fi^t^' ^'■'^^ jt^-^i- :iiM^-i'^i PROBLEMS !N TROOP LEADING MP lo PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING AN INI ANTR^ DIVISION J^ril> The Decision — General A's estimate of the situation &1 General A's orders 53 The decisive attack — 3d Brigade 53 Events G-30 to 7-30 P. M 55 Advance of accompanying batteries — Captain Scott 56 The pursuit — Captain Fiske 58 A night attack 59 Bivouac During Combat 63 Division headquarters to 9-00 P. M 63 3d Brigade 65 Ammunition service 66 Supply — forage and rations __ 68 Sanitary service 68 Trains, military police 70 Part II — On the Defenj^ive Situation — Captain Fiske '^3 Divisional Cavalry — Captain Eltinge 7?> Night of March 16-17 73 Morning of March 17 81 advance Guard — Captain Fiske 86 Hq. 1st Brigade, 8-00 to 10-00 A. M., March 17 86 2d Infantry 90 The Division — Preparation of a Position 92 Div. Hq., 7-45 A. M. to 1-00 P. M 92 3d Brigade ^5 7th Infantrv — Captain Drum 97 1st Bn., 7th Infantry — Captain Weeks 106 Xth Infantry — Captain Drum 99 ;)th Infantry 100 2d Brigade— Captain Haskell 101 4th Infantry 104 1st Bn., 4th Infantry — Captain Weeks 108 Co. C, 4th Infantry 109 The Artillery Brigade, 8-00 A. M. to 3-00 P. M.— Captain Scott ^' 110 Division Camp — Captain Fiske 127 Div. Hq. 6-30 P. M 127 3d Brigade 130 vi <^^u^<^ See ^iett^^^^S ^ Part 1 The Offensive A MARCH FORWARD (Cai'Tain Kiskk I .Situation N«>. I A Blue field army of three divisions is moving north- ward, in hostile territory, to attack Red forces, known to be assembling for the protection of Gettysburg. On the night of September 1-2, 1915, the 1st, 2d, and Md Divisions are, respectively, about Union Mills (one inch map), Taneytown, and Bridgeport. The 1st Division camps with its three infantry brigades north of Pipe Creek : the 'M Brigade (less one regiment) east of Union Mills; the 2d, west of Union Mills to the lirst stream joining Pipe Creek from the north; the 1st, west of that stream. The Artillery Brigade, with engineers, signal troops, and am- bulance companies attached, is south of the 2d and 3d In- fantry Brigades; the 1st Cavalry, Avest of the artillery. The 9th Infantry is outposting the line village of Silver Run — Cherry Grove School. The trains are north of West- minster. The Division receives at midnight the following- orders from Army Headquarters: Repoit.s indicate that the enemy has about two divisions, and in- tends to ^ve battle in a position extending eastward from TW TAVERNS. The army will advance to attack tomorrow, the 2d in- stant. The 1st Division, moving; by littlestown, will locate and at- tack the hostile left. The 2d and 3d Divisions advance against the portion of the enemy's position west of alu)WAV creek. Company A, 9th Infantry, and Troop A, 1st Cavalry, are permanently detailed as military police and train guard. Troop E, 1st Cavalry, is detailed for one week with divi- sion headquarters. Except one platoon, which is General A's personal escort, this troop is available for duty with security detachments. No orders for September 2d have yet been issued. 1 2 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING Required : Orders of the commanding general, 1st Division, to the time of marching. (Time for solution, two hours) Situation No. 2 General A. commanding the 1st Division, issues orders as follows: Verbally, to the colonel, 1st Cavalry, at 12-30 A. M.: Reports indicate that the enemy has about two divisions, and in- tends to give battle in a position extending eastward from Two Ta- verns. Our army advances today to attack; the 2d and 3d Divisions 19-30 A M against the portions of the hostile front west of Alloway Creek. This Division marches on Littlestown. You will clear Union Mills by 4-4.5 A. M., and will determine the enemy's positions east of Al- loway Creek. It is particularly important to locate his left. Let me have reports on the Baltimore Turnpike, south of Littlestown, by 8-30 A. M. Leave one troop for our advance guard. To an aid, at 12-40 A. M. : The army is advancing to attack the enemy, who is reported to be in position east of Two Taverns. This Division marches on Lit- tlestown; the 2d Division marches to cross the Baltimore Pike west 12-40 \. M. of Alloway Creek. You will take ten men from the headquarters troop and join the 2d Division in Taneytown by daybreak. Remain with the headquarters of that division today as information officer. 1st Div., UNION MILLS. 2 Sept., 15, 12-45 A. M. Field Orders, No. 3. 1. Troops will be ready to march today as follows: 1st Brig., 1st Bn. 1st L. A., Co. A and mtd. sec. Co. B, Engrs., and 1st Amb. Co., at 4-40 A. M. 2d Brig., 1st Brig F. A. (less 1 bn.), 1st Bn. Sig., at 6-20 A. M. 3d Brig, (less 9th Inf.), 1st Bn. Engrs. (less 1 co.) and Amb. 12-45 \ M ^'o^- (^^^^ 1 ^°-)' ^* '^"^^ ^' ^• " ' ■ 2. Outpost tioops will remain in position until further orders. 3. Orders will be issued at 4-00 A. M. A, Maj. Gen. By messenger to several headquarters; by telephone to outpost. THE OFFENSIVE Field Orders. No. 4. Geo. Sur. Map-'»<)2300. Troops (a) Independent Cavalrj- Col. B. 1st Cav. (less 3 trs.) Mtd. sec. Co. B, Engrs. (b) Advance Guard: Brig. Gen. C. 1st Brig. 1st Bn., 1st L. A. Tr. I and I Tr. E, 1st Cav. Co. A, Engrs. 1st Amb. Co. (c) Main Body — in order of march : Plat. Tr. E, 1st Cav. 1st Bn. Sig. (less detchs.) 2d Brig, (less 2 regts.) 1st Brig. F. A. (less 1 bn. and c. tns.) Remainder 2d Brig. 3d Brig. 1st Bn. Engrs. (less 1 co. & mtd. detch. Co. B.) C. Tns. art. , Amb. Cos. (less 1 co.) 1st Div,, UNION MILLS, 2 Sept., 15, 4-00 A. M. 1. The enemy is reported to have about two divisions, and to be in posi- tion northwest of littlestown. Our army marches to attack today; the 2d and 3d Divisions against the por- tions of the hostile front west of allo- WAY CREEK. 2. This Division will march on lit- tlestown. 3. (a) The Independent Cavalry will clear union mills by 4-45 A. M., and will locate the enemy's positions east of alloway creek. (b) The Advance Guard will clear the stream crossing near the northwest exit of UNION mills, at 6-00 A. M., marching thence by the Baltimore and GETTYSBURG TURNPIKE. (c) The Main Body will start from the same crossing, northwest of union MILLS, at 6-20 A. M., and will follow the Advance Guard at one mile. (d) The Outpost will close in to the TURNPIKE when the support of the Ad- vance Guard passes the line of resist- ance, and will take its place in column. 4. At 9-00 A. M., the division trains, iimmunition leading, will follow the troops. Field trains will join the divi- sion trains at union mills. 5. Messages to the reserve of the ad- vance guard. A, 4-00 A.M. _ . Maj. Gen. Copies to officers detailed to receive; by messenger to commander trains. Situation No. 2-A ( Captain Scott) Field Orders No. 3 is received by the Adjutant, 1st F. A. Brig., at 1-00 A. M., Sept. 2, 1915. Required : His action. Major K sends the following memorandum : 4 PROBLKMS IN TROOP LEADING 1st P. A. Brig.. UNION MILLS, 2 Sept., 15, 1-05 A. M. 1, 1st Bii. 1st L. A. marches at 4-40 A. M. Advance Guard. Gen. C. ^-'►■> A. M 2. Brig, (less 1st Bn. 1st L. A.) marches at H-20 A. M. Orders at 5-00 A. M. H. Two scouts 2d L. A. report to Lt. X, Aid. at 4-00 A. M. By command. Gen. E : K. Brig. Adj. By messenger to commanding officers, 1st L. A., 1st Bn. 1st L. A., and 2d L. A. Verbally to Lt. X, Aid : While at headquarters I was informed that the enemy has two divisions, and intends to fight in a position extending east from Two Taverns. Our army attacks, the 2d and 3d Divisions west of Alloway Oeek, our division east of that creek. Our cavalry clears Union Mills at 4-45 A. M., and goes to de- termine the hostile position east of Alloway Creek. The General has directed that in the event of such a move, you are to accompany the cavalry as information officer. Take two or- derlies and two scouts of the 2d h. A., who will repoit to you at 4-00 A. M. Orders issued at division headquaiters at 4-00 A. M. Join me there to get oriented. Field Orders No. 4 is received by Major K at 4-00 A. M. Ke<(uircd : Orders of General E. commanding 1st Field Artillery Brigade. General E issues the following orders ; 1st F. A. Brig., UNION MILLS, 2 Sept.. 15. 5-00 A. M. Field Orders. No. 4. Geo. Sur. Map, ^tosoo- 1. The enemy is reported to have about two divisions, and to be in position northwest of littlestown. Our army marches to attack today, the 2d and 3d Divisions west of alloway creek: this division 5-00 A. VI. marches on littlestown. Our cavalry cleared union mills at 4-45 A. M.; our advance guard clears the stream crossing northwest of irNlON MILLS at 6-00 A. M. 2. Brigade (less 1st Bn. 1st L. A. and C. Tns.) follows leading regiment of 2d Brig. March from camp at ()-20 A. M. Order of march, — L. A.. 2d L. A. THE OFFENSIVE 5 Regimental reconnaissance parties will manli at the head of the brigade. Combat trains, under Lt. Col. H, will follow the Kni;is. at the tail ol" the main body. 3. F. Tn.s. wait orders of Commander of Tii.s. 4. Me.SvSaftes to reserve of advance ft'uard. K, l>ri.u-. (Jen. Copies to regt. and bn. comdrs. iCaitain;i Based upon the march order of the division. K«'22— 768 — 743 — 733 load, inclusive, and will ob- serve this area during- the passage of tiie division. It will send one jilatoon to join the advance guard. The 1st Battalion, Machine Gun Company, detachment engineers, and Platoon Troop I, will constitute our advance guard. The main body of the Regiment, in the order: 2d Battalion, 3d Battalion, Band, and ambulances, will follow at 800 yards. The field train will be reported to Captain K. 3d Infantry, as soon as the brigade clears camp. Messages to the advance guard. Form the Regiment at 4-4.") A. M. The colonel marches the regiment in one body aloiijj: the designated road until the head of the column is approach- ing the outpost line, halts it. and directs the commander of th^ ad^•ance guard : Form your advance guard and, as soon as you are ready, take up the march. f{«'oth mounted and dismounted. Lieutenant L and the 1st Platoon (four squads), as the dis- mounted point, will precede the rest of the advance partv bv 400 yards. Sergeant K will march at the rear of the advance party to trans- hiit signals from the remainder of the regiment. The dismounted point will remain with the companv until further orders. The captain then causes his lieutenant to march the company, in the regiment, to the designated stream crossmg. while he himself, mounted on the horse of a battalion rn-- derly, goes ahead with the cavalry to the crossing. When the colonel directs the captain to get his dis- tiince, he causes the advance party to move 500 yards down the road, and sends the point immediately on. to gain its 400 yards. The engineers, upon joining, are directed to fol- low the company. 2. The commander of the advance guard of the right Hank guard issues verbal orders, at 5-15 A. M., to his cap- tains, staff, commanders Machine Gun Company, detach- ment of engineers, and cavalry, as follows : Our army is advancing to attack the enemy, who is repoj'ted to have only two divisions and to be awaiting us in a position north- west of Littlestown. Our division marches on Littlestown today. The 1st Cavalry is preceding the advance guard to locate the enemy. Our brigade, with a battalion of artillery, constitutes the advance guard of the division. The 1st Infantry marches as support on the Baltimore Pike; this regiment as a right flank guard by the 022— . . 768 — 743 road. The 9th Infantry outposts are just aliead of us. ^"^^ ^- ■^'- The greater part of Troop I is preceding our battalion as advance cavalry. This command is the advance guard of the regiment. Company A, Platoon Troop I. and the detachment of engineers 10 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING will constitute the support, preceding the reserve by 600 yards. Companies B, C, D, and the machine guns will follow in tl^ order named. 3Iessages to the head of the reserve. A statement of patrols sent out by the advance party of the 1st Infantry, and their routes between Silver Run and the stream two and a half miles northwest thereof, assum- ing an uninterrupted march to the latter stream. (Time for solution, one hour) Situation No. 7 Patrols were sent out as follows: To right of road — (1) Three cavalrymen, starting at 587 (3-inch map), via 593 — 586 and unimproved road west of knolls 764 and 787, to 727. (2) Three cavalrymen, starting at 727, to farm road 400 yards east, by that road 400 yards northeast to farm house; across country towards knoll 742 to starting point of second farm road; thence north by this farm road and west by cross road to the turnpike near 629. (3) Four infantrymen, starting from the turnpike at a point 200 yards south of 589, to hill 744. (4) Four infantrymen, starting from the turnpike west of hill 744, through the timber 100 yards out from the road, to come in at bend in road just north of first stream line. (5) Four infantrymen, starting at 727, to examine the timber to the east and northeast, and to come back to the pike at 741. (6) Four infantrymen, starting at 741, to proceed north along nose, examining timber along stream lines, and to return to pike 300 yards south of 629. To left of road— (7) Three cavalrymen, starting at 589, to proceed by countrj^ roads west about 1,100 yards, thence north, to re- turn to pike 100 yards south of 727. THE OFFENSIVE U (8) Three cavalrymen, starting 100 yards south of 727, by country road generally west to Pleasant Grove S. H., thence half mile west to knoll 744, and to return, west of Pleasant Grove S. H., to pike at 693. (9) Three cavalrymen, starting at 741, to proceed via knolls 711 and 687, to Georgetown and back to turnpike at 689, last two-thirds mile by unimproved road. (10) Four infantrymen, starting at 589, to proceed up nose 200 yards west to hill 743. (11) Four infantrymen, leaving pike 200 yards north of 589, to move through timber 100 yards west of pike, to come in again half mile farther north. (12) Four infantrymen, leaving pike by country road 300 yards northwest of 727, to go to Pleasant Grove S. H., and to return to pike. Required: Orders for Patrols Nos. 1 and 3. (Time for solution, one hour) Situation No. 8 Orders for Patrol No. 1 : Captain E to Corporal S: Take your patrol east on this road about three-quarters of a mile to the first road junction, turn north thereat, and continue north by a country road from a second road junction a quarter mile beyond the first. Come back into the pike about a mile north of this point (587). Take the left hand road at each junction. You have about two miles to go. Time yourself so as to get back to this pike in about twenty minutes. Look for the flank guard fi'om a knoll which lies a couple hundred yards east of your route, and about a mile and a half from here. The captain hands the corporal a rough sketch of his route. Orders for Patrol No. 3 : Captain E to Corporal J: Take three men of your squad and patrol to the top of that high ground to the north (hill 744). Remain there in observation until the 3d Battalion approaches, and then come in to the pike and report 12 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING to the major of the 3d Battalion. Remain with the 3d Battalion un- til the end of the march, then rejoin the company. (End of .solution. Situation No. 7) Situation \«». 8-A — Artiller.'* K4'<-<>niiaissan4*4- (Cai-tain Sfon I The suppoit ivS marching through the village ot" Silver O-30 A. M. Run. The artilleiy reconnaissance parties are marching ahead of it and behind the parties of the advance guard commander and of the support conmiander: Major C addresses the advance guard commander : General, I wish to reconnoiter near here and to prepare for poss- sible action should an enemy be developed on the other side of the valley. (Assumed that permission is granted.) I will leave an agent with you. Please inform me thmusrh him when our advance is in possession of the crest. Corporal X (apent). report to the brigade adjutant. Take Private O with you. Kequirt'd : Actions and orders of Major C. Major C turns out of column and summons his parties. I the ridge we are on to be reconnoitered for artillery posi- tions, for use in case an enemy is developed across the valley. Captain D (Bn. Adj.). reconnoiter the immediate vicinity of the village. Lieutenant A, reconnoiter to the east; Lieutenant B, to the west. Report to me here by 5-.50. Major C leaves an agent at the beginning of the west road to direct messengers, and rides out on that road to just west of the last house, where he has a good view of the valley before him. By 5-50 A. M., all his officers have reported, the tail of the support is nearing roadfork 589, and a glance at his march scale shows that the advance party must be on or beyond the ridge. Patrols have been seen on the ridge. Being satisfied that the advance is in peaceable possession of the ridge, Major C decides to cross Avithout waiting to hear from General C. THE OFFENSIVE l*^ Reconnaissance will now he made of the crest north of the valley. (,'aptain D, reconnoiter between the main road and Pleasant Grove S. H. Lieutenant B, from Pleasant Grove S. H. west one half mile. Proceed by the road that run.s west about 400 yards north of the stream. Lieutenant A. from the main road east one half mile. Pro- ceed by the road that runs east just south of the stream. Send road reports to me as soon as pos.sible. Reconnaissance reports by H-30 A. M. J will be on the main road where it the ridge. A March Outpost (t'Al'T.MV FlSKK) When the dismounted point, at 6-05 A. M.. reaches the unimproved road 300 yards northwest of 727. a fifteen-min- ute halt is ordered. No enemy has yet been reported. H<-«|tiir<>d : Dispositions of the support, incUiding of its ad- vance party. (Time for solution, one hovir) I ".-().') A. M. Situation !\o. 9 Captain E directs the 2d Platoon to reinforce the point ; the reinforced point to continue the march to knoll 741. All dismounted patrols have been sent from the point, which by this time is considerably reduced in strength. The remainder of the company halts at the crest 200 yards south of 727. holds two squads on the alert at that point, sends one squad to knoll 787, 800 yards east, and another to the road junction 400 yards west. Patrol No. 12 is directed to remain on the crest lietween Pleasant Grove S. H. and the turnpike until the column resumes its march. Patrol No. 9 remains on knoll 711 until the column is seen to be in march. Lieutenant Z holds the reinforced point on the alert north of 741 and sends four men forward to 693. The captain joins Lieutenant Z. A sergeant is sent with field glasses to the top of the highest building near 741. The colonel directs the last company to send one squad to hill 722. west of the tail of the regiment. Patrols (Nos. 6-20 A. M. 14 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING 3 and 10) from the advance party are reported on hills 744 and 743, east and west of the turnpike. One man in each company remains in the road, alert for signals. AN ADVANCE GUARD ACTION During the halt, Captain E hears firing to the north, apparently on the ridge 726 — 724. Shortly after the march is resumed, at 6-20 A. M., Lieutenant Y, who commands the mounted point, comes in rapidly. He reports that his pa- trol almost ran into a squad of hostile cavalry near the top of the hill north of the stream ahead ; and that he saw per- haps a small troop following the squad at three or four hundred yards. The firing, a few moments ago, came from the enemy, and was directed at his patrol as it came back across the stream. Lieutenant Y left the patrol in observa- tion on the nose between the streams south of 629, and came in to report. He has seen nothing of the Blue cavalry. At 6-30 A. M., Lieutenant Z has deployed the point at 6-30 A. M. 693 and halted. The bulk of Company A should be coming up the hill south of 741. Captain E can see no indications of an enemy on the 726 — 724 ridge. Required : Captain E's orders and arrangements, 6-30 — 6-40 A. M. (Tipie for solution, one hour) Situation No. 10 Captain E, at 6-30 A. M., directs Lieutenant Y: Rejoin your patrol, move up stream and locate the hostile left. Three cavalrymen (Patrol No. 2) are patrolling the road half mile east of this pike, and should, by this time, be coming in at the stream 6-.30 A. M. junction near where your patrol now is. If you meet this patrol, take it with you. I am going to take the company straight down the pike. To Sergeant X (Troop E) : About a troop of the enemy's cavalry has driven back our mount- ed point from the ridge (726-724) yonder. Take your patrol to the left. Pick up Corporal K's men who shovdd be on that knoll (711) THE OFFENSIVE 15 a half mile to the west. Go northwest via Georgetown and locate the hostile right. The company moves straight down this pike. To a cavalryman : Gallop back to Colonel D. Tell him a hostile troop of cavalry is a mile in front of us behind a branch of Piney Creek. I am taking the company straight down the pike against the enemy, and sending mounted patrols to find his flanks. Captain E meets the company between 741 and 693 and commands : As skirmishers, two paces; Guide Right, March. Arriving on line with the deployed point, Captain E causes the united line to continue the advance towards 629. He sends a combat patrol of 4 men down the nose running northwest from 693, and causes Patrol No. 6 to move down the nose north of 741, across the stream, and on to the high ground southeast of 629. (End of solution, situation No. 9.) Upon receiving the orderly's report, Colonel D gallops forward to 693. There he sees Company A, rather widely extended astride the turnpike and in the meadow 700 yards to the north, and watches it become engaged in a hot fire fight with hostile troops on the high ground north of the streams. The remainder of the support halts south of 741. At 7-00 A. M., this message, from Captain E, is de- livered : Have developed hostile fire from several points along total front 500 yards, east and west of Baltimore pike. Enemy has at least 200 ^-OO a. m. rifles in action. I have had several casualties. Will hold ground south of northern stream. Reports have also been received, from the mounted patrols sent out by Captain E, that the enemy has prevented their crossing the stream north of knoll 726, one half mile , east of the pike, and between knoll 687 and Georgetown. Recjuired: Colonel D's (commanding officer, 1st Inf.) orders and actions. (Time for solution, one hour) "-OO A. M. -15 A. M. k; problems in troop leading Situation !\«i. 1 1 ; Colonel D's orders: To major, 1st Battalion, at 7-05 A. M. : A mounted patrol is near the bare knoll (687) three-quarters of a mile west of us. The 2d Battalion will deploy east of the turn- pike. Deploy you}- remaining- (3) companies -west of the turnpike and join Company A in its fire action. Don't stop to issue ammunition but leave your combat wagons, at my disposal, in the draw south of the low knoll (741) south of this point. To major, 2d Battalion, at 7-15 A. M., on knoll 741 : Company A is deployed astride this road, three-quarters of a mile north of us, and engaged in a hot fire fight with superior hostile forces. The remainder of the 1st Battalion is deploying on Com- pany A's left. Move down this draw to the east and, deploying with your left on Company A's right, take up the fire action. Connect mth the 2d Infantry which should be about a mile to our right. Some of our cavalrymen are in the neighborhood of the wooded knoll east of Company A. To commander, Machine Gun Company, at 7-20 A. M. : --•' A. M. Follow the 2d Battalion to the nose beyond the .stream north of this }>oint (741), and support the firing lines. To the Adjutant: Send the Band to the Suigeon. Have the engineers remain .south of this knoll. Colonel D reports his dispositions to the advance guard commander, who comes up with the support, and asks for the 3d Battalion (1st Inf.) for his reserve. (End of .solution. Situation No. 10.) The deployment of the 1st Infantry draws hostile ar- tillery fire from somewhere north of hill 726, and leads to the extension and strengthening of the hostile skirmish lines. By 8-00 A. M., it is evident to General C, at 741, that the two deployed battalions of the 1st Infantry have not been able to gain fire superiority. Reports have been received as follows : At 8-00 A. M., from the colonel. Lst Cavalry, dated 7-20 A. M.: Was driven east of littlestoWN by hostile brigade of cavalry with some artillery. Am now in vicinity center s. h., .south of SELL.s STATION, confronted by at least one hostile regiment. Be- lieve bulk enemy's cavalry and guns are in front of your advance i;uard. Have .seen no ho.stile infantry. I will attack toward lekkvrk as soon as evident advance guard is engaged. THE OFFENSIVE 17 From the colonel, 2d Infantry, dated 7-30 A. M. : My leading- battalion is warmly engaged south of the stream southeast of crossroads 733, with a superior enem>*. The division commander joins General C at 7-50 A.M. K«-4|uir<'d : Orders and action, commander, advance guard, since 7-00 A. M. (Time for solution, two hours) Selution -1(1 A. M. Orders, commander, advance guard: At 7-10 A. M., to major. 1st Battalion, 1st Light Ar tillery, on knoll 741 : Turn your battalion out of column to the west and, moving under cover to the vicinity of Pleasant Grove S. H.. support the advance of our infantry. The 3d Battalion, 1st Infantry, will escort your command. To an aid : Direct the majoi- of the battalion at the head of the reserve to escort the artillery to the vicinity of Pleasant Grove S. H.; then to leave one company to pi-ovide security for the artillery and, advanc- ing to the draw west of this knoll (741), report the rest of his bat- talion to Colonel D. Advance Guard, Knoll 741, 2 Sept., 15, 8-05 A. M. Col. E (Comdg. flank guard) : Our cavalry, now south of sells sta.. reports the enemy has a i)rigade of cavalry in our front. Blue cavalry will attack towards le- FEVRE as soon as the advance guard is engaged. The 1st Inf. attacks west of knoll 724. Art. supports from pleasant grove s. h. You s-tir. a. m. will attack at once fi-om knoll 724, inclusive, to the east. Establish Hag communication with knoll 741. C, Brig Gen. By mounted messenger. To an aid : Dii'ect the colonel of the 3d Infantry to advance to a covered posi- tion south of this knoll (741), and the engineer company to join the 3d Infantry there. Have the ambulance company remain south of the low ridge a thousand yards south of this point (741) and west of the highway. 18 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING General C transmits the message from the cavalry to the division commander and reports: « I am attacking with two regiments. The advance guard artillery is supporting from the vicinity of Pleasant Grove S. H. To expedite the hostile withdrawal, I would requeSt that the remainder of the 1st Artillery be ordered into action, east of the turnpike and behind the ridge south of us. (End of solution, Situation No. 11) Situation No. 11-A 1st Bn. 1st L. A. (Caitain Scott) Major C receives the order of the advance guard com- mander at 7-10 A. M. on knoll 741. The reconnaissance of the ridge has been completed, and verbal reports with sketches have been made by the reconnaissance parties. Lieutenant A has been sent to hill 787, and Lieutenant B to hill 744, both to remain in observation until further notice. The battalion, less combat trains, is halted with its head about 400 yards south of 727. The battery com- manders have ridden forward and, from the crest, are ob- serving the ridge east and west of 726 occupied by the enemy, about 1,000 yards of which is visible through the gap between the trees. Required : Orders of Major C and the conduct of his battalion. Captain D, gallop back to the firing batteries and conduct them to position. Batteries A and B in observation east of hill 744. Sectors right and left from the pike. Battery C in readiness south of hill 767. Wire to Batteries A and B. Leave two scouts with me. My station will be here. Lieutenant D (Agent Combat Trains), conduct the combat trains by this I'oad (indicating on his map the road 589 west and north- west) to the roadfork near hill 704, where they will be at the disposal of battery commanders. The adjutant at once gallops off, taking with him the sergeant major and four scouts. As he passes the road cor- ner 300 yards north of 727, he says to the sergeant major : THE OFFENSIVE 19 Line will follow that road to batteries. At the crest he meets the batteiy commanders and con- tinues south until the whole party is below the crest. Sergeant Major, take the reel forward at a trot. Leave the cart at the Major's position and lay wire by the route I indicated to Pleasant Grove S. H., where further orders will meet you. To the officers : Batteries A and B take position in observation about three quarters of a mile west of here. Battery C takes position in readi- ness 400 yards west of here. 3d Battalion, 1st Infantry, marches as escort. I will mark the route. Mount and move out at once, at the walk. Battery commanders join me. Scouts open fences. Captain D rides rapidly across the field to the roadfork at the southeast end of hill 767. The infantry is approach- ing from the east and will be passing when the batteries arrive there. There seems no need to wait until the infan- try shall have gained distance, and travel through the fields is not heavy. He directs the three fences south of the road to be opened, and leaves a scout as m.arker and to direct the leading battery to keep in the fields towards the farm- house 400 yards west. The party then continues on past the farmhouse and across the road from the south to where the road 706 — Pleasant Grove S. H. crosses the stream line. Captain D directs: Positions of Batteries A and B are there (pointing to the north slopes of the ravine) . A on the left, B on the right, leaving room on the right for C. Limbers down this road (pointing south) to vicinity of first roadfork. BC stations will be on that hill (pointing to 744). We will go there by the road. Corporal X, have the batteries halt here in double section column until sent for by their battery commanders. Corporal Y, ride to the schoolhouse, meet the reel and conduct it by this road to the first corner south, then west, then up that hill (pointing to 744). The party then gallops to 706, west about 450 yards, through a gap in the fence, and north up the slope of hill 744, about 200 yards, where they dismount. The four offi- cers go forward on foot, until they can see the crest at 726 and part of its forward slopes. Lieutenant B reports light 2(» PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING skirmish lines along the crest west of the pike, and along the fence on the forward slope east of the pike. Captain D directs : Our infantry has been stopped by rifle fire from that crest. They report a line 500 yards long, astride the pike. Our mounted patrol.s have been stopped about a mile northwest of here and also to the east of the pike. Battery A, observe from the pike to the west; Battery B, to the east of the pike. Report targets but wait the battalion commander's order to open fire. The battalion commander is at that group of houses (741), and wire is being laid to this point. Note: Battalion adjutant had about 2 miles to ride and about '.V walking. Add to this, 5 minutes for orders and 5 for delay at fence or 23'. Reel cart had 2 1-3 miles to go at a trot. 17.5' Orders received at 7-13. 3.0 Unlimbering, starting, etc. 3.0 23.5' Firing batteries had one mile to go at a walk, through culii- \ ated ground, 20. ' Unlimbering in position, etc. 3. 23. Occupation of position completed at 7-33.5. or say 7-35. Fin- Direction by Major (! Major C: All batteries. Direction point, the house on the crest at 72ti. The 1st Battalion, 1st Infantiy, is deployed on the left of the pike, the 2d Battalion on the right of it. Both have begun fire action from (he line of the creek. Battery A, adjust on the crest in line with direction point. Battery B, on the 150 mils right. (724). O. K. Battery A, sweep the crest from 30 right to 90 left. Battery B. from 150 right to 30 right. Sufficient for both. Battery B, fence and road corner 150 right. Range 2,800. Sweep 50 mils right and left of that. O. K. Both batteries continue fire. Battery A, sweep crest 100 to 200 mils left. Battery B. sweep edge of woods 250 to 170 right. Battery C, go into position on right of Battery B. Telephone man : Captain A reports that sound of hostile guns is directly over direction point, sir. THE OFP^ENSIVE 21 Message from Lieutenant A : Sound of artillery lire over hill 72(). From Lieutenant C, with flank guard : Sound of hostile guns close to or west of the road running north- west from 733. Saw artillery reconnoitering party at 733, ten min- utes ago. and believe it is now at a barn in south edge of woods 'JFio mils left of 733. Major C decided that the hostile artillery was on the Ijiire grass knoll about half a mile northwest of 733, iind that its observation, or part of it, was at the barn described by Lieutenant C. The barn was just visible over the trees on the northwest slope of 726. Battery B, a barn 225 mils right. Range 3,300. Attack it with volleys H. E. shrapnel at 32, 33, and 3,400 yards. O. K. All batteries: Prepare to attack hostile artillery in position 20 left to 40 right. Parallel fire. Site, 1 less, 2 rounds H. E. shrapnel at 3,900. -1,000, and 4,100. Report when ready. Fire. Repeat the fire. Battery C, continue the fire on the whole area. Batterie.> A aiui B. resume fire on hostile infantry in your sectors. Lieutenants A and B, go forward and reconnoiter the flanks of the hostile line. Situation No. 12 (Captain' Fiski:! By 8-30 A. M., the entire 1st Artillery is firing. The enemy's rifle fire is decreasing, and his artillery has ceased firing. The men of the three reserve companies of the 1st Infantry have been loaded with ammunition and sent into the line of the 1st Battalion. The division commander has ordered the 2d Brigade, as it crosses Silver Run, to mass west of the turnpike, and the Artillery Brigade (less one regiment) east of the turn- pike. At 8-35 A. M., General C, from knoll 741, can see the lines of the 1st Infantry ascending the slopes of hill 72(5. The soimd of infantry firing has practically ceased. .>-:;ii A. M. 22 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING Required : Orders and actions of General C, commander, advance guard, 8-35—8-40 A. M. (Time for solution, one hour) Situation No. 13 Orders, General C: At 8-35 A. M., to an aid: Tell Major C the enemy is withdrawing, and to rush his batteries by the Baltimore Turnpike to the heights (726 — 724) north of the Piney Creek Branch. To the colonel, 3d Infantry : The enemy is withdrawing. Follow the 1st Infantry at once to- wards the hill (726) yonder. Leave the pike clear for the artillery. Take the engineers with you. The general then gallops forward to the vicinity of crossroads 689. (End of solution, situation No. 12) From 689, General C watches small detachments of hostile cavalry withdraw rapidly, on the roads and across country, in the direction of Littlestown. Reports are re- ceived almost immediately from the flank guard that knoll 766 has been taken ; and that from its front hostile cavalry A. M. is retiring towards Lefevre. A few Red prisoners confirm the general's impression that the advance of the division has been opposed by three regiments of cavalry and two or three horse batteries. At 9-00 A. M., the 1st Infantry is assembling by companies, but in considerable disorder, on both sides of the turnpike, near 689. Small bodies of the 2d Infantry, moving north, are to be seen a mile to the east. The artillery battalion is partially unlimbered east of knoll 726 but, evidently for lack of a suitable target, is not firing. The 3d Infantry, in line of columns, is coming over the crest of ridge 726. Recfuired : Orders, General C, 9-00—9-20 A. M. (Time for solution, one hour) THE OFFENSIVE 23 Situation No. 14 General C's orders, at 9-00 A. M., to an aid : Direct the 2d Infantry to continue the advance towards the low ^'^^ ^- ^• knolls west of Lefevre. The remainder of the advance guard marches on I^ittlestown. At 9-10 A. M., to the colonel, 3d Infantry : c^^^ ^ ^^ The enemy has withdrawn towards Littlestown and Lefevre. Your regiment with the engineers will take the advance towards Littlestown as the support of the advance guard. The 2d Infantry moves on Lefevre. At 9-15 A. M., to the colonel, 1st Infantry: The 3d Infantry takes the advance on Littlesto\vn ; the 2d In- 9.15 a. m. fantry on Lefevre. You will follow the 3d Infantry at 800 yards. Leave space between your leading battalions for the battalion of artillery. Leave one company to assist the ambulance company in policing the battlefield. At 9-17 A. M., to the major of artillery: The 3d Infantry takes the advance on Littlestown. As soon 9-17 A. M. as it has some men on the ridge between Piney Creek and Littlestown, you will limber up and take place in column behind the leading bat- talion of the 1st Infantry. Advance Guard, Crossroads 689, 2 Sept., 15, 9-20 A.M. C. O., 1st Amb. Co.: Take up police of battlefield at once. One co., 1st Inf., will as- sist you. By command. Brig. Gen. C : i)-20 a.m. K, Adj. ADVANCE GUARD RECONNAISSANCE OF AN ENEMY IN POSITION By 10-10 A. M., the leading element of the 3d Infantry has reached the nose 621, northwest of Littlestown. Gen- eral C has ridden rapidly to a high building near the north- i(>-i^ a. m. east exit of Littlestown, and is examining the ground through his glasses. The 2d Infantry can be seen, half a mile south of Lefevre, closing up on its advance. The 3d Infantr>% except its leading company, has not gone beyond the buildings in Littlestown. The cavalrymen with the 2d and 3d Infantry have been fired upon and driven back from knoll 637, 1 mile north of the eastern exit of Littlestown ; 24 PROBLEMS IN TROOP LEADING from Pleasant Hill S. H. ; and from the orchard one mile west of Pleasant Hill S.H. between roadforks 564 and 544 ; and have so reported. The general cannot make out any indications of the enemy's presence in those directions. The hostile cavalry appears to have retired to the northeast. General C has been able to get nothing from the few re- maining inhabitants in Littlestown to indicate, where the enemy can be found in strength. Re«iuired : General C's orders, 10-20—10-30 A. M. (Time for solution, one and one-half hours) 10-20 A. M. io-->: Situation No. 15 General C's orders : At 10-20 A. M., to the colonel, :>d Infantry, who has reported to the general: I want you to push reconnaissance from Pleasant Hill S. H. west to Alloway Ci'eek to determine where the enemy is to be found in strength. The 2d Infantry will similarly reconnoiter to your right. Its mounted men have been driven back from that low knoll to the northeast (637). I will send some artillery west of LittlCvStown to support your detachments. At 10-25 A. M., to an aid: Direct the 2d Infantry to push reconnaissance towards the north- west from Lefevre to deteimine where the enemy is to be found in strength. The 3d Infantry is reconnoitering from Pleasant Hill School to Alloway Creek. Artillery will be sent east of Littlestown to suppoi*t the detachments of the 2d Infantry. At 10-27 A. M., to the major of artillery, who has heard the instructions for the 2d and od Regiments : Select positions and place batteries in observation under cover. 10-2 1 A. .\]. east and west of Littlestown, to support the reconnaissance of the 2d and 3d Regiments. At 10-28 A. M.. to an aid: Dii-ect the 1st Infantry and en^ineer.^ to mass south ot" Litties- 10-2S A. M. town and east of the pike. Kr«|uir«'fl : Orders of the colonel, 3d Infantry, 10-30—10-45 A. M. (Time foi- f^olution. one and one-half hours) THE OFFENSIVE 25 Situation !So. 16 Orders of the colonel, od Infantry : In the streets of Littlestown. at W-'M) A. M.. to the major, 2d Battalion : Our raount<'d men have been stopped at Pleasant Hill S. H. and (