*£* A> *0» •^ i SsJ&z. %. J> -ikJ: COPYRIGHTED 1917 Bp W. E. EVERITT Scientific Methods OF Tempering Steel Compounds For Welding and Restoring Burnt Steel Compounds For Hardening Steel Case Hardening Hardening Solutions For Chills For Ball Bearings Compound For Welding Copper BY W. E. £VERITT •TS 3 MAY -2 1917 NUMBER 1 Tempering edge tools of all kinds — pocket knives, draw knives, spoke- shaves, adze, axes, wood planers, wood chisels, planer blades, hatchets, spoke augers, and all wood cutting tools. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw them to a Red and Blue. NUMBER 2 Tempering tools for boring iron or steel — drills, bits, nippers, wire cut- ters, butcher's cleavers, blacksmith hammers, center punches, bolt cutters. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw them to a Dark Red or Wine Color. NUMBER 3 Tempering chisels for chipping pur- poses — keyseat chisels and boiler mak- er's punches. Harden them in Oil. Draw them to Blue, Repeat 3 or 4 times on the Red. NUMBER 4 Tempering marble cutter's tools — shears for cutting iron or steel or hard metals. Harden them in Linseed Oil. Draw them to a Copper Color. NUMBER 5 Spring tempering — auto springs, wagon and buggy springs, all kinds of elliptic springs. Harden them in Linseed Oil or Water. Temper by Flash. This can only be done when oil has been used in hardening. After plung- ing the spring in the oil return it to the furnace. When a blue flame ap- pears hugging the metal, which is at about 600 deg. F., take it from the fur- nace and allow it to cool in the air. Do not put it back in oil or water. Small springs can be hardened in Hard Tallow or a bar of yellow Soap. Flash tempering is the best method and is more reliable than water tem- pering. NUMBER 6 Tempering cold chisels such as track chisels and all-round chisels for general use. Harden them in Water or Oil, ac- cording to size of tool. Draw them to Blue, Repeat on the Red 3 or 4 times for tough tools. NUMBER 7 Tempering stone cutter's tools such as tooth chisels, points and tools used • dressing limestone or other build- j stone of the same nature. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw them to a Blue. NUMBER 8 Tempering rock drills, both heavy : i light stone hammers, stone picks, ne sledges and other tools used in :k quarries. Harden them in Oil or Water. Draw them to a Gold and Red or Peacock Blue. Repeat on the color for Tough Tools. NUMBER 9 Tempering razors for barber's use. Harden them in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw them to a Gold Color. NUMBER 10 Tempering taps for thread cutting. Harden them in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw them to Bronze Color. NUMBER 11 Tempering dies for thread cutting. Harden in Linseed. Oil. Draw to a Dark Gold or Copper Color. NUMBER 12 Tempering reamers for machine shops. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw to a Gold and Red, Mix Colors. NUMBER 13 Tempering dirks, knives, lances probes, physician's knives. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw to a Bright Red. NUMBER 14 Tempering boring tools, minim tools, mill cutters, glass cutters, glas bits, files, butcher's steels, hack saws lettering tools used with a great degre of hardness. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw to no color at all. NUMBER 15 Tempering lathe tools, planer took and tools used for turning iron or stee and other metals. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw to a Light Straw. NUMBER 16 Tempering grub hoes, coal picki coal augers and tools used in dus farrier's knives, etc. Harden in Linseed Oil. Draw to Blue No. 1. NUMBER 17 Tempering butcher knives, brea knives, carving knives, paring knivt a;id table cutlery. Harden in Hot Linseed Oil. Draw to Blue No. 2. NUMBER 18 Chemical tempering for tools that mist be 10 or 15 degrees harder than )il or water can make them. Harden in Quick Silver. Draw No Temper at all. NUMBER 19 Welding flux for welding tool steel. Fine Salt % part Clay % part Use like you would Sand. NUMBER 20 Receipt for welding high grade steel, and restoring burnt steel. Borax 1 lb. Carbonate of Iron 2 oz. Black Oxide of Manganese 3 oz. Mix well and use like Borax. NUMBER 21 WELDING HIGH SPEED STEEL Charred Borax 1 lb. Carbonate of Iron 3 oz. Use like Borax. NUMBER 22 "Welding Bessemer and Openhearth steel. Clean Sand 5 lbs. Powdered Sulphate of Iron 3 oz. Black Oxide Manganese 3 oz. Table Salt 4 oz. Use like Borax. NUMBER 23 WELDING COPPER TUBING Equal parts of Fine Table Salt and Borax. NUMBER 24 TO DRILL CHILLED CAST IRON First heat the part where it is to be drilled red hot, place a ferrule or nut over the part to be drilled fill it with brimstone. When the metal is cold it will be soft enough to drill. NUMBER 25 HARDENING COMPOUND Carbonate of Soda 1 oz. Cyanide of Potash 1 oz. Carbonate of Potash 1 oz. Heat the tool red hot. Sprinkle this on the tool and return it to the fire for a few seconds. Plunge it in solu- tion. This will be very hard. NUMBER 26 HARDENING COMPOUND FOR CAST IRON TOOLS Salt 2 OZ. Saltpeter % lb. Alum i/ 2 lb. Salt of Tartar *4 oz. Cyanide of Potash 1 oz. Carbonate of Ammonia 6 oz. Pulverize all together. Sprinkle it on the tool, plunge it in water. Draw no temper. NUMBER 27 CASE HARDENING FOR TOOLS Heat the steel red hot, sprinkle the following on the tool and plunge in water. Pulverized Cyanide Potassium. Pulverized Prussiate of Potash. (This is Poison.) NUMBER 28 HARDENING SOLUTION Corrosive Sublimate 3 oz. Salt 6 lbs. Soft Water 4 gals. (This Solution is Poison.) NUMBER 29 HARDENING SOLUTION Sal Ammoniae 6 oz. Corrosive Sublimate 3 oz. Soft Water 4 gals. For all kinds of tools draw the tem- per as desired. (This is Poison.) NUMBER 30 HARDENING SOLUTION Saltpeter 1 lb. Prussiate of Potash 3 lbs. Citric Acid 2 lbs. Carbonate of Iron 2 lbs. Salt 50 lbs. Soft Water 30 gals. This is one of the very best known. NUMBER 31 Chills for cones, plates, ball bearings and other tools that must be chilled. Aqua Ammonia 2 oz. Common Soda 2 oz. Common Salt 15 lbs. To one barrel of water, heat and cool off in the solution for a chill. NUMBER 32 ANGLE IRON RING Outside ring with flange on the out- side. Multiply the diameter by 3.1416, add twice the width of flange to circum- ference, which will give the length; cut bevel of half the width of flange on both ends on the inside flange. NUMBER 33 ANGLE IRON RING Inside Eing, Flange on Inside. Find circumference as usual (mul- tiply diameter by 3.1416) deduct twice the width of flange, cut bevel on each end half the width of flange. NUMBER 34 STEEL ANGLE OUTSIDE RING Find circumference as usual, to this add two and one-half times the width of the flange, cut bevel the same as iron, one half the width of flange. NUMBER 35 STEEL ANGLE INSIDE RING Deduct only twice the width of ange. Steel will not gather like iron. NUMBER 36 ORWAY IRON, ANGLE OUTSIDE RING Add three times the width of flange :ter finding the circumference. NUMBER 37 NORWAY IRON, ANGLE INSIDE RING Find the circumference as usual, 3duct two and one-half the width of le flange. NUMBER 38 TEMPERING HIGH SPEED STEEL Care should be taken in bringing it i the proper heat, about 2000 to 2200 agrees Fahrenheit. White heat before lenching. The above heat will not jure the steel. For cooling, air blast, water and oil 'e used. NUMBER 39 NNEALING CARBON STEEL IN WATER Heat the steel to a dark red. When le red is passing off, hold the steel in dark place ; when you see a dark red unge it in plain water or soap suds, his will make it very soft. NUMBER 40 ANNEALING SMALL PIECES OF HIGH SPEED STEEL IN WATER First heat the piece gradually and uniformly to a temperature of 750 degrees Fahrenheit. When this tem- perature is reached it should be plunged into a bath of pure water which was previously heated to a tem- perature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Permit the steel to cool to the tem- perature of the bath when it will ba ready to work. NUMBER 41 Spring Testing Scale and the Color of the Alphabet and Also the Vibra- tion of Color. CONTENTS No. Auger and Picks 16 Annealing High Speed Steel 40 Annealing Carbon Steel 39 Angle Iron Ring 32 Angle Iron Ring 33 Angle Steel Ring 34 Angle Steel Ring 35 Angle Norway Ring 36 Angle Norway Ring 18 Boring Tools 14 Cold Chisels 3 Cold Chisel, Track Tools 6 Chill for Ballbearings 31 Chemical Tempering 18 Cast Iron Tools 26 Case Hardening Tools ... 27 Drills and Bits 2 Dies for Thread Cutting 11 Drill Chilled Cast Iron 24 Edge Tools 1 Hardening Compound 25 Hardening Solution 28 Hardening Solution 29 Hardening Solution 30 Lathe and Planer Tools 15 Marble Cutting Tools 4 Physician's Knives 13 Rock Drills 8 Razors 9 Reamers 12 Spring Testing Scale 41 Spring Tempering 5 Stone Cutter's Tools 7 Taps for Thread Cutting 10 Table Cutlery 17 Tempering High Speed Steel 38 Welding Flux 19 Welding High Carbon Steel 20 Welding High Speed Steel 21 Welding Bessemer and Openhearth 22 Welding Copper 23 r BD -16.1 £* % •."?*. .«- v .\5«&fc-. e V ./ v 'Wrs A 9 *•"% *> if \ .0* .»V. *o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 130 169 5,