LETTER TO A SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIER, (BY A SOLDIER'S SISTER.) The following letter was written, to be forwarded with a pack- acre of Scriptures to the soldiers in Knoxville, East Tennessee. The Sunday-school at North Amherst, Ohio, of which the writer is a member, forwarded, with the letter, a contribution sufficient to meet the expense of the package. These words of love and sym- pathy come from the heart. They must touch many hearts. We shall therefore, send a copy of the letter, with every package whicii the contributions of the benevolent will enable ns, to those who are fighting the battles of our country. Brownhelm, 0., Februarij 20, 1864. To a Sick and Wounded Soldier : We have taken up a collection in our Sunday school to furnish a package of Testaments for our sick and wounded soldiers. I thought a letter accompanying them mioht perhaps reach some one who may be longing to see " the loved ones at home " who would welcome this as one ray of sunshine to cheer him during the weary hours he must spend in camp or hospital. Or you may have a loved wife and dear little ones watching eagerly the mail, to know how soon you will be able to come home. Possibly you may have a dear good mother, and lovmg sisters and friends who write to you so often that you need not feel so very lonely. And then acrain I think it may be that my letter will chance to be read by some one who feds almost as it were entirely alone in this cold, heartless world. You do not hail the mail with joy ; for it brings no letter from home or friends for you. Oh, do not feel so. You are not forgotten. We are doing a great deal for you. Throuo-h our Aid Societies, the Sanitary and the Christian Commissions, and in other ways we are doing what we can, though we fear all has not reached the sick, for whom it was intended. You have, doubtless, heard of our Sanitary Fairs. The proceeds are all given for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers. A large one is to be held at Cleveland. It will commence on the 22d of this month, and will continue two weeks or longer. If you could only see the busy fii-ers all over Northern Ohio, preparing articles for this Fair, you would then know how anxious we feel that you should be as comfortable as possible. I»erhaps I feel more sympathy for you than some others, for this reason— I have a dear brother in the Hospital at Knoxville, Tennessee. But 1 am anxious to know if you love Jesus. Oh, He is so good. He loved us so much that he was willing to die for us that we might live with Him in heaven. And when we die we all want to go there and see Him : for we want to be happy. "c •».; %% :hx« My dear soldier friend, I hope that, before this, you have found that blessed savior precious, that His love and presence is your delight, and that you are trying lead other soldiers around you to Jesus. If you are not a Christian now, you want to be, do'nt you? Please read this ittle book— this portion of the New 'J'estament — for my sake, wo'nt you? It was )rinted especially for you. And when you are able to write, I would like to have 'ou answer this letter, and tell me all about it. My Fost-Oflice address is Brown- lelni, Lorain County, Ohio. Your true friend, EMILY L. MORSE. Now. dear reader, are you not willing to do as much for the soldiers. Will you not send to the Bible Union a contribution sufficient to enable us to forward, at least, one package of the Soldiers' Edition? SCRIPTURES FOR THE ARMIES. A Soldiers' Edition of each of the Gospels, of Acts, and of the Epistles has been prepared and already extensively circulated. It is bound in a convenient form, in stiff paper covers, convenient to be carried in the most hurried march, and even in time of battle. It has been found very useful and acceptable to our self-denying soldiers in the armies of the country. Copies for our soldiers can be sent by mail, in packages, to any regiment or company in any of the armies. They are designed for gratuitous circulation. We hope that the friends of the soldiers, pastors, churches, and especially Sunday-scliools, will help to give them a wide distribution. The entire expense, including postage, is — For 20 copies, $1; 100 copies, $5; 1000 copies, $50, Communications, orders for Scriptures, or remittances to aid in the circulation, should be addressed to Wm. H. Wyckoff, Corresponding Secretary, or C. A. BucKBEE, Assistant Treasurer. American Bible Union, 350 Broome Street, New York. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 764 040 5 * HoUinger