1 XAMINj TION u m i n FOWLER. ■>#-j <*:' Library of Congress. Chap _ Shelf.. :<8>: 3BS 3% ^^UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.^ r^^? 9—167 Mi ERRATA: On page 16, 19 and 20, for insipitus, read insipidus. On page 16 and 54, for miletus and melitus, read mellitus. On page 34 for 1-120, read 1-3000. 1 ■■->*- : <**?'*+- ■ ' 1 - 1 - ' 1 fc#< ■ ft ■ J ■ X , ^ HbH^ ' I ■ FORD EXCHANGE. 3 4 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE, / BY GEOI; B. FOWLER, M.D., EXAMINER IN PHYSIOLOGY, COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, YORK, FELLOW OP THE NEW- YORK ACADEMY OP MEDICINE, I, MEMBER N. Y. COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY, ETC. New- York : D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 549 and 551 Broadway. 1874, 46975 +± V PREFACE. \j> * This book is intended simply as a " Guide." It lias been my endeavor to render the subject and the manipulations as plain as possible, hoping thereby to enable the reader to acquire a thorough knowledge of the common and important characters of the urine. In teaching the subject. I have become convinced that a few words regarding the conditions which produce the vari- ous changes in the urine, normal and abnormal, have very greatly assisted the student in mastering the subject, by at once revealing its practical import. I have, therefore, intro- duced here brief outlines of the physiological and patholo- gical influences which bear upon the subject. The general arrangement of a manual like this is impor- tant ; that which I have adopted is as follows : Part I. 1. Characters of Normal Urine. 2. Effects of Reagents upon Normal Urine. Part II. — Characters of Abnormal Urine. Part III. — Urinary Deposits. 1. Those which are Natural Constituents of the Urine, either Separately or in Combination. 2. Those which are Foreign to its Composition under any form. Part IV. — Accidental Ingre'dients which do not F»rm Deposits. Part V. — Quantitative Analysis. • • Part VI. — Calculi and Gravel. April, 1874. EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. PAET I. 1. CHARACTERS OF NORMAL URINE. Composition. Water, 938.00 Urea, . . . .... 30.00 Creatinine, ...... 1.50 Creatine, 1.25 Urate of Soda, j " " Potassa, I 1.80 u u Ammonia, ) Coloring Matter and Mucus, . .30 Biphosphate of Soda, Phosphate of Soda, " " Potassa, - 12.45 " "Magnesia, x " " Lime, Chlorides of Sodium and Potassium, . 7.80 Sulphates of Soda and I \>tassa, 6.90 1000.00 Odor. — The odor of normal urine has been de- scribed as resembling that of violets. It is subject to many changes, however, depending upon articles of 6 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. food, and some medicines impart to it a peculiar odor. But when this is the case, it is best considered under the head of abnormal, which see. Color. — The tint of healthy urine is liable to variation, though a yellow amber is about the stand- ard color.' The coloring matter of urine is a peculiar organic constituent called urosacine. It is present in definite proportion, and depends upon the amount of water whether its presence in the urine be marked by a deep or faint color. Excessive indulgence in water, malt liquors and wine, and diminished activity of the perspiratory apparatus, will cause an increase of the watery element in the urine, and consequently more or less dilution, when the urine will assume a light color, and may even resemble pure water. The converse of the above conditions will produce a contrary re suit. Transparency. — Normal urine is perfectly clear, with the exception of a small collection of mucus and epithelium which nearly always collect at the bottom of the vessel. Reaction. — Healthy urine has an acid reaction, which is due not to the presence of any free acid, but to an acid salt, the biphosphate of soda. This re- action may be decided or faint. But it should not be understood that unless the urine is acid it is abnormal. Indeed, the reaction may vary within healthy limits, between well-marked alkalinity and acidity. The causes of this irregularity are found to be in the diet. It has been ascertained that a vegetable diet will lessen and sometimes cause the disappear- EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. 7 ance of the acidity ; and it has been found that after a mixed meal, the urine is distinctly alkaline. This reaction continues a little while, when the alkalinity becomes less, and finally the acid state is restored. The acid reaction thus increases during fasting, and reaches its greatest degree of intensity after twelve hours of abstinence from food. (Roberts.) It is well to note that this variation is not due to any diminution in the acid present, but simply to a sudden accumulation of alkaline ingredients, the re- sult of digestion. For during digestion, all the salts of the organic acids, such as tartrates, malates, citrates, and lactates are transformed into carbonates, and as such appear in the urine. Substances con- taining these organic compounds are in daily use, either as food or medicine. All the fruits and vege- tables offer familiar examples, and mineral waters are a common cause of a temporary alkaline urine. Specific Gravity. — The specific gravity of normal urine varies from 1018 to 1025. These limits may be extended in individual cases, and, in fact, depend greatly upon the quantity of urine voided. In other words, the specific gravity bears an inverse ratio to the daily quantity. Should we have an increased flow of urine from unusual indulgence in drink, or from the action of any diuretic, we would not expect the density to equal that where the same amount of solid mate- rial was present in a less amount of water. For in diuresis, except in a few instances of disease, we merely have the water increased, and not the solid constitu- ents. And, on the other hand, where the individual 8 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. lias taken little or no fluid, or has perspired freely, or is suffering with diarrhoea, the urine would be what we call concentrated — that is, the normal amount of solid ingredients, salts, urea, etc., would be there dissolved in a small proportion of water. And under these circumstances, the specific gravity would be ( liiffh — even 1030 would not indicate disease. Daily Quantity. — The total quantity of urine voided by a healthy individual during twenty-four hours is estimated to be from 35 to 50 fluid ounces. This is subject to variation, depending upon the quantity of fluids drunk, the activity of the perspira- tory functions, etc. ; for it is evident that should there be a small proportion of fluids taken into the system, there will be less secreted by the kidneys, and vice versa. And should perspiration prevail to an unnatural degree, we should be getting rid of the water by another channel, and would not expect to find the same volume of urine ; and the same may be said of watery discharges from the bowels. ' The kidneys act as regulators of the water-supply of the blood ; they take from it any excess, and when there is an insufficiency, they demand only enough to dis- solve the solid substances of the urine, and to facili- tate their discharge from the body. The estimation of the daily secretion of urine is one of the most important points connected with its study. It, however, depends greatly upon another condition for its significance to the physician — namely, specific gravity. The most important and abundant solid ingredient EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. V of the urine, urea, is present in increased quantities as a result of muscular exercise and diet ; therefore ' remember to consider these facts in instances where a greater density than 1024: to 1025 is found. These variations in specific gravity, ranging from 1006 to 1030, can not be [constant, and not excite suspicion regarding the integrity of the kidneys, or some pathological condition of the economy. To en- title them to be considered under the head of normal, they must be only temporary and easily referred to some such cause as has been mentioned. 2. EFFECTS OF REAGENTS UPON NORMAL URINE. Cold. — Cold has no visible effect upon urine of a specific gravity at or below 1020. But in concentrated specimens, after cooling, there will be a precipitate, more or less colored, which consists of the amorphous urates, they being only soluble in warm urine and in an excess of water. This precipitate first appears as a cloud throughout the whole volume of urine, but will gradually collect at the bottom and adhere in specks to the sides of the vessel as a fine powder. Such a deposit or cloudiness will disappear upon again raising the temperature to that of the body. Heat. — Normal urine of a decided acid reaction is unaffected by the application of heat. But should the reaction be faintly acid, neutral, or alkaline, heat will cause a cloudiness, due to the precipitation of the earthy phosphates, lime and magnesia. These two phosphates are insoluble in a neutral or alkaline fluid, and are less soluble in warm than in a 10 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. cold fluid, and therefore will be precipitated by heat if the reaction of urine is even slightly acid. Acid. — -The addition of an acid to urine has no visible effect beyond deepening the color. But if nitric acid be added, in the proportion of about one third, after several hours minute but distinct dark brown crystals will be seen clinging to the sides of the test-tube or vessel, and collect at the bottom. These are the crystals of uric acid which have resulted from a decomposition of the urates by the nitric acid. Alkalies. — When urine is rendered alkaline, the earthy phosphates of lime and magnesia will be preci- pitated. The subaeetate of lead and nitrate of baryta preci- pitate the alkaline sulphates, which are said to vary in certain diseases. But this proportion in the urine is itself variable, and is found to depend greatly upon the kind of food taken. The nitrate of silver precipitates the chlorides. It is sometimes expedient to estimate the comparative quantity of the chlorides, inasmuch as it is pretty well established that they are subject to great fluc- tuations in certain forms of disease. In all severe inflammations/pneumonia, pleurisy, cholera, etc., the chlorides almost disappear from the urine, and the nitrate of silver produces little or no effect. But when the attack begins to subside, this reagent will detect the return of the chlorides. This precipitate is a very copious w T hite cloud. Subaeetate of lead and nitrate of silver also preci- pitate the mucus and coloring matter of urine. EXAMINATION OF THE TJEINE. 11 Urea. — Urea represents the wornout nitrogenous elements of the body. It is excreted at tlie rate of about 500 grains per day. If, through any derange- ment of the functions^ of the kidneys, urea is not thrown off by the urine, it accumulates in the circu- lation and acts as a poison upon the nervous system, inducing what is called uremia. A convenient way to ascertain whether urea is pre- sent in the urine, in about the normal proportion, is as follows : Evaporate 5 f of urine over a water-bath to 1 \ ; filter away the phosphates and urates which are depo- sited, and allow the clear concentrated specimen to cool. Now add about 1 3 of nitric acid, and a copi- ous formation of crystals of nitrate of urea will re- sult, if the urea is present in any thing like the normal quantity. Or a few drops of the urine may be placed upon a glass slide and a drop of nitric acid added, and the whole allowed to evaporate, w T hen the crystals will be distinctly seen, and under the microscope will appear as delicate six-sided plates, superimposed one upon another. CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE IN TRINE AFTER BEING DISCHARGED FROM THE BODY. If a specimen of urine be kept for observation, the following changes show themselves : At first, after a period varying from two days to a week, the acidity becomes more marked, the color is darker, and crystals of uric acid and oxalate of lime make their appearance. Even should the urine be faintly alkaline, to commence with, and cloudiness 12 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. exist from the precipitation of the earthy phospates, it will become acid, and the cloudiness clear up, when the process continues as in the other cases. The aci- dity increases up to a certain point, and then begins to grow less. It may continue two, four, or seven days ; and Lehman states, he has observed the acid Fi »- L reaction to increase for two or three weeks, and then not disappear al- together until eight weeks.* This is the ACID FERMENTATION of urine (Fig. 1). The acidity gradually becomes fainter and fainter, and at length the urine is neutral. Acid Fermentation : Uric acid and octa- -^r- i j i nedra of oxalate of lime. JN ow, marked changes will be noticeable. The urine is cloudy ; it will con- tain conf ervoid vegetations and algae ; myriads of infusorial animalcules are visible under the micro- scope (vibriones). Neutrality gives place very soon to alkalinity, which is advertised most emphati- cally by a putrescent, ammoniacal odor. The uric acid crystals will disappear, and others of the triple 2>hosphate of ammonia and magnesia are produced. These crystals are large prisms, and can be seen glistening on the surface of the urine where a layer Dark, round of brittle fatty matter has formed. ' Physiol ogicaVChemistry, vol. 2, p. 121. EXAMINATION OF THE TJEINE. 13 crystals of the urate of ammonia may also be seen with the microscope. This state of things continues* until the decompo- sition is complete. Then the ainmoniacal odor will no longer be detected, and the urine will have lost most of its color. This constitutes the Fig - a - ALKALINE FERMENTATION (Fig. 2). The chemistry of these two fermentations has been differently ex- plained ; but that offered by Scherer is generally accepted as correct. He says that the or- ganic matters, the color- -i Alkaline Fermentation : Crystals of triple mg matter and mUCUS, phosphate] and urate of ammonia, , , t .• * j. amorphous phosphate of lime. act as catalytic bodies, and induce the fermentation whereby lactic acid is pro- duced. Just how lactic is formed is not well under- stood, but it is certain that it makes its appearance in urine when allowed to stand, in which it could not be detected when fresh. The presence of lactic acid then decomposes the urates, whereby uric acid is set free and makes its appearance as crystals. At the same time, oxalic acid must be produced, for crystals of the oxalate of lime show themselves. This oxalate of lime is very insoluble, and could not have existed in the urine before without detection. Therefore the supposition is that oxalic acid is formed and imme- 14 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. diately unites with the lime already present. So much for the acid fermentation. Now, urea is decomposable into the carbonate of ammonia by contact with a decomposing organic substance, and the addition of two equivalents of water. Here then we have the conditions of this decomposition. The mucus gradually loses its power of producing lactic and oxalic acids, and begins itself to decompose ; and surrounded by water, the arrange- ment for the transformation is complete. It accord- ingly takes place, and the first effect of the presence of carbonate of ammonia is to neutralize the acid reaction, and then to induce the alkaline. Now, of course, the earthy phosphates are no longer soluble, and render the urine opalescent by this precipita- tion ; the uric acid crystals are dissolved ; a scum of animal matter intermixed with the amorphus phos- phates now forms on the surface, and very soon glistens with crystals of a new formation, the triple phosphate or ammonio-magnesian phosphate. (It is called triple because it consists of two equivalents of magnesia and one of ammonia.) At the same time, the carbonate of ammonia acts upon the phosphate of soda of the urine, and an- other double salt, the phosphate of soda and am- monia, is formed. The crystals of this last compound salt are very similar to those of the preceding, and having the same history, and being affected alike by different substances, need not be studied apart. The urea continues to be decomposed, and the car- bonate of ammonia to unite and form these several EXAMINATION OF THE UKINE 15 new substances, until there is nothing more for it to unite with. Now it escapes as gas, and the odor re- minds us of that common to public urinals, where, indeed, the same process as just described is going on. At length, all the urea is decomposed, and the evolu- tion of the ammonia ceases. The other substances either remain unchanged or some pass off in the form of other gases. These are the important facts concerning normal urine, and a knowledge of them is indispensable, in that if we are not acquainted with them, we certainly shall not be prepared to detect and appreciate the variations which constantly present themselves, and constitute an abnormal condition. PART II. CHARACTERS OF ABNORMAL URINE. Odor. — The odor of urine is frequently affected, and is likely to attract the attention of both patient and physician, and lead to its examination. Many articles taken as food and medicine impart to it an odor peculiar to themselves. Such are asparagus, onions, turpentine, cnbebs, and copaiba. An am- moniacal odor tells the story of decomposition. Color. — The color of urine is subject to many changes, depending on the degree of concentration, where it will be more or less dark ; on dilution, where the lighter shades will prevail,. In febrile diseases, where we have a partial suppression of urine, the secretion is high-colored. In diabetes miletus, a disease characterized by an inordinate flow of urine of a high specific gravity and the presence of sugar, the tint is light ; also in diabetes insipitus, when there is a great increase in the amount of urine of low specific gravity. Some articles of food and medi- cine also affect the color of the urine. Strong coffee heightens the color, rhubarb imparts a deep yellow, and logwood gives it a reddish hue. Santonine renders it an orange red when alkaline ; when acid, a golden yellow. Creosote and compounds of tar have been EXAMINATION OF THE UUINE. 17 known to cause the urine to become almost black ; and, lastly, blood and bile may be present in such quantities as to be readily recognized. The presence of bile may be distinguished from the effects of rhubarb by the addition of a little liquor ammonia, when the deep yellow of the latter will be converted into a crimson. Transparency. — If a specimen of urine under examination is not clear and transparent, it should be first ascertained whether there was any turbidity when first voided ; for we have seen that perfectly healthy urine, when kept for any length of time, will undergo changes and a marked opalescence exist. And abnormal urine may be at first perfectly clear, but on cooling or standing exhibit a cloudiness or deposit. It is possible for urine to be abnormal, and yet remain free from turbidity or deposit. For example, albumen and sugar are perfectly soluble, and can not be detected by simple ocular inspection. Substances which interfere with the transparency of recently discharged urine are, pus, blood, phos- phates, urates (if the specimen is cool), chyle, spermatozoa, and epithelium,. The reader is referred to each of these under the head of " Urinary Deposits." Reaction. — After wdiat has been said concerning the variability in the reaction of normal urine, it is sufficient to J add now that when we meet with a patient whose urine is habitually or most of the time neutral or alkaline, we should regard him as a subject for treatment. 18 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. Remember that the alkalinity may be due to the presence of the fixed salts (soda and potassa), or to a volatile one (ammonia) ; that the former are derived from the blood, and the latter is the result of the decomposition of urea. These two conditions can easily be distinguished apart by the ammoniacal odor which betrays the presence of carbonate of ammonia, and the fact that the blue color which it imparts to reddened litmus-paper fades away. And also, if the reaction be due to carbonate of ammonia, we shall find crystals of the triple phosphate under the micro- scope. (Fig. 6.) Where either the fixed salts or the volatile one is present, of course the urine will be turbid from a precipitation of the earthy phos- phates. And this precipitation occurring in the bladder is likely to give rise to a calculus ; yet it is pretty w r ell established that the urine can remain alkaline a long time from the carbonates of soda and potassa (fixed salts), and a stone not form. It is crystalline deposits which we have to fear in this re- gard, and therefore, as the presence of carbonate of ammonia results in crystalline formations, calculi or concretions are apt to be induced by it. Therefore it is very important to recognize these two alkaline con- ditions, and to know that when the reaction is due to one, the cause pre-existed in the blood ; when to the other, the cause is the decomposition of nrea some- where in the urinary passages. Then, too, we may have the urine abnormally acid, producing a scalding sensation during micturition. Now, we know what the result is when an acid is added to the urine outside thebodv : uric acid crystals EXAMINATION OF THE UEINE. 19 will be precipitated. So it is in. the bladder under the same conditions. These crystals then accumulate and form gravel, some of which is voided by painful efforts by the urethra, but others soon grow by union and very soon become a calculus, and by their pre- sence irritate and inflame the bladder, which then throws off a quantity of mucus and epithelium. These products of inflammation supplied with the necessary conditions for decomposition, warmth and moisture, quickly begin to affect the urine as it comes down from the kidneys. The result is, the decomposition of urea, production of carbonate of ammonia,' and growth of the original uric-acid stone by successive layers of the earthy phosphates. Daily Quantity and Specific Gravity. — We have seen, in the case of healthy urine, how closely the specific gravity and daily quantity are related, and that as one increased, the other decreased ; or, in other words, that they bore an inverse ratio to each other. In certain diseased conditions, however, both are increased and decreased together. The specific gravity may be 1030, and [the daily quantity 60 1 . Here we would recognize . the fact that there is a double waste of both water and solids. And, again, the specific gravity may be 1006 to 1012, and the quantity not exceed 12 § . In this case, there is a suppression of both elements, and from retention of the chief solid constituent, :iirea, the most fatal re- sults may follow. There is also a disease — diabetes insipitus — where the daily quantity of urine is fifty and sixty ounces, and the specific gravity much below 20 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. the normal standard. This state of thing robs the system of its proportion of water, occasioning great thirst, whereby nature endeavors to counteract the drain. Here, then, in abnormal urine, the specific gravity and the daily quantity are in direct ratio, except in diabetes insipitus. When the amount of water is in- creased, the solids will he also, and vice versa. The specific gravity of urine may be increased by accidental ingredients, such as pus, blood, mucus, albumen, and sugar. Great care is necessary in collecting urine for ex- amination. The patient must be made to~pass the entire secretion of twenty-four] hours in one clean vessel, and from this total quantity a portion must be selected for examination, especially as regards the specific gravity. PAET III. 1. URINARY DEPOSITS. The urine is subject to deposits, or collections of solid and semi-solid substances, which, on account of their weight, subside when undisturbed. These de- posits consist of various materials, some of which are normal constituents of the urine, either separately or in combination, while others are foreign to its compo- sition altogether. Therefore, it will be convenient to study urinary deposits by dividing them into these two classes. To THE FIRST CLASS BELONG URIC ACID, THE URATES, THE PHOSPHATES, OXALATE OF LIME, EPITHELIUM, MUCUS, AND PIGMENTS. Uric Acid. — Uric acid does not exist in a free state in the urine, but is there in combination with the alkaline bases, soda, potassa, and ammonia. It, how- ever, presents itself independent of these, and forms a deposit of dark brown crystals. We have seen that this occurs during the acid fermentation of urine, and that it is due to the development and action of lactic acid, which decomposes the urates. We can accomplish the same result by adding any strong acid to a test-tube containing- urine, and allowing; it to re- main quiet for several hours. Then the characteristic uric-acid crystals will be seen attached to the sides and collected at the bottom. The dark brown color which almost invariably dis- 22 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. tin . r -, , ) Quantitative an- GJass tube graduat- f -i • * ed to cubic inches. alysis of urea. $2. Nitric acid, 41. Acetic acid, 41. Sulphuric acid (pure), 41 . Solution caustic potassse (20 gr.-l ■ Sol. copper sulphate (1 3 -1 1 ), 4 1 , Sol. silver nitrate (10 gr.-l 1 ), 4 1 Sol. barium nitrate (10 gr.-l 1), 4: $4. INDEX Acid, Effect of, upon Normal Urine 10 Acid Fermentation 12 Albumen 52 Abnormal Urine 16 Alkalies, Effect of, upon Normal Urine. . . . , 10 Alkaline Fermentation 13 B Baryta, Nitrate of, as Reagent 10 Bile 58 Blood 32 Calculi, 67 Cystine 72 " Phosphates 70 ' ' Oxalate of Lime 70 " Urates 69 " Uric Acid 68 Casts 35 " Blood 40 " Epithelium 39 k ' Fatty 39 ' ' Granular 40 ■" Hyaline 38 " Pus 41 " Waxy 41 Changes in Urine on standing 11 78 INDEX. Chlorides \ 10 Chylous Urine 44 Color of Normal Urine 6 Color of Abnormal Urine 16 Cold, Effect of, upon Urine 9 Composition of Urine 5 Cystine . 47 D Daily Quantity of Normal Urine 8 " " " Abnormal Urine 19 Deposits 21-51 E Epithelium 29 Bladder 29 Renal 30 Urethral 29 Vaginal 29 Extraneous Matters in Urine 36 F Fehling's Solution, Composition of 60 G Gravel , 67 H Hematuria 33 HcTematinuria 35 Heat, Effect of, upon Normal Urine 9 K Keistine 48 L Lead, Subacetate of, as Reagent 10 INDEX. 79 M Moore's Test for Sugar 54 Mould Fungus 49 Mucus 30 N Normal Urine, Characters of 5 O Odor of Normal Urine 5 1 ' " Abnormal Urine 16 Oil in Urine 43 Oxalate of Lime 11 " " Calculus 70 P Penicilium Glaucum 49 Pigments 31 Phosphates 12, 14, 25, 70 Earthy 25 Stella 25 Calculi 70 Pus * 42 Q Quantitative Analysis 60 of Sugar 60 of Urea 63 R Reaction of Normal Urine 6 " " Abnormal Urine 17 Reagents, Effects of, upon Normal Urine 9 S Saccharomyces Cere visise 50 Silver Nitrate, as Reagent 10 80 INDEX. Specific Gravity of Normal Urine 7 " " " Abnormal Urine 19 Spermatozoa 4G Sugar, Tests for 54, 57 " Quantitative Analysis of 60 " Mould 50 Sulphates, Alkaline •. 10 T Transparency of Normal Urine 6 " " Abnormal Urine 17 Torula Cerevisia? 50 Triple Phosphates 12, 26, 70 Trommer's Test for Sugar 55 U Urates. 23 " Calculi 69 Urea 11 " Quantitative Analysis of. 63 Uric Acid 11, 21,68 " " Calculi 68 Urinary Deposits 9 21 V Vegetable Fungi 49 Vibriones 51 ■ m ■ ■I w ^r t&&* m ■» IK ■ ■Ball l ■ ■■ h I ■H $A ■■1 ■■■ #- 1 1 I f'^-A-*^ H < I r