Class Book.. Copyright^ _ C0EXRIGHT DEPOSIT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress THE FINAL ROSTER A ROSTER OF THE SOLDIERS who SAW SERVICE IN THE GREAT WAR FROM NOTTOWAY COUNTY, VA. EDITED BY WALTER WESTRAY £OBB CAPTAIN INFANTRY R. C, U. S. ARMY ^4 j «ooao»<>'™- ' > q ' B P»" , g^ ^ Copyright, 1920 By W. W. COBB ©CI.A576343 i JS\\t iflwwinj of ^vitnbB mxb Gkmuratoa \o ltri> ttt X\\t Bttmct tfyts bonk is affrrtum- Foreword The purpose of this book is to pre- serve and place in the hands of the people the names and records of those men from Nottoway County, Vir- ginia, who were actively engaged in the prosecution of the war with Ger- many. It is not a history, but I sin- cerely hope that the data herein con- tained will facilitate to some extent the work of a future historian of the county. w. w. c. Blackstone, Va., March 1, 1920. Sketch of War Work OF Nottoway County, Va., Chapter A. R. C. C. O. TTJTTLE In telling the story of the World War the historian has some very delightful duties. War in itself is a ter- rible thing, but its exigencies reveal the spirit and char- acter of the people. The heart of our folks was shown through the work of the Red Cross. The achievements of this organization constitute indisputable proof of the growing sympathy and developing brotherhood among us. While no one can recount all the self-denial, labor or results of the many who participated in this work, we venture to outline some things that were done in Notto- way County, Virginia. The growing desire to minister to the comfort of the American soldier and relieve the suffering of war first took definite shape in a mass meeting at Nottoway Court House July 30, 1917. There it was decided to organize a chapter of the Red Cross, and the petition that was circulated received the signature of such citi- zens as J .A. Hardy, H. H. Seay, H. L. Williams, J. D. Crawley, L. S. Epes, R. F. Dillard, J. M. Hurt, H. H. Watson, G. R. Brittenham, and C. O. Tuttle. Headquarters for the chapter was fixed at Blackstone, and the permanent officers chosen were : Rev. C. O. Tuttle, of Blackstone, Chairman. Hon. H. H. Watson, of Crewe, Vice-Chairman. Mr. J. P. Agnew, of Burkeville, Treasurer. Mr. G. R. Brittenham, of Crewe, Secretary. These persons were made the nucleus of the Execu- tive Committee and empowered to complete the organi- 6 The Final Roster zation. Due recognition of the forming of the Notto- way County, Virginia, chapter to have jurisdiction in Nottoway County, Virginia, was promptly received from Eliot Wadsworth at the National Headquarters in Washington, D. C, and then Mrs. R. F. Dillard, of Blackstone, was made Chairman of the Military Relief, and Mr. W. P. Bostick, of Burkeville, was put in charge of Home Service. Sometime later the Junior Red Cross was authorized, and a number of members se- cured, but this was never developed. When Hon. L. S. Epes was chosen Secretary to fill the vacancy created by the removal of Mr. G. R. Brittenham from the county, and Mr. C. B. Lane, of Crewe, had been made Chairman of the Second War Fund Drive, the chapter offices were filled as they remained substantially for the period of the war. Hardly had the County Chapter been organized when petitions were received to establish branches at Black- stone, Crewe and Burkeville. These petitions were honored and the following persons served in the posi- tions indicated : BLACKSTONE BRANCH Hon. L. S. Epes, Chairman, succeeded in a few months by Rev. R. L. McNair. Miss Clara E. Sullivan, Secretary. Mr. S. L. Barrow, Treasurer. Mrs. R. F. Dillard, succeeded later by Mrs. H. B. Jones, Chairman of Military Relief. Mrs. H. H. Seay, afterwards followed by Mrs. Bessie Moore, Chairman of Knitting. CREWE BRANCH Rev. W. W. Bain, Chairman. Mrs. W. R. Marriner, Vice-Chairman. Nottoway County, Va. 7 Secretary, Mrs. H. H. Watson, succeeded by Mrs. J. W. Harding. Mr. F. W. Sheffield, Treasurer. Mrs. G. V. Hobinett, Mrs. J. S. Tucker, Miss K. L. Moore, Military Relief Committee. Mrs. C. O. Burton, Home Service and Information. BURKEVILLE BRANCH Mrs. J. P. Agnew, succeeded by Mrs. F. L. Overton, Chairman. Mrs. H. W. Hundley, succeeded by Mrs. J. F. Os- borne, Secretary. Mrs. J. F. Boswell, Treasurer. Mrs. J. H. Young and Mrs. T. P. Shelton, Military Relief Committee. Mrs. William Forrest, Chairman Knitting Com- mittee. Mrs. W. P. Bostick, Chairman Camp Lee Mending. Auxiliaries to the Blackstone Branch were subse- quently formed as follows: NOTTOWAY AUXILIARY Mrs. John B. Tuggle, Sr., Chairman. Mrs. E. W. Brooks, Secretary. Mr. F. L. Dunn, Treasurer. Mrs. A. E. Dillemuth, Chairman of Knitting. Mrs. E. W. Brooks, Chairman Military Relief. ST. MARK'S AUXILIARY Miss Sallie Mae Oliver (now Mrs. Cleveland Mar- shall), succeeded by Miss Ruby Oliver. Mrs. Stern Stables, Secretary. Miss Ruby Oliver and Mrs. Ida Nunnally, Military Relief. 8 The Final Roster SPAINVILLE AUXILIARY Mrs. Wallace Coleman, Chairman. Miss Ethel Williamson (now Mrs. F. B. Jones), Secretary. Mrs. H. L. Allen, Treasurer. Mrs. G. R. Williamson, Chairman Military Relief. TREE AUXILIARY Mrs. Waverly Hurt, Chairman. Mr. J. M. Thomas, Vice- Chairman. Miss Lillian Thomas, Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. M. R. Barrow, Chairman of Knitting. DARVILL'S AUXILIARY Miss Finnie Davis (now Mrs. W. B. Powell, suc- ceeded by Mrs. Gordon R. Davis, Chairman. Mrs. Cleveland Skelton, Secretary. Mrs. R. E. Webb, Treasurer. Mrs. Cleveland Skelton, Chairman Membership Committee. Mrs. Gordon R. Davis and Mrs. Bettie P. Rives, Knitting and Military Relief Committee. BETHEL AUXILIARY Mr. Joe Keller, Chairman. Mr. Homer Powell, Secretary. Mrs. T. E. Kreider, Chairman Military Relief. The Burkeville Branch, as indeed the entire chapter, sustained a great loss in the death of Mrs. J. P. Agnew, who rendered most efficient service in her own home town and contributed not a little to the success of the Red Cross work in the county. Nottoway County, Va. 9 For sometime a workroom was maintained in the base- ment of the Baptist Church, where the ladies of the town gathered regularly to sew and knit. In other places homes were opened for this purpose, while a great deal was done by individuals as time and circumstances per- mitted. Enough can not be said in praise of the labors of the ladies of the entire county. They eagerly took the raw materials and worked them up into comforts for the soldiers, and into every stitch they breathed a prayer that the wearer of that garment might be spared all needless suffering and help protect the homes, liberties and ideals of Christian democracy. Here is one shipment. The total amount of work done and the character of the same can be seen from the report submitted by the very efficient Chairman, Mrs. R. F. Dillard, which is as follows: Shipments from Nottoway Chapter, A. R. C, for Year Ending October 30, 1918 Burkeville Sweaters 118 Mufflers 28 Helmets 1 Wristlets 61 Socks 39 Pajamas Hospital bed shirts 98 Sheets Pillow cases 84 Comfort pillows Comfort pillow cases Property bags 62 Comfort kits 7 Bed socks Substitute hdkfs. Old kid gloves Irewe Blackstone and Auxiliaries Total 149 200 467 11 48 87 12 13 26 90 177 95 112 246 130 331 461 83 204 385 5 5 2 86 32 24 56 64 16 80 16 26 104 10 10 27 5 33 38 82 3 10 The Finae Roster A very conservative value to the above was $4,164.55. In addition to the above, clothing for the relief of suffering Belgians was collected both in the spring and fall of 1918 and the total shipments amounted to 1,480 pounds for Burkeville, 385 for Crewe, and 1,170 pounds for Blackstone and auxiliaries. The latter also con- tributed $34.50 in money to this object. The financial exhibit of the chapter from the time of organization to the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1919, speaks well for the liberality of our people and their interest in Red Cross work. Here is a sum- marized report from Mr. J. P. Agnew, Treasurer: Receipts for: Second war fund drive $7,360.42 Annual membership dues 1,857.50 Magazine membership dues 82.00 Military relief 3,080.47 Contributions, etc. 4,226.44 Expenses 209.15 As the amounts paid for Military Relief came out of the General Fund, and to the General Fund went all the contributions, one-half the annual dues and a por- tion of the magazine membership dues, the total raised for all purposes amounted to $9,726.27. Even this does not show the whole cash contributions, as might be in- ferred from the small expense items. The officers and helpers seldom took account of the price they paid for the privilege of serving, and churches, public buildings and automobiles were generously loaned to help the cause. While no detailed report of the Committee on Home Service is available, Mr. W. P. Bostick, Mr. J. W. Nash and Mrs. C. O. Burton rendered valuable aid. Govern- ment allotments were secured, home conditions investi- gated and reported, and local soldiers or others passing through were given needed help. Nottoway County, Va. 11 A pleasant duty of the Red Cross Chapter was the transmission of a large number of Christmas boxes to men at the front. These were assembled and shipped from the Branch headquarters before the holidays. While the largest enrollment of the chapter may have been 851 members, the public generally took a great in- terest in its activities, and although local conditions ren- dered some classes of service either unnecessary or im- practicable, the results are a credit to the war work of the community. It is to be hoped that an equal spirit of good-will and helpfulness will be carried into the peace program to secure in fact those things for which both soldiers and civilians toiled and suffered so much. Woman's Service League of Nottoway County, Va. MRS. W. A. LAND The Woman's Service League was the first patriotic organization formed in the county. Mrs. W. A. Land, of Blackstone, was appointed County Chairman by the State President, Mrs. W. W. Sale, of Richmond, and went at once to work to organize the county. A large membership was soon secured, with auxiliary or sub- sidiary organizations in three places in the county. As- sistance was also freely rendered in other sections of the county, fine work resulting with beneficial results. There was never any lack of hearty cooperation among those interested in the success of the undertaking. Aside from the direct work done by the league, much assistance was rendered the Red Cross through the league organization. Several boxes of sheets, pillow cases, tray cloths, handkerchiefs, napkins, sweaters, wristlets and mufflers were also turned over to the Red Cross. Barrels of canned goods were sent to the camps. As a direct contribution from the league, every soldier boy was presented with a "comfort kit" upon his being called into the service, or sent to him in camp. These kits contained buttons, thread, cigarettes, tobacco, chewing-gum and other accessories for the boys' comfort. In all our work we had the hearty cooperation of the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Con- federacy, a strong organization of which was already in existence here. Nottoway County, Va. 13 Following was the organization for the county : County Chairman, Mrs. W. A. Land, Blackstone, Va. County Secretary, Miss Edith Sturgiss, Black- stone, Va. County Treasurer, Mrs. T. E. Chambers, later Mrs. J. A. Dunlap, Blackstone, Va. Committee : Mrs. W. P. Bagwell Mrs. S. L. Barrow Mrs. W. R. Turner Mrs. W. E. Hurt Mrs. W. G. Epes Mrs. W. E. Carper Mrs. R. F. Dillard Mrs. Norman Epes Mrs. D. T. Dean Mrs. W. E. Garrett Mrs. J. D. Crawley Mrs. C. C. Tucker Mrs. D. T. Upson Miss Louise Atkins Mrs. H. C. Barrow Mrs. B. Jones Local Chairman for Blackstone, Mrs. H. H. Seay. Local Chairman for Crewe, Mrs. W. T. Warriner. Local Chairman for Spainville, Mrs. G. R. Wil- liamson. Chairman of Comfort Kit Work, Mrs. T. B. Oliver,, Crewe, Mrs. W. A. Land, Blackstone, Va. The Nottoway Soldiers' Comfort League MES. R. F. DILLARD When the young men of the county joined the army, it seemed natural that the ladies should find pleasure in busying their hands to make something for their com- fort and to send as a message from home. The Nottoway Soldiers' Comfort League was or- ganized at the home of Mrs. R. F. Dillard on October 29, 1917, with the following young ladies as charter members : Miss Lucy B. Adams Miss Josie Jones Miss Frances Campbell Miss Jessie Jones Miss Mary Stokes Miss Ada Blanche Perkins Miss Mary Lee McNair Miss Elizabeth Epes Miss Evelyn Tucker Miss Mattie Epes Miss Virginia Robertson The plan of the organization was to supplement the work of the American Red Cross by supplying each of the soldiers from the county with one or more sweaters, pairs of wristlets, etc. COUNTY CHAPTER Chairman, Mrs. E. S. Ligon, Blackstone, Va. Secretary, Miss Aline Beville, Crewe, Va. Treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Dillard, Blackstone, Va. Mrs. J. M. Jones, Crewe, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 15 BLACKSTONE BRANCH Chairman, Mrs. E. S. Ligon, Blackstone, Va. Miss Louise Adams, Blackstone, Va. Secretary, Miss Louise Hurt, Blackstone, Va. Miss Jessie Sullivan, Blackstone, Va. Mrs. Wilfred G. Epes, Blackstone, Va. Treasurer, Mrs. T. J. Holden, Blackstone, Va. Membership Committee : Chairman, Miss Frances Campbell, Blackstone, Va. Knitting Committee: Chairman, Miss Frances Irby, Blackstone, Va. Miss Mattie Hite, Blackstone, Va. Mrs. W. R. Jones, Blackstone, Va. Produce Committee: Chairman, Miss Lucy B. Adams, Blackstone, Va. Warehouse Committee: Chairman, Mrs. Louis S. Epes, Blackstone, Va. BURKEVILLE BRANCH Chairman, Mrs. M. P. Bradshaw, Burkeville, Va. Secretary, Miss Mary Louise Overton, Burkeville, Va. Treasurer, Miss Louise Bedford, Burkeville, Va. Knitting Committee: Chairman, Mrs. W. H. Eldridge. CREWE BRANCH Chairman, Mrs. W. P. Bivens, Crewe, Va. Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Willis, Crewe, Va. 16 The Final Roster Secretary, Miss Reed West, Crewe, Va. Treasurer, Miss Lorine Lane, Crewe, Va. Knitting Committee : Chairman, Miss Kate L. Moore. ST. MARK'S BRANCH Chairman, Mrs. Cleveland Marshall. Secretary, Miss Fannie Green. Treasurer, Miss Florence Hood. Knitting Committee : Chairman, Mrs. D. Robertson. Mrs. Maggie Robertson. SPAINVILLE BRANCH Chairman, Miss Ethel Williamson. Knitting Committee : Chairman, Mrs. G. R. Williamson. NOTTOWAY BRANCH Chairman, Mrs. C. F. Deane. Knitting Committee : Chairman, Mrs. A. E. Dillemuth. TREE BRANCH Chairman, Mrs. Waverly Hurt. Vice-Chairman, Mrs. J. M. Thomas. Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Lillian Thomas. Knitting Committee: Chairman, Mrs. M. R. Barrow. Nottoway County, Va. 17 Number of sweaters given soldiers from Nottoway Co 338 Number of wristlets given soldiers from Nottoway Co — 228 Number of sweaters left on hand after signing of the armistice 130 Some of these sweaters were given to soldiers who were still in need of them, and 100 sold to the Red Cross, and a few to individuals, the proceeds being added to that left in the treasury and invested in Liberty- Bonds. Total amount of money collected, $1,854.51. Local Board for Nottoway Co., Va. ROBERT L. SULLIVAN (Sheriff) Chairman CHARLES F. DEANE (Clerk of the Court) Secretary ARTHUR HOOKS (M. D.) Medical Member To January 30, 1918 HENRY CLAY SMITH (M. D.) Medical Member From February 15, 1918 WILLIAM ROBERT JONES (Attorney-at-Law) Chief Clerk MISS EMMA GREY LAMBERT Clerk Legal Advisory Board for Nottoway County, Va. W. MONCURE GRAVATT (Attorney-at-Law) Chairman HENRY E. LEE (Commonwealth's Attorney) Government Appeal Agent HUNTER H. WATSON (Attorney-at-Law) Member Medical Advisory Board for Nottoway County, Va. JOHN H. YOUNGER, M. D. Chairman JAMES M. HABEL, M. D. Vice-Chairman WILLIAM R. WARRINER, M. D. Member CHARLES C. TUCKER, M. D. Member r! T. TAYLOR, M. D. Member R. IRWIN STITH, D. D. S. Member Colonel Infantry G. MAURY CRALLE Son of G. T. and Lizzie G. Cralle; born near Black- stone, Va., February 18, 1873. Cadet, M. A., June 15, 1894, to April 26, 1898; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Infantry, from April 26, 1898, to March 2, 1899; First Lieutenant, Infantry, from March 2, 1899, to March 15, 1903; Captain, Infantry, from March 15, 1903, to May 11, 1917; Major, In- fantry, from May 11, 1917, to August 5, 1917; Lieu- tenant-Colonel from August 5, 1917, to May 11, 1918; Colonel, Infantry, May 11, 1918. Chief Quartermaster, Panama Canal, August, 1917, to July, 1918. Organized Balba Depot Quartermas- ter's Department and equipped same with its various shops. Organized the Frozen Beef Industry of the Panama Canal Zone. In July, 1918, was transferred to Camp Logan, Tex. Organized and trained 79th Infantry, 15th Division, and commanded that Regiment until demobilized, January, 1919. Present residence, Washington, D. C. U. S. Army Officer. Major Coast Artillery Corps WILLSON HARRIS CRALLE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of G. Truly and Lizzie G. Cralle; was born at Blackstone, Va., April 17, 1871. Entered the service at Governor's Island, New York City, October, 1918; served with Batteries A, B, C 22 The Final Roster and D, and 35th Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps, at Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged December 4, 1918. Lumber Manufacturer and Farmer. Major Signal Corps B. B. WARRINER CREWE, VA. Captain Field Artillery JOSEPH METTAUER HURT, Jr. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Joseph M. and Mary (Cralle) Hurt; born Blackstone, Va., October 20, 1891. Entered service at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., April 15, 1917; served with 83rd Field Artillery, 8th Divi- sion, from August 1, 1917, to January 1, 1919. Left United States for France October 28, 1918, and ar- rived in United States October 6, 1919. Discharged October 10, 1919. Attorney-at-Law. First Lieutenant Coast Artillery Corps WILL R. EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Freeman and Rebecca (Robinson) Epes; born Blackstone, Va., January 20, 1893. Nottoway County, Va. 23 Entered service at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 8, 1917; 9th Company, C. D. C. B., from September 1, 1917, to January 1, 1918; Battery E, 60th Regiment, C. A. C, from January 2, 1918, to December 28, 1918, Casual, A. E. F., December 29, 1918, to January 6, 1919; 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, from January 7, 1917, to March 4, 1919; Casual, A. E. F., March 5, 1919, to June 4, 1919; St. Mihiel, September 12, 1918, to September 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive, September 26, 1918, to November 11, 1918; A. E. F., September 21, 1918, to June 14, 1919. U. S. Army Officer. Second Lieutenant Field Artillery WILLIAM PATTERSON BIVENS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Son of Henry F. and Lula May Bivens; born Wax- haw, N. C, December 5, 1890. Entered service at Charlottesville, Va., August 5, 1918; University Motor Corps from August 5 to Sep- tember 5, 1918; 21st Training Battery, Field Artillery, November 20 to December 20, 1918. Discharged De- cember 20, 1918. Attorney-at-Law, Charlottesville, Va. Second Lieutenant Field Artillery WIRT HENRY FERGUSON BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Son of J. B. and E. W. Ferguson; born Danville, Va., February 26, 1897. Entered service at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 18, 1918; R. O. T. C, V. P. L, November, 1917, to May, 1918; 2nd Battery, 4th O. T. S., May 5, 1918, to July 24 The Final Roster 1, 1918; 15th Battery, Field Artillery, C. O. T. S., Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, July 1, 1918, to August 31, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant F. A., August 31, 1918, Headquarter Company, 9th Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Okla., August 31, 1918, to Feb- ruary 7, 1919; appointed Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, R. C, March 29, 1919. Discharged Feb- ruary 7, 1919. Contractor, Irwin, Va. First Lieutenant Infantry WALTER WESTRAY COBB BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Benjamin E. and Margaret ( Westray) Cobb; born Waverly, Va., June 4, 1889. Entered service at Fort Meyer, Va., May 14, 1917; commissioned First Lieutenant, Infantry, November 27, 1917; 314th Infantry to January 25, 1918; trans- ferred to 55th Pioneer Infantry (Camp Wadsworth, S. C.) ; transferred to 56th Pioneer Infantry August, 1918; served with that organization overseas from Sep- tember 4, 1918, to July 9, 1919. Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive from September 30 to November 11, 1918; Army of Occupation (Neuwied, Germany) from No- vember 17, 1918, to May 28, 1919; appointed Captain, Infantry, R. C, November 24, 1919. Discharged October 9, 1919. First Lieutenant Infantry HERBERT EPES FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John and Caroline (Harris) Fitzgerald; born Nottoway County, February 23, 1891. Nottoway County, Va. 25 Entered service at Fort Meyer, Va., August 25, 1917; commissioned First Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917; 317th Infantry, Camp Lee, Va., to January 28, 1918; transferred to 52nd Pioneer Infan- try, Camp Wadsworth, S. C; served with that organi- zation to April 4, 1919; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 25 to November 11, 1918; A. E. F., August 2, 1918, to April 11, 1919. Discharged April 12, 1919. Bookkeeper. First Lieutenant Infantry SHIRLEY RANDOLPH HURT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Joseph M. and Mary (Cralle) Hurt; born at Blackstone, Va., October 16, 1893. Entered service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; 319th Ambulance Company, September 5, 1917, to January 5, 1918; 3rd O. T. S., January 5, 1918, to April 19, 1918; Company F, 320th Infantry, May 1 to 15, 1918; 155th Depot Brigade, May 15 to Septem- ber 20, 1918; 79th Infantry, September 20, 1918, to February 18, 1919 (Camp Logan, Texas). Discharged March 27, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va. Lumber Business. Second Lieutenant Field Artillery JAMES GUY OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of Thos. B. and Ellen G. Oliver; born Crewe, Va., 1892. Entered service at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 14, 1917. Left the United States for overseas' service 26 The Final Rostek August 3, 1918, with 318th Field Artillery. Returned to the United States June 11, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Electrical Engineer, Raleigh, N. C. Second Lieutenant Infantry NORWOOD CAMERON CARDOZA BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of M. C. and Alice Turnbull (Claiborne) Car- doza; born in Lunenburg County, Va., May 11, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; served with the 305th Sanitary Train, 80th Di- vision, to January 5, 1918; selected for Third Officers' Training Camp, January 5, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, June 1, 1918, then assigned to 11th Division at Camp Meade, Md. Discharged De- cember 18, 1918. Served with Virginia Field Hospital, Va. N. G., on the Mexican border from June 25, 1916, to March 19, 1917. Druggist, Blackstone, Va. Second Lieutenant Infantry ARCHER BERNARD CUMMINS CREWE, VA. Son of Archer S. and Kate Cummins; born Peters- burg, Va., March 31, 1891. Enlisted in the 5th Regiment of Infantry, Md. N. G., May, 1914; served with that organization to October 1, 1917; transferred to the 115th Infantry, October 1, 1917; served with that organization until November 15, 1917; 104th Ammunition Train, November 15 to May Nottoway County, Va. 27 31, 1918; 69th U. S. Infantry, August 1, 1918, to Feb- ruary 12, 1919. Discharged August 30, 1919. Accountant, 146 W. 78th Street, New York City. Second Lieutenant Infantry JAMES HOWARD FLIPPEN CREWE, VA. Son of Thos. J. and Lora Flippen; born Belsprings, Va., November 30, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; served with Company L, 317th Infantry, 80th Division, from September 22, 1917, to October 28, 1918; Transportation Corps, A. E. F., October 28, 1918, to August T3, 1919; Somme, June 28, 1918, to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 15, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 25 to October 14, 1918. A. E. F., May 26, 1918, to July 24, 1919. Discharged August 13, 1919. Secretary to Superintendent N. and W. Ry., Crewe, Va. Second Lieutenant Infantry LLEWELLYN CALDWELL TUCKER, Jr. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Dr. L. C. and Birdie (Davis) Tucker; born Blackstone, Va., September 18, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 30, 1918; served with the 5th Company, 2nd Training Battalion, from April 30, 1918, to July 18, 1918; Cen- tral Officers' Training School, Camp Lee, Va., July 18, 1918, to September 15, 1918; 5th Training Bat- talion, Camp Dix, N. J., September 15, 1918, to De- cember 13, 1918; 4th Training Battalion, December 14, 28 The Final Roster 1918, to April 10, 1919; assigned to duty at Hoboken, N. J., April 10, 1919, to June 1, 1919; Assistant Camp Adjutant, Camp Merritt, N. J., from June 1, 1919, to October 30, 1919. Discharged October 30, 1919. Second Lieutenant Infantry ISAAC DAVIS TUCKER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Dr. L. C. and Birdie (Davis) Tucker; born at Blackstone, Va., February 8, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., January 5, 1918; Third Officers' Training School, January 5, 1918, to April 19, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, June 1, 1918; attached to Company F, 320th Infantry; later transferred to Company A, 10th Re- placement Battalion, to date of discharge. Discharged December 23, 1918. Federal Revenue Agent, Blackstone, Va. Second Lieutenant Infantry HARVEY LA VAN WILLIAMS CREWE, VA. Son of Walter J. and Jennie E. Williams; born in Rockingham County, N. C, August 18, 1895. Entered service at Norfolk, Va., July 2, 1917; served with 4th Virginia Infantry from August 7, 1917, to November 3, 1917* transferred to Company E, 116th Infantry, November 3, 1917; served with that organi- zation to January 1, 1918; selected for Officers' Train- ing School, January 5, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, June 1, 1918; attached to 154th D. B. from June 1, 1918, to September 5, 1918; M. G. Company, 72nd Infantry, September 5, 1918, to Feb- Nottoway County, Va. 29 ruary 5, 1919; 17th Infantry from February 5, 1919, to August 5, 1919; served with 72nd Infantry, A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to January 5, 1919. Dis- charged August 23, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va. Stenographer and General Office Work, 1122 N. Broadway, Oklahoma City, Okla. Second Lieutenant Air Service WALTER SPENCER ROBERTSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of William H. and Nannie M. (Robinson) Rob- ertson; born at Blackstone, Va., December 7, 1893. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., January 21, 1917; IT. S. School of Military Aeronautics, Princeton, N. J., March 15, 1918, to June 1, 1918; Air Service Flying School, Taylor Field, Ala., June 4 to December 19, 1918. Discharged December 19, 1918. Bond Salesman, Commonwealth Club, Richmond, Va. Second Lieutenant Air Service GATES W. KIDD CREWE, VA. Son of John M. and Iola M. Kidd; born at Crewe, Va., March, 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., January 22, 1918; U. S. School of Military Aeronautics, Princeton, N. J.; Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas; Scott Field, Bell- ville, 111. ; Payne Field, West Point, Miss. ; Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. ; Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Fla. Dis- charged April 22, 1919, at Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Fla. Federal Agent of Treasury Department, Richmond, Va. 30 The Final Roster First Lieutenant Medical Corps LESLIE C. BURTON, M. D. CREWE, VA. Son of Wm. J. and May (Oliver) Burton; born at Nottoway Falls, Va., August 16, 1883. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., February 1, 1918; served with 154th Depot Brigade and 49th Ambulance Company at Camp Meade, Md. Dis- charged July 15, 1919. Physician, Clayville, Va. First Lieutenant Medical Corps ARTHUR HOOKS, M. D. BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Washington, D. C, March 3, 1918; (Army Medical School, Orthopedic Division), Military School for Medical Officers, to May 1st, 1918; Orthopedic Division Medical Corps at Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich., from May 1 to May 7, 1918; ordered to Philippine Islands. Left the United States July 5, 1918, and returned to the United States May 28, 1919. Discharged June 28, 1919. Physician, Bristol, Va. First Lieutenant Medical Corps A. RAMSEY, M. D. BURKEVILLE, VA. Nottoway County, Va. 31 First Lieutenant Dental Corps JOHN POINDEXTER IRBY, Jr., D. D. S. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. P. and Maggie H. Irby; born May 16, 1890. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., August 27, 1917; served with the 4th Regiment, F. A. R. D., Camp Jackson, S. C, and 16th Regiment, Field Artillery, 20th Division, Camp Jackson, S. C. Discharged De- cember 6, 1918. Dentist, Blackstone, Va. First Lieutenant Dental Corps BURNELL PRESTON JONES, D. D. S. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of George Z. and Eleanor (Maddux) Jones; born near Blackstone, Va., January 18, 1891. Entered the service at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Sep- tember 12, 1918; 43rd Company, Medical Officers' Training School to November 17, 1918; transferred to U. S. A. General Hospital, Waynesville, N. C. Dis- charged January 6, 1919, at Waynesville, N. C. Dentist, 155 Sutherlin Ave., Danville, Va. First Lieutenant Quartermaster Corps HOWARD LEIGH YOUNG BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Dr. John H. and Annie (Shelton) Young; born at Staunton, Va., August 18, 1894. Entered the service at Fort Meyer, Va., May 14, 1917; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Q. M. C, 32 The Final Roster August 14, 1917 ; Camp Lee, Va., from August to De- cember, 1917; Camp Johnson, Fla., from December, 1917, to January, 1918; Assistant to Expeditionary Quartermaster, Newport News, Va., from January to May, 1918; Norfolk, Va., from May, 1918, to April, 1919. Discharged April, 1919. Lieutenant Senior Grade U. S. Navy SAMUEL HANSFORD HURT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Jos. M. and Mary (Cralle) Hurt; born at Blackstone, Va., February 7, 1896. Entered service at Annapolis, Md. (U. S. Naval Academy) June 23, 1914; assigned to duty on board U. S. S. Kentucky, July 3, 1917, to April 30, 1918; on board U. S. S. Manchuria, May 4, 1918, to December 27, 1918. Naval Officer, Blackstone, Va. Lieutenant Senior Grade Supply Corps, U. S. N. HARRY MILLARD MASON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of E. F. and Mattie C. Mason; born in Notto- way County, Va., August 13, 1895. Entered the service at Washington, D. C, August 3, 1917; assigned to U. S. S. Madawaska, October 4, 1917, to May 18, 1918; U. S. S. Dolphin, May 18, 1918, to April 30, 1919; U. S. S. Finland, May 1, 1919. Naval Officer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 33 Ensign U. S. N., R. F. RICHARD HURT THORNTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Richard D. and Lorena (Hurt) Thornton; born in Sussex County, Va., September 2, 1888. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 23, 1918; St. Helena Training Station, April 23 to May 7, 1918; Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va., May 7 to August 15, 1918; Officer, Material School, August 15 to December 15, 1918; transferred to inactive list, U. S. N., R. F., December 24, 1918. Teacher, U. of N. C, Chapel Hill, N. C. Army Nurse Corps CAMILLA RUTH ATKINS BLACKSTONE, VA. Daughter of Dr. W. V. and Henrietta (Budd) Atkins; born at Blackstone, Va., January 31, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 22, 1917; assigned to Base Hospital, Camp Lee, from No- vember 22, 1917, to July 20, 1918; Base Hospital No. 45 from July 20, 1918, to April 25, 1919. Left the United States for overseas August 23, 1918; stationed at Toul, France, from September 9, 1918, to February 11, 1919. Arrived in the United States from overseas March 11, 1919. Discharged April 25, 1919. Superintendent of Nurses at Westbrook Sanitarium, Richmond, Va. Remarks: "We arrived in Toul three days before the St. Mihiel drive — nursed sick and wounded from St. Mihiel Sector, Meuse-Argonne Sector and Verdun Sector ; also nursed German prisoners and American returned prisoners of war." "C. Ruth Atkins." 34 The Final Roster NANNIE VIRGINIA TUCKER BLACKSTONE, VA. Daughter of Robert W. and Fannie (Hoy) Tucker; born Petersburg, Va., October 5, 1889. Entered the service at Petersburg, Va., October 3, 1917; assigned to Base Hospital, Camp Sevier, Green- ville, S. C. Army Nurse, San Francisco, Cal. Sergeant-Ma jor CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Jr. CREWE, VA. Son of Charles R. and Ruth (Raney) Walsh; born at Petersburg, Va., November 26, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Coppee, Lehigh Uni- versity, South Bethlehem, Pa., May 4, 1918; served with Lehigh University Training Detachment for en- tire enlistment period from May 4 to December 16, 1918. Discharged December 16, 1918. Chief Clerk to Trainmaster of N. and W. Ry., Crewe, Va. First Sergeant Infantry GORDON ADAMS CREWE, A r A. Son of Dr. E. T. and M. E. Adams; born in Amelia County, Va., October 3, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry; left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Artois Sec- tor, August 2 to 6, 1918, and August 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve) September 12 to 16, Nottoway County, Va. 35 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 25 to October 12, and from November 2 to 6, 1918; arrived in the United States from overseas June 2, 1919. Dis- charged June 12, 1919. Salesman, Crewe, Va. First Sergeant Infantry JOHN LINDSAY COBB BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Benjamin E. and Margaret (Westray) Cobb; born in Dinwiddie County, Va., July 11, 1896. . Entered the service at University of Virginia July 23, 1918; served with Company C, Motor Training De- tachment, University of Virginia, July 23 to Septem- ber 13, 1918; ordered to Central Officers' Training School, September 13 to December 12, 1918. Die- charged December 12, 1918. Bank Clerk, Blackstone, Va. First Sergeant Infantry LEWIS GLENN WALKER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James A. and Fannie S. Walker; born near Blackstone, Va., December 22, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; assigned to Company E, 317th Infantry, Sep- temper 5, 1917, to June 13, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Artois Sector from July 23, 1918, to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve) from September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 26, 1918, to 36 The Final Roster October 4, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Superintendent's Office, Virginian Ry., Victoria, Va. Sergeant, First Class Quartermaster Corps WILLIAM CARSON ADAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of George P. and Annie B. Adams; born at Blackstone, Va., March 16, 1892. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 5, 1917; served with the Quartermaster Corps, Va. N. G., from May 5 to August 19, 1917; Camp Quartermaster De- tachment, Camp McClellan, Ala., August 19, 1917, to November 3, 1917; 29th Division Headquarters' Quar- termaster Detachment, November 3, 1917, to May 29, 1919. Left United States for overseas May 5, 1918; Alsace Defensive Sector, Meuse-Argonne, Metz Re- serve. Arrived in United States from overseas May 19, 1919. Discharged May 29, 1919. Bookkeeper, Grays Knob, Ky. Sergeant, First Class Quartermaster Corps JOSEPH PETER ROWLETT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of W. T. and Lucy Jane Rowlett; born at Black- stone, Va., June 1, 1891. Entered the service at Greenville, N. C, October 1, 1917; 321st Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C, from October 1, 1917, to April 28, 1918; Q. M. C. at Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C, from April 28 to May 28, 1918. Left the United States for overseas July 22, 1919. Discharged July 29, 1919. Laundry Foreman, Rocky Mount, N. C. Nottoway County, Va. 37 Sergeant, First Class NORWOOD LEE BEVILLE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Lee A. and Fannine G. Beville; born at Blackstone, Va., August 7, 1889. Entered service at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Feb- ruary 20, 1918; served with 602nd Aero Squadron from February 20 to June 1, 1918; with the 64th Spruce Squadron from June 1, 1918, to January 15, 1919. Discharged January 25, 1919. Bookkeeper, Blackstone, Va. Sergeant EDWARD RANDOLPH ANDERSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Gilliam W. and Virginia (Claiborne) An- derson; born in Amelia County, Va., February 8, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918; was assigned to Company B, 314th Machine Gun Battalion, from March 29, 1918, to June 18, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 24, 1918; Artois Sector, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel, Sep- tember 12 to 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to October 12, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, October 31 to November 8, 1918. Arrived in the United States June 7, 1919. Discharged June 7, 1919. Salesman, Blackstone, Va. Sergeant RICHARD DREWRY ANDERSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Gilliam W. and Virginia (Claiborne) An- derson; born in Amelia County, Va., October 2, 1894. 38 The Final Roster Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., May 10, 1918; transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and as- signed to Company L, 54th Infantry, 6th Division ; re- jected for overseas' service in June and was a Casual at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, until discharged on Sep- tember 12, 1918. Accepted for limited service Sep- tember 23, 1918, at Camp Greene, N. C, and assigned to Camp Headquarters' Exchange. Discharged Janu- ary 15, 1919. Auditor, Matlack Coal and Iron Corp., Norfolk, Va. Sergeant I SHAM TROTTER BAGLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Isham T. and Sudie (Seay) Bagley; born in Lunenburg County, Va., September 11, 1888. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., May 10, 1918; transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and as- signed to 54th Infantry from May 20 to June 3, 1918; transferred to 6th Motor Supply Train and served with that organization from June 3, 1918, to July 1, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 7, 1918 ; Voges Sector from September 1 to October 15, 1918; Meuse- Argonne Sector from November 1 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas June 25, 1919. Discharged July 1, 1919. Tobacco Business, Blackstone, Va. Sergeant ALBERT BAINBRIDGE CREWE, VA. Son of J. C. and M. A. Bainbridge; born at Kent- wood, La., July 2, 1895. Entered the service at Fort Slocum, N. Y., March 31, 1916; assigned to Company F, 4th Infantry, from Nottoway County, Va. 39 March 31, 1916, to July, 1916; transferred to Company G, 36th Infantry, July, 1916; served with that organi- zation until July, 1917; Company G, 40th Infantry, from July, 1917, to September 5, 1917; Company I, 314th Infantry, from September 5, 1917, to June 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 8, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26, 1918, to September 27, 1918; Grand Montaine Sector from November 1, 1918, to November 11, 1918. Furloughed to Regular Army Reserve June 28, 1919. Railroad Fireman, Crewe, Va. Sergeant ROBERT BLACKWELL BARNES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of W. T. and Marietta (Blackwell) Barnes; born in Nottoway County, Va., August 24, 1891. Entered the service at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., February 20, 1918; with Aviation Section of Signal Corps from February 20 to April 20, 1918; transferred to 26th Spruce Squadron, Vancouver Barracks, April 20, 1918; served with that organization to January 10, 1919. Discharged January 10, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Sergeant EDWIN THOMAS BIRSCH BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John F. and Maggie J. Birsch; born at Man- chester, Va., May 5, 1891. Entered the service at Washington, D. C, Decem- ber 14, 1917; assigned to Engineer Truck Company 8, 23rd Engineers, at Camp Meade, Md. Left the ILiited States for overseas March 31, 1918; Meuse-Argonne \ 40 The Final Roster Offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. Ar- rived in United States from overseas July 9, 1919. Discharged July 16, 1919. Electrical Engineer, 101 Riverland Rd., Roanoke, Va. Sergeant GEORGE BEDFORD BLANKS CREWE, VA. Son of W. R. and Kate Blanks; born at South Bos- ton, Va., November 15, 1888. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., May 14, 1917; served with 24th U. S. Cavalry from June 1, 1917, to August, 1917; Battery C, 82nd Field Artillery, from August, 1917, to September, 1919. Discharged September 27, 1919. Railroad Fireman, Crewe, Va. Sergeant ALBERT CARTER BORUM BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of C. E. and Mildred (Carter) Borum; born at Burkeville, Va., June 17, 1891. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., July 30, 1917; Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry, from August 17, 1917, to October 4, 1917; Company G, 116th Infantry, from October 4, 1917, to February 1, 1918; 15th Com- pany, 3rd Regiment, Air Service Mechanics, from April 18, 1918, to June 1, 1918; 12th Company, 3rd Regi- ment, Air Service Mechanics, from June 18, 1918, to July 11, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 9, 1918; served in France as Aeroplane Mechanic. Arrived in United States from overseas June 26, 1919., Discharged July 11, 1919. Mechanic, Burkeville, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 41 Sergeant LUTHER HENRY CARTER CREWE, VA. Son of William S. and Mary A. Carter; born at Fayetteville, N. C, February 16, 1894. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., May 3, 1917; served with Coast Artillery six months; with Medical Department seven months, and with Trans- portation Corps thirteen months. Left United States for overseas June 10, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas July 12, 1919. Discharged July 18, 1919. Railroad Fireman, Crewe, Va. Sergeant WILLIAM ABRAHAM CAS SAD A CREWE, VA. Son of John F. and Laura E. Cassada; born at Mar- shall, N. C, October 27, 1894. Entered the service at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, No- vember 18, 1917; served with 147th Aero Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group. Left the United States for overseas March 4, 1918; Toul Sector from May 31 to June 28, 1918; Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 15 to July 18; 1918; Oise-Aisne Offensive, August 18 to 30, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to September 16, 1918; Verdun Sector from September 29 to October 10, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from October 15 to November 11, 1918. (He states that he was cited on May 10, 1918, but did not give the number of the order.) Arrived in United States from overseas March 19, 1919. Discharged April 18, 1919. 42 The Final Roster Sergeant FORREST COBB BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Benjamin E. and Margaret (Westray) Cobb; born in Dinwiddie County, Va., August 3, 1898. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 30, 1917; served with Company B, 4th Virginia Infantry, from April 30, 1917, to November 26, 1917; Company B, 104th Motor Supply Train, from November 26, 1917, to May 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 28, 1918; Haute- Alsace, July 25 to September 18, 1918; Verdun, October 18 to October 28, 1918. Die- charged May 28, 1919. Student at Washington and Lee University, Lex- ington, Va. Sergeant DENNIS CAMPBELL DEANE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of D. T. and Ora B. Deane; born at Bluefield, W. Va., January 17, 1896. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., December 10, 1917; served with 20th Company, 4th Regiment, Air Service Mechanics. Left the United States July 15, 1918; served as Flight Sergeant at 2nd Corps Aero- nautical School, Chatillon-sur- Seine, France. Arrived in United States from overseas June 6, 1919. Dis- charged June 14, 1919. Yard Clerk, N. and W. Ry., Crewe, Va. Sergeant CHARLIE EDWARD EUBANK CREWE, VA. Son of Thos. E. and Beulah E. Eubank; born at Crewe, Va., April 25, 1896. Nottoway County, Va. 43 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 20, 1918; assigned to 15th Company, 4th Training Battalion, Camp Lee, Va., from May 26, 1918, to October 19, 1918; selected for Central Officers' Training School October 19, 1918, and served with the 28th Company until November 23, 1918. Discharged November 23, 1918. Clerk, Motive Power Dept., N. and W. Ry., Crewe, Va. Sergeant JOHN PETER FRANK CREWE, VA. Son of James E. and S. Ellen Frank; born at Sun- bright, Tenn., February 29, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; assigned to Headquarters' Company, 318th In- fantry, on November 7, 1917; transferred to 15th Com- pany, 1st Regiment, Air Service Mechanics, December 11, 1917, at Camp Hancock, Ga. Left the United States for overseas February 10, 1918; attached to Service of Automobile and Aeroplane Repairs of the French Army at Epinal, Vosges, France, from March 1, 1918, to March 16, 1919. Arrived in United States from overseas June 10, 1919. Discharged July 2, 1919. Stationery Engineer, Crewe, Va. Sergeant WINSTON L. HAMILTON BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Born in 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917. Merchant, Burkeville, Va. 44 The Final Roster Sergeant LEON AUGUSTA HARPER (D) CREWE, VA. Son of Edwin E. and Willie M. Harper; born in Nottoway County, Va., January 16, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917, and was assigned to the 317th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; wounded in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive October 5, 1918; died October 17, 1918, in a Red Cross Hospital. Sergeant EVERETT C. MATTHEWS (D) Sergeant LEON STANLEY ROWLETT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of P. A. and Petro (Lambert) Rowlett; born in Nottoway County, Va., 1890. Entered service at Fort Thomas, Ky., December 14, 1917; Aviation Corps, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; transferred to Camp , Texas. Conductor, Virginian Ry., Victoria, Va. Sergeant PAUL AUGUSTUS ROBERTSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James S. and Rosa Lee (Blanton) Robertson; born at Blackstone, Va., February 27, 1892. Nottoway County, Va. 45 Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., May 21, 1917; Company B, 4th Virginia Infantry; served with that organization from May to September, 1917; transferred to Company E, 116th Infantry, in September, 1917; was a member of that organization until January, 1918; Sanitary Detachment, 116th Infantry, from January, 1918, until May 26, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 10, 1918; Haute-Alsace Sector from July 25, 1918, to September 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 20, 1919. Discharged May 26, 1919. Medical Student, Richmond, Va. Sergeant THOMAS O. SANDY BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of T. O. and S. T. Sandy; born at Burkeville, Va., March 10, 1892. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., September 27, 1917; served with 80th Division. Left the United States for overseas May 27, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Arrived in United States from overseas June I, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Sergeant EDWIN SCOTT SANDY BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of T. O. and S. T. Sandy, born at Burkeville, Va., September 6, 1894. Entered the service at South Boston, Va., December II, 1917; 14th Company, Virginia Battery D, 35th 46 The Final Roster Regiment, C. A. C, Fort Monroe, Va. ; Curtis Bay, Md. ; Camp Meade, Md. ; Hampton, Va. Discharged December 4, 1918. Farmer and Appraiser Federal Land Bank of Bal- timore. Sergeant ARCHIE MILLER TURNER CREWE, VA. Son of Garry N. and Ella Turner; born in Chester- field County, S. C, January 14, 1891. Entered the service at Petersburg, Va., May 1, 1917; served with Company M, 4th Virginia Infantry, from May 1, 1917, to October 12, 1917; Supply Company, 111th Field Artillery, from October 12, 1917, to January 2, 1919. Left the United States for overseas on June 29th, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 25, 1919. Discharged June 2, 1919. Electrician, Victoria, Va. Sergeant WILLIAM DODGES WATERS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of C. W. and B. G. Waters; born at Baltimore, Md., . Served with the 2nd Virginia Infantry, 116th In- fantry, and 4th Regiment of Motor Mechanics. Dis- charged December 3, 1918. Auto Mechanic, Short Mills, N. J. Sergeant HERBERT EDWARD WEAVER CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Weaver; born in Prince Edward County, Va., August 13, 1891. Nottoway County, Va. 47 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry, at Camp Lee, Va. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sector in August, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Septem- ber 25 to October 12, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas June 5, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Fireman, Crewe, Va. Sergeant LEON A. WILLIAMSON CREWE, VA. Son of John B. and Mary S. Williamson; born near Crewe, Va., May 15, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 15th Company, 4th Training Battalion, from May 26 to October 1, 1918; Central Officers' Training School from October 1 to November 23, 1918. Discharged November 23, 1918. Railroad Flagman, Richmond, Va. Sergeant O. J. WOOD CREWE, VA. Mess Sergeant FRANK DONALD CONANT CREWE, VA. Son of E. S. and Ella Conant; born at Wheatland, N. D., May 24, 1894. 48 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry, and served with that organization until June 5, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Artois Sector, August 2-6 and August 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel from September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 25 to October 12, 1918, and from No- vember 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Soldier, Richmond, Va. Cook ROLAND GRAVATT GARRETT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James E. M. and Emma (Gravatt) Garrett; born in Essex County, February 8, 1889. Entered the service at Allentown, Pa., May 26, 1919; Evacuation Ambulance Company No. 8 from June 24, 1918, to April 5, 1919; Motor Transport Corps from April 5, 1919, to April 13, 1919; 322nd Field Hospital of the 306th Sanitary Train to June 29, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 9, 1918; Fismes Sector; St. Mihiel Offensive; Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Ar- rived in United States from overseas June 20, 1919. Discharged June 29, 1919. Druggist, Blackstone, Va. Sergeant N. H. VAUGHAN BURKEVILLE, VA. Nottoway County, Va. 49 Ship's Cook LAWRENCE SIZER HAWKES WILSON, VA. Son of Robert Lee and Rosa Alice Hawkes ; born in Nottoway County, Va., July 12, 1896. Entered the service at Naval Operating Base, Hamp- ton Roads, Va., August 1, 1918; served on board the U. S. S. Nansemond from March 21, 1918, to Septem- ber 25, 1919. Discharged September 25, 1919. Farmer, Wilson, Va. Cook JAMES M. NUNNALLY CREWE, VA. Son of S. J. and Martha Sarah Nunnally; born in Prince Edward County, Va., December 2, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; assigned to Company A, 317th Infantry, from September 5, 1917, to November 5, 1917; transferred to 305th Engineers, Camp Lee, Va., from November 6, 1917, to December 11, 1917; transferred to Company D, 35th Engineers, and served with that organization from December 12, 1917, to May 24, 1919; Infantry, unassigned, from May 25 to June 2, 1919. Left the United States for overseas December 11, 1917. Ar- rived in United States from overseas May 24, 1919. Discharged June 3, 1919. Blacksmith, Crewe, Va. Cook VIRGIL WITT SPAIN BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of T. F. and Sarah F. Spain; born at Blackstone, Va., May 15, 1897. 50 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; assigned to 3rd Company, Casual Attachment, 155th Development Battalion, Camp Lee, Va., from September 6, 1918, to October 12, 1918; 13th Co., Q. M. C, Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C, from October 12, 1918, to January 3, 1919; W. M. C, Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C, from January 3, 1919, to Septem- ber 26, 1919. Discharged September 26, 1919. Laundryman, Petersburg, Va. Cook ALBERT JEFFERSON VERNON BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Son of Henry J. and Mary Ann Vernon; born in Person County, N. C, January 19, 1892. Served with the 2nd Virginia Infantry from June 27, 1917, to August 5, 1917; 116th Infantry, 29th Division, from August 5, 1917, to April 8, 1918; 1st Regiment of Pioneer Infantry from April 8, 1918, to July 19, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 9, 1918; Aisne-Marne Offensive from July 26 to August 6, 1918; Oise-Aisne from August 18 to September 10, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 26 to Novem- ber 11, 1918; with the Army of Occupation in Ger- many from November 14, 1918, to May 20, 1919. Ar- rived in United States from overseas July 17, 1919. Discharged July 19, 1919. Barber, Burkeville, Va. Corporal HIRAM FRANCIS ANDERSON CREWE, VA. Son of James and Joanna Anderson; born at Day- ton, Md., September 27, 1886. Nottoway County, Va. 51 Entered the service at Charlottesville, Va., July 23, 1918; served with Motor Repair Units at Charlottes- ville, Va. Discharged December 10, 1918. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Corporal WILLIE MELVIN BELCHER CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Belcher; born at Crewe, Va., May 11, 1892. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., August 20, 1917; served with the 1st Virginia Cavalry and 104th Ammunition Train. Left the United States for over- seas June 29, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas May 20, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Brakeman, Crewe, Va. Corporal BERNARD BACON BERKLEY CREWE, VA. Son of Edward T. and Alan B. Berkley; born at Ontario, Va., March 25, 1894. Entered the service at Roanoke, Va., April 30, 1917; served with Company F, 2nd Virginia Infantry, and Company F, 116th Infantry, 29th Division. Left the United States for overseas June 15, 1918; Defense of Center Sector Haute-Alsace from July 25 to Septem- ber 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from Septem- ber 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas May 20, 1919. Discharged May 26, 1919. Brakeman, Crewe, Va. 52 The Final Roster Corporal RICHARD ASA BORUM CREWE, VA. Son of Charles E. and Mildred C. Borum; born at Burkeville, Va., June 20, 1899. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., July 30, 1917; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry, from August 17 to October 4, 1917; Company G, 116th In- fantry, from October 4, 1917, to May 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 16, 1918; Defense of Center Sector of Haute- Alsace, July 25 to Septem- ber 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas May 20, 1919. Discharged May 28, 1919. Railway Apprentice, Crewe, Va. Corporal WALTER CHRISTOPHER COOK BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of W. E. and Annie F. Cook; born at Cook Sta- tion, Ohio, April 23, 1898. Entered the service at Roanoke, Va., June 24, 1917; served with 5th Company, C. A. C, until December 5, 1917; transferred to Battery B, 60th Regiment, C. A. C. Left the United States for Overseas April 22, 1917; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 17, 1918; Meuse- Argonne from September 17 to November 11. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 5, 1919. Discharged February 21, 1919. Postal Clerk, Blackstone, Va. Corporal LESLIE J. ECHOLS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of R. L. and Etta L. Echols; born at Black- stone, Va., May 16, 1899. Nottoway County, Va. 53 Entered the service at Farmville, Va., June 22, 1916; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry, to October 4, 1917; transferred to Company D, 166th In- fantry, and served with that organization until May 29, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 11, 1918; participated in defense of Center Sector of Haute-Alsace from July 25 to September 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from over- seas May 21, 1919. Discharged May 29, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Corporal GUSTAV ADOLPH FEIL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John G. and Marie Feil; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., February 7, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; assigned to Depot Brigade to October 1, 1918; transferred to Company C, 10th Battalion, October 1 to December 17, 1918. Discharged December 17, 1918. Bookkeeper, Blackstone, Va. Corporal EMANUEL G. FEIL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Feil; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., March 13, 1895. Entered the service at Medford, Okla., May 27, 1918; served with U. S. General Hospital No. 29, Fort Riley, Kan. Discharged August 9, 1919. Journalist, Enid, Okla. 54 The Final Roster Corporal HUNTER FITZGERALD NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Patrick H. and Sallie Anne Fitzgerald; born at Nottoway, Va., February 12, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918; served entire enlistment period with 305th Engi- neers. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Somme Offensive, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel from September 14 to 16, 1918; Meuse- Argonne Offensive from September 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas June 4, 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Automobile Tire Inspector, Springfield, Mass. Corporal ISAAC MOON FITZGERALD CREWE, VA. Son of F. E. and Mary (Hill) Fitzgerald; born in Buckingham County, Va., November 19, 1881. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., July 10, 1917; served with Company B, 304th Field Signal Battalion, from October 11, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 8, 1918; Sector 304 from September 12 to 25, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive from September 26 to 31, 1918; Tryon Defen- sive from October 4 to 25, 1918; Grand-Montange, October 28 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas May 26, 1919. Discharged May 30, 1919. Train Dispatcher, Crewe, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 55 Corporal JERRY GUNN BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of L. F. and Laura Gunn; born in Nottoway County, Va., August 23, 1889. Entered the service at Charlottesville, Va., July 23, 1918; served with Motor Transport Corps from July until October, 1918, and then transferred to Camp Eustis. Discharged December 5, 1918. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Corporal CARNEGIE BROWN HAMERSLY CREWE, VA. Son of H. D. and T. E. Hamersly; born at McKees- port, Pa., November 18, 18,98. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., April 26, 1917; assigned to Troop D, 1st Virginia Cavalry, from April 26, 1917, to December 7, 1918; transferred to Caisson Company No. 1, 104th Ammunition Train, from De- cember 7 to December 12, 1918; then transferred to Company F, 104th Ammunition Train, and served with that organization from December 12, 1918, to June 1, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 29, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas May 21, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Train Checker, Crewe, Va. Corporal CHARLIE CLARKE HARPER BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of B. F. and Willie A. Harper; born at Notto- way, Va., January 8, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; assigned to Company A, 318th Infantry, and 56 The Final Roster served with that organization until June 3, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; Artois Sector, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel from September 12 to September 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to October 14, 1918, and November 1 to November 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 27, 1919. Discharged June 3, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Corporal JAMES MADISON HARRIS, Jr. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. M. and Lunette (Phillips) Harris; born at Blackstone, Va., December 14, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with 155th Depot Brigade. Discharged De- cember 3, 1918. Traveling Salesman, Blackstone, Va. Corporal CARTER HASKINS (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Dr. Carter and Eliza (Neblett) Haskins; born in Brunswick County, Va., July 31, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 24, 1917; served with Company G, 318th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 20, 1918; attached to the British on the Amcre, and before Albert and Thiepral Bridge in July and August, 1918; with the American Army in Meuse-Argonne Offensive (near Montfaucon) in September and October, 1918. Wounded in the attack on the Bois-des-Ogons and died as a result of these wounds on October 4, 1918. He is buried in the American Plot at Senoncourt, Meuse, France. Nottoway County, Va. 57 Corporal ERNEST HENRY HINKINS BLACKSTONE, YA. Born in Berryville, Va., April 19, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Greene, N. C, October 30, 1918; assigned to Camp Personnel Adjutant's Of- fice, Camp Greene, N. C, from September 3, 1918, to March 15, 1919. Discharged March 15, 1919. Clerk, Washington, D. C. Corporal RAYMOND ROBERT LAYNE BLACKSTONE, YA. Son of Robert D. and Lula C. Layne ; born at Lynch- burg, Va., April 3, 1896. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., May 15, 1917; served with the 2nd Virginia Infantry from May 15, 1917, to October 1, 1917; with the 104th Field Signal Battalion from October 1, 1917, to May 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 19, 1918; Defense of Center Sector Haute-Alsace from July 23 to August 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from October 8, 1918, to October 29, 1918. Discharged May 28, 1919. Salesman, Richmond, Va. Corporal RALPH WALDO MANN CREWE, VA. Son of John D. and Ella N. Mann; born at Metz, Ind., April 1, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 155th Depot Brigade from May 26 to June 12, 1918; Company B, Replacement Camp, from June 12 to July 15, 1918; Company B, 166th Supply Train, 58 The Final Roster from July 18 to September 15, 1918; 2nd Division from September 15, 1918, to August 18, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 18, 1918; Meuse- Argonne, October 1 to October 28, and from Novem- ber 1 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas August 10, 1919. Discharged August 18, 1919. Automobile Mechanic, Akron, Ohio. Corporal HANS CHRISTOPHER MOLLER WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Moller; born at Raymer- town, N. J., August 13, 1894. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., July 26, 1917; assigned to 9th Company, Va. C. A. C, from July 26, 1917, to January 6, 1918; assigned to 60th Regiment, C. A. C, from January 6 to April 5, 1918; 6th Com- pany from April 5 to June 7, 1918; Battery F, 24th R. A. R., from June 7, 1918, to January 6, 1919. Left the United States for overseas September 23, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas December 22, 1918. Discharged January 6, 1919. Carpenter, Richmond, Va. Corporal HARRY THOMAS ROBERTSON CREWE, VA. Son of T. W. and Emma Sue Robertson; born in Nottoway County, Va., December 16, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 4, 1917; assigned to Company C, 317th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Hubu- terne Front from July 25 to August 18, 1918; Meuse- Argonne from September 26, 1918, to November 6, Nottoway County, Va. 59 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 14, 1919. Diseharged March 14, 1919. Corporal KIRBY SMITH SELDEN (D) CREWE, VA. Son of S. M. and Emma B. Selden; born in Rock- ingham County, Va., June 2, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 24, 1917; assigned to Company H, 318th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 20, 1918; Artois Sector from July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel from September 13 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 26 to October 5, 1918. He was killed in action in the attack on the Bois-des-Ogons (near Mont- faucon) . He is probably buried in the American Plot at Senoncourt, Meuse, France, as the other boys in his Battalion, who were killed about the same time and near the same place, are buried in this cemetery. Corporal LORENZO DAVID SELLERS BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of William A. and Annie M. Sellers; born at Pittsburgh, Pa., August 28, 1896. Entered the service at South Boston, Va., April 20, 1918; served with the 14th Company, Va. C. A. C, from April 20 to October 1, 1918; transferred to Bat- tery D, 35th Regiment, C. A. C. Dairy Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Corporal RICHARD THOMAS SLATE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John and Mary Slate; born in Nottoway County, October 18, 1893. 60 The Final Roster Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 27, 1917; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry, from March 27 to October 1, 1917; transferred to 116th Engineers, and later transferred to 42nd Division, En- gineers, on March 6, 1918. Arrived overseas on March 16, 1918; served in France with the 42nd Division, En- gineers. Arrived in United States from overseas De- cember 27, 1918. Employed by British- American Tobacco Co., Peters- burg, Va. Corporal FRED ERSKXNE TINGLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Frank L. and Willie S. Tingley; born in Not- toway County, Va., August 24, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., July 25, 1917; assigned to 7th Company, C. A. C, Va. N. G., from July 25, 1917, to August 17, 1917; Train Headquarters and Military Police from August 17 to October 8, 1918; 42nd M. P. Company from October 8, 1918, to May 6, 1919. Left the United States for overseas October 18, 1917; Luneville Sector, February 22 to March 23, 1918; Baccarat- St. Clemens Sector from March 24 to June 15, 1918; Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 15 to July 18, 1918; Aisne-Mame Offensive, July 18 to August 6, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive September 12 and 13, 1918; Minor Operation, Woevre, September 14 to 25, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918; Army of Occupation, Germany, November 27, 1918, to April 14, 1919. Arrived in the United States from overseas April 25, 1919. Dis- charged May 6, 1919. Merchant, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 61 Corporal JAMES WILFRED TUGGLE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of R. W. and Clara V. Tuggle; born at Black- stone, Va., September 9, 1892. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 1, 1917; assigned to Troop A, 1st Virginia Cavalry; transferred to Company E, 104th Ammunition Train, 29th Divi- sion. Left the United States for overseas on June 29, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 25, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Clerk, Richmond, Va. Corporal JOSEPH E. WILLIAMSON CREWE, VA. Son of James E. and Virginia Alice Williamson; born in Nottoway County, Va., January 10, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; served with the British Army from August 2 to 6, and from August 16 to 18, and with the American Army from August 18, 1918, to June 13, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Artois Sector from August 2 to 6, and from August 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve) from Sep- tember 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 25 to October 12, 1918, and from November 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 12, 1919. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Bugler LEWIS SUMNER HALSTEAD CREWE, VA. Son of J. P. and Margaret Halstead; born in Beaver County, Pa., January 18, 1895. 62 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to 317th Infantry, 80th Division, from September 22, 1917, to June 12, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sec- tor, August 2 to 6, and from August 16 to 18; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16; Meuse-Argonne, Septem- ber 25 to October 12, 1918, and November 2 to 4, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 2, 1919. Discharged June 12, 1919. Electrician, Crewe, Va. Bugler JAMES RIDDICK JOHNSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James A. and Lizzie Lee Johnson; born at Barrows Store, Va., July 10, 1893. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., May 19, 1917; served with Company B, 4th Virginia Infantry, from May 19, 1917, to October 12, 1917; transferred to Headquarters' Company, 111th Field Artillery; served with that organization until June 2, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 28, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 25, 1919. Dis- charged June 2, 1919. Railway Postal Clerk, Blackstone, Va. Bugler ALVIN LILBON JONES CREWE, VA. Son of Emmett P. and Martha Matilda Jones; born at Crewe, Va., May 26, 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 12, 1917; served with "Richmond Blues" and with the 104th Am- Nottoway County, Va. 63 munition Train, 29th Division. American E. F. from June 29, 1918, to May 21, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Mechanic, Crewe, Va. Bugler LEON S. MASON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Nat and Belle (Kennedy) Mason; born in Brunswick County, Va., August 21, 1894. Entered the service at Waverly, Va., June, 1917; served with Company B, 4th Virginia Infantry, from June, 1917, to October 1, 1917; transferred to Com- pany E, 116th Infantry; also served with the 115th Am- bulance Company, 114th Sanitary Train. Left the United States for overseas June, 1918; Aisne-Marne, July 26 to August 6, 1918; Oise-Aisne from August 18 to September 10, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26, 1918, to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May, 1919. Discharged June, 1919. Traveling Salesman, Jacksonville, Fla. Musician FRANK SPENDLOVE CREWE, VA. Son of John H. and Josephine V. Spendlove; born at Kalamo, Mich., June 24, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; assigned to Headquarters' Company, 318th In- fantry, 80th Division, from November 7, 1917, to No- vember 15, 1918; transferred to 318th Band. Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; Artois Sec- tor from July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Of- fensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16; Meuse- 64 The Final Roster Argonne Offensive from September 26 to October 12, 1918, and from November 1 to 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 28, 1919. Dis- charged June 5, 1919. Saw Miller, Crewe, Va. Wagoner GEORGE PIERCE COMPTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Robert A. and Margaret J. Compton; born at Norfolk, Va., October 20, 1893. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., September 11, 1917; assigned to Ambulance Company 319, 305th Sanitary Train, 80th Division, September 11, 1917, to May 25, 1918; Artois Sector, Arras Front, from July 28 to August 25, 1918; St. Mihiel from Sept 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse- Argonne, September 26 to November 10. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 31, 1919. Discharged June 10, 1919. Teacher, Blackstone, Va. Wagoner ROBERT BEVERLY HARDAWAY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. M. and Emma L (Justus) Hardaway; born at Blackstone, Va., April 3, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., September 11, 1917; assigned to 319th Ambulance Company, 305th Sanitary Train, 80th Division. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sector, July 30 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse- Argonne, September 26 to October 13, 1918, and from November 1 to 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 30, 1919. Dis- charged June 9, 1919. Hardware Clerk, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 65 Wagoner ALFRED E. INGE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of David P. and Minnie Frances Inge; born at Evergreen, Va., April 5, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; assigned to 317th Infantry from September 5, 1917, to February 25, 1918; General Headquarters, A. E. F. (Chaumont, France), from March 25, 1918, to August 23, 1919. Left the United States for overseas March 14, 1918; arrived in the United States from over- seas August 17, 1919. Discharged August 23, 1919. Chauffeur, Blackstone, Va. Wagoner GEORGE WILLIAM JOHNSON CREWE, VA. Son of John L. and Fannie T. Johnson; born at Crewe, Va., November 7, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918; assigned to Supply Company, 314th Field Ar- tillery, 80th Division, from March 29, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive from September 14 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 25 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 28, 1919. Discharged June 6, 1919. Lumberman, Crewe, Va. Wagoner DAVID CLINTON STABLES CREWE, VA. Son of John and Laura Stables ; born at Hebron, Va., August 31, 1894. 66 The Final Roster Entered the service at Emporia, Va., June 23, 1917 ; served with Company M, 4th Virginia Infantry, from June 23, 1917, to October 11, 1917; transferred to Sup- ply Company, 111th Field Artillery, and served with that organization until June 2, 1919. American E. F. from June 29, 1918, to May 25, 1919. Discharged June 2, 1919. Locomotive Fireman, Crewe, Va. Mechanic ALFRED WILLIAM FORD CREWE, VA. Son of Alvin and Catherine (Childress) Ford; born at Lynchburg, Va., December 31, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 27, 1916; served with Troop C, 1st Virginia Cavalry, from June 27, 1916, to November 20, 1917; 2nd Caisson Company, 104th Ammunition Train, from November 20, 1917, to January 10, 1918; Company K, 1st Army Head- quarters' Regiment, from January 10, 1918, to January 1, 1919; 213th M. P. C. from January 1, 1919, to July 16, 1919. American E. F. from March 22, 1918, to July 1, 1919. Discharged July 6, 1919. Farmer, Jetersville, Va. Mechanic ROBERT W. ECHOLS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Robert L. and Etta L. Echols; born in Notto- way County, Va., October 18, 1891. Entered the service at Fort Slocum, N. Y., August 17, 1916; served with Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, from September 6, 1916, to June, 1917; Battery F, 13th Field Artillery, from June, 1917, . Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; Nottoway County, Va. 67 Aisne-Marne, August 3 to 6, 1918; Vesle Sector from August 7 to 17, 1918; Toul Sector from September 6 to 11, 1918; St. Mihiel Salient from September 12 to 14, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 25 to Novem- ber 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from over- seas, July 31, 1919. Soldier, Battery F, 13th Field Artillery, Camp Dodge, la. Mechanic TRAVIS TAYLOR LUKE Son of Robert D. and Ella C. Luke; born in Notto- way County, Va., September 20, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry; trans- ferred to 35th Engineers December 16, 1917. Ameri- can E. F., January 20, 1918, to April 27, 1919. Dis- charged April 30, 1919. Chipper and Caulker, Baltimore, Md. Mechanic JOHN FRANKLIN THOMPSON CKEWE, VA. Son of John J. and Minnie Virginia Thompson; born in Amelia County, Va., February 11, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry, from September 22, 1917, to June 13, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Artois Sector, August 2 to 6, and August 16 to 18; St. Mihiel Offen- sive (Corps Reserve) from September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 25 to October 12, and from November 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Farmer, Crewe, Va. 68 The Final Roster Horseshoer LESTER JAMES BURCUM CREWE, VA. Son of J. W. and Julia E. Burcum; born at Liver- more, la., May 14, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 21, 1917; served with 1st Virginia Cavalry from May 21, 1917, to November 25, 1917; 104th Ammunition Train from November 25, 1917, to June 1, 1919, 29th Division. American E. F. from June 29, 1918, to May 21, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Brakeman, Crewe, Va. Private, First Class JOHN GORDON ATKINSON CREWE, VA. Son of Lincoln and Anna Atkinson; born at Dan- ville, Va., May 3, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 29, 1918; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry, from March 29, 1918, to June 11, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sector from August 2 to 6, and August 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 25 to October 12, and November 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Conductor on Railroad, Crewe, Va. Private, First Class MOSS McD. CLINGENPEEL CREWE, VA. Born at Dingess, W. Va., June 22, 1899. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., April 25, 1917; served with Troop D, 1st Virginia Cavalry, from Nottoway County, Va. 69 April 23, 1917, to August 5, 1917; transferred to Com- pany F, 104th Ammunition Train August 5, 1917; served with that organization until June 1, 1919. American E. F. from June 29, 1918, to May 21, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private, First Class PERCY L. DOWELL (D) CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Dowell; born at Bar- boursville, Va., March 12, 1895. Entered the service at Suffolk, Va., April, 1917; served with Company F, 4th Virginia Infantry, to October 1, 1917; transferred to Company E, 116th In- fantry. Left the United States for overseas June, 1918. Wounded in action in the Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive in October, 1918, and died in an army hospital October 24, 1918. Private, First Class PERL DANIEL GERBER CREWE, VA. Son of Fred and Hattie Gerber; born at Guthrie Center, la., June 15, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; served with 30th Company, 155th Depot Brigade; Company C, 10th Battalion, Infantry, Re- placement Unit; 101st and 155th Companies, Infantry Training Center, Camp Lee, Va. Left the United States for overseas October 28, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 10, 1919. Dis- charged July 18, 1919. Locomotive Fireman, Crewe, Va. 70 The Final Roster Private, First Class WILLIAM ORVILL GEYER (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Sidney M. and Sarah (Purrinton) Geyer; born at Macedonia, la., June 1, 1896. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., June, 1917; served with 82nd Aero Squadron and with the 100th Aero Squadron. Left the United States for overseas January 24, 1918. Died in the Tuscania disaster February 5, 1918. Private, First Class MAURY ALLEN GUNN BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Edwin G. and Isabel Gunn; born in Din- widdie County, Va., January 1, 1899. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., August 13, 1917; served with Battery F, 111th Field Artillery, from August 13, 1917, to June 2, 1919, at Camp Mc- Clellan, Ala. American E. F., June 28, 1918, to May 25, 1919. Discharged June 2, 1919. Express Messenger, Richmond, Va. Private, First Class RICHARD BAXTER GUNN BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Edwin G. and Isabel Gunn; born in Notto- way County, Va., August 15, 1896. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., August 22, 1917; served with 9th Company, Va. C. A. C, from August 22, 1917, to January 4, 1918; Battery F, 60th C. A. C, from January 4, 1918, to February 15, 1919. Left the United States for overseas April 22, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse- Nottoway County, Va. 71 Argonne Offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 4, 1919. Discharged February 15, 1919. Mechanic, Richmond, Va. Private, First Class LYMAN LEROY HAYMAKER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of E. L. and Ella Haymaker; born at Canton, Ohio, May 25, 1897. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., June 22, 1916; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry, from June 22, 1916, to August 15, 1917; Company G, 116th Infantry, from August 15, 1917, to March 10, 1918; Troop B, 104th Military Police, 29th Division, from March 10, 1918 to September 28, 1918; Company C, 1st Army Military Police Battalion, from September 28, 1918, to February 2, 1919; 1st Military Police Bat- talion from February 2 to March 10, 1919; 216th Mili- tary Police, Army of Occupation, March 10, 1919, to July 12, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 18, 1918; Haute- Alsace, July 22 to September 13, 1918; attached to 8th French Army (Verdun), Sep- tember 13 to October 3, 1918; attached to British on Lys, Flanders Front, October 3 to 21, 1918; Meuse- Argonne, October 22 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 7, 1919. Dis- charged July 12, 1919. Mechanic, Los Angeles, Cal. Private, First Class JAMES MERRICK HITE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Jas. D. and Bell (Mann) Hite; born in Amelia County, Va., May 14, 1892. 72 The Final Rostee Entered the service at University of Virginia May 23, 1918; served with Company C, Motor Training Detachment from May 23 to July 23, 1918; trans- ferred to Company B, 323rd Infantry, Camp Mills, N. Y. Left the United States for overseas July 31, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, November 9 to 11, 1918. Ar- rived in the United States from overseas June 14, 1919. Discharged June 25, 1919. Tobacconist, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class JOHN VINCENT INGE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of George M. and Fannie (Overby) Inge; born at Blackstone, Va., November 8, 1883. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va. v May 19, 1917; served with Company B, 4th Infantry, from May 19 to October 1, 1917; transferred to Company E, 116th Infantry, and served with that organization from October 1, 1917, to May 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 15, 1918; Defense of Center Haute-Alsace from July 25 to September 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 22, 1919. Discharged May 28, 1919. Manager Poolroom, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class JOHN WILLIAM JENKINS BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Son of John R. and Elizabeth Jenkins; born at Burkeville, Va., February 1, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with 15th Company, 4th Training Bat- talion, 155th Depot Brigade, from May 26 to June 17, Nottoway County, Va. 73 1918; Headquarters' Company, 162nd Infantry, from June 17 to September 24, 1918; Company C, 6th In- fantry, September 24, 1918 to April 28, 1919; Com- pany H, 3rd Army Composite Regiment (Pershing's Own), from April 28 to September 25, 1919. Left the United States for overseas August 21, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 10 to November 11, 1918; Army of Occupation, Germany. Arrived in the United States from overseas September 8, 1919. Dis- charged September 25, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private, First Class HARRY WALLACE JOHNSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. A. and Lizzie Lee Johnson; born in Bruns- wick County, Va., March 26, 1899. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 29, 1917; served with Company B, 4th Virginia Infantry, and Headquarters' Company, 111th Field Artillery. Amer- ican E. F. from June 28, 1918, to June 2, 1919. Dis- charged June 4, 1919. Traveling Salesman, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class EUGENE H. JOHNSON CREWE, VA. Son of G. L. and Fannie T. Johnson; born in Notto- way County, Va., August 30, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 80th Division, from Sep- tember 22, 1917, to January 17, 1918; 20th Company, 20th Regiment, Engineers, from January 17, 1918, to June 11, 1919. American E. F. from February 17, 1918, to May 29, 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Lumberman, Crewe, Va. 74 The Final Rosteb Private, First Class EDWARD MARTIN JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James F. and Annie C. (Jones) Jones; born at Blackstone, Va., October 1, 1899. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., March 31, 1918; assigned to 13th U. S. Cavalry from April, 1918, to September 4, 1919, at Ringgold, Texas, and Fort Clark, Texas. Discharged September 4, 1919. Grocery Clerk, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class THOMAS A. MOORE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Rev. J. Harry and Bessie G. Moore; born in Clarke County, Va., August 18, 1889. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., December 12, 1917; assigned to 19th Company, 3rd Regiment, Air Service Mechanics. American E. F., July 9, 1918, to June 26, 1919. Discharged July 12, 1919. Grocery Clerk, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class BERNARD ELMO OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of Henry E. and Annie E. Oliver; born at Crewe, Va., June 15, 1896. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 19, 1917; served with Company G, 104th Ammunition Train, 29th Division. American E. F. from June 29, 1918, to May 21, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Mechanic, Lamberts Point, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 75 Private, First Class LOUIS L. PARRISH CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parrish; born at Clarks- ville, Va., January 20, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with 314th Infantry, 314th Military Police, 314th Machine Gun Battalion. Left the United States for overseas August 6, 1918; St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne Offensives. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 27, 1919. Discharged June 7, 1919. Machinist, Crewe, Va. Private, First Class SEWELL ROSS PRESSEL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Oliver and Annie Pressell; born in Nottoway County, Va., May 29, 1896. Entered the service at Vancouver, Wash., February 20, 1918; served with the 79th Spruce Squadron. Dis- charged . Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class HAYNIE SYDNEY ROBERTSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James S. and Rosa (Blanton) Robertson; born at Blackstone, Va., February 12, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 7, 1918; assigned to 4th Company, 1st Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, Training Center; transferred and placed on special duty with the Local Board of Notto- way County, at Blackstone, Va. Discharged December 2, 1918. Merchant, Blackstone, Va. 76 The Final Roster Private, First Class FRED WHITWORTH RUCKER JETERSVILLE, VA. Son of A. P. and Dora P. Rucker; born near Jeters- ville, Va., May 21, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry, 80th Division, from September 22, 1917, to June 13, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sector, August 2 to 6, August 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 25 to October 12, and November 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 31, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Farmer, Jetersville, Va. Private, First Class ABRAM KINSEY SAMPSON BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of James T. and Mary Belle Sampson; born at Easton, Pa., March 31, 1887. Entered the service at South Boston, Va., December 13, 1917; assigned to 14th Company, Va. C. A. C, from December 15, 1917, to November 14, 1918; Bat- tery D, 35th Regiment, C. A. C, from November 14, 1918, to December 5, 1918. Discharged December 5, 1918. Automobile Mechanic, Burkeville, Va. Private, First Class EUGENE SHELBURNE SMITHSON CREWE, VA. Son of Cephas S. and Eugene S. (Budd) Smithson; born at Crewe, Va., October 16, 1896. Nottoway County, Va. 77 Entered the service at Richmond, Va., February 2, 1918; School of Military Aeronautics, Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y., from June 1, to September 20, 1918; Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas, Concentration Camp ; Aero Observation School, Fort Monroe, Va., from October to November 27, 1918. Discharged November 27, 1918. Engineer for Water Supply System, Crewe, Va. Private, First Class ROBERT BARCUM THOMAS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John I. and Fannie M. Thomas; born near Blackstone, Va., Dec. 5, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; served with Company A, 318th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 16; Meuse-Argonne Offensive September 26, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 27, 1919. Discharged June 3, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class DANIEL HESS THOMPSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John Q. and Annie E. Thompson; born at Lebanon, Ohio, February 9, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; assigned to Headquarters' Company, 318th In- fantry, 80th Division, from November 13, 1917, to June 4, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; Artois Sector, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve) from September 12 to 16; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 26 78 The Final Roster to October 12, 1918, and from November 1 to 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 27, 1919. Discharged August 14, 1919. Vulcanizer, Blackstone, Va. Private, First Class DEAN HART THOMPSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. Q. and Annie E. Thompson; born at Lebanon, Ohio, October 13, 1897. Entered the service at Newport News, May 14, 1917; served with Company B, 4th Virginia Infantry, from May 14 to September, 1917; Company E, 116th In- fantry, from September, 1918, to May 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 14, 1918; Haute- Alsace from July 25 to September 23, 1918; Meuse- Argonne, October 8 to 28, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 20, 1919. Discharged May 28, 1919. Acetylene Welder, Detroit, Mich. Private, First Class ROBERT T. TISDALE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Robert L. and Fannie (Barrow) Tisdale; born in Nottoway County, Va., October 9, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; transferred to Company C, 125th Infantry, 32nd Divi- sion. Left the United States for overseas August 6, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 26 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 8, 1919. Discharged May 20, 1919. Salesman, Richmond, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 79 Private, First Class JAMES CLIFTON TUCKER BURKEVILLE. VA. Son of Robert T. and Emma M. Tucker; born at Burkeville, Va., April 23, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; assigned to 318th Infantry, Medical Detachment, from November 7, 1917, to June 4, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 20, 1918; Artois Sec- tor, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 26; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to October 12, and November 1 to No- vember 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 27, 1919. Discharged June 4, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private, First Class LAURENT GALLAUDET TUCKER CREWE, VA. Son of Arthur G. and Bettie Catherine Tucker; born at Richmond, Va., May 20, 1896. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., April 27, 1917; served with Company F, 104th Ammunition Train, 29th Division, A. E. F., from June 29, 1918, to May 31, 1919. Discharged June 1, 1919. Clerk, Crewe, Va. Private, First Class GEORGE CLARKE VERSER JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Son of George S. and Sarah A. Verser; born in Not- toway County, Va., December 18, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 80th Division from May 26, 1918, to Sep- 80 The Final Roster tember 10, 1918; transferred on September 10 to Com- pany C, 6th Infantry; Chateau- Thierry, Meuse- Argonne, Verdun. Arrived in the United States from overseas January 9, 1919. Discharged February 4, 1919. Farmer, Jennings Ordinary, Va. Private J. H. ABERNATHY BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service May 26, 1918. Discharged August 9, 1918 (physical disability). Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JAMES S. AGNEW BTJRKEVILLE. VA. Entered the service at South Boston, Va., December 12, 1917; served with the Coast Artillery Corps, Va. N. G. Burkeville, Va. Private ISAAC O. ALMOND CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Dix, N. J., April 12, 1918. Crewe, Va. Private W. VIRGIL ATKINS, Jr. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Dr. W. V. and Henrietta H. Atkins; born in 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 81 Private WILLIAM L. AUSTIN CREWE, VA. Accepted for limited service at Camp Greene, N. C, August 30, 1918. Private WILLIAM ARCHER BAGLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Isham Trotter and Sudie (Seay) Bagley; born at Kenbridge, Va., October 26, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., December 21, 1917; Dental Company No. 1, Officers' Training School, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., from October, 1918, to December 16, 1918. Dental Surgeon, Richmond, Va. Private CHARLES ROBERT BARKER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Hiram C. and Mary E. Barker; born at Rich- mond, Va., June 24, 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., October 19, 1918; served with Potomac Regiment, C. A. C, at Fort Washington, Md., and Fort Hunt, Va. Discharged April 11, 1919. Shoe Repairer, Blackstone, Va. Private W. M. BELCHER CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 13, 1917; served with 1st Virginia Cavalry. Crewe, Va. 82 The Final Roster Private JAMES A. BERRY CREWE, YA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917. Private MEADE BEVILLE CREWE, VA. Private LANDON SHIPMAN BIRSCH BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. F. and M. J. Birsch; born at Crewe, Va., March 28, 1896. Entered the service at Vancouver Barracks, Wash- ington, February 20, 1918; served with 458th Aerial Construction Squadron. Discharged February 25, 1919. Clerk, Blackstone, Va. Private CLEOPHAS ARTHUR BISHOP CREWE, VA. Son of Will and Queen Bishop; born in Madison County, N. C, July 19, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918 ; assigned to Infantry to July 1, 1918; transferred to Construction Quartermaster Depot to March 20, 1919. Discharged April 29, 1919. Machinist Helper, Crewe, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 83 Private JOHN E. BISHOP CREWE, VA. Son of John and Jane Bishop; born in Brunswick County, Va., May 10, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918. Discharged December 20, 1918. With British-American Tobacco Company, Peters- burg, Va. Private ALEXANDER BLAIR BURKEVILLE. VA. Served with 104th Ammunition Train, 29th Division. Private RICHMOND LEROY BISHOP (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Thomas K. and Sallie J. Bishop; born Sep- tember 18, 1899. Entered the service at Newport News May 17, 1917; Company B, 4th Regiment, Infantry, Va. N. G., Camp McClellan. Died December 28, 1917, of Spanish meningitis. Private JOHN P. BRADSHAW BURKEVILLE. VA. Entered the service June 1, 1918; served in the Aviation Section Signal Corps. Private JOE JOSEPH BRUGOS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Steve and Julia Brugos; born May 10, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with Company B, 6th Infantry, 5th Division. 84 The Final Rostee Left the United States for overseas August 21, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, October 10 to 22, 1918, and November 5 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 22, 1919. Discharged July 29, 1919. Machinist, Petersburg, Va. Private JOHN EDWARD BURTON, Jr. CREWE, VA. Son of John Edward and Lucinda M. Burton; born at Chincoteague Island, Va., May 8, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 11th Company, 3rd Training Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, from May 26 to August 15, 1918; 21st Company, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee, Va., from August 15 to November 23, 1918. Discharged November 23, 1918. Assistant Timekeeper N. and W. Ry. Co., Crewe, Va. Private RICHARD M. CANNON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Bishop and Mrs. James Cannon, Jr. Served with the Aviation Section Signal Corps. Private W. B. CANNON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Bishop and Mrs. James Cannon, Jr. Entered the service December 12, 1917; enlisted Medical Reserve Corps. Nottoway County, Va. 85 Private FRANCIS WALTER CARPER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Walter English and Eva (Bowyer) Carper; born in Fincastle, Va., June 27, 1895. Entered the service at Charlottesville, Va., May 23, 1918; served with Truck Drivers' Training School from May 23, 1918 to July 23, 1918; with 306th Sanitary Train, 322nd Field Hospital, 81st Division, from May 25, 1918, to June 29, 1919. Left the United States for overseas August 8, 1918; St. Die Sector from Sep- tember 20 to October 20, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive, November 9 to 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 20, 1919. Discharged June 29, 1919. Chauffeur, Blackstone, Va. Private W. G. CARTER CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 30, 1917; served with 1st Virginia Cavalry and 104th Ammu- nition Train. Private CHARLES CARY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. P. and Ada (Miller) Cary; born at Cary Shop, Nottoway County, Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 1, 1918; served with Company F, 17th Battalion, Infantry, Re- placement Camp. Discharged September 16, 1918. Farmer, near Blackstone, Va. 86 The Final Roster Private EDWARD HUGH CHAMBERS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John C. and Katherine (Cox) Chambers; born at Era, Dinwiddie County, Va., March 17, 1893. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., April 7, 1917 ; served with Battery A, 11th Field Artillery. Dis- charged Septemper 12, 1917. Bank Clerk, Richmond, Va. Private LEON CHAMBERS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John C. and Katherine (Cox) Chambers. Served with Quartermaster Corps, Camp Travis, Texas. Private FRED CHANDLER BTJRKEVILLE. VA. Son of Fred H. and Alta Bell Chandler; born at Norfolk, Neb., February 6, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 10th Company, 155th Depot Brigade, from May 26 to July 16, 1918; 51st Guard Company, Army Service Corps, from July 26 to November 28, 1918. American E. F., July 17, 1918, to March 3, 1919. Dis- charged March 26, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private EUGENE MARSHALL CHILDRESS CREWE, VA. Son of John E. and Ada A. Childress. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., October 16, 1917; served with Battery B, 35th Regiment, C. A. C, Nottoway County, Va. 87 from October 16, 1917, to December 5, 1918. Dis- charged December 5, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private LARKIN JAMES CLAY (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Isaac J. and Ila F. Clay; born at Wellville, Va., March 20, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1918 ; served with Company B, 47th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas July 25, 1918. Killed in action, Meuse-Argonne Offensive near Montfaucon, September 28, 1918. Buried in the Argonne American Cemetery, Grave No. 1232, at Romangne-Sous Mont- faucon, Meuse, France. Private A. B. COLE WELLVILLE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918. Private THOMAS G. COLEMAN CREWE, VA. Served with C. A. C, Va. N. G. Private H. F. COLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 25, 1917; served with 4th Virginia Infantry, Company A, and with 116th U. S. Infantry. 88 The Final Roster Private W. L. COSBY BTJRKEVILLE. VA. Private HOMER REGINALD CRAFTON CREWE, VA. Son of William R. and Julia S. Crafton; born in Lunenburg County, Va., December 18, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry, from September 22 to December 16, 1917; transferred to Company A, 38th Infantry, at Camp Greene, N. C; served with that organization from December 16, 1917, to February 7, 1918. Discharged February 7, 1918. Car Repairer, N. and W. Ry., Bluefield, W. Va. Private LEE CROWDER BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918. Private JAMES A. CULLETON CREWE, VA. Son of William F. and Cora C. Culleton; born in Nottoway County, Va., February 9, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; transferred to American Brake Shoe and Foundry Co., Era, Pa. Discharged January 13, 1919. Sawyer, Wake Forest, N. C. Nottoway County, Va. 89 Private FRANK J. DALTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of P. D. and Ida (Munford) Dalton; born at Blackstone, Va., 1899. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 25, 1917; served with the 2nd Virginia Infantry. Private WILLIAM DALTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of P. D. and Ida (Munford) Dalton; born at Blackstone, Va., December 18, 1895. Entered the service at Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1917; served with Company G, 1st Regiment, U. S. Engineers. Left the United States for overseas July, 1917; Marne Offensive, July 8 to 23, 1918; St. Mihiel from September 12 to 13, 1918 Meuse-Argonne from October 4 to 12, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 19, 1919. Discharged August 6, 1919. Clerk, Norfolk, Va. Private E. E. DUNFORD CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918. Private CLAUDE SHUFORD DRIVER BTJRKEVILLE. VA. Entered the service at Camp Greene, N. C, Septem- ber 16, 1918. 90 The Final Roster Private WILLIAM KING ELDRIDGE CREWE, VA. Son of William Henry and Sarah (Starr) Eldridge; born at Richmond, Va., September 18, 1894. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., September 10, 1918; assigned to 22nd Company, Recruit Camp No. 4, Camp Greene, N. C, from September 10 to November 8, 1918; Battery B, 10th Field Artillery, R. D., No- vember 8 to December 15, 1918, at Camp Jackson, S. C. Discharged December 15, 1918. Mechanical Engineer, Pittsburgh, Pa. Private ARCHIE QUENTON ELLETT BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of John Richard and Nannie Q. Ellett ; born in Nottoway County, Va., April 14, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918; served with Company B, 318th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; Artois Sector, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offen- sive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 16 to October 12, and from November 1 to 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 27, 1919. Discharged June 4, 1919. Saw Milling, Burkeville, Va. Private RAYMOND ELLIS CREWE, VA. Son of Joseph and Pattie S. Ellis ; born in Nottoway County, Va., March 6, 1896. Nottoway County, Va. 91 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 15th Company, 4th Training Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, from May 28 to August 21, 1918; 163rd Infantry from August 21, 1918, to February 15, 1919; 6th Company, 9th Battalion, 153rd Depot Brigade, from February 16, 1919, to February 28, 1919. American E. F. from July 21, 1918, to February 12, 1919. Discharged February 28, 1919. Farm Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private WILLIAM EDGAR ELLIS CREWE, VA. Son of Joseph and Pattie S. Ellis; born in Nottoway County, Va., May 2, 1893. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 27, 1918; 83rd Division from August 16 to September 18, 1918; 30th Division from September 25, 1918, to April 18, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 30, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 29 to Oc- tober 20, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas April 11, 1919. Discharged April 18, 1919. Flagman, R. F. and P. Ry., Richmond, Va. Private HARRIS H. EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Freeman and Rebecca C. (Robinson) Epes; born at Blackstone, Va., December 10, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; served with Company H, 317th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918 ; St. Juviar, November 1 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June, 1919. Discharged June, 1919. Traveling Salesman, Oklahoma City, Okla. 92 The Final Roster Private GORDON HURT EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Norman and Virginia Epes; born at Black- stone, Va., August 20, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; served with 30th Company, 155th Depot Brigade; Company B, 19th Battalion, Infantry; Re- placement Camp Company D, 7th Battalion; trans- ferred to Utilities Division, Construction Quartermas- ter Department, December 5, 1918. Discharged March 12, 1919. Bookkeeper, Blackstone, Va. Private LOUIS SPENCER EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Rev. Dr. Theodorick P. and Joanna Tyler (Spencer) Epes; born at Greenwich, Prince William County, Va., January 12, 1882. Entered the service at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; assigned to 15th Observation Battery, Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Tay- lor, Ky. Discharged December 6, 1918. Attorney-at-Law, Blackstone, Va. Private BURNELL P. FIRESHEETS CREWE, VA. Nottoway County, Va. 93 Private NORMAN WHITFIELD FIRESHEETS CREWE, VA. Son of Whit T. and Aurora L. Firesheets; born in Halifax County, Va., June 20, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., June 1, 1918; 68th Regiment of Engineers from June to De- cember, 1918; transferred to 54th Transportation Corps M. American E. F. from September 1, 1918, to Sep- tember 22, 1919. Discharged September 29, 1919. Railroad Employee, Crewe, Va. Private JAMES P. FISHER CREWE, VA. Served with Supply Company, 1st Virginia Field Artillery. Private BENJAMIN FREDENBURG (D) WELLVILLE, VA. Born in 1896. Entered the service at Camp Custis May 29, 1918. Rejected June 4, 1918, on account of physical dis- ability. Died October 24, 1918, of Spanish influenza. Private GRIFFITH C. GARDNER WELLVILLE, VA. Route No. 1 Son of Floyd and Amanda Gardner; born at Floyd, Va., September 5, 1890. 94 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; assigned to Company C, 10th Battalion, In- fantry Replacement Camp. Discharged December 17, 1918. Farmer, Tampico, 111. Private JESSIE F. GERBER CREWE, VA. Son of Fred and Hattie Gerber; born in Guthrie County, la., September 24, 1899. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., October 18, 1917; served with Battery C, 35th Regiment, C. A. Discharged December 5, 1918. Brakeman, Crewe, Va. Private WILLIE McGUIRE GRAMMAR BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway County, Va., September 22, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; served with 101st Provisional Company from October 30 to December 20, 1918; 41st Division from December 21, 1918, to February 20, 1919; transferred to a Service Battalion, American E. F., October 28, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Discharged July 16, 1919. Convict Guard, Amelia Courthouse, Va. Private W. A. GREENALL BLACKSTONE, VA. Served with the 116th Infantry. Nottoway County, Va. 95 Private THOMAS A. GREENALL BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 25, 1917 ; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry, and 116th U. S. Infantry. Private THOMAS W. GUY BLACKSTONE, VA. Private WILLIAM SCOTT GUY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Col. William S. and Lizzie (Bouldin) Guy; born in Nottoway County, Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 24, 1917; served with Company C, 318th Infantry, to De- cember, 1917; transferred to Headquarters' Company, 28th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas March 28, 1918; Aisne Defensive from June 1 to 8, 1918; Chateau-Thierry from July 6 to 14, 1918; Cham- pagne-Marne Defensive from July 15 to 18, 1918; Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 22 to 27, 1918; Vesle Sec- tor, August 4 to 12, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 20 to October 27; Army of Occupation, Germany, December 1, 1918, to June 20, 1919. Ar- rived in the United States from overseas July 3, 1919. Discharged July 7, 1919. Student at V. P. I., Blacksburg, Va. 96 The Final Roster Private JOHN H. HALSTEAD CREWE, VA. Son of J. P. and Margaret Halstead ; born in Beaver County, Pa. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 18, 1918; assigned to Company B, 1st Infantry Train- ing Battalion. Discharged February 8, 1919. Dairy Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private JULIUS WINSTON HAMILTON BURKEVILLE, YA. Son of T. C. and M. J. Hamilton; born at Burkeville, Va., February 7, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 14, 1917; assigned to Company B, 314th Machine Gun Battalion. Left the United States for overseas May 24, 1918; Artois Sector, July 31 to August 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 26 to October 11, 1918, and from November 1 to November 8, 1917. Ar- rived in the United States from overseas June 7, 1919. Discharged June 19, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private CHARLES A. HAMMOCK BLACKSTONE, VA. Nottoway County, Va. 97 Private RUSSELL VAUGHAN HARPER CREWE, VA. Son of C. Henry and Amanda R. Harper; born at Crewe, Va., July 22, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 18, 1918; assigned to Company I, Veterinary Training School. Discharged June 26, 1918. Salesman, Petersburg, Va. Private SELDEN STALEY HARRIS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. M. and Lunette (Philips) Harris; born at Blackstone, Va., April 16, 1891. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., May 10, 1918. Discharged May 17, 1918, for physical dis- ability. Clerk-Tobacco Sales, Blackstone, Va. Private HUGH TAYLOR HARRISON Son of John E. and Cora (Archer) Harrison; born at Richmond, Va., January 7, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; served with 1st Provisional Guard and Company A, S. D. Training Battalion. Discharged January 11, 1919. Draftsman, Richmond, Va. Private WILLIAM FOSTER HAWKINS CREWE, VA. Son of William W. and Annie (Branch) Hawkins; born at Crewe, Va., May 12, 1891. 98 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March, 1918; assigned to Headquarters' Company, 318th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 22, 1918; Artois Sector, July 23 to August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26 to October 12, and from November 1 to November 7, 1918. Ar- rived in the United States from overseas May 23, 1919. Discharged June 5, 1919. Clerk, South Norfolk, Va. Private ALLIE AGUSTUS HAWKS CREWE, VA. Son of John and Cora S. Hawks; born at Crewe, Va., September, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., December 6, 1917; served with 35th Regiment, C. A. C. Discharged December 5, 1918. Pipe-fitter, Crewe, Va. Private GEORGE EDWARD HAYMAKER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of E. L. and Ella Haymaker; born at Canton, Ohio, September 9, 1895. Entered the service at Cleveland, Ohio, June 14, 1917; served with Company B, 1st Ohio Engineers, from June 14, 1917, to August 15, 1917; with Company B, 112th Engineers, 37th Division, from August 15, 1917, to April 16, 1919. Left the United States for overseas June 21, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from Septem- ber 26, 1918, to October 5, 1918; Ypres-Lys Offensive from October 31 to November 4, 1918; Escault- Scheldt Nottoway County, Va. 99 from November 8 to 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas April 1, 1919. Discharged April 16, 1919. Private WATT LEE HAZELGROVE BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of John E. and Josephine L. Hazelgrove; born at Green Bay, Va., April 20, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to Company G, 11th Battalion, Infantry Re- placement Camp. Discharged August 15, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. Private THOMAS JESSE HERBERT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of William M. and Mollie P. Herbert; born in Lunenburg County, Va., July 19, 1894. Entered the service at Vancouver Barracks, Wash- ington, February 20, 1918; served with the 19th Squad- ron, A. S. A. P., at Vancouver, Washington. Dis- charged January 25, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private THOMAS BERGER HILL BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Benjamin R. and Minnie A. Hill; born at Burkeville, Va., September 27, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; served with the 10th Battalion, Infantry Replace- ment Camp, from September 27 to October 27, 1918; 101st Provisional Company from October 28 to Decern- 100 The Final Roster ber 27, 1918. American E. F. from October 28, 1918, to June 17, 1919; served as clerk in Central Record Of- fice during entire stay in France. Discharged June 17, 1919. Clerk, Cinderella, W. Va. Private JAMES RALPH HILL BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of R. R. and M. A. Hill; born at Burkeville, Va., September 2, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; Infantry Replacement Camp from September 6 to December 1, 1918; transferred to Motor Transport Corps. American E. F. from October 29, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 10, 1919. Mechanic, Burkeville, Va. Private J. W. HINES BURKEVILLE, VA. Born 1890. Entered the service September 22, 1917, at Camp Lee, Va. Discharged November 26, 1917. Private J. D. HUGHS, Jr. Entered the service June 30, 1917; served with 1st Virginia Cavalry. Private GOODE HUNDLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 25, 1917; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry. Nottoway County, Va. 101 Private RICHARD BOXLEY INGRAM CREWE, VA. Son of Richard H. and Helen S. Ingram; born in Nottoway County, Va., August 16, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company L, 317th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Artois Sector, July 23 to August 18; St. Mihiel Of- fensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to October 12, 1918, and November 1, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 2, 1919. Carpenter, Crewe, Va. Private ARTHUR BAGLEY JENKINS BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Philip N. and Cora E. Jenkins; born in Prince Edward County, Va., July 25, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; Infantry Replacement Camp from September 6 to October 21, 1918; 101st Provisional Company, S. A. R. D., from October 21 to December 17, 1918; Com- pany B, 163rd Infantry, December 17 to 31, 1918; 12th Company, Replacement Unit, December 31, 1918, to February 2, 1919; Headquarters' Company, Special Training Battalion, from February 2 to 21, 1919; Headquarters' Company, Classification Camp, from February 21 to April 28, 1919; Casual at St. Agnon, April 28 to June 9, 1919. American E. F. from Octo- ber 28, 1918, to June 2, 1919. Discharged June 9, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. 102 The Final Roster Private WILLIAM BRYAN JENNINGS CREWE, VA. Son of B. R. and S. A. Jennings; born at Crewe, Va., January 7, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1918; served with U. S. Corps of Engineers. Dis- charged December 10, 1918. Car Repairer, N. and W. Ry., Crewe, Va. Private JAMES POPE JONES CREWE, VA. Son of J. Baxter and Lizzie T. Jones ; born at Crewe, Va., February 23, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; assigned to the 19th Company, 155th Depot Brigade, from August to September, 1918; transferred in September to 20th Company, C. O. T. S.; trans- ferred to Base Hospital September 7 with influenza; transferred from hospital to 31st Company, C. O. T. S., October 1, 1918. Discharged December 3, 1918. Post-office Clerk, Richmond, Va. Private WALTER CAMPBELL JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Walter I. and Sue Betts (Jones) Jones; born at Roanoke, Va., May 31, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 25, 1918; served with 3rd and 4th Companies, 1st Training Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, at Camp Lee, Va. Discharged January 13, 1919. Salesman, Petersburg, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 103 Private CLAUDE MASTIN JONES CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmette P. Jones; born at Crewe, Va., September 27, 1891. Entered the service at Charlottesville, Va., July 23, 1918; served with Battery D, 38th Regiment, C. A. C, and with Headquarters' Battery, 38th C. A. C. Dis- charged December 10, 1918. Merchant, Crewe, Va. Private ALMONTE EPES JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Jones. Served with 4th Virginia Infantry and 116th U. S. Infantry. Private EDWARD MARION JAMES CREWE, VA. Son of Edward W. and Cora Lee (Robinette) James; born at Crewe, Va., November 24, 1892. Entered the service at Suffolk, Va., April 25, 1917; served with Company F, 4th Virginia Infantry; Com- pany E, 116th Infantry, 29th Division; Company A, 17th Battalion, U. S. Guards. Discharged January 9, 1919. Boiler-maker, Jacksonville, Fla. Private J. F. KENT CREWE, VA. Entered the service June 30, 1917; served with 1st Virginia Cavalry and 29th Division. 104 The Final Rostek Private DAVID CONOVER KETTLE CREWE, VA. Son of Mrs. Sallie W. Kettle; born at Greenville, S. C, November 18, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with Company B, 1st Training Battalion. Dis- charged December 15, 1918. Roundhouse Employee, Crewe, Va. Private J. C. KIDD CREWE, VA. Entered the service September 25, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Private CHARLES E. KREIDER (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Tobias E. and Ida Isabelle (Griffith) Kreider; born December 23, 1895, in Whitley County Ind. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; Company A, 317th Infantry, Camp Lee, until February 18, 1918; was then transferred to Camp Mer- ritt, and from there went overseas; Company H, 167th Infantry until killed in action in July, 1918. Private ASHY BUDD LAND BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of W. A. and M. Willie (Budd) Land; born at Blackstone, Va., November 6, 1893. Nottoway County, Va. 105 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 11, 1918; assigned to 26th Company, C. O. T. S.; trans- ferred to Base Hospital September 30, 1918, and on recovery was transferred to 32nd Company, C. O. T. S., October 14, 1918. Discharged December 3, 1918. Editor of Newspaper, Wakefield, Va. Private T. W. LANEAVE CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918. Private EDWARD G. LEE CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 17, 1918. Private WILBUR C. LEGGE WELLVILLE, VA. Son of N. F. and M. W. Legge; born at Tipton, W. Va., July 9, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with 15th Company, 4th Training Battalion, from June 10 to July 30, 1918. Left the United States for overseas June 30, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive, September 22 to November 11, 1918; Army of Occupation, Germany, from December 1, 1918 to April 18, 1919; served overseas with Company K, 163rd In- fantry, from August 20 to September 6, 1918; Com- pany K, 127th Infantry, 32nd Division, from Septem- ber 6, 1918, to May 5, 1919. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 5, 1919. Discharged May 20, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. 106 The Final Roster Private WILMER LONG CREWE, VA. Private JOE LETHERO CREWE, VA. Served with 1st Virginia Cavalry. Private ERNEST GILMER LUTTON CREWE, VA. Son of A. G. and M. I. Lutton; born at Crewe, Va., July 24, 1900. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., October 19, 1917; served with 3rd Company, C. A. C, Va. N. G. Discharged December 5, 1918. Clerk, Crewe, Va. Private LLOYD MAJORS (D) CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917. Killed in action. Private O. J. MAY BURKEVILLE, VA. Served with 2nd Virginia Infantry. Nottoway County, Va. 107 Private WILFRED MORTON MAYTON NOTTOWAY FALLS, VA. Son of E. H. and E. J. Mayton; born in Nottoway County, Va., September 6, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; assigned to Infantry Replacement Camp. Dis- charged December 21, 1918. Farmer, Nottoway Falls, Va. Private WALTER EDWARD MAYTON NOTTOWAY FALLS, VA. Son of Edward H. and Ella J. Mayton; born in Not- toway County, Va., February 18, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; served with Company L, 317th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sector, August 2 to 6, and 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive (Corps Reserve), September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne from September 25 to October 12, and November 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Farmer, Nottoway Falls, Va. Private CHARLES HUBERT MOOREFIELD CREWE, VA. Son of Thomas G. and Viola C. Moorefield; born at South Boston, Va., October 5, 1890. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 16, 1917; served with Company I, 4th Virginia Infantry, from April to November, 1917; Headquarters' Company, 108 The Final Roster 111th Field Artillery, from November, 1917, to July, 1918; Headquarters' Company, 140th Field Artillery, from July, 1918, to June, 1919. American E. F. from August 31, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 24, 1919. Carpenter, Crewe, Va. Private J. R. MORGAN, Jr. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 10th, 1918. Discharged July 14th, 1918. Private C. C. MURRAY CREWE, VA. Private HIRAM P. McDANIEL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. E. and Bettie McDaniel; born at Black- stone, Va., 1893. Entered the serviec at Vancouver, Washington, Feb- ruary 20th, 1918; served with Spruce Production Di- vision A. S. S. C. Discharged January 10th, 1919. Private JULIAN McDANIEL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. E. and Bettie McDaniel. Served with U. S. Cavalry at Samfoyde, Texas. Soldier, U. S. Army. Nottoway County, Va. 109 Private SAMUEL C. McDANIEL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. E. and Bettie McDaniel. Served with Ammunition Train. Private FRANK McINTOSH BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 25th, 1917. Served with Company "A," 2nd Virginia In- fantry; served overseas with 29th Division. Wounded in action. Private GEORGE SYDNOR McLAUGHLIN CREWE, ■ VA. Son of G. T. and A. M. McLaughlin; born at Ken- bridge, Va., September 2nd, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; served with Company L, 317th Infantry, from September 22, 1917 to May 10, 1918; transferred to 10th Company, 3rd Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade from May 10, to December 16, 1918. Discharged De- cember 16, 1918. Machinist Helper, Crewe, Va. Private ROBERT BILLUPS OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of R. B. and S. J. Oliver; born December 20, 1892, in Nottoway County, Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 1, 1918. Discharged August 7, 1918. Millwright, Sparrows Point, Md. 110 The Final Roster Private T. B. OSBORNE BURKEVILLE, VA. In service at Camp Custis, Anti-Air Craft Battalion. Private DARRELL A. OSBORNE BURKEVILLE, VA. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March 25, 1917. National Guard. Private SYDNOR CARTER PARHAM BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Robert A. and Etta Parham; born in Notto- way County, April 4, 1896. Entered service at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Feb- ruary 20, 1918. Discharged February 25, 1919. Norfolk, Va. Private V. C. PARR CREWE, VA. Field Artillery. Private HERMAN E. PARRISH NOTTOWAY, VA. Entered service September 6, 1918. Discharged September 12, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. Ill Private JESSE TALMAGE PATTERSON WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway County, Va., February 7, 1891. Entered the service at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., February 20, 1918; Spruce Production Division A. S. S. Co. Discharged January 25, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private JOSEPH C. D. PITTMAN CREWE, VA. Son of Isham W. and Mollie V. Pittman; born at Selmar, N. C, October 11, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917. Camp Quartermasters Department from Sep- tember 22, 1917 to April 15, 1918; School for cooks and bakers from April 15, 1918 to February 9, 1919. Discharged February 9, 1919. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private CHARLES C. PLUNKETT LYNCHBURG, VA. Born, 1889. Accepted for limited service at Camp Greene, N. C, August 30, 1918. Private ROBERT LEE PURYEAR NOTTOWAY C. H M VA. Son of William Henry and Luna (Coleman) Pur- year; born in Lunenburg County, Va., May 9, 1893. 112 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918 ; assigned to Infantry Replacement Camp. Discharged December 15, 1918. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private HOWARD M. PUR YEAR CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Chase City, Va., March 25, 1917. Private JOHN KIRK RICHARDSON CREWE, VA. Son of George W. and Lilia (Love) Richardson; born at Crewe, Va., March 14, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., October 18, 1917; enlisted in Medical Reserve Corps and remained at College. Study of medicine, Richmond, Va. Private LLOYD A. RICKERT BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Custis, March 29, 1918. Private HENRY D. REDFERN BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918. Private ERNEST R. REDMAN CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 113 Private SAMUEL C. ROBERTS CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 30, 1917; served with First Virginia Cavalry and 29th Division. Private CHARLES EDWARD ROBERTSON CREWE, VA. Son of R. M. and Elizabeth (Lee) Robertson; born at Crewe, Va., February 17, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; assigned to 15th Company, 4th Training Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade. Discharged June 13, 1918. Merchant, Crewe, Va. Private GEORGE HERBERT ROBERTSON CREWE, VA. Son of Emmett and Pattie W. Robertson; born in Nottoway Co., Va., February 6, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; assigned to Company D, 164th Infantry, 41st Division; A. E. F. from February 23, 1918, to March 8, 1919. Discharged March, 1919. Clerk, Crewe, Va. Private J. H. ROBERTSON CREWE, VA. Entered the service Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917. 114 The Final Roster Private WALTER E. ROBERTSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1917; served in Company A, 317th Infantry. Wounded in action October, 1918. Private SPOTTSWOOD B. ROBINSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of E. B. and Lucy (Overby) Robinson. Served with 2nd Virginia Infantry. Private A. STEPHEN ROWLETT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Willie T. and Lucy Jane Rowlett; born at Blackstone, Va. In service at Camp Lee, Va. Private VOYLE D. RIBLEY WELLVILLE, VA. Son of R. R. and Hattie L. Ribley; born 1897. Entered service at Petersburg, Va., March 21, 1917. Field Artillery. Private J. C. RODENIZER BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918; served with A. E. F. Nottoway County, Va. 115 Private HERMAN H. SCHUTT BURKEVILLE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918. Private FRED CARL SCHUTT BURKEVILLE, VA, Son of Herman and Helen Schutt; born at Oconto Co., Wisconsin, September 2, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 1, 1918; 3rd Company First Training Battalion from August 1, to September 1, 1918; 3rd Ordnance Supply Co., Meutchen, N. J., from September 1, 1918 to March 25, 1919. Discharged March 25, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private EDWARD BERNARD SHELL CREWE, VA. Son of R. B. and Rosa Shell; born at Crewe, Va., January 8, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 28, 1918; served with 314th Field Artillery from April 4, to May 1, 1918; 317th Infantry from May 1, 1918 to June 13, 1919. Left the United States for overseas May 26, 1918; Picardy Sector, Somme Offensive August 8 to 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from September 26 to Oc- tober 5, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive from September 12 to 16, 1918. Arrived in United States from overseas June 8, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Brakeman, Crewe, Va. 116 The Final Roster Private FARRAR V. SHELTON BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Theodore P. and Mattie (Farrar) Shelton; born at El Paso, Texas, September 2, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1918; assigned to 14th Company, First Service Battalion. Discharged July 19, 1918. Agricultural Instructor, Driver, Va. Private EMMETT VAIDEN SLAUGHTER CREWE, VA. Son of Calvin and Ella Slaughter; born at Wellville, Va., June 24, 1892. Entered the service at Fort Thomas, Ky., June 7, 1917; served with Battalion E, 19th Field Artillery, 5th Division. Left the United States for overseas May 27, 1918; St. Die Sector July 30 to August 22, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive September 12 to 14, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 22, 1919. Dis- charged July 29, 1919. Barber, Crewe, Va. Private a CLAUDE SMITH CREWE, VA. Entered the service September 22, 1917, at Camp Lee, Va. Private G. R. SMITH CREWE, VA. Entered service May 21, 1918, at Fort Thomas, Ky. Nottoway County, Va. 117 Private JOHN CLIFFORD SPAIN BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Thomas F. and Sarah Spain; born at Black- stone, Va., June 20, 1901. Entered the service at Farmville, Va., March, 1917; served with Company A, 2nd Virginia Infantry. Dis- charged March, 1918. Painter, Blackstone, Va. Private E. STENDER CREWE, VA. Entered the service May 26, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Private P. A. STRUMM CREWE, VA. Entered the service March 29, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Private W. B. SMALL (D) CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1918. Died of Spanish Influenza. Private CHARLES STRUMM CREWE, VA. 118 The Final Roster Private WILLIE T. THOMPSON CREWE, VA. Son of John J. and Minnie V. Thompson; born in Amelia County, Va., January 6, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; assigned to Company L, 9th Battalion, Infantry Replacement Camp. Discharged December 12, 1918. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private HERBERT LEE TRAYLOR CREWE, VA. Son of M. H. and Mary C. Traylor; born at Crewe, Va., February 18, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, May 10, 1918; served with Company A, 54th Infantry from May 28 to August 27, 1918 ; Company C, 54th Infantry, August 27 to December 15, 1918; 6th Division Head- quarters G 2, December 15, 1918, to May 18, 1919. Left the United States for overseas July 6, 1918; Vosges and Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 10, 1919. Discharged June 24, 1919. Clerk, Crewe, Va. Private BOYSE CRAYTON TURNER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Turner; born at Ches- terfield County, S. C, January 14, 1891. Entered the service at New York City, September 24, 1917; served with Company H, 47th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas April 9, 1918. Second Nottoway County, Va. 119 battle of the Marne August 7, 1918. Wounded in right arm, August 7, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas September 29, 1918. Discharged Jan- uary 6, 1919. Laundryman, 2860 Creston Ave., New York City. Private J. WILLIAM TUNSTALL CREWE, VA. Entered the service September 22, 1917, at Camp Lee, Va. Private E. G. ULREY CREWE, VA. Armed Guard City Park Barracks. Private HENRY R. UPSON WELLVILLE, VA. Entered the service February 20, 1918 at Vancouver Barracks, Washington ; served with Spruce Production Division, A. S. S. C. Private H. F. UTLEY (D) PETERSBURG, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 28, 1918. Suicide, Richmond, Va., June 6, 1918. Private MINYARD DOWLEY VERNON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Jesse Witt and Bettie W. Vernon; born in Prince Edward County, Va., December 16, 1895. 120 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1918; 101st Provisional Company, October 28 to De- cember 19, 1918; 116th Supply Train, December 19, 1918, to February 1, 1919; 314th Supply Train from February 1 to June 9, 1919; A. E. F., October 28, 1918, to May 31, 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Soldier M. T. C, Camp Lee, Va. Private THOMAS DELAFAYETTE WALKER (D) CREWE, VA. Son of Jefferson D. and Nannie (Chisholm) Walker; born in Nottoway County, Va., December 25, 1886. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917. Died of pneumonia. Private JAMES WAVERLY WALKER BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of J. W. and E. V. Walker; born August 30, 1896. Entered the service September 6, 1918; 101 Provis- ional Company, October 28, 1918, to December 19, 1918; 116 Supply Train, December 19 to February 1, 1919; 314th Supply Train, February 1, 1919, to June 9, 1919. Left for overseas October 27, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas May 31, 1919. Dis- charged June 11, 1919. Soldier M. T. C. 671, Camp Lee, Va. Private FRENCH WEST WATERS BURKEVILLE, VA. Entered service at Camp Lee, Va., March 29, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 121 Private GEORGE WATKINS CREWE, VA. Private THOMAS LINNIE WATTS CREWE, VA. Son of W. T. and M. I. Watts; born in Lunenburg County, Va., September 29, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917; assigned to Company G, 317th Infantry, 80th Division. Left the United States for overseas May 25, 1918; Artois Sector, August 2 to 6, and 16 to 18, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 26 to October 5, 1918; Meuse Argonne, 2 to 6, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 1, 1919. Discharged June 13, 1919. Brakeman, Crewe, Va. Private CLAUDE WEBB BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service March 29, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Private W. W. WHITMORE Entered the service March 29, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Private WILLIAM FRANK WIDGINS CREWE, VA. Son of W. H. and Alice M. Widgins ; born in Peters- burg, Va., April 3, 1895. 122 The Final Roster Entered the service at Richmond, Va., April 30, 1917; served with First Virginia Cavalry from April 30 to December 5, 1917; 104th Ammunition Train from De- cember 5, 1917 to May 31, 1919; A. E. F., June 29, 1918, to May 21, 1919. Discharged May 31, 1919. Electrical Engineer, Crewe, Va. Private FRANCIS WILLARD WILSON CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson; born in Crewe, Va., August 3, 1899. Entered the service at Charlottesville, Va., October 15, 1918; Motor Training Camp from October 15 to December 17, 1918. Discharged December 17, 1918. Clerk, Crewe, Va. Private JEROME AYERS WILSON WELLVILLE, VA. Son of O. S. and Annie L. Wilson; born at Wellville, Va., May 10, 1891. Entered the service at Charlottesville, Va., July 23, 1918; served with Company C, Motor Training Detach- ment to September 25, 1918; 20th Company C. A. C, Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to November 3, 1918; Battery F, 32nd Field Artillery to December 6, 1919. Dis- charged December 6, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private LINWOOD E. WILSON CREWE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Greene, N. C, August 30, 1917. Discharged September 21, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 123 Private J. E. WORSHAM CREWE, VA. Entered the service November 27, 1917. Discharged January 18, 1918. Private THOMAS B. WORSHAM CREWE, VA. Son of D. G. and Mary E. Worsham. Entered the service at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, May 10, 1918; served with Company E, 54th Infantry; A. E. F., from July 6, 1918 to January 1, 1919. Discharged February 6, 1919. Boiler-maker's helper, Washington, D. C. Private W. C. WOODS JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Private W. H. WOOD CREWE, VA. Private LAWRENCE LEROY YATES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Lewis B. and Hattie W. Yates; born in Not- toway Co., Va., September 7, 1894. 124 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 25, 1918; served with Company G, 330th Infantry, from Septem- ber 23 to October 10, 1918; Company L, 11th Infantry, from October 15, 1918, to June 5, 1919. Left the United States for overseas August 4, 1918; Verdun Sec- tor from November 2 to 10, 1918. Received shrapnel wound in left forearm November 10, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas January 22, 1919. Dis- charged June 5, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private L. H. YEATTS (D) BURKEVILLE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 22, 1917. Killed in Action. (Reported in Casualty List, November 21, 1918. Private HOGE WILLIS YOUNG BLACKSTONE,, VA. Son of B. W. and Adelaide Young; born at Burke- ville, Va., April 28, 1899. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 7, 1918; Infantry unassigned and Candidate Central Of- ficers' Training School, Camp Lee, Va. Discharged December 7, 1918. Teacher, Blackstone, Va. Private ALBERT JULIUS ZASTROW BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of William G. and Julia Zastrow; born in Co- lumbia Co., Wis., January 12, 1893. Nottoway County, Va. 125 Entered the service at Camp Greene, N. C, August 30, 1918; assigned to 13th Company, 4th Recruiting Camp. Discharged December 21, 1918. Sawmilling, Burkeville, Va. Students' Army Training Corps University of Virginia ROY HENDERSON BIBLE CREWE, VA. GEORGE CRALLE HURT BLACKSTONE, VA. WALLACE FRANKLIN JENKINS CREWE, VA. JOHN LOVE MORING CREWE, VA. 126 The Final Roster Students 3 Army Training Corps Virginia Polytechnic Institute CAMPBELL FLETCHER EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. WESLEY ATKINS PERKINS BLACKSTONE, VA. HENRY BURWELL ROBINSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Students 3 Army Training Corps William and Mary College PERCY HUNTER FARLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. JAMES THOMAS JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Nottoway County, Va. 127 Students' Army Training Corps Hampden-Sidney College THEODORE EARL DEANE BLACKSTONE, VA. HANSFORD MUSE EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. RUSSELL BRAME IRBY BLACKSTONE, VA. ANDY DALE REED BLACKSTONE, VA. Students' Army Training Corps Randolph-Macon College ISHAM TROTTER HARDY BLACKSTONE, VA. 128 The Final Roster Students'' Army Training Corps University of North Carolina HARRY FOREST HENSON, Jr. CREWE, VA. Students' Army Training Corps Georgia School of Technology EWELL H. SOMERS BURKEVILLE, VA. Students' Army Training Corps Jefferson Medical School, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAM STERLING WOODY CREWE, VA. Students' Army Training Corps Virginia Military Institute FRANCIS B. HARDY BLACKSTONE, VA. Nottoway County, Va. 129 HENRY LAND BLACKSTONE, VA. U. S. Navy Chief Storekeeper MASSENBERG DILLARD EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Freeman and Rebecca C. (Robinson) Epes; born at Blackstone, Va., April 9, 1899. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., June 20, 1918; stationed at Portsmouth Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va.; transferred to inactive duty, January 29, 1919. Bank Clerk, Richmond, Va. U. S. Navy Yeoman 2nd Class CECIL GLEN ROBISON BLACKSTONE,, VA. Son of Henry Lee and Jennie Frances Robison ; born at Buckhannon, W. Va., January 27, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 4, 1917; U. S. S. Arkansas, with Rear Admiral Rogers' Staff, from August 24, 1917, to February 28, 1918; U. S. S. Seattle Flag Ship of the Cruiser and Transport Force from June 1, 1918, to December 11, 1919; balance of enlistment at Pelham Naval Station, Pelham Bay, N. Y., and Receiving Ship at N. Y. Discharged October 21, 1919. Merchant, Blackstone, Va. 130 The Final Roster U. S. Navy Pharmacist Mate 2nd Class CHARLES CAMERON CARDOZO BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of M. C. and Alice Turnbull (Claiborne) Car- dozo; born in Lunenburg Co., Va., September 24, 1886. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., June 7, 1917; U. S. N. Hospital Corps from June 7, 1917, to October 4, 1917; Detachment Service with 6th Regiment U. S. Marine Corps from October 4, 1917, to October 2, 1918; U. S. America from October 2, 1918, to February 3, 1919, A. E. F., from October 31, 1917, to October, 1918. Discharged February 3, 1919 Insurance, Blackstone, Va. U. S. Navy Machinist Mate First Class WILLIAM IRBY, Jr. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of William and Mattie Irby; born at Blackstone, Va., March 8, 1897. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., July 1, 1918; Naval Base, Norfolk, Va., from July 1 to September 1, 1918; U. S. Naval Experiment Station, Annapolis, Md., from September 1, 1918, to January, 1919. Dis- charged January 9, 1919. Teacher, Burkeville, Va. U. S. Navy Mechanic Mate First Class, Aviation WYNDHAM BOLLING REAGER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Louis and Mary Reager; born at Lexington, Ky., October 25, 1896. Nottoway County, Va. 131 Entered the service at Buffalo, N. Y., June 3, 1918; Great Lakes Naval Station, Chicago, 111., and Aeronau- tical School, Columbia University, New York City. Discharged February 2, 1919. Motor Tester, Flint, Mich. U. S. Navy Fireman First Class MOTT ALLEN CUMBY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. J. and Lizzie R. Cumby; born in Virginia, August 1, 1899. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., October 3, 1917; U. S. S. Connecticut from February 13 to May 10, 1918; Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, May 17 to Sep- tember 5, 1918; U. S. S. Felix Taussig from September 13, 1918, to June 6, 1919. A. E. F., from September 17, 1918, to March, 1919. Discharged October 8, 1919. Blackstone, Va. U. S. Navy HANFORD WAYLAND DODSON CREWE, VA. Son of J. T. and Mary E. Dodson; born at Crewe, Va., October 25, 1899. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., April 4, 1917; U. S. S. North Dakota; U. S. S. Maine; U. S. S. Ken- tucky; U. S. S. Old Colony; U. S. S. Napation; U. S. S. Long Beach; U S. S. Lake Silver. A. E. F., from November 21, 1917, to July 17, 1919. Discharged August 20, 1919. Crewe, Va. 132 The Final Roster U. S. Navy Fireman First Class CLINTON ELLSWORTH MATTHEW BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John Riley and Caroline Matthew; born in Preston Co., W. Va., August 7, 1895. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., January 31, 1918; assigned to Stevedore Company from June 27, 1918 to October 28, 1918; U. S. Navy from October 28, 1918, to September 26, 1919. Discharged Septem- ber 26, 1919. Laborer, Parsons, W. Va. U. S. Navy Seaman OTIS WARRINER SHORTER CREWE, VA. Son of W. J. and Rosa V. Shorter; born at Crewe, Va., October 30, 1894. Entered the service February 26, 1918; U. S. S. Mar- garet, Mine Sweeper, for five months; transferred to Receiving Ship, Richmond; Inactive Status, December 31, 1918. Brakeman, N. & W., Crewe, Va. U. S. Navy Seaman FREDDIE MARSON SOWERS CREWE, VA. Son of T. J. and Fannie A. Sowers; born at Crewe, Va., March 13, 1893. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., December 13, 1917; served at St. Helena Training Station, Norfolk, Va.; U. S. S. Wisconsin; U. S. S. Reina Mercedes, An- napolis, Md. Discharged March 25, 1919. Fireman, N. & W. Ry., Petersburg, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 133 U. S. Navy Coppersmith First Class GEORGE DOSS WINTER CREWE, VA. Son of George and M. E. Winter; born at Belvidere, Tenn., October 2, 1889. Entered the service at Decatur, 111., June 24, 1918; trained at Great Lakes Training Station, Chicago, 111. Discharged May 26, 1919. Locomotive Pipe Fitter, Decatur, 111. U. S. Navy Boatswain Mate First Class PERNARD PAGE HOLLOWAY CREWE, VA. Born in Chesterfield Co., Va., September 17, 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., March 24, 1915; St. Helena Naval Training Station from March 24, 1915, to October 5, 1918; U. S. S. Minnesota from October 5, 1918, to January 1, 1919; U. S. S. South Carolina from January 1, 1919, to February 14, 1919; U. S. S. Alabama from February 14, 1919, to Septem- ber 16, 1919. Discharged September 16, 1919. Rigger, Philadelphia, Pa. U. S. Navy Boilermaker JOSEPH IRBY BROWN CREWE, VA. Son of W. B. and W. E. Brown; born at Crewe, Va., January 24, 1895. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 11, 1917; U. S. Navy from April 11, 1917, to October 14, 1919. A. E. F., from November 25, 1917, to December 26, 1918. Discharged October 14, 1919. Boilermarker, Crewe, Va. 134 The Final Roster U. S. Navy WILLIAM ALBERT HOBBS CREWE, VA. Son of G. W. and Ida Hobbs; born at Petersburg, Va., July 8, 1888. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 12, 1917; St. Helena Training Station from April 12 to Decem- ber 18, 1917; U. S. S. Mississippi from December 18, 1917, to October 15, 1919. Discharged October 15, 1919. Boilermaker, Crewe, Va. U. S. Navy Electric Radio BERTIE EVERETT BAILEY BURKEVILLE,, VA. Son of D. A. and S. F. Bailey; born at Quinton, Va., June 5, 1894. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 13, 1918; U. S. Navy Radio Communication, Hampton Roads, Va. Discharged January 3, 1919. Telegraph Operator, Burkeville, Va. U. S. Navy Musician First Class GEORGE STANLEY MARTIN CREWE, VA. Son of G. C. and M. C. Martin; born at Glasden, Ala., May 30, 1897. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., June 10, 1918; U. S. Naval Base, Hampton Roads, Va., and U. S. S. Martha Washington. Discharged May 20, 1919. Locomotive Pipe Fitter, Roanoke, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 135 U. S. Navy Seaman RICHARD BALDWIN BAGLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Isham Trotter and Sudie (Seay) Bagley; born at Kenbridge, Va., February 20, 1897. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., June 17, 1918; U. S. Naval Supply Depot, Norfolk, Va. Discharged December 20, 1918. Insurance, Blackstone, Va. Seaman HOWARD BORDEAU BUEKEVILLE. VA. U. S. Navy Seaman WALTER ALFRED CLAYTON CREWE, VA. Son of W. A. and B. T. Clayton; born at Crewe, Va., September 27, 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., November 5, 1917; A. E. F., from June 26, 1918, to November 3, 1918. Discharged May 26, 1919. Carpenter, Crewe, Va. U. S. Navy Seaman A. E. CLINGENPEEL CREWE, VA. Served on U. S. S. Madawaska. Crewe, Va. 136 The Final Rostee U. S. Navy Seaman EDWARD D. EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Copeland D. and Mary C. (Harrison) Epes; born at Nottoway, Va., June 24, 1888. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., April 29, 1918; U. S. Naval Supply Depot, Norfolk, Va. Discharged December 13, 1918. Secretary and Treasurer, Epes-Fitzgerald Paper Co., Richmond, Va. U. S. Navy Seaman F. M. FERGUSON CREWE, VA. U. S. Navy Seaman HUGH LEE GARRETT CREWE, VA. Son of Hugh A. and Irene J. Garrett ; born at Mont- vale, Va., September 28, 1889. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., June 1, 1917 ; A. E. F., from November 4, 1917 to August 15, 1919. Discharged September 25, 1919. Signal Maintainer, Crewe, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 137 U. S. Navy Seaman JOHN ARTHUR HARDY, Jr. BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. A. and Julia P. Hardy; born at Black- stone, Va., November 29, 1896. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., August 12, 1918; U. S. Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Va. Dis- charged January 24, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. U. S. Navy Seaman W. SIDNEY JONES CREWE, VA. U. S. Navy Seaman P. R. KELLY CREWE, VA. U. S. Navy Seaman MALCOLM LUSH CREWE, VA. Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. 138 The Final Roster U. S. Navy Seaman WILFRED PRESTON MADDUX BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John W. and Pattie J. Maddux; born in Not- toway Co., Va., May 6, 1897. Entered the service at Hampton Roads, Va., July 1, 1918; Naval Operating Base; Inaction Status, Decem- ber 6, 1918. Blackstone, Va. U. S. Navy Seaman WARREN ALPHEUS OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of T. B. and Ellen S. Oliver; born at Crewe, Va., September 4, 1899. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 15, 1918; U. S. S. Madawaska; U. S. S. Susquehanna; U. S. S. Illinois; Recruiting Ship, Norfolk, Va. Discharged October 12, 1919. Crewe, Va. U. S. Navy Seaman CHARLES PLATER CREWE, VA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Plater. Entered the service April 7, 1917; served on U. S. S. Turner. Seaman, U. S. Navy. U. S. Navy Seaman FRED S. SCADDEN BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service June 16, 1917. Nottoway County, Va. 139 U. S. Navy Seaman HAYNIE HATCHETT SEAY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of H. H. and Mattie (Davis) Seay; born at Blackstone, Va., January 12, 1894. Entered the service at Washington, D. C, May 1, 1918; District Bases and Patrols, Fifth Naval District, Norfolk, Va. Discharged December 11, 1918. Student, Graduate College, Princeton, N. J. U. S. Navy Seaman WILLIAM E. SLAUGHTER BLACKSTONE, VA. U. S. Navy Seaman RICHARD TUGGLE BLACKSTONE, VA. U. S. Navy Seaman M. A. ULRICH CREWE, VA. 140 The Final Roster U. S. Navy Seaman W. W. WALSH CREWE,, VA. Served on U. S. S. Hampshire. U. S. Navy Seaman C. C. WARRINER CREWE, VA. U. S. Navy Seaman WILLIAM PRESTON WILSON CREWE, VA. Son of W. T. and Sallie Wilson; born at Crewe, Va., 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., August 7, 1918; Great Lakes, 111., and Norfolk, Va. Discharged November 11, 1919. Salesman, Norfolk, Va. U. S. Marine Corps First Sergeant EDWARD MONCURE IRBY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Walter M. and Petronella Irby; born at Blackstone, Va., March 11, 1892. Entered the service at Paris Island, S. C, January 13, 1918; trained recruits for U. S. Marine Corps at Nottoway County, Va. 141 Paris Island, S. C, from January 13, 1918, to April 5, 1919; qualified as expert Rifleman; transferred to Inactive Status April 5, 1919. Traveling Salesman, Blackstone, Va. U. S. Marine Corps Cook WILLIAM WALLACE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Dr. W. F. and Lizzie (Epes) Wallace; born at Burkeville, Va., June 9, 1893. Entered the service at Paris Island, S. C, February 14, 1918; served with Extra Duty Detachment from May 1 to November 6, 1918; 32nd Machine Gun Bat- talion to January 16, 1919; 197th Company, 2 Machine Gun Battalion, 6th Provisional Brigade, Santiago, Cuba; A. E. F. (Cuba) , from January 15, 1919 to May 15, 1919; Inactive Status, June 20, 1919. Blackstone, Va. U. S. Marine Corps Sergeant LLOYD R. DAVIS CREWE, VA. Served with U. S. Marines. U. S. Marine Corps Private First Class WILLIAM WILSON WARD CREWE, VA. \ Son of F. A. and India (Wilson) Ward; born in Chi- cago, 111., August 21, 1897. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 16, 1917; served on the U. S. S. New Jersey from July 7, 1917, 142 The Final Roster to May 23, 1918; served with 5th Regiment Marines, 2nd Division, from October 16, 1918, to September 18, 1919. Left the United States for overseas August 13, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive November 1 to 11, 1918; Army of Occupation, Niederbreitbach, Germany; member of 5th Regiment Marines Rifle Team. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 1, 1919. Dis- charged September 18, 1919. Student University of Chicago, Illinois. Private U. S. Marine Corps ARCHER LEE COBB BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Benjamin E. and Margaret ( Westray) Cobb born at Ford, Dinwiddie Co., Va., September 23, 1894 Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 24, 1918 U. S. Marine Recruiting Camp, Paris Island, S. C. from May 24 to July 18, 1918; Marine Detachment U S. S. Sialia from July 18, 1918, to January 19, 1919 Special Duty as Guard and Confidential Messenger to Rear Admiral Hilary P. Jones, U. S. M. C; Reserve status from January 18 to May 30, 1919. Discharged May 30, 1919. Asst. Cashier First National Bank, Blackstone, Va. Private U. S. Marine Corps CLARENCE HUNDLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of S. W. and Edith R. Hundley; born in Notto- way Co., Va., December 2, 1895. Entered the service at Paris Island, S. C, December 14, 1917; assigned to 6th Regiment U. S. Marines from April 10, 1918, to August 13, 1919. Left the United Nottoway County, Va. 143 States for overseas March 14, 1918; Chateau Thierry from June 2 to 6, 1918; Aisne-Marne Offensive from July 17 to 19, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 19, 1918; Marbache Sector, August 7 to 17, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November 1 to 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas August 4, 1919. Discharged August 13, 1919. Shipping Clerk, Wholesale Grocery House, Rich- mond, Va. Private U. S. Marine Corps JOSEPH ADDISON JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of James F. and Annie C. Jones; born at Black- stone, Va., 1894. Entered the service at Philadelphia, November 1916; served with 19th Company, First Regiment U. S. Ma- rine Heavy Artillery. Discharged August 1918. Blackstone, Va. Private U. S. Marine Corps JAMES JOHN MATTOX (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of J. H. and Margaret (Daugherty) Mattox; born in Sullivan Co., Tenn., June 26, 1894. Entered the service at Paris Island, S. C, December 20, 1917. Died of Influenza at Philadelphia, Pa., Octo- ber 1, 1918. Private U. S. Marine Corps CURTIS G. RAND BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Entered the service November 29, 1917. Personal Memorandum Nottoway County, Va. 145 PERSONAL MEMORANDUM 146 The Final Roster PERSONAL MEMORANDUM ,j^ M j M 3 M j M 3 M g M j M j^ M j M j^$ M j^^j^j^j^^j..j.*X^ Cole- Williams Co., Inc. BIGGEST STOCK II :: BIGGEST VALUES Men's, Women's and Boys' Clothing of every Description 'T'HE Famous WALK-OVER and 1 DOROTHY DODD SHOES for Men and Women. DRY GOODS and NOTIONS of all Kinds, at all times. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HATS and CAPS, made by the best manufacturers. We also carry a full line of R UGS, DRUGGETS, and LINOLEUMS, TRUNKS and SUIT CASES. QUICK SERVICE, QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS' OUR MOTTO Blackstone /. .'. .'. Virginia Main Street Garage Sole Agents in Nottoway County FOR Ford Cars Accessories for all Cars Repair Work Our Specialty Proprietors : T. J. HOLDEN J. H. IRBY Blackstone .'. .'. .'. Virginia A4MM>4 t 4 > 4 w fr < M w i > 4 w 8 M i t ^ > 4 w t > ^ * fr * t * * & * * i ' ' I * ' 5 1 * { * * 8 * * S * ' I * ' I 1 ' I 1 ' I * ' I ' ' I ' ' ? * * S * * } * * I * * i * * { * * { * • I wSMiMJM f ■ * ? * * S * * S M Win the Victory EVERY TIME IN YOUR EFFORTS TO MAKE PROFITABLE CROPS BY USING ONLY Blood and Bone^-Tankage FERTILIZERS Manufactured by BLAGKSTONE GUANO GOMPANY, Inc. Blackstone :: :: Virginia "BEST BY TEST SINGE 1884" J. M. POWELL President J. L. COBB Vice-President J. M. BUCK Secretary & Treas Nottoway Motor Corporation Incorporated DEALERS IN Buick and Maxwell Automobiles Republ 1C Trucks Complete Line of Parts, Repairs and Accessories Repair Department In Charge of Expert Mechanics BLACKSTONE, VIRGINIA t f x t * The Nottoway Record & Amelia Farmer Q[ Published every Fri- day at Crewe, Virginia. Subscription price $1 .50 per year. As an able and fearless champion of the leading reforms of the day, the Record finds a place in the best homes in Nottoway and Amelia Counties. It is therefore unsurpassed as an advertising medium. Try it and be con- vinced. Rates made known on application. G. B. CORRIE CREWE, VIRGINIA Sfetoeler anli optician EDISON Diamond Disc Phonographs and Records OUR SLOGAN: 'Satisfied Customers" Opthalhometer EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED PROPERLY »$*&&&'$^"$v$^^^^~Z^*$**b>*^%^~i** : ^^ G. H. EPES, President BRANCH BRAGG, Secretary and Treasurer Brags =€pes jfurntture Co* Incorporated House Furnishers Blackstone :: Virginia J. P. BELL GOMPANY INCORPORATED LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA Printers Stationers Engravers Booksellers v MAIL US YOUR ORDERS wJ«j»*JMJ»«$»«$»«i*«J»«$»«j»«§»«j»«§»«$»«§»«§*«$M$M$M$»^ Colored Soldiers of Nottoway County, Va. Sergeant WILLIE GARFIELD HICKS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Eddie and Mary Hicks; born in Nottoway Co., Va., January 8, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 155th Depot Brigade, Camp Lee, Va. Discharged December 11, 1918. Driller, Blackstone, Va. Sergeant FRED DOUGLAS JACKSON CREWE, VA. Son of Willie and Clarissa Jackson; born in Notto- way Co., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 29, 1918;served 6 months with 41st Service Battalion, 4 months with 42nd Service Battalion, and 3 months with 43rd Service Battalion. Discharged July 6, 1919. Flue Blower, Crewe, Va. Sergeant ISAAC JAMES WILLIAMS CREWE, VA. Son of Thomas H. and Rosa Williams; born in Not- toway Co., Va., May 9, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 47th Company, 12 Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, from June 19 to October 13, 1918; transferred 154 The Final Roster to 355th Labor Battalion, Newport News, Va.; A. E. F., from November 12, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Dis- charged July 18, 1919. Stevedore, Norfolk, Va. Cook SAMPSON FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Harrison Fitzgerald; born in Nottoway Co., Va., May 14, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 41st Company, 11th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade and with Company 863, Transport Corps; A. E. F., from October 13, 1918, to October 4, 1919. Discharged October 9, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Cook WALTER JENNINGS CREWE, VA. Son of Wesley and Mary Eliza Jennings; born in Nottoway Co., Va., February, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918 ; served with 15th Company, 4th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, from June 19, 1918, to March 3, 1919. Dis- charged March 3, 1919. Cook, Crewe, Va. Cook ROY WILSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Mary Wilson; born in Nottoway Co., Va,, July 5, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 25, 1918; served with 41st Company, 11th Training Bat- Nottoway County, Va. 155 talion, Camp Lee, Va., and with Company A, 446th Service Battalion at Camp Mills, N. Y. Discharged June 30, 1919. Laborer, Philadelphia, Pa. Cook DANIEL WOODRUM NOTTOWAY,, VA. Son of John and Alma Woodrum; born at Notto- way, Va., June 15, 1889. Entered the sendee at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 41st Company, 155th Depot Brigade, and with 13th Company, 155th Depot Brigade. Dis- charged February 24, 1919. Cigar Worker, Richmond, Va. Corporal WAVERLY CARTWRIGHT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Albert and Virginia Cartwright; born at Nor- folk, Va., November 18, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 44th Company, 11th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, 431st Reserve Labor Battalion, Camp Eustis, Va., and 16th Company, 152nd Depot Brigade and Camp Upton, N. Y. Discharged May 23, 1919. Cleaner and Presser, Blackstone, Va. Corporal SETHE ELEORY EDMONDS WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Thomas and Ada Edmonds ; born in Notto- way Co., Va., May 20, 1894. 156 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; served with Veterinary Hospital No. 5; A. E. F., from May 19, 1918, to June 10, 1919. Discharged June 18, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Corporal REGGIE C. EPES WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Richard and Eliza Epes; born in Nottoway Co., Va., April 4, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Dix, N. J., August 24, 1918; served with 111th Regiment of Pioneer Infantry. A. E .F., from October 20, 1918, to June 4, 1919. Dis- charged July 17, 1919. Laborer, Richmond, Va. Corporal BENJAMIN PARHAM FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Alexander A. and Eva G. Fitzgerald ; born at Blackstone, Va., August 14, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Upton, N. Y., June 19, 1918; served with 530th Engineers, Company B. Left the United States for overseas July 31, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive October 12 to 15, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive November 6 to 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 27, 1919. Discharged July 1, 1919. Post Office Clerk, New York City. Corporal ERNEST FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Moses and Eliza Fitzgerald; born in Not- toway Co., Va., March 21, 18 — . Nottoway County, Va. 157 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; served with Base Veterinary Hospital No. 3 Discharged January 6, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Corporal BENJAMIN H. KING CREWE, VA. Son of Claiborne and Mary King; born in Nottoway Co., Va., December 21, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918; served with 43rd Company, 155th Depot Brigade from April 26 to June 26, 1918 ; 41st Company, 155th Depot Brigade from June 26 to July 26 ; 3rd Company, 155th Depot Brigade, from July 26 to September 26, 1918; transferred to Camp Humphrey, Va., and served with 551st Engineers Service Battalion from Septem- ber 26, 1918, to March 12, 1919. Discharged March 12, 1919. Cleaner and Presser, Crewe, Va. Corporal WILLIAM OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of Griffin E. and Meta Oliver; born at Crewe, Va., November 23, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engi- neers Service Battalion; A. E. F., October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 16, 1919. Railroad Employee, Crewe, Va. 158 The Final Roster Corporal JOSEPH S. PALMER Son of James F. and Bettie Palmer; born in Notto- way Co., Va., June 30, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 13th Company, 4th Battalion, 155th Depot' Brigade. Discharged March 8, 1919. Laborer, Charlotte Co., Va. Corporal HERMAN ELLIOT ROBERTSON WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Daniel and Maggie Robertson ; born at Well- ville, Va., October 13, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; served with 351st Machine Gun Battalion. Left the United States for overseas June 9, 1918; Vosges Sector from August 23 to September 20, 1918; Meuse- Argonne from September 26 to September 30, 1918; Marbache from October 9 to November 11, 1918. Ar- rived in the United States from overseas April 6, 1919. Discharged March 27, 1919. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Corporal CLARENCE WILLIAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Charles and Martha Williams ; born in Notto- way Co., Va., June 7, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 15, 1918; served with 807th Regiment, Pioneer Infantry from August 15, 1918 to September 27, 1918; Base Hospital No. 11 from September 27, 1918 to January 5, 1919; A. E. F., from September 4, 1918 to March 16, 1919. Discharged March 28, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 159 Wagoner PERCY ALEXANDER FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Alex. A. and Eva M. Fitzgerald; born at Blackstone, Va., April 19, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 65th Co., 17th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade from October, 1917, to January, 1918; Supply- Company, 369th Infantry from May 30, 1918, to Feb- ruary 12, 1919. Left the United States for overseas April 29, 1918; Champagne-Marne Offensive Septem- ber 25, 1918. Arrived in the United States from over- seas February 12, 1919. Discharged March 1, 1919. Student, Big Rapids, Mich. Private, First-Class WALTER FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Frank and Rody Fitzgerald. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, August 4, 1918. Discharged April 11, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private, First-Class CHARLIE FORD CREWE, VA. Son of Edward and Rachel Ford; born at Crewe, Va., May 28, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918; served with 367th Infantry; A. E. F., from June 18, 1918, to February 17, 1919. Discharged March 8, 1919. Rigger, Crewe, Va. 160 The Final Roster Private, First-Class ROBERT LEE EDMONDS WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Thomas and Ada Edmonds; born in Notto- way Co., Va., May 20, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., August 27, 1918; served with Infantry. Discharged January 12, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private, First-Class JOHN EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Jubber and Martha Epes; born at Blackstone, Va., January 1, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 14th Company, 14th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade and Company C, 369th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas April 29, 1918; Cham- pagne Offensive. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 12, 1919. Discharged February 23, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private, First-Class RUBEN E. GRAY CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., December 28, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Company B, 338th Service Battalion; A. E. F., August 22, 1918, to July 18, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Sparrows Point, Md. Nottoway County, Va. 161 Private, First-Class TRAVERS ALMON HAWKES WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Mack and Margaret Hawkes ; born in Notto- way, Co., Va., November 17, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Upton, >N, Y., October 27, 1917; served with 367th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas June 10, 1917; St. Die Sector, (Vosges) August 23 to September 20, 1918; Meuse- Argonne Offensive from September 26 to 30, 1918; First Army Corps Reserve from September 30 to Oc- tober 4, 1918; Marbache Sector, October 9 to November 11. Arrived in the United States from overseas March 1, 1919. Discharged March 24, 1919. Laborer, Baltimore, Md. Private, First-Class ROBERT LEE HAWKINS WELLVILLE, VA. Son of James and Judith M. Hawkins; born in Not- toway Co., Va., February 11, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, June 19, 1918; served with 111th Regiment of Pioneer Infantry; A. E. F., from October 20, 1918, to June 28, 1919. Dis- charged July 13, 1919. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private, First-Class PLEASENT HILL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John and Maggie Hill; born at Blackstone, Va., December 4, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; served with Company D, 543rd Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 20 to June, 1919. Discharged July 9, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 162 The Final Roster Private, First-Class BENJAMIN F. HITE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Ben Hite; born at Blackstone, Va., March 5, 1891. Entered the service at Hampton, Va., June 15, 1918; served with Pioneer Infantry; A. E. F., September 15, 1918, to August 5, 1919. Discharged August 9, 1919. Mechanic, Blackstone, Va. Private, First-Class RODERICK HOLMES CREWE, VA. Son of Roderick and Minnie Holmes; born at Crewe, Va., May 9, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., June 29, 1918; served with 702nd Engineers Stevedore Battal- ion, and with 866th Transportation Corps Battalion; A. E. F., from November 12, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Dis- charged July 18, 1919. Laborer, Baltimore, Md. Private, First-Class JOE HOLT BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John and Martha Holt; born in Nottoway Co., Va., May 22, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with Company C, 369th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas April 19, 1918; Cham- pagne Sector, July 14 to August 22, 1918; Verdun Sec- tor from September 13 to September 26, 1918; "Rattle- snake Hill," October 22, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 12, 1919. Discharged February 27, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 163 JAMES PATRICK IRBY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Patrick and Ellen Irby; born in Lunenburg Co., Va., February 19, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1918; served with 369th Infantry; A. E. F., April 29, 1918, to February 12, 1919. Discharged February 27, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private, First-Class FREDDIE JENNINGS CREWE, VA. Son of Zatas and Ellen Jennings; born at Crewe, Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Company C, 340th Service Battalion ; A. E. F., September 8, 1918, to July 19, 1919. Discharged July 25, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private, First-Class WILLIE H. KING CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Company B, 338th Service Battalion. Dis- charged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private, First-Class ARTHUR MORGAN NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of George W. and Prudence Morgan; born at Nottoway, Va., August 25, 1892. 164 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 30, 1918; served with Company D, 545th Engineers; A. E. F., from September 22, 1918, to June 27, 1919. Dis- charged July 5, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private, First-Class JOHN PETTUS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Cephus and Passion Pettus; born in Notto- way Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 535th Regiment Engineers; A. E. F., August 5, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Discharged July 9, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private, First-Class DOCTOR ALGAR STOKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Landus and Polly Ann Stokes ; born at Black- stone, Va., April 10, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 44th Company, 11th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, and Company B, 338th Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 22, 1918, to July 18, 1919. Dis- charged July 24, 1919. Rigger, Blackstone, Va. Private, First-Class HENRY TINSLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Daniel and Katherine Tinsley ; born in Notto- way Co., Va. Nottoway County, Va. 165 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 44th Company, 11th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade and 404th Service Battalion. Discharged August 1, 1919. Cook, Blackstone, Va. Private, First-Class NATHANIEL C. THOMAS WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Robert B. and Mariah E. Thomas; born at Wellville, Va., September 16, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., August 26, 1918; served with Motor Transport Corps; A. E. F., from August 10, 1918, to July 30, 1919. Discharged August 5, 1919. Laborer, Sparrows Point, Md. Private, First-Class RUFUS VAUGHAN BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Allen and Margaret Vaughan; born at Burke- ville, Nottoway Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with the 44th Company, 11th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade from July 16, 1918, to August 8, 1918; Camp Lee, Va., and Company B, 304th Engineers from August 8, 1918, to March 13, 1919. Discharged March 13, 1919. Laborer, Newport News, Va. Private, First-Class EDDIE LEE WILLIAMS CREWE, VA. Son of Thomas H. and Rosa Williams ; born at Not- toway, Va., June 2, 1897. 166 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company C, 542 Engi- neers, Service Battalion; A. E. F., from September 5, 1918, to June 18, 1919. Discharged July 2, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private, First-Class GEORGE WINN WELLVILLE^ VA. Son of William and Nannie Winn; born in Dinwid- die Co., Va., October 8, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Company B, 338th Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 22, 1918, to July 18, 1919. Dis- charged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private SAMUEL ACREE BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917. Burkeville, Va. Private WALTER ALLEN CKEWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 28, 1917. Wounded in Action. Crewe, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 167 Private WESLEY ALLEN NOTTOWAY, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917. Nottoway, Va. Private WILLIE T. AMPY WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917. Wellville, Va. Private FRANK ANDERSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of William and Laura Anderson; born at Jeters- ville, Va., October 10, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 5, 1918. Discharged August 9, 1918. Physical Disabil- ity. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JAMES ANDERSON JETERSVILLE, VA. Son of Wilson and Lena Anderson; born at Jeters- ville, Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md; served with Company G, 808th Pioneer Infantry. Discharged August 16, 1919. Laborer, Farmville, Va. 168 The Final Roster Private HORACE M. BAGLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Blackstone, Va. Private ORESTUS BANKS FORKLAND, VA. Son of Claiborne and Martha (Johnson) Banks; born in Nottoway Co., Va., March 6, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 808th Regiment Pioneer Infantry; A. E. F., from August, 1918, to February 14, 1919. Wounded in the foot, November, 1918. Discharged February 14, 1919. Laborer, Forkland, Va. Private CARL BASSFIELD NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 5, 1918. Private LESLIE BASSFIELD NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 24, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 169 Private ALBERT BEASLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Born at Blackstone, Va., July 10, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., June 29, 1918; served with 808th Pioneer Infantry; A. E. F., from August 29, 1918, to June 25, 1919. Discharged June 28, 1919. Mechanic, Baltimore, Md. Private CHARLIE BELL, Jr. CREWE, VA. Son of Charlie and Ida Bell; born in Nottoway Co., Va., January 1, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Engineers Service Bat- talion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 16, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. HERMAN BELL BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private RICHARD BELL CREWE, VA. Son of Charlie and Ida Bell; born in Nottoway Co., Va., June 29, 1894. 170 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with Machine Gun Company, 369th In- fantry; A. E. F., from May 10, 1918, to March 23, 1919. Discharged April 5, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private CEPHUS BLACKWELL CREWE, VA. Son of Alex and Nellie A. Blackwell : born in Notto- way Co., Va., December 17, 1898. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 2, 1918. Discharged December 15, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JAMES BLAND NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 10, 1917. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private CHARLIE BOLLING BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., June 4, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 856th Motor Transport Corps; A. E. F., from August 26, 1918, to July 19, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Washington, D. C. Nottoway County, Va. 171 Private ALPHUS BOLLING BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917. Private BUCK BOOKER WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., June 29, 1918. Private BENNY BOOKER BURKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., May 19, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; A. E. F., from August 6, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Dis- charged July 8, 1919. Farmer, Holmesburg, Pa. Private WILLIAM HENRY BOOKER NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Wilson and Dealia Booker; born at Notto- way, Va., April 17, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Reserve Labor Battalion ; Company C, 447th Reserve Labor Battalion and First Separate Casual Company, 447th Reserve Labor Battalion. Discharged March 27, 1919. Farmer, Nottoway, Va. 172 The Final Roster Private JUDGE BOOTH BLACKSTONE, VA. Born at Blackstone, Va., 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 535th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 6, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Discharged July 8, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private HENRY BOOTH CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; rejected on August 25, 1918. Physical Disabil- ity. Private ROBERT BRANCH BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JOHN BROWN BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., December 27, 1917. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 173 Private GEORGE BURKE BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private EDDIE BUTLER BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, October 27, 1917. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private CHARLIE BUTTLOR NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Moses and Milindie Buttlor; born in Notto- way Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., August 1, 1918. Discharged November 2, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private ROBERT BUTTLOR NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Moses and Milindie Buttlor. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Discharged July 8, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private ALBERT BYRD CREWE, VA. Son of Albert and Susan Byrd; born at Crewe, Va., January-26, 1894. 174 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Discharged December 3, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private BENNIE CAMPBELL BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Lilbon and Lelia Campbell. Entered the service August 5, 1918, at Camp Hum- phrey, Va. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private ERNEST CAMPBELL NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Zadier and Susan Campbell; born in Notto- way Co., Va., July 12, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 1, 1918; served with 5th Company, Depot Brigade, at Camp Upton, N. Y., and 20th Company Veterinary Hospital, Camp Lee, Va. ; A. E. F., from October 21, 1918, to June 10, 1919. Discharged June 20, 1919. Clerk, New York City. Private STEPHEN CAMPBELL NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 175 Private DORSIE EVANS CARTER BUEKEVILLE, VA. Son of Milton and Lucy Carter; born in Nottoway Co., Va., February 20, 18—. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with 14th Company, 4th Battalion Depot Brigade. Discharged April 11, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private HARRY CARTER BLACKSTONE,, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Private W. M. CARTER BLACKSTONE,, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917. Discharged February 8, 1918. Private LLOYD CHAFFIN NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of John and Loulie Chafnn; born in Nottoway Co., Va., September 7, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 3, 1918. Discharged January 28, 1919. Laborer, Baltimore, Md. 176 The Final Roster Private JESSE CHRISTOPHER BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 9, 1918. Private EDDIE CLEVELAND COLEMAN NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Edward and Lucy Coleman; born in Notto- way Co., Va., May 17, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engi- neers Reserve Labor Battalion. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 16, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private FRANK COLEMAN BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917. Private GEORGE EDWARD COLLIER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Creed and Lucy Collier; born in Brunswick Co., Va., March 9, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from August 5, 1918, to June 17, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 177 Private CLIFFORD COUSINS JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., December 1, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Discharged August 28, 1918. Farmer, Jennings Ordinary, Va. Private PERCELL COUSINS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Ned and Indie Cousins; born at Blackstone, Va., March 15, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 15, 1917; served with Company A, 551st Engineers Service Bat- talion. Discharged December 31, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JACK CRAWLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JIM CRAWLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 178 The Final Roster Private JOHN H. CRAWLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Armistead and Jennie (Woodson) Crawley; born at Blackstone, Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., October 27, 1918, to June 9, 1919. Discharged June 16, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private PHIL CRAWLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of David and Patsey Crawley ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 15, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 856th Transport Corps and 538th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E.F., from August 20, 1918, to July 20, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Janitor, Blackstone Military Academy, Blackstone, Va. Private HAMLIN CRENSHAW BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private WILLIE CRENSHAW BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Rias and Katherine Crenshaw; born at Black- stone, Va., October 10, 1891. Nottoway County, Va. 179 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 25, 1917; served with 15th Company, 4th Battalion, 154th Depot Brigade and Headquarters Company, 369th In- fantry; A. E. F., from March 4, 1918, to February 9, 1919; Champagne Offensive and Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Discharged February 28, 1919. Waiter, Blackstone, Va. Private EDDIE CRAWLEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Royal Crawley; born in Nottoway Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 24, 1918; A. E. F., from July 20, 1918, to July 11, 1919. Dis- charged August 30, 1919. Painter, Blackstone, Va. Private RICHARD DAGNALL WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Richard and Manda Dagnall; born in Notto- way Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private JAMES DAGNEY BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 180 The Final Rostek Private ASA DAILEY BLACKSTONE,, VA. Son of Edward and Lethia Dailey ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1891. Entered the service at Camp Dix, N. J., July 29, 1918; served with 52 Company, 13th Battalion, 153rd Depot Brigade. Discharged January 11, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private LINWOOD SCOTT DANIEL BLACKSTONE,, VA. Son of Archer and Mary Daniel; born in Nottoway Co., Va., October 5, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with 540th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private RICHARD DAVIS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Lou Davis ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., June 20, 1889. x Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 1, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engi- neers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from November 10, 1918, to March 15, 1919. Discharged March 25, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 181 Private ANTHONY DOSSWELL NOTTOWAY,, VA. Son of James W. and Sallie Doswell; born in Notto- way, Va., May 4, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Discharged December 17, 1918. Farmer, Nottoway, Va. Private GEORGE R. DUPUY BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 25, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private ROBERT HENRY EANES NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Taylor and Victoria Eanes; born in Pittsyl- vanna Co., December 6, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with the Home Guard from August 5, 1918, to January 3, 1919. Discharged Jan- uary 3, 1919. Farmer, Amelia Co., Va. Private FREEMAN EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Clinton and Ellen Epes; born in Nottoway Co., Va., April 18, 1891. 182 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; A. E. F., from April 16, 1918, to June 4, 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Laborer, Norfolk, Va. Private HARRY ZEPHORIA EPES WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Moses and Nannie Epes; born in Nottoway Co., Va., November 6, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; served with 3rd Veterinary Hospital; A. E. F., from June 29, 1918, to June 19, 1919. Discharged June 28, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private JACK EPES NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., April 8, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, September 5, 1918; served with Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October 18, 1918, to June 7, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Blacksmith, Nottoway, Va. Private JAMES H. EPES NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Hamds H. and Frances Epes. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; served with Company A, 13th Battalion Replace- ment Troops. Discharged December 11, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 183 Private JESSE EPES WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Moses and Nannie Epes; born in Nottoway Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 25, 1918. Discharged December, 1918. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private MOSES EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Private PEARL EPES NOTTOWAY FALLS,, VA. Son of Dock and Jennie Epes. Entered the service at Camp Mead, July 29, 1918; served with 40th Company, 10th Battalion, 154th Depot Brigade. Discharged September 4, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway Falls, Va. Private ROBERT EPES BURKEVILLEj VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va. 184 The Final Roster Private WARNER EPES CEEWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., September 29, 1918. Private WAVERLY EPES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Ephriam and Manervia Epes ; born at Black- stone, Va., February 8, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 553rd Engi- neers Service Battalion. Discharged April, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private CLINTON FARLEY WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Simond and Mary Farley; born at Wellville, Va., February 14, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Discharged December 15, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private TOMMY FARLEY WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Sid and Lizzie Farley; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 1894. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engi- neers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October, 1918, to June, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 185 Private JOE FEATHERSTON CREWE, VA. Son of Manson and Amanda Featherston; born in Nottoway Co., Va., October 14, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 520th Engineers; A. E. F., from August 31, 1918, to June 26, 1919. Discharged July 11, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JOHN SAM FISHER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Andrew and Ann Fisher; born in Brunswick Co., Va., January 25, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; assigned to Company K, 372nd Infantry. Left the United States for overseas March 30, 1918; Cham- pagne Sector, September 28, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 11th, 1919. Dis- charged March 1, 1919. Janitor, Blackstone, Va. Private AARON FITZGERALD NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Doc and Pauline Fitzgerald; born in Notto- way Co., Va., May 6, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Farmer, Nottoway, Va. 186 The Final Roster Private CHAMBERS FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Chambers and Addie Fitzgerald; born in Not- toway Co., Va., August 8, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with Company C, 543rd Engineers Service Battalion. Left the United States for overseas Sep- tember 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from Oc- tober 20 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 28, 1918. Discharged July 9, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private CHARLIE FITZGERALD NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., May 18, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; served with 3rd Company Development Battal- ion. Discharged December 29, 1918. Laborer, Norfolk, Va. Private EDWARD FITZGERALD NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Badger and Bertha Fitzgerald. Served with Engineers Service Battalion at Camp Humphrey, Va. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 187 Private FRED FITZGERALD NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 9, 1918. Private GEORGE A. FITZGERALD BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Robert and Mary E. Fitzgerald; born in Not- toway Co., Va., August 1, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Engineers Service Bat- talion; A. E. F., from October 4, 1918, to June 3, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private JOHN ARCHER FITZGERALD NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of May and Catherine Fitzgerald; born in Not- toway Co., Va., June 6, 1877. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 4, 1918. Discharged August 10, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private LANGSTON FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., July 30, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Discharged August 23, 1918. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. 188 The Final Roster Private WESLEY P. FITZGERALD BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., August 28, 1918. Private JOHN HENRY FOREST BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of William and Bettie Forest; born in Lunen- burg Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 1918; served in Depot Brigade. Discharged August 12, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. Private GEORGE FOSTER NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Thomas and Bettie Foster; born in Nottoway Co., Va., October 15, 18—. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with 540th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October 26, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Dis- charged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private JAMES FOSTER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Peter and Pattie Foster; born in Nottoway Co., Va., November, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- Nottoway County, Va. 189 vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private WILLIAM THOMAS FOSTER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Peter and Pattie Foster; born in Lunenburg Co., Va., May 3, 1893. Entered the service at Fort Wayne, Ind., May 2, 1918; served with 34th Construction Co., A. S. A. Dis- charged December 23, 1918. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private ASHLAND FOWLKES CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Private BUD FOWLKES NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Ca., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., October 19, 1918. Private CLIFFORD FOWLKES NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of James H. and Rosa (Smith) Fowlkes; born in Nottoway Co., Va., February 27, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Discharged August 28, 1918. Laborer, Baltimore, Md. 190 The Final Rostee Private CHARLIE DEWEY FOWLKES CREWE, VA. Son of James and Rosa Fowlkes ; born at Crewe, Va., May 24, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 40th Company, 154th Depot Brigade from July 29, 1918, to August 20, 1918; Company G, 808th Regiment Pioneer Infantry from August 20, 1918 to July 7, 1919; A. E. F., from August 31, 1918, to June 22, 1919. Discharged July 7, 1919. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private FITZHUGH FOWLKES (D) CREWE, VA. Son of Campbell and Cora Fowlkes; born in Notto- way Co., Va., June 14, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 25, 1918. Left the United States for overseas August 27, 1918. Died overseas. Private GEORGE FOWLKES BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of George E. and Dibey Fowlkes; born at Burkeville, Va., March 16, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., September 11, 1918; served with Headquarters Company, 154th Depot Brigade. Discharged May 24, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 191 Private GEORGE FOWLKES NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1886. Entered the service at Camp Mead, November 8, 1918. Private HERMAN FOWLKES JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Son of Tom and Alice Fowlkes; born in Nottoway Co., Va., November 27, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1918; served with Veterinary Hospital No. 3; A. E. F., from May 15, 1918, to June 8, 1919. Discharged June 19, 1919. Laborer, Jennings Ordinary, Va. Private L. A. FOWLKES NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1888. Entered the service December 17, 1917. Private H. S. FOWLKES BURKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Private WILLIAM FOWLKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Sallie Fowlkes; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 6, 1893. 192 The Final Rostek Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Service Bat- talion, from August 5 to October 16, 1918; Company E, Casual Detachment, from October 16, 1918, to Novem- ber 21, 1918; Company D, 447th R. L. Battalion from November 21, 1918, to March 10, 1919; Company B, Dev. Battalion from March 10 to 22, 1919. Discharged March 22, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private LLOYD GALLATIN WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Herod and Delia Gallatin; born in Dinwiddie Co., Va., September 5, 1900. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with First Depot Brigade, Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 7, 1918, to June 12, 1919. Discharged June 1919. Clerk, Louisburg, N. C. FORREST GAULT NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Private JOE GASH BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918, Nottoway County, Va. 193 Private PRESTON GEE CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917. Private GILES ERNEST GILLIAM BLACKSTONE,, VA. Son of Giles and Julia Gilliam; born at Blackstone, Va., 1888. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engi- neers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October 3, 1918, to June 4, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Blacksmith, Blackstone, Va. Private HENRY GOOD BITRKEVILEE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Fort Wayne, Ind., May 2, 1918. Private DAVID GREEN NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Hampton and Cordelia Green. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; A. E. F., from March 20, 1918, to June 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. 194 The Final Roster Private FRANK ALLEN GREEN NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of George Washington and Patience Ann Green; born at Nottoway, Va., September 3, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Companies B and D, 338th Quartermasters Corps, 144th Depot Brigade; A. E. F., from August 18, 1918, to April 5, 1919. Discharged April 22, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private JOHN GREEN BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Private ROBERT H. GREEN NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Private WASHINGTON GREEN NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of William and Laura Green ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 26, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Discharged August 26, 1919. Nottoway, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 195 Private JOSHUA GRIFFIN CREWE, VA. Son of John B. and Minnie C. Griffin; born at Crewe, Va., March 10, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with Company G, 370th Infantry; A. E. F., from April 30, 1918, to February 9, 1919. Dis- charged February 27, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private WALTER HALLOWAY BLACKSTONE^ VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 9, 1917. Private BRANCH HARRIS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Walter and Mary Harris; born at Nottoway, Va., July 16, 1896. Entered the Service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 43rd Company, 155th Depot Brigade. Discharged December 28, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private HERBERT HARRIS NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., October 11, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company D, 549th Engineers Ser- 196 The Final Roster vice Battalion; A. E. F., from November 8, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Discharged July 23, 1919. Farmer, Nottoway, Va. Private MORTON HARRIS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Richard and Henrietta Harris; born in Not- toway Co., Va., December 19, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with 540th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October 31, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Dis- charged June 17, 1919. Private WILLIAM HARRIS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of William and Mary Harris; born at Black- stone, Va., October 16, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 3, 1918, to June 4, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Cook, Blackstone, Va. Private ELLIS HATCHETT BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 197 Private THURMAN HAWKES WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Private RICHARD HAWKES WELLVILLE, VA. Son of William and Mollie Hawkes; born in Notto- way Co., Va., January 17, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; served with 41st Company, 11th Service Battal- ion, 155th Depot Brigade, and Company A, 13th Bat- talion Replacement Training Camp, and 14th Company 4th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade. Discharged De- cember 17, 1918. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private THOMAS W. HAWKES WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1890. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 20, 1918. Private GEORGE HEATH JARRATT, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Private HERBERT HEDGER CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 25, 1918. 198 The Final Roster Private WILLIE HILL BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Private SAMUEL W. HITE BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. JAMES HOBBS WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16,. 1918. Private DAVID C. HOLMES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Private GORDON HOLMON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Mead, June 21, 1918. Private WILLIE D. HOSKINS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Rev. M. G. and Alice Hoskins ; born at Dan- ville, Va., September 29, 1886. Nottoway County, Va. 199 Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Discharged March 17, 1919. Reamer. Private EDDIE HUTCHESON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Private GEORGE HUTCHERSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Tom and Bettie Hutcherson; born at Black- stone, Va., December 3, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 30, 1918; served with 2nd Company, First Development Battalion, and with Company B, 320th Labor Battal- ion. Discharged November 21, 1918. Cleaner and Presser, Norfolk, Va. Private WILLIE HUTCHERSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918. Private CHARLIE INGRAM CREWE, VA. Son of Daniel and Sophia Ingram; born at Crewe, Va., 1897. 200 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 543rd Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from September 18, 1918, to June 28, 1919. Discharged July 9, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JOE IRBY BLACKSTONE, VA. Private EMMETT JACKSON CREWE,, VA. Son of William and Mary Jackson; born at Crewe, Va., December 8, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; served with Company C, 545th Engineers Service Battalion and 40th Company, 154th Depot Brigade. Left the United States for overseas September, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive from October 27, 1918, to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas July 1, 1919. Discharged July 5, 1919. Steel Worker, Sparrows Point, Md. Private ESSIE JACKSON BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., June 21, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 201 Private JAMES EDWARD JACKSON CREWE, VA. Son of John and Doshia Jackson; born in Nottoway Co., Va., June 22, 1886. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; assigned to 540th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from November 2, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 16, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private GEORGE ARTHUR JACKSON NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Anderson and Nannie Jackson; born in Not- toway Co., Va., June 13, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Farmer, Nottoway, Va. Private JOHN V. JACKSON CREWE, VA. Son of John and Doshie Jackson; born in Nottoway Ca., Va., July 23, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Discharged December 4, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. 202 The Final Roster Private JESSE JAMES NOTTOWAY,, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1918. Private ARTHUR JEFFRESS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Chester and Louise Jeffress; born at Notto- way, Va., September 19, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 19, 1918. Discharged December 21, 1918. Private SAMUEL JEFFRESS BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 13, 1918. BEN JENKINS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Bella Jenkins; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., August 5, 1918; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919? Discharged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private JIMMIE JENNINGS CREWE, VA. Son of Zadus and Ellen Jennings ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Nottoway County, Va. 203 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Company B, 338th Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 22,1918, to July 18, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private STEPHEN JENNINGS CREWE,, VA. Son of Tom and Ann Jennings; born in Nottoway Co., Va., July 5, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 14th Company, 4th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade. Left the United States for overseas April 29, 1918; Champagne Sector. Arrived in the United States from overseas, March 10, 1919. Dis- charged March 10, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private VESTOR L. JENNINGS CREWE, VA. Son of Millis and Margaret Jennings; born at Crewe, Va. Entered the service June 19, 1918; served with 535th Engineers Service Battalion from June 19, 1918, to August 1, 1918; transferred to 431st Reserve Labor Battalion at Camp Eustis, Va. Discharged July 24, 1919. Crewe, Va. Private JOSEPH JETER CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 18, 1918. 204 The Final Rostek Private CHARLIE HENRY JOHNSON CREWE, VA. Son of Rev. James A. and Georgeana Johnson ; born at Crewe, Va., October 15, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 369th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas April 29, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 27 to 30, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 12, 1919. Dis- charged February 27, 1919. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private CLEVELAND JOHNSON WELLVILLE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 15th, 4th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade and with Company A, 13th Battalion Infantry Re- placement Camp. Discharged December 12, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private DORSIE JOHNSON WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 2, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private JOSEPH H. JOHNSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 20.5 MANUEL JOHNSON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Charlie and Susie Johnson ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., October, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., February 10, 1918; served with 39th Company, Q. M. C, and Com- pany C, 320th Service Battalion; A. E. F., from July 18, 1918, to July 2, 1919. Discharged July 11, 1919. Fireman, Blackstone, Va. Private MITCHELL JOHNSON WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private ALPHEUS JONES BURKEVILLE, VA. Born at Burkeville, Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with Headquarters Company, 369th In- fantry, from June, 1918, to February, 1919. Left the United States for overseas April 29, 1918; Champagne Offensive and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Arrived in the United States from overseas March 8, 1918. Dis- charged March 2, 1918. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private AUGUSTUS M. JONES BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Linwood and Luvania Jones ; born at Burke- ville, Va., July 7, 1890. 206 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; A. E. F., from May 15, 1918, to June 19, 1919. Discharged June 19, 1919. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private BEN JONES TREE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 2, 1918. Laborer, Tree, Va. Private CHARLIE JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private EDWARD JONES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of John and Sallie Jones ; born in Brunswick Co., Va., April 15, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with First Company, 338th Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 22, 1918, to July 18, 1919. Dis- charged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. LIN WOOD ALEXANDER JONES, Jr. BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Linwood and Luevania Jones; born at Burke- ville, Va., December 28, 1893. Nottoway County, Va. 207 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Discharged July 22, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. Private MATHEW JONES CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private WILLIAM H. JONES BURKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. Private GEORGE WILLIAM KNIGHT CREWE, VA. Son of John and Rosie Knight ; born at Crewe, Va., November 22, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 155th Depot Brigade. Discharged July 21, 1918. Physical Disability. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private GILLIAM ASHLAND KNIGHT CREWE, VA. Son of John and Rosa Knight ; born in Nottoway Co.„ Va., March 17, 1896. 208 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 65th Company, 155th Depot Brigade, from October 27, 1917, to April 27, 1918, and with the 369th Infantry from April 27, 1918, to February 28, 1919. Left the United States for overseas April 29, 1918; Champagne Sector, July 14, 1918, to September 25, 1918. Arrived in the United States February 11, 1919. Discharged February 28, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private HERMAN KNIGHT CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service June 19, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Discharged July 21, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private HUGH LANGON CREWE, VA. Son of Hugh and Sarah Langon; born in Crewe, Va., September 20, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 40th Company, 154th Depot Brigade; transferred to Development Battalion, September 19, 1918, and then transferred to Company D, 417 Reserve Labor Battalion, on October 1, 1918. Discharged March 25, 1919. Cook, Crewe, Va. Private ROBERT LEE BURKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 19, 1918. Nottoway County, Va. 209 Private ARCHER LEWIS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Lazarus and Sarah Lewis; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 4, 1887. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 2nd Company, 1st Development Battalion, Training Center and 15th Company, 155th Depot Bri- gade. Discharged March 7, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JOHN LEWIS CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JOHN B. LEWIS CREWE, VA. Son of Frederick and Mary Lewis ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., July 2, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from November 2, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Private WASHINGTON LEWIS CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. 210 The Final Roster Private ROBERT LIPSCOMB CREWE, VA. Son of Jack and Lula Lipscomb ; born at Crewe, Va., February 20, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 30, 1918. Discharged May 10, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JOSEPH ALLEN LOMAX NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Walter W. and Maria Lue Lomax; born in Nottoway Co., Va., June 1, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Mead, Md., July 29, 1918. Discharged December 21, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private SYDNEY MARSHALL BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Sydney and Augusta Marshall; born at Burkeville, Va. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 1918. Discharged December 18, 1918. Farmer, Burkeville, Va. Private B. L. MORGAN WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Fort Sherman, 111., January 16, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 211 Private CORNELIUS MORGAN WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private JUNIUS MORGAN WELLVILLE,, VA. Son of Robert and Frances Morgan; born in Notto- way Co., Va., July 16, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with Company B, 369th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas April 27, 1918; Cham- pagne Sector. Wounded in action in the left leg, Sep- tember 26, 1918; later the leg was amputated. Arrived in the United States from overseas January 5, 1919. Discharged October 8, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private LEWIS PRYOR MORGAN WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., June 13, 1888. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 155th Depot Brigade from June 19, 1918, to July 30, 1918; 13th Replacement Training Battalion from July 30, 1918, to September 13, 1918; Company I, 811th Pioneer Infantry from September 13, 1918, to July 13, 1919; A. E. F., from October 20, 1918, to June 28, 1919. Discharged July 13, 1919. Laborer, Baltimore, Md. 212 The Final Roster Private OLANDER MORGAN WELLVILLE, YA. Son of Jesse and Susie Morgan; born at Wellville, Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 25, 1917; served with 155th Depot Brigade, and Com- pany G, 369th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas April, 1918; Champagne Sector, September 28, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 12, 1919. Discharged February 21, 1919. Teamster, Wellville, Va. Private WALTER MORGAN WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private WILLIE MORGAN WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Willie and Pink Morgan; born in Dinwiddie Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va. ; served with Company D, 355th Labor Battalion; A. E. F., from September, 1918, to February, 1919. Discharged Feb- ruary 28, 1919. Farmer, Victoria, Va. Private VERNON WILSON MORGAN CREWE, VA. Son of Oliver and Laura Morgan ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Nottoway County, Va. 213 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 9, 1918; served with Company A, 341st Labor Battalion from September 1 to December 1, 1918, and at Base 136 from December 1, 1918, to April 22, 1919; A. E. F., from September 8, 1918, to March 24, 1919. Dis- charged April 22, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private DILLARD MILLER NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Sam and Flora Miller; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 29, 1917 ; served with 3rd Veterinary Hospital. Discharged June 19, 1919. Laborer. Private EUGENE MOORE (D) CREWE, VA. Son of Anthony and Emma Moore; born in Notto- way Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Left the United States for overseas October 27, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 16, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Died from accidental gun wound October 11, 1919. Private JOHN MOORE BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Anthony and Emma Moore; born at Burke- ville, Va., August 27, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., September 17, 1918. Discharged December 6, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. 214 The Final Roster Private DOCTOR OGBURN BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private CHARLIE OLIVER CREWE,, VA. Son of Willie and Tempie Oliver; born at Crewe, Va., December 1, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 15, 1918. Discharged December 15, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private DOCTOR OLIVER BLACKSTONE,, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1888. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Engineers Service Battalion. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private DOUGLAS OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of James and Bettie Oliver; born in Nottoway Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 23, 1918; served with 357th Machine Gun Battalion. Left the United States for overseas June 9, 1918; Vosges from August 23 to September 20, 1918; Meuse- Argonne from September 26 to 30, 1918; Marbache Nottoway County, Va. 215 from October 9 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas March 7, 1919. Dis- charged March 27, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private GEORGE OLIVER NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1890. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918. Private GRIFFIN EVERETT OLIVER, Jr. CREWE, VA. Son of Griffin E. and Meta Oliver; born at Crewe, Va., March 9, 1899. Entered the service at Hampton Institute, Va., Oc- tober, 1918. Discharged December 1918. Carpenter, Newport News, Va. Private HENRY OLIVER CREWE, VA. Son of Sam and Nancie Oliver; born at Crewe, Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 20, 1918; A. E. F., from April 4, 1918, to July 15, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JAMES EDWARD OLIVER BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Isaac and Martha Oliver; born in Nottoway Co., Va. 216 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1918; 31st Company, Labor Battalion. Discharged Novem- ber 7, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private WILLIE OLIVER NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private FRED LEE PAIGE BTJRKEVILLE, VA. Son of Edmond and Julia Paige ; born in Amelia Co., Va., June 26, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 5, 1918. Discharged August 10, 1918. Porter, Burkeville, Va. Private WILLIAM HENRY PALMER NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of James F. and Bettie Palmer; born in Notto- way Co., Va., February 5, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Saw Mill, Charlotte Co., Va. Nottoway County, Va. 217 Private WILLIE PARKER BLACKSTONE, YA. Son of J. B. and Fannie Parker; born in Nottoway Co., Va., September 28, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from October 27, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JOHN WALTER PEGRAM BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Frank G. and Josephine Pegram; born at Blackstone, Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with 540th Engineers Service Battalion from August 5 to October 1, 1918; with 552nd Engi- neers Service Battalion from October 1 to December 17, 1918. Discharged December 17, 1918. Post Office Clerk, Philadelphia, Pa. Private CLEOPHAS MARCHAL PENICK BURKEVILLE, VA. Son of Calvin and Ann Penick; born in Halifax Co., Va., November 7, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918„ Discharged July 23, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 218 The Final Roster Private FRED PETTUS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Cephus and Patience Pettus; born in Notto- way Co., Va., December 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; A. E. F., from September 15, 1918, to July 31, 1919. Discharged August 6, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private JOHN GREEN PETTUS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Kit and Sarah (Pollard) Pettus; born at Blackstone, Va., May 11, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918; served with Company L, 367th Infantry. Left the United States for overseas June 10, 1918; St. Die Sector from August 23 to September 20, 1918; Meuse- Argonne (Reserve) with 38th French Army Corps September 30 to October 4, 1918; Marbache Sector from October 9 to November 9, 1918; 2nd Army Offen- sive Operation, from November 10 to 11, 1918. Ar- rived in the United States from overseas February 17, 1919. Discharged March 8, 1918. Porter, Blackstone, Va. Private OTIS PETTUS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Cephus and Patience Pettus; born in Notto- way Co., Va., October, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; A. E. F., from August 26, 1918, to July 18, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 219 Private GEORGE PIERCE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Young and Nannie Pierce; born at Durham, N. C, October 6, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., November 7, 1917; A. E. F., from January 19, 1918, to March I, 1919. Discharged March 24, 1919. Private WILLIAM POOLE WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 13, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private JESSE C. RANDOLPH JETERSVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Jetersville, Va. Private McKINLEY REDD BURKEVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. 220 The Final Roster Private JOHN REED WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private CHARLIE ROBERTSON CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private WAVERLY ROBERTSON NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Waverly and Jessie Robertson; born in Not- toway Co., Va., April 3, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; attached to 535th Engineers ; A. E. F., from August 4, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Discharged July 9, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private ASHBURN ROBINSON CREWE, VA. Son of Randall and Ella Robinson ; born at Norfolk, Va., August 17, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 34th and 67th Companies, 155th De- pot Brigade, Camp Lee, Va., and 372nd Infantry. Left the United States for overseas March 30, 1918; Cham- Nottoway County, Va. 221 pagne Sector, October 1, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas February 11, 1919. Discharged March 3, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private JAMES RICE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Andrew and Rosa Rice; born in Nottoway Co., Va., March 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 18, 1918; served with 47th Company, 12th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, and with Company D, 341st Service Battal- ion; A. E. F., from August 25, 1918, to July 13, 1919. Discharged August 2, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private DENNIS ROBINSON CREWE, VA. Son of Waverly and Jennie Robinson; born in Not- toway Co., Va., December 25, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with Company B, 338th Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 22, 1918, to July 18, 1919. Discharged July 24, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private ALONZO SCOTT CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 18, 1918. Laborer, Crewe,- Va. 222 The Final Roster Private JOHN B. SCOTT CREWE,, VA. Son of Josh and Ellen Scott; born at Rice, Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 40th Company, 154th Depot Brigade. Discharged September 6, 1918. Laborer, Sparrows Point, Md. Private LANGSTON SCOTT JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Son of Eddie and Anna Scott; born at Burkeville, Va., 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from October 20, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Discharged June 20, 1919. Laborer, Jennings Ordinary, Va. Private JOHN B. SCOTT NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Coleman and Rosa Scott; born in Nottoway Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 24, 1918. Discharged December 14, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private ALEX SHELTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Boss and Rachel Shelton ; born at Blackstone, Va., March 26, 1894. Nottoway County, Va. 223 Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 25, 1917. Discharged November 28, 1917. Laborer, Sparrows Point, Md. Private ANDERSON SHELTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of William and Rachel Shelton; born in Notto- way Co., Va., May 6, 1886. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917; A. E. F., from March 20, 1918, to June 4, 1919. Discharged June 11, 1919. Laborer, Sparrows Point, Md. Private DANIEL H. SHELTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Pollard and Louisa Shelton; born in Notto- way Co., Va., November 30, 1893. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 540th Service Battal- ion from August 5, 1918, to January 20, 1919, and with Company E, Development Battalion from January 1, 1919, to January 23, 1919. Discharged January 23, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private JAMES SHELTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 224 The Final Roster Private JOHN E. SHELTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 29, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JONES S. SHELTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Pollard and Lue Shelton; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 3, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., September 25, 1918. Discharged December 5, 1918. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private VERNON SMITH WELLVILLE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private WALTER LINORD SMITH JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Son of George and Missouria Smith; born at Jen- nings Ordinary, Va., November 18, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with Company C, 535th Engineers Service Bat- talion; A. E. F., from August 6, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Discharged July 9, 1919. Laborer, Jennings Ordinary, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 225 Private BENJAMIN STITH CREWE, VA. Son of Peter and Eliza Stith; born at Crewe, Va., February 12, 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with 511th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from March 16, 1918, to June 16, 1919. Dis- charged June 20, 1919. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private ARTHUR STOKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., July 29, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private ARTHUR A. STOKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Virginia Stokes; born at Lynchburg, Va., No- vember 7, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 7, 1917. Discharged April 20, 1918. Laborer, Roxbury, Mass. Private FRANK STOKES CREWE, VA. Son of Archie and Lucy J. Stokes; born at Crewe, Va., August 30, 1.888. 226 The Final Roster Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 15, 1918; served with 155th Depot Brigade. Discharged June 29, 1918. Physical Disability. Laborer, Crewe, Va Private JAMES STOKES CREWE, VA. Son of Archie and Lucy J. Stokes; born in Notto- way Co., Va., December 5, 1891. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; served with 40th Company, 154th Depot Brigade. Discharged August 30, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private LEE MILLARD STOKES NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of C. W. and Rosa Stokes; born at Nottoway, Va., February 22, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from September 20, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Dis- charged July 18, 1919. Farmer, Earls, Va. Private LINWOOD S. STOKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Devens, September 19, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 227 Private NATHANIEL B. STOKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private WILLIAM STOKES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Burkeville, Va. Private WILLIE N. STOKES NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 26, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private EDDIE TAYLOR JENNINGS ORDINARY, VA. Son of Edmond and Amanda Taylor; born at Jen- nings Ordinary, Va., March 19, 1897. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; served with Company D, 545th Engineers Ser- vice Battalion. Left the United States for overseas September 23, 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive Octo- ber 27, 1918, to November 11, 1918. Arrived in the United States from overseas June 26, 1919. Discharged July 5, 1919. Teamster, Jennings Ordinary, Va. 228 The Final Roster Private ALFRED THOMAS BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1889. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private LANDER THOMAS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Ben and Laura (Branch) Thomas; born at Nottoway, Va., March 18, 1885. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 27, 1917; served with Company K, 367th Infantry; A. E. F., from June 18, 1918, to February 28, 1919. Dis- charged March 12, 1919. Farmer, Sutherland, Va. Private PAUL TURNER THOMAS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Willie and Maria Thomas; born at Black- stone, Va., August 10, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918. Discharged January 13, 1919. Laborer, Norfolk, Va. Private W. J. THORNTON BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Nottoway County, Va. 229 Private WAVERLY TISDALE NOTTOWAY, VA. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918; served with 535th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from August 5, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Discharged July 19, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private HARRY TOWNES CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 26, 1918. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private PATTERSON TUCKER CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., November 17, 1917. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private DOC VAUGHAN CREWE, VA. Born in Chesterfield Co., Va., 1891. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Midlothian, Va. 230 The Final Roster Private LEWIS WALKER CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 28, 1917. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private CHARLIE H. WALLACE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Lucy Wallace; born in Lunenburg Co., Va., September 16, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 26, 1918. Discharged December 14, 1918. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private ANDREW WALTHALL NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Willie and Dollie Walthall; born in Notto- way Co., Va., August 2, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., July* 29, 1918; served with Company G, 2nd Engineers De- velopment Battalion. Discharged December 14, 1918. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private WILLIAM CLAYTON WARD CREWE, VA. Son of William and Lucy Ward; born in Nottoway Co., Va., August 10, 1896. " Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 8, 1918. Discharged September 9, 1918. Farmer, Crewe, Va. Nottoavay County, Va. 231 Private WAVERLY WILLIS NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Thomas and Mary Willis. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with 447th Reserve Labor Battalion. Discharged March 18, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private JOE WHITE CREWE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1891. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Engineers Service Battalion. Laborer, Crewe, Va. Private THAD WHITE BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Bossie and Emma White; born in Dinwiddie Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918; served with Company D, 417th Reserve Labor Battalion, (Q. M. C). Discharged March 25, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private WAVERLY WHITE BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1893. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 232 The Final Roster Private CHARLIE WILLIAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private CLAIBORNE WILLIAMS WELLVILLE, VA. Son of Roper and Clara Williams; born in Amelia Co., Va., March, 1894. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., October 17, 1917; served with Company A, 511th Engineers Service Battalion; A. E. F., from' March 20, 1918, to June 9, 1919. Discharged June 18, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private ERNEST W. WILLIAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private HERBERT LEE WILLIAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Josh and Alice Williams ; born at Blackstone, Va., May 26, 1897. Nottoway County, Va. 233 Entered the service at Hampton, Va., August 15, 1918; transferred to 13th, 4th Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade, Camp Lee, Va. Discharged January 11, 1919. Painter, Newport News, Va. Private HERMAN WILLIAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1891. Entered the service at Hampton, Va., June 15, 1918; served with Auto Training Detachment. Private MORELLIUS WILLIAMS (D) BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Phil and Pattie (Bland) Williams; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1899. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company C, 542nd Engineers Ser- vice Battalion. Died of pneumonia in France, October 17, 1918. Private WILLIAM WILLIAMS BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private JAMES WILSON WILSON, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1918. Laborer, Wilson, Va. 234 The Final Roster Private LANGSTON WILSON WELLVILLE, VA. Son of James and Fannie Wilson ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., May 24, 1890. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., August 22, 1918; served with Company B, 407th Reserve Labor Battalion. Discharged April 12, 1919. Farmer, Wellville, Va. Private LEE WILSON WELLVILLE,, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1892. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., March 19, 1918. Laborer, Wellville, Va. Private ROBERT S. WILSON NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Bennie and Easter Wilson; born in Notto- way Co., Va. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918. Discharged January 4, 1919. Laborer, Nottoway, Va. Private AUBREY LEE WILSON NOTTOWAY, VA. Born in Nottoway, Va., May 8, 1896. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918; served with 155th Depot Brigade, and with First De- velopment Battalion at Camp Lee, Va. Discharged December 15, 1918. Laborer, Newport News, Va. Nottoavay County, Va. 235 Private BOSSIE WINFREY NOTTOWAY, VA. Son of Matt and Mary (Ligon) Winfrey. Entered the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 16, 1918. Laborer, Baltimore, Md. Private EDWARD WRIGHT BLACKSTONE, VA. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 5, 1918; served with Company B, 542nd Engineers Ser- vice Battalion; A. E. F., from September, 1918, to Feb- ruary 19, 1919. Discharged March 6, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private BENNIE WYM BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of W. H. and Nannie Wynn ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1888. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 28, 1918; A. E. F., from September 20, 1918, to June 29, 1919. Discharged July 5, 1919. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. Private THOMAS B. YATES BLACKSTONE, VA. Born in Nottoway Co., Va., 1895. Entered the service at Camp Meade, Md., July 19, 1918. Laborer, Blackstone, Va. 236 The Final Roster Private JAMES YOUNG BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Ned and India Young; born at Blackstone, Va., May 15, 1895. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 8, 1918; served with Engineers Service Battalion. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Private PETER YOUNG BLACKSTONE, VA. Son of Ned and India Young ; born in Nottoway Co., Va., December 1, 1889. Entered the service at Camp Humphrey, Va., August 1, 1918; served with Company B, 1st Development Bat- talion. Discharged February 28, 1919. Farmer, Blackstone, Va. Personal Memorandum 238 The Final Roster PERSONAL MEMORANDUM Nottoway County, Va. 239 PERSONAL MEMORANDUM 240 The Final Roster PERSONAL MEMORANDUM First National Bank OF Blackstone :: Virginia oooi "■*-»-> SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE ooc x >ooo Assets and Stockholders' Liability $960,000.00 OOQ< >QOO "CAREFUL, CONSERVATIVE, SAFE" ■^^^^^^mJ^J*«J^^«J*^»«J^» **+ **^^^^*^J^^^*^^^ *£♦ *T4-^*T* •$»«$»«$»«^«j»«$»«$»«$»»j»«{»«$»«$»«$»«$»«$»«$»«j»«$»«j»«$»«j»«$»«$«l8Mfr«ftH&MftNfc«|M%H8MJMJN}M$H$M}M } l i fr i j l i fr l ^ i l { t ■ { > * } » fo « fr i jj t i fr l fr ijn^M^M^M^M^M fr i fr ifr i fo A A rft Arf Aft rf ( > f 1 | fr "QUALITY REMAINS WHEN PRICE IS FORGOTTEN" DILLARD^ CRAWLEY HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements AND Machinery Vehicles, Harness and Saddlery, Building Material Blackstone :: :: :: :: Virginia 4%?+$**$^+ifc*%*4%+i$+ifcl$+1$*4%*^i$*4$^ «$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M$M $ I fo <$m8m$m8m8» -$+4$+1$+1$*4$+1$*4$+1$M$+1$+1$H$U§+^^ Globe Department Store "The Store That Saves You Money" LOUIS SEGALOFF, Proprietor MAIN STREET BLAGKSTONE - - VIRGINIA W. EL NEWBY & GOMPANY * $$ectali0t£ of NOVELTY and STYLE in EVERYTHING to WEAR "THE BEST PLAGE TO SPEND YOUR MONEY" 1 GREWE /. /. /. .\ VIRGINIA RICHARD B. BAGLEY INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, AUTOMOBILE Box 41 BLACKSTONE, VIRGINIA 0. A. BLANTON FURNITURE Best Line in Town - Mail Order Dept. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ♦ BLACKSTONE, VIRGINIA f (£ IT'S WHAT YOU SAVE, NOT WHAT YOU EARN (£ % *Y THAT MAKES WEALTH

rmn Your business solicited, appreciated and protected £ Vwa&k & c> YOUR TROUBLES ARE OVER .-.'*- NOT SO Our Fight lb Win Your Trade Our mutual interest in trade winning jewelry values is more important to us than anything else. Now, however, we have just begun to fight, and our objective is your patronage and good will. To that end we offer you our untiring efforts toward the best service and trade -winning values it is possible to give in the jewelry line. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE IF WE DO NOT WIN WATCHES PINE REPA4F*.IN<5 n \ftMOND g '6* SILVER WARE CUT GLASS* W.L.WILLIS a C O. _UE E.R. Chapman, Mqr, J | BLACKSTONE.VA. WORTH t. WHIL& -f v r\;S /.|. y > ABOUND HERE The significance of any worth- while occasion will be retained and will grow through gifts made now in its celebration. JEWELRY IS THE ONLY REAL COMMEMORATIVE GIFT It's significance, properly engraved on the article itself, can never be lost, but is retained from generation to generation. We have an array of such gifts for your inspection here that will meet any requirements you may have. We will engrave them as you suggest. 'Twill pay you to see them now. W. L. WILLIS JEWELER and OPTICIAN Crewe, Va. *?+^^^+i?+*fy^+l%+i&+%>+faZ^ I The RECORD of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of CREWE in the World War. This bank furnished two of its employees, Mr. Claude Mastin Jones and Mr. Laurent G. Tucker, who enlisted for service in the years 1917-18, leav- ing the entire work for its diminished force. This bank went forward during this trying period of our history and steadily increased its business and con- tributed liberally to every campaign for Liberty Loans. The record of this bank in the Liberty Loan Campaigns is as follows: Apportionment : Amount Subscribed : FIRST LOAN $35,800.00 SECOND LOAN: $38,640.00 38,640.00 THIRD LOAN: 19,600.00 70,500.00 FOURTH LOAN : 42,000.00 90,000.00 VICTORY LOAN : 39,500.00 97,000.00 ♦ // will be seen from the above figures that the First National Bank of Crewe, raised $331,000.00, besides helping in the War Savings Campaign and furnishing upward of $300,000.00 on United States short-term notes. We invite an examination of our record and of our steady increase in business. Our assets total nearly a half million dollars. The First National Bank of Crewe, number among its customers many enterprising farmers in this section of Virginia and this bank is ever ready to encourage thrift among its farmers and to lend its help to them in every possible way. Its purpose is to lend its best help towards developing its town and the country sections. OFFICERS: HENRY E. LEE, President J. M. KIDD, Vice-President J. M. JONES, Cashier S. E. MOORE, Asst. Cashier 3i L. G. TUCKER, Asst. Cashier •$• Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: j^y 2001 PreservationTechnologie! A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATIOt 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 w