I SB 971 .G69 Copy 1 m^^ . H OW TO SPRA^r: WHEN' i TO SPRAY WHAT PUMPS &«*, TO USE f*.t>^"T!^*'ii . ,.v'.*y ^ i-i: ^- -^' LIBRARY of CONGRESS Tw* C«pi«s ReMived i^ FEB 8 1904 Copyright Entry i OLAbS '^ XXc. No. i COPY B ^-J)^^' %''^ How to Spray, When to Spray and What Pumps to use. Spraying is to fruit growers what insurance is to a mer- chant. While insurance protects the merchant from loss by fire, careful spraying not only protects from loss but assures good fruit and a profit to the grower. You cannot afford to go without this protection when it can be had so easily. It is not a good business policy. Ask the successful fruit grower what he thinks of spraying. It is true some have given up spraying saying "it does not pay," but after a sea- son or so of "bad luck " as they call it, they again take up spraying rather than leave the trees to the mercy of the pests that are so numerous these days. With each season new ideas are brought out which tend to improve and advance the methods of spraying. The Lime- Sulphur- Salt wash coming into more general use has brought about much discussion as to how this wash effects the differ- ent metals and other materials used in spraying. There seems to be a great difference of opinion as- to the construc- tion of the proper Pump. To satisfy ourselves and in order that we might have some positive knowledge on this impor- tant subject, we have made exhaustive Tests with this solu- tion in connection with our Spraying Apparatus. The out- come of these tests shows conclusively that the wash does not materially effect either iron or brass parts, but at the same time we have learned some valuable points and have embodied them in our goods for this year. All Pumps and spraying Apparatus should be thoroughly cleaned after use, thereby prolonging their life materially. When we brought out our " Monarch " Pump we carried out the idea of Vertical Outside Packed Plungers. This idea has proven to be a most remarkable one both as to durability and ease of operation. In the new " Sentinel Jr." which is equipped with removal bronze lining, we have solved the perplexing question which always faces the maker of Hori- zontal Cylinder Pumps. The most remarkable idea advanced in years, however, is carried out in our new " Mistry " Nozzle, which while it resembles the " Vermorel " in appearances, gives a finer cloud of spray. This is accomplished at an exceedingly low pressure and makes the operation of Spray Pumps about .twice as easy as before. We know that the ideas which we have carried out this year will meet with the general approval of the public, because they are what the public are asking for. As we have often remarked before, we are not practical fruit growers, but manufacturers of Pumps. All our most important results were originally suggested by fruit growers and have been per- fected through our knowledge of Pump building. We are always glad to cooperate with the fruit growing public and carrying out any ideas which might prove beneficial to spraying. The Goulds Manufacturing Co. Note — See Spray Calendar, pp. 34-37. See Formulas, pp. 37-40. Goulds '* Pomona " Spray Pump. With Agitator. All Working Parts Bronze. Pig. ITOO, " Pomona " Spray Pump, has great power and capacity. No leather packings. All working parts bronze, including plunger, gland, valves, valve seats, etc. Plunger is outside packed. Valves are easily accessible for exaini nation. Air chamber of steel. Powerfullevel with adjust- able stroke. Pump projects but little above top of barrel. Pumps for side of barrel to order. No extra charge. Pump, less agitator, deduct ^i.oo from list. We supply barrel and mount pump in same for ^1.75 extra net. Fig. iioo. Pump, Bquipment, Btc. PlI'N(.ER. Double Discharge. List Price. Diani. Stroke. Pump with Agita. tor and Hose Coupling. 2«in. Adjust- able 3, 4 or 5 in. Yi in. hose and Ji in. pipe. $15.00 Outfit C. with One Lead Ditcharge Hose and Nozzle. Pig, IIOO. Spray Pump with agita- tor and one lead 15 feet J4-inch dis- charge hose with " Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Nozzle. 18.75 Outfit D. with Two Leads Discharge Hose and Nozzles. Fig. ZIOO. Spray Pump with agita- tor and two leads 15 feet each }4-inch dis- charge hose with " Mistry "or " Seneca " Spray Nozzles. 22.00 For Extra Hose, Nozzles, Extensions, etc., see pages 28 to 33. Goulds "Savclof' Spray Pump. With Agitator. All Working Parts Brass. Fig. 1336. " Savelot " differs from Fig. iioo "Pomona," only in having brass tube cylinder and brass piston, with cupped packings made of special material which is not affected or hardened by the chemicals used in spray- ing. No leather is used either on piston or valves. Valves are bronze on bronze seats and are easily accessible. Agita- tor of most effective type. Powerful lever with adjustable stroke. Pump projects but little above top of barrel. Pumps to order for side of barrel. Pump less agitator deduct ^i.oo from list. We supply barrel and mount pump in same for ^1.75 extra net. Fig. 1336. Pump, Equipment, Etc. Plunger. Double Discharge. List Price. Diam. Stroke. Pump with Agitator and Hose Coupling. Outfit C. with Otie Lead Discharge Hose and Nozzle. 2% in. Adjustable 3, 4 or 5 in. y^. in. hose. $13.50 Fig. 1336. With agitator and one lead 15 ft. ]A in. discharge hose with " Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Nozzle. 17.30 Outfit D. with Tivo Leads Discharge Hose and Nozzle. Pig. 1336. With agitator and two leads 15 ft. each, >4 in. discharge hose with " Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Noz- zle. 20.60 For Extra Hose, Nozzles, Extension, etc., see pages 28 1033. 5 Goulds "FruitaH" Spray Pump. With Agitator. All Workingr Parts Bronze. Fig. I188. " Fruitall " Spray Pump is made on the same general lines as our famous "Pomona." It is, how- ever, lighter and of smaller capacity. All working parts, including plunger, gland, valves, valve seats and strainer, are of bronze. Regularly fitted with wing agitator similar to one used on " Pomona," and which has proven to be the best type. Pump is held in barrel by anchor at bottom and adjustable clamp at top, fitting over end of stave. Not made for side of barrel. When furnished without agitator, deduct $0.75 from list. We will supply barrel, and mount Pump in the same, for ^1.75 extra net. Fig. 1188. Pump, Fquipment, Ktc. Pluncek. list. Dia. Stroke. Discharge. Price. Pump with Agi- tator and Hose Coupling. 2 in. 4 in. ^ in. hose, i $10.00 Outfit C. with Otie Lead of Hose and Noszle. Fig. lzS8. Spray Pump with Agita- tor and one lead 15 feet, 54-inch dis- charge hose, with " Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Nozzle. 13.75 Outfit D. with Ttvo Leads of Hose and Nozzles. Fig. 1188. Spray Pump with Agita- tor and two leads 15 feet each, ^-inch discharge hose, with " Mistry " or " Sen- eca" Spray Nozzk-s. 17.00 For Extra Hose, Nozzles, Extensions, etc., see pages 28 to 33. 7 Goulds "Standard" Spray Pump. ^'isr- 905'/^- "With Bras8-I^' Pump, [Equipment, ]Btc. No. Dia. Cyl. Suction. Double Dis. List Price. Pump with Strainer. 2 4 zYi in. I in. pipe. 3 " iK " J^ in. hose and % in. pipe. 5i in. hose and I in. pipe. $9.50 10.50 Outfit C. with one leadoi hose and nozzle. Outfit CC. Pig. 905J4. 2M in. Spray Pump with iron Suction pipe, brass strainer and one lead of 15 ft., Yi in. discharge hose, with " Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Nozzle. Fig. 905 '/4. 3 in. Spray Pump fitted in same manner. 15.00 16.00 Outfit D. with tivo leads of hose and nozzles. Outfit DD. Kig. 905J4. 2^^ in. Spray Pump with iron suction pipe, brass strainer and two leads of 15 ft. each Vi in. discharge hose, with " Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Nozzles. Kig. 905^^. 3 in. Spray Pump fitted in same manner. 19.50 20.50 For Extra Hose, Nozzles, Extensions, etc., see pages 28 to 33. Goulds " Standard '* Spray Pump. Brass-Htietl Cylinder Brass- Cased Plunger and Brass Valves. FlR. 905. Fig. 905. " Standard " Spray Pump is Double- Acting in effect. The differential plunger forms the air chamber and contributes to sustaining a continuous and uniform dis- charge at spray nozzles. Has brass lower valve and seat with galvanized cage. The base is adapted for either end or side of barrel. Pump has double discharge, one plugged, other fitted with hose coupling. Brass strainer supplied. Dash Agitator, Fig. 1079, ^^^ outline cut above, $1.25 extra list. Mechanical Agitator, Fig. 1321, see outline on opposite page, $1.50 extra list. Fig. 905. Pump, Equipment, Etc. No. Dia. Cyl. Suction. Double Dis. List Price. Pump with Strainer. 2 4 ^Yi in- I in. pipe. 3 " iK in. pipe. Yi in. hose and % in. pipe. % in. hose and I in. pipe. $8.50 9.50 14.00 15.00 Outfit C. with one leaa of hose and nozzle. Outfit CC. Fig. 905. z% in. Spray Pump with i in. iron suction pipe with brass strainer and one lead of 15 ft., Y-i in. discharge hose, with "Mistry " or " Seneca " Spray Nozzle. Pig. 905. 3 in. Spray Pump fitted in same manner. Outfit D. with tivo leads of hose and nozzles. Outfit DD. Fig. 905. 2j4 in. Spray Pump with i in. iron suction pipe with brass strainer and two leads of 15 ft. each, Yi in. discharge hose, with " Mistry " or Seneca " Spray Nozzles. Fig. 905. 3 in. Spray Pump fitted in same manner. 18.50 19.50 For Extra Hose, Nozzles, Extensions, etc., see pages 28 to 33. A Z Pt ^ » :3 Goulds "Monarch" Two- Cylinder Spray Pump. Vertical Outside Packed Bronze Plun- ders. Bronze Glands, Valves, Etc. Fig. 1318. Pig. 1318 "Monarch" has two bronze plungers operating in two vertical cylinders, which are packed with a material uneff ected by spraying solutions. This construction permits all gritty particles to pass through the Valves and out ; and does not grind the cylinder. The ports are large and direct. The valves are bronze, ground to fit their bronze seats, are acces- sible through hand holes. The lever is so arranged as to be operated in two positions. The " Monarch " combines large capacity and ease of operation, and we do not hesitate to say that this is the easiest operated Pump of its capacity on the market. Fig, 1318. Pump, Equipment, Btc. N°- Cyls. Suction. Double Discharge. List Price. $22.50 Pump with Strainer and hose Couplings. 2 in. Kin. hose. J^ in. hose. 2 2j4 in. I in. hose. Yi in. hose. 29.25 Outfit C. Fig. 1318. 2 in. fitted with 5 ft. Ji in. suction hose with strainer and i lead Yz in. discharge hose 15 ft. long, with one " Mistry " (or other) Spray Nozzle. 29.25 Outfit CC. Fig. 1318. zVz in. fitted up in same manner except has i in. suction hose. 36.50 Outfit D. Outfit DD. Fig. 13 1 8. 2 in. fitted with 5 ft. lead of Yx in. suction hose with strainer and 2 leads Vq. in. discharge hose each 15 ft. long each with one " Mistry " (or other) Spray Nozzle. 33.75 Fig. 1318. iVi in. fitted in same manner e.xcept has i in. suction hose. 41.00 Hose can be furnished in any length and any desired number of leads. Double Nozzle, E.>ctensions, etc., pages 28 to 33. 'Sentinel Jr." Double- Acting Spray Pump Removable I/ining. Outside Guided Piston. Sentinel Jr." Double- Acting "pig. 1316. Spray Pump ; is now fitted with removable hnmg, ^ ■' which consists of a heavy brass tube with cast bronze flanged head. This can be quickly with- drawn by remov- ing cylinder head, as shown in illus- tration, and re- newed at a mini- mum cost. The orchardist who is aware of the gritty nature of many spraying solutions and consequent wear on pump cylin- der, will appre- ciate this new feature. The brass piston rod is outside guided and the piston easily removed for repacking. Stuffing box is tightened or re- packed from out- side. The bronze valves and seats are easily accessible for examination. Extra large air cham- ber 6x^0 inches. Suction and discharge connections can be made at either side of pump. Pump ordered without hose has one i inch suction and two >^ inch Discharge Brass Hose Couplings, also Brass Strainer. Fig. 1316. Pump, Equipment, Etc. Fig. 1316. Cylinder Cap removed and Lining partly withdrawn. Pump with Strainer and Hose Couplings. Outfit G. Outfit h. Dia. Cyl. 2% in. Suction. I in. hose. Double Discharge. 14 in. hose. Fig. 1316 with 5 feet i inch rubber suction hose and strainer and one 25 foot Uead of Vz inch discharge hose with one " Mistry" (or" Seneca ") Spray Nozzle. List Price. $25.00 Fig. 1316 with 5 feet i inch rubbe 'suction hose and strainer and two 33 foot 'leads of >/i inch discharge hose each with one "Mistry" (or "Seneca") Spray iNozzle. Fig. 1316 with s feet i inch rubber suction hose and strainer and four 23 Outfit 1 \/oot leads of ■< inch discharge hose each wuuii I. ,-^.^j^ ^^^ "Mistry" (or "Seneca ) Spray Nozzle. 32.75 38.25 50.25 Hose can be furnished in any length and any number of leads, Double Nozzles, Extensions, Etc., see pages 28 to 33. Goulds '* Sentinel** Double-Acting Spray Pump. I Brass-lined Cylinder, Bronaje Valves, Piston, Piston Rod, l^tc. ' Goulds " Sentinel " Double- Acting Spray Pumps are used throughout the large apple orchards and orange groves because of their large capacity and great power. Capacity is sufficient to supply eight or more nozzles. Some- times six nozzles are used on one discharge. Sometimes four leads of hose are used. Piston is easily and quickly repacked and valves easily accessi- ble. Piston, piston rod, valves and seats and cylinder lining are brass. Pumps ordered without hose have I }( in. suction and two ^ in. discharge brass hose couplings, also brass strainer. Brass " Y's " for fit- ting two leads of dis- charge hose on a side | furnished when or- | dered. w Air-chamber 6x30 in., as shown in out- line, furnished in place of regular air- chamber, 5x21)^ in., at additional list ^^2.50. ^J'igr. 963. ^ig' 963. Pump, Kquipment, Etc. Dia. Cyl. Suction. Double Discharge. List Price. Pump with Strainer and Hose Couplings. Outfit H. 3 in. 1'% in. hose. % in. hose. $22.50 Fig. 963 with 5 ft. 1% in. rubber suction hose and strainer and two leads 25 ft. each,^ in. discharge hose, with " Mistry " (or other) Spray Nozzles, couplings and hose bands complete. 36.00 Outfit 1. Fig. 963 with 5 ft. \% in. rubber suction hose and strainer, brass "Y's" and four leads 25 ft. each, \-2 in. discharge hose with " Mistry " (or other) Spray Nozzles, couplings and hose bands complete. 48.00 Hose can be furnished in any length and any desired number of leads. Double Nozzle, Extensions, etc., pages 28 to 33. 13 o> .■a *C o ^ repre- sents our "Premier" Brass Bucket Pump arranged with suction and discharge hose and Spray Nozzle. With this nozzle a solid stream may be thrown or a fine spray. Pump has brass c y 1 i n d er, plunger and rod. Pump is particularly adapted for washing windows and wagons, spraying flowers in conservatories, gardens, etc. Its weight is only eight pounds. Fig. 56xy2. Fig. 56i>^. Fquipment, Etc. With 2'/2 feet % inch suction and 3 feet }k inch discharge hose, " Seneca " Spray Nozzle and Strainer. List price, $7-50 Fur " Spraying Calenda-," Formulas, etc., see papes 34 to 40. 24 Goulds Field Crop Sprayer. [Jsed in Connection with any Hand or Powet Spray Pump. Fig. 1322 consists of two sections of iron pipe, (having [ or 6 Nozzles) hinged at one end and fastened to wagon ittachment. It is made to spray four or six rows, any dis- ance apart up to 44 inches, or cover a space 14}^ or 22 feet n width. Connection allows Sprayer to be easily raised or owered ; spray to be thrown, fonvard, backward, up or down. '.t may be folded to pass anywhere with the wagon. It is he simplest, cheapest and most convenient sprayer of its :ind. Pump atid hose not included in price. Fig. 1322. Equipment, Ftc. Complete with four "Mistn.'"or "Seneca" Nozzles and coupling for connecting to discharge hose of any l.arrel or power sprayer. $10.00 Same with six "Mistry" or " Seneca " Nozzles. $12.50 Independent Revolving Agitator. Fig. II02, Independent S Revolving Agitator, offers advantages over anything yet devised. Power is trans- mitted through a small pair of bevel gears to a paddle wheel, comprising four arms set at such an angle that as the wheel revolves the liquid is carried both around and upwards in the barrel, thus insuring thorough agitation of the entire contents of the barrel. Fig:, iioa. Agitator only. Goulds Revolving List price, $5.00 Goulds Barrel Cart. For use with any of our Barrel Spray Pumps. Pig. II33. Improved Barrel Cart is found useful both for spraying and as a watering cart. Any of our Barrel Spray Pumps can be mounted in it and we will supply outfit com- plete at price of the particular Spray Pump or " Outfit " selected plus price of Barrel Cart with Barrel. Running gear when purchased separately may easily be attached to any good Barrel. Wheels have 2)^ inch tires. Barrel can be picked up and deposited by simply elevating and lowering the handles. Fig. 1133. Fquipment, Ftc. Cart complete without Barrel. List Price $10.00 Cart complete with Barrel (no Pump). List price $12.50 Cart complete with Barrel and Pump at additional price of particular Pump or " Outfit " selected. 26 Goulds Spraying Tanks. Fig. 1380. Fig. 1380 shows a Wooden Spraying Tank built from the ideas of some of the largest fruit growers in Western New York. The staves are made of i ^ inch pine, strongly gripped with steel and hard wood. The joints are machine made and are perfect. The tank weighs about 200 pounds, is eight feet long, three feet wide, and holds 200 gallons of liquid. It has one tight and one loose bolster and will set on the bolsters of any ordinary farm wagon. The top of Tank is very strong and allows Spray Pump to be firntly fastened thereoti, and also will accommodate the operator. Tanks furnished with or without an agitator. The agitator (see engraving) keeps the liquid thoroughly stirred all the time, so the last gallon of spraying mixture is just as strong as the first used. Paddles of agitator are bound with steel and run on a steel track in bottom of Tank. The handle is made so that it can be instantly tipped back in passing under low limbs of trees. Agitator may be taken out through handhole and Tank used for hauling water when wanted. Fig. 1380. Equipment, Ftc. Tank with Bolsters and Agitator. List Price Above without Agitator. List Price $20.00 $18.00 Tanks built to order any size desired. 27 Goulds "Mistry" Nozzles. Goulds " Mistry " Nozzle is our new production made after many experiments and exhaustive trials. It resembles the " Vermorel " in appearance, but surpasses all other Spray Nozzles on the market in results obtained. It produces a perfect mist or fog at a very low pressure, — 25 pounds being ample to produce as good a spray as is required in good spraying. It can be cleaned by simply pressing against limb of tree. It has thumb screw attachment which allows removal of any foreign substance which may clog the pipe. We offer in two sizes as below. Fig. 1431. Fig. 143I, " Mistry " Nozzle throws a spray much finer and greater in area than the " Vermorel" type. For yt, inch pipe. . . For hose (including either Fig. 65 or 6735 ordered) $1.00 1.25 Fig. 1432. Kig. 143215 our large " Mistry " Nozzle, which produces a greater area of spray than two Fig. 1431. It has an adjust- ment which allows the spray to be thrown at any desired angle. In this Nozzle you have the effect of two good Nozzles with only one to attend to, a very good feature. For }<( inch pipe . . For hose (including either Fig. 65 or 67 as ordered) $2.00 . 2.25 28 Goulds Spray Nozzles. The illustration shows two Fig. 1432 "Mis- try " Nozzles on Fig. io74>i Brass "Y." These Nozzles can be adjusted to throw spray in any de- sired direction ; at the same time increasing or de- creasing the . rr ^ ^v range of spray. This combination is better in effect than four old style " Vermorel " Nozzles. Fig. I074>^ ^''^ss "Y" de- signed so that two nozzles can be used With one lead of hose, is tapped to fit % inch pipe at butt, which also adapts it to fit our Figs. 65 and 67 Couplings for hose. Fig. 1074^- Brass " Y. $0.50 Fig. io74>4. Fig. 81 is our " Seneca" spray nozzle which gives a fan shaped spray covering a large area. The nozzle may be cleaned by turning plug across open- ing. Flg.Si. Fig. 81 for ^ inch pipe $1.00 Fie. 81 for hose (including either Fig. 65 or 67 as ordered) 1.25 " Calla" Spray Nozzle. In Fig. 68>^, "Calla" Nozzle, the stream is divided before being discharged and so discharged that the streams cut each other, producing a flat fan shaped spray. It can be changed from soUd stream to fine or coarse spray by adjust- ment of slide in cap of nozzle. Regularly cut X inch pipe can be turned for wiring into hose when so ordered. Fig. 68>i. Price cut for ^ in. pipe unless otherwise ordered 3 29 Goulds Spray Attachments. Fig. 1437 represents our New Bamboo Exten. sion made of light ^ inch brass pipe inside ol selected bamboo rod. Our aim has been to make an extension that would be light to handle and still have strength. It is arranged with brass stop cock cut ^ inch female pipe thread thus adapting it for attaching to hose by either Fig. 65 or 67. Other end cut y^ inch male pipe thread to fit nozzles. Fig. 1437, 10 foot with cock $4.50 Fig. 1074, Brass " Y " designed! so that two nozzles can be used with one lead of hose, is tapped to fit ^ ineh pipe at butt, which also adapts it to fit our Figs. 65 and 67 Coup- Fig. 1074. lings for hose. Any of our various nozzles can be screwed on the branches. Fig. 1074, Brass " Y ". $0.50 Fig. 1437- Fig. 49. Fig. 49, Brass " Y" is cut 3^ or I inch male pipe thread on inlet as ordered, and ^ or }( inch male hose thread on lateral dis- charges. Fig 49, Price $0.80 Fig. 49 J^. Fig. 49 /^> Brass " Y," is the same in all respects as Fig. 49 described above, except it has female hose thread on inlet. Lateral discharge same as noted. Figo 49J4. Price $0.80 30 Goulds Spray Fittings. "pig, 65 is used to make connection between >^ or ^ inch liose coupling and Spray Nozzle or Pipe Extension. One end cut j4 ^^^^ male pipe thread other end % ot j^ inch female hose thread. $0.25. Fig. 67 has one end made to wire into % or y^ inch hose, the other end is cut 34 inch pipe thread to attach to Spray Nozzle or Pipe Extension. $0.25. Fig. 65. Fie. 67. Figf. 89. Brass hose nipple has one end cut male pipe thread and other end male hose thread. Fig. 89. % or % inch hose % inch iron pipe . ^ or % inch hose i inch iron pipe . J^ or Ji inch hose iK inch iron pipe. I inch hose 1 inch iron pipe I inch hose \'% inch iron pipe. . . . iVi inch hose 1% inch iron pipe $0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Fig. 70. Brass Suction Pipe Strainer, is fitted for hose as follows : Price, % inch $0.50 Price, I inch 0.50 Price, 1 1/,' inch 1-00 Fig. 70. Fig. 71. Brass Suction Pipe Strainer, is fitted for wrought iron pipe as follows : Price, I inch $0. 50 Pressure Gauge. Fig. 30)^. Forconvenient use in maintaining a desired pressure while spraying. Diameter 3^ inches. Fitted with stop cock. Price cut for 5'4 incli pipe . . .$3.50 Fig. 71. Fig. zoVi. 31 Fig.iogz. Goulds Spray Fittings. Brass Shut-off Discharge Connection. Fig. 1092 can be used in connection with any of our larger Spray Pumps to control the discharge at the Pump. One end is threaded to fit the Pump, the other for ^ or }{ inch hose coupling. Tig. 1092. Price $1.50 Brass " Y" Discharge Connection with Shut-off. Fig. I186 is to be used with any of our larger Spray Pumps, where one or two leads of hose are to be employed. Either or both of the discharges may be opened or closed at will as shown in the illustration. Butt threaded to fit Pump. Later- Fig. 1186. ^^^ threaded to fit ^ inch or |^ inch hose coupling. Fig. 1186. Pi $2-00 Fig. 1338. Brass stop cock closes by spring pressure and needs only the touch of hand or finger to open or close it. Can be operated by one hand while pumping with the other. Fig. 1338- Price $1.75 Fig. 1338. Fig. 54. Fig. 54. Stop cock has ^ inch female pipe thread cut on both ends. Fig. 54. Price $0.65 32 Goulds Spray Fittings. Fig. 85. 'Pig. 85. Brass stop cock with shank for -wnring in ^ inch hose. Other end cut ^ inch male pipe thread to attach to spray nozzles or pipe extension. Flfir- 85, Trice $0.65 Funnel and Strainer. An indispensible piece of apparatus for straining the spraying mixtures into barrel or tank. Made of copper, with brass wire cloth strainer. Price, 10 inch diameter. $2.50. Tig. ia73. Sherman Hose Clamps. A screwdriver does the business. Size, inches. ] ^ % I 1 i'< Price per doz.l $0.60 $0.60 $2.00 1 ^^2.50 Brass Hose Couplings. I Fig. 1273. Fig. 504. Size, inches. n y^ . % I iK I '4 2 Price per doz. J12.50 3.00 j 3.00 4.50 10.00 14.00 30.00 Rubber Spray Hose. Internal 2-Ply, 3-Ply, 4- Ply. 5-Piy, Diameter. price per ft. price per ft. price per ft. price per ft. rsin. $0.20 $0 25 $0.30 ^0.37 'A " .20 ■25 .30 •37 'A " • 25 •30 •37 .46* I " •33 .40 .50 .62* iK " .42 .50 .62 •77* I'A " .50 .bo •75 .<53 * Used as suction hose. 33 Spray Calendar. Revised Dec. 15, 1903 and approved by Agricultural Experiment Stations. The directions in parenthesis are least important, and may be omitted when the trouble has not been serious or has been checked by previous spraying. Be prompt, thorough and persistent. Practical men have found that it pays to spray every season, whether the disease is prevalent or not APPI.B. Scab. I. Copper Sulphate (a) or Bordeaux, when buds are swelling. 2. Bordeaux just before flower buds open. 3. Repeat 2 when blossoms have fallen. 4. Repeat 3 ten days later. 5. The same after two weeks. Canker ivortn. i. Arsenites, when caterpillars first appear. 2. If necessary repeat i after eight to ten days. 3. The same. Bud moth. 1. Arsenites, with the opening of the buds. Combine with I the treatment for Scab. Codling A/ot/i. i. Arsenites, immediately after the blossoms have fallen. 2. Repeat i seven to ten days later. 3. Repeat 2 in two weeks, if the late broods are troublesome. Combine with spraying for Scab. Case-bearer. As for Bud Moth. San Jose Scale, i. A 20% kerosene and water mixture, when leaves drop in fall. 2. Repeat i before leaves appear in spring. 3. Repeat i in June, when the first brood comes out. Use kerosene sprays only on a sunny or breezy day. Crude petroleum 25% in winter while plants are dormant or Lime- Sulphur- Salt early in the spring before buds open. As soon as dry go over again and cover all bare places. ASPARAGUS. Rust. I . Resin-Bordeaux Mixture after cutting season is over, when new shoots are one foot high. 2. Repeat i once a week until Sept. ist. 3. Repeat i three times after Sept. 1st at intervals of ten days. On Seedling plants and beds too young to cut, spraying should begin when plants are a few inches high. BEAN. Anthracnose Pod-rust. i. Bordeaux when first true leaf has expanded. 2. Repeat i ten days later. 3. Repeat i after blossoming. 4, 5, etc. The same at short intervals. Sort the seed, rejecting all that show disease, and soak in a strong ammoniacal solution of Copper Carbonate for half an hour. BEET. Leaf spot. i. Bordeaux, when plants are six inches high. 2, 3. Repeat i. Root- rot. (Sugar beet.) Apply 60 to 70 bushels of lime per acre. CABBAGE AND CAUI^IPI^OWER. Aphif. I. A 5% kerosene and water mixture, on young plants. 2. Repeat when necessary. ^F