o ^° ^°-n^ ^^'% .^<' .*^ o V 4 o^ o " o ^ -rf" ^> % •: .*^ ^°-^^ .<8^ A^ -^^.^ o V • o ■ o'^ '^^,*^-\/ "-^'-^•/ \'^^^'\<,^' >°-^^^ ^^ ^v/^^'' '> ^ . -^ BIRTHS 0? M EMBERS ' -'CHAPPAQUA MONTHLY MEETING WESTCHESTER CQUITTY NEW YORK From 1719 Griffen, Eliliu Griffen, son of John and Judith Griffen of Philip's Manor; bom 2 of 8m, 1760. Underhill , Jared Underhill, son of Jacoh and Amy Underhill of Philip's &Ianor; horn 6 of 3m, 1764. Griffen. Underhill, Catherine Griffen, daughter of Jacob and Amy IMderhili of Philip's Llanor; bom 4 of 5m, 1761. Underhill, Cock, Phoebe Underbill, daughter of Keese and Hannah Cock of Oyster Bay; born 18 of 4m, 1763. Birdsall, Lett Birdsall, son of Zephaniah and Ann Birdsall of l&unt Pleasant; born 15 of 10m, 1767. Birdsall, Susanna Birdsall, daughter of James and Height, Bathsheba Haight of New Castle; born, 14 of 9m, 1771. Underhill, Haight, Sophia Underhill, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Haight of Philips Llanor; bora, 11 of Im, 1766. Underhill, Jesse Underbill, son of Jacob and Amy Underhill of Philins Llanor; bom 11 of 7m, 1767. ^ h/ZT HaigM, Philip Haight, son of James and Bathsheba Haight of New Castle; born 19 of 2m, 1766. Haight, Samuel Haight. son of James and Bathsheba Haight 01 New Castle; born 15 of 3m, 1774. Haight, Phoebe Haight, daughter of Abijah and Phoebe Haight of Mount Pleasant; bom 14 of 10m, 1778. Ifederhill, Birdsall, Phoebe S. Underbill, daughter of William and Sophia Birdsall of Philips Elanor; bom 9 of 8m, 1776. Birdsall. Hannah Birdaall, daughter of William and Sophia Birdsall of Philips Llanor; born ? Sutton, Ifoses Sutton, son of Richardson and Elizabeth Sutton of Somerstown, bom 15 of 3m, 1756. Sutton, Underbill, Rebecca Sutton, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Underbill of Yorktown; bom 23 of 6m, 1757. Wood, James ''-'ood, son of Samuel and Amy TJood of New Castle; bora 23 of 9m, 1762. TTood, Weeks, Martha r?ood, daughter of Abel and Hary Weeks of New Castle; bom 22 of 9m, 1750. -3- Quinby, Abigail Quinby, daughter of Josiah and Phoebe Qumby of New Castle; born 27 of 4m, 1755. Bowron, William Bowron. son of Joshua Bowron of England; born ? Haviland, William Haviland, son of John and ' Haviland of Purchase; born 19 of lOm, 1771. Haviland, Anna Haviland, daughter of John and Griffen, Esther Griffen of North OasQe; born 25 of 8m, 1780. Underhill, Quinby, Elizabeth 0. Underbill, daughter of James and Hannah Quinby of YIest Chester; bom 29 of 10m, 1799. Griffen, Ezekiel Griffen, son of Adam and Deborah Griffen of Bedford; bom 30 of 8m, 1781. Griffen, Thorn, Sarah Griffen, daughter of Elnathan and Ilartha Thorn of New Castle; bom 12 of 7m, 1781. Wood, Stephen Wood, son of James and Martha Wood of New Castle; bom 4 of 12m, 1792. Wood, Underbill, Phoebe Wood, daughter of Caleb and Eliza- beth Underbill of Yorktown; bom, 15 of 3m, 1796. -4- Haviland, Ebenezer Haviland, son of Daniel and Sarah Haviland of Patterson, New York, bom, 3 of 4ii, 1792. Haviland, Phoebe Haviland, daughter of TJalter and Haight, lilartha Haight of Newcastle; born, 20 of 3m, 1793. Birdsall, James Birdsall, son of Lott and Susannah Birdsall of Northcastle; born 27 of 5m, 1795. Griff en. Abraham Griffon, son of Elihu and Catherine Griff en of Newcastle; bom, 24 of 4m, 1793. Sarles, Elizabeth Sarles, daughter of Silas and Washburn, Llary nashbum of Newcastle; born, 8 of 2m, 1767. Pierce, Sutton, Hannah S. Pierce, daughter of Moses and Rebecca Sutton of Somerstown, born 4 of 4m, 1787. Underbill, Phoebe Underbill, daughter of Jacob and Anna Underbill oi Yorkto^ra; bom, 11 of 5m, 1794. Birdsall, Bathsheba Birdsall, daughter of Lott and Susanna Birdsall of Northcastle; born 8 of 3m, 1791. Griff en, Tompkins, Abigail Griffon, daughter of Brundage and Phoebe Tompkins of Newcastle; bom 24 of 9m, 1791. -5- Griffen. UnderMll, Letitia Griffen, daughter of Jacob and Anna Ibdernill of Yorktown; born, 1 of 3m, 1790. UnderMll, Charles 3. Underhill son of James and Phoebe Underhill of Newcastle; bom, 15 of 6m, 1796. Ha ight , Ezra Haight, son of Samuel and Phoebe Haight of Newcastle; bom 3 of 10m° 1777. Haight, Aaron Haight, son of Samuel and Phoeb( Haignt of Newcastle; bom 10 of 10m, 1794. Sarles, Henry Sarles, son of William and Eliza- beth Sarles of Newcastle; bom, 9 of 9m, 1795. Sutton, Moses Sutton, Jr., son of Hoses and Rebecca; Sutton of Somerstown; bom 12 of 8m, 1797. Underhill, Aaron Underhill, son of Jacob and Anna Underhill of lork; born 7 of 7m, 1803. Sutton, Abbey Jane Sutton, daughter of Lloses and Rebecca Sutton of Somerstown; born, 3 of 8m, 1800. Haight, Phoebe A. Haight, daughter of Israel and Anderson, Rachel Anderson of Harrison; bom, 21 of 10m, 1797. -6- Lane, Grifien, Mary Lane, daughter of James and Abigail Griff en oi Harrison; bom, 10 of 11m, 1794. Lane, William Lane, son of Benjamin and Hannah Lane of North Castle; bom, 28 of 4m, 1793. Birdsall, Haviland, Jernsba Birdsall, daughter of Benjamin and Phoebe Hayiland of Harrison; born, 30 of 3m, 1802. Underhill, Dorcas Haight. daughter of Jacob and Anna Underhill of York; bora 12 of llm,1798. Underhill, Rebecca H, Underhill, daughter of Jesse and Sophia Underbill of New Castle; born, 10 of Im, 1800. Underbill, Ann Underbill, daughter of Jesse and Sophia Underhill of New Castle; bom, 11 of 9m, 1802. Birdsall, Ann S. Birdsall, daughter of Lett and Susanna Birdsall of Clinton; bom, 17 of 3m, 1803. Haight, Sophia Haight, daughter of Samuel and Phoebe Haight of New Castle; born, 29 of 6m, 1807. Underhill, Jacob H. Underbill, son of Jesse and Sophia Underhill of New Castle; born, 16 of 11m, 1805. -7- Haight, Samuel L. Haight, son of Samuel and Phoebe Haight of New Castle; born, 29 of 6m, 1807. Underhill, Joel Underbill, son of Jo slab and Pboebe Underbill of York; born, 6 of 8m, 1805. Birdsall, Daniel L. Birdsall, son of Lott and Susannah Birdsall of Clinton; bom, 28 of Im, 1809. Hathaway, Benarona Hathaway, daughter of Jabez and Phoebe Hathaway of Morristown; born, 24 of 12m, 1809. Haight, James H. Haight, son of Samuel and Phoebe Haight of New Castle; bom, 19 of 5m, 1810. Griff en. Joseph T. Griffen, son of Izekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; born, 17 of 7m, 1810. Griffen, Liartha Griffen. daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Griifen of Bedford; born, 13 of 9m, 1812. Wood. Abby Wood, daughter of Stephen and Phoebe Y?ood of Bedford; bom; 22 of 7m, 1813. Griffen, Deborah Griffen, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; bom, 27 of 3m, 1814. -8- Haight , Susan Haiffht, daughter of Samuel and PlioelDe Eaigfit of New Castle; born, 5 of 9in,1814. Pierce, Abhj Jane Pierce, daughter of Joseph and Hannah S. Pierce of Llount Pleasant; horn, 8 of cm, 1813. Wood, Henry Wood, son of Stephen and Phebe '^oo( of Bedford; born, 16 of 7m, 1816. Wood, Elizabeth Wood, daughter of Stephen and Phebe n-ood of Bedford; bom, 4 of Im, 1817. Griffen, Elnathan Griffen, son of Ezekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; born, 9 of 10m, 1817. Underbill, Jesse H. Underbill, son of Jesse and Sophia Underbill of New Castle; born, 7 of 10m, 1812. Haviland, "/alter Haviland, son of Ebenezer and Phoebe Haviland of Patterson; bom, 13 of lan, 1817. Griffen, David A. Griffen, son of Abraham and Abigail Griffen of Bedford; bom, 27 • of 8m, 1819. Haviland, Aaron Haviland, son of Ebenezer and Phoebe Haviland of New Castle; bom, 26 of 6m, 182D. -9- Underiiill, James Q. UnderMll, son of Charles K. and Elizabeth Underhill of New Gastle; born, 17 of 9m, 1820. Pierce, Phoebe Ann Pierce, daughter of ? of ?, born, 3 of 10m, 1827. Underhill, Ltoses Underbill, son of Charles R. and Elizabeth Underhill of New Castle; bom, 25 of 2m, 1822. Birdsall, Benjamin Birdsall, son of James and Jerasha Birdsall of New Castle; born, 15 of 11m, 18SD. Haviland, Job Haviland, son of Ebenezer and Phoebe Haviland of New Castle; born, 14 of 4m, 1823. Lane, Esther Lane, daughter of u'illiam and Llary Lane oi New Castle; born, 29 of 6m, 1820. Lane, David Lane, son of William and I.Iary Lane of New Castle; bom, 17 of 6m, 1822. Haight, Eliza Haight, daughter of Aaron and Phoebe A. xiaight of rlew Castle; bom, 30 of 10m, 1822. Underhill, Aaron Underbill, son of Charles R. and Elizabeth C. Underhill of New Castle; bom, 12 of 10m, 1823. -10- Haight, Anna C. xiaiglit, daughter of Ezra and Dorcas Haight of New Castle; born, 1 of Im, 1825. Haight, Israel Haight, son of Aaron and Phoebe A. Haiglit of New Castle; born, 26 of Sin, 1825 or 1824? Birdsall, Susanna Birdsall, daughter of James and Jerusha Birdsall of New Castle; bom, 25 of 2m, 1825. Haiglit, Edward Haight, son of Ezra and Dorcas Haiglit of New Castle; bom, 12 of 12m, 1820. HaTiland, Daniel Haviland. son of Sbenezer and Phoebe Haviland oi New Castle, born, 6 of 2m, 1826. Lane, Abigail Lane, daughter of i'/illiam and liarj Lane of North Castle; bom, 22 of Ira, 1827. Lane, Hannah Lane, daughter of William and I.Iary Lane oi North Castle; born, 23 of 10m, 1825-4. Haight, Phoebe Jane Haight, daughter of Aaron and Phoebe A. Haight of North Castle; bom 9 of 5m, 1828. Griffen, Ann Griffen, daughter of Robert and Letitia Griffen of Mamaroneck; born, 26 of 8m, 1814. -11- Griff en. Jacob Griffen, son of Robert and Letitia Griff en of Llamaroneck ; bom, 13 of 6m, 1816. Lockwood, Edward Lockwood, son of Isaac and Pboebe Lockwood of North Castle; was about 16 years of age in 1830. Wood, Charles Wood, son of Stephen and Phoebe 7;ood of Bedford; bom, 26 of 9m,1819. Griffen, James Griffen, son of Szekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; bom, 6 of 8m, 1830. Wood, John T^ood, son of Stephen and Phoebe '.lood of Bedford, born 3 of 7m, 1821. Griffen, Phoebe II. Griffen, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; bom 13 of Im, 1826. Wood, Phoebe Jane Y/ood, daughter of Stephen and Phoebe VJood of Bedford; bom, 22 of Im, 1828. Haviland, David G. HaTiland. son of 'hilliam and Anna Haviland of North Castle; bom 4 of 3m, 1814. Haviland, Sarah Haviland, daughter of 'William and Anna Haviland of Ilorth Castle; bom 19 of 6m, 1816. -12- Haviland, Richard P. Haviland, son of "William and Anna Haviland of North Castle; bom 5 of 12m, 1819. Seaman, Wright, Kary Seaman, daughter of James and Amy Wright of Bedford; horn 7 of 6m, 1751. Undsrhill, Walter Underhill, son of Gliarles E. and Elizabeth Underhill of Kew Castle; born, 24 of 3m, 1827. Birdsall, Phoebe H. Birdsall, daughter of James and Jerusha Birdsall of Hew Castle; bom, 16 of 7m, 1827. Birdsall, Lavinia Birdsall. daughter of James and Jerusha Birasall of Kew Castle; born, 1 of 4m, 1830. Sutton, Jesse Sutton, son of I.!oses, Jr., and Sebecca H. Sutton of SomerstovvH; bom, 20 of 2m, 1830. Underhill, Asa Underhill, son of Charles F.. and Eliza- beth Underhill of New Castle; bom, 13 of 8m, 1830. Haviland, Ezra Haviland, son of Ebenezer and Phoebe Haviland of Nev; Castle; bom, 9 of 4m, 1831. Sutton, Caroline Sutton, daughter of Koses and Eebecca H. Sutton of Somerstown; bom, 5 of 6m, 1832. -13- UnderMll, Hamnali I'. Underhill, daughter of Charles U. and Elizabeth Underhill of New Castle; bom, 27 of 9in, 1833. Birdsall, Daniel C. Birdsall, son of Daniel C. and Abigail Birdsall of New Castle; born, 7 of 3m, 1834. Birdsall, James L. Birdsall, son of James and Jerusha Birdsall of New Castle; born, 13 of 12m, 1833. Underhill, Jacob Ifcderhill, son of Aaron and Phoebe Underhill of Yorktovm; born, 12 of 10m, 1834. Sutton, lh.Ty Sutton, daughter of Moses and Rebecca Sutton of Somerstovm; bom, 13 of 10m, 1834. Birdsall, Reuben Birdsall, son of Daniel and Abigail Birdsall of New Castle; bom, 19 of 8m, 1835. Underhill, Anna C. Underhill, daughter of Aaron and Phoebe S. Underhill of Yorktown; bom, 17 of 12m, 1835. Haight , Mary Jane Haight, daughter of Aaron and Phoebe A. Haight of New Castle; bom, 11 of 3m, 1836. Sutton, Sarah Sutton, daughter of Looses and Rebecca Sutton of Somerstown; bom, 18 of 4m, 1837. -14- Underhill, Mary I.!. Underliill, daughter of Aaron and Phoebe Undernill of Yorktown; bom, 14 of 7in, 1837. Birdsall, Mary Birdsall, daughter of Daniel L. and Abigail Birdsall; born, 21 of 8m, 1837. (of New Castle). Birdsall, Ann C. Birdsall, daughter of James and Jerusha Birdsall of New Castle; bom. 10 of 12m, 1837. Underhill, George Henry Underhill, son of Jesse E. and Ann V. Underhill of New Castle; bom, 24 of 4m, 1838. Sutton, Moses J. Sutton, son of Moses and Rebecca H. Sutton of Somerstown; born, 15 of lm,1839, Underhill, Jacob A. Underhill, son of Aaron and Phoebe 3. Underhill of New Castle; bom, 7 of 10m, 1839. Wood, James l!7ood, son of Stephen and Phoebe nood of Bedford; bom, 12 of 11m, 1839. Reynolds, tlary Elizabeth Reynolds, da^^ghter of Elias and Jane Reynolds of Somerstown; born, 27 of 12m, 1839. Birdsall, Ann Eliza Birdsall, daughter of Daniel L. and Abigail Birdsall of New Castle; born, 2 of 12m, 1840. -15- P.eynolds, Augusta Eeynolds. daughter of Elias and Jane Heynolds of Somersto^vn; born, 27 of 8m, 1841. Underhill, Phoebe Jane Underhill* daughter of Aaron and Phoebe S. Underhiil of Yorktown; bom, 6 of 9m, 1842. Underbill, Joshua B. Underbill, son of Charles R. and Elizabeth Underbill of Somerstown; bom, 29 of 9m, 1836. Sutton, Rebecca Jane Sutton, daughter of Moses and Rebecca H. Sutton; born, 19 of Im, 1841. (of Somerstown) Reynolds, Johnatlian Reynolds, son of Elias and Jane Jane Rejmolds of Somerstown; born, 28 of 3m, 1843. Reynolds, Sutton Rejmolds, son of Elias and Jane Reynolds oi Somerstown; born, 29 of 7m, 1844. Hallock, Samuel P. Hallock, son of Daniel and Ann Hallock of Mount Pleasant; bom, 23 of 9m, 1844. Green, Frederick Green, son of Enoch and Phoebe Green of New Castle; bora, 3 of 7m, 1847. Haight , Sarah Jane Haight, daughter of James and Lydia Haight of New Castle; born, IB of 9m, 1847. -16- Reynolds, Lindley II, Reynolds, son of Elias and Jane Reynolds of Somerstown; "bom, 23 of 12m, 1847. Lane, Aaron Lane, son of David and Eliza Lane of North Kastle; bom, 2 of 2m, 1848. Haight, Snily Eaight, daughter of James H. and Lydia Eaight of New Castle; horn, 2*9 of 8m, 1849. Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, son of Elias and Jane Reynolds, of Somerstown; bom, 4 of Im, 1850. Talcott, Charles Ti» Talcott, son of Richard and Jane Talcott of ?, horn, 19 of 3m, 1850. Weeks, Benjamin C. Weeks, son of Abraham and Esther C. ?/eeks of New Castle; bom, 30 of 2m, 1852. We eks , Nathaniel T. Weeks, son of Abraham and Esther C. Weeks of Hew Castle; born, 30 of 2m, 1852. Reynolds, Charles Reynolds, son of Elias and Jane Reynolds of Somerstown; born, 12 of 5m, 1852. Underbill, Abraiiam Underbill, son of Jesse H. and Eliza Underbill of New Castle; bom, 28 of 8m, 1852. -17- Lane, Llary Anna Lane, daiighter of David and Eliza Lane of Rorth Castle; bom, 19 of 5m, 1853. UnderMll, Anna Jane Underbill, daughter of Jesse K. and Eliza S. UnderMll of New Castle; bom, 11 of 6m, 1856. Hallo ck. Charles D. Hallock, son of Daniel and Ann Hallock of Kev/ Castle; horn, 24 of 9m, 1856. Reynolds, Esther Reynolds, daughter of Elias T. and Jane Reynolds of Somerstown; horn, 1 of 3m, 1857. Reynolds, Florence Re3m.olds, daughter of Elias T. and Jane Reynolds of Somerstovm; horn, 25 of 11m, 1858. MelsBel, Charles Melael, son of George and Llaria Makeel of York; hom, I of 12m, 1863. Weeks, Ah ram Weeks, son of ? of hom, 9 of 9m, 1816. Weeks, Malseel. Esther C. Weeks, daughter of ? of ? hom, 3 of 9m, 1813. Emma R. Llakael daughter of George LI. and Llaria LlafeeQ. of York, hom, 24 of 3m, 1866. Malsel, George Douglass jlalseQ, son of George I', and llaria Takeel of York; horn, 1 of 9m, 1867. -18- TJnderhill, Herbert UnderMll, son of George and Llary Underliill of Llornit Kisco; bom, 4 of 2m, 1866. Haviland, Caroline Haviland. daughter of Philip and Abhy Havilana of Chappaqna; bom, 26 of Im, 1867. Haight, Anna Haight, daughter of Stephen S. and Mary Haight of New Castle; bom, 6 of 6m, 1867. Underbill, Haight, Lane, lydia L^derhill, daughter of Joshua T, and KLiza Underbill of New Castle; born, 27 of 9m, 1867. Mary Evelyn Haight, daughter of Stephen S. and llary Anna Haight of Yonkers; bom, 2 of 11m, 1868. lilliam S. Lane, son of Aaron H. and Mary Lane of Mount Pleasant; bom, 3 of 11m, 1869. Shapter, Ruth Shapter, daughter of Franklin and Emily Shapter of Mount Pleasant; bom, 15 of Im, 1871. Underbill, Caroline Elizabeth Underbill, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth 6. Underbill of Hew Castle; bom, 29 of 4m, 1870. Underbill, Mrj nood Underbill, daughter of George W. and Mar7 Underbill of Mount Kisko; born, 21 of 8ra, 1871. -19- Hallock, James Herbert Hallock, son of Samuel and and Sarah J. Hallock of ?Jorcester, tlass., born, 1 of 11m, 1873. Pierce, Sarah C. Pierce, daughter of James and LI rierce of Mount Pleasant; bom, 25 of Im, 1873. Underbill , Charles H. Underbill, son of Joshda and Elizabeth Uhderhill of Kew Castle; bom, 2 of 11m, 1874. Lane, John Irvin Lane, son of Aaron H. and I&ry Lane of Mount Pleasant; bom, 9 of 4m, 1876. Smalley, Caleb I, Smalley, son of Joshua and Sarah L. Smalley of ChapT)aqua; bom, 23 of 5m. 1877. Page, Albert Ti, Page, son of Wilson and Anna Page of Cnappaqua; bom, 2 of 6m, 1877. Co rnell , Emily T», Cornell, daughter of S. '^ood and Florence Cornell of Pleasantville; bom, 12 of 5m, 1878. Lane, Daniel P. Lane, son of Aaron H. and ilary Lane of Mount Pleasant; bom, 8 of 9m, 1879. Page, Charles K. E. Page, son of Tlilson and Anna Page of Chappaqua; bom, 5 of 10m, 1879. -2D- UnderMll, Helen E. Underhill. daughter of A. S. and Anna UnderMli of Sing Sing; bom, 5 of 2in, 1880. Underbill, Euth Kurry Underhill, daughter of A. S. and Anna Underhill oi Sing Sing, bom, 12 of 8in, 1883. Cornell, William August Cornell, son of S. ^ood and Florence Cornell of Pleasantville; bom, 27 of 8m, 1883. Co mell , Esther Cornell, daughter of S. TJood and Florence Cornell of Pleasantville; bom, 28 of 3m, 1886. Underhill, l&rgaret Underhill, dai^hter of A. S. and Anna Underhill of Sing Sing; bom, 17 of 3m, 1886. Comwell, Lydia Comwell, daughter of TJilliam and tlary Comwell of North Castle; bom, 2 of 11m, 1810. Pierce, Thomas L. Pierce, son of Isaac and Sarah Pierce of Mount Pleasant; bom, 18 of 6m, 1811. Underhill , Towns end Underhill, son of Solomon and Phoebe Underhill of E!ount Pleasant; bom, 3 of 6m, 1811. Hoag, David Hoag, son of Sanford and Phoebe Hoag of Kew Castle; bora, 2 of 2m, 1811. -21- UnderMll, Ifargaret Underbill, daughter of A, S. and Anna Uarr&y Underhill of Sing Sing; born, 17 of Sm, 1886. Comwell, Lydia Gornwell, daughter of William and llary Gornwell of North Castle; born, 2 o"f 11m, 1810. Pierce, Thomas L. Pierce, son of Isaac and Sarah Pierce of Ibunt Pleasant; horn, 18 of 6m, 1811. Underhill, Townsend Underhill, son of Solomon and Phehe Underhill of Liount Pleasant; born, 3 of 6m, 1811. Hoag, David Hoag, son of Sanford and Phebe Hoag of New Castle; bom, 2 of 2m, 1811. Cock, Elizor H. Cock daue;hter of Jesses(^esse ?) and Elizabeth Cock of ?, born, 12 of 5m, 1811. Griffen, L!ary Griffon, daughter of Daniel and Phebe Griffon of North Castle; bom, 11 of 8m, 1811. Lockwood, Isaac Lockwood, son of Isaac and Phebe Lockwood of North Castle; born, 8 of 8m, 1811. Carpenter, Job B. Carpenter, son of Rees and Sarah Carpenter of North Castle; born, 26 of llm, 1811. Cock, Towns end Cock, son of Ro'bert and Phebe Cock of Kortli Castle; born, 25 of Im, 1812. Quinby, Alfred M. Quinby, son of Josiah and Amy Quinby of New Castle; bom, 24 of 5m, 1812. Conklin, Jane Conklin, daughter of James and Deborah Conklin of Bedford; bom, 17 of 2m, 1812. Weeks, Milisa Weeks, daughter of James and Mary Weeks oi New Castle; born, 18 of 3m, 1812. Weeks, Elizabeth Weeks, daughter of John and Hannah Weeks ofllew Castle; bom, 14 of 2m, 1812. Do dge , Silas Dodge, son of Jeremiah and Charity Dodge of Hew Castle; born, 14 of 8m, 1812. Griff en. Martha Griff en. daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Griff en of ?, bom, 20 of 9m, 1812. W' 7ood, Edmond Wood, son of Henry and Judith Wood of Bedford; bom, 7 of 9m, 1811. Sutton, Robert Sutton, son of Richard and Eliza- beth Sutton of ?, bom, 5 of 4m, 1762. -23- Sutton, Sarah Sutton, da lighter of Thomas and ? Sutton of ?, born, 10 of 8m, 1771. Sutton, Phebe Sutton, daughter of Hobert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bom, aD of 9m, 1794. Sutton, Mary Sutton, daughter of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bom, 18 of 3m, 1797. Sutton, Thomas Sutton, son of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bora, 19 of 4m, 1799. Sutton, Deborah Sutton, daughter of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bom, 16 of 4m, 18D1. Sutton, Abby Sutton, daughter of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bom, 9 of 10m, 1803. Sutton, Gulielma Sutton, daughter of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bom, 15 of 12m, 1805. Sutton, Lydia Sutton, daughter of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bom, 23 of 5m, 1809. Sutton, Leonard Sutton, son of Robert and Sarah Sutton of ?, bora, 18 of ^,1812. -24- ^eeks, Benjamin Weeks, son of James and Sarah ^eeks of New Castle; bom, 22 of 3m, 1793. Weeks, Sarah Weeks, daughter of Thomas and Thorn, Hannah Thorn of ?, bom, 2 of 10m, 1773. Weeks, Elizabeth Weeks, daughter of James and Sarah Weeks of Kew Castle; bora, 30 of 7m, 1796. Weeks, Thomas T. Weeks, son of James and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; bora, 29 of 12m, 1798. Weeks, James Weeks, son of Benjamin and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; born, 28 of 2m, 1801. Weeks, Hannah Weeks, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; born, 10 of 4n, 1803. Weeks, Leonard K. Weeks, son of Benjamin and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; bora, 28 of 7m, 1806. Weeks, Elizabeth Weeks, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; born, 14 of 2m, 1809. Weeks, Abraham Weeks, son of Benjamin and Sarah Weeks of New Cast.e; bom, 31 of 7m, 1801. -25- Haight, Samuel Haight, son of James and Barshelia Haight of Kew Castle; "born, 15 of 3m, 1774. Ha ight , Phebe Haight, daughter of Abijah and Phebe Haight of ?, bom, 14 of 10m, 1778. Haight, Ezra Haight, son of Samuel and Phebe Haight of New Castle; bom, 10 of 3m, 1797. Haight, Aaron Haight, son of Samuel and Phebe Haight of New Castle; bom, 10 of 10m; 1798. Abijah Ha ight, Abijah Haight. son of Samuel and Phebe Haight 01 New Castle; bom, 11 of 10m, 1800. Haight, Sarah Haight, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Haight of New Castle; bom, 15 of 2m, 1802. Haight , Phebe S, Haight, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Haight ofllew Castle; bom, 2 of 12m, 1803. Haight, Haight, T w i n s Samuel Haight, son of Samuel and Phebe Haight of New Castle; bom, 29 of 6m, 1807. Sophia Haiglit, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Haight of New Castle; bom, 29 of 6m, 1807. ■26- Haight, Barshabe Haight, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Haignt of llew Castle; "born, 19 of llm, 1808. Haiglit, James H. Haight, son of Samuel and Phebe Haight of Sew Castle; bom, 19 of 5m, 1810. Haight, Susan Haight, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Haignt of New Castle; bom, 5 of 9m, 1814. Lane, David Lane, son of Benjamin and Hannah Lane of North Castle; born, 25 of 2m, 1786. Cock, George Cock, son of Joshua and Sebecca Cock of North Castle; bom, 12 of 12m, 1739. Cock, Re as Cock, son of John and Sarah Cock of North Castle; bora, 1 of 9m, 1740. Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, son of Thomas and Llargaret Hopkins 01 North Castle; bom, 2b of 3m, 1740. Underbill, Phebe Underbill, daughter of Caleb and Hannah Underhili of Nev/ Castle; born, 4 of 9m, 1775. Haight, Samuel Haight, son of James and Anna Haight 01 New Castle; bom, 9 of 4m, 1720. -27- Haight, Lane, Abigail Haight, daughter of David and Mary Lane of ?, bom, 5 of 6ni, 1738. Tot ten. Elizabetli Totteh; danghter of ? of ?, born, 2 of 12m, 1717. Hoag, Underbill , Pbebe Hoag, daughter of Samuel and l!artha Underbill of New Castle; bom, 29 of 12m, 1778. Lyon, Sutton, Hannah Lyon, daughter of William and Charlotte Sutton of ?, born, 25 of 10m, 1812. Dickinson, Henry Dickinson, son of Henry and Blenor Dickinson of North Castle; bom, 6 of 10m, 1812. Cock, Israel Cock, son of Israel and Elizabeth Cock 01 North Castle; born, ? of 2m, 1813. Lockwood, Edward Lockwood. son of Isaac and Phebe Lockwood 01 North Castle; bom, 20 of 5m, 1813. Wood, Abby 0. Wood, daughter of Stephen and Phebe ••'ood of Bedford; bora, 22 of 7m, 1813. Pierce, Abbey Jane Pierce, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Pierce of Mount Pleasant; bom 8 of 8m, 1813. -28- Quinby, Thomas Quinby, son of Y/illiam and Phebe Quinby of New Castle; born, 31 of 8m. 1813. Griffen, Catlierine Griffen, daughter of Jacob and Eliza Griffen of ?, born, 1 of 9m, 1813. Pield- Haighl, Hannah Field, daughter of Moses and Anna Haight of New Castle; bom, 26 of 7m, 1813. Cock, Sarah Cock, daughter of Robert and Phebe Cock of New Castle; born, 25 of 10m, 1813. Pierce, Samuel Pierce, son of Isaac and Sarah Pierce of ?, born, 2 of 7m, 1813. Haviland, David Kavilend, son of william and Anna Haviland of North Castle; bom, 4 of 3m, 1814. Field, Mott, Richard Mott Field, son of Josiah and Hannah Field of ?, born, 12 of 4m, 1814. Carpenter, David Carpenter, son of Rees and oarah Carpenter of North Castle; bom, 23 of 6m, 1814. Carpenter, Clarrissa Carnenter, daughter of Jesse and Anna Carpenter of North Castle; bom, 7 of 10m, 1814. -29- Lane, Phebe W. Lane, daughter of Stephen H. and Elizabetn Lane of Korth Castle; "bom, 29 of 7m, 1812. Lane, L!ary Lane, daughter of of ?, bom ?; Sutton, Joseph Sutton, son of James and ii-lizabeth^ Sutton of isomers; born, 11 of lln,1755. Emmals , Elijah Runnals, son of Robert and Ann Hunals of ?, born, 7 of 8m, 1782. Dodge, David Dodge, son of Jeremiah and Charity Dodge of ?, bora, 19 of 3m, 1859. Quinby, Isaiah Quinby. son of Moses and Jane Quinby bi Korth Castle; born, 22 of 3m, ,1750. Quinby, Francis Quinby, son of Moses and Jane Quinby of North Castle; bora, 19 of 5m, 1735. Underbill, Isaac Underbill, son of Samuel and Martha Underbill of Yorktown; bom, 21 of 4m, 1793. Haight, Ludlow Haight, son of Caleb and L'aplet Haight of New Castle; bom, 19 of 8m, 1759. Haight, Jesse iiaight. son of Salter and Llartha Haight of New Castle; bora, 31 of 10m, 1795. -3D- UnderMll, Ann Underlaill, daughter of Jacob and Ann UnderMll of lorktown; bom, 28 of 9m, 1807. Quinby, Jo si ah Quinbj son of Moses and Jane Quinby oi North Castle; bom Hyatt, Carpenter, Carpenter Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Amy Hyatt of New Castle; bom, 12 of 11m, 1812. Weeks, Robert H. Weeks, son of James and Fiary Vi'eeks of New Castle; bora, 23 of 12m, 1813. Weeks, Jane V»'eeks, daughter of Jesse and Eliza ?Jeeks of New Castle; born, 14 of 2m, 1814. We eks , John Yieeks, son of Benjamin and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; born, 15 of 3m, 1814. Griffon, Deborah Griffon, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Griff en of Bedford; born, 27 of 3m, 1814. Hyatt, Hyatt, (Abraham Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Amy T I Hyatt ^of New Castle; born, 30 of w 1 n 3m, 1814. s Stephen Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Amy Hyatt of New Castle; bom, 30 of 3m, 1814. -31- Bonner, Hunter, Deborah Bonner, daughter of HenrJ and Hannah Hunter of New Castle; horn, 12 of 5m, 1814. ^e eks , John Weeks, Jr., son of John and Hannah Weeks of New Gastle; horn, 25 of 8m, 1814. Conklin, Jacoh Oonklin, son of James and Dehorah Conklin of Bedford; horn, 5 of 10m, 181 4. Do dge , Levi Dodge, son of Jeremiah and Charity Dodge of New Castle; horn, 22 of ' Im, 1815. Griff en. Aaron L. Griff en, son of Zopher 2. and Ahbegal Griff en of lorktown; horn, 30 of 11m, 1814. Quinhy, Daniel '.7. Quinhy, son of William and Hannah Quinhy of North Gastle; horn, 12 of Im, 1815. Lockwood, Phehe Lockwood, daughter of Isaac and Phehe Lockwood of North Gastle; horn, 8 of 2m, 1815. Weeks, Anna Weeks, daughter of James, Jr., amd t!ary Weeks of New Castle; horn, 8 of 4n, 1815. Eider, Sarah S. Rider, daughter of Jesse and i^arah Rider of Mount Pleasant; horn, 10 of 5m, 1815. -32- Pierce, Phebe Jane Pierce, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Pierce of ?, bom. 22 of lOm, 1815. Carpenter, Ihrj Carpenter, daughter of Timothy and Jemima Carpenter of North Castle; bom, 2 of 12m, 1815. Tripp, Jared TriiDp, son of Samuel and Fanny Tripp of New Castle; bom, 7 of 12m, 1815. Wood, Henry Wood, son of Stephen and Phebe Viood of Bedford; bora, 16 of 7m, 1815. Wood, William H. Wood, son of Thomas and Llary Wood of Bedford; born, 26 of llm,l815. Sutton, Phebe Sutton, daughter of William and Charlotte Sutton of Somerstown; bom, 26 of 12m, 1814. Sutton, Jane Sutton, daughter of Robert and »^arah Sutton of Yorktown; bora, 29 of 4m, 1815. Weeks, Samuel .-eeks, son of Isaac and Phebe Weeks of New Castle; bora, 23 of 9m, 1815. Haight, Lydia Haight, daughter of Moses and Anna Haight of New Castle; born, 9 of 2m, 1816. Lane, Stephen D, Lane, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Lane of North Castle; born, 29 of 3m,1816. -33- Pierce, Moses Pierce, son of Joseph and Hannah Pierce of Mount Pleasant; horn, 9 of 3m, 1816. Underhill, David G. Underhill, son of Solomon and Phehe Underhill of ?, horn, 12 of Im, 1816. Hyatt, Morgan Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Amy Hyatt of New Castle; horn, 9 of 6m, 1816. Haviland, Sarah Haviland, daughter of '.Tilliam and Anna Haviland of North Castle; horn, 19 of 6m, 1816. Carpenter, Henry CariDenter, son of Jesse and Anna Carpenter of North Castle; horn, 31 of 8m, 1816. Sutton, Joseph Sutton, son of William and Charlotte Sutton 01 Somers; horn, 8 of 9m, 1816. Weeks, Penina Weeks, son of John and Hannah a'eeks of New Uastle; horn, 28 of 5m, 1816. Birdsall, Zephaniah Birdsall. son of of f, horn, 1 of 4m, 1726. Haight, Sophia Haight, daughter of Walter and Martha Haight of New Castle; horn, 3 of 3m, 18D3. -34- Underhill, James UnderMll, son of JacolD and Amy IhderMll of New Castle: born ? Powler, Phebe Powler, daughter of ITilliam and Hannah Fowler of Kew Castle; born, 5 of 11m, 1810. Do dge , Robert Dodge, son of of ?, bom 9 9 Ha ight , Abijah Ha ight, son of of ?, born Underbill, Josiah Underbill, son of Samuel and F^rtha Underbill of Yorktown; bom ? Uhderhill, Samuel Underbill, son of Jacob and Amy Underbill of ?, born ? fright. Lane, i/Iary Wright, daughter of David and Llary Lane of ?, bom ? Haight, Caleb Haight, son of James and Aima J^aight of ?, bom ? Weeks, Abraham Weeks, son of Benjamin and Deborah Weeks of Somerstown; bom, 9 of 9m, 1816. Weeks, Dorothy Weeks, daughter of Benjamin a Sarah Weeks of Yorktown; bom, 9 of 10m, 1816. and -35- Wood, ElizalDeth ?<'ood, daugMer of Stephen and Phehe Vi'ood of Bedford; born, 4 of Im, 1817. Birdsall, Edward 3, Birdsall. son of Reuben and Pbebe Birdsall of Courtland; bom, 6 of 4m, 1817. Davenport, David I.'I. Davenport, son of william D. and Phebe G. Davenport of Kew Castle; bom, 12 of 11m, 1815. Davenport, Lydia G. Davenport, daughter of 'William D. and Phebe C. Davenport of New Gastle; bom, 23 of 5m, 1817. Griff en. Aaron Griff en, son of John and Hannah Griffen of New Castle; bora, 22 of 3m, 1817. Conklin, Isaac Conklin, son of James u. and Deborah Conklin of Bedford; born, 27 of lm,1817. Griffen, Abigail Griffen, daughter of Abraham and Abigail Griffen of ?, bora, 6 of 4m, 1817. Weeks, Rebecca V/eeks, daughter of James and Kary u'eeks of New Gastle; born, 13 of 8m, 1817. Dodge, Bi chard W. Dodge, son of Jeremiah and Charity Dodge of New ^astle; born, 15 of 10m, 1817. -36- Griffen, Elnathan Griffen, son of Ezekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; torn, 9 of 10ni,1817. Sutton, Benjamin Sutton, son of Robert and Sarah Sutton of lorktown; born, 26 of 3in,1818. Y^eeks, Charles Weeks, son of Jacob and Lydia TJeeks of ?, born, 6 of 6iii, 1818. Quinby, Mary Quinby, daughter of '"illiam and Phebe Quinby of New Castle; born, 14 of 9in, 1818. Griffen, Moses Griffen, son of John and Hannah Griffen of New Caste; bom, 13 of 7m, 1818. Haight, Reuben J. Haight, son of Hoses and Anna Haight of New Castle; born, 26 of 7m, 1818. Weeks, Daniel "*eeks, son of Jesse and Elizer \?eeks; of New Castle; born, 5 of 12m, 1818. Mott, Jordan Mott; son of Jacob and Hannah Mott of Greensburg; bom, 8 of 2m, 1819. Pierce, Aaron Pierce, son of Joseph and Hannah Pierce of Llount Pleasant; bom, 27 of 2m, 1819. Sutton, llaria P. Sutton, daughter of ?^ illiam and Charlotte Sutton of ?, bora, 26 of 10m, 1818. -37- Hyatt, Warren Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Amy Hyatt 01 New Castle; born, 22 of 3ra, 1819. UnderMll, Elias UnderMll, son of Solomon and Phebe Underbill of Momit Pleasant; bom, 10 of 5m, 1819. Cock, ?^illiam Cock, son of Robert and PTi^be Cock of Nortb Castle; bom, 27 of 7m, 1819. Haviland, Bi chard Field Haviland. son of T^illiam and Anna Haviland of North Castle; bom, 5 of 12m, 1819. Conklin,, Phebe Conklin, daughter of James and Deborah Gonklm of Bedford; bom, 2 of 8m, 1819. Carpenter, Nathan Carpenter, son of Jesse and Anna Carpenter of North Castle; bom, 1 of 8m, 1819. Carpenter, Phebe Carpenter, daughter of Timothy and Jemima Carpenter of North Castle; born, 24 of 9m, 1819. Griffen, Weeks, John Griffen, son of Elihu and Catherine Griffen of New Castle; born ? Hannah V/eeks, daughter of Jacob and Lydia V'eeks ot New Castle; bom, 18 of 8m, 1823. -38- Weeks, Sanford TJeeks, son of Benjamin and Sarah 7/eeks of ?, born, 25 of 3m, 182D. Griffen, David Griffen, son of Abraham and Abigail Griffen of ?, born, 27 of 7m, 1819, Wood, Charles Wood, son of Stephen and Phebe Wood of Bedford; bom, 26 of 9m, 1819. Griffen, John L. Griffen, son of John and Hannah Griffen of New Castle; bom, 26 of Im, 1819. Pierce, Joseph H. Pierce, son of Isaac and Sarah Pierce of Mount Pleasant; born, 11 of Im, 1820. Cromwell, Susannah Cromwell, daughter of Joshua and Rebecca Cromwell of New Castle; bom, 21 of 3m, 1823. Bo wren, Hannah C. Bo wren, daughter of Henry C. and Deborah Bowren of North Castle; born, 29 of Ira, 182D. Carpenter, Anna S. Carpenter, daughter of David and I'ary Carpenter of I!ount Pleasant; born, 30 of 3m, 1820. Weeks Sarah H. Weeks, daughter of Thomas T. and Llary Weeks of Somerstown; born, 14 of 5m, 1830. -39- Htinter, Thomas Hunter., son of Henry and Hannali Hunter of New Castle; "bom, 5 of 7iii, 1830. Griffon, James Griffen, son of Ezekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; horn, 6 of 8m, 1823. Haviland, Aaron Haviland, son of Ehenezer and Phehe Haviland of New Gastle; horn, 26 of 6m, 1830. Lane, Esther Lane, daughter of YJilliam and Hart Lane of North Gastle; horn, 29 of 5m, 1820. Underhill, James Q. Underhill, son of Charles and Elizaheth Underhill of New Castle; horn, 17 of 9m, 1830. Weeks, Moses Weeks, son of Jesse and Eliza Weeks of New Castle; horn, 29 of 10m, 1830. Underhill, John Underhill, son of Daniel and Sarah Underhill of New Castle; horn, 9 of 8m, 1808. Dodge, Jeremiah Dodge, son of Rohert and barah Dodge of New Castle; horn, 23 of 7m, 1791. Lane, 77illiam Lane, son of David and i.!ary Lane of North Castle; horn ? -40- HaderMll, Barsliote Underhill, daughter of Caleb and Hannah Underliill of New Castle; bom ? Sutton, Eliza Sutton, daughter of T Charlotte Sutton of bom ? of 2m, 1811. iam and 9 Thorn, Thomas Thorn, son of Thomas and Sarah Thorn of ?, born ? Quinby, Hannah Quinby, daughter of Jo si ah and Amy Quinby of Ne7; Castle; born, ? Underhill, Quinby, Llarther Underhill, daughter of Moses and Jane Quinby of North Castle; bom ? Hunter, Tamer Hunter, son of William and ^-ary Hunter of ?, bom ? Underhill, Dean, Elizabeth Uiderhill, daughter of Johnathan and ? Dean of ?, bom, ? Underhill, Carpenter, Hannah Underhill, daughter of Joseph and ? Carpenter of ?, born ?. Weeks, PoY/ler, Phebe i*eeks, daughter of James and Fowler of ^, born 9 9 Griffen, Zophar Griffen. son of John and Griffen of ?. bom 9 9 -41- Birdsall, Benjamin Birdsall. son of 3ames and Jerusha Birdsall of New Castle; liom, 15 of 11m, 18a). UnderMll, Hannah Untifrhill, daughter of David and Sarah'' UnderMll of New Castle; bom, 12 ofVl2ra, 1820. Haight, Edward Haight, son of Ezra and Dorcas Haight of New Castle; horn, 12 of 12m, 1833. Wright, Jane Wright, daughter of Bamahas and Hannah G. Jright of Somersto\TQ; horn, 4 of 2m, 1821. Sutton. Alfred A. Sutton, son of Ti'illiam and Charlotte Sutton of Somerstovra: horn. 14 of Im, 1821. Bo wren. Sarah Bowren, daughter of Henry and Dehorah Bowren of North Castle; horn, 26 of 5m, ld21. T/eeks, Sarah C. I7eeks, daughter of John and Hannah T^eeks of ?, horn, 26 of Im, 1S21. Wood, John Wood, son of Stephen and Phehe Y.'ood of Bedford; bom, 3 of 7m, 1821. Thorn, Hannah Thorn, daughter of John and Thorn of New Castle, born, 24 9m, 1821. Phebe 4 of -42- Eaight, Cliarles Eaight, son of Moses and Anna Haight; of New Castle; iDorn, 12 of 8m, 1821. Weeks, Lydia Weeks, daughter of Thomas T. and ilary Weeks of Somerstov.n; born, 16 of 2m, 1822. UnderMll, Hoses UnderMll, son of Charles R. and Slizaheth Underhill of ?, bom, 25 of 2m, 1822. Quinby, Joshua Quinby, son of Josiahaadd Amy Quinby of ?, bom, 13 of 3m, 1822. Hyat t , llaryett Hyatt, daughter of Nathaniel and Amy Hyatt of Hew Castle; born, 15 of 3m, 1822. Carpenter, Jesse Carpenter, son of Peter and Deborah Carpenter of Kew Castle; bom ? Haight, Anna Haight, daughter of 3ames and Fhebe Underhill, Underhill of ¥,evi Castle; bom, 26 of 3m, 1794. Ryder, Anna L. Ryder, daughter of Jesse and Sarah Ryder of Hbunt Pleasant; bom, 8 of 12m, 1808. Carpenter, Tot ten. Lydia Carpenter, daughter of Peter and Preeiove Totten of ?, bom, 27 of 9m, 1742. Weeks, Elizabeth Weeks, daughter of John and Hannah Weeks of New Castle; born, 14 of 2m, 1812. -43- Cronmell, James Cromwell, son of Joshua and Rebecca Cromwell of ?, bom, 11 of 5m, 1802. Washburn, 7;right, Anna TJashbum, daughter of John and Anna Wright of ?, bom ? Weeks, Kipp, Sarah TJeeks, daughter of Benjamin and Dorothy Kipp of ?, bom, 27 of 7m, 1746. Carpenter, Phebe Carpenter, daughter of Joseph and Eannah Carpenter of New Castle; bom, 6 of 3m, 1822. Weeks, Maria Weeks, daughter of Jacob and Lydia Weeks of New Castle; bom, 9 of 4m, 1822. Buckhout, William Buckhout, son of Stephen and Anna Buckhout of Kew Castle; born, 5 of 8m, 1821. Griffen, Elihu Griffen, son of Daniel and Phebe Griffen of North Castle; bora, 6 of 9m, 1821. Carpenter, Catherine Carpenter, daughter of Nathaniel and Zervirah Carpenter of North Castle; born, 7 of 9m, 1821. Conklin,, Ann Conklin, daughter of James and Deborah Gonklin of Bedford; bom, 12 of lm,1822. Cock, Irkrv Cock, daughter of Robert and Phebe Cock " of North Castle; bom, 18 of 2m, 1822. -44- Eowren, Jacob Eowren, son of "iTilliaa L. and Ilary M. Bo wren of North Castle; bom, 9 of 11m, 1822. Wright , John C. V'right,^son of Barnabas and Hannah TJrifrht of Somerstv/on; bom, 23 of 4m, 1823. Sutton, L'latilda Sutton, daughter of William and Charlotte Sutton of Somerstown; born, 5 of 5m, 1823. Haight, Eliza Haight, daughter of Aaron and Phebe Haight of New Castle; bora, 21 of 10m, 1822. Carpenter, Jesse Carpenter, son of Thomas and Sarah Carpenter of New Castle; bom, 15 of 11m, 1822. Carpenter, Preelove Carpenter, daughter of Rees and Sarah Carpenter of Mount Pleasant; bom, 10 of 4ffi, 1823. Haviland, Jobe Eaviland, son of Ebenezer and Phebe Haviland of New Castle; bom, 14 of 4m, 1823. Buckhout, John Buckhout, son of Stephen and Ann Buckhout of New Castle; bom, 6 of 6m, 1823. Itott, Edward Mott, son of Jacob L. and Hannah I',!ott of Greensburg, bom, 1 of 7m, 1823. Bo wren. John Bo7iTen, son of John S. and Sarah S. Bowren of North Castle; bom, 15 of 2m, 1822. -45- Haight. Carpenfer, Sarali Kaight, daughter of David and Kary Carpenter of Mount Pleasant; bom, 27 of 9m, 182S. UnderMll, Aaron UnderMll, son of Eharles and Eliza- beth Underbill of New Oastle; "born, 12 of 10m, 1823. Weeks, Aaron V/eeks, son of Jacob and Lydia ueeks of New Castle; bom,- 12 of Im, 1824. Griffen, Wright, Conklin, Underbill , Hyatt, Quinby, Tripp/ William Griffen, son of Daniel and Phebe Griff en of North Castle; bom, 12 of 2m, 1824. Edgar Wright, son of Barnabas and Hannah urignt of Somerstown; bom, 26 of 8m, 1824. Amy Conklin, daughter of James and Deborah Conklin of Bedford; bom, 28 of 10m, 1825. John Underbill osn of Solomon and Phebe Underbill of Mount Pleasant; bom, 10 of lOm, 1824. Jackson Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Amy Hyatt of New Castle; bom, 4 of lim,1824, lliary Jane Quinby, daughter of John and Esther Quinby of New Castle; bom 19 of 12m, 1824. Samuel L. Tripp, son of Samuel and Fanny Tripp of New Castle; born, 8 of 2m, 1825. -46- Bowren, Ann Elizabeth Bov/ren, daughter of VJilliam and iiaiy Bov/ren of North Castle; horn, 1^ of 2m, 1825. Davenport, Samuel Davenport, son of William and Phehe Davenport of New Castle; horn, 9 of 6m, 1825. Birdsall, Phehe S. Birdsall, daughter of Isaac and "Filer" Birdsall of New Castle; horn, 14 of 6m, 1825. Carpenter, John Carpenter, son of Thomas and Sarah Carpenter of New Castle; horn, 25 of bm, 1825. Sutton, Llary Jane Sutton, daughter of William and Charity Sutton of Smerstown; horn, 10 of 7m, 1825. Haight, Israel Haight, son of Aaron and Phehe Haight of New Castle; horn, 26 of 8m, 1824. Haight, Anna C. Haight, daughter of Ezra and Dorcas Haight of New Castle; horn, 1 of lm,1825. Birdsall, Susannah Birdsall, daughter of James and Jerusha Birdsall of Nev/ Castle; horn, 25 of 2m, 1825. Weeks, Sanford Weeks, son of Thomas and I'-ary Weeks of Yorktown; horn, 9 of 8m, 1825. -47- Cock, David Cock, son of ? of ?, born, 11 of 8m, 1825. Quinby, Samuel Quinby, son of Jo si all and Amy Quinby of Kew Castle; bom, 6 of 7m, 1800. Tripp, Harrison P. Tripp, son of Samuel and Paiiny Tripp of New Castle; bom, 12 of 6m, 1821. Tripp, Morgan Tripp, son of Samuel and Fanny Tripp 01 New Cactle; bom ? Hoag, ^eei£s. Dorothy Hoag, daughter of James and Sarah Weeks of New Castle; born ? IMddrhill, Daniel Underbill, son of Benjamin and Anna IMderhill of New Castle; born, ? Underbill, Sarah Underbill, daughter of Samuel and lilartha Uhderhill of New Castle; bom ? Hoag, Mosnure, Rebecca Hoag, daughter of Beniamin and Sarah Moshure of New Castle: bom ? Sutton, Benjamin Sutton.son of Robert and Sarah Sutton of New Castle: bom ? Griffen, Phebe Li, Griffen, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Griffen of Bedford; bom, 13 of Im, 1826. -48- Carpenter, Anne Elisa Carpenter, daughter of Banock and Sophia Carpenter of Korth Castle; bom, 14 of 2m, 1826. Wright, Charles Wright, son of Barnabas and Hannah Wright of Somerstvran; bom, 26 of 3m, 1826. Carpenter, James Carpenter, son of Joseph and Hannah Carpenter of New Castle; bom, 7 of Im, 1826. Haviland, Daniel E, Haviland, son of Ebenezer and Phebe Haviland of Kev/ Castle; born, 6 of 2m, 1826. Marshall, Edwin L!ar shall, son of Asa and Mary llarshall of Kew Castle; bom, 6 of 3m, 1826. Underbill, Co'ashhurn oi ?, horn, ? (Received by request, 10 of 4m, 1879). Pierce, Jane S. Pierce, daughter of Thomas and Martha Pierce of Pleasantville, horn, 14 of 8m, 1809. Washhum, Helen ^Tashhurn, daughter of Charles S. and Elizabeth M'ashbum of Quaker Street; bom, 18 of 5m, 1896. Green, Carpenter J. Green, son of Harvey B, and Phehe G. Green of Chappaqua; horn, 2 of ^. 1897. -97- Marsliall, Almira Ilarshall, daughter of Jesse and ? 77ashbum, 7;aslibiirn of Quaker Street; born, 26 of 8m, 1834. Washburn, Miriam Margaret i.'ashburn, daughter of Oharles E. and lilizabeth Tashbum of Quaker Street; born, 19 of 12m, 1897. Carpenter, Ivlarshall, Phebe Carpenter, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Marshall of ?, bom, ? Ha ight , Avis L. Ha ight, daughter of Abraham and Phebe Haight oi Chappaqua; born, ? Ha ight , Young, Deborah Haight. daughter of John and '^arah Young of L.ount Pleasant; born, ? Sutton, ? Sutton. ? of Henry 0. and Susan E. Sutton of New Castle; born, ? of lm,1899. Hyatt, Ferdinand Hyatt, son of Nathaniel and Hyatt of , Dorn, 9 9 Barron, Eleanor Barron, daughter of Henry amd I.Iary Barron of ?, bom, ? Tompkins, Alb ert Tompkins, son of Isaac L. and Anna lEompkms of ?, born. Davis, Robert Charles Davis, son of Robert T. and Susan A. H. Davis of "^ born, 11 of 6m, 1875. • t -98- Eunt, Cocks, Phebe Cocks, daughter of ? Hunt of ?, iDorii, 18 of 2m, 1822. Bergen, Esther L. Bergeh. daughter of william L. and Jeannetiie I.'. Bergen of Batavia, Illinois; born, 22 of 5m, 1881. Haight, Cock, E. M. Haight, daughter of Effingham Cock and Harriet of Chappaqua; bom, 31 of 5m, 1855. Pierce, John 'k7. Pierce^'i son of Isaac and Sarah Pierce of ?, Dom, Carpenter, Esther Carpenter, daughter of Joseph and l^rgaret Carpenter of Kev/ Rochelle; bom, 20 of 7m, 1675. Heacock, Esther M. Heacock, daughter of william and Lucretia II. Heacock of ? bora, 20 of 5m, 1898. Cox, William Cox, son of ? and Phebe Cox of ?, bom, 10 of Im, 1850. Cox, Carpenter, Phebe Cox, daughter of Timothy and Jemima Carpenter of ?, bom, 24 of 9m, 1819. Stoutenburg, J V. Stoutenburg. of Peter and Pamelia Stoutenburg of born, 3 of Im, 1820. Haviland, Robert S. Haviland, son of Robert and Esther Haviland of ?, born, ? -99- P.omaine. Sveritt Eomaine, son of George "TJ, and Deborali J. Roinaine of ?. torn, ?. Eoniaine, Hammond, Cora Homaine, daughter of Thomas D. and Almira Haiamond of ?, horn. Romaine , Edward Everitt Romaine, son of Everitt and Cora Romaine of ?, horn, 3 of Im, 1894. Romaine, Kenneth Irving Romaine, son of Everitt and Cora Romaine of ?, bom, 25 of 6m, 1896. Romaine, Charles Leslie Romaine, son of Everitt and Cora Romaine of ' horn, 6 of 4m, 1899. The births that follow are taken from a roll of slips of paper found in the safe at the Chappa- qua Meeting House, New York. They are apparently reports from the heads of familes as to the birth of themselves and children. -100- Carpenter, 1st Slip, "Timothy and TJilliain Carpenter" Timothy Carpenter, bom, 1 of 8m, 174D, William Carpenter, " 2D of 11m, 1768, Dehorah Carpenter, Eees Carpenter, Phebe Carpenter, Timothy Carpenter, David Carpenter, Ferris Carpenter, 23 of Im, 1767, 12 of 10m, 1789, 20 of 3m, 1791, 27o f 8m, 1792, 11 of 7m, 1794, 3 of 5m, 1796. Cornell, 2nd Slip, "The ages of myself, wife and child and Apprintices" Cornell, Joshua, bom, 25 of 9m, 1765, Rebecca Cornell, " 31 of 5m, 1776, Jesse Cornell, " 20 of 12m, 1796, Isac and Jacob Carpenter, bom, lo of iOm, 1777. Quinby, 3rd Slip. "The names of the children of Obeaiah and Freelove Quinby" Aanna Quinby, torn, 25 of 8m, 1785, James Quinby, " 28 of 8m, 1787, Maplet Quinby, " 5 of 11m, 1789, (Cont'd) ■101- Quinby, 3rd Slip continued: Hannah Quinty, born, 9 of ISn, 1791, Samuel Quinby, " 23 of 8m, 1795. Quinby, 4th Slip: Children of Josiah and Amy Quinby: Josiah Quinby, born, 1 of 11m, 1763, My Quinby, " 4 of Im, 1775, Phebe Quinby, " 17 of 4m, 1794, Hannah Quinby, " 21 of 12m, 1795 or Lnoy. ' iii 01 liMf 1 179S, figures indistinct. Cock, 5th Slip: Job Cock, bom, 22 of 5m, 1768, Elizabeth Cock, " 5 of 6m, 1769, Caroline Cock, " 24 of 11m, 1790, Hannah Cock, " 10 of Im, 1792, Lfery Cock, " 13 of 9m, 1793, Deborah Cock, " 29 of 6m, 1795, Samuel Cock, " 16 of 4m, 1797, -102- Cock, Euimals , 6th Slip: George Cock, Phebe Cock, Abigail Cock, Elizabeth Cock, Hannah Rannals, born, 25 of 7m, 1739, 28 of 2m, 1769, 8 of 3m, 1777, " ID of 4m, 1784, " 29 of 3m,1752. Cock, 7th Slip: Rees Cock, bom, 26 of Im, 1738. Quinby, 8th Slip: Moses Quinby, Isaiah Quinby, Isaac Quinby, bom, 19 of 6m, 1794, " 11 of 9m,1795, " 30 of 12m, 1796. (The above signed Isaiah Quinby). Cock, Comal ? Cornell ? 9th Slip: "Names and births of Isaac Cock^s family" Isaac Cock, Charity Cock, bom, 6 of 11m, 1741, 13 of 8m, 1741, Mary Comal ? " 13 of 4m, 1768, (Suppose the name Cornell is her married name). (Cont'd. -103- Cock, 9th Slip continued: Rebecca Cock, bom, 14 of Im, 1773, Isaac Cock, "Ambrous"Cock, Daniel Gock, John Cock, Charles Cock, 5 of 2m, 1775, 13 of 8m, 1779, 13 of 8m, 1779, 25 of 6m, 1784, 6 of 5m, 1787, Hopkins, 10th Slip: Thomas Hopkins, bom, 24 of 3m, 1740, Zemiah Hopkins, " 26 of 11m, 1740. Hopkins, 11th Slip, "Names of the children of Thomas and Zeruiah Hopkins" Supposed date of making the slip, 22 of 2m, 1797. Idary Hopkins, bom, 14 of 8m, 1773, Thomas Hopkins, " 27 of 6m, 1783, Pine ? (Prne) " " 14 of 2m, 1786. ^ >.f ^ **«w<«AA ■ Aaron Fomian, bom. 31 of 12m,1719,0/ Green, Israel Green If 8 of lm,1764. Sands, John Sands, n ID of 3m, 1767, Mosher, Thomas Mosher, fi 4 of 4m, 1770. -104- Tripp, ISth Slip: Anthony Tripp, "bom, 23 of 2m, 1720, * ll&ry Tripp, " 20 of 5ra, 1724, Anna Tripp, " 13 of 3m, 1753. Carpenter, 14tli Slip: "Names and ages of Jolm Carpenter and wife Susanna, together with their children: John Carpenter, bom, 18 of 5m, 1763, Susanna Carpenter, " 13 of 4n, 1761, Hannah Qargenter, " 12 of Im, 1786, Elizabeth Carpenter," 17 of Im, 1793,, Sarah Carpenter, " 17 of Im, 1793. Tripp, 15th Slip: Daniel Tripp, bom, 27 of 12m, 1747, Mary Tripp, " 22 of 10m, 1749. "the names and births of their children" John Tripp, bom, 21 of Im, 1771, James Tripp, " 7 of 6m, 1775, Samuel Tripp, " 5 of 8m, 1778, Phebe Tripp, " 26 of 5m, 1787. * Daughter of Benjamin Birdsall of Harriso -105- Quinby, 16th Slip: "Samuel and Obediah Quinby" Samuel Quinby, bom, 23 of 7ra, 1732 O/S Pbebe Quinby, " 21 of 9m, 1747 " Obediab Quinby, " 5 of 3m, 1761, Preelove Quinby, " ? of 10m, 1761 Mosher, 17tli Slip: Jobn Mosber, born, 11 of 7m, 1765, Moger, Pbiana Lbger, " 8 of 10m, 1769, Iibsber, 18tb Slip: Simmins Kosher, born, 14 of 11m, 1758, Statia Mosher, " 16 of 7m, 1765. Birdsall, '19th Slip: Caleb Birdsall, born, 18 of 2m, 1769. Sands SOth Slip: '*The names and birth of Samuel Sand; ' Children: Samuel Sands, born, 6 of 12m, 1756, * Sarah Sands, " 9 of 5m, 1760. Samuel Sands, Jr., " 23 of 5m, 1781, (Cont'd.) ^Daughter of Amos and Judith Dean She died Dec. 12, 1851 -106- Sands, 20 th Slip continued: Amos Sands, bom, 25 of 3m, 1784, Peninnah Sands, " 28 of 9m, 1786, Deborah Sands,) " 5 of 9m, 1789, David Saids, ) " 5 of 9n^ 1789, Stephen Sands, " 21 of 2m, 1792, Caleb Sands, " 3 of 6m, 1794, Sarah Sands, Jr., " 4 of 12m, 1796. Comwell, 21st Slip: Willet Comwell, bom 25 of 7m, 1770, Mary Comwell, " 13 of 4m, 1768, Charity Cornwell, " 25 of 5m, 1797. Index -1- Acker, Allen, Anderson, Archer, Arnold, Bailey, Barraore, Barron, Barrow, Bergen, Bird, Birdsall, Bonner, Bowren, Bowron, Brady, Brown, Buckhout, Burtch, Carpenter, Chronk, Cock. 50 88 5 57,60 84,87 80,81 86 97 90 98 72,88 1,2.4.6,7,9,10 12,13,14, 41,46.51, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 76, 77, 78, 90,92,104 31 41, 44, 46, 3,38,94 55 58,96 43,44,57, 86 33,35, 54,55, 60, 62 69, 72, 81,85 ,105 68 81 Cocks, Collins, Conklin. Cornal, Cornell, Cornwell, Cox, Cromwell, Davenport, Davis, Dean, Diclcenson, Dickinson, Dodg, Dodge, Parrington, ?env;illin, Pergason, Fergoson, Ferguson, Field, Fisher, Flewellen, Forman, Fowler, 21,28,30,32,33, 37,38,40,42,43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,56,57,60,62. Green. 65,67,68,69,71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, Griffen, 77,78,79,80,82, 84,37,91,52,94, 95,97,98,100,104 89,91 1, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28,37, 43, 47, 49,Haight, 51,53,56,57,98, ' 101,102,103 54,71,98 74.76 22,31,35,37,43, 45,58,66,81,83, 91 102 19,20,86,87, 100,102 20,21,49,106 98 38,43 35,46,49 97 70,71 80 27, 72, 73, 83 65 22,29,31,34,35, 39, 66, 72, 74, 37, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95 74,93 74 59, 60 63 62,81 28 83 86,87 103 34,40,63,65,67, 68,33,91,96 32, 33, 34, 46,48,49, 64,65,66, 76,73,37, 15,52, 92,95 1,3,4 10,11 30,31 38,39 47, 61 70,82 1,2,4 10,13 25, 2r 36. 41, 51, 52, 67, 70, 93,97, 65,78,90 , ,96,103 . 5, 6, 7, 8, , 21, 22, 28, ,35,36,37. , 40, 43, 45 , 62, 65, 66, .84 , 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 ,15,16,18, i, 27, 28, 29, 42, 44, 45. € 55, 59, 63. 71, 75, 75, 98 Index -2- Hall, Hal lock, Hal stead,* Hathaway, Haviland, Harmnond, * Heacock, Hoag, Hopkins, Horton, Howl and, Hunt. Hunter, Hyatt, Jenkins, Kipp, Lane. Lawrence, Leggett, Lockwood, Lyon, Make 41, Marshall, Mathews, Mekeel, Men is, Moger, 88,93 15,17, 80, 90 7 3.4,6, 11,12, 37,39, 72,86, 95,99 98 20,21, 57, 61, 26,103 49 75 54,57, 63, 65, 82, 84, 31,39, 77, 78, 30,33, 67, 84, 19 8, 9, 10, 18,28,33 44, 48, 61 91,98 27, 47, 58, 66,95 Mojer, Mosher, Mo shure, Mott. Nash, Newman, Page, Parti ow, Pierce. 58, 61, 62 73, 78, 79 89,98 40, 56, 60 80, 34, 86 Purdy. 37,42,45 86,87,95, 90 97 Q,uinby, 43,50,68, 69,71, 77,81,91,95 6,9,10,16,17,18 19,26,27,29.32 34,39,49, 50,52 66,89 87, 85, 86 57 11,21,27,31 27,90 Reed, Heynolds, 17 48, 52, 67, 86, 89,91,97 72,92 17 69 59,65,85,90,105 Rider, Romaine, Runnal s, Runoalds, Runolds, Ryder, Sands. 66 87, 103.105 47 28, 36, 44, 59, 60 62. 63. 73; 33; 91 94, 96 81 68 19 79, 90 4,e i.9, 19. 20, 21 27, 28, 32, 33, 36 38, 50, 53, 55, 57 58. 60, 63, 64, 65 66, 68. 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81. 82, 83, 92, 94 96, 98 49, 87, 88, 91 3, 22, 28, 29, 30 31,36,40,42,45 47,48,53,54,58, 63, 64, 68, 69, 71 75,77,79,80,33, 84,85,86,38,89, 92,93,94,95,100 102,101,105 88,94 14,15,16,17,59 75, 77, 79,83,85 86,87,94 31,93,94 99, 29,102 74 52, 53, 55 42, 54, 70 54,55,56,71,76 78, 87, 90, 103, 105,106 Index -3- Sarles, 4,5 7/allace, Seanian, 12 Ward, Secor, 75 Washburn, Schofield, 83,92 Sliapter, 18 Smalley, 19 Smith, 79.86.87 Washburne, Stoughtenburgh, 76, 96, 98 Weeks, Sutton, 2,4,5,12,13,14 15,22,23,27,29, 32,33,36,40,41 44,46,47,50,52 55, 58, 59, 60, 61 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 74, 76, 78, 80,31,82,33,85, Welch, 39,90,91,93,96, 97 Buttons, 53 Whit son. Wood, Talcott, 16 Thorn, 3,24,40,41,61, 65, 66, 67, 70, Woolsey, 82, 89 Wright, Thorne, 89,95 Toiakins, 51 Tompkins, 4, 64, 79, 80, 81 82,33,85,87,89 Young, 92,93,97 Totten, 27, 42, 69 Youngs, Tripp, 32,45,47,54,56, 68,104 Tucker, 87 , Tut tie. 48 Underhill, 1,2,3,4,5.6,7.8 .9 Van Wart. 12,13.14,15.16, 17,13,19.20,21, 26,27,29,30,33, 34,37,39,40,41 42,45.47,43,50, 54, 62. 63, 64, 67 68, 69. 70,77,30, 81,85,86,93 49 70 • 64,75 4,43,49,56,58, 59, 64, 68, 70, 73 74,31,90,91, 92, 93,94,95,96,97 79,80,82,33 2,16,17,22,24, 30,31,32,33,34, 35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42,43,45, 46,47,43, 49,50, 51, 63, 66, 70, 72, 73,74,75, 78, 79, 82,39 88 81,86 2,3,7,8,11,14 22,27,32,35, 38,41 94 12,34,41,43,44, 45, 48, 52, 58, 59 63, 74, 75, 77, 79,36 51,58,84,88, 93,94,97 53 5 ' < H 15 I. ; /-■ 0^ >LVL'* ''^ v-o^ '. O ' v! 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