Class ^XM3&3= to* . N C3J&& Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. ELDER JOHN JONES, (deceased) EARLY MODERATOR OF FISHER'S RIVER ASSOCIATION. HISTORY OF THE FISHER'S RIVER PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOC! ATIO 1ST FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, IN 1832, TO 1904, BY JESSE A. ASHBURN. Our motto: Truth is that perfect word thai knows no deception. LAXIREL, FORK, VIRGINIA: ELDER F. I>. BHAN8COME, BOOK -A.TSJX) JOS PRINTER. 1905. ■^W 3 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 28 1905 Copyright Entry / iLASS 7 CX XXC. No. / xt y? XI COPY B. Copyright, 1905, J3y Jesse J±. Ashburn. PREFACE. The object of this work is to pre- serve a knowledge of the faith, cus- toms, manner of worship &e. of the fathers. The author, seeing the growing tendency of the age to re- duce the Christian religion to a mere science or carnal knowledge of the Scriptures, on the one hand, and to leave off Christian duties and trust in the doctrine of "Stoicism" on the other, felt constrained to leave on record the faith and practice of the fathers, believing them to be of that faith and that practice taught in the Scriptures; and, while it is true that the work of the fathers is not held as faultless, yet their simple and faith- ful manner of living and worship, their child-like faith, their self-sacri- ficing spirit and fervent devotions are worthy of emulation. 4 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER So, with this desire, this little book, imperfect and unattractive as it is, is sent forth. to the reader, trust- ing in advance that the reader may be actuated by chairity to overlook errors and weigh the intention, The Author. THE ORGANIZATION. The Fisher's River Primitive Bap- tist Association was organized on Fri- day before the third Sunday in No- vember, 1832, at Cody's Creek meet- inghouse^ abdUt eight or ten miles southwest of Dobson, N: C. The following churches, to wit: Deep Creek, Fisher's River, State Road, Round Peak, Cody's Creek, Ar- arat, and Swan Creek, all sent dele- gates to a convention, which had been previously called for the purpose of organizing a new association. These delegates, after assembling, organized by electing Elder Joshua Carter mod- erator, and Silas Jones clerk. They adopted the name Fisher's River Bap- tist Association, and elected a com- mittee, to wit: Pleasant Cockerham, John Jones, Henry Steele, Erasmus Canter, and Robert Welbourn to 6 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER frame a Constitution &c. The follow- ing Covenant, Articles of Faith, Con- stitution, and Rules of Decorum, with but little exception, were submitted and adopted. COVENANT. We do now in the presence of Al- mighty God, and in the faith of the gospel, a,nd by the help of divine grace, unreservedly and unitedly give up ourselves to God the Father, and his Son Jesus Christ, and to the Ho- ly Ghost, to be for Him and no oth- er; freely submitting ourselves to him, to be at his disposal for his glory , tak- ing him as our true guide and only portion, promising by the help of di- vine grace to watch against sin, temp- tation, and corruption; and to hold a continual warfare with the same, looking to Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith, and the on- ly hope and surety of his people. Under his covenant of grace, we do now freely and joyfully give our- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 7 selves to one another by the will of God, freely covenanting and engag- ing to and with each other to bear one another's burdens in the gospel, and so fulfill the law of Christ unto obedience, promising to watch over one another in love and to hold com- munion together in the ordinances of the gospel, submitting ourselves in this, which we trust is a part of his mystical body, according as Ave shall be directed by his Spirit in his word; and by the help of divine grace to still pray for more light from the Lord, believing that he will further and more gloriously open to us his word and the mysteries of his king- dom, — and to our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, to whom be glory forever and forever. Amen. ARTICLES OF FAITH. ARTICLE I OF GOD A^D THE HOLY TRINITY. We believe in one only true and living God, who rules all things af- 8 HISTORY OF FISHFR's RIVER ter his own will; and that he, who created **all , things, is infinite in power, wisdom, knowledge and good- ness; eternal, immortal, invisible and unchangeable; and that this God has revealed himself in his word under the character of Fath,eiySon and Ho- ly Ghost, and that these three are one; and that there are three that bear witness in earth: the water, the spirit and the blood, and that these three agree in one. ARTICLE II.— OF THE HOLY SCRIPT- URES. We believe that the Hoty Script- ures of the Old and New Testament are the written word of God, and are a sufficient rule of faith and practice; that they are given by inspiration of God, and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for in- struction in righteousness; and that they contain all things necessary to be known for the salvation of men and women. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 9 ARTICLE III. OF THE ATONEMENT. We believe that Christ died and made a complete atonement for all who ever did, does now, or ever will believe on his name; and that all who are finally saved were given to Christ in covenant of the Father before the world was, that they should show forth his praise. ARTICLE IV. — OF FOREKNOW LEDGE, E- LECTION AND PREDESTINATION. We believe that [all] whom God did foreknow he did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son; that God elected according to his foreknowledge, through sanctifica- tion of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, all who are finally saved, to an inheritance incorruptible and un- defiled, and that fadeth not away, re- served in heaven for all true saints; and that none come to Christ only those whom he loved with an ever- lasting love, and in due time calls to 10 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER everlasting glory. V. We believe in the doctrine of original sin. VI. We believe in man's impoten- cy to recover himself from the fallen state he is in bv his own freewill and ability. VII. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the imputed righteousness of Christ. VIII. We believe that God's elect will be called, converted, regenerated and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. IX. We believe the saints shall persevere in grace and never finally fall away. X. We believe that baptism and the Lord's supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ, and that true believers are the only proper subjects of the ordinances, and that the true mode of baptism is by immersion. XL We believe in the resurrection of the dead, and a general judgment. XII. We believe the punishment PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 11 of the wicked will be eternal, and the joys of the righteous everlasting. XIII. We believe that no minister has the right to administer the ordi- nances only such as are regularly call- ed and have come under the imposi- tion of the hands of the presbytery. CONSTITUTION. I. The association shall be com- posed of members chosen by the dif- ferent churches in our union, and sent to represent them in the associ- ation, who shall be members best qualified for that purpose; and pro- ducing letters from their respective churches, certifying their appoint- ment, shall be entitled to seats; but no church shall have more than three representatives in the association. II. In the letters from the differ- ent churches shall be expressed their number in full fellowship, those bap- tized, received by letter, dismissed by letter, excommunicated and dead since the last association. These facts 12 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER are to be expressed only in the letters to the fall association. III. The members thus chosen and received shall have no power to lord it over God's heritage, nor shall they use any ecclesiastical power over the churches, nor shall they infringe on any of the internal rights of the churches in the union. IV. The association, when con- vened, shall be governed and ruled by a regular and proper decorum. V. The association shall have a moderator and clerk, and who shall be chosen by the suffrage of the members present. VI. New churches may be admit- ted into this association, who shall petition by letter and messengers: and upon examination, if found orthodox and orderly, shall be received by the association, and manifested by the moderator giving the messengers the right hand of fellowship. VII. Everv church in the union PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 13 shall be entitled to representation in the association. VIII. Every query presented, by any member in the association, shall be received and answered according to the Scriptures. IX. Every motion made and sec- onded shall be considered by the asso- ciation, except it be withdrawn by him who made it. X. There shall be an association book kept, wherein the proceedings of the association shall be recorded, by the clerk appointed by the asso- ciation. XI. The minutes of the association shall be read and corrected, if need be, and signed by the moderator and clerk before the association rises. XII. Amendments to this plan or form of government may be made at any time when the association may think proper. XIII. We hold no fellowship with any secret order. 14 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER XIV. The association shall have power, (1) To provide for the general union of the churches; (2) To pre- serve inviolable a chain of commun- ion among the churches; (3) To give the churches all necessary advice in matters of difficulty; (4) To enquire into the cause why the churches fail at any time to represent themselves in the association; (5) To appoint any member or members, by and with his or their consent, to transact any business which it sees necessary; (6) To withdraw from any church in this union which shall violate the rules of this association, or. devi- ate from the orthodox principles of religion; (7) To admit any of our distant brethren into the association, as assistants, who may be present at the time of its sitting, if it shall think necessary; (8) To adjourn themselves to any future time and place which they may think conven- ient to the churches in this union. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 15 RULES OF DECORUM. 1. The association shall be open- ed and closed with prayer. 2. The moderator and clerk shall be chosen by the suffrage of the members present. 3. Only one person shall speak at a time, who shall arise from his seat and address the moderator. 4. The person thus speaking shall not be interrupted in his speech by any/ except the moderator, till he is done speaking. 5. He shall strictly adhere to the subject, and in no w r ise reflect on the person who spoke before, so as to make remarks on his slips, failings or imperfections; but shall fairly state the case and matter, as near as he can, so as to convey his idea. 6. No person shall abruptly break off, or absent himself from the asso- ciation, without leave obtained from it. 7. No person shall rise and speak 16 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER more than three times to one sub- ject, without liberty obtained from the association. 8. No member of the association shall have liberty of laughing dur- ing the sitting of the same, nor of whispering in time of a public speech. 9. No member of the association shall address another in any other appellation than that of brother. 10. The moderator shall not in- terrupt any member in his speech, nor prohibit him from speaking till he gives his light on the subject, ex- cept he breaks the rules of this de- corum. 11. The names of the several members of the association shall be enrolled by the clerk, and called o- ver as often as the association thinks proper. 12. The moderator shall be enti- tled to the same privilege of speech as other members, provided the chair be filled. PEIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 17 * 13. Any member who shall wil- fully and knowingly break any of these rules shall be reproved by the association as it may think proper. $ MISSION SYSTEM OPPOSED. While it is not our purpose to enter into a detailed account of the division among the Baptists in 1830 — 1835, yet we would say, "There was much opposition in this section to the system of Home and Foreign Missions, which was being practiced in Yadkin and the adjoining associa- tions, to which the term "Missionary System" is applied. The churches were so much opposed to the "new system" that they refused, not only to send contributions for Missionary purposes, but also refused to sit in conference with, or to fellowship those who did. The casual observer might infer from this that they were opposed to the spread of the gospel. This, how- ever, is not true: for they favored PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 19 the spread of the gospel as much — if personal sacrifices on the part of the ministry is any evidence — as any people on earth. But their objection was that, if a compensation in dol- lars and cents is offered, and he who goes is sure of such compensation, there is not only danger, but great danger of men, who are not only not called of God to preach, but design- ing men who know nothing of the grace of God, going out under the title of Missionaries, and preaching- such doctrine as would not only dis- honor God, but would burden his people. The system of High Schools or Colleges for the preparation of young men for the ministry was also objected to strongly, on the ground that many might take the advantage of such opportunities, not for the truth's sake, but to benefit them- selves. Sunday Schools* as nurseries for * B. F. Riley in his history of the Baptist, in the Southern 20 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER the church were also vigorously op- posed. In opposing these u new insti- tutions" as they styled them, the ministry of this body, or association of believers rather, went to such ex- tremities that the churches almost entirely left off helping their own pastors; and some of their members came to the belief that it was wrong to give to a preacher who was worth more than the giver, no matter what his sacrifices might be. Thus the ministers, few in number, and all poor men, had a hard struggle to serve their churches, obeying their heavenly calling to preach the word, and support their families, remem- bering the Scripture that says, "But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." — 1 Tim. 5:8. Yet in their hearts and minds, they, States, says, "The first Baptist Sunday School was held in Baltimore, in 1804; the second in Charleston, S. C, in 1816, and that the American S. S. Union was organized in 1824. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 21 if their words and works did not lie, felt that their greatest duty was to honor the cause of the Master who had called and sent them forth. The greatest theme of their preaching was the power of God in the salva- tion of sinners. They claimed that God was not dependent on any con- ditions, means, circumstances, or en- vironments for the preaching of the word; that if his work demanded an educated man he could call one, as he did Saul (Paul) of Tarsus; or if it demanded ignorant and unlearned men he could call them, as in the case of Peter and John; that he was not dependent on Schools of learning to tame the hearts of sinful men and women, but that he writes his laws in the hearts of men of his own will and pleasure. SUBSEQUENT MEETINGS. The association continued to meet at different places once each year until about the date 1848. See foot note on pages 19 and 20. In 1841, the church at Flower Gap sent delegates to the association, requesting to become a member of the body. The delegates were receiv- ed and seated, and the church admit- ted into the association. In 1844, the church at Fisher's Gap was re- ceived in like manner. In 1835, the association began its first correspondence. This was with New River Association. Abbott's Creek and Mayo, both older bodies than Fisher's River, were applied to, and they opened up a correspondence with the little body, the exact date not known to the writer. In the PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 23 meantime a newly constituted church by the name of Flat Shoal was ad- mitted into the association. This church is located about four miles southwest of Danbury, Stokes Co., N. C, and now belongs to the Mayo As- sociation. On the 7th day of April, 1848 the little band of pilgrims, known as Fisher's River Primitive Baptist As- sociation, met at Round Peak meet- inghouse. The churches sending delegates to this association was as follows: Ararat two, Cody's Creek two, Deep Creek two, Fisher's River three, Fisher's Gap one, Flower Gap three, Franklin two, and State Road one, a total of sixteen delegates. They chose as a moderator Elder John Jones, of Ararat church, and James J. Speer, of Deep Creek church, as clerk. No corresponding or visiting brethren from sister asso- ciations reported, and very little business was transacted. They ad- 24 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER journed after a two days session, to meet October 13, 1848.* On the 13th day of October, dele- gates from eleven churches met ac- cording to adjournment. Some new churches were received into their body. And several brethren from other associations or corresponding meetings reported and were seated in fellowship. They were: From New River, Elders Wm. Lawson, A. Ash worth and Samuel J. Lackey; From Abbott's Creek, Samuel Crav- en; From Mayo, Robert W. Hill. These Elders, seated with the breth- ren whose names appear in the fol- lowing statistical table, composed a strong body of Christians for this early date in this mountain region. * The old records prior to 1848, are in such condition we could not get the place of meeting; and much other informa- tion, for the same reason, cannot be had. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 25 'Siaq'mdK /k-. o IT. OB o &* c to jo on c^i M OJ 5 O >«* K ^} CI -5 H C o 'C ffi 1-3 c o o oc 03 ■"» c CD lit c d o CC S £ ; — | s- cc o < fa P cc P2 E JO o 43 C3 £ fa O s < C 1-2 C D Cj 43 •*- s t: avid Lowe and Wm. . C. Phillips and Isaa <1 O i— i c/2 fa fa c 43 13 «= r-i 3 •-3 a 6C > CD H to cc .c ' * S 4"? E m ■ c a o a .c 43 E sz CO £3 1 « E "5 — » P o CO M fa JO OQ fc < H-S J fa Q fa • NAME OF CHURCHES — •as a > a ~ i Si -M T3 43 3 s- o V eep Cree lower Ga 5 oc CD JO OQ c3 O £3 CC 43 ft In CD .a ound Pea bate Roa < o fa fa * fa fa £$ ui 26 HISTOEY OF FISHEK's KIVER There were at this time 206 mem- bers in Fisher's River Association, represented by 20 of their number, and corresponding with Mayo, Ab- bott's Creek and New River associa- tions, through their able ministers, it seemed that they were competent of giving advice and answering ques- tions (this was all they claimed to have power to do) for the churches. At the request of the church at Deep Creek a presbytery was sent there to examine the qualifications of James J. Speer for the ministry. And to Flower Gap a presbytery was sent to examine the qualifications of Hugh Jones for the ministry. Correspon- dents were appointed to Mayo, New River and Abbott's Creek associa- tions. It will be remembered that there had been a rent in the church- es in regard to the "mission system," a few years prior to this time; and some who had joined the Missiona- ries, as they were called, desired to PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 27 be numbered with the "Old Baptists/ 7 and a question was raised as to the manner of receiving them. The as- sociation advised that the only prop- er mode was by experience and bap- tism. The association then adjourn- ed to meet at Cody's Creek on Fri- day before the first Sunday in April, 1848. The association met at Cody's Creek, April 6, 1849. Nine churches were represented by letters and dele- gates. Elder John Jones was chos- en to preside over the body, and Henry Steele as clerk. Very little business was done. The presbytery appointed to Deep Creek reported the ordination of James J. Speer as an Elder in that body. The pres- bytery appointed to Flower Gap re- ported that Hugh Jones was ordain- ed an Elder in that body. A pres- bytery was appointed, at the request of the church at Codv's Creek, to examine the call and qualifications 28 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER of Nathan Alberty, and ordain him to the ministry, if found orthodox. The association then adjourned to meet with the same church on Fri- day before the third Sunday in October, 1849. On Oct. 19th, 1849, letters were received from twelve churches, and delegates from nine. Also corre- spondents from two associations, to wit: William Lawson and Samuel J. Lackey from Mayo, and David Con- ner from New River. Elder John Jones was again chosen to preside, and Henry Steele to serve as clerk. Elder Ashley Swain being present, from Abbott's Creek, was invited and seated in council. Some items of interest claimed attention this ses- sion. One was a presbytery report- ed the ordination of James Gallien as deacon in the church at Round Peak; another was the report of pres- bytery, to wit: Elders J. J. Speer and John Jones reported the ordination PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 29 of Nathan Alberty as Eider in the church at Cody's creek; also the or- dination of William Davis as deacon in the church at Stuart's Creek; and Abram Lakey at Deep Creek, in Yadkin county. The ordination of an Elder and three deacons seemed to show that some life existed in the bounds of the association at that time. 1850. On the 12th of April, nine church- es were represented by delegates meeting with the church at Fisher's River, four miles southeast of Dob- son, N. C. The churches represent- ed were Ararat, Cody's Creek, State Road, Fisher's River, Deep Creek, Flower Gap, Franklin, Stuart's Creek and Round Peak. Very little busi- ness was transacted at this time, ex- cept to appoint a committee to visit the churches that failed to send del- egates to the association. Elder John Jones was again chosen moder- 30 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER ator, and Henry Steele clerk. On the 18th day of October, 1850, the association convened with the church at Flat Shoal, Stokes Co., N. C, and was composed of delegates representing nine churches, and brethren from corresponding associa- tions, as follows: Elder R. W. Hill from Mayo, Elders Daniel Conner and S. J. Lackey from New River, and brethren Samuel Craven and Eleaner Swain from Abbott's Creek. Elder John Jones was again made moderator, and Henry Steele clerk. A query was presented to this as- sociation, to wit: Would it be accord- ing to gospel order for the Primitive Baptists to fellowship any member among them who joins the Free Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, or Sons of Tem- perance? Answer. We have no fel- lowship with any member who joins those institutions. The committee appointed to visit Mitchell's River church reported her PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 31 in a feeble condition, with the re- quest that the ministers visit her. This, with the ordinary routine of work, constituted the business of this session. 1851 On Coe's Creek, at Hutchin's School-house, in Surry(now Yadkin) Co., N. C, the association met with Deep Creek church, April 11, 1851. Delegates from eight churches were present, to wit: Flat Shoal, Stuart's Creek, Deep Creek, Fisher's River, Flower Gap, Cody's Creek, Ararat and State Road. No corresponding brethren were present and no busi- ness transacted, except to meet and adjourn to meet with the church at Franklin, on Friday before the 3rd Sunday in October, 1851. On the 11th day of October, 1851, delegates of eleven churches met at Franklin meetinghouse, seven miles from Dobson, Surry Co., N. C. The statistics from the different 32 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER churches were sent in, showing that the churches were slowly increasing in numbers. A full count showed a total of 234 members. There were at this time six elders in the associa- tional district, to wit: John Jones, Hugh Jones, Erasmus Canter, Nath- an Alberty, Eligah Ramsey and J. J. Speer. Elders A. Swain and A. Peacock, of Abbott's Creek; Elder R. W. Hill, of Mayo; Elders William Lawson, J. C. Hubbard, S. J. Lackey and Daniel Conner, all of New River district, reported as correspondents, and were seated in council with the delegates. After the usual choosing of com- mittees and ministers for Saturday and Sunday, they adjourned to meet next day. Saturday morning a presbytery composed of Elders John Jones and J. J. Speer reported the ordination of John Hall to the office of deacon at Deep Creek church. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 83 There were some reports current that the church at State Road was holding members in disorder; and so the association appointed a commit- tee of seven to investigate the reports. Elder John Jones served as moder- ator, and James J. Speer as clerk. 1852 The association next met with the church at Swan Creek, in Yadkin Co., N. C, on the 9th day of April, 1852. Only five churches were rep- resented, and no visiting elders were present. No business was done; and, with the same moderator and clerk, the)- adjourned. 1853 On April 8th, messengers from eight churches, with Elders Austin J. Cassell, of New River Association, and Samuel Arrington, of Mayo As- sociation, composed this association. Elder John Jones was again made moderator, and L. H. Southern clerk. Elders Cassell and Arrington served 34 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER with Elder N. Alberty and the mod- erator as a Committee of Arrange- ments. The churches being in peace with each other, and nothing of im- portance claiming attention, the time was devoted to preaching. Elders A. J. Cassell, S. Arrington and John Jones occupied the pulpit on Sunday. 1854 On Friday before the second Sun- day in April, 1854, the following churches sent delegates to the asso- ciation, held with the church at Round Peak, Surry Co., N. C, to wit: Cody's Creek, Round Peak, Deep Creek, Franklin, Stuart's Creek Ararat, Fisher's Gap, Flower Gap and Fisher's River. There were no visitors nor correspondents from other associations. The committee appointed to State Road church re- ported them in peace. The associa- tion agreed to meet only once a year for awhile. Thus the work of the association ended, with John Jones PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 35 moderator, and S. L. Fulk clerk. The Spring term of the association having been abolished, the associa- tion met on Friday before the third Sunday in October, in the same year, at Stuart's Creek meetinghouse, about two miles from the "Old Hollow, 7 ' now Mt. Airy, N. C. The correspon- dents present were: Elders G. W. McNeily, R. W. Hill and Samuel Arrington, from Mayo; Elders A. J. Cassell, Daniel Conner, James Thompson and S. J. Lackey from New River; Elder A. Peacock and brother S. Craven, from Abbott's Creek. Correspondents were ap- pointed as follows: To Mayo, Elders J. Jones, H. Jones and H. Steele, with several private brethren; To New River, Elders J. Jones, H. Jones and H. Steele; To Abbott's Creek, Elders H. Steele, N. Alberty and J. Jones. The association also passed a resolution to open up a correspon- dence with the Apostolic Baptist, at 38 HISTORY OF FISHER^ RIVER Montville, Conn. This was done at the request of one brother Gay. Al- so, we notice the agreement of the association that a Circular Letter be prepared, and that E. Canter prepare the same. 1855 Ararat church-house, about four miles northwest of Pilot Mountain, was the scene of the next meeting of the association, and which occurred the 19th day of October, 1855. The churches, at Flower Gap, Franklin, Flat Shoal, Fisher's River, Stuart's Creek, Deep Creek, Ararat, Round Peak and Cody's Creek, sent dele- gates, and State Road sent a letter; but Swan Creek and Fisher's Gap failed to represent themselves in the association. Correspondents were re- ceived from Mayo, New River, and Abott's Creek. Elders Geo. W. Mc- Neily, Robert W. Hill, James Hill and Samuel J. Arrington from Mayo, Elders A. J. Cassell, S. J. Lackey PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 37 and Claibourn Plasters, from New River; and A. Peacock, from Abbott's Creek, with several lay members composed the corresponding delega- tions. Elder John Jones was ap- pointed moderator, and Samuel L. Fulk clerk. At the request of the church at Flat Shoal, Elders John Jones, Hugh Jones, E. Canter and N. Alberty were appointed as a pres- bytery to attend said church and or- dain a deacon; also, by request of the church at Flower Gap, the same elders were appointed for a like purpose. S. L. Fulk was appointed to prepare a Circular Letter. Three hundred minutes were ordered to be printed, and $8.66 i were sent in by the churches to pay for the same. It should be noted here, that, at each of these associations, about three sermons were preached each day. The preachers were chosen by the suffrage of the delegates, and all the officers of the association, even 38 HISTORY OF FISHERY RIVER the committees, were chosen in like manner. It should also be noted that all the preaching was both im- promptu and extemporaneous, as none of the preachers ever prepare or study sermons, a feature very characteristic of these preachers. 1856 According to previous arrange- ments, the delegates from ten church- es met on the first day of August, 1856, at Cody's Creek meetinghouse, Surry Co., N. C, as follows: From Ararat, Elders J. Jones and E. Can- ter, also, brethren E. Denny and R. R. Jones; Fisher's River, D. Hodges; Cody's Creek, Elder N. Alberty, M. Nichelson and James Snow; Fisher's Gap, Elder Eligah Ramey; Franklin, S. L. Fulk and F. B. Riggan; Deep Creek, A. B. Lakey; Stuart's Creek, R. D. R. Moss; Round Peak, James Galyean; State Road, Jesse Mc- Kaughan; Flower Gap, Elder Hugh Jones. Flat Shoal and Swan Creek PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 39 failed to send either letters or dele- gates. Correspondents were received as follows: From New River, Elders D. Conner, C. Plaster and W. Mo- ran. This was the only association that sent correspondents. Elder J. Jones was again chosen to preside, and S. L. Fulp to record the diliber- ations. Preachers were selected for the stand and committees chosen, etc. The presbyteries appointed to Flat Shoal and Flower Gap failed to at- tend, and were reappointed. Corre- spondents were appointed to sister as- sociations, to wit: New River, Ab- bott's Creek and Mayo. As nothing had been heard from the Apostolic Baptists in Conn., no further effort was made to correspond with them. The Circular Letter, as written by S. L. Fulp, was ordered to be attach- ed to the minutes; and three hun- dred copies of the minutes were or- dered to be printed. The work of the body being completed, the as- 40 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER soeiation adjourned to meet with the church at Fisher's River meeting- house, about four miles northeast of Pobson, which they did on Friday before the fourth Sunday in Septem- ber, 1857. 1857 Delegates were present from only nine churches. Franklin, Fisher's Cap and Swan Creek were not rep- resented. Elders R, W. Hill and Levi I. Bodenheimer, from Mayo; and Elders A. J. Cassell and Daniel Conner, from New River, were seat- ed as correspondents. Elder John Jones was again chos- en to preside, and S. L. Fulk clerk. The presbytery had again failed to attend the request of the church at Flat Shoal, also at Flower Gap, and were a second time reappointed. Preachers were chosen for the ensue- ing days as follows: Elders D. Con- ner, J. Jones and E. Canter, for Sat- urday; and Elders A. J. Cassell, Levi PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 41 I. Bodenheimer and R. W. Hill, for Sunday. Elders Nathan Alberty and J. McKaughan were appointed to visit the church at Swan Creek and report the reason of her failure to attend or represent herself in the association. $9. 27 i was contributed to pay for printing, and three hun- dred copies of the minutes were or- dered to be printed. Thus closing the business of the association, the}^ adjourned to meet w^ith the church at Flat Shoal, in the Co. of Stokes, about five miles southwest of Danbury, which they did on the 24th day of September, 1858. 1858 Delegates representing eleven churches were present and seated in council, as follows: Stuart's Creek, R. D. R. Moss and W. L. Minter; Fisher's River, D. Hodges; Cody's Creek, Nathan Alberty and Moses Pilson; Flat Shoal, J. Hicks and James George; Round Peak, James 42 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER Gal yean; State Road, Jesse Mo Kaughan; Deep Creek, John Tate and A. B. Lakey; Ararat, Elder John Jones, Edmond Denny and W. F. Trogdon; Flower Gap, Elder Hugh Jones; Franklin, A. Dicken and C. Gentry; Tom's Creek, J. A. Flippin and C. Farris. Fisher's Gap and Swan Creek each failed to send eith- er letter or delegates. Correspon- dents were received and seated as follows: From Mayo, Elder R. W. Hill; From Abbott's Creek, Duke Price, Samuel Craven and Geo. Beck; From Smith's River, Elders S. J. Lackey and A. J. Cassell. Elders Cassell and Lackey formerly belong- ed to New River; but in the fall of 1857, or the Spring of 1858 — we have failed to get the exact date — Smith's River w r as formed or organ- ized, and some of the churches and elders which had been in the New River District, became members of the Smith's River District. The first PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 43 business, after seating all the corre- spondents, was the reception of a newly constituted church (Tom's Creek) that had sent a petition and delegates. The delegates were seat- ed, the moderator giving them the right hand of fellowship. Elder John Jones w r as again cho- sen moderator, and Moses Pilson clerk. Elders A. J. Cassell, S. J. Lackey and Nathan Alberty were made a committee to act with the moderator and clerk, in arranging business for the association. After choosing Elders Hugh Jones, Na- than Alberty and Giles Martin, to preach on Saturday; and Elders R. W. Hill, A. J. Cassell and S. J. Lackey to preach on Sunday, the association adjourned to meet on Saturday. The custom of the association was to meet and organize on Friday. Then select preachers to preach during the meeting, and so forth. But all the business was done on 44 HISTORY OF FISBER'S RIVEK Saturday. We had not noted this before, nor will we in the future. Each session will be considered un- der one general rule or custom. The next business of the associa- tion was to call the roll of messen- gers and correspondents. This, also, is a rule which we had not hereto- fore mentioned, and will, perhaps, mention it no more, as it was al- ways done at each session. They also read the Rules of Decorum, a copy of which appears on page 15 of this little volume. Another custom we had not mentioned, and, perhaps, will not again mention, was: The brethren, appointed as correspon- dents to visit sister associations, were called upon to make a report of their visits. This was done at this meeting, and at all other meet- ings of the association. The pres- byteries, which had been appointed so often, reported that they had at- tended the church at Flower Gap PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 45 and had ordained F. M. McCraw to the office of deacon; but that they had failed to attend at Flat Shoal. This request seemes to have been withdrawn, as no reappointment was made. The committee to Swan Creek reported that said church was without a pastor, but wished to re- main a member of the association. The Circular Letter was ordered to be printed, and Elder Nathan Alber- ty was ordered to prepare the next. Correspondents were appointed to Mayo, Smith's River and Abbott's Creek. Three hundred copies of minutes were ordered printed, and $11.20 contributed to pay for same. After agreeing to meet with the church at Deep Creek, in Yadkin Co., the association adjourned. 1859 On the 23rd day of September, 1859, delegates representing their different churches met with the church at Deep Creek, in Yadkin 46 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER Co., N. C. The church, at Franklin, Round Peak, Fisher's Gap and Swan Creek, sent no delegates. The asso- ciation seated correspondents as fol- lows: From Mayo, Elders R. W. Hill and Levi I. Bodenheimer; from Smith's River, Elder S. J. Lackey, with minutes; from Abbott's Creek, Samuel Craven; and, also, received a file of minutes from both Kehukee and Little River Associations, and seated Elder Wm. Burns, from Country Line Association. Elder John Jones was again cho- sen moderator, and Moses Pilson was made clerk. After reading, as usual, the Rules of Decorum, calling the roll, etc., a presbytery of Elders was appointed to attend and fill the request from each of four churches, to wit: Stuart's Creek, Cody's Creek, Tom's Creek and State Road. Then, after appointing correspondents to Abbott's Creek, Mayo and Smith's River, and ordering the clerk to PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 47 have 350 copies of minutes printed, they adjourned to meet with the church at Tom's Creek, in Surry Co., N. f\", ten miles north of Pilot Mountain. 1860 Delegates, with letters, represent- ing twelve churches (Swan Creek not represented) met with the church above mentioned, on September 21, 1860, and seated as correspondents Elders R. W. Hill and S. Arrington, from Mayo; Elders Joshua Adams, S. J. Lackey, A. J. Cassell and C. Plaster, from Smith's River; and Elder Wm. Lawson from New River. The same moderator and clerk were chosen. The presbyteries reported the ordination of Charles Farris, as deacon at Tom's Creek; Moses Pil- son, as deacon at Cody's Creek; and that brother McKaughan having died, they did not attend the church at State Road. They were reappoint- ed to Stuart's Creek. 48 HISTORY OF FISHER S RIVER For some years before this time, Ave have been unable to ascertain the exact number of members; but, at this date, there were about 235 mem- bers. After the usual appointing of cor- respondents, etc., the association a- greeing to meet with the church at Franklin, adjourned. 1861 At the place where the church at Franklin usually worshiped, dele- gates representing twelve churches met, on the 20th day of Sept., 1861. Swan Creek again failed to send eith- er letter or delegates. They seated correspondents from Smith's River and Abbott's Creek, and received a file of minutes from Mayo. Elder John Jones and Moses Pilson were made moderator and clerk. The only important business was responding to the request of the church at Franklin, by appointing a presbytery of Elders to visit said PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 49 (ran R. W. Hill, T. S. Ring and J. M. Blancett. There was but little bus- iness to engage the body, except to appoint a presbytery to attend the request of the church at Ararat; and to reappoint a presbytery to Tom's Creek, the former appointees having failed to attend. These presbyteries were requested for the ordination of deacotis. ■ 1868 : The association convened with the church at Ararat meetinghouse, a- bout one mile southwest of the Doug- las ford across the Ararat River. The meeting occurred on the 10th day of April, 1868. It was previ- ously agreed to hold two sessions each year; one in April, and the oth- er in October. At this meeting ten churches were represented. The correspondents, few in number, re- 54 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER ported and were seated. The pres- bytery, which had been called by the church at Tom's Creek, met two miles east of Pilot Mountain, and organized a church (of members mostly from Tom's Creek), and or- dained James George and P. W. Lawrence to the office of deacon. The new body assumed the name of the church at Volunteer. Thus we have the first line of the history of said church. The new church at Volunteer was blessed with the next meeting of the association, which occurred on the 23rd day of October, 1868. The dozen churches, now composing the association, contained 350 members. Tom's Creek had given to Volunteer 30 members, and had thirteen ad- ditions within the last year, making 98 additions to Tom's Creek in two and one-half years. At this meeting a large number of correspondents were received from the sister associa- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 55 tions with which this association was in correspondence. All was peace and love. The brotherhood of those days can and will recall the pleasant associations at this meeting. The ordination of F. R. Stone and Edmund Denny to the office of deacon, at Ararat, was reported. Al- so, a presbytery was called and ap- pointed to the church at Tom's Creek. With Elder J. Jones and Moses Pilson yet serving as moderator and clerk, the association adjourned to meet with the church at Cody's Creek, which they did Apr. 9th, 1869. 1869 The twelve churches, now com- posing the body, were joined by the church at Rock Spring, sending del- egates and a petition for reception. No correspondents were present. The ordination of Henderson Cain to the office of elder, and Peterson 56 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVEF? Slate to the office of deacon, was reported from Tom's Creek. And a presbytery was appointed to attend at Flower Gap. The moderator was John . I ones, and the clerk was Moses Pilson. Oil the 22nd day of October, in the same year, the association assem- bled with the church, at Fisher's .Oliv- er .meetinghouse. Twelve churches were represented. Rock Spring sent no delegates or letter. A large number of corresponding brethren were presen t.. The ordination of William B. Gates to the office of elder at Flower Gap church was re- ported; and a presbytery of Elders was appointed to fill a request from each of the following churches, to wit: Ararat, Tom's Creek and Cody's Creek. After appointing corre- spondents to Mayo, New River, Smith's Riyer and Abbott's Creek Associations, they adjourned to meet with the church at Deep Creek, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 57 two miles north of Eastbend, Yad- kin Co... N. C. 1870 At this meeting, which occurred on the 8th day of April, 1870, twelve churches were represented, but Rock Spring was again absent. The presbytery appointed to Ar- arat reported the ordination of Mo- ses G. Harbour, Archilles M. Denny, and Gabriel Denny to the office of elder. Also the ordination of Jos- eph E. Atkinson, as elder at Tom's Creek. The ordination of Henry J. Wood, as deacon at Cody's Creek, was likewise reported. We also note here the beginning of a trouble. About the close of the Civil War some members of the church had joined a secret order called "Red Strings," a party of which the writer knows nothing, it being "secret." Some of the mem- bers protested against it. The mat- ter had been before the association 58 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER at a previous session, and the asso- ciation as a body declared, "We hold no fellowship with any secret or- ganization/ 7 and advised the church- es composing the body to deal with members belonging to secret orders as transgressors; and at this meet- ing a request was made that the churches report whether any persons belonging to such orders were held in fellowship. The next meeting was to be with the church at Tom's Creek, and to commence on the 21st day of October, 1870: Moses Pilson was still acting as secretary, and El- der John Jones as moderator. We also note quite an ingathering of members at Flower Gap, just pre- vious to the last assembling of this body. On the 21st day of October, 1870, delegates representing twelve church- es met with corresponding brethren from mayo, New River and Smith's River Associations at Tom's Creek PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 59 church-house. An increase in the number of members in nearly all the churches was reported; and although the increase in each church was small; yet it amounted in all to 33 members. All appeared in peace, but with Rock Spring still unheard from. The matter of "Secret Orders" had caused very little trouble up to this time. However, there were three churches that had made no report on the matter. 1871 The next meeting of the body was with the church at Franklin, April 7, 1871, when delegates from twelve churches met with correspondents from New River and Mayo Associa tions. The ordination of Harden Hanes, as deacon in the church at State Road, was reported. The mat- ter of "Secret Orders' 7 had been ad- justed satisfactorily, and all the churches manifested a healthy con- 60 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER dition, except Rock Spring which, as yet, had not been heard from. The fall term of the association was held at State Road, and conven- ed Oct, 20, 1871. A few delegates from all the churches, except Rock Spring was present. Smith's River was the only association that sent correspondents. An addition of 48 members during the past year was reported from all the churches, Deep Creek and Flower Gap report- ing 13 and 14 respectively. Eleven members had died during the pre- vious year. And the membership, though only 445 in number, was active in their devotions, and in sending corresponding brethren to the four associations nearest them, as often as convenient. And at this session they agreed to take up cor- respondence with Kehukee and Lit- tle River Associations by minutes. These associations being in the east- ern part of North Carolina, the PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. ()1 brethren did not wish to make the distance in person, so they exchang- ed minutes with them. Elder John Jones was still serving as moderator, and Moses Pilson as clerk. 1872 The spring session was held with the church at Flower Gap, April 12, 1872. The ordination of B. F. Wood and Wm. T. Lewis to the office of deacon at Fisher's River, and H. Herring and S. Gill to the same office, in the church at Stuart's Creek, was reported. The resolution passed in 1869, re- garding "Secret Orders," was made a part of the Constitution, and read: "We hold no fellowship with 'Secret Orders.'" After the usual appointing of cor- respondents, the association adjourn- ed. A full delegation representing all the churches (thirteen in number) assembled with the church at Fisher's 62 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER (lap, on the 25th day of October, 1872. A small increase of members was reported. Correspondents from Mayo, New River and Smith's Riv- er were received. No business of interest called the attention of the body, and a general condition of love and peace was manifested. 1873 The next session was held with the church at Round Peak. All the churches were again represented. In the absence of Elder John Jones, Elder Hugh Jones was chosen to preside. Smith's River and New River Associations corresponded by delegates. The ordination of Jacob Lowe and Bennett Galean to the office of deacon, in the church at Fisher's Gap, was reported. A pres- bytery was appointed to attend at White Oak Spring, near Brown's Factory, and constitute anew church there, if found expedient. The association met at the place PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 63 where the new body had been con- stituted, and received the new church by the name of White Oak Spring. All the other churches, except Tom's Creek, sent delegates. New River, Mayo and Abbott's Creek associa- tions w r ere represented by correspond- ing delegates. The association ap- pointed correspondents to New Riv- er, Smith's River, Abbott's Creek and Mayo Associations; and sent minutes to Kehukee and Little Riv- er Associations. 1874 The next session was held with the church at Stuart's Creek. All the churches except Deep Creek sent delegates. Also a newly constituted church, located on top of the Blue Ridge, in Virginia, one and one-half miles east of Fancy Gap, and called by the name of Elk Spur, was re- ceived and their delegates seated as a part of the body. Correspondents from Mayo and New River Associa- 64 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER tions were seated in fellowship. The ordination of James D. Draughn, as elder at Stuart's Creek church was reported. The next session, held wit h the church at Ararat, on the 23rd day of October, 1874, was the meet- ing of delegates representing all the churches, 15 in number, and corre- sponding delegates from all four of the bodies with which correspond- ence had been carried on. Elder John Jones and Moses Pilson were again chosen moderator and clerk. A steady, but small increase in mem- bers was reported by the churches. A membership numbering just 500 was given in the statistics. The ordination of H. Hawks, to the office of deacon in the church at Flower Gap, was reported. Correspondents were sent to the four corresponding associations, and minutes to Kehukee and Little River. The following is a list of the min- ELDER JAMES D. DRAUGHN, MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON HISTORY, WHITE PLAINS, N. C. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 65 isters in the association: John Jones, Hugh Jones, Isaac Edwards, Nathan Alberty. T. J. Lawson, Henderson Cain, Alexander Moran, John Mo- ran, Joseph E. Atkinson, Wm. B. Gates, Robert Welbourn, M. G. Har- bour, A. M. Denny, G. Denny and James D. Draughn. 1875 The next session was held at White Oak Spring, April 23, 1875. All the churches sent a full delegation. The ordination of Cornelius York and Enox York to the office of dea- con, in the church at Rock Spring, was reported. The churches, all in peace, were requested to fast and hold prayer on the 4th day of the following July, it being Sunday; and sister associations were requested to unite in the same. Elk Spur was the scene of the next meeting, which occurred on the 22nd day of October, 1875. All the churches, except State Road and 66 HISTORY OF FISHERY RIVER Stuart's Creek, sent delegates. A large correspondence was present; also, minutes were received from Ke- hukee and Little River associations. Very few additions to the churches were reported; but the churches were in peace. Very little business was done, except the usual routine of appointing correspondents, etc. 1876 The next session was held on the 21st day of April, 1876. All the churches sending delegates, except State Road. Correspondents from New River, Smith's River, Mayo and Abbott's Creek were present and participated in the services. Much grief was caused at this meeting by the announcement of the death of the much beloved Elder John Jones, under whose watchcare the association had experienced much success, peace, joy and love. Elder Hugh Jones was selected to take the place of Elder John Jones PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 67 as moderator. Moses Pilson was still clerk. The ordination of A. C. Woodruff to the office of elder, in the church at Franklin, was reported. The next meeting was with the church at Cody's Creek, on the 20th day of October, 1876. Round Peak was the only church failing to send delegates. Quite a large delegation was present. There was also a large number of correspondents present, and minutes from Kehukee and Lit- tle River were received. The ordination of William Golding to the office of deacon, in the church at Fisher's Gap, was reported. 1877 Delegates representing each of the fifteen churches composing the asso- ciation met with the church at Fish- er's River, on the 20th day of April, 1877. Only a few corresponding brethren were present. Elder M. G. Harbour was chosen 68 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER moderator, and Elder A. M. Denny clerk. Previous to this time, an effort had been made tobring about a un- ion between Fisher's River and the Mountain Associations; but had, as yet, been a failure. At this session this body appointed a delegation to confer with the Mountain Associa- tion and settle all impending diffi- culties. The committee was com- posed of Elders H. Cain, G. Denny, A. Moran, T. J. Lawson, M. G. Har- bour, H. Jones, N. Alberty, A. C. Woodruff and J. E. Atkinson, with layrnembers F. M. McCraw, C. B. Denny, Wm. Golding, H. C. Booker and C. Blackburn. Until this time the association had known but little trouble. The membership now num- bered more than five hundred. The churches were all in peace. Love seemed to be the theme of each mem- ber. But this is what is often called a lull before a storm. And follow- ELDER M. G. HARBOUR, MODERATOR OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR TWENTY- SEVEN YEARS, AND A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON HISTORY. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 69 ing this decade of prosperity was a decade of adversity in which the strong were made to weep, and the wise were made to wander. The next ten years will be treated as a whole, and the results will be given without entering into detail. The above committee was to meet with a committee from the Mountain and the New River Associations on Thursday, April 24th, 1878, at Tom's Creek meetinghouse. The purpose of the meeting, as before mentioned, was to affect a correspondence be- tween the Mountain and Fisher's River Associations. 70 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER TEN YEARS OF TROUBLE. 1877—1887 We are now entering what may be well termed "Ten years of trouble/' On the 26th day of October, 1877, the association, with a full represen- tation, being in conference at Deep Creek church, in Yadkin Co., N. C, had learned that their effort, through their committee, to adjust the mat- ter of correspondence w i t h the Mountain Association was a failure. It will here be noted that the Mount- ain and New River Associations were in full correspondence with each oth- er, and had been more or less ever since 1818; (See Hassell's Church His- tory, page 922) and that Fisher's River and New River had been in direct correspondence ever since 1835, or from about the time that Fisher's River was organized. This being the case, there was the greater induce- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 71 ment for the correspondence between the Mountain and Fisher's River As- sociations. There seemed to be no insincerity in the matter on the part of any one. At the meeting of the association at its regular spring term, at Tom's Creek, on the 25th day of April, 1878, the ordination of J. M. Jones and T. R. Hall to the office of deacon, in Deep Creek church; also the ordina- tion of Abner Gardner to the office of elder in the church at Elk Spur, and Calvin Blackburn to the office of eld- er, in the church at Flower Gap, was reported. The report of the committee, ap- pointed to meet Thursday 24th, dis- closed the fact that no correspond- ence had been agreed upon. Two of the churches of Fisher's River, to wit: Fisher's Gap and Franklin were hold- ing communion with members of the Mountain Association; and as they persisted in so doing, and the associ- 72 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER ation considering it disorder, both churches were dropped from the fel- lowship of the body. New River was also notified that the correspond- ence with her would end, unless she dropped the Mountain. This New River refused to do. So, at the fol- lowing session, which convened at Flower Gap, October 25th, 1878, the association passed the following reso- lution: "Although we acknowledge the New River Association to be a Christ- ian body, yet, in consequence of her being in correspondence with the Mountain Association, which we be- lieve to be an unorthodox body, not strictly adhering to the faith and practice of the Primitive Baptist, in- dulging in protracted meetings and other unlawful defects, not approved by us, we drop correspondence for the time present." The association also advised the re- maining churches to deal with such PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 73 members as might correspond in a conflicting manner. The reader, who may be blest to know any thing of the love existing among God's people, will agree with the writer that these w r ere perilous times. Here was an aged body of orthodox Chris- tians debarred from the fellowship or communion Avith another body, who themselves own them as such. Yet nothing wrong was intended. Another great trouble arose from this breaking of correspondence. Some members of a church would be- lieve the Mountain District, or Asso- ciation to be orthodox, while others of the same church, perhaps, would take the opposite view of the matter; and even churches, themselves, be- came so envolved in the controversy, that members of one church would leave their home church and join an- other in a different association, hop- ing, by so doing, to set themselves in order. We remember one instance 74 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER — and there may have been others — where the parties thus changing their membership were re-baptized. That State Road church had chosen a mod- erator or pastor from the Mountain Association was reported to the Asso- ciation in conference at Round Peak, April 25, 1879. Accordingly fellow- ship was withdrawn from her for the present. Stuart's Creek church was also called in question as to her loy- alty to the association, she having chosen a moderator from the New River District. At the next session of the association, which was with the church at Ararat, Oct. 24, 1879, Rock Spring church refused to rep- resent herself and shared the same fate. The next session of the association was April 23, 1880, at White Oak Spring, at which time and place the ordination of A. M. Branscome to the office of elder, and G. Hawks to the office of deacon, in the church at FBTM1TIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 75 Elk Spur, was reported. October 22, 1880, the association met, but very little or no business was done, except to appoint corre- spondents to each of the associations with which the body was correspond- ing. At the following session of the as- sociation which was held at Volun- teer, April 22, 1881. There was ver- y little business done, except the us- ual routine work. Cody's Creek was honored with the next meeting of the association, Oct. 21, 1881. At this meeting Eld. M. G. Harbour reported that he had visited Mayo as a correspondent, in the preceeding May; and finding cor- respondents there from New River, he was not willing to sit with them; and as Mayo refused to decide be- tween the two (Fisher's River and New River), by consent it was agreed to withhold correspondence for 12 months. We also note here that the 76 HISTORY OF FISHER^ RIVER ordination of John Nunn to the office of elder, at Tom's Creek, was re- ported to the association. We fur- ther note here that at this meeting a door was proclaimed open to any and all churches, or members who had departed, to return and give satisfac- tory evidence of their loyalty to the original faith and practice of the Primitive Baptists. The next session was held with the church at Fisher's River, on the 21st day of April, 1882. The ordina- tion of Wm, Golding to the office of deacon, in the church at Round Peak, was reported. Two letters were presented from the church at Ararat. The minority was received and the majority rejected after some debate on the matter. Deep Creek church was next to en- tertain the association. This meet- ing occurred on Oct. 20, 1882. At this meeting a committee of six, to wit: Elders M. G. Harbour, J. Nunn, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 77 C. Blackburn and A. Gardner, with lay members T. R. Hall and J. M. Jones was appointed to confer with a committee from New River, the time and place of meeting to be at Elk Spur, Nov. 22, 1882." The next session of the association was held with the church at Tom's Creek, April 20, 1883. The report of the committee appointed to meet with the committee from New River at Elk Spur, disclosed the following agreement: "After a general interview agreed to report to our respective associa- tions that we think that each associ- ation should advise churches and members in their bounds, without letters or certificates of dismission from their churches or associations from whence they came, to return and make reconciliation. This done in Committee and signed, M. G. HARBOUR, Mod. ISAAC WEBB, Clerk. 78 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER After the report was read, it was duly ratified by the association. At the next session of the associ- ation, which was held with the church at Flower Gap, Oct. 26, 1883, in ad- dition to corresponding brethren from Smith's River and Mayo (corre- spondence having been formally re- sumed with the latter) there was a delegation from New River, which was seated as a committee. After ap- pointing correspondents to Smith's River, Ma}^o and Abbott's Creek, a letter was prepared and another committee appointed to New River. These bore the message of hope that all the difficulties and obstacles might be removed. The association also pledged herself to solemnly and strictly conform to the requirements of the respective committees, and ex- pressed a desire and hope that New River would do the same. The association next convened at Round Peak, April 25, 1884. But PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 79 few delegates were present and no correspondents. Very little business was transacted. The next session met with the church at Ararat, October 24, 1884. A small delegation from the church- es was present. The church at Ara- rat had reunited, and furnished a good delegation. There were also correspondents present from Mayo, Smith's River and Abbott's Creek Associations. Two letters from Tom's Creek were presented. The repre- sentatives of the majority were re- ceived and seated, and the minority advised to return and labor in a gos- pel way for peace. Also all church- es in the Association holding mem- bers from the churches in the Mount- ain District, which had come there- from without letters, were advised to return and labor in a gospel way for peace. On the 24th day of April, 1885, the association met with the church 80 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER at Elk Spur, The delegation was small, and correspondents but few. The death of Elder Hugh Jones, who had served the association for some years as moderator, was report- ed; and Elder M. G. Harbour was e- lected to serve in said capacity. The "open door action" of October, 1881, was rescinded, and New River notified. White Oak Spring was honored with the next session, which conven- ed October 23, 1885. Elder M. G. Harbour was chosen to preside, and Elder A. M. Denny to act as clerk. Correspondents from Mayo, Smith's River, Abbott's Creek and Country Line were received and seated. Also a committee from New River. In answer to New River, the asso- ciation said, "We do not hold you in bonds for your correspondence with the Mountain." The association al- so appointed another committee to confer with New River for a final PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 81 settlement of all difficulties existing between the two bodies. The association met at Volunteer, Stokes Co, N. C, April 23rd, 1886. A new church had been constituted near the town of Siloam, and named Hogan's Creek. This church with all the others in the association sent delegates who were seated in the bod- y. The ordination of C. B. Denny to the office of elder, in the church at Ararat, was reported. Nothing more of interest was done at this session. On Oct. 22, 1886, messengers repre- senting fourteen churches (Volunteer sending only a letter) met with the church at Cody's Creek. The church at State Road, Rock Spring, Frank- lin and at Stuart's Creek, all sending delegates and becoming reconciled with the association, full fellowship was restored and their delegates were all seated. The Mountain Associa- tion was acknowledged as an ortho- dox body; but as some of her church- 82 HISTORY OF FISHER^ RIVER es were holding members from some of the churches in Fisher's River Association, no correspondence was agreed upon as yet, although the oth- er obstacles had been removed. Peace was now complete with New River and full correspondence resum- ed, and corresponding brethren ap- pointed; also to Smith's River, Mayo and Abbott's Creek. The next session was held with the church at State Road, April 22, 1887. State Road returning, her delegates were seated in the body. Also seated Calvin Gentry as the first correspond- ent from the Mountain Association; and appointed correspondents to the Mountain Association. ■ ■■:■-:.■ I M — . Vnil ELDER C. B. DENNY, MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON HISTORY, PINNACLE, N. C. LOVE, PEACE AND UNION. The war over; and correspondence having been resumed, a new era will be noted in the affairs of the Associa- tion. Where strife and seeming war- fare had existed, peace and love pre- vailed. Instead of wrangling over the question of correspondence, the association would go through the bus- iness of the body and soon proceed to the congregation with singing, preaching and praising God for his wonderful deliverance. At the next session of the asso- ciation, held with the church at Ho- gan's Creek, Oct. 21, 1887, all the churches, sixteen in number, sent delegates, and all were received and seated in fellowship. Correspond- ents and visitors were received and seated from Abbott's Creek. Smith's River, New River, Mountain, Mayo, Silver Creek, Senter and Roaring River Associations; and correspond- ents were appointed to each of these bodies, except Silver Creek. The re- 84 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER ception of more than fifty members by the different churches in the past year was reported. All was peace and love. What a change! On the 20th of April, 1888, the as- sociation met at Rock Spring. All the churches were represented and a good correspondence from the sister associations was received. The ordi- nation of W. B. Southern and C. L. Arlington to the office of deacon, at Tom's Creek; Marion Welbourn to the office of deacon, at Rock Spring; and J. J. Ayers to the office of dea- con, at Elk Spur, was reported to the association. The next session was held with the church at Stuart's Creek, Oct. 26, 1888. All the churches sent dele- gates; all the delegates were seated, and a newly constituted church was received by the name of Union. This body, situated about six miles south of Dobson, was composed of mem- bers who had taken letters of dismis- sion from the church at Hogan's Creek. A general revival was report- ed, with some additions to nearly all the churches; but the most was at PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 85 Hogan's Creek. This church report- ed 38 additions to the church, all of which was received by experience and baptism. In all the churches to- gether the number reached about 90, besides 25 which had been received by letter from other churches, and 16 that had been restored to fellowship, from which thev had hitherto been excluded. In all, for the last year, the increase was about 130 members. Correspondents and visitors were seated from New River, M a y o , Smith's River, Abbott's Creek, Roar- ing River, Mountain and Country Line associations; and corresponding brethren were appointed in return. Correspondents were appointed to Senter, association, also; and ordered minutes sent to Kehukee and Little River Associations. The ordination of John G. Jones, King D. Key and Azariah M. Denny to the office of deacon, in the newly constituted church at Union, was reported. Up to this time all presbyteries had been first requested by the church and ap- pointed by the association; but at this meeting the association advised 86 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER the churches when in need of pres- byteries to ordain deacons to call them from sister churches. The next session was held with the newly constituted church at Union, April 26th, 1889. All the churches were represented. There was not a very large delegation of correspond- ents present, but all who were pres- ent were seated in council with the association. Elder Isaac Jones, of White Oak Association, and Eld. D. N. Gore, of Mill Branch Association, were pres- ent. Fisher's River offered corre- spondence by minutes(or messengers, when convenient) to each of these as- sociations; and each body was to be informed through its representative elder then present. As some of the colored members of the different churches had obtain- ed letters of dismission to join the colored churches; and as a report had become current that these color- ed churches were in disorder, the as- sociation appointed a committee to visit the colored association, and im- part such instruction to them in be- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 87 half of this association, as it might find necessary. On the 25th day of Oct., 1889, the association met at Fisher's Gap. All the churches were represented, and a church by the name of Senter pre- sented a letter from the Mountain Association, and was received, and her delegates seated. Also, we notice that a newly constituted church by the name of Rockhouse, was received into the association. This church was composed of mem- bers who took letters of dismission from the Church at Tom's Creek, and is situated in Stokes Co., N. C, near the old Historic Rock Fortress, built by Jack Martin, more than a century ago. There were quite a number of cor- respondents present from the differ- ent associations, and all were seated in conference. The committee appointed to inves- tigate the colored churches, in con- ference in their association, reported that they considered them orthodox; but, owing to one of their churches calling a pastor, who had been ex- 88 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER eluded from the church at Tom's Creek, they were in disorder. An- other committee was appointed to visit him and admonish him to go to Tom's Creek church and make satis- faction. Correspondents were appointed to visit Abbott's Creek, Mayo, Smith's River, New River, Roaring River, White Oak and Mountain associa- tions. Also minutes were ordered to be sent to Mill Branch, Little River and Kehukee associations. We also note that 70 members had been bap- tized during the past year. Twelve members died and three had been excluded. A resolution was passed to dispense with the spring term of the associa- tion, and the churches requested to express in their next letters to the association whether they were in fa- vor of Section Meetings or not. The association next met with the newly constituted church at Rock- house, Oct, 24, 1890. Most of the churches were represented, and corre- spondents were present from Country Line, Smith's River, Mayo and the ELDER W. H. ATKINSON, MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON HISTORY, ARARAT, N. C. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 89 Mountain. Twenty-eight members had been received by experience and baptism; four were restored to fellow- ship; thirteen had died and twelve had been excluded. The ordination of G. O. Key and Wm. H. Atkinson to the office of elder, in the church at Union, was reported. The name of Senter church had been changed to Liberty, because of the moving of the church to a new place of worship by that name. A large majority of the churches opposed Section Meetings, and asked for two Associations a year. The committee appointed to visit the colored preacher reported him still in disorder. The association, therefore, agreed to drop the matter, and have nothing more to do with them until they get themselves in order. Correspondents were appoint- ed to each of the associations with which the association was correspond- ing. The next session was held with the church at Fisher's River. All the churches w ere represented, except White Oak Spring, which had been 90 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER growing weaker for some time. A presbytery was called; and, finding only ten members, it was agreed that the church dissolve. Five of the members took letters a n d joined at Stuart's Creek, and the other five at Tom's Creek. The church at Zion Hill was received by letter from the Mountain Association. A large cor- respondence was present and seated. The ordination of Wm. M. Stone and Jesse A. Ashburn to the office of elder, in the church at Ararat, was reported. The association advised all the churches of the association to deal strictly with any and all members who may engage in violations of the law, either by blockading or other- wise, and to exclude any and all who persist in the same. On October 23, 1891, the associa- tion convened with the church at Deep Creek. All the churches, 19 in number, were represented. Also the church at Mulberry was received by letter from the Mountain Associa- tion. Correspondents and visitors were received and seated from Ab- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 91 bott's Creek, Smith's River, New River, Roaring River and Mountain Associations. Correspondents were appointed to the same and, also, to Senter and Country Line Associa- tions. The baptism of 16 members and the death of 12 members was reported. Also the ordination of R. R. Key to the office of elder, in the church at Ararat, was reported. One thousand minutes were ordered print- ed for distribution among the church- es and associations. The next session was held with the church at Zion Hill, April, 22, 1892. All the churches, except Tom's Creek, were represented. Visitors from Mayo, New T River, Washington, Sil- ver Creek, Black Creek and Mount- ain Associations were present and seated. The churches all appeared to be in peace, and love was manifested as existing among the sister associa- tions generally. The presence of Eld. P. D. Gold, from Black Creek Asso- ciation, was much appreciated by the association, it being his first visit, and having come so great a distance. The association again took occasion 92 HISTORY of fisher's river to advise the churches to deal with all members who refuse to pay just debts, or who violate the law in any way. Tom's Creek was the next church to be honored with the association, which convened October 21st, 1892. All of the 20 churches were repre- sented. Correspondents and visitors were present and seated in council from Abbotts Creek. Mayo, Smith's River, New River, Country Line, Washington (visitor only) and the Mountain Associations, and minutes from Senter. The statistics showed the baptism of 37 members and the death of 18 members. The association appointed a com- mittee to vist Roaring River Associa- tion and notify her that the associa- tion was aggrieved on the account of the conduct of Eld. W. R. Welbourn, an elder in one of the churches com- posing that body. At the next session of the associa- tion, which was held with the church at Flower Gap, April 21, 1893, all the churches were represented by del- egates, except three, Cody's Creek, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 93 Deep Creek and Liberty. Eld. Isaac Jones, from White Oak, and Eld. P. D. Gold, from Black Creek Associa- tions, were present and seated as vis- itors. As correspondents, we note with pleasure the presence of Elder P. W. Williard, from Abbott's Creek; Eld. J. D. Vass, from the Mountain; and Eld. James M Allen, from New River. A query was presented by t h e church at Franklin, to wit: "Has a church the right to receive members, while two of their mem- bers are in contusion?" Answer: "Yes, provided those members, who are in confusion, be first silenced.'' Another query was presented as follows: "What is the result of orig- ional sin on Adam's posterity? 5 ' On this query there was quite a discus- sion, in which Elders Jones a n d Gold took part, by the request of the association. The answer given was as follows: "It brought death, natur- al and eternal." The next session of the association was held w T ith the church at Flat Top or Franklin, October 20, 1893. 94 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER Delegates representing a 1 1 the churches, 20 in number, were pres- ent and seated. Also a newly con- stituted church, Dover by name, and located near White Plains, N. C, was admitted, or received as a part of the association. Also corresponding brethren were received from Roaring River, Senter, Mayo and Mountain Associations; and visitors from Un- ion Association, in Ky., and Bear Creek Association, in N. C. These were all seated in council. The sta- tistics show that 27 had been bap- tized, 14 had died, making the total membership of all the churches now about 730. There were then 17 eld- ers and 21 churches. The committee appointed to con- fer with Roaring River, in regard to the case of Elder Welbourn, had fail- ed to attend; and the association find- ing her mistake in attempting to confer with Roaring River Associa- tion instead of Elder Welbourn him- self, asked pardon for what she had done, and advised all parties aggriev- ed with Elder Welbourn to go to him and labor for reconciliation accord- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 95 ins; to the word of God. April 20th, 1894, was the date of the next session, which convened with the church at liberty. All the churches sent delegates which were seated. Also visitors and correspond- ents from Mayo, White Oak and Mountain Associations were present and seated. The ordination of H. D. Mickey to the office of elder, in the church at Volunteer, was reported. The church- es of the association were advised to look after their licensed ministers, who were not preaching, and call in their license; and to permit none to preach without license, except in the bounds of their own church, or in the presence of ordained authority. A presbytery was appointed for the purpose of ordaining Abram King (col.) at Tom's Creek, if found ortho- dox. On Oct. 26, 1894 the association convened with the church at Dover. All the churches except Cody's Creek were represented; also correspondents from Mayo, Smith's River, Roaring River, Country Line and Mountain 98 HISTORY of fisher's. rive: Associations were received and seat- ed. The statistics showed that 80 mem- bers had been baptized during the past year. Some had been receded by letters of dismission from other as- sociations; but 23 had died, leaving the total membership now about 800. The presbytery appointed to Tom's Creek reported that they found A- bram King unsound in the faith and did not ordain him. A letter was presented from a bod- y of Baptists known as the "Parker Faction/' of Little River Association. In answer to which the association made the following reply: "We are not in the seat of judgment, but will say to you, that we learn that the dif- ferent associations of that country were in council when you were * dis- owned, and we cannot disregard their decision; but say to you, Labor in a gospel way for fellowship, and we think peace will be restored." On April 26, 1895, the association convened with Ararat church, at Ce- dar Hill meetinghouse, the new place of worship adopted by said church. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 97 All the churches were represented except Cody's Creek and Dover. Cor- responding elders and brethren were received and seated from Mayo, and Elder Isaac Jones visitor from White Oak Association. A new church by the name of Mountain View was received into the association. The constitution of the new church, above named, and the ordination of Tyler Gates to the of- fice of deacon, was reported. The news of the deaths of Elder Wm. B. Gates, Elder C. Blackburn, and Dea- con Orvil Hawks was sorrowfully re- ceived. A committee was appointed to vis- it the church at Cody's Creek and dissolve it by giving to each of the members a letter of dismission, or give such advice to them as they may find necessary. On Saturday and Sunday the congregation was unusu- ally large and the preaching very im- pressive. The fall session was held with the Church at Round Peak, Oct. 25, 1895. All the churches (21 in number) were represented; also correspondents and 98 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER visitors were received from Mavo, New River, Mountain, Roaring Riv- er, Senter and Union. The last two were represented only by visitors. And a file of minutes was received from each of the following associa- tions: Little River, Abbott's Creek, Kehukee, Staunton River, Country Line, Senter, Ketooton and Ebenezer. The statistics show an increase of 20 members. Fifty-three had been re- ceived, but 33 had died or had been excluded. Elder Harbour was again moderator and Elder A. M. Denny clerk. The committee to Cody's Creek reported the dissolving of the said church, and the reception of its mem- bers by the church at Liberty. The name of the church at Cody's Creek was ordered to be dropped from the minutes. Roaring River Association com- plained that the church at Mulberry had refused to grant letters of dismis- sion to a number of members of said church (Mulberry) because said mem- bers wished to join a church, o r churches in Roaring River Associa- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 99 tion. And this association replied: "We did not refuse to give those members letters of dismission owing to their intention to join your asso- ciation, but on account of them be- ing in disorder." There had for sometime been complaints against W. R. Welbourn; that in his autobiogra- phy he had misrepresented the facts. Some of the members of the church at Mulberry claimed to know this to be true, and desired that Elder Wel- bourn should be dealt with for such misrepresentations. The matter had been before this association before and the aggrieved parties were ad- vised to go to him, or to his home church with their complaint. This they had done, they said, and his church refused to hear the charges. The church at Ararat presented a query to this association, asking if it was gospel order to receive and seat members of the church or churches, refusing to hear the charges against Elder Welbourn. The answer of the association was, "No." Correspondents were appointed to Mayo, Smith's River, New River, 100 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER Senter, Roaring River, Country Line and Mountain Associations; also a- greed to send a file of minutes to Lit- tle River, Kehukee, White Oak, and Mill Branch Associations. No cor- respondence was taken up with Ke- tocton and Ebenezer, owing to the distance and want of knowledge of their faith and order. Elk Spur church, in Carroll Co., Va. ? was next to entertain the associ- ation, which she did, April 26, 1896. Each of the churches sent dele- gates, except Fisher's Gap, Rock Spring and Deep Creek. There had been a new church organized at Martin, in Va., which was admitted into the association. Correspondents were received and seated from Mayo, Smith's River, New River and Mountain Associa- tions; also Elder P. D. Gold, from Black Creek, and Elder Isaac Jones, from White Oak, as visitors. There was very little business done; but quite a large congregation was pres- ent, and the preaching was received with much joy. The church at Volunteer, Stokes PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 101 Co., N. C.j was given the presence of the next session of the association, which convened October 23, 1896. Correspondents from Mayo. Senter and Mountain Associations, and two visitors (Elders M. B. and W. D. Martin, from Union Association in Ky.) met with delegates from every church in the association. Elder Harbour was again made moderator, and Elder Denny clerk. The death of Elders Russell R. Key and Nathan Alberty, also of Deacon R. P. Philips, was received with sorrow. Correspondents were appointed to Roaring River, Smith's River, New River, Mavo and Mountain Associa- tions, and a file of minutes ordered to be sent to Abbott's Creek, Little River, Kehukee, Mill Branch, Sen- ter and Country Line Associations. During the past year, quite a num- ber of members of different churches had died. We note the death of five in the church at Ararat. On the 23rd day of April, 1897, the association met with the church at Hogan's Creek. With the excep- 102 HISTORY OF FISHEB's RIVER tion of Martin, Mountain View and Round Peak, all the churches sent delegates. A new church had been constituted at Pilot Mountain, which was received into the association and its delegates seated. Elder J. A. Burch was seated as correspondent, from Country Line. Elder P. D. Gold, from P>lack Creek, and Elder E. E. Lundy, from the Mountain, were seated as visitors. The death of two very efficient deacons, F. M. Mc- Craw and J. M. Gordon was sorrow- fully received. A delegation was appointed to vis- it Roaring River Association and to bear a letter of complaint to her, as follows: "We prefer the following charges against the Roaring River church, in the Roaring River Associ- ation: We, the Fisher's River Associ- ation, now in session at Hogan's Creek, Surry Co., N. C, April 24th, 1897, do say to our sister, the Roar- ing River Association, that we hum- bly ask your honorable body to no- tice the disorder of Roaring River church and deal with her properly for disregarding the testimony of PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 103 some of our brethren and sisters, to wit: Elders C. B. Denny, A. C. Woodruff and J. M. Wyatt, and breth- ren S. B. Jones, Russell Draughn, Marion Welbourn, T. P. Nixon and B. F. Absher; and sisters Nancy E. Philips, S. E. Beemer and S. A. Cock- erham, and sustaining Elder W. R. Welbourn in the face of their testi- mony. And we appoint Elders M. G. Harbour and Gabriel Denny; also Wm. Golding to go with our regular correspondents. Elders G. O. Key, C. B. Denny and J. D. Draughn to the next session of the said Roaring River Association and labor to per- petuate peace and fellowship, and that these brethren whose testimony was discarded go and be with them." This concluded the work of the asso- ciation at this session. On the 22nd day of October, the association convened with the church at State Road. Delegates represent- ing all the churches (23 in number) met with correspondents from Mayo, New River, Roaring River, Country Line, Senter and Mountain Associa- tions, and Elder Z. T. Turner, from 104 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER Pig River, and Elders M. B. Martin and Robert Honaker, from Washing- ton Association. The statistics show but little change in numbers during the past year Correspondents were appointed to Mayo, Smith's River, New River, Senter and Mountain Associations: also a file of minutes sent to each of the following associations, to wit: Kehukee, Abbott's Creek, White Oak, Mill Branch, Pig River, Staun- ton River, Ebenezer and Ketocton. The correspondents and committee appointed to visit the Roaring River Association reported that they were seated in that association, but that their testimony w 7 as disregarded and the letter not satisfactorily answered. We have not a copy of the letter, written by Roaring River, but if we can obtain a copy, it will appear in this volume. The reply to the letter was as follows: "We therefore, in consideration of the testimony of those brethren who were appointed to visit you at your last association, sustain our brethren and believe their testimony; and we believe they PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 105 have been treated in a very unchris- tian manner by Eid.W. R. Welbourn, and also by Roaring River church; and we, therefore, declare nonfellow- ship with Elder Welbourn; also, with Roaring River church for holding him and disregarding the testimony of our brethren. And we agree, also, to withhold the appointing of corre- spondents to your body until you exonerate our brethren from all things in which they are wrongfully accused. We also agree that a copy of this letter be published in Zion's Landmark, and, also, in the Allegha- ny Star." The association also gave the churches the following praise-worthy advice: "We advise the churches of this association not to receive nor to hold any member or members, who are not of good moral character." There had been, just previous to this time, much caviling over the duty of the laity as regards giving of their substance to those engaged in the ministry, not, however, that the laity of this association was burden- ed or attempted to be, as was before 106 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER stated, somewhere in this work; but as the matter had been, more or less, discussed, this body took occasion to place itself on record, with the follow- ing words: " Agreed that the assist- ance to ministers should be given un- der the nature of 'Benevolence,' and not as a debt." After preaching to the usual large congregation the association adjourn- ed. On the 22nd day of April, 1898, the association was held with the church at Stuart's Creek, one mile from Mt. Airy, N. C. Delegates representing each of the churches were present. Correspondents from Mayo, New River, and the Mountain were pres- ent and seated; also Elder P. D. Gold, from Black Creek and Elder James A. Burch, from Country Line, were seated as visitors. We might here state that visiting elders and breth- ren were accorded the same liberties and courtesies as correspondents. Elder Harbour was again modera- tor and Elder A. M. Denny clerk. No business except the regular read- ing of the Rules of Decorum, Arti- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 107 cles of Faith, Covenant, etc., and the usual adopting of a resolution of thanks to the citizens of the commu- nity for their hospitality. Perhaps it would interest the read- er to give here a few of the customs of the citizens of the country in which this Association is situated. Most of the citizens are farmers, own- ing small farms which they cultivate with one or two horses, sometimes more; but not as a rule. They are, for the most part, very hospitable, and when the association is to be held in a community, almost every one prepares to entertain company. This is done without cost to the guest. The entertaining is not confined to the Primitive Baptists alone, but cit- izens of the various, different relig- ious persuasions, often open their doors and give a public invitation to the delegates and visitors to the^e as- sociations. As a rule, there is much pride taken in hospitality. The next annual session of the as- sociation was held with the church at Martin, in Carroll County, Virgin- ia, October 21, 1898. 108 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER There were six churches whose delegates failed to attend, to wit: Rock Spring, Fisher's Gap, Fisher's River, Hogan's Creek, Deep Creek and Mountain View. The other 17 churches were represented. Corre- spondents from Mayo, New River, Smith's River and Mountain were re- ceived and seated. Also Elder Isaac Jones, from White Oak, and Eld. J. D. Rife, of Mate's Creek, Pike Coun- ty, Ky., were seated as visitors. And correspondents were appointed to Mayo, Smith's River, New River, Senter, Mate's Creek and Mountain. Statistics showed but little change in numbers. The next meeting was with the church in the town of Pilot Mount- ain, N. C, and convened on April 21, 1899. Every church except Rock Spring was represented by delegates who met with correspondents from Mayo, Smith's River, New River and the Mountain Associations, also Eld. A. J. Taylor, from Senter, Eld. P. D. Gold, from Black Creek, and Elder Isaac Jones, from White Oak, all of whom were seated in fellowship. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 109 There was an unusually large con- gregation of people assembled togeth- er there on account of this meeting, so much so that the very large build- ing belonging to the Primitive Bap- tists was not adequate. But through the courtesy of the Missionary Bap- tists their building was also filled, and yet a large number of people failed to get to hear the preaching, for the want of room. Very little business claimed the at- tention of the body, which adjourn- ed after a short session. The preach- ing was quite able and very effective. On Oct. 20, of same year, the asso- ciation convened with the church at Mulberry. Delegates from all the churches met with correspondents from Mayo and Mountain Associa- tions. Also Eld. Levi I. Bodenheim- er, of Mayo, and Eld. Richard Fender, of Senter, were present and seated in the association. A letter was presented by delegates representing a newly constituted church at Albion; but, instead of re- ceiving the church at once, as had been the custom in most of the pre- 110 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER vious cases, the letter was referred to the committee having the arrange- ment of the other business in charge. The cause was this: In other instan- ces churches had grown up from an arm, set off by some other church; and, when a sufficient number had become members, the association had appointed a presbytery of elders to examine and constitute them into a church. In this case it was different. There was no church-house at Albion, and the people wished to build one and built it at once. They also wish- ed the title of the land composing the site to be vested in the proper trustees: and, under this considera- tion, by the request of eight or ten members, the church at Tom's Creek granted letters to the said members and requested elders from other churches to meet them at Albion, and constitute them into a church, which they did. After the matter had been explained to the commit- tee, and they had made their report, the church was received and became a part of the association. Their Ar- ticles of Faith and Rules of Decorum PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Ill being the same as herein written. The statistics showed some increase in the number of members. Roaring River Association had sent a letter to the association accom- panied by the record of the trial of Elder W. R. Welbourn, by the Roar- ing River church, which trial pur- ported to have been held in Decem- ber, 1896. In answer to which this body replied: "We say that as the association has not as yet exhonorat- ed our brethren from the burden im- posed upon them, therefore, we still require it of them." The association appointed corre- spondents to Mayo, Smith's River, New River, Senter and Mountain. With Elder Harbour moderator and Elder A. M. Denny clerk the as- sociation adjourned. On April 20, 1900, the association convened with the church at Union; all the churches, except Fisher's Riv- er, were represented by delegates, it sending a letter. No correspondents were present, except one from Mayo. Elder P. D. Gold was present and seated as a visitor from Black Creek. 112 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER A newly constituted church by the name of Little Vine was admitted in- to the association as a part of the same. The news of the death of Elder A. Z. Philips, and of Deacon Turner Pilson was heard with much sorrow. The preaching was, apparently, well received, and the association ad- journed to meet with the church at Albion. This meeting occurred October 26, 1900. Delegates representing each of the 25 churches met with corre- spondents from Mayo, Smith's River, Senter and Mountain. Elders Har- bour and Denny were made moder- ator and clerk. From the time of the organization of this Association, in 1832, until the present, there was a clause in their Articles of Faith which read, "We believe that God created all things, sin excepted/' Several of the leading ministers in the Association often contended that sin was not a "thing" but an act of disobedience on the part of man, and the mentioning of it, in connection with creation, was superfluous. So PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 113 the association appointed a commit- tee consisting of Elders A. M. Denny, M. G. Harbour and C. B. Denny to revise this article and make some mi- nor changes in the phraseology in the Articles of Faith, but none of which, however, changed the real meaning. The following query, from Flower Gap, was presented: "Is it gospel or- der to give letters of dismission for any other cause than that of conven- ience? and what is meant by the word "convenience? Answer: "We advise that it is not, unless a good and justified reason be given; and in no case should letters of dismis- sion be given to members who are not in good standing, and in full fel- lowship; and we advise further, that if any church of our body has giv^n letters contrar}' to the tenor of this advice, that they revoke them." This query, doubtless, was prompt- ed by the fact that Elder James M. Wyatt had procured a letter from the church at State Road while he was not in full fellowship with the brethren generally— a crime had 114 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER been charged and not fully investi- gated — and had joined a church in a different association, and not con- venient to his home. The association then appointed correspondents to Senter, New River, Smith's River, Mayo, Country Line, Abbott's Creek and Mountain. The news of the death of Deacon Jackson Norman was sorrowfully re- ceived by the association. The congregation was exceedingly large, and, considering its size, very orderly. Services were held on Sun- day, both in the house and at a pulpit erected in the grove. The preaching was very impressive, and often spok- en of afterward. The association adjourned to meet at Little Vine, one and one-half miles west of Dobson, N. C; which meeting was held on April 26, 1901. Each of the churches was represent- ed by delegates. There were no cor- respondents from other associations. The ordination of Garland Allen to the office of elder, in the church at Elk Spur, was reported. Ever since the publication of Has- ELDER JESSE A. ASHBURF, ( Author of this Book. ) PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 115 sell's Church History, there had been a growing restlessness on the part of some of the members of some of the churches in this Association, among whom was the writer of this work. Thife restlessness, doubtless, was caus- ed by the fact that Hassell's History did not contain even a sketch of this body. This omission, however, w r as not due to negligence on the part of Elder Hassell, for he used due dil- igence in trying to get the necessary information, and sent blanks for that purpose to some party or parties, in this Association; but the party or parties to whom they were sent, for some reason, failed to fill out and return them. For this reason the sketch was omitted. The author and others, after talking the matter over, decided that it would be wise to pre- serve the memory of this body and its early records by a small history. After the matter was discussed in the association, the body appointed a committee of elders, M. G. Harbour, A. M. Denny, W. H. Atkinson, C. B. Denny and J. D. Draughn to act with the author in the preparation and 116 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER verifying of this work. We here append a note appearing in the records of this meeting. "This association, or meeting, was remark- able in two respects: (1) The entire absence of correspondents; and (2) The wonderful manifestation of fel- lowship, union and love among the brethren.' 7 The next session of the association was held with the church at Rock- house, in Stokes Co., N. C, October 25, 1901. The churches, 25 in num- ber, were all represented by delegates, except Hogan's Creek, Rock Spring, and Franklin. The statistics showed a small in- crease in the entire membership of the churches which, at this time, ag- gregated about 850 members. Corresoondents were nresent raid seated from each of the following as- sociations: Mayo, Smith's River and Mountain. Elders Harbour and Denny were again elected moderator and Clerk. The ordination of J. H. Wood to the office of deacon, in the church at Little Vine, and Charlie Hawks and J. H. McCraw to the PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 117 same office, in the church at Flower Gap, was reported to the association. Inquiry was made as to the prog- ress of this work of preparing this volume. A favorable report was made, expressing a hope of its com- pletion in about one year. Correspondents were appointed to Mayo, Smith's River, New River and Mountain associations; and agreed to send minutes to Abbott's Creek, Country Line, Senter, Eno, Little River, Black Creek, Contentnea, Ke- hukee, White Oak, Mill Branch, Pig River and Staunton River Associa- tions. Elder J. M. Wyatt, formerly a member of the church at State Road and resident of Surry Co., N. C; but now a citizen of Pike Co., Ky., had been charged with some disorderly conduct, in the western part of Vi., or eastern part of Ky. State Road church had tried te get the facts in the case, but, so far, had failed; and before full satisfaction was reached in the matter, a pare of the church granted him a letter or certificate of fellowship, which he carried away 118 HISTOKY OF FISHER'S RIVER with him when he moved his family to Kentucky. We learned that he joined a church there, placing this letter with the church. As there was dissatisfaction at both places about the matter, the church at State Road was advised, by the association, to re- voke said letter. The association again took occa- sion to remind the E oaring River Association of her disorder in associ- ating with, or holding to Roaring River and Pilgrim's Rest churches: they having refused to deal with Elder Wm. R. Weibourn for false representations in his autobiography, and also for his bold and unwarrant- ed attack on this Association, and especially on Elder C. B. Denny. The following resolution was adopt- ed. "Whereas Eld. W. R. Weibourn, of the Roaring River Association, published this, the Fisher's River Association, in the Standard of Truth as being an Arminian body, full of heresy and disorders, and has otherwise made charges against Eld. C. B. Denny, and others of our breth- ren, which we know to be false; and PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 119 in consideration of the Pilgrim's Rest church receiving and yet hold- ing members who stand legally ex- cluded from Mulberry church; and, also, holding a record charging said church with disorderly government, and making other charges against Elder C. B. Denny, the pastor of said church, for preaching Arminianism and the things of which we hereby declare he is not guilty; and seeing further that Roaring River Associa- tion still sustains Elder W. R. Wel- bourn and Pilgrim's Rest church, in said disorder: We, therefore, declare nonfellowship with said Roaring River Association, and we further ask our general correspondence to consider the general disorder of that Association." On April 25, 1902, the association met with the church at Fisher's Gap; in the county of Surrv, N. C. Del- egates from each of 25 churches were present. While no corresponding delegates were present, yet several visitors were there. Among them were Elder J. D. Vass, C. L. Carr, J. M. Dickey, and B. Flector; also a file 120 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER of minutes from each of White Oak, Kehukee, Mountain, and Abbott's Creek Associations. Elder Harbour was again made moderator, and C. F. Denny clerk. A letter of correspondence was re- ceived from Senter Association, and corrsepondence opened by seating her delegates in the council. The ordination of J. L. Pyrtle to the office of elder, in the church at Volunteer, was reported. State Road church had been, for some time, having trouble with Eld. Wyatt, of said church, and who had recently moved near Peter's Creek church, in Pike Co., Ky. Some charges were made against him in Virginia. He had denied the charg- es at home, but it seems that he now confesses them. His being so great a distance from them, and the church not being very strong, it sought ad- vice of the Association. This she gave as follows: "We, as the Associa- tion in council, advise State Road church to answer certain questions in regard to the conduct of Elder J. M. Wyatt, and to say to Peter's Creek PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 121 church that we accept his confessions to the several charges against him in Virginia, but we still hold him in bonds for his false statements, made to us in denying to us the charges which he now confesses to be true." Letters of dismission were granted to the churches at Martin, Zion Hill, Flower Gap, Elk Spur, and Round Peak; and these churches, uniting w r ith five churches from the Mount- ain Association, formed a new r Asso- ciation, called Zion. Elder Harbour served as modera- tor and C. F. Denny as clerk. The next session of the Association was held with the church at Fisher's River, October 26, 1902. Delegates from all (20) the churches met with correspondents and visitors, as fol- lows: from Mayo, John Burgess and F. G. Southern; New River, Elder D. S. Webb; Senter, J. A. Cave, Elisha Roup, and Eli Long. Zion, the new Association, sent a letter asking for correspondence; and the correspondence being agreed to, her delegates, W. D. Vaughn and Charlie W. Hawks, were seated in 122 HISTOKY OF FISHER^ RIVER the council. The statistics, prior to the forming of the new Association, showed the number of members to be about 840. The number of churches was 25, and the number of ordained minis- ters seventeen. The general condi- tion of the churches was better than at any time during the history of the Association. Correspondents were appointed to Mayo, Smith's River, New River, the Mountain, Zion, Senter, Abbott's Creek, and Eno. The Association agreed to drop the spring term and to hold but one As- sociation each year. The Association received with sor- row the news of the death of Elder A. C. Woodruff, of the church at Rock Spring. The Association next met v/ith the church at Deep Creek, in Yadkin Co., N. C, October 23, 1903; and after the usual reading of letters from each of 19 churches(Rock Spring having dis- solved, and her members taking let- ters and joining elsewhere), delegates from 18 churches were organized by PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 123 electing Elder M. G. Harbour mod- erator, and Elder A. M. Denny clerk. Correspondents reported as follows: From New River, Elders D. S. Webb and F. P. Branscome; Abbott's Creek, Elder P. W. Williard; Senter, Elder John A. Cave. Brother James M. Crews was seated, as a visitor, from Mayo. Correspondents were appointed to Abbott's Creek, Mayo, Smith's River, New River, Senter, Zion and Mount- ain, and a file of minutes sent as usual. There was nothing of unusual in- terest, except some excitement over the question of "Treasuries in the Churches;" and, as is often the case, when a trouble arises, man;/ had been misinformed on the matter, and which led to the following query (by the Committee on Arrangements): "•Is it gospel order for a minister to agitate an evil which may or may not exist in a brother, or a church, until he has investigated the matter and has labored for reconciliation? Answer; No." This query had a good effect by 124 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER calling the attention of the brethren to the evil of circulating rumors to the hurt of others. The Association then adjourned to meet with the church at Mountain View in 1904. The Association met according to adjournment, October 21, 1904. All the churches (19 in number) sent letters; and all, except Hogan's Creek, sent delegates. Elder Harbour, the aged moderator, not being present, the Association organized by electing Elder A. M. Denny, the former clerk, moderator, and the author of this work as clerk. Correspondents were received as follows: From Zion Association, Eld. Wesley Brindle and J. C. McCraw; Mayo, Elder E. M. Barnard and Jes- se Beasley; Smith's River, W. S. Lawson and Hiram Thompson (vis- itors); New River, W. F. Harris and J. Dehart( visitors). Saturday morning, Elder Harbour arrived and informed the Association that he had been detained by the death and burial of his sister. He also tendered his resignation as mod- ELDER A. M. DENNY, PRESENT MODERA TOR OF THE ASSOCIATION AND ALSO A MEMBER OF TIJE COMMITTEE ON HISTORY. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 125 erator, on account of his declining age. He had served the body quite faithfully for 27 years. The Associ- ation accepted his resignation and tendered him a resolution of thanks for his faithful and impartial service. He was also seated in council, as a delegate from his (Union) church. A resolution was also passed, seat- ing all the ordained ministers belong- ing to this Association in this body, now, as well as in the future. After the usual appointing of cor- respondents, arranging for the dis- tribution of minutes etc., the Associ- ation adjourned to meet with the church at Tom's Creek. On pages 126 and 127 will be seen the Statistical Table for the vear 1904, and a list of the ministers belonging to this body at the present, October 22, 1904. 126 HISTORY OP FISHER S RIVER ■=: < a h3 5 £ 'ps t s g tr r td ^ ^ e s -- •> i X CD C w 2- £ o " 3 ~. < ■ m H x "* OHTJRCHB3 | 5 s g^Psc^op^S^^pp^fc U 3 -. a K ?" ' - K — ' CD rr' E PQv< CD (-. 3 • • -; ~. o - 1 h _.-ja p a x p . . p^ 2 ° ^ P P B - T • p CD £3 3 X* CO D Sfl Bj •i • CD X B r XI CD ^ - • i 00 3 : ac - , - b p . : a 5 -a- i E 2 | y a ^*CD • a £ c^ GO : : O' £g: : u 3D • • 3 *h o r ■ • p - C- P.- i— 1 y : : P ® © 2 : : 5 CD ■" " * C3 % ■* /3 ■ ?' ( D " • '• ±P ' : ■ o • : b : J, to -3 k^ to ao *- c; ;o to *- #>» c: Rec'd by Experience. |i Received by Let er. j| Dism.imed by Letter. \\ Excluded. '-\ Deceased. \ u to G5 to oa M - to to to m MC^HtSCOCCHMHtS^MHHH* =- 135 L Wh>0:-5-^MAOTMi~M05K)0'-«M*vC-. 1 MWO«0«COC**KO'lt-CDC:C»iCM( 1 JVo. in Fellowship. j<=e | ;CS HHi-i-MMMH-J MM ►_. H-tCi— Contributions. sr. 1 c m r; u> c b i: b< c c. o Jo *■ a b ii i> c r. jc 1 _c? O' :r_c; SJ^^^_=^iSLfc^jrIJ5JJlOjO_CL«L_ J -r^J PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 127 ORDAINED MINISTERS. A. M. Denny, Pinnacle C. B. Denny, Pinnacle Gabriel Denny , Pinnacle Wm. M. Stone, Pinnacle H. D. Mickey, Pinnacle Henderson Cain, Pilot M't'n J. A. Ashburn, Pilot M't'n W. H. Atkinson, Ararat M. G. Harbour, Moser J. D. Drau^hn, White Plains G. 0. Key, Pilot Mountain J. M. Royal, Roaring Gap J. H. Moran, Dan River J. L. Pyrtle, Big Creek LICENSED MINISTERS. C. F. Denny, Greensboro, N. C. 0. J. Denny, Greensboro, N. C. F. P. Stone, Francisco, N. C. J. W. Creed, Samuel, N. C. C. Lundy, Low Gap, N. C. », N. C '-, N. { ' ', N. C , N. c >, N. c , N. c , N. ■, N. c , N. c , N. c , N. c , N. c , N. c , N. c MANNER OF WORSHIP. On assembling at the Churchhouse for the purpose of public worship, the congregation usually engages in ringing a hymn or two before the preacher engages the congregation. Then the preacher usually reads his hymn — most likely one of his own choosing. After the hymn is sung, (no organ or other instrument being used) the minister usually leads in public prayer. Sometimes, though not always, another hymn is sung. Then the preacher announces his text if he uses one, and the sermon fol- lows. The preaching is always "im- promptu" or "extemporaneous" that is, without notes or previous meditation. The preacher is most generally very apt in quoting the scripture, it being almost the only book he peruses. It is wonderful, if not mysterious, to see how he will link each passage of scripture with the experience of the Christian. Sometimes he almost bursts forth in grief, as he relates the trouble of poor sinners on account of PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 129 their sins; but, perhaps, in a very short period of time, he is filled with rejoicing, as he tells how Jesus took away their sins, washing them with his own blood. Sometimes as many as two, or even three, preachers will preach in suc- cession during the same meeting. Most usually there is a hymn sung between each two sermons. When the preaching is concluded, if there is to be no conference, the congrega- tion sings a hymn, and, very often, spends a few minutes in shaking hands with each other. Then a ben- ediction close© the services. Each of the churches has a two- days meeting each month, called a ^Church Meeting." Thi^ meeting oc- cupies Saturday and Sunday. The services usually begin about eleven o'clock each day. After the preach- ing on Saturday, and before the ben- ediction, the church has conference, which will be described on the next page. At these monthly or church meet- ings are frequently several ministers, part of whom preach on Saturday 130 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER and the others on Sunday. Some- times, however, only two or three preachers will be present, and both, or all, will preach each day. But in seme instances there is b u t one preacher who does the preaching for both days. THE CHURCH CONFERENCE. On the Saturday of each church meeting, after the preaching service is over, the pastor (who is always an elder), or in the absence of the pas- tor, s >me elder present, on whom the church calls, or in the absence of any ordained minister, the deacon of the church calls the members of the church together, that is, requests them to sit as near in a body as may be; also the members of the churches of like faith are invited to seats with them. When all are seated in a body ready for the transaction of business, the pastor, elder or deacon presiding, is called "Brother Moderator, " and is the presiding officer of the meeting. He first inquires of the body if fel- lowship exists among all the mem- bers. This is a very solemn question, PEIMITiyE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 131 as it strictly means Christian love, unity and harmony among all the members. If there is not full fellow- ship, to sit still, in such condition, is fully considered lying, and this is quite a base crime in the mind of a Primitive Baptist. But, on the other hand, to state a nonfellowship is to bring trouble into the church, and so many of the members between these two difficulties ponder fully in their minds the consequences; and, at last, rather than have troube in t h e church, decide it is better to bear the wrong; and, finally, they are blest with the spirit of forgiveness, and decide to forgive the offense. But if some member has so hurt or tres- passed against another that he can not let the matter pass, then it is mentioned in the church; but the church never acts on the matter un- til she ascertains whether or not the plaintiff in the case has taken gospel steps. This will be more fully dwelt upon under the head of "Dealing with Offenders.' 7 After the church is found to be in fellowship, or after the matter of fel- 132 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER lowship is settled, either by putting the offending party or parties under dealings, or disposing of the matter in some other lawful manner, the presiding officer calls for "Reference" from preceeding meetings. This of- ten brings up some case of "offense" or "trespass," or "sin against the church;" all these must, according to the rule of practice, be settled, either by referring it to some future meet- ing,and the offending party or parties "held under dealings," or by forgive- ness or exclusion. Then any other business of the church is transacted; and lastly, manifest that the door of the church is open, as it is called, for the reception of members. This does not mean that the door of the church was closed during conference, for the Primitive Baptists transact no bus- iness behind closed doors; but it means that an invitation is given to persons present, who are not members of the church, to come forward and express a desire to become members. But this will be more fully treated under the head of "Reception of Members." PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 133 After the opening of the door, as it is called, if none come forward to join, or if any person or persons join, then the services are closed by sing- ing and the benediction. DEALING WITH OFFENDERS. This subject is one that has caused a great deal of study, as well as a great deal of trouble for the elders of this body, not so much how to deal with the offender, but how to deter- mine or judge between public and private w r rongs. The scripture, they say, is plain how to deal with a " tres- pass," and how to deal with an "of- fense;" how to deal with a member for a trespass upon a brother or a- gainst a brother; and it is a time hon- ored, as well as a scriptural rule not to hear a charge of trespass against a brother until the party trespassed a- gainst shall first go alone to the par- ty trespassing and tell him of his fault and try and settle; and, failing to do so, he takes one or two w r ith him, goes a second time, and again tries to settle the matter. If he fails this time, then he brings the matter 1H4 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER to the church and the church settles it, either by causing the parties to be reconciled to each other or by ex- cluding one or both. But they do not deal with an of- fense against the church; such as, drunkenness, idolatry, lying, or a general course of such conduct as the church considers hurtful to the cause, in the same way as they do a private wrong or trespass. In these public wrongs, the deacon of the church us- ually notifies the church of the wrong. The deacons sometimes at- tempt to get the offending party to forsake the error of his way. The church then usually appoints a com- mittee or instructs the deacons to visit the offender and ask him to at- tend the church meeting and give satisfaction. When he comes to the church, if he satisfies the church that he has repented or is repentant, the church forgives him, and admonish- es him to forsake the error of his way; but if he persists in his disorder- ly course or refuses to come to the church, he is excluded. The crimes for which members are excluded are, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 135 all violations of the laws of the state or nation, lying, drunkenness, refus- ing to pay honest debt?, joining Se- cret Societies of any kind, engaging in myrth, such as dances or revelries, and for idolatry. They are very strict as regards the payment of just debts; also regarding truth and hon- esty. RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. Almost always before conference closes the door of the church is man- ifest as being open for the reception of members. There are three ways in which a person may become a member of their body. (1 ) by expe- rience and baptism; (2) by letter of dismission from another church of the same faith and order; and, (3) by reconciliation. In the first mode of reception the candidate comes for- ward and either gives the minister his hand, or states that he desires to talk with the church. Almost al- ways the candidate manifests much fear and trembling, deploring the idea of hvoocrisv; and manifesting. bv his looks, that earnest desire of 136 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER heart for purity. He is then invited by the minister to be seated, when he is requested to state some of the deal- ings of the Lord with him. He will most generally state his deep convic- tion of heart and mind, because of his sins; and tells of his cries and supplications to God for his mercy; of the manifestation of the grace of God in the pardon of his sins; of occasion- al blessings with the presence of his glory; and, lastly, of his love for the church, and his desire to walk in the footsteps of the Savior, obeying his commandments. After he is through relating his experience, the presiding officer, or minister, asks the church if any one desires to ask any ques- tions. If he has been clear on all the points above named, there are but few, if any, questions asked him. If the church has failed to get full satisfaction of his true conviction, several questions are asked in order to draw him out fully, so that full fellowship may exist. Christian fellowship is the one great object of the church, and they claim that without it no church can PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 137 prosper, therefore no person is receiv- ed until the church is fully satisfied that the candidate is sincere in his effort to become a member. When the minister, or presiding officer, finds that no further questions are to be asked, he takes the vote of the body or church, thus: "All who re- ceive this person as a member of this body, with all its privileges, will hold up your right hands." If all hands are up, he is at once declared a member, if not, the vote is revers- ed, any objector must state his objec- tions in the presence of the church and applicant. If the objections are deemed sufficient for rejection, the applicant is rejected. If the objec- tions are not sufficient, the matter is investigated and settled by the body. This is done so that no member can, by malice or prejudice, prevent any one else from becoming a member. Members are never received by a majority of the church, they require unity. Members from other churches of the same faith are received by letter stating that the bearer is in fellow- 138 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER ship with the church granting the letter. The third method, that of reconcil- iation, consists in restoring to the fellowship of the church members who had been excluded. When the church feels that an excluded mem- ber has fully repented of the sin for which he was excluded, he is restor- ed to membership, if he desires res- toration. BAPTISM. The word "Baptist" carries with it the idea of baptism, the word "Bap- tism" or "Baptizo" "to make whelm- ed/' i. e., "fully wet," and this word is from the Greek verb "Bdbto" "to whelm/' i. e. "to cover wholly with a fluid." I quote from Strong's Con- cordance and Greek Lexicon. The Baptists who compose Fisher's River Association fully believe and prac- tice the above, their mode of bap- tism being that of immersion. In this body, or the church composing it, I believe that none practice ad- ministering the ordinance of Baptism except ordained Elders, and no per- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 139 son is considered a fit subject for baptism except persons who have been regenerated and born of the Spirit of God. Baptism is always public and gen- erally on the Sabbath day, though there is no fixed rule as to the day of the week. We had just previously noted that baptism was always by immersion and will now give the manner. When a person or persons are to be baptized a place is sought where the water is from two and one-half to three feet deep. When the time ap- pointed arrives the congregation us- ually sings a hymn, joins in prayer; and then, the prayer being ended, the minister takes the candidate by the hand, leads him down into the water. The candidate then turns his face down the stream, crosses his hands upon his (By the use of the word "his," we do not mean that women are excluded from this rite.) breast and gives himself up into the hands of the minister. Then the minister puts one hand to the back of the neck or head, the other to the 140 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER hands of the candidate, and says, in substance, "In obedience to the com- mand of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/' We then plunge or dip the candi- date under the water. The water en- tirely covers the candidate. They claim that nothing short of a burial in the water is baptism, and will of- ten repeat, "Buried with him in bap- tism/' All persons who become members are baptized by some or- dained minister of the Primitive Baptist order, even if he has been immersed before by some other order. COMMUNION. Communion, or the Lord's Supper, consists of taking bread and wine. This, as all other of their rites, is public, and usually on Sunday, at the close of the worship, or after preaching. When the preaching ser- vice is ended, a recess of from thirty to forty-five minutes is given, during which time the deacons prepare a table with a little bread made of PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 141 flour and water (no leaven being used), and some wine. Seats are ar- ranged in order, so that all the mem- bers of like faith may be seated. Members of other denominations or orders are not invited to commune with them. This is not because they have any hard feelings towards oth- ers, or do not believe that they are all unconverted, but because this is a communion with the Lord, by his command, and no person who is not in full church fellowship is allowed to partake with them; even their own members who are "under dealings/ 7 that is, stand charged with some dis- order, though they have not been tried and adjudged guilty, must ab- stain from the communion until they are set in order by the charge being either removed or disproved, or he has been forgiven the offence. When the members are all seated near the table they usually sing a hymn, then the minister takes the bread in his hand, asks the members to join in thanks and prayer. After a short prayer, he breaks the bread into small pieces, gives it to the dea- 142 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER con or deacons, who pass the bread around to each member who takes a piece and eats it in the most solemn and affective manner. During the time he is breaking the bread, and also while the deacons serve it, the minister discourses about the death or sufferings of the Savior for his people. After the bread is served, he takes the wine, and after a short prayer and thanksgiving, pours some of it into a goblet or small vessel, gives it to the deacon or deacons, who serve it. Then they sing a hymn and go out. WASHING FEET. The washing of each other's feet is practiced by most of the churches in this Association. It is claimed by them that, "If I, your Lord and Mas- ter, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash each other's feet" is as much a command as is the command for baptism, or communion; and all agree that feet-washing should be practiced in the churches. But there are a few who believe that the com- mand simply implies humility and PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 143 not in a literal act. So it is agreed that no test of fellowship shall be made either the one way or the oth- er. All, who desire, can wash; those, who do not so desire, are at liberty to refrain from washing. This com- mand is usually complied with at the close of communion services, and before the singing of the last or closing hymn. Basins and water are prepared, as well as long towels. After the taking of the wine, some one (usually the minister) takes off his coat and lays it aside. Then takes one of the towels, girds it about his body, pours water into a basin, and announces that if any one is willing, he will wash his feet. Some one then pulls off his shoea and socks, and the washing is begun. When he is through, the brother, whose feet he has washed, washes his, so that they "wash each other's feet. In like manner they w r ash in pairs until all w r ho desire so to do have engaged in the act of washing feet. At a first thought of the mat- ter, this seems quite simple, but to see the act is entirely different. In- 144 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER stead of mirth, it produces the oppo- site effect. The writer has often ?een the tears drop from the eyes of the person doing the washing, and fall upon the foot or feet of the brother whose feet he is washing; and, during the while, many! yes, very many in the audience will be shedding tears. At the conclusion a hymn is sung and they go out without the bene- diction. FAMILY WORSHIP. Family worship is not obligatory upon the members of the church, some of them practice having family prayers, others do not; yet, all agree that it is a duty and profitable for the Christian. FAITH. The writer is unable to summon words to express the exact belief, as regards this subject, but it is agreed by all the ministers and members, so far as we know, that faith is the moving power of the Christian; and by it he is prompted to prayer and all other Christian exercises. They PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 145 believe that no person is able to "act faith ," and thereby become a child of God; but that "Faith come» by hearing, and hearing by the word of God/' that is, that no person, who has not been quickened by the Spir- it of God, and made able to hear and understand his teachings, is moved by faith; but that sinners, who are quickened by the Spirit of God, are made to believe that God exists and is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him; and thus being moved by faith, they pray and God hears and grants their petition; that all persons who pray God for the pardon of their sins, receive pardon; that this faith prompts the preacher to his preach- ing, as well as the hearer to his hear- ing; that this faith is not obtained by the act of the creature, but is the gift of God. HOPE. They preach that after the poor sinner has been moved by faith and "shows his faith by his works, " that he is enabled to rest in hope; that hope is not a mere supposition or 146 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER wish, but that it is composed of reli- ance and expectation; and that it cannot be obtained by human skill, but that it is the outgrowth of expe- rience; that this experience is brought about by tribulations and sufferings; that when the sinner receives hope in Christ, that he no longer attempts to find rest in the works of the flesh, or in the works of righteousness, which he has done, but that he, by faith, sees the righteousness of Christ as having been wrought for him, and rests in the belief that Jesus loves, and has ever loved him; that he left the glorious courts of heaven, came to earth, was tempted, suffered, bled, and died for him; and that through his death he (the sinner) is saved from the condemnation and eternal banishment, which his sinful nature had justly merited, that he relies solely on the love, merit, and right- eousness of Christ, and does not go about to establish his own; that though he is often tempted and does many things which he ought not to do, and even repents of; yet the grace of God is sufficient for him; and thus PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 147 he rests in hope. CHARITY. The belief of the Baptists of this Association as regards charity, is that charity is not an act, but a power or condition which prompts the indi- vidual, moved by it, to action; that Charity is love in its broadest sense; that persons may be prompted to give, even much or all of their time, or goods, and if the giving is not prompted by love (charity), it does not profit the giver; and that if the giver is prompted by charity (love), then he is profited by the givinir, even more than the person to whom the gift was made; that "It is better to give than to receive." So their ministers are very delicate about re- ceiving gifts from their brethren. The writer will, perhaps, not soon forget an incident which occurred at the Association held with the church at Rock House, October, 1901. It was then and there stated to the As- sociation that Elder T. J. Lawson's son had been sick for some time, causing his father to lose much time 148 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER and incidentally to come to want. The statement had no sooner been made than the brethren began to take out their purses and hurry down the aisle to the clerk's desk, and there lay down their money for the use of the destitute elder. There seemed to be so much love manifest- ed among the brotherhood, and the money came in so fast that the clerk (Elder A. M. Denny) arose from the desk and began to exclaim, saying, "No doubt many here will say that this is charity; this is not charity, but the fruits of charity. Charity is love," etc., etc. This, so far as we know, is the accepted belief as re- gards charity. THE MINISTRY. The Gospel Ministry has been much discussed among the Primitive Baptist of this ^Association. From the earliest history of the body there has been a confirmed prejudice against a salaried ministry, which, no doubt, is more or less due to the fact that one of the great points upon which the Baptist Church split, or divided, in 1835, was the raising of funds for the support of the ministry, both at home and abroad; the Missionary or Means Baptists dwelling at length on the duty of the Church to contribute to the temporal support of the min- istry, while the Primitive or Anti- Means Baptists took a different view, contending that the God who called them would see them fed. THE CALL. This is a subject upon which all the ministry of this body fully agree, that the great essential preparation of a preacher is to be "Called of God/' This call is manifested to the indi- 150 HISTORY OF FISHER^ RIVER vidua! by the Spirit of God impress- ing the subject with an obligation and impression to preach the word, or gospel; and when the individual resists such an impression, it in- creases rather than diminishes. Also, when any person is so called, not only he, but the church will feel his call and realize that he is profitable for the ministry, and will have a de- sire for him to be set apart to per- form the ordinance of the gospel. LICENSE. When the church feels that one of its members is impressed to preach and the member himself evidences the same, he is usually invited to lead in prayer, and to talk before the church. After finding that he man- ifests some power in prayer and preaching, they usually give him a license to exercise. Some times the license is limited to the bounds of his home Association; and, some times, especially if he seems very gifted, he is fully liberated to preach wherever and whenever God may give him liberty. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 151 ORDINATION. After the church becomes thor- oughly convinced that he is called of God and profitable for the minis- try, a presbytery of elders is request- ed for the purpose of his ordination. This request is usually — though not necessarily — made to the Associa- tion, and that body selects the elders who are to compose the presbytery. When the presbytery meets, they choose one of their members to pre- side, and, also, appoint some one to serve as secretary. They also usu- ally call in all the ordained elders and deacons present to act with the presbytery in the ordination. When the presbytery is organized, the can- didate is given, by the church, into the hands of the presbytery, who proceeds to examine him as regards his belief in God, in his Son Jesus, and in his w r ord, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. If the presbytery is fully satisfied that the candidate is called and his views on the Scrip- tures are in accordance with the gen- eral tenor of the Scriptures, and that 152 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER he contributes all the praise and glo- ry to God in the salvation of sinners, then the presbytery engages in prayer to God, (one of their ministers lead- ing) during which time each mem- ber of the presbytery lays his hand on the candidate's head. After pray- er is concluded, some member of the presbytery, usually the moderator or chairman, proceeds to charge the candidate with the responsibility now resting upon him; also admon- ishing him to faithfulness in the ministry, etc. SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY. While the temporal support of the ministry has been much discussed among many people, and much ef- fort has been made to raise funds for the ministry; yet this matter has never been one to burden or harass the laity of this Association, neither have the ministers of this body, or collection of churches, spent their time in trying to collect, or cause to be collected, money for the purpose of disseminating the gospel among the people. All the ministers of this PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 153 Association labor for the support of themselves and their families. They are industrious and economical; and, being so, provide for their own homes; and some of them are even able to help others. As there are quite a number of ministers in the Association the churches are sup- plied with pastors, and no one bur- dened much, it is considered, and often remarked, that the layman loses his time in attending the church meeting, the same as the pastor who serves him; and, while the minister travels more and goes oftener than the layman, he is always received and cared for, his horse fed, etc., free of cost. The writer never saw a pub- lic collection taken up among the Baptists of this Association, except once for an afflicted minister, the facts of which are given under the title of "Charity" in this little book. But, while they do not take up col- lections, yet the laymembers do some times give to the ministers; but it is done in such a way as to prevent any show or display. The ministers make no charge for marriages and funerals. 154 HISTOKY OF FISHER'S RIVER If anything is given then they accept it; if not, they do not grumble or complain. They claim to preach the gospel free of charge, for the gospel's sake; and often travel many miles to do so. They usually travel by pri- vate conveyance, riding or driving their own stock. Sometimes the minister travels on the train, then the laity usually pays his expenses and conveys him from place to place, when off the railroad. We have known the ministers to spend weeks and sometimes months in traveling from church to church, and preach- ing the gospel. DEACONS. The deacon is an officer in the church whose duty it is to look after the general conduct of the church and when any disorder is manifested in any of the members, or if any of the members become alienated from the church or each other, to make an effort to restore order or peace; and, if he fails to do so, he reports the same to the church. Also, he must look after the poor of the PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 155 church and see that the minister's needs are supplied, in addition to serving the bread and wine at the communion service. There are us- ually two deacons, some times three, to each church, who are chosen for their fitness for the place, the church itself making the choice. After the deacon is selected he is ordained by a presbytery the same as an elder. It is understood that no person can be a deacon unless he is temperate, grave, not a striker, that is, taking or hearing one side of the question and refusing the other; or cleaving to one brother and refusing the oth- er; and his wife also must be a tem- perate, quiet woman, and not a brawler or disturber. A SKETCH OF THE CHURCH S. We will now give a short sketch of each church, under its own name. This sketch of the churches is based on the best information available to the writer; and while omissions or mistakes may occur, we have no in- tention whatever of giving any one church a better or fuller sketch than any other. We hope the reader will consider this and not censure the author. DEEP CREEK. The church at Deep Creek in Yad- kin county, is the oldest in the As- sociation, also one among the oldest, if not the oldest in this section of the State. This church was established sometime prior to 1778, as the min- utes of their meetings and conferen- ces show them to have been holding regular monthly conferences at that time, with Elder Joseph Murphy as their pastor. We do not know un- der whose care the church was or- ganized, but, from the best informa- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 157 tion obtainable, believe that Elder John Gano was the pioneer Baptist minister in this section. According to Benedict's "History of the Baptist, 5 ' Elder Gano resided and preached in the .Jersey settlement of North Caro- lina as early as 1758, gathering to- gether the church of that section. This organization was soon "broken up" he says, "by the incursions of the Indiana, and he returned to New Jersey, from whence he had removed hither." From the same author we learn that two young men by the name of Joseph and William Mur- phy were baptized by Elder Shubal Stearns and began to preach so young, that they were called "Murphy's boys." This Joseph Murphy was pas- tor of Deep Creek church in Yadkin county (then called Surry). Yadkin county was formed from a part of Surry county. In 1817, at the month- ly meeting in February, Elder Josh- ua Carter was installed as pastor. The church had previously asked for ministerial help from Grassy Knob and Flat Rock churches, and in response Elders John Angel and 158 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVER William Britain, from their respect- ive churches, came to Deep Creek, and placed Elder Carter in care of said church. He served for several years and was succeeded by Elder James J. Speer, who served until his death, February 3, 1853. In May of the same year, Elder John Jones was made pastor and served until his death, in December of 1875. Soon after his death, Elder A. M. Denny was chosen pastor and is still in their service. This church has continued one steady course. It opposed the Mission system in its early history, and would not follow the other churches of the Yadkin Association in building up the Missionary cause with a Missionary fund. So she joined with other small churches, of her own faith, and became a compo- nent part of Fisher's River Associa- tion. Her number, while Elder Speer was her pastor, was 26; at pres- ent it is about 40. fisher's river. This Church is one among the oldest in the Association. When, or PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 159 by whom it was organized, Ave have no way of knowing. But we find from the records, now r in the hands of her clerk, that this church was holding regular monthly services and conferences as early as 1808. While the records have been careful- ly preserved, } r et the fading of ink and the manner of keeping them make it impossible for us to ascer- tain the change of pastor, or who was pastor in the earlier history of the church. But we find that an Elder Washburn was pastor as early as 1825, and an Elder Potter in 1830. We also note that, in 1822, a new meetinghouse had been built on the Ararat River, and services were be- ing held there under the w r atchcare of this church; and that, in 1824, this church had 74 members. In 1829 a delegation was sent by this body to each of the following church- es, to-wit: State Line, Little Yadkin, Cool Spring, Ararat, Mitchell's Riv- er, Snow Creek, Cod} 7 's Creek, and Stuart's Creek. The best informa- tion we can get is, that the purpose of this move w r as to consider the sit- 160 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER nation as regards the "Mission Sys- tem/ 7 and "Sunday Schools/' which finally led to the holding of a con- vention at Cody's Creek, in 1832, to which this church sent Drury Hodg- es, Drury Kersy, and C. Howard, as delegates; and the name "Fisher's River" being given to the new Asso- ciation is but a fitting memory of the active part she took in the constitu- tion of the body. This church has had several elders to serve her as pastor, whose names we do not recall; but Elder John Jones served her a long time; and more recently, she was served by El- der M. G. Harbour; and, at present, by Elder W. H. Atkinson. She has had no great revivals at any time, but a regular, quiet progress, and all the while trying to honor the God in whom she believes. Her present number is only 19 members. ARARAT. This church is located at present four miles west of Pilot Mountain, at a point known as Cedar Hill. It was constituted with about 25 or 30 mem- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 161 bers, on the 12th day of September, 1822, by a presbytery of elders, tc- wit: William Davis, Manan Hil 1 , Thomas Oliphant, and John Wilson. Elder Oliphant was its first pastor, and served for a number of years, and was succeeded by Elder John Jones, who served from the time of his installment until his death in December of 1875. Elder Gabriel Denny was then chosen, and is their present pastor. This church has been a very prosperous one. We might truthfully say that the churches of Hogan's Creek and Union are both the outgrowth of this one. We will also state that Elders M. G. Harbour, G. Denny, A. M. Denny, R. R. Key, W. M. Stone, and the writer were all ordained while members of this body. At one time she had some trouble in regard to the question of correspond- ence with the Mountain Association. This, however, was soon settled, and love, peace, and fellowship has ex- isted ever since. The present mem- bership is about 65. 162 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER FRANKLIN. This church is one of the original churches that went into the organi- zation of the Association. We can- not get the date of its origin; but, ac- cording to its records, it was in con- ference in the date of 1824, on the 1st Saturday in February, with El- der P. B. Cockerham as their pastor. Elder Cockerham was one of the or- ganizers of the Association. Since that time, Elders Elijah Ramey and T. J. Lawson each served a long while, and now Elder W. H. Atkin- son is their pastor. Their present number is about 45 members. ROUND PEAK. This church is among the oldest in the Association, and is one of the original churches that went into the constitution of the Association. We have no record of the presbytery con- stituting the church; but, from the best information available, we be- lieve it was organized under the care of Elder Silas Jones, who served it from the time of its organization, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 163 which was about 1825. Elder Cal- vin Jones also served as pastor some years, and Elder Nathan Alberty quite a number of years. Elders John Vass, Eli Kane, Wesley Brin- dle, Wm. M. Stone, J. D. Draughn, and, we believe, Elder H. Cain, all served for a longer or shorter period of time. This church has never ex- perienced any "great revival" (as some call it), but has pursued a con- tinued course of such conduct as would prove to the world that she fully believed her Articles of Faith which — though worded differently — contained the same meaning as the Old London Confession of Faith. Their present membership is only about 13 members. STATE ROAD. This church is quite an old body, having organized (from the best in- formation obtainable) about the date of 1830. Elder Pleasant Cockerham was its first pastor, and caused the house for worship to be erected. Af- ter the death of Elder Cockerham Elders T. J. Lawson, M. G. Flarbour, 164 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER A. C. Woodruff, J. M. Wyatt, and others all served for a longer or shorter period of time. Their pres- ent pastor is Elder J. M. Royal. This church has never been a very strong body as to numbers. They had some severe troubles with their pastor (Elder Wyatt) at one time, the particulars of which the writer is not able to give. In this connection, we would say that but little care had been taken of records, and much of the desired information is unobtain- able. Their membership, at present, is about 33 members. SWAN CREEK. This church was organized some- time prior to 1832, and was one of the churches that went into the or- ganization of Fisher's River Associ- ation. At the beginning it was in Surry county (now Yadkin), near the town of Boonville (we learn), but we have none of its records or pro- ceedings. It ceased to exist, as an organization, about the date of 1865, and most of its members joined at Deep Creek. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 165 FLAT SHOALS. This church is at present located in Stokes county, N. C, about four or five miles north west of Danberry. It was a part of the Association as early as 1848, with Landon H. South- ern as a delegate, who afterward served the Association as clerk for a session or two. We do not know when or where it was first organized, but the first w r e know of it was at its present place of worship, with (as we believe) Elder Robert W. Hill as pas- tor. Elder A. Moran served a long while as her pastor, and now Elder W. H. Atkinson is serving her. She was granted a Letter of Dismission, about 1863; and, sometime afterward, joined Mayo Association. ROCK SPRING. This church is located near the junction of Mitchell and Yadkin rivers, and was organized in 1840. The presbytery was composed of El- ders Robert Welhourn and Robert Pardue. We have not the number of members at the beginning; but, 166 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER from the best information we can obtain, the church was small from the beginning. At first this church belonged to Roaring River Associa- tion, and joined Fisher's River by letter. Elder Robert Welbourn served them as pastor for a period of thirty- two years and seven months. He was, as we believe, a good man, and the service faithfully performed. Elder W. J. Combs served them about one year, Elder M. G. Harbour about nine years, and Elder Wm. R. Wel- bourn (grandson of Elder Robert Welbourn), about six years, Elder Gabriel Denny about three years, Elder Russell Key two years, and Elder C. B. Denny about six years. While this church has never, at any time, experienced a great revival, yet it has for many years contained some very lovely members, who are ex- ceeding firm in the faith. Perhaps its being so near the church of Mul- berry caused its membership to be small, especially during recent years. Its present membership is small. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 167 FLOWER GAP. At a time unknown to the w T riter, the church at Round Peak set off an arm at a place in Carroll county, Va., known as Flower Gap, about two miles from the town of Lambsburg. This little vine, watered by grace, grew in numbers to about 25, when the ministers and messengers com- posing Fisher's River Association thought best to constitute them into a body. And, accordingly, they ap- pointed a presbytery of elders, to-wit: John Jones and E. R. Canter who, on the 21st day of August, 1841, met with the arm; and, finding them sound in the faith and practice, pro- ceeded to constitute them into a body known under the name of the church at Flower Gap. They chose as their pastor Elder Hugh Jones, who served them faithfully for a period of thir- ty-six years. During all this time they continued to prosper. We will also mention one of the deacons, F. M. McCraw, whose service was of much value, not only to the church, but also to the Association. Some- 168 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER time, about 1878 or 1880, they chose Elder C. Blackburn, who served them about six months. Elder A. M. Branscome served two years, and then they chose Elder J. M. Wyatt, who served about six years. Since that time their present faithful pas- tor, Elder J. D. Vass, has been ser- ving them. When Zion Association was continued she became a compo- nent part of that body. Her present number is about 65 or 70 members. fisher's gap. Far up in the mountains, near a small town or village, by the name of Roaring Gap, is a band of pil- grims known by the name of the church at Fisher's Gap. This church was constituted in 1844, by a pres- bytery of elders, chosen by Fisher's River Association, to-wit: Elders John Jones and E. Canter, who met with nine members, with Letters of Dismission from other churches; and, finding them orthodox, organized or constituted them into a body. They chose as their pastor Elder Elijah Ramey, who served them for a peri- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 169 od of fourteen years. In 1858 they chose Elder T. J. Lawson as their pastor, who served them very faith- fully for forty-two years, and died. We do not know who is his succes- sor. The present membership is about 56 members. tom's creek. The church at Tom's Creek, loca- ted about eight miles north of Pilot Mountain, was at first an arm of the old church, originally called "Red Ca>>in," now "State Line." In August, 1856, it was constituted into a church, Elders James Hill, Daniel Connor, Claybourn Plaster, and Austin J. Cassell, serving as a presbytery. They at once elected Austin J. Cas- sell as their pastor, who served them faithfully until 1868. Elder Wm. Moran then served them one year and died. At his departure his son, Alexander Moran, became pastor, and served until 1884. Upon his moving to another county he resign- ed, and Elder H. Cain served them until 1899, when he resigned. Elder H. D. Mickey served two years; and, 170 HISTORY OF FISHER ? S RIVFR upon his resignation. Elder G. 0. Key was chosen and is their present pastor. In the date of 1867, this body re- ceived more members than any church in the Association ever re- ceived during the same space of time, baptizing 67 members. The year previous 18 had been added, and the year following 13 were baptized. Ninety-eight members were received by this body in three years. This church may well be called the mother of Volunteer, Rock House and Albion. There have been quite a number of Elders ordained here. Those now living and in the minis- try are, H. Cain, Joseph Atkinson, and John Moran. While there has been some trouble in this body, it is now a warm and prosperous church, numbering about 75 members. WHITE OAK SPRING. On the 26th day of October, 1872, while Fisher's River Association was in conference at Fisher's Gap, a pres- bytery of elders was appointed to meet at White Oak Spring, about PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 171 two miles north east of Mt, Airy, and organize a church there if thought expedient. They met soon afterwards and constituted or organ- ized a church there with a very few members. They chose Elder H. Cain as their pastor, who served them un- til they disbanded and joined other churches by letter. Half of the mem- bers joined the church at Stuart's Creek, and half joined at Tom's Creek. This disbanding occurred about the year 1890. ELK SPUR. r The church at Elk Spur was con- stituted in December, 1873. The fol- lowing elders, chosen by Fisher's River Association, serving as a pres- bytery, to-wit: Eiders John Jones, Hugh Jones, and John Vass; and who called to their assistance, dea- cons F. M. McCraw, Henry Hawks, and Levi Edwards. There were only 11 members at the time the church was constituted. Watered by grace, fed by the word of God, and minis- tered to by Eider Hugh Jones until the Lord saw fit to call him home; 172 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER then by Elders John Vass, Eli Kane, and, at present, A. Gardner. They have slowly increased in numbers, until, at present, they number about 40 members. There has been very little trouble in this body. And, though few in numbers, yet they are strong in faith, continually trusting that He who called will ever keep them. This church was one of the num- ber petitioning for a letter to join in the organization of Zion Association, and became a part of that body. goby's creek. About five or six miles south of Dobson (the county seat of Surry county) is the spot upon which stood the old church known as Cody's Creek. We have no way of know- ing when or by whom it was consti- tuted, but learn that it was one of the original churches that went into the constitution of the Association. The Association was organized at this church in 1832. In 1848 we find that Elder Nathan Alberty was a delegate from that church to the PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 173 Association; and learn that he served that church as pastor from 1849 un- til his death, or nearly a half centu- ry. In his old age the membership grew very small by reason of death and other causes; and, about the date of 1895, Elders M. G. Harbour and G. Denny, serving as a presbytery, dis- solved the church, by giving each of the members a letter of dismission. Most of the members joined the church at Liberty. SETTER LIBERTY. A church by the name of Senter was organized about five miles south west of Dobson, on the 13th day of March, 1^79. Thirteen members bearing letters of dismission from other churches of the same faith met with Elders B. E. Caudle, Wm. Lun- dy, A. J. Taylor, J. D. Draughn, and A. C. Woodruff, who, acting as a presbytery, after examination, found them in order and constituted them into a church. At first this church was a part of the Mountain Associa- tion, but afterward joined Fisher's River by letter. They chose Elder 174 HISTORY OF FISHER'S R1VEK Draughn as their pastor, and he served them until 1888, when they decided to move their place of wor- ship to Liberty, at which place Elder G. Denny had been serving for some- time. (Elder Draughn ceasing to serve.) Elder Denny continued to serve them (both bodies uniting un- der the name of Liberty). Elder Denny served, in all, tw r enty-six years, after which Elder Harbour became pastor. This body is quite a lovely band of christians, numbering 34 members. ZION HILL. The church at Zion Hill is located about twelve miles north-west of Mt, Airy, N. C. On Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July, 1878, Elders Wm. Lundy, Isaac Webb, B. E. Cau- dle, and J, D. Draughn, serving as a presbytery, met with 20 members, bearing letters from Crooked Creek and Good Hope — both of these churches then belonged to the Mount- ain Association — at the above-named place; and, on due examination find- ing them orthodox, constituted them PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 175 into a church. They chose Elder Wm. Lundy as their first pastor. This church joined the Mountain Association; but, in 1891, joined Fisher's River Association by letter from the Mountain. Elder Lundy served them nine years, at the end of which time they chose Elder D. S. Webb, of New River Association, who served them one year. Then, for a while, they were deprived of a pastor. In 1893 they elected their present pastor, Elder J. D. Vass. This church has had no great revi- val-, and no divisions. Theyjoined the new (Zion) Association at the time of its organization. Their pres- ent number is about 30. MULBERRY. About ten or twelve miles south west of Dobson, which town is the county seat of Surry county, the above-named church is located. On the 27th day of July, 1881, Elder Wm. Lundy, of the Mountain Asso- ciation, and Elders J. D. Draughn, T. J. Lawson, and A. C. Woodruff, of Fisher's River Association, met 176 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER with 23 members, bearing letters of dismission from other churches of the same faith; and, finding them sound in the faith, constituted them into a body. They adopted the Ar- ticles of Faith and Rules of Decorum in common use among Primitive Baptists, and chose Elder J. D. Draughn as their pastor, who served them seven years. Eider W. R. Wel- bourn served them two years, Elder T. J. Lawson one year, and Elder C. B. Denny has been serving them ever since 1894. This church has never had any great revivals in it, yet there has been occasional accessions and a few exclusions. This body contains some very able and highly esteemed members. Their number at present is about 25. hogan's creek. The church at Hogan's Creek is located about three miles from Si- loam depot in Surry county. It was first an arm of the church at Ararat, but soon received several members by experience and baptism, and the mother church granted letters of dis- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 177 mission to the members constituting the arm;* and, in the date of 1885, the Association appointed a presby- tery of elders, to-wit: Gabriel Denny, A. M. Denny, and Nathan Alberty, who met with the said members, 23 in number, and, finding them sound in the faith (or orthodox), constitu- ted or organized them into a church under the above name. They at once chose Elder M. G. Harbour (one of their number) as their moderator, who has served them quite faithfully ever since. This church has for the most of the time been prosperous. At one time it numbered more than 60 members, but quite a number took letters with which they joined in the constitution of the church at Union, it being an arm of that body. The church now numbers about 30 members. *An arm of a church, as understood by the Primitive Baptists of this Association, is a body of members set off from the main church with authority to receive members, but not having au- thority to transact any other business. They do not represent themselves in Associations, except through the main body or church to which they belong. 178 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER UNION. The church at Union was organi- zed in May, 1888. Elder D. S. Webb, of New River Association, made sev- eral successive appointments, and preached with much power in a com- munity about six or eight miles east of Dobson, Surry county, N. C. The word, effective in power, was heard with much joy, and many came home to their friends, bearing the glad tidings of salvation and 16 were baptized at one time. On Saturday, April 21, 1888, the Association being in conference with the church at Rock Spring, in Surry county, N. C, granting the request of the church at Hogan's Creek, appointed a pres- bytery of elders to attend the church or arm of Hogan's Creek, at Union, in the community above named, and constitute or organize them into a body or church. The presbytery, to-wit: A. M. Den- ny, G ? Denny, Nathan Alberty, ahd J. D. Draughn, met 45 members with letters of dismission from other churches, and, finding them ortho- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 179 dox in faith, constituted them into a church and ordained John G. Jones, A. Z. M. Denny, and King D. Key as deacons, in said church. The church chose Elder M. G. Harbour for their moderator, and under whose watchful care the church has contin- ued to prosper. About 60 members is the present number in fellowship. Two elders, to-wit: G. O. Key and W. H. Atkinson have been ordained to officiate in the gospel ministry, one of which is still a member of that body, the other (Elder Key) has re- moved to Pilot Mountain. Several members have been granted letters and joined at other places. There has been very little trouble in this body, and not a church in the bounds of the Association stands fairer as a light to those who may behold her. BOCK HOUSE. The church at Rock House was an arm set off by the church at Tom's Creek, For several years it was on- ly a part of that body, but opened a door and received members. In April, 1889, the Association, in con- 180 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER ference with the church at Union, appointed a presbytery of elders to attend the arm and constitute them into a church if found orthodox. On the 22nd day of June, 1889, there met with the members, composing the arm, Elders H. Gain and G. Den- ny, whom the Association had ap- pointed. They called to their as- sistance Deacon Wm. Southern. Af- ter due examination, they found the arm an orthodox body and constitu- ted them into a church. They chose Elder H. Cain as their pastor. He served them three years, at the end of which time he resigned. They then chose Elder W. 3EL Atkinson who served them until 1903. They then chose Elder G. O. Key who served them one year. Again they called Elder W. H. Atkinson. With 10 members at the beginning they have been prospered until at present their number is about 48. DOVER. Near the village of White Plains is a church by the above name. At the spring session of the Fisher's PEIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 181 River Association, the church at Stuart's Creek sent a request for a presbytery to organize a church at the above-named place. The Asso- ciation appointed Elders M. G. Har- bour, A. C. Woodruff, C. Blackburn, and W. H. Atkinson, who met with Elder F. J. Stone and several dea- cons, who also served with the ap- pointees on the 5th day of August, 1893, as a presbytery for the organi- zation of Dover Church. Fifteen members presented letters from oth- er churches of the same faith (mostly from Stuart's Creek); and, after ex- amination, being found sound in the faith, were declared a church by the presbytery. They chose Elder J. D. Draughn as their pastor, who has served them ever since. Their pres- ent number is about 15. Letters of dismission have been granted to 7. MARTIN. On the top of the Blue Ridge mountain, near where the Volun- teer Road crosses the mountain, is situated a little church by the name of Martin. This body was organized 182 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER on the 29th day of November, 1875, Elders M. G. Harbour and J. M. Wyatt, with Deacons A. Webb, J. W. Strickland, S. B. Bowman, and J. J. Ayers serving as a presbytery. Only six members at first composed this church. Their first pastor was Elder A. Gardner, who served four years. Elder A. Z. Phillips served one year, after which their present pastor, El- der Isaac Webb, accepted the care of the church and has been serving ever since. Their number is about 25 or 30 members. ALBION. Among the foothills of the Chest- nut Ridge mountains, four miles north of Westfield, is an old grave- yard, for many years a burial ground of the Jessup family. So for many years, it carried the name of the "Jessup Grave-yard." In 1898, the author of this work began to preach there. There seemed to be so much interest manifested that, by request of the church at Tom's Creek, a door was opened for the reception of mem- bers. Some joined, and more inter- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 183 est was manifested; and, on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June, 1899, the church at Tom's Creek called for or requested a presbytery to meet there for the purpose of con- stituting a church, if found ortho- dox. On the 8th day of July, 1899, El- ders H. Cain, G. O. Key, H. D. Mick- ey, and J. A. Ashborn and Deacons O. J. Denny and H. C. Booker, met with 14 members, bearing letters of dismission from Tom's Creek and State Line churches. They consti- tuted them into a body, which adop- ted the name of "Albion," from the white land on which the meeting was held. It was a meeting long to be remembered, though held out of doors under an old oak tree. They adopted the Rules of Deco- rum, Articles of Faith and Covenant in general use by Primitive Baptists. They chose the author of this book to serve them as pastor. Their pres- ent number is about 40 members. 184 MOUNTAIN VIEW. This church, located near the foot of the Blue Ridge mountain, near the Volunteer Gap, was organized on the 30th day of March, 1895. Elders M. G. Harbour and A. Gardner, with Deacons H. C. Booker, J. C. McCraw and J. W. Strickland, serving as a presbytery. There were 14 members at first, and they chose Elder A. Gardner as their pastor, who served them until very recently, when El- der Garland Allen accepted their call, and is now their pastor. The church is yet small, with about the same number with which it organ- ized. PILOT MOUNTAIN. The church at Pilot Mountain was constituted on the 2nd day of De- cember, 1896. A presbytery of elders, C. B. Den- ny, H. Cain, and others, was ap- pointed by the Association when convened with the church at Volun- teer, in October, 1896. Elders Cain and Denny were present with the PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 185 arm of Ararat church, at Pilot Mount- ain, December 2, 1896. Elder Elijah M. Barnard, of Mayo Association, being present, was requested and took part with them. Deacon P. W. Lawrence also was chosen as a mem- ber of the presbytery. Twelve members with letters or certificates of membership from Ar- arat, Union, and Tom's ('reek church- es came forward; and, being found orthodox, were constituted into a church under the name of the church at Pilot Mountain. They chose El- der E. M. Barnard as pastor, but the distance being so great, and his time so filled in attending other churches, he could not serve. They then chose their present pastor, Elder G. 0. Key. They also agreed upon Arti- cles of Faith and Rules of Decorum, almost verbatim with those laid down in HasseH's Church History. Their present number is about 50. Elders O. J. Dennv and C. F. Denny, the former now residing in Randolph county, N. C, and the lat- ter in Greensboro, N. C., were ordain- ed here on about December 26, 1804. 186 history of fisher's river stuart's creek. This church is a very old body, but just when it was organized we have no way of knowing. The ear- liest account we can get is the date of the deed to the plot of land on which the house stands. This was (as we learn) executed in 1794. We learn that the first church book was burned in the home of one brother Moss some forty or fifty years a^o. About or before which time Elder John Jones became its pastor and served it a long while. At his death Elder A. M. Denny became its pas- tor and served two vears. Elders John Vass and J. D. Draughn served one year, then Elders Isaac Webb and J. D. Draughn two years, Elder D. S. Webb one year, Elder C. B. Denny some years, and now Elder G. 0. Key is its pastor. It was this church of which H. C. Booker, "the sweet singer," was a member. Its present number is about 70 members. volunteer. This church is located about three PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 187 miles south east of Pilot Mountain. At first this church was an arm set off by Tom's Creek Church. On the 16th day of November, 1867, Elders John Jones, Wm. Moran, Alex. Mo- ran, Hugh Jones, and Nathan Alber- ty, under appointment by the Asso- ciation, met with 22 members at the above-named place, all bearing let- ters from the church at Tom's Creek; and, finding them orthodox, consti- tuted them into a church. They chose Elder Wm. Moran as their pas- tor, who served them until his death. Elder Alex. Moran, his son, was his successor, serving them several years. Elders H. Cain, C. B. Denny, and others, for a longer or shorter period of time. At one time the church got in bad shape, owing to the nonfel- lowship existing among several of the members. After the difficulties were settled and fellowship restored, they chose Elder G. Denny, in April, of 1888, who served them about four years, and resigned; on his resigna- tion, in March, 1895, they chose El- der W. M. Stone, their present pastor. Elders H. D. Mickey and J. L. Pyr- 188 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER tie were ordained at this church. Their present number is about 42. CERTIFICATE OF PRESBYTERS. Stokes County, N. C, November 16, 1867. We, the undersigned presbytery, this day met at Volunteer meetinghouse, an arm of Tom's Creek, according to request of said church, and went into the examination of the orthodoxy of said arm; and, believing it to be orthodox in the faith, constituted it as a church of the Primitive Baptist faith, to exercise all the privileges of the gospel; also, we went into the examination of the two brethren, James George and P. W. Lawrence, and believing they were orthodox in the faith, set them apart to all the duties assigned them as deacons for said church. Signed by us, the presbytery, John Jones. Wm. Moran. Alex. Moran. Hugh Jones. Nathan Alberty. CONCLUSION. In the last chapter of this little book we will note some of the char- acteristics of the Primitive Baptists in the mountains, more closely than has been done elsewhere in this work. We will first note some of their customs in the management of their church matters, which are by no means fixed laws among them. First, all through this work will be noticed the fact that most of the pres- byteries are appointed by the Asso- ciation, yet there is no such a law. Why is this? Is it because they claim the Association higher authority than the church? By no means. The church is the highest authority; and the Association is only a union of the churches composing it, and claims no power over any of the churches (see Constitution). We would ask why, then, is the appointment made by the Association? It is because of the great desire to preserve perfect unity. The church desiring a pres- bytery asks the Association, where 190 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER all the elders can be together and ar- range the matter to their best con- venience, and choose those who will best suit for the purpose. Then the Association simply requests the el- ders chosen to attend the request of the church; and, for the instruction of all, they report what they do back to the Association. But some- one will ask, Are no presbyteries ob- tained without the help or consent of the Association? Yes; it is some- times necessary to have a presbytery sooner than one could be obtained from the Association. In that case the church, so desiring, applies to a sister church, or to some elder or el- ders to give the desired aid, and they comply with the request. A presbytery is usually composed of two or more ordained elders. Or- dained deacons also serve on presby- teries, but it is not customary or con- sidered orthodox for a presbytery to be wholly composed of deacons. The work done by presbyteries is ordina- tion of elders and deacons, — there is no such title as "Bishop" used among them, though it is usually under- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 191 stood that all elders have a right to the title of "bishop" — constituting or organizing churches, and, in case a church gets too weak to exist lon- ger as a body, a presbytery is neces- sary to dissolve it and grant letters of dismission to its members. While the church is considered the highest body, and no ecclesiastical power over it, yet no church is sup- posed to have the right to withdraw from the Association without the consent of the Association. If a church wishes to join another Asso- ciation, it gets a letter of dismission from the Association of which it is a part, just as a member of a church who wishes to join at some other place; and, in like manner, no mem- ber of a church has a right to go to some other place and become a mem- ber there, without a letter of dismis- sion from his home church. One might ask, Why do they require a letter of dismission? It is plain that if going at random was tolerated that persons or members who become a little dissatisfied at some action of the church or Association, might 192 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER leave because of the dissatisfaction, and thereby the fellowship or unity of the church would suffer. But if the party or parties, wishing to move, obtain a letter, the letter itself states that fellowship exists, and no one is hurt by the move. We will also note the fact that the Primitive Baptists do not have very long, or protracted meetings. This is not because they do not like to meet together and stay together a long while, for they love each other very much and often make sacrifices simply to be in each other's compa- ny; but the reason is because, at those long meetings or protracted meetings, lasting several days, there usually gets up more or less excitement; and they claim that persons may get ex- cited, in this way, and mistake the excitement for a change of heart, thus being deceived. They claim that excitement is no part of the Christian Religion, and should be guarded against. While it is true that they do not have long or pro- tracted meetings, yet, when their Associations convene, they have very PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 193 large congregations, most generally from two to five thousand people as- semble at the place of holding the Association. Almost every body, near enough, "take company," that is, they open their doors and invite the people to their homes, and entertain them free of charge during the ses- sion of the Association. Usually on the last day of the Association, and sometimes on each day, dinner is car- ried to the church and served. Some have come long distances and must return, so this is necessary to prevent hunger. If a member is able to entertain his brethren in this way and refuses, which they seldom do, he is dealt with for covetousness, just as for any other sin. As a rule they are very hospitable, and no pains are sparred in providing the best they can get for their guests. At these Associations three dele- gates from each church are expected; correspondents from all neighboring Associations of the same faith, to- gether with elders from a distance, and all others who may wish to 194 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER come and visit the Association or hear the preaching. It also seems to be well understood that no confederation of members or churches for the purpose of effecting changes or reforms is tolerated. If a change is desired it should be worked for in the body as a whole, whether in church or association; and if by reasoning the matter calmly the en- tire body is consentive, no one is hurt or wounded in feelings; but if a portion confederate themselves to- gether to oppress or suppress others, even though the confederating party or parties should succeed in obtain- ing a majority, then those who were suppressed would be wounded, and true fellowship could not exist. This, however, should not be under- stood to prohibit brethren, be they few or many, from discussing pri- vately or publicly existing evils or needed reforms. FREEDOM. It is claimed by all Primitive Bap- tists, so far as we know, that until a person is converted to Christ, or in PKIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 195 Christ, : that such person is in bond- age to sin; that sin is reigning (rul- ing) over him; and in such condition he cannot feel entirely free, no mat- ter what the environments may be. But, as it is understood by the church, he has a master (sin) whom he is serving continually; and that, though while in nature's night, or unquick- ened, he is hardly conscious of it. Yet it is, all the same, true; and when quickened, he realizes his bondage and attempts to get out, but finds that it takes the prevailing grace of God, manifested to him individually, to bring about. true freedom. Hence, "If the Son make you free, ye shall be free in deed." Thus realizing that freedom is bought with the precious blood of a crucified Redeemer, they hold freedom and liberty as the great treasure here and are not ready to become entangled with bondage. They are careful not to join secret orders of any kind, as there appears to be some "secret" or "hidden" thing that they are not allowed to divulge; and, hence, the tendency to bondage. They claim that secret orders are 196 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER dangerous to both church and State, and should not be tolerated. They often call them the "hidden work of darkness." They oppose all oppres- sive laws; very few of them favor " Prohibition' ' simply as a legal stat- ue, but they hold that if any "Pro- hibition 1 ' is effective, it must be wrought in the heart, and, once wrought there, is effective, indeed. Yet some favor legal "Prohibition." INDUSTRY. As a rule Primitive Baptists are very industrious, and very few of them fail to own little homes, as is stated somewhere else in this little book. But desiring to continue in the "old paths," very few of them launch out into the field of the in- ventive genius or take great risks in trying "something new." They eye new things with suspicion, until ful- ly tried. So, with the shifting of commercial interests, the seeming uncertainty of trade and manufac- ture, cause most of them to choose to be farmers, do their own work, eat their own raising of meat and bread, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 197 feed their own herds and use their milk and butter. This, also, tends, they say, to keep them freer and happier than they could be if other- wise engaged. You seldom or never see them in the market places or places of amusement, engaged at Checkers, Cards, Dice, or other games of amusement. While few of them are " Prohibi- tionists," yet drunkenness is looked upon as a very grave offense and is not tolerated. Virtue is a trait of character without which no one can be a Primitive Baptist, indeed. So it goes without saying that they are chaste, keepers at home, etc., etc. While very few of them have be- come scholars, in the true sense of the word, yet this is not due to the fact that they desire to put a prem- ium on ignorance, but to the fact that up until quite recently they have not had access to good schools within their reach. Remarks having often been made relative to the great number of preachers in this Association, calls upon us to say that it is true that 198 HISTORY OF FISHER^ RIVER this Association has been blessed with quite a number of worthy min- isters; and, while this is true, it is also true that there has been some unfaithfulness on the part of those liberated to preach, as well as on the part of those liberating them, often being prompted by a spirit of kind- ness and love, not with an intent to injure the cause or the brethren. In conclusion let us say that, when Ave reflect on the history of this little body of worshipers, of their faith, devotion, love, virtue, as well as their troubles, trials, doubts, and fears, it calls to our mind the following little poem: Where shall a weary sinner go To soothe his sinful mind? What creature can conceive his woe, Save one of his own kind? His eyes ascending up to God, The Holy, Wise and Just; He sees a doom to be deplored, And meet that doom he must. There is no hope in justice, stern For him such fate to shun; A God of mercy he must learn, And to bis presence run. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 199 But justice must be satisfied, In the great Court above, Before such mercy is applied, In power, a,nd truth, and love. Jesus, the Son of God, and man; As God his sin doth see; As man, before his Judge doth stand, To set the sinner free. Justice he sees fulfilled complete, Since Christ has shed his blood; And glory crowns the mercy seat, For he's at peace with God. THE END. 200 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER INDEX. A Alberty, Elder Nathan 29,101. Albion Church 109, 182. Allen, Elder Garland. 114. Apostolic Baptist 35. Ararat Church 79, 96, 115. Arrington, Deacon C. L 84. Ashburn, Elder Jesse A 90, 124. Atkinson, Elder Joseph E .57. Atkinson, Elder Wm. H 89, 115. Atonement 9. Ayers, Deacon J.J 84. B Baptism 10, 138. Blackburn, Elder C 71, 97. Branscome, Elder A. M 74. C Carter, Elder Joshua .5. Cain, Elder Henderson 55. Call, the 149. Certificate of Presbyters 188. Charity ...147. Churches, Sketch of 156. Circular Letter 36. Church Meetings 129. Conference, the Church 130. Constitution 11. Covenant 6. Correspondence 22, 42, 72. Communion .140. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 201 Cody's Creek Church . 97, 98, 172. Colored Members 86, 87, 89. Conclusion 189. D Davis, Deacon Wm 29. Denny, Deacon Edmond 55. Denny, Elder Archilles M..57, 68, 113, 115, 124. Denny, Elder Gabriel 57. Denny, Elder C. B. . . . 81, 113, 115. Denny, Deacon Azariah M. 85. Dealing With Offenders 133. Deacons 86, 154. Deep Creek Church 156. Dover Church .94, 180. Draughn, Elder James D ..64, 113, 115. £ Edwards, Deacon Isaac 51. Elk Spur Church 63, 121, 171. F Faith, Articles of 7, 112. Fasting and Prayer 55. Falling From Grace .10. Ferris, Deacon Charles 47. Fisher's River Church — 158. Fisher's Gap Church 22, 168. Flat Shoals 165. Flower Gap Church 22, 121, 167. Foreknowledge 9 Free Masons .30. Freewill. 10. Franklin Church 81, 162. Freedom 194. Fulk, T. L 35. G Gardner, Elder A 71. 202 HISTORY OF FISHER'S RIVER Galean, Deacon Bennett 62 Gates, Elder Wm. B 97 Gates, Deacon Tyler 97 Gentry, Deacon Calvin 51 George, Deacon James 54 Gill, Deacon S 61 Golden, Deacon Wm 67, 76 Gordon, Deacon J. M .... 102 Gore, Elder D. N 86 Gold, Elder P. D 91 H Hall, Deacon John 32 Harbour, Elder M. G.. . . .57, 67, 80, 113, 115, 124 Hanes, Deacon Harden 59 Hawks, Deacon Henry 64 Hawks, Deacon G 74 Hawks, Deacon Orvil 97 Hawks, Deacon Charlie 116 Hassell's Church History 70, 114 Herring, Deacon H 61 Holy Trinity 7 Hogan's Creek Church 81, 176 Hope 145 I Industry 196 Ji Jones, Elder John 23, 66 Jones, Elder Hugh 66, 80 Jones, Deacon John G 85 Jones, Elder Isaac 86 K Key, Elder G. O 89 Key, Deacon K. D 85 Key, Elder R. R 91, 101. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 203 I Lakey, Deacon A 29 Lawson, Elder T. J 50 Lawrence, Deacon P. W . .54 Lewis, Deacon W. T 61 Liberty Church 89, 173 Little Vine Church 112 License .150 Lowe, Deacon Jacob 62 Lord's Supper 10 Love, Peace, and Union 83 M Manner of Business 44 Martin Church 100, 121, 181 Mayo Association 75, 78 McCraw, Deacon F. M 45, 102 McCraw, Deacon J. H 116 Members, Eeception of 135 Ministry 11, 105, 149, 150, 152 Mickey, Elder H. D ...95 Mill Branch Association 86 Mission System 18 Mountain Association 68, 72, 79, 81, 82 Mountain View Church 97, 184 Mulberry Church 90, 175 N New Churches 12 New Institutions 20 New Biver Association 72, 77, 78, 80, 82 Norman, Deacon Jackson 114 Nunn, Elder John 76 Officers of Association , 12 Organization 5 Original Sin 10 204 HISTOKY OF FISHER^ RIVER Ordination 151 P Parker Faction. 96 Phillips, Deacon R. P — 101 Phillips, Elder A. Z 112 Pilot Mountain Church 102,184 Pilson, Deacon Turner. ... 112 Pilson, Deacon Moses. .... 43, 47 Power of the Association 14 Predestination 9 Preachers 37 Preaching, Manner of 38 Presbyteries 85 Pyrtle, Elder J. L 120 a Queries . 30, 93, 99, 113,123 R Resurrection .... 10 Revivals 52 Red Strings 57 Reception of Members 135 Righteousness Imputed 10 Rock Spring Church 74, 81, 122, 165 Rockhouse Church 87, 179 Roaring River Association 92, 94, 98, 102, 104, 105, 111, 118 Round Peak Church .... .... 121, 162 Rules of Decorum 15 S Scriptures 8 Secret Orders 13,58 Southern, W. B 84 Speer, Elder James J 23, 27 Statistical Table 126 PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 205 State Road Church 74, 81, 82, 163 Senter Church 87, 89, 173 Stone, Elder Wm. M 90 Stuart's Creek Church 74, 81, 186 Sunday Schools 19 Swan Creek Church 164 T Tom's Creek Church 70 Trouble, Ten Years of 169 U Union Church 84,178 V Volunteer Church 54, 186 W Washing Feet. ... 142 Welbourn, Deacon Marion 84 Welbourn, Elder W. R. 92, 94, 99, 102, 105, 111, 118 White Oak Association 86 White Oak Spring Church 89, 170 Wicked Punished 11 Worship 128, 144 Woodruff, Elder A. C 122 Wood, Deacon Henry J 57, 116 Wood, Deacon B. F 61 Wyatt, Elder James M 113, 117, 120 Y Yadkin Association 18 York, Deacon Cornelius 65 York, Deacon Enox 65 Z Zion Hill Church 90, 121, 174 Zion Association 121 § * NOTICE TO THE READER I ble that errors may exist. Any person, there - ^ fore, finding such errors will do us a favor by w « * g While the author and committee have used S ^ due diligence to ascertain the correctness of § every expression in this work, still it is possi- -$ notifying us, so that, in case a second edition ♦ should be printed, such errors may be correct- ^ ed. JESSE A. ASHBURN, Pilot Mountain. N. C. * $ DEC 28 1905 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: April 2006 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111