hi=>h 475 56 U66 REGULATIONS GOVERNMENT Gettysburg National Park GETTYSBURG PA. 1895 REGULATIONS GOVERNMENT OF THE S. Gettysburg National Park - GETTYSBURG PA. 1895 ,5& . lite I). OF D. REGULATIONS 1 Employes of the Commission must be at all times courteous to visitors. Authorized guides will supply themselves with badges, which will be worn on the outside of the coat. None but those duly appointed to act as guides will be permitted to charge visitors a fee for serving in that capacity, and then only at a rate fixed by the Commission and approved by the Secretary of War. 11 Visitors are expected to be orderly. All persons are by law prohibited from cutting, breaking or injur- ing any tree or plant on the property of the United States. They are also prohibited by law from destroy- ing, mutilating, defacing or injuring any monument, tablet, work of art or other decoration ; removing or marking stones, stakes, fencing, building or other ap- purtenances. Fast driving within the Park is prohib- ited. Offenders will be taken before the nearest justice of the peace, to be proceeded against as provided for in Section 7 of the Act approved February 11, 1895. Ill Camping-parties are forbidden without permission of the U.S. Commission, and then only upon such part of the lands as they may approve. Such parties will be held responsible for forest fires or other dam- ages caused by them. 1 V The hunting, fishing, netting or trapping of game, birds or fish is forbidden within the limits of the Park. V Visitors are invited to report to the Commission in writing any incivility or neglect on the part of guides and employes. V 1 Cattle, horses and swine will not be permitted to roam at large on the grounds or along the roads. Loose animals will be impounded, and released only on the payment of a suitable fine. V 1 1 No person other than authorized employes, except as hereinafter provided, will be permitted to reside permanently or to engage in any business within the Park, except by authority of the Secretary of War. Employes of the Park are not to engage in any other occupation, such as farming, gardening, merchandise or o f her private business, except by authority of the U.S. Commission. V 111 No drinking-saloon or bar-room or gambling es- tablishment will be permitted within the limits of the Park. iJ\. Advertisements or private notices may not be posted or displayed within the Park or along the ap- proaches thereto, over which jurisdiction has been ceded to the United States. X. "That if any person shall destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or remove, except by permission of the Secre- tary of War, any column, statue, memorial structure, or work of art that shall be erected or placed upon the grounds of the Park by lawful authority, or shall de- stroy or remove any fence, railing, inclosure or other work for the protection or ornament of said Park or any portion thereof, or shall destroy, cut, hack, bark, break down, or otherwise injure ar.y tree, bush or shrubbery that may be growing upon said Park, or shall cut down or fell or remove any timber, battle relic, tree or trees, growing or being upon said Park, or hunt within the limits of the Park, or shall remove or destroy any breastworks, earthworks, walls, or other defences or shelter or any part thereof constructed by the armies formerly engaged in the battles on the land or approaches to the Park, or shall violate any regula- tion made and published by the Secretary of War for the government of visitors within the limits of said Park; any person so offending and found guilty thereof, before any justice of the peace of the county in which the off-nce may be committed, shall, for each and every such offence, forfeit and pay a fine, in the discretion of the justice, according to the aggravation of the offence, of not less than five nor more than five hundred dollars, one-half for the use of the Park and the other half to the informer, to be enforced and recovered before such justice in like manner as debts of like nature are now by law recoverable in the county where the offence may be committed." Act approved February u, iSgj. J\. i Leases to such present owners of the land as may desire to remain thereon, or to other persons deemed suitable, will be made annually during the month of December for the year ensuing, and upon the condi- tion "that they will preserve the present buildings and roads, and the present outlines of field and forest, and that they will only cut trees or underbrush under such regulations as the Commission may prescribe, and that they will assist in caring for and protecting all tablets, monuments, or such other artificial works as may from time to time be erected by proper authority." All other leases than to "present owners" will be made annually, for the ensuing year, during the month of December, and to the highest bidder, the United States reserving the right to reject any or all bids. All rentals shall be payable for the entire year and in advance. Lessees who conduct themselves in a man- ner obnoxious to the United States authority will be removed, and their leases cancelled. JOHN P. NICHOLSON WM. M. ROBBINS CHAS. A. RICHARDSON Commissioners Approved DANIEL S. LAMONT Secretary of War I tlli««2S 013 7 ™»» ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS