1906 y' ^ *• . ' « " r\ O s ♦ ' ^ 'O' O " v,'' ^ • ^iii8^ * aV -^ ^^' ^ ' . . s * yv - V y - f "^ >■ ■^. .c,-^ ^J> v<> ^- /^. //y ^ -^ '^^rS f .-:«' vj* <"©■ O > -V ■^o ^40^ :^-^ .^^ o" " , 'O 1^ '> ,:^' ■'^^v ,' o V-0^ ^-, .0 ^^/^^Tf:'>\<^^' .0^ .0 %<. A v' <> rCU <^» A ""^r, cy ■>• :)2^,^ '^.c^ . ^.>^v .-^^-^ ^^-. .0^ o o » o o > >0 .0^ hO ' ^'' 'iK^ V -^^ •- O » V. k \ x."o ^:r.v ^ -^ ^;^lv ''•■-- -^ '■ ,im%'. -..^Z ^0m^. %„. ■^- • •■1. o - r.-^i^-^'a ' aO ^, • "-^^ ■ * 4 O «> .'. „ o .^ 'o , » V ^ ■*IC^\ ^%c<' .vV^-V ■^ ">^^^^^ .. Nathaniel Shepardson (Daniel,^ DanieP) may have moved from Attleboro, Mass., to Rehoboth, %vhere two of his children were baptized, although all are recorded in Attleboro. His wife was Mary . From similarity of names and some other circumstances, he may be the one referred to on page 236 of " Hinman's Connecticut Settlers" as " Nathaniel Shippason, widow Mary, of Hebron, estate £207. He died 1718. Children were Jonathan, Nathaniel, John, Ehzabeth, Mary, Mercy, Joanna, and others." Children recorded in Attleboro: 4. i. JoN.\.THAN Shepardson, b. 20 September, 170C. ii. Nathaniel Shepardson, b. 26 March, 1708. iii. Elizabeth Shepardson, ■) V no i\r„, ^-^n iv. Mary Shepardson, j- 1). i^ May, i/io. 5. V. John Shepardson, b. 25 June, 1712. Shepardson. 4. Jonathan Shepardson (Nathaniel,^ Daniel,'^ DanieU) lived most of his life in Attleboro, Mass., and may have spent some time in Cumberland, R. I., before settling in Templeton, Mass., where he died in 1790. He mar- ried in Attleboro, Abigail, daughter of John and Elizabeth Fuller, who was born 22 April 1717. Joseph Shepardson, who gathered extensive notes about the family, all of which were destroyed by fire before publication, reports that Jonathan's wife, " Merriam, died in 1771 very aged," and says children were Jonathan, born 3 January, 1735, Nathaniel and Joanna. The Attleboro recoi'ds show no other Jonathan of this generation who might be confused with this line, and show children : i. Nathaniel Shepardson, b. 18 June, 1731 ; lived in Cumberland, R. I. ii. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 21 May, 17.S2, d; early. C. iii. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 19 Jiinuary, 17o4; perhaps d. early and name given to son b. 3 January, 1735. iv. Abigail Shepard.son. b. 17 April, 1736. v. Mary Shepardson. b. 10 October, 1743, d. 30 March, 174&. vi. Mary Shepardson, b. 1 May, 1746, d. 31 March, 1752. Perhaps also : vii. Joann.v Shepardson; m. 6 December, 1781, John Christianmillar. 5. John Shepardson {Nathaniel,^ Daniel,'^ DanieU) married Abigail Richardson and had children born in Ash Swamp, later called Adams, Conn. No I'ecord of these children except — 7. i. William Shepardson. 6. Jonathan Shepardson {Jonathan,*^ Nathaniel,^ Daniel,'^ Daniel}) mar- ried in Attleboro, Mass., Miriam, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Carpenter) Follett, who was born 11 February, 1733-4. In 1768 the family moved to Templeton, Mass., having possibly lived a while in Cumberland, R. I. They removed in 1790 to Royalston, "Mass. They both died the same day, 3 December, 1804. Children : i. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 23 April, 1758. ii. Rebecca Shepardson, b- 30 November, 1759; m. Pratt. iii. Miriam Shepardson, b. 1 September, 1761. iv. Joanna Shepardson, b. 22 February, 1765. V. Rachel Shepardson, b. 6 February, 1767. vi. Beulah Shepardson, b. 28 May, 1769. vii. Abigail Shep.a.rdson,\^ June 1 1771 Abio-ail m ■ - Hi<^o-ins viii. Is.\AC Shepakdson, 3 d. juue i, i//i. ADie,aum. ±iio«ms. ix. John Shepardson, b. 23 October, 1773. 8. X. Daniel Shepardson, b. 6 October, 1775. 8. William Shepardson (/o7m,* Nathaniel,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) probably lived in Ash Swamp (or Adams), Conn., before removing to Vermont. Children : i; William Shepardson. 9. vi. Ancel Shepardson, b. 14 Janu- ii. Jonathan Shepardson. ary, 1759. iii. Daniel Shepard.son, d. without vii. Abigail Shepardson. issue. viii. Molly Shepardson. iv. Isaac Shepardson. ix. Hepsibah Shepardson. V. Otis Shepardson. 8. Daniel Shepardson (Jonathan,^ Jonathan,'^ Nathaniel,^ Daniel," Dan- iel^) lived in Royalston, Mass. Farmer. Married, 9 September, ISOi, Pru- dence, daughter of David and Elizabeth ( ) Cook. She died 24 June, 1858, aged 78. He died 5 May, 1856. Children : i. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 23 November, 1802, d. 18 January, 1875. ii. Prudence Shepardson, b. 12 August, 1804 ; m. ^Villiam Moore ; d. 26 June, 1877. iii. LiTY Shepardson, b. 19 April, 1806, d. 5 June, 1820. iv. Eliza Shepardson, b. 4 April, 1808 ; m. Charles Moore ; d. , V. David Cook Shepardson. b. 31 May, ISIO, d- 7 September, 1813. vi. Millie Shepardson, b. 25 March, 1812; m. George Moore, Athol, Mass.; d. 1893. 10. vii. Daniel Shepardson, b. 27 July, 1813. viii. David Cook Shepardson, b. 2 October, 1815, d. 1893. ix. John Shepardson, b. 12 April, 1820, d. 14 December, 1889. X. Eei Shepardson, b. 10 September, 1821, d. 5 March, 1895. Shepanison. 9. Ancel Shepardsox {William,'" John,* Naihanie},^ Daniel,'^ Daniel^) married, '25 July, 1782, Cbarlotte Colgrove, who was boni 20 February, 17G2, and died 23 February, 1850. He died 9 Fel>rnary, 1840. They lived in Middletown, Rutland County, \'t., and in Fairfax, Franklin County. Children : i. Clarissa SiiEPAP.psoN, h. 27 January, 1783, d. .30 August, 1830, in Granville, Ohio, ii. Asa Shepahdson," b. 12 December, 178-1, d. 1-1 August, 1812, in Delaware Co.. Ohio. 11. iii. Daniel Shepardson, b. 27 September, 1787. iv. David Shepaedson, b. 25 October, 1790. d. 15 Deeember. 1791. V. Ancel Shepardson, b. 10 July, 179.3, d. 21 March, 1875, in Fairfax, Vt. vi. Joel Shepardson, b. 28 June, 1796, d. 25 December, 1850, in Vermont, vii. LoRiNDA Shepardson, b. 23 April, ISOO. viii. Calista Shepardson, b. 10 February, 180G, d. 13 August, 1801, in Alexandria, O. 10. Daniel Smepard.son (Daniel,^ Jonathan,'" Jonathan,* Nathaniel,^ Dan- iel,- Daniel^), born in Royalston, Worcester County, ]Mass., was the first of the family name in America to attend college, spending two years at Am- herst College and two years at Brown University. Alpha Delta Phi. Did not graduate, but received honorary degree of Master of Arts from Granville College (now Denison University) in 1846 and same degree from Brown University in 185:'., also the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Lewisburg (now Bucknell University) in 1872. 'Moved to Ohio in 1841, traveling by fltage to Albany, thence by packet boat on the Erie Canal tliirtccu days and nights to Buffalo, thence six more days by lake and Ohio Canal to Newark, Licking County. Baptist minister in Zanesville, Cincinnati, Cheviot and IMqua. Principal of Woodward High School, Cincinnati, 1855-1862, and for sixteen years member of Board of Examiners and Inspectors of Schools in that city. Principal of the Young Ladies' Institute, Oranville, Ohio, 1868-1887, and founder of Shepardson College, the women's department of Denison University. Member of Board of Trustees of Denison University 1843-1860 and 1880-1899. He died in Granville, 9 December, 1899. He' married, (1) 1840, in Sandistield, Mass., Harriet S. Wilcox, who died, in Newark, Ohio, August, 1841 ; (2) 1 Decem- ber, 1842, Harriet Bestor Beard of Zanesville. Ohio, who died in Cincinnati 9 June, 1853; (3) 18 June, 1854, Eliza Ann, daughter of James Rogers and Hannah (Mulloy) Smart, who was born 21 March, 1835, in Orange, Meigs County, Ohio. Children: i. Infant .son, b. Augu.st, 1841, d. same month, ii. Mary Shepardson, d. in infancy. iii. Harriet Julia Siu^pardson, b. 29 April, 1852: m. 1 February, 187G, James Mur- doch of Oneida, 111.; d. March, ls79. Two children. iv. Hannah Shepardson, b. 28 January, 1855, d. 20 February, 1855. V. Mary Ella Shepardson, b. 3 May, 185G ; m. 28 October, 1882, H. Sterling Pome- of Sommers. Mass.; now resides in Boston, Mass. Six children. vi. Eliza Davis Shepardson, b. 26 October, 18.58 : m. 26 October, 1881. diaries Allen Marsh of Chicago, 111.; d 22 April, 1889. Four children. vii, Jo Hannah Shepardson, b. 3 January, 1860 : m. 12 December, 1883, Francis AVil- Thorne of Granville, Ohio ; now resides Portsmouth, Va. Five children, viii. Daniel Shepardson, b. 2 July, 1861, d. 15 August, 1861. ix. Francis VVayland Shepardson, b. 15 October, 1862 ; m. 3 September, 1884, Cora Lenore Whitcorab of Clinton, lud. ; Professor of American History in the University of ("hicago. X. George Defrees Shepardson, b- 20 November, 1864 ; m. 31 August, 1892, Harriet Kingol King's Mills, Ohio; Professor of Electrical Engine'eriug in the Uni- versity of Minnesota, xi. Daniel Shepardson, b. 1 December, 1868; m. 27 August, 1895, Mary Belle Smith of Newark, Ohio : d. 25 November, 19l5, in Honolulu, H. I. xii. John Ernest Shepaedson, b. 26 October, 1877; Instructor in Science in Dixon Academy, Covington, La. 11. Daniel Shepaedson (Avcel,^ William,^ John,'^ Nathaniel,'^ Daniel,^ Daniel'^), born in Middletown, Rutland County, Vt. Millwright at Fairfax, Vt. Removed with his family to Granville, Ohio, September, 1813, making the journey in a wagon and being forty days on the road. Served as super- intendent of construction on Ohio Canal, 1825-6; constituent member of Granville Baptist Church, and deacon from its organization until his death, Shepardson. November, 1866. Member of Board of Trustees of Denison University 1881- 18G6, and superintendent of construction of its first buildings. He married, (1) 12 July, 1807, Prudence, daughter of Daniel Morse of Fairfax, A't. She was born in Dublin, N. H., 19 September, 1784, and died in Granville, Ohio, 25 March, 1835. (2) 26 November, 1835, Mrs. Mary (Devenuey) Dillcv. daughter of Cornelius Devenney. She was born 11 April, 1895, iii Berkeiev Count}', Ya., and died in Granville, Ohio, 5 June, 1850. (3) 7 July, 1852, Mrs. Pamelia Barlow, widow of Eev. Julius Barlow of Fredonia', Ohio. Children, all by first wife : i. LucETTA Shepardson, b. 28 September, 18C8; m. David Woods; lived in Wil- liams Co., Ohio, ii. Perrin Shepardson, b. 30 July, ISIO. iii. Abigail Shepardson, b. 20 November, 1812; m. Gardner Woods ; lived in Jer- sey, Ohio, iv. Harriet Shepardson, b. 22 February, 1815; m. Hiram Prudeii; lived in Jersey, Ohio. V. Nancy A. Shepardson, b. 6 November, 1817 ; unm. ; d. in Granville, Ohio, vi. Elvira Shepardson, b. 3 FeVjruary, 1820; m. Rev. D. D. Walden; d. S January. 1S65, in Hillsdale Co., Mich, vii. Daniel Morse Shepardson, b. 11 July. 1.S22, d. 27 July, 1824. 12. viii. Daniel Morse Shepardson, b. 2 February, 1825. 12. Daniel Morse Shepardson {Daniel,'' Ancel,^ William,^ John,'^ Naihan- iel,^ Daniel,' Daniel^), born in Granville, Ohio; was a farmer there until lie retired from active labor. Succeeded his father as deacon of the Gran- ville Baptist Church. Member of the Board of Trustees of Denison Univer- sity since 1863. Has been one of the prominent citizens of Granville for many years. He married, 8 November, 1848, Abby L., daughter of Jatham W. and Lucy H. (Chilson) Durant. She was born in Vermont, 1 October, 1827, and died in Granville, 14 May, 1904. Children : i. Es.mah C. Shepardson, b. 25 January, 1850 ; m. Rev. Alfred S. Orcutt. ii. Lucy P. Shepardson, b. 8 October, 1866; m. Milan P. Ashbrook. It is a curious illustration of the movement of American families that the descendants of two sons of an Attleboro, Mass., family should meet in Granville, Ohio, after living, the one in Connecticut and Vermont, and the other in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Now, another feature of American life is admirably illus- trated by this same family. Again and again, when looking up family records, genealogists have come face to face with a blank wall in the shape of an entry, "Went West," in the fam- ily Bible. That closed the records, for in the days of poor and expensive mail facilities, family ties were often rudely snapped asunder. The first Daniel Shepardson did not like the looks of things at Salem, so he went to Charlestown. His son pushed on to Maiden, and then to Attleboro, then on the frontier and a long way from Boston. In the fourth generation the sons Jonathan and John had the moving spirit, the former going to Cumberland, R. I., and then to Templeton, Mass., the latter going far into the wilderness of Connecticut. Among the children of John Shepardson, who lived at Ash Swamp, now East Adams, Conn., was a son W^illiam, one of whose chil- dren was Ancel. He did not like the aspect in Connecticut, and so plunged into the woods, going to the very jumping-off place, the region called Vermont in after days. In time a son Ancel was born to him, who had a brother Daniel. The son Ancel, "Deacon" Ancel Shepardson, of Fairfax, Vt., had a conversation with a cousin of mine, some forty years ago, in 6 Shepardso?i. which he told how his father, when he himself was very young, rode horseback from Vermont to Connecticut to see his rela- tions there. About the time of this interview, my cousin met a certain Sally Shepardson in Bosra, Conn. She told how an uncle named Ancel had left the rest of the family and gone to Vermont, or rather "up country," as she expressed it. She had never heard of the second Ancel, neither had the second Ancel heard of his first cousin Sally, and when Ancel's brother, Daniel, moved West and became the first "Deacon" Shepard- son of Granville, Ohio, the ties of relationship were still further strained, so that in 1876, when a sketch of the Shepardson family was published in the History of Licking County, it was stated that little was known of William and his family. Paul, in writing to Timothy, took occasion to speak against "endless genealogies," but Paul never had any experience in tracing an American family. In the years during which I have paid more or less attention to details of family history, I have been surprised at the side lights upon the history of my coun- try which have been thrown from genealogical research. For example, in the story just told, one notes the superstition of the colonist which led witches to the gallows, and took cogni- zance of every abnormal birth as a portent from on high. One recalls the aristocracy of the day, which reserved the title "Master," or "Mr." as we write it, for those of wealth or special distinction, the commonality being known as "Goodman." One sees the fearful and wonderful orthography of the early writers, which marked public records and private communications with "horrid false spells." One follows the restless, moving spirit of the day, which drove the Indians back into the interior, which opened Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont to settlement, and which, after a time, pointed the way westward across the wilderness and beyond the mountains, until Ohio and Indiana and Illinois, and then Iowa and the far Western States even to the Pacific, began to fill up with the children and children's children of the men who came to Salem and other towns of New England in the first twenty years of New England settlement. There are quite a number of people in Granville who are interested in genealogical research ; there ought to be many more. It makes no difference whether the first American of a line had a coat of arms or not. He may not have had any kind of a coat ; but if his descendants have helped to the upbuilding of the land we love, there will be intense satisfac- tion in following their wanderings from State to State, and greater satisfaction, if at the close of the study one can say with Cowper : "My boast is not that I deduce my birth From loins enthroned, or rulers of the earth, But higher yet my proud pretensions rise ; The child of parents passed into the skies." ^ ^ f ' ■» 4 h: K 4 c 5^' ^ ^ ^* ^c HO^ '^- ^ .^ = * " A' v^ ^ o "' ■- ' ^ ■?^#!^ .^"^ ^:^^- /^V %^^ o "^ ° «^)^*-Jv0 " ^'"^ ^. -'^ t o vy- ^, o S^ „, ^O^ o " o , ''•* . o. iO^r- <^. >r V • o ^ /- * i'^ •?- ,^' _. C. 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