3o r$tochraism\'< : Finally, after many perplexing difficultleB, and obetacleB not anticipated, wo liave sucoeoded in completing Vol. No. 1 "Texas Stock Directory or Brand Book," and liope that it will come up to tlxe expectations of the public, in gene< ral appearance and usefulness. It would bo uncommon, indeed, should such a work as this be carried through, without containing some slight errors, either in the spelling of a name or other- wise, when it is taken into consideration that we have a great many agents, and that the owner himself, not unfrequently, in endeavoring to mark down hia brand will make a slight variation from the iron itself, and even write hia own name indistinctly. Wo have been exceedingly careful to have all the brands re- ceived by us, inserted, when they have reached us previous to the printing of the Counties to which they belong, also, to have the copy followed verbatim et literatim, and think wo have succeeded in doing ^. If there should be any, however, who have paid for the insertion of their brands, the same not appear- ing in the book, they will please inform us, and the money paid in will be refun- ded. Either from want of faith in our ability to complete this work as contemplated, or inattention in proper time, to what we consider one of their important inter- ests, many persons have sent in their brands since the counties in which they re- Bide, have been printed, and of course they do not appear with those of their neighbors. There are others who have not as yet sent in their brands at all and who would like probably to do so, after examining this work and reflecting a mo- ment as to the prospective benfflts to be derived from having their brands print- ed, circulated and known by tlie entire stockraising community of Western Tex- as. To all of such, we take this occasion to say that it is our intention to print a supplement to Vol. No. 1., some time in June, or as soon thereafter, as brands enough have accumulated to make fifty pages: — the Supplement to be sent free of charge to those who may purchase the book, a record of the name 3, c^^unty and post office of such, to be kept for this purpose. In order to secure tlie appearance of brands in the Supplement, each one must be accompanied with Two Dollars Specie, or its equivalent in currency, which is the price for inserting brands; otherwise they will not b:; engraved and inserted. If it should occur that brands or names have been printed incorrectly in this Vol. (the fault being ours, or that of our agents,) we wUl make the proper oor- joction in anpplemont, without any additional charge. PUBLISHERS. ■-J). u o I THE Mtxm ptmk Mttttmh OR BOOK OF MARKS AND BRANDS. IN A 8ERIES OF VOLUMES DESIGNED TO EMBRACE THE ENTIRE STATE, BY W. H. JACKSON, M-^ Ha.<^^J^^ Stockralser of Bexar Conntjr, S. A. LONG, ISteelcrai«er of Medina County. Volume I. SAN ANTONIO: rBIMTBD AT THE HKRALD OFFICB. 1865. M Heartman's Historical Series No. 77 O 3 3 8- f\ Lithoprinted by EDWARDS BROTHERS, INC. in a limited Edition for THE BOOK FARM New Braunfels, Texas THE TEXAS STOCK DIRECTORY. ■0 PREFACE. In bringing before the public this the first Volume of the Stock Directoij or Brand Book, we deem that a few words are called for by way of apology. Circum- stances over which we have had no control have retarded the publication of the work several months beyond what was at first anticipated. We presume that wc need hardly say that those hindering circumstances grew out of the war by which our country has been so fearfully convulsed up to within a very short period. And while it is true that to this cause is mainly attributable the delay in the appear- ance of our work, there were found other difficulties which had to be overcome, not the least of which was found in the'apathy and want of faith in the utility of the work on the part of those interested in it. Perhaps this should cause us little surprise, for it not unfrequeutly happens that those euterprizes redounding most to the benefit of the public, are slowest in being appreciated. We now feel, however, that the Rubicon has been passed, and if, with the assistance of this work. Stock- raising does not become more profitable, and the calling more reputable, we shall frankly acknowledge our disappointment. The utility of such a work as this is too evident to require much remark, since it is a well known fact, that every neighborhood has within its bounds xnore or less animals beai'ing brands unknown to thccitizens thereof. By means of this book the ownership of these strays is made known and the animals recovered. The present system of stock-raising in Texaa is not only unprofitable to a large proportion of those engaged therein but is gradually becoming, in many localities, to a considerable degree disreputable. This, in common with the mass of our fel- low-stockraisers, we are sorry to see and be compelled to admit: Pastoral life is almost as ancient as the world itself. Ilealthy, to a considerable degree pleasant, it could, in many portions of our State be made highly profitable according to the capital invested; provided, we would all obey the Scriptural injunction, " i>o unio others as we would that the i/, should do tiato us." In order to make this work useful in restoring lost Stock to their rightful owners t^vo things are essential: In the first place, when stock is sold it should beinvaria- bly contrabranded. Second, v/hen- strange animsls, to the range are discover- ed, every s*ock-raiscr should make it his duty to examine the Directory, ascertain to whom the animal or animals belong, and give such information as will lead to the recovery of the same. If this should be done, thousands of animals will be re- stored to their owners, that would otherwise be a permanent loss. To a good man, the consciousness of having performed an act of kindness towards his fellow man, would be a sufficient reward, even though he should not be the recipient of any other, which would not often occur- for we are of those who believe that there few THE TEXAS STOCK DIRECTORY. persona who would not cheerfuUj give remuneration in some nay for information leading to the recovery of their lost stock. The Publishers embrace the occasion to say that they expect to proceed with the Second Volume (which will embrace the territory lying between the Guadalupe and the Colorado) at an early day, and hope those who wish to have their Brands jiserted will send them forward at once. PUBLISHERS, THE TEXAS STOCK DIRECTORY. 5 MABK8 AWD BRANDS. NOTE OF EXPLANATION. S\Tailow-fork la loft ear, - (/^ p^^op off right, - - [j Split in left ear, . - ^^ jCrop and Under tiit, - ^Z^ Two Upper Bits, - - (^^jUnder half Crop, - ^^^^ Upper Slope, - - (P^ )^^'^^^' ^^^P^' ' ' C^ Ear Bob, - - (^^^ :^rop and Upper Half Crop, ^Xlh A Stai (O; placed before a brand or mark denotes that it is not now used. UVALDE CO.— Uvalde P. 0. W< €• Adams, V^ — "-" . . .. , , I I . »^ I UVALDE COUNTY. D. G.Mam., OUL S^S) WD ce;3 PH *e::C2> *6:;c3 "OS Sli ^ Bates, © (S^O J« L. €« Boon, rS oo (C^CD G. Wt Brown, T (C^CD David Cook, do. COOK EJ g:3 W. T. C^oli, ■„c ^:S) J. M. AdajMs, PDS3 UVALDE COUNTY. John €• Crawford5 '" [\JU[\J (D^ 4- Rf\J €^:3) de. do* doi do* do* do. do* do* NG ©3 ^ C3) © CDCD ® CD3 5 CO CD3 ^ C:3 9 c;3 5 e:3 H Dan. Davfs^ ___ ^ ____ —m UVALDE COUNTY. m J» W« CummlngS) E. U« Dale, H. W. Griner, c 33 FS 'H e;3 s:3 C3 iV* J« firiner^ At J* Gsrioer, e. C. Griner, James Haghs, T. H. Harrison, do« NJ H HU He X ® T. N. McKinney e3 CO) CCD es' inney, (j (j vSCw ^^^4^ » % 1 UVALDE CORNTY. — ^ 9 Tho's HaDnahan^ (i::ZD doi bk Co: CD W. B. Lease, X 03) do* JL CE3) D. T. RichesoD, J\ CdD W. F. Smith, eo) dOt wpe eo) W* L. Shores, ws CDQ ]V« L* StrattOD, s (CO do. NLS (DO !• M. Vanpelf, -H G. W, Wan, WAL m D, D. Wall, UVALDE COUNTY. )( r\ SrO) E. Bi Westfall, 'w' CDS) T, Wattfhis, ^\ G::3 James H, Taylor, P — 1 03 OC3) W. M. Reynolds, SX S:c3) Reynolds & Adams, RUN eo \V, B. Bowles, do* DOK WT CE3 CE:3 W, M, Evans, WE C:CD J. Q. Dougherty, D OO) S. H* Miller, ^. JC u UVALDE COUNTY. 11 J. B Sanders, BS Kj^^^^aJ J. T. McKinney, -r — 1 CE:3 Eliza CMcHiniiey, 96 (D3 J. E. IcIiinMey, LO CC3 Jessie Lewis, <^ (DO W, M. Evans, do WB vc^^ — U Lewis O^ei, OL CDC3 Mary Hanimhan, M CL^'-J^ SABINAL P. 0. J, «. Bro>fft, J Q ^ dD *- ?s ^ . __ , 12 UVALDE COUNTY. W. A. Brown, ^6 ^^ ©3) - Aarwi iDglin* Cj /\ JB Warren Allen, WA (CO do, M On Shoulder.] (C CD Hamner's Heirs M On Hip.] CC^lD Miss Virginia Allen • TXS c J. H. Crane K W. A, Crane, \;jp (S3 > John Davenport, \]T) ^^ ■a UVADE COUNTY. 13 Greenville Bowls, SAL C3 dOf ST CC) do* S'.'S CO do* B (CCD do* * C:© Mrs. Mary DaveDpoi "• JD (SO do* JD SO L* €*Davenpor!, XL ©O) do* •@ ©O) ^^ *. Daveuport, ©©s •es) A. B, Dillard, AD CEO Allen Dillard, D (E3 n ^ 14 UVALDE COUNTY. % Joseph Diilai d, D (ETH) L, FlemiBg, —1 /— "—V H 1 — 1 0, D. Fleming, ^^=p^ tl**'*' **»^JJ Joel D, Fenly, AB S:3 John. M, Fenly, — 1 H (S3 Joel C^ Fenly, ■—1 -I CS) James M, Fenly, F ©3 €, 0. Fenly, F^l oo % W. S. Hiler, do. ao. L. C. Kelley, ZH Penelope Thomas, •:? C^T^ CD3 DAWSON OOUKTY, 19 Win. S. Thomas, Andrew Floret, /\ "* cncg) Mary M* Thompson) \ es DAWSON CO.-FoBT Olabk P. 0. ff. E. Pafford, Vu E. M. Paflbrd, ^^D a::3 Randolph Pafford, c^ Paalina Allee, r.easaiit Wright, Sam. Spears, UVALDE P. 0. PW ss CDCD CDS) Samael Cantweil, SP C3 JS- ^ — 20 BANDERA COUNTS. _ — ^ BANDERA CO.— Bandera P, Albert Adamietz 'J^ 0. CO) James Bandj, r\ SO) Thomas Bandy, TO S:CD «. B.Miles, @ sro J. W. Philips, rS CDQ) J. D« Sailer, do* CI CDO*CD3 .© ceo W. Ai Lockart, fu es David Muoroe, -D VA>^*^V James Ji Bandy, fi eo Miss, M. Mt Chipman, \^ )K : CD3 — — ____..« m- HANDERA COUNTY, 21 George Ray^ Mrs. J. Hay, B, F. Bird^ doi JH 03 BIRD 03 pniss. Armenia Bird, H i Charles Bird, R do. y^C ^.1. Chlpman, M ( 5Ii»s. S. Gibson, Q Q^ C3!) ' ■ . - - . ■ I. Hayw*#d, L f^ q-3 ^ „ _ I 22 BANDERA COUNTY. , — — ,,_ — -. *• Hoffman, AH 40. HH AH J. W. Harriggtoi, Q V L Klappenbach, fTv QZ^ I^' ^ T.L. Kilter, ~7 I (CdD SCD Ca§]>erKatta, Q G55D Joseph RalkA, J K ^ 3 1 Bbb laizabeth Laxon, (L) Ca^ ^3)»va-^ >^ *. * 2 7 BASDERA COUNTY. 23 Thomas Miller, f\f\ (£^ '^ Mrst Martha Miller, O C:a) 4*. 4o. • 36 (CQ Joseph Morafets, '-V E. Oberski, V Joseph Onion, rj H Joseph Poor, M J. P, Rodr^uez, P P^ John A. Jones* do* do» [ ■ ■ . ■ . . ..^_____ w 24 BANDERA COUNTY. Daniel Rugh, f\j (E^3) Joseph Snfherlaiid, K/j do. ^ Thos. eaydnk, \t/ 6^C9 r. Jnretzkj , ^ CD 3 J. B. Miller, Q CD 3 AJ HS ecD I J C:3) J. T.Stephens, Mary M. Rine^ ■ ' ' ' ISt J, . 1 * . — _ — _ — >« [EDINA COUNTY. 25 I —————— —~' YJiomas Alazwreck, lJLi FrankWaclawzykj do. MEDINA 6« H» Noonan, v9* CO. Castroville p. 0. © % c::o .^ (S;o-co H* Benseman, C. Fr Goldberg. J. F^ker, 33 CO iosepk Bendele, ^e3co Andres Baby, «- 4) CEO-CO i I 26 MEDINA COUNTY. Ambrose Haby, Valenlliie Bass, Peter Jnngmann, H« Zinsmister, do. Peler HeinemaD) Joseph Burreil, F GO \H C3 OU CO ZU oo fl CO Catarena Wagner. ^ €^CD*C^-^0 *- ^ e:o ;b ^00 (DO Mathias Beeker» in. t J. B. Wernett Jr« TM CT^.CO Loais Hehrbig, flj CDS.CDO RieMas BofRiitoy Jifllns HeuchUng, P-pj (^^^ dj I^Mo«re, LOlVj S^^3) 4*. LO S^3) Jacob Koenig, J £^ 1 ^^ ^ 128 Jacob Babyj MEDINA COUNTY. ::)a::o CO CDQ I Miss. Mary JIaldy, 1 1 8C 1 t H. T, Reuken, do. C. V. Ketchum, ZT CD3) Jacob Zimmerii, (\)0 OO doi Miss* Lyda P« Boyls^ •7,8 B OO CO Valentine Gulv, do* ID CDS D CDS OO , c Joha Hoffmann, ^l MEDINA COtTNTT. 29 tethoB Schneider, "^ ^ CCl^^S AS fohn Lanon^ 5L e3 dd« dc CE3 do. St es do* ^T. ©3 do. rSf, g:3 John Vanee, ^\j vL* J^ -0. ^ ^/ CD3 ©3 Francis Steinle, (l/-^ Ct^^ CTjC^ C3 do« * CO^oo ^ i 30 MEDINA COUNTY m. 1 Mrs. Rf Jungmao, fli ^:d ©o ' MrStC. Jiiogman. n i j Josepli Saltntir, s Nicholas TscWcrhardt, C C (^ CD John G, Tnrpe, ^j-" OH do* do* ; Joseph Maear, K j ^.^ — ^ CL- — ^ i Joseph Conrad, (^ J K^ZJj ijotiseph Kempf, V -/ ! X^8eph Batder, sn CO v!L^ **^^ i« J» R, Owings, 1 1 1^ _ . _ •CD3 Chas. de MonteK O e3 Mary Bader, ^ cs Joseph Bader, ^ C3 Geoi Haas8, do. K 01:3 --a^ Peter F. Pengenot "^ (S3 Louis Jl^hj "" ^ George Mangold sr., / \ (e;3 George Mangold jr., 3 ^ | / \[x:^ Z^ •CO John Deras, yj \j (S3 do. 5F -W J^ ■■■ ■ __ I MEDINA COUNTY. 33 W,f.M.lIcn, \\l] CCQ John lircissle, ^1 ^ I \ / T \ Jiimfs Lee, j Jacob Roenig, / |\^ 2 s^^_, JeSai T.Lytle, Jl^ CCD Michael Neagelinjr, \|][J^ C Joseph Weber, ^ j— j C^ ^^-3 Joseph Schneider, I {] K do. (o) (DCD a 34 MEDINA COUNTY. JofaiiMeiiau, 6 G^CB-CCD y&2fii lliiimrz. Cr« Ii« Haass, do Ilomaii felros! do. Nkliolas Ilabj, sepii Kyust, 3_B RG 'VO \IS oo VXL^^-^--^ c '■"'^^ Jolia RfF, jj ^*-i-^^ -^rl^ ■ MEDINA. COUNTY. ^>^ Micfead NagdiJi, J^\ Mrs. Calharliio Deres. K John Raberle, OvJ do. fj \h vQ^^iS^ Jos, Courand, do* C3 Seraphim lltlaj 7 K/1 Joseph Maaa, ij * ir Sichard Mccfekr, | do. T^- ti . Alois Waiker, Samuel ISerlurtli, Jo|}o Herfurth, Piter Chassard, do. MEDINA COUNTS. ■^ m 2H L-J r\ Gecsrge Christillis^ do* 5 1 /-s Mr§.M.S.Chrlstillis GC Josf.pli Chrlstillls, n oo oo oo Ferdinand Niggle, J U I j C3 E::3^oo oo cd:S >vi- ?s MEDINA COUNTY. AEdres Bendda, ^H" CC9*00 V\' Gutzcit, 11/ G-^3) e3) Leoiiliavd Petenct, K X (^, O doi Philip Haass, P |-^ tJerbard ihnkeii^ K j do. *U Mrs. y. Brown, \y\y K E s.^ 5i- 38 MKDTNA COUNTY. [rse Veresa Grtiiewald, |-^ (^ ; U'UiJ^i,'iJ ii u,ad-^44 MEDINA COUNTY. JS W, !!. Harper, 6a 01:3 John L. Harper, do. CE3 Gt W. Harper, do, do. do. on ® Ann L, Harper, ji CE:S) Horace F, King. JL (e:s I^corg-e Kedus, SOT es John R edits. v^ CD3 Tally OismeU, i3 ._ ua (D3 m MEDINA COUNTY. 45 John Nietenholer, do. do. 50 C:C2).O0 -F, ooi W. S. Hiitehisonj n John Keitzer, Amhrose Eeitzer, Q. G. Vanpe!t, AR CO TE C:o G. G. Vanpelt & Broj do* *mTB CDQ*C3 Y CDO i E. L, Dean, ED ^S) John Leinweber, ^. _..._ UC CO ^ ! 46 MEDINA COUNTY. Frcdnck N. Ollaiaiiij, 5* T S^ CD.(DCD de. P(\| OO D^ CDS do* i C^erd Ckr.ieSc &iin Lejei'9 ^filsoi! BecliSey, | (^ [J Q CCDOO Jacob r.M, J [■^ jH g^ I ejniy P«cM.r, |-P r~: 3 I Idolph Tampke, AT CCS O O ', «. 1 ^^ MEDINA COUNTY. 47 ^-0. o D OarmBaizan, H D ^C3) Fraucigk1R oo Mrs. M. Smith, do. LV •LV Co CO CO CO T. J. Johnson, 1 t- 1 6. S. Johnson, «— MEDINA COUNTY m 51 J. B« McLamere, jBa/1 e:o IVicholas Winkler 9 f\JU/ CO J* J. Simpson, do GottUeb Bi itscli, OB GB CO CO CO Adolph Nieteultfifer, 3Vl CO 0. N OltmauD, JV2 CO C3 A: N. OltmanD) Af\J Henry Brooks, Jxb CO William Redus, (^^^3 Wm. Helen. 86 CO .- ^^ f52 MEDINA COUNTY. ft G. W. RobbiDS, do. GR RP John H, Gerdes. .. —I SO M. M. Saathoff, do. .M8 cno CDO Fred. Muimink, ■^f ©300 Harm Bohmfalk^ ST CO John Saathoff, do* IS BF CO CO Frank Scholte^ H, Ht Balzen^ CO MEDINA COUNTY. 53 George Redus, GR ©3 Mrs. L« Smith, RST QCS do* SB ©O do. RS ecs €. Eckhardt, 11 ©3) M. it McCombs, 63 CEQ M. Davis, 3 SCD E, M. Downs, (SCD do* ^ eo) do. C. Wiemer, H ©3)' CO »_ . ^ 54 MEDINA COUNTY. Wnii Myrickj do* DHANIS P. 0. CD3 F. Mayer, [ZT J. W. Miller, f[]\j (£: 3) JM J« Siilliyan, do. do. George Williams, rS CDS « KARNES COUNTY. 61 A, 0.& J. Strickland, ©COCQ Mrs» A« Pollian, XP OCS-OS J, F. Rhymes, ^ CDS J. M. Little, do. XL IX v«^ClD Joseph A. McCrahhy J A 03 Isham DaFis, ID W> J. Rhymes^ do. do* Mrs. Nancy Parker, KX .IX kJu (DO CD3 s;3) Daniel Hodges, DH CD3 » » 52 KAiiyES COUNTY. Gordon Case^ L, Si LawhoD, John L» King, Hiram Silvers, dot H, J. Cla k, yPl Thos. CI mdler, \^ (J r I C3 "^2 CEO ^C CD3 ■J< Orin Drak., Q J^ O P3 J^nn M, Eeagin, A/H ^"^C^ > — KABNE8 COUNTY. ^ 6S James ¥• King, do« ^ V SS CCa) Tayldr Crain, J On Shoulder, G. W. Crain, Horses on thigh Mares on hip. ? ' Thos. H. Puckettt, do, ' 3 L B. Butter, 2B CDS) James B. Butter, B CD3 J. it. ioiie* IR s:3 J. H. BarHeld, ^ CE:3) Johu D. €rain, » _ — IF ^ KARNES COUNTY. ■ ■ — -m Geerge Cooper, s' CCB R. F. Raskins, ». iy e;c3) I KARNES COUNTt. A^i^ Mrs. Martha Ricks H, D. Ford, J^hn Snlnner, S6 Ht R« AmmonS) Lj r\ * W.O.MajfleW, [__ SS),©3 do. *]_/[ E. A. Mayflcld, RRA, ^ 3 C. J. Barefield, (G) CC CD J. D. Cooper, ,J_J ( v ■ ^»*J.' icks, f^ I X ©C3 H^ ce:o ^^6C KAEXE3 COUNTS' . J5 Mrs* m. E. Hatlifl; XD en: 3) Joseph Robertson, IS eo Mrs. L. Williams, • » S3 J, S. Carmichael, FC John Suiiivau, SC Wm. Mitchell, VE Mrs. Mary McCrabb, JV\ Vfi-^V4_L' J, M. JoHes, J2 W^vj;^ Mr§» Sarah Flippin, SMs:3).(]r:3 George W. Porter. d CCD To €* Tomliason, I 'r--i ^ • • ■ ' — — — ^ KARNES COUNTY. . 67 C. Mt Tomlinson, T§ Burnel Butter, JBH COC^ J, M. Elder, b aro John M. Teary, J y Horse Bracd, J. M, Reese, do» TO •J'O ©3 John S3, Wyche, d<^ 1 — 1 b., ^ ^ On thigh, Charles Liles, doi a CL CD® T. J. C, Reese, cf^ £:3 M * — 68 H.Hi AIcLaPA do* do* do. do. KARNES COUNTY. -a 1 JUJ UJ 6:;3 I \ / 1 Horse Brand, do. S, Perryman, J« A* lUeLane, On Cattle n A Un Uatue ^*— ^..^-p. W, J. McLanc, ] Ij L ''''^^' Cil^vJJ) •TX ©3 A n Horse Brand, 5^ ST KARNE8 COUNTY. Puckett & McLane, ^ 69"^ Lt Df Cook; Y d^*.^ Cook & Wright, ^ (I^s,
' do. M CCS) J. A- Tky, :k CO) do* J. Li Calvert, \L s:3 do. OL S:3 doi (CCD Frank Kroll, 1 3< (^3 Joseph Szie^ol, CCD John Rosser, ^ Triiudad Coy, ^ «— ' KARNE8 CODNTY. 77 Stephan Dietzman, TX cs Frank ticy, O^G G:3) Jose SancheS' -J A (SS 6. F. Kosser, I -i I -1 Mrs. T. Coy, r— — I SO CO Jakob Opiila, w Nikolans Opiela, John Opiela, D do CG: Jakob Dworatzek, Q ©o Joseph Caspick. ^0 Frank IHinka, m ■ -~ NA D KARNES COUNTY. ■^ John S(ii tz, CO Thos. Morzygemba, ^-O ceo John Klorzjgcmba) A CCD Filip Zeincr, OO) Albert Kniesky, do, Jl^ C3 Domiuik Kolenda, E Joseph Morzygemba, /\ Frank Biirda, Lorenz Wiatrik, ^ or Mrs. Marie Oljnik, 4- Q s::o CO CO 0.— KARNES COUNTY 79 -^ Gervas Gabrisch, SE 3 Mrs, Mary Morzygi 3jnba, ^\^ CO) Joseph KirisS) KY (SSi Anton Eonk, K r^^A-.Ai7 Albert Kaspzik, H< GO Lorenz Pawelick, p 9XP G3 Jolin Gawlick, Ql CDS John Kowoliek, ^K (S3) Michael Toskula, J U L> v> ecD Wm.F.Shott, James Boone, K,-,— — r CD (D3 CE3 ^ w 80 KARNES COUNTY. ' ■ ■■■■> -Ig Wm« Hutchiseu, ECLETO p. 0. (E3 54 R. !• Kelly, OS Harvy Stanard, dot do* do. \XH c WK CO CE:3 Mrs, T, Dromgoole^ do. © WD (E:3 (E:3 W«H. Coehrao) ^ W. CU Belding, f (S3 : « KARNE? COUNTY. 81 B.Ford, I ^^ C Colin Campbell, do* do. \ Lockwood Birdsall, do* AP 6G WILSON CO. Sutherland Springs P. 0. David T, WIseeier, QA/ Wm, E. €oode, \j{ ^^C3) Je E, Wheeler, -^ ^y (2 ^^3 1 Jaso S, Morris, / W I 55 84 WILSON COUNTY. G* F, Hamper, Q C^CD*Ci-^C^ J.C.Butler, Louis Vollreath, V Wr C:Q Melcor Trabiaso, $ S3 Mamsel Trabiaso, ^ cx^^^ Miguel Tores* S €:3 Jose Marea Peres, D C3) Ysidro Orosco, l^rancisco Jin^ines, K S3 Euseris del Yalle, K) (D3 Mrs. T. F. Seguin, JS ,.. (S:3 J3 WILSON COUNTY 85 T. J. Peacock, T P (SO) W, K, Baylor, KB es) E. Polls, EP €. M Barclay^ do. U2 \X^ s*o^ E. S. Harper, CH C3 Jose Autoiiio Peres, JA C3 fi. II . McDaiiiel, ue (CO ^ R, B. Gilbert, 86 WILSON COUNTY. € \ Eiiike ic J, Ji Mgorc, JK E. A. Gmiger, FS Charles Harper, WLen on horses in- variably upon thigb, NIcoks de los Santos €:3 BerRardisio Hwiz, A S^C3 Veciiite €anlu, V: 3 Jiiaa Canto, CAT C. Marlines, IF Ramon de la Zarda, [-^ ^^ (^ C3) — i» WILSON COUNTY. Nemecio de la Zerda, N 87 T. Castanedd, ^(\ ecs Bartolo Ortiz ' ' OS T r^ Mss. Librado Flores, h ImmJ (23 Frailan de la Garza^ (^ C:3 G, Arciaega, -/ A G^3} Jesus Peres, , D s;q Josefa Valdez, 1 \/ e3 do* B. Goodwin, lj\P BEN e: m — . 88 AVILSON COUNT! do* o Pilar Trivino, t I * — • _ ^ G. W. Hitchings, / / (JZ C3 1__J- vi-^v^ ) Kepumnseuo Aguilar jO v^:>^ Mrs, G.F.Seguin, VJTV (KC^) Cesarlo Carmona, ■J ^ (E:3 L« Trhiiio, J SO) Ma. de Jesus T. de Fa Zerda,- yS^ (^^^.^ I Jose M, Yvaiieo, Jisan F. Florcs, W, D, Scull, do* G* J. iloustos!, Russel Hoiisloii. 'Irs. E. Wayman, WILSON COUNTY. cu c ^ nn .o ♦ G. J. & H. Ifoiigtoir, z O Co Rrctor, L £ V iX g J 89 ^ (CO ^o..^' L> Jn CL^o^- . > 3 CD3 -Si 90 WILSON COUNTY. James Barnes, J, McDaniel, Meklior Jimenes, S^O IV. Florcs, w lYl. 31 V (CO Mrs. M. L. §. de Fiores, C 4. G.PickU, P3 CD 3 AAP CD3 Agapcto €aii(8!, J-^A C:::>^C^ .s? WILSON COUNTY. 9l S. W, Barker, Jose M. Eoxo, L^rr^s^^^J . €• F. de Zaragoza, np do. ^ CD GRAYTOWN P. 0. M. C, Herrera, h-H do. ' p^ do« iZC -"^i Macedonia Mirando, ( ^^ ^[^ ^- 92 WILSON COUNTY. Yssidro Fiores, I2F cDcs) Mrs. Juasia Castillo, |/| (^ ^;C Francisco da la Garza, I Je§us Aldrete, Juan Talamantes5 93 -^ C 3 * (Z:S> Pedro Flores, aj s:3 CD ©■' ■■■ Esteven Pantoga, j^ ^ ^■ 94 Nicolas Craz, WILSON COUNTY. -^ £:Q Jose M, Avala, do« Jose Flores, AutoisI© Jiraeaes, [rs. T. Moutoya, do. Jose M. Meschaca, €lme k Ifoldjison, AA vf^ Simon Talamantes, IV Hesriques ^arsa, C3 ^ f98 BEE COUNTY. RANCHO P. 0. Cone, Walker & €o, C Af E S^CZD ««• n ^ Shoulder, BEE CO. BEEYILLE P. 0. Mlss.e. Sullivan, Ira Miillin or Agt., T \J\J (d ^3 Tlio§» J« Smith, Jo Ct-*^.^^ S.F. Wright, \PJ g:3 W,R.Haje., ^ e:S*£3 •Mo Hyue., J-j (J^Q) BEE COUNTY. 99 J. B. IVew, Mrs. M. Wiliiamsoia, f\f\ \J\J CD CS J. Turner or Agt,, r J ( ^ Mrs, f^Ieopalrla Eupe, f\ E. T, Fuller, Ed« Sedgwick. s Mrs. J. Miiliia or igt. J. P. Wilson, Joiin i. ^uii, FS U c c - — i CES ^3) ^\ 100 BEE COUNTY. D.C.Grover, (^ Q G3)*CCD 3 03 L L Bignar, P, W. SttUivaB, Mrs. D. Robeson, -) do. -) doi >o John Fadden> ^n f) e::3 R. E. Nott, do. JV\J (EroD Mrs. J.E.Dodd, DOD e3 Thes Lynch, 1 1 Lj C3 (S:3 «? m — — — — BEE eOUN'^. 101 D. A, T. WalteH, do* do. T2 mou Of\JO W. B, Roberts, do. LR T CCS CDCS Jas. & J. E5 Wason, ^ On Side, C3 J. E. & J. P. WUson, ^ On Hip, 03 J. E. WilsoD, ^_ *•♦ K 03) ..., -_ — s ^ ^_ . : 102 BSE C0UNT1'. — . ^ B. 0. Williams or Agt., /\ ecs .AB C3 B. M. G. Allsupor Agt.. H s:o 1 1 do, H so Mrs. P. Whilby or Agt., ^^^ 1 CC:0 do. Q CO T. M, & R. A. Allsiip, ^ (E:3 do. 2 Mrs. N. C. Ans![p, (^ J, W Park or Agt, J ^ eo O Wm. Park or Agt, - (CO vi- Ephram H Spalding, O BEE COUNTY 103 Wii.lBller, RI^ CCS -.. TR e^ do* N. C. Webster, (Eli I^ do, (3 CCS David A. Webster, A T. B. Zumwalt or Agt., ^f Z (B 3 S? ^104 BEE COUNTY. ^ JjK Dayid R. May, do* J< €1:3 T. Fuller Estate of, (Fd J* P« Ryan, Hugh Parsons, do. J^R CO -IP 1 *J Vincent HoU, VH P. B. Irviu, IQ CCD Mrs. W. Fisher, in James Broivu^ B es J«B.Foi:9 * -, -- J CO « R BEE COUNTY. ' » 105 h S. Wright, 4o. SW A/V S3 S:3 HoweU, Flint & Tumlinson, - Eagene GroFcr, NG e3.&3 A. Fitzgerald or Agt do. ,F9 IS CCS) Wm. Hynes, do, * \H (03 CD3 J« AiPlielps, Miss, M. J. Bradley i J A P fe Sisters, ^ -^ CO) Silts Cartfr, 60 V4j^^ 's.4*^ K 106 BEE COUNTY. ~& 1 John Atkins^ 5 A 0B::3)*CD3 Mrs. P. Scott, do. MS en (£3 T, S. Tjson, do. do. do. *JCT CCCD F. J.MulUnor Agt*, FM CEO A. W, Tiiresher, LX CS) J. M, Foster, r-! C3 J. M, McCcllom, ^ — ^ J2 S3 BEE COUNTY. 107 i^Irs. Ellen €o dOt rrlga„, J Q GS^CES) dot * Michae Carroll, Wm. Carroll) FA "^ J, p. Dykes, [_^ jj GI^ CD Patrick Eurk, K [J^ C^Cb) do. <^ N3 es BIT C3 John Carroll, I K Wm. Jones, /\ ^T^ ^^ »- ■^ 108 W. A. Rennedj, BEE COUNTY. e:3 e. E. Winia Est. of, Mrs. M. Young, RW CE3 hK Mrs, D= D. Odom, A CE:3 (n:3 €i f • JoneS) do* do. 1J © M. Seligson, A ©3 J. H, Ailhouso, Mrs. E. L. Parker, '9^ C3 X ^3 *(i:3 M. e. Fellers^ 1 W ' r^ — ^ — ^ — ■ — # m BBB COUNTY. X 109 R« Ml Robeson, t GO Henderson Williams, - 1 do. LA >^^«^ J J" T) C. L. Loclihart, do. C w w ^- m 112 BEE COUNTY. i G. W. McCIanahan^ jirc CBO do. 1 fK^ J U w (BO J. N. Lee, 8i CO do. 4-, H. R. May, j^ eca) f . C. Jones or Agt., J V^;^ vX^ Mn. M. P. Thresher . 4i <^a) F. P. RawlingSj do. O CDS Miss. M, L. Rawlings Miss« E, 6, Rawling ings, \yy Q^^ZD »- BRR COUNTY 113 Miss. S. V. Rawlings , Q? (CS Mrs. S« J. Robertson , ^ (C:3 Jas. B. Rawlings C^ (C3) H. 1. Rawlings, V^ H. C, Ryan, do. do. J£ e dOi w JS ©3 IHrs. L. Ryan or Agt., W r' J«hB Weed, JJJ (^ 3) SL SA COUNTY. 121 Tt At Long, da. do. ID C3 ID ^^ Joel M. Walker, J J S^ Hrsi Emily Walker, 12 eo Jacob RymaOj CD (I;3(e:3) F. Ball & Bro«> do* HO (J^^ "• . RH CD0.03 do. Q On Side, CD3) J. W. BtU, m. ^- m. ^122 ATASCOSA COUiiTY. M. ». Be!l, J. ActomoNavar.o, ^rs, A. Notgrass, Simoa Rodriguez, Cil (S3 \0j^^ sjy S, S. Eoblnsonor Agt,, j Cl^^Jy F. M. Mansfield, -j- (^ ^^ I do, ^ L do* do. 3i (c;o H-D s;3 Wm. Ilo^^^ers or Agt., VV? ^> ^3) es rR scg '^ ^ — ia w — ■ ■ ^ ATASCOSA COUNTY. 123 Jesse L» Long, I — I Andrew !^c5Iains, I ! iJMaa M, Taris, Y^acio Sotelo jr^ J. D. Nea!. MaiiucI Esiiai^sa, fi ^ i Senon Rodriguez, \jT1 ^^ JL Vguacio Sotelo sen , | q 3 ys c3 C3) J, p. Neal, |-P Refugio Areola, /7A ^i^CD C^ S^J) « •l24 ATASCOSA COUNTY. \ Ufannel Rodrigaez^ fU)D CDS) Mrst Guadeloupe Areola,^ A. CDO Jttan PalasiO) r C3 Isaac €ar¥cr, cJ 1 e:cD Janario Palasio^ GP C3 Wesley Toilctt, do* .6 ^3 Simon Rieder, SK ^. -^ Miss. Caroline Aikmaun, '. M Miss. Hosiua Fest, J^ T. R. Foster, V-J~ (J^ C^ }£■ — ATASCOSA COUNTY. 125 Jobn Oenshawy s:3 Antonio Saucero, 1 1 1— 1— ( G:3 N. P. Barksdale, 5^ a3 L, F. Barksdale, FR ^ZD James C. Harrison, J H CO Andrew J. Ble? ins^ CR C3 Win. IV. Nichols. 7\ John Camp, 4«, CA/P *- J' ■» «126 ATASCOSA t'OUNTY. vt Jacob Wthi, r' H — I- — 1 s:c3 xMrs. Jane West, 5 e3) James West, Wm, Kclij, JA C:3 (DCD CD3 inin Jcbcs, IJ 11. nilburn, MarceUus French, dot RH .RH — 1 — H vJ i — 1 vJ . Bennet Mus^rave, "Q" (K3 Calvia AlpsgravCj if os>.e;3 ■ _^ )^ ATASCOSA COUNTY. 127 m Wicglendoz, i^ do* WM do. • AW CO 03 C, Terry, / i-\ C3 Nathaniel Terry, , — , A C3 Juan Tarin, OT (S3 M. Ribas, IT SO IntOBio Tarin, A/" ^3 S^ John Sherman, J v J I \l "■ XA ^3 1:1 128 ATASCOSA COUNTY. i W, N. Gates, oo (ErS) Thos. Brite Est of, do* cow d:^ L L. Oden, A ceo M, B. Oden, d 7 CCO'(D3 T* S. Oden, T M (DO Mrs. Caroline Od(n, (d::^ Q. D Gililian^, ? 6:3 doi ^ JanjesWest. T A CT^C^'CE^^^) ^' •^ ^ ATASCOSA COUKTY. 131 • do J« M« Harrison^ do. C. S» Tamer do* ^ Rayborn Coin, vjTj ^^ "-^ do. *3 3 CO) sirs. M, J. SteFens, , I , ^^ ..^j;£j H3 ^*^ o *3 On hip. 01:3 Carr & JohHson, i Q D C_^ ^D do. *V-W (CCD ^ 132 ATASCOSA COUNTY. Th03. E.DickeDS, k (J^ I^ L.B.Harris, |— | /_ L. H« Toumati do. T. H. Props, (-] ^- ^ ATASCOSA COUNTY. 133 I. T. Ward, CO A. Allen, A6 John E. Eyans, d^ tZ. (2:3 G. W. West, LU2 CECD J. West, 3£ C3 David West, D6 (E:3 Bud West, B3 eCD W, & Martin Parefemai] do, '. WP 03 Lemuel Parehman, ,AP (S:3 John Eill, ^IL ^ ^ 134 i^TASCOSA COUNTY ■ — ,.< ( h R. Smith, n2 €;cDe3 d). '12€::^€:CD Mrs. S. A. Cavender, IC 03 do* j — 1 -1 1 vA^^*.A-P do. L> vl '>*,aJx J. F. Cavcader, J^C VD-^^^-'^Ly Eol)t. E. Ndll, OjO s:;a)C3) doo •AT ci:o Joseph Willi ims, 2 CDS) dd. ^ CDS) i Miss F. E. Cavender, ^ i 1 J« N. Eennard, ATASCOSA COUNSY. Jl/1 135 N, G, Rennard, ATS e:cD Mrs. Eliza Odcn. W CDS H. J« Props, P CS) Mrs. M, Frame or Agt. ■MF CCD Wm.Frame Est# of WF Vl^^^v^J-/ JolinBdie, J^ 0:3 James T* Peacock, PP C3 1 M. €• ¥ales. firy \2^^-^ Yat€s & !l!aasli€ld, J on flip Wm» Morris sr, W M i-J CD3 -» j:i ^ 186 Wm, Morris jra ATASCOSA COUNTT. CCO) R, A, Curry, 2 D CCS'CDO John Dossey, 'D' vi^^o^J!^ n^ Rodriguez, HI a::3 Spencer Morris, Louisa Martin, >s- CD3 4^ J 03 James A» Crawford, ^ £3 Nathanid Ray, jr SS) Mrs. S. Skwortz, do« do. ff © •0 CE:3) (E3) CBS) -f W. Marshall, ATASCOSA COUNTY. H 1 •' ^ 137 do* A/n ^«<.^ S( Mr^. C. Eidegway ^ ! O £^S) SAN ANTONIO P. 0. G, W, SI. Diick,, ox do* r 1 Whii Carutfiers, q ( Qj^ <4^ j» ^ — ^ . ^ » ATASCOSA COUNTY. « 139 1 Mrsi A.KIempka, \f{ ci::C)*C3 J, W. & I. N. Cooper, L M. Cowan, do. C OS) OB side (^ ^^ S. H. Vihite, es Jiiaa Jose de la Cruz sr. J e:§ Jiian de la Craz, A^C es t'aspcr de !a Cruz, w ^ Sc c;3 140 ATASCOSA COUNTY. ^ Fred Opperman, CCS Rafaela de la Cmz, RC e::3 Laiiro de la Cruz, g:CD Levi hem^^ I 1 (ES Mrs. Mary Williams, KY CDS Joseph IfoMiian, 1 M (DO Aaron Hanbie, VI VJ3-^^»>J3^ W. McD. Stephens, di« *® CC3 CD CD ^91 ■ . f ip ^ I,-—— — — — — - — -V — , .— -, ■ „— .- . . 1 .- . - — - — <- •• ■ - ■ >^* a FRIO QOUNTY 141 FRIO CO. CASTRmLLEP. 0. J« G. Woodward, euF CD3 do. •96 0:3 M. Woodward^ 3UF CE::3 do. * r On cattle. CE3 €. Woodward, CAV do. •2UF (DO) do. •2V (c:3 do. "(H) C:3(r:o do. (1:3 do. I ^ On horses. -..^ IF ^ 0— 142 FRIO COUNTY. 1 PLEASANTON P. 0. e^cD II, Beiiiutt, CO Ai €. Bemiett, IB (C^vj3 Mrs. M. BenEiettj 1 Q^-Ujj CidlBeimitt, 2, ^.r^ Dapiel BenneU do. 101 * J 1 (BCD CE3 Mrs, M. En^^IlsIr 1 "^ 1 i i U^ vt^ JonathinFnjii^h, ^!!^4;;!»— — — «. .iC (D3 R r^ COMAE t«>tJNTY. 147 -^ COMAL CO. New Braunpels P. O. J. J. Groos, Glo Walther B. Preston, Theo. Koestcr, TK Jacob Brecher, Friedrich Forster, fl n Daniel Stahl, RS Jiiiius Stahl, A-2 F, W. Reinarz, m so "SS) fe-^s,^ 6:3 S:3 (DCD jn m. ■ • 148 COMAL COUNTY. H John F. T«rrcy, --T 1 -i q) 1 Samuel Mather, SM ©3 John Walzem, ^ CCD 1* J. Schneider^ 4 (D3 Jofaann Schneider, S^6 OCD Conrad Meyer, cto CO Carl Koch, QPC CD3 F* H. Fftiganx, a. i 63 CO CO : — n Herman Spiess, COMAL COUNTY. lAl 149 Andres Pape, AP CO F. J. Lindheimer, Felix Braeht, Q> Jaeol^ Schmitzy ad CO Conrad Pape, sr. OP (DO Frances Gro&s, do. FG 1 1 CO Cbarles F^bofi F6 e:o y ^ , ^^ ^ ^ _ Tl50 COMAL COUNTY. m Daniel Wiskeman, DW CO CO August WolMohl, do* John Trehes, £T CO Martin Engelmann, do* 3 6 .36 GO GO John Ratterle, A CO Mrs. Malikida R, Owen . mT (e:3 Mrs. Catharine Weng* V eroth, CVV CO Peter Trusch, PTCO.oo Jacob Herring, A CO ^i— ■ COMAL COUNTY. % 151 I otto Schmuek, OSK 6:3 John Wye!, W2 Co H* Rienniuger^ H\ (TO Geoi Riennsuger, CR eo F, Reiiihardt, do« ^R ^ Pbniip Schafer, 2 03 6eo. Sailzer, ES (Ba* Phiilip J. Wahl, 50 eQ Julius Qirshleber, -|x C3 Conrad Weniel, WL CCD SI 152 COMAL COUNTY. William Sahin, SD Edward Foerster^ dO) do« EP P2 1 ^3 Q3 Mrs. Martias Haag, H3 C3 Andres Pape, jr. P2 CO Leudwig Schutz^ I? (DO eo (DO J. Calbouv, €• Hefafflann, Sylvester Simon, Y eo Thomas Sehwab, a , — ■r; eo ft " COMAL COUNTY. ^^ ^ . 1^ 153 r 03 Hiss* Annie Bremer^ « Miss* E. & AtBremer, ^ ©o Geo, Appman, do* eo F. I. H, Coiring, ^ oo E« Ben« George, GH (DO Michael Haseldanz, J4^ CO George Ullrich^ vj- LL CD3 Wm. Ullriefa, CD CD Til. Diesselhorstj ' !i eo Carl Schaefer. tt -^ A CO - — , ft 154 COMAL COUNTY. » Jacob SchmMt, ^S CD3 Nichola Zurcher, K^ OO Christian Busch, n\iKr rnTTMTY. 155 COMAL COUNTY. HeuriechHeitkamp) Adam Schlader, dot Jacob Heidreeh, H( "SO 75 Christian loffler, ^-T Carl Schuchart, P C ChrihtianKneeiper, e. Twiefe!, |^ [^ C O Jacob Weilbacher, fj /^ Cl> ^--3 C.L. Hilgcr, Jf^ ©O Peter JKneetp€ r. j3F€:3.co 7156 Madiiag Ufu*, Conrad Papejr. COMAL COUNTT. ■0 oo CCO) Wmi Pape, ^ (H^G^ Hllhr, do * C3 CO Louis Yogle, \L eo L, WeitzfeMer, do« dOf * Jacob Katerlie, Carl Croorge, m VD ^b CG 03) 03) ■f » COMAL COUNTY m" Peter florhe, _-^ (Z;0.(2;o Valentine Fei, Y C3 G. Bnrckhardt, OB G:3 Martin Simon^ SN CO Phillip Jones^ ?'J eo Mrs. Jnna Syringe do* * CS (DO ceo lilies, inna Winkler, JT eo P« Markwardt, do. * on g:o GO L L« Bueifle« m — .— ■ ■ ■" ^ ao -^ 158 neinrich Barbe, J» J« Haas, COMAL COUNTY. h- CCD oo Aug6§t Maas Joseph Hirholzer, Cf< :yz CD3 CO Adam Wuesti Andres Gass^ Mrs, C. Biebden, CO o Co KZ PhiUip Wigcer, ' 'Y\/\ Benry firaft, ^ | Fredrick Tail, H^ ^ CDS) CO e: (ECD J5< K COMAL COUNTY. ■ -jg 159 H. Kublemacher^ K1 ^f««' «F — LIVE OAK COUNTY. TJVE Aiexaoder Coker, OAK CO. Oakville P. 0. (S3 AC W, T. €. Butler, do. c 55 J. R. WiUiams, © S^3 Wm« Mcintosh, doi do. /V\C JN 12 (DO (S2) (DO Mrs, Mclutosh, (DO Curtis Herring, QQ ( W- « 164 LIVE OAK <30UNTY. S( J. E. eildea or jgt., QA du^CD do. 'V W. Minter do. OJ Cb^--xiJ J. R. Bartlett, 80 CCS Sebastian Beil, do« SB GO C3 Mrst E« €. Goodwin, do* DO CO SO) W. WllUams, m a< CDS *- LIVE OAK COUNTY. _ « 165 John Wimams, CO Thos, Pngh, ""P ecD B, Pugh, BP ©o T, R, Harrison, SU ^:s John Healf ^ CH OO) B« 6. Johnson, •- T J o crro) P. F, Shipp, A« Bt Dodson, SD CO CO , _.. ,.^..^ E. Yotaw, do. V „ . . VO .V 165 LIVE OAK COUNTY. J. T. Herritage er Agt., j yy \^^ZD do. JO OCD do. X ^S) Michael Oheny, V S:S Albert Bnder, 2B CDS) Henderson Waller, J w (E:3 R. Tullous, R da^Cjo) M. r. Edes, vY (DCD Zn H. Osborn, es €:q Walter Meriman, "SO) *ca) Lonis €• Latham, -■ \ — I (EO) LIVE OAK COUNTY. 167 Wm. Pi^h, ^ C CD James Harrison, r--r CL^'^*^ P. CBrcnan, P^ ^^Ci) do. t"'^ ^^ "^-mJ Q. W. Frazier, | X L SCID (F .ZX do* do. M. M, Dodson, do* (\D SO Bymum & Ferrell, gr S:S) "168 LITE OAK COUNTY. ^ L. Smithy do, de. do« ■Sw .BY CD 3) Mrs. M, Ferrell, VA/P HeudersoB Williams, do* OH (]r:3 J. G. King, do* do. GK SO SO CDO S. S. MeWhorter, s C3 m LIVE OAK COUNTY. 169 Heury Taylor, do. doi do? HT (03 CDS Waller Slortcr, do* ws ce:3 Thos. Wilburn, TlAi John Ellis, 9 V_--' v^a*^ G, W. Wright, James Latham, 6 16 (DO) OZD Jas« R, Latham, t6 ©3 «- 170 LIVE OAK COUNTY. John Latham^ I I CL^ J^ Alfred Robinson, do. J» El Stephens, doi Maihew Kinlin, do. Janes Munay, IL F, ChambletK, JM (C3 hFC ^2 John Chambles, 4o. JL 6^3 iSk H« €• Cbambles^ LIVE OAK COUNTY. 17 1 FSP 03 J« H. Dalt«ii, Samuel Bell, do* do. dot 8am. MsL^9 J. WtDrinryor Agt Mrs. Aon J, Hinton, h j ) d^ ^.^^ o '21 1C 6:3 Edwin D. Crow, C R ^ "^ 172 LIVE OAK COUNTY. Win, Gambel. 0. B* lewbcrry, H\J (S:3 C. W. Newberry, LPiJ erCD J. €• Newberry, 20 John Marshall, ddt 2 01:3 Mathew GiFens, dOi A^ so Q3) Hunter & Cex^ 0:2) c. €• Cox, [oy IATG CO *- LITE OAK COUNTY. 173* Robert Daiiglierly, rSSETVILLE p. 0. RD e. J. O'Reily, HR ©3 Thost Shannon, TS es James Dolan TO eCD John R. Francis, r, 'Q ^ SI^CD St _— ^ ■■» LIVE OAK COONTY. 175 / Patrick Fox, do* 70X DY Thos. Gallagher, TA "^ ECHO P. 0. Jas* M. Grovers, IP Wm. Clark, ^ J.W.Rakey, J\^ (DO Mrs. Mary Sheerao, M N^ OS Patrick Sheeran, "RAT ^ '^ Mrs. Margret Evans. [\J ( 7 M- — « 176 LIVE OAK COUNTY. e. z. Wilson, do« 7AC Z €1:3 (DC3> Mrs« E. €. Wilson, X 03 E. S. Shipp, do. Oc3) S. G. Miller, do. 'fit W. W. Stephens ^1 J^ JR ® MC MULLEN COUNTY. 177"=^ Mcmullen oo. oakville p. 0. W.J. Kyle, ^ (C^CIl R. 1. Bronn, -< ~s (S3 €. W. Brown. (^ ^0' * C B Mrs. S. A, Brown, ^ j do. ^ (E:3 W.J. Brown, W 3 eo M.C. Brown, AA B (S3 I. D. Tarbrongh [j v^' 12 » — : m 1 ][78 MCMULLEN COUNTY. L A. Yarferoiighj do* Caroline Wimble, Mrs. L, J, Sparks. W, P. Crain, !• Franklin, c. D „„_^ O J. D. Walker, [J ^ ^^ CD ^'' J 3 G i **'• 3 S.W.Waiker, 36 CCC3 5" ^ <^ vi I MC MULLEN COUNT! . .. g| 179 James Lowe, u V..a^v^ do* r\ Va^^vaW do. AD (C^^^ do. CB CE:3) do« . AW (c:3 do« .6 R, A. Fouiitaiu, uF do. 3F V«.9^v.4ft< do* cF HJfc^*^^^ Wm, FrankSiii, ($) 0:3) 6. W. Kenuedf, 3K (i^<^ ^ _ , ^ 180 MC MULLEN COUNTY. _^J3 J. M. Franklin, 1C (E::3) L Lane, PLEASENTON P. i 0. CEO) LVI C A , W. C. Walker, r ■ » OS* S. Pearce, J'6 s::3 A. Walker^ do. 83 (DO) . ,., ,-, ,.- .... John Rabb, NUECES COUNTY. CORPUS CHRISTI P. 0. John Dix^ JD X 0.T.D1X, S X HELENA P. 0. u:? 181 SO 182 BEXAB COUNTY. BEXAR GO. San Antonio P. 0. Dairiel Devkie, ® C:2^^^^ J* Q. Adams, wA e3) do> A KI^ *dJ^ dOe eo do. j< (SCD do. .S0e3©3 doe 0Xf\JG^C:3 Mrs. Sarah Adams, ='/\G:3).'S3 do. j3Lfi. Diiiiii, Esl. of f$. • — I..- ... ■ .SP^ s:3 JD vZ^'^^fix' J3 184 « BEXAR COUNTY. 0. 1 i.hu JaiiieSy do. doi do. 01 TEN m C3 do. ! Theo, Heermann & Brc ••' 6 Edwardo Rives, r^ v;^>^v4-l' Jesus Heroandez sr. A es Jesas Hernandez^ A (t:^^^ Igaacio Penna, Xi — N^ RS BEXAR 'BOUNTY. s— at 185 CO John Bowen, fe Jf. Bf ze, s CO Wi B. Jaques^ do« F) (D3 Jacob Linu, ^l<; CD CD J. L, Trueliart, .^. 1 John Twoig, 3T .i=.*^ crcD CDO)^ -)a Hensoii & Bro.^ E. W. Stow, Abel Stow, '"192 BEXAR COUNTY. j A. D. Jones, h\ J J t-^^^-i^ • Oo. - St ^^ ^^ S. R. Taylor, ^ H^ do. * T Geoj McDona, f) e Albert Stow, S 1 STO STO CO 4. p. stow, STO (CO SJ « — ■ ^~~ « : iS BEXAR COUNTY. 193 ,, Levi Stow, STO c^ Emile Raux, (9 4 H. W. Stow, STO 7 CO Merritt Stow, STO 8 (CO Geo* H, Noel, PL CH c:o C. S, Harris, cn:S) Mrs. E. Dwyer, ;o (DO Jose Diouisio Martinez •OVl eo Manuel Gil, V CL^3) 13 m 194 BEXAR COUNTY. Margarita Diaz, '^ Fedro Tiegeda, K Juana M, d€ los Santos^ Autoolo Areola^ V 1 Guadalupe Diaz^ Romaua Merrera, dK Francisco Trevenio, \J R CO) (CCD S:3 cr^ Pedro Espiuosa^ ^ Si SJ BEXAR c'aujrrY. 195^ lose Maria Herreraj (T \\ C!^ v^^ Mafias Carillo, J-\y ^]^ ^^ [sabel Carillo* c C s:3) Casta ve Toiidoiize, XT]^ C*I^^3) Maria de Jessis Castillo, Leandro Garcia, ^P^ Dario Castillo, AC O U Albert Hubert, T-^. (XI^ I!^ Catarino Rodriguez, Vs CE^^^ JJJ__ _ 196 BEXAR COUNTY. Domingo losoyo, f\ CL^--U^ Agapo Bargas^ Jose Alameda, T Kl^ -^Z^ Manuel Herrera sr. c /\') C— ^ 0>) Casimiro Casillas, f ( Q^ ^_^ Mary A. White, J\ ^ David Reynolds, I) Marcelo Casillas, Juan M. Gallardo, (]z:3) Bruao Ortiz, BEXAR '^JOUNTY. 197 F, Ilerrera dc Valdez .2 Francisco Valdez. AG c:3 Romano Zaniga^ (CS Juana F, Diaz, (K e:3 Bibian Huron, Z)U CDS Con Mc^Iullegan, do* CM CDS CDS Peter IltrnaBdez %r. P P (^3- ^3) -a }Sk-^ ~ — ~ 198 «>— > • •..-- L-'— V ' r *.• Vii^r Uetmnieijfi PH CE:2D JlnlMacId Salines^ XL L P^ Simpson, ■— SP— C. W, Giilis, do. do* YO KlN Oil cattle only. m. GUlis, PN (E:3 Mrs. E. eiUis, :-c \ — ^^.^J^' T. L. OdoB, OD S^CD it !• Leslie^ jji- ^ —J ————————— — ^ «f. A^ L» Cashell, E, B &S. B. Pue, do. do- do. Fest, do« Adolph Schuiig, ^ BEXAR COUNTY 199 %c V) Jt~ u H\S 03 e3) Christian W^^riser, GW ^ J, S. Gillctt, do. TOP CE3i Joseph Beitle, do* JB CO F« J, Beitle^ do« IB *0 C3 €• F. Beltle, ^3 CCD e. Van Riper V e3 E. A. Neighbors Est. ^ — . •' "n m m~ BEXAR COUNTY. 205 Neighbors & Serna, m^ CS) J. F. Serna, 15 vi^v^ P, Sarran sp G:3 R. B. Campbell, RBC L« Campbell, LC James Huebner, uL QO C, Uopfelt, I P Barney Mitchell, do* BAA DR (DO (DO E* K. Rhodes^ do* R (C:3 > aKii > tm 1 ■ ■ ! ■•- J2 ti 206 T, A. Smith, D, JtL Tow F. P. Po(r, Mode?t ToiTes, do* do* do« BKXAR COUNTY. I D dP CT C:3 so doi ^ — ^ ce:3 I 4 . « BEXAR COUNTl. 207 Theo. Knight, S ^^ J, R, Cloud, J (^ H. 5. Langwell, ^ L.-^ Jose McGil de la ftarcea, A G. F. 5Iarnoch, 5xJ do. p\^ ii.n.Belvin, ''' 3 3 Jose Antonio de la Garcea, /\ (^ ^3 Z. Van Ward, £\PJ CE C3 J.McCann, C A 1/1 GCED «■ ._a »— 208 BEXAR COUNTY. — -. -j5 CO) C:3 Nat. Lewis, do. f\JO Of\J So!. C. Childress, do. ^ ^ CO) Polk & Sam Childress ■ PS T, F. Corry, do* V- . V Asa Mitchell, CQ J. J. Durler, Srs T. G. Gardner I'GG s:3 Charles Lege. m- ' ?. & J^ __ , _ BEXAR COUNTY. 209 Jose Maria Rodrignez, \ / Francisco MeiyareS) r 1 1 Salome Valdes, i T« Grayson, Sis (E:3) do. JVIC (DQ do. JaaC CDQ dOt MC e;^ do 1R (TO Albert (Jrbahn, Alejandro M* Roiz^ m ' m.. u^ AU 'R -1 ,n,.-yi.».,, g «_, 210 BieXAB COUNTY. Antonio Lombrana . JsTL lewis W. Nucliolls, (\jy James M. Bright, jV^ (E^CD James JH, Smith '"•'J" 7 ^3 W. ft. Park, 7T (j::^^^ D. €• Ogden, DO Jlrs. J. C. Wood, I ^X^s.^^ Jesse Applewhite^ S^3 A* J. Lackey, J *■ * m -^— - — - BEXAR COUNTY 211 B. B, Cay le. -e CEO w, e. ircwton, sa James HI. Fisk, i> arro) do. JF (n;3 do. k Seaman Fields .«j do. SF E. D. Lane, EDL cs do. EI 1^ — 1 I .1 CS) do. • OK e — 212 BEXAR COUNTY. ., . 9! S. C. Thompson^ DN (D3 Anton Schreier, ^S CO) Wimam Vance, ® Christian ScUeycr, CO G, H« Buechsenschuetz • % CO G. Schleicher, do. GUS C CCS MfoertHoye, m V SK 6::o so [so John Kenny, do. ^. BEXAR COUNTY. 213 Thos. Kenny, Peter fiallagher. "K CDS 'Jl CO Peter & Ed. GaDagher, (G) (ES) Jesse Jones, ^^ dot Ob left T) hip. J^ P On right ^>s^^ hip. ^i--^*-<::^ F* BrJggs, do, ID V) J. A, Forbes, do* J. C« Bacon, JW — = — ^ -i*. a-*— — \2H BEXAR COCTNTY. « SkfitBacffii^ e^ (re^^e B^mer, Th J. & eeiser. 2^1 C3 W, e. KiBf^mTj, '? CCD Christian Gembler, 9G C3 6. Jaggc, V 03 Wm. Ueker, FU vS-^^^iu/ la€#b Goll GJ CE3 Wni. Fink, f" eo 1 ' Anton Lorens.« AT sr — BBXAH COUjKTrY. 21 £t Mrs. J. JeflHes, \j" CDQ) W Jfffffes, (w) 6. T. Howard, Aug. Bering, TH THD Bl Francis Moudragon, Benito Lopezj B^ S,€. Jones, JOJ CE3) E. Mondragon, RAA CD 3D Y CC::^D Mrs. Charlotte Jones> J^ r) (^ dji) J8 216 BEXAR COUNTY. Sf Josiah Cass, CA2 eo Plaeido OliFera, Po (03 S. It Barker, ^ eo G. A. Barker, TV ©3 At Jt Avent, \^ CD3 F. Hit Avent, A CDS) Et B, Pne, (C3 St B. Pue, (\J5 CCS) Patrick McClusky, do. » , . 00 .PY C3 M . ■ at BEXAR COUNTY. 217 Mrs. M. Lackey, jf^ CEl 3) Harfa Safifrosa Ruiz, /r e^ Attios Darrb, _i f\ C^CiJ*C^^^^ J. Pancoasti JP (S3 L« W« Johuson, -]X , m BEXAR BOUNTY. 219- Arthur DiUon, (^W\ Q, H. biddings, G H G do. ^ Adams & Ljtie, j Xl On horses only. Wm- Ijfle, 1 Cn^ John Epp, £ P 02 ^ do. J\] Mrs. E.i. Drown, [) fSj M. L« Mertcky John Haw, RiS Benjamin Varga, RV Ca--^Ca) "••"^-^W—W^-^ii"?!!-*? m- 220 BEXAR COUNTY. . : ^ John Doblin, JD Cf (r« KrempkaU) + GK G, B. Torrey, Emanuel Rzej pa, CBT ER Matilda Rzeppa, RE Arter Crowno?er, C2 J T« S. Jones, YJ es CAS' 1 Joseph Meyer, rROVILLE P. 0. C3 ^ Leonhart Hans, [Q CDO Edwin Trimble, ...-., ? A / • CDO Mrs. Mary S. Trimblej "9 es A. & E. Cagnion, ^ C:3 Fritz Zimili, «- ■ .. ruo : If m 222 BEXAB COUNTY. T Jacob iSmili^ do. f\JO CD3»CO Z 8 CD3«CO J.BtBurrell) do* MO CD3 CDS Jfoha L. Mann, uM. (SOCO Jaeolii Bnrrell, do« 65 X Vakntine Mann, ^ Vj[t>>N. William Gray, W3 (s::;) Mrja, Aemouia Gray, "Ui s:::;) Miss Mary Gray, ma SQ John S. Stiely, SH CCD iiitonio Moutez, ^ CBS Manuel Montez, rR CBS Alejos Montez, K X CB3 ^— ■ 228 BEXAR COUNTY. LEON SPRINGS P. 0. ! Max Aue, M (E:3 do. AUE CE:3) H. C. Ring, A C3 do. CO) H. Haberman, 1 ' 03 G. W, Clark, ^ ss do. M do. - intone By er, i JO vB G^3) "" ■ •i»^i'«'- ■ii HWM I , 11 n ll*a— MB— a— #11ii«» » « li . a. i . ii,l » i....i j ^» )^ j2 IS « • BEXAR COUNTY. 229 Geo. Fiehwe, do* Til (S3 Fredrick liraet. FK ©3 Anton Gugger, GK eo Henry M, Smltli, J j ^ Q^^ C!^ AS .1 Vogt, {^ P. S. Oafman, 1 5 cc^ G, W. MaUsburger^ ^ S^O « . ■ a 1 ti- 230 BEXAR COUNTY. ■ » SELMA P. 0. J, Bi BroHU, ^ Win* Davenport, WD WC CDS) WUliam Geier, CO Martin Schmed, AA S C:0 John G, Miller, do* do. do. KM t, Weir, RW ecD It. B, EvaiiSj e C5n) ^ VALLEY P. 0. do* j I!. W. Braliaii, ^B ^ S*C O I ; T. T. CimningSsam Est »f | ( ( ; de. ^ ^^ -SI m BEXAR COUNTi:. 233 John Miller, AfW "g:3 Edward Stapper, John S. McGee, do. J. B. Ewell, Ul J. Mt Trainer, 01:3 W, L. Bawlilns, J . — ' ■ S( 234 GUADALUPE COUNTY. GUADALUPE CO. New Beaunfls P. 0. M. Kcopselj i&~ M^ c:3 Wffl* Zuhl, wz CD3 Christopher Monk, R Fredrick Baker, ^B (E;3 Carl Schulz. SO CO Christian Grifflm, CD (DO) John Xagle, m GO Wm. Thiele, r& (DO F. Rudelf ff, pP John ZIpp, ^ '^ CD CD ' '■ J » GUADALUPE COUNTY. . m 235 Aug, PfannstieK CO Wm. Pfannstiel, T3 CO Aug, Weyel, f\\S\J C3) Henreeh Kurre, 9 C3 John Schaabel, do. '<0 Aug. Ebert, AC Cc3 Siichael Schulz, >\S C3 Aug. Bauer, ^ CO J. H. SehuUze, 2^ CDS L H. Hoffmau^ CQ ^ 236 GUADALUPE COUNTY. ~ ^ John Oi1h, :k) CO Fredrick FJ)criiiig*, K8 K^^^ — • Conrad Voges, do. W IV CO) Carl Krtiegcr, X (E:o Jacob Orili, 3 C3) Conrad Eiigilkc, KO CO) Chrfetoplier Koebler, liuslave Altwein, OA €:q Thomas Day, :e CDQ Jolm Ft HofmaD, Q '6' •3- GUADALUPE fiJOUNTY. 237 Peter Hoflman, P9 kL^*^*^ Henrich Hoflman, S® 03 ©3 Frank Reinbard, J2 T« A. Blumberg, Bb (1:3 Wm. Hnetsch^ Wmi Schiilz, W CDS ws e3 Valentine Klein, VK ©o Fredrick Ernst, C. Maurer, AM (Z:o CO) Wm. Bartels, B W GO W jg • , ; ■ ^ i 238 GUADALUPE COUNTY. George Hild, L\ GI^CS GH Fredrick Pfaansfiel H £X CO Mrs Margaret Molberg, Q fVl Ql!!l!CD Carl Hutmacher, 8H Jasper Gelven, J~] Q (^ 3) F. D. Pfannstiel, P O- CD 4.&^<^a^ —ft GUADALUPE COUNTY. 239 Henrj Scheler, j-\ n^ Mrs. Sophia Schraub, O vj <) ^-^ """^ A-FC e:3 -•■ ESC e:a) do* l\JiC e::cD Phillip Schraub^ psc e:3 Afrst Catharine Asher^ £K s:cB Fredrick Zuhl, (J'£ (DO) ^arnst Linae^ 31 John M, Taylor, J3 (TC) Justus Odom, 05 OQ Sirs. 91 rtha Odom, do Mrs. Caroline Bains, C^c M. Ilemmg, © €z:3 Miss m. Jt Fleming, dO) CO) M> L Raiper, do. MH E2 Q3 Mrs* liarift 4. For , F 252 DEWITT COUNTY. Walter AndersoD, OA CDS) Biehmond Anderson, OSO CCS David Murray, 8§ S:S) W. B. Praytor, do. ■|P .5'6 ^ ^^^ JJJ . — ^ — -^ DEWITT COUNTY. 253 Fredrick Riimmel, ^ C3) Louis Sasse, 2S CE:3) do* '« Joseph Tumlinson, J~S ^^ '^•^ii^ J. J. Tomliusott, JHJ ^S^d^) L,B. Wright, ^ ^:^ T.Eiigore. ( ) CCS do* Henry Mahust, ^ ^ C^^S) Vincent Zowada, -/ Freid, Pdtz, T^T «- ' — 264 DEWITT COUNTY. ■ -) Mrs. R. Peace, JP 01:3) Wni, Aaron, AG s:3 Louis Krosche!, dOfl (K •CL C3 Fred Goblke. do. do. Ludwig Klotz, E. M, Eilwards5 WIL f\J LK iS;3 !S CCD Frantz Hoppe, Andrew Strivb^r, (J — x Si vl ^^.^jj e:S m DEWITT COUNTY. I>5 — — — aj 255 ©3 Wm. Duerr, Charles Galle, Peter Eilbasa >C ^^-^^^^^XU' "H ©o Peter Gerhardt, Chas, Gerhardt, PCn KC Houston Pow^l, , Mrs. E« J.flaruif, H5 Mrs. PiKebe Wiliburn, \j\j Wm. E. RatiliS; J * 1 ' Geo. W. Jacobs, GJ (E3 M. Peace, jV\ Pcil;3*CC3 IK 1 "256 DEWITT COUNTY. M John Schneider, Aug, Westphal, do. ,5 ceo 33) CO i!frs. Ant Luudsciu, Daniel Schneider, 'DS^ CO VV.& S.B.Grafton, 1 1 CCS ce:3 A. J. Jacobs, 6j Csesar Eckhardt, /^ — ' Cattle on hip /^T^^^p^ \^ "* ^ Morses shoulder, v:i^ v^JP Peter Metz. do. do. 'i »*■ — "■'■ "^ ■ — CO CO MlssL^Mi»Cz, Miss imella Mef.s, Wma EdihMit^ DEWITT COUNTY. 257 IH ^ f ' CO) ^ , /^ r~* Cattle on rfj^lit Sofel, €. Eckliardt, H h side srcD 3 " G:3 r -jCatik Oil flip (^T"^-"''^ Liidwig EeMesel, W. lalisj L a ^^^aKpe* ^...X*'^ U^ Miss €. Schafe, IK i,y IT ?&' "is W' — ■• 268 DEWITT C0T7NTT. Jake Tociiffl^ | W^ ^^ ^^T) Fredrick Boldt, ,"R0 €::3 Adolph Strieber^ ^t ©OD David Stauchne^Q, y C— - -/ .f»^ f..-^ Sf J~G.C CS" u MA ij A Oi CO) £;3 (E:3 H^. a S:Q .^ — _ __ — m 262 DEWITT COUNTY. — ... ^ Wmhelm Zuan, M €ro Nicbolas Kaufiman^ N< (EO Mrs* €. Braunig, FB CJO John Treude, r— 1 1 ISO James W. Faris, ^ srcD 1 6, W. Humphrey®] dot CO T d». 0^ (EO John F. Gohike, FC es August GoehriBg, M _ GC I 1 (B3 i DEWITT COUNTY. 263 Johaoii Gohike, do. do. APG 10 2 7 (E:3) GottUebe Scholtz, dot HM .S"^ Mrs* Justine (rohmert, T T on right side rK 6a^^^ Henrech Menn^ T on bip, IK ©s Mrs. Louise Korth, " T on left side^ 1 K 6a^CB (DO ^... „ ^ J. ¥• Roeder^ o H. e. Woods, m r 1264 DEWITT COUNTY. J. M« Denson, cp CBC3) do. 6K Liidoiph Tampke, 7^ do. /^r CEO Joiiia Stclior, j^) CCOi) d<>« do« CO) i^o T T '"7 * i 1 ' 01:0 §ami!d Fowel, A ^^^ J'^^j FzEgmt Carri, 1 ^ e3 ss •?s DEWITT C0UNT7. Mrs. S, F, Fleming, ^ T9 J. Bade?, l¥m, Scbky, Joki Eauge, F« Lempke J. D» Braiitk^ Isit^nfo Mei2» Fredricla Mens, K 2U \^ { ■* J: 165 ^!-^^ - 1/ •IF] J^- ii3 »r- 266 DEWITT COONTY. C, F. W. Bcrnii?, G. LmlsciDi Geo. Volkel, Ilenrj Pest, John T. Porter, do. €. H. Hei^ig. i^ n CDS 12) c® * (SSi Mrs. Aon Prjtz, (TP PL CDS) Anastasio Reyes, OCD €has» Wagensehein, e^co DEWITT COUNTY. 267 Mrs* Jo. Riedel, fXj]^ [? (^ Mrs* Jir. C, McFarland Chas-Riedel, 1/ P CC^ Henry Sasse. (^ ^ (f^ CD I 1 do. .:(L>- 03 CO Joseph Escalaro, SO C3 J. M. BorcherS) ct\ S^3i D. Na Hardy, ^7 Q3 J. IV, Frazier, o^ 6:3) 0. H. Bennett, QB m 268 PEWITT COUNTY. Joscfli KMdk^ IvN * if^ 1 KuMfh Gohmert, John UfiiTf ,07 VJ Irs. L. Odoii!, K, ¥• F. Mm & Bro. t? % CLINTON P. Wm« E. Wlical Welib Woford, TO Joseph N» Heard, ^ g:® ^ — ^H ■^ DEWITT COUNTY. J. ?• 26$ JR C:C3 L. H, Ddony, John Mt Baj, BAY e M. Heard, George C.TeaslIIe, S.M, Fwcketta Jolin E.-Kdso, Jaisses M9 P0W5 Alfred IHee, Horses on sfeonlder,- AS 03 ja uv "---,^i^ ce: _^-— ^^ W. Ae BL^ckwell, flB js 270 DEWITT COUNTY « i J. M- Bell, JL CS) J. B. fox, Mrs. R. J, Taylor^ ^7 T ^^ ^^ ^0. * H-^ ^>. CD R. B. White^ KB s:s Mis^, M. Harrell, Mrs, Cyrena Caruthers, 3 @ ©3 CO) Fredrick Brown, yJ (DO T. J. Tuggl TJT « ^ "-J / © (E ■»— ■»— g^l Kl I ■ ! I »■■ I — ■ I DEWJTT COUNTY. 273* H. B. BostoD, O €DCZD Mrs. C. Webb, "'B (S::^) do. Jacob Lobela KM (C^3 VL (E:3 Mrs. Jiuia McMiilau, X'B 03! Hobt. BrowD, J^ do. 2IA vn^vii? do* .S \2^Z^ do* .'2tr OS Jnlius Schorre, ^ C3 «— — _ 18 ,^ .. rv *274 DEWITT COUNTY. « Wm« Schorlemmer, do. (5) 5 C3 Ed, Holzapfel, do. CO CO J, B. Richtcr. JJI €^0 Jacob Eeinhardt, m e:3 Louis Tewes, 1 — — 1 €ro Intone Hoffer, Wh ©3 Ferdinand Eochl, 4A CE® A, P. Wheat J8— — "- Op (CO ... , , m DEWITT COUNTY. F. B Webb, Mrs. A. J. Teniilllc, !!• Faber, do Mrs. S A.Wofford f m (F 276 CO vs^^-vZy J. R* HamiltoD, Robt e. Spiak§, Mrs. E. Warrea, Robt. Eoe'^L a^ iE Miss A. E. Murphrec, A (\j ^^ II I I f Si ss 276 DEWJTT COUNTY. jg ikx. HamiltoQ) A-6 CDC do» * kJ CD CD do. ♦ J _L^ CDO do. * J J-^ (DO Mrs. S, Tennillc^ Crr CD3 Louis Reiuhardt W e3 do. PG A« F. Newman. M. Blackwell, (\ O (SCD 0' _ JJJ_ DEWITT COUNTY. 277 MEYERSYILLE P. 0. Adolph Meyer, /-^ \^ -^JlD W. ¥• LijHEbcr, A, F, DiiekiBg-, Robt, Eiebcrg, I-Jh ^^ CD "■ A_ A. SeitsE. /^^^ G^ CB Ambrose Hans, rTTl ^*--vtS' vR ^^ » — Miss T. Wiisklf r, CT Q. I Mrs. Mary Brown, f^ J5 ^ CJ) s m 278 LEWITT COONTY. Miss D. E. Brown, G (SCD (lideon Drcier, E5 C:3 ms5 Ca(h. Goliy, CS vX^^-^ Fokke Jdens, 3D c:3 Mrs, II, Rabke, RE C^O) ^ntoDio OiU OT ec3 iVicfeolas Fuchs, F, J. Zengerle, W. C. & €. F, Brown Moses Ashwcrtli or Agt, fXj] FU e3) 3 Z 03) . t sa) •^ B, B. Peavy, Simoa Jdecs, Anton GoIIy< do, do* Nkolas Muoch, AdoSph Haun, DEWITT BOUNTY. 3P P CO Fl M(\J M 279 GCD (EO CCD I. Kaenig K^. J Joseph Grimenald, ( (DS Pautaleon Luder, Cliarles Gentke, LU ^ (E;3 280 DEWITT COUNTY. 1 Joseph Bitterly, ' ' T 3S s:3 Jacob SehiwetZj es Fredrick Schiwetz, FV ©3 Christopli Diebel, doi c .8 ©3 Christian Moalier« do. CM CE3) Peter ^ath. RAT (1:3 W, J. Porter, dot inton Hotz^ S7 SO )» ^ — — ■ ^ . DEWITT COUNTS. 281 H. Mumbrauer, E, N. Biirk, Antome Eohler, F. Duderstat, dOt Win. TrautwiR, do. Bo Adam Sager, (^ A Jacob Pnisky, CJo -n CC9 vl^^v,^ 3 t C John G. Jimkcr, U SCS*^ 3) -» 282 DEWITT COUNTY. » j Andres Biehrig, [/ys (J^ ^ MIcI ael Hiller, x^rs. C. Thieme, do« G, L, Tliiome, * Fredrieh fiiiler, Jp \ ^^ ^^ otto FucSig, [)>p (^ CID James RiF*s, h (^^ ^[[3) Bea. Eckhart, ^^<^ SC3 A. Scivers, _n_ Ci^'^-JL) I a—— — . _ dEwitt county. 283 I. F. Mack or sgt. ~-J^'\- ^ ;^ Mrs, E. e, Tajlor, T JoJahTaylor, Est. of 'j GI^3^ Chas. Schafer, C vS I (E^3) R_ C3 James F. Jones, MISSION VALLEY P. 0. Richard Power.

dZ^ ^ '-^^ : , ,3, 284 GOLIAD COUNTY. I GOLIAD CO. Goliad P. 0. do* G. W. Killcbrew, Green Bowen, QQ Mrs. M, H. Melleivs, MC (S3 W, B. Rillebrew, K (D3 J. H, Greeuly, CI CO Jesse fiord, 3G (^Ca) Mr > M. C. fell, \JJ j S^ O do. 3P CO 3 GK C3 James L. Stappe^ I \ ^_^ ^-^Jly u GOLIAD COUNTY. 285 F. E. fflmrj, \\J [\J\ GT 3 S. R. Linsey, s , vi.^*-' v,®^>»' J. M. Wright U (^^^<^ Diram Lunsford^ , s^ T. N. Ludeback, do* p ! Sc) Charley Middietou, 65 (ir:3 Robt. ChristiaD, 05 CE3 W. H. Williams, \J\j SO John Thlgpen '^'^ (C 3 *286 GOLIAD COUNTY. - w- W.B.Tor{an. LX C:3 do. .BT (DO) do. • X CO) do. .WBT CO) W, S. Torian, J 1 (E3 dc. .- S ^^^^^^"9^ do. •13 S3 Ma F. L. M. Sawyers nits. >Mlash, do. * PR PR j Miss. €• Reynolds, Q j-^ F2 gcs I Caspian Seay, ( ^ U-^ -ZD M » — 287 GOLIAD COUNTY. Peter Rash jr. [J S I ^Z-^^ do. fvp J. W. 5Icf ampbell, (x) I do. lUS ©S) Ms^ HI. A. Rush, cus ^<:^ B, F. Hiddleton, '/5 (S3 m - — ■ J GOLIAD COUNTY. 291 Q. W. Bramfield, do* 7C (^3 J, W. Rnykendall, J<^ CD C9 do. * 3 F ^ "^ Mrs. U. A. Jackson, IJ J. B. Kuykendall, J -f- Q CS)*CO do. do. 13 NUECES Catharine Duun, CO. Corpus ( TD Jhristi p. 0. ceo Gi F Evans, A OCD S. A* Biimim, s + s 03 W. S, K, Mussett, do. A e3 Maihew Cody, ^ ^ cs Johu Baskin, JB CO) Patrick Duiin, Georj^e Runnels, ^ GR C3 Peter Cnrshaw, "D — m Mathew Cody jr. j [^ ^I^C5 John Dix, John Rabbi JDIX I SUECE B COCNTT. 305 I ~ ~~ Mw. E. L. Kin, L I R (KC3) Mrs. E. S. Mau, M CL T7, S CD I Peter Carshaw, $ 33 J, E. Stephens, AA (CO) do. t 1 e:3) do« CDCD fl, D. & F. T. Allen, A eo) do« ^ Dennis MeCoy , QIC CEO) do, JK w — 20 —— » 306 NrECES COUNTY. A. McUigWiiii Q J*|J\ JoIbDiiiiii« JD StW.Fiiltertoii) STS *• ^ Lewis Preston. LP SANDIEGO P. 0. Ramon CniUar) Jeronimo CaOlar, Ramon Garcia] »^ IX NDECB3 COUNTY. 307 Fraocisee Garcia^ ^ CC2) Anahandro Garcia, A CCD Lueis Garcia^ 1 e3 Leonlsio Mindictaj t ea> Gens Baldes, :? s:3) John JocHfl) jj Q3 MK^ena Joeliu, DC J S3 U, Trlyenla, m — i^ DC 308 NUECES COUNTY. #» ' M. Fogg, BANQUETE P. 0. e^zD R, J. Miller, dOf cm 033 G. W. Cox, do» do. 1 1 "1 -4 cox CEO 6, Ai Bennett) R. €. MiUer, GO e:3 W.F.Atkinson, <) 6. A. & T. L. Rabb, m ^ ■ — - — — — -^ NUECKa COUNIT. 309° Puriiam & Richardson, -^ J. J* i!i8Up, (SS) Elizabeth MerrliHoo, F l\f\ James Perkins^ }i R. C. Ashwerth, Q ^ S^3 J. a. Ashworth, ^p (J^ CZ) J. Ji Ashuorth, v^ J. w. Fogg, FOG KUECE3 TOWN P. . Sena Wrijfct, )( ^ GI^ O £1 310 NUECES COUNTY. Joseph Wright jr, ^^^^ (l^'ZD G. F. Wright, Tl James Gibbs, Frank Byler, ^ S^CD James B, Gibbs^ | \2^ ^^ ClB C^ Rufns Byler, Q^ £^3) T. J. Noakes, T HJ C 3) Harriet Wright X V^ C CD T.T.Wright, 'y' ^O D. Mclntyre, O ^S-Z^ I Wr^ ' ■■■■' ' ■ 111, . . < . — ■■"■■"' •'■' -*^^ ■»->'»"-"» fylf NtJKCES COUNTY. 311 i>,?.Fm, ''^ d«. O Jame^ B«U8, [R CO Abraham Bjrler, OP CCS) Wm» Dobbfli b C:3 SAN PATRICIO P. 0. 7ranMsco Acosta, Y CDO H. C. Wright, C:3 R« JiDenny, F Samuel Cook, H ..... SC CE:3 tt 9 312 JTOEOES COUNTY. » James MciHurry, JAAC es J* W. Cook, C Elixa Daughcrty, ^ {) REFUGIO P. 0. W- p. Mcfircw, 315 CO James Power, COPANO P. 0. CDO) Felipe Power, rp CD CD Hfrs.J. E.PIummer, rp vji— r vji^ v,t>^ EZ"^ J.A.Ballard, |-j | ©CSSI^CS 0/V\ in. Whelan, do* 316 RKFUGIO COUNTY. ^. m. Swift, RS W. W, Ilolfereok, J^1 g3 W. W. Helbrook Agl. [) C S^^H^ L, M. Kogcrs, 1 (K3) oa left /^^GU left hip I T)oaleft fN Mrs, BI. Shelly, S:) CC^ CD CE^ CD REFUGIO COUNTT. 317 I J. N. & J. €. HowcH, Q /!/ do« H. B. Wiillanis, ^^ CD 3) C, J. Brwn. M ©C^S^ 3) do* Wm, Reeves. dOi do* Dankl Fox, ^"5 T ©3 318 REFUGIO cot; NTT. Alrst Snsaii Uiigaf, r y vl^v3^ 312 ^3) do. do* 2\ es) W. Bradj or Agt, do* :f do, ^ do* do* :{: 2{. S3 8 Mrs M. Hiridleston, 7p ^ i^ ^ h IlEFUGIO COUNTY. 319 do* 4«f (iarrett I'm, (j>^ i, J. Vest, A/ aR >E X + xc JX y . ■ I 1 323 BEPDGIO COUNTY. lb* d9« do. Miehaei West, do* JE w ■ » KEFCCIO COCNTT. 3^3 ST, MARYS P.O. c.E.DHgat, P^yCE^C303) do. f^ CE:3€:3) J. R. M«Car(y, P P T. WeWer, ^/X\ J. H. Wood, I/I SCD do. I/I Q CO » - - ■ " "g )S — 324 RKFDGIO COUNTY. '» Ri H. Bass, LAMAR P. 0. ([^>b C: CD )g, — .^^ 326 A. AP.HeCldiii, SAN PAJMICIO -^yNTY. c;[v es T. 1l€6«iHii« VI D, W. McWiiorter, 1 P ©3 S. C« SUdmore, V ©3) J. TimM, v^ QQ J. H* Toomf 9 h WaguoDi J. Whtthead^ C:3 CCS) J, M. WnUamson) lU Martines Lary » X (CO) Calf in Wright, 1 53 (C3 g — ■■ — — — * ^. — — — — » San PATRICIO COU NTY. 327 ALGUNA P. 0. I I J. Castillo, ■ (j CDS J, E. CarroU, R. J. Carroll. p ^ (DZD ¥• Coleman, \ C:3 J, PolaD, (DCD CORPUS CHRISTI P. 0. Mrs«C,l. Buirell, 2iW (DO Jt Er Coleman, ^C ©3 B. F. WMtf, \/ (j (C^3^ 9 . . . «.^ i 328 SAN PATRICIO COU NTY. I jG«o. Alien, GA^DS^CD VICTORIA CO. Anaqua P. 0. B. Gomes :p cs !• 0. Brien5 c>B HfiFadiu, hc Mrs. E* L« Denton, — 1 (D3 Joseph M. Denton, y) (D3 L. M. Sennett, ss CBCS Miss* €•!• Denton, Jc) (DO) Miss Ansanda Sennett j^ (DCD H. Ingeiiiiuett, V:' €::3 ¥. Dietert jr, E. Schwethelm, k Ji C3 «- — KERR COUNTY. — . — ^ y 343 G. Schellhase, 4 CCD F. Sefaolze. - 1 S^S Rudolph Voigt, RV CO Ht Ailerkamp, HA CO Robert Steves, RS C3) Wt C. Boerner, ^ e3 0» Roggenbicke, oa (1:3) 6. Stieler, St (!:;o €. Karger, lb QO Chas. Hemen^ n CEO -^« 344 KERR COUNTY. KERRVILLE P. 0. H, M# Buvney, H SCD W« A. Lovrrence, + cn3*c3 D« B. Louretiee, 1 ZANZENBURG P. O. M. M. CouMor, (_y S CID*CD CD M' : ' G0NZALB8 OOUNTY. 3457 1 GONZALES CO. Gonz i .iLES P. 0. dOt do. 10 •J-h CD3> (E:3 C. Lemond, SI, CO J. H. Wilson, yQ C3 W. Daren, Im S. N. Hall, SH J. W, J. Mldridge, A CE3) » — 3^6 GONZALES COUNTY. E. €. Frlsbie, F5 V^ft^'^v..©-/ Mrs» L, Arrington. L[\J S:3> J. T. Prlce^ vJ vift*-^,A-t' At J.NatioDS^ NO es W. M. Piersoii, n/iP Ui-^NJI? E» Womack, 1 1 1 GCD €• B, Child, COQ 6:;si m G0NZALE8 COUNTY. 347 J, S. Gipson, CJO ^^ Mrs. S. E. Davis, DA C:3 H. H. Mills, I 1 ©3 W, T. B. Weils, '1'6 (ES) B« E. luderson. T f^ s:3 John PiitGsao, 1 S3C3 S, V, Putman, A« C« Smitli, do* do* do* vp X * X .S9 CDQ »> " ■■ »w»m«i»m»» ii w<|i»^— ■*■ GONZALES COUNTY. 351^ G. W. Hcory, J- f <2 C3 K» S« Caraway, jr. | I Mm. €• Milier, M. Trafton, do* do* rT~3 nenry Carpenter, J f-j vIL^ -jl/ W, L. Caraway, Q P ^^ CD Kt S» Caraway, see, I Cfl/l CE3 Un s;3 UT SO) J. F, Beasley, | p ^^-^aW S( 5? -— 352 GONZALES COUNTY. J.F.Mariln, Q 9 " -c 2 ^^ Mrs. L, Carpenter, do. wc CE3 G. Billings, 'V' s:3 W. C. Billings, ^ ^ (S3) Wm» Putman, "W^ ©3 H.C.Wright, Ov^ SO A. Avant, ^0 CO Wm* Putman jr. o CE::3) _ Si GONZALES COUNTY. 353 ' /"P\ Mrs. Fannie Benham, T CJ . ^^^ F. M. Clary ^ Y Cd vV John Mil!, rv^ (H^ ^ do* do J. \\\ Davis, J. T. MatLiea -c L.C. Wright, DVA/ SS H1 c:s> (l) C:3 Mrs, E. Morrow, 0. T- es 1 354 N« J. Hoover, GONZALES COUNTY. JW CCS J. N, Rogers, V CQ G. D. Mitchell, CG CO J W. Lemmoud. do. r n r^ on T ^ hip J «•» ar3 jaw W. S. McAda, CDS G. P. Darden, ^ CCD Mrs* Nancy Baker, T.N. Math itlrs Nancy Burton, II (D3 R. n« Carson, CH CD3 James Nations, N ©3 MissM.F. Wilkinson Jas. & Robt. Nations \\\ M ^^ v.^^ J. T. Nations, "J^ f\J (C3> . AA^ -srs^ horse brand i StiS' ^^"^ on jaw J Clemens &Hajkorn, *'n ^- RANcno p. . J. 6t Morey & Brosi do. do. do. do* SI * * * vs V? V5. m ^ *358 GONZALES COUNTY. » do. ,yL do* 'VZ do* ,j\r do* *j\f do* •VL do* 'j\f do. .5 ♦COL do. .9 do* * y --j Old stock contr I / branded with a- p or D v c. do* Af do, I ^ — 5 . m ^ GONZALES COUNTY. ^ do* do* do. do* Wm« Bundick) do* N. H. Scott, do. I COL 010 ^^ *RAK ■JO 03 RA 2b ^3 \/3 c;3 Martin Bandiek^ y C - -^l^ Jonathan Scott, a Ct> .^^ 5 cBcr g CBO )^ 3G0 GONZALES rJOUNIY. -■ ■- fft Mrs. E. Gillespie, do. S3 S^3 lirs. M. Cillesp'e, do. J. (;. Gillespie, do. aa 1 r^' G^3 James M Murray, p (S^CS^ do. do. do. .^rs M E !f urray, k (^ .^ J?^ GONZALES COUNTY. 361 , J. R. i^lurraj, Mrs. M. CaUlsoB, Q Q S^3) J. r. Callisoii, IQ S^CS John MePeters, >C ^!!!id) Thomas UlcPeters, v/ Geo. MePeters, Q^ fUl (£^ Z^ W. K. Es(ill, /L d^ ^3) John Sikes, '^ \Xm,^0^**^^}y C. White, do* uG H. J. Weber, m _ e:3 « ^ 362 GONZALES COUNTY. F« HI, Marcum^ do. X or Rosweil Gillett, Chas. Forester, RG 2X C:3 Mrs R, Davis, Z3 s:;3 Mrs, E, Forester. 7^ Ua^kj;;7 W. Birtlett, J) es Mrs M. Sikes, K. T. Pierson, RM (DS rmv (C^C^ J, G Fanning, JQF g:3 ^ — . — _ CxONZALES COUNTY. 803 € J Hanson, " \v eo B B GilleU. dF J M Mangum, 12 ©3 miss E T Mangui^, im G3 L L Mangum, A C Reves, J 1 e3 H F Bali, H so J M SuUevant, uv (^3 S HNowiin, ^ cc:2> J W Dickey, -■ — I 1 (ccr Mrs P J Dickey, 11 DU 9 364 GONZALES COUNTY. ■ i« S. Waey, UP C3 W M Gay, SP BELMONT P. 0. Joseph McCoy, J CD3) Alfred Morris, 3M MissEWiUiams, EL 1' ars) N M Smiley, SN J T Tally, UT W H Burris, do. 2^ X (EO c:t « »- GONZALES COUNTY. Mrs, M. Burrows, do. W. 6. McGumii, a. W. LookisigbiO^ W.F. Barpcr, m. T. Lillle^ ZI fil GL 24 365 fit C. McCoy, n/ic (DCS Mrs. C. McCoy, 92 (D3 Mrs, S. Clark, C (DQ) B. O'lVeal, do* vs V2 ^3) 6i Collins, P,6,LUtleMd, A CCS p. C. McCoy, [V] OCD PL ^ ^ OONZALES COUNTY. I J.W«Biirris, N. W. Guinn. Afrs. S. H. Moore S i« Hubbard, J. A. Swan^ is 07 7 UQ fe ;367 J CS),^ c::^ (CO g::cd L, & McCoy, ^ CDS Texas M«€oy, jt^ (CS) Mrs. S.i)rcCoy. D.F, Webb, J 368 W, €• Barnes, GONZALES COUNTY. (CO James T. Foster, ■ 1 COD J. W. Foster, V ?. DUwortb, ^ r:3i i. M. Robbies, ® (LO) D. P. Briggs, (P5 C35 1. N. West, L(jU C3 R« H. Hester, I GONZALES COUNTY. 369 CONCRETE P. 0. /ames Monroe* doi mo 1 1 CDO) Mrs. Jane Harper, M. M. Elder, AS ME s:3 RH ©3 G.W.Davis, WD CCD K S. S. Pearson, jyj \__^ S^ 3D MP Andres Mdctstadt, D :s. AltRelt, Mrs. E. AJlerkanip, H. Alldridge, W. J. Arriiigtoi), Mrs. L Amlc'VH(_'ii, 1*. E. ]}a{e,s, E. A. Boow, J. L. ('. lirowii, (r. \V. JJowls, \V. ];. r»rowij, J. (":. Brown, VV. A. I3{)wl!?, Greeiivillo Dandy, J;-.nie.s J. Baudv, Thomas iJml,'l5. ¥, Bird, Mi.ss Arm.mijji Bird, L'harloR J^ensemai!, H. Becker, -T. Jiendolo, Joseph BurrcU, Jo.sepLj Becker, T. C. (!. Jiocker, Matliias jJoyls, y\Ys. ] .ydia P. Bader, Joseph Hon. Bader, Hebastian Boon, H, Bader,'jMary Bader, Joneph jr. Biilhavz, Josepli Bondele, AiuL-ch Bro^vn, Edward Brown, Mry. D. Beck, Benhard Beadele, Jacol) Barrel], John B. Biaclcallcr, Jame:* Bless, Adam BniTows, W. A. Burrows, John B. Buiuictt, Tally Bailey, Mrt^. fc. Balzan, Harm Barchers, Henry Bender, Mrs. Catcrina Boehlo, LoniH Bailey, ^Wilson Brooks, Henry BritSich, Gottlieb PAOKS 345 34fi ;;17 10 11 i-j i;i 20 20 2i 2i 2L 2> 2.i 2;) ■Ait 27 27 28 30 31 31 31 31 34 37 37 37 38 3S. 40 -41 42 43 43 44 47 47 47 48 4') 40 51 51 INDEX". s. NAMES. PAGES. Atkinson, Robt. A. 34i> Avant, A. 352 Anderson, James, 356 Asher, MinsTjoniya 371 A.- her, F. 372 1 ]3omfalk. Harm 52 1 Balzan, H. H. 52 1 1 Britz, Peter m i Bolt, -Martin 57 Binnion, John 57 i Bolt, Chas. 58 1 ! I'.utler, A. B. 63 BTitler, James B. (53 Barlield, J. H. (53 liorroum, J. B. (54 Baylor, J. W. 04 Bariield, C. J. 05 .Bntler, J>'arnell 07 BroAvn, G. \Y. (59 liartield, I. G. 7L Bowen, Neel 71 Biela, Frank 73 Brondar, 0:Tspar 73 Bishop it Johnson 73 Beverly, H. M. 73 Banduch, Paiil 74 Brysh, Michael 74 Brondor, Simon 75 Knrda, Frank 78 Bonk, Anton 79 Boon, James 79 Belding, W. G. 80 Brown, Solomon 82 Burt, Wm. 82 Birdsall, Lockwood 83 Butler, J. C. 84 Barclay, 0. M. 85 Baylor, W. K. 85 1 Barnes, James 00 1 Barker, S. W. H Bueno, Juan 93 1 Bala, Juan •J!) Bigner, J. A. 100 Ih'own, Jame.g 104 Bradiev, Miss M. J. & .iisters 105 Bnrk, Patrick 107 Barber, Benj. 115 Bradlev, Glias. 110 Barksdiale, J. 0. C. 117 ti ^ INDEX. 375 NAT\rES. PAGES. ' Barksdale, W. J. 117 i Jiarksdale, L., Est. of 118 Jiarksdale, Mrs. M. or ag't, 118 jiell, J. W. 121 ! liell, M. D. 122 ! '.levins, An(lvcv\- J. 123 Bavk^^aalf, W. 1'. 12:3 JJavksd.ilc, L. F . 12) JU^all, i\ (J. 12-5 Brita, TiioM. Est. of 12 S 1 'Bai-iK^s, Mrs. SI. J. in ' Uritt^ rJoiiTi H. VV) Honnett. H. 142 Hinuwli., ifrs. l\r. i i:2 lioniictt, A. vl. li:2 ' Heiiuelt. vJloid 142 ! H«-nneti, Dauiol J kJ ! l{arle.-!i)ii, Ed 142 iMi-ie'son, liemy 113 , Hmiosoii. JacT)b.v 11. 143 1 Mt^rry, yh'H. Carolina 144 Herry, Miss },l. 144 i l?erry, >[iss Ann E. 144 , Horry, John 145 : l?;irieL-!o;i, .fohn. 14t? IJeii, IjPonard ]j, 14!J Mrecher, ,j\col) 147 nracht, Felix 149 . IJremer, NJiss Anni'i 153 l>,remer. Miss E. ic A. 153 Hiisc'li, Christian 154 IJitter, Henry 154 Jjnechc, A. L. 157 Hnrckardt, U. 157 iJarbe, He in rich 15S Bielstien, >lr;<. (.'. InS linsch, Henry 15:) r.eirle, Sebastian If.L IJntler, W. T. C. 1()3 , r, n-ll'^tt, J. u. 164 ; IJell, Sebastinn 1«4 i',rc!uu.ii 1*. ('. 1()7 IJvinnm x Ferrell lti7 Uailer, Albevt, ii)-; n-4l, S'.inn<*i 171 i?r()wn, li. A, 177 : J5ro'>vn, C. \V. 177 : Brown, INfr-*. S. A. 17/ tiro\Yn, VV. r. J 77 Brov.n, M. C 177 i 1H5 1 lio?.-en. .To'"' 1 NAMES. Beeze, T. Bennett, D. W. Ba-'gas, Agapo Brandv, Francis Bucho'tti, E. Bfitle, Josejih Beitle, F. J. Beitio, C. F. Belvin, K. H. Bright, James ?»[. Br:ec!isf'nschnetz, O. II. B.-iggs, iL B.i.;-()n, J. C. Bacon, E. ]}. Bering, Aug. Birluir, S. .J. Barker, 295 29« 897 298 3«.i(.t :kil 308 303 307 308 310 310 12 NAMES. B>"ler, Abraham, Belden, F. & Co. Ballard, J. A. Brown, G. J. Brady, W., or agent Bass," H. H. Benson, W. E. Binrell, Mis. C. A. iJrien, J. O. Behrcns, Henry Brock man, C. Brown, R. E. Bunkmann, Otto Boernei, Henrv Boferner, W. C* Boggeubuke, O. Bnrney H. M. Biliings, Wm. Barnett, J. A. & W. L. Barnett, Khza Bundick, L. P. Bundick, M. P. Beasley, J. F. Billings, G. Billings, W. C. Benham, Mrs. Fannie Baker, Mrs. Nancy Billiiigs, Jasper Burton, Mrs. Nancy Brown, W. T. Bratton, John Bundick, Wm. Bundick, Martin Bartle*t, W. Burris, W. U. Burrows, Mrs. M.^ Burris, J. W. Barnes, W. C. Briggs, D. P. Bundick, S. P. Billings, John Crane, W. A. Cantwell. Sam'l. Chipman, Miss M. M. Clark Amasa ChipmaUf E. A. PAGES. 311 312 31;-) 317 318 324 324 327 328 380 331 337 338 339 243 343 344 348 348 3s8 348 348 3iSl 8.V2 352 3o4 3o-> 355 35U 357 359 859 862 864 365 867 368 368 370 S7(' 12 19 2o ■M K* - INDEX. 377 -*i NAMES. Oourad, Ji)3eph Coui-and. Jos. Cliristillis, Geora:e Cbristilis, Mrs. M. S. Christilis, Jos. Chassard, ]\»ter Connid Peter, Cosgrove, Juhu; Chambers, Mrs. M. (;hesner, Mrs. S&ncy, Caluwa.v, W. R. Case, Gordon Chaudler, Tboinas, Clark H. J. Crain, Tavlor Grain, (i.'W. Craia, John t). Cocke, J . K. Cocke V. F. Cooper, George (!oltruin, Morgan Cocke, F. B. 8., aeu. Cooper, J. i). Carmichael, J. S. Cook, L. J). Cook Sb Wright. Cocke, F. li, S., jiiu. Cannpbell, J. VV Czcrner, Albert ColUngsworih, G. M. Cov^ Trinidad Coy, Mrs. T. Caspzick, Joseph c'ocliran, W. M. Campbell Collin Cuntu, Vicente Cautu, Juan Castaneda, T . C^rmona, Cesario Can til. .\gapeto Castillo.^Mrs. Juana Cruz, Bonito Curvier, Matins Cruz, Nicholas Cline & Hclduson Curvier. Juan Cone, Walker &, Co. Carter, Giles VAttES. 30 35 3(i 30 36 3«» 40 57 •"•7 5i> «o 02 ii'4 02 oy oy 03 03 04 04 00 on oy oy 71 74 70 70 77 77 80 SI 86 SO 87 88 ttO y:i y'2 ya 94 y4 90 95 105 NAMES. PAGES. Corrigan, Mrs. Ellen 107 Carroll, Michael 107 Carroll, Wm. 107 Carroll, John 107 Clare, H. T. 111 Clare, John I. 111 Clare, J. F., Est. of 111 Campbell. Mrg. S. IIJ Carver, Isaac 124 Camp, John 125 Carr & Johnson 131 Caveuder, Mrs. S. A. 134 Caveuder, J. F. 134 Cavender, Miss P. E. 134 Curry, R. A. 13G Crawford, Jas. M. 136 Caruthers, Wm. . 138 Cooper, J. W. & I. N. 139 Cowan. I. M. 139 Cruz, Juau Jose de la 139 Cruz, Juan de la 139 Cruz, Gasper de la 139 Cruz, Kafola de la 140 Cruz, Lauro de la 140 Calhoun, J. 102 Conring, F. L. H. 153 Carson, John 160 Coker, Alex. 163 Chambles, H. F. 170 Chambles, John 170 Chambles, M. C. 171 Crow, Edwin D. 171 Cox, C. C. 172 Clark, Wm. 175 Crain, W. P, 178 Coker, J. H. 183 Cotton, W. D. 183 Casuova, Simon 189 Casnova, R, 1W9 Coker, Sampson i'JO Coopwood, Bethel 190 Capps,^ Ransom Coker, Joseph 190 191 Carillo, Martiaa 195 Carillo, Isabel 195 Castillo, Maria de Jesus 195 Castillo, Dario 195 Casillas, Casimero 196 Casillas, Maicelo 196 *?_ 'm &(- 378 INDEX. i& Cashell, A. L. 199 (Jhilders. M. M. 201 Campbell, R. It. 205 CampbeU, L. 205 Clouil, J. 11. 207 ChiklTf^s.s, Sol. C. 208 Childress, Polk & Sam. 20S Corry, T. F. 20S Cass, Josiah 216 Crownovcr, Arthur 220 Clark, Owen 220 Cagnion, A. A E. 221 Clark, G. W. 228 Cunningham, Est. of T. 232 Conrad, Carl 24 1 Campbell. Urn. Martha 247 Camdbell, .John 347 Couch, VVm, E. 250 Carni, August 264 Cox,.I. B. 270 Caruthcrti, Mrs. C%Tena 270 Calhoun, S. D. ' 270 Christian, IlobL 285 Cas.sols, E. N. 287 Coell, M. S. 288 Casseb, Mias M. M. 289 Cartwright, W. C. 290 (^amp, Mrs. N. E. 291 (lummings, Jaw. 29Jl Caspels, M. B. 295 Crogtson, G. W. 302 Codv, Mathew 303 CurHhaw, Petor 303 C(xly; John 304 Codiy, Mathew, jnn. 304 Curshaw, Peter 305 Cuillar, Kamon 306 Caiillar, Jeronimo 306 Davis, Dan 7 Dale, E. V. 8 Daugherty, J. .Q. 10 Davenport, Jonn 12 Davenport, Mrs. Mary 13 Davenport, L. C. 13 Davenport, A. J. 13 Dillatd, A. B. 13 Dillatd, Allen 13 Dillard, Joaeph 13 Davenport, J. D, 17 NAMES. PAOKS Cox, G. W. ^OH Cook, Sam'l 311 Cook, J. W. 312 Cantu, Enstancio 312 Corkill, Wm. :)25 Castillo, J. 327 Carroll, J. E. 327 Carroll, li. J. 327 Coleman, Y. 327 Coleman, J. E. 327 Conrad, Adam 334 Conner, M. M. 3-44 Conner, J. A. 344 ' Child, C. B. 346 Carawav, Heiirv, jnn. 349 Conly, S. B. 350 (.'araway, Henry, 8on. 350 Caraway, K. S., sen. 351 Cdraw;iy, J. J. 35J Caraway. K. S., jnn. 351 Carpenter, Henry 351 Caraway, W. L. 351 ' Carpenter, Mrs. L. 352 Clary. F. M. 353 Carson, K. H. 355 Chenault, F. r,55 Canterberry, J. M» (Coulter, M. G. S. 356 35(5 demons & Kayborn 357 Callison, Mrs. M. 361 Callison, J. C. ii61 (Jlark, Mrs. S. 366 Colhns, B. 366 Clements, Mrs, M. H. 370 Clements, C. 370 Christman, J. W. S. 371 Caflfal, Thomas 372 Deras, John [32 Deras, Mrs. Catherine 35 Dean, Mrs. E.L. 45 Decker, Joseph Denis, John H. 47 48 Davis, N. 53 Downs, E. M. 53 Dorn, Rob't 55 Davis, Miss Florence 58 Davis, Isham 61 Drake, Grin 62 INDEX. 37v) Danlen, J. E. 70 Dzink, John 75 Dugi, Albert 75 Dietzman, Stephen 77 Dworatzek, Jakob 77 Dromgoole, Mrs. T. 80 Deea, J. B. 82 Delgado. Jiian 92 Delgado, Refugio 92 Duian, Antonio 93 Delgado, Jose M. 95 Dodd, Mrs. J. E. 100 Dvkes, J. P. 107 Dosaev, Miss M. C. 120 Dossey, G. W. 120 Dossey, W. G. 120 Dickens, Thos. E. 132 Dial, Jamea jr. 137 Duck, G. W. M. 138 Daughertv, H. M. 143 Dickens, Wm. 146 Diesaelhorst,) Th. 153 Dietz, Miss \\. 161 Dodson, A. B. 165 Dodson, M. M. 167 Dalton, J. H. 171 Drury, J. W. or agt. 171 Dolan, James 173 Daughertv, Bobert 173 Dolan, M.' 174 Dolan, Mrs. E. 174 Dolan, Thos. 174 Dolan, John 174 Dix, O. T. 181 Devino, Daniel 182 Dunn, James Est. of 182 Dewey, E. C. 185 Dauchev, A. N-. 186 Desniuke, A. W. 188 Dwyer, Mrs. E. 193 Diaz, Margarita 194 Diaz, Guadaloupe 194 Diaz, Juana F. 197 Dashiel, T. P. 202 DeYUbiss, J. W. 204 Durler, J. J. 208 Dillon, Arthixr 219 Drown, Mrs. E. A. 219 Dobbin, John 220 Droitcciurt, Jacob 225 NAMES. FAQES* Davenport, Wm. 230 Day, Thos. 236 Dietz, Ferdinand 244 Dugger, H. A. 244 Duerr, Wm. 255 Dahlman, Chas. 260 Denson, J. M. 264 Delony, L. H. 269 Dow, Jas. M. 269 Drier, Gideon 278- Diebel, Christoph 280 Duderstadt, F. 281 Dickeraon, Mrs. Mary 295 Demos, Peter 29G Dobskv, Fredk 299 Davidson, W. H. 302 Dunn, Catharine 303 Dunn, Patrick 303 Dix, John 304 Dunn, John 306 Denny, R. J.. 311 Daugherty, Eliza 312 Dubffis, Lucas sr. 313 Duke, S. A. 313 Dubois, Lucas jr. 313 Duke, T. M. sr. 314 Duke, T. M.jr. 314 Duke, J. M. 314 Duboia, Justillian 314 Dubois, Felix 314 Dubois, Deimar 315 Dugat, Mrs. Susan 31S Doughtv, J. 31. 319 Dugat, C. E, 323 Doss, T. C. 331 Dickson, S. A. 331 Dobbler, Ferdinand 331 Dobbler, Ludwig 332 Doss, Miily 333 Deering, J. B. 334 Dressel, J. 341 Denton, Mia. E. S. 342 Denton, Joseph M. 342 Denton, Miss C. A. 342 Dietert, F. Jr. 342 Duren, W. ^45 Davis, Mrs. S- E. 347 Dulanv, J. N. 349 Dillard D. B. ^9 Davis, J. W. ^^ 380 INDEX. NAMES. PAGES. NAUIES. PAGES. Darden, G. P. 354 Dilworth, P. 368 Dikes, J. W. 354 Davis, G. W. 369 Dubose, W. L. 355 Duderstadt, Fred 371 Davis, Mra. R. 362 Duderstadt, Miss J. 371 Dickey, J. W. 363 Duderstadt, Andres 371 Dickey, Mrs. P. J. 363 Duderstadt, John 371 Evans, W. M. 10 Evans, R. B. 232 Kit, A. 47 Ewel, J.B. 233 Eckhart, Christian i>0 i Ebert, Aug. 235 Ehim, Jetf. rs ' Eberling, Fred. 236 Elain, John aO Engeike, Conrad 236 1 FJckford. N. W. 5y Ernst, Fred. 237 Elder, J. M. 67 Elly, C. R. 239 Evauis, N. B. t;9 Elanj, Wni. R. 242 i Kstriido, Francisco t»»; Eahl, Fred. 244 E.iparza, Auricas liJO Evans, h -lis 24fl Esparza, Manuel 123 Edwards, E. M i:04 Evans, John E. 130 Eckhardt, Caeser 2')6 ' Kniilish, Mrs. M. 142 ; Eckhardt, Kobt. C. 257 English Jonathan 142 Eckhardt, Wm. 2."»7 English, Mrs. Margaret, 142 Eckhardt,>Herman 257 fiastwood, Leonard 143 Engels, Bernard 250 Eastwood James 143 i Escalaro, Joseph 267 Englenian, Martin, irx) ; Epperson, Mrs, Sarah 271 Esser, Charles 162 ; Eckhardt, Ben 2S2 Edes, M. V. 1 <;») Evans, Wm. 293 Ellis, John 160 j i Elkius. W. 11. 296 Evans, Mrs. Margaret I7r> Evans. G. F. 3».»3 Ellerniann. Henrv 18iJ Eniison, Geo. 328 Edwards, C. G. * 187 i 1 Evans, J. Cummiugs 336 Espiuosa, Pedro iy4 1 , EsliU, VV. K. 361 Epp, John 2U> ' Elder, M. M. i 86y Fleming, 0. D. 14 i i Flores, N. 90 Fleming, L. 14 1 Flores, Mrs. M. L. S. de 90 Feuly, JoelD. 14 1 1 Flores, Yssidro 92 Fenlv, John M. 14 i 1 Flores, Pedro 93 Fenly Joel C. 14 1 Flores, Jose 94 Fenly, C. D. 14 Falcon, Beanino 95 Fenly, James M. 14 Fuller, £. T. 99 Flores, Andres 19 Fadden, John 100 Faseler, G. H. 49 Fuller, T. estate of 104 Ford, H. D. 65 Fisher, Mrs. W. 104 Flippin, Mr a Sarah Ford, B. 66 1 Fox, J. H. 104 81 Fitzgerald, A. or agt. 105 Flores, Miss Librado 87 Foster, J. M. 106 Flores, Juan F. 1 89 Fellers, M. G. 108 % ik INDEX. 381 NAMES. P^GES Fox, M., Est. of 110 Fuller, Mrs. C, or agent 114 Fauden, Patrick 115 Fox, Andrew 116 Fountain, H, C. 117 Fuller, B. F. 120 Fuller, James H. 120 Fest, Miss Rosina 124 Foster, T. R. 124 French, Marcellus 126 128 Fields, E. Fuller, John 8. 130 Frame, Wm., Est. of 135 Frame, Mi*^. M., or agent 135 Franks, B. F., Eest. of 144 Franks, J. B. 144 Forster, Friedrick 147 Faigaux, F. H. 148 Fischer, Charles 148 Forester, Edward 152 Fei, Valeniine 157 Fubrmann, Valentine 162 Frazer, G. W. 167 Ferrell, B. C. 167 Ferrell, Mrs. M. 168 Francis, John R. 173 Fox, Patrick 175 Franklin, A. 178 Franklin, Wm. 179 Fountain. R. A. 179 Franklin. J. M. 180 French, John C. 185 Flanakin, John 190 Fest, Henry 199 Eisk, James N. 211 Field, Seaman 211 Forbes, J. A. 213 Fink, AV. M. 214 Fonda, J. B. 231 Griner, H. W. 8 Griner, N. J. 8 Griner, A. J. 8 Griner, H. C. 8 Gibson, Mrs. S. 21 Goldberg, C. F. 25 Guly, Valentine 28 Gross, Roman 34 Guitzeit, Fr. 37 Grunnewald, Mrs. Teresa 38 NAMES. PAGES. Ferris, Morris 240 Faris, J. W. 250 Friar, Jack Hays 250 Fleming, M. 251 Flemingj^Miss M. J. 251 Fort, Mrs. Harriet A. 251 Faris, Dan'l 260 Faris, T. J. 260 Faris, Jas. W. 262 Fleming, Mrs. Si P. 265 Frazier, J. N. 267 Faber, H. 275 Fuchs, Nicholas 273 Fuchs, Otto 282 Fowler, Mrs. E. 294 Eurgeson, Mrs. Eliz. 295 Flowers, R. 290 Jl-omme, L. 299 \ ifer, Jacob 302 Fifer, N. H. 302 Fullerton, -S. W. 306 Fogg, M. 308 Fogg, J. W. 309 Flint, D. P. 311 FOX, Dan'l 317 Fox, Garrett 319 Feller,2Cha8. 331 Flack, C. 339 Falsin, Aug, 340 Floyd, R. H. 345 Frisbie,»E. C. 346 Forester, Chas. 362 Foiestit, Mrs. E. 362 Fanning, J. G. 362 Foster,* J. J. 365 Foster, J. W. 368 Foster, James T. 368 Freeman, Feanklin 372 Qerdis, Henry, 41 Grosenbachef, John 43 Gerdes, Gerd 46 Grell, T. Otto 48 Gerdes, John H. -52 Gohlson, A. H. 55 Gibbons, Emorv 56 Gibson, Mrs. S.' T. 67 Gabrisch, Gervas 79 Gawlick, John 79 9 ■» 1362 INDFy. NAMES. PAGES. Ooode, Wm. R. 83 (JUbert., R. B. 85 Gouger, H. A. 8G Garza, Frailan de la 87 Goodyrin, B. 87 Garza, Casamtro 93 Garza, Francisco de la 93 Garza, Henriquez 9i Gil, Miguil 95 Gil, Yffnacio 96 Gonzalez, Dimas 96 Gonzales, Antonio 96 Grover, D. 0. 100 Grover, Geo. W., or agent 101 Grover, Eugene 105 Gates, W. N. 128 Gillelaud, G. D. 130 Goin, Rayborn 131 Gardiier, Jos. 143 Gardner, A. F. 143 Gardner, J. E. 143 Gross, J. J. 147 GrobB, Francis 149 George, E. Ben. 153 George, Carl 156 Ga 88, -Andres 158 GoQdwin, Mrs. E. C."] 16^4 Gildea, J. E., or agent 164 Givens, Mathew 172 Gamble, Wm. 172 Gallagher, Patrick, 173 Gusaett, Miss Jo. 174 Gae»gher, B. 174 Gallagher, Thos. 17.5 Grover, Jas. M. 175 Gembdcr, Jacob 19Q Gil, Manuel 193 Gari^ia, Leandro 195 Galiardo, Juan M. 196 Gillis, G. W. 198 GilMs, M. 198 GilHs, Mrs. E. 198 Gembler, Christian 201 Gillett, J. 8. 204 Garcia, Jose Antonio de la 207 Garcia, Joee Mignel defla> 207 Gar^ier, T. G. ' 208 Gayle, B. B. 2li Galiagher, Peter 213 Gallagher, Peter & Edward 2^^a Geiser, J. G 214 NAMES. PAGES. Gembler, Christian 214 Goll, Jacob 214 Giddings, G. H. 219 Gray, Mrs. S. 226 Gray, Jas. 227 Gray, Wm. 227 Gray, Mrs. Acmonia 227 Gray, Miss Mary 227 Gugger, Anton 229 Geier, Wni. 230 Grimm, Christian 234 Gelven, Jasper 238 Grobo, Henry 238 Geske, Henrv 240 Goodloe, A. G. 242 Gillespie, Mrs. C. A, 244 Goodwin, Ben. 247 Gohmart, Julius, 252 Gohlke, Fred. 254 GaUe, Ciiarles 255 Gerhardt, Pe*;er 255 Gerliardt, Chariee 255 Grafton, W. A S. B. 256 Gohlke, John G. 258 Gaebler, Charles 258 Gentsche, Mrs. Julia 259 Gnm, Jacob 260 Grun, L. P. 261 Gohlke, Rinhold 261 Goehring, Mrs. H. Goliike, John F. 261 26i Goeluring, August 262 Gohlke, Johann 263 Gohmert, Mrs. Jiiptine 263 Gohraert, Rudolf 268 Grun, John 268 Golly, Miss C%tb, 278 Golly, Anton 279 Grunewald. Joseph 279 Gentke, Charles 279 Gr^enlv, J. H. 284 Gentrv, W. H. 294 Gill, Thos. 296 Gray, Mrs. Jane 297 Garcia, Ramon 30G Garcia, Francisco 307 Garcia, Allahandro 307 Gaircia, Luis 307 Gibbs, Ja&- B. 310 Gibb, Jas. 310 Givens, Mrs. A. 314 w a I INDEX. 383 NAMES. PAGES. NAMES. PAGES. Gaffney, Owon 325 Gillespie, Mrs. M. 36Q Gomes, B. 328 Gillespie, J. C. m Giles, T. A. GiU, B. J. 338 Gillett, Roswell M 346 Gillett, B. B. 3€3 Ginson, J. R. Gillespie, Mis. E. 347 Gay, W. M. 301 360 Guinn, N. W. m Hughs, James 8 Huschen, DiedrieU 42 Harrison, T. H. 8 Hartung, Julius 48 Hauuahan, Thos. 9 Harper, W. H. 44 Hannahan, Marv 11 Harper, John L. 44 Hill, John 11 Harper, G. W. 44 Hammers, Heirs 12 Harper, Mrs. Ann L. Hucninson, W. S. 44 Hiler, W. S. 14 45 Hay, George Hay, Mrs. J. 21 Heyen, John 46 21 Helen, Wm. 51 Haywood, L. 21 Hodges, Daniel 61 Hoffman, A. 22 Haskins, R. F. 64 Harrington, J. W. 22 Hutchison, Wm 80 Hayduk, Thos. 24 Hutchison, W. 0. 82 Haby, Andres 25 Harper, G. F. 84 Haby, Ambrose 26 Harper, E. S. 85 Haass, Valentine 26 Harper, Charlep Hitohings, G. W. 86 Heineman, Peter 26 8ft Hoffman, Nicholas 27 Houston, G. J. 89 Heuchhng, Julius 27 Houston, Ruei^eill 89 Haby, Jacob Halay, Miss Mary 28 Houston, G. J. & R. 89 28 Hernandez, M. SQ Hoffmann. John 28 Herrera, M. C. 91 Haass, Henry 31 Holdusen, Henry 92 Haby, Mrs. Martha 31 Herrera, Raffella Hernandez, Cresencio 92 Haass, Geo. 31 97 Haass, Mrs. A. M. 31 Hudson, R. B. M Huth, Louis 32 Hayes, W. R. 98 HaiT, Mrs. Minerva 33 Hynes, John 98 Haass, G. L. 34 Holt, Vincent lft4 Haby, Nicholas 34 HjTies, Wm. 105 Haberly, John 35 Howel, Flint, & TumUnaon, 105 Heifurth, Samuel 36 Hayden, J. T. 110 Herfurth, John 36 Harnaon, L. B. IB Haass, Philip 87 HilL Miss Francis Hall, F. & Bro. 119 Haby, Louis 38 121 Haass, Fredrick 39 Henshaw, John 12& Heath, 8. P. 39 HarriBon, James C. 12ft Heath, Louis 39 HUbnrn, R. m Heath, Jesse 39 Harrison, J. M. l«L Hailer, Fredrick 41 Harris, L. B. in Hartmann, Henry 41 Hill, John 189 m 384 INDEX. NAMES. PAGES. NAMES. PAGES. Hay, Nathaniel 136 Haw, John 219 Hay, Mrs. Eliza 138 Hans, Leonhard 221 Holluian, Joseph 140 Hutchison, Isaac 223 Hay. SUas 145 Hutchison, 0. P. 223 Herring, Jacob 150 Hutchison, W. C. 223 Hirshleber, Julius 151 Herndon i^ Kerr 225 Haag, Mrs. Martias 152 Herndon, J. H. or agt. 226 Hohmann, C. 152 Heineman, Peter 226 Haseldanz, Michael 153 Haberman. H. 228 Hoffmann, T. B. 154 Hines, W. 0. 231 Heitekamp, Henriefh 155 i Hale, W. A. 231 Heidrech. Jacob 155 j Kines, E, C. 231 Hilger, c: L. 155 Hawkins, W. L. 233 Hitzfelder, L. 156 ! Hoffman, L. H. 235 Home, Peter 157 J Hoffman, John '.36 ilaas, J. J. 158 1 Hoffman, Peter 237 Haas, August 158 1 Hoffman, Henrich 237 Hirholzer, Joseph 158 Hild, Geo. 238 Hofhinz, C. 160 Hntmacher, Carl 238 Herring, Curtis 163 j Hellmann, Eobt. 242 Hai-rison, T. K. 165 1 Hamilton, Wm. S. 242 Healy, John 165 1 Henderson, Mi's. S. R. 247 Heritage, J. T. or agt. 166 1 Humphries, Jas. 248 Harrison, James 167 j Hains, Mrs. Carolina 251 Hinton, Mrs. Ann J. 171 1 Harper, M. A. 251 Hunter & Cox. 172 i Hoppe, Frantz 254 Heermann, Theo. & Bro. 184 Haruft; Mrs. E. J. 255 Hernandez, Jesus, sr. 184 Hahn, W. 257 Hernandez, Jesus 184 1 Hahn, C. H. 260 Herrera, Manuel 186 Horarighausen, Peter 261 Herrera, Bias, jr. 186 Holdeman, David 261 Herrera, Bonito 187 House, F. 261 Herrera, Bias, ar. 187 Humphreys, G. W. 262 Horn, Anton 191 Hennig, C. F. W. 266 HerCF. 191 Heisjig, C. H. 266 Henson & Bro. 192 Hardy, D.jN. 267 Harris, C. S. 193 Heard, Jasper N. 268 Herrera, Bomana 194 Heard, H. 269 Herrera, Jose Maria 195 Harrell, Miss M. 270 Hubert, Albert 195 Hearn, W. D. 271 Hei'rera, Manuel, sr. 196 Holzapfel, Gustave 271 Hernandez, Peter 197 Heard, Joel B. 272 Huron, Bibian 197 Hoffman, Henry 272 Hernandez, Peter, jr. 198 Holzapfel, Ed. ' 274 Herman, Gegoria 200 Hoffer, Antone 274 Hopfelt, C. 205 Hamilton, J. R. 275 Huebner, James 205 Hamilton, Alex. 276 Hoemer, George 214 Hans,, Ambrose 277 Howard, G. T. 215 Hinuber, W. V. 277 Harris, Amos 217 Haun, Adolph 279 M ■ INDEX. -385- NAMES. PAGES NAMES. PAGE3. HotZj Anton 280 Henderson, F. V. 336 Hiller, Michael 282 Hermann, John 337 Hiiler, Fredk 282 Hofhoinz, C. 337 Hord, Jesse 284 Harbom-, Mrs. M. E. 337 Howeil, T. F. 288 Hoerner, John 338 Haasell, Jesse 292 Herbest, Sophia 338 Helper, Miss E. 293 Haferter, C. 340 Hoff, Wm. 294 Heuermann, Wm. 340 Hargrave, Miss C. 297 Heiner, Chas. 343 Haigrave, 0. 298 Hall, S. N. 345 Housman, H. 300 Hancock, W. M. 349 Hadt, Henry 301 Henry, G. W. 361 Hobbs, James 311 Hoover, N. J. 354 Hobbs, Wm. 311 Hanson, C. J. 363 Holbrook, W. W. 316 Hall, H. F. 363 Holbrook, W. W. agt. 316 Holmes, W. F. M. 365 Howell, J. M. & J. G 317 Hurt, E. R. 865 Huddlestor, Mrs. E. 318- Harper, W. F. 365 Hardiman, R. B. 325 Hubbard, S. A. 867 Hart, P. 325 Hester, R. H. 369 Hinrichson, J. H. 325 Harper Mrs. Jane 369 Harper, L. 333 Hesson, Mrs. Harriet 370 HascKamp, G. H. 335 Hand, J. B. 372 Harz, F. 336 IKiis, Joan 34 Inselman, H. J. 221 Illtia, Seraphim 35 Inselmann, J. G. 221 Ihnken, Gerhard 37 Irvin, Mrs. Sarah 246 Irvin, P. B. 104 Irvin, W. C. 246 Imhoflf, Henry 162 Ingenhuett, H. 842 Juretzky, F. 24 Jimenes, Juan 96 Jones, John A. 24 Jones, Wm. 107 Jungmann, Peter 26 Jones, A. C, or agent 112 Jungmanu, Mrs. R. 30 Jolley, James 118 Jungmann, Mrs. C. 80 Jolley, Miss N. J. 118 Jung ,Z. 38 Jones, Urial 120 Johnson, T. J. 50 Jones, Irvin. 126 Johnson, G. S. 60 Jones, Philip 157 Johnzon, John 56 John, J. 159 Jones, Oliver 67 Johnson, R. B. 165 Jones, Wm. 68 Jackson, W.H. 183 Jones, J. M. 66 James, John 184 Jimenes, Francisco 84 Jaques, W. B. 185 Jimenes, Melchor 90 Jecker, Celestin 186 Jimenes, Antonio 94 Jones, A. D. 192 :^ . .— .— 3^•5 INDEX 1 . NAMES. PAGSS. NAMES. PA(}?;3. Jaegly, Jos. 201 Jasper, Eliza Ann 224 Jones, Jesse 213 Jacobs, Geo. W. 255 Jagge, G. 214 Jacobs, A. J. 256 Jeffries, Mrs. J. 215 Jdeus, Fokke 278 Jeffries, W. 215 Jdeui?, Simon 279 Joues, S. C. 215 Junker, John G. 281 Jones, Mrs. Charlotte 215 Jones, Jas. F. 283 Johnson, L. W. 217 Jackson, Mrs. H. A. 291 Johnson & McDaniel 217 Jones, C. M. 299 Johnson, Mrs. Cynthia 217 Jacobs, Henry 309 Johnson, Virgil 217 Jordan, P. A. 300 Johnson, W. D. 217 Joclin, John 307 Johnson, H. C 218 Jocliu, Dicedena 307 Johnson, Miss M. A. 218 Joups, Joseph 316 Jones, T. S. 221 Jones, G. F. 325 Jungmann, John 222 Johnson, A. B. 349 Kelley, L. C. 14 Kowolick, John 79 Kennedy, John 15 Kelly, R. A. 80 Kiappenbach, A, 22 Kelly, W. G. 81 Kindlai John 22 King, John R. 85 Kalka, Casper 22 Kilgore, J. J. 86 Kalka, Joseph 22 Kennedy, W. A. 108 Koenig, Jacob 27 Kotula,'Miss Mary 118 Ketchum, C. V. 28 Kotiila, Joseph 119 Kempf, Joseph 30 Kelly, Wm. 126 Kohl, John 32 Kenn^rd, J. N. 135 Kreissle, John 33 Kennard, N. G. 135 Koenig, Jacob 33 Klempke, Mrs, A. 139 Krust, Joseph 34 Koester, Theo. 147 Krust, Miss Jennie 34 Koch, Carl 148 Kappart, Frank 38 Katterle, John 150 Ketchum, Mrs. S. E. 38 Kneeiper, Christian 155 King, Isaac 43 Kneeiper, Peter Katerle, Jacob 153 King, Horace P. 44 156 Kelly, W. M. 65 Kraft, Henry 158 Kelly, John 55 Kablemacher H. 159 KeUy, N. L. 55 Knibbe, Deitrich 160 King, John L. 62 Krause, George 162 King, James P. 63 Kreugener, E. Q.. 162 Kalus, F. 74 King, J. G. 168 Knhnel, John 74 Kivlin, Mathew 170 Keller, Dominik 75 Kyle, W. J. 177 Kotzur, Frank 75 Kennedy, G. W. 179 KroU, Frank 76 Knight, George 183 Kniesky, Albert 78 Kablemacher, John 190 Kolenda, Dominik 78 Knox, W. B. 191 Keriss, Joseph 79 Kuntz, Andre 200 Kaspzick, Albert 19C . ^ — — 79 Kuntz, Sebastian 200 js — ■ — ' NAIilES. INDEX. Kaisoriiug, C. F. Koir, W. P. Kerr, W. H. Kerr, Mrn. N. R.. S. Kerr, I. N. Kuigiit, i'heo. Keuiiy, John Kenny, Tiaos. Kingsbury, W. Gr. KreuipKaa, C G. Keller, Joseph Ki'tiezka, Joseph sr. Krciezka, Joseph Kieser, Cari King, H. C. Kraut, Fredk Keop«el, M. Kurre, Heiurich Krueger, Carl Koeiiier, Christopher Knetsch, VVm, Klein, Valentine Kurre, Ludwig l^xigore, J. 1, Kroschei, Lewis , Klotz, Liixdwig Kilbassa, Peter Koch, Mrs. Mary Kuast, Julius, Lease, ^W. B. Lewis, Jessie Xakey, N. M. C. Lakey, John Lockart, W. A. Laxon, Mi's. EUzabeth Lamon, John Lyiie, uohu T. Lee, James Loesberg, John Leinweber, George, Long, S. A. Leinweber, August Leinweber, John Long, A. J. Long, W. H. Langford, M. H, Lee, Ohver Lyons, D. C. PAG^S. 200 203 203 203 20i iiU7 212 213 214 '/'iO 223 225 225 223 228 229 23i 235 236 236 2-67 237 238 253 254 2oi 255 258 259 9 11 15 15 20 22 29 33 33 38 41 42 43 45 49 49 56 57 60 ^- •i 3sr NAMSa. PAQJS Kiriicks, John 259 Kirlicka, Wm. 259 Krage, August 259 Klriicks, Cnristopher 260 Korschal, John ^60 Kaufiinan, Nicholas 262 Korth, Mi's. Louise 263 King, W. F. & Bro. jJ68 Kelso, Joiiu It. 269 Kriksi, Fred 272 Kleberg, Robt. 277 Koenig, A. 279 Kohler, Antoin^ 281 Killebrew, W. B. 284 Killebrew, G. W, 284 Kuykendall, J. W. 291 Kurkendall, J. B. 291 Kuykendall, Miss J. 313 Kuykendah, Wm. 313 Kuykendall, Mrs. E. M, 313 Kroeger, H. 324 Keiiett, John 325 ivutscher, 332 Kallenl^erg, John 332 Koch, Anton 336 Kendall, G. W. 837 Kapp, E, S40 Karger, C. 343 King, Mrs. Emma 356 Little, J. M. 61 Lawhon, L. S. 62 Luen, Cnarles 67 Littleton, John 70 Lipscomb, L. 8. 72 Little, Mrs. Sarah 72 Lawhon, Mrs. S. M- 72 Labug, Adam 74 Licy, prank 77 Lopez, Florentina 90 Lynch, Tho's 100 Lockhart, C. L. 111 Lee, J. N. 112 Leahy, Wm. 115 Little, J. E. 116 Long, T. A. 121 Long. C. Y. 122 Lewis, L- 140 Lindbeimer, F. J. 149 n >x t8^ INDEX. ?« NAJIES. PAGES. NAMES. PAGES. LoMer, Christian 155 Lundscien, Mrs. Anne 256 Latham Louis C. 166 Lenipke, F. 265 Latham, James 169 Ludwik, Joseph 265 Latham, Jas. R. 169 Lundscin, 266 Latham, John 170 Lord, Geo. 271 Lewis, S. W. 174 Lobel, Jacob 273 Lowe, James 179 Luder, Pantaleon 279 Lane, A. 180 Linsey, S. R. 285 Linn, Jacob 185 Lunsford, Hiram 285 Lange, W. 186 Ludeback, Y. N. 285 Long, John 188 Lacky, Hershell 288 Leal, Manuel 189 Lott, R. or agt. 295 Losoyo, Domingo 198 Ladwyk, Joseph 301 Leslie, A. J. 198 Larema, F. 312 Langwell, H. A. 207 Lary, Martines 326 Lewis, Nat 208 Lewis, W. C. 329 Lege, Charles 208 Lewis & McSween 329 Lombrana, Antonio 210 Lindsev, J. B. 329 Lackey, A. J. 210 Lock, W. J. 333 Lane, E. D. 211 Lacy, J. H. 333 1 Lorenz, Anton 214 Lindner, M. 839 i Lopez, Benito 215 Lussmann, Q-. H. 339 Lackey, Mrs. M. 217 Lowrence, W. A. 344 Lytle, Wra. 219 Lowrence, D. B. 344 Luckey, W. 223 Lemond, C. 345 Lann, Mrs. Rhoda 231 Lambert, A, 348 Lann, Miss Sarah F. 231 Lambert, Thos. 848 Lann, Miss Minerva L. 231 Loyd, M. T. 348 Linne, Earnst 239 Lambert, S. B. 353 Leihner, Johannette 240 Lemmond, J. W. 354 Lann, Burrel 241 Lookiugbill, J. M. 336 Tjcwis, Riley Lyons, Patrick 244 245 Lookingbiil, G. W. Little, M. T. 385 385 1 Lambert Mrs. Mary i 252 Littlefield, P. B. 366 1 Mckinney, T. N. 8 Miner, J. B. 24 i Miller, S. R. 10 Mazyereck, Thomas 25 1 McKinney, 'J. E. 11 Mehring, Louis 27 I ]\rcKinney,X T. 11 Moore, Lon. 27 Mckinney, Eliza C. 11 Maear. Joseph 30 \ Mclduney, C. C. 18 Montel, Charles de 31 ; Miles, O."" B. 20 Mangold, George, sen. 32 Monroe, David 20 Mangold, George, jr. 32 ■ Miller, T. L. 22 Mullen, W. C. 33 I Mott, Samuel C. 22 Merian, John 34 Mil'er, Thomas 23 Mann, Joseph 35 Miller, Mrs. Martha 23 Mechler, Richard 35 McKay, H. C. 23 Moore, D. B. 3b Moravets, Joseph 23 Moore, H. M 39 ^ ?5 lNr>EX. 389 NAMES. PAGKS. NAMES. PAGES' Mecliler, August 40 Mclver, John 111 Slumme, Ludwig 41 McClanahan, G. W. 71-2 McLamore, Dauiol 41 May, H. B. 112 Mevci", Albg 43 McCollom, G. B. 116 riTcboiiald, \V. G. 40 Marsden, T. H. 116 l\Ialone, T. P. 48 Martin, A. G. 118 Marques, Iteini 48 Martin, G. Henry 118 Martni, AmlreH 50 Martin, Mrs. Mary 118 MeLauiore, J. B, 51 McCoy, Simpson 119 Munnink, Fred. 52 McMa'ins, J. W. 120 McCoiubs, Mr.s. U. A. 53 Mansfield, F. M. 122 Myrick, Wm. 54 McMains, Andi-ew 123 Mayer, F. 54 Musgrave, Bennett 126 Miller, J. W. 54 Musgrave, Calvin 126 Miller, 11. C. 54 Musgrave, J. Q. 129 Miller, G. W. 54 Morris, Wm., sen. 135 McCrabb, Joseph e,i Morris, Wm., jun. 130 .Ma.viield, W. H. G5 Martin, Mrs. Louisa 136 MaVtield, E. A. 65 Morris, Spencer 136 Mitchell, Wm. 60 Marshall, W. 137 McCrabb, Mrs. Mary 66 Martin, Wm. F. 138 McLane, H. H. 68 Martin, John 138 McLane, W. J. 68 Mangum, J. S. 144 McLane, J. A. 68 Mangum, W. Z. 144 Mov, Lucas 73 'Mangum, G. M. 144 McLane, H. B."; 75 Mangum, N. T. 144 Minka, Frank 77 McKinney, Julius 145 Morzygemba, Thomas 78 Mather, Samuel 148 Morzj'gemba, Josei^li 78 Meyer, Conrad 148 Mojczygemba, John 78 ^larkwardt, P. 157 Morzygemba, Mrs. Mary 79 Mcintosh, Wm. 163 Mahoney, Florence 83 Mcintosh, Mrs, 163 Morris, James S. 83 M inter, W. 164 McDauiel, G. H. 85 Meriman, Walter 166 Martinez, C. 86 McWhorter, S. S. 168 McDaniel, J. 90 Murray, James 170 Mirando, Macedonia 01 Mass, Sam'l 171 Montoyo, Mrs. T. 94 Marshall, John 172 Menchaca, Jose M. 94 Miller, S. G. 176 Menchaca, Uarnabe 95 Murphy, Dan. 183 M ontoyo, Hilario 95 McCulloch, Sam'l 186 Mullen, Ira, or agent 98 Mitchell, W. J. 187 ^Mullen, Mrs. J. or agent 99 Mitchell, Frank 187 Miller, Wm. 183 Mushall, George 190 May, David E. 104 McDona, Geo. 192 ^LuUcn, F, J. or agent 100 Mavtmez, Jo^e D. 193 jicv.'o loru, J. M. 100 ilartinez, Aniceto 195 Muldiv, ,]auie3 ]0J '".tcMullig \n,yCon. 197 I^ritcholl, Mr.^. K. E. no A[!'h',dortf, Cl)as. 200 Martin, Ai'chib.ill U.) Martino/., Jose 201 i^ --^ iu 390 INDEJ. NAMES. Miller, Chas. Mudd, Geo. W. Mitchell, Barney Marnoch, G. F. McCann, J. Mitchell, Asa Monjares, Francisco Moye, Albert Moudragon, E. Mondragon, Francis McOlusky, .Pat. Merick, M. L. Meyer, Jos. Mann, John L. Mann, Valentine Meyer, Berayhi,ni | Marty, Sebastiaa Moufcez, .Antonio Montez, Manuel Montez, AlejoH MaltHburgcr, G. W. Miller, Jolm G. McGee, John S. Monk, Cliriytopher Maiirer, C. Molberg, Mrs. Margaret Meurin, J. P. Mays, Watkins V. Mays, Mrs. Anna D. Morrison, ^Y. C. Miller, Jacob Morris, Wm. Morris, 11. W. McKinney, VV. J. M array, David, Mahust, Henry Metz, Peter Metz, Miss L. Metz, Miss Amelia. Martin, Heinrich Mahuest, John Menn, Heinrich Metz, Antonio Monn, Fredk McFarland, Mrs. M. C. McAlhster, A. McMillan, Mrs. Julia Murphree, Miss A. E. Myer, Adolph Munch, Nichlas PAGES. 202 203 205 207 207 208 209 212 215 215 216 219 221 222 222 22G 22(3 227 227 227 229 230 233 231 237 238 243 24G 246 246 247 248 249 250 252 253 256 257 257 259 261 263 265 265 267 271 273 275 277 279 NAMES. Mealier, Christian Mumbrauer, H. Mack, L. F. or agfc. MeUews, Mrs. M. H. Murry, F. E. Middletou, Charley McCampbell, J, VV'. McCampbell, W. S. Middleton, B. F. McDaniel W. J. Miller, J. G. or J. P. Middleton, S. P. Mid.'lleton, Miss M. I Meyer, Wm. Maddux, James Mnssett, W. S. K. Mussett, Tyrey McCoy, Dennis Mann* Mrs. E. L. Ivfann, Mrs. E. S. McLaughlin, A. Jlindicta, Looiiisio Miller, K. J. Miller, B. C. Merrimoa, Elizabeth Mclntyre, D. Mc Murray, Jas. McGrew,'B. W. McGre\v&, Bagland McGrew, J. & H. McGree, W. P. Martin, Rebt. McCartv, J. R. McGloin, A. & P. McGowiu, T. ]\IcWhorter, D. W. McSwcen, John McFaddin, E. A. Mills, H. H. Mitchell, N. Mav, Morris Miller, Mrs. C. Martin, J. F. Mill, John Mathieu, J. T. Morrow, Mrs. E. Mitchell G. D. McAda, W. S. Mathews, T. N. Moorcv, J. G. & Bro. ti PAGES. i 280 231 I 283 i 284 285 285 287 290 290 291 293 207 297 299 302 303 :i04 304 305 305 806 307 308 308 309 310 312 313 314 314 315 319 323 326 326 326 330 342 317 349 349 351 352 353 353 353 354 354 354 357 KN'I>1<:X. '6i)i NAMES. PAGES. Murray, James M. 360 Murray, Mrs. E. 360 Alurray, J. R. 361 JMcPetera, John 361 McPcters, Thomas 361 McPeters, Geo. 361 Marcum, F. M. 362 Mangum, J. M, 363 Mangura, Miss E. T. 363 Mangum, L. L. 363 McCoy, Joseph 36i Nimmo, G. T". 15 Norton, Miss Esther J. 17 Noonart, G. H. 25 Notter, Joseph 32 Kaogoiin, Michael jr. 33 KaegeUu, Micliicl sr. 35 Niggle, Ferdinand 36 Nietenhofer, John 45 Nietenhofer, Adolph 51 Ney, J(j8eph 55 Ney iS: lleiiy 55 Newman, A. R. 64 Newberry, J. D. 70 Newman, Mrs. R. 72 Newman, J. A. jr. 82 Nier, E. 85 Nutt, John A. 99 New, .l.B. i)9 Nutt, R. E. 100 Notgrass, Mrs. A. 122 Navarro, J. Antonio 122 Neal, J. 1). 123 Ncal, J. P. 123 Nichols. Wra. N. 125 Neill, Sam'l H. 128 Neil], B. F. 128 Neiil, Rol)t. 134 O'GJ, Louis 11 O'Brion, Wijsou 17 Oberski, E,' 23 Onion, Joseph 23 O wings, J. R. 31 Oefingcr, Paul 42 Oefinger, Andres 43 Oltman, Fredrick 46 NAMES. PAGES. Morris, Alfred 364 McGuffin, W. B. 365 Morris, E. F. 366 McCoy, C. 366 McCoy, Mrs. C. 366 McCoy, P. C. 366 Moore, Mrs. S. H. 367 McCoy, L. S. 367 McCoy, Texas 367 McCoy, Mrs. S. 367 Monroe, James 369 Newberry, J. C. 172 Ncvvborry, H, B. 172 Newberry, G. W. 172 Nicho.s, Mrs.iM. 173 Noel, Geo. W. 193 Navarro. Luciano 201 Neighbors, E. A. Est. of 204 Neigh ' c vs & Serna 205 Nuchol jLswis \V. 210 Newton, fvV. C. 211 Nagle, John 234 Newton, D. C. 248 Newton, Jas. 248 Newman,;A. F. 276 Newcomer, A. 301 Newcomer, F. G. 301 1 Nance, Henry 301 Noakes, T. J. 310 Newsom, M. 314: Nimitz, C. H. 33l Nations. A. J. 346 Newsom, R. 349 Nations,: James 355 Nations, James & Robt. 355 Nations, J. T. 355 Nichols, L. 356 Nowlin, S. H. 363 Oefinger, John 49 Oltman, 0. N. 51 Oltman, A. N. 61 Opelia, Anton 73 Opelia, Anna 74 Opelia, Jakob 77 Opeha, Nicholas 77 Ojiiela, John 77 ^ iSt a 1 6\)'A 1 ' INDEX. KAMES. PAGES. 1 KAMES. TAOKS Olynik, Mrs Marie 78 1 Obst, Gotleb 190 Osmaii, John 82 Owings .1' Knox, 191 OrosQO, Ysidro 84 j Owings, L. S. 191 Ortiz, Bartolo 87 ! Crtiz, Bruno 197 Odom, Mrs. D. D. 108 1 Odom, T. L. 198 O'Brion, E. 118 1 Ogden, D. ('. 210 Orion, A. L. 130 1 Olivera, Placido 216 Odcn, M. D. 130 Oatnian, P. S. 218 1 Oden, T. S. 130 Oatman, P. S.^ 229- Oden, Mrs. Caroline 130 Orth, John 236 Oden, Mrs. Eliza 135 Orth, Jacob 236 Owens, Wni. 138 Odom, Justus 251 Oppermann, Fred. 140 Odom, Mrs. Martha 251 Owen, Mrs. Malinda 1). 150 Odom, Mrs. L. 268 Oiicaley, Michael 16G Ott, Antonio, 278 Osborn, Z. H. 160 1 Owens, B. 288 O'Reilv, II. J. 17:^ ■ ! O'No:]!, W. 350 O'Ncai, Terry 1S8 j , owt'iii, n. :]6G Pulliam, W. H. 15 Peacock, T. J. 85 Patterson, G. Vr.,sen. 15 1 Potts, E. 85 Patterson, John C. 15 i Peres, Jose Antonio 85 Patterson, G. W. jr. 15 i Peres, Jesus 87 Patterson, W. B. 16 i Peres, Antonio 90 Patterson, G. R. 16 i Pickett, A. G. 00 Patterson, N. M. C. 16 Peres, Juan 91 Patterson, J. W. 16 I Pontoga, Esteven 93 Patterson, J. J. H. 16 Prue, Mrs. Narcissa 9<; PulHam, B. A. 18 Park, J. W. or agt. 102 Pafford, W. E. 19 Park, Wm. or agent 102 Pafford, Randolph 19 Parsons, Hugh 104 Pafibrd, T. M. 19 Phelps, J. A. 105 Phillips, J. W. 20 Parker, Mrs. E. L. 108 Poor, Joseph 23 Parchman, W. M, 109 Puigenot, Peter F. 32 1 Parker, Willis 111 Petrerict, I;eonhard 37 1 Palmer, C. B. 114 Panl, James 38 1 Phelps, Mrs. S. 114 Poehler, Henry 46 Perkins . J. 117 Porter, Wm. 57 Perkins, Jesse 117 Postert, Jacob 58 ! Perkins, Cader 117 PulUam, Mrs. A. 61 ! Perkins, Joshua 117 Parker, Jlr.s. Nancy 61 Palacio, Juan 124 Puckett, Thos. H. .63 Palasio, Janario 124 Porter, George 66 j Props, T. H. 132 Pcnyman, S. 68 Parcliman, Ijcmuel 133 Puckett ifc McLane 69 ! Parclinian, V>\ A- Martin 133 Pnckctt, L. D. 70 Pcicock, James T. 135 Piegz.i, Joseph 75 Proo:s Jl. J. 1:^5 Paweiick, Losen>: 79 Padia, Antonio 134 Peres, Jose Maria n 84 ! i Preston Y/. P. U7 ^ INDEX. 3 NAMES. VAGES. 1 NAMES. PAGES. Papp, Andres 149 Post, Henry 266 Pape, CouiHd, seu. 1-19 Puckett, S. M. 269 Pape, Andres, jnu. ir,2 Peavy, D. B. 279 Pape, Courad, jun. 15G Porter, W. J. 280 Pape, Wm. 156 Prusky, Jacob 281 Pfeufl'cr, George 159 Power, Ivichard 283 Pugb, Thomas 165 Paten, Mrs. E. 287 Pugh. B. 165 Percy, Mrs. M. J. 287 Pngh, Wm. 167 Phillips, Mrs. Annie 288 Pugh, P. m Prescott, Chas. 288 Pearce, 8. 180 Prescott, B. C. 290 Pena, Ignaeio 184 Power, M. H. 292 Paschal, I. A. 186 Parsons, Robt. 295 Presnall, Harrison 188 Paxton, Mrs. P. 298 Pendleton, G. 189 i Preston, Lewis 306 Perez, Ignaeio 189 1 Pur ham 9 Stahl, Jacob 159 Samora, Felipe 95 Smith, Mrs. M.}H. 159 Sauseda, Pabla 95 Secrest, J. M. 160 Sauches, Decidro 97 : Specht, Hans 101 Summerville, James 97 Schertz, Sebastian 161 Sullivan, Miss H. 98 Scheft, Charles 161 Smith, Tho'sJ. 98 Seegers, Jaco'> 161 Sedge wick, Ed. 99 Seerest, O. M. 162 Sullivan, D. W. 100 i Shipp, P. F. 165 Spaulding, Ephraim H. 103 ; Smith, I.. 168 Scott, Mrs. P. 106 ; Slorter, Waller 169 Seeligson, M. 108 '■ Stephens, J. PI 170 Smith, S. H. 110 Shannon, Thomas 173 Steen, J. C. 110 1 Sheeren, Thos. 173 Sco'.t, W. A. 114 1 Sheeren, Mrs. Mary 175 Scott, Tho's P. 114 1 Sheeren, Patrick 175 Scott, Miss Susan 114 ! Shipp, E. S. Staples, W. W. 176 Saltsman, Mrs. Sophia 118 1 176 Sahsman, Frank 119 ; Sparks, Mrs. L. J. 178 Sotelo.Ygnacio sen. 123 1 1 Settle, J. A. 185 Sotelo, Ygnacio jun. 123 \ 1 Smythe, Peyton 186 Saucero, Antonio 125 1 Stantield, J* C. 187 Shei-man, John 127 ; Stanfield, S.p^. 187 Smith, J. R. 134 1 1 Stow, Albert 192 Skwortz, Mrs. S. 136 1 Stow, E. W. 192 Stephens, W. McD. 140 1 ; Stow, Able 192 Spears, J. B. 145 i ; stow, A. P. 192 Stahl, Daniel 147 1 Stow, Levi 193 Stahl, JuUus 147 1 Stow, H. W. 193 Schneider, A. J. 148 1 Stow, Merritt 193 Schneider, Johan n 148 1 Santos, Juan M. de los 194 Spiess, Hermann 149 1 1 Salinas, Anastacio 198 Schmitz, Jacob 149 1 j Simpson, I. P. 198 ' Schmuck, Otto 151 i Schurig, Adolph 199 Scliafer, Philip 151 I Smith, K. M. 201 ; yailzer, Geo. 151 1 Smith, Joseph 201 Sahm, William 152 1 Serna, J. F. 1 205 « INDEXc 397 NAMES. PAaE Serna, P. 205 Smith, T. A. 206 Smith, James jr. 210 Schreier, Anton 212 Sclileyer, Christian 212 Schleicher, G. 212 Smith, James 218 Sampson, S. 220 Sittre, Jacob 223 Sittre, Joseph 223 Santleben, C. jr. 223 Santleben, C. sr. 223 Smith, James M. sr. 224 Smith, Mrs. Liicinda 224 Stiickler, Wilhehu 225 Segnin, Antonio 226 Shely, John S. 227 Smith, H. M. 229 Schmid, Martin 230 Smith & Hale 231 Stapper, Edward 233 Schulz, Carl 234 Schnable, John 235 Sehulz, Michael 235 Schultz, J. II. 235 Schiilz, Wm. 237 Schuler, Henry 22'J Schroub, Mrs/Sophia 239 Schroub, Philip 239 Schneider, B. 240 Sassmannhausen, Fred 241 Seller, Wm. 241 Seller, Jacob 241 Schneider, Christian 243 Seller, Miss Helena 243 Saffold, Wm. 246 Sasse, Lonis 253 Strieber. Andrew 254 Schueiuer, John 256 Schneider, Daniel 256 Schaffe, Miss C. 257 Strieber, Adolph 258 Stanchus, David 258 Sturi.^er, Gotliebe 259 Sasse, Fredk 260 Strieber, Chas. 261 Schultz, Gothebe 263 Sickor, John 264 Schley, Wm. 265 Sasse, Henry 267 NAMES. Smith, Joseph M. Sumners, A. M. Scrivner, D. D. Schorr e, Julias Schorlemmer, Wm. Spinks, Robert H. Seitz, A. Schiwetz, Jacob Schiwetz, Fredk Sager, Adam Seivers, A. Schafer,Cha8. Stappe, James L. Sawyers, Miss F. L. M. Seay, Caspian Stout, B. O. Stoddard, Mrs. Jane Sawyer, Miss M. J. Sawyer, Mrs. Jane Shaper, Henry Stewart, Joseph Sawyer, J. H. Sawyer, Miss A. T. Scott, C. P. Stewart, J. G. Sessions, S. M. Skloss, Adam Skloss, Anton Scheflor, C. Schefler, Frank Stephens, J. E. Stillman, Chas. jr. Swift, F. M. Shelly, Mrs. M. Straugh, Anton Skidmore, S. C. Stattler, V. Simon, Conrad Schafer, Ernest Stucken, F, V. D. Shaper, Mathias Stendebach, I. F. Stephen, Gothebe Saner, Jacob Staves, G. Schlador, F. H. Seidensticker, H. Serger, E. Schilling, E. Saur, F. PAGES. 271 272 272 273 274 275 277 280 280 281 282 283 284 286 286 287 290 290 290 292 294 294 294 297 297 298 299 299 300 301 305 312 316 316 324 326 328 329 331 332 332 336 336 336 337 338 338 338 339 339 -m J^ — -^- — ■ " — _-, j ' 398 INDEX. WAMES. PAGES. NAMES. PAGES. Schlador, C. 839 Stieler, G. 343 8aur, Henry 339 Smith, A. C. 347 Strohecker, L. 340 Scott, Jonathan 359 Schafer, Eobt. 340 Scott, N. H. 259 Sennett, L. M. 342 Sikes, John 361 Sennett, Miss Amanda 342 SikcH, Mrs. M. 362 Sehwelhelm, E. 342 Smile V, N M. 364 Schellhase, G^ 343 Seale,* £. F. 365 Schulze, F* 343 Swan, J. A. 367 Steeves, Robt. 1343 Soramerville, S. E. 371 Taylor, James H. 10 Tollett, Wesley 124 Taylor, B. W. IG Terry, C. 127 Taylor, T. E. 10 Terry, Nathaniel 127 Thomas, Ben. 18 Tarin, Juan 127 Thomas, Penelope IS Tarin, Antonio 127 Thomas, Miss Laura J. 1^ Tumlinson, Mrs. H. 129 Thomas, Benj. F. 18 Tumlinson, Miss S. J. 129 Thomas, Miss Penelope J. 18 TumUnson, J. M. W. 129 Thomas, W. S. 19 Tumlinson, J. W. 139 Thompson, Mrs. Mary M. Taschler, Mrs. Barb 19 TumUnson, P. F. 129 •26 Tumlinson, Joseph 129 Tschierhardt, Nicholas 30 Turner, C. S. 131 Turpc, John G. 30 Tournot L. H. 132 Tondre, Nicholas 39 Torrey, John F. 148 Tondre, Eugene .'59 Trebes, John 150 Tomlin, W. 40 Trusch, Peter 150 TomUn, A. 40 Twiefel, H. 155 TJiien, John D. 42 Tolle, Fredrick 158 Ti.mpke, Adolph 46 Tanner, S. 160 Tampke, Albert Tuihlinson, T. C. 5J Toller, J. T. 160 66 TuUos, II. 166 Tumlinson, 0. M. 67 Taylor, Henry 169 Talk. A. W. 70 Truehart, J. L. 185 Talk, John 72 1 Taylor, P. C. 185 Tivv, J. A. 76 1 Tvvohig, John 185 Tvfer, M. A. 81 Thompson, H. L, 187 Trabiaso, Manuel 84 Taylor, S.*'ll. 192 Trabiaso, Melehor 84 Tegeda, Pedro 194 Tores, Miguil 84 Trevenio, Franei««io 194 Trivino, L. 88 Toudouze, Gustjxe 195 Trivino,Pilar 88 Tynan, E. L'03 Talamantes, Juati 93 lores. Modest 206 Talamantes, Simon 94 Thompson, S. C. 212 Talamantes, Dario 95 Toole, E. 218 Turner, J. or agt. 99 Torrey, G, B. 220 Tyson, T. S. Thresher. Mrs. M. P. 106 Trimble, Edwin 221 112 Trimble, Mrs. Mary 22X Tjilloa, Jas. M. 117 Trhiible, J. G. 224 Tarin, Juan M. \* - , ... _ _ 123 Tarin, Joauuui 226 a w - -■ - ■■ - — - ItCDSX. 399 NAMES. PAGES. NAMES. PAOES. Trainer, J. M. 233 Tennille Mrs. A. J. 275 Thiele, Wm. 234 Tennille, Mrs. S. 276 Tom, Dudley, 245 Trautwin, Wm. 281 Tom, Wm. 245 Thieme, Mrs. C. 282 Tom, Geo. A. 245 Thieme, G. L. 282 Tiner, J. F. 248 Taylor, Mrs. E. H. 283 Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth 250 Taylor, Josiah Estate of 283 Taylor, Miss E. J. & sisters 250 Thigpen, John 285 Taylor, W. B. 250 Torain, W. B. 286 Taylor, Joseph 251 Torain, W. S. 286 Taylor, John M. 251 Thompson, G. W. 292 Tumlinson, Joseph 253 Trivenia, U. 307 Tumlinson, J. J. 253 Townsend, S. L. 314 Treude, John 262 Timon,'J. 326 Turapke Ludolph 264 Toomv,J. H. 326 Tennille, Geo. C. 269 Todd,'G. W. 329 Taylor, Mrs. K. J. 270 Taylor.'H. M. 330 Tiiggle, T. J. 270 Trafton, M. 351 Tewes, Louis 274 Talley, J. T. 364 Ubanzik, Mat. 13 Ujhaay, F. 183 Ulrich, George 153 Urbahn, Albert 209 Ulrich, Wm. 153 Ueker, Wm. 214 Uhr, Mathias 156 Urban, C. 218 Uhr, H. 156 Urbann, John 300 Uhr, Carl 159 Vanpelt, T. M. 9 Van Ward, Z. 207 Vance, John 29 Valdes, Salome 209 Vollmer, Valentine 40 Vance, W. 212 Vanpelt, G. G. 45 Varga, Benj. 219 Vanpelt, G. G. & Bros., 45 t Vogt, Johan 229 Vollrath, Louis 83 Voges, Cord. 236 Valle Euseres del 84 Vordenbaumen, Fredk. 242 Valdes, Josefa 87 Volkel, Geo. 266 Vogle, Louis 150 Vogt, Adam 334 Voges, Diederich 160 Vogt, August 335 Votaw, E. 165 Vanderstratten, F, 335 Voges, Henrich 191 Vanderstratten, T. 336 Valdes, F. Herrera de 197 Vogt, Rudolph 343 Valdes, Francisco 197 Vandergril't, Mrs. M. A. 350 Van Riper, G. 204 Wall, G. W. 9 Ware, John C. 17 Wall, D. D. 10 Webster, Silas 17 Westfall, E. D. 10 Wright, Pleasant Waclazyk, Frank 19 Watkins, T. 10 25 Ware, R. M. 17 Wagner, Mrs. Caterina 26 Ware, Miss S. T. a ^ . ., ■ - « — 17 Wemett, J. B. 27 — -- — m if ! W) INDEX. KAMES. PAGES. Weber, August 32 Weber, Joseph 33 Walter, Alois 36 White, Mrs. H. 41 Wantz, Mrs. Franciska 47 Wiemers, John H. 49 Winkler, Nicholas 51 Wiemers, C. 53 Wolf, Mi-8. R. 54 Wolf, Jacob 54 Weynand, H. 56 Watkins, L. C. 60 Williams, George 60 Weston, John 64 Williams, Mrs. L. 66 Wanzer A Teller 69 Wisher t, J. A. 70 Wilburn, F. C. 72 Wiatrik, Lorenz 78 Wilkinson, W. S. B2 Wheeler, David T. H3 Wheeler, J. E. 83 Wayman, Mrs. E. 89 Wright, Mrs. 8. F. OS Williamson, Mrs. M. 99 Wilson, J. r. 99 Watlon, D. A. T. 101 Wilson, Jas. & J. E. 101 Wilson, J. E, & J. P. 101 Wilson, J. E. 101 Wilhams, S. P. H. 101 WiUiams, B. O. or agent 102 Whitby, Mrs. P. or agent 102 Webster, N. C. 103 Webster, David A. 103 Wright, J. S. 105 Winn, R. E., Est. of 103 Williams, Henderson 109 Wilson, James 109 Weed, John 113 Weed, Alfred 114 Wilhams, Frank 119 WiUiams, L. D. 119 Walker, Joel M. 121 Walker, Mrs. Emily 121 Wieglendoz, Antonio 127 Winn, Mrs. C. 128 Walker, Edward, or agent 128 West, James 130 Ward, L. T. 133 West, G. W. 133 NAMES. PAGES. West, J. 133 West, David 133 West, Bud 133 Williams Joseph 134 WUliama, Wright 137 White, S. H. 139 Wilhams, Mrs. Mai-y 140 Woodward, J. G. * 141 Woodward, M. 141 AVoodward, C. 141 Williams, Mrs. D. W. 145 Walzen, John 148 Wiakeman, Dan'l 150 Wolfshohl, August 15>) Wengcroth, Mrs. Catherine 150 Wyel, John 151 Wahl, Philip J. 151 Wenzol, Conrad 151 Wcuzel, Ign. 154 Weiibacher, Jacob 155 Winkler, Miss Anna 157 Wuest, Adam 158 Wagner, Philip 158 Wilhams. J. R. 163 Wilhams, W. 164 Wilhams, John 165 Waller, Henderson ^ 166 Williams, Henderson * 168 Wilburn, Thomas 16?> Wright, G. W. 109 Wilson, G. Z. 176 Wilson, Mrs. E. C. 176 Wimble, Carohno 178 Walker, J. D. 178 Walker, S. W. 178 Walker, W. C. 180 AValker, A. 180 Wadenpohl, John 183 Wottley, Anton 186 Weir, James 186 Ward, J. G. 191 AMiite, Mary A. 196 Werner, Christian 199 Weber, Jos« ph 200 Weathei-by, W. A. 201 Wood, Mrs. J. C. 210 Walters, Mrs. Lucinda 218 Womble, S. S. 220 Wurzbach, F. 224 Wurzbach, Adolph 225 Wurzbach, Julius 226 X« • INDEX. 401* KAICBS. PkGza, lujaa. PAOEg. Weir, Robt. 23a Wright, H. 0. Whel«n, M. 811 Wqyel, Aug. Weidner, Henry 235 815 240 WilUams, H. B. 317 WetK, John 243 West, A. J. 819 Wilaon, Joseph 246 West, B. F, Agt 830» West, Micha^ 821,322 Walther, Charles 246 822 WilliamB, £d. H. 246 Welder, T. 823 Wells, J. A. 248 Wood, J. H. 828 Wwrd, D. A. 240 Wagnon, J. 826 Woods, Mrs. IsabeU* 252 Whitehead, J. 826 Wright. L. B. Willbum. Mrs. Pheb« Weatphal, Aug. 253 Williamson. J. M. Wright, Calvin 826 255 826 256 White, B. F. 827 Woods, H.G. 263 Wellington, R. ... 828 Wagenschein, Chat. Wheat, Wm. M. 266 Williams, Louis 328 268 Weatherby, B. P. 829 Woflford, Webb 268 Wahrmund, £. 831 White, K. B. 270 White, Joseph 832 Wheat, Thos. J, 271 Weiss, A. 832 Webb, Mrs. C. 273 Weidenfeld, T. Wittbold, Henry, 888 Wheat, A. P. 274 838 Webb, F. B. 275 WiUie, H. 839 Wofford, Mrs, 8. A. 276 WUson, J. H. 845 Warren, Mrs. E. 275 Womach, E. 846 Winkler, Miss. T. 277 Wells, ...T. B. 847 Wiights, J. M. 285 Wright, H. C. 352 Wilhams, ...H. 285 Wright, L. C. 853 Wiltmer, Henry 291 Wilkinson, Miss. M. F. 355 Winslow, G. 292 White, C. 861 Williams, B. 299 Weber, H. J. 361 Wright, Sena 809 Wiley, 8. 864 Wright, Joseph 810 WUliams, Miss £. 864 Wright, C. F. 810 Webb,.D. F. 867 Wright, Harriet 810 West, L. N. 868 Wright, T. C. 810 Weber, M, 870 Yeary, John 67 Yow, Mrs. C. 138 Yates, Mrs. Marth« 69 Yarbrough, L. D. m Yozka, Frank 74 Yarbrough, A, Young, F. Xarera 178 Yozka, Mary Yoflkuia, Micha«i 74 224 79 t^ouug, Johh 241 Yraneo, Jose M. 89 Yotog, W. J. 241 Yndo, Miguel 97 Young, H. P. 248 Yelrington, H. 97 York, Jonathan 950 Young, Mrs. M. 108 Yooum, Jake m Yates, M. C. 135 Yocum, 8. H. m Yates & Mansfield 135 S^insnuMter, H, M Zerda, Nemoncia de U 87 ; Zemer, Filip 78 Zerda, M. ne Jesus d« la 88 Zsrda. Bamon ds U m^ --— — .-.— . 86 Zaragoto, Mrs. 0. F. 91 %0'i INDEX. NAME3. Pi-GKS. Zepada, Manuel 97 Zepada. Jose Zumwalt, T. B. 97 103 Zuroher, Nicholo 154 Zuniga, Bomano 197 Zapada, Jesus 2C2 Zimili, Fritz 221 Zimili, Jacob 822 Zubl, Wm. 234 NAMES. Zipp, John Zuhl, Fredk. Zowada, Vincent Zimon, Walontina Zuonn, Wilhelm Zenerle, F. J. Zauner, Jocob Zoeller, T. ZoeUer, Adolph PAGE 234 239 253 260 262 278 333 335 337 8. '■tt m ' »' i-l.i » .'»' t'i'i'imiti' ••■& I ^''■i1l"l"'fi nitU.vi I THE BRAND -BOOK ADVERTISER. THE rad-ifl0lt %Avtttmt CHARLES HORN, If .€r E Jl ¥ E K , SAN ANTONIO. US" All kinds of Seals, Stamps, &c. &c., made to order. N. WINTHEU, liEMSML iiiiltAVSIt» SAN ANTONIO. BOOK-BINDING. The tuidersigined having established a Bindery in connection with the Her- ald Office, San Antonio, offers his services in every kind pf Book-Binding, and^ promises to execute Work promptly and in a satisfactory manner, and would* respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. WILLIAM SATTLER. TBE BBAirt)*BOOK ADVBR'mfifi. WHOLESALE AND EBTAIL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS, «AN ANTONIO, fiave ttkeh the bl4 sUnd of Dr.- Ltoiik, on OomnMirefr Street, near tbe^'Mvin Pteaa, where they will keep Always on hand A TUM- ASSORTMENT OF DrugSf Medicines, Patent Medicines^ Paint.% Oils, Vai*nishe9, Brushes, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Flavoring Fxtracls, trices, Fancy Groceries, Preserves, Jamis, Jeliie* and Truits, in Carts and jB^tdes, AiiK^— i^ux# Frendi Braiidy, Bourbon and Rye Whisky, Jamaica Bttia and Holland Gin; Pure old Port, Sherry, Madeira and other Winea, and Ale and Porter, for Medical piupoaea— Together with every variety of Fancy IJiquoni, Cocdialar-Ukd^yruiMi. They will give particular attention to the eale of STAPLE DBUGS and PAT- ENT HEDICIKES. Also, to Preparations for the destruction of the SCREW WORM in Stock, and ask the attention of the PubUc to their STOCK CALO- MEL and COMANCHE LINIMENT. jgrThey have secured the services of Mr. James ClaViw, so long and favora- bly known in chiy^ge of the C. S. Hospital in San Antonio. The old fHends and customers of Rxsp Sl Co. ifi^ll also ftod J. P. U&xv with this fimu ^ 4lf J^nUi4$ MSmHty ULUtHmijfLim ^ CX>., are guaraikUeA Pure and Fretli, and wili he $oid as cMeikjp ^t" cii«aper,*tiUMft Ipy any other t^rug house in Buyers are respectMly reqoe&led to exattine tkelr Sl«ck kffore purcliasing elsewhere* THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. W. A. LOCKABT. W. C. KANDLE. l,OCKAKT & I8ANJDL.E, WHOLESALE AKD IIBTAII GROCERS, AND East side Main Plaza, SAN ANTONIO. Have on hand and are constantly receiving a fresh supply, by the quickest dispatch, of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, which are offered at the lowest Cash Prices the market can possibly afford — — CONSISTING OF- Sugars, Brown, Crushed, Loaf and Crushed Loaf; Coffee, Tea, Rice, Salt, Liv- erpool and Table ; Tobacco, Segars, Whisky, Brandy, Holland Gin, Schnapps, Ale, Porter, Cordfals, Wines, consisting of Clarets, White, Champagne, Cataba, Madeira, and Port; Blackberry and Ginger Wine ; Cocktails, Whisky, Brandy and Gin ; Plantation, Stomach, Grey and Red Jacket Bitters ; Molasses and Golden Syrup; Canvass and Eentuky Hams ; Bacon in Sides; Beef, Pick- eled and Dried ; Tongues, Pigs' Feet ; Meats in Cans, of every variety,, for the Traveling Public ; Flour, Meal, Beans, Buckwheat, Macaroni, Vermecilla, Crackers, &c. Mackerel in whole, halt' and quarter barrels and kits ; Herrings, Salmon, Codfish, Sardines, Oysters, Lobsters, &c. ; Candieg and Fruits of every variety; Dried Peaches and Apples; Currants, Raisins, Cranberries, Can Fruits and Preserves of all kinds ; Chease, Western, Goshen and Pine Apple ; Butter, Allspice, Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Pepper, Black and Red. Mustard, Pickles of every variety; Yeast Powders, Soda, Condensed Milk and Con- centrated Lye; Soaps, Candles, Star and Sperm. Oils, Linseed, Kerosene, Olive, Sweet and Salad; Turpentine, White Lead, Lamp Black, Varnishes, Copal and Black Leather; Hollow and Willow-^Ware, consisting of Tubs, Buckets, Kegs, Market and Clothes Baskets, Clothes Pins and Lines, Brooms, Rope, Twins, Wool Baling, &c.: Dye-Stufifs, Cop- peras, Indigo, Madder, Venetian Red, Logwood. &c. N. B. Hides and Pecans will be taken in exchange for Goods. A general supply of Sutler's Stores always on hand; and the patronage of Sutlers is respectfully solicited. Liberal deduc- tions made to persons who buy to sell again. '■^' m iSf — ^ — — THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. Stock-Raisers^ Farmers, Planters, Storekeepers, and Apothecaries! Freneb's Buildin^^ SAN ANTONIO, Keep on kaad ia quantUlea to «viit parebaaera, ^nd at the lowest rates^ as they sen only /or cash^ Drags .and MedicLoes, Pamts, OiI«, Glass, Varnishes, Patty, Turpentine, Copperas^ Alum^ and Dje-Stuffs generally. Fanej Articles and Perfumery, THE <3ELEBBATED X0NE STAR BAKIKGWPOWDER— far l)aldBg fight, .s^jeet and nutricieuas BsEiJ)— ready for taking as soon as mixed, and «f arrajited io be made .of the jaaoat simple and hartDloss materiala;; JCem Bread, Biacui<^ Eolte, Bana, Puff^ and Batier-Cakes, may J3e prepared And joooked in ^tj« jnirmtes — and the nchness And deiifiacy of the arfeiele improved twenty-five per cent. iOa- It is made .only by -tts. JOi MO'W^ «» '*h« 'f ihai terror «f StoCk-jraisctrs, the Screw-W^oma, iBDVirs imm iiericis liiiiiient. Wjx :4^iH2BtB% WA rSwelBzigs, Hbenmatismj CaBoais Sweffings, Inddteiitt Tu- anKCi fa*^iT»«j ^ptriuns^ ^Beg ;:^S3dzi, Sorebadka, .Gan^r ^ iSbo toett. Bad ' flmt^mv £bchx^g Thpmw^ lixiige, liiee, &e^ it «nuu)di "be sxceUed^ and ^ i &: THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. . ■ Orydkw «& Co* A»E the Proprietors of the following article, which they guarante equal to any thing of the kind ever invented, while it is^old 25 per cent cheaper: Compound Syrup of TFild Clierry, For Coughs, Colds Croup, Asthma, lufluenza, Hoarseness, BroDchUas, and ihe Farious aflections of the Throat and Lungs. Persons in the advanced stages of Consumption will experi- ence relief. Children in Whooping Cough will be relieved by it if given in the intervals of the paroxysms. The virtues of Wild Cherry have long been favorably es- teemed in the treatment of the above diseases; and in offering this preparation to the afflicted, we are not presenting an un- tried or unknown thing. We prepare it daily from fresh mate- rials and in a manner known only to ourselves — concentrate its virtues without dissipating the volatile and active ingredi- ents on which its efficacy depends — combine with it valuable medicines whose virtues are recognized by all medical men, and pledge our word that relief will follow in all cases where administered according to the directions. JPrepared and sold only by R. H. DRYDEiX & CO., Apothecaries, Frenches Building, San Antonio. tS' Orders sent in by your neighbors coming to town will be filled as hon- estly a^ though you come yourselves, and if you come yourselves call and see us and learn our prices, see our Goods, and then if you don't think it to your advantage to buy ef us, we won't try to stop you from buying elsewhere. R. U. DRTDEN & CO., French's Building, San Antonio. ist~ — — — ■ ^' I THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER ^ -•mil ipliilijif 'i^l^s^lJ- ^^^^'" --^'"'^""^ •^^l^'lNf' iS^^^==^- '.<0r^ *r a 9 ^ THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 7 APOTHECARY, DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, Presidio Street, near tlie Court-House, Keeps constantly on hand Fresh and Genuine Medicines, Domestic and For- eign, the latter by Direct Importation; to which he calls the particular atten- tion of Country Practitioners, Planters, Farmers, and Stock-Raisers. Medicine Chests and Homoepathic Medicines for family nse* Country Dealers supplied to their advantage with: Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Oils, Turpentine, Sulphur, Saltpetre. Copperas, Blue Stone, Madder, Indigo, Black Lead, Rosin, &e, F. RALTEYER'S SCREW-WORM LINIMENT, Warranted to be at least equal to any Liniment recommended for that purpose, and cheaper than any other. This Liniment not only destroys the Screw- Worm immedi. ately, but heals the wound, and prevents the fly from blowing the wound again. Good T*inegar manufactured constantly, and sold at tlie loiivest market rates. 8 ^ . H THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISEft. FRAKK WKBVf WM. POLK, New-'OiieanSf JAMES ARBtrCKIiE, A. G. DICKINSON, San Antonto. IBB, jiKBB€EIi AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in !Boots »^iid[ Slxoos, SAN ANTOJNIO, TEX. Solicit Consignments of Cotton, Wool, Hides, &c. &c. to their house in New- Orleans, upon which they will make liberal advances in both goods and money. FRANK WEBB, JAMES ARBUCKLE, WM. POLK, A. G. DICKINSON, New- Orleans. San Antonio. COTT©]¥ FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW-ORLEANS, LA. Offer their services to the Merchants and Planters of Texas, and will give prompt attention to Purchases and Sales. If most convenient, all settlements can be made with the San Antonio house. Particular attention given to Re- ceiving and Forwarding Goods purchased in the Eastern markets. I m ■ — ■ — . —m THE BRAHDBOOK ADVERTISER. 9 J. T. CASIAMO. JOSE R GARCIA. WBOLESiLE AND IlETAIL DEALERS IN West Side ATain Plaza, adjoining f arolan's 4>ld Anelion Standi ^^n .A^ntonio, Texas, S&tdie^ and Sentleme'n/ s ^oods cf every description^ as well as Groceries. S6iquors, and Wines ^ constantly arriv= ing==all of which we propose to sell upon reasonable terms. Purchasers will find at this house all of those leadiny >cunticles usuall^y Icept in a Wholesale and M-etoA/l §^ry= ^oods cund Grocery Store^ to which we invite the attention of purchasers generally. ^ . 10 THE BRAND BOOK ADVERTILER. P. WAGNER. F. EUMMEL. Commerce street, near the Rridgej WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS — IN— I>rj-Croods, Ila^r€l\ra.Fe9 Clotliiii^, Cutlery, lla.t§, Crockery, Shoes, Grroceries, Hosiery, T^iquors, Perfmnery, Tobacco, Stationery, Cigars, A;:c. The only Jigents in San Antonio tor the Sale of the OOMAL MANUFACTURING COMPANrS SPUN COTTON AND DOMESTIC. CASH paid for fountry Produce. _ — — ' " ss I THK BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. U '5 SAVDT^£ A]VI> HABKESS-MAKEK, KEEPS COJVSTJljrTLY* OJV M^Ajm ALL VARIETIES OF SPANISH SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, &c. Commerce Street^ San Jintonio, 12 THE BBAND-BOOK ADVEBTISBE. a (8 9 A eg • ^ ^ r#} *• •m 9 V a fl ;m ri bjc ^ 2! V b 0.) a; g v« ^ c -d 0^ « a> S5 rt QC ed © WJ O 1 % eg i u Q THE RBAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 13 Coiniiierce Street, Sa^ii Antonio, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANTS, ILeep constantly on hand, a large Stock of ^x%-^mU, (SJU>thitt0, §(rj»tsi, ^%m^, §iatis, AND ^ A Creiiera! Assortment of Groceries, Liquors, &e« ^ill talce Wool and Mides in exchange, MICHEL & CO, TRlnable ImproTed Stock a.nd J^a^ndi^ for Sa.le. I offer for sale, for Cash, my Sheep Raacho in Bandora county, two miles East of the county town, and fronting on the Medina River, well improved and in good running order, containing 3,500 acres of Land, with 2000 head of Full Blood Merino and Grade Sheep upon it: (One hundred Full Blood Rams, fully guaranteed for breeding purposes, being on hand for sale, at any time called for;) together with all the fixtures and furniture necessary to carry it on suc- cessfully, including two dwelUng houses, 1 cabin, field and pasture enclosed, corn, corn crib and stable, household furniture, horses, sbefip and dogs, and within two miles of a Saw and Flouring Mill. AJjSO — the Estancia No. 2, four miles South of the former, upon Bruin Creek, containing 2000 acres of Land, connecting with valuable outlets for grazing purposes, with a cabin and good pens upon it, and watered by permanent springs at the Estancia, and bounded on the East by the Medina river. Both places have land upon them suitable for growing corn and wheat, and each place is desirable as a separate point for farming and stock-growing, and each can be purchased separately with part of the stock, or the stock purchased Avithout the lands, as would suit a purchaser. I have also for sale several other Stock Ranches, with the stock upon them, unimproved lands suitable for settlement, and irrigable Lots in San Antonio, for gardening purposes. San A7donio, February 1, 1866. JOHN JAiVIES. The Sheep and the Rancho can be seen by applying to Samuel F. Christian, Esq., on the premises, who will also sell the Bucks and give every information required. 14 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. ^ DIRECT IMPORTATION. « N Only one Yror s s o 0^ C. E. JEFFERSON. H. L. RADAZ. JULIEN FIELD. JEFFERSON, RADAZ & CO., AND COMMERCIAL BROKERS. AUCTION DAYS: ^lOXDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS. AVc are in receipt of regular supplies of Staple Goods for AUCTION SAL.ES. We have on hand a large assortment of GROCERIES, LI- QUORS, and FAMILY SUPPLIES, generally, and will be "re- iuforced" regularly and speedily. REAT^ ESTATE. From the long residence of two of onr firm, and their expe- rience and knowledge of the records, we are prepared to buy and sell Real Etate to the best advantage. First Monday in every Month Set apart for Sales of Real Estate at •Auction, We have a safe enclosure for Carriages, Buggies, &c. d m a mi Wl u fit i2: THE BRAXD-BOOK ADVERTISER. LJ STOCKRAISERS, FARMEES, FAMILIES, Oil Mmn t^tn^.ct, Enn of the Brklg-e, g-aii Antonio. rilYRICIANS, j[ERCIIAlNT!S, PLANTERS, Can have tiieir wants Kupplk'd in a satisfactorj^ manner. I study to please, and try to act on the square. DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS & OILS, FANCY SOAPS & PERFUMERY, COJIBS & LIIUSHES, FRUITS & JELLIES, FANCY GROCERIES AND PATENT MEDICINES ConHtantly on hand and frequently arriving, fresh and genuine. i*S=No credit. IVtot has been mv ruin once. Made to larder at tlicir t'cictory lit ISew Braunfels. KOESTER & TOLL.E. Done at tlic Factory of KOESTER & TOLL.E, Ne^v-Braunfels. 0- 0- ■t"} THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. ELSKES & CO, »9 WJEST OF THE SAN PEDRO, SAN ANTONIO. TORE If^iiido^f^ GlsEss~a.ll sizes. Oils, Faiiftts, TiiFpeiitiaie, Brushes, Pencils, Carpeuter^s Tools. €asli paid for Countrj^ Produce, ^ _ ^ Id 24 • THE BRAND BOOK ADVERTISFR. THE SAN ANTONIO LEDGER: A WEEKLY AlVD TiH-WEEKLY IVEVV^iPAPER. Publisheii in San ^luttonio^ Texas, J. M. MOilPHiS, Editor. J. 51. SMITH, PuMisher. Weekly, per annum, $6 OO Currency, -' " six months, 3 OO " Tri-Weelily, per annum, 12^ OO " " " six montlis, 6 OO " Job Work, plain or ornameiital, of every variety, swell as Posters, Blanks, Pamphlets, Hill-head , Cards, &c., done at the sliortcsi notice, OF THR SAIV mim\Q ^'EXPRESS" A^D *^FREE PilESS." The undersigned, having a fine assortment of PRINTING MATERIAL, in- cluding Plain k Ornamental Type, oi every variety, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of San Antonio, and the community generally, who have any business in this line, and they may be assured that it will be attended to with neatness and dispatch. jro]B \^03E^k: In Cnglisti, Spanish, Frencli and German, —SUCH AS— Posters, Handbills, Programmes, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Cards, &c., Executed at the shortest notice. "THE FREE PRESS," a German paper, having the largest circulation of any paper in "Western Texas, oflFers its advertising columns to the public in general at liberal terms. Circulation 1200. No extra charge for translating. a Q THE BRAND-BOOK ADVEBTL-ER. 25 SAI\ AATOi^IO, W^HOJjES^IJE JlJrD RETjtIl, DEJtLER CUTLERY, GLISS AND CHINA IWLusioal Ins^tmmeiits, Liookiii^- Glasses, Pic tur e-Fr ames, Window-Glass, &c. « 26 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. E. MARUCHEAU. C. MARUCHEAU. e:. iM:.A.i^TJCJEiE:A_XT &: Co,, AND DEALERS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Crockery, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, &c. COMMERCE STREET, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. C. MARUCHEAU. E. G. DE L'ISLE, Jk. MARUCHEAU & »E f.'I^EE, IN FRENCH AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, AND STRAND, GAi^VESTON. Being well represented in New-York and New-Orleans, we can with security ofifer our services to our friends and the public in general. All Consignments and Ordebs to either our firm at Galveston or San Anto- nio, will receive our greatest attention, and no efforts will be spared to give entire satisfaction. i5- THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 27 P. C. TAYLOR, (AT THE OLD MARTIN STAND) KEEPS COJVST^JVTL,ir OJT JMJtJTD A good supply of all kinds of fiFWFBAT MFUfTIAWM -o ?6ereyow will find eve^ry thing tJiat you require ^ at the lowest living rates^ and every thing guaranteed as repre=' sented. The highest ma^rket price PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. c/ only ash that you call and see me before purchasing \ elsewhere. Free yardage connected ^i^itli the Store. •®r 28 THE BEAND-BOOK ADVEBTISEB. SIO SEWING MACHINE. $10 THE EMBODIMENT OF PRACTICAL UTILITY AND EXTREME SIMPLICITY. Originally patented May 13, 1862 — improvement patented June 9, 1863. The celebrated FAMILY GEM SKWING MA- CHINE, with Crimping attachment— a most Wonderful and El- egantly Constructed Novelty; is noiseless in operation, uses the straight Needle, and works horizontal, sews with Double or single Thread of all kinds; makes the stitch more perfect and regular than by hand, and with extraordinary rapidity, ma- king 16 stitches to the evolution of the wheel. Will Gather, Hem, Buffle, Shirr, Tuck, Run tip Breadths, &c., &c. ; requires no Change of Stitch — is not liable to get out of order, and will last a Lifetime; being the strongest machine made. Warranted not to get out of order for three years. It has taken the Pre- miums at New York and other State Fairs, and received the full approval of All the principal Journals, and of those who have USED them. " This beautifull Machine makes the Running Stitch at the rate of several yards per minute. — Frank Leslie. "It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and is so easi- ly understood that a child can use it — N. Y. Independent. "With single or double thread, it silently yet very rapidly, with a common needle, makes the running stitch exactly like hand sewing. — N. Y. Tribune. jg®- Single Machines sent to any part of the country per Express, packed in box with printed instructions^ on receipt of price, $10. Safe delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted everywhere. Circular, containing hberal inducements, sent free. Address all orders to ED. H. QUICK, Sole Agent for Texas, At Bryant's Nevi^s Depot, Houston, Tex. -^ — ^ ^ , St 1 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 29 J. EISEMAN. E. ROTHSCHILD. EISEMAN & ROTHSCHILD, Main Street, San Antonio, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS —IN— Ready-made Clothing, Casimeres and Tailors' Findings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Leather and Shoe Findings. Tobacco & Cigars. The highest eash price paid for Wool, Hides and Pecans. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give us a call hefore purchasing elsewhere. « 30 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. C. MONOD, Tances' Stores, Alamo Plaza,, SAN ANTONIO, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING AND DEJiL.ER IJV DRY-GOODS9 &c. &c. &c. M THE BRAND BOOK ADVERTISER. 31 F. A. SEFFEL, PHIL. SHARDEIN, Formerly of the firm of Marshal & Bro. Commerce Street, near the old Bridgre, SAN ANTONIO, ^0t$is%U and |t(tait §m\m in TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPER WARE, &c. Having several years experience in the above line, they feel confident of giv- ing satisfaction to those favoring them with their patronage. Country JlercJiants and purchasers generally are re= quested to give them a call hef are purchasing elsewhere. FRAWK ilABAZ, Solidad street, opposite the Veremendi House, SAN ANTONIO. Is canisoMtiy receiving and keeps on hand A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES Of the very best quality, Whicli lie offers at reasonable prices. 1^ All kinds of Country praduce bought and sold, acd per- sons visiting the city with such articles to dispose of, will please give him a call and examine his stock before making their purchases at other establishments. 32 THE BRAND BOOK ADVERTISER. FKANK & SIOHEL, — AT— DeFine's Old Stand, Main Plaza, SAN AJNTONIO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS —IN— t^jrU k^imq §rg^0adSt BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FUENISIIING GOODS, CllOrRERY GLASS, AND WOODEN WARE, Stationery, Notions, &c. %[)& particalarly inviM Planters and Stoclcraisers to call at our well Tcnown Store^ front of the Jlain Plaza^ where all hinds of Country Produce will ho taken in ex= change for Soods. FRANK & SICHEL. . — — . — » » — ] THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 33 NORTON & BROS., SAM ANTO'NIO, TEXAS, :E:>-Eij^-jLa:$iFLm -jct^ TiM»FIatc, Sheet-Iron, Nails, Faiiftts, Oils, Grlass, SADDLERY, SADDLERS' FINDINGS, &c. COLrT^S PATENT fflOLVING PISTOLS, ITIaBafactared. Hartford, Cob* Sold BY Norton &. Bros. Wlio liaTe a large assortment constantly on liand at their HARDIN ARE STORE, Main Plaza, 8an Antonio. ^- . 34 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. GOBiZALES & Co. Freneli's Building, SAN ANTO]%IO, TEXAS, AND SAN I^UIS POTOSI, MEX. AND prompt attention given to collections agavnst parties in Jiexico. Wooly Hides, Peltries and Peeans> JSougJit at the liigliest marJcet price. Special attention cfiven to Scods on consignment. Having superior accommodations for storage, we are pre- pared to receive and store Goods at the usual rates. THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 35 # X ^^ B«% % SAN ANTOiVIO, TEXAS. ihe ^m %nUm MttM^ A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. J. D. LOGAN & G. H. SWEET, Proprietors. Subscription to Daily, $16 (currency) per year in advance. " Weekly, 5 " " " " ^ob Worlc and advertising don& at tJie^ lowest ra*es. o 36 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. HALFF & LEYY, VrMMOL,ES^L,E jUTD RETjUL, DEALERS IJV Clotliin^, Hate, Booti§ and Shoes, Cominerce Street, SAN AJNTONIO. Strict attention paid to orders from Country dealers. Highest Cash prices paid for HIDES. J. MARIA CifARClA VII^LABEAjL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY-CiiOODS AlVD GROCKBIKS, Shree doors Mow j^r. Morris 'Wommerce St.^ San S4ntonio. 4®"The old friends of NARCISO LEAL will find him at this establishment. J. 3JE. IVTOX^JPHIS, SAN ANTONIO. (Ledgeb Office.) GJI^BEBT B. HATHAWAY Begs leave to inform the citizens of San Antonio and vicinity, that he has re- cently opened a WHOLESALE & PETAFL GROrERY STORE, On Commerce Street, 2d door below Louis Zork, where he will sell all articles in his line for the lowest cash prices. «6ft>OoodB consigned to him will be sold for moderate commissions. n- . -« THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 37 JS. DRESEL. L. BRIAM. RUNHIi <& BRIAll, Main street, Nrii ^Liitoiiio, WHOLESALE AlVD RETAIL DEALERS — IN— Tobaceo, Liiqnoris & "Wines, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, And Gemral Merchaudise particularly well assorted to meet the wants of the Farming Community, At Post's old Stand Commerce Street, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, — IN — FANCY GOODS, GENTLEIHEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Also, a large assortment of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, Acc. 38 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. A. MORRIS, n^HOL,ESJlL.E JlTn RETAIL DEJlELER —IN— €lotIiiiig'5 IlRt§9 Boots, Shoes, AND Commerce street, SAN ANTOJNIO. And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Main Street, opposite Foot Bridge, San Antonio, Tex. Manufacturer of SAN ANTONIO, TEX. flgft- Always a few hundred dozen empty Bottles on hand and for sale. ROBT. W. KEYWORTH, O-eiieral .A^g-ent and. Collector^ Office on PresiiUo street, between Flores and Acequia stSt, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. *«- Land, Lots, Horses, and Stock Cattle for sale. THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 39 * S. E. JAQUA. J. G. FAIDLEY. JAqUA & FAIDLEY, Sigyi Of the '^^ig J^oot^'^ Commerce Sty near Main Plaza, San- Syntonic. Dea.l4(^rs in Boots, ^hoes a^nil Haits. JOHN VANCE, CASTBC VILiI^E, Has re-opened his Store, and will receive constant additions direct from New York and New Orleans to his present stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Willow-ware, Groceries, Crockery, Tin- ware, Furniture, Dry-Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Patent Medicines, Dried aud Can Fruits, &c. &c. He will pay Cash for Country Produce, such as Corn , Wheat, Dried Beef- Hides, Dressed Deer Skins, Sheep and Goat Skins, Bacon, Lard, Beeswax, Honey, Pecans, &c. Oarata Street, San Antonio, '^Vill he 'found at h^s old stand^ dealing as formerly in Groceries ^ ^onfectionaries^ and family Supplies generally . B. OPPEIVHEIMCEB Ac CO., staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Opposite Foot Bridge, Main Street, San Antonio. £• ltI€HT£]I, Ba^r-Room Rnd Beer Sa^loou, At the Old Stand near Hummers, SAN ANTONIO, TEX. rf 40 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERilSER. ^ommi^^im & Jorwading p^vdtant, INDlAi^OLiA, TEX. SAN ANTONIO, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Aferehandise, BAR-ROOM AND BEER-SALOON, JhJast side Military Piaza, Beer-Sa^loon a^iid Ba^r-Room, North-East corner Military Plaza, San Antonio* Ba^r-Hooin a.iiA Beer-Sa^loon, (§outh end %^eremendi building ^ SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Oftce, French's Building. SAN ANTONTO, TEX. a. ^ n . » THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 41 GEJVER^L. UEJlEER IJT BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, Maiii Plaza, next door to the Post Office^ SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. — IN— DR¥-01>OD§, ALSO, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. I a ^ a ^ 44 THE BRAND BOOK ADVERTISER. N. C. LEROUX. N. J. COSGROVE. LEROUX & COSGROVE, Commerce t>treet, San Aiitouio, OF TIN, SHKET-mOiV AND COPPER AISU DE AIDERS 11\ Stoves, I'umfs, «fec. Having the largest lestatJlishmeiit of the above character in Western Texas, and being determined not to allow others to surpass us in accommodations and cheapness of Goods, we in- vite dealers to call at our store, examine wares, and ask prices. TIN-ROOFING and Repairing doue at the sliortest no- tice and upon reasonable terms. THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 45 !» COJfI,JflJEnCE STREET. SJiJV ^JTTOJTiO^ ^ m\mm m books, stai^ioi^^ery, fine cutlery, FANCn^ ARTICLES, AND NEWS AGENT.-^. COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS MAN'F'G CO., HARTFORD, CONN- Mavpy also 07^' Jiand co fine' assortment of double barrel Suns^ Tlifhs^ ^oMs and other malce of Pistols, paper and metal Cartridges for /lifles and Pistols^ My-s double %0a= ter^Proof 9^apSj Shot^-pouches and ^elts^ fine and common assorted sizes y^^owder-S^lasTos Pc. Pc. BENJ. THOMAS. THOS. R. STEWART. TM OM AN «fe NTE WAUT, North-west corner Main Plaza and Acequia street, SAN ANTONIO, DEALERS m DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, COUJVTiiY PRODUCE, &c. &c. J'n fact^ almost every tiling coming under the head of S^amily Supplies^ may he found at this Store, and sold upon as reasonable terms as they can he had at any other establishment in the City. Stve us a callj and be convinced tliat what we tell you is no ^joTce/ .tt 46 THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERTI8ER. Veremeiidi Building, San Antonio. Has been renovated, refitted and replenished. Clean Gla«seB, the best of Liquors, and polite bar-tenders, will be found at this estabhshuiajit. TOM KE^J\'Ei>Y'S :b .A. !«. - It o c> ]>j[ , Carcel street, opposite tlae market-liouse. Has on hand the best Brandies, ^Yhiskeys, Gin, Sherry, Claret, Port and Champagne Wines, Absynth, Bitters, &c. «ic. Also, the best brands .. „ __ -5 'ass ^ Having retui'ned to San Antonio after an abse.ice of four years, takes this method of returning thanks to his friends and fellow-citizens generally, for the Icindness heretofore extended to him, and hoi)es by strict attention to business, good workmanship, &c., &c., to merit a liberal share of their patronage. JOHIV EAKX^S SAI.OON, Corner Main Plaza and Solidad 8(., San Antonio. Winss^ /Jrandies^ Scotch^ Jrish^ 0ld Monongahdcb and ^oiirlon WJiislcy, S^ag&r^^e&n:^ Sancy liquors ^ Pc. @a.<1dle a^nd Hariies^s Maker, A few doors toelow L. Zork's, San Antonio, Tex. Keeps constantly on hand Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Saddle-Bags, A'c, in fact, all of those' articles usually kept in a well-regulated Shop — all of which are made of the very best material, and in the most substantial manner — Cheap for cash. ]\ew Fountain, Medina County, Tex. Retail Dealer in Dry-Goods, Groceries & Family Supplies. The weary traveler will also find at this estabhshment something to enliven and invigorate, if the very best old 'Rye' and 'Bourbon' will have that effect. ^ ^ THE BRAND BOOK ADVERTISER. 47 Sli!s>»i rs of and De^slcrs in Hides, "Wool and Pecans, Ma^.^ouic Mali M&ttidiiig-^ W. A. IIEWI%^ETT, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ' ^@c« Will pay particular attention to the Collection of Claims at all accessable points in Texas. J. H. FRENCH. J. F. M INTER, H. B. ADAMS J. H. FKENCH Ac CO., aj0mmissioti and #xctaqc ^xahm, SJ^ Prompt attention given to the Collection of Claims. 48 -^ THE BRAND-BOOK ADVERT [SEU. J r ESTRAYS. During the past fev\^ years^ I bavo had aevei'al horses taken from me (generally after the hour that an honest and God-loviug man would be supposed to have said his prayers and retired to his peaceful couch) — all being branded as in the margin. Never having sold or donatad a horse wearing the above brand, I claim them as my property, wherever they may be found, and will largely tb^^k and libe- rally reward any person who will assist me in recovering animals is mystori- ousiy 'spirited' away. W. H. JACKSON, Sa), vntonio. j — i-v The owner of the brand given m the margin, Avhoevcr he Gr she may \_J be, can learn something of much pecuniary advantage bv address- ' "^ ing LONG A' JACKSON, San Antonio. Estrayed or stolen from the undeisignc-d Hie following horses: One a bay, 5 or 6 year branded on left shoulder as in leftmargi a smJill scar on left side of neck; anoth bay, 10 years old, branded on left shoulder as in right margin; also, one sorrel horse, 7 years old, blaze face, some white feet, and branded on left shoulder as in opposite margin. Any information leading to the recovery of the a- bove described horses, or either one of them, will be thankfullv received, and the informant liberally rewarded by N. M. C. PATTERSON, Sabihal, Uvalde Co. Strayed or stolen from the undersigned, one dark bay mare, 7 years old, some white in the face, and branded on slioulder as in left mai-gin. " Also, one young sorrel horse t T /" with some white in the face, also some white j iX feet, and branded as *in {the right margin. Any one '-giving, j p information leading to the recovery of either or both of the above >~-^ \^ animals, will be liberally rewarded by Mrs. ANN L. HARPER, New Fountain, Medina Co 91 J" bay, 10 years AB'JB ic-d Hie r—p— I l /^ TSOld, -§ \^ ) m, has I ^ I j / her, a i \J C-. J\J D \- MASOWIC. The Grand Lodge of the State of Texas, Meets permanently in the city of Houston, on the second Monday of June, every year. The other grand bodies meet at the same time and place.. Holland Lodge No. 1. —Held at the city of Houston en the second and fourth Monday in each month. Washington Chapteb No. 2— Held at the city of Houston, on the first Monday in each month. Austin Lodge No. 12 — Held at the city of Austin, on the second Monday in eacli month. Lone Stab Chapter No. 6 — Held at the city of Austin, on the second Saturday in each month. Harmony Lodge No. 6 — Held in the city of Galveston on the first and third Mondays in eaah month. San Fillipe De Austin Chapter No. 1 — Held at the city of Galveston, on the first Tuesday in each month. Gonzales Lodge No. 30— Held at Gonzales in the County of Gonzales on the first Saturday in each month. ._^- — — -_ — a THE BBAND-BOOK ADVERTISER. 49 I Gonzales Chapter No. 51— Held at Gonzales iu the county of Gonzales on the Friday of or immediately preceeding the full moon in each month. Alamo Lodge No. 44— Held a t San Antonio in the County of Bexar, on the first Saturday in each month. Burleson Chapter No. 21— Held at San Antinio in the County of Bexar on the ', second Saturday of each month. Goliad LoaaE No. 94 — Held at Goliad, in the County of Goliad, on the first Saturday iaM^eh month. Goliad C^wpter No. 54 — Held at Goliad in the County of Goliad on tlie^third Saturday in each month. Guadalupe Lodge No. 109— Held at Scguin in the County of Guodalupe o'^ the first Monday of each month. Keystone Chapter No. 56— Held at Seguin in the County'of Guadalupe on Sat- preceeding the first Monday in each month. Indianola Lodge No. 84— Held at Indianola, in the County of Calhotin on tht second Wednesday in each month. Indianoia Chapter No. 35— Held at Indianola in the County of Callionn on th© second Saturday in each month. Lavaca Lodge No. 36— Held at Port Lavaca in the County of Calhoun on the first and third Saturday r>f each month. Cameron Lodge No. 76— Held in the Town of Clinton, in the County of DeWitt on the third Saturday in each month. Colette Lodge No. 124— Held at Yorktown in the County of DeWitt, on the second Saturday in each month. Belmont Lodge No. 131— Held at Belmont in the County of Gonzalee on the third Saturday in each month. Concrete Lodge No. 182— Held at Concrete in the County of DeWitt, on the first Saturday of each month. HoPKiNSviLLE Lodge No. 183— Held at Hopkinsville, in the County of Gonzal- es, on the third Saturday of each month. Corpus Christi Lodge No. 189— Held at Corpus Christi, in the County of Nu- eces, on the first Monday in each month. Refugio Lodge No. 190— Held at Refugio in the Countx of Refugio on the sec- ond Saturday iu each month. DeMolay Loege No. 199— Held at Sandies Chapel, in the County of Gonzales on the second Saturday of each month. Brahan Lodge No. 22&— Held at Bethsada, in the County of Guadalupe on the Saturday on or before the fuU moon of each month. Black Point Lodge No. 250— Held at St. Marys, in the County of Refugio, on the Saturday of or before the full moon of each month. Hondo Lodge No. 252— Held at Hondo Valley, in the County of Medina, on the second Saturday in each month. Beeville Lodge No. 261— Held m Beevllle, County of Bee, on the third Sat- urday of each month. Comal Lodge 276— Held at New Braunfels, in the County of Comal on the Sat- urday of or after the full moon in each month. Pleasanton Lodge U. D. Held at Pleasanton, in the County of Atascosa, on the last Saturday in eaci month. Rio Grande Lodge No. 81— Held at the city of Brownsville in the County of Cameron, on the first and third Saturdays in each month. m. — « JS- 50 THE BRA.ND-BOOK ADVERTISEIi. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. NAJIES. PAGE' Bell & Bro. 17 Bay less, Bell & Co. 38 Bennett, W. A. 47 Borchers, Henry 46 Cassiano & Garcia 9 Chrysler, Wm. 20 Copeland, T. 38 Castanolai, M. 39 Campbell, John M. 46 Dryden, E- H. & Co. 4 & 5 Dresel & Briam - 37 Eastland Dr. W. D. 22 Elskes & Co. ^ 23 Eiseman & Rothschild 29 Earl, John 46 Fisher Chas. F. 19 Frank & Sichel 32 French, J. H. & Co. 47 Field, Eagar & Co. 47 Grenet H. 14 Gonzalez t.,W. 38 Kirkpatrick, John 42 Kenp.e. & Co. Leroux & Cosgrove Laager, Henry Menger, W. A. • Michel A Co. Mauennann & Kappe Marucheau & Co. Marucheau& De L'Isl© Monod C. Morphis, J. M. Morris, A. Menger, Simon , Norton & Bros. Nette, A. Oppenheiraer & Co. Pencenreider, E. Probant, C. L. Quick, Ed. H. Rhodes & Beats Rice, A. J. Robinson, J. D. Rossy, Hartman & Co Radaz, Frank Richter, E. Russi, I). Smith & Young Schunke, F. W. Scheiner, P. Seffel & Shardehi Sturm & Weber Simpson, I. P. Taylor, P. C. Thomas & Stewart PAGES. 19 24 37 44 46 11 & 35 13 17 26 26 30 36 38 41 33 42 39 25 40 28 6 11 12 16 31 39 40 15 18 18 31 40 40 27 45 18 40 Upson, C. Umscheid, F. Villareal, J. Maria Garcia 36 Vance, John 89 Van Ward, Z. 42 Varga, A. ^ Winther, N. 1 Webb, Arbuokle A Co. 8 Wagner & Rummel 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS