011 801 927 1 Hollinger pH 8J MiU Run F03-2245 1e 203 ,H51 [Copy 1 WENT TO CATALOGUE 809 FACSIMILES OF THE BANCKER BROADSIDES SALE, MARCH 25th, 1898 I To the Public, i S T^HE long expeaed TEA SHIP ar- S 4 X ^^^^^ ^^^ night at Sandy-Hook^ but ^ % the pilot would not bring up the Captain ® © till the fenfe of the city was known. The ^ committee were immediately informed of %, ^ her arrival, and that the Captain folicits for ^ % liberty to come up to provide neceffaries for -S ^ his return. The fhip to remain at Sandy-- % % Hook. The committee conceiving it to ^ % be the fenfe of the city that he fhou Id have % g fuch liberty, fignified it to the Gentle- ^ ^ man who is'tofupply him with provifions, ^ § and other neceffaries. Advice of this was % ^ immediately difpatched to the Captain ^ ^ % and whenever he comes up, care will be ^ ^ taken that he does not enter at thecuftom- ^ ^ houfe, and that no time be loft indifpatch- ® ^ mghim. O g New-York, April 19, 1774. % CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE -^^ ^"^ -BOdVi AU6TI0K . ROOM^ CONDUCTED BY I^AVIS & HARVEY. ST\N V HENKELS 1 21 2 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. d^ i By Authority, lme) your piifdne?-s will feel Kseffedls , but if k-indnefs and humanity arefliewn to ours. I fliall tiriih pleafiueconfider thole in our hands only as unfortunate, and ihey tiiall re- ceive frtira me that ireatmcni _ta Which ihcunfoi- tunate are e\cr entitled. fbcg fo be favotlred Mm r.n aftfw^r, as (onn sa polfiblsr atid am. Sir, your veir humble ft-nant, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Hi: Excclitncf Central Gao E. StR-. Bojl.-n, Augap f\, ijjs TO the glory of civilized nations, humanity and war have been compatible ; and rorflpanion to the'Tiibdued is become almoil a rr-i^TJ.l fWleca. ■Britons, ever preemineof m mercy, have out- gone cointDon example* and oixrlipoked the crimi- nal in the captive iJpon thefc priticiples, your pri- Ibners, whofit It^es by the laws of the land arc def- tined to the cord, have hitherto b*en treated with cart: and kindijeft, and tnotss comfcrrtably lodged ■"ttlandie King'j »K>op» l»-tfie hofpuals; indifcrifni- Tiajelyitis true, fe/t ladcno^lcdgeno rank, that is not derived from t>ie KJxig. My inrcUigcace from yottt irrQy would judify fe- ycrerecrmiination.Iuruierftandtherearebf thcKings faithful fubjcdts, taken lomc iime fitice by the re- bels, labouring like Negio ilsves to gain their daily fobCftence, or reduced t» the wretched aliemativc, to perifh by famine, or take arms againfl fhcir King and country Thofe who have made tite rreatmeni Till I read your infmuations m retard to Miniflers, 1 conce.ved fbai t had aifted ondtx trie King ; rvht)fe wiQics. It is true, as well as thofe of his Mmifters, and tif every lioncfl man. have been 10 fee this on- happy breach forever clofed. bui unforttiriaiely for both countries, ihofc. who long fincc projeiffed the prefent crifis. and inlluence the touticils of Ameri« ca, have views very different frcrtn actommodiuion. I am. Sir. your mod obedient humblcfcr»ant, Ceorgt WaJJiinrtcn. Efq, T. ^C A G E. Sll, Head quarifTi, CdminJit, Artp- I9, 177/. IAddrefled you on the cle^-cntn inilatit in tejpis whieh gnve the rii ":.■". fcopc for tTif c"crc^'fE 'of that humamrv ar.d potitenefs. which were /up- pofed to form a part oi your cturacflei. I rernonflr*- ted with you on the tinworthv treatment "ffiewo t» the officers and citizens of Amenca, whom the for- tune of war, chance, or a miftakoi confidenc*, bad thrown into your hands. Whether Britifh or American iflercV fortfVude, and patience, are mof, pre-eminent — whtllier our virtuoua clu«gether fo- reig)s to the fubjeft. ! purpofely avoided all poli- tical diftJuiCnon ; nor (haJl I now avid myfelf of thofe advantages, which the facred caufe of my country, of liberty, and human iTature gr»e me over yoti, .much left Qialll (loop to retort an infec- tive, fitu ihe intelligence you Cay you have i^ceived from out army, reauires a reply 1 liaT? pken time. Sir, to make a Urift inqinry, an3 Liid it has not the leaft foundation in tnuli Noionlyyour of- ficers and foldiers have been treaod tvith n tender- nefsdue to fellow •irizens and brethren, but even thofe execrable parricides, whofe councijf -aod aid have deluged their country with blood, huve been protefted from the fury of a jwftly enraged y>eople. Far from corvlpelling or permitting their afljftance, I am cmbarraBedwith the nuoibttS who crowd to otir camp, animated with the pnrcfl pnnciplcs oi soi" tue, and love of their country. '»o« advjft me to give /ree operation to truth, to punifh mvfreprefeh- tation and falTehood U cipeneoce ftamjjs valua upon coutrfel, ytwiri tnuft tave a weight, which few cafl claim. You beft ca«i fell how far flie con* ▼uifion, which has brought fucb ruin on bctlS COun- »ries.ifld fhaken the might^ empire of Bntain to ii« foundfltion.may be traced to thefc malignim'faufes. You affeft. Sir, to defpifc all rank, not dented from the fatne fource with your own I cannoc conceit-e one more honourable, than that, which flows from the uncorrupted choice of a brav? and free people, tlie purefl fource, and original foua* of the' prifoners In my timdy, or of TOur other Ha«i-of all powcr.^ Far from xuakuig " * P^P ^ friends in Bofton, a pretence for fucb raeafures found barbaiiiy upon falfehood. 1 would willingly hope. Sir, ihai the fentimenisof liberality, which I have always believed you to pof- iWs, Will becxencd to concft theic mifdomgs Be temperate in political difquifrtion : giv: fire opera- tion to truoii, and pumlh thofe who deceive and mifreprefcnt,andno: only the effefts, but tlie caufes of this unhappy confljft will be removed Should thole under whofe ufurpcd au;honry you cruelty, a mind of true magnanimity and enlarged ideas would comprehend and refpeft it What may have been the mirijterial views, which have precipitated the prefent cnfii, Lexington, Con- cord, and Charleflown can bell declare May that God. to whom you then appealed, judge berween Amenca and you. Under nts providence, thofe, who influence the councils of America, and all the other inhabitants of the United Cokjniei. ar the hazard of tbeir lives, are dcternrune»J to hand down aft, conrrol 'fuch a difpofition, and dare to call le- to poftenry. chofe juft and invaloaMe privileges verity retaliation, to Cod who knot's all hfaris. be which they received from^heir 4nceftoT3 tliC appeal for the dreadful coni'equences. I truft that I fliah now. Sir. clofe my corrcfpondenct with Bniilh Ibldien, alTerting the righis of the ftate. the you, perhap=, for ever. Ifyour ofbccrs. our prifo-- laws of the land, the being of the conftirmibn, Vvill' ners, receive a trearment fmm me, diltercnt tron* meet all events with becoming fonitude They will what 1 wiQicd to (hew them, they and you wiU re- courtvictorv, with the fpirii iheir caufe infpircs..ird member the occafion of it horn the fame motive wil) hndthe patience of mat- ^ 1 am. Sir. your very humble fervant, .lyrs Lnder mufonunc. Ca^r&iCsQi C W ASHJ NO rON. Facsimile of Lot 3. Reduced one-Iialf. An Express Juft arrived from General WASHINGTON. C^p ai Ccntb'id^i, OB. I4, 1775 S I ft, fr^HV. intlofrd intofmalion being of thr highfO X •ropoitiiict, I ihou^hi it proper ro (la'Tmu it (o feu "lib all tJifpaich, (am Sir, your obedient lerrani. GEORGE WASHINGTON. 0» tie Strvitt o/lbi Uniid Colonin- To the Hon. Nichetai Cute, Efq-, Dep. Go» «r^ bode- i (land, Piovidtnce nncUrftd.) Fatneuib, Mtiiay, ,t)\ti Oil 1;;, "THE Canceiiu (hipol fixtcen eons, tomtranortj by Cipiam Mowat, a large Hiip, fchooner. and 1 (loop armed, anchored bflo* the ro«n the i7rh tnft. At 3 o'clock 9 M they weighed and came up, and anchored within gun (ho«, and itnmediairlt Cape. Mowat feni a letter gji (hore to (he town, gluing them two hou/t to move their lanmhei out, «s he lud orders ro fire (he town The ro>«n wi, tnedatfly chofc a cotnir" tee of three gentlemen, »i\d (rni them on board ro know the reafoo o( (he lotn'j being fet on fire. He returned tot in(«ei, that hi« orders were to (et on fire all (he lea pon iQwrs between Beirton and Hali(a», and that he r«pefted New-York wadhen burnt 10 aftirs H« farther taid, that when he leccjvtd order; Item iht Adrmpl. he defired that he might fhew fome ta ♦our to the town of Falmodth, -which the AdmitaJ grirtedfl fuppofe as Capt. Mowat was urver par- ticular obhg«t\on!ito fome gentlemen at Fa mout^ for civilities ffirwn him when in captivity aniongfl them) and which lavour wai 10 fpatc ihr town till 9 o'cltKk, Wednefday moming, in cafe we would lber of urraies asd bomb), which (et the to-.. 00 fire, the tfKmj landed once or 1* crtofet 6re to the ftorea, they loTf eight or (en men in the attempt, and bad on* taken pnlooer, the inhabitants got ou a very to* riderable part ot their turnitun, no perlon kiHed 01 wounded during the whole time of their firing 1 the rticmy produced orders from adtniral Gravel, CO burn all t.he towns from Bofton to HaiiEu, Capt. Mowat inttxmed ihecomttntteeat FalmoutS, there had arrived orders from Eiiglaad about ten days fincc, to burn all the fea port towns on [ho continent, that would not by down jwl deliver up their arms, and give hijflagei for their future gooj behaviour ; he alfo acquaioced (heal that he rt* p fted the city ok New- York vn, in afties ; bj thefe account! we may learo what we have to e» peff, I ihi: k Newport Oiould be fci.H)fcd io lb* be(^ manner k can be, doubtleti the encirv wJI make an attempt to get the ftotk cfl" the iflani,» pTovifion Oseutd be made to defeat tScro \ deaib and defolatv.n lecmi to tnaik their fooc flepa, 6gS| or be flaves u the ^tniricsn looao, tile firft is by far the moff eligible. In halfe I am with efVeeiB, your iBoft obedient humbi* fervmt. NATHANIEL GREEN. . To the Hon McAn.'/u Otk/. Efcji in Ptorkleoor, (per Eaprefs. i facsimile of Lot 4. Bedaoed one-half. Lift Nigbt- Aim'cd AN EXPRESS From the Provincial Carol) new Bofton. with the follovc jng intereflir.g Accc^iiv^ of b.a Fngagcnomu at Charles- town, between about Three Thoufapd of the ICings Regolai Forces, ^ind shout Half the NunobeT of Pro-' viociaJs, OD Saturdajr the i 7tb IrJluit ON fr.JiT nighl, j"»f '^a*. 1 5M o( r>^ coatifued irnrcichinj till S»iar and raili 10 ancnhtr fuce» put thetrt together for a bre^ft *ork Capt. NoltoD gt^e orden 10 itic te«n. pV»« •« ^T uiuil the —-»«• were g?t ^hia ry fodi, nt4 then not till t&< word Fii gi»en. At the word > lieni| |nco the eocroy fcH lorpnfinglj I1 \'ta thuu*bi by tpeititori who ftood ai a dlf- tMKC, that our men djj great exectitioo. 1 he aftioncootinued about two boura, «hen the reguliri no the right wing were pui inlo eonlulon, nod gan w»j. — rbe Connefticut tr^o^n clolaly p^rfitcd ihem, and were on ihe point of pulhiog tbeif b^yooc.s ; when oi-dcra were received fto.n Otony.1 P..INC.UJ. for raof> wh« fad bceo m aflii.o two houra, to fa^ baek, Kkdttmr plKU <• bo . (jiipplied t>f frelhfureCT. Thtfe orden beinj rtilH- tiattfcl a jKrcflion 10 retreat, our troopt to tW fi^ht wing begin a geotral reitMt, *kiah wakliiadcdioibt Icff, the pf^ik* 6 » paf- Cnj the caafwat The eatmj pur'ued our troop! to Wuiier-HUI. wtertth* pa- •intials being ^e in forced bj Otr^-i^ P«»t ram. renewed the h»t\k wllli gtt» iptnt, repulfed iht coenry wiih feat flauglucr, and purfoed ihem ull they goi omler to- •er of iheu cannoa from the fhipptaj-" when tha eoemy retreaeed w» Ii HiH. tndthepraTinciala taWinier HiH; where, after enirenehlng and ereftinjb«- lerics. ihef on Mcanday began to Cre mo.' oa the rcgutanan Bunker > Hill, and at) the jhipl a»d8oallnjbaiicrie>iD the har- bour, when the Eiprcficaoie away. Tie Dumber of itie p^ovmciai's killed, i» be- tween 40 and 70, lao wounded ; of the Connefticvt troojB, l4 were killed ; nai afficei aniani then, wta either tilled or wauiadcd. exrept Liexit Gtovefnor. whd it wQua4od la the hand — — A Ccx'oncl Of Lierfi. Col. of tht New.Himpfhlre ftTTcea. aaaoftg the dead. It ii aHb Tjld that Dofl Warren, li undoubtedly aaoong the fhiD.— Theprcwinculilo* 3 iroa fii pouoJen, (OBc imreaehmg to»I» aeJ fcnapCacka The atunbcr flf rajalara tka( Srfl acwet' cd iht prrviaeaala oo Baiker'i kill Waa act tefa tkaa 300a — Tba BDisbar of prc^a- eUla wu osly 1100, wko, it ia fappoCid woald kaTc (ooo gaiaad a catapteat 'l^wy, had It aat k«eo (ar tb< a:i:ia;p7 tsifikki £• rtadj oeuiioDcd. -.-The regoUra Wert after- watda K'talorexd wilk icco oaen —It ia «n- t«a<«ia kow gwiat > asffiber el t»c eoany vei'e Hllad c« wtindad i bul it wai fu^pif- fed by fpeftatora, who taw ibe who'e aftiea, (hat Ikcte e«Dld cor be Icfi than 4 or )90 killed —Mr. Gaidatf w»o go» .ai of BoHoa ao Soniiay tvecing, fayi that there awra (00 woucded mes keoiglil lato that plaOD, the iDorviog before kc editian,\fur frelH Provifi<^ns*.Asihey m»y purfue (he fame Courfe, only advancing.further, wx think Montajg Poiot, on Lotig-Ifland, a very (wobable Place of tieir LflBd«n» j .1 haTc therefore thought it heft to give you the eaclieft Intelligence, but. I dia.noi mean to t«nfine your Aileniion or Vigilance to that Place, you will, pleafc ta extend yout Views as far.av the Mifcbief may be probaBly extended ' — Thu.< fai the Intelligence. I will fmthcr^bfortn you. Thai the Kings FiCher, laft Wedneldjy, went up- the Eouod, with ievortl tasai\ Cuiiers. reconooitcnng the Kocth Side of the Ifland j •nd Thurfday dm^ foHowed paA this Pbce two Top-faifVelTcIs, uhicbd apprehend to be Tranfjjorts, as they firrd two Sigpal Guns when they wett ihio the Racc.--- i would therefore irecommend 11 to the P^'omictai Congrefs tp keep a good Goard over Queen'6 C^ouniy, as t imagine thdr Def)gti is to get Stock fiom Huijtin^on, Lloyd's NcLk,''or Klulhing; and as we hope to fecore all the Stock upon t>iis Part. of the Ifland, you may czpc<^ the BoOcli'T'leci wiU proceed further op Soaudf- I lun. Sir, ^oi.r moft obedient HuBitik Semnt^ DAVID WOOSTER. To P. V. B. LiviNGsro.'^, Ef^i, Prcfidcnt. &c. Facsimile of Lot 7. Reduced one-lialf. \ A L B AN y, Oaober3o, 1775. Frefti Advices from Canada. tjojl Saturday Evening an Exprefs from tJys Continental Army in Canada^ arrived in this City., mth. the following important Jntelli'^cnce^ viz. THAT the Fortrefs ot Chamblte was caken the i8ih frirtant ;— -The Garrifora furrenrfered Pnroncrs'df VVarl: — -To facilctJtc its Rcduftion, the Canadians cirriedthe Cannon, of the Continental Troops, down the Rapids and part the Fort at St. John's." -Our TroopS wereattackid ai La Prarie, but the Paity whoaRacKed bherti wrft defeated with much LoC> Their formidable Schooner was funic by our Csnnon . Two Stands of Colours were taken at Chambiee We have takeci .foch 3 Quantity of Powder, and An)miinition of rvery Kind, that the Redudion bf St. John's is almoit certain. ExtraSt of a Letter from a G^ntlemaH ih CaniTda^ to hn Fncnd m tint Gtty. "C«oip be/ore St. Johns. Odober JO, 1775. ".K HAVE the Satisfaflion to loforai you that Fbrt'Cbamblee furrenderej ihe £ 18th Inflint, jto Major Brcji^n. iHctofcd ( fmttytnr* Li* of the Otficert, 3oldiers, and Stores, taken at Chi*Mce.' You** Brother is gone to Long Ceel, where they have bad a fmall Skirniili ii*ith 150 C«jiadii>ns, and have taken fivo of UiemH'riJonerj. A Lift of Prifoners taken at CHAMBLEE. Major STOPFORD. Capt. PRICE, Capt. QOODWIN, Lieut. HAMEN, I.ieut SHUTTLEWORTH. Lieut. HARRISON. Capt. AI GE, of the Schooner. Commidary M'COLOUCH, A SurgeoD, 76 Pricatsj. An Inventory of STORES taken at CHAMBLEE. So'Barrelj Flout. II Ditto Rice. 7 Ditto Peafe, 6 Diiic^ Butter, J 34 Ditto Pork. {7 datnaged) 124 Barrels Gun Powder. 300 Swivel Shott Box Mulkei Shot 6564 Muflcet Cartridges. I 50 French Arms. 3 Royal MorUfi, 61 Shells. 500 Hand Granades. 83 Stands Royal Fufileers MurttfW, 83 Accoutrement of Ditto, Naval Stores for 3 VelTclt. Five FRENCH Pnloftctt tuten at LONG CEEL FacBimUe of Lot 8. Reduced one-half. PHILADELPHIA. In CONGRESS, DECEMBER 6, 1775. WE cSeT>nr8an»o< tAc Ttuttca Uoicrt Coloorfifn Nonb-Aneriu, b>.r n- ko WM ovf moll rt'ir^u) coori^rrjriDD ■ Pto- cUauiOD i0ged fn<(r> tht Court ■( St. jAmc^s OB tk»T»fn(y. third duf of Aogurt laft Th» AtlM of k)i Mt;cfl» II afca rO|ivt II I fior- 4iin«Ml infiucvce , and. oo that tftoooi, Jt ^eeoiiw* I iDttier of io>portjec« rt> wipe off. !« flit name of (he(r U«i«d CoIoB»«, rte A^HitoQt O'bTch 11 •! cilcitUird to thram %foa ovt c«uf< . ikJ TO prfveot. u far u p(>£jble, th« undrfcrvcd punilbmran. ivrudl M te defijned (o prrparr for our (msd^ Wc t/e toouMof " fctfgriung ihe aJlfji- •• ucc OMch -c D«ic (0 ihc power thai h*j " DTOnded tod TtiAiiDed m." Wh^ aU thi» Aabi^irr tod ob^co'iir is*whAi ougii to be fo pFitn and obvRni, a> iliii Ke •'bo rum tra^ read M ^ U hii iJkgiann 11 inhit wetorgci / AlirgijDw in Pa/)iu&eni ' W^acfcr o>vcd-^ «rc never owiTcd u- AllOjguDCf To our King / Oar mmrdi hav^ c^rr ivct»i a— oor coodicl his ever bc«n «ofifiAeni whh iL We con- demn, and* wub arrrn lo omt haodi — ^ rt- fborc« ivbich Freusen wiU never pvr witfr-^ VT oppofe Ue claim and t»tnj(t o! occoorU* tOTTOBtl powtri, m *hich oeilhrr ine Cru«« Cf Parttameni .eff evei rMitlee By the Bfiufli ConAirution owr bcA rvAentuce. rii^Jx*. aa well a* d«*tiet. drrcrnd upaa u* Ue ca£(XM »ioijre eT We l>,ouid afl in diameificiJ oppo* iiuoQ 10 both, if we permuted the cla^tn^ of fbf Bncifti Pu-hamciit ro b< riUblimrd a*^ die meafurrt purford in mnfequcDM of tbofe clym* 10 be c-'T-et' into evrcofiuD amoDg «f. Oui fagacioai opcr(lor% prvwijeJ toundi i fkiafi cHeioundadon of rvranov ard lac. irf* pOTvcr uo ore fide, at ^ctl a* againft uu' o( hStton and Itccotioufrtri mi iht oibei Oa which hai tht breach been made/ Ir ,r ob- )eded BgusA gj br ttv mofl loveieriK jrd the onofl candid of our rnemiei. thai we have oppofed any of the jwC prerogativei of the Ovwa. or any legal excnjoo of ihofe prr» fojatrvcs ' \Vh>, the(», arc we eccufad ct fo^j«ong o«/ allegiance '— \*eha»e perfonD- edoordotr: We have refi.led .d tbofe cafe»i Uwtecb lie right co refill u Hipulatcd ai nt. erOtlf. OD our pan, at the right to 0O»em u, ia ocKcr alcx. Q.pulated oo the pan of CkeCrwn The breach of AlJegiince >i rt- ■owd froa oorVfirtance aj f ar ai ryrmoyii Amoved from \c^%l government. * k it alledged thai " wv have proceeded to ** M «pm aad STowed rtbeUira * h vbai Oo<» il)i» .ctdl'on cr^fiS > It ta thmdeicnberf " Arrcyuig ourfchci in hol^'k m-noe/ '• to wiibft.ed the e«ecDnoo of the Law. asd •■ U4_toroDflT prej/arjng. ordtnog arwi Ifvying " •8r ag_ajo9 ib< Riog," We kno» «,f oo' IiiQ binding jpco •*. bwt (aco as havt been Danfmtttrd t»«> t))' oar aixeflcfi. and fucS la hi** beea confenied to by Ourfcl»ei o^oar r»- prefcorati»c» clecWd lot that porpofe. Wha; li^y Dimpt tvi.b thefc cba/aOcn. ha»e we •-Mhaood ' We havv iod«J defeodad itiem . and we ci«il| riftjw e^erj thi.y. do rv«,y ihng ■Dd fuSerererT thing m thiLrr defeeTe. To fappon oof Urtj. and our libcrue* clUbfUiicd by our lao^. we ha»-c prepared, ardfrtd, and lr»ied war But is th» trj-toroaCy. or a^-atnH the King f We new fcim m lU coathiiuiun rrprereou him. Thai lelk ui he c^u to oo wrong The cmrt-nd illegal atiacUi, which weo^-pofc. halt no fouodjuoo to the fuyal autJKxH), Wc-itl o«i. 00 our pan. lofe the diftitffliual)OwccQ ihcKjiig aod hij WiDiflen * Happjr It would have bcfll "tor feme former rnDc«, hid It brm 4Jw47» pttfcrrti oo Lhc pan oftha Crow' Belltjo all chii we obferw, oo tbi« p;rt of ■•"fbwoa cajT/iog od corrrfpoBdrau wnfc ** tLcperfonrin nrbclhou. ia o^dcf n Drmg •• to covdigu p^niftiineoi tt!i auchorv yce wHh a en ninal rraoif* o* cortunujji ■at« h« gi,ilt / W kimw that ' nof« who Aid and adher* to the liag's mea ri : and thule • ho to'refpofld w It* thea 100 "ui to *rab'e thrio to ca/ry the / (TefiEai lot JT iJ the >rr If a. are uia lohavo reded upoo- A corf^fpoudeoca Wtwcca th« inKabitcou of G(c«i-BriijHi and iJicir breib- reo in Amenca. prod^nl, n better tiinei. ■mch tituHAi^Q CO .DJt»idwili, .tij much Bdv«l(iage to toe pukht By what cdtenoa n.fllcftc. w.,o M u«willmg to bicaltor.' Oiii ^orrefpoodencr, aod i., ai the fame Uine. ■ n«rou» not to eipofe bir.lell ro the il.«dfoi — bv *hat cnienon ft,all he -eguiate hi> ccm-'' do^l ' He u admonilhed tiot tu carry on cor- rclpoodence with (be perfoo* now in rcbellMa (ball he afccruin who the law ' But, pttiiA^tt, the p:tpffpte ^J reafctt ard juflice and tfte *«mftinitioo will aoi p^.y.i FvfericacefoggcA* to oj (h« doubt r If they fNoo!d mx, we muA lefon to argwsiati dr.:- n from a »«7 ditfcreot fogicf We; iberef. rt, in the ramc of ihe people of ihefe Un.nd Colonic), aod by aithnrity. acceding to tK« partll m^xis} cf rcprrreaucioo dcn«cd fror> ihcM, declare, thai whattrer puni(>,n»enf i>aJI be uifli^ed odoo any perfooi in the power c? our eneaiies hr hiroanog, aidmg or abettinj the caufe of Aacrican liWr^ Ciall be -rtil. »™<^io tbe Use kiad aod the /atnc dtgrce opoo (iofe, 10 our power. «ho ba« faroartd. aided or «bcnrd. or»ftiaU fatour. aid or ibei the futcm of utintrterial oppreEoa The *f -fraoaj diffcrruc* betvrei. our caqfe and ihaa of ami encmii) ought pft.f, , fe.erer pwn.fh meot The law of rrulia-c ebcHu He eexjtialU fev, aqarRi' fuin tJielaw lo learo the rtturiol tbc fup|«fcd Cnmc The law n filent upon the lutjefL This. 10 a cnuniry where ii has becn-often laid, aod formcrlT w«h. jurticc. that tbe gorern- mem is by law and ooi by men. mii;bi reader huD perfedly eafy. But pfOtUmauooi ba»e ' been foreeumo dnifCTuu* engine* ib the bands of thde as power. loforrnaliaii it commanded «o t« Ci*vt> to ooe of ijtf Socrc-, lATiev of Sact, of 4] pcrfooa " vho IbaU ba by ihf» deciaiati- 00, to Oi^aiioo or 10 tuoltiply pn.ofhtnenis Our fole view n g^ prrvesl ibem In thi* tw>b»Dpy and ttAoaiiaral t.^>eirTo*cre(s be uada CO them vo one (tde We ftatl lejrei th* nt celLiy. rf laid tjoder the oec^i), of imab*s tbe other Utrca fr%m /ir *//•«//.. CHJUCE6 THOMSON, ir. Facsimile of Lot 9, Reduced one-half. H I S M A J E S T Y s MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH, BOTH HOUSES Of PARLIAMENT. HOUSB e» LORDS. Nsv. ai. THIS day ihc King went ',n ih< ufual i)aie lo op«r, both Houfes of Parliamc m , when being (eaied on (he Thionc» and the Corrrnoni t>T command artcndinj. he made the foHou^mg Sj.eech Mf Lord* and GemUmn. HAVE eslled yroo rogeihei in • C0ftjoni9u/t wIvicK demands yoii' mofl fenous jiiention , in the time of profound peace without pretenct o( ptotocalion ot coloui o( romplajni. the CouN of France hath not forboft to diilurb the public tranquility in vi olation of the faith of treaties and the general rights of fove'eigns. ai firrt by the clandeftine fupply of arms and othet aid. lo my revolted fuhiefls in NortI) Amenci. md aflerwaids by avov^mg openly theit luppori, and enteiir.g into federal engagemenif with the leader! of the rebellion, and Jl length by committing open hodjliiies and depre- dations on rpy faithful rubjefts. and by an icflual muafior. o( my dominions in Amrnca ind the Wert- Indies It rs. I tturt. onneceffary for me to a/Ture you thai the fame ca/e anrl concern fo' th< happinefs of my people, which induced me fo endeavoui to prevent the calamines n( wax, will make us defirous to (ce a reflorjnon w( the bleifings of peace, whenever ii can b< effeOed wiib pei ■ feO honour, and with fecunty lo the nghts of thii country In the mean iimf I have no' negkiOe/l to idtt tht pi'- per and neceffary mcafures for difappointmg the milicnam deligns of our enemies, and dfo. for making grneral 't prifals , and ilrtfOugh my efforn han not been attended wii'b all the fii.cccfs which the juflice of out caofe and the vigour of our excnions fecm to proiriife . yel the ex- unfivc commerct of my fubjcifis has been protcdlid in A>crt of in branchf >, jnj Ijigt repnfil, hjve bvtii midc \Tbt ainr SfKnL u copietl J i om i be Nfv- Poblifhed by James Riving tom. Printer 0p6fl die io^rioKi l^greiTorv \>J tht tipiioct of my Aeettt ^^ fcry the ^tre ->'^'icnfrrpTT7ing fpliTr of my people. The great armaments of othei powers, hovrerer friendly end finccre theit profeffrons, howevei jart and honoai> able then purpofrs. inufl necel/a/ily cngige oor attcntien. Ii wouJo have atfordcd me »ery grral faiisfaflion to have informed yod, llial the conciliatory meafures planned by the wifdom and temper of Parliament, had taken the de- (iied effeO, iJid brought the iroubleain North* Afl»erU» to « happy conclufion. In this fituaiion of affairs, the nationil honotf and. fccatify call fo loudly Upon us foi ihe mod aflire «xet- lions, thai I cannoi doubt of your Ireartiert coogortlfncs • nd fuppoii From the vigour of your councUi, and th« conduifl and intrepidity of my ofhiers and forcej, by fe» and land. I flattei myfelf, by the bleffing of Ood, to deri»« the means of vindicating and maintaining th* ho- roar of my crown, gnd the micrefts of my people, a^nlt all Our cnenxiei Crnilrmei of ihr Haujr ^ Csmmairi, I Mill order the proptr eflimaccs for the etifuin^ yat »o be laid before you. and when you confider the impor- tance o( the objects (ot which we ire contending, you win. I doubi not, grant ine fuch fupphes •a'^oO (hall judge nerefTary for the public K-rvicc, and adequate to the prefeni emergency. My Lor/fj and Genrkmrn, I have', according to the powc'rt ftfied. in me foi ihil purf o/c. faUcd forth the nulirl.i ( j «/?Vft-fn the tnierior di« fence of thi' country j and Ihnc with tlic greatert and truefl Catisfachon, beCD myfelf J wimefj of ihal pnblii, (pirn, that (t«*dy ardour, and thji lovc of ilieii couniiy, whuh iniinatfs .ill ranks of inf faithful (uhieds. and winch t 'iiiioi fail of making u> l-iic at honie. and re/- "Jrrjey Ga^ciit, daird ibt lO/b ff Fcbruarj.] to the K I N C's Mod Excellent M-»JESTY. Facsimile of laot 10. Keduced one-half. To The PUBLIC. WHOEVER lerioufljconfideis rhe impoverirtiirfStjtcof tbi» Ciryi frptcTally bfmany ot the poor Inlubitantsof it, rauD be great- ly furprifcd af the Condud ol iuch of thetn as employ the Soldiers, when there arc 3 Number ol the former that want troploymenf to fupport then diflndcd families. Every Man of Senfe a- mongft Hi knows that the Army u not kept here to prote(ft, but to en- (lave ii> ; and rotwithftanding our Alftmbliei have given vail Sums of Mo- nry to provide them with fuoh Nccclauci which many of the good Burg- fti want Tht-f^ Supplies are paid by a Tax on the Colony', a third of which 1% the Quota tor this City and Couuiy Ado 10 tliu Burthen the iitavy Duty ive pay on Sugar, ^( which fo greatly dillrefiet our Trade, and has fo im- poveiifhed thjs City, that many 0/ i'» lormci Inbaijitantjijsa'f; "Ci t^t,eH and others thit remain, are, (o' want of hniploV, unat>ic »s«,iappoit themftlvet and arc thereby become a pLblic Charge, 'rhis might, in a gieal Mea/ure, fcc prevented with Comfort to their diltrcfTdd Families, and a favmg to ihe Community, if the Eniployers of Laboureri would attend 10 11 with thit Carc«nd Benevolence that a Citizen o»es to hii Neighbour by employing hkn. ■ leii not enough that you pay Taxes fof Billtting Money to fupport ■the Soldifr^i, atid a Poor lax, to maintain many of their Whores and Bfiftards in the Work-houfe, without givirig them the Employmenr of the Pt>or, why you mufl fupport if yuu den 1 criiploy them, which addi greatly to fvvcl) your Poor Tax ? J hope my Fellow Cimjcns will take this Matte; jjito Canri4eration, and not counicnance ?, Sen of Men whi are Enemies ♦o Liberty, and at the Beck of Tyrants toenflas*. fcfpeclaJly when it will bring on you the juft Reproaches o' the Poor. Experience has eonrmctd us, that good Ufage makes Soldiers Infolenrand Ungrateful; a'l the Money .that you have hitherto given them, has only taught them to defpife and infuit you. This is evident in a great Number ol them, attempting laft Saturday Night to blow up the Libnty-Polc, which they had near effe^ed if fome of the Inhabitants had not difcovered them. They had Time to Saw tkc Braces, and bore a hole 111 the Pole, which they foiled with Powder, and plugged it up, in order to let Fire to it , which wai difcovered by a PerJ'on at Mr. Montanyes : 1 hey in Rcfcntment broke Seventy-Six Squares of his Windows, entered his Houfe, and ftoppcd him in the PafTage with Sworr's, and threatned if he ftirred to take bis Life, which fo intimidated the People in the Houfe, that they were induced to go out of the Win- dows. Notifatitficd with this atrocious Wickednefs, they broke two of his LafnptJ and fcvcral Bowls, and that they might the tetter acCompIifh their Defigiil, they ported Sentinels in the Roads that leads to Libcity Pole, to prevent their being difcovered. This and worfe would be thn *rreatmcnt we might exped if there were a greater Number of them. It'» hoped that this Conduft with the former Confiderations will be fufficieni to prevent any Friend to^ Liberty from Employing any of them for the future. There is a Matter of the utmoft Importance to the Liber- ties of the good People of this Colony and the Continent now bcf^te the Aficmbly. All theFrtenas to Liberty that incline to bear a Teflimony a- gainfl a literal Compliance with the Mutiny A&, [oiherwife called the Billeting Aiftj are defred to meet at L'bcrty-Pole, at Twelve o'Clock, on Wednefday next, which will bf on the 17th InAant, where the whole Matter (Kill be communicated to theiD Ncf-Yotk. }uiuiry 1 jto, 1770 ** ** l^ T U S. facsimile of I^ot 37. Reduced one-half. New-York, r«^^/, April 2 5', r.^^-. This Day, about Noon, arrived a fccond EXPRESS from New-England, with the following importanc Advices. Walliagford, Monday, April 24, 1775. Dear Sir, COLONEL WADSWORTH was over in thij place, vaM of ycrtorday, and ha* ordered 20 raen oat of each cr mpany in hii regiment, feme of which had already fee off, and other* go this moroinv^. He brings ac- counii which came to hira authenticated from Thurfday ia the afternoon. The. King's troops being reinforced, a frcond time, and joingd, as I fuppofe, frcin what I cdn learn, by the party who were inicreeptsd by Col. Gardner, w^rc then encamped on Winter Hilt, and were furronndcd by 20,000 of ocr fflea, who vftfc cntrfQching. — Colonel Gardner's anibufh proved fatal to Lord Percy, and another Genera] Offiter, ■who were killed otl the fpot, the firft fire — To (;ountcrbal3nce this good news, the (to- ry is, that ouc f5rft man in command, (who he is I know not) is alfo kil.cd. — It Teems they have loll many men on both fides — Colooel Wadfworth had the account a letter from Hartford^ — The country beyond berc are all gone, and we cxpc<5t it will ht impoHible to procure horfcs for our wag- gons, as they have, and will, in every place employ, themfelvci, all their horfes — la this place they f jnd an horfe tor every 6th man, aod arc preffing them for that piir- pofe — I know of no way but you muft im* mediately fend a couple of flout able horfn, who may overtake us at Hertford poflibly ; where we muft return Mrs. Noyes's. and Mcloy's. if he holds out fo far — Remember the horfcs muft be had at any rate. — I am in the greatefl hafte, your entire friend and buaible fervant. JAMES LOCKWOOa N. B, Col. Gardner took 9 prifone^s.and it clubbed their firelocks and came over to tur party. Col. Gardccr's party confiftcd of 700. and the regulars 1800. inOe-id of I 200 as we heard btfore J ib»muel' Gramao, committee. Stamford, 24th Aorit, TO, o'clock even- ing. John f^ait. yxn. Samuel Huitooi David Wcbbt Daniei Gray, Jonathan War- ing, jun. Greenwich, April it,^ 3 o'clock fti6rnirg. Amos Mead. The above gentlemen write, that in each town, they fh.ill hold thenjfdves in rcaditiefi to mirch more men imraedtately^ if wanted, and r<own, he ftys we have no favours to exped from the Miniftry, ijothing but fubmi/Tron. will fatisfy them, they cxped little or no oppofition will be made to thei^: troops, thofe that are now coming ar« 'for New-Torky where it is expected they will be rccei^d with cordiality. As near as we can learn there arc about four thouland f:roops coming in this fleet, the nien of war and Cranfports are in a. great meafure loarfeJ with dry goods, to fup ply New-York^ and the country round it, agents are Coming over with them. Dr. Franklin is highly pleafed to find us arming and pr.eparifig for the worft events, he things noihing elfe can fave us from' the mofl abjcdl Havet)^ aad deftru£^ioh, at the fame time encourages us to believe a fpirited oppofition, will be the means of our {alvation, 'The Miniftry are alarmed at every oppofition, and lifted up again at every thing which" appears the leaft in their f av.our, every letter and every paper from *hence,^ ar^ re^A by them. N E Pf" ' r O R K. Printed by JOHN A N D E R S O N, at Bcckman's-Slip? Bedaced Facsimile of Iiot 61. To the Inhabitants of the City and County of New- York. Triendi aid Feiinc Citizent^ ^TOT^VITHSTANDI^'G the prefen? alarmiog fituation of America in general, and tlie • tcwn of Bi-Hon in particular ; as well as the utter aLbherrence wh'ch yoo late.y cxprefled at the^rondtxftof MtdrJ. U S T I C K S, for fupplyin^ the army under General GAGE \^ho is new carrjirg on the ficgc of BoHon, v^jth implennents of w^r, &c. and, ro!ui-hrt;!nding that this milter had •i^een previoufly and eamefljy rccon^mcnLled to your rr.ort feriGUfaifcntion by the Ger.cral CommlUte ; >et, are there Cien »o be found, w^io are bafe enough, for lucrative confiderdtions, to continue Ajpjjlving the troops with neceffatiff, 'or eftt^irg fhe'rmmrdiate dtflrudtion of <5ur brethren and fellow^-lubjeds m Bofton, who are DOW fufFcring the m^>(^ ariull and cruel hardfliips in th« common caufe c f Amerir?. which, •if sccorr.plifhed, will finally overtake the inhabitants of all the colonies The confidcfdtioa cf which, irouccd a number of the Freemen, Frcehulders, Merchants, and others, to men St the houfe of the Widow VAN D E W A T E R, in order to devifc the moft p-iident snd efficacious means for averting the impending ruin, that luch a condu(St moft incvirib.f invclveus in, arid that to the eternal reproach oi the commurity. Accordingly a Cc^.miTtce was appointed to wait on thcfe perfons.to diffuade them from -icting fo"b2Tc p.nd unnatural a part ; but, to our inexprtlKble giitf, they were found to be fo infatuated with the hopes of g^^'n, that no impreffion could be made en. their mmds, of the crt'-cltv,or Kj-jflice of their condudt. It was therefore thought by the Meeting, ahfolutelj receflary, once more, in the present pofturc of sftiirs, to colltrCl the (enfe of the dty iij4 cjui.ty, on the propriety of iurnifhing the troops with hay, ftraw, &c. as wcH 2S boards and plank'^ the former of which will enable the General (as indeed without it, he cannct) more effecluaily fot^ke rhe f\c\d, zr.6 the latter to mike pl^tfornis for the si^iilxry, 6cc. Aid, as there are'rovv two tranipjfts fenr here for thrfe artjcres, as well as others, no dcdTrt.-And a« Ralph Ihurman and Rzbert H^rd-.Kg hive been employed to furnHL the aioref^id articles, tt is eurrcftiv requcfled that the Freemen, Freeholders, and otHcf inhshitants of the ciry and county will meet at VI o'clock on ntfxt Satiirday evening, at the LIBER'H'-POLE, in order tofignily their fcnf^ on the prefent occ»fioD, sj tbofe pcrlons both pcriiA in fuppljir.g the army with every* nccciTiry, in thcir way. T;:i% "^yfl: B V Order of the xMeeting. Fmcstmile of Lot 63. Pnll «Ue. AT a Meeting at the Exchange, i6th May, 1774, ISAAC LOW, chofen CHAIRMAN. I ft Queftion put, Whether it is neceflary for the prefent, to appoint a Committee to correfpond with the neighbouring Colonies, on the prefent important Crifis? Carried in the Affirmative by a great Majority. 2d. Whether a Committee be nominated this Even- ing for the Approbation of the Pubhc?— Carried in the Affirfnative by a great Majonty. 3d, Whether the Committee of 50 be appointed, or 2,5? — Carried for 50, by a great Majority. The foUovding Perfons were 7iomuiated: John Alfop, William Bayard, Thcophyla(5> Bachc> Peter V. B. Livingfton, l^hilip Livingfton» Ifaac_Seajs*. David Johnftcm, Charles M' Evers, Charles Nichoil, Alexander M' Donga 11, Capt. Thomas Randall, John Moorei Ifaac Low^ Leonard Lifpenard, Jacobus Van Zandt, James Duane, Edward Laighr. Thomas Pearfall, Elias Delbrofles, William Walton, Richard Yates, John De Lancey, miles Sherbrook, iohn T^urman, ohn Jay, JohA Breome> Benjamin Booth, Jofeph Hallctt, Charles Shaw, Alexander Wallace, James Jaunccy, Gabriel H. Ludlow, Nicholas Hoffman, Abraham Walton, Gerardus Duyckinck, Peter Van Schauck, Henry Rcmfen, Hamilton Young, George Bowne, Peter T. Curtenius, Peter Goelet, Abraham Brafher, Abraham P Lott, David Van Home, Gerardus W. Beekman* Abraham Duryee, Jofeph Bull, William M'Adam, Richard Sharpe, Thomas Marfton, Francis Lewis, added nim% con,M2iy 19th. •• Reduced Facsimile of Lot 73. I To the Public, f I ryi H E long expeion therein, through the ncgled of yourfelf or your Officers, You are to take notice, that on your return we fhall demand an exaA Inventory of every Thing belonging to your VcfTel, and ftiali compare the tame \VU^ the Returns now teA in This Office, and (hall make you chargeable for all Deficiencies that may appear to have been occafioned by wilfull Ir.attention and u ant of Care ; and that we Oiall allow no Accounts of your own Expenditures, unlefs they are vouched by Eills or Receipts. \V E expea you will do your utmoft to maintain good Order and wholefome Difcipline on Board your Veffel ; and condu£l all Things committed to your Charge, with a View to the Service of the UNfTED States of America, and to the EftabliOiment of your own Reputation. Wishing you a happy Voyage, we heartily bid you Farewell. ^^v^t^ **c<«;^ NAVY-BOARD, ^^-^^^ J^^^^^^ *^^ ' Philadelpria ^ — ' ** ' "'* Reduced Faoilmlle of Lot 139.