SF 545 .C27 Copy 1 Practical Method -)FOR THE(— CULTIVATION OF MULBERRY TREES, RAISING OF SILK WORMS, COCOONS, Etc. BY CARERA, HUBER & CO. NEW V O R K . A. Carigliano, Printer, Publisher & Translator. 280 MOTT STREET. Practical Method — )FOR THE(— CULTIVATION OF MULBERRY TREES, RAISING OF SILK WORMS, COCOONS, Etc. OARERA, HUBER & CO. N E \V V O R K. A. Carigliano, Printer. Publisher & Translator. 280 MOTT STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1868 by Carera, Huber & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress in Washington, PREFACE. As many of our ])atrons have addressed letters to us, asking for information and advice, in regard to the culture of the mulberry tree and the care of the silk-worm, and knowing full well the impossibility of answering all parties prune them at the height of 4 inches (locentm.) from the ground, placing the cut-off portion of the shoot alongside — 10 — the plant, so as to mark the spot. Next is to free the shoots with the hands or with a sharp instrumtnt, of all buds, after the third week of their vegetation with the exception of the best and more vigorous one, which is generally found near the ground. Of this latter, the utmost care should be taken. In establishing a nursery the shoots are to be placed four feet (one meter) ai)art; but planting them for good the distance from trunk to trunk should be at least i6 to 24 feet (8 meters.) When the shoots reaches to the height ofone or two feet, buds spring forth from along its trunk. These should be let alone, as they are essential to the development of the roots. No matter how good the soil may be, it is extremely difficult that the shoots reach in one year to the desirable height — not less than six and no more than eight feet. In that case pruning is necessary using all care, and exercising all attention to the young plant. But if they develop well, leave them alone; only keep the soil free from weeds and rake it two or three times a year. If however, after a second pruning, the shoots do not de- velop as they should, the tree will be of an inferior quality. When the shoots have arrived to the height of sIk or eight feet — which is generally in their second year — proceed to the formation of their branches. Only when the trunk of the shoots has acquired a circumference of from 45 to 6 inches it is fit to be transplanted from the nursery, the holes for this purpose should be four feet deep by four feet wide and at least 16 to 24 feet distant from each other. In spring the vertical branch must be cut. Only four — 11 — or five well develo])ed buds are kept on which the ingrafting is to be done on the following spring. Once the top (head) of the shoot being well formed, no further care need be taken of it, except in pruning the su|)erfluous branches. If the wild mulberr}' produces large and good leaves, no ingrafting should be made. The number of buds to be left on the shoot must be limited to the number of branches required. Ingrafting. If perchance the mulberry plant possesses large and abundant leaves, and shows a well - developed growth, no ingrafting should take place, because instead of improving, it would deteriorate the species. To ingraft at the foot of the shoot is not advantageous in cold climates. In temperate climates it is most convenient in those parts exposed to the rays of the sun, and j^ro- tected from the winds of the north; and the variety which is ingrafted must not be of the primitive white mulberry. In cold climates it is essentially necessary; for the branches of the wild mulberry make a better resistance to th.e colds of winter, and, it often happens, that if the ingrafted portion belongs to the white species, and the ingrafting is done at the foot of the tree, the tree itself will perish, while if done on the branches, even if bad, can always be made anew. The most favorable time for ingrafting is, without doubt, in the spring, and a good season must be selected, 12 that will [promise many days of favorable weather. The month of May, and the beginning of June are the two months favorable for ingrafting mulberry trees. The ing- rafting by bandages is preferrable to all other systems. But ingrafting by sprigs can be performed indifferently either on small or large branches. The care of Grafted Trees. Until we are perfectly assured of the good success of the ingrafting at the foot of the tree in this cold American climate, it is necessary, to facilitate the development, to set the tree in a place well-protected — near a wall for instance, if possible — and exposed to the south, south-east, or south- west, and in a soil well- manured and well - worked. These trees will begin to vegetate at the foot. Only the best sprig should be kept, the others destroyed; also, the old trunk, above the sprig, should be cut off. The mulberry trees which are transplanted m autumn should be buried first in a ditch; not in bundles, but disposed one by one, in a position a little inclined — oblique — and left there until the propitious season to plant again arrives. This earth-bath, given to the young plant, will impart to it vigor and new life. It must be borne in mind, however, that very little of the shoot should be left above ground. The best ingrafting is obtained from the following species: The low mulberry, "ce])paia" (block - like;) "spalliera" (Espalier;) and "castello" (castle - like.) — 13 — 'I'hc l)ranchfs cut in winter, and placed in dry sand, in a cellar, are good for ingrafting wild mulberrys. 'I'he i)runing must be done in accordance with the age of the tree, its vigor, the nature of the so.l and climate. No leaves should be gathered until after the sixth year of its growth; for if before that time, only 28 or 30 lbs. (14 or 15 ki- logr.) of leaves will be gathered, while if not githered during these six years the tree will yield more than 40 lbs. (20 kilogr.) of leaves. In sandy soil the ramification should be lept rather short. The pruning must be accomplished every two or three years, and never in summer. The mulberrv tree is endowed with long life, even in cold climates. In its wild stat'^ it reaches the age of 300 and more years, but when ingrafted it does not live so long — less than 100 years. The reasons for this are the following: 1st. By ingrafting, the branches being more porous and less strong, are more liable to suffer by the inclemency of the weather and other causes. 2nd. By gathering the leaves every year, thus leav- ing the plant for ten or twelve days without respiratory organs, and the roots must necessarily suffer. 3rd. By badly executed pruning. To avoid this, it is always to be done longitudinally on the trunk of the tree, and on that side more exposed to the sun. Care should also be taken to remove the sap, which is not absorbed by the branches or leaves. 4th. By not working the ground properly, using the — 14 _^ plow or spade carelessly, cutting off the superficial roots oi the plant, which are essential to its well-being. 5th. By sowing near the mulberry tree any phinr that spreads its roots too wide, thus extracting the greater portion of the tree's nutriment. 6th. If the soil is not deep enough, and devoid of the qualities essential to the growth of the mulberry tree. 7th. The frosts in spring, the droughts in summer, and the excessive colds of winter, preceded by do\vnpourings, and followed by a sudden rise in temperature, all combine to impede the growth and deteriorate the quality of the mulberry. 8th. And lastly, all thai can affect a plant, as insects^ squirrels, and many other small animals ihat feed on roots. The quality and quantity of the croj) varies according to climate, the age of the tree, the soil, manner of pruning, etc., and will, most always, be affected by some of the above mentioned causes- The leaves of the wild mulberry are belter food, in the beginning, for the silk-worms, being more dry. When the mulberry reaches a certain age, it must be shorn of many of its branches, to maintain eipnlibrium between branches and roots, and the plant in consequence will produce less leaves. Manure. Which will be the best manure for the mulberrys.'' As chemical analysis has shown us which is the best adapted — 15 — soil for planting, so it will also guide us in selecting the best manure. According to the analysis of the mineral mattercontain- t.'d in the leaves and trunk of the mulberry, it is found that the trunk contains more lime, while the leaves more ])otash, ])hosphoiic and azotic acids. So that the best manure for this plant is that which furnishes lime, jjotash, phos]ihoric acid, and is not devoid of azotic substances, to develo]) the leaves. The best manure for young trees is from the decom- ])Osition of \egetable matter. And if this decomposition could take place in the ditch where the shoot is to l)e planted so much the better. Decayed limbs of fruit - bearing trees or any vegetable matter ])laced "in the ditch increase the strength of the shoot. The effect of manure on the )ilant, being by emanation ■ )r absorption, the more the emanation or absor])tion, the l)etter will l»e the result. It is for this reason, that the mulberry, planted where manure is kept, thrives most vigorously, for there the organic and inorganic ])rinciples essential to its development are found. Production or the Mulberry Tree provided the Leaves are not gathered before the sixth vear. AGE. product in LEAVES. 6 years old Lbs. lo. lo' " " 30. 20 '■' '' 50. 30 " '' 100. 50 " . - " 160. — 16 — Brief Method for Silk- Worm Culture. PRELIMINARY REMARK ABOU'l SILK- WORMS AND COCOONS. The silk-worms belong to the numerous family of the "Bruchi." Their existence is classed into three periods ; larva chrysalis, and butterfly. However they are not perfect inserts, and are incapable of reproducing their own sjjecies, except in their last period of existence, and feed only in the first. During the first period, they change their skin fre- quently, in the other their skin changes only when passing from the chrysalis to the butterfly state. It seems Nature has placed animated beings there,- where food for their existence is abundantly provided. So the silk -worm is found to be indigenous to Bengal and the Chinese Empire, as is also the mulberry tree, on whose branches it was first discovered. The silk - worm belongs to the "Genus Bombyx", and to the species of the mulberry, as its name in natural his- tory, "Bombyx Mori," implies. At present great varieties of silk-worms are known; some by the changing of their skin, during their first period of existence, and are called "mute;" some by hatching their eggs once, or several times, during the year, and are called "Bivoltini, Trivoltini, and Polivoltini," and some by the volume and color of the cocoons. These varieties and species of silk-worms are known, and cultivated in Europe. — 17 — The most diffused, and the most cultivated in Italy is that called the "Quattro Mute," or Four Changes, whose eggs are not capable of development except once a year, and whose cocoons are yellow, white, and green and of other 1 ok)rs blending with all the above. The life of these insects is divided into five e^jochs, "vvliich are called ages. The first four ages arc read- ily discerned by the insect changing its skin. During the fifth age the insect begins tlie spinning of the cocoon. IMie silk is derived from the cocoons, which are composed of very slender threads, varying in lengtii from 1,400 to a .600 feet (400 to 500 metres.) The other two stages of life include only two periods. The first, that of the chrysalis, the second, that of the but- terfly; and this last period continues until the two sexes meet t(i reproduce their own s])ecies, by depositing their eggs. In the stage of larva, the silk - worm breathes by 18 little tubes, or tracheas (wind pipes,) which communicate with the exterior air, l)y as many little holes evenly divided on each side of its body near the feet. The insect, larva, does not possess sexual organs. Once the larva begins to feed, it remains immovable, until the moment arri\es for the sjjinning of the ( ocoon. In the state of chrysalis it is apparently dead. Shut up in a cartilaginous vagina, within the cocoon, it possesses no other movement but a lateral one, at the lower end of the body, which shows the only sign of life. As a butterfly it possesses a respiratory organic system. ( hily one trachea, eyes, sexual organs; and the female, ovaries. The male is possessed of an amorous dis])Osition toward — 18 — propagating the species, cohabiting for four days, if dis- turbed, he immediately seeks another female whom he ap- proaches with pristine impetus. The female is more home-like and modest though not less transported toward the propagating of its species. She lays between 300 and 400 eggs. Theoretical and Practical Principles for the Culture of Silk- Worms Nature is the best teacher. Hence, by following the teachings of Nature in the culture of the silk - worm the best results will be attained. The cultivator should keep his silk- worms in an airy place, which must also be kept clean; taking away the old leaves, and providing the worms abundantly with new ones, fresh and good. The principal thing the cultivator should do, is to supply himself with an abundant stock of eggs, which must be laid by butterflies, and pronounced good after a microscopical examination. Preservation of Eggs. The eggs are to be kept in a room well-aired, and dry, and exposed, if possible, to the north. The temperature in winter must not be above 7 or 8 degrees Reaumur (about — 19 — 40 Fahr.) Frost is more cong enial to the eggs, than otherwise- But the changes of temperature are to be feared, especially from the beginning of February Incubation. About the time when the mulberry tree begins to bud the eggs acquire a temperature of lo to ii degrees Reau- mur, (about 53 Fahr.) and incubation soon takes place when the temperature is increased to 12 or 13 degrees, about 55 Fahr. upwards, to 18 degrees Reaumur [about 65 Fahr.] This temperature is to be kept constant and the air should be a little moist, to produce the opening of the eggs. It is most important to avoid a lowering of temperat- ure, during incubation, if a good quality of silk- worms is to be desired. Nursing. I St. Age. As soon as the little silk - worms are born, they are to be gathered on a fresh, tender leaf of the mulberry, and thus placed on clean sheets of paper, obser- ving that the silk-worms obtained from 10 grams of weight in eggs, when they reach at the end of this age, they must cover a superficial area of 9 square feet. They are to be kept as much as possible, to a temperature of 17 or 18 degrees Reaumur, (about 75 Fh.) and fed with well - chopped — 20 — up leaves every two or three hours; that is, nine or twelve times in every 24 hours. The day previous to the first change, that is, when the worm's head begins to enUrrge, all the refuse leaves should be removed, and a very light feeding given toe the worms. Even when they are sick, keeping them to the same hours, as previously stated, in feeding, to prevent the suffering I)y hunger for those that have not reached such an advanced stage. But when many have reached this stage, then a suspension in the manner of feeding is necessary, to equalize their quality and growth; and in this way we must also act during the three other changes of skin. Observing that as soon as the worm shows signs of life, from the state of torpor in which it lies, it can be kept without food for 24 hours or longer, without any inconve- nience. This first age lasts six days, and, during this interval they consume about 7 pounds (3 kilogs.) of leaves. 2nd. Age. During this age they may be fed once upon the same bed on which they slept upon in the first age, and then transported by means of mulberry sprigs, to another place, where new, clean sheets of paper are spread; and, at the end of the age, must occupy a space of 18 square feet (2 metres square ) The temperature, feeding, and treatment, must be exactly the same as in the first age. The second age lasts four days, the worms consume about 15 pounds (7 kilogr.) of leaves. 3d. Age. During this age, which will last five days, the same treatment above stated must be followed, — 21 — with this exception only: to place the worms ui)on a new or larger bed, so as to occupy a space 27 feet square (3 metres squaie-) They will consume now about 42 pounds (20 kil.) of leaves. 4th. Age. By following these rules carefully, the worms, 15 days from the time of their birth, will enter their fourth period. They must now occupy a space of about 65 square feet [7 metres sq.] They will reach this age in 7 days. The worms being now more vigorous, and better developed, the leaves may be given whole, and not chopped; and the feeding can be reduced to 6 times in every 24 hours. If the temperature should increase more than 17 degrees Reaumur, (about 75 Fahr.) windows and doors should be ojjened. If it should fall below 16 degrees Reaumur (about 65 Fahr.) a fire should be made. But good ventilation, and the same temperature should always be maintained. l"he worms will consume during this age, 132 pounds (60 kilogr.) of leaves. 5th. Age. From the state of torpor in the fourth age, the worms awake to the fifth. They must now be distributed over a space double that of the fourth age about 140 sq. ft. (15 metres sq.) During the eighth or ninth day at most, first, some few, and finally all, will begin to spin their cocoons, and crawl about on the dry stems of the leaves, which must be previously placed, broom-like, all along the feeding ground. In this age they must be kept scrupulously clean, and, every day, their bed should be changed. The worms, in this last age, are excessively voracious : and for this reason plenty of leaves must be supplied to them. And if — 22 — the feeding be not very frequent, it must be abundant. The leaves must be placed at least three inches deep, especially during the last three days previous to their de- parture for the grove. In very warm weather, on sultry days, during storms and heavy rains, more ventilation is necessary, because both heavy and bad air is death to the worm. They con- sume during this age about 660 pounds (300 kilogr.) of leaves. During the entire period of nursing, with eggs weighing only ten grams, worms will be produced consuming about 858 pounds (390 kilogr,) of leaves, and s]>inning cocoons weighing complexively about 55 pounds (25 kilogr.) The Grove. The silk-worms, nursed as previously stated, in 30 days from brith, will betake themselves to the grove. The grove is to be made up of branches of different species of shrubs. They must be perfectly clear from insects, clean, and dry. They are placed all along the tables on which the worms are kept, some even resting on the tables, branches downward so that the worms may crawl up easily. The cultivator must now select those worms that are ripe, handling them lightly and with despatch. In this condition they are transparent, inclined to wiggle, keeping their heads constantly moving about, and looking for a svipport. This is to be done to help them, and to place — 23 — 5 hem, it necessary on the l)ranches; and for three days, the .greatest care must be taken, as previously stated; for, during these days th.e worm wiH begin spinning. Management of the Cocoonery after the Cocoons are spun. The windows and doors must be kept open day and iiight. After four days the worm will be enclosed in the cocoon, its transformation into chrysalis complete, and eight days after the cocoons can be collected, 420 of the latter if yellow in color and of good Milanese quality, will ueigh about 2^-2 pounds [i kilogr.] Confection of the Silk- Worm Eggs. When the cocoons are gathered from the grove, arti- ficially built in the Cocoonery, select and keep for seed those that are harder more regular in shape, of an even color, and transparent as much as possible. Remove all the super- fluous coating, or froth like substance, to facilitate the egress of the butterfly from the cocoon. In selecting the cocoons as seed, care should be had to choose always by pairs-male and female — which are easily distiguished by their shape. The male is enclosed in cocoons that are smaller more pointed at the extremities, and de- — 24 — pressed at the sides. Those of the female are more rounded, fuller, and with less depression. The butterflies make their exit from the cocoons on the 17th or i8th day after their introduction into the grove. The birth of the butterfly takes place between the hours of 4 and 9 A. M. The males, whose bodies are pointed and small, will flnp their wings with violence: the females have a larger and longer body, and are not so active. When the butterflies cohabit together, they should be placed upon another shelf and after six hours are separated by taking them by the wings and pulling them gently apart in opposite directions. Then the female is placed alone on a piece of cotton fabric, and in 40 or 50 hours she will lay the eggs. Suffocation of the Crysalis. Any oven whatsoever can be used to suffocate the crys- alis provided it be hot. The cocoons are placed in the oven in baskets when the temperature is from 200 to 240 degrees and suspended from the floor of the oven at the height of at least i centimetre. The cocoons are to be kept in the oven one hour at a tem- perature of 240 to 260 degrees of heat. After the lapse of 45 minutes, take from the midst of the basket some cocoons, cut them open, and ascertain about the complete suffocation of the crysalis. — 25 — Before taking the basket of cocoons out, let the door of the oven open for about 12 or 15 minutes to prevent any dampness. Cocoonery. Any room can be used for such a purpose, provided it be above ground, free from dampness, kept warm, and at least 100 sq. ft. (12 meters sq.) in dimension. There must be three windows to the east, south, and west, communicating to the door of the room, thus producing a good ventilation. In this room, of whatever dimension it may be, a suitable stove is kept. The windows must be, as much as ])ossible opposite to one another, and never towards the north. The floor and ceiling of the room must be in perfect order, so that neither the air without can penetrate nor the heat within escape. When the room has a dimension of from 100 to 180 sq. ft. (12 to 20 meters) it is necessary to have artificial ventil- ation, by means of a fan. When it has a dimension of 180 or more square feet (20 meters sq.) or upwards, what follows must be observed: 1. That the room have windows on two opposite sides. 2. That the windows be at least 12 feet (3 meters) apart. 3. That the height of the windows be between 5 and — 26 — 8 ft. (i, 50 meters or 2 meters) not taking into account their width. 4. That all along the ceiling and in the middle of the room be ventilators, that may be shut and opened at pleasure. • 5. That there be in some part of the room a con- trivance, to remove immediately the beds on which the silk-worms rested. 6. That all windows be towards the east or west, or towards the south-east or south-west. 7 . Besides the outer door there should be an inner one to prevent a current of air or draft, which would be injurious to the silk-worms nearest it. 8. The window should have no clear glass, if there are no blinds. 9. And, if there are no blinds, paper, dip])ed in linseed oil. mixed with resin, is pasted on the window sash, answering the purpose, being transparent and strong enough to resist rain and wind. 10. Every window should have a green curtain, to keep off the rays of the sun. 1 1 . That there be a ventilator to change the air. 12. For every 200 to 250 square feet (24 or 28 meters sq.) of the room, a stove must be kept, with sufficient capacity to warm it. The height of the room should never be more than about 16 feet [4 meters.] 13. Finally, the room must be compact, so that it may soon be warmed, and kept so, with the most econo- mical consumption of coal and wood. At the distance — 21 — of every 120 square feet [14 meters sq.] a thermometer must be suspended upon the wall distant from stoves, 12 feet (3 meters,) and 4^/2 feet [i, 05 meters,] from the floor. The tables or shelves upon which the worms are nurs- ed, may be of any wood whatever, provided they be white and smooth. They must be stationary, and made of thin wood for economy's sake. Thy may be of any dimension, and the racks large enough to hold the worms of one ounce of eggs in weight, and are disposed in shelf-fashion for convenience. The distance between one shelf and the other must be about two feet (40 cent.) and must be perfectly steady. - 29 ~ PRICE LIST. Lombardian Mulberry Trees. Trees i to 2 feet higli per 100 $ S^oo- 8,00. 3 " 4 " " ----- " 4 " 5 " " 5 "6 - " 4 years old t^ralted " ._ 6 " "ungiafted" , 6 " " '' per doz A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ON ORDERS OF lOOO OR MORE. These trees are endowed with a very strong organiza- tion, which enables them to grow in cold countries. The leaves are hardy and pulpy, so that the woinis fed by them will produce large and heavy cocoons. 14,00, 20,00. 30,00. 50,00. 80,00. 12,00, Silk -Worm Eggs. BREEDING OF 188 Silk worm eggs, confectioned by the cellular system, and examined by a physiological and microscopical selec- tion ; free from disease, proceeding from a successful breed- ing of the previous year, in either white, yellow or green cocoons, $5,00 per ounce of 25 grams. Our agency will provide also Machinery for reeling cocoons. All orders and informations promptly attended to. Package and Freight from New York to destination to be paid by the consignee. Orders must be accompained by cash (postal card or check or registered letter) and are guaranteed to be filled as soon as goods arrive in New York. CARERA, RUBER & CO. 152 Wooster St., New York. 1 3sr D E x:. PAGE. Preface, -3 Mulberry Tree's origin 5 How to select a Mulberry Tree 6 Propagation of the Mulberry Tree 7 Planting 9 Ingrafting 11 Care of Grafted Trees 12 Manure .. 14 Production of the Mulberry Tree. .• 15 Remark about Silk-Worms and Cocoons 16 Practical principles for the Culture of Silk-Worms 18 Preservation of Eggs 18 Incubation 19 Nursing 19 The Grove 22 Management of the Cocoonery after the Cocoons are spun 2t, Confection of the Silk-Worm Eggs 23 Suffocation of the Crysalis ... 24 Cocoonery .... 25 Price List 29 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 842 951 4 ^ FR.IOE 2S OEISTTS.