iCfc^.^ Richard Mower of Lynn and some of his descendants. Compiled and arranged by Edward L. Smith from material gathered by Nahum W. MowE^i' of Jaffrey, N. H., and Mrs. Earl A. Mower of Lynn, Mass. THE MONADNOCK PRESS East Jaffrey, New Hampshire 19 4 y ^ '^^ RICHARD MOWER OF LYNN AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. ^ K -t 1. Richard' Mower, born in England, came to New England on the ship Blessing, in 1635, a mariner, age 20. Settled in Lynn, Mass. Had grant of land in 1638, probably near Maiden bounds. Joined the Church in 1642. Admitted a Freeman of the Massa- chusetts Colony Feb. 28, 1643. Suppose him to be the Richard employed on business of Government in 1654. Wife Alee (Alice) died May 29, 1661-2, and he married on Nov. 6, 1662, the widow Elizabeth Wild of Ipswich, Mass., who survived him. He died in Lynn, Jan. 1, 1688-9. His will, dated Nov. 19, 1688, on file and recorded, mentions : " beloved wife — son Thomas five shillings if he shall be now alive — son John two thirds — son Samuel other third — grandchild Hannah Chills — son John ex'r" — signed Richard Mower. Children, all by first wife : 2. John. 3. Thomas, bapt. 1642. (Perhaps that Thos. est. adm. 1690. Suff. Reg.) 4. Samuel, bapt. 1642. 5. Mary, born 15th 11th mo., 1661 (Jan. 15. 1661-2i. 2. John- Mower, son of Richard' and Alice Mower, birth not found in records. Married July 21, 1673, Susannah, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Rebecca Marshall. Lewis says in his history of Lynn : "Capt. Thomas Marshall came to Lynn in 1635. He returned to England to join in the ambitious designs of Cromwell, by whom he was made a Captain. He served in the army of the Anarch for sev- eral years and returned to Lynn laden with military glory." John Mower served in the King Philip war and was one of those Lynn soldiers at the Narragansett Fort fight. Died Oct. 22, 1694. His widow Susannah died May 2, 1727. Children: 3 lO 6. Thomas, born April 20, 1G74. 7. Richard, born Feb. 20, 1675. Died young. 8. John, born Feb. 10, 1678. Died young. 9. Richard, born Aug. 22, 1680. Susannah, born Mar. 4, 1684-5. m. Dec. 29, 1728, Jonathan Johnson. 1 1 . John, born May 23, 1687. Died Oct. 24, 1688. 12. Mary, born Dec. 5, 1689. - 4. Samuel^ Mower, son of Richard' and Alice Mower, baptized 1642. Served several months in the Company raised by Captain Samuel Brocklebank for service in the King Philip war, and June 4, 1685, he signed a petition as one of the Lynn soldiers who was in the Narragansett Fort fight. Married before 1676 (not on record), Joanna, thought to be dau. of Capt. Thomas and Rebecca Marshall of Lynn, born Sept. 14, 1657. He died Nov. 22, 1694. His widow Joanna married William Williams of Lynn. (Int. pub. July 31, 1699.) Children : 13. Joanna, born 1676. Died next week. 14. Rebecca, born 1677. Died soon. 15. Abigail, born 1678. M. Oct. 29, 1709, Wm. Merriam of Lynn. 16. Ephraim, born 1681. — 17. Sarah, born 1682. 18. Thomas, born 1684. *. 19. Samuel, born 1689-90. 20. Richard, born 1692. 21. Ebenezer, born 1695. 9. Richard-' Mower, son of John'-^ and Susannah (Marshall) Mower, born August 22, 1680. Married March 29, 1705, Thankful Sever, perhaps of the Roxbury, Mass., (See deeds in Essex Reg.) family. Will proved April 7, 1766. Children: 22. Thankful, born Jan. 27, 1705-6. M. Champney. 23. John, born Oct. 17, 1709. M. Mary Kurrill. 24. Ezra, born May 19, 1714. M. I.ydia Burrill. 25. Richard, born Dec. 24, 1718. 15. Ei)hraim^ Mower, son of Samuel- and Joanna Mower, born 1681. Married (int. July 20, 1706), Eli/.abcth Uevereux of Lynn. 4 Carried on a large cooperage business in Boston. Was an educated man, took part in the affairs of the town, was a subscriber to Rev. Thomas Prince's Annals of New England, and set his son-in-law, Mark Davis, up in business in Gloucester. Davis went privateering in 1744, and died at Curacoa. Ephraim Mower died 1752, leaving widow Elizabeth, daus. Mary Greenleaf, Elizabeth Walter, widow, and Joanna Mower, singlewoman. Children : 26. Ephraim, born June 7, 1707. Died June 27, 1707. 27. Thomas, born Jan. 29, 1708(9?). Died unmarried before 1752. 28. Ephraim, born Nov. 28, 1711. Died young. 29. Elizabeth, born 1713, M. Mar. 29, 1732, Wm. Walter. 30. John, born Mar. 23, 1715-16. 31. Samuel, born Dec. 20, 1717. Died May 6, 1747. 32. Joanna, born Nov. 22, 1719. Died unmarried. 23. Mary, born Feb. 12, 1722. M. 1st, May 4, 1738, Mark Davis. Rem. to Gloucester. Ch : Elizabeth; Mary, m. Hart; Joanna, m. Winter. M. 2nd, Stephen Greenleaf, 8rd, Joseph Riggs. Widow in 17G4. 34. Ephraim, born Feb. 14, 1726. 18. Thomas^ Mower, son of SamueP and Joanna (Marshall ?) Mower, born 1684. Married Nov. 13, 1711, Mary Lewis of Lynn. Styled "Mariner" when he bought his land in Boston from James Barnard in 1714. Thomas Mower and wife Mary mort. this land to Belknap in 1716; discharged the next year. It was remortgaged to Wm. Hutchinson in 1717; a second mortgage given in 1725 to James Bowdoin, who clears title and sells to Thomas Palmer, 1727. Licensed to keep an Inn, in Linn St., 1727. (Probably "Thomas Mower's, at the Sign of the Lamb " where the selectmen started for a perambulation of town bounds, and was at Rumney Marsh), He evidently^ died in Lynn, about 1730. Administration on his estate granted to his widow, Mar. 8, 1730-1, when she was about to marry again. She became the wife of Joseph Towne of Topsfield. (Int. Feb. 21, 1730-1). Died before 1750. Children: 35. Mary, born June 7, 1720. 36. Abigail, born July 30, 1723. Died in Topsfield, Dec. 9, 1736. 37. Thomas, born Aug. 27, 1726. ^ 19. SamueP Mower, son of Samuel^ and Joanna Mower, born 1689-90. Man-ied Jan. 4, 1716, Elizabeth Sprague of Maiden. Re- 5 moved to Worcester, Mass., about 1741. ChiUlren, born in Maiden : 38. Elizabeth, born Oct. 28, 171(5. M. Dec. 21, 1789, Jonathan Lynde of Maiden. 2nd, Jedediah Tucker of Shrewsbury. Abigail, born May 8, 1718. M. Oct. 4, 1743, Jabez Sargent of Maiden. Samuel, born Oct. 18, 1720. PIphraim, born Feb. 9, 1723. John, born Dec. 18, 1724. Lydia, born Sept. 15, 1726. M. 1st, Henry Ward of Worcester. 2nd, Trowbridge. ^ 44. Jonathan, born .Apr. 23, 1730. 39 40 41 42 43 THOMAS MOWER OF TOPSP^IELD AND JAFFREY, XEW HAMPSHIRE 37. Lieut. Thomas" Mower, son of Thomas' and Mary (Lewis) Mower, born in Boston, Aug. 27, 1726. Married May 5, 1752, Mary, dau. of Josiah and Deborah Kenney, born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 15, 1729. He was taken to Topsfield when about five years old, his mother having married Joseph Towne of that place for her second husband. She died before 1750, when Joseph Towne sold his land to his son, " Thomas Mower consenting." He bought land in Tops- field in 1751, being then styled " Cordwainer." He seems to have bought and sold several times, buying as late as 1777. He seems to have been restless and was probably too energetic to rest content in an old settled community like Topsfield. Between 1762 and 1765, he was in Wenham. In 1778, being then styled "Yeoman," and of Topsfield, he bought of Richard Peabody of Boxford, Gent., all his lands in Jaffrey, being lots 11 and 12, in the tenth range, and other scattered parcels, and brought his family here. Probably the first house built in Jaffrey was that built by Richard Peabody on this land at his attempted settlement in 1752, whence he was driven by fear of the Indians. On no other hypothesis can we account for the extreme price paid by Thomas Mower for his holdings. In 1780, a pew-owner in the first Meeting House, contented in his situation, with many of his old Topsfield, Ipswich and Boxford friends and acquaintances settled about him, he disposes of the last of his lands in Topsfield, satisfied to spend his surplus energy in developing into fruitfulness the immediate wilderness about him. The town histo- rian records his killing of a wolf in the barn cellar, the mountain being then forested to the summit and infested with wild animals. He was on two committees to procure preaching, and was select- man in 1781. He obtained his title of Lieutenant from the Jaffrey 7 military company, it is supposed. lie died Oct. 9, 1788, aged 62, and his gravestone stands in the old graveyard at Jaffrey Centre. His widow died Feb. 15, 1816, aged 86. Children, all recorded in Topsfield : 45. Mary, born Jan. 30, 1753. M. May 28, 1801, Joel Wight of Dublin, as his 2nd wife. Removed to Maine. No issue. 46. Abigail, born Nov. 18, 1754. Named in father's Will, unmarried. 47. Hannah, born Oct. 7, 1756. 48. Elizabeth, born Nov. 13, 1758. M. Jan., 1789, Towns. Thought to be Asa, son of Jeremiah, Jr., and Sarah (Cree) Towne, born in Topsfield, July 6, 1766. 49. Lois, born Feb. 24, 1761. 50. Deborah, born Dec. 22, 1762. M. June 4, 1788, Hezekiah Chaplin, son of Ebenezer and Mary, of Rindge, born August 5, 1767. He was taxed in Rindge until 1796. 51. Thomas, born Jan. 9, 1765. 52. Josiah, bapt. Sept. 18, 1768. Died Nov. 24, 1768. 53. Josiah, born Nov. 27. 1769. 54. Sarah, bapt. July 5, 1772. 55. Olive, bapt. 1775. Named in father's Will, unmarried. 47. Hannah'' Mower, dau. of Lieut. Thomas'* and Mary (Kenney) Mower, born in Topsfield, Oct. 7, 1756. Married David Chadwick of Jaffrey, born in Andover, Mass., 1757. Died Dec. 30, 1817, aged 60. She died July 11, 1830, aged 73. Children : 56. Hannah Chadwick, born . M. Feb. 21, 1804, John, son of John and Sarah Wood of Jaffrey. Removed to N. Y. State. 57. David Chadwick, born 1781. M. May 23, 1809, Hannah Stacy. Died Nov. 12, 1858, aged 76. She died Jan. 20, 1872, aged 81. Children : Wm. S., born 1810, m. Hepsebeth, dau. of Moses and Jane (Harper) Fairbanks ; Chas. A., born 1826, m. Sarah A., dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Fife) Stratton; Calvin G., born 18.30; Appleton B., born 1838; Wm. H., born 1839. 58. Sally Chadwick, born 1787, m. Samuel Stearns of Temple, 2d wife, died at Peterboro, Aug. 25, 1875. Children: Charles Albert, born 1819, m. Lucy Davis ; Almira, born 1821, m. Lovell Dodge; Lucinda, born 1822, m. Horace Bruce; Hannah Marion, born 1824, m. Luke Forbush; Betsy Chrystina, b. 1827, m. Charles Baker, 2d, Daniel White; Abbie Adeline, d., Abbie Adeline, again, born 1829, m. Johu Pickeriug. 59. Mary Chadwick, born 1788, m. Joshua Towne of Rindge. Died Jan. 10, 1865. Children: Phebe, born 1811, m. Solomon Touitte; Mary L., b. 1813, m. Levi Russell; Laura, born 1815, d. 1850; Sophrona, b. 1818, 8 m. Stephen Patch; Sarah M., born 1821, d. 1853 ; Joshua C, b. 1823, m. Eveline Brooks; Josiah T., born 1826, m. Sibel Boardman ; Caro- line Rand, born 1830, d. 1832. 6o. Abigail Chadwick, born 1701, m. July 7, 1813, David, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Chamberlin, born 1784, d. Apr. 15, 1844, agdd 60. She d. Jan. 30, 1870, aged 79. Children: Augustus A.; David C, born 1817, m. May 9, 1848, Ermina, dau. of Benj. and Grata (Hunt) Cutter. [Ch : Mary A., b. May 25, 1849, m. Albert S. Pierce; Ada E., b. June 24, 1851.] M. 2d, Helen Marr, dau. of Nath'l and Mary B. (Averill) Cutter. [Ch: Lucien B., b. July 14, 1827, d. y.; Edward W., b. May 1861 ; Allen H., b. Apr. 3, 1868.] 6i. Thomas Mower Chadwick, born 1796, m. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Chapin. Died Jan. 4, 1860. She died Mar. 6, 1863, aged 64. One child, Eliza Ann, born 1819, d. 1821. 49. Lois"^ Mower, dau. of Lieiit. Thomas* and Mary (Kenney) Mower, born in Topsfield, Feb. 24, 1761. Married, Jan. 1789, Samuel, son of Ebenezer and Esther (French) Jaquith of Jaffrey, born Oct. 6, 1760, died Sept. 5, 1803, aged 43. Children. 62. Olive Jaquith, born 1789, d. Oct. 2, 1808. 63. Eliza Jaquith, born 1791, d. Oct. 4, 1796. 64. Esther Jaquith, born Mar. 9, 1794, m. May 7, 1818, Silas, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Whitney) Pierce, born Jan. 4, 1794, d. July 29, 1819. M. 2d, Dec. 13, 1821, Joseph Pierce, born Mar. 23, 1792; brother of Silas. He died in Auburn, Mass., Apr. 22, 1860. She died Mar. 29, 1866. Children : Frederick S., b. 1822, m. Martha Holden, 2d, Mary Grant; Sarah E., b. 1824 ; Samuel J., b. 1825, d. y.; Diantha M., b. 1830 ; Samuel S., b. 1828, m. Clark ; E.sther L., b. 1832, m. H. Clark; Silas, b. 1835, d. y. ; Emily, b. 1837, d. y. 65. David Jaquith, born 1795, m. Dec. 29, 1817, Sally, dau. of Rufus and Susannah (Green) Sawyer. He died June 25, 1859, aged 64. She d. July 4, 1853, aged 56. Children : Samuel, b. Dec. 19, 1818, d. 1879, m. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Polly (Felt) Nay. [Ch : Emma, b. 1845; Ella S., b. 1856, d. 1864.] ; Rosyra, b. Apr. 5, 1846, m. A. S. Libbey; David A., b. June 7, 1826, m. Lizzie Tyler, 2d, Eliza A. Tyler ; Sally A., b. June 7, 1826, m. John Howland ; Syrena S., b. June 29, 1828, m. 6". W. Buss. 66. William Jaquith, born 1796, d. Dec. 5, 1800. 67. Samuel Jaquith, born 1798, d. Dec. 1, 1800. 68. Sarah Jaquith, born 1801, d. 1803. 51. Thomas'^ Mower, Jr., son of Thomas* and Mary (Kenney) Mower, born in Topsfield, Jan. 9, 1765. Married Sept. 3, 1792, 9 Phebe, dan. of Lieut. Nathaniel and Esther (Perkins) Thomas of llindge, born Sept. 30, 1772, Member of the Training Band in 1784. Removed to Barre, Vt., before 1810. Volunteered in 1812 in the company from Barre that marched to Plattsburg. His wife died in Barre, Vt, Apr. 19, 1810. Children : 69 70 71 72 73 Ezra Thomas, died July 16, 1793, aged 6 weeks. Buried in Jaffrey. Ezra Thomas. Esther. M. James Kinney. Olive. M. John Martin. Polly. M. Ariel AUbe. 53. Col. Josiah' Mower, son of Thomas'* and Mary (Kenney) Mower, born in Topsfield, Nov. 27, 17G9. Married Nov. — , 1794, Rebecca, dau. of John and Rebecca (Browning) Cutter of New Ipswich, born Sept. 15, 1774. Enlisted in 1795, when war was ex- pected with Great Britian. Col. of the 12th N. IT. Regt. from 1814 to 1820. Died May, 5, 1852, aged 83. His widow died Sept. 22, 1867, aged 93. Children: 74. Rebecca, born Mar. 7, 1799. 75. Josiah, born May 1, 1800. 76. Gilman, born Feb. 5, 1801. 77. Liberty, born Jan. 21, 1803. 78. Watson, born June 1, 1806. Drowned near Boston, June 3, 1829, while bathing. 79. .Sally, born Apr. 7. 1808. 54. Sarah' Mower, dau. of Thomas" and Mary (Kenney) Mower, born in Topsfield, bapt. July 5, 1772. Married May 18, 1794, David, son of John and Alice (Hunter) Gilmore of Jaffrey, born Oct. 20, 1768. Died Aug. 9, 1850, aged 82. She died June 8, 1805, aged 34. Children : 80. John Gilmore, born Apr. 20, 1795. Died May 2, 1795. 81. Sally Gilmore, born Apr. 21, 1796, m. Samuel, son of David and Polly (Leland) Stratton, born 1787. She d. Jan. 2, 1822, aged 25. No ch. 82. David H. Gilmore, born 1797, m. .Marinda, dau. of Lieut. Oliver and Polly (Perkins) 15ailey. Removed to Fitchburg, Mass. Died 1809. Had ten children. 83. Olive M. Gilmore, born 1802. Died in Fitchburg, Nov. 20, 1808, unm., aged 60. 10 70. Ezra Thomas'' Mower, son of Thomas, Jr.^ and Phebe (Thomas) Mower, probably born in Barre, Vt. Married Sally Webster in 1819. Children: 84. Phebe. M. Lyman Martin. 85. David W. 86. Dennison. 87. Ann. 88. Mary. 89. Charles. 90. Columbus. 91. Janet. M. Hiram Martin. 74. Rebecca" Mower, dau, of Col. Josiah^ and Rebecca (Cutter) MoM-er, born Mar. 7, 1799. Married Zachariah, son of William and Mary (Stanley) Emery, born Feb. 1, 1790. Died Mar. 26, 1826, aged 36. Married 2d, as his second wife, Ithamar Lawrence, son of Lieut. Benjamin and Rebecca (Woods) Lawrence, born April 8, 1787. Died Jan. 27, 1850, aged 63. Children : 92. Mary Rebecca Emery, born 1821, m. Sylvester B., son of Ithamar and Betsey (Jewell) Lawrence, b. Feb. 9, 1813, removed to Hudson, Mich. [9 Ch: Albert, Charles, Calvin, Loren A, , Henry, Clara E., Effie B., Mary R.] 93. Sarah Eliza Emery, born 1833, m. John S. Lawrence, b. May 23, 1816. Died Apr. 9, 1876. Brother of Sylvester B. She died July 2, 1873. [Ch : Carra E., m. Lucius Cutter; Ella F., m. Albert A. French; Fred- erick J., m. Clara A. Cutter.] BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 94. George F. Lawrence, born Apr. 1832, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Ethan and Elizabeth (Blodgett) Cutter, r. Boston. Children : George. 95. Elizabeth J. Lawrence, born Jan. 1834, m. 1855, Lewis Glazier, r. Ash- burnham. 96. Benjamin F. Lawrence, born Feb. 1838, m. Sarah E., dau. of James D. and Betsey P. (Livermore) Sawyer. Children: Walter F. ; Annie. 75. Deacon Josiah" Mower, Jr., son of Col. Josiah"^ and Rebecca (Cutter) Mower, born May 1, 1800. Married Nov. 12, 1827, Louisa Severance of Brookline, Mass. He died Dec, 26, 1881, in his 82d year. His wife died June 10, 1884, aged 79. Children: 97. Nahum W., born Dec. 8, 1828. 98. Samuel W., born Apr. 4, 1851. Died May 13, 1834. I I 99- Thomas S., born Mar. 17, 1833. loo. Louisa, born Mch. 30, 1835. D. Sept. 29, 1839. loi. Enos, born Apr. 15, 1837. D. Nov. 1, 1884. 102. William H., born Nov. 2, 1840. D. Nov. 19, 1807. 76. Col. Gilman'"' Mower, son of Col. Josiah^ and Rebecca (Cut- ter Mower, born Feb. 1, 1801. Married Koxanna, dan. of Jacob and Mary (Smith) Jewell, born Sept. 9, 1800. Died Feb. 22, 1873, aged 72. He died Nov, 2G, 1889, in his 89th year. Children: 103. Sophia R., born Apr. 13, 1826. 104. Sarah A., born Jan. 20, 1829. 105. Mary E., born Sept. 4, 1830. D. Mch. 14, 1842. 106. Gilman J., born Oct. 3, 1832. 107. Calvin A., born Mch. 23, 1834. D. Feb. 10, 1842. 77. Deacon Liberty'' Mower, son of Col. Josiah'' and Rebecca (Cutter) Mower, born Jan. 21, 1803. Capt. of the Jaffrey Rifle Co. in 1836. Married Dec. 29, 1829, Emily, dau. of Samuel and Lucy (Emery) Buss, born Sept. 3, 1803. She died July 14, 1845, aged 41. Married 2d, June 3, 1846, Mary Ann Buss, sister to Emily, boni Aug. 21, 1817, died Aug. 3, 1889, aged 72. lie died Mar. 18, 1888, aged 85. Children by second marriage; 108. Ellen E., born May 16, 1847. 109. Samuel H., born July 31, 1849. 1 10. Will J., born June 23, 1855. 79. Sally*' Mower, dau. of Col. Josiah" and Rebecca (Cutter) Mower, born Apr. 7, 1808. Married Dexter, son of Jacob and Mary (Smith) Jewell, born June 24, 1803. He died Apr. 29, 1873, aged 69. She died May 16, 1873, aged 65. Children : 111. Samuel Dexter Jewell, born Jan. 18, 1831, m. April 15, 1857, Mary, dau. of Nath'l and Mary B. (Averill) Cutter, b. Nov. 26, 1831, d. Oct. 5, 1873. Children: Willis Bradford, b. Aug. 9, 1857; Ernest H., b. Apr. 19, 1864. 112. Liberty M. Jewell, born Nov. 9, 1836, m. Martha A. Lebourveau, 1862. 113. Sarah E. Jewell, born Dec. 27, 1839, m. July 17, 1866, Wilbur Fiske Whitney of Ashi^urnham, Mass. Children: Oscar Jewell, b. Jan. 22, 1871. d. Jan. 2, 1886; Celena Mower, b. June 24,1873; Luella Cushing, b. .May 4, 1875; Ethel Eloise, b. June 2, 1881 ; Edith Lil- lian, born Jan 1, 1883. 12 114. Ellen E. Jewell, born Mch. 28, 1842. D. Nov. 15, 1865. 115. Jacob A. Jewell, born June 19, 1844. D. y. 116. Mary R. Jewell, born July 19, 1848, m. Ira J. Hutchinson. D. Mch. 24, 1888. Ch : Ethel J., b. Sept. 14, 1884. 85. David W." Mower, son of Ezra Thomas'' and Sally (Web- ster) Mower. Married 1846, Sarah A. Eastman. Children: two sons, both died young. 86. Dennison" Mower, son of Ezra Thomas*' and Sally (Web- ster) Mower. Married Amanda Ilayden. Children: 117. Ezra, born June , 1853. 97. Nahum W." Mower, son of Deacon Josiah, Jr.** and Louisa (Severance) Mower, born Dec. 8, 1828. Married Oct. 17, 1850, Lydia A., dau. of Joseph and Nancy (Watts) Hartwell, of Groton, Mass., born Feb. 5, 1831. Died Mar. 21, 1892. He married 2d, June 15, 1893, Mrs. Laura E. Merrill, dau. of Lyman and Eliza (Whitcomb) Leach of Chesterfield, N. H., born Mar, 15, 1838. He enlisted at Jaffrey Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered into the 14th N. H. Regt. Was in battle of Opequan. Detailed for Hospital service after that battle. Has the diary kept by himself through his entire service. Mustered out at Hilton Head, July 8th, 1865. Carried on the wheelwright business for some years ; opened the first furniture store in town ; and was undertaker for some twenty-five years. Put up the business block. East Jaffrey, containing Mower's Hall. Has devoted himself for years to gathering data concerning those of the name of Mower, a part of which, the parent stem and one branch ; these pages show. Resides in East Jaffrey. Children by first wife : 118. Clara A., born Oct. 21, 1854, in Fitchburg, Mass., m. Apr. 10, 1878, Abner Allen Linnell, born Sept. 8, 1853, in Orleans, Mass. Children: Annie, b. April 4, 1879; Walter N. F., b. Feb. 2, 1882 ; Julia W., b. Jan. 15, 1884. 1 19. Frank W., born Jan. 24, 1857, in Jaffrey. D. July 4, 1878. 120. Mary L., born June 25, 1859, in Jaffrey, m. June 3, 1884, John M., son of Uea. Wm. M. and Delina (Walker) Lamb of Rindge. Children: Maud L., b. Nov. 23, 1887; Frank W., b. Jan. 20, 1891. 13 99. Thomas S.' Mower, son of Deacon Josiah, Jr." and Louisa (Severance) Mower, born Mar. 17, 1833. Married 1st, Oct. 9, 1854, Julia A. Tolman of Fitchburg, Mass. Died Dec. 8, 1854. Married 2d, June 6, 1855, Jane E. Bruce of Fitchburg, Mass. Died June 16, 1876. Mr. Thomas S. Mower, like his brother N. W., enlisted, and at the same time and in the same company, serving until mustered out at the close of the war. Has been superintendent of Machine tool construction work in Fitchburg, Mass., and Buffalo, N. Y. estab- lishments since the war. Children by second wife : 121. Lillian J., born Mar. 16, 1802. 122. Waldo W., born May 9, 1868. 123. Annie L., born Apr. 4, 1871. 103. Sophia R.'' Mower, dau. of Colonel Oilman'^ and Roxanna (Jewell) Mower, born Apr. 13, 1826. Married Dec. 1, 1846, Amos E., son of John and Esther (Emory) Perry of Dublin, bom May 5, 1816. She died Aug. 14, 1897. Children: 124. Enrico Mower Perry, born Feb. 28, 1848. 125. Frederick A. Perry, born Mar. 24, 1850. 126. John G. Perry, born Sept. 11, 1853. 127. Clara E. Perry, born Nov. — , 1855. 128. Catherine E. Perry, born Dec. —, 1857. D. Dec. —, 1896. 129. Lillian E. Perry, born Sept. — , 1800. D. Sept. 1863. 130. Harry A. Perry, born Aug. — , 1864. 104. Sarah Angelia' Mower, dau. of Col. Gilman" and Roxanna (Jewell) Mower, born Jan. 20, 1829. Married Ist, Joseph Whitney. Married 2d, Jan. 2, 1854, Nathaniel Holmes, at Fitcliburg, Mass. Children by second marriage: 131. Elizabeth Josephine Holmes, born in Gardner, Mass., Jan. 11, 1855, m. Jan. 10, 1878, George Starbuck of Gill, Mass. Children: Amber Angelia, b. Nov. 3, 1878; Joseph Nathaniel, b. Nov. 20, 1880; George William, b. Oct. 24, 1882. 132. Julian Adolphus Holmes, born in Jaffrey, Oct. 29, 1858. 133. Cora Roxana Holmes, born in Jaffrey, Oct. 22, 1860. 106. Gilman Jewell' Mower, son of Col. Gilman** and Roxanna (Jewell) Mower, l)oni Oct. 3, 1832. Marrit-.l July 12, 1875, Mrs. '4 Marietta Hayward, dau. of Albert and Irene (Davis) Webster, born Irasburg, Vt, Feb. ii7, 1846, died Jaffrey, Sept. 14, 1898. Children : 134. Bertha E., born May 8, 1877, m. Jan. 4, 1893, Herbert A. Robertson. 135. Roxanna J., born July 10, 1879. 136. Alven W., born Nov. 11, 1880. D. Sept 20, 1884. 137. Plinny D., born July 9, 1882. 138. Hattie E., born Mar. 22, 1884. 139. Alice I., born Dec. 16, 1889. 108. Ellen E.' Mower, dau. of Deacon Liberty" and Mary Ann (Buss) Mower, born Aug. 16, 1847. Married Dec. 31, 1874, Wm. Moore of Peterboro, born Apr. 24, 1844. Children: 140. Julia A. Moore, born Mar. 12, 1877. 141. Anna S. Moore, born Mch. 29, 1879. 142. Henry D. Moore, born Apr. 16, 1881. 143. Herbert W. Moore, born Mch. 26, 1882. 109. Samuel Herbert' Mower, son of Deacon Liberty" and Mary Ann (Buss) Mower, born July 31, 1849. Married Oct. 20, 1875, Vinia S., dau. of Luke and Lucy M. (Roys) Carter of Rindge, born June 3, 1852. Mr. Mower has a Stove, Tin Ware and Plumbing business located in Mower's Block, East Jaffrey. Children : 144. Elsie D., born Sept. 17, 1877. 145. Jasper L., born Sept. 25, 1883. D. Sept. 20, 1884. 146. Dwight H., born Dec. 18, 1886. D. Feb. 10, 1887. 110. Will J.^ Mower, son of Deacon Liberty" and Mary Ann (Buss) Mower, born June 23, 1855. Married Oct. 20, 1881, Mary A., dau. of Alfred and Lucy M. Sawyer. Mr. Mower is a success- ful Farmer and Milkman and has also represented the town in the State Legislature. Highland Farm, his residence, situated in East Jaffrey, contains the highest hill in town, except the one on the old original homestead of the family in the south part of the town. 121. Lillian J.' Mower, dau. of Thomas S.'^ and Jane E. (Bruce) Mower, born at Fitchburg, Mass., Mch. 16, 1862. Married June 15 12, 1883, Liither A. Crooker of Fitchbnrg, Mass. Mrs. Crooker died July 14, 1897, aged 35 years. Children: 147. Marion L. Crooker, born June 2, 1884. 148. Earl L. Crooker, born Mar. 1, 1889. 122. Waldo W/ Mower, son of Thomas S." and Jane E. (Bruce) Mower, born at Fitchburg, Mass., May 9, 1868. Married July 25, 1892, Emma 11. Sampson of Fitchburg. Children: 149. Roland S., born May 4, 1893. 150 151 152 153 Annie L., born Apr. 24, 1895. Alan B., born April 6, 1898. Ruthe E., born Sept. 1(5, 1900. Robert T., born Dec. 17, 1903. 123. Annie L.* Mower, dau. of Thomas S.' and Jane E. (Bruce) Mower, born at Fitchburg, Mass., Apr. 4, 1871. Married June 12, 1892, Frank E. Waterman of Providence, R. I. Children: 154. Louise S. Waterman, born Feb. 17, 1897. 155. Francis E. Waterman, born June 11, 1900. 156. Marion B. Waterman, born Jan. 21, 1902. 157. Frank M. Waterman, born Jan. 8, 1904. ERRATA AND INFORMATION RECEIVED LATE. Page 4. Ephriam Mower, No. 15, second line from bottom, should be A'c. /6. Page 10. Josiah Mower, No. 75, was born /ygg. Pa?e 11 ** ** ** " " " ** Page 11. George F. Lawrence, No. 94, has two children: George and Nancy. Page 11. Walter F., son of B. F. Lawrence, No. 9(5, m. Lucy R. Austin. They have four children: Benjamin, William, Rita and George .S. Page 11. Annie, dau. of B. F. Lawrence, No. 96, m. B. F. Bunce. Page 11. Samuel W. Mower, No. 98, was born /8j/. Page 12. Ellen E. Mower No. 108, was born Aui,^us/ 16, 1847. Page 12. Sally Mower, No. 79, m. Dexter Jewell Dec. 29, 1829. He was born in Marlboro, Mass. They resided in Rindge. Page 12. Liberty M. Jewell, No. 112, m. in June, 1882, Martha A., dau. of Col. Wm. Lebourveau of Fitzwilliam. Two children : Elwin ; Nellie. Page 15. Bertha E. Mower, No. I'.M, m. Jan. 5, 1903, Herbert A. Robertson. Ch: Daughter, b. and d. Oct. 16, 1893; Harold Mower, b. Apr. 29, d. May 2, 1895; Herbert Elmer, b. July 14, 1897; Daughter, b. and d. Mar. 10, 1900; Harold Jewell, b. Oct. 26, 1902. l6 Richard Mower of Lynn and some of his descendants. Published by NAHUM W. MOWER East Jaffrey, New Hampshire 1904 Price One Dollar h My '09