Class S_B.i^ Book . fV|5 ('in 'ARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TitTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES ASSISTANT AND CHIEF OF PARTY. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1907 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES ASSISTANT AND CHIEF OF PARTY, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 ^•v-v^ ,; b- Department of Commerce and Labor Dncunient No. 77. COAST AND C.EODETIC SIIRVEY JUN 221907 D. ofD. LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington , Ju7ic r, 190J. Sir: I' have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster beds of the State of Maryland, under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and certain results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey. Re.spectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. To Hon. Oscar S. Str.\us, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION. Annapolis, Md., May 29, rgoy. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Anne Arundel County and contiguous waters by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Assisldiil and Cliicf of Party in the Coas/ and Geodetic Survey., Annapolis, Md., June 6, 1907. Examined and certified to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Benjamin K. Green, Caswell Grave, Maryland Shell Fish Coftimissioners. SwEPSON EarlE, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of "Anne Arundel County and Adjacent Waters " were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Anne Arundel County and iu the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners at Annapolis on June 20, 1907. ,5 CONTENTS. Letter of submittal 3 Certification 5 Introduction: Publications 13 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 13 Laws relating to the cooperation 14 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster liars 17 Projections 18 Progress map 18 Boundaries of county waters: Waters within territorial limits of the county ,, . 19 Waters contiguous to the county . . 20 Limits of dredging area adjacent to Craighill Channel . . 29 List of natural oyster bars within dredging area of county. 21 Boundaiues of natural oyster bars: Explanation of descriptions of boundaries 21 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries. ... 23 Natural oyster bars — Chart No. i (Fort Carroll to Magothy River)— Lumps East of Craighill Channel ( see also Chart No. 2) 26 Bodkin Point North 26 Bodkin Point South 27 Mountain Point (see also Chart No. 2) .... 27 Sillery Bay 28 Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Lumps East of Craighill Channel (see also Chart No. i) 26 Mountain Point (see also Chart No. i ) , , . 27 Peach Hill ... 28 Welch 28 Park .... 29 Umphasis 29 Black 29 Persimmon 30 Outer Magothy 30 Sandy Point North j i Sandy Point South 31 Hackett Point ■Whitehall Creek Sand Spit . . 33 Whitehall 33 Wreck Buoy , . . .' 34 Tolly Point ( see also Chart No. 3 ) 34 Chinks Point 35 Inside Greenbury Point .... 35 32 8 Coi//eiits. Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Natural oyster bars — Continued. Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Contiiuied. rage. Horn Point ... 36 Old Fort ... 36 Little Sandy . ... 37 Creces Cove ... 37 Ferr\- Point 37 Peach Orchard 38 Weems Lower 38 Weems Upper • ... 39 Wade . 39 Traces Hollow 4C1 Sharp Point 40 Saltwork 41 Rock Point Lower 41 Chase ; . . . • 41 Clem Point 42 Point 42 Aisquith Creek 42 Brewer (Severn River) 43 Poppin Point '. 43 Arnold Point , , 44 Big Island 44 Round Bay . . 44 Rock Point Upper 45 ChaH No. J (Annapolis Roads to Horse.shoe Point) — Tolly Point (see Chart No. 2) 34 Under The Gums 45 Thomas Point North 46 Thomas Point South 47 Old Woman 47 Marshy Point 4S Turkey Point 48 Ruler Flats 49 Swan Reef 49 Outer Round Point 50 Inner Round Point 50 Hill Point East 50 Hill Point 51 Rock Point (South River) 51 Fox Point 51 Purdy Flats 52 Thunder and Lightning 52 Brewer (South River) 52 Almshouse ! 53 Duvall 53 Aberdeen ... 54 Beard Point 54 Rough Point ,=54 Saunders 55 Lulu , 55 [^ Dutchman 56 Three Sisters 56 Curtis 57 Contents. 9 Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Page. Natural oyster bars — Continued. Chart No. j (Annapolis Roads to Horseshoe Point) — Continued. Collins Flats 57 Potato Hill 57 Cedar Point 58 Barren Neck 58 Tucker 59 Cheston Point 59 Dutchman Hollow 59 Brice Fence 60 Stony Hollow : 60 Cherry 60 Jackass 61 Bolston Bank 61 High Island 61 Flat Island 62 Buce 62 C/iart JVo. 4 (Horseshoe Point to Holland Point) — Bay Shore 63 Long 64 Fairhaven 64 Holland Point 65 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulaTion stations): E.Kplanation of description of landmarks 65 Triangulation stations — Chart No. i (Fort Carroll to Magothy River) — North Point (Old Tower) 67 Craighill Channel Light (Front Range) 67 Rock Point 67 Seven Foot Knoll Light 68 Bodkin Point (Old Tower) 68 Locust 68 Bay (Magothy River) 68 Phil 69 Hickory 69 Sillery 69 Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Peach Hill 70 Welch ^ 70 Bluff (Magothy River) 70 Dobbins 71 Iron 71 Ham 71 Bank 71 Horn (Magothy River) 72 Tail 72 Ferry 72 Huddle 73 Revell 73 Purse 73 Magothy 74 Corn 74 Sandy Point light 74 Ring (see progress map) 74 330—07 1>^ lO Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation Stations)— Continued, page. Triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Continued. Bay Side 75 Clump 75 Wash ( see progress map ) 75 Hackett 76 Spit 76 Chase ( Whitehall Bay) 76 Greenbury 77 Greenbury Point light 77 Fort 77 Bluff ( Severn River) 77 Brice 78 Knob 78 Spring 78 Cool 79 Chase (Severn River) 79 Point 79 Bight So Arnold So Swan So High 81 Cedar (Severn River) Si Sharp 81 Long 82 Island 82 Bay (Severn River) 82 Brewer (Severn River) S3 Clem S3 Salt S3 Luce 84 Weenis 84 Field , 84 Hospital Cupola ^ Naval Academy) S5 Flag Staff (Naval Academy Boathouse) S5 State Dome (Annapolis) 85 St. Anne's Church Spire (.Annapolis) 85 Catholic Church Spire (Annapolis) 85 St. John's College Cupola (Annapolis) 85 Horn ( Severn River ) 85 Start 86 Chart No. j ( Annapolis Roads to Horseshoe Point) — Gram 86 Tolly 86 Bay Ridge Stack 87 Craney ; 87 Cottage 87 Thomas 88 Thomas Point Light 88 Arundel 88 Hill 88 Switch 89 Waggaman 89 Waggaman Windmill 89 Contents. 1 1 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic vSurvev tri angulation stations)— Continued, page. Triangulation stations — Continued. Cliart No. j — (Annapolis Roads to Hor.scshoe Point) — Continued. Ginger go Ximo 90 Yazoo 90 Taylor g I Larramore gi Brewer (South River) 91 Almshouse 92 Almshouse ( Lightning Rod ) 92 Cedar ( South River ) 92 Mayo 92 Selby 93 Gowan 93 Dutchman 93 ; 94 Cato Delta 94 Etna 94 Calf 95 Turf 95 Cupola 95 Rhode 95 Ches 96 Alpha 96 Shell 96 Counallor 97 Chalk 97 Lerch Windmill 97 Apple 98 Cove 98 Curtis 98 Horseshoe 99 Bloody Point Bar light 99 Chart No. 4 (Horseshoe Point to Holland Point) — Franklin Nut...... Broad 100 Parker 100 Hopkins 100 Fairhaven loi Holland loi Report of the work of .the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 102 House boat Oyster 102 Organization and equipment 103 Field work 104 (Office work lo^ Summary iqc Progress map following 109 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the natural oyster bars of Maryland has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations of the cooperating forces. The part prepared under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consists of this publication and a series of large-scale charts. The charts show all legal boundaries of natural oy.ster bars within the waters opened up for leasing with Anne Arundel County and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in connection with the delineation of these boundaries. This publication gives a technical description of the oyster-bar boundaries and landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the represent- ative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. The part to be publi.shed by the ShfeU Fish Commission will include a report of the work executed by the commission under the provisions of the oyster-culture laws of Maryland, descriptions of oyster investigations and the delimitation of oyster bars, and other important legal and scientific information. COOPERATION OF THE CO.^ST .\ND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a .survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oy.sters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental functions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data for all surveying, charting, and other allied purposes within the area of the operations of the service, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and useful development^of Government work. 13 14 Survey of Oys/er Bars^ Anne Arundel County, Md. LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPEKATION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in coop- eration with the MarA'land Shell Fish Commission, in surveying and publishing charts of natural oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks over triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary technical and legal descriptions of boinidaries and landmarks delineated on the charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the Governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and Ijy authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: ^[Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the Shell Fish Commissioners of the State of Maryland in making snr\'eys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by tlie Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asseinbted, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Kureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appli- ances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sbc. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perforin in prose- cuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the Shell Fish Commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 15 [Act of the legislature of Marjiand approved April 2, 1906.] AN ACT to establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this act, and * » * Section i. Be it enacted by the geneial assembly of Maiylatut, That the following .sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey', as herein- after required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Annapolis; and the said Commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which- there are natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, all natural beds, bars, and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. -» * * -;f * -'k -X- Sec. 87. The governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. * * * Sec. 89. As .soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said Commissioners shall organize and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such pensons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the .said charts the natural beds, and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks, as established by .said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said Board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the bounr'ary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks as .shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the Board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said Commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the clerk of the circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed, as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. Anoint Li.t;ht. 3 38 59 39-61 1 76 25 27. 17 S 22 04 W S 66 20 E N 63 51 E N 22 04 E N 66 20 W S 63 51 w 3437 1357 423 Greeiiburv Spit. Chase. Pdiul Light. 4 38 59 39- 62 76 26 u6. 79 N 40 04 W S 29 51 \V vS 52 22 E vS 40 04 E N 29 50 E N 52 21 W 243 3672 892 Chase. Greeiiburv Spit. Point Light. 5 38 59 48. 92 76 25 53- 42 S 75 56 W S 22 27 E S 85 27 E N 75 55 E N 22 27 W N 85 26 W 524 930 1736 Chase. Spit. Clump. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Ainie Arundel Comity^ Aid. SAND SPIT. ( Whitehall Bay— Chart No. 2. ) 33 Cor- l,ougitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. bar Forward Back / // / // / , Yards. I 38 59 28- 58 76 25 40. 10 N 56 58 W S I 24 E N 68 19 E S 56 59 E N I 24W S 68 20 W 1025 173 1484 Chase. Spit. Clump. 2 38 59 32- 55 76 25 43. 5i ■ S 17 29 E N 74 16 E N 61 01 W N 17 29 W S 74 17 W S 61 02 E 322 1529 876 Spit. Clump. Chase. 3 38 59 36. 64 76 25 31.06 N 75 21 W S 27 44 W N 76 23 E S 75 22 E N27 44E S 76 23 w II3I 502 "75 Chase. Spit. Clump. WHITEHALL. (Annapolis Roads — Chart No. 3.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 57 34. 40 76 26 50. 62 N 23 37 W S 63 14 w S 8 38 W S 23 38 E N 63 13 E N 8 38 E 1912 2154 2183 Greenbury. Gram . Tolly. 2 38 57 58. 45 76 27 23.80 S 10 26 w N 41 27 E N 66 13 W N 10 26 E S 41 27 W S 66 13 E 3018 302 1801 Tolly. Greenbury Point Lij^ht. Horn. 3 38 58 3'- 52 76 26 46. 72 N 19 48 E S 78 35 W S 41 oS W S 19 49 W N 78 35 E N 41 08 E 2645 886 1183 Chase. Greenbury. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 58 57- 50 76 26 47-47 S 23 12 W N 63 46 E N 29 38 E N 23 12 E S 63 47 w S 29 38 W 1920 1982 1848 Greenbury Point Light. Spit. Chase. 5 38 59 20. 75 76 26 27. 40 S 26 45 \V N 85 49 E N 25 08 E N 26 45 E S 85 49 w S 25 08 W 2855 1252 911 Greenbury Point Light. Spit. Chase. 6 38 59 09. 60 76 26 21. 62 N 66 55 E Nil 02 E S 66 56 W S n 02 W 1 1 92 1222 Spit. Chase. ,S 46 20 W N 46 20 E 2114 Greenbury. 7 38 58 45. 22 76 26 28.90 N 44 59 E N II 53E S 64 31 W S 44 59 \V S n 53 W N 64 31 E 1823 2065 1482 Spit. Chase. Greenbury. 8 38 58 06. 96 76 26 17. 16 N 33 10 E S 87 45 W S 20 22 w S 33 10 W N 87 45 E N 20 22 E 2633 1.556 3473 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 34 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County .^ Md. WRECK BUOY. [Aimapolis Roads-Chaii No. z.) Cor- ner I,atitude I^ongitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I 38 57 45. 00 76 26 oS.So N I. 28 W N 69 03 W S 29 36 W S I 28E S 69 03 E N 29 36 E Yards. 4053 I90I 2893 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 2 38 57 45. 74 76 26 24. 60 N 4 26E N 64 17 W S 21 45 w S 4 26W S 64 17 E N 21 44 E 4039 Chase. 1508 1 Greenbury Point Light. 2735 1 Tolly. 3 38 57 56. 16 76 26 26. 80 N 5 45E N 76 53 W S 18 17 W S 5 45 W S 76 54 E N 18 16E 3694 1336 3045 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 4 38 57 57.21 76 25 57, 41 N 6 20 W N 82 38 W S 30 34 w S 6 20E S 82 39 E N 30 34 E 3662 2092 3400 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. TOLLY POINT. {Annapolis Roads — Ckatis Nos. 2 and j.) I 38 55 51.02 / // 76 25 58. 66 N 24 18 W N 51 56 W S 4 31 W S 24 17 E vS 51 56 E N 4 31 E Yards. 4963 2154 3883 Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. Thomas Point Light. 2 38 56 45. 52 76 27 13.00 S 27 13 E N 30 27 E N 40 08 W N 27 12 W S 30 28 W S 40 09 E 573 5744 2884 Tolly. Hackett. Start. 3 38 57 28. 74 76 27 32.60 N 60 54 W S 46 22 W S 21 35 E S 60 54 E N 46 22 E N 21 35 W 1537 1 130 2115 Start. Gram. Tolly. 4 38 57 42. 02 76 27 io.6o N 10 44 W S 48 42 w S 4 42 E S 10 45 E N 48 42 E N 4 42 W 794 1859 2422 Greenbury Point Light. Gram. Tolly. 5 38 57 13- 35 76 26 51. 19 N 20 40 \V S 82 14 W S 12 11 W S 20 40 E N 82 14 E N 12 II E 1867 1926 1481 Greenbury Point Light. Gram. Tolly. 6 38 57 03. 78 76 26 25. 24 N 20 52 E N 33 02 W S 41 31 w S 20 53 \V S 33 02 E N41 31 E 4640 2463 1503 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. ' 38 56 13.81 76 25 32.62 N 2 3-, E N 36 00 W N 76 46 W S 2 33W S 36 01 E .S 76 46 E 6027 4641 2447 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. CHINKS POINT. (Annapolis Roads— Chart No. 2.) 35 Cor- True bearing Distauce U. S.C. & G. S. triangulatlon station. of bar Forward Back I 38 57 17-56 / // 76 28 00. 09 N 35 45 E N 28 51 W vS 13 07 w S 35 44 W S 28 51 E N 13 07 E Yards. 1977 1284 413 Greenbury Point Light. Start. Gram. 2 38 57 53-74 76 28 09. 53 S 75 31 W S 5 27 E N 74 40 E N 75 31 E N 5 27 W S 74 41 W 383 1629 1456 Start. Gram. Greenbury Point Light. 3 38 57 59- 42 76 27 47.38 S 73 14 W S 13 17 w N 76 45 E N 73 14 E N 13 17 E S 76 45 W 996 1863 843 Start. Gram. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 57 42.02 76 27 10. 60 N 10 44 W S 48 42 w S 4 42 E S 10 45 E N 48 42 E N 4 42 W 794 1859 2422 Greenbury Point Light. Gram. ToUy. 5 38 57 28.74 76 27 32.60 N 60 54 W S 46 22 W S 21 35 E S 60 54 E N 46 22 E N 21 35 W 1537 1 130 2115 Start. Gram. Tolly. INSIDE GREENBURY POINT. [Lower Severn River — Chart No. 2.) / // / // / Yards. I 38 58 13-37 76 27 29.65 S 61 56 \V S51 54E N30 56 E N61 55 E N 51 54 W S 30 56 w 1610 449 510 Start. Greenbury Point Light. Greenbury. 2 38 58 14.06 76 27 36. 89 S 57 35 W S 61 06 E N47 34 E N 57 .35 E N 61 06 W S 47 34 W 1457 622 612 Start. Greenbury Point Light. Greenbury. 3 38 58 55- 75 76 27 29. 30 S 82 28 W S51 15 w S 1 1 25 E N 82 28 E N51 15 E Nil 24 W 3156 1927 1 741 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 58 54- 50 76 27 18.35 S 83 48 w S 56 59 W S I 56E N 83 48 E N 56 58 E N I 56W 3438 2137 1666 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury Point Light. 36 Siiriuy of Oyster Bars., Aiiiic Arundel Co/ii/iy, Md. HORN POINT. (J\/oiil/i 0/ Severn River — Cliarl No. 2.) Cor- IvOngitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I 38 57 59-58 76 28 13.62 N 82 55 E N 26 02 W S 41 57 W S 82 55 W S 26 02 E N 41 56 E Yards. 1523 766 395 Greenbury Point Light. Horn. .Start. 2 38 58 25.61 76 28 14.43 N 72 44 W -S 58 57 W S 65 46 E S 72 45 K N 58 57 E N 65 46 \V 2028 367 16S1 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury Point Light. 3 38 58 34.38 76 28 46. 21 S 67 25 E N 20 20 E. N 74 27 W N 67 26 W S 20 20 W vS 74 28 E 2566 1339 1 146 Greenbury Point Light. Bhiff. State House Dome. 4 38 58 49- 44 76 28 17.05 N 22 03 W S 83 54 w vS 47 00 E S 22 03 E N S3 53 E N 46 59 \V 806 1883 2190 Bluff. State House Dome. Greenbury Point Light. 5 38 58 40. 06 76 28 06. 03 N 29 08 W N 86 56 W S 48 05 E S 29 oS E S 86 57 E N 48 05 W 1217 2165 1763 Bluff. State House Dome. CJreenbury Point Light. 6 38 58 07. 42 76 27 49. 50 vS- 85 00 E N I 08E S 58 II W N85 00 W S I 08 W N 58 II E 879 1695 1056 Greenbury Point Light. Fort. Start. OLD FORT. {Lower Severn River — Chart No. I / // 38 58 41. 78 76 27 42.38 N 15 57 W S 57 38 W S 48 52 E S 15 57 E N 57 37 E N 48 51 W Yards. 561 1375 793 Fort. Horn. Greenbury. 2 38 58 49- 56 76 28 og. 64 N 64 08 E N 33 48 W S 23 51 W S 64 09 W S 33 48 E N 23 51 E 627 895 1090 Fort. Bluff. Horn. 3 38 58 56. 77 76 27 57. 56 S 79 22 W S -,i 28 W S 44 08 E N 79 22 E N 31 28 E N 44 08 W 2427 1453 1430 State Dome. Horn. Greenbury. 4 38 58 49- 85 76 27 37.41 S 85 48 W S .52 01 W S 30 26 E N 85 47 E N 52 00 E N 30 26 W 2923 1636 921 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Ai/ite Anindel Coiiuly^ Md. LITTLE SANDY. {Lower Severn River — Chart No. 2.) 37 CRECES COVE. {Lower Severn River — Chart No. 2.) I 38 59 13- 44 76 28 38. 63 N 39 18 W vS 52 15 w S 76 47 E S 39 19 E N 52 14 E N 76 47 W y'ards. 1 194 1646 272 Brice. State Dome. Bluff. 2 38 59 23.31 76 28 39. 65 N 50 59 W S 43 34 W S 9 17 E S 51 00 E N 43 33 E N 9 17 \V 938 1854 2164 Brice. State House Dome. Horn 3 38 59 23. 65 76 28 33. 55 S 85 24 w S 46 43 W S 5 01 E N 85 24 E N 46 42 E N 5 01 AV 1498 1975 2155 Hospital Cupola. State House Doiue. Horn. 4 38 59 13- 78 76 28 33. 22 N 44 34 W S 54 46 W S 59 03 E S 44 34 E N 54 46 E N 59 03 W 1281 1771 143 Brice. State House Dome. Bluff. FERRY POINT. {Lower Severn River — Chart No. 2. / // , / Yards. I 38 59 23. 08 76 28 49.50 N 38 05 W S 84 37 W S 37 19 w S 38 05 E N 84 37 E N 37 19 E 760 1078 1679 Brice. Hospital Cupola. .State House Dome. 2 38 59 34- 03 76 28 58. 13 N 46 39 W S 60 57 w S 24 53 W S 46 39 E N 60 56 E N 24 53 E 334 969 1879 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 3 38 59 36. 13 76 28 54.03 N 65 41 W S 60 27 W S 26.51 W S 65 41 E N 60 26 E N 26 51 E 385 1098 1989 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 4 38 59 24.91 76 28 45. 70 N 46 43 W S 82 06 W S 38 40 W S 46 43 E N 82 06 E N 38 40 E 783 1185 1789 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. PEACH ORCHARD. {Middle Severn River- Chart No. 2. ) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S.C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back 1 38 59 36. 22 76 29 17.07 N58 41 E N 59 42 W S 32 37 W S 58 41 W S 59 42 E N 32 36 E Yards. 300 644 646 Brice. Field. Hospital Cupola. 2 38 59 46.01 76 29 13. 91 N31 34 W S 89 33 W S 44 37 E S 31 34 E N 89 33 E N 44 37 W 1318 640 245 Knob. Field. Brice. 3 39 00 06. 98 76 29 25. 53 N 42 43 W S 25 06 W S 28 25 E S 42 43 E N 25 06 E N 28 25 W 566 786 1005 Knob. Field. Brice. 4 39 00 09. 77 76 29 35. 76 N 51 13 W S 4 34 W S 37 27 E S 51 13 E N 4 34E N 37 27 W 1219 809 1229 Spring. Field. Brice. 5 39 00 15.30 76 29 29. 75 N 63 36 W S 12 38 W S 26 54 E S 63 36 E N 12 38 E ' N 26 53 W 305 1017 1304 Knob. Field. Brice. 6 39 00 I 2. 79 76 29 23.64 N 63 06 W S 22 53 W S 21 41 E S 63 06 E i N 22 53 E N 21 41 W 487 985 "59 Knob. Field. Brice. 7 3« 59 58. 56 76 29 12.85 N 45 43 W S 57 19 W S 13 35 E S 45 43 E N57 18 E N 13 35 W 1003 793 615 Knob. Field. Brice. 8 38 59 39- 41 76 29 10.39 N 59 01 E N 73 27 W S 38 48 W S 59 01 W S 73 28 E N 38 48 E 93 763 837 Brice. Field. Hospital Cupola. WEEMS LOWER. {Middle Severn River — Chart No. 2.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 59 38. 30 76 29 26.54 N 80 24 E N 50 iS W S 9 .jg W S So 25 W S 50 18 E N 9 09 E 512 399 623 Brice. Field. Hospital Cupola. 2 38 59 39. 00 76 29 33. 72 S 8 02 E N 84 55 E N 27 03 W N 8 02 W S 84 55 W S 27 03 E 644 697 260 Hospital Cupola. Brice. Field. 3 38 59 45. 23 76 29 32. 87 N Si 24 W s 434E S 77 32 E vS 81 24 E N 4 34 W N 77 32 W 142 851 688 Field. Hospital Cupola. Brice. 4 38 59 44. 58 76 29 25. So N 82 28 W S 8 09W S 75 24 E S S2 28 E N 8 09E N 75 24 W , 329 834 502 Field. Hospital Cupola. Brice. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aiiiic Arundel County^ Md. WEEMS UPPER. {Middle Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) 39 Cor- Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatio n station. bar Forward Back o / // / // , / Yards. I 38 59 50- 39 76 29 41. 68 S 70 21 E N 2 24 E N 49 34 W N 70 21 W S 2 24 W S 49 35 E 959 977 1543 Brice. Knob. Weeuis. 2 38 59 57- 50 76 30 GO. 96 N 68 i6 E N 36 41 E N 41 15 W S 68 16 \V S 36 41 W S 41 15 E 1518 918 1012 u a 3 38 59 59- 38 76 29 37. 93 vS 52 08 E N 4 55 W N6i 17 W N 52 08 W S 4 55E S 61 18 E 1019 675 145 1 Brice. Knob. Weems. WADE. {Middle Severn River — Chart No. 2.) / // , „ Yards. I 39 00 02. 43 76 29 54.00 S 59 18 E N 32 39 E N 24 57 W N 59 18 W S 32 39 W S 24 57 E 1427 677 '115 Brice. Knob. Spring. 2 39 00 15.01 76 30 28. 50 S 61 39 E N 83 29 E N 36 41 E N 61 38 W S 83 30 W S 36 41 w 2427 1282 732 Brice. Knob. Spring. 3 39 00 II. 88 76 30 06. 26 S 55 58 E N 69 57 E N 12 03 W N 55 57 W S 69 57 w S 12 03 E 1871 732 709 Brice. Knob. Spring. 40 Sunny of Oyster Bai's^ Anne Arundel Conn/y, Md. TRACEvS HOLLOW. {Middle Severn River— Chart No. 2.) SHARP POINT. {jMiddlc Severn River—Chart No. 2. D / // , „ / / Yards. I 39 oo 21. 87 76 30 22.03 S 85 32 E N 36 54 E N 65 00 W N 85 32 W S 36 54 W S 65 01 E 1 106 445 H45 Knob. Spring. Luce. 2 39 00 28. 40 76 30 54. 04 N 83 05 E N n IT E S 83 05 W vS II 1 1 w 1118 869 Spring. Cool. N 36 35 W S 36 35 E 328 Luce. 3 39 00 40.02 76 30 51.60 X 62 07 W S 63 46 W S 44 40 E S 62 07 E N 63 45 E N 44 40 W 1237 290 947 Salt. Luce. Weems. Surz'ey of Oyster Bars, Ahhc Arundel Count\\ Md. 41 SALTWORK. {Upper Severn, River — Chart No. 2.) Cor- Longitude True bearing Di.stance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiou station. har Forward Back / // / Yards. I 39 "o 3S. 76 76 30 58.06 N 56 04 W S 46 25 W S 52 57 E S 56 05 E N 46 25 E N 52 58 W 1112 '25 IU47 Salt. Luce. Weeins. 2 39 ut) 45. 40 76 31 I7-U3 S 52 53 E N 10 59 E N 46 53 W N 52 53 W S 10 59 W S 46 53 E 513 S52 5«i Luce. Chase. Salt. 3 39 00 4S. 27 76 31 15. 62 S 42 28 E N 9 36 E N 56 56 W N 42 28 W S 9 36 w S 56 56 E 55 > 75" 550 Luce. Chase. Salt. 4 39 uo 41. 62 76 30 56.55 N 61 25 W S 35 2S W S 47 35 E S 61 26 E N 35 28 E N 47 35 W 1096 223 1078 Salt. Luce. Weenis. ROCK POINT LOWER. {Upper Severn River— Chart No. 2.) CHASE. ( Upper Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) / // / „ / / Yards. 39 01 06.64 7631 [6.52 S 60 06 E N 51 03 E N62 12 W N 60 06 W S 51 03 W S 62 12 E 877 191 68 1 Cool. Chase. Clem. 2 39 01 21. 97 76 31 17-74 N 27 51 W S 70 47 W .S 25 51 W S 27 51 E N 70 47 E N 25 51 E 355 605 930 Point. Clem. Salt. 3 39 01 08. 33 76 31 II. 62 S 51 57 E N 17 30 E N 70 22 W N 51 57 W S 17 30 W S 70 23 E 802 67 77S Cool. Chase. Clem. 330—07- 42 Siir7'rv of Ovsfrr Bars, Ajuic Aritiidcl Coituty, Aid. CLEM POINT. ( upper Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) Cor- Iern River — Chart No. 2.) / ,, / „ / Yards. 1 39 01 31-79 76 31 36.54 S 8 II W S 87 07 E N 7 28 E N 8 II E N 87 07 W S 7 28 W 536 329 81S Clem. Point. Bight. 2 39 01 46. 21 76 31 33- 43 N 4 18E S 78 43 W S 8 51 \V S 4 18W N 78 42 E N 8 50 E 326 701 1029 Bight. Brewer. Clem. 3 39 t" 44. 38 76 31 27-74 N 17 57 W S 84 51 W S 17 52 w S 17 57 E N84 51 E N 17 52E 406 841 1003 Bight. Brewer. Clem. AISOUITH CREEK. ( Upper Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) / // / /, / / ) 'ards. I j 39 01 48. 26 76 3' 34- 61 N 12 15 E S 72 33 W S 6 41 \V S 12 15 w N 72 33 E N 6 41 E 261 688 1093 Bight. Brewer. Clem. 2 39 01 56. 26 76 31 43- 25 N 48 07 W S 42 02 w S 87 08 E S 48 07 E N 42 02 E N 87 08 W 639 64: 283 Arnold. Brewer. Bight. 3 39 01 59. 26 76 31 38. 16 N 60 49 W S 44 17 W S 52 14 E S 60 49 E N 44 17 E N 52 14 W 769 807 188 Arnold. Brewer. Bight. Survey of Oyslcr Bars, Aiiiir Arundel County, Aid. BREWER (SEVERN RIVER). {Upper Severn River — Chart A^o. 2.) 43 Cor- Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. trial of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 39 01 52.03 76 32 38. 08 N 85 43 E N 55 39 E N 68 35 W S 85 44 W S 55 40 w S 68 36 E 1726 1097 877 Bight. Arnold. Bay. 2 39 01 59. 72 76 32 26.03 S 49 35 E N 58 39 E N 47 53 W N 49 34 \V S 58 39 W S 47 54 E 914 687 2149 Brewer. Arnold. Long. 3 39 01 56. 58 76 32 01.65 S 88 08 E N 6 31 W N 88 08 W S 6 31 E 768 46S Bight. Arnold. N 84 37 W S 84 38 E 1783 Bav. POPPIN POINT. ( Upper Severn River— Chart A'o. 2. / // / // / r Yards. I 59 01 59- 21 76 32 43. 64 N 70 18 E N 37 47 W N S3 21 W S 70 19 w S 37 48 E S 83- 21 E 1117 1845 675 Arnold. Long. Bay. 2 39 02 10. 37 76 33 21. 98 S 48 34 E N 6 26 W N 55 52 W N 48 34 W S 6 26E S 55 52 E 451 10S8 838 Bay. Long. Island. 3 39 02 17.67 76 33 07-79 N 78 09 \V S 3 44 W S 81 42 E S 78 10 E N 3 44 E N 81 41 W 10S9 54S 1704 I.sland. Bay. Arnold. 4 39 02 06. 17 76 32 46.63 N 82 51 E N 40 41 W S 75 12 W S 82 52 W S 40 42 E N 75 12 E 1 138 1613 612 Arnold. Long. Bay. 44 Survey qf Ovslrr Bars^ Aititc Antndrl COmi/v, Md. ARNOLD POINT. ( l-pt>cr Scvcyn River— Chart Xo. 2.) Latitude Longitude True bearing 1 39 02 06. 40 76 32 12.40 S 22 53 E N 22 53 W N 59 45 E : S 59 45 W ; N 3 52 W ' S 3 52 E 2 1 39 02 17. 75 ' 76 32 29. S5 S 33 33 E N 33 33 W S 70 08 E N 70 07 W N 13 57 E S 13 57 W Yards. 1 888 266 1757 1440 733 1413 3 39 U2 47. 48 76 32 22. 95 S 3S 06 W S 15 36 E N 23 20 E N 38 05 E N 15 35 W S 23 20 W 1970 2288 40 r Bay. Brewer. Swan. 4 39 02 42.43 76 32 16. 43 X I 19 W S 45 09 W S 12 18 E S I 19 E N 45 08 E N 12 18 W 539 '955 2081 Swan. Bay. Brewer. 5 39 02 22. 35 76 32 19. 14 N 2 47 E S 61 52 W S 20 46 E S 2 47 w N61 51 E N 20 46 W 1216 1492 1452 Swan. Bay. Brewer, U. vS. C. & G. vS. triangulation station. Brewer. Arnold. Swan. Brewer. Arnold. Swan. BIG ISLAND. ( Upper Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) / // / // / / Yards. I 39 02 28. 99 76 34 00. 56 S 55 36 E N 63 04 E N 20 15 E N 55 36 ^\• S 63 04 w S 20 15 w 1639 1002 1613 Bay. Long. Sharp. 2 39 02 33- 62 76 34 04. 88 S 53 34 E N 73 32 E N 26 20 E N 53 34 W S 73 32 W S 26 20 w 1822 1050 1515 Bay. Long. Sharp. 3 39 "2 38- 13 76 33 56. 80 S 45 27 E N 79 37 E N 20 52 E N 45 26 W s 79 38 w S 20 52 w .1760 807 1290 Bay. Long. Sharp. ROUND BAY. {tpper Severn River — C/iart .\o. 2. , „ / // / / 1 Yards. I 39 02 58. 56 76 33 3'- 65 S 13 42 E N 44 38 E N 21 22 W N 13 42 W S 44 38 W S 21 22 E 558 Long. 1676 High. 554 Sharp. 2 39 03 06. 69 76 33 34.04 S 13 26 E N 53 28 E N 29 53 W N 13 26 W S 53 28 W S 29 53 E 840 1 Long. 1544 High. 279 ! Sharp. 3 39 03 04- 34 76 33 18.90 N 40 10 E N 59 07 W S 15 22 W vS 40 10 w S 59 07 E N 15 22 E ; 1307 High. 626 Sharp. ' 766 'Long. SiiiTey i)J Oyster Bars^ .li/i/c .InoK/i:/ Cnniily^ Md. ROCK POINT urrER. ( upper Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) 45 Car- Latitude True beainug Distance U. S. C. & G. S. t riaugulatiou station. ol bar Forward Back I 39 03 17-91 76 33 01. 49 S 60 N35 Ns6 44 E 26 E 01 W 1 N 60 43 W S 35 26 VV S 56 02 E Yards. 1344 664 1746 Swan. High. Cedar. 2 39 03 36- 56 76 32 59- 5S N 76 S 53 S 75 5SW 48 W 16 E ; s 76 58 E ! N 53 47 E N 75 16 W 153S 1296 347 Cedar. Sharp. High. ■' 39 03 37- 36 76 :;2 34. 13 N 78 S 56 S59 58 w 20 W 00 E S 78 59 E N 56 19 E N 39 00 W 1672 1428 223 Cedar. Sharp. High. ^ 39 03 20. 36 76 32 4S. 52 S 48 20 E N s 28 E X 6:5 28 W N 48 20 W S 5 28 w S 63 29 E IU3 460 2005 Swan. High. Cedar. UNDER THE GUMS. (Chesapeake Ray behveen .Annapolis Roads and Thomas Point — Chart A'o. j.) I / // 38 54 43- 5S 76 27 13.97 N3r 36 W S 88 06 W S 3 09 E S 31 35 E N 88 05 E N 3 og W Yards. 1262 1441 488 Cottage. Arundel. Thomas. 2 38 55 53- 62 76 27 32. 82 S 7 14 w S TO 25 E N 25 29 E N 7 14 E N 10 25 W S 25 29 \V 1298 2891 934 Cottage. Thomas. Bay Ridge Stack. 3 38 56 17. Tl 76 26 59. 76 N 10 58 W N S3 43 W S 26 30 w S 10 58 E S 83 43 E N 26 29 E 457 471 2324 Tolly. Bay Ridge Stack. Cottage. 4 38 56 09. o5 76 26 48.87 N 66 51 W S 36 13 w S 12 48 E S 66 51 E N 36 12 E N 12 48 W 821 2242 4594 Bav Ridge Stack. Cottage. [JQ Thomas Point Light. 5 38 55 25-41 76 26 56.64 N 17 03 W S 73 '7W S 22 07 E S 17 04 E N 73 17 K N 22 07 W 1878 1169 3248 Bay Ridge Stack. Cottage. Thomas Point Light. 6 3S 54 50. 14 76 26 49.48 N 56 53 W S 41 12 w S 29 38 E S 56 53 E N 41 12 E N 29 37 W 1563 937 2091 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 46 Siirvrv of Ovs/rr Bars, Anne Aniiidrl Coioi/y, Md. THOMAS POINT NORTH. [North of Thomas Point Light—Chart No. 3.) Cor- Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulalion station of bar Forward Back I 38 53 44. 24 76 25 52. 57 N 42 18 W N 54 26 W S 79 25 W S 42 19 E S 54 27 E N 79 23 E Yards. 4167 2604 5612 Cottage. Thoma.s. Gowan. 2 38 53 55- 73 76 26 23.01 N 87 08 E N 36 45 W S 73 13 W S 87 08 \V S 36 46 E N73 II E 337 3357 4924 Thoma.s Point Light. Cottage. Gowan. 3 38 54 09. 43 76 26 21.37 N 63 57 W S 68 26 W S 33 23 E S 63 57 E N 68 24 E N 33 23 W 1512 5116 533 Thomas. Gowan. Thomas Point Light. 4 38 54 41- 78 76 26 54. 87 N 45 41 W sS 47 34 W sS 37 26 E S 45 41 E N 47 34 E N 37 26 W 1628 644 1932 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 5 38 54 50- 14 76 26 49- 48 N 56 53 W S 41 12 w S 29 38 E S 56 53 E N 41 12 E N 29 37 W 1563 937 2091 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 6 38 55 00.30 76 26 22. 75 N 75 45 W S 51 32 w S 8 40E S 75 46 E N51 31E N 8 40W 2073 1690 2185 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 7 38 5J 48- 81 76 25 55.02 N 71 53 W S 72 u6 W sS 12 45 w S 71 54 E N 72 05 E N 12 45 E 2887 2159 1819 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 8 38 54 23. 04 76 26 02. 85 N 55 09 W N 83 39 W S 12 loW S 55 09 E S 83 39 E N 12 10 E 3094 1859 925 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. Si(r7U'v of Oys/r/- Bars, Aiuic Aniiidf/ Comity^ Md. THOMAS POINT SOUTH. ( Off entrana' to South River^Chart No. j.) 47 cor. ' True bearing Distance U. S, C, Si. G. S. triangnlation station. bar 1 Forward Back I \ 3S 5.^ "-92 76 27 15. 19 N 48 49 E N t ISE N 89 02 W S 48 49 W S I 18 W S 89 03 E Yards. 2275 2604 3340 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 2 38 54 15. 00 76 27 24.91 S 72 09 E N 33 29 E N 81 lu W N 72 09 W S 33 29 W S 81 12 E 2067 572 3606 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Selby. 3 38 53 55- 73 76 26 23,01 N 87 08 E N 36 45 W S 73 13 W S 87 oS W S 36 46 E N73 II E 337 3357 4924 Thomas Point Light. Cottage. Gowan. 4 3S 53 44- 24 76 25 52.57 N 42 iS \V N 54 26 W S 79 25 W S 42 19 E S 54 27 E N 79 23 E 4167 2604 5612 Cottage. Thomas. Gowan. 5 3''> 53 ' 7- 66 76 26 06. 79 N 4 02 W N 35 59 W S 88 30 W S 4 02 E S 35 59 E N 88 28 E 13^4 2975 5143 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 6 • 38 53 31-79 76 26 16. 39 Nil 06 E N 37 37 W S 82 52 W S 1 1 06 W vS 37 38 E N 82 50 E S40 2442 4928 Thomas Point Li.ght. Thomas. Gowan. 7 3S 53 30. 53 76 27 0!.2I N 57 10 E N- 8 54 W S 81 14 w S 57 10 W S 8 54 E NSi 13 E 1599 2000 3745 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. OLD WOMAN. {Chesapeake Bay — E?Urancc to South River — Chart No. j.) / ,/ / // / , Yards. 1 38 53 II. 92 76 27 15. 19 N 48 49 E N I 18E N 89 02 W S 48 49 w S I 18 w S 89 03 E 2275 2604 3340 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 2 38 53 20. 61 76 28 06.36 N 68 35 E N 31 21 E S 83 14 W S 68 36 W S 31 21 W N 83 13 E 3287 2706 2006 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 3 38 54 II. 00 76 28 25. 29 S 82 01 E N 22 41 E N 70 44 W N 82 03 W S 22 41 W S 70 45 E 3594 1 138 2089 Thomas Point Light. ArundeL Selby. 4 38 54 15.00 76 27 24.91 S 72 09 E N 33 29 E N81 10 W N 72 09 W S 33 29 W S 81 12 E 2067 572 3606 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Selby. 48 Surz'cy 0/ Orsiei Ba/ s, Aiii/c Arundel County^ Md. MARSHY POINT. {Mouth of South River— ChaH No. 3.) Cor- lyOiigitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. Jtc;. S. triangulalio of .-«""-.^ bar Forward Back I 38 53 20.61 i 76 28 06. 36 N 68 35 E N 31 21 E S 83 14 W S 68 36 W S 31 21 W N 83 13 E Yards. 3287 2706 2006 Thomas Point UkIiI- Thomas. Go wan. 2 38 53 49- S2 76 29 24. 70 N 87 36 E N 4S 3S E N 16 08 W S 87 38 W S 48 39 ^\' S 16 uS E 5129 2671 1461 Thomas Point I.iglit. Arundel. Selby. 3 38 54 15. 82 76 29 31.20 S 82 53 E N 67 48 E N 24 02 W N 82 55 W S 67 49 W S 24 02 E 5337 2349 576 Thomas Point I.isht. Arundel. .Selby. 4 38 54 29- 17 76 28 38. 13 N 87 20 W S 24 22 W N 60 36 E S 87 20 E N 24 21 E S 60 37 W 1635 2797 892 Selby. Gowan. Arundel. 5 38 54 35.04 76 28 19-55 N 50 1 1 E S 86 43 W S 30 50 W S 50 1 1 W N 86 42 E N 30 50 E 375 2126 3199 Arundel. Selby. Gowan. 6 38 54 11.00 76 28 25.29 S 82 01 E N 22 41 E N 70 44 W N 82 0^ W S 22 41 W S 70 45 E 3594 1 138 2089 Thomas Point Li^bt. Arundel. .Selby. TURKEY POINT. [Lozi'fr South River — ChaH No. j.) I 38 54 28. 45 76 30 oS. 02 N 82 13 E N 4 19E N 23 53 W S 82 13 w S 4 20 W vS 23 54 E y'ariis. 743 1974 3203 Selby. Hill. Switch. 2 38 54 33. 04 76 30 11.84 S 86 17 E N 7 51 E N 23 29 W N 86 17 W s 7 51 w S 23 29 E 838 1S27 1438 Selby. Hill. Mayo. 3 38 54 40. 91 76 29 49. 08 N 89 05 E N 12 46 W N 48 04 W S 89 04 W S 12 46E S 48 04 E 2648 1584 1577 Arundel. Hill. Mayo. 4 38 54 41.46 76 29 25. 41 N 60 03 W S 48 42 W N 89 20 E S 60 o; E N 48 42 E S 89 21 W 2073 514 2023 Mavo. Selby. Arundel. 5 j8 54 34- 1 1 76 29 21. 18 N 3r 27 W S 79 44 W S 24 W S 31 27 E N 79 44 E N 24E 20S0 507 2715 Hill. Selby. Gowan. 6 38 54 30.04 76 29 32. 30 N 22 31 W N 77 "lo W S 6 04E S 22 31 E S 77 10 E N 6 04 W 2069 211 2592 Hill. Selby. Gowan. 7 38 54 36. 91 76 29 36. 78 N 51 33 W S 25 24 w N 85 39 E S 51 33 E N 25 24 E S 85 40 W 1912 205 2329 Mayo. Selby. Arundel. Survey of Oyster Bars, Aiiiie Arundel Couiih\ Md. 49 RULER FLATS. {Lower South River — Chart No. j. ) Cor- Longitude True bearing Distance U. .S. C. & G S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I 38 54 29- 17 76 28 38. 13 N 87 20 W S 24 22 W N 60 36 E S 87 20 E N 24 21 E S 60 37 W Yards. 1635 2797 892 Selby. Gowan. Arundel. 2 38 54 39- 77 76 29 04. 97 N 43 41 W S 73 06 W S 8 44 W S 43 42 E N 73 06 E N 8 44 E 2189 Hill. 968 Selby. 2940 Gowan. 3 38 54 56. 37 76 28 44. 25 N 63 34 W S 60 15 W S 15 59 W S 63 35 E N 60 15 E N 15 58 E 2299 ! Hill. 1695 1 Selby. 3605 1 Gowan. 4 38 54 35. 04 76 28 19.55 N 50 1 1 E S 86 43 W S 30 50 W S 50 II W N 86 42 E N 30 50 E 375 2126 3199 Arundel. Selby. Gowan. SWAN REEF. {Lower South River — Chart No. , / // , „ / Yards. I 38 54 39- 77 76 29 04. 97 N 43 41 W S 73 06 W S 8 44 W S 43 42 E N 73 06 E N 8 44 E 2189 968 2940 Hill. Selby. Gowan. 2 38 54 55- 47 76 29 45.06 N 23 21 W N 66 15 W S 9 oS E S 23 21 E S 66 15 E N 9 u8 W 1 148 1398 821 Hill. Mayo. Selby. 3 38 55 20.53 76 29 21. 14 N 79 07 W S 16 48 W S 16 W S 79 oS E N 16 48 E N 16E 1 106 1730 42S1 Hill. Selby. Gowan. 4 38 55 17- 03 76 29 06. 64 N 77 27 W S 29 50 w S 5 3>W S 77 28 E N 29 50 E N 5 31E 1504 1773 4181 Hill. Selby. Gowan. 5 38 54 56. 37 76 28 44. 25 N 63 34 W S 60 15 \V S 15 59 W S 63 35 E N 60 I s E N 15 58 E 2299 1695 3605 Hill. Selby. Gowan. 50 Survcv of Ovsfrr Bars, Anne Arundel Coiiiitv, Md. OUTER ROUND POINT. {Lower South River — Chart No. j.) 1 Cor- "qJ" 1 I^atitude bar Longitude True bearing Distance U. ,'^. C, & G. S. triangulation .station. Forward Back I 3S 54 39. 32 76 30 07. 50 S 69 46 E N 4 5' E N31 5uW N 69 45 W S 4 51 w S 31 51 E Yards. 769 1604 1304 Selbv. Hill.' Mayo. 2 3S 55 o2. 57 76 30 27. 19 vS 49 45 E N 38 46 E N 27 34 W N 49 45 W S 38 46 W S 27 34 E 1625 1044 365 SelbA-. Hill.' Mayo. 3 38 55 05. S3 76 30 21. 40 S 43 15 E N 35 30 E N 56 25 W N 43 14 W S 35 30 W S 56 25 E 1588 866 386 Selbv. Hill.' Mayo. 4 38 54 5". 26 76 29 53. 36 S 84 21 E N 10 57 W N 55 09 W N 84 20 W S 10 57 E S 55 10 E 2773 1252 1293 Arundel. Hill. Mayo. INNER ROUND POINT. (Lower South River — Chart No. j.) / // , ,/ / / Yards. I 38 55 10. 96 76 30 47. 42 N 65 53 E N 9 51 W N 29 29 W S 65 53 W S 951 E S 29 29 E 1300 1518 3759 Hill. Switch. Waggaman. 2 38 55 iS. 09 76 30 48. 10 N 76 25 E N 10 54 W N 46 14 W S 76 26 W S lu 54 E S 46 15 E 1239 1277 1813 Hill. Switch. Cedar. 3 3855 ■5-56 76 30 27. 68 N 30 1 1 W S 53 40 W S 40 02 E S 30 II E N 53 40 E N 40 02 W 1550 194 1944 Switch. Mayo. Selby. HILL POINT EAST. (Lozver South River — Chart No. 3. / / Yards. I 38 55 20. 97 76 29 52. 13 N S S 54 ■? W K. 44 E 64 22 E S 54 18 E N lu 44 \\- N 64 21 \V 332 J 701 3025 Hill. Selby. Arundel. 2 38 55 25. 06 76 29 54. 63 S S S 67 U2 \V II 57 E 62 37 E N 67 u2 E N II 57 W N 62 38 W 1115 1S48 3'45 Mayo. Selby. Arundel. 3 38 55 30. 57 76 29 29.42 s s s 81 28 W 69 50 w 8 02 W N Si 28 E N 69 50 E N 8 02 E 878 1 801 2014 Hill. Mayo. Selby. 4 38 55 25.50 76 29 28. 36 N s s 87 22 W 75 21 W 9 38 W S 87 23 E N 75 20 E N 9 38 E 897 1777 1849 Hill. Mayo. Selby. Survey of Oyster Bars, Aiiiie Antiidel Coiiuly, Md. HILIv POINT. {Lower South River — Chart No. _j. ) 51 Cor- "" Latitude I.oiiKitiide True bearing Distance r. s. c. & G. s bar Forward Back I : 3S 55 04. 97 76 30 (JO. 19 N 4 29 W N 74 36 \V S 25 04 E vS 4 29 E S 74 36 B N 25 04 W Yardi. 736 913 1249 Hill. Mavo. Selby. 2 38 55 22. Su 76 30 1 8. 57 S 30 20 E N 7^ 10 E N 42 56 W N 30 19 W S 73 10 w S 42 56 E 2.K,7 456 1497 Selbv. Hill. Switch. 3 38 55 39- 26 76 30 07. 76 N 77 10 W S 36 41 W S 18 34 E S 77 II E N 36 41 E N 18 34 W 2432 1 140 446 Cedar. Mayo. Hill. ROCK roixT. (Lozt'cr South River — Chart No. ?. / // / // / / Yards. I 38 55 20. 49 76 30 47.71 N So 01 E S So 02 W 1213 Hill. N 12 06 W .S 1 2 07 E 1 201 Switch. N 48 22 W S 48 22 E '765 Cedar. 2 38 55 28. 28 76 30 56.01 S 87 52 E N 87 52 W 1414 Hill. N 2 05 W S 2 05 K 912 Switch. N 50 24 W S 50 24 E 1427 Cedar. 38 55 29. 48 76 30 40.51 vS 17 21 E N 17 21 W 612 Mavo. S 84 42 E N 84 42 W Kxig Hill. N 26 52 W vS 26 52 E 977 Switch. FOX POINT. {Lower South River — Chart Xo. ,-.) / // / // / Yards. I 38 55 38. 68 76 30 24. 43 N 57 04 W S 57 04 E 1031 Switch. S IS 13 w N 15 13 E 926 Mavo. S 55 24 E xN 55 23 W 70S Hill. 2 3S 55 42. 79 76 ",u 42. 66 N 42 22 W S 42 22 E 57 > vSwitch. S 13 01 E N 13 0, W 1060 Mavo. S 62 57 E N 62 57 W ug2 Hill. 3 38 5^ 48. 04 76 30 40. 60 N60 51 W S 60 52 E 503 Switch. S 8 40 E N S 4,1 W 1224 Mavo. S 54 21 E N 54 21 W 1239 Hill. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Aii)/e Arundel County, Md. PURDY FLATS. (Midiilf South River— Chart No. 3.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatio of bar Forward Back / // / // / , Yards. I 3« 55 32- 97 76 30 58. 82 S 43 26 E N 3 06 E N 4^ 26 W S \ 06 W 967 755 Mayo. Switch. N 53 47 W S 53 47 E 1273 Cedar. 2 3S 55 40- 32 76 31 31.70 vS 78 59 E N 60 53 E N 78 5S ^\■ S 60 5^ W ^97 1038 Hill. Switch. N 16 40 W S 16 41 E 2382 Waggaman. 3 38 55 47. 20 76 3: 09.44 S 38 38 E N 49 34 E N 69 59 W N 3« 37 W S 49 34 W S 69 59 E 15 1 2 421 795 Mavo. Switch. Cedar. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. {Middle South River- Chart No. 3. ) / // / ,• / / Yards. I 3S 55 57- 18 76 31 0S.83 N 36 54 W S 85 1 1 W S 31 26 E S 36 53 E N 85 10 E N 31 26 W 2142 766 1779 Waggaman. Cedar. Mayo. 2 38 56 30. 58 76 3t 20. 96 S 86 19 W S 20 26 W S 27 4; E N 86 39 E N 20 26 E N 27 40 W 14S0 1271 1344 Almshouse. Cedar. Switch. 3 38 56 18. 7S 76 31 04.72 N 80 43 W S 47 42 W S 13 55 E S So 43 E N 47 42 E N 13 55 W i9.'5o 1179 816 Almshouse. Cedar. Switch. 4 38 55 58. 24 7631 02.95 N 4u 38 \V S 83 46 W S 26 27 E S 40 38 E N 83 46 E N 26 27 W 2212 923 1736 Waggaman. Cedar. IMa^-o. BREWER. (Middle South River— Chart No. 3.) / // / „ / / Yards. I i 38 55 57-59 7631 56.18 S 87 09 E N I 18 W N 34 43 \V N 87 08 W. S I 18 E vS 34 43 E 1554 1699 1288 Switch. Waggaman. Almshouse L. R. 2 38 55 59- 02 76 32 01.60 S 85 46 E N 3 36E N 30 20 W N 85 45 \V s 3 36 w S 30 20 E 1699 1655 1171 Switch. Waggaman. Almshouse L. R. 3 38 56 10. 23 76 31 30- 15 N 64 05 W S 21 46 W S 59 50 E S 64 06 E N 21 46 E N 59 49 W 1374 544 1002 Almshouse. Cedar. Switch. 4 38 56 00.93 76 31 19-50 N 58 55 W S 68 24 W S 72 02 E S 58 56 E N 68 24 E N 72 02 W 1769 51S 616 Almshouse. Cedar." Switch. Sitri'cv oj Oyster Bars^ Aiiiir AriDidrl Coitiih', Md. ALMSHOUvSE. {Upper South River — Chart No. 3.) 53 38 56 07.31 2 i^ 56 15- 42 38 56 16. 64 4 ! 38 56 09. 76 32 02. 38 76 32 03- 30 76 3' 47-30 76 31 44- 88 S 66 35 E S 76 43 E N 5 II E S 44 40 E N 7 43E N 35 07 W N 63 54 W S 19 09 E S 61 22 E N 54 01 W S 54 01 E S 20 52 E N 20 52 W S 68 44 E N 68 43 W r. s. c. & G ° ' Yards. N 66 35 W 3445 N 76 42 W 1762 Hill. Switch. vS 5 II W 1377 Waggania N 44 40 W S 7 43 ^V S 35 "7 E S 63 54 E N 19 og W N 61 21 \V 956 ' Cedar. iniS I Wafjgaiiiaii. 1985 I Ginger. 872 763 1502 1047 524 1345 AlmshoiLse. Cedar. Switch. Cedar. Switch. DUVALL. ( Lpper South River— Chart No. j. / // / „ / / yards. I 38 56 21.44 76 31 42.87 N 23 30 W N 76 II W S 8 36E S 23 30 E S 76 II E N 8 36 W 975 930 S92 Waggaman. Almshouse. Cedar. 2 38 56 40. 84 76 31 47-23 N 48 44 W S 61 10 W S 9 II E S 48 44 E N 61 10 E N 9 1 1 W 365 897 1556 Waggaman. Almshouse. Cedar. 3 38 56 43- 58 76 31 41-43 N 65 31 W S 60 46 w S 3 22 E ■ S 65 31 E N 60 46 E N 3 22 W 358 1075 1632 Waggaman Windmill. Almshouse. Cedar. 4 38 56 26. 64 76 31 35-78 N 38 40 W N 87 33 W S 2 53 w S 38 41 E S 87 33 E N 2 53E 922 1088 1059 Waggaman. Almshouse. Cedar. 5 38 56 23. 24 76 31 25- 42 N 83 14 W S 19 04 w S 29 40 E S 83 15 E N 19 04 E N 29 39 W 1369 998 2758 Almshouse. Cedar. Mayo. 54 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arnnde! Coiiulv, Md. ABERDEEN. ( upper SinUh Riirr— Chart No. j. ) Cor- True bearing of I^atiUide Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. ,S. triaiiRulatiol station. bar Forward Back o , // / // / / Yards. I .18 56 37- 57 76 3 r 59. 68 N 54 41 \V S 54 5 E N 13 35 W N 36 58 W S 48 50 w S 13 35 E 249 589 936 Rhode. Delta. Turf. STONY HOLLOW. (Rhode River- Chart No. _j.) CHERRY. {Rhode River— Chart No. 3.) , // , ,, , , Yards. I 38 52 32. 42 76 31 33.04 S 53 09 E S 79 36 W N 22 21 E N 53 08 W N 79 36 E S 22 21 W 788 528 688 Rhode. Cupola. Turf. 2 38 52 42.50 76 31 31-75 S 36 1 8 E S 52 03 W N 37 34 E N 36 18 W ■ N 52 03 E S 37 34 W 1007 702 373 Rhode. Cupola. Turf. 3 38 52 52.04 76 31 19.40 S 13 27 E N 35 29 W S 75 to VV N 1 3 27 W S 35 29 E N 75 TO E 1 167 1052 102 Rhode. Calf. Turf. 4 38 52 48. 00 76 31 17.48 S 1 2 29 E N 53 26 W N 12 28 W S 53 26 E 1023 185 Rhode. Titrf. N 47 04 E S 47 04 W 407 Etna. / // , ,, / c / Yards. I 38 52 38.61 76 31 04.35 S 60 52 E N 60 52 W 195 Delta. N 4 34 W S 4 34 E 596 Etna. N 49 13 W S 49 13 E 654 Turf. 2 38 52 43- 34 76 31 04.58 N 5 26 W S 5 26 E 437 Etna. N 6t 19 W S 61 19 E 557 Turf. S 34 42 E N 34 42 W 309 Delta. 3 38 52 45. 74 76 30 56. 00 N 37 04 W S 37 "5 E 444 Etna. N 75 23 W S 75 23 E 739 Turf. S 70 07 w N 70 06 E 159' Cupola. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aimc Aniiidcl Comity^ Md. JACKASS. {Rhode River — Chart No. s- ) 6i BOLSTON BANK. ( Rhode Rivcr-Chart No. j. ) o / // / // / , Yards. I 38 52 48. 23 76 31 52-57 S 28W N 82 29 E N 14 55 E N 28 E S 82 29 AV S 14 55 W 626 783 ro2i Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 52 56. Si 76 31 49-73 S 4 59 W S 75 05 E N 15 05 E N 4 59E N 75 05 W S 15 05 W 919 726 722 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 38 52 54- 68 76 31 43-02 S 16 57 W S 77 38 E N 49 E N 16 57 E N 77 38 W S 49 w 881 537 769 Cupola. Turf. Calf. HIGH ISLAND. [Rhode River— Chart No. 3.) / /, / ,, / / Yards. I 38 53 02. 19 7631 57-23 S 6 oS E S 67 44 E N 36 47 E N 6 oS W N 67 4-, W S 36 48 W 1 102 971 644 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 53 10- 24 76 31 53-18 S 28E S 51 05 E N 58 48 E N 28 W N51 05 W S 58 48 w 1367 1018 371 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 38 53 07- 64 76 31 49.00 S 4 26 W S 51 02 E N 26 57 E N 4 26E N 51 02 W S 26 57 W 1284 877 372 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 62 Survey of Oyster Bais, Ain/e Aniiide/ ConiiJv, Md. FLx^T IvSLAND. ( Rhode River—Chart No. 3. ) Cor- I,atitude Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. triaiigulation station. of bar Forward Back I 38 53 09. 28 76 32 00. 82 vS 9 03 E S 5S 31 E N 60 04 E N 9 02 W N ,s8 ^,0 W S 60 04 W Yards. 1352 1 162 554 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 3''^ 53 15- u3 76 32 08. 82 S 15 29 E .S 56 22 E N 83 u E . N 15 29 W N s6 22 W S 83 1 1 \\- 15.S7 ■ 447 696 Cu]).)la. Turf. Calf. ■"' 3« 53 24. iS 76 32 03. 19 S 8 31 E S 43 35 E S 67 24 E N 8 so W N 43 35 W N 67 24 W 1S58 1532 588 Cupola. Turf. Calf. BITCE. (Rhode River— Chart No. j.) / // / // / c / Yards. I 38 53 27.22 76 31 54-57 S I 25E S 34 22 E i5 43 51 E N I 25 W x\ 34 22 W N 43 51 W 1940 1469 455 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 53 30-38 76 32 05.82 « 9 33E S 40 29 E vS 54 36 E N 9 33 W N 4" 28 W N 54 35 W 2075 ■733 751 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 38 53 35- iS 76 32 03. 90 S 7 34 E S 35 59 E S 43 15 E N 7 34 W N 35 59 W N 43 15 W 2228 1830 819 Cupola. Turf. Calf. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aiuie Arundel Counlv^ Md. 63 BAY SHORE. ( Chesapeake Bay between West River and Herring Bay — Chart No. 4.) Cor- "Y" 1 Latitvide Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula bar' Forward Back 1 38 46 21.04 ! , ,/ 76 31 55- 90 / N 21 03 E N 86 52 W S 55 04 W S 21 03 W S 86 52 E N 55 03 E Yards. 2175 728 3819 Broad. Parker. Fairhaven. 2 38 47 45.64 76 30 33- 40 N 25 05 E N 8 22 W s 59 30 w S 25 06 \V S 8 22 E N 59 29 E 2624 584 1621 Franklin. Nut. Broad. 3 38 48 51.50 76 28 52. 60 N 17 25 \V N 84 16 W S 59 07 W S 17 25 E S 84 16 E N 59 06 E 2840 1555 3199 Horseshoe. Franklin. Nut. 4 38 49 35. 36 76 29 11.96 N 28 33 E N 15 25 W S 38 04 W S 28 35 W S 15 25 E N 38 04 E 10015 1276 16S1 Thomas Point Light. Horseshoe. _ Franklin. 5 38 49 42. 70 76 27 33. 13 N 14 20 E N 71 32 W S 66 41 W S 14 21 W S 71 34 E N 66 40 E 8824 3106 3968 Thomas Point Light. Horseshoe. Franklin. 6 38 48 54- 54 76 27 58. 99 N 4-' 5S W N 88 59 W S 67 15 W S 40 59 E S 89 00 E N 67 14 E 3452 2955 4510 Horseshoe. Franklin. Nut. 7 1 38 48 42.60 76 28 31. 60 N 25 00 W N 77 45 W S 67 52 W S 24 59 E S 77 46 E N 67 51 E 3321 2150 3562 Horseshoe. Franklin. Nut. 8 38 46 30.66 76 29 45. 60 N 23 26 W N 57 18 W S 86 06 W S 23 25 E S 57 19E N 86 04 E 3386 3158 4178 Nut. Broad. Parker. 9 38 46 21. 72 76 30 20,82 N 6 5SW N 40 43 W N 89 41 W S 6 59E S 40 44 E S 89 43 E 3434 2649 3238 Nut. Broad. Parker. 64 Survey 0/ Oyster Bars^ Aii?ie Arundel Coini/y, Md. LONG. {Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Herring Bay — Chart No. 4.) Cor- Latitude IvOngitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S.. triangulatio bar Forward Back I 38 44 23. 03 76 32 15.40 S 34 48 E N 12 10 E N 55 33 W N 34 48 W S 12 10 w S 55 34 E Yards. 1740 614S 3170 Holland. Broad. Fairhaven. 2 38 44 22. 57 ! 76 32 37. 02 S 48 54 E N 5 04 E N 48 29 W N 47 53 W S 5 04 W S 48 30 E 210S 4051 2729 Holland. Parker. Fairliaven. 3 38 46 21.04 \ 76 31 55.90 N 21 03 E N 86 52 W S 55 04 W vS 21 0^ W S 86 52 E N 55 03 E 2175 72S 3819 Broad. Parker. Fairhaven. 4 38 45 21.72 1 76 30 20.82 N 6 58 W N 40 43 W N 89 41 W S 6 59 E S 40 44 E S 89 43 E 3434 2649 3238 Nut. Broad. Parker. 5 38 45 17.50 76 31 28. 94 N 58E N 33 24 W S 89 21 W S 58 W S 33 25 E N 89 20 E 4173 2615 3842 Broad. Parker. Fairhaven. 6 38 44 46. 50 76 31 39.63 N 3 52 E N 19 43 W N 74 16 W S 3 52 w vS 19 44 E S 74 iS E 5231 3430 3696 Broa^ miles. ROCK POINT. Locality. — South side of entrance to Rock Creek on Rock Point. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is near the extreme end of point about 70 yards southeast from a small tower and 12 yards from the sea wall. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Seven Foot Knoll Light " (S 78° 17' E) o 00 00 3, 3^^ miles. Bodkin Point ( Old Tower) 25 43 334" miles. Tower on east corner 194 00 70 yards. Outer " White Rocks " 211 07 ^ mile. Water tower (opposite shore) 291 27 2^ miles. "The mean magnetic declination for Anne Arundel County (in 1907) is 5° 45' west of north, and it is increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. SEVEN FOOT KNOLL LIGHT. Locality. — Offshore about i^ miles north-northeast of Bodkin Point and ^% miles sontheast by south of North Point. (See Chart No. i.) Marks. — Observed station is center of lantern on brown screw pile structure known as Seven Foot Knoll Light-house. References. — ° ' "Bodkin Point (Old Tower) " S 30 03 W i '-i miles. BODKIN POINT (OLD TOWER). Locality. — South side of entrance to Bodkin Creek, on Bodkin Point, about 15 yards east of old stone house. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on top and at center of old tower formerly used as a light-house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a drill hole about 2 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. References. — ° ' " Seven Foot Knoll Light" N 30 04 E 1^2 miles. LOCUST. Locality. — On shore of bay, midway between Bodkin Point Tower and the mouth of Magothy River. Counting down the bay from Bodkin Tower the station is located on the fifth bluff and near the center of it. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on the top of a bluff 20 feet high. It is 25 feet back from the edge of the bluff and just outside of a large orchard. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.77 meters west of observed station. Mai ks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° > " "Seven Foot Knoll Light' ' (N 17° 49' E) ... . o 00 00 4 miles. Farm-house (through trees) 165 56 % mile. Reference st-\tion 242 22 20 6. 77 meters. Nail in blaze on tree 249 43 6. 59 :neters. Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 333 12 15-57 meters. Bodkin Point (Old Tower) 350 43 1% miles. BAY (MAGOTHY RIVER). Locality. — Magothy River, on north shore of Sillery Baj*, about ;^ mile west of Long Point and i^ miles northeast of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on edge of woods, about 2 feet above and 20 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.55 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub surrounded by a pine box projecting 6 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — . o / // "Dobbins " (S 29° 01' W) o 00 00 1}^ miles. Right tangent Dobbins Island 9 15 lYz miles. Right tangent small island 19 11 1% miles. Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 112 15 6. 98 meters. Reference station - . 149 19. 10 4.55 meters. Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 232 53 9.41 meters. Right tangent Gibson Island 326 53 1% miles. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. 69 PHIL. Locality. — 'i^orVa end of Gibson Island on point on south side of entrance to the cove making out from Sillery Bay. This cove nearly separates the island from the mainland. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on the northwestern side of a low sand spit at about high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 0.95 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a broad pole signal with bottom of pole set in a wooden box pro- jecting 6 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / ,, " Bay " (N 57° 20' W) o 00 00 }4 mile. Small white shanty 23 18 X mile. Brown dwelling 129 28 % mile. REFERENCE STATION 135 51 CO o. 95 meter. White dwelling (left end) 192 10 4/ mile. HICKORY. Locality. — Northwest shore of Sillery Bay on Hickory Bar Point, about % mile north by east of Dobbins Island and 3;j' mile west by south of entrance to cove separating Gibson Island from main- land. (See Chart No. I.) Observed station is i foot above aiid 30 feet back from high-water mark and a short distance from the extreme point. Cement monument marking reference station is 2. 38 meters northwest of observed station. j1/urX'i>. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set in a box projecting 5 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / n " Dobbins " (S 7° 51' W) o 00 00 y^ mile. Right tangent Dobbins Island 20 09 3^ mile. Reference st.\tion 131 24 00 2. 38 meters. Nail in blaze on old tree 135 38 7. 36 meters. Left tangent point at entrance to cove 254 29 i mile. Lone tree near " Purse," triangnlation station. 332 33 3 miles. SILLERY. Locality. — West shore of Sillery on the northwest point of Gibson Island about i mile northeast of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on top of a bluff 6 feet high and 15 feet back from the edge. It is about 50 feet south of the break of the bluff where a low marsh commences. A small .stump stands about i foot distant witli blaze facing station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.99 meters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hickory " (N 70° 41' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Nail in blaze on hickory tree (6 inches diam- eter) 1 29 10 9.39 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 174 45 10.12 meters. Reference station 197 49 50 5.99 meters. Unpainted building (seen through trees) 208 44 ],^ mile. Left tangent Dobbins Island 303 13 i mile. Chimney on house (opposite shore) 350 47 i mile. JO Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anuc Arntidel Couii/y, Md. PEACH HILL. Locality. — Summit of a prominent hill on Gibson Island about ^{ mile back from shore of bay and I '4 miles north of entrance to Magothy River. (See Chart No. i.) Observed .station is on the second hill south of the sand beach connecting Gibson Island with the mainland and \i mile south of a white dwelling house. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.75 nieters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is the intersection of two cross lines on the top of a granite monument projecting 4 inches above the ground. Reference .station is the center point of a triangle on stand- ard cement monument. References. — , a , ,1 " Welch" (S 41° 14' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney of house (near Welch) i 00 ^ mile. Cupola of barn. ., 96 51 }{ mile. Right tangent of dwelling 134 21 \{ mile. Nail in stump (5 inches diameter) 177 21 4. 13 meters. Referencp; .st.\Tion 263 48 10 10.75 meters. WRLCH. Locality. — Southern end of Gibson Island on top of prominent hill about yi mile north by west of Mountain Point and ij< miles .southeast of Dobbins I.sland. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in the side ^-ard of house belonging to James Ellison and is 29,60 nieters south of the northeast corner of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // ■"Revell " (S 69° 56' W) o 00 00 1^2 miles. Nail in blaze on stump ( 15 inches diameter) . . 71 13 23. 60 meters. Northeast corner of porch of house 116 12 29. 60 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 170 31 30. 83 meters. Left tangent of,vSandy Point 256 00 3 miles. BLUFF (MAGOTHY RIVER). Locality. — West side of Gibson Island and northwest shore of Magothy River, about i mile north- west of Mountain Point. It is near the center of the third prominent bluff from Mountain Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on the top of a bluff 20 feet high. It is in a thick woods about 15 feet from the edge of the bluff. Cement monument marking reference station is 5 meters northeast by east of observed station. I\Larks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // ' ' Revell " ( S 49° 48' W ) o 00 cm !}<. miles. Left tangent Dobbins Island ■. . 55 06 i mile. Chimney of white house on Dobbins Island ... 61 18 1 mile. Right tangent Dobbins Island 64 30 i mile. Nail in blaze on tree (15 inches diameter) 131 59 7. 94 meters. Reference station 189 43 20 5 meters. Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 216 58 6. 35 meters. Lonetree (near " Purse" triangulationstation) . 302 50 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Aniiidel Coiuity, Aid. 71 DOBBINS. Locality. — North side of Magothy River on extreme east end of Dobbins Island. ( See Cliart No. 2. ) Observed station is on top of a bluff 25 feet high and about 30 feet back from the edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.37 meters west of .station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub projecting 3 inches above-ground. Reference station is center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Bay" (N 29° oi' E) o 00 00 lii miles. Yellow house 46 31 i mile. Sandy Point Light 108 22 6 miles. Lone tree near " Punse" triangulation station . 123 00 2'4f miles, Chinme}- of house on island 201 51 150 yards. Reference station 220 24 50 3.37 meters. Tangent to Hickory Bar Point 33S 52 j^ mile. IRON. Locality. — North shore Magothy River on extreme southeast end of Park Point and Ijetween entrances to Park and Broad creeks. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on the top of a bluff about 15 feet high and is 15 feet back from the edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.01 meters northwest by west of station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 3 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Huddle" (SiS° I3'\V) o Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) .... 95 Reference st.\tion 122 Nail in blaze on tree 128 Nail in blaze on forked tree 190 House on Dobbins Island 25S Lone tree near " Purse " triangulation station . 29S uo 00 I mile. 47 S. g6 meters. 1 8 20 5.01 meters. 19 10. 46 meters. 57 4-37 meters. . l^ mile. 3 miles. HAM. Locality. — North shore of upper end of Magothy River opposite Ferrx' Point on first point west of mouth of Blackhole Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low fiat sandy point making out from a bluff 15 feet high. It is 3 feet above and 10 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.34 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 3 inches above the ground. Ref- erence station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Ferry" (S 14° 17' E) o Reference station 201 Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 260 House on Dobbins Island 283 Old Station 317 00 00 U mile. 20 00 7. 34 meters. 55 7-54 meters. 58 1% miles. 03 6. 04 meters. B.\NK. Locality. — North shore of upper end of Magothy River about \ mile northwest from mouth of Blackhole Creek and nearly of C3'press Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is at the base of a bluff about 20 feet high. It is 2 feet above and 2 feet back from high-water mark. Several large brown bowlders are scattered in front of the station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.86 meters northeast by north of the observed station on the top of bluff. It can not be seen from the observed station. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, An7ie Arundel County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is a pole signal with the lower end of the pole sunk in a box projecting I foot above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Horn " (S 65 33 W) K mile. Reference station S by \V 11. 86 meters. HORN (MAGOTHY RIVER). Loc<\lity .—^ou'Cii shore of upper end of Magothy River about % mile southeast from mouth of Cattail Creek and J^ mile north of Cypress Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a point about 2 feet above and 10 feet back from high-water mark. Slope of bank begins at station and rises to an elevation of 20 feet and is covered with woods. A pile of .stone surrounds station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.51 meters .south by east of station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub 3 inches below the surfa'ce of the ground. Reference .station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Huddle " ( S 63° 06' E) o 00 00 2)^ miles. White house near mouth of Dividing Creek ... 38 08 % mile. Reference station 42 02 40 4. 51 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (4 inches diameter) 49 13 7. 82 meters. Nail in blaze on forked tree 78 22 5,21 meters. Chimney of white house across river 254 59 ^ mile. TAIL. Locality. — South shore of upper end of Magothy River on Stony Point at eastern side of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on the upper edge of a bluff 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.94 meters south-southeast of station. Marks. — Observed station is a pole signal with base stuck in a vertical box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — . a 1 /, ' ' Horn " ( N 24° 24' \V ) o 00 00 ^^ mile. White house 17 24 1% miles. Nail in blaze on tree (8 inches diameter) 129 18 11. 22 meters. REFERENCE STATION 17 1 13 00 6. 94 meters. Nail in blaze on tree ( 6 inches diameter) 192 47 3- i4 meters. Small hill on point on mouth of Dividing Creek 242 50 '4^ mile. Chimney on house on west shore of Dividing Creek 267 08 ){ mile. FERRY. Locality. — South shore of Magothy River on Ferry Point about '^ mile east of mouth of Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 15 feet from and 3 feet above high-water mark. There are five cedar trees in close proximity to the station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.08 meters southwest by south from observed station. 3/arks. — Observed station is a nail in cement in a tile pipe buried i foot below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Huddle" (S 72° 50' E) o uo 00 \% miles. Nailinblazeonforked tree (4 inches diameter) 28 34 9. 74 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 57 46 22. 70 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Ainie Aniiidel County, Md. 73 Reference station 97 05 10 5. oS meters. Top of white house 114 22 |< mile. Nail in blaze on tree (S inches diameter) 6. 43 meters. House on Dobbins Island 332 30 2^ miles. ' House on hill back of Mountain Point 347 04 3^ miles. HUDDLE. Locality. — South shore of Magothy River on Huddles Point about ^i mile northeast of inner entrance to Forked Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is about 10 feet from the edge of a sandy bank S feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.99 meters south-southwest from observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail set in cement in a tile pipe projecting i inch above the sand. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Iron" (N 19° 13' E) o 00 00 i mile. House on Dobbins Island 37 52 \\i miles. House on hill back of Mountain Point 69 4S 2/4 miles. Nail in blaze on tree (3 inches diameter) 176 38 15. 85 meters. Reference station 1S6 32 50 4. 99 meters. Nail in blaze on tree ( 14 inches diameter) ... . 255 33 5. 86 meters. REVELL. /,0("rt///i'. —South shore of Magothy River, about 1% miles of Per.simmon Point and \)i miles south of east end of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a bluff 6 feet high and 22 feet from the edge. It is in a large cleared space about 100 yards west of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.54 meters south southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — - o / // " Huddle" (N 67° 20' W) o 00 00 i '4 miles. House on Dobbins Island 71 18 \% miles. House on hill back of Mountain Point 136 35 i J^ miles. Right tangent Mountain Point i6i 18 i^ miles. Reference st.\tion 261 20 00 5 .54 meters. PURSE. Locality. — South of entrance to Magothy River on a prominent hill about '4 mile south .south- east of Persimmon Point. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on the nearer of two summits, the other one being occupied bv a lone cedar tree. The observed station is almost on line between this cedar tree and Mountain Point. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.93 meters south of obsen-ed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / ,, " Bluff " (N 9° 10' W) o 00 00 if( miles. Tangent to shore toward Sandy Point 31 26 }{ mile. Right tangent to Gibson Island 34 36 2 miles Left chimney of with red roof 133 52 '4 mile. Reference st.\tion 185 05 50 8. 93 meter Lone cedar tree SSW 185 paces Left of two prominent trees 288 27 '^ mile. Right of two prominent trees 295 07 '4 mile. 330—07 9 74 Survey of Ovsfcr Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. MAGOTHY. Locality. — West shore of bay, aliout halfwaj- between Persiimiion Point and Sandy Point. It is about 2 miles northwest of Sandy Point Light and about 2 miles south-southeast of Mountain Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is about 20 feet back from the edge of a blufl 20 feet high. It is just outside an orchard about midway between a group of farm buildings and a grove of trees to the westward. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.63 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — c / // "Welch" (N 32° oS' W) o 00 00 .^ 2Y2 miles. Right tangent Gibson Island 21 02 3 miles. West peak of farmhouse 1S4 49 J^ mile. Nail in blaze on tree 158 52 62. 3 meters. Reference st.\tion 2S7 44 10 1 1 . 63 meters. Nail in blaze on tree 336 14 32. 92 meters. CORN. Locality. — West shore of bay, about i mile northwest of Sandy Point Light. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 18 feet back from edge of a bluff 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.42 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle of standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Peach Hill " (N 20° 48' W) , o 00 00 4 miles. Baltimore Light 19 47 2% miles. Extreme north tangent of Kent Island 98 47 5 miles, Sandy Point Light 149 34 i mile. Lone oak tree (2 inches diameter) 229 14 % nnle. East peak of red roof of barn or house 243 08 3j^ mile. Reference st.\tion 258 51 30 9. 425 meters. SANDY POINT LIGHT. Locality. — East of Sandy Point about % mile offshore. (See Chart No. 2.) Marks. — Center point of black lantern on brown caisson structure known as Sandy Point Light- house. References. — ". o / ' ' Bay Side " S 64 14 W yi mile. RING. Locality. — Shore of bay on west side of Kent Island about 2 miles south-southwest of Love Point and 3 miles east of Sandy Point Light. ( See Progres.s. map. ) Observed station is about 20 feet above and 35 feet back from high-water mark. It is in a culti- vated field on top of bank and about 6 feet back from edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.36 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with its top 3 inches below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light" I'N 84° 56' W) o 00 00 3 miles. Cupola on barn 117 51 i mile. South chinme)' on white house 141 00 % mile. Reference station 164 17 10 9.36 meters. Lone tree (2 inches diameter) 224 10 300 yards. South chimney on white house 238 56 300 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. 75 BAY SIDE. Locality. — West shore of bay on Sandy Point about Yz mile west-southwest of Sandy Point Light and about }i mile southeast of Bay vSide Farm dwellings. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on low sandy point about 2 feet above and 75 yards back from high-water mark and 14 paces east of road to Bay Side house. A number of small locust trees stand in the immediate vicinity. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sandy Point Light" (N 64° 13' E) o 00 00 y, mile. Nail in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 128 45 19.69 meters. Nail in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 173 46 17.02 meters. West chimney of Bay Side Farm house 245 56 350 yards. West cupola on Bay Side barn 249 45 400 yards. West peak of small house (red roof) 275 40 300 yards. CLUMP. Locality. — West shore of bay about one-third way from Hackett Point to Sandy Point on the narrow neck of land east of Goose Pond. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 3 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark. A group of pine trees stand west of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.24 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set flush with groniid. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light" (N 47° 47' E) o 00 00 2 miles. West chimney of white house on Kent Island abreast of station 62 12 4 miles. Nail in blaze on pine tree (10 inches diameter) . 185 58 8.00 meters. St. Amie's Church spire in Annapolis 202 44 4 miles. Stateliouse Dome 206 35 4 miles. Referencu station 21S oi 40 6.42 meters. Nail in blaze on pine tree ( 10 inches diameter) . 247 17 8.68 meters. West chimney of white house 313 09 i mile. WASH. Locality. — East shore of bay, on west side of Kent Island, about J< mile south of entrance to Broad Creek. (See Progress map.) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 30 feet back from edge of bluff 15 feet high and about 15 feet south of a small gully making in from bay. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.90 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub flush with ground. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a > n "Sandy Point Light " (N 36° 19' W) o 00 00 3^ miles. West chimney of house 1 15 24 ^ mile. East chimney of white house 149 38 400 yards. Reference sT.\TioN 156 11 10 12. 90 meters. Cupola on barn 164 09 400 yards. Lone tree {lyi feet diameter) 195 32 150 yards. Tree ( 15 inches diameter) 208 34 175 yards. East chimney on white house 234 38 ^ mile. Thomas Point Light 260 32 7 miles. 76 Sicrvey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Aid. HACKETT. Locality. — North side of Annapolis Roads, on the east side of Hacketf Point, about 2 miles north- east of Greenbury Light and 3 miles southwest of Sandy Point Light. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 21 feet back from edge of a bluff 15 feet high. It is about 90 feet north of the extreme southeast end of point. A number of large sandstone bowlders are at the foot of the bluff near the station and a group of several stumps stand on edge of bank oppo- site station. Cement monument marking reference .station is S.68 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Greenbury Light " (S 52° 55' W) o 00 00 2 miles. St. Anne's Church spire 24 12 3)4^ miles. Statehouse Dome .- 28 34 3 '4^ miles. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 31 08 3 miles. Reference station 57 05 00 8. 68 meters. North chimney of red roof house 120 15 X mile- Sandy Point Light 172 37 3 miles. SPIT. Locality. — East shore of Whitehall Bay on west side Hackett Point about ]A mile south of Whitehall wharf and 2 miles northeast of Greenbury Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low sand point about 4 feet above and 50 yards back from end of point at high water mark and is on round sand knoll about 2 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement moinmient. References. — o / // "Greenbury Light" (S 43° 50' W) o 00 00 2 miles. North chimney of house on opposite shore 23 17 >^ mile. North chimney of Whitehall house 131 25 % mile. North chimney of white house 139 28 % mile. Peak of small house on Whitehall wharf 155 37 yi mile. Northwest corner of small shanty 186 40 100 yards. Nail in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 231 30 35 yards. Chimney on .small house 250 15 150 yards. CHASE (WHITEHALL BAY). Locality. — West shore of Whitehall Bay on point between Mill and Whitehall creeks about }( mile northwest of Hackett Point and '/i mile west by south of Whitehall wharf. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in young peach orchard about 30 feet back from edge of a bank iS feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.87 meters northeast of obser\ed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush witli ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Greenbury Light" (S 26° 22' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Lone tree (2 feet diameter) 150 49 300 yards. Reference station 191 27 00 8. 87 meters. Center of Whitehall wharf house 230 49 ^i mile. West chimney on red roof house (opposite shore) 265 50 '4 mile. West edge of small shanty on beach ( opposite shore) 278 iS >^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Couiify, Md. jj GREENBURY. Locality. — North side of entrance to Severn River, on Greenbury Point, about j/ mile north of Greenbury Light-house. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 60 feet back from end of point and 15 feet above high-water mark. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Refereiices. — o / /, "Greenbury Light " (S 7° 20' E) o 00 00 ... . 250 yards. Nail in dead cherry tree (12 inches diameter) .. 6 37 11.55 meters. Statehouse Dome 107 03 1^2 miles. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 1 14 37 i]A miles. Center of water tower opposite Naval Academy . 144 32 i}^ miles. GREENBURY POINT LIGHT. Locality. — North side of entrance to Annapolis Harbor, about 250 yards off shore south of Green- bury Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Marks. — Center of black lantern on screw pile structure known as Greenbury Point Light-house. References. — ° ' "Greenbury " N 7 20 W 250 yards. FORT. Locality. — Northeast side of entrance to Severn River, about i mile northwest of Greenbury Point and I mile northeast of Naval Academy sea wall. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 6 feet back from top of bank protected by a masonry wall that has fallen down in places, 10 feet above high-water mark, and 2 feet north of a brick gutter on top of bank.' Cement monument marking reference station is 9.12 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe, with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle'on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Horn " (S 38° 20' W) o 00 00 i^ mile. Saint Anne's Church spire 30 11 \)^ miles. Statehouse Dome 41 23 ij^ miles. Chapel Dome (Navel Academy) 48 06 i mile. South chimney of yellow house (red roof) .... 88 37 80 yards. Reference station 150 00 40 ...... 9. 12 meters. Greenbury Light 296 12 1% mile. BLUFF (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. — East side of Severn River, on high bluff, opposite Santee Wharf of Naval Academy. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 6 feet back from edge of bank 25 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.842 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe, with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a , ,/ "Hospital" (N 80° go' \V) o 00 00 3^ mile. West chimney of yellow house 51 13 '4' mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (iS inches diameter) , 106 09 25. 93 meters. Reference st.\tion 126 56 20 1 1. 84 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diameter) . 163 46 26. 27 meters. Statehouse Dome 318 54 3^ mile. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 322 01 yl mile. Saint John's College 329 25 J^ mile. 78 Surz'cy of Oyster Bars^ Awie Ariiiidel County^ Md. BRICE. 3^ mile. Yi mile. ^ mile. 24 15.40 meters. 18 % mile. 50 % mile. 18 y, mile. 26 yi mile. . 15 10.S9 meters. 17 % mile. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River on Brice Point near northeast end of Count}' Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 15.40 meters northeast of end of rail of County Bridge about 9 yards north of center of County road and 25 yards west of small pond. It is 3 feet above and 75 feet back from high- water mark. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o r ir " Bluff " (S 46° 01' E) o Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 50 Statehouse Dome 61 Lowest bolt head in end post of ground rail on County Bridge 65 Chinmey on bridge-tender's house loi South chimney of yellow house 157 Chimney on slate-covered house 190 North chimney of yellow house 199 Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) 208 West chimney of house 267 Nail in blaze on locust stump (4 inches diam- eter) 339 23 4.29 meters. KNOB. Locality. — North shore of Severn River about 150 yards northwest by north of north end Mary- land Electric Railway Bridge. ( See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on round knob-hill about 15 feet above and 30 feet back from high- water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 28 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in pine stub projecting 4 inches above ground, station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o , ,/ " Weems " (N 88° 48' W) South peak of yellow house North chimney of yellow house Reference Station 1 24 Chimney on small shanty on railroad bridge. . 203 Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 254 Hospital (covered chimney or cupola) 261 Statehouse Dome 263 SPRING. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River about -'4' mile above the Maryland Electric Railway Bridge and on first point southeast of mouth of Cool Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on low sand point about 2 feet above and 45 feet back from high-water mark. It is about 15 yards west of .small pond and 100 yards west of a bluff 25 feet higli. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (NoTE. — This monument replaces a 4-inch tile pipe marking old station.) References. — o / // " Field" (S 29° 24' E) o 00 00 i mile. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 4 07 2 miles. North chimney on red house ( opposite shore ).. 74 43 % mile. Chimney on white house (opposite shore) go 06 % mile. North chimney of yellow house 207 Oak stump (5 inches diameter) 22S Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diameter) 29X Reference 00 00 jii mile. 08 2 miles. 41 250 yards. 49 40 11.28 meters. 44 150 yards. 25 lyi miles. 25 1% miles. 14 134" miles. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 340 07 25 200 yards. 39 2-35 meters. 03 7-25 meters. .... 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Ai/iie Arundel Conii/y, Md. 79 COOI^. Locality. — Northeast sliore of Severn River on point between Chase and Cool Spring creeks and abont \% miles above the Maryland Electric Railway Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low point of latid about 2 feet above and 20 feet back from high-water mark and is 7 feet south of small drain ditch 2 feet wide. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.25 meters north-northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— ° ' >r " Weems " (S 26° 14' E) o 00 00 |4f mile. Chimne}- on white house (opposite shore) 13 23 '< mile. Chimney on small white shanty (opposite shore) 53 39 '/■, mile. Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore). .. . 139 15 i mile. West chimney of house 180 42 J4 mile. Nail in blaze on persinnnon tree (4 inches diameter) 184 21 16. 50 meters. Reference station 221 29 10 7. 25 meters. Nail in blaze on oak tree (12 inches diameter) . 311 04 14. 82 meters. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 336 13 2.%, miles. (.SEVERN RIVER). LocalUy. — Northeast shore of Severn River on point on northwest side of entrance to Chase Creek. (.See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low marshy point about 2 feet above and 18 feet back from high-water mark and 25 yards southwest of foot of a bluff 50 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.05 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile-drain flush with ground, center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cool" (847° 38' E) o 00 00 Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 30 44 Chimney on small shanty (opposite shore) .... 38 01 Middle window of yellow house (abreast of station ) 77 02 Northchimneyof red roof house (opposite shore) 102 04 Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 146 26 Reference station 241 31 30 ; North chimney of white house 306 34 Reference station is Yz mile. Yz mile. Yz mile. % mile. % mile. Yz mile. . 05 meters. I mile. POINT. Z-orfl/jYv. — Northeast shore of Severn River about Y2, mile east-southeast of Brewer Poi second point northwest of mouth of Chase Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is back of a long, low marsh point and about 25 feet up side of slope, cedar trees stand on prominent hill about 150 yards to the northeast of station. .Several trees stand in the immediate vicinity of station. j'I/a;-^5.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. This monument replaces a 4-inch drain tile marking old station. ) References.— o / // ".Salt" (S 1° 44' W) o 00 00 V mile. Chimney on yellow (opposite shore) ... 43 24 ■/,' mile. Southwest corner of house 139 43 i^ mile. Nail in apple tree ( 12 inches diameter) 233 34 12. 55 meters. Windmill 255 15 . . 250 yards. Nail in apple tree (15 inches diameter) 280 38 5. 70 meters. Two lone old apple 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Ai/iie Arundel County, Md. BIGHT. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River about 'i mile northe;ist of Brewer Point and 'i mile southeast of Arnold Point. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on low, narrow neck of land and about 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark. It is 15 feet south of foot of slope to a yellow sand bluff 60 feet high. A group of holly trees stand about 10 feet east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.64 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set in center of a 4-inch tile pipe. Reference station is center poitit of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Clem " (S 7° 45' W) o 00 00 }i mile. Southchimneyof yellow house (opposite shore) 36 56 '2 mile. Northwest corner of unpainted house (opposite shore) 144 17 >< mile. Nail in blaze on leaning pine tree (12 inches diameter) 1 75 29 3.72 meters. Reference station 201 34 20 1 1.64 meters. Nail in blaze on holly tree (4 inches diameter) . 251 05 3.79 meters. East cedar tree of two standing close together (first hill .south) 353 09 ^ mile. ARNOLD. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River on Arnold Point on northwest side of entrance to Aisquith Creek and about >< mile north of Brewer Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is at foot of slope meeting a long, narrow, low neck of land extending about 200 yards southeast of station. It is 3 feet above and 12 feet back from high-water mark. A small holly tree -stands about 15 feet of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.75 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed .station is a nail in stub set in a tile pipe with top 3 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — o , ,, " Brewer" (S 6° 28' E) o 00 00 Vz mile. Center of cottage on Long Point 1 23 08 i !-< miles. Nail in blaze on cedar tree ( 10 inches diameter) . 13S .S7 5.96 meters. Reference station 167 16 40 3.75 meters. Northwest corner of small house up Aisquith Creek 255 30 li mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 293 33 8. 31 meters. Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) ... . 358 09 i mile. SWAN. Locality. — Northeast .shore of Round Bay in Severn River on north side of entrance to Ringold Cove about \% miles northeast by east of Long Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is about loo j'ards north of entrance to Ringold Cove; about 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark and 25 feet west of a bluff 25 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 7. 78 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Long" (S 73° 38' W ) o 00 00 1% miles. Peak of yellow house (opposite shore) 17 04 lYz miles. West chimney of white house 62 54 i ^ miles. North tangent of brown wharf house Hi 53 3^ mile. Nail in pine tree ( 15 inches diameter) 1 25 42 1 2 . 76 meters. Reference station 165 39 30 7. 78 meters. Nail in red oak tree (2 feet diameter) 178 03 12. 50 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 8i HIGH. Localitv. — Northeast shore of Round Baj^ in Severn River on Eaglenest Point and on ground occupied b)' the Round Bay Resort. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 15 feet back from tlie edge of a bank 20 feet high and 25 paces southwest of the .southwest corner of the dancing pavilion. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.66 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Swan" (S 33° 19' E) o Chimuej' on house (opposite shore) 48 Chimne}- on cottage on Long Point 65 Green water tower 154 Nail in blaze on pine tree (S inches diameter 1 . 193 Southwest corner dancing pavilion 221 Reference .st.\tion 235 Nail in blaze on pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 254 00 00 34^ mile. 35 ^Yi miles. 31 I mile. ^4 mile. 7. 9S meters. 25 yards. 20 8. 66 meters. 7. 58 meters. 44 CED.A.R (SEVERN RIVER). It is on the southeast Locality. - Upper end of Round Bay in Severn River on Ce mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (3 inches diameter) . 288 Reference st.\tion ^ 302 Green water tower 339 17 10. 56 meters. 20 10 7. 92 meters. 33 }i mile. SHARP. lile northwest of Long Locality. — Southwest shore of Round Bay in Severn River about Point and '. mile of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Oliserved station is on the first low point above Long Point, and is 2 feet above and 25 feet back from high-water mark. A wooded bluff is 100 feet west of .station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.31 meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o 1 ,1 "High" (N 63° 51' E) o 00 00 Cupola on Ijrown wharf (opposite shore ) 6 27 Chimney on red-roof cottage ( shore). 14 32 Nail in blaze on locust tree (3 inches diameter ) . 132 46 Reference station [5H 10 30 Chimney on yellow 272 31 Green water tower ( .shore 1 },\- 24 330—07 10 I mile. I mile. 1 mile. 03 meters. 31 meters. 1 ■ ; miles. I mile. 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. LONG. Locality. — North side of entrance to Little Round Bay in Severn River on Long Point, about V^ mile northeast of St. Helena Island. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on a low marsh point about 2 feet above and 12 feet back of high-water mark. A small cottage stands about 30 yards north of station. Cement monviment marking reference station is 5.05 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 1 foot belc Reference station is center point of triangle of standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Bay" (S 18° 26' E) o 00 00 West chimney on house (opposite shore) 14 Nail in blaze on white oak tree (4 inches di- ameter) 9> Referenck ST.\TI0N 136 Peak of cottage 153 Nail in blaze on pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 170 Cupola on brown wharf (opposite .shore) 237 Chimney on red-roof cottage 247 59 surface of ground. }i mile. 34^ mile. T I 10. 19 meters. 58 20 5.05 meters. 36 30 yards. 52 10. 97 meters. 32 I mile. 09 I mile. Island. (See no 00 }i mile. 35 I >2 miles. 40 7. 74 meters. 9. 01 meters. 5. 42 meters. I \'2 miles. ISLAND. Locality. — Little Round Bay in Severn Riveron the southeast point of St, Helen Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on a low marsh point aliout 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark and 25 feet south of foot of round liill 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.74 meters northwest of station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement moninnent. References. — ° "Bay" (S53° 19'E) o South chimney on 95 Reference station 19S Nail in blaze on twin tree (6 inches diameter) . 202 Nail in blaze on twin black haw tree (6 inches diameter) 244 Chimney on red-roof cottage (opposite .shore) . 2S0 North peak of white barn (opposite shore) .... 294 Chimney on north end small house (opposite shore ) 306 BAY (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on south side of entrance to Round Bay, about 3^ mile southeast of St. Helena Island and J4 mile south by east of Long Point. ( See Chart No. 2. ) 01iserve2 miles. 12 2 miles. 00 00 I mile. o: 1 1-2 miles. 12 1 6. 50 meters. 28 31 meters. 73 meters. 12. 97 meters. V mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Aiitiidcl Comity, Aid. 83 BREWER (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on Brewer Point and north of mouth of Brewer Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low sand point about 2 feet above and 10 feet back from high-water mark and about 30 yards northwest of extreme end of point. A small lone holly tree stands southwest of station and a bluff 30 feet high is 25 feet southwest. Cement monument marking reference station is 8. lo meters .south of ob,served station. Marks. — Observed station is a 4-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Point" (S 68° 37' E) o 00 ofj 5< mile. North chimney of white house (opposite shore) 4 32 i mile. Chimney in center of yellow house 30 41 i f,< miles. Reference st.\tion 63 56 20 S. 10 meters. Nail in blaze on holly tree (5 inches diameter) . 103 10 3. 64 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree ( 1 2 inches diameter ) 165 11 35 yards. Northchimney of (opposite.shore) 2S4 24 ^2' mile. North chimney of green, windmill in rear (opposite shore) 354 3S % mile. CLEM. Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on point between Clement Creek and Brewer Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low sand point about 2 feet above and 35 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.07 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush with ground, set in 4-inch tile pipe with top 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Chase" (S 75° 18' E) o 00 00 y^ mile. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 22 36 3 miles. Chimney in center of yellow house 34 30 i mile. North chimney of house (south .side of Clement Creek) 68 20 y^ mile. REFERENCE STATION 134 08 30 lo. 07 meters. Chimne}' on yellow house i6i 34 300 yards. Small locust tree {2]A inches diameter) 222 15 30 vards. Windmill (opposite shore) 307 03 ]'■, mile. vSALT. Locality. — Southwest shore Severn River between Clement and Saltwork creeks and abreast of Chase Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 10 feet back from edge of a bank 10 feet hifjli. .\ number of small cedar trees .stand on edge of bank in front of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.07 meters west of observed station. Marlis. — Observed station is a nail in stub in a 4-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches Ijelow surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cool" (S 84° 23' E) 00 00 % mile. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 27 51 2>2 miles. Chimney in center of j'ellow house 34 45 ^ mile. REFERENCE STATION 142 31 30 8. 07 meters. North chiinnej' of red roof 149 27 So yards. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aiiue AriDidel Co/iiifv, Md. Center of large oak tree (2 '/< feet diameter) .. . 206 22 50 yards. Chimney on yellow house 223 27 ■< mile. Nail in blaze on twin cedar tree (3 inches diameter) _. 254 40 5-88 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 32S 44 . . '. 7. 20 meters. South chimneystandingalone (oppositeshore) . 332 35 i mile. LUCE. Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River abovit 200 yards northwest of entrance to Luce Creek and IJ4 miles above Railway Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low island at mouth of Hammond Fish -Pond and about 2 feet above and iS feet back from high-water mark. A number of small trees stand in the innnediate vicinity. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.32 meters southwest of observed station. il/rt;'A.f. —Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top flush, with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rcfamcei. — a. r // "Spring " (S 84° 24' E ) o 00 00 }i mile. Chimney on yellow house first hill south 56 34 % mile. Twin cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 88 27 15-75 nieters. Chinmey on small white shanty 93 28 200 yards. Reference .station 1 25 09 40 7-32 meters. Chimney on yellow house 218 26 i mile. East chimney on white house (opposite shore) . 261 38 -'4^ mile. Chimney on small white hou,se at mouth of Cool Spring Creek ( opposite shore) 342 11 '2 mile. Nail in blaze on per.sininion tree (5 inches diameter ) 355 22 6. 07 meters. WEEMS. Localily. —Southwest shore of Severn River on first point south of Luce Creek and about -'4 mile above the Railway Bridge. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed .station is on low sand point covered with myrtle bushes about 2)2 feet above and 75 feet back from high-water mark at end of point. The ground rises abruptl)- about 150 yards west of station. 3/arks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on staiulard cement monument. (Note. — This monument replaces tile marking old station. ) A'l'ferences. — o / /, "Field" (S 47° 40' E) o 00 00 i mile. South chimney (red house) 99 oS 200 yards. Chimney in center of white house 142 1 1 . . . . . . 250 yards. North chimney of white house (opposite shore) . 232 47 % mile. North chimney of yellow house (opposite shore) . 255 41 >^ mile. Windmill (opposite shore) 280 56 % mile. North chimney of yellow (opposite shore) . 308 2S 34^ mile. Water tower (opposite Naval .-\cademy ) 350 00 2 miles. FIELD. Localily. — Southwest shore of Severn River on first point east of Railway Bridge and \^ mile north of County Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on round knob hill about 10 feet above liigh -water mark and 15 feet west of edge of low sand point extending 50 yards to the west. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arniidel Ci>iii//v, Md^ 85 I\[arks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (Note. — This monument replaces tile marking ol . Statehouse Dome ign 51 . . . St. John's College jgJi 5.S . . . Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 208 13 ... •ith urouud. Reference 1 mile. y, mile. 1 1. 24 meters. I mile. I mile. % mile. START. /.ocii///)'. — Southwest shore of Annapolis Roads, about ' > mile .south of Horn Point and [ mile west of Greenbury Light-house. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on wooded shore 15 feet back from edge of a bank 7 feet high. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 8.45 meters west of observed station. j1/a)'/!\?. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Greenbury Light " (N 74^ 50' K) o 00 uo 1 mile. Tangent to Tolly Point 67 00 2 miles. Extreme west point of roof of Bay Ridge Hotel. 72 20 2 miles. Nail in blazeon oaktree ( 12 inches diameter) . . 144 41 16. 26 meters. Reference st.\tion 171 22 20 s. 45 metres. Nail in blaze on oak tree ( S inches diameter) . . 236 32 1 1. 38 meters. \ Water tower (opposite Naval Acadeuij') 286 27 \% miles. (^.RAM. Locality. — Southwest shore of .Annapolis Roads near northwest entrance to Cat Hole Creek and about lYz miles south-southwest of Greenbury Light. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 55 feet back from edge of a bluff 30 feet high. A small round knoll is 60 feet west and 5 feet higher than station. Marks. — Observed .station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Greenbury Light" (N 31° S3' K) o 00 Nail in blaze on small locust tree (3 inches diameter) 97 34 North tangent of roof of old Bay Ridge Hotel. 103 18 Nail in blaze on locust stump (4 inches 2 miles. .... 2 miles. TOLLY. Locality. — South side of entrance to .\nnapolis Roads about 1,50 yards northwest of Tolly Point. (.See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on low point of land. It is atoul i foot above and 1 2 feet back from high- water mark, and 175 yards northeast of old Bay Ridge Hotel. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.86 meters southwest of observed station. Marlts. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Auiir Ariiiidcl C(miit\\ Md. 87 References. — o / // " Greeubiiry Light" (N. 5° 12' W ) o 00 00 \% miles. Peak of Whitehall house 21 15 4 meters. Nail in blaze on holly tree (12 inches diam- eter) 205 14 9. 65 meters. Reference station 229 35 30 :o. 86 meters. Nail in blaze on swamp-oak tree (iS inches diameter) 25S 12 10. 97 meters. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 331 05 3 "^ miles. > Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 346 13 3^'4 miles. BAY RIDGE STACK. Locality. —Bay Ridge Resort on Tolly Point. ( See Chart No. 3. ) Marks. — Center of highest part of brick smokestack. References.—tione necessary. CRANRY. Locality. — Eastern shore of bay on west side of Kent Island, about 'j mile north of Craney Creek and 4^ miles east of Tolly Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 3 feet above and 30 feet back from high-water mark, on a low sandy cultivated field. A group of farm buildings .stand about % mile away. Cement monument marking reference station is 4. 88 meters east-northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden .stub projecting 3 inches above the ground. Refer- ence .station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References.— ° ' " "Thomas Point Li.ght" (S 56° 45' W) o 00 00 i,'i^ miles. Greenbury Light ", 27 30 5 '4 miles. Sandy Point Light 111 26 30 53^ miles. Reference .station 20S 51 10 4. 88 meters. Cupola on barn 258 11 % mile. Extreme south tangent to Kent Island 310 52 6 miles. COTTAGE. Locality. — West shore of bay near group of cottages called "Arundel on the Bav" about 2 miles northwest of Thomas Point Light. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 12 feet back from edge of a bank iS feet high. It is about 25 yards north of steamboat wharf and 3 yards east of east edge of a foot-board walk 36 paces southeast of Concord Cottage. Cement monument marking reference station is t3.7o meters west of observed station. Marks. — Ob.served station is a nail in a stub .set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. /References. — o / // "Thomas Point Light" (S 41° 12' E) o 00 00 2 miles. Tangent to Thomas Point 15 33 i mile. Cireen ball on north end of playhouse 26 55 .Su vards. Flag pole on pavilion 61 10 . . Reference st.\tion 114 57 lu 13. 70 meters. Nail in blaze on oak tree ( 12 inches diameter) . 115 07 15. 50 meters. Peak of circular red roof bath house in water . 211 ui 300 yards. Stack at Bay Ridge ... 236 04 i '4 miles. North flag pole on wharf ... 305 37 75 vanis. 88 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. THOMAvS. Locality.— West shore of bay on a small island known as Thomas Point. It is on the north side of entrance to .South River and about i % miles northwest of Thomas Point Light. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 30 feet back from top of bank and about 100 feet west of extreme east end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.66 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o / // ■'Thomas Point Light" (vS 56° 08' E) o 00 00 1% miles. White house on Curtis Point 87 43 4K miles. Peak of white house 1S2 06 3^; mile. Flag pole on wharf house 115 45 1 K miles. REFKRENCE .STATION 2i8 43 20 7. 66 meters. Nail in blaze on ash tree (15 inches diameter) . 284 59 13. 31 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) . 353 34 9. 64 meters. THOMAS POINT LIGHT. Locali/v. — Off entrance to South River and about i '4 miles southeast of Thomas Point. (See Chart No. 3.) I\/arks. — Center of lilack lantern on white hexagonal screw pile structure known as 'I'honias Point Light-House. References. — ° ' "Thomas" (N 56 07 W ) i '4' miles. ARUNDRL. Locality. — North side of entrance to South River on narrow neck of land between Fishing Creek and South River. (.See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 5 feet above and 75 feet back from high-water mark in Fishing Creek. A .sand road is 25 feet west of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4,07 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a 4-inch lile pipe with top i foot below the surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "vSelby" (S8i° 28' W) o 00 00 1,14: miles. .South peak of white house (opposite shore) i 5,s lyi miles. Tangent to Point 34 5" i>< miles. Reference st.a.tion 144 n 4° 4- "7 meters. Nail in blaze on twin locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 145 25 7. 22 meters. South peak of long barn Fishing Creek. . 154 49 ,'2 mile. Nail in apple tree ( 15 inches diameter) 234 30 8.77 meters. Chimney on red roof cottage 251 11 300 yards. HILL. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on Hills Point and on west side of entrance to Duvalls Creek. ( See Chart No. 3, ) Ob.served station is 50 feet back from the extreme .south end of Hills Point and 35 feet above high- water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.07 meters of observed .station. 1 Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine .stub projecting 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triar^le on standard cement monument. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aiinc Arundel County^ Md. 89 References. — ° "Selby"(S 17° 2S' E) o Chimney on house (opposite shore) 63 South chimney on ahnshouse T36 Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 213 Water tower at South River Club 233 Reference station 235 Nail in blaze on locust tree (6 inches diameter) . 257 North peak of barn 249 SWITCH. 00 00 I mile. 01 \]z miles. 51 2 J.2 miles. 33 5. 42 meters. 2S % mile. 22 50 8. 07 meters. 59 4. 67 meters. 24 % mile. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on point on southwest side of entrance to Aberdeen Creek. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is on the south side of a low sand point and at high-water mark. A number of cedar trees stand in the immediate vicinity. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.41 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monmnent. References. — a , ,, "Hill" (856° 19' E) o 00 Chimney on house (opposite shore) 42 46 East chimney of house (opposite shore) 161 25 South chimney on almshouse 172 47 Reference station 206 02 Nail in blaze on cedar tree (7 inches diameter) 213 36 3. 58 meters. Nail in blaze on leaning cedar tree 242 07 12. 76 meters. 00 I mile. I mile. I mile. I )< miles. 00 8. 41 meters. WAGGAMAN. Locality. — shore of South River on first point to south of entrance to Cross Creek and about 90 meters north of Ferry Point and Waggaman wharf house. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on top of a bluff 25 feet high and 15 feet back from the edge. Waggaman's dwelling is about 100 yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.57 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground, center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "" (vS 37° lo' W ) o 00 00 North chimne)' of almshouse 10 21 Cupola on barn (opposite shore) 39 18 North peak of Lee wharf house 59 10 Nail in blaze on pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 19S 56 4- 70 meters. Reference st.\tion 223 30 50 2. 57 meters. Waggaman's w'indmill 233 03 100 yards. Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diameter) . 257 50 9. 4: meters. Flag pole on Waggaman's house 302 33 , . 100 yards. WAGGAMAN WINDMILL. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on Perry Point. 3farks. —Observed station is center of Waggaman's wimlmill. References. — None necessary. 330—07 1 1 Reference station is % mile. yi mile. yi mile. 1 mile. 90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. GINGER. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River, on prominent point on north side of Church Creek, about Yz mile east of South River Bridge. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 17 feet back from edge of a bluff 35 feet high. A number of trees stand in the imi:iediate vicinity. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.81 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o 1 /> " Larramore " (N 86° 25' W) o Nail in blaze on oak tree ( 18 inches diameter) . 19 Peak of Edgewater post-oflBce 21 Nail in blaze on mulberry tree ( 2 inches diam- eter) 45 Reference station 97 Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 187 Waggaman's windmill 197 North chimney of almshouse 239 Cupola on barn 272 Peak of wharf house 335 48 I mile. 9. 05 meters. Y2 mile. 12. 27 meters. 7. 81 meters. 5. 92 meters. 34 mile. % mile. Yz mile. ■'i mile. XIMO. Locality. — Upper end of South River, near north entrance to South River Bridge crossing river at Edgewater. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 10 feet from high-water mark on sand beach near east edge of South River Road. It is on line with east guard rail of bridge and 18 feet distant from end of rail. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Larramore " (,S 83° i\' W) o ou 00 Yi mile. East peak of roof of Edgewater post-ofBce 119 45 75 yards. North chimney of almshouse 234 48 i mile. North peak of wharf house 294 51 % mile. East chimney of white house (opposite shore) .... 315 59 % mile. YAZOO. Locality. — North shore of upper South River about % mile above South River Bridge. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on low marsh point about 1 foot above and 8 feet back from high-water mark. A lone tree .stands west of station on opposite shore. Cement moiniment marking reference station is 9.96 meters northwest of observed station. B'larks. — Observed station is a nail in pine .stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Larramore" (S 26° 29' W) o 00 Lone cedar tree on opposite shore 5 09 North peak of wharf house 47 26 Reference station 109 45 40 9. Nail in blaze on twin oak tree (5 inches di- ameter) 134 51 Nail in blaze ou red-oak tree (5 inches di- ameter) 160 North chimney of almshouse 286 North peak of Lee's wharf house 303 % mile. % mile. I mile. ' meters. 5. 27 meters. 44 11-37 meters. 16 \Yz miles. 32 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Couiily, Md. 91 TAYLOR. Locality. — North shore of upper South River about 3+ mile above County bridge and opposite the entrance to Beards Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 17 paces back from the extreme south end of a low sand point. It is i foot above and 8 feet back from high-water mark. Several small persimmon trees stand near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.22 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — ^ / // "Larramore" (S 57° 15' E) o 00 00 J4^ mile. West chimney of white house (opposite shore) . 11 04 Yz mile. Northchimneyof yellow house (opposite shore) 132 09 % rm\&. REFERENCE STATION 139 5^ 5° 4-22 meters. Nail in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter). .. . 142 15 5. 11 meters. Nail in cedar tree (15 inches diameter) 248 31 45 yards. Red post on porch at Edgewater post-office .... 332 44 • i mile. Lone cedar tree opposite shore 352 54 300 yards. LARRAMORE. Locality. — South shore of upper South River near mouth of Beard Creek and about >^ mile north- east of County Bridge. ( See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 2 feet above and 18 feet back from high-watermark. A lone cedar tree stands near the shore about 75 yards back from station. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.96 meters southwest of station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set in a 4-inch tile pipe with top 3 inches below ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Taylor" (N 57° 14' \V) o 00 00 '4 mile. Nail in blaze on leaning mulberry tree (iS inches diameter) 17.85 meters. Lone cedar tree 52 28 75 yards. West chimney of house at Edgewater post- office 136 02 >< mile. South peak of Lee's wharf house 175 39 Yz mile. East chimney of white house (first hill south) . 200 35 >< mile. Reference .STATION 271 29 7.96 meters. BREWER (SOUTH RIVER). Locality. Southwest shore of South River on point on northwest side of mouth of Almshouse Creek about }i mile northwest by north of County almshouse and y, mile west by south of Ferry Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is i foot above and 10 feet from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.67 meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Ginger" (N 22° oo' W) o 00 00 '2 mile. Peak of yellow house (opposite shore) 63 04 i >< miles. Waggaman windmill 100 05 J4 mile. Flag pole on Waggaman Club house 105 15 H mile. North chimney on almshouse 165 57 % mile. Nail in blaze on leaning red oak tree (l2 inches diameter) 222 55 6.61 meters. Reference station 257 01 00 7.67 meters. Nail in blaze on white oak tree (3 inches'diam- cter) 294 44 9.11 meler.s. 92 Siir7Tv of Ovsicr Bars^ Aiiiw Arni/dcl County^ Md. ALMSHOUSE. Z,Of<7/2Vj'.— Southwest shore of South River about halfway between Glebe and Almshouse creeks and about 200 yards east of County Almshouse. (vSee Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on a low sod point about 6 inches above high-water mark. A group of locust trees stands just southwest of station and an old white house stands on a hill about 100 yards south- west. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.S7 meters southwest of station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe set flush with surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° " Waggaman" (X 37° 10' E) o Waggaman's windmill 5 Nail ill blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 160 Reference station 171 Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 196 North chimney of 245 Peak of Edgewater post-ofBce 279 .... Yz tiiile. .... Yz mile. 15 9. 76 meters. 06 00 9. 875 meters. oS 7. 84 meters. 17 200 yards. 57 lYi miles. oS ALMSHOUSE (LIGHTNING ROD). Locality. —.Southwest shore of South River between Glebe and Almshouse creeks near County almshouse. (See Chart No. 3. ) Marks. — Lightning rod on south chimney of alm.shouse. References. — None necessarj-. V CEDAR (SOUTH RIVER). Zofa///)'.— Southwest shore of South River on point between Glebe and Lonehouse creeks. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is on low sand point about i foot above and 6 feet back from high -water mark. .A number of small cedar trees stand southwest of station. Cement monument marking reference .sta- tion is 5.61 meters south of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set flusli with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Switch " ( N 89° 57' E) o 00 00 Reference .st.\tion 1 22 Nail in blaze on twin cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 133 Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 213 South chimney on almshouse 223 Flagstaff on Waggaman Clubhouse , 253 54 Waggaman windmill 256 43 14 ^i mile. 10 5. 61 meters. 24 5- 69 meters. 29 5. 1 1 meters. 06 I mile. .... I mile. .... I mile. North chimney on brown house (opposite shore) 314 33 j^" mile. MAYO. /,0f(7/;Vr.— Southwest shore of South River on Mayo Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 6 feet above and 40 feet back from high-water mark. .A low holly bush stands 25 feet northeast and a low sand knoll 10 feet north of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.95 meters southwest of observed station. .1/ar/t.y.— Obser\-ed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with ground. Reference .station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Selby" (S 45° 44' E) o 00 Reference .st.\tion 87 58 Nail in blaze onred oak tree (12 inches diameter) 108 35 '■," \ Nail in blaze on cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 140 33 South chimnev on almshouse 177 27 2)1 miles. 00 I mile. 10 5. 95 meters. 6.07 meters. . . . ... 9. 30 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Ariuidel Cotinly, Md. 93 North chimney on Waggaiiian house 192 54 2^4" miles. Southchimneyonred roof h<)Use(oppositeshore) 223 53 simile. Green water tower (South River Chib) 270 50 i^< miles. North peak of old barn 2S1 00 i mile. SELBY. Locality. — Southwest shore of South Ri\er on Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 6 feet above hi_t;h-water mark and about 250 )-ards south of the extreme north end of Turkey Point. A lone locust tree stands about 12 yards south of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 7. Si meters southwest of observed station. IMarks. — Observed station is center point of a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' ". ".'Vrundel" (NSi°27'E}.. o 00 00 i>:^ miles. tocust stump ( I Yz feet high ) 7 30 1 1. 30 meters. Thomas Point Light 20 3S 3 miles. Nail in blaze on locust tree ( 12 inches diameter) 113 10 10. 65 meters. Referenxe .st.\Tion 137 31 00 7. Si meters. Water tower (South River Club) 276 31 2 miles. Peak of red roof house (opposite shore) 27S 23 i 'i miles. Peak of white house (opposite shore) 307 50 1)3 miles. GOWAN. Locality. — Western shore of bay on Saunders Point between entrances to South River and West River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 21 feet back from edge of bluff 25 feet high. Two blazed cedar trees stand about 12 yards south of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.320 meters west of observed station. J/a;-^5.— Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Thomas Point Light" (N 74'^ 06' E) o 00 00 3 miles. Nail in blaze on cedar tree { 10 inches diameter) 102 41 13. 02 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree (12 inches diameter) 129 43 9. 44 meters. Peak of white house 171 oS ]i mile. Reference st.\tion iSo 13 50 1 1. 32 meters. South chimney of house 240 12 100 yards. nrTCHMAN. Locality. — North side of entrance to West River on Dutchman Point between shore of bay and Rhode River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on top of a bank 12 feet high and is 10 feet back from the edge. A small lone locust tree stands about 1 1 yards northwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.61 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a tile pipe with .top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o / // "Curtis" (S29°37'E) o 00 00 i,'.C miles. Peak of wharf house at Nowell Pier 21 34 i mile. Chimney on small white house 85 17 'z mile. Cupola on large building 137 22 i mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (2 inches diameter ) . 155 03 10.25 meters. Chimney on red-roof house 184 22 }i mile. Reference st.\tion 1S9 50 30 1 1.61 meters. 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Coiiu/y, Md. CATO. Locality. — North shore of West River on point at east side of entrance to Rhode River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is the extreme west end of a low sand point and is awash at high tide. A bank 12 feet high is 75 yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 20,01 meters east-southeast of observed station. Marks. — Ob.served station is an auger hole in a pine stub projecting 2 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement moniunent. References. — air/ "Curtis" (S 35° 25' E) o 00 00 i '4 miles. Peak of wharf house (Nowell Pier) 20 41 i mile. Chimney on white house (opposite shore) .... 83 00 >< mile. Cupola on large building 145 34 i mile. South peak of packing house 161 31 i mile. Peak of Carr's wharf 189 57 i '4 miles. Chimney on red-roof house 213 50 % mile. Reference station 310 52 20 20.01 meters. DELTA. Locality. — East shore of Rhode River on point south of entrance to Cadle Creek, about 'z mile north of mouth of Rhode River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 300 yards southeast of Stiner's and 15 yards back from edge of a bluff 12 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.32 meters northeast of observed station. i\Larks. — Observed station is an auger hole in a pine stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Rhode " ( S 26° 42' W) o 00 00 . . Cupola on large building (opposite shore) .... 55 11 .... South peak of old packing house (opposite shore) 6g 12 . . . . Southeast corner of Carr's wharf house 124 31 Chimney on yellow house 149 43 .... Reference station 193 09 10 . . Chimney on red-roof house 2S0 50 .... Nail in blaze on small tree (3 inches diameter) 354 41 i7- 19 meters. ETNA. Locality. — shore of Rhode River, about 400 yards north of mouth to Cadle Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 6 feet back from edge of a bank 1 2 feet high and is in front of the second house north of Cadle Creek, which stands about 25 yards northeast of station. Cement uionumeul marking reference station is 5.40 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is an auger hole in a pine stub projecting 3 feet above tlie ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Lvcferences. — ° ' " " Turf " (»S 69° 27' W) o 00 00 ,'4 mile. North peak of Murray's wharf house 14 08 i mile. West chimney of house 40 iS \% miles. Southwest corner of Carr's wharf house 72 05 ^ mile. South chimney on red- roof house 83 31 % mile. Northwest corner of picket fence g8 53 17. 45 meters. Reference station 152 17 20 5. 40 meters. Southwest corner of picket fence 1 73 «) 11. Ss^meters. >4 mile. % mile. 1^ mile. H mile. % mile. 4. .^2 meters. 300 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Ainic Arundel County^ Md. 95 CALF. Locality. — Northern shore of upper Rhode River between Whitemarsh and Waters creeks about % mile west by north of Carr's wharf. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 25 feet back from edge of a bank 15 feet high. It is abreast of High Island and about 300 yards northwest of the extreme southeast end of a point of land between Whitemarsh and Waters creeks. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.96 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference .station is center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Turf" (S 30° 10' E) ,. . o 00 00 Y2 mile. Cupola on large house (opposite shore) 55 07 ^ mile. Chimney on small white house (opposite shore) . 115 05 J^ mile. West chimney on red-roof house (first hill north) 129 25 I mile. Nail in blaze on pine tree (4 inches diameter) . . 201 4S 5.17 meters. Reference station 242 17 20 4.96 meters. Southwest corner of Carr's wharf 307 46 300 yards. Nail in blaze on small white oak tree (2 inches diameter) 327 30 uo 9. 15 meters. TURF. Locality. — West shore of Rhode River on point at right-angle bend in river and _'i mile south of Carr's wharf. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on a low marshy point just above high-water mark. A large frame tobacco barn stands about % mile southwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4. S3 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " ■ " Etna" (N 69° 27' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney on white house (opposite shore) .... 25 47 "^ mile. ' Chimney on red-roof house. 58 29 i mile. Southeast corner of old barn 149 04 ^'4 mile. Cupola on large building 157 36 '4 mile. Reference station 179 49 00 4. S3 meters. CUPOLA. Locality. — On west side of Rhode River about )^ mile above its mouth and '{ mile back from shore. (See Chart No. 3, ) Marks. — Center of spindle on belfry cupola on dark colored frame barn. Bell in cupola under spindle. References. — None necessary. RHODE. Locality. — West shore of Rhode River on point about 'A mile north of its mouth. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on a low sand point just above high-water mark and about 60 feet west of the extreme east end of point. Ce:nent monument marking reference station is 7.39 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 96 Survey of Ovstcr Bars, Aiuic Arundel Countv., Md. References. — ° "Delta" (N 26° 4(/ E) o Chimney on red-roof house 31 West chimney on red -roof house 146 Nail in blaze on twin locust tree (4 inches iH- ameter) j S i Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 2u8 Reference station 216 Cupola on Iarj;e building 261 K mile. X mile. I \A miles. 59 27. 57 meters. 14 24. 25 meters. 02 20 7-39 meters. 38 y, mile. CHES. Locality. — North shore of West River on point at west side entrance to Rhode Ri\er and about 300 yards east of entrance to Chestons Creek. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 21 feet back from the edge of a bank 15 feet high. .\ twin locust stump stands about 2 yards southeast of station. Cement monimient marking reference station is 8,71 meters northwest of observed station. Mar};s. — Observed station is a nail in a pine slul; flusli with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monmnent. References. — o / // " Dutchman " (N 49° 52' E) o 00 00 % mile. Chimney' on small house (opposite .shore) .... loi 19 I mile. West chimney on red-roof house (opposite shore ) 115 41 i mile. chinniey on white house ( opposite shore ) . 157 13 I mile. Chimney on small house 219 35 200 yards. Reference station 253 53 30 8. 71 meters. ALPHA. - Locality. — North shore of West River between Scaffold and Chestons creeks and about '4 mile north of Cedar I'oint. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 10 feet above and 5 feet back from high-water mark. It is about 100 3'ards east of Scaffold Creek and 200 yards west of a small white .shanty. Cement numuinent marking reference station is 8.26 meters north of obser\ed station. A/ari's. — Observed .station is an auger hole in a hickory stump. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // ' ' Cove " (Si°2i'E) o Tangent to Counallor Point 20 Peak of white house 68 Nail in blaze on hickory tree (7 inches diam- eter) 135 Nail in blaze on black oak tree (7 inches diameter) 163 Reference station 167 Nail in blaze on black oak 230 West chinniev on (opposite .shore) .... 354 46 34^ mile. I mile. yi mile. II. 33 meters. 9. 74 meters. 01 00 8. 26 meters. 15 7- 58 meters. 54 I mile. SHELL. Locality. — West shore of Upper West River about 300 yards north of entrance to Cox Creek and % mile west of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on an oyster shell bank about 8 feet above and 3 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 21 meters northwest of ob.served .station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Aiiiic Arundel Couiilv, Md. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub projecting iS inches above ground, station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o > /> " Cove" (S 88° 05' E) o 00 00 ]A mile. Chimne}' on small white house (opposite shore) 11 30 ^-i mile. North chimney on red-roof house (opposite shore) 41 30 }{ mile. West chimney on house belonging to Mr. L,erch (opposite shore) 68 24 i mile. Nail in blaze on gum tree (2 feet diameter) . . . 120 Reference station 200 Nail in blaze on cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 213 Southwest corner of white shanty 298 97 07 10.34 meters. 02 10 1 1. 21 meters. 52 10.60 meters. 07 I j-4 miles . COUNALLOR. 15 ^ mile. y^ mile. li mile. 21 ]i mile. 20 250 j-ards. 28 250 yards. 27 55 iu-93 nieters. 40 18.25 meters. Locality. — West shore of upper West River about 250 yards north of steamboat wharf at Galesville and on south side of entrance to Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 22 feet back from edge of a bluff 12 feet high. .\n old dead stump stands about 6 feet to the south of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.93 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // . "Apple" (853° 50' E) o Lerch's windmill 10 East chimney on Mr. Hyde's house 50 Chimney on Chalk Point wharf hou,se 72 Chimney on Galesville wharf 80 East peak on Wayson's store 112 Reference station 159 Cedar tree , 207 CHALK. Locality. — Upper West River on west side of Chalk Point about yi mile southeast of Galesville and 200 j'ards east of Chalk Point steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is about 4 feet above and 27 feet back from high-water mark. It is about S yards west of a blazed locust tree standing on edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 8. 15 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a jjine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Apple" (N49'' 35' E) o Lerch's windmill 25 Nail in blaze on twin locust tree 49 Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 67 11 East chimney on Mr. Hyde's house 124 35 Reference st.ation 201 59 35 Chimney on small yellow house 216 Chimney on Galesville wharf house 284 48 % mile. y^ mile. 7. 32 meters. % mile. % mile. 8. 15 nieters. 43 100 yards. 27 30U j'ards. LERCH WINDMILL. Locality. — Upper West River about Vz mile east of Chalk Point and }i mile southeast of Galesville near house of Mr. Lerch. Marks. — Center of shaft at highest point of windmill. References. — None necessary. 330—07 12 98 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. APPLE. Locality. — East shore of Upper West River, abreast of Galesville, and about }^ mile south by west of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 28 feet back from edge of bank, 8 feet high. It is about 45 yards east of the southwest corner of V. Hartge's house. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.17 meters east of observed station. 31'ai-ks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush witli ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Chalk" (S 49° 35' W) o 00 00 , Chimney on Chalk Point wharf house 16 45 Chimney on Galesville wharf house 40 00 East peak of Wayson's store 41 36 Chimney on store 64 27 Southwest corner of Hartge wharf house 154 38 Apple tree (6 inches diameter) 203 02 Reference st.^tion 236 25 30 Twin apple tree 294 01 COVE. X mile. % mile. Yz mile. Y2, mile. Yz mile. Yz mile. 7 . 22 meters. 7. 17 meters. II. 40 meters. Locality. — South shore of West River, about % mile northeast of Galesville, un Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on a low narrow neck of land, about 125 yards from its extreme south end. It is about 6 inches above high-water mark and 5 yards west of a blazed cedar stump. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 5.41 meters northeast of observed station. Maries. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — 01// " Counallor" (S 47° 00' W) _. o 00 00 3^ mile. Southwest corner of small shanty (opposite shore) 137 40 34.' mile. Chimney on white house ( .shore). .. . 156 41 i mile. Reference station 171 09 30 5. 41 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar stump (15 inches diameter) 196 03 4. 60 meters. Northwest corner of Hartge wharf house 316 46 350 yards. Lerch's windmill 31S 26 I mile. CURTIS. Locality. — South side of entrance to West River on west side of Curtis Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 10 feet above and 6 feet back from edge of bank. It is north of entrance to Parish Creek and about 250 yards northwest of a house standing back in the woods/ A line of sight was cut through woods in order to see Bloody Point Bar Light. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is about 10.82 meters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ' ' " "Dutchman" (N 29° 36' W) o 00 Peak of white house (opposite shore) 25 43 Nail in blaze on gum tree (4 inches diameter) . 148 05 Reference station 156 04 Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 197 56 South peak of wharf house 273 32 East chimney of yellow house 281 50 00 \% miles. 2 miles. 13. 63 meters. 20 10. 82 meters. 15.65 meters. Yz mile. % mile. oo 00 . . . 1% miles. 58 % mile. 53 300 yards. 30 50 ... . .. 11. 24 meters. 05 300 yards. 54 350 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County, Md. 99 HORvSESHOE. Locality. — On shore of baj' about % mile south of eastern edge of Horseshoe Point. (See Chart No. 3.) ^ Observed station is on \o4i marshy point nearly awash at high tide. It is about 300 yards east of a yellow house with three lightning rods. This house is surrounded by cedar trees. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is n.24 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set in center of a tile pipe projecting 2 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Franklin" (S 15° 16' W) o South chimney on white house 35 Chimney on yellow house 56 Reference station 91 Chimney on small house 124 West chimney of house 131 BLOODY POINT BAR UIGHT. Locality.— O^ eastern shore of bay, about i^ miles due west of the southernmost point of Kent Island and about % mile west-southwest from mouth of Bloody Point Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Marks.— Q^nl^x point of black lantern on brown caisson structure known as Bloody Point Bar Light. References. — "Horseshoe" (N 87° 45' W) '. 5 "4^ miles. FRANKLIN. Locality. —Western shore of bay on Franklin Point, about halfway between West River and Her- ring Bay. (Se.e Chart No. 4.) Observed station is on low point, covered with tufts of marsh grass, situated between the marsh and shore. It is just above high-water mark and about 80 yards in front of the northeast point of a round grove of small oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.36 meters north- west of observed station. yVar^i.— Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o / // "Horseshoe" (N 15° 15' E) o Black oak tree at southeast point of round grove of trees (12 inches diameter) 217 White oak tree abreast of station (2 feet di- ameter) 248 Reference station 274 Peak of small white shanty 342 South peak of yellow house back of Horseshoe Point ■ 353 NUT. Locality. — Western shore of bay, about ^-l miles northeast of mouth of Broadwater Creek. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is on low marshy point, about 50 feet west of its extreme eastern end. A large brick house stands on edge of woods, about % mile northwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.40 meters northwest of observed station. 00 00 . . . . . . \yz miles. 50 100 yards. 55 80 yards. 47 40 ... ... 6. 36 meters. 09 ^ mile. 22 I >^ miles. lOO Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / ,, "Franklin" (N 33° 37' E) o 00 00 i^ miles. Peak of white barn on south side Broadwater Creek 200 58 lyi miles. Reference station 260 28 10 13. 40 meters. North chimney of brick house 273 46 % mile. East peak of old barn 330 41 ^4 mile. East tangent to grove on Franklin Point 359 00 i^jjf miles. BROAD. Locality. — Western shore of bay, on south side of entrance to Broadwater Creek, on the extreme north end of a narrow neck of land between the creek and the bay. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is about 25 feet back from edge of bank 4 feet high. A inimber of cedar trees stand 20 yards northwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.29 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stul) flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Nut" (N 43° 14' E) o North chimney on house across Broadwater Creek 201 Chimney on house (opposite shore) 260 Nail in blaze on cedar tree Reference station 264 Nail in blaze on cedar tree on edge of bank (12 inches diameter) 289 East chimney of brown house ( opposite shore ) . 295 00 00 I mile. 21 34* mile. 24 300 yards. 21. 10 meters. 42 20 I3. 29 meters. 07 30. 25 meters. 19 Yz mile. PARKER. Locality. — Western shore of bay, on north side of entrance to Herring Bay. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is on a small detached sand island south of Parker Island, about 25 yards from the extreme south end and just above high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.57 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Fairhaven" (S 47° 11' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Chimney on white house 29 03 i mile. Chimney on small house 63 42 % mile. West chimney on small white house 85 21 % mile. West chimney ou red-roof house 96 43 ^ mile. East chimney on red-roof house 115 04 )^ mile. Reference station 132 30 10 5.57 meters. HOPKINS. Locality. — North side of Herring Bay, on east side of entrance to Herring Creek and about i y, miles north by west of Fairhaven Wharf. (See Chart No. 4. ) Observed station is 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark, and is nearly on line with south face of house standing just east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.15 meters northwest of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Airne Aniiidcl Cmiiiiy, Aid. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub flush witli ground of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / ' ' Fairhaven " (827° 28' \V ) o 00 Chimney on small house (opposite shore) .... 16 25 South chimney on white house (opposite shore) 93 21 South chimney on )-ellow house (opposite shore ) 102 00 . . Reference station 105 44 35 West chimney on small white house 124 Northwest corner of house 172 Southwest corner of house 192 Reference station is center point 00 i]i miles. \l mile. % mile. 5. 15 meters. 37 150 yards. 19 '6. 39 meters. II '5-17 meters. FAIRHAVEN. mile back from shore Locality. — Western shore of Herring Bay on prominent bold hill about and }4 mile west by north of Fairhaven wharf. ( See Chart No. 4. ) Observed station is about 25 yards south of a lone chestnut tree 3 feet in diameter and about 100 yards north of highway to Friendship. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.0S meters north of observed station. 3Iarks. — Observed station is the centei of a 4-inch tile pipe with top S inches below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — / // "Hopkins" (N 27° 28' E) o Cupola on old Fairhaven Hotel 45 East chimney on yellow house 51 West peak of Fairhaven wharf house 98 Chimney on small house close to shore 113 Post of rail fence 241 05 14-53 meters. Nail in blaze on lone chestnut tree (3 feet diameter) 346 Reference station 35 1 1% miles. % mile. yi. mile. 1 mile. Yx mile. 37 25 . 78 meters. 49 50 6. 08 meters. HOLLAND. Locality. — Western shore of bay on south side of entrance to Herring Bay about 30 yards west of Holland Point. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is 5 feet back from top of a bank 7 feet high. Two large blazed trees stand south and west of station at distance 12 and 25 yards respectively. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.88 meters southwest of observed station. 3Iarks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fairhaven" (N 48° 13' W) o Nail in blaze on red oak tree (2^'^ feet diameter) 238 Reference st.^tion 262 Nail in blaze on red oak tree (2J^ feet diameter) 286 55 22. 63 meters. 00 00 . . . 2j4 miles. 49 . . . II. 17 meters. 05 GO . . . ... 12. 88 meters. I02 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. INSTRUCTIONS. The two following letter.s, together with the laws" of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" of the representative of the Survey. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of natural oyster bars. The " free hand " permitted by these orders proved very bene- ficial and was greatly appreciated. Dep.\rtment of Commerce and L.^bor, Office of the Secretary, Washington , Juyie 2, 1^06. Sir: In reply to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates vfill be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, L-AWRENCE O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor 0/ Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast .and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July j, i<)o6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Marj'land. You will consult the commissioners, prepare a programme of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. . ****** * Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. YaTES, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer "Endeavor," Baltimore, Md. HOUSE BOAT "OYSTER." While arranging to ttiru over the command of the steamer Endeavor, the repre- sentative of the Survey, acting under preliminary instructions from the Superintendent, was engaged in frequent consultation with the Shell Fish Commissioners in reference to the programme of future work. In addition to these duties, he undertook for the commissioners the planning and supervision necessary to convert the old side-wheel steamer Tliomas L. Wortliley into a house boat for the surveying parties of both the Commission and the Government. « For copies of these laws see " Introduction " to this publication. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aiinc Arundel County, Md. 103 The Worltilej, now called the house boat Oyster, was in excellent conditron when purchased by the Commission. The keelsons and timbers were sound and the upper works strong. After the removal of the old engine and boiler, the house boat was docked and her hull thoroughly examined. The outside planking below the water line was found in good condition, and although it was recalked, it was done as an additional precaution, the hull having been absolutely water-tight from the day of purchase. The Oyster is about 135 feet over all and 35 feet in beam. The main deck contains living- quarters for 27 men, the officers mess room and the galley. The upper deck has II staterooms, 5 for the 3 commissioners and their 2 hydrographic engineers, 4 for the Coast Survey officers, i for the representative of the U- S. Bureau of Fisheries, and I for the local county oyster commissioner. Besides these rooms, there are located on this deck a large drafting room, a laboratory for oyster investigations, and an office room. Coal for the two Government launches and the galley is stored in the hold, which also contains fresh-water tanks having a capacity of about 7,000 gallons. Signal lumber is carried on the main deck aft of the officers' mess room. As a whole, the Oyster is plainly and practically equipped for the work to be done. She has added much to the amount of the surveying accomplished during the season, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey representative greatly appreciates the practical advantages furnished to his party by their quarters on the house boat. When the large party of the combined surveying forces is taken into consideration with the limited accommodations usually obtainable on shore, the attending difficulties of a scattered party, the uncertain location and supply of coal and water for launches and sufficient lumber for signals, it is easily to be seen that the amount of work accomplished would have been reduced greatly, if there had been no such house boat as the Oyster to supply all requirements of the surveying operations. With reasonable care and repairs, the Oyster will be a valuable asset to the Com- mission at the completion of the oyster survey of the State, besides having paid her first cost several times over in both quality and quantity of work accomplished. ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The command of the Endeavor was turned over to the hydrographic inspector July 9, 1906, and from that date to the commencement of active field work the Survey representative was engaged on organization of party, collection of surveying data, general supervision of the construction of the house boat, and preparation of field equipment. Some delay was experienced in completing repairs to the Survey steam launch Inspector, and by the difficulties of- obtaining surveying assistants who were qualified to receive an appointment undep civil-service rules. In fact, the last field assistant did not take his oath of office urftil the middle of October. The field organization of the party, when fully completed, remained the same during the season, and was as foUdws: C. C. Yates, assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and chief of party. E. A. Borst, triangulator. N. L. Arbuckle, topographic draftsman. F. W. Seth, sur\'eynian and computer. One launch coxswain. One launch engineer. Five seamen and hands. I04 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. Later two additional draftsmen, J. D. Torrey and G. C. Moore, were appointed and assigned to duty in the office in Washington, where they were employed on the preparation for publication of the charts of natural oyster bars, making in all a party of six officers from the Coast and Geodetic Survey engaged on the work. During the last weeks of the field work, Mr. Paul C. Whitney, assistant. Coast and Geodetic Survey, was assigned to temporary duty in the party in place of Mr. E. A. Borst, who resigned. The equipment of the party, in addition to the quarters and accommodations on the house boat Oyster, consisted of the large Coast and Geodetic Survey steam launch Inspector, an excellent whaleboat, a large ship's cutter, and a fishing dory. The Survey also furnished a complete outfit of theodolites, levels, sextants, and other instru- ments necessary for the work of the Government and State surveying parties, and the usual outfit of tools, sails and oars, stationery, etc. FIELD WORK. The launch hi spec for and outfit were moved to Annapolis on August lo, 1906, on which date the actual field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party commenced. Previous to this time a number of signals had been erected over old Coast and Geodetic Survey triaugulation stations on the Severn River by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. By using the triaugulation so established, considerable oyster bar location was accomplished. After the arrival of the Coast Survey party,' the erection of signals and the observations of horizontal angles necessary to establish a framework of triaugulation were kept well ahead of the oyster bar locations and other oyster investigations. The methods of triaugulation were those established by the and Geodetic Survey aud require no explanation other than that given bj' the publications of the Survey. In all there are 123 triaugulation stations involved in the survey of Anne Arundel County natural oyster bars. These stations are scattered along the western shore line of the bay from Fort Carroll to Holland Point, and are located at intervals frequently less than a half and rarely more than a mile apart. The triaugulation was carried on with energy aud good judgment, but the scattered condition of the work, composed of a mixture of new and old stations, increased the number of observations without the usual proportionate increase in number of new stations established. After the appointment of a topographic draftsman on September 19, all boat sheets for both the hydrographic and oyster investigation parties were prepared and much other drafting work was done to facilitate the operations of the commissioners. Besides this work, the draftsman checked the computations and kept up the smooth projections as far as the new field work permitted. Con.siderable difficulty was experienced iu bringing up the computations to the immediate requirements of the work, especially iu River and to the south along the .shore of the bay, where practically all old triaugulation stations had been washed away. This situation was much relieved by the appointment of a survej'man on Octo- ber 15, who had received some training in the computing division of the Survey at Washington. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Coun/]\ Mrl. 105 The operations in the vicinity of Severn and Soutli rivers were completed Sep- tember 13, when the house boat Oyster was moved to West River. Up to this time the party had lived on shore and suffered man}? of the resulting inconveniences and delays due to scattered lodgings, uncertain meal hours, etc. The advantages of the house boat were immediately shown in the results, and in spite of much bad weather the work in the vicinity of West River was completed and the Oyster moved to Magothy River on November 9. Here the house boat remained until the end of the month, when she was moved to Bodkin Creek. On December 9 the main body of the field work for the season was completed and the Oyster went to Annapolis for the winter. Quarters were taken up on shore, the parties reduced in number, and offices established in the state house. During the following winter the uniini.shed ends of triangulation, construction and planting of permanent monuments, and new descriptions of stations, occupied about a third of the time of the triangulator. Besides the training and required by an entirely new organization, and the systematizing of a new class of work, the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey devoted nuich time and took much interest in the work of the Commission in general as affecting both the surveying and other operations of the oyster-culture laws of Maryland. OFFICE W'ORK. After October 15, a greater part of the original computations were made by the surveyman of the party and were checked by the triangulator and the topographic draftsman. This work included the computations of 166 triangles, 67 geodetic posi- tions, and 1,083 back computations of geodetic positions required for the technical descriptions of the boundaries of natural oyster bars. These computations, together with the making out of the abstract of horizontal angles, the lists of geographic posi- tions, the lists of directions, and the reduction to center for 8 eccentric .stations', make up a creditable amount of computation for the short season's work. The drafting con.sisted of the preparation of nearly all boat sheets u.sed by the hydrographic and oyster-investigation parties, the construction of 9 projection sheets, and the plotting of 2,596 .sextant positions on the projections. Besides this drafting, the progress map was prepared for the lithographer, the boundaries of 91 natural oy.ster bars were plotted on the projections, the geographic positions of 361 corners of bars were .scaled off the sheets, and 1,083 distances to landmarks from corners of bars taken off the projections for in checking computations. This work was done neatly and accurately, and represents a larger amount of labor than this statement would indicate. The great amount of necessary work required to prepare for publication the 4 large scale charts of the natural oy.ster bars and the report containing the description of boundaries and landmarks to accompanj' charts, can be seen from an inspection of the charts and reports. SUMMARY. The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooper- ation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need no other summary than is indicated by the published charts of the natural oyster bars and the scheme of 330—07 -13 io6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. projections and triangulation shown on the progress map at the end of this report. The work completed will stand the test of time, and it will be recognized ulti- mately that both time and money have been saved by having the work done system- atically and accurately. The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual preci.sion of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points neces.sary to provide ample foundation for the .surveying and charting oper- ations permitted great accuracy of definition and location for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanencj' of the positions of boundaries has been .secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last sixty-five years. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey deems it both desirable and natural to make a statement of appreciation of the ever courteous actions of everyone connected with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission" and of his colleague* from the Department of Conuuerce and Labor. This excellent relationship made true cooperation possible and aided greatlj' in the .successful accom- plishment of much work. « Walter J. Mitchell, chairman, Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary, Benjamin K. Green, treasurer, com- missioners; Thomas H. Robinson, counsel; Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer; W. Gibson Kmory, assistant engineer; Joseph E. Smith, local oyster commissioner for Anne Arundel County; H. Court- ney Jenifer, chief clerk; Samuel .\. Harper, clerk; Ernest Reppenhagen, draftsman. b Dr. H. F. Moore, scientific assistant in the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. o I h Fe '06