-SI Q^^^^^^r.-^,--.^^^ L1BIURY OF COJIGRE- v rortglii m I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Copy 1 w> 4 I - v^ A MEMORIAL Lieut, Franklin Butler Crosby, OF THK FGCKTH REijIMKXT C. S. AKTIU.EKY, WHO WAS KILLED AT CHAJTCELLORSVII.LE, VA.. MA/ 3, L863. ; Brwf, bra' e, and giorioo? was- his yoitg career. : AJXSOJX 13. IP. RANDOLPH, 6 S 3 BROADWAY. tf'O £> ~ E4^ ■Q A*, Entored, according to Act of Congress, in the year 18o"4, by ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH, ,1 the Clerk's OfhVe of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York.. 2 i I INTRODUCTION, The patriot's devotion to his country ranks only next to the Christian's de- votion to his Lord ; and when patriotic ardor is vitalized by Christian faith, it must impart a true heroic beauty to the character, which will render it illustrious in any sphere of life. TTe who in these days are paying so terrible a price for national existence have constant need to keep in mind the grand moral meaning of our struggle, and to realize the tone and spirit which animates our sons and brothers in their endurance unto death. Certainty, one of the marked features of our historic era is the readiness with which the young men of the loyal States Introduction. have comprehended its real import, and the alacrity with which they have arisen to meet the grand emergency. While politicians wavered, and old men trembled before the coming shock, our heroic youth saw with clear intui- tion the line of duty, and rising in mighty multitudes, pledged the ardor of their brave and loyal hearts to the rescue and salvation of the country. It is impossible for any candid mind to mistake the spirit which has inspired their voluntary sacrifices. An innate love for military service has had as little to do with it as the mere mercenary mo- tive which, in other lands, often trans- forms the citizen into the soldier, solely that he may escape the ills of poverty. The most favored sons of fortune, the educated and refined, have accepted their portion in this bloody baptism as cheer- fully as those to whom hardship was Introduction. familiar, and life an uncertain and ad- venturous quest. The explanation can be found only in the wholesome influence of our free in- stitutions, and in that wide diffusion of Christian principle which has taught our youth that loyalty and truth and righteousness are always to be pre- ferred to selfish ease and a material prosperity. Not useless to the nation in its time of sorest need have been the painful labors of the Church of Christ. Our Sabbaths sanctified, our Sunday- schools established far and wide, our glorious revivals sweeping across the land, with all the inspiration of a higher life, have been the means, under God, of lifting our generation to the heights of moral principle, on which alone the crisis could be met, and the struggle sustained, until its victorious consum- mation. A Christian heroism has been. Introduction. in a large degree, the main spring of this mighty movement, and has called forth these loyal bands to guard the liberties their fathers won — knowing full well the cost, and willing to pay it down in rivers of blood, for the grand recom- pense. To recognize this unshrinking valor in our youth, and to bless God for its well-timed display, is the spontaneous impulse of every loyal heart. To send amid their shattered ranks the nation's blessing, to minister to their mutilated bodies, in camp and hospital, by the sympathy and practical relief they need, and to place over their lowly graves the record of a gratitude that shall endure while memory survives — this is the duty which we owe them, in the pre- cious interest of liberty — in the sacred name of Christ. Evidently, then, nothing can be more Introduction. fitting than to perpetuate, in a perma- nent expression, the moral lineaments and life-work of those who have fallen in this glorious service. We rejoice in those contributions to our " living liter- ature," which have already made the lives of Frazer Stearns, Adjutant Bacon, Sergeant Thompson, and Chaplain Ful- ler a continuous power for lofty impulse and self-sacrifice among us. The name inscribed on this memorial is a fit companion for the noblest of these martyrs for liberty and Union. Circumstances which need not be here detailed have as yet prevented an elabo- rate and finished record of his life ; but for the sake of a large circle of sorrow- ing friends — and it is also hoped for public interest and profit — the follow- ing pages have been put in print. They consist chiefly of the addresses made at the funeral, in the Mercer street 8 Introduction. Church, New-York, to which his re- mains had been brought for the last offices of religion, where, on the twen- tieth of May, a large congregation gath- ered to honor his precious memory. Imperfectly as these published frag- ments can set forth the beauty and de- votion of this young life, so courageous- ly surrendered at the behest of duty, they may avail to add one more voice to the many witnesses who, from the churchyards and cemeteries of our land, proclaim the heroism of our young men, and the value of the institutions thus loyally defended to the death. Hallow- ing their memories, perpetuating their spirit, cherishing in our heart of hearts the cause they loved so well, let those who still survive think tenderly of those who made their lives the ransom for the State. R. R. B. ADDRESS OF REV. ROBERT R. BOOTH. It is, my friends, a precious consolation for us to know, amid the ordinary troubles of our earthly lot, and more especially when the bitter sorrow which death brings befalls us, that "af- fliction cometh not forth from the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground." "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth good in his sight." " The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken io A Memorial of away ; blessed be the name of the Lord." "I was dumb; I opened not my mouth because thou didst it." These were the utterances of God's afflicted servants, in the olden time ; and in this recog- nition of a will that ought to be supreme, of a wisdom that can never err, and of a love that is personal, tender, and eter- nal, there is reason for comfort in the bitterest bereavements of our mortal life. I well know that it is some- times hard for us to realize that such blows can fall upon us from a loving hand. Certainly, if we look only at the present anguish Franklin Butler Crosby. and bereavement, if we think only of the hopes which have been blighted, of the sweet fel- lowship cut off, and the drear vacancy that now remains, we shall be cast down and desolate, as we cry in our anguish : "All thy waves and billows have gone over me." But I speak on God's authority, and from experience too, in saying that we must read these dark pages, in the book of Providence, by the light of God's revealed, eternal love, if we would catch their true meaning, and find our chastisement "joyous and not grievous." Life is the sovereign gift of 1 2 A Memorial of God alone. He dates its rising, orders its progress, and ordains its moment of transition. It should always be remembered by us, in our times of loss, that while earthly friends have been longing and praying for its con- tinuance, One mightier in wis- dom and in love may have been interceding for a contrary result, according to his own precious word : " Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory." " Say, mourner, wouldst thou have pre- ferred that heard Had been the prayer of earth or that of heaven ; Franklin Butler Crosby. 13 Eternal bliss deferred or realized, The cross continued, or the kingdom won ?" Oars, my friends, is a time of costly sacrifices, of widespread desolations, of sorrows which fall heavily on our once peaceful homes. Our country's service is exacting now " the price of blood/' For liberty, and union, and the supremacy of law, how many thousands are wasting with disease, or mutilated with gaping wounds, or lying in the solemn calm of death, like this dear youth before us ! Among these many martyred patriots, not one has fallen more worthy of our 14 A Memorial of sincere affection and grateful memory than he. When a young man of such rare promise and true nobility of character has finished his course in the presence of the nation and for its defense, it is the duty and the privilege of those who feel that he died for them to proclaim his virtues, and im- press the example of his beauti- ful career. He whom we mourn to-day was, in a peculiar sense, the child of this church, having been brought here in his infancy to the baptismal font, and having grown up in vital union with Franklin Butler Crosby. 15 all the ordinances and privileges of this house of God. It is, therefore, the occasion of sincere thanksgiving that it has pleased God to permit us to re- ceive his precious dust among us, and from this scene of his own Christian faith and labors, to bear it to the house appointed for all the living. Franklin Butler Crosby was born on the fourth of Feb- ruary, 1841, being the first child of Mr. John P. and Mrs. Mar- garet Butler Crosby. His bap- tismal name was derived from his maternal grandfather, Ben- jamin Franklin Butler, between whom and this first-born of his A Memorial of children's children there existed the most tender and affectionate sympathy, a tie of earthly love now purified and made perpetual in God's heavenly kingdom. As a child of the covenant, Frank was successively connect- ed with the infant-class, the Sabbath-school, and with the church, to which, when under the pastoral charge of the Eev. Dr. Prentiss, he united on the eighteenth of October, 1854, be- ing at the time thirteen years of age. Afterward he was connect- ed with the young men's Bible- class, and with the mission-school in Avenue D, where he contin- ued to labor as a faithful teacher Franklin Butler Crosby. 17 until his departure from the city. He was also interested and active in the young men's prayer-meet- ing. Thus, in the church of God, he lived and grew to man- hood in relations which became continually closer to all that i3 lovely and of good report. It would hardly be appropri- ate for me to speak, in a public assembly, of that domestic life in which the tenderness of his filial and fraternal love was blended with the graces of his growing manhood ; making him so obedient, so helpful, so dis- creet, that those who were re- lated to him thus lavished upon him the fullness of their hearts. i8 A Memorial of After his graduation at the Free Academy in 1860, he en- tered the law-office of his father, and gave diligent attention to his elected calling. Soon after this, the flame of civil war was kindled in the land, and he immediately prepared to give a loyal and hearty support to his country's cause. His health was vigorous, his form a model of perfect manhood, and he numbered himself, from the beginning, among those who ought to go to the war. At this time he joined a reg- iment then organizing in the city, to be prepared for active Franklin Butler Crosby. 19 service when the country should require its aid. After the battle of Bull Bum, he felt that he was imperatively summoned to the field. A com- mission as Second Lieutenant in the Fourth Kegiment, U. S. Ar- tillery, was soon obtained, and he joined his regiment at Fort McIIenry, in August, 1801. He was soon promoted, for good conduct and ability, to be the First Lieutenant ; and, on the appointment of Captain Best, his commanding officer, to the post of Chief of Artillery in the Twelfth Army Corps, Lieutenant Crosby became the acting com- mander of his. company, an . hon- 20 A Memorial of orable and responsible position, whose arduous duties he ever performed to the entire satisfac- tion of his superiors. Of the various services which he ren- dered to the cause in this re- lation it would be impossible for me to speak as they deserve. During the winter of 1861 and 1862 he was stationed with his battery in General Banks's divi- sion, which was then guarding the line of the Potomac, above the Monocacy. Here he saw constant service, and had a full share in all the labors of that arduous winter. At one time prostrated by a severe attack of fever, on his Franklin Butler Crosby. 21 recovery stationed at Harper's Ferry, afterward with the ad- vance down the valley of Vir- ginia to Harrisonburgh ; guard- ing the rear in Banks's retreat from Winchester, and bringing off all his guns in safety ; ar- dent in action, courageous in reverses; always anxious for the most active service ; careful of his men, unsparing of himself; courteous toward the population around him — he continually sus- tained the character of the pa- triot soldier and the Christian gentleman. In a letter written from this locality, and received since his death, it. is remarked: u He has 22 A "Memorial of left a truly honorable name in this community, and every one who knew him here in his life- time, now that he is dead, has an expression of regret for his untimely fall, and a word of j) raise for his memory." During the spring of the pres- ent year he was stationed with his company at Stafford Court- House, in Virginia, until he was ordered to the front to partici- pate in the recent movements of the army. A letter which he wrote in January will reveal the spirit with which he stood in his appointed lot. After de- ploring the ill success which had attended so . many efforts, and Franklin Butler Crosby. 23 the failure to achieve decisive victories, lie adds: "Each one, however, must do his duty, work out his own part of the great plan ; and, although knowing and lamenting existing errors, which are beyond his control, must not be discouraged, but, with a pure intention and a firm trust in God, go forward on his path of duty." It was in such a spirit that he marched with his men to join in the wild storm of bat- tle which was soon to rage in the wilderness on the south bank of the Kappahannock. On the second day of May, his battery was stationed at 24 A Memorial of Chancellorsville, and was active- ly engaged, with some loss, though he himself escaped all harm. On the evening of that day his guns were well posted, in readiness for service, and sent forth their volleys through the night, assisting to repel the as- sault of " Stonewall " Jackson. Early on the morning of the third, another attack was made by the enemy upon a ridge, where his battery, with several others, about thirty guns in all, had been massed to check their furious charge. The onset was bravely met, and the conflict prolonged for hours about that spot. Many brave men there Franklin Butler Crosby. 25 yielded up their lives, and among them it pleased God that Lieu- tanant Crosby should be num- bered. At half-past eight, on that fair Sabbath morning, a bullet from a sharpshooter, who had secretly gained the right flank of the battery, and had sin- gled out its commander, pierced his breast, and in about five minutes his brief but glorious career was ended. It was a quick summons from that fiery battle to the spirit world, but long enough for him to resign himself to God's forgiving mercy, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and to send a loving, comforting message to his parents. " Tell z6 A Memorial oi my parents that I die happy. Loid forgive my sins." "Ah me! that by so frail and feeble thread Our life is holden ; that not life alone, But all that life has won May, in an hour, be gathered to tho dead." His body was borne tenderly to the rear by bis own men, whose tears fell on him as they laid him on the green sward ; and after the retreat, it was re- covered, nnder flag of truce, em- balmed, and brought for burial to this house of God, where, twenty -two years ago, he was Franklin Butler Crosby. 27 publicly consecrated in the or- dinance of baptism. In a letter written at five o'clock, on the morning of the preceding day, he has expressed tbe feelings with which he en-' tered upon these fatal scenes. "This, from appearances last night," he wrote, "is destined to be the day. If we fight, it will be the hardest of the war, and it is awful to think of the im- mense slaughter. I hope I may be preserved; but if I am not, I trust only in the merits of a crucified Saviour, for acceptance with God." And this last letter closes with a desire that if he should be ..among the dead, his 23 A Memorial of loss might be tenderly blessed to the dear borne be loved so well. I am permitted to extract from tbe letter of Captain Best, bis commanding officer, a few lines, which reveal the esteem in which bis subordinate was held : " Be- lieve me, when I say that this shock is nearly as great a one to me as it can be to you. Lieutenant Crosby was a young man of fine promise, unexcep- tionable in his habits and moral character; a Christian who prac- tised what he believed ; ambi- tious in his profession, and will- ing to stand by the government in all its measures. He had my Franklin Butler Crosby. tg company in splendid condition, and fought it well." To these statements of his military career one thing should be added. His connection with these scenes of war was only for a purpose and for a time. When I last spoke with him, standing there close by the spot where his coffin is now placed, I asked him: " Are you in for this service permanently, or only till the war is over?" His re- ply was : "I shall be very glad to be back in the old place, but I must do my duty to the end." His was no craving for military position and renown, but a pure, patriotic fervor which made him 30 A Memorial of a soldier from principle, so long as his country needed his sword; that service finished, he longed to take his place again in peace- ful scenes, and live apart from strife and war. This record should not close without a further reference to the consistency of his Christian character, amid the trying scenes of his career. We can all real- ize how great a trial of the faith of a young Christian it must be to stand up for Jesus amid the corruptions of the camp, and in the carnage of the battle. Oar dear friend never forgot that he was Christ's soldier before he was- the - soldier of the nation. Franklin Buticr Crosby. 31 His letters show a real growth in grace and Christian manhood daring his military life. In one he writes: " Another Sabbath is just past, one in which I have very much felt the want of some Christian friend to converse with. I am, as it were, alone, but not alone, for there is one Friend who always is with those who trust in him. I pray that I may be enabled to live nearer to him, to put more implicit trust and confidence in his doings, to have more faith in his word, and to do more for his cause than I have ever done. At times I feel very despondent, for I do not seem to. have made 3 2 A Memorial of any progress in the Christian life, but to be continually more and more falling short of my duty. I lack perseverance. Oh! that Christ might strengthen me to do his work ! ' That these were really the aspirations of a soul hungering and thirsting after righteousness, is evident, as one traces the manner of his daily life. I find him laboring for the spiritual welfare of his men, talking about Christ to his negro servant, act- ing as chaplain at the burial of his soldiers; on one occasion reading the eleventh, chapter of St. John's gospel, making com- ments upon it, and offering pray- Franklin Butler Crosby. 33 er. He was kind to the sick, patient with the erring, atten- tive to every little duty, winning thus the entire devotion of his command. I have read the tes- timony of an unbeliever and skeptic concerning him. " He was a true Christian." Many of his letters are radiant with his Christian experience. "What a glorious, blessed thing," he writes, "is the Christian re- ligion ! How simple and how wonderful ! I have, this past week, been enabled to live much nearer to Christ than ever be- fore. And while I have enjoy- ed it much, it makes me de- sire, more strongly than ever, 34 A Memorial of to live wholly to him. The whole religion is summed up in the one word 'faith,' and that mine might be increased is my earnest prayer. And when this faith is perfected in sight, what a blessed experience will be ours! At times I feel as if I could almost wish for trouble and suf- fering, to bring me near to Christ. How happy we shall be when we all meet around the throne of God in heaven, where is no more sin or sorrow, and where we shall know Christ as we ought ! That through his righteousness all our dear rela- tions may have this blessing, is my prayer." Franklin Butler Crosby. 35 I look with admiration upon this fair example of a Christian character, coupled with so much devotion to the stern, rugged war-work to which he was ap- pointed. So brave, and yet so gentle; so thoughtful for others; so unsparing of himself; so pure in his morality, and yet so re- liant on his Saviour's righteous- ness. I utter only the honest convictions of my heart in say- ing, that while among the he- roes who have fallen in this strife, he may take rank with Greble, with Ellsworth, and with Winthrop, his name and mem- ory are also worthy of a place, in Christian annals, by the side 36 A Memorial of of those of Major Vandeleur and Headley Vicars, of the Brit- ish army, or Frazer Stearns, and Chaplain Butler, of our own. " Soldier of Christ, well done ; Rest from thy stern employ : The battle fought, the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy. " The voice at day-dawn came ; He started up to hear ; The mortal bullet pierced his frame, He fell — but felt no fear. " Soldier of Christ, well done ; Praise be thy new employ ; And while eternal ages run, Rest in thy Saviour's joy." To the young men who were his comrades and companions we commend this radiant picture Franklin Butler Crosby. 37 of a heroic Christian life. His course is finished; but although, dead, he still is speaking to us. The lesson of his sacrifice bids us cherish those two great ob- jects of devotion which he loved so well — that flag, our coun- try's emblem, which now en- folds him with its stars and stripes ; that cross to which on earth he came, and before whose ascended Sufferer he now stands, clothed in a beauty not of earth. ADDRESS BY REV GEO. L PRENTISS, D.D. As I look over this great congregation, my mind's eye re- verts to another assembly con- vened in this same sanctuary some nine years ago. How well I remember the impressive scene which presented itself, as standing in this place I minis- tered at the altar of God, on that Sabbath afternoon in the pleasant month of October ! How vividly I recall from among Franklin Butier Crosby. 39 the faces that then slione "upon me that of the sainted grand- father* of him whose mortal re- mains lie before us. Who that saw him will ever forget that eye or that face ? He was one of the best men I ever knew. I esteem it one of the privileges of my life to have been his pas- tor and friend, and I esteem it a privilege hardly less to have been so long the pastor and friend of the noble youth whose early confession of Christ he watched that afternoon with such tender interest, and around whose bier we are gathered this morn- ing. * The late Hon. Benjamin F. Butler. 4.0 A Memorial of It would be wrong, my friends, to say that we have not been summoned to this house of God on a mournful errand. A great private and public loss has call- ed us together. The sudden ex- tinction of so much manly strength and beauty, of so much Christian promise, must needs excite emotions of sharp regret in every bosom. To weep with those that weep is a sacred duty ; and who of us does not feel like doing so now? For myself I would gladly leave this pulpit, take my place among the mourners, and mingle my tears with theirs. Certainly they need our warm- Franklin Butler Crosby. 41 est sympathies. Oh! how many bright hopes, what ardent and clear affections, what a fair pro- mise of useful and happy days, lie buried in this coffin ! And yet, blessed be God ! there is another side to the picture, a side radiant with immortal joy and peace. He whom we mourn has indeed been snatched from us in the very prime of man- hood ; but, as you have just heard, with what fine Christian qualities was that early man- hood adorned ! The days of two and twenty summers suf- ficed to ripen in him the love- liest virtues. He had the inno- cence, the joyousness, and the 42 A Memorial of simple tastes of a pure-minded, happy boy, combined with the intelligent vigor, the loyalty, courage, and determination of maturest years. But the most striking feature of his character, as I recall him, was that to which allusion has already been made — his ardent, filial piety. Nothing could be more charm- ing than this trait, as it appeared in the domestic circle, of which he was such a "bright, particu- lar star." All who knew him in the bosom of his family will bear witness to his rare devo- tion, both as a son and broth- er. The first words which he is reported to have uttered, after Franklin Butler Crosby. 43 the fatal bullet pierced his side, "Tell my parents that I die happy, 11 are as characteristic as they are touching and beautiful. Nature and grace conspired to render, him dear to his friends. It would take a long time to give full utterance to my own affec- tion for him, and my high es- timate of his worth. But, while I shall attempt no labored eulo- gy, there are some features of his Christian character which seem to me deserving of special emphasis. You have just been told that he chose the profession of arms, not because he desired it, but from an overwhelming sense of duty. I well remember 44 A Memorial of his decision to go into the army. It so chanced that I was spend- ing a few weeks under his fath- er's roof at the time. I had several conversations with him on the subject, and am quite sure that he consecrated himself to the service of his imperiled country with a self-devotion not less pure and entire than that with which, nine years ago, he here offered himself to God, and took the sacramental oath of allegiance to Jesus Christ. His piety was the very soul of his patriotism. I hold in my hand a little book, whose name is familiar as a household word through- Franklin Butler Crosby. 45 out Christendom. It is a book marked by some faults, but full of holy thought and pious coun- sels. For several centuries it has been a manual of the Christ- ian life to many myriads of saints. It is Tlie Imitation of Jesus Christ I find that our young friend took with him this little book, upon setting out for the war. It passed into his hands in August, 1861, and passed out of them only with his life. That he read it often and carefully is evident from the number of passages which bear his pencil-marks. And here let me say, that such marks on the books he reads afford an almost 46 A Memorial of infallible test of a man's moral and religions taste. There are old family Bibles which contain, in simple lines on the margin, the history of many a devout and eminently nsefnl life. How often has the life of the devoted minister or missionary of the cross been written in these dumb characters upon the pages of God's Word! Now the passages marked in this little book are very striking in one respect ; they nearly all indicate a severe inward conflict such as no one would have anticipated in a young man so fall of life and spirits. You will perceive the nature of the conflict if I read to Franklin Butler Crosby. 47 you a few sentences. In the table of contents I find these two chap- ters specially marked : " How a desolate person ought to offer himself into the hands of God." " We ought to offer up ourselves and all that is ours unto God." And, in the body of the work, of the many passages marked, allow me to read a few: "Fight like a good soldier ; and if thou sometimes fall through frailty, take again greater strength than before, trusting in my more abun- dant grace." " Christ's whole life was a cross and martyrdom, and dost thou seek rest and joy for thyself?" "Sometimes thou shalt be forsaken of God, sometimes. 48 A Memorial of thou shalt be troubled by thy neighbor ; and, what is more, oftentimes thou shalt be weari- some to thyself; neither canst thou be delivered or eased, by any remedy or comfort, but so long as it pleaseth God thou oughtest to bear it." "Be mind- ful of the profession thou hast made, and have always before the eyes of thy soul the re- membrance of thy Saviour cru- cified." I will read but a single pas- sage more : {; There is scarcely any thing wherein thou hast such need to die to thyself as in seeing and suffering those things that are adverse to thy Franklin Butler Crosby. 49 will, especially when that is commanded to be done which seemeth unto thee inconvenient or useless." It is not likely that such a book should have been taken to the camp, and there read so often, and that many such pas- sages should have been marked by one whose spiritual life was not in vigorous exercise. It is plain, that while fighting in the service of his country, this gal- lant young soldier was also fight- ing earnestly the good fight of faith, and laying hold on eternal life. This occasion, then, is one of joy as well as sadness : nor can 50 A Memorial of 1 close without congratulating you, my clear brother, and all this bereaved family circle, upon the rare privilege of having pos- sessed such a son, such a young relative and friend, for the serv- ice of Christ and of our af- flicted country. I look upon this lamented youth, as a type of the young American patriot and Christian soldier ; and I do not doubt that out of this war, out of all these public and private tribulations, there will come forth a great company, fashioned after the same pattern. We shall have thousands and tens of thousands of them. Let the old men who hear me, and Franklin Butler Crosby. 51 whose hearts sink within them at 'the sight of so many of our noblest youth cut down in their beauty, comfort themselves with this thought. The blood of these young soldiers of the republic is to be the seed of a better church and state of the future. A new race of American citizens will arise, who shall live, and move, and have their being, first in God, and then in the service of this vast and glorious com- monwealth of Christian order, freedom, and humanity, which we have inherited from our fathers. I say, therefore, that even in the presence of this great bereavement, we have am- 52 A Memorial of pie reason for joy and thanks- giving. We can not but praise God as we look back over the beautiful life so early sacrificed upon the altar of our country ; nor can we help rejoicing as we look forward and see thousands taking lessons of patriotic de- votion from the example, and eagerly treading in the footsteps of this heroic youth. Let not our souls be cast down nor dis- quieted within us. Let us hope still in God, and commit our imperiled Union, with all the vast interests at stake, into His omnipotent hands, assured be- yond a doubt that, as He led our fathers like a flock, so He Franklin Butler Crosby. 53 will lead us, and, in due time, bring the whole nation forth, out of this sea of trouble, with the voice of praise and thanks- giving upon its lips; and when we are gone, He will take our children and our children's child- ren by the hand, and guide them also in the right way, even to the latest generation. In this cheering faith let us return to the work of life, and press for- ward with unfaltering steps, un- til wa pass into "a better coun- try, that is, a heavenly," and there join our departed Christian friends, and the saints of all ages, in ascribing blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, 54 A Memorial of unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for- ever and ever. Amen. Franklin Butler Crosby. 55 RESOLUTIONS. At a meeting of the Class of I860, New-York Free Academy, held May 13th, 1863, the fol- lowing resolutions were unani- mously adopted: Whereas, By the death of Lieutenant Franklin B. Crosby, of the Fourth United States Artillery, killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, on the third day of May, 1863, we lost another class- mate; and Whereas, We deem it our duty to honor manliness and Christian virtue, and to bear our testimony to their ex- istence ; therefore, be it Resolved, That in Franklin B. Crosby we lost a classmate who, as a scholar, reflected honor on us in the past, and would have continued so to do by his 56 A Memorial of ability, his learning, and the success he \vas certain to attain in that profession from the study of which he was called by the demands of a patriotism to which his life was a sacrifice ; a friend, warm, trusted, and beloved ; a man who, car- rying his Christian principles without pretension, into all the relations of life, was modest, energetic, and true. And Resolved, That in his answer, given shortly before his death, at the post of duty, " I command it to-day, and intend to command it," we recognize the same modest energy and decision, and the same enduring loyalty to duty, which characterized his whole life, and caused him, at his country's call, to relinquish the luxuries of home, a dear family, many warm friends, and a future of happiness and ease, for the hardships and isolation of the camp, and the un- certainties of battle. That in his last Franklin Butler Crosby. 57 words, " I die happy," we have an un- necessary proof of his sincerity, and an assurance that he has "fought the good fight," and gone to reap the rewards of a Christian life. And Resolved, That we hereby express our sorrow at the loss the community and our country have sustained in the death of so upright and able a man, and so brave and loyal an officer, and we in so dear and honored a classmate and friend. And be it further Resolved, That we offer his family and friends our sympathies, hoping that, as we are in common deeply grieved at his loss, so in common we may find in his virtues comfort and reconciliation, and objects of emulation. Jit titctrarriaw. Not so, brave boy, would we have had thee die, [f die thou must ! On daintiest couch to lie, Soothed with the sweetest ministries of love, Ravished with foretastes of thy home above, Were meet for thee ; and on our faith's tried wings To soar from earth and its disquietings. And when that pure, bright soul had sped its way Joyfully homeward, to the unconscious clay Franklin Butler Crosby. 59 What reverent office had we loved to pay! So would we have it ; but so willed not God. Far from all friends, upon the earth just trod i By footsteps dyed in blood, He bade thee lie ; And 'mid the battle's roar Himself alone received thy parting sigh. The " drapery of thy couch " alone en- folds thee, But God in His own sleepless watch yet holds thee ; Thy precious dust is precious in His sight ; Denying it to us, He, day and night, Himself holds guard. And when His morning comes, We, who lie slumbering in our marble tombs, Shall not spring forth at His arousing word 6o A Memorial of More joyously than he who on the sward, Rather than 'neath it, waits his dearest Lord! Thou, too, risen Christ ! in death hast lain ! Thou, too, by wicked, murderous hands wast slain ! Oh ! help our faltering faith ! Let us be still ; And only will what thou, dear Lord, dost will ; Yielding to thee, by choice and not by might, The body and the soul, so precious in our sight. From sunny heights, our loved one, with calm brow, Looks down upon the field where he but now Stood earnest actor. But 'mid heavenly joys, Franklin Butler Crosby. 6l Oh ! what to him are battle's fray and noise ? His work all done — and in his youth well done — He early rests with God's eternal Son. A little while, a few more days of strife, And we, too, on the battle-field of life, Shall gaze from those same heights : til; then, Lord ! Let us toil on, obedient to thy word ; Strong in thy strength, until the vie tory's won, And thou shalt say, faithful souls ! well done ! P. Sunday Evening, May 10, 1S63. The above was written when it was supposed that the remains of Lieutenant Crosby could not be recovered. Jranhlht §utUr Crosbg. Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. BY WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER. He was our noblest, he was our bravest and best ! Tell me the post that the bravest ever have filled. The front of the fight ! It was his. For the rest — Read the list of the killed. On the crown of the ridge, where the sulphurous crest Of the battle wave broke, in its thun- der and flame, While his country's badge throbbed with each beat of his breast, He faced death when it came. Franklin Butler Crosby. 63 His battery planted in front, the Briga- dier cried, "Who commands it?" as fiercely the foe charged that way ; Then how proudly our gallant Lieuten- ant replied, "I command it to-day !" There he stood by his guns ; stout heart, noble form ; Home and its cherished ones never, never so dear, Round him the whirlwind of battle, through the wild storm, Duty never so clear. Duty, the life of his life, his sole guiding star, The best joy of his being, the smile that she gave, Her call the music by which he marched to the war, Marched to a soldier's grave. 6.| A Memorial of Too well aimed, with its murderous de mon-like hiss, To his heart, the swift shot, on its errand has flown — Call it rather the burning, impetuous kiss With which Fame weds her own ! There he fell on the field, the flag waving above, Faith blending with joy in his last parting breath, To his Saviour his soul, to his country the love That was stronger than death. Ah ! how sadly, without him, we go on our way, Speaking softer the name that has dropped from our prayers ; But as we tell the tale to our children to-day, They shall tell it to theirs. Franklin Butler Crosby. 65 He is our hero, ever immortal and young, With her martyrs his land clasps him now to her breast, And with theirs his loved name shall be honored and sung, Still our bravest and best ! Six Wtmmmm. Ay ! leave the Stripes and Stars Above him, with the precious cap and sash ; The mute mementoes of the battle-crash, And of a hero's scars. Rest, gallant soldier, rest! Ennobled e'en in dying: Christ's true knight Is now a king, in royal glory bright, With "Victor" on his crest. And yet — God giveth sleep ; No earthly victor's laurels ever shed A glory like the halo round his head. Ye loved him — should you weep ? Franklin Butler Crosby. 67 Say ye, " His life is lost. ; Our home's sweet comfort, and our crown of hope" ? Nay, friends ! His life has now a grand- er scope. A living holocaust. To God, and truth, and right, It aye hath been ; and if the gleaming coal On God's own altar hath upborne the soul In fiery chariot bright, 'Mid battle roar and strife ; If to the fearless soldier, God's release Came swiftly, with the seal of perfect peace Upon his earthly life ; Ay, though it sorely crush The hearts that clung to him — poor hearts that ache 68 A Memorial of With yearning sense of loss — oh ! for his sake, Each wail of anguish hush ! And yet, ye well may weep, As those who mourned the holy martyr erst, On whose glad eyes heaven's waiting glories burst, Before " he fell asleep." A hero-heart is still, And eyes are sealed ; and loving lips are mute, Which bore on earth the Spirit's golden fruit. But peace! It was God's will. And for our precious land — The land he loved and died for in her need, The blood of heroes is the country's seed. As he stood, let us stand. Franklin Butler Crosby. 60 He crowned your soldier, " d}- ing at his guns." Oh ! be the nation worthy of such sons — The noble-hearted slain ! And so we sadty lay, Yet not all sadly, though with tearful eyes, A. little nameless flower where he lies. And gently steal away. 002 230 350 8