m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 152 803 9 : 280 . J5 E6 :opv 1 Leaves From My Historical Scrap Book BY Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL. D. 'I Charleston, S. C. 1907. Fs PREFACE. Articles of historical interest that are worth printing, are worth preserving in per- manent form. A newspaper article is as good as lost a year after publication. The series of articles liere reprinted, and wliich appeared in the pages of The Sunday News were prepared at the cost of much labor. Practically every reference has been verified. I trust that this contribution to the history of South Carolina may not be deemed an unworthy one. I would only add that every reference in these articles is to Tlie Courier, except where otlierwjse noted. BARNETT A. ELZAS. Charleston, S. C, April, 1907. CONTENTS. 1. An Tndex to the Historical Material in The Courier, 1855-1860. 2. South Carolina Loyalists— List of Obituary Notices of Revolutionary Soldiers— The Battle of Foi't Moultrie— The Mecklenburg Ladies' Association— The Mecklenburg "Declaration"— The Death of Francis Salvador. 3. An Address delivered before the Reformed Society of Israelites, on its Second Anni- versary, November 1826, by Abraham Moise. 4 The First Jew in South Carolina— Notes on Simon Valentijn, Samuel Mincks, Moses Modina, David Riz— Miscellaneous References— Early Jewish Naturalization Pa- pers, Abraham Avila, Joseph Tobias, Lyon Levi and others. 5. The First Confirmation Ceremony in the American Synagogue— Anent Traditions- Early Jewish Ship Owners— The First Moise in South Carolina. 6. "Patriotic" Societies— The Petitions to Clinton— Obituary Notices of Revolutionary Soldiers— South Carolina Loyalists— The Jews in the Revolution, &c. 7. The Synagogue of the Jews in Hasell Street— The Torbay Prisoners in 1781— Charleston in 1774— Isaac Hayne— The Repentant Sinner— Obituary Notices of Revolutionary Soldiers— Wedge wood China. 8. "Patriotic" Societies Once More. 9. Newspaper References to Judah P. Benjamin- Rattle Flags— John C. Calhoun— The Burning of Columbia— Huguenots— The Mecklenburg "Declaration"— The Jews' Lands in Abbeville -Duels and Duelling— Biographical Material— Local History— Charleston Churches 10. Miscellaneous Confederate Material— Confederate Rosters— The Cruel Slave Owner- Revolutionary Material — Blograpliical Material — Miscellaneous — Our Parish Registers. Leaves from My Historical Scrap BooI<. By Dr Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D, On numerous occasions and in many connections, I have called attention to the wonderful mass of historical ma- terial that we possess in South Cai'O- lina. This material, to our shame be ii raid, has scarcely begun to be utilized. And yet it is a fact that will hardly brook denial, that the field of Histoi-y is the most promising field, if not the only field that promises rich results to our own students. Success in scholarship, in its final analysis, means nothing- moi'e than thf utilization of opportunity to the extent of possibility. It is the supremest part of wisdom, therefore, to recognize oiir limitations as '.veil as our uossibiliiies. We have now nominally a Universit?/ in South Carolina; and it should be our ambition at least, to inake a beginning in that sphere of endeavor for which the term University stands — knowledge for its own sak?, rather than for the use to which it is to be applied. Compared with the resources of other universities, with their munificent en- dowments, our own institution is in a condition that is in truth pitiable. Xor vvill things improv:' until a vigorous campaign is instituted, with a view of liringing home lo our wealthy citizens the duty which lliey owe to the leading ecUiCi'.tional institution of their State. But to come back to the subject of my theme. In Science, in Philo.=!(.iphy, in Pliilnlogy and in Literature, we arr- not going to excel for a long time to come. In Hi.=tory we may excel by reason of the fact that the field is largely unexplored, and we have the material right at hand if we will only utilize it. I will here state that the study of our local history has been merely an inci- dental study with me, carried on in the intervals of a very busy life. But it has been a source of real delight by reason of its intrinsic interest. No one can truly appreciate the charm of this study until he has practically surveyea, as I have done, tiie entire field. So fas- cinated, in fact, did I become Avith the work, that in sp'te of myself and in spite of the fact that my research was conducted with a single, definite pur- pose in view, I filled my note-books with many thousands of references to historical matters bearing upon the general history of South Carolina, quite unconnected with the task m hand. And here let me remark that the ex- istence of these note-books, and the fact that I have practically covered the complete files of the Newspaper Press of South Carolina, have gotten me into serious trouble. There is scarcely a day that I do not receive letters asking for information. I am not anxious, for many reasons, to win repute as a Uni- versal Information Bureau, for I should require a staff of stenographers and typewriters to complete my equipment; nor do I cai'e to indulge the laziness of those who ought to come here and dig for themselves. 1 desire, however, to call attention once more to the wonder- ful mine of historical material that is to be found in tiie files of our local newspapers, whose treasures still nw^iit the future explorer. I will limit niy article to-day to an enumeration of some of the good things that Ih? student can find, inter alia, in the pa-jfes of The Courier between the years 1855 and 1860. Onr City. Of priceless value to the student of our history, ai-e a series of twenty-f>ve articles, some of which are several columns in length, that appeared in 1855, under the 'neading "Our City." ''^'le articles are signed "L." Taken together they form the most complete story of early South Carolina that is to be found anywhere. The style of the articles 's charming and the marshalling of the facts is done in admirable fashion. Re- printed just as they are, I do not hesitate to say that they would form one of the most valuable volume-3 on South Carolina that we possess. The following comprise the series: Primitive Sketches, July 26, 1855. Early Prospects and Anticipations. July 28. The First Half Century, August 1. Early Movements and Miscellanie.5 of Trade, August 4. The Indian Trail and Trade, August 11. Early Experiments and Efforts, Au- gust 16. The Advent of the Press, August IS. Early Occupations, August 23. Early Business, Sites and Occupa- tions, August 25. Early Occupations (continued.) Au- gust 29. Early Occupation, (continued,) Au- gust :'.l. Legislative Provisions, September 4. Our .School System. September 13. Legislative Attempts, September 21. Legislative Expedients. .September 22. Experiments in Staples, September 2S. The Currency. October ]3. Sources of P<)oalat!on, October 24. Supplies of Population, November, 8. Classes of Population, November 21. Municipal Beginnings, November 27. Municipal Beginnings. November 30. Historical Hinc^ Decembe;' 5. Historical Hints — Eperimental Coiisti- tulions, December 11. Evacuation Day, (topograhical.) De- cember 14. For the sake of completeness. I y>M11 ad'l that three preliminary sketches ap- peared during the year 1S.")4. They are as follows: Our City — Oris^in, Early History and Progress, August 31, 1854. Our City, Its Site — Area and Popu- lation, September 7. Our City, Its Streets and Thorough- fares, September 19. Sonth Carolina ^VorthieH. In the same file of papers, July- De- cember, 1855, also signed "L." are a series of biographical sketches of South Carolina worthie:^. They comprise the following: Daniel Horry. September 4. Gabriel Manigault, September 7. Christopher Gadsden, September 11. Isaac Huger, September 14. Rawlins Loundes, September 25. Thomas Heyward. September 28. William Bull, October 9. John Rutledge, October 11. John Barnwell, October 23. Benjamin Huger, October 31. Ralph Izard. November 9. Miles Brewton, December 25. Tlie I'heatre— as it Has Been and isi in Cliarle.ston. S. C. On this subject, a fine series of twenty descriptive articles appeared in th^ pages of The Courier during the years 1857-1859. They are to be found in th^ following issties: 1857, December 28, 30, 31. 1858, January G. 12, 19, 21, 26, 30: Feb- ruary 20, 25; March 2. 9; April 15; No- vtmber 25; December 14. 16, 28. 1859, January 5 15. There is a seoarare arti^-le on 'The Theatre," not m connection with the above, in the issue of October 24, 1857. Musenni of tlie College of Cliarle.<4ton. We are to-day locally interested m the new quarters of the Museum of the College of Charleston. It is worthy of note that a full description of this museum, its contents and sources of origin, appeared in the columns of Tho Com-ier. in a series of fifty-eight articles during the years 1S56-1S5S. They occur in the following issues: 1856, November S, 15. 1858, March 24, 27. 31: April 7, 10, 17. 24. 28; May 1, 5, 8. 12, 15, 19, 22. 26, 29; Jun? 2, 5, 9, 12. 16, 19, 23, 26. 30; July 3, 8. 10, 14, 17. 21, 24, 28, 31; August 4, 7, 11, 14, IS. 21, 25, 28; September 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29; October 2. 6, 13, 23. In the issue of March 25, 1858. Prof Francis Holmes, Curator of the Mu- seum, points out an error in the I'-.sue of March 24. The Treaty with STvitaterland nncl the Jews. In 1857, there appeared a most inter- esting series of articles on the above subject. These articles are of equal Interest to us to-day, by reason of the fact that the same question of the recognition of an American Passport when held by a citizen who happens to be of the Jewish faitii, is now pressing for solution. Our Government has njt yet arrived at Ihat point when it pro- tects its citizens in Russia when they happen to be Je-'.vs. The articles appeared in the following issues: August 13, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29, 31; Septem- ber 3, 4, 14, 17, 1857. The articles are controversial. The fuss started with an article by Dr M. Mayer, the Rabbi of Beth Elohim, on- titled: "The First Fruit of the Treaty between the United States and Switzer- land," in the issue of August 13, 1S57. This was replied to on August 19, by a lawyer, who signs himself "A Jew." Dr Mayer replied on August 21, to be again hammered by "A Jew" on August 'IZ. On August 29, J. N. Cardozo, the brilli- ant editor, takes a hand, and in the suc- ceeding issues he engages with 'A Jew," in bitter argument. The lawyer makes a great parade of his supposed constitutional knowledge, but Canlozi. although not, as far as I know, a law- >er, simply crushes his antagonist wit)"! his own weapons. He was certainly an unrivalled controversialist. In addition to such serial articles, there are other aiticles of value, v.hicii I shall now proceed to indicate. The classification will perforce be somewhat arbitrary. Revolutionary Material. Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Moultrie, June 28, 1855. The Battle of Fort Moultrie, Juno 30. ]856. [A fine letter from Charles Cofes- worth Pinckney to his mother de- scri!)tive of the battle. Written at Foi-t Johnson, June 29, 1776.] Palmetto Day. June 28, 18.56. [Many interesting data concerning early military ifi'airs in Charles Town.J King's MouTitain, August 10, IS'i."., SepK'inber 27, IStlO. Cowperis, Apr!! 17. 1S56; February 19. 1857. Eutaw and Cowpens. August 23, 1S60. Eutaw, July 21, 1858: Julv 7. S. l.sr.O: January 14, 1860. Firesides and Facts of the Revolution, May 15, 1858. Revolutionary Incidents, October 15. 1855; September 21; October 9, 23; No- vember 6, 1858; March 11, April 19, May 25, June 21, July 20, September 15, 1859; August 7, 8, 1860. Revolutionary Reminiscences, July 27, 1855; October 23. 1856. [The latter of these reminiscences contains a copy of a "Declaration of In- dependence," made by the Vestry of St Paul's Church, Edenton, N. C. "It is, like the Mecklenberg Declaration an- terior to the Declaration of Congj-ess, preceding the latter just sixteen days." North Carolina seems to have acquired the habit of declaring independence.] A, Revolutionary Anecdote, November 28, 1860. Incidents of Indian Warfare, July 12, 1859. Two Revolutionary Heroines, (Eliza- beth Grace and Rachel Martin,) July 7, 1855. A Revolutionary Hero, (Wilkins C. Smith,) March 27, 1860. General Hlntorleal Material. American Sympathy for Russia— The United States Denounced, May 31, 1855. Mason and Dixon's Line, July 9, 18."5. The Palmetto Regiment, August 10, 1S55. The Palmettos in Mexico, September 10, October 9, 1857. The Citadel Cadets and the Palmetto Regim.ent, October 26, 1857. List of Original Members of the Union Light Infantry Company, 1807-1811; February 21, 1857. The Right of Secession. March 28, 1857; and many succeeding numbers. Jackson's Birthplace, August 24, 18.53, Old Letters, September 10, 15, 1858. The French in South Carolina, .Jan- uary 31, 1859. Early Times in Upper Georgia, August 17, 1860. niosraithienl Material. Francis Kinloch Huger, February 1855. Mrs Harriet Marion, April 14, 1856. Langdon Chevcs, June 27, 1857. Gen Christopher Gadsden, July 1857. The Illness. Death and Grave of I. gare, July 29, 30. August 1, 1S57. The Pickens Family, October 15, 18 The Marion Family, August 7, 185S Col Samuel Hammond, August 1 S.5S. The Videau Family. September 4, 18: The Jasper Family, November 18, 18 John Bellinger. M. D., September 1860. Charles Fraser. October 6, 1860. e- o7. io, 8. .58. h I^ooal History. Charleston in 1740, April IS, 1853. Carolina in the Olden Time. By an Octogenarian Lady. Reviewed June 21, 1855. ["It is not exactly what may be called a history, but It had an histovical character." StUvlcmts of South Cai-olina history will symjDathize with the re- viewer's estimate.] The Origin of 'he Name State Street, formerly Union Street, February 21, 1857. Reminiscences of St Stephen's Parish, September 3, 1838. St James's Churcli, Goose Creek, July 23, 30; August 6, 13, 20, 27; September 3, 10, 1859. [A complete iiistory of this historic church.] A Picture of Charleston in 1860, Feb- ruary 11, 1860. Pee-Dee and its Districts. July 26, 1860. A Hundred Years Ago, November 15, 1860. The Ne'wspapep Pre.ss. The Press Autobiographical, July l-i, 1S57. [Contains valuable notices of early South Carolina interior newspapers.] Printing in South Carolina, Septem- ber 2, 1858. Old Gazettes, September 14. 18, 1858. The Press of Georgia, October 28, 1S58. traits and miniatures— sevral hundred — by this artist.] Tlie Legrislatiire. List of Membej-.s 1854-1858; October 22, 1856. List of Members 1838-1860; October 21, 1858. Art ill Charleston. The Fraser Gallery. January 9; F(;b- ruary 11, 13. 14, IG, 17, 18; March 5, 1837. [A complete list of all known por- Cotton. Comparative Statistics of Cotton 1843- 1S35, by J. N. Cardozo, June 9, 1856. Early Culture of Cotton, August 20, 1857. Early Cotton Machinery, July 30; August 13, 14, 1860. NnuiiMiiiatlcR. The Red Cent, May 5, 1857. [Describes a penny and a two peimy piece struck for the Carolines in 172?.] American Coinage and Medals, No- vember 6, 1838. Coinage of the U. S., February 9, 1839, Allseellaneons. The Last Sickness and death of Booth the Tragedian, July 30, 1856. The Duty of a Freemason. Address by Albert Pike, May 13, 1857. The First Railroad in the U. S., Au- gust 18, 1857. Recollections of the South Carolina Railroad, August 19, 1837. The Institution of Domestic Slavery and the Constitution, December 17, 1857. The foregoing article, dry as it may appear to some, is nothing more than what its title claims for it — "Leaves from my Historn^al Scrap Book." I trust that it is not without value. All I intended to do by putting these notes in order, was to indicate to some little extent the vastness of the historical material that exists in the files of onr local newspaper press. Anyone with enough patience can pursue historical research. The work is, in my estima- tion, worth doing. Will my suggestion induce some student to engage in if I do not know. Nor do I care. I have done my duty by throwing out the sug- gestion. [Ueprinted from the Sunday News, February 10, liKiT.J Leaves from My Historical Scrap Book. By Dr Bariiett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D. In the Ford collection in the Lenox branch of the New York Public Library there is a very interesting voluni.-al<-, W iilis. iJrovvii, c;on>fc-lius. Brown, Malcolm. Brown, Kcjberl. Buchanan, James. Cailioiin, Patrick. Cannon, William. Carithers, Math. Carothers, William, (barter, Dudley. Carter, John. Carter, Robert. Chalmer.s, James. Clicklow, John. Christopher, James. (Jlark, Alexander. Clark, William. Cochran, John. Coffey. Wm. Colcock, John. Colhoun, Hugh. Cooke, Isaac. Conrsey, James. Coursey, John. Coursty, ^Villiam. Covington, Joseph. Covinston, Jr, Wm. Cowan, James. Cowan, Jno. Crawford, Andrew. Crawford, Enos. Crockett. Samuel. Curry, John. Davis. Benjamin. Dawson, Joseph. Dawson. Jonathan. Day, William. Dealwood, John. Dealwood, William. Develin, James. Devo, Francis. Drennan, William. Klot (?) \i uiiam. Kvans, Ezekiel. Eymerie, John. Finely, Samuel. Finney, Rijbert. Foster, Alexander. Foster, Robt. Foster, Samuel. J'Vister, Samuel. J'^ox, James. Galley, James. Garrett. John. Garrett, Robt. Greene, Benjamin. Griffin, Robert. (luilbeaud. Andrew. i I ami 1 ton, Andrew. Hamilton, Thos. Hammond. Charles. Hammond, Joshua. Hammond, l-e Roy. TIairis, Joim. TTarris, Thos. Harrison. Thoma.s. ) fayes, Wm. Heard. Armstrong. Hill. John. HoRs, ^V■illiam. Holland. Jacob. Hopkins. Samuel. Horry, William. (?) TTow'ird. Benjamin. Hushes, Philemon. Tlulton, Jn)in. Hunter, Dav'id. ilutton, \\ liiiam. Jlutcliison, Wm. liwin, John. Johnston, John. Junes. Jiii.haril. jLutlun. .\dam. Jvey, Thomas. l^ark, John, l^aiva.v, L.ewis L. Ivee, Andrew. J^ee, Thomas. Besly, John. Bittie, William, l^ively, John. Bogan, Jolin. Bousk, James, l^owry, Richd. Buckie, William. Byon, James. Alanson, William. Marberry, Thos. Martin, James. Martin, Robert. Mathews, Philip. Mayson. Jas. Messer, Robert. Middleton. Hugh. Middleton, John J. Moore, John. Moragne, E. Morgan, Ev.'xn. Morrow, Arthur. Miirfe.N', John. Murfey, Wm. Miirrch, James. (?) Mc Alaster. Aridrew. Mc Alister. Nathan. Mc Alpin, Robert. Mc Carter, Moses. Mc Carty, William. Mc Cleskey, Joseph. Mc Closkey, George. Mc Closkey, Wm. Mm Coiw*»Hy-J<»wwM. Mc Connell, James. Mc Curdy, John. Mc Patrick, John. Nelson, Samuel. Noble, James. Norris, William. Odom, Abraham. Outten, Jesse. I'atton, Arthur. Paxton, Samuel. Pearce, John. Pettigru, James. Pickens. John. Pickens, John. Pickens, Joseph. Pollard, Robert. I'orter, Alexander. Porter, Hugh. Purves, John. Ramsey, Daniel. Reed, George. Reed, Matthew. Rignier. IMerre. Ridda. Joseph. Roberts, Absalom. Russell, Timothy. Saxon, (^harles. Scott, Alexr. Shanklin. Thomas. Simpson, John. Steel. Aaron. Stringer. George. Stringer, John. Stunrt, .\dnm. Sutherland, Francis, Ta>ior, James. Thai Cher, Barthy. Thomson, James. Toy, Dennis. Turk, John. Turnbull, Joseph. Turpin, Matthew. I'rbein, John. Verner, John. Walker. William. Ware, Henr.v. Watt, James. Watt, Saml. Weed. Nathaniel. Weed, Reuben. Weems, James. Weems, Thos. Weems, William. White, John. AN'hitefield. George. Williams. Jefferson. Willson, Henry. AVilson, Hugh. AVilson. James. ^^■oods. \Vm. York. Richd. Young, Matthew. Oljitiinry Notlcen of RevoIntioiiHry Soldiern. (From the Southern Patriot.) Capt Peter Bacot, August 17, 1S2B Major Thomas Butler, March 21. 1816, Col Joseph Calhoun, May 17, 1817. David Campbell, May 31. 1822. pjdward Conner, January 5, lS/57. Elnathan Davi<5, November 1, 1836. Isaac Dubose, June 1, 181o. Joseph Dulles, January 19, 1818. Major Gen Wm Fishburne, Nov 8, 1810. John Forbis. November (]. 1829. Gabriel Friday. June 29, 1S.30. Major wnison Glover. Dec 24, 1822. Major Richard Godfrey. Oct 22. 1817. Henry Gray. July 31, 1824. Capt Thos Hammond, March 17. 181S. Col Henry Hampton, Au? 11, lS2o. Col Andrew Heatly, May 7. 1824. John Bee Holmes. September 8. 1827. William Hort, Janu-.ry 24. 1826. Matthew- Irvine, September 1, 1827. Capt John Johnson, March 14, 1821. Richard Johnson, September 5, 1815. William Johnson, April 17, 1818. Capt James Keimedy. July 28, 1823. Francis Kinloi-b, February I'l, 1826. Col William Lyons, Fcbru;.ry 23, 1S18. Hart well Macon, May 7, 1824. Abraham Markley. July 16. 1834. Robert McFadden, July 11, 1829. John M'Watters. September 9, 182.8. Col Nathaniel Ramsay, Dec 3, 1817. Bene Ravenel, February 26. 1822. Arthur Pimpkins, November 21, 1326. Paul Taylor, August 28. 1818. Thomas Warin.fr, March 24, 1824. Simon Wood, May 7, 1824. (From th? City Gazette.) Thomas Allan, July 18, 1827. Thomas Bee, Februaiy 26. 1812. Samuel Breed. November 16. 1826. Major Pierce Butler, Feb 26, 1822. Col Joseph Calhoun, May 16, 1817. Gen Robert Conway, December 8, 1823. James Cox, January 28, 1812. William Daingerfield. June 2, 1826. Patric Dollard. March 11, ISOO. 1S26. 1S27. 1S22. lS2fi. Joseph Dulles, .Tanur.ry 19. 181S. Isaac Fell, April 30, 1S18. Major Gen Wm Fishbm-ne, Nov 8, 1S19. John Frampton Sen, May 2,'>. 1827. Gabriel Friday, June 29, 1830. Col Henry Hampton, August 12, Major Robert M. Head, May 16, William Hort, January 2.5, 1826. Gen Jared Irwin, March 20, 181S. Major Joseph Jxerr, January 24, Jo;~eph King-, July 27, 182(;. Francis Kinloch, February 4, Robert Larry. August 6, 1819. William Lee, December 5, 1803. Major Charles Lining-, July 16, 180.'). Lloyd .July 22, 1817. Col William Lyons, February 24, ISIS. Gen Hugh Means, July G, 1S25. Major Gen Wm Moultrie, Sept 28, ISO:. James McCall, March 14, 1S21. William Pigues, April 17, 1818. Capt Joseph Quinby, May 25, 1818. Capt Henry Ravenel, March 7, 18:M. Capt Edvv- Richardson, July 11, ISO^. Josiah Smith. Feb 16, 1826. John Stoney, October 19, iS21. John Wilson, February 4, 1823. Mathias WoolCo, March 26, 1805. (From the Courier.) William Blue, April 17, 1S29. David Burckhalter, June 25. 1846. Col Zach Smith Brooks, April 24, IStS. Capt Joel Callahan, April 9, 1847. Henry Cannon, Septembei" 9, 1846. John China Sen, September 3, 1S4V. Major Joseph Dickinson, Mch 12, 1807. George Durham, April 17, 1829. Samuel Franks, December 16, 1845. Capt Joshua Hammond, July 16, 185o. Florian Charl-33 Mey, April 1, 1829. Job Palmer, February 1, 1845. Col Joseph Picken.s, Feb 17, 1853. William Purse, January 14. 1845. Lieut Col Wiir.am Scott, June 11, 1S07. Capt Samuel White. January 21, 1S4S. Jacob Wise, October 11, 1845. [Note. — The above lists of obituary notices of RevDlutionary soldiers, are by no means complete, not having been collected for any specific purpose. I have not liad time to confirni the refer- ences, which have been gathered fror,''. the newspaper files in the Charleston Library, Library of the Chamber of (.'ommerce. Library of the College of Charleston and the Library of Congress. Though unverified, I believe that all the references will be found to be ac- curate.] The nn((lo of Fort Moultrie. (.From the City Gazette, Oct 26, 1812.) "In the year 1776, an ottack was made on Sullivan's Island, in the har- bor of Chnrlost.-)n, S. C, by th" land and naval forces of (iieat Britain, un- der the command of .Sir Henry Clinion and Sir Peter Parker. After much time and labor in lightening the heavy :-lups. they anchored opposite Fort MoutlviB, and commenced a tremendous cannftn- ::de. Gen Clinton had landed his Irooi.is to the eastward of ihe iiarbor, with the intention of fording the channel and attacking the fort in the rear, while the ships atacked it in front, but from some mistake or want of knowledge of the depth of water in the channel, he was unable or unwilling to attempt any- tlung. In the meantime the fort, by a regular and well directed fire nearly de- molished the British fleet and Sir Peter was fain to escape with the loss of half of his men killed and wounded; among the latter himself, the tail of his breeches being shot away. The following humorous parahrase of Sir Peter's ofhcial letter to the Lords of the Admiralty, Aas written by an Eng- lish wit of those days: My lords, with j-our leave, An account I will give. Which deserves to be written in metre; For the rebels and I, Have been pretty nigh; Faith, and almost too nigh lor St Peter. De'l take 'om. their shot, Came so swifr and so hot. And the cowardly dogs stood so stiff, sirs. That I put ship about. And was glad to get out. Or, they would not have left me a skif)!, sir.s. With much labor and toil, Unto .Sullivan's Isle, I came, swift as Falstaff or Pistol; But the Yankees od rat'em, I could not get at 'em. They so terribly maul'd my poor Bris- tol. Behold Clinton by land. Did quietly stand, While I made r. thundering clatter; But the channel w:is deep. So he only could peep, And not vent-are over the water. Xow bold as a Turk, I proceeded to York. Where with Clinton and Howe you may find me; I've the wind in my tail. And am hoisting my sail. To leave Sullivaii's Inland behind inc. But, my lords, rto not fear, For before the next year, Although a small island should fret us, The Continent whole. We will take by my soul. If the cowardly Yankees will let us. The MeeklenltnrK I'^. (See Publication!?, No 12, p. 42.) In my review of Mr Huhner's work, I stated, and gave reasons enough for my opinion, that this highly— accredited historian knew «o little of the subject on wliich he was writing, that hs did not know enough to copy even the sim- plest historical .statement intelligently and without confusion. The following example from Mr Huhner's article, will further illustrate my statement and at the same time pomt the lesson of the absurdity of the attempts of outsider!? to write local irlstory: "In a curious iittle volume which the writer found at the Lenox Library en- titled "A Peep into the Past by an Ancient Lady of Charleston." it is stated that the name of Mordecai Xathan is mentioned in an Assessment of the Inhabitants of Charleston as early as 1694." AV^ere this true, it would indeed bo interesting, for we should be sure of the name of the earliest Jew of record in South Carolina. But unfortunately Mr Huhner is as unreliable as his authority, and oannot ev'en be trustinl in his quotations. In the volume which he quotes, Mrs. Poyas. the "Octogena- rian Lady," does not refer to Charles- ton at all. but to .-"i. "old Assessment of the inhabitants of. the Parish of St. James' Goose Ci-eok, for January, 160 1." which she says she has seen. To Mr Huhner, who in his now famous article tliought Ninety Six "near Charleston." St James', Goose Creek, in Charleston, is near enough. iJut not for us. Bo- sides, who but Ml- Huhner would think of trusting an oc;ogenarian lady's eye- sight in historical matters? Mr Huhner as a lawyer ought to know better thari that. It was easy enough for him to ascertain when the Parish of St James' Goose Creek was established, and to know that there was no such Parish till 1706. (See Statutes of South Caro- lina, Vol. 2, p. 'JS;i.) Mordicai Natlian was in New York in 1711. He appears in our records in 1715, and it was bom«.' time between these years that he came to Charles Town. Simon Valentljn. In my volume on the Jews of South Carolina, I have given numei-ous refer- ences to this inte'erting character whr. lived in Charles Town from 1695 or 169'; till about 1709. Ho was certainly the most prominent Jew in the Province (f his day, and judging from the number of times his nam^ appears on adniiuis- tratlon bonds, he must have been xir.tt of the strongest citizens financially i!i Charles Town in 1700. His wife's nam':- was Judith. Her name occurs only once in the records, in a Deed of Cou\ey- ance registered in Columbia (Grant book Vol. 1701-1712, page 29) dated March 17, 1708. The following inter- esting item concerning him occurs in an article entitled "Municipal Begin- nings," in the Courier of Nov. 27 1855: "MILITARY POLICE AND PATliOL — 1703. The following citizens naving volunteered, are aj)pointed commission- ers to take charge of the town gutird and patrol, which then regarded ene- mies from abroad, as well as internal disturbances: ■ NICK TROTT (chief justice and a proprietary deputy.) HENRY NOBLE, Esq., a proprietary deputy, Col JAMRt^ RISBEE, Col. JOHN LOGAN. Lt. Col. WM RHETT, Muj. ALEX PARHIS, Maj. WM. SMITH, Capt. WM WEiilJxIO- LF:Y, EDWARD LOUGHTON, SIMON VALENTINE, BEN J. LAMBOLL. PAUL LAMOUCHE, JOHN BUCK- LEY, JAS. SERURIER SMITH. JAS. INGERSON, LEWIS PASQUERIOaU. THOS. PINKNEY. WM. GIBBONS and LEWIS LANSAC." Snmiiel i>Iiii«>kN. This name i.s an addition to our early Jewish Directory. I liave not met with the name elsewhere, but I am sati.^lied, from the number ef times it occurs in connection with tliat of Simon Valcii- tijn, that it is the name of a Jew. T was somewhat in tlouljt at first as to the reading of the name. It occm-rod to me while puz-/:ling with it in the early script, that ^lincks was a copy- ist's error for Meadis. Be it reineni • bered that Jacob Mendis was one of the four Jews naturalized in Charles Town in 1697. Sanu'el Mincks was here in 1696. If the reader will take the trouble to writo the two names on paper and study them attentively for a moment, he cannot but be struck by the fact that a copyist unfamiliar with the signature, would naturally rea.l "Mincks" for "Mendis." The name Mincks, apart from the individual we are discussing doe'^ not obtain in our records. I do not care to press my sur- mise in face of the fact that it occurs in three separate documents, but it is worth keeping in mind. Some day something may turn up that will fur- nish a clue. I will therefore only give the references whore the name occurs: 1. Bond from Samuell Minckes. of the County of Berkley, to Mathew Taladar, dated Oct. 14, 1606. It is witnessed by Simon Valentijn. (Grant Book 1C96- 1703, p. 7.) 2. Bond from Mathew Taladar to Samuel Mincks, bearing the same date and similarly witnessed. (Ibid., p. S.) 3. Bill of Sale .if a negro from Samuel Mincks of Charles Town, to Simon Val- entine, dated Oct. 27, 1G96. (Probate Court Records, Charleston, Volume 1094- 1704, p. 323.) Mo.««e.«« Mntlinn. Another addition to our Directory is Moses Medina. I tiave found his name in only two records. He is a witness to a bond executed by Thomas Koliy. of the Island of Barbados, mariner, now sojourning u, Charles Town. This bond is dated. March 12. 1702-3. (Pro- bate Court Records, Charleston, Voluni3 1694-1704, p. 392.) The second document is a Deed of Sale of a negro boy irom Moses Madina, of Charles Town, mer- chant, to Thomas Linch. It is dat^'d Feb. 24, 1707-S, and is witnessed by David Riz. (Book Grants, Sales. &c, 1703-9,pp. 149-150.) David Rix. This name is i^tiU another addition to our Directory. David Riz mtist have been a man of some prominence In Charles Town, fo:-; I find his nani^ no less than ten times on dociinienls of \arious character during the years 170S and 1709. He came from Jamaica. In a list of persons ))iofessing tiie .Je\'. isli religion naturalised in Jamaica in 174:', there occurs the name of Hannah Lope/. Riz. Several of the bonds made to him are to be paid in "current money oi the Island of Jamaica." His signatures .are to be found as follows: Grant Book 1, 1701-1712, pp. 44. 46, .50, 54. 66, 86. 87. Book Grants, Sales, &c. D 1703-9, pp. 143, 149, 150. Mlscellaneoiij* References. While on the subject of miscellane- ous references, I have noted a lew items that I had better print before ! lose sight of them. In the South-Carolina Gazette for April 1, 1732, Mr. Abraham Mussius (sic) advertises for a runaway Slavic. The name Massiar. is a Jewish name that obtains in South Carolina. Whether the advertiser's name is mis- spelled I do not know. We do not nioet him again. In our Mesne Conveyance Records, Book 00. p. 356, dated 1754, we find the name of "Mo.ses Ptirmiento, sutlei'.' It sounds like a Jewish name, but there js no other reference to him. In the Diary of Mrs. Gabriel Mani- gault (Ann Ashby. 1754-1781,) recently acquired by the South Carolina His- torical Society, the diarist makes the following reference to Moses Lindo's death: "April 24. Moftcs Lindo died." (p. 45.) In an article "Pa'metto Day," in thp Courier of June 2S 1856, the house of Mr. Lindo in Ansonborough is referred to. Near this hDuse the soldiers use'l to parade in the tariy days. Barly Naturalization PaperN. Leaving ihese miscellaneous notes, I will now call attention to some most interesting Jewisii naturalization paper.? that I have discovered since the com- pletion of my Volume. The ifirst, that of Abraham Avila, of whom my book has several notices, is to be found in the Columbia Records, Book Grants, 1696-1703, pp. 81-2. Abraham Avila. CAROLINA The Right Honble Joseph Blake Kpfjr. one of the true and absolute L )rd? and Proprs of ye Pro\ ince of Carolina, Com- mander in Chief vice Admiral and Gov- ernor of South Carolina: To aH Judges Justices Magistrates ministers and of- ficers Ecclesiasticall and Civill and to all persons whatsoever to whome this shall come to be seen, heard or read or known GRi^^JETING KNOW Yee that Abraham Avilla Meicht, an alien of the Jewish Nation borne out of the allegiance of the Crowne of England hath taken his nath of Allegiance to our Soveraign? Lord William the Third over England .Scot- land France and Ireland King &c De- fender of ye faith and hath >lone every other thing wch by an act of Assembly made att Charles Town in ihe ninfh Yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraign^ Lord King William &c. Anno Dom: One Thousand Six hundred ninety Six and seaven entituled an Act to make aliens free of this part of this Province and for Granting Liberty of Contience to all Protestants as hee is rc'iuired to do and is fully and effectually to all In- tents Constructions and Purposes Qual- lified and Capasitated to have use and Enjoy all the rights privileges Powfrs and Immunities Given or Intended to be Given to any alien then Inhabil.int of South Carolina by ye aforesd .^vct to Certifie wch I have hereunto Sett my hand and Caused the Publick Seale to bee affixed att Charles Town the Twenty Sixth day of May anno Dom. one thousand six hundred ninc^ty and seaven JOSEPH BLAKE. Registerd this 3rd Day of August Anno Dom 1698. THO: ROSE DEPTY REGR. In the Volume Miscellaneous Records? EE 1740, pp. 110 and 111, there are two certificates recorded — of Moses de Mat- tos and Joseph Tobias. JoNepIt Tobiax. SOUTH CAROLINA. This is to Certify that at a Court of Common Pleas held at Charles Tov, n in the Province aforesaid on the Twenty sixth day of November 1741 befive Ben- jamin Whitaker Esqr Chief .Tusric-^ .and his Associates appeared Joseph Tobi.is a Jew between the Hours of ni»ie and Twelve in the forenoon of the san^e day in order to be Naturalized pursuanc to an Act of Parliament intituled .m Act for Naturalizing such Fon'ign ]*i'o- testants and otliers therein mentioned as are Settled or shall Settle in any of of his Matys Colonies in Amoii^a passed in the Thirteenth Yen* of his present Matys Reign and having- de- clared before the said Judge that he had lived Seven years in his Matys Colonies in America and had not been absent more than two Months at any one time during the said sewn i'ears took the Oaths (the words upon tlie True faith of a Christian— havin?? been omitted in administring the simf) and made and Subscribed the Declaration appointed hy the Act (Geo:) in the said Act of Parliament mentioned pursuant to the Directions of the said Act BENJAMIN WHITAK.fr. 26 November 1741. Recoi-ded the 11th December 1741 Fxd J. Hammerton [The omission ot the words "upon the true faith of a Christian" in adminster- Ing- the oath is worthy of note. It %vus not till 1853 that the "Test Oath" was finally abolished in England. It look a hundred and fiCfy years of persistent fighting to win this toleration for the Jew.] The following Naturalization Papei's are to be found in a volume enlil.le.l "Citizen's Book," that has recently come to light in Columbia. The first of ti'ese is interesting— that of Lyon Levy who was afterwards for many years State Treasurer in Charleston. Lyon I>evi. SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON THIS IS TO CER- TIFY that Lyon Levi late a Subject of the King of Great Britain is become a Citizen of this, he having taken and Subscribed the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity according to An Act of As- sembly in that case made and provided but is not entitled to vote at any Elec- tions of the State or City — . Given under my hand this tv/enly fifth day of September in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundrt-d and eighty six — and in the Eleventh Year of the Independence. of America J. F. Grimke Recorded 21st May 1788. Other I'npers. Other certificate.-? are the following: Jacob Cantor, Junior, late a subject of the United Netherlands, dated July 15, 1784. Isaac Benedix, Gent., late a citizen of the United Provinces of Holland, dated June 1, 1787. Joshua Jonas, Gent., late a subject of the King of Gi-eat Britain, dated Dec. 5, 1786. Esaias Moses, now of Colinnbia, dated August 27, 1S06. The certificate sets forth that he was born in Hanover in the German Empire where he lived until he came to this State, and that he has no family. Lewis Levy, a rative of England, 22 years old, has resided in this State since 1819. Recorded, Nov. 7, 1825. In the same volume, there is a most interesting slip in ragged condliion, which contains the original signatures of a niunber of men who took the oalli of allegiance to the State of K-M)uth Carolina on March 27, 1784. Included in this list are tlie names of Joseph Sal- vador and Philip Moses. I Iteprlnted from the Sunday News, March .1, 1907.— No.*4.1 Leaves from My Historical Scrap Book. By Dr Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D. My article to-day will again be taken up with Jewish material, which I trust, however, will not be without interest to the general reader. I shall next week return to the general history of South Carolina. The F^rst Conflrmatlon Ceremony In the American Syna^^oi^ue. The complete story of the Synagogue in America has not yet been written. We are fairly familiar with the history of American Judaism since the advent of the German Reformers of the forties. None of our writers, however, has known anything of the earlier develop- ment, save from secondary sources — al- ways dangerous sources of information. The reader should be reminded that the early writers manifest a complete lack of the historic sense, if not of literary conscience — their statements being often contradicted by the most positive documentary evidence. No matter how apparently straightforward their story is, it is always well not to trust their statements unless borne out by confirmatory proofs. Unfortunately for the historian, many of the documents are no longer in ex- istence. But in spite of this fact, every now and again the investigator is re- warded bj' a "And" of value. Two such documents have recently come into the writer's possession, and with their dis- covery, the story of the first reform movement can be written authentically for the first time. The first document referred to is the Prayer Book of the Reformed Society of Israelites, printed in Charleston in 1830 — a volume unknown to all the writers. And a most beautiful Prayer Book it is, with its diction almost classi- cal — in which respect it is in marked contrast with later productions. The second document is the original Constitution of the Society, which em- bodies among other valuab'.e things, the Memorial addressed to the Vestry of the Charleston Congregation, in 1824, and the rejection of which led to the in- stitution of the first reform movement. This document establishes the interest- ing fact which we have not known hitherto, viz; that the Charleston move- ment was not, strictly speaking, a na- tive movement, but was directly con- nected with the similiar movement then in full swing in Germany. The original Memorial contains a long ex- tract from the "Frankfort Journal" uf 1824, referring to a number of reforms similar to those demanded by the me- morialists. These documents will be published in the near future. But to come back to our thesis. The following extract from the just-men- tioned Prayer Book shows how con- firmation was conducted in Charleston, in 1825. This selection is only one of many beautiful "reforms" which the volume contains. MODE OF CONFIRMATION. (Any one born of Jewish parents, not under the age of thirteen, and desirous of expressing his belief in the Jewish faith, may, on any Sabbath, make dec- laration of the same and be confirmed therein as follows. He advances to the minister's desk, and says:) Youth. — Here, in the presence of this congregation, and in the presence of that gracious God whose goodness has endowed me with reason, I desire to declare my firm and religious belief in the divine origin of the moral law, and in the great articles of the Jewish faith. 1 desire to appear in the presence of heaven and earth, an Israelite accord- ing to the faith and customs of the Re- formed Society of Israelites, in whose temple of worship I now stand. Minister. — My son, dost thou act from thine own free will, and is this the wish of thy heart and the conviction of thy understanding? Youth. — It is. I have been taught to love the paths of piety and virtue; I hope to follow them. Through God's goodness, I also hope that I compre- hend the essential points of our ex- cellent religion, and I shall strive with my best endeavors to observe and prac- tice through life its moral and pious doctrines. ' Minister. — Repeat, my son, the articles of that I'eligious creed which thou hast adopted, and in which thy parents and guardians, assisted by thine own m- dustry, have happily instructed thee. Repeat them, in sincerity and truth; for the offering thou art about to make must be a free-will offering unto God. If any compulsion hath been exercised toward thee, the sin of hypocrisy will be thine, in declaring that which is not in thy heart, and the sin of tyranny and impiety on those who have brought thee hither against thy will. Repeat to me, then, the articles of our holy faith. Youth. — I repeat them freely, with sincerity, and truth. ARTICLES OF FAITH. T. I believe with a perfect faith, that (God Almighty (blessed be His name!) is the Creator and Governor of all cre- ation; and that He alone has made, does make, and will make al! things. II. I believe with a perfect faith, that the Creator (blessed be His name!) is only ONE IN UNITY; to which there Is no resemblance; and that He alone has been, is, and will be God. III. I believe with a perfect faith, that the Creator (blessed be His name!) is not corporeal, nor to be compre- hended by any understanding capable of comprehending only what is cor- poreal; and that there is nothing like Him in the universe. • IV. I believe with a perfect faith, that the Creator (blessed be His name!) is the only true object of adoration, and that no other being whatsoever ought to be worshipped. V. I believe with a perfect faith, that the soul of man is breathed into him b^" God, and is therefore immortal! VI. I believe with a perfect faith, that the Creator (blessed be His name!) knows all things, and that He will re- ward those who observe His commands, and punish those who transgress them. VII. I believe with a perfect faith, that the laws of God, as delivered by Moses in the Ten Commandments, are the only true foundations of piety to- ward the Almighty and of morality among men. VHI. I believe with a perfect faith, that morality Is essentially connected with religion, and that good faith to- ward all mankind is among the most acceptable offerings to the Deity. IX. I believe with a perfect faith, that the love of God is the highest duty of His creatures, and that the pure and upright heart is the chosen temple of Jehovah. X. I believe with a perfect faith, that the Creator (blessed be His name!) is the onlj' true Redeemer of all His chil- dren, and that He will spread the wor- ship of His name over the whole earth. Minister. — May God bless thee, my son; and mayst thou ever be mindful of thy duty toward God, and thy duty toward thy fellow creatures. Let us praise the Lord God who created man after the image of His angels, wh? created him a rational, a responsible, an immortal soul. From 1825 to 1907 is a far cry. Are we really in advance of the early Re- formers? We doubt it. Anent Traditions. In the introduction to my History of the Jews of South Carolina, I stated that in my work tradition would play but an insignificant part; that it was as well to let traditions die; ihfit while interesting to the general reader, they do not as a rule help the truth of his- tory. Mr Max J. Kohler, the Secretary of the American Jewish Historical So- ciety, doesn't like my method of writing history. I am glad of it. If he did like it, I should have reason to fear that there was something wrong with it. Inasmuch, however, as my knowledge of the subject under discussion com- bined with Mr Kohler's, represents ex- actly, mathematically speaking, neither more nor less, what my own knowledge represents, it would manifestly be a waste of time on my part to have any ai-gument with him. When I wrote as I did, I wrote advisedly, with the full- est knowledge of the traditions of the Jews of South Carolina, and with a fair idea, born of my own reflection and study, of the underlying truth that was contained in them. Ten years of in- cessant investigation ought, I think, to entitle a man to express an opinion as to the value of traditions in a field of research that he has made eminently his own. So that I am not convinced of the evil of my ways, and the re- ception of my volume by a critical pub- lic seems to bear me out in iny view of the matter. Hence, in my second vol- ume, the manuscript of which will, I trust, soon be in the printer's hands, I propose to continue to use my own de- fective methods, in preference to Mr Kohler's — to him more satisfactory ones. All this anent a bit of tradition that I have been trying to straighten out for many years, but without success. Abraham Alexander (1743-1816) was the second Reader of the Congregation Beth Elohim, succeeding Isaac Da Costa about the year 1764. A family tradition tells that he came to South Carolina a widower, and that he mar- ried a second time under very roinantic circumstances. He was, namely, a sol- dier in the Revolution, and while walk- ing guard one night, rendered signal service to a lady who liappened to be passing at the time. This lady, herself a widow, was a Christian — Mrs Ann Sarah Irby, formerly a Miss Huguenm, of Charleston, whom he afterwards married. She was never formally made a Jewess, the tradition coniinues, but lived a consistent Jewess all her life. When she died, however, she was de- nied Jewish burial by reason cf the fact that she hud never been formally ad- mitted into the faith. So far the tra- dition. Now for the facts. Abraham Azuby was elected Hazan, or Reader of the Congregation in 17S4. successor to Abraham Alexander. Had the latter's marriage anything to do with his retirement? Or did the Co;i- gregation tire of him after twenty years of service, as so many modern congregations do of their ministers? Was the election of Abraham Azuby due to the fact that Beth Elohim was now able to have a paid Reader? (Abraham Alexander gave his services gratuitously.) I do not know. As to the marriage of Abraham Alex- ander to Mrs Irby, we have no record of it. It is not to be found simong the marriage notices in any of our news- papers, nor in any source of information at present at our disposal. It is an unfortunate fact that should always be borne in mind, that very few of our old families have saved their family Bibles — most of these were destroyed during the War between the States. All we know for certain is, that his wife's name was Ann Sarah. As to Abraham Alexander's wife being denied burial in the Jewish cemetery, it seems unreasonable from what we know of the customs of the early Synagogue in Charleston. When Abraham Alexander died, the Congre- gation incorporated in its written C3on- stitution that every Kippur night a special Escaba [prayer for the dead] should be offered for him, which they would hardly have done if his marriage had given such offence that his wife was denied Jewish burial. But be this as it may, there is the strange fact confronting us, that we do not know what became of Ann Sarah. In her v/ill, proved on December 15, 1835, she says: "My desire is that I may be biiried in the Congregational Burial Ground of Kail. Kadish Beth Elohim, of this City." But she is apparently not buried alongside of her husband, nor in any other part of the Jewish burial ground. There is no notice of her death, nor funeral notice, nor obituary notice in any of the various flies of newspapers that exist here of the time of her death. The "Death Returns," which are here right along from the year 1821 to the present time, do not contain the record of her death. Where and when did Ann Sarah die? And where is she buried? Did she die while visiting away from Charleston? Does she lie in some unmarked grave in a non-Jewish cemetery? I do not know. Perhaps Mr Kohler who knows so much about the investigation of traditions will enlighten us. For myself— for the present at least — I give it up. I would, however, reiterate my point, that whon dealing with traditions, we find our- selves, as a rule in a vast wilderness, with little or no clue to help us. Knrly Jetvlsh Ship Ovruers. Charles Town was quite a seaport in Provincial days and the ship arrivals with the vessels' contents make good i-eading even to-day. Dry as these lists appear, to the student of hl.^tory and political economy they tell as inter- esting a tale as do the stones and the flowers to the geologist and the botan- ist. In these days of ocean greyhounds, it is hard to throw ourselves back in imagination to the days when a few vessels of "forty tons burthen," were quite a factor in the commerce of a port. A volume recently brought to light in Columbia gives us many details of the vessels that traded to the Port of Charles Town. It is entitled: "Ves- sells Names, Masters, Where Bound, Passenger Ship Register begun April 1743." The volume contains a series of declarations of ownership of the craft enumerated. Among these are several of well-known Jews. They ere as fol- lows, in the order in which they occur: Isaac Depass, of Charles Town, de- clares himself the sole owner of the Brigantine The Carolina, of Charles Town. "He is at present owner thereof and no foreigner directly or indirectly hath any share or part or interest therein." [August 16, 1744.] Solomon Isaacs, of Charles Town, merchant, declares himself sole owner of the sloop. The Heron, of Charlas Town, a square-stern'd Vessel, of twenty-five tons or thereabouts. [Jan. IS, 1747.] Joseph Tobias, of Charles Town, mer- chant, declares himself the owner, of the schooner The Judith, of Charles Town, a square sterned vessel of forty tons or thereabouts. [March 6, 17.50.] Moses Lindo declares himself the owner of the schooner Lindo Packett, of Charles Town. [August .;i, 1757.] THE FIRST MOISE IN SOUTH CAROLINA. The tracing of the beginnings of early families is always interesting, .and es- pecially is this the case v.'hen the later generations have maintained the stan- dards of their sires. The Moise family of South Carolina is particularly nota- ble by reason of the number of dis- tinguished citizens it has given to this State and to this country. The family came to Charleston from St Domingo (Cape Francois) in 1794 — not 1791 — as stated in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, Art. "Moise." The following advertisement in the South Carolina State Gazette & Daily Advertiser, for April 28, 1795, is the first notice of the family in this State: MR & MRS MOISE UNFORTUNATE sufferers from the Cape present their compliments to the ladies of this city, and take the liberty to inform them that they have for sale, at their house in Queen-street, thr^e doors from King-street, and opposite to Mr Nixon's school, a few pieces of India, japan, tamboured, and plain muslins; humhum threads, tapes, white chappie needles, and fine Irish linens, &c, &c. Also, just opened 1 chest of HYSON TEA; Equal to any in this city, which they will sell 7 shillings per pound. As Mr & Mrs Moise mean to sell with a very small profit, they hope for the encouragement of the generous public, which will enable them to support a large family. April 25. I lleprlnted from the Sunday News, March 10, 1907.— No. 5.1 Leaves from My Historical Scrap Book. By Dr Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D. My article to-day will be taken vip with Revolutionary material. I shall possibly irritate some of my readers, but I cannot help it. I am not writing, I assure them, for the purpose of irri- tating — my life is far too crowded for me to indulge in any such amusement. But I want to give my readers some- thing to think about; and whether they agree with me or not, I want them to think. If I succeed in setting them a-thinking, my object will have been attained. Now before making myself disagree- able, I vvill premise that I have made a thorough study of the story of the Revolution from the sources. I have read the newspapers as they appeared day by day, not only here but in the Library of Congress, whose files during the period of British occupation are much more complete than ours. Dur- ing my study of the period I breathed the atmosphere of the Revolution to such an extent that I often wondered whether I was living in the 20th cen- tury or in the 18th. I think, at least, that I am able to judge the events of that momentous period quite impar- tially. And here I will say at once, that the influence of patriotic Societies so-called, has been anything but beneficial to the accurate study of history. Founded with the best of intentions, these Soci- eties have largely done little more than to furnish occupation to numerous more or less competent genealogists, who have found it profitable to pander to the vanity of hosts of silly men and women who have been Infected with the craze of the privilege of joining So- cieties whose stars and bars, and badges and buttons, distinguish their members as superior to the rank and file of common folk. Now I have nothing to say against the existence of societies whose pur- pose is to foster the spirit of patriot- ism, than which there is nothing nobler. But when these Societies degenerate into mere social bodies, whose very Constitutions make it clear that they are based upon the most unintelligent interpretation of the simplest histori- cal facts; and when their members everywhere assume an I-am-holier- than-thou attitude to the rest of the world, I think it a reasonable duty — even if a thankless task, to submit that their vaunted merit is a chimera. It is really pathetic to think of the number of people who are constantly writing letters imploring one to chase their Revolutionary ancestors. They will give almost anything in reason for the coveted scrap of paper that will enable them to "join," and wear a badge or button. Here is the Secretary of our Historical Commission wasting his valuable time — our valuable time — time that he could, by reason of his ex- traordinary attainments, use to far better advantage if devoted to the task of exploiting tlie history of this State —putting into envelopes the many thou- sands of little account papers that cor- respond to the "indent stubs" for niili- tia pay or other services during the Revolution. O, the rapture of it, if one is only fortunate enough to find ail an- cestor's name on one of these bits of paper! He can now "join" and wear a badge or a button. But, dear reader, what do these bits of paper prove? Of themselves, abso- lutely nothing except that Mr So-and- so had an ancestor who lived here dur- ing the Revolution and did militia duty. For everybody did militia duty nho lived here. He couldn't help doing mil- itia duty. He may have been a most ardent Loyalist and yet have done militia service for which an "indent" v/as in due course issued to him. These papers of themselves, in truth, are the poorest evidence of so-called "patriotism." Anyone ^\ho knows any- thing at all of the Revolutionary his- tory of the State, is aware of the fact that every man between the ages of IG and 60 wlio lived here, was compelled to do militia duty: "to appear com- pletely armed once in every fortnight for muster, train and exercise, to do patrol duty, and to be drafted for a limited time, usually 30 or 60 days, ac- cording to the season of the year, when deemed necessary by the Governor or Commander-in-chief." If he didn't do his duty,— well, I won't tell you what they did with him — read any of the "Orderly Books" that are still in ex- istence and you will see how they "fixed" him. The regulations were such that men would not be likely to take many chances. Suffice it t<> say, then, that militia duty as proven by the existence of an indent, is of itself, no proof of patriotism whatsoever. And now another thing. There are in existence several lists containing hun- dreds of names of men who did militia duty and many of whom did actual fighting, and who, when Charles Town fell, lost little time in coming in and declaring that they were now and had been right along "sincerely well af- fected to His Majesty's person and Government." The original onthcitz. Bernard. Waight, John. Deroux. John. Vv'aring, .Tohn. Lloyd. Joseph. Weston, Plowden. Loilpe. John. Williams, Robert, jr. Lowndes. Charles. W'illson. John. Lvme, Frederick. Wish, John. Manigault. Gabriel, Wolforston, Francis. Mason. William. Young, George jun. Matthews, Benjamin By order of the Commandant, G. Benson, Major of Brigade. Obituary Notloen of Revolationary SoI(1ier8. (From the Courier.) Wm Abney, Jan 19, 1832. Jas Adare, sen, July 20, 1835. Jennings Allen, Feb 3, 1835. John Artis, Feb 11, 1834. Joseph Black, Nov 18, 1843. John Brockington, Dec 24, 1841. John Brown, June 3, 1842. John Burg-ess, Oct 15, 1803. Isaac Bush, Feb 12, 1835. D. N. Cardozo, July 16. 1835. William Carson, Jan 9, 1850. Paul Castleberry, June 29, 1841. Jonathan Davis, Aug 17, 1841. Wm Day, July 5, 1841. Joel Dean, sen, March 15, 1842. Capt Thomas Edwards, Aug 16, 1832. Wm Hasell Gibbes, Feb 21, 1834. Isaac Gregory, Nov 24, 1844. Capt William Guest, Aug 10, 1841. Aaron Guyton, July 20, 1841. Andrew Hamilton, Jan 28, 1835. Col Samuel Hammond. Sept 15, 1842. Robert Hand, sen, Aug 10, 1841. Hugh Hanna, Sept 6. 1842. Drury Harrington, Jan 3, 1840. Drury Hearn, Nov 2, 1840. John Hume, April 7, 1841. Robert Kilpatrick, July 15, 1840. Joseph Koger, sen, Feb 16, 1835. Peter Kolb, Dec 24, 183.5. John Lamar, Oct 31, 1842. Bazile Laneau, Nov 19, 1833. Benjamin Lindsey, Oct 1, 1841. John P. Martin, July 18, 1832. M;ij Henry Moore, Aug 18, 1843. Maj Samuel Morrow, Mar 18, 1842. Abraham Motte, Oct 23, 1833. Thomas M'Dow, Nov 16, 1835. John M'Gehee, Feb 4, 1834. Archibald M'Mahon, June 29, 1841. John Randal, sen, July 17, 1840. Henry Rea, Sept 21, 1842. William Richardson, July 14, 1843. Samuel Rivers, Feb 2, 1835. Rev John Rooker, July 15, 1840. Wm Shiver, Jan 24, 1832. William Smith, Feb 9, 1843. Col Henry D. Stone, Feb 2, 1841. Col Thomas Taylor, Nov 22, 1833. Maj John Threewits, July 16. 1842. George Turner, March 23, 1843. Rev George Vandicer, July 30, 1833. William Wilson, Nov 26, 1833. South Carolina LroyaliHtH and tliose ■*%-lio Toolv Protection. List of those withdrawn from the State to join the enemies thereof. — The Gazette of the State of South-Carolina, Nov 24, 1779. There is a further list in The Charlestown Gazette, Jan 11, 1780. List of Petitioners to Clinton— 166 names. — The Royal South-Carolina Ga- zette, Sept 21, 1780. List of 213 Petitioners for Protection. —The Royal Gazette, July 11. 1781. List of those whose estates were con- fiscated by the Jacksonborough As- sembly.— Ibid, March 20, 1782. WIio I>i(l tlie FiKlitini; in tlie Revo- lation, Ma.<4NaoliiiNett»i or Sotitli Car- olina f This question is apparently a very old one. For two very vigorous letters on the subject, proving what are now well-established truths, see the Colum- bian Herald, May 19 and 20, 1796. The Je-n-s in the Revolntlon. MR MILLER, He who hates another man for not be- ing a christian, is himself not a chris- tian. — Christianity breathes love, peace, and good-will to man. The Jews have had a considerable share in our late Revolution. They have behaved well throughout. Let our government in- vite the Jews to our State, and prom- ise them a settlement in it. It will be a wise and a politic stroke — and give a place of rest at last to the tribe of Israel. A WELLWISHER TO THE STATE. The above item is taken from the South Carolina Gazette and General Advertiser, August 30, 1783. Ueprintetl from the Sunday News, March IT, I'.tOT.— No. C. Leaves from My Historical Scrap Book. By Dr Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D. The Synag^ogrne of the Je^vs in Hasell Street. (From Shecut's Essays, 1819.) This portion of citizens, associated themselves as a religious society in Charleston, sometime in the year 1750, under the auspices of Mr Cohen. They read their prayers in a house in Union street, near Queen street, until the year 1757, when they removed it, or rather assembled for religious worship, in the house, now No 318 King street, then the property of Alexander Gillon, Esq, and which then stood back in the yard. It is the same house that is now occupied by Mr Senet, as a Kahoo, or Confectionary and ice cream house. In 1764, they held their Synagogue at a house in Beresford street, near King street. In 1780, they assembled in Ha- sell street, at the old Synagogue, late- ly occupied by Mr Little, as a cotton gin manufactory; and in the year 1795, their pi-esent elegant Church was built on the adjoining lot, which they pur- chased for that purpose, from the heirs of Nicholas Trott, former Chief Justice of the Province. There can be no argument that goes more fully to illustrate the correct principles of our government, than that of a reference to the Jews who have settled among us. All other classes of citizens, however their peculiar tenets might have differed; yet all professing the Christian religion, were as one family. Their interests, whether moral, civil or religious, were one and the same. The Jews were the only settlers, among those of the inhabitants of the old world, whose religious principles differed from those of the inhabitants of the new. To show the salutary effects of tol- erance in points of religious faith, I will insert the following appropriate observations, for which I am indebted to a learned member of their Society: "The Jews in this city, at the time of the revolutionary war, were but few in number. These had emigrated chiefly from Germany and Great Britain. The inviting temptation of an unrestricted freedom of conscience, in concerns of religion, which has attracted since that event, a great many to our shores, had not yet blessed this country. At the earliest date of their settlement here, however, as soon as ten men could as- semble, (and which the Hebrew law re- quires, for public worship,) they pro- vided themselves with a place, as suit- able as their then slender means could command. A Vestry was afterwards organized, and a Minister called from Europe, to exercise the sacred func- tions of his office. "Such was the origin of the Hebrew Congregation in Charleston, at present the most numerous and flourishing of any in the United States. According to information derived from the best authority, the number of Jews resident in the City, is between 640 to 660. The munificent spirit and pious zeal of some of their members, whom unsparing death hath removed to the silent tomb, assisted by the donations of their sur- vivors, have contributed to the erection of that handsome and substantial Temple, in which is worshipped the Al- mighty Father of All. "When the war of the revolution commenced, all of this nation who were ill South Carolina, able to bear arms, zealously joined their country's mar- tial ranks; for the great but dubious contest. The prize to be acquired in the event of a successful issue, religious and political freedom. was great enough to induce the free offering of ever>' patriotic exertion — and even of fortune and life in the undertaking. They, with the rest of their fellow- citizens, shared in the privations and hardships of war, also with them share the rich blessings of peace and free- dom, the reward of their former suffer- ing«. "Hence the grateful devotedness of the Children of Israel, has obtained its merited recompence. In this thrice fa- vored land, they enjoy at last, in com- mon with all men, that liberty of con- sciem;e, without which, man is but a privileged slave. "With an elevation of mind in har- mony with the dignity and sacred ness of pure piety, the Jew adores the Supreme Being, according to a foi m of faith which his heart approves and sanctions. It is his belief, it was that of his progenitors for ages on ages past. What are the consequences of this freedom of worship? The peaceful acquisition and dissemination of knowl- edge, and the universal practice of those social duties that render us es- sentially useful to society, "The benevolent offices of humanity, Hot confined merely to this or that sect, enlarging its theatre of action, be- comes at once sufficiently capacious to encompass the whole human race. As respects the Jews in particular, the verity of this axiom has been clearly ex- empllfled. Their emancipation, with every other sect, by the constitutional charter, from religious thraldom imder British rule in America, has been but recently effected; and behold the re- spectable footing on which this nation stands; they have already taken their stations, which they occupy with be- coming dignity, as physicians, lawyers and merchants. "Our State Legislature has included them among its members. We have respectable specimens of their literary talents; they serve well in the army and navy, and what severer pledge can government possess for the fidelity of any portion of its citizens, than the claim it has on their gratitude, for the protection afforded to their dearest lights and interests on earth? "We are naturally prone to suspect the attachment and sincerity of those whose privileges we have retrenched — whom the laws have in any manner proscribed. The slave can never be trusted with safety; but the free man. free without restraint, in him may his country confide in her heaviest calam- ities. To sacrifice that country, would be to forge those chains, which are to t»ow him to the very earth." The Torhay I'rinonerH In 17.S1. The following most interesting list of militia prisoners on board the Pris- on Ship Torbay, is on file in Washing- ton. It is a British list and is much fuller than the list of these prisoners as preserved in Garden, Ramsay, Drayton, Gibbes. or McCrady — all of whom have printed it. I have not seen the orig- inal, but it is copied by Boogher in his "Gleanings of Virginia History," pp 226-227 (Washington, D. C, 1903.) Sever- al of the names are misspelled owing to that author's unfamiliarity with our local history. For a curious error in connection with this list, see my "Jews of South Carolina," pp 93-94. TORBAY PRISON SHIP, CHARLES TOWN HARBOUR, 18th May, 1781. Roll of the Militia Prisoners on board said ship: William Axon, Jr, Samuel Ash, George Authur, John Anthony, Ralph Atmore, Maj John Barnwell. Maj John Baddely, Capt Edward Barn- well, Capt Peter Bounetheau, Henry Bembridge, Lieut John Black, William Branford, Joseph Ball, Robert Bran- well, Joseph Bee, Nath Blindell. James Bricker. Francis Bailey, William Bas- quin, Johnathan Clarke, Thos Cocke- ran, Thos Cooke, John Calhoone (pro- tection). Capt Jos Cray, Aug !•". '80, Norwood Conyers, James Cox, Richard Cummings, Jacob Cohen, Robert De- war, Wm Dessausure. Joseph Dunlap. Richard Edmonds, Thomas Eveleigh, John Edwards, Jr, John Warren Ed- wards, Thomas Elliott, Sr, Joseph El- liott, Jr, John Evans. John Eberly, John Egan (protection), Wm Elliott. Benjamin Guerard, John Gibbons. Thos Grayson. Peter Guerard. Willinm Graves. Christian Geir, Philip Gads- den. John Graves, Joseph Glover. Fran- cis Geott, Mitchell George. Lieut Wm Harvey, Jacob Henry. David Hamil- ton, John B. Holmes, Wm Holmes. Thos Hughes, James Heward, Thos Harris, Wm Hornby, George Jones. Daniel Jacobs. Charles Kent, Henry Keunon, John Kain. Capt Sam Lockhart (Aug 16, '80). Nathaniel Libby, Thos Listen. Lieut Stephens Lee, Thos Legare. John Leperne. Henry Leybert. Philip Meyers. John Michael, John Minott. Sr. John Moncrief, Ch'is Magdalen. John Miiiott. Jr, Samuel Miller, Col Stephen Moore (Aug IG. 'SO), William Murphy. George Alonks. John Morgan, Dr George Moss. Alfred Merriett, Lieut Samuel Miller, John Neville, Jr, Wm Neville. John Owen, Samuel Prioleau, Sr, Philip Prio- leau. Chas Pinckney, Jr, James Poya.'?. Job Palmer. Jos Robinson. Thos Revin. Daniel Rhodes, Joseph Righton, Jon Scott, Sr, Wm Snelling, John Stephen- son, Jr, Daniel Stephenson, Paul Sny- der, Samuel Smith, Abraham Seavers, Rippely Singleton, Samuel Scotton, William Sayle (protection, 61 yrs of age, does not want to be exchanged), Ste- phen Shrewsbury, James Sonsiger, John Tandus, Paul Tayloe, Lieut Sim White, William W^igg, Jas Williams, Chas Warham (ct dst), Thos Waring, Sr. Richard Waring, Isaac White, George Welch. Benj Wheeler. John Waters. Jr. Wm Wilcocks. David Warham, Wm Wilkie, Thos You, Richard Teadon. Charleston In 1774. A traveller's impressions are not al- ways to be relied on. The following illustration of this truth occurs in a letter written home to England by a visitor to Charleston in 1774. and is taken from the Historical Magazine, vol 9, p 341. Referring to the very strong signs of firmness and unanim- ity among the Americans to defend what they think their rights and lib- erties as long as they can. he writes: "All these appearances of zeal for Liberty, most People that are born in Carolina can't help discovering in com- mon conversation a great Partiality towards England, calling it their home though they had never been there and seem to wish much to have it in their Power to be able to go and live com- fortably in it: which to me appears ;)1- together irreconcilable with their Pro- fessions of determining to defend what they call the Rights and Liberties of America to the last Extremity against old England, for I think People in gen- eral can't easily prevail upon them- selves to injure or fight against what they really have a regard for." iMiiao Hayne. The following item concerning Isaac Hayne. is to be found in The Royal Gazette. August 8, 1781: Charlestown. August S. Mr Isaac Hayne, who since the capit- ulation of Charlestown. had taken pro- tection, and acknowledged himself a subject of his Majesty's Government, having notwithstanding been taken in arms, and at the head of a Reb<^l Regi- ment of Militia, was therefore, on .Sat- urday morning last, executed a.<» a Traitor. For further references, see ibid, April 10 and 17. 1782. The Repentant Sinner. Jews have an innate aversion — and quite natural it Is, — to those who, hav- ftig been born within the pale of their faith, have sold their birthright for a mess of social pottage. That there have been many defections from Juda- ism in South Carolina in the course of the last two centuries is not surprising. What would be surprising, 'ndeed, would be a detailed showing of the enormous strain of Jewish blood that permeates the people of this State. I leave out of account the old-time wit- ticism of the spelling "Jew-genot" which reveals probably more than a grain of truth. But this is not my pur- pose to-day. I want to tell a little story from my recently recovered re- cords, that I shall call "The Repentant Sinner." Some ten years ago, there was still liring in Charleston an old lady, over ninety years of age, whose latter years were clouded with much physical suf- fering. Many was the time when she would declare to her visitors that she was only suffering punishment for a grave sin which she had committed in her youth. What that grave sin was, I could never find out until I made a detailed study of my records. The story is quite romantic. Without em- bellishment it runs as follows: When a young woman, she had fal- len in love with a young man not of her own faith. That matters might run smoothly, she had embraced his faith; but in spite of this fact, the course of true love did not run smoothly any- how. The young man "went back o.n her." Then it was that she awoke to her folly and determined to return to the faith of her fathers. Here. then, is her letter to the Elders of the Syna- gogue: To The Board of Trustees of K. K. B. E. Gentlemen: — Relying on your generous sympathy with one, who though she committed a great error, appears now before you a penitent, I take the liberty to re- quest your aid in reinstating me in the religion of my forefathers. You are aware. Gentlemen, that some twelve years ago, I abandoned the religion of my forefathers and became a Christian. I was then young and inexperienced, living entirely among a Christian Com- munity, all of which overcame my un- derstanding and I took the step, of which I have for the last six years deeply repented. I am convinced of the truth of our holy religion, and It is my utmost desire again to worship v>ilh you at the same altar, at which your and my ancestors worshipped, and am willing to undergo any penalty you may feel inclined to inflict. As the rep- resentatives of a Congregation who are Israelites, and who believe in that sacred Law of Moses, which commands kindness and charity to all mankind, — in the name of that God who revealed himself to his chosen people, I conjure you not dismiss a penitent, but to re- ceive her as one who went astray and is jinxious to return to her flock. With my best reliance on your gen- erous sympathy, I remain, yours, (Signed) . The rest of the story is soon told. She was ordered to apear before the Board of Trustees, when she again sol- emnly declared her firm determmation to return to her faith, adding that "she felt perfectly satisfied that no person born in the Jewish faith can reconene himself to any other." On the follow- ing Sabbath she appeared in the Syna- gogue, when the proceedings that had transpired were publicly proclaimed by the Secretary; and having again de- clared her penitence, she was restored to her former rights and privileges. Tlie little story here told is not with- out parallel, though such returns to the fold are for obvious reasons not very frequent. The picture, liowever, is a significant one of the days when Religion meant much moi'e than it alas does to-day, to so many of its nominal adherents. Oltituary KoticPH of Revolntioiiary Soldiers. (F^'om the Courier.) John Barwin, sen, Aug 17, 1837. Richard Britt, Mar 30, 1831. Richard Dawson, sen, Aug 27, 1S3G. Matthew Dixon, sen, July 30, 1830. Henry Ederington, sen, Nov 2, 1>>36. Daniel Ford, May 12, 1837. Timothy Ford, Dec 20, 1830. Pressly Gardner, Aug 16, 1837. Wm Goodlett, sen, July 1, 1836. Maj James Hamilton. Nov 9, 1831. John Harth, April 25, 1836. John Howard, Mar 2, 1831. Horatio Jones. Sept 9, 1836. James Lett, Dec 13, 1838. Capt Hugh Milling, July 8, 1837. Isham Milton, April 19. 1831. Thomas M'Cance, April 21, 1830. Capt John M'Connell, Nov 15, 1830. Hugh M'Manus, June 20, 1831. Thomas Ponder, Mar 30, 1837. Richard Smallwood, May 24, 1830. Capt Reuben Starke, June 16, 1837. Edward Vandiver, sen, Aug 10, 1837. Capt James Wallace, Nov 22, 1838. John Wilfong, sen, July 3, 1838. Asa Wright, Oct 22, 1836. WedgiToed China. It Is not generally known that the much sought and highly-prized Wedg- wood china, was made from kaolin clay exported to England from South Carolina. Prof Yates Snowden, of the University of South Carolina, ha:3 re- cently been making investigations into the subject. In the Raleigh Register and North-Carolina State Gazette for October 22, 1807, Mr Wedgwot)d an- nounces that he intends to establish a factory in the United States, and ashs for information about clays, etc. Ileprinted from the Sunday News, March 24, 1907.— No. Leaves from My Historical Scrap Book. By Dr Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D. Patriotic Societies Once More. In my "Scrap Book" of March 17, 1907, I devoted a considerable portion of my space to a consideration of tiie subject of "Patriotic" Societies. In that portion of my article I stated that I wanted to give my readers something to thinlc about. What I there said, had been the object of my own consid- eration for several years; and I had hoped that with my own reputation to vouch, at least, for the sincerity of my purpose, that v/hat I said would have been carefully considered. My article was not intended either to Irri- tate or to bring into the field some doughty champion for the purpose of controversy. But it seems that one can never tell. Major Wilson G. Harvey has risen to make a few remarks. Where exactly to place Major Wilson G. Harvey in matters of purely historical interest, I hardly know; nor do I feel called upon to decide; and why Mr Harvey who "has no time for newspaper discus- sion," should rush into print and tell all that he knows, or thinks he knows, or doesn't know, I cannot comprehend. There is no telling why some people rush into print and into places where angels who are wise have a prudent fear to tread. Perhaps, however, a lit- tle incident that came accidentally to my attention during the past week, may throw some light upon his atti- tude. Coming down to breakfast, namely, one morning this week, my attention was attracted by a little, lisping, goid- en-haired chap who was rushing fran- tically across the lobby of the hotel. In his hand was a razzle-dazzle that made an ear-splitting noise; and as he rushed across the floor, he shouted "Thee me! Thee me!" Mr Harvey, too, seems to have a razzle-dazzle, and wants tO' be seen and heard. Well, he has been seen and he has been heard. Now, dear Reader, but for one rash remark in Mr Harvey's article, in which he undertakes to express himself concerning the accuracy of my re- searches into the past, I would have let him have the field to himself, and left him under the sweet impression that he had made a "ten strike;" instead of showing, as I shall do now, that he has only succeeded in "fanning the zephyr" — for I have a most positive aversion to argument with opponents who think that they can, in ten minutes, with a simple wave of their authoritative hands, dispose of matters that have taken me months of patient work to think out and to put into shape. As, however, my declared intention is to provoke thought and thus to instruct, I will, for the benefit of my readei-s in general and for Mr Harvey in particu- lar, take some little pains to show Mr Harvey that my carefully-prepared work is neither "misleading," nor "faulty," nor full of "horrible inac- curacy;" and that when "the delver into History in 1960, or maybe in the year 2000" shall hunt up the files of The Sunday News, he will not carry away from my faulty article the grie- vously erroneous impression that Mr Harvey pictures. Now before proceeding with my task, I will again premise that teachers of experience do not simply fill their pu- pils with pre-digcsted food. This is good enough for babies and for the sick who have weak stomachs. The good teacher— the teacher who really edu- cates—that is to say, brings out what I is in his pupils— teaches rather by sug- gestion; else the best education would be merely synonymous with the incor- poration into the unfortunate student of the largest number of prepared facts. There would be no scope for in- dividualism and all scholars would be forced into the same mould. I have tried to follow the example of experi- enced teachers. In giving my lesson, I aimed rather at being suggestive than exhaustive; for the space at my dis- posal (while The Sunday News is very tolerant) is limited, and I was not writing a treatise. I see, however, that some of my pupils are not far enough advanced for my method. I shall to- day, therefore, be more explicit. If I should happen to draw a word-picture of a house, I will write underneath "This Is A House" — lest mayhap it be mistaken for a camel or an elephant; and if I should happen to make a point, I will likewise add: "This Is A Point." Let us, then, back to the record, to which I shall strictly adhere. To bring my statements into better relief. I shall put them into a series of clear-cut propositions. "The influence of patriotic Societies, so-called, has been anything but bene- ficial to the accurate study of history. . . . The Constitutions of these So- cieties make it clear that they are based upon the most unintelligent in- terpretation of the simplest historical facts." I reiterate the statement— "the head and front of my offending," that seems to have irritated Mr Harvey's patriot- ic soul,— for it impelled him forthwith to spring his razzle-dazzle, and with the calm declaration that there is not a line in my article to substantiate my statements, he proceeds to annihilate me by submitting for my information the Constitutions, etc, of the Sons and Daughters, both of which, by the way, have been lying on my table for several years. That one who by reason of his ex- alted position in the ranks of patriot- ic Societies and who might at least be supposed to possess an elementary knowledge of the history of the Revo- lution, should be unable to see the bearing of the clear-cut facts that I have presented, is unfortunate. I would like to be able to furnish my critic with the comprehensio)! lequisite for the grasping of my ideas, but, alas, this power has not been given to me. Twenty-five years of incessant teach- ing, however, have endowed me with the gift of patience even with the dull- est pupils; and so, having failed the first time. T will now try again. Per- haps T shall be more successful this time. Let us, therefore, now back to the Constitution. "Any male person above the age of twenty-one years . . . descendant of one who ... as a soldier . . . under the authority of any of the Thirteen Colonies or States . . . and remaining always loyal to such authority . . . shall be eligible to membership in the Society." My objections to this "Fundamental Constitution," are both general and special. The Society is instituted "to perpet- uate the memory of the men who achieved the independence of this coun- try." Good enough. There are a lim- ited few who can point to certain stan- dard works and to documents of mis- cellaneous character that have come down to us, which prove the sentiments of the aforesaid individuals. For the rank and file of possible applicants for the privileges of the Society, and these must number millions, "the men who achieved the independence of this coun- try," is interpreted as meaning simply "soldiers who saw service in the Rev- olution." These are dubbed "patriots." But there is the reservation made — "and remaining always loyal." Those who did not remain always loyal, are thus branded as not "patriots." I sub- mit that this Is a most unintelligent interpretation of history, a miserably narrow interpretation of "patriotism." and is deserving of most vigorous pro- test. Let me call attention to a few per- tinent facts. (a) MILITIA SERVICE. This is proven either by a muster-roll or an indent, or a pension paper, or an obit- uary notice. Of themselves, what do these things prove? Absolutely noth- ing. For the benefit of my readers I took all the trouble to print the mili- tia regulations of Revolutionary days. I have never been able to understand why people should congratulate them- selves because they had an ancestor who saw service in the militia. At a time when every man had either to enroll, or to be severely punished, or to get out, what special virtue was there in the act. that entitles them to more consideration than the rrum who pays his poll-tax to-day? Many of these militia men, wo can be reasona- bly certain from what we know of the history, may have been thoroue^hly loy- al in sentiment to the Mother Country, yet had to do militia duty and fight. These nion had indents issued to them in due course, which papers afe now in these days of patriotic Societies pro- duced as evidence of feelings which at the time they would have strenuous- ly repudiated. Such acceptance of an indent by these patriotic Societies, does not show an intelligent under- standing of History. (This is a point.) (b) PROTECTION. History informs us, that for various reasons, some of which I gave in my former article, many hundreds of men — some of them patriots to the core, swore allegiance or as we call it, "took protection." These men are stigmatised and their descendants are stigmatised by these patriotic Societies so-called, through their unintelligent interpretation of History. Whither their stupidity leads, I shall soon show. (c) MERCENARIES. I will use this word, for it is a good one. There were thousands of what are to-day glori^ed into "patriots," who enlisted as a fine stroke of business. The less we say about them the better. Let the student read Simms's magnificent article "South Carolina in the Revolution," in The Southern Quarterly Review for July, 1848, and if I mistake not, his enthusiasm will receive a decided chill. (d) CONTINENTAL. SERVICE. In the Continental army there were many patriots brave and true. But there were other "patriots" of whom History tells. We are informed, for example, that when the big inducements offered did not fill the Continental Regiments, "the State recruited her battalions by forcing into their ranks, by way of pun- ishment, all men convicted of being idle, lewd and disorderly, or sturdy- beggars." (See Statutes of South Car- olina, vol 4. p?.s-e 410. See also Mc- Crady, vol 1775-1.780. page 300.) Thus, too, we find Gen Greene bitterly de- claring "that he fought Lord Rawdon with his deserters, while Rawdon fought him with his own." "Ranks which were filled with sturdy beggars, lewd, idle, and disorderly men, and de- serters were not the place for patriots and decent citizens." (See McCrady Ibid, page 302.) This "patriotism," me- thinks, may reasonably be taken at a discount. Now for the point. I shall only use two illustrations. They will illustrate my general position: Wade Hampton took Protection in 1780. He afterwards played a very distinguished part in tlie struggle for Independence. By the Constitution of these patriotic Societies, his descend- ants are barred — his patriotism is tainted. Isaac Hayne took Protection. His tragic story is familiar, I trust, to everyone. This whole-souled patriot, who paid the penalty of his devotion to the Cause by an ignominious death — this man's descendants, according to the Constitution of these patriotic So- cieties, must be barred from thedr priv- ileged precincts. His patriotism is tainted. So that a descendant of a militia- man who saw service because he had to, perhaps of some loyalist who did not have money enough to get away, a descendant of a maji who went into the war as a matter of business, by reason of good pay and prospective bounty, a descendant of some ungaoled gaol-bird "convicted of being idle, lewd, and disorderly, or a sturdy beg- gar," whose name happens to be found on some Continental muster- roll or pay-roll, is surrounded by these patriotic Societies with a halo of tin- sel glory and invited to "join," while the descendants of a Wad^i Hampton or of an Isaac Hayne are deemed un- worthy. Yet strange to say, the Sons of the Revolution of South Carolina, who according to their Constitution must exclude the descendants of these, have perpetuated the memory of Isaac Hayne on a bronze tablet. How in- consistent! I submit again, therefore, that "the influence of patriotic Societies, so- called, has been anything but bene- ficial to the accurate study of history; and that the Constitutions of these So- cieties make it clear that they are based upon the most unintelligent in- terpretation of the simplest historical facts." (This is a point.) I have taken up so much space with what is of real historical import, that I shall be very brief on the other fea- ture of these Societies, which Mr Har- vey states "have subordinated all so- cial lines to the furtherance of patriot- ic effort." He ought certainly to know It is indeed most gratifying to learn from such an authoritative source, that all the historical workers throughout the country have been laboring all along under a grievous misapprehen- sion. It is really a pity that we have not more evidence of it. I confess that I have been cruelly deluded. I have re- ceived hundreds of lettei-s, with a re- quest to hunt for Revolutionary ances- tors (I have nothing else to do,) and have often learned that the "D. A. R. gives such lovely affairs." but in all my experience I have never seen iuiy reference in these letters to patriotic efforts; all of which goes to show how mistaken we can all of us sometimes be. It would be interesting to learn what our societies in Charleston have done "to collect and secure for preser- vation the rolls, records and other doc- 4 uments of that period." I recently- found quite a little Revolutionary ma- terial myself here, and it would be quite gratifying to me if I could get access to more of it; but if any such material has been gathered, the col- lectors have been very . reticent about it. The South Carolina Historical So- ciety is doing good work by publishing our historical material, and could do much more if it had a better member- ship. How many of the Sons and Daughters belong, and thus manifest their interest in the only way that is of any account? Or is $3 a year an excessive price to pay for patriotism? Mr Harvey feels assured that my "great work," is receiving no more un- stinted appreciation than from the members of patriotic Societies. Alas, his feeling of assurance is not well founded. I have worked hard for ten years. I have collected some quarter of a million historical references. I have published quite extensively for my opportunities, and the net result of my work would not pay for the price of a dinner. Talk is cheap. Sincere appre- ciation of an author's work is best shown by his subscription list, but mine shows no members of patriotic societies; and others will tell the same tale. But let me say again what I said in my former article: "I have nothing to say against the existence of societies whose purpose is to foster the spirit of patriotism, than which there is nothing nobler." But the workers all over the country seem to think that these soci- eties are wandering far afield from the purpose for which they were instituted. It is simply appalling to think of the number of good, bad and indifferent genealogists who are making a hand- some living, practically doing nothing else than trace Revolutionary ances- tors. From samples of their work that I have seen you can get anything you want by paying for it. I have a vivid recollection of last Summer's visit to the Lenox Library, when I could not get a seat — every seat being occupied by these ancestor hunters. Other work- ers make the same complaint. And our own Mr Salley joins in the chorus. And now in conclusion, I would like to say a word to our patriotic Daugh- ters whose souls I may have perturbed by my former article. I am not writ- ing for fun. "When I razzle-dazzle, I usually razzle-dazzle for a purpose. I am aiming to get justice for those who took protection. Personally, of course, I have not the slightest interest in the matter, but I have several friends who for reasons of their own want to join the Societies, and whom I have advised that under the present Constitution, they are not eligible — though their an- cestors received pensions for their ser- vices to the Cause. There is no use to run away from an issue. It should be faced and if necessary, forced. This is exactly what I am doing, If our Daughters will have a little patience they will doubtless hear more about it later on. Some may doubt the wisdom of calling attention to the names of those who took protection. McCrady does this in part. It is better that people know how they stand than that innocent people should be subjected to mortification later on. And now lastly, too, a word to my friend Major Harvey, than whom I hold none in higher esteem. I am sorry that he got into a controversial mood. He is not a controversialist, and does not belong in controversy. It is always dangerous to swim in unknown waters. If I have been rather severe on him, I hope he will forgive me and not mis- interpret my vigorous style for offence. We have both of us only been razzle- dazzling. If the result of our razzle- dazzling is to stimulate our patriotic societies to those effoits for which they v.ere instituted — while I shall still be- lieve that they are founded on an un- intelligent interpretation of History — they will at any rate have justified their existence, and our razzle-dazzling will not have been in vain. I Iti'iirinted from the Sundvv News. Marc;i ^l. 1!K)7.— No. 8.1 Leaves from My Historical Scrap Bool<:. By Dr Barnett A. £lzas, M. D., LL.D. Jadah P. Benjamin. I herewith present the student with practically complete materials for a biography of Judah P. Benjamin. No accurate biography has hitherto ap- I>eared, the early story of this distin- guished lawyer and statesman being involved in much obscurity. One must beware of newspaper clippings as au- thentic sources of information. If we do not heed this caution, we shall be bound to get into trouble. I speak with confidence on this matter, having at my command at a few minutes notice some 125,000 historical references still unused. It is only when one is able to take a complete survey of such ma- terial that one's opinion is worth any- thing at all. Then it is, that one sees clearly to what confusion tradition leads the would-be historian. I would here add that much of the traditional gossip that has gone the rounds of the press in various forms, originated with the late Nathaniel Le- vin, whose memory went back over half a century, and whose fame as a raconteur lent a fictitious weight to his reminiscences. Another man, in recent years, who has done his little share in perpetuating traditionl mis- takes, is Mr Henry D. Capers, of Mo- bile, Ala, who has given us the old stories of Judah P. Benjamin's early career in slightly different version. The present time is the day of scientific history. We accept nothing without reasonable evidence. It may seem a pity to some to spoil old wives' tales; but, properly presented, truth is not less pleasing than fiction. It is often really more remarkable than fiction. But were it even otherwise, our duty to truth were still paramount. There is no use and no justification for the perpetuation of error and falsehood. Judah P. Benjamin, a pen picture of, April 22, 1864. Judah P. Benjamin, a letter from, January 21, 1882. In reference to supposed vast sums deposited in the Bank of England and elsewhere in Europe. "I do not believe that one penny is to be found anywhere in Europe, of the assets of the defunct Confederacy." Judah P. Benjamin in London, July 13, 1882. A most interesting sketch. Judah P. Benjamin, February 25, 1883. A magnificent tribute from the Lon- don Telegraph. "The greatest advo- cate known to the English Bar since Scarlett." Inaacurate as to the details of his early life. Judah P. Benjamin, May 20, 188,3. Reminiscences of his legal career, and an account of the coming banquet up- on his retirement from the Bar. Ab- surdly inaccurate though romantic, in the details of his early life. Judah P. Benjamin, obituary notice of. May 8. 1884. Interesting but inaccurate. Judah P. Benjamin, May 11, 1884. Some interesting reminiscences by an "Octogenarian." The only reference to certain Benjamin family matters In the literature. Not entirely accurate. Judah P. Benjamin, December 26, 1897. An inaccurate sketch of his life cop- \e<\ from an article in The Jewish South. Judah P. Benjamin, January 14, 1808. The Benjamin family In Beaufort. Judah never lived here — only his moth- er, brother and sister. He himself at the time was already in New Orleans. Judah P. Benjamin, January 6. 189S. This paper contains several most in- teresting items. First, an editorial on Judah P. Benjamin. Next, a letter from Nathaniel Lrevin to H. H. DeL.eon, contaiiiing supposed data about his early life. They are only the reminis- cences of a raconteur. Mr Levin tells us, for example, that "Judah P. Ben- jamin was a student of Columbia Col- lege, then under the presidency of the scholarly Cooper." This is not so. He states further: "If Mr Benjamin went to Yale I am ignorant of the fact; and while it may be correct, I doubt its authenticity!" Mr "Levin concludes: "A half century has transpired and my recollections as to dates cannot be re- called." In this same issue, a Mr B. C. Hard gives some interesting per- sonal recollections: "Recollections of School-fellow." Judah P. Benjamin, January 27. 189S A letter from Hon James Sprunt, of Wilmington, telling of his career in Fayetteville, N. C. Judnh P. Benjamin's School Days. July 29, 1903. A long communication from Mr J. S. Leary, containing interesting data about Mr Benjamin at school at Fay- etteville. The above ref«rences. together with the datn given in my volume on The Jews of South Carolina, pn lSn-lR7. will furnish a mole material for an accu- rate biography of the man des'^ribed by one as "the brains of the Confed- eracy," and by another as "the Me- phistopheles of the Rebellion, the bril- liant, learned, sinister Secretary of State." Battle FlaKS. Storv of a Battle Flag, (2Gth S. C. V./> January 1. 1SS4. The Palmetto Flag, Januarv 1. 1RS4. Confederate Battle Flags, June 16. 17. 1S87. First Regiment Flag. November 15. 1R93. Tb"^ First Confederate Flag. February 17. 189r>. .Toliti ('. Cnlliosin. —Three col editorial on, June 10. 1S82. —The State's Tribute to, Anril 1, 1887. — Rditorial on. April 26, 1887. — Unveiling of monument, orations, etc, April 27, 1887. — Eulogy on, by Col Thomas, August 16, 1897. — Prize oration on, August 22, 1897. — And Hugh Wilson, editorial and ar- ticle, October 27, 1897. — "A Stainless Statesman," February 6, 1898. The Bnrnlii;? of Columbia. The Burning of Columbia, May ,3, 18S4, November 3, 1S85. July 27, 29, August 10, 1886. January l.j, 21. Feb- ruary 5, 10, 1888. February 18, 1891. Feb- ruary 24, 190L Hngrueuotti. Huguenot Memories, June 20, 1883. The Charleston Huguenots, June 12, 1885. Origin of the name, September 28, 1885. The Huguenot celebration, October 22, 1885. The Carolina Huguenots, November 18, 1894. Some Abbeville Huguenots, December 5, 1897. Tlif ^lecUIeiibiii'jf "necluration.*' The Mecklenburg Declaration, July 12, 1882. The case argued on both sides. —Editorial on. May 28. 1890. "Liberty cradled in a hornet's nest." Contains interesting material not usually quoted in discussions of the question. —Editorial on, October 18, 1894. Tlie Je^TH' l/ands in Abbeville. There is a charm in historical re- search. This is largely due to the con- stant surprises that it offers to the in- vestigator. One never knows where new light is coming from, but some- how it is coming all the time. Such an agreeable surprise came to me mosi unexpectedly last Summer. 1 had conducted what I conside)'ed a most thorough investigation into the history of Joseph Salvador, the Eng- lish merchant prince and philanthro- pist, who came to South Carolina when the failure of the Dutch East India Company and the earthquake at Lis- bon had brought him to the brink of ruin, to seek the wre<'kage of his for- nier fnttime. Joseph Salvador was in his day one of the greatest landowners in this coun- try, owning- 100,000 acres of land, in what afterwards became Ninety-Six District. I thought that I had account- ed for every acre of his vast estate from the records in Charleston. But one must never be too sure in histori- cal matters. A most interesting doc- ument that came into my hands last Summer throws more light upon the subject and shows that there may be soniething underlying the story told by the English historian Picciotto, which I have reproduced in my book, and which did not seem plausible in the light of our records. I was in Washington, namely, for the purpose of study; as was also my friend, Mr J. L. Conger, of the Uni- \'ersity of "V\''isconsin. We had spent considerable time together in Charles- ton, and he had taken note of some things in which I was particularly in- terested. The co-operative method is altogether admirable in historical work. I am constantly turning over material to others, ^\ ho in turn, are on the lookout for things I need. Mr Conger made a real "find" for me. It ^vas, namely, an original re-survey of the Salvador lands, drawn in color, showing all the tracts that had been disposed of, those on which squatters had settled, and the tracts that were still for sale. This re-survey was made in 1791, after the death of Salvador, and sets forth that "the residue of these lands was taken in E.xecution and sold by Samuel Saxon, Esq, Sheriff of said District, on the 6th Day of June, 1791." Att.ached to the plat is the following advei-tiseroent, which \\ould do credit to the best real estate agent of to- day : LANDS FOR SALE. In a well settled Country, SIXTY- FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUN- DRED AND SEVENTY FOUR ACRES OP LAND; in one body, in the most populous part of the State of South- Carolina, in the dirtrict of Ninety-Six. ... It is situated in a fine healthy cli- mate, free from fever & ague, about sixty miles from Columbia, the seat of government. The land is contigu- ous to the town of Cambridge, where are a seminary for the instruction of youth, and a superior law court. It is at present within about thirty-five miles of good navigation, with a prob- ability of having the river, called the Great Saluda, that flovs alomg ono side of the land, made navigable. The land is beautifully divcsifiel into swells and vales, and is perfectly well • ■alculated for the culture of tobacco. cotton, Indian com, and small grain; a great proportion of it may be made meadow ground. There is not, perhaps, such a body of land, so circumstanced for sale in any other of the U: States. Accompanying the plat, is a certifi- cate of 63 Conveyances recorded in Abbeville County— 19,559 1-2 acres. Abbeville County, State of South Carolina. I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true acount of all the several Con- veyances (sixty three in number) made by Joseph Salvadore, of land contained within the two tract.s of 50,000 acres each, usually called Salvadore's Tracts, upon record in this County; and that no other or further conveyance of any part of said Land is to be found upon the said Records — Witness my hand, at Abbeville Court House this Thirty first day of May 179S And I hereby certify that there is no Mortgage upon the whole or any part of the two tracts of Land usually called Salvadore's tracts, to be found on the Records of this County — Witness my hand at Abbeville Court House this 31st day of May 1798. JOHN BOWIE C. A. C. What is remarkable indeed, is the fact that none of the conveyances re- corded in Charleston, all of which I have enumerated in my book, are re- corded in Abbeville. Among these is one to Rebecca Mendes Da Costa for 20.000 acres: and another to several in- dividuals for the residue of 59,900 acres. How the estate was finally set- tled I do not know, but it was subse- quently taken into the Courts by the foreign heirs. It is said that the fa- mous George McDuffie laid the founda- tion of his fortune bj'' the work he did i'.i connection with the case. The Ab- beville records are no longer in exis- tence and I do not know that much would be gained by having them. It is interesting, however, to know that the Salvador lands, which are now within the corporate limits of Abbe- ville County, are still known as the "Jews' Lands," or the "Land of Prom- ise." I hope some day to make a pil- grimage thither. Diiel.s hikI r>iielHiiS5:. Wise-Lewis Duel. September 20. 1881. Virginia Duels, October 18. 1881. The Modern Campaign Duel, October 21. 1881. Duelling in Virgini.a. January 3. 1882. New Orleans Duel, June 8. 9, 10, 1882. Columbia Duel, June 22. 27. 1882. Old-time Duels. October 18. 1882. Duelling in South Carolina, October 21, 1885. Duelling: in the South, July 21, 1887. Williamson-Calhoun Duel, August 11, 12, 13, 25, 1889. A Famous Duel, November 9, 1897. Bloeraphical Material. Edwin Booth, June 8, 1893. Junius Brutus Booth, September 20, 1883. John C. Calhoun's Family, May 4, 1885. Ann Pamela Cuningham, October 31, 1885. Paul H. Hayne, October 4, 1881. No- vember 24, 1882. February 10, Septem- ber 20, 1883. July 8. 9, 12, August 13, 1886. October 30, 1887. Robert Y. Hayne, November 13, 1882. Sidney Lanier, September 12, De- cember 19, 1881. William Lowndes, December 6, 1885. James L. Petigru, March 28, 1891. September 26, 1897. Gen Thomas Pinckney, March 6, 1898. John Rutledge, February 1, 1891. State Legislature Biographies. No- vember 26, 1884; November 23, 1886; No- vember 25. 1890. Henry Timrod, May 1, 2, 1901. I.ot-nl Hintory. The Ashes of the Past. [Alleys in Charleston] November 1, 1885. Carolina, — The name, Januai-y 24, 1862. June 21. 1883. April 12, 17, 21, 26. May 3, 15, 1884. Carolina — the early days of, April 29, 1888. Charleston— A Century of,, January 1, 1901. Charleston— Ante-Bellum, September 13, 1885. From the Storied Past— Some Remi- niscences of the antient history of Charleston, April 11, 1886. Roll of the Dead in 1900, January 1, 1901. Georgetown — Description of, Octo- ber 4, 1882. Lancaster — a pen picture of, Novem- ber 23, 1897. Our Silver Mace— The Story of, Octo- ber 20, 1882. December 9, 1893. Marion, Gen Francis — The tomb of, April 19, May 23, 1893. Relics of the Olden Time, December 6, 1885. Slave Badges, September 11. 17, 1889. The "Smiths" of South Carolina, let- ter from "The Antient Lady," August 9, 1862. Charleston Chnrches. Our Early Churches, December 28, 1884. The Cathedral of St Finbar, Decem- ber 18 1885 The Circular Church. March 4, 1862. February 19. 188S. August 24, 1890. Jan- uary 18, 1892. February 11, 1901. The First Church in Charleston, De- cember 7. 1884. The Huguenot Church, January 14, 1898. St Michael's Bells, March 7. 1887. March 6. 1S9S. The Unitarian Church, April 17, 1886. April 2?,, 1SS7. Note: — All the references in the fore- going article are to The Courier. I Iteprlnted from the Sunday News, April 7. 1907.— No. 9.1 Leaves from My Historical Scrap Book. By Dr Barnett A. Elzas, M. D., LL.D. With my article to-day I bring this series of "Leaves from my Historical Scrap Book" to completion. I set out with the avowed purpose of calling at- tention to the immense mass of his- torical material that lies buried within the volumes of our newspaper files, which might as well be out of exis- tence, unless someone takes the trouble to index their contents. For myself, I have inerely skimmed the surface. All I have done is to pull out a page here and there of my note-books, and to list those items that I thought would be of interest. What I have made available represents only a small por- tion of what could and should be made available. The files of The City Ga- zette, The Southern Patriot and The Mercury are likewise wonderfully rich in literary and historical data. Thou- sands of references might readily be compiled from their interesting pages. That my contribution to our local history might be of real and lasting value, I have verified practically every reference. I will only add in conclusion, that I trust my own work may stimulate others in a similar direction. niisoellaneonH Confederate Mhterial. Major Anderson, Jan 23, 186L The Swamp Angel, May 24, 1888. De Gress's Rattery, April 11, 1897. Harfs Battery, July 28, 1892. Stevens's Battery, Feb 22, 1897. Buttery Wiigner, March 6, IS'jS. Judah P. Benjamin's great Speech, Jan 9, 1861. Edwin De Leon, a fine tribute to, Mav IS, 1861. Battles: Drewry's Bluff, May 21, 1884. Fredericksburg, Nov 21, 1897. Gettysburg, Dec 10, 1893. First Manassas, April 1, 1884. New Market, July 15, 1882. Seven Pines, Aug 6, 10, 11, 1885. Shiloh, April 28, May 10, 1887. Gen Beauregard, Feb 5, 1884; Feb 22, 1893. The Sword of Beauregard, March 17, 1893. Blockade of Charleston, Jan 12, 21, 1897. Blockade Running, Feb 7, 21, 1897. The Free Market of Charleston, Feb 26. 1862. "The noblest charity extant." Orig- inated with Ben Mordecai, and largely supported by him. Butler's Brigade in '64, Nov 2, 1897. Gist's Brigade at Franklin, Feb 14, 1887. Hagood's Brigade, Aug 11, Sept 1, 1881. Hagood's Regiment, May 9, 1888. McGowan's Brigade, June 19, 1904. Who were Carpet-Baggers, Aug 24, 1885. The Siege of Charleston, July 17, 1S92; Jan 26, 1897. Jeff Davis's Speech at New Or- leans, Jan 28, 1882. Jeff Davis and his maligners, Feb 4, 1882. Jeff Davis, vindication of, April 17, 1882. Jeff Davis, capture of. Sept 4, 10, 23, 1885. JefC Davis, a kind word for, June 15, 1888 Jeff Davis, biography of, Jan 26. 1891. Jeff Davis, funeral of, May 17, 23, 25, 1893. Jeff Davis, private life of. June 1. 1893. Coins of the Confederacy, Feb 28, 1885. Confederate Dead, Aug 25, 1S85. Our Graves at Fredericksburg, March IS, 1890. List of South Carolina Dead at Fred- ericksburg, June 16, 1890. Our Dead in Hollywood, April 10. 1893. The Dead of the War. Nov 9, 1897. Germans and their Dead, Nov 10, 1897. W. L. I. List of Dead, Mar 18, 1888. The Confederate Capital, Mar 21, 1897. The Confederate War Debt, June 1, 7. 1886. The Confederate Generals, June 18, 1889 The Confederate Gold, Dec 18,, 1885. The first Confederate Ram, Jan 7, 1884. The Confederate Seal, Jan 15, 27. 1886. The Confederate Specie, Dec 21, 22, 23, 1881. The Confederate States Navy, July 2, 1887. France and the Confederate Navy, May 24, 1888. The Germans In War, May 24, 1888. William J. Grayson, Oct 8. 1863. Maxcy Gregrg-. March 18, 1888. Who fired the first Gun? Jan 16, 1861: Oct 20, 23, 1882; Jam 19. 1893. The first and last Shot.. Aug 25, 1893. Hampton, March 4, 1891. Hampton Legion, April 3, 1882. Hampton Legion at Manassas, July 13. ISSo; Nov 14, 1897. With Hampton in Battle, Dec 5, 1897. Hampton at Fayetteville. Dec 12, 1897. Gen Huguenin. Jan 10, 1888. Stonewall Jackson at Manassas, Mar 27. 1884. Stonewall Jackson at Chancellors- ville. April 5, 1886. Jackson's plan of War, June 20, 1889. Stonewall Jackson's way, June 22, 1889. Jackson in Battle. Oct 28. 1897. Jackson at Winchester, Jan 6. 1901. The Jews of Chattanooga, July 31, 1861. The Jews of Richmond, May 3, 1861; Jan 15, 1864. The Jewish Women of Charlotte, June 24, 1861. Johnson and Grant, Nov 5, 1885. The Raids of the Kuklux. Sept 13, 1892. Robert E. Lee, Jan 5, 1890. Moise. oration on Lee. Jan 20. 1S98. Robert E. Lee. Teacher. Feb 21. 1897. Gen James Longstreet, July 6, 1885. Mpsonry and Prisoners of War, Jan L'8. 1862. Monitor and Merrimac. May 26. 1897. Monitor and the Virginia, Sept 13. 189"; Feb 9. 1S98. Benjamin Mordecai, a fine tribute to. Mar 12, 1862. Nelson's Battalion, Aug 8. 1897. Orr's Regiment, Aug 6, 1892. James L. Petigru. Mar 10, 1863. Who are the Rebels? Aug 15. 1862. That foul word "Rebellion," July 28, Oct 25, 26, 30, 1897. The Real cause of the Rebellion, Oct 19. 1897. The Ordinance of Secession, July 14, 1885. Jeff Davis on the Right of Secession, July 6, 16, 1881. The Right of Secession, Mar 15, 1891; June 5, July 24, Aug 18, 1893. The State Flag, Jan 28, 1861. Slavery and Secession, Aug 21. 1883. John C. Calhoun om States' Rights, March 8. 1883. The evacuation of Fort Sumter, July 7, 1881, The Siege of Sumter, March 21, 1883. Survivors 12th Regiment. Aug 22. 1881. Were the Confederates "Traitors? Feb 4, 1885. Causes of the War, Nov 28, 1897. Not a Civil War, Nov 17, 1897; Feb 15, 1901. Issues of the War, May 4. 1882. The Object of the War, (Lee) May 5, 1885. Responsibility for the War, June 6, 1893. Hebrews in the War. Jan 3. 1892. Southern Heroes in War, Dec 18, 1892. The first Martyr of the War, Sept 2, 1897. Memories of the War. Oct 28, 188.5. Reminiscences of the War, April 30, 1887. South Carolina in the War, Jan 7, 1898. Wheeler's Men, Mar 14, 1898. W. L. L Vols. Appeal, June 15, ,1864. (In response to this appeal, Ben Mordecai contributed $1,000.) Confederate RonterN. 1st Regt S. C. v.. April 23. 1861. 1st Regt Of Rifles, Aug 23, 1861. 2nd Regt S. C. V., April 26. 1861. 7th Regt. Co F.. Aug 14. 1861. 10th Regt S. C. v., Dec 24, 1861. 20th Regt S. C. V., Co A., May 20, 1862. Beauregard Light Infantry, Aug 9, 1861. Brooks Guards, May 13. 1861. Carolina Light Infantry, Oct 15, 1861. Charleston Mounted Guard, June 1, 1861. Chesterfield Light Artillery, Oct 1,5. 1861. Chestnut Light Artillery. July 28, 1862. Colleton Guards. Sept 4, 1861. DeSaussure Light Artillery, Oct 15, 1862. Drafted Companies. July 29. 1863. Georgetown Rifle Guards, Aug 21, 1861. German Artillery, Co B., April 28, 1862. Governor's Guards, April 11, 1861. Capt Hills Co, April 1, 1862. The Home Guard, May 2. 1861, Irish Volunteers, Aug- 1, 1861. Col Kershaw's Regt, April 30, 1861. Marion Rifles, Feb 24, 1863. Ordnance Guard, March 20, 1862. Palmetto Guard. May 1, 10, 1861. Palmetto Guard Artillery, June 17, 1862. Pee Dee Rifles, March 27, 1862. P'ckens Rangers. Dec 4. 1861. Pickens Rifles. Aug 10. 1861. Re-enlisted Soldiers. Mar 9, 1864. Regiment of Reserves, Dec 11, 1861. S. C. College Cadets, May 2, 1861. Trenholm Rifles, Dec 5, 1861. Vigilant Rifles, Jan 9, 1861. Waccamaw Light Artillery, April 29, 1862. Washington Artillery, .March 11, 1862. Washington Light Infantry, June 1, 1861. Washington Mounted Artillery, July 12, 1861. Wee Nee Riflemen, Nov 23. 1861. Wee Nee Vols, Sept 16. 1861. Yeadon Light Artillery, May 1.*}, 1862. The Cruel Slave Ovrner. The gruesome pictures of the cruelty of slavery which we meet with ever and nnon, are very amusing to those who have lived in the South. In examining some wills recently in Camden, I came across a good illustration of the tender regard which the old master and mis- tress had for their slaves. In the Will of Sarah Levy, the mother of the dis- tinguished Col Chapman Levy, of Cam- den, probated on October 24, 1842, there occurs the following passage: "It is my direction, desire and earn- est request, that old Kennedy shall be kept with his wife and each treated with kindness and all reasonable indul- gence." I have met with such directions so frequently, that the illustration may be said to be almost typical. Charle« Pinckney <17.%S.1824.) I have often thought that a good defi- nition of nn encyclopaedia would be: "A book where one can get inaccurate Information." Some encyclopaedias are inexpressibly bad. I recently had oc- casion to look up a matter in connec- tion with Charles Pinckney in Apple- ton's Cyclopaedia of American Biog- raphy, and was not a little surprised at the following information: "Mr Pinckney was the founder of the old Republican Party of South Carolina. He possessed liberal views on all sub- jects ... he was the principal agent in the removal of the civil and poli- tical disabilities that had been im- posed on the Jews in South Carolina." (Vol 5, p 23.) I wonder why reliable publishing houses do not submit the pix)ofs of historical works to competent local workers for revision? It would certainly pay them in the long run. Revolutionary Material. The Antient Battalion of Artillery, March 31, 1901. Baron DeKalb, May 5, 1884. The DeKalb Monument, Jan 1. 1883. See also City Gazette, March 31, 1827. Battle of Beaufort. .Gazette of the State of South Carolina, March 10, 1779. Boston in 1774, June 19, 1861. A long list of subscriptions from Georgetown, S. C, for the relief of Bos- ton. Battle of Camden, City Gazette, July 15, 1831. See also South Carolina & American General Gazette, Dec 13, 1780. Battle of Eutaw, City Gazette, Jan 30, 1826. Eutaw Springs Centennial, Sept 8, 1881. Battle of Eutaw Springs, Jan 2, 1882. The Darkest Hour of the Revolution — Letter from George Washington, dated Dec 30. 1778, Oct 16, 1863. King's Mountain, Feb 3, 1853. Original material. Battle of King's Mountain, Oct 7, 1853. The Siege of Savannah, South Caro- lina and American General Gazette, Oct 1, 1779. Journal of the Siege of Savannah, Ibid, Dec 10, 1779. Marlon's Home, Mar 25, 1897. Marion's Grave, June 9, 1883. Marion's Tomb, Feb 17, 1889. Revolutionary Incident, (concerning Richard C. Anderson) April 6, 1861. A Relic of the Revolution, (Samuel Venning's sword) May 31, 1861. Revolutionary Relics, Dec 9, 1884. Gen Sumter — the Gamecock of the Revolution, Nov 14, 1863. The Evacuation of Charleston In 1782. Dec 14. 1882. The German Fusiliers — Roll of the Company at Savannah in 1779, Jan 21, 1886. Col Plnckney's Order Book, of 1st S. C. Regiment, June 28, 1887. BloiEirrapliieal Material. Benjamin George Allston, April 20, 1853. Robert Elfe, May 30, 1853. Franklin H. Elmore, June 1, 1850. LIUKHKY U»- CONGRESS 006 152 803 9 Bishop Gadsden, June 25, 18,^2. Col Samuel Hammond, Sept 27, 1842. Robert Y. Hayne, Feb 14, 1840. Francis Simons Holmes, Oct 20, 1882. Col William S. King, March 20, 1852. Mary E. Lee, Feb 22, 1851. Hugh S. Legare, June 26, 27, 1843. Thomas Lowndes, July 11, 1?43. Col Charles John Steadman, March 14, 1840. John A. Stuart, May 12, 1853. MiscellaneonH. Address at the dedication of Mag- nolia Cemetery, Jan 21, 1851. Our State Arms, Aug 29, 1853. The Southern "Bourbons," Feb 4, 1882. Buzzards of Charleston, Aug 18, 1881. Death of Calhoun, April 1, 1850. Jeff Davis on Calhoun, Sept 12, 1887. The Circular Church, July 25, 1853. Old Coins, Dec 29, 1889. Cordesville — List of former Residents, &c, July 12, 1851. Lost Creeks of South Carolina, May 1, 1888. Description of a "Gander pulling," City Gazette, May 31, 1793. The Germans of Charleston, Oct 6, 1891. German Day, Oct 7, 1891. German South Carolinians, Aug 8, 1897. Orangeburg's Bold Germans, Aug 15, 1897. Governors of South Carolina, 1775- ISr.O. Aug 2, 1850. In Honor of Paul Hayne, Feb 17, 1889. A plea for Southern Literature, July 16, 1881. Legare-Dunovant Duel, Sept 15, 1853. The Lopez Expedition against Cuba, May 27, 1850; Sept 19, 1851. Palmetto Day Addresses, June 29, 1853. Palmetto Regiment Roll, June 5, 1885. Pirates on the Carolina Coast, Feb 15, 1897. The Beginning of the State (Re- cords), Dec 1, 1891. Colonial and Revolutionary Records, June 7, 1882. The Early Records of South Carolina, Oct 27, 1893. Dr Joseph Johnson's Reminiscences: — "A miscellaneous series of unpub- lished MSS." (1) William J. Lowndes, July 18, 1853. (2) Commissary Garden, July 20, 1853. t. , (3) Rev Dr Wm Dood, July 21, 1853. ■ (4) The Tornado of 1761— from the S. C. Gazette, July 22, 1853. McCrady's History, Jan 30, Mar 24, 1898 "Millions for Defence," Aug 16„ 1853; July 3, 1854. History of the Orphan House, July 1, 28, 1854. Osceola's Grave, Sept 7, 1883. Puritans and Pilgrims, Dec 22, 1897. Carolina Silk Culture, Feb 5, 9. 10, 1848. Speech on Slavery (Harrison), Jan 15, 1840. Providential Aspects of Slavery, Nov 11, 1888. Society in South Carolina, The Co- lumbian Herald, Oct 26, 1785. Life in Colonial Virginia, Jan 5, 1896. The True George Washington, Feb 22, 1897. Our Parish Regristers. St Thomas and St Denis Parish Reg- ister, 1680-1884, (printed) Charleston Li- brary and Historical Society's Collec- tions. Christchurch Parish Register, begin- ning 1694, (MSS). A copy, partly in- dexed. Historical Society Collections. St Andrews' Parish Register, (MSS)— 3 volumes, a copy, beginning 1714. Li- brary Society Collections. St Helena's Parish Register, (MSS)— a copy, alphabetically arranged. His- torical Society Collections. Register of St James, Santee. 1758- 1788. A copy, owned by the Colonial Dames and in custody of the Historical Society. St Philip's Parish Register, 1713-1758, printed and edited with a full index by A. S. Salley, Jr. The Church pos- sesses also one MSS vol 1754-1796, as well as later volumes. Chronicles of St Mark's Parish, 1731- 1885, (printed) Charleston Library and Historical Society Collections. The Giessendanner Record, in "The History of Orangeburg County," by A. S. Salley, Jr. [Note:— All references in the forego- ing article are to The Courier, except v.'here otherwise noted.] 1 Reprinted from the Sunday News, April 14, 19Ci7. —No. 101