PR 1910 IP ins YALE 1 DIVERSITY 1 DRAMATIC 1 ASSOCIATICN m ACTING VERSION OP 1 LONDON 1 ASSVRANCE 1 BY DION L. BOUCICAULT Class. Book. Gopyiightl^". /91 COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. #^ LONDON ASSURANCE A COMEDY IN FIVE ACTS BY DION L. BOUCICAULT ACTING VERSION OF THE YALE UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) WITH AN INTRODUCTION By William Lyon Phelps, Ph.D. Lampson Professor of English Literature at Yale University Honorary Me7nber of the Y(fle University Dramatic Association # NEW HAVEN, CONN. Published under the Supervision of Philip Roberts, 1910 -i>^ THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. ©CI,D ]77:,7 • «0 -is: 1\i THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO HENRY ARTHUR JONES, ESQ., OF LONDON^ WITH ADMIRATION FOR THE DRAMATIST AND AFFECTION FOR THE MAN ^^^^ ^ ol ^/L,^.^^ C2^ M^ ^^<2u>*<2i-t-Ou-«^ r.jU^^^-(jV/|III« Beautifully Located Facing Bushnell Park and State Capitol Connecticut's Largest and Most Modern Hotel 6uropcan and Hmcrican plans On direct Motor Route, New York to Boston GARAGE WALTER S. GARDE Headquarters of Yale University Crew and Base Ball Team '' 1909 Fireproof. European Plaa. Cafe. Banquet Hall Single Rooms and Suites Transient and Permanent ARTHUR F. HEEB. Manager BROAD AND SPRUCE STREETS PHILADELPHIA GOLDBAUM & CO. Tmportinfl Cailors 1106 CHAPEL ST., Near York NEW HAVEN, CONN. Hotel Cumberland NEW YORK S. W. Corner Broadway at 54th St. Near 50th St. Subway Station and 63d St. Elevated. Broadway cars from Grand Central Depot pass the door. Kept by a College Man Headquarters for College lien Special Rates for College Teams NEW AND FIREPROOF Most attractive hotel in New York. Rates Reasonable, S2.50 with bath and up. All out- side rooms. Send for booklet. HARRY P. STIMSON, formerly with Hotel Imperial 10 MINUTES' WALK TO 20 THEATRES Headquarters for Yale Men Kligerman Wood and Storage Co. 16 Orchard Street Telephone 1783 Thomas A. Biddle & Co. Stock Brokers Members Philadelphia and New York Stock Exchanges Investment Securities COMMISSION ORDERS TRANSACTED IN ALL MARKETS 326 Walnut Street 2 1 Real Estate Trust Building PHILADELPHIA McMillan bros. Tailors and Importers 101 Tremont Street, Boston Mr. A. McMillan will be at the New Haven House every other week. CLOTHES DON^T MAKE THE MAN Bui they do display him to the best ad'vantage OUR PROFESSION IS CLOTHES RICHMOND & WEINSTEIN 1134 CHAPEL STREET FRANK COLLINS Bicycles and Phonographs Repairing a Specialty 11 Broadway, New Haven, Conn. Telephone 4408 ORENSTEIN CS, ALEXANDER tailors and Tmpcrters 1104 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. NEW YORK Astor House, Corner Broadway and Vesey Street, every Thursday THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP CIINCIININAXI, OHIO The best company for the policy-holder, because its management is most economical, its mortality is the lowest, and it earns the highest rate of interest on its investments of all American companies. Its dividends to polic)'^-holders are much larger than those paid by any other company. JOHN E. DUNN, Manager for Connecticut 840 CHAPEL STREET DA. JACOBS tailor for men CHAPEL STREET AT THE CORNER OF HIGH Just under the Roxbury Nobby Suitings for Spring NEW HAVEN, CONN. "THE HERMITAGE A CLUB HOTEL FOR MEN The name tells the story Seventh Avenue and Forty-second Street JUNCTION OF BROADWAY Restaurant on the street floor, a res^ taurant ATvtiere ladies are ^?v^elcome Every otlier part of tlie house exclusively for men Telephones in every room Send for booklet The Mercantile National Bank of the City of New York Capital, $3,000,000 Surplus, $2,000,000 OFFICERS WILLIS G. NASH, President MILES M. O'BRIEN, Vice President ^VILLIAM SKINNER, Vice President VVTILLIAM H. TAYLOR, Vice President EMIL KLEIN, Cashier BYRON THE NEW YORK PHOTOGRAPHER Sends men anywhere to make Flashlight Pictures of the highest class, Private Interiors, Banquets, Family Reunions, Weddings, Dances, Theatricals, Business Offices and every kind of Interior Work, at New York City prices plus traveling expenses Satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed ADDRESS : BYRON COMPANY 59 Matbridge Building NEW YORK HALUS STUDIO 1456 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Hotel Iroquois Buffalo, New York Hotel Marie Antoinette Broad\vay and 66th-67th Street Ne-W" York City Grand Union Hotel Saratoga Springs, Ne^v York Under the Managenient of WOOLLEY & GERRANS PIANOS ^No MUSIC Loomis' Temple of Music 837 Chapel Street New Haven, Conn. IMPORTING TAILOR lOOO CHAPEL ST., NEW HAVEN 313 BROADWAY, NEW YORK A. K. ROSKNBKRQ Tailor and Suit Presser Contract work by month, term or year REPAIRING, ALTERING and DYEING COMMUTATION TICKET DRY CLEANING A SPECIALTY Work called for and delivered to any part of the city 1125 Chapel, corner York Street Telephone 3013 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Telephone 820 KIRK & CO., Inc. HACKS, COUPES, BUSSES AND LIVERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Office and Stables : 170 Temple Street 1848 1910 Skinner's Satin (27 and 36 inches wide) ALWAYS HAS THE NAME WOVEN IN THE SELVAGE AND IS GUARANTEED TO WEAR TWO SEASONS William Skinner Manufacturing Co* Dept. L, 107-109 Bleecker St., New York City Mills, Holyoke, Mass. NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA BOSTON MODERN FILING CABINETS AND METHODS ACCESSORIES LARGEST VARIETY SHOWIN IIN COININECTICUX FILING SYSTEMS STORE The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company 179 CROWN STREET New Haven, Conn. THE STRATHIELD BRIDGEPORT, COINrsr. HIRHPROOF^ Main, Golden Hill and Chapel Streets. (Two Blocks from Railway Station) The Largest and Best Equipped Hotel between New York and Boston Unexcelled Accommodations for Automobile Parties 2Ti ROOMS H. C. GRISWOLD, Mana§:er 2S0 Rooms with Bath J. HYSLKR Barber Shop IVIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Hotel Manhattan, New York Forty-second Street and Madison Avenue PACM BROTHERS College Photographers Branch of 1024 Chapel Street 935 Broadway, New York New Haven, Conn. DeLancey School 1420 PINE STREET PHILADELPHIA Largest and best equipped College Preparatory School in any city in the United States UPPER SCHOOL LOWER SCHOOL PRIMARY Catalogue on application COLEMAN P. BROWN, Head Master A. B. BABBITT, Associate Head Master HYPERION THEATRE New Haven's Leading Play House SAM. S. and LEE SHUBERT, Inc., Mgrs. E. D. ELDRIDGE, Res. Mgr. Playing only Standard Attractions BOOTH, GARRETT & BLAIR Analyzing Chemists PHILADKIvPHIA Your Stenographer will do More Work Every Day with the UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER DeCSlUSe — visible writing as originated in the Underwood, entirely eliminates the wasted time and energy spent in lifting the carriage of a " blind " machine. It allows the operator to keep the mind continually on the work — consequently there are fewer errors, greater accuracy and neater work. Let us show you a few of the exclusive features and demon- strate to your entire satisfaction, the immeasurable superiority of " The Machine You Will Eventually Buy " THE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO., Inc. 18 CENTER STREET, NEW HAVEN Grady Furniture Co. 1012 Chapel Street, opp. Osborn Hall Are showing a full line of L. & Js G« Stickley Co/s Handcraft Furniture Exclusive Selling Agents for this well known line Specialists in Furnishings for Student Apartments "TAYLOR" ON \T means it's the best athletic article you can buy. S'WEATERS, SNEAKERS, FLAPPERS, JERSEYS, ETC. minus trademark trimmings -you know what that means. ALEX. TAYLOR & CO. ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS 16 E. 42o ST., N. Y. opp. ho. Manhattan Boys, when in New York use us for headquarters. Leave your grips here and say hello. Don't forget. Fresh picked Violets and Carnations by mail a specialty JOSEPH C. HA WORTH, Farmington, Conn. MILLKR TTlieatrical Costutmer 136 N. 7th Street F»HIIvADEIvF»HIA Costumes made to order or on hire for Theatrical— Bal Masque or Amiateur Production Special Prices to Yale Student® UDIO 1546 Broad^Tvay DEC 21 1900 THt rORD COf POUNDErD I83I ==- OR MORE: THAN imil QUARTERS OrACE-NTURY THIS HOUSE- MAS MAINTAINE-D THE- HIGH&ST (STANDARD or QUALITY IN GOLD AND (5ILYE:R A 6 IMPORTE-RS OPGE-MS PRE-CIOUS 5TONErS WATCH&S CHINA GLASS POTTERY AND ART PRODUCTIONS PROM THE-CAPITOLS OP EUROPP THErY HAVE: ACQUIRED ANUNRIYALLE-D REPUTATION A COMPARISON OP PRIC&S QUALITY CONSIDERED IS ALWAYS WELCOMED VISITORS AR& CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT TH&IR SHOW ROOMS AS PURCHASERS OR ADMIRERS r^mm street betwkn college and V-^TEMPLE PACING THE OLD HEW HAVEN GREEN One copy del. to Cat. Div. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: March 2009 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 386 492 3