.^> -^-K .<^~ O .V Oo '^ cV^ "- " ^J ■' .-^ % ^ s s ^. -o.- V : ^ ■''%:: c^ 'V- .*^' i''"*. ^^^^■ c. ^\ ,^ .^ . O '^ "^ ^^ y <^. .A \ i .A ^ ,^o %\ -^ ^ •^ .,.-.-i \ .Oo^ ^^ "o 0' .^-^^^ A^ , s ' - . I .\^ '^- A^ '^.. C^ ■"OO^ y A^\ X ' :^^ ^^ ,0 i' . .. „ > O.V- ■.^ ^^■' •'■^. '.^ *- x'So^ o^ ,.0 C- '' c^. x^^^. v^' .^' > «5 -^*, .^- :.'^' o> -■^ ^. ' cT* ,X,^ ^-^ C^ ^' V 0^ r ■ \' ^^'. %. ,,x^^ .\' .0 O / - ' / % "- ,-j.^ { « -^ o. "oo^ C> .' <^0 9 I '.d^ v^ e t t r' ^^U • * N o ^ \V ^" -n^^. ^d * HISTORY OF LEHI INCLUDING A Biographical Section PUBLISHED BY THE LEHI PIONEER COMMITTEE WRITTEN BY HAMILTON GARDNER THE DESERET NEWS Salt Lake City, Utah 1913 <=-^^d^^ /^ 'I b^'- 5 ''What do zve n^ant zvith this vast zvorthless area; this region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts, of shifting sands and zvhirhvinds of dust, of cactus and prairie dogs? To what use could zve ez^er hope to put these great deserts, or those endlesshnountain ranges, impenetrable, and covered to their very base zvith eternal snozvf What can zve ever hope to do zvith the western coast, a coast of 3,000 miles, rock- bound, cheerless, uninviting, and not a harbor on itf Mr. President, I will never vote one cent from the public treasury to place the Pacific Coast one inch nearer to Boston than it nozv is/' (Daniel Webster, in U. S. Senate.) (c;'^- I PREFACE. 1' HIS history is issued under the direction of the Lehi Pioneer Committee, consisting of WilHam S. Evans, Andrew Fjeld, George N. Child, Martin B. Bushman, and Andrew B. Anderson. The securing of necessary facts for the Pioneer jMonument at its erection in 1908 brought to Hght so much vahiable historical matter that the com- mittee determined to give it permanent book form. This proposal was approved by the people of the city in a pub- lic meeting, and work was immediately started on the pro- ject ; it has continued uninterruptedly since. The material for the volume has been gathered from many sources. James Kirkham, while acting as tithing clerk, Frank Butt, as clerk of the Lehi Second W^ard (ec- clesiastical), W. Karl Hopkins, Principal of the Lehi High School, and Ephraim J. Child, have searched out a store of useful information. But most of the data has been gathered by the Pioneer Committee itself by personal conversation and wide-reaching correspondence. In this work, special credit must be accorded Bishop Andrew Fjeld, who for many months has devoted a large part of his time to this history. While most of the city records are in fairly good condition, some periods are almost wholly lacking, and it was only with extreme difficulty that the missing facts could be ascertained. The lack of records concerning the settlement of the city is more than compensated in com- pleteness and accuracy by the practical unanimity of tes- timony from the many participants consulted. VI HISTORY OF LEHI. Although one of the chief aims in the writing of this history has been to make it absokitely as accurate as pos- sible, it is unbelievable that some mistakes of time, place, or identity have not crept in. If so, they are wholly un- intentional. Special thanks must be given to William Fothering- ham, Henry McConnell, and Joel W. White, who, upon invitation of the committee, made special trips to Lehi from Beaver, Cedar City, and Idaho respectively, to fur- nish information; Mrs. David Clark; Jacob and Edward Cox; Bishop Thomas R. Cutler, who went over Chapter XVII, and supplied many necessary facts concerning it ; Professor Levi Edgar Young, of the University of Utah, who has read a number of the chapters and offered many helpful suggestions ; John Woodhouse and James Har- wood, whose interesting accounts constitute a large part of whatever merit the book possesses ; and a score of oth- ers who have contributed to the success of the under- taking. The writer became connected with the history in the summer of 1912, while performing some research work for the department of history of the University of Utah. Engaged at that time by the Pioneer Committee to write the book, he has worked on it until the present. He leaves it completed now, believing that the volume is a fitting means of perpetuating the noble deeds of the pioneers, and that the history of Lehi is a valuable contribution to the history of the Commonwealth of which it forms a part. Hamilton Gardner. Lehi, Utah, August, 1913. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. FOREWORD. History of Utah and Lehi Similar — Lehi a Typical Utah Town — An Anglo-Saxon Village Community — Government Stable — Effect of Ecclesiastical upon Civic Government — Character of Lehi's Growth 1 CHAPTER II. EXPLORATIONS IN AND AROUND LEHI. 1776-1849. Native Indians — Franciscan Friars — Provost — Ashley — First of Utah Pioneers — First Colony on Lake — Stansbury Party — Visits of Later Lehi Residents — First Pioneer Boat- manship — General Character of these Explorations 4 CHAPTER III. PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 1850-1851 Brigham Young's Colonization Policy — The Peterson Party — White and Thomas — Royle and Clark — Daniel Cox — Charles Hopkins — Building Operations — The First Saw — Pioneer Furniture — The First Baby — The First Fort — The First' Winter — John Ryan — Hunting and Fishing — An Averted Accident — The First Death — The Winter Safely Through— The Nucleus of the Future City 10 CHAPTER IV, THE BEGINNING OF COMMUNITY LIFE. 1851-1852 Other Locations than Sulphur Springs — Peter Shirts — The Lott Settlement — Evansville — The Dry Creek Ward — The First Planting — The First Trouble with the Indians — The American Fork Ditch — A Peculiar Situation — The First Boat Wreck— The First Boy— The First Blacksmith— The First Flour Mill— The Close of 1851 29 viii HISTORY OF LEHI. , "^ CHAJrxER V. THE BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 1852-1854 Lehi Incorporated — Irrigation Water Grant — Lehi's First Legislator — Changes in the Bishopric — Sugar Beets — Close of 1852 — Alteration of Time of First Election — First Municipal Election — Minutes of the City Council — Post Office — Second Change in the Bishopric — Jordan Bridge — First City Ordinance — First School Election 42 Ijays*" CHAPTER VI. TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 1853-1856 The Walker War — The Second Fort — Military Organization — Indian Expeditions — A Fort Wall Planned — Second Mu- nicipal Election — A Peculiar Office — Board of Examiners — The Fort Wall — Pioneer Day, 1854 — The Indian House — The Tintic War 65 CHAPTER VII. INITIAL STRUGGLES AND HARDSHIPS. 1854-1856 Grasshoppers — The First Harness — The First Threshing Machine — Grasshopper War — First Fruit Trees — Hard Times — Liberty Pole — Third Municipal Election 85 CHAPTER VIII. EARLY CULTURAL ACTIVITY. 1851-1871 The First School House — Home Dramatic Organizations — The Meeting House^Choirs — First Public Library — Fife and Drum Corps — First Brass Band — Lehi Music Hall — Conclusion 93 CHAPTER IX. FRONTIER PROBLEMS. 1856-1858 Hand Cart Veterans — Hand Cart Disaster — Belated Immi- grants — An Exploring Trip — White Mountain Mission — Salmon River Expedition 107 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER X. THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 1857-1859 A Historic Twenty-fourth — Cavalry — Infantry — The "Move" — Peace Commissioners in Lehi — Camp Floyd 122 CHAPTER XI. CHURCH IMMIGRATION. 1860-1868 First Expedition — Crossing the Plains — Further Aid to Im- migration — Later Immigration Expeditions 139 ■ CHAPTER XII. GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 1859-1869 Mulliner's IMill — Fourth Municipal Election — Introduction of Alfalfa — Work on the Point of the Mountain — Fifth Mu- nicipal Election — First Tannery — Sixth Municipal Election — Mail Coach Massacre — Sugar Cane — Seventh Municipal Election — Freighting — Eighth Municipal Election — Build- ing a House in 1867 148 CHAPTER XIII. THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 1865-1867 Preliniinary Expeditions — First Company to Sanpete — Sec- ond Company — Third Company — Fourth Company — Fifth Company — War Reminiscences 171 CHAPTER XIV. BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 1862-1883 The Firm of T. and W. Taylor — Lehi Union Exchange — Pioneer IMilliners — The Telegraph Reaches Lehi — Utah Southern Railroad — The People's Co-operative Institu- tion — The Livery Business— Denver and Rio Grande Rail- way — T. F. Trane Mercantile Company — The First Butcher — Cattle and Sheep — The First Hotels — Pioneer Drug- gists and Doctors — The Warm Springs — Pioneer Jewelers 185 X HISTORY OF LEHI. CHAPTER XV. CONTINUED GROWTH. 1868-1890 The Swett Tragedy — The Grasshoppers Return — Ninth Mu- nicipal Election — The Meeting House Fire — Tenth Muni- cipal Election — The Cemetery Surveyed — The First City Hall Built — The City Grows — End of Jordan Bridge Com- pany — A Sad Christmas — Eleventh Municipal Election — New Schools — Twelfth Municipal Election — Thirteenth Municipal Election — The Present City Hall Built — Irriga- tion Litigation — Fourteenth Municipal Election — A Cen- sus Taken — Fifteenth Municipal Election — New Educa- tional Methods — A Campaign for Shade Trees — Broadbent & Son — Sixjteenth Municipal Election — Lehi Adopts Stand- ard Time — Seventeenth Municipal Election — The "Under- ground" — Eighteenth Municipal Election — A Curfew Law Passed — Telephone — Nine'teenth Municipal Election — Sectional Rivalry in Lehi — The Streets Named 204 CHAPTER XVI. THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 1851-1913 Bishop David Evans — First Change in the Bishopric — Lehi's First Missionaries — Jehial McConnell Resigns — Quorums Organized — Counselor Hatch Moves to Cache Valley — Abel Evans, a Missionary in Wales — Sunday School Or- ganized — William H. Winn a New Counselor — Other Or- ganizations Founded — Death of Counselor Thomas Karren — Reorganization — Thomas R. Cutler Succeeds Bishoo Evans — Death of Bishop Evans — Death of Counselor Winn — Another Death in the Bishopric — North West Branch Organized — The New Tabernacle — Counsleor Clark Re- signs — Lehi Ward Divided — The First Ward — The Second Ward— The Third Ward— Ihe Fourth Ward— The New West Church and School 237 CHAPTER XVII. THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. 1890-1913 Preliminary Steps — City Council Offers Bounty — The Fac- tory Built — The First Campaign — Officers of the Company — Growth of the Industry from Lehi — Effects on Lehi... 259 CONTENTS. y'y CHAPTER XVIII. PROSPERITY. 1891-1901 Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank — The Union Hotel — A Second Livery Stable — The Lehi Banner — Twentieth Mu- nicipal Election — President Harrison Visits Lehi — The Central School House — Noted Educators — Twenty-first Municipal Election — Old Folks' Committee — A Celebration in the Canyon — A Canning Factory — James Kirkham & ■ Sons — Stoker — Twenty-second Municipal Election — The Industrial Army — Twenty-third Municipal Election — Lehi Celebrates Statehood — Twenty-fourth Municipal Election Electricit}^ Reaches Lehi — Spanish War Heroes — Twenty- fifth Municipal Election — The Citv Park — Emigration — Lehi Mercantile Company — Twenty-sixth Mun'cipal Elec- tion — Cotter's Grocery 268 CHAPTER XIX. MODERN LEHI. 1902-1913 The Pumping Station — Twenty-seventh Municipal Election — Racker Mercantile Company — Primary School House — Twenty-eighth Municipal Election — Business Growth — Cc(mmercial Club — The Lehi High School — Twenty-ninth Municipal Election — Pioneer Monument — City Water Works — Legislation by the City Council — Thirteenth Mu- nicipal Election — Public Library — Grammar School Build- ing — Home-Coming Week — Agricultural Development — Thirty-first Municipal Election — Paving of Sidewalks — Inter-urban Railway 292 CHAPTER XX. TODAY AND TOMORROW. Lehi Proud of Her Past — Satisfaction with the Present — Land Valuable — Aid from Industry — An Ideal Residence Town — Opportunity for Diversion — Outlook for the Future 319 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Hyland D. Wilcox 7 John Jacobs 8 Brigham Young 10 Canute Peterson 11 David Savage 12 Joel W. White and Wife. . . 14 David Clark 15 Airs. Lucy Cox 16 Henry McConnell 18 ]\Irs. Elizabeth T. Moorehead 19 Claiborne Thomas and Wife 20 Mrs. Azubia Deseret Cox . Hardwick 21 Plan of Fort at Snow Springs 22 Mrs. Israel Evans 24 Mrs. David Savage 25 Mrs. David Clark 26 William S. Riggs 27 James Clark 28 Abraham Losee 30 ]\Irs. Pamelia Lott 31 Bishop David Evans 32 Ira J. Willes 33 John Fotheringham and Charlotte Fotheringham. . 34 Preston Moorehead 35 Mrs. Ann Moorehead Thomas 36 William Fotheringham .... 37 H. M. Royle 38 Joseph J. Smith 39 Abram Hatch 40 Mrs. Abigail Evans Lott... 41 Orrace Murdock 51 Martin Bushman 52 Silas P. Barnes 54 Thomas Taylor 56 John S. Lott •.. 57 Alonzo D. Rhodes 58 Daniel S. Thomas 60 Present Bridge on Site of Old Jordan Bridge 61 William Goates 62 Sylvanus Collett 64 Alexander Loveridge 66 John Brown 67 Capt. William S. S. Willes 69 James Harwood '70 Commission of David Evans as Major of the Nauvoo Legion— the Utah Militia 72 Thomas Ashton 73 Harrison Burgess 74 Plan of the Fort 77 Charles Barnes 79 Samuel Briggs 81 James Lamb 82 Mrs. Peter Schow 87 Mrs. Canute Peterson 88 Cradling Grain 90 Mrs. Johannah Jacobs 91 William Snow 92 Elisha H. Davis, Sr., and Wife 94 Mrs. James W. Taylor..,. 96 Mrs. Isabell Judd 97 Meeting House 98 Edward W. Edwards 100 John L. Gibb 101 Interior of Meeting House. 103 Isaac W. Fox 104 Abraham Enough 105 Mrs. Sarah S. Brown 108 Mrs. Betsey Smith Goodwin 109 Mrs. Rebecca Pilgrim Goates 110 Mrs. Mariah Loader 112 Mrs. William Ball 113 Mrs. Carl J. E. Fjeld 114 Mrs. Henry Simmonds 115 Jens Holm 117 Newal A. Brown 118 Mrs. Hannah S. Bone 119 Mrs. Joseph Broadbent. . . . 120 Wesley Molen 126 Luke Titcomb 127 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xiii Henry Simmonds 129 Samuel R. Thurman 219 Riley Judd 130 City Hall 220 Joseph Slater 131 Andrew R. Anderson 222 John Zimmerman and Wife 134 Lehi's First Baseball Team. 224 John C. Nagle 137 Simon P. Eggertson 226 Edwin Standring 141 Joseph Broadbent 227 William Ball 142 Oley Ellingson . ... 228 Thomas R. Jones 145 William Clark . . 229 Paulinas H. Allred 146 George Webb 232 Samuel Alulliner .......... 149 Birdie Stoddard 233 Commission of David Evans Samuel Taylor 234 as Mayor 151 James T. Powell 235 James Q. Powell 154 Abel Evans 241 William Dawson 155 James W. Taylor 242 John R. Murdock 157 Mrs. Rebecca Standring.... 244 Residence of David Evans. 158 Bishop Thomas R. Cutler.. 245 Lorenzo H. Hatch 160 Third Ward Chapel 248 Thurman School House.... 162 Laying of Corner Stone of Isaac Goodwin 166 New Tabernacle 250 Israel Evans 167 Lehi Tabernacle 232 John WoodHouse 168 Bishop Andrew Fjeld 254 George William Kirkham.. 172 Bishoo James H. Gardner.. 255 William Yates 173 Bishop Henry Lewis 256 Frank Molen and Wife. . . . 176 Bishop John Stoker. 257 Andrew A. Peterson 178 Xew West School House.. 258 William L. Hutchings 180 John Beck 262 Charles Phillips 181 Clarence A. Granger 263 William W. Taylor 186 The Sugar Factory in 1895. 266 Building of Lehi Union Ex- Robert Stoddard 269 change 188 Abel John Evans . . 271 William Wanlass 189 Central School House 273 Mrs. Barbara Evans Bush.. 191 First Old Folks Committee 276 Utah Southern Station in Fames P. Garter and Wife.. 278 1873 i92 Tohn Roberts Jr. 280 William Bone, Sen 194 John S. Willes 282 Hans Hammer 195 Scgo Lily School House... 283 An Old Loom 198 Spanish War Volunteers. . . 284 Saratoga 202 Alosiah Evans 287 Carl J. E. Fjeld 205 City Pavilion 288 William H. Winn 207 George Austin 291 Thomas Fowler 209 Jordan Pumping Station in William Gurney 210 * Winter 293 John Austin 211 Largest Motor and Pump at John Johnson and .Anna Jordan Pumping Station. 295 Johnson 212 Primary School Building.. 297 George William Thurman . . 214 Thomas Webb ... 299 Ross School House 216 Lehi Roller Mills . 301 Franklin School House 217 Pioneer Monument 304 xiv HISTORY. OF LEHI. Lehi Pioneer Committee... 305 State Street 314 Mam Street 307 Plant of Utah Lake Irriga- Fourth Ward Chapel 309 tion Company 316 Edward Southwick 311 William E. Racker 3V Grammar School Building. 312 INDEX to BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION. Anderson, Andrew R 325 Anderson, Mary Ann Ped- erson 2)2(i Anderson, Nelsina Zll Anderson, Andrew Bjrring-. 328 Anderson, Johannah J. J.. . . 330 Anderson, Mons .... 330 Anderson, Christine Bensen 331 Ashton, Thomas 332 Ashton, Araminta L ZZZ Austin, John 334 Ball, William 336 Barnes, Silas P ZZl Bone, John 339 Bone, Hannah S 339 Bone, William, Sr 340 Bone, William, Jr 340 Briggs, Samuel 341 Broadbent, Joseph 342 Broadbent, Sarah Dixon... 343 Bushman, Martin 344 Bushman, Martin B 346 Bushman, John 347 Carter, James Perry, and Wife 348 Child, John J 349 Child, Elizabeth A 349 Clark, David 350 Clark, Myra Williams 350 Clark William 351 Clark, Jane 351 Coleman, Sarah T 352 Collett, Svlvanus 353 Cutler, Thomas R 355 Davis, Elisha H 356 Davis, Mary Ann M 359 Dickerson, W. W 360 Dorton, Joseph A 360 Dorton, Martha C 361 Edwards, Edward W 361 Evans, Abel 363 Evans, Mary Jones 363 Evans, Abel John 364 Evans, William S 366 Evans, David 367 Evans, Barbara Ann 368 Evans, Rebecca C 371 Evans, Israel 372 Evans, Matilda Thomas.... 372 Evans, David, Jr ZIZ Fjeld, Carl J. E 374 Fjeld, Anna Olson 376 Fjeld, Andrew ZTl Fotheringham, William .... 379 Gardner, James H 380 Gardner, Rhoda P. H 382 Goates, William 383 Goates, Rebecca Pilgrim... 385 Goodwin, Isaac 386 Goodwin, Isaac H 387 Goodwin, Betsy Smith 388 Gough. James 388 Gough, Charlotte Crockett. 389 Gurney, William 389 Hadfield, William 390 Hammer, Hans 391 Hammer, Anne C. 392 Holm, Jens and Family. . . . 392 Ingalls, M. W 393 Jackson, Mary Joynson.... 395 Johnson, John 396 Jones, Ellen W 396 Karren, Thomas 397 Karren, John 398 Karren, Maria Lawrence... 398 Kirkham, George William. 399 Knudson, Thorsten 400 Lamb, James J 401 Larson, Lars Victor 402 Lewis, Henry 402 Losee, Abraham 403 Lott, Permelia Darrow 404 Moorehead. Elizabeth T. . . 405 Mulliner, Samuel 406 XVI HISTORY OF LEHI. Peterson, Andrew A 407 Peterson, 'Mary A. Pherson 408 Peterson, Andrew F 408 Peterson, Hannah C. (Jones) 409 Peterson, Canute 410 Powell, James Q 412 Powell, Thaddeus 413 Powell, Ester A. A 414 Racker, William E 414 Racker, Frederick E 415 Roberts, John, Jr 416 Robinson, George G 417 Ross, John E 418 Rnsson, Lot, and Eliza Round 419 Royle, Henry 420 Royle, Ann Capstick 421 Schow, George P 421 Smith, Joseph Johnson .... 423 Smith, Ann Coleman 424 Smith, Sarah A. L 425 Southwick, William 426 Southwick, Edward 429 Southwick, Ann Maria T. . . 430 Southwick, Edward, Jr 431 Standring, Edwin 431 Standring, Rebecca S 432 Stewart, John and Lydia... 433 Taylor, William W 434 Taylor, Samuel R 435 Taylor, Martha iVnn Fox... 436 Thomas, Daniel S 437 Thurman, George William . . 438 Titcomb, Luke 439 Trane, Thomas F 440 Trane, Eliza M 442 Vaughn, Michael 443 Webb, George 444 Webb, Mary Ann W 445 Webb, John Stokes 446 Webb, Hannah Grace ...... 447 Webb, William and Harriet 448 Whipple, Robert John 449 Whipple, Susie Winn 450 Willes, Ira J 451 Willes, Mellisa L. S 451 Willes, William S. S 452 Willes, Alzina Lucinda .... 454 Wing, John William 455 Wing, John William, Jr.... 456 Winn, William H 458 Woodhouse, John 459 Worlton. John 460 Worlton, Anna B 461 Zimmerman, John 462 HISTORY OF LEHI. CHAPTER L Foreword. THE history of Lehi is almost the history of Utah in miniature. The same type of people founded the city ; the same trend and kind of growth is evi- dent; the same struggles and hardships were com- mon to both; the same events left their effects on both; the same influences of uplift and betterment were at work — Lehi is but a small-scale reproduction of Utah. As a type of Utah town, Lehi is an exceptionally good one; because its history began so early. Hence it expresses in true terms that which was common to all the contemporary history of the Commonwealth. Here was no need to hide anything. Unlike Salt Lake City, the founders of Lehi were not under crit- ical and unfriendly observation, so the people were at liberty to live out their ideals as they desired. Their subsequent record bespeaks the high character of those ideals. Furthermore, Lehi is not only a typical Utah town, but an excellent type of the Anglo-Saxon vil- lage community as well. In their every step in gov- ernment, the people 'of the little community have ex- pressed those civic ideas common to the race. Like 2 2 HISTORY OF LEHI. their Teutonic and New England forefathers, they in- herently built up a type of government which had as its chief characteristic the independence of the local unit. The town meeting was the universal way of transacting community business, just as it was with the Puritans — whose descendants, indeed, these pio- neers were. Their race expressed itself; the Anglo- Saxon blood was supreme. Their governments, whether municipal, county, or state, were always characterized by their stability and democracy. To many, this fact may not seem worthy of men- tion. Yet a mere glance at the history of the West at the time will show that it is sufficiently remark- able. Civilization had as yet not become firmly planted west of the Missouri. Indeed, the frontier settlements along that river were famous for their law- lessness and wildness. For many years afterwards, in fact, there could be found very few firmly estab- lished governments of any kind in the West. Yet these pioneers transplanted bodily the law and order to which they had formerly been accustomed, and they had no more than found a permanent resting place in the mountains than they established a gov- ernment whose superior in strength and equality of rights could not be found in America. That ecclesiastical and civic governments very much overlapped at first there is no denying. Nor need this occasion any great wonder. The pioneers had come west for a religious ideal — their religion was their life ; it permeated all their activities and necessarily colored them. Yet there is no doubt that just such a bond was needed to hold together these FOREWORD. 3 people in the foundation of a commonwealth. Surely the boundless wealth lying in the mountains, the fortunes in hunting and trapping, were not the goals which enticed the pioneers towards the Rockies. Their every action proclaims their migration to be only the working out of the desire for freedom of conscience. Yet if church and state were intermixed in Utah, Lehi was perhaps more free from such a condition than some other towns , because of the ex- ceptionally early establishment of her municipal gov- ernment. The character of Lehi's founders is exemplified in the steady, consistent growth of the city as a result of their foundations. It was no mushroom mining camp they built, nor yet a transient trading post; it was a home. Permanency was the keynote of their pioneer life. And that their work was not in vain the flourishing city of today bears unmistakable witness. CHAPTER II. Explorations in and Around Lehi. 1776-1849 NATIVE INDIANS. JUST what Indian tribes have resided on the north end of Utah Lake, how long they have remained there, what constituted their customs and manner of living, is to history unknown. Definite is, however, that this part of Utah Valley has long been a haunt of the dusky redmen, because numerous arrow heads, stone mills, and other weapons and utensils have been excavated near the springs and other meeting places of the savages. On entering the valley, white men found small bands from the neighboring Utah tribes, who eked out a meager existence from fishing in the lake and raising small quantities of Indian corn. Like their tribesmen, they were nomads and wan- dered from place to place as their food supply dimin- ished or was exhausted. FRANCISCAN FRIARS. The actual settlers of Lehi were not the first white men to view the site of the future city by almost a century. In July, 1776, two Franciscan monks from New Mexico, Francisco Antanasio Dominguez and Silvester Velez de Escalante, determined to find, if possible, a short route from Santa Fe to California, and accordingly set out for the northwest. Their 1776-1825] EXPLORATIONS. 5 wanderings — which took them through western Col- orado and eastern Utah — finally brought them down the Provo River into the Utah Valley, and they were the first white men to behold the beautiful lake which lies nestling there. This was probably in the early part of September. They christened the Jordan the Santa Ana, and found it and the other streams in the vicinity, as well as the lake, to be teeming with fish. The Indians, the Spaniards tell us, lived in willow huts and subsisted from hunting and fishing, the former because plenty of bear, deer, buffalo, jackrab- bits, and wild fowl were found in the neighborhood. After stopping a short time in the inviting valley, the friars resumed their journey late in September, and passing along the Sevier River reached New Mexico. PROVOST. As to who the next white men were to visit the site of Lehi, nothing can be definitely ascertained. It is stated that a trapper named Provost (sometimes spelled Proveau) visited the north end of the valley, and it is presumed that Provo is named after him. His visit is supposed to have been in 1820, but this fact cannot be verified. Undoubtedly, however, some of the numerous trappers and hunters who were roam- ing the West in the early '20's for the Hudson Bay Company and the North American Fur Company visited the lake and hunted along its shores. ASHLEY. One such person, William N. Ashley of St. Louis, led, in 1825, a company of considerable size to the 6 HISTORY OF LEHI. [I825-1849 West and founded Fort Ashley on the lake. From the fort, this body of water was long known as Lake Ashley. It is not unreasonable to believe, also, that some of the many immigrants, missionaries, and ad- venturers, who passed through Utah on their way west between 1830 and 1845, stopped temporarily in Utah Valley, lured by the pleasant scenery and smil- ing beauty of the lake. Known among these, how- ever, is scarcely any other than John C. Fremont, the intrepid explorer and subsequent presidential candi- date. FIRST OF UTAH PIONEERS. On July 27th, 1847, just three days after the arrival of the first company of pioneers, Orson Pratt, while out with an exploring party in the southern end of Salt Lake Valley, climbed a high range of hills and obtained the first glimpse of Utah Lake. The honor of being the first to explore it fell to other hands. On August 5, Jesse C. Little returned from an explor- ing expedition in Utah Valley, and reported that the soil there was exceptionally well adapted for cultiva- tion. FIRST COLONY ON LAKE. The pioneers were not slow to take advantage of this favorable report. As early as 1849, a party under the leadership of John S. Higbee founded a colony and built a fort on the present site of Provo. Con- tinual altercations with the Indians, however, made its early existence a difficult one. STANSBURY PARTY. It was in this same year that the first survey — in- 1849] EXPLORATIONS. complete as it must have been — was made of Utah Lake. This work was under the direction of Captain Howard Stansbury, of the United States Army, who proved to be a loyal and useful friend to the strug- gling colonists. VISITS OF LATER LEHI RESIDENTS. Before any attempt had been made to establish a colony on the site of Lehi, two of the city's later res- idents passed through the place. Neither knew at the time that they should later become citizens of the commu- nity to be founded there. The first of these was Hyland D. Wilcox. A boy of thirteen then, he had crossed the plains in 1849 in com- pany with Ephraim Brown, who settled in Draper after his arrival. It was as companion to this man that Wilcox came into the north end of Utah Valley, some time between July fifteenth and twentieth of the same year, in search of grazing land for their cattle. On Dry Creek they encountered a camp of Indians whose none too cordial welcome caused Brown to decide, that other places would be more suitable for pastur- age, so they returned to Draper. HYLAND D. WILCOX. 8 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1849 In 1849 also, John Jacobs passed through the site of Lehi on his way to Cali- fornia. Leaving Illinois May 18, and crossing the plains in a company under charge of Ezra T. Benson, he arrived in Salt Lake, October 31. About one week later he joined a company bound for California. They passed Dry Creek about November 10, and camped over night on a spring southeast of the present city, pro- ceeding immediately on their way. Two years later, Jacobs purchased a lot in Evansville, and took up his permanent resi- dence upon it in the spring of 1852. JOHN JACOBS. FIRST PIONEER BOATMANSHIP. To Parley P. Pratt must be accredited the honor of being the first pioneer to navigate the waters of the lake, according to the following statement from his journal (p. 402) : "Some time in December (1847), having finished sowing wheat and rye, I started, in company with a Brother Higby and others, for Utah Lake with a boat and fish net. We traveled some thirty miles with our boat, etc., on an ox wagon, while some of us rode on 1849] EXPLORATIONS. 9 horseback. This distance brought us to the foot of Utah Lake, a beautiful sheet of fresh water, some thirty-six miles long by fifteen broad. Here we launched our boat and tried our net, being probably the first boat and net ever used on this sheet of water in modern times." [Pratt was probably wrong in this statement, as can be readily seen from the list of trappers and explorers who preceded him.] "We sailed up and down the lake shore on its west- ern side for many miles, but had only poor success in fishing. We, however; caught a few samples of moun- tain trout and other fish." GENERAL CHARACTER OF THESE EXPLORATIONS. All these stops on Utah Lake were only temporary. Spanish monk, American trapper, explorer, and ad- venturer alike were drawn to its shores only for gain or adventure. To make a permanent colony was far from being their aim. It remained for the Mormon pioneers to send out the expedition which resulted in the citv of Lehi. CHAPTER III. Permanent Foundations. 1850-1851 WHEN the Mormons entered Utah, in 1847, it was their intention to remain permanently. The desire for gold and the search for adventure were not the phantoms which lured them from their homes in Illinois to an unknown land in the West. Like the Pilgrims of old, they hoped in a new country to find liberty — civic and religious — and the opportunity of carrying out their ideals and per- forming their destiny free from the molesta- tions of persecution and bigotry. Their memor- able pilgrimage across the plains — a march al- most without parallel in the annals of history — brought them at last to their mountain home. Under the leadership of BRIGHAM YOUNG. "d • u \r i Brigham Young — long regarded by both Utahn and stranger as one of the greatest pioneers of history — they immediately pro- 1850] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 11 ceeded to establish a permanent abiding place, and began the heart-breaking task of wresting a liveli- hood from the desert waste which they found. One of the first moves undertaken by the Mor- mon authorities was to explore new land for their co-religionists who should come later. Parties were sent out into all adja- cent parts of the Terri- tory to find suitable sites for colonization. In this way Brigham Young became thoroughly ac- quainted with the coun- try and was able to give pertinent advice to new- comers who desired a place to settle. Among other places such a par- ty of home-seekers en- tered Utah Valley in 1850. THE PETERSON PARTY. Having heard favor- canute peterson. able reports in regard to the land around American Fork Creek, a party com. posed of Canute Peterson, David Savage, Charles Hopkins, Henry Royle, William S. Empey, William Wadsworth, and Surveyor Lemmon, set out on an exploring expedition to Utah Valley in July, 1850. They proceeded immediately to this little stream, but were surprised to find, on their arrival, that it was already pre-empted by Washburn Chipman, Arza 12 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850 Adams and others who laid claim to all the land and water in the vicinity. A disagreement arising between the two parties the next morning, Peterson and his followers imme- diately left and stopped at another stream about three miles west, which, on account of the difficulty with which they found suffi- cient water for their horses, they named Dry Creek, an appellation much more truthful than poetic. After camping approximately on the site of the present City Park, they spent the re- mainder of the day in exploring the surround- ing country, going as far south as Utah Lake and as far west as the Jordan River. They found the valley to be covered with sage brush, intermingled here and there with a sprinkling of greasewood and bunch- grass and colored occasionally with a patch of sun- flowers or Indian paint brushes. A strip of meadow- grass, cane brakes, rushes and flags formed an em- erald border around the lake. A spring was also dis- covered about three-fourths of a mile north of the lake, and one mile east of the river, which was chris- tened Sulphur Springs on account of the peculiar DAVID SAVAGE. 18S0] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 13 taste of the water. This spring later became the cen- ter around which the first settlers located. In 1853 it came into the possession of William Snow, and was henceforth known as Snow's Spring. Recently it has become clogged with weeds and undergrowth, and the water has dwindled to a mere seepage. After their investigation of the country, the party, being favorably impressed with the land and its pos- sibilities, surveyed and located an extensive tract and determined to return and settle permanently. As to who was the first person actually to set up a permanent home on the site of Lehi, there exists a difference of opinion. There is a woeful lack of rec- ords, the principal actors in these stirring events have long since passed to the Great Beyond, and in the minds of the few survivors a mistiness beclouds the dates and events which make up this eventful his- tory. In all the lack of information and amid all the seeming disagreement as to priority, however, a dif- ference of only one month is found in the time of arrival of the first families. WHITE AND THOMAS. On the 5th of September, 1850, a band of im- migrants who had crossed the plains in Captain Aaron Johnson's company, arrived at the home of David Savage in Salt Lake City. Among this number was Joel W. White, a brother-in-law of Savage. Weary and footsore from their long journey, their first thought was of a resting place where they could build a home. Savage urged White and his friends to go to Utah Valley, offering part of the land he had taken 14 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850 Up as an inducement. The proposal was gladly ac- cepted, and a week after the close of the semi-annual conference, held this year on the 5th of September, found the little company on its way south. Savage directed White to proceed to Sulphur Springs, considering that the best place to obtain water for domestic use. He promised to follow the next day and over- take the party if it should lose its way. Such a precaution was unnecessary, however, because White and his companions had little trouble in finding the springs, where they im- mediately pitched camp. In this company were the families of Joel William White, John Griggs White, Claiborne Thomas, and Elizabeth T. Moorehead. The next day, David Savage and two hired men arrived, and they were followed a few days later by the family of Samuel D. White, brother of Joel W. and son of John G. White.* JOEL W. WHITE AND WIFE. *William S. Riggs maintains that David Savage, himself and a young man named Hager were the first arrivals at the springs, having passed White's company at Little Cottonwood, The three later returned to Salt Lake for Savage's family. He places the order of arrival as follows: Savage, White, Clark, Cox. 1850] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 15 ROYLE AND CLARK. David Clark and family arrived in Salt Lake City August 26, 1850, having crossed the plains with a company of gold diggers on their way to California. While in the city the Clarks were entertained at the home of his brother-in-law, Henry Royle, who finally persuaded them to ac- company him to Dry Creek. After about two weeks' rest for the wearied travelers, the two families began their southward journey with Royle's ox team and the running gear of a wag- on. They arrived in the vicinity of Dry Creek, September 10, 1850. Probably because of lack of knowledge of the country, they did not go directly to Sulphur Springs, but camped for the time further east on the Ira Willes Spring. This fact may account for the conflicting statements as to antecedence of arrival, for Joel W. White maintains that his company was the first to camp at Sulphur Springs, while Mrs. David Clark insists that she was the only woman in the vicinity for some time after her arrival. Royle and Clark found the ground around the Willes Spring DAVID CLARK. 16 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850 too marshy, so they moved their camp to the drier soil surrounding Sulphur Springs. DANIEL cox. Having arrived in Salt Lake City some time be- tv^een the first and fifth of September, 1850, after crossing the plains in Capt. Wall's company, Daniel Cox happened to meet Brigham Young on the street one day and asked where he should make his home. After a moment's reflection. President Young re- plied: "Brother Cox, go south and prosper with the Saints. in Utah Val- ley." With these general directions in mind, Cox and his family were soon on their way. Hav- ing reached the Point of the Mountain, they encountered a number of men who advised them to settle on Dry Creek. After crossing the Point — an extremely hazardous under- taking at that time, because the way led up through a ravine, over the mountain, and down a hollow on the other side, instead of around the Point as at pres- ent — Cox followed the trail he found there, and, pass- ing about where the State Road now runs, reached MRS. LUCY cox. 1850] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 17 Dry Creek, where he pitched camp on the east bank. An amusing anecdote is told about Cox's first sup- per. To the south of the camp lay Utah Lake, shim- mering and gleaming in the rays of the setting sun. To Cox it appeared very near, and he determined to get some water from it while supper was being pre- pared. Taking a bucket, he started on his er- rand. After walking for some time he noticed that the water appeared no nearer than at first, and so he gave up, filled his bucket from a spring he had chanced to find, and reached camp after dark, much chagrined, the family being considerably worried in the meanwhile. About the third day after their arrival on Dry Creek, they discerned several teams and wagons com- ing down the trail from the Point of the Mountain, but instead of continuing to the creek, they turned south towards the lake. Cox decided to follow them, and accordingly broke camp, caught the others and with them camped on Sulphur Springs. Here again may possibly be a disagreement, for the Cox broth- ers, Edward and Jacob, state that this company was the first to camp on Sulphur Springs, but who the other families w^ere they cannot now recall. CHARLES HOPKINS. Before the end of November, 1850, Charles Hop- kins and Israel Evans, together with their families, and William Fotheringham, with his aged father and mother, had arrived at the colony. They were fol- lowed by Thomas Karren and family, who had 18 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850 crossed the mountains from Salt Lake Valley near the present site of Alpine, and had followed the creek down to Sulphur Springs. Jehial McGonnell and family were the last to arrive, and they completed the little colony which spent the winter of 1850-1851 at the spring by the la'ke. HENRY McCONNELL. BUILDING OPERATIONS. The first problem for these sturdy pioneers to set- tle was the erection of some kind of dwelling that would protect them from the inclemency of the rap- idly approaching winter as well as from the pos- sible incursions of the red men. Immediately, therefore, they began felling the native Cot- tonwood trees which were to be found some miles up the creek, trim- ming them into logs, and hauling them to the spring. Meantime the wagon boxes were put on the ground and used for temporary quarters. Those early cabins . consisted of only one or two rooms, according to the size of the family — surely none too ample quar- ters. The walls were approximately seven feet high; the roof a leaky, inadequate contrivance of willows 1850] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 19 and dirt, gabled at each end. The openings between the logs were "chinked" with pieces of wood and daubed with mud. A sod fireplace in one corner of the room served the varied purposes of cooking, fur- nishing heat and providing light. Doors were made for some of the cabins from the wagon boxes, while for others quilts served the same purpose. By those who had it, ''factory" was tacked over the window openings, wdiich served the double purpose of letting in the light and keeping out the cold, although it necessarily performed both these functions im- perfectly. THE FIRST SAW. It was not long until William Fotheringham and Thomas Karren made shift to provide a saw pit in a nearby gully. Here, with a whip saw and with Kar- ren as top sawyer and Fotheringham under- neath, lumber was sawed to finish some of mrs. Elizabeth t. moorehead. the cabins. The necessary logs were hauled from Al- pine Canyon. Of these homes, thus dif^cultly erected, Joel W. White says : "Of logs we built our houses, Of shakies made the doors, Of sod we built the chimneys, Dirt we had for floors." 20 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850 PIONEER FURNITURE. The furniture of those early days lacked most of the beauty and convenience of modern furniture, and possessed, indeed, only little of its utility. All of it was cumbersome and clumsy, being made from the materials at hand, except in those rare instances where a chair or bed had been brought from the Mis- souri River. Three-legged stools took the place of the former, while a frame of poles in one corner of the room sufficed for the latter. The chief cooking utensils were an iron pot to hang over the fire, a fry- ing pan, and a bake kettle. With such equipment were the pioneer mothers compelled to keep house. That their problem was a difficult one needs no further proof than a mere state- ment of the facts. Nor was the providing of food on the part of the men at all less difficult. With the exception of that which they ob- tained from the chase and from the settlers in Salt Lake Valley, their food had almost entire- ly been brought from the Missouri frontier by means of slow-moving prairie schooners. Here was a case of ingenuity triumphing over envi- CLAiBORNE THOMAS AND WIFE, roumcnt, or Starvation. 1850] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 21 And right nobly did these men and women meet the situation, and in spite of hardships and obstacles, suc- ceeded in obtaining a livelihood. THE FIRST BABY. The Cox cabin was no more than well begun when on November 5, 1850, a baby girl was born to Mrs. Cox. She was named Azubia Deseret, and was the first white child to see the light of day on Dry Creek. Her birth in a wagon box did not pre- vent her from growing into a rugged, healthy girl.* THE FIRST lORT. When the erection of the cabins began, it was planned to build them end to end in the form of a fort, with the spring- in the center; but this design was never car- ried out, because of the small number of the set- tlers. Onlv the north side was completed with eight houses, together with four on the east and three on the west, the south side being entirely open. The location of the various families, commencing with the south cabin on the east side, and going north to the north-east MRS. AZUBIA DESERET COX HARDWICK. 'She is now Mrs. A. D. C. Hardwick, of Oxford, Idaho. 22 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850 corner, thence west along the north side to the north-east corner, thence south on the west side, was as follows: First cabin — occupied by Samuel D. White; wife; son Orson; and two daughters, Lucy (Mrs. William Flake), and Mary (Mrs. A. Milton Musser). Second cabin — occupied by David Savage; wife, Marv A. White; daughter, Amanda P. (Cook); and two hired men, Wil- liam S. Riggs and George Hager. The latter was a miner who went to California during the winter. Third cabin — occupied by John Griggs White and wife, Lucy Baley, who were the aged parents of Charles D. White, Joel W. White, and Mrs. David Savage. > /'y'r..^- J' .\^^ y >' 0^' / ^/ / 0'^ 0' \J...Jli ■ ' ■ '■ ■ ■ T -^ "^ "0 l-i- /' o^\. r 0^" y <^" 9*^ ^'' 6^^ -^^ w n )»»»/»» h f Roadway |i) ^ r PORT OM SMOW SPRINGS. o'' y ¥ r^ Fourth cabin — occupied by Joel William White; wife, Frances Ann Thomas; and Daniel C. Thomas, the young brother of Mrs. Joel W. White. This was the last cabin on the east side. Fifth cabin — the home of Claiborne Thomas; wife Jane, and infant daughter. 1850] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 23 Sixth cabin — occupied by a widowed sister of Claiborne Thomas, Elizabeth T. Moorehead, with two children, Preston and Ann. Seventh cabin — -'the home of David Clark; wife, Myra Wil- liams; and infant son James. Eighth cabin — home of Thomas Karren; wife; and six chil- dren, namely: John, Sylvia (Mrs. Lorenzo H. Hatch), Thomas, Hyriim, Charles, and Mary (Mrs. Hyrum Bennion). Ninth cabin — occupied by Tohn and Charlotte Fotheringham and their son William. Tenth cabin — home of Charles Hopkins; wife; and step-son, William Van Dyke. Eleventh cabin — occupied by Israel Evans; wife, Matilda Thomas; and infant daughter Abigail (Mrs. Benjamin S. Lott). Twelfth cabin — home of Daniel Cox; wife, Lucy Smith; and three sons by a former marriage, Edward, age 15, Jacob, age 13, and Joseph. This was the last house on the north side of the fort. Thirteenth cabin — occupied by Jehial McConnell; wife; and three sons, Henry, George, and William. This made a total of fifty-two souls, classified as follows: fifteen men, thirteen women, fifteen boys, and nine girls. Three of the girls and two of the boys were babies. Henry Royle had a tree fall on him and break his collar bone and was taken to Salt Lake City, where he remained during the winter. He is, therefore, not included in this enumeration. Two other cabins had been started on the west side, but they were never finished, because of a subsequent move to other ground. THE FIRST WINTER. AVhen the log cabins had been finished and the families made as comfortable as possible under the circumstances, quarters for the animals were pro- vided, and a quantity of grass was cut for hay. Those first to arrive were able to put up the hay in good con- dition, but the others found the grass frozen and unfit 24 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850-1851 for this purpose. Fortunately for the infant colony, the first winter, while quite cold, was open, and this made it possible for the stock to run at large un- til spring. In this work of pro- viding fodder, only the most primitive tools were used by the pio- neers. For mowing grass, a scythe and snath were employed, and often that most an- cient of harvesting in- struments, the sickle. The chief tool, how^ever, was the ax, in the use of wdiich most of the men were experts. For animal help, the settlers depended almost solely upon oxen. A few pioneers were fortunate enough to possess horses, and frequently cows were hitched to the wagons. But practically all of the team work — plowing, log- ging, road-making, and traveling — was performed with the patient oxen, yoked to the wagon and guided only by the ''Gee" and *'Haw" of the driver. MRS. ISRAEL EVANS. JOHN RYAN. The little colony at Sulphur Springs had at least one visitor during the winter. He was John Ryan who had become involved with the Indians in Skull 1850-1851] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 25 Valley and been chased by them to the east end of Cedar Valley, where he checked their pursuit by kill- ing two of them. Proceeding to the Jordan, he crossed and stopped at the fort. Shortly afterwards, Daniel Cox made a raft to ferry his things across the river. HUNTING AND FISHING. The construction of this raft for Ryan seems to have started Cox into other affairs of navigation, for a short time later he hollowed a tree trunk for a canoe, which he used on his hunting and fishing trips on the river and lake. He also impro- vised a sort of gill net to catch fish in the river. Cox was easily the prin- cipal Nimrod in the camp, and frequently shared his ducks, geese, or fish with his fellows. That the others were also engaged in this kind of activity can be seen from the fact that Claiborne Thomas and some of the w^omen suc- ceeded, late in the win- ter, in making a hundred-foot seine out of twine pur- chased in Salt Lake City, and provided it with both a lead line and cork line. Claiborne Thomas also pur- chased a skiff for use on the lake, and sent Joel W. MRS. DAVID SAVAGE. 26 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1850-1851 White to haul it from Salt Lake City. On this trip the latter found a number of men building a road around the Point of the Mountain. He was, there- fore, the first member of the settlement to pass over the new highway. With this equipment, the colo- nists succeeded in catching sufftcient fish to satisfy their needs. Later the supply exceeded the demand, and the fish were sold in the surrounding settlements, often as far as Tooele. Thus arose Lehi's first com- mercial enterprise. AN AVERTED ACCIDENT. That so much hunting and fishing could be carried on without accident was marvelous; indeed, there came nearly being a serious mishap early in the win- ter. One day Claiborne Thomas noticed a flock of geese flying over the fort. Rushing into the cabin after his gun, he accidentally discharged it as he came out of the door. The , shot went into David Clark's wag- on, . which stood near by, for Clark's cabin was not yet finished. Ter- ribly frightened, Thomas hurried to the wagon, and, raising the cover, was relieved to find Mrs. Clark seated in the other end quietly comb- MRS. DAVID CLARK. ^^'^S her hair. 1851] PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS. 27 THE FIRST DEATH. In the month of February, John G. White, after a life full of activity, devotion, and faith, passed to the Great Settlement beyond. David Savage, who was a carpenter, and owned a set of tools, made a respec- table coffin from a wagon box, and Father White was interred. His grave is in an old burial ground situ- ated a little west of Dry Creek, and north of the State Road* Thus occurred the first death on Dry Creek. THE WINTER SAFELY THROUGH. Despite all their diffi- culties, the inmates of the little fort passed safely through the first winter. True it is that many of them were en- tirely without shoes, and the clothing of all was woefully patched. But good health was theirs, and they enjoyed, in some measure at least, what they had left the East to find — free- dom and a home. It was only natural, there- WILLIAAI S. RIGGS. *This cemetery was used for many years in early times, and although most of the dead buried there were reinterred in the present city cemetery, there still remain a few graves. Of late these have fallen into neglect, but a movement is now on foot to care for them and also to erect suitable monuments. 28 HISTORY OF LEHI. U851 fore, that their gratitude should frequently find ex- pression in religious services. Meetings were held at various times through- out the winter, under the direction of David Savage and Charles Hopkins. THE NUCLEUS OF THE FUTURE CITY. Thus with the advent of a few families and their camp around a spring, the growth of one of Utah's chief cities began. Such a develop- ment as has actually taken place was un- doubtedly far from the minds of those hardy founders. But they builded well, and upon their foundation has the su- perstructure of Lehi's growth and prosperity been placed.* JAMES CLARK, A Child at Sulphur Springs. *Not all the inhabitants of the fort remained permanently in Lehi. Some of them moved to other parts of the State and assisted in pioneer work there. It is a notable fact that a large number of these held prominent and responsible positions in public service. This is equally true of their children. The winter at Snow Springs proved to be an excellent school. ■ CHAPTER IV. The Beginning of Community Life. OTHER LOCATIONS THAN SULPHUR SPRINGS. THE Spring of 1851 witnessed the arrival of various families and parties to settle in the vicinity of Sulphur Springs. Some of thero, in fact, had already reached Dry Cheek in the late autumn of the preced- ing year. But these new arrivals did not join the lit- tle colony in the fort; they remained outside wher- ever a water supply suitable for domestic use could be found. PETER SHIRTS. In the fall of 1850, Peter Shirts had found a spring east of the fort, near the lake, and spent the winter there.* Abraham Losee and his family, who arrived some time later, selected a place a short distance north of Shirts', and dug a well to procure water, which was undoubtedly the first well in this region. THE LOTT SETTLEMENT. The spring of 1851 saw an increase to this little group near the lake. The first arrival was a widow, Mrs. Pamelia Lott, mother of Mrs. Losee. She was soon followed by her son, John, her son-in-law, John R. Murdock, and Orrace Murdock, who, with their families, settled near the home of Shirts. This little *This spring is directly south of Fifth West street, on land now owned by Andrew B. Anderson. 30 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1851 group became known as the Lott Settlement, and was increased soon afterwards by the arrival of Isaac Losee and Ira J. Willes, the latter, however, re- maining at Stink Weed Spring. In addition, other families had stopped at various springs in the neigh- borhood. EVANSVILLE. On February 15, 1851, there arrived on Dry Creek a man who w^s destined to play the leading part in the growth of the community for many years. This man was David Evans. He had pre- viously been ordained a bishop in Nauvoo by Joseph Smith, and had now been sent by Brig- ham Young to preside over the Saints of Dry Creek. Bishop Evans was a typical pioneer. Possessing the same rugged qualities which distinguished his chief. President Young, he was eminently fitted to direct the work of founding a community. Devoted to his Church, honest, upright, but determined and aggressive, and withal characterized by that rare gift of leadership which, above everything else, was imperative for a ABRAHAM LOSEE. 1851] COMMUNITY BEGINNING. 31 pioneer commander, he knew how to direct the col- onists to obtain the best results. In his dealings with his fellows he was plain and outspoken, but always just and fair. Altogeth- er, Bishop Evans was precisely the kind of man needed to meet the situation. With his family, Ev- ans made his home on Dry Creek with some of the people who had moved up from Sulphur Springs. His land was a tract west of the creek and just north of the present City Park. This place was called Evans- ville in honor of the bishop, and being on higher ground, with good water available by digging wells, it soon became the favorite locality for the home-seeker. During the early spring months, all the families at Sulphur Springs moved up to Evansville. Daniel Cox again took up the land where he had first camped on entering the valley. The Fotheringhams and Karrens, with the families of Henry Royle and Ca- nute Peterson, chose land on the creek a little south of the others, their places being due west of the end of Main Street as it is now. Most of the families who MRS. PAMELIA LOTT BISHOP DAVID EVANS. Second Mayor of Lehi— 1854-1861. 1851] COMMUNITY BEGINNING. 33 arrived in 1851 settled on the creek between these two points, although some joined the Lott Settle- ment in the field. THE DRY CREEK WARD. Shortly after the arrival of Bishop "Evans, Apos- tle George A. Smith visited the little colony and or- ganized the Dry Creek ^ Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. David Evans was appointed bishop, with Charles Hopkins and David Savage as counselors and Jehial McConnell as ward clerk. This was the first organization of any kind to be effected, and with it a coherency and direction was given to the grovv^th of the set- tlement impossible here- tofore. IRA T. WILLES. THE FIRST PLANTING. In the spring of 1851, the first crops, consisting of wheat, corn, potatoes, squash, and a few vegetables were planted. The farm implements were both crude and scarce. William Fotheringham relates that he had the point, share, and land side of a plow, and be- ing a ship carpenter by trade, and hence expert in the 34 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1851 use of the foot adze, he made a mold board from a gnarled piece of cottonwood, and with a log from the same kind of wood for a beam, managed to do fairly good plowing. THE FJRST TROUBLE WITH THE INDIANS, When the wheat was about six inches high, the first trouble with the Indians occurred. The redmen insisted on turning their ponies loose in the growing fields, maintaining that the grass and water were theirs, while only the land and wood be- longed to the whites. About this time three Indians came up the creek one day where the Karren, Fotheringham, Royle, and Peterson families were living. They appeared to be in an ugly mood and, em- boldened by the fact that all the men were away at work, they took great delight in fright- ening the women and children. Finally Char- lotte Fotheringham, an old Scotch lady, seized a hatchet and, shaking it threateningly in the face of one of the braves, she berated him right soundly in her good old mother tongue. This so surprised and JOHN FOTHERINGHAM. CHARLOTTE FOTHERINGHAM. 1851] COMMUNITY BEGINNING. 35 amused the Indians that they withdrew, after enter- ing a rebuttal in the Ute language. THE AMERICAN FORK DITCH. As the water in Dry Creek could not be relied upon to mature the crops, it was imperative that late irri- gation water be pro- cured. As the only sup- ply available was the stream in American Fork Canyon, the pro- digious undertaking of digging a ditch seven miles long from the mouth of the canyon to Lehi was begun under the initiative and direc- tion of Bishop Evans. Early in May, Charles Hopkins and Henry Mc- Connell were sent to the mouth of the can- yon to cut and haul logs for the purpose of con- structing a dam which should divert part of the water into the proposed ditch. The main company arrived the next day and work was immediately begun. The ditch was made about two feet wide in the bottom, and one rod was considered a good day's work for a man. Tools were scarce and of poor quality, while the sun-baked soil was full of cobble stones and otherwise hard to dig. PRESTON MOOREHEAD, A Child at Sulphur Springs. 36 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1851 Under such hardships, the men, poorly fed and scantily clothed, would undoubtedly have abandoned the enterprise, but for the influence of the bishop. His good humor and witticisms never failed, and with rare tact and diplomacy. he kept the men from brooding over their troubles, and inspired them with new hope and courage. Instead of taking the ditch due west to the creek as it is now, the builders brought it down Cedar Hollow and across the bench before it joined Dry Creek. This mistake was recti- fied the following year, as it was impossible to keep the ditch open on account of the drifting sand. By the latter part of August, the water reached the farms and helped to save part of the corn and potato crop. A PECULIAR SITUATION. As illustrative of the conditions existing at this time, it is related that no paper could be found in the settlement on which to keep records except a blank book owned by John Fotheringham. Fotheringham liad been a master tailor in Europe, and this book MRS. ANN MOOREHEAD THOMAS, A Child at Sulphur Springs. 1351] COMMUNITY BEGINNING. 37 had been used for entering orders for clothes. It was partly full of notations, but as occasion demanded, leaves were torn from it and supplied to the bishop. THE FIRST BOAT WRECK. The first boat wreck on the lake in which Lehi peo- ple figured, occurred in the latter part of May, 1851, and is related by Wil- liam Fotheringham. "Canute Peterson and myself, with Simeon Houd and Seth M. Dodge of Salt Lake City, went on a fishing expedition to the mouth of Provo River, and succeeded in making a good haul of trout and suckers. Wq left Provo in the evening, and ar- rived at the mouth of American Fork Creek in the morning, where we intended to make another haul with the seine, but a gale came up from the south and pre- vented it, so we pulled for home. The lake became very rough, and on being struck by a heavy wave, the boat was completely capsized. Being a good swimmer, I struck out for the shore, a quarter of a mile distant, while two of the men clung to the boat, and the third was washed ashore with the oars under WILLIAM FOTHERINGHAM. 38 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1851 his breast. I now remember vividly the v^hole in- cident ; the sun was just rising over the Wasatch Mountains as I was bat- tling with the waves to reach the shore, wonder- ing if this was the last time I would ever see it come up. We all finally reached shore and got home safely, and the next day recovered the boat and seine. Through a 'dream of his wife El- mira, John R. Murdock was prevailed upon not to join us in this fishing trip, and as he could not swim, no doubt he would have lost his life in the wreck." THE FIRST BOY. The honor of being Lehi's first boy fell to the lot of Henry Moroni Royle, who was born June 22, 1851. At the tirne of his birth, his parents were living in a little log house near Dry Creek, directly west of Main Street. Moroni has grown up amid the hard times of pioneer days, and has lived to see the place of his birth become a prosperous city. THE FIRST BLACKSMITH. One of the greatest difficulties which beset the pio- neers of Dry Creek was the lack of mechanical help, H. M. ROYLE. 1851] COMMUNITY BEGINNING. 39 the nearest blacksmith being at Alpine, and that not until 1851. However, in. the autumn of that year, on the invitation of Bishop Evans, Joseph J. Smith, a skilled mechanic, came to Dry Creek and set up a blacksmith shop. It was first situated in Evansville, but after the city was laid out, it was moved and located on the present north-east corner of the intersec- tion of Main and Fourth West streets. THE FIRST HARVEST. Good crops of wheat were raised this year, but owing to the scar- city of late irrigation water, the other prod- ucts were a partial failure. As all of the grain was harvested with the cradle, except a small portion which was cut with the sickle, considerable labor was required to handle the crop, so the newcomers of this year were exceptionally welcomed to aid in this work. The threshing was done by beating the grain out with a flail, or tramping it out with the cat- tle, and winnowing it in the wind. J.OSEPH J. SMITH. 40 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1851 THE FIRST FLOUR MILL. Towards the close of the year, a flour mill was built at the mouth of American Fork Canyon by Lorenzo H. Hatch, Abram Hatch, and Nathan Packer. It was the first mill in the north end of the county, but it was unfortunately destroyed by fire the following year. However, on the advice of Willard Rich- ards, it was immediate- ly rebuilt by its enter- prising owners, and for many years it served the people in grinding their grain. THE CLOSE OF 185L The year closed with Bishop Evans' ward in a very scattered condi- tion. Over thirty fam- ilies had arrived during the year, and while most of them had remained in Evansville, several had located on springs in the bottoms, the Lott Settle- ment receiving the greater number of these. Of the families who arrived this year the follow- ing is the best list obtainable : Martin Bushman, Ira J. Willes, Henry Kerns, Canute Peterson, Alexander Loveridge, Ezekiel Hopkins, George Burgess, Or- race Murdock, Joseph J. Smith, Thomas Green, Al- ABRAM HATCH. 1851] COMMUNITY BEGINNING. 41 fred Bell, Harrison Burgess, David Evans, Alonzo D. Rhodes, Samuel Rogers, John S. Lott, Abram Hatch, Lorenzo H. Hatch, Jeremiah Hatch, R. C. Goodson, Mrs. Pamelia Lott, Joseph Skeens, Samuel Briggs, Thomas Ashton, Samuel Wise, John R. Murdock, Mrs. Sarah T. Coleman, Abraham Brown, Daniel Col- lett, Preston Thomas, Isaac Losee, William Sidney Smith Willes. MRS. ABIGAIL EVANS LOTT, A Child at Sulphur Springs. CHAPTER V. The Birth of Political Life. 1852-1854 LEHI INCORPORATED. A BODY of such thorough Americans as composed the little settlement on Dry Creek could not long remain without some form of civil administration. An innate love of law and order — the priceless heritage of their Pilgrim forefathers — soon compelled them to take steps to form some kind of municipal gov- ernment. Accordingly, early in 1852, David Evans, on behalf of the people of Dry Creek, presented a petition to the Territorial Legislature, requesting that body to incor- porate the little community^. This petition was granted, and the city incorporated under the name of Lehi, this Book of Mormon appellation being sug- gested because the people had moved so frequently. Lehi was the sixth city in the Territory of Utah to be incorporated. Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, Manti, and Parowan having preceded her in 1851. The act of incorporation is deemed of sufBcient inter- est to be presented here in full: An Act to Incorporate the City of Lehi. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of the country lying on Dry Creek, in Utah County, bounded as fol- lows, to-wit: commencing at the Utah Lake direct south of the 1852] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 43 south-east corner of the plat of Evansville, running direct to said corner; from thence north three miles; from thence west to the Jordan River; from thence up the river Jordan to the outlet of the lake; from thence up the lake to the place of beginning, is hereby incorporated into a city, which shall be called the "City of Lehi," and the inhabitants thereof are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name aforesaid; and shall have perpetual succession, and may have and use a common seal, which they may change and alter at pleasure. Section 2. The inhabitants of said city, by the name and style aforesaid, shall have power to sue and be sued; to plead and be impleaded; defend and be defended; in all courts of law and equity and in all actions whatsoever; to purchase, receive and hold property, real and personal, in said city; to purchase, re- ceive and hold real property beyond the city, for burying grounds, or other public purposes, for the use of the inhabitants of said city; to sell, lease, convey, or dispose of property, real and personal, for the benefit of said city; to improve and pro- tect such property, and to do all other things in relation thereto as natural persons. Section 3. There shall be a City Council, to consist of a Mayor, four Aldermen, and nine Councilors, who shall have the qualifications of the electors of said city, and shall be chosen by the qualified voters thereof, and shall hold their offices for two years, and until their succesors shall be elected and qualified. The City Council shall judge of the qualifications, elections, and returns of their own members, and a majority of them shall form a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may ad- journ from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members, under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordin- ance. Section 4. The Mayor, Aldermen, and Councilors, before entering upon the duties of their offices, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, that they will support the Constitution of the United States, and the laws of this. Territory, and that they will well and truly perform all the duties of their offices, to the best of their skill and abilities. Section 5. On the first Monday of March next, and every 44 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1852 two years hereafter, on said day, an election shall be held for the election of one Mayor, four Aldermen, and nine Councilors, and at the first election under this act, three judges shall be chosen, viva voce, by the electors present. The said judges shall choose two clerks; and the judges and clerks, before entering upon their duties, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, such as is now required by law to be taken by judges and clerks of other elections; and at all subsequent elections, the necessary number of judges and clerks by the City Council. At the first election so held, the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock a. m., and closed at six o'clock p. m. At the close of the polls the votes shall be counted, and a statement thereof proclaimed at the front door of the house at which said election shall be held; and the clerks shall leave with each person elected, or at his usual place of residence, within five days after the election, a written notice of his election, and each person so notified, shall within ten days after the election, take the oath or affirmation hereinbefore mentioned. A certificate of which oath shall be recorded with the recorder, whose appointment is hereinafter provided for, and by him preserved; and all subsequent elec- tions shall be held, conducted, and the returns thereof made, as may be provided for by ordinance of the City Council. Section 6. All free white male inhabitants who are of the age of twenty-one years, who are entitled to vote for Territorial of- ficers, and who shall have been actual residents of said city sixty days next preceding said election, shall be entitled to vote for city officers. Section 7. The City Council shall have authority to levy and collect taxes for city purposes, upon all taxable property, real and personal, within the limits of the city, not exceeding one- half per cent per annum, upon the assessed value thereof; and may enforce the payment of the same, in any manner to be pro- vided by ordinance, not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States or the laws of this Territory. Section 8. The City Council shall have power to appoint a Recorder, Treasurer, Assessor and Collector, Marshal, and Su- pervisors of Streets. They shall also have the power to appoint all such other officers by ordinance, as may be necessary; de- 1852] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 45 fine the duties of all city officers, and remove them from office at pleasure. Section 9. The City Council shall have power to require of all officers, appointed in pursuance of this act, bonds with pen- alty and security, for the faithful performance of their respective duties, such as may be deemed expedient, and also to requir ; all officers appointed as aforesaid, to take an oath for the faithful performance of the duties of their respective offices. Section 10. The City Council shall have power and authority to make, ordain, establish, and execute all such ordinances, not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, or the laws of this Territory, as they may deem necessary for the peace, benefit, good order, regulation, convenience and cleanliness of said city, for the protection of property therein from destruc- tion by fire or otherwise, and for the health and happiness thereof. They shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen by death, resignation, or removal in any of the offices herein made elective; to fix and establish all the fees of the offi- cers of said corporation not herein established; to impose such fines, not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense, as they might deem just, for refusing to accept of any office, in, or under the corporation, or for misconduct therein; to divide the city into wards, and specify the boundaries thereof, and create additional wards; to add to the number of Aldermen and Coun- cilors, and apportion them among the several wards, as may be just and most conducive to the interest of the city. Section 11. To establish, support, and regulate common schools; to borrow money on the credit of the city: Provided, that no sum or sums of money be borrowed on a greater interest than six per cent per annum; nor shall the interest on the aggre- gate of all the sums borrowed, and outstanding, ever exceed one- half of the city revenue, arising from taxes assessed on real estate, within this corporation. Section 12. To make regulations to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases into the city; to make quarantine laws for that purpose, and enforce the same. Section 13. To appropriate and provide for the payment of the expenses and debts of the city. 46 HISTORY OF LEHI. ti8S2 Section 14. To establish hospitals, and make regulations for the government of the same; to make regulations to secure the general health of the inhabitants; to declare what shall be nuis- ances, and to prevent and remove the same. Section 15. To provide the city with water; to dig wells, lay pump logs and pipes, and erect pumps in the streets for the ex- tinguishment of fires, and convenience of the inhabitants. Section 16. To open, alter, widen, extend, establish, grade, pave, or otherwise improve and keep in repair streets, avenues, lanes and alleys; and to establish, erect, and keep in repair aqueducts and bridges. Section 17. To provide for the lighting of the streets, and erecting lamp posts, and establish, support, and regulate night watches; to erect market houses; establish markets and market places, and to provide for the government and regulation thereof. Section 18. To provide for erecting all needful buildings for the use of the city, and for enclosing, improving, and regulating all public grounds belonging to the city. Section 19. To license, tax, and regulate auctioneers, mer- chants, and retailers, grocers and taverns, ordinaries, hawkers, peddlers, brokers, pawn brokers, and money changers. Section 20. To license, tax, and regulate hacking, carriages, wagons, carts, and drays; and fix the rate to be charged for the carriage of persons, and for wagonage, cartage, and drayage of property, as also to license and regulate porters, and fix the rate of porterage. Section 21. To license, tax, and regulate theatricals, and other exhibitions, shows, and amusements. Section 22. To tax, restrain, prohibit, and suppress, tippling houses, dram shops, gambling houses, bawdy and other disor- derly houses. Section 23. To provide for the prevention and extinguish- ment of fires; to regulate the fixing of chimneys, and the flues thereof, and stove pipes, and to organize and establish fire companies. Section 24. To regulate the storage of gunpowder, tar, pitch, rosin, and other combustible materials. i8S2] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 47 Section 25. To regulate and order parapet walls and other partition fences. Section 26. To establish standard weights and measures, and regulate the weights and measures to be used in the city, in all other cases not provided for by law. Section 27. To provide for the inspection and measuring of lumber, and other building materials; and for the measure- ment of all kinds of mechanical work. Section 28. To provide for the inspection and weighing of hay, lime, and stone coal, and measuring of charcoal, fire wood, and other fuel to be sold or used within the city. Section 29. To provide for and regulate the inspection of tobacco, and of beef, pork, flour, meal; also beer, and whiskey, brandy, and other spirituous or fermented liquors. Section 30. To regulate the weight, quality, and price of bread, sold and used in the city. Section 31. To provide for taking the enumeration of the inhabitants of the city. Section 32. To fix the compensation of all city officers, and regulate the fees of jurors, witnesses, and others, fo^r services rendered, under this or any city ordinance. Section 33. The City Council shall have exclusive power within the city by ordinance, to license, regulate, suppress, or restrain billiard tables, and from one to twenty pin-alleys, and every other description of gaming or gambling. Section 34. The City Council shall have exclusive power within the city by ordinance, to license, regulate, or restrain the keeping of ferries, and toll bridges; to regulate the police of the city; to impose fines, forfeitures, and penalties, for the breach of any ordinance; and provide for the recovery of such fines and forfeitures, and the enforcement of such penalties, and to pass such ordinances as may be necessary and proper lor carrying into effect and execution the powers specified in this act; provided such ordinances are not repugnant to the Con- stitution of the United States or any of the laws of this Ter- ritory, Section 35. All ordinances passed by the City Council shall within one month after they have been passed be published in 48 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i852 some newspaper printed in said city, or certified copies thereof be posted up in three of the most pubHc places in the city. Section 36. All ordinances of the city may be proven by the seal of the corporation; and when printed or published in book or pamphlet form, purporting to be printed or published by the authority of the corporation, the same shall be received in evidence in all courts or places, without further proof. Section Zl . The Mayor and Aldermen shall be conservators of the peace within the limits of the city, and shall have all the powers of Justice of the Peace therein, both in civil and criminal cases arising under the laws of the Territory. They shall, as Justices of the Peace, within the limits of said city, perform the same duties; be governed by the same laws; give the same bonds and securities as other Justices of the Peace, and be com- missioned as other Justices of the Peace, in and for said city, by the Governor. Section 38. The Mayor and the Aldermen shall have ex- clusive jurisdiction in all cases arising under the ordinances of the corporation, and shall issue each process as may be nec- essary to carry said ordinances into execution and effect. Ap- peals may be had from any decision or judgment of said Mayor or Aldermen, arising under the ordinances of said city to the Municipal Court, under such regulations as may be prescribed by ordinance, which court shall be composed of the Mayor as Chief Justice, and the Aldermen as Associate Justices; and from the final judgment of the Municipal Court, to the Probate Court of Utah County, in the same manner as appeals are taken from Justice of the Peace; Provided, the parties litigant shall have a right to a trial by jury of twelve men, in all cases before the Municipal Court. The Municipal Court shall have power to grant writs of Habeas Corpus, and try the same in all cases arising under the ordinances of the City Council. Section 39. The Municipal Court may sit on the first Monday of every month, and the City Council, at such times and places as may at any time be called by the Mayor or any two Alder- men. Section 40. All processes issued by the Mayor, Aldermen, or Municipal Court, shall be directed to the Marshal, and in the 1852] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 49 execution thereof, he shall be governed by the same laws as are, or may be prescribed for the direction and compensation of Con- stables in similar cases. The Marshal shall also perform such other duties as may be required of him under the ordinances of said city, and shall be the principal ministerial officer. Section 41. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to make and keep accurate records of all ordinances made by the City Council, and of all their proceedings in their corporate capac- ity, which record shall at all times be open to the inspection of the electors of said city, and shall perform all other duties as may be required of him by the ordinances of the City Council, and shall serve as clerk of the Municipal Court. Section 42. When it shall be necessary to take private prop- erty for opening, widening, or altering any public street, lane, avenue, or alley, the corporation shall make a just compensa- tion' therefor, to the person whose property is so taken; and if the amount of such compensation cannot be agreed upon, the Mayor shall cause the same to be ascertained by a jury of six disinterested men, who shall be inhabitants of the city. Section 43. All jurors empaneled to enquire into the amount of benefit or damages that shall happen to the owners of prop- erty so proposed to be taken, shall first be sworn to that effect, and shall return to the Mayor their inquest in writing, signed by each juror. Section 44. In case the Mayor shall, at any time, be guilty of a palpable omission of duty, or shall wilfully and corruptl}^ be guilty of oppression, malconduct, or partiality, in the dis- charge of the duties of his office, he shall be liable to indictment in the Probate Court of Utah county; and on conviction, he shall be liable to fine and imprisonment; and the court shall have power on the recommendation of the jury to add to the judgment of the court, that he be removed from office. Section 45. The City Council shall have power to provide for the punishment of offenders and vagrants, by imprisonment in the county or city jail, or by compelling them to labor upon the streets, or public works, until the same shall be fully paid; in all cases where such offenders shall fail or refuse to pay the fines and forfeitures which may be recovered against them. 50 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1852 Section 46. The inhabitants of Lehi City shall, from and after the next ensuing two years from the first Monday of April next, be exempt from working on any road or roads beyond the limits of said city. But all taxes devoted to road purposes shall, from and after said term of two years, be collected and expended by, and under the direction of the supervisor of streets, within the limits of said city. Section 47. The Mayor, Aldermen, and Councilors of said city shall, in the first instance, be appointed by the Governor and Legislature of said Territory of Utah, and shall hold their office until superseded by the first election. Section 48. This act is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 5, 1852. IRRIGATION WATER GRANT. Another important act of the Territorial Legisla- ture was passed at this time, granting to the people of Lehi one-third of the waters of American Fork Creek. While the legislature does not now presume to act in such matters, it is evident that the passage of this act helped to secure permanently to Lehi this share of the water. The act follows : "An act in relation to the waters of American Creek in Utah County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That the inhabitants of the settlement of Dry Creek in Utah County are hereby authorized and allowed to take out, at some convenient point, the waters of American Creek, and use the .same for their benefit: Provided that no more than one-third part of said waters shall be so taken for the use of said settlement on Dry Creek. Approved February 18, 1852." LEHI'S FIRST LEGISLATOR. Active in securing the passage of these acts was David Evans, who had been elected from Utah 1852] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 51 County to serve in the first Territorial Legislature. He has the honor, therefore, of being the first of the long line of men who have ably served Lehi in the leg- islative councils of the Commonwealth. CHANGES IN THE BISHOPRIC. In the spring of 1852, Jehial McConnell and Lor- enzo H. Hatch were selected and set apart as First and Second Counselors to Bishop Evans, as Charles Hopkins and David Savage were re- leased to occupy other positions in the church. SUGAR BEETS. John Taylor, in the spring of 1852, had im- ported from France and brought across the plains by ox team, a quantity of sugar beet seed, and Bishop Evans with others had been able to secure a small part of this. The beets they planted matured successfully, but were used for making molasses rather than sugar. In this was pres- aged an industry which was destined to become the most important factor of Lehi's commercial develop- ment — the sugar industry. ORRACE MURDOCK. 52 HISTORY OF LEHI. 11852 CLOSE OF 1852. During the year large additions had been made to the cultivated lands, and a fence had been constructed around the Big Field. The ditch from American Fork Canyon had also been changed to avoid the shifting sands of Cedar Hollow^. The close of the year found the peo- ple in the same scat- tered condition as at the beginning, no attempt having been made to lay out a city. The fol- lowing are some of the families v^ho arrived in 1852: William Hudson, Daniel S. Thomas, John Zimmerman, Philip Olmstead, Samuel Har- wood, Samuel T. Smith, John Jacobs, George Brough, Abel Evans, William Goates. MARTIN BUSHMAN. ALTERATION OF TIME OF FIRST ELECTION. According to Section 5 of the act of incorporation, the first municipal election should have been held on the first Monday in March, 1852, and in Section 47, the Governor and Legislature w^ere empow^ered to appoint, in the first instance, the mayor, aldermen, and councilors, w^ho were to hold office until the first 1852] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 53 election. For some reason, however, neither the offi- cers were appointed nor the election held. To rem- edy this condition of affairs, the Legislature, the next January, passed the following brief and liberal act : An act altering the time of holding the first election for city- officers in Lehi, Fillmore and Cedar Cities. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That the inhabitants of Lehi, Fillmore, and Cedar Cities are hereby authorized and em- powered to hold their first election for city officers at any time during the present year that to them shall be the most conveni- ent; and who shall hold their offices until superseded by due course of law. Approved January 17, 1853. THE FIRST MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Twelve days after the passage of this act, on Jan- uarty 29, the first municipal election was held. As compared with the election campaigns and activities of modern tiriies, it was an extremely quiet affair. On account of the interest attached in the first of such events, the complete account of this election, as con- tained in an old record of the City Council, is given below. ''The inhabitants of the town of Evansville met at the school house in the said town for the purpose of organizing and electing the City Council of the City of Lehi, on the 29th day of January, 1853. "Business commenced by appointing David Evans, Charles Hopkins, and Claiborne Thomas to act as judges of election, and Jehial McConnell and Tolm Spires to act as clerks. SILAS P. BARNES. First Mayor of Lehi— 1853-1854. 1853] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 55 ^'Voted unanimously that Silas P. Barnes* be Mayor of said city, also that David Evans, David Savage, Charles Hopkins, and Abraham Losee be Al- dermen ; William S. S. Willes, Harrison Burgess, Daniel Collett, Israel Evans, Samuel W. White, Eze- kiel Hopkins, Lorenzo H. Hatch, Thomas Green, and Richard C. Gibbons be Councilors for the City of Lehi. "The above named gentlemen were then sworn into office by Charles Hopkins, Esquire." On December 13, 1853, the City Council filled the following vacancies, caused by the removal of several officers from the city: Thomas Taylor to succeed John Spires as Recorder ; Elisha H. Davis and Har- rison Burgess to fill the offices of Aldermen vacated by David Savage and Charles Hopkins ; John R. Mur- dock and Daniel Thomas to succeed Samuel D. \A'hite and Thomas Green as Councilors. On account of the necessity of making laws to define the duties of the appointive officers, the City Council was not able immediately to fill all such of- fices. But finally, on December 16, 1853, the follow- ing were installed: Water Master, Daniel Collett ; two Policemen for each of the four sides of the fort as follows : south side, Alonzo D. Rhodes and Daniel Cox; east side, John Zimmerman and Richard C. Gibbons; north side, Abel Evans and Prime Cole- *Silas P. Barnes was from Boston, a man of education, cul- ture and refinement. Possessing considerable means, he was able to render valuable assistance to his friends. He found the fron- tier life of Lehi not to his liking, so remained only a few years and -mpved tg California. 56 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 man; west side, Preston Thomas and David Clark.* On the 3rd of January, 1854, Ezekiel Hopkins was appointed Assessor and Collector, and Daniel Cox, Treasurer. The next day, Sylvanus Collett and Alonzo D. Rhodes qual- ified as Constable and Marshal, respectively. On the tenth of the same month, Orrace Murdock was appointed Policeman in the place of Alonzo D. Rhodes, promoted, and on the 31st, John Zimmerman was selected as Road Supervisor, and Rich- ard C. Gibbons as Cap- tain of Police. In addi- tion to these a City Sur- veyor was designated, but his name does not appear. The standing committees of the City Council were Municipal Law, Revision, Ways and Means, Roads and Bridges, and Improvements and Public Library. MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL. To illustrate the formal and dignified manner in which these pioneer statesmen transacted their par- liamentary business, the minutes of two sessions of the first City Council are given in full: THOMAS TAYLOR. *See Chap. VI — Fort wall. 1853] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 57 Wednesday evening, December 28, 1853, Council met pursuant to adjournment at the usual place, (the log school house). Alderman Evans took the chair and called the meeting to order. Roll called, a quorum present. Prayer by Councilor Murdock. Minutes of last meeting read and accepted. No petitions. An ordinance was presented by the committee on Municipal Law entitled: An ordinance in relation to fires. Was received, when it was moved, seconded, and carried, that it lay on the table to come up in its order. An ordinance was presented entitled: An ordinance respect- ing firearm and powder plots. Moved, seconded, and carried, that the ordinance be re- ceived and lay on the table to come up in its regular order. Moved, seconded, and car- ried, that the officers elected to fill the vacancies of the council, be legally sworn and give bonds before proceeding to any further business. Moved, seconded, and car- ried, that a cornmittee of three be appointed, to visit the Marshal, John R. Mur- dock, Assessor and Collec- tor Abram Hatch, and Con- stable John S. Lott, and know whether they will act in their respective offices or not. William S. S. Willes, Jo- seph Skeens, and Ezekiel Hopkins were appointed said committee. Ezekiel Hopkins was appointed a committee to draft an ordin ance creating a Treasurer. JOHN S. LOTT. 58 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 On motion the council adjourned to Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 3, 1854. Dismissed with prayer by Councilor Thomas. Tuesday evening, January 3, 1854. Council met pursuant to adjournment at the school house of the City of Lehi. Roll called, a quorum present. Prayer by Lorenzo H. Hatch. Minutes of last meeting read and, on motion, accepted. The committee to visit certain officers reported: John R. Murdock not willing to serve as Marshal, that Abram Hatch would report himself, and that John S. Lott was willing to serve as Constable for the City of Lehi. On motion, the report was received. Abram Hatch, being pres- ent, was called to know if he would act as Assessor and Collector. Stated that if he could receive pay for his ser- vices, he was willing. The council informed him they could promise him such pay as they got. This not being satisfactory, he refused to act. On motion, Ezekiel Hopkins was appointed Assessor and Collector for the City of Lehi. An ordinance was presented entitled: An ordinance creating a Treasurer. On motion, was received and, after its first reading, the ordinance, on motion, passed entire. On motion, Daniel Cox was elected Treasurer. Councilor Hopkins now came forward and gave bonds and was sworn into office by Thomas Taylor, Recorder. John S. Lott then gave bonds, and the Recorder administered ALONZO D. RHODES. 1853] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 59 to him the oath of office. On motion, the council adjourned to Friday evening, January 6, 1854. Benediction by Murdock. The following minutes of the second council might also prove interesting: Saturday, May 27, 1854, 4 o'clock p. m. Council met pursuant to adjournment at the school house of the City of Lehi. The Mayor (David Evans) took the chair and called the meeting to order. Roll called, a quorum present. Prayer by x\lderman Thomas. Minutes of a special meeting held May 15 read and accepted. Minutes of a meeting held May 12 read and accepted. Mr. John Murdock presented a resignation of his office as Al- derman to the council. On motion of Councilor Skeen, the res- ignation was accepted. A petition was presented by Alderman Thomas from Martin Bushman and others, praying the council to take into consider- ation the pay for cleaning out water ditches, etc. On motion of Alderman Bell, the petition was received. After considerable discussion, on motion, the petition was thrown under the table. POST OFFICE. Early in 1853, Lehi was placed in communication with the outside world by the establishment of a post ofifice with David Evans as postmaster. He fitted up a small room in his house for an office, the sole equipment being a green painted box divided into al- phabetically arranged pigeon holes.* Before the trans-continental railroad reached Utah, the mail was handled bv means of overland stage or *His successors have been James Harwood, 1882-1893; Prime Evans, 1893-1897; Stephen W. Ross, 1897-1913; and Joseph An- derson, the present incumbent. 60 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 the ''Pony Express." It often happened that months would elapse, especially during the winter season, be- tween the arrivals of the mails. But the people were well satisfied even with this imperfect service. SECOND CHANGE IN THE BISHOPRIC. On account of the removal of Jehial McConnell, First Counselor in the Bishopric, to southern Utah, another change was made in the bishop's aids, early in 1853. Lor- enzo H. Hatch was se- lected as First Coun- selor, and Abel Evans as Second Counselor to Bishop Evans. JORDAN BRIDGE. The first bridge to span the Jordan River near Lehi was built this spring under the super- vision of Thomas Ash- ton. It was the result of a commercial enter- prise, a stock company having been organized for the purpose. For this company, Charles Hopkins obtained a charter from the Legislative Assembly, which empowered the holders both to construct the bridge and to collect toll for crossing it. The act fol- lows : DANIEL S. THOMAS. 1853] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 61 An act granting unto Charles Hopkins and others the right to build a bridge across the river Jordan. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That Charles Hopkins, Ezekiel Hopkins, and Alonzo D. Rhodes, citizens of Lehi City, Utah County, are hereby authorized and empowered to form a company for the purpose of building a toll bridge across the Jordan River at any point within ten miles north of Utah Lake, that the city may determine. Section 2. The within named Charles Hopkins, and Alonzo D. Rhodes, are hereby authorized to take, and sell stock at $25.00 t'S^J^^J!^' PRESENT BRIDGE ON SITE OF OLD JORDAN BRIDGE. each share, until a sufficient amount of stock shall have been taken to defray the cost of building said bridge. Section 3. There shall be a committee of three chosen from among, and by the stockholders, whose duty it shall be to keep an accurate account of all expenditures, also to superintend the building, and to do such other business for the company as the 62 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 majority of the stockholders may deem expedient tor the gen- eral good. Section 4. Every stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share he may have taken. Section 5. The bridge shall be built to the acceptance of the Territorial Commissioner. Section 6. The City Council of Lehi City are hereby au- thorized to regulate the rates of toll for crossing said bridge. Section 7. The company thus formed may have the right to hold claim on the bridge, until they have realized one hun- dred per cent over and above all expenditures; after which said bridge shall be turned over to the Territorial Commissioner in good repair, as the property of the Territory. Approved, January 21, 1853." From the first, the bridge proved to be a reason- able success and rewarded the promoters with a substantial rate of in- terest on their invest- ment. George Zimmerman was among the first toll keepers for the bridge company. For several years also, a man named Jenkins, and later Wil- liam Ball and his family, lived at the bridge and collected the fees due for crossing. The last collector was Joseph J. H. Colledge, who re- sided at the bridge for WILLIAM GOATES. many years. 1853] BIRTH OF POLITICAL LIFE. 63 FIRST CITY ORDINANCE. As provided in the charter, the regulation of tolls for this bridge was to be under the direction of the City Council, and their first ordinance had to deal with this matter. It is given in full below: An ordinance defining the amount of toll on Lehi Jordan Bridge. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Lehi, that the toll of the above named bridge shall be as follows: For crossing a vehicle of any kind drawn by two animals. . .20c Or six tickets for $1.00 For each and every vehicle drawn by one animal 15c For each animal and rider or each pack animal 10c For loose horses, mules, jacks, jinnies, and cattle, each 5c For sheep and hogs Ic For each foot passenger 5c Section 2. Be it further ordained that any person crossing the above named bridge on a single animal faster than a walk, shall pay a fine of five dollars. Any person driving a loose team faster than a walk, shall pay a fine of ten dollars. Also, any person driving a team and wagon faster than a walk, shall pay a fine of fifteen dollars. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force from and after its passage. Passed July 8, 1853. FIRST SCHOOL ELECTION. On February 17, 1854, the City Council passed an ordinance creating a school district which provided that the district should extend to the lines of the municipal corporation; that three trus- tees were to be elected, who should proceed forth- with to assess and collect taxes with which to build a suitable school house ; that the trustees should 64 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 appoint a clerk to keep a record of their proceedings; and that for the faithful performance of their duties they were compelled to furnish a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars each to the City Council. The council ordered the election to be held on the twentieth of the month, the polls to open from 12 noon to 1 p. m., and appointed Silas P. Barnes, Preston Thomas and Ira J. Willes, judges of election, with Thomas Taylor as clerk. The result of the election showed that Preston Thomas, Daniel Collett, and William Burgess had been selected as Lehi's first school board. Thus did the innate tendency of the pioneers towards political organ- ization find expression. In a remarkably short time after the founding of the community, a stable municipal government with all its departments and ofifices had been set up and was running smoothly. Truly such a record speaks well for the love of law and order these people possessed. SYLVANUS COLLETT. CHAPTER VI. Troubles with the Indians. 1853-1856. NOTWITHSTANDING the extremely wise and humane policy of the pioneers of Utah in dealing with the Indians, it was inevitable that trouble should eventually arise. The situation was new for both ; the white men, from their previous life in the East and Middle West, were comparatively lacking in knowl- edge of the character and habits of the red men; while the savages were none too trustful of the intentions of the pale faces, and certain turbulent spirits among them openly showed their hostility. It needed but an overt act, even though unintentional, to kindle the flame. THE WALKER WAR. The opportunity finally presented itself through the killing of an Indian in Springville in 1853. One Chief Walkarah immediately incited the neighboring In- dians into hostilities, and from these the warlike spirit spread generally among the Indians in the southern part of the Territory. Attacks were made on the set- tlers and numerous depredations were committed be- fore the uprising was quelled. This trouble was called the Walker War, an incorrect English rendition of the name of the Indian leader. To protect the settlers, their militia was called to arms, and on July 25, Colonel George A. Smith was placed in command, of that part operating south of Salt Lake City. At once he, directed the inhabitants 6 66 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 of the settlements, as the first means of defense, to gather in forts and barricades. The question of the location of the proposed fort in Lehi immediately arose. At this time the people were scattered from the present State Road to the lake, although the majority lived in Evans- ville. Different locali- ties were agitated as be- ing the most desirable, but the choice finally dwindled to two sites — one the present New Survey, (the north-west part of modern Lehi), the other, the site upon which the city was eventually built. The latter was selected be- cause no one had al- ready constructed homes there, thus avoiding ri- valry and unpleasantness, and also because the surface well water was considered more desirable. THE SECOND FORT. The plan of construction for the fort was not a com- plex one. It consisted merely of placing the log houses of the settlers end to end, thus forming a hollow square seventy rods long. Inside the en- closure were to be built the corrals, stackyards and stables. As the crops were harvested this fall, they ALEXANDER LOVERIDGE, A Pioneer of 1851. 1853] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 67 were brought to this place, and later the houses were moved into line. This was not ac- complished without re- luctance, especially on the part of those who had most recently erect- ed their homes. But the need of defense was so urgent and the labor of moving a log house so comparatively small that eventually everyone was found in the fort. This centralization with its resulting close associa- tions did much to de- velop and cement the union of community life, fur- nishing, through the stress of adverse circumstances, an excellent opportunity for the expression of that high regard of civic life which so markedly character- ized the people of Utah.* The log school house was torn down and rebuilt near the northeast corner of the fort, which would be approximately where the Mountain States Telephone office now stands. This move also resulted in the erection of an adobe tithing office of two stories and *The north line of this second fort was three rods north of Main Street; the west line three rods west of Third West Street; the south line midway between Second and Third South Streets; and the east line midway between Center and First West Streets. The following are the names of some of the families who lived in the fort: JOHN BROWN, A Pioneer of 1853. 68 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i8S3 a basement and surrounded with a mud wall. It was quite the most pretentious structure thus far put to- gether in Lehi and stood on the north-west corner of Third West and Main. The building was occasion- ally used as the meeting place of the City Council and other similar bodies, while for many years the base- ment served as a jail. As an additional safeguard against the Indians, a parapet was erected a short distance north of the fort near the State Road. Bishop David Evans and Abel Evans directed the work. The parapet consisted of a trench eight feet wide and five feet deep, enclosing a piece of ground eleven rods square. The excavated earth formed a formidable breastwork. In especially dangerous times, a guard maintained a lookout on the parapet and warned the people in the fort of any approaches of the enemy. This outpost stood im- mediately north of the present Central School House. East side — George Zimmerman, John Zimmerman, John Spires, Tunis Rappley, Martin Bushman, John Brown, William Goates. North side — Thomas" Ashton, Alfred Bell, William Hudson, William Sharp, William Dobson, Abel Evans, Daniel Collett, William Burgess, Philip Olmstead, Prime Coleman, George Coleman, William Coleman, David Evans, Israel Evans, Joel W. White, Jehial McConnell, Henry Norton, John W. Norton, J. Wiley Norton, Riley Judd, David Norton. West side — John Mercer, Abraham Brown, Joseph J. Smith, Preston Thomas, Canute Peterson, David Clark, Samuel T. Smith, Samuel Briggs, William Goates, Charles Partridge, Luke Titcomb, William Snow, Samuel James, Samuel Harwood, Daniel S. Thomas, John Andreason, Daniel Cox, Oley Ellingson. South side — Orrace Murdock, John Murdock Sen., John R. Murdock, Abram Hatch, Mrs. Pamelia Lott, John S. Lott, Ira J. Willes, W. S. S. Willes, Abraham Losee, Mrs. Lydia Losee, Joseph Skeens, Thomas Karren, Alonzo D. Rhodes, John Winn, Silas P. Barnes, Tunis Rappley. 1853] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 69 MILITARY ORGANIZATION. Very early in the history of Utah, a territorial mili- tia, known as the Nauvoo Legion, was organized with military districts in each county and branches in each settlement. The captain of the Lehi di- vision was Wiliam Sid- ney Smith Willes, famil- •iarly known as Sidney Willes, a man noted for his courage and far- sightedness, and a for- mer member of the Mor- mon Battalion. During the turbulent years of Lehi's founding, Cap- tain Willes led his little company on more than capt. william one dangerous and difficult expedition. INDIAN EXPEDITIONS. Soon after the outbreak of the Walker War, Cap- tain Willes with thirty men was detailed to Salt Creek, (now Nephi) to assist the people there. They served only ten days before returning home. Later an expedition left Lehi with Millard County as the objec- tive point and of this, James Harwood, a member of the company, gives the following interesting account : ''Captain Sidney Willes was ordered to take his company and proceed to Fillmore, the capital of the Territory. William Wadsworth, Abram Hatch, Sylvanus Collett, Wilham Bell, George Coleman., S. S. Wlx^LES. 70 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1853 John Hackett, and myself, with others from American Fork and Pleasant Grove, made up the company. 'Tt was quite an undertaking at that time to find horses and saddles, as but few of these were used, oxen being the principal beasts of burden. By the first of August, we were on the way and succeed- ed in getting through without any attacks from the Indians. A company from Salt Lake City, who were a few days' march ahead of us, were at- tacked at WillowSprings and several of their num- ber killed. When we ar- rived in Fillmore, we acted as guards for the settlement and stock while the people gath- ered their crops and placed themselves in a position of defense. Shortly afterwards, we received orders to gather up all the surplus cattle and bring them to Salt Lake City for safety. When we started on our trip, we took with us a cannon, John Hackett and myself having it in charge. We had no occasion to use it, but I think it had a salutary effect upon the minds of the red men. They said they did not mind being fired upon with guns, but they most seriously objected to being shot at with wagons. The old cannon is now in the museum in Salt Lake City. When we arrived in JAMES HARWOOD. 1853] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 71 Lehi, we could not find our houses, as they had been moved to form a part of the fort which had been built in our absence." By exercising care and vigilance, the people of Lehi were successful in protecting themselves and their property from the Indians. The men were armed wherever they went. As they worked in the fields, they kept constantly on guard for ambushes, and the same precaution was observed within the fort. No one dared go alone into the mountains after wood or stock. Herders took care of the cattle by day and drove them into the stockade for the night. These strict measures undoubtedly saved the settlers in Lehi much trouble and loss; because, as compared with some of their neighbors, they were singularly free from the depredations of the red men. The close of 1853 saw the cessation of hostilities around Lehi, but in the southern part of the Territory the so-called war lasted until the spring of 1854. By this time, about five hundred people had made their homes in Lehi. A FORT WALL PLANNED. As a precautionary measure for possible future out- breaks of the Indians, the City Council decided to build an eight foot adobe wall with a rock foundation around the present fort. To construct this, the fol- lowing committee was appointed, February 17, 1854: David Evans, Preston Thomas, William Burgess, Sen., Harrison Burgess, and Lorenzo H. Hatch. The plans for this wall were never carried out, but they undoubtedly opened the way for the construction of a much larger one the following summer. 4i^ % d ttn all to u)l)om t!)C£if |Jrcscntc. 0l)a![ come: ,^. iiuving Ip '— ^ ^V i at- U.rJ. /'>vJ{i:n-4 " K^i7,J-, ^.. J ■ ' 1 ) i, ,, > PQ tOMMISStOK •,„„ fkc...^/ ..- tk.cU,.;,,Lx«^^i..|^a4a.vafy t ti KA.UVOO LEGION, .i . - !ii.- M :.:::.. uf -.hj TuT.!..y ,-,;■ O^h; (o t»ke rank fron. i- '"ill, ■ '"■■'-' ■'■' '-■'■ '■( ill- L-U JWr4- to office. ---i.:l .. 1 :-,. - ■;■, - i- ;: M r.ffi,v., i,r .loir,;? awl 1i. Dl.lf, T'-in tic I UT.IU.l v>. 3n ^tcstimnnn lUljcvcof, V /]/liJlA'vv^ \Jiyi\(^*£>t ^ Commission of David Evans as Major of the Nauvoo Legion — the Utah Militia. 1854] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 73 SECOND MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Because of the delay in the first municipal election, the officials then selected acted only for thirteen months, when on March 6, 1854, the second election was held. But one ticket was in the field and no opposition to it was shown. Alfred Bell, Stephen H. Pierce, and Daniel Cox acted as judges of election with Thomas Taylor as clerk. The choice of the voters was as follows : Mayor, David Evans ; Alder- men, John R. Murdock, Preston Thomas, Wil- liam Burgess and Alfred Bell ; Councilors, Abra- ham Losee, Daniel Col- lett, Lorenzo H. Hatch, Ezekiel Hopkins, Joseph ^keens, Abel Evans, Thomas Ashton, Daniel Cox and Richard Gibbons. Later it was discovered that Abra- ham Losee had not become a citizen of the United States, so his seat was denied him. William S. S. Willes received an appointment to act in his place. The newly elected City Council appointed the follow- ing officials: Recorder, Thomas Taylor; Marshal, Alonzo D. Rhodes ; Constables, Sylvanus Collett and John S. Lott; Captain of Police, Orrace C. Murdock; Policemen, John Zimmerman, Prime Coleman, Wil- THOMAS ASHTON. 74 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1854 Ham Sharp, David Clark, James W. Taylor, Thomas G. Winn, and Charles Galloway; Water Master, Daniel Collett; Street Supervisor, John Zimmerman; Field Committee, Daniel Collett, Joseph Skeens, and William Burgess. As no treasurer was appointed, it is probable that Daniel Cox continued to act in this office, unless, in- deed, experience had taught that the position was entirely unneces- sary. On May 27, 1854, William S. S. Willes suc- ceeded John R. Mur- dock as Alderman, the latter having resigned. Abraham Losee, having in the meantime sworn allegiance to the United States, filled the vacancy in the council caused by the promotion of Willes. Later, Losee became an Alderman to succeed Daniel S. Thomas, who re- signed, and Stephen H. Pierce, in turn, replaced Losee. Changes also occurred in the appointive offices — Justin J. Merrill as Constable and George Coleman as Policeman in place of John S. Lott and Prime Coleman respectively, the two latter having gone on misions. A later change was the promotion of Daniel Collett, March 2, 1855, to the office of Alder- man, in place of William Burgess, who had resigned. HARRISON BURGESS. 18S4] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 75 The vacancy in the council was filled by Thomas Karren. Still another vacancy in the council, caused by the removal of Richard Gibbons to Salt Lake, was filled June 7, by the appointment of John S. Lott. A PECULIAR OFFICE. One of the legislative results of the second City Council was the following ordinance : An ordinance creating a deposit for lost property. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the City Council of the City of Lehi, that there be a person 'appointed to take charge of lost property that may be found within the limits of this City, and deliver the same to the owner when called for or proven. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, that it shall be the duty of every person or persons finding property within the limits of this City, to deliver the same forthwith to the person appointed for that purpose. Sec. 3. Any person or persons not complying with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine not exceed- ing fifty dollars. Sec. 4. This ordinance to be in eflfect from and after its pub- lication. Passed November 16, 1854. Published November 19, 1854. Stephen H. Pierce was the first man to occupy this position and hold the pretentious title of Superintend- ent of Lost and Found. The office has long since ceased to exist.* BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Another interesting ordinance of the second City Council was one which created a "Board of Exam- *The proceeds from the last sale were turned over to the Perpetual Emigration Fund, a contributory fund maintained by the Mormon Church to assist immigrants to Utah. 76 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i854 iners," whose duties consisted in determining the fit- ness of applicants for the position of school teacher. One of the first examinations was a difficult problem in long division, the recitation of the multiplication table, the reading of a few paragraphs from the Bible, and the writing of a few lines as a display of penman- ship. The first members of this board were Alonzo P. Raymond, John Butler, and William Vance. THE FORT WALL. In May, 1854, Brigham Young* concluded a treaty of peace with Chief Walker, and upon his return to Salt Lake City was caught in a blinding snow-storm on the west side of Utah Lake. Reaching Lehi on the fourth of June, he decided, because of the in- clemency of the weather, and also because he desired to warn the people of possible future danger, to stop in the little settlement and hold a meeting. The advice he gave at this gathering was to proceed imme- diately with the erection of a strong fort wall, an undertaking in Lehi which had been contemplated but as yet not begun. Governor Young, because of his recent experience with the red men, was deeply impressed with the necessity for caution, and so ex- pressed himself. Heber C. Kimball, who accom- panied the Governor, called attention to the fact that the recent snow fall might be used to some present advantage in dampening the earth to be used in the construction of the wall. Work was accordingly begun the next day. Bishop David Evans, who was also Mayor at this time, di- rected the surveying of the city, previous to the build- 1854] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 17 ing of the wall. The result of this work, which was performed with a pocket compass and a carpenter's J'\. .^ y_c C ) ■ ^ .*<»// 6/t Tcf> a/t^ \J^ THE PORT The street at the extreme right of the fort is the present Center Street; the street one block south of the north wall is the present Main Street; the Meeting House stood in the exact center of the fort at the intersection of the two central streets, on the south-west corner. square,* was a plat containing sixteen square blocks twenty rods long, interesected with streets six rods *In a careful survey of city blocks made in 1913, it was dis- covered that this original survey of the blocks in the fort was far more accurate than many subsequent surveys of other parts. Fewer property lines needed adjusting there than at any other place, when the sidewalks were paved. 78 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i8S4 in width. Just inside the wall, there was left an eight rod street on all sides except the south, where it nar- rowed to five rods. Thus the dimensions of the fort were 114 rods in length and 111 rods in width, the wall enclosing the whole. The wall itself was no small thing. Standing twelve feet in height, it sloped from a bottom six feet in thickness to a top of three feet. For the use of the defenders, portholes, eight feet from the ground and a rod apart, might be used. The bastions which pro- jected out from the walls midway between the cor- ners served as an additional protection. Entrance to the fort could be made through gates on each side, which were well guarded through their closeness to the bastions. The construction of the wall proved to be an ar- duous and difficult task. First the earth had to be mixed to the proper consistency, this work often be- ing performed with wooden spades made by Charles Barnes, the city's first cooper. Then it was necessary to tramp the mud into the wall, in itself an under- taking of no mean dimensions. Each layer must dry thoroughly before the next could be applied, and this delayed the work considerably. In view of the small number of people and their meager resources, it must be granted that they completed a colossal enterprise. As a means of insuring the performance of the work on the wall, the sixteen blocks in the fort were divided into lots, eight to each block, ten rods in length and five in width. On alternate blocks the lots faced east and west, and north and south, respectively. For one 1854] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 79 of these lots, the owner was compelled to build four rods of wall or pay the equivalent — sixty bushels of wheat or sixty dollars. During the summer and fall of 1854, work continued steadily on this undertaking, and while practically all parts of the wall were finished, Tunis Rappley was the only man to complete fully his four rods to its full height. What was ac- complished, however, served as an excellent defense, • and together with the guards which were placed at the gates, was effective in keeping out marauders. This practice lasted during two years and the very night it was discon- tinued, an Indian broke into the fort and stole two of the best horses there. With the erection of a wall, the people moved their houses from the former fort to their city lots. Many of them, however, erected new dwellings. In this building era, the adobe — that sun-dried brick which was so well known in Western pioneer days — began to come into its usefulness. Even the log houses appeared more pretentious, since now the logs were hewn, and a few could boast of old-fashioned shingled roofs. But the mud-thatched roof and the CHARLES BARNES. 80 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i8S4 dugout were destined to continue for many years yet to be the common dwelling.* PIONEER DAY, 1854. For the first time since the founding of the city, the people, on July 24, celebrated Pioneer Day. The celebration took the form of a procession through the streets, led by a band consisting of three violinists — Alonzo D. Rhodes, Sylvanus Collett and Stephen H. Pierce. Following these came twelve young men and twelve young ladies dressed in white. It is said the ingenuity and resources of the people were taxed to the utmost to furnish these white clothes. Next in line marched the Church officials and the militia, and a number of citizens carrying banners brought up the rear. Strange to say, one of the banners read ''Peace and Plenty." After parading the streets, the procession drew up in front of the log school house where a brush bowery had been constructed. Here a program was enjoyed. A dance concluded the festiv- ities of the day. Notwithstanding all existing hard- ships and difficulties, it is affirmed by the participants that every one enjoyed a most thorough good time. THE INDIAN HOUSE. Not the least interesting of the houses in the fort was the so-called Indian House. This was a four- roomed adobe structure built against the north wall, near the present north-west corner of Third West *The Pioneer Monument has since been erected to commem- orate the construction of this wall and it stands where once stood the north wall of the fort and twenty-six rods from its north-east corner. (Chap. XIX.) 1854] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 81 and First North. Its purpose seems to have been two-fold — a reward for a clan of Indians under a Chief Yan Tan who had aided Bishop Evans in cap- turing the Indian murderers of two white boys named Weeks from Cedar Fort, and also a means of attempt- ing to civilize these dusky friends. The first purpose failed in part, and the second entirely. Only in the day time would the red men oc- cupy the house built by (he pale faces — at night, no other shelter than their 'Svickiups'' would suffice ; and after an In- dian child had died in the house, they would never enter it again. Their attempted civili- zation succeeded only to (he extent of the hours of play which both red and white children en- joyed with each other. After being vacated by the savages, the house served as a temporary shelter for new arrivals, and many are the families of Lehi whose first residence was the Indian House. THE TINTIC WAR. SAMUEL BRIGGS, A Pioneer of 1851. The so-called Tintic War was a local disturbance in the north end of Utah County. It arose from the 7 82 HISTORY OF LEHI. [18S4 Stealing of an ox from a herd of cattle on the west side of Utah Lake, in charge of Abraham Hunsacker of Goshen. On February 22, Sheriff Wall of Provo set out from that place with a posse of ten men to arrest the Indian thief. The result proved to be a general fight with the tribesmen of the culprit, who were encamped in Cedar Valley. Reinforcements being necessary, the sheriff called on the Lehi militia. A company of fifteen men under command of Captain Willes and John S. Lott responded, some of whom were William Clark, James Lamb, John Glynes, John Kar- ren, John Catlin, George Winn, William Skeens, Joseph Cousins, Frank Molen, Sylvanus Col- lett, and Alonzo D. Rhodes. Leaving Lehi on the morning of February 26, and crossing Utah Lake on the ice, the little company proceeded to the Lone Tree Ranch to guard the cattle which were kept there. To their dismay, they dis- covered that they were already too late ; both herders, Henry Moran and Washington Carson, had already n\ct their death at the hands of the militant savages. There remained only to drive the cattle north to JAMES LAMB. 1854] TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS. 83 Chimney Rock Pass and camp for the night, James Lamb and John Glynes having been sent, in the mean- time, to inform the people at Cedar Fort of the sad fate of the two herders. Camp having been pitched, an animal v^as killed and the party fed. During the meal, Joseph Cousins jestingly remarked, ''If the In- dians kill me, I v^ish to die vrith a full stomach." Be- cause of the intense cold, a roaring fire was made. Cousins and Sylvanus Collett, being delegated to se- cure wood, proceeded to a nearby bunch of trees to cut some. They were busily engaged when Collett, glancing up, saw an Indian peering out from behind a tree not far away. Shouting to his companion, "Run, there is an Indian," he hastily fled to camp. Not so with Cousins. He seemed rooted to the spot, unable to help himself. The savages made quick work of him, mercilessly shooting him down and scalping him. The massacre of Cousins proved to be but the prelude to a general attack. Crouching be- hind wagon boxes and whatever shelter they could obtain, the men returned the fire as best they could. The intervention of nightfall was a great relief to them, however, because the little party was almost helpless before the greater number of Indians. As it was, John Catlin was killed and George Winn mor- tally wounded. Fearing a continuation of the attack, the company retreated to the lake shore, four miles away, carrying the wounded Winn in their arms. Alonzo D. Rhodes crossed the lake on the ice and reached Lehi the next morning. A relief company immediately returned with him and accompanied the dispirited party home, two of their number dead and 84 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1854 one hopelessly wounded. The funeral of these three heroes was held on February 28. A larger force in a few days effectively put an end to the ''Tintic War." Such were the troubles which the early settlers of Lehi had with their savage neighbors. Precaution and vigilance meant safety to them, the lack of it would have resulted in the loss of life and property. The so-called "wars" of those early days may appear trivial and petty to modern eyes, but in the days of Lehi's founding they meant life or death. CHAPTER VII. Initial Struggles and Hardships. 1854-1856. THE Indians did not constitute the only difficulty the pioneers of Lehi had to overcome. Nature herself seemed for a time to be arrayed against them. While it is true that the development of a new coun- try entails many hardships and presents an abundance of perplexing problems, yet it would almost seem that the early inhabitants of Lehi, in common with the pioneers of all Utah, were compelled to meet a suc- cession of misfortunes and adverse circumstances far beyond the ordinary. What these blows of Dame Fortune were and how the people met them, forms an interesting part of Lehi's story. GRASSHOPPERS. In August, 1854, began the first of a series of costly invasions by the grasshoppers. Appearing in count- less myriads, they settled down on the fields and de- voured everything in their path. Nothing green escaped their voracious appetites. Fortunately most of the crops had already been harvested, so the dam- age wrought by the pest was inconsiderable. The grasshoppers soon died, and the people congrat.ulated themselves on escaping so easily. But in this they assumed too much, for the insects had deposited their eggs and dire havoc was to follow the next year. 86 HISTORY OF LEHI. ii854 THE FIRST HARNESS. To James Harwood belongs the honor of making the first harness ever manufactured in Lehi. From leather, tanned by Samuel Mulliner in Salt Lake City, he put together, in 1854, the first product of a business which he kept active until the time of his death, and which is now conducted by his son-in-law, John T. Winn. FIRST THRESHING MACHINE. The summer of 1854 also witnessed the importation of the first agricultural machinery into Lehi — a threshing machine. Compared to modern standards it was but a sorry affair, since it did not separate the chafif from the wheat. This operation was performed by hand, A tread mill, run by horses, furnished the motive power. A few years later. Bishop Evans se- cured a fanning mill and this proved of inestimable assistance. Both the threshing machine and the fan- ning mill were owned and operated by Bishop David Evans, Thomas Karren, and Daniel Collett. GRASSHOPPER WAR. Encouraged with the success of the few preceding years, the people planted crops in 1855 on a more extensive scale than ever. Growth during the spring, months promised a bounteous harvest, and the farmers were already felicitating themselves on their good fortune. But their hopes were soon to be blasted. With the arrival of warm weather came also the hop- pers, the sequel to the invasion of the year previous. Growing with astonishing rapidity, they soon 1855] INITIAL STRUGGLES. 87 swarmed into the fields and began their work of de- vastation. A marked peculiarity about these pests was that they seemed always to travel across a field in a southerly direction. Devouring everything in their path, leaving not a single green herb stand- ing, their departure saw the fields absolutely bar- ren and waste. Only a very few patches of grain south of Dry Creek were left stand- ing. To combat this plague and to save if possible some of the crops which meant so much to them, the settlers made des- perate efforts and util- ized various schemes. They dug ditches, filled them with water, and drove the hoppers into them; they scattered winrows of straw over the fields and when these were covered with the insects set them on fire ; they dug holes in the ground, brushed the "Ironclads" into them and covered them with earth. But all of their work seemed to be wasted; they were unable to perceive that the numbers of the •creatures were in the slightest diminished. By the middle of June, however, the wings of the grasshop- pers were fully grown and they flew away, leaving MRS. PETER SCHOW, (Daughter of Abraham Losee,) A Pioneer of 1851. 88 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1855 but a desolate waste where once had been a promise of bounteous crops. In order that food stufTs be obtained, the people planted the devastated fields in corn and potatoes. Fortune, which had been so unkind to them in the spring, now bestowed her good graces upon them ; for the lateness of the arrival of snow and frost in the autumn allowed these crops to mature. Of the very few patches of grain har- vested in 1855, one be- longed to Mrs. Canute Peterson, and the cir- cumstances attending its survival, as related by her daughter, are suffi- ciently noteworthy to deserve narrating. Ow- ing to the absence of her husband on a mission, the responsibility of til- ling the land fell upon Mrs. Peterson. She was unable to obtain assist- ance so attempted the planting of the crop herself. In furrows made with a hoe, she planted the precious kernels of wheat and because of her anxiety to per- form the work well, she covered them deeply with soil. An acre of land was utilized in this laborious manner. Because of the lateness and depth of plant- ing, the wheat did not show above the ground until MRS. CANUTE PETERSON. 185S] INITIAL STRUGGLES. 89 after the departure of the grasshoppers, so that when the other fields were barren and waste, that of Mrs. Peterson was covered with a luxuriant growth. Sixty bushels of wheat was the generous reward bestowed by Mother Earth, in addition to sixty bushels of corn and some potatoes. With these, this good lady was able to provide, during the following winter, for seven orphans, and to give .generous aid to numerous neigh- bors. FIRST FRUIT TREES. The spring of 1855 marked the beginning of an industry which has since developed into one of the most profitable carried on in Lehi. At this time, Abram Hatch, James W. Taylor, and John R. Mur- dock brought the first apple and peach trees into Lehi. Since then, fruit raising has been extensively and profitably carried on. HARD TIMES. The winter of 1855 and 1856 is noted for being probably the most severe in the history of Utah. In common with others, the people of Lehi suffered in- tensely during this time. Heavy snows and extremely cold weather continued until late in the spring. With but few comforts to offset the intense cold, and with a small store of food owing to the failure of the crops the year previous, the people were subjected to deep and prolonged suffering. Every expedient was re- sorted to in order to alleviate this trying condition. Sego bulbs, thistle roots, and artichokes, together with pig weed "greens," constituted a disagreeable but un- avoidable part of their fare. With only such nour- 90 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1855 ishment as could be obtained from this too exclusively vegetarian diet, it is small v^onder that men were often seen staggering along the streets from sheer weakness. Concerning these strenuous and trying times, Samuel Briggs relates the following: "The difficulty of obtaining bread to eat was only surpassed by the trouble we had in getting something to go with it. Indeed, this often proved impossible, CRADLING GRAIN. SO dry bread frequently formed our fare. The people made molasses of beets and occasionally of squash and of parsnips, but of the three, beet molasses was the least repulsive. The cooking was done in large iron or brass kettles, of which there were very few in the town. 'Grandma' Jacobs had an old iron kettle 1856] INITIAL STRUGGLES. 91 which went the rounds for molasses making. Its broken pieces were held together by an iron band round the outside. When the kettle was to be used, the cracks were filled with flour paste of which a small quantity was also kept on hand to stop leaks during the process of cooking. It sometimes happened that small pieces of beet were left in the molasses and these the children considered great delica- cies. These conciitions made the harvesting of the crop the following sea- son a long-looked-for and eagerly anticipated event. Although only one-third of the usual amount of grain had been sowed, the result was an exceptionally mrs. johannah Jacobs. bounteous harvest. Eagerly did the people seek the first few ripened heads of grain and with great re- joicing make them into bread. The survivors of those hard times say that the first bread made from this har- vest was sweeter and more delicious than any other. THE LIBERTY POLE. In 1856 the people of Lehi erected a flag pole upon which to unfurl the emblem of their country. Pre- ceding the Fourth of July of that year, William Daw- 92 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1856 son — familiarly called Uncle Billy — brought from West Canyon a tall, straight pole, which was set up at the north-east corner of the Meeting House lot. Known as the "Liberty Pole," it performed yeo- man service for over thirty-seven years, when on July 5, 1893, it was taken down by order of the City Council as be- ing unsafe. THIRD MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Except for a small number of ordinances and some extremely in- distinct memorandums, there exist no authentic records of the third mu- nicipal election and the third coterie of city of^- cers. The election was held in February, 1856, with the following results, as nearly as can be ascertained: Mayor, David Evans; Aldermen, Alfred Bell, Lorenzo H. Hatch, J. W. Mor- ton, and William Snow; Councilors, Abel Evans, Daniel S. Thomas, Thomas Ashton, John S. Lott, Daniel Collett, William S.S. Willes, Ezekiel Hopkins, James W. Taylor, and Canute Peterson; Recorder and Auditor, Thomas Taylor; Marshal, Alonzo D. Rhodes; Treasurer, Lorenzo H. Hatch; Assessor and Collector, James Harwood. WILLIAM SNOW. CHAPTER VIII. Early Cultural Activity. 1851-1871. ONE of the favorite pretensions of those who have criticised the pioneers of Utah is that they v^ere largely illiterate and uneducated. They attempt to insinuate and inveigh against the pretended lack of refinement and culture in Utah as compared v^ith that of her sister states east of the Missouri. Teacher and layman alike, no matter whether informed or not, have taken their fling at the founders of the Common- wealth. It is only recently, in fact, that an eminent professor of history in a prominent American univer- sity displayed the usual antagonism — to say nothing of misjudgment — in. a text book he published, by mak- ing the statement that the farmers in the colonies in Revolutionary times ''had reached about the same plane of civilization as that now occupied by the farm- ers of Utah." But the slightest examination of early Utah his- tory reveals the utter fallacy of these criticisms. The pioneers of Utah were among the most highly civ- ilized and cultured Americans of their time. Far from being the ignorant, uncouth frontiersmen their critics paint them to be, they were drawn almost wholly from the best families of New England and the Middle West. Their state of culture soon became evident after their arrival in Utah; for among their first acts was to establish a school system which has 94 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1851 developed into the envy of all Utah's sister states. Art, literature, music, the drama, soon found and kept a place among the founders, and of other kinds of cultural development there was no lack. Lehi is a good mirror of the whole State in this respect. The steps the little community took to advance civiliza- tion, the difficulties en- countered in making these efforts, and their widespread effect make an interesting study. THE FIRST SCHOOL HOUSE. In the fall of 1851, just one year after the arrival of the first set- tlers on Sulphur Springs, the people of Evansville erected a school house. It was a little log- structure, eighteen by twenty-four feet, and was situated a short distance west of the present crossing of the D. & R. G. railroad and Dry Creek. The building was fitted up for school pur- poses in the best manner possible under the condi- tions. A large fire place in one end served to keep the interior warm. For desks, the children used rough slab benches without backs. Other furniture in the room consisted of a long table at which the pupils practiced writing. ELISHA H. DAVIS, SR., AND WIFE, Pioneers of 1853. 1851] EARLY CULTURAL ACTIVITY. 95 The equipment of the school otherwise was a seri- ous problem. Books were extremely scarce, and of those available hardly any were duplicates. Some Bibles and Books of Mormon and a very few readers and spellers — relics of other and better days — were with difificulty gathered and used. Two or more pupils had to content themselves with one book. Preston Thomas was the first school teacher, and his problem can be imagined somewhat when it is considered that his school ranged from the learning of the alphabet to long division, hardly two of his thirty or forty pupils being in the same stage of advancement. But in spite of all these handicaps, school was held, and that suc- cessfully. Nor was the school house limited to use as a temple of learning. Being the first public building, it served alike as school house, meeting house, city hall, ball room, theatre, and the gathering place for assem- blies of all kinds. At its completion a rousing picnic was held in it, and who can doubt that the little place saw just as enjoyable a time as any of our pretentious modern structures? This little building continued serving its purpose many years. Later, school was held in the Meeting House until the Thurman School House was con- structed, an edifice in which nearly all the adult popu- lation of Lehi has attended school.* HOME DRAMATIC ORGANIZATIONS. It was during the winter of 1854-1855 that the amuse- *Various private schools had been conducted, notably those of Mrs. Bassett, on the corner of Fourth West and Second South, and Mr. Purse. 96 HISTORY OF LEHI. 1854] ment-loving nature of the people took definite form in the organization of the first home dramatic asso- ciation of Lehi. Of this association, Thomas Taylor was president and James W. Taylor, stage manager. These two, with the following, put on the first per- formances: William W. Taylor, Mrs. Isabell Norton Judd, Edwin Standring, James Harwood, William Hudson, John Niel, Jo- seph Field, Robert Stoney, Andrew Ander- son, Prime Coleman, George Coleman, Riley Judd, William Sharp, William Van Dyke, Oscar Taylor,' Mrs. Ann Taylor, Henry McCon- nell, Mrs. James W. Taylor, Emma Evans, Margaret and Elizabeth Zimmerman, Emma Lawrence, Lydia Kar- ren and William Bur- gess, Jr. On the 16th of Feb- ruary, 1855, William Burgess, Jr., appeared before the City Council and secured a license for the Lehi Dramatic Club for one year free of charge. The first productions given were "Priestcraft in Danger" and ''Luke the Laborer," the performances being held in the log school house. Tallow candles were used for foot lights, and wagon covers, painted MRS. JAMr.S W. TAYLOR. 1855] EARLY CULTURAL ACTIVITY. 97 with charcoal and red paint — the latter from the hills above Lehi — formed the scenery and drop curtain. The Dramatic Company was very popular with the people, and these initial ventures were succeeded by many admirable performances, much to the delight and pleasure of the hardship-ridden pioneers. THE MEETING HOUSE. Since, in the late fall and winter of 1855, the peo- ple had a great deal of spare time, it was proposed by Bishop Evans that work be commenced on a meet- ing house. The sugges- tion met with instant favor, and preparations were accordingly made for the construction of such a building. A com- mittee was appointed to take charge of the mat- ter — Daniel S. Thomas, chairman, and James Harwood, assessor and collector, are the only ones of this committee now known — and a tax of $L50 for every $100 valuation levied, $1 to be paid in labor and fifty cents to be paid in grain. Men were sent into West Canyon to obtain logs, and others busied themselves with hauling rocks and making adobes, and soon the masons were busy put- MRS. ISABELL JUDD. m D O o I— I H W W 1855] EARLY CULTURAL ACTIVITY. 99 ting in the foundations and erecting the walls. The logs were hauled to Alpine and sawed into boards, except a few of the best which were reserved for shingles. The house was not completed the first season, but was used in an unfinished condition and has, in fact, never yet been formally dedicated. The corner selected for the Meeting House was the intersection of the two principal streets of the city, now First South and Second West Streets. This placed the building approximately in the center of the old fort. The church is sixty feet long by forty feet wide, and sixteen feet high to the square, with a gable at each end. The main auditorium is forty-eight by thirty-six feet, and with the gallery which extends across one end has a capacity of about five hundred. In the attic are two rooms which have been used as school rooms, and for quorum meetings. City Council meetings, and prayer meetings. The old structure has been used for a variety of purposes during the nearly sixty years of its exist- ence; it is still in active use; and bids fair yet to have many years of service. Superseding the old log school house, it was used for a long time for schools, balls, parties, theatres, and municipal meetings, not to mention its employment as a house of worship. Celebrations, conventions, business meetings, and al- most every other kind of assemblage, religious, polit- ical, educational, industrial, and social, have been held within its walls. In short, like as in Puritan days, the Meeting House has been the center of the life and growth of the community, and is a mute witness of its 100 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1852 Struggles, vicissitudes, hardships, suffering, happiness" and success. During the so-called "Move," it shel- tered at least twenty families. Within its portals have the last sad rites been paid to more than one of Lehi's children, and from its doors have been borne to rest upon the lonely hillside the dear ones of the best families in the city. Truly, the Meeting House, interesting old structure that it is, is entwined around the very heart strings of the people of Lehi. CHOIRS. The "Divine Art" was not forgotten by the pio- neers of Lehi any more than the others. Even before the organization of a ward, David Clark led the singing in the as- semblies, but no organ- ized effort is known be- fore 1852. In this year, William Hudson organ- ized and led the first choir. Among the sing- ers who assisted him in the old log school house and Meeting House were David Clark, Sam- uel Jones, Edward W. Edwards, John Wield, James Harwood, Mrs, Robinson, Mrs. Folkner, William Sharp, Martha Clayton, William Littlewood, Mrs. Littlewood, Annie Brown, and others. EDWARD W. EDWARDS, Choir Le 1857] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 125 curred in the decision arrived at, to resist the entrance of the army into the Territory. In addition, the Ter- ritorial militia was perfected and prepared to enter the conflict, if necessary. The Lehi military district comprised all of Utah County north of Provo, and was under the supervision of David Evans, who held the rank of major. CAVALRY. In September came a call on the Lehi district for a company of cavalry for service in Echo Canyon. Men from all settlements north of the lake made up the number as finally organized. Captain Sidney Willes commanded the party, and among its members could have been noted the following Lehi men : Frank Mo- len, Wesley Molen, Joseph A. Thomas, Newal A. Brown, William Fotheringham, Rile}^ Judd, William Skeens, George Merrel, David Taylor, John S. Lott, Sylvanus Collett, John Karren, and James Wiley Norton. The work of these volunteers consisted at first only of blocking Echo Canyon against the en- trance of the troops. To this end, they constructed barricades and breastworks in the defiles of the moun- tains, and took all possible measures efi'ectively to impede the progress of the army. Later they joined Captain Lot Smith's company at Ham's Fork, and experienced more active and interesting service. Un- der the leadership of this resourceful and daring fron- tiersman, they harassed General Johnston in every conceivable manner. They burned his supply trains; they drove ofif his horses and mules; they stampeded his cattle; they set the dry grass around him afire; 126 HISTORY OF LEHI. 11857 they irritated and hampered him continuously — but they shed not a drop of blood. All this was accom- plished with the most meagre equipment, and a com- paratively small force. Indeed, to deceive the en- emy, Captain Smith often had his men ride in file around visible hill tops and passes for hours at a stretch, accomplishing by strategy alone what others might have per- formed only through bloodshed. Often the Territorial recruits were compelled to subsist on a diet of bread and water — the former made from a mixture of flour and water, and baked over an open fire by winding the dough spi- rally around a stick. When the snow set in, General Johnston estab- lished his winter quarters at Fort Bridger, and the volunteer cavalry returned home. A few of the men, under Captain Willes, maintained a kind of patrol in Echo Canyon during most of the winter. Early De- cember saw all the party with this exception safely in Lehi. INFANTRY. In the meantime, a company of infantry had also set out from Lehi. Major William Hyde was in com- WESLEY MOLEN. 1857] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 127 mand of this expedition, and it carried a full equip- ment of guns and ammunition and sufficient pro- visions to last all winter. Major William Hyde, Wil- liam Clark, James Harwood, Luke Titcomb, Joseph J. Smith, Samuel T. Smith, Joseph Robinson, Edward Cox, Robert Maugh, Preston Thomas, Henry Sim- monds, Edward M. Allison, William Hudson, James Commander, and Thomas Ashton made up the roll of volunteers from Lehi. Some of these reputed infantrymen were so poorly clad as hardly to deserve the name. In- deed, if their vakie had depended upon their uniforms at all, rather than upon their daunt- less courage and un- questioned bravery, they would have been a sorry band of soldiers. For example, Samuel T. Smith had no shoes un- til the company arrived in Salt Lake City, and then he procured an old pair from William Clark who in turn bought the only pair in a certain store for sixteen bushels of oats. They were the largest and most ungainly footgear he had ever beheld, but he had to make shift with them or do without. From James Harwood is obtained this account of the campaign : LUKE TITCOMB. 128 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i857 "In the month of November we started for Weber River, traveling through Emigration Canyon and over the Big Mountain, v^here the snows of winter were gathering in great drifts. After reaching the Weber, we marched to the mouth of Echo Canyon, where a military camp had already been established. Here we were told to remain and await further or- ders. Soon afterward, we received word that John- ston's army was going into winter quarters and that we might return home. "With much rejoicing we packed our effects and started on our homeward march. While no one thought in the least of deserting, yet we felt at times a little anxious when we considered the object of the campaign. We were going out to meet and attempt to resist one of the best equipped armies of the United States, whose orders were to enter Salt Lake City at any cost. We knew very well that if we ever met that army, some of us might never see our loved ones again. ' "About midnight of the first day's journey home- ward, as we were rolled up in our blankets at the foot of Big Mountain, a messenger aroused us with orders to return to our former camp at once, for the Federal army, as supposed, had not gone into permanent quar- ters for the winter. In spite of a feeling of disap- pointment, back we tramped through the snow until we reached the main encampment of the Nauvoo Le- gion, situated near the Overhanging Cliffs in Echo Canyon. The camp presented quite a military ap- pearance with its hundreds of white tents and cov- 1857] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 129 ered wagons, and as we came marching in, the band played, 'O ye mountains high/ ''We soon became accustomed to the routine work of a military camp, and learned to regulate our actions by the bugle call and the tap of the drum. We had tents and wagons in which to sleep, and each com- pany provided itself with a large 'wickiup,' made of poles placed upright in a circle with their tops to- gether and thatched on the outside with pine boughs. These we used as places in which to spend our leisure time. We had plenty of beef, bread, and beans to eat, so we did not suffer for ^ lack of food. In fact, we all enjoyed ourselves and had a good time. "One evening we were sitting around the big fire in the 'wickiup,' 'spinning yarns' and singing songs, when a scouting party which had been out in the neighborhood of the army came in. 'Bill' Skeens and Riley Judd had been with them, so we were soon listening to their big stories. They happened to be standing on opposite sides of the fire when 'Bill' remarked, 'Here's your powder horn, Riley,' at the same time handing him 10 HENRY SIMMONDS, A Hand Cart Veteran. 130 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1857 the horn. Riley reached across the fire for the recep- tacle, when to our horror it fell into the flames. The scene that followed can best be imagined, for we lost no time in getting away from the fire and out of the 'wickiup.' We expected to see both men blown to atoms. But the explosion never came. When we finally ventured to look in, there sat Bill and Riley quietly toasting their toes by the fire and in the com- fortable seats their lit- tle ruse had secured for them. ''Our time was not all spent in play ; we had drill every day, and work with the pick and shov- el. At convenient places in the canyon, we dug trenches and construct- ed breastworks, piled boulders on the heights to be rolled down on the invaders, and made a dam across the can- yon to submerge the road. We also stood RILEY JUDD. g^^^j.^1 ^^ ^^-^^^^ ^^^ p^^._ formed all the other duties of a soldier-. "Scouting parties continued to come in with news from the army and occasionally with prisoners. I recognized one of the men brought as a fellow-passen- ger on the ship on which I had crossed the Atlantic. 1857] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 131 He informed me he had hired out as a teamster, deem- ing that a good way to reach Salt Lake. "Finally we received word that the army had defi- nitely gone into winter quarters on Black's Fork, and orders came early in De- cember to break camp and return home. It did not take long to put this command into execu- tion. With as few stops as. possible, after leaving Echo Canyon, we trav- eled up the Weber, as the snow on the Big Mountain was impassa- ble, and followed the trail to Parley's Park and down Parley's Can- yon. We ate the last of our provisions and pitched our last camp in this canyon. The snow was so deep that we did not attempt to shovel it away, but made our beds on top of it, and in the morning we found ourselves un- der another layer. When we arrived at Union Fort, we were invited to the meeting house where a good meal awaited us, and it is needless to say that we did ample justice to the occasion. We reached home the next day a tired, happy lot of men who expected to renew the campaign when spring came." JOSEPH SLATER, A Hand Cart Veteran. 132 HISTORY OF LEHI. [issmsss THE "MOVE." The winter of 1857-1858 passed very much as the preceding winters, but underneath the outward feel- ing of serenity there existed a vague wonder as to the future movements of the army quartered just outside the Territory. During all the months of inactivity, negotiations were carried on between Brigham Young on one hand and General Johnston and the newly- appointed Governor, Alfred Gumming, on the other. The upshot of these communications was hardly sat- isfactory to either party. At first fearful of allowing the soldiers to enter Salt Lake Valley, the Mormon leaders finally consented to permit them to come in without resistance, upon condition that their com- manders pledge the security of the life and property of the people. This both Governor Gumming and General Johnston did. The outcome was unsatisfac- tory to Brigham Young and his colleagues, because in their minds no necessity existed for the presence of an armed force in Utah, while for the army the occupation meant a mere empty triumph of their policy. So strong was the distrust of the Utah leaders for the army that they resolved not to leave them any opportunity for depredation. Accordingly, Brigham Young directed all the people north of Utah Gounty to leave their homes and proceed southward. At the same time, he perfected measures whereby sufficient men were left in Salt Lake to set fire to all the houses and chop down all the trees upon the first sign of dis- order by the invaders. Thus began the famous 1858] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. " 133 **Move" in which Lehi was destined to play so prom- inent a part. * The spring of 1858 found 30,000 people migrating southward. Day after day the citizens of Lehi saw them pass through their borders, a continuous stream along the State Road, from daylight till dark. A striking picture was this exodus, one long to be re- membered — covered wagons laden with all manner of household goods; hand carts; men and women mounted on horses or mules ; far more of them walk- ing, often barefoot ; cattle, sheep and pigs, singly and in herds ; all manner of freak conveyances ; no end of confusion, and not a little suffering and sorrow. Added to all the rest was the almost incessant rain which fell during that spring.* The people of- Lehi responded nobly in assisting their unfortunate visitors. Men who could, furnished teams and wagons to help in the transporting of their neighbors from the north. Every home in the little city was thrown open, and each room filled to its ca- pacity; even the Meeting House was placed at the dis- posal of the refugees. When all available room had been occupied, the men built cabins against the fort wall, and even made dugouts on the vacant lots in the city. But the hardest problem was to provide food for this excessive number. The foodstuffs from the previous crops were brought into requisition, and up- on the advice of Bishop Evans many of the people raised vegetables. *The relief expedition to Salmon River was fitted out dur- ing the course of the Echo Canyon War and returned during the "Move." 134 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1858 John Zimmerman casts an interesting sidelight up- on these stirring times : ''During the spring months I kept a team on the road hauHng people from the north into Utah Valley. I would make one trip and William Southwick the next. AVe went to the General Tithing Office in Salt Lake City, where the brethren in charge gave us a load of people and their belongings, which we brought to Utah County and left in whatever town they wished to stop. We continued in this way until the last family was moved. Between these trips we planted our crops, although we scarcely had hopes of ever harvesting them. JOHN ZIMMERMAN AND v/iFE. -J ^^n remember the bishop counseling us to raise potatoes, and it would have been better for me if I had followed his advice. I had six or seven acres of land which I intended planting in corn, but I gave different men parts of it until there remained but one acre and a half. In this small piece I planted corn which came up nicely, grew rapidly, and gave promise of a bounteous harvest. But early in July a severe frost came and utterly de- stroyed it. Not so with the potatoes; the frost did no 1858] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 135 further damage than to set them back a little, and when the harvest came, the potato crop was a bumper. I have never seen larger or better potatoes than those raised that season." PEACE COMMISSIONERS IN LEHI. After the people had migrated south, negotiations continued between Brigham Young and the Federal officials who had been sent out. At first they bore no fruit, but finally two additional commissioners ar- rived from the East, met Brigham Young at Salt Lake City, and after holding a meeting in Provo, came to Lehi on June 17. These men were Gover- nor L. W. Powell, of Kentucky, and Major Ben Mc- Cullough of Texas. They called an open-air mass meeting near Bishop Evans' residence, and ad- dressed the gathering in the hope of conciliating them. They promised that the people should not be mo- lested by the army, in fact that it should be quartered a reasonable distance from their homes ; they affirmed that full amnesty had been granted by the President of the United States for whatever fancied wrongs the people of the Territory had committed; and finally they promised that all difficulties should be amicably settled. Their pleas were not in vain. Their auditors took them, at their word and accepted the proposals of peace. The meeting was followed by great enthu- siasm and no less intense gratitude that the affair should have so fortunate a termination. The next two months — July and August — saw all the people back in their homes, and the danger of any further conflict averted. 136 HISTORY OF LEHI. [isss CAMP FLOYD. General Johnston's troops passed through Salt Lake City on June 26, and assumed permanent quarters im- mediately afterward at Camp Floyd in Cedar Valley, eighteen miles west of Lehi. Their near proximity to the town had a most salutary efifect upon it. The shrewd farmers of Lehi were not slow to sense the market for their food products which the garrison fur- nished. Immediately there sprang up a brisk trade with the soldiers in grains, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, squash pies, and fodder. Two dollars were often paid for a bushel of grain or potatoes, and hay and straw readily sold for twenty-five or thirty dol- lars a ton. For the people, Thomas Taylor acted as agent in these commercial transactions with the soldiers, and in this way began his career as a mer- chant. John Zimmerman invested the first profit from his grain in a threshing machine, and with this was able to take several contracts with the soldiers to furnish grain. In addition to the purchase of food- stuffs, the camp was profitable to Lehi because it fur- nished employment for many of its laborers. Wood must be cut in the canyons, hauled to Camp Floyd, and corded for firewood. The new quarters must be erected, so carpenters were in demand. Adobe-mak- ing also proved to be a profitable occupation, since many of the barracks were constructed from this ma- terial. In payment for their goods and their work, the people received many needed articles which the soldiers were able to supply. Horses, mules, har- nesses, wagons, and other equipment and implements 1858-1861] THE ECHO CANYON WAR. 137 soon passed from Camp Floyd to the city and found immediate and profitable use. This trade continued until July, 1861, when, by order from Washington, Camp Floyd was abandoned and the equipment sold. It is estimated that $400,- 000.00 worth of government stores were purchased by people in the Territory at a valuation not to ex- ceed three per cent. Part of this, Lehi men secured. Notable among these newly acquired things were the large wagon boxes which came to be used as bins for storing grain; the soldiers' over- coats with capes which v/ere worn extensively; the wide-strapped gov- ernment harness ; and cannon balls which John Zimmerman utilized for casting machinery. John C. Nagle purchased the fort building for seven- ty-five dollars, and the wood was sufficient to last the city for building purposes for some years. On the whole, the Echo Canyon war proved to be a benefit to Lehi rather than a detriment. While grave apprehension existed at first as to the efifect of such an invasion, later events proved that it was ground- less. Aside from the temporary inconvenience of af- JOHN C. NAGLE. 138 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i858-i86i fording shelter to the unfortunates who came in the "Move" — which to the kindhearted people of Lehi was truly a labor of love — the city suffered no appre- ciable ill effects from the so-called war. Furthermore, the establishment of Camp Floyd benefited Lehi more than any other town in the Territory. It furnished countless badly needed articles and offered an excel- lent market for the disposal of surplus products of the farm. Whatever punishment, therefore, was contem- plated in the sending of an army to Utah, resulted, at least in so far as Lehi was concerned, not in harm, but in immense good. CHAPTER XL Church Immigration. 1860-1868. THE year 1860 saw the arrival of the last hand cart companies in Utah. Henceforth immigrants came in trains of "prairie schooners" drawn by oxen. To assist this trans-continental travel, Brigham Young began the practice of sending expeditions out from Utah, fully equipped, to transport numbers of the waiting immigrants from Florence, Nebraska, which was the starting point of Church migration, over the plains to the Rockies. It grew to be a common prac- tice for men to be called from the different towns in Utah to accompany these trains ; indeed, it was gener- ally regarded as missionary work. During a period of eight or nine years, until 1868, Lehi furnished her share of men and equipment for the carrying out of this plan. Each summer a little company from the settlement, which itself had only been established ten years, set out for the Missouri to assist others in their journey west. Those who remained at home helped the expedition by furnishing provisions and adding to the equipment of the outfit. Above all others, John R. Murdock was active in this work. He made five dif- ferent trips to the East as captain of immigration trains, and assisted hundreds of men and women to reach Utah. 140 HISTORY OF LEHI. [isei FIRST EXPEDITION. The first of these immigration expeditions in which Lehi men participated set out in April, 1861. It con- sisted of two hundred wagons with four yoke of oxen to each wagon, and a cargo of fifty thousand pounds of flour. At night the wagons were placed in a circle, thus forming an enclosure for the cattle. After each stop the drivers had the not inconsiderable task of selecting their eight oxen from the herd and hitching them to the wagon before a start could be made. On the return trip, eight to twelve persons were assigned to each wagon. Some of them walked and some rode, but the driver walked always. On this journey John R. Murdock was captain of one of the four companies into which the whole expe- dition was divided. Thomas Karr^n, George McCon- nell, John E. Ross, Martin B. Bushman, and Albert Goodwin constituted Lehi's quota to the personnel of the party, in addition to which the city furnished five wagons, forty oxen, and five thousand pounds of fiour. Captain Murdock's company arrived in Salt Lake City September 12, 1861, having made the whole journey in four and one-half months. CROSSING THE PLAINS. In continuance of the policy begun the year before, the Church sent, in May, 1862, 262 wagons, 293 men, 2,800 oxen, and 143,315 pounds of flour to the Mis- souri River to assist poor immigrants in their trip to Utah. Lehi sent the following men this summer: John R. Murdock, captain; John Woodhouse, commis- sary; Edwin Standring, Joseph Ashton, Peter Brown, 1862] CHURCH IMMIGRATION. 141 George Murdock, John Bushman, and Daniel W. Thomas. With the company was also Newal A. Brown, who was on his way east to buy merchandise for John C. Nagle. An interesting account of this journey is given by John Woodhouse : ''The year 1862 is known as the high water year, and it was with diffi- culty that _ we could make our way through the mountains on ac- count of the deep snow. In some places it was necessary to take the wagons apart and carry them along the moun- tain side to avoid the heavy drifts in the bot- tom of the canyons. "About May 1 we started, and made our way up Emigration Canyon, where Daniel W. Thomas overturned EDWIN STANDRING. his wagon in trying to get through a snow bank. At Yellow Creek the water was overflowing the banks, and it entirely surrounded the bridge. When one-half of the company had crossed over, the road had become so cut up that it was impossible to reach the bridge. Having obtained permission to tear down a log stable near by, we de- cided with the logs obtained from it to build a bridge farther up the creek, where the banks were steeper. 142 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1862 We found, however, that the logs were too short to span the creek, and we were about to abandon the project when I suggested the splicing of two logs to- gether with our log chains. Everyone ridiculed the idea at first, but it was found to be practicable when we tried it. According- ly, we built the bridge successfully and passed over in safety. "The water at Ham's Fork was overflowing the banks and submerg- ing the bridge, which as a result was in danger of being washed away. After fastening it with chains, we succeeded in getting our wagons over by hand and swnnming our animals across the stream. It took us two and one-half days to get our train completely across. An immigrant train, bound for the west, was camped on the east bank of the river, and some of the men had watched us work. As we were leaving, one of them said, 'Well, boys, you beat all I've ever seen to cross rivers. If you will take our outfits over, we will pay you ten dollars per wagon.' The young man ahead of me replied, 'No, by h — , we don't work like this for money.' "We found Green River much swollen, and the WILLIAM BALL, A Hand Cart Veteran. 1862] CHURCH IMMIGRATION. 143 valley flooded with water, especially on the east side. We ferried the wagons over, and after several at- tempts, succeeded in swimming the cattle across. "At the Sandy we saw the place where Captain Lot Smith had burned the government trains during the 'Utah War.' The circle was markd by bits of burned wood, pieces of iron, and other debris. As I gazed upon the spot, a verse of an old song drifted into my mind : " 'We'll hang each man that's got two wives, We've got the ropes right handy, That is to say, we had, you know; But Smith burned 'em, out on Sandy.' "We arrived in Florence July 9, and remained there until the 24th of the month, which gave our cattle a much-needed rest. Our allotment of immigrants was about seven hundred, which, with the supply of ba- con, groceries, and a quantity of freight, made up the loads for the homew^ard journey. I had seventeen immigrants and three tents to my wagon. As the captain desired me to deal out provisions, we made an inventory and agreed on rations. The first eve- ning I distributed flour, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee and rice, according to the number in each family. Then I appointed a day for dealing out flour, another day for bacon, and another for groceries. This plan worked very well, and did not hinder us from travel- ing at a fairly good speed.* *Woodhouse was continually bothered by the ignorance of many of the foreign immigrants in regard to frontier life. One of their greatest difficulties was in making a fire. To avoid this trouble, Woodhouse finally explained the proper way of build- 144 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i863 "We left Florence, July 24, and arrived in Salt Lake City, September 27, 1862, the second Church train of the season." FURTHER AID TO IMMIGRATION. The following letter from the Presiding Bishop's Office to Bishop Evans reflects the spirit of the times, and is self-explanatory: Bishop David Evans, Lehi, Utah. Dear Brother: In view of the increasing anxiety of our lead- ers to assist the poor from the Old and New Worlds, coupled with the warmest desire to get them here, we are prompted to make an extra effort this year to bring them hither; and to carry out such design, we will be obliged to fit out and equip at least five hundred teams to bring them from Florence. In proportioning these teams .among the Territorial wards, your ward will be expected to furnish eight ox or mule teams (four or six mules or four yoke of oxen to each team) an equal number of good and trusty teamsters, and one mounted guard, armed and equipped for a four or five months' journey, with clothing, provisions, ammunition, ferriage means, ox or mule shoes, spades, axes, picks, ropes, augers, saws, etc., for down and back trips, without the expectation of receiving any assistance from any other source. As sacks and sacking are scarce, you will have to make boxes to put the flour in, for the poor on the road. Each team will be expected to have sufficient boxes to carry at least one thousand pounds of flour for this purpose. The flour and grain must be brought to this city, and a full and detailed report made to us of the amount of flour for the poor, number of teams, etc., so that a settlement can be made with you after th^ir return in the fall. ing a camp fire to an Englishman, telling him that he must avoid green wood, that when branches had leaves on they would not do, they were too green to burn. The Englishman gravely said: "Well, I can soon pull them bits of things off." 1863] CHURCH IMMIGRATION. 145 The teams are expected to leave this city about the 25th of April next, and will have to be such as will bear inspection be- fore starting. The captain assigned to take charge of your teams is Peter Nebeker, of Mill Creek, this county, who will as soon as possible put himself in communication with you. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Edward Hunter, L. W. Hardy, J. C. Little. In response to this call, the following Lehi men made the trip in Captain Nebeker's company: Wil- liam Bone, Jno. W. Wing, Jacob Cox, Byron W. Brown, Squire Rey- nolds, Heber Oakey and Henry Wedge. John R. Murdock was in com- mand of another Church train this year, and Dan- iel W. Thomas accom- panied him as teamster. The trip to Florence and return was made with- out any unusual ditftcul- ty. Only one aeath oc- curred, and that was by lightning. Captain Neb- eker's company reached Salt Lake City Septem- ber 25, 1863. THOMAS R. JONES. LATER IMMIGRATION EXPEDITIONS. Owing to the Civil War and the consequent light immigration, only a few Church trains left Utah in 11 146 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1864-1866 1864. William Ball, William L. Hutchings, Gideon Murdock and Jack Ewing were the only men from Lehi to go east this year. At this point it might be an interesting digression to note practically the only effect the Civil War had upon the life of the community. The conflict had caused the depreciation of paper to a great ex- tent. Greenbacks were negotiable at only half their value. In recogni- tion of this, the City Council this year passed an ordinance which dou- bled the toll rates on the Jordan River bridge. Thomas R. Jones, Al- fred Fox, Thomas F. Trane, John Worlton, Nels Downs, William Simmonds, Christian Nelson, and James Daw- son made up the contin- gent in the Church trains of 1866. Their journey was marred only by the theft of a hundred oxen, which the Indians succeeded in driving. off. Upon receipt of the news of this loss, which came by overland telegraph, Brigham Young sent out a relief expedition to meet the party. Newal A. Brown accompanied this latter company. With the assistance thus obtained, the westbound train ar- rived safely, and in about the usual time. PAULINAS H. ALLRED. 1868] CHURCH IMMIGRATION. 147 The last Church immigration trains left Utah in the spring of 1868, as after that year it was possible to come by rail to Ogden. Accompanying the expe- dition this time were Paulinas H. Allred, Thomas Fowler, Joseph Evans, Benjamin S. Lott, George Zimmerman, John Peterson, and Joseph W. Goates. John R. Murdock, as usual, had charge of a company of fifty wagons.* Such is the extent of the assistance the little town of Lehi was able to give its neighbors. It had been established but fifteen years, and its people had been compelled to undergo hardships and privations of the most severe nature. Any aid rendered to the outside was done only at a tremendous sacrifice. In spite of all these difficulties, it is safe to say that no town in the whole Territory rendered mor^ effective succor to needy immigrants than did Lehi. It is a rfecord of which the city can well be proud. *This company encountered the Union Pacific Raihvay which was then being built westward. Some of the men had never seen a locomotive before. Among this number was Paulinas H. Allred, who, upon first sight of the steel monster, stood fixed with amazement. A railroad man, seeing his wonderment, thought to ridicule him and said, "Where were you raised that you have never seen a railroad?" "Sir," said Allred, "I was al- ways ahead of them." CHAPTER XII. Growth of the Community. 1859-1869. IN history the things of most permanent value are generally accomplished with the least display of pomp and ostentation. It is quiet, commonplace things which have done most to advance the race in civilization. Always the warrior has been a fascinat- ing figure and the laborer ordinary and uninteresting, yet nations have been infinitely more benefited by the effective work of the toilers than by the carnage and destruction of the man of arms. The growth of our own country has been due to the character of its citi- zens as expressed in economic and political life far more than to that character expressed in the clash of weapons. In terms of ultimate value, the most or- dinary things are often also the most important. What is true of race and nation applies with equal correctness to the city. Hence the growth of Lehi is a result, not so much of the spectacular incidents, as of the ordinary commonplace, uninteresting — yet, withal, effective and valuable — events in the life of its people. The decade between 1859 and 1869 is a period of rapid growth in the life of the city on Dry Creek. Developing from a little settlement, Lehi assumed during this time the aspect of a town. No remark- able events occurred; nothing wonderful happened; 1858] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 149 the consistent, unceasing work of the people was re- sponsible for the advance. True it is that a variety of other things must receive mention during this period; but in their narration the real cause of de- velopment — the unrelenting toil of the men and women of Lehi — must be kept in mind. MULLINER'S MILL. When conditions had become practically normal again, in 1858, Samuel Mulliner set in operation the grist mill which he had been constructing the last two years. When completed, it was one of the best in the Terri- tory. Previously the farmers had taken their grain to the mouth of American Fork Canyon or to Salt Lake County. The miller was Elisha H. Davis; he had previ- ously lived in Lehi and been a member of the City Council, but had moved away; now at the request of Mulliner he returned to operate the newly erected mill. This structure stood near the present site of the sugar factory, the "Mill Pond" hav- ing been built for furnishing power. The mill con- SAMUEL MULLINER. 150 HISTORY QF LEHI. [i859 tinned in operation until the site was sold by Thad- deus Powell to the Utah Sugar Company. FOURTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. On account of the unsettled condition of affairs in- cident to the Echo Canyon War, no election had been held in 1858. The previous city officials continued to serve until an election could be observed, namely, Monday, February 14, 1859. On this date, with the Tithing Office as the scene of the election and with Ezekiel Hopkins, William Hyde, and William Foth- eringham as judges and Thomas Taylor as clerk, the people chose the following men to be their civic lead- ers : Mayor, David Evans; Aldermen, Lorenzo H. Hatch, Israel Evans, James Taylor and Alfred Bell; Councilors, Abel Evans, Canute Peterson, Thomas Ashton, Thomas Karren, Daniel S. Thomas, Alonzo P. Raymond, William W. Taylor, John W. Norton, and William S. S. Willes. The new coterie of officers made these appoint- ments: Recorder, Thomas Taylor; Marshal, Alonzo D. Rhodes ; Treasurer and Supervisor, Canute Peter- son ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, James Har- wood; Water Master, Thomas Ashton; Constables, James Harwood and John Zimmerman; School Trus- tees, Daniel S. Thomas, Thomas Karren, and John W. Norton; Examiners, Thomas Taylor, Alfred Bell, and David Taylor; Field Committee, Israel Evans, Canute Peterson, and Alonzo P. Raymond. The last named committee was one of that exten- sive system of offices which the early city fathers deemed essential to the successful maintenance of the 152 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i859 government. Like all the others, its members served without remuneration. Concerning it, the following preamble and resolution, passed by the fourth City Council soon after its installation in office, is both enlightening and interesting: A Preamble and Resolution in relation to the Big Field and Fence in Lehi City. Whereas: Through a report made to this City Council by a committee appointed for this purpose, it appears that there are one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one rods of fence around the said Big Field, and that some of said fence is good, some is down, and some needs repair, all of which needs the attention of the citizens of this City to make the lands therein enclosed available to the owners for the purposes intended. And Whereas: The said committee also reports that there are lands enclosed in the said field to the value of $17,310.00, belong- ing to individuals and under the control of this City Council. Therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Lehi: That it is the privilege, and is hereby made the duty of the said Field Com- mittee, to measure off to each individual holding land in said field, a lot of fence equal in length to value of his or her lands in dollars and cents, and in a principle of equity and justice as near as may be according to the judgment of said committee. Resolved: That it shall be the duty of each person holding or claiming land in said field, at any time when called upon by said committee, to furnish and cause to be set, according to the directions of said committee, a stake with the owner of said fence written legibly thereon, to be eighteen inches in the ground and twelve inches above, squaring at least two inches at the top, at the end of his or her fence, thus allotted by said committee. Resolved: That when a lot or parcel of fence is awarded to any person by said committee, it shall be and is hereby made the duty of such person or persons, to see that such fence is in good repair and ever after keep the same in good repair, according to the order of the City Council or this committee. Resolved: That it shall hereafter be the duty of any person 1859] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 153 or persons conveying or in any way transferring lands or fence in or around said field, to stake as before provided and report the same to the Field Committee, that a true record of such transfers may be kept. Resolved further: That any person violating any of the fore- going resolutions shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceed- ing one hundred dollars for every such violation or neglect of duty, also liable to all damages that may be sustained by such violation or neglect. These resolutions to be in force from and after their pub- lication. Published February 21, 1859. INTRODUCTION OF ALFALFA. The first alfalfa seed was brought to Lehi by Isaac Goodwin. A member of Captain Samuel Brannan's company, he sailed in the "Brooklyn'' around Cape Horn and landed in California, in 1846. With others, he was working on the mill race at Sutter's Mill when gold was discovered, resulting in the mad rush to the Golden Gate from all parts of the world. Goodwin arrived in Lehi from the Pacific Coast in February, 1859, bringing with him a little of the precious alfalfa seed. At first he remained at Cold Springs, on the west side of the Jordan River, but later he moved into the city, locating permanently on the southeast cor- ner of Fourth West and Main. In the spring of 1860, Goodwin planted the first alfalfa seed that Utah soil had known. From his seeds only seven plants sprouted. These he nour- ished tenderly until they yielded him more. This in turn he planted the following spring, caring for it with all possible patience. Continuing this process for a number of years, and cleaning the husks from 154 HISTORY OF LEHI. [I860 the seeds by means of a coffee grinder, he was able at last to sell a little seed to his neighbors for one dollar a pound, which, indeed, scarce paid for the cleaning.* In a few years the seed had become quite generally distributed, and lucern has now become the staple forage crop of the west. Paulinas H. Allred, in 1867, put up the first stack of lucern hay in Lehi. WORK ON THE POINT OF THE MOUNTAIN. Up to 1860 the road at the Point of the Mountain had been excessively steep and difficult of travel. Higher up on the hill than at present, it presented a serious in- convenience to travelers on the State Road. To allay this difficulty, Brigham Young re- quested the towns in the north end of Utah Coun- ty to assist him in re- pairing the road. Sixty- one men responded from Lehi, and performed al- together two hundred seventy days of work. JAMES Q. POWELL. ^he Yankee spirit of fun is irrepressible. No matter what the time or *On one occasion a neighbor, while watching Goodwin clean this alfalfa seed, picked up a pinch of it. "Put it down," imme- diately said the latter, "I would as willingly give you so much gold dust." 1860] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 155 place, your real American loves a good joke. Of this company at work at the Point of the Mountain, this was indeed true. One would think that the sobering effect of hardship and trouble would have completely banished any desire for humor in the pioneers of Lehi ; but such was far from being the case — there was an exceptionally large number of mischief makers here. One evening a crowd of the younger men disguised themselves as Indians and sent two of their complotters into the camp of the older men. Joining them at the camp fire, they adroitly steered the conversation around to the Indians. In turn they related in- cidents of ever increas- ing horror, until they reached the story of an Indian massacre which had occurred on the very spot where the camp was pitched. This narration lacked no em- bellishment of gruesome william dawson. detail and blood-curdling description. Finally one of the young men asked what the others would do in case of a repetition of the alleged Indian attack. Bravely the elders announced that it would unques- tionably be the proper thing to hold one's ground, to 156 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1861 fight, — any other course would be inconceivable. Suddenly a fearful noise was heard near by; it ap- proached the fire with wonderful rapidity; the din grew ever louder until the hair-raising Indian war whoop could be only too clearly distinguished. It needed but a single glimpse to verify what had been heard — there in all their war paint was a band of In- dians, hostile, bloodthirsty, menacing. Instantly the veterans forgot their recent advice and with reckless haste fled in all directions from the fire. One even ran into Lehi — a good six miles — and in his awful fright told the people that the whole corhpany had been massacred by the red men and that he was the sole survivor. Some of the citizens were consider- ably agitated, but when the news reached Bishop Evans, he — shrewd Yankee that he was — inquired the names of the party from Lehi, and upon mention of a few of the worst jokers, he knew that the supposed massacre was solved. FIFTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. February 11, 1861, was the date of the fifth election in Lehi. The result follows : Mayor, John R. Mur- dock; Aldermen, James W. Taylor, William Snow, John W. Norton, and William Fotheringham ; Coun- cilors, Thomas Ashton, William S. S. Willes, John C. Nagle, John Zimmerman, Henry Norton, J. B. Martin, Hugh Hilton, William Clark, and Abraham Losee. The council entered upon its duties February 27, and appointed Joseph J. H. Colledge as Recorder. Later it made the remaining appointments : Marshal, John S. Lott ; Assessor and Collector, James Har- 1861] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 157 wood; Treasurer, Abram Hatch; Water Master, Thomas Ashton; Supervisor, John Zimmerman; •Pound Keeper, William Clark; Sealer of Weights and Measures, William S. S. Willes ; Superintendent of Lost and Found, Stephen H. Pierce ; Field Commit tee, Charles Partridge, Thomas Karren, and George Coleman; Build- ing Committee, Thomas Ashton, William S. S. Willes, and John W. Nor- ton; Examiners, Abram Hatch, James W. Taylor, and William Fothering- ham ; Sexton, John W. Norton; Captain of Po- lice, James Wiley Nor- ton. Various changes in this list of officers were made to meet condi- tions. Alderman James W. Taylor acted as Mayor pro tempore dur- ing the summer months while Mayor John R. Mur- dock was absent assisting Church immigrant trains from the Missouri to Utah. On April 27, Councilor William Clark was promoted to the office of Alder- rnan to fill a vacancy left by William Fotheringham, who had gone on a mission to Africa. Paulinas H. Allred took Clark's vacated place. William Snow assumed William Fotheringham's duties on the Board JOHN R. MURDOCK, Third Mayor of Lehi, 1861-1863. 158 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1861 of Examiners. Charles Barnes succeeded Stephen H. Pierce as Superintendent of Lost and Found, the lat- ter having vacated the office because of infirmity. William Goates was made a Councilor, on November 10, to succeed Hugh Hilton, who had gone on a mission. Upon assuming the reins of government, the fifth City Council determined to make an investigation of all property owned by the municipality. The com- mittee on revenue, after making a most painstaking inquiry, reported through its chairman, John C. Na- RESIDENCE OF DAVID EVANS. gle, that the city's wealth consisted of three small drums and one large one, and stated further that all stood very much in need of repair. On April 27, 1861, the council received a numer- ously signed petition asking that the city be enlarged. This unmistakable sign of growth occasioned much discussion. For one, Bishop Evans seriously objected 1861] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 159 to any such extension of the city, giving as his reason the lack of water in Dry Creek to supply any consid- erable addition to the population of Lehi. Finally, however, all objections were satisfactorily adjusted, and the City Council ordered that a tier of blocks be surveyed around the wall. These did not supply the unexpected demand for building lots, so a tier each on the north and south was subsequently surveyed and sold to home builders. In the spring of 1861 there came to Lehi another plague, although this time it was far less menacing than the grasshoppers. The pest now took the form of blackbirds which did considerable damage to the farmers in the Big Field. The City Council estab- lished a fund and arranged shooting contests to put an end to these marauders. Their efforts were highly successful and the blackbirds soon ceased to bother. FIRST TANNERY. Early in 1862, David Evans and Canute Peterson built a small tannery near the north-east corner of Third North and Second West. Jonas Holdsworth, a tanner who had learned his trade in England, was the first wortman in the little establishment. He had brought some of his tools with him across the Atlantic and had others made here. By aid of tan bark from the surrounding mountains, Holdsworth succeeded in making a quality of upper, sole, and harness leather that was exceedingly useful to the people of the city. The tannery closed in 1870. SIXTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The Legislative Assembly of the Territory, in Jan- 160 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1863 uary, 1863, had reduced the ofifices of Territorial mu- nicipalities to a mayor, two aldermen, and two coun- cilors. Accordingly, the ticket for the election held February 16, 1863, contained this lessened number of names. The following candidates were successful: Mayor, Lorenzo H. Hatch; Aldermen, Isaac Goodwin and William H. Winn; Councilors, Canute Pet- erson, Thomas Ashton, and Charles D. Evans. Dissimilar to the elec- tive offices, the appoint- ive offices were not les- sened, but rather in- creased. Qualifying for office on February 18 in the council chamber, which at that time was the upper room of the Meeting House, the sixth City Council made the following appoint- ments : Recorder^ Joseph J. H. Colledge ; Marshal, Abel Evans; Treasurer, Canute Peterson; Water Master, Thomas Ashton; Supervisor, John Zimmerman; Pound Keeper, Wil- liam Clark; Sexton, John W. Norton; Sealer of Weights and Measures, William S. S. Willes; Field Committee, John Zimmerman, John R. Murdock, Abram Hatch, Thomas Karren, Sen., and Thomas R. Davis. Later appointments were : Examiners, David LORENZO H. HATCH, Fourth Mayor of Lehi, 1863. 1863] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 161 Evans, Abram Hatch, and Israel Evans; Captain of Police, William Southwick ; Policemen, Isaac Chilton, James T. Powell, Swen Jacobs, John Jacobs, Robert Dunn, Samuel Briggs, William Evans, Jacob Bush- man, William Gurney, and Suel Lamb. Mayor Hatch's tenure of ofifice lasted only a month, for on March 18 he moved to Cache County. He was succeeded by Alderman Isaac Goodwin whose va- cancy in turn was filled through the promotion of Councilor Canute Peterson. Israel Evans was then selected as a Councilor. In place of William S. S. Willes, who had accepted a call for a mission to Eng- land, Joseph J. Smith became Sealer of Weights and Measures. Not to be outdone by their predecessors, the sixth City Council also created a new appointive oflice. This took the name of Inspector of Wood and Lum- ber, John W. Norton being the first man who per- formed its functions and received its limited emolu- ments. His duties are set forth in the following or- dinance : An Ordinance Defining the Duties and Regulating the Fees of the Inspector of Wood and Lumber. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Lehi that there shall be an Inspector of Wood and Lumber who shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath and give bonds in the penal sum of one hundred dollars, con- ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties thereof, which bond shall be approved by, and filed with, the City Recorder. Section 2. Be it further ordained that it shall be the duty of the Inspector of Wood and Lumber to inspect and measure all wood and lumber, when called upon by any person within the City of Lehi. Section 3. And be it further ordained that said Inspector 12 • 162 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1864 shall receive 20 cents per hundred feet for measuring and in- specting wood. Section 4. This ordinance to be in effect from and after its publication. Passed January 23, 1864. Published January 25, 1864. Daniel S. Thomas, Canute Peterson, and Thomas Karren, the school trustees, were completing the THURMAN SCHOOL HOUSE. Thurman School House at this time, and finding their funds scarce, they petitioned the City Council, March 25, to lend them the surplus wheat in the city treasury. After investigating the condition of the municipal treasury, the council loaned the trustees thirty bushels of wheat. With this assistance, the trustees were able to bring the school house to such a stage of com- 1864] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 163 pletion that the City Council could hold its meetings there. The first session in the Thurman School House was held January 2, 1864. This now made four places available for such meetings, the log school house (the first home of the council), the Tithing Office, the upper room in the Meeting House, and the Thurman Building. MAIL COACH MASSACRE. In the spring of 1863, Lehi was witness to one of the most sombre events of her whole history. A num- ber of soldiers from Fort Douglas, enjoying a vaca- tion at Fort Crittenden, as Camp Floyd had later been named, wounded two Indians and frightened the squaws of a neighboring camp. It was all done in a spirit of deviltry and without provocation, so the In- dians swore revenge on ''the men who wore the blue coats," and unfortunately confused these with the drivers of the mail coaches. On Tuesday evening, June 9, a number of the red skins told Mrs. William Ball, who then lived at the Jordan Bridge, and whose family was extremely friendly with the Indians, that on the next day they were going to kill the mail driver and ''blue coats." Mrs. Ball warned the driver, who was then on his way to Fort Crittenden, but he could do nothing by way of preparation. The next day, June 10, George Kirkham, then a boy of twelve, was herding cattle west of the Jordan, about one mile north-west of the Cold Springs. See- ing the mail coach come flying in the distance, his curiosity was aroused, and he followed its course 164 - HISTORY OF LEHI. [i863 closely. In a short time he could discern a number of horsemen following the vehicle and then he could see that they were Indians and were firing at it. Ever faster they came, the driver making a great effort to reach the road to the ford across the river, which was about three miles below the bridge. He had cut through the country in order to gain this haven, but finally the savages turned him south, drove him into high brush, and the speed of his horses was checked. First his leaders fell and when a wheeler went down, too, he dismounted and stood behind the other, firing at his assailants as rapidly as possible. Finally both he and his last horse were shot down, and the sole pas- senger in the coach was murdered with him. The driver's name was Wood Reynolds, and because of his bravery the Indians cut his heart out and ate it, be- lieving that some of his courage would in that way pass to them. They then scalped both their victims and mutilated their bodies terribly. In the meantime, Kirkham had run foT the bridge, and after delivering his horrible tidings there, had gone on to Lehi and started a posse out for the scene of blood. But it was too late. The Indians had de- parted and nothing remained but to take the bodies of the men on to Salt Lake City. The next morning William Ball, who was returning from Goshen, met this band of assassins, glorying in their scalps and proudly displaying the bugle and other property of the unfortunate men. Although a squad of soldiers was dispatched from Fort Douglas in search of the murderers, they were never appre- hended. 1865] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 165 SUGAR CANE. In the early '60s arose an industry which for a time was a very important factor in the life of the people. This was the culture of sugar cane and the production of molasses from it. Nearly all the farmers had fields of cane, indeed most of the ground north-east of the city was used for that purpose. To produce the mo- lasses, a number of mills were installed, the largest being on the present site of the Central School House ; it was operated by water from Dry Creek. At that time, the chief articles of food for children were bread and molasses. SEVENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The seventh election, observed February 13, 1865, resulted in the holding over of all the city of^cers, namely: Mayor, Isaac Goodwin; Aldermen, William H. Winn and Canute Peterson; Councilors, Thomas Ashton, Charles D. Evans, and Israel Evans. On tht following 9th of March, the appointive offices were filled: Marshal, Abel Evans; Treasurer, Canute Pet- erson ; Water Master, Thomas Ashton ; Supervisor, Paulinas H. Allred; Sexton and Inspector of Wood and Lumber, John W. Norton; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Joseph J. Smith; Field Committee, Israel Evans, Chairman, Orrace Murdock, Thomas R. Davis, Samuel Briggs, and Joseph J. Smith; Examiners, David Evans, Israel Evans, and William Fothering- ham ; Policemen, Jacob Bushman, Captain, Isaac Chil- ton, John Jacobs, William Gurney, James T. Powell, Paulinas H. Allred, Thomas Karren, Jr., George Davy, Samuel Taylor, and John Roberts. 166 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1865 A few changes also occurred in this set of officers. May 10, Suel Lamb received the appointment as Mar- shal to succeed Abel Evans, v^ho had gone to Wales on a mission. On the same date John W. Norton assumed the duties of '7w4 Councilor in place of Charles D. Evans, who had moved from the city. The following De- cember the Marshalship was again vacated, this time because Suel Lamb took up his residence in Cache County. Jacob Bushman now became Marshal and Isaac Chil- ton succeeded him as Chief of Police. Decem- ber 29, William Clark- became a Councilor and William S. S. Willes, Sexton and Inspector of Wood and Timber, to fill the vacancies resulting from John W. Norton's removal from the city. FREIGHTING. About this time a number of citizens of Lehi found it to their advantage to engage in the freighting busi- ness to Montana. Carrying their farm produce to the mining camps of that state, they found they could sell at very profitable prices. For eggs they received $1.25 a dozen, and for oats and flour 12 cents and 24 cents a pound respectively. In 1865 Abram Hatch ISAAC GOODWIN, Fifth Mayor of Lehi, 1863-1867; 1875-1877. 1867J GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 167 sent two teams to Montana with Amasa Lyman and Stephen Ross as teamsters. Jasper Rolf and Peter Lott made the trip during the same seasow. EIGHTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Hie following officers were elected at the city elec- tion held February 11, 1867: Mayor, Israel Evans; Aldermen, William H. Winn and John Wood- house ; Councilors, Wil- liam Clark, W^illiam S. S. Willes, and Oley El- lingson. Some of the appointments m a d e were : Recorder, Joseph J. H. Colledge; Marshal, Joseph A. Thomas ; and Treasurer, Oley Elling- son. On account of the loss of the records of this council, it is impos- sible to ascertain the re- maining officers. The most important event occurring during this administration was the official listing of the land of Lehi. The Federal Land Office allotted two days in which the owners of land might file their claims, but through the liberality of the Land Office officials, this time was extended to two months. This gave everyone sufficient time to insure their land titles. On behalf of the citizens of ISRAEL EVANS, Sixtli Mayor of Lehi, 1867-1869. 168 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1867 Lehi, Mayor Israel Evans entered and filed the land upon which the city was built, so that during the next administration it was possible to issue deeds for city lots. BUILDING A HOUSE IN 1867. One of the most interesting men who have lived in Lehi is John Woodhouse. During a long and busy life he has shown un- usual skill and versatil- ity and few men have done more to help the community than he. Possessed of a remark- ably retentive memory, he has acquired a fund of information on nu- merous and various sub- jects which he has often found oc^^asioii to use for the benefit of his fel- lows. Although he has served his city as law- yer, doctor, merchant, lecturer, judge, and en- tertainer, he still found time to follow the vocation of farmer and tailor for the support of his family. The following account of the erection of a house in early days is from his pen, and aptly illustrates the spirit of the times : *T purchased a house and lot from Thomas Oakey for which I paid $300.00 as follows : I let him have some cattle, a wagon, a bed coverlet woven by Mother JOHN WOODHOUSE. 1867] GROWTH OF THE COMMUNITY. 169 Thomas, and the balance in wheat at the Tithing Office to apply on the Oakey family debt to the Perpetual Emigration Fund. During the winter of 1866-1867, most of the house fell down, as it had been built of mud without a stone foundation, so T was compelled to build a new one. ''For the benefit of our children, I shall relate how I built a house sixteen feet wide by thirty-four feet long and two stories high, practically without money or credit. ''After the spring work was done on the farm, I moved the family into a small granary, cleared the debris of the old house away and hauled rock for the foundation. Abraham Enough, the mason, was under contract to make adobes for Robert Gilchrist, but would rather lay rock if I could arrange with Gil- christ. When I approached Gilchrist on the matter, he was quite willing that Enough should work for me, and I could pay him (Gilchrist) by making a pair of pants each for himself and brother Niel ; thus I got the foundations laid. "I was considering the best way to get the adobes for the walls, when my neighbor, xA.ndrew F.Peterson, proposed that if I would furnish the material and make him a suit of clothes, he would make my adobes. Making the clothes was a small matter, but to furnish the material was a serious consideration; however, I finally agreed to it. I sheared sheep and earned wool from which my wife spun and wove cloth for two suits of clothes. The one I paid Peterson for the adobes, the other I gave to John Andreason for build- ing the walls. 170 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i867 ''I procured window and door frames from John C. Nagle which had come out of the buildings at Camp Floyd. I hauled timber from the canyons and made sleepers for floors and plates and stringers for the roof. Several men who were owing me for work, done the year previous and were now working at John Zimmerman's saw mill in American Fork Canyon, paid me in lumber and shingles. I also exchanged work with Newal A. Brown by binding grain for him in the forenoon and receiving his help in putting on the roof in the afternoon when the grain was too dry to bind. "The shingle nails used were second hand ones from Camp Floyd and cost 30 cents a pound, while new nails cost 75 cents a pound. The lumber for casings and upstairs floors I bought from Latimer & Taylor, of Salt Lake City, paying $15.00 down and promising to pay a fat pig to weigh about 200 pounds at killing time for the balance. I procured the lum- ber for the lower floors from Anthony Ivins, of Salt Lake City, agreeing to pay in geese, at the rate of one goose for fifty feet of lumber, the geese to be delivered in time for Christmas dinner. I delivered the geese on time, but I had to leave Lehi in a blind- ing snow storm to do it. The nails used in the con- struction of the building were made by James W. Taylor and cost two cents each in currency or one cent in gold. I did my own lathing and exchanged work with William Clark and John E. Ross for the plastering. Thus we were able to move into the house and occupy it, although it was not entirely fin- ished. Best of all, it had no encumbrance upon it." CHAPTER XIII. The Black Hawk War. 1865-1867. ALMOST twenty years had elapsed since the pio- neers first essayed their fortune on the banks of the great Inland Sea. The two decades had wit- nessed many changes, both in the life of the settlers themselves and in the conditions which confronted them. Carrying out their colonization policy, they had spread into all parts of the Territory, founding little colonies on a basis of permanency and self-sup- port. The southern and central parts of Utah, espe- cially, had been the scene of numerous attempts at establishino: settlements, and in the main thev were successful. Thus there grew up San Pete, Sevier, Piute, Iron, and Beaver counties. The colonists had almost universally been at peace with the Indians. Naturally, disagreements had arisen over various matters, but with patience and forbearance they had generally been adjusted without delay or trouble. Still, the never-ceasing advance of the whites had aroused the animosity of many of the Indians, so that by 1865 it w^as a delicate matter to restrain them. On April 9, 1865, in Manti, during the course of a quarrel over some stolen cattle, John Lowry of that place unceremoniously pulled a certain Chief Jake 172 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1865 from his horse, thereby seriously offending his dig- nity and inciting the ire of his tribesmen. It needed but this trifling cause to fan the subdued anger of the Indians into flames. The same night the red men raided the cattle and drove most of them off. Next day they attacked a rescuing party and killed one of its members. Thus began the Black Hawk War, so named from the wily chief who later assumed the leadership of the savages. The Territorial militia was immediately mustered into service, and during the next three summers, under command of Daniel H. Wells, it performed val- uable service in protect- ing the lives and prop- erty of the southern settlers. As part of this citizen soldiery, forty men from Lehi participated in the war. At different times during 1866 and 1867, they joined expeditions to the south and served in the campaigns in San Pete and Sevier counties. At home the utmost vigilance was observed; the town was con- stantly under guard; the cattle and horses were watched with unceasing care. As a result, Lehi's to- tal loss in the Black Hawk War was a few horses. GEORGE WILLIAM KIRKHAM, A Pioneer of 1859. 1866] THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 173 PRELIMINARY EXPEDITIONS. The first company to leave Lehi was under com- mand of Washburn Chipman, of American Fork, and the date of its departure was March 3, 1866. To- gether with a number of men from neighboring towns, James Kirkham, Wilham Simmonds, EH- ._ sha H. Davis, Jr., James Lamb, and Henry Mal- let made up this party. The route lay through Cedar Valley, Tintic Valley and then south to Cherry Creek. Dur- ing the whole march, the expedition never once caught sight of an Indian, although several times they were in the near proximity of skir- mishes between the sav- ages and other troops. The company disbanded in Lehi, March 22. A second relief party was organized in the follow- ing April to rescue some white men who had been taken captive by Chief Tabby, in Strawberry Valley, of whose condition the people of Lehi had learned through Joseph Murdock of Heber. Under the com- mand of Colonel Paulinas H. Allred, Samuel Taylor, William Bone, Jr., John Bushman, Edward Cox, Wil- liam Sparks, John Zimmerman, James Kirkham, WILLIAM YATES. 174 HISTORY OF LEHI. ti866 Elisha H. Davis, Jr., Edwin Goodwin, Daniel W. Thomas, Henry Mallet, and Stephen Ross joined a like number of men from American Fork and four from Pleasant Grove, and proceeded to the mouth of Provo Canyon, where they expected to be joined by rein- forcements from Provo. Shortly before reaching that place, however, a messenger from Heber met them and informed them that through a bribe of a number of cattle, the captives had been released. The company immediately returned home, but held them- selves in readiness for service at a moment's notice.* FIRST COMPANY TO SAN PETE. Abraham G. Conover organized in Provo, on May 1, the first company from Utah County which went to the seat of war in San Pete. With this party were James Lamb, Mathias Peterson, Thomas Fowler, Robert Fox, and John Karren from Lehi. James Lamb held the rank of sergeant, while Thomas Fow- ler was captain of ten. The service of the company consisted of guarding *On the way to American Fork, a little incident happened to the Lehi contingent which threatened to delay their rescue ex- pedition temporarily. Besides their horses, the men brought a number of pack animals. Among these was a wild mule, bor- rowed by Henry Mallet from John C. Nagle, and loaded now with frying pans, skillets and other cooking utensils. Disliking the noise made by its pack, the beast determined to rid him- self of it, so unexpectedly began a wild dash for liberty. The whole party joined in pursuit. The chase was a merry one — the mule in the lead with the din of the dishes worse than ever, the men following at full speed close behind, and adding not a little to the disturbance with their excited cries. But Fate was against the descendant of Balaam's loquacious quadruped — all at once it plunged head foremost in a deep mudhole, whence with much difficulty the men extricated it. 1866] THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 175 the towns in San Pete and Sevier counties. They accompanied a number of scouting and foraging expe- ditions, and at one time went as far south as Circle Valley. They were mustered out of service July 18. SECOND COMPANY. Came another call for men on June 12. In response, William H. \\ inn was appointed captain of a com- pany, John Zimmerman as his second lieutenant, Jas- per Rolf as sergeant, and the following as privates : Loren Olmstead, John Bushman, Henry Mallet, Ed- win Goodwin, Samuel Taylor, Alfred Turner, and William Bone, Jr. Their work was similar to that of the first company — guarding the property of the towns in San Pete and Sevier. Especially was this company active around Fountain Green and Mount Pleasant, although they made numerous expeditions into the neighboring mountains. Accompanying General Daniel H. Wells home, they disbanded Aug- ust 13. THIRD COMPANY. The third expedition in which Lehi men served was organized in Payson on July 3, with Jonathan S. Page of that city as captain. Frank Molen acted as sergeant, while George McConnell, Daniel W. Thomas, Newal A. Brown, Joseph Ashton, William Mathews, John E. Ross, and Thomas Karren, Jr., served as privates. Scouting in the mountains of San Pete, Sevier and Piute counties made up the work of this company. They were released from service August 25. 176 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1866-1867 FOURTH COMPANY. The last company of this year was formed in Amer- ican Fork, August 7, Alva Green of that place acting as captain. Stephen Ross, John W. Wing, John Rob- erts, Jr., Jacob Cox, and David Pearce made up the Lehi contingent. With Fountain Green as its head- quarters, this company scouted throughout the whole of San Pete Valley, with occasional trips into Sevier County. Its members were discharged October 7. FIFTH COMPANY. The opening of spring, in 1867, saw hostilities be- tween the Indians and whites break out with greater ferocity than ever. Chief Black Hawk proved an ex- tremely sagacious i\nd wily foe, hard to apprehend, and always striking at unexpected places. It was during this summer that the hardest cam- paign was waged against him and that he was practically subdued. Under Orson P. Miles, of Salt Lake City, a number of Lehi men en- listed April 22. They were Daniel W.Thomas, who acted now as sec- ond lieutenant, Stephen Ross, John Bushman, William Bone, Jr., Geo. McConnell, and Byron FRANK MOLEN AND WIFE. W, BrOWU. It will be 1867] THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 177 observed that all of these men except the last had been in service the previous year. Since the settlers had decided to abandon, temporarily at least, their homes, this company assisted in the evacuation of Richfield, Glenwood, Alma, and Salina.* Just before July 24, some of the militiamen from Lehi were al- lowed to return home on furlough, while John Worl- ton, Thomas F. Trane, Wiclifife Smith, and Hyland D. Wilcox were sent forward to replace them. This relief party left Lehi July 20, joined their company at Ephraim and continued in service until the whole company was discharged, August 6. The men on fur- lough were on the point of returning when they re- ceived notice of the cessation of hostilities. On August 19, Black Hawk made a treaty of peace with the white men in Strawberry Valley. This event marked the close of the war, although a few depreda- tions were committed in the south the next year by Indians who did not know that an agreement had been reached. During the course of the war the men who had re- mained at home were equally as active as those of their townsmen who went to the front. Paulinas H. *Not all the life of the volunteers was serious. On one occa- sion, Stephen Ross, a great joker, succeeded, with the help of several others, in chaining Moroni Pratt. Pratt had long hair which became very much snarled and disheveled when he was tied to a wagon and compelled to lie all day in the bright sun. Ross told newcomers that they had succeeded in subduing a crazy man, and indeed the appearance of the prisoner, who was straining at his chains, muttering all sorts of imprecations and foaming at the mouth, amply bore him out. Finally, when a large number had collected, Pratt succeeded in breaking loose and started for the crowd. With all speed, these turned and fled to the hills, only returning when assured that the "crazy man" had been captured. IS 178 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1867 Allred and Edward W. Edwards assisted nobly in drilling the recruits in the first rudimentary knowl- edge of the manual of arms. Various others — notably Andrew A. Pe- terson, Samuel Briggs, and James Harwood — furnished horses, sad- dles, mules, wagons, guns, and ammunition. Due to the abandon- ment of the towns in southern Utah, Lehi re- ceived a small increase in her population. An- drew R. Anderson, Pe- ter J. ChristofTerson, and George Beck had ANDREW A. PETERSON. lived in the districts where most of the fight- ing had taken place and now moved to Lehi. WAR REMINISCENCES. One of the best ways of obtaining an accurate con- ception of a historical event is to listen to the story of that event as told by the participants themselves. Fortunately, it is possible to present here the accounts of various incidens pertaining to the war as related by men from Lehi who served in it. Says John W. Wing: "I well remember the drilling we received in mil- itary maneuvers, one being to shoot at an enemy 1865-1867] THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 179 while going at full speed. The whole company would be drawn up in line, and at a given signal would charge towards a target. When within one hundred yards, we would receive the order to wheel and fire. We were then supposed to discharge our arms at the target and return to the point of begiH- ning without slacking speed. About the first time we tried this exercise, we almost killed each other, for instead of all firing simultaneously, only a very few succeeded in firing together. This so frightened the horses that they became almost unmanageable, while the firing continued until we reached the start- ing point. One man shot his horse through the head between the ears, killing him instantly." William Bone, Jr., relates the following: '' A rather remarkable incident occurred June 2, 1867. Our company was camped near the Sevier River bridge, on its return from helping the people of Scipio abandon that town. Some time before sun- down, as William Tunbridge and myself were enjoy- ing a stroll along the river, we stopped a few minutes on the edge of the bank, which at this place was fully ten feet high. Presently we moved back a distance, when several rods of the bank about ten feet wide, fell with a crash to the river bed below. Instantly Tunbridge remarked, 'An Indian outbreak.' The water in the river was some distance away, so the bed was dry at this place, which makes it more re- markable that the bank should fall the moment we stepped ofY it. "When we returned to camp, Tunbridge told the captain of the incident, and insisted that an Indian 180 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1865-1867 outbreak was imminent. The captain, to be on the side of safety-, ordered an extra guard placed that night. The next day we received the sad news that Major John Wesley Vance, of Alpine, and Heber Houtz, of Salt Lake City, had been killed on Twelve- Mile Creek the evening before, and by comparing notes, we found that these men were shot at about the same time the bank fell. **The most desperate struggle I ever had to keep awake happened while we were stationed at Fort Gunnison. A ru- mor reached us that In- dians had been seen in Salina Canyon about twenty miles away, and it was decided by our captain to place a picket guard at a convenient place to observe the movements of the red men. Daniel W.Thomas, two men from Ameri- can Fork and myself were selected for the task. After receiving our instructions, we started for the canyon in the night, as we hoped to be in position before the first gray light of dawn was visible in the east. When near our destination, we left the road and skirted the side hills of the canyon to a sheltered cave, where we WILLIAM L. HUTCHINGS, A Hand Cart Veteran. 1865-1867] THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 181 left the horses in charge of the .'■*-'>en from American Fork. "In the darkness Thomas and I crawled to the top of the ridge, and each selected a high point command- ing a view of the canyon and the surrounding coun- try. As this was the second night we had gone with- out sleep, the effort to keep awake was almost more than human na- ture could endure. Thomas resorted to pounding his head with a stone, while I pricked myself with a pin. Fi- nally the sun came up, flooding the mountains and valleys with light and beauty, and as the warm rays poured down iipon us, our eyes grew heavy and our limbs be- came numb. But we dared not give way, for perhaps life and death depended on our vigi- lance. At noon we exchanged places wnth our com- panions, and eventually passed through the long sum- mer day. "When it was fully dark, we left the canyon and re- turned to camp, not having seen any Indians. We explained to the captain the great danger of having CHARLES PHILLIPS, A Pioneer of 1866. 182 HISTORY OF LEHI. (I866 a picket guard so far away from the main body. The practice was afterwards discontinued." Samuel Taylor says : "I have never suffered so much with the cold as I did on the night of June 20, 1866, although it was in the middle of summer. Our company was going over the mountains to Circle Valley, when, near the top of the divide, we received word that Indians had been seen in the neighborhood. We camped that night on the ridge and one-half the company was placed on guard. Another young man and myself were stationed on a high cliff where the wind blew directly upon us, and before morning I thought I should perish. I be- lieve this was the coldest night I ever experienced. "Being in suspense and always looking for Indians, it is no wonder that some men with a superabundance of imagination saw them where they did not exist. A striking case of this kind happened as we were on the way to Fish Lake. When we reached the high ridge between Grass Valley and Fish Lake, some of the men saw Indians in the timber near the lake. We were all ordered to dismount and form into skirmish lines, except a few men who were placed in charge of the horses. In this manner we proceeded towards the lake, covering the entire distance by a series of running, hiding, crouching, crawling, and charging movements. Fortunately, we found that the Indians were all imaginary." The following from Robert Fox: "One time, while camped at Gunnison, we received word to proceed to Salina at double quick time. When we arrived, we found the town already deserted by its 1866] THE BLACK HAWK WAR. 183 inhabitants. Chickens cackled and pigs squealed, but no human being was in sight. We afterwards learned that the day previous to our visit. Black Hawk, with a band of warriors, had swooped down on the little town and stolen every horse and cow in the place. Then the dusky chieftain, who spoke English fluently, had ridden around the settlement and tauntingly shouted for the men to come out and get their cows or their papooses would go hungry. During the night the inhabitants fled to Manti, leaving the town as we found it. ''One time Captain Conover took about a dozen of us young men with him on a scouting trip. We had not gone far when we noticed what we supposed to be a steer near the mouth of a canyon. Immedi- ately three or four of the most thoughtless ones among us started after the object, but the captain called them back and told us that this was not a steer, as we supposed. Upon firing a shot at the dark ob- ject in the distance, we were surprised to see a cow- hide thrown in the air and the object resolve itself into two Indians, who quickly disappeared up the canyon." Joseph Ashton tells this : *'While our company was stationed at Twelve-Mile Creek, in July, 1866, John E. Ross and I spent a very pleasant afternoon fishing in the stream. About sundown the mosquitoes became so annoying that we concluded to return to camp, which was in plain sight, some distance away. As we went along swing- ing our hats to brush away the troublesome insects, the picket guard mistook our movements for danger 184 HISTORY OF LEHI. [I866 signals, and hurried to camp to give the alarm. We noticed a great deal of activity in camp, so we quick- ened our speed, v^ondering what was the matter. When our companions saw us running, they became greatly alarmed, and hurriedly grasping their weap- ons, they mounted their horses and hastened out to meet us. As they drew near, they inquired in very excited tones what the trouble was. We told them we had no trouble except the mosquitoes, and would like very much to know what had happened in camp. To our surprise they informed us that we had caused all the excitement. Later, when matters were ex- plained in camp, our supposedly great danger caused no little amusement." Such was Lehi's part in the Black Hawk War, the last conflict of importance with the Indians. For their service these volunteers received nothing. Immedi- ately after the last campaign a report was submitted which showed that the struggling young Territory had expended $1,121,037.38 to protect the lives and property of its inhabitants, that seventy of its citizens had met their death, and that twenty-five towns had been abandoned. Repeated attempts have been made both to obtain remuneration and have the veterans of the conflict placed on the Federal pension list. So far, all efforts have been without avail. Happily, the State of Utah has not acted in the same manner. During the legislative session of 1913, $25,000.00 was appro- priated as pay for the volunteers in the Indian wars. Thus does virtue and bravery, after many days, re- ceive its reward. CHAPTER XIV. Beginnings of Business Life. 1862-1883. IN THE establishment of settlements in Utah, com- merce played but a small part. The pioneers at- tached themselves to the soil and wrested their live- lihood from it, thus assuring a future permanent and unquestionable. The immeasurable stores of mineral wealth buried in the adjoining mountains they left untouched; it remained for other hands to profit by Nature's bounteousness there. Neither did they at- tempt to follow the example of their predecessors in the Great Basin and engage in trapping and fur trad- ing. Their sole aim — and in this they followed the advice of their leaders — was to obtain possession of the land — time would take care of the rest. Hence, there was no occasion for commerce, except in the rudest forms of barter and trade. But, similar to all other colonies on the frontiers of civilization, later growth wrought changes to those in Utah in this as in other respects. At first the settlers were hard put to it to obtain the bare necessities of life; but with the passing years came greater prosperity, and hence, also, a surplus of prod- ucts. From this arose the possibility and the desire to trade, and at this point enters commerce'. In Lehi the advent of this stage is easily recognized, because it came, not gradualy, but all at once, through 186 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1862 the establishment of Gamp Floyd. The trade which grew up between the city and the barracks has been noted before. Here was the possibility of commerce — it needed but a short time for men to recognize it as such, and utilize it. In Lehi one of these men was Thomas Taylor, and with his work as intermedir ary between the farmers of the town and the soldiers of the camp began Lehi's commercial history. THE FIRM OF T. AND W. TAYLOR. Shortly after the abolishment of Camp Floyd, Thomas and WilHam W. Taylor determined to go into the mercantile bus- iness for themselves. To their minds, the grow- ing population of Lehi was sufificient justifica- tion for the venture. Ob- taining a stock of goods, they began a mercantile business in a building erected on the corner of Main and Second West Streets. This was the first real store ^ in Lehi, and the site of this initial venture has been in use by various com- panies ever since.* The merchandise of the store *Although this was the first real store in Lehi, goods had been previously sold in private dw^ellings. Among those who traded in this fashion were Thomas Taylor, Abram Hatch, Wil- liam W. Taylor, and George Leslie. WILLIAM W. TAYLOR. 1868] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 187 was obtained from Salt Lake City, and because of the great cost of transporting most of it across the plains, the prices were necessarily high. LEHI UNION EXCHANGE. The next commercial enterprise was the Lehi Union Exchange, founded in 1868, as a result of agi- tation on the part of Israel Evans, who, while on a mission to England, had studied the Rochdale co-op- erative system, and now believed the same plan of co- operation could be utilized beneficially in his own city. In a meeting called by Bishop Evans, and attended by Israel Evans. William Wanlass, John Zimmerman, William Clark, Thomas R. Jones, Andrew A. Peter- son, Joseph A. Thomas, and James O. Powell, the project was launched and definite plans made for its maintenance. David Evans was elected president of the company; William Wanlass, secretary; John Zim- merman, treasurer; Israel Evans, William Clark, and Thomas R. Jones, directors ; and it was capitalized for $350.00, in shares of $25.00 each. Several of the in- corporators volunteered to haul the first goods free of charge. Thus was organized the first co-operative store in Utah. On July 23 the new company opened its establish- ment for business. Its first quarters consisted of a little building on Third West and First South Streets, now used as a granary by Andrew R. Anderson. The enterprise met with immediate success, so much so that at the end of the first six months of business a dividend of $28.20 a share — over 100 per cent — was declared, although it had been originally intended 188 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1868 that any profits should be used towards the estab- lishment of other industries, notably a grist mill and woolen mill. This unlooked-for prosperity necessi- tated the obtaining of more commodious quarters, which was done through the purchase of the present site of the City Hall from Hyrum Norton. The com- pany immediately excavated a cellar and commenced the construction of a building. Twice did the winds blow the frame work over, but before a third attempt BUILDING OF LEHI UNION EXCHANGE. was necessary, other changes had occurred which greatly altered the status of commercial affairs. With the great success of the Union Exchange and the widespread urging of the co-operative plan, the business of T. and W. Taylor had suffered to a con- siderable extent. This occasioned much discussion and not a little bitterness on both sides. As a com- 1869] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 189 promise, it was decided to consolidate the two com- panies through the purchase of the Taylor business by the Exchange. Thomas R. Cutler — a young man who later played one of the most important roles in Lehi's history — for T.- and W. Taylor, and William Wanlass for the Union Exchange, completed these negotiations, and the latter company moved at once into the building formerly occupied by the Taylor concern. Some time after this consolidation, the founding of the Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution in Salt Lake City began a widespread adoption throughout the Terri- tory of the co-operative plan. The Lehi Union Exchange was linked to the Salt Lake company as a local branch, and henceforth was known as the "Co-op," although . it had really preceded the central organiza- tion. The sign of the all-seeing eye and the inscription, "Holiness to the Lord" adorned the gabled front of the store and became fa- miliar to the trades people of the city. William Wan- lass was manager, chief clerk, and bookkeeper of the Exchange in its new home, and continued as such WILLIAM WANLASS. 190 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i866-i87i for many years. The prosperity which attended the first few years of business of the Exchange did not last. This was due to two reasons, the excessive credit system and the establishment, in 1871, of The People's Co-operative Institution. So poor, indeed, was the business of the Exchange that in 1880 it sold out to its younger rival, and was henceforth known as the "Branch." PIONEER MILLINERS. Early in Lehi's history, Mrs. Samuel James had made the first ladies' straw hats; but in 1866, Mrs. Harriet Austin Jacobs set up a millinery store which has continued in operation ever since. Mrs. Jacobs manufactured her own hats, having learned the trade while a girl in England. This pioneer head-gear was made from straw grown in Lehi, and selected, cut, split, and braided by hand. Assisting the milliner in this work were Mrs. Emma Austin, Mrs. Harriet Webb, Mrs. Sarah Gurney, Mrs. Ann Whitman, Mrs. Ann James, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cutler. Mrs. Mary A. Webb manufactured sti:aw trimmings. In July, 1868, while on a visit to Lehi, Brigham Young was so delighted with the hats worn by the women of the city that he ordered twelve from Mrs. Jacobs for his daughters, paying $4.00 each for them. THE TELEGRAPH REACHES LEHI. The autumn of 1870 saw Lehi in communication with the outside world through one of the modern inventions — the telegraph. A. Milton Musser, of Salt Lake City, acting for the Deseret Telegraph Line, installed at that time an office of his company in the 1870] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 191 residence of Bishop Evans, and placed Miss Ina John- son of Springville in charge. The company offered to teach telegraphy to any of the local young women, and promsied to place the office in their charge when they had reached a stage of sufficient proficiency. Three young ladies from Lehi, Barbara A. Evans (Mrs. John Bush), Isa- bella Karren (Mrs. Sam- uel R. Thurman), and Harriet A. Zimmerman (Mrs. Henry M. Royle), undertook to solve the mysteries of dots and dashes under the tutor- ship of Miss Johnson, at the rate of $5.00 a month. Since the office was in her home, Miss Evans rapidly outstrip- ped her rivals and ob- tained the position. The telegraph continued in operation until May, 1872, when, on account of insuf- ficient receipts, it was abandoned. Miss Evans then accepted a similar position in Farmington. MRS. BARBARA EVANS BUSH. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. The .completion of the track of the Utah Southern Railroad into Lehi marked an important epoch in the growth of the city. The arrival of the first train on September 23, 1872, meant much to the citizens, both 192 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1872 as to their future development and their immediate satisfaction. Many of them, and especially the chil- dren, had never seen a train before, so the first shriek of the iron monster v^as anticipated for weeks and re- alized with intense delight. The effect of the advent of the railroad in Lehi was almost magical. State Street witnessed a mush- room growth of saloons, boarding houses, and small UTAH SOUTHERN STATION IN 1873. shops; commodities became cheaper at once; and great numbers of people moved into the city. For a year the terminus of the road was in Lehi, and this made the city the distributing center for goods shipped to the towns of the south. Many of the men obtained profitable employment in freighting, and in 1872] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 193 addition much money was spent in the city by freight- ers from other districts. Furthermore, a narrow gauge line was constructed to American Fork Can- yon to tap the smelting being done there in the Miller and other mines. This proved profitable to Lehi, both as a market for goods and in furnishing work in haul- ing supplies and ore. In the station, the railroad op- erated a telegraph system and placed it in charge of Miss Barbara Evans who had returned from Farm- inofton. The old Utah Southern has been succeeded by the Union Pacific, and at present by the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railway. THE PEOPLE'S CO-OPERATIVE INSTITUTION. Of the various business concerns which sprang up around the Utah Southern station only one took per- manent form — The People's Co-operative Institution. In anticipation of the arrival of the railway, and its resulting value to adjacent real estate and business, Thomas R. Cutler had, in 1871, a year previous to the coming of the railroad, commenced a mercantile bus- iness in a little adobe building, fourteen by twenty feet, built by William W. Taylor on the south-east corner of Second East and State Streets. Cutler con- ducted the business alone during the first year, but the advent of the Utah Southern made additional help necessary. Accordingly he employed William Hutch- ings, who assumed charge of a meat market, and Ed- win Standring. James W. Taylor, on April 4, 1872, secured the first license for the store from the City Council. The same year, on December 21, the company incorpo- 14 194 HISTORY OF LEHI. [187: rated under the name of People's Co-operative Insti- tution, with a capital stock of $28,000.00, divided into 700 shares of a part value of $40.00. James W. Taylor was elected president, Isaac Goodwin, vice-president ; Thomas R. Cutler, secretary-treasurer, and Samuel Briggs, A^'illiam Bone, Sr., and Jesse Smith, directors. In addition to the ordinary mercantile business, the ''People's Co-op," as it has since been called, engaged, conjointly with Ira D. Wines, in the forward- ing business, as long as Lehi remained the ter- minal point of the Utah Southern. The company also purchased the agency of Bain wagons and farm machinery from Howard Sebree, and operated a lumber yard. For a time it also acted as the shipping agent for the Copper- opolis smelter in Mam- moth, sending the ore from that plant to Bos- ton. Nor was its activ- ity confined to these things. Essaying the part of manufacturer, the "Co-op" produced the first com- mercial made shoes in the Territory, and the first furniture. The shoe shop, under the direction of Ed- ward Southwick, made an excellent grade of boots, shoes and women's shoes, most of which were sold to WILLIAM BONE, SEN. 1872-1903] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 195 the Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution in Salt Lake. Peter Loutensock had charge of the fur- niture department. Later methods, which could pro- duce goods more cheap- ly, eventually drove the "Co-op" out of the man- ufacturing business. Thomas R. Cutler continued as manager of the company until April 29, 1893, when he resigned to assume con- trol of the afifairs of the Utah Sugar Company. \\'illiam E. Racker, who had acted as assistant manager for some time, was selected as his suc- cessor. Under Racker's direction prosperity con- tinued to attend the en- hans hammer. terprise, so much so that in 1899 the capital stock was increased to $100,000.00, of which $60,000.00 was paid up. February 3, 1903, Manager Racker accepted a call for a mission to Denmark, and his duties fell upon Samuel I. Goodwin, who has since successfully di- rected the afTairs of the company. From time to time the corporation has added to its stock and premises, until today the People's Co-operative Institution is as modern, efficient, and successful a mercantile plant as can be found in the whole State. 196 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1877 THE LIVERY BUSINESS. The livery business in Lehi had a peculiar begin- ning. In April, 1877, James Harwood, who at that time was a postmaster and carried the mails, desired a vacation, and so hired Hans Hammer to act in his absence. Having bought Harwood's buggy and bor- rowed his horse, Hammer, upon the advice of a phy- sician, continued carrying the mail after the postmas- ter's return. One day as he was leaving the station, a stranger inquired the way to lodgings and Hammer obligingly took him there. With this as a beginning, he soon learned to provide strangers with transpor- tation about town. After he had used Harwood's horse a year. Hammer finally bought one himself, which immediately proceeded to demolish his only buggy in a runaway. The first livery stable was a straw shed on Main Street, where Darling's Hotel stands. After six years' use, a hail storm demolished this structure, and a new stable was built on the north side of the street, where the business is still con- ducted. A landmark in the Hammer concern was a horse, Old Roney by name, which, purchased in 1881, was in use until 1912, when he died. Upon the death of Hans Hammer, in 1905, his sons assumed control of the enterprise. Samuel's death in 1907 left George and Joseph in charge. At the present. Hammer Brothers' Livery is fully equipped with all kinds of necessary vehicles and with thirty horses. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RAILWAY. The summer of 1881 witnessed Lehi placed on the second trans-continental railway — the Denver & Rio 1881] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 197 Grande. This road chose to come hito the southern and western parts of the city. Its advent furnished considerable employment to Lehi workmen, because most of the grading was contracted to Lehi men, among them David Evans, Jr., and Samuel R. Thur- man. Until 1889 the road was a narrow gauge, but after that year it was enlarged and equipped with standard rolling stock. T. F. TRANE MERCANTILE COMPANY. As the People's Co-operative Institution had been successful in the proximity of the Utah Southern sta- tion, so, upon the arrival of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, an attempt was made to establish a mercantile business near that station. Thomas F. Trane and Augustus Powell were the promoters of this venture, and they finished their building and opened their store in June, 1883. Many changes were made in the ownership of this store. Powell soon sold his interest to Samuel P. Teasdale of Salt Lake, and soon afterwards Trane disposed of part of his hold- ings to Prime Evans. The firm of Trane and Evans continued but a short time when Teasdale bought the latter out, and Trane conducted the store as agent for the Salt Lake man. In 1894, through the failure in business of Teasdale, the store was discontinued. THE FIRST BUTCHER. As early as 1855, Joseph Dorton began the slaugh- tering of animals for food for the settlers. He had been called to come to Lehi by Brigham Young, and had moved his family here after selling the corner of 198 HISTORY OF LEHI, [1855 Main Street and Third South, Salt Lake City (where now stands Walker's store), for a yoke of oxen. When the Lehi Union Exchange was established, he con- ducted the meat department of that institution. At a later date he began business on his own account, on the north side of Main Street, where, since his death, his sons have conducted a shop. CATTLE AND SHEEP. When the settlers of Lehi first began their terrible struggle to build homes on Dry Creek, they found the surrounding country covered to some ex- tent with bunch grass and meadow grass, far more than in later times. This they soon learned formed excel- lent feed for their cat- tle, and they were not slowinusingit. Often, indeed, they cut much of it with the scythe for hay. One crop was easily obtained, and in addition sufficient grazing • to satisfy their animals until Christmas, if the weather permitted. Each family possessed only a few cattle, and these were generally herded with all the others of the settlement, this work being the spe- AN OLD LOOM. 1860] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 199 cial task of the boys. The lands south and west of the city were the l)est grazing grounds. As the population of the town was augmented by new arrivals and economic life developed, certain in- dividuals began to secure ownership of more than the original quota of catttle, and as a branch of farm life engaged in raising them for profit. To make this possible, the grazing lands on the w^est were extended into the foothills. Finally, when it had been indisput- a1)ly demonstrated that the business could be con- ducted with profit, a number of men launched into cattle raising as their sole occupation. Taking ad- vantage of West Canyon, they allowed their animals to feed in the mountains, and their herds might often be found far away from Lehi. Cattle raising, either as a branch of farming or as a vocation, has continued to occupy the attention of many of the citizens of Lehi until the present. Many years after the cattle had found nourishing- food on the foothills, sheep W'Cre introduced and al- lowed to graze in their place.* At first they found excellent pasturage in the vicinity of Lehi, but later, wdien w^ool raising had become more extensive, the herds w^ere compelled to seek new regions. While fewer of Lehi's citizens have been w^ool growers than cattle men, yet those who have engaged in this in- dustry have generally found it |)rofitable, and a few have reaped fortunes from it. *The first sheep in Lehi came from a herd which was being taken from the Missouri to Cahfornia. On account of the unex- pected cold, the herders decided to remain in Lehi during the winter; but scarcity of feed compelled them to sell mnny of their flock to Lehi farmers. [ 200 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i857 A later development of the cattle business was dairying. While the production of butter was an es- tablished part of farm work, yet in addition there have been attempts to maintain dairies. The first was built by Israel Evans, near the Jordan River. For a number of years it was operated, but finally it closed down. A later creamery was erected by a company of Lehi stockholders on the county road, a short dis- tance east of the city. It was maintained with profit until it burned down. Farmers now sell their milk either in neighboring cities in Utah County or in Salt Lake City. THE FIRST HOTELS. It was many years after the founding of Lehi that the first hotel was erected, or even a building wholly devoted to that purpose. At first, David Evans fur- nished lodgings to visitors. In 1857, Abram Hatch threw open part of his house in which to entertain strangers. But it was not until after the arrival of the D. & R. G. railroad, in 1881, that a real hotel was operated. At that time Mrs. Sarah Smith built an adobe building on Main Street and Fourth West, where formerly had been a store belonging to John Woodhouse, and conducted it as a restaurant, Lehi being one of the eating places for passengers on the railroad. This building is still used as a hotel. PIONEER DOCTORS AND DRUGGISTS. In the days of Lehi's founding, when sickness or injury befel any of the pioneers, they would imme- diately send for Mrs. Lucy Cox, who, by means of an immense fund of useful, practical knowledge, to « 1881] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 201 say nothing of home brewed remedies from herbs, could immediately render them valuable assistance. For many years she continued to help her neighbors, especially the members of her own sex. Following her, at a much later date, was ''Cap" Hart, a former sailor, who had some knowledge of homeopathic medicine and who was able to aid suf- ferers especially from measles and fever. He made no pretense at surgical knowledge or skill. Many of the fractured limbs were set in early times by John Woodhouse who, along with numerous other accomplishments, was also something of a practical surgeon. The first real doctor to practice in Lehi was Thomas S. Wadsworth. Dr. Wadsworth was a na- tive of Iowa, and had resided in Ogden and Ameri- can Fork before moving to Lehi, in 188L With his medical skill he was able to alleviate much suffering that had hitherto been necessary. The first drug store was opened in Lehi, in 1881, by Robert E. Collett. Some years later David Ellingson and Dr. C. L. Seabright also started in the pharmacy business. Dr. Seabright afterwards practiced medi- cine. Still other druggists were T. J. Wadsworth, who began business in 1897, and H. B. Merrihew, who followed him one year later. THE WARM SPRINGS. The warm springs west of Utah Lake had attracted the attention of the pioneers of Lehi, but it was a number of years after the founding of the city that John C. Nagle moved from the Cold Springs south to 202 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1880-1900 the warm ones. Later he took up title to the land. Seeing what he considered great potential possibil- ities in the springs, John Beck purchased the ranch from Nagle, and after unsuccessful attempts to utilize it as a chicken and a fruit farm, he opened it as a public resort, named it Saratoga, and built a swim- ming pool for the hot water, later following this with a much larger one. As such it was used until pur- SARATOGA. chased by the Utah Sugar Company. Many improve- ments were made, and every measure taken to make it one of the best resorts in the West. The efifort was not wholly successful; Saratoga became widely and favorably known ; but lack of railroad facilities made the place unprofitable. It was therefore operated only on a small scale. Various efforts have been made to 1871] BEGINNINGS OF BUSINESS LIFE. 203 obtain railroad connections, and when finally they culminate in success, Saratoga will come into her own; for her location near the lake, her medicinal w^a- ters, her beautiful surroundings make her by natural endowment the equal of any resort in the inter-moun- tain country. pionep:r jewelers. In 1871, Gudmund Gudmundson established the first jewelry shop in Lehi. There had l)een but scant need for such a place heretofore. Using the back room of Hans Hammer's residence for two years, Gudmundson moved into the building now adjoin- ing the fire department. His son, Abraham, later built a shop on his own lot on the south side of Main Street. Joseph Broadbent and Ernest Webb have main- tained shops at a later date. CHAPTER XV. Continued Growth. 1868-1890. TO chronicle now is the period between 1868 and 1890. These two decades are remarkable only for their steady, consistent growth. Again are seen the most gratifying results, accruing, not from any single event or combination of circumstances whose character was unusual or exciting, but rather from the every day life of the people. It is work that makes growth, and the development of Lehi during this period can be ascribed to the energy, frugality, and industry of its citizens. For example, if the municipal elections passed ofT biennially without un- toward incident or over-abundant comment, then that does not speak of any lack of interest in them, but rather bears testimony of the stability of the political institutions of the time. THE SWETT TRAGEDY. During the close of the year 1868, Lehi was witness to one of the most diabolical crimes ever committed within her boundaries. On account of the White Pine mining boom, west of the city, considerable freighting was carried on with Lehi as the starting point. Among the miners who passed through were Harlem P. Swett and a man named Mayfield, together with a teamster whom they had hired in Salt Lake, 1868] CONTINUED GROWTH. 205 Chauncy W. Millard. It later developed that Millard was a street Arab of New York, who, after a short service as a Union soldier, had drifted west in search of adventure. Passing south along the west side of the lake, the three men camped December 11 at the Stone House. Here Millard attempted to put into execution a fiendish scheme, which he had no doubt planned since joining his companions. Securing possession of Mayfield's revolver, the depraved youth — he was only 18 — cowardly shot Swett in the back as he sat unsuspectingly be- fore the fire, killing him instantly. Turning his attention next to May- field, who was in the wagon just then search- ing for his revolver, Mil- lard fired point blank at him, but in some way barely missed his aim. Mayfield jumped from the wagon and fled for the lake, followed by Millard who emptied his revolver as he ran. One shot took effect in Mayfield's hand. Crossing the lake on the ice, the wounded man gained the present site of Murdock's resort, and from there managed to reach Lehi. At that time John Woodhouse was Justice of the CARL J. E. FJELD, A Hand Cart Veteran. 206 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1868 Peace and he immediately sent for the body of Swett and dispatched the Constable, Joseph A. Thomas, and a posse after the murderer. A coroner's jury was then impanelled, consisting of Paulinas H. Allred, William Dawson, and Thomas F. Trane. They were unable to determine how Swett met his death, think- ing perhaps he and Mayfield had quarrelled. In the meantime, the posse had discovered the riding horse which Millard had taken, but were unable to find any other trace of the man himself. Orrin Porter Rock- well, who was living in Lehi at this time, then took up the search. Rockwell was one of the most famous frontiersmen of his time and soon located Millard at a sheep ranch in Rush Valley. Upon being brought back to Lehi, the murderer freely confessed his crime and did not seem to feel at all sorry about it. Later he was taken to Provo and executed, while his victim, Swett, was buried in the Lehi cemetery. This crime, one of the worst e\'er committed ii"! Lehi, aroused no little excitement.* THE GRASSHOPPERS RETURN. The early autumn of this year had witnessed the return of the pest that had formerly almost proved Lehi's undoing — the grasshoppers. Arriving in great hordes in August, they were unable to do much dam- age because the crops had practically matured. Every efTort was made to combat them, but their eggs the next spring hatched before the crops were well under *The execution proved what a human fiend Millard was. Selling- his body to Doctor Roberts of Provo for a pound of candy, he calmly ate the sweets while sitting in the executioner's chair awaiting the fatal shot. 1869] CONTINUED GROWTH. 207 way and did considerable damage, although nothing on the scale of the former visitation. NINTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. February 8, 1869, was the date of the ninth city election, and the Tithing Office the place where it was held. AVilliam H. Winn was chosen as Mayor ; Lsrael Evans and John Zimmerman as Aldermen; and Wil- liam Clark, \\ illiam Yates, and Oley Elling- son as Councilors. Ap- ])ointments were Joseph J. H. Colledge, Re- corder ; Charles Barnes, Treasurer; Alonzo D. Rhodes, Marshal ; and Joseph J. H. Colledge, Assessor and Collector. Because of the loss of the records of this coun- ^9 "^^Wt w(fl^ ' B^ WILLI.AM IT. WINN, .Seventh Mayor of Lehi, 1869-1875; 1877-1878. cil, it is impossible to give the other appointments. THE MEETING HOUSE FIRE. On February 6, 1870, while Charles D. Evans was making an address at a regular Sunday morning ser- vice in the Meeting House, Isaac Fox and a number of other boys who were playing in John Zimmer- man's lot, discovered that smoke was issuing from the roof of the church. They immediately warned 208 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i87o several larger boys who were congregated just out- side the building, and those in turn communicated the alarm to those inside, Charles Karren stepping to the door and shouting for the people to come out. This they immediately proceeded to do. The fire, which by this time had spread along the whole length of the building, had started from a stove in the attic which had been left with a hot fire after the adjournment of a prayer meeting that morning. As quickly as possible, ladders were brought and a bucket brigade formed, the water being supplied from the wells of John C. Nagle, on the east, and Israel Evans, on the north. To assist further, John Stewart scaled the walls and took a position on the roof where he was able to do good work with the help of the bucket brigade. Soon the flames were under control, but not without a great deal of damage having been done. Especially was this true of the interior, where, because of excitement and thoughtlessness, the floor was ripped up, the chandeliers cut down, the lamps thrown out of the windows, the cornice pulled off and an attempt made to cut down the pillars which sup- ported the upper floor and roof. Altogether the de- struction wrought by the excited people was as great as the damage from the fire. A long time and con- siderable money was necessary fully to repair the loss. TENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The tenth civic election resulted in the re-choosing of the present incumbents — William H. Winn, Mayor; Israel Evans and John Zimmerman, Alder- men; William Clark, William Yates, and Oley Elling- son. Councilors. They resumed their duties on 1871] CONTINUED GROWTH. 209 March 4, 1871, and selected Joseph J. H. Colledge as Recorder and Alonzo D. Rhodes as Marshal. Four days later the following appointments were made : Attorney and Sexton, George William Thurman ; Supervisor, Israel Evans; Water Master, William L. Hutchings ; Pound Keeper, William Clark ; Treasurer, Charles Barnes; Inspec- tor of Wood and Lum- ber, Thomas Ashton ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Joseph J. Smith; Assessor and Collector, Joseph J. H. Colledge; Policemen, Samuel Taylor, Captain, Jacob Hodge, Robert Gilchrist, Thomas Fow- ler, William Mathews, Andrew R. Anderson, Martin B. Bushman, Charles Phillips, and I'homas R. Jones ; Ex- aminers, David Evans, Israel Evans, and John Woodhouse; Fence Viewers, Daniel S. Thomas, Wil- liam Ball, Samuel Briggs, Shadrack Empey, Paulinas H. Allred, and Martin B. Bushman; Pasture Commit- tee, John Woodhouse, Alonzo D. Rhodes, and John Bushman. Changes in this set of officers were many. August 28, John Zimmerman resigned as Alderman in favor of John Woodhouse, whom he considered better qual- 16 THQMAS FOWLER. 210 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1871 I ified than himself to act as Justice of the Peace, 3 position held by Aldermen in addition to being mem- bers of the council. John E. Ross and James W. Taylor were later chosen Sexton and Attorney, re- spectively, to fill the positions vacated by George W. Thurman, deceased. William Gurney and Jacob Cox succeeded John Wood- house and Alonzo D. Rhodes on the Pasture Committee. On account of having moved some distance out of town, Alonzo D. Rhodes re- signed as Marshal, May 6, and w^as succeeded by Andrew R. Anderson. At this time Andrew A. Peterson received the appointment as jailer, the first person to serve in this capacity. On the 13th of the same month, Martin B. Bushman was placed in charge of the Estray Pound, William Clark having resigned. In October, Charles Barnes and Andrew R. Artderson resigned as Treasurer and Marshal respectively, and their places were filled by Oley Ellingson and Byron W. Brown. Frank Molen was installed as a Police- man the following January. THE CEMETERY SURVEYED. In May, 1872, Alderman Israel Evans and Sexton WILLIAM GURNEY. 1872] CONTINUED GROWTH. 211 George W. Thurman supervised the surveying of the present cemetery. It was platted with streets and blocks by William F. Greenwood of American Fork. The old burial ground had been north of the State Road and just west of Dry Creek. THE FIRST CITY HALL BUILT. In the summer of 1871, the City Council began the erection of the first city hall. A jail was to be placed underneath. The build- ing was located just back of the present City Hall and cost $750.00. Israel Evans and John W'oodhouse constituted the building committee from the council and supervised the work. In the construction of the hall, Abraham Enough and James Wiley Nor- ton were the masons and Thomas Ashton, Wesley Molen, John McComie, and John Stewart, the carpenters. ' , . ^ TORN AUSTIN. I he council held its first meeting in the newly constructed hall, April 22, 1872. THE CITY GROWS. Since the surveying of the first blocks outside the city walls, the people had been gradually making 212 HISTORY OF LEHL [1871 their homes there. New arrivals continued to build up this part of the town and Lehi increased rapidly in population. Among the first to venture so far north were John E. Ross and his wife, who built a dugout on the lot where they have resided ever since. At that time they were farther away from the walls than any one else and were entirely sur- rounded with sage brush. Joseph Ashton soon joined them and l)uilt a dugout on the corner of Third North and First East. A 1)eginning had also been made in settling the country west of Dry Creek, later known as the "New Survey." The first man to move west was James Gough, who, in 1868, took up some land immediately west of the creek. James T. Powell was the next to fol- low, John Meakin and John Johnson migrating there a few years later. The country rapidly filled up with home builders and soon became an important part of the city. END OF JORDAN BRIDGE COMPANY. The Jordan Bridge Company closed its career in JOHN JOHNSON. ANNA JOHNSON. 1871] CONTINUED GROWTH. 213 1871. From the beginning it had been financially profitable, so that when the Territorial Commissioner demanded that it be turned over to him as public property, the company was extremely dissatisfied. Nevertheless, the charter was repealed in 1866 by the following act of the Legislature : An act repealing an act granting nnto Charles Hopkins and others the right to build a bridge across the River Jordan. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That an act granting to Charles Hop- kins and others the right to build a bridge across the River Jor- dan, approved Januaray 23, 1853, is hereby repealed. Approved January 12. 1866. The company continued to charge toll at the bridge, however, until the new bridge, built in 1871 by Utah County, was opened for general use, when the old one \vas torn down and its timbers distributed among the stockholders. A SAD CHRISTMAS. The school teacher during the winter of 1871-1872 was George William Thurman. Because of his ability as a teacher, his amiable nature as a man, and his unselfish public service as a citizen, he was unir versally esteemed and honored. At Christmas tim^ Thurman had planned and* was preparing a celebra- tion for the children. Locking himself and some others in the Meeting House to make ready the Christmas tree in time for the beginning of the affair on Christmas Eve, he was busily engaged in his work of love for the little ones when the door was rudely broken open and Jed Woodward, who had formerly 214 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1871 received some chastisement from the school-master, pushed his way in. Thurman immediately ejected him, but had no "more than done so than Jed drew a revolver and shot the teacher. The death, a few hours later, of this popular young man threw the whole city into gloom and gave a sad tinge to the holiday season.* On account of some miti- gating circumstances, Woodward was sen- tenced only to serve ten years in prison. Taking advantage of a jail- breaking plot to help the officers, he was soon pardoned. He then moved to the southern part of the state, where, as the result of the con- tinuation of his bullying ways, he ran foul of an officer and was instantly killed while creating a disturbance in a dance. GEORGE WILLIAM THURMAN. ELEVENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Tlie eleventh election saw the incumbent officers, who now had served four years, re-elected for the third consecutive time^William H. Winn, Mayor; *Thurman's place as teacher was taken by his brother David J., who for the following decade served the city faithfully and efficiently. 1871] CONTINUED GROWTH. 215 Israel Evans and John Woodhouse, Aldermen; Wil- liam Clark, William Yates, and Oley EUingson, Coun- cilors. At the same election, February 10, 1873, John Roberts, Thomas Hawkins, and John Bushman were chosen School Trustees.* For the first time in the history of the town, this election does not appear to have been unanimous ; for upon petition of James W. Taylor and others, the Municipal Coilrt, consisting of the mayor, aldermen and recorder, met to determine whether the new offi- cials had been chosen according to law. After hear- ing evidence on both sides, the court decided that the election had been held legally. This was the only time in the history of Lehi that the Municipal Court ever convened. On March 4, the council appointed Joseph J. H. Colledge, Recorder; Oley EUingson, Treasurer ; Peter ChristofTerson, Marshal ; James Wiley Norton, Attor- ney ; Jesse Smith, Supervisor; Joseph J. H. Colledge, Assessor and Collector; Joseph J. Smith, Sealer of Weights and Measures; John E. Ross, Sexton; Thomas Ashton, Inspector of AAood and Lumber; and Edward W. Edwards, Jailer. From the fact that policemen were now paid a small sum, the force was *Thc following is a list of school trustees who have served in Lehi as nearly as can be determined : Preston Thomas, Daniel Collett, William Burgess, Daniel S. Thomas, Canute Peterson, Thomas Karren, Abel Evans, John Roberts. Thomas Hawkins, John Bushman, James W. Taylor, John Woodhouse. Samuel Briggs, Jacob Bushman, George Webb, Andrew A. Peterson, James P. Carter, Charles Johnson, John E. Ross, Nedson Whip- ple, John L. Gibb, James B. Gaddie, E. A. Bushman, James H. Gardner, Andrew Fjeld, Samuel I. Goodwin, Henry Lewis, John Roberts, Jr., Morgan Evans, W. S. Evans, Edward Southwick, George A. Goates, W. W. Dickerson, and Leonard Peterson. 216 HISTORY OF LEHL [1871 reduced to Thomas Fowler, Captain, William Mathews, Thomas R. Jones, and Martin B. Bushman. Peter Christofferson declined the appointment of Marshal, so Byron W. Brown was selected in his stead ; but he did not serve longer than the last of April, so that Thomas Fowler was the ultimate re- cipient of the ofifice. Martin B. Bushman was then ROSS SCHOOL HOUSE. made Captain of Police. Changes during 1874 were the appointment of Samuel R. Thurman as Auditor, James W. Norton as Jailer to succeed Edward W. Edwards, and Andrew A. Peterson as Water Master, Later both Mayor Winn and Alderman Woodhouse resigned to go on missions, and their places were filled 1872] CONTINUED GROWTH. 217 by Isaac Goodwin and Samuel R. Thurman, respec- tively. NEW SCHOOLS. As the city grew in size and population, the demand for additional schools other than the Thurman Build- ing became increasingly great. Accordingly the School Board began, in the autumn of 1872, the erec- tion of the Ross School House to accommodate the liar* 'J? ^^amami ^.i.^ ^j...^^ . .-■>- FRANKLIN SCHOOL HOUSE. children in the north-east part of -town. The lot had been purchased the previous summer. In 1873 the structure was completed and utilized. A short time after the erection of the Ross Build- ing, the City Council received a number of petitions from the people in the New Survey, or as they were 218 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i875 called in common parlance at the time, the people "over the creek," asking that they too have a new school building for the convenience of their children. To accommodate them, the mayor purchased a lot from James P. Carter for a school site, and some years later (1875) the School Board erected a suitable build- ing: and called it the Franklin School House. This has been in almost constant use up to the present time. TWELFTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. At the twelfth city election, held February 8, 1875, Isaac Goodv^nn was elected Mayor; Samuel R. Thur- man and John Cherington, Aldermen; and William Goates, John E. Ross, and James T. Powell, Coun- cilors. The appointments for the municipal offices were made at several meetings : Recorder, Joseph J. H. Colledge ; Treasurer, Oley Ellingson ; Marshal, Thomas Fowler ; Attorney, James Wiley Norton ; Supervisor, William Southwick ; Assessor and Collec- tor, Joseph J. H. Colledge; Sexton, John E. Ross; Pound Keeper, Martin B. Bushman; Water Master. W' illiam Bone, Jr. ; Inspector of Wood and Lumber, Thomas Ashton ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Joseph J. Smith; Auditor, Thomas R. Cutler; Captain of Police, William Mathews ; Jailer, James W. Nor- ton ; Board of Examiners, Samuel R. Thurman, John E. Ross, and John Cherington; Policemen, Martin B. Bushman and Jacob Cox. After serving a year, John Cherington resigned as" Alderman and John E. Ross assumed the duties of his office, Martin B. Bushman in turn filling his place in the council. Other changes 1877] CONTINUED GROWTH. 219 were the accession of Jacob Bushman to the office of Attorney and Thomas Fowler to the Jailer's position, the previous occupants of these offices having re- signed. THIRTEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The thirteenth set of city officers was chosen Feb- ruary 12, 1877, and was composed of William H. Winn, Mayor ;SamuelfR. Thurman and Thomas R. Cutler, Aldermen ; and Oley Ellingson, Charles Barnes and Thomas Ashton, Coun- cilors. Their appointments : Recorder, Joseph J. H. Colledge; Marshal, Thomas Fowler ; Treas- urer, Oley Ellingson ; Assessor and Collector, Joseph J. H. Colledge ; Inspector of Wood and Lumber, Thomas Ash- ton; Supervisor, Wil- liam Southwick; Sex- ton, John E. Ross ; Sealer of \\ eights and Measures, Thomas Hawkins ; Jailer, Thomas Fowler; Attorney, George Webb; Water Master, William Bone, Jr. ; Policeman, James T. Powell. ' On October 19, Samuel R. Thurman became Mayor SAMUEL R. THURMAN, Eighth Mayor of Lehi, 1878-1879; 1881-1882. 220 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1877 of Lehi through the resignation of William H. Winn, who had been called on another mission. For the same reason, OleyEllingson resigned as Councilor and CITY HALL. Treasurer and was succeeded by William Clark and Thomas R. Cutler, respectively. Later Mayor Thur- man also filled the ofifice of Auditor on account of the 1877] ' CONTINUED GROWTH. 221 resignation of Thomas R. Cutler. To fill the vacancy in the City Council caused by the promotion of Alder- man Thurman, George Webb was designated and David Evans, Jr., succeeded him as Attorney. THE PRESENT CITY HALL BUILT. The present City Council very early 1)ecame con- vinced that the little adobe city hall in which they met was not sufficiently pretentious to suit the growth of the city. Accordingly, they made plans for a better building, giving Thomas Ashton authority to prepare an estimate of cost. Upon his report of $1,928.00 for a structure twenty-five feet square with a basement, they resolved to proceed, and appointed Mayor Winn and Councilors Ashton and Ellingson as a building- committee. In the summer of 1877, the foundation was laid, and by the time a year had elapsed, the hall had been completed. Carlson and Andreason were the masons employed in the construction, Thomas Ashton was the chief carpenter and Joseph Trinna- man did the plastering. The City Hall is still in use by the city fathers and in a fairly good state of preser- vation.* IRRIGATION LITIGATION. Because of numerous disputes between the people of Lehi and the farmers of American Fork Bench over the right to use water from the Lehi ditch, in its course from the mouth of American Fork Canyon to Lehi, the *A widespread demand now exists for the erection of a new city hall, one in keeping with Lehi's present size and importance. The near future will undoubtedly bring such a building. 222 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1877 city corporation planted a suit in court, in the summer of 1877, to restrain the people on the bench from using the Lehi ditch. Oley El- lingson was at the head of a list of two hundred Lehi water users who represented the city in the suit. After a long trial, the district court, through Judge • Emerson, decided in favor of Lehi, giving the city exclusive use of the Lehi ditch dur- ing July, August, and September. Although several appeals have been made, this decision is still practically the basis of water distribu- tion. ANDREW R. ANDERSON, Ninth Mayor of Lehi, 1879-1881. FOURTEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The fourteenth civic election observed February 10, 1879, resulted in the selection of Andrew R. Ander- son as Mayor; Samuel R. Thurman and George Webb as Aldermen; and Thomas R. Cutler, Samuel Taylor, and James T. Powell as Councilors. In the appoint- ments made by the fourteenth City Council, many of the old offices were discontinued. The men selected were: John E. Ross, Recorder; Thomas Fowler, Marshal; William E. Racker, Treasurer; Joseph J. H. 18791 CONTINUED GROWTH. 223 Colledge, Assessor and Collector; David Evans, Jr., Attorney ; John E. Ross, Auditor and Sexton; Thomas Fov^ler, Jailer; and Isaac Chilton, Policeman. On account of having been selected as Bishop of the Lehi Ward to succeed David Evans, Thomas R. Cut- ler resigned as Councilor, after a year's service, and the vacancy thus created was filled by the selection of William Clark.* Very shortly he left the ci^ty on a mission, so Andrew A. Peterson became a member of the City Council in his place. Other changes were brought about by the resignation of Alderman Samuel R. Thurman; he was followed by Councilor Samuel Taylor, whose place was then occupied by Abel John Evans. A CENSUS TAKEN. It was learned now by the city officials that several tiers of blocks on the east side were on unpatented school land and that it would be necessary to deter- mine the population of Lehi before application could be made for title to tlie land. In April, 1879, there- fore, a census was taken, probably the first official census since the founding of the town over twenty- eight years past. The population of the city was found to be 2,026. This number was sufficient to en- title the municipal corporation to an enlargement of its townsite, so Mayor Anderson at once filed on the desired land. The growth in population from the mere score of people around Sulphur Springs, in 1850, to the 2,026 in Lehi, thirty years later, is nothing short of phenom- *Chapter XVT. 224 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1881 enal. Lured by no mining boom, the development of the city had been gradual and constant. The unusu- ally rapid increase in numbers evidenced in these statistics surely speaks well for the type of people who came to Lehi to make their home. FIFTEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Samuel R. Thurman was selected as Mayor; George Webb and John Woodhouse as Aldermen; and Sam- uel Taylor, y\bel John Evans, and William Clark as LEHI'S FIRST BASEBALL TEAM. Standing — Michael Vaughn, Hyrum Andreason, Thomas Taylor, Morgan Evans, William Ball, Jr., Daniel Thomas. Sitting — Israel Evans, Jr., James M. Anderson, Isaac Taylor. Councilors, at the fifteenth city election held Feb- ruary 14, 1881. For the first time, the recorder, mar- shal, treasurer, and assessor and collector were chosen by popular vote. Selected for these offices respec- 1881] CONTINUED GROWTH. 225 tively were : John E. Ross, Thomas Fowler, William E. Racker, and Joseph J. H. Colledge. In this term, Lehi was destined to lose the help of two of her veteran public officers. After a faithful and efficient service of twenty years as recorder and assessor and collector, Joseph J. H. Colledge died, leaving the office vacant. An examination of his ac- counts by a committee from the City Council revealed the fact that they were in excellent condition after such a long incumbency. Thomas Fowler was des- ignated to fill the vacancy. Isaac Chilton, who was also a veteran in the service of the city, now felt im- pelled by old age to resign as policeman, a position which he had filled for many years. With a vote of thanks for his efficient labor, the council accepted his resignation, appointing Hyrum Smith as his suc- cessor. A very curious condition arose in the municipal government through the resignation, on November 22, 1882, of Mayor Thurman. The City Council did not appoint a successor, so for over two months Lehi was without a mayor. Alderman George Webb presided at meetings of the City Council during this time. Noi harmful results accrued from this novel experience. NEW EDUCATIONAL METHODS. About this time there came to Lehi a young man whose later work had a tremendous influence on the city's educational system. This was Simon P. Eg- gertson. Until this time, the teachers in the Lehi schools had almost universally used the old methods 16 226 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1881 in teaching, methods which had for their sanction scores of years of practice in the schools of the coun- try. It was Eggertson who substituted for them the beginnings of modern education ; it was he who more than any one else laid the foundation of the school system which later has brought Lehi educational facil- ities up to the standard of the best schools of the State. A CAMPAIGN FOR SHADE TREES. The most important work performed by the four- teenth City Council was to begin the custom of plant- ing shade trees on the sidewalks. After a thor- ough campaign on the subject, the council, in the spring of 1881, pur- chased 1,200 locust trees and distributed them at cost to the citizens. A year later they set out Lombardy poplars the whole length of Main Street. The resulting beneficial appearance of the city was inestima- ble. Another noteworthy action of this coterie of officers was the appro- priation of $100.00 to assist the Ward Bishopric in fitting up the basement of the City Hall as a reading SIMON p. EGGERTSON. 1883] CONTINUED GROWTH. 227 room. Details of this worthy project have already been noted.* BROADBENT AND SON. In 1882 Joseph Broad- bent and his son, Joseph S. Broadbent, opened a •small store on First East Street, one block north of Main. The business prospered from the first, and additions were made from time to time. The most important of these was a musical depart- ment, from which the store took its name — the Lehi Musical Emporium — for some years. The firm is still conducting its business under the same management. JOSEPH "nROADBENT, Merchant and Hand Cart Veteran. SIXTEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. February 12, 1883, was the date of the sixteenth municipal election. Oley Ellingson was chosen Mayor and the other officers were : Aldermen, George Webb and Abel John Evans ; Councilors, Andrew A. Peterson, Byron W. Brown, and John J. Child*; Re- corder, John E. Ross; Marshal, Thomas Fowler; and Treasurer, William E. Racker. The council ap- pointed Byron W. Brown, Attorney; Loren Olm- *Chapter VIII. 228 HISTORY OF LEHL [1884 Stead, Pound Keeper, and Hyrum Smith and George Beck, Policemen. Having heard of the successful boring of artesian wells in Salt Lake County, the City Council appointed a committee to investi- gate the feasibility of similar action in Lehi*. In its report on January 2Z, 1884, the committee recommended that the city purchase a well-bor- ing machine for the use of its citizens. At a cost of $377.00 this was done. The machine was driven by horse power and was supposed to drill a well ten or twelve inches in diameter, which would be encased with wooden staves or galvanized pipe. When actually tested, the well- borer proved a complete failure. As a result of the continued litigation with the farmers of American Fork bench over water rights, the city in 1884 bought the Pool farm, a tract of land in the very center of the disputed territory. It was placed in charge of James Southwick. OLEY ELLINGSON, Tenth Mayor of Lehi, 1883-1887; 1893-1895. * LEHI ADOPTS STANDARD TIME. To be in accord with the rest of the country, the 1885] CONTINUED GROWTH. 229 City Council, early in May, proclaimed the adoption of standard time, as recently determined by govern- ment observatories. It was necessary to set the clocks forward twenty-eight minutes to agree exactly with Mountain time. The change was effected May 12. SEVENTEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. On February 9, 1885, the people exercised their franchise in electing city officers for the seventeenth time. Their choice for Mayor was Oley Elling- son ; for Aldermen, George Webb and John E. Ross ; for Councilors, Andrew A. Peterson, Samuel Taylor, and Wil- liam Clark; for Re- corder, Edwin Evans ; for Marshal, Thomas Fowler; for Treasurer, William E. Racker ; and for Assessor and Collec- tor, Thomas Fowler. The appointive offices were filled as follows : Loren Olmstead, Pound Keeper ; Samuel R. Thurman, Attorney ; George Glover, Joseph Roberts, and Hyrum Smith, Policemen; and William Wanlass, Auditor. Lehi was visited during 1885 by a severe epidemic WILLIAM CLARK. 230 HISTORY OF LEHI. [I886 of diphtheria. Science had not yet discovered a method of combating this dread disease successfully, hence, many deaths occurred, especially among the children. It was a rare instance where some of the little ones did not succumb when the scourge once began its inroads on the family. By this time the three school houses in Lehi — the Thurman, Franklin, and Ross — were so crowded that additional room was imperative. To meet this need, the school trustees, George Webb, Andrew A. Peter- son, and James P. Carter, secured the use of the City Hall in October, 1886. From this time until the Cen- tral School was erected, in 1892, school was held every year in the City Hall. THE "UNDERGROUND." All over Utah there began now a zealous prosecu- tion of the recent enactments of Congress against polygamy. In common with other towns in the Ter- ritory, Lehi received frequent visits from Federal officials in search of ''cohabs." Many instances, both tragic and humorous, transpired during the course of these prosecutions, which are intensely interesting and sometimes ludicrous to the later observer. For instance, it is related that a Federal officer came to a certain home in Lehi in search of the father, but the only person he could find around the place was a boy about ten years old. Thinking to obtain some infor- mation that might be valuable, the officer asked the boy if he knew where any polygamists were. After a long pause, accompanied by much scratching of the head and digging of the bare toes into the earth, on 1887] CONTINUED GROWTH. 231 the part of the child, his eyes suddenly brightened, he vigorously nodded his head and answered that he could take the officer to the hiding place of a polyg- amist. Thinking that at last he was. about to make an arrest and secure the accompanying reward, the visitor quickly dismounted and eagerly followed the boy around the house. Gravely leading him to the barn and with the utmost caution opening the gate to the yard, the boy proudly pointed to the object of their search; and there with head erect and in the midst of his cowering wives, stood the polygamist — a rooster. EIGHTEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The election held February 9, 1887, was the eigh- teenth in the history of the city. George Webb was elected Mayor; Samuel Taylor and Abel John Evans, .Aldermen; Andrew A. Peterson, Jesse Smith, and John Woodhouse, Councilors ; Joljn E. Ross, Re- corder; Thomas Fowler, Marshal; William E. Racker, Treasurer; and Thomas Fowler, Assessor and Col- lector. The council appointed Michael Vaughn, Pound Keeper; Loren Olmstead, Supervisor; Hyrum Smith and Joseph Roberts, Policemen; and John Woodhouse, Attorney. Two of this number resigned: William E. Racker as Treasurer, his successor being John Roberts, Ji., and Thomas Fowler, who accepted the position of county sheriff and moved to Provo. Joseph Roberts became Marshal in his place. This City Council did many things while in office, among them being the sale of the Pool farm to 232 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1887 Thomas R. Cutler for $2,000.00, the planting of trees around the cemetery, the selling of the useless well driver at public auction, the purchase of the Kelly place for use as a public park,* and the opening up of various streets for use, notably, the street leading to the sugar factory, the street leading at present to the Sego Lily School House and, by repairing, the street leading from the State Road to the cemetery. A CURFEW LAW PASSED. In compliance w^ith a petition signed by a large number of citizens, the City Council, on July 18, passed a curfew law which provided that children under sixteen were prohibited from being on the streets after nine o'clock with- The mayor was authorized to pur- chase a bell for use as a signal in the execution of this law. Ever since its installation in the belfry of the City Hall, this bell has sent its silver notes out over the city, warning many a wayward youth that his steps should be turned homeward. It has also been used as a fire alarm. GEORGE WEBB, Eleventh Mayor of Lehi, 1887-1889. out a guardian *The present home of Bishop Henry Lewis, used. It was never 1888] CONTINUED GROWTH. 233 TELEPHONE. In 1888 the telephone reached Lehi. The first instru- ment was installed in the People's Co-op. For a num- ber of years it was main- -««— tained as a toll station. Clarence A. Granger was the first individual subscriber. When more people had begun to use telephones, a switch- board was built by the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company in the Union Hotel. Birdie Stoddard was the first operator and continued as the operating direc- tor for many years. In 1906 the company erect- ed a building on Main Street and installed a modern switchboard and equip- ment.* It is now the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company. BIRDIE STODDARD. NINETEENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The nineteenth election of city officers, observed February 11, 1889, placed in office Samuel Taylor as Mayor; George Webb and Edwin Evans as Aldermen; William H. Winn, Jr., Andrew A. Peterson, and Jesse Smith as Councilors; John E. Ross as Recorder; Joseph Roberts as Marshal; John Roberts, Jr., as *There are over 200 telephones in the city today. 234 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1889 Treasurer; and John \Voodhoiise as Assessor and Col- lector. The council appointed Loren Olmstead as Supervisor, and Michael Vaughn as Pound Keeper. The only change in this set of officers was the resig- nation of Edwin Evans who after a year of service went to Paris to study art.* SECTIONAL RIVALRY IN LEHI. The City Council soon entangled itself in a bitter controversy by the purchase of a lot in the north part of town upon which to erect a jail — the corner of First East and Fifth North. The long pent- up bitterness and rivalry between the upper and lower parts of tovvn soon came to a head over this matter. James Harwood headed a peti- tion of one hundred names to the City Coun- cil protesting against the building of a jail at a point so far north. Im- mediately, William E. Packer, together with ninety-two signers, sent in a petition congrat- ulating the council upon its choice. A bitter discus- sion ensued which did not cease during the incum- *Edwin Evans is now Professor of Art in the University of Utah. SAMUEL TAYLOR, Twelfth Mayor of Lehi, 1889-1891. 1889] CONTINUED GROWTH. 235 bency of the nineteenth administration. Although the council valiantly remained with its original in- tention, and even went so far as to purchase a steel cage, it was never installed on the original lot ; for the succeeding council built a jail on the old estray pound lot — wdiere now stands the new Grammar School Building — and the cage was used in a tem- porary jail in the City Hall. This sectional fight raged for a long time with periods of in- tense bitterness recur- ring only too often. In- deed, it has been the most detrimental factor in the growth of the city. "Up town" and "Down town," in their internal bickerings, have prevented development that otherwise would not only have been pos- sible but certain. Of late years, the rivalry has to some extent diminished, a gratifying and hopeful sign. Its complete banish- ment w^ere a boon to the citv. JAMES T. POWELL. THE STREETS NAMED. A noteworthy achievement of the nineteenth coun- cil was the naming and lighting of the streets. Main Street, so called so long "that the memory of man 236 HISTORY OF LEHL [i89o runneth not back to^the contrary," was made the starting point for the streets running east and west; for example, the first street north of Main was called First North, the next, Second North, and the first street south of Main, First South. For the streets running north and south, Center Street — that street now running between the Tabernacle and the Primary School Building — was made the starting point; thus the first street paralleling Center on the west is First West, and the first one on the east is First East. As an initial attempt to light the streets of Lehi, the council, in September, 1890, placed twenty-six gasoline street lamps at various corners. It was this City Council also which first made an effort to obtain the proposed sugar factory at Lehi.* *See Chapter XVII. CHAPTER XVI. The Church in Lehi. 1850-1913. THERE is only one example in the annals of Amer- ica of the organization of a commonwealth upon principles of pure theocracy. There is here one exam- ple only where the founding of a state grew out of the founding of a new religion." So says Hubert Howe Bancroft, the great American historian, and in these illuminating sentences he proceeds to the very heart of historical matters in the founding of Utah. It is here that the history of the State differs from all oth- ers, that it furnishes problems dissimilar to those met elsewhere. It is impossible to estimate the extent to which the church influenced the lives of the pioneers of this Commonwealth. Migrating here through a religious motive, their belief continued to be the dominating- factor in all their affairs. The church preceded all other organizations, whether political or social ; it was the center of all activities; around it everything else was built. True it is that later political institutions were notable for their substantiaHty, vigor and strength, yet it was to their ecclesiastical leaders that the people looked ultimately for advice and lead- ership. A factor of such importance cannot be neglected in considering the growth of a Utah town, especially a 238 HISTORY OF LEHI. [issi rural community like Lehi. Here also, religion was the dominating influence in the lives of the people. This, then, is sufficient justification for an effort to trace its development and chronicle its history, and that without considering in the least the purely dog- matic side. Mention has already been made of instances in which the church and its officials have been intimately involved. Apart from such events is the history of the church itself, the record of its growth and expansion. This it is proposed to discuss now. Natur- ally it is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints— -the Mormons — which must necessarily be the su1)ject of most of this study, but due consideration will also be given to the work of another denomina- tion, the Congregationalists, who in later times estab- lished a mission and school in Lehi. BISHOP DAVID EVANS. Mention has already been made of the arrival of Bishop David Evans, February 15, 185 L* At once he became the directing personality in the little settle- ment, and led the people in their struggle to obtain a foothold on Dry Creek. For this work he was emi- nently qualified, sturdy, determined, plain, outspoken, resourceful, a pioneer in every respect. Soon after his arrival, the Dry Creek Ward was organized with David Evans as Bishop, Charles Hopkins and David Savage as Counselors, and Jehial McConnell as ward clerk. For twenty-eight years Bishop Evans held this position, during; the whole time when the infant city *Chapter V. 1852] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 239 was struggling against colossal hardships, when it gained its feet sufficiently to combat the Indians and . grasshoppers, when it acquired stability enough to make the future look hopeful, and finally when it blos- somed into a flourishing city — a wonderful transfor- mation from the Evansville of 1851 to the Lehi of 1879. FIRST CHANGE IN THE BISHOPRIC. In 1852 Jehial McConnell and Lorenzo H. Hatch were set apart as First and Second Counselors to Bishop Evans, Charles Hopkins and David Savage having been released for other work in the church.* LEHI'S FIRST MISSIONARIES. It was also at this time that the first missionaries were sent out. Canute Peterson went to Norway, William Fotheringham to India, Thomas Karren to the Sandwich Islands, and Preston Thomas to Texas — truly a widely scattered field. t These first envoys of the Church have been succeeded by many scores of faithful and zealous elders, but it is doubtful if any left their homes under such extreme hardships — a little village, founded in a desert and in its second year of struggle for existence, able to send men to such widely divergent places as India, Norway and Hawaii! *This other work was in the presidency of the Lehi Ward, an organization supposed to be equal in authority to the Bishopric. Such a presidency was a common practice in the Church in early days. Charles Hopkins was President, David Savage was First Counselor and Samuel D. White Second Counselor. So much friction arose with the Bishopric that the office of president was soon abolished, his functions passing to the Bishop. tXhe next year, 1853, Israel Evans went to Wales on a mis- sion. 240 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i853-i863 Such devotion speaks well for the vitality and strength of the religious beliefs of Lehi's founders. JEHIAL McCONNELL RESIGNS. In 1853, Jehial McConnell resigned as First Coun- selor in the Bishopric in order to move to southern Utah. Lorenzo H. Hatch was promoted to be First and Abel Evans chosen to be Second Counselor in the subsequent reorganization. QUORUMS ORGANIZED. No further changes were made in the constituency of the ward leaders during the next ten years, but this period was a time of substantial progress and growth. The Meeting House was erected in 1855, and numerous expeditions sent out to aid immigrants, beginning in 1856. January 17, 1858, the first elders' quorum , was organized,* while four years later, in November, 1862, the sixty-eighth quorum of seventy was installed. t COUNSELOR HATCH MOVES TO CACHE VALLEY. In 1863, First Counselor Lorenzo H. Hatch moved to Cache Valley, thus creating a vacancy in the Bish- *The only known members are William Goates, president; William Southwick, Isaac Chilton, Henry Simmonds, and Peter Christofferson. tThe officers were: J. R. Murdock, O. C. Murdock, John C. Nagle, Israel Evans, John Brown, J. R. Moyle of Alpine, and W. S. S. Willes; the members: William SouthwicK, Samuel James, Oley Ellingson, Jacob Bushman, William H. Winn, Ed- win Standring, Michael Vaughn, John Jacobs, James P. Carter, Robert Stoney, J. Abrams, H. A. Wedge, T. R. Jones, E. Wat- sons, L. Titcomb, E. M. Allison, William A. Bell, John Andrea- son, William Gurney, and Jens Holm, 1865-1866] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 241 opric. To fill this, Abel Evans was promoted to the ofiice of First Counselor, and Canute Peterson se- lected as Second Counselor. ABEL EVANS— A MISSIONARY TO WALES. The Bishopric continued without change as to membership until May, 1865, when First Counselor Abel Evans left Lehi for a mission to Wales, his native country. Canute Peterson then became First Counselor and Thomas Karren Second Counselor. After eighteen months of missionary labor. Counselor Evans con- tracted a severe cold which later proved fatal, his death occurring No- vember 30, 1866. A ,^ month afterwards, when the sad news reached Lehi, it cast a feeling of gloom over the entire community. Abel Evans had been a man of excep- tional worth to the people of Lehi, because of his integrity, uprightness, and devotion to duty. ABEL EVANS. SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZED. Although a temporary Sunday School organization had been efTected in 1851, it was not permanently or- 17 242 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1866-1867 ganized until 1866.* At that time, James W. Taylor, William Yates, and William Gurney became inter- ested in the possibilities of such a school, and advo- cated its adoption. At first meeting with little response, it was soon recognized that the hitherto free Sunday af- ternoons might be prof- itably utilized; so the organization followed. James W. Taylor was Superintendent of the first school, Daniel S. Thomas, Israel Evans, Martin B.Bushman, Re- becca Standring, Mar- garet Taylor (Mrs. Ira D. Wines), and Mrs. Elisha H. Davis were JAMES vv. TAYLOR. tcachcrs, and approxi- mately twenty-five pupils attended. For lack of other books, the children studied reading and spelling. Among the later Sunday School workers of that period might be mentioned James Kirkham, Joseph Broadbent, Charles Phillips, and James Gough. WILLIAM n. WINN A NEW COUNSELOR. In 1867, First Counselor Canute Peterson was *Of this early school, George Zimmerman was Superintend- ent; Israel Evans, J. Hatch and Jehial McConnell were teach- ers, while Joseph Ashton, Peter Lott, Matilda Evans and Susan Territory were pupils. Meetings were held in the log school house during two winters only. 1868-1871] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 243 called to become bishop of the ward at Ephraim, so he resigned his position with Bishop Evans. Second Counselor Thomas Karren succeeded him and he, in turn, was followed by William H. Winn. No further change occurred for ten years. OTHER ORGANIZATIONS FOUNDED. The Woman's Relief Society was first organized in Lehi, in 1868.* It has since built a meeting house of its own and possesses several granaries. It has done much to alleviate distress and misfortune among the poor of the city. Both teachers't and high priests'l quorums date their organization from 1869, the former on Novem- ber 28, while the exact time of the latter's first meet- ing is unknown. The year 1871 saw the inception of the first dea- cons' quorum. § The initial meeting was held March 7. *In the first imperfect organization, Sarah J. Coleman was president and Rebecca Standring counselor. On October 27. 1868, the organization was perfected. Sarah J. Coleman was president, Martha P. Thomas and Barbara Ann Evans were counselors, and Rebecca Standring and Alary Ann Davis acted as secretary and treasurer, respectively. tThe members were: William Yates, William Clark, William Gurney, Isaac Goodwin, William Goates Sen., Charles Barnes, John Zimmerman, Oley Ellingson, William Southwick, William Ball, and Jacob Bushman. The first three named constituted the presidency; Charles Barnes was secretary. JJanuary 3, 1869, is the date of the first meeting that this quorum is known to have held. It had forty-two members en- rolled, with Daniel S. Thomas as president and Joseph J. H. CoUedge as secretary. §Andre\v A. Peterson, John Jacobs, Jacob Bushman, Elisha Peck, J'. L. Rosbottom. Jacob Cox. Peter Peterson, .\ndrew R. Anderson, Newal A. Brown, George Kirkham, and Martin B. Bushman constituted this quorum. The first four named were the presiding officers and secretary. 244 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1875-1878 0m^ t#% The Young Ladies' Retrenchment Society made its appearance in Lehi, April 23, 1875.* This organization was later succeeded by the Young Ladies' Mu- tual Improvement As- sociation. Both this and the similar society, the Young Men's Mu- tual Improvement Asso- ciation, which was founded in 1875, have had much to do with the social and intellectual activities of the younger people in the city. Sam- uel R. Thurman was the first president of the lat- ter. At various times they have maintained a free reading room, and conducted the public dances. The Primary Association was established in 1.878.t MRS. REBECCA STANDRING. DEATH OF COUNSELOR THOMAS KARREN. On April 4, 1877, First Counselor Thomas Karren passed to the Great Beyond. William H. Winn was promoted to fill the vacancy caused by his death, and William Goates was designated Second Counselor. *Orinda Davis (Mrs. Delbert H. Allred), was president. tThe presidencies of the three districts with their aids, in order, are: Mary A. Davis, Mary A. Webb, Rebecca Evans; Eliza Smuin, Hannah P. Jones, Mary A. Anderson; Ellen Jones, Esther Siminonds, Polly Turner. BISHOP THOMAS R. CUTLER. 246 HISTORY OF LEHL ii879 REORGANIZATION. This arrangement continued for one year, when a disagreement arose between Bishop Evans and Coun- selor Winn which resulted in the relieving of the latter of his position. In the reorganization which followed, William Goates was made First Counselor and Andrew R. Anderson Second Counselor. THOMAS R. CUTLER SUCCEEDS BISHOP EVANS. By this time Bishop Evans had become an aged man, and with the addition of poor health to inter- fere with his duties, he concluded to resign. On September 21, 1879, after twenty-eight years of ser- vice such as few men have had the opportunity and ability to give, he was honorably released from his position. For his successor was chosen Thomas R. Cutler, and associated with him W'illiam H. Winn and Andrew R. Anderson as counselors. Bishop Cutler had come to Lehi fourteen years previously and engaged in the mercantile business for T. and W. Taylor. Later he had become the head of the People's Co-operative Institution. His business training and his native ability qualified him eminently to lead the affairs of the ward under the new condi- tions wdiich he was later to meet. Like his predeces- sor, Bishop Cutler served the people of Lehi as their ecclesiastical leader during an extended period, his incumbency measuring twenty-four years. He saw the city grow from a town in the infancy of business development to the commercial, indistrial, and agri- cultural center that is modern Lehi. 1883-1888] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 247 One of the first official acts of the new bishop was the building- of a tithing office on Second East, mid- way between State Street and Sixth North. Only a barn was moved from the old tithing office lot. James Kirkham was named tithing clerk.* DEATH OF BISHOP EVANS. After a strenuous and well-spent life of almost eighty years, former Bishop David Evans passed away June 23, 1883. He was buried with great honors, a special train bringing prominent Church and State officials from Salt Lake and other parts of the Terri- tory. DEATH OF COUNSELOR WINN. Bishop Evans was soon followed to the do- mains of the Grim Reaper by his former counselor, \\'il]iam H. Winn. His death occurred April 26, 1884. Andrew R. Anderson now became First Counselor, and Edwin Standring Second Counselor. ANOTHER DEATH IN THE BISHOPRIC. On November 13, 1888, Counselor Edwin Stand- ring died, leaving another vacancy in the Bishopric. William Clark was selected to occupy his place. NORTH-WEST BRANCH ORGANIZED. Because of their partial isolation from the main *Jehial McConnell, Thomas Taylor, William H. Winn, Charles Widerberg, Robert Lapish, William Wanlass, Thomas, R. Cutler, Christian Racker, and William E. Racker had held this position iijider BisJjop Evans. 248 HISTORY OF LEHL [1893 body of church members, and because of their ever- increasing numbers, the people in the north-west part of town — called variously the New Survey, Lehi Junc- tion, and ''Over the Creek" — desired to have a branch organization of their own. Their request was granted, and on October 1, 1893, the North-west Branch was organized with Thomas R. Jones as president. Later he was succeeded by W. W. Clark. One year later THIRD WARD CHAPEL. the branch began the erection of a meeting house which has been in use ever since. THE NEW TABERNACLE. The need for a new meeting place had now long been apparent. The old Meeting House was entirely 1900] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 249 inadequate to seat the great iuinil)er of worshipers who thronged there every Sunday; and tlie j^ride of the people demanded a larger and more modern structure. For many years there had 1)een only talk and desire for a new chapel ; the erection of a taber- nacle in Provo proved to be all the burden the church members in Lehi could carry. Finally, when the as- sessment from Provo had been met, the movement for a tabernacle in Lehi assumed definite form. A committee was appointed by Bishop Cutler, consist- ing of himself, Henry Lewis, E. A. Bushman, Jr., Elias Jones, Heber Austin, Mark Austin, and Franz Salzner, who were to have entire charge of the build- ing operations. The first move of the committee was to secure a lot. After numerous conferences and investigations of proposed sites, the lot on the north-east corner of Center and Second North Streets was purchased and cleared. The consideration of plans for the building was the next step. After an extensive study of the work of many architects, the plans of R. Kletting* were accepted. To raise the necessary money was now the formidable task which confronted the com- mittee. Steps were soon taken to levy assessments against the members of the ecclesiastical ward in such amount as, in the judgment of the committee, they could consistently meet. The payment of these as- sessments lasted through many years, but were in the end met. Work on the excavation began in February, 1900. Much of it was performed without remuneration, and *He later drew the plans for the State Capitol. 250 HISTORY OF LEHL 11901 provision was also made that assessments could be paid in labor. The laying of the foundation, which was of cement and limestone, was under the direction of John Donaldson. In eighteen months this part of the building had been completed, so that on Septem- ber 14, 1901, the corner stone could be laid. Lorenzo Snow, at that time President of the Mormon Church, was invited to officiate at the exercises, but in his LAYING OF CORNER STONE OF NEW TABERNACLE. enforced absence. Bishop Thomas R. Cutler swung into place the large block on the sotith-west corner. The occasion was marked by the attendance of most of the citizens and by appropriate exercises. 1902] . THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 251 The following' years witnessed the continuation of the work of construction. The masons were in charge of Elias Jones, while Monroe Wilson directed the car- penter work on the outside. John S. Willes erected the rostrum, and Fred Merrill and William Turner performed the plastering. The walls were built of white pressed brick. The building as completed is 121 feet in length and 7^ feet in width, the dimensions of the main auditorium being 80 feet and 60 feet. The tower rises to the height of 112 feet. The seating ca- pacity of the Tabernacle is 1100, and its total cost $46,000.00. In five years the erection of the building had pro- gressed to such a stage that meetings could be held in it. September 3, 1905, was the date of the initial gathering, a notable event in the life of the city. To observe the occasion fittingly, elaborate exercises were prepared, and numerous distinguished visitors entertained. From that date, assemblies of all kinds — religious, political, civic, patriotic, educational — have been held in the Tabernacle. The crowning feature of the building is the giant pipe organ which was installed soon after the Taber- nacle began to be utilized for public meetings. This instrument cost $3,700.00; is 19 feet high, 8 feet deep, 20 feet wide, and weighs 9 tons. It consists of three organs — great, swell, and pedal, and has 13 couplers and a total of 792 pipes. Five years more were necessary before the Taber- nacle was completed. On Sunday, May 15, 1910, the building was dedicated by Joseph F. Smith, president of the Latter-day Saints, amid the intense gratifica- 1902] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 253 tion of the people who had labored so long to erect the magnificent structure. The basement is fitted up with an auditorium and^ various small rooms, which are used as the assembly rooms of the Second Ward. COUNSELOR CLARK RESIGNS. On account of old age and failing health, Second Counselor William Clark resigned on November 23, 1902. His successor in the office was Andrew Fjeld, a son of Carl J- E. Fjeld (the hand cart veteran), a native of Lehi, and long one of the most active church workers in the ward. LEHI WARD DIVIDED. The time had now come when the growth of the Lehi Ward "had placed it out of all bounds of admin- istration, under the existing system. It was impera- tive that it be divided. Accordingly, on December 20, 1903, a meeting of all church members was held, and plans for the segregation were announced. The Northwest Branch was to become the Third Ward, the north-east part of town was to be called the Fourtli Ward, the southern and older section of the city was designated the First Ward, and the north central part received the name of Second Ward. Four men with counselors were selected to preside over the new w^ards, and steps taken fully to get the new organiza- tions and business under way. The new bishops did not assume the duties of their offices until January 1, 1904. A later concerted action of the wards was the pur- 254 HISTORY OF LEHL [1904 chase of the lot on Center and Second North Streets tor use as a tithing office. THE FIRST WARD. Andrew Fjeld was the new bishop of the First Ward with George Schow and R. John Whipple as his counsel- ors. Bishop Fjeld had been counselor to Bish- op Cutler, and by na- tural al)ility and faithful training was thoroughly fitted for his new work. The ward now took pos- session of the old Meet- ing House, and held their assemblies there. No changes have been BISHOP ANDREW FJELD. made in the Bishopric, and the ward since its beginning has experi- enced a time of contin- ual advancement and progress. THE SECOND WARD. For bishop of the Second Ward was chosen James H. Gardner, with Andrew C. Pearson and William F. Gurney as counselors. Bishop Gardner was then and is now the superintendent of the Lehi sugar factory. He had made his home in the city in 1890, when the factory was built, having learned the sugar business 4 1904] THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 255 while on a mision in Hawaii. His previous active work in church affairs and his natural endowment of executive ability quali- fied him to perform the functions of his ofifice successfully. The Sec- ond Ward adapted the basement of the New Tabernacle for its as- sembly rooms, meeting with the First Ward conjointly once every Sunday. On July 8, 1906, First Counselor Andrew C. Pearson re- signed to become super- intendent of the sugar factory at Nampa, Ida- ho. To fill the vacancy created by his removal, Counselor Gurney was promoted and James M. Kirk- ham -became Second Counselor. Later, on January 20, 191v3,the latter accepted a call to a position in the Alpine Stake Sunday School ; his successor is John W. Wing, Jr. THE THIRD WARD. The three men chosen for the Bishopric of the Third Ward were Henry Lewis, George Glover, and Jackson Wanlass. Bishop Lewis had performed some meritorious work in connection with the quorums of boys and young men, and his ability demonstrated in lusHop |A^^KS u. cardner. 256 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1904-1910 this capacity was undoubtedly among the causes of his call to change his residence from the heart of the city to the old North-west Branch and become the head of the new ward created there. The chapel of the branch was taken over by the ward as its place of meeting. On August 14, 1910, the Bishopric was reorganized, both Counselor Glover and Counselor Wanlass be- ing honorably released. In their places, W. W. Dickerson and William Hatfield were narned. THE FOURTH WARD. BISHOP HENRY LEWIS. For a number of years before the division of the Lehi Ward, John Stoker had been tithing clerk, and it was his faithfulness in this position that made him the logical man for bishop of the Fourth Ward. As his counselors were chosen Robert Fox and Samuel Smith. At first the ward held its meetings in the Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank Building, but in May, 1909, the corner stone for a new ward chapel was laid. It is now near completion. Because of necessary absence from home, James Clark, December 3, 1905, succeeded Counselor Smith in the Bishopric. 1880J THE CHURCH IN LEHI. 257 THE NEW WEST CHURCH AND SCHOOL. In 1880, the New West Educational Commission, with headquarters in Boston, founded a mission school in Lehi for the purpose of furnishing better educational facilities to the young men and women of the city. Securing a lot on Main Street, the Commission sent to Lehi as its first teachers Miss Carter and Miss \\ inslow. These ladies began school in the cot- tage with four pupils — Lily Harwood, Rose Harwood, Alinnie \\ incs and Eugene ^^'ines. At first the work was whol- ly of a high school char- acter, but graduall}' it was enlarged until it in- cluded all the grades, and finally the high school division was dropped. It was early demonstrated that the cottage was too small for the attendance, so funds were so- licited in the East, and a school house erected; it has since been called the New West School. In its early stages, the school was well attended. In later years, it passed out of the control of the New AVest Com- mission and was taken over by the Congregational Church, which has since maintained it. In addition BISHOP TORN STOKER. 18 258 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1880 to the school work, the church conducts relio'ious services during the school year, and at various times has had ministers in residence. NEW WEST SCHOOL HOUSE. CHAPTER XVII. The Beet Sugar Industry. 1890-1913. WHEN the sugar factory was built in Lehi.in 1890, there was added to the city its most important commercial factor. Immediately an impetus was given to all business in the town. Lehi became widely known as the first sugar city in the West. The fac- tory has since continued to be her chief claim to more than ordinary distinction, while the industry has brought immense benefits, not only to the municipal- ity itself, but to the whole surrounding country. PRELIMINARY STEPS. The story of the steps which led up to the erection of the factory in Lehi is best told in the words of Thomas R. Cutler, Manager of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company. **The first attempt at making beet sugar in Utah was in 1852, wdien President John Taylor. Eli as ]\Ior- ris and others brought some machinery from France and across the plains by ox teams.* This attempt, however, proved a failure, and some of the remnants *This factory was in the south-eastern part of Salt Lake Git}', and from it the district called Sugar House gets its name. Set- tlers in Lehi planted some of the beet seed brought to L^tah in this venture. See Chapter V. 260 HISTORY OF LEHI. ti8S2-i890 of this machinery may be seen amongst other relics in the Deseret Museum. "Of course this machinery was not at all modern and was what is called the 'Open Kettle Plan,' which could not be used in the production of beet sugar. "Some years afterward, Arthur Stayner conceived the idea of sorghum sugar, and quantities of sorghum cane were planted in the State. He did produce a brown sugar and obtained a prize of $5,000.00 from the Legislature. "A committee was appointed to visit Fort Scott, Kansas, where a sorghum sugar factory had been running for a period of years, but when the committee reached the place, the company was about to dis- solve. It was decided, because of early frosts in the higher altitude, that sorghum cane could not be de- pended upon in large quantities for the purpose de- sired ; and that idea was abandoned. "After these investigations, the prominent people who had taken part in the experiments got together, formed a company called the Utah Sugar Company, and built the first sugar factory in the Rocky Moun- tains, located in Lehi, in 1890. "There was one factory in the United States that liad been running for one year previous to this, located at Grand Island, Nebraska, and owned by the Oxnards ; also one at Alvarado, California, that had been in operation under various vicissitudes for sev- eral vears and, notwithstanding that the government of the United States had passed a bounty law offering tw^o cents per pound for all the sugar produced by beet factories for a period of years, capital was slow 1890] THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. 261 to avail itself of the opportunity. ****** ^'The officers and directors of the first company were Elias ^Morris, President ; George O. Cannon, Vice-President; Thomas R. Cutler, Heber J. Grant, Moses Thatcher, Frank ^Armstrong, W. B. Preston, James Jack, George M. Cannon, Barlow Ferguson, John Beck, and John R. Winder, Directors; with Thomas R. Cutler, Manager, and Arthur Stayner, Secretary."* CITY COUNCIL OFFERS BOUNTY. To induce the recently organized Utah Sugar Com- pany to erect its plant in Lehi, the City Council offered them, on August 20, 1890, a bounty of $1,000.00. The following 6th of January this amount was increased v$6,000.00, promised by a committee of the citizens which had been appointed to make addi- tional efiforts to secure the factory. John Beck also worked hard to obtain the factory for Lehi. Finally the company decided that the Lehi offer was the most attractive and selected that city as the site of the first factory in the West. *From an article in the Richfield Reaper. Additional information on this point is given by Albert F. Philips, in The Salt Lake Tribune, October 1, 1907: "Experiments in the manufacture of beet sugar in the United States were made in 1830, a company being formed in Philadel- phia, but little was accomplished, only a few hundred pounds of sugar being made. Several years later at Northampton, Massa- chusetts, another beet sugar factory was started. But 1,300 pounds of sugar were made and in 1840 its owner, David L. Child, abandoned the plant. "In Utah the third attempt at manufacturing sugar from beets was made. This was in 1852 and 1853. A plant was purchased in England [should be France. — H. G.] and shipped to Provo, Init it was never started." 262 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1890 THE FACTORY BUILT. Because of the large supply of water available in the so-called "Mill Pond," the Utah Sugar Company purchased from Thadeus Powell the site of the old Mulliner flour mill, which, together with the adjoin- ing land, made an ideal location for a sugar factory. The corner stone was laid, December 26, 1890. by President Wilford WoodrufT of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints, which had invested heavily in the new industry to as- sist it.* After the cere- monies at the factory, a lunch was served in the Opera House, and a cele- bration carried out in honor of the beginning of an enterprise that was to mean much to the city's future. The contract for the con- struction of the plant had been given to E. H. Dyer & Sons, of Clexeland, Ohio. Immediately they be- gan the work of building, an operation that furnished much employment to laboring men in Lehi. With its machinery, the factory cost $500,000.00. lOHN BECK. *The weather on this day and the rest of the winter was especially propitious, so much so that work on the walls was carried on with only few intermissions. 1891] THE REET SUGAR INDUSTRY. 263 THE FIRST CAMPAIGN. In the s])n'ni4" of 1891, the first 1)eet seed was planted by Georg-e Austin on land belonging- to George Comer. The e\ent was a notable one, main- people, inclnding Manager Thomas R. Cutler of the Utah Sugar Com])any, being present to watch the operation of the planter. From the crop in Lehi and sur- rounding towns suffi- cient beets were har- vested to conduct the factory through its first campaign, in the fall of 1891. The result was about 1,000,000 pounds of refined granulated sugar wdiich was imme- diately placed on the lo- cal and outside markets. Every autumn since that year has seen the plant going at full capacity, transforming the juice of the beets, by means of its myriads of mysterious processes, into pure white crystals of sugar. The total output of sugar since the beginning has been 377, 9v35, 200 pounds.* CLAKKXCE A. (;u.\.\(ll•:l^ *"Utah and Idaho comprise a large, contiguous sugar beet area and in the richness of the sugar content these states are only rivaled by California. The present sugar productic^n within these states is four times the domestic consumption, and 3'et the capacit)' of the nine factories in operation is considerably larger than the sup])1y of beets from the 48,(K¥) acres in cultiva- tion." George Tlmmas Surface in "inie Story of Sugar," p. 125. 264 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i890-i9i3 OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY, Since the organization of the first company, Thomas R. Cutler has acted as its manager, directing the affairs of the Utah Sugar Company and its successor, the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, with efficiency and success. He still holds the position of manager in addition to being vice-president. In 1903, because of the ever increasing territory embraced in the business operations of the company, he moved to Salt Lake City where the central offices had been established. Clarence A. Granger of Alvarado, California, was the first superintendent of the Lehi factory, occupying the position until 1897, when he accepted a similar position in Greeley, Colorado. Hy A. Vallez, a native of France, was his successor. In 1899, Vallez moved to ]\Iichigan, and James H. Gardner became superin- tendent; he has held the position ever since. Super- intendent Gardner is a Utah man who learned the sugar business in the Hawaiian Islands while on a mission. This knowledge enabled him to secure a position when the new factory was erected. At the present time, besides acting as superintendent of the Lehi factory, he is General Consulting Superintendent of the company and a member of the Technical Board which directs the operation of the plants. The first agricultural superintendent of the Utah Sugar Company was George Austin. In 1892, he became General Consulting Agricultural Superintend- ent and later moved to Salt Lake City. 'His brother, Heber Austin, filled the vacancy caused by his pro- motion. When, in 1896, Heber Austin went on a mis- sion to Fngland, Mark Austin became agricultural 1890-1913] THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. 265 superintendent. In 1904, Mark Austin became Resi- dent Manager of the sugar factory at Sugar City, Idaho, and his place was filled in Lehi by Parley Aus- tin, who still holds the position. M. \\\ Ingalls has acted as the chief engineer of the Lehi factory since its erection, but in addition he is at present General Consulting Engineer of the whole company and a member of the Technical Board. GROWTH OF THE INDUSTRY FROM LEHI. Although experiencing some difficulty at first, the sugar industry in Lehi has from the beginning been an unqualified success. AVhen it had been thoroughly demonstrated that beet sugar could be produced prof- itably in the Great Basin, the Utah Sugar Company began to expand. It established cutting stations in Bingham Junction, Springville, and Provo and con-' structed pipe lines through which the extracted juice was pumped to the Lehi factory. This was now en- larged to handle the additional supply of juice. After a few years, the Bingham Junction station was aban- doned and moved to Spanish Fork. Finally, in 1903, the Utah Sugar Company constructed a new factory in Garland, Utah. This was followed by other fac- tories in Idaho Falls, Sugar City, Blackfoot (by pur- chase), and Nampa, Idaho, and Elsinore and Payson, Utah. Thus from the parent factory in Lehi has grown a system of sugar plants all over the Rocky Mountain region, both from the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company and the Amalgamated Sugar Company. And although the old mill in Lehi is far from the most modern plant of the system, still it produces as high 1890-1913] THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. 267 a grade of sugar as any of its younger rivals, and does its work more expeditiously and efficiently. EFFECTS ON LEHI. The establishment of the sugar industry in Lehi has been a tremendous boon to its growth. Thousands of dollars have been paid e\ery year for beets to the farmers and hardly a less sum to laboring men. Every campaign the factory employs three hundred men. most of whom are from Lehi. A\diat this means not only to the laborers themselves but a^so to the busi- ness of the city can hardly be estimated. There can be no doubt but that the sugar industry has been the most important element in the commercial growth of Lehi. But the commercial gain is not the only effect the factory has had upon the municipality. It has brought many people to Lehi and sent a far greater number out to other places. A\ hen new factories have been established, most of the responsible positions have been given to Lehi men who had learned their busi- ness in the Lehi factory. Thus there are little Lehi colonies wherever new factories have been construct- ed in L^tah and Idaho. Xot only this, but a great demand has existed for experienced agricultural ad- visers who had been successful in raising beets in Lehi. To supply this demand has been the cause of many removals of Lehi families to neighboring and even distant states. On the whole, therefore, Lehi has played an exceptional part in developing the sugar industry in the ^^^est. even at the loss of some of her \'erv best citizens. CHAPTER XVIII. Prosperity. 1891-1901. WITH the establishment of the sugar factory in Lehi there began an unprecedented era of bus- iness growth. New enterprises of various kinds were set on foot, and on every side could be seen the evi- dences of prosperity. Especially was this true of the business portion of the city on State Street. Here within a short time were founded the town's first bank, the first pretentious hotel, and a second livery stable. LEHI COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK. In 1891, Thomas R. Cutler, Ira D. Wines, William E. Racker, and William Clark, together with a num- ber of Salt Lake City capitalists, organized the first banking company in Lehi — the Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank. The company at once began the erec- tion of a brick and stone building on the corner of State Street and Second East which was finished the next year, when the doors were opened for business. Olev Ellino-son, Jr., was the first cashier, and his sue- cessors have been John Y. Smith, under whose direc- tion a branch was es'tablished in American Fork and a re-incorporation under the name of the Utah Bank- ing Company effected, Charles C. Friel, and at present William E. Evans. On January 2v^, 1911, the bank 1891 J PROSPERITY. 269 closed its doors and went into the hands- of a receiver for a period of approximately a year, since when it has been in constant operation. THE UNION HOTEL. In the same year which saw the launching of a bank, Thomas R. Cutler, Ira D. Wines, and Wil- liam E. Racker erected the Union Hotel, a two- story brick structure, on the corner of State and First East Streets. For many years Robert Stod- dard was the genial manager of this hostlery and it enjoyed an excel- lent reputation and a profitable clientage. Lat- er, however, it proved an unsatisfactory invest- ment, and was finally closed. In 1909, Ira D. Wines renovated the building thoroughly and installed new furnishings, since when the hotel has again enjoyed some measure of prosperity. It is now owned by the People's Co-operatjve Institution. ROBERT STODDARD, Hotel Proprietor and Hand Cart Veteran. A SECOND LIVERY STABLE. It was in 1890 that the People's Co-operative Insti- tution built a commodious liverv stable on the south- 270 HISTORY OF LEHI. [isyi west corner of Second East and State Streets and installed Charles Barnes as manager, with an equip- ment of twelve horses. After one year, William Wing succeeded Barnes and continued to have charge of the establishment until 1905, when Ham- mer Brothers secured possession of it. The business w^as continued by them until 1909, when it was sold to Elam Foutz, who had the buildings torn down. THE LEHI BANNER. On Monday, June 1. 1891, the Lehi Banner made its first appearance. It was a weekly devoted to the interests of the city. At first owned by the Lehi Pub- lishing Company, it was later acquired by George \\>bb, who from the first had acted as editor. He continued publishing the paper until 1905, when it was leased to James M. Kirkham. At the expiration of one year, Kirkham l)ought the entire plant and is- sued the ])ai:)er himself. Until 1908, Hie Banner had a home of its own on First East Street, between Hiird and Fourth North, but at that time it was moved to the James Kirkham & Sons Buildino-, on First East and Sixth North. The plant was considerablv enlarged with modern printing appliances, and in connection with 1'he Banner, the Deseret Farmer was published. In 1913, the paper was sold to the Alpine Publishing Companv. TWENTIETH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. For some elections previous to the twentieth there had been slight factional lines drawn between the Liberal Party, whose first meetino- was held in Lehi 1891] PROSPERITY. 271 September 22, 1882, and the People's Party, but the Liberal strength was only nominal, the nomination on the People's Party ticket always insuring election. In the nominating' caucus of this party, for the ap- proaching election in 1891, a very spirited contest de- veloped. For some time the \-ounger men in the city had been conducting a civil government class to acquaint themselves with the theory of politics. Now they determined to apply their knowledge and use their class as a vehicle to carry out their plans. According I}' they ap- ])eare(l at the nominat- ing caucus at the Meet- ing House, Februar\- 2. thorouo'hlv organized to annex the whole ticket of nominees. Tak- ing the convention by storm, they succeeded, much to the surprise and chagrin of their elder co-partizans, in al- most carrving out their purpose. A week later the election followed. Abel John Evans was chosen Mayor: A\^illiam S. Evans, Joseph Goates, James B. Gaddie, Louis Garfif, John \\^oodhouse. Oley EUingson, and Thomas F. Trane. Councilors (the legislature had in 1888 abol- ished the office of alderman, so none were chosen at ABEL JOHN EVANS, Thirteenth INIayor of Lehi (1891-1893). 272 HISTORY OF LEHI. ii89i this election) ; John E. Ross, Recorder; Edwin Good- win, Marshal; John Roberts, Jr., Treasurer; and By- ron W. Brown, Justice. Appointments were. Prime Evans, Attorney; John Worlton, Supervisor; and John E. Ross, Pound Keeper. As Byron W. Brown failed to qualify as Justice, L.. Benjamin Willes was appointed, but after a few months' service he resigned in favor of Edward Smith. At a later date, Hyrum Timothy succeeded Edwin Goodwin as ]\Iarshal and John R. Gurnev fol- lowed John E. Ross as Pound Keeper. Shortly after its induction into office, the City Council cleared all the platted streets, and opened up a number of new thoroughfares. PRESIDENT HARRISON VISITS LEHI. For the first time in its history, Tehi had the honor, in 1891, of entertaining the President of the United States. In that year President Benjamin Harrison made a brief stop at the sugar factor}^ where the Sil- ver Band and the citizens gave him a most cordial reception, llie President stayed only long enough to hear a brief address of welcome from Thomas R. Cutler. THE CENTRAL SCHOOL HOUSE. George Webb, Andrew A. Peterson, and James P. Carter were the trustees of the Lehi school district, in 1892, when the Central School House was erected. Before deciding on the site, a bit- ter sectional fight arose, but finally the citizens from the northern part of the town carried their point, and a lot on the corner of Sixth North and Center Streets 1892 J PROSPERITY. 273 was purchased. AVatkins was the architect of the structure, and $20,000.00 its initial cost. At first only six class rooms were finished, but the necessity for CENTRAL SCHOOL HOUSE. more was soon demonstrated with a resulting enlarge- ment. The building has performed excellent service to the present time, and bids fair yet to have many vears of usefulness. NOTED EDUCATORS. Among the many teachers who have*labored to instruct the young people of Lehi in this building two 10 274 HISTORY OF LEHI. l1892 stand out with especial distinctness — James M. An- derson and George N. Child. For many years Mr. Anderson had been the supervisor of the Lehi public schools and the teacher of the eighth grade. More than a few of the prominent men and women who have achieved fame in after life owe their introduc- tion to Dame Learning to this man. With equal gratitude many of a still younger generation thank Mr. Child for their start on the never-ending path of • education. Succeeding Mr. Anderson, Mr. Child was for many years the supervisor of the Lehi schools. In 1906 he resigned his teaching work and 1)ecame cashier of tlie newly-organized Bank of Lehi. Since that time his ability in teaching has l)rought him back into educational work. For two terms he was Superintendent of Schools of Utah County, and is at present supervisor of the grammar grades in the Salt Lake City public schools. For one year after Mr. Child's resignation, the Lehi schools were in charge of Fred AA'orlton, who then resigned to take up med- ical work. He was succeeded by the present incum- bent, Andrew B. Anderson, an educator of experience the ability. He has had much to do with the phe- nomenal growth of the public school system and is largely responsible for its present high state of effi- ciency. TWENTY-FIRST MUNICIPAL ELECTION. To conform with recently enacted legislation, tlie twenty-first election for city officers was held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November — this year (1892) November 8 — and the officers chosen were installed on the first of the year. For the first 1892J PROSPERITY. 275 time also this election was carried out on national party lines. During the previous summer both the Republican and Democratic parties had effected or- ganizations in Lehi and these now exerted them- selves to the utmost to win the votes of the people. Street parades, torch light processions, drum corps, and political rallies became common affairs, and on every side the novel situation caused unlimited ex- •citement. The Democrats eventually carried the election: Abel John Evans, Mayor; James B. Gaddie, James M. Anderston, Otto Hudson, William R. Sharp, and An- drew Fjeld, Councilors; George N. Child, Recorder; Joseph A. Thomas, Marshal; and Prime Evans, Treas- urer. The important appointments made by this coun- cil were \\'illiam H. Winn, Jr., Assessor and Collector, and David J. Thurman, Attorney. The only change in the set of officers as elected was the resignation of Otto Hudson and the appointment of James Turner to succeed him. l^^or the first time, the city ordinances were printed in 1893, Mavor Evans actino- as the Lehi member of a committee from all the cities of Utah County for the revision and printing of the municipal ordinances. OLD FOLKS' COMMITTEE. Having conceived the idea, while on a mission in the Southern States, AVilliam Southwick in 1892 orig- inated a movement which has resulted in immense good to the aged of Lehi. His plan was to furnish some means of taking care of the old people and occa- sionally to tender them a celebration. Bishop Cutler 276 HISTORY OF LEHl. [1892 approved the scheme most heartily, so Southwick called a committee to asist him ; they Avere: Alphonzo M. Davis, Joseph Broadbent, Lott Riisson, Sen., and George Glover. In December of that year the first FIRST OLD FOLKS' COMMITTEE. George Glover, Joseph Broadbent, William Southwick Lott Russon Sen., A. M. Davis. entertainment was given in the Opera House, a pro- gram of old songs, recitations, and reminiscent speeches, which pleased the veterans immensely. Each summer and winter since, a similar affair has been tendered all the citizens over sixty years, and the happiness derived from this simple but effective means has been inestimable. A CELEBRATION IN THE CANYON. For many years it had been the custom of Lehi peo- ple to go for outings and excursions to nearby Amer- 1893] PROSPERITY. 277 ican Fork Canyon, l)nt July 24, 1893, was the date of the first official celebration conducted there. Both the Lehi Silver Band and the choir spent Pioneer Dav in the can von, and with them went o'reat nnni- hers of citizens. An excellent program, together with picnic and sports, made np a successful celebration. A CANNING FACTORY. April of this year witnessed an offer from J. E. Keenan, of Ogden, to Lehi people to furnish the ma- chinery for and operate a canning factory in the city if they would provide him a stipulated amount for operation. Thomas R. Cutler, Ira D. Wines, ^Vil- liam E. Racker, AA'illiam Clark, and T. F. Trane w^ere among the numl)er who accepted the proposition and financed the removal of the factor}- from Ogden to Lehi. One season w^as the extent of operation of the new enterprise, both because it was discoverd that the machinery was antiquated and useless,- and because disagreement arose between Keenan and the local stockholders concerning running expenses. A loss of $4,000.00 was the result of the venture to Lehi investors. JAMES KIRKIIAM & SONS— STOKER. In 1893. two new business establishments were opened, one by the firm of James Kirkham & Sons, the other by John Stoker. The latter lasted only a few years and was abandoned. Kirkham & Sons erected a brick building on the corner of First East and Sixth North Streets, and filled it with a complete stock (^f merchandise. The venture proved profitable 278 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1893 until 1904, when the store was closed. The building- has since been used by the Standard Knitting Com- pany and the Lehi Publishing Company. TWENTY-SECOND MUNICIPAL ELECTION. After a heated campaign, the Republicans succeeded in electing their entire ticket in the twenty-second election of city ofificers, on November 7, 1893 : Oley Ellingson, Mayor; John Roberts, Jr-, Thadeus Powell, Benjamin S. Lott, Edward Evans, and Joel Myers, Councilors; Mosiah Evans, Record- er; Charles H. Karren, Alarshal ; George Evans, Justice ; Oley Ellingson, Jr., Treasurer; and Geo. Webb, James P. Carter, and Elias A. Bushman, School Trustees. Their appointments included Stephen W. Ross, At- torney ; James Evans, Building Inspector ; and James Harwood, Food Inspector. The only JAMES p. CARTER AND WIFE. , i j • xU change made durmg the incumbency of this set of officers was the substitution of Elisha H. Davis, Jr., for Stephen W.Ross, as Attor- ney, the latter having gone on a mission to England. One of. the first acts of this City Council was to authorize the erection of a new liberty pole in place 1893-1895J PROSPERITY. 279 of tlie one which had necessarily been removed by the previous administration. Nelson Gay AVhipple built the new pole; it was ninety feet in length; and was put up on the jail lot. Under orders from the city fathers, the first street sprinkling by the municipal government was com- menced in September, 1895. Mathias Peterson was the teamster in charge. THE INDUSTRIAL ARMY. On May 9, 1894, there arrived in Lehi a detach- ment of the "Industrial .Vrmy" under "General" Car- ter. This was part of an organization of idle work- men from difTerent states of the Union which aimed to converge at Washington and there secure certain legislation in their behalf. For a number of days the army camped on Dry Creek, at the State Road, and conversed with the citizens who came out of curi- osity to inspect them. In addition they held an open- air meeting and paraded the streets with banners, some of which were inscribed, "No Pauper Labor'' and "Give Us Free Silver." They terminated their \isit by stealing an engine at Lehi Junction and pro- ceeding to Provo, where the militia derailed the loco- motive and thus checked their progress. Carter and sixteen of his followers ended in jail, while the rest were shipped to Colorado. TWENTY-THIRD MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Neither party was wholly sucessful in the -election held November 5, 1895, which resulted in the selec- tion of John Roberts. Jr., flavor; 0]ey Fllin^son, An- 280 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1895 drew A. Peterson, Richard Bradshaw, and John S. A\'illes, Councilors; John E. Ross, Recorder; Joseph A. Thomas, Marshal; and James Harwood, Treas- urer. Of this number Peterson, Willes, and Thomas were Democrats ; the rest were Republicans. Thomas John of Provo, Attorney; Dr. C. L. Sea- bright, Quarantine Phy- sician ; and the mayor, the quarantine physician, and Hyrum L. Baker, a Board of Health, were some of the appoint- ments made by the twenty-third coterie of city ofificers. The only change occurring in the personnel of the admin- istration was the resig- nation of Thomas John and the appointment of Stephen AY. Ross as At- torney when the latter returned from England. The City Council now made an effort to erect a new city hall. First it sold the lot in the northern part of town over which there had been so much dis- pute previously, when the building of a jail was con- templated, and endeavored to buy all the property near the newly-erected jail. That is as far as the project advanced, however. . JOHN ROBERTS, JR. Fourteenth Mayor of Lehi. (1895-1897, 1903-1905) 1896-1897] PROSPERITY. 281 LEHI CELEBRATES STATEHOOD. When, on January 4, 1896, it was learned that Utah had reached her long sought goal of Statehood, Lehi celebrated in fitting style the auspicious event. The firing of guns, ringing of bells, and blo\ving of whis- tles characterized the first part of the celebration, while an enthusiastic public assembly expressed con- gratulations over the induction of the forty-fifth State into the Union. TWENTY-FOURTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The chief issue in the twenty-fourth civic election was prohibition, the Democrats declaring for the com- plete abolition of the liciuor traffic, while the Repub- licans proposed high license and strict regulation as the proper solution of the problem. At the polls, on Xovember 3. the Democrats elected their whole ticket with one exception: John S. A\'illes, AIa3^or; Andrew A. Peterson, James Allred, Samuel Taylor, George H. Smith, and George Glover, Councilors: Edward Southwick, Recorder: Joseph A. Thomas, Marshal : and Thomas F. Trane, Treasurer. Samuel Taylor was the only Republican member of this ad- ministration. The principal appointments were David J. Thurman, Attorney; and Dr. C. L. Seabright. Quarantine Physician. Some changes occurred during the two years this set of officers held their positions. Dr. R. E. Steele succeeded Dr. C. L. Seabright as Quarantine Phy- sician : George Zimmerman accepted George Glover's place as Councilor because of the absence of the lat- 282 HISTORY OF LEHI. L1898 ter on a mission ; and Prime Evans became Attorney when David J. Thurman resigned. Early in 1899, the City Council sold the Kelly lot, which, although bought for a public park, had never been used as such, and utilized the proceeds of the sale in improving the city cemetery. ELECTRICITY REACHES LEHI. In the spring of 1899, the Lehi City Council entered into negotiations with Christian Garfif concerning the proposed erection of a power plant at the mouth of American Fork Canyon, which could be utilized for fur- nishing power to Lehi, American Fork, and Pleasant Grove. The enterprise was possible providing the three cities would subscribe for a portion of the stock. Then began a series of meetings be- tween the promoters and city officials which finally culminated in the organization, on August 2, of the Utah County Light and Power Com- pany. Mayor Willes and Councilor Samuel Taylor were Lehi's representatives in this transaction. Lehi JOHN S. WILLES, Fifteenth Mayor of Lehi (1897-1899). 1899J PROSPERITY. 283 became the owner of $6,000.00 worth of stock, which was paid for by means of a special bond election in September. For the right of way on the citv streets, the power company furnished electric liglits at all the SEGO LILY SCHOOL HOUSE. principal corners, and when the electricity finally reached Lehi early the next spring, the electric streets presented an extremely pleasing appearance. SPANISH WAR HEROES. August 19 saw the city arrayed in holiday attire to welcome home three Lehi volunteers who had served in the Utah Battery in the Philippines — Richard L. Bush, Philip Dallimore, and Abner Harris. These men had volunteered in April, 1898, were mustered SPANISH WAK Vc...UN•rKI■:K^ P,mp Damn.o,c.^^^ ^^ ^_^^^^ 1899] PROSPERITY. 285 into service at Fort Douglas on May 9, left Salt Lake City for San Francisco on May 20, and arrived in Manila, July 17. With the Utah volunteers they per- formed valiant and able service against the Spaniards in Manila and the surrounding country. Serving side by side with regular soldiers, the Utah Batteries ac- quitted themselves with such bravery and distinction that their reputation spread throughout the whole country. Of them it is said, "In' an army where all were heroes the men of Utah made for themselves a conspicuous name. They earned it, for they never retreated, never lost a battle or a f^ag, never started for the foe that they did not scatter it as the wind scatters the chaff from the threshing floor." Serv- ing with distinction until the late summer of 1899, the Utah volunteers reached San Francisco and were mustered out of service on August 16. After their reception in Salt Lake City three days later, Lehi ofave her returninsr sons a welcome that has never been paralleled in her annals. A City Council appro- priation, contributions by the citizens, and the most intense enthusiasm helped to furnish a fitting tribute to the returning heroes. All three Lehi volunteers had made enviable names for themselves in the Utah contingent, and Richard L. Bush had been promoted to the rank of corporal for distinguished services. Besides the three Avho had served in the Philippines with the L^tah Batteries. Lehi had other sons who had volunteered for and had seen service in the war with Spain. Upon three diiTerent occasions Frederick Packer enlisted as a volunteer. The first time, he 286 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1899 liad expected to go to Cuba, but his regiment had only been used for guard duty. Upon the second enlistment, he served in the Philippines with the Twenty-fourth Infantry until compelled by sickness to return home. His last enlistment was in the reg- ular army with the Twenty-ninth Infantry at Fort Douglas. Another son of Lehi had served in the Wyoming Light Artillery — -John Darling. Enlisting in 1898, Darling did not reach Lehi until several years after tlie mustering out of the others. Azer R. Briggs and William C. Herron were two others who entered the army to light their country's l)attles. Sworn in at Fort Douglas, July 23, 1899, they reached Manila, October 11, and immediately were assigned to General Lawton's division. With this leader they participated in sixteen months of active service, principally against the rebel Filipino general, Aguinaldo. Ofttimes they suffered extreme hardships, and on one occasion both were compelled to remain a number of days in the hospital. Sailing from Ma- nila in February, 1901, they were mustered out of ser- vice in San Francisco, April 17, and reached Lehi three days later. TWENTY-FIFTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The verdict of the voters on November 7, 1899, was that the previous Democratic administration of prohibition had not been successful, so they showed their disapproval of that party by electing the Re- publican ticket on a platform which declared for the former policy of high license and strict regulation. 1899J PROSPERITY. 287 That ticket was as follows : Mosiah Evans, Mayor ; Samuel Taylor, William Bone, Elias A. Bushman, George Austin, and Richard Bradshaw, Councilors; James E. Ross, Recorder; J. N. Butt, Marshal; and Stephen AW Ross, Justice. The principal appoint- ments of the City Council were Prime Evans, Attor- ney; Dr. R. E. Steele, Quarantine Physician: and Hyrum Timothy, Policeman. In the following November, Mayor l^A^ans was elected to the State Legislature, so he re- signed his position as chief executive of Lehi. George Austin was ap- pointed to succeed him, while Joseph S. Broad- bent took the vacant place thus created in the City Council. Still other changes occurred in this administration — the ap- pointment of John Y. Smith as Attorney be- cause of the death of Prime Evans, July 8, 1901, and the selection of Joel Mears as Coun- cilor in place of Richard . Bradshaw, who had moved away. It was the twenty-fifth City Council which took the initial steps to provide the city with a fire de- partment. It purchased a number of ropes, buckets. MOSIAH EVANS, Sixteenth Mayor of Lehi. (1899-1900, 1902-1903) 288 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1900 and ladders as equipment, sent a committee to Pay- son and Eureka to study the fire departments exist- ing there, and by ordinance created a fire department in Lehi. Later a small engine was purchased. THE CITY PARK. The City Council purchased from John Beck, in July, 1900, a lot near the Denver and Rio Grande sta- tion to use as a city park. Already the property was admirably adapted for the purpose, a thick growth of CITY PAVILION. young trees covering part of it. Immediately the council began the task of improving the ground, and in this work the citizens were requested to share. Public holidays were declared and men and boys 1900] PROSPERITY. 289 gave their work free while the women prepared lunch for them. In this way a fence was built around the grounds, a baseball diamond laid out, a grand stand constructed, and a floor laid for dancing. By July 24 the park was in such shape that the first celebration could be held there. The construction of the pavilion was a later undertaking, in charge of R. John Whip- ple. Both the park and the pavilion have performed yeoman service since. Most of the dances have been held in the pavilion, while the baseball diamond has witnessed many interesting exhibitions of the great national game. The park has also served for reunions, encampments, and athletic carnivals. EMIGRATION. Lehi had in the past been very seriously involved with the problem of immigration, but about this time arose a different kind of problem — that of emigra- tion. Large numbers of Lehi people now left their old homes and moved to other parts of the West, most of them going to Canada. It was not dissatisfaction which impelled them to go, but rather the belief that greater opportunities existed in newer countries. Several towns in the province of Alberta owe a large part of their growth and population to this exodus from Lehi — notably Magrath and Raymond. But Canada was not the only country in which Lehi people found a new home. Mexico, especially the State of Sonora, claimed many of these new pio- neers. Idaho also received a great number. In ad- dition, various towns in LItah obtained an influx of population from this move. 20 290 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i90i Thus with the sugar business and this exodus, Lehi can well claim to have children scattered over the entire West. LEHI MERCANTILE COMPANY. In 1901 a number of Lehi business men, together with investors from southern Utah, bought out the mercantile business of Louis GarfY, and established the Lehi Mercantile Company in the Garff Building. Abel John Evans and James H. Gardner were the principal promoters of the new concern, and John L. Snow was the first manager. The company was able at first to enjoy a lucrative business, but later years saw it unprofitable. The store closed its doors in 1907. TWENTY-SIXTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The result of the election of November 5, 1901, was the success of the Republican ticket, with two excc])- tions. The Democrats had combined wnth the So- cialists and won the Recorder and Marshal, of Avhom the latter was a Socialist. The new officers were: George Austin, Mayor; James H. Gardner, James Harwood, Joel Mears, William Bone, Jr., and Samuel Taylor, Councilors; Sarah T. Evans, Recorder; Henry East, Marshal; John T. Roberts, Treasurer: and Stephen W. Ross, Justice. -The council ap- pointed John Y. Smith, Attorney; Dr. R. E. Steele, Quarantine Physician: and M. AA\ Tngalls. Chief of Eire Department. Only two changes were made in the twenty-sixth administration. Having been elected to the State Legislature, Mayor Austin resigned and Mosiah 1902] PROSPERITY. 291 Evans was chosen in his place. Later John T. Winn became Recorder when Mrs. Evans re- signed. The chief efforts of this administration were directed to improving the efficiency of the newly created fire de- partment. Accordingly a building was erected on Main Street, adjoin- ing the City Hall, in which to keep the en- gine, hose, and other equipment. The coun- cil also placed two wa- ter cisterns on Main Street, one near the City Hall and one on First West, to be used in fighting fire. The final act was the ac- ceptance of approximately fifty volunteer firemen. The department has on numerous occasions been extremely useful in saving the threatened property of the citizens. COTTER'S GROCERY. In 1902, J. E. Cotter purchased the stock of Rob- inson's "Corner Grocery," and with additions opened a grocery store for business on Main Street. In 1910 he built a brick store on Main and Center Streets, and moved his goods there. His business has been a profitable one since. GEORGE AUSTIN, Seventeenth Mayor of Lehi (1900-190-; CHAPTER XIX. Modern Lehi. 1902-1913. THE twentieth century dawned upon a thriving, prosperous city which had grown from the seeds planted on Dry Creek five decades previously. Fifty years had worked marvelous changes. The old Lehi had known only hardship and suffering, the new re- joiced in peace and comfort; the old was oft con- fronted with starvation, the new lived in peace and. even luxury; the old knew what it meant to be threat- ened with danger from savage men and savage beasts, the new experienced only safety and security; the old endured all manner of makeshifts and inconveniences in its daily life, the new utilized the manifold appli- ances and inventions of a highly developed modern science. Yet the old w^as not surpassed by the new in its patriotism and love for its home. The growth of Lehi from the beginning of the cen- tury to the present has been of a kind with its previ- ous advancement — steady, consistent, unceasing. Nothing has marred its development; much has aided it. Today, also, this progress is in evidence, and is cer- tain to continue in the future. THE PUMPING STATION. Two successive seasons of drought, in 1900andl901, in Salt Lake County, led the farmers there to investi- o I— ( < H O 294 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1902 gate new methods for securing additional water for irrigation to prevent the increasing diminuition in crops and the corresponding drop in land values. The Jordan River had been the source of water supply, but now it was furnishing only one-fourth enough water. In a previous season of drought, Bishop Arch- ibald Gardner, of West Jordan, had suggested the ad- visability of pumping water into the river and thus increasing the supply. His son, James H. Gardner, now took this idea up with Angus M. Cannon, presi- dent of one of the Salt Lake County canals, who in turn presented it to the Board of Canal Presidents, the body which regulated irrigation affairs in the county. After prolonged discussion and considera- tion, the scheme was adopted, and bids were opened for the installation of the pumps at the head of the Jordan on Utah Lake, four miles west of Lehi. James H. Gardner and M. W. Ingalls, of Lehi, secured this contract. Building operations began June 21, 1902, and in the ensuing two months four pumps were installed. They were 48-inch Byron Jackson centrifugal pumps, capable of delivering 400 cubic feet of water per sec- ond, or approximately 3,000 gallons. They were driven by four 100-horse-power motors. On August 19, two of the pumps were put into operation and immediately the flow of the river in- creased from 40 to 200 second feet of water. Although the additional supply from the pumps came so late in the season that it was not available for crops, yet the project had been proven a success and the farmers looked with hope to the next season. They were not 1902J MODERN LEHI. 295 disappointed. Hie summer of 1903 saw the river, by aid of the pumps, able to supply Salt Lake County farms with all the water needed. The pumping scheme was so successful that much new land was brought under cultivation and the necessity for more pumps created. In 1905, another pump was installed, and in 1907, two more. All were of the same size as the first four. LARGEST MOTOR AND PUMP AT JORDAN PUMPING STATION. Finally, in 1911, the eighth and last pump was placed in operation. This was a 60-inch centrifugal pump, driven by a 250-horse-power motor and capable of deli\ering 1,600 gallons per second. The entire plant now has a capacity of 700,000,000 296 HISTORY OF LEHL [1903 gallons of water every twenty-four hours. It is be- lieved to be the largest pumping plant in the v^orld. As an investment, the station has proved to be in- valuable. The good to the farmers which has directly resulted from its establishment cannot be estimated.* TWENTY-SEVENTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The officers chosen November 3, 1903, to have charge of the affairs of the city for the ensuing two years were all Republicans except the Justice, who was a Democrat: Mayor, John Roberts, Jr.; AA^illiam Bone, Councilor for four year term ; Thomas Webb, George L. Comer, George Beck, and Edward Karren, Councilors for two year term ; John T. Winn, Re- corder ; T. J. AA^adsworth, Treasurer; J. Newburn Butt, Marshal ; and Eli Kendall, Justice. The new council appointed James Brown, Road Supervisor; Dr. R. E. Steele, Quarantine Physician, and George Hammer, Fire Chief. Later John Y. Smith received the appointment as Attorney, but after his resignation he was succeeded by Stephen W. Ross. The cities of Utah Count}^ now undertook a second revision and printing of the city ordinances. Coun- cilor William Bone, Jr., was the representative of Lehi in this work; $500.00 was appropriated to defray the expenses incurred. This City Council also endeavored to effect an ex- *Average precipitation at the pumping- plant, by months, from 1904 to 1912 inc Jan. 1.17 Feb. 1.26 Mar. 1.57 Apr. Mas June ^ July 1.65 ' 1.97 I 0.35 1.08 Aug. I Sept Oct. Nov. , Dec. 1.42 ' 1.65 1.57 1.00 , 1.44 Total 16 13 Elevation 4.500 feet. 1905J MODERN LEHI. 297 change with the School Board, giving the jail lot for the old Biesinger lot. The deal was not consum- mated, however. RACKER MERCANTILE COMPANY Upon his return from a mission to Denmark, Wil- liam E. Racker entered into negotiations with the People's Co-operative Institution for the purchase of their branch store on Main Street, which was now a commodious, modern structure. Finally the deal was PRIMARY SCHOOL BUILDING. consummated and the Racker Mercantile Company opened its doors for business, in 1905. The enterprise has prospered and at different times has been enlarged until today it is a flourishing business, handling all kinds of merchandise. 298 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i905 PRIMARY SCHOOL HOUSE. This same year the School Board, urged by the overcrowded condition of the school houses, especially in the lower grades, began the construction of a new building on the corner of Center Street and Second North. It was for the use of the beginning classes and was therefore called the Primary Building. Erected at. a cost of $30,000.00, and containing eight rooms, with all the modern conveniences, it is a credit both to the progressiveness of the city and the stand- ard of its education. TWENTY-EIGHTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The* Republican party was again successful in car- rying the city election on November 7, 1905 : Thomas Webb, Mayor; Councilors (hold over), William Bone, Jr. (four year term), Samuel I. Goodwin (two year term), John D. Woodhouse, Henry Lewis, and Parley Austin; Marshal, George Evans; Recorder, John T. Winn; Treasurer, T. J. W^adsworth; and Justice, Samuel Taylor. Appointments were; Stephen W. Ross, Attorney; George A. Wall, Street Supervisor; George Hammer, Fire Chief; and John D. Wood- house, Policeman — the last named resigning his office as Councilor to accept the position. Mathias Peter- son succeeded him. Ill fortune seemed to pursue the office of marshal during this administration, causing, many changes, ^larshal George Evans died, February 26, 1906, and John D. Woodhouse took up his duties. After a Year's service, Woodhouse resigned and Robert Tay- lor was chosen to fill the place. A\'hile hunting rabbits. 1906J MODERN LEHI. 299 July 19, 1907, near Lehi, Marshal Taylor was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, and all Lehi mourned his death. Edmund Fowler was the fourth incumbent of the office during the administration. As an experiment, the City Council, in connection with the Lehi L^rigation Company, drove a three-inch well, during the summer of 1906, on Third East be- tween Second and Third North Streets. The well reached a depth of 569 feet and discharged about 75 gallons of water per minute. It was used in sprinkling the streets. BUSINESS GROWTH. There began now in Lehi a definite era of business growth. Not only did the established business houses experi- ence prosperous times, but many new concerns were founded and start- ed likewise u;^oi a suc- cessful career. Among these can be mentioned the Bank of Lehi, the Mount Pickle factory, the Lehi Roller Mills, and the Standard Knitting Company. The Bank of Lehi was first established in the Ross Building on Main Street, in 1906, as a branch of the Bank of American Fork. Only one Lehi man, James H. Gardner, was on the board of directors. Georee THO^rAS WEBB. Eighteenth Mavor of Lehi, 1905-1909. 300 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i906 N. Child was the first cashier. Lehi soon demon- strated its ability to support two banks, for the new institution was unusually successful. In 1912, a reor- ganization of the bank occurred. It became a state bank under the name of the State Bank of Lehi, and the capitalization was set as $25,000.00. Lehi stock- holders now secured the majority of stock and the control of the board of directors. Edward Southwick, James H. Gardner, Morgan Evans, Dr. H. G. Hol- brook, William E. Racker, and W. S. Evans were among the most active in effecting this change. The factory of the Mount Pickle Company was es- tablished as a result of a thorough canvass among the farmers of Lehi in which the latter pledged themselves to raise sufficient cucumbers to justify the erection of a salting plant. For a short time each season, cucumbers are received and taken through the pre- liminary stages of pickling. Much benefit has accrued to Lehi people as a result of the erection of the fac- tory. Because the farmers of Lehi had been compelled to take their orj-ain elsewhere since the cessation of the Mulliner mill, the need of a roller mill in the city be- came strongly evident. Various efforts had been made to promote new projects but without success. Finally, in 1905, a number of business men formed the Lehi Roller Mill Company and erected a thoroughly equipped, modern mill on the road to the sugar fac- tory, a short distance east of the city. It is electrically operated. Among its first officers were John' Y. Smith, Samuel I. Goodwin, Thomas Webb, James H. Gardner, and Abel John Evans. In 1910, the company 1906] MODERN LEHI. 301 sold its holdings to George G. Robinson. The mill has been operated since under his management. The Standard Knitting- Company endeavored to produce at home those articles of wearing apparel for LEHI ROLLER MILLS. which money had been sent outside. In this en- deavor a full equipment of knitting machinery v^as in- stalled in the Kirkham building on First East Street and a full line of knit goods produced. James M. Kirkham was the first manager. COMMERCIAL CLUB. In the promotion of these enterprises much credit was due to a club which had been formed some years before — the Commercial Club. It was organized in 1905 for the purpose of creating a medium whereby 302 HISTORY OF LEHI. ti906 the business interests of Lehi could be forwarded, new industries fostered, and the products of the city well advertised. Incidentally it furnished social diversion. George Austin was the first president of the society. At first the club rooms were in the Utah Banking- Building on State Street, but in 1911 they were trans- ferred to the Ross Building on Main Street. The club has effected much good in the city's commercial life and has been a substantial aid to its general progress. THE LEHI HIGH SCHOOL. Although a ninth grade course had been given to fifteen students by G. N. Child, in 1902, and a continu- ation of their work had followed the next year, yet it was not until 1906 that this higher educational work came to be called a high school. James M. Anderson had taught these advance grades after the first year, but in 1906 he moved to Salt Lake City and W. Karl Hopkins, a graduate of the University of Utah, was engaged as principal of the Lehi High School. In 1908, a class was graduated from three years' work and the following year the first fourth year class received diplomas of graduation. Classes have been graduated every year since. In 1910, the High School came under the administration of the Alpine School Dis- trict, whose board purchased the Central School House and used it exclusively for high school work. Its growth since has been phenomenally rapid. In 1913, the High School consisted of 151 students and seven teachers. The High School students have been an important factor in the social life of the city, and are responsible for interesting and beneficial athletic diversion during iyo7j MODERN LEHI. 303 the winter and spring months. The people of Lehi are proud of their High School and accord it their earnest support. TWENTY-NINTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. A\'ith the exception of one Democratic councilor, the Republicans had a clean sweep in the twenty- ninth election of city officers, observed November 7, 1907: Thomas A\'ebb, Mayor; Councilors, (hold over), Samuel I. Goodwin, (four year term), Joseph W. Goates, Democrat, (two year term), Jonas Holds- worth, Le Roy Lott, and Henry Lewis; Recorder, George A. Goates; Treasurer, John T. Winn; Mar- shal, J. Newburn Butt; and Justice, Samuel Taylor. The appointive offices were distributed as follows : George Webb, Road Supervisor; George Hammer, Fire Chief; Abel John Evans, Attorney: Dr. Walter T. Hasler, Quarantine Physician, and Charles C. Trane, Policeman. The only change occurring in this administration was the resignation of Marshal Butt and the appointment of Henry East in his place. PIONEER MONUMENT. The fort wall had gradually fallen or been torn down until, in 1905, only one vestige of it remained on the south-west corner of the Primary School lot. When it became necessary to destroy this, a little sentiment was aroused over the passing of such a land mark without suitable commemoration. Noth- ing came of it, however, until 1908, when two men who had become interseted in the matter, through their connection with the School Board, W. S. Evans and Andrew Fjeld, called a mass meeting of the citi- PIONEER MONUMENT, 1908J AlODKRN LEHI. 305 zens. The upshot of this and a subsequent assembly was the appointment of the Leh-i Pioneer Connnittee, consisting- of AA'. S. Evans, Andrew Fjeld, Martin B. Bushman, George X. Chihl, Hamilton Gardner, and A. B. Anderson. The committee now offered a suitable prize for the best design for a monument ; it was won by the Elias Morris Company, of Salt Lake. The memorial was erected in November, 1908; the base of Utah granite LEHI PIONEER COMMITTEE. George N. Child, Hamilton Gardner, Andrew Fjeld, W. S. Evans, A. 15. .\nderson, Martin B. Bushman. and the shaft of Vermont granite. It is 16 feet in height. On the sides of the base are a plan of the old fort, the raised inscriptions — "Fort Wall" and "Lehi Pioneers," and the foUowiuQ; items of liistorv — "Lehi 21 306 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i908 settled, 1850; organized as a ward. 1851, David Evans, first bishop; incorporated as a city, February 5, 1852, Silas P. Barnes, first mayor. Erected 1908." Thanksgiving Day, Noveni])er 26, was the date of the unveiling of the monument. A holiday had been declared and invitations sent out to many of the pio- neers of the city. Many of these, indeed, attended the meeting in the Tabernacle and the later exercises at the monument. The principal features of the pro- gram were an oration 1)y Daxid luans, Jr., and the unveiling of the monument by Mrs. Azubia D. Cox Hardwick, the first child born in Lehi ; she was as- sisted by H. I\I. Royle, the first boy born on Dry Creek. The monument stands in a conspicuous ]dace on the school lot on the north line of the fort, just 26 rods from the north-east corner. It is a fitting tribute to the work of the hard}- pioneers wdio found- ed and 1)ui1t the city. CITY WATER WORKS. The cjuestion of an adecpiate water supply had long- been a vexing one to the citizens of Lehi. Depend- ing upon artesian and surface wells, they had experi- enced much dissatisfaction and not a little danger. When the mo\-ement for a ckx water system began, therefore, they were heartih' in fa\or of it. The first ])roject was to unite with American Fork and secure a supply of water from Grove Springs, near Alpine. On investigation, however, it was found that this water was neither of suitable (|ualit\- nor of sufiicient (|uantity to supply the two cities. The City of .\1])ine now^ proposed another scheme 1908 J MODERN LEHi. 307 — it should unite with Lehi in the instalhition of a system from School House Springs. A committee from the Commercial Clul), consisting of James H. Gardner, Andrew Fjeld, and Abel John Evans, met with the City Council and urged them to investigate this plan. On June 9, 1908, the City Council and the Commercial Club committee made a trip to Alpine MAIN STREET (Looking East). and after investigating the springs, held a meeting with the Alpine City Council and offered them v$8,000.00 for five-sixths of the stream, the offer to be subject to the citizens of Lehi. In July, a special meeting of the tax payers was held to discuss this proposed plan. The result was the sanctioning of the action of the council and the au- thorization of a water system. Furthermore, in a 308 HISTORY OF LEHI. n^os special bond election, on September 21, the people, by a decisive majority, authorized, the issuing of $26,- 500.00 in water bonds to install the system. The last step in preparation for actual work came with the agreement with the City of Alpine and the Alpine Irrigation Company whereby Lehi was to secure five- sixths of the water from School House Springs for $8,000.00, and in addition Lehi was to pipe the entire stream to Movie's Hill where the division would be made. The council now hired Richard R. Lyman to work out the details of the system and direct the installation. The summer of 1909 saw the work on the svstem in full blast. Under the supervision of W. S. Evans, drain pipes were placed in all the outlets at School House Springs, and by a system of deep cross-cutting trenches, the water was brought into one channel. A weir for the division of the water was already being built at Moyle's Hill. From here it was conducted by pipe line across the bench to a settling tank just north of Lehi. This has a capacity of 320,000 gallons and is built of concrete. Other gangs of men put in a system of conduits along the- city streets, and before many months had elapsed the water was in the homes of the citizens. The water works has been a boon to the people of Lehi. It is inexpensive, sanitary, and plentiful, and gives a distinct value to the city's claim as a desirable residence town. LEGISLATION T.Y THE CITY COUNCIL. A prohibition wave now struck Utah and found echo in the action of various cities in Utah County. 1909] MODERN LEHI. 309 As a preliminary step, the city councils of Lehi, Amer- ican Fork, and Pleasant Grove decided to allow the licenses of liquor dealers to expire by Febraury 1, 1910. Before this agreement was put in effect, the councils of all cities in the county agreed, in a meeting ^^ I'OUR'rH WARD CHAPEL. held in Provo in July, 1909, to adopt common legisla- tion which would terminate the saloons by the first of the following year. After a protracted session, the Lehi City Council adopted this ordinance on Septem- ber 14. The exchange of lots with the School Board, which the City Council had tried to make several years previ- ously, was com])lcted in 1909. Through it the city came into possession of the lot on Center and First 310 HISTORY OF LEHI. [i909 North and the School Board became the new owners of the jail lot. The old jail was torn down at once and a larger and better one erected on the new city property. A second special bond election, held July 26, au- thorized the city to bond for $21,000.00, of which $8,000.00 was to be spent on the water works and the remainder for funding a floating indebtedness. The last official act of the council was the sale of -the 12,000 shares of Utah County Light and Power stock to meet their later obligations. At various times the city had increased its holdings in this com- pany until it totalled the number mentioned, but now it was deemed advisable to apply their value in help- ing tlie installation of the water works. THIRTIETH MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The thirtieth election of city officers Avas the most spirited the people had witnessed for some years. The prohibition question was one cause, the Demo- crats declaring explicitly for abolition of the saloons and accusing the Republicans of evading the question. Another reason was the internal trouble in the Re- publican ranks. There had been a bitter fight for the nomination for mayor, and this had the effect of split- ting the party on election day, November 2, 1909. The result was a complete Democratic victory, with the exception of one councilor and the recorder: Mayor, Edward Southwick: Councilors, (hold over), Joseph W. Goates, (four year term), William F. Gur- ney, (two year term), George G. Webb, R. John Whipple, and James Gough (Republican) ; Recorder, 1909] MODERN LEHI. 311 George A. Goates; Treasurer. Jolm Stoker; and Tns- tice. Eli Kendall. The appointments made by the council included Henr>^ East, Marshal — (The last .Legislature had made the marshal an appointive instead of an elective office): Abel John Evans, Attorney: George Schow, Road Supervisor: Dr. A\'alter T. Hasler. (Quarantine Physician, and A\'illiam J. Gurnev. Xight Police. Eater the position of Superintendent of Water Works was created and George A. Goates designated as the first incumbent. Changes in this admin- istration were few — the resignation of Police- man Gurney and the a])- ])ointment of George Wing, and the resigna- tion of l^reasurer Sto- ker, who ^\■as succeeded hv Ephraim J. Child. Among the notable acts of this City Council was the passing of an ordinance Avhich com- pelled all drug stores, soda fountains, and can- dy stores to close their places of business on Sunday. As public sentiment seemed to ^•iew such an action as entirely too strict, it was later modified. KinVARl) SOUTH WICK, Xincteentli Mavor of Lehi, 1909-1911. 'i'lie last Legislature had extended the bonding 312 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1910 limit of cities, so at a third special election, held April 11, IQll, the city increased its bonded indebtedness to $25,000.00. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Near the close of 1910, the City Council established a public library and reading room in the Senate Build- ing on Main Street. Securing the books of the Mu- tual Improvement library, and adding to them some 11*^ GRAMMAR SCHOOL BUILDING. Others contributed b)' interested citizens, the library was able to make available a valuable set of books to the public. A librarian is in charge of the reading room which is opened at convenient hours on all week (lavs. I 1910] MODERN LEHI. 313 GRAMMAR SCHOOL BUILDING. The summer of 1910 witnessed the erection of the latest of Lehi's excellent system of public school buildings — the Grammar School building. It was built on the. jail lot secured from the city one year before at a cost of $30,000.00. Ohran & Fjeld were the contractors in charge of the construction. The build- ing is of white,- pressed brick and contains eight rooms. A modern heating plant with which to heat both this building and the adjoining Primary build- ing was also erected. HOME COMING WEEK. Sufficient time had now elapsed that Lehi's sons and daughters had been scattered all over the Inter- mountain AA'est, and they had been away long enough that a visit to the old home would be highly desirable. Many people had privately and unofficially spoken of a "Home Coming AA^eek," but it remained for the City Council, on December 27 , 1910, to take the initial action. This was the appointment of a committee to direct the affair, consisting of Mayor Edward South- wick, Councilor Joseph AA\ Goates, Bishop James H. Gardner, Bishop Andrew Fjeld, Dr. Horace G. Hol- • l)rook, and AW S. Evans, with James M. Kirkham, secretary. The committee met shortly afterward and organized their work thoroughly. Immediately a widespread publicity campaign was launched, letters being sent to every former citizen of Lehi of whom any trace could be found. The Home Coming week was set for June 5 to 11. Several days before the actual program was to com- mence, visitors began making their appearance, and 314 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1911 by Monday, June 5, the hospitality of the city was crowded to its Hniit. Former residents of the town, rel- atives and friends, came in numbers which exceeded even the most sanguine hopes of the committee. But all were made welcome, not only by personal greet- ing, but by the decorations of the streets, residences, and business houses of the city. Blue and white had been chosen as the official colors of the celebration. and they were used profusely. A ''Get-Acquainted" meeting on Monday afternoon STATE STREET (Looking East; inaugurated a most successful week of entertainment. 11ien followed every day some special feature in- tended to make the visit of the guests a pleasant one, and Di:ic.rease their regret that the\' had moved awav 1911] MODERN LEHI. 315 from the cit} . Old-fashioned dances, evenings with friends, opportunities to discuss reminiscences and memories of the ])ast, and a general renewal of old friendships characterized the Home Coming celebra- tion. One meeting was attended by Governor Wil- liam Spry, while President Joseph V. Smith, of the Latter-da\' Saints, was the guest at another. The whole program was carried through with unusual success. The Home Coming w^eek furnished an opportunity for many people to see again those old friends from whom they had long been separated and whose ac- (|uaintance they valued most highly. Sons and daugh- ters of Lehi came to their home again from all parts of the West. Many of them had participated in the stirring times which accompanied Lehi's foundation, and now they had gone to other parts of the country. Inlaying again the part of pioneers and path-finders. The visit of these old veterans Avas a distinct benefit to Lehi, both because it gave her an opportunity to honor those whose work had built her up, and because she could show that their e'ft'orts had not been in vain. Altogether the Home Coming w-as a supreme success. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. The summer of 191 1 witnessed a new kind of agri- cuUural work in full blast. This was the process of dry-farming. Since 1851, the farmers had irrigated their lands to grow cereals, but modern agricultural science had now brought a new method to light — the production of grain w^ithout irrigation. The land west of the Jordan River was found especially adaptable to ;i6 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1911 this kind of farming, so what had once been nothing but a sage brush tract was now covered with arid PLANT OF UTAH LAKE IRRIGATION COMPANY. wheat. The lands around the Point of the Mountain, and on the bench north and west of Lehi, which had long been unused, were now also made to produce bounteous crops of golden grain. But development had not stopped here. Both the bench land on the north and the land west of the Jor- dan was now brought under canals by the Provo Res- ervoir Company, and the Utah Lake Irrigation Com- pany, respectively, making it possible to irrigate most of it. Thus the pioneer spirit of old, which "made the desert blossom as the rose," was continued in modern limes. lyii] MODERN LEHI. 17 THIRTY-FIRST MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The thirty-first election for city officers, which was held on November 7, 1911, returned the Republicans to office, the hold-over councilor being the only Dem- ocratic member: Mayor, William E. Racker; Coun^ cilors (hold-over), William F. Gurney, (four-year term) W. Karl Hop- kins, (two year term) Thomas Webb, Parley Austin and George G. Robinson; Recorder, James F. FyfTe; Treas- urer, Thomas F. Kirk- ham ; Justice, George W>bb. The appoint- ments made by the council included William Asher, Attorney ; Geo. Wing, Marshal; Dr. Horace G. Holbrook, Quarantine Physician ; John E. Jones, Night Policeman ; G. L. Comer. Road Supervisor ; and George Hammer, Fire Chief. Only a few changes occurred during the ad- ministration. John Evans succeeded George Wing as Marshal, John Zimmerman took Policeman Jones' place, and John Cooper filled the vacancy caused by George Hammer's resignation as Fire Chief. WILL [AM E. RACKER, Twentieth Mayor of Lehi, 1911-1913.. 318 HISTORY OF LEHI. [1913 PAVING OF SIDEWALKS. The most notable action of the thirty-first City Council was the preparation to pave the side- walks of the city. Recognizing that Lehi must take such action in order to keep up a\ ith modern progress, the council divided the city into paving districts and solicited bids for the construction of cement walks on a'l the principal streets, l^he work promises to be well under way before the close of 1913. INTER-URBAN RAILWAV. At various times in the past, different promoters had secured rights of way through the city, dependent upon the immediate commencing of building opera- tions, but none had as yet utilized them. In 1910, however, a number of Utah County men, including several from Lehi, organized a company to construct an electric railway from Payson to Salt Lake City. This company has gone through several changes of officers and capitalizations until today it is called the Salt Lake and Utah Railway. It is proposed to op- erate electric passenger trains over the line, as well as to handle freight. The road has been surveyed sev- eral times, most of the rights of way secured, and grad- ing has already begun. The inter-urban will run on Third North Street, in Lehi, and will be the third rail- w^ay to pass through the city, affording it excellent connections with the State capital and other cities. CHAPTER XX. Today and Tomorrow. A SURVEY of her development since 1850 jnsti- fies Lehi in feeling pride for the past, satisfaction for the present, and hope for the fnture. Her record is an enviable one ; not a single blotch mars its whole conrse. It speaks ever of progress, order, and justice, never of lawlessnes, stagnation, and retrogression. Every step forward has been natural and logical, 1)e- cause it has resulted from the lal:>or of men and women who knew how to build firmly and well. Grow^th has been an internal working out of ideals, and not a chance external cause. To this can be ascribed the steadiness and consistency of Lehi's ad- xancement — a past of which her children may always l^e proud. Xor need their attitude change when they contem- phite tlie present. Lehi is a fair city to look upon ; her l)cop1e are a good people. Her fertile fields, thriving mercantile esta1:)1ishments, and teeming factories, be- speak the industry in which they are pleased to live. On every side can be seen the evidences of prosperity and liappiness. The farmer cultivates his rich land with skill and ])rofit, bringing forth crops in an abundance that be- lies the possibility of hunger and want. His waving fields and broad acres are proof positive of his pros- perous condition. The fruit trees, laden to the break- 320 HISTORY OF LEHL ing point with luscious fruit, bring each year pleasure and health to the consumer and profit to the owner of the orchards. Nor do the sheep and cattle fail to tender their share to the wealth and happiness of Lehi's children. The laborer need not long be idle here. Factories beck him on to turn the wheels of industry and create the necessities of life for men and women within a radius of many miles. And for their labor and raw materials, the people receive a liberal compensation to add to their security against an unknown future. As a residence town Lehi gives place to none. Free from all the vices of the large cities, she offers the dweller within her borders safety from that which is undesirable, together with all the advantages of mod- ern life. She combines strikingly all the security of the country with the desirabilit}^ of the city. Her ed- ucational system compares favorably with any in the land. Pure mountain water gushes forth from her water system. Her climate is unsurpassed. Three railroads place her within easy reach of Salt Lake and other sister cities. Her people are desirable neigh- bors. Everything is suitable to make Lehi continue as one of the favorite residence towns of the West. On all sides is opportunity for legitimate pleasure and diversion. The canyons nearby, and Utah Lake with its wide expanse of shimmering blue, invite the camper and tourist to rest, and the contemplation of Nature's wondrous beauties. The Saratoga Springs offer their healing waters for the benefit and enjoy- ment of the visitor. The theatres and places of amuse- ment furnish proper and refined pleasure to those I TODAY AND TOMORROW. 321 who wish thus to enjoy themselves. The citizens, too, whether in dance, party, or private association, afford a richness of friendship and sociabiHty unsur- passed. So, then, Lehi can well feel satisfaction with her present condition. But it must be the kind of satisfaction that seeks something better, not that kind which stagnates in self-sufficiency. The future is colored with a rosy outlook for her. It beckons her on to greater pro- gress than ever. The duty of her sons and daugh- ters is to retain and practice that patriotism for their city which characterized the every action of their fathers and mothers. Let her honor be their choicest possession, her welfare their most immediate desire. If so it be, then the future will yet bring forth a greater and better Lehi. I 22 Biographical Section. • BIOGRAPHICAL. ANDREW R. ANDERSON. Andrew Rasmus Anderson was born near the city of Aal- borg, Denmark, March 9, 1844. He was the only child of Jens and Ane C. Anderson, people of considerable means and influ- ence. The family became converts of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Andrew R. was baptized a member when sixteen years of age, and before six months had elapsed, he be- came a missionary of the gos- pel, preaching in his own land with great success. Through his efforts he organized a branch of the church in the city of Belum. In the year 1862 the family emigrated to Utah. His father was buried in the North Sea, but he and his mother arrived in October of that year. Mr. Anderson settled in Eph- raim, Utah, where he was mar- ried to Mary Ann Pederson, January 1, 1863. Six children were born of this marriage. Later he married a second wife, Nelsina M Anderson, by whom eight children were born. While in Ephraim he was ac- tive in defending the homes and property of the people against the Indians. He took part in all the engagements and expe- ditions in the Black Hawk War in that section. Mr. Anderson moved to Lehi in the year 1870, where he has since resided. He procured some of the choice lands of Utah val- ley, which he tilled with profit. He at once became active in the civic development of the community. He served for a short time as marshal of Lehi and one term as mayor of the city. Through earnest effort he brought about the entry of the western half of section 16, which row forms a part of Eastern Lehi. He was a di- rector on the Lehi City water board during the early years of its organization. He has been identified with many leading in- terests of the city. For years he was a director in the Lehi Bank and later the Utah Bank- ing Company, also a director in the People's Co-operative Insti- tution, which position he holds at the present time. He was one of the leading promoters in the erection of the Lehi Taber- nacle which adorns our city. Not only in civic, but in a re- 326 HISTORY OF LEHL ligioiis way, has Mr. Anderson been active. From the begin- ning he was a devout believer in the faith of the Latter-day Saints. As a church worker he filled many positions with credit. From 1874 to 1877 he filled a mission to his native land. He was selected as coun- selor to Bishop David Evans, and later as counselor to Bishop T. R. Cutler, thus acting in the Bishopric more than 30 years. After the division of the wards, he served as a high councilor in the stake. He was chosen counselor to William Bromley, president of the High Priests' Quorum of the Alpine Stake. Since the death of President Bromley, Mr. Anderson has been chosen president of that quorum. All who know Mr. Anderson know him as a man of his word. He has led a useful life, admin- istering to the needy, helping the distressed, and giving coun- sel to his fellow-men. By his straightforward and honorable career he has drawn around him a host of friends, and has the entire confidence of all who know him. MARY ANN PEDERSON ANDERSON. Mary Ann Pederson Anderson was born at Vedum, Denmark, September 29, 1837. She is the third child of a family of nine children. She joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints November 9, 1855. The spirit of gathering soon found Mrs. Anderson a disciple, and she emigrated to Utah in 1862 with C. A. Madsen's ox team company. She was mar- ried New Year's day, 1862, to Andrew R. Anderson, at Eph- MARY ANN PEDERSON ANDERSON. raim, Sanpete County, Utah, In 1870 conditions made it po«r^ ble for her husband to mc^ e to Lehi, the place of her death, September 23, 1912, at the age of 74 years, 11 months, and 24 days. Mrs. Anderson was an active worker in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She BIOGRAPHICAL. 327 was an earnest laborer in the Primary Association from the time of its organization until the incorporation in the Lehi Ward of the Relief Society in 1882. At this date she was ap- pointed to the position of treas- urer of the Relief Society, act- ing in this capacity for the fol- lowing eighteen years. From 1900 to 1903 she filled the posi- tion of counselor, and from 1903 to 1907 the position of president. She is the mother of six chil- dren, three boys and three girls. NELSINA ANDERSON. Nelsina Anderson was born in the city of Staun, Denmark, in the year 1854. She was the youngest but one of nine chil- dren. Her parents, Andres and Dorothy Anderson, were the ad- miration of the community in which they lived. Nelsina was one of those who left a comfortable home for the gospel's sake. In company with her parents, three sisters, and the youngest brother, she emi- grated to Utah in the year 1868. She is one of those who shared in the sad experiences connected with such emigra- tions. A sister was buried in the ocean, a father and a sister on the way, and mother and a brother died a few days after reaching Utah. Thus only she and her one sister remained. Fortunately they were among friends. They were offered in- ducements to return to their na- tive land by a well-to-do rela- tive, but the girls were already firmly planted in Utah, and here they remained. Nelsina Anderson came to Lehi in the year 1870, where she was married to Andrew R. An- derson, a well-known resident of Lehi. She has reared a family NELSINA ANDERSON. of children of whom she may justly be proud. All who have been her neighbors know full well that she has kept the com- mandment: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." For fifteen years she labored as a teacher in the Relief Society, and holds such a position at the present time. 328 HISTORY OF LEHL Through her warm sympathy, kind consideration of others, and her willing devotion, she has left remembrances that will never die. ANDREW BJRRING ANDERSON. Andrew Bjrring Anderson is the son of Andrew R. Ander- son and Mary Ann Pederson Anderson. He was born in Eph- raim, Sanpete County, Utah, on the 14th day of September, 1866. When he was three years old, his parents moved to Lehi, the place of his home up to the pres- ent time, excepting the years spent in teaching at Vernal and Beaver. Mr. Anderson's early life was occupied on the farm, which af- forded a most excellent oppor- tunity for attending school dur- ing the winter months. In the spring of 1884 he graduated from the public schools, and the following two winters attended the B. Y. Academy at Provu, graduating at the head of his class in 1886 from the prepar- atory normal course. The am- bition of becoming a teacher, which had been created under the splendid instructions of Dr. Maeser, were for a period of six years not realized. It was during these years that he was employed by the Lehi Co-op. as clerk, serving two years in ihe Branch store and four years at the main building, in Lehi. Dur- ing the summer of 1892, while acting as a grand juror in Provo, the influences of Dr. Maeser's early teachings moved him to make arrangements for attending school the following winter. During the commence- ANDREW B. ANDERSON. ment exercises of the spring of 1895, the B. Y. University con- ferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy (B. Pd.), also a diploma from the com- mercial department of the same institution. Two years later the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints, as recognition of meritorious work in the Uintah Stake Academy, conferred upon him the degree of D. B. In the BIOGRAPHICAL. 329 spring of 1912, he filed credits from the most noted summer schools of the University of Utah, the B. Y. University, and the Agricnltural College with the State Board of Education, receiving from it a State High HANNAH EVANS ANDERSON. School Diploma. He served as teacher and principal from 1895 to 1901, in the Uintah Stake Academy, and from 1901 to 1907 as principal of the Beaver Branch of the B. Y. University, and from 1908 to the present writing, he has occupied the po- sition of district principal of the Lehi schools. Mr. Anderson has been a con- sistent Democrat all of his life. During his early manhood, he received from his party recog- nition in being sent as a dele- gate to attend the National Democratic Convention, held in Chicago, at which time and place Grover Cleveland received the nomination f£r his second term as President of the United States. He has been a persistent worker in the church to which he belongs. In his early youth, he was placed in the position of counselor to the^ president of the Y. M. M. I. A., and later be- came president. For three years, from 1898 to 1901, he was coun- selor to Bishop John N. Davis, of the Vernal Ward, and from 1901 to 1907, was presiding elder of the Academy Branch of the Beaver Ward. At this writing he holds, in the Alpine Stake, the position of alternate to the high council, member of the stake board of education, and superintendent of the religion classes. Wherever he has lived, he has been a producer and a home- builder, a lover of the soil, and a producer of its .products. Hannah Evans and Andrew B. Anderson were married in the Manti Temple, September 12, 1888. To them have been born Vernon A., Leland D., Maesa •L., and Mary M. Hannah Evans is the daughter of David Evans and Margaret Christina Holm Evans. She was born in Lehi, February 4, 1870. 330 HISTORY OF LEHI. JOHANAH J. J. ANDERSON. Johanah Johnson Jacobs An- derson, the daughter of John and Anna Johnson, was born in 1792, in Tyrsfors, Soken, Nor- way. The family were -farmers, so her early life was spent on the farm. Her education was limited to the amount prescribed by law, which was very little. She married Swen Jacobs, with whom she had two sons, Swen aad John. In 1830, the family emigrated to the New World, being among the first to leave Norway for America. Two years after their arrival, the husband died, leav- ing Mrs. Jacobs a widow, in the state of New York. A few years later she married xA^ndrew Anderson, and together they moved to La Salle County, Illi- nois. While here they joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, through the instrumentality of Elder George P. Dykes and others. Mrs. An- derson and her two sons, Swen and John, were baotized Aug- ust 12, 1842. May 18, 1849, the family started on the perilous trip across the plains for Utah, with ox teams, arriving in Salt Lake City, October 31, 1849. On 'the^ Sweetwater they were over- taken by a raging snow storm, and lost a great number of their cattle, and but for the timely ar- rival of help from the valley. they would have been unable to continue the journey. The next two and a half years were spent in Session Settle- ment, and in the spring of 1852 the family moved to Lehi. Grandma Jacobs, as she was affectionately called, spent the remainder of her days in Lehi, administering cheer and comfort to the sick and bereaved. She was eminently successful as a midwife, and a great deal of her time was taken up with this work. She died at the home of her son, John, December 17, 1878, aged 86 years. MONS ANDERSON. Mons Anderson was born February 8, 1829, at Ringsager, Hedemarken, Norway. He emi- grated to America in 1848, lo- cating in Wisconsin. In 1852 he started for the gold fields of California, but while passing through Salt Lake City, he was converted to Mormonism through hearing Orson Pratt preach, and was baptized by Robert T. Burton, July 9, 1852. He remained in Salt Lake City, and married Christine Bensen July 3, 1854. Before leaving Salt Lake City, he was called to go and meet Johnston's army in Echo canyon. He moved to Lehi in April, 1858. He filled a mission to Norway in 1870-1872, laboring as traveling elder and as presi- dent of the Christiania Confer- BIOGRAPHICAL. 331 ence. In 1882-1883, he filled an- other mission to Wisconsin and Minnesota, He. married Hanna Giilbrand- son in October, 1875. He was the father of seven sons and two daughters. He was one of the first men in Lehi to raise flax, hemp, and broom corn, and to manufacture from these prod- ucts rough linen, rope, and brooms. For many years he was president of the Scandinavians of Lehi. He also filled other ecclesiastical positions. Mr. Anderson took part in all the ac- tivities and withstood all the hardships of early Lehi, and was among the most ardent of pio- neer town builders. He was a prominent and progressive citi- zen to the time of his death, September 18, 1908. Mrs. William Sharp. CHRISTINE BENSEN ANDERSON, Christine Bensen Anderson, wife of Mons Anderson, was born June 11, 1826, at Aarnage, Island of Bornholm, Denmark. She accepted the gospel from the first missionaries sent to Denmark, and was baptized by Elder George P. Dykes, August 24, 1850. She was living in Co- penhagen at the time of her conversion. She gave the elders financial aid, and took great pleasure in helping to teach the Danish language to Erastus Snow. Soon after her conver- sion, she was asked to accom- pany the elders to Bornholm her native island, to do mission- ary work. Her parents, Yeppe and Maren Bensen, gave them a home, and she helped to sup- port the elders, and assisted them in their missionary work. She was the second convert from Bornholm to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints. She left her native land for Utah, December 24, 1852, on the sailing vessel, "Forest Monarch," in Elder John Forsgren's com- pany. They were ten weeks crossing the ocean, arriving in Salt Lake City, October 3, 1853. The overland journey was made by ox team, and Miss Bensen walked all the way, besides car- ing for an invalid, and cooking for eight people. She was married to Mons An- derson, July 3, 1854. They en- dured all the hardships of that early day,' making their home in Salt Lake City till the spring of 1858, when they moved to Lehi. Their first home here was a dug- out, and later two small adobe rooms. She engaged in pioneer industries, such as carding, spinning, and weaving. She was the mother of five sons and one daughter, and an active Relief Society worker for over twenty years. She endured the hard- ships of early days with cheer- fulness and patience. Lehi was her home till the time of her death, December 28, 1909. Mrs. William Sharpy. 332 HISTORY OF LEHI. THOMAS ASHTON. Thomas Ashton, the son of Joseph and Catherine Sedden Ashton, was born in the town- ship of Parr, Lancashire, Eng- land, November 7, 1813. At the age of fifteen years he was ap- prenticed for six years to the trade of wheelwright, carriage builder, and ship-carpenter. At the expiration of his apprentice- ship, he went to work on the Liverpool and London railway, which was being built at that time. November 20, 1836, he mar- ried Mary Howard. He and his wife were the first citizens of St. Ellens to be baptized mem- bers of the Mormon Church. They were baptized by Samuel Cryer at St. Ellens, Lancashire, England. They emigrated to America in 1841, and made their home at Skunk River, Iowa. The fam- ily were driven away by the mob and went to Nauvoo. He returned to Skunk River to sell his property, but the mob had possession, and compelled him to sign a deed to the property. His wife died August 26, 1849, at Pottawattamie, Iowa. She was the mother of five children. He was ordained a priest Jan- uary, 1841, by Theodore Curtis; ordained a seventy at Nauvoo, 1844, ordained a high priest by Daniel S. Thomas, August 22, 1875, at Lehi, Utah, and re- ceived his endowments May 23, 1856, at Salt Lake City, Utah. On September 25, 1849, he married Sarah E. Mills. She died September 3, 1850, leaving one child. On Eebruary 17, 1851, he mar- ried Araminta Lawrence, at Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa. They had eleven chil- dren. Before his final move to Nau- voo, he went to work under the direction of the Prophet Joseph Smith on the Nauvoo Temple. He assisted to build the noted Mormon boat, the "Maid of Iowa." The family moved to Nauvoo , after the death of the Prophet. He took part in all the events of the trying times until the final expulsion. He worked in the wagon shops where the wagons were made for the trip westward. He as- sisted in the last defense of Nau- voo against the mob, and helped to work the cannon that was made out of. a steamboat shaft. The family left Nauvoo at the final expulsion, and went to Win- ter Quarters, passing through the events that happened there until the breaking up of Winter Quarters. Not having means enough to come to Utah, they moved back across the Missouri River to Council Bluffs. Here they raised crops until the spring of 1851, when the family moved to Utah, traveling in the company of Captain Morris Phelps. The company arrived in Salt Lake City, September BIOGRAPHICAL. 333 27, 1851, and came to Lehi, ar- riving October 6, 1851. He took a very active part in planning and making our first water ditches, and was one of our first water masters when there was no salary attached to the office. He was also very ac- tive in planning and building our first bridges across Jordan River, and other bridges, also cur first meeting and school house. He was a member of the Lehi City Council from 1854 to 1866 inclusive, and was always prominent in adding his means to the outfits of our boys going on Indian raids. He died in Lehi, Utah, January 22, 1903, at the age of 89 years, 2 months, and 15 days. ARAMINTA L. ASHTON. Araminta Lawrence Ashton, the daughter of John and Rhoda Sanford Lawrence, was born in upper Canada, Decem- ber 5, 1831. With her parents she went to Missouri in 1838, and was there to share in the mob troubles and the expulsion of the Mor- mons in 1839, and they settled at Pittsfield, Pike County, Illi- nois, where they remained until the expulsion of the Saints from Nauvoo on account of their re- ligion, in 1846. She married Thomas Ashton, February 17, 1851, at Council Bluffs, and they emigrated to Utah the same year, settling in Lehi. ARAMINT.\ L. ASHTON. She was the mother of eleven children, three of whom pre- ceded her to the Great Beyond. She raised and cared for four- teen children, two of her hus- band's first wife's and one grand daughter. She would take her family and glean wool from the bushes, wash, card, spin, and weave it into cloth to clothe her family. She also wove cloth and carpets for others. She burned grease wood, gathered the ashes, leached, and used them to make soap in the place of lye. She 334 HISTORY OF LEHI. helped in the cricket and grass- hopper war. She was an active member of the Mormon Church, and held the office of teacher in the Re- lief society, also in the Sabbath School. She also labored in the Mutual Improvement Associa- tion. Being of a charitable disposi- tion, she was always ready to help the poor and nurse the sick. She died in Lehi, Utah, June 10, 1891, at the age of 59 years, 6 months, and 5 days. JOHN AUSTIN. John Austin was a grandson of James Austin, who was born about 1748, in Bedfordshire, England. His wife, Mary, was born in 1752, in the same shire. James Austin was fairly well to do, being very industrious, and had a respectable family of eight children. One Sunday af- ternoon, on his way home from visiting a friend, he broke a blood vessel while crossing a stile, and died soon after. The family was now dependent on the mother, and the children, who were going to school, were kept out and set to work. The mother died in 1835, being 83 years of age. Joseph Austin was the sev- enth child of James and Mary Austin, and was born May 17, 1791, in Studham, Bedfordshire, England, where he lived all his days, and where he died Sep- tember 14, 1870. He married Ann Mills about the year 1814, and to them were born eight children.. John Austin was the third child of Joseph and Ann Mills Austin. He was born Decem- ber 3, 1822, in Studham, Bed- fordshire, England, where he spent his youth and early man- hood. He married Emma Grace March 20, 1847, on her twentieth birthday. She was a daughter of Thomas Grace and Mary Jayce Grace, and was born in Whipsnade, Bedfordshire, Eng- land, March 20, 1827. Soon after their marriage, this couple moved to Kinsmouth, Hartford- shire, where they resided for about one year, when they re- turned to Studham. While in Kinsmouth, Mrs. Austin was converted to the Mormon faith and was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, January 5, 1848, by Elder Benjamin John- son, and two years from that day Mr. Austin was immersed in the waters of baptism. Soon after their conversion, this couple had a strong desire to emigrate to Utah to the body of the Church, as the principle of gathering was preached con- siderably throughout England at this time. It seemed to b« a hopeless undertaking, however, as It was about all they could do to get the bare necessities of life for their ever-increasing BIOGRAPHICAL. 335 family. Mrs. Austin, who was a woman of great faith and deter- mination, was very anxious to do something to increase their scanty income, that her family might at some time be permit- ted to gather with the Saints in the valleys of Utah. One day in 1854 a man came to her door selling straw for braiding. He persuaded her to buy a number •of bundles to sell to her neigh- bors, offering her about one cent per bundle for profit. Mrs. Austin was quite successful in this venture, and bought more bundles of straw, Avhich she also sold at a profit. From this small beginning, in the course of time, a business was built up and a small store was conduct- ed, which helped materially to swell the coffers of the fam- ily. By 1866 sufficient means had been saved to send two of the children to Zion, accord- ingly the two oldest, Harriet and George, were sent. Two years later the father decided to emigrate, as perhaps the oppor- tunities for making money were more plentiful in Utah than in England. Two weeks before the vessel sailed on which John ex- pected to travel, one of their neighbors who also expected to emigrate to Utah at this time offered to lend the money for the entire family to go. This man was Bartle Turner, the father of the Turner families of Lehi, and it is needless to say that the offer was thankfully accepted, the necessary prepar- ations hurriedly made, and the family, which at this time con- sisted of father, mother, and nine children, was soon on its way to the West. They crossed the ocean on the sailing vessel, "John Bright," and the plains in Captain Joseph S. Rawlins' mule train, which left Laramie City July 25th, and arrived in Salt Lake City Aug- ust 20, 1868. They came at MRS. JOHN AUSTIN. once to Lehi, where their son and daughter, who had preceded them, were living, and have since made this place their home. Soon after his arrival in Lehi, 336 HISTORY OF LEHI. Mr. Austin took up farming and in connection with his sons was among the first to take up land on the bench north of Lehi on the Bull River Ditch. The father and sons have been eminently successful as tillers of the soil and when the sugar factory was located at Lehi, the Austin brothers were among the fore- most to bring about the success- ful cultivation of the sugar beet. As a consequence, a number of the sons of John Austin at the present time are superintendents of agriculture at some of the factories of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, George being the general superintendent of agriculture over all of the Utah- Idaho Sugar Company factories. After a well spent life of toil and devotion, having brought seventeen children into the world, twelve of whom grew up to manhood and womanhood. Mrs. Austin died, November 30, 1893. In May, 1894, Mr. Austin married Elizabeth Pead, who preceded him just a few days to the Great Beyond. He died February 13, 1907. John Austin was a true and faithful Latter- day Saint, full of devotion to duty and true to every trust. At the time of his death he pre- sided over the high priests of Lehi, and was dearly beloved and respected by all. His fam- ily has been active ir many lines in the history, not only of Lehi, but of the intermountain region. They are noted for thrift, industry, and business sa- gacity, and are filling many po- sitions of trust and honor both in church and state. The names of John Austin's children are as follows: Har- riet (Mrs. John Jacobs), George, Joseph, Hiram, Alfred, Parley, Heber, William, Sarah Emma (Mrs. Charles Allen), Juliet (Mrs. John Brown), Hector, Anne (Mrs. Charles Munns), Mark, Thomas, Herbert, John Ezra, Lettie (Mrs. Abraham Gudmundson), and Frank. WILLIAM BALL. William Ball, son of George and Harriet Noyes Ball, was born at Andover Hans, England, January 22, 1833. He received a common school education, and at the early age of 16 years left his home in the country and cast his lot in the city of London. Here he remained un- til he became 21 years old, when he joined the L. D. S. faith, and in the year 1855 married his first wife, Sarah Ann Markwick. On October 1st of the same year he set sail for America, arriving three weeks later in New York. His wife joined him there in February, 1856. Leaving New York in the spring of 1857, he and his wife set out for Council Bluffs, joined Israel Evans' hand cart com- pany, and crossed the plains, walking a distance of thirteen hundred miles. They arrived in BIOGRAPHICAL. 337 Salt Lake on tlie 12th day of September, 1857, where they re- mained a few days for rest, then journeyed on to Lehi. Here he followed the occupation of farming. In the year 1858 he was called to take charge of the toll bridge over Jordan River, where he re- mained for a number of years. In 1862 he married his second wife, Caroline Simmons, who came in the same company across the plains. From this union came six sons and two daughters. In 1863 he was called on a mission to Omaha to help a company of Saints cross the plains with ox teams. In 1877 he filled a mission to England, spending nearly three more years of his time for the great cause of truth. He labored as a block teacher for a period of 40 years, and w^as also connected with the Sunday School 30 years. He was beloved by all who knew him for his genial disposition, always looking on the bright side of life. He lived and died a faithful Latter-day Saint, be- ing called to the Great Beyond April 10th, 1911. His wives were certainl}^ true to him, working hand in hand with him, suffering the trials of subduing a new land. They were faithful to the cause of truth. His wife Sarah Ann la- bored as a teacher in the Sunday School, and held the office of treasurer of the Relief Society for many years. Caroline was called as one of the first Sunday School teachers when it was re- organized in 1866. In 1878 the first Primary Association was organized in Lehi, and Caroline, with 13 others, was set apart to preside over this organization, which office she held for 13 years. Since she discontinued that work, she has labored as a teacher in the Relief Society. Robert Ball. SILAS P. BARNES. Silas Parker Barnes was born in Deering, New Hampshire, March 7, 1805. His parents were natives of that state. His father having a large family to support, Silas, at the age of sev- enteen, decided to cope with life's battles alone; so bidding his family farewell, he made his way to Boston. With only a single dollar in his possession, he began what proved to be al- most a fruitless search for work. Finally, at the great grain and coal wharves, he found a job shoveling coal, which he grate- fully accepted. Being active, energetic, and willing, he suc- ceeded in a few years, by un- tiring industry, in wnnning a partnership in the business and finally owned it himself. With the advent of prosperity, Barnes decided to share his life, so on May 7, 1832, he married Miss Olive Chapman, then of Boston, but a native of Saco, 23 338 HISTORY OF LEHI. Maine. From this union were born nine children, three dangh- ters and six sons, of whom only three are now living: Ferdinand of Rhode Island, and Richard G. and Watson of California. The other children are Freeman, Sarah E. Garners, Marcellus, Pamelia, Leander, and Harriet. In 1851 Mr. Barnes settled up his business and with a number of others who, like himself, had embraced the doctrines taught by Joseph Smith, started west. Traveling first by railway to New York and then by canal boat and steam boat, they finally reached Council Bluffs, Iowa. After a stay of six weeks here in preparation for the arduous journey ahead of them, the com- pany finally set out. The party consisted of sixty wagons, two hundred men, and almost that many women and children. The journey through the trackless prairies, among ever-present dangers from the untamed ele- ments and wild savages, was a noteworthy one. After two and one-half months, the company reached Salt Lake City. Here the Barnes family remained a year, during which the father bought five acres of land and improved it and built a house and small barn. These prepar- ations enabled the family to withstand with comparative comfort the severe winter which followed. Next spring Silas planted the five acres with peach pits, which later grew into a thriving orchard. The lot was situated near the present busi- ness center of Salt Lake City. In the summer of 1852 the fam- ily again moved, this time to Dry Creek, where Barnes pur- chased a farm about three-quar- ters of a mile outside of the fort. He was quite successful in farming because of avilable irrigation water. After one year, the family was ordered to move into the fort because of threat- ened danger from the Indians. They had seen the redmen only once, when about three hundred of them camped a little distance from the farm, and stole some cattle belonging to the settlers. In 1853 Silas P. Barnes was elected mayor of Lehi. He was the first incumbent of that ofiice and filled it most successfully. Becoming dissatisfied with conditions in general in Utah, Mr. Barnes decided to remove, so in April, 1854, he started with his family to California. After a three months' journey they reached the Golden State, and settled in Yolo County. Here Silas followed farming until his death, in April, 1888, Mrs. Barnes having passed to the Great Beyond April 5, 1885. During his later years, Silas became an adherent of the Ad- ventist faith, and having been from his boyhood an earnest student of the Bible, but few men were so conversant with its teachings as he. Of strong re- ligious convictions, imbued with, i BIOGRAPHICAL. 339 to him, right principles, ener- getic, active, stern, though just in all his dealings with his fel- lows, he built up not only a large worldly fortune, but also made for himself a place in the hearts of the people of the com- munity as a good man and earn- est friend to the interests of the public. May the good and char- itable deeds of '*Daddy" Barnes, as he was familiarly called, ever be remembered. Watson Barnes. JOHN BONE. John Bone was born Septem- ber 2, 1839, at Caldecote, Bed- fordshire, England. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the year 1854, and received the priest- hood shortly after, in the Calde- cote branch. He left England in 1858, on the ship "Empire," traveling with the missionaries who came home that year, the year in which the army came to Utah. He stayed in New York and worked until the year follow- ing, when he went to Florence, Nebraska, and volunteered his services to drive a team for the Church across the plains. He arrived in Salt Lake City in the fall of 1859, and came to Lehi in the year 1860, where he re- sided until his death, January 16, 1893. He joined the Sixty-eighth Quorum of Seventies December 2, 1862. His occupation was that of farming. The first year sugar beets were raised in Lehi for JOHN BONE. the sugar factory, he took the prize for raising the most beets to the acre. He was a good citizen, a faithful Latter-day Saint, a kind father, and an affectionate hus- band. HANNAH S. BONE. Hannah S. Bone, daughter of James and Hannah Pratt Slater, was born October 5, 1839, at Clifton, Bedfordshire, England. She joined the Church of Jesvis Christ of Latter-day Saints No- vember 5, 1854. 340 HISTORY OF LEHL She crossed the ocean on the ship "Underwriter," leaving Liv- erpool on the 1st of April, and landed in New York on the 1st of May. She came across the plains with the hand cart company under the direction •of Captain Daniel Robinson, leaving Florence, Nebraska, on June 2, 1860, and arriving in Salt Lake City on August 27, the same year. She came to Lehi two days later, residing here until the present time. She was married August 28, 1860, to John Bone, son of Wil- liam and Mary Wagstaff Bone. They were blessed with eight children; seven are now living, and reside in the following places: John Bone of Lehi; James Bone, Garland, Utah; Mrs. Jane Mason, Lehi; George Bone, Magrath, Canada; Mrs. H. J. Stewart, Lehi; Mrs. Charles Edwards, Garland, Utah; and Eugene Bone, Lehi. Thirty-wo grandchildren are living, and ten are dead, while twelve great grandchildren are living and three are dead. Sister Bone has been a worker in the Primary and also the Relief Society of Lehi. WILLIAM BONE, SR. William Bone, Sr., son of Thomas Bone and Elizabeth Ollengos Bone, was born No- vember 8, 1812, at Beeston, Bed- fordshire, England. He left England for America in 1861, arriving at Salt Lake City in September of the same year, and moved to Lehi soon after- wards. He was married to Mary Wagstafif, from which union were born seven children. As a builder of Lehi, he was noted as one of its most liberal philanthropists; in all worthy causes his name was written near the head of the list. He served Lehi as general watermaster for several years; also acted as a director of the People's Co-operative Institu- tion for a term of years. He was one of Lehi's fore- most farmers, and above all true to himself and honest with all his fellows. He died October 2, 1902, at Lehi, Utah. WILLIAM BONE, JR. William Bone, Jr., was born November 6, 1841, in Upper Caldicote, Bedfordshire, Eng- land, his parents being William and Mary Wagstaff Bone. In April, 1861, he sailed from Liverpool for America, on the sailing vessel "Underwriter," with his parents. They crossed the plains from the Missouri River with an ox team, arriving in Salt Lake City in September, 1861, and moving to Lehi soon after. In 1863 he returned to the Missouri River with an ox-team BIOGRAPHICAL. 341 for immigrants, bringing also on his journey a part of the famous Salt Lake Tabernacle organ. In 1866-1867 he went to San- pete and Sevier counties to help quell the Indian trouble, par- ticipating in what is known as the Black Hawk War. In July, 1867, he married Fanny Wagstaff, from which union there were eleven chil- dren. He served Lehi six years in the capacity of city councilor, being elected for the two-year, and later for the four-year term. He was rated as a leading farmer, and served a number of years in the board of directors of the Lehi Irrigation company, acting as its president several terms, and holding this position at the time of his death. He died November 19, 1912, at Lehi, Utah. SAMUEL BRIGGS. Samuel Briggs, son of Wil- liam Briggs and Jane Hays Briggs, was born at South Clif- ton, Nottinghamshire, England, on the 20th day of June, 1826. As was the custom in that pe- riod, he received a parochial school education, working with his father on a farm until he was 13 years of age, when he hired out by the year to a farm- er, at Olme, Nottinghamshire, working for a year, after which he went to work in the coal mines of that district. While living at Bolesover, five miles from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, he heard the principles of the gospel as taught by the elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and em- braced that faith, being bap- tized in the year 1849. He emigrated to the United States of America, together with his wife Hannah Dean, in the year 1850, arriving at New Orleans on Christmas Eve, on the ship "Zetland," after a five weeks and two days' journey over the ocean. In January, 1850, he moved up the river to St. Louis, Missouri, staying there 15 weeks, when he moved to Council Blufifs, Iowa, from which place he again moved to Springville, three miles from Kanesville,- where he spent the winter. He migrated to the upper crossing of Keg Creek in the spring of 1851. In the summer of 1851 he cut the lumber and made the outfit with which he crossed the plains. After the wood work was all completed, it was discovered that there was no blacksmith in that region who could iron the wagons. About this time Apostle Ezra T. Benson visited the colony and bade them be of good cheer, for all who so desired would be able to make the journey to Utah that season. This promise was fulfilled, for in a short time 342 HISTORY OF LEHI. a blacksmith arrived, bringing the necessary tools and iron to complete the wagons, as a result of which the journey to Utah was made in safety. Briggs, to- gether with his wife and son Samuel, arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 7th day of October, 1852, moving to Lehi during the same month. He v/as engaged at once by John R. Murdock to work on his farm for a short period, after which he engaged in farming for him- self, following that avocation principally until his death. Samuel Briggs had five sons by his first wife, four of whom survived him. In the fall of 1868 he married Emma Thomas, by whom he had twelve children, five sons and seven daughters, nine of whom survived him. He was a good, industrious, enter- prising, and thrifty citizen, being identified with such commercial enterprises as the Z. C. M. I. of Salt Lake City, the Provo Woolen Mills, and the Peoples' Co-operative Institution of Lehi. 'He held successively the offices of teacher, elder, seventy, and high priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He died at Lehi City on Octo- ber 22, 1898. JOSEPH BROADBENT. Joseph Broadbent. son of John Broadbent and Betty Lees, was born August 26, 1836, in Mill Bottom, Oldham, Lancashire, England. For many generations his forefathers worked in the cotton mills and to this life he was very early assigned. After going to school about one year, he commenced to work in the mills at the age of nine years, working half time, as the law would not permit children under 14 years to work full time. Be- ing the oldest child of the fam- ily, which was very poor, he was not permitted any leisure time for further education, except a little at the Sabbath School, where reading and writing were taught. At the age of 19 years, he mar- ried Sarah Dixon, whom he had met at the meetings of the Mor- mon Church, to which organiza- tion he had allied himself about a year previous. When the Mormon elders began proselyt- ing in the neighborhood, consid- erable opposition was manifest by various members of the fam- ily, but eventually the father, mother, and children were all converted to the doctrines set forth by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. April 11, 1859, Mr.Broadbent and wife set sail for America on the sailing vessel "Wm. Tapscott," in company with 725 emigrating Saints. They arrived in New York May 14th, and at Florence, Nebraska, on the 25th of the month. On the 9th of June they started across the plains in George Rowlev's hand cart com- BIOGRAPHICAL. 343 pany, arriving in Salt Lake City September 4, 1859. The latter part of the journey across the plains was very severe, for after being on rations for some time, the food supply was entirely ex- hausted and the company camp- ed for several days near Devil's Gate waiting for help from the valley, which arrived in time to save them from actual starva- tion. Being acquainted with James Taylor of Lehi, who had been one of the missionaries laboring in Oldham, Mr. Broadbent and wife came direct to Lehi, where they have lived ever since. For twenty-eight years he followed the occupation of farming and mending clocks as a side line. In 1883 with his oldest son, Joseph S., he went into the mer- cantile business, founding the firm of Broadbent and Son, which has continued with steady growth to the present. Mr. Broadbent has been an ac- tive Church worker, filling a number of positions with honor. He was a member of the first Old Folks Committee; for many years an active member of the Missionary Fund Committee; and a Sunday School worker for over forty- five years. He is still active in the Sunday School and although he is now in his 77th year, he is seldom absent from his post. Be- ing of a musical turn of mind, he has always been connected with some musical organization. Thus he has been a member of choirs and bands both in this country and in England. In the early days he was a member of the Utah Militia, serving as bugler of cavalry under Captain Joseph A. Thomas. His wife dying in 1888, he married Elizabeth Greenwood, June 26, 1889, a daughter of James and Hannah Turner Greenwood, born October 29, 1843, in Haywood, Lancashire, England. For seven years they lived happily together, but on August 14, 1896, he was again left a widower. On April 8, 1897, he married Sarah Lee Fowler, a widow of the late Henry C. Fowler of Salt Lake City, a daughter of George and Sarah Peaker Lee, born December 25, 1852, in Sheffield, England. She had four daughters living from her former marriage: Lilly Lee (Mrs. John J. McAfee), Jennie V. (Mrs. Charles W. Earl), Hen- rietta (Mrs. Henry C Allen), and Ruth Pearl (Mrs. John F. Cutler). SARAH DIXON BROADBENT. Sarah D. Broadbent was born in Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Eng- land, April 8, 1832, being a daughter of Samuel Dixon and Hannah Percival. When she was twelve years old, her father, who was a stone mason, was killed while working on a bridge, by a large stone falling on him as it was being raised into position 344 HISTORY OF LEHI. by a derrick. Her mother hav- ing died some time previous, the duties of keeping house for her three brothers and caring for a baby sister now rested on her. She never went to school, but in addition to keeping house she commenced to work in the cot- ton mills when quite young. In 1855 she became converted to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and while in attendance at these meetings she met her future husband, Joseph Broad- bent, whom she soon after mar- ried. With her husband and a large company of Saints she emigrated to Utah in 1859, crossing the plains in George Rowley's hand cart company. Some time be- fore reaching Devil's Slide the provisions ran so low that ra- tions of 4 ounces of flour a day were issued, which also were exhausted. The travelers finally got so weak fo'r lack of food that it was impossible to pro- ceed farther and some distance this side of Devil's Slide the company halted, waiting for help to come from the valley, as the captain had dispatched a mes- senger on horseback to Brigham Young, telling of their condition. After waiting a few days, the captain was in the act of nego- tiating with some traders for a small quantit}'- of flour on Brig- ham Young's credit, when to their great joy the relief train from the valley hove in sight. From this time until they reached the valley they had all they wanted to eat. At the mouth of Emigration Canyon the com- pany was met by a brass band and escorted to Pioneer Square. At the mouth of the canyon the women were invited to ride in the wagons which had come out to meet them, but Mrs. Broad- bent replied that she had walked every step of the way thus far and she would finish the journey as she had begun. Mrs. Broadbent is the mother of eight children, three of whom are now living: Joseph Samuel, Eliza Ann (Mrs. Andrew Fjeld), and Geneva Rebecca (Mrs. Ben- jamin C. Lott). After a linger- ing illness of seven years, she died September 13, 1888. MARTIN BUSHMAN. Martin Bushman was born April 1, 1802, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Abraham and Esther Bushman, who were of German descent. Martin received a common school education, spending his boyhood days on the farm. Pie soon acquired a knowledge of farming and be- came a skilful hand at sowing grain and using the sickle to harvest grain and the scythe to cut grass for hay. The winter months he usually spent thresh- ing grain with a flail, that being the method used then. He also BIOGRAPHICAL. 345 look an especial pride in caring for his cows and horses. In physique he was very strong and healthy, standing six feet high and weighing 175 pounds. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. At the age of twenty-five he married Elizabeth Degen of his native state. She was born in Switzerland, September 12, 1802. She was a woman of good char- acter and strong will power. She had learned all the branches of household work and was an ex- pert with the spinning wheel and the needle. Undoubtedly the training both husband and wife had received in their child- hood daj^s qualified them to be- come successful pioneers later. Thirteen years after their marriage, the couple joined the Mormon Church and moved to Illinois, a journey of one thou- sand miles by wagon. By this time they had four children. After four years of prosperity and happiness in Nauvoo, they fell victims, with their co-relig- ionists, of mob violence, and were compelled to flee into Iowa, leaving their crops stand- ing. Making this journey in the middle of winter, they suffered intense hardships and two of the children died from exposure. In the western part of Iowa they made themselves still an- other home where they re- mained for four years. At the end of that time they had acquired sufficient means to bring them to Utah, so they set out for the West. Their con- veyance was a wagon drawn by two yoke of oxen and four cows. They arrived in Salt Lake in September, 1851, after a journey of five months. After a rest of one week there, they came on to Lehi, where they remained until their death. They arrived at their new home without any provisions, having eaten their last morsel of bread on the way. The few set- tlers of Lehi helped them, how- ever, by furnishing Martin em- ployment in the harvesting of the crops. Shortly afterwards, he obtained some land and built a home. Henceforth he was ac- tively engaged in helping to build up Lehi, participating in all the joys and sorrows inci- dent to the settlement of the city. He proved true to his country and his religion, considerate of his wife and kind to his chil- dren. He never turned a stranger away hungry. He died in 1870, aged 68. His wife sur- vived him eight years, finally passing the 76th milestone. Mucii of her time she spent with the sick and her memory will ever live in the hearts of many of her sex on account of kind- nesses bestowed upon them. The five children the Bush- mans brought to Lehi are still alive, the oldest being 83 years old. All have been as their parents — true pioneers; for they. 346 HISTORY OF LEHI. have assisted in building up towns from Canada on the north to Arizona on the south, being always known as workers and not drones. Truly as the poet says: "Toiling hands alone arc build- ers Of a nation's wealth and fame." MARTIN B. BUSHMAN. Martin Benjamin Bushman, the son of Martin and Elizabeth Bushman, was born Feb. 5, 1841, in Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania. The first noted event of his life was the journey of over one thousand miles by team from Pennsylvania to Illinois, taken by his parents when he was fifteen months old. Oftimes the ground was his bed while his mother cooked their scanty meals. ■ His next journey was through Iowa in the winter of 184v3, when two of his sisters died for want of food and shel- ter. They stayed at Council BluflFs for three years to get an outfit to come to Utah. Here at the age of eight, he took care of the team and chopped wood for the family, so his father "and elder brother could go ofif to work to get something for them to eat and wear. Then came their journey to Utah in 1851 which took four months of ardu- ous toil. Following this was their struggle in Lehi to make a home; fence land; make water ditches; plow the land; build houses; stand guard against the Indians; and many other labors and hardships they had to endure. At the age of twenty he re- turned to Florence, driving an ox team. The journey took five months, covered two- thousand miles, and was to bring the poor MARTIN B. BUSHMAN. Saints, who had no teams, to Utah. Fie has now lived in Lehi sixty-two years and helped in all its growth and development from a barren waste to a thriv- ing city; he has taken part in making roads, building bridges, making canals, building school BIOGRAPHICAL. 347 houses, and houses for worship. He has held offices in state and church, and has traveled in the United States and Canada. He has taken great interest in the threshing of grain; his first experience in Utah was pound- ing it out with a flail, cleaning it in the wind. Then he was in- terested in. the threshing ma- chines. He has owned in part and helped to run every thing from the most primitive ma- chine of early days to the latest improved steam thresher. His main occupation has been farming and he has taken pride in tilling the soil. The present season, at the age of seventy- two, he has done most all the work on ten acres of land and raised two hundred and forty bushels of wheat, four hundred bushels of potatoes, eighty tons of sugar beets, and some hay. He is the father of twenty children and has. schooled and provided for them and their mothers. He has been exposed much, in camping out, with cold and has likewise been short of food and clothing in early days, yet for all this he is healthy in his old age, and can read and write wilhout glasses. He helped compile this little book, the History of Lehi. JOHN BUSHMAN. John Bushman, son of Martin and Elizabeth Degen Bushman, was born June 7, 1843, at Nau- voo. Illinois. At this time the Church was passing through try- ing scenes. His parents were driven with the Saints from Nau- voo, and after several years of trials and poverty arrived in Salt JOHN BUSHM.^N AND WIFE. Lake City in 1851. One week later they went to Lehi City. There he spent his boyhood days, always willing to do his full share for the town. Often he was very scantily clothed, and lacking for food, especially dur- ing the grasshopper years. With the rest he had very little school- ing. In 1865 he married Lois A. Smith. In the summer of 1866 and 1867 he was in the Black- Hawk war. 348 HISTORY OF LEHI. In 1876 he was called to Ari- zona, and located at St. Joseph. In 1877, he came back to Lehi and married Mary A. Peterson, who shared with his family all the privations incident to set- tling a desert country. She named her first son Lehi, in honor of her former home. After many years of toil they are comfortabh^ situated, sur- rounded by a large family, who are all faithful members of the Church. Five of their sons have filled honorable missions. Mr. Bushman has held many positions of trust, having been bishop 25 years, a member of the Board of Education 21 years. Justice of the Peace 14 years, chairman of the Irriga- tion Company many years, and director of the Bank of North- ern Arizona. He and his wife have passed the 70th milestone, and bid fair to enjoy many more years. JAMES PERRY CARTER AND WIFE. James Perry Carter was the son of Josiah Carter and Re- becca Perry, and was born Feb- ruary 23, 1827, in Clutton, Som- ersetshire, England. He was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 17, 1848, by Edward Roberts. He was ordained an elder in 1852 by James T. Powell. On February 12, 1853, he mar- ried Harriett Wood, a daughter of John Wood and Mary Parry, who was born June 6, 1830, in Michael Church, Herefordshire, England, and who had joined the same church as Mr. Carter in 1844. In 1861 this family emigrated to Utah, crossing the ocean on the ship Manchester, and the plains in Captain Daniel Jones' company. Tliey came direct to Lehi, where they have since re- sided except for six years they lived in Salt Lake City. Carter was ordained a seventy November 28, 1862, and a high priest April 1, 1894. For twenty years he was leader of the Lehi choir. He also took a great in- terest in education and for thir- teen years was identified with the public schools in the capac- ity of school trustee. Eight children came to bless this family, four of whom grew up to maturity. They are: Catherine Ester (Mrs. Mosiah Evans), Mary Ann Rosalee (Mrs. Charles Woodhouse, de- ceased) James, and Clara (Mrs. Ed. Mowry). The Carter family were among the early settlers "over the creek" and have been active in all social, political, and religious work in that neighborhood and were esteemed as highly respec- table citizens. On April 11, 1894, the mother, who was a • most estimable woman, died, and about two years later Mr. Car- ter married Amv Smith, late of BIOGRAPHICAL. 349 England, with whom he lived to the time of his death which occurred October 11, 1< JOHN J. CHILD. John J. Child came to Lehi with his family in 1875 and has continuously made it his home since that time. He was born in Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, in 1831. When seven years old he moved with his parents to Belleville, Illi- nois, where he lived a free life in the woods and grew up ac- customed to hard work on the farm. The death of his mother when he was but nine years old left him one of four motherless chil- dren, two boys and two girls. The family was held together by each sharing the burden of providing and caring for home. In 1853 Mr. Child became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and, with his father's entire family, came to Utah. He lived at Taylorsyille for three years and then moved to St. John, Tooele County, where he lived until he came to Lehi. Mr. Child married Elizabeth de St. Jeor January 8, 1861. He is the father of twelve children, six boys and six girls. During most of his married life he has been engaged in farming and stock raising. Among his working associates he was ever a favorite, and among the Indians with whom he had much to do in the early settlement of Tooele County, he was known as a "heap good man." He often served in set- tling disputes between the whites and Indians, and some- times among Indians themselves. ELIZABETH A. CHILD. Elizabeth A. Child, wife of John J. Child, is the daughter > of Francis de and Elizabeth Jane St. Jeor. She was born September 4, 1844, on the Island of Jersey. In 1855 the family emigrated to this country, and having be- come members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, came to Utah. They lo- cated near St. John (now Clover Creek), where as a girl Mrs. Child lived a life full of hard- ships due to poverty and dan- gers from Indians. Besides being the mother of twelve children and attending U the duties of home incident to the rearing of a large family, she has always been interested in public and church move- ments planned for the general good. She has acted for many years as a block teacher in the Relief Society, and at seventy years of age is still active in that capacity. 350 HISTORY OF LEHI. DAVID CLARK. David Clark was the son of William and Margaret Clark, and was born May 28, 1816, at Lincolnshire, England. Being of a very ambitious turn of mind and desiring to better his con- dition, he left his mother coun- try in 1841, and sailed for Amer- ica. He engaged in the stone- cutting business, at which he had remarkable success. One year after he arrived in this country, he was convinced of the truths contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, and was baptized into the Church by the Prophet Joseph Smith.. He lost his first wife "and two children in St. Louis by cholera. He was married to Miss Myra Williams, November 26, 1849, and as years rolled on they were blessed with six children, name- ly, James, David, Myra, Rachel, Annie, and Nelson. Shortly after his marriage, he and his wife prepared for their journey to Utah. On April 7, 1850, they started with a wagon, two yoke of oxen, a cow, and provisions. They joined an in- dependent company of a dozen wagons. The buffalo were so numerous upon the prairie that they caused many delays. They traveled over the old emigrant trail, reaching Salt Lake City August 26, coming to Lehi September 10, 1850. Mr. Clark and his family suf- fered all the hardships of the pioneer life in the early days. In 1862 he was assigned to missionary work on the Rio Vir- gin river in southern Utah. He died March 1, 1889, having borne throughout his whole life a reputation for sterling integ- rity, and honesty of purpose in all his dealings. Mr. Clark organized and led the first choir in Lehi. Mrs. Elias M. Jones. MYRA WILLL\MS CLARK. Mrs. Clark was born at Staf- fordshire, England, March 2, 1821. She was the only one of a family of fourteen to embrace the gospel. She came to Amer- ica in 1849. At St. Louis she met David Clark, whom she afterwards married. While crossing . the plains in 1850 she gave birth to her first son. They arrived in Lehi September 10. 1850. She was one of the first white women to come to Lehi. During the early days of Lehi, she took a very active part in the social features, and was loved and honored for the great work she did in nursing the sick and helping those in need. Mrs. Clark died May 28, 1912. at the age of 91. She was sur- vived by three children: Mrs. Rachel Gaddie, James W. and Annie Clark. Three children preceded her to the great beyond: Mrs. Myra 1 BIOGRAPHICAL. 351 Thomas (wife of John J. Thomas). David Clark, and Nelson Clark. Mrs. Elias M. Jones. WILLIAM CLARK. William Clark was born in Worcester, England, July 26, 1825. He came' to America in 1848, and followed the avocation of plasterer in St. Joseph, Mis- souri, for several years. He married Emily K. Bryant just prior to leaving- England, Sep- tember 20, 1848. The year fol- lowing, his wife died in child- birth. During the winter of 1851, he married Mrs. Jane Stevenson Ross. The following spring they started for Utah, crossing the plains by ox team, and arriv- ing in Salt Lake City in the fall. In the fall of 1853 he ar- rived in Lehi, three years after the first settlers. Probably no one has done more in a material way towards the city's upbuilding. Hardly any industrial project was ever commenced in the city without his assistance. He was a pio- neer plasterer, doing this part of the mechanical work on most of the early homes and public places. He was one of the most successful farmers, and was one of the first Lehi citizens to en- gage in the sheep industry. He was an organizer and director in the People's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, the Lehi Irrigation Company, and the Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank. He served several terms in the City Council, was road su- pervisor for a series of years, and served a long time ^s pound keeper. He was also an active worker in a church ca- pacity, filling a mission to Eng- land in 1880 for the Mormon Church, and serving as a coun- selor to Bishop T. R. Cutler un- til Lehi was divided into four wards. At the time of his death he was patriarch of the Alpine Stake. JANE CLARK Jane Clark, daughtc; of Sam- uel and Emily Stevenson, was born in Canada, December 5, 1820. Both parents died while she was in her infancy, after moving to Newark, New Jersey. She married Stephen W. Ross. March 2, 1838, by whom she had five children, four boys and one girl. Mr. Ross died December 9, 1849. May 10, 1851, she started for Utah with her two sons and daughter, arriving in Council Bluffs in July. That same win- ter she met and married William Clark, a widower, by whom she had seven children, six girls and one boy. The following spring they came on to Utah, making the trip with a yoke of oxen and a yoke of cows, ar riving in Salt Lake City in Sep- tember. The summer of 1853 352 HISTORY OF LEHI. was spent on Cottonwood, and in the fall they moved to Lehi, which was her home till her death, September 21, 1895. JANE CLARK. She was a friend to the sick and needy, relieving many from their physical \ sufferings, and contributing freely of her sub- stance to the poor. SARAH T. COLEMAN. Sarah Thornton Coleman, daughter of William Thornton and Elizabeth Christian, was born June 11, 1806, in Paxton, Huntingtonshire, England. With her family she joined the Church of Latter-day Saints in the year 1841 and emigrated to Nauvoo, Illinois, soon after. The family lived. on the farm of Hy- rum Smith, brother of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Here her husband, Prime Coleman, and the oldest daughter died. The mother, with her seven children, was left to share the hardships and mobbings with the other Saints. SARAH T. COLEMAN. After the martyrdom of the Prophet and his brother. Sister Coleman and family moved to the Eleventh Ward, in the city of Nauvoo. Here she became acquainted with Bishop David Evans through receiving help from the ward. Trouble for the Saints was steadily increasing, and when companies were BIOGRAPHICAL. 353 formed to move, she and fam- ily were placed in Bishop Da- vid Evans' company. For three years they moved from place to place in Missouri, and then made the final move to Utah, ar- riving in Salt Lake City in the fall of 1850. They remained there that winter and the next spring moved to Lehi, then known as Dry Creek. Sarah T. Coleman passed through the hardships of pio- neer life, raised a highly re- spected family, and lived the life of a Latter-day Saint. She was respected and loved by all who knew her, and was presi- dent of the first Relief Society organized in Lehi. She died March 1, 1892, at the ripe age of 86 years, nine months. Mrs. E. J. T. Roberts. SYLVANUS COLLETT. Among the early settlers of Lehi were Daniel Collett and family, the eldest son being Sylvanus, then a young man about 21. Sylvanus' mother's name was Esther Jones, a na- tive of Wales, while his father was an Englishman of Norman ancestry. The youth of "Syl" Collett, as he was familiarly called, did not prevent him from playing a prominent part in the early days of Lehi and Utah county. Were there Indians to subdue, he was always one of the first to respond to the call to arms. He was of heroic physique, tall, straight, broad- shouldered, and athletic, and he was entirely without fear. If a parley with the Indians was nec- essary, "Syl" was usually chosen, as he talked the ver- nacular of the natives as though to the manner born. While living at Lehi, Sylva- nus Collett married Lydia Kar- ren, a daughter of Thomas Kar- ren, and their first son, Sylva- nus, Jr., was drowned in the creek near Lehi. In the early "sixties" Sylva- nus Collett removed to Cache Valley, acquiring an extensive ranch where Cache Junction now stands, his father mean- while being one- of the first four men to settle in Plain City, We- ber County. At Logan, "Syl" Collett was a colonel of militia in the Nauvoo Legion, and took part in the Indian war at Smithfield in 1863. After one or two men had been killed, the Indian chief was captured and held under guard by Colonel Collett, E. R. Miles, and Thomas Winn. The chief's sons came near to the settle- ment, and at a signal the father made a dash for liberty. Three shots rang out, the redskin leaped high into the air and when he struck the ground he was a "good Injun." The writer of this sketch once asked Mr. Winn his opinion as to whose shot put a quietus on the des- perado, and he laconically re- 24 354 HISTORY OF LEHI. plied: "I am no marksman, and Miles was but little better; "Syl" could hit a fly's heel a thousand yards with a blank cartridge." In the winter of 1863 occur- red the famous fight with In- dians on Battle Creek, in south- ern Idaho, when General Con- nor of Fort Douglas wiped out a combination of Bannocks, Snakes, and Shoshones, but with a loss to his own men that made a decided nucleus to the military cemetery on the bench east of Salt Lake City. A short time previous to the engage- ment, Colonel Collett and Thomas E. Ricks went as spe- cial envoys from the Cache Val- ley settlers to the entrenched Indians on Battle Creek, and secured the return of some ani- mals that the redskins had stolen a short time before. When the Fort Douglas army reached Logan, General Connor summoned Messrs. Collett and Ricks and went over the situa- tion with them. When a sug- gestion was offered as to the mode of attack, the intrepid general curtly replied: "Gen- tlemen, I am asking for infor- mation, not advice." From a nearby eminence, Col- onel Collett and Dudley D. Merrill witnessed the slaughter of General Connor's men, un- til late in the day, when a wick- ed fire from howitzers mounted on mules' backs ended the af- fray in the almost complete an- nihilation of the Indians. Col- onel Collett always averred that Chief Pocatello was not in the Battle Creek fight, local history to the contrary notwithstanding, and he knew thoroughly well whereof he spoke. After leaving Cache Valley, Sylvanus Collett lived for a while in Nounan Valley, Bear Lake County, Idaho, where he grazed large herds of horses, cattle, and sheep, from whence he removed to Smith's Fork, now Cokeville, Wyoming, where he lived the remainder of his life, engaged in mining, stock raising, and kindred pursuits. He died while on a visit to Salt Lake City, April 10, 1901. "Syl" Collett possessed char- acteristics that endeared him to all who had his acquaintance. To his bravery, before alluded to, were added a loyalty to friend and a kindly and- char- itable consideration for foe in remarkable degree. Of the lat- ter phase of his disposition note the following incident: Through his instrumentality a malefactor was being turned over to offi- cers of the law. The man raved and swore vengeance at the first opportunity. "Syl" unbuckled a horse pistol from his belt and handed it to the culprit with the remark: "Please don't shoot me in the back." The weapon was returned unused. D. F. Collett. BIOGRAPHICAL. 355 THOMAS R. CUTLER. An essential requirement for success in a pioneer country is adaptability. New conditions must be met, new methods of life adopted, new problems solved. He who possesses this quality and with it the power of application is bound to achieve success. Thomas Robinson Cut- ler was such a man, Born June 2, 1844, in Shef- field, England, his parents were Thomas Cutler and Elizabeth Robinson Cutler. His father was also a cutler by trade. Thomas R. received an ordinary education, and at the age of fif- teen he entered into the work of his life-business. For a num- ber of years he was a clerk in a foreign shipping house, and then with his family, all of whom had been converted to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he emigrated to Utah. He arrived in Salt Lake October 6, 1864, and lived for a year in a little house near the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon. Next year he moved to Lehi and again took up his business career, this time in the employ of the firm of T. and W. Taylor. When this concern later sold out 'to the Lehi Union Exchange, he arranged for them the terms of the sale. For a number of years he engaged in sheep and cattle raising. It was when the formation of the Utah Central Railway be- came a fact that the business acumen of T. R. Cutler made its first step and launched him upon a career which has had few equals in the commercial life of Utah. Recognizing what the railroad would do for Lehi com- mercially, he conceived the idea of establishing a store near the proposed depot, so in 1871, in connection with James W. and Thomas Taylor, he built a small adobe structure where now stands the Utah Banking Com- pany. For a year he conducted a store here. When, in 1872, the railroad reached Lehi, the concern was in a position to realize upon their foresight. Accordingl}^ the People's Co- operative Institution was organ- ized, and Cutler became the manager. This company has prospered since its establish- ment, due in no small part to its successful management. Thomas R. is now the president of the organization. When the Utah Sugar Com- pany was organized in 1890, the promoters experienced no trou- ble in deciding whom they de- sired to control the affairs of the new industry; they immediately selected the young man from Lehi who had made so great a success of his business there. He was therefore designated gener- al manager of the Utah Sugar Company. The success of the beet sugar industry in the West has been due in no small part to 356 HISTORY OF LEHL Thomas R. Cutler. His fore- sight, business sagacity, reliable judgment, and untiring industry have enabled him to conduct the company which employs him, from its possession of a single factory in Lehi, to a gigantic corporation which owns eight factories in Utah and Idaho, fur- nishes employment to thousands of people, and gives to the farm- ers of the two states immense sums of money each year for their beets. The company is a monument to his success. But the sugar business is not the only field in which Mr. Cut- ler has been active. He was one of the promoters of the Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank and the Union Hotel. Other concerns which have benefited Lehi only indirectly, which he has been instrumental in form- ing, or active in conducting, are the Provo Woolen Mills, and Cutler Brothers Company. In addition he is a director in the Utah State National Bank, pres- ident of the Continental Life Insurance Company, and an im- portant member of numerous other companies. He has also engaged to some extent in the mining business. His public work in Lehi em- braces various offices with which the people have honored him. He has been a member of the City Council and' city treasurer. In politics he has been a Repub- lican, but in spite of the earn- est solicitation of his friends, he has almost universally refused to run for office. But it is in his ecclesiastical capacity that the people of Lehi will longest remember Thomas R. Cutler. When Bishop David Evans resigned, on September 5, 1879, Thomas R. was the choice of all the people as his successor. For twenty-four years he directed the fortunes of the Lehi Ward, and by his ability to lead, his sympathy for each of those over whom he pre- sided, his broad-mindedness, and his unbounded charity, he won a permanent place in the hearts of the people. In 1904 the ever-widening scope of his business compelled him to change his residence to Salt Lake City. It was with in- tense sorrow that the people ac- cepted his resignation as Bishop and saw him depart for his new home. But always they will claim him; always will they think of him as Bishop Ctitler of Lehi. H. G. ELISHA H. DAVIS. Elisha Hildebrand Davis, the son of Isaac and Edith Richards Davis, was born in West town- ship, Columbia County, Ohio, October 22, 1815. His great- great-grandfather, John Davis, came from Wales and settled in Salem County, N.ew Jersey, where the great-grandfather, Thomas Davis, and the grand- BIOGRAPHICAL. 357 father, Isaac Davis, as well as the father, were born. While the family were living at West Township, Ohio, they were converted to the gospel as taught by the Mormon elders, and in 1838 most of the mem- bers of Isaac Davis' family, in- cluding Elisha, joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints. Soon after, the family moved to Illinois, and after residing in several places, settled near Nauvoo. Elisha was baptized August 19, 1838, by Edwin D. Woolley, and on the 8th of the following January he was ordained an el- der under the hands of Lorenzo D. Barnes, H. Sagers, and Ed- win D. Woolley. The next day, in company with three elders who had ordained him, he start- ed on a mission to the Eastern States. He labored for about two years in the states of Penn- sylvania, New Jersey, and Dela- ware, assisting in raising up several branches of the church. On this mission he was instru- mental in bringing the gospel to Bishop Edward Hunter, Bishop Elijah Sheets, Bishop Jacob Weiler, the Rhodebach family of Cedar Fort, the Bushman family of Lehi, and many others who afterward joined and be- came prominent and faithful members of the church. He often worked in the har- vest fields with the people and in this way earned sufficient means to supply himself with clothing and food, and at the same time won the love and confidence of those with whom he associated. In the fall of 1840 he started for Nauvoo, traveling with a family he had baptized. He arrived some time in the following March, and was present at the laying of the cornerstone of the Nauvoo Tem- ple, April 6, 1841. Having had a brief visit of about six weeks with his fath- er's family, on the 27th of April, 1841, he started on his second mission east of the mountains, which lasted about three years, when he was called by Brigham Young, who had now become the president of the church, on a mission to England, arriving in Liverpool August 19. 1844. on the sixth anniversary of his baptism. During his entire time in the British mission he pre- sided over the London Confer- ence, and at che close of his ministry, on Christmas day, 1846, he took to wife Mary Ann Mitchell. In company with John Taylor, Parley P. Pratt, Joseph Caine, and others, he set sail for the United States on the good ship "America." After a perilous journey, they landed at New Orleans, March 7, 1847, and proceeded up the river to Saint Louis, and thence to Win- ter Quarters, where Elisha found that his father and sister, Sabina, had died a few days be- fore his arrival. Elisha and wife remained in 358 HISTORY OF LEHI. Winter Quarters about a year, when they re-crossed the river to Iowa, and built a house on the ground where the Liberty pole stood, and where the Mor- mon Battalion was rallied. They lived there two years, their daughter, Mary Ann, and son, Elisha, being born at this place. They then removed ten miles east to Keg Creek, where Sarah Agnes was born; re- mained there a year; and emi- grated to Utah in 1852. Mr. Davis tended Bishop Gardner's mill on Jordan River the first winter, as he was a miller by trade, and in the spring of 1853 the family moved to Lehi. In the spring of 1854 they moved to Bountiful, Davis County, and for over a year Elisha ran a grist mill for Heber C. Kimball.. In 1855 they lived in Bingham Fort, near Ogden, and in 1857 returned to Bountiful. Elisha took part in the Echo Canyon war, and in the "Move" south he once more brought his family to Lehi, where they have since resided. From 1858 to 1869 he had charge of Samuel Mulliner's grist mill, which stood on the present site of the sugar factory. From then to the time of his death, he fol- lowed farming and stock rais- ing. Mr. Davis lived to a ripe old age, beloved and respected by all who knew him. As a result of his early training in the church, he was a theologian of marked ability, and a clear, logical, and forceful speaker, very devoted to his church and a good citizen. He was one of the early members of the City Council, and held other posi- tions of trust and honor. The following is from his journal: "To My Posterity: "During a life of nearly 82 years, 59 years of which time having been spent in the Church of Jesus Christ • of Latter-day Saints, I can testify to the hap- piness of a life of moral honesty and religious devotion. Experi- ence has taught me the high value of moral purity and relig- ious sentiment, as reaching far above earthly pleasures, and the gratificatioi of appetite and pas- sion which cannot produce last- ing joy. "My success in life has come through my not borrowing money and mortgaging my home, but always living within my means, and sustaining my- self and family by the sweat of my face. "When I owned little, I lived on little and was satisfied. My married life of 46 years has been a happy one; my wife was al- ways true, gentle, faithful, kind, and wise, a help mate in very deed to me. During our entire married life of 46 years, we never had a hard feeling, nor cross word, but lived in love to- gether, always adopting the rule of speaking gently and kindly to BIOGRAPHICAL. 359 and of each other; and now, at the advanced age of 82 years, standing as it were on the verge of eternity, my great desire and advice to all of you is to be faithful and true to our holy re- ligion, to never depart from the faith and turn against God. Every day that I live, I re- joice more and more in the great work of the Lord, and in the hope of eternal life. "Your loving father and grand- father, "Elisha Hildebrand Davis." MARY ANN M. DAVIS. Mary Ann Mitchell Davis, the daughter of Robert and Sarah Hunt Mitchell, was born in London, England, October 19, 1822; was baptized a mem- ber of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in 1842; and was married to Elisha H, Davis in London, December 25, 1846. She set sail with her husband for the United States on the day of her marriage, and settled in Winter Quarters, Ne- braska, where she lived one year. She was in Iowa three years, and then emigrated to Utah in 1852. In Lehi, Mrs. Davis has held many offices of trust and honor in the organizations of her sex. For many years she was the treasurer of the Relief Society; was the third lady teacher called to labor in the Sunday School, in 1866; and continued to act until the time of her death. On the 16th of October, 1888, she was set apart as a president in the Primary Asso- ciation, a work with which she was connected for a number of years. She had great influence over the young, whom she won to her by strong affection and undying love. She was a true wife and a most affectionate mother. As a Saint she lived a holy life, and had the gift of interpretation of tongues, which she received in her early asso- ciation with the church, and which she retained through life. She died September 14, 1892. Her family consisted of the following children: Mary Ann, born near Council Bluffs, Iowa, October 31, 1848; living at pres- ent in Lehi. Elisha Hildebrand, born near Council Bluffs, February . 7, 1850; now living in Lehi. Sarah Agnes (Mrs. Charles Karren), born on Keg Creek, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, March 21, 1852; now living in Magrath, Canada. Orinda Jane (Mrs. Dilbert H. Allred), born at Bountiful, Da- vis County, Utah, April 14, 1854; now of Lehi. George Edward, born in Bing- ham Fort, near Ogden, Febru- ary 4, 1857; now of Lehi. Alphonzo Mitchel, born Feb- ruary 19, 1859, near Lehi; still residing in Lehi. Edith Richards, born near Lehi, December 17, 1860; died. 360 HISTORY OF LEHI. Sabina Ann, born near Lehi, December 9, 1862; now of Salt Lake City. W. W. DICKERSON. William Walter Dickerson, son of James W. and Winnie L. Rice Dickerson, was born July 1, 1880, at Lamar, Benton Coun- ty, Mississippi. I was baptized into the Mormon Church July 4, 1897, in Mississippi, and married Effie Bell Curtis, Oc- tober 24, 1897, near Lamar, Mississippi, where we remained until 1899, at which time we moved to Tennessee, and lived in the city of Memphis until August, 1903. We then came W. W. DICKERSON. to Utah and settled in Lehi, August 21, 1903, where I have remained since. I have been engaged in the business of carpentering and building in Lehi. My wife and children were sealed to me No- vember 3, 1904, in the Salt Lake Temple. I was ordained an elder March 7, 1904; was called to work in the Sunday School of Lehi Third Ward, in 1905; was set apart as president of the M. L A., in 1906. I did my first baptizing October 27, 1906, when I baptized twenty-five children. I was ordained a sev- enty February 4, 1906; called as an aide in the Alpine Stake Re- ligion Class work, in 1908; was called to the Bishopric of the Third Ward as First Counselor to Bishop Lewis, in 1910; and was ordained a high priest in 1910. I was elected school trustee July 8, 1911. JOSEPH A. DORTON. Joseph A. Dorton, son of John Dorton and Catherine Carl, was born June 5, 1821, at Stockport, Cheshire, England. He came to Utah in 1855, and moved to Lehi in 1857. He was the first butcher in Lehi, also the first one to move outside of the old fort wall, moving over on the divide between this valley and Cedar Valley. He had remarkable skill in dealing with the Indians. BIOGRAPHICAL. 361 He crossed the plains with the Saints to enjoy freedom of worship, and made two trips back to pilot two more immi- grant trains to Utah. He married Martha Clayton in 1858, and was the father of twelve children. JOSEPH A. DORTON. In 1860 he conducted the stage line between Salt Lake and Cedar Fort. He died November 5, 1898. MARTHA C. DORTON. Martha Clayton Dorton, daughter of George Clayton and Jane Bingham, was born July 16, 1837, at Greenlane, Cheshire, England. She emi- grated with her parents to Utah in 1855, and moved to Lehi in 1856. She was a member of the first choir in Lehi. ,She married Joseph A. Dor- ton, in 1858, and was the mother of twelve children. She has been a resident of Lehi 57 years, EDWARD WM. EDWARDS. Edward William Edwards was born in Carmarthenchere, Wales, March 3, 1831. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints September, 1849. He moved from Carmarthenchere to Llan- elly, where he was appointed counselor of that branch of the church. In the spring of 1854 he left his native home for America, landing in New York in June, 1854. In August, 1854, he moved west to Illinois. In the spring of 1855 he moved to Saint Louis, Missouri, and a company of fifty, under the di- rection of Erastus Snow, went to Fort Riley to build the fort. He was appointed teacher of the camp by Bishop Charles Chord. The camp broke up, and they went in the fall of the same year to Saint Louis, where he acted as nurse in the cholera plague, and secured means by which to cross the plains. The spring of 1856 he moved to Florence, Nebraska, and re- mained there until the camp was 362 HISTORY OF LEHL ready to move out on the plains, which was with the first hand cart company, in charge of Cap- tain Edmond Elsworth. They arrived on the public square. Salt Lake City, October 3, 1856. MRS. EDWARD W. EDWARDS. He hired out to Bishop Woolley to work in the saw mills in Lit- tle Cottonwood canyon. The latter part of 1857 he moved to Spanish Fork and worked for Bishop Butler until the move south before the arrival of John- ston's army. When he returned, he went to the White Moun- tains on an exploring expedi- tion. After the army had ar- rived, he moved to Camp Floyd and worked at his trade tailor- ing for the soldiers. While em- ployed at Camp Floyd he was shot in the leg by an intoxi- cated soldier, who, after finding out what he had done, did ev- erything in his power to shield himself, paying all expense of doctors and medical treatment. After his recovery he moved to Lehi in the spring of 1859, and married Amanda Evans, April 29, 1859, who was the daughter of the late Bishop Da- vid Evans of the Lehi ward. She was born April 21, 1844, at Han- cock County, niinois. She passed peacefully away on March 25, 1881. They had born through their union eleven chil- dren, eight boys and three girls. He was ordained in the Fif- tieth quorum of Seventies, at Spanish Fork, and was trans- ferred to the Sixty-eighth quo- rum, in Lehi. He was a block teacher for many years in the Lehi Ward, and was ordained a high priest about two years be- fore his death. He died in American Fork, November 29, 1903. The funeral was held at Lehi, December 1st, Counselor A. R, Anderson having charge of the meeting. Singing, "Heaven is my home." Prayer, William Southwick. Singing, "O my Father." The speakers were: Thomas R. Jones, William Clark, John Austin, Sr., and A. R. Anderson. BIOGRAPHICAL. 363 Singing, hymn 406, "Rest, Rest." The deceased was laid to rest in the Lehi cemetery, the grave being dedicated by Joseph Kirkham. He was assistant chorister in the Lehi ward for many years. ABEL EVANS. Abel Evans, son of Samuel Evans, was born June 24, »1813, at Carmarthenshire, South Wales. His boyhood and early life were spent in the coal mines of his native land. He never joined any of the religious de- nominations, although he always lived an honest, moral, and up- right life. About the year 1840 he received the gospel as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Glamor- ganshire, South Wales, being the second person baptized in Wales. For the next ten years he devoted himself to the min- istry, traveling in South and North Wales, and as a result a great many people accepted the gospel at his hands. He emigrated to America in 1850, and while crossing the ocean, he became acquainted with Mary Jones, whom he mar- ried after landing in America. The next two years were spent in Council Bluffs, and in 1852 he and his wife crossed the plains with ox teams, coming direct to Lehi, where he resided for thirteen years. He was called on a mission to his na- tive land in 1865, and labored there for a period of one and a half years, at which time he slept in a damp bed, from the effects of which he died Novem- ber 30, 1866, firm in his Mas- ters' cause. He was the husband of three wives, namely: Mary Jones, Martha Morgan, and Jane Da- vis. He was the father of six- teen children, nine of whom reached maturity, namely: Abel John, William, Samuel, Mary (Mrs. Thomas Webb), Sarah (Mrs. William Sabey of Ma- grath, Canada), Catherine (Mrs. William R. Yates), Hyrum, Ed- ward (now of Beach, Idaho), Martha (Mrs. George C. Phil- lips, deceased), Jane (Mrs. Abraham Gudmunson, de- ceased). Abel Evans was a man of strong faith, and was especially endowed with the gift of healing and the discerning of spirits. He was counselor to Bishop David Evans for a number of years as well as being president of the high priests' quorum; was mar- shal of Lehi; and held a num- ber of other civil offices. MARY JONES EVANS. Mary Jones Evans was born August 1, 1827, at Carmarthen- shire, South Wales. She joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about the year 1849 in her native land and emi- 364 HISTORY OF LEHI. grated to America in 1859, and while on the way became ac- quainted with Abel Evans, to whom she was married on their arrival in America. She lived in Council Bluffs two years and in the spring of 1852 started to Utah. Their team consisted of one yoke of cattle, one cow and a two-year-old heifer. They ar- rived in Lehi in the fall of the same year. MARY JONES EVANS. Mrs. Evans went through all the hardships pertaining to pio- lieer life. She was left a widow i;i 1866, her husband having died on a mission to Wales, leaving a family of six children, three boys and three girls, the oldest twelve years old. Althougl- she had^the cure of raising her family, she was never known to complain and was always cheerful. She was known for her hospitality. She died April 3, 1894. ABEL JOHN EVANS. Abel John Evans was born December 20, 1852, at Lehi City, Utah, being the son of Abel Evans and Mary Jones Evans. At the age of twelve years his father went on a mission to Great Britain, and in Novem- ber, 1867, died there, thus be- coming a martyr for the cause of his Master, and leaving Abel John the eldest of nine children to take the lead in all the hard- ships which the people of that time were forced to undergo. He had had but very little time to go to school, and indeed the opportunities of those days were but poor for those able to go. He worked on the farm and in the canyons, and at other man- ual labor, such as he could find to do. At the age of 21 years, on January 26, 1874, he was or- dained to the office of an elder, under the hands of Andrew Smith Johnson, and was mar- ried the same day to Louisa Emeline Zimmerman, in the En- dowment House at Salt Lake City, Utah. He afterwards be- came the father of eleven chil- dren, three boys and eight girls, seven of whom are still living, BIOGRAPHICAL. 365 namely: Harriet Mindwell (Mrs. Heber Webb), William Erastus, Robert James, Rose Ethel (Mrs. Angus Elmer Peterson), Hazel Julia (Mrs. George F. Holm- stead), Vervene June, and Win- ifred Erma. Soon after becoming an elder, he was chosen as one of the counselors to Lot Russon, who was president of the elders' quo- rum at Lehi; on December 30, 1883, was ordained to the office of a seventy under the hands of Andrew A. Peterson; and in April, 1889, went on a mission to Great Britain. On January 15, 1893, he was ordained a high priest, under the hands of Abra- ham H. Cannon, one of the apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and called to the High Council in the Utah Stake of Zion. He acted in that position until the Alpine Stake of Zior was or- ganized, on January 13, 1901, at which time he was made one of the stake presidency, the po- sition he now occupies, having been set apart by Apostle Teas- dale. In the industrial line, Mr. Evans has always been a strong advocate of home industry and local institutions, being a stock- holder in the following com- panies: Provo Woolen Mills, Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, Utah Banking Company, State Bank of Lehi, Bank of Ameri- can Fork, American Fork Co- op., Intermountain Life Insur- ance Company, Provo Reservoir Company, Utah Lake Irrigation Company, Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Company, and many other minor enterprises. Mr. Evans was a member of the City Council four terms, 1881-1888; during the last three terms was alderman, which in- cluded the duties of justice of the peace, and in 1891 was elected mayor, this time run- ning on a Democratic ticket, being the first election since the division of the people on nation- al party lines. He has always been a strong Democrat in pol- itics. He served as a member of the county court for four years, 1892-1896, at which time he was elected a member of the Utah Constitutional Convention and there took a prominent part in framing the state con- stitution. He served as a sen- ator in the first, second, third, and fourth State Legislatures of the State of Utah, and at the last session was chosen presi- dent of the senate by the unan- imous vote of his party. Although Mr. Evans had very few educational opportunities in his youth, by determination and study, pursued at odd times, he has risen into the ranks of pro- fessional men. Although he never attended a high school nor a law school a day in his life, yet on May 13, 1901, he was the happy recipient of a certifi- cate from the Supreme Court of the State of Utah, which entitles 366 HISTORY OF LEHI. him to practice law in all of the courts of the State. W. S. EVANS. William Samuel Evans was born at Lehi, February 1, 1855. He was the second son of Abel and Mary Jones Evans. He spent his boyhood days helping on his mother's farm and doing other odd jobs until 1874, when he married Geneva Clark, daugh- ter of William and Jane Clark. W. S. EVANS. They then moved on to a home- stead in what is now known as New Survey. There on the farm they raised their family of twelve children, four boys and eight girls, ten of whom are now liv- ing. About 1900 he built him a home, on Fourth North and Sec- ond West, which he still owns. He has followed various occupa- tions, such as running a thresh- ing machine, shearing sheep, and general contracting. He is a GENEVA CLARK EVANS. member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; was ordained an elder in 1874, and joined the quorum a little later. When the Alpine Stake was or- ganized, he became the presi- dent of the Sixth quorum of elders, and held that office until he was released to become a seventy. He has held several civil of- BIOGRAPHICAL. 367 ficeSjServing one term in the City Council, one term as member of the Irrigation Company, and, at different times, nine years as a member of the School Board. During his terms of office, they built the Franklin School, the Primary School, the Grammar School, the new Franklin School, and the Sego Lily addition. He also served two years as vice president of the Alpine High School Board. He served on the committee that erected the new High School building in Amer- ican Fork. At the last election he was elected City Councilor on the Peoples' ticket. DAVID EVANS. Bishop David Evans, son of Israel and Abigail Evans, was born in Cecil County, Mary- land, October 27, 1804. His early training in life was on the frontier in Pennsylvania. He was of a rugged character, ^ such as to fit him for the events which were to follow. His ca- reer was remarkable for his great industry, frugality, and charity to the poor, his public- spiritedness and broad, self-ac- quired education. In 1826 he married Mary Beck and moved to Richland County, Ohio. Here he bought and opened up a new farm, where he lived until he was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 6, 1833. On the 11th of the same month he was ordained a priest and im- mediately commenced traveling and preaching, selling his farm to enable him to perform his missionary labors. He was or- dained to the office of an elder July 21, 1833. He went with Zion's camp from Ohio to Mis- souri in 1834, and received or- dination to the First quorum of Seventy under the hands of the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sid- ney Rigdon, April 29, 1835. He attended the "School of the Prophets" in Kirtland, and then left Ohio for Missouri in charge of a company of Saints, most of whom he had baptized himself. Here he bought land and again made a home. He was with the Saints through all their persecutions in Missouri, among v/hich was the terrible massacre at Haun's Mill. In December, 1838, he and family were compelled to flee from the state of Missouri, leav- ing all their property behind He then went to Adams Coun- ty, Illinois, and commenced preaching and baptizing many. He lost his wife, after which he moved to Nauvoo and married Barbara Ann Kwell N'jvember, 1341. In 1842 when Nauvoo was organized into wards he was or- dained bishop of the Eleventh Ward. He remained here until the Saints were driven out, when he was aopointed captain of a company to cross the plains, and arrived in the valleys. September 15, 1850. He moved to Lehi the 368 HISTORY OF LEHI. following February, over which place he was appointed to pre- side as bishop, the duties of which he faithfully performed for 28 years, tendering his res- ignation on account of old age and failing health, August 24, 1879. He located the city of Lehi and laid it off into blocks and lots with a pocket compass, tape line, and square. He was elected to the first Legislature of Utah and acted for many years as a member of that body. He was Colonel of Militia, served as Major of the Lehi Military Dis- trict several terms and was Mayor of Lehi City three terms. He married Climena Gibson in 1854, Rebecca Coleman in 1856, and Christina Holm in 1861; and was the father of 41 children and a good provider for all his fam- ily. His death occurred June 23, 1883, and the following day a special train was dispatched from Salt Lake City which brought President Woodruff. Bishop Hunter and several other leading men to attend the funeral. The cortege to the cem- etery was the largest ever formed in Lehi, 115 vehicles be- ing in line. BARBARA ANN EVANS. Barbara Ann Ewell Evans, the daughter of Pleasant and Barbara Ewell, was born the 16\h day of May, 1821, in the state of Virginia, Albemarl County. "My father and mother left that slate when I was nine years old, and moved to Bedford County, state of Tennessee, where we remained three years. In 1833 we moved to Ray Coun- ty, Missouri. There I witnessed the falling of the stars, Novem- ber 13, 1833. "It was in my father's house that I first heard the sound of the everlasting gospel, preached by Brother Jacob Foutz. The next elder I heard was David Evans, My mother being first to believe, she was baptized by Da- vid Evans, and the family soon followed. 'We remained in Missouri un- til the Saints were driven from that state. My mother and sis- ter being very sick when we left, they both died shortly after our arrival in Illinois, and in the course of a few months another of my sisters died, each leaving a small child which I had charge of in connection with my fath- er's family, which consisted of two brothers, two sisters, my father, myself, and the two small babies of my sisters, all of whom I had charge of, and I being only 18 years of age. "I was baptized by Elder Da- vid Evans, and confirmed by him June 10, 1837, and I was married to him on the 23rd of November, 1841. *T saw Joseph and Hyrum Smith after their martyrdom. It was a solemn day among the Saints. We felt like a flock of BIOGRAPHICAL. 369 sheep without a shepherd, but the Lord had another shepherd to lead his Saints. It was Brig- ham Young. I was present the day he was set apart to lead the church. No Saint could dispute it, for it did seem when he spoke as though it was Joseph's own voice that was addressing us. I never shall forget that day nor how the Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon the people; it came so mild, yet so penetrating that everj'- heart beat with joy to know we had a man of God to lead the Saints. Oh, what a consolation it was to know we were not forgotten. "I remained in Illinois until the exodus from . that state, which was in 1846. Some of the Saints had neither teams nor wagons. The brethren unit- ed together and made wagons for those that had none; by that means- all had wagons, but not teams, and we were obliged to get away, as the mob was howl- ing around, and Nauvoo was threatened. So my husband, being bishop of the Eleventh Ward, concluded to take the teams they had and move as many as they could. We made a start with what teams we had, crossed the Mississippi River, went a day's journey, and set the families down on the prairie. The next day they took the teams and brought the rest. "Soon after the men got em- ployment breaking prairie and other work. We took oxen and milk cows, so in the fall all had teams and provisions for winter. I did considerable spin- ning in the tent, also quilted several quilts. One great bless- ing, we were generally well. We did not have many luxuries, still we felt thankful for what we had. We then started for Council Bluffs, but it was late BARBARA ANN EVANS. in the fall, winter had set in, and we stopped on the head- waters of the Nodaway. The men cut hay and put up log huts. My husband made a side- loom, and I did considerable weaving that winter. The cat- tle could not live on the frost- bitten hay so they commenced 26 370 HISTORY OF LEHL to die; our provisions began to get short; and we were obliged to leave in the month of Febru- ary, 1847. We started for Mis- souri, lost our way, our teams that were left gave out, and we had to kill and eat them to save our lives. "My husband and two other men, Joseph Smith (Lehi) and Shaw, went down to Missouri to get fresh teams and pro- visions, while they left their families camped on a small stream which was called Starva- tion Creek. We suffered from hunger and cold, but we did not complain, for we were united; we truly lived the order; we all shared alike. My husband came with fresh teams and provisions. I tell you it was a day of re- joicing. We had not heard from them since they left. They had had hard work to get teams. The people were so prejudiced against the Mor- mons, they were almost to re- turn without anything. My husband told the people he would return and die with the rest of the people. One gen- tleman spoke and said, 'Can't you do something for these men; they seem to be honest?' The men began to volunteer, and he soon had all the pro- visions and teams he wanted. "We then made another start for Missouri. The snow had fallen to a great depth, and we could not keep on the divide. After wallowing in the snow for four or five days, camping on the prairie without fire, we ar- rived in Nodaway County, Mis- souri, March 1, 1847. My son, Joseph, was born April 7th, in a house without doors, windows, chimneys or floor. My food was corn bread ground on a hand mill; we had bran for coffee. We stayed there three years, had plenty of work, made a good outfit and started for Utah, May 15th, 1850. My baby was ten days old when we started. After the company got together, Bishop Evans was appointed captain. They were organized, and on June 15 we made a start for Utah. "The cholera soon broke out in camp. People were stricken down on every side. There were five deaths in our com- pany, my husband's oldest daughter, Mrs. Ira Hinckley, was one among them.- That was a trying time. I had six small children, but none of them had the horrible disease. Had it not been for that we should have had a pleasant journey. After we arrived at Laramie, we all enjoyed good health. "In the year 1850, September 15th, we arrived at Salt Lake Valley, and lived there until February 15, 1851. We then moved to what was then called Dry Creek. We have made our home in Lehi ever since. "My husband was appointed bishop of Lehi, also postmaster and served several terms in the BIOGRAPHICAL. 371 Legislature. Our son, Hyrum, was drowned at Pelican Point, in Utah Lake, July 29, 1862, age 9 years, 21 days. He had been baptized. "I served as Second Coun- selor in the Relief Society for eleven years, I have done work in three temples, and have a lit- tle more to do, but my health would not permit. If I cannot do it, some of my family will attend to it. "My son, Eleazer Evans, was called on a mission to Germany. He left October 16, 1883, took a severe cold while in London; still he would not give up until he arrived in Berlin. He re- mained sick all winter. The president released him to re- turn home. He lived just three weeks after his return, when his noble spirit took its flight to God who gave it. "I am the mother of fifteen children, seven boys and eight girls, ten of whom are living besides one adopted child, the daughter of Louise and John Beck; grand children 101, 86 living, 21 dead; great-grand- children 51, 43 living, 8 are dead. I was 75 years old May 16, 1896. All my children liv- ing are married and have fam- ilies, and live in Utah. I have been a widow 13 years, was left with three children. I feel thankful through all the mean- dering and shifting scenes of mortal life. I have been pre- served thus far in the faith of the gospel, and can testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God." REBECCA C. EVANS. Rebecca Coleman Evans, born October 4, 1838, in Bedfordshire, England, came to L^ehi February REBECCA C. EVANS. 15, 1851. She was married to Bishop David Evans in 1856. She is the mother of eight children as follows: George Prime, Har- riet, Sarah (Mrs. Samuel J. Tay lor), Rebecca, Emma Jane (Mrs John Roberts, Jr.), Martha Ann, and Ella. 372 HISTORY OF LEHI. ISRAEL EVANS. Israel Evans was born in Han- over, Columbus County, Ohio, October 2, 1828, his parents be- ing David and Mary Beck Evans. At the age of five years he went with his parents to Missouri, and four years later to Nauvoo, Illi- nois. As his father's earnings were no more than sufficient for the support of the family, Israel's education was limited to the sim- ple studies taught in the district schools. In July, 1846, he enlisted in the Mormon Battalion at Coun- cil Bluffs, hoping that his enlist- ment might save some older man of family from service. He received his discharge after a year of severe duty in Califor- nia. He then went to work at Sutter's Mill and was employed in the company which discov- ered gold. He worked in the gold fields long enough to fit himself to return to Utah, in a party under the command, of Captain Ira J. Willes. He arrived in Salt Lake City October 1, 1848, and was mar- ried January 1, 1849, to Matilda A. Thomas. In the fall of 1850 he came to Lehi, where a few families had already settled at Snow's Springs. He assisted in surveying the first farm lands and towns^'te, and in locating and digging the first irrigating f'itches, including the ditch from American Fork Canyon, which 'vas a great undertaking for that time. In 1853 he was assigned to a fc-ur-year mission to England, which he honorably filled. On iiis return he had charge of one of the hand cart companies, which he brought successfully across the plains. In 1868 he went upon a second mission to the eastern states. He was one of the presidents of the 68th quorum of seventies, was Mayor of Lehi for one term, and upon several occasions was elected to the City Council. He was also appointed major in the local di- vision of the Territorial militia. He was ever a public-spirited man. It was largely owing to him that a bill was passed es- tablishing the Agricultural Col- k'ge and he was instrumental in the location of the sugar factory at Lehi, maintaining and prov- ing the suitability of the pro- posed site, in spite of discourag- ing conditions. He died May 31, 1896, in Lehi. respected by all who knew him. His belief in the faith of his choice was unshaken through life, and he left behind him the imblcmislied record of an hon- est, loyal, and generous citizen. MATILDA THOMAS EVANS. Matilda A. Thomas Evans, I daughter of Daniel S. and Mar- tha P. Thomas, was born in Cal- loway County, Kentucky, Feb. 5, 1830. She was baptized mto the BIOGRAPHICAL. 373 Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints when eii^ht j'ears ui age. In her youth her parents moved into Missouri^ and from there into Illinois. She was in the expulsion from Nauvoo and in 1847 she, with her brother Isaac, crossed the plains in th^ first company of emigrants after il'.e pioneers. They dro^'o teams for John Van Cott in order to get an outfit to return for the rest of her father's tam.il>. They arrived in Salt Lake City on September 4, 1847. The next year, her brother returned, bringing out the family in 1849. She was married to Israel Evans, January 1, 1849. After living in Salt Lake City for a thort time they moved !n Lehi, settling at Snow's Spring-^. Aft- erward they moved up on the creek into what was known as Evansville, and still later into Lehi proper. In 1853 her hus- band was called upon a mission to England. He left her with two small children, remaining away between four and five 3'ears. During this time she passed through all the trials in- cident to opening up a new country, often going into the harvest field to glean wheat to provide for herself and children She did much toward building her first little home within the fort wall. Her entire life was a busy one, identified with the people of Lehi. She was the mother of nine children: Mary Abigail (Mrs. Benjamin S. Lott), Elgiva (Mrs. D, J. Thurman), Martha, Israel, Matilda (Mrs. Thomas Skalley), Morgan, Rachel (Mrs. E. J. Campbell), Lyda (Mrs. O. A. Slade), and Henry. She died March 11, 1905, a firm believer in the gospel taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith, having heard it preached from his own lips in her youth. She was a patient and willing worker all her life, always ready to give help to those in need. DAVID EVANS, JR. David Evans, Jr., son of Bish- op David Evans and Barbara Ann Ewell Evans, was born in Lehi January 28, 1852. His earl}- life was spent in his native city working on his father's farm in the summer and attending the district school in the winter. After reaching his majority, he vaught school for a time in the Franklin School "over the creek" and, in connection with Samuel R. Thurman, commenced reading law. He went to Ann Arbor in 1884 and after his re- turn moved to Provo, where he and Thurman conducted a law firm until 1887. As United States Deputy Marshal, Mr. Evans ef- fected the arrest of John D. Lee and during 1887-1891, he was Assistant United States District Attorney under C. S. Varian at Provo. About this time he moved to Ogden. He was in the Utah Legislature in 1892 and an active 374 HISTORY OF LEHI. member of the Constitutional convention in 1895. In 1896, Mr. Evans was a dele- gate to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, where William Jennings Bryan received his first nomination for Presi- DAVID EVANS, JR. dent' of the United States. He lived in Salt Lake City for a time and moved to California about ?902, where he has been inter- ested in some large enterprises near Los Angeles. He is now a prominent attorney in the "City of the Angels," He has been interested in mining to seme ex- tent in Utah and has been quite successful in this line. In 1881 he married Leah M. Nagle. a daughter of John C. and Louisa Nagle. Three daughters have been born to them, one dy- ing in infancy, — the other two .ire Lucile and Irma, who are re- ceiving a liberal education. Although Mr. Evans has risen to fame and fortune, he has shown on many occasions that he has a tender feeling for the place of his nativity and for the friends of his youth. CARL JOHN E. FJELD. Carl John Ellevsen Fjeld was born January 26, 1825, in Drammen, Norway. His father, Ellev Johnson Fjeld (he was called Fjeld because of long ser- vice at Fjeldgaard, Mountain Estate, near Drammen) came from Sigdahl, Norway, and was born July 30, 1789. His mother, Anna Halvorsen, was born March, 1791, in Hillestasogn, Norway. Carl's boyhood was spent in a ceaseless struggle for the bare necessities of life, as his parents were very poor, and although he had no schooling he became quite proficient in reading and writing. When sixteen years of age he went to sea, and spent a few years on the briny deep, much against the wishes of his mother. She finally persuaded him to give up sailing and to settle down to work and as a result he learned the trade of iron founder, at the Eidsfos Iron Works. On the 15th of February, 1846, he took to wife Maren Eline Pe- BIOGRAPHICAL. 375 terson, daughter of Peter Mor- tensen and Sophie Andreason, born February 5, 1822, in Hoff, Norway. In the winter of 1852-1853 he went to Denmark, and there met the late President C. D. Fjeldsted, a fellow workman, who converted him to Mormon- ism. He was baptized a mem- ber of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints April 6, 1853, by Peter Hansen. The following May he returned to Norway, and during the sum- mer moved his family to Chris- tiania, where he had secured work. In the fall, Canute Pe- terson, whom he had met in Denmark, came to do mission- ary work in Norway's capital, and found a number of earnest investigators among Fjeld's companions in the foundry. A regular missionary campaign was now inaugurated, the meet- ings being held in Fjeld's house, and on December 8, 1853, a branch of the Church was or- ganized with nine members. Fjeld was ordained a priest and set apart to preside. This branch has continued to the present and is one of the strong- est in the lands of the north. During the next seven years, Carl assisted the elders and took an active part in the ministry, and also endured his full share of the persecutions which the work had generally aroused. In the spring of 1860, with his fam- ily, he left his native land en- route for Utah, crossing the ocean in the good ship "William Tapscott," under the command of Captain Bell, and the plains in Captain Oscar O. Stoddard's hand cart company, arriving in Salt Lake City, September 24, 1860. The first winter was spent in Salt Lake City, and in the spring they moved to Lehi, as Fjeld had engaged to work for his friend, Canute Peterson. It was quite a change for the iron founder to drive an ox team while working on the farm or in the canyon, but this was the usual occupation of the pioneers of those days. On account of grasshopper wars and other wars, it was a hard struggle to get food enough for the family and the bread was often eaten bare. On November 8, 1862, he mar- ried Anna Olson, a Swedish girl he had become acquainted with on the journey to Utah, and in 1866 he moved his first family to John C. Nagle's place, now known as Saratoga Springs, while the second family re- mained in Lehi. In 1870, an- other move was made to Pelican Point to take charge of the stage station, but the next year the route was changed through Cedar Valley, so the family moved to Eureka, where they have since resided. In the spring of 1876, Fjeld returned to Lehi alone, where he spent the remainder of his days. 376 HISTORY OF LEHI. He again became active in church work, to which he was very much devoted. He was one of the active deacons and a faithful Sunday School teacher. Among the Scandinavians he was a great favorite, taking a prominent part in their meet- ings, and generally leading the singing. He died January 8, 1888. Maren Eline is still living in Eureka, where she is familiarly known as Grandma "Fields," and although she is in her ninety- second year, she is hale and hearty. She had eight children, six of whom reached maturity as follows: Anne Sufc.nnah (Mrs. John A. Hansen). Josephine Amelia (Mrs. Wm. Montgomery). Charles Peter. Heber Sommund. Sarah Maria (Mrs. Robert Harrison, deceased). Daniel (also deceased). ANNA OLSON FJELD. Anna Olson Fjeld, the daughter of Andrew Olson and Christi Johanson, was born in Oste- goard, Warmeland, Sweden, April 17, 1825. Her father was a tiller of the soil and a highly respected citizen of the little community and while the family did not live in luxury, by thrift and industry they were able to secure the common necessities of life. As there were no schools in the country, the children were deprived the opportunities of book learning, but instead were taught to do all things necessary for their own sustenance and comfort. In this way Anna was taught to card, spin, knit, weave, sew, and make butter and cheese. At the age of twenty-six she went to Fredrickstad, Norway, to weave, and continued this oc- cupation with occasional visits home in the winter for eight ANN OLSON FJELD. years. The second year of her stay in Fredrickstad she lived v/ith the family of Emil Larson, who were Mormons, and a num- ber of Mormon elders were also boarding there. At first she was very much prejudiced against BIOGRAPHICAL. 377 this sect but after coming in con- tact with them and seeing their manner of living she began an earnest investigation, with the result that she was thoroughly convinced of the truth of the gospel as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and in October, 1852, she was baptized by John Johanson. In speaking of this event she says: "I felt very happy in the knowledge that I had accepted the everlasting gospel and about a month after my baptism deter- mined to go home and tell my mother and brothers the won- derful news that the gospel which Jesus taught had been re- stored in our day. To my sur- prise and sorrow my folks be- came very bitter in their feelings toward me and even my dear old mother, who was rather hasty tempered, threatened to strike me with a stick for saying my prayers. My brothers, after try- ing in vain to convince me that I was wrong,* took me to the priest but he would have noth- ing to do with me, so I was taken to the Provost. The Provost and I had a long discussion, but as I had studied the Bible consider- ably, I was able to defend my- self on every point. He finally told me I had better go to the Mormons, as he was sure that I was lost. My brother, who was with me and heard the discus- sion, wept bitterly," In 1860 Anna emigrated to Utah in the same company as Carl J. E. Fjeld, whom she after- ward married. She came to Lehi in 1862 and immediately com- menced weaving for a livelihood. Times were hard and the people were poor, but clothing being one of the absolute necessities, she was able to get sufficient em- ployment to maintain herself and only son without being a burden to her husband. She was very devoted to her religion and lived the life of a true and faithful Latter-day Saint to the time of her death, which occurred Au- gust 5, 1903. ANDREW FJELD. Andrew, the youngest child of Carl J. E. Fjeld and the only child of Anna Olson Fjeld who grew to maturity, was born in Lehi, May 30, 1866. He received his education in the public schools of the city, and as a means of earning a livelihood, learned the mason trade, at which he has labored most of the time. As a young man, he took an * active part in church work, oc- cupying the positions of coun- selor to Michael Vaughan, presi- dent of the priests' quorum, and later holding the office of presi- dent of the quorum with /Vndrew Peterson and Walter Webb as counselors. In the Y. M. M. I. A. he at various times held the office of treasurer, counselor to Abel 378 HISTORY OF LEHI. John Evans, and president of the association. He was a teacher in the Sun- day School for some time and on January 9, 1893, became a mem- ber of the first class to take the Sunday School course in the B. Y. University at Provo, which consisted of five weeks. The fol- lowing year the course was ex- tended to twenty weeks, when he was again called to attend the University. On his return he in- troduced the new ideas and methods into the Sunday School ELIZA ANN B. FJELD. and was called November 18, 1894, to succeed William Yates as the superintendent of the school, with James Kirkham and Joseph S. Broadbent as assist- ants. Being called to Australia on a mission, he was released from the Sunday School January 9, 1899, and set sail from San Fran- cisco on the 26th of the month, landing in Sydney, Australia, February 19, 1899." He labored as traveling elder in the New South Wales Conference for thirteen months and as president of the Queensland Conference until November 28, 1900, when he was called by President Lorenzo Snow to preside over the Australian Mission. In this capacity he visited all the prin- cipal cities of Australia and Tas- mania and was relieved by James Duckworth, who had come to preside over the mission, August 4, 1901. He set sail from Sydney, Aus- tralia, on the steamship Ventura August 13, 1901, calling en route at Auckland, Pago Pago, and Honolulu, landing in San Fran- cisco, where he -vjas met by his v/ife and her father and mother September 3, 1901, arriving in Lehi on the thirteenth of the month. He was ordained a president of seventy in the 68tli quorum Sep- tember 21, 1902, and on the 23rd of the following November was set apart as Second Counselor to Bishop Thomas R. Cutler. Upon the division of the Lehi Ward December 20, 1903, he was or- dained a bishop and set apart to preside over the First Ward with BIOGRAPHICAL. 379 Robert John Whipple and George Schow as counselors, which position he still holds. He was a member of the School Board for one term, is a member of the Lehi Pioneer Committee and one of the pro- moters of the History of Lehi. On the 19th of Febniary, 1890, he married Eliza Ann Broadbent, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Dixon Broadbent, born August 17, 1870. When family cares will permit, she delights in attending to church duties and for some years was an active Relief So- ciety teacher. She is the mother of nine children, seven of whom are living, as follows: Virgil Andrew, Wilford Carl, Leona Sarah, Edna Amanda, June, Al- lan Edward, and Velma. WM. FOTHERINGHAM. William Fotheringham, a pa- triarch and a veteran elder in the Church, was born April 5, 1826, at Clackmannan, Scotland, the son of John Fotheringham and Charlotte Gentle. He was baptized in the fall of 1847 by Elder John Sharp, ordained a teacher March 19, 1848, by Elder William Gibson; ordained a seventy in the winter of 1849- 1850, by Joseph Young; or- dained a high priest December 3, 1870, by Jehu Blackburn; or- dained a bishop, in 1877, by Apostle Erastus Snow, to act as bishop's agent in Beaver stake; and ordained a patriarch Janu- ary 22, 1905, by Francis M. Ly- man. He was one of the first set- tlers of Lehi, Utah County, lo- cating there in 1850, and in the sj)ring of 1852 he accompanied President Brigham Young on an exploring tour through Utah, Juab, Sanpete, Millard, Beaver, and Iron Counties. In 1852-1855 he filled a mission to India, dur- ing which time he traveled more extensively than any other elder who has ever performed mis- sionary labor for the church in that country. He traveled 2,2(X) miles in a bullock wagon, and went as far inland as the Hima- laya mountains. In the prov- ince of Orissa he resided six months close to the Temple of Juggernaut. After his return to Utah he accompanied President Brigham Young on an exploring expedition to Salmon River (now in Idaho), and the follow- ing winter participated in the Echo Canyon campaign. In the spring of 1861 he left Salt Lake City for his second mission, this time to South Af- rica. In crossing the plains he assisted Captain Ira Eldredge in taking charge of fifty wagons to the Missouri River, and was ninety-nine days making the voyage from London, England, to Capetown, South Africa. He presided over the mission until 1864, when he returned to Utah. At the Missouri River he as- sisted in the immigration of the Saints and acted as assistant 380 HISTORY OF LEHI. captain to Warren S. Snow in leading the last company of the season (84 wagons) to Zion. The trip was a severe one, as nearly all the teamsters were inexperienced in handling oxen. Since Elder Fotheringham became a member of the church, he has proven to be true and faithful to the cause of Christ. Over forty years of his life ht spent as a zealous Sunday School worker, with the excep- tion of a few months, being Sun- day School superintendent forty years. He labored considerably as a home missionary, and iV'ed a mission to the St. George Temple from the Beaver Stake as an ordinance worker for four years, and in addition acted a? a member of the high council, and as first counselor in the presidency of the Beaver stake. Of civil offices he has held quite a number, having acted as alderman of Lehi City, mayor of Beaver City, probate clerk of Beaver County for sixteen years, a justice of the peace of Beaver precinct, and has been a member of the Utah Territorial Legisla- ture from Beaver and adjacent counties. In his youth he learned the trade of ship carpen- ter, and after his arrival in Utah he helped to build the old tith- ing office in Salt Lake City, to- gether with other buildings. He married his first wife in April, 1856, a second wife May 25, 1857, and a third wife Oc- tober 10, 1865. By these three wives he has had thirty children, eighteen sons and twelve daugh- ters. Elder Fotheringham de- parted this- life on February 27, 1913, having proved himself staunch and true to his God, to his family, to his friends, and left behind memories worthy to cherish. JAMES H. GARDNER. One of the chief reasons why Utah has today so many men of initiative and ability to lead is that by force of circumstances they were early thrown on their own resources and compelled by an unkind fortune to develop that supremely valuable quality — self-reliance. Responsibility is an effective teacher and the responsibility of shifting for one's self quickly brings into being any valuable attributes of character hitherto lurking un- der the surface. When James Hamilton Gard- ner was born, on July 27, 1859, at Mill Creek, Salt Lake Coun- ty, Utah, he was thrown into conditions which, while seem- ingly hard, were only those common to the times, and which have been so productive of the best types of Utah man- hood. His father, Archibald Gardner, a pioneer of 1847, and that time Bishop of the West Jordan Ward, was that kind of man Brigham Young liked to have around him — a natural leader of men, resourceful, en- BIOGRAPHICAL. 381 ergetic, able to cope with new conditions, and a developer of new- enterprises. His work left him little time to spend with his children, so that James H. was compelled to depend largely up- on himself, living alternately with his mother, Sarah Ham- ilton Gardner, and his grand- father, James L. Hamilton. Like most others of that pe- riod, he had little opportunity for education, his entire school life consisting of six winters in the grades. The rest of the time was spent working on the farm and, when he had reached young manhood, in the lumber camps. In 1880, when James H. was 21 years old, he accepted a call for a mission to Hawaii. Here in the "garden spot of the world" he spent the next three and one-half years, and here it was also that perhaps the turn- ing point of his life occurred. Arriving on the island just when the sugar boiler on the church plantation was about to return home, he was assigned to work in the cane sugar mill, much to his regret — then. While here he became a thorough ma'^ter of the art of boiling sugar, a'i- though most of his time was spent in traveling among the natives. In 1884 he returned to Utah and again took up his work on the farm, obtaining employment wherever possible. On October 15, 1886, he was married to Rhoda Priscilla Hufifaker. From this union have come nine chil- dren, four boys and five girls. Shortly after their marriage, James H. and his wife decided to take advantage of the avail- able government lands in Idaho, so leaving their old home in Utah, they homesfeaded a quar- ter section of land at Willow Creek (now Elva), near Idaho Falls. The struggle to subdue this new country was a severe one, requiring to its fullest the pioneer spirit of perseverance and determination. He had no U'ore than brought the land into some stage of cultivation than other events occurred which al- tered the course of his life com- pletely. In 1890 the Lehi sugar fac- tory was built and immediately there arose the necessity of ob- taining workmen to run it, and especially men of some experi- ence in tbe industry. Among other applications receivi^d was one from James H. Gardner of Idaho, who stated that he had previously boiled sugar in Ha- v/aii. He was at once told to leport at Lehi, a summons v/hich he glady followed, and during the first campaign was one of the sugar boilers. In 1892 he moved his family to Lehi, where they have since re- sided. From its beginning until the present, James H. Gardner has been a faithful employee of the Utah Sugar Company. After the first campaign, he was made Z^2 HISTORY OF LEHI. night foreman and, in a few years, general foreman. Finally, when Hy A. Vallez resigned fiom the position, he was desig- nated superintendent of the Lehi factory. Since that time he has received still another promotion, having been made General Consulting Superin- tendent. He still holds this po- sition and in addition is a mem- ber of the Technical Board Vv'hich controls the operation of the plants. His record as a sugar maker is an enviable one. His long experience, his ability to handle men, his excellent judgment have won him not only the confidence of the sugar company which employs him, but also a professional reputa- tion in other states — a reputa- tion which has brought him sev- eral lucrative offers from other companies in various parts of the United Slates. But he has preferred to remain in his na- tive Commonwealth. Since his residence in Lehi, James H. has given a large part of his time and talents to the work of public service. Inter- ested in the development and betterment of the city, he has endeavored to aid every worthy movement to the extent of his power. He has served the peo- ple in the City Council one term and also as a Commissioner of Utah County. Profoundly inter- ested in education, he was at one time a member of the School Board and has ever been an earnest supporter of Lehi's schools. He was one of the prime movers in the organiza- tion of the Commercial Club and has since been its president. His public work has also taken the form of helping to establish new enterprises in Lehi. His first venture in this line was that of a director in the Lehi Mercantile Company — now closed. He was also one of the originators of the Lehi Roller Mills and the State Bank of Lehi, being still a director of the latter institution and of the Bank of American Fork. Of late years he has developed a large section of land west of the Jordan River, in dry-farming, fruit-raising, and stock-raising. In 1903, when the Lehi Ward was divided, James H. Gardner was chosen Bishop of the Sec- ond Ward, a position which he still holds. H. G. RHODA P. H. GARDNER. Simpson D. Huffaker was a pioneer of 1847 who lived with his wife, Rhoda P. Barnum, in South Cottonwood, Salt Lake County. To them was born De- cember 30, 1865, a daughter, whom they named Rhoda Pris- cilla. Her mother soon dying, Rhoda was given to the care of Lauretta Palmer Barnum, her grandmother. With this good woman she spent her girlhood and young womanhood in Peoa, BIOGRAPHICAL. 383 Summit County, Utah. Here she received a common school education and later worked a number of years in the Peoa Co-op. On October 15, 1886, Rhoda was married to James H. Gard- RHODA p. H. GARDNER. ner in Logan. For one year they made their home in Salt Lake County and then braved a new country in Idaho. With her liusband she helped to bring un- der cultivation the quarter sec- tion of government land upon which he had filed, undergoing all the hardships and inconven- iences incident to a pioneer country. In 1892 the family moved to Lehi, which has since been their home. Mrs. Gardner has here reared a family of nine children, which alone is sufficient to show that her life has been a busy one. But outside of her family cares she has found time to par- ticipate in the various activities of her sex. In Idaho she was secretary of the Relief Society and first counselor in the Young Ladies' Mutual Improve- ment Associaiion. When the Lehi Second Ward was formed, she was made second counselor in the Relief Society, a position she still holds. H. G. WILLIAM GO AXES. William Goates, born at Wim- pole, Cambridgeshire, England, May 11, 1817, was the son of James Goates and Ann Dockery. He spent his boyhood days working with his father, who was a professional gardener. The beauties of nature soon appealed to him, and he loved the trees and flowers and soon became an expert in their care and cultiva- tion. He was baptized and con- firmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints December, 1840, by Elder William Pierce and was sent the same day to Cambridge to preach. By his undaunted faith and zealous labors he was suc- cessful in establishing the first branch of the church at Cam- bridge, under the direction of 384 HISTORY OF LEHI. the Bedford conference presi- dent, over which he was ap- pointed to preside. Through his earnest labors and untiring ef- forts, Cambridgeshire afterwards became a conference. In 1840 he married Susan Lar- kin, a daughter of Thomas Lar- kin and Ann Rayner. They al- ways made their home a home for the elders; and bade them welcome there. He emigrated to Utah, sailing from Liverpool, England, Tuesday, February 10, 1852, with his wife and three chil- dren in the ship "Ellen Maria," with a company of 369 Saints. After eight weeks at sea they arrived at New Orleans. They then went to Saint Louis en route to Utah, crossing the plains in Captain A. O. Smoot's company of 31 wagons, and ar- riving in Salt Lake City Septem- ber 3, 1852. About two weeks later he settled in Lehi with his family, consisting of his wife, Susan, and daughters, Sarah Ann, Martha, and son Joseph W., his daughter Mary having died be- fore they left their home in Eng- land. In April, 1857, he mar- ried a plural wife, Rebecca Pil- grim, daughter of Samuel Pil- grim and Betsy Coote, a sur- vivor of Captain Willie's hand cart company of 1856. His early life in Lehi was a struggle with the sterile soil. He acquired land by homestead and" purchase and his busy hands be- gan to build and to cultivate. He became extensively engaged in farming and stock raising, and was one of the first to import bees into Lehi. Hereafter he was long engaged in the bee and honey industry. He loved the flowers and trees and was the pioneer floriculturist and nurs- eryman of the town, his trees and flowers being shipped to many parts of the country. The industrial matters of the people always interested him and he was an ardent advocate of their enterprises, helping and encouraging them whenever he found an opportunity to assist. In 1867 he wife, Susan, died, and was buried in Lehi. She had stood faithfully by him in all the trials of pioneer life, encourag- ing and helping him in all that he undertook to do. She never complained, but was his source of comfort and encouragement, and contributed much to his suc- cess. "He was a man of un- blemished character. His sterling honesty was proverbial, his faith immovable and his self-control truly astonishing." He was always active and faithful in church matters, and honorably filled the positions mentioned below: President of the first elders' quorum in Lehi; he was ordained a high priest and set apart as first counselor to Bishop Evans April 4, 1877, and was afterwards appointed to preside over the Lehi branch of the high priests' quorum in the Utah Stake of Zion. He was elected City Councilman of Lehi BIOGRAPHICAL. 385 City February 8, 1875, and served during the years 1875-1876. He was a public-spirited man and passed cheerfully through all the hardships and privations of the early settlers. He was a builder in very deed, his busy hands leaving many traces of their work both on the farm, in the garden, and in the orchard. He did special guard duty against the depredations of the Indians, helped build the "Old Fort Wall," and assisted in the early irrigation projects and road building. His unflinching devotion to that which he believed to be right and just won for him a host of friends who were always welcomed to his home. Here he spent his declining years en- gaged in the life-loved work of his boyhood days, enjoying the labor of his own hands in his well cultivated garden of flowers and trees. He died Wednesday at 5:50 p. m., October 23, 1895, of general debility. Beloved by all, he passed to the world be- yond with the honors of a busy, well spent life upon him. He was the father of the fol- lowing children: Mary, Sarah Ann. Martha. Joseph W., James T., John. William, and George H. His descendants number 408 souls. George A. Goates REBECCA PILGRIM GOATES. Rebecca Pilgrim Goates, daugh- ter of Samuel Pilgrim and Betsy Coote, was born at William Read's Farm, Madingly Road, Jiles Parish, Cambridge, Eng- land, January 1, 1826. When she w^as sixteen years of age her father died, leaving lier mother with eight children. Being the oldest girl, she aided very materially in supporting the family. In 1853 she joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This brought upon her much opposition from her fam- ily and friends, but she was un- daunted and fearless in her con- victions and though persecuted and scorned, she remained faith- ful and true. In 1856 on the fourth day of May, she left her native home and friends and emigrated to Utah, sailing on the ship "Thornton" with a com- pany in care of Elder Levi Sav- age, arriving at New York June 14. 1856. She joined Captain James G. Willie's hand cart company, numbering about five hundred, which left Iowa City July 15, 1856. with 120 hand carts and six wagons. She pulled a hand cart 1.400 miles through valleys and over the plains and mountains. The terrible privations of her company and the sufferings they endured during the trip are a matter of record. A recital of the sad story of the hand cart company disaster always filled her heart with pride and thanksgiving at the thougl\ts 26 386 HISTORY OF LEHI. that she had passed through such hardships for the cause which she embraced and loved so much. She arrived at Salt Lake City, November 9, 1856, after great suffering from scarcity of provisions, cold, and over exer- tion in the mountains, many of the company having perished during the trip. She remained in Salt Lake City about one week and then came to Lehi. Li April, 1857, she married William Goates. The remainder of her life was lovingly devoted to assisting him in all he under- took to do. She took the place of a mother and cared for his motherless children; she was de- voted and faithful, and although she never became a mother, she was indeed a mother to the motherless. She was kind, sym- pathetic and generous, always ready to aid those in need, and was ever busy looking after the welfare of others. She possessed a remarkably strong constitu- tion, which took considerable time to wear away, but was finally called to a well earned rest, after having been confined to her bed two weeks, suffering of general debility. She passed peacefully to the Great Beyond, at 12:30 a. m., April 18, 1909. Her honored career was closed in full faith and fellowship in the cause for which she so long had suffered, at the age of 83 years, 3 months, and 17 days. Gcoriie A. Goates. ISAAC GOODWIN. Isaac Goodwin, a descendant of Ozias Goodwin, who came to America from England and set- tled in Connecticut in 1632, was born June 18, 1810, in New Hart- ford, Litchfield County, Con- necticut. He married Laura Hotchkiss February 2, 1833, from which union seven children were born, four boys and three girls: Isaac, Lewis, Edwin A.. Albert S., Emmerett E. (Coons), Nancy (Evans), and Lucinda (Bushman). Isaac Goodwin and family em- braced the faith of the Latter- day Saints in the year 1844. Two years later in company with other Saints they concluded to go west and took passage at New York on the sailing vessel "Brooklyn," her destination be- ing California. Leaving New York on February 4, 1846, they sailed around Cape Horn at the southern extremity of South America, which point they passed in the latter part of April, finallj'^ landing at San Francisco on July 24, 1846, the voyage con- suming a little less than six months. At the beginning of the voy- age, Mrs. Goodwin met with an accident and being in delicate h.ealth, never recovered from the shock, passing away on Maj^ 6, 1846, shortly after the ship had rounded Cape Horn. She was buried on Goat Island, one of the Juan Fernandes Group, BIOGRAPHICAL. ZS7 (Robinson Crusoe's famed is- lands). Isaac Goodwin and children , lived for some time at San Fran- cisco and later moved to San P-ernardino, where he met and married on December 22, 1855, Mary Cox of New Haven, Eng- land, who received the gospel on January 10, 1850, and emigrated to America, coming overland to Utah with Charles C. Rich's company and then going on to California. No children were born of this union. Mary Cox Goodwin died December 13, 1898, at Lehi, Utah. After living at San Bernardino for several years, they decided to move to Utah, traveling the southern route, making a short stay in "Dixie," also in one or two other places, and finally set- tling in Lehi in 1859. Isaac Goodwin was the first to introduce alfalfa (lucern) in Utah, the hay from which has been such an important factor in the agriculture of this State. He was elected mayor of Lehi City on February 13, 1865; was appointed mayor on October 31, 1874, to fill the vacancy made by William H. Winn, who resigned; was again elected mayor on Feb- ruary 8, 1875; and filled the office with honor and fidelity on each occasion. He held many other positions of trust, both secular and relig- ious. In 1872 he went on a mis- sion to the Eastern States. Isaac Goodwin died April 25, 1879, at Lehi, Utah. Samuel I. Goodwin. ISAAC H. GOODWIN. Isaac H. Goodwin was born August 25, 1834, at New Haven, Connecticut. He died at Thur- ISAAC H. GOODWIN. ber, Wayne County, Utah, April 6, 1891, a faithful member of the L. D. S. Church. He is survived by his wife and four sons and many grandchildren, in addition to two great-grandsons. He moved to Smithfield, Cache Val- ley, in 1862, and was a pioneer there for fourteen years. He then moved south to Escalante in 1876, again a pioneer. The 388 HISTORY OF LEHI. next move was to Thurber in 1883, where he died in 1891. He was a good frontiersman, build- ing his own houses, and working his own farm and garden. BETSY SMITH GOODWIN. Betsy Smith Goodwin was born on March 7, 1843, at Dun- dee, Scotland, the daughter of Alexander Nichol Smith and May McEwan Smith. She emi- grated with her widowed mother and family in 1856, crossing the plains with J. G. Willie's hand cart company. Robert Angus Bain, also a Lehi pioneer, son and brother, met the family at Green river, and brought them to Lehi, arriving November 11. In Lehi they received kindness and sympathy from Bishop Evans and the good people of the city. Betsy married Isaac H. Goodwin, eldest son of Isaac R. and Laura Hotchkiss Good- win, on December 1, 1859. Nine children, seven sons and two daughters, blessed their home. She was president of the Relief Society eight years. JAMES GOUGH. James Gough was born Jan- uary 14, 1840, in Clifford. Herefordshire, England. He was the second child and oldest son of James Gough and Ellenor Jones Gough. When he was sev- en years old, his parents moved to Monmouthshire, Wales. He was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints November 19, 1857, by Thomas Morgan and confirmed by David Howells. He was ordained to all the offices in the Aaronic priesthood and later sent out as a traveling elder, which lasted for one year and seven months, after which he JAMES GOUCH. was called to preside over the Bryn Mawr Branch. Mr. Gough left Wales for Utah April 26, 1862, and was five weeks and three days on the sea. He walked all the way from Flor- ence across the plains to Salt Lake City in Captain Harmon's company, where he arrived Oc- tober 4, 1862, taking six months BIOGRAPHICAL. 389 to make the journey. He was met in Salt Lake City a few days after his arrival by his old friend Joseph J. H. Colledge, who had presided over the con- ference in which Gough had la- bored as traveling elder. With his old friend he came to Lehi. On October 17, 1863, he mar- ried Charlotte Crocket, to whom he had been engaged in England. She came to Utah in October, 1863. They have lived in Lehi continuously, Mr. Gough work- ing in the mines, on the railroad, ?nd at farming. Mr. Cough's public work has been in the church, to which he has always been very devoted. At the time of his departure for Utah, a number of the Saints of the branch over which he pre- sided also emigrated to Zion. These looked to him as their leader during the entire journey. Since coming to Utah, he has held the positions of seventy and high priest. He has been a Sun- day School teacher almost all the time and also a block teach- er, which position he still holds. Mr. Gough moved "over the creek" in 1868, being the first one to locate in that district and has been one of the main pillars of the church in this part of the community. Williams Crocket and was born April 25, 1840, in Victoria, Mon- mouthshire, Wales. She joined the church in 1857. She is the mother of eleven children, as fol- lows: Mary Ann (Mrs. Soren Sorensen), Lavina (Mrs. Moroni Thayne), James Charles, Ellen (Mrs. James Carter), William, Richard, Harriett (:\Irs. Thomas CHARLOTTE C. GOUGH. Taylor), Samuel, Thomas Ephraim, Charlotte (Mrs. Wil- liam Hadfield), and Robert. CHARLOTTE CROCKET GOUGH. Charlotte C Gough was the daughter of William and Ann WILLIAM GURNEY. William Gurney was born in Bedfordshire, England, August 8. 1834, the son of John and 390 HISTORY OF LEHI. Mary Bales Giirney. His mother died when he was ten years of age. He was then taken care of by a loving sister. At the age of fifteen he first heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and soon accept- ed the same and was baptized March 1, 1853, by Daniel Mathews. He emigrated from England April 8, 1854, on the ship ■"Marshfield," landing at New Orleans May 28, 1854, and con- tinuing his journey up the Mis- sissippi River to St. Louis. There was much sickness among the Saints, which caused consider- able delay, but he finally reached Salt Lake City October 22, 1854, where he remained for some time. He came to Lehi in the spring of 1855. After remaining in Lehi about four years, he be- came acquainted with Miss Julia Jeans, whom he married, and to them were born eleven children to gladden their home. He was a valiant worker in the cause of truth, at all times laboring in the Sabbath School from its earliest organization until the time of his death. He worked in connection with Wil- liam Yates in the acting teach- ers' quorum for many years, and was its president at the time of his death; he was also one of the senior presidents of the Sixty- eighth quorum of seventies, where he gained the love and re- spect of his brethren. He died March 25, 1905, after a long and useful life. He was the husband of three wives; and the father of nineteen children. He has in the year 1913, 67 living descendants: 11 children, 44 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren; 8 children, 10 grandchildren, and 4 great- grandchildren having passed to the Great Beyond. WILLIAM HADFIELD. William Hadfield, second son and third child of Samuel Had field and Alice Baker, was born at Provo, Utah, June 3, 1880, where he resided until 1889. Be- ing left an orphan, he came to WILLIAM HADFIELD. BIOGRAPHICAL. 391 live in Lehi in December, 1889, with T. R. Jones. He was bap- tized in 1890 by A. M. Fox, or- dained a deacon by W. W. Clark, and ordained an elder by Edward Southwick in June, 1902. He filled a mission to the East- ern States from October, 1902, to December, 1904, and was president of the New York con- ference for five months. He was superintendent of the Third Ward Sunday School from 1904 to 1910, when he was chosen second counselor in the Bishop- ric of Lehi Third Ward. He was ordained a seventy by J. G. Kimball in 1906. He married Charlotte Gough June 28, 1905, in the Salt Lake Temple. Mr. Hadfield was the first and only Mormon to represent Utah at the national convention of mail carriers September 16 to 19, 1913, at Evansville, Indiana. HANS HAMMER. Hans Hammer was born in Bornholm, Denmark, October 11, 1829, and is the son of Hans and Ane Anderson Hammer. He grew to manhood in his native place and there received his ed- ucation and was married. In 1853 he became converted to the teachings of the IMormon Church and with his family emi- grated to America, reaching Salt Lake City in 1854, and there made his home for the next five years, working part of the time on the Temple and doing any- thing he could find to make a living for himself and family. He moved to Lehi in 1858, tak- ing up a farm and has since made this place his home. For a number of years he was engaged in peddling, mostly among the soldiers; he also con- ducted a small store for a time. In 1871 he commenced the livery business, being the pio- neer livery man of Lehi. He also went into the hotel business on a small scale, all of which he conducted with success. The livery business has continued to grow from year to year, and at present it is the leading livery stable of the town. Mr. Hammer was married in his native land in 1853 to Miss Julane IVIarie Reese, who bore him eight children, three of whom are now living — George, Margaret (Mrs. Edward F. Cox), and Aldora (Mrs. Henry Ash- ton). The mother of these chil- dren died March 28, 1867, and on the 26th of the following Oc- tober Mr. Hammer married ]\Iiss Anne Christine Orego, by whom he had seven children of whom Joseph is the only one living. Mr. Hammer was an indus- trious citizen and in common with the pioneers of Lehi passed through the hard times of early days and lived to become a thriv- ing business man of the com- munity. He died September 15, 1905. 392 HISTORY OF LEHI. ANNE CHRISTINE OREGO HAMMER. Mrs. . Hammer, the wife of Hans Hammer, was born Au- gust 6, 1839, in Puerdal, Den- mark. Her parents, Christian Larsen Orego and Marie Peter- sen, were farmer folk living on the shore of the North Sea. At the age of six she lost her father. On the 17th of January, 1864, ANNA C. 0. HAMMER. she was baptized a member of the Mormon Church, two years later emigrating to America, ar- riving in Utah September, 1866. Mrs. Hammer was a young woman of twenty-seven years of age when she crossed the plains and she walked the entire dis- tcnce from Omaha City to West Weber, where she stayed for six months with William Cluff. Dur- ing the summer of 1867 she was working in Salt Lake City for a family of Jews. While here some of her friends in Lehi prevailed on Mr. Hammer, who was a widower, to call on her, which he did with the result that she was persuaded to make Lehi her future home, being married to Mr. Hammer October 26, 1867. At this time Mr. Hammer had a family of small children, times were hard and pioneer condi- tions prevailed, yet the subject of our sketch set bravely to work to make conditions better and help her husband rear his family. In time seven children blessed this union, but sad to re- late only one is now living, Joseph, who with George, the son of the first wife, is conduct- ing the business left them by their father. Mrs. Hammer has ever been an industrious and faithful wife and mother, a good neighbor, and a devoted Latter-day Saint. For thirty-two years she has been an active Relief Society teacher and is still engaged in the work. JENS N. HOLM AND FAMILY. In Arnager, a small fisher- men's village five miles from the city of Ronne on the Island of Bornholm, Denmark, were born BIOGRAPHICAL. 393 Jens Neilson Holm and his wife, Margaret Christina Ipson Hohn. They were married April 30, 1842. To this union was given one daughter, Margaret Chris- tina, born September 5, 1843. They joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Feb- ruary 4, 1854, emigrating to Utah in 1857. Nine weeks and three days were spent on the ocean voyage and fourteen weeks in crossing the plains from Omaha to Salt Lake City, arriving in Utah September 13, 1857. The hand cart company of which they were members paralleled, in their travels, the advance wagons of Johnston's Army. Father Holm and family spent the first winter in Brigham City. In the spring of 1858 he was called south. Upon reaching Payson he was ordered back, lo- cating in Lehi July 4, 1858. Here the members of this family made their home continuously up to the time of their death. Jens Neilson Holm was born March 23, 1818, and died in Lehi April 22, 1908, at the age of 90 years and one month. Margaret Christina Ipson Holm was born August 14, 1817, and died in Lehi January 28, 1896, at the age of 78 years, 5 months, and 14 day?;. IVIargaret Christina Holm Evans was born September 5, 1843. She was married to Bishop David Evans May 4, 1861. She became the mother of six chil- dren, one son and five daughters. Her children are John Holm, died in infancy; Margaret Chris- tine (Mrs. James J. Turner), MARGARET C. HOLM EVANS. Jane (Mrs. Richard W. Brad- shaw), Hannah (Mrs. Andrew B. Anderson), Rachel' (Mrs. John W. Wing, Jr.), Clara (Mrs. Joseph Goates, Jr.) She died June 17. 1898. at the age of 54 years, 10 months, and 12 days. M. W. INGALLS. Merrell Whittier Ingalls was born in the state of Maine, and removed to the state of Illinois when a small bov and to Cali- 394 HISTORY OF LEHI. fornia in 1864. He was employed by his father, who had a con- tract for the erection of a plant for the California Beet Sugar Company at Alvarado, Califor- nia, in the year 1869. This plant was the first beet sugar factory in America, but was a few years later moved to Soquel, near Santa Cruz, California, where M. W. INGALLS. the writer with his brother was sub-contractor on part of the work. He then followed sur- veying and was also on the en- gineering corps, surveying pro- posed routes for pipe lines to supply San Francisco with water. In 1879 he removed machinery from the factory in Sacramento, California, to Alvarado, for the Standard Sugar Company. He was employed by this company for six or eight years, first as mechanic and then as master mechanic and Chief Engineer. On account of ill health, he went to Arizona and installed an elec- tric light plant in the peniten- tiary at Yuma, then operated a lumber mill and electric light plant at Portland, Oregon. Coming to Utah in 1891 as master mechanic for the com- pany which was building a fac- tory for the Utah Sugar Com- pany, he made a one year's con- tract with them. Then he made a three year's contract with the Utah Sugar Company, and has been with the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, their successors, up to the present time, from 1902 to 1907 as Chief Engineer of all plants connected with Utah-Ida- ho sugar Company, and from that time until the present as Consulting Engineer with the Technical Board. In the year 1901 the farmers that were rais- ing beets in Salt Lake County would not raise them to the ex- tent desired by the sugar com- pany, on account of shortage of water, so in company with James H. Gardner, he contracted for and installed a pumping plant at the mouth of the Jordan River for the different canal com- panies. BIOGRAPHICAL. 395 MARY JOYNSON JACKSON. Mary J. Jackson, a daughter of Thomas and Mary Clay Joyn- son, was born August 30, 1819, in Barra, Cheshire, England. Her parents were farmer folk, so she grew up surrounded by the scenes of country life. Her opportunities being limited, Ium- education was very meagre, al- though she was able to read. In 1836 she married John Jackson, a young man of almost her own age. He was born March 17, 1819, in her native vil- lage. His father, John Jackson, was a street paver, while John, Jr., became a carpenter. In 1841 this young couple joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, be- ing among the first to accept the gospel in England. Eor twenty- seven years Mr. Jackson, and wife kept open house for the Mormon elders and many there were who came and went as the years rolled by. One June 4, 1868. John and Mary and seven children emi- grated to America, leaving their two older sons, who were mar- ried, in England. They crossed the ocean on the sailing vessel "John Bright," landing in New York July 13, 1868; crossed the plains in Captain John R. Mur- dock's company and arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, August 30, 1868. Bishop Evans of Lehi, who was present when the com- pany arrived, made enquiry con- cerning tradesmen and on learn- ing that Mr. Jackson was a car- penter, asked permission of Pre- siding Bishop Hunter, who had charge of the immigration busi- ness, if he might take him to MARY J. JACKSON. Lehi. Bishop Hunter replied in his characteristic way, "Yes, yes, take him along, lock, stock, and barrel," and that is how it hap- pened that the family came to Lehi. The names of the children who came at this time were: Enos, Hyrum, Joseph, Mary Rebecca (Mrs. Moroni Holt), Daniel, Harriett (Mrs. James Brooks), Sarah (Mrs. Henry McComie), Ephraim, and Moses. John and 396 HISTORY OF LEHI. Henry came to Utah some years later. For a number of years Mr. Jackson followed the carpenter trade, but the change in climate seemed to break his health. Like all pioneers, he had to turn his hand to various occupations among which was cutting and hauling cedar posts to Salt Lake City. On the 5th of January, 1870, while returning from Salt Lake City, where he had been with a load of posts, he was acci- " dentally thrown from the wagon by the dropping of the wheel in a hole in the road and in falling, his head was caught in the wheel and his neck broken. About two years later, the widow married Johri Shaw, with whom she lived until the time of his death, which occurred in 1881. Mother Jackson, as she was familiarly known, lived to a ripe old age, loved and respected by all who knew her for her happy, cheerful disposition. She died December 21, 1906. JOHN JOHNSON. John Johnson was one of the very early pioneers and promi- nent citizens "over the creek." A native of Warceland, Sweden, he was born December 15, 1821, and with his wife and four chil- dren emigrated to Utah in 1862. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Norway, where he lived for a number of years, being baptized by Karl Dorius, and took an ac- tive part in missionary work in the neighborhood where he lived. On reaching Utah, he came direct to Lehi, where he has since made his home. In 1865 his wife Gorinna Torgersen died, leaving him with the care of five children, the youngest having been born in Lehi. Their names are: Anna (Mrs. George Beck), Willard, Parley, Charles, and Melvin. In 1867 he married Anna An- derson, a native of Morra, Swe- den, born 1828, who soon adapt- ed herself to the pioneer condi- tions of the Johnson family and became a kind and affectionate mother to the children and a de- voted wife and helpmate to Mr. Johnson. Besides being a good housekeeper, she was an expert worker in hair, making very beautiful necklaces, watch chains, and the like, of this material. During his residence in Lehi, Mr. Johnson has followed the occupation of farming and dur- ing the latter years of his life was able to live in comparative comfort and enjoy the fruits of his toil and industry. He died May 5, 1913, survived by his wife Anna and four sons. ELLEN W. JONES. Ellen Williams Jones was born December 1, 1839, in Slan- santfraid, Denbigh County, Wales. She was the daughter of Emma Fowlks and William BIOGRAPHICAL. 397 Williams. She was married to Thomas R. Jones December 28, 1854. She arrived in Lehi in 1861 and lived in a cellar one winter, then built an adobe house outside of the fort wall. After living a number of years there, they moved to the North Branch. ELLEN W. JONES. Mrs. Jones was present at the first organization of the Relief Society in Lehi and was called to act as president of the Lehi North Branch Relief Society in 1877, serving for thirty-five years. In addition she was chosen first counselor of the Pri- mary Association, and served about twenty-five years. She was, called to work among the sick and in laying away the dead, for which many scores are here to bless her for her assistance in time of death and sickness. THOMAS KARREN. Thomas Karren was born on the Isle of Man, May 1, 1810, moved to Liverpool, England, in 1830, and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1842. He was ordained an el- der at Liverpool, emigrated to Nauvoo, Illinois in 1844, and was ordained a seventy in the Seventh quorum at Nauvoo. He joined the Mormon Battalion in 1846 and was honorably discharged in 1847, landing in Great Salt Lake Valley July 23 of the same year. He went back to Council Bluffs and ■ returned to Utah with his family in 1850.- In 1852 he was called to the Sand- wich Islands upon a mission, where he was associated with George Q. Cannon and others. He returned to Lehi in 1855. Later he was ordained first counselor to Bishop Evans, which position he retained to the day of his death. For two years before his death he suf- fered -extremely. He was a faithful Latter-day Saint, highly esteemed by all who knew him. Throughout all his affliction he did not com- plain but resigned himself to the will of God. He left three wives and thirteen children liv ing to mourn his loss. 398 HISTORY OF LEHI. JOHN KARREN. John Karren was born July 4, 1834, at Liverpool, England. His father, Thomas Karren, was a native of the Isle of Man and his mother's name was Ann Rat- JOHN KARREN. ley. The family were converted to the faith advocated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints and emigrated to America and cast their lot with the Mormon people. The father joined the famous Mormon Battalion and left the family to shift for themselves under very trying circumstances. After his return, the family crossed the plains to Utah in 1850 and located at Sulphur Springs on Dr}^ Creek, being among the first families to settle on the site of Lehi. John grew up amid the rugged scenes of pioneer life and con- ditions and took part in many of the hazardous undertakings of the early days. He was in the battle with the Indians during the Tintic War in 1856 when Catlin, Cousin, and Winn were killed. He made a trip back to the Missouri River after the Church immigration in 1865 and was a veteran of the Black- Hawk Indian war. He died March 19, 1904. MARL\ LAWRENCE KARREN. Maria Lawrence Karren, wife of John Karren, was a daughter of John and Rhoda Lawrence, and was born May 24, 1836, in Toronto, Canada. Her father died at Winter Quarters in 1846, and a sister died at about the same time. The entire family except Maria were sick and she was the only one able to render any aid to the others. The fam- ily moved to Utah and she was married to John Karren in 1854. She was the mother of twelve children, six of them growing to maturity. They were: John Daniel, Edward, Rosabell (Mrs. John D. Woodhouse), Flora BIOGRAPHICAL. 399 (Mrs. Heber McNiel, deceased), William, Josephns, and Katie MARIA LAWRENCE KARREX. Maria (Mrs. James H. Dunkley). Mrs. Karren died August 21, 1904. GEORGE WILLIAM KIRKHAM. George William Kirkham was born March 18, 1822, in Lon- don, Surrey, England, and died at Lehi, Utah, April 24, 1896. Mary Astington Kirkham was born July 6, 1824, in Richmond, Yorkshire, England. She died at Lehi, Utah, October 27, 1881. They left their native land April 11, 1859, and with their four sons, James, George, Hy- rum, and Joseph, crossed the ocean in the sailing vessel, "William Tabscot." They crossed the plains in R. F. Neslen's company, arriving in Salt Lake City, Thursday, September 15, A I^M^^i^i^il^^^lj^Mfc^ ^^^B|^^^^^^ ^■1^ 'spuni i ^ MRS. GEORGE WILLIAM KIRKHAM. 1859. They lived in Sugar House Ward, Salt Lake City, during the winter of 1859 and came to Lehi in the spring of 1860, where they spent their lives in helping to build up our cit}^, making roads, building fences, assisting in rearing our public buildings, and otherwise passing through the trials of pioneer life and the hardships of the early days of Utah. 400 HISTORY OF LEHL THORSTEN KNUDSEN. Thorsten Knudsen was born February 20, 1835, in Sorknes, Grne, Soler, Norway being a son of Knud Knudsen and Tore Gulbrandsen. His father, who had been a well-to- do land owner, lost all of his property in speculations and when Mr. Knudsen was four years old his father died and he was sent to live with an aunt. THORSTEN KNUDSEN. When he was 16, his mother died also. There were ten chil- dren in the family, and Thorsten was the youngest. He lived with his aunt till he was about 12 years old, when he went home to live with his mother. After her death, he lived with various ones to whom he hired out to work, as the custom was to hire out for a year. At the age of 20 he went to Christiania, the capital of Nor- way, and four years later he married Ogene Hergesen, the orphaned daughter of Hans and Ingaborg Hergesen. In 1860 he joined the Mormon Church, having come in contact with the elders through the per- suasions of his affianced. In 1866 he became very ill and as the doctor advised a change of climate he decided to emigrate to America. He shipped from Hamburg in the sailing vessel "Humbolt," taking nine weeks to cross the ocean. He crossed the plains in Captain Scott's company, arriving in Salt Lake City during the October con- ference. Mr, Knudsen went to Provo, where he lived till the 22nd of December, 1866, when he came to Lehi and has lived here ever since. When Knudsen left his wife in Norway he also left his son Parley, who was 5 years old. Two years later through the death of a child whose fare had been paid. Parley was brought to Utah by C. C. A. Christensen, a returning mis- sionary. In 1870 Mrs. Knudsen emigrated to Utah and joined her husband and son in Lehi. Three children have been born to this family since their arrival BIOGRAPHICAL. 401 in Lehi, but only one, Hyrum, is living. His home is in Logan. The wife and mother died No- vember 13, 1910. In 1871 the Kntidsen family moved to their present home over the creek, being among the first to locate in this neighbor- hood. Mr. K^iudsen has lived a quiet, peaceful life, tilling his little farm w^ith care and keep- ing vvrithin his means; a good neighbor, a kind father and a consistent citizen. JAMES J. LAMB. James J. Lamb was born at Huron, Wayne County, New York, April 29, 1835. He emi- grated to Lehi in 1852 and there married Sarah E. Ross March 21, 1863. He was the father of ten children. On March 21, 1866, he en- listed in the Black Hawk War and was mustered out of service July 18, 1866. He also fought all through the Walker War. He drove one of the first teams back to Florence, Ne- braska, in Joseph W. Young's company after Mormon immi- grants who were too poor to furnish ways for themselves to come to Utah. While at Flor- ence, he was chosen to drive to Utah with George Q. Cannon, who was just then returning home from a mission to Eng- land. He also went with a com- pany of volunteers to join an expedition to go to Salmon 27 River, Idaho, and assist in bringing the settlers from Fort Limhi, who were surrounded by hostile Indians who had killed some of the white men. This was one of the hardest trips he was called to make. SARAH E. ROSS LAMB. Mr. Lamb was a man of good character, a trusted citizen, a good husband and father and had many friends wherever he was known. He was thrown from a load of lumber and instantly killed, October 21, 1896, at the age of 61 years, leaving a wife, five boys, and four girls. i 402 HISTORY OF LEHI. LARS VICTOR LARSON. Lars Victor Larson, son of Lars Larson and Stena Katerine Anderson, was born in Orebro, Sweden, July 24, 1857. Until 14 years of age he lived on a farm with his parents, when he was apprenticed "to a shoemaker, re- • LARS VICTOR LARSON. maining with him for three years. In August, 1877, he joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1880, he was ordained an elder and spent two years in mission- ary work on the island of Got- land. In 1882, he emigrated to Utah, locating in Salt Lake City, where he was married to Hilda Cristin Soderlund, by whom he had nine children, five boys and four girls. He lived in Salt Lake City but a short time, when he moved to Lehi, where he has lived for twenty-five years, en- gaged in shoemaking with occa- sional trips in the mountains prospecting for the precious metals. He was one of the first to build a home on what was known for many years as the "Big Pasture" south-east of Lehi, making a garden spot of what was formerly considered land too salty for anything but grazing purposes. Since the people divided on national party lines he has been active in poli- tics, speaking his views on eco- nomic questions at all times freely and fearlessly. He is an industrious and energetic citi- zen. HENRY LEWIS. Henry Lewis, son of Phillip Lewis and Cathrine Evans Lewis, was born April 28, 1854, in Llanelthy, Wales. He was baptized August 27, 1862, by Phillip Lewis; confirmed by James F. Watters August 27, 1862, and labored as a deacon for many years. He emigrated to Utah in June, 1871. Here he was ordained an elder July 22, 1871. He was married to Jane Sarah Goody June 30, 1873, who was the daughter of Henry Goody and Mary Wilshire, and was born at London, England, BIOGRAPHICAL. 403 February 15, 1856. They have had a family of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters. Mr. Lewis v^as appointed act- ing deacon in the eleventh dis- trict of Lehi March 1, 1879; was appointed acting priest in the third district of Lehi March 6, 1880; was set apart as Sunday school teacher by Elder William Yates March 28, 1880; was set apart as second counselor to Lott Russon of the elders' quo- rum March 16, 1884; was ap- pointed missionary for the Y. M .M. I. A. October 28, 1889; and was ordained a seventy March 10, 1889, by Elder T. R. Cutler. He went to Great Britain on a mission on February 24, 1893, and was there until April 8, 1895, Upon his return he la- bored with the missionary fund committee from 1896 to 1909, and collected thousands of dol- lars to send to missionaries. On December 20, 1903, he was chosen bishop of the Third Ward of Lehi, and was set apart by Elder John Henry Smith. He was one of the Building Com- mittee of the Lehi Tabernacle and was appointed treasurer, and received in cash and mer- chandise $30,913.39, and paid out $30,938.61, from 1900 to 1904, a balance to his credit of $25.22. He also held many other posi- tions of trust. He was a mem- ber of the City Council, a School Trustee, and helped promote manv home industries of our county. He has been a director in the People's Co-operative In- stitution for twelve years, and at present is president of the North Bench Irrigation Com- pany. ABRAHAM LOSEE. Abraham Losee, one of the early pioneers of Utah, was born in Holderman Township, Upper Canada, September 6, 1814. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at an early date and was with the main body of Saints throughout all their persecutions until their removal to the Rocky Moun- MARY E. LOTT LOSEE. i 404 HISTORY OF LEHI. tains, being intimately acquaint- ed with the Prophet Joseph Smith. In the year 1848, he drove a team across the plains for Bishop Whitney, and was married in the same year, after reaching Salt Lake City, to Mary Elizabeth Lott. She also had been with the Saints in the East, and had lived with the Prophet's family and worked for him when 13 years of age. After having worked on the Church farm at Salt Lake City for two years, he was called to remove and settle in Utah Val- ley, by Brigham Young. Bring- ing his family with him, he came and lived in what is now known as Lehi field, for the first winter in a covered wagon, having four men boarding with him. From then until his death he remained a citizen of Lehi and served as a City Council- man for several years. Having reared a family of eight, two boys and six girls, he died Oc- tober 25, 1887, being T}> years old. His wife died in May, 1888, at the age of 60 years. They re- m.ained faithful church mem- bers and progressive citizens until their death. PERMELIA DARROW LOTT. Permelia Darrow Lott, daugh- ter of Mary Ward and Joseph Darrow, and granddaughter of General Ward and Captain Dar- row of Revolutionary times, was born at Bridgewater, Sus- quehanna County, Pennsylvania, Sunday, December 15, 1805. She received her education from the best schools of the times, and afterward, prior to her mar- riage, she became a school teacher, riding horseback twenty miles to and from her work. On April 27, 1823, she married Cornelius P. Lott; and with him joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in its infancy, and so suffered the hardships and persecutions of being driven from their homes with the heroes of that epoch. They were the only members of their respective families to con- nect themselves with the Church, but they have left a large pos- terity to "rise up and call them blessed." Father Lott and family were \'ery warm friends and associ- ates of the Smith family, espe- cially the Prophet Joseph, as he had charge of the Church farm at Nauvoo and also held the same position in Utah after com- ing to Salt Lake City with Heber C. Kimball's company in the au- tumn of 1848. Their first home was where the Auerbach's new store now stands. After her husband's death, which occurred July 6, 1850, she. with her family, moved to Lehi in the spring of 1851, where one daughter, Mrs. Abraham Losee, had preceded her. Her first home in Lehi was at the spring now owned by A. B. Anderson. BIOGRAPHICAL. 405 She was the mother of eleven children, five boys and six girls, all of whom have been pioneers in the true sense of the word. Grandma Lott, as an old lady, impressed one with her quiet dignity and sweet unassuming manners, and all who knew her loved her. She never sought publicity of any kind, but was ever ready with a helping hand for the sick or needy. She died January, 1882, as she had lived, "faithful to her trust," at the age of 11 years and 18 days, and was carried to the Salt Lake cemetery and tenderly laid to rest by the side of her hus- band. Following are the names of the children and those they mar- ried: Melissa (Ira Willes), John S. (Mary Faucet), Mary (Abra- ham Losse), Almira H. (John R. Murdock), Jane P. (Abram Hatch), Alzina L. (William S. S. Willes), Joseph (died young). Amanda (died young), Peter L. (Sariah Snow), Cornelius (died young), Benjamin Smith (Mary A. Evans). All have passed to the other side except Benjamin S., the youngest, who will be 65 years old November 16, and is commonly known as Uncle Ben. ELIZABETH T. MOOREHEAD. Elizabeth T. INIoorehead was born July 31, 1812. Her father was owner of a large plantation in North Carolina. Here Eliza- beth was born and received an excellent education in the girls' boarding schools and colleges of the South. She moved to Mississippi, where she married James Mad- ison Moorehead of Nashville, Tennessee. In Mississippi they both heard and received the gospel and came directly to Nauvoo. Her husband assisted ill building the Nauvoo temple. They were driven from Nau- voo with the Saints, crossed the Mississippi River, and camped in a tent, where her husband, one child, and her brother Joseph died, victims of exposure. A child had died at Nauvoo. She v/as now left with three children and spent the winter in Des Moines City among strangers who proved to be kind friends. In the spring her brother Pres- ton came and moved her to Winter Quarters, and later she moved on again to Council BlufTs, where a child died. She and her two children, Ann and Preston, came across the plains with her brother, Clai- borne Thomas, and family and her nephew, Daniel Thomas, in Aaron Johnson's Company in 1850. That fall all settled in Lehi. The winter of 1851-1852 she and her brother Preston taught the Lehi school, he taking the boys, she the girls. She was married to Samuel White, by whom she had one child, Elizabeth White Merrill, 406 HISTORY OF LEHI. of Preston, Idaho. All moved to Cedar Fort, where her son Preston married Cordelia Smith, and daughter Ann married Har- rison Ayers Thomas. Both have reared large families. They moved to American Fork when the soldiers located at Camp Floyd; here they owned a large farm which contained land where the old depot stood. After several years they moved to Cache Valley and were among the first settlers of Smithfield. She was first Relief Society president of Smithfield. She died here December 12, 1894. Her son, Preston, was first counselor in the bishopric of that ward for over thirty years. He died in 1896. Her daughter, Ann, and husband moved to Preston, Idaho, in 1903, where he died the next year, a good Latter-day Saint, loved and respected by all. SAMUEL MULLINER. Samuel Mulliner was born in Headdington, East Lothan, Scotland, January 15, 1809. He emigrated to America in 1832, settling near the city of Toron- to, in Canada. He was baptized by Theodore Turley, September 10, 1837. The following spring he moved with his family to Missouri, and later settled in Springfield, Illinois, November 4, 1838. He was or- dained a teacher March 10, 1839. On May 6, 1839, he was ordained an elder, and a seventy, July 16, 1839. Soon after this, he left his family and started on a foreign mission. He and his compan- ion, Alexander Wright, arrived at Glasgow December 20, 1839. The next day they continued their journey to Edinburgh, where his parents resided. They were the first elders to go to Scotland. On January 14, 1840, he baptized a number into the Church as the first fruits of the gospel in Scotland. On the 19th, he blessed some children and administered the sacrament for the first time in that vicinity. On that occasion he received the gift of tongues. They were very successful in their labors and baptized a great number, among whom were his owTi parents. He left Glasgow on October 2, 1840, and returned to America, ar- riving home December 19, 1840. He afterward moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, from which place he was again sent on a mission in November, 1842. He organized a branch of the Church at Cam- bria, Niagara County, New York, April 27, 1843. He was re- leased to return home July 2, 1843. In 1849, as he was preparing to go to Utah, he was sent on a business mission to the East. He returned home the same year. In 1850 he came on to Utah and settled in Great Salt Lake City with his family, six in number. He bought a lot, which now is BIOGRAPHICAL. 407 occupied by the Walker Broth- ers Bank, and started a tannery and shoe shop, making the first leather in the state. He built a comfortable dwelling house. He bought a grist mill at American Fork, and soon after built a carding mill adjoining it, and also a sugar cane mill. With the latter he made molasses for the settlers. He also built a grist mill at what was known as Spring Creek, between Lehi and American Fork, where he resid- ed most all the remainder of his days. He gave employment to many Saints and new-comers and did much for the poor and needy. He never allowed any to suffer for the want of food or clothes if he knew it. He died February 25, 1891, at the age of 82 years, 1 month, and 10 days. ANDREW A. PETERSON. Andrew A. Peterson was the son of Andreas Peterson and Marna Anderson, and was born in Ystad, Sweden, January 13, 1840. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints October 1, 1854, being a member of the first branch or- ganized in Sweden. In 1855 he was ordained to the lesser priest- hood and shortly after migrated to Denmark, where he labored for two years as a teacher, when he was ordained an elder and in 1858 was sent on a mission to his native land. In 1862 he was honorably released from his mis- sionary labors to emigrate to Utah. He started on this jour- ney in the first part of April and while passing through Germany was married on the River Elbe to Mary Ann Pherson. They crossed the plains in Captain Liljenquist's ox-team company, arriving in Lehi in October, 1862. He resjded in Lehi con- tinuously to the time of his death and held many positions of trust and honor. As a public servant he had few superiors, for his honesty and integrity were above reproach and his many years of service brought him the love and esteem of all with whom he associated. For six terms Mr. Peterson was a member of the City Coun- cil; twelve years a member of the school board; several years a member of the water board; two years general water-master; four years a policeman; a num- ber of years director of the Peo- ple's Co-operative Institution; and one of the promoters and first stockholders of the Lehi L^nion Exchange. In ecclesiastical affairs his record is an enviable one. For thirty-three years he was presi- dent of the deacons' quorum; for thirty-five years a faithful Sunday School teacher; for over thirty years he was president of 1lir Scandinavian Saints of Lehi; and for mrmy years one of the presidents of the 68th quorum of 408 HISTORY OF LEHI. seventies. He was ordained a seventy January 17, 1872, and a high priest January 5, 1907. He died December 30, 1911. MARY ANN f . PETERSON. Mary A. Peterson was the daughter of Earland Pherson and Margaret Ingemanson and was born in Hahnstad, Sweden, MARY A. PHERSON PETERSON. June 22, 1844. She embraced the gospel as taught by the Church or Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1859, and emigrated to Utah in 1862, walking the entire distance across the plains. She was married to Andrew A. Pet- erson on the River Elbe in Ger- many enroute to Utah and has lived in Lehi ever since she ar- rived in October, 1862. She has been a true wife and an affectionate mother and has passed through the trying times of early days in Lehi, helping her husband to raise a large and respectable family. She has been a member of the Relief So- ciety almost from its organiza- tion and is still a faithful mem- ber in this society. She is the mother of ten children, six sons and four daughters. Those now living are: Leah, (Mrs. Lawr- ence Hill), Andrew, Mary Ann, (Mrs. Lyman P. Losee), Chris- tina, (Mrs. Wm. E. Southwick), Joseph (now principal of the Snow Flake Academy, Arizona), Hyrum, and David. ANDREW F. PETERSON. Andrew F. Peterson was the son of Peter Anderson and Anne Evansen, and was born in Modum, Norway, October 13. 1823. He emigrated to America when a young man to seek his fortune. He was converted to the Mormon Church in Council Bluffs and was baptized Novem- ber 19, 1849, by Torg Torstensen and confirmed by Benjamin Clapp. The following year he drove a team across the plains and on to California. He came back to Utah and settled in Cot- tonwood, He was out in the mountains during the Echo Canyon War BIOGRAPHICAL. 409 and was one of those who rode around the hills to deceive the soldiers in General Johnston's army. He came to Lehi in the "move" and afterward made it his home. ANDREW F. PETERSON. He was ordained a seventy April 9, 1852, in Salt Lake City, by Joseph Young, and was a member of the 33rd quorum. He married Hannah Christenson September 29, lbt)9, and was or- dained a high priest in 1874 by Daniel S. Thomas. He went to Norway on a mission in 1877, and after being gone one year and a half, was released on ac- count of ill health. He died April 17, 1881. HANNAH C. PETERSON. Hannah Christensen Peterson (Jones) is a native of Jylland, Denmark, born December 30, 1845, her parents being Simeon and Karen Christensen. She re- ceived a common school educa- tion and was brought up in the Lutheran church, being sprink- led as a child and confirmed at the age of 16 years. She was taught the trade of dressmaking, which she followed through life, being exceptionally well quali- fied for this line of work. HANNAH C. PETERSON. On May 26, 1867, she was bap- tized a member of the Church of Jegus Christ of Latter-day Saints 410 HISTORY OF LEHI. by Elder Mauritz P. Anderson, her brother-in-law, and con- firmed by Mathias C. Anderson. In the spring of 1869 she bid farewell to her native land and emigrated to Utah, crossing the ocean on the steamship "Min- nesota," which left Liverpool July 15 and arrived at New York on July 28. She reached Tay- lor's Switch, near Ogden, Aug- ust 6 and Pleasant Grove, Aug- ust 15, 1869. After a short stay at the latter place, she came to Lehi and was married to An- drew F. Peterson September 29, 1869. Mrs. Peterson soon adapted herself to her surroundings and although at first was not able to understand English, she was soon able to take part in public afifairs. She was one of the first officers of the Primary Associa- tion and was an active Sunday School worker for twenty years. Her special work has been the Relief Society, in which she has always been active as teacher, trustee, counselor and president, being set apart for the latter po- sition in October, 1907. At the age of 35 she was left a widow and thrown largely upon her own resources, but owing to her ability in her chosen calling she has lived in comparative com- fort. For many years she has taught large classes of girls the art of dressmaking and she has done much of the sewing for those who have been laid away. She married John J. Jones July 15, 1897, and ten years later May 9, 1907, she was again left i widow. CANUTE PETERSON. Canute Peterson was born in Eidsfjord, Hardanger, Norway, May 13, 1824. The farm owned by his father is called Maurset, and is now visited by the tour- ists who go to view the pictur- esque waterfall called Voring- sfors, which is only a few miles distant. His parents emigrated to America in 1837, taking Ca- nute with them, but leaving Uvo older sons, John and Jacob, who preferred to remain in Norway. His parents settled in La Salle County, Illinois. The father died in 1838. Canute's mother lived some ten years after her hus- band's death, but was afflicted with rheumatism and confined to her bed during these many years. Sister Jacobs, a benev- olent and faithful Latter-day Saint, gave her the care and the love as of a devoted sister. Sis- ter Jacobs afterwards came to Lehi, where she was known to Brother Peterson's children as Grandma Jacobs, and spent her last years there. Young Canute had to take work among the farmers. Sometimes he would be miles away from his mother; but when through his work Sat- urday night, he would walk all the way home, though it took most of the night to reach it and most of the following night BIOGRAPHICAL. 411 to return, in order to spend Sunday with his beloved mother. As he grew older he tried to buy a few luxuries for her. Be- fore he left the state, he had paid the debt which his father had incurred through his and his wife's sickness. This act shows how dearly he cherished the memory of his parents. No one could have made a claim on him for the debt. Money was scarce and wages low, but he was de- termined that none should lose through having loaned money to his father, and after years of toil he succeeded in paying it in full. When Canute was 18 years of age, his mother and he joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was bap- tized August 12, 1842. There was a large number of Scan- dinavians living in La Salle County, Illinois, and a large branch of the Church was raised up there. He visited Nauvoo in 1844 and was ordained a seventy. The same year he was called to take a mission to Wisconsin. Here he baptized quite a number and organized a branch of the Church. A few miles from Ottawa lived Widow Nelson, who had a number of sons and daughters. She was kind to the poor and even the tramp was never turned away from her hospitable home. Here Canute Peterson was al- ways a welcome guest. One of the daughters. Sarah Ann, a couple of years 3^ounger than he, had also joined the Church, and thus they were thrown much into each other's company, at- tending meetings and other gath- erings of the Saints. She was a lovely girl and a most lovable woman. When the Saints were advised to gather with the Church in Utah, she showed her integrity to the gospel by leaving her good home and those she loved so highly. A number of the Saints left La Salle for Utah in 1849; among them was Canute Peterson and Sarah A. Nelson. In crossing Iowa their camp was attacked with cholera, and Miss Nelson came down with it. Canute Peterson felt deep anx- iety on her account. Should she die what would her mother and relatives say? The thought was agonizing to him. He went into a little grove by the creek and plead with the Lord to spare her life. When he arose from his knees he felt endowed with heavenly power and went to her wagon and placing his hand on her head he commanded her to arise and be healed. She felt a miraculous power pervade hei and was healed immediately. When they came to Mt. Pisgah, they met Elder Orson Hyde. He performed the marriage cere- mony, making Canute and Sa»"ah husband and wife. They reached Utah in the fall and settled in Salt Lake City. Next year he was called to go and help settle Lehi. 412 HISTORY OF LEHI. In the fall of 1850, in company, with Jesse W. Fox, Nelson Em- pty, and Henry Royle, he went out to the present site of Lehi and helped to survey the town- site. He did not move his fam- ily to Lehi until the middle of March, 1851. He helped make water ditches and commenced breaking his farm when he was called to go to Scandinavia on a mission. His wife was left with the care of two children, and though it was a time of Indian troubles and grasshoppers, she felt the Lord had richly blessed her. When the grasshoppers had swept the fields clean, her littre patch of wheat was spared and she raised sixty bushels of treas- ured breadstuff. She helped many who had lost their whole crop. Canute Peterson returned in 1856, bringing a large company of immigrants with him, whom he inspired with a deep love for him. He became counselor to Bishop Evans. In 1867 he was called to go to Ephraim to preside over that ward as bishop. In 1870 he was called to take a mission to Scan- dinavia to preside over that mis- sion. He returned in 1872. When President Brigham Young organized the Sanpete Stake, Canute Peterson was chosen as its president. He held this position until the stake was divided and then he continued to preside over the South San- pete Stake, until his death, which occurred October 14, 1902. He held the office of stake president more than twenty-five years. He was generally loved and es- teemed by the Saints. He was a good gospel preacher. The Bible and the book of Doctrine and Covenants were his favorite books, and few were so well versed in the Scriptures as he. He loved Lehi and its people, among whom were many of his dearest friends, and he never tired of relating his experiences during the seventeen years he sojourned there. His wife Sarah died in May, 1896. Two wives, Mariali and Charlotte, and fifteen children survived him. Anthoii H. Lund. JAMES Q. POWELL. James Q. Powell, a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, was born November 7, 1807, and emigrated to Utah in Pulsipher's company, arriving in Salt Lake City in September, 1848. He lived in Cotton wood (now Murray) four years, moved to the Point of the Mountain in 1852, and to Lehi in 1856. He was among the first to own sheep in Utah, having brought a number with him across the plains. He was em- inently successful as a sheep and cattle raiser, which busi- ness he followed in connection with farming. In the early days BIOGRAPHICAL. 413 he often sold his wool for grain and vegetables. Mr. Powell was married three times. In 1829 he married Su- san Charlston, who bore him four children. She died in Penn- sylvania in 1840. Some time MRS. JAMES Q. POWELL. after, he married Jane Cooper, who accompanied him to Utah. She was the mother of five children. She died in Lehi May 16. 1893. In 1855 he married Hannah Anderson, a native of Denmark, who had two children. She died in Lehi, August 4, 1899. Of all these children only four arc now living: Ann living in Salt Lake City; Naomi, living in Ruby Valley, Nevada; Thad- deus, a prominent business man of Lehi; and Susan (Mrs. Char- les Trane.) Mr. Powell died December 4, 1891. THADDEUS POWELL. Thaddeus Powell, son of James Q. and Mary Cooper Powell, was born September 30, 1854, near the Point of the Mountain, in Salt Lake County, Utah. His boyhood was spent in herding sheep and cattle and in going to school a few weeks in the winter time at Lehi. THADDEUS POWELL. He married Esther Ann Ash- ton January 24, 1883. To them 414 HISTORY OF LEHI. have been born five children, as follows: Thaddeus A., Eugene, Leland, Hazel May (Mrs. Isaac Bone), and Thomas James. Mr. Powell started in the sheep busi- ness in 1872 and continued till 1891. During this time he owned herds of from 2000 to 4000 head. He bought the Mulliner mill property in 1884, and sold it in 1890 to the Utah Sugar Com- pany. The site is now occupied by the first sugar factory built in Utah. He was director of the Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank from 1893 to 1900 and a member of the City Council in 1894 and 1895. Mr. Powell is sound in judgment, prudent in his under- takings, and altogether a pro- gressive and enterprising citizen. ESTER A. A. POWELL. Ester Ann Ashton Powell, the wife of Thaddeus Powell, and the third child of Thomas and Arminta Lawrence Ashton, was born February 17, 1856, in Lehi, Utah. In her early life, during the hard times, she carded wool and spun yarn which her mother wove into cloth for the family which in those days was clothed in homespun and glad to get it. Her education was lim- ited, as there were no free schools. Her father would teach his children what he could in the evenings. However, in spite of these handicaps, Mrs. Powell grew up to be a capable and use- ESTHER A. A. POWELL. ful woman. She is one that is ever trying to do her full duty as a wife, mother, and member of the community. WILLIAM E. RACKER. William E. Racker was born i'l Aarhus, Denmark, January 23, 1853, and was the son of Chris- tian F. and Jacobine Racker. His father died when William E. was five months old. He spent his early life in Denmark and was educated in the schools of that country. At the age of fif- teen years he emigrated to BIOGRAPHICAL. 415 America, being the second son but now the oldest son living. He arrived in Salt Lake City Sept. 25, 1868, where he re- mained for a year, the remain- der of the family coming to Lehi where he joined them later. He began life in Lehi work- ing at anything he could get to do, in the field or on the thresh- ing, machine; later he became clerk in the tithing office under Bishop David Evans, staying there seven years. At the end of that time, he accepted a posi- ion as bookkeeper with the Peo- ple's Co-operative Institution. He was advanced to the position of secretary and treasurer of held that place for ten years and then was made Superintendent in 1893. He also held the office of secretary and treasurer of the institution. Mr. Racker was married on the 31st of March, 1873, to Miss Rozilla Evans, daughter of Bish- op Evans. By this marriage twelve children have been born, nine of whom are living. Mr. Racker is a Republican in politics. He has been Treas- urer of Lehi for three terms and has been prominent in all public affairs in the early days. He was one of the leading men in get- ting the sugar factory located in Lehi; was one of the promoters of the Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank, and a director of it for years; was president and director of the first electric light company, in the north end of Utah County; and one of the owners and builders of the Union Hotel. Mr. Racker is a member of the L. D. S. Church and is now a high priest. In February, 1903, he went on a mission to his na- tive country, returning in May, 1904. In August of that year he organized the Racker Merchan- tile Company and became presi- dent and manager. In 1906 he w-as re-elected president and di- rector of the Uah County Light and Power Company, and re- mained an officer of that com- pany until its consolidation with the Knight Power Company. At the city election in the fall of 1911, he was elected Mayor of Lehi City and commenced to serve in that office on January 1, 1912, and is still serving in that capacity. When the State Bank of Lehi was organized he was chosen a director and chairman of the Ex- ecutive Board of that bank. FREDERICK E. RACKER. Frederick Eugene Racker, son of William E. and Rozilla Rack- er, was born August 4, 1877, at Lehi, Utah. At the age of eight years he was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and at the age of twelve was ordained a deacon. His school days were spent in the Lehi public schools. At the age of twelve he started as an 416 HISTORY OF LEHI. apprentice in the printing busi- ness with the Lehi Pubhshing Company, and from the age of fourteen to the age of twenty he was engaged as teamster and clerk in the People's Co-oper- ative Institution. When war broke out between the United States and Spain, he was one of the first three volun- teers from Lehi, and served in the Utah Cavalry during the war with Spain. Not having been en- gaged in any action during his enlistment in the cavalry, he again re-enlisted in the 24th In- fantry and went to the Philip- pines with the regiment, where he participated in some six or eight engagements with the en- emy. While there he was strick- en down with a very severe at- tack of dysentery and was taken to the hospital at Manila where he remained several weeks and was then sent over to the United States, having become so weak that he had to be carried on board the ship that brought him to San Francisco. After several months treatment in the hospital in the Praesidio, he obtained his release and came home. On the 31st of July, 1900, he was married to Miss Orpha Ad- ams of American Fork, Utah. Soon after his marriage, he again engaged as clerk and later as a miner until June, 1904, at which time he again enlisted in the United States Army, and this time he was assigned to the 29th infantry, Company G, and served as clerk of the company for a period of several months. Having obtained a knowledge of printing in his youth, he was detailed as post printer and on the 12th of April, 1905, he was detailed as school teacher at the post. He was very much beloved by his comrades and highly re- spected by the officers of his company. On Sunday, the 23rd of April, 1905, he died in the post hospital from a very acute attack of dysentery and cramps. Tues- day following he was escorted by the full garrison at Fort Douglas with great military honors, commanded by Capt. Wells, Adjutant-General and Commanding Officer of the post, the cortege being preceded by the post Band. He died in full fellowship in the faith of the gospel, and he always had a firm belief in the principles of the same, and so expressed himself to his parents the last time he talked to them. JOHN ROBERTS, JR. John Roberts, son of John Roberts, Sen., and Adelade Ford Roberts, was born December 20, 1848, in Woolwich, Kent, Eng- land. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1863, and emigrated to America with his parent? in 1863. At the age of 14 he drove BIOGRAPHICAL. 417 three yoke of oxen across the plains, arriving in Salt Lake City in October, 1863, and came to Lehi a month later. He went East for emigrants in 1865 and helped to bring the Thomas Taylor company to Salt Lake City. Two years later, 1867, he fought in the Black Hawk War. He spent two years freighting by team in Nevada, and for sev- eral years did teaming and farm- ing. He married Alice Ann Taylor, daughter of James and Ann Taylor, December 25, 1872, from which union ten children were born. He entered the employment of the People's Co-operative In- stitution in 1882. He was man- ager of the Branch Co-op. For fourteen years, city treasurer six terms, a member of the City Council two terms, and mayor of the city one term. He served on the School Board six years, as chairman, secretary, and treasurer. Death took his wife, Alice Ann, in the year 1895. He then married Mary Ann Cutler Standring, and in a few years was left again, she passing away in 1900. One year later he mar- ried Emma Jane Evans Taylor and has three sons from this marriage. He has taken an active part in ecclesiastical organizations of the Church, was one of the pres- idents of the 68th quorum of seventies, and is at present an active block teacher and a high priest. At the age of 65 he is still (1913) in the employment of the People's Co-operative Institu- tion. GEORGE G. ROBINSON. George G. Robinson was born October 20, 1869, in Newcastle County, Delaware. He received his education in the public schools. At the age of 16 years he commenced to learn the milling business with McLaugh- lin Brothers of Newark, Dela- ware, going to Crosswick, N. J., in 1888 to take charge of a mill for the Eagle Roller Mill Com- GEORGE G. ROBINSON. 28 418 HISTORY OF LEHI. pany of that place. He came to Utah at the request of Bishop W. D. Robinson, arriving at American Fork, Utah, in Decem- ber, 1890, working- for W. D. Robinson upwards of five years, after which he worked for the Chipman Mercantile Company, having charge of their mill at American F'ji":. He leased the Lehi Roller Mills in April, 1907, running the same for twenty- seven months. He then returned to the employ of the Chipman Mercantile Company and as- sumed charge of their mill. In June, 1910, he moved to Lehi and bought the Lehi Roller Mills, also the home of Louis Garff. He was elected to the City Council for the two year term in November, 1911, and re-elected as the four year term council- man in 1913. George G. Robin- son was mhrried to Beulah Adams, daughter of Joshua and Mary B. Adams of American Fork, January 2, 1894. JOHN E. ROSS. John E. Ross was one of the early settlers of Lehi, having arrived here in November, 1853. He has probably done more in an educational way for Lehi than any other man, having taught in the local schools for twenty-nine years without a break. When he commenced teaching there were no free schools in Utah and his pay in the earlier days consisted of various kinds of produce. He served fourteen years as city recorder and was an excellent penman. He also served two years as city alderman. He has also been a religious worker, serving twenty-five years in the Sunday Schools. JOHN K. KOSS. He was an Indian war vet- eran, serving in the Black Hawk War in 1866. He was a team- ster in his youth. In 1861 he drove four yoke of cattle across the plains, back to Florence for immigrants, and in 1864 he drove a six-mule team to Los Angeles for freight for John R. Murdock. Mr. Ross was the son of BIOGRAPHICAL. 419 Stephen W. and Jane Ross and was born in Newark, New Jer- sey, January 13, 1840. His father died when he was 9 years of age, and the year following he came with his mother to Council Bluffs, Iowa. In 1852 they came to Salt Lake City, and the year following came to Lehi. July 1, 1865, he married Amanda Nor- ton, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Norton, who were also among the first settlers of Lehi. S. W. Ross. LOT RUSSON AND ELIZA ROUND. Lot Russon and Eliza Round were born in Wetherston, Worcestershire, England. Lot was born January 1, 1829, and Eliza on October 21, 1830. Lot was a lad of 13 when his father died, and he was the sup- port of his mother and four sis- ters for many years. On De- cember 25, 1850, he married Eliza Round. They were baptized into the Church in August, 1852. He was a collier and she made nails until their fifth child was born. They were faithful in their church duties. In October, 1871, they emigrated to Utah with eight children, namely: Charlotte, Thomas, Mary, Sarah, Lot Jr., Eliza, Enoch, Annie Amelia (deceased), and George E. Two were later born in Lehi: Joseph F. and Kate L. All are stalwart Latter-day LOT RUSSON, .\ND ELIZA R. RUSSON. 420 HISTORY OF LEHI. Saints and have done temple work. Brother Lot was appointed president of the elders' quorum by Apostle Erastus Snow, June 10, 1877, being the first to re- ceive that appointment in Lehi, and was president twenty-two years. He missed only four meetings in that time. Eliza held the office of a teacher in the Relief Society for thirty years, and died in the harness July 22, 1908, in her seventy-eighth year, surrounded by her husband and children — all except Enoch, who was do- ing missionary work in Eng- land. Lot is 85 years old and still hale. His posterity number at this reading eleven children, eighty-two grandchildren, and seventy-six great grandchildren, making a total of 170 souls. HENRY ROYLE. Henry Royle, one of the orig- inal pioneers of Lehi, was born in England. Very little is known of his early life. Some time in the early forties he joined the "Mormon" Church and took an active part in preaching and advocating its doctrines, being rotten-egged by hoodlums for so doing. He married a sister of David Clark, another Lehi pioneer; she soon died and left him without fam- ily. He came to America about the year 1846, and worked two years in St. Louis, in the meantime getting together an outfit con- sisting of oxen, cows, and other necessities with which to cross the plains. Hi the winter of 1847-1848 he married Ann Capstick, and on the 18th of March, following, they moved to St. Joseph, Mis- souri, from where they later started for Salt Lake City, ar- riving at the latter place Septem- ber 21, 1848, where he built a home. Hi the fall of 1848 and the fol- lowing spring he made adobes and, being a mason, helped to build them into one of the first meeting houjfees in Salt Lake City. In the summer of 1850 in company with Canute Peter- son and others, he explored the north end of Utah Valley with a view of taking up land and finding a suitable place for a set- tlement. In September of that year he came back to Dry Creek with his brother-in-law, David Clark, and while felling logs for a house, had his collar bone broken. He went back to Salt Lake and remained until spring, when he brought his wife and infant daughter, (Mrs. Sarah A. Olmstead), to Lehi and lived for a time in a covered wagon box. On June 22, 1851, his son, Henry Moroni, was born, being the first white male child to see the light of day in Lehi. After a brief illness, he died July 8, 1852, aged about thirty-two years. BIOGRAPHICAL. 421 ANN CAPSTICK ROYLE. Ann Capstick, the daughter of Ann and Christopher Capstick, was born July 26, 1812, at Old Hutton, Bridge End, north of Westmoreland, England. Her mother died December 31, 1836; her father died in August, 1841. In 1842, with her sister, Jane, she came to America. In 1843, July 30, she was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Newark, Connecticut. A short time after she made the ac- quaintance of Henry Royle, whom she married in the winter of 1847. March 18, 1848, they left St. Louis, where they had been residing and located at St. Joseph, Missouri; from there they left for Salt Lake City with an ox team, arriving in Utah on the 21st of September, 1848. Here they built a home on a city lot. September 22, 1849, their first child, Sarah Ann, was born. In the spring of 1851 they moved to Lehi. June 22, 1851, their son, Henry INIoroni, was born. July 8, 1852, after a short sickness, her husband died. November 9, 1852, she married John Mercer of American Fork, Utah. October 6, 1853, she gave birth to her daughter, Martha (Mrs. James Kirkham). On March 8, 1860, her husband, John Mercer, died. In the fall of 1861 she married Samuel MuHiner. After living with Samuel Mul- liner for a year or two, her chil- dren built her a home next to the residence of her daughter, Martha Kirkham, where she re- mained until her death, July 7, 1879. GEORGE P. SCHOW. George Peter Schow was born in Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark, July 20, 1853, his parents being Jens Hansen Schow and Sine Kirstine Larsen. His father's GEORGE p. SCHOW. home was know as Helligdoms- gaarden, being a noted pleasure resort and its rugged cliffs and beautiful scenery were know" all over the northern part of Eur- ope. 422 HISTORY OF LEHL When George was fourteen years old, his father died and the next four years were spent with his uncle. Although he was not a Mormon, at the age of eighteen years he determined to leave his native land and go to Utah. His relatives and friends CELESTIA WILLES SCHOW. tried to persuade him against this course. His uncle, who was childless and well to do, prom- ised to make it worth his time i^" he would stay. But it was all to no purpose; there seemed to be an irresistible impulse taking him to Utah, his brother, Peter, having preceded him there. He reached Utah in April, 1872, and spent the next few years work- ing in the mines of Little Cot- tonwood and Bingham Canyon. For a number of years he freighted to Bingham, hauling all manner of produce, such as butter, eggs, fruit, and vege- tables and selling it to the peo- ple. For the last number of years he has been one of Lehi's leading farmers and at present, in company with his sons, is engaged quite extensively in dry farming west of Jordan River. Mr. Schow first heard the gospel as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Lehi, where he has made his home since his arrival in Utah, and was baptized by Abraham Losee. He married Celestia Willes, a daughter of William Sidney Smith Willes and Alzina Lucinda Lott, No- vember 18, 1880. To them have been born five children as fol- lows: George Sidney, Virgin- ia (Mrs. Arthur Webb), Alzina Lucinda (Mrs. Albert Bone), Floyd, and Joice Pamelia. Mr. Schow is one of Lehi's progressive citizens, always tak- ing part in every enterprise that is for the public good. He is a strong supporter of education and to his honor be it said that his son, George Sidney, was the first Lehi boy to graduate from the University of Utah. During the years 1900 and 1901, Mr. Schow was in California teaching the Cali- fornians liow to irrigate their BIOGRAPHICAL. 423 lands, being recommended for west of Pisgah on the head wal- this position by Bishop Thomas crs of Nodaway, intending to R. Cutler. When the four settle there, but their provisions wards of Lehi were organized gave out and their cattle died, December 20, 1903, Mr. Schow so they were compelled to move was selected as Second Coun- into Missouri for supplies. cilor to Andrew Fjeld in the On the first of January, 1850, Bishopric of the First Ward, Mr. Smith was married to Ann a position he still holds. Coleman, daughter of Prime and T^^oT-T^^■, T^.T^rr^^^. ^,..^., Sarah Thornton Coleman, by JOSKPH JOHNSON SMITH. bj^.^^^ q^^^jj ^vans at Mary- Joseph Johnson Smith was the ville, Missouri, and the same son of William and Sophia year they crossed the plains, ar- Brooks Smith, and was born riving in Salt Lake City, Sep- April 8, 1821, in Kempston, Bed- tember 17, 1850. They lived in forshire, England. He learned Salt Lake City for one year, the trade of blacksmith and when, on the solicitation of wheelwright and became a pro- Bishop David Evans, they moved licient mechanic in this line. On to Lehi. xMarch 1, 1840, he married Mary Mr. Smith was the tirsi black •Ann Smart and on September smith to settle in Lehi and 23, 1841, he was baptized a mem- took an active part in the build- ber of the Church of Jesus ing up of the community. He Christ of Latter-day Saints b}' made plows for the farmers of John Sheffield. wagon tires which Johnston's In May, 1843, in company with ami}- brought; made the hrst his father, mother and some of iion rollers for crushing sugar his brotliers and sisters who also cane in the manufacture of mo- had accepted Mormonism, he em- lasses; and made nails an'J tools igrated to Nauvoo, Illinois. On ( F various kinds. This work or the 8th of August, 1844, his wife cupied his spare time in winter (lied, leaving him with three and in the summer he followed small children and in April, 1845, farming. Being of an industrioi-.- his mother died. Soon after this disposition, he was able to sur- his father returned to England, round his family with all the v'here he later married- and necessities and some of the lux- raised another family. uries of life and was considered Joseph J. left Nauvoo in May, well to do in those days, and in company with Bishop He was a stockholder in many David Evans and others lived at of the industries and enterprises Bonepart during the summer. launched for the building up of In September Bishop Evans and the country. He was active in company moved for!^- '^liles furnishing supplies for those 424 HISTORY OF LEHI. were out on Indian expeditions and after the Church immigra- tion. He was among the first to launch out in the bee industry. He homesteaded a cjuarter sec- tion of land some distance north of Lehi on Dry Creek, which he brought into a high state of cul- tivation and also built a saw mill, using the water of Dry Creek for power. On February 10, 1865^ he married Sarah Ann Liddiard and all together raised a very large family, as follows: Children of Mary Ann Smart: Caroline (Mrs. Wm. Skeens), Mercy, and Joseph. Children of Ann Coleman: Sarah Ann (Mrs. Samuel South- wick), Joseph William, George, Hyrum, Aldura (Mrs. James Roberts), Julia Elizabeth, (Mrs. James Taylor), Alfred James, Samuel Abraham, John Frank- lin, Rebecca, Jacob, David, Al- bert, and Moroni Alma. Children of Sarah Ann Lid- diard: Florence Sopho (Mrs. J. E. Cotter), and Elizabeth. After a lingering illness of heart trouble, he died August 6, 1902. ANN COLEMAN SMITH. Ann Coleman, daughter of Prime and Sarah Coleman, and wife of Joseph J. Smith, was born in Oldin, Bedfordshire, England on the 2nd day of Oc- tober, 1833. She was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Bed- fordshire, England,, by Elder John S. Thornton in Decem- ber, 1842, and in 1843, together with her father's family, consist- ing of the following members: Elizabeth Coleman Jacobs, Re- becca Coleman Evans, Martha Coleman Southwick, Prime Coleman, George Coleman, and William Coleman, migrated to America, and arrived in Nauvoo May 12, 1843. She was per- sonally acquainted with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and his brother, Hyrum, and passed through the persecutions the ANN COLEMAN SMITH. Saints were compelled to under- go at that time. She was married to Joseph J. Smith at Morrisonville, Mis- BIOGRAPHICAL. 425 soiiri, January 1, 1850, by Bish- op David Evans, and in May following, in company with her husband, moved to Council Bluffs. On June 13, she crossed the Missouri River, and start- ed across the plains with ox teams, for Utah, arriving in the fall of 1850. She lived in Salt Lake City one year, then moved to Lehi where she re- sided until her death. She was the mother of 14 chil- dren, 10 sons, and 4 daughters. She was very industrious and enterprising in the settling and building up of this country, pass- ing through all the hardships and trying times of early pio- neer life. She was a dutiful, and considerate wife, a kind and loving mother, and was respect- ed by all who knew her. She passed away October 1, 1909, being Id years old. SARAH A. L. SMITH. Sarath Ann Liddiard Sm'tl; v.as the daughter of Levi A. anbb, was born at Stud- ham, Bedfordshire, England, May 6, 1839. He is the third son of William Webb and Emma Stokes Webb. His early life was spent on a farm and working in a flour mill. In the year 1856, he joined the Mormon Church. In March, 1861, he was called on a mission by Elias Black- burn and assigned to labor in the Norwich conference, where he worked for 3 years and 3 months. In 1864, he married Ju- lia Cushing. On June 3, with his father's family, he left England for Utah, sailing on the ship "Hudson." They were six weeks on the sea. On the plains his wife died. They arrived in Salt Lake City November 2, of the same year. BIOGRAPHICAL. 445 After staying there a few days they came to Lehi where he has resided ever since. On May 30, 1865, he married Mary Ann Ward. While living m Lehi he has fcllowed sev- eral occupations; running flour mills; working in American Fork canyon; farming; running the Lehi Banner, of which he was one of the promoters and finally editor and owner. He has held the following of- fices: attorney for Lehi City; alderman; precinct justice; may- or; member of the legislature; delegate to two constitutional conventions; school trustee for 19 years; Utah County com- missioner; president Lehi Irri- gation Company 10 years; and director Utah Banking Com- pany. At the present time, he is vice president of the People's Co-operative Institution and jus- tice for Lehi City. He has also held the following positions in the Mormon Church: Assistant Superintendent of Sunday School; Assistant Superintendnt LTtah Stake Sunday school; one of the presidents of the 127th quorum of Seventy'. His life has been a busy one and he h'ls always stood for the build'n;: up of Lehi. England, October 24, 1840, and joined the Mormon Church in November, 1851. Her early life was spent on the farm with her parents. When she was twenty- one, she went to London, where she lived for three years. On June 3, 1864, she and her sister left London for Utah, sailing on the ship, "Hudson," which land- ed in New York on July 20. From there they sailed up the Hudson River to Albany, and .MARY ANN W. WEBB. MARY ANN W. WEBB. Mary Ann Ward Webb, daughter of Robert and Isabella Watford Ward, was born at Walpole, St. Peter's, Norfolk, came thence by rail to the Mis- souri River. They left the river on August 12. crossing the plains in Captain Snow's company, walking much of the way. They arrived in Salt Lake City on No- 446 HISTORY OF LEHI. vember 3. She lived there until May 30, 1865, when she married George Webb and moved to Lehi, where she has lived ever since. She is the mother of nine chil- dren, seven of whom are living. She has been a very active worker in religious and secular affairs and during a busy life has filled the following positions: member of Lehi choir for twen- ty years, president of Primary, Sunday School teacher for thirty years, counselor in Pri- mary Association, Relief Society teacher, and first president of Lehi branch of the Woman's Suffrage Asscciation. At present she is stake board missionary in the Relief Society. Besides her public work she has done a great deal of work among the sick in her neighborhood, always being ready to help in time of need. The names of her_- children are: Walter L.; Bernard G., Ar- thur F., Laura (Mrs. F. Salzner), Angie (Mrs. C. L. Warnick), Maud (Mrs. Jos. Glover), and Dulcie (Mrs. J. L. Francom). JOHN STOKES WEBB. John Stokes Webb, who was the son of William Webb, and Emma Stokes, was born in Whipsnade, Bedford, England, on the 20th day of November, 1831. He was engaged as a farm laborer until the tinie of leaving his native land. His father's family did not belong to any denomination and when in 1847, elders of the Church came to Studham, his mother and sister became converted to the gospel. His father was JOHN S. WEBB. very bitter toward the elders and made many threats against them, but was finally persuaded to go and hear them, and was in due time converted and bap- tized. John was baptized on the 17th day of April, 1848, and soon after was ordained and sent out as a traveling elder. He was married to Hannah Grace on February 18, 1854, in Studham and, in company with BIOGRAPHICAL. 447 his wife, left his home on March 10, 1854, for Liverpool, where they were detained for nearly a month and then set sail on the steamship "Marshfield" in com- pany with 366 other Saints under the direction of William Taylor, on April 8, 1854. After a long and tiresome journey they ar- rived in Salt Lake City in the fall of 1854. He was engaged to work for President Brigham Young for one year, coming to Lehi in the fall of 1855. His family lived for the following hve years in a dug-out on the west side of what is now Block 18, Plat "A," Lehi City Survey of building lots, where his three oldest children w-^ .-^^ 0^ -^- " ., , , - ^ .0- Oo c,- -^^ o 0^ ;^ ^^V>-- ' - cP .0^ %: ■r- /- " ' ^ "* A c3^ X^ '^- . 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