13 t i " -' U 8* BF 1272 jjj25 fc k Anniversary Copyright Edition 1898. Copy 1 Practical Guidk To the Investigation of Spiritualism HEALING AND ™ E OCCULT SCIENCES, BY Psof. GEO. W. Wfllif^OflD, :. is, e». *£. is c Astrological Piraetitionei? and Teaehei* of tfc Oceult Sciences. Instructions for the Development of Clairvoyance, Magnetic Hea If r and Occult Power Generally; also Rules for Spirit Manifestations. i . m L i3 O <> MM CONTENTS. V Introduction 1 Spiritualism (Definitions) 2 What Spiritualism Teacnes 6 Mediumship— What It Is 7 How to Investigate 3 Rules for Seances 9 Magnetic Healing 12 Occultism, with Rules for Occult Training 17 Astrology 19 V Zodiacal Signs, Birtk Btones,^ Astral Colors, and Ruling Planets r;....2i, Clairvoyance and Psychometry 24 Palmistry 26 Ten Laws of Success in Life 28 Hypnotism 27 Testimony of Distinguished Scientists to the Reality of Psychical Phe- nomena 29 to 32 Also pages 2 and 3 of Cover. This Pamphlet should be in the hands of every Investigator of Spirirual- istic, Astrological Psychic, and Occult Science and Spiritual Phenomena. [Copyrighted, 1898, by Geo. W. Walrond.] —- — ~- ^^ Te?tin|oiu| in F&Voi* of Jpiifii-floinmnqioii/ — , "All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul." 44 What is mediumship, and who are the mediums ?" was the question once asked of the initiated masters of Occultism. Answer: "Everything is mediumistic, and every atom is a medium for the expression of Spiritual force. God alone is the great central, controlling spirit." Mediumship is a term applied to that psychic condition natural in some individuals and artificially developed in others, whereby they are enabled to come en rapport with invisible intelligences, and other powers, both physical and mental. A medium, says the author of the "Light of Egypt," (price $2.00) "is a person in whom the capacity of reception and transmission is so fully evolved as to become of practical value in eliciting phenomena." All persons are mediumistic, some more so than others, is self- evident when we comprehend the relation of humanity to the Deity and universe. A medium is the battery, so to speak, through which the magnetic currents or spiritual forces of nature flow, and which forces are utilized by the invisible intel- ligences from the spirit world to enable them to communicate with humanity. The spirit is as it were the telegraphic operator at the spirit end of the line. Can anyone become a medium? Why, certainly, if anyone wishes to. But the phase of mediumship depends very much ou the intellectual, physical and psychical nature of the individual seeking for devel- opment. The various phases and powers of mediumship which may be developed under the guidance and instruction of the spirits themselves or in accordance with such psychic laws as far as at present known are simply unlimited. Paul says, I Cor., xii, 4: " Now, there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit." These may be divided into three classes : 1. The Physical, which includes the phenomena of table moving or lifting, rapping, levitation, movement of articles without mortal means, trumpet speaking, materialization, etc. 2. The Psychical includes dreams, visions, impressions, clairvoyance or spirit discernment, clairaudience or the hearing PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. of souud, voices, telepathy, intuition, psychometry or soul measurement, healing, etc. 3. The Psycho-Intellectual, which comprises the gift of tongues, trance speaking, inspirational speaking, writing, draw- ing, type-writing, music and poetry, prophecies, etc., through the mediumship of psychics. The Phenomenal demonstrations of spirit power are always looked for, and indeed they are most essential in convincing the sceptic of the Truths of Spiritualism. The little tiny rap and the movement of a table without human contact have enlisted thousands of recruits, who have become good Spiritualists, workers and warriors for the cause of truth. The intellectual world of humanity to-day, is, as Brother Lockwood says, pleading for intelligent instruction, instructors who can demonstrate nature's spiritual forces and man's relation to cosmic progression and evolution. False instruction is as bad as false or fraudulent mediumship; therefore, it behooves all students and those seeking development to read, work, learn, and inwardly digest the very best spiritual, occult and psychic literature. The more wisdom you store up, the better, the higher intelligences can operate through your organism. I^oyn? to Investigate. The investigator having decided in his own mind that there is "something in spiritualism," seeks at once for a knowl- edge of the modus operandi or how to begin. I may say at once that the true student — the one who will devote time and patience to the study of psychic and Spiritual phenomena — will not be long before his efforts are rewarded. The primary and most important step, however, is for every student, at the very commencement, to divest his mind of all preconceived opinions — theologic, dogmatic or scientific. All that is required is an unbiased mind, logical reasoning, genuine common sense, and a calm reflective brain. Preconceived opin- ions are delusive. Many persons cheat themselves into the be- lief that they know all about it, whereas, they are invariably deficient in knowledge. A safe course is to gain knowledge from experience. Have faith and confidence in the statements you have heard regarding the phenomena and you will speedily realize the truth through experiment. At the very outset the student will meet with results which the idea of trickery can- not explain, and whenever he does he will have gained the first step leadiug to the great limitless arcana of practical or phenomenal Spiritualism. Before beginning the actual investigation it will be well to MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 9 become familiar with the rules and conditions necessary for the formation of circles, for experience has proved that sittings conducted in ignorance of the necessary conditions invariably end in failure. When in doubt or difficulty write to Professor Geo. W. Walrond, Denver, Colo., ($1.00 per lesson.) Rules fo^ Investigation. The following Rules were given in " Borderland " for forming Spiritual circles, for the assistance of all who desire to enter into the investigation in their own homes. They embody the results of Mr. J. J. Morse's personal experiences of over a quarter of a century, and they coincide with my own views and practice on the subject. It is quite an erroneous idea that the phenomena can only be obtained in the presence of professional mediums. The most astounding results have been obtained , in thousands of instances, by private families unaided by any previously devel- oped media, private or professional. The Spirit-circle is a gathering of persons who desire to establish relations with the world of spirits, and receive com- munications therefrom. As such communication is a matter of fact — proved by oft-repeated experiment — it follows that the observance of those conditions which experience suggests will be the surest way of obtaining the desired results. Among the conditions required to be observed, the follow- ing should receive careful consideration : THE PLACE. This should be a comfortably warmed and cheerfully lighted apartment, which, during the progress of the sitting, should be kept free from all intrusions. Circles for inquiry should always be held in the light. The light may be turned down when desirable. THE SITTEES. Those only should be requested to join in the experiment who are willing to devote time, and patience, to a methodical pursuit of the inquiry. Circles entirely composed of either sex are not so suitable as those in which the sexes are in pro- portion. In experimental circles from five to seven sitters are sufficient. THE AEEANGEMENT OF SITTEES. The sitters should be so arranged that a lady alternate with a gentleman at the table used. Any ordinary table of light construction is suitable. When the communication is estab- lished, changes in the seating of the sitters may be desired by 10 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. the communicating intelligence. Such change should invaria- bly be made, and adhered to at subsequent meetings, unless otherwise directed. THE PHENOMENA. Do not look for ''marvelous phenomena" at first. The simplest phenomenon that demonstrates the existence of an agency external to the sitters is of more importance to the inquirer than the more extraordinary phenomena, which are at first accepted with reserve. The initial phenomena will most likely take the form of tilts, or movements of the table. Such " tilts or movements " can be made to serve as a method of communicating with the unseen operators by using the follow- ing code of signals, i. e., one " tilt or movement " being under- stood as "No," two as "Doubtful," three as "Yes," in response to the questions which should be addressed to the agent at work, as soon as movements are obtained. Should "raps" be heard, the above code of signals can still be observed. Should any sitter exhibit a desire to write — as indicated by movements of the hand and arm — supply the person so influenced with a sheet of paper and a pencil, and await resulte. Should any sitter become entranced, do not get alarmed or hastily break up the sitting, as such cases are not dangerous. Passivity only is required. FOEMS OF COMMUNICATION. Spirits adopt various forms of communicating with man- kind. Trances, visions, impressions, personation, writing, are among the more general forms resorted to. In most of these cases the medium is put under a psychological state, or "con- trol," by the spirit operating, and during the continuance of the state may deliver addresses, describe spirits present, and also scenes in the spirit land; personate the character of departed friends, and repeat characteristic actions and personal incidents — names, dates, etc. — connected therewith, and either by aid of the " Psychograph," or similar agent, or by a pencil held in the hand in the ordinary manner, write out messages from the intelligences communicating. Generally the fact of communication is most easily established by the process known as "table movements," as above referred to. Seat the company at the table, and follow the code of signaling previously men- tioned, when motions or sounds are obtained. THE DUEATION OF CIECLES. Let the circle be continued for not less than one hour, even if no results are obtained. Twice in one week is frequent enough to form a circle. Let it be remembered that all circles are experimental; hence no one shguld be discouraged if phe- MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 11 nomena are not obtained at the first few sittings. Stay with the same circle for six sittings at least, and if no results are then obtained (provided the above conditions are observed) you may conclude that the requisite psychic elements are not presented by the sitters. In that case the members of the circle 'should try the plan of introducing fresh visitors of a suit- able character. A single change is frequently sufficient. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS. 1. Endeavor to retain the same sitters at each sitting. 2. Music, vocal or instrumental, is advised to open each meeting. It is not an absolute necessity, but it aids passivity. 3. Avoid excitement or fatigue for some hours before attending the circle. Never indulge in stimulants previous to sitting. 4. Do not sit with, or admit to your circle, any one whom you dislike, or in whom you have not perfect confidence. Avoid acrimonious discussion. Honest scepticism is no barrier to the inquiry, but prejudice and suspicion are undesirable anywhere. 5. The absence of visible results is no proof that no advance has been made. Often the most is done when the least is evident to any of our senses. Patience will reap its own reward. 6. If you have any deep-rooted religious objection to the subject, or any bigoted aversion to it, leave it entirely alone. Remember that passivity, patience and perseverence are sure to produce successful results. Owing to the want of these attributes " many are called, few are chosen." Development of mediumship is as natural as the growth of a plant, but sub- ject to natural law. Written lessons or instructions given through the mails at $1.00 each, by the compiler of this pam- phlet, Geo. W. Walrond, Opera House Block, Denver, Colo. 7V\ecbanical ^elps and literature. Various mechanical instruments are used to assist in the production of mediumistic manifestations. The Ouija Talking Board ($1.00), for messages from the spirits themselves; the Planchette (60c), for writing messages; the Occult Demonstra- tors ($1.00), for demonstrating the continuity of life; Psyche, or the Developing Cabinet ($1.00), for developing raps, table tipping, slate writing, and other mediumistic phases; also other instruments. These may be had from Mr. Geo. W. Walrond, on mailing order value enclosed. He carries a large stock of 12 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM, books on Spiritualism, Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Astrology, Palmistry, Occultism, Theosophy, Magic, etc., at publishers' prices; hiaatalso trie weekly and monthly Spiritualistic and Oc- cult papers; also the authorized agent for yearly subscriptions. What shall I read? is the question asked every day. The first thing to do is to subscribe for a weekly Spiritual paper; The Banner of Light (Boston), the oldest of the weeklies, is issued at $2.00 yearly; The Progressive Thinker, (Chicago); The Philosophical, Journal (San Francisco); Light of Truth (Columbus, O.) Excellent papers, are each $L,00 per annum, of 52 issues, mailed free; or 25 cents per quarter. In the way of literature, let me know your wants and tastes, and I will advise accordingly. I am a subscription agent for the Spirit- ual papers, weeklies, monthlies, or quarterlies. See list of books for sale on the back cover of this pamphlet. The Science of purine and Mental pealing. " Throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it"— Shakespeare. " All ailments can be entirely dominated, forever cast out, by those who realize that Mind is the master of the body, and the body the servant of the Mind." — Eleanor Kirk. Of all branches of Occult science, there is no study of such practical interest and importance as that which deals with the gift of healing. The practice of Psychic or mental healing by the laying on of hands, or by prayers and ceremonies, is as old as the human race. The Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, and other nations made practical use of this psychic or mental force. The Egyptians were well acquainted with its secrets, as on some of their ancient monuments are to be found repre- sentations of the hypnotic and mesmeric passes. The high priests practiced it in the temples. The Bible is replete with numerous examples of the art of healing by touch. Jesus said: " In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover." This command applies to all mankind to-day as well as then. A few quotations from the Bible will bear out these state- ments: "He put forth His hand and touched him, saying, J will be thou clean," — Matt, viii., 3. "Lay Thy hand upon her and she shall live." — Matt, ix., 18. "Many were astonished that such mighty works were wrought by His hand." — Mark vi., 2. "Lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover." Mark xvi., 18. "The Lord granted signs and wonders to be MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 13 done by their hands." — Acts xiv., 3. And again, I will go to an earlier date than this. "The Lord said unto Moses, take Joshua, the son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thy hands upon him, take him before the priests and congrega- tions and ask counsel from Him. And he laid his hands upon him as the Lord commanded." — Numbers xvii., 18-23. "And Joshua was full of the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands upon him." — Deul . xxiv., 9. Hundreds of other quotations could be given to prove that not only magnetic healing, animal magnetism, astrology and clairvoyance, but Spiritualism and every phase of spiritualistic phenomena, were known and used thousands of years before the Christian era. Those individuals who were called seers, prophets, magicians, diviners, etc., were consulted about the ordinary affairs of life, as well as about religious matters. They were no other than spiritual mediums, lucid somnam- bulists, or magnetised persons in the highest stage of magnetic influence or clairvoyance. Our modern mediums have the same powers, they are clairvoyant, clairaudient, prophets, healers, and discerners of spirits. In Job we read that God speaks to man in dreams and visions to warn him of evil and to instruct him for good. Here we see a reference to the phenomena of somnambulistic revela- tions; and realizing that the Laws of the Universe are unchange- able, the same yesterday, today, and forever, we can readily comprehend that the healing and other powers manifested through pshychic individuals ara the operations of natural law. The true magnetic healer has a knowledge of these Laws right in front of him ; he sees them as it were, visible and tangible, and without doubt possesses a magnetic power which he is able through his will power to transmit to his patient. Magnetism is the medium between spirit and matter and gives the latter as it were self consciousness. Blood and nerves are necessary to sensitize it, hence its efficacy in the elimination and cure of dis- ease. As to employment of magnetism, I may instance the heal- ing of the son of the widow of Zarephath by Elijah, who laid himself on the child's body and excited magnetic influence, with a prayer for its success. Instances of modern cures brought about in a similar manner are recorded in the press almost daily. Elisha and the Shunamite's son affords another striking illustration. In this case Elisha sent his staff, with directions for it to be laid upon the child until he came. The modern healers send their patients magnetised articles to take their place w T hen they are prevented attending, to induce magnetic slumber. Many have often done this, and sent notes that have U PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. been the means of putting the patients to sleep and freeing them from pain. Read the Acts of the Apostles: "The prominent feature of the physical manifestations of Christ consisted in the healing of the sick. Jesus (T. J. Hud- son says), was the first who correctly formulated the exact conditions necessary and indispensable to the exercise of the power to heal the sick by psychic methods, and that the con- ditions which Jesus declared to be necessary to enable Him to exercise that power, are the same conditions which are neces- sary today. That is true, and that condition is Faith. Faith in the healer and Faith in the patient. By way of illustration, read Matthew rx chapter, 28-29-30. "According to your faith be it unto you.'* There is a psychic or soul power, a vital spiritual force in every human being over the functions and sensations of the body, and that power can be put into operation at will and ap- plied to the relief and (in many cases) the cure of suffering humanity. Different methods have been employed to effect a cure through this power by an effort of the will, but the princi- ple has been the same no matter how widely different the meth- ods to bring about the desired result. The following are the recognized methods at present in vogue, viz: 1. Religious Faith Cure. 4. Psychic or Spirit Healing. 2. Mind or Mental Healing. 5. Mesmeric Healing. 3. Christian or Divine Science 6. Hypnotic Healing. - 7. Metaphysical or Psycho-Magnetic. That the mind has everything to do with these methods is a fact. Disease may be induced by suggestion, as, for instance, when Bernheim was able to produce a blister on the back of a patient by applying a postage stamp and suggesting that it was a fly blister; and many other authenticated experiments. Now if disease can be induced by suggestion or through the mind, so can disease be eliminated by suggestion or mental influence, or through the magnetic influence of the healer or metaphysician, providing healer and patient are in "rapport." There are four things required of the patient to effect a cure: (1) his disease should be a natural one; (2) he should have a certain amount of will; (3) a certain amount of vitality; and (4) Faith in the power of the healer and that the disease can be cured. The magnetic healer requires Spiritual perception, Spiritual knowl- edge and Spiritual power. These attributes or qualities will not only give the healer -a deep insight into the nature and cause of the disease, but also the spiritual energy and power to cure the disease. The power is divine. (The hypnotizer does not cure, but merely paralyses the will (says Paracelsus) of a patient and acts upon his imagination. ) Jesus himself acknowl- edged his inability to heal the sick in the absence of faith. MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 15 u 0h ye of little faith," said He to His followers when they an- nounced a decrease of their powers to heal the sick. See also Mark vi, verses 4-5-6: "And he could do there no mighty works because of their unbelief." His and their powers were limited to the immutable law of the invisible spiritual energies of nature. He did not say to the sick "I cured thee" but He said, "thy faith made thee whole." It is God or nature's laws who heals. The healer is merely the instrument through which the law operates. The faith really necessary is a perfect confidence in the power, or, in other words, a perfect passive mental attitude; pass- ivity on the part of the healer is equally essential. Now, as perfect passivity cannot be attained so well during waking hours as during sleep, it must be self-evident that sleep is the most desirable time to exercise the gift of healing, though healing may be effected at any time. The condition of natural sleep has been found to be the best condition for the reception of telepathic impressions, spirit visions and other psychical phenomena; and as telepathy, or suggestions from the healer, play the most important part in all psychic or mental healing, it is advisable that all' healing suggestions should be communicated by an effort of the will on the part of the healer just before going to sleep, and while the patient is in a state of natural sleep. The best possible condi- tion for psychic healing is attained when both, healer and pa- tient, are in a state of natural sleep. Faith or confidence, how- ever, is required on both sides. The method of healing by sug- gestion during sleep is as applicable to self-healing as it is to healing, others. Somnambulism, restlessness and dreams, from whatever cause, may be controlled under auto-sugsestion if the science of mental power be vigorously applied nightly before going to sleep. Many cases of Somnambulism have been cured by these means. Healing during sleep is the best system yet discovered. It follows the laws of nature by bringing into activity the powers of the mind when they are naturally at their best. The mind is strongest when the body is sunk in slumber, and as the cure is to be effected through the mind, or by telepathic transfer- rence of suggestion from the mind of the healer to the mind of the patient, it follows as a natural law that sleep must be the best opportunity for exercising the divine gift of healing. If you will remember that the mind (the master of the body) has a vital concern over the condition of the body, (which is the servant of the mind), and can influence it towards disease, you will readily understand how through the same channel disease may be eliminated from the human body through the efforts of the mind. Hypnotic, metaphysical, and magnetic 16 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM, healing in the cure and elimination of disease is now practiced by many of the leading medical men in every country. Doc- tors have for a generation or more recognized the powers. of the mind as an important factor in the successful treatment of dis- eases. From a p a rsonal experience of fifteen years, I most un- hesitatingly say, that magnetic treatments will positively cure all mental and nervous troubles, quicker than the usual medical drug methods. A consultation and a magnetic treatment will save many a heavy doctor's bill, and very often a patient's life. After having given a magnetic treatment, shake your hands well and wash them thoroughly in hot or cold water. This will render you impervious to any ill effects; though keeping the mind positive during the treatment is a very safe way to resist " taking on" any trouble. Do not permit on any account men- tally excited persons to enter the sick chamber. Encouraging thoughts and cheerful minds are the best and surest means towards restoring the patient's health and curing the disease. Magnetic healers should be familiar with anatomy, physi- ology, and the nature of diseases generally. Things the Jttagnetie Healer Should Never Forget. 1. That disease is simply an unbalanced state of health, a lack of harmony, produced through the inharmonies of the mind. Health is equilibrium, mental and physical. 2. That the complication of a disease often exceeds in importance the primary disorder, which invariably is of mental origin, or due to external vibratory inharmonies. 3. That the reason and cause of most ailments can be traced to disturbances in the mind. 4. That most derangements vary with the personality, environments and mental characteristics of the patient. 5. That stimulants and narcotics are simply spurs and gags, stifling the cry of nature for relief. Ease of mind is the best stimulant, arid good magnetism the most powerful nar- cotic, nature's best remedies. Thought permeates every "atom." Thoughts are veritable things. 6. That proper diet, clothing, climate and occupatiou, with rest of body and mind are the chief, means for the restora- tion and preservation of health. Recommend cheerfulness. Note. — Hundreds of permanent cures of nervous and mental diseases have been effected through the magnetic powers of Mr. Geo. W. Walrond. Write or call on him, as per the address on cover, for further particulars. He is frequently engaged by physicians to diagnose clairvoyantly the diseases of patients. His address is Opera House Block, Denver, Colo. MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 17 Oggultism. The question is often asked what the word means. Occult- ism is the Philosophy and Science of the mysterious, hidden, invisible, unknown, undiscovered, and secret Spiritual forces of nature (spirit and matter); not only that which is hidden from the eye, but from the understanding as well; and as man is part of the universe, Occultism embraces also the science of the secret or unseen spiritual forces of man's physical, psychical, mental and spiritual nature. Occult Science unravels the origin and soul of things by opening the mysterious doors of creation and surveying the operation of the laws of the invisi- ble spiritual energies of nature, its forces, and its laws of vibrations. Forces and intelligences which we but faintly understand, surround us on every side; influences for good or for evil impinge upon us often unconsciously; and through ignorance of the laws governing these forces, intelligences and influences, we drift along the stormy oceans of life's pilgrim- age, victims really, of our own lack of knowledge, for Occult law is simply unrevealed natural law; unrevealed because so many prefer to go along with closed eyes, prefer, in fact, to die in the " good old faith " of their ancestors. Nature gave us eyes to see with, but the " dark ages " blinded the vision of thousands; which darkness, however, is being rapidly dispelled, though there are still some traces of the old disease in our mental natures. Occult science has not only demonstrated that through the currents of thought between man and man, through waves of vibration, and other invisible forces our lives may be rendered happy or miserable, according to the good or evil influences of those mental currents; but it has also discov- ered and made known the laws by which man can rise superior to these conditions, through the power of his mind. Occultism teaches how to acquire this power of right action and right thought. Occultism reveals the mysteries of man's inner nature and the Occult laws of the Cosmos. Occult studies will most assuredly unfold the divine faculties of the Ego, build up the individuality of each student, and evolve the latent powers within the human soul. We are responsible beings, and must therefore get away from the thraldom inherited from ancestry and the dead ages, and we can only do so by a thorough course of practical Occult training, which includes the broad princi- ples of physical and psychical culture, the development or enfranchisement of the soul, the cultivation and practical utili- zation of the attributes and spiritual senses of the soul, and the complete subjugation of every animal passion, unprincipled desire and evil thought. The primary law of life is 18 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. equilibrium and harmony, and this can only be established through methodical procedure, a joint training of body, mind and soul. OCCULT TRAINING. There are many rules and methods for Occult training which might be given, but thorough and complete unfoldment can only be attained through the instruction of teachers and Occult masters who have passed through the various classes and courses of Occult science. The compiler of this "Practical Guide" will be glad at any time to afford the aspirant to occult power any information at his command. The student, however, may, by way of an experiment, provide himself or herself with a circular mirror of from four to six inches in diameter, with a white wafer affixed in the centre thereof. Every evening after sundown he should sit in an easy chair or recline upon a couch in the most comfortable position, and then gaze upon the mir- ror, fixing his eye calmly and steadily one minute upon the white wafer, willing at the same time to increase the attention, concentration, and abstraction, and commence to formulate mental or metaphysical objects and then try to project them externally upon the wall or ceiling. By continual and persist- ent practice wonderful results will follow. First the optical ef- fect will be an apparition of the white wafer appearing as a black spot on the wall or ceiling. After repeated efforts two spots will appear, then three, five, seven or even more. This exercise will ultimately develop the occult power of clairvoy- ance, spirit discernment, psychometry, and other phases. By way of change a plain glass of crystal water, with or with- out the wafered spot, may be substituted, and surprising re- sults of spiritual lucidity will be accomplished. A little black ink in a white saucer if gazed at from 15 to 30 minutes will likewise produce excellent results. At first a series of different colors will be seen, then perhaps geometrical and floral shapes, followed by landscape and other pictures, and lastly when lucid- ity of vision and clairvoyance has been developed the student will behold the figures and forms of many loved ones who have passed over to the great beyond. These exercises and experi- ments will gradually lead the Soul into the power or ability to delineate the past history of any object or person in all its orig- inal reality. Of course many will find all kinds of obstacles and drawbacks on the road to development, but remember, everything comes to him who desires and perseveres, and that Passivity Perseverance and Patience are the absolute essentials to success as well as the positive power of Self Control. When in doubt, write to Professor Greo. W. Walrond, Opera House Block, Denver, Colorado, who will answer all letters and give practical advice for the small fee of $1. MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 19 Astrology Owing to the continually increasing popularity and interest in this most fascinating and most instructive branch of the Occult Sciences, I am constrained to devote a few pages towards advancing its claims. Beyond doubt a knowledge of Astral Science "is one of God's supremest gifts to man." Astrology, {vide "The Light of Egypt" p. 164), is a com- bination of two sciences, viz: Astronomy and Corresponden- ces. "These two are related to each other as hand and glove; the former deals with suns, moons, planets and stars, and strictly confines its researches to a knowledge of their size, dis- tance and motion; while the latter (correspondences) deals with the spiritual and physical influences of the same bodies, first upon each other, then upon the earth, and lastly upon the or- ganism of man. Astronomy is the external lifeless glove; Cor- respondences the living hand within. Astrology does not im- ply fatality, on the contrary, probably two-thirds of man's so- called misfortunes are the result of his benighted ignorance." Paracelsus (born 1493, died 1541) says: Astronomy deals only with the physical aspect of planets and stars, Astrology, nobler and higher, deals with the psychical influences which the souls of the heavenly orbs exert upon each other, and upon the microcosm of man. He also wrote that "the beginning of Wisdom is the beginning of supernatural power." This is par- ticularly true of the results derivable from a course of study in Occultism, and the Science of the Soul and Stars. Tycho Brahe (1546 — 1601) German author wrote "To deny the influence of the stars, is to deny the wisdom and providence of God." Dr. Richard Saunders (scientific astrologist and physicist), also wrote, "The stars have such an influential power that we act by them, they have great power over us." Astrology is therefore one of the esoteric sciences, which, correctly interpreted and properly applied, becomes a valuable aid to the successful work of life with its many perplexities and difficulties. It deals accurately with subjects of vital import- ance to everyone, high or low, rich or poor, financier or trades- man, artizan, mechanic or laborer, lady or gentleman; besides it tells you of future events which cannot possibly be obtained from any other .source of science or knowledge in the world to- day. (Psychometry and Clairvoyance have also opened up new regions of research and avenues of information hitherto undreamed of, and directs the pilgrim in search of truth, to other and higher realms of knowledge). Astrology is a life chart and mariner's compass combined. It points out not only 20 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM, the true road to success, but warns you of the quicksands and dangers that beset voyagers on the journey of life. It has stood the tests of thousands of years. Astrology enables the astrolo- ger to read from the map of the heavens at the time of a per- son's birth, many useful and important things relating to one's life, past, present and future. It describes the person's partic- ular temperament and disposition, and the general points of strength and weakness of character; it shows liability to, or im- munity from sickness, and in a general way indicates what part of the body are weak and liable to be affected; also the natural strength and vitality of the constitution; it indicates mental abilities and propensities, and aptitude for different affairs and studies; it tells whether marriage would prove unhappy or the reverse ; it gives information concerning profitable or unprofita- ble journeys; also concerning friends, children, honor, wealth, partnership, talent, and in short, most matters of every day im- portance. As everything is governed by immutable law, future events are forecast scientifically and accurately. Grood and evil days, months and years are also calculated with exactness. It is a great pity and a serious hindrance to universal progress and spiritual growth that the Science of Astrology is so little understood, but the fact is, as Paracelsus observes, both, Al- chemy and Astrology, because they deal with supersensual things cannot be known to persons who are not in the possess- ion of supersensual powers of perception. Alchemy deals with Astral and Spirit principles, chemistry with physical matter, Astronomy with the physical bodies of the heavens, and Astrol- ogy with the Soul essence of these bodies and their psychic in- fluences on humanity and the world, (the Earth) generally Gan a Distant World Influence this World op Its Inhabitants? Not only an astronomer, but every schoolboy who has a rudimentary knowledge of Astronomy, will say that the moon influences the earth and its inhabitants. We know for certain that the ebb and flow of the tides can be predicted by the course of the moon; and, in like manner, any physiologist or medical man will assure you that the power of certain diseases is increased or decreased in accordance. with the waxing or wan- ing of the moon. This is a fact well marked in their daily ob- servations, particularly so in all the great Lunatic Institutions of Europe and America. Now the moon is only a satellite. The influence of the planets, which are more powerful, must be greater on the Earth as well as on her inhabitants. The Astrological Scientist knows of a certainty that the planets affect mankind, and that the degree of influence, good MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 21 or bad, depends upon their various aspects and positions: As the late Professor Richard A. Proctor, one of the leading As- tronomers of our day, observes — "There is something impress- ive in the thought that the souls of the sun and moon and plan- ets act not only upon each other, but on the microcosm of man.' Astrology in its inception was a science — if one ought not rather to call it a religion — deserving of a respectful considera- tion, to say the least. Direct observation was all in favor of the belief that the heavenly bodies influence in a most special manner the fortunes (Karma) of men. The chief of all the heavenly bodies, the sun, produces such manifest effects, both in his daily and his yearly course, and the moon seems so obvi- ously powerful over the waters of the sea, and other ways, that it was and is the most natural thing in the world to assume that the other celestial orbs also have their special influences. The Rev. G. H. Lock, of Hull England, says: "There is no department of human life, either private or national, to which astrological science will not apply, no kind of human need upon which it will not bear. It is one of God's supremest gifts to man, without the use of which he will, as now, go stumbling on in an unneedful darkness, but in the devout and exalted use of which he may walk in a splendid day." Professor Joseph R. Buchanan, of San Jose, California, Physician, Scientist aud Author, in Periodicity, page 31, says: " If I were now to give my best advice to a friend at his outset in life, I would advise him to get the advice of a scientific and honest master of astrology who would show him the path of destiny which he has already trodden and must follow through life, either blindly stumbling or with his eyes open to all dan- gers. The Ruler of the Universe has fixed our pathway and we can walk in it with eyes open or shut. I regret that I did not learn the value of the science iu time. It would have saved me •from serious errors." A chart has saved thousands. Charles H. Mackay, Occultist and Author, Boston, says: "The study of the stars is a most wonderful help and inspira- tion to the earnest Occult student. While pursuing this branch of research you gradually absorb harmonious qualities, which slowly but surely creates of your organism a new being. Make the stars your friends, and you may enter a new and strange field of knowledge. Truly a sublime field and limitless, yet not difficult to approach." In the "Oracle," January, 1898, he says: "When you wish to engage the services of an astrol- oger, write Professor Geo. W. Walrond, Opera House Block, Denver, Colo. If strong, straight forward testimony from well known men may be indicative of honor and ability, surely Pro- fessor Walrond is most trustworthy and competent." 22 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. Astrology does not imply fatality. The Heavenly bodies urge, predispose and influence to a great extent, but they do not compel. It is the wise man who rules his stars, and the fool who blindly obeys them. Ignorance of planetary influence is a state of bondage most fatal to success. Remember this. He who remains ignorant of his genius or talent will be blown about by every breeze. The definition of Ignorance is sin, suffering, sorrow, disease, crime, poverty and death. "I will be what I will to be." Everything that happens is the result of LAW, which the Astrologer interprets. Please remember there is no such thing as Fatality. Plan- etary influences act only upon the physical body and are always amenable to the intelligent mind action. The spiritual man is absolute monarch over every physical condition. Ignorance is the cause of all error and darkness, and Intelligence is the remedy and cure. "Man know thyself." Every success in life depends on correct thinking, as well as on good planetary influences. Cultivate a firm belief in and reliance on the invincible "I" (the Ego) and watch the "Voices of the Stars," and success, happiness and prosperity will be at your command. I recommend the study of Occult Astrology as conducive to the unfoldment of Spiritual, Psychical and Intellectual fac- ulties. Tne "Light of Egypt," "Celestial Dynamics," and the '.' Language of the Stars," (written by an adept of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor), are particularly suited to enlighten students as to the correspondence existing between the Soul and the Stars; also to lead him (or her) by safe and easy lessons into the hidden realms of Occult force. Raphael's Guide Books, Natal Astrology by Gr. Wilde, Butler's Solar Bi- ology, Simmonite's Arcana, are all excellent Text Books for ac- quiring a knowledge of Practical Astronomy. These and many other works Mr. Gr. W. Walrond carries in stock, at publisher's prices. Write him, Opera House Block, Denver, Colo. Mr.- Walrond has hundreds of testimonials from the press of Europe and America as to his ability as a scientific and accurate As- trologer, but space will only admit of one or two of the latest. November, 21, 1896. " If there is a teacher of Occult and Mystical Sciences capa- ble of convincing those in search of the truth, Mr. Walrond is able to do so. He is adept in the art and can give you an As- trologically correct reading." — Denver Mercury and Examiner. September 2, 1897. " Professor Walrond is making Astrological Charts with scientific and mathematical accuracy. We can personally tes- tify of the excellence of these Horoscopes." — Philosophical Journal. p ST cd © ^ Q - ST. a; HhHPh!® O rL^Ss ~'P P K'^ 2. .O P 3 — ' ^3 tLa » g-s.* s.^c sse» w 6 ' r H F P <3 <-W ^ CD P d^CT- 3 o cd i»35^P o 05 " B - Q^X ^ X 3 V! k b 2 2.B ® *F8 5i?g-o*.s* *2. 5" x' O 13 d CD CD J» ^£ 4 2 "L- =£ hriO-O o Pfl PL Q 03 ^2 crq P/P O M *j 5 cd P ^ IJ -- > «H. P P-ST P = X P^ fL g CD^g ^ ty 5 < © P a> J- ® o B ?ig^o ° o - CD P P* cd o cr i CD P P o «!■_ <■ O 02 £- •=! TO ° P £-P. 2 P- O ! F £s£ M ^ 0a2 r2" J - *§■ o|§ff|l o^ .^ h. p a, h cd ST - CD Ci r^ CD Q" w ST SB |«S. cd'? X " o 2 2 a T p^Q Kg Ba 2 F CD £ 2 CD M (32 B > P £h s: 3^ CD 05 O p g ^ *-* CO • CD X O * o C o .ej- c p 3 x r. — gg P 12 P^ CO 00 m CTq 05 ?<§ CD CD P Ul • Ul < O „2.< 2 P P ^,32 ^^ o g? o p X do." ^ p SBp.o 02 X X 5,^ 7oq jr cd u ao, © ** Z w ^ b o _£.E3 ^ ^ ? S-o o §.g" Q QQ 5'rQ o P q w ui tr 1 ^ LO t> «H «H g r p £j - so ^o p ^ - ^ ! s S§ ^^o ^^^ CD P P P ^ > X fcO tO M) 2.° % «■ fc* t- p r: 2o 03 __, p ^ B c^ Bio « e • -S B ? 05 - td p o B H so' ^ bd td Q Q td 2 <=r ? o o p; CD rT £ P' P o & * p; cd ^ d, 2 -• fc- Q CL O CD "-s Q W " p Qtd g-* S- S hj j_. CD ^ CD (Dp « u B go Q td- ? ^ S oT CD SO CD O P i*r 2 B S X - s I S cr 1 03 c^ * p CD cd td P P- CD o hj Q F H > P p; P >- O P P/ S P ^ S CD S^ p - 8 B p-° ^ 5" TO CQ T3 P. O 05 crq ^TJ j» ^ >■ tr 1 ^: ^M <1 5" ^ 2 P" oa P &J (72 rH P ^ x > SO a WM a OS o 2 gcj H^X S a > 2 O x W N o o W Ed H a> N o & o p p S3 P- oo S3 J3 S3' P S3 n> «— r- > (A 3" P P 24 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM, dlaii'Vo^aqce, pgflohometflj and Intuition. Shall we only trust what the ear can hear, What the hand can grasp and the eye make clear, Shall the dearest hopes of the human heart In our inmost being have no part, Because we fail to understand The movement of an Unseen Hand ? Clairvoyance, Psychometry and Intuition are forms of mediuinship depending chiefly upon the degree of sensitiveness attained by the Psychometrist, and incidentally of the mind in the Clairvoyant; brain formation and magnetic temperament possessing only secondary influence in their development. Psychometry (to feel) is one of the most subtle and occult of all the vibratory revealments. It is very convincing to the skeptic as to the existence of an occult or hidden light beyond the reach of the ordinary senses. It is perception and impres- sion through the sense of intensified touch. Clairvoyance (to see beyond) is a soul force or psychic power enabling the reader to penetrate into matters far befond the limits of the human senses. The clairvoyant can see and hear; distance, time or place, being no barriers to his intensified powers of see- ing and hearing; he can diagnose disease. His lucidity of mind enables him to advise on business and family matters in a manner which anvariably surprises his sitters; he can locate mines, give prophetic readings, describe spirit frieuds and give names of spirit guides, etc. Whenever there are family or business troubles, personal changes, and difhculiies, the clair- voyant should be consulted. Clairvoyance, Psychometry and Intuition are the birth- rights of one and all, and the day is fast approaching when each will be taught as branches of "Psychical Science," just as necessary for the development of the spiritual fuculties of the human soul as a knowledge of " Physical Science " is necessary for the development of the human intellect. Clairvoyance is an art, a science, a profession, and is as much entitled to recog- nition, study and attainment as music, painti ng, poetry, litera- ture, or any other art. It is the Lucidity of the mind, but unfortunately too often latent. It is no gift, but inherent as a universal possibility common to every man, woman, or child. When developed under proper methodical training, it can be brought to the surface and utilized in the cognizing of facts, persons, things and principles; also, in delineating events, past, present and future, and to contact certain knowledges of per- sons present, distant, dead, or alive, independent of the ordinary MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 25 avenues of sense. It is intensified vision, or a " seeing beyond and into" the soul of things, and "agoing from cause to effect," as usually understood by the ordinarily educated rnind. Intuition is the highest quality of the human mind; and, when active, is the very highest nature of clairvoyance. It is the instantaneous knowledge ot past, present and future facts, principles, persons, events and things. To develop Clairvoy- ance, the student should carry out passively, patiently, and perseveringly the exercises referred to under Occultism, (page 18 ); also sit alone in the silence and meditatively in as quiet a portion of your house as possible, say every evening after twilight, from fifteen to thirty minutes at a time, or until you feel you "have had enough of it." Sit with back of head due north. Be perfectly sure to check daily the slightest evil thought, word or deed; and gossip, scandal, libel, etc., must be prohibited. Cultivate all the time a tranquil, self-possessed state of mind, and hold in check grief, sorrow, regrets, joy, sur- prise, or pain. Let no thoughts of business, financial, family, or other people's affairs trouble the mind. In fact, "mind your own business." is not only conducive to success, health and happiness in life generally, but absolutely essential to success- ful spiritual lucidity and development of the powers herein treated of. Remember that the "repeater" is worse than the story teller. "It is the "repeater" of stories told who breaks up homes and separates relatives and friends, and plays the "devil." Psychometry, the sense of spiritual perception and im- pression through touch, can be developed by placing the tips of your fingers in contact or touch with persons, letters, or objects and carefully noting the first and strongest impressions. Systematise and record these carefully, and this branch of Clairvoyance will also be attainable. The secret lies in the beain cells in the FINGEK tips. The grey matter brain cells of perception have been dissected out of the finger-tips of the blind. Standing point up beneath all the ridges so plainly seen with a magnifying glass on the skin of the inside of the finger ends are the so-called corpuscles of Pacini, which are arranged in the exact semblance of the keys of a piano, and are said by Meissner to crackle and give forth a different sound in every age of each person. Through constant use the finger tips of the blind acquire this unusaal development, of psychometric power, perceptive faculties and impressional ability, with more and more perfect performance of function, or the sense of finger-tip touch. Further instructions on these subjects may be had from Professor Geo. W. Walrond, Opera House Block, Denver, Colorado, $1 per lesson or letter. Please consult him 26 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. ^Palmistry. Palmistry. — Some years ago, when I knew nothing of the science of Cheirognomy and Chieromancy, I strongly pro- nounced a verdict of delusion over those who advocated Palm- istry, in any shape, or form, or system. After many years of persistent study, experiment and practice, I have discovered that "As the mind so is the form." That as the hands are the servants of the human system, so are the hands a most accurate Map or Chart of that system, past, present, and future. So, many medical and scientific facts have been collected to demon- strate its accuracy, that Palmistry stands to-day pre-eminently as one ot the acknowledged branches of Occultism. There is an undoubted and manifest nerve connection between the brain and hand, and every line, girdle, chain, star, cross, ring, square, triangle, spot, dash, cross-lines, or other marks have a distinct signification as the result of that nerve connection, and the Scientific and Clairvoyant Palmist can read in those lines and marks their esoteric interpretation. In the 37th chapter of Job, 7th verse, one translation of the Hebrew runs thus: "God placed signs or seals in the hands of men, that all men might know their woiks;" evidently meaning that the lines of the hands are the "Markings of God that all men might know their works;" also indicating that the Jews must have learned the art of Palmistry in those good old by-gone days. Solomon sriys in Proverbs iii., 16th verse, " Length of days in her right hand, riches and honor are in her left," and so on is Palmistry fre- quently referred to in sacred records. The " Language of the Hand" is now reduced to a philosophy and a science, and a study that will profit any one who will devote a few spare hours to it every week. There is one indisputable fact, and that is, that the study of the science of Palmistry assists largely, as indeed every branch of Occult science does, in the unfoldment of the faculty of "Intuition" and other phases of intellectual and mental phenomena. Palmistry is generally divided into two branches: Cheirognomy, which implies the character, dispo- sition, temperament, passions, health, qualifications, adaptabil- ities, etc., of the individual; and Cheiromancy, which reveals in the formations, lines and marks the events of life, past, present, and future, and the circumstances and conditions of persons, (psychical and physical), and the qualities derivable from the planetary influences of the starry heavens, for both oriental and modern sciences concur that physical man and nature are one. The soul of the planets, the soul of the earth, and the soul of man are directly related one to the other. Their changes, posi- tions, and planetary aspects react upon humanity, affecting and MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 27 realtering man's proportions, characteristics, conditions and appearance. For many ages these results have been noted and registered, not only with experiments connected with the science of Astrology, but also through the changeability of the signs or marks in the hand. The science of Astrology confirms the truth of the science or art of Palmistry. There are many works on Palmistry, but I can specially recommend Cheiro's Language of the Hand, Mrs. Henderson's Guide, and others. Please address Professor Geo. W. Walrond, Opera House Block, Denver, Colorado, for any further information. 4{YPN0TISM I have not devoted any part of this work to Mesmerism or Hypnotism as so many works are easily and readily obtainable on the subject, but I desire to impress my readers that there is not the harm or danger in Hypnotism which many fear. I do not recommend its application at all except at the hands of thoroughly qualified and experienced practitioners. Some Fundamental Propositions. BY X. LA MOTTE SAGE PH. D. LL. D. I wish to submit the following fundamental propositions as bearing indirectly, if not directly, upon the theme of Hyp- notism: 1. No one can be hypnotized against his will, remember. 2. No one can be hypnotized unless he complies with cer- tain conditions, and does his part to bring about the state. 3. Anyone who is hypnotized has done more himself to induce the state, than the operator has done. 4. The hypnotist possesses no special power, nor can he gain permanent control over any one, or absolute control even temporarily, without the subjects' consent. 5. To be hypnotized in no respect shows a weakness, nor is the condition in any sense a pathological one. 6. Hypnotism within itself is absolutely free from harm. From the above we see that a clear explanation to the patient, setting forth the true nature of hypnotism, and asking him to concentrate his mind upon the suggestions, is a most desirable prelude to an attempt to induce the state. While hypnotism does very little, indeed, in comparison with what the subject must do, still it takes much knowledge and long practice to do that little well. 28 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM, Ten Eavtts of Success in Cife. Compiled from 500 letters received from business men all over the United States by W. S. Crafts, of Washington, D. C. "First: Never interpret or repeat scandal on any account. "Second: Let your spoken word be as reliable as your written note or contract. Never take anyone's word for any- thing, however, and in business matters insist in having every- thing in black and white. Never "repeat" without permission. "Third: Never pay a bill without taking a receipt in full. "Fourth: Treat customers as friends and never allow them to be disappointed. "Fifth: Keep down expenses. "Sixth: Invest profits safely. "Seventh: Live within your income. "Eighth: If hard pressed for money inform your wife. "Ninth: Don't boast of your business to anyone. "Tenth: Learn to say yes or no at the right times and overcome obstacles." Who &re the Spiritualists. It is almost superfluous to invite the reader's attention to the evidences of and testimonies to the psychical and spiritual phenomena of spirit return, materializations, slate' writing, le- viation, of solid heavy articles without human contact, clairvoy- ance, spirit photography, direct spirit writing, spirit telegraphy, spirit typewriting, painting, prophesy and many other medi- umistic phases. The daily Press, the weekly and monthly papers, in fact, the whole range of modern literature are tainted with the philosophy and science and phenomena of Spiritual- ism. Theosophy, (which by the way, is the Spiritualism of the four hundred or upper ten), Occultism, Psychic researchism, Mesmerism, Hypnotism, Healing, and a hundred or more of the other Occult "isms." Men and women of all grades of learning and social standing are daily being convinced of its Facts and its Truths. Ministers are continually leaving the "good old Faith" and becoming workers in the Spiritualistic Vineyard — Even the redoubtable Dr. Talmage has acknowl- edged in several sermons that the dead do come back to us and communicate. In his Decoration Day sermon in Washington City, on the 31st of May, 1896, he said: "Who says that the dead do not know of the flowers. I think they do. The dead are not dead. The body sleeps but the soul is awake and un- hindered. No two cities on earth are in such rapid and con- stant communication as earth and heaven, and the two great decoration days of north and south are better known in realms celestial than terrestrial." MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 29 Testimony of Distinguished Seientists to the Reality of Psyehieal Phenomena. As however, this little pamphlet will probably fall into the hands of many sceptics and investigators, I will present the following summaries of some of the leading scholars of the pres- ent generation: Sie William Crookes, F. R. S.: That a hitherto unrec- ognized form of Force — whether it be called psychic or a force is of little consequence — is involved in these phenomena — is not with me a matter of opinion, but of absolute knowledge." Professor Elliot Cowes, of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, U. S.: "I have, as you know, the keenest inter- est in the whole range of those phenomena which are variously labelled Spiritualism, theosophy, telepathy, etc. I have seen enough besides to satisfy me of the actual verity of the most of the rest of them, let their explanation be what it may." Professors Tornebom and Edland, the Swedish Psy- chists.: "Only those deny the reality of spirit phenomena who have never examined them, but profound study alone can ex- plain them. We do not know where we may be led by the dis- covery of the cause of these, as it seems, trivial occurrences, or to what new spheres of Nature's kingdom they may open the way; but that they will bring forward important results is al- ready made clear to us by the revelations of natural history in all ages. — Aftonblad (Stockholm). Baron Carl du Prel, (Munich) in Nord und Sud.: "One thing is clear; that is, that Psychography, (i. e. spirit writ- ing) must be ascribed to a transcendental origin. We shall find: 1. That the hypothesis of prepared slates is inadmissa- ble, 2. The place on which the writing is found is quite in- accessible to the hands of the medium. In some cases the double slate is securely locked, leaving only room inside for the tiny morsel of slate pencil. 3. That the wrrting is actually done at the time. 4. That the medium is not writing. 5. The writing must be actually done with the morsel of slate or lead pencil. 6. The writing is done by an intelligent being, since the answers are exactly pertinent to the questions. 7. This intelligence can read write and understand the language of human beings, frequently such as is unknown to the medium. 8. It strongly resembles a human being, as well as in the de- gree of its intelligence as in the mistakes sometimes made. These beings are, therefore, although invisible, of human na- ture or species. It is no use whatever to fight against this 30 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM, proposition 9. If these beings speak, they do so in the human language. 10. If they are asked who they are, they answer that they are beings who have left this world. 11. When these appearances become partly visible, perhaps only their hands, the hands seen are of human form. 12. When these things become entirely visible, they show the human form and countenance. . . . Spiritualism must be investigated by science. I should look upon myself as a coward if I did not openly express my convictions." J. H. Fichte, the German Philosopher and Author.: "Notwithstanding my exemption from the controversies of the day, I feel it my duty to bear testimony to the great fact of Spiritualism. No one should keep silent." Peofessoe de Moegan, President of the Mathematical So- ciety of London.: "I am perfectly convinced that I have both seen and heard, in a manner which should make unbelief impos- sible, things called spiritual, which cannot be taken by a ration- al being to be capable of explanation by imposture, coinci- dence, or mistake. So far I feel the ground firm under me." De. Eobeet Ghambees: "I have for many years known that these phenomena are real, as distinguished from impos- tures ; and it is not of yesterday that I concluded they were cal- culated to explain much that has been doubtful in the past." Ceomwell F. F. Vaeley, F. E. S.: "Twenty-five years ago I was a hard-headed unbeliever. . . . Spiritual phe- nomena, however, suddenly and quite unexpectedly, were soon after developed in my own family. . . . This led me to in- quire and try numerous experiments in such a way as to pre- clude, as much as circumstances would permit, the possibility of trickery and self-deception. . . . That the phenomena occur there is overwhelming evidence, and it is too late now to deny their existence." Alfeed Kussel Wallace, F. G S.: 1. "My position, therefore, is that the phenomena of Spiritualism in their en- tirety do not require further confirmation. They are proved, quite as well as any facts are proved in other sciences, and it is not denial or quibbling that can disprove any of them, but only fresh facts and accurate deductions from those facts. 2. It will not be necessary for Spiritualists to produce fresh confirmation of facts which are, and always have been, sufficiently real and indisputable to satisfy any honest and pre- serving inquirer." — Miracles and Modern Spiritualism. 3. "We are justified in taking the facts of Modern Spir- itualism (and with them the spiritual theory is the only tenable one) as being fully established Its whole course and history proclaimed it to be neither imposture nor delusion, nor sur- MAGNETIC HEALING AND OCCULT SCIENCE. 31 vival of the beliefs of savages, but a great and all-important truth." De. Lockhart Robertson can now no more doubt the physi- cal manifestations of so-called Spiritualism than he would any other fact, as, for example, the fall of the apple to the ground, of which his sense informed him. There was no place or chance for any legerdemain, or fraud in these physical mani- festations. Nassau William Senior: "No one can doubt that the phenomena like these (Phrenology, Mesmerism, Spiritualistic, etc.) deserve to observed, recorded and arranged; and whether we callthem by the name of mesmerism, or by any other name, the science which proposes to do this, is a mere question of nomenclature. Honorable A. J. Balfour, M. P., late Chief Secretary for Ireland, in a speech in the House of Commons, London, Eng., said: "It was the duty of the Government to inquire into the nature of the Phenomena." (And yet we have pulpit minis- ters so narrow-minded and uncharitable as to ridicule it, as they have done anything and everything likely to affect Christian superstition and bigotry. — G. W. W.) Eev. T. De Witt Talmage, in a sermon preached at Washington, D. C, Sept. 20th. 1896, said: "There is a class of phenomena which makes me think that the spiritual and heavenly world may after awhile make a demon- stration in this world which will bring all moral and spiritual things to a climax. Every intelligent man has noticed that there are strange and mysterious things which indicate to him that perhaps the spiritual world is not so far off as sometimes we conjecture, and that after awhile from the spiritual and heavenly world there may be a demonstration upon our world for its betterment. We call it magnetism, or we call it mesmer- ism, or we call it electricity, because we want some term to cover up our ignorance. I never heard an audible voice from the other world. I am persuaded of this, however: That the veil between this world and the next is getting thinner and thinner." Professor Hare, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania: " Far from abating my confidence in the inference respecting the agencies of the spirits of deceased mortals, in the manifestations of which I have given an account in my work, I have, within the last nine months (this was written in 1859) had more striking evidence of that agency than those given in the work in question." Professor Challis, the late Plumerian Professor of Astron- omy at Cambridge : "I have been unable to resist the large 32 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPIRITUALISM. amount of teftimony to such facts, which has come from many independent sources, and from a vast number of witnesses. In short, the testimony has been so abundant and consentaneous, that the facts must be admitted.'' 1 M. Saedou, the great French author, last year, 1897, said : " I have for a long time been satisfied that there is a great deal in Spiritualism. For forty years I have been studying the sub- ject. And now, after so many years' study, when I see the greatest scientists tn the world, among them the most renowned geologists, chemists and physicians of England, interesting themselves in the inexplicable phenomena for the simple reason that they have seen them, I flatter myself that I am entitled to be considered a forerunner of modern Spiritualism." Peofessoe G-kegoey, F. K. S. E. : k 'The essential question is this: What are the proofs of the agency of departed spirits? I am bound to say that the higher phenomena, recorded by so many truthful and honorable men appear, to me to render the spiritual hypothesis almost certain," Honoeable W. E. Gladstone, M. P., England, in a letter 17th September, 1891, (see XIX. Century, October, 1891), says : "Spiritualism and Theosophy, as I understand the mat- ter, deal with the facts and phenomena of the other world as much as the Christian creeds." Loed Beougham : " There is but one question I would ask the author ; Is the Spiritualism of this work foreign to our materialistic, manufacturing age? No. Even in the most cloud- less skies of scepticism I see a rain cloud, if no bigger than a man's hand; it is modern Spiritualism." The London Dialectical Committee reported : 1. That sounds of a very varied character, apparently proceeding from articles of furniture, the floor and walls of the room (the vibra- tions accompanying which sounds are often distinctly percepti- ble to the touch) occur, without being produced by muscular action or muscular contrivance. 2. That movements of heavy bodies take place without mechanical contrivance of any kind, or adequate exertion of muscular force by those present, and frequently without contact or connection with any person. 3. That these sounds and movements often occur at the time and in the manner asked for by persons present, and, by means of a simple code of signals, answer questions and spell out coherent communications." Camille Flammaeion, the French Astronomer: "I do not hesitate to affirm my conviction, based on personal examination of the subject, that any scientific man who declares the phenom- ena denominated 'magnetic,' 'somnambulic,' 'mediamic,' and others not yet explained by science to be 'impossible,' is one who speaks without knowing what he is talking about." (Jg^Thousands of other Testimonials could be given if space would permit. ► Testimony of Distinguished Scientists, Continued. (See also pages 29 to 32.) Rev. Hebek Newton lias placed himself on record thus to a New York World reporter : " My health has prevented a personal investigation of the many claims of Spiritualism, but I have investigated the matter very searchingly at second hand, through the vast literature connected with the movement, and I am forced to believe there is something besides fraud in the phenomena. Personal investigation landed Professor Cromwell Varley, Professor Crookes, Professor Zollner, a^d Professor Alfred Russell Wallace plump into the lap of Spiritualism, and they are now firm believers. They are all men of learning; it will not do for the average man to turn his nose up at these facts." Something besides fraud. William James of Harvard College says: " To bring these phenomena within the purview of a rational hypothesis is of transcendent importance." B. F. Underwood says: "Skepticism should not prevent our exploring a field which promises rich results in contribu- tions to knowledge of the human mind." Professor Oliver Lodge says: "A conviction of the certainty of the future existence has to me personally been brought home on purely scientific grounds." William Howitt: " Spiritualism having reached its mil- lions of adherents, is now beyond the influence of opposition." Thackeray: " It is all very well for you,, who have proba- bly never seen any spiritual manifestations, to talk as you do; but had you seen what I have seen, you would hold a different opinion." Rev. Myron W. Reed, Denver's great humanitarian preacher, (not a D. D., but a D. H., a Doctor of Humanity), in a sermon Sunday, 6th February, 1898, said: "I believe in the continuity of life. I do not believe that life ends in any hole in a graveyard. Life is a xDrairie road. The longer you travel it the more it branches off; there is no end to it, but the ocean, and there are the stately ships. Of course you come round again to the point of departure, but still alive and you know more. And again the prairie and the sea. I have read what the best books have said on life and death. I have been very curious about the to-morrow of death. I was at the funeral of a blanket Indian. His people buried him. The father of the man who was dead and myself lingered at the grave. And he said: ' He is there,' pointing down. But he said, 'The quiver is there, but the arrow is shot. His ponemah (dream) has gone to the sky.' Perhaps some doctor of divinity on Easter Sunday will improve on that. How did that come to that poor savage? God knows how to tell His children the things they need to know." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Astrologies! Charts Erected and Accur Events and General Qualifications: Journeys, Matrimony, Etc., Etc., from $1.00 Upwards He 022 007 286 1 Kindly Write Professor Walrond for Circulars, Terms, Etc Hundreds of Testimonials and Press References. Prof. Geo. W. Walrond, Astrological Practitioner and Occult Scientist. Opera House Block, Rooms 6 and 7, Denver, Colo. FOUNDER OF WALROND'S OCCULT SCHOOL 1 896, Where Occult Science is Taught, and the Unfoldment of Psychometry, Clairvoyance, Inspiration, Intuition and other Phases of Mediumship carried out. OCCUliT IiITB^flTU^E FOt* SAIiE. 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Spirits, Art 1.00 Pow Wows, or Mysterious Art 1.00 Laws of Vibrations (Shelton's) 25 And hundreds of other Works. Postage extra. Blank Horoscope forms on sale by Prof. George W. Walrond. Address PROF. GEO. W. WALROND, Hstrologer ar\d Clairvoyant. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, DENVER, COLORADO.