F^2 ./ 203 1 F7 F7 opv 1 :5 T-r L_ * "n C I -n Ce -me N f^j Y Va jh 1 7ij t T^ y -^ • ^ FORT LINCOLN O? /'^ THE MODERN PARK CEMETE|IY OF ^(ASHINGTOH'^ ' )i Fort Lincoln Cemetery (NON-SECTARIAN) CHARTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF MARYLAND OPERATED BY THE CAPITOL CEMETERY CO. DIRECTORS MR. W. V. BOYLE MR. J. C. ROBERTSON MR. E. R. BOYLE MR. F. P. VEITCH MR. M. HAMPTON MAGRUDER MR. C. A. M. WELLS MR. HORACE W. PEASLEE, Architect MR. A. WESLEY BROWN, General Manager OFFICES; THE LODGE, FORT LINCOLN ENTRANCE TELEPHONE LINCOLN 3579 jp 828 FOURTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST ^^3U^ TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 4745 ^Q ^ "^O ^ WASHINGTON, D. C. /V ^ T Tt7 .' . Fort Lincoln Cemetern' (Non-Sectarinn) Baltimore-Washington Boulevartl — at tlic,l)istrict Line Bebication crc is bcbicatcb as an cbcrlasting fRcmorial anb IDlacc of |Dcacc for tfjc bcloUcti ticati. one of ilaturc's most beautiful intcrminglings of fjillsibc, forest, fielb anb riUer. il.)ere tfjiougfj ttje centuries ttje silent beat>, lufjettjer little cfjilb, or tfjose tofjo tjabe completeti life's span, map afaibe in tranquil bignitp. ere too, tfje libing, entering, map be sootbeb from tbe pbpsical aspects of beattj, come into lobing communion toitb tbe souls of tbeir bear ones, anb, loolung from tbe sloping bills anb ober sbeltering balleps, be comforteb bp bnobjlebge tbat tbis rare lobeliness of prospect anb solemn peace tuill be maintaineb for all time. Fage T/ircf I^ai^e Four AS if planning a fitting site for a memorial -t\ worthy of the Nation and its Capital, Nature has reared at the northern boundary ot Washington, a glorious amphitheatre ot hill- side, pleasant lawns and woodlands, through which a placid river finds its way to the sea. In pursuance of Nature's inspiring de- sign, this spot of rare scenic beauty has been dedicated to be, forever, one of the world's most lovely resting places and a worthy com- panion to Arlington and other famed memorials of the Capital. It has been designated Fort Lincoln Cemetery because of the historic fort of that name located at the crest of its hills. The vision of its founders has already taken concrete form. The massive gateway and beau- tiful lodge and office are completed, and well- made roads wind past the Field of Nations to the lawns now marked for burial plots. All who love natural beauty, all interested in artistic achievement and memorial art, are invited to drive or wander through its lovely vistas. The wide sweep of the Maryland hills from Fort Lincoln's crest and its own restful loveliness will give one a new xision ot scenic grandeur and a deeper sense of the "peace that passeth understanding." I'uf^f Fife The River at the Foot of the Hills Its placid waters suggest the gentle streams which meander through lovely Old World churchyards. Pajre Six Location of Fort Lincoln THE tract set aside in perpetuity for Fort Lincoln consists ot 240 acres of beautiful hillside, meadow and forest. It extends back for a mile from the Washington-Baltimore Boule- vard at the boundary of the District of Colum- bia to an arm of the river. The United States Reservation to the south, the highway along the front, and forest barriers joining the river grant it complete immunity from unseemly encroachments. Those desiring to visit Fort Lincoln will find it easy of access. It is reached by carriage or automobile over the Washington-Baltimore Boulevard, or via Rhode Island Avenue and South Dakota Avenue over the new bridge which admits to the Boulevard about one-quarter of a mile south of the entrance. The car line out the Baltimore Boulevard, starting from 15th and H Streets, N. E., passes the gateway. Residents of Prince George County can reach it In' this car line or by the highway through Hyattsville. The map on page 25 shows the location of this property with reference to Washington. As the landscape |">laii intlicates, the archi- tects have taken full advantage of the beautiful contour of the property. Hage Sei-en The Ramparts of Fort Lincoln Crumbling earthworks still mark this strongest of the chain of forts defending the Capital. Page Eight ^ On Twicp: Hallowed Ground THK Fort Lincoln property includes portions of "Chillum Castle" and "Scotland," granted in 17 19 by Lord Baltimore and handed down in direct line to its present holders, who have ceded it for cemetery uses under the strict laws of the State of Maryland. The river to the east was in pre-revolutionary times the scene of extensive ocean commerce carried on from the town ot Bladensburg, at that time a thriving port. Here the quaint old square riggers from Liverpool discharged their strange cargoes from all over the world. In 1 8 14, through the lower reaches of the property, was fought the Battle of Bladensburg, when the ground was hallowed by the blood of those who strove to sa\e the Capital. Later it became part of one of the strong defenses in the chain of forts encircling the cit\-. \'isited frequently by President Lincoln, who drank at the spring beneath the ancient oak, it received the name of Fort Lincoln. The outlines of the fort may still be traced by the crumbling breast- works of the summit, which so add to the historic charm of the region. The spirits of those who, for love of country, offered their li\'es on this spot, must be well content with the memorial purposes to which the scene of their valour is now forever dedicated. ^ Pa)ie Nine The Spring 'Neath the Old Oak. Lincoln often visited the Fort and, tradition has it, quenched his thirst at the old spring. I'a^e Ten Relation to the City's Park Pla N FORT Lincoln, lovely in its sloping vistas, its river prospects and majestic outlook, is by virtue of its location an integral and xital part of the Park and Boulevard System of the District of Columbia. The recognition of this fact at the outset by those charged with its development for cemetery purposes, and their readiness to cooperate with Federal and State interests have assured a well coordinated pro- gram of beautihcation. Provision has been made for a riverside drive- way around the property and connecting the projected Baltimore Boulevard and the Ana- costia Water Park. Fort Lincoln thus becomes a part of the park approaches to the Capital. Eastern Avenue, when completed, will skirt the property on the south for a mile. This avenue, reaching its highest point at Fort Lincoln, will command a view of the entire cemetery and the river beyond. While of course no trafHc can pass through the cemetery, the Fort Lincoln property under this plan would border this great system of parkways and so become the northeastern scenic element in a system linking it with Arlington, Potomac Park, the Lincoln Memorial, Rock Creek and Soldiers' Home Parks. Petgf Elfven Design For Monumental Plot The careful placing ot monuments and use of enduring granite markers assures complete artistic harmony. Pa^e T-ivel-'ce Monumental Harmony IN accord with the practice which prexails in the most heautihil cemeteries, special loca- tions will be set aside for monuments, hut individual gravestones and curbings will not be employed. Individual graves are to be marked with enduring granite set even with the turf. In this way, every owner of" a plot or grave is protected from eccentric, overshadow- ing, or inharmonious monuments on neighboring plots. The effect, in contrast to the usual miscellany of stones of various sizes and materials, will be an uninterrupted sweep of peaceful lawns, with harmonious and well-placed monuments merging with their backgrounds of sloping hillsides, shrubbery or river bordered woodland. Provis- ion for perpetual care of every grave and of the entire property ensures the preservation of its natural beauty. Starting anew, with no unsightly monu- ments yet marring its natural beauty. Fort Lincoln is able to avoid those frequent mistakes in cemetery planning which now too late are regretted. Fort Lincoln, in these considerations, will be guided by the significant conclusions of the National Commission of Fine Arts, sum- marized on a following page. hi fie T fur tern The Lodge at the Gateway This structure of Italian Renaissance Type will be in dignified harmony with the Chapel and the Cloisters. Prttf/' Fourteen The Realization of a Vision THE development on this exceptionally suitable tract of a resting place unequalled in beauty, peace and dignity is the purpose of those responsible for Fort Lincoln. The Commission of Fine Arts, charged by the Government with the development of the Capital, has visited the property, and given intormally much valuable advice. Reports of the McMillan Commission and other park authorities, the experience of ceme- teries throughout the world, and the knowledge of many experts in the field of art and landscape art, sculpture, architecture and space treatment were drawn upon to assure to Fort Lincoln Cemetery all that is most beautiful and most satisfactory in the seemly reception of the dead. The work of development and coordination with the parking plans of Washington was intrusted to Mr. Horace W. Peaslee, Architect of Public Buildings and Grounds of the District of Columbia, with Mr. John H. Small, III, landscape architect, associated. Mr. W. N. Rudd, of Chicago, an accepted authority, has acted as consultant in perfecting the plans for tlie operation, management, and perpetual main- tenance of this cemetery. Piifie Hf'teen The Chapel on the Hillside npHE Chapel on the hillside will be in an Italian -*- Renaissance type as most in harmony with the peculiar beauty of Fort Lincoln. The simple charm of this type may be judged from the lodge at the gateway. Many have commented on the sincere beauty, appropriateness and feeling of permanence ot this carefully designed building. The Chapel, the beauty of which may be sensed from Mr. Peaslee's drawing, will be available to those who wish to conduct burial services within the cemeterv. Piige Sixteen The Cloisters on the Mall THE Cloisters or group ot Mausoleums shown in the drawing will provide indivitlual or family vaults for those who prefer entombment but do not require private mausoleums. Single mausoleums will be groupeii along the upper roadway with a background of green hillsides or heavy foliage. The circular plot and the Mall with their unbroken lawns will thus be framed by the larger monuments. The location of the Mall with reference to the Entrance Circle is shown in the model on page 20. Pnf^e Sexmlffti Approach to the Circle In line with this avenue will be the Memorial Monu- ment and to the left will lie the Field of Nations. Page Eighteen The Field of Nations PROMSION has been made at Fort Lincoln to satisfy as nearly as may be the deep desire of every one to rest in native soil. A tract, therefore, has been set aside near the entrance for a Field of Nations. Here the governments of the world and national societies will be enabled to make, as it were, a part of their own native lands, tracts for the honored burial of those of their citizens who die in this country. Here, too, their fellow countrymen, visitors to the nation's Capital, will have every oppor- tunity to give attention to the resting places ot those buried far from their homes. It is expected that each government or foreign society will erect a single worthy memorial to all sleeping beneath the markers in its hallowed ground. In no other country- is there such a gathering of citizens of other lands. Yet Fort Lincoln offers thus far the only great burial place pro- viding areas reserved for the citizens of other nations. It is fitting that those dying far from their own land should rest in soil consecrated to their countrymen under the protection of their legations, where perpetual and perfect care of their graves is assured. PiiK^ Nineteen > :^i-* .^"'*^ *( . '^^Ml-^^'J^ts^ Model of the Mall Facing the ellipse is the Chapel, with the Cloisters at the other end of the Mall. The entrance Monument is at the left while Fort Lincoln is above the Chapel at the right. Pu^e l\i-fnty Adherence to Artistic Standards FORT Ijiicoln has set for itself the highest ideals of beauty. It will adhere to those fundamental principles which have been well summarized by the Commission of Fine x'\rts: "The best practice of today minimizes the monument and emphasizes the landscape. By the use of native trees and shrubs the place of the dead is made quiet and peaceful. In the newer portions of Arlington the quiet of hill and vale, of wooded slopes and green plains, should be preserved that the cemetery may per- form its true function as a resting place for the warrior and also for those who would pay respect to his memory." In a recent report, in referring to Fort Lincoln, the Commission states: "The architect and landscape architect of that company consulted the Commission informally a number of times with a view to so locating their roads and treating the grounds of the cemetery as to harmonize with the park layout for the areas being reclaimed along the river and to provide a roadway from the park to the Baltimore Pike at Bladensburg. The Commission, as an act of courtesy and appreciation of such an effort on the part of a private enterprise, visited the property with their representatives and gave extensive advice." I'ti^f T^i.(nty-one Perpetual Care for Every Grave Assured BY Ample Trust Fund ASSURANCE of perpetual care for every . plot and individual site is the basic feature of this modern cemetery. This is guar- anteed by placing in a trust fund a sufficient part of the purchase price of each site to ensure an adequate income for this very essential purpose. This assures that for all time, the entire cemetery and every individual plot and grave will be kept in perfect condition. All grass and sod will be kept well trimmed, faded flowers removed, and walks, trees and shrubbery will have constant care without expense or trouble to owners. This guarantees to each owner that his own and all neighboring sites will be sys- tematically maintained. This plan which safeguards owners from the indifference of neighbors is immeasurably su- perior to older plans which made maintenance depend upon payment of annual fees, or left the matter to the personal inclination or ability of forgetful or remote relatives. All phases of management will be in charge of intelligent and considerate specialists assisted by carefully selected employees well trained in interment ceremonial. Specially devised equip- ment designed to add to the solemnity and minimize the physical aspects of interment has been provided. A permanent system of markings and records ensures the location and identification of every plot and grave. ,^t: ^ •;■;••':'' Pa^^e Taventy-tavo Of Interest to Families, Churches, Societies AND Fraternal Orders AX extensive area of P\)rt Lincoln is now . ready for the reception of the dead and tor the erection of mausoleums. The section already completed enables large families, groups of friends, societies, churches and fraternal organizations to obtain large sites or grouped or adjoining plots. Single graves are also obtainable in the sec- tions devoted to single interments. To assist those who do not believe in leaving the inevitable purchase ot burial sites to hap- hazard or hurried selection in time of griet, a kindly plan of partial payments has been arranged. Without any obligation, the Superintendent of the Cemetery and its other representatives will be glad to conduct visitors through the grounds or to arrange by appointment tor their transportation by automobile. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY (Non-Sectarian) Cemetery Office City Office Washington-Baltimore 828 14th Street Boulevard . ^5$vt. Northwest Telephone Lincoln 3579 "S?^ ^q)tt],ephone Franklin 4745 Paf^e Tiventy -three H SV/VC LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 014 366 244 5^