BD 701 .R7 Copy 1 xxIE UNIVERSE. What Force Is. The Beginning of Creation. What Matter Is. The Creation of the Earth. The Beginning of Life. Immortality. The Substance of its Environments. Psychic Science. What the "Soui, of Things" Is. Song of Psyche. BY L. WL. ROSE, 2 S. STATE STREET, ELGIN, ILL. uf/fi r 0. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1896, By L. M. ROSE, 4 i In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.C. THE UNIVERSE. CHAPTER I. God is the Infinity of the Universe. Space is the Infinity of Matter. Eternity is the Infinity of Time. Intelligence and Will-power are the Infinit} 7 of Force. Force is the Infinity of Life. Life is the Infinity of Embodied Intelligence. Embodied Intelligence is the Infin- ity of Form. Form is the Infinity of Individu- ality. Individualized Intelligence is the 4 Infinity of Immortality, and is the crowning work of life, and the glory of God. Law is Universal and Unchanegable because of and like God — Infinite and Supreme. To investigate the above premises it is necessary to begin within the limits of our own knowledge. In the environments which surround us, we find life and activity in con- stant manifestation; and in every life which we examine, we find systematic progress. It lives its life, supplies its needs, grows to maturity, repro- duces its kind and dies. All life that comes within our in- vestigation presents the same facts and is governed by the same law — Unchangeable and Supreme. 5 That which is true within the limits of our knowledge, must be true of the whole, from the simplest form of life to God — as the same law inheres and controls the whole. Beautifully expressed by Alfred Ten- nyson: " Little flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you from the crannies. Hold you in my hand little flower, root and all. But could I know what you are all in all, I should know what God and man is." We find animal life materially em- bodied, capable of motion and con- trolled by an intelligence that directs action toward the fulfillment of a purpose. What is the Force that moves and controls? What was the Force that built Chicago's White City, and fill- ed it with the World's Exposition, and successfully achieved its purpose? 6 Was it the material of which it was made and with which it was filled? No! Was it the money? No! Was it the men who performed the labor? No! Was it the architects and engineers who performed this mighty work, to the admiration of the world? No! It was the united intelligence and will-power of all who were engaged in it that wrought this mighty work, aided by the materials, tools and ma- chinery, money and men. What rebuilt Chicago, Phoenix-like, when it lay in ashes and ruins? In- telligence and will-power were the forces that systematically and suc- cessfully undertook this work. It takes both, for intelligence ac- complishes nothing until will-power says do; and will-power without in- 7 telligence to direct and control, ac- complishes nothing but chaos and ruin; when operating harmoniously togeth- er the work is successfully done in proportion to the intelligence that directs and controls the work. How does the worm crawling in the dust move wheresoever it pleases, turning this way or that to get by some obstruction? Injure it a little and it tries to get away, but if you injure it too severely it resents, gets mad, and is ready to fight. It shows intelligence and will-power in its life and methods. All life moves by one and the same force — diversified in manifestation, according to condition, environment, and necessity; and the harmonious action of these two elements of force, in God, moves the universe through 8 the eternities. How? We must be- ! gill within the limits of our own knowledge and life to investigate the Facts in harmony with the law. Our bodies are organic, composed of many members and organs, each one adapted to its function, and all united and harmoniously adapted to the needs of the individual. This life is carried on with system, regularity and completeness of pur- pose. We will examine the hand in its construction to find the simplest form of life that manifests this force. We find the hand entirely composed or made up of little cells, so small that a powerful microscope is needed to see one of these little cells distinct- ly. It moves. It has life. It takes loud from that which comes in con- 9 tact with it. It grows to maturity, reproduces its kind and dies. Have these minute cells intelligence? They select their food, rejecting what they do not want. This is one evi- dence of it. We will take a knife and cut the hand. What is done now. The phys- iologist says, "Nature heals the wound." How? Let us see how this work is done. There is an increase of activity in this part, for the cells are at work — they are on extra duty. Labor always increases the tempera- ture of the body: so it does here. They are making material and send- ing" it to the place — a whitish, gluey substance; it will stop the bleeding* (if the injury is slight); it joins on to the living cells, forming* new cells until the gap is filled. I 10 All keep right at work until the wound is healed, and the work is per- formed systematically and with com- pleteness of purpose No mistakes and no failures, unless some external force or obstruction interferes. Can you do as well? No! Why? Because your intelligence is finite, made up by the experiences and ob- servations of your life, imperfect and inaccurate; therefore you are liable to err, to make mistakes, or do the oppo- site of what you ought to do. Their intelligence is of the infinite, perfect and sufficient for their needs, inherent in all nature, and makes no mistakes and no progress only as new and changed conditions make new ne- cessities, and life's resources are infi- nite and sufficient. There is but one kind of Intelli- 11 g-etice in the Universe, diversified in expression, in quantity and quality, according- to tlie necessities of the life. From the minutest atom of life, to the highest human life and to God, it is the same — for the infinite . con- tains the whole, and it takes the whole to make the infinite; and as there is but one God there can be but one kind of any infinite element. There can be but one kind of intel- ligence in the universe, diversified in its manifestations. In the motion of the little cell it expands and contracts. The move- ment is very much like the beating* of the heart, the pulsating- circula- tion of the blood, the expansion and contraction of the muscle. When the muscle grows larg-e with accumulating- streng-th it means 12 work; when the work is done, and the muscle relaxes, diminishes in si^e, it means rest to the muscle; and the pulsation of the heart and blood mean the same, and the expansion and contraction of the cell the same. In all it is work and rest. The law is the same in all the ac- tivities of life. Work and rest is the law of all life, from the smallest atom of life to God; for that which is true within the limit of experience, observation and knowledge, must be true of the infinite whole. Condi- tions may change the manifestations, but the law is unchangeable and Su- preme. Mechanical force is governed by the same law. The action of all force is pulsatory, and is governed by the law of w T ork and rest. 13 The Law of Force is universal and unchangeable — like God. There is but one force in the uni- verse, diversified in its expression. The little cell not only sustains its life, and reproduces its kind, but gives living growth to the body by supervitalized substance that unites all in one concrete whole, and lastly it has waste and death. This little cell possesses all the characteristics of the whole body, of which it is not a trillionth part. Let us examine the life of the body and see if this is true. We take food to sustain life to maturity, and for the reproduction of our kind. What becomes of the food we eat? It is digested and distributed to the trillions of little cells forming 14 the body, in the due proportion and kind needed by each one of this very numerous family. They in turn use the food prepared for them to give increase to the fam- ily of cells and increase to the body. Parents, does it require intelligence to provide for your families and sup- ply each member with the necessities of life? — so it does here; and the in- finite, inherent intelligence only could achieve such perfect results. The body has a very large amount of waste by exhalation and excretion, and the supervitalized atomic emana- tion, evolved by the life eictivities of the bo:ly, which surrounds it like an atmosphere. This atomic envelope is as impal- pable to the senses as the air is without motion. 15 Some of the evidences that there is an atomic emanation from and sur- rounding* the body are: The dog* follows his master or g*ame by the scent of atoms left in the track, by which he recognizes the object of search. In whipping* through the obstacles that come in the way of the move- ments in passage, some of the atoms are separated from the body and its envelope so far that they cannot re- cover their place and they are left. If you will observe closely the movements of the dog, you will dis- cover that he not only scents the track but, as he comes comes closer to the object of search, he raises his head and scents the air, and if the air is sufficiently impregnated with the lost atoms he will leave the track 16 and take a direct course to the ob- ject of search. The different odors of persons, of nationalities, of races, of animals, of meats, of plants and flowers, all evi- dence the action of this law. If you go into the press of a crowd, or into close obstructions to your movements, you will quickly become exhausted through the loss of this atomic envelope. Why does the flower wilt more quickly when you hold : t in your hand and keep inhaling- the odor from it than when left to stand undis- turbed? — because you are taking* from it its sustaining* envelope or atmos- phere. Animals recognize their offspring by their odor, through the sense of smell, and their acquaintances, man or beast, in the same way. 17 The Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere, its supervitalized atomic envelope, full of all manner of atomic substances and life, even minerals; yet these are impalpable to the senses if there is no motion, but by careful investigation we have come to a knowledge of the facts. Then that which is true and in harmony with the law and the facts, in all of our observation and the closest investigation, must be true of the whole. All life evolves a supervitalized atomic living* emanation, which sur- rounds and belongs to it: for the law is supreme and cannot vary. The Law of Force is work and rest, and the primal products of the initial activities of force were atomic — embodied living* intelligence or in- 18 toll uric ether and atomic matter or waste — which is force at rest. Intelluric either is the primal, liv- ing- element, that enters into all life, and is the inherent, intelligent, con- trolling* element in all embodied or- ganic life. The law of life is embodied form, growth to maturit\ r , reproduction of kind and death. The products of life are organic development of individuals — supervi- tali'/ced, living* atomic emanation and waste. What is Intelligence? The Infinite Intelligence is that element, inherent in all nature, that controls all action to the fulfillment of its purpose. Finite intelligence is the result or knowledge, gained by experiences, or 19 the activities of the life and mind. Thoug-ht is the action of the mind, and intelligence is the product of thought. Knowledge is the food for the growth of the mind. The mind reaches out by thought to supply in- tellectual food, as the body reaches out to supply physical food. The mind grows only by digestion and assimilation of the knowledge gained by the experiences and obser- vations of life. Every article produced by the hu- man, from the savage to the highest civilized man, is evidence of the in- tellectual activities of the mind that produced it. The chair was made or produced by thinking, caused by necessity, — each simple part was made and add- 20 ed to that before it, used and en- joyed, modified and perfected by thinking*. Made in the mind first, and then in the material, until the chair as we have it is the result. It is the material, embodied expres- sion of intelligence, in form and use adapted to a purpose. If you destroy the chair the intel- lectual pattern or mental picture re- mains, and you can make as many material chairs as you choose — the same as you can make as many gar- ments as you please after one pat- tern. Can a garment or a form be made of nothing? Can anything be made to represent a nothing? True the cipher is used to fill vacant spaces which represent value; but the cipher alone has no value, and is used for 21 convenience. It might have been any other form so used. Embodied intelligence is the Infin- ity of Form. Form is the result of intellectual activity, thought, and cannot be made of nothing, It can- not take form without some sub- stance of which to make the form, for ihis is the universal law of form. It cannot be made of any gross ma- terial, but must be made of an ex- tremely fine material substance. The Photo negative or print is static light, which has taken form through the reflex action of the light from the object: or it takes form through the negative to and in the sensitized substance. In some way, with similar results, Intelluric Ether, acting in conjunc- tion with thought, becomes static in 00 mm the mind; and all knowledge and form presented to the mind and di- gested by it, becomes static in the mind — filling- the storehouse of mem- ory not with nothings, but with the accumulating* intelligence of life, sys- tematically and concretely grown into the mind or soul, as really material substance as the body is gross matter. Ignorance is the only barrier to man's progress, and an infinity of knowledge ever lies before him, en- couraging him on to new endeavor and holier aspiration to reach the sublime beauties of life in harmony with God, on the immortal, ever- green shores, fragrant with odors, crowned with eternal beauty, su- premely radiant with the light and love of God: eternity will not be too long for the joys of the immor- tal. CHAPTER II. The Beginning of Creation. What is Matter and how produced? How was the Earth created, and how did life begin upon -it ? The Beginning of Creation was the initial activities of the Infinite Force of God's Intelligence and Will- power — the Primal products of which were living, atomic, embodied intelli- gence; intelluric ether, and atomic matter — which is force at rest. As all embodiments are beginnings of formation, and all life is a begin- ning, and both these have their be- ginnings in the activities of the Infi- 24 nite Force of God, and are and ever have been governed by one unchange- able law, and as the primal, infinite elements of force are the equivalent of the infinite whole, their coitive action cannot accomplish more or less than the infinite supply of force and mat- ter necessary for all creative forma- tion; and as all living forms are universally composed of but two pri- mal parts — the gross material of the external body and the refined sub- stance of the indwelling life or soul — we may justly claim (until more knowledge demonstrates to us facts that shall prove to the contrary, for all present facts are in harmony with the law and sustain the premise,) that the beginning 'of creation was the primal coitive action of the ele- ments of force; Infinite Intelligence 25 and Will-power, which resulted in the products of living*, embodied at- omic intelligence; intelluric ether and waste. Waste is atomic matter or force at rest. Intelluric ether is the supply sub- stance of all life and spirit, as mat- ter is the supply substance of all physical, bodily forms. Dirzhavin, the Russian poet, says: •'But the influence of thy ligiit Divine, Pervading- worlds, hath reached my bosom too; Yes, in my spirit doth thy spirit shine, As shines the sunbeam in the drop of dew." Matter is force at rest — as our scientists have expressed it, ' • latent energy" — force at rest. The scien- tists tell us of the latent energies in water, wood, coal, carbon in all its forms, and that there is scarcely any 26 form of inert matter that cannot be changed from its solid, inactive condi- tion to the atomical condition of lib- erated energy and atomic matter. The law and the facts which hold good within the limit of our investi- gation and knowledge must be true of the infinite whole. All matter, by the law and the facts, must be force at rest — " latent energy." Force is composed of two elements, as manifested by the two movements of the little cell, expansion and con- traction. What two infinite elements mani- fest these two qualities? Intelligence and Will-power; and the united action of these two ele- ments produces force adapted to this motion of the little cell, and adapted 27 to all the activities of all life, and all the manifestations of force in the universe. This law is illustrated in the mix- ing* of acid and alkali to raise bread. Force cannot be made without two elements. The evidences of this face are con- stantly before us in all the experi- ences of life. The intelligent element of force is shown in the holding* to- g-ether, controlling* and directing* the universe, with systematic regularity and completeness of purpose. The daily, yearly and sidereal mo- tions, producing* all the necessary con- ditions for the reg'ular succession of the seasons, that secure to life the active, growing* energy of summer and the rest of winter, the active energy of the sunlig*ht of day and 28 the restful repose of night's shadows. Alexander Pope says: " All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body Nature is, and God the soul." Completeness of purpose is infinite- ly manifested in all of the grandeur and sublimity of the universe. Intelligence is shown by the action of the force of gravity. It is shown by the action of the human intellect. It is shown by the action of the worm that crawls in the dust. It is shown in all vegetable life — in the selection and placing correctly the material necessary for its growth and formation. The infinite intelligence in nature is as manifest as the su-rf premacy of life and form. Will-power is the resistful and ex- pansive element of force, so apparent in all our relations to life. It always 29 leads out and resists control, but when it finally unites harmoniously with intelligence, then forceful action is complete. The two elements of force are shown in the motions of the earth and all the planets in the universe — combining* the centripetal and centrif- ugal motions. The two elements are illustrated in electricity and magnetism— positive and negative, male and female, intel- lect and heart. All force is composed of intelli- gence and Will-power, subject to one law, infinite and supreme. -V' God, in his Infinite Intelligence and Will-power, inheres in every atom of the universe, active or at rest, from the smallest particle that floats in the sunbeam, invisible, to the 30 whole; for if there is one atom in which God does not so inhere, then there is so much with no God. If so, when would we know where to draw the line and tell where God is and where he is not? From the Supi Oracle: 44 Communicate to me His least name, and I will return to thee His greatest. Every day He is in action; recognize the mark of God in every place, The world is the image of God." The Hindo Yagur Veda says: 14 The man who considers all be- ings as existing even in the Supreme Spirit, and the Supreme Spirit as pervading all things, henceforth views no creature with contempt." 44 In the beginning was God," and it is impossible for us to know any- 31 thing* of God except as He reveals Himself through nature and its man- ifestations of truth to us. Intelligence and will-power being the crowning light by which all rev- elations of truth are manifest, it is the nearest approach we can make to God. The English poet Shelly says: "The awful shadow of some unseen power Floats throug-h among* us, As summer winds that creep from flower to flower; Like moonbeams that behind some puny mountain shower; It visits with inconstant g-lance Each human heart and countenance, Like hues and harmonies of evening'. " The coitive action of God's Infinite Intelligence and Will-power produced Primal Force — the product of which was intelluric ether and atomic mat- ter. All space was filled with at- 32 omic life and atomic matter mixed together. It is the natural action of all mix- ed elements of unlike natures to sep- arate, as daily illustrated in your own experiences and observations. Intelluric ether and atomic matter could not remain in that mixed con- dition; and, in separating*, the atoms of matter in the immensities of space were gathered in large central masses — the living, intelluric ether surrounding these masses kept press- ing them into smaller limits, until the pressure began to liberate the latent energy. Pressure always liberates the in- filling of matter, illustrated in wring- ing water from a cloth, pressing the juice of fruit from the pulp, and in nature by rain — the cause of which 33 is the compression of the clouds by cold pressing" the moisture out, which forms into drops and falls in rain. When water freezes the ice cannot hold as much heat as the water can, and the excess of heat is pressed out — illustrated in the sudden freezing of shallow water on the uneven sur- face of the ground. The cold forces the heat into the deepest parts of the water, and when the liberated heat can be held no longer inside it bursts out through the surface, bilging the ice, as you have often noticed after a rain or thaw in winter followed by a sudden freeze. Water in a vessel freezes on the outside, top and bottom, and forces the heat to the center until it gath- ers sufficient strength to break out at the weakest point. 34 The freezing* of water in the cavi- ties and crevices of rocks in quarries and mountains breaks immense ledges of rocks, and moves large boulders from their foundations; and along* the side of the precipice or mountain, strews the vale with broken frag- ments. Liberated energy cannot be confined to less than the limit of its force. The law controlling the action of fluids and finely particled matters is well demonstrated by the famous Maelstrom of the coast of Norway, which is caused by an opening in the floor of the ocean, through which the water rushes, and as it runs toward the outlet from all directions, ap- proaching and crowding toward the center, it impinges upon itself, and this impingement forces it into a re- 35 volving motion in the direction given by the strongest inflow. You can illustrate this with a vessel that has a hole in the bottom. The same principle is illustrated in the movements of the air. A whirlwind is caused by the local heating of the air, which causes it to expand and rise, producing a par- tial vacuum, then the cold air rushes in from all sides to fill the vacuum, but closing toward the center it impinges upon itself, and the strongest inflow determines the direction of the whirl. All whirlwinds, tornadoes and cy- clones develop by this principle; and the revolving motion draws into the center cold air and loose materials, and by compression, wringing and friction, liberates the latent energy in the enclosed whirling mass, and 36 very quickly it starts to get out of it, but tlie established revolving mo- tion carries the liberated central en- ergy around with it, but the strug- gle of the two elements of force causes the whirling mass to move forward, as manifested by the little whirlwinds to be seen forming any hot summer day. With the facts and the law of compression, of friction, and the mo- tion of fluids or finely particled masses established, we will return to follow the growth of our embryo earth or planet. As the vast masses of atomic mat- ter in the immensities of space were gathered together the intelluric ether (which is intensely cold), separating from and surrounding the masses closing in upon them from all sides, 37 compressing* the mass, and the intel- luric ether, pressing- toward the cen- ter, impinges upon itself, and pro- duces a revolving motion in the direction given by the strongest in- flow, followed by an increasing pres- sure and friction wringing motion, liberating the latent energies of mat- ter, until the accumulating energy resists and makes an effort to escape by rushing toward the outside of the mass; but coming in contact with the revolving motion it is carried along with it; but the impact of the two motions carries the mass for- ward in space. And in Time the revolving motion becomes the daily revolution of the earth or planet, and the motion for- ward in space becomes the yearly revolution of the earth or planet. 38 And time and progressive develop- ment bring- the planet to the condi- tion to support life and to its pres- ent state. The law by which the earth was created must be as operative today as it ever has been; and, as already noticed, we have the evidences of its continuous action, The aerolite, me- teor and comet are continual proofs of the present action of the law, m The Beginning- of Life upon the Karth (or any planet). Life and the law of its beginning- is universal and unchangeable, and as supremely operative today as it ever has been. We all know that life is constant- ly beginning in endless variety. What are the facts of its begin- nings? 39 First, there must be a substance that is in the right condition and environment, according* to the life that, is be, whether it be fly, fish or man. Second, there must be coition of the elements of life, male and female, in the substance; and these facts are always factors in the beginning- of all life within the limits of our care- ful investigation and knowledge. The elements of ' life are infinite and supreme: inherent in all nature. In all bodies of water, and espe- cially where there is little or no movement, you can find adhering to bodies or substances continually im- mersed semi-globules of substance, semi-transparent and gelatine-like, which, when you examine, are accu- mulations of substance without the 40 appearance of life. Close observa- tion has disclosed the fact that when any little particle comes in contact with one of them, that is food for it, the body of the globule will open at the point of contact and take it in, (but if it is not food it will not take it in,) and if there is anything left that it cannot digest it will expel the unused portion. Here is selection, rejection and ex- pulsion — successful actions for specific purposes, inherent in organic sub- stances, performing the duty of a stomach. The varying sizes show a growth, and it proves spontaneous beginning of organic life. The elements of life are universal, and the conditions of its organic be- ginnings are a substance in the right state and environment to accord with 41 the life that is to be; and if these conditions are met anywhere in na- ture, spontaneous, organic life must follow. The virility of life and its never- failing- presence, whenever and where- ever there are conditions for it, prove the supremacy of the vital elements of life; and if organic life is sponta- neous in one instance it is in every instance where condition of substance and the environing^ invite the ele- ments to unite; and life must follow, for it obeys the infinite mandate. Live! because you must! The simplest manifestation of force is in the simplest form of organic life, and the diversified expression of force keeps pace with the complexity of life and the changing conditions; and we find life a progressive devel- 42 opment from simple to complex by concrete growth, and the evolution of higher forms of life from every ad- vance condition of matter. As the acorn possesses within it all the possibilities of the full grown tree, and the infant child all the possibilities of the human being, so infinite life possesses within it the inherent possibilities of all life. From the Koran: u It needs not that I swear by the sunset's redness, And by the flight and its gatherings, And by the moon and her full, That from state to state shall I surely be carried onward." If we examine the progress of life we find that the demands of new conditions and new necessities devel- op new traits of character and pow- ers unknown before; and that by 43 following* the law we can change the nature and form of life, producing desirable qualities, until the original is lost — illustrated in the great vari- ety of peaches, which, in the begin- ning of propagation, started from a bitter poisonous almond. The wonderful changes and im- provements made in vegetable, flow- er and fruit, in endless variety, are accomplished by the law of change in condition and environment. We also change and improve animal life b} 7 the same law. When we examine life under na- ture's guidance only, we find it one of progressive development of new organs, new members and new pow- ers and an evolution of new forms, new varieties and species. The law is universal and unchange- able. Infinite life is ever new. 44 Oliver Wendell Holmes quaintly says, "It is better to be 70 years young* than 40 years old." Intelligence and Will-power, Force and Life, are inherent infinite ele- ments in nature, and the manifesta- tions of nature prove a continuity of progressive development and evolu- tion; and that which is true in all of our investigation and knowledge must be true of the whole, for God has no "missing* links," thoug*h man may fail to find them. God, in his infinite wisdom and goodness, must ever remain the ob- ject of man's love and adoration. CHAPTER III. Immortality and its Environments. Immortality or the continued exist- ence of the individual after the death of the body. We have asserted (and there is no proof to the contrary,) the fact of a Living, Atomic, Infinite y Intelligence- Substancc, Intelluric Ether, and all the manifestations of nature sustain the premise. Intelluric ether enters into the formative beginning- of all life, and is the controlling- and directing* element of all life — sustaining to the Soul and Spirit life a relation similar to lig*ht in the physical life. 46 Intelluric ether, acting* in conjunc- tion with thought, becomes the agent by which all knowledge is statically embodied in concrete growth in the mind or soul; and the soul is organ- ically embodied, individualized, finite intelligence. If an idea, a static mental picture, cannot be destroyed, then the mind or soul, the organic living whole, must continue after the death of the body. Now we want the evidences within the limit of our knowledge that the soul has an independent life in, and a continued life after, the death of the body. When a member or an organ of the body is amputated or removed from the body the sense of feeling remains dormant, but complete, and 47 under conditions liable to obtain at any time the sense of feeling- of the absent portion may be aroused. Portions of the body, external and internal, may be removed until noth- ing* but an imperfect trunk and head remains, and yet the intellectual part of life remains in full self-control, and often with apparent increased capacity. When the material body is muti- lated its function to that extent is destroyed, unless some remaining- part can perform its duty. If an arm, a limb, or a member is amputated or disabled, how quickly the indwelling* self places the remain- ing- members on extra or double duty. The mind will make members of the body perform work that is entirely foreign to their natural duties. Illus- 48 trated by the armless man who wrote, ate, made drawing's, and performed many other wonderful feats with his toes; and the man without arms or limbs who could write and draw if the pencil were correctly placed in his mouth; and the blind and deaf g*ain a knowledg-e throug-h the sense of feel- ing- entirely foreigfn to the duty of that sense. Portions of the brain may be re- moved, and the duties of life be met without any or but slig*ht impair- ment. Spencer says: 44 For of the soul the body form doth take, For soul is form and doth the body make.'* The clairvoyant and psychometric qualities of the mind so far exceed the material senses and presence of the body, that the scientists acknowl- 49 edge the independent action of the mind. In the trance state of the body the indwelling- intelligence leaves the body, and may be conscious of the fact, and may remain present while another intelligence takes possession of the body, and uses it to express ideas and knowledge foreign and un- known to the person; who, if present, hears what is said the same as any of the audience; or the mind or soul may go away from the body as far as the magnetic cord attaching it to the body can be extended, and hold sweet communion with spirit friends in spirit life, and returning to the body may be conscious of its experi- ences while absent, The return of spirit friends after the death of the body has been so 50 positively demonstrated, and the spirit so identified, as to leave no possi- bility of doubt. All these facts and many more, coming" within the limit of our knowl- edge, are sufficient to establish the truth of the existence of an indwell- ing life, that controls and directs the. activities of the body, but in a meas- ure is independent of it and sur- vives its death. Why should we die because we change the house we live in or the raiment that we wear? Demand and supply are the natural sequences of life, and there is no de- mand in life without a supply in na- ture to meet it. There is in the human soul such an intense desire and demand for con- tinued life and God, so wide spread 51 and deep rooted that it cannot be in vain, All the facts of life within our knowledge, and the indestructibility of the substance, the inherent de- mand, the universal law, and the infinite goodness, wisdom and power of God say — you shall live! ' ' Yea, after worms have destroyed my body, yet shall I live." All life. has a purpose in it, shown by the inherent intelligence b} T which it supplies its needs and pleasures. Tennyson says: " That nothing - walks with aimless feet, That not one life shall be destroyed, Or cast as rubbish to the void, When God hath made the pile complete; That not a worm is cloven in vain, That not a moth, with vain desire, Is shrivelled in a fruitless fire, Or but subserves another's gain." 52 All phases of life are the progres- sive steps from lower to hig*her con- ditions. The material which enters into any phase of life is refined, pre- paring- it in state for the evolution and development and support of a higher than the present. All life evolves a supervitali^ed, living*, atomic emanation of matter, so refined that we have no scientific means or methods of determining quantity or quality. All higher life contains the crown- ing aspiration of all life below T it, and the enlarging aspiration of its increasing capacity and knowledge. This cumulating knowledge and aspiration can have a no less purpose than immortality. Our spirit life is a continuation of this life, and must be within the do- 53 main of God; therefore it must be governed by the universal and un- changeable laws of God. We enter the new life with the in- tellectual, moral, religious and spirit- ual development of growth attained in this life, leaving behind the de- formities of the body; for we have demonstrated that the mutilations of the body do not mutilate mind or soul. The minute particle, that may be invisible through the most powerful microscope, is as positively substance as the boulder that weighs a ton; and the life that is invisibly small is as surely life as the elephant. The material forms of vegetable life are made up largely of the invisi- ble elements of the air, sunlight and moisture, and contain very little of 54 the earthy material, and when fully dematerialised there is but a very small portion of visible matter left. By human intelligence and will- power we control the character and formation of all mechanical, archi- tectural and artistic productions. We control more or less the char- acter, form and use of life. We control the energies of nature, and the intellectual activities and perversities of the mind. In this life we have to cope with the rigidity of solid matter, the un- yielding* laws of nature, the refrac- tory energies of life, the stubborn perversities of the mind and our own ignorance; yet see the wonderful achievements of human life. The more perfect we become in knowledge and wisdom the easier we control all things to our purposes, 55 We call your attention to the as- sertions of many persons, from all nations and in all history, who claim to have seen spirit life and its envi- ronments, by vision, clairvoyance, and by presence, while the body was in a trance or controlled by some other intelligence. Three classes of evidence, covering* the historic time of all nations, and all agreeing- in many particulars — agreeing that the environings of that life in many-ways are much like this life, but exceedingly transcendent in beauty, harmony, and perfection. Agreeing that the occupation of that life is more of choice and less of necessity: that it consists in do- ing good by helping those who need help, and of personal improvement, progress, and an enjoyment of life unknown in this life. 56 Agreeing that the environments and occupations of that life appear as real and substantial as this life, but that it is not gross solid matter like the objective of earth life. A small portion of such an array of evidence, upon any other subject, could not be ignored in any court of justice in any country, and yet prej- udice and preconceived opinion is so strong* that we set the evidence aside and even ridicule the witnesses. It is time we investigated this subject honestly, justly, and intelli- gently. If there is in the future life a re- alistic life and environings of land- scape and scenery, of mountain, vale, stream, forest, and verdure, of home dwellings and surroundings, of pub- lic buildings for audience and instruc- 57 tion, then there must be substances adapted to this condition a^d these purposes; for the formation of the objective, in everything" necessary, beneficial and useful, in the continued development of the life begun here; and as we carry our personalities with us an endless variety of necessities must follow. Inasmuch as we have our origin of life, body and environment in and of the gross matter of this earth, and that all life and matter progressively develop together, we cannot do other- wise than reasonably conclude that the substance of that life is the re- fined substance of this life; that it is the vitalized, living, atomic emana- tion of this life, refined until it en- ters that life with us, still adapted to our uses and necessities, entering 58 that life void of decay, and by com- binations with the Intelluric Ether, materialized and controlled by the intelligence and will-power of the builders there, to take form and col- or, quality and expression, according- to the merit and the progressive necessity of the individual for whom it is being made. All formations there remain during usefulness only, and then disintegrate or dematerialize, and the substance returns to the fountain sources of supply — all loss or waste being in the atomic form, drifts into space atomic matter, to be gathered into meteoric or other similar formations. The evidences within our knowl- edge are — the materialisation and de- materialisation of forms in this life, the dematerialising of substances and 59 fematerializing* of the same, and the materializing* and demateriali^ing* of substances and spirit forms. Spirit life and its environing*s, dressed in its supernal youth and never-failing* beauty, is a home wor- thy of earnest, intense desire, and our constant effort to attain, and is a glory worthy of the infinite God who provides, and He should receive all the gratitude and love that the mind and heart can express, and the purest life and the holiest adoration that the soul can g*ive. PSYCHIC SCIENCE. Psychic Science treats of the po- tencies and phenomena of the intel- lectual consciousness of the mind or soul, which is the crowning* light of the physical creation — taking* in all 60 of the Infinite that iies within reach or scope of the finite mind. This science rests upon four pri- maries, viz., intellectual consciousness of life: the atomic emanation of life: that all force or active energy seeks union with organic life or static rest in matter: that the static condition can be aroused by harmonic vibra- tion. 1st. The fact of our intellectual consciousness needs no proof. 2nd. The atomic emanation of life is well sustained in Chapter I. All atoms possess cosmical quality of the entirety of the individual on the w plane of life to which the atoms be- long*, and also includes all the life below but not all above the atom. The minutest germ of life (as of the acorn or infant,) possesses in it 61 all the possibilities of the full grown individual. If the law holds good within the limit of our knowledge, from the atom to the perfected individual, then it is supreme. The infinite germinal life force (in- telluric ether) must contain all the possibilities of life, from the lowest to the highest, else ' life would have a limit or rise above its source. All evolution is from the lower to the higdier in life, because of the in- herence in it of the highest living embodiment of God, at work through all the phenomena of nature. ^ Mind or soul has its origin in the foundation of organic life, and can be traced from its inception in the low- est form of life manifested in unor- ganized substance, and traced through the evolving* progress of life. 62 Harmonic vibration of physical life evolves sentience in life, which ex- presses itself through touch, taste, and smell, which are but variations of one sense. Harmonic vibration of sentience in life evolves consciousness in life, which expresses itself through sight and hearing. Harmonic vibration of consciousness in life evolves intelligence in life, which expresses itself through lan- guage and the embodiment of ideas. Harmonic vibration of intelligence in life evolves intuition in life, by which we recognise the manifesta- tions of truth and God. When the personal life, in its en- tirety, vibrates in harmony with the spiritual and God, then, to whatever subject or parts the mind is directed, the exact truth will be perceived, and 63 the knowledge will be correct on that plane; and just as far as the lower planes of life can be held in accord with the higher planes of life, so far- can the exact truth be transmitted to the lower planes of life, providing* each plane has language in which to receive and convey the truth, which will depend upon two points — har- monic vibration and language. The same holds true in the ex- change of knowledge between indi- viduals. When, added to this, we consider the antagonizing, inharmonious condi- tion of human life to receive the truth, and the multitude of imper- fectly inspired teachers who believe they have the truth, ' it is no wonder that differences of opinion exist in this life or in the soul life of the spirit. 64 3rd. That all force or active ener- gy seeks unison with organic life, or static rest in matter, at the climax "of action. All moving* missels seek rest. Wa- ter seeks it level. Steam seeks the limit of its power. The cyclone seeks the complete waste of its fury. Elec- tricity seeks its equilibrium. All active energy must find union in organic life or static rest in mat- ter. \ The more intense the energy the nearer instantaneous is the climax — as with heat, light, and thought. 4th. The static condition of Psyche can be aroused by harmonic vibra- tion. When the psychometrist comes in harmonic vibration with the vibrant life of atoms they respond as the 65 musical tone will respond to its vi- brating" chord: and all on the plane or below the plane of the atom, to which the mind is directed, is known and can be communicated; and the investigation can be extended as far as necessary if the harmony is not interrupted. These atomic emanations are static in every substance of presence or contact. The most potent articles for prac- tical experiment are a lock of hair, a photograph, autograph, handker- chief, or any article in the exclusive use of the individual. If an article has been in the use of, or contact with two or more per- sons, all may be described by the static atoms belonging* to each one, providing the atoms have sufficient 66 vitality, and the intelligence sufficient wisdom to separate the personalities, Here lies the confusion of psycho- metric reading*. So cosmical is the atom that with good conditions the entire character and general life can be read from the atoms. Psychometric reading* is so common that persons desiring* proof can ob- tain all they need. I will relate one very marked in- stance in detail for the benefit of the student. In the summer of '95, while resid- ing in Idaho, I frequently passed Julius Sorrensen's home, five miles below mine. He dug a well over 100 feet deep, blasting a considerable portion through lava rock. I was interested to know what the mate- 67 rial would be at the bottom of the well, and called one day soon after it was finished. Mrs. Sorrensen only was at home, and, on inquiry of her, she stepped to the well with me, showing me the material, which, as we examined, she called my attention to some small, black, hard fragments like glass, saying they called them opals. She picked up one larger than the rest and gave it to me. I carried this, with other fragments of the same, in my portemonnaie for months. In November I returned to my pre- vious home in Elgin, 111., and during the winter I attended a public lecture by Mrs. Scoville, with psychometric readings at the close of the lecture. Going forward, with many others, I presented the opal for a reading, ex- 68 pecting to learn something of the substance and its surroundings. — Judge of my surprise when Mrs. Scoville described the lady who pick- ed up the opal, and said she was very fond of music — a matter of which I had not the least knowledge or suggestion. I returned to Idaho in May, '96. Before seeing Mrs. Sorrensen her friends told me that they knew her to be very fond of music and dancing. A day or two later I called on the lady, and inquired of her if the state- ment w r as correct. She said it was, and that her family of six children all were; even the youngest was a fine little singer. My conclusion is, that when Mrs. Sorrensen picked up the opal and handed it to me, the climax of intel- 69 lectual action centered upon the opal as she looked at it and also by touch; that both ph} r sical and intellectual atomic emanations became static in the opal, and that continued time and condition could have revealed her character and life in full. Mrs. Scoville^ coming* in harmonic vibration with the life of the static atoms in the opal, they responded, and Mrs. Scoville became cognizant of the person so far as her attention was directed to her. The static condition of memory so often aroused, and often at the near approach to death, the whole store- house of memory is vibrant with life. The life experiences of the person are statically and organicalty grown into the soul, as ph} T sical food is di- gested and grown into the physical 70 body, as real and organic in one as in the other. The photographing- of mental conditions and mental pictures, the memory, continued existence and growth of the soul, all evidence the substantial elements of the soul. At the death of the body the soul body is separated from the physical body, and is the resurrected body of the spirit, with which the person be- gins life in spirit on the shore of immortality. In the Infinite Spirit all life is in vibrant touch, and God knows in an infinite degree all that transpires in the universe, as we know in a finite degree all the experiences of our life. SONG OF PSYCHE. Iyife is a mystery tender and deep; Rare are the secrets it gives us to keep; Truest and best are its whispers of love, Fashioned and formed from the essence above. 71 Not from the dust, or the dew-breathing- sod, Fresh from the bosom and spirit of God; Infinite goodness! whose ultimate plan Finds its fruition in woman and man. Out from the darkness of error and wrong-, Love sings triumphant the conqueror's song: Passion flowers float with the lilies of mirth, Twining the joys and the sorrows of earth. World-wide and wondrous the power of the soul! Growth is our motto, endeavor our goal; Marriage of thought to the hope of the world, Mirrored through beauty, by wisdom unfurled. Spirit immortal, in substance thou art, Crowned in the kingdom of silence apart; Vast with the vibrating voice of the me, Pulses the thrill of the issues to be. All the invisible breathes in thy breath, Only the doubt in thee slumbers in death; Labor and love are the threads of the loom, 4 'Play the sweet keys" wouldst thou keep them in tune. Emma Nickerson-Warne. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 095 481 %. 1