^^ -"^^.^ v-^^ .^" 0-0 ^^-. ■•*' -^"^ 41 ja I ,0 ^ 4 o AN IMPORTANT WORK, FOR DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS AND MANUFACTURERS. <»■«> LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, PHILADELPHIA, Have now ready a new and greatly enlarged edition, with 537 illustra- tions of PHARMACEUTICAL MANIPULATIONS. A Manual of the Chemical and Chemico- Mechanical operations of the Laboratory : BY CAMPBELL MORFIT, Professor of Analytic and Applied Chemistry in the Universitjof Maryland, assisted by Clarence Morfit, Assistant Melter and Kefiner in the U. S. Assay Office. One Volume) Royal Octa-ro— Price $4;* FROM THE PREFACE. " To realize for Chemistry its true character of a science — to render it a ' system illustrated and proved by experiment,' there is an indispen- sable need of proficiency in those manual operations of the laboratory, by means of which chemical changes are induced, observed and estimated. This accomplishment in manipulation — tliis expertness in handling and adjusting implements, it is true, depends upon time and practice; but, although the student may not become an adept in the art, solely from written instructions, yet much may be thus taught which will lighten his labours, and smooth the way to the acquisition of skill and accuracy. "Such is the object of the present work; and it has been made to com- prise practical lessons upon the mechanical and cliemico-mcchanical businer'S of the chemist, in reference both to the exact detail of analytic research, and the more extended processes of pharmaceutical science. Explanatory drawings of important forms of apparatus, too, have been profusely employed to give greater intelligibility to the text; and, while the authors liave drawn largely from their own personal experience, they have not neglected to make available all the useful information that was to be derived from other sources. "In this second and enlarged edition, there are many improvements upon the original work. Tiie old matter has been amended, and much tliat is novel and invaluable added; so tliat in its prc-ent form it embracis full and fresh teachings, adapted to tlie requirements of the uninitiated, as well as to the more advanced student." %&- Copies forwarded by mail, free of postage, upon receipt of the price as annexed. BEASLEY'S PRESCRIPTION-BOOK. THE BOOK OF PRESCRirTIONS; containing Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Prescriptions, collected from the Practice of the most Emi- nent Physicians and Surgeons. By Henry Beasley, Author of "The Medical Formulary," "The Druggists' Receipt-Book," &c., &c. In one volume, duodecimo. Price, §1.50. The editor, carefully selecting from the mass of materials at his disposal, has compiled a volume, sufficiently comprehensive, and yet sufficiently portable, in which, both phy- sician and druijgist, prescriher and compounder, may find, under the he^d of each re- medy, the manner in which that remedy may be most effectively administered, or com- bined with other medicines in the treatment of various diseases. The alphabetical ar- rangement adopted renders this easy; and the value of the volume is still further enhanced by the short account given of each medicine, and the lists of doses of its several preparations. This is really a most useful and iniportaTit publication, and from the great aid which it is capable of affording in prescribing, it should be in the possession of every medical practitioner. Amongst other advantages is, that, by giving the pre- scriptions of some of the most able and successful pr.actitioners of the day, it affords an insight into the methods of treatment pursued by them, and of the remedies which they chiefly employed in the treatment of different diseases. The volume is small, and its cost trifling. — Lancet. BEASLEY'S FORMULARY.-(New Edition.) THE MEDICAL FORMULARY; comprising Standard and Approved Formulae for the Preparations and Compounds employed in Medical Practice. By Henry Beasley. Second American, from the Sixth London Edition. In one volume. Price, $1.50. The fact that Mr. Beasley's Formulary has reached a si.xth edition, is a sufficient proof of the estimation in which it is held by the medical and pharmaceutical public. It is, in fact, a very comprehensive work, containing a great mass of information in a very small compass. The arrangement is alphabetical, as being most convenient. It contains selections from the American, French, ( ierman, and other foreign Pharmacopeias, in ad- dition to the Formulre from the three British ones. The work, however, is so well known , that it is unnecessary to do more than announce the present edition, and to state that the doses of the various medicines have now been added. — Medical Times and Gazette, THE WHOLE ART OF PERFUMER Y.-With lUustrations. THE ART OF PERFUMERY, AND METHOD OF OBTAINING THE ODOURS OF PLANTS, with Instructions for the Manufacture of Per- fumes for the Handkerchief, tScented Powders, Odorous Vinegars, Dentifrices, Pomatum, Cosmctiques, Perfumed Soap, &c. With an Appendix, on the Coloui's of Flowers, Artificial Fruit, &c., &c. By G. W. Septimus Piesse, Author of "The Odours of Flowers," &c., &c. Duodecimo. Price, $1.25. "The volume is replete with valuable information, conveyed in a plain, succinct man- ner, free from any technicalities, and, we believe, covers the entire ground of the subject. It is valuable to almost every one, giving, as it does, simple formulas whereby any lady can keep her toilet laden with luxurious perfumes at a merely nominal cost, and by which also she can prepare choice syrups, ratafias, and many other articles of which elegant cookery involves the use. The book is well illustrated, and we think would be an acceptable gift to every lady, housekeeper or otherwise, as well as to all who seek in- formation upon such subjects." — Evening Journal. KURTEN ON SOAPS AND CANDLES. THE ART OF MANUFACTURING SOAPS, including the most recent discoveries, and the best methods for making all kinds of Hard, Soft, and Toilet Soaps. Also, Olive Oil Soap, and others, necessary in the manufacture of Cloths; with Receipts for making Transparent and Camphene Oil Candles. By Philip Kurten, Practical Soap and Can- dle maker at Cologne on the Rhine. 1 vol., 12mo. Price $1. "Mr. Kurten's book is offered as a Manual of Scientific, yet simple preparations for the article in every condition, variety, and quality; and if practical experience and careful observation give him any claims to the favour.ablo considerations of manulac- t\irers, his book should bo found iu the hands of all Soap dealers,"— i/oMJVicti of I'ne/ul Knowledge. r THE HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICAL RECEIPTS, OF EVERY-DAY USE; A MANUAL FOR Sljc (Cljcmist, CDrnggist, iUcbical practitioner, iilauufacturcr, aub fjcabs of i^amilics ; COMPRISIXa THE OFFICINAL MEDICINES, THEIR USES AND MODES OF PREPARATION; AND FORMULAE FOR TRADE PREPARATIONS, MINERAL WA- TERS, POWDERS, BEVERAGES, DIETETIC ARTI- CLES, PERFUMERY, COSMETICS, ETC. A GLOSSARY OF THE TERMS USED IN CHEMISTRY AND MEDICINE, INCLUDING OLD NAMES, CONTRACTIONS, VULGAE AND 8C1£MTIFIC DENOMINATION^; WITH A COPIOUS INDEX TO ALL THE PREPARATIONS. By THOMAS F. BRANSTON. FIRST AMERICAN, JROM THE SECOND LONDON EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. 1857. ym. s. TOUNO, printer. rPtEPACE SECOND LONDON EDITION. When this work first appeared, in the latter part of the year 1853, the author expressed the hope that it might prove a useful companioa to those for whom it was in- tended. The contents had been compiled with great care; and it was gratifying to the writer to find that his work met with the approval of scientific and practical men. The editor of the "Chemist" reviewed the work in the number issued for January, 1854; and, after quoting the title, proceeds to observe — "This is a most useful little book; its nature is suffi- ciently set forth in the above lengthy title ; consequently, an analysis of its contents is unnecessary. The author has executed his very laborious task with much care, and has provided very fully for the wants of the class to which his work is addressed. " The Glossary will be found very useful, especially to those who may require to refer to old works or recipes. An ample ludcx also constitutes a very important feature in this work. IV PREFACE. " This hand-book will be especially valuable to the phar- maceutical chemist and medical practitioner, and very use- ful to most of the general public." In the lapse of four years, science has made rapid ad- vances and new discoveries, among which are included some improved processes for attaining results hitherto imperfectly obtained, — the composition of patent medi- cines, notes on various photographic processes, and a va- riety of new artistic and medical formulae. Some of the recipes and preparations are taken from trade formulae, which now appear in print for the first time. The editor trusts that these additions will increase the value of the work, and render it still more useful to the student, and the public generally, as a Hand-book of truly practical Recipes of every-day use. ADVERTISEMENT. The present work is offered to the Chemist, Druggist, and Medical Practitioner, as a useful manual of reference and information. The articles are alphabetically arranged ; but, as they might be placed under different heads, a co- pious Index of Contents is added, which will at once show on what page any particular item may be found. All preparations of the Pharmacopoeia are marked L., to denote that they are so ordered by the London College of Physicians. To assist the Student of Medicine in reading old re- cipes and prescriptions, and to understand the contrac- tions and scientific terms used in the medical art, a Glos- sary is compiled as an Appendix, which will greatly fa- cilitate the understanding of those points. This will be found a new and useful feature ; for, as far as the com- piler is aware, there is no other Hand-book which con- tains this information. It is unnecessary to point out the usefulness of a work which contains the Pharmacopoeial preparations, combined with the miscellaneous receipts required in daily practice. 1* VI ADVERTISEMENT. This manual is therefore offered in the hope that it will prove a useful companion to those for whom it is in- tended. N. B. — Every medicine and Pharmacopoeial preparation is made by using the troy standard ; all domestic and trade preparations not medicinal are weighed by avoir- dupois weight. THE IIAA^D-BOOK PRACTICAL RECEIPTS Abernkthy's Pills. — Each pill contains 2 grains of blue pill, and 3 grains of compound extract of colocynth. Acetates are formed by adding acetic acid to alkalies, me- tals, &c. They are used in medicine and in the arts, and will be found in this work under tlie heads of the bases, as ammonia, lead, morphia, potash, &c. Acetic Acid (P. L.) is "prepared from wood, by means of heat, and purified. It is void of colour, has a most acrid odour, specific gravity 1-048; by heat it escapes ia vapour. 100 grains of this acid are saturated bj' 87 grains of crystallized carbonate of soda." Tests. — Nothing is thrown down by nitrate of silver or chloride of barium ; if a thin silver plate be digested in it, and afterwards hydrochloric acid dropped in, nothing is precipitated. Its colour is not changed on the addi- tion of hydrosulphuric acid, nor by ammonia, nor by ferrocyanide of potassium added after the ammonia. The usual ways of procuring acetic acid are by decom- posing drj' acetate of soda, potash, or lead, by sulphuric acid ; or by dry distillation of acetate of copper or lead, or decomposing acetate of lead by sulphate of iron or 6oda. Acetic Extract of Squills. — Squill roots 1 lb., acetic acid, 8 oz. distilled water, 1 pint. Digest with a gentle heat for forty-eight hours, express strongly, and without 14 ACE — ACI. straining evnporate to a proper consistence. One grain is equal to three of the powder. Keeps well. ACETIMETRY. — The Strength of vinegar or acetic acid is determined by an instrument termed an aeetimeter. The excise officers add hydrate of lime to the acid until it is saturated; the clear solution of acetate of lime shows by its specific gravity the amount of acid in the tested liquor. Dr. Ure advises the addition of bicarbonate of potash to the acid until it is neutralized; each two grains of potash indicate one grain of acetic acid. Carbo- nate of soda, and carbonate of potash, are also used as tests; or the strength of the vinegar maybe decided by taking its specific gravity, and using tables which show the jDroportiouate percentage of acid. Acetic Acid (Dilute, P. L.) — Acetic vicid, 23 fluid drachms, distilled water, 1 pint; make the acid into one pint with the water, and mix. Sp: gr., 1-008. A fluid ounce is saturated by 57 grains of crystallized carbon- ate of soda. Acids are of various kinds, are sour in taste, and redden litmus paper. They will be found under their names. — See Index. Acids for Galvanic Batteries. — 1. Smee's Battery. — One part sulphuric acid to water 7 parts, by measure. 2. Daniel' a Battery. — For the external cylinder, a satu- rated solution of sulphate of copper, with -j'j part of sulphuric acid. For the inner cylinder, to act on the zinc, 1 part of sulphuric acid by measure, to 10 parts water. 3. Groves' Battery. — For the outer vessel, 1 part by mea- sure of sulphuric acid to 7 parts water; for the inner vessel, concentrated nitric acid. 4. Nitric acid, 1 fluid ounce, sulphuric acid, IJ fluid ounce, water, 4 pints. 5. Wright's Batteries. — Nitric acid, 1 part, by measure, sulphuric acid, 5 parts. 6. Furi'd"i/'s. — Sulphuric acid, 2 fluid ounces, nitric acid, 1 fluid ounce, water, 5 pints. ACI — ALC. 1^ AciBlMETRY is the Operation of estimatino; the ptrcntxth of acids by moans of an aciilimoter. An acid is always compared by itself, as no scale has yet been discovered which serves as a criterion for the difierent acids. The test usually consists of alkalies, the quantity of which required to neutralize the acid determines its strength. Aconite, known also as 3fonks7iood or Wof/shane, possesses powerfully poisonous properties. The root, Aconiti Radix, and the leaves, Aconiti Folium, are the parts ordered by the London College. The officinal prepara- tions are an extract and a tincture, though in private practice various other preparations of it are used, as oint- ment, pills, plaster, kc. Its principle, Acoiiitinn, is a very dangerous preparation, and is very rarely used as a medical agent. Alabaster. To Clean. — Wash with soap and warm water, rinse with cold clear water. Spots of grease may be re- moved with turpentine. To Harden. — Mix up the plaster of Paris with a solution of size or gum. To Join. — Use the cement of quick-lime and white of egg. It is Folishcd with pumice stone, finished with French chalk. Albumen. — The purest albumen is the white of eggs. It is used as a glaze for pastry, in cements, and to clarify wine, sugar, coffee, and syrups. It may be preserved by spreading it thinly in layers, allowing each to dry sepa- rately before adding another; it will thus keep for any length of time. Tor u.se, a portion is dissolved in cold water and beaten to a froth. Alcohol. — The fermented product of saccharine vegetables, obtained pure by distillation. It is distilled finally over lime, or chloride of calcium, by which process absolute alcohol is procured. Its uses arc various; as a sol- vent it is u.'^ed for gums, resins, soaps, essential oils, camphor, and vegetable siibstances. In medicine it forms tinctures, and with acids various ethers: the per- fumer uses it to di.><.<(ilve oils, the vr.rni.-h-niaker to dissolve gums and resins. Its purity is known by its sp. gravity, and by tests. It should retain its c<,ilour and transparency ou tho addition of a solution of nitrate 16 AGU — ALK. of silver. Spirit, as supplied to druggists, is usually 00" over-proof. The^roo/'strength is an assumed standard, sp. gr. 0-920 at 60° F., from which standard the com- parative strength of all spirits are determined. When spirit is over-proof, it is reduced to proof by the addi- tion of water, the quantity of which is known by the degree o. p. Spirit which is 10°, 20°, 40° o.p. requires to each 100 gallons of spirit, 10, 20, or 40 gallons of water to reduce it to proof. Under-proof spirit, as 10°, 20° u. p. means that 100 gallons contain 90 or 80 gal- lons of proof spirit, and 10 or 20 gallons of water. Ague Drops (tasteless.) — The solution of arsenite of potash (P. L.) is so called. Alkalies. — The chief are soda, potash, and ammonia, the old names of which were mineral, vegetable, and volatile alkali; soda and potash were also called fixed alkalies. — They effervesce on the addition of acids, turn vegetable blues green, and yellows brown, make soaps with the fixed oils, and salts with acids. The purity of alkalies is determined by alkalimeters, by a process the reverse of acidimetry. Alkaline Baths. — Medium. — Ammonia saturated with spirits of camphor, 3 oz. salt, 2 J lbs. troy. Mix Avith two or three gallons of water, and add warm water. J^or Children. — Camphorated ammonia, 2 oz., salt, 8 oz. Used in fevers, pains, liver complaints, &c. Alkaloids. — These are derived from various plants. The chief are as follows. Alkaloids. Plants which yield thorn. Aconitina . . Aconitnm Napellus Arlcina . Arica Bark Atropia . Atropia Belladonna Brucia . . Strychnos Nux Voniica C'mchonia. . Cinchona Pallida (Lancifolia) Codeia . . Opium Conia . . . Conia Maculatum Corydali . . Corydalis Tuberosa Cynapia . -I'ljthusa Cynapium Daturia . . Datura Stramonium Del phi a . Dclpliiuiuni Staphisagria Digitalia . . Digitalis i'urpurea ALK — ALU. 17 Einetina . . Ccpba?li.s Ipccacnnnha lIyosc)\imia . Hyoscjamus Niger Jleconia . . Opium Morphia . . Opium Narci'ia . . Opium Narcotina. . Opium Kicutiiia . . Nicutiana Tabncnm Picrotoxia . Meiiispermum Cotiilus Quiiiia . . Ciuciioiia FIav;i (Cordifolia) S.uiguinaria . Sauguiiiaria Canadensis Solania . . Solanum Nigrum Thebaia . . Opium Veratria . . Yeratrura Sabadiila Alkanet Root (Aurhnsa Timtoria) gives a fine red tinge to oils, fats, wax, turpentine, spirits, essences, &c., and is used to colour hair-oil, pomatums, ointments, var- nishes, &c. The spirituous solution stains marble of a deep red; wax tinned with alkanet and applied to warm marble, leaves a flesh colour. Alloy. — A mixture of two or more metals for various pur- poses. A rare or expensive metal is mixed with an inferior one, to reduce its cost. The chief end sought in making alloys, is to render them hard, malleable, so- norous, &c., as the case maybe, or to change their colours to suit speculums and bronzes, or to imitate gold and silver. Almonds (Ami/fj/dalap.) Sweet almonds arc oblong, exter- nally of a cinnamon colour, and have a sweet pleasant ta.ste. Used in various preparations. The bitter al- mond is generally compressed for the oil, the remaining cake is mostly used as a cosmetic. Almond Flavour. — To one part of essential oil of bitter al- monds add 15 parts of spirits of wine. Used to flavour custards and pa.'^try, in which it should be sparingly used, as it is a puisuii. Alum is prepared from aluminous schist, commonly called alum ore. It i.s used in the arts and in medicine. As a gargle it is u.seful in sore throat, and in lead colic it is said to prove very V)eneficial. Alum is valuable in dveing in proportian to the alumina it ountains. I'ura 2* 18 ALU — AMA. alum in solution does not change on the addition of sul- phuretted hydrogen/ tincture of galls, or prussiate of potash. Alum, Dried (Alumen Exsiccatura, P. L.) — Take 1 pound of alum, let it liquefy over a fire, then increase the heat until all ebullition has ceased. Alum, Compound Solution of, P. L. (Liquor Aluminis Com- positus.) Alum and sulphate of zinc, of each one ounce; rub them together, dissolve in 3 pints of distilled water, and strain. Alum Rupel. — Alum coloured with Venitian red or Ar- menian bole. Amadou, or German Tinder. — Amadou is prepared from the mushrooms. Boletus igniarlus, Boletus fomentar ins, «&c. The bark is removed, and the inner substance is beaten with wooden mallets until soft, when it is ready for use as a styptic or as a corn-protector. For tinder, it is soaked in a solution of nitre or gunpowder, and care- fully dried. Amalgams are metals mixed with quicksilver. Amalgams for Electrical Machines are made as follows. 1. Zinc and tin, of each one part, quicksilver two parts. Melt the tin and zinc, add the mercury made hot, pour the mixture into a wooden box, and shake until cold. 2. Zinc, 2 parts, tin, 1 part, quicksilver, o parts. 3. Zinc, 2 parts, tin, 1 part, quicksilver, 5 parts. 4. Quicksilver, G oz., bees wax, I oz., zinc, 2 oz., grain tin, 1 oz. Amalgam of Gold. — Gold one part, melt in a clean ladle, add 8 parts of mercury, and pour out the amalgam. — • It is used for gilding metals, which arc prepared by rubbing over them a solution of nitrate of mercury, covering thinly with the amalgam, and exposing the whole to a moderate heat, which drives off the mercury and leaves the gold. Silver amalgam is made and used in a similar manner. Amalgam for Silvering Globes. — Pure lead, tin, bis- AMA. 19 muth, eacli 1 part, quicksilver, 10 parts. Melt the first three, remove them from the fire, and just before cooling add the quicksilver. Amalgam for Mirrors. — Lead and tin, each 1 oz., bis- muth, 2 oz., mercury, -4 oz., melt as before, and add the mercury. Those are used to silver mirrors, irlass globes, &c., by warming the glass, melting the amalgam, and applying it. Amalgams for the Teeth are preparations used to fill hollow and decayed teeth. The ablest Dentists repu- diate the use of any other material than gold leaf, which is certainly the best article to employ. Other compo- sitions are as follows. Mineral Succedaneum. — (a) Gold and mercury heated in a dean ladle, applied to the tooth while still warm and of a pasty consistence. (Jj) Quicksilver and tinfoil. (c) Add powdered glass or steel filings to the last. (f/) Quicksilver, 40 grains, zinc filings, 20 grains; mix and apply. (e) Tin, 2 parts, cadmiiim, 1 part, melt. Add quicksilver to some of the metal, in filings. (/) Silver, 72 parts, tin, 20 parts, zinc, G parts. As be- fore. (^) Fine silver filings and mercury. Amalgam for the Teeth. — Pure gold, 1 part, silver, 3 parts, tin, 2 parts. Melt the gold and silver, add the tin, remelt the whole, and reduce to the finest powder. For use, the requisite quantity is mixed with an equal weight of pure mercury. — Robertson. Amalgamated Zinc. — Cover a little mercury in a dish with dilute sulphuric acid. Immerse the zinc plate, rub the mercury and acid over it with a linen rag, when the mercury will adhere. Or clean the plate with sulphuric acid, rinse it, dip it in a mixture of equal parts of saturated solutions of bichloride of mercury, and acetate of lead, lastly, rub the plate with a cloth. Used for voltaic batteries in electro-plating. 20 AMB — ANA. Amber is joined by linseed or boiled oil, pressing tbe pieces together over a gentle fire. Amber is soluble in sulphu- ric acid, and the alkalies, but the solutions are useless in the arts. It is made into a useful varnish, with oil and turpentine. See Varnish. American Whitewash. — Slack half a bushel of lime with boiling water, and cover the vessel to retain the steam. Strain the liquor, and add one peck of salt previously dissolved in warm water, 3 lbs. of rice boiled and ground to a paste, Spanish whiting, 8 oz., glue, 1 lb. Mix and add hot water, 5 gallons. Let stand a few days, and apply hot. It makes a brilliant wash for inside or out- side work. Ammonia is readily recognised by its pungent scent. In solution {liquor ammoiiise) it is free from colour, and gives off acrid alkaline vapours. The weaker prepara- tion (P. L.)contains nearly 10 grains of ammonia in 100 grains of the solution, sp. gr. 0-960. The stronger so- lution {fortiur^ is of sp. gr. 0-882; contains nearly 30 grains of ammonia in 100 grains of solution, and is re- duced to the weaker standard by adding to one ounce of it, two ounces of water. Ammoniacal Solution for Plants. — Sulphate of ammo- nia, 700 grains, sesqui-carbonate of ammonia, 100 grains, water, 8 fluid ounces. Dissolve. One fluid ounce of this solution is added to a gallon of water. Used for watering weak plants, shrubs, &c. Ammoniated Solution of Quinine. — Sulphate of quinine, 32 grains, proof spirit, 3A^ oz., liquor of ammonia, J oz. Mix the quinine with the spirit, and add the ammonia, which will precipitate the qviiuine, and afterwards redis- solve it. Anatomical Preparations, to Preserve. — Various fluids ^ are used for this purpose; in some cases the articles are merely washed, in others the fluid is injected; while some articles are immersed in the solution. Creosote, spirit, and bichloride of mercury, are used to prevent ANC— ANN. 21 decay; solution of arsenic to preserve from attacks of insects. 1. Salt and alum, of each 2 lbs., nitre, 1 lb., water, 4 gallons. Into the carotid artery inject a solution of sulphate of alumina, of density 1-286. — Gannal. 2. Inject pyroxilic spirit into the aorta, the cavity of the peritoneum, and the rectum. — Bahington. 3. For Insects. — Bay salt, 4 oz., alum, 2 oz., bichloride of mercury, 2 to 4 grs., water, 1 to 2 quarts. — Goadby. 4. Creosote, 3 to 6 drops, water, 1 pint. For pathological specimens. — Pigne. 5. Chloride of tin, 4 parts, or bichloride of mercury, 5 parts, in 100 parts of water, with 2 parts muriatic acid. — Cooley. 6. For Animals. — Alum, 2 lbs., nux vomica, 3 oz., water, 5 pints; boil, cool, and filter. Used to inject, and mixed with yolk of egg, to anoint externally. 7. For Feathers of Birds. — Strychnine, 8 grs., rectified spirit, 10 oz. Mix. 8. For Molluscce. — Bay salt, \ oz., arsenic, 15 grs., bichlo- ride of mercury, 1 gr., water, 1 pint. 9. Water and spirit of wine, of each 3 parts, strong am- monia, 1 part. Anchovy Powder. — Pound anchovies, rub the paste through a sieve, and add dry flour to make a dough. Dry and powder. Used as an ingredient iq sauces. Anchovy Paste. — Pound the anchovies, rub the paste through a sieve, pot the fish, and cover with butter. — A little salt and pepper are used to season it. Anchovies, Essence of. — Pound the fish, boil the bones, &c. in a small quantity of water, add the fish to the strained liquor, with salt, pepper, and flour. Colour with powdered bole, annatto, or infusion of cochineal. Annatto forms a colouring matter, applicable to various purposes; the best is termed roll annatto. It is soluble in ether, alcohol, volatile and fixed oils, imparting to them a brilliant orange colour; alkaline solutions dark- en it, sulphuric acid turns it blue. 9>> ANN — ARR. Annatto, Solution of. — Boil one part each of annatto and pearl-ash in water. Dilute to the required colour. Annatto, Purified. — Boil pearl-ash and water; add as much annatto as it will dissolve. Oil of vitriol by weight, 1 part, water, 20 parts; mix. Gradually add this to the annatto solution, when cold, as long as a coloured precipitate is thrown down, avoiding excess of acid. Wash the precipitate and dry it. The pro- duct is pure annatto. Anti- Attrition, or Axle Grease. — Black lead 1 part, tallow or lard, 4 parts; ground together. Antibilious Pills. — Aloes, 28 parts, colocynth, 12 parts, rhubarb, 7 parts, myrrh and scammony, of each 3 J parts, ipecacuanha, 3 parts, cardamom seeds, 2 parts, soft soap, 9 parts, oil of juniper, 7 parts, and treacle, q. s. Divide into 4 grain pills, of which two or three are a dose. Anti-Ferment. — A preparation to check fermentation. 1. Saljihite of lime. 2. Cloves, 1 part, mustard seed, 14 parts, bruised together. A little of either is added to wine, cider, kc. Antimony is procured from the crude ore or sulphuret of antimony. It is brittle, white with a blue tinge, and has a crystalline fracture. Fused with borax it imparts a yellow colour to it. Dissolved in hot concentrated nitric acid, it forms a powder termed antimonious acid, which is insoluble in ordinary acids. Sp. gr., 6646 to 686. Used chiefly in medicine and in alloys. Aqua Florum Napii^. — Orange flower water. Aqua Vegeto-mineralis. — Goulard water. Archill, also called turnsole, litmus, cudbear, &c. Affords a colouring matter, which is used for testing acids, alka- lies, &c. — See Tests. Arrowroot {Mdmnta m-undi'naccn) — A pure nutritive starch, the best of which comes from the tubers of the maranta plant, and is called West India or Bermuda arrowroot. Inferior descriptions are the Uasl Indian, ARR — ASP. 23 from the Curcuma AngustifoHa; Brazilian, from the Cassava phuit (tapioca); Purtlaud, tVoui the Arum ^la- culatuni; South Sea, or 2\ihiti, from the Tacca Pinna- tiflda; and Eiujlish arrowroot, or potato starch. The last is frequently used to adulterate the better sorts. Arrowroot Jelly. — 1. Make a dessert-spoonful of arrow- root into a smooth jelly with cold water, add half a pint of boilint/ water, pour all into the pan and boil for a minute. Add wine, sugar, and nutmeg to taste. 2. Use milk instead of wine and water. Nourishing for invalids and for weak bowels. Arsenic is by law required to be mixed with soot or indigo, to distinguish it more readily from innocent prepa- rations. iVrsenic may be detected by an ammoniacal so- lution of acetate or sulphate of copper, which turns it green. From the frequent wilful or accidental cases of poisoning which have been caused by this article, many tests have been proposed, and in suspected cases A-arious trials are made before finally deciding. The antidotes to arsenic are emetics, and immediate medical aid. Arsemous Acid (P. L.) — A metallic acid, prepared by sub- limation. White or slightly yellowish; when heated in a tube it sublimes; mixed with charcoal, and heated, it is reduced to metallic arsenic. Soluble in boiling water, from which it precipitates on cooling. This solution gives a yellow precipitate on the addition of hydrosul- phuric acid; with ammonia and then nitrate of silver, a lemon-coloured precipitate; with pt)tash and sulphate of copper, a green one. If lOU grains of this acid be digested in dilute hydrochloric acid, and when cool, hydrosulphuric acid be added, 124 grains of tersulphuret of arsenic are precipitated. AsARAn.\ccA Sntff. — Prepared from asarabacca leaves, and uiixed with scented snuff. See Cephalic Snuff. AsPHALTUM, Prepared. — Scio turpentine, 2 parts, asphal- tum, 1 part. MlU and thin with warm oil of turjx'iitlne. Or melt one part of asphaltum, and add 2 parts of warm balsam of copaiba. 24 ASS— BAK. Asses' Milk Artificial. — 1. Milk, 1 quart; rice, sugar- candy, each 1 oz., bruised eringo-root, 1 drachm. Boil together and strain. 2. Egg milk sweetened with sugar-candy. 3. Hartshorn shavings, 1 oz., water, 1 pint ; boil, add sugar and milk. Atkinson's Infant's Preservative. — A proposed substi- tute consists of carbonate of magnesia, 6 drachms, sugar, 2 oz., oil of aniseed, 20 drops, sal volatile, 2^ drachms, laudanum, 1 drachm, syrup of saffron, 1 oz. ; make up 1 pint with carraway water. Backer's Tonic Pills. — 1. Extract of black hellebore, pow- dered myrrh, of each 1 oz., blessed thistle, (ca?-ih 1. Soak it in a weak solution of aquafortis, and immerse it in liquid carmine. 2. Boil it with Brazil wood, 1 lb., and water, 1 gallon, then add alum, 4 oz., and buil again. Black. — Dip in a .'solution of nitrate of silver and expose to the light; or, first boil in galls and logwood, and then in iron liquor. 88 EAT — EAU. Green. — Dip in a solution of verdigris, to wliicli a little aquafortis is added, or verdigris and vinegar. Purple. — lioil in a decoction of logwood, then add alum, 1 oz., to each quart, and boil again. Yellow. — Steep in a saturated solution of orpiment in am- monia. Blue. — Steep in a solution of salt of tartar and sulphate of indigo. Eaton's Styptic. — A spirituous solution of sulphate of iron, coloured. Eau {Frencli for Water.) — Various liquors are so called. In perfumery it is applied to fragrant solutions of oil, in spirits and distilled waters, of odorous plants. The same title is adopted for cordial liquors. Eau d'Ambre. — Tincture of musk-seed, 1 lb., essence of ambergris, 1 oz., tincture of musk, 1 oz., rectified spirit, 2 lbs., orange-flower water, a sufficient quantity; mix, and filter. Eau d'Ange. — 1. Myrtle flowers, 16 oz., rectified spirit, 1 gallon; distil in a water-bath. 2. Myrtle flower-water, Eau de ]]ouquet. — 1. Spirit of rosemary and essence of vio- lets, of each 1 oz., essence of bergamotte and jasmine, of each 1 drachm, oils of verbena and lavender, each 1 scruple, eau de rose, \ pint, orange-flower water, 1 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints; mix, digest, and filter. 2. IToney-watcr, 2 oz., tincture of cloves, 1 oz., tinctures of calamus, of lavender, and of long cyprus, each \ oz., eau sans pareillo, 4 oz., spirit of jessamine, 9 drachms, tincture of orris, 1 oz., tincture of neroli, 20 drops; mix, and filter. 3. English oil of lavender, oil of cloves, and oil of berga- motte, of each 2 drachms, otto of roses, and oil of cin- namon, of each 20 drojxs, essence of musk, 1 drachm, rectified spirit, 1 j)int; mix. Eau de Cologne. — 1. Essence of bergamotte, 40 drops, essence of lemon, 45 drops, oil of rosemary, G drops, oil KAU — EFF. 89 of orange, 22 drops, ncroli, 12 drops, essence of musk, 1 drop, rcctitied spirit, G oz.; mix, and filter. 2. Oils of bergamottc, lemons, and ccdrat, of each 3 oz., oils of rosemary, lavender, and ncroli, of each li oz., oil of cinnamon, G drachms, rectified spirit, 3 gallons, spirit of rosemary, 1 quart, compound spirit of balm (eau de melisse de Cannes.) o pints; digest for 8 days, and distil 8 gallons. — Paris Codex. 3. Essence of bergamotte, 6 drachms, of lemon, 2J drachms, oils of ncroli, lavender, and rosemary, of each 1 drachm, oils of orange and nutmeg, of each 2 drachms, essence of ccdrat, A oz., essence of millefleurs, and of roses, of each 22 drachms, rose water, 1 It)., rectified spirit, 6 lbs. 4. Oil of oranges, J oz., essences of bergamotte and lemon, and oil of lavender, of each 2 drachms, oil of rosemary, 1 drachm, oil of thyme, 20 drops. 5. Grape spirit, 3 gallons, oil of ncroli, 1] oz., oil of rose- mary and of bergamotte peel, of each 1 oz., oil of orange and citron peels, of each 2^ oz. Eau de Lavande. — 1. ]\Iitcham oil of lavender, 8 oz., es- sence of bergamotte, 1^ oz., essence of musk, 4 oz., rec- tified spirit, 2 gallons; mix. Used by Ilcr Majesty. 2. Oil of lavender, oil of bergamotte, of each 3 drachms, otto of roses, and oil of cloves, of each 6 drops, musk, 2 grains, oil of rosemary, 1 drachm, honey, 1 oz., ben- zoic acid, 2 scruples, rectified spirit, 1 pint, distilled water, 3 oz. — Fercira. Eau de Maresciiale. — Grain musk and ambergris, of each 20 grains, oils of bergamotte, lavender, and cloves, of each 1 oz., oil of sassafras, 10 drops, oil of origanum, 20 drops, rectified spirit, 2 quarts; mix. Eau de ^Iillefleurs. — Spirit of cummin seed, oils of sas- safras and ro.semary, of each 10 drops, oil of lavender, and^otto of roses, of each 2 drachms, ncroli, i drachm, oils of pimento and cloves, of each 20 drops, essence bergamotte, 4 drachms, oil of orange, 1 drachm, es- sence of lemon, 8 oz., vanilla, 1 scruple, eldcr-flower water, 4 oz., rectified sjilrit, 30 oz.; mix and filter. 90 EAU — ELD. 2. Rose and orange flower water, of each 4 oz., oil of cloves and English oil of lavender, of each 1 drachm, oil of bergamotte, 2 drachms, musk, 2 grains, spirit of wine, 1 pint; mix. Digest a week, and add a drachm of es- sence of musk. — Bateman. Eau de Lavande aux Millefleurs. — Eau de lavande, eau de millefleurs, of each 2 oz.; mix and filter. Eau sans Pareille. — 1. Musk, 10 grains, civet, 5 grains, balsam of Peru, 12 grains, oil of cloves, 4 drops, oil of rhodium, 2 drops, salt of tartar, ^ drachm, rectified spirit, 2 oz.; digest and filter. — Bateman. 2. Rose and orange waters, of each 4 oz., oil of cloves, and English oil of lavender, of each 1 drachm, oil of berga- motte, 2 drachms, musk, 2 grains, spirit of wine, 1 pint; mix. Digest a week, and add 1 drachm of essence of musk. — Bateman. Eau de Melisse des Carmes. — Frcsb balm flowers, 24 oz., fresh lemon-peel, 4 oz., cinnamon cloves and nutmeg, of each 2 oz., coriander seed and dried angelica-root, of each 1 oz., rectified spirit, 8 lbs.; macerate for 8 days, and distil in a water bath to dryness. — Paris Codex. Eau de Portugal. — Oil of orange peel, 24 drops, of lemon peel and of bergamotte, of each 4 drops, of lemon grass and otto of roses, of each 1 drop, spirit (60 o. p.) 2 oz, Eau de Vie Allemande. — Compound tincture of jalap. Effervescent Magnesia. — Carbonate of magnesia, 1 part, sulphate of magnesia, bicarbonate of soda, tartrate of potash and of soda, tartaric acid, of each 2 parts; dry by heat and mix. Dose: one tcaspoonful in a glass of water. Eggs, to Preserve. — Lime, 1 bushel, salt, 2 lbs., cream of tartar, I lb., water to make a li((uid in which an egg will float. Eggs may be preserved in this solution for two years. Elder Flower Water. — Elder flowers, lbs., water, 4 gallons; draw over 3 gallons by distillation, and add rectified spirit, o oz. EM — EMU. 91 4 Eltxiu. — A name fur compound tinctures. EUxir, Daffi/s. — 1. (^Dkci/'s) Senna, 1 lb., guaiacum shavings, dried elecampane root, aniseed, carraway seed, coriander seed, and li((uorice root, of each \ It)., stoned raisins, 2 lbs., proof spirit, 9 quarts. Digest 14 days, and strain. 2. (Swinlun's) Jalap, o lbs., senna, 1 lb., coriander and carraway seeds, ]i(juoricc root, and elecampane root, of each 4 oz., rectitied spirit and water, of each 1 gallon. Purgative, stimulant. The compound tinctui-e of senna answers every purpose fur which this elixir is used. EUxir, Rndclljf's. — Aloes, G drachms, cinnamon, zedoary, and cochineal, of each \ drachm, rhuljarb, 1 drachm, syrup of buckthorn, 2 oz., proof spirit, 16 oz., water, 5 oz. — Dr. Paris. Purgative, stomachic. Elixir, Scjiiircs'. — Opium, 2 oz., camphor and cochineal, of each } oz., sweet fennel, 1 drachm, tincture of ser- pentaria, 10 oz., spirit of aniseed, 1 gallon, water, 1 pint; mix. Stimulant, anodyne. Elixir, Stouglitons. — Gentian, 36 oz., serpcntaria, 16 oz., dried orange-peel, 24 oz., sweet flag, 4 oz., rectitied spirit and water, of each 6 gallons, old measure. Sto- machic. Elixir of Roses. — Cloves, 1 drachm, cinnamon, 3 oz , gin- ger, 2 oz., spirit, 2^ pints, oil of orange, 1 drachm, otto of roses, 15 drops, essence of peppermint, 1 oz.; digest 14 days, and filter. Used to clean the teeth. Elixir lie Vie. — Compound tincture of aloes. E.MBKOCATION, GuESTONiAN. — Olive oil and oil of turpen- tine, of each IV oz., dilute sulphuric acid, 3 drachms; mix. Applied in rheumatic cases. Embrocation, Roche's. — Sweet oil, 2 oz., oil of amber, 1 oz., oil of cloves, 1 drachm. Formerly used in hooping- cough. Emplastuu.m Cepiiatjcum. — Plaster of opium. Emulsion. — An admixture of oil and water by some sub- stance which <;ombine.s them. 1 drachm of mucilairo of gum Arabic, or 1 oz. of almonds, or an egg, will 92 EMU — ENE. e> form an emulsion, with 1 oz. of water and 2 draclims of any oil. Emn/sioii of Gum. — Sweet almonds blanched, 10 drachms, white sugar, 5 drachms, mucilage, 3 oz., water, 1 quart. Used in coughs, either alone or combined with other medicines. Emulsion of Oil of Almonds. — Oil of almonds, 3 drachms, mucilage and syrup, of each 2 oz., rose water, 1 oz., distilled water, 3 to 4 oz.; mix. The emulsions of the pharmacopoeia are included under the head of Mixtures. Enemas. — These should generally be administered at a tem- perature of 94 or 90° F. The quantity for an adult should range from \ to f of a pint; for an infant 1 oz., and medium quantities according to age. The active ingredient must be proportioned according to the effect it may have on the patient; and drugs such as opium, &c., should never be used for infants. Enema of Aloes, L. — i\.loes, 2 scruples, carbonate of pot- ash, 15 grains, decoction of barley, 10 oz. Mix, and rub them together. Used to dislodge ascarides, and as a stimulant in constipation. Enema of Assafvllda, L. — Prepared assafoetida, 1 dr., decoction of barley, 10 oz. llub the assafoetida with the decoction gradually added, until thoroughly mixed. Used to expel wind and empty the bowels in the con- stipation of hysterical women. Enema of Culocynth, L. — Extract of colocynth, 2 drachm, soft soap, 1 oz., water, 1 pint. Mix and rub together. Used in constipation and colic. Enema of Oj)iiim, L. — Tincture of opium, 30 drops, de- coction of starch, 4 oz.; mix. Used as an anodyne for irritable bowels. Enema of Tobacco, L. — Tobacco, 1 scruple, boiling water, 10 oz. Macerate 1 hour, and strain. Used in cases of hernia, lead colic, obstructed bowels, &c. Its use is always dangerous. Enema of Tuiycntine, L. — Oil of turpentine, 1 oz., the yolk of an egg, decoction of barley, 19 oz. Rub the oil ERO — ESS. 93 witli the yolk, and add the decoction. Employed in worm cases, in tympanitis, and puerperal peritonitis. Ergot. — The diseased production of rye. On some occa- sions when the grain has been spurred or covered with ergot, it has caused death frequently to the partakers. INIedieally, it is administered to contract the uterus in labour, and it is very powerful in this case. The active property appears to reside in the oil, which is taken up by hot water, (tea, &c.,) alcohol and ether, and these preparations arc generally administered uncombined witli other medicines. Powdered ergot is given in re- peated doses of 10 to 20 grains, or in one dose of J dr., in Avhich case it generally acts in less than 20 minutes. Enjoty Elliriral Tincture of, L. — Powdered ergot, 15 oz., ether, 2 pints; macerate 7 days, express and strain. Dose: 15 to GO drops, according to the object in view. Ergot, Tincture of, D. — Powdered ergot, 8 oz., proof spirit, Z pints; macerate 14 days, strain, express, and hlter. Dose: 15 drops to 2 drachms, as required. Escii.VLOT \Yixi:. — IJruiscd shalots, 3 oz., sherry wine, 1 pint; infuse 10 days, and strain. One ounce of scraped horse-radish, and 1 drachm of thin lemon-peel may be added. Used in cooking, as a relish. Esprit (^French for Spirit.) — A term applied to spirituous perfumes. Ei^prit de Bcrgamotte. — Essence of bergamotte, 5 oz., es- sence of ambergris, 2 oz., essence of nmsk, i oz., oil of verbena, 2 drachms, rectified spirit, 1 gallon; mix. E-'i'rit de liosr. — Otto of roses, \ drachm, rectified spirit, 1 quart; dissolve, and filter if required. Essence. — A concentrated preparation of any substance in perfumery or medicine, usually prepared with highly- reQtilicd spirit. In perfumery it should be colourless, and void of peculiar scent or taste. Ivssences of all- spice, aniseed, carraway, cinnamon, fennel, nutmeg, pennyroyal, pcppormiiit, rosemary, and spearmint, arc all prcpired by dissolving 1 oz. of tiie oil in oz. of rectified spirit. \\'hen weaker than this they are called 94 ESS. ESSEXCES. spirits, and are prepared of the strengths directed in the pharmacopoeia. Essence of Amhcr(jris. — 1. Generally the simple tincture of ambergris, 1 drachm to 3 oz. of spirit. 2. (Cumpound) Ambergris, 1 drachm, civet, 15 grains, musk, 30 grains, carbonate of potash, 20 grains; mix, and add oil of cinnamon, 10 drops, oil of lavender, 2 drops, oils of rhodium, of neroli, and otto of roses, of each G drops, rectified spirit, 6 oz.; digest and filter. 8. Ambergris, 2 oz., bladder musk, 1 oz., spirit of am- brette, 1 gallon; digest and filter. Essence of Anchovies. — 1. Beat 1 lb. of anchovies to a paste, and pulp them through a sieve; cover the bones, &c., with 1 pint water, and boil them gently; strain, add the liquor to the fish, and mix with flour sufficient to make a paste. Flavour with salt, Cayenne, and mush- room catsup to taste, and, if required, colour with bole, annatto, or infusion of cochineal. The colouring is generally better loft out. 2. Powdered sweet almonds, 6 oz., anchovies, 8 lbs., salt, 22" lbs.) nitre, 6 oz., Cayenne, i oz., bole, 5 oz., water, 2 gallons. Proceed as above in boiling the fish, and add the other ingredients, using sufficient gum traga- canth to thicken it, if desired more solid. Essence d' Avihrettc. — Bruised musk seed, 16 oz., rectified spirit, 3 pints; digest and filter. Essence de Bouquet. — Triple extract of roses, 1 pint, ex- tract of ambergris, 2 oz., extract of orris, 8 oz., otto of lemons, 2 drachms, otto of bergamotte, 1 oz.; mix. Essence of Bitter Almonds. — Essential oil of almonds, 1 part, rectified spirit, 20 parts. Used to flavour wine, cordials, liquors, perfumery, pastry, &c. It is jyoison- ous in large quantity, and, having a strong taste, vcr?/ little serves to impart flavour. Wiien too much is used in li(juors, kc, nothing but reducing with fresh liquor will cover the taste, and it becomes disagreeable from its strength. One drop of the volatile oil of almonds serves iov f^ur doses in medicine. Essence of Cai/enne — 1. Cayenne, \ oz., brandy, 2 pint digest 1-4 days, and strain. Used in cookery. ESS. 95 Essences. 2. (^Concr))f7-atcd) Capsules of capsicum bruised, 3 lbs., rectified spirit, 1 gallon; digest 14 days and filter. Used in dispensing, and for producing soluble Cayenne popper. Essence of Cedar. — Otto of cedar, i oz., triple extract of roses, 2 oz., rectified spirit, 10 oz.; mix. An excellent dentifrice. Essence of Ergot of Rye. — Bruised ergot, 1 oz., boiling water, 2 fluid ounces; infuse for twenty-four hours, and add rectified spirit, \\ oz. Digest ten days, and filter. lA fluid drachms arc equal to half a scruple of the powder. Essence of Ginger and Chamomile. — Tincture of ginger, 15 oz., essence of ginger, 3 oz., compound tincture of gentian, 9 oz., oil of chamomile, h drachm; mix. Tonic, stomachic. Essence of Ginger. — 1. Sliced ginger, 6 oz., rectified spirit, 12 oz., water and lump-sugar, of each -i oz., cardamom seeds, 2 drachms; macerate 21 days and filter, or pro- ceed by percolation. 2. Ginger, 1 It)., cloves, 4 oz., Cayenne, 2 oz., rectified spirit, 1 pint, proof spirit, 2 pints; macerate 14 days and filter. 3. Ginger, 12 lbs., rectified spirit, 2 5 gallons; digest 14 days, express, strain, and di.stil until reduced to 1 gal- lon. Filter. Quality, very fine. Essence of Camj)lior. — 1. Camphor, 1 oz., rectified spirit, 9 oz., by weight; dissolve. 20 drops to 71 drachms of distilled water make about 1 oz. of solution of camphor. 2. {Compound) Camphor, \h oz., rectified .^^pirit, 4 oz.j di.ssolve, and add tincture of myrrh, I oz. Use 50 drops to 1 pint of water. Essence for Smelling Botdes. — Es.sencc of ambergris, 1 oz., otto of roses, and oil of lavender, of each 20 drops, essence of bergamottc, 2 drachms; mix, and add 5 oz. of the strongest solution of ammonia. Fragrant, re- freshing. Essence of Flowers. — Essence of jasmine, 2 drachms, otto of rose, and essence of ambergris, of each 20 drops, oil of cinnamon, 1 drop, essences of citron, of cedrat, of 96 ESS. Essences. lemon, of oransje, of each 4 drops, oil of ncroli, 10 drops, tincture of orris, 4 oz., water, 1 oz., rectiflcd .spirit, 8 oz. Essence of Violets. — 1. Orris root, 2 oz., rectified spirit, 8 oz. ; diir;est, express, and filter, or proceed by percolation. 2. Alcoholic extract of cassie, 1 pint, esprit do rose, tincture of orris and of tuberuse, of each | pint, oil of almonds, 3 drops. Essence of Verbena. — 1. Oil of verbena, 1 drachm, rectified spirit, 1 oz. ; mix, and add essence of vanilla, 10 drops. 2. Oil of lemon grass, 3 drachms, of lemon peel, 2 oz., of orange peel 4 drachms, spirit, one pint; mix and filter. Essence of Peppermint. — Oil of peppermint, 1 oz., recti- fied spirit, 1 oz., carbonate of magnesia, J oz., water, li oz. Mix the oil and magnesia intimately, put them in the filter, pour on the spirit, and afterwards the water. Mi.xes with water; it may be filtered again, if not f[uite clear. Essence of Civettc. — Civet, 1 oz., spirit of wine or spirit of ambrctte, 1 pint; mix. Fragrant. Essence of Cuhchs. — Ground cubebs, 4 lbs., rectified spirit, 1 gallon. Digest 14 days, express, and filter. Essence for Ilcridache. — Oil of lavender, 1 drachm, cam- phor, 1 oz., liquor of ammonia, 3 oz., spirit, 1 pint, dis- solve. Fragrant. Essence of Lilac. — Alcoholic extract of tuberuse, 20 oz., of orange flowers, 5 oz , extract of civet, i oz., otto of almonds, 3 drops. Essence of Magnolia. — Alcoholic extract of orange flowers, 2 oz., of roses, 4 oz., of violets and tuberuse, of each 1 oz., oil of citron, 20 drops, essential oil of almonds, 1 drop. Essence of Blush. — 1. Finest musk. It oz., civet, \ oz., es- sence of ambergris, 5 oz., spirit of ambrette, 1 quart. Digest in a moderately warm situation for 2 months. Quality, superior. 2. Musk, 14 drachms; triturate with an equal quantity of sugar, add 10 oz. boiling water, digest until cold, then ESS. 97 Essences. add rectified spirit, CJ pints, carbonate of potash, i drachm ; digest and filter. Essence of Mustard. — Oil of turpentine, 1 pint, camphor, oil of ro-seiuary, and flour mustard, of each i oz. ; mix. Rubefacient ; used to bathe rheumatic limbs, &c. Essence of XcroU. — Oil of orange, 2 drachms, bruised or- ris root, 2 oz., ambergris, 10 grains, neroli, 15 drops, spirit of wiue, 1 pint. Digest 14 days, and filter. Odorous. Essence of Patchouli. — 1. Dried patchouli, 1 oz., rectified spirit, 1 pint, digest and filter. Used as a perfume. 2. Oil of patchouli, 10 drachms, otto of roses, 2 drachms, spirit, 1 gallon. Essence for Freston Salts. — Oil of cloves, 1 drachm, Eng- lish oil of lavender, 2 drachms, essence of bergamotte, 5 drachms, strong liquor of ammonia, 1 pint ; mix. — Mounsey. Essence of Qui'nme. — 1. Diluted .sulphuric acid, 1 part, alcohol, 8 parts, and sulphate of quinine as much as it will di.«.solve. 2. Sulphate of quinine, I oz., aromatic sulphuric acid, 1 oz., mix, and add tincture of orange, 12 oz., syrup of red poppy, and water, of each 1 oz. Essence of Rondclctia. — 1. Essences of bergamotte and Jemon, and oil of cloves, of each 1 drachm, otto of roses, 6 drops, rectified spirit, 1 pint. 2. Oil of lavender, 2 oz., of cloves, 1 oz., of bergamotte, 1 oz., otto of roses, o drachms, essence of musk, vanilla, and ambergris, of each b oz., grape spirit, 1 gallon. Essence of Red Roses. — Red rose leaves, 1 lb., rectified spirit, and water, of each 2 quarts, dilute sulphuric acid, 2 drachms ; digest 14 days, expres.s, and filter. Used to make the honey and syrup of roses. Essence of ASji>rini/ Flowers. — Extract of ro.ses and violets, of each 1 pint, of ca.^sie, 2^ oz., oil of bcrgamot, 2 drachms, of ambergris, 1 oz. Essence of Su-rct Brier. — Sjiirituous extract of rose po- matum, 10 oz., ditto of cassie and orange flowers, of each 98, ESS — ETC. Essences. 2j oz., esprit de rose, 2^ oz., oils of neroli and verbena, of each 1 5 drops ; mix. Essence of Sweet Pea. — Extract of tuberuse, of orange flower, and of roses, of each 10 oz., extract of vanilla, 1 oz. Essence of Tonquin. — Tonquin beans, 1 lb., spirit, 1 gal- lon; digest four weeks and strain. Essence of Vanilla. — 1. Vanilla, 4 oz., rectified spirit, 1 pint. Digest for two months, and filter. 2. Vanilla, 9 oz., essence of ambrette, 1 quart, cloves, J drachm, grain musk, 7 grains. Digest and filter. Used as a perfume, and for flavouring. 3. Vanilla pods (chopped), J lb., spirit, 1 gallon; mace- rate for one month, and strain. Essence of Verhena. — Oil of lemon grass, 3 drachms, of lemon peel, 2 oz., of orange peel, -l drachms, spirit, one pint; mix and filter. Essence of Violets. — Alcoholic extract of cassie, 1 pint, esprit de rose, tincture of orris and of tuberuse, of each i pint, oil of almonds, 8 drops. Essentia Odorifera. — Grain musk and balsam of Peru, of each 11 grains, civet and oil of cloves, of each 5 grains, oil of rhodium, 2 grains, salt of tartar, oO grains, alcohol, 2 oz. ; digest and filter. Etching. — A method of engraving on plates with acids, which are poured into lines drawn on the plate, co- vered with a wax ground. The plate is warmed, the ground is applied, and distributed evenly by heat, and when cool, a bodkin, &c., is used to engrave, by re- moving the wax, so as to expose the plates in lines suit- ed to the sketch. The acid is then applied to bite away the exposed portion of the plate; it is prevented from acting elsewhere by the untouched wax, and when it has acted sufiicieutly the wax is removed and the sketch printed from. Eichimj Ground. — Melt in a glazed earthen vessel 2 oz. of powdered asphaltum, then add 1 oz. of Burgundy pitch; melt, and add I5 oz. of virgin wax; mix well, ETH. 99 pour into warm water and incorporate the whole with the hands. — Lowry. Transparent Etdiuig Ground. — Resin, 1 oz., virgin wax, 2 oz. ; melt in an earthen pipkin. Or turpentine var- nish mixed with a small quantity of oxide of bismuth. — Fielding. Bordering Wax. — Burgundy pitch, 3 flbs., bees'-wax, 1 lb. ; melt, and add h pint of sweet oil. Pour it into water and work it with the hands. — Fielding. Etching Fluid for Copper. — 1. Nitrous acid, 1 part, water, 6 parts; mix gradually, and add the size of a hazel nut of sal ammoniac to each pint. — Fielding. 2. Verdigris, alum, sea salt, and sal ammoniac, of each 1 part, vinegar, 2 parts; dissolve, add water, 4 parts, boil a minute, and cool. — Callot. 3. Iodine, 2 parts, iodide of potassium, 5 parts, water, 8 parts. Etching Fluid for Steel. — 1. Pyroligneous acid and nitric acid, each 1 part, water, 6 parts. — Fielding. 2. Iodine, 1 oz., iron filings, I drachm, water, 4 oz.; di- gest until dissolved. 3. Hydrochloric acid, 10 parts, distilled water, 70 parts, chlorate of potash, 2 parts. Dissolve the chlorate in the water, and add the acid. Diluted with water for use to the strength required. Ether. — No formula is given for its preparation in the P. L. It was formerly called sulphuric ether. Characters and tests. — Colourless, sp. gr. not exceeding 0750. Exposed to the air it flies oEF in vapour; it af- fects litmus with a red colour, cither very slightly or not at all. Half an ounce mixes completely in half a pint of water. — L. Dose: i drachm to 2 drachms in any convenient vehicle. Stimulant and antispasmodic. It is soluble in alcohol, but if the two are mixed with water the other separates. Etiicr dissolves resins and caoutchouc, and will di.ssolve and remove bichloride of mercury from its solution in water or in organic fluids. "It mixes better with water if each drachm be triturated with 2 grains of Bpermaccti." — United States Dispensary/. 100 EXT. ' Etiiiops, Martial. — Iron filings oxidized under water. Formerly much esteemed as a tonic. Etiiiops Mineral. — A mercurial compound used in cattle medicine. Extracts. — Thickened juices of various vegetable medi- cines. Directions of (lie London College. — ''In preparing extracts, unless otherwise ordered, evaporate the liquid by a water bath in a pan as quickly as possible, stirring constantly towards the end with a spatula, until a consistence is acquired suitable for forming pills." Extract of Aconite, L. — Fresh leaves of aconite, 1 lb., bruise them in a stone mortar, press out the juice, and evaporate it unstrained to a proper consistence. Used in rheumatism, neuralgia, fever, &c. Dose: \ to 2 gr., beginning with the smaller doses. A powerful poison. Extract of Aloes, L. — Socotrine aloes, 15 oz., boiling dis- tilled water, 1 gallon. Macerate with a gentle heat for 3 days, strain and set aside, afterwards pour off the clear, and evaporate to a proper consistence. Dose: 5 to 15 grains. Extract of Barhacloes Aloes, L. — Prepared as extract of aloes. Dose: 5 to 15 grains. Both are prepared to separate impurities, and render the medicine more mild in its operation. Extract of Belladonna, L. — Prepared as extract of aco- nite. Acrid, narcotic, resolvent. Used in neuralgia, tic-douloureux, and in diseases of the eye. Dose: one- tenth to 2 grains, used cautiously. Extract of Dandelion (Fluid.) — Fresh dandelion roots, 20 lbs. (av.,) alcohol, sp. gr. -835, four pints; beat or slice the roots to a pulp, add the alcohol, mix, let stand a month or more, express strongly, and filter. Extract of Elder Flowers. — Tincture of benzoin, 1 oz., elder flower water, 1 quart; gradually add the water to the spirit. E.rAract of Elder Flowers, for the Comjylexion. — Take gum benzoin, 1 drachm, spirits of wine, a wincglassful, elder flower water, 1 pint. Powder the gum, and put it into the spirit (unsweetened gin will do.) In a short time it will be dissolved. Now put this mixture into a jug, and then gradually add the elder flower water. KXT. 101 Extracts. If there be any particles of benzoin not dissolved, the extract must be strained throuj;h fine muslin prior to its being put into the toilet-bottle. On account of the milky appearance of this preparation, the French per- fumers call it hilt vinjinal. Extract of Yellow Bark, L. — Yellow cinchona coarsely bruised, 3 lbs., distilled water, G pints. Add 4 pints of water to the bark, stir until the bark is soaked, ma- cerate for 24 hours, and strain through linen. Mace- rate the bark in the remaining water for 24 hours; mix the liquors, and evaporate to the required consistence. Extract of Fale Barky L. — Prepared as extract of yellow bark. Extract of Red Bark, L. — Prepared as extract of yellow bark. All the varieties arc tonic and stomachic. Dose: 10 to 30 grains. Little used since the discovery of qui- nine. Extract of Colchicum, L. — Fresh colchicum cormi, 1 lb. Remove the outer coats, and proceed as for extract of aconite. Used in the early stages of acute rheumatism. Dose: 1 to 2 grains every 4 hours, until it acts as a pur- gative. Extract of Colchicum, (acetic) L. — Meadow saffron cor- mus, fresh, 1 lb., acetic acid, 3 oz. Strip the cormus, bruise it, and sprinkle the acetic acid on it, express the juice, and evaporate it unstrained to an extract. Em- ployed in acute rheumatism and gout. Dose: 1 to 2 grains, two or three times a day. Extract of Colorj/nth, L. — Cut colocynth without seeds, 3 lbs., distilled water, 4 pints. Macerate the colocynth for 3(j hours, frequently pressing it with the hand. Express strongly, and strain the litjuor, which evapo- rate to an extract. Purgative. Dose: 5 to 20 grains. Extract of Dandelion, L. — Prepared as extract of liquo- rice.- Tonic, aperient, alterative. Used in liver-cum- plaints, kc. Dose: 10 to <>U grains. Extract of Elatcrium, L. — Take of wild cucumbers, 1 lb., slice them longitudinally, and strain the juice very gently, express through a very fine hair sieve, and set 102 EXT. Extracts. it by to subside. The thinner fluid being rejected, dry the thicker portion with a gentle heat. Strong hydra- gogue, cathartic. Used in dropsy, and in combination, for obstinate constipation. Dose: of good extract i to } gr., of inferior up to 1 gr. Varies greatly in quality. Extract of Gentian, L. — Gentian sliced, 3 lb., distilled water, 6 pints. Macerate the gentian in 4 pints of water for 12 hours, and strain. Add the remaining water to the gentian, macerate for 6 hours, express and strain. Evaporate the mixed liquids to an extract. Tonic, stomachic. Dose: 5 to 20 grains. Extract of Heliotrope. — Alcoholic extract of vanilla, 10 oz., of rose pomatum, 5 oz., orange-flower pomatum, 2 oz., of ambergris, 1 -oz., essential oil of almonds, 5 drops. Extract of Honeysuckle. — Alcoholic extracts of rose po- matum, of violet, and of tuberuse, of each 10 oz., 'ex- tracts of vanilla and tolu, of each 5 oz., otto of neroli, 5 drops, otto of almonds, 2 drops. Extract of Hi/osci/amus (^Fluid.) — Henbane leaves, coarsely powdered, 8 oz. troy, sugar, 8 oz. troy, diluted alcohol, q. s.; add to the leaves 1 pint of alcohol, mace- rate twenty-four hours, and by percolation obtain 3 pints of tincture, evaporate to 10 fluid ounces; while hot, add the sugar, make up 1 pint with alcohol, and strain. Dose: 15 to 30 drops. Extract of Hemlock, L. — Prepared as extract of aconite. Narcotic, resolvent. Dose: 2 to 6 grains. Extract of Henhane, L. — Prepared as extract of aconite. Narcotic, anodyne. Dose: 2 to 10 grains. Extract of Hop, L. — Hops, 22 lbs., boiling distilled water, 2 gallons. Proceed as for extract of liquorice. Eitter tonic. Dose: 5 to 20 grains. Exti'act of Jonquil. — Alcoholic extract of jasmine and of tuberuse, of each 10 oz., of orange flower, 5 oz., ex- tract of vanilla, 1 oz. Extract of Jalap, L. — Powdered jalap, 21 lbs., rectified spirit, 1 gallon, distilled water, 2 gallons. IMacerate the jalap in the spirit for 4 days, and pour off the tinc- ture. Boil the jalap in the water to 4 pints, strain the tincture and decoction separately. Distil the tincture EXT. 103 Extracts. and evaporate the decoction until each thickens, then mix and evaporate to an extract. Tliis extract should be kept soft to form pills, and hard to rub to powder. Puriiative. l)ose: 10 to 20 grains. Extract of Lettuce, L. — Prepared as extract of aconite. Sedative. Dose 3 to 10 grains. Extract of Lavender. — Otto of lavender (English,) 1 oz , rose water, 5 oz., rectified spirit, 25 oz.; mix and distil 25 oz. — Smyth. Extract of Liquorice, L. — Fresh sliced liquorice, 2^ lbs., boiling distilled water, 2 gallons. Macerate for 2-4 hours, boil to a gallon, strain while hot, and evaporate to an extract. Extract of Logwood, L. — Sliced logwood, 2^ lbs., boiling distilled water, 2 gallons. Proceed as for extract of li- quorice. Astringent. Dose; 10 to 30 grains. Extract of Malt. — Evaporate a strong decoction or infusion of malt to the consistence of treacle. Used as a cough medicine. Extract of Meat. — Minced lean meat, 1 part, water, 8 parts, heat gradually to the boiling point, strain, and evaporate in a water bath. 2 lbs. yield 1 oz. of extract. It will not keep if made with the fatty portion. Extract of Opium, L. — Opium sliced, li lbs., di.stilled water, 5 pints. Macerate the opium in half the water for 24 houx'S, frequently stirring, then strain, macerate for 24 hours in the remaining water, strain and evapo- rate the mixed liquors to an extract. Used as a mild preparation of opium. Dose: 1 to 6 grains. Extract of Pareira, L. — Prepared as extract of logwood. Used in bladder complaints. Dose : 10 to 30 grains. Extract of Poppy, Jj. — Poppies brui.^cd and freed from the seeds, 15 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 gallon ; macerate for 24 hours, boil to four pint,-^, strain while hot, and evaporate to an extract. Anodyne narcotic. Dose : 2 to 20 grains. Extract of lihidxrrh, L. — llliubarb powdered, 15 oz., proof sjtirit, 1 ])int, distilled water, 7 pints; macerate for 4 days, strain, and when the dregs have subsided 104 EXT — FER. Extracts. evaporate the clear liquor to an extract. Purgative, and used as a vehicle for purgatives. Dose : 10 to 30 grains. Extract of Sarsaparilla, (^Fiuid) L. — Sliced sarsaparilla, o^- lbs., boiling distilled water, 5 gallons, rectified spirit, 2 oz. Boil the sarsaparilla in 3 gallons of water to 12 pints, and strain. Boil it again in the remaining water, and strain. Evaporate the mixed liquors to 18 oz., and when cold add the spirit. Dose: 1 to 2 drachms or more. Extract of Senna, (Fluid.') — 1. Senna, 15 lbs. av., boil- ing water, q. s., concentrate the infusion to 10 lbs. av., dissolve in it 6 lbs. of thick treacle, add 24 fl. oz. of rectified spirit, and water q. s. to make 15 pints o. m. Dose, two drachms. Each oz. represents one oz. of senna. — Duncan. 2. Mix 2i lb. of senna in coarse powder with 64 oz. of proof spirit; in 24 hours percolate, adding water, mixed with i its measure of spirit, until 9 J pints have passed : evaporate in a water-bath to 20 oz., filter, add 20 oz. of sugar, and when dissolved add further 2 drachms of compound spirit of ether, mixed with 1 drachm of oil of fennel. — U. States Dis. 1 oz. is equal to 1 oz. of senna. Extract of Stramonium, L. — Thornapple seeds, 15 oz., boiling distilled watei-, 1 gallon; macerate for 4 hours with a gentle heat, then bruise the seeds and return them to the liquor, boil down to 4 pints, strain while hot, and evaporate to an extract. Anodyne, irritant. Dose: J of a grain, cautiously increased to 2 grains. Extract of W hortleherry , L. — Prepared as extract of hops. Use in diseases of the bladder. Dose : G to 30 grains. Feet, The — of some persons, naturally evolve a disagreeable odour. Wash them in warm water, to which a little hydrochloric acid or chloride of lime has been added. Fermented Medical Preparations. — An aqueous solu- lution is first prepared; then to every 8 parts of this 3 parts of sugar are added, and yeast, q. s. After re- FER — FLA. 105 niainino; one or two months at 65° to 75° F., the mix- ture is .strained for use. Ferrtdcyamde of Iron. — Precipitate a solution of pro- tosulphatc of iron by another of red prussiate of potash. It forms a Prussian blue of a beautiful tinge, sometimes called TurubuU's Blue. FiLTKRiNG Powder. — Fuller's earth purified and powdered mixed with animal charcoal. Used to filter oils, &c., and to render various liquids whiter. Filtration is the process adopted for separating the liquid from the solid portions of a mixture. The media con- sists of unsized paper, flannel, cloth, sand, and various powders. Sometimes a little tow or cotton wool serves the purpose. Tinctures, spirits, perfumes, and other preparations of the retail trade are generally filtered through paper, folded properly for the purpose, and loo.sely fitted in a funnel. Finings. — 1. Isinglass, 1 lb., beer, cider, or vinegar, J gallon. jNlix until it becomes a jelly, then add suffi- cient of the liquid it is to fine, to reduce it to a proper consistence. Used to refine porter, wine, &c. 2. For Gin. Subcarbonate of potash, 4 oz., roche alum, 8 oz. Mix in powder. Fires to Extinguish. — Various solutions of salts have been proposed as more effectual than water. Dr. Vlanny's consists of 5 oz. of sal-ammoniac to each gallon of water, and in small fires it is efi"ectual, but in large fires its action is insignificant beyond the effect of common water. It is said that dried prussiate of pot- ash, chlorate of potash, and sugar, form the compound used in Phillips' Fire-Annihilator. Fixing Solution for Paper Pictures. — Hyposulphite of soda, 1 oz., pure water, 1 quart. The picture must be well soaked or washed in water and dried, then washed on both sides with the fixing solution, and finally rinsed with dean water. Flame, Coloured. — Alcohol mixed with nitrate of copper 106 FLA — FLO. or boracio acid burns green; and with the nitrates of strontian, iron, or lime, a red ; and with nitrate of soda, a yellow. Flash. — Essence of capsicums and burnt sugar mixed. Used to make weak spirit taste strong. Flavouring Essence. — Oil of bitter almonds, 8 drops, essence of lemon, 12 drops, oil of cassia, 6 drops, oil of nutmeg, 4 drops, oil of cloves, 1 drop, rectified spirit, 1 oz. Used for pastry and custards. Flies, to Destroy. — Boil some quassia chips in a little water, sweeten the clear liquor with some treacle, and place it in saucers. It is destructive to flies, but not to children. Or spread paper with turpentine-varnish, and oil it to keep the varnish from drying : it entangles the flies which rest on it. Flour, Baked. — Astringent. Used for infants troubled with diarrhoea. Vended under the title of Hard's farinaceous food. Flour Wheat. — Adulterated flour may be tested as fol- lows : — 1. By its sp. gr. Potato-flour, gypsum, or ground bones increase its density, so that a measure holding 1 lb. of pure flour, will hold Ij lb. of the adulterated. 2. Nitric acid colours wheat-flour a fine orange yellow; it does not affect fecula or starch. 3. Pure hydrochloric acid colours wheat-flour of a deep violet, but dissolves without colouring fecula or starch, forming a thick substance, decomposable by alkalies. 4. Pure flour absorbs more water than fecula. 5. Boiling water will develop the scent of bean or pea flour. Flowers. — To hasten the blowing of flowers, use the fol- lowing mixture. Nitrate or sulphate of ammonia, 4 oz., nitrate of potash, 2 oz., sugar, 1 oz., hot water, 1 pint; dissolve and keep well closed. Add 20 drops to the water used to moisten or surround the flowers, changing it each week. Cut flowers may be preserved longer by FLU — FOI. 107 using a little nitrate of soda to the water in which they are put, or by placing over them a bell jar. A AVard's case will keep tlicm a long time, as fresh, apparently, as at first. Flux. — A substance added to render others more fusible. 1. Black Flux. — Cream of tartar, 2 parts, nitre, 1 part; mix, and throw by portions into a red hot crucible. Used to smelt metallic ores. So also is Morvcmi's, gljjss, IG parts, calcined borax, 2 parts, charcoal, 1 part; mix. 2. While Flux. — As before, but equal parts of nitre and tartar. 3. Crude Flux. — Tlie first mixture before deflagration. 4. Cornish Fax. — Cream of tartar, 10 parts, nitre 4 parts, borax, 3 parts; mix. Christison's Flux for reducing Arsenic. — Crystallized carbonate of soda, 8 parts, charcoal, 1 part; mix, and heat gradually to redness. Frescnius's Flux. — Dry carbonate of potass, 3 parts, cyanide of potassium, 1 part. Used to reduce the sulphuret of arsenic. FoiE DE SouFRE. — Sulphuret of potash. FoiE DE SouFRE Calcaire. — Sulpliuret of lime. Foils are thin leaves of metal, used to heighten the effect of jewellers' stones and pastes. The white foils are made of thin sheet copper, plated with silver, and drawn through two rollers so as to make it very thin, the silver is then burni.shed. This is covered with colour when re(iuircd, and in all cases the foil is en- closed in the setting, entirely covering the back of the stone, to which it imparts much of its own brilliancy. "When it is desired to modify the colour of the stone, a foil of lighter or darker tint is used as required. The reflection of the colour is so difl'used throughout the stone, as to render it difiieult in many cases to ascertain whether the tint is real or artificial. The white foil is coloured as follows : Jilue. — Turnbull's blue ground with pale quick-drying oil to the shade required. Used to deepen the shade of sapphires. 108 mi. Green. — Shellac dissolved in alcohol, and sufficient verdi- gris added to colour. Yellow. — Mastic in alcohol with turmeric, or a solution of hay saffron and isinglass. Ked. — The solution of carmine in ammonia, or lake or carmine ground in isinglass. Any of the above may be varied in shade by mixing, and when dry may be varnished to heighten the brilliancy. Freckles may be removed by frequently aj^plying dilute spirit, or acid, or alkaline solutions. Lotion for Freckles. — 1. Hydrochlorate of ammonia, 1 drachm, lavender water, 2 drachms, spring water, 1 pint. Apply with a sponge 2 or 3 times a day. — Kittoe. 2. Hydrochloric acid, 1 drachm, i-ectified spirit, 1 oz., water, 8 oz.; mix, and apply as before. Freeman's Bathing Spirits. — A mixture of opodeldoc and Daffy's elixir. Freezing Mixtures. — An artificial means of producing cold by dissolving certain salts in water. The as- sistance of ice or snow produces greater cold, and saves trouble and expense, but as artificial cold is chiefly re- quired when these are not to be had, means are then resorted to which render them unnecessary. With Ice or Snoio. — 1. Snow, 3 parts, potash, 4 parts. Sinks the thermometer 88 degrees. 2. Snow, 2 parts, crystallized muriate of lime, 3 parts. Thermometer sinks 82 degrees. 3. Snow, 3 parts, diluted sulphuric acid (2 parts acid to 1 water, by weight) 2 parts. The thermometer sinks 55 degrees. Without Snow. — 1. Sulphate of soda, 6 parts, nitrate of ammonia, 5 parts, diluted nitrous acid, (2 acid to 1 water by weight,) 4 parts. Thermometer sinks G4 de- grees. 2. Phosphate of soda, parts, nitrate of ammonia, 6 parts, diluted nitrous acid, as above, 4 parts. Sinks the thermometer 71 decrees. FRE. 109 3. Phosphate of soda, 9 parts, diluted nitrous acid, as be- fore, 4 parts. Thcrmoineter sinks 02 degrees. 4. Nitrate of annnonia and water, equal parts. Thermo- meter sinks 40 degrees. 5. Nitrate of ammonia, carbonate of soda, and water, equal parts. Thermometer sinks 57 degrees. By cooling the vessels and mixtures previous to com- mencing, an extreme degree of cold may be produced. Mr. Walker, in this manner, produced a cold equal to 132 degrees below the freezing point of water. The coldest mixtures are produced by other licjuids than water, but, for retailing, the powdered and mixed salts are prepared so as to require water only. Besides the above, there are other proportions suited for the pur- pose; when made up they arc sold as freezing powders. 1. Powdered muriate of ammonia, 8 oz., nitre, 13 oz. ; mix. 2. Nitrate of ammonia and muriate of ammonia, equal parts; mix. 3. Nitrate of ammonia and crystallized carbonate of soda, equal parts; mix. This is one of the best. French Polish. — A varnish for furniture. The simplest, and perhaps the best, is the solution of shellac only, but many add g-ums sandarac, mastic, copal, Arabic, benja- min, &c., from the idea that they contribute to the eifect. Gum Arabic is certainly never required if the solvent be pure, because it is insoluble in either rectified spirit or rectified wood naphtha, the menstrua employed iu dissolving the gums. As spirit is seldom used on ac- count of its expense, most of the following are men- tioned as solutions in naphtha, but spirit can be sub- stituted when thought proper. 1. iShellac, 1} tb., naphtha, 1 gallon; dissolve, and it is ready without filtering. 2. iShellac, 12 oz., copal, 3 oz., (or an equivalent of var- nish ij dissolve in one g-allon of naphtha. 3. Shellac, IJ lb., seed lac and sandarac, each 4 oz., mastic, 2 oz., rectified spirit, 1 g-alluii ; dis.s(ilve. 4. Slu'llae, 2 lbs., benzoin, 4 oz., spirit, 1 gallon. 5. Shellac, 10 oz., .seed-lac, .sandarac, and copal varnish, of each oz., benzoin, 3 oz., naphtha, 1 gallon. 10 110 FRU — FUM. To darken polish, benzoin and dragon's blood are used, turmeric and otlier colouring matters are also added; and to make it lighter it is necessary to use bleached lac, as though some endeavour to give this effect by adding oxalic acid to the ingredients, it, like gum Arabic, is insoluble in good spirit or naphtha. For all ordinary purposes the first form is best and least troublesome, while its appearance is equal to any other. French Polish, To. — The wood must be placed level, and sand-papered until it is quite smooth, otherwise it will not jiolish. Then provide a rubber of cloth, list, or sponge, wrap it in a soft rag, so as to leave a handle at the back for your hand, shake the bottle against the rubber, and in the middle of the varnish on the rag place with your finger a little raw linseed oil. Now commence rubbing, in small circular strokes, and con- tinue until the pores are filled, charging the rubber with varnish and oil as required, until the whole wood has had one coat. When dry repeat the process once or twice until the surface appears even and fine, be- tween each coat using fine sand-paper to smooth down all irregularities. Lastly, use a clean rubber with a little strong alcohol only, which will remove the oil and the cloudiness it causes; when the work will be complete. . Frustula. — A little bit. Fulminating Powder. — Dry and powder separately 3 parts of nitre, 2 of carbonate of potash, and 1 of flour sulphur, then mix gently in a warm mortar. The com- pound heated over the fire explodes with great violence, and should therefore be cautiously used. Fumigation. — The purifying air or solid bodies by disin- fectants. Chlorine is the most powerful for ordinary use, and is mostly applied by sprinkling in the room, &c., a solution of 1 oz. of chloride of lime in 1 quart of water. When an apartment is not inhabited chlo- rine gas may be used instead of the lime, but it is more difficult to manage. Mix 1 oz. of common salt with I oz., of oxide of manganese in a China cup, puur on Fl-R. Ill this G drachms of oil of vitriol, the cup being phiced in hut sand in tlic middle of tlic apartment, chlorine gas is immediately given off, and if the chimney, windows, &c., have been properly stopped up, it will till the room thiiroughl}', destroying vermin and contagion. It spoils polished metals, such as steel fenders, fire-irons, &.C., and also many colours in furniture, bed, or paper hang- ings, which should therefore be removed. When a few hours have elapsed, the windows and chimney must be opened to let the gas pass oif. The fumigations of nitric or h3-droch]!)ric acid gas arc not now used, being superseded by better modes of purification. Nor is any dependence to be placed on the efiicacy of sulphur, acetic acid, or tar fumigations, or the burning of pas- tilles, gums, camphor, tobacco, &c., all being much in- ferior to chlorine gas, or to the chlorides of soda and lime. Furniture Polishes. — Xew wood is often French-polished. Or the following may be tried : Melt 3 or 4 pieces of sandarac, each the size of a walnut, add 1 pint of boiled oil, and boil together for 1 hour. While cooling add 1 drachm of Venice turpentine, and if too thick a little oil of turpentine also. Apply this all over the furniture, and after some hours rub it ofl'j rub the furniture daily, without applying fresh varnish, except about once in 2 months. Water does not in- jure this polish, and any stain or scratch may be again covered, which cannot be done with French polish. — J. Rhode. To give a gloss to household furniture, va- rious compositions are used, known as was, polish, creams, pastes, oils, &c. The following arc some of the forms used. Furniture Vrcnm. — Bees'-wax, 1 lb., soap, 4 oz., pearl- ash, 2 oz., soft water, 1 gallon;, boil together until nii.xed. Furniture Oil. — 1. Acetic acid, 2 drachms, oil of laven- der, i drachm, rectified spirit, 1 drachm, linseed oil, 4 oz. 2. Jjiiisocd oil, I pint, alkanet root, 2 oz.; heat, strain, and add lac varnish, 1 oz. 112 FUS — GAS. 3. Linseed oil, 1 pint, rectified spirit, 2 oz., butter of an- timony, 4 oz. Furniture Paste. — 1. Bees'-wax, spirit of turpentine, and linseed oil, equal parts; melt and cool. 2. Bees'-wax, 4 oz., turpentine, 10 oz., alkanet root to colour; melt and strain. 3. Bees'-wax, 1 lb., linseed oil, 5 oz., alkanet root, J oz.; melt, add 5 oz. of turpentine, strain and cool. 4. Bees'-wax, 4 oz., resin, 1 oz., oil of turpentine, 2 oz., Venitian red to colour. Fusible Metal. — 1. Newton's. 8 parts bismuth, 5 lead, 3 tin; mix. Melts at 212°. 2. Rose's. — 2 bismuth, 1 lead, 1 tin; melts at 201°. 3. Onion's. — 5 bismuth, 3 lead, 2 tin; melts at 199°. 4. Walker's. — 8 bismuth, 5 lead, 4 tin, 1 antimony. For electrotype casts. All the above are rendered more fusible by adding a little mercury to them. Gall, Clarified. — Evaporate clear ox-gall to the consis- tence of syrup, then expose it thinly spread on dishes to dry. It is dissolved in water for use. Or, boil and skim 1 pint of ox-gall, add 1 oz. of alum, and bottle; treat another pint similarly, using 1 oz. of salt instead of alum. In 3 months mix the galls, and filter the clear. Used to mix with water-colours, to remove the grease from drawing-papers and ivory. Also employed to clean carpets and clothes. Gall, Inspissated. — Strain fresh ox-gall through flannel, and evaporate in a water-bath to the proper consistence. It may be evaporated to dryness, powdered, and pre- served. Ganteine. — Soap, 3 oz., water, 2 oz. ; beat together, and add eau de javelle, 2 oz., liquor ammonia, 1 drachm. The paste is used to rub over soiled kid gloves, pro- perly stretched, for the purpose of cleaning them. Gas is the vapour of various chemical substances. The or- dinary coal giis of the sti*eet lamps is prepared by dis- tilling coal gas in iron retorts, and may be illustrated GER — GIL. 113 on the small scale as follows : — Nearly fill the bowl of a tobacco-pipe with small coal, and stop the top c/ose with clay, or saiul and beer; insert the bowl in the fire, and when the smoke issues from the stem it may be liglited. The modes of producing chemical gases are stated under the proper heads in this work. German Paste.— Blanched sweet almonds, 1 lb., pea-meal, 2 lbs., butter, 3 oz., safi"ron, 4 grains, the yolk of 2 eggs, honey sufficient to make a paste, which must be passed through a sieve. Used to feed larks, nightin- gales, and other insectivorous singing birds. Gilding. — The process of attaching gold to any substance. Books are gilt and lettered by a hot iron or brass tool being pressed on the leather, the tool having on its foce a little gold-leaf. The heat alone causes it to adhere, though some spread finely powdered mastic over the leather before applying the tool. The eihjcs of books are cut, and varnished with size, the gold leaf is then attached and burnished. G idling, Jhtniislud. — Coat the wood first with size, and afterwards with size and whiting mixed until a sufficient thickness is obtained. Between each coat, glass paper must be used to smooth the surface. The gold size is now applied thinly, and when nearly dry the leaf is attached, and afterwards burnished. Gildinj, Cold. — Pure gold, 5 drachms, pure copper, 1 drachm, nitro-muriatic acid, 10 oz. ; dissolve. l)ip li- ncn rags in this solution, dry and burn them; the ashes contaiu gold in the finest powder. Clean the copper or brass intended to be gilt, rub the powder on with a cork dipped in salt and water until well gilt, and after- wards burnish. Gildinij Lii/uor. — Common salt and alum, of each 1 oz., ])ure nitre, 2 oz., water, 5 oz. Trinkets of gold arc di|)p^d ill this piekle, which imparts a rich colour. GildiiKj Mrtah. — Perfeetly bright nr polished iron or steel may be written on or painted with an ethereal .solutinn of gold, the ether flies off and leaves the gulphuret of carbon. The first two solvents are used for applying it to boot-soles, as a paste, the others for more exact pur- poses. Medals are formed by pressing gutta percha be- tween dies, after dipping it in boiling water to soften it. In thc^same manner it has been used to copy printing type, and the gutta percha afterwards had a copper fac- simile electrotype on it. For wood aud metal cuts this is an ca.-^y mode of taking copies, as the copper imitations are very durable. It is very useful for taking imprcs- 11 122 HAI. sions of medals, &c., for electrotyping, and is used for this purpose by amateurs. Hair, the. — This ornament of the human head has received its due share of attention, in the preparation of dyes, pomades, and cosmetics for its especial benefit. Hair dyes and depilatories have already been mentioned. Hair Dye. — 1. Lead filings, 2 oz., hartshorn shavings, 1 oz., oxide of lead, 2 drachms, camphor, 1 drachm, water, 1 pint. Boil for 30 minutes, and pour the clear liquor on diacetate of lead and rose leaves, of each 1 drachm. The liquor constitutes the dye. 2. Liquor potassae, 1 oz.; add as much oxide of lead freshly precipitated as the liquor will dissolve, and to the clear solution add 3 oz. of distilled water. Does not blacken the skin. Hair Powder. — Pure wheat starch, powdered. Violet. — Wheat starch, 6 parts, orris root powder, 1 part; scent at pleasure. Hair Poioder was formerly much used for the same purpose that dyes are now resorted to, to hide gray hair. The basis was starch, and the perfume according to choice. It is little employed in the present day, partly from being considered old-fashioned, and partly from the tax of £1 3s. 6d. per year, for the liberty of dusting the hair. The compounds for promoting the growth of hair depend on rosemary, cantharides, and sulphate of copper, as their chief ingredients; but no compound can be of ser- vice unless the roots of the hair are sound, though, per- haps, inactive. Washes to cleanse the hair are com- posed of alkalies as the main ingredient, the chief of which is the carbonate of potash, these combined with the oil and scurf, forming a soapy mixture which is washed out with clean water. A little carbonate of potash in water is an excellent wash, and may be used occasionally when the head requires cleansing; it serves as well for the purpose as the perfumed and coloured dispmises of it sold at a high price. The various cos- metics for the hair will be found under their proper heads. — See Index. HAL — HON. 123 ITalford's (Sir Henry) Aperient Pills. — Blue pill, 20 grains, compouud pill of colocynth, 80 grains; mix for 12 pills. This, or equal parts, form the common ape- rient pill of the druggist. Halford's (Sir H.) Gout Pills. — Acetic extract of col- chicum, 2 '. grains, Dover's powder, li grains, compound pill of colocynth, IJ grains; for one pill. One for a dose. IIannay's Lotion. — A solution of potash in water. Used to prevent infection, for which purpose it is useless. Harrogate "Waters. — Chloride of sodium, 500 grains, chloride of calcium, 150 grains, chloride of magnesia, 90 grains, bicarbonate of soda, 250 grains, sulphate of soda, 120 grains, water, 1 gallon. Heading for Beer. — Equal parts of alum and sulphate of iron ; mixed. Some, also, add 1 part of salt. Used to make beer retain its froth or head. Herb Tobacco. — Coltsfoot, thyme, betony, and rosemary; mixed. Formerly used in asthma, cough, &c. HiERA PiCRA. — Holy hitter. Aloes 4 parts, canella, 1 part; powder and mix. Purgative dose, 10 to 20 grains. HoLLOWAv's Ointment. — Butter, 12 oz., bees' -wax, 4 oz., yellow resin, .3 oz. Melt; add vinegar of cantharides, 1 oz., evaporate, and add Canada balsam, 1 oz., oil of mace, J drachm, and balsam of Peru, 15 drops. Holloway's Pills. — Aloes, 4 parts, myrrh, jalap, and ginger, of each 2 parts, and mucilage to mix. IIoNEY. — The sweet substance procured by the bee, and stored in its hive. Yirijin lionci/ is tliat which flows naturally from the comb, whereas ordinary hnnc}' is forc} oz., oil of santal, 20 drops, oil of cloves, 5 drops, oil of lavender, 5 drops, essence of ber- gamotte, 2^ oz., rose and orange-flower waters, of each, 2 pints, rectified spirit, 8 pints ; mix and filter. 3. Honey, 3 oz., essence of bergamotte, J oz., essence of lemon, 1 oz., oil of cloves, 12 drops, musk, 12 grains, noR — HUN. 125 ambergris, G grains, rectified spirit, 8 pints, orange- flower and rose waters, of each, 2 pints; macerate four- teen days and filter. 4. Spirit of roses, 4 pints, spirit of jasmine and rectified spirit, of each 2 pints, essence of Portugal, 1 oz., essence of vanilla, and musk, of each 4 oz., benzoin, IJ drachm, orange-flower water, 2 pints; mix. IIoREiiouND. — A bitter pectoral herb, used mostly in syrup or candy. The syrup is made by adding 1 tb. of good lump-sugar to each pint of a strong infusion; the candy, with 10 lb. of lump-sugar to each pint, and boiling until it will candy on cooling. Used in coughs and colds. IIuiLE Antique. — A name by which haii--oil sometimes sells better. When coloured or scented it goes under various other names, in addition, according to the pre- paration. The huile antique is always almond or olive oil. Huile antique a la rose, is oil scented with otto of rose. Huile antique a la Jieur d' orange, is scented with neroli. Huile antique a la violette, is oil digested on orris root until scented Huile antique aux mille/leurs, is scented with a few mixed oils. Huile antique verfe. — Olive oil, 1 lb., guaiacum, 1 dr.; dissolve, and scent. — Gray. Huile antique rouge d la rose. — Oil coloured with alkanet, and scouted with otto of rose. These oils, neatly bottled and labelled, suit those purchasers who admire lard when ticketed bears' grease. IIuNdAUY Water. — Spirit of rosemarj/. Rosemary top.s, 3 lbs., lavender flowers, 2 oz., rectified spirit, 1 gallun, water, 1 (juart; digest and distil one gallon. Used as a costuetic, and also internally as a stimulant. IIuNQAUY Water. — Oil of rosemary, 2 oz., of balm and of lemon peel, of each 1 oz., of mint, 30 drops, essence of orange flowers and essence of roses, of each 1 pint, al- cohol, 1 gallon. 11* 12G HUX — HYD. Huxham's Tincture of Bark. — Made as the compound tincture of bark, P. L., but with brandy instead of proof spirit. Hydrochloric Acid. — Produced by distilling diluted sul- phuric acid and salt; acid 98 parts to salt 60 parts. Characters and Tests, L. — '* Colourless, sp. gr. 1-16. Ex- posed to air it emits white acrid fumes, and is totally dissipated by heat. Diluted with water, no precipitate is found on the addition of chloride of barium, or am- monia or sesquicarbonate of ammonia. It does not act on gold leaf, even if boiled in it; nor does it throw down anything if protochloride of tin be afterwards added. It does not decolorize a solution of sulphate of indigo. 100 grains of this acid are neutralized by 132 grains of crystallized carbonate of soda." The acid of commerce has a yellow tinge from holding iron in solution, but this is unimportant for medical uses. If it contains chlorine it will bleach a solution of indigo, and dissolve a little gold leaf, which would cause a precipitate with protochloride of tin. If mixed with sulphuric acid, it will precipitate with chloride of barium. The little iron contained in ordinary acid is thrown down by satura- ting it with ammonia. Used in medicine and the arts. Tonic, refrigerant in small doses diluted with water, given as a febrifuge in fever, and employed in gargles. Dose, 3 to 6 drops diluted, but generally the dilute acid is prescribed. Hydrochloric Acid, (Diluted,) L. — Hydrochloric acid, 5 oz., distilled water, 15 oz.j mix. Sp. gr. 1-043 ; one ounce is satnrated by 108 grains of the crystals of car- bonate of soda. Dose, 15 to 25 drops. IIi/dr(jcJdorlc Acid Gas. — Obtained by heating strong hy- drochloric acid, or equal weights of salt and sulphuric acid. It may be collected over mercury. Hydroeluoric Acid. — Prepared by distilling concentrated sulphuric acid with half its weight of fluor spar. The acid is a colourless fluid, which evaporates in dense white fumes on exposure to air. It unites violently with water, for which it has a greater affinity than sul- II YD. 127 pluiTic acid ; it nets rapidly on glass, and must be pre- servi'd in leaden vessels. On the flesh it causes deep nialiunant ulcers, destroying the skin instantly, and must therefore never he touched. It is used to etch on glass. When glass is prepared with a design the acid may be poured on it, or powdered fluor spar may be sprinkled on, aud sulphuric acid added to liberate the fluoric acid. In etching by vapour the design is made as usual, and a piece of sheet lead is bent to form a basin of the requisite size. Fluor spar and sulphuric acid are mixed in the basin to a paste, the glass is placed over with the design downwards, aud heat is gently ap- plied to disengage the gas, which iu a few minutes bites in the lines. The glass is then cleaned with warm oil of turpentine. The vapour is very injurious, aud must not be breathed. See Glass, writing on. IIydrooen. — A gaseous element, and the lightest substance kiiiiwn. It is almost always obtained as follows : In a bottle or retort place some iron or zinc filings, and pour on a mixture of 1 part of oil of vitriol to 5 of water, pre- viously mixed and cooled; the gas is immediately given ott", and may be collected in a receiver. To obtain it quite pure the zinc should be pure, and the gas first passed through a solution of potassa, and afterwards through a solution of nitrate of silver. Dumas considers hydrogen a metal. Pure hydrogen is colourless, inodorous, and tasteless; it burns witli a pale yellowish flame, and produces water by combining wilh the oxygen of the atmosphere. If mixed with oxygen or air it explodes inst(Vid of burning. 1 part of oxygen, with .5 or of air, or 2 of hydrogen to 1 oxygen, are the most violent; but with proper precau- tions the last mixture may be quietl\' burned, and ap- plie^l to chemical science. 100 cubic inches of hydro- gen weigh 2-14 grains : its sp. gr. is 0-001)4. A jet of this gas jilaying on spongy platinum renders it red-hot im- mediately, and is itself kindled. Hydrogen cannot long be kept in a bladder, Indian-rubber bag, or ga.somctcr; its lightucs.s causes a portion to escape, and the remainder 128 HYD — IND. becomes explosive from mixing with air. It was formerly used to inflate balloons, but coal-gas is now preferred, liaviug practical advantages in use. Hydrogen, Carhuretted. — It naturally arises from tbe mud of stagnant pools, if disturbed. Artificially produced by mixing crystallized acetate of soda and solid hydrate of potassa, of each 40 parts, with 60 parts of powdered quicklime, heating the mixture in a flask, and receiving the gas over water. — Dumas. Colourless, nearly inodorous, does not affect vegetable colours; is not poisonous. Sp. gr. 0-559, 100 cubic iuchcs weigh 17 "41 grains. Hydrolatum. — Distilled waters. Imperial. — The name- of a beverage. Cream of tartar, I to 1 oz., orange or lemon peel, 3 oz., boiling water, 3 pints, sugar to taste; digest and pour off the clear liquor when cold. Refrigerant in fever, and refreshing in hot wea- ther. 2. White sugar, 2 lbs., cream of tartar, 3 oz., ginger, 2 oz., water, 3 gallons; boil, add 2 sliced lemons, and when lukewarm add yeast, 4 oz., work for two or three days, and bottle. Impressions (to take) of Medals, Casts, &c. — Make a composition of mutton suet, 7 parts, white was, 7 parts, and spermaceti, 32 parts. Melt the whole, and pour it on the cast warmed. On cooling, the impression is found to be perfect, and may be electrotyped. Incense. — A perfumed composition for burning, made of benzoin, 1 oz., and olibanum, 2 oz. See Pastills. India Pickle. — Vinegar boiled with spice and salt to taste. In this liquor is thrown vegetables which would spoil if not used, yet not wanted immediately, such as onions, cauliflowers, cucumbers, brocoli, &c. The vegetables are soaked with hot brine, and then pickled. India-rubber. — See Caoutchouc. The best solvents are caoutchoucine, bisulphuret of carbon, and chloroform. IXD. 129 India-rubber Blaokino. — Bryant tf- James's. 1. Paste. Ivory black, 20 lb., treacle, 15 lb., vinegar and oil of vitriol, of each, 4 lb., India-rubber oil, 8 lb; mix. 2. Liijuid. — Ivory black, GU lb., treacle, 45 lb., dissolved gum, 1 lb., vinegar, 20 gallons, oil of vitriol, 24 lb., Jndia-rubber oil, i) lb; mix. The India-rubber oil i.s made by digesting 18 oz. caoutchouc iu 9 lb. of rape- oil, by heat. Incorrosive Alloy. — By preparing an alloy of 97 parts lead to 3 parts tin, a metal is produced upon which the action of pure water is very much decreased; and by using an alloy of 95 parts lead to 5 parts tin, we have a metal on which the action of pure water is scarcely perceptible. Incorrosive Ink for Steel Pens. — Boil I5 oz. of well- picked logwood in little more than a quart of water, down to a quart; let it cool; then add 17 or 18 grains of chroniate of potash, and stir it briskly. The ink is then ready for use. This ink has been a desideratum ever since the introduction of the steel pen. The world is indebted to Prof. Kunge, a German chemist, for the discovery. The new ink resists the action of all ordinary destructive agents better than the old ink. It may be washed, after use, Avith a wet sponge, or steeped for twenty-four hours in water, or even tested with dilute acids, and yet preserve its original black- ness. As it contains neither gum nor acid, and is a perfect liquid, it neither thickens, deposits a sediment, nor corrodes the steel of the pen. A quart of it may be made for twopence. iNDKiESTlox, Kemfhies FOR. — 1. IIutchinso7i's. — Quick- lime, J oz., slaked with a little water, add water, 1} pint, bruised cinchona bark, 1 oz. ; cover and macerate for 3_^hours, occasionally stirring them; decant the clear liquor, and add to it, tincture of bark, 2 oz., nitric other, 3 drachms, syrup of orange-pec-1, 1 oz. ; mix and keep closely corked. I)ose: 1 wine-gla.ssful 2 or 3 times a-day, with an occasional saline aperient. 2. liabinijtotis. — lufu.sion of caluniba, G oz., carbonate of 130 IND. potass, 1 drachm, compound tincture of gentian, 3 drachms; mix. Dose, 2 or 3 table-spoonfuls daily, 1 hour before dinner. 3. Graham's. — Decoction of bark, 3 oz., compound in- fusion of gentian, 1 oz., tincture of cascarilla, 2 drachms, liquor potassae, 1 drachm; mix. Dose: 2 table-spoon- fuls twice a day. Indestructible Labels for Bottles. — Coat the label with white of egg, and steam it until it becomes opaque, then dry it in an oven at 212°. The albumen becomes hard and transparent; and is unaffected by oils or acids. Indigo. — A blue vegetable substance used in dyeing, and as a test. In its commercial state it contains a large mass of impure matter, but may be purified in various ways, the best of which is Mr. Taylor's process. Mix 1 part of indigo with 2 parts of plaster-of-paris, make a paste with water, and spread it ^ inch thick on an iron plate. "When dry, heat the plate underneath ; the surface of the mass becomes covered with crystals of pure indigo, which may be removed with a spatula. Chlorine does not act on indigo in the dry state, even at the temperature of 212°, but on contact with water the blue colour is instantly destroyed, and cannot be restored. Indigo, Sulpliate of. — Indigo, 1 lb., concentrated sul- phuric acid, 4 J lb. Add the powdered indigo by de- grees to the acid, stirring well to mix thoroughly, and let the mixture stand 48 hours. It may be diluted with water, or neutralized with carbonate of potash as required. Indigo Test-Paper. — Dip paper in the solution of indigo, rinse it in a weak alkaline solution, then in clean water, and let it dry. Indigo, Solution of. — Boil for half an hour 10 grains of powdered indigo in 22 oz. of solution of carbonate of soda or caustic soda, then add 8 grains of muriate of tin, when a yellow solution of indigo will result. INF. 131 Infusions arc solutions of vegetable matter in water, dif- ferii)g from decoctions in not being boiled. They are most of tlicm best prepared in cold water, but the Col- lege directs hot water to be used in each case. They must only be prepared when wanted, as they soon spoil. "While macerating, they should be lightly covered. Infusion of Yellow Bark, L. — Bruised yellow bark, 1 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 2 hours, and strain. Dose : 1 to 2 oz. Infusion of Yellow Bark, (^Concentrated,') L. — Coarsely powdered yellow bark, 8 lbs., distilled water, (3 pints, rectified spirit, a sufficient quantity. Macerate the bark as directed for extract of bark, evaporate the mixed infusions to one-fourth, and when the dregs have subsided, pour off the clear, and strain the rest. Mix and evaporate again until the sp. gr. is 1-200, and when cold, add o drachms of spirit to each oz. Finally, let it stand for 20 days, to clear. Two oz. of this require G oz. water to reduce it to the strength of the weaker infusion. Infusion of Pale Bark, L. — Prepared as infusion of yellow bark. Infusion of Bale Bark, (Concentrated,) L. — Prepared as concentrated infusion of yellow bark. Infusion of Buchu, L. — Buchu, 1 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 4 liours in a lightly-closed vessel, and strain. Used in affections of the bladder or urinary organs. Dose : 1 to 2 oz., generally com- bined with alkalies, as liijuor potassaj, &c. Infusion of Calumha, L. — Sliced calumba, 5 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint. iNIacerate for 2 hours, and strain. Bitter tonic, aromatic. Dose: 1 to 1} oz. Used in dyspeptic cases — in vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, and dysentery. Infusion of Cnsrarilla, L. — Bruised cascarilla, l.i oz., boiling distillfd water, 1 pint. Macerate fur 2 liours, and strain. Tonic, febrifuge. Uses similar to those of calumba. Dose: 1 to 1 J oz. Infusion of Catechu, {Cojn]>ound,) L. — Cateihu pow- dered, G drachms, bruised ciuuamuii, 1 drachm, boiling 132 INF. distilled waters 1 pint. Macerate for an hour, aud strain. Astringent, aromatic. Dose: 1 to 2 oz. three times a day in diarrhoea. May be combined with opium or chalk, if necessary. Infusion of Chamomile, L. — Chamomile, 5 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 10 mi- nutes, aud strain. Stomachic, emetic. Dose: 2 to 6 oz. As an emetic, 8 to 20 oz. Externally used to bathe painful joints, and relieve toothache. Infusion of Chiretta. — Chiretta, 3 drachms, cold water, 1 pint. Infusion of Cloves, L. — Bruised cloves, 3 drachms, boil- ing distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 2 hours, and strain. Aromatic, stimulant. Used in flatulence, or sickness. Dose: 1 to 2 oz. Infusion of Cusparia, L. — Bruised cusparia, 5 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 2 hours, and strain. Aromatic, tonic. Used as a tonic in dys- pepsia, and in fever. Dose : 1 to 2 oz. Infusion of Foxglove, L. — Foxglove-leaves dried, 1 dr., spirit of cinnamon, 1 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate the foxglove in the water for 4 hours, strain, and add the spirit. Sedative, diuretic. Used in dropsy, and diseases of the heart. Dose: 2 to 8 drachms. Infusion of Gentian, (^Compound,') L. — Gentian sliced, and dried orange-peel, of each 2 drachms, lemon-peel, 4 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for an hour, and strain. Bitter tonic. Used in dys- pepsia. Dose, 1 to 2 oz., three times a day. Infusion of Hops, L. — Hops, 6 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 4 hours, aud strain. To- nic, stomachic. Dose: 1 to l^ oz. Infusion of Ilorsc-radish, (^Cojnpound,) L. — Sliced horse- radish, and bruised mustard, of each 1 oz., compound spirit of horse-radish, 1 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate the horse-radish aud the mustard in the water for two hours, strain, and add the spirit. Infusion of Linseed, (Compoimd,) L. — Bruised linseed, 6 drachms, fresh sliced liquorice, 2 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint. Macerate for 4 hours, and INF. 133 strain. Demulcent, nmcilagiuous, nutritious. Em- ployed to allay irritation in touch, gonorrha*a, &c. It is often combined with lii|Uorice, lemon-juice, and sugar-candy. Dose : at pleasure. Infusion of Oraneras. Product, 60 gallons. Ink, Japan. — Instead of preparing the ink with plain copperas, it is first ordered to be calcined to whiteness or sprinkled with nitric acid. More gum and some sugar are added, to increase the glossiness. Inks, Permanent. — Many attempts have been made to improve the manufacture of the writing-inks at present used, but the subject offers much greater difficulties than might appear to an uninterested person. The diluted acids, chlorine, and the alkalies, present an easy means of removing ordinary ink from the surface of paper. Some able chemists have investigated the subject of improvement — and left it where they found it, as far as usefulness was concerned. Dr. Ure states that vanadate of ammonia, mixed with solution of galls, forms the best writing-ink hitherto known, as it is perfectly black, and resists all reagents which do not at the same time destroy the paper. The price of INK. 137 vanadate of ammonia is from Is. to Is. Gd. per grain, whereas I have seen yood commercial ink sold at Is. to Is. Gd. per gallon. A gluten ink, recently recom- mended, and highly praised, was tried at the Bank of Scotland, but soon abandoned as unsuitable. The inks recommended by Mr. Coathupe, and others, as perma- nent writing fluids, are thus prepared: — 1. Ink, Shell-Lac. — Boil 1 oz. of borax, in 18 oz. of water; add 2 oz. shell-lac, and when a solution is formed, cool, and filter. Add 1 oz. of mucilage, and a mixture of indigo, with lamp-black to colour it; let the dregs subside, then decant the clear for use. — Coathupe. 2. Ink, Carbon. — Mix good Indian-ink with common writing-ink. A useful ink for ticket and shop-window labels. 3. Bracannot' s. — Dantzig potash, 20 parts, leather clip- pings, 10 parts, sulphui", 5 parts; boil with water to dryness, then melt by heat; add water to dissolve, and filter for use. The deficiency in these inks is the want of flow, combined with the extra trouble and expense of manufactui-ing. They are very rarely used as ordinary business inks. All the usual inks are formed of galls and iron, with other ingredients to assist the effect, and lessen the expense. The copperas should generally be J of the weight of the galls, but good galls will bear a larger quantity; gum a.ssists in keeping the ingredients suspended, and in preserving the writing from the action of the air; sugar-candy or pomegranate peel adds to the gloss; cloves and creosote prevent mouldiness. Vinegar and blue vitriol corrode steel pens, and are not suitable for ingredients in ink. Tlie best Ink should be incorrosive, easy-flowing, and permanent; it will therefore contain few ingredients, but those few the best for the pur- pose. V Packer 8 Ink, for bales and trusses, is merely the dregs from which writing ink is strained. Inks, (.'otoured. — Blue. — 1. A solution of sulphate of in- digo, neutralized with potash or soda. 2. Prussian or Chinese blue, parta, oxalic acid, 1 part; 12* 138 INK. triturate to extreme fineness with a little water; add a little mucilage, and dilute with water. 3. Triturate tu a paste, Chinese blue, 1 part, with strong hydrochloric acid, 2 parts; and after oO hours digest- ing, dilute with water. 4. Read's. — A precipitate of iodide of iron, with ferro- prussiate of potash. 5. Dissolve in water, proto-sulphate of iron, 1 part, then dissolve ferro-cyanide of potassium, 2 parts, in water. Pour the cold solution of iron into the other solution, so long as a precipitate falls; wash the precipitate on the filter with pure water, until it begins to drop blue, when it may be dried or dissolved in distilled water. This is the soluble Prussian blue. 6. Perchloride of iron, 1 part (or any other persalt of iron,) ferro-cyanide of potassium, 2 parts; proceed as last. This is the soluble ferro-cyanide of potassium and iron. Green. — 1. Verdigris, dissolved in vinegar. 2. Cream of tartar, 2 drachms, verdigris, J oz., water, 5 oz.; boil, and filter. 3. Dissolve sap-green in water, and add some alum. 4. Add gamboge to blue ink. Red. — 1. Brazil wood, 4 oz., vinegar, 1 pint; macerate 3 days, boil, add 2 oz. of alum, and strain. 2. White vinegar, 20 gallons; heat over a clear fire, and when just about to boil, add 21 lbs. of Brazil wood; let it simmer, and add 11 2 lbs. of alum. Simmer gently until the alum is dissolved, then strain through clean flannel. Add sufficient of the following solution to pro- duce the desired shade : — cochineal and carbonate of potash, each 2 oz., boiling water, 2 quarts; mix, and add alum, 1 oz., cream of tartar, 4 oz. 3. Carmine, 12 grains, or lake, '^0 grains, solution of am- monia, 3 oz. ; dissolve, and add 1 scruple of gum. Yellow. — 1. Add a little alum to a solution of gamboge. 2. Boil for 1 hour 8 oz. of French berries, and 1 oz. of alum, in 1 quart of water; strain, and add 1 oz. of gum. Violet. — Add gum and alum to a decoction of logwood. Purple. — Add muriate of tin to a decoction of logwood. INK. 139 Brown. — Dissolve by heat, J oz. of catechu, in 8 oz. of water, add to it a solution of bichromate of potash, 1 drachm, in IJ oz. of water, until the required shade is produced; then strain. Ink, Label. — For bottles, &c. 1. Copal, 1 part, oil of la- vender, 8 parts; dissolve by heat, and add lamp-black, or vermilion, to colour. 2. Asphaltum, 1 part, oil of turpentine, 4 parts; dissolved, and add lamp-black or printers' ink, to colour. 3. Flake white, ground with copal varnish. For dark or black bottles. These inks are intended to label bottles, containing acids or alkalies, which would destroy most fluids. Where it is convenient, the glass may have the name etched on it by hydrofluoric acid. The fullowing are of another kind, being used for metal labels, such as the zinc plates used in gardens. Zinc Labels. — 1. Verdigris and sal ammoniac, of each 1 drachm, lamp-black, J drachm; powder, and mix in water, 10 drachms. 2. Dissolve 5 grains of chloride of platinum in 1 oz. of pure water. Zinc, Sted,or Tin Labels. — 1. Acetic acid, diluted, 2 oz., sulphate of copper, 1 oz., sal ammoniac, J oz., lamp- black to colour. 2. V^Q a solution of nitrate of copper, or of copper, 1 part, nitric acid and water, each 10 parts. Ink, Lithxjraphic. — 1. Tallow, shellac, wax, soap, of each 2 oz., lamp-black, i oz. ; proceed as for lithographic crayons. — Field intj. See Crayons. 2. Soap, soda, and mastic, of each 1 oz., shellac, 5 oz., lamp-black, 3 drachms. — Lastri/rie. Ink, Marking. — The basis of this is generally nitrate of sil- ver; and it may be di.'^chargcd from cloth by using li- qui peeled shalots, ^ lb., mace, cloves, and mustard seed, of each I oz., ginger and pepper, of each 1 drachm, mush- room-ketchup and vinegar, of each 1 pint; heat till almost boiling; macerate 14 days, and bottle. Used for sea stores; keeps well. KET — KIL. 149 KETcnup, Mushroom. — 1. Picked mushrooms, 4 lbs., salt, 2 tbs., sprinkle it on the muslirooms, and when they liquefy, remove the juice, add pimento, 6 oz., cloves, 1 oz., boil gently, and strain. The remaining liquor, if any, may be treated with pepper, mace, and ginger, for a second quality. 2. Express the mushrooms in the tincture press, and to each gallon add salt, 8 oz., shalots, IJ oz., pimento, 1 oz., black pepper and ginger, of each i oz., and cloves, 1 drachm. Mushroom-ketchup is apt to lose strength, and turn bad, in a few weeks after it is first made; but again boiling with a little fresh spice at the end of two months, will make it keep good a year round. Ketchup, OysTER. — Mis together wine or good ale, 1 pint, salt, 1 oz., mace and black pepper, of each 1^ drachm, cover oysters with this pickle, boil ten minutes, and when cool, bottle, adding a little brandy to each bottle. Ketchup, Tomato. — Proceed as for mushroom-ketchup, and add a little Chili pepper vinegar. Ketchup, "Walnut. — 1. The juice of green tender walnuts expressed, 1 gallon, boil and skim till clear, add 2 lbs. of anchovies, shalots, 2 lbs., pepper, mace, and cloves, of each 1 oz., and a sliced clove of garlic. Simmer 15 minutes, add salt to taste, strain, and when cool, buttle. Let it stand 12 months before using. 2. Tender walnuts bruised, i bu.shelj add, to each gallon of juice, red wine, 1 quart, anchovies and bay salt, of each 4 oz., allspice, 1 oz., black popper, 2 oz., cloves and mace, of each 2 drachms, a little ginger, and sliced horseradish. Simmer slowly until enough, and when cold, bottle. 3. Green walnut .shells bruised, 4 parts, .salt, 1 part, mix, and iii 7 days expre.s.s the liijuor. To each gallon, add allspice, 4 oz., ginger, 3 oz., long pepper, 2 oz., cloves and mace, of each 1 oz. Simmer for oO minutes, cool, and bottle. KiLOURAM.ME. — About 2 lbs. avoirdupois. 13^ 150 KIN — LAC. King's Yellow. — Prepared artificially, by fusing arsenic with au excess of sulphur. The product is a brilliant yellow powder, which is soluble in the alkalies. Used as a pigment, a dye, and in some depilatories. It is poisonous, and therefore in many cases abandoned for chrome yellow, in painting. Labels on Tin are fixed by French polish^ a solution of shellac in naphtha. Lac. — Seed lac and shellac are used in cements, varnishes, lacquers, polishes, sealing-wax, &c. AVhen wanted very pale, shellac undergoes the operation of bleaching, which may be performed in two or thi'ee ways. Lac J to Bleach. — 1. Spirit, 1 pint, shellac in coarse powder, 6 oz. ; dissolve by a gentle heat. To a solution of pure carbonate of potash, add chlorine till the silica precipi- tates, and the solution becomes slightly coloured. Di- lute muriatic acid with thrice its weight of water; drop into it powdered red lead as long as the lead loses its colour. Of the alkaline solution, add 1 or 2 oz. to the tincture of lac; effervescence takes place, and when this ceases more is added until the mixture is pale. The acid liquor is then added by degrees, letting the efiervescence from each portion subside before adding more; enough is dropped in to precipitate the lac, which must be repeatedly washed with clean water, and dried by wringing in a cloth. — Field. 2. Spirit, 2 pints, shellac, 5 oz., dissolve, add 10 oz. of new animal charcoal, and boil a few minutes. If not colourless, the boiling must be continued with more charcoal; when quite pale, press through silk, and after- wards filter through blotting paper. — Lunivg. 3. Pearl ash and shellac, of each 1 part, water, 8 parts, boil till dissolved; pass chlorine into the solution until the lac is precipitated; it must then be washed and dried. — Hare. 4. Dissolve as last, add a filtered solution of chloride of lime, and, when pale, precipitate with muriatic acid; wash and dry the precipitate. Lac, Solution of. — 1. Dissolve shellac in rectified spirit, or in wood naphtha. LAC — LAK. 151 2. Lac, 5 parts, borax, 1 part, water, 20 parts ; simmer till dissolvod, ami strain. With ludiau ink this forms a good label ink for bottles. Lacquer. — A solution of shellac, coloured to suit the arti- cle for which it is intended. French polish is a lacquer for wood. Other lacquers are made for metal. 1. For Brass. — Pale lac, 8 oz., spirit, 1 gallon, digest with- out heat until dissolved, and then filter, into an opaque bottle. If required yellow, use turmeric, aloes, saffron, or gamboge, to colour. For red, use annatto or dragon's blood. So- lutions of these in spirit are kept ready to colour the lacquers as required; turmeric, gamboge, and dragon's blood, generally afford a sufficient range of colours. 2. Gold-coloured Lacquer. — Shellac and turmeric, of each 8 oz., sandarac and annatto, of each 2 oz., dragon's blood, \ oz., spirit, 1 gallon. 3. Shellac, 4 oz., gamboge, J oz., pyro-acetic ether, 24 oz. ; mi.K, and dis.-^olve. Decant the clear, and for use, mix with 8 times the quantity of spirit. — Ross. This mode is adopted to take up the resinous parts only. Lacquer for Brass. — Shellac, gamboge, dragon's blood, each 4 parts, saffron, 1 part, rectified spirit, 25 parts. Digest with heat, and strain. Lagena. — A stone, or other phial. Lanquncula. — A little bottle. Lake Blue. — A mixed solution of pearl ash and prussiate of potash is precipitati'd with a sohitiou of suipliate of iron, 1 part, and alum, 8 parts. The product is blue lake, or Saxon blue. Lake Duor. — 1. Brazil wood, 4 oz., water, 1 gallon, boil, add alum, (j oz., strain, add Sdlutiun of tin, 2 oz., and precipitate with liquor of potash, avoiding any excess of alkali. 2. To a strong decoction of Brazil wood, add washed and recently precipitated alumina. Lake, Madder. — Madder, 2 oz., tie it in a cloth, beat it in 152 LAK — LEA. one pint of water, in an earthen mortar, and repeat the process with about 5 pints of water, until the madder ceases to yiekl colour. Boil the mixed solutions in an earthen vessel, add 1 oz. of alum dissolved in a pint of boiling water, stir, and add Ij oz. of saturated solution of carbonate of potash. When cold, pour off the liquor, agitate the powder in 1 quart of boiling water, drain, and dry. Sir II. C. Inglefield was rewarded for this formula with the gold medal of the Society of Arts. Lake, Red. — Cochineal in coarse powder, 1 part, distilled water, and rectified spirit, of each 2 parts, digest 7 days, and add every 2 hours a few drops of solution of tin, until the whole is precipitated, wash in distilled water, and dry. Lapis Divinus. — 1. Alum, verdigris, and nitre, equal parts; melt together. — Beer. 2. Alum, nitre, and sulphate of copper, of each 1 oz., cam- phor, 1 drachm; melt together. — Paris Codex. Used 1 oz. to 1 pint of water, for an eye-water. Lapis Infernalis Alkalinus. — Hydrate of potash. Lard, Purified. — Lard, 28 lbs., melt it by a steam bath; add alum, 1 oz., table salt, 2 oz., skim off all impurities, and when cold the lard must be ground on a painter's slab, and washed with clean water. It is finally remelted, and is then pure and inodorous. Used by perfumers. Lavender, British, (Smith's.) — English oil of lavender, 1 oz., essence of ambergris, 2^ oz., eau de Cologne, 10 oz., rectified spirit, 1 pint; mix. Lavender Water. — Oil of lavender, 4 oz., rose water, 5 oz., spirit, 30 oz. Mix, and filter. Lead. — A bluish white metal; sp. gr. 11-45; melts at 600°, but then rapidly oxides. Nitric and acetic acids act on lead more than the other acids, and with them it forms various salts. Its equivalent is 103-7; its symbol Pb. (Plumbum.) In the arts lead is much used for cis- terns, roofs, pipes, &c., &c. Its alloys are also in great demand. With antimony it forms the alloy used for printing-types and stereotype plates; with tin it makes LEA. 153 ortjan-pipe "metal and poldors; with other metals it forms bronze; aiul in tilnbes it turiiis t2;uii-shot. It is not used in its pure state as a medicine. Lead, Acetate of. — No formula given in the P. L. for its preparation. The P. E. orders it to be prepared thus: Litharge, 14 oz., pyroligueous acid (sp. gr. lUH-A,) 2 pints, distilled water, 1 pint. Mix the acid and water, add the litharge, dissolve with a gentle heat, filter, and con- centrate until it crystallizes on cooling. Characters and Tests, L. — Soluble in water (acidulated with acetic acid, E.') By carbonate of soda a white precipitate is thrown down, by iodide of potassium a yellow one, by hydro-sulphuric acid it is blackened. Sulphuric acid added to it, evolves acetous odours. If lOU grains are dissolved in water, and sulphate of soda is added, 80 grains of sul})hate of lead are precipitated. Astringent; used in diarrha-a, dysentery, and menorrhagia, in doses of 1 to 3 grains, generally combined in pill with opium. Externally, it is sometimes used in solution as a cooling astringent lotion. Lead, Iodide of, L. — Acetate of lead, 8 oz., iodide of po- tassium, 7 oz., distilled water, 1 gallon. Dissolve the acetate in 6 pints of water, and strain ; add the iodide, first dis.solved in 2 pints of water. Wash the precipi- tate with cold distilled water, dry and preserve in a dark vessel. Characters and Tests, L. — Yellowish powder, soluble in boiling water, and deposits shining yellow scales on cool- ing. Melts by heat, and is mostly dissipated, first in yellow, then in violet vapours. If lUU grains are di.s- solved by heat in nitric acid, diluted with twice its weight of water, and after the iodine is expelled, sulphate of soda be added, GO grains of suli)hate of h-ad an^ thrown down. Light should bo excluded from this salt. Used a^ otlier compounds of iodine. Internally in doses of 8 or 4 grains, and externally as an ointment. Lead, Oxide oJ\ L. — Used to make some plasters in the Pliannacopocia. Not used internally. Characters and Tests, L. — Almost or entirely soluble in di- lute nitric acid; this solution turns black on adding hy- 154 LEA — LEE. drosulpliuric acid. Potasli throws down a white precipi- tate, and in excess re-dissolves it. If 100 g-rains of this oxide are dissolved in dilute nitric acid, 135 grains of sulphate of lead are precipitated, on the addition of sul- phate of soda. Leather, to Fasten on Metal. — Steep the leather in a hot infusion of gall-nuts, wash the metal with a hot so- lution of gelatine. Press the leather on the metal, and allow it to cool, when it will be firmly fixed. Leather, Water-proof (Composition for.) — Mutton or beef tallow, 32 parts, linseed oil, 32 parts, bees' -wax, 24 parts, ueatsfoot oil, 6 parts, lamp-black, 4 parts, litharge or red-lead, 2 parts. The whole to be mixed by heat. Leeches (Hirudines.') — Leeches are best preserved in clean rain or pond water; in spring water they soon die. The water should not be changed too often; once-a-week in summer, and once-a-month in winter, being sufficient, unless it becomes foul. Leeches, when applied, do not probe the skin like a lancet-point, but act by a saw-like motion until the skin is pierced, they then suck, if un- disturbed, until the caccal pouches are full, and finally drop off. A little salt is usually sprinkled on to cause them to disgorge the blood, and they are gently pressed between the fingers, from the tail to the head, to facili- tate this effect. When leeches do not readily bite, means are used to induce them. The skin in all cases should be well washed and dried, and the leech gently dried in a soft cloth; it may then be put in a pill-box or wine- glass, which is pressed on the part to be operated on. When they do not yet bite, a small puncture should be made with a lancet, to draw blood, and they will then mostly take hold. This mode is also used when the spot to be drawn from is near the eye, kc, or, if the leech is lively, it may be put in a large quill, and the head placed towards the part, while the thumb prevents its retreat at the opposite end. As the amount of blood drawn by leeches is not large, hot poultices or fomen- tations are applied to increase the discharge, or the cup- LEM — LIL. 155 ping-glasscs may be used. When sufficient is drawn, the bites mostly close without much attention, but in some cases they arc -very troublesome; they should then be pressed with lint soaked in a solution of alum or the tincture of sesquichloride of iron, or a fine point of ni- trate of silver should be inserted a minute distance. If the bleeding still continues, the skin must have a needle pressed through the edges, and silk twisted round it. Lemon Juice, {factitious.') — 1. Citric acid, 2} oz., gum, } oz., lemon-peel, f oz., lump sugar, 2 oz., boiling water, 1 quart; macerate till cold, and strain. Quality su- perior. 2. Citric acid, 8§ drachms, water, 16 oz., essence of lemon to flavour, 20 drops, sugar, 1 oz. Lemonade. — 1. Slice 2 lemons, pour on 1 pint of boiling water, and add 2 oz. of loaf sugar. 2. Fresh lemon juice, 4 oz., lemon-peel, \ oz., white sugar, 4 oz., boiling water, 3 pints ; cool and strain. — Brande. 3. Concentrated. — Lemon juice, 8 oz., lump sugar, \h oz.; dissolve; add of tincture of lemon-peel sufficient to fla- vour it. For use mix with water, with or without a little syrup of ginger. 4. Aerated. — Water, charged with 5 times its volume of carbonic acid gas, 1 pint, syrup of lemons, 2 oz. — Faris Codex. Lemonade Poivders. — 1. White sugar, 36 drachms, car- bonate of soda, 4 drachms, essence of lemon, 15 drops; divide into I'^blue papers. In 12 white papers divide 6 drachms of tartaric acid. Mix the first well in water, and add the last. Each powder contains 3 drachms of sugar, 20 grains of soda, 2 drops of essence of lemon, and 30 grains of acid. lMea.«ant refrigerant drink. 2. In one paper. — Dried citric or t^irtaric acid, 25 grains, dried carbonate of soda, 20 grains, sugar dried, 2 dr.; mix in'finc powder, and add essence of lemon, 1 drop. The first form is the best. Lily of the Valley. — Extract of orange-flowers, 2 oz., of vanilla, 3 oz., of ja-smine, 1 oz., of rose and of cassia, of each 5 oz., of tuberuse, 10 oz., essential oil of almonds, 3 drops. A good perfume. 156 ' LIM — LIN. LiMATURA Martis Preparata. — Iron filings. Lime. — No directions are given in the P. L., but the P. E. directs to "Heat white marble, broken into small frag- ments, in a covered crucible, at a full red-heat for 3 hours." It is caustic when applied to the skin, and is used internally mixed with water, then called lime- water. AVheu first treated with water it swells out, then becomes very hot, and at last falls into powder, the hydrate of lime, or slaked lime. It has the remarkable property of being more soluble in cold than in hot water; freezing water will dissolve about twice as much as boil- ing water. Characters and Tests, L. — Water being added, it crum- bles into powder. It is dissolved without eft'crvesccnce by dilute hydrochloric acid, and nothing is precipitable on the addition of ammonia in excess. Lime, Chlorinated. — Prepared on the large scale only. The usual process is to expose lime (recently slaked) to the vapours of chlorine in close chambers, the gas is absorbed in large quantities by the lime; and forms chlorinated lime; four or five days are requisite to com- plete the combination. It is a powerful bleacher, and is popularly used as a disinfectant. "It is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, emitting chlorine." Linen, when woven with cotton, may be tested as follows : Immerse a slip of cloth in boiling hydrate of potash and water, equal parts, in 3 minutes remove the slip, and dry it between blotting papers. The-,cotton threads, if pulled asunder, will show a lohite or bright yellow colour, the linen a dark yellow. In using the alkali, a glass, porcelain, or silver vessel must be employed. — Dr. Boettgcr. Liniment. — A fluid external application, generally applied with the hand, using continuous moderate friction. Of Ammonia, L. — Solution of ammonia, 1 oz., olive oil, 2 oz.; shake until mixed. A stimulant application to swellings or bruises, and may be rendered anodyne by adding a little extract of belladonna. Of Camphor, L. — Camphor, 1 oz., olive oil, 4 fluid oz. ; LIN. 157 dissolve by trituration. A stimulant application in sprains, bruises, or rheumatism. Of Camj^lwr, — Comjyoiniil , L. — Camphor, 2 J oz., stronger ammonia, 3 oz., rectified spirit, 17 oz., oil of lavender, 1 drachm; dissolve the camphor in the spirit, add the oil and the ammonia, shake until mixed. More power- ful than the simple liniment, and is sometimes used with an addition of ith of tincture of opium. Of Lime, L. — Lime-water and olive oil, of each 10 oz.; shake until mixed. Generallj employed to relieve the pain of a burn or scald. Of Meram/, L. — Ointment of mercury and lard, of each 4 oz., camphor, 1 oz., rectified spirit, 1 drachm, solution of ammonia, 4 oz.; rub together the camphor and spirit, then triturate with the lard, the ointment, and the am- monia, added separately. One drachm contains 10 grs. of mercury. Used to stimulate chronic venereal pains, and various obstinate swellings. Of Opium, L. — Tincture of opium, 2 oz., liniment of soap, 6 oz.; mix. U.sed as a sedative externally, when opium cannot be taken internally; it is often mixed with the compound liniment of camphor. Of Sesquicarhonate of Ammonia, L. — Solution of ses- quicarbonate of ammonia, 1 oz., olive oil, 3 oz.; mix, with agitation. Less powerful than the liniment of ammonia, but employed in similar cases. Of Soap, L. — Soap, 2i oz., camphor, 10 drachms, spirit of ro.scmary, 18 oz., distilled water, 2 oz.; mix the water and spirit, add the soap and camphor, and macerate until dissolved. Less powerful than the compound cam- phor liniment, but similarly employed. Of Turpentine, L. — Soft soap, 2 oz., camphor, 1 oz., oil of turpentine, IG oz.; mix. Stimulating application, applied to burns, &c. Liniment, White. — Oil of turpentine, 2 oz., ammonia, 2 oz.,sbap liniment, 3 oz., spirit of rosemary, 1 oz., vine- gar, 8 oz. jMix. Of Vcrdiijris, L. — Powdered verdigris, 1 oz., vinegar, 7 oz., honey, 14 oz.; dissolve the verdigris in the vinegar, 14 158 LIP — LIT. strain through linen, add the honey, and evaporate to the required consistence. Stimulant to indolent vene- real, and other ulcers. Lip Salve, White. — Almond oil, 4 oz., wax and sperma- ceti, of each 1 oz., otto of roses, 20 drops. Rose. — The above, coloured with alkanet root. Liquid Soap. — Soft soap, 1 Sb. rectified spirit, 25 oz ; mix. Used in shaving, and may be scented as desired. Liquid Blister. — Powdei'ed cantharides, 5 oz., sulphuric ether, 15 oz. Mix. Liquors, or Cold Infusions. — Macerate the substance, coarsely bruised or powdered, in twice its weight of cold distilled water; at the end of six hours straiu, and add fresh water equal in amount to the first product. Con- tinue this process until the active principle appears to be exhausted. Evaporate the cold infusion, at a tempera- ture not exceeding 100°, to the specific gravity of 1,200°, and add as much rectified spirit as will reduce the specific gravity to 1,100. — Battley. Lisbon Diet Drink. — A preparation of sarsaparilla became celebrated under this title. It is no longer used, the compound decoction of sarsaparilla being always substi- tuted. Lithography. — The practice of engraving on stone. The artist may draw on the stone direct, or on transfer-paper, which is then pressed forcibly on the stone and leaves a reverse impression. When the drawing is made, a weak solution of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is poured upon the stone, and by abstracting the alkali from the ink, leaves it permanently fixed on the stone. This operation is termed etching in, and is performed with one part of acid in 100 parts of water; the stone is next washed with water, and weak gum-water is poured on it to fill up the pores, so that the drawing shall not spread. When all is ready a wet cloth is passed over the whole, the water immediately leaves the greasy lines, but re- mains on the stone, and the ink roller is passed over it. The ink adheres to the drawing, but leaves the stone LIT. . 159 untouched, and when one impression has been taken, the stone is af^ain wetted and rolled for the succeeding one. See Inlc, and Craijons, Jjitliotrrapluc. Transfor-paper is prepared thus: Make a mucilage with i 01. of gum tragacaiith, strain, add 1 oz. of glue, and J oz. of gamboge. Mix French chalk, 4 oz., old Paris plaster, o oz., starch, 1 oz.; run them through a sieve, grind with themi.\ed mucilage, add water to reduce to the consistence of oil, and appl}' it with a brush to thin sized paper. The drawing made on this prepared side of the paper is wetted at the back and placed on the stone, which is warmed to 125° F., the whole is then strongly pressed in the lithographic press, and the stone receives the impression, which may be printed from as usual. When two impressions are required, a red composition is made of wax, 2 parts, soap, 1 part, and vermilion to colour, all melted in a saucepan, and ground with water to the consistence of cream. This is spread thinly on the second stone, an impression from the first stone is next applied, and the second drawing is thus made to correspond with the first exactly. If, in printing, the drawing becomes smutty, mix equal parts of water, olive oil, and oil of turpentine, shake till they froth, wet the stone, throw this froth on it, and rub it with a soft sponge. The printing ink will be dissolved, and the drawing will almost disappear, but, on rolling it, it re- appears as clear as at first. When the stone is laid by for future use, a preserving ink is applied, to prevent the surface printing ink becoming too hard. Thick varnish of linseed oil, 2 parts, tallow, 4 parts, wax and Venice turpentine, of each 1 part; melt; add, by degrees, lamp-black, 4 parts, mix thoroughly, and preserve in a tin ca.se. This must be rolled on the stone each time before laying it aside fur future use. AVhen the whole of the inipro.>) drops. Oil of Peppermint. — Antispasmodic, corrects griping purgatives. Dose, 2 to 5 drops. Distilled from the flowcrint: herb. 184 OIL — OIN. Oils. Oil of Pimento, — Distilled from the fruit. Carminative, corrects griping purgatives. Dose : 2 to 6 drops. Oil of Roaemary. — Distilled from the flowering tops. Stimulant. Only used externally. Oil of Rue. — Distilled from the flowering herb. Anti- spasmodic, emmenagogue. Dose, 3 to 5 drops. Oil of Savine. — Distilled from the tops. Eubefacient, emmenagogue, poisonous. Dose, 2 to 6 drops. Oil of Sptarminl. — Distilled from the flowering plant. Antispasmodic, corrects griping purgatives. Dose, 2 to 5 drops. Oil of Turpentine. — Distilled from turpentine. Colour- less, volatile, neutral to test paper. Sp. gr. 0-872 at 60° F. Used to make varnishes and paints, and to illuminate lamps. Medically, as a vermifuge, diuretic, &c. Dose, 6 to 60 drops, or, as a vermifuge, ^ to IJ oz. In this large dose it both kills and expels tape worms, and in enemas is efiicient against the ascaride or thread worm. Externally, alone, it is a powerful rube- facient, and is used as a counter-irritant; weakened, it assists in forming useful liniments, as, olive oil, 1 oz., hartshorn and oil of turpentine, of each ^ oz., camphor, 3 drachms; mix. Ointments are unctuous preparations, having the consis- tence of butter; they are mostly intended as external and local applications. They become rancid if kept too long, or in a warm place, but will keep better by the addition of a little benzoic acid or gum benzoin. Ointment (f Amnion io-chloriJe of Mercury, L. — Ammo- nio-chloride of mercury, 2 drachms, lard, 3 oz. Rub them together. Stimulant, detergent. Used for por- rigo and impetigo of the scalp, for scabies, and chronic inflammation of the eyelids. Ointment of Belladonna, L. — Extract of belladonna, 1 drachm, lard, 1 oz.; mix. Anodyne. Used to allay the pain of rheumatism, ulcers, &c. Ointment of Canthuricles, L. — Finely powdered cantha- rides, 1 oz., distilled water, 12 oz., resin cerate, 1 lb. Boil the cantharides in the water to one-half, and oiN. 185 Ointments. strain. Mix the liquor with the cerate, and evapo- rate to the proper consistence. Used to keep blisters open. Ointment of Creosote, L. — Creosote, 1 drachm, lard, 1 oz.; mix. Used in skin diseases. ■Ointment of Elder, L. — Elder flowers and lard, of each 1 lb. Boil them together until the flowers are crisp, then press through a linen cloth. Soothing, healing. Used in ordinary cases. Ointment of Elenii, L. — Elemi, 3 oz., turpentine, 3i oz., suet, oz., olive oil, J oz. Melt together the elemi and suet, remove them from the fire, and immediately mix them with the turpentine and oil, and strain through linen. Stimulant. Applied to ulcers, and to promote suppuration. Ointment of Gall, (^Compound,') L. — Galls in fine pow- der, G drachms, lard, 6 oz., powdered opium, h drachm. Astringent and anodyne. Used in piles. Ointment of Hemlock, L. — Hemlock leaves, fresh, and lard, of each 1 lb. Boil them together until the leaves become friable, then express through linen. Ointment of ITi/pochloride of Sulphur, (^Compound.) — Hypochloride of sulphur, 2 drachms, subcarbonate of potash, 10 grains, purified lard, 1 oz., essential oil of almonds, lO drops. Mix. — E. Wilson. Ointment of Iodide of Lead, L. — Iodide of lead, 1 oz., lard, 8oz.; mix. Employed in enlargement of joints, and in scrofulous glands. Ointment of Iodide of Mercury, L. — Iodide of mercury, 1 oz., white wax, 2 oz., lard, G oz. Add the iodide to the melted wax and lard, and mix. Used for dressing scrofulous sores. Ointment of Iodide of Potassium, L. — Iodide of potas- sium,. 2 drachms, boiling distilled water, 2 drachms, lard, 2 oz. Dissolve the iodide in the water, and mix with the lard. Applied to scrofulous glands and tu- mours. Ointment of Iodide of Sulphur, L. — Powdered iodide of IG* 186 oiN. Ointments. sulphur, J clraehm, lard, 1 oz.; mix. Used for tlie cure of itch aud psoriasis. Ointment of Lead, (Comjwund) L. — Prepared chalk, 6 oz., dilute acetic acid, 6 oz., lead plaster, 3 lbs., olive oil, 18 oz. Melt the plaster in the oil with a gentle heat, then add first the chalk, and afterwards the acid, stir- ring until cool. Employed to dress inflamed ulcers. Ointment of Mercury, L. — Mercury, 1 lb., lard, 11^ oz., suet, i oz. Rub the mercury with the suet and a little lard until globules can no longer be seen, then add the remaining lard, and mix. Used where»the constitu- tional effects of mercury are desirable. Ointment of Nitrate of Mercury, L. — Mercury, 2 oz., ni- tric acid, 4 oz., lard, 1 lb., olive oil, 8 oz. Dissolve the mercury in the acid, and mix the solution while hot with the lard and oil melted together. Very useful in many skin diseases, aud applied, reduced with lard, to sore eyelids. Milder Ointment of Nitrate of Mercury, L. — Nitrate of mercury ointment, 1 oz., lard, 7 oz.; mix. To be pre- pared when wanted for use. Ointment of Nitric-Oxide of Mercury, L. — Nitric-oxide of mercury, 1 oz., white wax, 1 oz., lard, 6 oz. Add the nitric-oxide, rubbed to fine powder, to the wax and lard, melted together, and mix. Useful in skin dis- eases, in chloric conjunctivis, and in ulcers. Ointment of Opi^im, L. — Powdered opium, 1 scruple, lard, 1 oz. ; mix. Used as a soothing dressing. Ointment of Pitch, L. — Black pitch, wax, and resin, of each 11 oz. JMelt them together, and press through a linen cloth. Digestive, stimulant. Ointment of Potassio- Tartrate of Antimony, L. — Potas- sio-tartrate of antimony, in fine powder, 1 oz.," lard, 4 oz. ; mix. Used to produce eruptions of the skin, and as a counter-irritant. Ointment of Savinc, L. — Fresh bruised savine, J lb, white wax, 8 oz., lard, 1 lb. Melt the wax and lard, mix in the savine, and strain through linen. Used to keep blisters and issues open. oiN— on. 187 Ointments. Ointment of Spermaceti, L. — Spermaceti, 5 oz., wliite wax, 14 dracluns, olive oil, 1 pint, or sufficient. jMelt all slowly, and stir coustantly until cold. Used as a simple dressing. Ointment of iSuij.)hur, L. — Sulpliur, ^ tb, lard, 1 It). Used as next. Ointment of Sulphur, {CompouniJ') L. — Sulphur, 4 oz., powdered wliite hellebore, 10 drachms, powdered ni- trate of potash, 2 scruples, soft soap, 4 oz., lard, 1 lb. ; mix. Used to cure itch; to be applied night and morning. The simple ointment is less irritating than the compound, and sometimes preferred on that account. Ointment of Tar, L. — Tar and suet, of each 1 lb.; melt together, and press through a linen cloth. Used to re- move tetter, tinea capitis, and lepra. Ointment of Zinc, L — Oxide of zinc, 1 oz., lard, 6 oz. ; mix. Used for the eyes, sore nipples, and ringworm. Olei.v. — The light liquor obtained from oil or fat. 1. Add to the oil a solution of caustic soda, sufficient to saponify h(ilfi\\e oil, and separate the clear portion. 2. Olive oil, 1 part, alcohol, 8 parts; mix, and heat nearly to boiling, cool, and distil the clear upper portion. Oleum Viride. — Oil coloured with leaves of elder. Olive Oil Test. — Add by degrees 5i oz. of mercury to 4 oz. of nitric acid : and when the solution is completed, add water, 7 oz. Of this hyponitrous acid take one part, and of the oil to be tested, 2 parts; agitate toge- ther a few minutes, and let the mixture stand for some hours. If genuine olive oil, the whole mass becomes solid; if adulterated, the spurious portion of the oil re- mains in a fluid state. Olla Fiqtili. — A pipkin. Opium. — The juice emitted from the incised unripe fruit of the ])(ij)(ifrr somn if rum, indurated by expDsure to the air. Tiic best variety is the I'urkoy or Smyrna opium, it yields about 10 to 12 per cent, of morpliia, whioli is more than can be obtained from other kinds. It con- 188 OPO — ORA. tains morphia, narcotina, codeia, narceia, meconic acid, &c. ; some of these constituents are extracted for use, others are found to be inert and useless. Opium is anodyne, stimuknt, narcotic, diaphoretic, or astringent, according to the administration. Dose: i to 1 grain proves stimulant, 2 grains narcotic, poisonous in doses of 5 to GO grains. Habit, however, renders opium- eaters more insensible to its eflfects than others, and some of these can take enormous quantities with impunity. In severe disorders, as cholera, tetanus, &c., it has been given to a great extent; in hydrophobia, 2 drachms have been given in 12 hours, without abating the symp- toms. Though often administered for hydrophobia, it is utterly useless in most cases of that fearful disease. The preparations of opium and morphia are greatly re- sorted to as cough medicines, and as anodyne ingre- dients in medicines for gout, rheumatism, and most painful ailments. Opodeldoc, as formerly prepared, was much used as a li- niment and rubefacient; the soap liniment of the phar- macopoeia is now always used instead. Steer's opodel- doc, however, contained ammonia and other ingredients j several formulas have been proposed as imitations. Opodeldoc, Steer's. — 1. Rectified spirit, 8 pints, (old mea- sure) white soap, 20 oz., camphor, 8 oz., liquor ammo- nia, 4 oz., oil of rosemary and oil of horsemint, of each 1 oz. ; dissolve the soap in the spirit by a gentle heat, add the other ingredients, and bottle whilst warm. — Fh ila delph ia College. 2. Castile soap, sliced, 1 lb, camphor, 2 J oz., oil of rose- mary, \ oz., oil of origanum, 1 oz., rectified spirit, 4 pints; dissolve by a water bath, strain, and add liquor of ammonia, 5J oz. Solid and transparent when cold. Orangeade. A preparation of oranges similar to lemon- ade. 1. Juice of 4 oranges, peel of 1 orange, lump sugar, 6 oz., boiling water, 1 quart ; mix by stirring well, and, when cold, decant the clear. Refrigerant. 2. Juice of two oranges, a little peel, sugar, 3 oz., rum, one teaspoonful; mix with hut water, 1 pint. ORA — OXA. 189 3. Peel of 1 orange, syrup, 1 oz., hot water, J to 1 pint. 4. Instead of plain water, use aerated water, or that charged with carbonic acid gas. 8}rup, 1 oz., tincture of orange, 1 drachm ; add carbonated water, 1 pint. Orangeade or Siif.ruet Powders. — Loaf sugar, 36 drachms, carbonate of soda, 4 drachms, oil of orange, 15 drops; mix, and divide into 12 blue papers. Divide 6 drachms of tartaric acid in 12 white papers, and mix one paper of each sort for use in half-a-pint of water. Orgeat, Syrup of. — 1. Sweetalmonds, 1 lb., bitter almonds, 2 drachms; blanch, and make an emulsion with bar- ley water, 2 pints; strain; mix with 2v lbs. of white sugar, and add orange-flower water, i oz. 2. Sweetalmonds, 5 oz., bitter almonds, 2 oz., white sugar, 2.1 lbs., water, 1 pint. jMakc an emulsion with the al- monds and water, add the sugar, and when dissolved, add orange flower water, J oz. Oxalic Acid. — 1. Mix 5 parts of nitric acid, sp. gr. 142, with twice its weight of water, and pour on sugar, 1 part, in a retort; red fumes are rapidly disengaged, and, when they slacken, heat is applied as long as gas is evolved. Evaporate the li([Uor, crystallize, re-dissolve, and again crystallize. The mother liquor will yield more crystals if treated again with fresh nitric acid. — Liihig. 2. Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1-4, 4 parts, sugar, 1 part; digest in a water bath. — Ure. The preferable heat is that of steam in this manufacture ; the fumes, on the small scale, are allowed to escape, on the large, they arc condensed. Oxalic acid crystallizes in white odourless crystals, resembling lOpsom .salts, for which they are sometimes mistaken; it di.«solves in 8 parts of water, at G0°, and in its own weight of hot water^ The aqueous solution has a powerful acid re- action, it instantly reddens litmus, it tastes sour, and yields no precipitate with li(jUor potassiu; in all these points suljihate of magnesia is tlie reverse, and yields a white precipitate witii lit|Uor poULs.sie. Oxalic acid is seldom used medically; it i.s u.sed to clcau boot-tops, 190 oxY. and straw bonnets, to take out ink-stains, and in book- binding and calico printing. It is poisonous ; i an oz., or a little more, will cause death ; the antidote is chalk or magnesia. It is sometimes used as a refrigerant drink bj ignorant straw-workers and others. Oxygen. — 1. Heat chlorate of potash nearly to redness in a green glass retort. The gas is pure, and 100 grains of the salt yield 100 to 115 cubic inches of oxygen. 2. Chlorate of potash, by measure, 3 parts, powdered bi- noxide of manganese, 1 part, both dryj heat in a retort. 100 grains yield 110 cubic inches of pure oxygen. The heat required is not so great as for chlorate alone ; the manganese is unaltered, and may be similarly used for further supplies, all the oxygen coming from the chlo- rate only. — Faraday. 3. Bichromate of potash, 3 parts, oil of vitriol, 4 parts; mix and heat as before. Yields pure oxygen. — Bal- main. 4. Binoxide of manganese and oil of vitriol, equal parts; mix, and apply heat. Each oz. of manganese yields 256 grains of oxygen. — Liehig. 5. Heat the red oxide of mercury, (red precipitate) or ni- tre, as above. 6. Heat to redness the black oxide of manganese. Each oz. yields 128 cubic inches of gas. — Liehig. This is the process usually adopted on the large scale, the best in the small way is form 1 or 2. Oxygen is colourless, tasteless, odourless, incombustible; sp. gr. 1-1057; 100 cubic inches at 60°, mercury, at 30 inches, weigh 34-29 grains. It strongly supports combustion, and sustains animal life. Bodies which burn in air are more brilliant in oxygen. A smouldering candle is immediately re-lighted in a jar of oxygen; a match just blown out is re-kindled in the same manner. An iron wire or watch-spring heated at the point and plunged in, throws off brilliant sparks, and if charcoal or amadou be on the point, it has a similar appearance. Sulphur in oxygen is very brilliant, phosphorus is almost too bright to look upon. When oxygen, 1 part, hy- OXY — PAP. 19 X drogen, 2 parts, are burnt or exploded together, tLey yield water. OxYMEL. — A syrup of honey and vinegar. Preparation, L. — Acetic acid, 7 oz., distilled water, 8 oz., honey, 5 lbs. Mix the acid and water, add them to the honey made warm. Detergent, used in gargles and cough mixtures. Dose: 1 to 2 drachms. In trade more acid is generally added, 1 pint of vinegar being allowed for 3 lbs. of honey. Oxymel of Squills. — Vinegar of squills, 2^ pints, honey, 5 lbs. Evaporate the honey to 12 oz., and mix with the honey made Avarm. Used chiefly in cough mixtures. Dose : J to 1 drachm. Paints, Flexible. — Boil 1| lb. yellow soap with 1 gallon of water, and mix while hot with \\ cwt. of oil paint. Used to paint on canvass. Paints, to Mix. — For inside work use boiled oil with tur- pentine and a little driers ; for out-door work use but little turpentine. Turpentine assists the drying of paints but spoils the gloss ; in flatted white this is of no impor- tance, as it is required dull. The best driers are those ready mixed, called patent driers, which may be obtained at any colour shop. All paints are ground in raw lin- seed oil, ready for mixing, and may be so purchased as ground paints. Wood-work, &c., must be sized before painting, or size must be added to the paint at the time of using, otherwise it will not dry. Paper, to Clean from Grease, &c. — For photographs, paper, when not clear, should be treated as follows: Dissolve citric acid, 1 part, in distilled water, 20 parts; pour the solution in an earthen dish, and steep the sheets for an hour or two; then soak them in water rendered alkaline by 5 per cent, of ammonia, and finally wash in pure water. Dry the sheets, carefully avoiding dust. Paper (to Divide.) — The simple way to sever a sheet of paper into halves consists in placing the leaf about to be divided between two pasted surfaces stionger than itself, drawing the two outsides apart when dry, the 192 PAP. Paper. centre leaf adhering equally to the two outer papers when drawn asunder. To divide a photograph, or other paper of value, procure two leaves of paper harder than the one about to be split, and slightly tougher; these paste with clean stiff paste, free from lumps, on either side of your picture — which is also to be pasted — to form, as it were, the centre of a three-sheet cardboard, which must be well rubbed down with the hand to get rid of all air bubbles, being afterwards put aside to dry gently. When dry, it will be ready to divide, by drawing the two outside leaves in contrary directions, each having half of the centre sheet adhering thereto; these outside papers, with their half leaf, may now be laid in clean water, to soak the paste into a pulp, as before, when the thin split sheets can be drawn away, rinsed, blotted to remove moisture, and mounted on card, if required. Care must be taken, in starting the severance, to be sure that the sheets di- vide equally; once well off, all will go right. Paper (to Prepare) for Photographs. — Dissolve 20 parts of citric acid in 200 parts of distilled water. Pour the solution into an earthen or porcelain dish (the bath should be abundant, so that the paper may swim freely in it — the action is hastened by the application of a gentle heat;) allow several sheets to remain in it for an hour or two, then remove them, and place them on an- other dish, containing water rendered alkaline by 5 per cent, of ammonia, washing finally in pure water. Ke- moved from this, suspend the papers by one corner, and allow them to dry thoroughly, protected from dust. Paper, Copying. — Mix lard and lamp-black to a paste, rub this over paper, wipe off the waste with a rag, and dry the paper. A clean sheet placed under this while writ- ten on with a lead pencil, &c., receives a copy. Paper, Oiled. — Brush paper with boiled oil and dry the sheets. Used to enclose blacking, white-lead, ^c. Paper, Tracing. — 1. Open a quire of double crown tissue paper, and brush the first sheet with a mixture of mastic PAP — PAS. 193 Paper. varnish and oil of turpentine, equal parts ; proceed with each sheet similarly, and dry them on lines by hanging them up singly. As the process goes on, the under sheets absorb a portion of the varnish, and require less than if single sheets were brushed separately. The in- ventor of this varnish for tracing paper, received a medal and premium from the Royal Society (Whittock, 74.) It leaves the paper quite light and transparent, it may readily be written on, and drawings traced with a pen are permanently visible. Used by learners to draw (Hit- lines. The paper is placed on the drawing, which is clearly seen, and an outline is made, taking care to hold the tracing paper steady. In this way elaborate draw- ings are easily copied. Tissue paper may also be made transparent by using, 2. Nut oil and oil of turpentine, e(|ual parts, dry the paper with wheat-flour immediately. 3. Canada balsam, and turpentine to thin it. Paper, Waxkd. — Place a sheet of stout paper on a heated iron plate, and over this place the sheets of ti.ssue paper to be waxed. p]nclose wax or stearine in a piece of muslin, and as it melts spread over the tissue paper equally; proceed with others similarly iintil enough are prepared. Used to cover gallipots, ointments, &c. Papers, Test, are prepared by dipping unsized sheets into a solution or infusion of the test. The substances used are Brazil wood, buckthorn, acetate and diacetate of lead, cherry juice, dahlia leaves, elderberry, litmus, uiallow flower, protusulphate of iron, starch, turmeric, indigo, cabbage, iodide of potassium, manganese, rhubarb, Ac. They are used to distinguish acids, alkalies, poisonS; gases, &c. Papier Mache. — Paper pulp pressed into various forms with size, glue, white of egg, paste, &c. When painted or japanned they are light elegant ornaments, quite water- proof. Paste, Almond. — 1. Blanch bitter almonds with hot water, 17 194 PAS. Paste. wipe them dry with a towel, beat them to a paste, and pass through a fine metallic sieve, add a little white of egg, and perfume at pleasui'e. 2. Use sweet instead of bitter almonds. 3. Honey and bitter almond paste, (No. 1,) of each 8 oz. ; mix, add oil of almonds, 1 lb., and the yolk of two eggs. Used as cosmetics. The almond and honey soaps are also employed for the same purpose. Paste, Flour. — The method adopted by the paper-hangers is the best for all general purposes. Beat wheat-flour and cold water to perfect smoothness, and pour on boiling water to make it moderately thin. It becomes stifi'er on cooling, but if made too thin it will require to be boiled. It produces a beautifully smooth paste without lumps, if properly managed. Many additions are ordered in some receipts, as alum, rosin, sugar, corrosive sublimate, creosote, &c., but they are all useless for common re- quirements, rosin especially, as it only forms lumps like fine sand, and cannot mix with water. Creosote or cor- rosive sublimate are added to preserve paste, but it is best when fresh madej for little things the gum paste is better, as for drug and other labels. Paste, Gum. — Gum Arabic, with a little gum tragacanth, made to a thick solution. Used to attach labels to bot- tles, boxes, book-backs, &c. Is firm when applied and soon dries hard. Paste, Furniture. — Wax and turpentine coloured with alkanet. Sometimes soap, liquor potassae, or pearl-ash is added, at the option of the maker. See Furniture Paste. Paste, Kazor. — 1. Prepare putty powder, 1 oz., oxalic acid, } oz., gum, 20 grains; powder, and make into a paste with water. Used spread over razor strops, to give razors a keen edge wlien dull. 2. Emery in finest powder, 2 parts, spermaceti ointment, 1 part; mix. 3. Colcothar and emery made into a paste with lard. Paste, Shaving. — 1. White curd soap, J lb., spermaceti PAS. 195 Paste. and almond oil, of eacb 1 oz.; beat with the white of 2 eggs, add liquor potassae, 2 oz., and bitter almond oil to scent. 2. White wax, spermaceti and almond oil, of each 2 drs.; melt, add white soap, 4 oz., and beat together with a little rose-water or eau de cologne. 3. Soap, 2 oz., macerate in rectified spirit, enough to soften it to a paste, add liquor potassas, J oz., bitter al- mond oil, 5 drops, otto of roses, 3 drops, oil of laven- der, 2 drops, eau de cologne, 5 oz. ; mix. Used in- stead of plain soaps for shaving. Winter and Thom- son's rjpophagon soap is excellent. Paste, Polishing. — 1. Potash, i lb., dissolve in a little boiling water, add soft soap, 2 lb., rotten stone, 3 lb., oil of thyme, J oz., colcothar and emery, of each J lb.; mix. 2. Boiling water, 1 pint, oxalic acid, 2 oz., soft soap and sweet oil, of each ^ lb., rotten stone, 4 lb.; mix. Used to clean brass, tin, and other metals. The paste is laid on with a little water, and rubbed until the article is clean, it is then wiped off and the metal polished with powdered rotten stone. Pastilles, Fumigating. — 1. Benzoin, 1 drachm, cascarilla, J drachm, myrrh, 1 scruple, oils of nutmegs and cloves, of each 10 drops, nitrate of potash, i drachm, charcoal, 6 drachms; mix with mucilage of tragacanth. 2. Benzoin, 2 oz., balsam of tolu and yellow sandal-wood, of each J oz., labdanum, 1 drachm, nitre, 2 drachms, charcoal, 6 oz., mix with mucilage of tragacanth. — Paris Codex. 3. Yellow Sanders and benzoin, of each 3 oz., olibanum and cascarilla, of each 6 oz., storax, 4 oz., myrrh and nitre, of each 1^ oz., ambergris, 1 drachm, Peru balsam, 2 drkchms, oil of cinnamon, 20 drops, oil of cloves, 30 drops, otto of rose, 20 drops, oil of lavender, 90 drops, balsam of tolu, I2 oz., camphor, J oz., acetic acid, 2 oz., charcoal, 3 tbs.; mix with mucilage of tragacanth. 4. Benzoin and cascarilla, of each 1 oz., myrrh, 8 scruples, 196 PEA — PER. oils of nutmegs and cloves, of each 4 scruples, nitre, J oz., charcoal, 6 oz.; mix as last. — Dr. Par in. 5. Incense. — Benzoin, 12 oz., storax and frankincense, of each 2 2 oz., musk, 15 grains, burnt sugar, 2 oz., gum tragacanth, 1 5 oz., rose-water sufficient to make the mass divide in small tablets. — Af^tlnj. Used to fumigate rooms and sick chambers, which should be first ■well ventilated, otherwise the disagreeable scent is not covered by the pastilles. Peas, Issue. — 1. Orange berries smoothed in a lathe. 2. Yellow wax, \\ oz., turmeric, 1 oz., orris, \ oz., and sufficient Venice turpentine. — Niemann. Used to keep issues open. The following is a composition for opening issues: Bees'-wax, 6 oz., verdigris and white hellebore, of each 2 oz., cantharides, 1 oz., orris, \\ oz., Venice turpentine, sufficient. — Gray. Pearl Powder. — French chalk, 1 lb., oxide of bismuth and oxide of zinc, of each 1 oz. Poxodered Talc. — Does not discolour; is sometimes cal- cined before pulverizing. Peau d'Espagne. — Steep pieces of wash-leather in any li- quid scent; cut the leather into square pieces, and be- tween each pair lay a composition of musk, civet, &c. Use silk or satin to cover the skins. To perfume writing papers, clothes, &c. Pepper, Kitchen. — Ginger, } lb., cinnamon, black pepper, allspice, and nutmeg, of each 2 oz., cloves, 4 oz., dry salt, I2 tb.; powder and mix. Used to flavour gravies. Perchloric Ether. — Mix the sulphovinate and perchlorate of baryta in equal parts, powder and distil by an oil bath of 300° to 340°. The receiver should contain some strong alcohol, and be surrounded with ice or a freezing mixture; when water is added the ether sinks to the bottom. It is very dangerous, from its explosive pro- perties, when separated from alcohol, but is perfectly safe while combined with it. Alone it often explodes without known cause, and always with a slight friction or percussion. Very small quantities only should be piio. 197 prepared, and the operator be protected with a mask and gloves. Pnosi'iioRic Acid, Diluted. — Phosphorus, 6 drachms, nitric acid, 4 oz., distilled water, 8 oz.; mix the acid and water, add the phosphorus, and distil off (J oz. in a sand bath, return this to the retort, and let G oz. again distil, which are to be rejected. Evaporate the remain- ing liquor in a platina capsule down to 2 oz., and, whea cold, make it up 1 pint with distilled water. Characters and Tests, L. — Colourless, odourless, sp. gr. 1-U04. No precipitate falls on the addition of chloride of barium, or nitrate of silver. It does not aflfect strips of copper or silver, nor is it coloured by hydrosulphuric acid either before or after contact with the metals. A fluid oz. of this acid is saturated by 132 grains of crys- tallized carbonate of soda, and no precipitate falls. Seldom u.sed in this country. Dose: lU to 30 drops, largely diluted, in diabetes, phosphatic urinary deposits, &c. Phosphorus is not prepared on the small scale. It is a pale, semi-transparent, combustible solid, sp. gr. 177, its vapour, 4-o5, melts at 1U8° F., boils at 55U° F. It is kept in water to prevent its inflaming; it is soluble in ether, naphtha, oils, and especially in bisulphuret of carbon. Used to make matches, and in electrotyping. It is a corrosive poison. Phosphorus Paste. — Put into a Florence flask 1 drachm of phosphorus and 1 oz. of rcctitied spirit. Dip the flask into hot water until the phosphorus is melted; then cork the flask, and agitate it until the contents are cold. Pour otf the spirit, and mix the phosphorus with li oz. of lard, then add a mixture of flour, 5 oz., sugar or cheese, 1 J oz., and make the whole into a paste with a little water. Used to destroy vermin. Piiosi'HoRETTKi) IIydrooe.v. — Boil together in a small re- tort, phospliorus and liquor potassjc, or hydrate of lime; hit tlie beak be kept under water, and as the bubbles rise they inflame (tn contact with the air. The returt at first .should be filled to the neck, and caution should be used. The gas is very fetid, sp. gr. 1*24. 17* 198 PIC. Photographic Sensitive Paper. — 1. Common salt, 20 grains, water, 1 oz. ; wash the paper with this solution, and when dry, wash with the following solution : nitrate of silver, 60 grains, distilled water, 1 oz. When dry, it is ready for use, in copying feathers, lacework, leaves, &c. 2. Wash the paper with a solution of nitrate of silver, 6 grains, distilled water, J oz.; dry the paper, and wash it with iodide of potassium, 5 grains, distilled water, ^ oz. Dry with a gentle heat, repeat the wash with the silver solution, and when dry, the paper is ready for use. The sensitive surface is an iodide of silver, and is easily affected by light. Pickles serve to flavour meats, and are very generally used. They should not be prepared in metallic vessels, as the salts formed by such contact are poisonous. Vinegar should be boiled in a stone-ware jar in a water bath, and the pickles, when made, are best kept in glass jars well covered, having a wood or horn spoon to remove them when required. Pickle, Lemon. — 1. Wipe 6 lemons and slice them, add salt, 1 lb., garlic, 1 lb., G cloves, horseradish and mus- tard, of each 2 oz., cloves, mace, nutmeg, and Cayenne, of each \ oz., vinegar, 2 quarts; digest 6 weeks, and bottle. 2. Lemon-juice and vinegar, of each 3 quarts, bruised ginger, 4 oz., allspice, pepper, and grated lemon-peel, of each 2 oz., salt, 1-i oz., Cayenne, I oz., mace and nutmegs, of each \ oz.; digest and bottle. Pulde, Meat. — 1. Sugar, 2 lbs., bay or common salt, 4 lbs., saltpetre, 8 oz., water, 6 quarts; dissolve. 2. Salt, 6 lbs., sugar, 1 lb., saltpetre, 3 oz., water, 4 gal- lons; boil, skim, and cool. When partly exhausted by use, add one-third of the above ingredients, and boil again. Meat is immersed iu the above to keep it in warm wea- ther; the meat acquires a fine red colour. Pickled Onions. — Choose small round onions, remove the skins, and scald them with brine, wipe with a towel, PIE — PIL. ]09 and pour on them hot spiced vinegar. When cold cover them, and preserve them in small jars. All the usual pickles are preserved similarly, as cucum- bers, walnuts, gherkins, mushrooms, samphires, cauli- flowers, nu'lons, &c. lied cabbage is prepared without salt, and with cold vinegar. Pierre Infernale. — Fused nitrate of silver. Pills are small globes of solid medicines, chiefly made up because the substances are nauseous, or such as operate in small doses. The powders, &c., are made to com- bine, by using hone}', treacle, syrup, soap, extract, mu- cilage, or conserve of rose, according to the formula, and when the mass is sufficiently tenacious it is divided into pills. They generally weigh 5 grains each, and should never exceed this quantity. Pill of Aloes, (^Co77ipound ,) L. — Socotrine aloes, in pow- der, 1 oz., extract of gentian, ^ oz., oil of caraways, 40 drops, treacle, a sufficient quantity. Beat together to a pill mass. Purgative, stomachic. Used in habit- ual costiveness. Dose : 5 to 20 grains. Aloes are more easily powdered by adding 2 or 8 drops of olive oil to each ounce. Pill of Aloes with Myrrh, L. — Powdered Socotrine aloes, 5 oz., safi'ron, powdered myrrh, and soft soap, of each 2 drachms, treacle, a sufficient (juantity. Beat toge- ther to a pill mass. Purgative, cnimenagogue. Used in chlorosis and amenorrha'a. Do.se: 5 to 15 grains. Pill of Aloes with Soop, L. — Extract of Barbadoes aloes powdered, soft soap, and extract of licjuorice, e(|ual parts, treacle, a sufficient quantity. Beat the aloes with the soap, add the other ingredients, and make a pill mass. Purgative. Dose: 5 to 15 grains. Pill of Arseniute of Soda, (^Compound.) — Arseniate of soda^2 grains, dissolved in a little distilled water, guaia- cuni, J drachm, oxysulphuret of antimony, 20 grains, niucihige to mix. Divide into 24 pills. — E. Wilson. Pill (f Calomel, (Compound,^ L. — Chloride of mercury and oxysulpliuret of antimony, of each, 2 drachms, guaiacum, resin ])owdcred, and treacle, of each i oz. liub the mercury with the antimony, and afterwards 200 PiL. Pills. witli the guaiacum and treacle, to make a mass. Altera- tive. Employed in cutaneous eruptions, in skin disorders, and in secondary syplailis. Dose, 5 to 10 grains. E'lll of Colocynth, (^Compound,) L. — Extract of colo- cynth, 1 drachm, powdered extract of aloes, 6 drachms, powdered scammony, 2 drachms, powdered cardamoms, \ drachm, soft soap, 1| drachms. Mix the powders together, then the other ingredients, and form a mass. Purgative. Used as a common aperient, generally combined with blue pill, calomel, or extract of hen- bane. Pill of Galhanum, (^Compound, ^ L. — Prepared galba- num, 2 drachms, myrrh and prepared sagapenum, of each 3 drachms, prepared assafcetida, 1 drachm, soft soap, 2 drachms, treacle, a sufficient quantity; beat to- gether to a mass. Stimulant, antispasmodic. Dose, 5 to 20 grains, in hysteria or amenorrhoea. Pill of Gamboge, ( Compound,) L. — Gamboge in powder, 2 drachmvS, powdered Socotrine or hepatic aloes, 3 drachms, powdered ginger, 1 drachm, soft soap, ^ oz. Mix the powders, add the soap, and form a mass. Used as an active cathartic in obstinate constipation, in dropsies, and to expel tape-worm. Dose, 10 to 15 grains. Pill of Hemlock, (^Compound,) L. — Extract of hemlock, 5 drachms, powdered ipecacuanha, 1 drachm, treacle, a sufficient quantity; beat together to a mass. Anti- spasmodic, expectorant, narcotic. Used in spasmodic cough, bronchitis, and incipient consumption. Dose, 5 to 10 grains. Pill of Ipecamanha with Squill, L. — Compound powder of ipecacuanha, 3 drachms, fresh squill, powdered, and powdered ammoniacum, of each 1 drachm, treacle, a sufficient quantity; beat together to a mass. Expecto- rant, sedative, sudorific. Used in chronic bronchitis, asthma, and coughs. Dose, 5 to 15 grains. Pill of Iron, (^Compound,') L. — Powdered myrrh, 2 dr., carbonate of soda, sulphate of iron, and treacle, of each 1 drachm. In a warm vessel rub the myrrh with the PIL — PLA. 201 Pills. soda, add the iron, and rub again; mix in tlie treacle, and form a mass. Tonic. Used in chlorosis. Dose, 5 to 10 grains. Pill of Mercury, L. — Mercury, \ oz., confection of roses, 6 drachms, powdered liquorice, 2 drachms. Eub the mercury with the confection until the globules disap- pear, add the liquorice, and make a mass. Purgative, alterative. Dose : as an alterative, 1 to 3 grains, as a purgative, 5 to 10 grains, followed by an aperient. Pill of Rhubarb, (^Compound,) L. — Powdered rhubarb, 4 drachms, powdered aloes, 3 drachms, powdered myrrh, 2 drachms, soft soap, ^ drachm, oil of caraway, 15 drojjs, treacle, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, add the other ingredients, and form a mass. Stomachic, purgative. Dose, 5 to 20 grains. Pill of Soap, (Compound,) L. — Powdered opium and powdered li(iuorice, of each 2 drachms, soft soap, 6 dr.; beat to a mass. Five grains contain 1 grain of opium. Dose, 3 to 10 grains. Anodyne. Pilh, Tonic, Pur(jative. — Aloes, 2 drachms, gamboge, 1 drachm, scammony, i drachm, sulphate of iron, \ dr., sulphate of quinine, 8 grains, extract of gentian or dandelion, q. s. Make 120 pills. Three operate eflfec- tually, witliuut griping. Fill of S'piill, ( Omijwnnd,) L. — Freshly-powdered squill, 1 drachm, powdered ginger and powdered ammoniacum, of each 2 drachms, soft soap, 3 drachms, treacle, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, add the rest, and form a mass. Expectorant, diuretic. Used in chronic coughs. Dose, 5 to 15 grains. Pill of Storax, (Compound,) L. — IVepared storax, 6 drachms, powdered opium and .saffron, of each 2 dr.; beat to a mass. Anodyne. Dose, 5 to 10 grains, in chroniQ coughs. Five grains contain 1 grain of opium. Pl.vsters are compounds intended for external apjilicatioa only. The mixed articles are thinly spread for use on linen, calico, or leather, and the plaster is then made to adhere by slightly warming it, and applying to the 202 PLA. Plasters. skin. After removing a plaster, the skin may be cleansed with a little turpentine. Plaster of Ainmo)iiacum, L. — Prepared ammoniacum, 5 oz., diluted acetic acid, 8 oz. Dissolve the ammo- niacum in the acid, then evaporate slowly to a proper consistence, constantly stirring. Stimulant, discu- tient. Applied to scrofulous tumours and chronic swellings. Blaster of Ammoniacum with Mercury, L. — Warm olive oil, 1 draclim, sulphur, 8 grains, mix until they unite, rub in 3 oz. of mercury until the globules disappear, then add 1 lb. of prepared ammoniacum, previously melted, and mix. More powerful than ammoniacum plaster, but similarly employed. Plaster of Belladonna, L. — Soap plaster and extract of belladonna, of each 3 oz. Melt the plaster by the heat of a water-bath, add the extract, and stir until of a proper consistence. Anodyne and antispasmodic. Plaster of Cantharides,L. — Finely-powdered cantharides, 1 lb., wax and mutton suet, of each 7d oz., resin, 3 oz., lard, 6 oz. Melt the wax, suet, and lard together, add the resin, melted, then remove from the fire, and, when cooling, stir in the cantharides, and mix. Used as a blistering plaster. Plaster of Cummin, L. — Cummin, caraway, laurel berries, and wax, of each 3 oz., prepared Burgundy pitch, 3 lb., olive oil and water, of each 1^ oz. Melt the pitch and wax, add the oil, the water, and the dry ingredients, powdered, then evaporate to the required consistence. Stimulant, detergent. Applied to languid ulcers, which require stimulating. Plaster of Galhanum, L. — Prepared galbanum, 8 oz., tur- pentine, 1 oz., melt, add prepared frankincense, 3 oz., plaster of lead, 3 lb., and mix. Stimulant, discutient. Applied to the chest in pulmonary complaints, and to indolent glandular tumours. Plaster of Iodide of Potassium, L. — Prepared frankin- cense, 6 oz., wax, 6 drachms, melt, add iodide of po- tassium, 1 oz., mixed in olive oil, 2 drachms, and stir TLA. 203 Plasters. until cold. To be spread on linen ratlier than lea- ther. Applied to chronic enlargemcuts, scrofulous tumours, nodes, &c. Plaster of Iron, L. — Prepared frankincense, 2 oz., lead plaster, S oz., melt, sprinkle in 1 oz. of sescjuioxide of iron, and mix. Plaster of Lead, L. — Oxide of lead, in fine powder, 6 lb., olive oil, 1 gallon, water, 2 pints. Boil slowly until mixed to a proper consistence, adding, if necessary, a little boiling water. Used as a basis for other plasters, and applied to cuts or excoriations. Plaster of Mercury, L. — Warm olive oil, 1 drachm, sul- phur, 8 grains, mix; rub in 3 oz. of mercury until the globules disappear, then add melted plaster of lead, 1 lb., and mix. Alterative, discutient. Less powerful than the plaster of ammoniacum with mercury. Plaster of Opium, L. — Prepared frankincense, 2 oz.,melt, add melted plaster of lead, 8 oz., then add extract of opium, 1 oz., dissolved in 1 oz. of boiling water, and evaporate to the proper consistence. Anodyne. Ap- plied to give local relief to painful parts. Plaster of Pitch, L. — Prepared Ihirgundy pitch, 2 lb., prepared frankincense, 1 lb., wax and resin, of each 4 oz.; melt together and add expressed oil of nutmegs, 1 oz., olive oil and water, of each 2 oz. Stir and evapo- rate to the proper consistence. Mild counter-irritant. Applied to the chest to relieve coughs, and to the loins in lumbago. Forms a good warm plaster, for the chest in winter. Plaster of Resin, L. — Melted lead plaster, o lbs., melted resin, J lb.; mix. Stimulant, adhesive. The usual sticking plaster applied to cuts and wounds to keep them closed . Plaster of Soap, L. — Melted lead plaster, 8 lb., Tastile soap,"~i lb., melted with resin, 1 oz.; mix with the plaster, stir and boil to the proper consistence. Used to support fractured limbs. Platinum. — The heaviest metal known, sp. gr. 21 25 to 204 roi — roT. 21-5; resists acids and great heat. Soluble in nitromu- riatic acid and in chlorine. All its salts are poisonous. PoiDS DE Marc. — Eight ounces. Polishing Powder for Specula. — Prepare peroxide of iron, by precipitation, from a diluted solution of sulphate of iron with water of ammonia. Wash the precipitate, press it in a screw press until nearly dry, and expose it to a heat which in the dark appears a dull red. Pomade is the French name for pomatum. It is made by covering lard with perfumed flowers, and changing them when exhausted, until the lard or pomade is sufficiently scented. Pomade Divine. — Spermaceti, 4 oz., lard, 8 oz., almond oil, 12 oz., gum benzoin, 4 oz., vanilla beans, I2 oz. Digest the whole in a steam bath for six hours, and strain. Pomatum Lavender — Lard, 2} lbs., lavender flowers, 10 lbs., white wax, 4 oz. Add 2 lbs. of flowers to the melted lard and wax, cork the whole in a jar, and sim- mer in a water-bath for 6 hours; strain, and proceed to add the remaining flowers. When completed, wash it well, re-melt it, and fill small pots, which should be well covered with wet bladder or waxed paper. This is the method adopted for any pomatum of flowers, but most pomatums are made by adding the essential oils to the lard and wax, and they serve equally well. Potash, Acetate of, L. — Acetic acid, 26 oz., carbonate of potash, 1 lb., or sufiicient, distilled water, 12 oz.; add the carbonate gradually to the acid, first mixed with the water to saturation, and strain. Evaporate the li- quor in a sand-bath, the heat being cautiously applied until the salt is dry. Characters and Tests, L. — Soluble in water and in recti- fied spirit, the watery solution afiects neither litmus nor turmeric. Nothing is precipitated from it either on the addition of chloride of barium, or nitrate of silver, but if anything is thrown down by nitrate of silver, from a strong solution, it is again dissolved on the addition POT. 205 Potash. of water, or dilute Ditric acid. Sulphuric acid added evolves acetic vapours. 100 grains of this salt digested in sulphuric acid, evaporated, and the salt dried by a high temperature, leaves SS-ii grains of sulphate of pot- ash. Diuretic, purgative, used in dropsy, and obstructions of the liver. Dose : 20 to GO grains as a diuretic, increased to 3 drachms it acts as a purgative. It sometimes causes griping. Potash, Blcarhonate of. — Crystallized. Characters and Tests, L. — "Soluble in water. The so- lution slightly changes the colour of turmeric to brown; sulphate of magnesia throws down nothing from it un- less heat is applied; nitric acid drives off bubbles of carbonic acid, and if nitric acid is first added in excess, chloride of barium causes no precipitate, and nitrate of silver very little, if any. From 100 grains, 30-7 grains of water and carbonic acid are expelled at a red heat." Antacid, diuretic. Dose: 10 grains to 1 scruple. As an effervescing draught, 1 scruple, to citric acid, 14 grains, or lemon juice, '6\ drachms. Potash, Bitartratc of. — Crystalline. Characters and Tests, L. — "Sparingly soluble in water, the solution reddens litmus. At a red heat it is con- verted into carbonate of potash." Laxative, diuretic, refrigerant. Dose: 1 scrujile to 1 oz., according to the purpose of administration. It is often given as a diuretic or refrigerant in the imperial drink: it forms an ingre- dient in many tooth powders. Potash, Carbonate of. — See Carbonate of Potash. Potash, Chlorate of. — Crystallized. Characters and Tests, L. — " Soluble in water, the solution gives no precipitate witli nitrate of silver. It nu'lts by heat, and at a red heat 100 grains of the .salt emit nearly 39 gmiiis of oxygen. A few drops of sulphuric acid gradually added to the crystals, change them to yellow, then red, and yclljw fumes of peroxide of chlorine ap- pear. It craikK's when rubbed with suljihur." Sel- dom employed medicinally. Dose: 10 to oO grains. 18 206 POT. Potash. Potash, Hydrate of, L. — Solution of potash, 1 gallon; evaporate in an iron vessel until, ebullition being finished, the hydrate of potash liquefies, pour it into moulds. Characters, L. — "In an open vessel it speedily liquefies. It is soluble in rectified spirit.'' Used as a powerful caustic. It causes intense pain at the time, and the parts slough and form an issue. It is not used inter- nally. Fotash, Nitrate of. — Crystallized. Characters and Tests, L. — Soluble in water, and nothing is precipitated from the solution by chloride of barium or nitrate of silver. It melts by heat, but loses no weight; at an intense heat it yields oxygen; from the remaining salt rubbed to powder, sulphuric acid elicits nitrous vapours. On burning charcoal it deflagrates, and leaves carbonate of potash. From 100 grains, digested in sulphuric acid, 86 grains of dried sulphate of potash are obtained by a red heat. Refrigerant, sedative, diuretic. Used in fever, rheuma- tism, gonorrhoea, &c. Dose : 8 to 10 grains to several drachms daily, always diluted largely with plenty of li- quid. An ounce in a small quantity of water has caused death; in large dilution it causes no bad efl'oct. Potash, Sulphate of. — Crystallized. Characters and Tests, L. — Slightly soluble in water: what is thrown down from this solution by bichloride of platinum is yellowish, and by chloride of barium, white, and insolu- ble in nitric acid. It crackles by heat, it melts at a red heat, but loses no weight. From 100 grains dissolved in distilled water, chloride of barium and hydrochloric acid being added, 132 grains of sulphate of baryta are obtained, when dried at a red heat. Mild laxative, used as a dcobstruent, and in diarrhoea. Dose: 10 or 15 grains to 4 drachms. Potash, Tartrate of L. Characters and Tests. — Soluble in water, the solution does not change litmus or turmeric. The addition of almost any acid throws down crystals of bitartrate of potash, which generally adhere to the vessel. What is thrown down from the same solution POT. 207 by cliloritlc of barium, or acetate of lead, is dissolved by dilute nitric acid. Jfutash 7cith Lime, L. — Hydrate of potash and lime, (un- slacked,) each 1 oz.; mix, and keep in a well-closed vessel. Characters, L. — Mixed with water, it is slacked, and any acid being added it evolves no bubbles of car- bonic acid. Only used externally as a caustic. Potassio-Tartrate op Antimony, L. — Finely powdered tersulphuret of antimony, 1 lb., sulphuric acid, 15 oz., bitartratc of potash, 10 oz., distilled water, 5 pints. Mix the tersulphuret with the acid in an iron vessel, apply heat to this under a chimney, and stir with an iron spa- tula, increase the fire until, the flame of the ignited sulphur being extinct, nothing but a white powdery mass remains. When cool, wash this with water until nothing acid can be detected, and dry it. Mix 9 oz. of this salt with the bitartratc, and boil in water 30 minutes, filter the hot solution, and let it crystallize, dry the crys- tals and evaporate the liquor for more. Characters and Tests, L. — Colourless, soluble in water, the solution is not changed by ferrocyanide of potassium, hydrosulphuric acid causes an orange precipitate; chlo- ride of barium or nitrate of silver throws nothing down but what is soluble in more water. Nitric acid throws down a precipitate, and again re-dissolves it. From 100 grains of this salt dissolved in water, hydrosul- phuric acid throws down 49 grains of tersulphuret of antimony. Potassium. — A brilliant white metal, the base of potash. To procure it, mix dry carbonate of potash, 2 parts, with charcoal in powder, 1 part; distil in an iron vessel with a strong heat, lot the product bo caught in a copper re- ceiver containing some naphtha, and surrounded with ice.' It may be rc-distilled if wanted pure. Lustrous, soft at common temperatures, at 82° F. it is brittle and crystalline, melts at 1;3(»° F., and distils at a low red lieat; sp. gr. 0S(»o, being lighter than water, erjuiva- leiit )!I>, symbol K (kaliuni.) In air potassium imme- diately oxidizes, and becomes coated with caustic pot- 208 POT. ash. Thrown on water it inflames, burns with a purple colour, and leaves an alkaline solution (oxide of potassium.) Potassium is always preserved in naphtha, which, when pure, contains no oxygen. Putassium, Ferrocyanlde q/" (Prussiate of potash.) — Crys- tallized. Characters and Tests, L. — Yellow, soluble in water, the solution is not changed by any alkali, or by tincture of galls. The precipitate from sulphate of iron is at first white, and then blue, that from sulphate of copper is brown, from sulphate of zinc, white. This salt loses its colour at a gentle heat, and from 100 grs., 12-6 grains of water escape. It is decomposed at a red heat; what remains is soluble in hydrochloric acid, and again precipitated by ammonia. From 100 grains 18-7 grains of sesquioxide of iron may be prepared. If this salt is heated with dilute sulphuric acid it exhales au odour of hydrocyanic acid. Only employed to obtain dilute hydrocyanic acid; does not appear to possess medicinal virtue; is not poison- ous. Potassium, Sulphate of. — Is used chiefly to form baths. It may be given in doses of 3 to 5 grains in skin dis- eases, or, for a bath, 4 oz. may be dissolved in water, which should be in a wooden, and not a metallic vessel. Potassium, Iodide of, L. — Crystallized. " Soluble in 6 or 8 parts of rectified spirit, and freely soluble in water. The watery solution does not turn turmeric brown, or only very slightly; it does not change the colour of lit- mus; it becomes blue on the addition of nitric acid and starch together; it is not coloured on the addition of nitric acid with starch. The watery solution has a yellow precipitate, soluble in boiling water, from acetate of lead, but no precipitate occurs from a solution of lime or chloride of barium : if the precipitate from ni- trate of silver be digested in sti-ong ammonia, and nitric acid added to the filtered liquor, nothing is thrown down from it. From 100 grains, dissolved in water, 141 grains of iodide of silver are precipitated by nitrate of silver." Used in scrofula, bronchocclc, and various glandular diseases. Dose: 2 to 20 grains internally, and externally used in the form of ointment or lotion. pou — pow. 209 PoUDRE. — (Hair Powder.) The bases are starch and oak- moss, alone or mixed, and scented at pleasure. From the perfume, the^ow(/rc takes various names, as poudre a la mareshalle, poudre de flcurs d'orange, poudre de jasmine, de jonquille, de rose, &c. It may be coloured at pleasure, and is frequently met with under the title of violet powder. Hair powder was fashionable at one period, but the unnatural appearance of the hair, com- bined with the tax levied on its advocates, have ren- dered it a usage of the olden time, of which there are now few examples. Pounce. — Powdered gum sandarac. Used to dust writing, in order to dry it. Another preparation called pounce, is the solution of carbonate of soda ; used for marking- ink with preparation. Powders. — "It is necessary that whatever we order to be reduced to powder should be passed through a fine sieve to separate the coarser parts and impurities, and it is desirable that most powders should not be long kept, but be recently prepared." — F. L. Powder of Aloes, ( Compound) L. — Socotrine aloes, 1 J oz., guaiacum resin, 1 oz., compound powder of cinna- mon, i oz. Rub the aloes and guaiacum separately to powder, then mix them with the cinnamon powder. Purgative, sudorific. Dose : 10 to 20 grains. PoicJer of Antimoni/, (Compound) L. — Powdered tcr- sulpliurct of antimony, 1 lb., horn shavings, 2 fbs. Mix, and throw into a strongly heated crucible, stirring until vapour no longer arises. I*owder the product, expose it to the heat of a fire, and keep it red hot for two hours, then rub it to fine powder. A very uncortiiin medicine in its effect. ])ose: o to 10 grains. Powder of Chalk, {Compound) L. — Prepared chalk, } lb., cinnamon, 4 oz., tormontil and acacia, of each '.> oz., long pepper, 5 oz.; powder the whole finely, and mix. Astringent, antacid. Used in diarrhoea. l)ose: 10 to 40 grains. Powder of Chalk (Compound) with Opium, L. — Com- pound chalk powder, Gi oz., powdered opium, 4 scru- 18* 210 PRA — PRE. pies; mix. Astringent, anodyne. Dose: 10 to 30 grains. Powder of Cinnamon, (^Compound) L. — Cinnamon, 2 oz., cardamoms, 1^ oz., ginger, 1 oz., long pepper, ^ oz.; powder and mix. Aromatic, astringent. Dose; 10 to 20 grains. Poioder of Ipecacuanha, (^Compound') L. — Ipecacuanlia and opium, of each 1 drachm, sulphate of potash, 1 oz. ; powder and mix. Diaphoretic, anodyne. Used to re- lieve dysentery and rheumatism. Dose : 2 to 5 grains in dysentery, and as a sudorific 10 to 15 grains. Any liquid, if taken immediately after, might cause nausea . and vomiting, but to assist diaphoresis, a basin of hot gruel should be taken one hour after the powder. Powder of Jalap, (^Compound) L. — Jalap, 3 oz., bitar- trate of potash, 6 oz., ginger, 2 drachms; powder and mix. Purgative. Dose : 20 to 40 grains. Powder of Kino, (^Compound) L. — Kino, 15 drachms, cinnamon, | oz., dried opium, 1 drachm; powder and mix. Astringent and aromatic. Dose: 5 to 20 grains in diarrhoea. Powder of Scammony, (^Compoxmd^ L. — Scammony and hard extract of jalap, each 2 oz., ginger, ^ oz.; powder and mix. Vermifuge, purgative. Dose: lO to 20 grains. Powder of Tragacanth, (^Compound^ L. — Tragacanth, acacia, and starch, of each 1 J oz., sugar, 3 oz. ; powder and mix. Demulcent, emollient. Used in mixtures. Dose : 15 to 60 grains. Pradier's Cataplasm. — A celebrated recipe, for which the Emperor Napoleon gave £2,500. Balm of Mecca, 6 drachms, rectified spirit, 16 oz., dissolve; red bark, sarsaparilla, and sage, of each 1 oz., safiron, ^ oz., rec- tified spirit, 32 oz. ; digest for 48 hours, filter; mix the two liquors, and add twice their weight of lime water. Used in gout, by sprinkling 2 oz. on the surface of a hot linseed-meal poultice. Prepared Vegetable Medicines are, in some instances, ordered to be used by the London College, as purer than the drugs which have undergone no preparation. PRE. 211 Prepared Ammoniacnm, L. — Aramoniaciim in tears, 1 lb. , water sufficient to cover it ; boil until they arc mixed, strain through a hair sieve, and evaporate in a water bath so that it may solidify on cooling. This process removes seeds and stalks. Prepared Aisafcetida, L. — Proceed as directed for pre- pared ammoniacum. Prepared Burgundy Pitch, L. — Proceed as directed for prepared ammoniacum. The purification frees the pitch from the chips and twigs with which it is originally mixed. Prepared Cassia, L. — Cassia broken longitudinally, 1 lb., distilled water sufficient to cover it; macerate for six hours with frequent stirring, strain the pulp through a hair sieve, and evaporate in a water bath to the con- sistence of a confection. This process clears the cassia from the pods and seeds. Prepared FranJcincense, L. — Frankincense, 1 lb., water sufficient to cover it. Boil the frankincense in the water, strain it through a hair sieve, and when cold pour off the water. The loose woody matter present in common frankincense is separated by this process. Prepared Galhanum, L. — Proceed as directed for pre- pared ammoniacum. Prepared Prune, L. — Prunes, 1 lb., water sufficient to cover the prunes. Boil gently for four hours, press the pulp through an open cane sieve, and afterwards through a fine hair sieve, then evaporate in a water bath to the consistence of a confection. The pulp alone comes through, clear of the skins and stones. Prepared Sagapenum, L. — Proceed as directed for pre- pared ammoniacum. Prepared Storax, L. — Storax, 1 lb., rectified spirit, 4 pints. Dissolve the storax in the spirit and strain tlinijigh linen, then let the greater part of the spirit distil by a gentle heat, and evaporate what is left in a water bath to the proper consistence. Storax is inso- luble in water, and in this process spirit is used as the purifying medium. Prepared Tamarind, L. — Tamarind, 1 lb., water suffi- 212 PRI — PRU. cient to cover it. Macerate for four hours with a gen- tle heat, then proceed as for prepared prunes. Sepa- rates the stones and twigs. Printing Rollers are made of treacle and glue, with sometimes a little Paris white, &e. The proportions are about ^ lb. of glue to li lb. of treacle; the glue is broken to pieces, soaked for 24 hours in sufficient water, then melted with the treacle, and cast into a mould previously oiled. On removing the composition it forms a cylinder without a seam, elastic, like India- rubber, yet sufficiently soft to ink the type without in- juring them. When it gets hard, which happens in 2 to 4 months, according to the weather, &c., it is neces- sary to re-melt it, adding a little more treacle. Used to ink the type for letter press. If the composition is too hard, the ink does not spread evenly, if too soft, pieces are torn away from the roller. When the print- ing is finished, the roller is rubbed over a sink stone with cold water, which dissolves a little of the external coat, and so leaves it clear of ink. Prints, Ackermann's Liquor for. — Best pale glue and white soap, of each 2 oz., hot water, 30 oz. ; dissolve, and add powdered alum, 1 oz. Used as a size for prints before colouring them. Prussian Blue. — 1. Mix alum, 2 parts, with sulphate of iron, 1 part, and add water sufficient to dissolve. Then make a solution of prussiate of potash, add to it a little sulphuric acid, and, when mixed, drop in the first solu- tion until the precipitate foils slowly, when it will re- quire washing on the filter, and drying. 2. TurnhulVs. — Add a solution of protosulphate of iron to one of red prussiate of potash. 3. Soluble. — Make one solution of prussiate of potash, 2 oz., and another of protosulphate of iron, 1 oz., add this gradually to the first until the precipitate almost ceases to fall, then strain on linen, add water, and con- tinue the washing until the blue colour begins to dissolve in it, when it may be at once dissolved in distilled water or dried. Or, add a solution of persulphate of iron to one of ferroprussiatc of potash, and proceed as last. PUR — PYR. 213 4. Potash or pearlash, 2 parts, coke cinders or coals, 2 parts, iron turnings, 1 part. Powder the whole coarsely, roast it in an open crucible for half an hour, stirring occasionally, cool, and dissolve the soluble portion in a water filter; add 1 part of coppenus and muriatic acid to brighten the colour. The product is a pure perferro- cyauate of iron. — Thonipsoii. Purple of Cassius. — Crystallized protochloride of tin, 1 part, crystallized perchloride of tin, 2 parts; make sepa- rate solutions, mix the liquors, and add in solution, 1 part of crystallized terchloride of gold; wash and dry the precipitate. Used to stain glass of a ruby colour, and to paint porcelain purple. Purified Gum Arabic. — Gum, 1 part, strong and puri- fied solution of sulphurous acid gas, 6 or 8 parts; pre- serve the mixture from the contact of air; and when the gum is dissolved, heat the liquid, pour it off warm into a receiver containing carbonate of baryta in excess. Filter the liquid, which is now a solution of pure gum, and evaporate. Putty. — Whiting, well sifted, is mixed with boiled oil to a paste, which is then chopped in a putty-mill until well mixed. As soon as part of the putty is ready, it is withdrawn, and more paste added. When it is desired red, some Spanish brown is mixed with the paste to colour it. Pyrolionkous Acid. — A vinegar obtained by the destruc- tive distillation of wood. Pyroi'IIORUS. — A term applied to those substances which iiifiame on exposure to air. They are never prepared except for experiment or curio.sity. 1. Mix dried alum and brown sugar, equal parts, burn in a covered cruci- ble until dry, bottle, and keep up the heat until flame ceases to rise, then cork close to cool. — Homhcrg. 2. Calcine tartar emetic in a similar manner, or tartrate of lead, (crystallized acetate of lead, 5 parts, tartaric acid, 2 parts; make separate solutions, mix the liquors, wash and dry the precipitate, which iij tartrate of lead.) 3. 214 QUA — RAD. Lamp-black, 3 parts, dried alum, 4 parts, carbonate of potash, 8 parts; calcine. — Hare. 4. Sulphate of pot- ash, 9 parts, calcined lamp-black, 5 parts. — Gay Lussac. 5. Sulphate of potash, 2 parts, lamp-black, 11 parts. 6. Alum, 3 parts, flour, 1 part. When any of these powders have been properly burned, a little of the com- position inflames on exposure to the air, and more quickly if the atmosphere is damp, or the powder breathed upon. QuATERON. — Four ounces. Queen's Metal. — Tin, 100 parts, antimony, 8 parts, cop- per, 4 parts, bismuth, 1 part; melt under charcoal. Used to make teapots, and other white metal articles. It is a description of pewter. Quinine. — A white, bitter, odourless alkaloid; obtained from bark. It is not used in medicine, but several of its salts are employed as tonics and febrifuges. Quinine, Sulphate of, L. — A crystallized salt, prepared from yellow bark. Soluble in water, especially if mixed with an acid. When ammonia is added, quina is thrown down, and on the liquor being evaporated, what remains ought not to taste of sugar. 100 grains of this salt lose 8 or 10 grains of water by a gentle heat. It is totally destroyed by fire. If recently prepared chlorine is added, and then ammonia, it turns green. By add- ing chloride of barium to 100 grains, dissolved in water mixed with hydrochloric acid, 26-6 grains of sulphate of barytes are obtained after it has been dried by being heated in a red fire. Disulphate of quinine is given in ague, rheumatism, and tic-doloreux, in which last it is especially useful, combined with sesquichloride of iron. (See L-on.) Its use should always be preceded with a purgative and emetic, if required; otherwise it will fail to do good, but will fur the tongue and disorder the stomach. Dose: 1 to 10 grains. Radcliffe's Elixir. — Aloes, 6 drachms, cinnamon, ze- doary, and cochineal, of each J drachm, rhubarb, 1 drachm, buckthorn syrup, 2 oz., proof spirit, 1 pint, RAN — RAT. 215 water, 5 oz. ; digest 7 days. — Paris. An aromatic sto- ruachic aud purgative. Dose : 1 to 4 drachms. Eancidity, to Remove. — Add a little nitric ether to the rancid oil. A few drops preserve oils and fats from turning. Ratafia. — Spirit sweetened and flavoured with fruit. Rats and Mice may be exterminated in various ways by using poisons; the chief objection against which is, that they retire to their holes to die, aud the bodies putrefy unless removed, which causes, at times, great expense. 1. Boil 1 oz. of arsenic in half-a-pint of water for a few minutes, add lump sugar sufficient to sweeten the liquor, which must then be poured on 1 lb. of old bread, cut in squares. These must then be laid in places where the vermin can eat it ; care must be taken to prevent accidents to children, kc. 2. Melt 2 lb. of suet, add 2 lb. of wheat flour, 3 oz. of arsenic, 2^ drachms of lamp black, and 15 drops of oil of aniseed. This composition is authorized by the Government of France. 3. Mix 1 quart of oatmeal, 2 oz. white sugar, oils of rho- dium, caraway, and aniseed, of each G drops, musk, i grain; combine these without touching witli the hands. Place this mixture for some nights where the rats can cat without disturbance; at the end of G nights, if they take it freely, add 1 teaspoonful of arsenic. What re- mains in the morning should be burnt, avoiding the fumes. — Chemint, vol. G. 4. Feed as last for some nights, then add carbonate of barytcs, i oz., to scented oatmeal, 4 oz., and loave it for 24 hours; afterwards burn the remainder. — Taj/- lor. 5. Add nux vomica, 1 oz., to oatmeal, 1 lb., scent with aniseed and musk. C. Melt phosphorus, 2 drachms, in water, 5 oz., by a gen- tle heat from hot water; pour the whole, when liquid, into a mortar; mix with rye meal, 5 oz., then add fresh butter, 5 oz., sugar, 4 oz., and mix. 216 BEC — ROS. 7. Fresh butter, 4 oz., calomel, 3 drachms, bread crumbs, 2 oz., sugar, J oz., oils of nutmeg and rhodium, of each 2 drops, oil of aniseed, 1 drop; mis. Used in hay- ricks, &c., by laying a lump on a stick, and inserting it. 8. Tra'p Baits. — 1. To the last, add 1 drop of oil of thyme. 2. Flour of malt, 4 oz., butter, sufficient to make a paste, add oil of aniseed, 2 drops, and bait the trap. Said to be very successful. 9. Lay bird-lime in their haunts, and they will quit in disgust when it adheres to their furs. 10. On the side of a basin of water securely balance a stick, so that it will drop over the water with the weight of a mouse. Bait this end with cheese, tying it on, and lay a platform for the mice to ascend by. Rectification. — The second distilling of a liquid to purify it. Red Ink. — Pernambuco wood, 4 oz., dilute acetic acid, 16 oz., water, IG oz., boil down to 24 oz.; add 1 oz. of alum, evaporate to 16 oz. ; add gum Arabic, 1 oz., strain, and, when cold, add protochloride of tin, 1 drachm. — Weher. Relish, Kitchener's. — Ground black pepper and salt, of each 1 oz., allspice, horse-radish, and shalots, of each J oz., walnut pickle, or mushroom ketchup, 1 pint; in- fuse 14 days, and strain. Used as a sauce. Rennet. — The stomach of a calf washed clean, and pre- served with brine or dry salt. Rennet, Essence of. — Fresh rennet, 6 oz., salt and proof spirit, of each 2 oz., wine, 1 pint; digest 24 hours, and strain. Rennet and its essence are both used to curdle milk, in preparing cheese. Very little suffices for this purpose. The dry rennet is almost invariably used in farm houses; the essence very rarely. Roberts's Poor Man's Friend. — Chiefly nitric oxide of mercury. Rose Hair Oil. — Take half a pint of fine olive oil, (salad oil,) and half an ounce of alkauet root; place them to- ROS — RUP. 217 gcther in a bottle in a warm situation, there to remain for two or three days, giving the bottle a shake night and morning. When the oil is sufficiently rosy, which, in contact with the alkanet root, it soon becomes, it is to be strained through fine lawn, and any scent added to it that is preferred. Rosemary Hair "Wash. — Rosemary water, 1 gallon, spirit, 10 oz., pcarlash, 1 oz. RouOE. — AVash safflowcrs until the water comes away co- lourless, dry the flowers, powder them, and digest in a weak solution of carbonate of soda. Place some cotton wool at the bottom of the vessel, then add white vinegar till it ceases to produce a precipitate, wash the wool in cold water, dissolve the colour in a fresh solution of soda, add some finely-powdered French clitilk, mix well, precipitate with vinegar as before, dry the powder care- fully, and triturate it with a Utile olive oil, to render it smooth and adhesive. Rouge, Toilet. — Talc powder, coloured with camiine. Rouge, Jewklleus'. — 1. Dissolve sulphate of iron in hot Avater, add a solution of pearlash as long as any precipi- tate falls, wash this often with warm water, drain it, and calcine to a bright red colour. 2. Precipitate a dilute solution of sulphate of iron, with ammonia in excess, wash and express the precipitate, then calcine it to red- ness. Used as a polishing powder, and for covering razor strops. Royal Preventive. — Diacetate of lead and proof spirit, of each 1 part, water, 20 parts. Used to prevent in- fection. Rum Ether. — Black oxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, of each 12 lbs., alcohol, 20 lb.s., strong acetic acid-j 10 lbs. ]Mix, and distil 12 pints. Used to give spirit the flavour of rum. Rupert's Drop-S are formed by dropping melted gla.*s into cold water; they form pieces thick at one end, and ta- pering oft" to a point. The thick end will bear the blow 19 218 SAC — SAG. of a hammer without breaking, but if the narrow tail be broken off, the whole falls to powder with a smart shock to the holder, the effect arising from the hollow centre suddenly expanding. Sachets are dry substances enclosed in little bags, which are worn next the skin as medical agents. Sachets. — Powdered orris, 2 lbs., rose leaves, 1 lb., ton- quin beans, 8 oz., vanilla beans, 4 oz., musk, i oz., otto of almonds, 5 drops. Small bags, filled with this pow- der, are kept amongst clothes, to prevent moths and perfume linen. Sachet, Anti-phthisic. — In 12 oz. of strong decoction of rue, dissolve 1 oz. of aloes, dip into this a piece of soft muslin, folded several times, and large enough to cover the chest and part of the stomach. Dry the muslin, and apply it over the chest. Used to prevent con- sumption. Saffron, L. — The recent and dried corras of the wild herb. Let it be dug up in the month of July, or be- fore the autumnal bud has projected. The dry coat- ings having been torn off, cut the cormus transversely in thin slices, and dry at first with a gentle heat, but afterwards slowly increased to the 150th degree. " 2'he St if/ma consists of tripartite filaments of an orange red colour, with the small filaments towards the apex dilated. Moistened with water, and bruised on white paper, it leaves an orange stain." There are two kinds, the hay and the cake saffron, the latter being frequently much adulterated. They are chiefly used as colouring ingredients. Saffron was formerly esteemed cordial and emmenagogixe, and was ordered in some compounds for these qualities, but now is little used except for its tinge. It may be given in doses of 10 to 60 grains, in pill or powder, or made into an infusion. Sago. — A species of starch from the sago palm tree. For use, wash 1 oz. of sago, then boil it in 1 pint of clear water until combined, and flavour to taste witli Aviue, sugar, spice, &c. It may be steeped before boiling. SAL. 219 Sal Amarum. — Epsom salt. Sal Eratus. — Bicarbonate of potash. Sal Essentiale Tartari. — Tartaric acid. Sal Tartari. — Bicarbonate of potash. Salep. — The prepared root of the orchis mascula, &c. Boil J oz. of the powder in 1 pint of water, and when dis- solved, strain, sweeten, and flavour with wine, sugar, spice, &c. Saloop. — Sassafras tea, with milk and sugar. Used in rheumatism and skin diseases. Salt, Red. — Colour common salt with an infusion of saf- fron, beet-root, or cochineal, or tincture of red sandcrs wood, or carmine, and dry it. Used to colour gravies. Brown salt is prepared with equal parts of browning and port wine. Salt, Sore-throat. — Nitre melted and poured into moulds. Often called sal prunella. Salts, Smelling. — 1. Ilydrochloratc of ammonia, 8 oz., carbonate of potash, 3 oz., essence of lemon and oil of cloves, of each 20 drops, oil of rosemary, 12 drops, oil of bergamotte, 10 drops, oil of cinnamon, 8 drops, camphor, 12 grains, musk, 1 grain, spirit of wiue and strongest ammonia, of each J oz. Dissolve the camphor and oils in the spirit, mix the hydrochlorate and car- bonate, first powdered separately, rub together, add the spirit, mix, and add the liquor ammonijc, then fill the bottles immediately. 2. For the hydrochlorate, sub- stitute the sesquicarbonatc of ammonia, and proceed as before. Very powerful. 3. Sesquicarbonatc of am- monia, 1 lb., oil of lavender, 3 oz., oil of verbena, J oz., strong solntion of ammonia, 1 oz.; mix. See Essence, fur smelling buttles. Salve, Lip. — 1. Spermaceti ointment, 3 oz., honey, 1 oz., mix, and scent if desired. 2. Rose. Spermaceti oint- ment, coloured with alkanet, and scented with otto. Or, oil of almonds, coloured with alkanet, G parts, white 220 SAR — SED. wax, 3 parts, spermaceti, 1 part, scent with otto. Used for chapped skiu. Sartaginis. — An iron pan. ScAMMONY Resin. — Add alcohol to the scammony, mace- rate for several days, decant; add fresh spirit to the residue, macerate for two days. IMix the spirits, allow the impurities to fall, decant the solution into cold wa- ter, and the resiu will be precipitated. Wash it in fresh water, and evaporate until dry. Scent, Pomatum. — 1. MillejieuT. Essence of ambergris, 4 parts, essence of lemon, 3 parts, oils of cloves and la- vender, of each 2 parts, essence of bergamotte, 1 part; mix. 2. Cowslip. Essence of bergamotte, 4 parts, essence of lemon, 2 parts, oil of cloves, 1 part; mix. 3. Jonquille. Essences of bergamotte and lemon, of each 8 parts, oil of cloves, 2 parts, oils of sassafras and orange, of each 1 part; mix. 4. See Castor Oil Po- made. 5. Oil of verbena and otto of roses, of each 5 drops, essence of sweet bean, 12 drops, rectified spirit, 1 oz.; mix. Schwartz' Drops. — Barbadoes tar, 2 parts, tincture of assafoetida, 3 parts; mix. Used for tapeworm. Dose: 40 drops 3 times daily. Sciieele's Green (the arscnite of copper.) — Arsenious acid, 11 oz., carbonate of potash, 2 lbs.; dissolve by heat in 1 gallon of water, filter, and add this gradually to a filtered solution of sulphate of copper, 2 lbs., wa- ter, 3 gallons. Wash, and dry the precipitate, which will weigh about IJ lb. Used as a green colour in painting. Scudamore's Gout Lotion. — Camphor mixture, 5 oz., alcohol, 2 oz.; mix. Applied warm on linen rags. Sedative Water. — Li months, ex- press the liquor, and treat the residue with fresh salt and water for aa inferior soy. Specific, Worm. — Gamboge, 1 part, carbonate of potash, 2 parts; mix. — Ilerrenschwand. Speculum Metal. — 1. Copper, 04 parts, pure tin, 29 parts; melt separately under a little black flux, and mix. 2. Copper, 2 parts, pure tin, 1 part; mix as before. 3. Copper, 04 parts, tin, 29 to oo parts; mix. 4. "Copper and tin are the best metals for reflecting telescopes, the best proportions being copper, 1204 parts, tin, 589 parts." — Earl of Rosse. Sometimes a little arsenic is added to increase the whiteness. Used to make the re- flecting mirrors of telescopes. Speculum Metal. — Tin, 589 parts, copper, 1,204 parts. Spice, Kidder's Sweet. — Cloves, mace, nutmeg, cinna- mon, and sugar, equal parts. Used in pastry. Spice, Kidder's Savoury. — Cloves, mace, nutmeg, pep- per, and salt, equal parts. Used to spice meats, &c. Spielman's Camphorated Yineoar. — Camphor, 30 grain.s, alcohol, 10 drops; mix and powder, add sugar, 1 oz., and distilled vinegar, 5 oz. Stimulant, in doses of 2 to 4 dracluns. Spirits are chiefly solutions in spirit of aromatic oils, or volatile ingredients, or else they are distilled from si- milar solutions. Sjiirit of Ammonia (Aromatic,) L. — IlydrochLirate of aniniuiiia, oz., carbonate of puta.sh, 10 oz., bruised cirinainon and bruised cloves, of each 2i drachms, le- mon-peel, 5 oz., rectified spirit and water, of each 4 pints. Mix and distil G pints. Sp. gr. -918. Stiujulant, antispasmodic, used in hysteria and fainting. Turns milky on the additiDii of water. Dose: ■} to 1 drachm. tSjfirit of Ammonia (Fetid,) L. — Ilydrochlorate of am- monia, 10 oz., carbonate of potash, 10 oz., rectified spirit and water, of each 3 pint.', assafa^tida, 5 oz. Mix, and slowly di.stil 3 pints. Sp. gr. -801. Stimulant, 20* 234 SPi. Spirits. antispasmodic, used in flatulent colic, hysteria, and as an eueiua. Dose: ^ to 1 draclim. Spirit of Aniseed, L. — Oil of aniseed, 3 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon 5 dissolve. Stimulant, carminative in flatulent colic, wind, pain in the stomach and bowels, griping, &c. Dose: ^ to 2 drachms. Spirit of Camphor, L. — Camphor, 5 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints; dissolve. Stimulant. Used externally to bruises and sprains, and in liniments. Internally, to relieve pain and promote perspiration. Dose: 10 to 60 drops. Added to water it forms an extemporaneous camphor julep. Spirit of Caraway, L. — Oil of caraway, 2 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon; dissolve. Carminative, stimulant. Dose; 2 to 2 drachms. Spirit of Cinnamon, L. — Oil of cinnamon, 2 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon ; dissolve. Stimulant, stomachic. Dose : 20 to 60 drops. Oil of cassia is generally sub- stituted for that of cinnamon. Spirit of Ether (Compound,) L. — Ether, 8 oz., rectified spirit, 16 oz., ethereal oil, 8 drachms; mix. Anti- spasmodic, stimulant. Used in fever, colic, hysteria, and spasmodic pnins. Dose; 20 to 40 drops. Spirit of Horseradish (Compoimd,) L. — Sliced horse- radish, dried orange peel, of each 20 oz., bruised nut- megs, 5 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon, watei", 2 pints. Mix, and slowly distil 1 gallon. Stimulant. Used in dropsies and as an antiscorbutic. Dose: -j to 4 drachms. Spirit of Juniper (Compound,) L. — Oil of juniper, IJ drachm, oil of caraway and oil of fennel, of each 12 drops, proof spirit, 1 gallon; mix. Diuretic, stimulant. Used in dropsies. Dose: 1 to 4 drachms, with diu- retics. Spirit of Nitric Ether, L. — Rectified spirit, 2 pints, ni- tric acid, 3 1 oz. Add the acid gradually to the spirit and mix, then let 28 oz. distil. Characters and Tests, L. — Sp. gr. -834. It slightly changes the colour of litmus to red. On adding carbonate of soda no bubbles of carbonic acid escape. spo— STi. 235 Spirits. Diuretic, diaphoretic, refrigerant. Used in fever, dropsy, gonorrhoea, and strangury. Dose: 10 to 40 drops. Sj)irit of Nutmeg, L. — Bruised nutmeg, 2i oz., proof spirit, 1 gallon, water, 1 pint. Mix, and slowly distil 1 gallon. Aromatic, stimulant, carminative. Dose: ^ to 1 drachm. Sj)irit of Feniii/roi/al, L. — Oil of pennyroyal, 3 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon; dissolve. Stimulant, carmina- tive. Dose: i to 2 drachms. Spirit of Peppermint, L. — Oil of peppermint, 3 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon; dissolve. Stimulant, carmina- tive, cordial, stomachic. Dose: I to 2 drachms. Spirit of Pimento, L. — Oil of pimento, 2 drachms, proof spirit, 1 gallon; dissolve. Aromatic, carminative. Used in flatulence or griping. Dose: 2 to 1 drachm. Spirit of Rosemari/, L. — Oil of rosemary, 2 drachms, rectified spirit, 1 gallon; dissolve. Applied locally to prevent baldnes.s, and as an ingredient in stimulating liniments. SroxQE, Preparkd. — Dip sponge into melted wax, and compress it between iron plates until cold. Used to make sponge tents. Sponge, BLEAciiEr). — Wash it in weak muriatic acid, then in cold water, soak it in a feeble sulphuric acid, wash in cold water, and lastly with rose or orange-flower water. Sponge, Burnt. — Prepared by burning sponge in a covered crucible. Formerly used in bronchocele, but now gene- rally superseded by iodine, its active ingredient. Standekt's MiXTruE for Bowel Complaint. — Carbo- nate of magnesia, 1 oz., rhubarb, i oz., tincture of rhubarb, 3 oz., tincture of opium, 2 draclims, oil of aniseed, 30 drops, oil of peppermint, 30 drops, gin, 5 oz., water, 25 oz. Mix. Dose: one winegla.ssful. Stimulating Liniment. — Olive oil, 4 part.s, Hquor ammo- nia, 2 parts, turpentine, 2 parts, camphor, 1 part, al- kanet root, q. s. Mix the turpentine and camphor, add 236 STO — SUE. the remainder, and when the colour is bright, strain. An excellent external application for painful or sore parts, rheumatisms, pains, swellings, &c. Stomachic Candy. — Lump sugar, 1 lb., water, 3 oz.j dis- solve by heat, and add cardamom seeds, ginger, and rhubarb, of each 1 oz. Stomachic Liqueur. — Take tops and roots of angelica, 9 drachms, calamus aromaticus, 4 scruples, myrrh, cinna- mon, of each 2 scruples, aloes, vanilla, cloves, of each 1 scruple, nutmeg, 5 grains, saffron, 1 grain. Digest the whole in one quart of good brandy for fifteen days, strain, add I4 lb. of sugar, and bottle. Stone Blue. — Chinese blue, 4 parts by weight, Turnbull's blue, 1 part, oxalic acid, 1 part; mix; pour on boiling water until the whole is dissolved; add 1 part by mea- sure, of sulphate of indigo (1 part indigo to 4 of acid,) and neutralize with carbonate of ammonia. Used to blue linen, &c., after washing. Straw is bleached by the vapours of sulphur, or a solution of oxalic acid or chloride of lime. It may be dyed with any liquid colour. Strychnia, L. — The alkali prepared from nux vomica. "Crystals, soluble in boiling rectified spirit. It lique- fies by heat, and if great it is destroyed. Its taste is most bitter. Being very powerful, it must be used most cautiously." Strychnia is insoluble in alcohol and ether, but dissolves in dilute spirit, and in 7U00 parts of water, which solution tastes intensely bitter. It is chiefly used in paralysis, but is employed in other disorders also. The dose is -^(^'Ox of a grain, cautiously increased to 1 grain. It is very poisonous, and no antidotes are known. The dose should be small from each fresh sample, as they differ considerably in strength. Suet. — Prepared from the fat of the sheep, &c. Mutton suet is used as the basis of various plasters, ointments, &c. Suet, Mklilot. — Suct, 4 parts, melilot leaves, 1 part; melt till crisp and strain. Used by farriers. su(}— SUL. 237 Sugar, Alum. — Powdered alum, white of egg and rose- water; mixed and shaped like sugar loaves. Used as an astringent. Sugar, Lemon. — Sugar, 2 lbs., tartaric acid, l.i oz., essence of lemons, 1 drachm; mix. Used to make lemonade. Sulphur is chiefly used as an alterative and laxative, ex- ternally it is applied for the itch, and in this complaint it appears to have a specific influence. Dose: J to 3 drachms. Stifphur, Iodide of, L. — Sulphur, 1 oz , iodine, 4 oz; put the sulphur in a glass vessel, and on it place the iodine, immerse the vessel in boiling water until they combine, cool, break the vessel, and preserve the contents in a well closed bottle. From 100 grains of this salt boiled in water, 20 grains of sulphur subside. Iodide of sul- phur is not used internally; but in the form of ointment is used for skin eruptions. Sidphurtttrd Uijdroijen. — Sesquisulphurct of antimony, 1 part, muriatic acid, 5 parts; heat in a retort, and receive the gas over mercury. It is a colourless gas, having a strong putrid odour, which is most disagreeable when in small quantity; it burns with a blue flame. Sp. gr. 1-171, 100 cubic inches weigh 3G-o8 grains, at 50°, a pres.sure of 17 atmospheres liquefies it. Chlorine decom- poses this gas, potassium burns in it with energy, 100 measures of it with 150 of oxygen explode with the electric spark, combustion en.sucs, and 100 measures of sulphurous acid gas result. Sulphuretted hydrogen is a valuable test for metals in solution, ite. ; bence its own presence is easily detected by paper wetted with acetate of lead, which is immediately blackened. Sidphiiri'c Arid, L. — Free from colour and odour, sp. gr. 1 848; mixed with an equal measure of water, it usually thruws d(nvn a white but sciinty pre(i])itate; it emits no vapour of nitrous acid, dilated witii 12 parts i>f water it gives no yellow precipitate on the addition of hydro- sulpliuric acid. 100 grains of this acid are saturated by 2S5 grains of crystallized carbonate of soda. Nordljau.sen sulphuric acid is prepared by distilling cal- 238 suL — SID. cined sulphate of iron in an earthern retort; the ordi- nary commercial acid is made by allowing the fumes of burning sulphur to come in contact with those of nitre and oil of vitriol. Concentrated sulphuric acid contains 40 parts acid to 9 parts water, it is a colourless oily li- quid, of sp. gr. 1-85, acid taste and reaction. It freezes at 15°, at 620° it boils, and may be distilled without decomposition. When good, Nordhausen acid is dis- tilled, anhydrous sulphuric acid comes over in solid crystals resembling asbestos. This deliquesces and fumes on exposui-e to air, melts at 60°, boils at 105°, sp. gr. 1-97, at 78° does not redden litmus paper. It combines with water with a hissing like hot iron. Ordi- nary sulphuric acid, 4 parts by weight, at 50°, mixed suddenly with water, 1 part, at 50°, will rise to a tem- perature of 300°. The acid of the shops, in its stronger form, is only used externally as a caustic, &c., internally it is a corrosive poison. The antidotes are chalk, magnesia, whiting, carbonate of soda, or potash, &c., &c. Sulphuric Acid, Dilute, L. — Sulphuric acid, 15 drachms, distilled water, 1 pint. Add the acid by degrees to half a pint of the water, then make up one pint with more water. Characters and Tests. — Sp. gr. 1-103, one fluid ounce is saturated by 216 grains of crystal- lized carbonate of soda.'^ Astringent, tonic, refrige- rant. Used in fever, sweating, internal bleeding, lead colic, skin diseases, &c. Dose: 10 to 30 drops. Ex- ternally the stronger acid is used in ointment, with 4 to 8 times its weight of lard, for itch, &c. Sulphurous Acid. — Heat 100 parts of black oxide of man- ganese with 14 parts of sulphur in a glass retort, and receive the product in water. Pure liquid sulphurous acid has a sp. gr. of 1-45, boils at 14° F., and causes great cold by its evaporation, and on exposure to air is decomposed. Used to bleach silks, &c., and to remove iron mould. Sydenham's Lenitive. — Ehubarb, 3 drachms, coriander seeds and tamarinds, of each 2 oz., senna, \ oz., boiling SYR. 239 water, 1 pint; macerate 3 hours and strain. Stomachic, hixativc. Dose: 1 to 4 tablespooufuls. Syrups are solutions of sugar in water, cither plain or me- dicated. "Syrups are to be kept where the heat never exceeds 55°."— L. S^ruj) of Bucldhorn, L. — Buckthorn juice, 4 pints, sliced ginger and bruised pimento, of each G drachms, sugar, lb., roctifiod spirit, G oz. Let the dregs of the juice subside for 3 days, and strain the clear liquor; add to 1 pint the ginger and pimento, macerate with a gentle heat for 4 hours and strain, boil the remaining juice to 1^ pint, mix the liquors, add the sugar, and when cold add the spirit. Cathartic. Used for dropsies in robust patients. Dose : i to 1 oz. Syrup of Cochineal, L. — Bruised cochineal, 4 scruples, boiling distilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 3 lbs., or a suffi- cient quantity, rectified spirit, 2i oz., or a sufficient quantity. Boil the cochineal for 15 minutes in the water in a closed vessel, then strain ; add to the liquor twice its weight of sugar, dissolve, and when cold, add to each oz. i drachm of spirit. Used to colour medi- cines. Syruji of Ginger. — Sliced ginger, 2 J oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 2 J lb. or a sufficient (juautity, rectified spirit a sufficient quantity. Macerate the ginger in the water for 4 hours, press out the liquor, strain, and proceed as in syrup of cochineal. Synq) of Iodide of Iron, L. — Iodine, 1 oz., iron wire, 3 drachms, distilled water, 12 oz., or a sufficient quantity, sugar, 10 oz. Mix the iodine and iron with 8 oz. of water, and heat until the solution as.sumcs a greenish colour, then strain, evaporate to 4 oz., add the sugar, and when cold add water to make it 15 oz. Preserve it in a well closed black glass bnttle. Tonic, alterative. Used in .=!crofulous affi'ctions and iu chronic rheumatism. Do.se: J to 1 drachm. Syrup of Iodide of Iron and Quinine. — Digest 1 drachm of iodine with J drachm of iron filings and 4 drachms of water, with a gcullc heat and fre(|uent agitation, till the solution Ls colourless ; filter it rapidly into a bottle 240 SYR. Syrups. coutainiiig 28 oz. of synip; dissolve 12 j^rains of sul- phate of quinine in 2 dracliius of water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and add to the former solution. Each ounce contains 3 grains of iodide of iron. — Bouchardat. Si/rup of Lemon, L. — Strained lemon juice, 1 pint, sugar, 2^ lb., rectified spirit, 2j oz. Boil the juice for 10 minutes and strain, add the sugar and dissolve, when the syrup has cooled add the spirit. Used to commu- nicate its flavour to medicines. The boiling and strain- ing is intended to remove the mucus from the juice. Si/rup of Marshmalloio, L. — Marshmallow root, \h oz., sugar, 4 lb. or sufficient, distilled water, 1 pint, rectified spirit, 2i oz. or sufficient. Macerate the root in the water for 12 hours, express and strain the liquor, and proceed as for syrup of cochineal. Demulcent, used in cough mixtures. Dose : 1 to 4 drachms. Syrup of Mulherry, L. — Strained mulberry juice, 1 pint, sugar, 25 lb., rectified spirit, 2j oz., orsufficient. Dissolve the sugar in the juice with a gentle heat, and in 24 hours remove the scum, pour off the clear liquor, and add the spirit. Used chiefly for its colour. Acid, refrigerant. St/rup of Orange, L. — Dried orange peel, 2^ oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 3 lb. or sufficient, rectified spirit, 3 J oz. or sufficient. Macerate the peel in the water for 12 hours in a covered vessel, express the liquid and boil it for 10 luinutes, then strain, and proceed as for syrup of cochineal. Used only for its flavour, and as a stomachic. Syrxip of Popp>y, L. — Bruised poppies without seeds, 8 lbs., sugar, 5 lbs., boiling distilled water, 5 gallons, rec- tified spirit, 5 oz. Boil the water and poppies to 2 gallons, express, strain, boil to 4 pints, and strain while hot. After 12 hours, boil the clear liquor to 2 pints, add the sugar, and when cold the spirit. Anodyne, sedative, less powerful than opium. Used in cough mixtures. Dose: 1 to 4 drachms. Syrup of Proto-Nitrate of Iron. — Iron wire, in small pieces, 2 oz., nitric acid (sp. gr. 1'42,) 3 oz., water, 13 oz., sugar, 2 lbs. Pour on the iron 3 oz. of water, mix SYR. 241 Syrups. the acitl with the rest of the water, and pour gradually to the iron until the acid is saturated, as shown by lit- mus paper; filter on the sutrar, and make up, if recjuisite, to 80 oz., by pouring water on the filter. Strain, if necessary; and seal the syrup in phials. — Procter. Si/i'up of Red Puppy, L. — Red poppy petals, 1 lb., boiling distilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 8 lb. or sufficient, rectified spirit, 2 J oz. or sufficient. Heat the water in a water- bath, add the petals, frequently stirring, then macerate without heat for 1*2 hours, press out the liquor with the hand, strain, and proceed as for syrup of cochineal. Syrup of Pose, L. — Damask rose petals, 7 oz., sugar, lb., boiling distilled water, 3 pints, rectified spirit, bh oz. ^Macerate the petals in the water for 12 hours and strain, evaporate to 2 pints, and dissolve the sugar in the liquor; when cold, add the spirit. Syrup of Saffron, L. — Saffron, 5 drachms, boiling dis- tilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 3 lb. or sufficient, rectified spirit, 2 J oz., or sufficient. Macerate the saffron in the water for 12 hours in a closed vessel, strain and proceed as in syrup of cochineal. Used for its colour and fla- vour. Syrup of Sarsaparilla, L. — Sarsaparilla, 3i lb., distilled water, 3 gallons, sugar, 8 oz., rectified spirit, 2 oz. Boil the sarsaparilla in 2 gallons of water to one-half, and strain while hot. Boil it in the remaining water to one-half, and strain. Evaporate the mixed liquors to 2 pints, add the sugar, and when cold, the spirit. Tonic, alterative. Do.se : 1 drachm or more. Syrup of Senna, L. — Senna, 8i oz., bruised fennel, 10 drachms, manna, 3 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint, treacle, 3 lb. 3Iacerate the fennel and the senna in the water with a gentle heat for (J hours, express through linen, strain, and add the manna. Kvajiorate the treacle in a Vater bath until it becomes almost .>^(ilid on cooling, add to it while hot the liquor, and mix thoroughly. Purgative. Do.sc: 1 to 4 drachms. Syrup of Tola, L. — Balsam of tola, 10 drachms, boiling distilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 2] lb. Boil the water 242 SYR — TAR. and balsam in a closed vessel for 30 minutes, frequently stirring; when cold, strain the liquor and mix it with the sugar. Agreeable stimulant in cough mixtures. Dose : 20 to GO droj^s. Syrup of Tohi. — Tincture of tolu, 2 oz., carbonate of mag- nesia, 2 drachms, sugar, 24 oz. (av.,) water, 12 oz. Rub the tincture with the magnesia and 2 oz. of the sugar, gradually add the water, and filter. Dissolve the remainder of the sugar in the water by a gentle heat. Syrup of ginger may be obtained in the same manner. — Fin ley. Syrup of Violets, L. — Violets, 9 oz., boiling distilled water, 1 pint, sugar, 3 lb. or sufficient, rectified spirit, 2^ oz., or sufficient. Macerate the violets in the water for 12 hours, express and strain; let the dregs subside, and proceed as for syrup of cochineal. Laxative to in- fants. Syrup, L. — Sugar, 3 lb., distilled water, 1 pint; dissolve with a gentle heat. Used to sweeten mixtures, and to cause pill masses to adhere. Sweet Oil. — Rape oil. Taleolas Scissa. — Cut like jujubes. Tannic Acid, L. — Almost colourless. Dissolved in water it is powerfully astringent; from a solution of isinglass it throws down a white precipitate, in other respects it resembles gallic acid. Astringent. Used in the sweat- ing and looseness of phthisis. Dose : 2 to 5 grains in pills. Tar was at one time extolled highly for its medicinal virtues, it is now little used, except for lepra and psoriasis. Pitch is the residue of tar, boiled to dryness, its uses are similar, and it is a good medicine for piles. Dose of tar or pitch 10 to 20 grains 2 or 3 times a day in pill, with half its weight of gum acacia. Barhadoes Tar (petroleum) has similar uses, its dose is 5 to 30 grains. Tartaric Acid, L. — Is prepared from bitartrate of potash. Crystalline, free from colour, almost entirely decomposed TAR — TER. 243 by fire, soluble in water; this solution throws down bi- tartratc of potash from any neutral salt of potash. Chlo- ride of barium throws nothing down from this solution, what is thrown down by acetate of lead is soluble in nitric acid. 100 grains of this acid dissolved in water are saturated by 192 grains of crystallized carbonate of soda. Kefrigerant and laxative. It is less efficacious in scurvy than lemon-juice or citric acid, and it is not so suitable as these for mixing with bicarbonate of pot- ash. It is usually taken in effervescing draughts; 1 oz. of tartaric acid at a dose has in one case caused death. Tartarus Boraxatus. — Soluble cream of tartar. Tartarus Depuratus. — Cream of tartar. Tartarus Tartarisatus. — Tartrate of potash. Taylor's Solution. — Nitrate of silver, 1 part, distilled water, 12 parts. Dissolve; and add gradually strong liquor of ammonia, until the precipitate at first produced is Just redissolved. Used for copying negative pictures. Tea is often largely adulterated. Grocers rounce their tea by agitation with calcined magnesia, this imparts a bloom, but injures the solvent powers of the water. Pure tea is not turned black by cold infusion in water, containing sulphuretted hydrogen gas, nor does it turn hartshorn spirit blue. The amber colour of the infusion is not reddened by adding a few drops of oil of vitriol. Teeth, The. — Are best preserved by cleanliness. Too much friction is injurious, neglecting them is often the cause of tartar accumulating; to prevent this, various powders and tinctures are used. Sec Index. Teeth, Cement for. — Mastic, 00 parts, ether, 40 parts; dissolve, and add alum suificiont to form a jua.ss. jMix tincture of camphor, 2 parts, with essence of cloves, 1 paYt ; add G parts of the above mass, and apply to tho tooth. — Bernoth. Terra Foliata Taiitari. — Acetate of pota.sh. Terra Foliata Tartari Crystallisata. — Acetate of soda. 244 TES — TIN. Test for Essential Oils. — Add dry acetate of potasli. If alcohol be present, the salt is dissolved; but not otherwise. TiiRiDACE. — Extract of lettuce. Tin. — A well known white metal. Pure tin is soft, mal- leable, sp. gr. 7'3, melts at 442°, dissolves in hydro- chloric acid. Its white oxide is used as a polishing medium, under the name of putty powder. Tin filings are used occasionally as a vermifuge, in doses of 1 to 3 drachms for two or three mornings, followed by a pur- gative. Their action is supposed to be purely mechanical. Tinctures are spirituous solutions of various substances which may be conveniently administered in this form. "All tinctures should bo prepared in close glass vessels, and frequently shaken during maceration." — P. L. Tincture of Aconite, L. — Aconite root, coarsely powdered, 15 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, press, and filter. Anodyne and sedative in neuralgia, gout, rheumatism, &c. ; when diluted is used as an em- brocation in these disorders. Dose: 3 to 10 drops in- ternally. In moderate quantity aconite acts as a power- ful poison. Tincture of Aloes, L. — Socotrine, or hepatic aloes in coarse powder, 1 oz., extract of liquorice, 3 oz., rectified spirit, 10 oz., distilled water, 30 oz. Macerate the aloes in the mixed spirit and water for 7 days, then add the liquorice, and when it is dissolved, strain. Dose : I oz., to 1 oz. Tincture of Aloes (^Compound,') L. — Socotrine or he- patic aloes in coarse powder, 4 oz., saff"ron, 2 oz., tinc- ture of myrrh, 2 pints. IMacerate for 7 days, and strain. I'urgative, stimulant, and stomachic. l)ose: 1 to 2 drachms. Tincture of Ammonia (^Compound,) L. — Mastic, 2 drachms, rectified spirit, 9 drachms, oil of lavender, 14 drops, stronger solution of ammonia, 1 pint. Dissolve the mastic in the spirit, pour off the clear tincture, and add the remaining ingredients. A milky compound, antispasmodic and stimulant, used in hysteria. Dose: 10 to 40 drops. Tincture of Ammonia- Chloride of Iron, L. — Ammonio- TIN. 245 Tinctures. chloride of iron, 4 oz., proof spirit and distilled water, of each 1 piut. Dissulvc aud atraiu. Dose: ^U drops to 2 drachms, as a tonic. Tincture of Axsafatida, L. — Assafoetida, in small pieces, 5 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, and strain. Stimulant and antispasmodic. Employed in hysteria, flatulency, colic, &c. Dose: i to IJ drachms in pennyroyal water, or otherwise. Tincture of Bdladonna, L. — Dried belladonna, 4 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Dose : 2 to 4 drops. IMixed also with soap lini- ment as an anodyne application externally. Tincture of Benzoin (^Cumpoiind,) L. — Benzoin in coarse powder, 8^ oz., prepared storax, 2^ oz., balsam of tolu, lU drachms, Socotrine or hepatic aloes in coarse powder, 5 drachms, rectified spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, and strain. Used in cases of chronic cough. Dose: 20 drops to 1 drachm. Externally applied to rough ragged cuts. This tincture does not readily unite with mucilage or water, but will mix easily with treacle and water. Tincture of Calumha, L. — Calumba thinly sliced, 3 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Aromatic, tonic. Dose: 1 to 2 drachms, with soda, iron, or chalybcates. Tincture of Camphor (^Conqn)und,) L. — Camphor, 2 J scruples, powdered opium, benzoic acid, of each 72 grains, oil of aniseed, 1 drachm, proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, strain. Used chiefly to allay coughs. Dose: i to 2 drachms. Each ounce contains about two grains of opium. Tincture of Cant/ia rides, L. — Cantharides brui.sed, J oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate G or 7 days, express, and strain. Stimulant, diuretic, must be used with caution. Dose: 10 drops, gradually increased to 1 diaclim, given in any mucilaginous fluid. Externally used, combined with compound camphor liniment, as a rubefacient in rheumatism, frost-bites, or unbroken chil- blains. An ingredient in remedies for baldness. 21* 246 TIN. Tinctures. Tincture of Capsicum,L. — Capsicum bruised, 10 drachms, proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, press, and strain. Dose : 10 to 60 drops, in scarlet fever, ulcerated sore throat, and to induce perspiration. It is also used as a gargle in sore throat, &c. Tincture of Cardamom (^Oompound,^ L. — Cardamoms, caraway, and cochineal, all bruised, of each 2i drachms, cinnamon bruised, 5 drachms, stoned raisins, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Aromatic, stimulant, cordial. Dose : 1 to 4 drachms. Chiefly used to flavour and colour mixtures. Tincture of Cascarilla, L. — Cascarilla bruised, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Tonic, stomachic, employed in mixtures. Dose : 1 to 2 drachms. Tincture of Castor, L. — Bruised castor, 2J oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints, macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Dose: 20 drops to 2 drachms, as an antispasmodic in hysteria, &c. Tincture of Catecliu (^Comipound^ L. — Powdered catechu, 3i oz., bruised cinnamon, 2^ oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Astringent. Dose: 1 to 2 drachtus in diarrhoea, combined with chalk. Tincture of CincJwna, L. — Yellow cinchona bruised, 8 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Tonic, stomachic. Chiefly used as an adjunct to infusion of cinchona or mixtures. Dose: 1 to 3 drachms. Tincture of CincJwna {Compound,) L. — Pale cinchona bruised, 4 oz., dried orange-peel, 3 oz., serpentary bruised, 6 drachms, safi'ron, 2 drachms, bruised cochi- neal, 1 drachm, proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Tonic, stomachic. Dose: 1 to 3 drachms. Tincture of Pale CincJiona, L. — Prepared and used as tincture of cinchona. Tincture of Cinnamon, L. — Cinnamon bruised, 3J oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Cordial, aromatic, and stomachic. Dose: 1 to 4 drachms. TIN. 247 Tinctures. Tincture of Cinnamon (^ Compound,^ L. — Bruised cinna- mon, 1 oz., bruised cardamom, ^ oz., long pepper pow- dered, and bruised ginger, of each 2 J drachms, proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. I)ose : 1 to 2 drachms. Cordial and aromatic. Tincture o/CoIchicuni, L. — Seeds of meadow saffron bruised, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, ex- press, and strain. Dose: 20 drops to 2 drachms in gout, or rheumatism. Tincture of t'nlchicum (^Compound, ^ L. — Meadow saffron seeds bruised, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 da3's, express, and strain. Dose: i to 1 drachm, in gout. Tincture of Cubebs, L — Cubebs bruised, 1 tb., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Dose: 1 to 2 drachms, thrice a-day, in gonorrhoea and diseases of the urinary organs. Tincture of Ergot (^Ethereal,) L. — Ergot bruised, 15 oz., ether, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Dose: 30 to GO drops every half hour, to excite uterine action in labour, or to check sudden hemorrhage in that organ. Tincture of Foxglove, L. — Dried foxglove leaves, 4 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Dose: 10 to 60 drops, in dropsy or asthma. Sedative, diuretic, and narcotic. Tincture of Galls, L. — liruised galls, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Astringent. Dose: \ to 2 drachms, ('hicfly used as a test for iron, and as an ingredient in astringent gargles. Tincture of Gentian (Compound,) L. — (jlentian sliced, 2} oz., dried orange-peel, 10 drachms, cardamom bruised, 5 drachms, proof spirit, 2 pints, ^lacerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Bitter tonic and stomachic. Dose: \ to 2 drachms. Tincture of Ginger, L. — Bruised ginger, 2 J oz., rcctiGed spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Stimulant, carmir)ative. I)ose: 1 to 2 drachms. 7\nifure of Gutiiaciin) , Tj. — (lu.iiaouni resin in line pow- der, 8 oz., rcctitied sjjirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 14 days, 248 TIN. Tinctures. strain, express, and filter. Stimulant, diaphoretic. Dose: 1 to 3 drachms, in rheumatism or gout. Tincture of Guaiacutn (^Compound,) L. — Guaiacum in coarse powder, 7 oz., aromatic spirit of ammonia, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, and strain. Stimulant, diaphoretic, and emmenagogue. Used in chronic rheu- matism and gout. Dose: I to 1 drachm. Tincture of Hellebore, L. — Black hellebore bruised, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Emmenagogue. Dose: 2 to 1 drachm. Tincture of Hemlock, L. — Dried hemlock leaves, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Deobstruent and narcotic. Dose: 20 to 60 drops. Tincture of Henbane, L. — Prepared as tincture of hem- lock. Narcotic, anodyne. Dose: 15 to 60 drops. Tincture of Hojys, L. — Hops, 6 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Bitter sto- machic. Dose: 5 to 2 drachms. Tincture of Iodine (Componnd,) L. — Iodine, 1 oz., iodide of potassium, 2 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints. Macerate until dissolved, and strain. Dose: 10 to 60 drops. Tincture of Jalop, L. — Jalap coarsely powdered, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Purgative, cathartic. Dose: 1 to 4 drachms. Used chiefly in combination with other medicines. Tincture of Kino, L. — Powdered kino, 83 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints. jMacerate for 7 days, and strain. As- tringent. Dose: 1 to 2 diachms, generally combined with chalk. Tincture of Lavender {ComjMund,) L. — Oil of lavender, II drachms, oil of rosemary, 10 drops, cinnamon and nutmeg bruised, of each 2^ drachms, red sanders sliced, 5 drachms, rectified spirit, 2 pints. Macerate the cin- namon, nutmeg, and sanders in the spirit for 7 days, press, strain, and add the oils. Dose: 2' to 2 drachms, in lowness of spirits, flatulence, hysteria, or faintncss. Tincture of Lemons, L. — -Fresh lemon-peel, 82 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, press, and strain. Dose: \ to 2 drachms, to flavour other medicines. TIN. 249 TlNCTTRKS. Tincture of Lobelia, L. — Lobelia powdered, 5 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, press, and strain. Dose: 15 to 30 drops, in cough, asthma, and bronchitis. Tincture of Lobelia (^Ethereal,) Ij. — Lobelia powdered, 5 oz., ether, 14 oz., rectified spirit, 2G oz. Macerate for 7 days, press, and strain. Dose: 15 to 40 drops, ia cough, asthma, and bronchitis. Tincture of Myrrh, L. — Powdered myrrh, 3 oz., rectified spirit, 2 pints. IMacerate for 7 days, and strain. Sti- mulant, tonic, antiseptic. Dose: 20 to 60 drops. Sel- dom administered alone, but chiefly used as a dentifrice, and as an application to fresh cuts. Tincture of Opium, Ij. — Powdered opium, 3 oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Dose: from 2 drops to 1 or 2 drachms. One grain of opium is contained iu 19 drops. Anodyne, astringent, sedative. Tincture of Oramje (Peel,^ Jj. — Dried orange-peel, 3 J oz., proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, express, and strain. Bitter stomachic. Mostly used in con- junction with mixtures. Dose: 1 to 2 drachms. Tincture of Orris. — Bruised orris-root, 7 lbs., rectified spirit, 1 gallon. Let stand 14 days, and strain. Tincture (f Quinine ( Covijujund.} Ij. — Disulphatc of qui- nine, 5 drachms and 1 scruple, tincture of orange, 2 ]>iiits. Digest until the quinine is dissolved, and .■-train. The quantity of quinine ordered is too ^I't'-it f^^r the spirit to dissolve, unless sulpluiric acid is added. If all tlie (juinine is taken up, each drachm of tincture equals 1 grain of (|uininc. Dose: 15 to 00 drops. Tincture ant acidity. Adipose... Fatty substance. Adipsia....\bscnce of thirst. Adjac, ainiat...Boil. Bui., butyrum... Butter. B. v., balneum vaporis... A vapour bath. C ACHExi.\ .. . A bad or diseased con- dition of body. Cadet's fuming liquor... Oxide of kadodule, alkarsine. Crena or Coena... Supper. Calcis carbonas friabilis... Pre- pared chalk. Calcium. Chloride of.. .Muriate or hydrochlorate of lime. Caligo. . Dimness of sight, or blind- ness. Calom., calomelanos...Protochlo- ride or chloride of mercury, calomel. (.'alx...Lime. Calx chlorinata. Chloride of lime. Calx of zinc... Oxide of zinc. Campcachy wood... Logwood. Camphine... Rectified oil of tur- pentine. Cancer... A malignant tumour. Cannabis... Hemp. Canthari'los ... Lyttaj; blistering or Spanish fly. Cap., capiat... Take, let the pa- tient take. Capiendic.To be taken. Capsici, -um... Cayenne pepper. Caput mortuum vitrioli... Oxide of iron. Carbonate of lime. ..Chalk. 272 GLOSSARY. Carbon. ..Charcoal. Carbonis ligni...Woocl charcoal. Carburet of iron...lShick lead. Carditis ... InflMmmation of the heart. Carduus benedictus ...Blessed or holy thistle. Caries. ..The ulceration or decay of a bone. Carminatives. ..Medicines that re- move flatulency. Carron oil... Liniment of lime and oil, for burns. Carui... Caraway. Cary ocos tinum . . . Scammony. Caryophil'ii, -orum . . . Cloves. Cassia... A substance resembling cinnamon; for which it is fre- quently substituted. Cataplasm... A poultice. Catarrh. ...Cold in the head or chest. Cathartics... Purgative medicines acting strongly on the bowels. Caustics. ..Substances which de- stroy the skin, and surrounding tissues. Cautery, actual cautery ... Iron heated to whiteness, and ap- plied externally to destroy the skin. Cawk... Sulphate of Barytes. C. C, cornu cervi... Hartshorn. C. C. U., cornu cervi ustum... Burnt hartshorn. Cephalalgia... Headache. Cephalitis. ..An inflammation of the head, aifecting the mem- branes and substance of the brain. Cephalic snuff... Asarabacca snuff. Cera... Wax. Cera alba.. Whiteorbleached wax. Cera flava... Yellow or unbleached wax. Cerasiatum... A purging medicine, of which the chief ingredient is the juice of cherries. Ceratum citrinum(P. L. 1745.)... Resin cerate. Ceratum epuloticum (/*. L. 1745.) ...Calamine cerate. Ceratum labi;ile...Lip salve. Ceratum resina3flavEc(i^.i. 1788.) ...Resin cerate. Ceratum rubrum... Cerate of sul- phuret of mercury. Cerevisia...Beer. Ceruleus...Blue. Ceruse. ..AVhite lead. Cervina... Buck thorn. Cetacei... Spermaceti. Chamiepitys...The herb ground- pine. Chart., chartula...A paper. Chela3...The claws of the crab. (Symbol 69.) Chemic blue. ..Sulphate of indigo. ChimaphilfB ... I'yrola, winter green. Chloride of ethule.. Chloric ether. Chloride of sodium.. Common salt. Chlorosis. ..Green sickness. Choke damp. ..Carbonic acid gas. Cholera... A disease characterized by severe .spasms, accimpanied by vomiting and purging. Chorea. ..St. Vitus's dance, con- vulsive movements of the limbs. Chronic. ..Old, habitual. Cicutaj... Hemlock, conii. Cinchona;... Peruvian bark. Cinnabar. ..A sulphuret of a me- tal, as mercury or antimony. Citrine ointment. ..Nitrate of mer- cury ointment. Clavus... A painin the headlimited to some particular part. Clyster. ..An enema. C. m., or C. m. s., eras mane su- mendus... To-morrow morning. C. n.. eras nocte ... To-morrow night. Coccus... Cochineal. Cochleariaj... Scurvy grass. Cochlearium ... Spoonful. GLOSSARY. 273 Coclileat, Coclileatim...By spoon- fuls. Coch. ampl., cochleare aniplum... A large spoonful, a tablespoon- ful, about one liuid oz. Coch. inf, cochleare iufantis...A child's spoonful. Coch. mag., cochleare magnum... A large spoonful. Coch. med., cochleare medium... A middle sized or dessert spoon- ful, about two fluid drachms. Coch. mod., cochleare modicum... A dessert-spoouful. Coch. parv., cochleare parvum... A teaspoonful, about one fluid drachm. Col., cola. ..Strain. Col., colatus... Strained. Colat., colatur... Let it be strained. Colatura...Of, or to, the strained liquor. Colchicum... Meadow safi'ron. Colcothar... Oxide of iron. Colet., coletur... Let it be strained. Colent, colentur...Let them be strained. Colica...The colic, or bellyache. Collyrium...Hyc water. Colophonium... Black rosin. Color., coloretur...Let it be co- loured. Com:ita... Disorders accompanied vrith torpor. Comitissic palmii; pul vis... Carbo- nate of magnesia. Commoncaustic. . Potash with lime. Comp., compobit us... Compound. Concentrated anuotto ...I'uritied annotto. Concisa...Cut. Condri... Irish moss. Coufectifin cardiaca... Aromatic confection. Confection of hips. ..Confection of the dog-rose. C, Cong., c(ingiu3...A gallon. Conii... Hemlock. Cons., conserva... Conserve; also? keep tiiou. Conserva cynosbati... Confection of the dog-rose. Conserve. ..Confection, electuary. Cont. mod., or rem., continuenter medicamenta,o?-remcdia... Con- tinue the former medicines. Contrayerva.. A West Indian plant formerly reputed an antidote to poison, whence its name. Con tundiu... Bruise. Convulsio... Convulsions, contrac- tion and agitation of the limbs. Copper, Carbonate of...Dicarbo- nate of copper, mineral green. Copper, Chloride of ... ISIuriate, protochloride, or hydrochloride of copper. Copper, Dioxide of... Red oxide of copper. Copper, Oxychloride of... Bruns- wick, r>remcn, or Friezland green; green copper. Copper, Protoxide of.. Black oxide of copper. Copper, I'russiate of...Ferrocya- nide of copper. Copper, Subcliloride of.. .Bichlo- ride, white muriate, or resiu of copper. Coi)peras... Sulphate of iron, green vitriol, vitriol of iron. Coq., coquc.Boil. Coq. ad med. consumpt., coque admcdietatisconsumptionem... I'oil down to one-half the quan- tity. Coquaatur...Let them be boiled. Coq. in S. A. ..Boil in sufficient water. Cort., cortex. ..Biuk. Cornu cervi... Hartshorn. Cornu usti...nurnt hartshorn. ("or.inoj>us..l'iioUtIioi-n, )ilantain. Corrosive sublimate... Bichloride or perchloride of mercury. 274 GLOSSARY. Crastinus... To-morrow, for to- morrow. Cream of tartar... Bitartrate of potaf^h. Cretaceous.. Compounded or made with chalk. Creta... Chalk. Creta alba... Prepared chalk. Creta Gallica... French chalk. Creta precipitata ...Precipitated chalk. Crocus... Saffron. Crocus, or crocus martis... Oxide of iron. Crocus... A calcined metal of a reddish colour, usually applied to iron. Crocus antimonii... Sulphuretted oxide of antimony. Crocus metallorum.. Sulphuretted oxide of antimony. Crocus soils. ..Peroxide of gold. Crocus veneris... Calcined copper. Cubebfe . . . Cubebs. Cucurbitula cruenta... Cupping. Cucurbitula cum ferro... Cupping. Cucurbitula sine ferro. ..Dry cup- ping. Cudbear... Archil, litmus, turn- sole. Cuj., cujus... Of which, of this. Cujus., cujuslibet...Of any. Cum... With. Cupri... Copper. Curcuma... Turmeric. C. v., eras vespere... To-morrow evening. Cyath., cyathus...A cup or glass. Cyath. these, cyatho thea3...In a cup of tea. Cyathus vinai"ius...A wine-glass (from H to 2^ fluid ozs.) Cydoniae... Quince, the seeds. Cynanche...Sore throat, croup. Cystitis ... Inilammation of the bladder. D., D0SIS...A dose. Daffy's elixir.. Compound tincture of senna. Dauci, -us. ..The can-ot. Deaur. pil., deaurentur pilulte. Let the pills be covered with gold leaf. Deb. spiss., debita spissitudo... Due consistence. Dec, decanta...Pour off. Decern. ..Ten. Decoction... A boiled solution. Decoctura lusitanicura .. Com- pound decoction of narsaparilla. Decorticated ... Deprived of the bark. Decub. hor., decubitus hora...At bedtime. De d. in d., de die in diem. ..From day to day. Deglut., deglutiatur...Let it be swallowed. Dej. alvi., dejectiones alvi.. Stools. Demulcents ... Simple remedies which allay irritation. Dephlogisticated air.. Oxygen gas. Dephlogisticatcd nitrous air. ..Ni- trous oxide gas. Dephlogisticated spirit of salt... Chlorine. Depilatory.. .A compound for re- moving hair from the skin. Det., detur...Giveit,letitbegiven. Diabetes... Excessive secretion and flow of urine. Diachylon plaster ... Galbanum plaster, lead plaster. Diacouion... Syrup of poppies. DialthaetB .. . Marshmallo w. Diana... An alchemical name for silver. Diaphoretics... Agents which ex- cite perspiration. Diarrhoea... Looseness or relaxa- tion of the bowels. Dieb. alt., diebusalternis... Every other or ever_y second day. Dieb. tert., diebus tertiis... Every third day. GLOSSARY. 275 Digitalis... Foxglove. Diluc, (liUu'iilo...At break of day. Dii., lUlue., dilutus... Dilute, di- luted. Dim., dimidius...One-li(ilf. D. in "J plo. , deter in duplo...Give twice the quantity. D. in p. ivq., dividatur in partes lequales ... Divide into equal parts. Dippcl's oil. ..Rectified oil of harts- horn. Diuresis... A great flow of urine. Diuretics... 5ledicines ^vliich in- crease the flow of urine. Diuretic salt ... Acetate of pot- ash. Donee alv. bis dcj., donee alvus bis dejcccrit... Until the bowels have acted twice. Donee alv. resjiond., donee alvus respondct... Until the bowels have acted. Donee alv. sol. fuer., donee alvus soluta fuerit... Until the bowels have acted. Donovan's solution. ..Solution of hydriodate of arsenic and mer- cury. Dover's powder. ..Compound ipe- cacuanlia powder. D. P., directione propria. ..With a proper direction. Dragomitigatus.. Chloride of mer- cury, calomel. Drastics... Powerful purgatives. Draught. ..A single dose of liquid medicine. Drop lake. ..Brazil-wood lake. Drying oil...I''(iilcd linseed oil. Dulcamanc... Bitter-sweet, woody night-shade. Dulce, Dulcii'... Sweet. Dulcified acid...Etlier. Dulcified marine acid. ..Muriatic ether. Duodecim . . . T wel ve. Durusj...IIaid. Dutch liquid... defiant gas, car- burcttcd hydrogen. Dysecica... Deafness. Dysentery... Tlic blood-flux, fre- quent griping stools, with eva- cuations of blood. Dysopia...Bad or depraved sight. Dysore.\ia...A depraved appetite. Dyspepsia... Indigestion. Dysphagia.-.Difliculty of swallow- ing. Dyspnoea.. Difficulty of breathing. Dy.<5uria.. Difficulty in discharging the urine. Eau... Water. Eau benitc.Holy water. Eau d' llongrie... Hungary water. Eau de fontaine... Spring water. Eau do mer...Sea water. Eau de puits...AVcll water. Eau de riviere. ..River water. Eau de rose. ..Rose water. Eau de vie...AVater of life, brandy. Eau douce. ..Fresh water. Eau forte. ..Strong water, aqua- fortis. Eau raedicinale... Tincture of col- chicum. Eburn., eburneus... Ivory, made of ivory. Ec'egma...A linctus. Eccliymoma..A discoloured swell- ing, as a bruise, &c. Ectojiia...A displacement of any part. Ed., edulcorated. Ej., ejusdem...The same, of the same. Elect., electuarium.. An electuary. Electuary... Confection, Conserve. Elephantiasis... Bhick leprosy. Elixir antiveuereum ... Jesuits* drops. Elixir proprictatis ... Compound tincture of aloi-s. Elixir proprietatis ctira acido... I With sulphuric acid. 2T6 GLOSSARY. Elixir proprietatis tartarizatum... With salt of tartar. Elixir sacrum... Tincture of aloes and rhubarb. Elixir salutis ... Daffy's elixir, the compound tincture of sen- na. Elixir of vitriol. ..Aromatic sul- phuric acid. Embrocatio...An embrocation or liniment. Emetics... Medicines which excite vomiting. Emmenagogues.. Medicines which promote menstruation. Emplastrum...A plaster. Emplastrum cophalicum ... Bur- gundy pitch plaster. Emplastrum picis ... Burgundy pitch plaster. Empyreal air... Oxygen gas. Endemics... Diseases peculiar to certain countries. Enema... A liquid medicine in- jected into the bowels. Ens martis... Ammonio-chloride of iron. Ens veneris Boylei... Ammonio- chloride of iron. Enteritis... Inflammation of the intestines. Enui'esis...An involuntary flow of urine. Ephialtes... Nightmare. Ephidrosis... A violent morbid per- spiration. Epilepsy . . . Convulsions, the falling sickness. Epiphora... An involuntary flow of tears. Epischeses...A suppression of ex- cretions. Epispastics . . .Blistering medicines or plasters. Epistaxis .... Bleeding from the nose. Eps'.m salts. ..Sulphate of magne- sia. Errhines... Substances which ex- cite sneezing. Erysipelas. ..Inflammation of the skin. Escliarotics... Caustic substances which destroy the skin, and leave a scab. Essence of peach kern els... Bitter almond flavour. Essentia binaj (essence of malt)... Brewer's colouring, burnt su- gar. Ether... A spirit distilled from al- cohol and acid. Ether, Chlorhydric. Chloric ether. Ether, Hydi'ochloric .... Chloi'ic ether. Ether, Muriatic... Chloric ether. Ether, INIarine... Chloric ether. Ether cyanicus... Cyanic ether. Ether, Bicyanuret of... Cyanic ether. Ether by ponitrous.. Nitrous ether. Ether rectiticatus... Ether. Ether sulphuricus... Ether. ] Ether vitriolicus... Ether. Ethiops martial. ..Oxide of iron. Ethiops mineral. ..Oxide of mer- cury. Ethiopsjovialis... Tin, quicksilver, and sulphur, equal parts. Ethule... Ether; hence arises nu- merous titles for the difi'erent ethers, as, Ethule, Oxide of.. .Ether. Ethule, Chloride of ... Chloric ether. Ethule,Iodide of.. Hydriodic ether. Ethule, Hyponitrite .... Nitrous ether, &c., &c. Exacerbation... An increase of fe- ver. Exanthemata ... Rashes or red patches on the skin. Exfoliation. ..Separation of a dead piece of bone fi'om the living. Exhib., exhibeatur... Administer, or give it. GLOSSARY. 277 Ex Tnclli3...Tn honey. Exostosis.. A morbid enlargement, or hard tumour of a bono. Expectorants... Medicines wliich relieve tlie lungs of phlegm. Ex theriaca...In treacle. Exsiccatum . . . Dried. Ext. sup. alut. moll., extende su- per alutam mollem ... Spread upon soft leather. Extract ... The evaporated ex- pressed juice of plants, &o. Extract of Saturu... Solution of diacetate of lead. F., F.vc.Make. F. H., fiat haustus ... Make a draught. F. pil., fiant pilulic.Make into pills. F. venes... Bleed. Farina... English arrow-root, po- tato starch, flour. Farina tosta... Baked Hour. Fasc, fasciculus... A bundle. Feb. dur., febre durante... During the fever. Febres... Fevers. Febrifuge. . A remedy against fever. Fel...(}all. Fel ursi... Bear's gall. Fel leporis... Hare's gall. Fel anguillarum...GaU of eels. Fcllis bovini... Ox-gall. Female pills.. Compound iron pills. Fcrri...lron. Ferricarbinas..Carbonateof iron. Ferri rubigo...Rust of iron. Ferri sulphas... Copperas, green vitriol. Ferrocyanidc.Prussiate. Fiat... Make, let there bo made. Fict., ficiilis... Earthen. Fil., filtrum...A filter. Filicis...Male fcru. Firedamp..! 'arburcttcd hydrogen. Fist. arm., fistula armiita....\ clys- ter pipe and bladder. 24 I Fixed air... Carbonic acid gas. i Fixed alkali.. Carbonate of potash. I F. L. A., fiat lege artis...Make by the rules of art. I Flatulency... Wind or gas in the I stomach and bowels. Flores martiales...Ammonio-chlo- ritle of iron. Flores salis ammoniac! niartialis ...,\mmonio-chloride of iron. Flowers of zinc. ..Oxide of zinc. Fl. fluidus... Fluid; by measure. Fluoric acid... Hydrofluoric acid. F. M., fiat mi.'5tura...Make a mix- ture. Folium... Leaf. Fordyce's pills. ..Gamboge pills. Fortius. ..Strong. Fotus... Fomentation. Fowler's solution... Solution of ar- senite of potash. Friar's balsam. ..Compound tinc- ture of benzoin. F. S. A., fiat secundem artem... Make according to art. Fuci amy lacei... Ceylon moss. Fuliginis....Soot, smoke. Fuscum... Brown. G. G. G., GUMMi guttae gambse... Gamboge. Ganglion. ..An enlargement like a knot in a nerve, also a tumour. Ga-tritis ... Inflammation of the stomach. Ga8trodynia...A pain in the sto- mach. Gel. quav., gelatina quavi8...La any jelly. G eottVoy a' . . . Cabbage. Gilder's pickle. ..Gilding liquor. Glass of antimony. ..Crude anti- mony calcined. Gl!i9tum...Woad. a dye stuff. Glauber's salt...Suliihato of soda. G lye vrr!:i-.-:e... Liquorice root. G!y.tarrh. Inf., iufuinle... Infuse. Infusion... Made with cold or hot water, but not boiled. Injection... An enema. In pulm., in pulmento...In gruel. In pulvercm...In powder. Intermittent... Returning at stated intert^als. Int. scap., inter scapulas.. Between tlie iihoulders. Inuhu... Elecampane. Iron, Cynnuret of...rrussian blue. Iron, Ferridcyanide of...Hydro- ferridcyanate of iron, TurnbuU's blue. Iron, Ilydrated sesquioxide of... Rust of iron. Iron, Percyanide of.. Prussian blue. Iron, Red oxide of.. .Peroxide or sesquioxide of iron. Ischuria.. .A retention of urine. Jesfits' balsam. ..Compound tinc- ture of benzoin. Jove... An alchemical name for tin. .Jul., julcpus, julapium...A julep. Julep... A term formerly applied to mixtures, as camphor julep, the mistura camphora. Jupiter. . . Tin, an alchemical name. Kal. PPT., kali prep.aratum... Pre- pared kali, carbonate of potash. Kali acctatum. ..Acetate of potasli. Kal i .arseniated ... Arseuiate of pot- ash. Kali causticum... Hydrate of pot- ash. Kali purum... Hydrate of potash. Kali Icmnnated.. Citrate of potash. Kali nitratum... Nitrate of potash. Kali sulphuretum...Sulphuret of potassium. Kerme's mineral. ..Oxysulphuret of antimony. King's yellow... Scsquisulphuret of arsenic, yellow arsenic, or- pimci i. KirklaiilN neutral cerate. ..Com- pound lead ointment. Krameria...Bhatnny. Labarraque's disinfecting liquid ...Solution of chloride of soda. Lac. ..Milk. Lac roSic.Milk of roses. Lacerta Tiridis... Green precipi- tate. Lactucarium ... Lettuce. Laily Webster's pills. ..Pill of aloes and mastic. 280 GLOSSARY. Lake, Florence.. Carminatcd lake. Lake, rnris...Cavii:inate(;l lake. Lake, Vienna. ..Carrniiiated lake. Lambative...A linctus. Lanaplnlosophica...Oxi(.leof zinc. Lapis amia,ntus... Asbestos. Lapis infeL-nalis...PIyclrate of pot- ash, nitrate of silver. Lapis smyrnis... Emery. Lat. del., lateri doleuti...To the affected side. Lat. dex., Lateri dextro...To the right side. Lat. sin., lateri sinistrc.To the left side. Laughing gas. ..Nitrous oxide gas. Lauro cerasi... Cherry laurel. Lavement... An enema. Laxatives. ..Wild purgatives. Lb., libra... A pound. Lead, Bichromate of.. Chrome red. Lead, Subchromate of... Chrome red. Lead, Eed chromate of... Chrome red. Lead, Chromate of... Chrome yel- low. Lead, Yellow chromate of.. Chrome yellow. Lead, Muriate of.. .Chloride of lead, patent yellow. Lenitive electuary. ..Confection of senna. Lepra... The leprosy. Lichenis... Iceland moss. Lignum. ..Wood. Lignum vit0e..Wood of life, guaia- cum chips or raspings. Lime, Oxymuriate of.. .Chloride of lime. Linctus... A medicine of the con- sistence of honey. Lini... Linseed. Lip salve. ..Lard ointment. Liquor calcis...Lime water. Liquor potassre... Solution of pot- ash. Liquor volatilis cornu ccrvi... Spi- rit of hartshorn, or a dilute so- lution of nininonia. Lisbon diet drink. ..Compound de- coction of sarsaparilla. Litharge. ..Oxide or protoxide of lead. Litmus,... Turnsole, archil, cud- bear. Liver of sulphur. ..Sulphuret of potassium. Liverwort. ..Iceland moss. Lobelia inflata... Indian tobacco. Lohock... Linctus. Lumbricus...The earth-worm. Luna... The moon, an alchemical name for silver. Lunar caustic... Nitrate of silver. Lnpia...A wen or tumour. Lupuli...Hops. Luxation. ..The dislocation of a bone. Lyttte... Blistering or Spanish fly, cantharides. I\I., Miscc.Mix. M., Mensura...By measure. M., Manipulus...A handful. M., Minimum.. .A minim. Magistery of alum. ..Alumina. Magnesia vitriolata... Sulphate of magnesia. Magnum. ..Great; cochl. mag., a tablespoon ful. Malaguetta pepper. ..Grains of pa- radise. I\Iane...In the morning. Mane pr., mane primo... Early in the morning. Mania... Madness, insanity. M arantte ... Arrow-root . Marcasite... Bismuth. Marcores... Diseases characterized by emaciation or leanness. Marine acid... Hydrochloric acid. Marrubium vu]gare...lIorehound. Martial regulus of antimony.. Sul- phuret of antimony and ii'on fused together. GLOSSARY. 281 Martis or Mars... Iron, an alcbo- micsil term. Massa...A mass. Masticot... Protoxide of lead, yel- low pigment. Mccouio... Syrup of poppies. Mel or mollis... Honey. Mel acetatuin... Simple oxymcl. Mel /Egyptiacum...Liuimeat of verdigris. Melancholia... Melancholy, a form of insanity. Jlel boracis... Honey of borax. Mel despumatum... .Clarified honey. Menorrhagia. .. Flooding. Mensura... Measure. Mentha3...Mint. Menthic piperi tee... Peppermint. Meatiicc viridis... Spearmint. Jlcnthic sativic... Spearmint. Mephitic air. ..Nitrogen gas. Mcrcurius dulcis ... Chloride of mercury, calomel. Mercury, Ammoniated ... White precipitate, ammonio-cbloride of mercury. Mercury, Cliloride of... Calomel. Mercury, Uicldoride of.. .Calomel. Mercury, Sub-chloride of.. .Calo- mel. Mercury, Protochloride of.. .Calo- mel. Mercury, Muriate of.. .Calomel. Mercury, Submuriate of... Calo- mel. Mercury, Bichloride of. . . Corrosive sublimate. Mercury, Perchloride of.. .Corro- sive sublimate. Mercury, Submuriate of. ..White precipitate. Mercury, Cyanide of...Ijicyanide of mercury. Mercury, Prussian or prusslate of ...Cyanide ofmcrciury. Mercury, llydrocyaiiate of...Cya- niilo ul' mercury. J4* Mercury, Cyanuret of.. .Cyanide of mercury. Mercury, Cyanodide of.. .Cyanide of mercury. M., misca3...Mix. Mic. panis, mica panis... Crumb of bread. Miliaria... A description of fever. Milk of sulphur.. Washed and prc- cipated suljihur. Millepedes... A sort of worm with many feet. Mindererus spirit. ..Acetate of am- monia. Mineral charcoal. ..Coke. Minium. ..Red lead, red oxide of lead. Mist., or MR., mistiira...A mix- ture. :Mitius...Weak. Milt., mitte, mittautur...Send, let them be sent. Mitt. sang, ad .^xij., mitte san- guinem ad 5xij...Take 12 oz. of blood. Mitte tales No. x...Send ten. Mod. prajscr., modo pnuscripto... In tlie mode prescribed. Mollis. ..Soft. Monksiiood...x\.conite. Mori. ..Mulberry. Mor. diet., more dicto...In the manner directed. Mor. sol., more solito...In the or- dinary way. Mo.schi...Musk. M. P., massa pilularum...A pill mass. Mucilage... A watery solution of gum, as Arabic or tragacanth. Muriates ...Now termed hydro- chlorates. Mutitas... Dumbness. .Mynsicht's elixir of vitriol. ..Aro- matic ;;ulphuric acid. .Mynsicht's tincture of iron. ..Am- moniated tincture of iron. My risticiu . . . N ui meg. 282 GLOSSARY. N. M., Nuxmoscliata... A nutmeg. Naphtha vini... Ether. Narcotics... Medicines ■which in- duce drowsiness and stupor, such as opium, henbane, alco- hol, &c. Natron, or prepared natron. ..Car- bonate of soda. Natron yitriolatum... Sulphate of soda. Neapolitan ointment... Mercurial ointment. Nephritis... Inflammation of the kidney. Ne tr. s. num., ne tradus sine nummo...Do not give it without the money. Nickel silver. ..German silver. Niger... Black. Nihil album... Oxide of zinc. Nitre, nitrum... Nitrate of potash. Nitric oxide... Nitrous gas, bin- oxide of nitrogen. Nitrum flammans...Niti'ate of am- monia. Nitrum volatile... Nitrate of am- monia. No., numerc.In number. Nucis moschatse... Nutmeg. O., OCTARIUS...A pint. Obstipatio...Costiveuess. Odontalgia... Toothache. Oil of bricks. ..Oil of olives mixed •with brick-dust and distilled. Generally imitated with a mix- ture of oils. Oil of camphor. ..Nitrate of cam- phor. Oil of sulphur. ..Olive oil, 1 part, sulphur, 1 part, heated until combination is effected. Oil of tartar. ..Solution of carbo- nate of potash. Oil of tartar per deliquium... Car- bonate of potash liquefied by exposure to air. Oil of vitriol. ..Sulphuric acid. 01. jecoris asclli...Cod liver oil. 01. morrhua3...Cod liver oil. OIca...Oils. Olefiant gas...Carburetted hydro- gen, Dutch liquid. 01eosus...Oily. Oleum ammoniatum... Liniment of ammoniacum. Olim... Formerly. 01. lini s. i., oleum line sine igne ...Cold-drawn linseed oil. Omn. bid., omni biduo... Every two days. Omn. bih., omni bihorio... Every two hours. Omn. hor., omni hora ... Every hour. Omn. prim, mane, omni primo mane... Early every morning. Omn. qua noct., omni quaque nocte... Every night. Omn. quadr. hor., omni quad- rantes horse ... Every quarter hour. 0. M., omni mane.. Everymorning. 0. N., omni nocte. ..Every nigJit. 0. 0. 0., oleum olivte optimum... Best olive oil. Ophthalmia. ..Inflammation of the membranes of the eye. Ophthalmia. ..Inflammation of the eye. Opodeldoc... Soap liniment. Or. ..Gold. Orelline... Purified annatto. Orpiment... King's yellow, sesqui- sulphuret of arsenic. Oryzic.Rice. Ov., ovi or ovum... An egg. Oxide of calcium. ..Lime. Oxide of Ethule...Ethei\ Oxide of sodium... Soda. Oxy chlorides , . . Subchlorides, sub- muriates. Oxygenized lard...Nitricacid oint- ment. Oxymel ..Eruginis... Liniment of verdigris. GLOSSARY. 283 Oxymurin te . . .Chlorate. Oxyniuriate of mercury. ..Bichlo- ride of mercury, corrosive sub- limate. Oxyniuriatic acid... Chlorine. P. PONDERE...By Treight. P. seq., partes tequales... Equal parts. Palpitatio... Palpitation or throb- bing of the heart. Panacea.. .A universal remedy. ranis...l)read. Papa veris . . . Poppies. Paracusis... Disordered hearing. Paralysis... The palsy. Paramenia... Mismenstruation. ^ Paraphonia... Alteration of the voice. Paregoric. ..Compound tincture of camphor. l Partitis haustibus ... In divided , draughts. i Part, vie, partitis vicibus... In separate doses. i Parvum... Little. Cochl. parv...A i teaspoonful. , Pasta regia... Almond paste. Pastes... Factitious, or imitative stones and gems. Past., pastil'us... A mass of paste. P. d., per deliquium...r.y deliques- cence, melting in the open air. Pearl powder ... Subchloride of bismuth. Pearl while. ..Trisnitrate or sub- nitrate of bismuth. Pecti-ral balsam of honey. ..Tinc- ture of benzoin. j Pempliigus... An eruption attended j by fever. ! Pericarditis. ..Inflammation of the Buc and membrane containing the heart. j Peritonitis.. .Inflammation of the membrane which lines the belly, t and covers the intestines. t ]'eruiu...A chiiblaiu. I Peroxide of chlorine. ..Chlorous acid. Per. op. emct.,peracta opcratinne emetica... After the operation of the emetic. Persicai... Peach leave?. Pertussis. ..The hooping-cough. Pestis...The plague. Ph. D... Dublin Pharmacopoeia. Ph. E.. Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. Ph. L... London Pharmacopoeia. Ph. U. S... United States I'harma- copiKia. PhiUmium Londinense (P. L. 1745.). ..Confection of opium. Philonium l\omanum(P. R. 1720.) ...Coufection of opium. Phlegmasia... Inflammation. Phlogisticated air. ..Nitrogen gas. Phlogosis... Inflammation. Phrenitis... Frenzy, inflammation of the brain. Physeonia... Enlargement of the abdomen. Physical salt. ..Sulphate of mag- nesia. Physometra...A windy swelling of the uterus. Pica... Depraved appetite, with a desire for unnatural food. Picis liquidiB...Tar. Picis nigra}.. .Pitch. Pil llufi...Pill of aloes and myrrh. Pimento... Allspice. Piiik-root...8pigellia!. Pipcris... Pepper. Pisa pro fonticulus...I.«sue peas. Pix abietiua...l'urgundy pitch. Pleuritis... Pleurisy, an inflamma- tion of the lining membrane of the lungs. Pliimliago...Hlack lead. Plunibi...l-cad. Plumbi iodidi... Iodide of lead. Plumnu-r's pills. ..Compound calo- mel pill. Pneumonia. ..Inflammation of the lungs. 284 GLOSSARY. Pocil., pocillum...A small cup. Pocul., poculum...A cup. Podagra. ..The gout. Polydipsia. ..Excessive thirst. Polysarcia... Fatness of the body. Pompholyx... Oxide of zinc. Porrigo . . . Ringworm. Post horas duas... After two hours. Post pilulas... After the pills. Post sing. sed. liq., post singulas sedes liquidas ... After every loose stool. Potash, caustic. ..Hydrate of pot- ash. Potash, prussiate of...Ferrocya- nide of potassium. Potash, pure... Hydrate of potash. Potash, red prussiate of...Ferrid- cyanide of potassium. Potash, supersulphate of...Bisul- phate of potash. Potash, supertartrate of...Bitar- tratc of potash. Potassa fusa... Hydrate of potash. PotnsscB sulphuretum...Sulphuret of potassium. Potential cautery... Potash with lime. Potion... A drink. Potus...A drink. Powder basilic... Compound pow- der of scammony. Powder royal... Compound powder of scammony. Ppt., preparata... Prepared. P. rat. a; tat. 5 pro ratione ajtatis... According to the age. P. r. n., pro re nata...As occasion requires. Precipitate, sweet... Calomel. Prolapsus... A falling down, as of the uterus or anus. Protoxide of hydrogen. ..Water. Protoxide of nitrogen. ..Nitrous oxide gas. Pruni sylvestris... Sloes. Prussiate... Ferrocyauide or cya- nide. Prussic acid... Hydrocyanic acid. Psellismus... Defect in speech. Psora. ..The itch. Ptisan... Plain drink, as barley water, &c. Ptyalism...An increased flow of saliva. Pug., pugillus...A pinch. Pulegii... Pennyroyal. Pulv., pulvis...A powder. Pulvis stanni...Tin filings or pow- der. Purgatives ... Medicines which quicken the action of the bowels. Purificatum... Purified. Purpura. ..Scurvy, land scurvy. Pyrcthri...Pellitory of Spain. Pyrola .... Chimaphilse, winter green. Pyroligneous acid ...Vinegar of wood. Pyroxilic acid. ..Wood naphtha. Q. L., QUANTUM libet... As much as you please. Q. P., quantum placet. ..As much as you please. Q. S., Quantum sufSciat...A suffi- cient quantity. Quadraginta... Forty. Quam primum...As soon as possi- ble. Quartana...Ague returning every 72 hours. Quercus...Oak bark. Quinine, Subsulphate of... Sul- phate of Quinine. Quinine, Disulphate of.. .Sulphate of Quinine. Quintessence of Noyeau... Bitter almond flavour. [ Quor., quorum. ..Of which. Quotidiana .... Ague returning every '24 hours. Quotidie... Daily. Quovis ^Vny. ' Q. v., quantum vis. ..As much as I you choose. GLOSSARY. 285 IlAnix,...cis...Iloot. l\ai>l!aiii...lIorse-rii(lish. llattlesu:ike root... Senega. llealgiir. . Red sulphuret of arsenic 15ecipe...Take. Keil. in pnlv., reclactus in pulve- rem...Ueduceinoxalate of pot- ash. Sal alembroth ...The alchemist's salt of wisdom, a compound of sal ammoniac and corrosive sublimate, equal parts. Sal ammoniac ..llydrochlorate or muriate of ammonia. Sal auri philosophicum ...Bisul- phate of potash. Sal diureticus... Acetate of potash, Sal enixum . . . Bisulphate of potash. Sal gemmae ... Common or rock salt. Sal martis... Sulphate of iron. Sal mirabile Glauberi... Sulphate of Soda. Sal mirabile perlatum.. Phosphate of soda. Sal polychrest...Salt of soda. Sal prunella... Fused nitre. Sal s!ijiicntiit!...Salt of wisdom, sal alembroth. Sal Saturni....\cctatc of lead. Salad oil. ..Olive oil. Salicis... Willow. Saline. ..Salt. Sails nitri... Nitre, saltpetre. Salt of chrome... Chromatc of pot- ash. 286 GLOSSARY. Salt (common or culinary). ..ITy- ilrochlorate or nini-iate of soda. Salt of Mars. ..Copperas, sulphate of iron. Salt of sorrel... Binoxalate of pot- ash. Salt of tartar.. Carbonate of potash. Salt of wormwood... Carbonate of potash. Saltpetre. ..Nitrate of potash. Salvite...Sage. Sambuci... Elder, the bark. Sandiver...The scum of newly melted glass. Santonici...Wormseed. SapMi wood. ..Brazil wood. Sap* sapona3...Soap. Sarcoma... A fleshy tumour. Sarzfe . . . S arsaparilla. Saturn... Lead. Saunder's blue .... Ultramarine ashes. Saxon blue... Sulphate of indigo. Scabies. ..The itch. Scald head. ..Ring-worm. Scarlatina... The scarlet fever. Scat., scatula...A box. Scheele's green... Ai'senite of cop- per. ScilliB... Squills. Scirrhus...A cancer in the early stage. Scoparii...Spartii, broom-tops. Scorbutus... The scurvy. Scot's pills. ..rill of aloes. Scorbutus . . . Scurvy. Scrofula. ..The king's evil, hard ! indolent tumours on vai'ious parts of the body. Secale cornuti... Ergot of rye. Sedative... Soothing, casing pain. Sedatives. ..IMedicines which allay pain or undue excitement. Seignette's salt. . . Potassio-tartrate of soda. Semi. ..Half. Semid., semidraclima ... Half a drachm. Semih., seraihora...IIalf an hour. Senega... Rattlesuake root. Scrum lactis...Whey. Sesquichloride . . .Chloride . Sesquih., sesquihora...An hour and a half. Sesquioxide . . . Oxide. Sesimc, sesuncia...Half an ounce. Sevi...Suet. Sialogogues ... Substances which increase the flow of saliva. Si n. val., si non valeat...If it does not succeed. Si op. sit., si opus sit. ..If neces- sary. Si vir. perm., si vires permittant... If the strength allows it. Sign. n. pr., signetur nomine pro- prio... Inscribe it with the com- mon name. Signat., signatura...A label. Signetur... Label it. Simplex... Simple. Sinapis . . . Mustard. Sinapis farina... Flour of mustard. Sing., singulorum...Of each. S. n., secundem naturem.. Accord- ing to nature. Soapstone... French chalk. Sodaj chlorinatte ... Chloride of soda. Soluble tartar.. Tartrate of potash. Solutive water. ..Nitric acid. Sparadrapum pro fonticulus... Is- sue plasters. Spartii... Broom-tops, scoparii. Spermatorrhoea or Gonorrhoea... A flow or discharge of semen or purulent matter. Spigellice...Pink root. Sjjirit of IMindererus... Acetate of ammonia. Spirit of nitre. ..Nitric acid. Spiritus nitri Glauberi ...Nitric acid. Spiritus salis... Hydrochloric acid. Spirit of salt... Muriatic, or hy- drochloric acid. GLOSSARY. 287 Spiritus vini Gallicj... Brandy. P[)irit of vitriol. ..yulphuric aciil. Splenotis... luflammution of the spleen. S. S., Stat. sumend...Take imme- diately. Ss., semi. ..A half; as, jss., one and a half. S. s. s., stratum super stratum... Layer upon layer. Stannum, stanni...Tin. Steatite... Trench chalk. Steel... Preparations of iron, car- bonate, or sesquioxide of iron. Stibiated tartar ... Potassio-tar- trate of antimony. St., stet, stent. ..Let it or them stand. Stimulants. ..Medicines or liquids •which revive the system. Their use is often followed by a corre- sponding amount of depression. Strabismus... Squinting. Stramonium. ..Thorn apple. Strengthening plaster... Oxide of iron plaster. Strycliuine...A preparation of nux vomica. Stygian water.. Hydrofluoric acid, aqua stygis. Sub fin. coct., sub finem coctionis ...When the boiling is nearly finished. Sublimate, Sweet. ..Calomel. Succinum... Amber. Succus... Juice. Sugar of lead... Acetate or super- acetate of lead. Sulphur vivum... Crude or native sulphur. Sulphuris iodidum... Iodide of sul- phur. Sum ta1.>, Bumat talem...Givc the patient one like this. Sum., t Alcohol 15 Alkalies 16 Alkaline Baths IG Alkaline Solution, Brandish's 39 Alkaloids 1^ Alkanet Root 17 Alloys 1" Alloys of Nickel 17£ Almond Bloom 37 Flavour 17 Paste I'J? Soap Almonds, Sweet Almonds, Bitter Alum Kupel 18 Alum Sugar 237 Alum 1" Alum, Gargle 17 Alum, Dried 18 Alum, Compound Solution of 18 j Amadou 1° Amalgams 1° ; Amalgam of Gold 18 For Mirrors 1^ For Silvering Globes 18 Forthe Teeth l'* Of Zinc I'J 17 17 292 INDEX. Amber To Join To Dissolve American Whitewash Ammonia, Liquor of Ammoniacal solution for Plants Ammoniated solution of Qui- nine.. Anatomical Preparations, To Preserve Anchovies, Essence of Anchovy Powder Anchovy Paste Anchusa Tinctoria Annatto Annatto, Purified Annatto, Solution of Anodyne Balsam, Bates's Anti-Attrition Antibilious Pills, Antibilious Pills, Barclay's.. Anti- Ferment Antimony Antimony, Potassio-Tartrate of Aperient Biscuits Aperient, Magnesian EiFer- vescing Aperient Pills, Halford's Aqua Florum Naphifu Aqua Vegeto-mineralis Archil Arnold's Copaiba Mixture.... Arrowroot Arrowroot Jelly Arsenic Arsenic, Tests for Arsenic, Antidotes to Arseuious Acid Artificial Asses' Milk Artificial Grindstones Artificial Yeast Asarabacca Snuff Asphal turn , Prepared Asses' Milk, Artificial Atkinson's Infants' Preserva- tive 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 17 21 22 22 30 22 22 29 22 22 207 35 165 123 22 22 22 73 oo 23 23 23 23 23 24 121 201 23 23 24 24 Axle Grease 39 Backer's Tonic Pills 24 Bailey's Itch Ointment 24 Baillie's Pills 24 Dinner Pills. 24 Baker's Itch, Ointment for... 24 Baking Powder 24 Baldwin's Phosphorus 25 Balloon Varnish 25 Balls, Camphor 28 for Scouring Clothes 28 Furniture 28 Heel 28 Horse 25, 26, 27 Wash 28 Balsam of Honey 28 Bandoline 29 Barclay's Antibilious Pills... 29 Barege Water 29 Basilicon Ointment 30 Baster's Farina 30 Bateman's Itch Ointment 30 Bath Digestive Pills 32 Bath Lozenges or Pipe 32 Bath Pipe 32 Baths, Air 31 Chemical 32 Medicated 31 Vapour 31 Water 31 Battery, Galvanic 32 BaumedeVie 32, 33 Baynton's Plaster 33 Beddoe's Pills 33 Beef Tea 33 Beer, Ginger 33 Spruce 34 Treacle 34 Beetles, to Destroy 34 Benzole 34 Betton's British Oils 34 Bice, Blue 34 Bice, Green 34 Bird Lime 34 Biscuits, Aperient 35 Bismuth 35 Bismuth, Nitrate of 35 INDEX. 293 Bister Bisulpliuret of Carbon Bl.ick, IJriinswick Black Dranglit Black Drop Black, Japan Black Reviver Blacking for boots and shoes Blacking, Harness Bladders, Prepared Blanc de Fard Blanc de Francais Blanc do Perle Bleaching Blister, Extemporaneous Blister Liquid Blistering Tissue Bloom of Hoses Bloom, Almond Blue, Clieniic Blue Fire Blue Ink to turn Black Blue, l.i'iuid Blue Stone Boards, To Clean B'erhaavc's Odontalgic Bookbinders' Stains B'>ut I'owdcr Boot-top Liquid liooth's Axle (irease Boots, To Waterproof Borax, Glass of Bougies, to Prepare Bouquet do la Kcine Brandish's Alkaline Solution Brass Alloy Brass, To Clean Brazil Paper Bread I'nferinented P.reatli. Stiidcing Brine for Meat British Gum Bronzed Bronze for JSIcdals Bronze Powder Bronzing Liquids Bronzing Tin Castings Bronzing iiG PAGE ;i5 35 35 35 35 30 36 3(J 35 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 30 38 30 30 39 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 Bronzing Tin 42 Browning 42 Browning for Gun Barrels... 42 Bugs, To Destroy 42 Bug Poison 42 Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid.. 42 Butter, To Preserve 42 Butyrate of Ethyloxido 44 Butyric Ether 44 Cabbage Paper 44 Cachou Aromatise 44 Cadet's Tooth Powder 44 Camphine 44 Camphor. Camphor, Artificial. .... 44 .... 44 Camphor, To Powder , . 44 Camphor Balls , 44 Camphor Ball 44 Camphor Cerate 45 Camphor Ice 45 Camphor .Julep, Concentrated 45 Camphor Liniment, Extempo- raneous 45 Caniplior, Murray's Fluid.... 45 Camphorated Acetic Acid.... 45 Camphorated Chalk 45 Camphorated Oil 46 Campiiorated Vinegar 46 Candy, ('arraway 46 Candy, Digestive or Live-long 46 Candy, llorebound 46 Caunelle 46 Canton's Phosphorus 46 Caoutchouc, To Dissolve 46 Caoutchoucine 47 Capilhiire 47 Capillaire Limoniated 47 Capsules 47 Carbonate of Iron with Sugar 48 Carbonate of Magnesia 48 Carbonate of Potash 48 Carbonate of Potass 48 Carbonate of Soda 49 Carbonate of Soda, Dried.... 49 Carbonic Acid Gas 49 Carbonic Oxide 49 Carburcttcd Hyilrogen 50 294 INDEX. PAGE Carlsbad Water 50 Carminative, Dalby's 50 Carmine 50 Carmine, Liquid 50 Carpets, To Clean 51 Carrabelli's Dentifrice 51 Carron Oil 51 Cartwriglit's Dentifrice 51 Case-hardening 51 Casks, To Sweeten 51 Castor Oil Pomade 52 Catheters, To Prepare 52 Cayenne, Soluble 52 Cement for Leather and Cloth 54 Cement, Transpai-ent 55 Cement, Alabaster 52 Architectural 52 Arrcenian 52 Botany Bay 58 Bottle 53 Chinese 53 Coppersmiths' 53 Egg 53 Electrical 53 Engineers' 53 French 54 Hensler's 54 Hydraulic 54 Iron 54 Mahogany 54 Opticians' 54 Rice 54 Stone 54 Turners' 55 Cephalic Snuff 55 Cerates 55 Cerate of Acetate of Lead... 55 Of Calaraipe 55 Of Cantharides 55 Of Lead, compound 56 Of Mercury, compound. 5G Of llesin 56 Of Soap, compound 56 Chalk, Precipitated 56 Chalk, Prepared 56 Chalybeate Water 50 Chamberlain's Restorative Pills 57 PAOE Chameleon Mineral — 57 Chamomile Drops 57 Chamomile Pills 57 Chapped Hands 57 Charcoal 57 Charcoal Crayons 57 Chai'coal Tooth Powder 57 Charta Exploratoria 68 Chavasse's Remedy for Hoop- ing Cough 58 Chelsea Pensioner 57 Cheltenham Salts 58 Chemical Bronze 58 Chilblains 58 Chilblains, To Cure 58 Ching's Worm Lozenges 68 Chlorate of Barytes 59 Chlorate of Potash 59 Chloric Acid 59 Chloric Ether 60 Clilorides 58 Chlorine 59 Chlorine Gas 60 Chloroform 60 Cholera 61 Cholera Mixture 61 Cholera Powders 61 Chromate of Potash 02 Chrome Green 62 Chrome Red 62 Chrome Yellow 62 Chromic xVcid 63 Cinnabar of Antimony 63 Cinneres Clavellati 63 Circassian Cream for dressing the Hair 63 Circassian Cream 63 Circassian Dentifrice 64 Citric Acid 64 Claudet's Instantaneous Posi- tive Paper 64 Cochineal, Liquid 65 Cochrane's Cough Mixture... 65 Coffee, Essence of 65 Coindet's Pills 65 Coins and Medal.s, To Copy.. 65 Cold Cream 65 Collier's Wine of Quinine.... 66 CoUius' Disiufectiiia- Powder 66 INDEX. Collodion Colloiliou riates, To Clean... Collodion Proccs?; or, I'hoto- grapiiy on Glass Colours for Confectionary.... Colours for .Show liottlos Colours for Vehicles Concentrated Milk Confections Confection, Aromatic Confection of Almond Of Cassia Of Opium Of Orange Of Pepper Of Red Kose Of Dog Rose Of Rue Of Scammony Of Senna Congreve Matches Copaiba orCapivi Copaiba, Solution of Copaiba Mixture Copal Copal, Solution of Copper, Nitrate of Copper, Oxide of Copper, Powdered Copper, Protoxide of Coral, Factitious Corns, To Remove Cosmetics for the Skin Cottcreau's Solution for Toothache Cough, Popular Remedies for Court Plaster Crayons. Drawing Crayons for Writing on Glass. Cream, Crystalline Cream, Fox's Cream, Furniture Crcanv, Painter's Crickets, To Destroy Crimson Liquid for Tinsel or Paper Crystal Mineral Cuillerco Ordinaire (Uue.)... PAGE Cuillcr a Bouche (Une.) 77 Cuillcr a Cafe (Une.) 77 Cundell's Photographic Pa- per Process 77 Curry Powder 77 Custard Powder 78 Cyanide of Potassium 78 Dafft'.s Elixir Dahlia Test Damp Walls, Remedy for.... Dandelion Coffee Darcet's Carminative Lozen- ges Deafness, Remedy for Decoctions Decoction of Aloes, compound Of YeU.iwRark Of Pale Bark Of Red Bark Of Barley Of Barley, compound... Of Broom, compound... Of Dandelion Of Elm Of Galls Of Liverwort Of Logwooil Of Madder Root Of Oak Bark Of Parcira Of Pomegranate \ Of Pomegranate Root... Of Poppy Of Quince Of Sarsaparilla Of Sarsaparilla, com- pound Of Senega t>f Starch Of Tormentil Of Whortleberry Of Wintergrcen Of Woo.ly Nightshade... Dclcroix's Poudre Subtile.... Dentifrice Depilatoiies Depilatory, Raycr'a 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 ' 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 296 INDEX. DepSlatory, Eefl wood's Derby sliii-e's Embrocation for Sea-8ickiiess Detergent, Collier's Dextrine Diapente Disinfectants Doors, To Prevent Creaking Drawings, To Fix Drawings and Photographs, to Mount Drops, Bateman's Pectoral... Drops, .Tesuits' Drops, Scouring...., ,... Di'uggists' Show-Colours for Windows, &c Dryers for Paint Drying Oil Dubbing Dupuytren's Eye Salve Dutch Drops Dyes for the Hair Dyes for Ivory Eaton's Styptic Eau d'Ambre , Eau d'Ange.. Eau de Bouquet Eau de Cologne Eau de Lavande Eau de Lavande aux Mille- fleurs Eau de Mare^«chale Eau de Millefleurs Eau sans Pareille Eau de Melisse de Carmes... Eau de Portugal , Eau de Vie Allemande Effervescent Magnesia , Eggs, To Preserve Eldorflower Water Elixir, Daffy's Elixir, Swinton's Daffy's Elixir, Radcliffe's Elixir of Roses Elixir, Squire's Elixir, Stoughton's Elixir de Vie PAGE 82 83 8;] 83 83 83 83 85 86 86 88 88 88 88 88 89 ftO 8i) 8'.' 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 PAOB Embrocation, Guestonian 91 Embrocation, lloche's 91 Emplastrum Cephalicum 91 Emulsion 91 Emulsion of Gum 92 Emulsion of Oil of Almonds 92 Jilnemas 92 Enema of Aloes 92 Of Assafoetida 92 OfColocynth 92 Of Opium 92 Of Tobacco 92 Of Turpentine 92 Ergot 93 Ergot, Tincture of 93 Ergot, Tincture of, Ethereal.. 93 Eschalot VViue 93 Esprit 93 Esprit de Bergamotte 93 Esprit de Hose 93 Essence 94 Essence of Ambergris 94 Of AmbergriSjCompound 94 Of Anchovies 94 D'Ambrette 94 Of Bitter Almonds 94 De Bouquet 94 Of Cedar 95 OfErgotofKye 95 For Headache 96 Of Lilac 96 Of Magnolia 96 For Preston Salts 97 Of Spring Flowers 98 Of Sweet Brier 97 Of Sweet Pea 98 OfTonquin 98 Of Camphor 95 Of Cayenne 94 Of Cayenne, concentra- ted 94 Of Civet 96 Of Cubebs 96 Of Flowers 95 Of Ginger and Chamo- mile 95 Of Ginger 95 Of Musk 96 INDEX. 297 Essence of ^fustnrd Of Neroli Of Patcbouli Of rciiiiermiiit Of Quinine Of KeJ lloscs Of Uontleletia Of Vanilla Of Verbena 96- Of Violets 9G- Esscnce for Smelling Bottles Essentia Odorifera Etching Etching Ground Ether Ethiops, Martial Ethiops, Mineral Extracts Extract of Aconite Extract of Dandelion (Fluid.) Of Elder Flowers Of Elder Flowers, for the Complexion Of Aloes Of Barbadoes Aloes Of Belladonna Of Yellow Bark Of Tale Bark Of Red Bark Of Colchicum Of Colchicum, Acetic... Of Dandelion 100, Of Elaterium Of Gentian Of Heliotrope Of Honeysuckle Of Hyoscjamus (Fluid.) Of Jonquil Of Lavender Of Ilfuilock Of Henbane Of Hop Of Jalap Of Lettuce Of Liquorice Of Logwood Of Malt Of Meat 20* •Ai-E 97 97 9(5 97 97 97 97 -98 -98 98 98 98 98 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 1112 102 103 102 102 102 102 ](»3 lO:] UK? 103 io;5 Extract of Opium 103 Of Tareira 103 Of Poppv 103 Of Rhubarb 103 Of Sarsaparilla (fluid).. 104 Of Seuna (tluid) 10-4 Of Stramonium 104 Of Whortleberry 104 Feet, To Deodorize Foul 104 Fermented Medical Prepara- tions 104 Ferridcyanide of Iron 105 Filtering Powder 105 Filtration 105 Finings for Porter, AVinc, &c. 105 Finings for Gin 105 Fires, To Extinguish 105 Fixing Solution for Paper Pictures 105 Flame, Coloured 105 Flash lOG Flavouring Essence 106 Flies, To Destroy 106 Flour, To Detect Adultera- tions in 106 Flour, Baked 106 Flowers, to Preserve 106 Flowers, To hasten the blow- ing of 106 Flux, Black 107 Chrisiison's, for Arsenic 107 Cornish 107 Crude 107 Fresenius's 107 Morveau's 107 White 107 Foie do Soufre 107 Foie de Soufre Calcaire 107 Foils 107 Foil, Blue 107 Foil, Green 108 Foil, Red 108 1 Foil, Yellow 108 Freckles, Lotion for 108 ' Freeman's Bathing Spirits... 108 i Freezing Mixtures 108 French Polish 109 298 French Tolisli, To Frustula Fulminating Powder Fumigation Furniture Cream Furniture Oil Furniture Paste Furniture Polish Fusible Metal Gall, Clarified Gall, Inspissated Ganteine Gas, Coal German Paste Gilder's Wax Gilding Gilding, Burnished Gilding, Cold Gilding, Liquor Gilding, Metal Gilding, China Gilding, Glass Gilding, Silk, &c Gilding Water Ginger Beer Gingerbread Gingerbread, Ormskirk Glass, To Clean Glass, To Cut Glass, To Drill Glass, Ground Glass, To Povrder Glass, To Write on Gleba Glue impervious to Water... Glue Glue, Liquid Glue, Marine Glue, Portable Glycerine Glycerine Balsam Glycerine Ointment Godfrey's Cordial Gold Gold {Artificial.) Gold, Detergent , Gold, Factitious INDEX. PAGE Gold, Fulminating 119 Gold, Liquid 119 Gold, Powdered 119 Gold Size (oil) 119 Gold Size (water) 119 Gold, Terchloride of 119 Gout 119 Gout Cordial, Warner's 120 Gowland's Lotion 120 Grains of Paradise 120 Gramme 120 Greek Fire 120 Green Liquid for Tinsel 120 Green Ointment, Blake's 120 Gregory's Powder 120 Grindstones, Artificial 121 Grindrod's Remedy for Spasms 121 Gros 121 Gunpowder 121 Gutta Percha 121 Gutta Percha, Solvents for.. 121 Hair, The 122 Hair Dyes 122 Hair Powder 122 Hair Wash 122 Hair Dye 122 Halford's Aperient Pills 123 Halford's Gout Pills 123 Hannay's Lotion 123 Harrogate Waters 123 Heading for Beer 123 Herb Tobacco 123 Hiera Picra 123 Holloway's Ointment 123 Holloway's Pills 123 Honey 123 Honey of Borax 124 Honey, Clarified 124 Honey of Roses 124 Honey Soap 124 Honey Water 124 Horehound 125 Horehound Candy 125 Horehound Syrup 125 Huilc Antique 125 Iluile Antique a la Rose 125 INDEX. 299 Huile Antique a la Fleur d'Oningc 120 Iluile Antique a la Violctte. Ilio Huile Antiqueaux MillcUcurs 1'2i) Iluile Antique A'erte 125 Hungary Water 125 Huxhaiu's Tincture of Bark 12G Ilyilrochluric AciJ 120 Ilyilrocliloric Aciil. diluted.. 12G Hydrochloric Acid Gas 126 Hydrolluorio Acid 12G Hydrogen 127 Hydrogen, Garburetted 120 Hydrolatum 12b Imperial 128 Impressions (to take) of Me- dals, Casts, &c 128 Incense 128 Incorrosive Alloy 129 Incorrosive Ink for Steel Pens 129 India Pickle 128 India Ilubher, Solvents for... 128 India Rubber Blacking 128 Indigestion, Popular Reme- dies for 129 Indigo 130 Indigo, Purified 180 Indigo, Sulphate of loO Indigo Test Paper 130 Infusions 131 Infusions of Yellow Bark.... 131 Of Yellow Bark, concen- trated 131 Of Pale Bark 131 Of Pale Bark, concen- trated 131 Of Bnchu ]:!1 Of Ci.lumba 131 Of Cascarilla 131 OfCatecIiu, Compound. 131 On'hiiHioiiiile 131 Of (liiretta 132 Of ("loves 132 Of Cii.oparia i:'.2 Of Foxglove i:;2 Of Gentian, compound.. 132 PAOB Infusion of Hops 132 Of Horseradish, com- pound 132 Of Linseed, compound.. 132 Of Orange, compound.. 133 Of Quassia 133 OfRhatimy 133 Of Rhubarb 133 Of Rose, compound 133 Of Senna, compound.... 133 Of Serpentixry 133 Of Valerian 134 Ink, Black Writing 134 Asiatic 135 Bracannot's 137 Brando's 134 Blue Black 135 Copying 135 Broome's 134 Carbon 137 Copying 136 Horticultural 136 Japan 136 Lewis's 134 Packer's 137 Patent 135 Permanent 135 Prerogative 134 Eibaucourt's 134 Shellac 137 Ure's 134 Wollrtstou's 134 Wriiiug 136 Blue 137 Green 138 Red 138 Yellow 138 Violet 138 Purple 138 Brown 139 Label 139 Lithographic 139 Mnrking l;;9 Ticketing 110 Indian 110 Perpetual 1 10 Printing Ml Savage's Printing 141 300 INDEX. Ink, Sympathetic Powders , To Restore To Remove Iodide of Nitrogen , Iodide of Quiuiue , Iodine , Iron Iron, Ammonio-Chloride of., Ammonio-Citrate of Potassio-Tartrate of Sesquioxide of Sulpliate of Isinglass Cement Isomor plious Isomeric Ivory, To Bleach Japan Black Japan, Transparent Jelly, Arrowroot Biscuit Corsican Moss Gelatine Hartshorn Iceland Moss Irish Moss Isinglass Badcliffe's Restorative.. Sago Tapioca Juice, Refined PAOE Ul 142 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 145 145 140 14G 14G 14G 14G 146 14G 14G 147 146 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 Keating's Cough Lozenges 147 Ketchup, Camp 148 Cucumber 148 Cockle 148 Marine 148 Mushroom 149 Oyster 149 Ketchup, Tomata 149 Walnut 149 Kilogramme 149 King's Yellow 150 Labels on Tin 150 Lac 150 Lac, To Bleach 150 PAOE Lac, Solution of 150 Lacquer 151 Lacquer for Brass 151 Lacquer, Gold-Coloured 151 Lagcna 151 Lake, Blue 151 Lake, Drop 151 Lake, Madder 162 Lake, Red 152 Languncula 151 Lapis Infernalis Alkalinus... 152 Lapis Divinus , 152 Lard, Purified 152 Lavender Water 152 Lavender, Smith's British... 152 Lead 152 Lead, Acetate of 153 Lead, Iodide of. 153 Lead, Oxide of 153 Leather, to Fasten on Metal. 154 Leather, Waterproof (Com- position for) 154 Leeches 154 Lemon Juice, Factitious 155 Lemonade 155 Lemonade, Aerated 155 Lemonade, Concentrated 155 Lemonade Powders 155 Lemonade Powders in one Paper 155 Lily of the Valley 155 Lime 156 Lime, Chloiinated 156 Linen, To distinguish from Cotton 156 Liniment 156 Of Ammonia 156 Of Camphor 156 Of Camphor, compound 157 Of Lime 157 Of Mercury 157 Of Opium 157 Of fc^esquicarbonate of 157 Ammonia 167 Of Soap 157 Of Turpentine 157 Of Verdigris 157 Liniment, White 157 INDEX. 301 Lip Pake Lip Salve. White Liquiil IJlister Liquid Soap Liquors, or Cold Infusions... Litho.crapliy Locock's Pulmonic Wafers... Lozenge Lozenges Lozenges, Acacia Chalk Lactucarium Liquorice iVIagne-ia Morphia Morphia and Ipecacu- anha Opium Soda Tai'taric Acid Lutes Maceration Macaroni Maciironi Pudding Madder, Lake Magistcre de Soufre Magnesia Magnesia, Carbonate of Mngnesia, Sulphate of Magnesian Effervescing Ape- rient Mahogany, To Imitate Malt Manganese, Pinoxide of ^^I.arble, To Clean Marble, To Stain MarV)le, to Imitate Megilp Mellago Mercury Mercury, Ammonio-Chloride '-of I5ifhlorirown 219 Salt, Sore throat 219 Salve, Lip 219 Sartaginis 220 Scarauiony Fiesiu 220 Scent for Pomatums 220 Scl.eele's Green 220 Schwartz' Drops 220 Scudamore's Gout Lotion.... 220 Sedative Water 220 Seidlitz Powders (in one Paper.) 221 Selde Seignette 221 Sel Vegetal 221 Selenium 221 Sepia 221 Shoemakers' Black 221 Signatures, Copies of 221 Silica 221 Silver 222 Silver, Nitrate of 222 Silver, Solders for 222 Silvering 223 Silvering on Glass 223 Sirop d'Amandes 227 Size, I'rcparation of 224 Size, Japanners' Gold 224 Size, Gold , 224 Smalts 224 Soap 224 A la Rose 225 Au Bouquet 225 Bitter Almond 225 Fancy 225 Floating 225 Musk 225 Shaving 225 Transparent 225 Soap, Lady Derby's 225 Windsor 225 Soda 226 Biborateof 226 Bicarbonate of 226 Phosphate of 220 Potassio-tartrate of 220 Sulphate of 226 Sodiiim 227 Solder 227 INDEX. 305 PAOE Soldering Liquid 227 Solomon's Balm of Gilcad.... 227 Solutions 227 Solution of Acetate of Am- monia 227 Acetate of Morphia 228 Solution, Alum, compound... 228 Ammonia 228 Ammonio-sulphato of Copper 229 Arsenite of potash 229 Bichloride of Mercury.. 230 Carbonate of Potash 230 Chloride of Arsenic 230 Chlorinated Soda 230 Citrate of Ammonia 231 Diacetate of Lead 231 Dilute 231 n^'droclilorate of Mor- phia 231 Iodide of Potassium, compound 231 Potash 231 Sesquicarbonate of Am- monia 232 Soda 232 Soup, Portable 232 Soy 232 Specific, Worm 233 Speculum Metal 233 Spielman's Camphorated Vinegar 233 Spice, Kidder's Sweet 233 Spico, Kidder's Savoury 233 Spirits 233 Spirit of Ammonia, Aromatic 233 Fetid 234 Of Aniseed 234 Spirit of Camphor 234 Of(-'arraway 234 Of Cinnamon 234 Of Ether, compound 234 , Of^ Horseradish com- pound 234; Of Juniper, compound.. 234 1 Of Nitric Ether 234 ' Of Nutnu'^!; 23.') '. Of Pennyroyal 235 27 Spirit of Peppermint Of Pimento Of llosemary j Sponge, Bleached I Sponge, Burnt Sponge, Prepared Standert's ]\lixture for Bow- el Complaint Stimulating Liniment Straw, to Bleach, &c Strychnia Suet Suet, Melilot Sug:ir, Alum Sug.ar, Lemon Sulphur Sulphur, Iodide of Sulphuretted Hydrogen Sulphuric Acid Sulphuric Acid, dilute Sulphurous Acid Sydenham's Lenitive Syrup Syrups Syrup of Buckthorn Of Cochineal Of Ginger Of Iodide of Iron Of Lemon Of Marshmallow Of Mulberry Of Orange Of Poppy Of Proto-Nitrate of Iron Of lied Poppy Of ll<^se Of Saffron Of Sarsaparilla Of Senna OfTolu Of Violets Sweet Oil Talkola.s Scissa , Tannic Acid Tar Tar, Barbadocs ... Tartaric acid PAOB 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 23.1 236 236 236 236 237 237 237 237 237 237 238 238 238 230 239 239 239 239 239 240 240 240 240 240 240 241 241 241 241 241 241 242 242 242 242 212 242 242 306 INDEX. Tartarus Boraxatus Tartarus Depuratus Tartarus Tartarisatus Taylor's Solution Tea Teeth, The Teeth, Cement for Terra Fuliata Tartari Terra Foliata Tartari Crys- tallisata Test for Essential Oils Thridace Tin Tiiictura JMeconii Tinctura Thebaica Tincture of Orris Tincture of Sumbul Tinctures Of Aconite Of Aloes Compound Of Ammonia, compound Of Ammonio-chloride of Iron Of Assafoetida Of Belladonna ». Of Benzoin, compound.. Of Calumba Of Camphor, compound Of Cantharides Of Capsicum Of Cardamom, com- pound Of Cascarilla Of Castor Of Catechu, compound. Of Ciiiclinna Of Cinchona, compound. Pale Of Cinnamon Compound.. Of Colchicum Compound.. Of Cubebs Of Ergdt, ethereal Of Foxglove Of Galls Of Gentian, compound.. PAf^E 243 243 213 243 243 243 243 243 243 244 244 244 250 250 249 250 244 244 244 244 244 244 245 245 245 245 245 245 24G 24G 240 24G 246 246 246 246 246 247 247 247 247 .247 247 247 247 Tincture of Ginger Of Guaiacum Compound., Of Hellebore Of Hemlock Of Henbane OfHops Of Iodine, compound.... Of Jalap Of Kino Of Lavender, compound Of Lemons Of Lobelia Ethereal Of Myrrh Of Opium Of Orange Peel Of Quinine, Compound. Of Rhubarb, compoiind. Of Senna, compound.... Of Serpentary Of Sesquichloride of Iron Of Squills Of Tolu Of Valerian Compound Tonquin Remedy Toothache Tooth Powder, Cadet's Tooth Powder Toothache Tincture Triple Extract of Roses Turpentine, Oil of Turpentine, Ohio Turpentine, Venice Tutty Powder PAOE 247 247 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 249 240 249 249 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 251 251 251 251 252 252 252 252 252 Ultramarine 252 Unguentum Nihilo 252 Urea 252 Valerian 253 Varnish to Coat Metal 253 Veratria 253 Vei'digris 253 Verditer 253 Vermilion 254 Vermin, (to Destroy) 254 INDEX. 307 Vesicants 254 Viennese Laxative Water.... 2o4 Vinegar 254 Aromatic 255 British 254 Crystallized 255 Exteniporiineous 255 Of Mciulow Saflron 255 Of Siianish Flies 255 Of Squill 255 Household 255 Flavoured 255 Distilled 255 Fruit 255 Virgin's Milk 254 Wakts, To remove Wash for Freckles Wash for the Hair "Wasli for the Teeth ■\Vater, Distilled Elder Flower Lime Tepperraint Pennyroyal Spearmint rimeuto Rose Waterproofing for Cloth Waterproofing for Damp Walls 25G 25C> 25G 25G 250 257 257 257 or.7 Waterproofing for Boots Wax, I'leaclied Wax, Bottle Wax, Sealing Whey White Oils Windows, to Crystallize Wines Wine of Aloes Ipecacuanha Iron Meadow Saffron , Opium Potassio-tartrate of An- timony W^hite Hellebore Tests for , Wood, Stains for Worm Cakes, Storey's FAOE 258 258 258 258 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 2.59 260 260 200 201 Yeast, Artificial 201 Yeast, to Preserve 202 Yellow, Naples 202 Yellow, Patent 202 I Yellow Liquid for Foils 202 Zaffeb 202 Zinc 262 Zinc, chloride of 202 I Zinc, oxide of 203 [Zincing 2UG THE END. % i .A %^ ■* . . « D M O ^^V/ 'o , » * .'V °o * w