Ts 1240 g: , .fl64 6^^-' 1872 Copy 1 X 'r'j(f^,^ ENVELOPES, AND ^^Mz^^m^ tm T^mcy ccooip^s, '^./S19 & ^51 BBOAUWAY, and 96 & 98 3IEECEB ST,, rS. ^^ ri E W Y O fS K . 1872. wm |/w''^5^v*3j i^¥ irjv^<5 J^' ri%. \ s/i iiiiiiif 11 11111 mm OF ®@MMS®I© ^M® F@m^I^lf \C-- STATIOIERT. Cf \A \>- MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK BOOKS AND ENVELOPES; IMPORTERS OF HARRISON, BRADFORD & CO/S STEEL PENS, AND SOLE AGENTS FOE FARGO'S PERPETUALLY MOIST LETTER COPYING BOOK. 549 & 551 BROADV/AY, AND 96 & 98 MERCER STREET, NEW YORK. Enteeed, according to act of ConETCBB, in the year 1871, by Xi, APPLETON & CO., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. TTT ^\ We take great pleasure in offering to onr customers a revised Illustrated Trade List of Foreign and Domestic Stationery, It will be found invaluable in ordering goods, the different varieties of an article being all together, and each separate variety indexed, so that any article of stationery, however insignificant, can easily be found by referring to the index. Special attention is called to the most complete illustrated list of inkstands ever published. Each inkstand bears its proper number or description, and price by the dozen. Merchants are enabled by this list to order a stock as well as if they were buying from samples. Some of the lists herein are not priced, but the articles contained in them will always be sold at the lowest rates ; and from manufacturers' lists the best discount will be given. We have lately commenced the manufacture of Blank Books for stock and to order. Our great facilities enable us to manufacture these books of a ver\' superior style and quality, at the lowest rates. We make up to order every thing in the way of Check, Note, and Draft Books, Bill Heads, Letter and Note Headings, Circulars, etc., etc., printed or engraved, in the very best manner. We also offer the celebrated Steel Pens of Harrison, Bradford & Co. These pens are of a finer quality, more durable, and cheaper, than any pen in market. Special attention is called to the following grades, as being better suited for business purposes than any pen ever before manufactured : the " 505 " Pen, and the " anti-corrosive " Pen. Buyers, both of Books and Stationery, are specially invited to call at our new, spacious, and well-lighted warehouse on Broadway, and examine our varied and well-selected stock of books, stationery, and fancy goods. It is our intention that wholesale buyers of books and stationery shall be enabled to buy all their goods at one place. AYe buy for cash, in large quantities, and at the lowest rates, and sell for cash, at manu- facturers' rates and discounts. D. APPLETON & CO. A. PACK Arnold's Copying Ink 48 " Crimson Ink 48 " Fluid 48 Arm Rests 31 B. Backgammon Boards 54 Bankers' Cases 29 Bank Notice Boxes... 18 Binders, Sissons's 28 " Patent Music 23 Bill Head Cases IV Blackboard Rubbers 31 Blank Books, Russia 61 " J^ Russia 61 " Sheep 61 " Half bound 61 " Miniature 61 Blackwood's Ink 16 Blotting, Treasury 21 Bonnet Board 22 Book Clamps 31 Books, Bills Payable and Receivable. . 61 " Book-keeping 60 " Butcher 60 " Ciphering 60 " Composition 61 " Copy 60 " Copying 62 " " Mann's 21 " Cotton 61 " Drawing 62 " Exercise 61 " Hotel Register 62 " Index 69 " Invoice 62 " Memorandum 59 " " Tuck 59 " Note and Draft 60 " Order 60 " Pass 59 Pencil 59 " Receipt 60 " Scrap 61 " Time 60 Bristol Board, Reynolds's 21 " " Goodall's 63 C. Calendars 18 Card Cases, Tin 19 PAGE Card Racks, Tin 18 " Averill's 51 Cards, Playing, Dougherty's 30 " " Hart's 30 " " Dela Rue's 30 " " Goodall's 30 " Visiting 45 " Printers' etc 46 Cash Boxes 16 Chess, Union 31 " Bone 31 " Wood 31 " Boards 54 Checkers, Union 31 " Plain 31 " Polished 31 " Ivory 35 Chalk Crayons, White 31 " Colored 31 Check Cancellers 19 " Cutters, Tin 18 " Steel 19 Clips, Board 39 Copying Brushes 39 Cribbage Boards 54 D. Deed Boxes 17 Dice 35 Dice Boxes, Leather 54 Document Boxes 18 E. Elastic Bands and Rings 37 Envelopes, Business 22 " Congress Tie 39 " Cowan's 19 " French 20 " Mourning 20 " Onion Skin 20 " Pirie's 19 Envelope Cases 17 Erasers, Green's Ink 31 " Rogers's 19 Eyelet Machines 28 Eyelets 28 F. Fargo's Moist Letter Book 56 Files, Atwater's 24 Files, Bill 24 " Music 23 " Ready Reference 24 " " Improved 44 " Shipman's 44 Folders, Ivory 35 G. Glass Pens, Briggs's 31 Guyot's Violet Ink 48 Gum Labels 54 H. Hand Stamps 55 Hand Stamp Ribbons 55 I. Ink, Antoine's Violet 47 " Carter's 63 " Davids's 48 " Maynard & Noyes's 53 " Payson's Indelible 31 " Rhoads & Son's 47 " Stephens's 47 " Williams & Packard's 48 Inkstands, Air Tight 11 " Bankers' 14 " Barometer 11 " Combination 14 " Counting-house 15 " Fancy Glass, Bronze Top. 6-8 " " Glass Top.. 8, 9 " Flat Glass 5 " French Pump 15 " Glass 5-16 " Irving 14 " Library 12, 13 " Merritt's 14 " National 14 " Oliver's 14 " Rubber 39 " Screw Top 10 " Silliman's 15 " Whitney's 12 Ivory Goods 35 Indexes 61 K. Key Rings 31 INDEX. L. PAGE Letter Clips 24 M. Marking Pots 19 Match Boxes 19 Mathematical Instruments 33 Merchandise Tags 49 Mucilage, Davids's 47 " Khoads's 47 " Stick-well's 47 " Williams & Packard's 47 Mucilage Stand, Morgan's 14 0. Office Boxes 17 P. Paper, Authors' and Sermon 21 " Crane's Bond 22 " Cowan's Note 19 " Drawing, Flat 21 " " Roll 22 " " Mounted 22 " Envelope 21 " English Parchment 22 " French Note 20 " Gold and SUver 21 " Idlewild Mills Note 20 " Mann's Copying 21 " Mourning, French 20 " " English 20 " Music 21 " Oiled 21 " Onion Skin 20 " Owen Paper Co.'s 20 " Pirie's Note 19 " Profile 21 " Tissue 22 " Tracing 22 " Valley Forge MiUs 20 Paper Fasteners, Swartwout 23 McGiU's 31 PAGE Paper Folders, Tin 18 " Knives, Ivory 35 Paper Weights, Bronze 23 " Fancy 17 " Glass 23 " Iron 23 Pads, Desk 24 Pens, Steel, Appletons' 41 " " ■ GiUott's 41 " " Harrison & Bradford's.. 41 " " Williams & Packard's .. 41 " Gold, Holders, etc 42, 44 " Quill 41 Pen and Pencil Cases, Rubber . . . . 37 Pen Racks, Iron 28 " Bronze 28 " French 28 Penholders, Rubber 37 " Tin 31 Pencils, Card 31 " Lead, Eagle 26 " " Enamelled Wood 26 " " Faber's 25 " " Erasive Head...'. 26 " Faber's Composition Slate. . . 31 " German Slate 31 " Ivory 35 " Indelible 31 " Rubber 38 " Soapstone Slate 50 " Slate in Wood 31 Pencil Sharpeners 31 Perforated Board 22 Pin Rolls 22 Pocket Ledgers 17 Post-office Boxes 17 " Scales 36 Presses, Copying, Schriver. 32 Dolphin 32 " R. Hoe & Co 34 " " Plain 33 " Stamping, Dies, etc 67 .Quills Quill Toothpicks. PASS . . 49 . . 28 R. Receiving Boxes Rubber Goods Rubber, Stationers'. . . Rubber Tips, Oliver's. Rulers, Cherry " Ebony " Mahogany . . . " Rubber S. Sand Boxes Seals, Lawyers' ...... Sealing-Wax, Davids's . . " Waterson'e Shot Cups Slates, Porcelain " School Sponge Cups, Glass Stationery Cases 18 37 31 31 44 44 44 38 19 51 62 62 19 19 60 11 17 T. Tables, Interest Tape, Pink Tape Measures. . Tablets, Ivory. . . Tin Goods Thermometers. . Tracing Paper . . " Cloth.... Twine Boxes. .. , ...66 ...38 ...22 ...36 16-18 ...36 ...22 ...21 ... 18 vr. Wafers Waste-Paper Baskets . . . Water Bowls Water Colors, Ackerman " Crown. . . . " Osbom " Prague. . . . 61 28 18 40 40 40 40 D. APPLETON & CO.'S mkt Mm $1 Stitlittfi^ iMii iiiif mi 3-inch. |2.25. Th.e Price o± these Inkstands is for the IDozen. FLAT BOTTOM, WITS PLAIN CAP. Si-inch. $2.75. 4-ineh. p. 50. 4i-inch. $4.25. 6-inch. 15.00. 5i-inch. 16.00. FLAT BOTTOM, WITH FARCY (Z4P.— Same price as the Plain Cap. 3-inch. Scinch. 4-inch. 4i-inch. 5-inch. 5|-inch. Flat Bottom, with Gone Cap, Round Bottom, with Cone, Plain, or Fancy Gap, all the same price as above. Round Bottom, with Glass Top, 75 cents per dozen more. B. APPLETON <& CO:S TEABE LIST OF STATIONERY. WITH BRONZE CAPS, PLAIN AND FANCY. The discount on the rest of the Inkstand List varies so, that only the long prices will be given. No. 619. ftj.-lO. ^'o. 053. J6.00. Ko. 655. §7.20. No. 3U0. 4;T.20. No. 282. S5.10. No. 2S1. jB.yu. No. 296. $3.60, No. 2'j7. §4.80. No. 615. §8.40. No. 559. $7.20. No. 558. $7.20. No. 562. $7.20. No. 276. 2-in. $2.25. No. 276. l\-m. $2.75. No. 551. $3.60. No. 620. $3.90. No. 276. 3-iu. $3.25. No. 278. $4.20. No. 312. .$6.00. No. 315. $6.60. No. 294. $4.80. J}. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. ]FAic¥ m^Km wwmm^K WITH BRONZE CAP RELIEVED. No. 283. $7.20. No. 284. §10.80. No. 521. £18.00. No. 841. §10.80. No. 838. $12.00. No. 834. §9.00. No. 840. §10.80. No. 853. $6.60. No. 855. $8.40. No. 847. $8.40. No. 848. $9.60, No. 842. $10.80. No. 837. $10.80. No. 835. $8.40, No. 836. $9.60. No. 372. $18.00. No. 846. $s.40. No. 849. $8.40. No. 850. $8.40. D. APPLETON <& CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. ■Alii ©lAii Illif AlDi WITH BRONZE CAPS RELIEVED. No. 845. $9.60. No. 729. $10.50. No. 844. $10.80. No. 843. $12.00. WITH GLASS TOPS, No. 720. i;lo.«0. No. 721. $12.60. No. 839. $10.80. No. 727. $12.60. No. 722. $12.00. No. 724. $12.00. No. 725. $12.00. No. 726. $12 00. D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATION'ERY. ■AHTCT With Glass Tops. mSCSTAKD No. 739. 112.00. No. "718. $14.50. CI? , I No. 311. $12.60. No. 730. $12.60. No. T31. $12.00. No. 740. $12.60. With Glass Stoppers. No. 569. $8.40. No. 308. 5-in. $12.00, No. 303. 4riD. $8.00. No. 308. 2}i-in. $3.25. No. 308. 2-in. $3.00. No. 308. IJi-in. $2.50. No. 1. $5.75. No. 1 Low. $5.75. No. 2. $5.40. No. 3. $4.50. No. 4. $4.20. No. 568. $6.00. No. 566. $6.00. No. 564. $7.00. No. 567. $6.00. No. 570. $8.50. No. 566. $6.00. 10 D. APPLETON <& CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. FANCY GLASS PAPER WEIGHTS. No. lui. 17.00. No. Ui5. ^10.00. No. 107. $9.00, No. 103. $10.50. No. 104. $10.50. No. lo9. $9.00. No. 110. $7.50. No. 111. $7.50. No. 563. $7.00. No. 570. $9.00, TRAVELLING INKSTANDS, FOR WRITING-DESKS, &c. ^ l^-iucb. Pocket. IJ-inch. Improved Safety Cap. $0.00 per doz ¥ If-inch. 1 finch. Brass Screw Cap. $15.00 per gross. li-inch. l|4nch. If-inch. 3Ietal Screw Cap. $12.00 per gross. IJ-inch. l|-iiich. l|-inch. l|-inch. School Ink. Army Ink. D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 11 GLASS SPONGE CUPS, No. 403. $1.50. No. 402. $1.80. No. 401. §2.10. No. 400. $2.50. No. 404. 13.60. No. 405. $3.00. No. 406. 13.00. No. 407. JS2.50. MISCELLANEO US INKSTA NDS, BAK09IETER, WITH AND WITHOUT RACK. $15.00. DRAPER'S AIR-TIGHT IBiKSTANDS. Large. 815.00. DRAPER'S AIR-TIGHT LVKSTANDS. MIPROVED AIR-TIGHT INKSTAJVDS. Small. Si 2.00. 110.50. 12.00. 12 B. APPLET ON S CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. •Wllfllf^i FIfllf IllEfMBS, Small. $13.50. Large. $16.50. Medium. $15.00. In Oak, Ebony, atid Walnut. No. 21. Ko. 30. No. 18. No. 20. No. 14. No. 24. B. APPLET ON & GO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 13 LIBRARY INKSTANDS-CCoNTiNFED.) No. 11. No. 12. No. 10. No. 21 per doz., ! No. 30 No. 18 No. 20 No. 14 No. 24 No. 15 per doz., i No. 22 " No. n " No. 10 " No. 12 " Tm^¥MS.MM<^ PQ)€KMT IMl^STAm®^ R0SEW003D, Bja.-5r01SrET OA.TCII- No. 1., No. 2.. .per gross, $35.00. No. 3 per gross, $25.00. " 30.00. No. 4 " 22.60. B02C-W00ID, BA-TTOnSTET CA.TCIT. No. 1 per gross, $30.00 No. 3 No. 2 " 25.00 No. 4 .per gross, |22.50 " 20.00 COCO-A.-WrOOI3, -WITH SCREAAT". No. 1., No. 2. .per gross, $22.50 No. 3 per gross, $18.50 . " 20.00 POUNCE BOXES, $2.00 per doz. 14- D. APPLET ON & CO:S TBABE LIST OF STATIONERY. (3.1.^%^ \l^\^*^^^^^*fe. No. 306. No. 302 per doz., |5.00 No. 303 " 7.00 No. 304 " 9.00 No. 303. No. 305 per doz., $10.50 No. 306 " 13.60 No. 307 " 15.00 ^U^^^^\ VU^\V liM^^^^X \liV^§^^^^^. ^\^^^l^^. Merritt's Patent. Morgan's Mucilage Stand. Merritt's Air-tight, with rack per doz., |21.00 Bankers' Cut Glass Inkstand, No. 4, sq. cap., .per doz., |36.00 without rack. Irving " Combination Inkstand Bankers' Cut Glass Inkstand, No. 1, sq. cap. U K u u 2 *' " 3^ " '. 15.00 15.00 24.00 36.00 30.00 24.00 Oliver's Patent " National " Mon::»n's Mucilage Stand, 10, round cap, " 20, 36.00 30.00 15.00 8.40 18.00 4.,')0 D. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 15 FRENCH PUMP INKS. Letter I each $2.25 Letter N each \ J.. R. S.. K. L. M 2.00 2.50 2.25 1.90 1.75 1.55 H G F.. E . No. 1. $1.00 .80 .90 1.15 1.40 1.60 COUNTING-HOUSE INKS. IN IRON. No. 1 per doz., $1.10 No. 2. , No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. n.. No. 8. 1.25 1.60 2.25 3.25 3.75 4.00 6.00 I N W OO D. Single. No. 1 per doz., $5.00 No. 2 " 4.50 " No. 3 " 4.00 Double. No. 1 " 8.50 " No. 2 " 6.75 " No. 3 " 5.75 SCHOOL INKSTANDS. No. 1 per gross, $16.00 No. 3 per gross, $12.00 No. 2 " 15.00 No. 4 " 10.50 No. 3, ex " 13.50 Academic per doz., 4.00 Mechanic per doz., $2.2S. 16 D. APPLETOK & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. BLACKWOOD & CO.'S LONDON DEEP BLACK i I T I If © PUT UP IN HANDSOME WHITE STONE BOTTLES, WITH LIP. IN QUARTS, PINTS, HALF-PINTS, AND COTTAGE. Per Doz., $4.00, $2,65, " $1.35, Per Gross, $2.15. NET DrHOIiESAIiE PRICES. The importance of a good Ink for ordinary rapid writing, general correspondence, the usual work of literary men, and for school purposes, can hardly be over-estimated. And it is evident that an Ink designed for these special uses should possess special qualities, viz. : Freedom of Flowing, Distinctness of Color, and tlie abse/ice of all Corrosive Substances. General Orders, No. 36. Heatiquarters of the Army, ) Adjutant-General's Office, Washingfon, March 31, 1870. j The use of violet and all the various colored inks is hereafter prohibited in official correspondence and records throughout the army, except carmine or red ink, as generally used in endorsement, ruling, or in record-books. By command of General Sherman. E. D. Townsend, AdjutanUGeneral. Official; Assistant Adjutant-General. The above order was issued because fancy colored inks, violets in particular, rot the paper, and soon become illegible. Very Heavy Cash Boxes. Eiyhly Finished, extra Loci's, with two Keys, and SunTc Handles. INCH 7 8 9 10 11 13 U 1.5 16 18 20 7 in. . 9 .10 .11 .12 .14 .1.5 . Ui ..18 ,.20 width. 5 in. 6 " 6i " 7 " 7i " 8i " 10 " 10| " Ui " 13 " 13i Japanned black or oak. HEIGHT. 4 in. 4i " 4j u 4i " 5 " 6 " 6i " 6i " 7 " 8i " 10^ " WITHOUT inside. $.36 00 38 00 40 00 42 00 48 00 51 00 54 00 63 00 66 00 75 00 84 00 Cash Boxes. NO. 1... 2... 3. .. 4... 5... (Nos. LENOTll. 8i in. 9i " 11 " 123. " •WIDTH. H in. Gi " 7 " 9 " 9J " HEIGHT. 4 in. ^ " 6 " 6 " PER DOZEN. $30 00 34 00 38 00 42 00 45 00 WITH INSIDE. |43 00 40 OU 49 00 52 00 59 00 64 00 69 00 81 00 89 00 ■WITH INSIDE. $37 00 42 00 48 00 53 00 63 00 1 to 5 are furnislied with or witliout Money Trays.) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 8 in. 10 " IH" 13^" 15 " 11 " 131" 14J" 51 in. 6i " 8 " 9 " 10 " 7i " 8i " H " 2} in. H " 4 " 5 " 6 " 4* " 5| " 5i " $21 00 24 00 27 00 33 00 39 GO 31 00 30 00 40 00 (Nos. 11, 12, and 13 are double seamed, and have wood handles.) 14.. 9iin. 41 in. 3J in. $21 00 15 9| " 4i " 2 " 20 00 opens at the end. 16..10i " 4f " 3$ " 27 00 21 . . 81 " 5J " 2J " 24 00 22..ir " 6 " 2f " 27 00 (Nos. 14, 15, and 16 are calculated for Bonds, Deeds, Insurance Papers, &c.) (Nos. 21 and 22 have false bottoms.) 23.. 10 in. 11 J in. Oi in. $57 00 Cash Boxes, with Tumbler Locks, in nest of five, from 9 to 14 inches, $10 00 per nest. D. APPLET N di GO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 17 Fancy Paper Weight. Bill-Head Cases. No. 20. Silver-plated or Bronzed per doz., %1 50 Hasp or Deed Boxes. FOE PADLOCK. NO. LENGTH. "WIDTH. HEIGHT. PEH DOZEN. 1 8 in. 5i in. 2f in. $J2 00 2 10 " 6i " 3i " 15 00 3 IH " 8 " 4 " 18 00 4 13J " 9 " 5 " 24 00 5 .15 " 10 " 6 " 29 00 6 Hi " 7J " 4i " 24 00 r 13^ " 8i " 5i " 26 00 8 14i " 9J " 5| " 30 00 9 15i " 10^" 61 " 36 00 10 16 " Hi " 7 " 42 00 . 11 19 " 12J " 8 " 48 00 12 20 " 14 " 12 " 60 00 (Nos. 6 to 12 are double seamed, and have wood handles.) Office Boxes. NO. PER DOZ. 1 is a convenient Bo.t for holding Pens, P. 0. Stamps, etc., $9 00 2, expressly for P. 0. Stamps, of tliree Icinds 9 50 2x, for P. 0. Stamps, of four kinds 10 00 3, small, single P. 0. Stamp Box 4 00 3x, for P. 0. Stamps, of two kinds 4 60 4, calculated for Bills and Change, assorted 14 00 6, with Lock, 12 compartments 25 00 fi, " " 10 " 26 00 7, double, 8 compartments 16 00 8, with Lock, for Currency and Bills 24 00 9, " " " " 26 00 10, for the new Currency 12 00 11, " " and Bills, with Lock 27 00 12, without any Partition, with Lock 21 00 13, foi Bills and Currency, no cover 15 00 14, for Stamps, 18 compartments, with Lock 30 00 Post-office Boxes, PER DOZEN. No. 3. Three apartments, to receive letters for Post-ofBce, Packet, and Delivery $15 00 2. Two parts, Post-office and Delivery 12 00 1. One part, Post-office 9 00 PER DOZEN. No. 1, with three apartments, one each for whole and half-sheet, quarter-sheet and sixth- sheet Cap Bill-Heads $18 50 2, with three apartments, two inches shorter than No. 1 15 00 3, two apartments, for quarter and sixth- sheet Bill- Heads 10 00 4, one apartment 8 00 5, three apartments, with Envelopes 21 00 Envelope Cases. PER DOZEN. No. 1. 13^ in. high, by 9 in. wide $26 00 2. 8 " " 5 J " :... 15 00 3. 6 " " 4i " 8 50 4. Two compartments, middling and short. . . 10 00 5. 9^ in. high, by 4^ in. wide 15 00 6. Two compartments, medium and long 12 00 Stationery Cases. PER DOZEN. No. 1 is a very convenient article for holding Letter and Note paper, and places for En- velopes, also with a drawer for containing Stamps, &o $24 00 No. 2, with three apartments, for Bill-Heads_ or Papers, also contains small trays for holding Pins, Stamps, Wafers, Pens, Lead Pencils, &c. 26 00 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. E^SMi-siom (s^i.EM®^m: No. 3, showing the Month, Day of the Week, and Day of the Month per dozen, $7 00 2, showing the Month and Day of the Month " 5 00 No. 1, showingtheDay oftheMonthonly, perdoz., $4 00 2, three parts, like No. 3 " 5 00 4, three parts, fancy " 9 00 For European steamers " 48 00 E©e©tvMf B@2Lts- No. 1, for hanging outside of Stores, Counting- Rooms, &c., where Papers, Letters, &c., may be deposited in other tlian office hours per doz., $15 00 2, small, for Letters 12 00 3, for hanging inside of door 20 00 ©tie© ®@^@S, No. 1, 6} in. long, hy 3 in. wide, glass end $7 00 " " " without " 6 00 2, 5 " 2i wide, " 6 00 " " " without " 5 00 ^tS"^ Eiieks« Gothic Pattern. . Square Pattern 00 00 WatiE' B@wls» Iron square per doz., $7 50 " round, small. Tin French Fountain. . Iron, round No. 1, brass 2, " 2 50 2 50 12 00 6 50 8 50 7 50 5 50 No. 1, without covers per doz., $9 00 2, with " " 12 00 8, with " and locks " 24 00 Twto© B@x@gB PER DOZEN. No. 1,6 in. diameter. 6J in. high, $15 00 2, 5J " " 5J " " 12 00 3, 5 " " 5J " " 10 00 4, 4i " " 4i " " 8 00 ©lltt©E'S« PER DOZEN. Japanned Tin, 2, 2i, 2 J, 2}, 3, 3 J, 3}, 3|, and 4 in. wide $1 40 Japanned Lon, 2, 2^, 2J, 2f, 3, 3J, 3J, 8f, and 4 in. wide 2 00 TJtley's Patent Square Check Cutter and Ruler. J). APPLET ]Sr & GO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 19 Card Cases, No. 0, 4f in per dozen, $3 50 1, 4i " " 3 25 li, 4i " " 3 00 2, 4 " " 8 00 3, 3| " " 2 75 4, 3i " " 2 50 5, 3i " " 2 25 Shot Cups. For filling with small shot, which, when wet, is a good material for cleaning pens $3 00 Sand Boxes. Eound per gross, $8 00 Octagon " 8 00 Fluted " 8 00 Marking Pots. No. 1 per dozen, $6 00 2 " 5 00 Match Boxes. Twin per dozen, $1 88 No. 00 " 1 50 Porcelain Slates. 6 inches, wood or leather fi-ames. tj a u ii u o u u (i a Q ;( t( a u lA a (( u a No. 0. Pttre, size 5x7 Erasing Knives. JOSEPH EODGEES & SON'S. NO. P. DOZ. NO. r. DOZ. "Wood Handle ...11,687 $3 00 11,697 $3 38 Bone Handle 11,688 3 38 11,698 3 75 Ivory Handle 11,689 4 50 11,690 6 75 Check Canceller . $4 50 10 inch Steel Chech Cutters . 3 25 ■J^O a « it CC 3 50 ALEX. PIEIE & BOW^ CELEBRATED Note Papers, Envelopes, and Folios. Twenty-four pound Folio, Wove or Laid. Oom'l Note plain, per ream, $3 75 ; ruled, $4 00 Octavo Note (5i^ 1, .), plain 2 75; " 3 00 Billet Note, " plain 2 00; " 2 25 Twenty -eight pound Folio, Wove or Laid. Com'l Note plain, per ream, $4 25 ; rvded, $4 50 Octavo Note (6 fc •), plain 3 25 ; " 3 50 Thirty-two pound Folio, Wove or Laid. Com'l Note plain, per ream, $4 75 ; ruled, $5 00 Octavo Note (7 fc .), plain 3 75 ; " 4 00 Billet Note (5 1) .), plain 3 00; " 3 25 Extra Superfine Wove Wedding and Begret Papers. Wedding Note per ream, $4 50 Eegret Note " 4. OO Square Cut Envelope%, to match the above. No. 1, Sq. i M. hoses, gilt hands, fits Wedding Note perM., 2, do. do. Com'l Note, " 3, do. do. Octaivo Note, " 3, Sq. do. do. Kegret Note, " 4, do. do. Billet Note, " Antique Parchment, Folio. Com'l Note plain, per ream, $6 00 ; ruled, Octavo Note " " 5 25 ; " Billet Note " " 4 75 ; " Envelopes to Match. Square Cut, No. 2 per M., $7 00 6 50 6 00 6 00 5 50 $6 00 5 25 4 75 $8 00 7 50 7 00 Wove or Laid Double Large Post. Flat (54 ft,.), 21 X 31 per ream. D. APPLETON & CO., AGENTS FOR THE GOLD MEDAL SUPERFINE NOTE PAPERS OF A. COWAN & CO Commercial Note. 8J ft) ., |4 75 per ream. 8 ■" 4 50 6 " 3 75 " 4i " 3 00 " Billet, per ream, |2 75 EDINBURGH. Octavo Note. 7 ft) ., $4 00 per ream. 6 " 3 50 " 4i " 3 00 " 8vo, sq. note, per ream, $2 75 Envelopes to match in one-quarter M. Boxes. No. 2. .per M., $6 00 No. 1, square, .per M., |6 50 4.. 5 50 5 00 6 00 5 50 20 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. Idlewild Mills. Commercial Note. 4 a per ream, $1 50 5 " " 1 75 6 " " 2 25 7 " " 2 60 Valley Forge Mills, Congress Letter. SB, per ream, $2 60 9 " " 3 00 10 " " 3 40 Holyoke Mills. loohcap, Notes, and Letters. Owen Co.'s Papers. Con iT Note. Packet Note. Foolscap. 4 1b. $150 7 lb., $2 87 9 lb., $.3 00 5 " 1 8^H 8 " 3 12 10 " 3 23 6 " 225 9 " 3 50 12 " 4 00 7 " 2 62K 14 " 4 62 16 " 5 37 Legal Cap. Letter. 10 lb., $3 37X 71b., $2 50 12 " 4 25 8 •' 2 75 14 " 4 87« 9 " 3 laj^ 16 " 5 621^ 10 ■' 3 37X I 12 '■ 4 12 Carew Co.'s Caps, Notes, and Letters. Miscellaneous Writing Papers, In great variety, at the lowest rates. LA ROCHE, JOUBERT, DE LA CROIX ET C'^'« FIRST QtJALITT French Note Papers, Envelopes, & Folios. Fancy Patterns. 10 Kilo. Folio per ream, $13 00 No. 5. Commercial, Note size " 3 25 6. Octavo, " " 3 00 7. Billet, " " 2 75 Sq. Envelopes to match per M., 4 50 Papeteries, containing four quires Note Paper, and Envelopes to match, assorted. No. 5. Commercial, Note size per doz., $21 00 6. Octavo, . " " 18 00 The above are in handsome fancy boxes. The same, in cheaper hoxes. No, 5. Commercial, Note size per doz., |I5 00 6. Octavo, " " 13 50 Grand Quadrille Notes and Folios. 8 Kilo. Folio ^ .per ream, $7 50 No. 5. Commercial, Note size " 2 00 6. Octavo, " " 1 80 7. Billet, " " 1 CO Sq. Envelopes per M., 4 00 French Onion-skin Papers Packet Letter, White, Plain , Blue, " Commercial Letter, White, Plain . " Blue, " » White, Grand Quadrille » Blue, " White, Moyen Quadrille . . . " Blue, " White, Com'l Quadrille " Blue, " Commercial Note, White, Grand Quadrille. . . . " White, "Cora'l" Quadrille. " Blue, Grand Quadrille French Onion-skin Envelopes. 4. Square, White, all patterns 8. Large, White, all patterns 4. Square, Blue, all patterns 8. Large, Blue, all patterns , Mourning Papers. WIDE, MEDIUM, OR NARROW BORDER (3 Sldes). Pirie's Extra Superfine. Com'l Note, 4^ lb., plain or ruled per ream, $4 50 " ■ 8 " " " " 6 25 Octavo Note, 4 " " " " 4 25 " 6 " " " " 5 00 Billet Note, 3 " " " " 3 50 " 4i " " " " 4 50 French Mourning Note — Grand, Medium, or Small Quadrille. No. 5. Com'l Note, 8 Kilo per ream, $3 25 6. Oct,ivo Note, " " 3 00 7. Billet Note, " " 2 75 5. Com'l Note, 12 Kilo " 4 50 6. " " " 4 25 7. " " " 4 00 Other styles, in 8 Kilo. La Roche Fancy Patterns. No. 5. Com'l Note, 10 Kilo per ream, |4 60 6. Octavo Note, " " 4 25 7. Billet Note, " " 4 00 Mourning Envelopes, To Match. Pirie's Wove or Laid. No. 2 per M., |7 50 " " " "3 " 7 00 " " " "4 " 6 50 French Quadrille. " 3, sq. 8 kilo.. " 5 50 " " 4, " 8 " .. " 5 50 " " 3, " 10 " .. " 6 00 " " 4, " 10 " .. " 6 00 B. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIOJSTEBT. 21 MANN'S Pagedy and Indexes Interleaved with Blotiing, 1 SIZES. Outside Measurement. "woo Half bound, with corners, Colored Sheep and Gold Flliets, 01. Sides. £5 300 Letter Post, 8M x lOJ^ $1 40 $1 65 $1 88 600 2 10 2 35 2 55 700 tt 11 2 80 3 05 3 25 900 It (1 3 50 3 75 3 95 300 Com'lPost, gi^xllji 1 65 1 90 2 25 EOO 11 11 2 35 2 60 2 95 700 11 11 3 05 3 30 3 65 900 11 11 3 75 4 00 4 35 300 Packet Post, 10x12 1 90 2 40 2 65 500 a 11 2 60 3 10 3 35 700 (1 11 3 30 3 80 4 05 900 11 11 4 00 4 50 4 75 300 Cap, 10x14 2 15 2 65 3 00 500 11 u 3 10 3 65 3 95 700 11 11 4 00 4 50 4 85 900 11 It 4 90 5 40 5 75 COPYING PAPER Sizes. Price per ream. Sizes. Price per ream. 11x18 $2 05 19x32 86 25 12x19 2 35 21x26 5 60 13x21 2 80 21 x34 7 35 15x21 3 25 16x39 6 40 19x21 4 10 21x30 6 50 18x23 4 25 23x36 8 50 19x27 5 25 24 X 38 9 35 Mach ream contains 500 sheets. ^usic Ifaper. Super Ro.val, 10 x 15, from 10 to 24 staves per rm., $7 50 Medium, 9 X 12, from 6 to 10 staves " 6 00 Medium, fancy border, for instruments, 12 staves, " V 60 Demy, 8x10, 10 staves " 4 50 Brown's Plate, No. 1 per ream, $ 1' 2 " Cross Section and Protractor Paper " ©tied ^atjal, Per quire $2 00 Ifarlifii^'s Treasurtj Bluttitiig;. 80, 100, and 120 lbs., white or colored per lt>., $0 30 ZESS inscovyT. Buff, 18 «) per lb., $0 21 ■ 20" " 24 ' 26 ' 28 ' 30 ' J. W. WHATMAN'S Cap, Demy, 1 5 x 20 Medium, 18x23 Royal, 19x24 Super-royal, 19 x 27 Imperial, 22 x 30 Elephant; 23 x 28 Colombier, 23 x 35 Atlas, 26 X 34 Double Elephant, 27x40 Antiquarian, 31 x 52 r. QtriRE. 14x17 inches $0 50 75 00 40 65 25 25 00 00 50 .12 00 V. REAM. $8 25 13 00 19 00 25 00 30 00 41 00 41 00 55 00 55 00 83 00 219 00 Tracii^0 l^lath. By the roll of 24 yards, 30 inches wide (gold), -$7 50 1 " " " 36 " " 8 10 11 It It 42 " 11 00 I iS^oH and Siltrei^ Ifaper, Gold Paper per quire, |2 00 Silver " " 2 00 NEW STYLES OF AUTSOBS, EDITORS, AND CLEEGYMEK We beg leave to call attention to our new styles of Writing Papers, especially designed for the use of Contributors, Au- thors, Editors, and Clergymen. Heretofore it has been neces- sary for all persons writing for the press to prepare their own paper, or use some form of writing paper in the market which at best Is very imperfectly adapted to the purpose. Author's M.anuscript per ream, $2 25 Editor's " " 120 Contributor's " " 2 00 Sermon Bath " 3 25 " Note " 2 80 DISCOUNT 20 per cent. SUNNYSIDE PAPER CO. D. APPLETON & CO., Agents. REYNOLDS'S l-ER DOZ, Cap, 2 sheet |0 50 3 " 70 " 4 " 90 Demy, 2 " 75 " 3 " 1 12 4 " 1 ,50 Medium, 2 " 1 00 " 3 " 1 50 " 4 " 2 00 Koyal, 2 " 1 30 " 3 " 2 00 " 4 " : 2 60 TER GROSS- ES 00 7 50 10 00 8 00 12 00 16 00 10 60 15 75 21 00 14 00 21 00 28 00 22 D. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. CHARLES GOODALL & SON'S Prize Medal, London, 1862,— Silver Medal, Paris, 1867. Foolscap Demy. . . Medium . Roval... Two Three Four Sheet. Sheet. Sheet $8 75 $13 13 $17 50 13 75 20 63 27 50 18 33 27 50 36 66 23 75 35 63 47 50 Five §21 87 33 38 45 88 59 38 Six Sheet- Sheet $26 25 41 24 55 00 71 25 Drawing Paper. —(Z/?^ roJU:) 54 inches wide, weight of roll 50 lb per lb., gold, $0 25 40 " " " " about 35 lb.. " " 36 " " " " " 28 1b.. " Tissue Paper. White per ream, $2 00 Assorted Colors " 2 60 Bonnet Board. Blae and White per gross, $4 00 White, e.\tra ene " 8 00 Brown, first quality " 6 50 • Perforated Board. Fine, Medium, and Coarse per doz., $2 25 Tracing Paper. Sizes 15x20 19x24 20^x274 29x42 Per quire $1 50 $1 90 $2 25 $3 00 English Parchment. 60 Sheets in Eoll. At Lowest Ruling Rates. Sizes. Per Eoll Sizes. Per KoU. Sizes. Per EolL Sizes. Per Eoa 8 X 10 10x16 12x16 13x17 $ 14x19 16x20 16 X 22 18x24 1 20x24 19x25 17x28 22x26 $ 24x28 26x31 28x32 30x36 $ Crane's Bond Paper. Per 1,000 Slieets. Less than 1,000 Sheets, 10 per cent, advance. 15x19 ' ... 18 00 17x22 ' thin . 20 00 16 X 21 ' . . . 22 50 19x30 22 X 28 . 36 00 16x24 ' ... 25 00 . 40 00 14x17 ' ' thin . . . ...12 50 14x17 ' ex. thick.. . 18 00 17x 22 ' ... 26 00 10x23 20 X 25 ' thin . 33 00 19x23 ' ...28 00 . 20 00 Mounted Drawing Paper. 40 Inches wide. Per Roll of 10 Yards $0 90 German Drawing Paper, Flat. PER REAM. PER QUIRE. Cap $4 76 $0 30 Demy 7 12 40 Medium 10 00 60 Royal 14 60 60 Super Royal 17 60 1 00 Imperial 23 75 1 40 Elephant 23 75 1 40 Double Elephant 41 37 2 25 Cap, 14x17, 16 lbs Demy, 15^x19^, 25 lbs Medium, 17 x 22, 34 lbs Royal, 19x24, 44 lbs Super Royal, 19x27, 60 lbs Imperial, 22 x 30, 62 lbs Double Elephant, 26x40, 120 lbs Envelopes. 5. 6«. 6. 9. 10. Extra Pearl Wove, White Amber.... " " Canary . . . " " Corn Double Thick Gov., White. . . " " Canary . . XXX Buff . . .". . . 84 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 1 75 $3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 $3 50 3 75 $6 50 $6 60 $7 50 2043 Extra White 2044 Extra Buff 2045 " $7 00 We furnish Envelopes of all the leading Manufacturers, at their list prices, and with the best discounts. D. APFLETON & CO. will, in a few weeks, commence the manufacture of Envelopes, and will be able to put them in the market, of a superior quality, at reduced prices. A list, containing the different varieties, will be published and mailed to all Stationers, and the trade generally, in the United States. Tape Measures. 3 feet, Silver Plated per doz., $5 25 6 " " " 5 50 3 " Brass Cases " 6 00 5 " " " 5 25 3 " Nickel Silver " 7 50 5 " " " 8 00 Toilet Pin Rolls. No. 3 per doz., $1 00 4 , " 90 6 " 85 6 " 80 B. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 23 f 4f ii^ais ^^ _ "" '""mill No. 411. No. 412. No. 405. No. 40Y. No. 6. No. 22. No. 12. No. 21. No. 14. No! 15. No. 23. No. 24. No. 1. Small round per dozen, $5 00 400. " oval " 6 00 401. Medium oval " 7 00 402. Large oval " 8 00 404. Small oval " 3 00 40.5. Oval, sheaf Clip " 10 00 406. • " hand " " 10 00 407. " " " " 8 00 411. Large oblong " 7 50 412. Small " " 6 00 Elephant, in Bronze, Gold, and Silver. ..per doz., |9 00 Rooster, " " " ... " 9 00 Cattle, " " "... " 14 00 A very neat design, Silver Plated per doz., $24 00 No. 400. No. 401. No. 402. ISO. 4U4. No. 406. No. 8. No. 7. No. 9. No. 11. No. 1. Small round ... .per dozen, $1 50 2. " " 1 75 3. " " 2 50 4. Small oval " 2 00 5. Medium oval " 2 50 6. Large oval " 3 25 7. Smooth oval " 3 50 8. " " 4 00 9. " " 4 50 New and pretty design, solid Out Glass, per doz., $30 00 StU'ii'^ ®l#^-^ ^'»##t Stliit^* Fruit, assorted per doz., $10 00 Flowers, assorted " 10 00 Fancy, assorted " 5 00 S^V\^A.RT^VV^OXJT'S mwi wmMMM^ if4fia 1 41111111 41111 iinii®. No. 1. 2. 3. No. 1. 2. 3. No. 1. No. 1. FASTENERS. Small size per gross, $1 75 Medium " 2 25 Large " 2 75 CUTTING TOOI-S. Small size each, $0 40 Medium " 46 Large " 50 BINDING STRIPS. Fitting all sizes per gross, $0 25 BAMMERS. For all sizes each, |0 35 HAND-LEVER PRESS. No. 1 $12 00 ttl \M%t 8«.^|it' UltBi^tt^* No. 15. Oloth back, paper sides per doz., $9 00 16. Full cloth, embossed " 11 00 17. " illuminated " 13 50 18. Turkey mor. hack and corners, fancy cloth sides " 18 00 19. Full mor., elaborately finished.. " 36 00 24 1). APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. No. as. No. ac. No. 38. No. 25. No. 24. No. 22. aNo. 2S. No. 30. No. 33 . . 3fi.. 35.. 25.. No. 27. , .per doz., $6 50 . . " 6 50 . . " 6 00 . . " 9 50 No. 29. No. 28 . . 30.. 27.. 29.. No. 31. , .per doz., $4 50 . " 4 50 , . " 4 00 , . " 4 00 No. 48. No. No. 37. No. 42. No. 24 per doz., $6 50 No. 31 per doz., $4 00 22 " 4 00 48 " 5 00 26 " 4 00 37 " 5 50 43 " 1 38 42 " 2 50 nil Fifes. e- Slide. H.arp. No. 1. Wire, with screw . . . . 2. Extra, wire, with screw 3. Wire, brass tube, slide 4. Harp File Bronzed Harp File Straight Wire File, Maple Standard ....... " " Boxwood Stand.ard ... " " Lignum-vits) Standard. Slide " Maple Standard No. 1. Straight File, Bronzed Iron Standard 2. Slide File, " " 3. Hook Slide File " " 4. Brass Slide Check Canceller, Bronzed Iron Standard 1. Harp File, Bronzed (W) No. 0. Muslin, 3 x 1% per doz., $1 42 1. " 3 X 9,\i " 1 75 2. " 3l^x 81^ " 1 75 3. " 4 X 91^ " 1 88 4. " 4>4xl0i^ " 2 00 AT WATER'S Patent newspaper Piles* Patent Library Newspaper File, Binding distance between Rubber Bands is given. 12, 14, and 16 inch Files per doz., |3 00 18, 20, and 22 " " 3 50 22, 26, and 28 " " 4 00 30, 32, and 34 " " 4 50 36, 38, and 40 " " 5 00 Commercial Newspaper Files. For heavy Files of Commercial Papers. ^ 12, 14, and 16 inch Files per doz., $3 60 18, 20, and 22 " " 4 00 22, 26, and 28 " " 4 60 30, 32, and 34 " " 5 00 36, 38, and 40 " " 5 50 ©esfe Fads* 8^.^x101^ $5 00 9 xl4 |6 00 8,''^xl2 6 60 103^x16 6 50 111^x18, one pocket $7 GO D. APPLETOJSr <& CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 25 LEAB PENCII- A. W. F A B E R. imiPORXED .—(Payable in U. S. Gold Coin.) Drawing Pencils. Siberian, 11 grades $12 00 Finest and Best, 10 grades 10 00 English, 10 grades 4 80 Well-hiown Polygrades. Hexagon Gilt $6 60 " tipped 8 00 Round Gilt 4 SO " tipped 6 00 " rubber tipped 1 00 Pencils for Special Purposes, Stenographic S"? 00 tipped 9 00 Indelible, large 9 00 " small... 6 50 Tablet Pencils. Tablet, Hexagon Gilt $5 50 " Eound Gilt 3 75 Artists' Pencils, Artists' Siberi.an, 6B per doz., %2 50 " " all other grades " 2 00 " Leads, Siberian, 6 in box, 6B " 6 50 " '• " all other grades " 5 00 " Hexagon gilt, large ; . " 1 40 " " " medium, 455 " 120 " " " small, 454 " 1 00 " Leads,6inbox " 2 60 Pencils in Boxes. 10 Siberian, on cards $12 00 10 " wooden boxes 16 00 1 " " 10 00 6 " " 8 00 5 " II knife and rubber 9 50 10 Finest and Best, on cards 10 00 10 " " wooden boxes 12 00 7 . " " " 8 40 5 " " " 6 00 5 " " " knife and rubber 8 40 10 English, wooden boxes 6 00 7 " " 4 80 5 " " 4 20 5 " " knife and rubber 6 60 B Hexagon Gilt, paper boxes 4 20 4 " " " 3 60 7 Bound " " 3 60 4 " " " 2 75 Colored Pencils. Carmine, large, extra $9 00 " " fine 8 00 " small, extra 5 50 " " fine 4 50 Blue, large, extra 8 00 " fine 7 50 " small, extra 5 00 " fine 4 00 Green, large, extra 8 00 " fine 7 50 " small, extra . 5 00 " " fine 4 00 Carmine and Blue, extra 1100 Carmine and Blue, fine |9 00 " " second quality 6 25 " in Cedar Polished 6 00 Blue " 6 00 Carmine in White Wood Polished 4 80 Blue " " 4 80 Carmine " Plain 4 00 Blue " " 4 00 Rubbers and Erasers. Pencil Rubber $10 00 Ink Rubber 10 00 Ink and Pencil Rubber , 10 00 " " Eraser 12 00 " " " mammoth 18 00 Wax Crayons. Boxes, 6 Wax Crayons per doz., $5 00 " 12 " " 9 00 " 18 " " 14 00 " 24 " " 18 00 " 36 " " 25 00 " 48 " " 32 00 Wax Crayons, assorted -. . .per gross, 8 00 ©OMESXIC— (Payable in Currency.) Fine, in boxes, 4 in box per doz., $2 25 Fine, A. W. Faber per gross, 4 00 Second Quality, A. W. Faber 3 50 Carpenter's, in Cedar, 7 inch 4 00 9 12 in White Wood, 7 inch. 12 60 00 60 00 00 Union, Hexagon Gilt. 4 50 " " tipped 6 00 " Round Gilt 3 50 " " tipped 5 00 Star {registered), Hexagon Gilt 3 25 " " " tipped 4 75 " " Round Gilt 2 40 " " " tipped 3 75 Railroad, Round Gilt 2 40 Black Polished, A. W. Faber 1 80 Red " " 1 60 Plain Cedar, " 1 30 American School , 1 00 Steamboat, Round Gilt ' 1 80 " Round, Natural, Silver 1 80 " Black Polished Cedar 1 35 " Natural Polished Cedar 1 35 " Natural Cedar : 1 20 Conductor's Oval 4 00 Tablet, Union, Round Gilt 3 50 " Star, " 3 00 " Black Polished 2 60 " " no tips 1 50 " Natural Polished, no tips, 4 inch 1 00 The above grades, made to order, with trade-mark stamp. The word " Star," applied to Lead Pencils, is a trade-mark, secured to my exclusive use by Letters Patent. Star Pencils with Rubber Tips. Star {registered), Round Gilt, Rubber Tip $5 60 " " Hexagon Gilt, " 6 50 26 D. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. LEAD PENOILS.-(CoNTiNUED.) EAGLE LEAD-PENCIL CO. IMPORTEO.— (Payable in Gold.) Black Round Gold, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 $t 00 " " " Ivory tipped 5 00 " " " Rubber Head inserted, 2 and 3 6 00 Hexagon Gold, Hexagon Lead, lto5 5 50 " Ivory tipped, 2 and 3 ; . . . 6 75 " Rubber Head, inserted, 2 and 3 1 50 Pencils for Special Purposes. Reporter, extra fine $7 50- Sketching, Black Round Gold, two grades combined. ... 5 00 " Hexagon 6 50 Finest and Best Hexagon, 14 degrees, 6B, 5B, 4B, SB, 2B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 3H, 411, 5H, 6H 9 00 Marking Pencils 5 00 .School and Office Pencils. Polytechnic Round, Silver Stamp, 14 degrees, 6B to 6H..|4 25 Office Round, inserted. Rubber Head 6 00 " Octagon 6 00 Eagle Gilt, flamed polish 3 25 " Octagon, striped 3 25 Motto, Round 2 75 Chancery, Round, black, bone tipped 3 50 " " blue, polished, tipped 3 50 " Octagon, tipped 3 75 " Striped, tipped 4 25 Tablet Size, Black Round Gold, thick, Nos. 2 and 3 3 00 " " " " medium, Nos. 2 and 3.. 3 00 " " " " thin, 4 inches 2 75 " Octagon, Striped, Nos. 2 and 3 3 50 Hexagon Gold, Hexagon Lead, Nos. 2 and 3 4 00 Crayons, Best Round 7 inch, in 24 colors, A to Z %1 50 " " Ivory tipped, in 3 colors (blue, K), (red, M), (green, P) 9 00 Best 7 inch Carmine and Blue Hexagon 8 00 " 9 " " " " 10 00 School Crayons, Round, 2d quality 3 75 Red and Blue, " " 7 inch 4 00 " " " " 9 " 4 50 "• Hexagon, " 9 " 5 00 Tablet Size, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, 1st quality. . . 4 50 Carpenters' Pencils, best Octagon, natural pol., 7 inch. . . 4 00 " " " " " " 9 "... 5 25 " '< " " " " 12 "... 6 50 " " " " . " " 15 "... 8 00 Same, red polished, wilh red chalk, 7 inch 4 00 " " " " 9 " 5 25 " " " " 12 " 6 50 " " " " 15 " 8 00 Round Gold, 7 inch, extra 5 00 l)rawinrf Seh. 1 doz. boxes, containing 4 Black Round Gold $2 25 1 " " 6 Polytechnic 3 75 1 " " 7 "• 4 50 1 " "5 " rubber and knife. . 6 00 doz. bo-xes, containing 7 Finest and Best $5 25 " " 5 " " rubber & knife, 7 00 " " 6 different Crayons 4 75 " " 12 " 9 00 18 " 13 25 " " 24 " 17 00 Erasers. Office IJrascrs,. Octagon $6 00 " Ink and Pencil, Octagon 7 00 " " " Flat 12 00 DOMESTIC— (Payable in Currency.) Commercial, Natural Cedar %\ 60 " Polished Black 1 75 Cash, Round Gilt 2 25 Eagle, Plain Cedar 1 60 " Red Polished 2 00 " Black " 2 00 Sun (Eagle Pencil Co.), Round Gilt 3 00 " " " " Bone tipped 4 75 " " " Octagon, Gilt 3 50 " " " " Bone tipped 5 75 " " " Hexagon, Gilt 3 50 " " " " Bone tipped 5 75 National, Round Gilt, extra 4 00 " " " Bone tipped 5 75 " Hexagon, Gilt, extra 5 00 " " " " Bone tipped 6 50 Calendar Pencils 6 00 Patented January 19, 18G9. Tablet Size, Sun (Eaffle Pencil Co.), Round Gilt 3 25 Eagle, Black Polished 2 50 " " without Tips 160 Natural Cedar..'. 1 00 Carpenter Pencils. 7 inch. White Wood $2 25 Polished 3 00 Eagle Cedar, Plain 3 25 San (Eagle Pencil Co.), Gilt ... 4 00 Pencils stamped to order at short notice. inch. 12 inch. ^2 75 $3 50 3 75 5 00 4 25 5 60 6 00 6 50 Rubber Tip Pencil Co.''s Pencils. Gradb. A. Natural Cedar, with Rubber Tips .$3 75 B. Red Polished, with C. Black Polished, with " D. Natural Polished, Silver Stamp, with Rubber Tips.. E. Black Round Gilt, with " p " " Stained Wood, with " C. Hexagon Gilt, Red Polished, with " H, " Stained Wood, with " I. Tablet, Black Polished, with " K, " Rouud Gilt, " " ■• 4 50 4 60 5 00 5 50 7 00 6 50 8 00 3 50 4 00 Eagle Pencil Co.\ Diamond Rubber. [Patented Dec. 15, 1868.] 8, 12, 16, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to a pound $1 00 B. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 27 LEAD PENOILS.-(Con™ued.) AMERICAN LEAD-PENCIL CO. Pencils in Boxes. (Super Extra. Red Polished, Gilt.) Drawing jpencils. NO. p. DOZ. 401. 10 Hexagon, in Albums, Knife, Rubber, & Crayon, %2\ 00 1 | (Finest and Best.) 402. 10 " in Box, 6b, 3b, bb, b, f, hb, h, hh, 3h, 6h , 12 00 NO. p. GP.OSS. 1 1 J 1 / r 7 1 1 """1 w»- 3. Standard, Hexagon, Purple Gilt, bbbbbb. $15 00 403. 7 " " 3b, bb, b, f, hb, h, hh . 8 50 4, " " " BBB, BB, B, F, HB, 404. 5 " " bb, B, F, HB, h 6 50 —m. ^^- _ * ^ 1 fi r\r\ 405. 7 " " Rubber, Knife, bbb to ini. . . 10 50 H, HH, HHH, HHHH, HHHHH, HHHHHH 12 00 8. Standard, Hexagon, Purple Gilt, Nos. 1 to 6 12 00 406. 5 " " " " bb to h 9 00. (Fine.) 18. Round, Natural Polished, Silver, bbb, bb, b, f, he. (Fine. Natural Polished, Silver.) 410. 10 Round, in Albums, Knife, Rubber, and Crayon 12 00 411. 10 " in Box, 3b, bb, b, f, hb, h, hh, 3h, 4h, 6h , 6 00 H, HH, HHH, HHHH, HHHHH, HHHHHH 5 25 412. 7 " " BB, B, E, HB, H, HH, 3H . 5 00 Poll/grades, N'os. 1-5. 413. 5 " " BB, B, F, HB, H 4 25 8 00 414. 7 " " Rubber and Knife, BB to HHH. (Best Quality, in Dyed Cedar Wood.) 415. 5 " " 3b. toH 7 00 20. Hexagon, Red Polished, Gilt, extra fine |6 75 450. 6 Hexagon, Gilt, Nos. 1-5, gilt boxes, extra fine. 451. 4 " " Nos. 1^, " " 4 00 3 50 21. " " " " bone tipped, 8 00 22. " " " " rubber " 9 75 455. 5 Round, " Nos. 1-5, " " . 3 60 456. 4 " " Nos. 1-4, " " 3 00 24. Round, Black Polished, Gilt, extra fine 4 75 (Assorted in Boxes.) 27. " " " " bone tipped, 6 00 2S. " " " " rubber " 7 75 p. BOX. 64. 6 doz. different grades in box, 1st quality . $2 00 65. " " " 2d " 1 75 Fancy Pencils. 85. Round, Flamed Polished $4 75 66. " " " 1 50 7abla Pencils. 88. Motto Pencils, Round, assorted 4 75 • p. GKOSS. (Natural Cedar Wood.) 40. Empire, Hexagon, Natural Polished, No. 2 or 3 . . . 4 25 69. Hexagon, Natural or Red Gilt, extra fine $4 50 6 60 70. " " " " tipped.. 41. " " " bone tipped.. 6 00 42. " " " rubber " 7 25 71. Round, Black " " 3 50 72. " " " " tipped.. 4 00 4.T *' Round Blapk (Tilt No 2 nr 3 3 9^ 67. " " " Republic 2 00 2 50 46. " " " bone tipped 5 00 68. " " " " tipped.. 47. " " " rubber " 6 25 73. " assorted colors, Z\ in., extra fine, tipped. . 3 75 49. Pioneer, Hexagon, Red Polished, Gilt, No. 2 or 3 . 3 25 49. " " " bone tipped 4 75 Carpenters' Pencils. 49. " " " rubber " 6 00 212. Oval, Cedar Wood, Red Polished, 6 in., small size , §4 00 50. " Round, Black Polished, Gilt, No. 2 or 3 . . 2 40 213. " " " 6 " com. " 4 50 50. " " " bone tipped 3 75 214. " " " 8^ " com. " 6 00 * 60. " " " rubber " 5 00 215. " " " 12 " com. " 8 00 74. Knickerbocker, Round, Black Polished, Cedar 1 75 218. " " Plain, 6 inch, small size 3 50 75. " " " rubber tip'd, 4 75 219. " " "6 " common size. 4 00 60. Universal, Round, Black Polished, Cedar 1 35 99Q (( (( t4 Dl t( (( 5 25 60. " " " bone tipped. . . 3 25 221. " " " 12 " " 7 25 60. " " " rubber " 4 00 304. " White Wood, Red Polished, 6 in., small size , 2 50 60. " " " rubber " gilt, 4 25 305. " " " 6 " com. " 2 75 60. " ' " Natural Polished, Cedar, Plain. 135 306. " " " 8^^ " com. " 4 00 60. " " Cedar, Plain 120 307. " " " 12 " com. " 6 25 63. White Wood, Round, Plain 1 00 290. " " Plain, 6 inch, small size 2 25 291. " " " 6 " common size. 2 50 Artists' Pencils. 292. " " " 8i " " 3 25 p. DOZ. 293. " " " 12 " " 4 25 29. Hexagon, Red Gilt, large, 6 in. long $1 75 30. " " medium, 4 in. long 1 50 31. " " small, 3 in. long 125 120. Round, Bone handle, large, extra fine 2 00 295. Red, " " 6 " 296. " " " 8^ " 29R Rlup " " 6 " . . . . ... 299. " " " 8| " |13 50 122. " " medium, " 175 Colored Pencils. 89. Hexagon, Red and Blue, Red Gilt, ex. fine, 9 in. . 124. " " small, " 1 50 126. " Ivory handle, with Slide and 1 gross leads, 3 00 128. " " " " Screw, and 1 90. " " " " fine, 9 in. . 10 50 gross leads, 3 50 91. " " " " 9 inches 7 50 Leads, 6 in box, large, medium, or small 2 50 92. " " " " fine, 7 inches. 9 00 Standard Leads, 6 in box, bbb to hhhhhh 5 00 93. Round, " " " ex. fine, 9 in. . 9 00 28 D. APPLETON ct- CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. MQ Larffe Circular. Small Cireubr. Self-adjusting. No. SO. No. 18. U No. 32. No. 8 per (loz., Large Circular Small " Self-adjnsting No. 3 4 2 33 29 34 30 18 32 3 inch Flat Inks 3^ " " 4i " " 5 " " 5J " " No. 1. Ring bottom for Whitney's large Inkstand 2. Ring bottom for Whitney's small Inkstand 6. Do. Draper's do. do., 7. Do. do. do. do., 2. Dish bottom forW. & S.'s improved Metallic Ink- stand Gilt, $2 25 Plain, 3. Do. do. do. " 2 25 " $G 50 50 50 50 00 75 50 00 25 3 50 3 50 3 00 4 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 No. 33. No. 29. No. 34. ^ No. 2. No. 4. No. 3. No. 4. Dish bottom for W. & S.'s improved Metallic Ink- stand Gilt, $2 25 Plain, $2 00 5. Do. do. do. " 2 25 "2 00 3. Circular 2 25 14. New French Pattern 2 25' 15. New French Pattern 2 75 16. " " 3 25 18. " Gilt 2 75 19. " " 4 50 3 inch Bronzed per doz,, $4 00 3i " " 4 " " 4i " " Single Rack . . Double Rack. Single Stand . 4 25 4 50 4 75 2 75 3 75 3 75 Fs'tael F@a Backs. No. 1 $f) 00 No. 3 §9 00 2 7 00 4 12 50 Per M $1 25 to $2 00 Eyelet Machines Eyelets per doz., $30 00 " 2 25 Paper sides per doz., $7 50 JD. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONEBT. 29 {STRAT.) Nd, PEE BOZ. NO. 1. Roan, 7 Pockets, 4 X Sir, $7 50 4. 20. " 5 (L and Bill Wrapper, 4 X 8i, 8 50 9 7. (C 13 (( 5 X gj, 11 50 8. 6. tl 2.') a 5 X 91, 18 00 13 2:i. a 13 a 4ixl0, 14 50 26. 17. (i 25 li 5^x10, 21 00 15. 36. a 7 a and partitions, bel- lows style. 41-xlO, 24 00 40 11. Mor., 13 u 5 X 9i, 16 50 37. Fr.M. , 7 a and partitions, bel- lows style, 5 xlOf, 39 00 35 39. u 25 a and extra leather pocket, 5 X lOi, 45 00 41 34. 7 u and partitions, bel- lows style, extra leather pocket, 5*xl2i, 60 00 42. Russ., 13 (C 4fxl0, 31 50 43. 11 25 a 5 x lOf , 48 00 31. 38. u 7 a and partitions, bel- 32 lows style, 6 X lOf, 54 00 33 (Z G K.) PER DOZ. Roan, 7 Pockets, 4 x 8i, |8 25 " 13 " 5 X gi, 12 50 " 25 " 5 X gj, 20 00 Mor., 13 " 5 X 9J, 18 00 25 " 5 X 9i, 24 00 Fr. M., 25 " and extra leather pocket, 5Jxl0, 36 00 " 25 " and extra leather pocket, 5 X lOi, 48 00 " 7 " and partitions, bel- lows style, extra leather pocket, 5i x 121, 60 00 Russia, 25 " and partitions, bel- lows style, extra leather'pocket, 5 x lOJ, 57 00 Flexible, all Leather. Morocco, 4 Pockets, 4 x 8| 16 50 " 7 " 5x9+ 27 00 " ■ 12 " 5x9| 38 00 30 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. giL4¥Iil^ € Ver gross. No. 1. Steamboats, ass't., Star and Calico Backs. S18 00 3. No. 2 Highlanders, do. do. do. 23 00 4. Eurekas, do. do. do. 29 00 9. Decaturs, do. do. do. 42 00 12. Star Eagle, half linen, do. do. Ao. 60 00 13. " pure linen, ass't. Backs 108 00 26. " " " ex. q. (squared) . 144 00 28. Mexican (Monte), pure linen. 42 00 G. Great Mogul, Fancy Backs 33 00 33. Eagle-American, Flag Back, Enamelled . . 48 00 37. Army and Navy, Enamelled 72 00 23. Decatur, Fancy Backs, Enamelled 40 00 16. Great Mogul, " " 48 00 35. " " " (Euchre). 48 00 36. " Solo, " " 44 00 17. Harry the 8tli, " Super Enamelled 73 00 30. Eagle, " Extra " in gold. 96 00 31. Great Mogul, Illuminated Backs, two colors, extra Super Enamelled 84 00 39. Do. do. five do. do. 120 00 34. Great Mogul, Hluminated Faces and Backs in Gold and Colors, extra do. 130 00 38. Great Mogul, Cotton-plant Backs and Gold Spots, extra do 150 00 40. Convex Corners 96 00 In ordering, to avoid mistakes, please copy the num- bers as expressed in this List. ©1 %&. airi'S. Highlanders per doz., $8 00 Class 3.— SATIN SURFACED. No. 19. Steamboats, 1st quality per gross, $19 50 20. Monitors " 25 00 21. 2 Highlanders " 26 00 18. Players " 29 00 22. 1 Highlanders " 3100 23. Moguls (single and two-colored fancy backs) " 36 00 40. Euchre, do. do. ... " 33 00 24. Decaturs " 42 00 28. Barcelona " 43 00 Class 2.— DOVBLE ENA:>IEL,LED. (Single and Ttoo-colored Fancy Bads.) No. 29. Great Moguls per gross, $48 00 31. Solo " 44 00 30. Imperial Bower Euchre " 48 00 33. " " (round cor.), " 60 00 41. Imperial Eagle " 72 00 34. Round Cornered Whist " 72 00 36. Illuminated Mogul (g'ld b'cks), " 84 00 42. " (do. round cor.), " 108 00 No. 37. lUum'ated Mogul (cotton-plant bade, printed in 5 colors), .per doz., $120 00 43. Do. do. (cotton-plant back, round cornered) " 144 00 38. Washington (gilt face, cotton- plant back) " 168 00 The last five kinds are put up in boxes of one dozen each. SPECIA-LTIES. Class 1 HART'S PURE LINEN CARDS. No. 25. Plaid Decaturs per gross, $65 00 39. Flowered" (br'wn and green), " 65 00 33. Club House (fancy enamelled backs) " 72 00 26. Nonpareil (Linen Eagles) " 108 00 27. " Faro Dealing (squared), net " 144 00 35. Patent Wliist (fancy enamelled backs .' " 72 00 N. B. — To prevent errors when ordering any of the above goods, be particular in stating the number as described in the margin ; and also, whether Single or Double Heads are desired. m o o II I. s . £i'sf Quality, Scarlet Ibis per doz., $16 00 Humming-Bird " 16 00 Japanese Figure " 16 00 National and Palace " 16 00 Series, 67 to 69 " 16 00 Moguls, Series 60 to 66 " 15 00 Butterfly " 15 00 Mistletoe " 15 00 Holly " 15 00 Shakespeare " 1 1 75 Fern " 11 75 Moguls, Series 50 to 58 " 1175 Moguls, Series 32 to 43 " 11 75 Floral " 10 50 Florigated Series, 1, 2 " 10 50 Gold Florigated " 10 50 Gold Star " 10 50 Gold Backs " 10 50 Dark Backs " 10 50 Small. Star " 9 75 Tinted Enamel, White, Pink, Blue, Green, etc " 9 50 Sefo7id Qualify. Series A, Dark and Light per doz., $10 00 " B, " " " 10 00 Florigated, Dark .and Light " 9 75 Gold Florigated " 9 75 Fhu-al " 9 75 Club, Tinted Enamel " 8 75 Club, Plain Enamel " 8 75 Thick Virginias per gross, 30 00 Broadways Virginias " 24 00 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 31 Union Chess and Checker Men. CHESS. Congress per doz. sets, $24 00 Standing " " 12 00 Dwarf " " 8 00 Mat " " 9 00 CHECKERS. Large per doz. sets, $8 50 Medium " " 7 50 Small " " 6 00 Dominoes " " 22 50 Wood Chess Men. Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. Stanton Chess, per set, § $ $ $ Nos. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stanton Chess, per doz., $ $ $ $ Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. German Chess, p. doz., $$$$$$ German Bone Chess Men. Nos. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plain Bone, p. dz., $$$$$$$ Englisli Bone Chess Men. Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Best Bone, Plain, p. set, $ $ $ $ $ $ " Carved, " " Morphy, " ChecJeers. Plain per gross sets, §16 00 Polished " " 20 00 A. W. Faher's Composition Pencils, Plain, in ivooden gross boxes per gross, $0 70 Painted, " " " " 1 00 In paper, " " " " 1 10 In white wood, plain, long " 95 " " short " 70 " polished in 6 colors, long, " 1 20 " " " short, " 90 Slate Pencils, with holders " 18 00 Soapstone Pencils. 4 inch. Paper Boxes per M., $3 00 5 " " " 4 50 6 " " " 5 00 German Slate Pencils. 7 inch. Wooden Boxes per M., $1 25 Slate Pencils. In White-wood . . ._ per gross, $ In Plain Cedar " In Polished Cedar " White Chalk Crayons. Per Gross 15o. By the Case, of 100 Gross per gross, 14c. Colored Crayons. Per Gross $1 25 Pocket Tin Penholders. Reversible, small White, No. 374 p. gro.ss, $3 75 " Colored, 375 " 3 75 medium White, 658 " 6 00 " Colored, 659 " 6 00 large White, '660 " 7 50 " Colored, 661 " 7 50 Extension, " White, 647 " 8 00 Arm Rests. White-wood, No. 1 per doz., $2 25 " 2 " 2 00 " 8 " 3 25 " 4 " 3 00 Mahogany, 1 " 3 50 " 2 " 3 00 " 3 " 6 00 " 4 " 6 00 McGill's Patent Pajicr Fasteners. The Fasteners are made of two sizes, and are packed in nests of 1,000 in boxes of 100 each, and in single boxes of 1,000 each, and are sold to the Trade at the following prices : Large-size Fasteners, f in. Shank per M., $2 25 Small " -Jin. " " 2 00 Hey Bings. Steel per gross, $1 50 Swan-bill " 3 00 Bead Key Chains " Book Clamps. Brass per doz., $6 00 Bronze " 3 50 Clark's Indelible Pencils. Per Gross. $24 00 Pay son's Indelible Ink. Per Gross $27 00 Black-board Bubbers. Sheepskin per doz., $2 25 Stationers' Bubber. 8, 12, 16, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 pieces per lb., $0 66 Pencil Sharpeners. Per Gross $10 80 Greene's Ink Mi^aser. Per 100 $4 50 Oliver's Bubber Tips. Per Gross $3 00 Card Pencils. Per Dozen $0 50 Briggs's Glass Pen. For marking Linen per doz., $2 25 32 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. LETTER COPYING PRESSES. Small Press, Style A. Size of Platen, 9Jx 12J- inches. Finish, Black Japan, with Colored Striping, Price, $8 00 New Design Medium Press. Medium Press I— (PLAIN.) Style C. Size of Platen, lu x 13 inches. Finish, Black and Carmine. Other styles to order, Bronze and Gilt, Green and Carmine . . Price, $1 1 00 This is a press of new design, with heavy cast-iron arch, or yoke. Railroad and Express Copying Press. Style G. Size of Platen, 17x22 inches. Finish, Black and Carmine, or Carmine and Green Price, $45 00 Style B. Size of Platen, 10 x 13 inches. Finish, Black Japan, with Bronze and Colored Striping Price, $9 00 This is a substantial press, finished in plain style, suited to general office use. EXTRA LARGE Railroad and Express Copying Press. Style H. Size of Platen, 20 x 27 inches. Finish, Black and Carmine, or any other style that may be ordered Price, $60 00 lin llrcti. No. 3. Size of Platen, 9 x 12 $6 50 4. " " 10x13 , 7 50 5. " " 10x13 8 50 7. " " lOxlG 10 50 Reservoir Letter Copying Brush, Per Dozen S D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 33 LETTER COPYINa PRESSES.-(CoNTmuEi>.) No. 3. No. 4. No. 6. No. 6. No. 3. Size of Platen, 9 x 12 4. " " 10x13.... 5. " " 10x13.... .$6 50 . 7 50 . 8 50 No. 7. No. 6. Size of Platen, lOJx 15 , 1. " " 10 X 16 . .$9 50 .10 60 1, M m mi ■ T i A great variety of Matlieinatioal Instruments, of all kinds and qualities. 34 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. ■B.WL G03PT21IS PaESSE^ H. HOE & CO. Fi'enck ^^atttsrtt. Size of FoUower, lO^x 15^ ineliL'S Price, $40 00 )8haitt Ifatteru. Size, 11x16 Price, $40 00 " 16x19 " 70 00 Press, with size of Follower, 20x24 in. .Pr Table for Press Press, with size of Follower, 15^^x20 in. Table for Press Press, with size of Follower, lOJ x 15 J in. Table for Press ice, $125 00 " - 45 00 " 75 00 " 30 00 " 40 00 " 25 00 l^athic Ifattei'tt. Size of Follower of Press, lOJ x 13 in. . . . Price, $26 00 Table for Press, " 18 00 Size, 10 X 13, with stand Price, $46 00 " " without stand " 23 00 FOE pnEssma and ttino bank-notes. Size, 9Jx3i inches Price, $22 00 It has grooves in the bed and follower, for cords, and the notes may be tied in the press. D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 35 HOE'S LETTER COPYING P R E S S E S .-(Continued.) few Wr®raglt«If®m Ww%mm» i®ff®w ami Ball Pffiii©Ms Size of Follower, lOi x 13 inches Price, $26 00 Size of Follower, 15^ x 20 inches Price, " « 11 xl8 " " I¥®E¥ if 4111 Paper Folders. PER DOZ. 6 inch, Common ... $1 15 Y " " 1 90 8 " " 2 50 9 " " S 00 10 " " 3 60 n " Congress 3 70 8 " " 4 20 9 " " 4 70 10 " " 6 00 11 " " 9 00 Paper Knives. 6 inch S3 30 7 " 4 00 8 " 4 90 9 " 6 00 10 " 7 00 Fancy Folders. No. 1 $12 00 2 10 50 Congress Folders. 7 inch |5 25 8 " 6 00 No. 7 6 00 9 6 75 Extra wide 6 75 1 inch 6 75 Ivory Tablets. No. 0. Ivory Covers $4 50 1. " 6 75 2. " 9 00 3. " 11 25 4. " 13 50 1. Rubber Covers 6 75 2. " 9 00 NO. . PER DOZ. 3. Rubber Covers ,$11 25 4. " 13 60 Fancy Paper Knives. 1. Rosewood %Z 20 2. " 3 60 3. " 4 20 4. " 5 00 " Congress 6 00 1. Ebony 3 40 2. " 4 00 3. . " 4 60 4. " 5 40 " Congress 6 80 1. Ivory 3 60 2. " 4 40 3. " 5 20 4. " 6 40 " Congress 9 60 4. " Inlaid 7 70 " " Congress 10 40 1. Snaliewood and Ivory Handles.. 4 40 2. " " .. 5 30 3. " " .. 6 20 4. " " .. 7 50 " " Cong's, 10 50 1. All Ivory 4 50 2. " 5 40 3. " 6.40 4. " 8 10 " Congress 12 40 Ivory Pencils. 1. Long $8 00 2. " 7 00 1. Short 6 00 2. " 5 00 NO. PEK DOZ. 3. Short $3 50 4. " 3 00 Army 1 50 "Wood Pencils. Long Ivory Point, red p. gro., $23 00 Short " " " 23 00 " " blaclc... " 23 00 " Wood Point, " ... " 17 00 " " red " 17 00 Blacli Army " 13 00 Cedar Army " 13 00 Draughtsmen. No. 1 per set, $5 75 2 " 5 00 3 " 4 00 4 " 3 25 5 " 2 75 6 " 2 00 7 " 1 60 Dice. No. per 100, $0 95 1 " 1 10 2 " 1 30 3 " 1 50 4 " 2 00 6 " 2 50 6. . " 3 10 7 " 3 50 8 " 4 25 Miscellaneous. No. 1. Dominoes %\ 75 2. " 3 60 Flour Triers. Wood Folders. 36 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIS! OF STATIONERY. EllDAMi fllEMOMIflES. »= i^'^^. warranted! I WARRANTCO 7 inch per doz., $5 00 8 " " 5 50 10 " " 6 50 12 " " 8 00 Mantle, Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Per doz.. 124 00 $24 00 $22 00 $20 00 $18 00 Add 50 cts. per doz., net, to above for Ruby Tubes. FANCY. 8 inch Mahogany per doz., $8 50 10 " " 10 " Rosewood 6 " Union Frame, Riiliy. Q U U (I i( lA a u (( i( Window Thermometer " 9 50 " 11 00 10 50 12 50 " 15 00 " 30 00 p©if-®iiiii iiAiiii. No. 1, weighing 9 ounces each, $3 00 No. 2, weighing 16 ounces each, $4 50 D. APPLETON & GO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 37 RUBBER GOODS. ■ ELASTIC BANDS AND RINGS. FEB GROBB. Light, 3^ inch $175 % " 2 25 " 1 " 3 25 " m " 4 75 No. 0, 1^ " 100 " 1^ " 2 00 " % " 2 50 No. 00,. }i " 125 % " 2 25 " ^l " 3 00 No. 000, M " 150 " % " 2 50 " 3^ " 3 50 No.OOOO, ^ " 1 75 }4 " 2 75 " % " 4 00 No. 30, Ys " 70 31, Ys " 80 32, Yi " 90 33, Yi " 1 00 51, Ys " *0 ASSORTED BANDS. No. 0, Assorted Widtlis |1 70 00, " 2 00 000, " 2 30 J^ inch, Assorted Lengths 1 50 J^ " " 2 60 ^ " " 3 60 14 " " Nest Boxes 1 70 RUBBER RINGS. No. l,Light $1 75 2, " 1 25 3, " 75 50 40 1, Heavy 3 00 2, " 2 00 3, " 1 00 42 1 00 43 1 25 44 1 50 45 2 00 42, 44, and 45, assorted, in one bo.x 1 50 8 per great gross, 1 25 10 " " 1 75 11 " ". 1 75 14 " "" 2 25 16 " " 2 50 18.. " " 3 00 19 " " 3 00 20 " " 2 50 Election Rings per 1,000, 75 RED AROMATIC BANDS. No. 0, l^inch $1 10 " J^ " 2 20 % " 2 75 No. 00, 14 " 140 " 1^ " 2 50 " % " 3 SO PER GROBB. No. 000, 14 inch $1 65 " 1^ " 2 75 " % " 3 90 No. 51, 1^ " 45 30,]^ " 80 31, Yz " 90 32, Ys " 1 00 33, % s 1 10 RED AROMATIC RINGS. No. 42 SI 00 43 1 25 44 1 50 45 2 00 Assorted .' 1 75 VARIEGATED BANDS. No. 0, 1^ inch, Striped $3 50 0, 3^ " Cross Striped 3 50 00, % " Striped 4 50 00, % " Cross Striped 4 50 000, % " Striped. ., 5 25 000,1^ " Cross Striped 6 25 VARIEGATED RINGS. No. 45, Cross Striped $2 75 2, Light Cross Striped 2 75 2, Light Striped 2 25 3, " 1 75 INKSTANDS. BLACK. RED. PER DOZEN. No. 2, Pocket Inkstands $3 00 §3 50 3 3 50 4 00 4 4 00 4 50 6, Desk 4 50 5 00 6 5 50 6 00 PENCILS. RED. BLACK. PER DOZEN. Penholder, No. 1 $2 75 $2 25 " 2 3 00 2 50 " 3 3 25 2 75 " 4, Reverse 6 00 4 50 " 5 5 50 5 00 " Y 6 00 5 60 5, with Caps 6 50 6 00 " 7, " 7 00 6 50 " Slide 30 00 27 00 Propellers and Reverse Penholders, No. 1 9 76 2 9 76 Reverse Propellers and Penholders, 3 11 25 " " 4 11 75 " 6 11 75 Propelling Pencils, No. 00 5 00 5 60 " 1 6 00 '< 2 6 50 '< 3 6 50 38 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. muBBEm (^Q)@)® -(Continued.) ^ubto '%tv, irn^ |ciicjl ^m%. No. 1, 2. 1, 2, 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. GOLD MOUNTED. Patent Screw Pencils, Eubber Heads. PER DOZ. .$18 00 " " " 21 00 " " " Red.. 21 00 " " " " .. . 24 00 " " Gold Heads 24 00 " " " 27 00 " " " ...... 36 00 " " Red.. 27 00 " " " " .. 30 00 " " " " . . 39 00 Double Slide Pen and Pencil Cases 38 00 " " " 40 00 " " " 45 00 42 00 44 00 48 00 42 00 .... 48 00 52 00 Red. 45 00 Red. 1. " 2 u u u tl Q u u (( a 1. Patent Screw Pencil & Slide Pen Cases . 2. " " " 3. *' " *' 1 (£ U (( 2 " II i( Q a tt u 52 00 55 00 SIXTEEN CAEAT PENS FOE ABOVE. No. 1 per doz., $7 00 Prices vary with the price of gold. 13 50 10 00 ^lUrtaii's fiitcnt ^^i\^ Sljwts. Very durable, and far superior to Oiled Paper Sheets. Size, 9x11 per doz. sheets, net cash, $1 50 "10x12 " " 1 75 "10x14 " " 2 00 "15x20 " " 4 75 |^,lkrt0n's |;ittnt ®attr-|t00f (2Eiibtb)jts. No. 5. Size, 3 X 5^ in 6. " 3ix Gi " 8. " 3ix 7i " 9. " 3|x 8i " 10. " 4 x 9i " 12. " 4ixl0| " 14. " 4ixlli " India Rubber Cement, for Sealing the Envelopes, in Phials per doz., net cash prices per 100, $5 60 " " 6 00 6 50 " " 7 00 " " 8 00 " 9 00 10 00 1 75 (&m\mx Stationers' ^lubbtr. White, 4, 8, 12, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to the pound per lb., $ Native Virgin Gum " Black Artists' Gum per box. Ink Eraser per 100 pieces, Patent Erasing Pencil-Heads per gro.ss. At lowest market rates. RULERS. Pat. Flexible. Per Doz. Flat. Per Doz. Round. Per Doz. 9 inch $4 50 5 00 5 75 6 50 7 50 9 00 12 00 15 00 $4 50 5 00 5 75 6 50 7 50 9 00 12 00 15 00 10 " 12 " $5 00 14 " 16 " 6 50 ■ 6 00 18 " 6 50 21 " 24 " PIMK T^FM ©M -iFQ)©!* No. 12-11 Gold, per doz., |0 70 24-11. 36-11. 72-1 1 . 12-13. 24-13. 36-13. 72-13. 12-17. 24-17. 36-17. 72-17. 12-19. 24-19. 1 20 1 70 3 15 75 1 30 1 85 3 50 85 1 50 2 10 4 no 90 1 70 No. 36-1!) Gold, per doz., $2 40 72-19. 12-21. 24-21 . 36-21 . 72-21 . 12-23. 24-23. 36-23. 72-23. 12-25. 24-25. 36-25. 72-25 . 4 50 " 95 1 80 2 50 4 75 1 00 1 90 2 70 6 25 1 10 2 00 2 90 " 5 50 The first two figures of the number designate the yards on each spool ; the last two figures the width of the tape. D. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 39 BOARD CLIPS. Cap, Brass per doz., $7 75 Letter, Brass " 6 75 Note, Brass " 5 75 Cap, Iron .^^ per doz., |7 25 Letter, Iron " 6 25 Note, Iron " 5 25 Discount, 15 Per Cent. COPYING BRUSHES. {CEDAR HANDLES, FIRST QUALITY) lililiii / li inolies wide per doz., $3 00 2 " " 4 00 21- " " 5 00 3 " " 6 00 SI, iiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiii 3^ inches wide per doz., $8 00 4 " " 10 00 4^ " " 12 00 5 " " 14 00 CONGRESS TIE ENVELOPES. Nob. 8 . 8i. 9 . 10 . Plat. $0 25 25 30 35 }i inch. $0 40 45 50 55 1 inchT $0 50 55 60 65 \}4 inch. $0 60 65 70 75 Nos. 11.. 12.. 14.. Plat. K inch. 1 inch. 1^ inch $0 40 $0 60 $0 70 $0 80 45 70 80 90 50 80 90 1 00 Tlie above are prices per dozen. 40 Z>. APPLETOJSr cfc CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. ^K^^^ tOliO^^. Extra. In fine Oiled Walnut Boxes, Lock and Key, containing 24 large size Colors, furnished with 4 large Color Cups and Fine Brushes per doz., $33 00 No. 18. A. 1. In fine Oiled Walnut Boxes, good fastenings, containing 24 Colors, regular size, with 3 Color Cups, Brush, Pencil, and fine Illuminated Show Card " No. 18. B. 2. In fine JIaliogany Boxes, with fastenings, containing 24 Colors, regular size, with 4 Color Cups, Brush and Pencil " No. 18. In fine White-wood Boxes, with fastenings, containing 24 Colors, regular size, with 2 Color Cups and Brush " 10 80 21 00 15 00 IN SLIDma TOP, MAHOGANY, AND WHITE-WOOD BOXES. No. 11. Mahogany Boxes, containing 24 Colors, with 4 Color Cups and Brush per dozen, $9 00 12. t( 13. u 14. IC 15. u 16. I( 17. (( 19. White-wood Boxes, 20. (t 21. (( 22. (( 23. £VOk,>i\."' * 'W «c\c.v ^o\,ovs. 1 2 in box per dozen, $5 25 1 24 in box 18 " " 7 00 .per dozen, $8 00 ^\'0\Xr>£V ^o\.OV&. 12 in box per gross, $22 50 18 " " 33 00 24 in box per gross, $42 00 VvOcCYWC ^OXOVS. 6 in box per gross, $5 75 12 " " 8 25 18 in box per gross, $10 60 24 " " 12 50 B. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 41 SWH W '® JOSEPH GILLOTT'S. No. 1 (box).. 163 " .. 1G4 " .. 166 " .. 170 " .. C1I9 " .. 290 (cards) 290(bo.v).. Price. $136 1 78~ 1 86 96 96 1 73 6 67 5 00 No. 291 (cards). 291 (box)... 292 293 294 303 332 351 Price. 16 67 5 00 63 68 68 1 36 1 78 82 No. 852 (box) 353 " 390 " 404 " 417 " 604 " i gross 659 CrowquiU . . 616 Gilt $0 82 82 68 68 68 96 6 07 2 60 BARREL PENS. No. Price. No. Price. No. Price. 2G2(grros9box).. 289 (doz. box) . . . 392(sros8box).. $2 16 2 60 1 60 263 (doz, box)... ,227 288 $5 76 4 20 5 76 808 (doz. box)... 803 (cards) 840 (doz. box)... $8 33 18 00 2 60 SECOND SERIES. STAMP — "JosEpn Gillott, Biemingbam." No. Price. No. Price. No. Price. 729 $0 43 48 43 748 $0 41 41 751 $0 41 730 750 752 41 731 910 50 WILLIAMS & PACKARD'S. D. APrLETON <£ CO., Sole Agents. No. 1. College Pen per gross, $0 75 2. Ladies' Pen " 75 3. School Pen " 75 4. Bank Pen " 75 Electro-plated Pen " 150 D. APPLETON & CO.'S BUSINESS AND SCHOOL PENS. p. GE093. Albata SO 40 Bank 40 Falcon 40 Elastic 40 Combination 40 Quill 40 305 40 p. GROSS. Commercial $0 40 Index 40 Amalgam 40 Reservoir 40 Republican 40 170 40 404 40 QUILL PENS. No. Italian per doz., $3 00 Large " 4 75 Office per doz., $6 00 Congress " 12 00 HARRISON, BRADFORD . 1. Bank & CO.'S. 2. Guitar (( 52 7. Perrvan t( 50 11. Elastic It 60 13. Shell t< 50 14. " (( 50 15. H. & B. Commercial 16. Public (C 44 36 17. Antique 18. French Bowl it tc 55 60 19. Fountain t( 52 20. Circular Pointed u 52 21. Club tt 55 22. Falcon {( 65 23. Index u 50 24. Circular Slit u 55 25. Railroad 26. Spear Point it 55 62 26. Extra Galvanized tt 70 27. Concave Bead (t 65 28. College 11 65 29. Favorite t( 60 30. Classical ^. a 10 31. Circular Slit u 55 32. Republican if 65 S3. Star Bowl 34. Quill 60 50 (t 55 36. Mercantile 37. Gilt, extra fine 4( 50 70 38F. Aluminum 38M. " U 55 55 39B, " t( 55 40 Star Bank (( 55 41. Correspondence 75. Anti-Corrosive 55 80 79. School 81. Commercial 81bis. " (1 u 36 38 38 81G. " (( 50 82 Albata « 38 83. Knickerbocker 84. Union School 85 Music . . . . . 36 30 55 86. Great Western (t 60 87. Pacific Falcon 88. Steamboat 89 Telegraph u 46 60 70 101. Correspondent's 1 70 Ladies' (( 65 50 <( 55 333. Extra fine.. u 52 404 Bead u 46 505. Book-keeper, 1 gross boxes tt 80 1 00 507 Eugene, extra fine t( 1 00 606. Le"al (( 75 42 D. APPLETON & CO.'S TEABE LIST OF STATIONERY. MABIE, TODD & CO.'S COLD PENS AND PENCIL CASES. Short mbs. 2. 1. Barrel Pens. Gold Pens. 18 CARAT—" EXCELSIOR." No. 5. Stamped Mabie, Todd & Co. g_ )' 11 u It IG CARAT. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Stamped "Levi Brown." 14 CARAT. Kos. 1, 2, 3, 4, .5, 6, 7, and 8. Stamped Mabie, Todd & Co. Also, 10, 8, and 6 Carat Pens. Silver Goods. EXTENSION CASES. 5. Nos. 1, 2, S, 4, 5, G, and 7, with Pencil. 6. 4. 5. No3. 4, 5, and 6, without Pencil. TOP EXTENSION CASES. 6. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, with Pencil. 7. ABIE j ;pD04cj 1 VORI T Hi A t^ il \ ra im m a "^ 1 ^''' 1 u - Long Nibs, 14 c. Gold-Plated Desk-Holders. No. 1. Gold Plate and Ebony Folio Holder. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. 6. 6. 7. 4. Desk Holder. Slide, Screw, and Ivory Z>. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 43 »1» 'fl 13 DESCRIPTION. FiKures 1 and 2 represent the mechanism of the Pen and Pencil-Fig. 1 is the Pen, consisting of three hollow tubes- the outer is the case, and has a straight slot for extending the same, pivoted to Tube A. The Tubes A and B rotate' on pivot C which is attached to the usual shaped point, and forms the centre of two wom-shaped slots, for sliding the Pencil out and in. Fig. 2 simply shosvs the tubes A and B separated, so as to more clearly represent the slots. No. 1. D'ble Slide, 14 c. Case, Die Stone Head and Ring. 3. Patent 14 c. Eeverse Case, Screw Pencil, Round En. T'd. 3. Do. do. do. Round Eng'd. 4. Do. 4. Do. do. do. do. do. En. T'd. Eng'd. 14 CARAT GOLD PATENT PENCILS. No. 1. Patent 14 c. Pencil, Round, En. T'd. 1. " " " Fluted, " 1. " " " " Eng'd. 1. " " " Round, " 2. " " " " En. T'd. 2. " " " Fluted, " 2. " " " " Eng'd. 2. " " " Round, " 4. Pat. 14 c. Pencil, Round, En. T'd, long I'ge Leads. 4. " " " " Rich Eng'd, " 1. 14 c. Slide Pencil, Tass Head and R 2. " Die Stone He.ad " on bbl. 4. 5. 6. 7. No. 4. Patent 10 c. Case, Fluted, En. T'd. 4. " " " Round " 1. Double Slide, 10 c. Case, Roll Stone Head. u " " " " o II " " " " J a u a a u Above slide goods are Round, Fluted, or Hexagon. 10 CARAT GOLD PENCILS. No. 1. Slide, 10 c. Pencil, Tass Head and Ring. 2 II " " " " 3 a " " Roll Stone Head and Ring on bhl. 4 u u u » " " " g' u u u " " g" u u u ■' » IJ.' il U « I' " " " 10 CARAT GOLD PATENT PENCILS. No. 1. Patent 10 c. Pencils, Fluted, En. T'd. 1. " " " Round, " 2' II " " " " 2. " " " Fluted, " 44 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. MABIE'S PATENT PEN AND PENCIL CASES.-(CoNTmuED.) SILflR B€SK=H@LDER§. No. 1. Silver and Ebony Folio-Holder. 3. (t 4. Desk- 5. 6. 7. 8. 4. Slide, " 5. [( U 6. (t u 4. Screw, " 5. a i( 6. tb (( eQLB CASE?. 18 CAB AT GOLD CASES. No, 1. Mabie's Pat. 18 c. Case, Round, En. T'd. 1. " " " Flnted, 1. " " " " EichEng'd. 1. " " " Ronnd, " 2. " " " " En. T'd. 2. " - " " Fluted, " No. 2. Mabie's Pat. 18 c. Case, Fluted, Rich Eng'd. 2. " " " Round, " 3. " " " " En. T'd. 3, " " " Fluted, " 3, " " " " Rich Eng'd. 3. " " " Round, 4. " " " " En. T'd. 4. " " " Fluted, " 4, " " " " Rich Eng'd. 4. " " " Round, " 4. " " " Ex. Heavy, " 4. " " " " En. T'd. 18 CARAT GOLD PENCILS. No. 1. Mabie's Pat. 18 c. Screw Pencil, Round, En. T'd. " " " Fluted, " 1. 1. 1. 2. 2, 2. 2. 4. " Rich Eng'd. Round, " En. T'd. Fluted, " " Rich Eng'd. Round, " En. T'd, long, Large Leads. 4. Mabie's Pat. 18 c. Screw Pencil, Round, Rich Eng'd, long, large Leads. RULERS. febong. r. DOZ. IN. Flat--9, 13, 15, 18, 21, and 24 inches $0 20 Round— 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 inches 25 Octagon— 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 inches 25 TEK DOZ. Parallel Rulers, 14, 16, and 18 inches % O. G.'s Mahogany Rulers, 15 inches O. G.'s Ebony Rulers, 15 inches Common Flat, 1^ inch wide, 12 and 15 inches. ... 50 Graduated, J inch wide, 12 and 15 inches 50 Ira. Ebony, Ij- inch wide, 12, 15, and 18 inches. . . 2 00 Combination Box Ruler, for holding Pens, Holders, &c., with Graduated Slide Top 2 00 Flat Cherry or Mahogany Rulers, assorted lengths. FOR RUBBER RULERS, SEE RUBBER LIST. aitly Jttboirf ifilts. ^^iptnan's WtHtx No. of SIZE. Leaves. 9 Xll 250 9 xl2 500 10 xl2 250 10 xl2 500 9 xl3 250 9 X13 500 8ix 9 250 9 xl5 250 9 xl5 500 7 xll 250 7 xll 500 12ixl7| 250 12JX17J 500 11 xl5 .^50 11 xl5 500 6x9 250 ^mprobeb |iaiIroab anb ^ill Milt. No. 1. Size, 8} x 3^ inches per doz., $3 60 2. " 8i x 3} " " 4 20 3. " 9^x4 " " 4 20 A Kheral Discount to the Trade, Paper Sides. Cloth Sides Per Doz. Per Doz. $8 00 $9 60 15 00 16 00 8 00 9 60 15 00 16 00 8 00 9 60 15 00 16 00 9 60 12 00 18 00 7 00 8 80 20 00 26 40 12 65 20 00 7 00 B. APPLETON' <& CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 45 *fi®es of f iilM^ ami W«iitag Oaris, In Dozens of 600 (13 Packs of 51 Cards each), Fancy Boxes, Wrappers, and Sands. f No. JH No. 3X No. 3 No. 2 REGULAR ^CALE OF siZE^ OF {Other sizes promptly cut to order.) No. 1 No. 7 No. t. SIZES. No. 1 . . . Eegular. " 2 "24 " 3 " 34 "4 " 4i " 54- No. 20 . . Oblong. " 21 " 22 " 23 " 24 No. 20 . Medium. " 27 " 28 " 29 ■ " 30 No. A. . Square. " B " " D Fine Bris- tol Board. Fine 3 Slieet Bris- tol Board BB. $1 12 1 20 1 40 1 50 1 60 1 70 1 80 2 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 25 2 1 75 60 2 00 2 20 2 50 2 80 2 25 3 00 3 50 4 00 $1 50 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 12 2 25 2 50 2 75 1 60 1 80 2 50 3 00 3 80 2 00 2 70 2 90 3 50 3 60 2 75 3 75 4 00 4 76 Superfine Bristol Board XX. $1 50 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 12 2 25 2 50 2 75 1 60 1 80 2 50 3 00 3 80 2 00 2 70 2 90 3 50 3 60 2 75 3 75 4 00 4 75 Snper 3 Extra Super Bain- Bain- Superline Sliect Bris- Bristol bridge brid<:;e Double tol Board Wedding Bristol Bristol Enamel XXB. XXBB. Thin. Thick. $2 62 BXB. $1 60 $1 60 $1 75 $2 12 1 80 2 00 2 50 3 00 1 80 2 00 2 25 3 00 3 50 2 00 2 25 2 75 3 60 4 00 2 25 2 50 3 00 4 00 4 50 2 50 2 60 3 25 4 25 5 00 2 60 2 75 3 50 4 50 5 25 2 75 3 00 4 00 5 50 6 00 3 00 1 80 2 00 2 50 3 00 1 80 2 25 2 50 3 25 3 75 2 25 2 75 3 75 5 00 5 50 2 75 a 50 4 50 6 00 6 75 3 50 4 25 6 00 8 00 9 00 4 25 2 25 3 00 4 00 4 50 2 25 3 00 4 00 5 25 6 00 3 00 3 25 4 50 6 00 6 75 3 25 3 75 5 00 6 50 7 50 8 75 4 00 6 00 8 00 9 00 4 00 3 25 3 75 5 00 5 50 3 25 4 25 4 75 6 25 7 00 4 25 5 00 5 50 7 25 8 25 5 00 5 50 6 50 8 50 9 75 5 50 Fil de linge Cartes de Yisite. $1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 60 2 75 3 00 1 80 2 25 2 75 3 50 4 25 2 25 3 00 3 25 3 75 4 00 3 25 4 25 5 00 5 50 46 D. APPLETON <& CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. i cd CO f^ O w K \ < I < CO 3 ^ ft rt Ph ^ I t < ii n » Mi 3B o e si s S o It 9 e o 9 e §1 2t2 i 9 9 9 9» 9 1 an 9 9 IS <=>S o p ^ «a< «» 'A It sB E5 s'° ' p' 23 Is gg g§ §§ wT M • < o , M s w , " ij Oh gS o« Ss gpu, HM §■§ d 05 f.1 «» o OH ^^ H«< Is hH All Qualities and Colors of Card Board on hand, or promptly to order, of any desired size. ON HAND, SHEETS AND CARDS FOR Collar Makers, Button Manufacturers, Engravers, Album Manufacturers, Show-Card Manufacturers, Lithographers, Bookbinders, Stationers, Photographers, ETC. ETC., ETC- t-l ■ e 1 « S •M a m ■a X » .3 ji H it s 3 2 s OB s a S 2 .2 Ji a n 2 £ i J S ' r: IS i * s a H a. : 2 i a : s a ■ H a s 3, a X » s a s • H a a a a V S a h s. s 1 V 8 a i a S a 1 a 1 n "3 M h n « a e h 3 » fa N ft V fa 1 a' a •s g e ll 5 1 a ie i • • • 1 SI OT w| s! «S • OS © SJ eo ' D © S « IS • IS IS Sl • © © • »9 « « © © SJ © © •s © r- © si ls © © •s © ^ [ r © - es © s5 o iS sJ © © -I SI S • • M 95 © o eo « © Sl © « IS IS © Sl si © IS OS ^|us iS ee (© ? • • SI >s SI © © « SJ i-I si e lis SI* © SI © c © • SI ' 2 IS S SI >! es e es IS si IS OS © c © ■»!■ © IS © c c si OS OS *[es 5 -f H 1-H © cr. • 1—1 © © • ■ © rH © SI SI © « us S 1-H 1- 5 © ■S lS H Sl >s si © © si ^ si © © OS © « © >s ©! © ^j si sl.s •s si o i > lis S SI • csl© 1-H w^ "+1 •* © © s! 1-H H » IS - SI ■I si © si IS I-- FH ■s si © si © IS es is!© 03| 1- © ©5 si 9 © 1- -t •i si ^^ ^ • • SI © • SI 1-H es © I'- *-H © (X. IS 4 SI • S 5S S S5 © si © HH si si ©!«!© © ! «S j SJ eo^ o;| T^ si :?'© MjSl ^ s © SI © 1— I SJ © © © •■ SI ■> 1-H T ■H © * St • • — 1-H IS SJ si © © fH ©j© Sli Sl C OS OS >s © ft S Sl si si -HIM ' CO ' 5 C • • SI IS SJ © « • © © © 1— t SI i 1-H H s © si « «9 si © si © SJ OS © rH 9 © ■s e ^^ si CO 4 i o • • lis cs • • IS • © © SJ © lO < es « 5 'S vj ts ■H 1-H © ao FH »S Sl FH © lS 1-H iS ^H iS S! si « l* si IS «s « *© Sl|- )■ IS 5 1^ © St • © © us • © • O • © SJ 1—1 c < 5 IS - es 'S © HH © 51 © lS FH si si si • IS < or < M-H- © « 50 >s I-- 1— © «5 © • • ?§ IS SI oc s © © Sl IS IS »s iS < © • s'si Eh S < a a s e a s 8 5 u a u OB e a s a 2 s B a S « s 2 V S h B a n S M > a a S n 3 1 "8 "b £ a a h V s, 3 « 93 S a a s ■8 h a 2 W •M fa fa & Ed 1 a s n en V B B u u B. 3 3 t a a m ia a a Id ■s £ e 1 i a i ! * ' 1 B a I D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 47 Rhoads & Son's. Quarts per doz., $ Pints 8 ounce Cone, Cap and Brush, 8 " Flat, " " 3 " Cone, " " Thaddeus Davids & Co.'s, ' 13 00 Pints ' ' 7 00 No. 1, 8 oz. do. Metallic Cap and Brush, ' 6 00 No. 1, 8 oz. flat 6 00 No. 2, 3 oz. ' 2 00 No. 3, 3 oz. 1 75 8 oz. ' 6 00 Bill Stickers', 3 oz. ' 1 50 Williams & Packard's Excelsior. D, APPLETON <& CO., Sole Agents. Quarts per doz., $13 50 Pints " 7 00 Mat Stands. 3 oz per doz., $2 25 8 02 " 7 00 Cone Stands. 'A oz per doz., $2 25 8oz " 7 00 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. Stickwell's Extra Adhesive, Gallon Jugs per doz., $48 00 Quarts " 15 00 Pints " 8 00 8 oz., Cap and Brush per doz. Cones, 7 50 3 oz., " " " " 2 50 Stickwell's Amber Colored. Gallon Jugs per doz., $45 00 Quarts - " 12 00 Pints " 7 00 8 oz. Cap and Brush " B 00 3 oz. " " " 2 00 PES CENT, DISCOUNT. Carter's Mucilage. Stephens's Copying Ink. Quarts per doz., gold, $8 00 Pints " " 4 25 Half Pints " " t> Rhoads & Son's Writing Ink. Quarts per doz., $5 00 Pints V " 2 75 Half Pints " 2 00 Two ounce : -per gross, 6 00 One " " 4: 60 Antoine P^re et Fils' Violet Ink. Quarts per doz., gold, $6 75 Pints " " 4 50 Half Pints " " 2 50 48 Z>. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LI&T OF STATIONERY. 11^ H S — (CoNTmUED.) Williams & Packard's Excelsior Inks, MANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY FOR THE CHAIN OF COLLEGES. D. APPLETON & CO., Sole Agents. IN PACKAGE. PER DOZ. 3 doz. Black and Blue Writing Inks, 2 oz. Stands, $0 75 2 " " " " 4 oz. Bottles, 1 25 1 " " " " 8 oz. ", 2 00 1 " " " " Pint " 3 50 1 " " " " Quart " 6 00 Fluid, 2 oz 80 " 4oz 2 00 " 8 oz 3 00 " Pints 5 00 " Quarts 8 00 Carmine, 1 oz. Cork, 1 doz. packages .... 2 00 " 1 oz. Glass Stopper, 1 " 3 50 " 2 oz. " 1 " .... 4 50 " 4 oz. " \ " 8 00 " 8oz. " i " ....10 50 FANCY INK, Green, Purple, Mauve, and Crim- son, in 1 oz. Bottles 1 50 These Colors are very bright and permanent. Discount, 20 per cent. ARNOLD'S FLUID. Quarts per doz., gold, $4 75 Pints " " 2 90 Half Pints " " 140 4oz " " 90 Cones " " 50 Crimson Fluid " " Arnold's Copying Ink. Quarts per doz., gold, $9 00 Pints " " 5 00 Half Pints " " 3 00 Guyot's French Violet Ink. Quarts per doz., gold, $6 50 Pints " " 3 50 Half-pints " " 2 25 THADDEUS DAVIDS & CO.'S BLACK WRITING INK AND FLUID. Blacki&BlueWritinglnk, Octagon Stands.. p. doz., $0 75 " 4 oz. bottles " " 6 oz. " " " 8 oz. " " " Pint " " " Quart " " i Gal. " . . . . " " 1 Gal. " . . . . " Limpid Writing Fluid, Stone Stands " " " 8 oz. Stone Bottles, " " " Pint " " Quart " " iGal. " " 1 Gal. " " 8 oz. " " Pint " , " Quart " " 4 oz. Bottles " " 8 oz. " " " Pint " " Carmine Writing Ink, 1 oz. Draped Stands, " No. 1. 1 oz. Rich Flint Glass " 2. 2 oz. " " " " Ground Stoppers, " Copying Ink, Japan Ink, 1 25 1 50 2 00 3 50 6 00 12 00 24 00 1 00 3 00 4 50 8 00 15 00 30 00 3 00 5 00 9 00 4 00 8 00 12 00 2 00 2 50 3 50 3 50 5 00 8 00 15 00 2^ 00 48 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 1. 1 oz. " 3. 2 oz. " " " " 4. 4oz. " " " " 5. 8 oz. " " " " Pints, " " " " Quarts, " " " " Red Writing Ink, 1 oz " 2 oz " Black and Blue Writing Ink, on Draught, .p. gal.. Limpid Writing Fluid, " . . " Carmine Ruling Ink, for Binders' use p. doz., 15 00 Extra Blue " " " 12 00 Marking Ink p. gal., 1 00 " Pints p. doz., 2 50 " Quarts " 4 00 " iGal " 7 50 " Gallon Cans " 15 00 Ink Powder, superior Black p. gro., 15 00 " second quality " 12 00 " superior Red " 20 00 Salts of Lemon, for removing Stains, &c. ..p. doz., 1 25 Lemon Acid " 1 50 Stamping Ink, Red, Blue, and Black, 2 oz. Flint Phials, Ground Stoppers " 8 00 Stamping Ink, Red, Blue, and Black, 1 oz. Flint Pliials, Ground Stoppers " 4 00 Pounce, in ^ oz. Flint Bottles " 1 25 Court Plaster, Black or Flesh Color p. gro., 4 00 Guyot's French Carmine. 1 oz. Bottles per 100, gold, % J). APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 49 .sraiSE T&Q -FANCY STYLES. No. 33s. 36s. 37s. 38s. 39s. 40s. 41s. 42s. 43s. 44s. 45s. 46s. 47s. 48s. 63s. 64s. 65s. 66s. 67s. 68s. 69s. 70s. 71. 72. .per 1,000, $1 75 | No. 1 40 quality . .per 1,000, $6 75 No. 73. 1st quality u U 5 50 74. 41 u U 5 00 75. 11 a u 7 50 76. 11 a (( 4 50 77. 11 u u 3 75 78. 11 a u 6 75 80. 11 u u 3 00 81. 11 u u 2 50 83. It u u 5 25 84. 11 u (( 2 75 86. 11 u LI. 6 00 87. 11 a u 3 25 88. 11 (( (t 4 25 89. 11 u a 2 25 91. 11 ii. u 2 25 92. 11 u a 4 25 203. 2(i quality u 11 4 00 204. 11 u u 3 50 232s. 11 ii. u 3 00 236s. 11 (( u 3 25 239s. 11 u (( 2 75 242s. 11 t( (( 1 75 243s. It u (( 1 75 333s. 3d quality 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 75 75 1 75 336s. 3(1 quality. 337s. " 338s. " 339s. " 340s. " 341s. " 342s. " 343s. " 344s. " 345s. " 346s. " 347s. " 348s. " 363s. " 364s. " 367s. " 368s. " 369s. " 870s. " 371. 372. " 373. " 376. " per 1,000, $3 25 2 87 " 4 25 2 50 " 2 12 " 3 75 " 1 75 " 1 50 " 2 75 " 1 75 " 3 25 " 2 00 " 2 37 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 37 " 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 00 " 1 00 1 00 " 1 00 ^W^ITHOXJT sTRiisras No. 33. 1st quality. .per 1,000, $5 50 No. 50. 1st quality. .per 1,000, $4 00 No. 233. 2(i quality. .per 1,000, $3 25 36. 11 . " 4 00 51. . " 5 00 236. . " 2 50 37. 11 . " 3 50 52. . " 2 50 237. . " 2 25 38. 11 . " 6 00 53. . " 4 00 239. . " . 2 00 39. 11 . " 3 00 54. . " 1 50 240. . " 1 50 40. It . " 2 37 55. . " 2 50 242. " . " 1 00 41. 11 . " 5 25 63. . " 75 243. " . " 75 42. 11 . " 1 75 64. . " 87 250. " . " 2 50 43. It . . " 1 25 65. . " 2 00 252. " . " 1 75 44. It . " 3 75 66. . " 2 00 254. " . " 1 12 45. 11 .. " 1 50 68. . " 1 00 263. " . " 62 46. 11 . . " 4 50 70. . " 75 266. " . " 1 00 47. It .. " 2 CO 100. . " 1 20 270. . " 62 48. It .. " 2 87 102. . " 1 20 290. " . " 30 No. 20 per M., $6 00 30 40 50 60 •• 70 80 , 100 7 25 " 12 00 " 16 80 " 24 00 " 31 50 " 42 00 " 48 00 50 D. APPLETON 4: CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. "Biti^m iMMt ©f Safe©©! Slmt#g« Distinguishing Letter. D — Square Frames, Eound Comers and Oval Edges, or New Oval. Sizes. Price per Doz. Doz. in Case. Price per Case. 4x6 $1 30 24 $3J 20 5x7 1 60 18 27 00 6x9 2 10 12 25 20 61^x10 2 20 12 26 40 7 xll 2 40 10 24 00 8 Xl2 2 90 8 23 20 9 Xl3 3 50 6 21 00 91^x14 4 80 5 24 00 CONTENTS OF ASSORTED CASES. Sizes. 6x7 6x9 6^x10 Txll 8x12 9x18 Per Case. No. 1. 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 Doz. $28 00 22 40 LOG AND COUNTIira-HOUSE SLATES, Round Corners, or Letter C. Sizes of Lo? and Count- One Dozen in Case. ing-House. Log. Counting-llouse. 5x7 $6 25 6x9 $8 25 6 87 61^ X 10 10 00 7 75 7 xll 10 20 8 28 (,% X 14 10 84 8 90 8 Xl2 12 58 10 68 7 xl5 13 65 11 75 9 xl3 15 00 12 75 8 xl6 15 00 12 75 91^ X 14 15 37 13 00 9 xl8 21 66 19 15 11 xl6 21 66 19 15 12 xl8 29 30 25 50 Distinguishing Letters. E — Loclte's Oval Oalc Frames, Young's Patent. F — Locke's New Style, Shenton's Patent. C — Wire bound, Round Corners, La Bar's Patent. Sizes. Price per Doz. Doz. in Case. Price per Case. 6x7 |1 80 18 $32 40 6x9 2 30 12 27 60 (,% X 10 2 44 12 29 28 7 xll 2 76 10 27 60 8 xl2 3 06 8 24 48 9 xl3 3 82 6 22 92 91^x14 6 04 5 25 20 11 x!6 7 80 3 23 40 12 xl8 8 92 3 26 76 CONTENTS OF ASSORTED CASES. Sizes. 5x7 6x9 6>xl0 7xn'8xl2 9x13 Per Case. No. 1. 2. 2 2 4y 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 Doz. $29 75 29 40 LOa AND COUNTING-HOUSE SLATES, New Style, or Letter F. Sizes of Loff and Count- One Dozen in Case. ing-IIouse. Log. Counting-House. 5x7 $8 65 $6 20 6x9 9 50 7 15 61^x10 10 50 7 65 7 xll 11 45 8 60 8 Xl2 13 85 11 00 7 xl5 14 90 12 00 9 xl3 16 25 13 00 8 xl6 16 25 13 00 91^x14 17 20 14 00 11 xl6 25 00 22 00 12 xl8 32 50 27 75 FBICE LIST OF CHALLENGE NOISELESS, With Rubber Corners. Sizes. Doz. in Case. Price per Doz. Price per Case. 6x 9 7x11 8x12 12 10 8 $3 25 3 70 4 00 $39 00 37 00 32 00 CONTENTS OF ASSORTED CASES. 3 dozen, 6x 9 4 " 7x11 ;-$37 00 3 " 8x12 PATENT EULEE SLATE. Sizes. Doz. in Case. Price per Doz. Price per Case. 6x 9 7x11 8x12 6 4 4 $3 50 4 25 4 50 $21 00 17 00 18 00 CONTENTS OF ASSORTED CASES. 1 dozen, 6 x 9 3 " 7x11 [• per case, $25 25 2 " 8x12 Uelville's New 7ork School Drawing Slates. Sizes Doz. in Case Price per Doz. Price per Case. 6x9 12 $3 50 $42 00 AKEBICAN SOAP-STONE SLATE PENCILS. 4 inch, in bo.\es, in cases of 10 M per M., $3 50 5 " " " " " 4 50, 6 " " " " " 6 00 6 " pointed, " " " D. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIOJSTEBY. 51 Nos. 0. Price.. $1 25. tf4aiA& WA 1. 2. 1 50. $1 15. 3. 4. I Nos. 5. 6. 00. $2 25. I Price $2 50. $2 75. * 6 ?. 8. 5 00. $3 50. tf4&tA& SlA&i J) e Any size or color, from No. 00 to 6 $1 50 1. 1. 4iriiiiLiL'i mmummm'^^mM iMiti No. 1 per doz., $6 00 2 " 12 00 3 " 36 00 ISTo. 4 per doz., $48 00 5 " 60 00 Discount 25 per cent. 52 B. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. EllIiIIH-Wll. THADDEUS DAVIDS & GO.'S. PES LB. Coranion Bottle Wax, red and black, 10 sticks $0 20 Superior " red, green, yellow, and black, 10 sticks .' 30 Fine German Wax, red, in wrappers, 20 sticks. ... 50 Fine London, red and black, in boxes, 20 sticks. : . 60 Green Package Wax, in wrapper, 20 sticks 60 London Superfine, red & black, in boxe^ 20 sticks, 80 Extra Superfine London, red and black, in boxes, 4, 10, 20, and 40 sticks 1 00 Superfine Irish Harp, 4 and 20 sticks 1 00 U. S. Post-office, red, 10 and 20 sticks 1 10 American Express, red and blue, 4 and 8 sticks.. .. 1 10 Royal Victoria, red and black, 20 sticks 1 20 American Congress, red, 10 and 20 sticks 1 20 Bankers' Specie, red, 4 and 8 sticks 1 50 Cabinet, red and black, 40 sticks 2 00 Columbia, red and black, 20 and 24 sticks 1 60 Fancy Tinted, perfumed, assorted colors in boxes, 20 sticks 1 50 Fancy Tinted, perfumed, assorted colors, in boxes, 40 sticks 2 00 Spangled, perfumed, assorted colors, in boxes, 40 sticks 2 00 Royal Blue, perfumed, assorted colors, in ^ lb. boxes, 40 sticks 2 00 Bridal White, perfumed, assorted colors, in ^ lb. boxes, 40 sticks 2 00 Light Tints, perfumed, in J lb. boxes, 40 sticks .... 2 00 Tlie following Sealing-icax, extra hard, expressly prepared for Tropical Climates : Heraldy, Scarlet, in boxes, 10 and 20 sticks 2 00 Hardest India, Scarlet, in boxes, 10 and 20 sticks.. 1 60 Tropical, Scarlet, in boxes, 20 sticks 1 30 Sealing-wax of any color, quality, style, or price, made to order. GEO. WATERSTON & SON'S (EDINBURGH) FRIZE MEDAL. Letter Sealing-wax. In Sticks of 4's, 8's, lO's, 20's, and 40's. Exhibition Prize Red per lb., %\ 93 Royal Scarlet " 1 65 No. 1. Red " 1 38 3. " " 1 10 5. " " 83 8. " " 55 Exhibition Black " 1 38 No. 3. Black " 75 India Letter Wax " 1 80 Finest Fancy, assorted colors " 2 75 No. 1. Green, Drug 40's " 75 Parcelling. No. 10. Red " 55 11. " " 40 12. Brown " 55 13. " " 44 14. " " 35 15. Red or Brown " 30 Bottling. Quality D per cwt., 13 25 " C " 16 50 " B " 27 50 Express. Best Red per lb., 75 Brown " 39 Samples on application. Engra/cers' . Extra Super. Red, for Seal Engravers .... " 2 25 Super, for Door Plates, several colors " 138 Super. Black " 83 WIFIES. f NOTE ) (large NOTE I ( LETTER \ v^ v,^ v_y American Congress, Scarlet, in 1, J, and I lb. Ijoxes per lb., $1 50 Finest London, Scarlet, in 1, i, and J lb. boxes " 125 SuperfineLond., Scarlet, inland J lb. boxes, " 1 00 Fine London, Red, in 1 lb. paper bags " 1 00 White, finest quality, assorted boxes. . " 1 50 Fancy Colored, " " . . " 1 50 Black, " ' " .. " 1 50 Dot size, Scarlet, white, or fancy colored, in boxes per lb., $2 00 Fine, small size boxes per gro., 4 00 " medium " " 6 00 Transparent, Dot and Fancy " 8 00 " Motto, in sheets " 7 00 Ivory, White or Fancy Colored, in J lb. boxes per lb., 1 50 Ivory, in round boxes per doz., 1 00 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 53 MAYNARD & NOYES'S BLACK WRITING INK AND FLUID. BZACK INK. Quarts per doz., net, $6 00 Pints " " 3 50 Half Pints " " 2 00 4: oz " " 1 25 Oones " " 75 WRITING FLUID. Quarts per doz., net, |8 00 Pints " " 4 50 Half Pints " " 3 00 4oz " " 2 25 Cones " " 1 00 CARTER'S COMBINED WRITING AND COPYING INK. Quarts per doz., net, $8 00 Pints " " 5 00 Half-Pints " " 3 00 4 oz per doz., net, $2 00 Cones per gross, " 10 00 CHARLES GOODALL & SON'S (LONDON) a PRIZE MEDAL, LONDON, 1862. SILVER MEDAL, PARIS, 1867. Foolscap Demy . . . Medium . Royal . . . Two-Sheet. |8 75 13 75 18 33 23 75 Three-Sheet. $13 13 20 63 27 50 35 63 Four-Sheet $17 50 27 50 36 66 47 50 Five-Sheet. $21 87 33 38 45 88 59 38 SLx-Sheet. $26 25 41 24 55 00 71 25 54 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. #lfM ^4®®li ^ Blue per gross of boxes, $10 00 Red " " 10 00 Gold (made to ordt-r only) ..." " 15 00 No. 101. Illuminated per doz. boxes, 1 75 102. " " " 2 00 103. " " " 2 50 No. 104. Illuminated per doz. boxes, $3 00 105. " " " 2 00 106. " " " 2 50 107. " " " 3 75 108< " " " 3 00 Backgammon Baartla. (Two in a Nest, n\ x 14, 9 x 16^ Nos. 11, 12. Morocco, with red square, 2 p. Nest, $5 50 21, 22. Solid Leather, " 2 " 4 25 31,32. " inside Cloth, r.sq... 2 " 4 00 41, 42, 43. Cloth, red square 3 " 3 25 51, 52, 53. Paper, " 3 " 2 75 61, 62. White Leather, with black square 2 " 3 75 71,72. Do., witli red square " 4 00 81, 82. Do., with red and bl'k sq. " 4 25 91, 92. Do., inside paper, with bl'k square " 3 50 10, 20, 30, 60, 70, 80, ex. large size, lOJ x 19|, single 13, 23, 33, smallest size, 6i x 12, lOi^ x 19i, s'gl., A cheap article in the way of Baclcgammon Boards. Medium size, furnished with men, dice, and boxes, per doz $12 00 )Sbess Baartls — {foldino). (18 X 18, 10 X 16, 14 X 14, 12 x 12.) PEB DOZ. No. 24, $16; 25, $14; 26, $12; 27, $10. Solid Lea., $ 34, $12 ; 35, $10 50 ; 36, $9 ; 37, $7 50. " 44, $8 50 ; 45, $7 50 ; 46, $6 50 ; 47, $0. Cloth, 54, $6 50; 55, $0; 5fi, $5 GO; 57, $5. Bl'k Paper, 65, $7 ; 66, $6 50 ; 67, $6. White Paper 75, $7 ; 76, $6 50 ; 77, $6. " 85, $7 50 ; 86, $7 ; 87, $6 50. " ISvitiliage Boards and. Boxes. CniBBAGX! BOAItDS. No. 1 per doz., $2 50 nns. CBIBBAGJE BOXES. $2 50 No. 3. Ip'k.p.dz. $11 00 3 75 5. H H 15 00 5 00 7. u u 18 00 6 25 8. (( (( 27 00 7 50 a. a iL 7 50 9 00 2. a a 5 00 12 50 1. 2p'k., " 12 00 15 00 2. a a 15 00 18 00 3. a t( 24 00 4. a a 36 00 5. i( u 50 00 1. 18 00 2. 24 00 3. 27 00 Three-handed Boxes Bice l^ups. PER OKO. Letter B, $13 50; C, $12; D, $10 50. Solid Lea'r, $ " B, $9 50; C, $8 50; D, $7 50. Paper No. 1, $11 50; 2, $10 50; 3, $9 50. Solid Leather, Sole Leather per doz., 2 50 Eureka Boards. No. 1. 14x14 square $3 25 2. 12x12 " 3 00 JD. APPLETON & CO:S TBAJDE LIST OF STATIONERY. RiBBOIV HAND S T A IVI P S 55 No. 4 Dial, complete $12 00 6 " " 15 00 Extra Dies ■ 2 00 No. 6 Bank Stamp. No. 4. Complete |8 00 6- " 10 00 12. " 12 00 Extra Dies each, 2 50 Dating Stamp, complete $12 00 No. 13. Large Size, complete |25 00 No. 4 Railroad Stamp. No. 4. Complete $15 00 6. " 20 00 PRICE LIST OF PRINTING RIBBONS. * Blue or Black. Red. For No. 4 Dial Stamp $1 00 $1 50 G " 1 25 2 25 " 4 Railroad Stamp 100 150 " 12 Dial Stamp 2 25 3 25 " 4 Bank Stamp 1 00 150 " 6 " 1 25 2 25 " 9 " 1 V5 2 75 "12 " 2 25 3 25 " 16 " 2 75 3 75 56 J). APPLET N & CO:S TBADE LIST OF STATIONERY. E. L. FARGO'S D. ^r»FLETON . APPLETON & GO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 1&Z,MM1^ S0(0^S*-(Coi.TIKtJED.) Tuck Memorandums. MOROCCO, EXTRA SUPERFINE PAPER. NOS. P. DOZ. Crown, 18mo, 50 leaves 51 $3 38 " 18mo,96 " 52 4 13 " 12mo,50 " 53 4 35 " 12rao, 96 " 54 " 6 00 " 8ro, 50 " 55 6 30 " 8vo, 90 " 56 7 25 " 12rao, 50 " long 57 4 35 " 12mo, 96 " " 58 6 CO " 8vo, 50 " " 59 6 30 " 8vo, 96 " " 60 7 25 Butcliers' Books. FULL SHEEP, FLAP. Crown, ISrao, 50 leaves 1 2 62 13mo,50 " 2 3 00 " 12nio, 96 " 3 4 50 " 12mo, 50 " long 4 3 00 " 12mo, 96 " " 5 4 60 " 8vo, 50 " broad 6 4 50 " 8vo, 96 " " 7 6 53 " 8vo, 50 " long 8 4 50 " 8vo, 96 " " 9 6 53 Butchers' Books. Cap, 12mo, 60 leaves 01 " 12mo, 90 " 03 " 8vo, 60 " 03 " 8vo, 90 " 04 . . " 8vo, 60 " long 05 " 8vo, 90 " " 06 Time Books. FOR OSB WEEK, TWO WEEKS, AND ONE MONTH, WITH KEADT-BECKONER TO CALCULATE WAGES. 24 leaves, Imitation Leather Covers 1 1 50 24 " Leather Covers... 2 1 87 36 " " ... 3 2 25 60 " Full Sheep Loops. 4 4 13 " folio, half bound, blue backs and corners, 2 to 4 quires, .per quire, 5 63 Receipt Books. WITH OR WITHOUT BLOTTING-PAPER. Cap, 8vo, 96 leaves, oblong, half bound, 1 " 8vo, 96 " " full sheep.. 2 Crown, 8vo, 96 " " " .. 3 Demy, 8vo, 96 " " " .. 4 Cap, 4to, full sh'p comers, 4 to 8 qrs., p.qr., 6 Crown, 4to, " ends & band, " " " 6 Demy, 4to, " " " " " " 7 Crown, 8vo, it 8vo it 8vo a 8vo Printed Receipt Books. M08, Cap, 8vo, 50 leaves, oblong, one on. ... 1 8vo, 50 " " " stubb, 8vo, 100 " " " hfbd., 1 " 8vo, 100 " " " "'LS.""' 2 Crowri, 4tii,Im. ends&band8,4tolOq's.p.q., 3 Demy, 4to, " " " " " 4 Shipping Receipts. Crown, 8vo, oblong, 150 leaves, lialf bound, ■( 50 Packag'e Receipts. Crown, 8vo, oblong, 150 leaves, half bound, 7 50 Order Books. Crown, 8vo, oblong, 150 leaves, half bound, 7 50 Xotes and Drafts. PLAIN AND TINTED. Plain Notes or Drafts, 50 each " 100 " Tinted " " 50 " " " " 100 " Engraved Notes or Drafts, 50 earh » " " 100 " 2 63 4 50 4 50 6 75 Copy Books. Cap, 4to, 8 leaves, 2 x 10 per gross 4to, 10 " 2ixlO.. " 4to, 12 " 3 xlO.. Crown, 4to, 12 " 3 xl4.. 4to, 16 " 4 xl4.. " 4to, 12 '• 3 xl6.. 4to, 16 " 4 xl6.. Ciptiering* Books. STIFF COVERS, MARBLE PAPER. Cap, folio, 24 leaves, feint lines 1 " " 24 " dollars and cents 1 " " 24 " double Ledger ruling . 1 Crown, folio, 24 leaves, feint lines 2 " " 24 " dollars and cents.. 2 " " 24 " d'ble Ledger ruling, 2 " " 86 " feint lines 3 " " .^6 " dollars and cents. . 3 " " 36 " d'ble Ledger ruling, 3 Book-Keeping Blanks. Fiincy Covers, Ledger, Day, Journal, and Cash Book 5 35 6 75 8 63 7 50 9 34 2 25 2 25 2 25 3 60 3 60 3 60 5 00 5 00 5 00 D. APPLETON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. 61 W^^M"^ S<0(OKS*-(CO^TINUED.) Exercise Books. K03. Crown, 4to, 24 leaves, fancy cover 1 " 4to, 24 " marble " cl. back. 2 " 4to, 32 " " " leath. bk. 3 Demy, 4to, 32 " " " " 4 Composition Books. Crown, 4to, half bound, fancy 1 " 4to, " Quarto Records. FULL BOUND, MOROCCO, TURNED IN, LIMP. Crown, 4to, marble edge, thin 1 4to, " tbick 2 " 4to, gilt edge, tTiin 3 " 4to, " thick 4 t^ Demy, 4to, marble edge, thin 5 " 4to, " thick 6 " 4to, gilt edge, thin 7 " 4to, " thick 8 Indexes. p. POZ. $1 50 1 50 2 62 4 13 3 75 4 50 10 00 15 00 Cap, (t (( u Crown, u Demy, 4to, 4to, folio, 2 " 1 " 2 " 1 " 2 " 1 " 1 " 1 LONG AND BROAD FOLIO. 2 letter 1 " vowel 9 full sheep 10 Bill Books. Crown, 4to, thin, half bound, 50 leaves " 4to, thick, " 80 " Demy, 4to, thin, " 50 " 4to, thick, " 80 " Crown, folio, full sheep, 50 leaves Demy, " " 50 " Cotton Books. Pott, long fold, full sheep, cut flush " broad " " long " " broad " turned in. 1 10 1 68 2 10 2 70 3 75 5 25 6 75 8 10 9 00 36 00 6 75 10 50 10 50 15 00 21 00 27 00 Miniature Books. LEDGER, DAT BOOK, JOURNAL, CASH BOOK, AND RECORDf). I". BOOK. Crown, 8vo, full bound, red, 100 leaves. Demy, 8vo, " " 100 " . Sled., 8vo, " " 100 " . " 8vo, Im. ends & band, 150 " Crown, 4to, " " 100 " . Med., 8vo, long 6 1 68 2 1 13 3 1 35 4 1 80 5 1 80 6 1 20 Quartos. HALF BOUND ROAN, LONG AND BROAD FOLD, RULED, DOL- LARS AND CENTS, AND FEINT ONLY, 2 TO 10 QUIRES. Ii09. P. QUIRE. Cap, 4to, broad or long 1 09 4to, " " fine 2 12 " 4to, " " superfine 3 15 " 4to, " " extra superfine.. 4 18 Crown, 4to, " " " " . . 5 21 " 4to, " cloth sides 6 27 Demy, 4to, " half bound 7 38 " 4to, " cloth sides 8 42 Pott Blanks or Petty Accounts. HALF BOUND ROAN. Long Pott, fine, 2 to 10 quires 1 13^- Broad " " " " 1 13J Long " superfine, 2 to 10 quires 2 21 Broad " " " " 2 21 Long " " full bound sheep, 5 to 10 quires 8 80 Broad " " full bound sheep, 5 to 10 quires 8 80 Half Bound Blanks. LEDGERS, DATS, JOURNALS, RECORDS, AND CASH BOOKS, LONG AND BROAD FOLD, 2 TO 10 QUIRES. Cap, folio, broad or long. . , 1 15 " " " " fine 2 21 " " " " superfine 3 25 " " " " ex. " 4 36 Crown, " " u u a 5 q 43 " " " " " " cl. sides. 6 60 Demy, " " " " " half b'd. 7 63 " " " " •' " " .07 54 " " " " " " cl. sides. 8 75 Full Bound Blanks. LONG AND BROAD FOLD, 5 TO 12 QUIRES. Cap, broad or long, fine 1 superfine 2 ex. " 3 Crown, " " " " 4 Cap, " " Im. ends& band 5 " " " ex. s'fine, 6 Crown, " Demy, " (t (I Med., " russia im. ' russia ' ex.s'fine.lO " 11 12 30 33 45 48 42 54 60 75 75 90 1 42 1 87 Full Bound Blanks. EXTRA RUSSIA ENDS AND BAND, EXTRA SUPERFINE PAPER. Crown, broad fold, 5 to 12 quires 13 1 05 Demy, " " " 14 1 95 Medium, '" " " 15 2 70 62 D. APPLET ON & CO:S TRADE LIST OF STATIONERY. > (CoNTINtJED.) Hotel Registers. THREE-QUAKTER BOUND, CLOTH SIDES, PRINTED HEADS. K08. P. (jriKE. Demy, folio, 5 to 10 quires Medium, " " " Invoice Books. EULED, DOLLARS AND CENTS, INDEX IN FRONT. P. BOOK. Demy, folio, half bound, 200 p.iges " " " 800 " Medium, " " 200 " " " " 300 " Scrap Books. Crown, 4to, 100 pages, assorted 1 Demy, 4to, half bd., 150 pp., Manilla 2 " 4to, " 150 " assorted a Med., 4to, " 150 " Manilla 4 " 4to, " 150 " cloth, assort'd, 5 " 4to, " 150 " " white... 6 Eoyal, 4to, " 150 " Manilla 7 " 4to, " 150 " cloth, assort'd, 8 " 4to, " 150 " " white... 9 Cap, folio, " 150" Manilla 10 Dra^ring- Books. BOS. P. DOZ. Cap, 4to, oblong, 12 leaves 1 187 Demy, 4to, " 12 " , 2 2 25 Med., 4to, " 12 " 3 2 62 Letter Copying' Books. MANUFACTURED FROM THE FINEST QUALITY OF FRENCH COPYING PAPER. SIZE AND STTLE OF PPJCES PER BOOK. BINDING. 400 Pages. 500 600 Pages. Pages. 700 800 Pages. Papps. BOO Pages. 1.000 Pages. 9x11. Half bound morocco backs and corners, cloth sides. • 9x11. Three-quarters russia. Extra. 10x13. Half bound morocco backs and corners, cloth sides. 10x12. Three-quarters russia. Kxtra. NEW SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS, PTJBLISBED BY D. APPLSTOIff & GO.^ 549 <£ 551 Broadway^ N, Y. I. CORNELL'S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The most interesting and instructive work on this subject ever pre- sented for the use of the schools of this country ; lavishly illus- trated, and embracing all late discoveries and the most recent views of scientific writers. Containing Nineteen Pages of Maps and copious Map Questions. The Phys-ical Features of the United States receive particular attention. A fine Physical Map of the United States and a Map of Alaska, on a comparatively large scale, are given. Large 4to, 104 pages. Price, §1.60. LOCKYER'S ELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY. Accompanied with numerous Illustrations, and Arago's Celestial Charts of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. By J. Norman Lock- TER, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society; Editor of " Na- ture," ei;c. American Edition, 12rao, 312 pages. Price, $1.75. The author of this volume is one of the greatest living astronomers, and the pioneer in many important researches, which he has embodied in' his book. The line Celestial Charts of Arago answer all the pur- poses of a costly Atlas of the Heavens. This is the only text-book having this advantage. Some of the illustrations are from photographs and drawings by De La Rue, Guillemin, and others equally distin- guished. The work has been revised and adapted to the schools of the United States, by an eminent American teacher, and is offered by the publishers as superior to any thing of the kind heretofore published. ni. FIRST BOOK OF BOTANY : Designed to cultivate the Observing Powers of Children. By Eliza A. YouMANS. Price, $1. This little book has a twofold claim upon those concerned in the ■work of education : 1st. It introduces the beginner to the study of Botany in the only way it can be properly done — by tlie direct observation of vegetable forms. 2J. It is designed to keep the mind in direct intercourse with the objects and order of Nature, and to train the observing powers and the mental operations they involve in a systematic way. There are no lessons to " commit and recite." The pupil com- mences with actual specimens of plants which every one is able to col- lect, and learns to look with his own eyes and think with his own mind. Children can begin to study plants successfully by this method as soon as they can write, and any teacher, without previous knowledge of the subject, can conduct them through tlie exercises without difficulty. Every true teacher will hail this new work with delight. rv. HARKNESS'S EDITION OF CESAR'S COMMENTARIES ON THE GALLIC WAR. PRICE, $1.50. This edition has been carefully adapted to the special needs of the stu. dent wiio has just completed the Latin Reader, and it aims to in- troduce him to an appreciative study of a standard literary woik. The notes furnish such collateral information as will enabie the learner to understand and appreciate the stirring events recorded in the Commentaries, and such special aid as will help him to surmount real and untried difficulties of construction and idiom. The volume also contains plans of battles, a copious dictionary, a map of Gaul, and a brief life of Csesar. V. A TREATISE ON LEVELLING, TOPOGRAPHY, AND HIGHER SURVEYING. By W. M. Gillespie, LL. D., Civil Engineer. Edited by Cabt Staley, A. M., C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering in Union College. One vol., 8vo. Price, $2.50. n. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES, IN THREE BOOKS. PRTMAET GEOGRAPHY. New edition. Small 4to, 96 pages. It Maps. Beautifully illustrated. Price, 90 cents. If INTERMEDIATE GEOGRAPHY. New edition. Large 4to, 100 pages. 19 elegant Maps and Map-Drawing. Price, §1.50. GRAMMAR-SCHOOL GEOGHAPHY. New edition. Large 4to, 124 pages. SI Maps. Same grade as Intermediate, but much fuller. Price, ^\.15. III. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Described above. We would respectfully c;ill the attention of Teachers and Boards of Education to the fact that, with the publication of our New Physical Geography, we are enabled to offer the most thorough and complete series of Geographies, comprised in three books, to be found in the American market. Also, that we have two different books to select from for the second of the scries — one being fuller in details than the other, but no higlier in grade — thus adapting the series to the wants of any course of study. Send for Special Circular, giving full particulars. D. APPLETON «&: CO. ALSO PUBLISH: COR]Vi:l,I.^BOS'S WATURAt. PHIEOSOPHY. Jitsi! r«>isc(£, and brought up to date. The book on Physical Science. YOIJMANS'S CHEMISTRY. Up to date. Not encumbered by technicalities, yet scientific. HUXEEir Ai^B If OUMANS'S PHYSIOI.OGY. " By far the best work of the kind I have seen "—Dr. Austin Flint, Jr. HARKNESS'S EATIN ANB OREEK SERIES. Used in nearly all our leading Classical Institutions. HABEEVS OREEK GRAMMAR. All leading Colleges rise it. FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH, ITALIAN, HEBREW, and SYRIAC GRAMMARS, READERS, PHRASE-BOOKS, and DICTIONARIES. {See Catalogue.) Teachers and School-ofBcers are respectfully invited to address us on matters connected with the introduction and use of our publica- tions. Itnmediate attention will be given to any letters or orders with which we are favored, and the most satisfactory terms will be made for introduction. A Descriptive CATALoorE, embracing all our reliable and popular Te-xt-books, with prices, will be mailed, postage prepaid, on application. Lists of Schools, of Teachers and School-officers, Circulars, etc., are requested in return. Persons ordering are requested to be particular to give their post-office address in full. Those visiting New York are cordially invited to call and examine our extensive assortment of Text-books. 1^ Specimen copies of any of ths abcvs works will be mailed to Teachers and School-offioers, for examination with a view to introduc- tion, at reduced rates. PPLETONS' HOURNAL, A \VEEKLY MAGAZINE OF fof\Jj^^^_ l