1 mmr, B^ 1 'Wmi^^i^ (lass r'lT.S Rnnk C6i- ^^PX T? T?^ [Tfl C^ Vr>l Tr> (^ ON THE JV^TUIi.lL, HISTORY l^.- m^ £.Ji AND ^-' INTERNAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE OF NEW~YORK, BY HIBERNICUS, S NEWYORK: SOLD BY E. BLISS & E, WHITi^ KO. 128 BROADWAY, 1822, NOTE. The following Letters first appeared in the celumns of a newspaper during the year 1820. They attracted much atten- tion at that time, and were copied and read with great avidity. They are evidently the production of no ordinary mind, and hence curiosity was awakened to discover the learned traveller, whose acute perception and just delineation had opened to our view some of the hidden beauties of our state. It is not for the publisher to say how far the opinion of the literary community was correct in ascribing these letters to an eminent statesman, whose researches in science might well justify such a suspicion. They are now collected in a volume and offered to the public, from a conviction that their merits entitle them to a form £^dapted to the libraries of this reading people. n LETTERS OF HIBERMCUS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEW-YORK STATESMAN June 9th, 1820. Sir, I SEND you extracts of letters which T have received from a highly respectable foreigner, on the subject of the Western and Northern Canals. It appears that he is on a tour of observation — my acquaintance with him commenced last autumn, at Mrs. Mann's boarding-house in New- York, and has since grown into intimacy. His letters occasionally glance on subjects of natural science^ sometimes on the peculiarity of our manners, and the state of our social and political institutions. They were obviously written in great haste, ex- hibiting no marks of limce, labor, and probably were never revised, corrected, or copied by the writer. If these which I now send to you shall be favorably considered, I shall, if I have leisure furnish you with more. B |:.£TTERS or HIBERNICUS LETTER I. Montezuma^ 26th May, 1820. I ARRIVED here yesterday, my dear Sir, in the packet boat Chief Engineer, which plies betweeji this place and Utica, as consort to the Monteza- ma. The latter is a boat 74 feet long and 13 feet wide, which draws, when not loaded, seven inches of water, and when loaded eleven. These passage boats take a trip and a half twice a week between Utica and Montezuma on the canal. The distance is about 96 miles^ and although the whole voyage can be performed in 24 hours, yet it generally takes nearly two days. They are drawn by two horses at the rate of four miles an hour, which are relieved by relays at the distance of every twelve miles. The expense of a passage from Utica to Montezuma is four dollars only, in- cluding provisions and a birth for lodging ; and I assure you that the accommodations are as i^ood as can be found on board of the steam boats. There is also a regular packet between Utica and Rome, which takes a trip once a day. By a trip T mean the voyage out and home. We passed several boats, rafts, and scows on our passage. Some were built on the canal, and others trans- ported to it from the Mohawk and Seneca rivers* CANAL TRANSPORTATION. < At Montezuma, a boat is now on the stocks, 0^ still larger dimensions, and more accommodating arransrements than the one of that name. The whole expense of each of these boats, furniture in- cluded, will not exceed 900 or 1000 dollars. They are principalh^ designed, and partly owned, by Colonel Tyler, of this village — a gentleman who unites kindness of behaviour and benevolence of disposition, with intelligence and enterprise^ Although I am persuaded that the owners of these vehicles of conveyance will be amply remunera- ted for their public spirit, yet I am equally con- vinced that the conveyance of passengers will be principally by land, and of commodities by water, after the prevailing curiosity to visit the canal is gratified, hi the mean time, there will be a com- petition between the carriers by land acd water, for custom ; and a like competition between the proprietors of stages and boats for passengers, which will add greatly, by decreasing the price of transportation, to the general benefit of the country — and by good and easy accommodations to the convenience of travellers. But as commo- dities can be transported with more safety, cer- tainty, and expedition, and at less expense on the canal, and persons in the same way by land, a di- vision of employment will finally and necessarily take place, mutually beneficial to each, and in- S GANAL TRANSPOUTATIOJf, calculably advantageous to the cardinal interesl:, of the community. When the great six horse, heavy teams are banished from use, the roads will be improved. The tippling houses, which derive iheir principal support from teamsters, will fall into disuse. The good inns on the road will meet with greater encouragement, because travel- ling will increase with population and business. The existing settlements and villages on the es- iaii!.ished roads will continue to prosper, while an immensfc mass of population will appear on the banks of the cajials. I am called off by Dr. Clark, (a very worthy gentleman, who is settled ai this place) to visit the salt works under his direction; but you shall hear from me again very soon. Yours, HIBERNiCUS LETTER II. Ithaca^ 1st June, 1820. My Dear Sir, I HAVE this moment arrived in this place, by water, from Montezuma. The Great Canal enters the Seneca river by a lock ; and after this you WESTERN CANAL. i WESTERN CANAL. lime or sand stone, and are cemented by mortar made of a calcareous stone found in various parts of this country. I never saw better work, pro- raising a longer uninterrupted duration. This canal was commenced on the 4th of July, 1817j and last autumn it was navigable. In twenty- nine months this gigantic operatioa was comple- ted. The western canal, so far as finished, inclu- ding the Salina canalj. is 98 miles long, 98 la the same period a canal from Lake Champlain to Hudson river has been constructed .24 miles long, 24 122 Thus these works have been made at the rate of upwards of four miles a month, or fifty miles a year. That part of the western section reaching from the Seneca to the Genesee river, a distance of 63 miles, and that portion of the eastern section from Utica to the Little Falls, about 26 miles iu length, making in the aggregate about 90 miles, will be finished next year, which is at the rate of 45 >niles a year. On this part of the western section (here will be 16 locks, and of the eastern at least 7 locks. After the year 1821, there will then re- main to finish of the great canal, about 95 miles in the western, and 75 in the eastern section ^ WESTERN CANAL. Jo which can, as I understand, be easily eilected by the first of December, 1823. Indeed, it is confi- dently said, that with adequate funds, 100 miles of iliis canal can be annually made. In the work to be finished, there are more locks in proportion to the distance, than in the middle section ; — while the latter only has 9 locks, there will be 25 in the western, and 56 in the eastern section. From Lake Erie to the Seneca river is a fall of 194 feeX^ and from Utica to Hudson river, a fall of 418 lL<^Q^i. But there is no magic in erecting a lock, either as to time or skill. The great pressure of water demands strength, and the massy weight of the superstructure requires a solid foundation. The larger the stones the better. In the locks near Salina I saw sand stones which weighed four tons ; they were moved by cranes and placed on the walls willi as much ease as a man would handle ;^ brick; and the lock at Montezuma was constructed last year in six weeks. The average expense of the middle section is §11,792 per mile. The cost of the western is es- timated at $10,944; and of the eastern, at §21,096 per mile. Never has so much work been done in so short a time, at so small an expense. Twent}'^ miles west of the Genesee river, the canal will strike the navigable waters of the To- iiawanta creek, which discharges itself into Lake B 2 14 WESTERN CAI>?AL. Erie. Before the final completion of this great work, a person may therefore take a barge at New- York, and pass by water into Lake Erie, by an uninterrupted navigation. LETTER III. Geneva, 6th June, 1820. My Dear Sir, As I write without "reference to note or com- ment," it is probable that I may commit some trifling errors, and slide- into repetition. I aspire to no higher honor than that of an old chroniclpy by giving '^yoii a dull, but true account, of this wonderful canal and wonderful country. I have travelled from one end of Europe to the other, and have seen much of the western world, but I have never before witnessed such scenes and ope- rations, as have been recently presented to ray vision. When I went on the canal, there were no fixed days for the starting of the barges with passen- gers : It appears from the advertisement which I now subjoin, that they are regulated. I believe that cheaper and more commodious travelling cannot be found. For eight dollars you can go WESTERN CANxiL. i'J in four clays 200 miles, without a jolt, or tlie least fatigue, and employ the whole time in read ing, writing, rational conversation, amusement, or viewing the most interesting region of the globe. The notice is as follows, to wit: " Boats for the accommodation of passengeis iOO miles on the canal, are now in operation by the ' Erie Cacal Navigation Company.' They' sail every JMonday and Thursday morning from Utica, at 9 o'clock, and arrive at Canistotn, (Lenox) at 7 p. m. proceed next day at 2 a. m. and arrive at Montezuma at 7 p. m. Returning — Sail from Montezuma on Mondays and Thursdays, at 8 o'clock a. m. arrive at Syra- cuse (Salina) at 7 p. m. proceed next day at 2 a. m. and arrive at Utica at 6 p. m. Price of pas- sage through the route, including provision and lodging, §4. Way passengers tliree cents per mile. A small advance to be made on t!ie price of passage when tlie Toll and Lockage are esta- blished. Baggage at the owner's risk. For pas- sage apply to Doolittle Si Gold, or at the Stage Office, Utica. To Richard Smith, innkeeper, Montezuma, or to the captains on board." Canlstota is about 36 miles from Utica, and Syracuse the same distance from Montezum", After leaving LTtica, you pass through a fine, fer- tile, well cultivated countiy to Rome. The villa- ges of Whitesborough and Oriskany intervene — the former is a most elegant place ; the latter is the seat of great hydraulic establishments. It Is 16 WESTERN CANAL. curious to observe the heterogenous collection ot names of places derived from the aborigines, the ancient Greeks, Romans, Jews, he. on the route of the canal. You begin with Utica, and proceed to Whitesborough, Oriskany, Rome, Oneida, Ve- rona, Canistota, Macedonia, Jordan, Syracuse, Bucksville, he, to Montezuma. Some of these are villages which have sprung up with the canal, and others will follow with such rapidity that I have no doubt that both banks will, in the course of a few years, exhibit one uninterrupted range of compact population. Already have spacious ba- sins for the accommodation of boats been esta- blished. At Syracuse there is a dock, warehouses, weighing machines, cranes, and all the other ap- pendages of a great Establishment. At several places [ saw boats on the stocks ready for launch- ing. Sometimes the great western turnpike ap- proaches within view of the canal, but generally it is a few miles to the south. On this road there are numerous villages and settlements, fine houses, churches, academies, and other public edifices, which instead of being affected by the establish- ment of new ones on the canal, will derive addi- tional aliment and support. In proportion to the increase of population, will be the increase of con- sumption. This will augment the demands for subsistence and clothlDg— for the necessaries^ WESTERN UANAL. 17 i'Ointbrts, and luxuries of life. The country in- tervening between the two great land and water routes will be shortly settled, and the north side of the canal to the Seneca river will be equally so. On the south side of the middle section of the ca- nal, there are two great turnpike roads, running in the same direction, and the Cayuga, Owasco, Skaneateles, Otisco, Cazenovia, and Little Lakes. On the north side, the waters of the Seneca river, Oneida outlet, Oneida lake, and Wood creek, furnish a navigable communication with Lake Ontario, or the Mohawk, and a great turnpike road is now making : And there are besides, the great lake Ontario, Oneida. Onondaga, and Cross lakes. The west and the east will thus commu- nicate by a great artificial navigation, by rivers and lakes, and by three great turnpike roads. The multiplication of these channels of connexion will bind the most distant regions together by in- dissoluble bonds. But the canal is pre-eminent over all the others in the vastness of its usefulness, and in the extent of its accommodation. After leaving Rome, you pass into a great swamp, covered with timber, and formed by the recession of the waters of a vast lake, which has now dwindled down into Oneida lake. This re- gion extends 16 miles to Oneida creek, when you pass into a cultivated country. The contrast is #i 18 WESTERN CANAL* like passing from a half lighted room, into ait apartment blazing with lamps. After this, you continue your course through a country generally unsettled, until you arrive at Syracuse, opposite to Salina, and 61 miles from Utica, where Judge Forman, a gentleman of great intelligence and activity, is erecting a town. The region west to Montezuma is of the same character. When you pass Geddesburgh, the Onondaga lake stretches out its waters to the north, and as it were under your feet; a more beautiful prospect my eyes never beheld. In this region mighty deeds of valor have been perform- ed. Here the great congress, parliament, or wittenagemote, of tlie Iroquois, or Six Nations assembled to deliberate on the concerns of the federal republic. Here the Jesuits established themselves, and encountered death and all its ter- rors to establish the dominion of the cross. But I am called off to witness a singular sight — a great bald eagle chasing an osprey over the Sene- ca lake — a great fish falls from the mouth of the latter, and the imperial bird darts at the falling fish with the rapidity of lightning, and grasps k in his talons. AURORA— CAYUGA LAKE. 19 LETTER IV. Aurora^ 9th June, 1820. My Dear Sir, In passing from Aurora, along the eastern bank of the Cayuga Lake towards the bridge, I met with several objects of great interest, and I much regretted that my time did not admit of a visit to a distinguished naturalist of the society of Friends, David Tho.mas, who lives in this vicini- ty. Whether these interior lakes have been form- ed I'rom the retreat of the ocean, and are in a state of gradual subsidence ; or whether they have been produced by springs and deposits of water in great cavities, enlarging gradually their dimen- sions b}'^ breaking dov/n the feeble barriers of schist with which thev are surrounded, are still points sub judice. As I proceeded on the banks of this lake, which exhibit a grandeur and beauty of scenery, far transcending any thing of the kind I have seen in Europe, I frequently came to the seats of ancient Indian nations, selected as such for theirabundance of vegetable subsistence, fishes, birds and beasts. I was utterly astonished when I reached the Union Springs, formed by the junc- tion of exuberant fountains springing up from the earthj and forming instantaneously a water power 20 UNION SPRINGS OWASCO LAKE. for most hydraulic purposes. At this place valua- ble mills have been erected by William S. Bur- ling-, a very worthy and intelligent man, under Vvhose auspices a pleasant village has been esta- blished. OwascoLake lies about 16 miles east of these springs, and is at least 150 feet higher than the Cayuga Lake — and as the intermediate country reposes on lime stone, some suppose that Union Springs are the out burst of a subterranean com- munication. A similar opinion prevails about the origin of the springs at Caledonia in Genesee. The progress of time and inquiry will ascertain the solidity of these speculations. This is the finest wheat country in the world. — The white bald wheat with r^d chaff is the princi- pal grain, and ail the materials of a great hydrau- lic establishment, can be brought to and sent from the works by water. Gypsum lines ten miles of the eastern bank of this lake. The Cocks- comb plaster, a singular variety of marl, is to be found in great plenty, and also inexhaustible stores of the latter in its common state. The Cayuga Lake abounds with fine fish, and among others, with the white fish, or salmo clupea formis of the celebrated Dr. Mitchill, who is cer- tainly at the head of the American scavans. The AURORA, &iC 2i salino salar is also found here and at least four species of esox, or pike. To the south you can approach by this lak^ the head waters of the Susquehannah and Ohio. — ~ To the north you can enter the great Lake Onta?- rio. To the west you can visit the Seneca Lake, and its connecting canal, and by diverging to the east vou can navisrate the middle section of the great western canal. Such facility of navigation in connexion with a rich soil, abounding with all the means of fer- tilization, and producing the best fruit and grain, with a healthy climate, and delightful scenery, furnishes inducements for settlements almost irresistible. In future times, the metamorphoses of Ovid will be re-produced in this romantic region. The Fountain of Arethusa will yield its renown to the exuberent Springs of Aurora ; and the license of poetic imagination will spread its fairy enchant- ments over the whole land. 22 WESTERN CANATi. LETTER v.. My Dear Sir, In my voyage on tlie canal I met witn several loaded boats and scows, ascending as well as dc« ' scending, and also rafts. The facility with whicli boats pass each other without interruption or delay, strikes one forcibly at the first view. This canal will make a great revolution in the internal trade of the country, and in the balance of political power. One horse can draw as much on a canal, as 60 on a road. The expense of transportation will be consequently greatly reduced. I saw an ad- vertisement of Mr. Henry B. Ely, of Utica, wherein he offers to forward goods on the canal for 25 cents per Cwt. for 100 miles, including toll, which is about five cents a ton per mile, at least one quarter less than by land. But this I appre- hend is too high ; the maximum cost ought not to exceed three cents a mile per ton. I saw at Utica a raft of 440 tons of lumber, which had been floated on the canal for 20 miles, for about 50 dollars. It was drawn by four horses at the rate of two miles an hour. The conveyance of this timber by land would have cost at least 1600 dol- lars. The price of wheat at Albany, is now about WESTERN CANAL. 23 87 cents a bushel, and the land Iransportation, at any considerable distance, costs at least 44 cents. A bushel of wheat can be conveyed on tlie canal, when finished, from Seneca river to Albany for six cents. Gypsum is found all over the west ; you can new buy it at Utica for ^1 50 to ^2 a ton. The great country lying on the Hudson can be sup- plied with this mineral for four or five dollars a ton. Salt will also be sold at Albany for 25. 6cL or 35. a bushel. I enclose you a marine, or canal list, cut from an Utica paper. The activity of business which this communication has already created is per- fectly surprising". From the Utica Patriot, CANAL NAVIGATION. May 22, 1820, arrived, boat Montezuma, with passengers, Engineer, Experiment, Western Tra- der, and a Cayuga boat, with flour. Departed, Montezuma, passengers, and a Gene- va boat with goods. 23. Arrived, Traveller, and Experiment. Denarted, boats Engineer, Newell, and Experi- ment. 24. Departed, boats Western Trader, and Ex- periment. Arrived, Lady of the Lake, with stone, and John Van Ness Yates, with 250 barrels of Hour, from Seneca Lake, ^4 WESTERN CANAL. 25. Arrived, Experiment, passengers, Lady of the Lake, stone, Anne Maria, with salt, from Salina. Departed, Experimerit, Anne Maria. 26. Arrived, boat Montezuma, with passen- gers, his excellency the Governor, and Gen. Van Rensselaer. 27. Arrived, boats Traveller, Clinton, and the Western Trader. 28. Arrived Engineer. Departed, the Experiment, passengers, for Montezurrfa, 29. Departed, boat Montezuma, with passen- gers, commencing her regular trips. 30. Lady of the Lake, one scow, with stone. 3L Arrived, two Cayuga boats with flour. Departed, Engineer, passengers. June 1. Two boats from the Seneca Lake, do. 2 The Canistota and John Van Ness Yates, do. Arrived, Montezuma, with passengers. 3. Arrived, one boat from Cayuga Lake, with pork. Departed, one boat for Geneva, and the pas- sage boat Experiment. 5. Departed, the Montezuma, for Seneca river, with passengers. At Montezuma, I was regaled with most excel- lent fish of the esox genus ; and at Syracuse and Rome, on my way up, I had fine salmon. I shall on a future occasion, speak of the fishes of the west : The fish markets of the cities on the Hudson will be greatly improved by the canal. New species will be brought down in ice in a WESTERN CANAL, 2 GEOLOGICAL. i>0 2 water, 1 oxide of iron. After the process of calcination, it is to bs ground, and tiien mixed with an equal weight of clean sand, which will be twice as bulky as the lime, and it must be mixed with clean water, and as little as possible. I am told that a great limestone ridge runs through the whole of this country, east and west— that north of it a ledge of gypsum commences } also a range of salines — and that on the borders of the gypsum and salt regions, there is a tier of lime stone alternating with sand stone, and full of organic remains ; adjacent to which the water lime is found — and that this valuable fossil is in great abundance over a line of country of at least 100 miles extent. The most eastern salt spring as yet discovered is about 25 miles west of Utica ; at the same distance g} psum commences. This affinity between salt and g3psum exists all over the world. I find the geology of this country most extraordinary ; it is sui generis. In using the technology of Werner, I beg you to under- stand that I am no disciple of his school. I adopt it to explain my ideas in conformity to received and general nomenclature. We are yet in the horn book of this science. The lapse of ages will accumulate facts for the formation of systems,-— o4 GEOLOGICAL. This earth is undoubtedly a wreck of a former world ; a new combination of old materials. Fire and water have been the principal agents in ac- complishing this work; and changes are constant- ly going on, sometimes with slow, at other times with rapid, and alw^ays with unceasing steps. To adopt the language of Werner, this country of the west is entirely of secondary formation. — Here are no primitive or transition rocks, unless a few scattered ones, which have been either brought from a distance by water, or ejected by volcanoes from the bowels of the earth — and which may therefore be considered as exotic sub- stances. I have as3Ttseenbut shistic, calcareous, and siliceous rocks, besides gypsum ; with the exception of a few of granite at Montezuma, one of which is very large. The existence of these primitive substances in this country, is a great curiosity. These rocks may have been convened here from the rocky mountains, from Labrador, or the country north of Lake Superior. But I have much to say on this subject, which I shall reserve until I see more of this country. In Europe all the three great formations run into each other, or are in a state of close approximation. In this I'egion the secondary predominates over the whole western counu'y. This then is ihehabitat of coal ; here it must be found of the best quality, and most COAL. Jo abundant quanilU'. Further west. In Ohio and Pennsylvania, it lias been discovered, and I am confident that It exists in the vicinity of this canal. The reasons which induce this opinion are vari- ous and conclusive, and 1 shall now enamcrale some of them. Coal is composed of charcoal, or carbon, bitu- men, some portion of eartli, and generally a small quantity of metalic matter. When it exists w ith- out bitumen, it is termed anthracite or glance coal. All the western coal contains bitumen, and erent - rally speaking, the coal found east of the moun- tains is without it. Coal is found in hilly situations, under strata of grit, which is a compound of sand and clay, or under schistus which is an indurated clay, splitting into la\'ers and forming either slate, or a substance called shivers, according to its fracture. Coal frequently alternates witli strata of grit, stone and schistus. Its roof is generally composed of shale ; and although in the island of Great Britain it is not intermingled with lime stone, which generally forms the outlines of coal fields, yet on the conti- nent they are often found in company. Discarding the th€orles which have been stated respecting the origin of coal, whether of mineral or vegetable derivation, it is suiucient merely to state facts in order to sustain the opinion which I have advanced on this subject. 36 COAL. Coal is classed by geologists among the secon- dary rocks or substances, and is found in regions of secondary formation arranged in horizontal strata. The whole western country is of this character. Again. — Its accompaniments, shale and sand stone are the principal rocks, besides lime and gypsum. Black shale which burns in the* fire, and which derives its color from the bitumen with which it is impregnated, is to be seen in various places. Bituminous springs and oil stones exist in this country. Hydrogen gas, or burning springs, are also found in this region, issuing from strata of schist, and are of the same nature, in several respects, with the gas obtained from the distillation of coal. Sir Humphrey Davy ascribes the quantity of gas thus spontaneously extricated, to the consolidation of this coal, effected under a great pressure ; and even when this substance owes its origin in some measure to other causes, it is in a degree always identified with coal. For the inflammable gas of marshes consists of hydrogen and charcoal. Whenever I see this gas in a state of ignition, or issuing from the earth in its usual state^I set down its origin in some measure to coal. COAL. 3? Again. — The prevalence of sulphur and salt in the shape of springs, and of gypsum in the form oi quarries, demonstrate the existence of coal. They are invariably companions. Providence dispen- ses its bounties in a remarkable manner. These invaluable fossils, coal, salt and gypsum, are always found in the same region. The great ranges of hills in Canasaraga, Onondaga, Ontario, and Genessee, are ramifications of the Alleghany mountains, the seat of coal in Pittsburgh. One of the richest salt mines in England, was discovered by digging a canal. The western canal in its windings round hills, in the deep cut- tings v.'hich it produces, and the extensive explo- rings and examinations which it occasions, will undoubtedly bring to light great mines of coal, more valuable than the precious metals of Peru, and the precious stones of Golconda. The places to look for this important mineral, are deep ra- vines, formed by floods ; the vallies at the foot of high hills, and vertical sections produced by the overflowings and abrasures of streams. Thin laminse of coal have been seen in various places — and the Indians say that they have found Ji re-stone in the woods. The moment coal is discovered within fifty miles of the canal, what sources of wealth will immediately be developed^ Deprive Great Britain of its coal, and yov^ ruin C 2 3S GENEVA. the kingdom. Give it to the proud republic of New-York, and she will soar on eagle wings above all competition. I write from recollection, for I travel without books — my general statements are correct, altha' 1 may err in some details^ LETTER VIII. Geneva, June, 1820. My Dear Sir, I LIKE the air and scenery of this place so much, ihat I cannot leave it without regret. The spacious hotel is replete with accommodations. The village bangs over the pellucid lake, which stretches like a mighty river towards the south, and the eye is lost in tracing its extent. The aquatic birds which frequent this lake are objects of considera- ble interest to me, and the fishes which inhabit its waters are equally so. I have however to grope my way in the dark without any assistance. Na- tural science has no hold of the affections of this community. Its very terms are unknown to most members of the learned professions. Here and there some illustrious exception may be seen, but then an attack is immediately made by the wit- lings, the poetasters and the sciolists of the country. BIRDS. 3D wlio unite to run down merit which they cannot imitate. Dr. Mitchill's honours of this kind are as numerous as the documents of his scientific merit, and Dr. Hosack has been assailed by the low buffoonery of literary punchinellos and shal- low-pated coxcombs. When in company with the savansof my native country, the fame ofRush, Mitchill, Hosack, Bigelow, Belknap, Barton, Wistar and Walsh, were familiar to me — but I never heard of the names ofVerplanck and Pauld- ing, of Searson, of Duer, of Minshull, or of Dr. Henry, until I landed on the American shores. The common names of European birds are applied without discrimination to American ones, and this has created endless confusion. It is vain that 1 look for our quail^ our patridge, our wood- cock, our pigeon, our swallow, our robin, our goldfinch, he. There is' nothing of .the kind to be seen. I am pointed to birds of, those names^ but here the resemblance ceases. The English snipe is the same in Europe and America, and probably many aquatic birds, but that snipe is the only one in which I have ascertained u G'om= plete sameness. When on the caiaal in the night I was serenaded by some unknown nocturnal bird. It had four distinct notes — its song was protracted and as melodious and sweet as the nightingale ; but it 40 »ifti)S. was not the same bird. The next mornhig the whole feathered tribe sung in dehghtful concert, and saluted the orient monarch of day with more charming music than ever 1 heard in European forests. And this was continued after we had entered a gloomy swamp. A remarkable bird was visible in the wood, eclipsing all its kind by xhe splendour and beauty of its plumage. It was entirely of a deep red color, with the exception of black on its wings. It was the Tanagra Rubra, or Red Tanager, the most beautiful bird in Ame- rica. It appears inclined to solitude, and its two Botes, chip churr, constantly repeated do not cor- respond with its magnificent attire. I had previ- ously seen the Loxia Cardinalis with its crested head and scarlet plumage, butit is not to be com^ pared with the Red Tanager. There is a bird called the Oriflus PhajnidTus, or Red winged black bird which is'the exact reverse of the Tanager in dress and appearance, and I also saw abeautiful bird of small size with black plumage, and white on its wings, called the Bob Lincoln. I am persuaded that there are many birds, particularly small ones, which are non-descripts. I was told of a bird which is heard in the night time in the month of March, and which has never been seen. It is cal- led the Stake Driver from the noise it makes, and is continually flying from tree to tree. It is BIRDS, 4i Undoubtedly a nocturnal bird of the Picus tribe. I was told by an old countryman of mine, who lives in a district called the Royal Grant, that he had heard the nightingale, but this I am persuaded was a mistake. It was, he said, a night bird very small, and never distinctly visible. Dr. Mitchill told me he observed notes which he took to be the nightingale's one night at Wood Creek, but this I believe was the same song which I heard on the canal. There are four species of swallows here, the same number as in Great Britain, and I believe they go by the same bames, although specifically distinct. Hirundo Rustica House Swallow. Hirundo Pelasgia Chimney Swallow. - Hirundo Purpurea Martin. Hirundo Riparia Bank Swallow. The Chimney Swallow is different from its congeners ; it has no furcated tail. It is a wild bird, and nestles in chimnies and hollow trees. I hear it descend the chimney of the room in which I sleep every night ; its operations are incessant, and its chattering never ending, I have reason to think that there are more species of swallows in this country, than those enumera- ted. The Caprimulgus Virginianus or Whip Poor-will, is a very singular bird» It is unknoWYi ^^ SULPHUR SPRIXCS. to Europe; its wide mouth shews that it denv^ its food from insects, and its crv in the night altliough the call of love, tends to inspire melan- choly. es LETTER IX. Suljyhnr Sj)rings, near Geneva, June, 1S20. I^Iydear Sir, I arrived here a few days ago. On my approach, my olfactory nerves were greeted by a sulphurous smell, like the fabulous exhalations of the Stygian Lake. The accommodations are bad, the country delightful, the springs curious, though not uncommon. A spring rises from the earth and immediately forms a small stream. In its ascent it passes through sulphur, and receives a strong impregnation. The water being saturated with this substance, deposits a concrete sediment. Whether it can be turned to a useful account, I cannot decide. I have much to say on these phenomena. Besides the usual loss of water by soakager leakage, and wastage, on the canal, a considerable quantity will be spent in evaporation. In some countries the evaporation exceeds the rain. In others itflUls short, particularly in Great Bri- RATS, 4S *taln. The former I am inclined to believe to be the case in this state, but of this I am not certain. The waters of these western streams have a self- puddling power. Thej^ are saturated with lime, gypsum, and vegetable and mineral decomposi- tions, and their depositions will gradually fill up the leaks and fissures in the canal. You know- that a canal has been cut through the bog of Allan in Ireland at an inunense expense, and which is perfectly water tight. The comparative facility of making the western canal in the worst places is obvious. The freshets of spring and autumn— the heavy rains and snows of winter — and the operations of frost, have exhausted, the last season, all their powers against this communication, and it has stood the shock at a trifling expense. In some places there is quick sand, which ever shift- ing and sliding, requires strong protection against Its ravages. I presume you know that moles and rats are so injurious to canals in England, that rat catchers are employed to extirpate them. I have seen already in some places the holes of these animals ; I do not know whether the brown, gray, or Nor- way rat, the mus decumanus of Linnaeus and mus sylvestris of Pennant, or the black rat, mus rattus of Linnaeus, have extended their migrations as far as this part of the country. They both follow 44- BAT is. settlement!^, and are great travellers, and l^presume that they have already established themselves in this region. Both are supposed to have been brought to England originally from India or Per- sia. The Norway rat, notwithstanding its name, is quite unknown in Scandinavia. He made his appearance in the Pive- Islands in 1768, arriving upon the wreck of a Norway ship, and according to Pennant was first seen in England about the year 1728. He has made a national conquest of the black rat, and wherever he has taken his resi- dence, has quite extirpated it. Accoi dingto Pen- nant, the black rat was indigenous in Eng- land, while Shaw supposes that he was derived from Asia. Pennant says that both rats and mice were unknown to the new world before it was discovered by the Europeans, and the first rats it ever knew were introduced there by a ship from Antwerp. Shaw says that the black rat was im- ported into South America in 1554, and is suppo- sed to be a native of North America. I have seen in the city of New-York both the Norway and the black rat, and wherever they go they will do mischief. Taking up their habitation in houses adjacent to the canals, they will perforate the banks for drink and food. The mus amphibius, or water rat which bur- rows in banks about ponds and ditches, is a stilJ RATS- 45 more dangerous enemy. It iuliuulu Europe, northern Asia, and North America, according to Linnaeus. I have seen it in remote parts of the Country, and it is a deadly foe to canals and mill ponds. So far as I can judge from a hasty glimpse in the boat, I have also seen the mus busarius which was some time ago discovered in the inte- rior of Canada, and which from the magnitude of the claws of its fore feet, is formed for burrowing in the ground. It is thus described in the fifih volume of the Transactions of the Linnsen Socie- ty — " Mus ciner^is, cauda tereti brevi subnuda, geniis saccatis, unguibus palmarum maximis fossoriis." But afresh water lobster, a species ofcray fish which I have not yet seen, is said to be peculiarly dangerous to mill dams by its perforations ; It inhabits the Genesee river in great abundance, and is seen in many other streams. If it establish- es itself in the canal, it will do great injury. The most formidable foe still remains to be noticed. The mus zibethicus, muskrat or mus- quash : 1 have already seen his holes on the banks of the canal. He is next to the beaver, the greatest architect of the brute kind. He builds his house on bogs, in summer, of reeds, and aban- dons it in winter, when he lodges in holes. He also makes a hole in the side of a pond, or brook. 46 FISHES. leading immediately into tbe water, from whence it rises gradually to a dry place, where he lies in security. In winter, when the v/ater is frozen, muskrats go under the ice and prey on the fish. They are very destructive to trout, which is alrea- dy in the canal. This animal is so useful to the furriers, that a law has been enacted against kil- ling il, between the first of May and the first of November, except in canals and null ponds. I am sure that its ravages on the canals, unless res- trained by severe vigilance, will greatly exceed all its benefits in making hats. LETTER X. Canandaigua, June, 1820. My dear Sib, " Of all minerals, said Bacon, there is none like the fisheries." And I assure 3^ou that these pre- cious commodities abound in the western waters. The ticamang, or white fish are taken in great numbers about the falls of St. Mary's at the foot of Lake Superior, particularly in the autumn, when that fish leaves the lakes and comes to the running and shallow waters to spawn. It weighs from four to sixteen pounds. So says Mackenzie the Scotch traveller ; and Mr. Rathbone, a very FISHES. 47 intelligent gentleman of New-York, has assured tne, that at certain seasons the Indians collect in vast multitudes at these falls to catch Cnh. Be- sides the white lish, there are the salmon trout, and several kinds of sturgeon and pike, and fresh water herring, and a number of other kinds. Whether these fishes were originally marine ani- mals, I cannot say. Fresh water fish will some- limes live in salt water, and vice versa. The lake of Lentini in Italy, is stocked with a sea fish called the cefalo, a species of mullet caught in the Mediterranean, and thrown into the fresh water of the lake, where they not only live, but increase greatly in size, and improve in ilavor, and are a considerable article of luxurv in the island. The lake has no communication with the sea, and is chiefly filled with rain water. Many fish run up from the ocean into fresh waters to spawn, and perhaps some fresh water fish go to the ocean for ihe same purpose. The fishes of the lakes can however have the benefit of the salt water if they see fit, as those waters abound with salt springs. Ives informs us that at certain places in the Red Sea, divers go down several fathoms, and bring up fresh water, which is found in holes or little natural wells. In this case the fresh water fish may live in the ocean. I have no doubt but that fishes can generally accommodate themselves to 48 FISHES. the fluid in which they swioi, whether saliue oi- fresh. I find all the country supplied with a hard dried cod from New-England, which must drain it of considerable money. I am somewhat surprised at this, as it is so replete with fine fishes of its own. West of Lake Erie, the waters contain the common salmon, in great numbers. The last year the fisheries in Sacket's Harbor and Chuumont's Bay produced the following : Siscoes or lake herring, 4,000 barrels, at $7 per barrel, $28,000 White fish, 1200 barrels, at 9 dollars, 10,800 Salman trotit^ 400 do. at 14 do. 5,600 $44,400 The distance comprised is less than twenty miles, and the quantity is exclusive of the abun- dance distributed fresh in the country contiguous to the fishing grounds. Judge Bates, one of the canal engineers, told me that 1000 barrels of eels are caught at the Oswego falls, and 500 of other fish, at $10 per barrel, $15,000 As much at other places on that river, 15,000 $30,000 FISHES. 4S It is not too much to say, that the western fish- eries, from the falls of St. Mary's to Lake Cham- plain, can be made to produce a million of dol- lars annuall}'. Along the canal I have been regaled with the salmon and pike in great perfection. The salmo fario, or common trout is visible in various places in the canal. The science of ichthyology is pregnant with instruction and amusement. The migration of ifishes,^,their occasional appearance and absence their habits, he. are subjects of interesting inqui- ry. The most remarkable circumstance in their natural history is their 6A;i ^ y i i! i iii)i3 hngmvky t amd rapid grovjth. A salmon weighing 7| lbs. was taken on" the 7th of February at Warrington, (Eng.) and marked with scissors on the back fin and tail, and turned into the river, and was again taken on the 17th of the following March, and was then found to weigh 17j lbs. Some of the salmon, (I mean the salmo salar of Linnaeus) stay in the western lakes all the year. But these may perhaps be considered estrays. The history of this fish is involved in much obscurity, and so indeed is that of all erratic fish. Pennant says, that every spe- cies of salmon is found in the rivers of Kamtschat- ka. It is observed that each shoal keep apart from others of different species, and frequently 3PfsHES. pre 54 FISHES. 2. A new kind of sucker, called the black suck-^ er. 3. The catfish of the lakes. 4. A chub, or dace, of a silver colour, and which sometimes weighs 4 lbs. Great destruction has been made of this fish by the improper use of coculus indicus in catching it. I accidentally met a German from Schoharie county, who was bound to the Oneida Lake for catfish to stock his pond. The canal will bring the western fishes into the eastern waters. At first, worms and insects will supply them with food ; their amazing fecundity will fill the streams with eggs and young— cannibal like they will subsist on each other, and in pro- portion to their multiplication will be the demand for, and the supply of subsistence ; but as the lat- ter will probably exceed the former, new and abundant fisheries will be brought into operation The more, my dear sir, I see, and the more I think, of the canal, the more thoroughly am I convinced of its astonishing blessings. Nature has poured down her benefits on this favored land —and the mighty genius of enterprise has brough^ them to perfection. O fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint. But alas ! faction is at work to undermine the boon of heaven, and the gifts of Providence. CANANDAIGUA. 55 LETTER xrr. Canandaigm, June, 1820. Mr DEAR Sir, I HAVE met in this place vlih many gentlemen of high standing and distinguished talents. Per- haps no village in America can boast of a bright- er constellation. Here are Gideon Granger, Mj- roH, Holly, a most indefatigable and eminent member of the canal board-Nathaniel Hcvell chief justice of the county-John Greig, an emi- grant from Scotland-several clergymen, physi- cans, barristers, farmers, merchants, &c. who are all distinguished as men of information and pub- lic spirit. The gentlemen whom I have mention- ed by name are men of uncommon endowments and high acquirements ; and you can never rise from their communion, without increasing your stock of useful information. Hospitality is the order of the day in this village. The ladies are elegant in their manners and appearance, and converse well and with great facility. r have been in other places of a different des- cnption, where a cold and icy distance prevail^ and where hospitality is arrayed in frowns. This difference of manners must arise from the influence DO CANANDAIGUA. ll of a few commanding minds ; and I assure you that it sheds a lustre not only on the intercourse of polished life, but by a natural association of ideas, brightens the scenery and heightens the beauties of the country in the view of the travel- ler. This western region is peopled by emigrants from different parts of the United States and Europe. If in the evolutions of good fortune, it should so happen, that a number of meritorious persons should settle in a particular place, carry- ing with them the excellencies which distinguish their native country, then a most felicitous state of society must be formed. This is the case with the population of Canandaigua — and the virtues and good qualities which flourish in this delight- ful village, are communicated to the whole sih- rounding country. Although there are no privileged orders in this representative democracy, yet there are distinct classes in society, which derive their existence from a difference in education, cultivation, and refine- ment. In cities, towns, and villages, the leading members of the learned professions, the principal merchants and agriculturists form a distinct asso- ciation — and it is sometimes amusing to perceive the efforts of the novi homines to elevate themselves into this class, which is considered the first or AMERICAN CHARACTER. 57 iiighest. Among these stern republicans, I have seen a great deal of family pride, and it is certaiii- \y a natural propensity in the common people to regard with respect the descendants of those illus- trious men who have been the benefactors and the ornaments of the couiUrv. I have sometimes been amused with the adoption of an appellation which I at first misunderstood. When I heard some of the lowest orders of society styled men of family, what, thought I, can this mean ? What a nomen generalissimum for all kinds of folks — but I was soon undeceived ; by a man of family is meant, in common parlance, not a man of dis- tinguished family, but a man having a fajnily. In every state there are great families. In every city, town, village, and district, there are great families, and the invidious airs of self-importance which some of the imbecile members of the would- be-patricians take upon themselves, is often retali- ated and punished by the rising up of new claim- ants to superiority, who bear away the honors of a fastidious aristocracy. In the middle ranks in villages, the bar keeper is an important personage and so is the mistress of the school, who is gene- rally a well educated, well-behaved young woman. They set the fasliions for their associates, and give the tone to opinion. In some places the stage- ^8 A3IERICAN CHARACTER. driver is a leading beau, and the keeper of the turnpike gate is a man of consequence. In the American character, I have witnessed a singular presentation of lofty independence and imafTected civility. Travel where you will you will never be treated with inattention or rudeness. Men, woraenj and children, are courteous to the passing stranger. Ask as many and what ques- tions you please, and you will be answered to the full extent of their information — but then they will expect reciprocity. You will be assailed by a prying curiosity which investigates your name, your business, and your destination. You will be treated with perfect equality ; and it will be expected from you to listen with patience to tedi- ous narratives and multifarious speculations. I never saw the elements of common education more generally diffused, and better understood. Every one can read, and write, and cypher — can read his bible, his catechism, and his psalm book, {n the nooks of the most common log house, you will see such books as the Young Man's Best Companion, Bunj^an's Pilgrim's Progress, Her- vey's Meditations, Robinson Crusoe, and Tom ./ones. The aspirants after higher knowledge are few in number and not very ardent in the pursuit. But I can assure you that many places are hon- ored by the residence of truly scientific men, 1 EDUCATION. 09 was much pleased with several of the savans of New-York, and among others with my distin- guished countryman, Dr. MvNevin, and a Quaker gentleman of the name of Griscom. In Albany there is Dr. Beck ; In Utica, Dr. Coventry, and in many other villages, men whose scientific ac- quirements are truly respectable. In one word, Jonathan is a sensible man, of good morals, respectable habits, and civil man- ners. His wife is a good, tidy housekeeper, and makes a kind affectionate companion for life. His daughters are excellent young women, beau- tiful, fascinating, and well informed- — but, like the scenery of their native land, a little romantic with- al. His sons are smart young men, capable of great things, and fully sensible of it — infected with national vanity — know a little of many things, but not an entirety of any thing. Now and then a promising genius appears among them who im- mediately becomes the hopes and the spoiled child of the family. Jonathan traces up his genealogy to John Bull, looks upon him with great respect and sends his most promising children to John for a transatlantic education. These boys come back some of them loaded with science, some with fop- pery, some with affectation, some complete dan- dies, and greater fools than when they left home. Now and then a Jefferson, a Mitchill a Hosack, 60 TITLES. a Walsh, a Rush, and a Franklin, appear ; but alas, such men are few, when compared with the ephemeral fops that infest the literary world of America. But in defiance of prejudice I must however say, that Jonathan has as much native intellect, and as good morals as John Bull, and better manners, without any surly pretensions to superiorityo LETTER XIIL Canandaiguttj June, 1820. Mr DEAR Sir, It is not a little extraordinary to observe the strong propensity of this republican people tbr titles and for claims to high distinction of family. Tlie foundation of their government is the equal- ity of human rights. " All men (says their cele- brated declaration of independence) are created equal," and yet we perceive a continual aspira- tion after the gewgaws and mummeries of aristo- cratical governments. The golden eagle which adorns the buttonholes of the heroes of the revolu- I lion, is a favorite addition to their exalted merits. Titles abound to superfluity. Every governor is styled Eocctllcncy whether he preside over a state or territory. IJJ.s Honor and the Honorahhy are TITLE??- 6i applied to deputy governors, Speakers of Senates and General Courts, Chancellors, the members of the higher Judicatories, Members of Congress and State Senators ; and now and then you observe the Worshipful members of Corporations and County Courts dropping their appropriate titles, and taking a seat among the Ilonorables of the land. Esquire is applied, to the magistracy in genera], and to the members of the bar. Some- times His Excellency and The Honorable are in- vested with this magnificent appendage in order to lengthen out an Alexandrine line of mighty honors. Everj^ man who practices physic or sur- gery, or undertakes to tinker in any way the hu- man body, is called Doctor, Even the village ^apothecarj' and culler of simples ; and then Gen- tleman is most liberally applied to t^ Dii minorum of this title-loving people, v.'ho seem to be anxious to keep constantly out of view the distich of old Chaucer, " When Adam delv'd and Eve span. Then there was no gentleman." Mr. Granger informs me that at the first esta- blishment of the present national government a strenuous attempt was made to introduce high sounding titles. It was proposed to style the Pre- sident, His Serene Highness — the Vice President, His Highness — Senators, The Right Honorable-^ 62 TlTt-ES^V Representatives, The Honorable, he. &c. For the honor of the country, this ridiculous effort was overruled by the good sense of the nation. Draw- ing rooms, levees, regulations of rank and pre- scriptions of etiquette, are however, permitted to disgrace the government ; and questions of high import, and of great pith and importance, with respect to precedence, are debated with wonder- ful zeal and astonishing ability. Shall the wife of the President return visits — shall the wife of a Secretary pay the first visit to the wife of a mem- ber of Congress — shall the Secretaries outrank the Senators — shall clerks and the wives of clerks visit the President's drawing room — are questions which have been discussed in solemn council, and which have employed every tongue and every mind in the sublime Bagdad of America. A lit- tle more than two hundred years have elapsed since the first settlement of this country ; and as a generation averages but thirty-three years, few families here can boast of more than five genera- tions ; and yet our ears are saluted in all quarters with panegyrics on great families, who have come perhaps " From Greenland, Zembla, or the Lord knows where." 1 assure you that I feel infinitely disgusted at this ridiculous apery of nobility. I have seen TITLES. 63 enough to know, that the true noble is the noble of nature, and that the really great man is the man who stands on his own legs, not on the crutches of his forefathers : who relies on his own intellectual and moral powers, without any wish to climb into consequence over the tomb-stones of a venerable ancestry. " Nam g-enus et proavos et quse non fecimus ipsi Vis ea nostra voco." Let me not be misunderstood, as undervaluing the advantages of a respectable family. What I censure is the absurd pretensions of little m^n to resolve themselves into great men b}^ a species of genealogical alchymy. It is not a little amusing to see the efforts of a novus homo, (as styled by the old Romans) to attain the 'vantage ground of hon- our, formerly occupied by the ancestors of these pretenders — and the ridiculous counter exertions of this factitious nobility in endeavoring to bar- ricade the advances of their antagonists by a line of genealogical trees. I accidentally lit on a rare book in five octavos, in petto, styled Alden's Epitaphs, he, where I found the lineal and col- lateral consanguinities and affinities of some families arranged with so much precision, and their remote ramifications laid down with such perspicuous delineations, thatl was almost tempt- ed to believe that I had stumbled on the British 64 TITLES, Peerage. Ages, marriages, children, iiames, site% professions, offices, follow each other in the true nobility style. "'* Stuck o'er with titles and hung round with strings, That thou may'st be by kings or w s of kings j Boast the pure blood of an illustrious race. In quiet flow from Lucrece to Lucrece ; But by your father's worth if your's you rate, Count me those only who are good and great. Go ! if your ancient but ignoble blood, Has crept through scoundrels ever since the flood, Oo ! and pretend your family is young, ^or own your fathers^'have been fools so long. What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards .'' Alas ! not all the blood of all the Howards." When I was on the canal, I frequently associa- ted my views with moral considerations, and stray- into allegorical representations in the John Bun- yan style. When I saw some boats ascending the locks — others descending, and many keeping on in the even tenor of their way, I witnessed a true picture of human sooiety- — which constantly exhi- bits the rise and fall of individuals, and a vast as- semblage of contemporaneous, concurrent and counteracting exertions to attain felicity and glo- ry. With most men it is much easier to pull down those above them, than to ascend to the same level. The political ostracisms of the Gre- cian democracies, and the banishment of illustri- ous men in the Roman republic, are a severe CANANDAIGUA. 65 Satire on human nature. I have often traced a resemblance between the ancient Athenians and the modern French — lively and full of mind, adoruing the v^'orld by the works of art and the productions of genius — but yet cherishing a per- sonal vanity, which constantly puts them in a belligerent state with men of superior merit, and a national vanity which creates the same collision with all other nations. At one time the Grand Monarque, and at other times, the grand Nation — the Grand Emperor — the Grand Consul — and always, the glory and the greatness of the world. LETTER XIV„ ' Canandaigua, June, 1820. My Deak. Sir, In every country or village inn, the bar room is the coffee room, exchange, or place of intelli- gence, where all the quidnuncs, newsmongerSj and politicians of the district resort, and where strangers and travellers make their first entry- Neither my taste, my habits, nor my convenience will admit of gorgeous or shewy equipments, and when I therefore take my seat in the caravanse- ras, there is nothing in my appearance to attract 65 CANANDAIGUA. particular attention. Many a person with whom I have held conversations, has undoubtedly for- gotten the subject, as well as the company. In the desultory and rapid manner in which such conferences are generally managed, a stranger is liable to mistake names and titles of office. 1 have no doubt but this has been my case frequent- ly : I may have styled a major a colonel, and a sherifl' a judge, and if so, I assure you without the most distant idea of giving offence. " Curs'd be the verse however sweet it flow, Which tends to make one worthy man my foe ', Give virtue scandal, innocence a fear, Or from the meek ey'd virgin draw a tear." Volney told me in Paris, that he travelled all over the west on foot. My countrymen Dr, M'Nevin and Dr. Goldsmith, perambulated a great portion of Europe ; and Wilson, the father of American Ornithology, was almost always a pedestrian traveller. How cautious ought peo- ple to be when in company with strangers. 1 have heard folly from the mouths of lawgivers, and ribaldry in the conversations of the notables of the land. Unnoticed, unobserved, reclining on my chair in the bar room, I have seen human na- ture without disguise — the artificial great man exhibiting his importance — the humble under- strapper listening like a blacksmith to a tailor's Parties. 6'7 news — the oracle of the place mounted on his tripod, and pronouncing liis opinions with solemn gravity. O ! ifl iiad been recognized as a tra- veller from the eastern world — a keen observer of iiuman nature — and a recorder of what I saw, 1 Immbly hope that much nonsense would have been spared, and many improper exhibitions pre-^ vented ; but then I would have seen man at a masquerade. I now derive light from my ob-^ ;,curity, and observe this world as it is. My plain dress, my moderate expenditures, my unobtrusive behaviour, avert particular remaik. It is only in the society of such men as I meet with in this place, that I am considered as of the least impor- tance. The prevalent conversations all over this federal republic, are on the subjects of political excitement. After some sage remarks on the weather, which compose the exordium of all con- versations, the man of America, like the man of Athens, asks, Whai neivs ? It is needless to say, that I have steered entirely clear of political and theological strife. I hardly understand the no- menclature of parties. They are all republicans, and yet a portion of the people assume the title of republican, as an exclusive right, or patent mono- poly. They are all federalists, that is, in favor of a general government — and yet a part arrogate to themselves this appellation to the disparage- 08 FARtlE?, meiit of the others. It is easy to see that the dir- ference is noiniiiai — that the whole controversy is about ollice, and that the country is constantly assailed by ambitious demagogues for the purpose of gratifying their cupidity. It is a melancholy, but true reflection on human nature, that the smaller the diiTerence the greater the animosity. Mole hills and rivulets, become mountains and rivers. The Greek empire was ruined by two most inveterate factions, the Prasini and Vineti, which originated from the colour of livery in equestrian races. The parties of Guelphs and Gibbelines, of Roundheads and Cavaliers, of Whigs and To- ries, continued after all causes of difference were merged. I have often asked some of the leading politicians of this country, what constituted the real points of discrimination between the Repub- licans and Federalists, and I never could get a satisfactory answer. An artful man will lay hold of vjords if he cannot o{ things, in order to pro- mote his views. The Jansenists and the Jesuits, the Nominalists and the Realists, the Sub-lapsa- rians, and the Supra-lapsarians, were in polemics what the party controversies of this people are in politics. If you place an ass at an equal distance between two bundles of hay, w ill he not remain there to all eternity ? was a question solemnly propounded and gravely debated by the school- PARTIES. 69 men. The motive to eat both, some contended, being equal, it was impossible for the animal to come to a conclusion. He would therefore re- main in a state of inaction, for ever and for ever. This problem, so puzzling to scholastic philoso- phy, would at once be decided by the ass, and the experimenium crucis would efTcct^ially silence every doubt. It is impossible for a mdn, how- ever quietly disposed, to act the supposititious part of the scholastic ass, and remain neutral between the parties, or bundles of hay. He must in truth participate in one or in both, and as it respects any radical difference of principle, it is very immate- rial which he selects. There are some pendulum politicians who are continually oscillating between parties, and these men in endeavoring to expiate their former oppugnation by fiery zeal, are mere iire-brands in society. In order to cover their turpitude, they assume high-sounding names, and are in verity political partizans, laying claim to be high-minded, and like Jupiter on Olympus, elevated above the atmosphere of common beings. And what adds infinitely to the force of these pre- tensions, is to find the most of these gentry to be the heroes of petty strife, and the leaders of village vexation, the fag ends of the learned professions, and the outcasts of reputable associations. I ot"- ten think of the observation? of the honest old 70 NOCTURNAL SCENESi traveller, Tournefort, when I see the inordinate violence of tliese high-minded gentlemen. *' The Turk, (says he) take 'em one with another, are much honester men than renegadoes ; and perhaps it is out of contempt that they do not circumcise renegadoes : for they have a common saying, that a bad Christian will never make a good Turk." LETTER XV. Canandaigua, June, 1820. My dear Sir, Every country strikes a traveller by the appear- ance of some strange phenomena or uncommon exhibitions — and the novelty of the spectacle im- presses him sometimes so deeply, that he is apt to over-rate its importance. In travelling on the canal, I heard for the first time, the sounds and cries of strange anin)als, and perceived sights which I had never witnessed betore. The country appeared in the nighttime full of sparks of fire in continual motion. It was easy to understand that these were the phosphoric emis- sions of insects on the wing. T accordingly caught some of the strangers and found them to be a spe- cies of lampyris ; I believe the lampyris corrusca NOCTURNAL SCENES. 71 ofLinncens. This insect does not existin Europe but is to be found in Japan. The lampyris noc- tiluca, or glow worm, is quite a different animal? and is the same in this country as in Europe : The female is apterous, while the male is of the coleoptera order, having four wings, and the up- per wings crustaceous. The female emits the light, and the male is guided by ittoits paramour. This anomaly is striking. As the female has no wings and is confined to the earth, nature has fur- nished her with a lamp to direct her winged part* ner to the nuptial couch.* Next to the fire fly, the most striking nocturnal object is the rana pipiens or bull-frog. The roar of this animal is unknown to a stranger. He is unknown in Europe — and a repetition of the coarse and lugubrious cry of these animals, res= * The following- lines from Southej's Madoc contain an excel' lent description of the American fire fly : Soi rowing- wc beheld The night come on ; but soon did night display More wonders than it vcil'd : innumeroas tribes From the wood-cave swanu'd, and darkness made Their beauties visible : one while they stream'd A bright blue radiance upon flowers that closed. Their gorgeous coloi's from tlie eye of day i JVotv nwlio)iIess mid dark, eluded search, Self-shrouded : and'anon, starring fhe ah^, Hoi€ iil-e a skowerofjire. T2 NOCTURNAL SCENERY. ponding as it were to each other, like the alter- nate crowing of village cocks, is calculated to make a strong impression. Whether this is the call of love, the shout of superiority, or the cry of battle, I do not know ; but if this be a fighting animal, I should think that these tremendous sounds must be the heralds of approaching battles. In countries surrounded by steep hills, the bull is made extremely ferocious by the echo of his own bellowing : In this case the bull-frog must be sufliciently excited by the noise of hundreds of antagonists in every considerable collection of water. In addition to this I sometimes heard the noise of the rana arborea, or tree-frog ; and a sound like the noise made by the cat-gut of a tiddle when tried by a musician. This proceeded from a frog which I saw frequently on the canal and which in my opinion is a non-descript, as I do not believe it to be the rana boans, or croaking frog of Europe. The interest of this nocturnal scenerv was G:reat- ly heightened by the melancholy cries oi the ca- primulgus virginianus. Its name, whip-poor-will . is derived from its noise, which is undoubtedly the signal of assignation. It differs specifically from the European goat sucker. The Indians consider it a bird of evil omen, and that if light on a house, the death of some of the inhabitants is inevitable. INSECTS. 7L» I also heard from marshy or watery places a mixed sound or concert, which was incessant and unvarying — neither pleasant nor disagreeably but increasing, upon the whole, the solemnity of an American night by the variety of its music. This I was told was the work of frogs or toads — but of this I must confess that I entertain doubts. May it not have proceeded from animals of tiie lacerta kind ? On the canal I saw in the day time continual- ly on the wing, and in pursuit of prey, a species of libellula, or dragon fly, which is vulgarly cal- led the devil's darning needle. The female drops her eggs into the water, which are hatched into larvae, or caterpillars — and they continue in that and the pupa state two years before they emerge complete insects. This ravenous insect is in turn preyed upon by hir undines. The martin or hi-, rundo purpurea, feeds its 3^oung with it, and the ground below its cage is covered with its mutila- ted wings and members, scattered about like the broken remains of dead bodies in the den of Cyclops. The curious insect which prepares a place of deposit for its ova by rolling dung into balls, is sometimes to be found in this country, and its unremitting industry in its dirty operations, reminds one of the incessant abuse of the scurrilous blockheads which infest the republic of letters. 74 *^ WOOD. LETTER XVL Canandaigua^ June, 1920. My Dear Sir, All wood that is susceptible of a fine pollsli, will make good furniture, and where the texture is compact, and the grain fine and concentrated, a polish can be made, an almost invariable ac- companiment. I have been not a little surprised at the extravagance of the Americans in import- ing mahogany, satin wood, &:c. for cabinet work, when they have as good, if not better materials at home. Ifind cabinet makers in full employ all over this country, and it is an occupation which deserves encouragement. It adds greatly to our comfort to sit down at a table which reflects like a mirror— and I always judge of the house-wifery of the lady of the mansion, by the appearance of the side board and tables. A man of observation will form a judgment in this respect by a single glance, apparently without taking any notice, and certainly without a scrutinizing stare : All young ladies that are candidates for matrimony ought to understand that they cannot place too much WOOD. 75r stress upon observances of this nature. No man who has any regard for his own comfort, will marry a woman who does not pay attention to cleanliness and neatness, which indeed were so high- ly prized by the Stagyrite, that he arranges them in the class of semi-virtues. " E'en from the body's purity, Tlie nimd receives a secret sympathetic aid." But to return to my subject. I went yesterday to a cabinet maker's shop, and I was surprised at the variety and elegance of the furniture, chairs, and side boards, tables, book cases, and bureaus, of walnut, maple, and wild cherry, which would with a competent polish excel the furniture made of imported wood. In the first place, a species of the acer, or maple, which grows all over the country, is the material from which some of the best cabinet ware is made. This wood In growing, frequently receives a cu- rious kind of contortion, from which it derives its denomination of curled maple, and it sometimes is shaped into a formation singularly elegant, called hir ds ey e, (rom its appearance. Independently of its uses In this respect, this maple transplanted into the court yard, and along the fences, in rows or in clumps, makes a beautiful ornamental tree. The juglans nigra or black walnut grows to an immense size and makes fine cabinetwork. T6 TREES. The nut is a fine addition to the taLle. The prunuj^ virginiana, or wild cherry, is equally good, if not superior ; and nothing but attention to polish is wanting to render furniture of this kind equal to any imported. The berries of this tree put in spirits make a salubrious drink. I have no doubt, but that other wood of excellent adaptation to the purposes of furniture, will be discovered. Maho- gony was not introduced into use until 150 years after the first settlement of Jamaica. Pownall, in his topographical description of North America, states it as the opinion of his friend Mr. Pratt, that the juice which can be drawn by incision from the poison vine Is that material which the Chinese aiid Japanese make their verjuice with. This is the rhus miscrocorpar of Pursh, and is pro- bably confounded with the rhus vernix which is adjudged to be the true varnish tree described by Kiempfer in the Amaenitates exoticse by the name of sitz-dsin, and which grows all over this coun- try as well as in Japan. In a word, my dear sir, the people of America are furnished, by the bounty of heaven, with every accommodation and comfort, and with a copious supply of the utile dulci. Their artisans are inge- nious and industrious — their materials for fabrics abundant in quantity and good in quality. Why then should they resort to tht^' workshops oi^ MANIfERS. 77 Europe ? Why should they seek for the materi- als of manufactures in foreign countries ? It is as absurd as for a man to look for happiness in ta„ verns, bagnios, and gambling houses, when he has a lovely wife, promising children, and every com- fort at home. 1 have received but one letter from you since my arrival in this place. Hence I infer, thougl; perhaps unjustly, that my communications are iminteresting to you. Shall I be more sparing of them in future ? T submit to your reprimand, because I deserve it, about my noticing the litera- ry Jack puddings and Charlatans of the day. They are really hors de combat in every respects '' Sons of a day, just buoyant on the flood, Then numbered with the puppies in the mud." LETTER XVII. Canandaigua, June, 18^h. My Dear Sir, In borrowing a sentence from a living author of some note, I think that its application to this country is peculiarly felicitous. " In the remotest village there is a nucleus round which the capa- bilities ofthe place h^ay chrystalize and brighten." la every place there is a brilliant star, if not a E 78 MANNERS. constellatioiij of enlightened men — men who de- Vo:e themselves to the " silent progress of stud}'^, and the placid conquests of investigation." It is pleasing to observe the respect with which these men are treated by their fellow-citizens. Moral and intellectual strength and beauty are in this country the companions of political importance and influence. This I admit is not invariably the case. Some persons of uncommon worth and extraor- dinary endowments are now suffering a political ostracism ; and there are now many men high in oflice who answer the description ofCicero — " Ad honores adipiscendos etadrempublicam gerendam iiudi veniunt, nulla cognitione rerum nulla scien- lia ornati." In Europe the partition wall between the different classes is maintained and fortified by the habitudes of society. The great man there always travels in his own coach or barge, and if he voyages on the sea, he takes the whole cabin to himself Here the head men, or primates of the country, travel with their families in stage coaches, in steamboats, and in canal barges, and think it no degradation to sit down at the public table, and to converse kindly and familiarly with all. The consequence of this ^felicitous commu- nion is a growing and expanded improvement in the decorums of life, and in the progression of mlud. Prejudices are removed — animosities are MANNERS. 79 softened — and the links which connect the chain of Imman society are strengthened and brightened Much of the happy state of this great communi- ty may be justly imputed to the influence of the female character. A late traveller says that the United States are governed by an oligarchy of Gazette editors. In no country are the former held in higher respect, and I intend no ofience when I contradict this assertion and say that a gynecocracy prevails : Go into the most common farm house, and converse with the sons and daugh- ters of the family, and you will find something that pleases in the manner of the latter, while the former frequently require the ascendancy of an Iphigenia to polish the bluntness of their de- meanor. I frequently spend whole days in traversing on foot this beautiful country, chequered with enclo- sures — crowned with trees — filled with houses — - teeming with vegetation, and smiling with plenty ? and when I reach the hi^h hills of Bloomfield, I appear to breathe a balirtier air, to behold a sere- ner sky, and enjoy a brighter sun. But in my peregrinations I never lose sight of man — I look at him in all his varieties and aspects — in his insu- lations and in his associations. The women of this country, after performing the labors of the day. amuse themselves in the afternoon by giving 80 RIDING. or receiving visits, and you invariably see them as \'ou pass their houses at that time, clothed in neat and decent attire. Groups of children are to be seen at the doors, rising in regular gradation, like the steps of a pyramid, enjoying the smiles of parental affection, and eyeing the passing travel- ler. When I view these scenes of domestic bliss, I feel something come over my heart which draws tears from my eyes. These excellent women have never visited the Castle of Indolence — they know not the place where *• Languid beauty keeps her pale fac'd court." And they dread those associations, <* Where fajr is cast the distaff, spinning wheel, and loom, Where the sole labor is to kill the time ; And labor dire it is, and weary wo, Or saunter forth with tottering steps and slow." When I render the just tribute of applause to the general character of this interesting people, I cannot conceal my disapprobation of some noxious habits which generally prevail. In my whole tour I do not think I have seen more than three travellers on horseback, and those wore umbrellas over their heads : It seems that a scraggy, ricket- ty, one-horse waggon, has been substituted — that it was introduced by a General a {ew years ago, who was too fat to be an equestrian. Of all exer- cises-, riding on horseback is the most healthy and ORNlTfiOLOGT. Si li^ahly. A favourite author says, " I consider the absolute resignation of one's person to the luxury of a carriage, to forebode a very short in- terval between that and the vehicle which is to convey us to the last stage." The Americans are not an effeminate people, and it is to me passing- strange that they should give in to such degenerate habits. When a stranger alights at a tavern, he fre- quently witnesses a rapid collection of idlers in the bar room, who congregate together like birds of passage in autumn, to gather news, to kill time, and to drink whiskey. I have not been able to restrain my indignation at such an inexcusable waste of time. Whenever T see it I augur ill of the morals of the place, and when I do not observe it, I mentally exclaim : — '* This village is devoted to industry and temperance" — and I frequently am induced to spend some time in it, when I almost invariably find that my judgment is correct. LETTER XVIII. # Canandaigua^ June, 1820. My Dear Sir, At the house of the respectable and worthy Mr. Greig of this town, I met for the first time with S2 ORNITHOLOGY. the ornithology of Alexander Wilson, in nine quarto volumes, and need I say that I am delighted with it beyond measure ? He preserves a due me- dium between the dry technology of the Swedish, and the poetical delineations of the French school. Mark Catesby published two volumes in folio on the natural history of America, and George Ed- wards I think, seven in quarto. Wilson has far exceeded both, in the correctnets of his delinea- tions, in the beauty of his colouring, and in the number of his descriptions. He has figured and described 278 species — 56 of which were non- descripts. The biography of this man would " point a moral and adorn a tale :" He had passed through all the vicissitudes of humble life — a weaver and a pedlar, and finally a village schoolmaster. In all situations respectable, and poising himself by the power of great talents, he stood upright while the wheel of fortune revolved under him. What posthumous honors have been paid to this great man— what monument has been erected to perpetuate his name .? None — none ; and if he were now alive, he might say with the old "Roman, '* Malim ut de me quaerant homines, quam ob rem Catoni non sit posita stat«a, quam quare sit po- sita. ORNITHOLOGY. 83 Catesby and Edwards made the etchings of their figured subjects — Wilson performed tho drawings and the colourings of his — in all respectr, he is superior. I am happy to agree with this great naturalist about the brumal retreat of the swallow. He scouts the idea of their retiring into the bottom of rivers and lakes so generally credited by the dis- ciples of Linnaeus. In addition to the swallows I mentioned to you before, he has described a green, blue, or white-bellied swallow, under the name of hirundo viridis. He calls the barn swallow hi- rundo Americana, and seems to think that the American bank swallow, or sand martin, (hirundo riparia) is the same as the European. Myriads of swallows, says a late traveller, are the occa- sional inhabitants of Honduras. This is a key to the whole mystery of their winter quarter^. The second volume of the Harleian Miscellany contains an essay written seriatim, to prove that the moon is the hybernaculum of birds of pas- sage. The following text from Jeremiah is the ground work ofe- this strau2:e hvpothesis. " The stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times, and the turtle, and the crane, a!tid the swallow observe the time of their coming." He says that " divers of these fowls which make such chansres, and observe 84 ORNITHOLOGY. their seasons, do pass and repass between this and the moon, which is the nearest concrete or earthly body of the planets. That no man has seen the birds out of their seasons, and therefore he concludes they are no where on this earth, for de non entibus et non ap- parentibus eadem est ratio. That wood-cocks, upon a change of wind to (he east, about All-Hallows tide, will seem to come all in a night, for though in the former none are to be found, yet the next morning the}- will be found in every bush — that then its flesh is abort and tender, whereas, after it eats, it is stringy and of a fibrous flesh, as other of our fowls are. The storks in Holland all collect in Harlem, near where they continue some days, and then as- cend in a spiral flight out of sight. That the word in heaven I^ias reference to the place of flight. He reckons a bird going at the rate of 125 miles an hour, can get to the moon in two months — that a.^ter getting up a certain distance, they may be in a kind of sleep which may supersede the use of food. % But if the moon is too far, he concludes that there may be some concrete bodies at a much less distance, or ethereal islands invisible to us,, and ret no further off than these birds mav convenient- OREITHOLOGY. 85 ty arrive to. " This I do suggest, (says this great phiXosopher) because it is as hard for me to persuade myself that they come from any other part of the earth, as it is to persuade another that they come from the moon, and therefore if the moon will not be allowed, some other place must be found out for them." This lunar doctrine is an excellent satire, altho' not intended, on the hypothesis of submersion — both are equally unfounded and equally ridicu- lous. The swallow is the swiftest bird that flies — a mile a minute is a reasonable calculation. — In two days your swallows can reach Africa, but I do not believe that they extend their tour be- yond Spanish America, and the opposite islands. Have you ever seen the beautiful ode of Ana^ creon on the swallow "? Will you accept of it in translation ? " Once in each revolving year, Gentle bird we find thee here. When nature wears her summer vest. Thou com'st to weave thy simple nest ^ But when the chilling- winter lowers, Again thou seek'st the genial bowers Of Memphis, or the shores of Nile, Where constant hours of verdure smile." Edwards has given a delineation of the Canada goose at large. Catesby has figured the head E 2 86 DOGS. nearly to the size of life. Compare them with Wilson's, and what a difference in his favor. LETTER XIX. Canandaigua, June, 1820. My Dear Sir, A DOG was pointed out to me, as an Indian dog which had a peculiar conformation. It had a wild aspect — a long, flat head, slender muzzle, erect ears, coarse hair, and a long, meagre body ; and if I might venture to give an opinion from appearances only, i would «ay that the Indian dog was originally a hybrid produced from the union of a wolf and a fox. The internal struc- ture of these animals is similar to that of the dog, and there is a great sameness of external appear- ance. Dr, Robertson has said that the red men of America had not tamed any animal. This is not true. The dog was domesticated by them and used in the north western tribes for draught as ;well as for hunting. In some of the south-west- ern nations, the wild turkey and some other birds were domesticated ; and in Peru, several animals were reclaimed from their wild state* DOGS. 87 It is not a little astonishing that the natural his- tory of so important an animal as the dog should be involved in so much obscurity. Some natural- ists suppose that he is a distinct species ; others consider him as a derivative from the jackall, the hyena, the wolf, fox, and their commixtures ; and I have no iiesitation in saying that I am. inclined to the latter opinion. The most astonishing fact in zoology is, that the offspring of distinct ani- mals, having different periods of gestation will be fruitful. The canis familiaris, or domestic dog, is gravid from 60 to 63 days. The wolf 100 according to Shaw, and 70 according to others. The jackal 30 days, and the arctic fox 63; aud yet there is no doubt but that the hybrid of the wolf and dog will produce offspring. In like manner the gyall or bos fontalis of the East Indies, is gravid eleven months, and the do- mestic ox and American bison or buffalo, nine months ; and yet they will have a fruitful race. Buffon placed the wolf and female dog together, and also the fox, and yet they had no connexion. The experiment however was not a fair one. Wild animals, particularly the wolf and fox, when caught lose their activity and spirits, and pine away. Linnaeus enumerates 11, and Buffon 30 fixed varieties of dogs, and some of them are as 88 COG'Sv- dissimilar as it is possible for animals ©f tHfi aa'iii5' genus to be. What can be more unlike than the lap-dog and the mastiff — the Irish grey-hound and the common cur. The Indian dog whicli I saw was accompanied by his red master, and it immediately brought to my mind the beautiful lines of Pope. Lo the poor Indian ! whose untutored mind Sees God in clouds or hears him in the wind ; iiis soul proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk or milky way : Yet simple nature to his hope has given. Behind the cloud-topt hill, an humbler heaven- Some safer world in depth of woods enibrac'd, Some happier island in the watery waste, Where slaves once more their native land behold, No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold. To be, contents his natural desire, He asks no angels wing, no seraph's fire ; But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall beer him company, St. Pierre well observes, that the dog is a true friend, and the cat a courtier — the former is at- tached to the person, and the latter to the house of his^raaster ; and Buffon concludes his splendid panegyric on the dog, by pronouncing that " he is the only animal, whose natural talents are con- spicuous, and whose education is always success- ful." When Ulysses, after an absence of twenty years^ returned to his home in the garb of a beggar, al- CUSTOMS. 89 tliough rot recognized by his faithful wife, or do- mestics, yet his old dog Argus immediately knew his master, and expired in a paroxysm of jo} . What a striking eulogium on the sagacity and fidelity of the dog ! how true to nature, and how worthy of the Prince of Poets : it is the most pa» thetic scene in the Odyssey. LETTER XX. Canandaiguttj June, 1820, My dear Sir, A LATE English traveller, who published a book of travels, and who calls himself John Cam Hobhouse, has declared in the true John Bull style, when smarting under the privations and sufferings of a barbarian country, that " properly speaking, the word comfort cannot be ap- plied to any thing he ever saw out of England." 1 have travelled much, both in the United States and in Great Britain, and I can truly say, that making allowance for the difference in price, and the newness of settlement, the accommodations are not superior in the latter. The unhappiness of life frequently proceeds more from a series and repetition of petty vexations, than great and over- whelming calamities,, and these miseries in minia-- ^0 IN^UI31TIVENE3S. ture are frequently occasioned, if not aggravated by the neglect of small observances and attentions, and by the disquietudes which irregular and dis- orderly men continually produce. A custom pe- culiarly American, is to lean back on the chair with extended legs. I never saw an European practice this impropriety. The practice of drum- ming with the fingers, as if practising on a harp- sicord, on chairs, sofas and tables, is so prevalent, that I am almost inclined to pronounce the Ame- ricans a musical people. Again, the handling of forks, and knives, and spoons, and plates, at table, when not in use, evinces the activity and sprightly habits of this ever stirring nation. Travelling incog. I have passed myself off as a person who wants to buy a tract of land. This has been rumoured about the country, and persons are continually teazing me with proposals to sell : and these interviews are accompanied with search- ing questions, which reach not only to the bot- tom of my business, but to the history of my whole life. I verily believe that a witness in 9. court of civil law, never underwent a more sifting examination thap I sometimes experience. The visitor generally opens the conference by propo- sing to trade for land, and perhaps we may swap /flrm5— and then he digresses into a long enquiry about my age, nativityj country^ family, busines?^ IN^UISITIVENESS. n politics, religion, &ic. &:c. which generally consumes two hours. If I can escape with an hour's audi- ence of this kind, I think myself well off — and all this is managed in a style so truly diplomatic and respectful, that it is impossible to take offence. A direct interrogatory is rarely put, and I some- times amuse myself by baffling the question, and increasing the impatience of unsatisfied curiosity. For instance, I frequently apply a negative to every question. Did you come from France, sir ? No. From Holland? No. From England.^ No. From Scotland? No. From Ireland? I can't say. From the West Indies ? I don't know. From Mas- sachusetts? No. From Nantucket ? No. From Cape Cod ? No. Then, exclaimed the impatient inquirer, where in the world did you come from ? From beyond the Atlantic, sir. This silenced the man for some time — but again he rallied his forces, and presented his questions in another shape. Let me see, said he, you have somewhat of the tone of a Yorkshire man, or a Scotchman, May be, sir. Is it true, said he, that the potatoes of your country, Ireland, are better than ours ? Humph — said I. How long were you coming from Cork, sir? Humph — said I. Is your sovereign, George 4th, as wise as his father ? Go and see. Did you see counsellor Sampson, your countryman, in New-York ? Yes, said I, but I do not admit that I am an Irishman. Do you know Gideon Granger 92 TRAVELLING. and Nathaniel Gorham ? Perhaps so. Were you in this country during the last war f My patience could stand it no longer, and I took up my hat, and excused myself by saying, that I had particu- lar business, and must take a walk. The inns are generally comfortable, clean, con- venient, and well supplied with provisions ; but still there is room for improvement, and many little accommodations are overlooked. I have seen bells no where but at the great inn at Geneva, and scrapers no where but at the sign of the whale in Chitteningo. There are few carpets, and instead of blinds on the inside or outside of the windows, to exclude heat and excess of light, the windows are generally curtained with a coarse kind of paper, which is as difficult to move as a fifty-six, and which is constantly rattling about your ears like hail : and by the by, in the best private houses, you frequently see papered rooms, which serve as an asylum for bugs and other vermin, instead of painted or stained apartments, which never admit them : and when you go to rest you plunge into the gulf profound of a Scan- dinavian feather bed, from which it is difficult to retreat, and in which it is still more difficult to inove^ The prices of travelling in stages, and of living in some hotels are too high, when compared m\h INNS. the general fall of commodities and wages. It is true that the horn of plenty scatters its blessings in profusion. Your breakfast and tea table is overloaded with cakes, green cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, cheese, sweatmeats, and sallad, be- sides more agreeable viands : but then the coffee is sometimes burnt (not roasted) SP^t the aroma escapes ; or you have the deleterious green tea instead of black — and instead of wholesome bread, you are served with a mixture of flour and milk, which is really disgusting ; because as soon as the latter ingredient acidiiies, it taints the whole mass, and offends the smell as well as the taste. The bacon and eggs, at dinner, and the broiled chickens and veal cutlets are very fine. You have good beer and cider — fine wine is rarely to be got. And in this country of cheap timber, the ice houses are comparatively rare. When you call for a meal, you are frequently surprised to find 3'ourseif surrounded by strange travellers. This is a contrivance of Madame Trniteur to save trouble — and then it is consider- ed an essential etiquette to place a neatly dressed female at table, to preside over its ceremonies, and to pour out the coiTee, This is frequently ver}^ agreeable, and you are often pleased with the conversation of a modest, sensible young woman. 94 CANAL. The principal signs of taverns are descriptive of the genius and feelings of a people. In this country, the bald eagle, the symbol of national glory — the implements and products of agricul- ture, the signs of national wealth — and masonic figures, the ejigblems of national charity, adorn the inns. S^Btimes you meet with a whale, a lion, or a liprse — but where do you not see unmeaning and absurd exhibitions f The weather is extremely hot : so much so, that I can hardly think or write. A man gene- rally observes through the medium of his feelings. When you are overwhelmed with fatigue, oppres- sed with heat, or overpowered with cold, how can you see accurately, or describe justly ? Is not this the true key to most of the nonsense and fable of travellers ? LETTER XXL My Dear Sir, [n attempting to describe the great water com- munications of tiiis region, I am sensible that I have undertaken a task which far transcends my faculties. An elegant poet has truly said " None but a Phidias should attempt a Jove.' But as you have considered my letters with kindness. [ CANAL. 95 shall not be deterred by my acknowledged incom- petency from gratifying your wishes. It appears to me that in seasons of great heat, a change of water is as essential to health oii canals, as a change of air is in houses. Fresh water is as important as fresh air y|pd whenever this is neglected, the banks of cansff will exhibit the same diseases as the country in the vicinity of any other stagnant waters. A considerable part of this canal runs through a region of gypsum which it is well known consists generally of 32 parts of lime, 46 of sulphuric acid, and 22 of water. These component parts may indeed dif- fer in different species and varieties, and gypsum sometimes contains foreign ingredients, such as alumine, iron and silica. The principal consti- tuent, being sulphuric acid, and this substance, which is commonly called oil of vitrol, and which is derived from sulphur and oxygen, being neces- sarily unwholesome, will communicate its quali- ties to the canal in the most deleterious manner, if the water is left in a stasje of stagnation. Be- sides this, the water will by frequent change be supplied with fresh solutions of lime, which will have a tendency to neutralize the miasmata of vegetable putrefactions. In old settled countries, yapid streams are an indication of salubrity, bur in this western region, where the waters are im- 1^6 Canal. pregnated with vegetable decompositions, it is remarked, that at places of great precipitation of this fluid — at great falls, which increase the rapid- ity of its motion, bilious and malignant fevers are more prevalent, because more miasmata are brought into activity, and infused into the atmos- phere, and this evil will continue until cultivation prevents the supply of vegetable putrefaction. I am therefore pleased at hearing that new feeders have been provided. You may recollect that in a former communication, I told you that I would give you my view of the causes of the late freezing and early thawing of the waters on this canal. This is owing, in my opinion, to the abundance of sulphuric acid in it. It is well known that water and sulphuric acid combine so intimately and closely, that the compound gives out a large r/f portioii caloric. Four pounds of this acid, mix- >j ed with one pound of water, will raise the ther- mometer to 300 degrees of Farenheit. There are undoubtedly auxiliarj', as well as counteract- ing causes which act in relation to the greater heat of the canals. The canal will however have a most beneficial effect in increasing the healthiness of tlie country'. It will act as a great drain to carry off the redun- dant waters, and to dry up the sources of pesti- lence. CANAL. 97 In my opinion, the period of the greatest un- healthiness of a country, is the intermediate state between a state of nature and a state of cultivation. The felling of trees produces vegetable decompo- sition, and opens the earth and the water to the action of solar heat. Evaporation and exhala- tion are augmented, and poisons which were be- fore inert and inactive, are excited into deleterious activity. The Python of the ancient m3^thology was intended to represent the terrible miasmata of this or an analogous state. Ovid thus speaks of the evepts which immediately followed the deluge, Ergo ubi diluvio tellus liitulenta recenti Solibus aethereis altoque recanduit sstu, Edidit enumeras sprcies : partimque figuras Retulit antiquas : partim nova monstra ereavit. Ilia quidem nollet, sed te quoque, maxime Pythfon, Turn genuit ; populisque novis, incognite ser^pis, Terror eras : tantum spatii de nionte tenebas. The influence of cultivation was personified in Apollo, who slew the serpent. Although the clearing of a country does not create new beings, yet it multiplies their number, and augments their power of good and evil. The food which is furnished to the voracity of insects, and the heat which is administered to their pro- pagation and growth, are increased by settlement. Man — the useful creatures by which be is surrouii- 98 CANAL. ded — and the beneficial vegetables which he in- troduces, invite the annoyance of this tribe of beings; and the great numbers of some invaria- bly indicate an unhealthy state of the atmosphere, and in some degree contribute to it. Respice finem. The diseases which necessarily follow from the clearing of a country will be im- puted to the peculiar malignity of this canal. Is there not in human nature a diabolical spirit which delights '' to damn and to destroy ?" What pleasure can be derived from the deface- ment of milestones — the prostration of monuments *— the destruction of aqueducts ? — and yet, go where you will, and you will see the ravages of Vandalic fury. I have just been told that a ruf- fian was caught in destroying the banks of the canal. The state prison will be his destiny. But in the eye of moralit}' and patriotism, is not the wretch equally culpable, who endeavors to arrest this great improvement, by poisoning the public mind — by calumniating its patrons — and by circulating false reports about its stability and usefulness. BURNING SPRINGS. 99 LETTER XXII. Canandaigua, July, 1820. My Dear Sir, I was yesterday informed that there is a barn- ing spring a few miles from this place, and I im- mediately set out to view it. I soon found it about eight miles to the southwest of Canandaigua, in a district of country called Bristol. A small stream flows at the foot of a hill about 30 feet high, and contains pure water, and small fish The gas bubbles up in the water tlirough spiracula, and also issues from the dry ground adjacent. In the first place it appears like boiling water, and in the last place it is in a state of flame : It smells like the smell of a lamp, without a rank, unctuous quality, and burns like the flame of a candle, or ignited wood, or coal, and it is some- times in a state of ignition the greater part of the year. It was discovered accidently by a maa clearing land on the hill ; a brand fell down and ignited the gas which issues through many spira- cula or apertures. The stone in the vicinity is shale, and some- times contains a small calcareous mixture, as is evident from its slight efl'ervescence with sulphu- ric acid. On my return to this place, I was told ^bat a similar spring has been discovered near a bed of gypsum in West Bloomfield; and five or 100 BURNING SPRINGS. six in Richmond, south-west of the one T visited ; both these districts border on Bristol. There is also a burning spring at Chippeway, in Upper Canada, and another in Westmoreland, ten or twelve miles west of Utica, near the Seneca turn- pike road. They probably exist in many places in this region, andjthey appear to range from east to west, diverging a little to the south-west. The gas which composes these burning springs, is carburetted hydrogen gas, or carbon dis- solved in hydrogen. It is the fire-damp of coal mines, and whenever the atmosphere of a mine becomes charged with more than one-thirteenth of its volume of this gas, the whole becomes explosive. The priests who direct the worship of the followers of Zoroaster in Persia, impose this gas, when in flame, upon their sect as the immor- tal fire, after having conducted it by secret con- duits into their temples. I have been informed by a gentleman from the state of Ohio, that at Rocky Hill, in that country, about a mile and a half from Lake Erie, an attempt was made to bore the earth for salt. Af- ter proceeding to nearly the depth of 200 feet, the auger fell, and salt water rose through the aperture, and played for several hours. After the water was spent, volumes of inflammable air issued forth for a long time, and formed a cloud, which. EURNINIS SPRINGS. 101 conimunicaling with the fire In the workmen's shops, became ignited, and consumed every thing in the vicinity. Large quantities of coal afe close by. Holjinshed states^in his^ Chronicles, that at the time of a great earthquake in the reign ofHenryl. ** fire burst out of certain rifles of the earth in so huge flames, that neither by water nor otherwise could it be quenched." And Southey speaks of sea-fires which rose from the sea, travelled into ihe interior, and consumed many towns. These undoubtedly proceeded from large collections of carburetted hydrogen gas, extracted from the bowels of the earth, and put in a state of ignition. As this gas is partly generated from carbon, ihe principal constituent of coal, it is an almost certain indication of a coal mine. I admit that it is not an infallible one, and that it may be extracted from other substances, but this can rarely, if ever, occur in large quantities. The actual existence o-f coal at Rocky Hill, and of shale, the roof of coal mines, tit Bristol, justify beyond question the correctness of my conclu- sions. Here then is an important devclopement, which, iii connexion with a preceding letter, shows satis- factorily the existence of coal throughout this region. Bituminous and sulphur springs confii^a? i02 TREES. the impression : and the wide and extended range of these and burning springs, prove that this all important fossil is to be found in great plenty over the whole country. LETTER XXIIL Canandaigua, July, 1820, My Dear Sir, T4^ larch, or pinus larix, takes a high rank among European trees, for the excellent qualities of its wood and bark. " The most barren moun- tains will grow larches,'' says Bishop Watson, and the experiment has been successfully and repeatedly tried in Scotland, whose bleak and rugged mountains now exhibit vigorous vegeta- tion. From this tree the Venice Turpentine is extracted. Taken internally, its resins are aperi- ent, sudorific, diuretic, and stomachic ; and applied externally, they are anodyne, detersive, and antisceptic. In this country there are two species of larcbj although they have been generally considered as varieties, and they are denominated tamarack, or hack-matack. The larix pendula, or black larch 35 found in cedar swamps, and the larix micro- carpa, or red larch, on high mountains according to Pursh. They closely resemble each other, but that they are specifically distinct, has been satis- factorily established by Mr. Lambert, who obser-^ ved, that they always keep distinct, when raised from seed. The American Jarch is said to resemble the European, where there are always two species » but whether they are the same tree, I cannot dis^ tinctly say. This tree has never been transplanted or culti- vated in this country. You now and then per- ceive a solitary one before a court yard. It is a beautiful, ornamental tree, and its rapid growth and adaptation to the most barren soils, recom- mend it decidedly to the attention of the American agriculturist. " By cultivation,'' said Bishop Watson, " 1 mean tillage, pasturage, and plantation. The last, except for fruit trees, is totally neglected in this country. This is owing to the abundance of wood : but even already, the inhabitants of cities have been forced to import their coal from England. Every farmer ought to devote twenty acres to the planting of trees for fuel and build- ing — and using an acre a year, and continuing to replant, the deficiency will be supplied, allow- ing twenty years for the growth of wood. The Hindoo, who plants a tree, digs a well, and has a 104 FORESTS. son, is sure of heaven. It is to be regretted, that some strong and similar inducement does not operate in America. All the roads and canals ought to be lined with forest trees. The shade will be agreeable, and the view delightful to travellers. The Americans are a ship-building people. A?4, it is calculaied, will take the wood of fifty acres. Is it not time for them to look out for futurity, and not to anticipate the supplies of future gene- rations ? In passing from Rome to Syracuse, you see nothing but one great forest, which must contain many millions of cords of wood : but already have the axe and the fire-brand been applied, and before the lapse of 50 years, these immense woods will fall before the hand of cultivation. What then will become of the great manufactories of salt, unless coal is discovered, or plantation adop- ted f Both must be attended to — wood will always be required for navigable and architectural pur- poses. The swamps west of Rome are filled with turf or peat, as I perceived from the canal packet WILD RICE. 105 • LETTER XXIV. Canandaiguai July ylS20, My Dear Sir, I saw, for the first time, in the Seneca river at Montezuma, the aquatic plant, called wild rice or foUe avoinC: It grows all over the west and north — and wherever it flourishes, myriads of water fowls are attracted to it, and derive their chief support and exquisite flavour from its ali- mentary qualities. In the lakes and rivers adjoin- ing Montezuma, thousands of wild geese and ducks of all kinds congregate at the proper season for food, except the canvas back duck, or anis vulisneria of Wilson, which derives its name from a water plant called valisneria, on the roots of which it feeds, and which is a fresh w ater vegeta- table, that grows in some parts of the Hudson and Delaware, and in most of the rivers that fall into the Chesapeake. Some difficulty has occurred not only about the botanical name, but also about the botanical character of the wild rice, or wild oats. This confusion of nomenclature has arisen from Lin- naeus himself. In his species plantarum, he has denominated it zizania aquatica, and in his i\lan- tissa, zizania pakistris— and it has been called 106 WILD RICE. by other botanists, z. clavtJBa — I shall prefer the first name as most characreristic. It has been well described by Mr. Lambert, as Zizania panicula inferiie racemosa superne spi- cata. Pursh represents it as a perennial plant ; Nuttall and Micliaux are silent on this point, and Eaton says it is an annual, in which opinion I concur. Mr. Lambert, in a communication in the 7th volume of the Transactions of the Linnaean Soci- ety of London, has given a figure of this plant, as growing at Spring Grove, the seat of Sir Joseph Banks, in England. It appears that Sir Joseph received some of the seed, gathered in a lake, in Canada, and put up in jars of water. It was sown in a pond at Spring grove, where he has a great quantity of the plant, growing annually, ripening its seeds extremely well in autumn, and sowing itself round the edges. By what I can learn, this same plant grows in Lake George, and Lake Champiain, and in all the Western Lakes. It produces seed in some places in September, and in others in October. It grows in shallow water, and sometimes to the heighth of eight feet. Some of the western Indians derive their principal support from it. The grain it bears is superior to the common ricCj and if cut before ripe, it makes excellent WILD RICE. 107 fodder, eiiibraciiig tl^; Mr. Lambert's figure c advantages ofbay and oats. of the plant in the Linnaen Transactions is accurate, and exactly resembles the one growing in the Seneca river. Its produc- tiveness may be inferred from the food it furnishes to thousands of human beings, and to myriads of aquatic animals. From the success of the expe- riment of Sir Joseph Banks, it is highly probable that it will grow in any part of this country and Great Britain ; and if so, may it not be consider- ed as a good substitute for the or^'za sativa or common rice. It is well known that the latter furnishes more subsistence to the human race than any other plant, Pursh mentions a grass which he calls the oryzopsis asperifoiia, which he obser- ved on the broad mountains of this country, and which, he says, contains large seeds, that produce the finest fionr. Perhaps this species of oryzop- sis, although genericaily dilferent, bears the same relation to z. aquatica, in its importance and place of growth, as the mountain rice of India does to the common rice of that region. At all events, the more I see of this country, the more I am convinced of its vast ability to support the human species, and of the propriety oi calliiig it? latent powers into operation. IN3ECT€.. LETTER XXV. - . ■ /=« My dear hxn, In passing by a spring a few days ago, 1 was called by some acquaintance to look at what they called a curiosity. It was the filaria, horse-hair worn), or gordios titjii^tlciis — its color was dusky, 4t§ length four or five inches, and its thickiiesi iibout the size of a horse-hair. They representeu U as a real horse-hair, transformed into an animal by beirjg thrown into water, and although in other respects intelligent men, they no doubt con- scientiously believed it. Providence has design- ed this little animal to perforate the most compact and tenacious clay, by which means the imprison- ed waters of subterranean springs find a passage jp for the use of man, and other organic beings^ in consequence of this incident, I was about making som.e sage remarks on the low state of natural science in this country, when it occurred to me that the same doctrine of equivocal geiie-= ration, or spontaneous production, was advocated from the time of the Stagyrite down to Priestley and Darwin. Harvey was the first philosopher who had the tem,erity to enter the lists, in this INSECTS. 109 (:ase, against Aristotle.' He advanced the propo- sition, omnia ex ovo, and the most piofound and elaborate investigations of philosophy have con- firmed his opinions. The polype furnishes indeed an argument against this doctrine. If divided Into several parts, each part will become a per- fect animal. I can only surmount this objection by supposing each polype, as it appears in its usual shape, to be a congeries of animals, aggluti- nated together, and when a separation takes place that complete beings will exist in a state capable of enlargement. We see something analogous in the vegetable world. Trees produced from the cut° ting, without any sexual annexion. It is suppo- sed that the weeping willow, or salix Babylonica, was introduced into Europe at the time of the Crusades. It was transplanted from the river Euphrates about the year 1748, by Mr. Vernon, a Turkish merchant, at his country seat in Eng- land. The English as well as the American weeping willow is a female, and exists in both countries in a widowed state. It is propagated from the cutting, and so is the Lombardy poplar^ which is only a male in America. The introduction of pernicious insects ought to be carefully guarded against, and yet it is almost impracticable. Numbers of exotic insects are imported in timber and packages of c:oods» F2 110 INSECTS-e The scarlet locust, figured by Edwards in bis Natural History, came accidentally alive from the West Indies in a basket of pine apples. A very curious instance was observed in England in 1810, when an insect of the genus buprestis was taken from a desk made of fir, brought from the Baltic, and fixed up in 1788 or 1789. The cimex lectularius, or bed bug, was scarcely known in. England until sixteen hundred seventy, when it is said to have been imported among timber used In rebuilding London, after the great fire of 1666. The Americans assert the same thing in a more extended sense, and insist that fleas, moth, bed- bugs and cock roaches, are foreigners. 1 do not believe that either allegation is correct. In 1670 there were not probably many bedsteads in Eng- land to attract the bug. Rushes and straw form- ed, at that period, the couches of most of the peo- ple. I know that pigeons often swarm with bed bugs, and also the domestic rabbit. I can speak from experience, when I say that the American bed bug is a larger variety than the English. How easy to avoid this evil by frequent ablutions — by bedsteads made of iron, or without any apertures —and by the use of a little sandal wood, which is an antidote against all kinds of insects, or in this case, of sassafras, which is said to be a com- plete preventive of the cimex lectiilariusj and INSi:CTS, 111 fjrrecautions of this kind become absolutely necess- ary, when it is considered that this insect is con- stantly conveyed in the clothes and baggage of travellers. The flea is certainly indigenous. It swarms in the most remote pine woods, and I have found it on squirrels. The cock-roach may, as Kalm supposes, have been imported from the West Indies : It has certainly found a congenial climate, because it increases greatly : Like all other winged insects, it travels rapidly. As to moths, I shall not undertake to pronounce on their origin ; but I can furnish you with a com- plete antidote against their ravages. Red cedar wood will effectually answer. Russia leather is tanned with this substance, and books bound with it set moths at defiance. But I see you smile at my insect learning; and if you serve this letter as you have done some of its predecessors, and publish it, I shall probably incur the satire of the graciosos or buflbons of New-York. Aristophanes, in his attack on Socrates, charged him with measuring the leap of a flea, and the most virulent accusation against Jefferson is the impalement of butterflies. What then do I care if I experience the fate of the most illustrious men of ancient and modern times. tl2 PARTIES LETTER XXVi: July, 182b: Mr Dear Sir, The laws of Athens inflicted death on a foreign- er who should attempt to speak in the assemblies of the people, and I think that such an unwarran- laLle interference with the sovereign authority deserved punishment. As a stranger and an alien, receiving the hospitalities and protection of ihis people, I do not consider myself authorised to meddle with their politics ; but it is impossible to seal hermetically your ears against the noise and turbulence of political contention. Every village has its political generals, who convert the bar room of the inn into an arena of controversy, and sometimes, seated in a corner, 1 have been compelled to hear the accusations, the grievances and the vindications of the belligerent parties ; and amidst the persiflage or jargon of the times, I can easily perceive that the whole controversy is about the offices of the country. After listening to a philippic of great virulence for some time, clothed in terms of general reprobation, I asked the orator to point out the reprehensible measures o^ the government. He approved of every thing PARTI E&< liS but bad appointments. Good men, said he, (looking big) are not noticed- -federalists are appointed — republicans ought to have al! the offices. 1 solicited him to explain the difference between a republican and a federalist. Why, said he, a republican is a republican, and a federalist is a federalist. At this stage of the conversation,, the orator was called out, and I understood that he had been, until lately, an ultra federalist — that at a celebration of Perry's victory on Lake Erie, during the late war, he had fired pop guns in ridicule of the event, and that he had abjured in a company of two score or so of high-minded men, his political name and creed, in order to attain office. The great clamour made in the commu- nity, appears to originate from such obsure and disreputable sources. Judging from the writings and conversation of this opposition, 1 should pro- nounce a great dearth of talent among them : and perhaps, if I may speak paradoxically, they owe some of their strength to their weakness. Their antagonists, in forming a just opinion of their want of intellectual power, appear to have under- rated their capabilities for mischief, and not to have guarded sufficiently against their attacks, lord Clarendon hasjustly remarked, that " few men liave done more harm than those who have beets thought to be able to do least 5 and there cannot be 114 FARTIE?. a greater error, than to believe a man whom we see qualified with too mean parts to do good, to be therefore incapable of doing hurt. There is a supply of malice, of pride, of industry, and even of folly, in the weakest, when he sets upon it, that makes a strange progress in mischief." The history of parties is a history of struggles for office and authority on the part of the leaders, who beguile the honest feelings of the people into their traps of ambition, and the greater the cla- mour, the more inordinate the cupidity. It is common for a dog shut out of a house in the even- ing, to bark and make a great noise, until some- body opens the door, and then instantly' whip in and be quiet. This is a true delineation of the leaders of faction. This state is making rapid and gigantic strides to eminence and greatness. Her canals are the admiration of the world, and her encouragement of agriculture, literature, and the arts, is truly munificent. To see the profligate attempts to arrest this great S3'Stem of public improvement, in order to elevate obscure petifoggers, and misera- ble drivellers, is really calculated to excite more than common sensibility. " Men, says an emi- nent writer, who honestly engage themselves in ihe public cause, must prepare themselves for OE0L(WiY. ll'o events which will at once demand their patience and rouse their indignation." I have frequently been struck with the strata- gems adopted by drovers, to drive their cattle to market, by dividing them into separate herds, to manage them completel3\ In like manner, the people are led by the divisions created by ambi- tious and unprincipled men, for the purposes of self-aggrandizement. Although these excitements have recoiled upon the agitators, and will unques- tionably seal their political ruin, yet they are calculated to work great injury. The most diminutive insect may annoy the mightiest ele- phant, and the continual harrassments of politi- casters may sometimes affect the plans of the wises statesmen. A combination of smatterers in literature, of sciolists in knowlege, of pretenders to public spirit, and of all that is little and con- temptible, against all that is great and respectable can never prevail in an enlightened and patriotic country. i§ gv:olo) LETTER XXVII July, 1820.- My Dear Sir, The gradual changes which are constantly car- rying on in this globe by the agency of fire, wa- ter, frost, and caloric, must in course of time de- range its central gravitj^, and produce an over- whelming revolution. The formation of stalac- tites and stalagmites, by the gradual accretion of calcerous matter, from water, filtrating through the more porous lime-stone, is well understood— and this accretion arises unquestionably from the passage of the water when saturated with lim© from a heated to a cool atmosphere. The depo- sition of calcareous substances in the fissures of rocks from the water in which it was suspended, constitutes alabaster. And whenever water, im- pregnated with lime, comes in contact with cooler er water, it will deposit its calcareous matter, which will in course of time harden into stone. All the streams and rivers of the west, are filled with car- bonate of lime, sulphate of lime, argillaceous schistus, and silicious stone, in a state of solution, but principally with the first, and when they enter into the lakes, rocks are gradually formed. The GEOLocrr. 217 bottoms of Lake Erie and Ontario are principal] v Kme-stone, which is in a state of augmentation. In the county of Onondaga, at a place called the Little Lakes, I observed the great elaboratory of nature at work in the formation of calcareous locks, and as I humbly conceive, by a double process. First, by depositions from its waters iu which lime was dififused — and second, by the operation of springs rising from the bottom of the lakes, and extruding calcareous matter from the bowels o| the eartli. V/heihrr i am correct as io tm» ccr:?p!ex pcTcr. I c?.rir!o* ^^y — ]?m as to the fact of the creation of tufa, it must be obvious to the most inexperienced eye. in order to gain all the light I could on this interesting subject, I took a short journey to the village of Marcellus, hi the connty of Onondaga. The production of lime stones of large size at nine mile creek, near tliis place, is a very extraordinary thing. On the banks of the creek, there is a petrified or fossil tree, over which there is a large limestome, and w hich stone must have been formed after the petri- faction of the tree, and the whole process is appa- rent to the observer. After the first deposition, and a consequent induration, the stone is covered by a lichen w hich retains a subsequent deposition, and which hardens and enlarges as before. The h^-rdness of the hine stcne increases with its depth- 118 GEOLOGY. and it finally reposes on schistus. The petrifac- tion of the tree is owing to the calcareous deposits. Saturated water continually passing over it, must leave some of its matter behind — and as the tree decays, its vegetable loss is supplied by mineral accretion — and sometimes the lime, in solution, is mixed with arenaceous particles which combine in the formation of the pretrifaction. I was told of three or four petrified white oaks at Chitteningo, which I had not an opportunity of observing, but thj^y are said to ijev.nder a g3'psum hill, and to be subject to aUuvieRs from it. ' i have seen the fossil tree at Penicuick in Scotland, which has been the subject of so much speculation, and I can now account for its origin. It w as produced from Silicious depositions passing over a Scotch pine. The strata in which the remains of the tree are, consist of slate clay, but the tree itself is sand stone, and there is sand stone immediately above the slate clay. I have tried the fossil trees of Marcellus by the application of muriatic acid, and I find by the effervescence unequivocal indication of a calcare- ous substance. I also saw petrified leaves, and there is a strong probability that animals may also be discovered in a petrified shape prod ^ ed in the same way. The human skeleton which GEOLOGY. 119 was found inclosed in lime stone at Guadaloupe was no doubt a recent formation. We thus see, my friend, the wonderful opera- tions of nature. The Zoophytes of the South Sea are gradually encroaching upon the ocean "by the erection of islands and reefs, and certahily by the agency of calcareous secretions. The lime stone rivers of the west are trespassing upon the ^akes with a stronger and more commanding pow- er. This country is calcareous — its subsoil is form- ed of marie ; it is the region of salubrity, "There are more thing-sin heaven andp^rtli, Horatio, Than are dreaait of in your philosophy." Depend upon it, my friend, that we are in A, B^ C, of geology and mineralogy. We have proceed- ed to these studies like children at the first opening of their minds. We have learnt words and names only. These sciences are oppressed and barri- cadoed by a polyglot m.ysterious nomenclature. They require some mighty genius like Bacon or Newton to dissipate the Cimmerian darkness which hangs overthenjo 120 salina. LETTER XVIU, Salvia, July, lb2C. My Dear Sir, I have returned to this place to look at the o-reat manufactories of salt, which are conducted on a very extensive scale. The salt is not only better but cheaper that any in the United States ; its superiority in these essential respects arises from the strength of the water, the cheapness ot fuel, the facility of water conveyance, and impro- ved skill in operation. It is supposed that five million bushels of salt are consumed annually in the United States, of which three millions are im- ported, and two made at home ; and half a mil- lion is manufactured at this place. The salt springs are situate in a marsh, and by digging a pit any where in it, salt water is found. The brine is forced up by hand pumps and hy- draulic machines, and conveyed by leaders to the caldrons. One man can attend a block of ten kettles. The process of manufacturing is simple. The water is exposed to a hot fire, and when it is sufficiently boiled down, the salt is taken out by a large ladle, and put into a basket, from whence the water exudes into the kettle. SALT WORKS. 12 i The ladle is kept during the vvliole process in the caldron, and it is said collects all the feculent matter. The salt is of three kinds ; common, rectified, and basket, or table : and salt is made at Monte- zuma by solar evaporation. Fifty-six gallons of water make a bushel of salt. It is said that it. takes 100 gallons at the Great Kanhawa river, and 300 at the Conemaugh works, near Pitts- burgh. Wood can be procured at 62 cents a cord, and two cords will supply a block of cal- drons for a day. The common salt is very excellent — the recti- iied extraordinary so. The best kind of the lat- ter is put up in baskets of 3 lbs., which cost each twelve and and a half cents. It is supposed that the salt springs originate from subterranean rivers running over mines or beds of fossil salt, and as Salina is elevated 100 feet above the Oswego falls, which are composed of sand stone, that the mineral can be found at that depth. Many phenomena all over this coun- try demonstrate the former presence of the ocean and it is supposed that a line of country consider- ably above the Cayuga marshes, and the Salina plains has been a sea shore. On the recession of the ocean, those great hollows must have retained vast quantities of salt water, which would be con- 1^2 SALT WORKS. verted into salt by solar evaporation, or subte? ranean heat. But it is evident that this theor\ is not commensurate with all the facts in the case. Salt springs are found as far east as forty miles, and all over this western region. In 1806 and 1819, years of great drought, thr water was very weak. On what principles can we account for this extraordinary fact ? There jTiever has been the least failure of water. I saw on the salt marsh, the samphire of the sea coast. Tournefort made the same observa- tions in his voyage to the Levant. " There are. said he, some small risings of fossil salt in Geor- gia. This salt, which chrystalized in bottoms where the rain water stagnates, mixes with the moisture of the earth, and causes it to produce such plants as love the sea shore — such as salt- wert and limonium, 1 observed the same thing upon the mountain of Cardonna, situated on the frontiers of Catalonia and Arragon, which is nothing but a prodigious mass of salt." The country about the salt works is said to be unliealthy. The same evil has been noticed in other places. The spots in Greece, where the malaria is most noxious, are salt works and rice grounds. I have no doubt but salt can be procured at Sa!ina for 18 cents a bushel, including the duty SALT WORKS. 123 of 12J cents. It can be transported to Albany for 6 or 7 cents more when the canal is finished. The duty on imported salt is 20 cents per bushel. The average price of salt at New-York, is from 40 to 50 cents per bushel. Whether the foreign duty is continued or not, the salt of Salina can always be sold cheaper at the head of the sloop navigation of the Hudson, than foreign salt. Every individual in the United States con- sumes at the rate of half a bushel of salt, directly or indirectly. Supposing the consumption in the aggregate to be five millions of bushels, and the population ten millions, then that portion of the inhabitants which is comprehended in the supply from Salina, will not have to pay more than from 12J to 25 cents for the annual consumption of that article. I consider the salt manufacture of Salina the most important establishment in the United States. It renders the nation so far independent of foreign aid : millions of bushels can be made. Without the canals it usefulness would be very circumscri- bed — but now the facilities of inland navigation enable the conveyance of this indispensible mine- ral to the remotest regions of the west, and to iix shores of the Atlantic ocean. 12i CANALc LETTER XXIX. \ MoniezumUj July, 1820. My Dear Sir, I consider navigation on a cana3, not only the least expensive, but the most secure mode of travelling that can be adopted. Here is no burst- ing of boilers nor any other accident to which steam-boats are exposed. You can neither be burnt nor drowned, and your horses cannot run avvay with your carriage and dash it to atoms ; but then you must be on the constant look out to avoid a fracture of the head from the low and ill constructed bridges : why, in this country of wood, stone should be used for erecting bridges ; why they should be made so low as just to avoid the boat ; why they should contain abutments jutting out into the canal, and for ever striking the boat ; and why the stones should be piled upon each other without mortar, are questions which I must refer to the decision of the Canal Board and their engineers. If the bridges had been sufficiently elevated, tlien the boat could have been drawn from a mast instead of the side, as is practiced in Flanders, and an unceasing an4 pernicious wearing of the banks by the drag rope CAXAL. V ->r would iiave been prevented. I k,low of no other accidents that can happen, except from the fall- ing of trees across the boat, or from the carele^- ness of the men who have the management of the locks. I saw at Jordan, wliich is 80 miles from UtIcT t»o loaded boats, whici, had left Schenectady seven days before. This wonid average 25 mii; a day, and part of the way is on a difficult ascend- •ng navigation up the Mohawk. Again; a ves- sel of 50 tons went from Utica to Trumansburgh on the Cayuga Lake, 130 miles in three day, loaded with merchandize, and without a change of horses. A loaded boat can go on this canal without diftculty at the rate of 40 miles a day I have just learnt that the state is about pur- chasing the rigi.ts of the Western Inland Lock Aavtgation Company. This is a very just and proper measure. The works of the Company are out of order, and the toll is exorbitant. livery bushel of wheat has to pay a duty of 59 cents before it reaches Schenectady. The canal of this Company at Rome is one mde and three quarters long, thirty-two feet wide at top, and from two and a half to three feet deep It has two locks 73 feet long, and 12 feet wide! The hft of the one on the Mohawk is ten feet, and on Wood Creek eight This wc«k was made 126 CANAL. under the direction of Mr. Weston, an English engineer, who had, besides his expenses, a salary of a thousand guineas a year. The superintend- ant of the laborers had a salary of 2,500 dollars; and this short canal took two years to make. What a difference in management: proceeding at the same rate, it would take two centuries to complete the Great Canal. The water cement was imported. The lock at the German Flats was made of terras, and at the Little Falls of W^elsh lime. The former has answered best. The tolls of this Company are so oppressive, that boats frequently unload and pass through the locks empty, and resume their load afterwards. It is indeed well that the state has purchased it. I am persuaded that the markets of New-York will now be supplied with western, instead of southern flour, and that the displacement of the latter from the market will greatly affect the agriculture of the south. In looking at the great results which must arise from it— it is impossible to keep out of view some of the revolutions which will take place in the in- ternal trade of the country. There is ascertain class scattered all over, who unite in one profes- sion, the calling of iron mongers, grocers, drug- gists, and shop keepers, and who are continually offering temptations to purchasers. The facility CANAL. J2T of conveyance by the canal, will induce people to resort to villages for supplies. The thrifty house- wife will take her cheese and her butter to market, and return with her sugar and tea. A numerous non-productive calling will be ia some measure broken up, or confined to towns. A considerable deal of trade will be carried on by exchange, and more scope and greater en- couragement will be afforded for the operations of industry and economy. A vast capital will be employed to more advantage. A canal boat of 40 tons can be purchased for 400 dollars, which, with two horses, will be cheaper than a heavy wagon and six horses, and will convey ten times as much. The comparative cheapness of canal barges to river sloops as well as wagons, will su- persede the necessity of very large investments of capital. With all these and other important advantages staring the community in the face, is it not extra- ordinary, that there should be an organized op- position against the canal ! that wretches should be encouraged to instil poison into the public mind against it, and to destroy its embankments.^ By the bye, can you tell me why accidents in the bursting of embankments and mill-dams occur more frequently in the night time than in the day? 128 COAL. Are they owing to a greater pressure of the at- niosphere on the water ? LETTER XXX. AuhurUj July, 1820. My Dear Sir, I AM so anxious for the discovery of coal, in order to promote the prosperity of this growing couRtr}^, that I can hardly turn my eyes or my mind to any other subject : Sure 1 am that it ex- ists. I have seen indications in various places, but in truth you cannot get people to make the requisite search. It will consume time and mo- ney. They have plenty of wood, and they con- ceive any other fuel as a remote, if an attainable good. Coal was first introduced into London about the middle of the thirteenth century, and it goes by the various names of pit coal, stone coal, pitch coal, and sea coal. The citizens of Lon- don, in the 35th year of Edward L petitioned that the use of it might be prohibited, considering it a noxious material. If this petition had been grant- ed, where would have been the wealth and power of England ? If the citizens of this state do not evince open hostility, they certainly show a nar- cotic indifference on this interesting subject. COAL. 129 Being so fuliy impressed with the importance, and practicability of obtaining coal, permit me to throw out a few hints, which may furnish rnateri- qils, not only for observation, but for action. Birch, in his History of the Royal Society, ob- serves, that the mines in Devonshire and Corn- wall run east and west ; and this is said to be the case with coal and other minerals, except lead, which has not been observed to have any current or declivity of the vein, but is most commonly found north and south by the miners. Jllost mines lie high in the west and so deepen more and more the further east they run. So»far as coal has been discovered in the western states, I am told it runs east and west, and in the same direction with gypsum, salt, lime, and sand stone ; and if it be true that it descends and deepens to the east, we may. easily see why more has been discovered as you proceed to the west. I believe tliat I omitted to mention that whin- stone, or basaltes, whose hardness is such tliat its angular fractures will scratch glass, is found in most coal mines. As basalt is a secondary rock, I have no doubt but that it exists in many parts of this region, although I have only sctn it at the Little Falls, which ha^ to me much the aspect of a coal country. Shistic and sand stones 130 CANAL. are with lime the prevalent rocks, and they are invariably the associates of the Coal formation. Sir Robert Atkins, in his History of Gloucester- shire, observes, that if you lay a line on the ter- restrial globe from the mouth of the Severn to Newcastle, and so pass round the globe, coal is- to be found within a degree of that line, and scarce any where else in the world. I have not the means of applying this remark to this country, but if you think it worth while to notice an ob- servation so eccentric and fanciful, your globe will soon enable 3'ou to do it. Whether coal is a chemical deposit, or vegeta- ble formation, I am not prepared to say, but in any conceivable theorj^, I am persuaded that the strongest reasons exist to show that it may be found in this country. LETTER XXXI. Montezitma^ July, 1820. My Dear Sir, AVhen I travelled in the steam boat from New- York to Albany, I had an interesting conversa- tion with an intelligent merchant from a neighbor- ing village, who told me that goods which cost 40 dollars to transport by water from New- York CANAL. 131 to his village, a distance of 150 miles, would cost 450 to convey by land to Whitehall, a distance of of 70 miles. This great deduction must render the goods proportionally cheap. The truth is, that as a canal extends in length, it embraces in a kind of geometrical ratio, a greater or wider extent of country, and difllises correspondent blessings. Every rnan residing within a day's journey of the canal, is for all use- ful purposes brought to that distance from Alba- ny, with the exception of the price of transporta- tion from the point of the canal which he touches to that city, and the time consumed in tiie convey- ance. When this work was first proposed to President Jefferson, in 1809, he pronounced it impracticable at the present time, and declared that it was a century too soon to make the attempt. Wh^- this great misjudgment occurred to this great man, and to many other wise men, must be imputed to their overlooking. important facilities, and to tiieir indiscriminate application of past events to pre- sent times, Without taking into cori!?ideration im- portant dissimilarities. A caiial cun be made with infinitely more facility in a region of secon- dary formation, than in one of primary. Granite, sernite, gneiss, and mica slate, do not exist ex- cvpt fortuitously, and the prevailing rocks preser.i 132 CANAL. no formidable obstacles to excavation. It is in fact little more than a turnpike reversed, a work in concavity instead of convexity. The applica- tion of ingenious contrivances for the extrication of trees, and the processes of excavation, has never been duly appreciated until submitted to the test of experiment. Nor was it anticipated that work could be carried on to great advantage in winter as well as summer. Besides the whole mystery of the expense and the failure of great public works, is the frauds aud mismangement of the agents. A judicious system conducted with integrity and industry places it in the power of an opulent state to accomplish any undertaking. In my opinion, this state will not only obtain indemnillcation, but will eventually derive a great revenue from the canal. In the hands of an able financier, a kind of impost, under the form of tolls, will be laid on ascending goods, which will either produce an important revenue, or check the wasteful consumption of foreign merchandize; thus encouraging in the one case domestic manu- factures, and in the other enriching the treasury. This will be the exercise of a new power by the local governments. If the national government will not raise the tarilT for the benefit of its own manufactures, the state government can elevate it sufficif-etlv bv tolls CANAL. 133 i am happy to assure you, that the supply of water is ample, although I am persuaded that the leakage and evaporation are more than was anti- cipated. Distant cellars have been filled, and in some places the quick sands present a formidable appearance, but the progress of time will avert many evils now experienced. The holes and fis- sures in the canal will be filled up, and the banks will become more solid. There are many contrivances in contemplation for the propulsion of boats. An ingenious me-= chanician in New-York, has I see prepared an hy- draulic machine. Steam may be used successful- ly, but I am of opinion that horse power will be generally adopted. The advantages which will be constantly de- veloped by this great work, will undoubtedly be shaded by some inconveniences ; but these will be lost and extinguished in the immensity of good. And every citizen of this powerful state may ex- claim in relation to the greatest work of the age, " And thou shait be our star of Arcady, Or Tyrian Cynosure," to all that can render a people opulent and pow- erful, capable of dispensing and receiving bles- sings. G2 134 IRISH ORATORS, LETTER XXXIL Utica, August I, 1820. IMy Dear Sir, One of the modern poets has elegantly said. -One snGail spot Where my tired mind may rest and call it Home • There is a magic in that little word : it is a mystic circle that surrounds Comforts and virtues never known beyond The hallowed limit." The same feelings which attract us to home^ when absent, enhance the importance of our na- tive country when in foreign climes. Every thing which relates to Ireland has now a double charm and a double interest in my estimation. I can stop and converse by the hour with the humblest laborer from my native land, and do not postpone my attentions to inquire whether he js a Catholic or a Protestant, a Royalist or an Oppositionist. Even a panegyric on Castlereagh now sounds melodiously in my ears. With all these predilections I cannot shut my eyes against the false taste which has pervaded the Irish oratory, and which has extended to thisr country. Grattan, Curran, and Phillips, are con- IRISH ORATORS. 135 sidercd the master spirits of modern eloquence. The works of the two latter are to be found in every bookstore and every library : ihey are read and admired, and admired and read l)y all reading men, women, and children, in America. Phillips — the orator of fustian and borabast has run through several editions. The really great orator of Ireland was Edmund Burke, a man of a rich mind, adorned with a luxuriant imagination — stored with various and profound knowledge — and embellished by a cor- rect and classical taste. His speeches at the com- mencement of the American revolution are models of genuine eloquence, and exemplars of political wisdom. After him came Grattan — the orator of epigram and antithesis. His eloquence was formed under the ascendancy of false taste. We admire the poignancy of his satire, the vehemence of his de- nunciations, the intrepidity of his demeanor, and the felicity of his language — but we soon become fatigued with his elaborate attempts, his involved sentences, and his quaint ideas We turn aside irom his condiments, and require substantial food for the mind. In attempting to condense like Tacitus, he has fallen into the conceits of Seneca. Next came Curran, a man of lofty intellect, but laboring still under the same fatal ascendaij- 136 IRISH ORATOKSo cy. He attempted to soar into the ertipyreal heights of oratory, but how often does he mistake bombast for sublimity — quaintness for energy — and the erratic flights of an undisciplined imagi- nation, for the most elevated effusions of the hu» man mind. Last comes Phillips — -Phillips the Orator as he is called. O how I blush for my country — that such a brainless biped should be followed with acclamations, and covered with honors — Phillips, the prince of Dandy orators — whose " gaud3'j gauzy, gossamery eloquence," full of glitter, bom- bast, froth, and fustian, is nauseating to good taste, and a disgusting exhibition of flowery non- sense. He is in eloquence what Hervey was in line writing — continually on stilts — continually straining after figures — pursuing conceits — and clothing puerile ideas in an embroidered phrase- ology. His oratory is without essence or sub- stance; it either sinks into dregs, orrises into ]ees. He is, among real orators, what a peacock is among birds — a beau among men. I do not however, mean to deny him a fertile imagination, but it evaporates in frothy verbiage, and he comes directly within the censure of Quinctilian — " Sunt, qui neglecto rerum pondere et viribus sententia- rum, si vel inania verba in hos modos deprava- runt, summos se judicaot artifices,; ideoque non LITERARY. 1 37 desumunt eas nectere : quas sine seiitentia sectare, tam est ridicuium quam quserere habilum gestum- que sine corpore. Ubi vero, atroci- tate, invidia, miseratione pugnandum est ; quis ferat verbis contrapositis et consimilibus, et pari- ter cadentibus, irascentem, flentem, rogantemr" If my national partialities are neither flattered Hor increased by this rapid review, they certainly have great scope for exultation, when T turn my eyes to my countryman Thomas Addis Emmet, who now ranks among the first advocates of the American Bar, and if in Ireland, would distance all competition. I have heard him, and heard him with perfect astonishment. He has an all- grasping mind, which can penetrate the most ab- struse, irradiate the most obscure, and compre- hend the most intricate and perplexed subjects. For compass of thought, for solidity of reasoning, for acuteness of investigation, for felicity of illus- tration, for energy of expression — he is without a rival. In private life, he is one of the most amia- ble and unobtrusive of men— " In wit a man — sim- plicity a child." There is a great excitement in this country against the British Reviews for their strictures ^n the state of American learning, and yet the. e vitu- perative Reviews are to be found in every reading house in this country. Jeflery is looked up to- 138 LITEPvART. with idoiati}', and the Quarterly Review is quo- ted as an oracle. Blackwoood's Magazine is in high request — -the novels attributed to Walter Scott, renowned for a barbarous dialect, and a dull monotony, are notwithstanding classed with the productions of Fielding and Richardson, and all the modern poets, including byron, Scott, Moore, Southey, Wordsworth, Coleridge, (rabbe, &c. are printed and reprinted, lauded and admi- red from Maine to Missouri. If America will not stand on its own legs, and rely on its own exertions, what can it expect but supercilious arrogance and contumelious assump- tion ? Is there any thing so wonderful and so ter- rific in Scotch criticism — in the pen or the sneers of liide Jeffer}' — or of Southey, or of Scotch bar- risters who set up for Quinctilians, or of English poetasters, who claim the highest honors of ge- nius f There is an American writer named Irving — an amiable man, of a fine pellucid mind, and who has distinguished himself by some amusing peri- odical works. He is greatly superior to any wri- ter in Blackwood's Magazine, and yet the suffrage of that Magazine in his favor, is quoted as the highest reward which can be conferred upon him. Why the American people will not bestow more encouragement on a vernacular literature, instead LITERARY TASTE. 139 of running after exotic gew-gaws, I cannot divine. The North American Review is now conducted with more talent than either the Quarterly or Edinburgh. Dr. Silliman's periodical work on Natural Science is superior to any thing of the kind published in Europe; and there are men of genius and of learning in every section of the country, who with adequate encouragement would redeem the American character from the obloquy of transatlantic insolence. LETTER XXXTII. JVestern Region, August, 1820, My Dear Sir. The beauties of an American sky are frequent- ly unparalleled, and there is a peculiar lustre in the appearance of the morning star, which I have never seen equalled in my native land. This pla- net, OH account of its propinquity to the earth, is only exceeded in apparent size by the moon, and on this account, and its superior effulgence, it has very naturally been a subject of poetical descrip- tion. It may relieve the monotony of my former communications to refer to some passages in the most distinguished poets on this subject. 140 LITERARY TASTE. Homer in his fifth Iliad, in representing Di«- mede under the influence of Pallas, says, Fires on his helmet, and his shield around She kindled bright and steady as the star Autumnal, which in ocean newly bath'd Assumes fresh beauty. The same allusion also occurs in Horace — - Merses profundo, pulchrior eve nit. Virgil in his 8th Eneid, says — Qualis ubi oceani perfu us Lucifer unda, Quern Venus ante alios astrorum diligit ig-nes. Extulit OS sacrum caelo tenebrasque resoivit. Lastly comes Milton, who thus exclaims in his Lycidas : — So sinks the day star in the ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky. If these extracts shall be considered as fair spe- cimens by which to compare poetic merit, in what an illustrious light does Milton appear ? A poet as well as an orator, in order to be truly great, ought to have a fertile imagination, under the dominion of good taste. Those faults which result from undisciplined genius, are however more tolerable thao those which spring from steri- LITERARY TASTE. 141 Yity of mind. In one of my solitary walks, I stop- ped at a farm house for refreshment, and I acci- dentally found an old newspaper which contained an address, from a cidevant governor to a great military commander, on the presentation of a sword. The writer has evidently put his mind into a state of violent exertion, and in striving to be sublime and magnificent, has shown a total in- capacity in thought as well as language. In speaking of a nocturnal battle near the cataract of Niagara, he says that it produced a midiirqht rainbow, whose refulgence outshone the iris of the dav. This master-piece of the great orator and st-^tes- man who wrote it, can only be excelled by th^ poet quoted by Dryden, when he says — = Now when the winter's keener breath began To chrystalize the Baltic ocean, To glaze the Lakes, to bridle up the floods. And pv^riwig with snow the bald pate woods. Or perhaps it is exceeded by the following eu- logium of a country school-master on Genera! Wolfe. Great General Wolfe without any fears, Led on his brave grenadiers, And what is most miraculous and particular, He clirab'd up rocks that were perpendicular. i42 LITERARY TASTE. And yet would yon believe that the man who pronounced that farrago of bombastic nonsense, has been a governor, a vice-president, and God knows what ; and that he is passed off as a para- gon of wisdom, and an exemplar of greatness. With intellect not more than suiiicient to preside over the shop-board of a tailor, or to conduct the destinies of a village school, he has by the force of fortuitous circumstances attained to ephemeral consequence. D'Alembert has justly observed that " the apices of the loftiest pyramids in church and state are only attained by eagles or reptiles." The history of democracies continually exhibits the rise of pernicious demagogues warring against wisdom and virtue, philosophy and patriotism — but vAiy do I confine this remark to any particu- lar form of government ? The spirit of the obser- vation will apply to human nature in all its forms and varieties. Even in the Augustan age of Great B/itain, Elkanah Settle was set up as the rival of Dryden — and Stephen Duck was pin in competition with Pope. This levelling princi- ple gratifies two unworthy feelings ; it endeavors to mortify the truly great by its flagrant injustice and it strives to lower them down to our own de- pression of insignificance. Posterity, however,^ will dispense justice with unerring hand, and with impartial distribution, and the great men who are GEOLOGY. 143 almost always assailed by calumny, and who arc sometimes borne down by ingratitude, may in con- sidering the benefits which they have rendered to the human race, confidently appeal to heaven for their reward, and to posterity for their justifica- tion. LETTER XXXIV. Western RegiGn^ August, 1820. My Deah Sir, Although my luggage is small, yet I never travel without a blow-pipe, and some tests and re- agents. If in want of any of the usual acids to detect the presence of lime, I substitute strong vinegar, which will generally produce an efferves- cence, when poured on a calcareous substance. If I am desirous of ascertaining the existence of an alkali, or an acid, I stain paper with the petals of a blue flower, and dip it in the water which is to be tried, and if it turn green, it indicates an al- kaline impregnation, and if red an acid one. If silver becomes black when thrown into water, it denotes that sulphur is held in solution, and the presence of iron is demonstrated, if the inner bark of oak give water a dark appearance. With 144 GEOLOGY. these occasional substitutes I ain enabled to sur- mount to a certain extent, the want of a chemical apparatus, when I travel at a considerable dis- tance from my lodgings. With my slender ma- terials for investigation, 1 have, however, been been enabled to ascertain the great geological outlines of this region. The country about eight miles south of the Cayuga Bridge, and both east and west, is composed of argillaceous schist, or clay slate. To the north, the great lime stone ledge commences, which dips to the south, and which forms the dam of the Cayuga and the other minor lakes, and which upholds Lake Erie. This great calcareous ledge is interspersed with all the species and varieties of that substance, and with salt, sulphur, carburetted hydrogen, and bituminous springs — with gypsum, hydraulic lime stone, magnesian lime stone, fetid carbonate of lime, blue lime, shell lime, silicious lime, with nodules of flint, &:c. in stratified and scattered portions. And the substratum of the calcareous and schis- tous formations, is, as far as I can trace it, a com-^ pact sand stone, generally of a red color. I found the upper and middle stratum of the great cataract of Niagara to consist of fetid car- bonate of lime, commonly called stink stone, o^ swine stone ; and the inferior stratum of a com- pact, stratified red sand stone, which strikes fir^ GEOLOGY. 145 with steel, scratches glass, and which, when moist- ened and rubbed, emits a smell of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. It is also infusible before the blow pipe, and does not effervesce with acids. The super strata, consisting of swine stone, are more strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and contain small quantities of martial py- rites, alumine and silica. This stone exists in various parts of this region, and is an indication of coal, so far forth as bitumen is concerned in its composition. The great coal beds of Ireland repose on lime stone, which is also intermingled with the coal mines of the region further west of this state ; and I have been told that at a place near Zanesville, in the state of Ohio, a cellar was dug and walled, which furnished for its construction, sand stone for the wall, lime stone and sand for mortar, and a suiFiciency of coal for calcinating the lime. Clay slate generally forms the roof of coal mines, and sand stone the floor. These different formations sometimes intermix with, and some- times underlay each other in this region, and they all point with an unerring hand to the existence of this all important substance of coal. The black shale which contains bitumen — the oil stones — the petroleum springs — all concur in corroborating this conclusion. Below the cele* 146 , GEOLOGY. brated petroleum wells, in the Burmha domliijoris, coal has been discovered. Indeed, it is supposed that the oil from these springs possesses all the properties of coal tar, and that nature elaborates for the Burmhas in the bowels of the earth that for which European nations are indebted to the ingenuity of Lord Dundonald. A considerable spring of petroleum exists at Colebrook Dale, in England. At some distance below, coal is found of an excellent quality. Cleveland, in his cele- brated work on Mineralogy, supposes that naptha and petroleum may very probably arise from the decomposition of coal, effected by subterraneous fires, either volcanic, or produced by the combus- tion of coal, or the decomposition of pyrites. I have perhaps fatigued you with my lucubra- tions on coal. When I consider the importance of this mineral — its auspicious influence on the production of the great fabrics of art, and on the comfort and support of the human race ; and when I am convinced that nothing but observa- tion and exertion are necessary to effect the dis- covery of this precious mineral, I cannot think my time misspent in drawing your attention to it. The state ought to offer a magnificent reward for the discovery. WHEAT, 147 LETTER XXXV. Western Region, August, 1820. IVIy Dear Sir, I FIND that my letters have unexpectedly at- tracted so much attention, that I consider it ex- pedient not only to change the place of my resi- dence, but to coaceal it under some general de- nomination. In passing along the main street of Canandaigua I overheard some boys say — there goes Hihernicus, and 1 assure you that my diffi- dence took the alarm, and I soon resumed my er- ratic life. 1 am now one of the nomades, without any fixed habitation, wandering from place to place, and collecting new ideas and feelings wherever they are to be found. In the district of country called Rome, a spe- cies of wheat, or triticum, was shown to me as in- digenous. The novelty of the idea pleased me so much, that I pursued the discovery through all its labyrinths and ramifications. Some years ago, it was discovered in a wet soil and in a beaver meadow, near Western, and also in a swamp covered with woods, near Rome. Its stalk is more compact, and its leaves larger, than that of the common wheat. Its height is also 14S WHEAT. greater, and except Iiaviug short beards at tlie apex, it is in otiier respects bald. It is said to re- sist the power of frost, and to be proof against winter killing. Ts this wheat indigenous, or was it imported and accidentally conve} ed to the places where it is found f If the latter, wh}' is not wheat found growing wild in more cultivated parts of the country : I am persuaded that it is an indigenous plant ; and if so, it may be considered one of the greatest dis- coveries of the age. Tt is the vegetable destined by nature for this climate, and it casts light upon the natural history of the most important of the cerealia which has hitherto been enveloped in ob- scurity. Wheat grows in the old world from Egypt to Siberia, upwards of 30 dejsrrees of latitude. Pen- nant says that wheat will ripen as high as latitude 6i north, but so uncertain is the crop throughout Sweden, that it is called the seed of repentance. A species of wheat which is called Siberian, and which has been found growing wild in that coun- try, ripens in a latitude still more north than that laid down bv Pennant. Kaimes observes, that — " Writers upon Natural History have been solici- tous to discover the original climate of wheat, rice, barW, kc. (which must, from the creation, have WHEAT. 149 grown spontaneously) but without much success. The orighia) climate of plants left to nature can- not be a secret, but in countries well peopled, the plants mentioned are not left to nature — the seeds are carefully gathered and stored up for food. As this practice could not fail to make these seeds rare, agricukure was early thought of, vvliich by introducing plants into new soils and new cli- mates, has rendered the original climate obscure. If we can trace that climate it must he in regions destitute of inhabitants, or but thinly peopled, Anson found in the island Juan Fernandez many spots of ground covered with oats. While the French possessed Fort Dauphin, in the island of Madagascar, they raised excellent wheat. That station was deserted many years ago, and wheat to this day grows naturally among the grass in great vigor. In the country about Mount Tabor, in Palestine, barley and oats grow spontaneously. In the kingdom of Siam, there are many spots where rice grows year after year without any cul- ture. Diodorus Siculus is our authority for say- ing, that in the territory of Leontinum and in other places of Sicily, wheat grew wild without any culture. And it does so at present about Mount Etna." Diodorus Siculus also says that Isis was the discoverer of wheat and barley, and that Osiris taught the manner of cultivation^ H 150 WHEAT. And accordiDg to Berosus, Mesopotamia aboun- ded with wild wheat amongst the other indigenous phints. Abulias says of Osiris — T=' rrimus aiatra nianu solerti fecit Osiris El teneram ferro sollititavit huinum. And Ovid thus speaks of Ceres : Prima Ceres unco terram diniovit aratro Prima dedit leges. Why should not wheat grow spontaneously in New-York as well as in Sicily, Egypt, Mesopota- mia, or Siberia ? And the evidence of the tact is as complete in this particular as the nature of the case will admit. The plant was found in a wild State in places remote from thick settlement, which had never been cultivated, and it possesses pe- culiar characteristics, and distinctive qualities. Besides rye is found in a wild state, and it was frequently seen growing spontaneously before the settlement of the country. Lt. Governor Mercer, of Virginia, thus writes of this plant, along time before the revolutionarj' war : — " The wild rye which grows every where in the Ohio country, is u species of the rye which is cultivated by the Eu- ropeans. It has the same bearded ear, and pro- duces a farinaceous grain. The ear and grain ia COAL. 151 the wild state of this plant are less, and the beard of the ear is longer, than those of the cultivated rye, which makes this wild plant resemble more the rye grass in its appearance ; but it differs in no other respect from the rye, and it shoots its spontaneous vegetation about the middle of No- vember, as the cultivated rye doth," As the indigenous existence of rye in this coun- try is established beyond question, there can be no good reason to doubt the growth of wheat. This curious fact in Natural History, ought to be fully investigated and illustrated. LETTER XXXVI. Western Region, August, 1820. My dear Sir, When I consider that without coal there can be no stable manufactures — that without manufac- tures there can be no flourishing internal trade — and that without infernal trade, there can be no elevation of national prosperity — I trust, nay, 1 am sure that you will excuse me for drawing your attention once more to this important sub- jects 152 COAL. The rocks of the west are sand stone^ slate, lime, gypsum, and salt, and they are all the companions of coal. But i shall waive theoretical considerations, and shall now point out such places where I am persuaded eoal may be found. The ravines or glens of the country formed by streams are the best places for geological observa- tions, and for viewing the indications of coal, and other minerals. The country from Ithaca north is a region of argillaceous schist. Near the for- mer place there is a beautiful cascade tumbling down the eastern hills 60 feet high through a Cimmerian glen over clay slate, which alternates witli a thin stratum of lime stone that reposes on a similar schist. There is a profound gulf at this cascade, and the tout ensemble points to the exis- tence of coal. This place would be a good venue for a romance. At Ludlowville, 10 miles from Ithaca, the banks of Salmon Creek are 200 feet high, and very pre- cipitous. The rocks are principally clay slate, and there are strata of blue lime stone half way lip. Further north, the whole of the town of Sclpio is underlaid witli clay slate, which is invariably found in digging for wells at the depth of 15 or 20 feet. This substance forms the roof of coal mines. The formation of the Onondaga country is very singular. High hills— profound vallies like (he arms of lakes. Onondaga Hollow is a beau- tiful valley surrounded by elevated hills which af- ford a most picturesque view. At the foot of these hills, and in the glens created by the streams pas- sing into the valley, search may be successfully made for coal, and it may sometimes appear in out-bursts. There is a blackish shale at Jamesville, west of Manlius square, and on the hills east of the latter place, and between it and Chitteningo there are strong indices of coal, and particularly on a hill between Cazenovia and Manlius, where there is much shivery slate. The whole of this interesting region is full of gypsum, and wherever there is gypsum, there are salt and coal. In Manlius, gypsum is always found at least at the depth of 15 feet. In digging a well 72 feet, gypsum was discovered 15 feet from the surface, 46 feet in thickness. The shores of lakes and the fails of streams, frequently exhibit the evidences of coal brougl t ^54 COAL. and collected by the agency of water. I ha\e seen on the bank of the Owasco and Otisco lakes, black shale, which is found rounded and abraded by the waves. At Little Fall Creek, a mile south of the village of Geneseo, there is a vertical section of 115 feet through rocks. The super stratum is slate, repo- sing on limestone, which is again supported by schist. Here are evident symptoms of coal, and here it may be certainly obtained. The black mould on the Genesee river is deri- ved in all probability from the trituration, or de- composition of slate, impregnated by bitumen, al- though some give it a vegetable origin. At Allen's Creek, in Le Roy, there is a vertical section. The upper stratum is clay slate, which the water has \^orn away to t'le lime stone, and which reposes on bituminous slate that smells ex- actly like Seneca Oil. The same slate ib found at Batavia in detached pieces, brought by the Tonawanta Creek from a distance. The country -west of the Genesee river is composed of three terraces, like the Steppes of Tartary, which in- dine gently to the north. At the feet of these ter- races, search ought to be made. I think, my dear sir, that [ have indicated a suficlent num.ber of places, v» here .= •'• Sable coal hh massv couch e-steads.'' NATURAL HISTORY. 1 55 When the usual indices of this mineral appear, the augur ought to be applied ; and I earnestly recommend voluntary associations of opulent and observing men, for the discovery of coal. A fruitful mine within 30 miles of the Great Cana will be the nucleus of immense wealth. LETTER XXXVII. Western Region, August, 1820. My Dear Sir, The Systema Naturae of Linnaeus has been eloquently described as " the Bible of Nature, the great nomenclature of natural science ; where every generic character is a family portraiture, and every specific description a miniature; and where, by a few simple appropriate terms, the image of every distinct object on the globe we in- habit is reflected on the mind and the memory;" and Dr. Johnson has jnstly observed that *' the stream of time, which is continually washing away the dissoluble fabrics of other systems, pas- ses without injury by the adamant of Linne." The object of Linnaeus was to simplify natural science by systematic arrangement, methodical classification, and comprehensive description. His classes, orders, genera, species, arid varieties. 156 NATURAL HISTORY. were admirabl}' adapted for this purpose. The two tirst are arbitrary, and the three last founded on nature. This system, when it came out of the hands of its great architect was recommended by its simplicity, and by its tendency to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. In the progress of lime it has become corrupted by the interpola- tions and sophistications of inferior workmen? who have destroyed its beaut}', deranged its sym- metry, and undermined its strength. The multi- plication of terms, the augmentation of synony- mes, the creation of new genera, and the fabrica- tion of new species, have overloaded the science with an Egyptian burden of terminology. Phi- losophy has been transferred from things to words, and the inventor of a new term, or of a specific or generic difference where none exists, has been absurdly considered as entitled to the honors of an important discovery. A new race of natural- ists have started up, who confine their attention solely to verbal description, and who entirely overlook the habitudes and manners of animals^ and the uses and characters of other organic beings, and of inorganic matter. The splitting jip of genera, and the subdivision of species occu- py their exclusive attention; and if they can find a new name for an old thing, or feign imaginar}^ difTerenceSj then they fancy themselves great phi- NATURAL HISTORY. 15T iosophers, and figure away as men of original ge- nius. This preposterous conversion of varieties into species, and of species into genera, has pro- duced infinite injury to the progress of real know- ledge, and has barricaded the approach to the temple of science by a fortification of hard words. Sciolists of this description hold the same rank in natural science, that special pleaders do in law, and scholastics in philosophy. I have discovered a new genus in botany, exclaims one of these pre- tenders. What, a new plant ! no, but that a plant well known and often described as of the some generic character, can be distinguished, in its different appearances, by certain discrepan- ces, which authorise a new discrimination of no- menclature. The truth is, that all these great discoveries are nominal, not real ; and are found- ed on fortuitous, not natural circumstances. I have seen, a white deer — a white moose — and a. white squirrel. Would it not be entirely ridicu- lous to arrange these accidental varieties into new species ^ The natural color of the jackal! is yellow : — Suppose that the prairie wolf resem- bles that animal in all other respects, would we hesitate to pronounce it a jackal! ? Look at the mineralogical synonymes of Allan, and you will see the infinite difficulties which a student of mineralogy has to encounter. Let us take a H 2 ^^S NATtTRAL HISTORY- word well known to every one, gypsuiii, for instance, and besides its appropriate name, sul- phate of lline, it is called vitriol of lime, calcareous vitriol, selenite, plaster of Paris, vitrum musco- vitum, celestine, he. And the vegetable alkali, known by the common appellation of potash, is termed carbonate of potash, alkahest, nitre fixed by itself, fixed salt of tartar, vegetable fixed alkali, aerated vegetable fixed alkali, cretacious tartar, mephitic tartar, mephite of potash, &:c. Who is not frightened when he approaches a science sur- charged with such multitudinous and barbarous terms ? Botany is equally, if not more perplex- ing. Besides the Linnaean system of vegetables^ we are confounded by the natural orders of Jus- sieu. In zoology, there are man}^ systems besides that of Linnreus, and the nomenclature is intricate, perplexed, and various. With all these disad- vantages, there is, however, no knowledge more captivating, more useful, and more dignified thau the science of nature. In my tour through the countr}^, 1 have seen many organic beings, which have either been imperfectly described, or not described at ail- particularly in the department of ichthyology j and I shall probably draw your attention to some objects of this nature, of considerable interest. In making this attempt, I shall endeavor to unite CANAL. 159 an accurate description of the form of tlie animal, with some account of its mores and properties — and I shall keep out of view as much as possible a technology which frequently bewilders, and a minuteness which always disgusts LETTER XXXVIII. Utica, August, 1 820. My Dear Sir, Mr. Robert Fulton, the inventor of steam boats, and the greatest mechanician of the age, estimated, from the licences granted at the cus- tom house, that 400,000 tons of commodities are annually transported on the waters of the Hudson ; and from a comparison between the country trading on that river, with the territory embraced by the western canal, he supposed that one million ot tons would be conveyed every year on the lat- ter. A toll of 50 cents a barrel, or 25 cents a hundred, on commodities, would amount on a ton from Buffalo to Albany to five dollars, and would thus produce the enormous income of five millions of dollars annually. The only doors of escape from this conclusion^ must be one or the other of these positions i-**- 160 CANAL. Either that the toll would be too high, or th&i the tonnage is over estimated. That this toll would not be oppressive, must be evident from the following considerations : 1. The expense of transporting a ton of goods from Albany to Buffalo, by land, is $100. 2. Thetoll lately paid for passing a tonof goods through the locks of the Western Inland Lock Na- vigation Company was five dollars and twenty-five cents, besides a considerable duty upon the vessel; and this only for a distance of 10 miles. 3. Mr. Fulton estimated the expense of trans- portation on a canal, one cent a ton per mile, ex- clusive of tolls — the expense of conveying a ton from Buffalo to Albany will amount to |8 53, but if we average it at two cents a mile, it would only exceed by three cents twelve dollars, a very inconsiderable expense, when compared with the cost of other modes of transportation. That upwards of 400,000 tons are annually conveyed on the Hudson river cannot be denied. The region comprehended in this trade, will be jn population and extent to the territory embra- ced in the trade of the western and northern canals, as one is to twenty — but to reduce the ratio to the moderate computation of one to two and an half, and then the million of tons will be made out CANAL. 161 The following extract from a KcntucliV paper will throw great light on the sub'cct : Louisville, Ky. Aug, 5. " Western navigation. — We have enunierated a list of seventy-three steam boats belonging to the western navigation, July 27, iS20. Several others are on the stocks above the falls of the Ohio, and two in New-Orleans. There are also several team boats in operation. The list of vessels will afford our distant sub- scribers a pretty correct idea of the extent and importance of the steam boat navigation of the western country, which must continue to increase with every succeeding year. Estimating the freight actually carried by each boat, at 150 tons on average, and that each will make three voya- ges a 3 ear, the imports to various parts of the western states will be found to amount to 33,300 tons, and the export in steam boats w ill exceed that amount, while those that are made in the usual way, (in flat boats or arks) will more than double that amount. Thus our exports may be said to be about 100,000 tons. Freights are now from 1 1-2 to 2 cents from New-Orleans to this place. The average price, however, may be stated at 2 cents per pound on articles imported from New-Orleans. The amount paid for freight on imports annyally, is now some- 1 02 CANAL tiling like $1,332,000 to steam boats; tlie ex- ports, in the same description of vessels, nia\ he estimated at $666,000; passengers up and down, calculating ten to a vessel, at 100 dollars up and 50 down, amount to about 333,000 dollars. Making the annual amount paid for freights in steam boats, about $1,998,000 For passengers in do. 333,000 $2,331,000 To this sum an addition of $500,000, at least, may be made, on account of a great number of voyages per- formed by vessels employed exclu- sively in the lower country in car- rying sugar, cotton, he. to New- Orleans, &;c. &c. 500,000 Total, $2,831,000 Of the value of our imports and exports, no correct estimate can be formed ; nor are we able to ascertain how many persons are actually era- ployed in the steam boat navigation of the west- ern countrv." From this statement it is pretty manifest that the exports and imports of the western states by the Mississippi to New-Orleans, do not fall far short of 150,000 tons annually. The western canal will not only intercept a coDsiderabie pcy- CANAL. i C^ tion of this trarle, but will greatly Increase it in the direction oC New-York, for these, among other reasons. 1. The climate of New-Orleans is hostile to the great products of the west — wheat, flour, and meats, are ruined by it. 2. The European market is the only one in which any permanent reliance can be repoi^ed for tlje coiiSumption of the staples of the west, and New-York is twenty days' sail nearer to this market than New-Orleans. 3. The insalubrity of New-Orleans is great, and a healthy will always be preferred to an unhealthy market. 4. The enormous expense of steam boats, and the delays of ascending navigation, will alwavs make transportation more costl}^, more dilatory, and more exposed to loss and danger by the New-Orleans than by the New-York route. 5. When the contemplated canal from Lake Erie to the Ohio river is completed, almost all the commerce of the west will follow the track of the Western Canal. G. The New-Orleans market furnishes an in- different supply of foreign merchandize. New- York is the great emporium of foreign commerce. Tiiere the country trader can obtain his goods cheap, on better credit, and with a greater ex- panse of selection. 164 CANAL. 7. The trader always prefers to buy where he seDs. I're F-3«ons are obvious — he saves time ll . aduig commodities conveyed from New Orleans, aijj lieicending" commorlities con- vey; i down the Mississippi to thai place, am£ nut at the fyvesent time to 150,000 tons annually, it is not anreaisonabie to estinriate those transported on ihe Great Caoj', as soon as it is finished, at 500,000 tons. WL -i we consider that the region west of Buffalo w: ♦;btain all its foreif2:n goods through that mediuno, and also a considerable por- tion of its salt; and when we contemplate the abundance and variety of its products, and take into view the opulence, the population, the vast resources and immense consumption of the terri- tory in the line of the canal, we cannot withhold our faith from Mr. Fulton's estimate. Our experience on the middle section of the canal this year, cannot afford any fair standard of calculation with respect to the future productive- ness of its revenue. 1 should not be surprised, if the remainder of the season is not uncommonly cold, that 40 or 50,000 tons will be transported On it. Every year will add to its amount, and every advance to the east or to the west, will extend its benefits and increase its usefulness. VISHES. 105 LETTER XXXIX. Western Begion, August. 1820. My Dear Sir, The white fish is the most delicious fish which swims in the western waters ; it is found in Lake Ontario, and in all the other lakes to the north and west as far as the fur merchant has extended his researches. It appears to partake of the salmo and the clu- pea, and it unites the delicious taste of the shad and the common salmon. Dr. r\Iitchell has very judiciously named it salmo clupea^formis. It is of the abdominal order. The first dorsal fin is directly above the ventral, and is twelve rayed. The second is adipose, and is placed above the anal fin some distance from the caudal, which last is furcated. The lateral line is straight, weaving lines cross it longitudinally the whole breadth of the fish until the lower part of the ab- domen ; the belly is carinate ; the back convex, and the head sloping. The mouth is even and wide, with teeth ; colour more silvery than that of a shad ; scales large ; size generally from three to six pounds, and it has been known to weigh ten pounds. 166 FISHES. This fish remanis in the lakes all the year. It spawns in spring and autumn ; is very numerous ; and the surface of the Cayuga Lake is sometimes rippled with it to a great distance. It inhabits the Canandaigua, and probably all the parallel lakes. In the straits of Detroit, and at the falls of St. Mary, it is caught in great numbers, and put up in salt for exportation. My description of it may be somewhat inaccu- rate, as I saw it only in salt. It has never been found in the eastern waters, and such is its clupea shape, that it is considered a shad by many of the inhabitants. A species of clupea, or herring is also found in the lakes, which has been considered a young white fish. Its vulgar name is sisco, and it is a non-descript. Its length is near twelve inches, and it is about two and a iialf inches in breadth ; of the abdo- minal order ; first dorsal fin has ten rays, and is over the ventral. The second dorsal fin rayless and adipose over the anal, and near the tail ; tail forked ; scales glittering like silver, and small ; lateral line scarcely visible ; back rising into con- siderable convexity, and sloping to the head ; belly carinate ; no teeth in jaws but in tongue ; weignt generally seven ounces. FISHES. 167 I shall name this fish cliipea Bartonia, hi honor of that great naturalist, Dr. Barton, formerly of Philadelphia, and whose death is an irreparable loss to the cause of science. Several thousand barrels of this herring are salted for the use of the interior country, at $8 per barrel. It has expelled the salt water herring from the market of the west. The salmo salar, or common salmon, is found in Lake Ontario, and some of the secondary lakes which communicate with it, but in none of the waters above the Falls of Niagara. It is too well known to need description. This fish, it is said, is caught all the year in the lakes ; perhaps some of them remain without ever returning to the ocean. They have never been observed at Ogdensburgh. IMay the\^ not be deterred by the porpoises at Quebec from descending f The received opinion is, that they are naturalized to the lakes, and stay all the year. Trout in ponds run up into streams to spawn. Fishes in lakes ascend the rivers which supply the lakes, for the same purpose, and in like manner they proceed from the ocean. This is probably for a tw o fold object ; for the safety of their young in shallow waters, and for food. The salmon of I^ake Ontario go up the great Salmon river in August, and return in September, In some othpr 108 FISHES. places they ascend twice a year and spawn. la Champlain river there is no dam for seven miles, and salmon go in about the middle of April, and are good till the first of June. The Little Sable river has plenty, and also the Great Sable, because there are no mill dams. The Saranac river at Plattsburgh is a rapid stream, and its bottom is sandy and stony. Formerly it contained so ma- ny salmon, that laborers, when about to be hired, would stipulate they should not have It too often ; and the only danger in passing the ford, before the erection of a bridge, proceeded from the dart- ing of the salmon through the water and frighten- ing the horses. A mill dam was erected on it close to the head of the bay, and the salmon endea- vored, for a number of years, to ascend, but fail- ing, they have abandoned the ground. This fish does not ascend the Champlain Lake above Ticonderoga. Salmon have been caught in the Oneida Lake, and Lake Champlain, by the hook. Some of the lakes and ponds are filled in July, August and September, with the ova and teguments of aqua- tic insects, which substances go under the name of lake blossom. The ova are hatched on the surface of the water, and the winged insect flut- ters a short time in the air during the process of ejecting the ova, after which it perishes in a shorr FISHES, 169 time. During this state of these insects, the sal- mon and other fishes fare luxiirionsJv and disdain the hook. In July the salmon of some of the small lakes are greatly annoyed by aquatic insects which fix on the gills and fins, and eat the latter so that the fish can hardly swim. It is supposed by some, that the}^ go up into the creeks to get rid of this annoyang^. The salmon has small, short teeth, and is undoubtedly carnivorous. When most assailed by vermin, it is the fattest. The greatest weight 48 pounds. LETTER XL, Western Region, August, 1820, My Dear Sir, The black, or Oswego basse, stands at the liead of the perch family of this country, for deli- cacy of flavour. He is eagerly sought for by Epicurean avidity, and when he is properl}^ pre- pared for the table, he is as much prized by the American gourmand, as the green turtle is by a London alderman. This fish is of the perca genus, and thiracie or- der, although the ventral is in strictness not di- rectly under the pectoral fin, yet I place him ir. 170 FISHES. ibis order as has been done in several other in- stances of a similar nature. He has two dorsal fins ; the first is spinous and formed of eight rays; second over the anal; tail furcated considerable distance from anal fin ; ' head leathery ; skin blackish and tough ; under lip juts out a little beyond the upper; mouth re- markably wide ; belly can»ated ; blackish color in body, tail, head, and fins ; belly lighter on both sides ; teeth in both jaws ; the outer circle of the eye golden colour. This fish inhabits almost all the western and northern waters. He is called black on account of his colour ; — Oswego, because he was first par- ticularly noticed at that place ; and basse is a Dutch word corresponding with perch. He is a non-descript, and as I think his good qualities entitle him to a distinguished name, I have thought proper to call him Perca Franklinia, in honor of Dr. Franklin. This fish appears the latter end of June, and stays till the cold weather in October and No- vember. He is caught with the hook, and in trolling bites with avidity at a red rag. He is armed with strong teeth, and is predaceous. He is considered very large if he weighs six pounds, but in Lake George he has been known to reach seven and a half pound?. He makes his FISHES. 171 bed in shallow water, on the margin of deep wa- ter, by scooping the sand in the shape of a t*:' cle, d*ep at the centre, and sloping gradually fron? the periphery. In the centre the ova are deposited in fine sand, and as you glide over the waters of the Lake, you can see the fish in the circle, incum- bent sometimes over the ova, and at otlier times darting with (ury, and* driving off all strange fish that approach its nest. Tiie power of parental afiection is manifest in this case, and the storge prevails in fish as well as in all other animals, as long as it is necessary to be exercised for the pre- servation of the young. The eggs it is necessary to defend, but the fry can escape into shallow water. This fish spawns in June ; its offspring are numerous. I have caught him with the com- mon angle worm ; when he strikes the hook he vaults up, and if pulled with too much violence, the ligament of the under jaw is broken, and he escapes. When lie springs from the hook, he shakes his head to extricate his mouth ; and he should therelore be drawn up with all possible ex- pedition ; and if unsuccessful in that way, he will run off with such violence, as sometimes to break the strongest hair line. This fish formerly abounded in Lake George, where he exercised dominion without a rival, there being no pike to contest his ascendancy ; but in late years he is 172 FISHES. said to diminish in number, and to have retired towards the foot of the lake, and that scarcity is observed in all the other fishes, and is imputed to the erection of so many saw mills, and to the burning of tiie pine forests on the mountains, which it is supposed frightens the fish into deep water. The waters of Lake George are, 1 am told, impregnated with lake blossom in June and July. This is undoubtedly the ova and exuviae of aquatic insects, from which fish derive at cer- tain seasons their principal subsistence. How easy to mistake for this food the Sdw dust which is unquestionably the principal cause of the de- struction of fish, although undoubtedly the in- creased angling has had a teijdency to thin their numbers, or to terrify them from the hook. This fish is excellent for the three first weeks in August, when it retires to the shallow waters, and feeds on grass and snails. He is prepared for the table by frying and boiling. Before frying it is best to skin him ; and when boiled, let him be thrown into hot water, and ten minutes are then sufficient for this operation. It appears not only in this case, but in that of many others, that fishes disappear for more than half of the year. To what place do they retire ^ From Lake George there is bo escape into othci* waters. They must go into the deep waters. RATTLE SNAKES. 173 And are they there in a state of torpidity ? Pro- bably not all the time. In those deep^ and almost unfathomable recesses, they probably find appropriate food, and when the power of propa- gation is set into operation, they emerge from the great deeps of the lake, to enjoy the genial influ- ence of the sun, and to afibrd food and security for their offspring. LETTER XLI. Western Region, August, 1820. My Dear Sir, I HAVE had an opportunity of seeing the rattle snake, a serpent peculiar to America, and whose natural history is greatly involved in fable and mystery. Its venomous qualities have been some- what exaggerated, and the antidotes against its poison have been much misrepresented. It has a brown, broad head ; the jaws are furnished with small, sharp teeth ; four fangs in the upper jaw, incurvated, large, and pointed ; at the base of each, a round orifice opening into a cavity, that near the end of the tooth appears again in form of a small channel ; these teeth may be erected or compressed. When in the act of biting, they -force out of a gland near their roots, the fata) I 174 ^ BATTLE SNAKES. juice ; this is received into the round orifice 6f the teeth, conveyed through the tube into the channel, and thence with unerring direction into the w^ound. Appended to the tail is a crepitaculum or rattle, a crustaceous substance composed of joints loose- ly connected 5 each distinct joint, or compartment, denotes a year of the life of the animal, and the number of joints indicates its age, after the third year, but according to some observers, after the second, and in the opinion of others, after the first year. Linna?us has arranged the crotalus genus under four species, and his specific differ- ences consist in the number of plates of the belly and tail. The crotalus horridus, or common rat- tle snake, has, he says, 167 plates on the belly, and 23 belonging to the tail. In the common acceptation of the country, there are but two kinds ; upland, which is large, and a small kind, which inhabits swamps. It was denominated by Nieremberg, an old author, domina serpentum. The one I saw was caught near the cataract of Niagara. Charlevoix observed in his tour to the west, a great number in the vicinity of this cele- brated place. They are said to have a den in a forest a few miles off, and there is also another den about 15 miles east of Lewiston, near the Causeway, A small island near Grand Island, ii> IIATTLE isNAKES* * 175 the Niagara river, was called Rattle Snake Island, from the number which it formerly contained. Twenty-five were killed on it in one day, and none a^'e now to be found there. It is generally believed that they are devoured by hogs with impunity and with avidity ; this is confidently denied ; and again it is said that deer kill them by springing on them with collected feet. It is certain whatever may be the fact in these cases, that they disappear before popula- tion. Venomous and dangerous as this animal is, yet a lady of fortune from Carolina carried about one as a pet. In the house where she boarded 113 New-York, her fellow lodgers were much alarmed one evening by observing several young rattle snakes about the rooms. It appears that they had escaped through the. holes of the case where the mother was confined, and where she had brought forth her young. I believe that all venomous serpents come un- der the description oi ovi viviparous ; that is, that the ova are hatched internally. A rattle snake was recently killed near the western canal, which had thirty eggs in it. This shows that they may have thirty young, although the general impres- sion is, that their offspring cannot exceed twelve at one time. It is believed by many that the 1T6 llATTLE SNAKES. young retreat for security into the body of tlie mother, although this is confidently contradic- ted, as well in this case' as in the case of the viper. That both are viviparous is certain. Round Lake George, on the mountains, there are said to be at least 100 dens. There is one eight miles down the lake on East Mountain, and there are five others two miles from the head of the lake. There are two great dens within six miles of Ticonderoga — one at Rogers' rock, four miles from the foot of the lake ; and the other about three miles ofl*, on the east side of the lake. These snakes generally select a south eastern or sunny ravine on a mountain, for their hybernacu- la. They descend deep into the cavities of rocks, and look out for a position at the head of springs. The vulgar believe that they will not bite in the spring until they have tasted water, and that they have a king distinguished by a carbuncle, and ** which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears a precious jewel in his head." This serpent fre- quently swims across lakes and rivers. Several persons dug for a den on the side of a mountain near Lake George, and after digging 15 feet they were arrested in their pursuit by a great rock, un- der which there were two holes large enough for a man to enter, from which ascended volumes of noxious exhalations, that were attributed to col- HATTLE SNAKES. 177 kctions of snakes coiled together. They are eagerly sought after for their oil and gall, whicli are used in sprains and rheumatisms; and Itrr their flesh, which has been applied in consump- tions ; and they are frequently destroyed by fires j^iade accidentally, or for clearing the woods, and sometimes they bite with great fury at the flames. Owing to these causes their numbers are much dimi- nished, and they are only preserved from extirpation by the fastnesses and deep recesses of the moun- tains. During the late war, a detachment of the ^^.me- rican army was encamped two miles north of Ni- agara, at a place calUxi Snake Hill, which was greatly annoyed by rattle snakes. In order to keep them off, the tents were surrounded by boughs of the ash tree, which preventive, hereto- fore considered certain, was found unavailing.* Some were killed on the parade, and one morn- ing a soldier shook two out of his blanket. This country is champaign, and there is no mountain nearer than eight miles. Is it irue that rattle snakes are killed every * This notion may be traced back to Piiny, who assorts it i^^ his Nadiral History. The Americans have derived it fVoni their Erio'^lish ancestor?, vhu believed in it, and perhaps it is now g-G!v. r.dly accredited ui Engiiiud. It is hardly accessary to say that it is enlirely unfouodetj, 178 RATTLE SNAKES. 3-ear on York-Island, about eight miles from the city, near the great strata of geneiss ? I am told that some years ago a large one was found in a populous street of that city ; and that it was sup- posed to have been lost by its keeper ; — may it not have emigrated from its den on the island ? As soon as the warmth of the season will per- !nit, this serpent evacuates his den, and travels at his leisure about eight or ten miles from it, where be continues until September, when he returns to his winter quarters, most terrifically furious and ferocious. He couples in August, and produce? next June. LETTER XLII. JVestern Region, Ai^gust^ 1820. ?»Iy Deau Sir, When^ the rattle snake intends to bite, he coll^ Isimself up like a cable, and then extending his head, throws his whole body forward with rapidi- ty and fury at the object he intends to strike. Sometimes he makes a kind of singing noise, and when he rattles he does not mean to wound. All snakes are very irritable v/hen in coition, and the erotalus is very dangerous from this period to the fixne of his hybernation^ RATTLE SNAKES. 479 I have already meiuloned the failure of an ex- periment relative to the efficacy of white ash ag-ahist the approaches of the rattle snnke. I have been told of a rattle snake that had beeiv kept in a cage eight months without food, and without any apparent diminution of bulk. Al- though furious when enraged, it is alleged, that he would not bite at a white ash stick. And it is asserted, that if you enclose this serpent by a cir- cumvailation of white ash leaves and fire, that he M'ill elect to make his retreat through the flames.* It is said that the juice of the leaves of the ash has been found efficacious against t!ie bite of the colu- ber chersea, tlie asping of the Swedes, which like the prester of Lucan, kills by a horrible swelling of the whole human frame, and w hich inhabits only a particular district of Sweden among the willows. It is certain tliat there are districts of country in which rattle snakes are never seen, while at no great distance they abound. For in- stance, they have never been known to inhabit the town of New-Berlin, in Chenango county, and 3'et they have been found about ten miles off, towards the mouth of tlie Unadilla. It is said that they avoid land timbered with beech and ma- ple. Wiiether the cause arises from the timber * This superstitious idea was refuted in a note to the last numbej, iSO RATTLE SNAKES. or, the soil which produces it may be a question* White oak land is preferred by them. The small species generally live in open swamps, and their bite is not considered so dangerous. Some negroes killed 315 rattle snakes a few springs ago, by smoking them out of a den at the South end of Canandaigua Lake. There are ma- ny about Eighteen-mile creek, in Genesee coun- ty, where they inhabit the open ledges and fissures in the rocks, and there are dens in the mountains on the south side of the Mohawk river, at a place called the Nore, in Montgomery count3^ A great den exists on the east side of Genesee river, near Rochester. In tlie spring they travel west, (as their heads are then found in that direction) ten or twelve miles, and scatter themselves over the low lands ; and for this purpose they swim across the river. In autumn their heads are pointed to the east, as they then return to their den. In Au- gust 1816, a monstrous rattle snake was killed at New-Mills, New-Jersey, svhich had eleven rattles, and was five feet long, and which was the only one seen for several years within many miles of that place : and some years ago, in the vicinity of Lake George, a whole den of rattle snakes migra- ted from one mountain to another. This was in the autumn, and was unquestionably done for a more secure and comfortable residence. RATTLE SNAKES. 161 Fancy has assigned to the lordly rattle snake mi attendant, or muiister, like the jackall of the king of the quadrupeds. This is a venomous vi- per, with a flat head, and a body coloured like the rattle snake. It has no crepitaculum, and is called the rattle snake's pilot. I have been told, but I have had no opportunity of ascertaining the fact, that the rattle snake dif- fers from all others, for that when skinned, the whole body becomes open to the back bone, and and that no intestines are visible except the heart. It appears that the rattle snake is not singular in the selection of his winter quarters. Thunberg speaks of a mountain, or rather a large single rock, in the Cape Colony, in Africa, called Slan- genkof, (serpent's head) on one side of it is a large and deep crevice, which makes this rock remarka- ble, for every autumn the serpents go there and coil together, and come out in summmer. The poison of the serpent has most power over those animals whose blood is the wannest, and the action of whose heart is the most lively ; while on the contrary it is said not to be a poison to the serpent itself, nor to its fellows, nor in gene- ral to cold-blooded animals. I have heard this remark contradicted in relation to the bite of the rattle snake, although I believe it to be true of the viper tribe in general. A person saw t\^o I 2 1^:2 RATTLE SNAltESt eiigaged in battle — at last one bit the otber, which immediately retreated, and died in a few minutes. It was supposed that it went off rapidi/ for an antidote. To show the rapidity of tiie bite, and the mor- tality of the venom, the following anecdotes were related to me : A man in pursuance of a common practice of killing snakes, took a rattle snake by the tail from under a log, and snapped off its head like the cracking of a whip ; he was bit in the thumb, without knowing it, during this rapid ope- ration, and died. Another one killed a rattle snake, and cut off the head about five inches long, and ordered a boy to bury it ; not obeying the order fast enough, and being hurried in his work, the man took hold of the head, which turned round and bit him so that he died. The same serpent possesses very different de- grees of power in its bite, according to time and circumstances. This is beautifully intimated by Virgil when speaking of a serpent common in Italy in his time. " Est etiam ille malus Calabris in saltibus anguif> Squammea convolvens sublato pectore terga, Atque, notis longam maculosus grandibus alvum : Qui, dum amnes ulli rumpunlur fontibus, et dum Vere madent udo terrae, ac pluvialibus Austris, Stagna colit ; ripisque habitans, hie piscibus atram Jjnprobus ingluviemj ratiisque loquacibus explet, KATTLE SNAKES. 183 Fostquam exhausta palus, terragque aidore deliiscunt, Exsilit in siccum : et flanimantia lumina torquens, Saevit agris, asperque siti, atque xterritus a^stu, ISe niihi turn niolles sub dio carpere somnosj Non dorso nernoris libeat jacuisse per her herbas ; Cum positis novus exuviis nitidusque juveiita Volvitur ; aut catulos tectis, aut ova relinquens, Arduus ad solern, et Unguis mioat ore trisulcis." I am told that rattle snakes have been seen on Long-Island, and at Snake HilJ, near Nevvburgh. There is a beautiful island called Diamond Island, containing about an acre of land near the head of Lake George, and it is said that it was formerly so overrun by rat'le snakes, that travellers ship- wrecked there were forced to lodge ene night in the trees, and that the serpents were extirpated by ijogs brought there for the purpose. On the south side of a mountain west of this lake, and at the head of it, there is a large den of rattle snakes. At the village there lived a pro- fessional rattle snake catcher, who had taken in one season 1300, and who made a livelihood by selling the oil and the flesh, and by vending living ones for shows. He went out as usual, with a large basket covered with a carpet, and was foi»nd dead after an absence of some days. In carrying the basket, it is supposed that the covering fell off, and that one of his serpents bit him in the side, as he he was much swollen, and there was 184 EAGLE! found by him a rattle snake cut up, which it li presumed he had applied to the wound. LETTER XLIII. Western Region j August, 1820. My Dear Sir, Some of the distinguished naturalists who figu- red in the world after the resurrection of letters> adopted an analytical or rather methodical way of discussion, which was admirably calculated to illustrate natural science, and to facilitate instruc- tion. For instance, in treating of birds, they would describe the genus in extenso, and then would give a particular account of each distinct species, under the following heads ; sometime? omitting, and sometimes adding to the specificu- Uons. Forma — descriptio. Locus — Natura — mores — ingenium, Nidus — partus — victus. Vox — cantus — volatiis. Capiendi ratio. Usus in cibo. Usus in medicina. Tliese accounts were mingled with great inac- Curacies, aud numerous fables, but yet they abounded uitli all the fertility of genius, and evin- ced uncommon research and indefatigable indus- try. Our modern naturalists, with some distin- guished exceptions, confine their attention almost exclusively to the forma et descriptio ; and natu- ral science in their hands has become a study of hard words, instead of the study of animal, vege- table, and mineral nature. In the ksv illustrations which I have given of the zoology of this country, I have consulted ac- curacy instead of wandering into the flowery fields of fancy. My stock of information must necessa- rily be very limited so far as it depends on my own observation — and my opportunities for deri- ving information from others have not been many. The hints or intimations which I throw out may serve sometimes as clues to more interesting inves- tigations, and a wider field of natural science was never afforded than that which this country fur- nishes. In various places I have seen the falco lenco- cephalus, or bald eagle ; the falco ossifragus, or grey eagle; and the falco halieetus, or osprey. In Turtius Linnaeus the osprey is confounded with the grey eagle, but this is an error of the editor, not of the immortal author; and Wilson suppo- ses that the grey eagle is a junior bald eagle, which lias uot arrived to maturity* It is well 186 £a<;le*6 Ivnown tiiat the osprey is a purveyor for the two other kinds of tiagle — and that they compel tliis skilful bird to surrender the fish which he catches so abundantly. The immense quantities of fish which collect below the falls of Niagara, and which inhabit that river and the mouth of Lake Erie, necessa- rily draw together these hirds, and 1 have never seen so many as appear to occupy this region. T shot a bald eagle which measured eight feet from the extremity of one wing to that of the other. His talons were so formidable, and his courage so great, that after receiving his mortal wound, he beat off several dogs in a pitched bat- tle ; and I was told of one which was killed near Canandaigua, and which weighed 14 pounds. It had actually killed several sheep. I have seen both kinds near the Catskill mountains, where they erect their aeries on the loftiest trees, and where they soar in " eagle-winged pride.'' And vet T have beheld this imperial bird fly from a tree on which a crow had lit. I have seen him avoid the annoyances of the king-bird» and re- treat before a congregation of ospreys. A grey eagle was shown to me which must have been full grown. It was the size of a bald eagle, and had been shot in the wing about twelve months before. Its colour was a darkish brown SAGLE'S. 18t nil over, with the exception of the interior feathers, which were whitish. The cere was also whitish. The bill was of a darkish colour to the cere—-* that of the bald eagle is yellow. Three eaglets were found in a bald eagle's nest at Lewiston, and I was informed that soir.e years ago four were caught in an aerie on the highest button-wood tree in the forests of that country^ -r^The nest was as large as a cock of h^y. In making it, the old eagles made use of the limbs of the tree which were broken off as thick as a man's wrist* The aerie had been there twenty years, except during the late war, when it was built on a tree in an open field, the inhabitants having moved off. The tree was cut down for the purpose of getting the young. One of them was carried to the village, and the old ones follow- ed it to the house where it was kept, recognized it, and flew about the place of its confinements One of the other eaglets was carried to the fort^ and it is said to have been larger than the other. Whenever a stranger appeared, they ruffled their heads, and indicated great irritation. They made a mournful noise when annoyed and were very ferocious. One of them had engaged the affections of a dog, which brought him garbage whenever he could obtain it. 188 EAGLES.. An intelligent man in whose veraciiy I iiav» confidence, says, that the bald eagle is entirely distinct from the grey — that he cannot be mista- ken in his opinion, for that he has seen the male of each species in connexion with his appropriate female. Lawson, in his history of Carolina, says that the bald eagle breeds very often, and lays eggs agVin under the callow young, whose warmth hatches them. The same thing is said of the pi- cas auratus of this country, vulgarly called high hole. These allegations ought to be investigated, as they furnish, if true, a singular anomaly in na- tural history. With respect to the eagle it is pro- bably true, if half of wliat is alleged by one of the early Naturalists is correct. Johnston, in his ela- borate work printed at Amsterdam MDLVIL speaking ' De aquila in genere,' says — " Datur geiius quod propter tres testiculos, Triorchis ap-> pellatur. Coeunt vero frequenter ; et fsemina ter- decies in die compressa, si masrevocet, denuo ac- crriit. Uude .^Egyptiis et Venus dicitur, et soH ^icatur. Commisceniur aliquando cum accipetre, sed ovis inciibare non dignantur; sed et marera cum lupa aliquando coire scriptores African! refe- runt" Charlevoix says that his people threw down, iVear Oswego, an eagles' nest which was conipo DEEK. 189 sed of a cart load of wood, and that it contained two eaglets, which were not as yet featlicred — that they were eaten, and niade very good food, I think that Boccacio in his Decameron, serves lip a falcon as a choice disli. The Americans have selected the eagle as the symhol of national power. In the ancient my- thology he was the bird of Jove, and in all na- tions he is the sign of strength and majesty. His eye can see to an immeasurable distance, and his flight is as rapid as the voUied lightning. LETTER XLIY. Western 'Region, August, 1820. -Uy Dear Sir, On my way to the west I passed a few days at Albany, and among other public places I visited the Museum of Natural History. Here I saw the largest of the cervus genus called the moose. It was mounted in the museum. Its height above the shoulders 7J feet, and its weight 1000 lbs. in horns had fallen piT before it was killed. Twen- ty-five it is said were killed in the country north of Whitestown last winter, at diiferent times. This one belonged to a herd of five ; The great, depth of the snow facilitated the success of th<; 190 D^ER'. hunter. Under the throat there was a wattle pendant from it, and at least nine inches long — being ah excrescence covered with long, coarse, black hair. Upper lip broad, and hanging over the lower — ears long and standing — nose broad — nostrils large — neck shorter than the head — along the tip a short thick mane — body brownish — hoofs large — horns with short beams spreading into large broad palms, tlie inside of which is smooth, and the outside furnished with several sharp snags. The horns have weighed 60 lbs. Although tliis stuffed moose had no horns, yet I have inspected t'*o sets of horns which had fallen from others. This animal is called by Linnoeus cervus alces, and he is confounded hy several writers with the elk of America, called hy Dr. Barton cervus, wa- pite. These animals are specifically distinct from the elk and stag of Europe. The American moose has been styled by some naturalists the black moose ; and the American elk, the grey moose, to discriminate them from each other, Tiie moose is confined in his range to the cold regions of the north, while the elk has been seen from Canada to Mexico. I am told that two young moose were sold at Utica some 3Tars ago for five hundred dollars. This animal lives entirely by browsing. He trots BEEP.. 19 i twenty miles an hour ; is docile, and can be easily famed ; and is only dangerous, like all olber deer, in the rutting season. Sir John Wentworth, Governor of Nova Scotia, had one in his park, and as his company were assembling at dinner one day, they amused themselves with looking at it, running about in a furious manner, and it finally pushed over a small building from which the house-keeper crept in a state of great confu- Bioa. He is more easy to tame than any of the deer hmWy. He has been frequer.tly kept at Churchill, as tame as sheep, and even more so, for he would fref|uently follow his keeper any distance from home, and at his call return with him, without the least trouble, or ever offering to deviate from the path ; and Ilearne relates that tiie same Indian who had brought the above mentioned young moose to Churchill, had, in 1777, two others so tame, that when on his passage to Prince of Walesa's Fort, in a canoe, the moose always fol- lowed him along on the bank of the river, and at night, or on any other occasion when the Indians landed, the young moose generally came and fondled on them, in the same manner as the most domestic animal would have done, and never of- fered to stray from the tents. Unfortunately, in crossing a deep bay in one of the lakes on a fine 192 DEER, day, all the Indians that were not interested iii she safe landing of those engaging creatures, pad- dled from point to point, and the man that owned them not caring to go so far about by himself accompanied the others, in hopes that they would follow him round as usual ; but at night the young moose did not arrive, and as the howling of bome wolves was heard in that quarter, it was supposed they had been devoured by them, as they were never afterwards seen, I have al.,0 seen several live elks. This animal is called by Catesby, cervus major Americanus - — by Jefferson, alces Americanus, cornibus tereti- bus, or round horned elk — by Clavigero, the alces of New-Mexico — by Barioa, ctrvus wapite — and he is confounded by Pennant with the moose, and described by him as the stag. The n:ule hc^5 t». beard under his throat and upon his breast — (ca- runcula gutturalis) a short mane — tail very short — the female has no horns. The horns are not palmated like those of the moose, but are round- ed, and consist, 1st. of the brow antlers. 2d. the two middle prongjs, sometimes called the fighting horns : and 3d. the horns, properly so called. ^ His horns do not commonly drop till June, bui sometimes as early as April. Under the inteiior angle of each eye, there Js an oblique slit, or anerture. about an inch in lenjT:th, which is said tg liEER. lOo Communicate with the nostrils. By closing the nostrils, it makes a whistling noise, by forcing the air through these openings. This organiza- tion is probably auxiliary to smelling, and this structure which is termed sinus lachrymalis, or sinus sub-ocularis is found in the fallow deer, and in most of the antelope genus. The greatest altitude of this animal is not five feet. I saw a male which with two females had cost fifteen hundred dollars ; he had cast his horns about the middle of April, which is earlier than common. Colour dun, except towards the pos- teriors, which is whitish. When the male is angry, he strikes with his feet, and is very dan- gerous. This animal differs from the moose, 1. In conformation of body. ^. Shape of horns. 3. Inferior size and height. 4. In its adaptation to » southern elime. And I trust that they will not be confounded to- gether in future. Let the moose be denominated exclusively cervus Americanus. and the elk cervus ^'apite. 1^4 dEOL^ev. LETTER XLV. Western Region, August^ 1820. My Dear Sir, In a late letter 1 attempted to show that the iand was continually gaining on the lakes, by the agency of calcareous depositions, and I think ihat Ipointed out a region of schistic formation, Iwsig south of the great lime stone ledge of the west. That this calcareous formation dips to the soiith, I have no doubt, but whether it underlays the schistic, 1 have not been able to ascertain. This southern depression of the calcareous ledge below the crumbling slate, would necessarily create ba- sins for the springs and rains of the country, and which by wearing away that fragile subsiancq, would in time expand into lakes. This is evident- ly the case with the Cayuga lake, which is con- ■jinually enlarging its borders ; and the fall of old Jedges from the precipices demonstrates that the present order of things has not been of very re- mote antiquity. The shores of Lake Erie are sustained by strata ®f schistic which are continually giving way be- fore the violence of the waves, and the whole lake is supposed to be in a state of continual expansion. GEOLOGir. 1?% These slate rocks are in some places fifty feet high, and have been worn away in several places more than eighty rods ; and as this operation has been carried on with a steady progression, there might perhaps be some means discovered of as- ccrtainitjg' the time of the process. It is supposed that a probable datum might be obtained by ex- amining a number of the trees which grow in a thin layer of earth on these rocks, and which have been undermined by the rock falling off. Losing their support and nourishment on that side, they die, while the other side is supported and nourish- ed, and conunues to live and grow. By in- specting a number of trees in this situation, and ascertaining their age by the concentric cir- cles since they lost their support, and comparing that with the extent of the wearing away of the rock since that period, a pretty accurate measure- ment of the time of this operation might be es- tablislied. Of the certainty of this process there is the most unquestionable evidence. Near the Eighteen Mile Creek, about fifteen miles from Buffalo, a thin bed or sheet of lime stone appears in a high perpendicular ledge of slate. It is about a foot in thickness, and lies in its bed, bro- ken as it were by perpendicular fissures into small blocks. It commences with the slate at its sur- face, which surface is nearly horizontal, but takes ^96 GEOLOGY. the same course with the plane of its laminte* which dips something less than a degree to the north-west. The edge of this calcareous sheet is Visible for more than half a mile, projecting gene- rally two or three feet out of the schistic ledge to the place of its descent below the surface of the lake ; and there it is seen uncovered for some dis- tance, and extending into the lake more than a quarter of a mile, to the termination of the slate rock, and to the place where the water becomes very deep. When this lime stone lay above the surface of the lake, the action of the water has worn away the subjacent slate, and the calcareous blocks fell off; but as these blocks are much harder than the schistic, they are of course a long- er time in wearing away. They are however found extending from the ledge many rods into the lake, and in a state of gradual diminution, the outer sides being ground down to pebbles. These appearances exist in other places, and warrant the conclusion, that this schistic barrier once ex- tended very far into the lake. While the south shore of Lake Erie is surround- ed by schistic, that of Lake Ontario is supported by lime and sand stone, much harder substances. These intimations are certainly deserving of a more critical examination, and since I am on the subject of geology, I shall exhibit to you ar. GEOLOGY. iOT \ interesting outline, which I know, so far as my observation extends, to be correct, and which a friend of mine derived from an ingenious gentle- man of the west. A ridge commences at the Little Falls on the Mohawk river, and from thence takes a south westerly direction, until it passes the south end. of the Seneca Lake ; from thence it turns, and and continues nearly a west course, until it enters that part of the state of Ohio called New Con- necticut. It there diverges to the south west, and s into a level country. It however, main- r.early the same horizontal level, and pas- sing roui-d the south end of Lake Michigan, bends to the north, and continues in a northerly direction between lakes Michigan and Superior on the one side, and the riverMississippi on the other, keeping that course even beyond their waters, and forming the height of land that embosoms the Lake of the Woods, and the other lakes in that region. It may be observed that this ridge divides the waters that fall into the Mohawk, One tario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior, on the one side, from those of the Susquebannah, Allegany, and different branches of the Ohio and Mississippi on the other. Near the Little Falls, and until it passes the head of Seneca Lake, on the northerly side it forms in many places a hilly 198 NIAGAHA FALLb". or brdken surface. From Seneca Lake until it passes into the state of Ohio, it is for the most part abrupt ou the north side, but on the souther- ly side, from its summit, the country descends with a very gentle and almost imperceptible in- cliaatioQ to the south west. LETTER XLVL Cataract of J^'iagara, September^ 1820. My Dear Sir, Lewiston is about seven miles from the Falls of Niagara, and in passing from the former to the latter place, I observed on the top of the high hill or slope of Lewiston. the remains of the old way hy which the French drew up their goods which they sent round the cataract. A crane was fixed on the summit of the hill, and an inclined plane down the descent, in which sleighs were placed, and as articles were conveyed up in one vehicle others were let down in another. About two miles from Lewiston, the Devil's Hole is to be seen. It is a monstrous chasm, or ravine, close to the road, and 150 feet deep, where the hill is upwards of 300 feet above the level o^ Niagara river. It is formed by a small creek cal- >d BlooC'j Run, precipitating itself into the bank. I MAGAEA FALLS. j^ This saoguinary name is derived from this cir- cumnaDce : After the capture of Nia-rara by Sir U. l,am Johnson, in the war of lui commonly called the French war, an escort of thinv En^li^h with waggons, were driven down lhis"precrpice by an ambuscade of French and Indians, and all killed, except one who broke through the enemv and another who was caught by a tree on his de- scent, and althoDgh miserably wounded, was iiving a ky, year, ago to narrate the melancholy event. -^ . -0 m.les from this place, is the ^.hirlporA o£ the .^,agara, which exhibits the power of water ia the most astonishing manner. When the lar-.e=t trees of the forest are involved in the vorte^ of tb,s fresh water Maelstrom, such is the fniy of its verug,oous motion, that they are whirled round with inconceivable velocity, and after bein^^ pre- cipitated into the great abyss of water, and lo INCIDENT, LETTER XLIX. Western Region^ September^ 1820. My Dear Sir, In one of my solitary walks with my gun on my shoulder, and my dog by my side, I strayed eight or ten miles from my lodgings ; and as I > — was musing on the beauties of the country, and meditating on the various and picturesque scenes which were constantly unfolding, I was roused from my reverie by voices which proceeded from persons at a short distance. In casting my eyes in that direction, I saw two venerable men with lishing rods in their hands angling for trout, in a copious and pellucid stream which rolled at their feet. I was hailed by them, and requested to ap- proach, which I immediately did, and in ex- changing salutations, I found that they were men of the world, perfectly acquainted with the courte- sies of life. One of them held up a string of fine trout, and asked me in the most ob-iging manner to go home with them and partake of the fruits of their amusement. Struck with the appearance of the stra!igers, and anxious to avail myself of the pleasure of their compan}^, I did not hesitate to accept of this hospitable oiler, on condition tiiat they would permit me to add the woodcock, snipe^ INCIDENT- 217 arid wood ducks, wliicli were suspended fiom my gun, to their acqiusitions. This offer was kindly accepted. A general and desultory conversation ensued, and we arrived in a short time at a small village, and on ascending the steps of an elegant house, I was congratulated by my new friends on m\' entry into Oldenbarneveld. In the course of an hour^ dinner was served up, I sat down and enjoyed a treat worthy to be compared to the Symposior of Plato. I soon found that these venerable friends were emigrants from Holland — that they were men of highly cultivated minds, and polished manners — and that they had selected their habitations in this place, where they en-* joyed «' An eleg^ant sufficiencyj content, Retirement, nn-ai quiet, friendship, books, Ease and alternate labor, useful life, Prog'ressive virtue and approving Heaven," The elder of these gentlemen had received the best education which Holland could afford. He was brought up a clergyman, and at the com- mencement of the American revolution, he be- came its enthusiastic and energetic advocate, and wrote an able w ork in vindication of its character and conduct. In the struggles which subsequent- ly took place in his native country, he sided with the patriots. His friend held a high military 218 INCIDENT, office during that commotion, and unites the frankness of a soldier and the refinement of a ^ntleman with the erudition of a scholar. During their residence in this country, they have been attentive to its interests. As far back as 1795, the elder gentleman proposed an Agri- cultural Society for this district, and addressed it in a luminous speech. I was penetrated with the most profound re- spect, when I witnessed the various and extensive acquirements of this man. He is a perfect master of all the Greek and Roman authors — skilled in Hebrew, the Syriac, and the other oriental langua- ges — with the German and French he is perfectly acquainted — His mind is a great and inexhausti- ble store-house of knowledge ; and I could per- ceive no deficiency, except in his not being per- fectly acquainted with the modern discoveries in natural science, which arises in a great degree from his sequestered life. He manages an exten- sive correspondence with many learned men in Europe, as well as America. And although I had never heard of him before, yet I am happy to understand that his merits are justly appreciated by some of the first men in this country. Ht' has lately been complimented with a degree of Doctor of Laws, by a c-'ebrated university of New-England. He U wow employed by the state AMERICAN CHARACTER. 219 of New- York in translating its Dutch Records — - and through the munificence of David Parish, the great banker, he will be enabled to have transcripts of the records of the Dutch West India Company to fill up an important chasm in the his- tory of this great state. Thus, my friend, I have made a great discove- fy. In a secluded, unassuming village, I have discovered the most learned man in America^ cul- tivating, like our first parent, his beautiful and spacious garden with his own hands — cultivating literature and science — cultivating the virtucg which adorn the fire side and ihe aJtar — cultiva- ting the^esteem of the wise and the good— and blessing with the radiations of his illumiu'id lad highly gifted mind, all who enjoy his conversa- tion, and who are honored by his correspoDdence, LETTER L. Utica, September, 1820. My Dear Sir, In the course of my tours, I frequently meet with extraordinary characters — indeed, I think that there are more persons of this description in this, tljan in any other country. Eccentricities and peculiarities of conduct ^ill always prevail 220 SINGULAR CHARACTER^ most iu democratic countries, where freedom is indulged in ail the modifications of thought, speech, and action, that do not infringe on the laws ; and as the population of America is deri- ved from almost all the nations of Europe, it must imquestionably combine heterogenous qualities, which have not as yet been moulded into unifor- mity and sameness. What Rochester in his witty poem upon nothing said ironically, ma}^, as it re- spects part of the tirst, and the whole of the second line, be applied in sober seriousness to the Ameri- can people : •' French truth, Dutch protaess, British policy, Hibernian learning, Scotch civility, Spaniard's despatch, Dane s wit, are mainly seen in thee.'' In my last voyage on the canal, I met with an old sea Captain, who appeared to unite in his character tlie honest bluntness and generous V . . ... frankness of a Aailor, with the characteristic in- genuity and enterprising spirit of the Yankee. He had before the revolution commanded sea ves- sels from eastern ports. He had often double{^ Cape Horn, and pursued the whale in the great South Sea. He had visited many of the ports of Great Britain, and every island in the West Indies was familiar to him. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, he entered ©n board a priva- SINGULAR CHARACTER. S21 teer as second in command — was captured by a 50 gun ship^and incarcerated in the prison-ship in New- York, where he lingered out years of squalid wretchedness. On the return of peace, he resumed his profession ; but being thrown out of business by the system of commercial restrictions, he turned his eyes to the regions of the west, and procuring a batteau, he embarked with his wife, family, and furniture, from a small port in Con* necticut. Like our first parents — "The world was all before them, where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide." He sailed up the Hudson river to Albany, and after conveying his boat and accompaniments by land to Schenectady, he navigated the Mohawk to Rome. After many unsuccessful attempts to select a residence, he finally fixed his habitation near the Oneida Creek. On the day of his arri- val, he erected a shed with a bark covering, open at the sides. In the centre he kindled a fire, and committing themselves to the guardian care of Providence, the family, after a homely repast, spread themselves for sleep on the ground, sere- naded by the growling of bears, the howling of wolves, and the barking of foxes. The next dayj the bark shed was converted into a building called a chant}', and the dwelling has since become a %m^\e story frame house of humble dinr!onsion«!. L 222 SINGULAR CHARACTER^ It is useless to describe the early sufferings of this family in a new country, in a new theatre of action — without neighbors to assist — without phy- sicians to heal — without ministers of the gospel to console. The cultivation of a garden, a corn- field, a potatoe patch, ^nd the rearing of poultry, hogs, and cows, emaloyed all their attention. In a few years, settlements were formed round themj and as the blessings of comfort, society, and plen- ty, were briglitening about them, the wife of the old seaman died. His children were married, and had removed to a distance — and his only consolation was an orphan grand-daughter, which his deceased wife had brought up. She acted as his nurse — his house-keeper — and superintended all his domestic economy. When death separates in old age those who have been united in marriage, and who have lived in the reciprocations of affection, the survivor rarely lives any length of time. Haeret lateri le- thaUs arundo. The gangrene of the heart is in- curable. A morbid melancholy, which continu- ally increases by nursing its sorrows, and brood- ing over its afflictions, gradually, if not quickly^ undermines the vital principle. The old sailor was in this situation for a year, going to his final resting place, with slow, but un- ^-easing steps j and all the consolations of friend- SINGULAR CHARACTER. 22o ship, and employments of labor were incompetent to rouse him from his sorrows, and to stimulate him into enjoyment. He kept his eye steadily fixed on futurity, and he looked forward with ex^ ultation to the period when he should be united with his departed friends in another and a better world. He continued in this state of mind until the ca» nal was completed from Utica to Montezuma. It passed close by his door. In the early stages of its progress, he considered it with apathy, if not with contempt — but the first boat which passed by his house awakened his slumbering energies. There was indeed something grand, sublime and animating in the scene — the shouts of spectators— the huzzas from the boat — " The neighing steed, and the shrill trump, The spirit stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, The Eagle banner — and all quality, Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious exultation." He entered the vessel and was delighted. He cal- led to his mind the adventures of his youth — the pursuits of his manhood — and the bustling scenes of his active life. He returned, and slept well. He rose in the morning as lively and as joyous as the lark. He thought he could also construct a boat, and on a better plan— he set to work, and succeeded. Hq is now in full requisition for that '2^ ' SINGULAR CHARACTEB. purpose. He is surrounded by plenty, and hk time is constantly engaged in his new vocation. Thus by a singular metamorphosis the ship mas- ter of the ocean, has become a boat builder on the western canal ; and whenever the demon of melancholy, like the evil spirit of Saul, attempts to take possession of him, a trip on the great arti- ficial water operates like the harp of the sweet Stinger of Israel. I am, &c. HIBERNICUS,