SB 364 .R35 .0 <,»'"« '*b .-Jv' ^^ - ^ J -\ ^^'^^ ^ * o » o %v^^ . ■- V„.^ .•;«*-- %/ .■■■ . V„.' ••:* .^- 0"O. -J-o I ■TO' * .,^J-3-. V^^ ,>^<. -^/ .>^, Vo^' f:Sfc ^ ^•^ 9^ - ' vO -7-, ■ ; A o^ . 'ii^^S^MpI' • ' V" V -•■■■->■■"■ v^'--V"> r .'>4 ^° -''. <^ *• . ' ■?, ,<>■ / ^^iii.-- ^c^ '> >^-^^ > <*-, -^^0^ ^o'^' " " " •» '^O A; "if ^ 1-5- ■ 4 o o V . /•" "v. "•■ f » ■siii". '-^^0^ .^°^ o? .-a A- -J. ^'^-^>^;^X ./^^^'"^^ c^' •>'='> ^-^ •J- ."0 ^.>../ •*>^^'^-. V^' .?^^'^ %/ ; 0^ o -'■:»' ^0 ^°-^t. --.yCjVS-^/ ^^ .-io* "> ~=t-^ A^ \'' 4 -'^m^''. "*bv^ A /\';;^'^X .-.J"*- /-.'^?',-.; •A O 9 ^/^ ■ft- v- y ■'^\^- -f ^^ ^-^ * o » " ' . V^ '•' .0^ / V'^'^V %'---'/ ^^'.t^-/ -^'^^1 ^°"t. ^''\0 A V^ .-# .«^^ O'' ■j^ ,V &^ P a"* V' .* ^^O •0' •I o .^'^ ^-..^^i A <^ ^-^^ /' % °"° A^ .. % "^ O'^ '.- V'^-V^^^ ^-^ *'-• ,f° .. A A^ , J . • ■■ - v? \p- ■ ■■-.- -'if * <. ' i/ ' * J'\ 't. %;■'•■■'■/ \ "t. c'^'J'r. <^o r\-' "i* •'... '**".>* ■?-' ' A^'% A <. 'o . » ' ,0^ ■^^ o > .^-n,^ ■ -5- ■ ^.^ ^; X;--;/;.. V-^'./ ^^ O > 'p. ■? \'^ o °.^. .-^"^ ■ ,^' -0^ -0^ ^b, '..5'' v> o V f the land, as it is be ' in at its i^ .Me value, to- Our nrorir will arise from the use of the land in the mean- loots and dafcs which the palms will produce Aiiii ; 1 year until the tract is turned over to the cr. if sheM.jtd be undfTsiood rhat the imported offshoots year from arrival, fo get them t in the orchard. They should jcoad year after being set in the ;>iiOOts each year thereafter from ...1 or twenty years. (All but one off- f roni the palm, as soon as the offshoot ir^r fKf. gTQod of the palm.) We liey are three orth not less om year to d. If you includ- ■! agree ' out ■s can ot which vaiuc of u\ of any in tl est priced ^Wt ^o\ Vivvi^O i\vu«\y\0 iM^Q oiiA-(.\\u\T ^ii\\ \o \i^\S / . ^.^ D'ECo ^^9"/^^ IMPEO/AL 4y. lAL A V. ^, o .^l^'J^iiJsez: IMP ERIAL Al/. TO e/ >AWL£Y '■"'AL I iJ~~^fX . KEYSTONE ■tmfei ^;v* ->-"». «, «• r *.-»"s » « « u>« i. -*^^Mc:x, Your Decision Your decision in this matter of buying one of these gardens will be based largely, and rightly so, upon the responsibility of the Reed-Williams Corporation, owner of this tract of land. For this reason the officers of this corporation invite your most rigid investigation, both of the Reed- Williams Corporation as a unit, and of its individual members. This corporation owns and operates considerable valuable land in Imperial Valley, besides the individual members of the corporation own several good farms in the Middle West. It is abundantly able financially to carry out its undertakings. It maintains offices in Los Angeles and El Centro, California. In the same manner that I was convinced of Imperial Val- ley's future for big date profits I believe you will be convinced. The date is a new phase of agriculture to many of us, yet the most important one Californians have overlooked. Assuming that what I have here stated has somewhat inter- ested you, and that you would be pleased to see and to sample some of these California-grown dates, we have placed an order with Mr. Johnston for some of his dates, and we will take the lib- erty of having a representative call upon you with some of them, and to give you any further information we have upon the sub- ject. I believe you will appreciate this privilege of obtaining one or more of these date gardens when you have investigated the sub- ject of date growing as fully as I have. Yours truly. President Reed - Williams Corporation. NtWITT AWICIBWO ACCNCX MB 148 >'■' '*._ ^*"., C)-''- V' "^^^. .0-' .'iy ,0"°. •'^ O ^^ ; %. ■\^ V. v-^^ cy >',,.,/?^7-. -•. '"^o A, "■'^ V ■^'<> ^O S-' '^^ .v^** c- O •'b f , •i o ,- * ■s° ^^^Z"" <" ^% , ^ ^ " o „ <> "."^^'T'' ^^ ^-^'='- v ^ '-^„ c °o .^^ ..<^ < C, ^^ J' K^- • '-to <^ ' *bv^ V '^^' '-'.;- •- ' » . -1 ■<> 4 V •o- .• V 'Co /<.^ n' y' .^, .■ ^o ■*u ,0' ^''^'^. .^** '% *. , v^*^. aV •^-. K^^' o .\- ■> •^, ^o .1^ ^ '■i> <> >. • ' ■ ' %■ A* '■• -^ ■^^ .<:■ \^"^ -S^' •^<^ V ^L.,'~ ■%& aO r^- j"^ . ^ " ♦ .^^" -^^ '^v>. > .<^ 0' i. * * **-■ v/. 'O^ ^^ <'. ^O -^Ao^ ->5 '■■''=4^-'" N ..^y rP ^v. c^^>.. '> ■^oV ^-.. V^ . >. •r C %. ^ T^ A^ 1 • \' / c c ^■<^ ^-^.o 't- -1- ^o •^o I -1 ' A*^ -•-• ,^^ r.-^ -^^^ o V "^^ •^^n^' C" v^^ . ^o ^•^, o ^ " " ,, -' ,o' ,0 <* .y^^ %'-' ^ %.<^ J' C,vf> (,' •J,, - » . . • V .0' ' > ^■ ■\ --u =5 °<- .^^' .^- ■■^i =ij \ A*^ .<^'\ -x^ ■-. "'^^^ .^■^' "•^^ f.^. ^' A :t: .iV' ^^ V ,-/" o '^'*', J' ( \° .^''^•^^ .^^"V ^^'^^- ■ s'^^'"-> % .-^, ^ /.^•v,--'^. ,^.'j^>.'^ ^.--'-.'\ /- ^'^:^^% ^^^•nK V 0^-^°-* ^°--^. .■e:-'-^^ :^'^*:'.% ^.^'i:^:-.'^^ ^^.^^^^'% ^/:^:^:-/^ ..^^ -^ /'\-^*^ * * MAYI977 >^^ ^-^ % r<^ / >^^. A<^ < "^^-^ A"^ ■-. % A- ST. AUGUSTINE vr-V ' ■" ''^ "' V-^^ OOOmiflDSS?