CS 71 .R291 1901 Copy 1 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY DESCENDED FROM JOHAN BeRNHARD ReBER 1738 Compiled by MORRIS B. REBER, Reading, Pa. " Eaci^ successive link is ho id en By the one which goes before ,- ,// d the new is to the old on'' One link more.^^ I 90 I Reading, Penna. PUBLISHED FOR THE FAMILT Book I^^^^^-l 1^0 I / / GENEALOGY ^ OF THE REBER FAMILY DESCENDED FROM JOHAN BeRNHARD ReBER 1738 'jj^ ^ Compiled by MORRIS B. REBER, Reading, Pa. 'I ** Each successive link is holden By the one which goes before ,- And the new is to the old on* One link more.'''' I 90 I Reading, Penna. PUBLISHED FOR THE FAMILY \ < 0-,' ■^ ..^ Cv ^v it< \o '"%' f* 1' '-i ^v^ PREFACE This work was undertaken through a desire of some of the family to have a record preserved, as perfect as it can be obtained, of the emigration to, and the settlement of their ancestors in this country ; and also of the situation and connedlion of their descendants at the present time. While there are some families through- out this country either bearing this same name or being descendants therefrom, and which are not included in this work, it must be understood that we have herein traced merely the descendants of Johan Bernhard Reber, who emigrated to this country in 1738. The records con- taining the long list of early emigrants give the names of four other persons by the name of Reber * having landed in this country, from whom doubtless spring a great many of these families. For the omissions and errors that may be found in this work we hope to be excused, as the former were unavoidable through lack of information, and the latter must be expedled considering the resources, which in many instances depended on memory only. These records date from the first emigrant to this country by the name of Reber, so far as we know, and continues their genealogy to the present time, keeping principally to the name in question. Although the descendants out of the name are as much of the family and as nearly allied, yet to trace them all through the generations would involve too large a work for our present plan or for the satisfacftion of our readers. In arranging the heads of families, we have g^ven the date of birth whenever known, and also the location. In most instances where no address is mentioned there has been no change of residence from that of the parents. In presenting this genealogy the writer desires to acknowledge his obligations to Rev. Thomas H. Krick, Thomas Reber, Joel B. Bertolet, Mrs. Mary E. Runyon, David W. Pellman, James C. Reber, and the others who have aided by their researches, in furnishing materials for the work. m. b. r. * Johan Friederich Reber, Sept. 15, 1748. Johannes Reber, Sept. 15, 1749. Johannes Reber, Sept. 26, 1749. Hans Michael Reber, Aug. 13, 1750. GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY FIRST GENERATION The idea of preparing a genealogy of the Reber family was probably suggested in finding the original passport of Johannes Reber still preserved, who was for a long time believed to be the first one of the large family of Rebers who emigrated to this country. This passport shows that he came from lyangenselbold, Germany, which is situated in Kreiz Hanau, Regierungsbezirk Cassel, Konigsreich, Prussia. While visiting in that part of the country, in 1882, Mr. James T. Reber, of Reading, Pa., found recorded in the old church book of the Evangelical Church (Rev. Frederick Hufnagel, Pastor), the names of four brothers, (i) Johan Bernhard • Reber, (2) Hans Reber, (3) Johan Conrad Reber, and (4) Michael Reber. This church book dates back to the year 1563, so that it might be possible to obtain the ancestors of these four brothers since the i6th century. However, we have been satisfied to make a record only from the earliest emigrant to this country. I . Johan Bernhard Reber, the first of these brothers, is recorded in this same book as having one son, (5) Johannes Reber, who was married Feb. 8, 1736, to Johanna Magdalena, daughter of Conrad Hahn. From this union two sons were bom ; (6) Johannes (Dec. 16, 1736), and (7) lyUdwig Friedrich August (Sept. 11, 1740). The Pennsylvania Archives, containing the names of 30,000 early emigrants, mention the arrival of John Bernhart Reber, from Rotterdam (Holland), on the "Snow Two Sisters," landing in Phila- delphia, and qualifying Sept, 9, 1738, by swearing allegiance to Great Britain. We can learn of nothing pertaining to his whereabouts or life after his arrival in this country. The passport, however, of the son is still intact and a photograph of same is shown on accompanying page. GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY SECOND GENERATION 5. Johannes Reber, whose dale of birth is unknown, was married Feb. 8, 1736, to Johanna Magdalena Hahn. They had two sons born in Germany, Johannes and Ivudwig Fried- rich August. According to his passport, he left his native country for America April 23, 1742, bringing his family with him, although it is known that the second son, Lud'vi;.r, uied on board the ship. Being a member of William Penn's colony, his first object was to find a desirable location. Having seledled some acres of land about 6 miles west of Reading, in Eower Heidelberg Township, at the big bend of the Tulpehocken, in a beautiful though desolate valley, known afterwards as the ' ' Blue Marsh, ' ' he moved thither with his wife and son, built himself a home, which served the double purpose of shelter and a protection against the Indians and wild animals, his only neighbors. This quaint old building, with its large square fire-place in the centre, is still standing on the farm now owned by Mr. Henry Shofer, Reading, Pa. We find recorded in the Pennsylvania Archives that John Reber was naturalized May 13, 1768, and also that he, like many others of the early settlers, was concerned in numerous disputes regarding the rightful ownership of their land. During the time that he resided in this locality he was blessed with an increase to his family of three sons which were named Thomas, Valentine and Peter. Their five children were : 6. Johannes 7. LuDwiG Friedrich August 8. Thomas 9. Valentine 10. Peter FIRST FOUR GENERATIONS 7 First Four Generations JOHAN BERNHARD REBBR I JOHAN REBER Emigrated, September 9, 1758 Emigrated, April zj, 174Z I. JOHAN RBBER . b. i7}6 , LUDWIG Frikd- erich August Reber b. 1740 }. Thomas Reber (1746.181}) F&st wift John Magoalena Stcond wife Nicolas Abraham Michael Susanna John John Peter Catharine Magdalena Valentine Anna Maria Anna Marcaretka Elizabeth Susanna Conrad 4. Valentine Reber $. Petbr Reber V o record 8 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY THIRD GENERATION 6. Johannes Reber ; born in Germany, Dec. i6, 1736. Was twice married. ' ist wife, Miss Orbengast. Issue, two children, 11. John 12. Magdai,ena 2d wife, Miss Haas. Issue, four children. 13. Nicolas 14. Abraham 15. Michael 16. Susanna 7. lyUDWIG Friedrich AUGUST Reber, bom in Ger- many, Sept. II, 1740. Died aboard ship on way to America. 8. Thomas Reber, born in Pennsylvania, 1746; d. Aug. 27, 1823 : m. Elizabeth Kerschner ; b. Nov. i, 1747 ; d. Dec. 22, 1817. Issue, ten children. 17. John 22. Anna Maria 18. John Peter, 23. Anna Margaretha 19. Catharine 24. Elizabeth 20. Magdalena 25. Susanna 21. Valentine 26. Conrad 9. Valentine Reber, born in Pennsylvania, date un- known. Have no further record than that he moved West. 10. Peter Reber, born in Pennsylvania, date unknown. The only information that can be had is that he also went West. FOURTH GENERATION 1 1 . John Reber ; m. Magdalena Rathmacher. Of this marriage there was issue fourteen children. 27. Magdalena 34. Joseph 28. Barbara 35. John 29. Christina 36. Benjamin 30. Elizabeth 37. John 31. Rebecca 38. Samuel 32. Susanna 39. Jonas 33. Sarah 40. Daniel DlffpngKtnj} if iSUlETcnDuriiiinDMiMngctuc. ilugcn l)iamitau uniTcu/ na(()^cnlc k\) Ollnf> bcmiitbiift narf)(]criu1;t un^ iiebctbcn/ -Bir n^ol" ten (indbigil (Kiubcn/'" ^^. ^ ./. ber £cibci(icu' f(^affi/ iDomit Oa^nsi unbUnfevm Sniflicl)cn Saup ^ v-crbafftct, r.;: . .? / ^ii ciiaf fen unb t)ai)on lof] \\\ fpred)cn/ ami) (jndbijjil t)c^ jlattcn / fid) t)on bannen n^eij nnb m . ^ ',y \ ,u^ ., . r >.j ju bc(]ebcn / t)a|] l^ir fotbancm bemiitbtjjfcn 9ia(l)fu(1)cn \\\ ^nafcn bcfeiirct l)abcn / al/o unt) bcrciolaltcn / biii^ \H>n 11 n^ iwl) Unferm ^rdfli(f)en ^auf; (v:bflci)t ^ y^ • • -' ; /■; ,:„/.?, r-... ;,, fnrobmt>ci*£eibe^enfd)a|?tbaIber in f eincn i!f nfpruc^ mebr (^enommcn ipcrben/fon" bcwibicrijonlopunblcbiiv aucb/;<^ / • ' fid) anbcr^ n)Dbin ^u begebcnobnberiDebrtfeDn folic / c^ fci)c bann / U^ ^- fid) etipa ftinfftiobtninainfem^anbcnan eiiicm £)rtb/ i»o bic #eibci0enfd)ajjt x>erf pmmcn^ ill/ rpicber nicbcrlatnmrl)?/ tt)cl*cnfalS ^^<^ bfefer £cbii3jtb{un(i Pbn^ead)tet tiMcbcrum nut ben>0ii^Kn Jieibei(5enfd)af t i)ci1)afftet fei)n unb bleiben folic. Ubrftniblic^ iBnfcr^ bier anff- acbrnct'tcn ©vdfli^cn @ecret*3nfi«5cl§. ^ir- ;h'^: PASSPORT OF JOHANiNES REBER April 23, 174Z FOURTH GENERATION 9 12. Magdalena Reber ; m. John Richard. Of this marriage there was issue eight children. i. John ii. WiLUAM ; m. Miss Spang, iii. Joseph iv. Benjamin; m. Miss Leininger. (No issue). V. Catharine ; m. Loose. L vi. EWZABETH ; m. Jonathan Bickel. vii. Sarah ; m. John Lutz. viii. Leah; m. Bickel. (No issue). 13. Nicolas Reber ; b. 1780; d. 1844. Was twice married. ist wife, Susanna Lash ; b. 1783. Issue, nine children. 41. Samuel 46. Joel L. 42. John 47. Susanna 43. William L. 48. Magdalena 44. Daniel 49. Catharine 45. Jonathan L. 2d wife, Kate Fleisher. One child, Henry, d. 14. Abraham Reber. Only information that can be obtained is that he was married and had three children ; Abraham, John and a daughter. 15. Michael Reber ; m. Miss Machemer. No issue. 16. Susanna Reber ; m. Daniel Rhein. Issue, ten children. i. Rebecca ) t> ^u a- a } Both died young. u. Mary > iii. Daniel ; ni. Miss Logan, iv. John ( Dr. ) ; m. Miss Early. V. William ; single, vi. David ; m. Susan Stoudt. vii. Henry ; m. Miss Schwarzwalder. viii. Sarah ; m. Mr. Haywood, ix. Amelia ; single. X. Rebecca ; single. lO GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 17. John Reber ; b. Mar. 31, 1771 ; m. Catharine Moser. Issue, ten children. 50. John 51. Samuel 52. Elizabeth 53. James 54. Margaret 55. Mary 56. Susan 57. Thomas 58. David 59. Leah 18. John Peter Reber ; b. Oct. 3, 1772. Nothing can be learned of him excepting that he moved West, was married and raised a family. 19. Catharine Reber ; b. Apr. 10, 1774 ; d. unmarried. 20. Magdalena Reber ; b. Oct. 10, 1775; m. William Werner. Issue, three children : William (laid out town of Wernersville, Pa.), Thomas and Henry. 21. Valentine Reber ; b. May 3, 1777; m. Miss VanReed. Of this union we learn merely that there were thirteen children whose names are unknown. He is believed to have settled in the town of Lancaster, O. 22. Anna Maria Reber ; b. Nov. 8, 1778 ; d. July 9, 1854 ; m. Henry Van Reed. Issue, six children. i. Mary ; b. Dec. 13, 1800; m. Samuel Knabb. ii. Eliza ; b. May 12, 1803 ; m. Daniel Baum. iii. Charles; b. Oct. 12, 1807 ; m. Rebecca Zacha- rias. Issue, five children. Henry ; m. Mary A. Leinbach : Rebecca ; m. Rufus Adams: Mary, died young: Charles, died young : Elizabeth ; m. (83) Dr. Charles T. Reber. iv. John ; b. July i, 1810; m. Mary B. Adams. V. Thomas; b. Oct. 13, 1S12, m. Eliza Ruth. vi. Levi ; b. Mar. 10, 1815 ; m. Amelia Bauman. 23. Anna Margaretha Reber; b. Oct. i, 1781 ; m. Mr. Shoemaker. No issue. FIFTH GENERATION 11 24. Elizabeth Reber ; b. Dec 25, 1783 ; d. Apr. 29, 1857 (Clearspring, Md.); m. Daniel Harbine (b. Feb. 12, 1780, d. May 20, 1842). Issue, six children. i. John, (1804-1873), Alpha, Greene Co., O.; m. Hetty Herr. ii. Catharine, (i8o9-iS66);m. twice — ist, David Ridenour, 2d., Samuel Boyd, iii. Susan, (1811-1890), Atchinson, Kansas; m. Dr. W. H. Grimes, iv. Mary, (1817-1880), Greene Co., O.; m. Joseph E. Gest. V. Thomas, (Colonel); b. Dec. 15, 1820, living in Tacoma, Wash.; m. Catharine A. Smith; (d. July 30, 1864). Issue, six children. vi. EuzA Jane, (1824-1895); m. Rev. S. N. Cal lender, D.D., (Ref 'd), "Mechanicsburg, Pa. 25. Susanna Reber ; b. July 5, 1785 ; m. David Bright. No record. 26. Conrad Reber ; b. May 18, 1788; d. Sept. 27, 1854; m- Susanna Bright; b. Feb. 14, 1789, d. Oct. 5, 1847. Of this marriage there was issue ten children. 60. Thomas B. 65. Daniel B. 61. Mary Ann 66. Anna 62. Charles B. 67. Levi B. 63. Benneville B. 68. Matilda 64. John B. 69, Henry FIFTH GENERATION 27. Magdalena Reber ; m. twice, 1st John Bickel. Issue, five children. i. Elizabeth ; m. Adam Brossman. ii. Joshua ; m. Miss Yerger. iii. Maria ; d. aged five years. iv. William ; m. Sarah Stuver. Issue, ten child- ren. Susanna Catharine ; m. (81) Richard T. Reber. Mary Etta ; m. Charles Reel. 12 GENEAI,OGY OF THE REBER PAMIL,Y Josephine Hannah ; m. George Atchley. John W. ; single. Andrew A.; d. Sarah M.; m. Enoch Hasted. Franklin E-; m. Mar- garet Burdick. Margaret C; m. William McGuigan. Clara E.;d. William O.; single. V. Catharine (Kitty); m. Amos Machemer. 2d husband, Jacob Riegel. 28. BARBARA Reber ; m. John Hain. Issue, four children, i. Bennevii.i,e; ; m. Susanna Ulrich. ii. John ; m. Carolina Richard, iii. Magdalena ; m. John Fox. iv. ELI.ENORA ; m. George Yeager. 29. Christina Reber ; m. John Ahrens. Issue, six children. i. Anna ; m. Isaac Heck, ii. EouiSA ; m. Isaac Boone, iii. Catharine (Kitty) ; m. John Hiester. iv. ELI.ENORA ; m. John Ohnmacht. V. Henry ; m. Ellen Stitzel. vi. Maria ; m. Jonathan Reber. 30. Elizabeth Reber ; b. Apr. 12, 1795; d. Jan. 24, 1875 ; m. John Fisher. 1 799-1866. Issue, five children. i. John ii. BENNEVII.1.E iii. Sarah ; m. Nicholas Daub, iv. Matii,da ; m. Jacob Potteiger. V. La VINA ; m. Edward M. Miller. 31. Rebecca Reber ; m. Yost Hiester. Issue, two children. John ; d. aged 3 years. Nathan ; d. young. 32. Susanna Reber ; d. single, aged 22 years. 33. Sarah Reber ; m. John Potteiger. No issue. FIFTH GENERATION 1 3 34. Joseph Reber ; m. Elizabeth Minnich. Issue, eleven children. 70. James 76. Sarah 71. EUAS M. 77. SiMPLECIUS 72. Maria 78. Priscii,i,a 73. EuzA 79. Henry 74. FiETTA 80. Rebecca 75. Harrison M. 35. John Reber ; d. young. 36. Benjamin Reber ; b. May 14, 1807 ; d. Jan. 14, 1885. Was twice married. ist wife, Margaretha Tobias ; b. Oct. 3, 1806 ; d. Mar. 27, 1866. Issue, seven children. 81. Richard T. 85. John T. 82. James T. 86. Rebecca T. 83. Charles T. 87. Eliza T. 84. Sarah T. 2d wife, Susanna S. Miller ; b. July 5, 1824. No issue. 37. John Reber ; m. Catharine Minnich. Issue, two children. 88. William H. 89. John 38. Samuel Reber ; d. young. 39. Jonas Reber ; d. young. 40. Daniel Reber ; d. young. 41. Samuel Reber, (Lombard, Du Page Co., 111.); m. Mary Benson. Issue, three children. 90. Edwin 91. John Q. A. 92. Mary 14 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 42 John h. Reber, Philadelphia, Pa.; b. Sept. ii, 1808 ; d. Dec. 20, 1885 ; m. Rebecca Reifsnyder. 1809-1898. Issue, six children. 93. Lewis Wii.liam 94. Henrietta 95. Mary Matilda 96. John Nicolas 97. Joel William 98. Emma Frances 43. William L. Reber, Rev. (Evan,) ; b. Oct. 29, 1810; d. May 21, 1880: m. Mary Magdalena Beyer. Issue, eight children. 99. Nathaniel B. 103. Susan Jane 100. Susanna 104. William N. 101. Levi B. 105. Mary Agnes 102. JosiAH A. 106. Jacob A. 44. Daniel Reber, Sugar Valley, Lycoming Co. , Pa.; m. Cass Maurer. Issue, two children. Joel and Mary, both died. 45. Jonathan L. Reber, Reading, Pa.; d. 1876 (Law- yer); m. Maria Miller; d. Feb. 2, 1901. Aged 78 years. Issue, ten children. Seven died young. 107. Jonathan Alvin 108. Herbert E. T09. Mary A. 46. Joel L. Reber (Rev. ), 1817-1856. Twin, Susanna, m. Elvina M. Leinbach. Issue, four children. no. Thomas N. 111. Mary E. 112. Sarah L. 113. E. Katharine 47. Susanna Reber, twin, Joel ; m. Peter Krick, Reading, Pa. FIFTH GENERATION 15 Issue, nine children. i. Catharine Anna, 1837 ; d. single, ii. Levi Jonathan, 1839 ; ™- Mary Ann Hiuner- shitz. Issue, five children : Joel, Anna, Emma, Monroe and Mary, iii. William, 1840 ; m. Kate Leinbach. iv. Ellenora, 1841 ; d. young. V. Joel, 1844 ; m. Sarah Young, vi. Adam, 1846 ; m. Ella Adams, vii. Emma, 1847 ; m. William Lee>e. viii. Peter \^ ^ / ™- Mary Riegel i^ears. mi. Peter I ^ • I ™' ^^T Rie ix. Catharine -> ^"^ ^d. aged 13 yt 48. Magdalena (Polly) Reber ; m. Abraham Dunkel- berger. Issue, five children. i. Kathryn, 1832- 1897; m. Moses Ochenreiter, Myerstown, Pa. ii. Susan, 1834-1877 ; m. Henr>- Layer, Phila. iii. EUZA ; d. ; m. Mr. Hinkle, Williamsport, Pa. iv. Ellen ; m. Mr. Lynch, Philadelphia, Pa. V. Emma ; m. Mr. Bower, Reading, Pa. 49. Catharine (Kitty) Reber ; m. Benneville Heister. Issue, four children. i. Mary ; m. Henry Grill. ii. Evan ; m. Brigetta Shearer, iii. Frank ; died, iv. Wellington ; m. Elizabeth Adams. 50. John Reber ; b. Jan. 19, 1798; d. Feb. 4, 1861. Was twice married. ist wife, Susan Sheckler. Issue, four children. 114. Daniel 115. Caroline 116. Susan 117. Matilda 2d wife, Mrs. Mary A. Silverwood. No issue. 51. Samuel Reber ; b. Oct. 18, 1801; d. Mar. 27, 1853; m. Mary Ritter ; b. Sept. 12, 1803 ; d. June 20, 1881. 1 6 GENEAL,OGY OF THE REBER FAMILY Issue, twelve children. ii8. Susan 124. Angewne . 119. Matilda 125. Margaret 120. Mary Ann 126. Adalaide 121. Levi M. 127. Samuel F. 122. John 128. Henry G. 123. Martin V. B. 129. James C. 52. Elizabeth Reber ; b. Jan. 2, 1804;. d. Sept. 23, 1890; m. Dr. Isaacs. Vorse, 1799 -1839, Lewisburg, Pa. Issue, five children. i. Ogden Reber, 1826 ; m. Elizabeth McClure ; d. 1873. Issue, two children. (i) Walter Lyon, 1854-1895 ; m. Christiana Byers. One child, Albert Ogden, 1883. (2) Maria Mc- Clure ; b. 1857. Single. ii. Catharine LucRETiA, 1828-1874; m. John Barnes ; d. 1893. Issue, four children. Ogden A., d.; Harvey P., d.; Frank M.; m. Clara S. Bliss, St. Joseph, Mo.; and Irene, St. Joseph, Mo. iii. Albert Buel, Rev., 1831-1898. Wellesley Hills, Mass.; m. Harriet E. White. One child ; Albert White, 1866, New York City ; m. Mary Heaton. No issue. iv. Annabella, 1834-1893 ; m. Dennis Clark. No issue. V. Mary Elizabeth, 1837; m. Rev. W. H. Runyon ; d. 1881. No issue. 53. James Reber ; b. Dec. 24, 1805 ; d. Sept. 2, 1853 ; m. Elizabeth Royer, 1811-1890. Issue, three children. 130. John 131. Isaac 132. Joel 54. Margaret Reber ; b. 1808 ; d. Sept. 25, 1863. Unmarried. 55. Mary Reber ; b. 1810; d. Jan., 1831 ; m. Jacob Dunkle, living in Nebraska. One child, Catharine, 1829 ; m. Mr. Leitzel. EVANGELICAL CHURCH IN LANGENSELBOLD, GERMANY FIFTH GENERATION 1 7 56. Susan Reber, New Berlin, Pa.; b. June i, 1812 ; d. Feb. 2, 1892 ; m. Michael Kleckner ; b. Feb. 7, 1807 ; d. Aug. 27, 1887. Issue, thirteen children. i. JERKMIAH, 1829-18S1 ; 111. Miss Lewis. Issue, two children ; died in infancy, ii. Charles, 1831 ; m. Miss Orwig. Issue, nine children. Charles ; m. Fannie Phelps ; Har- vena ; m. Mr. Roberts ; and Arthur. Six buried, iii. John G., 1833 ; m. Maggie Bowman. Issue, two children, died, iv. Catharine, twin to John G.; m. Mr. Cowley. Issue, two children living. Jesse ; m. Helen Thompson ; and Warren, single. Buried three others. V. Margaret, 1836-1882 ; m. Dr. J. L. Brallier. vi. Samuel Thomas, 1838- 1875. vii. Mary Elizabeth ; b. 1840. Single, viii. Anna Eliza, 1842; m. M. L. Schoch. Issue, four children. ( i ) Keno ; m. Miss Berron. One child; Hilda. (2) Parker; m. Elsie Gross. One child ; Wendell. (3) Ella ; and (4) Foster, ix. George W., 1844-1889; m. Miss Faller. X. Henrietta ; b. 1847 ; died in infancy. xi. James R., 1848-1S97 ; m. Miss Hall. Issue, three sons ; William, John and Michael, xii. Joseph R., 1850 ; died in infancy, xiii. Alice, 1852. Single. 57. Thomas Reber, I^ewisburg, Pa.; b. Feb. 6, 1815 ; m. Mary Anne Beck, 1815-1896. Issue, five children. 133. Samuel 134. Effinger 135. Edward M. 136. Mary J. 137. Thomas Newton 58. David Reber, Lewisburg, Pa.; d. 1894; m- Mar- garet Musser. Issue, two children. 138. William M. 139. John M. l8 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 59. lyEAH Reber ; b. Apr. 29, 1822; d. May 28, 1900; m. Rev. Daniel Y. Heisler, 1820-1888, Easton, Pa. Issue, one child. Nevin C; b. 1864; m. Laura Schug, 1869. One child ; John Reber, 1893. 60. Thomas B. Reber, Wernersville, Pa. ; m. Elizabeth Gernant. No issue. 61. Mary Ann Reber; b. Oct. 12, 1812 ; d. Feb. i, 1901; m. Rev. John Adam Eeis, Miamisburg, Ohio. Issue, seven children. Mary Magdai,ene ; m. Andrew Reedy, Liberty, O. ZwiNGLi ; m. Emma Carterman. Sarah, d.; m. Aaron Gephart. Henry (St. Louis) ; m. Elizabeth Becker. Amelia Jane, single ; Wernersville, Pa. Emma ; m. John A. Ruth, Wernersville, Pa. Peter (Chicago) ; m. Agnes Ruth. 62. Charle.s B. Reber, Eeaf River, 111.; b. July 24, 1814 ; d. May 22, 1888; m. Mary Shirk, 1820-1894. Issue, eleven children. 140. John S. 146. Charles C. 141. Matilda S. 147. Amelia C. 142. Thomas S. 148. George Calvin 143. Henry S. 149. Levi S. 144. William 150. Samuel S. 145. Mary 63. Benneville B. Reber, Bern Township ; m. twice, ist wife, Sarah V. R. High. Issue, three children. 151. Annie M. 152. Lucy H. 153. Kate H. 2d wife, Ellen Dechart. Issue, five children. 154. Conrad B. 157. Matilda 155. Sarah 158. Thomas D. 156. Mary 64. John B. Reber, Reading, Pa.; b. Jan. 9, 18 18 : d. Feb. 2, 1894. Was married three times. ist wife, Sarah Fisher. Issue, two children. 159. Mary A. 160. Levi F. FIFTH GENERATION 1 9 2d wife, Mary Gernant. Issue, two children. i6i, Henry C. G. 162. Sarah M. 3d wife, Montana Dunbar. No issue. 65. Daniel B. RebeR ; b. 1820, Danville, Pa. Was married twice. ist wife, Carolina Hottenstein. Issue, two children. 163. Edward Conrad 164. J. WlLUAM H. 2d wife, Carolina Kaufman, Maidencreek, Pa. Issue, five children. 165. Mary M. 168. Daniel F. 166. Samuel K. 169. Carrie L. 167. Sarah I. 66. Anna Reber ; d. Reading, Pa.; m. Peter D. Gries- emer. Is.sue, .six children. Amelia ; m. Gotlieb Deiman. Levi ; m. Lizzie Readier. Kate ; single. Joel ; d. single. Hettie ; m. Charles Wein. Hannah ; m. John William. 67. Levi B. Reber, Sinking Spring, Pa. : m. Sophia Heckman. Issue, eight children. 170. Emma 174. Esther 171. John 175. William 172. Sarah 176. Daniel 173. Mary 177. Annie 68. Matilda Reber, Robesonia, Pa. ; m. Reilly L.Fisher. Issue, five children. Mary ; m. Allen Wenrich. Samuel ; m. Ellen Ruth. Sarah ; m. Dr. David Hain. Amelia ; single. Rosa ; single. 69. Henry Reber ; d. aged 12 years. 20 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION 70. James Reber ; d. young. 71. Elias M. Reber, Tina, Missouri.; m. Sarah Hain. Issue, five children. 178. Wilson H. 181. George 179. IvOuiSA A. 182. Alva S. 180. John J. 72. Maria Reber ; m. Joshua Eyrich. Issue, twelve children. Charles Elizabeth Frank ; d. Emma ; d. William James Joshua Calvin George John ; d. Aaron ; d. Sarah ; d. 73. Eliza Reber ; m. Charles Gring ; both d. Issue, three children. Calvin Charles Wallace 74. FiETTA Reber ; m. Henry Rhoads. Issue, one child. George ; d. in infancy. 75. Harrison M. Reber; b. Sept. 7, 1833, d. Nov. 16, 1892 ; m. Amelia B. Fisher, 1854- 1892. Issue, six children. 183. Ellen 186. Amelia [84. Joseph F. 187. Kate R. 185. Marv E. t88. Alice D. 76. Sarah Reber ; m. James Adams ; divorced. Issue, one child. Tyson 77. SiMPLECIUS Reber, Reading, Pa.; m. Sarah Ann Herbein. Issue, four children. 189. Ellen H. 191. James H. 190. Emma M. 192. Sara SIXTH GENERATION 2 1 78. Priscilla Reber ; m. William Reeser ; d. Issue, six children. Sarah Ocky Ida Owen ; d. Obert Laura ; m. 79. Henry Reber, Sinking Spring, Pa.; m. Mary Rickeubach. Issue, six children. 193. S01.OMON R. 196. Ella Nora 194. Morris R. 197. George 195. Harry R. 198. Calvin 80. Rebecca Reber ; m. Jacob Rickenbach. Issue, eight children. Sarah John Clara Solomon Ella Calvin Annie Charles 81. Richard T. Reber, Creston, Iowa. : b. Jan. 25, 1832 ; m. twice. ist wife, Sarah Kerschner, 1832-1860. Issue, four children. 199. Howard 201. Catharine 200. Lavton 202. Thomas 2d wife, S. Catharine Bickel; b. 1844. Issue, nine children. 203. Cora E. 208. John C. 204. SaR.\H K. 209. ESTELLA M. 205. William 210. George E. 206. Maggie E. 211. Mary E. 207. Benjamin 82. James T. Reber, Reading, Pa.; b. Apr. 29, 1834; m. Sarah Potteiger. Issue, six children. 212. C. Alice 215. Clara R. 213. Valeria E. 216. Benjamin F. 214. Morris B. 217. James C. 83. Charles T. Reber, Shelbyville, 111.; b. Jan. 18, 1836; d. May 1890; m, Elizabeth Van Reed. Issue, three children. 218. George 219. Elizabeth 220. Agnes 22 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 84. Sarah T. Reber ; b. Jan. 13, 1838; m. Harrison Weitzel. Issue, eight children. George ; d. young. Charles ; m. Clara Unger. Mary ; m. Henry Shoup. Margaret ; d. young. Sarah ; m. William Whitmoyer. Kate ; d. young. Emma ; m. Walter Sheidy. Jennie Eva ; m. Irwin Snyder. 85 John T. Reber; b. Feb. n. 1840; d. in infancy. 86. Rebecca T. Reber, Reading, Pa. ; b. Dec 10, 1844; m. J. Calvin Lorah. Issue, three children. James R., Newport, R. I.; m. Catharine McPhail. Geneva R.; single. Grace R. ; single. 87. Eliza T. Reber : b. Aug. 27, 1850 ; d. Mar. 27, 1867. Single. 88. William H. Reber, Milton, Pa. ; m. Hannah Gasser. Issue, six children. 221. William M. 224. James M. 222. Sophia 225. Franklin M. 223. John M. 226. Hannah E. 89. John Reber, Reading, Pa. ; m. Esther Stoudt. Issue, two children. 227. Sarah 228. Mary 90. Edwin Reber, Lombard, 111. 91. John Q. A. Reber, Postmaster, Lombard, 111. 92. Mary Reber 93. Lewis William Reber ; b. Nov. 17, 1833 ; d. Mar. 12, 1834. SIXTH GENERATION 23 94. Henrietta Reber ; b. Jan. 23, 1835; m. William B. Schroyer. Issue, seven children. Emma ; m. Thomas Gordon. Mary Matilda ; m. Henry Moore. Wai,ter Bradley ; d. William ; m. Elizabeth Hauer. Lottie ; single. Philip ; m. Lena De Moll. Carrie; m. George McKee. 95. Mary Matilda Reber ; b. Sept. i, 1837; m- Heman B. Potter. Issue, two children. Mary ; m. Warren Van Benschoten. Heman B.; m. Florrie Albright. 96. John Nicolas Reber, Philadelphia, Pa.; b. Jan. 14, 1841 ; m. Carrie S. Greenfield. Issue, four children, Mary G.; single. Florrie M.; d. Rebecca R.; d. Edward D. B.; Single. 97. Joel William Reber, Philadelphia, Pa.; b. Apr. 23, 1845 ; d. Dec. 18, 1890 ; m. Emily M. Heidrich. Issue, seven children. i. Emma Frances; b. 1863; m. Albert Cock - croft. Issue, three children. Violet N., Miriam L. and Albert ii. Mary Matilda ; b. 1865 ; d. in infancy, iii. Laura Virginia ; b. 1868 ; m. Howard Dove, iv. John Lash ; b. 1872 ; m. Wilhelmina Harvey. Issue, four children. Raymond H., John Lash, Jr., Stewart ; d. and Edvin Valentine. V. Henrietta H. ; b. 1S74 ; m. George H. Tricebox. Issue, two children. George W. and John Ralph, vi. Joel William, Jr.; b. 1876. vii. William Lewis; b. 1878; m. Clara May Patton. Issue, one child. Florence May ; d. 98. Emma Frances Reber ; b. Nov. 2, 1848 ; d. Oct. 24, 1854. 24 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 99. Nathaniel B. Reber, M. D., Lehighton, Pa.; b. Nov. 15. 1833 ; d. Ma}'^ 3, 1897 ; in. Rebecca Ann Thompson, Reading, Pa. Issue, two children. 229. William W. 230. Emma J. 100. Susanna Reber; b. June 27, 1835; d. Feb. i, 1836. loi. Levi B. Reber, Reading. Pa.; b. Oct. 18, 1836; m. Mary C. Hain, 1837-1888. Issue, five children. 231. Mary E. 234. Clara 232. Emma C. , 235. Annie 233. Alice 102. JOSIAH A. Reber ; b. May 31, 1839; d. May 14, 1864. Served in Civil War, and died from injuries received. 103 Susan Jane Reber, Reading, Pa. ; b. Sept. 25, 1841 ; d. May 14, 1900; m. Joel E. Slegel, D. D. S. Issue, two children. W. vScoTT Walter R. 104. William N. Reber, Philadelphia, Pa.; b. Oct. 6, 1S45 ; m. Cornelia F. Barnes. Issue, four children. Dorothea M. ; d. Agnes Jane ; single. Walter M.; d. William N.; d. 105. Marv Agnes Reber, Reading, Pa.; b. Jan. 3, 1848. Single. 106. Jacob A. Reber; b. Feb. 7, 1850: d. Jan. 9. 1862. 107. Jonathan Alvin Reber, Rev. (Reformed), McAdoo, Pa.; m. Jennie E. Downey. Issue, seven children. Charles E. Alvin D. Elizabeth J. Paul J. Alice L. Ruth M. Mary G. 108. Herbert Emil Reber, Reading, Pa. Single. 109. Mary A. Reber, Reading, Pa. Single. HOME OF FIRST REBER FAMILY IN AMERICA SIXTH GENERATION 25 no. Thomas N. Reber, Rev. (Reformed), Sittler, Pa.; b. 1847 ; m. Mary V. Wenrich. One son. J. Howard, Att'y, Philadelphia, Pa. 111. Mary Eliza betk Reber, 1849- 1873. Single. 112. Sarah Louisa Reber, 1852-1899. Single. 113. E. Katharine Reber, Phila., Pa.; b. 1855; m. Henry H. Deeter. Issue, one son. Aaron Lbunbach 114. Daniel Reber, 1825-1894, Mifflinburg, Pa.; m. three times. I St wife, Hannah Mench. One child. 236. Susan 2d wife, Elizabeth Mench. I.s.sue, three sons. 237. John H. 23S. Is.\iah M. 239. D.\NIEL E. 3d wife, Margaret Sanders. Issue, one child. 240. ANNj\ 115. Caroline Reber, 1829-1893, Carey, Ohio; m. William Moll. Is.sue, five children. i. Mary; d.; ni. Dr. Rupert, Flat Rock, O. Issue, two children. Dr. John Rupert, Chi- cago. Blanch ; m. E. S. Hiskey, Bellevue, O. ii. Catharine ; m. James H. Caruthers. Issue, three children. Maud, Hazel and Glenn. iii. John ; widower ; no issue. iv. David ; m. Mary R. Hollowell, Findlay, O. Issue, four children. Mable, Dorcas, Clara and Ralph. V. Laura ; single. 116. Susan Reber; d. 1855; m. John Ulsh. 26 GKNEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY Issue, two children. i. Louisa A.; m. Dr. A. J. Boswell, Andrews, Ind. Issue, one daughter, Hazel. ii. Minerva J.; m. David L. Suowden, Hunting- don Co., Ind. Issue, five children. Lloyd B., Georgia, Edith ; d., Reber and VaughO. 117. Matilda Reber, Mifflinbnrg, Pa.; m. David W. Pellman. Issue, seven children ; three d. young. i. Alice ; m. William Reed, Huntingdon, Pa. ii. Adai^ine ; m. I. H. Snodgrass. Issue, one son. Robert Harris. iii. Minerva ; m. John A. Beard, iv. Helen ; m. William W. Anspach, Milton, Pa. Issue, two children. Marshall R. and Mary P. 118. Susan Reber. 1821-1879 ; m. George Meixsel ; d. 1875. Issue, seven children. Mary ; d. Elam Samuel ; d. Susanna Angeline Emma Nancy ; m. George Studebaker. 119. Matilda Reber; b. Apr. 15, 1825, Washington, D. C; m. B. C. Taylor; d. 1884. Issue, eight children. Mary C. Clementine; d.; m. Wm. Neave. MargareTa ; m. W. T. Caho, St. Louis, one child, Edward. Edward, Grand Rapids, Mich. James Ella, St. Louis. Samuel R. Nettie, Washington, D. C. 120. Mary Ann Reber ; b. Apr. 7, 1830, Dayton, O. ; m. Isaac L- Baker, 1 831 -1890. Issue, two children. W. R.; m. Versell Wendell. I.s.sue, one .son. Wendell. LiLLiE ; m. R. L- Worrell. Issue, two sons. Rufus and Harry. 121. Levi Musser Reber ; b. May 13, 1828; d. Aug. 1897, Aurora, Neb.; m. Matilda Hart. Is.sue, four children. William R.; ni. Is^ue, two children. Fannie Lizzie ; m. Elam Meixsel, Samuel F. SIXTH GENERATION 27 122. John Reber ; b. Nov. 20, 1833; d. 1843. 123. Martin VanBuren Reber ; b. Jan. 13, 1836, Washington, Iowa ; m. Sophia Foster. Issue, one son. Floyd 124. Angeline Reber ; b. Sept. 16, 1837, Bayard, Neb.; m. John H. Flanigan ; d. 1900. Issue, six children. Samuel ; d. Mamie Maggie Ada TlLLIE Minnie 125. Margaret Reber ; b. Mar. 27, 1839, Dayton, Ohio ; m. Samuel H. Ritter. Issue, two children. Edward Annie ; m. C. Kramer. Issue, one son. Samuel. 126. Adalaide Reber ; b. May 4, 1841, Dayton, O.; m. John V. Dicks. Issue, three children. Minnie Ada James 127. Samuel F. Reber ; b. Jan. 17, 1843, Fresno, Cal.; m. S. Belle Keiffer. Issue, four children. BuRCH F., Minneapolis Samuel John Walter 128. Henry George Reber ; b. June 15, 1844; d. Feb. 20, 1870. Single. 129. James Calvin Reber ; b. May 13, 1847, Dayton, Ohio; m. ist, Catharine Snyder; d. 1881. Issue, two children. John G., 1870 ; m. Olive Swigart. Issue, one child. James C. Maud ; single. 2d wife. Laura W. McGregor. No issue. 130. John Reber. Mortinville, Pa.; b. Feb. 9, 1832 ; d. May 3, 1892 ; m. Catharine Crossgrove, 1 842-1 871. 28 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY Issue, five children. 241. Annie C. 244. Elizabeth 242. James C. 245. Jeremiah E. 243. John F. 131. Isaac Reber ; b. Apr. 20, 1834 ; m. ist, Susan Wolfe, 1835-1882 : 2d vSarah Groover; b. 1847. No issue. 132. Joel Reber ; b. Feb. 26, 1843. Single. 133. Samuel Reber ; b. Feb. 2, 1840; d. Feb. 1892; m. Joanna Boop. No issue. 134. Effinger Reber ; b. Mar. 21, 1843; d. Dec. 27, 1877, Northumberland, Pa.; m. Josepha R. Traugh ; d. 1889. Issue, four children. 246. Thomas 248. Effinger 247. Ralph 249. Mary 135. Edward M. Reber ; b. Oct. 28, 1845. Single. 136. Mary J. Reber ; b. Mar. 13, 1848, Levvisburg, Pa. ; m. Dr. Jacob Brallier. No issue. 137. Thomas Newton Reber ; b. Sept. u, 1850; m. Sevilla Stein. No issue. 138. Willl\m McClellan Reber, M. D.; b. Mar. 4, 1842, Bloonisburg, Pa.; m. Elizabeth R. McKinney. Issue, two children. 250 Edith McK. 251. William McK. 139. John M. Reber; b. Sept. 24, 1845, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Marion Terr}-, Boston. Issue, two children. Jack F.; single. William H.; single. 140. John S. Reber ; b. May 6, 1841, Haifa, Emmet Co., Iowa; m. Catharine H. Zimmerman; b. 1852. Issue, eleven children. 252. Irwin R. 258. Kate LEE 253. George F. 259. John L. 254. Luzanna Z. 260. LiDA E. 255. Frances E. 261. Emma D. 256. Cora Ann 262. Arthur E. 257. James G. SIXTH GENERATION 29 141. Matilda S. Reber ; b. Dec. 7, 1842 ; m. Joel B. Bertolet. Issue, three children. Esther A.; m. John H. Hibbard. Mary M.; m. Frederick H. Swingley, Atkin- son, Neb. Charles D., Chicago, 111. 142. Thomas S. Reber ; b. June 23, 1845, Kimball, S. Dakota ; m. Ellen Hackman. Issue, eleven children. WiNNIFRED KLEA S. William A.; d. 1897. Bessie I.; d. 1888. Charles Thomas N.; d. 1891. Elenora Frederic Ernest Nellie V. Elsie M. 143. Henry S. Reber ; b. June i6, 1847 ; m. Ann Grove. Issue, ten children. 263. Laura 268. Maud B. 264. William 269. Claud 265. May 270. Lloyd 266. Milton 271. Bessie 267. James C. 272. Letha Matilda 144. WILLIAM Reber : b. July 7, 1849 : d. and was buried at Womelsdorf, Pa. 145. Mary Reber; b. Sept. 9, 1851, Lincoln, Neb.; m. Charles G. A. Hullhorst. Issue, five children. Mary F. Aletha C. Grace E. Bethoven R. Maud S. 146. Charles C. Reber ; b. July 14, 1854, Enumclaw, Wash. ; m. Louisa Keller. Issue, one child. Louisa 147. Amelia C. Reber ; b. Aug. 8, 1856 ; m. Joseph H. Keefer. Issue, one child. Mary Minerva 30 GENEAI,OGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 148. George Calvin Reber ; b. June 2, 1858; m. Sarah E. Palmer. Issue, seven children. Chari.es D. Annie M. Mary E. Ray Bertha I. Florence EtLA A. 149. Levi S. Reber ; b. May 27, i860 ; m. Lizzie D. Heidt. Issue, three children. Ai,viN L. Ernest F. Ines E. 150. Samuel S. Reber ; b. July 18, 1864 ; m. Bertha G. Thorne. Issue, one child. Grace 151. Annie M. Reber, Reading, Pa.; ra. Frank Bechtel. Issue, two children. Beulah ; d. Permilla 152. Lucy H. Reber, Sinking Spring, Pa.; m. Adam B. Krick. Issue, five children. WiLU.\M F.; m. Clara Hartman. Daniel B. ; m. Mary Sheetz. Thomas H., (Rev.); m. Jennie P. Hain. Ida R.; single. Mary Ella ; single. 153. Kate H. Reber ; m. Henry Huyett. Issue, four children. i. Thomas : m. Cora Reeser. Issue, two chil- dren. Minerva and Leah. ii. Irwin iii. Harry iv. Nora 154. Conrad B. Reber ; m. Minnie Ruth. Issue, four children. Nellie Addie ; m. Adam M. Ruth. Edith James B. SIXTH GENERATION 3 1 155. Sarah Reber ; m. Frank Hartman. Issue, two children. Nora Edward 156. Mary Reber ; m. Peter Leinbach. Issue, one child. Ammon 157. Matilda Reber ; m. William Huyett. Issue, three children. Luke R. Irvin Mary 158. Thomas D. Reber, Rockford, Ills. ; m. Lydia Logue. Issue, two children. Edwin Helen 159. Mary A. Reber, Wernersville. Pa.: ni. Dr. James Deppen. Issue, three children. Gertrude J. Daniel Charles 160. IvEVi F. Reber, Wernersville, Pa.; m. Mary Rumbel. Issue, four children. 273. LuNETA 275. Sadie D. 274. Teresa S. 276. John H. 161. Henry C. G. Reber, Reading, Pa.: in. Kate Levan. No issue. 162. Sarah M. Reber, Reading, Pa.: m. Simon P. O'Reilly. Issue, five children. John Felix Agnes Cyril Clara 163. Edward Conrad Reber ; b. 1844, d. April 26, 1890 ; Butte, Montana : m. Mary A. Nolan, Bellefonte, Pa. Issue, five children. 277. William H. 280. Helen 278. Edward N. 281. Caroline H. 279. Samuel Charles 32 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 164. J. William H. Reber, M. D., Alfarata, Pa. ; b. 1846 ; m. Anna E. GrofF. Issue, six children. Neta a. Charles D. William H. Henry G. Eva C. Mable E. 165. Mary M. Reber, single, Danville, Pa. 166. Samuel K. Reber ; b. Oct. 21, 1850, d. Dec. 8, 1885 ; Rebersburg, Center Co., Pa.; m. Mary Adela Riker. Issue, one child. 2S2. Frederick D. 167. Sarah I. Reber, Danville, Pa.; m. Theodore F. Moyer. Issue, two children. M. Neta f. Reber 168. Daniel F. Reber, Mt. Carrael, Pa.; m. Jennie S. Lanion, Kingston, Pa. Issue, three children. Harry Kaufman ; d. 1884. Edna Caroline ; single. Forest Lamon ; d. 1896. 169. Carrie L. Reber ; single. 170. Emma Reber ; m. William Stoudt. 171. John Reber ; m. Sarah Hagy. Issue, three children. 283. Edward 284. John 285. Charles 172. Sarah R^ber ; m. Frank Potteiger. 173. Mary Reber, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Oscar Stitzer. 174. Esther Reber; m. Charles G. Specht. 175. William Reber ; m. Mary Rollman. Issue, one child. Harvey 176. Daniel Reber, Harrisburg, Pa. ; m. Maud Bowers. SEVENTH GENERATION 33 Issue, three children. Myrtle May Annie B. 177. Annie Reber ; m. Calvin Weaver. SEVENTH GENERATION 178. Wilson H. Reber, Boise City, Idaho; m. Nora K. Kiefife. Issue, four children. William Ralph Sadie Deborah 179. Louisa A. Reber, Bogard, Mo.; m. Jordan Bunting. Issue, five children. WiLLARD E. Raymond Berry E. Norman Erwin r8o. John J. Reber, Tina, Missouri ; m. Cordelia A. Perreten. Issue, one child. Gertrude 181. George Reber, Yukon, Oklahoma; m. Matilda Taylor. Issue, five children. Eulalia Lillian Raymond Cleg Edgar 182. Alva S. Reber, Glencoe, Oklahoma; m. George S. Vaughan. Issue, nine children. Gesta Sallie George Wilbur Elliot Clarence QuiNCY Clara Bertha 183. Ellen Reber; d. young. 184. Joseph F. Reber, West Leesport, Pa.; m. Kate A. Aulenbach. Issue, one son. Harry D. A. 34 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 185. Mary Elizabeth Reber ; m. Isaac S. Bagen- stose ; d. Issue, five children. Mary A. Alvin J. Wayne C. Emily M. Harry W. 186. Amelia Reber ; d. young. 187. Kate Rebecca Reber ; m. Percival Geisewite. Issue, three children. Emma Mary Edwin 188. Alice Deborah Reber ; m. Daniel S, Becker. Issue, two children. Harry Stella 189. Ellen H. Reber ; m. Charles L. Tobias. 190. Emma M. Reber ; m. W. Storm Miller. No issue. 191. James H. Reber ; single. 192. Sara Reber ; single. 193. Solomon R. Reber ; m. Sarah G. Bender. No issue. 194. Morris R. Reber, Wernersville, Pa.; m. Candace H. Gerhart. Issue, five children, Lloyd G. Eva Anna Calvin ; d. Marion Morris ; d. 195. Harry R. Reber ; d. 196. Ella Nora Reber ; m. Aaron Whitmoyer. Issue, one child. Paul ; d. 197. George Reber ; single. 198. Calvin Reber ; single. 199. Howard Reber ; b. 1852, d. 1859. 200. Eayton Reber, Philadelphia, Pa.; b. 1854, d. 1885 ; m. Mary Reinert. Issue, two children. Arthur Lloyd Earl 201. Catharine Reber ; b. 1857; d. 1863. 202. Thomas Reber b. i860 ; d. in infancy. 203. Cora Eliza Reber ; b. 1863, Chicago, 111. ; m. Harry Sarchett. Issue, one child. Ethel Eloise SEVENTH GENERATION 35 204. Sarah Keturck Reber ; b. 1866; m. John Williams. No issue. 205. William Reber ; b. 1868 ; d. in infancy. 206. Maggie Ellen Reber ; b. 1869; m. Samuel Cook. Issue, two children. Grace Raymond 207. Benjamin Reber ; b. 1872 ; d. in infancy. 208 John Calvin Reber ; b. 1875, Reading, Pa. ; m. Neta W. March. Issue, one child. Valera b. 2og. Estella May Reber ; b. 1878. Single. 210. George Earl Reber; b. 1880. 211. Mary Etta Reber ; b. 1884; d- i" infancy. 212. Catharine Alice Reber ; b. Feb. 26, 1857; m. Joseph H. Templin, Reading, Pa. Lssue, one child. Marguerite R. 213. Valeria Elizabeth Reber ; b. Sept. 10, 1858; m. Isaac L. Deeter. Issue, one child. Sara R. 214. Morris Byron Reber ; b. Feb. 28, i860. Single. 215. Clara Rebecca Reber; b. July 27, 1861. Single. 216. Benjamin Franklin Reber; b. Mar. 19, 1863; d. Sept. 14, 187 1. 217. James Calvin Reber; b. June 22, 1868 ; m. Mary J. Uhrich. Issue, three children. John U. Mary U. James Valentine U. 218. George Reber, St. Louis, Mo.; m. Mary Louise Crawley. Issue, three children. Charles C. Mary Virginia EtheIv Agnes 219. Elizabeth Reber, Chicago, 111.; m. Edgar Leach. No issue. 220. Agnes Reber, Fancher, 111.; m. Mansford Calvin Butler. No issue. 36 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY 221. William Morris Reber, Mottville, Mich.; m. Hannah Susan Heilman. Issue, two children. Florence Lilian William 222. Sophia Reber, Milton, Pa.; m. Austin C. Derr. Issue, one child. Edna Jane 223. John Michael Reber. Single. 224. James Monroe Reber, Morgantown, N. C. ; m. Edna Hess. Issue, one child. Edna Marie 225. Franklin Madison Reber. Single. 226. Hannah Elizabeth Reber, Pottsgrove, Pa.; m. E. W. Moore. Issue, two children. Reber Ellsworth Helen 227. Sarah Reber, Reading, Pa.; m. George Hofner. Issue, three children. Morris George Esther 228. Mary Reber. Single. 229. William W. Reber, M. D., Lehighton, Pa.: b. Mar. 7, 1856; m. Sarah Elizabeth Pettit. No issue. 230. Emma J. Reber ; b. 1865, Wiconisca, Pa.; m. Rev. Samuel H. Chubb (Un. Ev.). Issue, four children. Samuel William Dorothy Mary Eve Elizabeth Emma 231. Mary Elizabeth Reber; b. 1857; d. in infancy. 232. Emma Catharine Reber ; b. 1858; m. Isaiah Dickinson, Reading, Pa. Issue, five children. Gertrude Howard Edith Ellsworth Esther 233. Alice Reber ; b. i860; m. Thomas Borkert. Issue, three children. Gertrude Ira Carrie SEVENTH GENERATION 37 234. Clara Reber ; b. 1864. Single. 235. Annie Reber ; b. 1868 ; d. 1887. Single. 236. Susan Reber, Mifflinburg, Pa.: m. Henry Walter. No issue. 237. John H. Reber, 1852-1892, Smithville, Clay Co., Missouri ; m. Jane Sleer. Issue, four sons. Albert Arthur Clarence Daniel E. 238. Isaiah Merand Reber ; b. 1855 ; m. Mary Ellen Harpster. Issue, five children. I/ESTER H. Mabel Ruth LiLA Odessa John Effinger Ida Candice 239. Daniel Effinger Reber, Morrill, Kansas ; b. 1859 ; m. Ella C. Decker. Issue, four children. Ralph E. John D. William Bright Eva Belle 240. Aaron Reber. vSingle. 241. Annie C. Reber, Lochiel, Pa.; b. Aug. 30, 1862; m. Henry Miller. Issue, one child. Clementine Alice 242. James C. Reber; b. Aug. 24, 1864; m. Mary Zellers. No issue. 243. John F. RebeR; b. Oct. 27, 1869; m. Ella Gerhait. Issue, one child. Alvesta 244. Elizabeth Reber; b. Oct. 27, '69; d. Feb. 24, '81. 245. Jeremiah E. Reber ; b. Dec. 26, 1S70. Single. 246. Thomas RebeR; b. 1868, Batlimore, Md. ; m. Emma Marshall. No issue. 247. Ralph Reber ; b. 1870, Seattle, Wash. Single. 248. Effinger Reber; b 1872, Seattle, Wash. Single. 349. Mary Reber ; b. 1874, Seattle, Wash. Single. 250. Edith McKinney Reber, Bloom.sburg, Pa.; m. Carlton A. Carwell. No issue. 251. William McKelry Reber. Single. 252 Irwin Reneous Reber ; b. May 26, 1872 ; m. Ida May Wright. 38 GENEALOGY OF THE REBER FAMILY Issue, three children. Clarence Irwin Ethel Frances Florence Esther 253. George Franklin Reber; b. Nov. 4, 1873. 254. IvUZANNA Z. Reber, Tunnel City, Wis. ; b. May 9, 1875 ; m. Joy F. Kelley. Issue, three children. William Joy Lulu Lida Sarah Delia 255. Frances Edna Reber ; b. June 8, 1878 ; m. Frederick Davis, Seneca, Iowa. Issue, one child. John Edward 256. Cora Ann Reber ; b. Oct. 24, 1879 ; m. Stanley Holland, Esterville, Iowa. Issue, one child. Lloyd B. 257. James Ganford Reber ; b. Oct u, 1881. Single. 258. Kate Lee Reber ; b. Oct. 22, 1886, Buffalo Co., South Dakota. 259. John Lewis Reber ; b. July i, 1888. 260. Lida Eliza Reber ; b. June 22, 1890. 261. Emma Dell Reber ; b. June 4, 1892. 362. Arthur Edward Reber : b. Sept. 9, 1893, Seneca, Iowa. 263. Laura Reber, Shannon, 111.; m. Abner Lutz. Issue, one child. Wanda. 264. William Reber ; d. 1880. Single. 265. May Reber ; m. Henry Embick. No issue. 266. Milton Reber ; m. Minnie Bressler. Issue, two children. Mamie Mint a 267. James C. Reber, Chicago, 111. 268 269 270 271 272 273 Maud B. Reber. Single. Claud Reber. Single. Lloyd Reber. Single. Bessie Reber. Single. Letha Matilda Reher ; d. 1894. Lu Neta Reber ; m. Thomas C. Brickcr. SEVENTH GENERATION 39 274. Teresa S. Reber ; m. Elijah Miller. 275. Sadie D. Reber. Single. 276. John H. Reber ; m. Magdalena Moyer ; d. 277. William H. Reber, Butte, Montana ; m. Mary Anna Fleisher, Racine, Wis. Issue, five children. Edward A. Carl G. Bertram a. Arthur W. estella m. 278. Edward Nolan Reber. Single. 279. Samuel Charles Reber. Single. 280. Helen Reber. Single. 281. Caroline Hottenstein Reber. Single. 282. Frederick Daniel Reber, Dunmore, Pa.; b. 1875 ; m. Lottie S. Cowell. Issue, two children. Neta May Delbert Donald 283. Edward Reber ; m. Maggie Leiss. Issue, one child. Mabel 284. John Reber. Single. 285. Charles Reber. Single. <:r..>^^ 40 FOURTH GENERATION ADDENDA — (See page 10) 18. John Peter Reber, I^ancaster, Ohio; b. Oct. 3, 1772; d. 1824; m. Sarah Arnold. Issue, ten children. Thomas Susan George Maria Mary Nancy John Ewza Catharine Sarah i. Thomas Reber ; b. Jau. 22, 1805. Law partner of Gen. Samuel Houston (Texas). ii. George Reber, Sandusky, O.; b. May i8, 1807 ; m. twice, ist wife, Amanda F. Boalt ; d. 1847, issue, three children. (i) Thomas (Judge), Natchez, Miss.; b. 1843; m. Annie Vernon. Issue, nine children. JohnB., Vernon, Thomas v., George B., Clarence, Annie I., William v., Leicester and Clara. (2) Clara; b. 1844. (3) Sarah ; b. 1S46 ; d. in infancy. 2d wife. Nancy W. S. Kilbourne. Issue, four children. (i) Sallie, 1850-18S5 ; m. ist Franklin F. Laing, New York City ; d. 1S83 : m. 2d. James D. Fish. Issue, one child. Alice Reber, Brooklyn, N.Y. Single. (2) Kate ; b. Sept. 17, 1852 ; m. Frank Abbott Layman, Ycungstown, O. Issue, three children. Louise, Frank E. and Lucy A. (3) George; b. Oct. 18, 1856; d. July 24, 1899. (4) Alice K.; b. Aug. 7, 1862; m. Leonard S. Johnson, Toledo, O. Issue, one son. Reber Nettleton. iii. Mary (Polly) Reber; b. Sept. 25, 1809. iv. John Reber; b. Oct. 12, 1811. V. Catharine Reber ; b. Oct. 9, 1813. vi. Susan Reber; b. Aug. 16, 1815. vii. Maria Reber, San Francisco, Cal.; b. Aug. 27> 1817; d. Mar. 4, 1900.; m. John Hooper Ten- nent. Issue, two children. (i) Sallie; m. William P. Harrington. Issue, three children. Mary, Louise and Tennent. (2) Mary; m. Horace Beach, viii. Nancy Reber ; b. May 4, 1819; m. Mr. Coffee. Issue, three children. ( i ) Fannie ; m. Mr. Manser, Covington, Ky. (2) Ida ; m. Mr. Stoughton. (3) Albert, Cincinnati, Ohio, ix. EiviZA Reber, no record. X. Sarah Reber, no record. *:^ nt^'