Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants Organized 28 March, l8g6 1620 1 920 Officers M Committees Membership Roll Publications By-Laws I March, 191 6 Rooms 7, 8 and 9, No. 53 Mt. Vernon Street Boston, Massachusetts Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants Organized 28 March, i8g6 1620 1920 Officers & Committees Membership Roll Publications By-Laws I March, 19 16 Rooms 7, 8 and 9, No. 53 Mt. Vernon Street Boston, Massachusetts (s> /(f-fY^^ CONTENTS The Compact Page 4 Historical Note 5 Officers from Date of Organization 6 Officers, 1915-1916 7 Standing Committees, 1915-1916 8 Library and Cabinet 9 Publications of the Society ........ 10 "The Mayflower Genealogies" 12 Genealogical Research 13 Membership Requirements . 14 The 49 Mayflower Ancestors ........ 15 The 55 Mayflower Passengers from whom Descent Has Not Been Proved 16 Membership Roll 17 Honorary Members ......... 36 By-Laws 37 THE COMPACT In )*■ name of God Amen. Wc whose names arc undcrwriten, the loyall subjects of our dread soverainiK? lord Kin^j James, by y*^ grace of God. of great Britaine, Franc, & Ireland king, defender of >'^^ faith, &c. Haveing undertaken, for y^ giorie of God, and advancemente of y*" chris- tian faith and honour of our king & countrie, a voyage to plant y*' first colonie in \'^ Northerne parts of Virginia. Doe by these presents solemnly & mutualy in y<^ presence of God, and one of another; covenant, & combine our selves togeather into a civiil body politick; for our better ordering, & preservation & furtherance of y* ends aforesaid; and by vertue hearof to enacte, constitute, and frame shuch just & equall lawes, ordinances. Acts, constitutions, & offices, from time t(j time, as shall be thought most meete & convenient for y*" gen- erall good of y<^ Colonie: unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witnes wherof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cap- Codd y« . II . of November, in y*^ year of y*" raignc of our sovcraignc lord king James of England. France, & Ireland y«-' eighteenth and of Scotland y*^ fiftic fourth. An" Dom. 1620. John Carver William Bradford Edward Winslow William Brewster Isaac Allerton -Vlyles Standish John Alden Samuel Kulk-r Christopher Martin William Mullins William White Richard Warren John Howland Stephen Hopkins Edward Til ley John Tilley Francis Cooke Thomas Rogers Thomas Tinker John Ridgdale Edward Fuller John Turner Francis Eaton James Chilton John Crackston John Billington Moses Fletcher John Goodman Degory Priest 'Thomas Williams Gilbert Winslow Edmund Margeson Peter Brown Richard Kritteridge George Soule Richard Clark Richard Gardiner John Allerton 'Thomas English Edward Doty Edward Leister HISTORICAL NOTE The Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants was founded by its first, and only, Secretary and was organized on Saturday, 28 March, 1896, at the Hotel Vendome, Boston. The Society has elected fourteen hundred and five (1405) members; there have been 187 deaths; and 147 names have been dropped from the roll. There have been 291 resignations in the twenty years of the Society's existence, but many of these members had previously joined newly formed State Societies. The net membership of the Massachusetts Societv on i March, 1916, is 783. Every one of the 49 Mayflower Passengers from whom descent can be proved is represented in the membership of the Society, and its 1,405 members have filed 2,778 lines of Mayflower descent, one member having proved 35 different lines, from 10 Mayflower families. In October, 1896, the Massachusetts Society leased an office in the Tre- mont Building, Boston, and remained there nearly seven and one-half years. In February, 1904, it removed to much larger and pleasanter rooms, at 53 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, which it still occupies. The Massachusetts Society began, with the January, 1899, issue, the pub- lication of "The Mayflower Descendant, A Quarterly Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy and History," which quickly became the recognized authority in its special field; and in March, 1913, began the publication of a second periodical, "Pilgrim Notes and Queries," issued eight months in the year. Further infor- mation about these periodicals, and other Society publications, will be found on pages 10 and 11. At the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Society, on 21 Novem- ber, 1900, at the suggestion of its Secretary, it was voted to begin preparations for publishing in 1920, in commemoration of the Pilgrim Tercentenary, a series of memorial volumes of Pilgrim genealogy and historj^ This series it was later decided to name "The Mayflower Genealogies." This date, 21 November, 1900, just twenty years before the Three Hun- dredth Anniversary of the Signing of The Compact, is the earliest date known to the Society on which any organization of any kind passed a formal vote to begin preparations for the Pilgrim Tercentenary. A notice of this vote will be found in the January, 1901, issue of "The Mayflower Descendant." [Vol. Ill, P- 57-] OFFICERS FROM DATE OF ORGANIZATION GOVERNORS Gamaliel Bradford, 1896-1900 Charles A. Hopkins, 1904-1907 Myles Standish, M.D., 1900-1902 Asa P. French, 1907-1910 Rev. Morton Dexter, 1902-1904 John Mason Little, 1910-1913 Lew C. Hill, 1913- DEPUTV GOVERNORS Nathan Appleton, 1896-1899 John Mason Little, 1907-1910 Winsiow Warren, 1899-1906 Henry S. Shaw, 1910-1913 Marcus Morton, 1906-1907 Rev. Frederick B. Allen. 1913- SECRETARV George Ernest Bowman, 1896- TREASURERS Marcus Morton. 1896-1902 Arthur I. Nash, 1906-1910 James L. Wesson, 1902-1904 Charles L Thayer, 1910-1912 Nathaniel U. Walker. 1904-1906 Lew C. Hill, 1912-1913 Alvin P. Johnson, 1913- HISTORIANS George Ernest Bowman, 1896-1897 Stanley W. Smith, 1905-1908 Rev. George W. Stone, 1897-1898 George A. Macomber, 1908-1911 Frederick W. Parker, 1898-1904 Miss Mary F. Edson, 1911-1913 Theodore S. Lazell. igo4-i90«) Mrs. Charles F. White. 1913- CAPTAINS Myles Standish, M.D., 1896-1900 Edwin S. Crandon, 1906-1910 J. Myles Standish, 1900-1901 Clinton B. Sears, Brig. Gen., U. S. A. Charles A. Hopkins, 1901-1904 (Retired), 1910-1912 James A. Ring, 1904-1906 I- rcderick Foster, 1912-1915 Arthur Perry, 1915- tLDERS Rev. Edward L. Clark. U.D., 1896- Rev. Charles A. Brewster. 1898-1900 1898 Rev. George Hodges. D.D., 1900-1913 Rev. Ernest M. Paddock, 1913- SfRGEONS Charles W. Galloupe. M.D.. 1896- Col. Charles H. Aldcn. M. D., 1897 U. S. A., 1904-1907 Samuel J. Mixter, M.D., 1897-1904 William H. Prescott, M.D., 1907-1912 Edwin A. Daniels, \LD., 1912- 6 OFFICERS 1915-1916 Governor LEW C. HILL Deputy Governor REV. FREDERICK B. ALLEN Secretary GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN 53 Mt. Vernon St., Boston Treasurer ALVIN P. JOHNSON 53 Mt. Vernon St., Boston Historian MRS. CHARLES F. WHITE Captain ARTHUR PERRY Elder REV. ERNEST M. PADDOCK Surgeon EDWIN A. DANIELS, M.D. Assistants MRS. ANNA F. DAKIN WILLIAM B. H. DOWSE MISS MARY F. EDSON G. ANDREWS MORIARTY, JR. MRS. GORDON PRINCE REV. RUFUS B. TOBEY ARTHUR C. WALWORTH Membership Edwin A. Daniels, M.D Mrs. Albert S. Apsey Rev. Rufus B. Tobey Mrs. C. Peter Clark Mrs. Gordon Prince STANDING COMMITTEES 1915-1916 Publication Lew C. Hill Arthur Perry Alvin p. John so .s Frederick Foster Cjeorge Ernest Bowman Finance Arthur Perry Winthrop J. Cushing Frank E. Woodward Joseph H. Goodspeed Horace H. Soule Library Mrs. Anna F. Dakin .Mrs. Theodore P. Gooding Mrs. John F. Eliot Miss Mary Alden Thayer Mrs. Wim.iam S. Whiting Annual Dinner Artmlr C. Walworth Frederick Foster Mrs. Charles F. White Miss Mary F. Edson William B. H. Dowse At Ho/nt- Days .Mrs. Cjeorge H. Woodman Mrs. Lorenzo D. Baker, Jr. .Mrs. George A. Burdett .Miss Grace W. Geer Mrs. Edward W. Baker LIBRARY AND CABINET Library The Society's Library now contains about fourteen hundred and fifty (1,450) volumes of genealogical and historical works, which the members may consult at the Society's Rooms. Nearly all of these books have been received as gifts, or in exchange for the Society's own publications. Gifts of cash for the purchase of additional books, for the rebinding of the many books now in poor condition, and for the purchase of additional book- cases, are greatly needed. Gifts of genealogies and town histories, or of any books relating to the Pilgrims and their descendants, are solicited. Duplicates of books already on our shelves will be gladly received, as they can be exchanged for books we could not otherwise secure. Cabinet The Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants owns a very inter- esting and valuable collection of relics, some of which Avere directly connected with Mayflower Passengers. This collection now includes about 1,000 original documents, such as wills, deeds, diaries, family records, etc., many of them dated before 1750; also many photographs of original documents, bible records, gravestones, etc. Of especial interest may be mentioned: A copy of Thomas Cartwright's "A Confutation of the Rhemists," printed at Leyden, Holland, by Elder William Brewster, in 1618. A copy of David Calderwood's " Perth Assembly," printed at Leyden, Holland, by Elder William Brewster, in 1619. An original deed of land, dated 25 March, 1650, with the autograph signa- ture of Samuel' Fuller (Edward^), the Mayflower Passenger. An original deed of land, dated i October, 1651, with the autograph signa- ture of Resolved^ White {Williaiii^), the Mayflower Passenger. "The Brewster Book," a blank book containing a continuous family record in the Brewster and Fitch families, covering more than 300 years, from 1593 to 1897. The greater part of the Diary of Jabez Fitch, Jr., begun in 1757 and con- tinued until a few days before his death, in 1812. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS Editor E Kkne-si How man Committee on Publication Lew C. Hill Aivin P. Johnson Arthur Perry Frederick Foster George Ernest Bowman "THE MAYFLOWER DESCENDANT" A quarterly magazine of I'ilnrim Gcncalogj' and History, begun in Janu- ary, 1899. Published January, April, July and October, each number containing sixty- four pages and a full-page illustration. The October number contains, in addition, a title-page and indexes for the volume completed with that issue. Special Features: Notes on the ALiyflower F'amilies, from the Editor's collections for "The .\Liyflo\ver Genealogies"; Copies of the Vital Records of Plymouth County and Barnstable County Towns; Abstracts of Wills and Deeds from Plymouth Colony Records; Church Records; Cemetery Records. Very little of the material published has ever been in print; and hitherto unknown lines of ^L^yfl()we^ descent which have been developed are being printed. Subscription Price to those who are not members of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, $3.00 per year. Single numbers, 75 cents. "The Mayflower Descendant" and "Pilgrim Notes and Queries," both to one address, $3.50 per year. "PILGRIM NOTES AND QUERIES" Published monthly, except June, July, August and September. The Fourth Volume began with the January, 1916. issue. Each number contains sixteen pages. In addition to the Official Notices of the Society, including notices of meet- ings, lists of members elected, supplemental lines filed, gifts to the library and cabinet, etc., many valuable articles relating to the Mayflower Pilgrims and their descendants have been printed. Important serial articles in Volume IV (1916) arc: The Mayflower Genealogies; A reprint of Gov. Edward Winslow's "Good Newcs from New- England", published in 1624: Abstracts of the Plymouth County, Mass.. Probate Records; Plymouth County, Mass., Records of Deeds; Register of MlfKir C'hiliirrn; Taniilv Rrrords. "Pilgrim Notes and Queries" is sent free to all members of the Massa- chusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. Subscription Price to those who are not members of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, $i.oo per year. Single numbers, 15 cents. "Pilgrim Notes and Queries" and "The Mayflower Descendant," both to one address, $3.50 per year. Vital Records of Brewster, Mass. A literal copy of every record of a birth, intention of marriage, marriage, and death, prior to 1850, found on the records of the town, with a complete full-name index. Postpaid $3.00. Vital Records of Halifax, Mass. A literal copy of every record of a birth, intention of marriage, marriage, and death, prior to 1850, found on the records of the town, with a complete full-name index. Postpaid $3.00. Vital Records of Trttro, Mass. A literal copy of every record of a birth, intention of marriage, marriage, and death, prior to 1850, found on the records of the town, with a complete full-name index. Postpaid $4.00. Death Records from the Ancient Burial Ground at Kingston, Mass. Nine hundred and thirty-five (935) deaths prior to i860. Only two hun- dred (200) numbered copies were printed, and only a few copies remain unsold. Postpaid $1.00. Gravestone Records from the Ancient and the Woodside Cemeteries at Yarmouth, Mass. Nine hundred and thirty-one (931) death records, including all prior to 1851. Only three hundred numbered copies were printed. Postpaid $1.00. Gov. "William Bradford's Letter Book A reprint of a portion of a manuscript letter book of Gov. William Brad- ford, containing letters written between 1624 and 1630. Postpaid $1.00. Bowman's Ancestral Charts Presented to the Society to be sold for the benefit of its Research Work. One Set (17 Charts), postage prepaid 50 cents Three Sets (51 Charts), postage prepaid $1.00 Freeman Genealogy Presented to the Society to be sold for the benefit of its Research Work. Descendants of Edmund Freeman of Sandwich, and Samuel Freeman of Watertown, Mass. $5.00 postpaid. "THE MAYFLOWER GENEALOGIES" For twenty years the Editor has been compiling, from ojiginal records. "The Mayflower Genealogies." in which it is planned to include, as far as possible, all proved descendants of the Mayflower Passengers. Lack of funds has made progress very slow; but numerous important dis- coveries have been made, which have opened up hitherto unknown lines of descent from Mayflower Passengers; and a large number of false claims of .Mayflower descent have been exposed. Of the hundreds of claims of descent appxned b\ the Massachusetts So- ciety, in the past twenty years, only about onc-twcnticth {^q) of one per cent have later been found incorrect, and the correction, in every case, has been the result of the Society's researches. The system developed by the Editor for collecting, recording and indexing the data for "The Mayflower Genealogies" saves a great amount of unneces- sary duplication of effort and consequent waste of money. Some idea of the great saving resulting from the compilation of the gene- alogies of all of the twenty-two .Mayflower families under one control, mav be gained from the statement that any one attempting to compile a genealogy of all descendants of Myles Standish, for instance, must include in the work a large fraction of the descendants of John .Alden and many descendants of P'dward Doty. There are at least seventy other instances of children and grandchildren of the Mayflower Passengers marrying; and the unions in later generations are very numerous. If. therefore, twenty-two different persons undertook to collect the descendants of the Mayflower Passengers, each person working independentU on a different Mayflower family, the waste of time and money, not to mention the wear and tear on the old records, would be enormous. Liberal cash gifts to pay the expense of future researches are greatly needed. Remittances should be made payable to the Society; and communica- tions about the wf)rk should be addressed to the Editor. 12 GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH For some years a large proportion of the expense of the Massachusetts Society's research work has been defrayed by fees for genealogical investiga- tions made in behalf of members and non-members. Every such investigation adds valuable material to the Society's collection of data for "The Mayflow^er Genealogies," and the person who pays for a search has the advantage not only of the Society's unequalled accumulation of material (much of which has been card indexed), but also of the Editor's familiarity with the records and the families of the Old Colony territory. All fees for investigations are added to the Massachusetts Society's Colo- nial Research Account, and are used exclusively in extending its work of iden- tifying the descendants, in all lines, both male and female, of all the Mayflower Passengers. Unrestricted gifts of money for research work are especially needed ; but gifts, or payments, to be used in solving specific problems, or in copying for publication interesting wills and inventories, conveyances of land, etc., relating to the ancestors of the person supplying the money, will be of much assistance The Society already owns thousands of abstracts of wills ; deeds ; court records; town records of births, marriages and deaths; church records of bap- tisms, marriages and deaths; gravestone records; bible records; etc., nowhere to be found in print. It has also, in "The Mayflower Genealogies," many lines of Mayflower descent that have never been published. All remittances should be made payable to the Society; and communications should be addressed to the Editor. 13 MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Eligibility Every living descendant of a Mayflower Passenger, as far as known, is descended from one of the twenty-two Passengers named in the following list, and applications for membership must show descent from one of these men. John Alden Edward Doty Henry Samson Isaac Alierton Francis Eaton George Soule John Billington Edward Fuller Mylcs Standish William Bradford Dr. Samuel Fuller Richard Warren William Brewster Stephen Hopkins William White Peter Brown John Howland Edward Winslow James Chilton Degory Priest Francis Cooke Thomas Rogers Applications for Membership Applicants, of either sex, must be at least eighteen years of age. Preliminary Application blanks, which may be obtained from the Secretary, must be endorsed by two members of the Society. The sum of ten dollars ($10.00), to cover the Entrance Fee and the Annual Dues for the current fiscal year, must accompany the Preliminary Application, when it is filed with the Secretary. After the Preliminary Application has been approved by the Membership Committee, the Pedigree Blanks are sent to the appli- cant, to be filled out in duplicate and returned to the Secretary within six months. After the line of descent is approved by the Historian, the application is voted upon by the Board of Assistants. Entrance Fee — Annual Dues — Life Membership The Entrance Fee is five dollars. The Annual Dues of members elected after 28 March, 1912, are five dollars, payable when the application is filed, and on the first day of each succeeding March; and all such members, after they have paid their dues for the current fiscal year, receive, without additional charge, the Society's two magazines, "The Mayflower Descendant." which is issued quarterly, and "Pilgrim Notes and Queries," which is issued eight months in the year, omitting June to September. Members elected in December, January and February are not required to pay annual dues again on the first day of March. The Life Membership Fee is one hundred dollars. Life Members receive both of the Society's magazines free. "4 THE 49 MAYFLOWER ANCESTORS [There were one hundred and four (104) Mayflower Passengers. De- scent can now be proved from only forty-nine of these Passengers, and the other fifty-five have no living descendants, as far as known. The following list contains the name of every Mayflower Passenger from whom descent can now be proved. The names of the fifty-five Passengers from whom descent cannot now be proved will be found on the following page.] John Alden* Isaac^ Allerton* Mary Allerton (wife of Isaac^) Mary' Allerton (daughter of Isaac^) Remember^ Allerton (daughter of Isaac^) John^ Billington* Eleanor Billington (wife of John) Francis^ Billington (son of John) William Bradford* William* Brewster* Mary Brewster (wife of Williarn) Love" Brewster (son of William^) Peter Brown* James* Chilton* Chilton (wife of James^) Mary' Chilton (daughter of James^) Francis* Cooke* John^ Cooke (son of Francis^) Edward Doty* Francis* Eaton* Sarah Eaton (wife of Francis^) Samuel^ Eaton (son of Francis^) Edward* Fuller* Fuller (wife of Edward^) Samuel" Fuller (son of Edward'') Samuel* Fuller {the Doctor)* Stephen* Hopkins* Elizabeth Hopkins (second wife of Stephen^) Constance" Hopkins (daughter of Stephen^) Gyles^ Hopkins (son of Stephen^) John Howland* William* Mullins Alice Mullins (wife of Williarn) Priscilla" Mullins (daughter of Wil- liam^). She married John Alden Degory Priest* Thomas* Rogers* Joseph" Rogers (son of Thomas'^) Henry Samson* George Soule* Mjles Standish* John* Tilley Tilley (wife of John^) Elizabeth^ Tilley (daughter of John^). She married John Howland Richard Warren* William* White* Susanna White (wife of William^) Peregrine^ White (son of William^) Resolved" White (son of William^) Edward Winslow* * Every living descendant of a Mayflower Passenger, as far as known, is descended from one of the twenty-two men whose names have been starred. IS THE 55 MAYFLOWER PASSENGERS FROM WHOM DESCENT HAS NOT BEEN PROVED [Sec note on preceding pape.l Bartholomew* AUcrton (son of Isaac') John Allerton John' Biilington (son of John) Dorothy Bradford (wife of JVilliam) Wrestling' Brewster (son of Jni- liam*) Richard Britteridgc William Butten Robert Carter John Carver Katharine Carver (wife of John) Maid servant of John Carver Richard Clarke Humilit>' Cooper John' Crackston John' Crackston (son of John') Ely Thomas English Moses Fletcher Richard Gardiner John Goodman William Holbeck John Hooke Damaris' Hopkins (daughter of Ste- phen) Occaniis' Hopkins (son of Stephen) John Langmore William Latham Edward Leister Edmund Margeson Christopher Martin Martin (wife of Christopher) Desire Minter Kllen More Jasper More Richard More More Joseph' Mullins (son of IVilliam') Solomon Prower John Rigdale Alice Rigdale (wife of John) Rose Standish (wife of Myles) P21ias Story Edward Thomson Edward Tilley Ann Tilley (wife of Edward) Thomas' Tinker Tinker (wife of Thomas') * Tinker (son of Thomas') William Trcvore John' Turner ' Turner (son of John') * Turner (son of John) Roger Wilder Thomas Williams Elizabeth Winslow (wife of Edward) Gilbert Winslow i6 MEMBERSHIP ROLL 194 14 Charles Francis Adams, 2d 900 295 James Dexter Adams, Rear Admiral, U. S. 3581 1 186 Mrs. Louis Sumner Adams 788 242 Miss Annie Hamilton Agan* 1483 904 Miss Alice Wight Alden 3319 1132 Mrs. Charlton Henry Alexander 354 76 Mrs. Charles Frederick Allen 427 104 Elmer Hooker Allen 732 226 Francis Richmond Allen 721 215 Rev. Frederick Baylies Allen 3175 1096 Miss Jessie Edith Allen* 639 167 John Weston Allen 3866 1297 Miss Lucy Ellis Allen 107 546 Mrs. Walter Allen 3216 1 108 William Young Allen, D.D.S. 276 46 Miss Harriet Stetson Ames 1282 439 Arthur Cox Anthony 4049 1343 Benjamin Harris Anthony 1307 453 Mrs. Silas Reed Anthony 3922 1307 Charles Brooks Appleton 2622 944 Mrs. Henry L. Appleton 3060 1066 William Sumner Appleton 1365 486 Mrs. Albert Stokes Apsey 3313 1126 Rev. Edward Ernest Atkinson 897 292 John Atkinson* 937 316 Lizzie Daniel Rose Atkinson, M.D.* 932 311 Miss Maud Lancaster Atkinson* 2198 784 James William Atwill 2807 1 010 Miss Alice Tilton Atwood 3224 1 1 16 William Harrison Atwood 3157 1087 Mrs. William Harrison Atwood 1466 526 Decatur Axtell 3273 1 1 19 Mrs. Walter Francis Ayers 3448 1154 Miss Minnie Keene Bachelder 3865 1296 Mrs. Thomas Cogswell Bachelder 3418 1 146 Manson Franklin Backus* 3663 1222 Mrs. George Washington Bailey Boston N. Washington, D.C. West Medway Syracuse, N. Y. Los Angeles, Cal. Jackson, Miss. Boston Shirley Boston Boston Philadelphia, Pa. Boston West Newton Newton Highlands Boston Swampscott Boston New Bedford Boston Brookline Philadelphia, Pa. Boston Cambridge Cambridge West Newton West Newton West Newton Kansas City, Mo. Boston Boston Boston Richmond, Va. Galveston, Tex. Plymouth Boston Seattle, Wash. Lee * Life member. 17 !«aak« Msakv I59I 576 Mrs. pRtDERic WiLBLR Bakeman .Newton Lcntrc 4053 1347 Mrs. EinvARi) Wild Baker Brookline 2ibi 871 Lorenzo Uow Baker, Jr. Boston 2806 1009 Mrs. Lorenzo Uow Baker, Jr. Boston 2362 872 Miss Martha Alberta Baker Boston 3(>45 1205 Mrs. Willlam 1-ranklin Baldwin- Boston 2694 976 Miss Laura Whiting Ballou* Brookline 572 '43 Mrs. Edward Tobev Barker Kingston 867 279 Mrs. George Gardner Barker Bournedalc 1864 688 George Edward Barnard Lynn 4197 1372 Miss ALary Stella Barstow Alexandria, La. 2605 938 Mrs. William Williams Bartlet Boston 3867 1298 Mrs. Herschel Bartlett St. Joseph, Mo. 1577 574 Joseph Parker Bass Bangor, Me. 1827 670 Edward Pavson Bates* Syracuse. N. Y. 1386 496 Mrs. George Henry Whitney Bates .Melrose 1 1 29 395 Mrs. Joshua Bates Bridgcwater 3357 1142 Sylvester Baxter Maiden 1594 579 BoYLSTON Adams Beal Boston «633 604 Mrs. Henry Alden Belcher Randolph 2073 755 Mrs. Alvah Norton Belding Rockville, Conn. 3217 1109 George Wheeler Benedict Cambridge 1364 485 William Leonard Benedict New York, N. Y. 4210 1381 Mrs. Albert J. Beveridge Beverly Farms 2226 798 Robert Sloan e Bickford Boston 2642 951 Mrs. William Adolphus Bisbee Jacksonville, Fla. 2625 947 Miss Florence Elsie Blake Pittsburgh, Pa. 1697 624 Miss Mary Lovell Blanchard South Weymouth 1271 428 Miss Susanna Reed Blanchard South Weymouth 908 303 Fri:I)Eric Wright Bliss Boston 909 304 George Danforth Bliss, ALD. Boston 2783 998 Mrs. Leonard Carpenter Bliss* Brookline 2676 962 Mrs. Albert Ai.lm and Blow Knoxvillc, Teiin. 4051 >345 Mrs. Percy Gardner Bolster Boston 2688 970 Mrs. Charles Henry Bond Boston 3315 1128 Hlnry Bond Brattlehoro, \'t. 712 212 Henry James Bowen Boston 4000 1327 Rorert Montgomery Bowen Boston 1488 531 Mrs. George Augustus Bowman* Boston 121 I George Ernest Bowman *t Boston 1613 508 Rev. John Elliot Bowman New Ipswich, N. H. 4009 1334 Mrs. George Banks Boyd Lee * Life mcmlirr. + Hononrv tr.fml>cr. i.S , 4175 1369 Miss Marjorie Freeman Boyd 3543 1 180 Mrs. Addie Rice Bradbury 816 255 Miss Ann Althea Bradford 569 140 George Luther Bradford 3774 1268 Harold Standish Bradford 1043 349 Harry Prince Bradford 3746 1256 William Henry Bradford* 640 168 Mrs. Jere Payson Bradley 4008 1333 Mrs. Lawrence Brainerd 4002 1330 Abner Leach Braley 1380 490 Mrs. Alonzo Butler Bray 1088 369 Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton 2029 736 Miss Elizabeth Hitchcock Brayton 575 146 Benjamin Emmons Brewster 1544 551 Edward Cornelius Briggs, M.D. 4281 1402 William Churchill Briggs 3698 1235 Charles Henry Brigham 998 340 Mrs. Loriman Stevens Brigham 3355 1 140 Mrs. Edgar Hiel Bristol 903 298 Frederick Manning Brooks 298 47 Lyman Loring Brooks 248 35 Mrs. Lyman Beecher Brooks 4282 1403 Mrs. Elisha Carlisle Brown 2538 921 Mrs. George Henry Brown 1367 488 Mrs. Wilson T. Brown 4272 1393 WiNFiELD Martin Brown 3893 1302 William Bradford Browne 3769 1263 Charles Newcomb Kinney Brush 2002 730 Nelson Elliott Bryant 2003 731 Mrs. Nelson Elliott Bryant 41 7 1 1365 Walter Copeland Bryant 4218 1386 Mrs. Walter Copeland Bryant 1448 518 Alfred Stevens Burbank 3583 1188 Mrs. George Albert Burdett 830 262 Charles Augustus Burditt 3497 1 167 Mrs. Alfred Huntington Burnham 2596 929 Arthur Wendell Burnham 3991 1323 Mrs. Arthur Wendell Burnham 3447 1 153 Mrs. Fred Israel Burnham 1893 697 Joseph Aldrich Bursley 4280 1401 Charles Wellington Burt 3828 1286 Miss Ema Wilder Burt Lee Waltham Cambridge Utica, N. Y. Brookline Newton Highlands Paris, France Boston Boston Brookline Boston Providence, R. L Fall River Dedham Boston West Somerville Brookline Cohasset Foxborough Watertown Boston Newton Centre North Attleborough Newton Washington, D. C. Bedford North Adams Brookline Shanghai, China Shanghai, China Brockton Brockton Plymouth Newton Centre Boston Baltimore, Md. Waban Waban Antrim, N. H. Ann Arbor, Mich. Brookline Brookline * Life member. 19 I2I2 4' 5 John Standish Foster Bush, M.D. 2781 99b Mrs. Della Chace Butler 3990 1322 Mrs. Richard E. Bvro, Jr. 581 152 Mrs. Charles Francis Cadle 1273 430 Mrs. Edwari) Everett Cahehart 2290 836 Miss Mary Warren Capen 3997 •3'24 Mrs. N'ktor Frederick Carl 3773 1267 Miss Margaret Pillsbury Carter 3809 1282 Roscoe Arnold Carter 3808 1281 Mrs. Willia.m Carter 2765 1177 Mrs. Jennie Wood Chapman 3979 '319 Mrs. Cyrus Bradley Chase 823 258 Miss Ellen Chase 2788 1003 Mrs. Walter Cjri.enough Chase 425 102 .Mrs. Charles E. Chester 466 547 Walstein Roath Chester 1 361 482 Rev. Dudley Richards Child 4206 1377 Curtis 4207 1378 Mrs. Curtis Chipman 3219 iiii Reeve Chipman 2935 1040 .Miss Helen Lois Church 2271 828 Willia.m Piatt Church 3830 1288 John West Churchill 3361 1 145 .Mrs. Levi Porter Churchill 1260 1102 -Mrs. William Henry Claflin 3862 1293 Harold Clinton Clapp 3829 1287 Mrs. Alice Lorraine Clark 2059 746 Mrs. Augustus Taylor Clark* 304 53 Mrs. Charles Peter Clark 371 1 1240 Miss Elle.n Marie Clark 949 328 Miss Emily Lorino Clark 1358 479 Miss Mary Smith Clark 1359 480 Miss Sarah Louisa Clark 2426 882 Miss Sylvia Clark 2200 786 Genevieve Clarke, M.D. 3683 1232 Inez Louise Clarke, \LD. 464 110 Livingston Warner Cleaveland 3181 1098 George Augustus Clough 300 49 Mrs. Micajah Pratt Clough 2032 739 Carolus Melville Cobb, M.D. 2969 1044 Miss Delia Atwood Cobb 3731 1248 Mrs. Horace Hamilton Cobb Boston Uigluon Washington, D. C. Bethany, Mo. Washington, D. C. Boston Hrookline Melrose Nccdhani Heights Needham Heights Boston Macon, Mo. Brookline Boston Boston Boston Pcppercll Newton Highlands Newton Highlands Winchester Boston Cambridge Plymouth My ricks Boston Brookline Newton Centre Newton Centre Newton Centre St. Paul, Minn. Boston Mcdford Med ford Derry Village, N. H. Cambridge Cambridge New Haven, Conn. Boston Lynn Lynn Boston Fort Worth, Tex. • Life member. 3732 1249 Mrs. Lyman Daniel Cobb 714 207 Mrs. Alexander Cochrane 1830 673 Henry Tilton Coe 1 83 1 674 Mrs. Henry Tilton Coe 2843 1017 Ralph Fales Coggeshall 1293 444 Alfred Winslow Cole 2253 818 E. Edward Cole 191 7 922 Miss Florina Mann Collamore* 3644 1204 Mrs. Dwight Marshall Collins 586 157 Charles Sydney Cook 1571 568 Miss Elizabeth Cowing 1572 569 Miss Janet McKay Cowing 877 289 Mrs. Edmund Brainerd Cowles 3800 1273 Mrs. Charles R. Crane 3620 1 198 Roy Elwood Crane 3095 1072 Mrs. Frank Crawford 1858 682 Mrs. George Herbert Crocker 1194 413 Miss Sarah Haskell Crocker 3712 1241 Mrs. Conrad W. Crooker 2488 901 Mrs. Sarah Delina Cropley 3938 131 1 Mrs. Joseph Elwood Crowell 2197 783 Samuel Crowell^ M.D. 2074 756 Mrs. Samuel Crowell 4034 1340 Mrs. Norman Alexander Currie 1707 632 Mrs. Charles Franklin Curtis 2848 1022 Mrs. Henry Winthrop Cushing 2971 1046 Winthrop Jacobs Cushing 3659 1218 Mrs. Frank Cushman 795 249 Henry Bates Cushman 3660 1219 Leonard Cushman 3868 1299 Norman Locke Cushman 2424 880 Charles Francis Cutler 41 16 1353 Miss Alice Evelyn Dacy 3538 1174 Mrs. Anna Felton Dakin* 3541 1 178 Miss Evvie Fuller Dalby 3184 iioi Edwin Alfred Daniels, M.D. H95 538 Mrs. Edwin E. Darling 357 79 Alfred Lyman Darrow 358 80 Miss Fanny Gay Darrow 3921 1306 Miss Mary Elizabeth Davenport 4278 1399 Mrs. Alexander Davidson 3353 1 138 Mrs. Abner Harrison Davis Fort Worth, Tex. Boston Putney, Vt. Putney, Vt. South Framingham Newtonville Boston North Pembroke Pittsfield Boston Seneca Falls, N. Y. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Brookline Fort Worth, Tex. Boston Omaha, Neb. Fitchburg Boston Brookline Boston Taunton Boston Boston Halifax, N. S. Clinton, la. South Hingham South Hingham Boston Newport, Vt. , Boston Winchester Boston Boston Cambridge Boston Boston Troy, N. Y. Boston Cambridge Medford Walpole, N. H. Mishawaka, Ind. * Life member. 1904 705 Mrs. Euwaru Livingston Davis 957 336 Mrs. George Roberts Davis 1917 713 Miss Katharini: Kendall Davis 3682 1231 Miss Marv Hlckins Davis* 860 272 Mrs. Braukoru Dlrfke Davol 3977 '3'7 Mrs. John Carpenter Dawson 3978 1318 Miss Millev Blanche Dawson 2787 1002 Mrs. Irving Andrew Dean* 4048 1342 Benja.min Alde.v Delano '493 536 Edward Dana Densmore 2454 894 Mrs. John William Dewis 1845 681 John Oviatt DeWolf 4145 1363 Miss Lena Browning De.xter 3120 1080 Lemuel LeBaron Dexter 2101 762 Frank Elliot Dickerman 2489 902 Alfred Alder Doane 648 176 Miss Ida F" ranges Doane 718 211 Mrs. Mary E. A. Dobson 3896 1305 Miss P'reda Donald* 2492 906 Mrs. Louis Donald 945 325 William Cushing Donnell 4209 1380 Miss Ethel Verne Doten 2307 843 Leonard Smith Doten 2693 975 Mrs. John Kennedy Dow 3578 1183 WiLLiA.M Bradford Ho.MER Dowse 3655 1214 Charles Church Drew 3582 1187 Samufl Dwicht Drury 3667 1224 Mrs. Samuel Dwight Drury 1351 472 Mrs. William Henry Drury '597 582 Charles Arndt Dunham 3501 1 171 John Bensiah Dyer 1608 593 William Fuller Dyer '309 455 Miss Lucy Houghton Eaton 4216 1385 Horace Albert Edgecomb 3662 1221 Mrs. Frank Edmands 348 70 Miss .\L\ry Frances Edson 720 214 Ptolemy O'Meara Edson, M.D. 817 256 Edric Eldridge 1120 386 Miss Edith Eliot 649 177 Mrs. John Frederic Eliot 2219 791 Mrs. Fr.\nk De.xter Ellison 2028 735 Mrs. Robert Enegrek Boston Portland, Mc. Brookline Galveston, Tex. Fall River Grant City, Mo. Grant City, Mo. Grand Rapids. Mich. Winthrop Brookline Brookline Boston Boston Mattapoisett Boston Everett Cincinnati, O. Boston Mobile, Ala. Mobile, Ala. Houlton, Mc. Boston Washington, D, C. Spokane, Wash. West Newton Boston Northampton Northampton Waltham New Brunswick, N. J. Truro St. Joseph, Mo. Boston Brookline Newton Centre Boston Boston Boston New Bedford Boston Belmont Seattle, Wash. Life member. 22 2452 892 Mrs, Ira Hobart Evans 3736 1253 Bradford Lindsay Fairfax* 2691 973 Mrs. James Phillips Farley 2445 889 Earl Cole Farrington 3806 1279 Edward Chipman Farrington 2655 956 Alton Faunce 2310 846 Ross Steele Faxon 2063 750 Mrs. Fred Fernald 2328 849 Mrs. George Hunting Fernald 4139 1357 Fred Tarbell Field 1073 360 Miss Kate Gifford Field 3668 1225 Vernon Ashley Field 652 180 Mrs. Charles Henry Fisher 2603 936 Mrs. Oliver Mason Fisher 3580 1 185 Charles Harold Floyd 41 17 1354 Mrs. George Franklin Floyd 2687 969 Herbert Folger 3218 II 10 Mrs. Wendell Burt Folsom 1272 429 Mrs. Edward Foote 733 227 Henry Deane Forbes 1638 609 Miss Mary Ann Ford 2440 887 Frederick Woodbury Fosdick 3770 1264 Miss Fanny Foster 2979 1054 Frederick Foster 1565 562 Hon. John Gilman Foster 3331 1136 William Edward Foster 871 283 Miss Betsey Rich Freeman 4174 1368 Charles Quackenbush Freeman 1098 378 Mrs. Henry Huggeford Freeman 1655 612 Miss Alice French 2604 937 Asa Palmer French 2065 752 Clarence Freeman French 2066 753 Mrs. Clarence Freeman French 4172 1366 Fred Ernest Frisbee 3160 1090 Louis Adams Frothingham* 3274 1 1 20 Alexis Everett Frye* 4010 1335 Mrs. Alvan Tufts Fuller 4208 1379 Ambrose John Gallison, M.D. 1464 524 Mrs. Harry P. Gamble 3976 13 16 Jesse Louis Gammons, M.D. 2978 1053 Warren Fisher Gay, M.D. 604 160 Mrs. John Flavel Gaylord Austin, Tex. Cambridge, Eng. Rowe Centre Boston Hartford, Conn, New York, N. Y, Chattanooga, Tenn, Nottingham, N, H, Sanford, Fla. Boston Syracuse, N. Y, WoUaston Boston Newton Pittsfield Winthrop Berkeley, Cal, Exeter, N. H, Boston Boston Greenbush Boston Boston Boston Ottawa, Canada Atlanta, Ga, Wellfleet Lee Boston Davenport, la. Randolph Waltham Waltham Sheldon, la. Boston Redlands, Cal. Maiden Franklin Boulder, Col. Taunton Boston Plymouth * Life member. 23 3861 1292 Miss Grace WoooBRiDCK (jeer 3733 '250 Mrs. Fred Winthroh Georce 3358 1 143 Franklin Robinson Cjifford 1072 359 SiuNEV Brooks Gifford 1785 658 Mrs. Melvin Ballou Gilbert 2203 789 Mrs. James Joseph Gilligan* 2331 852 Edwin Clarence Gilman 1 175 407 Mrs. Fred Lawson Godding 4054 1348 Mrs. Lester Noble Godfrev 3699 1236 Mrs. Julian Caverly Gonzales 3422 1150 Miss Mary Winthroi* Gooding 2692 974 Mrs. 'IHeodore Parker Gooding 874 286 Joseph Horace Goodspeed 945 324 Mrs. Joseph Horace Goodspeed '755 642 Marshall Stephen Hopkins Gould 3700 1237 Miss Abbie Anne Grant 2675 961 Mrs. James Benton Grant 3701 1238 Miss Mary Abbie Grant 1614 599 Abbott Fuller Graves 3807 1280 Miss Elizabeth Ropes Graves 3744 1254 Miss Mary Isabel Greeley 2159 778 Samuel Swett Green 2782 997 Mrs. Eli Gilmore Greene 2723 983 Mrs. George G. Grout* 2244 811 Edwin Atkins Grozier 2975 1050 Edmund Reed Gurney 901 296 Mrs. Summerfield Hagertv 3498 1 168 Mrs. Ammi Ruhama Hahn 1609 594 Mrs. Anthony Dennis Hall 4204 1375 Mrs. Charles Benoni Hall 3062 1068 Frank Webster Hall 3940 1313 Mrs. George Hall 2858 1026 Mrs. Grace Lx)throp Fielding Hall 715 208 James Morris Whiton Hall 4277 1398 Mrs. Leslie Willson Hall 3680 1229 Mrs. Edward Preston Hamblet 3540 1 176 Miss Alice Maria Hammond 3766 1260 Stedman Shumway Hanks 2 1 81 781 Mrs. Clarence Fletcher Hare 4275 1396 Miss Alice Holmes Harlow 2088 757 Miss Louise Harlow 394 95 George Arthur Harlow, M.D. Boston Wichita, Kan. Boston Syracuse, N. Y. Portland, Me. Somerville Worcester Mcdford Boston Galveston, Tex. Plymouth Boston Boston Boston Boston Salem Denver, Col. Salem Brookline Salem Bradford. N. H. Worcester Lynn Morrisville, Vt. Cambridge Fremont, Neb. New York, N. Y. Boston Boston Wakefield Ivowell Newton Highlands Provincctown Boston Claremont, N. H. Salem Boston Manchester Brockton Boston Denver, Col. Milwaukee, Wis. • Life member. 24 4274 1 395 John Bradford Harlow 4284 1405 Mrs. John Bradford Harlow 2137 771 Theodore Lyman Harlow 2972 1047 Robert Orr Harris 352 74 Mrs. Sydney Harwood 2546 923 Edwin Dyer Hauthaway 2547 924 Mrs. Edwin Dyer Hauthaway 2973 1048 Miss Alice Mary Hawes 2974 1049 Miss Marion Augusta Hawes 1079 366 Nathan Mortimer Hawkes 4271 1392 Mrs. George Augustus Healy 2360 870 Mrs. Louis Richard Henrich 3114 1074 Mrs. James Walter Heustis 2826 1013 Mrs. Alfred Hill 2279 831 Clarence Ordway Hill 3492 1 162 Edwin Marcy Hill 3491 1 161 Henry Horace Hill 3220 1 112 Mrs. James Hamilton Hill 2332 853 Lew Cass Hill 3318 1 131 Mrs. William Henry Hill* 1487 530 Fred Clifford Hinds 2355 865 Mrs. Carl Bingham Hinsman 2883 1032 Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock 941 320 Edward Fr.'^ncis Hodges, M.D. 4173 1367 Mrs. Edward Francis Hodges 4050 1344 Fletcher Hodges, M.D. 1075 362 Gilbert Hodges* 1965 720 George Ulysses Grant Holman 2697 979 Miss Anna Elizabeth Holmes 3312 1 125 Miss Priscilla Catherine Holmes 2357 867 William Boyd Holmes 2486 899 Mrs. William Boyd Holmes 3316 1 129 Mrs. Harvey Perley Hood 3215 1 107 Frederick Grantham Hopkins 2140 774 Hugh Ausborne Hopkins 3221 1 113 Nathaniel Richmond Hopkins 3452 1 157 Mrs. John Mascroft Houghton 734 228 Harry Morton Howard 41 14 135 1 Mrs. Will Bernard Howe 1 148 400 Miss Abby Christina Howes* 3684 1233 Mrs. Marcus Hall Howes 4273 1394 Mrs. Ralph Holt Howes West Medford West Medford Gardner Boston Newton Brookline Brookline Boston Boston North Saugus Rochester Boston Washington, D. C. Wellesley Hills Belmont Brookline Brookline Galveston, Tex. Boston Brookline Newtonville Rutland, Vt. Boston Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Franklin, N. H. Boston Chelsea Boston Somerville Somerville Derry Village, N. H. Boston Maiden Montclair, N. J. Worcester Brookline Concord, N. H. Boston Barnstable Cambridge * Life member. 25 386o 3804 1568 1995 1262 3200 606 499 3156 2785 1512 2278 3056 534 3159 2910 2067 400 1384 2656 2330 ■ 2053 3308 3652 700 1005 1 127 3174 1208 2027 37«5 2031 306 2358 6«i3 1114 3623 2602 3929 1765 3656 865 1291 Charles Warrkn Howlanu 1277 Daniel Webster Howlanu 565 JosEi'M Briggs Howland, M.D. 723 Shehari) Howlanu 423 Mrs. Carrie Clevelanu Hoyt* 1 103 Mrs. Charles Thachir Hubbard 162 Mrs. William Henry Hl'.nt 117 Mrs. Jacob R. Huntington 1086 Rev. William Euwaru Huntington, 1000 Mrs. Isaiah Chase In man 540 Miss Rebecca Jackson 830 Mrs. Willia.m E. Jackson 1064 Henry Barton Jacobs, M.D. 128 Arthur Holmes James 1089 Mrs. George Otis Jenkins 1037 Bernard Jenney 754 Mrs. Walter Jenney 616 Alfred Siuney Johnson 494 Alvin Pace Johnson 957 Miss Anna Augusta Johnson 851 Miss Harriet Dale Johnson 740 Miss Winifred Johnson 1121 Mrs. John Walter Johnston 1223 Miss Marian Curtis Jordan 193 Mrs. Henry Bourne Joy* 501 Elijah Austin Keith 393 Horace Alden Keith 1095 Roger Keith 414 Edward Brinley Kellogg, M.D. 734 Foster Standish Kellogg, M.D. 1244 Mrs. Joii.v Glover Kellogg 738 Mrs. Henry H. Kelly 55 William Leonard Kelt 868 Mrs. Robert H. C. Kelton 181 Parker Henry Ke.mble 380 Mrs. Henry Davis Kendall 1201 William Howland Kbnnbv 935 Mrs. Charles Frederic Kidder 13 10 Wallace I^owe Kimbali. 645 Edward King 121 5 Mrs. Stanton Henry King 277 Mrs. Calvin Dean Kingman Tcmplcton Brookline Boston Cambridge St. Paul, Minn. Taunton Covington, Ky. Amcsbury LL.D. Newton Centre Dennisport Plymouth Montpelier, Vt. Baltimore, Md. Boston Whitman Boston Boston Chicago, 111. Boston Boston Huntington, W. Va. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Manchester, N. H. Portland, Mc. Detroit, Mich. Brockton Brockton Brockton Boston Boston Danbury, N. H. Plymouth Boston Winthrop Long Island City, N. ^'. South Orange, N. J. Leominster Boston Haverhill New Castle. Pa. Medford Middleborough • Life meniber. 26 928 307 Mrs. Carolyn Standish Varney Kirby 4205 1376 Edward Holmes Kittredge 2600 933 Bernhard Forbes Klous 347 69 Mrs. Frederick Newman Knapp 530 124 Mrs. William Seward Kyle 2247 814 Edward Norman Lacey 3651 121 1 Miss Gertrude Imogens Lake* 4170 1364 Mrs. Emory Scott Land 792 246 Mrs. Daniel H. Lane 2721 981 Mrs. John Chapin Lane 2351 862 Mrs. Mellie Luce Lane 3767 1261 Mrs. Daniel Greenleaf Langlands 1304 450 Miss Anna Morton Latham 1926 714 Mrs. William Badger Lawrence 350 72 Mrs. William Lawrie 1418 511 Theodore Studley Lazell 1877 690 Mrs. Theodore Studley Lazell 3810 1283 Mrs. Arthur Lee 4198 1373 Herbert Messinger Leland 4032 1337 Miss Eleanor Taylor Lewis 2499 1328 Mrs. Charles Henry Lincoln 1996 724 Charles Plimpton Lincoln 1927 715 Arthur Ellsworth Linnell 1276 433 Mrs. Arthur Dehon Little 274 44 John Mason Little* 3201 1 104 Mrs. John Livers 873 285 Charles Augustus Locke 904 299 Miss Mary Ingersoll Locke 3801 1274 Thomas St. John Lockwood 3802 1275 Mrs. Thomas St. John Lockwood 777 237 Mrs. Lawrence D. Lonergan 3999 1326 Mrs. George Frederic Long 1 82 1 668 David Loring 272 42 Robert Pearmain Loring^ M.D. 2649 954 Rev. Robert Sprague Loring 4213 1382 Arthur Ellsworth Lothrop 2427 883 Mrs. Daniel Lothrop 2880 1029 Mrs. Nathan Dunphe Loud 4052 1346 Miss Carrie Vinia Lyncij 2757 993 Mrs. William Arthur MacCord 423 100 Rodney Macdonough 2623 945 George Sidney Macfarlane Arlington Cambridge Boston Plymouth Plymouth Arlington HoUiston Newton Centre Boston Norwood Boston Swampscott Portland, Me. Medford Boston Monticello, la. Monticello, la. Maiden Brookline Atlanta, Ga. Worcester Boston WoUaston Brookline Boston Germantown, Pa. Brookline Brookline Boston Boston Williamsburg, la. Claremont, N. H. Portland, Ore. Newton Centre Ann Arbor, Mich. Brookline Concord North Abington Boston New Bedford Brookline Lynn * Life member. 27 3622 1200 Mrs. Edward Nathaniel MacGregor 2480 895 George Arthur Macomber 1903 703 Mrs. Grant Charles M.\dili. 4279 1400 Mrs. Flor^\ French Marr 3643 1203 Mrs. Harold Marshall 3496 1166 Miss Marguerite Mavherrv 952 331 Miss Lois Drinkwater McCobb 3747 1257 Mrs. Clarence Alonzo McGuire 3423 1 151 Mrs. Charles Haddon McIntyre 907 302 Mrs. Charles Henry McKennev 3053 1060 Mrs. Charles McKernon 3222 1114 Alexander Byron McLeod 2158 777 Mrs. George Gibson McMurtrv 3974 13J4 William Hathaway McNeil 2309 845 Mrs. James Tho.mas Milne 1682 622 Rev. Charles Lancdon Mitchell 2677 963 Mrs. John Clark Mitchell 376 84 Miss Mary An.v Mixter 704 197 Samuel Jason Mixter, M.D. 3765 1259 Mrs. William Ja.mes Moltman 3309 1 122 Mrs. Robert Eglinton Montgomery 2333 854 Mrs. Fred Porter Moore 2753 989 Mrs. Willia.m Henry Moore* 1839 675 George Andrews Moriarty, Jr. 208 28 Mrs. John Holmes Morison 31 19 1079 George Corydon Morrell 4 1 41 1359 Francis Field Morton 199 19 Hon. Marcus Morton 536 130 Mrs. Marcus Morton 3713 1242 Oscar Elisha Morton 1224 418 Mrs. Frank Moseley 3081 1070 Miss Katherine Prescott Moseley 3661 1220 Mrs. Arthur Warren Mudce 2512 912 Mrs. Luke Munsell 2347 858 Frank Andrew Munsev* 107 1 358 Harold Murdoch '356 477 Herbert Nash 905 300 Henry Atherton Nichols 794 248 WiLLARD Atherton Nichols 2441 888 Augustus Nickerson 501 119 Rev. Thomas White Nickerson ^7/ 1 27 1 Mrs. Frederick Aiiurt Xorris Wichita, Kan. Boston Ogdensburg, N. Y. Boston Melrose Pittsfield Urbana. III. Topeka, Kan. Boston Boston Pittsfield Boston New York, N. Y. St. Joseph, Mo. Fall River Winchester Denver, Col. Boston Boston Belmont Council Bluffs, la. Watertown Prides Crossing Cambridge Boston Boston Newton Centre Ncwtonville Newtonville White Plains. N. Y. Winchester Newbury port Boston Boston New York, N. Y. Brookline Boston Cambridge Rcdiands, Cal. Boston New York. N. Y. Brookline Life meml)tr. 28 40o6 1331 Mrs. Isaac Carrold Norton 41 18 1355 David Chester Noyes 1040 346 James Atkins Noyes 4246 1389 James Young Noyes 3173 1094 Mrs. Sarah Lucretia O'Brien 3317 1 130 Mrs. Frederick Law Olmsted 3314 1127 Miss Marion Olmsted* 1767 647 Mrs. Lucius Waldo Orcutt 4035 1341 Mrs. John Frederic Osborn 3771 1265 Mrs. Roy Wallace Osborne 3493 1 163 Miss Louise Richardson Osgood 3702 1239 Mrs. Francis Thompson Owen 706 199 Mrs. Frank King Owen 3593 1195 Rev. Ernest Moorhead Paddock 1280 437 Mrs. Adelia Cynthia Page 3330 1135 Miss Anne Page 3894 1303 Mrs. Louis Coues Page 833 265 Mrs. Charles Henry Parker 587 158 Edward Ludlow Parker 2882 103 1 Mrs. John Nelson Parker 2202 788 Mrs. Walter Lang Parker 2977 1052 Mrs. Walter Matthew Parker 837 269 Miss Clara Burnham Parkhurst 863 275 Miss Edith Adelaide Parkhurst 3594 1196 Dana Parkinson 4001 1329 Mrs. Dana Parkinson 3592 1 194 Herman Owen Parkinson 3619 1 197 Royal Parkinson 3591 1 193 Taintor Parkinson 1629 601 Mrs. William Dwight Parkinson* 3745 1255 Mrs. Henry Earle Parmenter 942 321 Mrs. John William Parsons 3998 1325 Miss Mary Elizabeth Partridge 3677 1226 Mrs. John Paton 2495 909 Hon. Richmond Pearson 1069 356 Mrs. Ella Gertrude Sweetser Pease 1907 708 Charles Brooks Perkins 1908 709 Mrs. Charles Brooks Perkins 3827 1285 Arthur Perry 4055 1349 Arthur Dunton Perry 41 13 1350 Mrs. Arthur Dunton Perry 3657 1216 Mrs. Charles Gilbert Perry Winslow, Wash. New York, N. Y. Cambridge Dedham Boston Brookline Brookline Brookline Cambridge Winthrop Rockland Great Barrington Ypsilanti, Mich. Cambridge Boston Cambridge Brookline West Medford Concord Boston Lowell Manchester, N. H. Somerville Somerville Boise, Ida. Boise, Ida. Brooklyn, N. Y. East Rochester, N. Y. Greenwich, Conn. Waltham Boston Portsmouth, N. H. Claremont, N. H. Fullerton, Neb. Asheville, N. C. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston * Life member. 29 2354 l822 948 3360 2808 3826 2453 933 2722 2966 2720 1123 584 3117 3ibi 382 2446 731 3420 3647 1090 3551 3799 3650 1070 198 1 144 301 3451 2681 3586 3J15 4115 577 2678 2881 646 2686 1091 1209 2254 4138 864 Mrs. Robkrt Arthur Peter 669 Miss Delia Sophia Peterson 327 Harrv Clifford Philbrick II 44 Arthur Sherman Phillips ion Miss Cordelia Eliza Phinney 1284 Miss Cora Eliza Pierce 893 Mrs. Ira Pierce 312 Miss Frances Amelia Plimpton 982 Mrs. Herbert Moselev Plimpton 1041 Rev. Albert Hale Plumb 980 Carlton Harvey Plumb 389 Virgil Clarence Pond, D.M.D.* 155 Mrs. Burr Porter 1077 Mrs. William Major Powell 1091 Mrs. P'annie Janvrin Poven 88 Miss Ellen Leora Pratt 890 Hermon Washington Pratt 225 Mrs. William Trutch Preston 1 148 Mrs. Gordon Prince 1207 William Henry Harrison Prior 370 Mrs. De.xter Richardson Puffer 1 182 Samuel Filler Pundfrson 1272 Mrs. Edward Benton Purcell 1210 Mrs. John Pickering Putnam 357 Mrs. George Henry Quincy 18 Mrs. Henry Parker Quincy 398 Miss Mary Perkins Quincy 50 Mrs. Amelia Stone Quinton 1 156 Mrs. Charles Hallet Ramsay 967 Mrs. Clarise Sears Ramsay 1 191 Waldron Holmes Rand, Jr. 1075 Mrs. William Brisbane Rand 1352 Mrs. Robert Lee Randolph 148 Mrs. Henry Emmons Raymond 964 Mrs. Herbert Read 1030 William Nye Redfield 174 Mrs. William Gardner Reed 968 Miss Clara Jane Reynolds 371 Mrs. John Melvin Rice 5«;2 Mrs. Walter L. Righter 810 James Andrew Ring 1356 Miss Amelia Jane Ripley Louisville, Ky. Cambridge Boston Fall River Barnstable Fitchburg San Francisco, Cal. Boston Norwood Oakham Commerce. Okla. Boston Boston Baltimore, Md. Amesbury Boston Chelsea Seattle, Wash. Boston Boston West Newton Sprinpficld ^L'lnhattan, Kan. Boston Boston Boston Litchfield, Conn. Syracuse, N. Y. South Weymouth Wcstover, Va. Newton Centre Boston Alexandria, La. Cambridge Melrose Hichlands Seattle, Wash. New York. N. Y. Boston Waltham Plainfield, N. J. Quinc>' Boston • I. iff mcniticr 30 2o6 26 Miss Mary Rivers* 3 1 16 1076 Mrs. Edwin Melville Roberts 4144 1362 George Litch Roberts 4203 1374 Odin Barnes Roberts 2805 1008 RoswELL Raymond Robinson 3585 1 190 Mrs. William Albert Robinson 3356 1 141 Carlos Perry Rockwell 2149 775 Mrs. Melano Rossi 580 151 Miss Edith Adella Rowley 825 259 H. Curtis Rowley 574 145 Warren Curry Rowley 33 II 1124 Mrs. Booker Hall Rucker, Sr. * 3054 1062 Mrs. Robert Shaw Russell* 1414 507 Mrs. Godfrey Ryder 2491 905 Mrs. George Edward Sage 1749 636 Stephen Decatur Salmon 3453 1158 William Henry Sampson 2654 955 Mrs. Homer Earle Sargent* 1574 571 Mrs. Albert Sauveur 4142 1360 Caleb Mills Saville 4143 1361 Mrs. Caleb Mills Saville 2270 827 Mrs. Henry Martyn Saville 3182 1099 Charles William Scammon 3183 1 100 Mrs. Charles William Scammon 2439 886 Henry Edwards Scott 392 93 Henry Darrah Sears 3057 1065 William Graydon Seeley 356 78 Henry Southworth Shaw 1 128 394 Nathaniel Appleton Shaw 1 1 56 406 Mrs. James Erving Shepard 2756 992 Mrs. Charles Grier Sheppard 3776 1270 Herbert Ellwood Sherman 3646 1206 Mrs. William Eli Sherwood 573 144 Miss Almira Ellen Simmons 935 314 Walter Everett Simmons 2057 744 Miss Abby Maria Bennett Slade 775 235 Stephen Westcott Sleeper 1301 448 Mrs. Henry Martyn Smith 1789 662 Mrs. J. Ravenel Smith 3022 1059 Justin Harvey Smith 1454 523 Miss Marianna Page Smith 1477 527 Miss Marion Andrews Smith Milton Stamford, Conn. Brookline Brookline Maiden Davenport, la. Boston Boston Utica, N. Y. Springfield Utica, N. Y. Rolla, Mo. Boston Medford Newport, R. I. West Acton Lynn Worcester Cambridge Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Cambridge Saco, Me. Saco, Me. Boston Framingham Essex, Conn. Milton South Weymouth Andover East Braintree Providence, R. I. St. Joseph, Mo. Wollaston Wollaston Providence, R. I. Boston Enfield New York, N. Y. Boston Brookline Enfield * Life member. 31 Imm%tt ymmhn 1067 2334 2371 1702 2597 2859 527 3500 .2514 2976 3768 2825 »83 3082 4215 2724 657 2227 4270 3142 1876 705 2643 2607 2601 3143 605 2967 3714 3055 1784 3805 2300 2679 1753 1122 2758 498 3191 2327 2359 354 855 123 875 629 930 1027 121 1 1 70 914 1051 1262 1012 3 1071 1384 984 185 799 1391 1083 689 198 952 940 934 1084 161 1042 1243 1063 657 1278 841 965 640 388 994 116 1320 848 869 Mrs. Samuel Francis Smith Stanley Webster Smith Miss Susan Augusta Smith Mrs. Walter Howard Smith WiNFiELi) Scott S.mith pRyVNKLIN AUGUSTUS SnOW William Brown Snow Horace Ho.mer Soule Miss Madeline Southworth Mrs. William Sherman Southworth Mrs. William Chester Sparrow Mrs. William Arnold Spencer Miles Standish Mvles Standish, M.D. Miss Mary Randall Stark Fr-ank W.vterman Stearns Mrs. William Francis Steele* Clarence Winfield Stetson Mrs. Charlls Franklin Stevens Mrs. George Albert Stevens George Beckwith Stevens. M.D. William Burdick Stevens John McAllister Stevenson- Mrs. Evelyn Matilda Stillings George Osborne Stimpson Miss Cornelia Haddon Stone Daniel Clifford Stone Seymour Henry Stone Seymour Howard Stone Mrs. John Humphreys Storer Mrs. William Parker Straw Mrs. George T. Street Mrs. Oscar Dickinson Street Mrs. Charles Warren Sumnbr Henry Eugene Swain Clifford Melville Swan Benjamin Delano Sweet Mrs. Theodore Winthrop Swift Hon. Charles Stanley Sy.monds Prof. William Howard TAFT*t Miss Charlotte Anne Talbot Mrs. John Franksford Tarbell Newton Centre Boston Kingston Cambridge Washington, D. C. Brooklinc Maiden Boston Brookline Boston Hull Northbridgc San Francisco, Cal. Boston Boston Newton Morrisville, Vt Newton Centre Worcester Great Barrington Boston Boston Pittsfield Boston Danvers Middletown, Conn. Med ford Syracuse, N. Y. Boston Boston Manchester, N. H. Poland, O. Springfield Brockton Waltham New York, N. Y. Boston Yarmouthport Utica, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Sistersville, W. Va. Boston • Life member. f Honorary member. 32 2225 797 Mrs. Bertrand Eugene Taylor 3328 1 133 Miss Charlotte Sarah Taylor 702 195 Mrs. Frederick Winslow Taylor 383 89 Mrs. Philip Kittredge Taylor 2759 995 Richard Smith Taylor 2968 1043 Charles Irving Thayer* 3832 1290 Miss Mary Alden Thayer 3579 1 184 Mrs. William Theophilus 268 38 Frank Ray Thomas 864 276 Mrs. Albert William Thompson 3831 1289 Eben Francis Thompson 3499 1 169 Mrs. Marshall Putnam Thompson 4007 1332 Mrs. Ralph Thompson 4276 1397 Ralph Emerson Thompson 2136 770 Miss Sarah Banks Thompson 3678 1227 Dexter Thurber 2648 953 Mrs. George Pierce Thurston 2524 916 Mrs. Benjamin Thomas Tilton 2089 758 George Holden Tinkham 3424 1152 Mrs. Harrietts Holmes Tinkham 2288 834 Mrs. H. W. Tinsman 1770 650 Rev. Rufus Babcock Tobey 708 201 Miss Mary Abbie Todd 21 1 1 764 Mrs. Walter Robbins Torrey 2906 1033 James Augustus Tower 2340 1202 Mrs. James Jared Tracy* 1674 615 Edward Allyn Trowbridge 3495 1 165 Mrs. Howard H. Tucker 4269 1390 Mrs. Philip Melancthon Tucker 724 218 Everett Pendleton Turner 431 107 Mrs. Frederic Alonzo Turner 656 184 Frederic Alonzo Turner, Jr. 641 169 Herbert Bryant Turner 725 219 Howard Chubbuck Turner 1637 608 Charles Hitchcock Tyler 12 16 416 Edward Royall Tyler* 1636 607 Mrs. Joseph Howe Tyler 13 14 459 Mrs. Charles William Underhill* 1594 580 Mrs. Garrett Beekman Van Pelt 2846 1020 Herman Frank Vickery, M.D. 1548 556 Miss Floretta Vining 1232 420 Mrs. Henry Vollmer Newton Centre Attleboro Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. Winchester Boston Boston Davenport, la. Boston Lowell Worcester Brookline Maiden Brookline Boston Bristol, R. I. San Francisco, Cal. Winslow, Wash. Boston Boston Herndon, Va. Wollaston Lynn Boston Boston Cleveland, O. Boston Newton Centre Brookline Arlington Boston Boston Cambridge Boston Boston London, Eng. Boston Swampscott Pasadena, Cal. Boston Hull Davenport, la. « Life member. 33 nmmtm Vask 4214 3775 2370 1390 2407 1601 3863 3864 4140 1545 565 184 2842 2222 222t 2405 428J '95 3726 372 s 1895 779 778 780 2500 2269 3869 2230 2438 2437 1099 1095 3697 3202 4244 424s 3272 4033 3421 1 180 3475 1383 1269 874 500 5 879 586 1294 1295 1358 553 «36 4 1016 794 793 877 1404 >5 1246 1245 699 239 238 240 910 826 1300 802 885 884 379 375 1234 1 105 •387 1388 ni8 • 338 1149 410 1 1 59 Robert Church ii.l \'osf Wallace Wales Mrs. Cvrus Walker* Mrs. George Hiram Walker Nathaniel Upham Walker Talbot Cyrus Walker* Mrs. George Rodney Wallace Arthur Clarence Walworth Arthur Clarence Walworth. Jr. Miss Marian DeCourcy Ward Francis Alden Ware Miss Caroline Bartlett Warren Hon. Winslow Warren Ki>wARu Wight Washburn, Ph.D. Frederic Augustus Washbirn, M.D. Mrs. Frederic Augustus Washburn Rev. Henry Bradford Washburn Henry Arthur Waterman Wai.thr Kendall Watkins Mrs. Joseph Watson Miss Minyon Devoe Watson Mrs. Leslie Clark Wead Miss Maria Gilbert Webber Mrs. Samuel Gilbert Webber Miss Sarah Southworth Webber Thomas Millikin Webster Mrs. Warrhn Bailed Potter Weeks Mrs. Charles Frederick Weinhold .Mrs. George Gregg Welch Charles Richmond Weld, LL.D. * Mrs. William Hall Wentworth -Miss Isabel Wesson James Leonard Wesson- Mrs. Ai.E.VANDER Morton Wethbrell Mrs. Gilman Avara Whki-lkr Miss Dorothy Whipple .Miss Katii aryn Carleton Whiim'le Mrs. Frederick West Holland Whitaker Charles Davis Whitk Mrs. Charles Frederick White .Mrs. John Daugherty White Brooklinr Newton San F'rancisco, Cal. Charles River Boston San Francisco, Cal. Fitchburg Newton Centre Newton Centre Boston Somcrville Plymouth Boston Urbana, 111. Boston New Bedford Cambridge Maiden .Maiden Taunton Taunton Boston Brookline Brookline Brookline St. Louis, Mo. Boston Boston Dover. N. H. London, Eng. Lexington Boston Boston Fall River Boston Brookline Brookline Galveston, Tex. Winchendon Brookline Louisville, Ky. Joseph Nelson White Winchendon Springs • Life member. 34 3542 1 1 79 Zadoc Long White 359 8i Arthur Fletcher Whitin* 1236 421 Mrs. William Sawin Whiting 610 166 Mrs. a. C. P. Wichfield* 2639 948 Mrs. Frederick Abner Wilcox 1828 671 William Jenness Wilcox 940 319 Miss Sara Henry Wild 4176 1370 Frank Jones Wilder 4177 1371 Mrs. Frank Jones Wilder 463 109 Miss Susan Barker Willard 2001 729 Miss Susanna Willard 401 1 1336 Frank Percival Williams, M.D. 787 241 Mrs. Horace Perry Williams 3584 1 189 Mrs. Lucy Maria Smith Wilson* 462 108 Mrs. Edward Miller Winslow 870 282 Henry David Winton 3764 1258 Miss Ella Sites Wood 1698 625 Mrs. George Howard Wood 2160 779 HENRYCLAYWooD,Brig.Gen.,U.S.A. 2228 800 Mrs. John James Wood 1 146 399 Miss M.ary Emm.a. Wood 2026 733 Mrs. Palmer Gaylord Wood 3653 1212 Mrs. George Henry Woodman* 1679 619 Frank Ernest Woodward 1530 548 Mrs. Frederick Francis Woodward 1680 620 Samuel Walter Woodward 2841 1015 Charles Amasa Woolson 1485 528 James Bosley Noel Wyatt 3927 1308 Miss Adeline Collamore Young* Winchendon Whitinsville Boston Prides Crossing Abilene, Kan. Boston New Haven, Conn. Somerville Somerville Hingham Cambridge Brookline Boston Quincy Boston Wellesley Hills Boston Boston (Retired) Farmington, Me. Cleveland, O. Brookline Beverly Hills, Cal. Boston Wellesley Hills Fitchburg Washington, D. C. Springfield, Vt. Baltimore, Md. Quincy * Life member. 35 HONORARY MEMBERS PROFESSOR WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT New Haven, Conn. GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN Boston, Mass. 36 BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Name This Society shall be called the Society of Mayflower Descendants. ARTICLE II Officers and Board of Assistants Section i. The Officers of this Society shall be a Governor, a Deputy Governor, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Historian, a Captain, an Elder, a Surgeon. These officers, together with seven other mem- bers elected for that purpose, shall constitute the Board of Assistants. Section 2. The Officers and Assistants shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting, and a plurality of votes shall determine the choice. Their term of office shall be for one year and until their successors shall have been elected and shall have accepted office ; provided, how- ever, that if any Officer or Assistant shall be absent from three consec- utive regular meetings of the Board of Assistants, for any reason other than illness or absence from the state, his membership in the Board shall cease. ARTICLE III Governor The Governor, or in his absence, the Deputy Governor, or a Chair- man pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants, and perform the usual duties pertaining to his office. ARTICLE IV Secretary The Secretary shall give due notice of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants and keep an accurate record of the pro- ceedings of such meetings. He shall notify new members of their election and keep a roll of the members of the Society. He shall con- duct the correspondence of the Society and have charge of the Seal and all documents belonging to the Society, and shall perform such other duties as the Society or his office may require. 37 ARTICLE V Treasures The Treasurer shall collect all entrance fees and dues, shall attend to all disbursements, and shall have charge of all funds of the Society, under the direction of the Board of Assistants. He shall keep the accounts of the Society and shall report, at each meeting of the Board of Assistants, the balance of any moneys on hand and the outstanding obligations of the Society as far as practicable, and shall at the annual meeting report in full the receipts and disbursements of the previous year. His book of accounts shall at all times be of>en to the inspection of any member of the Board of Assistants and of the Finance Com- mittee. His accounts shall be audited annually or oftener as the Board of Assistants may direct. He shall give such l)ond for the faithful discharge of his duties as may be required by the Board of Assistants; and the expense of such bond shall bo borne by the Society. The fiscal year of the Society shall end on the last day of February in each year. ARTICLE VI Historian The Historian shall examine and report upon all proofs of eligibility filed by candidates for membership. He shall keep a detailed record of all historical celebrations of the Society. ARTICLE VII Captain The Captain shall act as marshal on all occasions of ceremony. ARTICLE VIII Elder The Elder shall be a regularly ordained elder, bishop, minister or deacon of a Christian church. ARTICLE IX Surgeon The Surgeon shall have been duly admitted to the practice of medicine. 3« ARTICLE X Board of Assistants Section i. The management and control of the affairs of the Society, subject in all respects to such instructions and limitations as may from time to time be prescribed by the Society, shall be in the hands of the Board of Assistants, except as hereinafter provided. Five members of the Board of Assistants shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. The Board of Assistants shall, at its first meeting after the annual meeting, appoint the following Committees: Membership, Publication, Finance, Library, Annual Dinner, Entertainment, At Home Days. Each of these Committees shall consist of five members, and shall hold office until the first meeting of the Board of Assistants elected at the next succeeding annual meeting. Each Committee shall make a report, through its chairman, at each regular meeting of the Board of Assistants. Section 3. They shall fill any vacancy occurring in the list of officers, assistants or committees, by the election of a member to hold office until the ensuing annual meeting. Section 4. They shall, at their monthly meeting in January in each year, appoint a committee of five members of the Society, not members of the Board of Assistants, to be called the Nominating Committee, whose duty it shall be to select the name of a candidate for each office to be filled at the ensuing annual meeting, and to report to the Secre- tary, at least fifteen days before the annual meeting, the names selected. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail a copy of the report of the Nominating Committee to each member of the Society, with the notice of the annual meeting. ARTICLE XI Membership Section i. Every descendant, over eighteen years of age, of any passenger of the Mayflower on the voyage which ended at Plymouth on December 26, 1620, shall be eligible to membership in this Society. Section 2. Every application for membership in this Society shall be made on a "Preliminary Application" blank provided by the Society. Such application shall bear the autograph signatures of the candidate and of two members of this Society who shall vouch for the applicant. The Entrance Fee and the Annual Dues for the current fiscal year shall be deposited with the Secretary when the Preliminary Application is filed. After the Membership Committee has approved a Preliminary Application the Pedigree Papers shall be issued. If the Pedigree Papers are not filled out in duplicate and filed with the Secretary within six months after the approval of the Preliminary Application such approval shall become void. 39 After the pedigree has been examined by the Historian the appli- cation shall be laid before the Board of Assistants, who shall vote upon it by secret ballot, and two negative votes shall reject. Section 3. Members who have not paid their Annual Dues by the fifteenth day of April in any year shall be notified of the fact by mail, to their last known address; and members who arc in arrears on the first day of May shall be debarred from the priviieRcs of membership; and the membership of those not paying before the fifteenth of May shall cease on that date ; provided, however, that the Board of Assist- ants may remit the penalty for any good and sufficient reason. The Board of Assistants shall have power to make rules governing the rc-admission of former members, whose names have been dropped from the roll for non-payment of annual dues. Section 4. Any person who has made notable contributions to the history or the genealogy of the Mayflower Pilgrims, or who has performed distinguished public service, may be elected an Honorary Member of this Society, provided, that his descent from a Mayflower Passenger has been established, in accordance with the rules of the Society, before such election is proposed. The name of a candidate for Honorary Membership shall be presented in writing at a regular meeting of the Board of Assistants, and shall be accompanied by favorable written reports from the Mem- bership Committee and the Historian. The candidate shall be voted upon by secret ballot, and a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, a quorum being present, shall be necessary for approval. The name of any candidate approved by the Board of Assistants shall be reported to the next business meeting of the Society, for election. A candidate who has been duly approved by the Board of As- sistants may be elected an Honorary Member at any regular or special business meeting of the Society, provided, that notice of such proposed action has been given in the formal call for the meeting. The election shall be by secret ballot, and a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, a quorum l)eing present, shall be required for election. An Honorary Member of this Society shall have all the rights and privileges of regular members, but shall not be required to pay an entrance fee or annual dues. Section 5. Any member, for cause or conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Society, may be suspended or expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Assistants. But no member shall be suspended or expelled unless written charges against such member have been pre- sented to the Board of Assistants, who shall give him reasonable opportunity to be heard and to refute such charges. Section 6. No person who may be enrolled as a member of this Society shall be permitted to continue in membership if his proofs of eligibility shall be found to be defective. The Board of Assistants, after thirty days' notice to such person to substantiate his claim, and upon his failure to do so, may require the Secretary to erase his name from the membership roll. 40 Section 7. The Board of Assistants shall have power to make rules governing the admission of members by transfer from an affili- ated Society of Mayflower Descendants in another State, and may in their discretion remit the entrance fee and annual dues of such appli- cants for membership. Section 8. Any member may withdraw from the Society, after the payment of all dues, by giving written notice of his resignation to the Secretary; but, unless such resignation shall be received before the first day of March in any year, the member so resigning shall be liable for the dues of the fiscal year beginning that day. The Board of Assistants shall have power to make rules governing the re-admission of former members who have resigned their member- ship while in good standing. Section 9. On the resignation or death of a member, or any for- feiture of membership by a member under these By-Laws, all his right and interest in the property of this Society shall cease. ARTICLE XII Entrance Fee and Annual Dues The Entrance Fee shall be five dollars. The Annual Dues of all members elected after 28 March, 1912, shall be five dollars, payable at the time of election and on the first day of March in each year ; and all such members who have paid their dues for the fiscal year shall receive the Society's magazine. The May- flower Descendant, for such fiscal year, without further charge. Members elected before 28 March, 1912, may, on written applica- tion to the Secretary, be transferred to the class of members paying annual dues of five dollars and receiving without additional charge the Society's magazine. The Mayflower Descendant. Members elected before 28 March, 1912, may, if they choose, con- tinue to pay annual dues of three dollars, on the first day of March in each year ; but the payment of this amount shall not entitle such mem- bers to receive The Mayflower Descendant without extra charge. Members elected in the months of December, January and Febru- ary shall not be required to pay annual dues on the first day of March next ensuing. The payment at one time of the sum of one hundred dollars shall exempt the member so paying from all future annual dues, and shall constitute him a Life Member. All Life Members may receive The Mayflower Descendant without extra charge. Members who file supplemental lines of descent shall pay an exam- ination fee of two dollars for each line filed, such fee to be paid when the papers are deposited with the Secretary. 41 ARTICLE XIII MEETINGiJ Section i. The annual meeting shall be held in the city of Boston on the twcnty-fiKhth day of March. When this date shall fall on a Sunday the annual meeting shall be held on the following day. .\t all meetings of the Society twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. Special meetings of the Society shall he held at the written request of twenty members, or by vote of the Board of Assistants. Section 3. The Board of Assistants shall meet once in each month, except the months of July and August. Special meetings of the Board shall be held at the written request of three of its members, or at the call of the Governor. Section 4. Notices of all meetings of the Society shall he mailed to each member at least seven days iK^fore the meeting. Notices of all meetings of the Board of Assistants shall be mailed at least three days before the meeting. Section 5. The following shall be the order of business at all meetings of the Society, unless changed by unanimous consent : 1. Reading of the Records. 2. Communications and action thereon. 3. Reports of Officers. 4. Reports of Committees. 5. Unfinished Business. 6. New Business. ARTICLE XIV Alterations and Amendments These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any annual or spe- cial meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present and voting, a quorum being present ; but no alteration or amendment shall be adopted unless such alteration or amendment shall have been read at a previous annual or special meeting, and shall have been stated in full in the call for the meeting. »-• M