'. % ^^ /^^(^Ao V .-^^^ .y 'V^^ -0 o^ *-7VT* A V-^' '^s- **' .-J.:-.' * V .L\ / ^0 ' ' ^' •- -^^0^ y The Pageant of Nevada History In Celebration of the Semi-Centennial of Nevada Statehood GIVEN BY THE Nevada Historical Society On ihe Mackay Athletic Field. 1.30 P. M.. Thursday. Octobci 29. 1914 program EPISODE I— INTRODUCTION SCENE I — General Procession. SCENE II — Herald and band announce pageant; Clio, Muse of His- tory, Dance of Imagination. HCENE lit — The Pounding of New Spain in America: Queen Isa- bella and Charles V commission Cortez as Captain General of New Spain : Spanish Court Dance. SCENE IV — The English Court receives stolen treasures from New Spain : Sir Francis Drake returns to England with treasurers of the new world and presents them to Queen Elizabeth : Minuet. EPISODE II— DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION SCENE I — Allegorical : Spirit of Desert summons siubjects : The Spirits of the Mountains, Forests, Rivers and Valleys: He contests with the Spirit of Civilization for control of Nevada and gains the Forests and Mountains : Civilization gets the Rivers and Yalleys. SCENE II — Priraative Indians: Spanish Exploration and Misisonary Work in Southern Nevada. SCENE III — American Trappers and Explores: Freemont Party. EPISODE III— EARLY SETTLEMENT Mexican Cessions: Chorus, "Star-Spangled Banner:" jMormon Station : Snowshoe Thompson : Pony Express : Prairie Schooner : ; Hank Monk drives Horace Greelej^ in stage coach: the "601" and the hanging of Lucky Bill : Virginia Reel. EPISODE IV— PRE-STATEHOOD PERIOD SCENE I — Discovery of the Comstock : Christening of Virginia : First Telegraph : Saw lilill : Grist ^lill. SCENP] II — Primitive Indians : Spanish Exploration and Missionary Presents Pipe of Peace. SCENE III — -American Trappers and Explorers : Fremont Party. City to meet Governor Nye Orion Clemens and Mary Twain com- ing from Washington. SCENE IV — Civil War : Boys leave for war after receiving flag from Nevada women. SCENE V — Commission Fund : Presentation of the Originial sack of flour by Mrs. Gridley Wood and acceptance of same by Governor Oddie and Chief Justice Talbot, President of Society. SCENE VI— Return of Nevada Boys from Civil War: Tribute of Civil War Veterans by Uncle Sam : Chorus, ' ' Tenting on the Old '•■ Camp Ground." DEC- W ^^ ■• i 1 ' ^ EPISODE V— STATEHOOD Chorus, 'T'olunihia'' : ("oinnibia, with attondarits. Justice. Charity, Peace, Hope and Lil)erty, receives Nevada into the Union when presented by Abraham Lincoln: Solo, "My Own Nevada": First United tSates Senatore, Xye and Stewart, leave for Washintrton : Ratification of Thirteenth Amendment and Emancipation Scene: Death of Lincoln : Funeral March. EPISODE IV— "BONANZA PERIOD" liej^inninirs of Reno: First Railro;ul: i^Mnint;- Excitement at A'irjiinia ] City: The "Big Four": Sutro Tunnel: Old Dan Hucker. EPISODE VII— PERIOD OF DEPRESSION. Dance of Glooms: Spirit of Papeautry. or Faith in Future of Nevada, Raises Nevada from Depression : Di.scovery of Tonopah and Gold- field: Stock F.xchanue. EPISODE VIII— PRESENT OUTLOOK SCENE I- — Contribution of Nations as Seen in Fold Dances : Mercury. God of Invention and iMining: Ceres, Goddess of Agriculture: Religion: Education: Solo, "To Thee, We Sing, Silver State." SCENE II — Spirit of Future Chooses Between Resources: Water Power : ]\Iines and Fields. SCENE III- — Final Review of Pageant by Columbia and Nevada: Procession Gatliers Around Spirit of Civilization : Tribute to Pioneers: Chorus, "America." THE PAGEAXT DIRECTION Author and Mistress of the Pag(>ant, ^liss Jeanne Elizabeth Wier. I Dramatic Director, ]\Ir. C. F. Durand. Musical Director, Professor Villa. Director of Dances, Miss Elsie Saincth; Mrs. N. E. Wilson, Director of Minuet. Director of Costumes, Mi"s. 'M. B. (Jushman. Director of Scenery, Mr. Glen Hurst. Band ^Fusic Furnished by University and Sparks Bands. Soloists, Mrs. E. F. Lunsford and Mr. J. B. O 'Sullivan. Piano Accompanist, Miss Nan Coon. In Charge of Megaphone, Mr. F. R. Pargellis. Scene Shifter and Property Man, Mr. E. F. Faber. Thanks are extended to the University of Nevada for the use of Ihe Mackay Athletic Field and to all others who by loan of articles or f)y assistance in work have made this celebration possible. PARTIAL LIST OF PAIiTKJIPANTH Dr. Romanzo Adams Univedsity and Sparks Bands Chorus consisting- of University Glee Clubs, Church Choirs and other volunteers Miss Maude Willin Mrs. F. M. Lee Judge C. L. Harwood Mrs. Thos. E. Kepner Mrs. U. M. Slater Mrs. A. E. Turner Mrs. H. E. Reid Mr. S. Unsworth Mr. Elwood Bane Mr. J. Delaney Carol Reid Adele demons Miss Tina Becker Mrs. C. W. Browder Miss Aileen Gulling Miss Winger Mrs. N. E. Wilson Mr. August Frolich Judge Lee Davis Mr. Boughton Mr. H. C. Neeld L. Means Eleanor Trout Mrs. C. F. Durand f'rof. A. E. Turner Miss Fannie Richardson Mr. Van Emmon Captain Bender Group of American Indians Mrs. Jos. Enos Mr. L. R. Bronson Mr. E. J. Andrucetti Mr. S. C. Feemster Mr. T. F. Banigan Mr. F. J. Byingon Mr. Edwin Krall Mr. Geo. I. Jatmes Dr. J. E. Church. Jr. Rev. Harry Sheldon Mr. Skerry Principal Smith Mr. Glenn Engle Mr. Phil. Cowglll Mr. Theo. Clark and fajnlly Mrs. F. G. Hazlett Mrs. Estell..- Prouty Mrs. Trout Mrs. Patrick Mr. Barnum and cowboy.s Prof. Thompson Mr. H. W. Huskey Mr. August Holmes Mr. Tuni Fitzgerald Mr. Jameson Mr. Isaac Mathews I'rof. J. D. Layman Mr. Alciatore Mr. J. F. George Dr. L. W. Hart man Mr. R. D. Hendricks Capt. Applewhite and Cadet Corps Mr. E. R. Dodge Mr. Lem Allen Burris Trout Mr. W. J. Luke Mr. Chas. Rulisoii Mr. John Wright Mr. and Mrs. Luke Colonel Maxson Mr. J. F. George Miss Alice O'Brien Miss Mary Railt Mrs. Kistler Miss Opal Cunninghan- Miss Fern Wright ?vliss Helen Cahill Miss Pauline Doi'lin Mr. Robison Rev. Goodsell Mrs. E. F. Lunsford Floyd Moffitt Capt. H. J. Gosso I'rof essor Wilson Mr. XT. M. Slater Professor Lehenhauer Miss Dorothy Bird Mr. He%ernan Miss Helen Gouid Delta Delta Delta Delta Sorority Clergy of City Kindergarten (7'hili:"'ren Delta Rho Soroity Mr. J. n. O' Sullivan Forty-seven boys from Reno Public Schools as Standard Bearers DANCERS FROM SPARKS Margaret Arthur Marcella Coats Jessie Emery Nell Francis Genevieve Smith Dorothy Wittemar Vivian Arthur Catherine Kistler Ruth Rothei->- Jack Cunningham Oscar Osman Helen Austin Opal Cunningham Muriel Follin Marie Grubnau Grace St a ley Helen Drun E^'elyn Nelson Helen Shaver Margaret Short Elaine Welty Ida Lewis Elsie Mitchell Helen Organ Ruth Shaver Margery Webb Lyndall Adams Lois Prisbee Edna Frisch Jane O'Sullivan Marie Campbell Mildred Frisbee I*nore Nelson Catherine Shafer Carna Damm Elsie Hcrz Jessie Hylton I^noi-a Pairy Glenn Engle T..awience Layman A'ernon Organ Sheldon Rice Mrs. Doane Emma Herz haurena Marzen (jerthude Shade .\lton Glass Oliver Layman Muorman Parks Ora Sanders Ruth .Asbury Iriiia Avansino Audrey Brunda^c Barbara Bulmer A enes Casey Dorotliv Record Elsie Webb -ihb Ethel Avansino i^auline Berus Ruth Brundage Beverly Bulmer Helen Olds Evelyn Turner A'ernice Wedekind Esther Asbury Lavoylda Erinkma Mary Casey E\elyn Davis Latoie Evans i:unta Miles Daisy Trembly Laura Asbury Margaret Prown Louise Davies Charlotte Edsall Natalie I^rank Hattie Odermatt Nathalie Bvin.gton Helen Pike Walter Melarkey Helen Flanigan Elizabeth Tinguely Leonora Tobin Magdalena Bertschy Emily Burke Dorothy Cousins Dorothy Higgins Velma Markwill Eileen Pond Phyllis Brown Hal lie Che?tam Marjorie Gcodwiii Eileen Holmes I'reda Ptrrin ICIanor Turley 9,? % '^TfT^' .o' * v •#', -^ o ^oV^ S^ . •*Uo^ o V^ -^^0^ c" ♦ >^ o. I'd. ' «. JlsS^i^'' '^^j-. A^ •■ ♦ AT ^ • » . » • A <> •"'TT^* <0^ '^ V ^«^. p .^i. JUN 82 IR^fi^ N. MANCHEJ N. MANCHESTER." INDIANA 46962 •* ••''J'