p5 5 aq^ Turn The Rascals Out A Song* „ NOV 15 188?^^ Bv J M Lenahan v>A, Copyrighted All Rights Reserved \ Turn The Rascals Out. [Copyrighted. All rights reserved.] In the papers oft' we read where Monopoly, in greed, Appropriates our public lands and mines, And, not content with such, claim that you should Get rich on digging coal at ninety cents a Ton. Now, if that was all, we would not Complain at all: but the worst, you will quickly Own, has yet to come: They make laws to Suit themselves, v^hile we must dig and Delve' neath a Pinkerton assassin and His gun. CHORUS. But if every man will contribute what he Can — your good will is all that we request; Just lend us your influence for one day At the polls, and Monopoly will find its doom At last. When election day comes round, and politics Is rife, you will find the politician In the front. AVith his bewitching smile, He will try you to beguile into his way of Thinking for a drink. He will say: You Know our man?- I suppose you vote for Sam? — You should support the ticket as it goes; — Try And get men in who have got lots of Tin, for in politics poor people stand No show. .^^^ Wha( is Cleveland about ? " Turn the rascals Out!" We hear this plaintive wail On every hand, and, 'tis plain for to be Seen, vampires are not all weaned who Seek office in our wealth-producing land. When the wage-workers throughout the realm Realize their power, the world may well Rejoice with me at last, — for class legislation Will be known, from pole to pole, as a Feature of the unforgotten past. All honest Knights throughout the land are Gaining every hour the esteem and confidence of weak I Their watchword, Arbitration! is pleasing unto all — It constitutes a jury in itself. Then, let Every man contribute what he can — your good Will is all that we request; just lend us Your influence for one day at the polls, And such rascals will go to jail at last. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 988 382 6 •