 41 pages, a very interesting work, and in Decem- ber, 1876, I began the publication in the Intelligencer, of "The Bench and Bar," being lists of all persons Avho have held Judicial ofifice in Philadel- phia, with a list of the members of the Bar, &c. I have made in manu- script, a collection of opinions on questions of Marine Insurance, written by the ablest mercantile lawyers of Philadelphia and elsewhere, forming a large volume of 423 pages and consist- ing of 185 opinions, properly indexed for reference. I have also a volume of Admiralty Reports, and two vols, of Insurance Reports, formed of cuttings from the Intelligencer, of reports from that Journal, of which I have been Legal Editor now for nearly 20 years, my only duties being to furnish the re- ports of Insurance and Admiralty De- cisions in England and the United States. After leaving the Military Acadamy, I took no interest in military matters un- til the spring of 186 1, when I was elect- ed Captain of an Independent Artillery company, which drilled at the Acadamy of Music, and was composed of some of the best citizens of Philadelphia, most of whom were stockholders of the Acadamy. Some of the members after- wards entered the service. Col. Henry Coppee, LL.D., drilled the company previous to my election as its Captain. The following is a Muster Roll of the "Independent Artillery Com- pany" of Philadelphia, 1861-2. John Hill Martin, Captain. Strickland Kneass, -ist Lieut. Samuel C. Robe, Esq., ■2d Lieut. James B. Weaver, Ord. Serg't.* Seth H. Butler, 2i/5^rf 7. Wm. F. Weaver, Q. M. Serg't. Charles O. Abbey, i,th Serg't. Priv Thomas E. Ashmead, Henry J. Boiler, Prof. J. C. Booth, John Biddle, Lucius Burrows, Gustavus S. Benson, William P. Cresson, Geo. W. Carryl, E. W. Carryl, Ephriam Clark, Jr., Jacob Dock, Gerald F. Dale, William R. Dunton, John Embley, J. E. Emanuel, Penrose Fell, Thomas Fobes, J. M. Gillilan, James E. Gould, Charles H. Grant, Benjamin F. Huddy, Prof. Jno. S. Hart, Samuel Hart, Rev. Dr. Kirk, Prof. B. Kendall, A. Kirkpatrick, R. M. Lewis, Dr. Francis W. Lewis, F. A. Lewis, J. W. Leigh, Dr. James A. McCrea, H. U. Messchert, Esq., John Mc Arthur, Jr., John Mc Arthur, Sr., Alexander McElroy, Caleb J. Milne, F. F. Milne, Wm. A. Newbold, Esq., Henry Perkins, Dr. Henry A. Paul, J. Altemont Phillips, Esq. Wm. Martin Smith, Dr. Geo. R. Starkey, Henry D. Sherrerd, Charles Short, J. E. Stevens, J. P. Steiner, Enoch Thorn, Jr. , D. B. Taylor, Capt. James West, Dr. Francis West, J. H. Welsh, Dr. HiUborn West, Stephen Williams, Charles S. Williams, Caleb S. Wright. Chaplain, Rev. Dr. William Kirk, of Boston, Mass. * Orderly Sergeant Weaver resigned to enter the U. S. Naval Academy, from which he graduated, and S. H. Butler became Orderly Sergeant. 336 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 3. William Martin, Jr., born Nov. 10, 1824, at Lenni Mills, married Eliz- abeth Bankson, daughter of Walter and Sarah Montgmery Thompson of Philadelphia, by whom he had issue, Walter T., who died July 22, 1876, aged 27 years, and Sarah Ann Martin. He was Secretary of the Columbia In- surance Company, and afterwards of the Philadelphia Ins. Co., and then Secretary of the Mutual Deposite In- surance Association, and finally Secre- tary and Treasurer of the West Phila- delphia Passenger Railway Co. ; but several years ago retired from active business pursuits. William Martin, Jr., is a good ama- teur artist, both with brush and pencil ; in his younger days he was given to versification. The following effusion, of which I can remember only one verse, will serve to perpetuate the re- collection of a Philadelphia fashion that has existed for over thirty years to my knowledge. After church ser- vice, in the mornings and afternoons, crowds of young people promenade Walnut Street, on the south or shady side. Originally the walk extended from Tenth to Broad Streets, at a la- ter day, from Eighth Street to the Schuylkill River. Now the promenade is entirely west of Broad Street. " Out Walnut Street, upon the shady side, Walked a dandy, sweetly smiling ; Oft I marked him with the human tide, On Sunday evenings, gently gliding, Oracefully he hied ! Out Walnut Street, upon the shady side." 4. Ellen Crosby Martin, born at Lenni Mills, married Spencer Bon- sall, son of Edward H. and Lydia, of Philadelphia. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Bonsall was Surveyor- in-Chief of the city of Philadelphia, and held that jiosition until the con- solidation in 1854, when the office be- came elective. They have but one child, a son, William Martin Bonsall. 5 . Mary Welsh , born at Chester, Jan . 5, 1832, died in a decline in Philadel- phia, Nov. 8, 1 85 1, and was buried at Woodlands, in a lot of ground belong- ing to her father. 6. LutherMartin,bornFeb.i5, 1834, at "Crosby Place," Ridley Creek quarries, married Anne, daughter of Lewis C. and Jane A. Wells of Phila- delphia, and had issue John Hill, Jr., and William Welsh Martin. Has been a clerk in the office of the Delaware Mu- tual Safety Insurance Co.,. since Oct. 16, 1853. 7. Georgiana Martin, born at Ches- ter, uninarried. 8. Mortimer Richmond Talbot Mar- tin, born at Chester, June 21, 1838, married Harriet, daughter of George and Elizabeth {nee Mulford,) Arm- strong of Philadelphia, and has issue, W^illiam, Sarah Ann, Frank B. and Ernest Dudley Martin. 9. Sarah Ann, born in Philadelphia, married Henry G. Thayer, son of the late Edward N. and Agnes. Mr. Thayer served during the Rebellion as an As- sistant Paymaster in the U. S. navy. His father was a midshipman on board the U. S. ship "Chesapeake" at the time of her capture by H. B. M. ship " Shannon," off the port of Gloucester, Mass., and his grandfather Thayer was a merchant in Boston, where he has relatives occupying prominent posi- tions in mercantile life. ID. Ernest Dudley Martin, yoimgest son of William and Sarah Ann, born July I, 1843, in Philadelphia, educated at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. ; graduated at the University of Penn- sylvania as a Doctor of Medicine, Mar. II, 1865. His Thesis upon "The HISTORY OF CHESTER. 337 Health of Philadelphia," founded on the yearly reports of the Board of Health, was pronounced an excellent paper. He was appointed before grad- uation, Mar. 3, 1865, an acting assistant Surgeon in the U.S. navy ; was honora- bly mustered out at the end of the Re- bellion, Oct. 9, 1865, and on Mar. 30, 1866, appointed an Assistant Surgeon in the navy, passing his examination second in a class of eighty applicants. He died at sea, in the Pacific ocean, on board the U. S. steamer "Pow- hatan," at midnight, July 16, 1868, of the yellow fever, and was buried at noon with naval honors. He was a young gentleman of more than usual promise in his profession. My sweet and gentle Mother, depart- ed this life, Mar. 20, 1876, aged 75 years, one month and 16 days. Her dear remains repose in our burial lot in Woodlands, Philadelphia. On the memorial stone is engraven : Burial Lot of WiLLiA.M Martin, Born Sept. 17, 1797, Died Oct. 16, 1862. His remains lie in the Fanaily Vault in St. Paul's old churchyard, Chester, Pa. In Memor)' of His Wife Sarah Ann Martin, Born Feb. 4, 1801, Died March 20, 1876. And of their daughter Mary Welsh, Born Jany. 5, 1832, Died Nov. 8, 1851. And of their son Ernest Dudley Martin, M. D. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. Navy, Died at sea, July 16, 1868, Aged 25 yrs. & 15 dys. The following inscriptions are cut on the tombstone covering our family vault in the old graveyard of St. Paul's, Chester : " Dedicated to the memory of William Martin, M. D. Born in Philadelphia, September 2d, 1765; Died at Chester, September 28th, 1798. son of John and Mary Martin. and Eleanor Crosby, his wife, Born April 24th, 1777, Died January 1 6th, 1837, Daughter of John and Ann Crosby, of Ridley. Also of William Martin, Esquire, Son of William and Eleanor Martin, Born September 17th, 1797, Died Octoberi 6th, 1862. And his wife Sarah Ann Martin, Born February 4, 1801, Died March 20, 1876. BiD'ied at ]VoodlanJs. On the north side of the tombstone, is cut: William, son of William and Sarah Ann Martin, liorn October 12, 1821 ; died Septem- ber 7, 1823. XXXA^ The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, running as its title indicates, from Philadelphia to Balti- more, and passing throughWilmington, Delaware, passes also through the city of Chester. The road was located and sur- veyed during the year 1836. Matthew Newkirk being the President of the corporation, Samuel H. Kneass, the Chief Engineer, Henry G. Swift and Herman J. Lombsert, late Second Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, were the Assistant Engi- neers, and Strickland Kneass, now As- sistant President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, was Rod-man. 338 HISTUKY OF CHESTEK. The road was first opened for travel in the year 1838, with Charles Lom- b?ert (the father of Herman) as Super- intendent. The contractors for the division in Delaware County, were Cochran, Eves, and Thurlow ; two of them well-known residents of the vicini- ty of Chester, viz: John Cochran, now deceased, and John J. Thurlow, still liv- ing (1877.) The track of the Railroad was originally laid with flat-bar, call- ed strap-rail, weighing about fifteen pounds per yard, fastened upon a con- tinuous stringer, with cross-ties and mud-sills, and with a gauge of four feet, eight and a half inches. The track is now laid with T-rail, upon cross-ties. Several years ago the Company erected a handsome Passenger Depot at Ches- ter, and now 14 trains run daily, con- necting Chester with Philadelphia; and the track which formerly crossed the meadows between the two cities, and over the creeks by drawbridges, has been removed back from the river front to the line of the highlands, opening up a beautiful and healthy section of the County of Delaware, which is already being built up by wealthy citizens of the larger city, with handsome houses for summer residences. A handsome marble monument, near "Gray's Ferry," which was erected j about 1838, to commemorate this en- terprise, gives the name of the Directo- ry and those engaged in this successful undertaking. . Since the opening of their new tracks, called "The Darby Improvement, " the Company have sold or leased their old tracks, through the marshes, to the Reading Railroad Com- pany, for the use of its coal trade ; and the Reading have laid tracks froni Ridley Creek to and through Ches- ter, along Front street, which, al- though it will increase the commercial prosperity of the city, will prove a great nuisance in time, by passing trains during the day, and ear-splitting whistles during the night. On Edgmont Avenue, just north of Providence road, there still stands in an altered condition, the old Caldwell mansion. When I was a boy, ' ' Squire Caldwell" lived there, having quite a large farm. The property passed out of the hands of the family lately. The sons removed to Philadelphia many years ago. One of them, William G. Caldwell, now deceased, married Maria De Young of Southwark. In the olden times, before the com- mon school system of education of the present day went into operation, the County School-master, or the School- mistress, were indispensable person- ages. Everybody knew the schoolmas- ter in his vicinity ; and the "Old School - master" was pointed out with pride, and often-times with affection. I often recall with pleasure the days when I went to school to Edward Thomas, in the old Springfield School house, with my cousins, Crosby P. and Ellen E. Morton, Sarah and Hannah Lownes; for boys and girls in those days attend- ed the same school, the boys sitting on one side of the house, and the girls upon the other. At a later day I went to school to Christopher W. Steele, at the old Ridley school-house, on the "Big Road," just above Little Crum Creek, now called Crum Lynne, on the confines of Ridley Park. I remember that we did not like our schoolmaster. He was severe, and flogged his scholars without discretion. He married a daughter of William and Nancy Hill of Ridley, and lived at Leiperville in the stone dwelling yet standing, nearly opposite the tavern, on the Stille farm. Of those who attended Ridley school IT J ST O II Y OF ClIKSTKIJ with me, I can recall Robert P. and Nathaniel D. Crosby, my cousins; Re- becca and Sadie Worrall, William and Thomas H. Maddock, Abraham, Hen- ry and Mary Trimble, Ebenezer Ers- kine, Lewis Garrett, Engle Smith, Robert Henderson, Marshall Attmore Jones, Thomas, Sarah and Maria Ottey, Charles J. Morton, David Jordan,. Elisha and Edward Horn, Jac ol) Kri- der, Philip Morris and liis sister, of Morris' Ferry. These schools were called "Charity Schools," yet they were not so in the strict acceptation of the term. For some remarks in reference thereto, see Martin vs. McCord, 5 Watts, 492. And for a better understanding of the formation of these schools, and the manner in which they were conducted, 1 insert here an account of Ridley school and school-house, compiled from the minutes. On the 1 2th of 2 mo., 1800, the fol- lowing inhabitants of Ridley, met at the house of Jacob Painter to take action on the erection of a school house in that township, viz : William Paul, Caleb Davis, Jeremiah Mc- Ihaiii, Peter Hill, James McIIvain, Nathaniel Worrall, Jacob Painter, William Beatty, Jon- athan Smith, Thomas Price, Daniel Morton, and Aaron Morton. William Paul was cho- sen Chairman and Aaron Morton, Secretary. ' Resoh'ed, That after having taken into con- sideration the propriety of building a school, house on the lot of ground granted by Isaac Culin, they consider it unfit for that purpose.' Whereupon Caleb Davis proposed to give 42 perches of ground on the north side of the great road, adjoining the lot now occupied by Peter Norburg, which was unanimously accepted. ' Resolved, That in order that there may be a full meeting of the subscribers and others, to determine on so important an object, Nathan- iel Worrall, William Beatty and James Mc- IIvain, be appointed for the purpose of notify- ing the following persons, viz. : John Crosby, Esq., John Crosby, Jr., John McIIvain, Abra- ham Trimble, Isaac Culin, James Maddock, Jesse Worrall, Isaac McIIvain, George Jordan, William Hill, Joseph Pearson, John Culin, John Hoff, Augustus Legrand, Andrew Tong- acre, William Price, Jacob W'crrall, William W^orrall, William Shoemaker, Thomas Hall, Lewis Mowry, Thomas Blithe, John Irwin, William Boon, John Smith, Ann Smith, Ra- chael Effinger, Lewis Trimble, Jr., Isaac Morton, Israel Morton, Robert Colvin, Henry Trimble, Mary Pywell, Peter Revel, Anlhony (Juyre, Samuel Hoff, William Tritcs, Hcnja- min Miller, Rebecca Miller, James Miller, Michael KiUs, John Kitts, Daniel Lampley, Isaac Hance and Peter Welch, of our next meeting.' Resolved, TX-yzX Fifth-day next, the 17th of this instant, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the house of Jacob Painter, be the time and place of our next meeting.' At the adjourned meeting there were present, William Paul, Caleb Davis, Jacob Painter, Jeremiah McIIvain, John McIIvain, Abraham Trimble, Nathaniel Worrall, Aaron Morton, James Maddock, William Beatty, Henry Trim- ble, Thomas Price, Hugh McIIvain and James McIIvain. Wm. Paul in the Chair, and James McIIvain, Secretary. The question was taken on building a school-house on the land offc7-ed by Calel) Davis, and carried ; said land to be conveyed to Abraham Trimble, Jeremiah Mc- IIvain and Nathaniel Worrall, for the use of a school ; and the Secretary was directed to draw a subscription paper, to be offered to the members of the meeting and inhabitants, for their sul)Scriptions for building the school- house. James Maddock, Aaron Morton and James McIIvain, were appointed and directed to draw a draft of a school-house and make an estimate of the expense of building, and produce it to the next meeting. Adjourned, to meet at the same place, on Fifth-day, the 25th of this month, at 3 o'clock, and that the per- sons to whom the deed is to be made produce it to said meeting. At the adjourned meeting there were pre- sent, William Paul, Caleb Davis, Peter Hill, Abraham Trimble, John McIIvain, Jeremiah McIIvain, James Maddock, Jacob Painter, William Hill, George Jordan, William Beatty, Nathaniel Worrall, Isaac McIIvain, Isaac Worrall, Peter Revel, Michael Roe, Henry Trimble and James McIIvain. The Deed for 840 HISTORY OF CHESTER. the land conveyed by Caleb Davis and wile, being produced was read, as follows : 'This Indenture, made the 25th of July, A. I). 1800, between Caleb Davis, of Dela- ware County, in Pennsylvania, and Lydia, his wife, of the one part, and Abraham Trimble, Jeremiah Mcllvain and Nathaniel Worrall of the other part, Witnessetli, that the said Calel) Davis and I,ydia his wife, as well for and in consideration of the sum of live shillings, law- ful money, &c. •■-' ■••• "•■" "•■" Have given, granted, bargained and sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell, alien, enfeoff and con- firm unto the said Abraham Trimble, Jeremiah Mcllvain and Nathaniel Worrall, their heirs and assigns, all that lot or piece of ground, situate, lying and being in the township of Ridley, in the County aforesaid : Beginning at a stone in the side of the post-road leading from PhiladeljAia to Chester and at the north- east corner of the garden miw in the tenure of Peter Norburg; thence north thirty-four degrees west seven perches to a stone ; thence north fifty-eight degrees, east six perches to another stone ; thence south thirty-four degrees seven perches to a stone; thence south fifty-eight degrees, west six perches, to the place of be- ginning, containing forty-two perches, more or less, &c. "■■' "■■■ "■'" ••' In Trust nevertheless, and to the uses, interests and purposes hereafter mentioned and no other ; that is to say, that they the said Abraham Trimble, Jeremiah Mcllvain and Nathaniel Worrall, and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs, executors and administra- tors of such survivors should stand and be seiz- ed of the lot of ground and all other the here- ditaments and premises hereby given, granted, bargained and sold, or intended so to be, for the use of all such inhabitants of the township of Ridley and its vicinity, whose names are indorsed on the back of this indenture, to erect and build a school-house or other neces- sary buildings thereon, for the education of youth therein ; which said school-house and all other buildings to be erected thereon, shall be deemed, construed and understood to be, antl they are hereby declared to be free only for the use, education and instruction of the youth resident in and belonging to the said inhabitants of Ridley and its vicinity whose names are indorsed on this indenture, and their representatives forc\cr,' ivc. The names of subscribers indorsed William Paul, Jeremiah Mcllvain, Abraham Worrall, John Mcllvain, James Mcllvain, Aaron Morton, Jacob Painter, James Maddock, Nathaniel Worrall, Hugh Mcllvain, Henry Trimble, Isaac Mcllvain, Caleb Davis, Thomas Price, William Beaty, Michael Rowe, Rachel Effinger, Isaac Worrall, George Jordan, Peter Hill, William Hill, Mary Pyvveil, Peter Revel, Daniel Lampleigh, William Devanport, fesse Worrall. Leiperville is the new name for the old village of Ridley. Abotit the year 1835, George G., William J. and Sam- uel M. Leiper purchased of the Mcll- vains their estate at Ridley, and re- named the village Leiperville. The township was doubtless named from Ridley in Cheshire, Eng., whence came John Simcock, the owner of a large quantity of land therein. The Managers during lothmo., 1800, reported to the trustees that the build- ing wouki shortly be ready for the re- i ception and accommodation of the school, whereupoii the trustees adver- tised for a tutor, and selected for that office Jacob Fenton. a graduate of Dartmouth College. The agreement made the 15 th of loth mo., 1800, with Jacob Fenton, was that he should ' ' teach a regular Day School, subject to the direction of the Trustees, in the rudiments of the English language: Reading, writing, arithmetic, bookkeeping, geography, and either or every branch of the mathe- matics, at the rate of two dollars a quar- ter for every scholar, subscribed for the term of three months, to commence the 20th day of loth mo., 1800. And the subscribers to said school, agree to pay the said Fenton, or order, two dollars for every scholar stibscribed, together with a reasonable charge for wood and ink." HISTORY OF CHESTER. 341 Before the quarter was up, Fenton got himself in trouble. He sent his bills before they were due, refused to allow for time lost by absence, and at the end of his term bid the trustees defiance, and kept possession of the school . The trustees resolved to eject him. The entry is brief : (Jan.,' i8oi,l "on the morning of the 23rd the foregoing reso- lution of the trustees was carried into effect." "2 mo. 2, 1801, William Fairlamb commenced teaching in Ridley school, at the rate of eight dollars a year, fire- wood and ink allowed." Ink came in paper packages in those days. The preparation was put into a bottle, a certain quantity of water poured upon it, then it was shaken up, and after standing a while, was ready for use. 4 mo. 6, 1801, Samuel Lytle com- menced teaching at $2 a quarter, and fire-wood and ink. The Trustees "agreed to meet in future on the first 2nd day of each month, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon," or to pay fifty cents for every such neglect ; which money was to be laid out in books for the use of the poor of the school. 10 mo. 5, it was agreed "to give premiums at the next examination to those scholars who should make the greatest improvement or excel in any particular branch of education, and for the second and next best." Feb. 6, 1804. Meeting of the sub- I scribers to inquire into the decorum of ' the school, the conduct of the master, j and the neglect of the trustees to at- tend to their duties for two years. The old board of tru-stees were removed and ! a new board appointed. Feb. 20, 1804, a meeting of trustees report that there were "45 scholars," and that the master's conduct was not approved. On Mar. 5, there Avere 37 scholars. Trustees unanimously agreed not to employ Mr. Lytle, the present master, any longer than his present en- gagement ; and on April 2, the trus- tees found the school-house locked, "neither teacher nor scholars" being in attendance. May 3, 1804, Archibald McKinny became teacher, preparing the articles of agreement, and then refused to fur- nish the trustees with a copy, so "no record could be made." The conse- quence was, the school fell off to 15 pupils, and the master was discharged. 12 mo., 1804, Joseph Barrows be- came the teacher. In April 1805, he had 43 scholars, and was much praised for his capacity. In June there were 68 scholars in attendance, and in August the master absconded in debt to seve- ral persons. Sept. 9, 1805, Jonas P. Fairlamb agreed to teach . Caleb Davis, however, took his stove away, and James Mad- dock undertook to procure another, "to remain forever for the use of the school." Oct. 28, 1805, the Committee set- tled, allowed and approved the account for building the school, of $502.19, being $121.19 i" excess of the contri- butions. On Dec. 12, 1805, Jonathan Dutton became schoolmaster, the terms still being the same, $2 per scholar. In Jan. i8o6,'he had 26 scholars, but had no authority over them, and the school soon fell to 14 scholars. April 28, 1806, James Townsend be- came master, at $2.50 for subscribers' children, and 20 per cent, more for non-subscribers. In May 23, there were 40 pupils. About the year 1812, Thomas Kitts was teacher, with 39 scholars in attend- ance. :J42 HISTORY OF ClIESTEH. Ill 1816, Jan. 15. Jesse Broomall was thesclioolmaster, at $2.50 per scholar, and here on the records the dollar mark is first used. April 18, 181 6, he agrees to teach six months, for $160. June, 181 7, Michael Burke was mas- ter for three months at $3. Then he was engaged another quarter^ "at which time Jesse Broomall has engaged to re- turn : and on Dec. 29, he resumed his position as teacher." Mar. 27, 1819, Samuel Lytic com- menced teaching at ^3 per ipiartcr. In August there were 60 scholars. The trustees thought this too man\', and notified the subscribers that only 50 would be received per day. Feb. 5, 1820, the trustees on account of the teacher's extreme youth and in- experience, &c., (his name is not given), advertised for another teacher in the Village Record and Post Boy. Samuel Lytle and Nathaniel Vernon applied. The latter was chosen. Terms, ^2 a quarter; $3 if mathematics was taught. After 1820 the Meeting of the sub- scribers became very irregular. On Jan. 30, 1830, the School had 35 scholars. 7 Mar. 1 83 1, subscribers' meeting; new names, Joseph Garrett and Joseph Law son. Trustees elected were James Mad- dock, Josei)h Garrett and Edward Home. Mar. 15, 1834, meeting of subscri- bers or their legal representatives ; pre- sent, Joseph Garrett, William Hill and George (t. Leiper. The next meeting was held on Jan. 20, 1855, by the heirs and representa- tives of the original subscribers to the lower (or old) Ridley school-house; present George Jordan, Jacob Hewes, Jonathan P. Newlin, Jacob Worrall, Abraham F. Patterson, William Mad- dock, amd William Worrall. On motion. George Jonlaii. Jacob Hcwcs and Jacob Parry were elected Trustees lor three years. Jan. 18, 1862, meeting of the heirs, &c. Jacob Parry, chairman, Wm. Worrall, Junr., Sec. The following persons were nominated for Trustees, Jona. P. Newlin, Jacob Worrall, Jacob PaJ-ry) Spencer Mcllvain and Israel Maddock. Mcllvain, Worrall and Maddock were elected for three years. Since the last date there has been no entry in the minutes. I am under the impression that after Christopher W. Steel ceased to be the schoohnaster, Alexander M. Wright, John Stille, David Jordan, Edward Home, Thom- as H. Maddock, Esq., and»Ebenezer Erskine, were schoolmasters. The old school house is built of pointed stone. The minute book is in possession of Jacob Hewes of Eeiperville, and the property is in possession of the heirs of Caleb Davis, who claim that it has re- verted to them from non use for the purposes for which it was donated; a new school house having been lately erected (1873), ^^^^i" Leiperville. The old school house has not been used as a school since about 1862. A good anecdote is related of the Baron de Steuben. After the Revolu- tion he settled in Oneida County, New York, and the inhabitants of the vicini- ty met to establish a school, and the Baron offered to donate a lot near his residence, on which to erect the school house. He was asked whether the noise of the children would not annoy him, and he replied, " Oil I 1 dont care for that; I want to see the little devils fighty Frederick William Augustus Baron de Steuben, was Aid de Camp to Frederick the Great, and In.spector General of the Continental Army, after the Revolution. New York presented him with 16,000 acres of land in HISTORY OF CHESTER. 343 Oneida County, on which he erected j a log-house; the tenth part of the lands j he gave to his aids North, Popham and Walker. On Jan. 30, 1778, the Baron visited Bethlehem, Pa., and was enter- tained by the Moravian brethren, and there his descendants still live; viz., Au- gustus Steuben, a farmer, one of whose j daughters married Theodore T. Lev- ers ; another married Frank Windt ; and yet another is the widow of George Reich, late of Bethlehem. The Baron died on his estate near Utica, N. Y., in 1794. He was born in Madgeburg in Prussia, A. D., 1730, and came to America in 1777. Congress voted him an annuity of $2500, in 1790. When I went to reside with my pa- rents, in Chester, about 1835, I went to school to Caleb Pierce, in the old brick school-house erected in 1770; the date can be seen on its southern gable, formed with black glazed bricks. William P. Saunders afterwards taught school in the same building and was my last school teacher. This old school-house was torn down in July, 1875, ^^ niake room for a large addi- tion to the public school-house at the corner of Fifth and Welsh Streets. The walls were much thicker than are now generally laid, and every course was tied, so that the workmen had great difficulty in taking it down. The bricks, which were as sound as they were on the day they were first laid in headers and stretchers, are said to have been made in England, but there is no evidence to support this story, while all the probabilities are against it, since at the time of its erection, importing brick from Eu- rope had been discontinued by the colonies. The ground on which the school-house stood belonged to Joseph Hoskins, who, in his will, ])roved July 21, 1773, devised to his friends Henry Hale Graham and William Swaffer, a lot 100 feet square at the intersection of Welsh or Back Street and the King's Road, in trust for the use of the in- habitants of the Borough and town- ship, " for the Building and Erecting thereon a School House or School Houses or other Edifices for Teaching, Instructing and Educating of Youth therein." His project as to the build- ing appears to have been carried out before he died. In the year 1842, the addition to the old school-house was made, and in 1857, the large building on the corner of Fifth and Welsh was erected. Within its low -ceiled room, many of the old people of this vicin- ity received their early education, and many yet remain with us who recall their school days passed in that building more than half a century ago, when ''Billy Neal," whose acts with the ferule were terrible, was the pre- siding potentate within those ancient walls, and who made a fortune in Mul- ticaulis ; and people yet speak in Ches- ter of "old Samey Lytle," an ancient schoolmaster, in terms of the utmost affection and respect. A short sketch of the family of this old favorite and his descendants may not be without interest, so I give it. Samuel Lytle, an Irishman, came to this country before the Revolution, and lived on theTarm now owned by Graham Flower, son of William G. Flower, and situated about two miles from Chester. He also owned three old log houses, which formerly stood where the ' ' Up- land Building" now stands, and the house now kept by Mr. Morris as a restaurant. He sawed ship-plank for the Government during the Revolu- tion, and got paid in Continental mo- nev. His wife was an Irishwoman, :\U HISTORY OF CHESTER. anil came to America with him ; they were Presbyterians, and had the fol- lowing children, viz. : Samuel Lytle, the well-knowr schoolmaster, John, Ellen, Betsey and William Lytle. Samuel Lytle married Mary Coffin, of Nantucket, Mass. ; they had issue, I . Sarah, who married Abraliam Strick- ler; 2. Ellen, married Samuel Urian ; 3. Walter C, unmarried, and living at Chester; 4. Elizabeth, married to Al- exander M. Wright, late of Ridley, deceased, who had two girls, Anna Eliza and Mary. Mr. Wright was at one time the schoolmaster, at Ridley. 5. Samuel, deceased; 6. Margaret, who married Edward L. Thomas; 7. Franklin, wounded at the battle of Petersburg, Va., died afterwards of his injuries ; 8. Frederick Plummer Lytle, who died young. He was nam- ed after elder Frederick Plummer, who used to preach in the stone meeting- house in Leiperville ; the congrega- tion that worshipjied there were called Plummerites. About 1836, an Irishman by the name of Boyle, an excellent teacher, taught a select school in the second story of the old brick school, then the only school-house in Chester. When I was a boy, Miss Eliza Finch taught very youngchildrenofboth sexes, at her residence, the " Logan House. ' ' Miss Eliza Finch's mother and herself came to Chester from Philadelphia, where they used to reside with her grand- mother, Mrs. Stout, at the N. E. cor. of Third and Spruce Sts. My grand- mother Smith, then lived in Third St., west side, second door north of Spruce St. . Among those who went to school with me in the old brick school-house at Chester, I (an recall Hamilton, Henry O. and Evelina Porter; Samuel, Harry and Mary Edwards; J. Edward, and Arabella Clyde ; Edward, Isaac and Lewis Eyre ; David Jordan, of Ridley ; Franklin and Emma Dick ; Thomas T. and EmelineThurlow; Engle, John, Maggie and Elizabeth Cochran; Sam'l Long ; Amanda Bidgood, daughter of Capt. B. ; Jackson Gibson and a twin brother; John Booth; James G.Shaw; Peirce Crosby ; James Burk, of Shoe- makerville ; John, Samuel, Ellen and Libbie Irwin ; Samuel, Bickham, Sarah and Annie Price; Mary Barnard ; Po- cahontas Bartram ; Asbury Kelly; Ed- ward and Hannah Lear ; Samuel N. Smith ; George Kerlin,son of " Squire Kerlin;" William Kerlin ; Hannah Rulon ; Thaddeus K. Martin, and his sister ; Edward and Emma Spear ; and Susan Clark, a daughter of Captain Clark. XXXVL The old brick school-house was, I have no doubt, erected in 1770, in the same way, and the school conducted in the same manner as Ridley school was, as is shown by its minutes. I regret exceedingly, that the records of Ches- ter school cannot be found. I have been fortunate enough, however, to find among some old papers of my grand- father, Dr. William Martin, and in his hand-writing, the following '' Rules and Regulations agreed upon by the Trustees of Chester School, at a meet- ing held January 9th, 1796 : 1st. That one of the Trustees shall be annually chosen President, whose duty it shall be to act as Chairman at every general meeting of the Trustees. And who shall subscribe all drafts upon the Treasurer for money direct- ed by the Board to be paid. He shall attend at each and every quarterly examination of the school : and call HISTORY OF CHESTER. o4{3 special meetings of the Trustees when he shall deem the same to be necessary — or upon the application of any two Trustees, according to the former rules. 2d. That the remaining Trustees be divided into three classes, who shall by turns visit the school, one in each month ; that is, the ist class the first month, the 2nd the second mo., &c. 3. That the President, Trustees and Treasurer shall visit and examine the school quarter-yearly, and for neglect of attendance, shall pay the sum of ^ of Dol. to the Treasurer, to be appro- priated as the charity fund of the said school. 4th. That no tutor shall have charge of the school but such as shall be ac- cepted by the Trustees, who shall be called together at reasonable notice, when such an occurrence shall make the same necessary. And on the mis- behavior or misconduct of any such tutor, it shall be the duty of the Trus- tees to remove him, by giving him reasonable notice to depart. 5th. That the tutor of said school (or the first tutor, if the number should increase) for the time being, shall be Secretary to the Board of Trustees ; whose duty it shall be to keep a fair record of their proceedings, and sub- scribe the same, and to sign all notices of general or special meetings of the Trustees, and cause each one to be served with the same, a reasonable time before every such meeting. 6th. That the Trustees, at the be- ginning of each and every year, shall advertise for applications to be made to them for educating such children or other persons gratis, as shall be proper objects of the charity fund of the in- stitution, and which shall embrace the greatest number of persons that the said fund will admit of, or an agreement with the tutor of the said school, enable them to give assistance to. 7th. That as exciting in the minds of children and youth laudable emu- lation, and a desire to improve, is of beneficial consequence in conducting their education, the Trustees shall, at their quarterly examinations, propose little premiums of books, papers, quills, &:c., to those who excel in reading, writing, speaking, arithmetic, &c. ; the expense to be defrayed out of the charity fund of the school. 8th. It shall be the duty of the Trus- tees to see )' no books containing the tenets or doctrines of any sect in re- ligion be taught in the school, or any that may convey improper political principles to the children of Republi- cans ; since no others ought to be ad- mitted, but .such as teach the pure principles of religion as contained in the Holy writings of the Prophets and Evangelists — of morality and love of virtue — such as teach us the love of liberty and our country — obedience to her laws — detestation of tyranny an^l oppression, and hatred of anarchy and licentiousness. 9th. That the quarterly visitations to the school shall be the third Mon- days in the months called February, May, August and November. The premiums shall be proposed at one of the meetings, and given at the imme- diate subsequent one. And it is also agreed, that one subject of a premium shall be the following : At each quar- terly examination the master shall be requested to report to the Trustees which of his pupils has been the most distinguished for his or her moral and orderly and decent behavior, upon which such pupils so reported, shall be entitled to the premium to be named by the Trustees." ■]4G HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. For the following exceedingly valua- ble and interesting sketch of the old brick school-house at Chester, and the public schools instituted in that dis- trict, under the provisions of the amended Constitution of the Com- monwealth of 1838, and the Acts of June 13, 1836, and May 8, 1854, I am indebted to William B. Broomall, Esq., a member of the Ear of Delaware County, and one of the School Direc- tors. Mr. Broomall says : "The rapid strides which Chester has made in her material advancement during the past twenty-five years, are recorded in the progress made Ijy her public schools. The considera- tion of the rise and progress of our public schools presents an interesting subject to the antiquary. Did any of our citizens ever have tile curiosity to examine the date upon the old school building on Welsh Street ? If so, they will have seen in large black figures upon the gable end, 1 770. The building has under- gone many changes and repairs, but the date of its erection still remains recorded in figures manufactured in England. The bricks out of which the old building is constructed are the English brick, laid, in bricklayers' parlance, in headers and stretchers, the ends of the lieaders being burnt black, so as to present a checkered appearance. It is witli the Ijlack ends of the headers that the large figures 1770 were constructed. Think of it! over a hun- dred years old, and six years l^efore the Decla- ration of Independence ! Built out of old Eng- land's soil, dried by an English sun, the first six yeai-s of its existence was devoted to in- culcating in the young minds of those days, the divine right of his royal highness George III. The King can do no wrong, was then orthodoxy, however heterodoxical the saying is now. What a curious subject for contemplation is , presented to the imagination, by thin]ont St. ; both these buildings were erected by Jasper Yeates previous to 1700. Opposite the site of these old structures which have dis- appeared, and on the east side of Front Street, there are some houses that look very antique, no doubt they were among the first brick erections in Chester. The Directory, p. 35 , says : " Fi Ibert Street, and the one between it and the riv-er, were laid out previous to 1690. The now unknown street was eaten away by the tides of the river, and its site is covered by reeds and mud." The deed of David Lloyd to Jasper Yeates for the "Green," dated Sept. 22d, 1703, speaks of the unknown street of the Directory as New Street, which must have - occupied about the position of the present Front Street. Formerly all along the Pennsylvania shore the land was being washed away, especially at the Lazaretto ; at Tinicum this is very apparent, as a stone wall has been erected to protect the en- croachments of the river. The Swedes' Church and graveyard formerly there and mentioned by Acrelius, have long ago disappeared ; it is said, washed away. See Ante, p. 89. Since writing the above I came across a copy of the Tnwcllers' Directory, Philadelphia, 1802, p. 37, which says " Chester, the county town, is 15 miles frohi Philadelphia, and situated between two creeks, Chester and Ridley, on the west side of the Delaware. It was incorporated in Dec, 1795, and is governed by two burgessess, one high constable, one town clerk and three assistants. The limits of this Borough extend two miles from the shore westward. It contains a Court House, a Jail, an Episcopal church, a Friends' mooting house, a market house and a loni:; HISTORY OF CHESTER. 351 brick school-house. The first dwelling house in Pennsylvania was built on the site of this town ; and the first Colonial Assembly for the Province was convened at this place, on the 4th day of December, 1 682. A part of the old wall of the room remains. The bed of the river has been evidently diminished by the marshy lands having been banked and dykes cut, which have converted them into rich and valuable meadows. This town is much resorted to by companies from Phila- delphia, in the spring and summer seasons." All along the banks of the Delaware we find large tracts of land gained from the tipper cotmtry by the action of the rains and the river's tide, nowhere any lost ; and all as a natural consequence of clearing the land of trees, which has decreased the volume of water in all our large streams, and by the cul- tivation of the soil, large quantities of which is washed by every heavy rain into the streams and the river, increas- ing everyday the size of the islands and mud flats outside of the meadow lands along the Delaware. Having passed many summers in the Lehigh Valley, where the hills are mostly covered with forest trees, I have noticed more than I would otherwise have done the ab- sence of trees in the vicinity of Ches- ter. It is a great mistake to keep even cultivated fields so bare of shade. It lets the sun bake the soil dry and hard ; but worse than that, it dries up the springs of water, and the small streams that ought to moisten the ground and quench the thirst of cattle, disappear altogether. Plant trees around your spring-houses. The width of the river Delaware at Chester, has been differently given by several authors, whose statements have been copied herein, so it may be as well to state, that by McClure's sur- vey, the width of the river at Chester is 6,600 feet, and the mean depth is seventeen feet six inches. Hazard'' s Register, i vol. 286. XXXVII. One of the most destructive freshets or floods that ever occurred in the streams of Delaware County, took place on the 5th of August, 1843, ^^^ "^^^^ called the "Lammas Flood." It did immense damage. At Chester at about half-past five o'clock, P. M., it rained very hard for about half an hour ; but the most remarkable circumstance connected with the storm, was the sud- den and unexpected rise of the water in all of the streams ; people said it came down the creek in a wave several feet high ; some said there was a suc- cession of waves. At Chester the creek rose a foot a minute ; some .say six feet in five minutes. Its greatest height at Chester was 23 feet above the usual high water mark. The railroad bridge, and the Chester Creek chain suspen- sion bridge at Third street, were both swept away.* The loss to the county in bridges was about $25,000, and the damage to the mills and other property was estimated at $190,000, and count- ing the loss to orchards, trees, &c., by the wind, the total private and public loss was about $250,000. See p. 38 of a Pamphlet with a Map, printed in 1844, being a "Report of the Delaware County Institute of Science on the great rain storm and flood of Aug. 5, 1843." There had been previous destructive floods in 1795, 1822 and 1839, but *It will be observed that I was in error at page 58, in presuming that perhaps the present bridge was an alteration of the bridge erected in pursuance of the act of 1788. The present structure was built in the fall of 1843, to take the place of the one swept away by the flood, causing a loss to the county of ^2,150; and it has been altered from time to time to meet the requirements of the growing City of Chester. 352 UISTORY OF CHESTER. none so severe as the one of 1843. ^^^^^ pamphlet referred to was presented to nie by my old friend Mark Warne of Chester, who was killed by the bow- sprit of a vessel coming in collision with a steamboat in which he was a passen- ger. At the time of the accident he was standing in the steamboat's barber- shop, where he was killed by the col- lision. He was the brother-in-law of Y. S. Walter of T/ie Delaware County Republican, and was a compositor on that paper. He was a Philadelphian by birth, his parents then residing at the N. E. cor. of 4th and Spruce Sts. From the pamphlet p. 31, 1 copy the account of the damage done to private property by the flood, in the Borough of Chester, which was considerable : " Samuel Lytle had a fine row of Ijaskct wil- lows uprooted and carried away, also his crane for loading large stone from his quarries. Cap- tain Pearson's wharf was partly carried away, as was also that belonging to the estate of Cap' tain John Hart. J. P. & W. Eyre had their storehouse injured, their crane carried away, and about 200 tons of coal swept from their wharf. William Eyre, Jr., had his stock of lumber floated off, and his new wharf greatly- injured. The store of Jesse M. Eyre was badly flooded. William Kerlin had his stone kitchen and several out-buildings, with their contents, carried away, the main building injured, and the furniture in the basement destroyed. Wil- liam Kerlin, Jr., had a frame house carried off and entirely destroyed, as was also the slaugh- ter house of William McCaffery, deceased. William Brobson's tan-yard was much injured, his lime house was carried off, and his loss in hides and bark was veiy considerable. Wil- liam Benton, who occupied the house of Wil- liam Kerlin, Jr., had all his household goods, dearborn, cart, &c., carried off. Mrs. Mary Engle's sheds and stables, occupied by Maurice W. Deshong, were much damaged. The pat- tern house connected with the foundry of Jacob G. Kitts, was carried away, together with nearly all his whole stock of valuable patterns." On pp. 37 and 38, is a table of indi- vidual losses on Chester Creek and its branches as follows: John Edwards' estate, James M. Willcox, . Thomas Thatcher, . David Green, Humphrey Yearsley, Joseph Pennell, Daniel Lamott & Son, Hannah S. Hill, . Caleb Brinton, Matthew Ash, C. W. Sharpless, Esq., Joseph M. Trimble, Samuel F. Peters, . James S. Tyson, . John P. Crozer, Samuel Riddle, Richard S. Smith, . George Peterson, . John Rhoads, James Dixon, J. & I. P. Dutton, Richard Flower, William G. Flower, Samuel Lytle, Capt. Pearson, William McCafferty, Capt. John Hart, . J. P. & W. Eyre, . William Eyre, Jr., Jesse M. Eyre, William Kerlin, William Kerlin, Jr., Mary Engle, . William Brobson, . William Benton, . Jacob G. Kitts, Other persons. Crops, fences, &c., Total loss on Chester Cr., $104,775 On the 20th of July, 1824, there was a violent storm of rain and hail at Ches- ter ; see Hazard's Register, 1 1 vol. 386, and on Sunday, May 8, 1870, one HISTORY OF CHESTER. 353 of the most destructive and violent hail storms, preceded by vivid lightning and heavy thunder, occurred that ever visited this section of the country. It took place at i^ o'clock, P. M., and lasted with one slight intermission of a few minutes, until after 2 o'clock. Two storms, one from the southeast and the other from the northwest, met each other near Woodbury, in New Jersey, and crossed the river in the form of a whirlwind, tearing up trees, and de- stroying houses and barns. It was about half a mile wide, going towards the northeast, crossing the City of Philadelphia, from whence I observed it, diagonally. In its course the storm was frightful ; immense quantities of hail stones fell, covering the ground ; some of the largest measured six inches in circumference ; I neglected to weigh any of them, but my neighbors said some weighed 3 and 4 ounces: the largest were shaped precisely like a tomato, a piece of transparent ice in the centre surrounded by white balls of hail; in innumerable numbers were solid white balls of hail the size of boys' marbles, called " white alleys. " All exposed glass windows to the north and west were utterly destroyed. The course of the storm was not with the wind appar- ently. About an hour and a half after it had passed over, it returned in its course, going back to the southwest, accompanied with rain, but its force was materially lessened. The day had been' quite warm before the storm, but pleasant, but no reason for such a freak in the weather was apparent. The damage done must have reached several hundred thousand dollars. The trees were stripped of their leaves and the ground was covered with hail, leaves and branches. No such hail storm was ever experienced before in this section of the country, within the memory of any living person. On the nth of Au- gust, of the same year, 1870, a heavy rain storm occurred in the vicinity of Ches- ter, nearly approaching in violence the storm of Aug. 5, 1843. The damage on the creeks of Delaware County, ex- ceeded ^250,000. From an old record book belonging to Hannah Button, of Sugartown, I extract the following items, viz: "A curyous observation appeared of the stars from about 3 to 6 o'clock in the morning, 11, 13, 1833. The river Delaware frozen over at Chester, with- out having snow, 1, 19, 1827, and broke up I, 28, 1827; broke up at Philadel- phia, 2 mo. 15th. Great snow storm I mo. 15 & 16, 1831. Great sleet 2d mo. 16 & 17, 1835. High freshet in Chester Creek which took away part of the bridge over the creek, 3, 5, 1838. I mo. 26, 1839, the highest flood in Chester Creek that we ever knew, about I foot 9 inches higher than the one in 1795, taking away the bridge. 8, 5,1843, great flood in Chester Creek ; it has taken away six houses, and drown- ed six people from Rockdale, taking away the mill, saw-mill and barn from Dutton's." On Nov. 22, 1845, the first decisive step was taken towards removing the Seat of Justice from Chester to a more central position in the county ; a public meeting of the citizens of the county being held that day, at the "Black Horse" tavern, in Middletown, in pur- suance of public notice, which adopted a preamble and resolutions favorable to the removal of the public buildings. The movement was opposed by the in- habitants of Chester, but it resulted in the passage of an act of assembly, ap- proved Mar. 3, 1847, authorizing the removal, if a majority of the people of 854 HISTORY OF.CHESTEK. the count}- should approve thereof by their votes at the next general election. Committees were formed on both sides, one to effect, the other to oppose the transfer. The Committee in opposi- tion were chiefly residents of Chester. It was composed of John M. Broom- all, Esq., John P. Crozer, Frederick J. Hinkson, George W. Bartram, Jesse Young, Hon. George G. Leiper, Joshua P. Eyre, John K. Zeilin, Esq., John Larkin, Jr., Edward Darlington, Esq., Samuel Edwards, Esq., and George Serrill of Darby, who issued an address pointing out the disadvantages of the removal, but without any effect ; for at the election held Oct. 12, 1847, ^ i^"*^- jority of 752 votes, decided the trans- fer of the Seat of Justice, which, after much opposition by injunction, &c., was at last effected, and Media was located and named as the new county seat. Chester has grown rapidly since, and has become a large and is a grow- ing city. It was alleged, feared and believed, at the time of the removal of the Seat of Justice to Media, that it would ruin the trade, growth and prosperity of Chester entirely, and that real estate would become reduced to a mere nomi- nal value ; but the results have not justi- fied the fears of the inhabitants of the town. The old jail was purchased and turned into a cotton factory, under the name of the "Henry Clay Mills." This enterprise brought new people in- to the town, and an increase of life and trade. Other manufactories soon fol- lowed the lead thus taken, and by a series of rapid strides, Chester has be- come a ])rosperous city, and is still in- creasing in size and importance; and as shijj building, to a great extent, has become added to its other industries, it bids fair to become a great manufactur- ing town. It would be curious to know the increased valueof property in Ches- ter from the time of the removal of the county seat, from the assessment list, but I have not the material to give the information. The following sketch of an old Ches- ter family of a by-gone generation, some of whose descendants still cling to the home of their ancestors, was fur- nished me by a descendant. "John Odenheimer, a former resi- dent of ' Old Chester,' came from May- ence on the Rhine to Philadelphia, prior to the middle of the last century. He became a dealer in flour, and lived at the corner of Fifth and Market Sts., in the latter city, with open grounds around his house, planted with trees and shrub- bery. He married Mary, daughter of John Henry Keppele. On Sept. 28, 1 771, he bought from Joseph Mather, 177 acres of land in Chester, lying along Ridley Creek. The deed recites one of the boundaries as 'The King's Highway.' Here he opened stone quarries within easy reach of tidewater. After the first visit of the yellow-fever to Philadelphia, he became a permanent resident of CHiester. His son John was Sheriff of Delaware County from 1798 to 1801, and again from 1804 to 1807, and died in 181 6. His son Henry married a daughter of William Kerlin, of Revolutionary note. His daughter Mary married Peter Deshong, of Ches- ter, and his daughter Catharine mar- ried Thomas H. Brinton of Thornbury. Keppele often visited his son-in-law Odenheimer and his large family, at Chester. The customs of their native country were kept up. Hock wines sent them from the Rhine, were in daily use ; while a large silver punch- bowl filled to the brim, with goblets and ladle, stood on a table for visitors HISTORY or CII?]STEK. 355 making morning calls. Gen. Washing- ton during his Presidential term, 1789 to 1 79 7 , was accustomed to pass through Chester on his way to Congress. His journeys were recollected and spoken of by some of the Odenheimer family up to a recent period. They were at- tended with some state. A carriage with four horses and outriders contain- ed his family, the general followed, mounted on a fine horse. He was a large man, with a grave, manly counte- nance, and was treated by the crowd collected to see him, with almost rever- ential respect. Odenheimer died in Chester in 1807, above the age of four- score. His wife died in 1793. Both were buried in the grounds of the old Lutheran church of St. Michael's, cor- ner of Fifth and Cherry streets, Phila- delphia. Most of his descendants be- came Episcopalians. His son Henry, in. Sarah, dau. of William Kerlin, and died at Chester in 1794, leaving two children, John W. and William Henry Odenheimer. The first becaiiie a mer- chant in Philadelphia, and after re- tiring from business, lived at Burling- ton, N. J., where he died July 4, 1876, in his 87th year. He was the father of the Right Reverend William H. Odenheimer, Bishop of New Jersey. Keppele was born near Heilbronn, in Wurtemberg, in 1716. He was a wine merchant in Philadelphia, and lived on the south side of Market be- low Third street. He had open grounds around his house, planted with plum and pear trees. These kinds of fruit trees were very plentiful in his native country. He was one of the founders of St. Michael's, the mother of the Lutheran Churches in Philadelphia. This Church, built in 1743, was hip- roofed, ornamented with glazed bricks, with large doors and windows. Its 46 records reach back to 1733- The Rev. Dr. Helmuth, one of its pas- tors, was also a son-in-law of Keppele. His other sons-in-law were Steinmetz, Kuhn and Zantzinger. His grand- son, Michael Keppele, became Mayor of Philadelphia in 181 1. One of his daughters married James C. Biddle, a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1837 ; another married the late Hon. William M. Meredith, the distinguished lawyer, and late Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, who died in 1873, while presiding over the Constitutional Convention. Mary Deshong died at Chester, Dec. 29, 1869, in the 90th year of her age, preceding by a year her friends Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Engle, who at- tained a still greater age. These three ladies were born in Chester, or near it, and became its "oldest inhabitants," and were the links between the present and a remote Chester generation, noted for its amiable manners and warm- hearted hospitality. The present representative of John Odenheimer at Chester, is John Oden- heimer Deshong, whose ample domain includes his grandfather's quarries. Twenty acres of the old Odenheimer farm are the site of Col. Hyatt's Mili- tary Acadamy. " John O. Deshong does not own any part of the old Odenheimer farm, call- ed "Ridley," late the property of Spencer Mcllvain, that I am aware of. His quarries are on Crum Creek, called " The Island Field," late the property of John F. Hill, deceased. It will be noticed that in old times nearly each plantation had its distinctive name. I like the idea very much ; it is an old English custom. The property which Mr. Odenheimer purchased of Joseph Mather, is thus described in an adver- 356 HISTORY OF CHESTER. tist'iiiciit which will ])e found in the Piiinsylvania Gazetteer of Sept. 7, 1769, as follows: "To be Lett or Sold. — A valuable Plantation, well- known by the name of Ridley, being so called from its situation on Ridley Creek, a mile distant from the town of Chester, and divided by the public road leading from thence to Philadelphia. The western part or division contains 1 30 acres, one half cleared, and the other half well timbered. Eastward of the public road aforesaid, there are about 50 acres of extraordinary upland and marsh meadow, w'hereon are erected a dwelling house, spring-house, barn and stable." The improvements mentioned are not there now. They were small affairs. The spring-house and barn were de- molished by falling stones from heavy blasts. The old quarry hole first work- ed by Odenheimer, is now full of water, and excellent cat-fish, sun-fish and eels can be caught there. The piece of ' 'extraordinary upland" was celebrated once for the immense quantities of mushrooms that grew there. It was then, say 25 years ago, used as a pastur- age for cattle, and still retains evidences of its being all Mr. Mather claims for it, as good land. After the death of John Odenheimer, (the younger), the Sheriff, his heirs sold the estate called "Ridley," to Jeremiah Mcllvain. The following is an extract of the brief of title made on the occasion of the recent sale of the property called by Mr. Mather, " Ridley," by Spencer Mcllvain to William Simpson of Mana- yunk : "1771, Sept. 28, Deed of Joseph Mather in fee for 177 acres, situate in the Borough of Chester, &c., called 'Messuage, Tenement, Plantation & Tract of Land,' ack'd Oct. i, 1771, recorded June 9, 1868, deed book W, No. 2, page 27, &c. "Recited in next Deed Poll, John Odenheimer, Sr., lately died intestate, seized of same, leaving issue seven chil- dren to survive him. "1808, Mar. 7, deed, Margaretta Kerlin, Thomas H. Brinton, Catharine G., his wife, Keppele Odenheimer, Peter Deshong, Mary his wife, and Wil- liam Odenheimer, to their brother John Odenheimer in fee for same. "Recited— The said John Oden- heimer, (the younger), died intestate, and the same descended and vested equally among his legal representatives to wit : His brother William Oden- heimer, his nephew John Odenheimer, and his three sisters, Margaret Kerlin, Catharine G. Brinton and Mary De- shong. " 181 7, May 8, deed, William Oden- heimer, John Odenheimer, and Hen- rietta his wife; Margaretta Kerlin, widows Thomas H. Brinton, Catharine G. his wife, Peter Deshong and Mary his wnfe, to Jeremiah Mcllvain for the same; recorded in deed book M, page 712, &c. "As to the Bull-Cod, 1844, June 8, deed Robert P. Crosby, Charles W. Raborg and Catharine his wife, Isaac E. Engle and Sarah Ann his wife, and Mary Crosby to Spencer Mcllvain, re- corded in deed book N, p. 306." The above was kindly furnished me by Edw. C. Diehl, Esq., son-in-law of Spencer Mcllvain. Mr. Diehl is the descendant of a former well-known resident of Tinicum, an active and intelligent man of business in his day, Nicholas Diehl, a German, the owner of a considerable tract of land in the vicinity of the Lazaretto. He was the g. grandfather of Thomas J. and Ed- ward C. Diehl, Escjs., both members HISTORY OF CHESTER. 357 of the Philadelphia Bar. Nicholas Diehl lived in the fine old country man- sion adjacent to the Lazaretto station, on the west side of the old line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti- more Railroad. His son Thomas Diehl, was a tea merchant at Front and Chest- nut streets, Philadelphia, and his son William J. Diehl, was the father of Ed- ward C. and Thomas J. Nicholas Diehl died in 1828, at an extreme old age. In this connection, Aubrey H. Smith, Esq., says: His grandfather William, lived near the Lazaretto, in a big house built of white cedar or cypress logs, but removed to the present stone mansion-house before the Revolution, where the family were much annoyed by foraging parties from the British men-of-war lying in the river ; and that Gov. Printz's house, the Swedish church and grave-yard, were just east of the old tavern that stands on the bluff below the Lazaretto. Mr. Mil- ler's house is given as the former site of Printz Hall. The grave-yard has undoubtedly been washed away by the encroachments of the river. When his father, Thos. Smith, late member of Congress, was a boy, he and his lit- tle sister were wandering along the beach in front of the bluff, which was then sandy, and seeing an old piece of decayed wood sticking out of the bluff, he, child-like, drew it out of the soft soil, when down at their feet rolled a scull, scaring them so that they did not stop running until safe at home. Al- though tradition fixes the site of Printz Hall on the bluff yet remaining, Mr. Smith thinks its site and the church's also, have been washed away. The bluff is now protected by a stone wall. In front of the old log house where liis grandfather resided, there was a wharf for boats. One night a boat's crew from a British ship landed there, and leaving a soldier to stand guard over the boat, the rest went out on a marauding expedition into the coun- try, but were chased back to their boat by the country people, and the sentinel was shot. His ghost on the night of the anniversary of his being killed, yet walks post over an imaginary boat at the landing dressed in Hessian uniform as of old, with his musket at a carry. If I knew the precise date of this annual visitation, I would give it, so my readers could go and see him at his next ap- pearance. Peter and Mary O. Deshong, of Chester, had issue, John O., Maurice W. and Louisa only, I believe. John O. Deshong, married Emeline, daugh- ter of Dr. Job H. Terrill, and has the following children : Albert, John O., Jr., Clarence, Mary and Louisa. John O. Deshong purchased the place on Chester Creek, on Edgmont Avenue, formerly owned by Dr. William Gray, and erected upon it the fine residence in which he now lives. The house is hidden from view by a heavy grove of trees planted around it. Maurice W. Deshong married, and had issue, Maurice W., Jr., Rachel, Emma and Henry O. Deshong. The Deshong' s are of French descent, and the proper name of Peter, the grandfather, of Re- volutionary note in Philadelphia, was Pierre Deshong. There are descen- dants of Peter living in Wilkes-Barre, although they do not bear the name. The writer of the sketch of the Oden- heimer family says further: "My au- thority for saying there were plum trees on old Mr. Keppele's ground, was Major Westcott, of Philadelphia, who was old enough to recollect when Con- gress sat in that city, and saw Washing- 358 HISTORY OF CHESTER. ton, Franklin, Jefferson and others there. Westcott was a captain in the French war, as it was termed, during the administration of the first Adams, in 1798. He was complicated with the Burr movement to conquer Mexico and detach a part of the Union, and set up a new Empire. He has been dead many years. He told me he clam- bered over a brick wall to get at the old German's plums, when he was a boy. He never admitted that Aaron Burr's projectshad any treason in them, or anything wrong." The following interesting sketch is from the pen of a former lady resident of Chester : " The Washington Hotel was owned and kept by William Ker- lin, and was one of the most prominent stage houses between Philadelphia and Baltimore. William Kerlin and his brother Matthias, were the sole pro- prietors and owners of the hotel pro- perty, and the property upon which the Court House stood, and the whole block around it, and which was sold to the county for a small sum to secure the Court House or Seat of Justice against removal, the proviso or con- ditions being, that should the seat of justice be removed from Chester, the property was to revert to the heirs, but by some error this condition was omit- ted in the deed, and the family have been deprived of their just rights. The Messrs. Kerlin were among the most wealthy citizens. The Washington Hotel and the Columbia Hotel owned by Capt. Wm. iVnderson, the successor to Mrs. Withey, had the largest share of custom, especially on Sundays, they being the resort of the most fashiona- ble people from Philadelphia, when hundreds of carriages filled every ave- nue about the two hotels. General Washington made his home at Mr. Kerlin's in i)assing through Chester, and the mahogany chairs used by him and always kept in his room, are in the family and kept as sacred relics. Mr. Kerlin's g. grand-son, Bishop Oden- heimer of New Jersey, son of John W. Odenheimer, has one of the arm chairs. John K. Zeilin and his son J. Henry Zeilin, another g. grand-son, each have one.* Mr. Kerlin's daughter Sarah's first husband was Henry Odenheimer. Her brother George, married Margaretta Odenheimer, her husband's sister. Mrs. Sarah Odenheimer, daughter of William Kerlin, had two sons, John W. Odenheimer, before referred to, and William Henry Odenheimer, ap- pointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy through Commodore Truxton's influence, a very intimate friend of his parents. He was with Commo- dore David Porter on board the Essex, in the war of 181 2, at the battle of Valparaiso, and for his bravery and heroic conduct was promoted to a Lieu- tenancy. He was stationed on board the Franklin, seventy-four gun ship, after the war, and lost his life in 1815, being but 23 years old, from a severe cold caught by jumping overboard to save the life of the steward who was near drowning. He was buried at St. Michael's with military honors. He narrowly escaped being taken prisoner by the English, when they boarded the Essex, being one of the last of the officers to leave the ship, and did so by jumping overboard and swimming to shore, having been fired at several times whilst in the water. His mother married Mr. Joseph Pi- * Mr. Matthias Kerlin's son John, was in the Senate of Pennsylvania for eight years. The handsome property, afterwards sold to John O. Deshong, was left to his son, Abra- ham Kerlin, hv his father, William Kerlin. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 359 per, an ofificer in the Customs for some years in Philadelphia, under General Steele. She was remarkable for her fine form and elegant horsemanship. Mr. Piper seeing her on horseback fell in love with her. By Mr. Piper she had three sons, George W., Augustus and Ferdinand, and two daughters, Caroline and Louisa. See Ante, 269. Joseph Piper resigned his office in the customs, to take possession of the Wash- ington Hotel, in which he continued until his death. Isaac Darlington, Pre- sident Judge of the District, made his home at the Washington Hotel during the sitting of the Court, every three months. He was a cousin of Mrs. Pi^ per. The widow continued the busi- ness for some years ; then rented the tavern to Evans S. Way, and afterwards to Samuel A. Price, who continued to keep the house until after her death. It was then sold by her executors at a great sacrifice, to the temperance peo- ple, and afterwards to Thomas Clyde, and to several others since. But little trace of the old mansion as it was, is seen — it is greatly changed." XXXVIII. In the winter of 1834-5, a few gen- tlemen of Delaware County met in a small frame store, on the old post-road leading to Chester, situated on the west side of Ridley Creek, north of the road and on the banks of the creek, which Avas then occupied by Jonathan P. Newlin as a country store, and owned by Spencer Mcllvain. The company consisted of William Martin, Spencer Mcllvain, John L. Crosby and Mr. Newlin — and there they dis- cussed the necessity for, and agreed to form an Insurance Company, and Mr. Martin, who was a lawyer, drew up a charter, which was by an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved Apl. 10, 1835, and the following gentlemen named therein as commissioners for receiving subscriptions to the stock of the Com- pany^ to be called "The Delaware County Insurance Company," viz. : Joseph Engle, William Martin, Spencer Mcllvaii John P. Crozier, George F. Lehman, Samuel T. Walker, Samuel A. Price, Archibald T. Dick, Joseph Ml G. Lescure, Joshua P. Eyre, George Serrill, George Miller, Oborn Levis, Enos Painter, James ISL Willcox, John Lindsay, John L. Crosby, Henry Myers, Peirce Crosby, Jonathan P. Worrall, George G. Leiper, John O. Deshong, Thomas Smith, Esq., John Sellers, Jr., Joseph Gibbons, John P. James, H. Jones Brooke, Thomas Clyde, Edward Siter, Jonathan P. Newlin, John Richards, Charles D. Manley, William Amies, James Sill, John P. Griffith, Preston Eyre, Dennis Kelly, John G. Johnson, George W. Hill, William Vanleer, Joseph W. Smith, John K. Zeilin, John L. Pearson, John Aitken, Daniel Lamott, Robert E. Hannum, John Afflick, Esq., Edward Garrett, John Bancroft, Isaac Trimble, Caleb Churchman, Nathaniel W. Cowgill, John Edwards, Henry Lawrence. Subscriptions to the stock were taken at the public house of Isaac Hall, in Nether Providence. Mr. Thomas E. Ashmead says, that so sanguine were the citizens of Delaware County of the success of the new company, that on the day of taking the subscriptions to the stock, a large crowd of gentlemen assembled and absolutely fought their way into the Commissioners' room, in their anxiety to obtain the stock ; and that he was one of the number. From the first minute book of the Company I extract the following infor- mation : The first Board of Directors of the Company (who were elected at a meeting of. the stockholders on July 23, 1835,) met at the house of John J. Thurlow, in Chester, on the 27th of ;6o HISTORY OF CHESTER. the same month, all the Directors be- ing present, viz. : John P. Crozier, Joshua P. Eyre, John L. Crosby, Archibald T. Dick, Samuel M. Lei- per, Charles Kelly, David Trainer, George Serrill and John Bancroft. The meeting having been called to order, George Serrill was called to the chair, and Joshua P. Eyre appointed Secretary. After reading the charter, and the other usual formalities, the Company was duly organized by the election of George Serrill as President, and William Martin as Secretary. The first office occupied for the busi- ness of the Company at Chester, was the double dwelling at the N. E. cor- ner of Market and Third Streets, the office being in the northern room of the first floor, and the Secretary's fam- ily occupying the rest of the building. The office was a year or so afterwards removed to the " Stacey Mansion," on Main Street. From there the office was removed to Walnut Street, east of Second Street, Philadelphia, afterwards to the S. E. corner of Third and Dock Streets, then to the N. W. corner room of the Merchants' Exchange, where it remained until the completion of the Company's handsome four-storied red sand-stone building, at the S. E. cor- ner of Third and Walnut Streets, in which they commenced business on April 12, 1855. The Company went into operation in the fall of 1835, as will appear by the following copy of an advertisement taken from the files of the Upland Union ^ viz. : "Thk Delaware County Insurance Company. Capital authorized by law $100,- 000, with the privilege of increasing the same to S250,CK)0. Charter perpetual. The pub- lic are respectfully informed, that the 'Dela- ware County Insurance Comjiany' are now prepared to make Insurance, either perma- nent or limited, on houses, barns and produce therein, stores, mills, buildings, factories, ma- chinery, goods, wares and merchandize, and on property generally of every description, against damage or loss by Firk, on terms as favorable to the assured as any similar insti- tution. Persons wishing to insure their property, or wanting information on the subject of insur- ance, will apply to the following agents of the Company, who are authorized to survey pro- perty intended to be insured : Henry Myers, Esq., Concord; John Aitken, Esq.,Edgmont; William Eves, Providence; John Richards, Upper Darby ; Peter A. Gamble, Chichester, or to the Secretary, at the office of the Com- pany, in the Borough of Chester. William Martin, Secretary. George Serrill, President. Chester, Sept. 24, 1835." In 1838, the Directors and Stock- holders of the Company resolved to remove the principal office for busi- ness, to Philadelphia, leaving only an agency at Chester. Having but a limited capital, it was resolved upon, soon after the removal, to adopt the mutual plan of doing business, with a guaranteed capital. Accordingly an Act of Assembly was sought for and obtained, March 17, 1843, with the desired privileges, and changing the name of the corporation to that of the "Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company," under which name it has been eminently successful, and is now among the most prosperous institutions of the kind in the United States. The officers of the institution since its inception have been as follows : Name. George Serrill, William Eyre, Jr., William Martin, Thomas C. Hand, Date of Election. July 27, 1835. Sept. 5, 1842. Jan. 3, 1844. Oct. 30, 1862. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 561 VICE-PRESIDENTS. William Eyre, Jr., George Serrill, Thoma.s C. Hand, John C. Davis, SECRETARIES. William Martin, William D. Sherrerd, Richard S. Newbold, Joseph W. Cowan, Henry Lylburn, Sept. 3, 1844. Jan. 7, 1846. Oct. g, 1850. Oct. 30, 1862. July 27, 1835, Jan. 3, 1844, Feb. 5, 1846, Oct. 9, 1850 Jan. 7, 1854, ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Henry Ball, Mar. 13, 1867. I give here a list of the names of all gentlemen who have served as Direc- tors of the Company since its organ- ization; among them will be found many Delaware County men of note and standing in their day and genera- tion. Directors. Natne. Date of election. Expiration term, John P. Crozier, July 23, 1835. Sept. 7, 1840 Joshua P. Eyre, " " d. April i, 1872 John L. Crosby, " " Sept. 2, 1839 Sept. 5, 1837 Sept. 7, 1840. d. Mar. 27, 1864 Sept. 6, 1836 Sept. 30, 1850 Sept. 6. 1836 Sept. 5, 1837 Sept. 3, 1838 Archibald T. Dick, Samuel M. Leiper, " Charles Kelly, David Trainer, " George Serrill, " John Bancroft, " Stephen Baldwin, Sept. 6, John Knox, " John Kerlin, Sept. 5, 1837. Sept. 3, 1838 Davis B. Stacey, " " Feb'y 7, 1849 Samuel Edwards, Sept. 3, 1838. Jan'y 5, 1861, Sampson Tarns, " " Sept. 2, 1839 John H. Deihl, Henry Lawrence, Sept. 2, 1839. J^'i'v 5, 1848, William Folwell, " " Jan'y 3, 1853 Joseph H. Seal, " " ']o, Pamphlet Laws, 1870, p. 994, the Court of Common Pleas of Dela- ware County, was authorized to issue a certificate of incorporation to the " Chester Fire Insurance Company, as soon as ten per cent, of the amount of the stock was fully paid in cash," &c. The Company was never organ- ized, and the hopes of its success were therefore never fulfilled. This work ;66 HISTORY OF CHESTER. would be incomplete without yne pro- verb, so here I give one : " Don't count your chickens before they are hatched." The Delmoare County Republican, of March 13, 1874, announces: " A new Insurance Comjjany — an institu- tion long wanted in our midst — was organ- ized in this city, last week. It will be known as tlie Chester Mutual Insurance Company. Heretofore, all our insurances, which ought to have been efifected at home, have gone abroad. The new company will begin with the issuing of policies to the amount of nearly $150,000, that sum having been subscribed before the adjournment of the meeting for or- ganization. We predict its full and complete success from the start. It will be represented by men of capital, who understand the im- portance of having an institution of the kind here. Following is a list of the officers : President — John Larkiii, Jr. Vice President— Vi. H. Bickley. Secretary and Treasurer — Geo. M. Booth. Directors — Wm. Ward, J. Newlin Trainer, Benjamin Gartside, William Booth, George M. Pardee, Perciphor Baker, John Larkin, Jr., George Broomall, James Irving, M. H. Bick- ley, Wm. I). H. Serrill and Wm. B. Broomall." The gentlemen connected with the company are all enterprising men of business, and it is to their exertions Chester owes so much of its pros- perity ; but from long experience in Insurance matters, I doubt very much whether a Mutual Insurance Company can be successfully conducted in a closely built up city ; yet I trust the new institution may prove me to be as bad a prophet as my old friend, Wal- ter, of the Republican. The officers of the Dklawake Co. Mutual Ins. Co., mentioned above, as located at Media, are : President — Sketchley Morton. Sec')' and Treas'r — Edward A. Price. Z>/;r^/(j;-j— Sketchley Morton, Thomas Pratt, Nathan Larkin, Levis Miller, Nathan Garrett, Henry L. Paschall, C. R. Williamson, Wil- liam Eves, Sr., Henrv Mendenhall. XXXIX. The Military Record of Chester and of Delaware County during the late Rebellion of 1861-65, is a very creditable one to the patriotism of its citizens. I will endeavor to give as brief an account as possible of all the most interesting incidents of the war, connected with the county, of those resulting from it, and of the persons connected therewith. A Government Hospital was located near Chester, in what is now the Cro- zer Theological Seminary, for the re- ception of the sick and wounded Union soldiers, but as I had not intended to touch upon this part of the history of the town, I have no information further on this subject ; except that my cousins, Dr. Charles J. Morton, of Chester, and Dr. Brinton Stone, then an As- sistant Surgeon in the regular Army, were stationed there for some time during the war. Among the companies raised for the three months' service, under the first call of the General Government for troops, under tlTe erroneous impression that the Southern rebellion was not going to be very formidable, was one raised in Chester, and organized at Harrisburg, April 23, 1861, called " The Union Blues," attached to the 9th Regiment of Infantry, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. MUSTER ROLL OF THK INION BLIKS. Henry B. Edwards, Captain. James G. Stagey, \st Lieut. William Blakeley, 2rf Z/Vk^ Sergeants . 1. William B. Stevenson, 3. James Williams, 2. John Beck, 4. William Eves. Corporals. 1. Isaac Weaver, 3. Charles Story, 2. William R. Thatcher, 4. Jesse Cummlngs. Fi/er, Drtatntier , Alexander King. Ezra Dansfield. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 367 John Booth, Joseph Barker, Joseph Brewster, Lewis Benner, John Barrowclough, Thomas Blythe, Isaac Badden, William H. Brown, David Biirk, George Booth, Thomas W. Bruner Edward Crowther, Joseph CoUison, Samuel Cross, Daniel Crowther, James Cliff, Allen Carr, Frederick Cutler, "Frederick Crider, Simeon Davis, John Doyle, William Elliott, Joseph Ettienne, Robert Fogg, John Farraday, Joseph Grooves, William P. Huff, James Hewes, George Helms, William F. Jester, Tames P. Kelly, Edward Kay, Privates. Jonathan Kershaw, Edward Lilly, Edward Lyons, Thomas McNamee, William McNeil, John Marshall, William Marlor, Samuel McDaniel, George McAffee, John C. Morton, John Philips, Daniel Pithie, Thomas F. Pierce, Anthony Quinn, Francis Rodrigos, Robert Raney, Samuel Shepherd, Francis Scott, Edgar Stephenson, William V. Shellinger John Smith, Samuel Smith, Thomas Toy, Joseph Taylor, Richard Turner, George W. Wilson, Joshua L. Wilson, John Wagner, Robert Wright, Alfred Woodhead, George Weigan, Reed L. Weaver. The Republican, of June 21, 1861, after giving the above roll, says ; " We have before us a letter from an officer attached to Captain Edwards' ' Union Blues,' dated on the 17th inst., at Camp Brady, Williamsport, Maryland. The regiment left Chambersburg on the 15th inst., and, after marching ten miles, encamped. On Sunday at nine o'clock, orders were given to march, and accompanied by the different regiments under General Patterson, including several companies of regulars, the party arrived, early in the day, on the banks of the Potomac, which was forded, the water being some three or four feet deep, and the stream at that point, between four and five hundred yards wide. The Blues ' went in' with a shout and a hur- rah, singing, as they waded through, ' We are crossing the river Jordan.' The Ninth Regiment, to which the Blues are attached, followed the United States In- fantry, and were the second company to cross the Potomac. Captain Edwards led his men, and was the first in the water. The sight of the army crossing the Potomac was very grand and impressive, as well the scene itself, as for the great occasion, so re- markable and memorable in its character. The Captains led their companies, and the men took to the water like spaniels. They dashed in with a whoop, and as the head of each regiment struck the bank on 'Old Vir- ginia's shore,' they raised a rousing cheer which made the welkin ring. The bugles and fifes played, and the men sang ' Dixie,' as they went in. Arrived on the soil of Virginia, the regi- ments formed into line to await the arrival of their baggage. Two miles from the river they again encamped, having passed on their march the spot which but a few days before, was occupied by the secession army. The writer states that the Blues are all well, con- tented and happy, and ready to execute any order that may be communicated to them by their officers." I append the Muster Roll of Com- pany K. 26th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. Wm. F. Small, one of the first regiments raised in Pennsylvania for the three years' service. The Adjutant General's Report, in reference to this Company is very imperfect. The name of its first commanding officer, Capt. Grubb, not being mentioned. This company of volunteers from the vicinity of Chester, was mustered into the three years' service May 27, 1861 ; mustered out (veterans and re- cruits excepted,) June 18, 1864. At the time of its entry into service, it consisted of: William L. Grubb, Captain. William F. Robinson, ist Lieut. Peter Penn-Gaskill Hall, id Lieut. John F. Meekins, Orderly Serg't. rge, ints Jacob Culin, William Clark, 3. James F. Seary, 4. Samuel P. Morris. 1. James Grubb, 2. George W. Rosevelt, 3. William Grounsell, 4. Thomas M. Allen, Corporals. 5. William H. Phillips 6. Isaac Brown, 7. Chris. Beatty, 8. Nathan Larkin. Fi/er, Alexander Grayson. ll'agoner- Drmnmer Andrew Sample, than Coleman. t68 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Privates. Henry Abbott, Levi Hill, William Agnew, Burd Hergesheiraer, Lewis Bail, John S. Hunter, Mark Bail, James Higgins, William Barger, Henry Johnson, George Branner, Matthew Kersey, James T. Bell, Charles Krewson, Isaac Bird, Samuel Latch, Thomas Blizzard, Morton Lindsay, John Boyle, John Long, Thomas Brown, Archibald McNeal, Joseph Boudet, William H. McGinnes, James Burns, Robert McGrath, Eliakin Brown, William B. Michael, James Cloud, James Morris, Joseph Conner, Edward McGrogen, John Detweiler, William H. Miller, Henry Dickson, John M'Clearn, Isaac Dugan, David S. Moore, Joseph Dicks, Andrew J. Marshall, John Devlin, John O'Neil, William Dick, Samuel PuUen, John O. Drain, Andrew Phillips, Horatio Edmonson, William Phillips, Jacob Evans, Benjamin Pyne, Alfred Free, William Porter, William H. Ferguson, William Rambo, Isaac Force, George W. Robb, Daniel C. Ford, Andrew Rodgers, John Freeman, Benjamin F. Robb, James Ford, James Starr, Constantine Frigger, Edward Shields, Philip Feaster, James Schofield, Henry Goodman, Thomas Senior, John Grubb, Benjamin F. Sutch, Joseph Grubb, George Turner, James Grubb, Nathan Vanhorn, James L. Giltson, James Welsh, William Hayes, Samuel West, Thomas Haslem, James O. Winner, George Helms, Seth Yett. The " Archy Dick Guards," another company of vohinteers recruited from the vicinity of Chester, was organized at " Camp Wayne," near West Ches- ter, June 9, 1 86 1, as Co. F, 30th Regi- ment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. It was called by the above name in honor of the memory of the late Archibald T. Dick, Esq., once a prominent and popular citizen of Chester, and a mem- ber of the Delaware County Bar. The following is a muster roll of the com- pany : William Coopek Tallev, Captain. Henry Huddleson, \st Lieut. James S. I'kters, 20' Z/Vk/. Se7-geants. I.J. Wesley Cook, 3. Joseph P. Drew, i. Jacob C. Bcrstler, 4. Samuel Batty. 1. John McDaniel; 2. John P. Fryer, Corporals. 3. Alexander Matthews, 4. James Lewis. Drummer, William B. Drake. Fi/er, Hayes P. Griffith. Privates. John Alcott, Henry Haycock, Squire Booth, James W. Jones, Joseph Bradley, George Jones, Edmund Bradley, John Kilroy, William Burk, John Kelley, Isaiah Budd, George Laird, Henry Bailey, Michael Macklam, Pratt Baldwin, Joseph S. Mott, John Baker, Wesley McBride, Levi Carr, Thomas Mills, John Cardell, James Makeson, James Cohen, John McCracken, Arthur Carrell, Michael Nolan, James Deans, Edward O'Neal, Patrick Doyle, Adam Pilkington, John Ferguson, George W. Parker, John Fitzgerald, Samuel Parker, William Gray, John Roberts, Samuel Gray, William Richardson, James Glass, William Rowe, Thomas Glass, Moses Scott, George Griffith, Thomas Smith, Harrison Green, Edward Smith, Dennis Green, George W. Simmington, John Gamble, William Stacey, William Guilford, Edward Townsend, Henry Gilkin, James W. Turner, James Gorman, George W. Timbler, John Hardy, Joseph Whiteman, Isaac Healey, James Wilson, Joseph S. M. Houpt, Frazer Walter, Thomas Horner, John Wilde, John Howard, James M. Willis. From the report of the Adjutant General of the State, and from Bates' History of the Pennsylvania A'olun- teers, 1870, a splendid work in five large volumes, presented to me by Mr. Tryon Lewis, of Radnor, late a mem- ber of Assembly from Delaware Co., I have extracted the following informa- tion in regard to those gentlemen who served in the volunteer forces of the United States during the late Rebel- lion, who hailed from Chester, and from the County of Delaware, viz. : Dr. John M. Allen, entered the volunteer service, Oct. 15, 1861, as Surgeon of the 54th Regiment of Pa. Vols. ; mustered out of service, Nov. 4, 1864; now residing at Chester. Henry B. Edwards, O'aptain of HISTORY OF CHESTER. 3(59 Co. I, 9th Regiment of Pa. Vols., or- ganized at Harrisburg, April 24, 1861, for three months' service ; mustered out of service, July 29,1861 ; Coun- sellor-at-Law, now residing at Chester. James G. Stagey, ist Lieut, of the same, with a like record, (see sketch of the Stacey family, p. 46,) now de- ceased. William Blakeley, 2d Lieut, of the same, with a like record ; plum- ber and gas fitter, now residing at Chester. William Cooper Talley, entered the service May i, 1861, as Captain of Co. F, 30th Pa. Vols. ; Colonel, Nov. 2, 1862 ; mustered out of service, June 13, 1864; Brigadier General of Volunteers by Brevet, for distinguished services ; now editor of the De/atcare County Democrat, at Chester, and late a member of the Assembly. Samuel A. Dyer, Captain Co. C, 30th Pa. Vols., May i, 1861 ; resigned, Nov. II, 1862; re-entered service, Nov. 12, 1862, as I^ieut. Col., 175th Pa. Vols. ; Colonel, Nov. 22, 1862; honorably discharged, Aug. i, 1863; now residing at Chester. Dr. Joshua Owen, Surgeon, 25th Pa. Vols., April 18, 1861 ; mustered out of service, Aug. i, 1861 ; now practicing physician at Chester. Charles L. Leiper, ist Lieut, of Co. C, 70th Pa. Vols., being the 6th Cavalry, Sept. i, 1861 ; Captain, Nov. 2, 1862 ; Major, July 14, 1864; Lieut. Col., Jan. 2, 1865 ; Colonel, March 2, 1865 ; mustered out with 2d Pro- visional Cavalry, Aug. 7, 1865. George W. Hawkins, Captain of Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., Oct. 29, 1861; Lieut. Col., Sept. 18, 1864; died of wounds received in battle, Oct. 8, 1864. Benjamin Brooke, 2d Lieut, of Co. T, 29th Emergency Pa. Vols., June 23, 1863 \ mustered out, Aug. i, 1 863 ; Captain of Co. B, 203d Pa. Vols., Sept. 12, 1864; Lieut. Col., May 3, 1865 ; mustered out, June 22, 1865 ; now living at Saxton, Bedford Co., Pa. Dr. G. B. HoTCHKiN, Surgeon, 44th Pa. Vols., Nov. 12, 1862 ; mus- tered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. Dr. Isaac T. Coates, Assistant Surgeon, 77th Regiment, Sept. 19, 1865 ; mustered out, Dec. 6, 1865. Rev. Samuel Gracey, Chaplain of the 6th Pa. Cavalry, 70th Regiment, Pa. Vols., Nov. 24, 1862 ; mustered out, Aug. 7, 1865. Dr. S. Chase King, Assistant Sur- geon of the 5 th Cavalry, Dec. 31, 1861 ; transferred to the 4th, March 20, 1862; resigned, Dec. 5, 1862. J. Edgar Engle, entered the ser- vice as a private in the 97th Pa. Vols., Nov. 27, 1 861 ; severely wounded in the throat, and lost his left arm (taken out at the socket, after submitting to three previous amputations,) at the battle of Green Plains, Bermuda Hun- dred, Virginia, May 16, 1864; pro- moted to 2d Lieut, of the Veteran Reserve Corps ; now clerk in the Gov- ernment employ at Washington, D. C. ; son of the late Captain Isaac Engle, of Chester. Thomas I. Leiper, ist Lieut. Sept. 13, 1861 ; Adjutant 58th Pa. Vols., May I, 1862; Captain, Co. A, June 14, 1863 ; honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of service, Oct 24, 1864; son of the late Samuel M. and Mary B. Leiper, of Ridley ; manufacturer, now residing at Chester. Theodore Blakeley, 2d Lieut, of Co. B, 58th Pa. Vols., Sept. 15, 1861 ; ist Lieut. Jan 31, 1863; Captain, May 23, 1863; killed at the storming of Fort Harrison, Va., Sept. 29, 1864. Lucius Trueman, ist Lieut, of Co. ;^70 HISTORY OF CHESTER. E, 42d Pa. Vols., May 20, 1861 ; Quartermaster 190th, June 6, 1864; mustered out with his regiment, June 28, 1865. Joshua E. Dver, 2(1 Lieut, of Co. D, 65th Pa. Vols., Dec. 8, 1864 ; died in service, date unknown. Edwin Mattson, 2d Lieut, of Co, A, 59th Pa. Vols., Oct. I, 1852; ist Lieut, May i, 1863; mustered out with his company, Nov. i, 1864; now residing at Birmingham. Joseph R. T. Coaxes, ist Lieut, of Co. C, 30th Pa. Vols., May 31, 1861; Captain of Co. C, Nov. 14, 1862; Major by brevet, and mustered out, June 13, 1864. Edward Larkin, ist Lieut, of Co. C, 30th Pa. Vols., Nov. 14, 1862 ; mustered out, June 13, 1864. John H. Taylor, 2d Lieut, of Co. C, 30th Pa. Vols., May 31, 1861 ; killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. John M. Thompson, 2d Lieut, of Co. C, 30th Pa. Vols., Nov. 13, 1862 ; mustered out Avith his regiment. Joseph P. Drew, ist Lieut, of Co. F, 30th Pa. Vols., Nov. i, 1862; Captain, Oct. i, 1863 ; mustered out with his company. Henry Huddleson, ist Lieut, of Co. F, 30th Pa. Vols., May 30, 1861 ; resigned, Aug. 16, 1861. John F. Gorman, 2d Lieut, of Co. F, 30th Pa. Vols., Nov. i, 1862; ist Lieut. Oct. I, 1863; mustered out with his company. James S. Peters, 2d Lieut. May 30, 1 861, Co. F, 30th Pa. Vols. ; hon- orably discharged June 2, 1862. John McDaniels, promoted to 2d Lieut, of Co. F, 30th Pa. Vols., from ist Sergeant, Oct. 1,1863; missing in action. May 30, 1864. Samuel Williamson, ist Lieut, of Co. H, 65th Pa. Vols., Oct. 14, 1862 ; killed in action at Williamsburg Road, Jan. 15, 1863. William Lewis, Lieut. Col. of the 65th Pa. Vols., Nov. I, 1862; dis- charged April 29, 1864. Allsha Stetson, Captain of Co. C, 65th Pa. Vols., Jan 26, 1862 ; mustered out Oct. 10, 1864. William R. Thatcher, ist Lieut, of Co. I, 77th Vols., March 30, 1862; no company records ; regiment or- ganized at Pittsburg, Oct. 15, 1861, for three years service ; mustered out at Victoria, Texas, Oct. 6, 1865. Dr. Joseph F. Shoemaker, As- sistant Surgeon of the 88th Vols., Aug. 15, 1862; Surgeon of the 56th, March 25, 1865 ; mustered out July I, 1865. J. B. W. Aydelott, ist Lieut, of Co. H, 95th Vols., Oct. I, 1861 ; Captain, Sept. 24, 1862 ; mustered out for promotion, July 3, 1863. Sketchley Morton, Jr., ist Lieut, of Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., Nov. 19, 1861, Colonel Guss, commanding, died in the hospital at Hilton Head, S. C, Nov. 12, 1862, of yellow fever, aged 21 years. From among the several obituaries written upon the death of this young officer, son of Judge Sketchley Morton, of Spring- field, and extolling his patriotism and devotion to the cause of the Federal Union, I copy a poetical one, which I deem worthy of insertion here. It is, I believe, from the scholarly pen of the Rev. John Pleasonton Du Hamel, Rector of the Church of the Redemp- tion, Philadelphia : " On the Death of T.iEUT. Sketchley Morton, Jr. A iiol)le youth, of noble lineage, Descended of the man whose patriot deed, Oave independence to our glorious Union ; 11IST(JKY OF GlIESTEK. :]7l Aye, set his Stale, tlie Keystone, in the arch ( )f this loved Temple of our Liberty. The name of Morton — when the nation's fate, Poised in the dubious scales of destiny, ( JV/io doubts may read,) the balance shook, and to The side of Freedom, sent the quivering beam. Nor yet unworthy such ancestry he. For whose death, untimely, many true hearts Are bleeding secretly and unconsoled. Sad and inauspicious was the morn. He quit the paternal roof, to join him to The adventurous course of war. Departing thence, Three times he turned, while still remotely near, To look as often on his dear old home. The superstitious said 'twas omen fraught With ill — the wiser thought not so. Sad is The sequel. Weary wore away the days — Weeks lengthening months, that brought no tidings Of him absent. Long were the intervals, Keen the suspense, through periods infinite They seemed, that fond hearts ^^•alched and waited oft ; And oft were cheered by warm assurance. That all went prosperously — delusive hope ! Of orange groves — of gardens beautiful He wrote — of flow ers such as grow not in his Northern home, of vast estates and mansions Of grey mem'ry. Seldom and modestly Of deeds himself had done. How when it chanced The wearied sentinel slept on his post. He loving discipline, but mercy more. His kind entreaties interposed, and saved Him from inglorious death, for nolder end. And the bi'ave generous hearts that mourn him dead. Loved him in life, fought by his side, and would Have died forhim. Others have had ambitions, He but one — to serve his country. 'Twas for This, we all foi"sook, home, business, pleasure, All ; life's many golden dreams ; loves, filial And fraternal ; the love of sisters. Aye, Her to whom he e'en from boyish days Affianced, he resigned. No party flame, The rancor of no sect, his zeal inspired ; These were strange fires— \\\'i was a fervid, pure. And self-consuming love of country. 'Twas For this he died— bless'd martyryouth ! Happy ! If in that fatal fever land, where so Rankly grows the Upas tree of Treason, From his sacred dust may spring tlie nobler Tree of Liberty — though in ungenial Soil. Thrice happy 1 if his spirit lingering There, may win unloyal hearts to love A Government that never wronged them, would Have cherished them as children erring oft, Weeps o'er their woes, and pities -while it strikes:^ George W. Duffee, 2d Lieut, of Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., Feb. 5, 1864; ist Lieut. Feb. 6, 1864; Captain, Dec. 2, 1864; mustered out with his company, Dec. 28, 1864. Annesley Newlin Morton, en = tered the service as 2d Lieut, of Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., Nov. 19, 1861 ; re- signed, April 16, 1862, (^by the medi- cal advice of one of my best and oldest friends. Dr. George Edward Cooper, Surgeon of the U. S. Army.) He re- entered the service as a private in the Anderson Cavalry, (15th Pa. Cavalry,) 1 60th Pa. Vols., Oct. 1862 ; pro- moted to ist Lieut, of Co. I, April 3, 1863 ; mustered out of service at Nash- ville, Tenn., June 21, 1865; now conveyancer in Philadelphia, of the firm of Elsasser &: Morton. The Lieut. Col., of the 97th Pa. Vols., was my old friend at West Point, Augustus P, DuER, now a resident of West Chester. We passed three years very pleasantly together at the Military Academy, from 1838 to 1841 ; he entered the institution one year before I did ; served during the Mexican war, in the army, and with the 97th from its formation, Oct. 7, 1861, until April 8, 1864, when he was honorably dis- charged from the service. James Williams, 2d Lieut. Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., April 16, 1862; re- signed commission, Sept. i, 1862. W. H. H. Gibson, 2d Lieut. Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., Feb. 6, 1862 ; ist Lt. Dec. 2, 1864; mustered out with co. HISTORY OF CHESTER. Geokce W. MiDDi.Eiox, 2(1 Lieut. Co. I, 97th Pa. Vols., Dec. 2, 1864; mustered out with company. William S. Mendenhall, Captain Co. D, 97th Pa. Vols., Sept. 20, 1861 ; honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of service, Oct. 4, 1864. Capt. W. S. Mendenhall, dealer in ladies' furnishinggoods, on Market St., Wilmington, Delaware, died on Dec. 4, 1875, '" ^""'^ forty-sixth year. He was born near Chadd's Ford, Delaware County, Oct. 13, 1830, and learned the printing trade at West Chester. When the Mexican War broke out, though only sixteen years old, he volunteered in Capt. Charles J. Biddle's company, of Philadelphia, which became part of the ist regiment U. S. Voltigeurs, and served throughout that war, being twice wounded. Upon his return home in the winter of 1848, he joined a party for California, and went around Cape Horn in a sailing vessel, making a voyage of eight months and fourteen days to San Francisco. After indifferent success in gold hunting, he joined one of Col. Fremont's exploring parties in South- ern California, and subsequently for ten years, led an adventurous life, en- gaged in mining, i^rospecting, explor- ing, and campaigning against the In- dian. Returning East in 1858, he spent two years in the South, and saw liie preparations which were in progress there for war. Escaping to the North, he reached this city in time to join the 1st Delaware Regt. (three months), which was just then organizing, under Col. Lockwood, and served with it until it was mustered out. He then raised a company in Delaware County for Col. Guss's 97th Penn. Vol., and served with it for three years, being twice wounded, and finally mustered out on account of his injuries. Henry Odiorne, ist Lieut. Co. D, 97th Pa. Vols., June i, 1864 ; Captain, Dec. 3, 1864; died of wounds received in battle, Jan. 15, 1865. Captain Odiorne was a relative of the Willcox family of "Ivy Mills." Isaac B. Taylor, 2d Lieut Co. D, 97th Pa. Vols., June 1, 1864: istl>ieut. Dec. 3, 1864; Captain, Feb. 15, 1865, mustered out with command. George W. Williams, ist Lieut. Co. D, 97th Pa. Vols., Sept. 9, 1861 ; honorably discharged, July 29, 1863. Re-entered service for 100 days, Emer- gency Vols, as Captain Co. D, 197th. David W. Odiorne, 2d Lieut. Co. D, 97th Pa. Vols., Dec. 5, 1864; ist Lieut. Feb. 15, 1865 ; out of service with his company, Aug. 28, 1865. Jesse L. Cummings, Captain Co. G, 97th Pa. Vols., Oct. 15, 1861 ; re- signed May 5, 1862. Caleb Hoopes, ist Lieut. Co. G, of the 97th Pa. Vols., Oct. 15, 1861; Captain Oct. 23, 1862; honorably dis- charged Oct. 17, 1864. Washington W. James, Captain Co. G, of the 97th Pa. Vols., May i, 1865 ; mustered out with command. Gasow.ay O. Yarnall, ist Lieut. Co. G. 97th Pa. Vols., Oct. 23, 1862 ; honorably discharged Jan. 27, 1865. JosiAH Bird, ist Lieut, of same, May I, 1865 ; mustered out with company. Joseph M. Borrell, 2d Lieut, of same, Oct. 15, 1861 ; resigned com- mission Nov. 13, 1863. William H. Eves, 2d Lieut, of same, Nov. 13, 1863; honorably discharged from the service, Oct. 22, 1864. Jeremiah Yoast, 2d Lieut, of same. May I, 1865; mustered out of service with his company. Wm. H. Hughes, 2d Lieut. Co. I, io6th Pa. Vols., Mar. i, 1863; mus- tered out Sept. 10, 1S64. HISTORY OF CHESTER. OT'Q Marion Litzenberg, 2d Lieut. Co. I, 2d Pa. Artillery, 112th Pa. Vols., three years service, Mar. 8, 1S65 ; ist Lieut. Nov. 30, 1864, retained in the service with "Freedmen's Bureau;" after the discharge of his regiment. Robert McCourt, 2d Lieut. Co. A, 113th Pa. Vols., 1 2th cavalry, 3 years service, April 9, 1864; honora- bly discharged, Dec. 8, 1864. James Cliff, ist Lieut. Co. E, 119th Pa. Vols., Nov. 9, 1862 ; Captain, May 12, 1864; out with CO., June 19, 1865. William C. Gray, Captain Co. E, 1 19th Pa. Vols., Sept. i, 1862: Major, May 13, 1864; Lieut. Col., April 6, 1865 ; mustered out with the regiment June 19, 1865. Simon Litzenburg, Captain Co. B, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 6, 1862 ; Lieut. Col., Aug. 16, 1862; out with regt. May 16, 1863. John Woodcock, ist Lieut. Co. B, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 9, 1862; Cap- tain, Aug. 16, 1862; out of service with his company May 16, 1863 ; Cap- tain of Co. F, 29th Emergency Vols., June 20, 1863; out with company, Aug. I, 1863. Howard McIlvain, y/zw^r i.<-/ Lt. of Durrell's Battery, 104th Pa. Vols., born Oct. 26, 1834, mortally wounded at Warrington, Va., and died Nov. 15, 1862, son of William and Sarah (Mor- ton) Mcllvain, of Reading, and grand- son of the late Aaron and Ann Crosby Morton of Ridley. I copy from the New York Tribune. — "From Gen. Burnside's Army, on the Front near Warrington Junction, Nov. 16, 1862. An attack of the enemy upon the baggage train of the ist and 2d brigades (Gens. Naglee and Ferrero)of Sturgis's yesterday forenoon, which resulted in the death of Lieut. Howard Mcllvain, of Durell's Battery, and which came very near resulting in the destruction or capture of a portion of the train. Capt. Durell's Battery, occupyingan exceedingly exposed position, with- stood for something like an hour the fire from the heavy twenty-pounds guns. Early in the fight Lieut. Howard Mc- llvain was struck by a shell, which carried away his arm, side, thigh, and hip, laying open his entrails and caus- ing one of the most fearful wounds ever recorded. The brave and unfortunate young man lay in most horrible agony, raving from pain a great portion of the time, from the moment ofreceiving his wound till eight o'clock this morning, when he was relieved from his sufferings by death. He said to a friend, as he lay writing in agony, that he was not afraid to die ; he only wished that death might come soon to rid him of the dreadful pain he suffered. The deceased was from Reading, Pennsylvania, and had been in the ser- vice since the opening of the war, hav- ing served with Capt Durell in the three months volunteers. In September, 1861, the present Durell's Battery was sworn into the service of the United States, and has since lieen constantly employed. All who have come in con- tact with Lieut. Mcllvain pronounced him a young man of remarkable promise and most excellent qualities, social and otherwise, and one who would have made a noteworthy mark in the world had he been spared. He is universal- ly lamented in this corps, with which he had been connected since the nth of last August, and Capt. Durell mourns in him his best and most trustworthy officer, which is saying nothing deroga- tory to the other brave men in his com- mand." 374 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Rai.i'H HrcKi.KY, 211(1 Licui. C\). B, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 9, 1862; ist Lieut. Aug. 16, 1862; discharged with company. Captain Co. I, 197th Pa. Vols., July 23, 1864; mustered out with his company, Nov. 11, 1864. W. H. LnzENBERG, 2d Ivieut. Co. B, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 16, 1862; mustered out with company. NoRKis L. Yarnall, Captain Co. D, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. II, 1862; mustered out May 16, 1863. Lieut. Col. 29th Emergency Regt., June 23, 1863 to Aug. 3, 1863. Joseph Pratt, ist Lieut. Co. D, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. II, 1862 ; mus- tered out with his company. L Lawrence Haldeman, 2d Lieut. Co. D, 1 24th Pa. Vols. , Aug. 1 1 , 1 862 ; Major, Aug. 18, 1862; nuistered out of ; service with regiment. j Joseph G. Cummings, 2d Lieut. Co. | D, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 16, 1862 ; I served till expiration of term. 1 James Barton, Jr., Captain Co. H, | 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 15, 1862 ; mus- tered out of service with company. May 16, 1863. Captain Co. A, 197th Pa. Vols., July 16, 186410 Nov. II, 1864. Phh.ip D. Haines, ist Lieut. Co. G, 124th Pa. Vols., Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with command. William S. Abel, 2d Lieut, of same, same record. H. McAlllster, Jr., ist Lieut. Co. G, 1 60th Pa. Vols., 15th cavalry. Mar. I, 1863 ; Captain, May 8, 1863; Major, June I, 1865 ; mustered out as Cai)tain, June 21, 1865. Edwin Middleton, Jr., 2d Lt. Co. G, 1 60th Pa. Vols., May 29, 1865 ; mustered out as ist Sergeant. Archer Nevins Martin, of Lenni Mills, 2d Lieut, of Co. I, i6ist Pa. Vols., i6th cavalry, Sept. 23, 1862; ist Lieut. May 21, 1863: Ca])tain. June 4, 1863; Brevet Major, Mar. 13, 1865 ; honorably discharged May 26, 1865 ; son of Robert L. and Adelaide Nevins Martin, of Lenni. George W. Eachus, Quartermaster 20th Pa. Cavalry, i8ist Vols., April 1,1865; three years' service; mustered out June 23, 1865. E. E. Bartleson, 2d Lieut. Co. F, i8ist Pa. Vols., April i, 1865 ; ist Lieut. April 23, 1865 ;. mustered out with ist Provisional Cavalry, Co. i, July 13, 1865. James C. Hinkson, ist Lieut. Co. A, 197th Pa. Vols., July 15, 1864; mustered out Nov. 11, 1864. Thomas H. Berry, 2d Lieut, of same ; record same. R. T. Williams, ist Lieut. Co. I, same regt. and record. James Carrick, 2d Lieut, of same, and same record. R. G. Vanzant, 2d Lieut. Co. B, 202d Pa. Vols., Sept. 12, 1864; out with company, June 22, 1865. Thomas M. Allen, promoted to 2d Lieut. Co. E, 26th Vols., Feb. 22, 1862 ; out June 18, 1864. William L. Grubb, Captain Co. K, 26th Pa. Vols., May 27, 1861 ; resign- ed from ill health. John F. Meekins, Orderly Sergeant, Co. K, May 26, 1861 ; elected ist Lieut. Jan. 7, 1862 ; Captain, July 15, 1862; killed at the second battle of Bull Run, Aug, 29, 1862. James F. Searv, entered the service as 4th Sergeant of Co. K, 26th Pa. Vols., May 1861 ; 2d Lieut. July 15, 1862; ist Lieut. April i, 1863; Caj)- tain, Feb. 4, 1864; mustered out of the service, June 18, 1864. From Price's History of the ()']th Fa. Vols., (1875) I add: Charles H. Hannum, 2d Lieut-, age 24, a carpenter, Concordvillc, mus- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 75 tered Sept. 6, 1861, for 3 years; pro- moted to ist Sergeant, July 30, 1863, promoted to 2d Lieut., June 1, 1864, but was not mustered. John W. Brooks, 2d Lieut., age 20, blacksmith, Concordville, mustered as private, Sept. 6, 1861, for 3 years; pro- moted to Corporal for faithful service Oct. 2, 1862, was re-mustered Mar. 15, 1864; wounded in action at Foster's Place, Va., May 18, 1864; promoted to 2d Lieut., Feb. 15, 1865, for gallant service at Fort Fisher. Philip E. Hannum, ist Sergeant, age 21, farmer, Concord, mustered as private Sept. 6, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in action at Foster's Place, Va., promoted to Sergeant, Dec. 5, 1864; again wounded in action at Fort Fisher, Jan. 15, 1865, promoted to ist Sergeant, Feb. 15, 1865 ; mustered out with Company, Aug. 28, 1865. Served continuously with Company in all en- gagements. XL. A FEW items from the newspapers of the day may be deemed interesting. In the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of Oct. 15, 1861, it is reported that "Com- pany I, Captain George W. Hawkins, from Delaware County, was mustered into Col. Guss's regiment, now in camp at West Chester, on the 7th inst. ; ist Lieutenant, Sketchley Morton, Jun'r; 2d Lieutenant, Annesley N. Morton. It is composed mostly of Delaware County men, and is a very fine com- pany. Some of the very best (young) men in that county being enrolled in it." In The Delaware County Repiiblica7i of Feb. 14, 1862, isthisnotice: "Vol- unteers Wanted. Recruits by ex- pressing their preference, can be mus- tered into Col. H. R. Guss's Rifle Regi- ment, (97th Pennsylvania Volunteers) now stationed at Port Royal, South Carolina, or any other regiment now organizing, or organized in the Union Army. Minors must bring the written consent of their parents or guardians. Lieutenant Sketchley Morton, Jr. ; Ser- geant John C. Brubaker of the 97th regiment Pa. Vols., recruiting at the Town Hall, Chester." From the Republican, of Chester, Feb. II, 1862, I copy the following, as it supplies an omission in the records of the company mentioned: "We notice the election of 2d Lieut. Robert L. Bodine, which took place a few weeks since, to the captaincy of Com- pany K, 26th regiment, Pa. Vols., now at Port Tobacco, in place of Captain William L. Grubb, who resigned his position on account of ill-health. Capt. Bodine was elected over Lieut. Robin- son by a large majority. Robinson has since resigned and returned to his home, and Orderly Sergeant Meekins has been elected to fill the vacancy." From the Adjutant General's Report for 1866, I have compiled a list of the officers in the Emergency Volunteers of 1862 and '63, and of the Militia of Delaware County, as follows: The 1 6th Regiment of Pennsylvania Militiawas formed but not mustered in- to service, yet were in active duty in the field for about ten days previous to, and during the battle of Antietam, the regi- ment having been sent to Hagerstown, Md. , to support McClellan, but after the defeat of the enemy their services were not needed. The regiment was form- ed Sept. II, 1862. The list of the officers from Delaware County is as fol- lows : Cc/o««/. (Ieorc.e W. Eachvs, id Lieut. Company H. John C. Andrews, Captain. George S. Patchell, \st Lieut. Joseph L. Lewis, id Lieut. In the 24th regiment of Militia, form- ed at the same time, there was a com- pany from Delaware Co. , — Co. I, James Kirkman, Captain; John Britton, ist Lieut, and Nathan Van Horn, 2d Lieut. Bknj. N. Brooke, Captain of Co. G, 28th Emergency Vols., June 23, 1 863 ; absent sick when his company was mustered out of service. Frank Fennimore, ist Lieut, of Co. G, 28th Emergency Vols., June 23, 1863 ; mustered out with his company, July 27, 1863. Samuel L. Craig, 2d Lieut, of Co. G, Emergency Vols. ; same record. The 29th Emergency Volunteers had from the county, the following officers of companies and regiments in service from June 19, 1863 to Aug. i, 1863. John M. Broomall, Capt. Co. C. William Ormsby, istLt. Co. C. Thomas F. Beatty, 2d Lt. Co. C. Ralph Buckley, istLt. Co. F. H. G. Hotchkin, 2d Lt. Co. F. Alfred Bunting, Capt. Co. G. W.H.Thatcher, istT,t. Co.G. Ilenrv B. 'I avlor, 2d Lt. Co. G. J. C. Andrews, Capt. Co. H. George P. Patchell, istLt. Co. H. Joseph L. Lewis, 2d Lt. Co. H. Joseph Pratt, Capt. Co. L C. D. M. Broomall, istLt. Co. L The 37th regiment, 90 days militia, mustered in July i, 1863, and out in Aug. 2, 1863, had: William Frick, Capt. Co. A. Edward M. Lyons, ist Lt. Co. A. William G. Price, 2d Lt. Co. A. Harry Huddleson, Capt. Co. F. Joseph McCoy, ist Lt. Co. F. Samuel Bowker, 2d Ix. Co. F. The total expense incurred by the State of Pennsylvania, in raising volun- teer forces from 1861 to 1871, was^3,- 138,480. This does not, however, in- clude the expenses of the Militiamen, called in the report of the Adjutant General the Emergency Volunteers and Militia, the amount of which is not given separately in the statement published by the United States authori- ties. I give here muster-roll of two Emer- gency Companies from Chester in 1 862. Company K, \oth Pa. Militia. CHKSTER CCARDS. William R. Thatcher, Captain. Lewis M. Larkin, \st Lieut. William G. Vv.\z^, id Lieut. Sergeants. 1. Henry Mcllvaine, 3. Wm. G. Evans, 2. J. H. Omensetter, 4. William C. Diibrec, 5. Joseph H. Hinksoii. Cotporah. 1. William D. Penncll, 5. George E. Darlington, 2. James Morgan, 6. John W. Ottey, 3. Joel Lane, 7. Richard F. Flickwir, 4. David M. Johnson, 8. Frank R. Shoemaker. Drummer — Charles Dickerson. Privates. David Appleby, Theodore Bell, William Appleby, George Bottomly; Walter J. Arnold, Nathan Berry, Benj'n F. Biichu, James F. Brcckenridge, J. EUwood Black, I. Engle Cochran, Joseph Blakeley, John Cunliff, William Blakeley, Archibald Clark, Joseph Brewster, John Clark, John Bowers, George Cadnian, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 77 Allen Carr, James Dunkerly, Julius A. Dutton, Alfred O. Deshong, Joshua P. Eyre, Jr., Martin Farraday, James Glennin, Henry Greenwood, Henry C. Grubb, William Harvey, Henry M. Hinkson, Charles Hinkson, Edwin Hewitt, Amos Holt, David Holstein, John Hinkson, Henry Hinkson, Joseph Holt, John Holt, Francis llorricks, Samuel Haigh, J. Washington Irving, Benjamin Irving, John Israel, R. Morgan Johnson, Ben. D. Johnson, Mordecai Larkin, Samuel W. Loveland, Henry Lukens, Theodore Lukens, James McClymont, John F. McFall, John S. McFadden, Benjamin Mason, William McConnell, Daniel McCoUum, Hampden Morris, William Mackey, Isaac Newton, Jr., Wm. H. Neuer. David T. Newlin, Wm. J. Ogleby, Charles D. Pennell, Samuel C. Price, William Patterson, John F. Robinson, Samuel H. Stevenson, Charles A. Story, Jr., George St. Ledger, John Eyre Shaw, Arnold Shaw, Henry B. Taylor, William Vernon, Lewis D. Wheaton, Hiram Williams, Preston E. Wilson. Co. B, \bth Pa. Militia; organized Sept. 17, 1862; discharged Sept. 25,1862,- called "THK. MECHANIC RIFLES OF CHESTER." Jonathan Kersh.-\w, Captain. Abram Lovvry, ist Lieut. John W. Buck, id Lieut. Sergeants. 1. George W. Wilson, 3. Charles R. Sweeney, 2. George Smith, 4. Hugh Hatton, S. William D. PuUen. Corporals. 1. Richard Turner, 5. Nath'l P. Chadwick, 2. Thomas H. Berry, 6. Peter Goff, 3. Harry A. Hopple, 7. Charles Stringfellow, 4. Thomas H. Thompson, 8. William Schofield. Musicians. JohnCnlin, James G. Hunter. I''ri7'ates. William Latch, John Booth, Charles Barger, Thomas Berry, John Brankin, Edward Briley, Angelo D. Boiga, Enos F. Cloud, Edward E. Culin, John Culin, John J. Clark, George Clouser, William H. Dickinson, John Dunkerley, Jesse Galligher, Jacob Grider, Jr., James Haws, Charles Martien, James Morris, Theo. V. Rosevelt, Joseph Rein, John Russell, Charles Roberts, William Sweeney, William Schofield, William Smith, Robert Smith, Jr., John Sykes, Richard Turner, E. F. Taylor, Richard T. Tin-ner, John W. Warren. Having copies of the muster rolls of the " Darby Rangers," Captain Charles A. Litzenberger, 69 men ; of " The Delaware County Guards," Capt. John H. Barton, 69 men, from Concord and Aston ; of Capt. Joseph Willcox's company of 69 men, from Thornbury and Edgmont Townships ; of "Gideon's Band," Capt. Norris L. Yarnall, then Sheriff of the County, which consisted of 99 men ; of the " Delaware County Fusileers," Capt. Simon Litzenberg, 84 men ; of Capt. James Barton, Jr 's company, con- sisting of 93 men, all told, in the ser- vice during the year 1862; of the " Upland Volunteers," Capt. Geo. K. Crozer, in service, July, 1863; and Capt. James Barton, Jr.'s 100 days men, in 1864, I give the lists inser- tion here, because, although not of great moment at present, they will be, in the future, matters exceedingly in- teresting to the descendants of those who served, or were ready to serve their country in the hour of her direst need. These companies were com- posed of young men, many of them of wealth, standing and influence — the best material of the county. Company B, \i/^th Penna. ]'olitiitcers. MISTER ROLL OF THE UEL.WVARE COUNTY Fl'SILEERS. Simon Litzenberg, Captain. John Woodcock, ist Lieut. Ralph Buckley, 2it Lieut. Sergeants. 1. W. H. Litzenberg, 3. Roswell T. Williams, 2. James Carrick, 4. Thomas Pilling, 5. John Shaw. Corporats. 5. Edward Boden, 6. Lewis P. Watkin, zer, 7. John B. Trainer, 8. Thomas H. Kay. Musicians. Albert M. Neill. Wagoner — John Beggs. Prizatcs. Jerome Byre, Joseph H. Brensinger, Charles W. Broadbent, Peter Barands, William Brewster, Abraham Brewster, . John B. Silby, . Israel Thomas, . Alexander E. Cr . William Baggs, George Heath, John Ashworth, George W. Ayres, James R. Abernethy, Joseph Barlow, Jacob Barlow, Edwin Blakeley, IIISTOKY OF CJIESTEH, Edward Cooper, Thomas Chambers, Charles Creamer, Daniel Crowder, John M. T. Doran, William Dobbins, Thomas H. Diitton, William E. Daniels, Elmer Edwards, John Fildes, George Fildes, Michael Fitzgerald, William B. Farra, John Fryer, Alorris Green, Samuel Greenwood, Thomas Hill, Thomas J. Heron, William Henry, Hiram Hyzer, William Hyzer, William H. Henderson, John L. Henderson, Cieorge Hormatt, John Hoofstitler, William H. Haas, Henry Hackman, Abram Hunter, Joseph S. Johnson, William H. Johnson, Edward Kay, Thomas W. Kent, Andrew Kinkaid, Gardiner Kelly, Crawford Kugler, Thomas Lomax, -M^mhcw Lnniax, William Lamey, James Logan, John A. Leib, Rufus K. Lear, Arthur McConville, Joseph McCoy, John Major, William Major, Chandler Marshman, Minshall Martin, James Makin, Jonas McUor, William Nicholson, Jesse W. Paist, John Patterson, Richard Pyott, George Robinson, Alfred Roebuck, Edward D. Sipler, George H. Shillingford, John Schofield, Henry Shaw, Samuel Stirk, Samuel Squibb, George Shermik, William Taylor, James Toomes, Richard Toomes, James Trainor, John S. Wilkinson, Benjamin Walraven, Edward Worrell, Joseph Waddle, Frederick Young, Enos Yates. [1-- the Delaware County Republican.] Gideon's Band. — The Sheriff of Delaware County, Norris L. Yar- XALL, is now at the head of over one hundred young men who have vohin- teered at the call of their country to go fortli to endure the privations of camp-life, the toils of the march, and the perils of the battle field, to protect u.s in our property and our homes. In the roll which we annex, our readers will recognize the names of the sons of our best citizens, who have left the comforts of easy homes, and the career of prosperous business for the duty to which their country calls them, and to which their manly patriotism so gen- erously and freely responds. We con- gratulate them and their friends on hav- ing a gentleman so capable as Sheriff Varnall for their Captain, one whose military knowledge peculiarly fits him for the position he has assumed. We predict for him entire success in his patriotic efforts to serve his country. The following is a copy of the mus- ter roll of the Company referred to, known as Co. D, 124th Pa. Vols., mustered into service Aug. 11, 1862; and out, May 15, 1863. NoKKis L. Vaknall, Captain, \. Law. Haldrman, \st Lieut, Joseph Pkatt, 2d Lieut. Privates, James B. Aitkin, J, Frank Black, Benjamin Brooke, Henry Black, Samuel Boker, William L. Bittle, William B. Broomall, William H. Beatty, Hunter Brooke, David Bradbury, Chas. D, M. Broomhall, Davis Broomall, William Batting, Silas Baker, Daniel B. Baker, Stephen I\L Blazier, Richard R. Cummins, J. Roland Cochran, Michael Crouse, Joseph G. Cummins, James Cheetham, James Crozer, Jesse Darlington, William G. Davidson, Lorenzo F. Davis, James Dougherty, Henry Deny, Elias Eckfeldt, George Eplee, Charles j. Esry, Frederick Eckfeldt, William Y. Esbin, Anderson Fielding, Jabez F. Fryer, Thomas Fields, Milton Ford, Larkin Fairlamb, Thomas Fleming, George Gardner, William Gamble, John L. Grim, Benjamin T. Green, Edward B. Green, William H. Garrett, John H. Henderson, Canada Humes, William Howarlh, William Heyburn, Edward P. Hickman, Andrew J. Haws, Thomas Hance, Jr., Joseph J. Hall, Joel Hollingsworth, William Howard, Alfred Hannum, William H. Hoopes, John D. Howard, Brinton J. Hej'burn, James H. Haycock, William T.' Innes, Philip Johnson, Edward Jackson, Rufus King, N. C. Longmirc, Edward W. Lewis, W. J. McPherson, George D. Mdler, James Moore, James Newsome, Casper Pike, John Pugh, Aaron Perry, John Millson, Wm. L. Martin, Caleb T. Price, Samuel H. Palmer, Richard A. Passmore, John Palmer, John M. Pyle, James C. Sorber, George F. Springer, Benj. Frank Thomas, Jacob B. Richards, Menanda Slack, Miftlin W. Smith, Pennell Stackhouse, Edward W. Torbert, William P. Worrall, Jr Harry Williamson, Henry Warburton, Joel E. Watson, W. Wayne Vodges, Christian Wall, Walker Y. Wells, James Waters, William Yarnall, IIISTOKV OF CHESTER. 379 Companv II, i2^th Fa. Volunteers. DELAWARE COUNTY VOLUNTEERS. Muster Roll of Capt. Barton's Company. James Barton, Jr., Captain. Frank M. Naglee, i.st Lieut. William H. H. Clayton, z^/ Zz«<;. Sergeants. 1. John M. Clayton, 3. William Pusey West, 2. James JNIcDade, 4. William Knovvles, 5. Robert J. Hanby. Corporals. 1. William T. Shoemaker, 5. John B. McCay, Jr., 2. Samuel K. Crozer, 6. Simon B. West, 3. Lewis McGonegal, 7. John Peteis, 4. Charles B. Roberts, 8. Clayton J. Rodeback. Musicians. J. P. Evans, George B. Hinkson. Wagoner — Ralph Welsh. Privates. Joseph A. Aimen, Joseph L. Arment, Ellis S. Baker, George S. Benson, Joseph H. Bonsall, Thomas Burk, William Burns, John W. Carr, Robert Casey, Joseph Cathcart, Thomas J. Carman, James P. Chadwick, William T. Chandler, Enos W. Clair, William T. Clayton, John B. Congleton, George K. Cross, William J. Crowther, Joseph Drake, John P. Duffy, Elias Eves, John Files, Ezekiel Ford, Robert M. Green, Alex. R. Gutterson, Frederick Hartley, William D. Howard, James C. Hinkson, Charles Hanthorn, Jonathan Heacock, Edward H. Hickman, Benjamin Hirst, Charles Jackson, John Jackson, Thomas H. Jackson, David Jones, Company D, i6th Pa. Militia. DELAWARE COUNTY GUARDS, 0/ Concord and Aston. John H. Barton, Captain. William H. Walter, i.?^ Z^V?^/. Isaac H. Derrick, 2d Lieut. Zaddock Speakman, Ord'y Sergt. Privates. Elijah Bardsley, Edward Barton, John Baker, George E. Barnes 49 J. Ephraim Lobb, Robert McCall, Daniel McCue, Jesse D. Minshall, J. Wesley Miles, George Mills, John Mott, Philip Nawn, Samuel W. Neeld, Jesse Owen, George W. Poole, John W. Phillips, Harvey E. Pierce, Horatio N. Piatt, James Pyle, Owen Z. Pyle, John Palmer, James J. Piard, Isaac E. Price, M.aurice Ragan, Thomas Ryan, Cheyney H. Smith, Albert Smith, John Stadring, Joseph Taylor, Livingston Talley, John M. Temple, William Trainer, Daniel Trainer, William S. Vanhorn, Nehemiah Vansant, Simon H. White, John Whittington, Moses Williams, Thomas Wildes, Samuel R. Zebley. Thomas Bullock, E. E. Bartleson, Osburn Booth, Joseph Buckley, Jesse Booker, Alfred Broadbent, Wesley Clayton, Reuben Crowther, W. S. Congleton, Harry Cheetham, William Chandler, George Dutton, George Derrick, Jared Darlington, Albert Darlington, William Davis, Shelly Ford, James H. Finney, Robert A. Fulton, John Greenlee, Joseph Griffith, Isaac B. Gilpin, Patrick Gallagher, William Gartside, Samuel E. Hannum, George W. Hall, William Hannum, Joseph E. Hannum, Samuel N. Hill. Jesse K. Jester, Samuel Lenderman, Emmor S. Leedom, William Mordecai Lewis, George Lancaster, John Lamey, Thomas Mayguckin, James iMcMullin, Thomas McCall, Jr., Geo. W. McCrackin, Chas. G. McGinnes, Joseph Osbom, Joseph Paschall, Charles P. Peters, William R. Peters, Charles V. Peters, Eli Pyle, Jr., Vernon T. Pyle, William H. Porter, William T. Palmer, Michael Rhail, William H. Rigby, Jesse Scott, Aaron Swayne, R. G. Smith, Samuel Sweeten, John M. Smith, Robert L. Taylor, George Taylor, James S. Todd, Aaron Tyson, Joseph M. Wells, J. L. Weeden, John S. Wells, Charles P. Walter, P. Yarnall. Company F, l6ih Fa. Militia, in seii'ice Sept. II, \%(i2, for ten days. COMPANY FROM THORNBURY AND EDGMONT. Joseph Willcox, Captain. William Miller, i.r/ Lieut. George Eachus, 2d Lieut. Pri Albin W. Baker, Daniel Baker, Robert M. Burnett, Edwin M. Bittle, James Broomall, John J. Baker, William Broomall, Lewis Baker, Robert D. Baker, T. J. Baker, Jr., Davis Broomall, Mark Broomall, Hugh R. Cheyney, Charles M. Cheyney, George S. Cheyney, Timothy Donavan, William Eachus, Alfred B. Entriken, Evan Eachus, John W. Fryer, Edward P. Fryer, George L. Green, Abel Green, George S. Green, Smedley Green, Edmund Green, z'ates. Robert Gamble, George W. Hall, John T. Huddleson, Passmore Howard, Wm. H. Huddleson, Pierce Hemphill, William Hall, William Hines, Thomas W. Hemphill Edward P. Hickman, EUwood H. James, Bishop King, Henry Lodge, Nelson Lamb," Wm. H. Malin, Jos. R. Menough, John H. Menough, William Miles, Jr., William Niles, Curtis P. Pyle, Richard T. Plummer, EUwood Pyle, John S. Pyle, Humphrey Pyle, Friend W. Russell, Jos. W. Register, 180 HISTORY OF CHESTER. John D. Roi.ey, John W. Steele, Amos C. Sharpless, Jos M. Stackhouse, Robert Sill, Enos P. Sharpless, Smith Sharpless, Thomas J. Sharpless, Edward 13. Stanley, John B. Taylor, Albiu Yarnall, Walker Yarnall, Meredith Stackhouse, John P. Varnall. Conipauy II, i6th Jicgi/iirnf I'd. Militia. THK DARBY RANGERS. Charles A. Litzenburg, Captain. J. Charles Andrews, z.si Lieut. George S. Patchell, 2^/ /-zVwi. George Ash, Jr., Jas D. Byerly, George Bonsall, Henry Bonsall, William C. Bonsall, Wm. H. Bunting, Jacob S. Bunting, Henry Burgoine, John Bunting, Jos. M. Bunting, Jr., Hamilton A. Burk, B. Warner Bonsall, Reece Bonsall, Moses Bonsall, Joseph C. Bonsall, Andrew Colday, G. Swayne Collier, James Carr, Horatio P. Connell, James Colflcsh, D. Colflesh, George Davis, William Doles, John Davis, Samuel Edner, Edward Earle, William H. Ferris, John Gorton, R. Graham, James Hughes, N. Hatch, John J. Hoopes, Isaac H. Hibbert, Henry Hoppin, MUSTER ROL yivates. John S. Hansen, J. Robert Howell, George Hebon, John A. Hall, Alonzo A. Heap, Walker Y. Hoopes, Edward Kaine, Hugh Lloyd, Jos. L. Lewis, Abel Lodge, Jr., Isaac R. Lincoln, T. M. McLaughlin, Wm. H. Norris, John P. Ottey, George Plumley, Thomas Palmer, Josiah Preston, Henry Palmer, Henry H. Ru.ssell, Jacob S. Serrill, Joseph L. Sager, James P. Serrill, George Serrill, James S. Swayne, Samuel W. Shaw, J. R. Suplee, William H. Sheller, Valerius Sheller, Mordecai JSL Shaw, Richard Thatcher, Edward Thatcher, Albert G. Thatcher, John Verlenden, Charles Willis. THE UPLAND VOLUNTEERS. George K. Crozek, Captain. John Graff, \st Lieut. Thomas Stewart, id Lieut. S. Bentley, R. Vanzant, Sergeants. 3. John Geltson, 4. W. McNamee, Andrew I.ampert. Privates. W. Anderson, James Allen, Mark Allen, Jas. Brackenridge, Jr James Buckley, Ratcliffc Bridge, Matson Baile, George Bleakley, W. Birley, John Ronnor, Edwin Blakely, W. Chalfant, Tho. dough, Ayur Castle, Robert Cardwell, James Cauliff, John Cardwell, Richard Crowther, Robert Cornog, John Conovan, W. Chadwick, James Daniels, W. Dalton, Ezra Dransfield, Isaac Dalton, Wm. Dean, Wm. Dawson, Robert Elliott, George Elliott, William Finley, Henry Foster, Charles Firth, Andrew Finton, Allen Garside, Robert Garside, Luke Hepworth, Richard Hepworth, Ale.\. Hopkins, Wm. Henderson, Edward Howarth, Thomas Kay, John Lavery, George Loveland, David Minster, Arthur Martin, John McGovern, W. McClelland, James Mills, Joseph McBride, George Mousley, Charles McBride, Samuel Montgomery, Samuel Pretty, David Pretty, Alex. Struthers, Samuel Saxon, W. Struthers, Joseph Scott, James Smith, Edward Taylor, John Thompson, Robert West, Joseph Wyatt, W. Ward, John Wyatt. The Republican, from which I have copied most of the lists, making some corrections, says in reference to the last named. " We have not been able to procure all the names of the Company, which numbers ninety men. They are en- camped, for the present, on the Wis- sahickon. The people of Upland de- serve all praise for raising this fine Company. We understand the Messrs. Crozers have set apart a sum of money for the families of volunteers." The Slifer Phalanx^so named in honor of Hon. Eli Slifer, then Sec- retary of the Commonwealth under Governor Curtin — was recruited in Chester, and was, for a time, quar- tered in City Hall, during the month of May, 1861. The following is the roll of the company, which was mus- tered into service as Company C, ist Pennsylvania Reserves, or 30th of the line. Samuel A. Dyer, Ca/>tain. Joseph R. T. Coates, ist Lieut. John H. Taylok, Jr., 2ii Lieut. Sergeants. 1. Jacob Keen Vaughan, Jr., 3. Wm. Olden Ridgway, 2. Edward Larkin, 4. John M. Thompson. HISTOKY OF CHESTER. 381 Corporals. 1. John McDonald, 3. Edwin E. Flavill, 2. Edward R. Ross, 4. John H. Williams. Privates. Samuel Ardes, Edward McCabe, Oliver C. Armstrong, Henry McCloskey, James S. Ashbridge, William McCay, Edward Butler, Thomas McGarvey, John Brophy, James Pollock, William Bradford, John Porter, William Cunliff, William C. Paist, William W. Button, Henry Rocth, John Devlin, WilHam Rider, Charles Dougherty, Thomas Rice, James Dougherty, James Riley, David Donaldson, John Roebuck, Thomas S. Everhart, Matthew Roach, Edward Elliott, James-Stewart, George Fildes, William Smith, Edward Farren, Lane Schofield, Michael Grady, Jesse Supplee, Harry Hobaugh, Andrew Shaw, John Huff, John E. Smith, Edward Hickman, James Sanders, Isaac Helms, William StiUwell, Samuel Hinds, John T. Schofield, Horace Hill, James Stevenson, Archy Hamilton, Joseph Turner, Robert Henderson, Thomas Vanzant, John Johnson, Abram R. Vanzant, William Lamey, Alfred G. Webb, Samuel Lord, George Warsley, James Lusby, Thomas Wilkinson, Peter Miller, Samuel Williams, Robert Mills, R. H. Welsh, Thomas Mills, Collins D. Walker, William Wood. In the early part of July, 1861, Cap- tain Wm. L. Laws recruited a cavalry company in Chester. Afterwards the Company was removed to Philadelphia, and Captain William K. Grant was substituted in place of Laws. The Company was mustered into service as Co. I, 60th Regiment, 3d Pennsyl- vania Cavalry. The following per- sons were from Chester and its vicinity : Matthias Cooper, William Hadfield, George Phillips and Edward Crowther, Sefgca?ifs. John Oaks, Saddler. Privates — James Ardis, William Brown, John Byram, James W. Car- roll, William Campbell, Michael Cur- ran, Joseph Cook, Joseph Dalton, Henry C. Fuller, Eli Hamilton, Wil- liam H. Martin, William Moore, James McGahey, William McGinness, William Quinn, John Ramsay, Thos. Schofield, Isaac West, William T. W>st. Other officers and men who had been recruited at Chester were dis- tributed through the different com- panies of the 60th Regiment, thus : In Co. K, there were privates, John A. Devers, Patrick Ford, John Arm- strong, Thomas Dyson ; Co. C, there was Thomas Riley ; in Co. E, George W. Rocas; in Co. F, there were Alex- ander King, Oram Gregg, James A. Parcels, James Rusk, George Birth, David A. Brown, Charles Dewight, William Mason, John O'Brien, John Phillips, Joseph L. Pedrick, William Ramsey, Samuel Shepherd, George Weigand. Co. M, Abel Wright, \st Lieut.; John W. Ford, 2d Lieut. ; Albert Bradbury, Sergeant; Benjamin Mc- Donald, Joseph A. Ford, Abel Ford, Corporals; Robert Coppock, Farrier. Thomas Broomall, William Crozer, Nehemiah Ford, Samuel Grey, James McFaddon, William McDonald, Jas. Willis, Privates. Co. A, y]th Regt. Pa. Militia ; musiered in July 1-15, 1863; discharged Aug. 'i,2„it, 1863. William Frick, Captain. Edward M. Lyons, ist Lieut. William G. Price, ■zd Lietit. Sergeants. 1. John Eyre Shaw, Esq., 3. Chas. D. Pennell, 2. Thos. Donechy, 4. Wm. C. Dubree, 5. George Baker. Corporals. 1. Chas. A. Story, 5. Henry Hinkson, 2. John McFall, 6. Robt. M. Green, 3. John Atkinson, 7. Charles Hinkson, 4. David M. Johnson, 8. Frederick Engle. Musicians. Hamilton Sample, James Rawncliffe. Privates. Aaron Allen, John Birtwell, David Appeleliy, Chris. Blakeley, James R. Abernethy, Joseph Blakeley, Thomas Berry, William Blakeley, Abram Blakeley, Thomas W. Boker, Abram Birtwell, Jacob Boon, 882 HISTORY OF CHESTER. John Jiouii, Peter Hoon, Henry Bradley, Geo. F. Brinton, Thomas Chambers, James Cochran, Geo. P. Dale, Wm. P. Derr, Alfred O. Deshong, James Dunkcrley, Julius A. Dutton, Joseph Eckersley, Peter H. Engle, Samuel Etchclls, William Ewing, Edwin E. Flavin, J. Marshall Garrett, James Gartside, John Gart-'side, Wm. H. Geary, Thomas Gibbs, Peter Goff, George Gorby, Robert C. Gorby, Jonathan Grant, Charles L. Grubb, James Haiise, William Harrison, Joshua Hibbard, Jesse Hicken, Henry M. Hinkson, John Holt, Alfred HooflT, J. Wash. Irving, John P. Jones, Company A, \C)']th Pa Jacob B. Kitts, Joseph Ladomus, Henry Larkin, Thomas Lee, Benjamin Mason, Joseph Miller, William Mills, Robert Mirt, William Moore, James Morgan, David W. Morrison, Wm. P. Morrison, James Montgomery, Daniel ^rcKinney, Wm. J. Ogleby, Wm. Patterson, Andrew Phillips, Wm. R. Rice, Geo. H. Ridgeway, Wm. Schoficid, Arnold Shaw, John Slawter, Robert Smith, Jr., Thos. O. Stephenson, Jacob B. Stewart, Henry SutliflF, Charles Sweeney, Wm. H. H. Taylor, George Turner, Richard E. Turner, Rich'd T. Turner, Joseph Weaver, Thomas Wilkinson, Thomas Wood, Jacob B. Yates. Vols., July 16, 1864. CAPT. 15ARTON S CO., lOO DAY.S MEN. James Barton, Jr., Captain. James C. Hinkson, ist Lieut. Thomas H. Berry, ■zd Lieut. Sergeants. 1. John M. Clayton, 3. Jesse D. Minshall, 2. Ambrose McDade, 4. Wm. F. Shoemaker, 5. William Trainer. Corporals. 1. Cheyney H. Smith, 5. Preston E. Wilson, 2. Robert J. Eagleson, 6. Henry C. Hinkson, 3. Joseph L. Armcnt, 7. Benjamin Crowther, 4. Henry Larkin, 8. George S. Dutton. Musician — George W. Schofield. ■ Privates. John 15. Allen, Theodore J. Bell, Samuel A. Benson, Abram W. Birlwell, Frank Blagg, Hamilton Burk, Milton Bowers, James Braceland, Peter Boon, John Birtwell, Mark Brewster, Samuel Burk, James B. Berry, Edward W. Casey, John Cannavan, Samuel W. Chadwick, Samuel R. Chambers, Albert Dutton, George H. Derrick, James Dougherty, Alfred B. Kntriken, David Foster, Theodore J. Gleason, Nelson C. Green, John M. Hinkson, Clayton P. Hannaway, Thomas Hance, Charles J. Hewes, George Horning, Jo.scph P. Hindsley. Harrison Hoffman, William Hill, William Hepworth, Spencer Howard, Lewis P. Hendrickson, Isaac Jones, Martin Kelly, John H. Kerlin, James D. Knight, Samuel W. Loveland, Benjamin H. Mason, John S. McDade, William McDonald, Henry D. McNeild, Flemming Maloney, Daniel McKinney, Vincent Nichols, Samuel Nuttall, Joseph Osborne, Gibbons L. Pharoah, Emmor W. Porter, Edwin L. Powell, John H. Pretty, Samuel C. Price, Silas L. Sample, Joseph B. Sample, Lewis J. Smith, Nelson S. Talley, William E. Trainer, George W. Turner, J. Terrill Ulrich, Theodore A. Vansant, John W. Warren, William H. Williams, William H. Weir, William W. Young. Of course it must be understood that the muster rolls of volunteer compa- nies, herein given, contain only the names of the members of the com- panies when they were first organized. Those who desire further information as to those who joined the companies afterwards, are referred to Bates' His- tory of the Fe?insylvama Volunteers, and the report of the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania for 1866, in which full histories of the services of each regi- ment, names of ofiicers, privates, and recruits from time to time and the pro- motions made during the war, are given in full. Of the officers in the regular service during the rebellion, the old town of Chester has no need to feel ashamed ; in fact, I believe her people are just a little proud of them. Their names will justify all their fellow-townsmen can .say in their favor. The list is as follows : David D. Porter, Admiral, U. S. Navy ; Frederick Engle, Rear Ad- miral, U. S. Navy ; William D. Por- ter, Commander, U. S. Navy ; Pierce Crosby, Commodore, U. S. Navy ; Ma- jor David Porter Heap, Paymaster, U. S. Army; May Humphreys Stacey, Captain and Brev. Lieut. Col., U. S. Army; Henry Ogden Porter, Lieut., U. S. Revenue Marine, acting Lieut. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 383 of the U. S. Navy ; David Porter Heap, (the younger,) Captain, U. S. Engin- eers ; Henry DeHaven Manley, Lieut. Commander, U. S. Navy ; Henry Clay Cochrane, ist Lieut.- U. S. Marine Corps. Chester has also the right to claim as an adopted son another hero, who should rank next at least, to the elder Porter, — I mean David Glasgow Farra- gut, the brave old Admiral, who was born July 5, 1801, at Campbell Station, East Tennessee. At the early age of nine years he was appointed a Mid- shipman in the U. S. Navy, and served under David Porter in the Essex. In the engagement with the Phcebe and Cherub, hereinbefore fully de- scribed ; the young middy was knocked down a hatchway by a falling man, and severely bruised, but was able to do duty at his gun till the Essex was surrendered. This was the only occa- sion in which Farragut ever received a hurt while in the service. He was then 12 years old. On his return to the United States, after peace was de- clared, Farragut went to school at Chester, to an old French officer who had served under the great Napoleon, with whom he studied military and naval science for two years, and at the expiration of that time returned to duty as a midshipman. He was not com- missioned as a Lieutenant until 1825. Commodore Porter made special and honorable mention of Farragut's gal- lantry in the fight at Valparaiso, but said with appropriate regret that "the boy was too young for promotion." My recollection is, that the late Cap- tain Henry Ogden, also of Chester, was on board the Essex, in the same engagement, being at that time about the same age as Farragut, and that Porter in his report regretted that ' ' the boys were both too young for promotion." My late old school- mate at Chester, Henry Ogden Porter, was so named after Captain Ogden, who was a distinguished officer in the navy. Li '' The Delaware County Paper a7id Mail,'' of Jan. 2, 1877, will be found the following: " Some of our older readers will recall the time when Commodore David Porter resided at the Greenbank Mansion, in this city, and distinctly remember David G. Farragut, a mid- shipman, who was then a member of the Com- modore's family, and quite a beau among the ladies of Chester of that day. The future Admiral they recall as an agreeable fellow, short in stature and far from comely in fea- tures. Commodore David Porter, it will be remembered, to make the following extract intelligible to our readers, was the son of David, who was a Captain in the Continental Navy. The Springfield Republican of a re- cent date, tells us 'that David Porter, Sr., (the Revolutionary officer,) was once fishing on Lake Pontchartrain, when he was pros- trated by a sunstroke. A man named Farra- gut kindly cared for him, and the son of Por- ter, subsequently known as Commodore David Porter, finding that Farragut was in moderate circumstances, with several children to sup- port, adopted David when he was but seven years old, obtained him an appointment as midshipman, and kept him with him until after the capture of the Essex.' This historical scrap will be new to many of the old people of the vicinity, who knew the old Commodore and his protege, but never heard before' that Farragut was the adopted son of the former. In 1863, when we were in New Orleans, and Farragut in the Hart- ford, lay opposite Jackson Square, we were told by a lady of that city, a confirmed rebel, that the Admiral's mother was then living in that city, and that she had refused to receive him when he called upon her in his uniform. The old lady was in destitute circumstances, by reason of the war ; her son furnished her every thing she desired, and yet she refused to recognize him unless he was in citizens' dress. We do not know whether this state- ment is correct; it was told us just before Farragut ascended the river to make his daring 384 ISTORY OF CHESTER. run l)y tlie liattcries i)f Port Hudson, on the 14th of March, nearly 14 years ago." General Robert Patterson lias been so long engaged in manufacturing business in Delaware County, and is so well known there, he is for that and other reasons deemed one of its peo- ple. His father, Francis Patterson, was a Presbyterian, and a respectable farmer in County Tyrone, Ireland, who after the rebellion of 1798, in which he took part with his native countrymen, emigrated to this coun- try, and settled in Delaware County, Pa. Robert was then a boy of six years of age. As soon as he was old enough he entered the counting house of Ed. Thompson, a prominent Phila- delphia merchant. Fond of military affairs, he entered the U. S. service during the War of 181 2, as a Lieut, of Infantry, at the age of 19 years. He rose to the rank of Captain, in 1815 resigned and returned to mercantile life ; but became an active participant in Militia affairs at Philadelphia, and finally Major General of Division in 1824. In 1838, he and his Division were on duty at Harrisburg; again in 1844, aided in suppressing the riots in Philadelphia. In 1846, during the Mexican War, Mr. Patterson entered active service again as Major General of Volunteers in the U. S. Army, and served through the entire campaign. In 1 861, he ag^in entered the service with his old rank and took active part in defence of the Government during the civil war. With the Penna. Reserves and other troops, including the famous " First City Troop," of Philadelphia, he occupied Harpers Ferry, Va., and was censured for not marching on Winchester, and thus holding in check the Rebel forces which advanced against the Union Army, and aided in its defeat at the battle of Bull Run. Lossing, in his Civil War, gives a full narrative of this campaign ; and the General issued his vindication in 1865, entitled "A Narrative of the Cam- paign in the Valley of the Shenandoah, in 1 86 1," a copy of which he sent me, as an acquaintance of his son, the late Major General Francis Patterson, U. S. Volunteers. The Comte de Paris, in a letter dated Oct. 8, 1876, to a gen- tleman of Philadelphia, exonerates the General from all blame, and says, if his work on the war reaches another edition, the errors in the first edition in reference to this affair, shall be cor- rected. "Frank Patterson," as he was called by his Army friends, had, previous to the breaking out of the Rebellion of 1861, been a Captain of the Regular Army. He died shortly after the battle of Malvern Hill. His brother, Robert Emmett Patterson, was Colonel of the Regiment formed by the old company of Hibernia Greens, of Philadelphia, and in ser- vice during the War of 1 861-5. Gen. Patterson says: "I remember the Hill family well, the old gentlemen and the old lady, and all the sons and daughters. I went to school with the Juniors. William was the eldest, mar- ried and farming, when Peter and George W. were at school ; John F. was the second, Peter, the third, and George, the youngest. I knew Judge Crosby well, he was a warm friend of my father's — Pierce, Robert and John Crosby also. Judge Crosby was one of the best and most respected men of Delaware County. The school we went to was not near ridley Park, it was on a small piece of land in the road leading from Gibbon's tavern to the Ferry on Darby Creek, hading to the Lazaretto, where the Townsliipsof HISTORY OF CHESTER. 385 Ridley and Springfield met. It was given by William Pennock for school purposes. Mr. Pennock was then in the Legislature. The house is there yet, I go every summer to see it. My father's farm, and where he lived when I was a boy, was in Ridley, lining Pen- nock's farm from the school house re- ferred to, back to the road leading from Gibbon's tavern to the Leiper road, the largest farm there. House and barn are still there, occupied by a very nice family named Worrell. My fa- ther's farm, has, I think, been di- vided up into 3 or 4 farms. Delaware sent Isaac D. Barnard and myself to the Army in the War of 1812. A better soldier than Barnard was not in the Army. I knew the Crosby's, Mor- ton's and Mcllvain's well, none more reputable." The General ends his note by writ- ing : "I am going this afternoon, (April 22, 1876,) to pay my respects to an old school-mate, and I believe the only one alive. She was Miss Mary Gardner, daughter of Captain Edward Gardner, now Mrs. Mary Crowell, mother of the Rev. Mr. Crowell, a respected Presbyterian min- ister, and in her eighty-fourth year. I am in my eighty-fifth." Thomas Home lived on William Pennock' s place when I went to the old school mentioned, about 1832, then kept by Edward Thomas ; and Abraham Worrell lived on the old Patterson farm. Captain Edw. Gard- ner lived somewhere near the White Horse Tavern. The General will never see the old school house again ; it has been torn down to make ■ room for a dwelling, now building on its site, by William Home, a son of George, and a grand- son of Thomas. The school house not having been used for many years for the purposes for which it was donated, re- verted to the assigns of Mr. Pennock. Davis Shillingford now resides in the old red brick Pennock Mansion, and occupies a part of their original estate. XLI. An obituary on the death of Harry, or " Budd" Porter, as he was called at school, in the Chester Republican, of May 31, 1872, says : " His life was an eventful one. Fond of adventure, he joined Walker in his expedi- tion to Central America, and while on that expedition was cut up with bullet wounds, which much impaired his activity for the re- mainder of his life. When the war of the Rebellion broke out, Lieut. Porter was in South Carolina on board a Revenue Cutter that was seized by the rebels. He managed to escape, came north, volunteered for the navy, in which he served during the whole war, returning to the Revenue Marine at its close. He was First Lieutenant of the U. S. steamer Hatteras, when that vessel was sunk by the Alabama, commanded by Captain Semmes, and stood at his guns until the ship went down. (His Captain refusing to sur- render, fought his vessel until she sunk be- neath his feet in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.) As soon as he regained his liberty he returned to active duty in the navy, and served on board the Susquehatuia, com- manded by Gordon, in the two battles at Fort Fisher, where he displayed his usual bravery." I knew Theodoric, Hamilton, and Harry quite well. Harry and m3'self were schoolmates. As a boy, he was full of fun and mischief, as were also his elder brothers. I remember quite distinctly, that during the winter 1833- 34, when the Delaware River had been frozen up for some time from Chester to Philadelphia, Theodoric and Hamil- ton started to drive two horses, har- nessed to a sleigh, to the city, not- :;80 HISTORY OF CHESTER. withstaiuling the fact that the weather was moderating, a heavy fog prevail- ing, and the ice melting in the stream and showing signs of breaking up. The persuasions of their friends to try and induce them to abandon their mad project was in vain, as they usually were on such occasions, and they started off and made the trip in safe- ty, reaching Pine street wharf just as the ice in the river began to move, and the horses were with difficulty saved from being drowned. They con- sidered this adventure excellent fun. Since writing the above, the incident has become the subject of a news- paper article, in which David is sub- stituted for Hamilton, which I think is a mistake. Still I was very young, and although the story differs from my boy- ish recollections, it may be correct for all that. It is thus related by the Delaware County Republican : " The thrilling account of ' A Winter's Night on Lake Winnebago,' printed in the last number of this paper, recalls to mind a feat performed nearly forty years ago, by David D. (now Admiral) Porter, and his brother Theodoric, then residents of this place. The love of adventure, added to the cool and de- termined bravery which the sons of Commo- dore Porter were always known to possess, and which never forsook them in any emer- gency, prompted them to determine to reach Philadelphia, by way of the Delaware, in a sleigh. The winter was unusually severe, and the river had been filled, for several weeks, with large masses of floating ice. The night previous to their adventure was intensely cold, and on the following morning the ice had ceased to run — the river was frozen over from Pennsylvania to New Jersey, and a light snow covered the ground. The proposition to visit J'hiladelphia leaked out, and shortly there- after many of the older people of the town visited ' Greenbank'— then the residence of the parents of the young men — to endeavor to dissuade them from so perilous an under- taking. The various obstacles that would present themselves during the passage; the almost certainty that the horse and sleigh would get into an air-hole, and that the youths would be beyond help and get lost, were re- presented to them by matter-of-fact men, who knew the river, and the numerous dangers to be surmounted before the city could be reached, if, indeed, the feat could be accomplished at all. All this was heard by the young men, but not heeded, and at nine o'clock in the morning the horse and sleigh was brought to the foot of W^elsh street, and the Porter boys entered the sledge. The ' ribbons' were entrusted to David, the elder, and the two set out on their trip. The mouths of the different streams that enter into the Delaware — Ridley, Crum, and Darby Creeks — were closed with ice piled several feet high, and a detour, far into the river, had to be made to avoid these obstructions, \\hich neither man nor beast could overcome. The inside channel, known as the ' Lazaretto Channel,' was taken, and the sleigh and its occupants passed Martin's Bar, the mouth of the Schuylkill and the Horse Shoe, without accident of any kind. On approaching the city, they found that the ice was detached from the shore for some dis- tance, and it became necessary for safety to keep well off the land. At noon they arrived at their destination, and tied their horse alongside the' old Sea Gtill, then a receiving ship, anchored off the Navy Yard. The navy officers, friends and shipmates of the old Com- modore, their father, received the young men with open arms, congratulated them on the performance of their dangerous feat, and en- tertained them handsomely. At three o'clock they returned to the sleigh, and made prepara- tions to leave for home by the same route they had reached the city. The cold had by this lime become more intense, and friends advised them to abandon their purpose. On they went, however, and after an hour's ride they became benumbed, and, halting their vehicle, they built a fire upon the ice to warm them- selves. Li the course of half an hour the journey was resumed, and Chester was reached without mishap, at nine o'clock at night, the whole distance, thirty-two miles, having been performed over the frozen surface of a river in many places thirty feet deep. No one has tried the experiment since, nor is it in the re- collection of any of our oldest citizens that it was e\er previously performed. We have not attempted to relate the incidents of this perilous IIISTOUY UF CHESTER. 887 ride, all of which were at one lime familiar to the residents of this to\\n, many of whom have passed away — not, however, without re- counting to their descendants the trip of David D. Porter and his brother Theodoric, over the ice, from Chester to Philadelphia, in a sleigh." Just above where the tracks of the P. W. & B. Railroad cross Chester Creek, there are two large flat rocks, resting on a much larger one, which projects into the stream somewhat. In old times "The Rocks" were quite out of town, and there was nothing near them but an enclosed field for sheep and cattle, called "The Sheep Pen. ' ' The rocks were then a famous swimming place, to which all the Ches- ter boys resorted, after school was out, to bathe. Most of the .school boys of my time could swim like ducks, even the very small ones, who were taught by the larger boys throwing them in the creek from these rocks. I remem- ber throwing James, or May Stacey in ; I forget which one it was. He was about nine years old, but he swam ; and I nearly drowned David Quinn, by pushing him off the rocks, thinking he could swim. About 1834 or '35, Theodoric Porter swam from Green- wich Point to Chester, about 15 miles. In emulation of this feat, all the Ches- ter boys undertook to swim from the rocks to Ship Creek woods, over half a mile, and back again. Some got to the woods, but none got back without touching with the foot, for a kind of a rest. A brief sketch of the life and ser- vices of Frederick Engle, will be found in an obituary, which I copy from 7he RepubUca7i of Feb. 21st, 1868: " Frederick Engle, Rear Admiral on the retired list of the United States Navy, died at his residence in Phila- delphia, on Wednesday of last week, of disease of the heart, aged sixty-nine years. He was born in Chester, and entered the navy in 1814, when he was but fifteen years of age. The ocean, at that time, swarmed with pirates, and Commodore Porter was sent in search of them . Young Engle accompanied him in his various cruises, performing his duty faithfully, and receiving the com- mendations of his superior officer. He commanded the steamship Princeton during the Mexican war, and in the attack upon Vera Cruz, a shot from his vessel made the first breach in its walls. He was afterwards sent to the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and visited the Crimea. When the rebel- lion broke out, he was sent to relieve Commodore Stribling, then in com- mand of the flagship Hartford, and brought that vessel home. He also commanded the frigate Wabash. Sub- sequently he was stationed at the Phila- delphia Navy Yard, after which he was appointed Governor of the Naval Asy- lum. He was President of one or more Boards of Inquiry and Exami- nation, a position for which he was admirably fitted. For the last two or three years he suffered from an ap- parent dropsical affection. He was made Commodore on the retired list, July 10, 1862, having been retired as Captain, Dec. 11, 1871. His last grade was given him in 1867. He had seen twenty-five years of sea ser- vice and eight years of shore duty, in fifty-three years' connection with the navy. Admiral Engle's kindness was proverbial. He always evinced a warm attachment for the place of his birth, and no one from that place, who was worthy, ever applied to him without receiving assistance. His remains were interred at Burlington, New Jersey." Delaware County claims also some :J88 HISTORY OF CHESTEH. interest in another distinguished officer, viz. : Gen. Andrew A. Hunijjhreys, Chief of the Engineer Cori)s, and Brigadier-General of the United States Army, and Major-General of Volun- teers, who graduated at the U. S. Mil- itar\- Academy, June 30, 1S31, num- ber 13 in his class, and entered the service as Bvt. 2d I>ieut. of the 2d Artillery, Jul\- i, 1831. He was a classmate of Lt. Col. Henry Clay, Jr., who graduated second, and was mor- tally wounded at the battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23, 1847. Gen. Hum- phreys is also a graduate of the Mora- vian Seminary for boys, at Nazareth. Pa., called "Nazareth Hall," and that venerable institution is very proud of her .son. Many gallant boys graduated at the same school, and a handsome monument has been erected on the green in front of the hall, to perpetu- ate the memory of those who fell in battle or died in the service of their country. The General is a grand-son of Joshua Humphreys, the first naval constructor under General Washing- ton. His ancestors settled in Dela- ware County, where some of his des- cendants still reside on a portion of the patrimonial estate. The father of the General was Samuel Humphreys, who inherited his father's i)eculiar talent, and was appointed Chief Naval Constructor during the administration of Mr. Monroe, and was distinguished alike for his talents and gentlemanly deportment. General Humphreys was Chief of Staff under General Meade, Commander of the Army of the Poto- mac. A war correspondent of the New York Tribune thus describes him : "A small, middle aged man, close shaved, excejit a short trimmed mos- tache, which is slightly grizzled, as is also his hair; with a large nose, bridg- ed with spectacles, good complexion, quiet, unassuming demeanor, smile sweet as a woman's, and a voice im- pressively low. This man, who gives you the idea of tremendous power in reserve, is General Humphreys, made Major General for distinguished ser- vices at Gettysburg." I cannot drop this portion of my history without recording my tribute of respect for an old Chester school- mate, now dead ; and I cannot do it better, than by inserting here, a truth- ful obituary notice of him, copied from The Rep ltd lie an of March 27, 1861, as follows : '' Died at Erie, Pa., on Saturday last, the 22nd inst., Lieut. Samuel Edwards, of the U. S. Navy, aged 39 years. It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Lieut. EdAvards. We have known him long, intimately, and al- ways favorably. He was born in this county, and on the death of his parents came to reside with his uncle, the late Samuel Edwards, Esq., when but a few years old,, under whose care and pro- tection he remained till 1838, when a warrant was obtained for him as a mid- shipman in the navy, and he entered the service of his country at an early age. He passed a most creditable ex- amination, and obtained the rank of Passed-midshipman, and in his turn was promoted to a Lieutenancy. He spent most of his time in active duty, and during the Mexican war, was at the bombardment of Vera Cruz, and was attached to the battery which first made a breach in its walls. He was skilled in his profession, and was most gallant and brave in the performance of all his duties. He removed to Erie a few years ago, where he married an estimable lady with whom he lived most happily till his death. His friends HISTORY OF CHESTER. 389 and acquaintances here, will learn with sorrow his early departure from the scenes of his usefulness." Since the close of the Rebellion, the officers and soldiers of the U. S. Army and Volunteers ha\e formed themselves into Societies, to perpetu- ate the remembrance of their former military organizations and service, and to protect and care for their sick and disabled comrades and their families; and are fulfilling their self-imposed du- ties in the most honorable and praise- worthy manner. The honorably dis- charged Volunteers have instituted a military order, extending throughout the United States, and denominated "The Grand Army of the Republic." Each separate locality or division, has its subordinate organization, which is called a "Post," and is named in honor of some deceased comrade, who once resided in the vicinity or depart- ment of the Post. Post Wilde, No. 25, G. A. R., is located at Chester, and was organized July 27, 1867. The Post was so nam- ed, in honor of the memory of Isaac Edward Wilde, son of John and Helen, born May 30, 1842, at Knowlton, Del- aware County, Pa. At the age of 1 7 years he enlisted as a private in Com- pany B, 20th Regt. Pa. Vols. (Scott Legion), was mustered out with his company, and immediately re-enlisted in the 3d Penna. Cavalry, in which he served until just before the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., when he "was dis- charged for promotion," and returned home, but becoming impatient he re- enlisted in the 3d Regt. of Heavy Ar- tillery, and was stationed at Fortress Monroe until March, 1864, when he was mustered into the i88th Penna. Volunteers, formed from the extra men of the 3d Heavy iVrtillery, and was made 2d Lieutenant of one of the com- panies, and served with his new regi- ment under Gen. Butler. At the bat- tle of " Chapin's Farm," his regiment was nearly cut to pieces, and he was placed in command of two companies, being the only officer left. Soon after his health gave way, and he was placed in the army hospital near City Point, Va., where he died, July 26, 1864, of chronic diarrhoea. The Post is in a flourishing condi- tion, has a large membership, and a pleasant meeting-room, with a small library of 300 volumes. The organi- zation is beneficial, paying $4 a week sick benefits, $50 upon the death of a comrade, and $30 upon the death of a comrade's wife. It is the only soci- ety representing the veteran soldiers of Delaware County. PAST COMMANDKRi William H. Martin, James McDade, William C. Paist, Thomas Lees, OK THE POST. Joseph F. Brewster, George S. Buck, Edward Blains, Joseph P. Chadwick. Marshall Miller. List of, Henry Abljott, Humphrey Y. Arnold, William Armstrong, William Band, Levis Booth, Thomas Blythe, John Barrowclough, Tho. Bruner, Jacob C. Berstler, Theodore J. Bell, Thomas Blizard, Joseph F. Bell, William Blakfley, Ebenezer Birtwell, William B. Broomall, Joseph P. Chadwick, Edward Crowther, Theodore S. Christ, Robert Chadwick, William H. Cowden, Joseph R. T. Coates, Daniel Crowther, Fred. R. Cutler, Joseph C. Carter, Isaac L. Craft, James Christie, Theodore Dransfield, Mevil'crs. Charles Dickerson, John F. Danaker, John Diress, Patrick Doyle, Elias Eves, William Eves, Able Ford, Jacob Freshley, Albin P. Gettey, William C. Gray, William Gray, Jesse Griswold, Joel Hollingsworth, Moses Hewitt, G. C. Healy, William G. Howarth, Thomas G. Hutchinson, Isaac Helraes, William J. Harvey, Lewis Holden, Joseph N. James, Isaac Johnson, David M. Johnson, Joseph Kestner, Alc.x.inder King, Samuel Kay, Jonathan Kershaw, ;'J0 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Edward Lillcy, Richard Leggett, Thomas Lccs, John Lilley, Jr., Thomas I. Leiper, Arthur Martin, William H. Martin, Edward T. Mason, James McDade, Thomas H. Mirkil, Samuel Montgomery, James Morris, G. Mills, William P. Morrison, Charles McBridc, Marshall Miller, William Miller, James H. McKinley, John McDaniels, John McFeeters, Lacy H. Nicholson, William C. Paist, Jesse W. Paist, Caleb N, Pierce, Geo. A. Pearce, William W. Pearce, Gasow: William D. Piatt, George M. Pardoe, William G. Price, Horatio N. Piatt, William Pilger, William Rambo, Lewis J. Smith, Alexander Stokes, Edward C. Smith, J. M. Stocver, William Stanton, Fred. P. Taylor, Domingo C. Thomson, William L. Tomlinson, William A. 'J-odd, Edward Townsend, Chas. Thompson, William Cooper Talley, Theo. H. Vansant, Joshua M. Wilson, George W. Wilson, John Wohnus, Hiram Williams, William Waite, Jonathan Wilson, Joseph O. Wilson, y O. Yarnall. It is the custom of the G. A. R., to decorate annually, on the 30th of May, the graves of their decea.sed comrades, accompanied by a grand parade and an address suitable to so laudable an occasion. An account and programme of the proceedings of one such day, will be an example for all. From the J^e- publican of Chester, May 27, 1870, I copy a notice of " Decoration D.\y. — The iiieinl)crs of Post Wilde, G. A. R., have made extensive prepa- rations for the observance of Memorial Day, which occurs on Monday next. Many of the civic associations have signified their willing- ness to be present, and the different fire com- panies of our city will make a display. Alto- gether the occasion promises to be one of a highly interesting character, and is hopeil will be paiticipated in by a large majority of our citizens. The procession will be under the direction of Dr. Theo. S. Christ, Chief Mar- shal, and the address will be delivered by Capt. James Barton, Jr. The ladies who wish to prepare wreaths and bouquets for the ceremony, can leave them at the various places desig- nated in this paper. The programme will give all the particulars of the order of proceeding, and is as follows : "ORDI'-.R Ui- CKRI-.MONIKS I'OR Dkcok.vt- iNc THE Graves of the Soldiers, on Mon- day, the 30th inst. The line will form at 1.45 i'. m., o\\ Market Street, right resting on Market Stiuare. The procession will be formed in the follow- ing order : Chief Marshal and Aids. Band. FIRST DIVISION. Post Wilde, No. 25, G. A. R., followed l)y liearses bearing flowers. SECOND DIVISION. Chester and Upland Lodges of I. O. of ( ). F. and Independent Order of Red Men. THIRD DIVISION. Larkin and Chester Lodges, K. of Pylhias. FOURTH DIVISION. Senior and Junior Councils of American Me- chanics, Protestant Association and Good Fellows. FIFTH DIVISION. Fire Department — Franklin Engine Company, Moyamensing Hook and Ladder Co., and Hanley Hose. SIXTH DIVISION. Carriages containing Mayor, City Councils, Clergymen and Citizens. Associations will take post as follows : Chester and Upland Lodges I. O. of (). F., on east Fourth .Street, right resting on Market Street. Independent Order of Red Men, on West Fourth .Street, right resting on Market Street. Larkin and Chester Lodges, Knights of Py- thias, on K. Fifth St., right resting on Market. .Senior and Junior Councils United .\niori- can Mechanics, Protestant Association and Order of Good Fellows, on West Fifth Street, right resting on Market. Fire Department — Franklin Engine Com- l^any, Moyamensing Hook and Ladder Com- pany and Hanley Hose Company, on Edgmcmt Street, right resting on railroad. The line will move promptly at 2 o'clock. Associations are earnestly requested to be prompt in taking position, that no delay may ])e caused. Details will Ijc made from the Post to de- corate the graves of the soldiers in the Episco- pal and Union graveyards before 2 o'clock. Details will also be made in the forenoon of Monday, and iirocecd to the Friends', Catho- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 391 lie and Powell's graveyards in the city of Chester, and Friends' gi'aveyard at Shoemaker- ville, and decorate the graves therein, and re- turn in time to take part in the procession. The line will countermarch at Second and Market Streets^ and proceed to the cemetery at Upland, decorate the graves therein, rest half an hour, will then return to Chester Rural Cemetery, form in front of the stand, remain until after the address, which will be delivered by comrade Captain Jas. Barton, Jr., after which the members of the Post will decorate llie graves of the soldiers in the cemeteiy. The line will then re-form, march to Market Square, and there dismiss. Theodore S. Christ, Chief Marshal." Since the termination of the Rebel- lion and the emancipation of the slaves of the Southern States, Chester has be- come the residence of a very large number of the colored race. On the ist of July, 1870, a number of the co- lored citizens held a meeting and effect- ed a military organization, to which they gave the name of " Chester City Safeguards. ' ' The following have been the Commissioned officers of the com- pany since its formation, viz. : Captains. Andrew Johnson, July 22, 1870. Isaac B. Colwell, July 11, 1871. Isaac Emory, May 15, 1872. First Lieutenants. Isaac B. Colwell, July 22, 1870. David Hull, Mar. 16, 187 1. Sec( )NU Lieutenants. David Hull, July 22, 1870. Benjamin Reed, Mar. 16, 1871. The company consists of 84 non- commissioned officers and privates. There are also two other military organizations composed of white male citizens of Chester, viz. : Company A, formed Sept. 12, 1872, and Company B, of the Gartside Rifle Battalion. Company A, is commanded by Capt. George F. Springer; ist Lieut. Charles A. Story, promoted from 2d vice John H. Kerlin, who resigned in Sept., 1872 ; 2d Lieut. James Fryer ; together with 5 sergeants, 8 corporals and 48 pri- vates. Company B, was organized March 12, 1873, with David S. Gwynne as Captain, (resigned March 26, 1873.) John J. Morgan, ist Lieut, (resigned March 19, 1873.) Simon Lazar, 2d Lieut. William A. Todd, was elected Captain, April 16, 1872, at which date the command consisted of 5 sergeants, 8 corporals and 53 privates. William McClelland, was commissioned 2nd Lieut., vice Morgan resigned. The battalion is commanded by Maj. Dan- iel Brown, formerly Captain of the first company. In July, 1875, ^ military company, named "The Morton Rifles," was formed by Charles A. Story, Jr., and so called in honor of John Morton, the signer of the Declaration. The company was organized by the election of James Barton, Jr., as Captain; Chas. A. Story, ist Lieut., and John M. Householder, as 2d Lieut., and mus- tered into the nth Regt. of National Guards of Pa., in Aug., 1875. Sub- sequently Capt. Barton was promoted Aid to Gen. Dobson, and on Sept. 3d, 1876, Story was elected Captain; Householder, ist Lt. ; John P. Gregg, 2d Lt. ; and John McFeeters, ist ; Wm. Williams, 2d; John Thompson, 3d, and Robert McGinty, 4th Sergeants. The Coinpany number 50 uniformed members : and on account of their efficient drill, were armed by the State with the Remington breech-loading rifles ; only one other company in the regiment being thus armed, namely, "The Oxford Guards." ' ' The Hartranft Rifles, ' ' were or- ganized in Jan., 1876, by Capt. Perry M. Washabaugh, and on Apl. 20, 1876, were mustered into service as Co. B. 892 HISTORY OF CHESTER. iith Regt., loth Division of the Na- tional Guards of Penna. ; and was so named in honor of the present Gov- ernor of the State, under whom many of the Company served during the late war. It has 90 members on the muster roll. At the first meeting, the officers elected were, Perry M. Washabaugh, Captain; Robert H. Wood, \st Lieut. ; Joseph T. Wilde, 2d Lieut. Their armory is on Market Square, being in the building lately occupied by the ' ' Delaware County Republican. ' ' The Company meet for drill every Thursday evening. On Sept. 17, 1873, the Soldiers' Monument, erected in Chester Rural Cemetery, was dedicated to the me- mory of the soldiers and sailors of Delaware County, who fell in the Great Rebellion, in the presence of a large concourse of citizens, numbering about 8,000 persons, under the auspices of Post Wilde, No. 25, of the Grand Army of the Republic. The procession was composed of the members of Post Wilde^ of Posts No. 2 and No. 5, G. A. R., from Philadelphia, of Hyatt's corps of Cadets and Artillery, the Gartside Ri- fles, the 1 6th Regiment of National Guards, Montgomery Grays, St. Mi- chael's Beneficial Society, the Cadets of Temperance, Franklin Fire Com- pany, Hanley Hose Company, Moya- mensing Hook and Ladder Company, and the Chester City Cornet Band. Marshal — Gen. Charles L. Leiper. Aids — Humphrey Y. Arnold, Edward C. Smith, W. Irving Leiper, Col. Wm. Cooper Talley, Capt. James Barton, John C. Price, Humphrey Ash, Lieut. Commander Henry De Haven Manley, U. S. Navy, and Henry Clay Cochrane, ist Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps. At 4 o'clock P. M., the i)arade reached the Cemetery. Y. S. Walter tailed the large assembly to order, and on mo- tion, George K. Crozer, of Upland, was unanimously chosen President of the day. The Rev. Dr. Pendleton, of the Baptist Chur«h, made .the dedica- tory prayer; and Col. William C. Gray, read the history of the monument, erected by the liberality of the citizens of the county. The movement for the erection of the Monument, was inaugurated by the members of Post Wilde who desirous of obtaining the aid of the citizens, called a meeting on June 9, 1868, at National Hall, Chester. The Mayor of the city, John Larkin, Jr., presided. An organization to carry out the pur- poses of the meeting was effected by the election of Col. Wm. C. Gray, as permanent President, and a Board of Managers, consisting of Dr. Theodore S. Christ, Samuel Eccles, Jr., James Ir- ving, Perciphor Baker, William H.Mar- tin, Col. Wm. Cooper Talley, William Ward, Esq., and Charles J. Andrews. The ladies also lent their aid under the leadership of Mrs. Mary B. Leiper, and the purpose progressing favorably, the lot offered by the managers of the Chester Rural Cemetery was accepted ; and at a meeting held Aug. 5, 1870, a new Board of Managers was elected, viz.: Dr. Theo. S. Christ, Adam C. Eckfeldt, William H. Martin, James Irving, William Ward, Esq., Hon. Sketchley Morton, Amos Gartside, Perciphor Baker and Y. S. Walter, who appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Walter, Eckfeldt and Ir- ving, to select a design for the Monu- ment, and an artist. The committee selected as the artist Martin Millmore, of- Boston, and the result of his labors, as directed by the committee, was a handsome work of Aft — a private sol- dier standing at rest. HISTORY OF CHESTER. Col. John W. Forney, the author and editor, was the orator of the day on the occasion of the dedication, and at the conclusion of his address, the statue was unveiled* in the presence of the assembled multitude. Among those on the speakers' stand were Bvt. Major General Galusha Pennypacker, Colonel loth Regt. U. S. Infantry, Re- gulars, who rose from a private in the 97th Penna. Vols. ; Col. Guss, his old commander, stood by his side ; also, Hon. Washington Townsend, M. C. ; Hon. Sketchley Morton ; J. L. For- wood, the Mayor of Chester ; Col. Thomas Irvine Leiper ; Lieut. Col. May Humphreys Stacey, U. S. Army ; Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie ; the writer, and the members of the Board of Man- agers. And among the ladies were. Miss Mary E. Beale, Miss Annie Ba- ker, Miss Mary Gray, and last though not least, Mrs. Mary B. Leiper, who is so well known for her patriotism and kindness to the sick and wounded soldiers during the late rebellion of 1861-65. Mrs. Leiper is the descen- dant of a line of soldiers, as will be seen in my sketch of the Leiper and Irvine families. Her brother Callen- der Irvine Lewis, was one of my boy- hood companions, with John C. Lei- per, Dr. George L. Taylor, Dr. Eli- sha K. Kane, and others around Lei- perville ; and his relative, Lieut. Col. Frank D. Callender, U. S. Army, was an ' ' old Cadet, ' ' when I was a ' ' Plebe' ' at West Point. XLII. In giving an account of the ' • Archy Dick Guards," William Cooper Tal- ley. Captain, I referred to the fact that the company was named after the late Archibald T. Dick, Esq., of Chester. Mr. Dick was the descendant of an old Delaware County family. His father was Thomas B. Dick, son of Archibald Dick and Mary his wife, (widow of John Hewes, and daughter of Thos. Barnard, of Aston, whose wife's name was Sarah Carter.) He was admit- ted to the Delaware County Bar, Feb. 9, 1790. After his admission as an Attorney, he went to Easton, in this State, and practiced there for several years. I have been shown his docket, kept in his own handwriting, as is customary with the legal profession, and am surprised at the large practice he obtained. He seemed to have had about seventy cases a term, a heavy business for that day. In fact it would be in this. As the cases are entered in detail, there is no mistaking that they were matters of importance. He is said, by some who remember him, to have been an elotjuent pleader, and giving high promise of a life of useful- ness ; but he was drowned in the Del- aware, while out gunning or fishing in a row-boat, on April 21, 181 1, in a snow-storm, but how the event occurr- ed, nobody knows, as he was alone. His body was not recovered until the 29th of the month. Mr. Ziba Darlington, of West Chester, says he remembers well the excitement in regard to his death. Mr. Dick was born March 12, 1766, so he was only just past his 45 th year at the date of his untimely death. He was admitted to the Bar under the name of Thomas Dick. In his docket he enters his name in that manner until 1793, after which he writes his name Thomas B. Dick. The introduction of a middle name or letter, made by persons to distinguish them from peo-- pie of the same name, is quite common in this country. Mr. Dick used the B, Barnard being his mother's name, and 894 HISTORY OF CHESTER. liis grandfather being Thomas Barnard of Aston ; its introduction was therefore very appropriate. He married Phoebe Hart, a widow. Her maiden name was Brinton, of Chester County, Pa. ; she survived him many years, and died Dec. 30, 1840, aged 77 years, and was buried in Friends' burying grounds, Chester. Her age as given in records of Chester Monthly Meeting, 74 yrs., is said to be an error.* They had four children, Archibald, Brinton, Mary and Phoebe Dick. In the beginning of Thomas B. Dick's docket, is the following entry in his own hand: "On the 17th of April, 1788, commenced the study of the law, with Thomas Ross, Esq. ; on the 9th of Feb. 1790, was admitted at Chester, in Delaware County, having been previously examined by Jacob Bankson, William Bradford and Ed- ward Tilghman, Esqrs." He was ad- mitted to the Bar at New Castle, on Feb. 18,1790, on motion of Mr. Tilgh- man, on Feb. 23, 1790, at West Ches- ter, on motion of Mr. Rcss, his pre- ceptor, and at Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1 790. His docket entries begin with Nov. Term, 1789, with one case; at Feb. Term, 1790, he had two cases; in May Term, eight ; at Aug. Term, 1790, eleven cases, «S:c. 'I'his docket runs up to Oct. Term, 1794, and is the record of his cases in Delaware County. It then begins in North- ampton County, Nov. Term, 1794. Here Mr. Dick appears to have en- tered, at once, into a very large prac- tice, as he had fifty cases on his docket for 1795, and his business went on in- creasing rapidly. In Aug. Term, 1 796, he had seventy-six cases. He appears * In records of Kennet Monthly Meetins^ it is stated tiiat Phebe, dau. of James and Mary Krinton, was born in 1766, which Mould make her 74 in 1840. to have continued at Easlon till Nov. Term, 1 798, when he returned to Dela- ware Comity to reside, where his docket recommences. He had as his law-partner at one time, his cousin, Isaac D. Barnard, Ksq. His son, Archibald T. Dick, was born Dec. 21, 1794. He married, Sept. 3, 1816, Hannah, daughter of William and Mary Rogers, of Ches- ter County, born Dec. 2, 1796 ; died Dec. 31, 1856. He was admitted to the Delaware County Bar, June 16, 1816; and lived at Chester until his death, Aug. 13, 1837. He had a large practice, and was an estimable and popular citizen. His residence at Chester, which he erected, was lately owned and occupied by William and Joshua P. Eyre, deceased, on Edg- mont Avenue, facing the west end of Fifth street. At his death he left his widow, and the following children sur- viving him, viz. : Marv £., who mar- ried the late Peter Hill Engle, Esq. He died 2 mo. 17, 1844. Some years after his death, she married Lewis Lewis, of Philadelphia. They are both now dead. Phxbe Ann Dick, mar- ried Janies H. Castle, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar. Their son, Dr. Franklin D. Castle, is a )oung prac- ticing physician in his native cit\-. and another son, Horace, is a member of the Philadelphia Bar. Emma L. Dick married Professor E. Otis Kendall, of Philadelphia. Mr. A. T. Dick's only son, Franklin A. Dick, Esq. , is a mem- ber of the St. Louis Bar, but now a resi- dent of Philadelphia. Archibald Dick, of Chichester, was the great-grandfather of the present generation. He was, I find from the records at West Chester, the purchaser of the estate upon which he resided, near Marcus Hook, of Marv Norris of HlSTOllY OF CllESTEK. 895 the city uf Philadelphia, by deed dated, Aug. 3, 1771, for ^£45^ '> ^"^i from a letter in the Penna. Packet, of July I, 1779, it appears that he was an Assistant Deputy Quartermaster Gene- ral in the army of the Revolution. He dates his letter, June 28, 1779, from " Liberty Hall," Chester. And in 1 2th Colonial Records, p. 306, I find it noted, that Perciphor Frazier, Esq., (afterwards a Brigadier General;, is spoken of as the Commissioner of Purchases for the army, (April 5 , 1 780), and Reading Howell and Archibald Dick, Esqs. , as Assistants. On April 5 , 1780, he was appointed Assistant For- age Master for Chester County, 3 Pa. Archives, 701, 2d Series. His Will is on record at West Chester, dated Feb. 9, 1782, and proven, April 23, 1782. . The following interesting and ap- propriate letter is copied from the original, in the autograph collection of Ferdinand J. Dreer, of Philadel- phia : "Chester, 19th June, 1779. Sir: By Lieut. McMickell, I send fifty-one prisoners, which are said to have been taken in the vessels lately captured by Captains Tucker and Harding. They came to this place last evening under a militia guard, from Wilmington, and were delivered to Captain Vaughan, sub-Sherifi', by the otificer, who immediately went off without leaving any account of them, more than a list of names which you have inclosed. You will please pay to expense, or refer it, if in the regu- lar line, to sir, your most obedient and humble servant, A. Dick, A. D., Q. M. G." Addressed, "On Publick Service, to Col. Bradford, Esq., Phila- delphia, and Pr. Lieut. McMickell." The letter is signed and addressed by Archibald Dick, the rest evidently written by his clerk. At the southwest corner of Marc us Hook Cross Roads, there stands a large, quaint-looking old frame house, no doubt, once considered quite a grand mansion. Here, if my recollection serves me right, my father told me Archibald T. Dick's grandfather once lived. Archibald Dick lived in muck of the style that was common in Ches- ter County in those days. He drove, when visiting Philadelphia, in a ba- rouche with four splendid horses, with his negro driver and servants, ^^■e speak of the luxury in which our peo- ple of wealtli live at this day, but there was something grand in the generous hospitality and the unaffected style and dignity with which they did everything in the days of our grand- fathers and great-grandfathers. The Dutton record, MS., has among the deaths, Archibald Dick, 3, 9, 1 782. Meaning, of course, that he died Mar. 9, 1782. He appears to have had but the two children mentioned in his will. Dr. Elishaand Thomas (B.) Dick. Dr. Elisha Dick, who resided at Alexandria, Virginia, where he prac- ticed medicine, is mentioned in all of our histories as one of the physicians who attended General Washington in his last illness. He was a physician of skill and high standing, and a per- sonal friend of President Monroe. An excellent portrait of Dr. Dick, in pro- file, engraved by St. Memin, has been preserved, and a copy can be seen in the American Historical Record, \o\. 2, p. 507, and it will be found there stated, what is not generally known, that Washington died of membranous croup, and not oi quinsy. I afterwards corrected the statement made in the same article, that Dr. Dick was a na- tive of Scotland, 3 lb. 130. His only child, Julia, married James A. Pearce, ;;i)(i HISTOUV OF CHKSTEK. who was United States Senator from Maryland from 1843 ^^ '62, and who lived at Chestertown, in that State, where his descendants now reside. Archibald Dick divided his estate about equally between his two sons. Dr. Dick sold his one undivided half .of the Marcus Hook ])roperty. April 29, 1783. to Isaa( Dulton, for ^^985, in gold and silver. i'liomas ( B. ) Dick made i)artition with Dutton, March 23, 1787. and sold out in par^ eels, and about 1789 he removed to West Chester, near which town his grand-son, rny friend and old school- fellow at Chester, has now his country summer residence. Archibald Dick, in hLswill, emancipated his slaves and gave each one a legacy in money. One, who seems to have been a fa- vorite and was called "Cuff," was made a charge upon his estate, and lived to see at an extreme old age the g. grand-children of his "Old Massa!" the children of the late Archibald T. Dick, of Chester. The family tradition that Archibald Dick was the owner of fine stock, I find to be well sustained by the notices in the newspapers of his day. In the Pennsylvania Gazetteer, of Oct. 5, 1769, it is stated that " Mr. Di( k en- tered his Grey Horse for a race at Centre Course;" in the J\-nnsylvania Packet, May 4, 1772, he advertises that he has purchased the " noted horse, Dove, imported from England by Dr. Hamilton," and on May 17, 1773, a similar notice sets forth that he has at " Marcus Hook, the horse Pennsylvania Farmer, without excep- tion the greatest beauty in America, under the care of David Miller." Dr. Smith, in his history of the County, Appendix L, p. 556, gives the following interesting sketch of a case tried at Chester, March 2, 1764, before John Hannum and John Mor- ton, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, iS:c., (A '^ The King\%. Negro Phche, the slave of Joseph Richard- son," under an "Act for the tryal of Negroes," with the assistance of Jonas Preston, Elisha Price, David Cowjjland, John Salkeld, Geo. Grant- ham and William Swaffer, six of the most substantial freeholders of the neighborhood. Witnesses, Thomas Barnard, Christopher Dingee, Joseph Dutton and Archibald Dick. On an information exhibited by Benjamin Chew, Attorney General for our Lord the King, for Feloniously and Bur- glariously breaking and entering the mansion house of Thomas Barnard and stealing therefrom divers goods and chattels, and after hearing, the Court adjudged the negro Phebe, guilty, and further, that the said "Negro Phebe l)e led to prison irom whence she came, and from thence to the place of execution, and there be hanged by the neck till she be dead." Among the names of the contribu- tors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, in 1770, will l)e found that of Archibald Dick ; and in " Tlie Republican Court,''' ( Grisu'old, N. Y., 1855,) p. 13, there is a copy of the original subscription list to the first city Dancing Assembly held in Philadelphia, in the year 1748, in which is the name of " Miss Molly Dick," perhapsa relative of Archibald. The late Archibald T. Dick, of Chester, was a prominent lawyer, but like his father, died in middle age, on Aug. 13, 1837, not having reached his 43d year. During the war of 1 81 2, he was a private in the 2d Com- pany of the Washington Guards, of which the late venerable Ex-Mayor, lohn Swift, of Philadelphia, was Ca])- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 397 tain. The Company was attached to the ist Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Col. Clement C. Biddle, 4th Com- pany. The Regiment arrived at Camp Du Pont, Sept. 17, 1814. On Nov. 30, the entire force broke cam]) and marched into Wilmington, Delaware, and thence via Chester to Philadel- phia, entering that city on Dec. 2. " Such a sight as the march of a body of three thousand well-disciplined and uniformed soldiers, with all their bag- gage and munitions of war, had not been witnessed since the period of the Revolution, and it may be safely said, a more proud and joyous day was never before experienced by the inhabitants of Philadelphia. " See ^ Brief Sketch of the Military Operations on the Dela- ware, printed in 1820. In 1834, Archibald T. Dick was the candidate of the Democratic Anti- Bank Party for Congress, but was de- feated. Immediately above the ticket, as printed in the Upland Union, of Oct. I, 1834, is this notice: " The Anti-Masons are particularly so- licited not to vote for Masons. They should be cautious, therefore, how they swallow the Bank ticket, as it is said to contain a number of the adhering brethren." This caution is particularly amusing, when it is known that Mr. Dick joined the Chester Lodge in 1820, and in 1825 was its Worshipful Master. Mr. A. T. Dick, was a fine looking, light haired man, with blue eyes and rosy cheeks, about six feet in height, and in person looked very much like my father. They were about the same age, and great friends, as are their sons. Among my first recollections there, is a visit to see Frank Dick, and playing in their barn at Chester, and at a later period trotting a race with him, and Nat. Crosby, my cousin. The following is an instance of Mr. Archibald T. Dick's courage and pres- ence of mind, as I have heard it re- lated in Chester. A child having fallen into the river Delaware from one of the Government piers that projec' into the stream, he sprang into the wa- ter, with all his clothing on, caught the child, and brought it safely to the shore. A friend of mine once said : " It is only by knowing what a man does, and has done, that you can form a correct idea of him. ' ' I will give him the full benefit of his remark, because it introduces an unwritten page in our history. Franklin A. Dick, son of the late Archibald T. Dick, Esq., of Chester, was born there in the year 1823. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1842, studied law, and commenced practice in St. Louis, Mo., in 1844, and continued in prac- tice there until 1861, when the active part he took on the side of the Union in the Rebellion, for a time interrupted his civil ]nirsuits. His practice was large, and he was very successful. When the Rebellion was lirewnng he exercised his pen in opposition to it, and for a time, actively assisted in editing the Missouri Democrat, a St. Louis paper, which was near being de- stroyed by the pro-slavery mob on ac- count of its extreme denunciation of the active Secession i.sts of the South. During the winter of 1860-61, after the election, and before the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln as President, there was great activity throughout the slave- holding States in making preparation to commence the war for the dissolu- tion of the Union. Claiborne F. Jack- son, a violent rebel, was Governor of Missouri, and the South expected of him that he wuukl get jjossession of 398 ISTORY OF CHESTER. the St. Louis Arsenal, in which was i storeci about 50,000 stand of arms, and an immense supply of ammuni- | tion, also many batteries of Artillery, ' and a full suj)i)ly of ordnance equip- | ments. This would have enabled i Jackson to arm all his disloyal ad- | herents, and given him the control of the wealthy city of St. Louis, whose wharves were thronged with Missis- sippi river steamers, and whose ware- houses were stocked with every kind of wares and merchandize. During that winter, St. Louis was like a rebel camp. The nucleus of two Confederate regiments were being formed, and they were furnished with arms supplied by the State, and openly drilled and paraded in the streets of the city with drums beating and followed by crowds shouting for Southern rights and down with the Union. Mr. Buchanan sat cowering in Washington, and while Southern leaders proclaimed the com- ing dissolution of the Union on the 4th of March ensuing, he declared that the Federal Government had no power to save itself. As a consequence of this condition of things, and under a strong l)elief that the Union was gone and the Federal Government in effect de- stroyed, a large portion of the men of business and of means in St. I-ouis, gave in advance their adhesion to the Southern cause. There was, however, a small number of active, unflinching Union men, whose hearts and minds remained steady and unshaken in those days of trial, and who set to work to gather together and unite the sup- porters of the Union. It was neces- sary for these men to work secretly, for so bold and extreme were the Se- cessionists that they denounced all (ombinations to support the Union as unlawful and revolutionary, bet ause in opposition to the sacredness of State rights. During that winter the loyal men were formed into companies of Home Guards, and money was raised and arms secretly procured for them, and when the spring came a formida- ble body of men were combined to- gether to resist the approaching rebel- lion for the overthrow of Government. It was found that most of the officers of the Regular Army who were sta- tioned at the Arsenal in St. Louis were disloyal, and in answer to appeals from Union men. Gen. Scott, then commander of the military forces, or- dered Nathaniel Lyon, a Captain in the 2d Infantry of U. S. Regulars, to take command at the Arsenal. Lyon at once became acquainted with the prominent Union men of the city, and amongst others with Mr. Dick, and learned from them the civil and mili- tary condition of affairs, and became satisfied that it was necessary to take into the service of the Government the loyal men of the city, in order to pro- tect the Arsenal. Gov. Jackson had appointed for St. Louis disloyal Police Commissioners, one of whom was Basil Duke, who afterwards distinguished himself in the great raids made by John Morgan's mounted men during the war. These Commissioners appointed a body of disloyal policemen for the city, and used them in their efforts to secure the Arsenal. Jackson also, in April, 1861, assembled in camps at leading places in the State, the Militia ; and at St. Louis he established Camp Jackson, for the purpose of seizing the Arsenal. The active part taken by Mr. Dick amongst those who were standing up for the Union, may be seen from the following letters, selected from a num- ber of others written him. and now first made piiblii . HISTOllY OF CHESTER. 899 "■St. Louis Arsenal, April 13M, 1861. F. A. Dick, Esq., Dear Sir: I ascertained last night that policemen have been stationed for the night at the gates of this Post, and seem to be watching eagerly the movements inside. This I regard as having reference to the arms which have been placed subject to my orders, with a view to see that they are not distributed at night, and doubtless, with a de- termination to resist their distribution at any time. I write to you in order that some de- termination should be come to on the subject. What should be done, I hardly know. If the arms are kept in store till an attack is made upon the Arsenal, it will ]>e the policy of the attacking party to keep out a supporting party to us. The distribution before an attack, with a view to have our friends in readiness to assist us, can hardly be made secretly, and if made openly, it is likely, I think, to be op- posed by the traitors, and it would be neces- sary to meet the issue. I am disposed to think this is the better course. If the sugges- tion of Mr. Farrar, that our friends should be brought inside, quartered, supplied and pro- perly organized here, could be carried out, it might work well — perhaps Gen. Harney would sanction this course ; but he should lie cau- tiously approached on this subject. I should like to see the General on this subject, and will try to do so this morning. Yours truly, N. Lyon." Mr. Farrar here spoken of, was Ben- jamin G. Farrar, then U. S. Assistant Treasurer of St. Louis, under Mr. Lin- coln. By the following note written three days later, it will be seen that the rebels Avere intent on securing their grand prize. Lieut. Saxton there men- tioned, was Rufus Saxton of the Regu- lar Army, who served during the war on the Union side. General Frost was a graduate of West Point, who had formerly served in the U. S. Army, and had resigned years before, and who on the approach of the Rebellion became an active rebel, and on ac- count of his military education, was placed by Gov. Jackson in that im- ])ortant conmiand. He afterwards figured largely on the rebel side. Frost, Saxton and Lyon, were com- rades of the writer at West Point. The note is as follows : ''St. Louis Arsenal, April i6t/i, 1861. F. A. Dick, Esq., Dear Sir: Gen. Frost stated to Lieut. Saxton that he expected orders from Gov. Jackson, to plant batteries on the hills around us, and that under such orders he would do it. No addition to troops here. Yours, &c., N. Lyox." At this time General William S. Harney, of the U. S. Army, was in command of the Department embrac- ing St. Louis. Although he was loyal to the Government, he was in part blinded and embarrassed by the State- rights principles which had prevailed at Washington, and his incompetency to understand and meet the revolu- tionary schemes of the rebels, reduced him to such a state of inaction, that practically he was of as much service to the rebels as though he had been in sympathy with them. Naturally he fell under suspicion, and it was ne- cessary that he should be removed from command ; so he was ordered to Washington, and during his absence Lyon, being next in command, was free to prepare for the defence of the Arsenal. Mr. Dick had written to the Attorney General, Edward Bates, with whom for years he had been practic- ing at the St. Louis Bar, explaining the necessity there was for a change in the command of the Department, and in reply received the following letter, which by its date will be seen to have been written immediately after the first attack on the Union troops in Baltimore, and when Washington was actually cut off from the North. Confidential, Washington, April 20, 1861. F. ;\. Dick, St. Louis, Dear Sir : Vouvs of tlic i6tli at liand, I have acted iiroin].lly uj-on 400 HISTOKV OF CHESTER. it. Gen. 11. will be relieved by order, per- haps already gone. Major Hagner will be cared for. Keep up the Union spirit to the highest point; tell the true men they shall have arms. Make sure of St. Louis for a little while, and we will make sure of Cairo, as soon as we gather a little more strength. Those two points safe we can command the valley. The mob in Baltimore has done some mis- chief, made a terrible noise, but we will soon be able to manage them ; and not only so, but taking care of Fort Monroe to command the Chesapeake. The enemy beat us terribly in lying. They make facts at pleasure, and magnify and distort the true facts; to this time that has been their main strength. I am tired and sick of being always on the de- fensive, and always backing down. If I am not greatly mistaken, you will see a new phase of things very soon. I am pressed for time to the uttermost. \'ours truly, Ed. Batks." Major Hagner here spoken of, was an ordnance officer, who while he clamed to be loyal, yet did all he could to oppose Lyon's preparations for defence. Hagner was soon or- dered away, and Major Frank D. Cal- lender, (a cousin of Mrs. Mary B. Trainer, late Leiper,) one of the most loyal and efficient officers in the Ord- nance Department of the Amy, succeed- ed him, and continued in command of that important post throughout the war, to his great honor and the public benefit. Lyon now pushed forward his preparations. After much entreaty the Union men of St. Louis had ob- tained from Mr. Lincoln an order to admit loyal men into the Arsenal,. and lo arrn them in its defence. Lieut. j. M. Schofield, of the U. S. Army, who at the outl)reak of the war was on leave, acting as Assistant Professor in the Washington University at St. Louis, was detailed to deliver arms from the supply at the Arsenal to these men, and enroll them in the service of the United States ; for no steps had been taken to enlist these men in the three months' service, under the call of the President for 75,000 three months' men. These new irregular volunteers made a brigade of four regi- ments, and elected Captain Lyon their Brigadier General ; all this was merely for the purpose of remaining within the Arsenal and defending ^t. Lyon and his St. Louis supporters soon came to the belief that if they remained in- active, Gen. Frost would move upon the Arsenal from his camp on the western edge of the city, where he had two regiments and two batteries of artillery, all State militia, besides a considerable irregular force of disloyal citizens, which gave it the violent and dangerous element of a mob, as an at- tachment to the armed militia. On the night of the loth of May, 1861, Gen. Lyon called into conference with him. Gen. Frank P. Blair, command- ing the I St Regiment, Missouri Union Volunteers, Mr. Oliver D. Filley, who had been lately the Mayor of St. Louis, and Mr. Franklin A. Dick, who was acting as volunteer assistant Adjutant General to Lyon, that they should decide whether or not to take the aggressive, and make an attack upon Gen. Frost and his camp. They at once decided that the attack should be made, and that night orders were secretly issued to the commanders of the various regiments to be ready to move early ne.xt morning, and on the nth of May, 1861, Lyon, with his four regiments, two of which were com- manded by Col. F. P. Blair and Col. Franz Sigel, both of whom afterwards became distinguished as Major Gene- rals in the war, and with four com- panies of Regulars, commanded by Rufus Saxton, Totton, Sweeny, and another officer, marched from the Ar- HISTuliY OF CHESTER. 401 seiial, on the south edge of the city, to Camp Jackson, just west of the city. Lyon's staff consisted of F. A. Dick, A. A. G. ; Samuel Simmons, A. C. S. ; Bernard G. Farrar, A. D. C., and Gary Gratz, A. Q. M., who was killed at the battle of Wilson's Creek. He was a brother of the pres- ent wife of Commodore Pierce Crosby, of the United States Navy. Before the attack was resolved upon, Lyon received the following note : " Headquarters, Missouri Militia, Camp Jackson, May lo, 1861. Capt. N. Lyon, commanding U. S. Troops, in and about St. Louis Arsenal, Sir : I am constantly in receipt of information that you contemplate an attack upon my camp. Whilst I understand you are impressed with the idea that an attack upon the Arsenal and United .States troops, is intended on the part of the militia of Missouri, I am greatly at a loss to know what could justify you in attacking citi- zens of the United .States, who are in the law- ful performance of duties devolving upon them under the Constitution, in organizing and in- structing the militia of the State in obedience to her laws, and thei-efore, have been disposed to doubt the correctness of the information I have received. I would be glad to know from you personally, whether there is any truth in the statements that are constantly poured into my ears. .So far as any hostility being in- tended towards the United .States or its pro- perty or representatives, by any portion of my command, or as far as I can learn — and I think 1 am fully informed — of any other part of the .State forces, I can say positively, that the idea has never been entertained. On the contrary, prior to your taking command of the Arsenal, I proffered to Major Bell, then in command of the very few troops constituting its guard, the services of myself and all my command, and, if necessary, the_whole power of the State, to protect the United States in the full possession of her property. Upon (jeneral Harney's taking command of this de- partment, I made the same proffer of services to him, and authorized his Adjutant-General, Capt. Williams, to communicate the fact that such had been done, to the War Dejiartment. I have had no occasion since to change any of the views I entertained at that time, neither of my own volition nor through orders of my constitutional commander. I trust that after this explicit statement, we may be able by fully understanding each other, to keep far from our borders the misfortunes which so unhappily afiflict our common coun- try. This communication will be handed to you by Col. Bo wen, my chief of staff, who may be able to explain anything not fully set forth in the foregoing. I am sir, very respect- fully, your obedient servant, D. M. Frost, Brigadier-* Jeneral Commanding, Camp Jackson, M. V. M. This letter shows how, by lies and fraud, the rebels endeavored to obtain possession of the U. S. military posts, and to deceive officers loyal to the Government. Lyon and his friends in St. Louis, were not misled by such tricks of the enemy. To the above, the following reply was sent by Gen. Lyon, on reaching the rebel camp, on the nth, by his aid. Major B. G. Farrar. " Head-quarters U. S. troops, St. Louis, Mo., May 10, 1861, Gen. D. M. Frost, command- ing Camp Jackson, .Sir: — Your command is regarded as evidently hostile to the govern- ment of the United States. It is for the most part made up of those .Secessioni.sts who have openly avowed their hostility to the general government, and have been plotting the sei- zure of its property and the overthrow of its authority. \'ou are upenly in ci.nnnunication with the so-called Southern Confederacy, which is now at war with the United .States; and you are receiving at your camp, from said Confederacy and under its Hag, large supplies of material of war, most of which is known to be the property of the United .States. These extraordinary preparations plainly indicate none other than the well known purpose of the Governor of this State, under whose orders you are acting, and whose purpose recently communicated to the Legislature, has just been responded to in the most unparalleled legisla- tion, and having in direct view hostilities to the General Govennnent and co-operation with O'J INSTOJiV OF CJIESTKIJ. its eiiciuio. In \ic\\ of iIu'mj cnll^i(lL■l■atillll^, and of your failure to disperse in oijedienee to the proclamation of the President, and of the eminent necessities of State policy and welfare, and the obligations imposed upon me by in- structions from Washington, it is my duty to demand, and I do hereby demand of you an immediate surrender of your command, with no other conditions than that all persons sur- rendering under this demand shall be humane- ly and kindly Ireiated. Believing myself pre- pared to enforce this demand, one-half hour's time before so doing will be allowed for your compliance therewith. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Nathaniel Lyon, Cajitain 2d U. S. Infantry commanding." On receiving this letter, Gen. Frost called a council of his officers, and after a violent opposition from a por- tion of them, who preferred fighting, he sent an answer that he would sur- render. The mob element attached to Frost's camp, who were an irrespon- sible and desperate set, at this time fired some shots, one of which mor- tally wounded Captain Blandowski, a Union officer, and the fire was return- ed by two or three volleys, from a por- tion of the Union forces, which killed a number of persons in the crowd who had collected in the Rebel camp. This stroke of Lyon's in capturing the Rebel camp, was denounced by a large portion of the people of St. Uouis, as an unwarranted aggression upon State rights, and a deputation of quasi Union men was sent to Washington to a.sk that he might be relieved and dis- placed from all command, and no less a person than H. R. Gamble, after- wards Provisional Governor of the State, was their chief spokesman. To oppose this movement, Gen. Lyon sent Mr. Dick, under instruc- tions, as follows : " Head-quarters, St. Louis Arsenal, May 12, i86i'. Col. F. A. Dick, Acting Adjt. (ieneral. Sir: — With a \icw to put the War Depart- ment into jjossessiun uf the impoitant facts which have recently transpired at St. Louis, and in which you have taken an active part, and upon the solicitations of the citizens of this city, that some suitable messenger be sent to Washington to represent their interests there, you will for these purposes, as also to bear with you good dispatches, proceed with as little delay as practicable to Washington and report to the War Department. Very respect- fully your obedient servant, N. Lyon, Capt. 2d Infantry, Com'g." When Mr. Dick arrived at Wash- ington, he found that Lyon's enemies had already demanded of the President his removal from the command of the military forces in St. Louis. Mr. Dick appeared before President Lincoln and his Cabinet, and explained the necessi- ty that had been for the course taken, and showed that had Lyon waited for orders from Washington to take the initiative, it would have been probably too late, and that Gov. Jackson would have seized the Arsenal, and thus jjos- sessed himself of the immense supply of arms accumulated there, and also of the city of St. Louis. Had the rebels been allowed to get this start at that critical time, it would have precipitated the entire State of Missouri into the rebellion, which would have had an immense influence upon Kentucky and southern Illinois. Mr. Lincoln, after hearing both sides, approved of the course taken by Captain Lyon, and appointed him Brigadier General of volunteers. He was killed soon after at the battle of Wilson's Creek. NoTK. — James Alfred Pearce, LL. D., f>. Alexandria, Va., Dec. 4, 1805, •. United States, 10 il). 224; Roderigues 7's. Villa, 12 ib. 323. The similarity between the land title system in Missouri and Cali- fornia lies in this : Both were originally colonies under the Dominion of Spain or France. Those governments grant- ed their lands to early settlers in large tracts, and before the titles to the lands were finally perfected, they ceded the country to the United States, which undertook to finally confirm and per- fect these inchoate titles. These titles were made up of an origin under the civil law which at first prevailed in those Colonies, along with colonial customs, and to these added the early laws of the territorial legislatures, and of Congress. This made an intricate system, and but few of the lawyers in St. Louis mastered it. At the com- mencement of his practice, Mr. Dick devoted himself to that branch of his profession, and on his removal to Wash- ington he was one of a limited number who were experienced in that system of law j hence his retention as counsel in the causes mentioned. Franklin A. Dick married, some years since, Myra M. Alexander, of Woodford County, Kentucky, daugh- ter of Andrew J. and Myra Madison. They have issue three sons, William Alexander, Evans Rogers and Frank- lin M. Dick. From the "Bench and Bar," vol. I, No. 3, Oct., 1869, I abbreviate the HISTORY OF GHESTEK. 405 following pleasantry in which two of | my friends, Franklin A. Dick and 1 George Harding, figured. " It arose on a motion in the U. S. Supreme Court, in the great patent case, known as the ' Car-Brake Case,' a cause involving the merits of the brake now universally used on railroad cars, a case, however, not reported — the Court being equally divided, no opinion was given. George Harding, of Philadelphia, eminent as a patent lawyer, and whose success in patent cases is due, partially, to the fact of his in- variably putting models of a very large size before the Court, so- that every member of the Bench can see from his seat the whole mechan- ism as it works, was in this case counsel for the patentee. Acting on his usual plan, so much complimented by the reporter in the ' Hat-Body Case,' (Burr 7/s. Duryee, I Wal- lace, 532,) where a complete hat was manu- factured under the eyes of the Judges from a beaver-skin, George on this occasion resolved to show his Car-brake, as large as life. So as soon as the Court adjourned, he had construct- ed during the night a railroad car, with all the gearings, with the brakes, Sec, so that the Court could see and understand the motion about to be made, and the operation of the brake. Now it so happens that among the present leading practitioners of the .Supreme j Court Bar, is Mr. (Franklin A.) Dick, and | also Mr. Dickey, (O. J. Dickey, Esq., mem- ber of Congress,) gentlemen both, so honora- bly and widely known through the United States. In the morning these gentlemen hap- pened to arrive in Court a few minutes before the members of the Bar generally. They were naturally rather surprised to see the Court room looking so much like a railroad depot ; while standing in meditation as to the cause, a third gentleman came in, and seeing his two resjiected l)rethren in an attitude of contem- plation and inquiry, put in an instant, to their amusement, this dialogue into their mouth : Says Dick, here's surely something new I With cars and wagons of this sort ; What does George Harding mean to do ? Quoth Dickey : he will move the Court." Jacob Hewes, of Leiperville, says, among other things: "My grand- mother, Mary Hewes, who afterwards intermarried with Archibald Dick, had two children, Jacob, and Christianna, who married Elisha Dick, by whom she had Jacob, Mary, Rachel and Han- nah Dick. I don' t know what became of them. Jacob lived at one time in Philadelphia; Mary married a man named Marshall ; Rachel, a man nam- ed Anderson, and died in New Jersey. William Hewes, my g. grandfather, tradition says, came from Wales. The name was Hughes, afterwards changed to Hewes. He first took up land in New Jersey, near Salem, but abandon- ed it and took up a part of 1000 acres in Lower Chichester, and built a brick house on his purchase. On the sill of the front door the letters W. H. are cut. In this house my father, Jacob Hewes, and myself, were born. My father's first wife was Rachel, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Perkins They had but one child, Mary. His second wife, Esther, was the daughter of Isaac and Jane Pyle. They had issue, John, Jane, Isaac and Jacob. My father was married at Chichester meeting house. My g. grandfather, William Hewes, was, so says tradition, one of the founders of that meeting, and lays in the graveyard there, and my grand- father John, and my own father Jacob as well. My father was born 2 mo. 7, 1752, died 4 mo. 29, 1795. ^7 ""^O" ther died 9 mo. 9, 1839, aged 76 yrs. 3 months and 24 days. Father's first wife, Rachel, died 3 mo. 31, 1781. Jacob Hewes, of Leiperville, was born April 5, 1795, and married Eliza Mcllvain, daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Spencer) of Ridley. See Mcllvain's record, p. 317. They had issue, Spencer and Charles. Mrs. Eliza Hewes died 7 mo. 19, 1874, aged 80 years. Gilbert Cope, the well-known Anti- 406 HISTORY OF CHESTER. iiuarian and Historical writer of West Chester, Pa., says : — "In regard to the Hewes family, Dr. Smith says it is supposed that William Hewes came over with Fen- wick, in 1675, but settled at Chiches- ter, about 1 6 78-' 9. I presume the name of his wife was Deborah, and they were both active members of Chichester Meeting, at the time of its- establishment. He died about 1698. William Hewes, Jr., was married in 1689 to Sarah, the daughter of Edward and Ann Bezer. The proceedings of the meeting in regard to this marriage are given by Dr. Smith, omitting names ; but they must possess addi- tional interest when we know to whom they refer. ' The friends ordered to inquire of their clearness, life, & con- versation, report to this meeting they find nothing to obstruct : And whereas the young man heretofore has been given to be something wild, he of late years was become more sober, — it was proposed by friends to the young man and woman, I St. Whether he did beleeve y' was the Truth which wee proffesed «&: walk- ed in according to our measure — fur- ther shewing that if wee did not walk in the truth according to our measure given us, wee were but a Comunity of men and women, and not a Church of Christ : And then marriage would be as well by the Law of the Province as among us: And your comeing to us to propose your intention of marriage, and desireing our consent, is as wee are a Church of Christ, which we cannot be without we walke in Truth : Therefore whether thou dost beleeve That is the Truth we profes & walke in : His answer was Yes, He did beleeve it is. Also the young woman was asked the same. She answered, Yes, I doe l)eleevc it is. 2dly. Whether you do beleeve that this way of marriage Among friends is According to the order of Truth : ^dly. Whether you doe beleeve it is your duty thus to proceed : they, both Answer, Yes. ffriends said, as Paul to the Church of the Romans, chap. 14. I, Him y' is weake in the faith receive you, but not to doubtful disputations. Whereupon friends left them to proceed According to the good order of Truth, They both haveing their parents' Consent Thereunto. Dr. Smith supposed that the reason of this unusual catechism was owing to the parties not being members, but as their parents were, so would they be considered, in this Society. The bride's mother manifested so much dissatisfaction with the proceed- ings, that her case was referred to the Quarterly Meeting, which ' findes that the said monthly meeting did beare a little too hard upon the young couple.' William Hewes, a son (I presume) of this couple, was married 9 mo. 12, 1 713, at Chichester Meeting, to Mary, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Withers, and grand -daughter of Jere- miah Collett, of Chichester, who was, T believe, the same who married Jane, eldest daughter of Joan May, of Devi- zes in Wilts, ' a first purchaser. ' He is styled a mason in some old writings, but probably followed farming to some extent. His wife survived him and died about 1 750. Their children were William, John, Samuel, Isaac, Caleb, Sarah, Lydia, Rebecca and Hannah. William married ( ist) Lydia Dutton and (2d) Rebecca Gregory, and died in 1753, leaving but one child, Aaron, to survive him. John married Mary, the daughter of Thomas Barnard, and grand-daughter of Richard and Frances Harnanl of Aston. He died in 1759, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 407 leaving two children, Christian and Jacob. His widow soon afterward mar- ried Archibald Dick, and her daughter married about 1764, Elisha Dick, who was probably a brother to Archibald. John Hewes, of Chichester, Tanner, in his will, dated Feb. 2, 1759, proven Mar. 2, 1759, gave to his wife Mary the Homestead for life, and afterwards to his children Christianna and Jacob. Also to his wife 200 acres in Douglass Township, Berks Co., purchased of Thomas Barnard, until the children became of age or married. Some other land in Chichester and Berks Co. to be sold by executors, his wife and Richard Dutton, of Aston. In case the children did not live to inherit, the property to go to ' Aaron Hewes, son of brother William, and to such sons of brother Samuel Hewes as should be living at the time.' Jacob Hewes was the father of the present Jacob Hewes, of Ridley. Samuel Hewes, above, married and settled in Jersey. Isaac married Lydia Weldon, and left a daughter. Sarah married Robert ?) Moulder and left a daughter Sarah, who married Nathaniel Falconer. Lydia married Wm. Grubb; Rebecca, Sam- uel Grubb; and Hannah, William Vaughan. Thomas Barnard above mentioned, married in 1715, Elizabeth Swayne, and i mo. 14, 1722-3, Sarah, the daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Carter, of Chester Township. It is be- lieved that the last wife was the mother of his children — Jacob, Isaac, Thomas and Mary. Isaac married Isabell , and I presume was the grandfather of Major Isaac D. Barnard. Thomas Barnard lived for a few years, in Berks County, where he mar- ried Sarah, dau. of Thomas Walker, but returned about 1759 to Chester County, bringing a little daughter. It seems that he married twice afterwards, and the last time was to his first cousin, for which he was disowned by meeting in 1766. Isaac, made acknowledg- ment in 1753, for marrying one not a member of meeting, by a Priest, but he was afterwards disowned in 1761. Hannah Barnard, daughter of Isaac, born II mo. 21, 1760, (died 4 mo., 1826,) was received into membership by Friends, 3 mo. 5, 1783, and married 6 mo. 12, 1783, Jacob Brown of West Nottingham. I suppose that James, father of Isaac D. Barnard, was a son of Isaac, as James signs the marriage certificate of Jacob Brown and Han- nah, as a near relation. Thomas Dick, also signs as a witness. In Deed Book X, p. 447, April 3, 1773, is recorded a deed from Archi- bald Dick of Lower Chichester, and his wife Mary, to Samuel Walker of Lower Chichester, Yeoman, for 5^ acres of land, from John Morton, Sheriff, Mar. 17, 1767. In Book V, p. 418, July 5, 1776, Archibald Dick, Yeoman, and Mary, to John Power, of Lower Chi- chester, scrivener, for a piece of ground in Chichester, which Samuel Howell and John Power, executors of William Howell of Chichester, (Marcus Hook,) had conveyed to Archibald Dick, June 8, 1776, also a deed of Thomas Dick to Jacob Hewes, 4 mo. 13, 1787, for 31^ acres of land, part of estate of Archibald Dick, for ^,^238. I insert here an old Avriting called " The Barnard Record, ' ' made in 1 841 , by William Barnard now deceased, and supposed to have been copied by him from an older writing of his uncle Joseph, (with some additions,) which was found among his papers: "I am told that my g. g. grandfather came from Sheffield, in old England, when a young man, inrompany with William Pcnn, in 408 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 1682, and settled in Middletown. His name was Richard Barnard. His son Richard, my g. grandfather, was born in this country about the year 1684, and had one brother whose name was Thomas, and five sisters, Sarah who married Joseph* Cobourn, Mary mar- ried Jacob Roman, Lucy married Thomas Button, Lydia married Daniel Walker, and Rebecca married Enoch Flower. Thomas had three sons and one daughter (Mary) who married a Hugh, (John Hewes,) and Archibald Dick, and lived near Chichester. Tho- mas lived in Aston, on lands purchased by his father. "Great-grandfather (Richard Bar- nard), settled in Marlborough Town- ship, and married Ann, daughter of Abiah and Deborah Taylor, who also' came from old England, said g. grandr father had three sons and four daugh- ters, namely Jeremiah, Richard, Tho- mas, Sarah, Deborah, Sarah and Lydia. Jacob Roman's sons were Jacob, Isaac, Abraham and Philip. Lucy Dutton's children were Richard, John, David, Thomas and one daughter. Lydia Walker's children were Jacob, Daniel; and Rebecca who married Jacob Tho- mas ; Deborah who married a Thomas ; Zillah, who married Thomas Maule and Joshua Brown ; Beulah who mar- ried Samuel Richards, and Mary who married and died young. Rebecca Flower, had Elizabeth, married Sam- uel Oaks, Rebecca married a Lincoln, Mary married Richard Anderson. " My g. g. grandparents, (Abiah and *This should l)c William Coeboiinie, to whom she was married in 1721, beinjr then the widow of William Flower. In Hotten's lists of Emigrants to America, mention is made of a Richard Barnard, aged 23, who went from England to Barbadoes in 1634, and it is thought by some that he may- have been the ancestor of the Chester County family. Deborah) Taylor, had children, Ann, Deborah, Alice and Samuel. Ann m. Richard Barnard, Deborah vi. Jona- than Parke, Alice m. Daniel Hoopes. Deborah's (Parke) children were, Jo- seph; Deborah, who married Samuel Cope ; Rebecca in. James Webb ; Alice m. Col. John Hannum. Alice Hoopes' children were, Joshua; Deborah, who married James Gibbons ; Samuel and Benjamin. Samuel Taylor's children were, Abiah, Abraham, John, Isaac ; Mary, 711. Samuel Sellers ; and Debo- rah 7)1. Jonathan Sellers. " My g. g. grandfather Taylor's brother Joseph, settled in Kennett, (now Pennsbury,) had children, Jere- miah, Joseph, Richard, Benjamin ; Hannah, who married William Tem- ple, and Sarah, married to John Jones. Richard's (Taylor) children were, John, Joseph, and one daugh- ter (Hannah), who married Richard Woodward. Benjamin (Taylor) had Isaac (Esquire) ; Benjamin, the father of Joseph, who lived where Stephen Darlington now does ; Elizabeth, who married Emmor Jeffries; Hannah, ///. Samuel Morton ; Ann married Joseph Cope. "My grandmother's g. grandfathers were Joseph Baker and Robert Cham- berlin. Her grandparents, Joseph Ba- ker and John Chamberlin. Her grand- mothers' names before their marriage were, Mary Worrildw and Lettice Key. Her parents, Joseph Baker and Mary Chamberlin. My grandmother's name before marriage was Lettice Baker. Great-grandfather Baker had two sis- ters, Sarah and Hannah. Sarah mar- ried Isaac Strode, Hannah, Josei^li Talbert or Talbot. Sarah's children were, Joseph, Thomas, James, George and Elizabeth ; Hannah's were, Jo- seph, John, Jacob, Margaret, Mary, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 409 Martha, Rachel, Hannah, Elizabeth and Susannah. Margaret in. Thomas Grizel ; Mary m. ist Robert Rogers, and 2dly, John Brinton ; Martha in. Daniel Broomall ; Rachel in. Francis Townsend ; Hannah in. Francis But- ton ; Elizabeth in. ist Isaac Sharpless and 2dly, Reese Cadwallader ; Susan- nah m. Nathan Pennell. ''Great-grandfather's mother mar- ried Dr. John Taylor, and had John, Philip, Isaac, Jacob, Martha and Mary. John left three children, Mary, Isaac and Sarah ; the first, Mary, in. Per- siferFrazer; Martha w. William Emp- son, and left one daughter. " Great -grandmother Baker's bro- thers and sisters were, William, John, Isaac, Elizabeth and Ann Chamber- lin. Elizabeth ///. William Hughs, (Hewes?) Ann in. Charles Ryan. Grandmother's uncle, John Chamber- lin's sons lived in Maryland ; their names were Abner and Hoopes Cham- berlin. Grandmother's grandfather Baker's sister, Sarah, married Thomas Smedley. Richard Barnard, my grand- father, married Susannah Eckhoff ; they had two children, Jeremiah and •Rachel ; Jeremiah m. Elizabeth Pass- more ; Rachel in. Joseph Reynolds, who moved to Ohio. Richard mar- ried again Lettice Baker, who died 8 mo. 17, 1821, in her Both year. Rich- ard died 4 mo. 6, 1813, in his 90th year. Their children were, Joseph, who married Mary Meredith ; Mary in. William Thompson ; Richard in. Sarah Chambers ; Lydia ;//. George Darlington; Amos, died 12 mo. 18, 1809, in his 3 2d year; Judith in. Moses Baily ; Cyrus in. Rachel Wilson ; Let- tice, Abiah and Elizabeth, died i mo. 31, 1821." Richard Barnard, died 6 mo. 21, 1 841, his wife Sarah, died 3 mo. 29, 1837, aged 68 years, 9 months and 27 days. Their children were, Joseph C. in. Phoebe Williams, and had a son, John ; Amos in. Ann Wilson ; Elihu in. Mary Williams ; William in. Ruth Stubbs ; Eusebius in. Sarah Painter; Cyrus died 9 mo. 19, 1808 ; Ezra T., died 6 mo. 7, 1808; Cyrus T. ;//. Jane Humes; Elizabeth and Philena, died I mo. 15, 1813. "John and Lettice Chamberlin's children were, Mary, in. ist, Joseph Baker and 2dly, Andrew McCoy ; Wil- liam married, and lived near Westtown School ; John married, and his sons lived in Maryland ; Elizabeth married a Hughs ; Ann married Charles Ryan. "Joseph and Mary Baker's children ; John, who lives on Prince Edward's Island ; Lettice, who married Richard Barnard; Mary, unmarried; Elizabeth married Thomas Brown. The children of Andrew and Mary McCoy ; Robert, William, Andrew, Isaac, Joseph and Martha, who all lived in Maryland. The children of William Chamberlin ; Moses, John, married and lived near Strode's mill, and had children; Isaac married and lived in Marlborough, had no children; Hannah; Martha; Lettice, Avho married James Wood- ward, and moved to Nottingham ; Mary and Elizabeth." I had a client, a Richard Barnard, of Doe Run, Chester County, born Nov. 3, 1789, and went to California, in April, 1849, although near 60 years of age, taking with him several work- men, and some mining apparatus, and died there Jan. 13, 1850. He married Sarah, a daughter of William McNeil, and had three children. Priscilla, married to Enos Pennock ; Richard ; and Jemima, who married Dr. Charles T. Carpenter, of Massachusetts, but whose jiarents, Thomas and Haiir.ali, IIU HISTORY OF CHESTER. now reside in Marshaltun, Chester County, Dr. C. was a man of con- siderable ability, but failed to agree with his wife, and I obtained her a divorce from him, Oct. 29, 1859. She was a very pretty little woman, and afterwards married John A. Tyler, of California, where she died. Dr. Smith, p. 443, says, among other things concerning Major Isaac D. Bar- nard,, who was the most distinguished of his family in this county as a soldier and a lawyer, that he was the son of James and Susanna, of Aston, born in I 79 1 . His father being elected Sheriff in 1792, purchased a farm near Ches- ter. In 1800, being appointed Regis- ter, Recorder and Clerk of the Courts of the county, he removed into the town ; he died in 1806. Isaac became his father's clerk at the early age of thirteen, and Thomas B, Dick, who succeeded his father in office, retained him in his employ. In 181 1, he com- menced the study of the law, with William Graham, Esq. While a stu- dent he was appointed a Captain in the regular army, and during the War of 181 2, was promoted to a Majorship for bravery at the capture of Fort George. He was also in the battle of Plattsburg, and at Lyon Creek. After the war he resumed his studies, and was admit- ted to the Bar of Delaware County, June 16, 1 816, on the same day that his cousin, Archibald T. Dick, was admitted. He was previously admit- ted to practice at West Chester, on May 7th,, and settled in that town, and was appointed Deputy Attorney General soon after. In 1820, he was elected to the State Senate. In 1826, he was appointed Secretary of the Commonwealth by Gov. Shultz, and about a year afterwards elected to the U. S. Senate, but resigned in 1831, on account of ill health. About 1817, he married Henrietta, the eldest daugh- ter of Isaac Darlington, Esq., after- wards President Judge of the Courts of Delaware and Chester Counties, and died in 1834, at the early age of 43 years. XLIV. Until very recently, the only reli- gious sects who had places of worship in Chester, were the Episcopalians and Friends, both of whom now have two. The Friends — Hicksite, worship in the fine large meeting-house on Mar- ket Street, south of Third. The Or- thodox meeting-house is at Sharpless' woods, Shcemakerville. The Episco- palians have two churches — St. Paul's and a new church called St. Luke's, lately erected, and which was first open- ed for Divine service on Sunday, May 8, 1870. The church is situated on ground given by Mr. Ward, on the corner of Broomall and Third Streets, South Ward, and the Rev. F. R. List is the minister. In the Republican of June 27, 1873, it is stated that the Rev. Mr. List, pastor of St. Luke's* Church of this place, has been pre- sented by some of his friends and fel- low-students with a solid silver com- munion set for the sick. The Delaware County Pafer and 7l/rt// for Feb. 13, 1877, states: A Move in the Right Direction. — On Sun- day last the congregation of St. Luke's Epis- copal Church in this city, voted upon the question whether or not the church should adopt the free pew and envelope contribution, and it was carried in the affirmative l)y an unanimous vote. The Rector, Rev. Mr. Moore, announced that on the first Sunday in Lent the pews would be free to all. We look upon this movement as one eminently proper to be made, and believe the congregation will HISTORY OF CHESTER. 411 never regret having adopted the system of voluntary contributions for the support of the church. In 1832, the Methodists made their first efforts towards collecting a con- gregation in Chester, and met occa- sionally in the old Court House. I am under the impression that their first place of worship was a frame building on the east side of Market Street, between Second and Third Streets, standing back from the street, nearly opposite the Friends' meeting- house ; and I believe that frame struc- ture is still standing in the rear of " Asbury Chapel," its rear facing the new street that runs to the east of the chapel. In 1834, their increase of membership justified them in erect- ing a small place of worship, which is the stone structure on Filbert (now Second) Street, east of Market Street, on the north side. It was erected about 1836 or '37. The late David Abbott was one of the principal ex- horters at the prayer meetings, which at times became very enthusiastic. The building was sold some time since to the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and is called now " Asbury Chapel," and the edifice was re-built in 1867. The old Asbury Chapel, erected about 1833 or '34, was a frame structure, still standing on Welsh St., south of Third Street, west side, and is at present unoccupied. The Rev. Mr. Smith was the preacher at Asbury Chapel about 30 years ago. Near, and south of the old Asbury Chapel on Welsh Street, stands a plastered brick or stone church, called " Ches- ter Union Methodist Church," built in i860, opposite the present City Gas Works. This building, like Asbury Chapel, belongs to the colored Me- thodists. The second Methodist meeting-house or church of the (white) Methodists, was erected about 1840, on the north side of Fifth Street, west of Market ; the Rev. Newton Heston was the first minister, I believe. The building is now used and occupied by Tuscarora Tribe of Red Men, and has on its front the following : "Tuscarora Hall, insti- tuted Nov. 8th, 1872." Job Wheaton is the Superintendent. The third church is located in South Ward, at the corner of Third and Par- ker Streets, and was built about six years ago. The pastor is the Rev. Samuel Pancoast. The fourth church, just completed, (1873), is situated at the northeast corner of Seventh and Madison Streets. It is built of Delaware County green stone, and is decidedly the handsom- est church in Chester. The pastor is the Rev. J. B. Maddux. The corner stone of this church was laid on Wed- nesday evening, July 17, 1872, with appropriate ceremonies. The Rev. Henry Brown, of St. Paul's, read a psalm ; the Rev. Mr. Sproull, the late minister of the Presbyterian Church, read a chapter from the New Testa- ment, and the sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Cunningham, the late pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church on Fifth Street. At the close of this address, he gave an interesting history of the Church, in Chester, for the past 40 years. The names of the preachers since the first organization in 1845, to that time, he gave as Messrs. Merrill, Storks, Shields, Hes- ton, Hare, Maddux, Mullin, Arthur, Johns, Ruth, Urie, Meredith, Gilroy, Cunningham and Maddux. On Sun- day, May 3, 1874, the church was dedicated with appropriate ceremo- nies and opened for Divine service. 412 HISTORY OF CHESTER. The South Cliester M. E. Church was erected in 1S71. It then had 16 members and probationers. It now has 179 total membership, 52 of whom are probationers. During the i)ast thirteen months, 187 persons have professed conversion. The Confer- ence on March 24, 1875, named the Rev. Joseph Welsh, pastor of the Madison Street Church ; the Rev. S. W. Kurtz, pastor of Trinity Church; and Rev. David McKee, pastor of the church in South Chester. The corner stone of St. Daniel's African Methodist Episcopal Church of South Chester, was laid on Sunday, Oct. 12, 1873. The Catholic Church of "St. Mi- chael the Archangel," at Chester, owes its foundation to a number of Irish Catholics employed in Judge Leiper's quarries, who having no place of wor- ship nearer than the church on Dennis Kelley's property at Cobbs Creek, or James Willcox's Chapel at "Ivy Mills," about nine miles distant, agreed among themselves to contri- bute towards the erection of a church building more convenient ; and for the purpose of obtaining the aid of a Catholic Priest to organize a con- gregation among them, they applied to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Kendrick of Philadelphia, who appointed the Rev. Father Sheriden, now the venerable pastor of St. Paul's Church in that city, to attend them. Under his di- rection and guidance, a lot was pur- cha.sed in Chester for the purpose of erecting thereon a new church for their accommodation. The corner stone was laid Sept. 29, 1842, and on June 25, 1843, the church was dedi- cated to Almighty God, under the patronage of St. Michael the Arch- angel, in the ])resence of a very large assembly from Philadelphia and the surrounding country. This structure is of stone from Leiper's quarries on Crum Creek, of the Gothic style of architecture, 42 by 72 feet, with a square tower, and spire 100 feet high, surmounted by a gilt cross. In the tower is hung a fine toned bell, 1000 pounds in weight, which is rung twice a day. A sacristy, 12 by 22 feet, has been erected adjoining the church on the south side. A parsonage, 34 feet square and three stories high, was erected on the church lot by the present pastor, the Rev. Arthur Peter Haviland, who, with his assistant, the Rev. Hugh Mc- Glinn, reside therein. An additional lot adjoining the church property, was purchased in 1866, and on it in 1871, was erected a parochial school -house, 60 by 24 feet, and two stories high, capable of accommodating 500 chil- dren. It is used for a Sunday-School, with about 300 scholars in attend- ance, and as a day school for male and female children on separate floors, under the care of two teachers. The average attendance is 180 scholars. The expense of supporting both schools is defrayed by the congregation. The congregation of St. Michael's, when its first resident pastor, the Rev. Arthur P. Haviland, was appointed, July 12, 1850, numbered about 250; now, owing to the rapid increase of the population of Chester, it is some- what more than 2000, for whose ac- commodation there are four services on Sunday, to be continued until a large church will be erected, for which arrangements are already made. Since writing the above, the old church edifice, so long a marked fea- ture of Chester, has been torn down, and a more im])osing, spacious and HISTORY OF CHESTER. 413 commodious building is in the course | of erection on the site of the old struc- ture, and is rapidly approaching com- pletion. The corner stone of the new church was laid on Nov. i, 1874, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood, with ap- propriate ceremonies. The cost of the new church will be about $70,000. The height of the tower from the ground , of stone, will be 96 ft., upon this there will be a wooden spire of 84 ft., mak- ing a total height of 180 feet. The length of the building will be 167 ft., breadth 67 ft. The basement has been finished and occupied for about two years (1877). The masonry and stone- cutting of the new church are being done by Ramsden Rawnsley. The erection being made under the direc- tion of the Rev. Mr. Haviland, the pastor. A Cemetery, seven acres in extent, was purchased in 1864, a short mile out of Chester, which has been pro- perly fenced in, and is used for the interment of deceased members of the congregation. Previous to the instal- lation of the resident pastor, clergymen from Philadelphia officiated as tem- porary Missionaries at St. Michael's, among whom may be mentioned Rev. Thaddeus Amat, the Principal of the Theological Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, Philadelphia, now Bishop of Monterey, California; also, Rev. Dr. O'Hara, now Bishop of Scranton, Pa. , the congregation being small and not able to support a resident pastor. Last year the residents of South Ward, who worshipped at St. Michael's, conceived the idea of erecting a new church for the accommodation of those who objected to the distance to the old church. Bishop Wood lent his sanc- tion to the erection of a new parish, and the work of collecting subscrip- tions was commenced. The success of the enterprise has been so great as to warrant the building of a temporary structure for the new congregation, un- til a permanent edifice can be erected, which has been finished and is now used for worship. And on Sept. 20, 1874, the corner stone of the new church was laid by the Rt. Rev. Bi- shop Wood, of Philadelphia, assisted by the Rev. I. J. Horstman, and other clergy, with appropriate ceremonies, in the presence of a large assemblage. The new church will be called " The ChiD'ch of the Immaculate Heart of Maty.'' In Heckewelder' s Diary of a Journey to Pet(]uotting, about 1 790, it is said : ' ' Five miles from Carlisle we came upon a Presbyterian pulpit, of which we saw several on the journey. They were built against a tree, around which the people encamped. A stairway of three or four steps led up to the pulpit, over which a small roof was built." Al- though the Presbyterians were thus early spreading the tenets of their sect abroad in this State, it was not until 1850, they made their first efforts at Chester, under the auspices of the Rev. James W. Dale. He preached in the Court House for over a year. In 1852, the First Presbyterian Church, a fine brick building, mastic on the outside, situated at the S. E. corner of Fourth and Welsh Streets, was erected. Mr. Dale was succeeded by the Rev. J. O. Steadman, for two years. His suc- cessor for two years more, was Rev. George Van Wyck, and in 1856, the Rev. Alexander W. Sproull became the first regular pastor. The present incumbent, the Rev. Philip H. Mowry, was installed Dec. 11, 1873. The Second Presbyterian Church is in South Ward, west of Chester Creek, 414 HISTORY OF CHESTER. situated on the corner of Third and Ulrich Streets, and was erected in 1867. The Rev. A. T. Dobson is the minister. The Third Presbyterian Church is situated at the S. E. corner of Twelfth and Upland Streets. . The lot was purchased in 1871, and the walls of a memorial Sunday-School Chapel were built, partially (in commemora- tion of the union of the churches of the old and new school) on the lot, by the residents of the neighborhood, connected at that time with the first church, of which the Rev. A. W. SprouU was pastor. In Oct., 1872, sixty-two members of the first church took letters of dismission, and were organized Oct. 16, 1872, into the " Third Presbyterian Church of Ches- ter." The building upon the lot was immediately finished, and served as a chapel until July, 1873, when proving too small, one end was removed and 25 feet added to it. The Rev. Dr. Edwin W. Bowers, of Lincoln Uni- versity, was temporary minister of the church, as stated supply, until Feb. 13, 1873, when the present pastor, the Rev. Charles F. Thomas, was called, and installed May 6, 1873. The lot upon which the chapel is built is 146 feet square, and cost ^^3000, while the total cost of the present brick edifice was about ^8000. The church commenced its first year with 62 mem- bers, and 40 scholars in the Sabbath School. The total • membenship in Jan., 1874, was 81, the congregation 400, and in the Sabbath School 350 scholars. The Baptists, in the- fall of 1854, began a series of monthly religious services in Chester, which were held in the old Court House for four years. Rev. Wm. Wilder officiating. Early in the spring of 1858, John P. Crozer, Esq., donated a lot of ground on the corner of Penn and Second Streets, on which, during the summer of the same year, Benjamin Gartside erected a chapel for the use of the Baptists, at a cost of $1100, which building, in the rear of the present church edifice, is now occupied as an infant Sunday- School. This chapel was formally opened for religious services in August, 1858, and from that time preaching was regularly held every Sabbath after- noon by Rev. W. Wilder, of Upland, and Rev. Miller Jones, of Marcus Hook. Here the infant congregation worshipped until the 24th of Septem- ber, 1863, when the chapel was recog- nized as the First Baptist Churcli of Chester. The membership at that date consisted of 21 persons, who had been mostly dismissed by letters from the Upland Baptist Church. Imme- diately after the recognition, an effort was made to secure a permanent pas- tor, and in Jan., 1865, Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., was called to su])ply the pulpit for three months, and con- tinued to preach for fivemonths, when, on the I St of June, Rev. Levis G. Beck became the first regular pastor of the church and continued in that capacity for nearly two years, when he resigned his charge to accept the appointment of Secretary of the Pennsylvania Bap- tist General Association. It was dur- ing this time that the present church edifice was completed, at a cost of $16,000. It is a brick structure, 90 by 46 feet. On the lower floor, above the level of the street, is the lecture room and Sunday-School, and in the rear, the pastor's study and a Bible class room. The auditorium is in the second story, and is beautifully fur- nished. The wall and ceiling are tastefully painted in oil colors, and a HISTORY OF CHESTER. 415 fine organ placed in the gallery at a cost of $2,000. This church is claim- ed, in its ventilating facilities, to be superior to all other public buildings in Chester, and will seat comfortably 600 persons. After the resignation of Mr. Beck, the church was dependent on supplies for the pulpit until Nov., 1866, when the Rev. A. F. Shanafelt, the present pastor, was called. In March following he entered upon his pastoral duties. A number of promi- nent Baptists immediately purchased a lot of ground adjoining the church, and a parsonage was erected thereon by the liberality of Benjamin Gartside, Esq., at a cost of over $4,000, which was occupied by the pastor in De- cember, 1867. The church is in a flourishing condition, and has now over 250 members. In 1870, James Irving, Esq., erected a handsome brick chapel, which he dedicated to the Baptist Society at Shoemakerville, North Chester, now in charge of Rev. E. Wells. In 1871, Samuel A. Crozer, Esq. , erected a Bap- tist Chapel in South Chester, which is now in charge of Rev. R. McNeil. Both of these edifices are the result of munificent benevolence on the part of these two well-known members of the Baptist Church. The First Baptist Church in Chester has in active working a Congregational Relief Association, with a member- ship of over 80 members. The object of the Society, as its name imports, is the relief of the families or nearest re- latives of deceased members. The funeral benefits payable on the decease of a member of the Association at this time, (1874), is $40, and the amount is constantly increasing with the mem- bership. The Society is in the fourth year of its usefulness, and the progress it has made should recommend the plan to other religious bodies. With the First Baptist Church the idea ori- ginated, and it is the only church in the country, of which we have any knowledge, that has made an experi- ment of this kind a success. Camp Meetings, so-called, are meet- ings held by some religious societies, generally by the Methodists, during the summer season, in some pleasant, shady spot in the country, and last for a week or more. These meetings are partially of a social character, although chiefly held for religious ser- vices, consisting of prayer meetings in the tents erected for the visitors on the camping ground. Morning and evening services, consisting of out-door sermons and singing under the trees are held two or three times during the day. At such places there are of course many visitors who are merely lookers on in Vienna. Fre- quently the exciting prayers of the preachers get up a kind of revival in the tents, especially among the women, who pray, scream, faint, tear their hair, and sometimes go into ecstatic convulsions ; especially is this the case at the Camp Meetings of the negroes, who are a more excitable race than the whites. Booths are erected around the camps for the sale of provisions, and despite the attempts of those who are really in earnest in doing good, there are sometimes scenes of disturb- ance at the camps; but generally those who go to look on are content to en- joy "the fun," as they call it, in a quiet way, finding pleasure in the dis- play of an excess of religious feeling in others. The Methodists hold that these meetings do much good, and I also think they do. I have been to many a one to see the fun when I was 416 HISTORY OF CHESTER. a boy, and when order was not so well preserved as now, and I never heard that the effect of a camp meeting on a neighborhood was injurious, although it gives chances for many kinds of indulgences not usual. The matter is now reduced to a sys- tem. At a meeting of several Camp Meeting Associations, held in Phila- delphia, Jan. 14, 1874, the following was recommended as the time for holding the various camp meetings in this vicinity during the coming sum- mer, viz : Ocean Grove, Union Convention, July 9, 1874. Rehoboth Camp Meeting, July 14. Chester Heights Camp, July 21st. Pitman's Grove Camp, August 4th. Landisville Camp, August 4th. Ocean .Grove Camp, August 14th. The following was also unanimously passed by the meeting : '■^Resolved, By this conference of re- presentatives of several Camp Meet- ing associations. That we heartily in- dorse and commend that section in the late pastoral address of our bishops which calls attention to the subject of Camp Meetings, and recommend sim- plicity and spirituality in worship and a strict regard to the sanctity of the holy Sabbath, and we will discourage the running of excursion trains and all other travel on that day, except such as is usual in worshippers attending church service, as well as all Sabbath traffic on and about our respective grounds." During the year 1872, an association of Methodists purchased a farm in x-Xs- ton Township, Delaware County, and had the association incorporated under the name of the "Chester Heights Camp Meeting Association." The grounds belonging to the Asso- ciation embrace 162 acres, and are located immediately on the line of the Baltimore Central Railroad, and about twenty miles from Philadelphia. The place has been named Chester Heights. About 60 acres of the purchase is fine woodland, divided into two groves, both of which are to be fitted up as excursion grounds, the Association expecting to realize a good dividend on their investment outside of the Camp Meetings. The improvements so far made consist of an Excursion House, 70 by 120 feet, a portion of it being two stories high, to be used as lodging rooms during the camp. In the rear, the building is one story and open at the sides, and is designed for use in rainy weather. The preachers' stand is formed by a wide hall running through the front building. From this sfand, the tents, principally can- vas, extend for some distance up, the ground having a considerable rise, af- fording the audience a fine view of the speakers. Three hundred iron settees, capable of seating about 3,000 per- ' sons, afford accommodations to those Avho attend the religious services. The water supply is furnished from a neigh- boring stream, being forced up to the grounds by means of a steam pump. The act incorporating the Associa- tion provides that the grounds shall not be used for any purposes in opposi- tion to the Discipline of the Methodist Church, therefore, no excursions are allowed where dancing is permitted. The grounds are almost daily occupied bySunday-.schools, Churches, &c., and therefore, the speculation promises to be all right. The sixty acres used for the camp are enclosed with a close fence, seven feet high, with gates for the admission of those attending the meetings. As the Camp Meeting is HISTORY OF CHESTER. 417 gotten up by the Association, they expect to derive their revenue from the rent obtained from tents, one hun- dred having been erected by the Asso- ciation ; from per centage from board- ing tents, restaurant and other tents hav- ing articles for sale. The charge for a canvas tent, 7x7 feet, without a floor, is ^3 for ten days, and $4 with floor. Family tents, 14X 14 feet, with floors, $12. Persons putting up their own tents pay one cent per square foot for the use of the ground, on the main circle. The Association furnishes to minis- ters free railroad tickets to the grounds, and lodgings while at the camp, but not meals, though they are allowed a discount of twenty per cent, on the charge. The expenses of lighting, police, water supply, &c. , is of course, met by the Association. The religious services each day will be as follows : Early meeting, 5 A. M., consisting of prayer and experience ; preaching. 10 A. M., 3, 6.30 and 7.30 P. M. ; children's meeting, 1.30 P. M. The hour of each meeting will be announc- ed not by the primitive horn, but by the ringing of a fine-toned bell. The following account of Camp Meetings in the West, 50 years ago, will remind many persons of such meetings in Delaware County not so long ago. T copy from Lippincott' s Magazine for August, 1873 : "The order of the day Mould be ahnost uniformly this : The horn (which was a long tin one, hung in the preaching stand), was sounded at sunrise, when it was expected that all persons in the tents would rise. Half an hour later it was blown again for family wor- ship, which must be observed in every tent, after which breakfast was prepared and eaten. At eight or nine, according to the season, the horn announced prayer meeting in the tents; at ten, it proclaimed preaching; after that followed prayers at the stand and a call for mourners, or, as it was more correctly and elegantly expressed, ' an invitation to such as desired an interest in the prayers of those pre- sent, from a conviction that they were sin- ners.' Then came a recess for the mid-day meal, and after this there was preaching again at 2 P. M. There were prayers at the stand and mourners called forward again, after which there was usually an adjournment to the open part of the ground, and a grand prayer-meeting organized in ' the ring.' The ring-meeting was formed in this way : If there were many inourners at the altar, as it was called — that is, two or three designated benches in front of the pulpit — some in authority would order a removal, on which some active fellow would shoulder a few benches and carry them to the square, and have them placed in a con- venient manner and ready for the mourners to kneel by or sit upon. Before these were re- moved, but in an incredible short time, enough stout young men would join hands around the benches to form a compact enclosure. These again were enclosed by an outer ring of those who were the first to spring to the place, that they might have a full view of the proceedings ; for it was understood that this circle was not to be entered except by the mourners and those who were to talk and pray with them. The young people of the country were generally good singers, and knew the hymns and tunes mostly in use, and the numbers who would join in the singing would now be surprising. Two resolute ones of the living wall of this ring would be designated as at once door-posts and door-keepers, who at their discretion, admitted persons within the enclosure. The mourners were then brought on, and entering, kneeled at the benches, while a brother of leading voice would start, ' Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,' or some similar hymn, in which every available voice would join, not a brick of the wall of this tabernacle keeping silence. Then followed a prayer, then a hymn, and then a prayer, and at last a steady stream of song and supplication, running together like the parts of a fttgue, harmonizing in sjiite of all discord." In the year 1856, Gas was first in- troduced into Chester for lighting pur- poses, and is now in common use. In 41cS HISTORY OF CHESTER. 1858-59, about 1,483,000 cuh'w feet of gas was manufactured, and suiJi)lied to 220 customers. The ofiftcers for that year were Frederick Fairlamb, President) John O. Deshong, Samuel A. Crozer, John H. Barton, and Rob- ert Button, Managers. The City Gas Works are situated on the east side of Welsh street, south of Third street. From a work entitled ' ' Historic Tales of Olden Times, ^^ by J. T. Wat- son, Philadelphia, 1833, I extract the following : " There was many years ago, considerable indications and promise of a valuable copper mine up ihe Chester Creek. There is still visible remains of two shafts now filled with water. They were said to contain about fifty pounds of copper, and about fifty ounces of silver in the one hundred pounds. At some future day they will probably be worked with more success and profit." In Hazard' s Register, for May, 1832, 9 vol. 334, is the following article in which this old mine is referred to. "A Day in Chester. — We ventured to re- commend the village of Chester to our read- ers a few weeks ago, since which we have again passed a day very pleasantly in the neighborhood. Leaving the city at seven in the morning, you land at the pier at Chester in less than two hours after breakfast on board the floating palace William Penn. Besides the charm of cultivated society to be met with in the village, the ground is rendered doubly interesting by the historical associations which connect themselves with it. At the distance of about a mile above Ches- ter, immediately upon the banks of the creek, are extensive quarries where large tpiantities of stone are procured and sent down the river in boats. Here they are shipped in larger vessels and conveyed principally to the Breakwater, now constructing near the en- trance of the Delaware Bay. The stone is obtained in large irregular masses, and is a rough granite, consisting of an aggregation of quartz, feldspar and hornblende, irregularly combined. We observed traversing the quar- ries an occasional vein of suiphuret of iron or pyrites, of a fine gf)]d lustre, l)ut imperfect in its crystalization, and some tolerably good specimens of tourmalin, though the crystals are not large. A fine lamellated feldspar of a pale red color is abundant, and in .some places it is found of a green tinge. At this place we meet Mr. Walter C. Lyttle, the son of the proprietor of the quarries, to whose polite attention we are indebted for much of the satisfaction resulting from our excursion. I>eaving the quarries, he conducted us by a wild romantic path about half a mile further up the creek, where near an old deserted saw mill, we found the traces of an ancient mine. Two shafts appear to be sunk here which are yet visible, but filled with water and over- grown with bushes and vines. A consitkia- ble quantity of the rubbish drawn from the mine is yet laying about the place, from an examination of which it is apparent that the shafts were sunk chiefly through a clear white quartz containing veins of copper and mo- lybdena. The ore of the copper which we observed here in the greatest quantity is the yellow ferruginous suiphuret, though the green carbonate and several other varieties may also be found. The suiphuret of molybdena is abundant, and so nearly resembles graphite or plumbago, (vulgarly called black lead,) as not to be easily distinguished from it by mere ex- ternal characteristics. The two minerals, are, however, essentially distinct in chemical com- position, the plumbago being a carburet of- iron ; i. e. iron combined with a large propor- tion of carbon, while the other is a metal called molybdena combined with sulphur. It is a rare metal, and we are not aware that it has been applied to any use. Those persons who may desire specimens to add to their cabinet collection of minerals, may obtain them witli- out difficulty at this place. We were informed by Mr. Edward Jack- son, an intelligent old gentleman \vht)m we met at the mine, that about thirty years ago, three assays were made of the copper ore ob- tained here, the average result of which was 53 per cent, of copper, with 48 ounces of silver in every one hundred pounds, and as he says, one grain of gold in every ounce of the ore. Before any great depth had been obtained, the progress of the work was suspended owing to the want of funds, and it ever since has been neglected. But from the awakened at- tention manifested at present to the mineral HISTORY OF CHESTER. 419 treasures of our country, we venture to pre- dict that the work at this place will be re- sumed at no very distant day. The strong probabilities of obtaining large quantities of rich ore by sinking the shaft to a greater depth, may induce some of our enterprising capitalists to make an attempt to render this mine pro- ductive." Mr. Watson was a frequent visitor to Chester, and admired its home-like scenes and old-fashioned hospitalities. Much of the information concerning the place and its vicinity contained in his well-known Annals, were obtained from the late Richard Flower, of La- mokin, whose guest he generally was while in the neighborhood. Mr. Flower was, in his younger days, a very handsome man, so some of the old ladies of niy family tell me, of fine conversational powers, and having antiquarian tastes, he was frequently applied to for information about things and times that were olden. Mr. Watson, in his work above referred to, page 20, writing of the early days of the English settlement, says : "In those times the Indians and Swedes were kind and active to bring in and vend at moderate prices, pro- per articles of subsistence. Provisions (says Penn) were good, and in vast quantities. Wild fowls were in abun- dance, and wild pigeons, .says another, were like clouds, and often flew so low as to be knocked down with sticks. Wild turkeys were sometinies so im- moderately fat and large as to weigh forty-six pounds; some of thirty pounds sold for one shilling; deer at two shil- lings apiece. The waters abounded with fish ; six alloes, or rock, were sold for one shilling, and salt fish at three farthings a pound. Oysters were abundant and excellent, six inches long. Peaches could be had by the 'cart load." 54 XLV. THE OYSTER SUPPER. By William Martin, Jr. " Gently stir and rake the fire, Put the oysters on to roast, ' Duck Creek planted,' I desire. They 're the kind that please me most. As the odor strikes my nose. My appetite much keener grows. On the plate now see them lie. In the gravy plump and fat. Finer ' fish' ne'er met my eye, Nor ' An opening rich as that ;' Let me season to the taste, With pepper, salt, etc., — haste. The cloth upon the table spread, Now" knife and fork as ciuickly get, With butter fresh and toasted bread ril have a feast unheard of yet, While po/uj brandy and segars W' ill set me up beyond the stars." In Proiicf s Pennsylvania, vol. i, p. 153, will be found copied, a letter from Mahlon Stacey to a friend in England, from which I make some ex- tracts, and which in view of the high prices of provisions, and the scarcity of game at the present day, (Dec. 20, 1 87 1,) will be found quite refreshing, when considered in connection with the prices just above given by Watson. I priced to-day, butter, 75c. ; beef, roasting pieces, 23c. ; turkey and chickens, 23c.; mutton i8c. ; each per pound. Canvas-back ducks, $3.50 per pair; red heads, $1.75 per pair ; partridges, $3 per dozen. The date of Mr. Stacey's letter is 1680. He says : "I have seen orchards laden with fruit to admiration ; their very limbs torn to pieces with the weight, and most delicious to the taste and lovely to behold. I have seen an apple tree from a pippin kind, yield a barrel of curious cyder, and peaches in such plenty, that some people took their 420 HISTORY OF CHESTER. carts a peach-gathering. I could not but smile at the conceit of it. They are a very delicate fruit, and hang al- most like our onions that are tied on ropes. I have seen and known this summer forty bushels of wild wheat of one bushel sown ; and many more such instances T could bring, which would be tedious here to mention. We have, from the time called May until Michaelmas, a good store of very good wild fruits — as strawberries, cranberries and huckleberries, which are like our bilberries in England, but far sweeter. They are very wholesome fruit. The cranberries are much like cherries, for color and bigness, which may be kept till fruit comes again; and an excellent sauce is made of them for venison, turkeys and other great fowl. They are better to make tarts than either gooseberries or cherries. We have them brought to our houses by the Indians, in great plenty. My brother Robert had as many cherries this year as would have loaded many carts. It is my judgment by what I have observed, that fruit trees in this country destroy themselves by the very weight of their fruit. As for venison and fowl, we have great plenty. We have brought home to our houses by the Indians, seven or eight fat bucks in a day, and some- times put by as many, having no occa- sion for them ; and fish in their sea- son very plentiful. * * * And as to beef and pork, here is great plenty of it and cheap, and also good sheep. The common grass of this country feeds very fat. * * * We have a great plenty of most sorts of fish that I ever saw in England, besides several other sorts that are not known there, as rock, catfish, shad, sheep-heads, sturgeons; and fowls in plenty, as ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasants, par- tridges and many other sorts. * * * Indeed, the country, take it as a wil- derness, is a brave country." Richard Townsend, writing about the same time, 1682, states {Proud, I vol., 229) : "After some time I set up a mill at Chester Creek, which I brought ready framed from London, which served for grinding corn and sawing of boards, and was of great use to us. Besides I, with Joshua Tittery, made a net and caught great quanti- ties of fish, which supplied ourselves and many others; so that, notwith- standing, it was thought near 3000 persons came in the first year, we were so providentially provided for, that we could buy a deer for about two shillings, and a large turkey for about one shilling, and Indian corn for about two shillings and six pence per bushel." Chester for many years has been a profitable market for fish. In the spring of the year the shad and herring fisheries yield their annual tribute, and the fish are brought up Chester Creek in boats, to supply the town and sur- rounding country. In 1683, it is stated that they were "exceedingly plentiful/' and the early fishermen could take 600 at a draught. They were proportionately cheap. Six rock- fish could be bought for a shilling ; six shad for the same ; and oysters for two shillings a bushels. Hazard'' s Register iox April 12, 1825, i vol., 240, says : " Shad— the average num- ber caught last week at Marcus Hook, amounts to 2000 a day." At the "Fish House," at Glouces- ter Point, New Jersey, on or about May 13, 1873, there was taken at one haul of the net, over 60,000 herring, the greatest draught of fish ever had in the river Delaware. A day or so HISTORY OF CHESTER. 421 previously there was caught, at the same fishing grounds, 1,200 shad at one haul. The herring sold at 15 cents per hundred. I forgot to ask the price of the shad by the hundred, but they retailed in Philadelphia at 50 cents each. The arrival of shad and the com- mencement of fishing in our local waters, render their nature and habits a subject of interest. The shad, Thad- deus Norris says, belongs to the her- ring family. Its geographical range, on the Atlantic coast, is from Florida to the Bay of Fundy. The shad al- ways returns to its native river to re- produce its kind. Those hatched in the Delaware never enter the mouths of the Hudson or Potomac. Each river has its own peculiar race of shad, those of the Delaware bdng of larger size than the general average. It is believed that the shad does not wander very far into the ocean. Their ascent to the spawning grounds, in the spring, is slow and gradual. If there is a freshet, or they encounter a taint of snow water, they remain stationary. They enter the fresh running water very tardily. They cannot ascend strong rapids or falls, like the salmon, and are sometimes checked or scared by seeing the shadow of a bridge across the water. They do not feed while in the fresh water, and no food is found in their stomachs after they have en- tered. The roe of a good sized shad contains about 100,000 eggs, and will weigh 12 ounces. If these were all hatched and reared, they would weigh 200 tons. But this immense fecundity is necessary to meet the many dangers that surround the fish. Myriads of eggs are at once destroyed or washed away, while the young fry are devoured as they emerge by the wholesale by catfish, chubs, sunfish and minnows. Thirty young shad have been taken from the stomach of a roach four. in- ches long. Seth Green says, that only three eggs out of a hundred spawned in the Connecticut river are hatched. In spawning, the shad seeks a brisk current or gently whirling eddy, and the eggs are deposited generally at night. They are at once fertilized by her male companion, who moves by her side during the operation. An experienced observer says, that the actual results obtained by artificial cul- ture of shad are as 2000 to i as com- pared with those of nature. This fact illustrates the great importance of the steps recently taken by the State gov- ernments for the protection and pro- pagation of shad in the rivers along the Atlantic coast. It has been frequently remarked by many experienced fishermen, that the Delaware shad are gradually decreas- ing in size, and that they are not near so large as they were a few years ago. The shad fisheries of the Delaware are quite an extensive branch of busi- ness, and give employment to a large number of men. During the season, which extends from the ist of April to the ist of June, over two million of fish are usually caught. The fishing begins below Marcus Hook" and ex- "-The Sunday Dispatch of M;ir. iS, 1S77, states that " A week or so ago Salem County (New Jersey) tishermen scooped up a shad now and then in their nets down in Delaware Bay, and their brothers (of the fishermen, not of the shad) further up the river began to drop their drift-nets with the hope of depleting the schools on their way up the Delaware; but a heavy freshet (jccurred away up toward the headwaters of the noble river, and the rise loosened up a large quantity of reserve ice spread along the shores of the tributary streams, which came drifting down, and meeting the shad in their upward course, the piscine luxuries incontinent- ly turned tail and retreated to the deep waters of the bav, where they will stay until old Sol 422 HISTORY OF CHESTER. tends to Trenton, Shore nets are gene- rally used by the Delaware fishermen, although drift net fishing is quite com- mon. On the Hudson drift and stake nets only are used, owing to the high shores of that river. The shore net is about one hundred and fifty fathoms in length, and requires fifteen or twenty men to handle it, who are paid at the rate of ^lo to $15 a week. In January, shad begin to run up the rivers to spawn, as far south as Charles- ton. Thence gradually they work northward. They reach Norfolk in February, the Delaware about the mid- dle of March, New York about the ist of April, Boston the last of April, and the Bay of Fundy by the middle of May. The time of the appearance of shad depends a great deal upon the weather. Old fishermen predict that if light winds and sunshine prevail the supply will be large. Shad seldom sell at retail on the Delaware for more than 75 cents, even at the beginning of the season. Southern shad are sell- 1 ing now, March 16, 1877, in Phila- delphia, at retail for 75 cents. The first shad caught this season, was taken near Marcus Hook, in a gill-net owned by John Morris, on March 6, and weighed 3)^ pounds. In 1835, we used to get fine large shad for 12^ cents a piece, herring were $2 a hundred, shad from ^9 to ^12 per hundred. I remember going with my step-grandfather, John F. Hill, to Effinger's fishery, at the mouth of Rid- ley Creek, to buy shad and herring to salt down for winter use. warms up the water to a temjierature agreeable to their sensitive bodies. A week of warm sunshine will fill the river with shad. In this connection it may be stated that within a week other fish have been caught in nets in the lower part of the river so much affected by the cold- ness of the water as to be almost torpid." The fact that during the last twenty years shad have been rapidly disappear- ing from Northern waters, has led those interested in fish culture to pay much attention to their artificial breeding. The project has been very successful, and many of the States have enacted laws for the propagation and pro- tecting of several kinds of fish, and appointed Commissioners of Fish- eries, to see that the laws on the subject are fully carried out. The Commis- sioners of Fisheries for Pennsylvania, appointed by the Governor under the Act of April 28, 1873, ^re : — Howard J. Reeder, of Northampton, Benjamin H. Hewitt, of Blair, and James Duffy, of Lanca.ster County. The matter received early attention in Pennsylvania. By Act of 14th Mar. 1784, Commissiofiers were appointed for making the Schuylkill navigable, and protecting the fish therein. And under the Act of March 31, 1785, (14 Col. Records, 484,) Commission- ers were appointed for improving the navigation of the Susquehanna and all its branches. In the list of Commis- sioners will be found the names of Thomas Turbutt and John Churchman, for Chester County. In this connection, the following article from the Republican of July 15, 1870, will be interesting. Whether the present Club is a continuation of the one mentioned by John K. Zeilin, Esq. , as existing in Chester about 1 830, I do not know. " Chester Fishing Chih. — This Club cele- l)rated its thirtieth anniversary on Friday last, by a visit to its grounds in New Jersey. Twenty-four active members of the Club were in attendance, a portion of whom spent the day in fishing, and others in exercises and amusemonls as pleased their fancy. A bounti- ful lunch was set out during the day, and at four o'clock dinner was ainiounced. The HISTORY OF CHESTER. 423 taljle was graced by large quantities of well- cooked fish — perch, halibut, black-fish, cat- ties and eels being among the varieties. To this course was added all the vegetables of the season, and the sauces and condiments of this and other lands, were spread out in pro- fusion, to tempt the appetite and give zest to the occasion. Such a table as the caterers presented, is not often found at the best hotels in city or country. After the gastronomical exercises were over, the President gave notice that the time had arrived when the party should proceed to business. The annual elec- tion for officers of the Club for the ensuing year then took place, with the following re- sult: President, Y. S. Walter; Secretary, Col. William C. Gray ; Treasurer, Amos Gartside. A vote of thanks was proposed and unanimously given to R. W. Flickwir, the re- tiring President, for the manner in which he had discharged his duty, and the interest he had always exhibited in the welfare of the Club, during his continuance as its principal officer. Short speeches, full of wit and senti- ment, w-ere then indulged in by Dr. Ulrich, Forwood and Mackenzie, Mr. Bowen of New Jersey, H. B. Taylor and Y. S. Walter. The catering committee, to whose labors the Club owed much for the capital dinner which they provided, were not forgotten ; the thanks of all present were given to them for the ad- mirable manner in which they had performed their duty. At a seasonable hour the mem- bers entered their boats, and with a fine sail- ing breeze they soon reached their homes, gratified with the manner in which the day was spent, and refreshed and invigorated with the exercises in which they had participated." A new source of industry has lately (1873) been started in the vicinity of Chester, the catching of sturgeons. As far as I can learn, the first effort in this enterprise was made by Henry Schacht, who some time ago, with scant means and but one boat, lo- cated himself on Ridley Creek, from which place he removed to Chester Creek, and afterwards, with wise fore- thought, when more prosperous, pur- chased Monas Island, opposite Ches- ter ; there, by means of piles, &c., he erected a pen in which to retain the fish alive for the most profitable mar- ket. Mr. Schacht was drowned on a dark and dismal night last spring, and a relative, Henry Henry, succeeded to the business, which had greatly in- creased. At the foot of Edgmont Street is moored a large scow, well arranged for the comfort of those employed. There are bunks for their sleeping ar- rangements, and a cook to provide their meals. Here the fish are brought, the meat sent to New York, where it commands a ready sale at about seven cents per pound, and is known as "Albany beef," the head, skin and back-bone being rendered into oil, passing through a boiling process. Of this, on an average, six barrels per week are produced during the season, netting 60 cents per gallon. Of the roes, caviare is made. It is prepared in this way : The roes are taken from the dead fish and run through several sieves of graduated fineness, and then treated with the finest of German salt, an indispensable article in its prepara- tion ; it is then packed in oaken kegs and placed in a cool position until the season of shipment — the fall — when it is transported to Germany, where it commands, on an average, one dollar per pound. Mr. Henry has six boats engaged, which are substantially built, averag- ing 25 feet in length. They are, in regular parlance, "cat-rigged." The fishermen are paid $1.75 apiece for the sturgeons they capture; they some- times realize from ^20 to $30 per day. The sturgeons are taken in long drift nets, made of heavy twine, and man- aged usually by two persons to a boat. These fish weigh from 50 to 100 lbs. each. The flesh which is shipped to 424 HISTORY OF CHESTER. New York daily, is packed in ice, and is served at some of the hotels in that city, in the form of steaks. Large quantities of it is smoked, and in some cases is sold as smoked salmon. The roe or eggs, after having been sent to Germany and converted into caviare, is often re-shipped to this country and is consumed, generally by our German population. In the early days of the settlements on the Delaware, it is said swans abound- ed. That wild water-fowl is now very seldom seen or shot in these waters, although I have seen some. At page 54 of the Directory, after referring to the wild game in old times, it is stated : ^' We do not hear of the more modern rail and reed-birds which now afford profit and pleasure to the sportsman in the fall season. These birds come in the early part of autumn, in large numbers, to feed upon the seeds of the thickly growing reeds of the low shore and half formed islands of the Dela- ware. The seed in its milky state is very nutritive, and the birds fatten upon it in a few days, affording a highly palatable food." The following I copied from some, now forgotten, source : " Among sportsmen, the Delaware River has become renowned as being the best ground for rail shooting. From Bordentown southward to Port Penn, the shores are overgrown at intervals with a dense growth of reeds or wild oats, Lizani Clavulosa, the favorite food of this bird, countless numbers of which take jKJSsession of the flats and bars, early in August, long before the seed ripens. Sept. ist, ushers in rail shooting, and there are few sportsmen in Philadelphia and its surrounding towns that do not enter into the sport with more or less zest. By far the most numerous spe- cies oi rallidce or rail, frequenting the Delaware, is the sora, Raliiis Caro- iiftus. The Virginia or red rail, Rallus Virginianus, is by no means rare, and can be seen in every bag oi soras ; the great or king rail, Rallus elgans, is occasionally shot, and always consid- ered a prize when secured ; they are comparatively scarce, however. The salt water mud hen, Rallus crepitajis, is often boated farther down the river, nearer the bay, and seldom wanders to the regions of fresh water. One was killed a year or two since on Chester Island, in the Delaware, and numbers have been shot near Wilming- ton. Of the other branch of the rail family, the common coot or hen bill, Tulica nigra, is often met with, and the common gallinule, Galli?rula ga- leata, has been shot as far north as Pennsylvania, and it is on record that in 1848, the purple gallinule, Galli- nula marlinica, was killed on League Island, at the mouth of the Schuylkill, by Mr. John Krider, of Philadelphia. The favorite points from which the sportsman sallies forth in quest of the rail are Bridgeport, Port Penn, Mar- cus Hook, Chester and the Lazaretto, and at all these places, pushers or pole- men can be secured at a price ranging from three to five dollars a tide, and ascore of boats start from these stations during the season. Thirty or fort;' rail to a boat is considered an average bag, but seventy-five to one hundred are often boated ; and last September, at Port Penn, during a heavy tide, Mr. Kerlin, of Chester, shot two hundred and twenty-six, the largest number ever known to have been bagged by a single sportsman in a day. The boats used by the rail-shooters are of a l)uil(l i)eculiar to the Dela- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 425 ware, and are made very light, and often weigh but 60 or 70 pounds ; they are modeled sharp at both bow and stern, 'clinker built,' and are partly decked over at the end where the pusher stands while propelling the skiff through the reeds. In front of the shooter a square receptacle is con- structed where he can lay his amuni- tion box or cartridges, and reach them readily for rapid loading and firing. By the 20th of October, at which time we generally have a sharp frost, the rail all move southward, and the shooting ceases. Myriads of reed-birds claim the same feeding grounds during September, but while in pursuit of rail, they are seldom disturbed, for each boat is striving to bag the greatest number of rail, to be displayed on the return, and a grjsat honor is attached to the 'high boat.' Mallard, summer duck, green and blue winged teal, are often met with in the reeds, and it is advisable always to be provided with some cartridges loaded with larger shot than No. 10. About the ist of April, the gunning season ends along our bay and the Chesapeake. Sportsmen then stow away their apparatus. Canvas-back, red-head and bald-pate ducks take their departure from the tributaries of the Delaware Bay." An article in the FhiladelpJiia In- quirer of April 16, 1873, 01"^ t^^^ subject says: "On Thursday and Fri- day of last week, (and now only a few black-heads and coots remain,) the air was filled with an immense number of ducks, geese and swans, winging their way to their breeding places, where they will remain until October next, when they will return to their old feeding grounds in the waters of Maryland." The same pa- perunderdate of April 8, 1874, states: " The season for wild goose shooting on Long Island has commenced. As the birds are very shy, it requires a good deal of skill on the part of the sportsman to come near enough for a shot. The method generally employ- ed is to obtain from 15 to 25 wild geese, by 'winging' them, on their passage north or south — the old-fash- ioned wooden 'stoolers' being re- garded as entirely behind the age. These are tamed so that they can be 'lined' to stakes, when they are taken to the bars where the wild geese usu- ally stop to feed, and fastened to stakes put down in the sand out of sight, while the gunner conceals himself in a box sunk in the sand, and partially covered by sea-weed or meadow-grass. When flocks of wild geese are passing, these partially tamed ones will call them, and usually they will fly near by or light, when the gunner rises and shoots. Experts have killed as many as 25 at a shot. The flocks of tamed geese are regarded as very valuable." On Sunday, Jan. 7, 1866, a cold spell of weather set in, and by Mon- day morning the thermometer had fallen to 10 degrees below zero ; for thirty years nothing approaching this degree of cold had been felt at Ches- ter, and the day is yet referred to as " the cold Monday." The winter of 1874, was very cold; on Feb. loth, the river was frozen solid, and people crossed to the bar ; on the 9th, the thermometer was 2 degrees below zero. In the interior of the State, the con- tinued cold froze the smaller streams solid, depriving the cattle of water. The winter of 1872-73, which was cold, as that of 1873-74 was mild, ex- cited a great deal of comment ; and 420 HISTORY OF CHESTER. M-hile every one was speaking of the season as being remarkable in its char- acteristics, I gathered some reliable facts concerning the year 1816, which was known as "the year without a summer." Few persons now living can recollect it ; but it was said to have been the coldest summer ever known in Europe or America. The winter was mild. Frost and ice were common in every month of the year. Very little vegetation matured in the Eastern and Middle States. The sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat through the sum- mer ; all nature seemed to be clad in a sable hue, and men exhibited no little anxiety concerning the future of this life. Mrs. Acelie T. Whelen, (now de- ceased, wife of Edward S. W., Jr.,) an accomplished scholar and a graceful writer, daughter of the late Dr. Joseph and Rosalie Acelie Togno, and niece of one of the most charming of my former young lady friends, of Phila- delphia, Lizzie Guillou, who became the wife of John Thibault, and died-in Texas — was kind enough to write for me in 1874, a description of the then fashion of dress, for gentlemen and ladies, both in full dress and in prom- enade costume ; in the words following : In full dress there is no apparent difference in the " ijet up" of the fashionable diner- jut, and the man behind liis chair. Both are habited in swallow-tailed coat, pants and vest of sombre black broad-cloth ; both wear the same style of white muslin neck-tie, not an inch wide ; only by the exquisite quality of his gloves and lingerie, and by the cut of his clothes, can the man of fashion hope to be distinguished uutwardly, from a buller dc boinic maison. Recently an effort has been made to introduce the English style of light pants, and walking coats for ceremonious visits and small social entertainments ; but the innovation met with no favor, the pure bred American cling- ing fondly to his funereal " claw hammer" coat. I have often been asked why men's coats have two buttons on the back at the waist, and no one seems to know the very evident reason they were placed in such a position of seem- ing uselessness. Well, they were originally put there to prevent the sword from slipping down on the waist, and looking unseemly and ungraceful ; for when the present style of coats came into fashion, every gentleman when in full dress, wore a dress sword, and as a na- tural consequence duelling became fashion- able. Men's hats are generally the stiff, high stove-pipe shape, of silk. A fine opera hat is made in the same shape, but of a fine twilled silk cashmere. The frame is made of springs, so that it can be closed and lie flat, to carry either in the hand or the pocket. Those who desire comfort, wear the soft felt hat which was made fashionable by Kossuth when he visited this country. This style of hat was in- troduced into the United States immediately after the Mexican war, in this way: During the war, a gray felt hat with a very broad brim, something in the shape of the present uniform felt hat of the army, was made a part of the uniform of the "Army of Invasion." The one worn by General Taylor, is now in the fire-proof of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. On the return of the troops to the United States, this kind of hat became fash- ionable. Kossuth on his visit wore a low- crowned black felt, with a black plume. The hat became the rage without the plume, and is the most comfortable part of a man's dress. Half boots are worn by the majority of men, but gentlemen usually prefer the high boots, and in summer or for full dress occasions, pumps and silk stockings. The every day dress of an American citizen is generally a loose sack coat, vest and pants, of invisible blue, or tweeds, or mixed cloth. Of the dress of the period for women, it may be said : This is eminently an age of re- vivals. The greatest possible latitude being conceded individual fancy and caprice. The toilets of this year (1874) have much charac- ter. Fashion has been ingenious enough to borrow all that is most effective from each epoch, in order to build up a costume of the period. Among the most prominent revivals we observe the rather stiff, severe splendor ot the Medician period; the mediseval garb of the hapless Marguerite ; the coquettish fash- ions of the reigns of Louis XV. and Louis IIISTOUV OF CllESTKK. 427 W'l., aiul tlie \ery trying modes peculiar to the Ijcauties of the Directory and the First Empire. As we write presumably for posterity, how- ever, we will deal only with the average wo- man of the period, who, while she cannot afford the extravagant inventions of Worth and his peers, still manages, aided by taste and an innate artistic sense, to be becomingly and effectively dressed. Black, and myriad shades of grays, browns, invisible blues and greens, are preferred for street suits in winter. Vel- vet, silk, camel's hair, poplin, cashmere, or merino, may be worn. P\)r women of ex- tremely moderate means, there are many pretty and inexpensive mixed fabrics. In summer there is a great variety of gren- adines, from the fine hernani, or gaze de cham- ber!, to the coarse canvas barege. A black suit is considered stylish, but those who like to look cool, prefer the ecni, linens, flax, ba- reges, and the soft, creamy India silks. In frosty weather, a sacque, cap, and muff of seal skin, over the ordinary street dress, is as be- coming as it is handsome. Many superb India shawls are imported, but are left chiefly to dowagers, from the fashion to display rather than conceal all the outlines of the figure. For ordinary wear, the redingote and polo- naise are most popular. The redingote, if of soft, cheap material, or of thin goods, is often made loose, belted in to the form, and with little trimming save large buttons and a roll- ing collar and deep cuffs, and pockets of some darker or contrasting color in silk or velvet. The usual style, are in preference, fittecl tightly, and buttoned the entire length of the front which sets flat and close to the figure. The entire fulness of the garment is placed in the back breadths, which are very long and ample, to admit of graceful looping. The redingote is drawn high on each side, falling long in front, while the back is looped up slightly so as to form full and graceful drapery. The same description may serve for the polonaise, which is, however, more ornate generally, and admits of rich and more elab- orate trimmings. Both redingote and polo- naise are usually finished at the throat by either a high quilted ruff, or else a flat rolling collar with reverse and deep cufis upon the sleeves. The skirts worn in the street with these over-dresses, are rather short, just touch- ing the ground and very scant, covered either with ruffles, flounces, ur tieep kilted plaiting. Boots, kid, or lasting faced with kid, buttoned and made rather high, to cover and support the ankle. Gloves, which are of smooth or undressed kid, must invariably match the cos- tume perfectly. The aumoniere is a strik- ing feature of some handsome street suits. It is a small bag of Russia leather, velvet, silk, or satin, richly embroidered in gold, silver, jet or floss, often with a monogram. It is suspended from the waist by straps of ribbon or velvet. In summer, a long chain is often worn at the waistband, on which hangs a fan, a vinaigrette, or purse, and often a variety of pretty and useful trifles. In rainy or threatening weather a small silk umbrella is hooked l)y a chain to the belt and hangs on the right side. Veils are of Ijlack lace, plain or dotted with jet, only large enough to cover the face like a mask. It is hardly possible to fix the epoch of hats; indeed it is hard for the uninitiated to distin- guish them from bonnets, as the latter are not worn with strings except by elderly ladies. Many are modeled on the Directoire, with a stiff diadem brim, while others are of the graceful Cavalier shape, and others again re- call the toque of the old Huguenots. The favorite shapes are the Directoire, garlanded with flowers, the Corday, with a high, soft crown of velvet or silk trimmed with the same materials and lace — one large rose placed co- quettishly on the left, resting on the hair. There is a very graceful Bolero hat made either of felt, straw or velvet, the rather wide brim, faced with velvet, and turned up on the left side by a handsome jet, silver or steel or- nament, which fastens a long ostrich feather. This encircles all the crown, droo])ing grace- fully behind. In the way of coiftures we have returned to the mode of half a century ago. The hair raised straight up from the roots and disposed in large finger pufts on top of the head, while the forehead is partially concealed by light frizzes, or ripling waves of hair. With this style of coiffure, one flower or a small tuft of feathers or a handsome jewelled aigrette, is an all-sufficient ornament. Silks have never been richer in texture or more varied and exquisite in hue. F"or evening dresses, we have greens, from the intense glaring arsen- ical dyes, to the dull yellowish Nile-water, or the soft sheen of sea water on soundings. 428 HISTORY OF CHESTEK. Tlioii the ricli gentian, and tlic pale silvery glacier blue. Exquisite jjinkish mauve like lilacs in spring, myriad shades of violet, deep- ening to imperial i)urple. Faint delicious blush rose, ranging over every variety of pink, to richest ghjwing crimson. Then the soft, rem colors, the chestnut and chocolate browns, the slate, and mignonette, and lichen greys." About 45 years ago, when fashion- able ladies in our larger cities wore very short dresses with pantalets, like coun- try girls of eight or ten years do now, a Chester lady attempted to introduce the fashion there, and while walking the streets thus attired, was mobbed by the school-boys, and had to be taken to Mrs. Preston Eyre's resi- dence, in the dwelling part of the Delaware County Bank building. XLVI. Some idea of the growth of Chester may be obtained from contrasting the number of the wholesale and retail dealers of foreign and domestic mer- chandise of 1853, with that of 1873. The number assessed for the payment of mercantile taxes in 1873, ^^^5 i^ Chester proper, 248; in South Ches- ter, 19. Total, 267. The list in 1853, contains only 46, as follows : D. R. Esrcy, Shoemaker & Brother, Thomas Liversidge, Edward Minshall, Broomall & Stevenson, Eliza Finch, jarman & Di.\on, William Lear, I^vi Kline, George Baker, Elijah S. Howes, James Fawley, Gibson & Gray, James G. Shaw, Charles McDevitt, Joseph Ladomus, Henry C. Price, Thomas T. Thurlow, Jacob Tuch, Joshua Beaumont, James Hampson, Samuel Ulrich, William Borden, H. J. Gibson, William Booth, Hinkson & Baker, R. R. Dutton, Lewis & Campbell, Thomas M. Smith, Jonathan Dutton, Joseph Entwisle, Dennis Clark, Samuel Starr, Kaufman & Goodman, Abraham Goldsmith, Johnson & Cochran, John IVI. Allen, Charles W. Raborg, L R. Gibbs, William B. Kerlin, William Reeves, William Vi. Schiireman John Goff, Stephen Cloud, Osgood R. Webster, Joseph McNamcc. During October, 1865, there appear- ed a couple of articles in The Press, of Philadelphia, entitled "The Rise AND Progress of Chester, her Ship- yards AND Machine Shops." These articles were reproduced in The Dela- ware County Republican, with edito- rial comments. These I give in .sub- stance, omitting some minor details. The first article says : "Among the many towns within 50 miles of Philadelphia, there is no single one, probably, of which less is known than Chester. The old residents of our city remember it only as a small settlement, noted for its antiquity, and the excellent qualities of its people; and the citizens of later birth know it only as a station on the road to Wil- mington and Baltimore, where, as the train tarries for a moment, he sees a small crowd of sturdy-looking males and pretty featured lasses gazing at the passengers. To the visitor alone — he who spends a few hours in walk- ing through its ship and boat yards, its machine shops and factories, can Chester appear in that creditable as- pect which every thriving, flourishing town presents. Sixteen years have accomplished more for Chester than a previous cen- tury did. It was generally conceded in the year 1849, that Chester had attained that rank among towns which gave its citizens the right to believe that it was finished, and ready to be surrounded by a fence ; but in that year John Larkin, Jr., commenced to improve the north end of the Borough, and John M. Broomall and John P. Crozer, having purchased one or more farms at the lower end, had the land laid out into town lots, and offered li- beral inducements for persons to build. The poi)ulation then numbered only HISTORY OF CHESTEK. 429 700, and the l)uilt-up portion was con- fined to the space between the Phila- delphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad and the Delaware River east of Chester Creek ; but so eagerly were the offers of the capitalists accepted, that in four years the town had ex- tended north and south, and 2,000 persons claimed it as their home. Seven years later (i860) the popula- tion had increased to 6,000, and at the present time it is estimated at be- tween eight and nine thousand, with a lack of dwellings, which the erec- tion of three or four hundred cannot supply. Prior to i860, there were in Ches- ter eleven cotton and woolen mills, three shipyards and one machine shop, employing in all about seven or eight hundred hands. Now, there are six- teen mills, six shipyards and five ma- chine shops. In i860, the Messrs. Reaney, William Frick, and other wealthy and influential men, removed to Chester, and invested a large amount of money in land, which they imme- diately commenced to improve, and the results of which are now apparent, not only in the great number of build- ings which have been erected during the last five years, but in the vast in- crease in the value of the property, much of which could have been pur- chased, even two years ago, for $500 an acre, but which cannot now be bought for six times that sum. In 1863, Mr. Broomall, William Ward, Thomas Reany and others, purchased about $175,000 worth of land, and, under the title of the Lamokin Im- provement Company, built and sold to their present occupants a number of comfortable dwellings. Other pur- chasers soon perceived the advantages of Chester, and among them may be noted : The Chester Manufacturing Company, builders of locomotives and cars ; Messrs. Williamson and Wilson, wholesale iron, coal and lumber deal- ers ; Stevenson, the ship-builder ; and Green, whose brass foundry looms up in the distance, half a mile below the borough line. The Lamokin Improve- ment Co., have recently presented five acres of land to the Philadelphia, Wil- mington and Baltimore Railroad Co., on which is to be erected a passenger and freight depot and a large hotel. A short distance below the mouth of Chester Creek is located the canal- boat and coal-boat establishment of William Frick & Co., late of the firm of Frick, Slifer & Co., of Lewisburg, in this State. Coming to this section in the spring of i860, they located on the southern outskirts of Chester, and by the proper application of labor and means, soon converted nine or ten acres of pasture land into a flourishing business site. Piers were erected run- ning some seven hundred feet into the Delaware River; thousands of dollars wefe expended in filling up low and marshy ground ; and all the buildings and machinery necessary to carry on theif works were erected. , Although theif specialties are the building of canal boats and coal cars, there are fa- cilities in the yard for the building of any and every kind of craft, from a small row-boat to a ship of three thou- sand tons. The lumber that is used — and Mr. Frick informs Us that they consume as much or more than any ship-yard in the countr)', and more than any twen- ty boat-yards in the State — is brought down from the upper Susquehanna, and sawed at the yard into the various straight and crooked forms which are to fit it for the interior and exterior of 430 HISTORY OF CHESTER. boats and cars. The boats arc of four or five different patterns, framed to suit the width and depth of the canals. We noticed them in all stages of building, some with the keel only laid, others ready for planking, and others again receiving the last touches from the painter's brush ; but all exhibiting that outward appearance of strength and durability which always pleases a coal company. Those intended for the Morris Canal, of New Jersey, carry about seventy tons; those of Lehigh, eighty or ninety tons; those of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, opera- ting on the Delaware and Hudson Ca- nal, one hundred and twenty tons, and those for the Schuylkill navigation as high as from one hundred and eighty to two hundred tons. About one hun- dred and fifty hands are employed by Messrs. Frick & Co., and if necessary, one boat a day can be turned out. Everything is done at this establish- ment by contract. The moulding of the boat frame is accomplished by the "gang" employed by one contractor. The frame is run through the jig-saw by another gang; a third puts it to- gether, and places it on the keel; a fourth planks it to the bilge; a fifth planks the bilge and bottom ; a sixth at- tends to the clamps, kelsons, knees, ceiling and other inside work ; a seventh puts on the deck ; an eighth makes the cabin and hatches; the caulkers then attend to their duties; the painters fol- low, and when ready for the water, another gang attends to the launching. In the making of cars the same sys- tem is adopted, and while one i)arty frames them another sets them up, an- other does the painting, and a fourth has charge of all the forging. About $ 1 75 ,000 have been invested by Messrs. Frick i\: Co.. and not less than half a million a year is the value of the busi- ness at this one yard. The saw mill has a capacity of about five million feet a year. Below this yard, Wilson & Morris have nine acres enclosed, and prosecute the boat and car business, but on a more extensive scale than at the upper establishment. Although they only l)roke ground last May, and have not yet completed their buildings, forty canal-boats have been already built. About $150,000 have been, or will be expended in all in fitting up this yard, and when completed the cai)acity will be about one boat and from two to four cars a day. In a large build- ing, 156 feet by 60 feet wide, will not only be placed all the machinery, ex- cept that which is to be found in the saw-mill, but all that will be necessary to keep a sash and door manufactory, capable of doing $100,000 worth of work per annum, in operation. A saw- mill, capable of turning out eighty thousand feet of lumber a week, is be- ing erected, a large blacksmith shoj) is already in operation, lengthy piers are being extended into the river, and at the opening of the spring of i866, not less than four hundred hands will be employed. Adjoining the upper yard of Frick & Co., to the south, is the immense establishment of Reaney, Son &: Arch- bold, probably the largest and most complete of the kind in the country. There, within an area of twenty-three acres, eight or. nine hundred men — carpenters, blacksmiths, coppersmiths and others — daily i)ly their respective avocations, earning for themselves a comfortable remuneration, and giving to their employers a reputation and a fortune. Along twelve hundred feet of tlie ri\er front, and extendin'; back HISTORY OF CHESTER. 431 to Front street, may be seen the build- ings of this noted firm, and not the least of the facilities offered to ship- owners, is the marine railway, capable of holding a vessel of seven hundred tons burden. Orders for work are re- ceived from all parts of the country, and not only are iron and wooden crafts of all sizes and forms constructed at this yard, but also all kinds of machinery for use upon the land and upon the sea, and huge locomotives, which would be a credit to Baldwin or Norris, of our own city. About three-fourths of the work performed is marine, and with an in- vestment of about three-fourths of a million of dollars, the business has averaged about one millions of dollars a year during the last five years. To enumerate all the brick and frame structures within the enclosure of the Pennsylvania Iron Works, for such they are termed, would occupy more space than we have at our command ; but to convey an idea of the immensity of the establishment, we give a brief descrip- tion of a few: The erecting-shop, in which all kinds of machinery is erected, is i6o feet long, 60 feet wide, and 34 feet high, and has within itswalls three cranes, each of which is capable of raising thirty tons. The machine shop is two stories high, 150 feet long, and 60 feet wide, the upper floor being used for the making and storing of patterns. The blacksmith shop is 130 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 30 feet high, and has within it a one ton steam hammer, and a Nasymth double-acting steam hammer recently imported from England, at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars, and which can strike a blow equal to the force of 4500 pounds; a boiler shop 150 feet long by 60 feet wide, with wing attached, 80 feet long and 50 feet wide; a foundry 160 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 32 feet high, in which are two cranes, each capable of lifting thirty tons, and with cupolas capable of making a casting of thirty-five tons weight ; a car shop 200 feet long by 50 feet wide, with a wing attached of 80 feet in length ; a coppersmith-shop and brass-foundry and numerous buildings connected with the boat-yard in which are kept punches, shears, rollers, presses and furnaces, capable of doing the heaviest work in the iron ship-building line. To the uninitiated, the ease with which one of the punches, weighing some twelve tons, can force a three inch hole through a two inch plate of iron, is astonishing, a huge pair of shears, near by, clips without difficulty, a piece of inch-and-a-half iron. About 25000 tons of coal and 3000 tons of iron are used in the course of a year. During the war, Reaney, Son & Archbold, did avast deal of work for the Government, and hundreds of thousands of dollars were added to their receipts from this source in the single item of repairs. They built and fitted out three monitors — the Sanga?}ion, Lehigh and Tunxis, one gunboat — the Tahoma ; four dou- ble-enders — the Paul Jones, Wateree, Suwanee and Shamokin ; and two tugs — the Pinta and Nina. During the same period they have built and launch- ed fifty merchant vessels, in size from a tug-boat to a steamer of nearly fifteen hundred tons; but by far the finest in every respect which has yet been launch- ed from their ways is the Thomas Kelso, a steamer intended for the Chesapeake Bay route. Reaney & Archbold have purchased a large quantity of land just outside their business establishments, upon a portion of which they have erected fifty or sixty houses for the ac- commodation of their workmen, and are now building at their own expense, 432 HISTORY OF CUESTEK. a hamlsoiiK' brick Presbyterian church, which will seat about seven hundred persons." The editor of the Republican in com- menting on the above article says, among- other things: " \ single ward only in our Borough has been described. We have now in operation forty steam engines, nineteen of which are in the undescribed portion. Three additional facto- ries are in process of erection ; and then we have the flourishing villages of Upland, Leiper- ville, Shoemakerville, Waterville, and Lin- wood. The first named has a population of over looo. These villages are near enough to us to be counted suburbs of our town. We estimate our population at looo more than the credit given. Our facilities for communica- tion with the outside world are unsurpassed. We have thirty-four arrivals and departures^ daily, of passenger and freight trains, three or four steamers daily, one steam freight boat and two sailing packets. There is a projected rail- road of about eight miles from the terminus of the Baltimore Central road, down the valley of Chester Creek, which will connect us with this road and the Philadelphia and West Chester railroad, with the two sections of our rich sis- ter county of Chester, with the prosperous counties in Maryland through which the Cen- tral road passes, and with the great Pennsyl- vania road, by which we can be supplied with lime, timber, iron and bituminous coal, and send in return our manufactured lumber, Jer- sey produce, fish, and the products of our manu- factories and workshops. In addition to our river front, where land has advanced to the fabulous prices stated, we have a fine tide-water, navigable stream, running through the centre of our town, and another along its northern boundary, upon both of which are eligible sites for manufacturing purposes, and on which land can be purchased at less than one-half, and some at less than one-third the price named on the Delaware. The ex- tensive works, and the improvements now be- ing made by Crosby P. Morton, Miller & Al- len, the Messrs. Spencer and Henry MTlvain and other citizens are worthy of notice." A second article in the Press says: "The income derived from ('iiester by the Government in 1864 was about ;^5o,ooo; and among the wealthiest citi- zens may be named the Crozer family, who had in the aggregate last year an income of about ^225,000. Samuel M. Felton, the late estimable President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad Co., about S26,- 000 ; Abraham R. Perkins, one of the oldest dry-goods merchants of Phila- deli)hia, about $18,000 ; Thomas Rea- ney & Son, about ^28,000 ; R. N. Thompson, about $11,000, and L. T. Rutter about $8,000. Samuel Eccles paid a tax for 1864 of $1,034, and the Gartside family more than $2,000. Probably no town in the State has grown with the same rapidity as Ches- ter. In the North Ward we find two cot- ton and three woolen mills in opera- tion, and three woolen and one cotton mill building. One of the first belongs to Gen. Robert Patterson, of this city, and is operated under the supervision of James Stevens. It is known as the 'Broadstreet Mill,' has 6000 spindles, and employs 200 hands. The fabrics made are shirting stripes, table cloths, ticking and denims, about 5000 yards of which are turned out every day, re- quiring in the course of a week some 8000 pounds of raw material. The other cotton factory belongs to Abra- ham Blakely, and employs about 100 males and females, who, with 3000 spin- dles and about 4000 pounds of raw ma- terial a week, tin-n out over 21,000 yards of fabric. In the Middle Ward are two cotton factories, one belonging to Gen. Patterson, and operated by Stephens, and the other owned by Wil- liam Lewis. The former, known as the 'Henry Clay,' is situated in the centre of the borough, in the old build- ing familiarly known as the 'old Jail.' HISTORY OF CIIESTEK. 433 This antiquated structure has been I greatly enlarged, and throughout its 1 length, breadth and height, we find ex- pensive machinery in operation. About 125 persons are employed, and during working hours, 3500 spindles are kept continually revolving. 5000 pounds of raw material are used each week, and from 3500 to 4000 yards of shirt- ing stripes, ticks and denims manu- factured each day. Mr. Lewis's mill, the ' Chester Dock,' is about the same capacity as the 'Henry Clay.' In the South Ward there are one cot- ton and six woolen mills, the former belonging to Irving & Leiper, and em- ploying about 60 hands. It has 2000 spindles, and turns out about 3000 pounds of yarn per week. It is esti- mated that in the two mills belonging to Gen. Patterson, no less than $325,- 000 have been invested, and that the sales during the present year will amount to ^700,000, or nearly ^200,000 more than the combined sales of the cotton and woolen mills in 1859. The princi- pal manufacturers of woolen goods in Chester are the Gartside family. The father and two sons have one mill in the South Ward, and another son, John, has one in the same locality. The first is situate near the river bank, and is confined exclusively to the manufac- ture of Kentucky jeans, although dur- ing the war an immense quantity of army goods were made there. It con- tains three sets of machinery, 52 looms, and with 75 employees turns out about 7000 yards a week, the quantity of raw material required during the six days being about 3600 pounds. John Gart- side' s mill is much smaller, but con- tains the same number of sets of ma- chinery, and manufactures flannels of different colors, of which 5000 yards a week are made, requiring 400 jiounds a day of raw material. Samuel Eccles, Jr., who removed to Chester about six years ago and engaged in the wool- en business, has a mill on James Street, which contains two sets of machinery and 38 looms, and employs about 40 persons. About 2500 pounds of mate- rial is used, and about 5000 yards of Kentucky jeans are manufactured per week. The other woolen mills in the South Ward are the Lamokin, in which cas- simeres are manufactured; Lilley & Yarnall's jean mill ; and Hall & Long- botham's, in which jeans are made, and cotton goods finished and bleached, and each has about the same capacity as Mr. Eccles'. Mr. Green's mill, and that of Mr. Lownes, and the others, situated in North Ward, manufacture woolen goods. Chester has but one newspaper, con- ducted by Y. S. Walter, the present proprietor, who is also the editor and local reporter. He issued the first num- ber of the Delaware County Republi- can in the year 1833, ^^^ t)y the ju- dicious use of his pen and by patient industry, has made his journal one of the most successful, and certainly the neatest in appearance, of the inland Pennsylvania press. The property of Gen. Edward F. Beale the accomplished traveller, and who, of late, has become noted as an elo- quent Union orator, comprising about twenty-six acres, situated in the centre of the town and watered by Chester Creek, has been divided into town lots, and will be placed in the market. He owns the attractive spot adjoining the railroad depot, which, from the sum- mer beauty of its forest and deciduous trees, adds so much to the appearance of Chester. Crosbv P. Morton, wlio had done l:il ISTOHV OK CHESTER. so inucli for C'hestcr, has lately pur- chased a large number of acres in Mid- dle Ward, which, having been divided into town lots, many have already found purchasers. The extensive factory of John J. Green, and that of Mr. Lewis, are erected upon this new purchase. Mr. Morton has erected a large num- ber of dwelling houses for the opera- tives of these factories. He has also built a dockj into which the tide of the Delaware ebbs and flows, and at which lumber and coal can be landed. Accommodations for the shipping of the town have not been overlooked. Mr. Baker, who recently purchased the wharf property owned by Thomas I. Leiper, is engaged in building a wharf of over one hundred yards in length, which will secure to vessels arriving from foreign ports a safe anchorage. Lewis Ladomus and Wm. H. Flavill have purchased a tract of land in North Ward, overlooking the Borough pro- per, which they have laid out into build- ing lots." During the winter of 1871-2, the second Japanese Embassy visited the United States. The Philadelphia In- ijuirer, of Apl. 8, 1872, says : " Yester- day was the last day of the sojourn of the Japanese Embassy in our city. The committee of escort determined to af- ford them a pleasant trip down the river as far as Chester, as a fitting termination of their visit, and this came off on Sat- urday, (April 6, 1872,) on board the U. S. Revenue Marine Steamer Colfax, just returned from a three months' cruise off Cape Henry and Henlopen, where she has been assisting vessels in distress. She is a new craft, having been, built last year at Kaighn's Point. The day was a remarkably fine one, and the trip was enjoyed by all on board. The numerous vessels whose white sails studded the river, and tlie different descriptions of river craft, and ships and schooners, added great- ly to the beauty of the scene. The vessel ran close to League Island so as to afford the embassy a good view of the Monitors stationed there, and the preparations being made for tlie re- moval of the Navy Yard to the island. About half past three o'clock the ves- sel hove to at the landing at Chester. The party landed and commenced an inspection of the extensive establish- ment of the Delaware River Iron Shij)- building and Engine Works. These are the largest in the country, and give employment to one thousand men. A revenue cutter, called the Mistletoe, has just been completed for the United States. She is a beautiful craft, and elicited much admiration from the com- pany. Upon the stocks in progress of construction is an iron steamship for the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 301 feet in length, and to-day the keel of another vessel, twelve feet longer, for the same company, will be laid. Also, a steamship for the Galveston and New York line, 232 feet long ; a steamer for a private individual, and an iron ferry- boat for the Hunter's Point and New York Ferry Company, besides several steam tugs. The entire establishment, which resembles a huge hive of indus- try, was thoroughly inspected. The machine shop, which is said to be one of the most complete in the world, received many favorable comments from Hidi. An hour was passed in this most interesting place, after which the party re-embarked, and the Colfax started on her return to the city. When off Fort Mifflin a salute of twenty-one guns was fired in honor of the distin- guished guests. After the salute. Tommy proposed three cheers for the IIISTOKY OF CHESTER. 4-55 Co/fax, whicli were given with a will. From the mainmast of the vessel the flag of Japan proudly fluttered. The Japanese before leaving the boat, regis- tered their names on the " log" of the vessel. Tommy, was one of the suite of the Embassy on this occasion and in the former one, which was the first embassy ever sent out by Japan to a Christian nation. Tommy was jolly and full of fun, a favorite with every one." The following remarks of Hon. Washington Townsend, the Represen- tative in the United States Congress from Chester and Delaware Counties, made on Dec. 4, 1873, ^^^ '^'^''7 ''^P' propriate in this connection. Mr. Townsend, (Pa.) said: " I take issue with the gentleman from Maine, (Mr. Lynch), when he tells the House that there are no private ship-yards in the country that are capa- ble of building vessels of war. I want to say to him, that of my own knowledge there are ship-yards to-day that are executing contracts for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and for other companies, and are building ships under the i-equirements of the acts of Con- gress, that are suitable for vessels of war. A ship-yard at Chester, Pa., has just launched one of the most magnificent iron vessels that the merchant service of this country ever pos- sessed ; a vessel of about two thousand tons burden, made of iron, and so made that at any time it can l)e turned into a vessel of war at very little exjiensc. l,., and Mary B. Mrs. Flower died, June 19, 1832, and her husband, Feb. 14, 1846. Rev. Thomas B. Flower, -^ovl of Z. W. and Mary B., married Rebecca T. Brown, of Chestertown, Md., where he had charge of a church for several years; and^/. July, 1863, leaving James F., Archibald T., Mary B. D., and Joseph S. Flower. James and Mary died without issue. John Flower married Mary A. Gra- ham, of Chester. They had issue, Reese W., Hannah G., Gilbert E., Archibald T. D., Margaret R., Richard H. and Thomas B. Reese W. tn. Annie E^llis, of Williamsport ; issue, Henry E. and Marion E. Hannah G. t)i. Henry C. Carr, of Petersburg, Va. ; have Henry C, Mary F. and an infant. Margaret R. m. Benjamin Shipley, Carrol Co., Md. ; have one child, Henry. The other children of John and Mary G. Flower are single. When the late war of the Rebellion broke out, John Flower, (son of Zedekiah W. and Mary B.,) was living on a farm in Din- widdle County, Va., three miles from Petersburg. He wa,s the only ]XTson in the county who voted for Virginia's HISTORY OF CHESTER. 439 remaining in the Union. His vote was recorded, and he was requested to leave the State at once, but before he could do so, he was seized and kept in prison for five months and seven days. He was then released on bail and made his escape to the North, and a few years afterwards removed to Howard County, Md., where he died, July I, 1873, ^T^om the effects of his imprisonment, having been a sufferer and in feeble health ever after his re^ lease. Richard, 4th child of Z. W. and Mary B. Flower, married Eleanor Graham, of Chester, and had Zede- kiah W., William E., Edward G., Reese W., Richard, Archibald T. D., and Mary B. Z. W., Jr., married Margaret A. Kensil, of Montgomery County; had Cora M., and Eleanor G. William E., married Margaret H. Sheperdson, of Germantown ; have issue, Richard and David B. Reese W., married Helen Brouse, of Chelten- ham; had one child, Jeanette. Zede- kiah W., entered " CoUis' Zouaves," Aug. 14, 1862, and on Nov. 15, en- listed in the 5th Regular Cavalry'; discharged, Nov. 15, 1865. William E., went in the army as a substitute for his father, who was drafted in the State draft for 9 months, Oct. 17, 1862 ; discharged, July 26, 1863. The other children are single, and reside with their parents in Mont- gomery County. Hannah G., 5th child of Z. W. and Mary B. Flower, married Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., of West Chester. They afterwards removed to Media. They have Griffith, Mary B. D., George B. , Archibald D. , and Christopher F. Hannah G. Thomas, died Jan. 20, 1870. Her brother, Archibald T. D. Flower, died Oct. 1837. Mary B. Flower, dau. of Z. W. and Mary B., married John C. Knowles, of Darby Township. They have one daughter, Fanny M. N., and a son, Henry B. Knowles. William G. Flower, son of Rich- ard and Henrietta, of Lamokin, was born Nov. 27, 1794. He was a very active business man all his days. In 1824 he rented the Chester Mills, and operated them until after the death of his father, when they were sold to divide his estate. During the great freshet of August 1843, when the creeks became so swollen, William G. Flower being in the meadow, near his mill, when the flood came down in great waves, which spectators stated were from three to four feet in height, it swept him before it. He was carried into the old mill race, where, catching hold of a grape- vine, he drew himself into a tree, but no sooner had he clasped the trunk, than the tree was torn from the earth and borne rapidly down the creek. After some moments of peril, during which his life was in great danger from the floating timber, trees and other debris whirled down the stream by the flood, he succeeded in grasping the branches of another tree, still stand- ing, and drew himself to a place of safety. William G. Flower married Susan, dau. of William and Sarah S(mith) Bratton, and died Aug. 21, 1865, leaving surviving him his widow and five children ; Marietta, Anna Maria, (now deceased,) Willi am G., Charles, and John Reese Flower. Mary Ann, daughter of Richard and Henrietta Flower, of Lamokin, was born in 1800, and married Tru- man M. Hubbell. Their son, Wm. Wheeler Hubbell, Esq., a member of the Philadeli)hia Bar, was the in- 440 HISTORY OF CHP]STEK. ventor of the '' 'I'huiulerbolt Shell," used by the Government of the United States during the late " unpleasantness" with the South, and lately, by Act of Congress, received a handsome re- muneration, to which he was justly entitled. Jemima E., daughter of Richard and Henrietta Flower, born June 30, 1804, married Nov. 8, 1827, Jeremiah Williamson Flickwir, born in Phila- delphia, July 4, 1802 ; son of David and Rebecca W. ; apprenticed when 12 years old, to his cousin, Peter Wil- liamson, a druggist, at 2d and Almond streets. He commenced business on his own account when 20 years old, at 2d and Mead, where he resided un- til 1839, when he moved to Chester, to Fairview Farm, which he purchased of Stephen Madgin. In 1844, he re- turned to his native city, and became connected with the drug house of J. P. & William Wetherill. Upon the death of John Price Wetherill, he re- turned to his farm and remained there until February, 1861, when he sold it to James Garland, and removed to Ches- ter, and was Deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Revenue until his death, Oct. 27, 1866. In Dec. 1864, he opened a drug store in National Hall, where he soon built up a large business. He was buried in Chester Rural Cemetery, leaving issue; Henrietta G., David Henry, Richard F., Mary Gardiner, Josephine W., (died in 1863,) Anna Sophia, Helen G. , and Sallie Flickwir. Anna S. Flickwir, married John Warrington Caldwell, son of John, Nov. II, 1869, they have John Alfred, and Mary, an infant. David H. Flickwir, Ijorn in Phila- delphia, removed to Illinois, mar- ried Rebecca C, daughter of C. J. and Kli/.ai)eth Norbury, formerly of Phila{leli)hia, Oct. 22, 1861, and has issue ; Jeremiah W., Elizabeth Spence, Charles N., David H., Jr., and Joseph W. Flickwir. Richard F. Flickwir, born in Phila- delphia, entered the dry goods house of Taylor & Paulding; and when they retired from business in 1856, he re- moved to Illinois, where he engaged in business with his brother Z^aw'^ for eight years. In Oct. 1864, he re- moved to Chester, and entered busi- ness with his father, and sold out his drug store in 1869, to Dr. William B. Ulrich, and is now assistant Postmaster at Chester. Reese Wall Flower, son of Rich- ard and Henrietta of Lamokin, was a lumber merchant in Philadelphia. After retiring from business he resided for many years upon his plantation in Upper Darby ; finally he removed to West Philadelphia, where he died, un- married, June 27, 1875, aged 69 years, leaving nearly all his large estate to the University of Pennsylvania to found an Astronomical Observatory. Henrietta G., daughter of Rich- ard and Henrietta Flower, born at Chester Mills, Upland, June 20, 1809, married John Wayne Ashmead, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, Nov. 27, 1S29. Mr. A.'s family were among the earliest settlers in that city; John Ashmead, from England, having come to America in 1682. He was a son of William and Margaret (McKinley) Ashmearl, and a grand-son of Capt. John A., the fourth John in direct de- scent from John the first settler at Cheltenham, Bucks, and was born in Philadelphia, May 16, 1806. Having lost his parents in infancy, he was brought up by three maternal aunts. At 15 years of age, he wasaj^prenticed to Isaac Ashmead to learn printing, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 441 and in 1824, began to read law with the late Judge of Admiralty, Archibald Randall, now deceased, working at his trade by day and studying law by night. At that time the rules of Court required that the last year of a student reading law should be actually passed in the office of a practicing" attorney. It was therefore necessary for Mr. Ashmead, in order to obtain that year, to purchase his time of his master. To make the sum requisite — $150, he worked over time, collecting and printing the popular songs of the day in pamphlet form, setting up all the matter and doing all the press-work himself. This exciting life of work and hard study nearly killed our am- bitious youth ; bringing on an attack of brain fever. Previous to his sick- ness, he got only three or four hours sleep at nights. The song books he sold at wholesale to stationers, and made enough to pay for his time. May 5, 1827, he was called to the Bar. His brother, the Rev. William Ashmead, who had attained a prominent posi- tion in the Presbyterian Church, a short sketch of whose life may be seen in ' ' Spragtie' s Annals of the American Church,'''' loaned him enough to fur- nish his office. From this time he had a successful life as a barrister. In 1832, he was elected a member of the Legislature, and shortly afterwards, during the attorney generalship of George M. Dallas and Ellis Lewis, he was deputy Attorney General for Phila- delphia. In 1838, he purchased Kenil- worth, a farm adjoining Lamokin, and erected a handsome country residence there, which he occupied during the summer seasons with his family. In 1843, be was one of the original orga- nizers of the " Native American Party," and was its candidate for Congress in the First District, but was defeated. In 1849, ^""^ ^^'^^ appointed by General Taylor, U. S. District Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and was accounted one of the most able re- presentatives the Government ever had in that position. He held that office during Mr. Fillmore's term, and for a year under General Peirce. Before consolidation of the outlying districts with the city of Philadelphia, he was attorney for several of them, and had a large practice besides. His former office and residence in the city is now owned and occupied by Samuel C. Perkins, Esq., P. G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Pa., A. Y. M. In 1856, Mr. Ashmead removed to New York city, where he soon gathered an extensive practice, and was en- gaged in the celebrated Cancemi case, who, after having been convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of a policeman, Mr. A. obtained for him a succession of new trials, and finally saved his life. Cancemi was sen- tenced to death three times ; on the fourth trial he was convicted of man- slaughter. On April 7, 1868, John W. Ashmead died at his country seat, Clinton Place, near Newark, N. J., in his 6 2d year. Mr. A. was the author of '^^ Ashmead'' s IieJ>orts,'' a series of articles on Chatterton, in the Casket, a volume of " Speeches delivered at the Bar,''' and a number of political pamphlets in manuscript, now in possession of his widow. Kenilworth, the house erected by Mr. Ashmead, in South Ward, of the present city of Chester, and lately known as "The Reaney Mansion," was built in 1838, and finished in 1840, from designs furnished by Mr. Strickland, the leading architect of the country at that day, at a cost of s. U. S., 1864, No. 2124, on Jan. 24, 1S70. " For years, private parties, as well as various officers of the Army and Navy, had been directing their thoughts and inventive powers to the production of a Fuse that should be both certain and exact in the explosion of shells. Among these, as the evidence de- monstrates, there was no more intelligent, scientific, and persistent worker than the claimant. It is fully sustained by the evi- dence, that he has contributed, in an important degree, by his inventions, to the present im- proved and efficient projectiles in use in our Army and Navy. We further find, that Hubbell was the first and original inventor of the time and impact Fuse, as claimed by him in his patent of Jan. 7, 1862. And, that such Fuse has been largely and extensively used by the United States, in violation of his rights as patentee. And, that he is justly and equitably entitled to com- pensation therefor, under the joint resolution of Congress. We further find, that Hubbell, the claim- ant, is the first and original inventor of the percussion Fuse, as claimed in his patent of Jan. 24, i860. It is proved that these fuses have been used in great numbers by the United States, in derogation of claimant's rights, scr cured by his patents. That these inventions have lieen and are of great importance to the Government is appar- ent. Several millions of these fuses were used during the war of the Rebellion. His right in every respect to compensation is complete and perfect, and nothing has been shown from which we can infer that he had relinquished or released that right, that he has donated its use to the United States, or in anywise abandoned his invention." Under this decision, Mr. Hubbell was awarded and received a handsome sum from the Government ; but Con- gress having limited the power of the Court, lie did not receive his entire claim. These inventions sunk the Alabama in the British Channel ; her English shells failed ; but Hubbell's, fired by the Kearsarge, exploded in the sides of the Alabama, and sent her to the bot- tom. He claims ^200,000 from Congress, before which the claim is pending, with Reports in both Houses in his favor. The Union owes him a debt of gratitude for these inventions. William Wheeler Hubbell, m. Eliza- beth Catharine Ramillie, of Charleston, S. C, dau. of Paul and Mary (Whit- ley,) Dec. 14, 1848, and has issue liv- ing : Walter, Lawrence, Eleanor, Al- bert, lilizabeth, and Paul R. Paul Ramillie was the son of Paul, the son of Christopher. The family was amongst the earliest settlers of South Carolina. The aged grand-parents live with them in Philadelphia. Richard Henry Hubbell, his bro- ther, now Superintendent of the Jack- son Steel Casting Works, at Allegheny City, Pa., residence, Chester,;;/. Char- lotte Morton, dau. of Aaron and Eliza- beth (Coburn, ) of Lower Chichester, and have issue: Marietta, Truman, Ida Francis, William, Samuel, Mor- ton, and Lottie. United States Patents were recently granted to William Wheeler and Rich- ard Henry Hubbell, for Improvements in Refining Cast Iron, which iron, tested at the Navy Yard, Washington, gave the unparalleled tensile strength of 60,958 pounds to the square inch. XLVIII. The following old certificate and re- turn of election of members of the As- sembly, is copied from Document No. 440 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 27, of the Logan Papers, \ol. V, en- dorsed J^oads, in the Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania, \iz: This Indenture made the fust day of Oeto- ber in the seventh year of the Reign of Queen Annie over England &c Anno Domi 1708, Be- tween John Iloskins Sheriff of the County of Chester of the one ^te and Caleb Pusey, Na- thaniel Newland, Nicholas Pyle, Jacob Sim- cock, Randall Varnam, Aaron James of the other ^te witnesseth that whereas by virtue of a Charter of Priviledge to the Inhabitants and fifreeholders of the Province of Pennsilvania Granted by the Monble William Penn, Esq"", Propty &c Goven'' of the same. The fifree- holders and Inhabitants of the borough & Coun- ty of Chester on the first day of this instant October did meet at the usual place of meeting at Chester in this county aforesd Shute was a relative. Sven Shute, the S^oetie, came to America in 1648, or previously. He was a lieutenant in the Swedish service, and as Captain, was in command of Fort Cassimer when ft was surrendered l^y him to the Dutch, in 1655, and for which he was unjustly censured. He took the oath of allegiance to the Dutch gov- ernment and remained in this country. See Vincent's History of Delaware, i vol. 207, 241 to 245. See also an interesting little work called Two hundred years ago, or Life in N'c^v Sweden, printed in 1876, by the Am- erican Sunday School Union, Philadelphia. It is proper to state, however, that it is said, Atwood S/itite, the Mayor, was of Eng- lish descent. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 459 to be intimate with "Jack" (John P.) and Jackson Decatur. They lived in Spruce Street, north side, above Third Street, Philadelphia, at that time. Their elder brother, Stephen Decatur, is a Commodore in the United States Navy, but has been an invalid for many years from the effects of the Coast Fever of Africa. Jack fell dead giving an order on board of his ship, of which he was ist Lieutenant, in New York Harbor. He was an officer in the U. S. Navy. I have a punch-ket- tle of bell metal or German silver, for- merly used by old Commodore De- catur, on board the United States. It is very handsome, and I prize it highly. Elizabeth Shute, the wife of Daniel Smith, died in 1798, in her 39th year, having borne her husband thirteen chridren, not in this case an unlucky number, except for the mother; al- though six of them died before their mother, the rest lived to a good old age. Juliana, a daughter, wife of John Poulson, the editor of Poulson's Ad- vertiser, died at the age of 76; James, died in 1861, aged 80; Francis Gur- ney, in 1873, ^g^cl 89 ; and William, in 1872, aged 80; Richard S. Smith is 87 ; Daniel Smith, 86 ; and Colonel Charles S. Smith, 78. The six bro- thers have all celebrated their golden weddings ; all have lived in Philadel- phia from their youth, and all have occupied prominent positions in busi- ness and social circles. Richard S., married Eliza, daughter of John Beach, of Gloucester city, Mass., in the year 1813. They had issue, Atwood and Horace (deceased), and two daughters living. The following account of Calvary Episcopal Church, at Rockdale, which I persuaded Mr. Smith to relate to me. for it should not be lost, will show what good one man and three women can accomplish in a country neighbor- hood, when their hearts are in their work. He said: "When I went to live at Rockdale, there being no Epis- copal church within five miles of the place, we determined to make an effort to establish one, and at once founded a Sunday-School in a vacant room in one of the mills, my wife and daugh- ters, who were qualified by previous experience, taking charge of the classes while I acted as superintendent. This was in 1834, and the project was at- tended with so much success, that it led to the forming of a congregation, and the Bishop authorized Mr. King- ston Goddard, then a student of Di- vinity, to officiate as Lay reader. Sub- sequently the Advancement Society sent the Rev. Marmaduke Hurst as a missionary. The parish was then named by Bishop Onderdonk, Calvary Church and admitted to the conven- tion. By great exertion we succeeded with the liberal aid of friends, in rais- ing a fund for the erection of a church building, and the corner-stone was laid by Bishop Onderdonk, Aug. 18, 1836. The walls were put up and covered with a roof, the floor was laid, the base- ment, which was appropriated for the Sunday-School, was plastered, and the first service was held therein on Christ- mas Eve, 1836, the Rev. Richard D. Hall, of Chester, officiating. The ser- vices of the church and Sunday-School was thereafter regularly continued in the edifice ; the Sunday-School hav- ing about 100 scholars. \\\ October, 1838, Mr. Hurst, the missionary, re- signed, and the Rev. Alfred Lee was, upon my nomination, appointed Rec- tor, and agreed to serve for a very small salary, if a dwelling could l)e obtained 4()() HISTORY OF CHESTER. for his family near the church ; there being none, I invited him to live with us, which he did for three years, to our mutual happiness. During the time Mr. Lee had charge, we raised sufficient means to finish the church, putting in the pews and furnishing it simply but approi)riately. The com- municants increased to 120, and the Sunday-School scholars to 300. Our proximity to the State of Delaware, brought Mr. Lee to the notice of that diocese, which was then in charge of the Bishop of Pennsylvania. In 1841, Mr. Lee was unanimously elected Bishop of Delaware, and while we could not but mourn his separation from us, we were proud of the providential intro- duction through our humble parish, of so a])le a Bisliop into our beloved church. In 1845, ^ disposed of the Rockdale property to* Mr. McCready, reserving one acre for a burial ground adjoining the church. So my wife and daughters still kept up their labors in the Bible class with unabated interest and energy. I rented a house of Mr. John P. Crozer, about lialf a mile from the church, which I occupied till 1852, during the summer season; living in Philadelphia in the winter, in the house I had purchased there in Clinton Street, in 1838. In 1852, 1 purchased a small farm of 17 acres near Lenni station, in the immediate vicinity of the church, having on it a plain country farm house, which I somewhat enlarged, and in which I now(_i876) reside permanently; my daughters still laboring in the Bible classes and Sunday-School of Calvary Church, to which a chapel has been add- ed, as well as a handsome stone parson- age, a double building erected on three acres of the property purchased by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, Mr. William Martin and myself, which we donated to the church for that purpose. The parsonage cost $ 7000 to erect it. Since the resignation of Bishop Lee, the Rectors of Calvary Church have been, Rev. Charles Breck, six years ; Rev. John K. Murphy, fifteen years, suc- ceeded by Rev. William Ely, who en- tered on the charge in 1862. During this time the church has been enlarged and handsomely furnished, at a cost of ^4,500. The communicants num- ber over 80 ; the Bible classes and Sunday-School scholars, over 200. Three young men from the classes are now ministers of the church, and a fourth is studying for the ministry in the divinity school of the Episcopal Church. In 1874, the Rev. James Walker succeeded Mr. Ely as Rector. L. Sei'cn /lours to laio, to soothing shtntbcr seven. Ten to the 'coorld allot, and all to Heaven. Sir William Jones. The history of the Bench and Bar of Chester and Delaware Counties, commences in the early days of the settlement of the Swedes on the river, and it is peculiarly interesting to the members of the legal profession. Courts of Justice, it is presumed, were first established on the banks of the Dela- ware by the Swedish Governor Printz, who was instructed "to decide all con- troversies according to the laws, cus- toms and usages of Sweden." What Courts he established, and what was the mode of procedure therein, is, I believe, unknown. For Edward Arm- strong, Esq., in his introduction to the ^'Records of Upland Court,'' in vol. 7, p. 29, of the Memoirs of the Histori- cal Society of Pennsylvania, after giv- ing an interesting sketch of all that is known in reference to the rise, ])ro- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 461 gress and changes made in the adminis- tration of justice by the Swedes, Dutch and English, previous to the beginning of the Record on Nov. 14, 1676, says: *'If so little is known of the Dutch Courts, less is know of the Swedish." Printz fixed the seat of government in New Gottenburg on Tinicum, and there the principal persons among the Swedes, took up their residence, and there undoubtedly the first Courts of Justice were regularly established in what is now the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is not positively known whether either the Swedes or Dutch ever held a Court at Chester, previous to the time of the conquest of the country by the English, in 1664, and the pre- cise time at which it became a seat of Justice under the latter, cannot now be definitely determined. The Swedes, after their conquest by the Dutch, were still permitted to govern them- selves by their own magistrates, who were continued in office. They w«re directed to concentrate themselves in villages, (which they never did, how- ever) ; and among the places named for that purpose was Upland, now Chester. This conciliatory policy of the Dutch, was followed by the Eng- lish, who continued the Swedish magis- trates in authority with titles and pow- ers unknown to the English law. The probabilities are, therefore, that the Swedes established the first Court at Chester, which was recognized by the Dutch and again by the English, when they came into power. On Aug. 18, 1672, the "Court at Upland" was directed by the Court at New York, to try a case involving a title to land, which is proof positive, that previous to that time a Court was in existence at Chester, and that the first Courts, under English authority in Pennsyl- vania, held their sittings in that an- cient town. At a session of the Up- land Court, held June 13, 1677, it was ordered, " that no person. bee admit- ted to plead for any other person as an Attorney in Court, without he first have his admittance of the Court, or have a Warrant of Attorney for his so doing from his clyant." And at the November Court the same year, an order of the Governor, and the whole Council, was promulgated for the se- cond time, bearing date in May, 1677, as follows: -'Resolved and ordered that pleading Attorneys bee no longer allowed to practize in y^ Government but for y° depending causes. ' ' No rea- son is given for this order, and yet on the 1 6th of June of the same year, John Matthews was admitted as an Attorney, and took an oath "not to exact unallowed fees, not to take fees from both plaintiff and defendant, and that he will not take any apparent un- just cause in hand, but to behave as all Attorneys ought to do." Hazard's Annals, 439. The jurisdiction of the Upland Court extended from Christi- ana Creek to the head waters of the Delaware. I have made a list of the Justices of the Peace of the Upland Court, and of the Courts of Chester County, appointed and commissioned by William Penn and his Lieutenant Governors and Council, prior to the Revolution. It is compiled from the Colonial Records, the Minutes of the Court of Chester County, and other sources, and is as near complete as possible in regard to the names. Some few may be omitted, however, as in some cases the names of those ap- pointed are not given. Many were frequently re-appointed and held office I for a long series of years; for in- 462 HISTORY OF CHESTER. stance, John Crosby was appointed in 1724, and re-appointed on each occasion that a new commission for Justices was issued, until his death, in 1750. It would be useless to make a list with the repetition of the names, unless it could be made perfect, which I have found to be impossible. My object is only to give a list of the names of those who were Justices of the Courts, and have sat at Chester, as far as known. I know of no similar list. Members of Council were ex officio qualified to sit as Justices in any Court of the Province. The Court of Nov. 30th, 1681, was held before Wm. Markham, Esqr., " Governor & President," and ten Jus- tices. March 14th, 1681 (2), he was also President. June 13th, 1682, Wil- liam Clayton was so styled. Markham again Sept. 12, 1682. John Simcock, Feb. 14, 1682 (3), and Wm. Penn was "present" at Court, June 27, 1683. Christopher Taylor is spoken of by Dr. Smith as Presiding Justice in 1684. Peter Baynton was President of the Court on June 22, 1693, and George Foreman was present on the Bench as a member of the Council. In the minutes of the Courts the names of the Justices in attendance are given, and the first named is styled President; but even where the same Justices were pre- sent at different times, they were not presided over by the same one. In 1684, Taylor, Blunston, Wade and Wood are styled President at different times; in 1685, Blunston, Wood and Simcock; in 1686, Simcock, Bluns- ton and Maris; in 1687, Blunston and Bristow. It is probable that the oldest Justice, by commission, present at any session of the Court, presided ; if more than one, they took turns. In the proceedings of Council. 3 mo. 23, 1683, attested copies of all laws were directed to be sent to the President or Clerk of each County Court. The Chief Burgess of Chester, for the time being, was always included in each commission or set of Justices, but with- out the name being given. Thomas Cummings was Chief Burgess of Ches- ter in 1 731, and perhaps earlier. He sat at Court, 1732; Thomas Morgan appeared at Court, 1753-4-5-6 ; Sam- uel Howell in 1752; Joseph Hoskins in 1 757-8 ; Jonathan Cowpland, 1 759- 61 ; Paul Jackson, 1762, !)», 1790 James Biddle, appointed by Constitution of 1790 John D. Coxe, appointed . April 6 1797 William Tilghman, appointed . July 31 1805 Bird Wilson, April, 1806 John Ross, Feb'y 1818 Isaac Darlington, " May, 1821 Thomas S. Bell, " 1839 John M. Foster, " Dec. 1846 James Nill, Mar. 1847 Henry Chapman, " 1848 Townsend Haines, elected, Oct., 1851 William Butler, " 1861 John M. Broomall, appointed . April, 1874 Thomas J. CKiyton, elected Nov. 2 ,1874 Associate Judges. Thomas Lewis and George Pearce, . 1790 Elisha Price and Joseph Hibberd, . 1791 Hugh Lloyd, Mark Willcox, Richard Ril ;yand John Pearce, 1792 John Crosby and Hvigh Lloyd, 1799 Hugh Lloyd and Mark Willcox, . 1821 Hugh Lloyd and John Pearce, 1824 John Pearce and William Anderson, 1826 John Pearce and Joseph Engle, 1827 Joseph Engle and Henry Myers, 1834 Joseph Engle and Dr. George Smith, 1837 Joseph Engle and George G. Leiper, 1842 Sketchley Morton and James Andrews, 1852 Frederick J. Hinkson and James Andrews, 1857 Charles Williamson and James Andrews, 1 861 James Andrews and Dr. George Smith, 1862 Bartine Smith and Thomas Recce, . 1867 In January, 1877, the commissions of these Associate Lay Judges expired, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of 1873. The following Biographical Sketches are taken from the Historical Collec- tions of Chester County, in which I have made some alterations and additions: By an Act of Asseml^ly, passed Feb. 24, 1806, the State was re-districted. Philadel- phia was con.stituted the ist district, and the counties of Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks, the 7th district. Soon after the passage of this act, Bird Wilson was appointed by Gov. McKean, President Judge of the /'th district, and presided until February, 1817, when he laid aside the ermine, and became a clergyman of the Episcopal Church. Judge Wilson was a man of talent, learning and re- markable mildness of manner and amiability of character, united with inflexible firmness and decision. He was distinguished for the soundness of his decisions, and it is said that only one was ever reversed in the Supreme Court. He was held in high respect and es- teem for his virtues as a man, and his integrity, uprightness and ability as a presiding officer in the Judiciary. In 1813, he edited an edi- tion of Bacon's Abridgment of the Laws, a standard English work ; M'hen he presided over the Courts of the 7th district, he resided at Norristown. After he left the bench, he was the pastor of the Episcopal Church at Norristown, until i82i,when he was appoint- ed a professor in the Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in the city of New York. In that position he continued until June 24, 1850, a period of 29 years, when he resigned. As a token of respect the Seminary appointed him Evierittis Professor in his department. He died in New York, April 14, 1857, aged 82 years. John Ross, was appointed by Gov. Findley in 1818. He presided over the Courts of the four counties — Chester, Delaware, Montgo- mery and Bucks — composing the 7th district, from February, 181 8, to May, 1821. The district was then divided, and a new district formed — called the 15th Judicial District — composed of the counties of Chester and Dela- ware. Judge Ross remained the President Judge (if the 7th district, composed after the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 467 ilivi.sioii ol' the cuLintics of Bucks and Mont- i,fomery. He resided, while presiding over the Courts of Chester County, at Doylestown, Bucks County. Isaac Darlington, was appointed l>y Gov. Heister, President Judge of the new judicial district, composed of Chester and Delaware Counties, on the 22d of May, 1 82 1, and held the office until his death, on the 27th of April, 1839- Judge Darlington was a man of remarkably strong intellect, and of excellent attainments in the law. He was eminently prompt and sagacious in perceiving the strong points of the causes before him, and his adjudications were ever highly respected by the supreme tribunal of the State. By the people, his opinions were treated with profound respect, and so implicit was their confidence in his judgment, that it was enough that Judge Darlington de- cided a matter; they never dissented from, or doubted the correctness of the decision. On the death of Judge Darlington, Gov. Por- ter appointed Thomas S. Bell his successor. He was commissioned May 16, 1839, and presided over the Courts of the district from that time until his appointment by Gov. Shunk to a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, the i8th of November, 1846. In his intercourse with the Bench and the Bar, Judge Bell was uniformly courteous and honorable. To the younger members of the Bar he always evinced great kindness. He had a mind remarkably quick of comprehen- sion, mastering his subject almost by intuition, and there were few men more ready in debate. He was a very fluent speaker, and a clear and forcible writer, and as a Judge, gave great satisfaction to the Bar and the people of the district. He died June 6, i86i,in the 6ist year of his age. The vacancy created by the translation of Judge Bell to the bench of the Supreme Court, was filled by Gov. Shunk, by the appointment of John M. Forster, of Harrisburg. Judge Forster presided from December, 1846, until March 1847 — about three months, — when his nomination was rejected by the Senate. He was a very courteous gentleman, but did not seem suited to the wants of so important a district. When his nomination was first made to the Senate, it was confirmed, but afterwards re-considered and rejected. On the i-ejection of Judge Forster, James Nill, of Chambcrshurg, was appointed and presided over the Courts from March 23, 1847, until March, 1848, when his nomination was also rejected by the Senate. Judge Nill possessed a fair knowledge of the law, and was especially well read in Penn.syl- vania decisions, and much interest and a good deal of feeling were excited when his nomi- nation was before the Senate. The Bar was divided, — some maintaining that he was not suited in all respects to fill the position satis- factorily, and that a more acceptable nomination should be made; and others, that he would in time make a good Judge, and that those who were against his confirmation were captious and hard to please. Those opposed to him, however, succeeded in procuring his rejection by a tie vote in the Senate. Gov. Shunk then, at the solicitation of mem- bers of the Bar of the 15th district, appointed his son-in-law Henry Chapman, of Doyles- town, Presiding Judge, on March 18, 1848, and he was forthwith unanimously confirmed by the Senate. Judge Chapman presided over the Courts of the district, with great ac- ceptance and to the entire satisfaction of the Bar and the people, until the expiration of his term of office under the provisions of the Amendment to the Constitution, which made the office elective. His Presidency extended from March 1 8, 1 848, to December, 1 85 1 . He was solicited by members of both jDolitical parties to become a candidate for the office under the elective system, with the assurance that it was not likely any candidate would be placed in the field against him, but he de- clined, — it not being convenient for him to reside in the district, agreeably to the require- ments of the amended Constitution. Townsend Flaines, was elected President Judge at the genei-al election in October, 1851 — the opposing candidate being Hon. Thomas 5. Bell — commissioned by Gov. Johnson, Nov. 6, 1851, and presided during the constitutional term of ten years, from the first Monday of December, 185 1, to the first Monday of De- cember, 1861. Judge Haines was a man of conceded strong intellect, an excellent writer, a poet of no mean pretensions, an able and eloquent speaker, courteous in manners and popular with the people. He was succeeded by William Butler, the present incumbent, who was elected at the general election, Oct. 8, 1861, — the opposing 408 J STORY OF ClIESTKH. candidato being Josej)!! Ilciniihill. Judge Butler was commissioned by Gov. Curtin, Nov. 20, 1861, entered upon his duties Dec. 2, 1861, and was re-elected in October, 1871, and has continued to preside to the present time, to the entire satisfaction of the Bar, and of the peojiie of the district. Judge liutler is tlic thirteenth Judge who ha^ presided over the Courts of Chester County, but four of whom have resided within its bor- ders, viz.. Judges Darlington, Hell, Haines and r.utler. By the new Constitution, tlie term of Judge Butler expired on the first Monday in December, 1874, as re- gards Delaware County, which became the 3d Judicial District. Gov. Hart- ranft nominated the Hon. John M. Broomall, for the Presiding Judge, and he was duly confirmed. John M. Broomall, the fourteenth Presiding Judge of the Courts of Dela- ware County, is a native of the county, having been born in Upper Chichester, and is the son of John and Sarah (Mar- tinj Broomall. His ancestors were English Quakers, and he was educated in the Friends' schools, studied law with Judge Bouvier, of Philadelphia, and was admitted to the Bar of Dela- ware County, Aug. 24, 1840. He was elected a Representative to the Assem- bly, 1851, '52; a Representative in Congress, from 1862 to 1868. In 1872, he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, and under the Constitution then adopted, ap- pointed Presiding Judge of the 3 2d Judicial District by the Governor, being a Republican in politics. He married in 1841, Elizabeth Booth, daughter of Joseph and Martha, who died 1848, leaving two children, one a son, William D., a lawyer, practicing in Chester, and a daughter, who gradu- ated at "The Women's Medical Col- lege." in I'hihvdL-lpliia. and now ])nr- suing her studies in A'ienna. In 1853, he married Caroline, daughter of John Jr., and Charlotte Larkin, of Chester, Pa. Judge Broomall, is a gentleman of large wealth, and an accomplished lawyer. He was a candidate for re- election in the fall of 1874, but was defeated by the Independent Republi- can candidate, who was supported by I the Democratic party. 1 Thomas J. Clayton, the successor of Judge Broomall, is also a native of Delaware County, born in Bethel, Jan. 20, 1826, son of John, deceased; and entered upon the duties of his posi- tion, Jan. 4, 1875. J'-idge Clayton, was admitted to the Bar of his na- tive county, Nov. 24, 1851, but Avon his legal laurels at the Philadelphia Bar, where he practiced from 1852 until his advancement to the Bench, with great success, being distinguished for his forensic abilities, which were all-powerful with Juries. His resi- dence is beautifully located on the ridge in South Chester, command- ing an extensive view of the river Delaware and adjoining country. The Clayton's were among the earliest set- tlers at Marcus Hook, and William Clayton, the ancestor, was an exten- sive land-holder in the vicinity, under Penn. Judge Clayton is the eldest of four brothers, one of whom, Powell Clay- ton, served in the Federal Cavalry, in the War of 186 1-5, and rose to the rank of Brigadier General ; after the War, he was elected Governor of Ar- kansas, and in 1871, U. S. Senator from that State. William Clayton was Judge of the 9th District of Arkansas, but resigned to accept the position of U. S. Attorney for that State. He is now an extensive Cotton Planter, cultivat- ing 5000 acres of land. IIISTOKY OF CHESTER. 409 Hugh Lloyd, one of the Associate Judges of Delaware County, father of the present Hugh P. Lloyd of Darby, who was commissioned by Governor Mifflin, in 1792, held his office for thirty-three years, and then handed in his resignation written in these words : " I, the within named Associate Judge of Delaware County, aged 83 years, 10 months and 9 days, by attending every Court for 33 years — one Orphans' Court only, excepted — having performed the duties of the within commission to the best of my judgment and al)ility, do by these presents resign and sur- render up my said commission to his Excel- lency, the Governor, with the hope that a suc- cessor may be appointed to the satisfaction of the majority of said county. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of December, A. D., 1825. With senti- ments of regard, &c., Hugh Lloyd." During my researches, I have been enabled to make nearly a complete list of the Justices of the Supreme Pro- vincial Court of the Province of Penn- sylvania. 16S4. Dr. Nicholas Moore, C.J. William Welch, William Wood, Rubert Turner, John Eckley. 1685. James Harrison, C. J., John Claypoole, Arthur Cooke, John Eckley, William Clark.t 1686. Arthur Cook, C. J., William Clark, John Symcock, John Cann, James Harrison. 303- 1690. ■ Arthur Cook, C. J William Clark, Joseph Growden. 1690. 5th 7 mi. I C. R Arthur Cook, John Symcock, Joseph Growden, Peter Alrichs, Thomas Wynn. 1690. Reorganized. John Symcock, C. J., William Clark, Arthur Cooke, GrifTith Jones, Edward Blake. «■ Nicholas Moore, first Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, was a Doctor of Medicine, and is so called in old deeds, so says Wm. J. Buck, although in his History of More/and, p. 189, he gives a sketch of" the Chief Justice, vol. 6, Colh'cfioiis of the Historical Society of J\-niisy/va)iia,M\d calls him an Attorney; he has since discovered that he was in error. f Wm. Clark, in 1684, had a commission as (ieneral Justice, i F. R., 60; sat in the .Su- preme Provincial Court, in 1685, i /'./'., 95 ; (}eneral Justice till 1702, i P. A', 120, 142. 1718. David Lloyd, C. J.,"— ^ William Trent, Richard Hill. 1722. David Lloyd, C. J., Richard Hill, Robert Asheton. 1724. David Lloyd, C. J., William Trent, Richard Hill, Robert Asheton. 1726. David Lloyd, C. J., Richard Hill, Jeremiah Langhorne. 1731- Isaac Norris, C. J., decV d , James Logan, C. J., Jeremiah Langhorne, Dr. Thomas Graeme. 1739- Jer. Langhorne, C. J., Dr. Thomas Graeme, Thomas Griffiths. 1743- John Kinsey, C. J., Dr. Thomas Graeme, William Till. 1750. William Allen, C. J., Lawrence Growden, Caleb Cowpland, (i^/i?(/i758. 1758. William Coleman. 1764. William Allen, C.J. , William Coleman. Alexander Stedman. 1767. William Allen, C. J., William Coleman, John Lawrence, Thomas Willing. 1693. Andrew Robson, C. J. William Salway, John Cann, Edward Blake, Anthony Morris.* 1698. Joseph Growden, Cornelius Empson. 1699. Edward Shippen, C J., Cornelius Empson, William Biles, John Guest. 1 701. John Guest, C. J., Joseph Growden, declined, Caleb Pusey, declined, Thomas Masters. 1702. John Guest, C.J., William Clark, Capt. Samuel Finney. 1703- William Clark, C. J., John Guest, Edward Shippen, Thomas Masters, Samuel Finney. 1705- John Guest, C. J., Joseph Growden, Jasper Yeates, Samuel Finney, William Trent. 17.6. Roger Mompesson, C J., Joseph Growdon, Jasper Yeates, Samuel Finney, William Trent. 1711. Roger Mompesson, C. J., George Roche, Anthony Palmer. 1715. Joseph Growdon, C. J., William Trent, Jonathan Dickinson, George Roche, resigned, Robert Asheton. My authority for the above lists are : The Colonial Records ; Votes of As- sembly ; Penn and Logan Correspon- dence ; Mc Call's List, and Westcott's Phi lade If hia. Li. The following is a list of some old lawyers of the Province of Pennsyl- * Anthony Morris, appointed in place of Cann, -Vug. m, 1694. 1774. Benjamin Chew, C. J., John Law-rence, Thomas Willing, John Morton. 470 HISTORY OF CHESTER. vania, whose names are not in any printed record that I am aware of. The dates are those occurring when I first found the names mentioned : Dr. Tliomas Spry, who has the honor of being our oldest lawyer, was compelled by the rule of 1677, for- bidding Attorneys to practice in the Courts, to resort to the practice of medicine, while waiting for brighter days. 1675. 1726. Dr. Thomas Spry. Robert Assheton. 1677. 1731- John Matthews, Samuel Hasel, Henry Jones, Jer. Langhorne, Abraham Man. James Logan. 1683. 1734- John White. John Ross. 1684. 1735. John Moore. . Richard Peters, / Thomas Lawrence, 1685. Samuel Hersent, Lawyer Riddleson, Patrick Robinson. John Remington. 1686. 1738. David Lloyd, ^ohn Kinsey. Samuel Jennings. 1746 1693. James Read. George Foreman. 1749- 1697. James Delaplaine. Jasper Yeates. 1750. 1700. Ed. Shippen, Jr., William Assheton. William Allen. John Guest, 1752. Thomas Story. James Galloway, 1705- Louis Gordon, J. Reignier. William Coleman. 1706. 1753- Charles Pickering, George Reed. Roger Mompesson, 1754- George Lowthcr, Abm. Poole. Thomas Clarke. 1755- 1708. Julm Dickinson. Thomas McNeniara 1763. 1713- Nicholas Wain, Charles Brockden. Richard Riley. 1717. 1767. Andrew Hamilton. 'Ihomas Willing. 1720. 1769. James Alexander, Andrew Allen, James Parnell. Isaac Hunt. 1723- '785. William Assheton. Edward Allen, 1725. William Anderson, James Graeme. John Bartram, John Barker. ■ If 1 understand the minutes of the Upland Record \)Xo^Qx\y , the following persons practiced as Attorneys of that ('ourt, though not learned in theT.aw. 1677. Robberd Hutchinson, Lasse Cock, John Moll, John Shackerly, James Sandilands, Edmund Cantwell. 1679. Eph. Herman. Will W^irner. John Champion. The following list of Attorneys of Chester County, since 1750, is taken from the records at West Chester. See also, the Historical Collectio?is of Ches- ter County, by J. Smith Futhey, Esq., who was the last Deputy Attorney General, of Chester County, in 1850: 1752. Stephen Watts. David Furry. 1770. 1753- Abel Evans, Thomas Otway, Thomas Hood, John Price, James Lukins. George Read. 1 771. 1754. Joseph Read, William Morris, George Noarth, Benjamin Chew. Jacob Bankson, 1755- Francis Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Asheton Humphreys. ,Thomas M'Kean, 1772. David Henderson, Richard Tilghman, WiUiam Whitebread, Jr. John Lawrence, 1756. P. Zachery Lloyd. George Ross, 1773- John Osmond. Christian Hook, 1760. Wm. Lawrence Blair, John Morris. Phineas Bond, 1763. John Stedman, John Mather, Jr., John McPherson, James Tilghman. William Lewis. 1764. 1774- Hugh Hughes, Ed. Tilghman, John Currie, William Bradford, Jr. Elisha Price, Gunning Bedford. Lindsay Coates. I77S. 1765- Andrew Robeson, Alex. Porter, lohn Vancoast. Nich. Vandyke, 1776. Alex'r Wilcocks, William Prince Gibbs Joshua Yeates, Collisou Read. Stephen Porter, 1778. Richard Peters, Jr., J. Dickinson Sergeant James Biddle, John Pancoast. James Allen, 1779. Henry Elwes, Edward Bird, James Loyre, Henry Osborne, James Hunt, George Campbell, David Thomi)son, Jared Ins^ersoU. James Vandyke. 17S0. 1767. Moses Levy. William Hicks, 1 781. James Wilson. John Co.ve, 1769. Wm. Moore Smith, Jacob Rush, Nathaniel Potts. Miers Fisher, 1782. Daniel Clymer, Joseph Reed, John Kalcy, JohnF.I\Iifnin, HISTORY OF CHESTER. 471 John Viiiing. John Craig Wells, 1783. John Cadwalader, J. Wilks Kittera, John Moore. Hem-y Hale Graham, 1790. William Rawle. Thomas B. Dick, 1784. Abm. Chapman, William Ewing. John Thompson, 1785. Marks John Biddle, Jacob R. Howell, Isaac Telfair. John Ross, 1791. John A. Hanna, Ro. Henry Dunkin, Joseph B. McKean, Seth Chapman. John Todd. 1792. 17S6. Miles Merwin, Robert Hudson, Robert Frazer, Charles Smith, John Price. John Young, 1793- Ben. Chew, Jr., Tho. W. Tallman, Ben. R. Morgan, Jr., John H. Brintoii, Richard Wharton, Evan Rice Evans, Thomas Memminger. Joseph Hemphill, 1787. Michael Keppele, David Smith, John Shippen, James Wade, Hen. K. Kilmuth, John Joseph Henry, Alex. W. Foster. William Atlee, 1794- William Montgomery, Jacob Richards, Sampson Levy, Joseph Hopkinson, James Hopkins, Wm, Martin, M. D. Samuel Roberts, 1795- Matthew Baldwin, Jona. Harvey Hurst, James A. Bayard. James Hunter, Jr., ">>- 1788. James Milner, Thomas Armstrong, James Latimer, Peter S. Du Ponceau, John Cloyd, Jasper Yeates, Joseph Reid, Peter Hoofnagle, Isaac Wayne.; Joseph Hubley, 1797. William Graham. Wash. Lee Hannum. 1789. 1798. John Hallowell, Charles Chauncey, Jr., Joseph Thomas, 1799- Robert Porter, Jona. T. Haight, Charles Heatley, John Taylor, Anthony Morris, Wm. Hemphill. J. vSmith Futhey, Esq., of the Ches- ter County Bar, writes to me, that the above list embraces all the members of the Chester County Bar from 1750 to 1800 ; that many of them were re- presentatives of Philadelphia and other counties, and only practiced occasion- ally in Chester County. In 'the last century, a great deal of the law busi- ness of the county was transacted by Philadelphia lawyers. After the De- claration of Independence, all Attor- neys who desired to continue in prac- tice, were required to take the "Test Oath," to support the Colonics in their struggle for national existence. I omit the names of those repeated in Mr. Futhey's list, as it proves nothing ; for the "Black List" gives the names of traitors. The list embraces the names of many who rose to distinc- tion, but I will only mention Chester County men, or those connected with its affairs, making one exception in favor of Joseph Hopkinson, Esq., born Nov. 12, 1770, the author of Hail Columbia ! Thomas McKean was a n ative of the cou irty, one of the sign- ers of the Declaration of Indepen- dence, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and finally, Governor of the State. His son, Joseph B. McKean, succeeded Jared Ingersoll as Attorney General, and was afterwards President Judge of the District Court of Phila- delphia. James Wilson was a great lawyer and a great orator ; he became a Ju.stice of the Supreme Court of the United States ; was the father of Bird Wilson, and one of the Presiding Judges of the county Courts. Jasper Yeates became one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the State. Joseph Hemphill was born in Thornbury, He was the first President Judge of the District Court of Phila- delphia, appointed in 181 1 ; resigned in 181 8. John Joseph Henry, Esq., was President Judge of the Courts of Chester County, from Feb., 1794, to May, 1800, after the formation of Delaware County. In the Historical Collections of Clies- tcr County, Mr. Futhey says : " Trom the estalilishmcnt of the Colonial Coveinment, in 1683, to the year 1793, a period of 1 10 years, the criminal business of Chester County was conducted on the part of the pro- secutions by the Attorney General in person ; in the latter year the first Deputy Attorney General was appointed, and from thence to the year 1S50, the pleas of the Commonwealth 172 HISTORY OF CHESTER. were proscciUed by Deputies appointed hy ihc AtlDiiiey General, with the exception of a brief period which will be noticed hereafter. In 1850, an Act of Assembly was passed creat- ing the office of District Attorney, and since then, officers elected in pursuance of this Act, have conducted the prosecutions. The Attor- neys General of the Province who conducted the criminal business of Chester Co.-, were : John White, appointed, Oct 25, 1683 Samuel Hersent, " Jan. 16, 1686 D.-ivid Lloyd, April 24, 1686 John Moore, May 19, 1698 William Assheton, " 1700 Par. Parmyter, " — , 1 701 (jcorge Lowther, " . April 5, 1705 Thomas Clarke, " June 24, 1708 .Andrew Hamilton, " Sept. 7, 1717 los. Growdcn, Jr., " June s, 1725 John Kinsey, • July 6, 1738 Tench Francis, " 1741 ISenjamin Chew, " . Jan. 14, 1755 Andrew Allen. Nov. 4, 1769 I have added to Mr. Futhey's list the names of John Moore, Par. Par- myter, Wm. Assheton and Thomas Clarke, whom he overlooked. Of the latter, Dr. Smith says, \). 217: "At the May term, (1709,) Thomas Clark appeared in open Court and was quali- fied Attorney General for the County of Chester, according to law. This is the first ai)pearance of such an officer, though, occasionally, an Attorney has represented the Crown in a par- ticular case." The Doctor was mis- taken, of course ; the above list dis- clcses the fact that there were prose- cuting officers in the Crown for over ^4 years before Clarke's appointment as Attorney General. There may have been a little delay in the full or- ganization of the Courts after Penn took possession, but evidently the I'vUglish system was in full operation at the time of Hersent's appointment, which was, 1 have no doubt, the first regular one, but Jolin White was ap- pointed by the Council to prosecute' offenders, again and again, in the different ( ourts. u]) to 1685. Mr. Futhey says : "Andrew Hamilton, liie fifth (9th ) .Vttor- ney General, appointed in 1717, was one of the most extraordinary men who lived during the early Provincial History of Pennsylvania. He was probably the greatest lawyer of his time in this country, and a man of irrepressi- ble energy of character. Besides being At- torney General, he became President of the Executive Council, vSpeaker of the House of Assembly, and filled several other stations with integrity and ability. ' Bush Hill,' where he resided, he received with other lands, for his services to the Penn family. His son, James Hamilton, was repeatedly Governor of Pennsylvania, between the years 1748 and 1771. Joseph Growden, Jr., Attorney General from 1725 to 1738, was a Judge of the Su- preme Court from 1 705 to 17 15, and Chief Justice from 17 15 to 17 18, and was a man of some legal and literary distinction. He in- volved himself in a conflict with the Provin- cial government, by publishing comments on the character of William Penn. The Grow- den's came to the Province at a very early date, and for nearly a century, seem to have been connected in different ways with its Courts and Bar. William Rawle, is said to have been a descendant." I feel almost positively certain that Mr. Futhey has confounded the father with the son in the above sketch. The Joseph Growden, who was Speaker of the Assembly in 1700, see i J^ro- vincial Records, 602, and Judge of the Supreme Provincial Court in 1698, (he sat at Chester 8 mo. 3, 1698,) was evidently the elder Growden, who for several years had been in the Coun- cil from Bucks ; no doubt he was after- wards the Chief Justice, and his son Joseph, who was called Junior, to dis- tinguish him from his father, was tlic Attorney General. Wescotf, in Jiis Philadelphia, says, the Chief Justice died in 1736. Lawrence Growden, was an Associate Judge of the Supreme Conrl in 1750; whether lie was a son HISTORY OF CHESTER. 478 or brother of the Attorney General, I do not know ; most Hkely a brother, for it is only men of matnre age that reach that position. "John Kinsey was Attorney General from 1738 to 1 74 1, became Chief Justice in 1743, prior to \\hich, he had been in extensive prac- tice. He was undoubtedly an educated law- yer, as well as a man of fine natural parts. 'I'ench Francis, Attorney Ciencral, from 1741 lo 1755; ^\■as one of the most eminent lawyers of the Province. He was a relative of Sir Philip Francis, one of the reputed au- thors of the celebrated letters of Junius, and was the maternal grandfather of Chief Justice William Tilghman. Benjamin Chew, the ninth (13th) Attor- ney General, received his professional educa- tion at the Temple, in London. He was At- torney General from 1755 to 1769, and was President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. In 1774, he was appointed Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, but being op- posed to the Revolution, he retired from the Bench, in 1776, the last Chief Justice of the Crown. In 1 79 1 he became President Judge of the High Court of Errors and Appeals of Pennsylvania, and continued in that relation until the abolition of that Court in 1806. He was for a long time at the head of his profes- sion, and died in 1810, at the age of 87 years." I do not think, nor can I find, that Benjamin Chew was ever President Judge of the Common Pleas, so called. He was Recorder of Philadelphia from 1755 to 1774, and in that capacity was Presiding Judge of the City Court which was established by the City Charter granted by William Pcnn, in 1 701. The County Court having all the power of our Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Courts, was established by the Royal Charter to Pennsylvania. The first President Judge of that Court that I have been able to find, was Alexander Stedman, who occupied that position on June 2, 1759, and there is no record of any change until Nov. 18, 1780. when Plunkett Fleeson was appointed under the act of 1780, Presiding Judge. It is hardly probable, therefore, that Ben- jamin Chew was ever President of the County Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. David Paul Brown, in his Forum, 2 vol., p. 69, says : "Ben- jamin Chew was admitted to the Bar in 1746; was appointed President of the Court of Common Pleas, and was succeeded by John Coxe ; Mr. Coxe was admitted in 1 780. ' ' He does not appear even to have known that Judge Coxe's name was John D. Coxe. He was the President Judge of the Com- mon Pleas, and succeeded James Bid- die in 1797, and was succeeded by William Tilghman, in 1805, and not by Jacob Rush as he has it ; so Mr. Brown is no authority. " Andrew Allen was the last Attorney-Gene- ral under the King. He was also a member of Congress, and of the Committee of Safety. On the breaking out of the Revolution, to which he was opposed, he put himself under the protection of General Howe at Trenton. He was faithful to his Master, and his estate was confiscated by the new government to whose sovereignty he refused to submit. He went to England where he died in 1825, at the age of 80 years. He is said to have been a very accomplished man. He was a grand-son of Andrew Hamilton, already noticed. In 1777, the bills of indictment on file in the clerk's office (of Chester County) are signed by John Morris, Jr., as the Attorney for the Commonwealth, from 1778 to 1793. The At- torneys-General, who signed the bills, were, Jonathan Dickinson, Sergeant, from 1778 to 1 780, William Bradford, Jr., from 1 780 lo 1 79 1 , and Jared Ingersoll, from August 1791 to Feb- ruary 1793. At May sessions 1793, the first Deputy Attorney-General officiated in our courts." Among the Deputy Attorneys for prosecuting the Pleas of the Common- wealth, previous to the removal of the Courts from Chester, were Samuel Ed- wards, Archibald T. Dick. Edward 474 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Darlington, John K. Zcilin and Robert E. Hannum, Esquires^ By Act of Assembly of May i, 1850, P. L., 654, the ofifice of Deputy At- torney General ceased to exist, and in- stead thereof, District Attorneys were to be elected on the second Tuesdays of October for three years, from per- sons learned in the law. Since that time the Pleas of the Commonwealth in Delaware County have been prose- cuted by: Thomas H. Speak man, -i . . 1850 Robert McCay, Jr., . . 1851 Edward Darlington, . 1851 Jesse Bishop, . . . 1854 Edward A. Price, . . 1857 John Hibberd, . . . i860 Francis F. Brooke, . . 1863 C. D. M. Broomhall, . . 1866 George E. Darlington, . . 1869 David Morgan Johnson, . 1872 Vincent Gilpin Robinson, . 1876 The Clerks of the Court of Dela- ware County, previous to the removal of the seat of Justice to Media, as far as I have been able to ascertain were, William Richardson Atlee, appointed Sept. 28, 1789; James Barnard, 1800; Thomas B. Dick, 1806 ; Benjamin Pearson, Captain Thomas Robinson, Henry Meyers, John Richards, James Huston, John K. Zeilin, and Samuel Weaver. The following is a list of the mem- bers of the Delaware County Bar, from the formation of the County to the pre- sent date : Names. IVhen admitted. ■ , 1783 Nov. 9, 1789 Feb. 9, 1790 July 30, 1792 — . 1794 Nov. — , 1794 April 30, 1806 April 19, 1807 Jan. 20, 1812 April 13, " July 30, 1814 Henry Hale Graham, William Graham, Thomas B. Dick, Robert Frazer, Jacob Richards, Dr. William Martin, Samuel Edward, John Edwards, Jr., . Thom.is D. Andci^on, Charles Harland, John Kerlin, * Declared inelij^ible becau.se of residing out of the f'ountv, nnd tlio T'oiirt appointed McCav. Isaac D. Barnard, . Archibald T. Dick, . Samuel J. Withy, Matthias Richards Sayres, Geo. Richards Grantham, Jo'hn James Richards, Robert Beale, Edward Darlington, William Martin, Edward Richards, . Nathaniel Vernon, . John P. Griffiths, . Mordecai Taylor, John K. Zeilin, Robert E. Hannum, Peter Hill Engle, Joseph Williams, John D. Pearcc, John M. Broomall, . Paul Beck Carter, . Jesse M. Griffiths, . Samuel B. Thomas, Robert McCay, George Palmer, Henry B. Edwards, George W. Ormsby, Joseph R. Morris, . Enoch Taylor, Harlan Ingram, Thomas H. Maddock, Charles D. Manley, Ezra Levis, . Jesse Bishop, Thomas Leiper, Thomas J. Clayton, . A. Lewis Smith, John Hibberd, George E. Darlington, Edward A. Price, William Ward, Joseph R. T. Coates, Orson Flagg Bullard, John Eyre Shaw, David M. Johnson, John B. Hinkson, James Barton, Jr., William B. Broomall, C. D. H. Broomhall, George M. Pardoe, . Alexander Reed, Orlando Harvey, William H. Dickinson, Perry M. Wa.shabaugh, Henry C. Howard, . William J. Harvey, Samuel Emlen, V. Gilpin Robinson, William L Patterson, C. Rush Barr, David Rose, John v. Rice, Edw. H. Hall, James V. Maginn, . W. Vance Harpur, George M. Booth, George B. Lindsay, Henry Graham Ashmead, Wheu admitted . June 16, 1816 April 8 .. July 22 " date unknown Jan. .9, 1819 Oct. 16, 1820 April 9, 1821 July 23, " July 28, 1823 April 13, 1824 1825 July 27, " April 10, 1827 July 27, 1829 April 13, 1830 April 27, 1836 Nov. 27, 1838 Aug. 24, 1840 May 23, 1842 Nov. 25, 1844 Feb. 26, 1846 Feb. 22, 1847 Nov. 22, Feb. 28, 1848 Aug. " " Nov. 27, 1848 Feb. 26, 1849 May 28, May 27, 1850 May 27, 1851 Nov. 24, 1851 Nov. 28, 1853 Aug. -, 1855 May 26, 1856 Feb. 25, 1856 Aug. 27, 1859 Feb. 25, 1861 May 15, 1862 Aug. 24, 1863 Nov. 23, " Dec. 28, ■' Nov. 29, 1864 Mar. 23, 1868 Sept. 28, 1868 Nov. 25, 1868 " 28, Nov. 23, 1869 Nov. 23, 1869 Sept. 27, Nov. 29, 1870 Aug. 29, 1872 date unknown Aug. 25, ^873 Nov. 24, 1873 date unkr own Nov. 24, 1873 Sep. 23, 1373 Dec. I, " Feb. 26, 1874 Feb. 23, 1875 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 475 IVhen admitted. Sept. 23, 1875 Jan. 17, 1876 Oct. 9, 1876 Nov. 6, 1876 Jan. 3, 1876 Sept. 2o, 1876 Feb. 5, 1877 Names. John T. Reynolds, H. M. Fussell, John F. Young, William B. Heyburn, Wm. M. Thompson, Alfred Tyson, George W. Bliss, John B. Hannum, William B. Huston, Geo. B. F. Fisher, . Albert T. Goldbeck, A good anecdote is related about Robert Frazer, E.sq. , an old- time mem- ber of the Delaware County Bar., A client, a well-known close-fisted old miller, called on him one day for some advice in reference to a difficulty about his mill-dam and water-power privi- leges. He found Mr. Frazer in his of- fice, legs in comfortable position, high- er than his head, taking his ease and smoking. The miller taking a seat, proceeded to relate his grievance at length, and then asked what he should do. Frazer still leaning back and puffing his segar paid no attention to the ques- tion. At last the impatient client burst out with: "D n it, Mr. Frazer! Did you hear what I said?" With a humorous twinkle of his eye Frazer re- plied, "Oh, yes, but do you expect a mill to run without water?" I have endeavored to make a list of the Registers of Wills and Recorders of Deeds of Chester County. From all I could gather, Jacob Symcock was Deputy Register General under James Claypole in 1686, and his brother John Symcock, Jr., was Deputy Recorder under Thomas Story, about 1700. David Lloyd held those offices for some- time previous to 1724, when Joseph Parker was appointed ; he died in 1 766, and no doubt Henry Hale Graham held the office from 1766 to 1777. He was in office Jan. 30, 1775. Thomas Tay- lor was appointed by Act of Mar. 14, 1777- John Beaton appointed Ajjril 8, 1782. Persifer Frazer, April 8, 1786. The following is a list of Recorders of Deeds and Registers of Wills of Delaware County. 1789 James Huston, 1796 Joseph Taylor, 1800 James Sill, Jr., iSio Nich. F. Walter, [819 Thomas Forsythe, [821 Fred. Fairlamb, 1826 Nich. F. Walter, 1833 Fred. R. Cutler, 1834 Canby S. Smith,* 1836 Jacob C. Berstler, 1837 Charles P. Walter, 1843 1845 1849 1856 1864 1868 1873 1873 1875 William R. Atlee, Davis Bevan, James Barnard, Joseph Engle, Benj. Pearson, Thomas Robinson, Henry Myers, John K. Zeilin, John Hinkson, John Richards, Saimrel Weaver, Joseph Weaver, Jr The following have been elected since the publication of Dr. Geori^c Smith'' s History. Sheriffs of Delaware County. AbrahamR. Vanzant, 1863 Evan W. Bartleson, 1869 Caleb Hoopes, 1866 Joseph Webster, 1872 Charles W. Mathues, 1876 Register of Wills and Clerk OF the Orphans' Court. Thomas Lees, . . 1875 The first sheriff under the English rule on the Delaware, was Edmund Cantwell, in 1672. Smith, p. 96. The first Convention to revise the Constitution of Pennsylvania, met July 15, 1776, and was continued by ad- journment until September 28th of the same year. Benjamin Franklin was the President, and the members from Chester County were, Benjamin Bar- tholomew, John Jacobs, Robert Smith, Thomas Strawbridge, Samuel Cunning- ham, John Hart, John Mackey and John Fleming. The Convention au- thorized the election of a Council of Censors in October, 1783, who first met on November i6th of that year, and continued their sittings until Sept. 25, 1784. They issued an address re- * He was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Cutler. At October election 1873, Jacob C. Berstler was elected Recorder and Register, but died November 28tli ; so Mr. Smith retained the office until next election. 476 HISTORY OF CHESTER. commending various reforms, but ad- vised against calling a convention to revise the Constitution. The Censors from Chester County were Gen. An- thony Wayne and John Evans ; the lat- ter died, and James Moore was elected in his stead, and took his seat Dec. 30, 1783. The Constitutional Convention of 1 789, was called in pursuance of a reso- lution of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, and held their first meet- ing Nov. 24, 1789, and elected Thomas Mifflin, President; Joseph Redman, Secretary. The members from Ches- ter County, were William Gibbons, Thomas Bull, Thomas Ross and James Boyd. For Delaware County, Henry Hale Graham and John Sellers. Judge Graham died during the sitting of the Convention, at Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1 790, and Nathaniel Newlin was elect- ed to fill the vacancy. The New Constitution was adopted September 2, 1790. The Convention of 1836, called by Actof Assembly of Mar. 29, 1836, con- sisted of 133 members, and met at Harrisburg, May 2, 1837, and elected the Hon. John Sergeant, President. The Senatorial delegates representing Delaware, Chester and Montgomery Counties, were Thomas S. Bell, David Lyons and Henry Sheetz. The rep- resentative delegate from Delaware County was George Serrill, of Darby. The Constitutional Convention of 1872, held in accordance with the Act of Assembly of April 21, 1872, met at Harrisburg, Nov. 12, 1872, and ad- journed to meet in Philadelphia, Jan. 7, 1873, ^'""^^ \^^\^ its meetings in the Church in Spruce Street, east of Sixth Street, north side. Now called "The HoRACK BiNNEV PUP.LIC ScHOOL. " The H')n. William M. Meredith, the greatest lawyer of the day, and late Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, was cho.sen President, and died during the sitting of the Convention. John H. Walker, Esq., was elected to fill the vacancy. The delegates to the Con- vention from Delaware and Chester Counties were John M. Broomall, William Darlington and Jos. Hemp- hill. The Convention completed its labors on Nov. 3, 1873, ^"^^ the New Constitution was submitted to the peo- ple on Dec. 16, 1873, for ratification, and adopted that day, by a majority of 145,150 votes. I add here a List of the Members of the Chester County Bar, from the division of the County to the present time. J. Smith Futhey kindly made this list for me, he says: "This list embraces strictly Chester County men, most of them born and reared in the County. There are some names of Chester Coun- ty men who read law here, for a time practiced here and then removed else- where ; and there are names of others ad- mitted elsewhere, and who afterwards came here to reside and practice." Joseph Hemphill, . Aug. — , 1793 Alexander M. Foster, Nov. — " Isaac Wayne, . Aug. - 1795 Washington Lee Hannum, Feb. - 1797 John Taylor, May - 1799 William Hemphill, " " William Dewecs, Aug 20, 1800 Isaac Darlington, Nov. 3, 1801 Samuel Jacobs, About 1803 John Duer, " 1804 Charles Worth Humphrey, " 1806 Reuben Eachus, . Nov. 14, 1807 Ziba Pyle, . About 1808 JeflFries Moore, Aug. I, 1809 Clement B. Buckley, " 2, i8i4 Wm. H. Dillingham, May 7, 1816 Isaac D. Bernard, . " " " Townsend Haines, . Feb. 3, 1818 Jesse Conrad, . Aug. 2, 1819 Wm. Williamson, . . July 31, 1820 Wm. S. Haines, . Jan. 31, 1821 Thomas S. Bell, May I, Henry H. Van Amringe, " " " Samuel Parke, Aug. 9, " Abraham Marshall, . July 31, 1822 Daniel Buckwalter, Auj;. 3. 1824 HISTORY OF CHESTER. 477 John D. Pettit, Nov. I, 1824 Matthias Pennypacker, Jan. 31, 1825 B'rancis James, May 2, " Joseph J. Lewis, May " " Lewis G. Pearce, . " " " Owen Stover, Aug. I, " Ben. Bartholomew, Jan. 31, 1826 William Darlington, " " " James M. Kinnard, May I, " Davis H. lloopes. . " " " Wm. McK. Ball, . May 5, 1828 John H. Bradley, . June g, " Robert B. Dodson, Aug. 4, " James A. Hemphill, Nov. 4, " Mark Denny, Feb. 13, 1829 Joseph Hemphill, . Aug. 3, " Richard Baily, Nov. 3, " Persifor Frazer Smith, " " " Lea Bennett, Mar. 9, 1830 John Rutter, Nov. 2, " Uriah V. Pennypacker, Dec. 13, 1831 John Hill Brinton, Oct. 6, 1832 John Hickman, April 9, 1833 Horatio G. Worrall, Aug. 4, 1834 Addison May, Sept. 15, 1835 William Wheeler, . M^r. 16, 1836 Ferdinand E. Hayes, May II, 1839 Wm. Penn Miner, . Feb. 4, 1840 James H. Bull, Sept. 15, " B. Franklin Pyle, . Nov. 3, " John S. Bowen, May 15, 1842 George W. Pearce, Aug. 2, " George W. Miles, . Nov. 8, " Matthew A. Stanley, Nov. 10, " J. Smith Futhey, Feb. 7, 1843 James Davis, Mar. 16, " Joseph B. Townsend, May 13, " William M. Bull, . June 12, " Howard Darlington, Nov. 7, " Isaac D. Pyle, Mar. 12, 1844 Washington Townsend, May 7, " John P. Baily, May 8, " Edward H. Williamson, May 8, " Samuel B. Thomas, . June II, " James B. Everhart, . Feb. 4, 1845 Joseph P. Wilson, . June 10, " James A. Gilmore, . " " " William Butler, Dec. 8, " William E. Barber, . Jan. 30, 1846 W. Ross Cunningham, April 28, " Henry C. Townsend, . July 27, " Jas. Patterson Fleming, Aug. 5, 1847 Paschall Woodward, Nov. 4, " Robert E. Monaghan, April 20, 1848 Samuel Rush, June 14, " James M. Meredith, Sept. 13, " James L. Jones, Dec. 12, " John F. Roberts, Nov. 12, 1849 Franklin Pennington, Jan. 31, 1850 Clinton Auge, Oct. 30, " Francis Darlington, Dec. 8, 1851 Wm. B. Waddell, . Mar. 8, 1852 Wm. L. Marshall, June 14, " Levi Kimes, . Sept. 15, " Edward J. Lewis, . Jan, 31, 1853 Wm. H. Darlington, . July 31, " Wayne McVeagh, April 28, 1856 James J. Creigh, . Mar. 9, 1857 Francis C. Hooten, . Cheyney W. Neilds, George W. Roberts, Henry M. Mclntire, Thomas S. Bell, Jr., George M. Rupert, Wm. L Haines, Henry W. Carruthers, John J. Pinkerton, W. M. Hinkson, William T. Fulton, Oliver Sidwell, Abraham Wanger, Elbridge Meconkey, David Ruth, Reese Davis, Joseph Hemphill, Jr., George F. Smith, William M. Hayes, J. Alfred McCaughey, Joseph Beale, Wm. H. Whitehead, Nimrod Strickland, Jr., Alfred P. Reid, Robert T. Corn well, Alfred P. Carey, Joseph W. Barnard, Chas. H. Pennypacker, Joseph F. Perdue, D. Smith Talbot, Abner Pyle, Thomas W. Pearce, Samuel D. Ramsey, Wm. S. Windle, . Andrew C. Fulton, William B. Reid, . Henry H. Gilkyson, Chas. Wesley Talbot, Francis Windle, Benjamin F. McAtee, George L. Maris, Robert Jones Monaghan, Isaac Newton Wynn, Frederick S. Dickson, John E. Kinnard, William E. Dingee, Curtis H. Hannum, Theodore K. Stubbs, Thomas B. Taylor, Ezra Evans, . John A. GroflF, William T. Barber, Thomas S. Butler, . The following gentlemen were, at the dates set opposite their respective names, appointed Prothonotaries of Chester County. Oct. 3°, 1857 Mar. II, 1858 June 8, 1858 Sept. 15, " , April 4, 1859 Oct. 20, " Jan. 30, i860 Feb. I, " April 30, " May 13, 1861 Aug. I, 1862 Mar. 16, 1863 Aug. 10, " Dec. 15, " June 3, 1864 Oct. 31, " Nov. 19, " Dec. 12, " Aug. IS. 1865 Oct. 30, " June II, 1866 Aug. 14, " Dec. 10, " Jan. 28, 1867 . Aug. 13, " . '• 9, 1869 Feb. 19, 1870 . April 28, " . Feb. 14, 1871 Mar. 13, " . April 24, " Sept. II, " Mar. II, 1872 . May 6, " Sept. 9, " Oct. 28, " Dec. 31, " Mar. 12, 1^73 • ■^:f^ ?; .',' Aug. II, " Dec. 9. " June IS, 1874 Oct. 16. " Feb. I, 1875 Aug. 9, 187s Feb. 7, 1876 . June 5, 1876 Dec. 12, 1876 Jan. 29, 1877 Thomas Revell, in office in - i68x Robert Eyre, " 8 mo. 17, 1683 Joshua Fearne, " 1690 John Childe, " May 13, 1693 Henry Hollingsw n-th, " — 1700 David Lloyd, /•ye7>wus to Joseph Parker, appoinh d Dec. 24, 1724 Henry Hale Grab am, " -,1766 478 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Benj. Jacobs,* aJ>poiuied, Mar. 22, 1777 Caleb Davis, " June 16, 1777 The following is a list of the Pro- thonotaries continued to the present time. From/. Smith Futhef s His- torical Collections of Chester County. William Gibbons, appointed Daniel Hiester, " Jesse John, John G. Wersler, Thomas Davis, Wm. Williamson, David Townsend, Dr. Wm. Darlington, John W. Cunningham, Benjamin I. Miller, Samuel Pinkerton, -■ — — 1791 Jan. 6, 1800 Feb. I, 1809 Mar. 25, 1818 Feb. 29, 1821 Jan. 17, 1824 Aug. 3, 1827 Aug. 17, 1827 Feb. 15, 1830 Jan. 26, 1836 Feb. 2, 1839 " elected under the Constitution of 1838, and re-commissioned Nov. 14, 1839 Abner N. Chamberlain, commis'd Nov. 12, 1842 James Davis, " . Nov. 17, 1845 Samuel B. Thomas, " . Nov. 25, 1848 William Wollerton, " . Nov. 22, 1851 Jas. Bayard Jefferis, " . Nov. 10, 1854 Jacob Gilbough, " . Nov. 10, 1857 Nov. 19, i86o Nov. 16, 1863 Nov. 16, 1866 Nov. 20, 1869 Nov. 19, 1872 Dec. 28, 1875 Emmor B. Lamborn, Franklin Haines, Alfred Rupert, Seneca G. Willauer, John A. Rupert, Hannum Baldwin, I give here an imperfect list of the Treasurers of Chester County, previ- ous to the formation of Delaware County, viz. : Robert Miller, . . . 1750 Humphrey Marshall, . . . 1762 Lewis Davis, .... j^gg James Gibbons, . . . 1770 Philip Taylor, . . . 1775 David Cloyd, in office,\ . 1781 Persifer Frazer, iate Treasurer,^ . i-jZ-j Thomas Levis, late Treasurer,^ . 1788 The Treasurers of Delaware County, as far as I have been able to collect the names, have been, Obom Levis, 1834 William Eves, 1867 Samuel Dutton, 1851 John J. Hoopes, 1869 David K. Ralston, 1863 Henry B. Taylor, 1876 *In II C. A\, 188, Mar. 22, 1777, in the proceedings of Council, it was : " Ordered, That Benjamin Jacobs, son of the Speaker, be appointed Prothonotary of Chester County, and tiiat he Ije commissioned accordingly." And on April 4, 1777, it apearsitwas "agreed, that Prothonotary for the County of Chester be chosen by ballot; and Benjamin Tacobs was elected and ap])i)inted." tSee 15 C. A\, 179,227,392. LII. I HAVE in my possession certain Arti- cles of Agreement, made Jan. 15, 1807, between Nathaniel Davis of the one part, and Thomas Armstrong of the other, both of Philadelphia, whereby Davis, for the sum of ;^8oo, agrees to sell Armstrong: "That messuage or Tenement, commonly known by the name of the 'Seven Starrs', with the Plantation and Tract or Piece of Land thereunto belonging, containing about 100 acres, * * situate in the township of Aston," &c. Nathaniel Davis, and after his de- cease, his widow Catharine, kept a tav- ern in Letitia Court. I had a license in her name, but accidentally destroyed it with some worthless old papers. They had two sons, John C. and Nathaniel. The former died recently, Nov. 6, 1873; born Feb. 22, 1796, leaving a large estate, and being unmarried, he left a large portion of his wealth to chari- table institutions, and after making some legacies to his relatives, left the residue to his niece, Sarah Jane (Sim- mons), wife of Dr. John W. Lodge, of Lower Merion, Montgomery County, Pa. Nathaniel Davis, the other son, married Elizabeth, daughter of Pierce and Christiana Crosby, of "Crosby's Mills." See/. 211, ante. The Chester Park Association was organized at Chester, May 16, 1871, and the following officers elected to serve for one year: President, Dr. Ellwood Harvey; Directors, J. How- ard Lewis, Joseph Huddell, J. Lewis Garrett, George Baker, Dr. William B. Ulrich, Dr. Ellwood Harvey, Frank Field, Charles Hinkson, Thomas Ap- pleby and Col. Samuel A. Dyer. The object of the Association being to pro- mote and encourage the improvement of the breed of horses ; and for the HISTORY OF CHESTER. 479 purpose of carrying out its objects, the Society agreed to rent of J . Engle Coch- ran, the tract of land on which there is already a fine course for the trial of speed of horses, which has for some- time been used by the members of the Association for testing the speed and endurance of their favorite nags. In the list of the old inhabitants of Chester heretofore given, will be found the three Baldwins. Dr. Smith states that Thomas Baldwin settled on the southwest side of Chester Creek, above Chester Mills, about 1697, but after- wards removed to Chester, where he died in 1731. His children were Thomas, Joseph, William, Anthony, Mary, Martha and Elizabeth, and that his brother, John Baldwin, was an early settler in Aston. In 1689, he married, according to usage of Friends, Katha- rine Turner, a widow, and had two children, Ruth and John. In this family there were "three brothers," Thomas, John and Francis, original settlers ; John after some time came to reside in Chester, where he died in 1732, having considerable property. He was a blacksmith. Francis Bald- win, was also a settler in the neighbor- hood of Chester as early as 1686. I am indebted to Gilbert Cope, of West Chester, for the following ad- ditional information regarding this old Chester family: "John Baldwin be- came possessed of considerable pro- perty in Chester, and it might be pro- per to notice the family in local histo- ry. Thomas Baldwin's marriage certi- ficate, dated 1684, is the first in the old record, possessed by the Historical Society, by which it appears that he was married ' at the house where Michall Izard lately dwelt,' on the 7th day of the week, but the exact date cannot be made out. His wife, Mary, was the widow of Richard Lin- vill, of the county of Sussex, England, and her sons, John and Thomas Lin- vill, were among our early settlers. Francis Baldwin, a miller, died in New Castle County, in 1702, though he was a juror at Chester Court not long be- fore. In 1 69 1, his father-in-law, Tho- mas Coebourne, conveyed to him one hundred acres of land on Chester Creek in Chester township. His widow's name was Cicely. John Baldwin mar- ried Katharine Turner, widow, 4 mo. 4, 1689, and in the certificate is styled 'of Aston, Carpenter.' One Edward Turner in 1687, married Katharine Carter, and the above named was his widow. Both marriages took place in Philadelphia. John Baldwin obtained awarrantdated4mo. 30, 1702, for 100 acres of land, ' fifty thereof in right of his own service to Joshua Hastings, and fifty in right of his wife Katharine, servant to John Blunston.' The following notes were taken in the office of Register of Wills for Ches- ter County. "Joseph Baldwin of Chester Town- ship, died intestate, and letters of ad- ministration were granted to Elizabeth Baldwin, Mar. ^9, 1715. William Baldwin, of Chester, mayson, in his will, dated July 20, 1722, 'being sick,' gives to brother Anthony Baldwin, 10 shillings, and to wife Mary remainder of estate. Will proved 6 mo. 2, 1732, by Thomas Baldwin and Edward Car- ter, two of the witnesses thereto. John Baldwin, Jr., intestate; letters to John Baldwin, (his father,) Nov. 12, 1728, in whose favor the widow, Hannah, re- nounces. John, Jr., was a saddler in Chester. The administration accounts contain the vendue sales. Will of John Baldwin, of the Borough of Ches- ter, merchant, book A, p. 352: To 480 HISTORY OF CHESTER. grand-son, John l)al(lwin, 'the house, lott, wharfs, store, houses, with y" ap- purtenances where I now dwell, situate in Chester, afores*:' To grand-son, Joshua Baldwin, ' the house and lott, situate on the easterly end of Chester bridge:' To grand-sons, John and Joshua, 'all that fifive acres and a half of land I lately purchased of John Wade, situate along y* Kings Road, leading to New Castle, and adjoyning to the lott of land late of Jonathan Ogdon:' To grand-son, John Bald- win, 'the house and lots where one Richard Marsden lately dwelt, situate in Chester, afores** : ' To grand-son, Joshua Baldwin, ' y° house, lotts which I lately purchased of one John Reming- ton, situate in Chester:' To grand- sons, John and Joshua, 'all that my six hundred acres of land, situate in the township of Cain, in y" said county, to be equally divided between them ; ' also, ' all that my twenty acres of land I lately purchased of James Barber, situate in Chester, upon the road lead- ing to Springfield, and adjoyning to y' lott of land late of Robert Barber : ' To brother Thomas Baldwin, 'five pounds p"" year, currant mony of pen- silvania, during his naturall life, to be paid by my executors, hereinafter named, on the twenty-ninth day of the seventh month, yearly: ' To grand-son, John Baldwin, ' that corner lott of land, situate in Chester, which I lately pur- chased of the heirs of Robert ffrench, fronting Middle street and front street:: ' To children of brother Thomas and brother Francis, five shillings each : To grand-sons, John and Joshua, remainder of estate. Executors, Mercer Brown, of Nottingham, Peter Dicks, of Ridley, and Joseph Parker, of Chester, ffriend Joshua Johnson, of Philadelphia, and John Salkeld of Chester, overseers or trustees, to have £^$ each at the ex- piration of 4 years after my decease : dated 2 mo. 2, 1731. 'My two grand- sons, John Baldwin and Joshua Bald- win, shall be kept to school till they be fitt to go to trades, and then put to such good trades as my Executors may think most fitt for them, and that the whole expense thereof shall be defrayed out of the profits and issues arising out of the aforesaid estate." Witnesses, Thomas Cummings, Step. Hoskins, Benja. Kendall. Codicil, 9 mo. 6, 1731 : To Thomas Baldwin, son of brother Thomas, ;^2o : To Anthony, son of brother Thomas, and to Thomas and John, sons of brother Francis, ^10 each: My negroe servant woman, named Hagr, to be sett free from her servitude by my Executors afore named at the expiration of one year after my decease : Witnesses, Rich'd Barry, Robt. Wilson, Thomas Cummings. Codicil, Nov. 11, 1 731, app'ts 'Thomas Cummings one of my Executors, and I hereby bequeath fifive pounds to be paid by my Executors for and towaj-ds the building of a school house upon the lott I lately conveyed for that purpose,' and ' to Martha Thomas ;^5, and I give to the use of Chester Meeting the sum of ffive pounds for and towards y*" repair- ing of Meeting House or building a new one as they may think fitt, and I give fifive pounds to Chichester Meeting : Wit- nesses, Jno. Tomkins, Ric'd Barry, Benja. Kendall ; proven Mar. 7,1731-2; letters granted to Peter Dick & Thos. Cummings ; Mercer Brown being de- ceased, and Joseph Parker renouncing. The Executors' accounts are very long. Thos. Cummings accounts for ^871, 8j. <)d. & Peter Dicks for ;^268,3i-. od. For schooling Joshua 2 quarters, Rich'd Backhouse was ])* 19 shillings. The real estate not included in the ac- HISTORY OF CHESTER. 481 counts. The grandsons, John & Joshua, afterwards settled in Cahi, and a grand- son of the former, Jonathan C. Bald- win, born in i792,diedin 1874, owned a part of the land bequeathed as above. He was President of Chester Co. Hor- ticultural Society some years ago, and somewhat noted as a fruit-grower. Spencer Bonsall, of the Historical So- ciety, is descended from Joshua. Will of Thomas Baldwin of Chester Township, blacksmith, dated Mar. 17, 1 730- 1, A, p. 334, gives to his son Thomas, ('my well beloved son') is; to the rightfull heir of my son Joseph Baldwin, deceased, is. ; to the right- full heir of my son William, deceas- ed, IS. ; to son Anthony, i^-. ; to daughter Mary Baldwin, i^-. ; to daugh- ter Martha Grice, [wife of John Griest,] IS. ; to daughter Elizabeth Baldwin, now Weaver, li-. ; Wife Mary, all per- sonal property. Executrix. Witnesses, Wm. Rattew, Goldsmith Edward ffal- well, John Pyle : Proven, July 2, 1731, by all these on affirmation, & letters granted to Mary Baldwin." The widow of Joseph Baldwin mar- ried Joseph Bond, as stated at p. 106. Anthony Baldwin married, in 1712, Hannah, daughter of William and Mary Coebourne, and afterward a sec- ond wife, Margery, daughter of John Hannum, of Concord. He finally settled in Newlin township, Chester County, where he left a numerous off- spring. As it is one of the objects of this his- tory to preserve the memory of all good and true sons of the county, whose re- cord is creditable to themselves, their friends, relatives and fellow citizens, I insert here the following Biographical notice of the late George Miller, one of the early founders of the Delaware County Institute of Science, who died Dec. 31, 1869, taken from a paper read before the Institute: " George Miller, tlie son of George and Mary Miller, was born in Upper Providence. His parents were both members of the Society of Friends, as their ancestors had been from their first settlement in this country. Inheriting a birth-right with this society, he had the advan- tages of a careful early training, but his oppor- tunities for obtaining a school education while young, differed but little from that of the sons of other farmers of the neighborhood, if we except some little instruction in Latin and French. While quite young he gave some attention to scientific studies, and took some interest in the collection of botanical specimens, and those of mineralogy and geology. In early life he manifested a fondness for reading, of a practi- cal and instructive character. In 1820, he made a tour, mostly on foot, to the Falls of Niagara, by the way of New York city, the Hudson River and the central parts of the State of New York. After reaching Black Rock, on the Niagara River, he took passage on board of a steamboat and proceed- ed to the town of Erie. This was the first steamboat that ever floated on Lake Erie. From Erie he proceeded on foot to the Hock- ing, or Hockhocking River, near the present town of Logan, in Ohio. From this point he walked to his home in Delaware County, the whole distance being more than 600 miles. About the period of the return of our youth- ful traveller, there sprung up in this county a taste for the study of the natural sciences, which was stimulated by the publication of the first localj^ora of the late Dr. Wm. Darlington. George Miller, by his studies, his travels and observations of nature in its varied forms, was well fitted to join in any movement in that di- rection, and hence we find him among those young men who engaged more enthusiastically in the study of the natural sciences, as the means of investigation increased. W'ith him this was particularly the case, in respect to botany. But co-operative study has its advantages as well as co-operative labor. Our Institute has its conveniences of this "kind, and George Miller was among the first to foresee the use- fulness of such an institution. With the view to bring al)out its establi>hment, several meet- 482 HISTORY OF CHESTER, ings were held nt cliffereiU jilaccs during the early part of the year 1S33, but it was not till Sept. 2 1st that year, that an organization was effected. George Miller being the oldest of the five young men present at the meeting held that day, his name was first signed to the constitution then adopted. While he continued to be a resident of Del- aware County, he cordially co-operated with his fellow members in securing the perma- nency of the Institute, and increasing its useful- ness, by his presence at its meetings and his contributions to its museum. But his stay with us was brief. His love of travel, and his great admiration for the West, induced him to leave his home again in April, 1835. After travel- ling on horseback through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois, (stopping occasionally in the Miami country with old friends of his family,) he settled for a short time in Illinois, on the Vermillion River. From this place he made another extensive tour, passing through northern Illinois as far as Prairie-du-Chien, on the Mississippi, making an extensive reconnoisance of the country on both sides of the river as he progressed. He eventually purchased an extensive tract of land in what is now Henry County, in the State of Iowa. Here he made his final settlement, and this was his home for more than thirty- three years, and until the time of his death. When George Miller made his purchase the Territory of Iowa was not organized. The country thereabouts was almost in a state of nature. The Indian and buffalo roamed freely over its vast prairies and limited timber lands. At the point on the Mississippi where he crossed that river there was then but a single log cabin. Now the site is occupied by the populous city of Burlington, and the river -is spanned by an iron railroad bridge. Though engaged in agricultural pursuits, George Miller never lost his interest in science. As an evidence of this, he erected during the last year of his life and at his own cost, a build- ing containing a lecture room and apartments for a museum and library. This edifice, called " The Henry County Institute of Science," is located on his own lands, near the thriving village of Trenton. While this building was in progress, he was in declining health, and died at midnight of the last day of the year 1869, at the age of 72 years and two months, unmarried. He was a man of a retiring disposition, of the strictest integrity, but very firm in all his purposes. His aim was to do good to his fellow-man; and as to the kind of good that was uppermost in his mind towards the close of his life, no sculptured monument could more forciljly attest than 'flic Henry County Institute of Science.'" When my father lived at "Crosby Place," Ridley Creek quarries, about 1833, a large colony of the Hiriindo purpurea, early every spring took pos- session of a long row of boxes placed under the eaves of the roof of the house, on the north-western side, and were as noisy, at times, outside of the building as the little Martins were in- side. I remember the martens, and the boxes being there when I was quite young, and used to go on long visits to my cousins, Robert P., Nathaniel D., Catharine and Sarah Ann Crosby. The birds were a continual source of pleasure and interest to us children, and we would watch them for hours. Every one reading this, will recall the beautiful song : " When the Swallows homeward fly." On Aug. 21, 1874, The Republican of Chester, had the following on this subject : "A Marten Roost. — During the past week, thousands of martens have made their resting place on the trees, in the deeply-shaded lawn of our neigh- bor, John O. Deshong. These birds are doubtless migrating south, and are evidently resting preparatory to a long flight in the direction of their winter home. It is very unusual to see them here in such vast numbers. Last fall we noticed their arrival in large flocks at Elkton, Md., where they remained but a day or two. The martens that hatch with us, usually arrive from the 4th to the loth of April, and after raising two broods, dei)art in the early HISTORY OF CHESTER. 483 part of August, often, if not always, making their stay just four months — sometimes to a day. ' ' In the American Mi(seiim, 3 vol. 452, there is an amusing communica- tion from Josiah Blakely, of Baltimore, dated July 14, 1788, in reference to swallows, in which he says he has been informed, " that they are not birds of passage ; but that the cause of their sudden disappearance and irregular re- turn was that they had a fixed day for immersing into the water, but none for emerging from it," &c. In Hazaj'd's Register, 12 vol., 192, the date of the departure of the mar- tens from Lancaster, is given in the following years: — In 1824, they left on September 15th; in 1825, on the loth; in 1826, on the 13th; 1827, on the 17th; 1828, on the 15th ; 1829, on the 13th; 1830, on the nth; 1831, on the 15th ; 1832, on the 15th ; 1833, on the 4th. The greatest variation in seven years not exceeding 13 days. The winter of 1833-4, was a very severe one ; the snow, in Delaware County covering the tops of the fences ; then a mild spell came, and it rained on top of the snow and froze as it fell, forming a thick, hard crust, sufficiently strong to bear the weight of a man, and remained so for a couple of weeks or more. I remember skating to school on the crust, and in places where the snow had drifted over the tops of the fences. No doubt the early departure of the martens in the fall of 1833, gave occasion to the weather-wise to pro- phecy a hard winter, and for once they were right. There was an interesting essay en- titled ''Notes on some of our Winter Birds,'' read before a meeting of the Delaware County Institute of Science, in 1873, by Charles G. Ogden, of Springfield; from a report of which, I made the following extracts at the time. I regret not having kept the whole paper ; what I have preserved is thus abbreviated : "The Crow we always have with us, and notwithstanding the ravages he sometimes commits in early sum- mer upon our young poultry and ten- der sprouts of corn, one cannot witness his distress during such long continued snows as we have had the present win- ter, without a feeling akin to pity. By far the most numerous of all our winter birds, is the little slate-colored Snow-bird. Everybody knows this hardy little stranger and nearly all are somewhat familiar with its habits. I be- lieve it has never been known to breed in this part of Pennsylvania. In the sum- mer it proceeds very far to the north, and is known to breed in large numbers within the Arctic circle. The snow- bird arrives in this locality about the middle of the Tenth month, and until cold weather, confines itself to the old fields and about the borders of the woods. At the first snow or very cold weather, it approaches the house and barn, where it is generally a regular visitant until mild weather, when it returns to its haunts of the previous au- tumn. At this time it may often be heard warbling its low but very sweet notes. It leaves here for its summer residence towards the last of the Fourth month. In winter the snow-birds have been almost constantly associated with two other species of Fingilla, — the Song Sparrow and the Tree Sparrow; the former of which remains with us the entire year, and is one of our earliest and best singers ; the latter, which is a regular visitant from the north, though regularly associating with the others, is more shy. 484 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Aiiotlier most interesting little bird is the Wliitrr JHr//, which is coni- parati\ely rare, but has so much in- dividuality as to be always noticed. It is sometimes mistaken for the com- mon House IVre/i of summer, and often by residents near tide water, for the Marsh IVrc?!, which it very much re- sembles. It is, however, entirely dis- tinct from either, and is only seen here during the winter, while the others retire to the south early in the autumn. It fre- quents out-houses, and is fond of creep- ing through the interstices of the wood- pile like some little quadruped, owing to' which propensity, it often falls a victim to the cat, which may account in some measure for its gradual disap- pearance from our homesteads. It is one of the few birds which often sings with animation during the cold weath- er, and it is much to be regretted that it is not more common. Braving .the intense severity of the present winter, the Blue Bird\\zs, been a constant resident of our locality. His food at this season, I think, con- sists entirely of cedar-berries, a plenti- ful supi)ly of which may account for his remaining constantly with us. In very cold or cloudy weather he is silent, and often not noticed by an inattentive observer ; he ha.s, however, been seen nearly every day, although we have been unable to offer him any induce- ments in the way of food. Several times during the winter, I came upon flocks of the Yellow Bird, or Avierican Goldfijieh, feeding upon the dried seeds of the rag-weed, Atn- brosia artemisicpfolia, which protruded above the snow. They were full of life and animation, flitting from plant to plant with the greatest vivacity. The male of this bird lo.ses his bright colors at the aj^proach f)f winter, and assumes the [jlain olive-colored garb of his mate. I have looked in vain for the Snow Buiiting^^' which during severe winters sometimes visits this locality. It is known as the White Snow-bird, and is a most interesting little stranger. A number of Cardinal Grosbeaks have been observed, and I know of two instances where, having been fed on broken grains of corn, they have lost much of their natural shyness. I have several times surprised them along the public roads, feeding with the snow- birds and sparrows. At the commencement of the cold weather the Meadotu Larks were very numerous, but the season has been too severef for them, they have nearly all disappeared — many, it is feared, per- ishing with cold and hunger, a number having been found frozen. This bird usually winters with us, but always seems to suffer much during long con- tinued snows. The Carolina Pigeon, or turtle dove, a few of which nearly always pass the winter here, seems better able to take care of itself. On several of the coldest days, I found them gleaning in the barn-yard among the cattle. A piece of fat pork attached to the limb of a tree near my window, has, during the cold weather, been almost constantly frequented by a variety of birds, among which have been noticed the Downey Wood-pecker, the black capped Nuthatch, the crested Titmouse, * These birds are considerably larger than the common snow-bird, and their feathers are white, sprinkled with brown; they arc com- mon in New Jersey, and are called by the people there " Calico Birds'' f The winter of 1872-3, was noted for its heavy and frequent falls of snow, and the thermometer often fell to about zero; it was the severest winter in this latitude for a long series f)f years. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 485 the black capped Titmouse, and most amusing of all, the Blue Jay. The Downey Woodpecker is the smallest of its tribe, and probably the most numer- ous, though it does not attract so much attention as its more showy relative, the red-headed woodpecker. It is an ac- tive hardy little being, and doubtless destroys immense quantities of insects and their eggs. All who have apple trees must often have noticed a regular series of holes around the body of the trees ; this little bird has been the operator, and insects lurking there have been his victims. Trees thus operated upon, nearly always remain healthy and productive. The black- capped Nuthatch, is another most val- uable auxiliary in the destruction of insects ; instead of perforating the bark, he creeps around the trunk and larger branches of the tree, probing behind loose pieces and often detach- ing them entirely, of course securing all he may find suitable for his pur- pose. He seems to have a great pro- pensity for working with his head downwards ; in summer they retire from about our habitations and are not often seen. The crested Titmouse is not very common, though it is more frequently seen in winter than sum- mer ; when it retires to the woods to rear its young. It has a loud clear whistle, which from the fancied re- semblance of the notes to the words "take care," coupled with the fact that it whistles most lively before a storm, it is sometimes called the " Take-care Bird." I Contrary to their custom, a number [ oi Blue Jays have wintered in our lo- | cality. Soon after the first fall of snow, I noticed them hovering over the pig- pen, and upon watching them more closely, they were found to be feeding upon the corn left by the pigs ; when a jay-bird had secured a grain, he would fly with it to the limb of a tree, and then placing it under his toe, would hammer at it, much in the manner of a woodpecker, until he had broken the kernel, when he would swal- low the pieces. The Jay belongs to the magpie family, and has much of the cunning of that bird. Though noisy enough at other times, in cold weather, like most of other birds, they are gen- erally silent." The writer says, there are a number of other winter birds he has not men- tioned ; we can but regret that such an attentive observer did not write of all, their habits, &c. I noticed on Oct. II, 1873, i^^^r Marcus Hook, the swallows congregating in a field, upon the trees and fences, in a large flock, as if preparing to emigrate. It ap- peared to me that they had remained later than usual in our latitude. The weather had, however, been charming, no rain having fallen for 30 days, and the woods had only just begun to put on their vivid autumnal colors. The month of October is almost always the loveliest of the year, in the country especially, for then the leaves of the trees are ripening and changing their colors; the wild flowers of the fields, are then in full bloom, and a thin haze lends enchantment to the distant view, perchance across the glistening river into the far distant hills of Jersey, as I saw it on that day^ on the highlands back of Marcus Hook, near the hand- some residences of David Trainer and his sons. The sun shone with a mel- low golden light, the air was still and balmy, while on the glistening waters of the Delaware, there steamed by a mag- nificent ship of war with our country's colors at her gaft", her ports open, and 486 HISTORY OF CHESTER. lier deck crowded with men, " Home- ward bound. " It was a day that made me think of Park Benjamin's beauti- ful lines : "A sliimmering liaze upon the landscape rests, The sky has on its softest robe of blue, And the slant sunbeams glisten thro' Slow floating clouds, that lift their snow-white crests, 'Mid the pure currents of the u])per air. The fields are dressed in autumn's faded green, And tre^s no more their clustering foliage wear : Vet nature smiles — how lovely and serene, How sweetly breathes this life-inspiring gale, Stirring yon silver lake's transparent wave ! Could we but dream that winter, sternly pale. Would never o'er this scene of beauty rave." In the Republican of April 24, 1874) the following occurs under the head of improvements: "The piles are noW being driven on Lewis Ladomus' pro- perty in this city, at the east side of the bridge on Third Street, prepara^ tory to erecting two new store build- ings. This improvement when finished will bring 'Ladomus Block' flush to the bridge, and complete that portion of one of our busiest thoroughfares. Few among our wealthy citizens have devoted so largely of their means in building up the city as Mr. Lado- mus has done, and the public spirit he thus displays is highly commend- able. We hope he may be amply re- warded for his liberality and enter- prise." The older inhabitants of Chester will recall the father of my friend Lewis, Charles A. Ladomus, who was quite a small man, who carried on the business of a jeweller and watchmaker, at the S. E. corner of Third and Edg- mont Avenue, and who died at Ches- ter, Dec. 30, 1857, in his 76th year, having been born on the Rhine in France, in 1782. At the time of the French Revolution, his mother being of nol)le blood, had to flee at night, with her children, (Charles Alexander being then an infant in arms,) into Germany, where the family afterwards remained; Charles A. being the only one who emigrated to America. Ja- cob, his elder brother, founded a Poly- technic College at Carlsruhe, and was for many years the Gehime Hoffardt, i. e., the Mayor or cJiief judicial officer of that city. Lewis, his second brother, was an officer in Napoleon's army, and was with him at the battle of Waterloo ; his sword is now in possession of his nephew, Joseph, of Chester. Charles A. was in Berlin at the time of the battle of Jena, when the German troops retreated through the city, and acted as interpreter to Napoleon. He after- wards made a tour of Europe on foot, which occupied 12 years. He then came to the United States, and mar- ried Catharine Schey, a widow, by whom he had seven children, of whom two died in infancy. She died April io, 1874, in the 85th year of her good old age, at the residence of her son, Jacob, in Philadelphia. Their eldest son, Jacob, married Adele, daughter of Henry Ducommun, jew- eller, of Philadelphia, by whom he had only one son, who died in infancy. Sometime after the death of his first wife, Jacob married again, Caroline Atherton, daughter of Nathaniel, also of Philadelphia, where he resides and carries on the business of jeweller and watchmaker, in ^Market Street. By his second marriage he has issue, Em- ily, Adele, Ellie and Henry. Lewis, the second son, resides in Chester, where he has erected a hand- some private residence, situated on 14th Street, near the Pennsylvania Military Academy. He is the owner of nuich valuable real estate and is HISTORY OF CHESTER. 487 largely interested in the prosperity of his native town. He married Mary, a daughter of John McCloud, of Phil- adelphia, and they have born to them, Catharine, Lewis, Adele Ducommun, (who married, June lo, 1875, J- Engle Cochran, Jr., of Chester,) Clara V., and John Alexander. Although Lewis resides in Chester, his business is car- ried on in Philadelphia; like all the rest of his family he is a jeweller and watchmaker, and his extensive estab- lishment is at No. 1 01 6 Chestnut St. Joseph Ladomus, the third surviving son, succeeded his father in the busi- ness of a jeweller and watchmaker, in his native town of Chester. His store is in a portion of the old White Swan Tavern, kept in Revolutionary times by Cowpland, and in later days by Jane Irwin. He married Henrietta, daughter of Henry L. Powell, by whom he has issue, Charles H., who is a civil engineer; Williani P., Joseph H. and Bonsall Grey. Rosanna, one of the daughters of Charles A. and Catharine Ladomus, married Charles Burkheimer, and went to Wilmington, North Carolina, to re- side, and died there leaving one child, a son, called Charles. Charlotte, the other daughter, married Cadwallader Evans, of Chester, and died in child- birth with her infant. Charles A. Ladomus, was a small, bright, active little man, and seemed always full of business and life. Al- though Chester was then a sleepy old town, he built up a good business, but it was difficult to understand him when he tried to talk English ; it was too much for him to the end of his days. From the Republican of Jan. 17, 1873, my store-house of local history, I cut the following account of the "Mechanics' Reading Room. — The capital suit of rooms in the brick build- ing on Third St., below Market, were formally dedicated to the uses of a Library and Reading-room, for the mechanics and workingmen of this city, on Saturday evening last. The rooms are handsomely carpeted, and well furnished for the purposes for which they are intended. The hand- some Brussels carpet that covers the floor of the front room in the second story, and a large chair, were the gift of William Bucknell, Esq., of Phila- delphia, and the carpet in the third story was donated by Mrs. Lewis Cro- zer. The pitchers, window hangings, and quite a number of volumes were the gifts of friends of the undertaking. To Miss Laura Hard is the credit due for this great addition to the com- fort and convenience of our intelligent mechanics, and it is to be hoped they will take advantage of the opportunity thus offered for mental improvement, and add to and support the library which has been opened for them. The dedicatory ceremonies were of deep interest to all present, and con- sisted of a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Shanafelt, and speeches of encourage- ment by Rev. Mr. Brown and William Ward, Esq. The attendance on Mon- day night was large, and the indica- tions are, that the project will be entirely successful, and reflect credit upon those who have its management." The out-door exercise and muscular development, as tending to increase health and strength, has in this coun- try, the last few years, obtained a pro- minence among the young men, and it is fashionable now to belong to some kind of a Club of Athletes. Such an association has now fine grounds in Delaware County, consisting of five acres, on which there is to be erected 488 HISTORY OF CHESTER. a handsonic club house. Tinicmn has its Sportsman's Chib ; Chester, its Fishing Chib; Base Ball Clubs are all over the county, and now Haver- ford has her Cricket Club, as the fol- lowing circular shows: "The Merion Cricket Club after several years of unwearied persever- ance, has at length succeeded in leasing a field suitable for a Cricket-ground. It- is situated about half a mile from Ardmore station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, seven miles from the city depot. The field is capable of being made not only an excellent Cricket-ground, but, it is hoped and intended, will be the most elegible and well-arranged ground in the neighborhood for match- es at archery, croquet and kindred games. Funds are being raised among members and friends of the Club, for the purpose of erecting a suitable club house, for implements, dress, &c., which will be built with porch and balcony for the accommodation of spectators. To put it in proper order will require a large outlay of money and high rental. The cost of keeping the ground in or- der, with the other regular expenses, will require a much larger revenue than has heretofore been realized, and this can only be supplied by an increase of membership. The Merion Cricket Club, represents particularly the line of the Pennsylva- nia R. R., and its grounds are in the midst of one of the most beautiful and rapidly improving sections in the vi- cinity of Philadelphia. This gives it a peculiar claim to local support ; and we hope that its friends in general, and all who are intere.sted in the advance- ment of the game of Cricket, or desir- ous of seeing the establishment of a good play-ground, will aid in this ef- fort to make the Merion Cricket Club an institution and a credit to the neigh- borhood." The Merion Cricket Club, was organized, 1865, incorporated, 1874. President — J. Hunter Ewing, of Radnor, Delaware County. Vice-President — Harry Sayres, of the city of Philadelphia. Secretary — Edward S. Sayres, Jr., Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar. Treasurer — William W. Montgom- ery, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar. Gj'oiind Committee — Rowland Ev- ans, Samuel M. Garrigues, George Ashbridge, James P. Townsend, and Joseph M. Fox. LIII. There was issued by the American Sunday-School Union, in 1876, a charming little story called, " Two Hundred Years ago, or Life in New Sweden,^'' which purports to be the Diary of a young girl who came over in the Swa?i, in 1647, and is continued until the arrival of Penn, giving a faith- ful historical view of life and events on the Delaware for thirty-five years ; it is exceedingly interesting, and the names of the people mentioned not being fic- titious, adds to the interest. From Lippincotf s Magazine for Sep- tember, 1872, I copy a part of the article entitled, ''Through William Penn's Low Counties," premising, however, that the author has fallen into the error of saying, that the old cooper shop, formerly occupied by Samuel Long, was the building in which the first Assembly of Pennsyl- vania met ; when in fact it was the first Meeting-House of Friends, and was not erected until 1693, eleven years after the first Assembly was held ; HISTORY OF CHESTER. 489 no doubt in the Court House, i. e., the House of Defence. Another error occurs. He calls Delaware County, "Penn's Low Counties." The lower counties are situated wholly within the State of Delaware ; otherwise the arti- cle is of sufficient interest to be pre- served in this work; except perhaps some flights of fancy, and scraps of poetry, which I have omitted. With these omissions made, the article, which is written in a jocular vein, reads as follows : We started from Chester. Had it been the Chester of Old England, what a comely and creditable point of departure ! Chester on the Dee is the neatest, most finical and most care- fully kept bit of show antiquity in Europe. The riantagenet houses are there intact, their upper stories horsed upon the lower, and form- ing long promenades hung in mid-air^the famous Rows of Chester — Their carved beams show upon the surface, and their interiors prove their mummied antiquity by an inde- scribable, individual, characteristic, not the newest — smell. You can run all around the town on the top of the city wall, which the Romans founded : we knov>' it, for we did so once, the controlling cause of our velocity be- ing a spring storm driving straight and cold upon us from the mountains of Wales. There is a cathedral, but not so fine a one as to take away from the effect of the old houses. Here- in Chester differs from Rouen, which also has fine old Norman mansions, but which fronts up everyM'here into such a champagne of florid church-Gothic that the imagination is intoxi- cated, Chester is a good old homely English mulled wine. The American tourist usually takes it as a stirrup-cup at the outset of his journey, for Chester is the first city he sips after landing at Liverpool, and its wholesome, crusty, blithe flavor lasts him a long way. Chester is an heirloom, a quaint and precious toy, for ever being polished and cleansed like a grandfather's watch. When a house decays they build another of mediseval pattern. The old defensive towers at the angles of the walls are now beautiful little make-believe curiosity- shops, buried in gilliflowers and roses. The new inn, the Crosvenor, built to resemlile a hostlery at which King Harry might have lodged, is one of the most comfortable in Eng- land, the sham-antiquity not penetrating be- yond the externals. In a fair meadow out- side, like the print of a Roman amphitheatre on the grass, is the race-track where they run for the Chester Cup. We started, however, from Chester-on-Del- aware, not Chester-on-Dee. And the colonial Chester, if not a finished, coaxed, flattered and perfected type like the gi-and-motherly old English town, had an import peculiar to itself. So far from being a show-pattern city, it has the more pathetic interest attached to a jilted city, a ville juanquee, an unachieved capital. Chester, with reason expected, as we may express it,' to be Philadelphia. The oldest city in Pennsylvania, its town-lots showing European titles back to 1645, it was an empo- rium and a seat of justice while the future capital was a mere coronet of pines upon the bluff above the junction of the Delaware and Schuylkill. There appears to be conclusive proof that Penn's first notion was to make Chester his capital city. A journal of Henry Hollings- worth, assistant to Penn's Surveyor-General, has been quoted, to the effect that the Governor caused his first observations to be taken at Chester, with the intention of fixing his city there, but afterwards finding that it was not far enough north from the fortieth degree, the boundary-line of Lord Baltimore, he changed his mind, and chose his site at the confluence of the two rivers. Yet this was a disappointment to some of his colonists. The Governor got his province in January, 1681 ; sevens months after, in three ships, he sent out an instalment of his persecuted, scourged, prison-freed Quakers ; but the three ships were not equally good sailers, for one of them was blown to the West Indies, and rolled in its cargo of sore Englishmen among the orange groves ; and another, the Factor, never found the Delaware until December, when it got packed in the ice here at Chester, and went no farther, while its placid passengei^s, content to be ice-bound, settled tranquilly upon the shore. They were well received, for a well- to-do Quaker, Robert Wade, with others of the sect, had lived here among the Swedes some half a dozen years. The site of Philadelphia was not fixed until the best part of a year after this icy reception. 490 HISTORY OF CHESTER. That decision was late in 1682, a year in wliich twenty-three ship-loads of Penn's placid avant- guard set sail for Pennsylvania, (a child born on the voyage was named Sea-Mercy,) many of them adhering at Chester; and in which, in August, the happy Founder himself embarked for his new world. On Sunday, Oct. 29, 1682, the miUl Ches trians were treated to a fete, an occasion of solemn gladness which must have caused even their well-schooled spirits to exult a little. The Welcome hove-to near the shore, and the Well- Desired, the beloved, the chief and leader, the young enthusiast who was to give them an Eden, was among them. He had paused for forty-eight hours at Newcastle, where the Dutch and Swedes, yielding at once to his youth, comeliness and sunny looks, had be- sought him to add them to his colony ; and had passed without unnecessary delay to Ches- ter as his proper court. Penn was then thirty- eight — a young man, with fine dark eyes, too merry, the elders said, for a Quaker preacher, and very light and vigorous. Shortly after this, while eating roast acorns with the Indian braves and watching their Olympic games on the site of Philadelphia, he yielded to the spirit of the scene, jumped with the best of the red leapers, and out-jumped them all. We are apt to base our idea of his appearance upon the engraving of "Penn's Treaty," but this popular print is a mass of mis-statement, and gives no idea of the youthful good-looks or the easy urbanity of the Founder. The Governor then, cutting with hasty prow the fresh river that formed his boundary-line, passed between the crimson woods, so new a sight to him, and made for Chester. We can fancy the scene of his progress, attended by the canoes of the naked and anointed savages, and by the boats of the Swedes, who vol- untarily used the river and stream for their streets in preference to the vine-entangled laurel chapparal of the shore. Landing at Wade's mansion for prayers and thanksgiving, he found himself, with exquisite emotions, among the old comrades he had known in England, now living, like ancient hermits of Syria, in caves of the earth and dens. The Quakers were fraternal ; the Indians were "very loving;" the Swedes, the ancestors of such stately Philadelphia families as the Swan- sons and Stilles, were a kind of mild satyrs in their leather jerkins and moccasons, their leather jiettic(jats and jackets for the females : they assimilated with the new chief with all the enthusiasm of Calibans. The Essex House, Wade's handsome mansion (built in 1675), was open to all \\ho would feast. The Indian hunters, their l)odics smeared with black earth from the sea-side against the heat, staggered in with fat bucks, sold at two shillings ; wild pigeons were like clouds ; swans were abund- ant, and thirty-pound turkeys sold for a shil- ling ; the Delaware was alive with fish, the sturgeons vaulting into the air several at once, and sometimes leaping into the canoes and oversetting them ; while .shad {a/Zoes I'enn calls them) sold for twopence. The historical painter might find a theme again in a solemnity which took place the .same year — the yielding up to Penn, by the Duke of York's agents, of Newcastle, and the Lower Counties, with formal tangibility, by the de- livei-y of luf/ and water. As for the famous Treaty under the Tree, although it needs one more representation for the sake of recording the facts truly as they occurred, yet it is of less consequence than is generally supposed, hav- ing been not a treaty for the land of Pennsyl- vania, but a mere sentimental arrangement, or " chain of friendship." The charmed idyl of these settlers' lives con- tinued for years ; it is hard for the imagination to get quit of so delicious a vision. The sons of peace lived among the wild things like St. Francis, of Assisi. The lions of the forest, the red-skins, became tame and brought them food. The Swedes' block-houses, their church- es pierced with loop-holes for Indian warfare, became useless. In a cave under the Phila- delphia cliff, little Rebecca Coleman was found feeding a snake from her porridge-bowl, tap- ping its head with a spoon and saying, " Keep to thy part." In another such cave the Mor- ris family were fed by their cat, who brought in a fat hare when provisions were failing. The jolly Governor, riding to meeting, caught up little Rebecca Jones barefoot, pillioned her behind him, and introduced her in that state to the grave sanhedrim. At Germantown, while Richard Townsend was mowing, a young deer came curiously up to him, ad- vanced and retreated, coquetted for a long time, and at last struck against a tree and fell : we wish we could say that Townsend tamed the deer as St. Giles tamed the holy child ; but meat was scanty, and he ate it. IIISTOIIY OF CHESTEH. 41) I Among such cliaraclcrs Penn introduced himself as a lawgiver. In a one-and-a-half story brick house on Chester Creek, he held the first Assembly of Pennsylvania, opening the session (as was habitually done for some years afterward in the Legislature of this State) with a season of silent worship. The oaken chair in which Penn presided was long kept, and the house itself survived within the present generation. Here, in three days, were passed the sixty-one articles of the Great Law of Pennsylvania — revolutionary laws, trivial laws, grand and petty matters arranged together in that absence of perspective which character- izes great moral revolutions. Some of them, recognizing the " consent of the governed" as a necessary element in the State, prepared in the most outspoken way for 1776 : others were against scolding or against health-drinking. Here in Chester, fresh from the presence of the King, he planted the idea that was to cul- minate in American independence. Ilis doc- trines were the terror of the very monarch from whom he received his charter; their practical enforcement had dethroned and slain that monarch's father, they were imbibed from Locke, and from Algernon Sidney, who in a year or two died for them on the scaffold. They were to blossom into the American Revolution. " Obedience without liberty is slavery," said Penn ; linking with this axiom another Carly- lean doctrine, to which we Americans are even yet but slowly awakening, that " liberty with- out obedience is confusion." And the Chester that we left— the Chester that was neither the beautiful walled town of England, nor the block-house-and-cave city of 1682— what was it like? What progress has it made ? Long after that date the inhabitants, unwil- ling to accept the situation, and Ijlind to the fact that Chester Creek could never compete with the Schuylkill as a feeder for Delaware navigation, were determined to improve it as a shipping port. In 1700, ninety of them peti- tioned the Assembly that, " Whereas Chester is daily improving, and in time may be a good place, the Queen's Road be laid out as direct as possible from Darby to the bridge on Ches- ter Creek." The road below Chester was called the King's Road ; the " Queen's Road," extending upwards to Philadelphia, and for a long time showed milestones sculptured with (^ueen Anne's arms. As a shipping-])cirt it 03 has had no importance, nor ever will have; but as a shipping-dock, for the construction of ^•cssels to be used elsewhere, it has risen to a reputation that gives it the most of its present consequence. The river here, a mile and a half broad, is not impeded by ice once in twenty years. Two years ago, Mr. John Roach, proprietor of the Morgan Iron Works, and of other great establishments in New York, bought a large extent of river frontage at Chester, for the establishment of a great iron and ship-building and engine works. Thus it happened that, going down through the box- like houses and warm gardens of Chester, to view the fresh Delaware, as it rolled its ame- thystine and cccan-like waves upon the peb- bles, we found the air in that region clamorous with the sound of hammers on iron, and al- ready upon the stocks a iiowd df hw^c levia- thans, two iron Pacific mail stL-anu is, a ferry- boat, a Texas ship, and a " Dickerson ship," to run from New ^'ork to New Orleans. The business of the place, long dormant, has grown wonderfully since the introduction of steam for manufactures, some thirty years baek. The population has doubled in ten years, and now reaches near fourteen thousand. Living is fine and cheap, oysters and fish are a drug, and you drink the cool water of the Delaware, pumped up by steam into the city reservoir. The development of the place is no longer left, as in the good old days, to accident or the natural growth of the limbs beyond the gar- ment. The modern screw is applied — the "Improvement Company." A year back an association of this kind was formed, with Wil- liam Ward, a self-made man, and Girard- CoUege orphan, at the head of it. Tracts of river-land were Ijought with good wharfage, close to the line of the P. W. & 15. railroad , lands graded, railway liranches grafted on the main stem, Idiots laid out, three grand manufactories started. When natural advantages are irre- sistible, and then superadded forces of this kind are applied by intelligent speculators, a city can sleep no longer : she ;;/;«/ be great. An antiquarian might strike a line of inves- tigation by taking hold of the times before the application of steam to manufacturing, and tracing up the industries fed by the water- powers which concentrate at Chester. Four streams (called in Southern dialect "creeks") enter the Delaware within two miles of each other in the neiiililiorhood of the town — Ches- I!)2 IIISTOKY OF CIIESTEK. UT Creek, Ridley Creek, Cruin Creek, Darby Creek. Not only do the harvests they traverse, Send down the air a greeting to the mills Oil the tlidl thunder of alternate ilails, l.iil ihc oilt.iii and lll.res from half the Stales in the Union are woven into tissues by mills upon their banks. Some are very ancient, and yield curious histories. Up on Chester Creek the "Ivy Mills'' iDaper-mill, which was the pioneer of this species of manufactures on the American continent, still stands ; it was already .'.ncicnl when Benjamin Franklin's prinling- liaper and the sheets for the Continental Cur- rency were made there. The " I\y Mills'' was the very last hand-mill in the United Slates to succumb to machinery. A mile off is "(lien Mills," where the peculiar paper now used by the Treasury Department for the L'nitctl States Currency is made — an agent of the Dei)arlment residing near the mill, with a force to guard it from violation. In one of the buildings the Messrs. Willcox manufacture most of the music-paper used in the United States, and a grade, celebrated in the trade of collar-paper. Near Glen Riddle, on Ches- ter .Creek, at Crozerville, John I'. Crozer established his colossal fortune by the altera- tion of old historic paper and grist-mills into woolen and cotton-factories, and died full of honors. On Crum Creek, the Wallingford cotton-mills have been owned in the family of the present proprietor, Mr. Lew is, for more than a hundred years. In this locality again, was the first railroad ever built in the United States. It was a gravity road, like the cele- brated switchback at Mauch Chunk, and was made in 1809, by Thomas Leiper, to connect his granite cpiarries with his landing on Crum Creek. In 1850, Chester gave uj) to Media (five miles northward) its dignity as seat of justice for. Delaware County. Media is famed for its excellent Training-School for Feeble-minded Children ; the best of its kind in America, under the care of Dr. J. N. Kerlin ; also for its Inebriate Asylum, (kept by Dr. Joseph Parrish,) wittily .styled "an Aquarium," by one of its brilliant inmates in a paper contri- bution to this Magazine, Sept., 1866." I have a long list of marriages and deaths of old residents of Chester, wliiclt it is iin])nssi])k' to get into the cohnnns of a ne\vsi)ai)er in neat read- able form, and in many cases there would be a useless repetition of names and dates already given in family sketches. I liave also long lists of tlie same kind called the " Dtitton Re- cord," loaned me by Mr. Gilbert Cope, of West Chester. Those curious or interested in such matters will find these MSS. hereafter, deposited with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1 have not been able to obtain any information concerning the fire de- partment of Chester, except the fol- lowing : When I was a boy in Ches- ter, there was only an old hand fire engine. The engine house was situ- ated at the southwest corner of 5 th and Market streets, alongside of the old county buildings. There are seve- ral fire companies now in the town, one of which is called the Moyair.en- sing Hook and Ladder Company, lo- cated in an old frame building at the southeast corner of 9th and Mechanic Streets;* another, the Hanley Hose Company, which was incorporated Feb. 22, 1863, and whose hose house, a handsome three-story brick building, is situated on the north side of 5th Street, east of Welsh Street. The com- pany was named in honor of John Hanley, who died a few years since. My Aunt Smith says, that the dog- gerel lines given at pj). 277 and '78, are a modern version of more ancient ones written about 1795, iii which her *On July 26, 1875, the coiner stone of the new building of the Moyamensing Hook and Ladder Company, in Broad Street, near Up- land, was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The building is to be of brick, 60 feet in length by 20 in width, and two stories high. This company was formed in 1869, and was named after the Moyamensing Hose of Philadelphia, the Truck and Hose Carriage being the gift of the latter. At the present time there arc 42 active members on the roll of the cumiianv. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 493 father's name (Dr. Martin's) was men- tioned, beginning thus : F'ire! Fire! cried Anthony Guyer, Where? Where? said Squire Eyre, It's up street, said Parson Heath, It's down town, said Dr. Brown, It's here ! It's here ! cried Charley Lear, It's in Anderson's Hall, said Captain Paul, You all are wrong ! said Peter Deshong, It's up in the shed, said Morris' Deb, You lie ! You lie ! cried Kerlin Sie, I'll go to it, said Mrs. Hewitt, You sha'nt, you sha'nt, said John Denant, It's time you're startin', said Dr. Martin, You'd better be quick, said Thomas Dick, I'll be there in an hour, said Richard Flower, Here's my oucket, said Jonathan Duckett, Put on tbi^ water, said Martin Carter, They're all too lazy, said Mrs. Daisy, The roof is rotten, said Johnny Shotten,' Keep off my toes, said Odenheimer's Rose, I'll make them whiz, said Odenheimer's Liz. The Pennsylvania Military Acade- my, one of the institutions of which Chester people are justly proud, is lo- cated on a portion of the old Mcllvain estate, in the immediate vicinity of Chester, and its splendid pile of col- legiate buildings is a striking object in an approaching view of the town, either by railroad or the river. The institution was originally incorporated by act of Assembly of April 8, 1862, P. L., p. 336 ; under the name of the " Chester County Military Academy," with twenty-five trustees, and located at West Chester, Chester County, Pa. By a supplement to the Act of incor- poration passed Feb. 21, 1868, the location was transferred to Chester, and its name altered to its present more appropriate one. The Principal of the Academy and its originator, is Col. Theodore Hyatt, who is assisted by a corps of competent instructors, two of whom are graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, one of them having been assigned as a military instructor under a late Act of Congress. The course of study pursued in the College, em- braces civil and military engineering, the practical sciences generally, Latin, Greek, French and German languages, togetherwith military instruction, both practical and theoretical. The insti- tution has the 'power to confer di- plomas, degrees, honors and licenses. The institution is in a Nourishing condition, having, during the academic year of 1870-71, four classes contain- ing a total of 139 students; who dress in a uniform of cadet gray, and are furnished with arms by the United States Government, viz. : 150 breech- loading cadet muskets of the Reming- ton pattern. This school is particu- larly deserving of success ; its disci- pline in study, in the barracks, and in the streets is excellent. To youth, the pomp, parade and circumstance of military life are ever fascinating; and in a college, the military disci- pline thus introduced is of inestimable advantage to the teacher, as well as of lasting benefit during life to the stu- dent. The want of the restraints that only military discipline can give, has made the majority of our colleges the worst possible places to send young men to be educated at. There is many a family that has had a son, a brother, or a young relative educated at col- lege, that has cause in after years to regret conduct caused by the unre- strained liberty allowed to the students while receiving their education at such institutions. I speak advisedly, not carelessly. The Delaware County Paper and Mail of March 27, 1877, says : ' ' The - second number of the Pennsylvania Military Academy journal. The Re- veille, has appeared. It gives a lengthy 494 HISTORY OF CHESTER. report of the lioliilay exercises at the Academy, on Washington's birthday; an account of the management of the military department of the institution, and the regulations in force respect- ing the uniforms worn by the cadets; a notice of Capt, Hyatt's lecture ; per- sonal notices of the whereabouts and movements of former cadets ; a histo- ry of the bayonet, and otlier interest- ing matter." Among the original purchasers of land in England who settled in Ches- ter, and some of whose descendants are now residents there, will be found the name of Jane Lownds, now Lownes, of whom Dr. Smith says, p. 480, she " came from Cheshire, where she had suffered persecutions in the distraint of her goods, in 1678, for attending Friends' meeting at Newton and Selsby. She was the widow of Hugh Lownes, and was accompanied to this country by three sons, Jaiiies, George and Joseph. James married Susannah Richards in 1692, and George, Mary Bowers, a woman from New England, in 1 701. Jane, on her first arrival, located iier pinxhased land in Spring- field Township, upon which a cave was built that for some time accom- modated the family as a dwelling. The site of this cave is marked by a stone planted by her descendants in 1799, which bears the date of the l)atent for the land ( 1 685 . ) The meet- ing, records show the presence of Jane I>ownes here in May, 1684, and she probably had arrived here a year earlier. It was usual to occupy lands a long time before they were patented." [ remember well in my boyhood visit- ing cousin Rebecca Crosby Lownes, who lived in Springfield on part of the above mentioned tract, and her daugh- ters, my cousins, Sarah Crosby, and Hannali Lane Lownes, were my school- mates, both at Springfield and Ridley schools. James and Susanna Lownes had four children, Joseph, b. 1693; Hannah, b. 1695 ; James, b. 1697, and Susanna. The family removed to Philadelphia in 1 7 1 1 . Mary Lownes, wife of George, was, perhaps, a daughter of Benanuel Bowers, who suffered persecution in New England. Her children were, Jane, Esther, Ann, George, Mary and Benanuel. George, Jr., married in 1734, Elizabeth, daughter of Morde- cai Maddock, of Springfield ; and his brother, Benanuel, married in 1774, Alice Williamson, daughter of John and Sarah, of Newtown. In the account of the Cowpland family given hereinbefore, (p. 273,) it is stated that John Lownes, son of Jo- seph and Sarah, of Philadelphia, mar- ried Agnes Cowpland, a daughter of Caleb and Sarah, of Chester, on the 27th of the 8th mo., 1753 ; their chil- dren, Caleb, Sarah, Joseph, David, Grace, who married Curtis Lownes ; Agnes, who died in infancy ; and Agnes (2nd,) who died in 1793, aged 16 or 17 years (reorge Lownes, and Elizabeth, his wife had three sons, Boulton, Joseph and Curtis. Boultoii married Hannah Lawrence, a Quaker lady. He died without issue. He gave one of his farms to Isaac New- ton, afterwards U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture. Joseph was for some time a Jeweller, in Chestnut east of 4th Street, Philadelphia. Curtis married his distant relative, Grace Lownes, as above. John Lownes was born in 1723, and his wife, Agnes, Aug. 4, 1727. His mother was, probably, a sister to her father's first wife, and a daughter of William Tidmarsh. To this record I add the following from HISTORY OF CHESTER. 495 the family bible : Agnes Lownes, d. May 2, 1775 ^ ^''^'" hi^isband, John Lownes, d. Aug. 13, 1807. George Lownes, d. 1 793 ; his son Curtis, d. Oct. 23, 1810. Grace Lownes, the wife of Curtis, d. Oct. 5, 1813. Emily Lownes, a dau. of Curtis and Grace, was /a Sept. 19, 1803; d. Jan. 1804. Margaret, b. Feb. 17, 1805; d. Oct. 21, 1 810. Curtis, /'. Sept. 19, 1803 ; a twin brother of Emily, d. April 2, 1821. John Lownes, son of Curtis and Grace, born March 10, 1796, was a farmer, of Springfield. He married Rebecca, daughter of John and Sarah Lane Crosby, of Ridley, Jan. 13, 1820, and died July 8, 1829, leaving sur- viving, his widow and two daughters, Sarah Crosby, who ni. Crosby P. Mor- ton, Sept. 19, 1839, and had one child, Susannah Crosby, Avho m. J. Frank Black, of Chester, Feb. 16, 1865 ; see ante, p. 145.) The other daughter, Hannah Lane, m. William W. Mad- dock, of Ridley, March 10, 1843, ^"^ their son Lownes, m. Elizabeth Wor- rall, of Ridley, Jan. 22, 1872; they have a son, Willie. William and Han- nah had one other child, Willie, who died in infancy. John and Rebecca had a son, Curtis, who died at the age of 3 years, July 18, 1829. Agnes Lownes, daughter of Curtis and Grace, who were marrjed Dec. 21, 1794', became the wife of Edward Le- vis. She was b. May 13, 1797 ; date of marriage is not given, only 181- ; she d. May 19, 1871. Elizabeth Lownes, dau. of Curtis and Grace, b. Dei. 19, 1798; /;/. Samuel Huggins, May 4, 1820; she is now dead. Es- ther, another dau. of Curtis and Grace, was born Oct. 12, 1810. Nothing further is said regarding her in the Bible. Hugh Lownes, son of Benanuel and Alice, of Springfield, was married in 1784, to Rebecca, daughter of James Rhoads, of Marple. Their son, Jo- seph, born I mo. 17, 1 787, died 4 mo. 8, 1872, was twice married ; and had children, Rebecca, Hugh, William, Phineas, Massey, Geo. Bolton, Joseph and Elizabeth, born in Springfield. LIV. The following is as perfect a list of the Doctors of Chester as I have been able to compile : John Goodson, Joseph Richards,* Paul Jackson, David Jackson, Jacob Tobin, Richard Tidmarsh, William Martin, George W. Bartram, Job. H. TerriU, Dr. Brown, William Gray, Samuel Anderson, Charles P. Fairlamb, Ellis C. Harlan, James J. Porter, Jesse Kersey Bonsall, John M. Allen, Joshua Owen, Charles J. Morton, William J. Urie, Dr William B. Ulrich, J. Larkin Forwood, Isaac R. T. Coates, E. Ridgely Graham, William T. Bladen, Coates Preston, Theodore S. Christ, Robert P. Mercer, William W. Johnson, T. E. Heenan, Henry M. Lewis, \/ EUwood Harvey, John F. M. Forwood, Thomas J. Mullin, Joseph B. Dillworth, Charles G. M. Griffiths, A. P. Fields, William S. Ridgely, Samuel Starr, Eugene K. Mott, Dare. Dr. John Goodson, who practiced medicine in Chester as early as 1681, was afterwards Deputy Governor of the Province, under Gov. William Markham, by a commission from Penn, bearing date 9th mo. 24, 1694. See I C. jR., 429. Dr. Paul Jackson died in 1767, and Dr. David Jackson grad- uated in 1768." He was Quarter-Mas- ter General of Pennsylvanifi during the Revolution. Dr. William Martin graduated in 1786. Dr. Porter lived in the old Porter mansion, but was no relation to the Commodore. Dr. Dare ■^"Joseph Richards is mentioned .is a physi- sian, owning properly in Clicsler, i)rior to 1 700. 496 HISTORY OF CHESTER. was a HoiiKt'opathic Physician in Ches- ter about 1861-2. In earlier days there must have been, of course, other phy- sicians practicing in Upland and Ches- ter, whose names are now unknown. The following is a brief account of the Delaware Co. Medical Society. In the spring of 1850, Dr. George Martin of Concord Township, and Dr. Ellwood Harvey of Birmingham Township, resolved to attempt the or- ganization of a County Society to co- operate with other county medical societies, and to become a part of the State and National associations then recently established. The first meet- ing was held in the law-ofifice of John M. Broomall, in Chester, on the second day of May, 1850. On motion of Dr. Harvey, Dr. Joshua Owen, of Chester, was called to the chair, and Dr. Martin appointed Secretary. A preamble and resolutions setting forth the necessity for organiza- tion, were offered by Dr. Martin, and were adopted. On motion of Dr. Harvey, a Com- mittee of three was appointed to draft a Constitution, which was adopted at a subsequent meeting, held in Chester, on May 30, 1850, when the Society had its birth, with the following mem- bers : Drs. Jesse Young, Joshua Owen, George Martin, Charles S. Heysham, Manly Emanuel, Charles J. Morton, Ellwood Harvey and Robert K. Smith. Dr. Jesse Young was the first Presi- dent ; Dr. Joshua Owen, Vice Presi- dent ; Dr. R. K. Smith, Secretary ; and Dr. E. Harvey, Treasurer. A committee appointed to ol)tain the names of all the physicians in the county, reported as follows : Isaac Anderson, Benjamin Anderson, Caleb Ash, J. M. Allen, Dr. Atkins, Joseph Black fan, \\. Rush Black fan, Samuel A. Barton, Jesse K. Bonsall, Manly Emanuel,WilliamGrey, J. N. Griffiths, Charles S. Heysham, John T. Hud- dleson, Dr. Hutton, Dr. Gregg, Dr. Lewis, Charles J. Morton, Geo. Mar- tin, Rolph C. Marsh, J. M. Moore, Joshua Owen, J. J. Porter, C. W. Pennock, Joseph Rowland, Dr. Rose, Geo. Smith, Robert K. Smith, Thomas Turner, Joseph Wilson, Jesse Young, and Ellwood Harvey. The Society retained vitality and was useful until Feb. 24, 1857, when the attendance at meetings having greatly fallen off, it was unanimously resolved to dissolve the Society. A new organization of the same name, and with the same purposes, was organized on March 3, 1857. A new Constitution was adopted and new officers elected. Dr. Hillborn Dar- lington was President; Dr. Manly Emanuel, Vice President ; Dr. G. B. Hotchkin, Secretary ; and Dr. Chas. N. Budd, Treasurer. This organiza- tion lasted until May 26, 1857 — a little more than two months — and ac- complished nothing. On April 19, 1861, by invitation of Dr. Joseph Parrish, Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble Minded Children, near Media, a number of physicians from various parts of the county met to witness an exhibition of the pupils of that institu- tion. It was stated that invitations had been sent to every physician in the county that was known to Dr. Par- rish, but a heavy storm and the mili- tary excitement then prevailing, had deterred many from attending. Those present were : Drs. C. S. Heysham, H. Darlington, S. A. Barton, C. Ash, H. Pleasants, J. S. Parke, A. W. Mathues, James W. Hoey, G. B. Hotchkin, J. M. Allen, J. L. For- HISTORY OF CHESTP:R. 497 wood, W. H. Forwood, Joseph Par- rish, and Isaac N. Kerlin. It was then unanimously resolved, that the Delaware County Medical Society should be revived. In accordance with that resolution another meeting was held at the same place on May lo, 1 86 1. The Constitution formed in 1 85 7 was adopted. The officers were : Emanuel, President ; Parrish, Viee President ; (i. B. Hotchkin, Secre- tary; and Joseph Rowland, Treas- urer. Meetings continued to be held occasionally for two or three years, but were very small and not of much interest. The army drew so many phy- sicians out of the county, that those who remained were too busy to attend Society meetings. On May 16, 1865, a meeting was held in the office of Dr. J. L'. For- wood, and on his motion it was re- solved, that "In consequence of the long interruption to the meetings occa- sioned by the general unsettlement of the country; the Constitution be for- mally re-adopted; the signatures of those present be affixed as active mem- bers ; and that other members be here- after balloted for as required by the Constitution." Dr. Emanuel was elected President; Dr. J. L. Forwood, Vice President ; Dr. I. N. Kerlin, Secretary ; and Dr. Charles J. Morton, Treasurer. The meeting transacted some further busi- ness, and there were no meetings for nearly four years. On March 16, 1869, a meeting was held at Dr. Parrish's Sanitarium, Media, and the following officers were elected : President, Dr. Emanuel ; Vice Pre- sident, J. L. Forwood ; Sec?-etary, Isaac N. Kerlin ; Treasurer, Theodore Christ. This was the first meeting of a continuous series down to the present day. The meetings are now held monthly at houses of the different mem - bers, special notice being sent by mail to every member. The present organization is as fol- lows : President, Edwin Fussell ; Vice Pre St., M. Fisher Longstreth; Treas- urer, Theodore S. Christ; Secretary, Linnaeus Fussell ; CcJisors, Theodore S. Christ, Hillborn Darlington and Ell- wood Harvey. The following named physicians of the county have been, and still are, members of the Society. George Martin, Ellwood Harvey, Manly Emanuel, Charles T. Heysham, Robert K. Smith, Joshua Owen, Jesse Young, C. W. Pennock, Charles J. Morton, Caleb Ash, Joseph Wilson, Samuel A. Barton, Thomas Turner, Ruben H. Smith, J. C. Hutton, Joseph Rowland, A. W. Mathues, George Smith, J. Howard Taylor, Jesse W. Griffith, Joseph NVilson, J. P. Mcllvain, J. T. Huddlesoli, J. Morris Moore, Hillborn Darlington, James T. Hill, J. Siter Parke, Edward Young, John A Thompson, G. B. Hotchkin, Edward Maris, John M. Allen, Jonathan L. Forwood, Joseph Parrish, Isaac N. Kerlin, Joseph Rowland, James J. McGee, W. H. Forwood, Charles D. Meigs, H. Pleasants, Henry M. Kirk, H. T. W. Dickeson, Isaac Taylor Coates, T. L. Leavitt, F. Ridgeley Graham, Theodore S. Christ, J. Pyle Worrall, Lewis M. Emanuel, C. C. V. Crawford, Orrin Cooley, T. E. Henan, S. P. Bardeson, William B. Ulrich, James E. Garretson, M. Fisher Longstreth, W. C. Bacon, John F. M. Forwood, J. M. Rose, Henry Pennypacker, Henry M. Lyons, John G. Thomas, Jacob Boon, M. Matthias, D. Francis Condie, Henry M. Carse, Edwin Fussell, Linnaeus Fussell, E. T. Gammage, John W. Eckfeldt, Dillwyn Green, Frank Rowland, Rebecca L. Fussell, D. W. Jefferies, W. W. Johnson, Samuel Trimble, Wm. S. Ridgely. In naming the officers who were first chosen, and those who were elected at each re-organization, it should not be understood that they are the only members who have been complimented 49,8 lUSTOin' OF CHESTEK. by such distinction. In tact, new officers are elected yearly, or the old ones re-elected, and it has thus hap- pened that either as officers of the So- ciety or as delegates to the State Con- vention, and to the National Associa- tion, nearly every member has received all the honor that such ajjpointments can confer. The objects of the Society have been pretty fully attained, notwithstand- ing its frequent interruptions, and has served to keep up a good feeling among its members to effect their mutual im- provement ; to establish and preserve a just code of professional ethics ; to maintain official relations of its mem- bers with the State and National Asso- ciations ; and in various other ways to increase the usefulness of the pro- fession and advance the interests of the members. Every kind of vain pretension to unusual skill, or to the possession of valuable secret remedies is forbidden by the Code of Ethics adopted by all the medical societies in the United States, and in accordance with that code the Delaware County Medical Society expelled one member for advertising a secret remedy for sale. In accordance with this action was the appointment of a committee by the same meeting, May 26, 1853, ''to draft resolutions expressing the appro- bation of this Society in relation to Y. S. Walter's constant refusal to pub- lish quack advertisements in the Dela- ware County Republican^ As showing the liberal .sentiments of Delaware County Physicians, it may be mentioned, that an attempt was made by one me mber to cast reproach upon another for having accepted a professorship in the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, but the effort was not only unsustained, but was dis- api)roved by every other member of the Society. It may also be mentioned in this connection, that three ex-pro- fessors of that college, and one lady graduate of it, are now members of the Society. In 1851, Drs. Harvey, R. K. Smith, and Martin, were appointed to make a sanitary report to the State Medical Society, which they did ; and Drs. Martin and Harvey, assisted by Dr. Samuel Trimble of Concord Town- ship, an expert mineralogist, made a pretty thorough geological survey of the County and a chart, which was published in the transactions of the State Society. This was the first geo- logical chart of the County ever made, and is the basis of all subsequent pub- lications. In 1853, the Society united with the Chester County Medical So- ciety in the publication of a Medical Journal intended chiefly to contain re- ports of the transactions of the two societies, but it was not long con- tinued. • In conclusion it may be said that the organization was never so thoroughly vital as now, the meetings being well attended by most of the more prominent physicians of the county. The lectures, essays, reports of cases, discussions, &c., are highly interesting and instructive, and the good feeling that pervades every meet- ing makes them .social events of more than ordinary interest to all who are so fortunate as to attend. I give here an account of the pro- ceedings of one such meeting of the Society held recently, (1874.) " A stated meeting of the Delaware County Medical Society was held on Thursday after- noon at the residence of Dr. Christ, in Ches- ter, Dr. Fussel, President, in the chair. Mem- bers present, Drs. Ilarvcy, Ulrich, Christ, Green, Kerlin, Jefferics and Allen. In the absence of the Seeretary, Dr. Allen was a))- jjointcd Sciriiary pro triii. HlSTOllY OF CHE8TKH. 409 rrofessor Addiiiell llewson, of Philadel- phia, was present by invitation of the Society, and delivered an interesting and instructive lecture on the use of Earth Dressing in differ- ent varieties of wounds, ulcers, and other in- juries and diseases requiring a local applica- tion. The lecture was followed by a general discussion, participated in by the several mem- bers of the Society, upon the subject. On motion of Dr. Allen, a vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Hewson for his very able and entertaining discourse. The Training School, at Media, was se- lected as the ne.xt place of meeting; lecturer, Dr. Harvey. After the adjournment of the Society the members were invited into the dining room, where an elegant and substantial entertain- ment had been prepared by Mrs. Christ, to which full justice was done. With many thanks to Dr. C. and lady for their h^pitality, the Society adjourned." The following sketch will recall an eminent Physician of Chester. William Gray, son of George and Martha, 7n. Rachel Hill in 1791, dau. of John and Mary, h. in 1770. Wil- liam, their son, b. 1795, was the well- known Doctor William Gray, who lived at the N. W. cor. of 5 th and Market Streets. His father died in 1795, and his mother Rachel married Nathan Sharpies in 1804, and died in 1808. Martha Gray, dau. of William and Rachel, /'. 1793, m. William Palmer in 1822, and had a son William Gray Palmer, b. 1824, and Moses Palmer, b. 1825. Dr. William Gray, had an uncle Thomas Steel, a miller in Darby, and commenced to learn the business, but becoming disgusted with it, studied medicine under Doctor Warfield of Maryland, a relation of his, and a cousin of the Leipers. The Doctor married Martha Bonsall, a daughter of Edward and Hannah. Mrs. Bonsall (i » was a daughter of John and Martha Gibbons of Chester. Dr. Smith says, p. 491: "Thomas Pearson, freqtiently called Thomas Per- son, with his wife Margery, came from England with W^illiam Penn when on his first visit to Pennsylvania. If any reliance can be placed on tradition, it was upon his suggestion that the name of Upland was changed to Chester," &c. Tradition is probably at fault in this case, as the subject of Dr. Smith's notice arrived the next year after Penn. Beside this person there was another Thomas Pierson, who says himself that he arrived in Upland, Sept. 28, 1683, as will more fully appear by the following paper and remarks thereon, in the handwriting of Thomas Pierson, himself. The paper is endorsed " Cer- tificate, Joseph Kippen in Bristol," and is as follows : "Bristoll, the 24th of 8'"' 1675. To all people to whom these presents shall come this I signifie & certyfie that The Bearer hereof: Tho : Peirson : hath served me the ffuU terme of seven years according to his Indenture Re- corded in the * * * of this * * * in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year above written. Joseph Kippin." The remarks of Pierson are in the following words: "On.y'' 12th day of y' 8th month in y^ yeare 1675, I had sj^rved my Apprenticeship. On y'' 2d day of y® 1 2th month in y" yeare Afores'^ I went from Bristoll for London. On y* 14th day of y^ 7th month in y" yeare 1676 I sailed from the Downes intend- ing for Maryland in company w**" Wm. Dixson. On y*" 9th day ofthe 9th month in y*" yeare 1676, I Arrived in Great Wicka Comma Coe River in Maryland in y° Ship Called the 'Joseph & Ben- -■)()() HISTORY OF CHESTER. janiiii.' Matthew I'ain Conimandcr of )'■ same. 'V. P. On y"-' 14th day of y'' 12th month in y" yeare 1681-2, I sailed from without y"' Capes of Cheseo- l)eak bay in Maryland for England in the Ship Called the ' Comfort' of Bristol!. Thomas Whitop master. On or about y'' 20th day of March 1682, I arrived in Kingroad. On y° 25th day of July in y'-'year 1683, I set saile from Kingroad in y" 'Comfort,' John Reed master, and arrived at Vpland in Penn- silvania y'' 28th of September 1683." It will be noticed that Pierson calls Chester Vpland in 1683. He was no insignificant person, or I could not so easily identify his handwriting, which is very neat and distinct. Soon after his arrival here he was appointed by Thomas Holme, the Surveyor General of the Province, a Deputy Surveyor, and his Warrant is in possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, together with the paper copied above, Thomas Peirson, Surveyor of New Cas- tle County, and Isaac Taylor, Surveyor of Chester County, were the persons appointed by William Penn, in the year 1701, to run the circular line of twelve miles around New Castle, here- in before fully referred to. There is a letter in the Historical So- ciety, written by William Penn, com- mencing as follows: "Upland, Oct. 29, 1682," addressed to some gentle- men not Friends, requesting them to meet him on Thursday next, (so called) Nov. 2, 1682. I think these things show conclusively that the traditional .story of Penn and Pierson, and the change of name of Upland to Chester, on the arrival oi the ' ' Welcome' ' there, is all bosh. The instructions to Thomas Pierson, Deputy Surveyor for the county of New Castle, are very full and interesting. and never ha\ing yet appeared in j^rint they are here given as follows : " First. Thou art to repair to ye said county and there take the charge & care upon thee, as being chosen by the President & Council for ye employ, to serve under me as my De- puty & to Survey & set out Lands liy war- rants from ye Proprietary & Govern' r & form- erly Directed to William Welch, & not yet exe- cuted, as also all war'ts formerly or hereafter directed to thee from myself by virtue of War'ts from ye Com'rs for granting War'ts to persons in that County for Lands there, the same to be laid out if possible & convenient in the way of Townshipps, consisting of Five thousand acres if there be convenient room for ye same, allowing a street of fifty foot in the middle of every Townshipp, as also a Street of forty foot between Townshipp & Townshipp, as a regular access from one Townshipp to another. 2dly. In all thy tield works take^care to set do\\n in the Margent all immovable mat- ters, as Rivers, Rivelletts, Lakes, Meadows, Swamps, Rocks, Mountains, Mines, Quarrys, sorts of earth, more than ordinary sorts of Wood, leaving not out any quantity of Land for Waste or unprotitable, without Special order from ye Proprietary & Govern'r. 3dly. In all thy Protractions of ye quantities of Lands, lay down the Draughts or figures thereof on a Scale of fourty perch in an inch & not to give out unto any ^son whatsoever the figure or drauglit of any Land by thee surveyed without special order from me, upon penalty of paying me double the value of the Survey money for ye Same. 4thly. Thou art to demand & require of all "^sons concerned, for ye survey of Lands sufficient conveyance to & from ye .said Sur- veyed Lands with hands necessary (yt may be unconcerned, or otherwise attested if possi- ble) for carrying ye Chain, marking ye Trees & bounds & necessary provisions the while, as being so ordered by the Govern'r over and above the Stablishment, allowed by the Gov- ern'r for ye Survey of Lands in yl County, and as oft as is necessary send me an account of thy Proceedings and Passages yt I may give account thereof to the Govern'r. Lastly. I hereiw empower thee to demand & receive the .Survey money allowed by ye Governr for all Lands by thee Surveyed, the one niovctv whereof tlu)u art to take & recci\e HISTORY OF CHESTER mi for thy own use, as compensation for ye art & Labor of Survey, the other moyety to secure & detaine in thy hands till further orders from the President & Council or myself & and to observe and follow such other & further orders, as may hereafter be sent thee from the Gov- ern'r or myself. Given under my hand & Seal at Philadelphia, the 24th of the 7th mo. 1684. Tho : Holme, Surv'r Gen'rl, [ls.] And further if any persons have war't for Lands in their own hands, & not yet given in to the former office then in such cases thou art to take the sdwar'ts without further orders from me and to execute them & carefully trans- mitt them to me. Tho: Holme, Surv'r Gen'rl. ffurther the first work thou art to do, when thou comes to New Castle, thou art carefully to admeasure & survey from ye hither bounds of Newcastle Town, as near the River as con- veniently may be until thou come to the lower part of the further side of Concord Town- shipp, & to hire men to assist thee & carry the Chaine, at as reasonable rates as thou canst & when done to finde thereby the true distance from ye bounds of Newcastle Town to ye lower end of ye said Townshipp of Concord, yt so I may know how many miles that distance is & where ye Twelve miles in a straight line from Newcastle terminates, that I may be able to give an account to ye President & Provincial Council thereof, and when thou hast found the said distance, thou art at ye sd Twelve miles end in a straight Line set some Posts, or some other visible mark ; yt may be found out, and from thence run a line of the same Twelve miles distance down to ye River Dela- ware, & there make the like visible mark, yt so I may know where the twelve miles from New- castle, in a straight line ends upon ye sd River & when thou art satisfied of the truth of thy work & where the twelve miles ends upon ye River, then run from ye River side backwards in the woods, as fane as will paralell the upper line of Concord & run yt distance to ye sd upper line of Concord & either come or send me a true account hereof. And call to Henry ■ Hollingsworth for what war'ts & returns he hath in his hands, or any other thing relating to survey. Tho: Hulmk, Surv'r (Jen'rI." The Deputy Surveyor, Thomas Pier- son, probably never lived at Chester. He belonged to Newark Monthly Meet- ing, and married Rachel Sharpley at that meeting in 1686; she died 7 mo. 2, 1687, and Avas buried at Newark. Thomas produced his certificate from Newark Monthly Meeting to Concord Monthly Meeting, 7 mo. 12, 1709. Gilbert Cope, the Historian, says: " Thomas Pierson, the Surveyor of New Castle County, was not the person mentioned by Dr. Smith as a settler in Marple, and the grandfather of Benjamin West. The foiTner appears to have resided in New Castle County for many years, yet he frequently made sur- veys in Chester County, and there is evidence that he was considered a careful surveyor. In 1686 he married Rachel Sharpley, but she died the next year and was buried at New- ark Meeting, which was on the east side of Bi^andywine. Early in 1690, he married a second wife. Rose Dixson, probably the daugh- ter of Henry Dixson, of New Castle. About the year 1 709, he became a member of Concord Meeting, and in that year his daughter Susanna was married to John Mendenhall, who settled in Cain Township. It may be here stated that Susanna was also the name of his mother, whose death occurred during his first visit to America. In 17 15, his daughter Rose, mar- ried Aaron Mendenhall, a brother of John, and they also settled in Cain Township. In the genealogy of the Mendenhall family, pub- lished at Cincinnati, in 1864, this Thomas Pierson is confounded with the grandfather of Benjamin West, but beyond these two daugh- ters I have met with no account of any chil- dren, and he doubtless made his home with one of them toward the close of his life. I believe the minutes of Concord Monthly Meet- ing from 1709 to 1716, are in his handwriting. In the latter year he was appointed an ' over^ seer' of Cain Meeting, in which station he continued until his death, which occurred Sept. (7 mo.) 29, 1722. In a registry of arrivals in possession of the Historical Society, it is stated that 'Thomas Pierson, mason, Margaret, his wife, John, his brother, and Mary Smith, his sister, came from Pownall-fee, in Cheshire, in the Endeavour o{ London, and arrived here 29th of 7 mo., 1683. This was but a day later than the Surveyor has recordeil his arrival at Upland, and the 502 HISTORY OF CHESTER. fact alniDSt made me doii!)! tlieir heiiii,' distinct pcrstms. However, we fiiul in the records of Cliester Monthly Meeting; that Thomas Pear- son or Peirson, and McVi^eiy, his wife, lived in Marple, and the births of their ten children are also given. The maiden name of Mar- gery, was Smith, and her sister Mary became the wife of Daniel Williamson, the ancestor of the family of that name in this county. Of course this Thomas Pearson could not have suggested the name of Chester for Upland, unless he had made a voyage to this country prior to his final settlement. His will is dated Oct. 1 6, 1730, and proven March 25, 1734, and in it he mentions his wit'e, Margery, sons Robert, Lawrence, Enoch, John and Abel, and daughters, .Sarah, wife of John West, Mary, wife of Nicholas Rogers, and Margery, wife of Peter Thompson. Lawrence Pearson had a large family who settled in Berks County, and I have under- stood that Judge Pearson \\'as a descendant of this branch. Thomas PierNon, the Surveyor, always, I believe, spelled his name as here given. I have seen many of his surveys, and have felt almost an affectionate interest in his history." In boyhood I was very fond of horses, and am yet. I think there is no more beautiftil or graceful animal in the world than a fine full-blooded horse; my favorite color is a bay, then a dap- pled gray. My step-grandfather, John F. Hill, was passionately fond of fine liorses, and always had half a dozen or more choice animals among the numer- ous horses he once kept at his place in Ridley, just north of Ridley Park. Two fine teams were used there, of six horses each, in hauling building stone from the first quarry he opened on his place, to his landings on Crum Creek. (Jne fine animal called Dread, he won at a race near Baltimore; another a l)eautiful gentle bay mare called Kate, a fast trotter, was stolen by one of his men, and taken to Long Is- land, and entered for a race at the coiu'se there. 'I'his led lo the detec- tion of the thief, and grandfather drove to Long Island in his gig, and brought the mare back and the thief also, the latter in his gig with him, handcuffed. He had also several race-horses ; one, Buzzard, was a dapple-gray, gentle as a lamb, and I used to ride him every- where when I was about ten years old ; another, a dark brown horse, called Knddy, ran several scrub-races at Chester, from the old brick school house on Welsh Street, to the Poplar trees, on the old Queen's road, now called Morton Avenue. This was the favorite racing grounds, after Coch- ran's Race Course was discontinued. Crossman Lyons used to ride in these scrub-races an old horse called Bttf- fer; he was seldom beaten; Buffer was a sorrel horse, with a white face and legs. He belonged to Mr. John Irwin of the " White Swan Hotel." Cochran's Race Course was on the property of the late John Cochran, now North Ward, Chester. The Judge's stand stood opposite where John O. Deshong's residence now is, on the east side of Edgmont Avenue. The track was a mile in length and a very good one, with the exception of one place which had a slight rise, and to make it easy the ground had to be filled in, and consequently after a rain the track was heavy at that place, and tried the bottom and strength of the horses ; it was at the back part of the track over towards the poplar trees on the Phila- delphia road. John Irwin was the owner of two horses. Admiral Wilson, a dark bay stallion, and Tatififfy, a grey geld- ing. Mr. Greene from the upper part of the county, whose christian name I have forgotten, had a very fast bay mare. John Cochran had three horses, one a stallion. Samuel M. Leiper had HISTORY OF CHESTER. 503 two horses; Dennis Kelly, of Kelly- ville, had two horses; these animals were all fine running stock. The races were the "Chester Spring Races," and the "Chester Fall Races," each continuing two days. Cochran's or Greene's horses generally won the races, and were the favorites in the betting. The Tantiffy horse it was thought could beat any of the others, if he would not bolt from the track ; he was a hard one to ride, and fre- quently threw his rider, consequently he could not win. I think Thomas Clyde afterwards owned this horse, having bought him of Irwin. At the last races on Cochran's Course there was trouble with the Irish quarrymen, and a fight, in consequence of which the Course was closed by order of Court. The Course was laid out about 1832 or '3, and abandoned about 1836. I am not certain about those dates as I do not remember much about the Chester races. I recall, however, being at one and going home, grandfather driving out the Philadelphia road in a carriage, in the midst of other carriages, gigs, sulkys, men on horseback, clouds of dust, the yells of excited men, the shrieks of frightened women, horses going at the top of their speed, grand- mother holding me on her lap, and John F. Hill with his fast bays, laughing at the crazy crowd that came yelling after him. I remember that there were in those days some fast trotting horses in the vicinity of Chester. We had not got to 2.40 then, 3 minutes was considered fast. Robert P. Crosby had a bay nag, named Towstring, called a 3-minute mare. John F. Hill's Dread, was a 3-minute horse. Edward R. Crosby had a grey horse called Jim Crow, which I think he entered for a race on Cochran's course, and came to grief. The first cattle show in Delaware County, was held at Chester, on the lot on the left hand side of Edgmont Avenue, between the former residences of Joshua P. Eyre, dec'd, and Samuel Edwards, Esq., dec'd. The greater number of the cattle exhibited were owned by Mr. Penn Gaskill, living at that time near Philadelphia. A friend to whom I am indebted for much of the foregoing information, adds: "The first vessel (of any size) built in Chester, since my recollection, was the packet sloop Jonas Preston, built by Andrew Wheaton for J. P. & W. Eyre. She was constructed on Jonas Eyre's property, about one mile up Chester Creek, above its mouth, and was superceded by a steam barge, the Chester, built by P. Baker & Co., which was sold to Capt. Taggart and others, and another built by J. & C. D. Pennell, and called the Lamokin, She runs from Avhat was formerly called Grubb's or Pierson's wharf, now called Pennell 's wharf, on Chester Creek. In 1 87 1, a company incorporated as the Merchants and Manufacturers' Steam Freight Line, built a freight steamer, called the City of Chester. She now runs from Bradley's wharf, on the west side of the creek. Prior to the Jonas Preston was the packet John Wall, a very fast sailing vessel, commanded by John Hart, who was a relative of Archibald T. Dick. He died in the old house adjoining Chester Bridge, now kept as an oyster saloon. William Grubb had charge of the packet storehouse, afterwards Samuel Long took charge, and Grubb moved down to a house on the lower pier. Previous to the John Wall, Richard 504 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Flower of Chester mills, owned a sloop, the Chester Planter, which he used to carry flour from the mill to Phila- delphia, about the beginning of the ]>resent century, almost sixty years ago. She \vas run aground at Mount Melech, opposite No. I mill at Upland, and there remained until she went to pieces by decay and the action of the water." During the first week in March 1874, an old schooner with a cargo of oysters was lying at Muir's wharf on Chester C'reek. Nearly thirty years ago this same craft was launched on the creek at a point now occupied by Bunting's lumber yard, having been built for Aaron Buck, by Archibald McArthur, a shipwright, well known to the older residents of Chester. She was chris- tened Richard Powell, which name she still bears. The timbers are of Delaware County Oak, and are as solid and sound as the day they were when first put in the frame. The vessel would evidently be improved by a coat of paint, and a general overhauling, al- though she has every indication of be- ing still a staunch craft. The Po7vell is sixty feet in length, eighteen feet l)eam, and will carry two thousand 1 )askets of oysters. The original anchor chain, now reduced by wear to about one third of its former thickness, is liciit upon the second anchor. The \cssel is owned and commanded by ("apt. Leeds, of Gloucester, N. J. LV. The Republican of Dec. 10, 1852, says: "A schooner, rating 250 tons, was launched on Wednesday last from the ship-yard of Mr. Sinex, in this Borough. She wa.s christened the Maria Pickup, that being the name of the wife of one f)f the owners. She is much the largest vessel ever built here," t^cc. I do not propose, in this work, to enter into a description of the several ship-yards of Chester, suffice it to say, that "The Delaware River Iron Ship Building and Engine Works," of which John Roach is the President, are the most extensive. I wish, how- ever, to contrast the present with the past. In 1852, a schooner of 250 tons was the largest vessel ever launched in Chester. On (this day) Mar. 18, 1874, one of the largest iron vessels ever built in the world, was launched at Chester, in the presence of many members of Con- gress, a large number of invited guests, and over 5000 spectators. This new steamer is of iron, built to run between San Francisco, Japan and China. She is called The City of Peking, and her consort. The City of Tokio, which is to be launched in about a month, were both built for the Pacific Mail Company, and each will cost one mil- lion of dollars. They are both of the same size. The City of Pekittg is in length over all, 420 feet ; length on load line, 396 feet 6 inches ; length of beam moulded, 47 feet 4 inches ; depth of hold, 38 feet 6 inches ; tonnage, 5 , 200 tons. The iron used in plating her sides ranges in thickness from ii-i6ths to I inch in diameter, and five million pounds of iron were used in the hull. As the vessel stands on the stocks at present the estimated weight is seven millions of pounds. When loaded to the full carrying capacity there will be about 1 7 feet of clear above the water- line. She will be supplied with two pair of high pressure, compound en- gines ; high pressure cylinders, 51 inches in diameter ; low pressure cylin- ders, 88 inches diameter; stroke of pistons, 54 inches ; horse-power, 4,500. There are two bilge-pumps and one in- HISTORY OP^ CHESTER. 505 dependent circulating pump to each pair of engines. The screw will be 20 feet 3 inches in diameter, and 30 feet mean pitch, with 5 4 average revolutions per minute, and a maximum of 60 revolutions in the same time. The propeller-wheel of Hirsch's patent, with four blades, diameter 20 feet 3 inches ; mean pitch of blades, 30 feet. The boilers, ten in number, each 10 feet 6 inches long, and will be 13 feet in diameter ; mean pressure 60 pounds to the square inch. Three furnaces will be provided to each boiler, and these will consume between 50 and 60 tons of coal per day of 24 hours. The estimated speed of the ship is 153^ knots per hour, or 17 statute miles. The vessel has four decks, with hatches to each. The first or lower deck will be for the storage of gene- ral freight and the coal bunkers, the second deck for freight, and the aft end for carrying immigrating Chinese. The third deck is the most important. In the forward part are the quarters for steerage passengers. In cosy state rooms, on each side, are arranged bunks painted neatly, and these will receive the addition of bedding of a good quality. Accommodations will be provided here for about 250 per- sons as second-class passengers, and 1,000 third-class. Leading from this portion of the vessel towards the sa- loon, on the port-side, are the officers' quarters, pantry, dispensary and bath- rooms, and on the starboard side, the purser's room, fitted up with wal- nut desks, bunks and sofas. There are also more quarters for officers, and w^ater-closets. Amidships is the kitchen, with a skylight ventilation and light. This apartment is fitted up with the most approved cooking ap- paratus, and will be lined with sheet iron. Still further on, on either side of a large entry, are the quarters de- signed for the male passengers, and are fitted up handsomely. The doors and sides of the walls are built of oak, with satin wood. French walnut, ebony, and bird's eye maple carvings and mouldings, with ventilators of walnut in the upper portions. At the end of this passage-way is the grand dining saloon, 34 by 47 feet, with four tables running the entire length, and capable of accommodating 200 per- sons at once. Immediately in the rear of this, and with a passage-way about eight feet in width separating them, are the ladies' cjuarters, fitted up in exquisite style, with bath rooms attached. This portion of the vessel will be upholstered in the finest man- ner with plush velvet, and the floors covered with silk velvet carpets, and the passage-ways with oil-cloths. The cabins will be fitted up to accommo- date about 200 persons, thus making her capacity for passengers of all classes about 2,000. The aft steering apparatus can be operated by either hand or steam pow- er. There are three hatches leading to the hold upon this deck. There will be placed in her four masts, three iron and one wooden. The iron masts will be used as ventilators, and will have patent tops. Amidship is a ladies sitting-room, and further on a smoking- room, designed for the use of gentle- men. Forward is the pilot-house, and an apparatus for steering in calm weather. Adjoining this is the Cap- tain's room, and immediately in the rear the first and second officers' quar- ters. The windlass for raising the anchor is so arranged that it can be operated either by steam power, from 5()G I STORY OF CHESTER. a small engine untlerneath, or by hand | power. The anchors weigh fifty-six 1 hundred weight each, and are attached to 27 fathoms of 2)^ inch chain. She will carry 33,000 square feet of canvas, and her masts will be 138 feet in length. There will be two smoke- stacks painted black, 90 feet long, and 8 feet in diameter. Distilling appa- ratus for converting the sea water into a fit condition for use will be pro- vided, and to each engine will be a surface condenser, and there will be tanks erected for keeping the distilled water, capable of storing 25,000 gal- lons at a time. It was stated by Senator Cameron, at the launch of the City of Peking, that the first iron steamboat was built in Pittsburg many years ago. This is a mistake. The first vessel of this kind was built in the town of York, Pa. I cannot recall the precise year, but it is stated that it was taken from that town to the Susquehanna on wheels. This may sound strangely but is nevertheless true. It was built by a very ingenious Quaker named Phineas Davis, and for many years after it was launched was used as a ferry and tow boat at some point on the river between Columbia and its mouth. The following interesting sketch of the family and descendants of an old- time honored resident of Chester, has been furnished me from a reliable source. To it 1 have added my re- collections. John J. Thurlow was born Feb. i, 1795, '"^ the County of Essex, Eng- land. He married Mary, the oldest (laughter of Richard and Mary Shep- herdson, of East Riding, in Yorkshire, where she was born, A. D. 1 796. They emigrated to America in the winter of 1818-19, and settled at Newport, Delaware; antl tluring the latter part of 1819, Mr. Thurlow rented the Stage House there and kept it for two years, when, at the solicitation of Major An- derson, he moved to Chester, some- time in 1 82 1, to take charge of the hotel then owned by the Major, and formerly kept by him. While there he prepared and furnished the supper given to General Lafayette, in the old Court House, on his visit to Chester. After keeping the "Old Engle Hotel," near Chester bridge, known as the "National," Maurice W. Deshong succeeded him as the landlord. Major Price was Deshong' s successor. After Mr. Thurlow left the "National," he retired to his farm below Chester, where he built a commodious house, which he named "Sporting Hall," a well-known place in its day, " Whose roof once rang with harmless mirth, Where every passing stranger was a guest, And every guest a friend." The scene of much gayety and revelry indulged in there by the young and the old folks of the county ; for there was held every year the " Harvest Home," and on the barn floor the beaus and belles, for miles around, gathered and tripped on the light fan- tastic toe. In summer, the Hall was filled with city boarders from Phila- delphia, and evening dances and par- ties of pleasure were alwa3's in order. Mrs. Mary Thurlow died Atig, i, 1861, regretted by all who knew her. I re- call with pleasure her handsome, beam- ing face, as she greeted her friends, and her kind and cordial manners, that made her house feel like home. Some years after her death, June 15, 1867, Mr. Thurlow married Rachel, daughter of Captain William Krewton, of Philadelphia, Avho was lost at sea, with his vessel and all the rrew. The HISTORY OF CHESTEK 507 old mansion, "Sporting Hall," was recently torn down, being in the way of the extension of Third Street of the City of Chester. John J. and Mary Thurlow had two children — a son and daughter. The latter, Emmeline, born at Chester, April 12, 1823, married first. May 24, 1844, John A. McMullin, a mer- chant of Philadelphia. He accom- panied General Walker in his expedi- tion to Nicarauga, about 1854, and died there. They had issue\- Thurlow and Mary W. The daughter is married to Ex-Senator Milton S. Latham, of California, and the son, Thurlow Mc- Mullin, is in business in the " Golden Stated After the death of her first husband, Emmeline married again, Dec. 22, 1S59, George O. McMullin, of California, a first cousin of her former husband, by whom she had two children, Georgie Hammond, and Emmadonna. She was a very beauti- ful woman, a brunette, with a sweet, amiable disposition and fascinating manners. Her fate was a sad one ; she and her two young children were lost in the Pacific Ocean. The steamer Golden Gate, on which they were passengers, returning to her father's home, near Chester, took fire at sea and was beached July 27, 1861, upon the coast of Mexico, about 15 miles from Manzan ilia, and they were drown- ed in the attempt to reach shore. Thomas T. Thurlow, son of John J. and Mary, was born in Delaware, Dec. 30, 1819, before his parents removed to Chester. He married June 20, 1 844, Susan M., daughter of John Serrill, of Darby, and a grand-daughter of the late well known old sea captain, James Serrill, who was for years master of the good old ship Tuscarora, one of Cope's line of packet ships to Eng- 65 land. Thomas T. Thurlow early took a fancy to military life, and was a cap- tain of militia in Col. John K. Zeilin's regiment. After his removal to Dela- ware, he was appointed by Governor Cannon of that State, Major of the 6th Delaware Volunteers, and served with the Union Army until the regi- ment was mustered out of service in 1864, when he was appointed Deputy Provost Marshal of the State of Dela- ware, which position he held until the termination of the Rebellion. He then removed to Washington City, D. C, and was appointed a clerk in the U. S. Hydrographic office. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department. He has issue five children, viz. : Mary S., John J. and Thomas E., dead and buried in Chester Rural Cemetery ; Fannie S., wife of Augustus S. Lane, of Wilmington, Delaware, and Ella Beale, who married. Mar. 21, 1877, Joseph C. Addison, of Washington, D. C. Soon after his removal to Del- aware, Major Thurlow became an offi- cer of the First City Troop of Dela- ware. In 1845, upon the breaking out of the Mexican War, the whole Troop, numbering 70 men, tendered their services, with their horses and equip- ments, to the Government. I have before me a card for a " Har- vest Honied which says, "Admit the Bearer to Sporting Hall, near Chester, on Saturday, Oct. 2, 1852," and among a long list of " Managers," including gentlemen from New York, Philadel- phia, &c. , I find the names of the fol- lowing citizens of Delaware County : Hon. Geo. G. Leiper, Major Levi Reynolds, John C. Leiper, Samjiel A. Crozer, Wm. Truxton, U. S.N., Wm. P. Beatty, Daniel Lammot, Jr., John I. Thurlow. Joseph R. Morris, John L. Passmore, Mark Willcox, James G. Shaw, William Lincoln, William McCall, Y. S. Walter, Mark Warne. 508 HISTORY OF CHESTER. The al)ovc Harvest Home, was the last of six annual festivals held at Sport- inu Hall. The name of Truxton is so well known in Chester, that the following short sketch of the family will not be out of |)lac e. The Truxton's are re- lated to the lieale's. Capt. William T. I'ruxton, mentioned as one of the Managers at " Thurlow Harvest Home," entered the U. S. Navy, Feb. 9, 1 841, and has served with distinc- tion ever since. He was lately tried by a Court Martial for suffering his ship, the U. S. steam-frigate i?ry- terian, is the Pastor. Just one mile so^ithwest of the above church, near the 13th mile stone from Philadelphia, on the south side of the old Queen's road, in the ancient town of Ridley, now called Leiperville, stands an old, unused, dilapidated structure, known as the " Plummer Meeting House. ' ' It was erected prin- cipally through the exertions and with funds supplied by John S. Morton, of Springfield. Joseph Weaver, the elder, Joseph Tribbets, Jonathan Vaughan, William Weaver, Abraham Ward, Sam- uel Barton, (all deceased,) and others, were interested with Mr. Morton in building the meeting house. They called themselves "The Free Chris- tians." The church was erected for the elder Frederick Plummer, the min- ister of a free church in Philadelphia, and for a time he was a great favorite with his congregation. His followers were called generally " Plummerites." He Avas an Englishman, I believe, and in appearance was a heavy built, hand- some, red-faced man, with light hair, easy and winning manners. Franklin Parsons is one of the present trustees of the property. The new Ridley Public School House stands on the next lot but one, west of the old Plummer Meeting House, and opposite the properties of William W. Maddock and Miles M. Stille.* The latter is the descendant of an old Swed- ish family, who were among the earli- estsettlersin this vicinity. Olof Stille, whose passport or certificate of charac- ter bears date Dec. 2, 1634, came from * DiEO, at the residence of her son, Miles Stille, at Leiperville, Nov. i, 1866, Martraret Stille. .T'lJ rihoiit 9^ years. the lordshi]) of Penningby and Nyanes, in the Duchy of Lodermania, about 30 miles south of Stockholm, in Swe- den ; he resided on and owned the land between Ridley and Crum Creeks. On Lwdsfrom's MS. Map, this tract is designated as '' Stilleu's Land, le pays dc Stillen,'' and Ridley Creek is called, '' Oele Stillen' s Kilir The Indians called it Techorassi or Tegui- rasi. Olof Stille was one of the prin- cipal men in the Swedish Colony, having been deputed by Gov. Printz, as the bearer of the official ])rotest made by the Swedes to the Dutch Governor, against the encroachments of the West India Company on the rights of the Swedish Crown on the Delaware. In 1658, after the Dutch took possession of the country, he was one of the four commissioners or ma- gistrates appointed to administer jus- tice among the inhabitants, and thus became a Judge of the first Court of which history gives us any informa- tion, held among the Europeans on the banks of the Delaware. He was also employed in various negotiations with the neighboring colonists and with the Indians, by whom he was styled, " The man with the black beard." He died about the year 1666. His son, John Stille, was born near Tinicum, in the year 1646, and died April 24, 1722, aged about 76 years, and was buried in the grave- yard of the Swedes' Church at Wica- coa, where his tombstone still remains. He was one of the original trustees of that church, and the pastor, in record- ing his death, adds: "He lived a goodly life in this world." 'Sit& Notes to Upla7id Recoi'd. Among the queer characters of Ches- ter, when I was a school-boy, was one whose i)eculiaritics will liear notice ; HISTORY OF CHESTER. .11 and as he had no relatives that I am aware of, nobody's feelings will be hurt by the recital of his sayings and doings. "Tom White," was a kind of house servant of the Hon. Edward Darlington, when he resided in Third Streetj Chester. My recollection of him is, that he was half-witted and fond of " fire water;" on one occasion as some school girls were buying horse- ginger-bread in a candy store, under David Abbott's saddlery shop, opposite Mr. Darlington's, Tom was to be seen gazing intently at the little sweet- toothed Misses; at last, slapping his leg with his open hand, he said, "Oh good Lord ! there's six cents gone slap- dab for ginger-bread, and they would have bought a quart of whiskey." Tom was fond of quoting scripture ; one day being busy in the stable-loft he slipped and fell through the hay-well, and as he came down, he was heard to cry aloud, " Lo, here I come," and when he heard of a death, he always said, " We grow up like a hollyhock, and are cut down like a rose." The boys used to tease him until he got frantic with rage. On All Hallow-E'en, we boys used to have great fun ; I remember on one such evening we hooked a large num- ber of pumpkins, on purpose to annoy "old Scott," who kept a Beer House opposite Mr. Darlington's, in the cel- lar of a three-story old-fashioned brick, afterwards burned down. During the evening we threw down a large pump- kin, which, bursting open his saloon door, partly glass with a red curtain before the lights, rolled into the mid- dle of the cellar ; but to our disgust, old Scotty rushed to the door and sung out, "more pumpkins! boys, more pumpkins." He saw visions of cheap pumpkin pies. It has been only within the last ten years that wandering companies of Gypsies have made their appearance in the United States, travelling around the country with their families in large covered wagons, constituting a small house on wheels. Their ostensible business is trading in horses, by the men, and fortune-telling by the wo- men. All I have seen were stout and and hearty to be sure; but the women were not handsome or the men very clean. They remind us Americans of the Indians. Several families have encamped now for the last five or six years, on the " Sand Island," at Beth- lehem, Pa., and from the Delaware County Advocate, of Chester, Pa., March 13, 1875, ^ (^opy the following item: '■^Rather Cool. — A company of Gypsies have been spending the past winter .in a sail-cloth tent near by Morton Station. During the coldest of the cold term, a little snow-bird, after the fashion of a brown -faced gypsy baby, came, and there remains, happy as if its home were a palace." My old friend John F. Gilpin, says that about 181 3, there stood on the present site of the Arch Street Thea- tre, in Philadelphia, an old fashioned Tavern, with a large swinging sign, on which was represented a Hunting Scene, that is. Hounds chasing a Deer, with Huntsmen on horseback; beneath the picture was printed " Our Hounds are good and Horses too, The Buck is near run down. Call off the hounds and let him blow, While we regale with Brown." Twenty-five or thirty years ago, nearly every gentleman and farmer in Delaware and Chester Counties, had two or three useless fox-hounds running at large about his place. They were a great nuisance ; for on 612 HISTORY OF CHESTER. moonlight nights, they would gather in packs and chase rabbits or sheep all night, in full cry, making a fearful noise. There was very little fox-hunt- ing in those days, it was a thing of the past; lately, the sport seems to have been revived, and the cry of Tally ho! is again to be heard in Delaware County. A representative of the i^e;^;//;/^ Tel- egraph, who was present at the fox- hunt, near Media, on Wednesday, March 21, 1877, furnished that paper the following full and detailed report of the occurrence, which I copy, be- lieving it will be of interest to many readers who have never followed the hounds in a wild scamper across the country. The writer says : "Wishing to get an insight into the manner of conducting a hunt, our re- I)orter took a trip to Delaware County to the 'meet' of the 'Germantown,' and the 'Rose Tree Clubs,' at the stables of Mr. Howard Lewis, in Springfield township, Delaware Coun- ty, about three miles east of Media. The road from the latter place winds through a rolling and picturesque country. At times the road winds along the hill-sides, while scores of feet below we can see the low flats and the creek flowing. The whole face of the country seems as if it were formed by a series of upheavals, the rock outcropping here and there on the hillsides, and some of the latter well covered with thickets and scrub growth and brush. The place where the ' meet ' was held, was one of the most commanding of all the country, and an observer could see for several miles about, except at one point, where a ridge of almost equal height, and covered from base to summit with small growth intervened. There were assembled about 35 hunters who intend- ed to take part in the chase, including two ladies, Mrs. S. W , from Ger- mantown, and Miss Morris, of the Rose Tree Club. Even to one who took no pleasure in the hunt, it was a pleasant sight to see the horses grouped around, some of them very handsome animals, whose points as good runners and jumpers were fully discussed by the several knots of hunting men and cri- tics who thronged the well-filled stable, comparing notes between the Rose Tree Club and their guests. ' Have you seen the kennel and the fox ?' in- quires the proprietor. ' Well, come along, I'll show you some beauties. There isn't many of them, only two and a half dozen, as the English would say, for they can' t say twenty-five to save 'em.' Their kennel was a moderate- size barn, and as the door was shoved along to permit a view, there was a rush of many feet, and such a concert of yells as the master struck at them and forced them back, so eager were they for the field. Their eagerness illustrates the force of the hunter's answer to the sentimental old lady who was taking him to task for in- dulging in the cruel amusement of fox- hunting. He listened patiently, and then said, ' Ah ! madam, ye canna deny that the hunters like it; I'm sure the horses like it, and I'm certain the dogs enjoy it, and there's no one knows that the fox don' t like it. ' There were 25 of these hounds, nearly all of them thoroughbreds, and some valued at ^30 to $50 each. The fox was then inspected. He was kept in a box, the top of which had slats nailed on it to prevent his escape. He was caught in Germantown and sent to the ' Rose Tree," a couple of months ago, and he was thought to be rather tame, so much HISTORY OF CHESTER. 513 so that one of the ladies incautiously put her finger inside and he did not offer to bite it. At about lo^ o'clock in the morn- ing, the last straggler had come into the 'meet,' and a few minutes before II o'clock, the fox was taken out in his box and carried to a good distance, and to such a position that none of the company could tell where it was taken to. The appearance of the riders dressed in their hunting costume, is exceeding- ly suggestive. Some wore short jack- ets, ordinary trowsers tucked into their riding-boots, and carrying short riding- sticks with a loop at the end, and all kinds of hats from the silk to the little jockey skull-cap. One old hunter tucked up the tails of his coat and made a jacket of it, another came out in a white flannel jacket, and still another wore a costume somewhat like a London old clo' man, one short overcoat with another shorter one over it, and white corduroy trowsers were plenty. One of the ladies, Miss Mor- ris, was dressed in a blue water-proof riding habit, rather long, and the other, Mrs. W , in a short, well-fitting one of black, and both wore regular jockey caps. ' Give him a start of fifteen minutes !' says the master of the hunt. It was an impatient time, and was spent in talk- ing probabilities, ' horse' and looking after the straps and saddles. ' Time's up ! mount ! mount !' and in less than a minute all were in the saddle, the pack of hounds slipped, and dashing up the road with tails erect and nose in air, and such a chorus of hoarse bavinii- .nnd sharn vplnc i-Viat m'i'-<' Im/e ■■d -ail) aacl .sv..|'>ai-;-Lci ■ie :oi!ig one direction and some another, depend- ing on judgment as to the direction to be taken. "The wind's from the south, and it will be a .short hunt,' says a looker-on, ' for then it's always so. ' The hounds could be heard for a few minutes, and then the sound was lost behind the hills. The two la- dies rode splendidly and followed the hounds, taking fences, ditches and every-thing with the nerve of veterans. From the browof the hill where the spec- tators stood the fox was easily seen from the time it was let out of the trap until the first quarter of a mile had been run. As the hounds struck this point there was a temporary hush, then a deep chorus and they rushed in a solid body along the trail. In less than half a minute the horsemen and the two ladies could be seen following over the rough rocky ground covered with underbrush and some dashing reck- lessly through the bushes and across the creek, that flowed through the low bottom land, and then the whole passed from view over the brow of the hill. What followed is told by the hunters on their return, which was about noon, the hunt having lasted three-quarters of an hour. ' It was a short and sharp one,' said the Secre- tary of the Rose Tree Club, as he came in. The first indication was the stray- ing in of a solitary hunter with horse and self well splashed, then a limping hound, and then the hounds and the hunters themselves. The latter were well splashed from toe to hat, and seemed to pride themselves upon the amount of real estate in a semi-liquid state that each could carry. The la- dies came in bearir"^«-i^° "tj^r-i '»"'-'-" — of 'rarn .'. -' -< . there was a perfei I The fox had leti them . 514 HISTORY OF CHESTER. six miles around and about, and when run down by the hounds the first one in at the death was Mr. Ed. Wath, Mr. Wm. Leiper, Mr. George Lewis, Miss Morris, and within half a minute Mrs. W . As the young lady was in almost the first, it was decided to give her the brush, or tail, of the fox, that being the greatest trophy of the hunt. Each of the ladies had a foot, and the gory head was secured by Mr. Howard T>ewis, and came in hanging from his saddle. It was a very handsome head, and the face unmutilated, with the clear, beautiful eyes as bright as if it were alive. It will be stuffed and adorn the hunter's box, a room fitted up in the stable, adorned with hunting pictures, foxes' heads, stuffed brashes, horns of deer, and similar trophies, and in which they have the re-union after the hunt to satisfy their keen ap- petites, and tell the story of the day, and other days. The club consists of 60 members, thirty of w^hom are active. All of them own their own mounts, and many of the horses have consider- able celebrity as hard goers and fine jumpers. On this occasion, there Avere aboutadozen of the GermantownClub present, and around the board the assembled hunters sang ' Auld Lang Syne,' and told some remarkable sto- ries of foxes who had been run hard, but like the asymptote of a parabola, were continually approached but ne- ver reached. There was one fellow who jumped right over a fence on to a hound's back, gave it a vicious snap, then leaped right between two large pa(ks of hounds, looked at them one in- stant, and was aw^ay like a flash of red lightning, followed bv the whole field. 5 o'clock the meeting broke ujj, and the visitors came riding into town spattered with mud as they were. There is no question that, followed in the manner it is, fox-hunting is most excellent exercise, and calculated to make splendid riders. As to its safety, there is very seldom an acci- dent. There are numbers of ladies who enter into it with zest, as many as half a dozen riding in a single hunt. This hunt will be about the last of the season. In a week or two the ground will be broken for the spring crops, and the horses will be patiently at work, dreaming, ])erhaps, of the next season." The following is a continuation of Mr. Broomall's sketch of the Public Schools of Chester. See pp. 346, 347, taken from the Chester Evening News, of March 29, 1877. "In the year ending June, 1872, the amount of money raised by the School Board, was $21,322.67. The expenses, were ^21,700.02. The mem- bers of the Board at the beginning of the school year of 1872, were Caleb Emlen, Pi-esident ; H. L. Donaldson, Treasurer ; Dr. E. Harvey, Simeon Cotton, William B. Broomall, J. W. Kenworthy, John Fountain, S. H. Seeds; Thomas Appleby, Secretary. The number of teachers employed was 24 besides the superintendent. In July, Miss Emma Hahn, was unani- mously elected to the position of As- sistant in the High School. In De- cember, Wm. B. Broom.all and Joseph Kenworthy withdrew. Dr. F. R. Gra- ham and Jonathan Grant, were elected to fill the vacancies. In June, 1873. Dr. Wm. B. I'lrich ISTORY OF CHESTER. 515 Emlen was elected President ; Thos. Appleby, Secretary, and John Foun- tain, Treasurer. The revenue this year, -was ^ 2 2 , 45 5 . 5 5 . The expenses, were 122,170.65. Water was intro- duced into the school buildings. In July another room was added to the Academy building on Second Street. In September, the first resolution look- ing to the organization of a night school in South Ward was passed. At a special meeting, held Sept. i6th, the first proposal was made to book dealers to furnish supplies for the schools. Jan. 7, 1874, a night school was opened in the Mechanics' Read- ing Room, with Miss Susan Fenton in charge and Alfred Taylor, assistant. May 6, 1874, President Emlen resign- ed as a member of the Board. Charles Roberts was elected to fill the vacancy. Dr. Ulrich was elected President. On June 3, 1874, the following new members presented their credentials; Mrs. S. M. Springer and W. J. Har- vey. John Fountain was re-elected. W, J. Harvey was elected President, S. H. Seeds, Secretary, and John Fountain, Treastirer. At this time the system of appointing Standing Com- mittees was inaugurated. The revenues this year, were ^22,668.08. The ex- penses, $21,668.81. July 3, 1874, A. Robinettewas elect- ed Principal of the High School, de- feating A. A. Meader, who had been Principal since the establishment of the school. [Mr. Meader, however, was not ousted from his position as Superintendent.] The number of teachers this year was 31, including the Superintendent. Jan. I, 1875, ^^ School Board is- sued bonds for $4,500, for the purpose of assisting in paying for the altera- tions of the Eleventh St. school house, made in 1875. i'he money raised this year, was $40,221.20. Expenditures, $39,916.87. On June 4, 1875, the permanent indebtedness was $27,600. June 9th, W. H. Dickinson, Charles Roberts, S. H. Seeds and Jonathan Grant, presented their credentials as members of the School Board, all of the above being re-elected except Mr. Dickinson. The officers of the Board remained the same as the previous year. The school tax for the ensuing year was laid at 5 mills, 3.^ for school purposes and i^ for building. The teachers employed this year 38. July 16, 1875, the contract for the erection of a new school building on Welsh Street, below Fifth, was awarded to J. W. Barnes & Co., at $6,148. Sept. 17th, A. Robinette was elected Superinten- dent of schools. The salary was fixed at $500 per annum. At a meeting of the Board, held Oct. i, 1875, the fol- lowing motion was made by Dr. Har- vey: Resolved, That the Bible shall not be read in the Public Schools. The question was taken up at a spe- cial meeting, Oct. 22nd. The yeas were. Dr. Harvey. Nays, Dickinson, Grant, Fountain, Roberts, Seeds and Ulrich. S. M. Springer and W. J. Harvey were absent. Gas was intro- duced in the Middle Ward school building, for the use of night schools, Dec. 3, 1875. At that time there was an attendance of 135 scholars in this school. In Jan., 1876, a night school for colored children was opened in South Ward. The average attend- ance was 35, and there were 50 names on the roll. Feb. 4, 1876. Industrial drawingwas introduced as a branch of study in the Public Schools, and Miss Mary E. Bradley was employed as teacher and superintendent of the said branch. 516 HISTORY OF CHESTER. Ajiril 7. The ]5oanl voted S25 as a quota for educational display at the Centennial Exhibition. The money raised this year was 153,279.54, and the expenditures were the same. June 8. John C. Price succeeded Dr. Harvey. Dr. F. R. Graham was re- elected. The officers were, W. J. Harvey, President; Mrs. Springer, Secretary, and John Fountain, Trea- surer. The tax rate was fixed at 3 mills on the dollar for school pur- poses, and for building purposes i mill. Alfred Taylor, Collector of School Tax. Dec. I. A committee was appointed by the School Board, to inquire into the discrepancy between the vote cast at city elections and the number of taxables on the list of the County Com- missioners. This committee reported that considerable error existed in the registered taxables, and that the school fund had been greatly depleted thereby. This report occasioned a memorial on the subject to Council. The Committee on Discrepancies in the matter of taxa- bles and votes, reported that the number of taxables as per duplicate was 1 738 ; number of taxables not voting, 890 ; number of taxables from duplicate who voted, 848; number of voters not on duplicate, 1,413; total number liable to tax, 3,151, showing a loss since the triennial assessment of 1874 to the School District from State appropria- tions and personal tax of $8,549. In June, 1877, H. L. Donaldson succeeded W. J. Harvey in the School Board. Wm. Hinkson succeeds Mrs. Springer, and W. H. Thompson will succeed John Fountain. The indebt- edness of the School Board at present, is $33,050. The value of estate owned by the Sckool is §93,110. The furniture. Total, 5j!ioo,45t. The following interesting Petition will show tliat by an ancient custom the office of Constable was appurte- nant to the land, and the different " places" took their turns. Thus, if a man owned a farm he must serve a year in his turn, and if he bought another place, would have to serve again when its tm-n came. To the Honorable Jiisliccs of the Court of Private Sess/o/is, hcU at Chester of the 26th day of March, 1764. The Petition of Samuel Shaw of Chester Township, Miller, Humbly Showeth, — That your Petitioner understands that he is on the return for the office of Constable of the said Township for the ensuing year : That your peti- tioner has foi-merly served thatotHce, and there are several other places that have never served ; and it being a custom that all the places in the s"! Township should serve in thejr turns before any should be obliged to serve again, Your Petitioner apprehends it will not fall to his turn to serve for several years yet to come ; and for your Honors' better information your Petitioner has annexed a list of some persons' names who are Inhabitants of the said Township and have never yet served, as your Petitioner stands in- structed. That your Petitioner hath lived but a few years in the said Township and now hath a very large Family, and is also involved in such a multiplicity of Business at present, that he cannot serve the said office at this time, with- out greatly prejudicing his own private Affairs ; That when your Petitioner dwelt in the County of Philadelphia, he was Commissionated by the Ciov"" as a Major & Captain of a Company, and being an old regular soldier, did discipline several other companies as well as his own, without any reward from the Government, which proved a Considerable Expense to him as well as a hindrance to his own private con- cerns. I Your Petitioner therefore most humbly Prays that your Honors will be pleased to take the premises into Consideration, and Excuse him sent from the said Office of Constable, ppoinl some other person to that office ^tead. • I your said Petitioner shall ever pray, &c. Samei- Shaw. HISTORY OF CHESTER. 517 A List of Persons who have not served as Constable. Jacob Howell, Jr. ^ John Eyre, George Spear, David Jackson, Henry Piatt, Thomas Sharplcss Thomas Roman, Philip Roman, Jacob Ridgeway, Valentine Weaver John Salkeld, (part of a year formerly.) I extract from The Philadelphia Inquirer o{ K^xW. i6, 1873, the follow- ing account of a Trip to Chester : " People who have not seen Chester, our neighboring sister city in this State, for two or three years, would be well repaid the trouble of visiting that flourishing place during this spring or in the coming summer. The growth of the place has been almost marvellous during the past three or four years, and it is expected that the coming season will witness an un- precedented activity in building operations, owing to the scarcity of suitable dwellings for operatives in the shipyards nnd factories. A walk through the city will show this. In all directions cellars are being dug and walls built already, and the middle of April barely at hand. In the North Ward, Mr. Abram Blakely, cot- ton manufacturer, is putting an addition, 100 feet long, to his mill, and Mr. James Ledward is adding 120 feet to his, and making other changes. This establishment recently suffer- ed serious damage from fire. The very hand- some i-esidence of Spencer Mcllvain, Esq., has been finished, and is a great improvement to its section of the city. Mr. Henry R. Cou- lomb, a Philadelphia builder, is erecting a block of twelve houses, on Edgmont Avenue, which are likely to be followed by twelve more later in the season. Besides these there are about twenty other dwellings contracted for in this Ward. In the Middle Ward, the old part of Chester, John .Spencer, proprietor of the Advocate, is enlarg- ing his flourishing printing establishment ; George and Morgan Baker, arc building five residences, and- houses built last fall are being completed, the old dials of the clock on the City Hall have been removed and new iliu^ minated dials are being substituted. i\ new luck-up for the accommodation of "tramps" from Wilmington and other places is talked of, but meets with much opposition. In the South Ward things are progressing, and people of this city, who have not been in Chester for several years, will find old land- marks gone, and the city streets extended nearly to Marcus Hook. New boroughs have been incorporated, and now, after the New England style, there is North Chester on one side and South Chester on another. West Chester is a suburb 18 miles distant, and East Chester is to be the future home of the Amer- ican Print Works of the Messrs. Simpson of this city. Several hundred acres of ground have been purchased by them, and stone and brick are being gotten together for future use. They have in Chester but one regularly or- ganized Bacchanalian revel annually, and that is by the ex- and in-city functionaries, under the guise of a municipal supper. They invite some jolly, good fellows from the city and from ad- joining towns, and gather to hurrah for Chester, tell stories, sing songs and make Innicombe speeches. At the last supper, which came on last Friday night. Mayor Forward presided at one end of the table, and Y. S. Walter, editor of the Dela- ware County Republicati, at the other. " The old members of Council," " The new members of Council," "Our schools," "Our railroad interests," and our everything, were conscientiously toasted and properly felicitated. Thomas V. Cooper, of the Media Auicrican, was the wonderful mirror of the occasion. He sees Chester from a point five miles distant, .and replied to the toast, "As others see us." Wm. A. Todd, editor of the Evening A^ews, made a model speech, chalking out a Utopian sphere and functions for " the Press" of Ameri- ca, which was very nice, but difficult of execu- tion. Lots of other speeches were made, and songs sung. On Sunday St. Paul's Episcopal Church, which had been closed, undergoing repair.s for ten months, was re-opened. It is now one of the handsomest churches inside to be found in the country. Great credit is due the ladies of the congregation, who labored assiduously and raised ^9000 of the ^15,000 required for the work. The church was crowded, the music was good, and the sermon was excellent. Bap- tisms of twelve or fifteen infants preceded, and communion followed the services. Rev. Hen- ry Brown, the Rector for the past eleven year.s, and the last of a long line of twenty four rectors of this parish, preached. In his review of the •hit=tory of the church he stated that it was more two hundred years old — that is, the con- 518 HISTORY OF CHESTER. yi'ci;alii(n. The incnil)ci>Iii|), now ahmit two luindrcd, at one time numbered only three. The old church, completed in 1702, was torn down in 1850, and the present one built. I'hila- delphians spending the summer in the vicinity of Chester, will find at St. Paul's quite a curi- osity in the shape of a tombstone cut in 1682. The lecture season in Chester closed last night with a lecture by Lieut. lie -,rv (^lay Cochrane, U. S. M. C, before the '. > 1. ;its' Union, upon "The West Coast o ^outh America." Hamlet, by an amateur company, assisted by J. B. Roberts, of this city, is'i \be l)roduced at Tuscarora Hall this week. " Oil the 4th of July, 1876, in ac' cordance with a Proclamation of tht President of the United States, re- commending the preparation and pre^ servation of Town, County and State Histories, Centennial meetings were held for that purpose throughout the" Union. At Chester, the Centennial Oration was delivered by Isaac T. Coates, M. D., on the National Sta- tistics, from 1790 to 1876, and i.-, a mint of useful knowledge, compiled with infinite pains, and has been pre- served in book form. William Ward, Esq., wrote and read a sketch of the History of Chester, from its earliest settlement. Hon. John M. Broomall, read before the Delaware County In- stitute of Science, the County History for the last century, which has been filed with the Librarian of Congress; and Henry Graham Ashmead, Esq., wrote a sketch of the History of Ches- ter and Delaware Counties, which is printed in Dr. Egle's Illustrated His- tory of Pennsylvania. These able, instructive and interesting papers, were all printed in the Delaware County Republican. Here ends the History of Chester and its vicinity. It may be said that tliis work is very imperfect ; I admit that it is, but I have done the best I could with the materials I had, which were collected more for my own per- sonal amusement than with the design oi fever publishing them, which was j the thought of a later day ; and I now I give the result of my researches to the ! public, thinking thereby to preserve I many things that would be otherwise lost. Many pleasant and many leisure ' hours, making up in time a space of '^'veral years, have been passed over i work, and if any one thmks such I. .>clf-imposed task easy, let him write a hisf.r)fy of New Castle, or Salem, or some other old town on the Delaware, or elsewhere, then give an opinion on my production. I read on an old iron stove plate, that had on it a picture of a marriage ceremony, cast in 1756, by John Pott, from whom the town of Pottsville, in this State, takes its name, the following inscription : " WAR DAR IBER NUR WIL LACHEN, DER MAG ES BESSER MACHEN, TATELEN KENEN lA SER VIL, ABER BESSER MA- CHEN 1ST DAS RECHTE SPIL." That is to say — "Whoever chooses to laugh over this picture, he sliall make a better one ; anybody can make fun of a thing, but let him do better, that is the right way ;" and thus I end one of the most agreeable occupations of my life. INDEX. Abbott, David, 245. Abolition of slavery, 189. Act against Horse-racing, 228. A Day in Chester, 122. Advertisements, old, 327. 328. Addresses of soldiers, 194. 202. Advertiser, The Chester, 226. j Advocate, The Chester, 226. Aged people, list of, 244 to 253. Albany beef, 423. Allen, Andrew, 473. Ammasland, 135. 136. 137. 142. 148 to 153. Ancient Punch Bowl and Pitcher, 200. Preface. Anderson, 123. 127. 128. 213. 219. 246. 261. 267. 290. 455. 456. Anderson family, 244. 253 to 255. Andrew's neglect, 107. Animals, wild, 61. Ancient spelling, 56. Anecdotes, 195. 475. Anthony, 256. Appleby, 261. Apprentices, 74. 75. A perilous ride, 386. Arrivals, 5. 23. 25. 64. 69, 70. Artillerists, The Penna., 221. 222. 287. Archy Dick Guards, 368. Art, Capt. James, 103. 104. Armitt family, 141. -Armor family, 103. 104. 106. Armstrong, i. 6. 19. Armstrong's list of arrivals, 63. 64. 65. ,^ Arms of Broom, 284. 285. Crosby, 218. Delawarr, Preface. West, Preface. Arlemus Ward, 280. Asbury Chapel, 411. Assembly, first, 66. 67. Members of, 446. Old house of, 66. 163. _ .Vshmcad, 267. 268. family, 4401.. 444. [ A> :ociators, 174. 175. I .wood, 458. Vtlee, 176. 180. 252. A trip to Chester, 516. Attempt to capture Arsenal, 397 10402. Attorney not to plead, 461. Attorneys, Lists of, 470 to 477. Attorneys-General, 472. 473. Bachelors' Club, 227. Back street, 55. Baggs family, 278. 279. Bake-house, 90. 350. Baldwin family, 106. 479 to 481. Preface. Balls, birth night, 302. Bank, Delaware County, 122. 222. Preface. 1st National, 222. Bankspn family, 30. 31. 32. 106. name, 17. 18. 103. Baptist churches, 414. 415. 509. Bartram family, 188. 189. 247 to 250. Preface Barnard, 128. 317^ 407. family record, 407 to 410. Bartholomew, 273. Barrows, 335. Preface. Bar of Delaware Co., 474. 475. Chester County, 470. 471. 476. 477. Bathing place, 387. Battle of Brandy wine, 255. 258. Long Island, 177. Beale family, 15. 213. 264. 265. Preface. Dr. Joseph, 15. Belfry of St. Paul's, 13. 123. 126. Bell of St. Paul's, 13. 14. 122. 126. towers, 123. Bell, Thomas S., 467. Bench and Bar, 460 to 478. Berry, 211. Besk, Deed to Capt., 7. 155. Bethlehem and the Moravians, 453. Bevan, Davis, 223. 267. 271. family, 41- 42.44- Ijl- 273- i;iiis..rcrcdii. 140. 520 INDEX. Kible Society, 235. 236. 237. Bird, 96. Prcjacc. Black Bear Inn, 278. Block-House, 4. Blue Anchor Tavern, 261. Blue-Ball Inn, 266. Blythe, 293. 316. 319. Bonsall, 243. 336. ' family, 317. 499. Bond family, 30. 34. I03. 106. 107. 4S1. Island, 106. 107. Boon family', 19. Boone, Daniel, 19. Bradford, William, 64. Breakwater, Delaware, 62. 221. 297 to 301. Brooke, II. Jones, Preface. Broom, 276. family, 281 to 285. Preface. Broomall, 8. 313. 346. 466. 468. Broomall's descr-^ ion of Chester, 313 to 316. Brohson, 245. 261. Brinton, 354. Bridges, 56. 57. 58. 59. Brown family, 145. Buck, Wm. J., 4. Buffington, 25. 26. Ikitler, William, 466. 467. 468. Ikickley family, 102. Burying Grounds, 55. 78. 79. 80. 155. 158. Burgesses, (Chief), 1S8. 221. 301. 364. 462. jjushall family, 102. Burns family, 261. Bustles, 164. Chester, Ancient, 65. 66. 489. Assembly 'at, 66. 67. Advocate, 226. Advertiser, 226. Bridges at, 57. 58. 59. Balls and dancing, 302. Burgesses, 188. 221. 301. 364. 462. Borough Charter, III. 201. Census, 303. City charter, 113. City Mayors, 301. Churches, 113. 122. 410 to 415. Courts removed from, 353. 354. City Council, 301. City safeguards, 391. Date of settlement, 3. Draft of land at, 9. 10. Descriptions of, 165. 302 to 310. 313 to 316. 488 to 492. 516. 517. Ivu-ly scllk-r>, 7. 8. 9. 10. 259. Chester Evening News, 226. Election scenes at, 196. Fort at, 4. Fishing Club, 222, 422. 423. Fire Insurance Co., 365. First mentioned, 4. From 1849 to 1865, 428 to 434. Gas introduced, 417. 418. Guards, 376. Herald, 225. Health of, 244. Heights, 416. 417. Incorporated, in. 201. Island, 196. Lament, 192. 193. •Lodges, Masonic, 196 to 200. Library Company, 91. 449 to 452. Lyceum, 450. " Mills, 10. 310. 311. 438. Meeting of Friends, 24. 67. %t,. 163. Mutual Ins. Co., 366. ~ Municipal offices of the City, 301. Newspapers, 224 to 226. Names of, 3. Names of streets, 21. 22. -87. 88. Name changed, 63. 64. 499. 500. Owners of land at, 9. Penn's arrival at, 24. 62. 63. Petition of Inhabitants, 89. 90. 159. Pilot, 226. Plan or Model of, 88. 89. 90. Population of, 303. Piers, 222 to 224. Park Association, 478. 479. Prisoners of War at, 2S0. 281. Race Course at, 502. 503. Removal of Seat of Justice from, 191 192. 193. Rise and progress of, 428 to 434. Retailers, 301. 302. Titles of land at, 6. 29. Town of, laid out, 88. "89. 90. Troops at, 176. 177. 188. Seal of County, 66. Schools, 346 to 350. 514 to 516. Streets of, 21. 22. 87. 89. Ship-yards, 428 to 436. 504 to 506. Vessels built at, 503 to 506. Water-works, 447 to 449. Chester County Bar, 470. 471. 476. 477. Divided, 193. First Court of, 70. ^^ Records of, i6. 48. 49. ^ Seal, 66. INDEX. 521 Chester County, Trefisurers of, 47S. Cabins of Logs, 38. 39. 40. Caldwell, 338. Calvary Church, 459. 460. Camp Meetings, 415. 416. 417. Canal, Leipers, 237 to 242. Canals in the U. S., 239. 242. 243. Capture of Cornwallis, 195. Carolus, Dr. Lars, 8. 9. 10. 11. Carter, name, 105. Cattle show, 503. Centennial Histories, 518. Census, 303. Changes in names, 18. 19. Chapman, Henry, 466. 467. Chalkley, Thomas, 456. Chariot, The, 225. Charlier, 46. Preface. Chichester, 83. Chew, Benjamin, 473. Children's Home, 453. Church of St. Luke's, 410. 411. of St. Paul's, 13. 113 to 134. 158. 517. of St. Martin's, 95 to loi. of St. Michael's, 412. of Immaculate Heart, 413. Churches at Chester, 410 to 415. Baptist, 414. 415. 509. Catholic, 412. 413. Metiiodist, 411. 412. Presbyterian, 413. 414. 510. Churchman, 327. Circus at Chester, 327. Clark, 106. Clarke, 293. Clay, Henry, 325. 326. Clayton, 102. 105. 107. Preface. Thomas J., 466. 468. Clement, 31. Clemson, 151. Clerks of the Court, 474. Clingan, William, 465. 466. Cloak, 269. Clyde family, 267. 268. Preface. Coates, 79. • Cock, (Cox) family, 462. 463. - Cochran family, 319 to 323. name of, 316. 517. ,^ Cochran's Race Course, 502. 503. Columbia Hotel, 260. 261. Cold weather, 23. 425. 426. Collectors of Excise, 179. of Continental loan, 182. of clothincr, 182. Colored soldiers, 220. 391. Commissioners of Fisheries, 181. of Purchases, 181. of Forfeited Estates, 180 to 183. Committee of 1774, 174. 175. Communion service, St. Paul's, 13. 14. Constitutional Conventions, 475. 476. Continental money, 140. Congress, Members of, 327. Cope, Gilbert, 190. 248. 405. 479. 492. Copper mine, 418. 419. Cornbury, Lord, 41. Coroners, List of, 447. Court at Upland, 15. 16. 26. 29. Clei\ks, 474. at Chesfer, 70. of Equity, 77. Houses, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 122. 193. House Bell, 122. Courts, Justices of the, 26. 195. 462 to 465. Officers of the, 48. 47'4;'477. 488. Proceedings of, 23. 29. 71 to 78. 83. 91. 460 to 462. Records of the, 16. 48. "49. Justices of Provincial, 73. 74. 469. Petty Sessions, 74. County divided, 193. Lieutenants, 181. Sub-Lieutenants, 181. Cowen, 361. Cowpland, 188. 293. family, 175. 271 to 273. David, 273. 301. Preface. Certificate, 272. Craig, Rev. George, 99. 128. Cripple, Meaning of, 135. Crosby, The name of, 8. 9. 40. 48. 68. 71. 127- 128. 143- 173- 243- 287. 316. 317. 384. 401. Preface. David, Capt., 204. ' family, 203 to 218. Judge, 207. 208. House, 277. Mills, 57. 205. Pierce, 57. 210. 214. 215. 216. 243. Place, 8. 217. Robert P., 214. Quarries, 62. Residences, 40. 204. 208. 210. Sir John, 217. 218. Slaves of, 213. Crossley, 317. Crozier, 10. 128. 205. 229. 310. 492. Crozer family. 454. 455. 522 INDEX. Crozcr Theological Seminary, 454. 455. Cranston family, 103. 106. 108. 109. 1 10. Crime, Punishment of, 54. 183 to 1S7. 228. Culin, 127. 128. 153. 154. 204. 210. y/r/f/fA Damages by the British, 17S. 179. Dancing school, 302. Darby Library Co., 452. Rangers, 380. Darlington, Thomas, 259. 260. Edward, 362. 447. 474. Judge, 466. 467. Davis, name of, 250. 251. 478. family, 145 to 148. Dealers in Merchandize, 428. Death-warrant, 174. Death from joy, 195. Deaths, List of, 244 to 253. Decatur, Stephen, 214. 458. 459. 508. Decoration Day, 390. Dechert, 294. 295. Deed to Besk, 7. Deeds, Acknowledged, 71. Indian, 67. Deihl family, 212. 356. 357. Dclafield, 299. Delaware Breakwater, 62. 221, 297 to 301. Bay, 5. Delaware County Bar, 474. 475. Advocate, 226. Bank, 122. 222. Preface. Bible Society, 235. 236, 237. Census, 30^. Democrat, 225. 226. Formed, 193. Fencibles, 219. 220. Fusileers, 377. Guards, 379. Insurance Co., 359 to 365. Medical Society, 496 to 499. Mutual Insurance Co. 365. 366. Paper and Mail, 226. Republican, 225. Troop, 220. 221. Volunteers, 379. Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co., 359 to 365- Delaware River, 5. 27. 350. 351. Delaware's title to the river, 27. 2S. Democratic Pilot, 226. Democrat and Pilot, 226. Dennis, 291. 292. Dejiuty Attorneys-General, 473. 474. I)esauf|ue family, 21 1. Descriptions of Chester, 165. 302 to 310. to 316. 488 to 492. 516. 517. Description of a Fox hunt, 511 to 514. De.shong, 245. 271. 293. family, 246. 354 to 359. Dial, Public, 91. Dick, Archy, Guards, 368. 393. family, 393 to 405. name of, 53. 407. 410. District Attorneys, 474. Doctors, List of, 495. 497. Doorkeeper of Congress, 195. Downing, Col., 53. Dress, Style of, 164. 426. 427. of early settlers, 39. 40. Du Puy, 32. Du Pont, 257. 279. Du Hamel, 144. Dutton, 247. 251. Record, 492. Dyall Post, 91. 125. Dyer family, 267. Early settlers, 7. 8. 9. 10. 37 to 41. Earthquakes, 163. Ear-marks, 47. 48. Edwards family, 264. 265. Edwards, Lt. Samuel, 388. Edgmont Avenue, 22. 350. Effinger, name of, 204. Effinger's fishery, 291. 422. Elections, 193. 196. Election certificate, 446. Engle, name of, 245. 256. 257. 320. family, 212. 261 to 266. Frederick, 387. Essex Plouse, 24. 25. Estates in England, 217. of Traitors, 188. Evans account, 62:^" ^Oliver, 433. Evening Star, 226. News, 226. Execution of criminals, 183 to 187. 22S. Excise, List of payers of, 179. 180. Eyre family, 49 to 54. 267. 268. name of, 12. 47. 49. 246. Preface. Joshua P., 52. 246. William, 52. 246. ]'"arr, 287. Farrer, 399. 401. ' Farley, 299. I'uirlandi, 131. 205. 206. 266. IN I) EX. Fashions, 164. 426. 427. Fayssoux, 243. F'encibles, 219. 220. Fenn, Jane, 82. Field, 196. 241. family, 295. 296. • Fifth Street, 22. Pa. Vols., (1776), 177. Filbert Street, 21. Finland, 67. Finch, 344. Fire buckets, 92. 277. Engines, 492. Protection from, 92. Fire ! F'ire ! says John Dyer, 277. 27S. Anthony Guyer, 493. F'irst Book printed, 229. Canals, 237 to 243. National Bank, 222. Railroads, 237 to 243. Settlers, 7. 8. 9. 10. Vessels built at, 503 to 506. Fisheries, 420 to 424. / Fishing Club, 422. 423. Fish, Prices of, 419. 421. 422. , Fitzpatrick, 183. 184. F'lavill, 267. Flickwir, 440. Preface. Floating bridge, 121. Floods, 351, 352. F'lower family, 436 to 445. Preface. name of, 229. 419. Flour Mills, 231. 310 to 313. Foreign estates, 217. F"oreman, George, 12. F'orfeited estates, 180. Forge in Ridley, 207. 208. F'ort at Chester, 4. F'orster, John M., 466. 46/. F'ourth Street, 22. Fox Chase, 172. 51 1 to 514. F"rancis, Tench, 473. FVazier, Robert, 275. 475. Free Street, 22. F'rench claims, 33. 438. Friends, Burying grounds, 55. 78. 79. 80. Courtship, 83. First meeting house, 66. 82. First meeting of, 24. 67. S3. 163. Marriage ), 83- Meeting-houses, 82. 83. 410. Meetings, 64. 83. 92. I'roi. Street, 22. 350. Futhev, J. Smith. 48. 180. 471. 07 Futliey. Preface. Galvin, 289. Game, Wild, 61. 419. 420. 424. 425. Gardiner, 385. Preface. Gartside rifles, 391. Gerhard, 279. Ga,skill family, 79. Gas-works, 418. Gill's tavern, 261. Gideon's Band, 378. Gilpin, 283. 511. Glen Mills, 232. Globe Inn, 277. Goodson, 495. Golden wedding, 259. 260. Graham family, 56. 166 to 171. name of, 36. 55. 193. 277. 465. 466. Grand Army of the Republic, 389. 390. Jury, 48, 49. Granary, The old, 90. Grant's rocks, 291. Granthum family, 290 to 293. Preface. Grantum, Charles, 290, tiofe. Gratz, 401. Gray, 357. family, 499. Gray's ferry, 121. Graveyards, 55. 78. 79. 80. Gravestones, 78. 79. Green, The, 35. 88. 89. 157. Green-bank, 34. 87. Griffin, The ship, 25. Growdon, Joseph, 73. 74. Joseph, Jr., 472. Growden, 81. 82, j Grubb, 23. 99. loi. 375. ^ I Guards, The Delaware County, 379. Gunning on the Delaware, 424. 425. Gypsies, 511. Hand, 360. Hail-storms, 352. 353. Haines, Townsend, 4' . 447. 466. 467. Hall, Peter Penn-Gaskill, 79. Rev. RichardD.,66. 114. 115. 128. 305. Hall's description of Chester, 305 to 310. Hallow E'en, 511. Hamilton, Andrew, 472. Hannmii, 118. 125. 126. 183. 192. 212. Hanley Hose Co., 492. Hard family, 296. 297. Harlan, 143, 187. Harding, Cieorge, 405. 521 INDEX. Harrison family, 211. Hailranft Rifles, 391. Harvest-homes, 506 to 508. Hawes family, 173. 212. 213. Heckeweider, 413. Heckewelder's Indian names, 3. Health of Chester, 244. Heap family, 86. 87. name of, 382. 383. Hemphill family, 211. Henderson, 152. Henry Clay, 325. 326. Herald, The Chester, 225. Hewes, 213. family, 317. 405 to 407. Hewlings family, 18. Hicl-'man, 41. Hill family, 131. 173. 213. 384. 499. John F.,38. 61. 246.293. 297. 298. 319. 324. 502. Peter, 141. 146. 293. Hinkson, 222. 253. Historic Tales, 418. 419. Historical Collections of Chester County, 190. 191.470. 471.478. Holcomb, 31. Hollingsworth, 489. 501. Preface. Holme's Map, q. Holme, 501. Holmes, 211. Hoops, 164. Hope's Anchor Tavern, 273. Horses, 317. 318. Horse-blocks, 318. Hoskins family, 54 to 56. name, 82. 267. 279. Home, 385. 509. Hotels, 260 to 280.- House of Defence, 15. 19. 67. 82. 114. Houses of early settlers, 38. 39. 40. 41. Howard family, 30. ' Howell, name, 102. 103. Howes family, 261. Hubbell family, 444. 445. Huddell family, 32. Humphreys, 249. Humphrey's family, 388. Humes family, 294. 295. Hunters, The Jolly, 172. Hutchinson, 317. Hyatt's Military Academy, 493. Independence, Declaration of, 138 to 140. Preface. Independent Artillery Co., 335. Independent, The, 226. Indian Deeds, 6. Names, 3. 5. Settlement, 5. Treaties, 6. 53. Summer, 329. 485. 486. Indians, 5. 41. Inscriptions on Tombs, 13. 98. loi. 122. 130. 131. 273. 293. 337. Iron forge on Crum Creek, 207. 208. Irwin family, 271 to 276. Irwin's Tavern, 271 to 276. Irvine family, 243. Irvine, 274. 275. 393. Island, Chester, 196. Ivy Mills, 231. Jacques' Quany, 268. Jackson family, 130. name, 127. 129. 495. James' first attempt, 107. James, 271. 288. Street, 22. Rev. Isaac, 251. 252. Jansen, 155. 156. Japanese Embassy, 434. 435. Jenks, 250. Johnson family, 155 to 157. Johnson, 321. Jolly Hunters, 172. Jordan burial ground, 79. Judges, County Court, 465. 466. Provincial Court, 73. 74. 469. ■Judicial joke, 195. Jury, Grand, 48. 49. of wt)men, 54. Juries, 16. 29. 54. 71. Justices, 15. 29. 54. 195. 462 to 465. Justis family, 145. 146. Preface. name of, 257. 260. 327. Kalm, Peter, 165. 207. Kane family, 240. 241. 243. John K., 238. Keepers of Taverns, 121. 165. 166. Keppele family, 354. 355. 357. Kerlin family, 266. name of, 121. 267. 356. 358. Keith, Rev. George, 116. 117. King of Jerusalem, 285. King's highway, 91. loatl, 55- 57- 50- 91- 491- Kinsey, John. 473. INDEX. 525 Kneass, Strickland, 335. 337. Kurtz, Col. John I)., 300. Lists of aged people, 244 to 253. Arrivals, 23. 25. 68. 69. 70. 81. Associators, 164. 165. Attorneys-General, 472. Collectors of Excise, 179. 181. Loan, 182. Committee (1774), 174. 175. Coroners, 447. Doctors, 495. 497. Dealers in merchandize, 428. Delegate to Convention of 1776. 182. Directors of Del. M. S. Ins. Co., 361. Deputy Attorneys- General, 475. Deaths, 244 to 253. Judges, 465. 466. 469. Justices, 15. 29. 54. 195. 462 to 465. Members of Assembly, 446. Council, 301. Congress, 447. the Bar, 470 to 477. Ministers, 95, 96. 128. Members of the Bible Society, 236. 237. Members No. 69, A. Y. M., 197. 198. 236, F. & A. M., 199. 352, F. & A. M., 200. of Supreme Council, 180. Officers of Banks, 222. Old Lawyers, 470. residents, 259. Paymasters, 181. Persons paying Excise, 179. l8o. Provincial Conference, 182. Delegates, 182. Deputies, 182. Recorders of Deeds, 475. Registers of Wills, 475. Regular Officers, 382. 383. Revolutionary soldiers, 177. County officials, 179 to 183. Sherifis, 475. Soldiers, 219, 220. Preface. Swedish settlers, 17. 18. Swedes to Oath, 14. Tavern-keepers, 121. 165. 166. Taxables, 15. 95. 159. Treasurers of Library Co. ,451. Vestrymen, loi. 124 to 127. \'olunteers, 367 to 393. Labbe, 302. Ladies' fashions, 426. 427. 428. Ladomus family, 486. 487. Ladomus, name, 246. 256. 262. 321. La Fayette at Brandywme, 255. at Bethlehem, 255. at Chester, 254 to 259. -''" ^ at New Castle, 257. Resolution of Congress, 258. 259. Supper to, 506. Watch, 258. at Wilmington, 257. Lament of Chester, 192. Lamokin, 25. 438. 443. Lammas flood, 351. 352. Lane, name of, 39. Land titles, 6, 29. Landing place of Penn, 24. 25. Larkin, name of, 151. 278. 301. Lawler, 43. Laws, 271. Lawyers, list of, 470 to 477. Lazaretto, 154. Learson, 15. 17. Preface. Leiper family, 240 to 244. Canal, 237 to 242. name, 211. 216. 229. 235. 237. 251. 270. 392. 393. 400. 499. Quarries, 297. 298. Railroad, 237 to 243. Leiperville, 213. 239. Lenni Mills, 41. 234. 235. Letts. 252. Letter of Mahlon Stacey, 419. 420. Lewis' account, 40. History, 114. 190. Mills, 492. Libraries, 91. 449 to 452. Life in New Sweden, 488. Lines of Stages, 194. 266. Lodge, Dr. John W., 256. 478. Lodges, 196 to 201. Logan, 35. papers, 59. 80. Log Cabins, 38. 39. Lloyd, 48. 81. 82. 88. 89. 158. David, death, 82. Grace, her Will, 80. 81. Hugh, 469. Mansion, 34. 81. 83. Lombaert, 320. 321. 337. 338. Long Island, battle of, 177. Lotteries, 100. 104. Love Lane, 22. Lownes, 212. Preface. family, 494. 495. Ludwick, 210. ■32(i INDEX. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel, 398 lu 40J. Lytle family. 343- 344- .M.ickensie, 274. 275. 27O. Miuldnck, 145. 211. 495. 510. Ma.o;aw. 177. McDowell, 30. 2S9. Prefao:. Mcllvaine family, 143. 144, 264. 316 to 31S. Caslle, 317. Howard, 143. 373. Mills, 239. 240. name, 209. 211. 405, 517. McKcevei, 31. Mcl.ane, Col., 257. 25cS, McMullin family, 507. McWilliams, 31'. Mahlon Stacey's letter, 419. 420.. Main Street, 22. Malin, 266. Manufactories, 228 to 235. ■Marcus Hook, 7. 8. 67. 83. 92 to no. 165. 175. name changed, 95. Original owners of land, 7. 8. Origin of name of, 67. Piers, 94. Petition, 93. Plan of, 107. Taxahles, 95. Troojih at, 175. Market House, 91. Street, 22. 91. Markliam, Gov., 23. 26. Marshall, loi. 103. 104. 105. 141. 151. Marriages, 83. 492. Mari.i, 162. 248. 260. Marston, 231. Marten Birds and roost, 4S2. 4S3. Martin, 9. 41. 48. 68. 70. 82. 250. 316. 317. 482. 496. Preface. Martin family, 328 to 337. 363 to 365. J)r. William, 62. 127. 158. 194. 195. 196. 198. 200. 202. 203. 249. 495. Dr. Ernest D., 216. 336. 337. Jane, 188, 189. Preface. Waller, 68. 70. 96 to 108. Preface. Waller, Jr., io2. 103. William, 92. 169. 222. 229. 234. 235. 287. 297. 298. 359. Masscy, 249. Masonic Lodges, 196 to 200. Punch Bowl, 200. Preface. Mason and Dixon's Line, 32. Mather lOml), 130. Mather, 120. 127. 171. 267. 293. 355. 35O. Maxwell family, 260. 261. Mayors of Chester, 301. Mayne family, 274 to 276. Mechanic Rifles, 377. Mechanics' Reading Room, 487. Medical Society, 496 to 499. Media, 160. 161. Meetings of Friends, 24. 64. 67. 83. 92. Members of Assembly, 446. Congress, 446. 447. Supreme Executive Council, 180. 181. the Bar, 470 to 477. Mendenhall family, 70. 247. 248. 372. Merchandize, Dealers in, 428. Merion Cricket Club, 487. 488. Methodist Churches, 411. 412. Mifflin Guards, 218. 219. Miles, Col. Samuel, 176. 177. 180. Militia, 218 to 222. 375 to 382. 391. 392. Military Academy, 493. Records, 175 to 188, 218 to 222. 366 to 393- Miller, George, 4S1. 482. Miller, 30. 213. Mill-Seats, 149. 150. 152. 228 to 235. Ministers, lists of, 95. 96. 128. 129. Minshall, 45. Preface. Moore, Wm., 463. Dr. Nicholas, 469. Moran, 316. Morgan's Battalion, 177. Morton family, 134 to 153. Anneslev, t, Erasmus, 151. Gun, 87. Monument, 134. Morton Rifle, Co., 3^ Mortcnson, 18. 135. Name, 8. 18. 87. 127 375. 463. 495. Preface. Sketchley, Jr., 144. 370. Moravians at Marcus Hook, 119. Moravian grave-stones, 79. Morris, 252. Preface. Morris' Ferry, 39. Mounting Ijlocks, 318. Moyamensing Hook and Ladder ( Munday, name of, 12. Munday's Run, 316. Mural Tablet, (Sandelands,) 13. Music in Bethlehem, 335. Myers, 275. 270. 5. 137. 14S to 78. 212. 317. INDEX. 527 Naaman's Creek, b/. Names of Streets, 21. 22. National Hotel, 261 to 264. Banks, 122. 222. Nayle, 126. Nazareth Hall, 388. Negro, name of, 81. Negroes' burial place, 80. Negro Soldiers, 220. 391. Negi-oland, 81. Neidermarke, 141. 143. 154. Preface. New Castle, 27. La Fayette at, 257. •Newlin, 549. Newspapers, 224 to 227. Nill, James, 466. 467. Noblit family, 249. ■Normal School, 454. Norris family, 36. 37. Nursery at Bethlehem, 453. 454, Oath of Swedes, 14. Odenheimer, 128. 269. family, 354 to 359. Officers, Revolutionary, 175 to 1 82, Volunteers, 368 to 375. Regulars, 382. 383. Ogden, 483. Old Advertisements, 189. 194. Assembly House, 66. 163. Bell of St. Pauls, 13. 14. 122. Front Street, 350. Horses, 317. 318. Inhabitants, 244 to 253. Jail, 432. Newspapers, 224 to 227. Schoolmasters, 338. 340 to 344. .Scott's Fire, 277. 511. Times, 318. 319. Vane, Chester Mill, 91. Vessels, 503. 504. York Pateats, 8. 9. ( )perationi5, British, 175 to 179. 181. Ottey family, 319. ()ur Winter Birds, 483. 484. 485. Owen, name, 213. Dr. Joshua, 213. 244. 246. Owl, The, 225. Oxford Guards, 391. Oyster Supper, 419. Pacific Dramatic Association, 452. Painter family, 509. Paper Mills. 230 to 235. Paper for use of Government, 233. 234. Pappegoya, Mrs., 24. 259. 463. Preface. Park, Chester, Association, 478. 479. Ridley, 509. Parker family, 34. 35. Parry, 180. Paschal 1, 141. Patterson family, 241. 243. ' Gen. Robert, 235. 384. 432. 433. Paymasters, 181. Pearson family, 132. name, 62. 63. 224. Pea Patch case, 27. Peacemakers, 71. Pearce family, 144. James A., 300. 395. 396. 402. Peirce, 150. 305. 346. family, 281. 282. 285. 286. Pent House, 277. Penn, Arrival of, 24. 62. 63. no. in. Attends Court at Chester, 49. at New Castle, 27. John, arrival of, 159. Landing of, 25. 63. Letter of, 67. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 365. Papers, 313. Thomas, 159. Treaty Tree, 53. Penn-Gaskill, 79. 503. Pennock, 385. Peiin's Division of the Province, 66. First Assembly, 66.67. Great Code of Laws, 66. Manor, 54. Personal appearance, in. Partners, 311. 312. Picture of, 267. Place of burial, 79. Treaty with Indians, 54. 250. Style of Dress, in. Weather Vane, 91. 310. 311. William, Low Counties, 488 to 492. Pennsylvania Arms Hotel, 56. 267. Artillerists, 221. 222. 287. Iron Works, 431. Military Academy, 493. Journal, 493. 494. Volunteers, 366 to 382. Pennell, 205. 261. Pennell's Tavern, 271. Petitions, 59. 60. 61. 88. 89. 90. 93. 266. Philadelphia, B. & W. Railroad, 337. 33S. Phipps, 149. 150. 209. 210. 528 NDEX. I'liysicians, list of, 495. 497. Piers at Chester, 45. 222. 223. Pierson, 499 to 502. Marcus Hook, 94. Pile, name of, 54, 102. Pillory at Chester, 78. Pilot, The Democratic, 226. Piper family, 267. 269. 358. 359. Plan of Marcus Hook, 107. Plupimer Meeting House, 510. Population of Chester, 303. Porter family, 85. 86. 87. mansion, 123. name, 246. 294. 295. 382. 383. 385. 386. 387. 456. 495. 508. Post Boy, 224. Dial, 91. 125. The Whipping, 21. 83. 84. Wilde, 389. 390. Pottsville, origin of name of, 518. Presbyterian Churches, 413.414. 510. Price family, 263. name, 84. 142. 150. 267. 277. Prices of Game and Fish, 419. 422. I'rinl/',, 4. 24. 308. 461 to 463. Preface. Hall, 154. Printzdorp, 24. Prisscr's kill, 88. Proceedings of Court, 23. 29. 71 to 78. 83. 91. Provincial Court, 73. 74. 469. Conferees, 182. Deputies, 182. Delegates, 182. Fleet, 175. 181. Lawyers, 470. Provisions, 419 to 425. Prothonotaries of Chester County, 477. 478. Public Dial, 91. Pound, 158. Press, 227. Schools, 338 to 350. 514 to 516. Origin of, 347. 348. Punishments, 54. 78. 83. 84. Purchasers of land, 68. ''"^^y>5- 53- 55- 246. 311- I'yle, 5, 54. 102. 141. ijuaker ]5urial grounds, 55. 78. 79. 80. -Meeting Houses, 66. 82. 83. Meetings, 24. 64. 67. 83. 92. Origin of name, 83. <^)uarries, 62. 221. 297 to 301. ( hieeu .\nnie, 13. 14. <'liristina, 7. Queen, Walter, 213. Queen's Road, 59. 491. 509. Quinn, David, 387. Race-course, 502. Horses, 502. 503. Races at Chester, 228. 502. Raborg, 212. 213. Railroad, P. B. & W.,337. Rail Shooting, 424. Raine, Preface. Read, Wm. T., 257. 25S. Rebellion, attempt to capture Arsenal at St. Louis, 397 to 402. Recorders of Deeds, 475. Records of Upland Court, 154. 460. 461. Military, 177. 180. 181. 182.21810222. 366 to 393. Redemptioners, 190. 191. Registers of Wills, 475. Registry of Arrivals, 68. 69. 70. 81. Reilly family, 50. Removal of Courts, 191. 192. 193. 353. 354. Report on Mill- seats, 228 to 234. Representatives in Congress, 446. 447. Residents, old, 259. Retailers of Mdze., 302. 310. 428. Revolutionary Committee, 174. 175. Damages, 178. 179. Officers, 164. 165. 175. 176. 177. 180. 181. 182. 188. Richards family, 288 to 290. name, 68. 70. 211. Richardson, 213. family, 172. 173. I'lide, A perilous, 386. Riddle, 246. Ridgely, 96. 128. 495. 497. Ridley, name changed, 213. Park, 509. Public School, 510. School, 338 to 342. Riots, 221. 222. Risley, 292. Rise and Progress of Chester, 428 to 434. Roach, John, 435. 436. Roads, 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 72. 266. Roberts family, 282. Robinson, 170. 171. 173. 213. 214. 246. Roebuck, British frigate, 175. Ross, John, 466. 467. Saint A.sbury's Chapel, 411. Luke's Church, 410. 411. INDEX. 529 Saint Martin's Church, 95 to loi. summer, 329. Michael's, church, 412. Paul's, church, 113 to 134. 158. Graveyard, 133. 155. 158. List of interments, 131. Old plan of, 133. Vestrymen, 123. 124. 125. 127. Salkeld, 35. 45- Sandilands, 9. 12. 13. 15. Sayres family, 288. 290:" 294. Preface. name, 12. 204, 211. 291. 293. 488. Seals of Counties, 66. Sergeant, 27. 279. Serrill, 360. 361. 507. Settlers at Chester, 7. 8. 9. 10. Seven Stars, 478. School Houses, 54. 55. Scott's Oyster Saloon, 277. Scrub-races, 502. Shad Fishing, 420. 421. 422. Shakespeare Dramatic Association, 452. Sharpless, 131. family, 43. 65. vShaw, 311. family, 43. 131. 132. Shells, a shower of, 449. Sheriffs of Delaware Co., 475. Ship-yards, 428 to 436. Shrigley, 258. Shute, 458. Foot note, 459. Silk Culture, 171. 172. Simmons, 256. 478. Sketches of Lehigh Valley, 243. Sketchley, 126. 138. 152. Slaves, 189, 190. Sleigh ride on ice, 386. Slifer Phalan.\-, 380. Smedley, 253. Smith, Aubrey H., 154. Capt. Frank, 95. 96. families, 33. 34. 154. Joseph W., 234. 235. 331. Richard S., 455 to 460. Soldiers, 177. 219. 220. 335. 366 to 382. Soldiers' Monument, 392. Soul Drivers, 190. Speakman, 269. Sporting Hall, 507. 508. Stacey family, 41 to 47. Mahlon's letter, 419. 420. Stage Lines, 194. 266. Steamboat Hotel, 276. 277. Steamboats on the Delaware, 286. 287. 328. Steele, 282. 338. Steuben, Baron de, 342. 343. Stille family, 510. Stillen's Land, 510. Street washed away, 350. Streets of Chester, 21. 22. 87. 88. 91. 350. Stone family, 282. 283. quarries, 62. Sturgeon catching, 423. 424. Supreme Provincial Court, 73. 74. 469. Swans, 424. Swedes, Dress, 39. 40. First arrivals, 5. Houses, 38. 40. Swedish Mill, 150. Settlers, 37. Swimming place, 387. Talbot, Rev. M. R., 128. 129. 509. Tate, Preface. Tavern-keepers, 165. 166. 280. Taverns, 56. 260 to 280. Taxables, 15. 95. 159, Taylor, 69. 141. 150. 243. 246. Preface family, 30. 31. 154. 159 to 163. The Chester rocks, 387. Daily Times, 227. Granary, 90. Green, 35. 88. 89. Passing Bell, 123. Public Press, 227. Terrance, 213. Terril, 128. 152. 357. Test, 7. Thomas, 243. 290.. family, 247. 248. ~ " Thomson, Preface. Thompson, 177. 275. Thurlow, 245. 267. family, 506. 507. Tavern, 261. 262. 263. . Tiers, Rosalie, 53. Tinicum, 154. Titles to land, 6. 29. Tomb of Judge Cowpland, 273. Tombstone inscriptions, 13.98. loi. 122. 129. 130. 131. 273. 293. 337. Town Hall, 21. 22. 91. 92. Townsend's letter, 420. Trainer, 485. Treasurers of Library Co., 451. of Chester County, 478. of Delaware County, 478. Treaty Tree, Penn's, 53. :',{) INDEX. Tiimljlo launly, 292. Truxton, 264. family, 508. 509. Tyler family, 173. 174. Ulvich family, 278. 279. J)r. William, 495, 497. 498. Samuel, 279. Upland, 3. 4. 26. change of name, 63. 64. 499. 500. New, 310. Record, 154. Union, 224. 327. 328. Volunteers, 380. L'nion l>lues, 366. 367. Vandyke, 257. Vane of Chester Mills, 92. 310. 311. Van Leer, 252. 324. Van Luveney, Preface. V'ernon, 54. 127. 130. 163. 250. Preface. family, 293. 294. A'estrymen of St. Paul's, 124 to 127. Visit of La Fayette to Chester, 255 to 257. Volunteers, 177. 219. 220. 235. 366 to 392. Vote on tiie Declaration, 138 to 140. Preface. Wade, 24. 25. 64. 67. Wagon -masters, 181. 182. Waite, 299. Wales, 283. Wallingford Mills, 492. Walking-purchase, 6. Walter, Capt. P. P., 220. Y. S., 244. 446. Ward, Artemus, 280. William, 279. 447. 491. Washington, 194. 228. 395. Addresses to, 194. 202. at Chester, 178. 255. Grays, 256. House, 267. Washington's death, 395. Water Works, 447 to 449. Watson's Historic Tales, 418. 419. Way, 221. 267. Weekly Visitor, 225. Welcome's arrival, 62. Welcome, Errors in .list, 63. Welsh family, 32. 33. 34. loi. 102. 105. Street, 22. 55. West, 5. 131. 251. 267. 289. Weyman, 45. Whelen, 211. 426. Whildin, 287. WhippingPost, 21. 83. 84. White Swan Lin, 273. Tom, 511. Wild Game, 61. 419 to 425. Wilde, Post, 389. 390. 391. Width of the Delaware, 351. Williams, Joseph, 224. 225. Williamson, 102. 103. Preface. Willcox family, 229. 231. 232. name, 375. 376. 456. Preface. Paper Mill, 231 to 234. 492. Wilmington, 5. Wilson, 31. 185 to 187. Judge Bird, 466. Elizabeth, 185. Winter Birds, 483 to 485. j Winters, Cold, 425. 426. 483. 484. Withey, 127. 260. Woman's Dress, 426. 427. Hoops, 163. 164. Women, Jury of, 54. Work Street, 22. Worley, 159. Worrall family, 324. 325. Worth, 141. Wright family, 144. Yarnall, 378. Yeates, Jasper, 12. 89. 90. YelloM' Fever, 158. York Patents, 8. 9. Zeilin family, 269 to 271. name, 221. 222. 287. 288. 32S. (ienerai, 269. y^^n??^^. ^ , u ■• V ^ .^ _ -v , I ' • .