CS 71 .T658 1904 Class ^S'VZ, Pnnk ' I^^S mw ipH- COPYRIGHT DEPOStr. / GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS ■OF VARIOUS FAMILIES OF TOMKINSON. (1620 - 1904) By NEWTON POWERS TOMKINSON. °S7 UBSAflYof CONQHtSS Two Copies HacavKC JAN 27 1905 JtH':fni£in tjitry GU*SS O^ XXc. Nu! COPY u. THIS EDITION IS LIMITED TO /(oH- COPIES. No /... Copyrighted, IQ04, By NEWTON POWERS TOMKINSON. vM k ^(Q ^^T/iis shall be written for the generation to come * * ". Psalms, 1 02, 18. DEDICATION To the Tomkinsons of the past, present, and future, these records are dedicated. PREFACE. The present work is the outcome of a long-standingf belief, that it is a duty we owe our posterity to preserve information and facts of a genealogical nature; and a desire (which has become almost a passion in me), therefore, to place before my "kith and kin" and their descendants some facts concerning our progenitors and themselves, has stimulated me in the preparation of the fol- lowing pages, which, however replete they may seem to an un- practiced eye, have fallen very short of my own idea of perfection in such matters. Indeed, I cannot but reflect that the execution of my original idea has been both lame and superficial; and I feel, by experience, how unequal my ability is, without the necessary assistance of others, to complete, in the manner I could wish, so extensive and arduous a task. I regret that certain portions of the original plan of this work had to be expunged just before the following pages went to print, owing to the aggregate expense ($203) of the printing which their appearance herein would have occasioned. I refer to several inter- esting articles : "Consanguinity," "The Seventeenth Century," "The Eighteenth Century" (the two last mentioned of which, being sum- maries of historical events, were intended to give the reader some idea of the times in which our early ancestors lived, and of the persons who were their contemporaries), beside a cluster of mem- orable occurrences which were originally introduced in connection with the nativity of each person herein. Genealogical works infrequently recompense those who attempt them, are rarely appreciated, and seldom prepared, except bv some interested person, as "a labor of love." I have given no incon- siderable quantity of time, labor, and money to promote this scheme. I have assumed the entire expense of gathering the information contained in these records. This I do not regret. Mv chief recom- pense is in the pleasure the preparation of this work has afforded me, and in the thought that there will be some substantial record of our family preserved for future generations, and that it may prove to be a matter of enjoyment and entertainment for those who are honestly interested in such things. With a view to obtaining necessary information about the descendants of the original Tomkinson, and without invading their rights to privacy, carefully prepared questions were sent out to all known members of the various families bearing that name in the United States and in England. It will be noticed that the records of some appear to be lean and meagre when compared with those of others. This is due to either indifference on the part of the respective persons about furnishing possible information or to a positive lack of data. In a work of this character, covering a period of two hundred and eighty-four years, and embracing facts of pedigree and sketches of over eight hundretl persons, inchiding alHances, doubt- less errors will appear; yet, considering the lack of interest mani- fested in the matter and the scarcity of material, the whole is as full and attractive as possible under these unfortunate circumstances. There- fore, in anticipation of the reprinting of this work and the ultimate incorporation of its substance in a general history of the family, the reader is earnestly requested to supply omissions and to commu- nicate any corrections or additions that he or she may be able to contribute, in order to make the records as complete as possible. Members of the Tomkinson families are particularly requested to give such facts as are within their knowledge. I have inserted in the back of the record of each family blank pages for the purpose of the registration of future births, mar- riages and deaths. It is of the most vital importance that the record of each family be faithfully and religiously kept, in order that the whole may be placed in an accessible form for the research of future Tomkinsons. My task is over. To those who have rendered me assistance and have been in svmpathy with my endeavors to perfect this com- mendable idea, I wish to extend my sincere thanks. NEWTON POWERS TOMKINSON. Philadelphia, November i, 1904. CONTENTS. PAGE. Dedication ...... ^ Preface - - - - - - " - 5 Abbreviations and Contractions - - - - - 9 Origin of the Name - - - - - - 11 Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Tomkinson — Born Circa 1620 - - - - - - - 15 Key to the Genealogy of Thomas Tomkinson - - 16 Notes from the Cheshire Directory - - - - 21 Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Tomkinson — Born - 27 Genealogy of the Family of John Tomkinson — Born 1758 - 33 Genealogy of the Family of John Tomkinson — Born Circa 1771 .---.- - 59 Genealogy of the Family of Jeremiah Tomkinson — Born Prev- ious to 1773 . - - - . . 67 Genealogy of the Family of Joseph Tomkinson — Born Previous to 1779 - - - - - - - 75 Genealogy of the Family of Joseph Tomkinson — Born Previous to 1798 - - - - - - - 107 Notes and Clues of Other Tomkinsons - - - 117 Index - - - - - - - - 121 ABBREVIATIONS AND CONTRACTIONS. A. D. (Latin, anno Domini), the year of our Lord. Apl., April. arg. , argent — silver, white; de- picted by the shield being plain. [Used in heraldry.] Aug., August. az., azure — blue ; depicted by horizontal lines. [Used in her- aldry.] b., born. Bart., baronet. Berks., Berkshire. brv.-col., brevet-colonel. B. S. C, Bengal Staff Corps ( ?). Capt., captain. C. B., Companion of the Bath, circa, around ; about. Col., colonel, cor., corner, d., died. Edith Elizabeth Lyons (Brown), each one child, living; Roscoe Springer Tom- kinson, I child, dead. Childless: Mary Alice Hunter (Blair), Emma Charlotte Sweet (Mallette), Mary Jennie Swancott (Overslaugh), David William Swancott, Lester Fay Norton, Wilfred Wheeler. First death: Carrie Elizabeth Tomkinson, January 15, 1879. Last death: Mary Alice Hunter (Blair), August 8, 1898. United ages; 1152 years and upwards. SIXTH GENERATION. Longest life: Mary Alice James (Bush), b. October i, 1874; 29 years, 11 months. Shortest life: Leo Benton Tomkinson, b. June 4, 1896, d.; I month, 13 days. Oldest living: Mary Alice James (Bush). Youngest living; Theodore Clarke Hunter, b. April 11, 1904; 4 months, 21 days. Marriages: 3. First marriage: Grace Maria James (Welch), March 20, 1896. Last marriage: Frederick Harcourt James, December 18, 1902. [Children of Grace Sally Hunter (James).] Oldest person married: Mary Alice James (Bush). Youngest person married: Grace Maria James (Welch); 26 years, i month, 14 days. [Children of Grace Sally Hunter (James).] Larger family: Mary Alice James (Bush), 3 children, all living. Smaller family: Grace Maria James (Welch), one child, living. Childless : Frederick Harcourt James. Only death ; Leo Benton Tomkinson, d. July -17, 1896. United ages : 195 years and upwards. SEVENTH GENERATION. Oldest: Mildred Elizabeth Bush, b. August 22, 1900; 4 years, 10 days. Youngest : Dorothy Anna Welch, b. April 29, 1902 ; 2 years, 4 months, 3 days. United ages: 6 years and upwards. 54 SUMMARY. United ages in 2nd Bfeneration. 125 years and upwards " " 3rd ** 628 '■ ■' 4th '* 1235 " " 5th *' 1 152 " " 6th *' 195 " " 7th (( 6 3341 The descendants of John Tomkinson. b. 1758, were born, mar- ried, and died during the different months of the year and on the different da\ s of the week as follows : Number of Births. Marriages. Deaths. Events Januar) 9 4 4 17 February II I 3 15 March 6 4 I II April 8 2 I II May 7 2 I 10 June II 6 I 18 July 12 I 5 18 August 8 3 2 13 September 10 2 3 15 October 8 5 I 14 November 13 4 5 22 December 12 ro I 23 115* 44t 28t ♦Excluding 2 births, the dates of which are unknown. fExcluding 6 marriages, the dates of which are unknown, but including second marriages by three persons. ^Excluding 7 deaths, the dates of which are unknown. Births : More occurred in November than in any other month ■ — about one-ninth. Marriages: More occurred in December than in any other month — about one-fourth. Deaths : More occurred in July and November than in other months — one-third. Note. — John Tomkinson, b. .April 25, 1758, d. September 15, 1829. is not included in the above table, as it refers to his de- scendants only. Note. — The most of these events occurred in December — about one-eighth. 55 Number of Births. Marriages. Deaths. Events. Monday 21 5 5 31 Tuesday 9 I 7 17 Wednesday i8 14 4 36 Thursday 19 17 6 42 Friday 17 4 2 23 Saturday 12 I 3 16 Sunday 13 2 I 16 occurred on Thursday than on anv other 109* 44t 28I *ExcIuding 2 births, the dates of which are unknown, and 6 births which took place before 1800. fExcluding 6 marriages, the dates of which are unknown, but inckiding second marriages by 3 persons. ^Excluding 7 deaths, the dates of which are unknown. [See note as to John Tomkinson at the foot of the table re- lating to months.] Births : More occurred on Monday than on any other day — about one-fifth. Marriages : More day — about one-third. Deaths : More occurred on Tuesday than on any other day — about one-fourth. Note. — The most of these events occurred on Thursday — about one-fourth. Maria Tomkinson (Hunter), born on Wednesday, first child bom on Wednesday. Grace Sally Hunter (James),* born on Monday, married on Thurs- day, first child born on Thursday. Marv Alice James (Bush), married on Wednesday, first child born on Wednesday. Mary Alice Hunter (Blair), born on Thursday, married on Thurs- day. Theodore Clarke Hunter, born on Tuesday, married on Tuesday. Julia Beebe Hunter (Brace), born on Monday, married on Monday. Ralph Perry Hunter, born on Thursday, died on Thursday. Sarah Davis Hunter (Sweet), married on Wednesday, first child born on Wednesday. Emma Charlotte Sweet ('Mallette)t. born on Wednesday, married on Wednesday (2d time). Elizabeth Sweet (Cooper), married on Wednesday, first child bom on Wednesday. Joseph Tomkinson, 3d gen., J born on Thursday. W'illiam Eldridgc tomkinson. married on Wednesday, first child born on Wednesday. Benjamin Tomkinson, 3d gen., married on Thursday, died on Thursday. 56 Edmund Roy Tomkinson, born on Wednesday, married on Wednesday. Lester Fay Norton, born on Friday, married on Friday. Samuel Davis Tomkinson, born on Thursday, died on Thursday. Lydia M. Tinney (Sears), bom on Friday, first child bom on Friday. Edmund Scott Tomkinson,] | born on Sunday, first child born on Sunday. Edith Elizabeth Lyons (Brown), married on Thursday, first child bom on Thursday. *Two other children born on Alonday. fist husband born on Wednesday. JTwo children born on Thursday. I [Three other children bom on Sunday. Mary Alice Hunter (Blair), b. Thursday, September 20. 1866; m. Thursday. September 20, 1894. Reuben Nash Tomkinson, b. November 12, 1842; m. November 16, 1870. William Davis Tomkinson, b. December 25, 1816; m. December 31, 1840. Edith EHzabeth Lyons (Brown), b. June 22, 1881 ; m. June 22, 1899. Samuel Davis Tomkinson, b. Thursday, February 11, 1819; d. Thursday, February 22. 1894. Sarah Melintha Tomkin.son, b. October 9. 1858; d. October 11, 1858. This branch is [)articularly remarkable for its characteristic of longevity. The eight children of Joseph Tomkinson, b. 1784, passed the 70th year: two of them the 8ist. Edmund Wright Tomkinson is still living, and will be 79 on November 9, 1904. Maria Tom- kinson (ITimter), tlie eldest of these children, had six children, four of whom also passed the 70th year, and two are still living. F.dmund .Scott Tomkinson (son of Edmund Wright Tomkinson, the only living representative of the third generation) had fourteen children, thirteen of whom are living. Out of 117 descendants of John Tomkinson, b. 1758, 82, or nearly three-fourths of them, are living. It is suggested that, if the records of John Tomkinson (b. 1781), Samuel Tomkinson (b. 1790) and William Tomkinson (b. 1794) — now untraceable — present the same facts as the record of the posterity of their brother, Joseph Tomkinson (b. 1784), there must be probabiv nearlv 500 descendants of John Tomkinson, b. 1758. Note. — It is curious that the persons representing the longest and shortest lives in the fifth generation are each named Grace. 57 BIRTHS. MARRIAGES. DEATHS. GENEALOGY OF THE^— FAMILY OF JOHN TOMKINSON, BORN CIRCA 1771 NEAR NORTHWICH, CHESHIRE, ENGLAND. JOHN TOM KIN SON was bom circa 1771, near North- wich, Cheshire, England; died circa 1855, aged 84 years, at Hale, Cheshire. Buried in parish churchyard at Bowden, Cheshire. Mar- ried Martha Booth (^b. , at Dunham, Cheshire, d. at Hale, Cheshire), at the parish church in Bowdon, Cheshire. Lived at Tow- land Cottages, Hale, Cheshire. Joiner. Had issue; at least John, James, William, Peter, Mary, Edwin and Charles. JOHN TOHKINSON, b. ' ; d. . Married Betty Potts, whose brother, William Potts, was Mayor of Macclesfield. Cheshire, circa 1839. Had issue: at least Henry and William. HENRY TO.MKINSON, b. . Lived at Oldham. Lancashire. England, circa 1884. WILLLAM TOAHvINSON, b. Simday. June 11, 1826, at Maccles- field, Cheshire, England; d. Tuesday, March 11, 1884, at Chelsea, Suffolk county, Massachusetts. Married Martha .Martin ( b. . at Macclesfield (?), Cheshire: d. probably same place). Silk Weaver. Was in business for himself' in Chelsea. Mass., a few years before his death. Had issue: .ALICE TO^HkIXSON, b. Friday. .April 15. 1864. at Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Came to America circa 1870 with her father, William Tomkinson, who settled at Boston, Mass. Lived in Boston until the time of her marriage, in 1899, when she went West. Educated at a public school in Chelsea, Mass. \'isited England several years ago. Married Satur- day, June 24, 1899, David Gibson Bennie [b. Friday, Decem- ber 14. 1866. at Boston. Mass. (Lumber Merchant and proprietor of a saw mill in partnership with another person)] at Seattle, King county. State of Washington. Address Box 82, Stanwood, Snohomish county. State of Washington. Has issue : ALICE ANNIE BENNIE, b. Friday, November 9, 1900. at Stan- wood, Snohomish countv, State of Washington. JAHES TOHKINSON, b. ; d. . Married. Had issue. WILLIAM TOHKINSON, b. ; d. . Married Hannah . Had issue: at least the following: JOHN TOMKINSON, b. WILLLIAM TOMKINSON, b. . Married. JOSEPH TOMKINSON, b. . Married. CHARLES TOMKINSON. b. ; d. . Never married. PETER TOHKINSON, b. ; d. . Married Jane Had issue : at least the following : JAMES TOMKINSON. b. . Married. Had issue : at least two sons. MARY TOnKlNSON, b. ; d. Married John Ashley. Had issue: at least the following: FANNY ASHLEY, b. 62 WILLIAM ASHLEY, b. CHARLES ASHLEY, b. . Note: The widow of a CharUs Ashley, Coal Merchant, in this family is living at No. .', Egerton Terrace. Altrincliani Crossings, Altrincham. Che shire, England. SAMCEL ASHLEY, b. EUNICE ASHLEY, h. EMMA ASHLEY, b. MARY ASHLEY, b. EDWIN TOHKINSON, h. ; d. voung. Never married. CHARLES TOHKINSON ( youngest child of John Tomkin- son, b. circa 1771 ). b. Sunday. June 3, 1810, at Hale, Cheshire, England; d. M(5nda\, January 23, 1882, at Holloway Clough, Hale, lluried in churcliyard at Rowdon, Cheshire. Married Marv riionias (b. (\-tober, 1810. at Ruthin, Denbighshire, Nortli Wales; d. Thursday, January 3, 1884, at Hale, Cheshire; buried in church- yard at Bowdon), at the Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, Eng- land, Joiner. Had issue : Edwin, Robert, Charles, Catherine, Wil- liam. Marv Ann. Martha, Elizabeth and John. (1) EDWIN TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, October 28, 1834, at Ashley Heath, Bowdon, Cheshire, England; d. Wednesday, December 16, 1840. at Hale. Cheshire. Buried in cluircli- vard at Bowdon. (2) ROBERT TOMKINSON. b. Friday, February 24. 1837, at Hale, Cheshire, England ; d. Wednesday, December t6, 1840, same place. Buried in churclnard at Bowdon. (3) CHARLES TOMKINSON. b. Thursday, July 18, 1839, at Hale, Cheshire, England. .Married Wednesday, September 20, 1865, Mary Walton (b. Wednesday, November 23, 1842, at Rostberne. Cheshire), at St. John's Ciiurch. Manchester, Lancashire. luigland. Joiner. .Address : The Ainsleys, El- land. Yorkshire. Fngland. Has issue : MARY HELEN TOMKINSON. b. Thursday, July 30. 1874, at Elland. Yorkshire. England. Married Saturday, August 4, 1894, Lewis Whiteley [b. Tuesday. December 2y. 1870, at Newtown, Huddersfiekl, ^'orkshirc (Cotton Spinner)], at the parish church in Halifa.x, Yorkshire. Address: The .\inslevs, Elland, Yorkshire. England. Has issue; CHARLES WHITELEY, b. Tuesday, October 22, 1895. at Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. (4) CATHERINE TOMKINSON, b. Friday, March 12, 1841, at Hale, Cheshire, England; d. Sunday, December 17, 1848. same place. Buried in churchvard at Bowdon. (5) WILLIAM TOMKINSON, b. Thursday. October 20, 1842,. at Hale, Cheshire, Fngland ; d. Saturday. June 17, 1893, same place. Buried in churchyard at Bowdon, Cheshire. Alarried May, 1867, Amelia .Slater (b. Saturday, February 63 12, 1848, at Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, England), at St. Mar- garet's Church, Dunham, Cheshire. Cabinet Maker. Ad- dress of Mrs. AmeHa S. Tonikinson : 20 Oxford road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England. Had issue: Elizabeth, An- nie, Amelia. William, Emily. Frederick, Herbert, Alice and Charles. (1) ELIZABETH TO.AH^IXSOX, b, Monday. April 13, 1868, at Altrincham, Cheshire, England. Educated at St. John's School, Altrincham, Cheshire. Came to America in May, 1892. .Married Saturday. October 5. 1895, Walter Bell [b. Thursday, May 15, 1851, at Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, England (Farmer)], at St. John's Episcopal Church, Fram- ingham, Boston, Mass. .\ddress : Owl's Xest Farm. Fram- ingham, Boston, Alass. Has issue : (I) WILLIAM HENRY BELL, b. Saturday, August 29, 1896, at Framingham, Boston, Mass. (2) ROBERT WALTER BELL, b. Tuesday, December 12. 1899, same place. (3I CHARLES TOMKINSON BELL, b. Monday, February 25, 1 90 1, same place. (4j FREDERICK PL.\NNER BELL, b. Saturday. June 20. iqo same place. (2) ANNIE TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, March 19, 1871, at .\ltrincham, Cheshire, England ; d. \N^ednesday, August 5, 1874, same place. Buried in churchyard at Bovvdon, Che- shire. (3) AMELIA TflMKINSON. b. Sunday, January 19, 1873, at Altrincham, Cheshire, England; d. Thursday, July 9, 1874, same place. Buried in churchyard at Bovvdon. (4) WILLIAM TOMKINSON, b. Saturday, October 17, 1874. at Altrincham. Cheshire, England. Unmarried. Hairdresser (in business for himself). Address: 20 Oxford road, Altrincham. Cheshire, England. (5) EMILY TOMKINSON, b. Friday, November 17, 1876, at .\ltrincham, Cheshire, England. Unmarried. .Address : 20 Oxford road, .Vltrincham, Cheshire, England. (6) FREDERICK TOMKINSON. b. Wednesday, February 20, 1878, at Altrincham, Cheshire, England. Watchmaker. Unmarried. Address : 20 Oxford road, .Altrincham, Che- shire, England, (7) HERBERT TOMKINSON, b. Saturday, March 2-/. 1880, at .-Vltrincham, Cheshire, England. Joiner. Unmarried. Ad- dress : 20 Oxford road, .\ltrincham, Cheshire, England. (8) ALICE TO:\IKINSON. b. Monday, September 12. 1887, at Hale, Cheshire, England. (9) CHARLES TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, June 14, 1890. same place. Joiner (apprentice). 64 (6) ^rARY ANN TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, January 8, 1845. at Hale, Cheshire, Eng'land : d. Saturday, September i8, 1847, same place. Buried in churchyard at Bowdon. (7) MARTHA TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, February 19, 1850, at Hale, Cheshire, England. Married , Thomas Leigh [b. Saturday, June Q, 1849, at Hale, Cheshire; d. Monday, January 18, 1886, at Altrincham, Cheshire (Gardener)], at the parish church in Bowdon, Cheshire. Address: El- lerslie, Albert road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England. Has issue : (1) OLIVER LEIGH, b. Tuesday, November 2, 1875, at LTnmarried. Accountant and Estate .'\gent. Address : 3A Stamford street, Altrincham, Cheshire, England. (2) ADA LEIGH, b. Sunday, August 11, 1878, at . Un- married. (8) ELIZABETH TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, August 6, 1851, at Hale, Cheshire, England; d. Monday, July 7, 1879, same place. Buried in churchyard at Bowdon, Cheshire, Never married. (9) JOHN TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, August 2, 1857, at Hale, Cheshire, England. Married Thursday, June 29, 1882, Mary Hendry (b. Sunday. March 13, 1859, at Glasgow, Scot- land), at Jamaica F'lain, Boston, Mass. Came to America and settled at Boston, Mass., 1879. Cabinet Maker. Pat- ternmaker. Address : 42 Paul Gore street, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Has issue: (1) ANNIE ALLEN TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, February 22. 1888, at Chelsea, Suffolk county, Massachusetts. At- tending Boston High School. (2) CHARLES TOMKINSON, b. Monday, August 5, 1895, at Boston, Mass.; d. Saturday, March 14, 1896, same place. 6s BIRTHS. I MARRIAGES. I DEATHS. GENEALOGY -OF THE- FAMILY OF JEREMIAH TOMKINSON, BORN PREVIOUS TO 1773, PROBABLY IN CHESHIRE, ENGLAND. JEREMIAH TOMKINSON wasborn .probably in Cheshire, England; d. , probably same place. Had issue: at least Martha and John. HARTHA TOHKINSON, b. , in Cheshire, England; d. Married. Settled near Liverpool. Descendants in Cheshire, or Lancashire. England. JOHN TOMKINSON, b. February 24, 1793, in Cheshire, Eng- land; d. January. 1859, at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England. Born during the Reign of Terror ; ten years after the first balloon ascended from Lyons, France ; twenty-one after the first life insurance company was estakjlished in London. He was thirteen years old when Gladstone^and Pitt died ; twenty- two at the time of the battle of Waterloo; thirty-two when the first railway was built in England ; thirty-seven when George IV. died ; thirty-eight when the New London Bridg'e was opened. Married Hannah Aggart (b. Sunday, Novem- ber 30. 1800. in Staffordshire. England ; d. Monday, Janu- ary I, 1866. at Tunstall, Staffordshire; buried at Tunstall), daughter of Aggart and Sarah . Slip Maker. Had issue : at least Anne and John. ANNE TOMKINSON. b. ; d. at the age of twenty-one years. Buried at Tunstall. Staffordshire. Never married. JOHN TOHKINSON, b. Sunday, October 31, 1824, at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England ; d. , same place. Buried at Tunstall. Married Eliza Cartwright (b. Friday, Decem- ber 24, 1824. at Trentham. Staffordshire; d. , at Tunstall). The most of his life was spent at Tunstall, Staffordshire. Potter : Turner & Tomkinson, Victoria Works. Tunstall. Lumber Merchant. Had issue : Ann, John. Elizabeth, Hannah, Louisa, Arthur, George Frederick and Charles. (!) ANN TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday. March 15, 1848, at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England ; d. Monday, July g, 1877, at Gorsty Hill Hall, Crewe, Cheshire, England. Married Ralph Lees. (2) JOHN TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, April 15, 1849, at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England. Married Sarah Jane Malkin (b. Thursday, August 30, 1849, at Tunstall; educated at Bleak House School, Burslem, Staffordshire, and Moravian School, Neuwied on the Rhine, Coblenz, Germany), daugh- ter of William IVIalkin and T^Iargaret Booth, at Rode Heath, Cheshire. Educated at a grammar school at Sandbach, Che- shire, and Riant Mont School, Lausanne. Switzerland. Pot- ter: Evans & Tomkinson, Knowle Works. Burslem, Staf- fordshire. Commercial Traveller. Address : 45 Cavendish road, Harringay, London, N., England. Has issue: Percy Booth, Sidnev and Arthur Leslie. 70 (i) PERCY BOOTH TOMKINSON*, b. Monday, November 25, 1872, at Burslem, Staffordshire, England. Educated at the City Guilds, Cowper street schools, London, England. Mar- ried Wednesday, September 6, 1899, Kate Appelbee (b. Wednesday, November 3, 1869, in Church street, EdgAvare Road. London ; educated at Marylebone High School, Lon- don), daughter of Thomas Appelbee and Jane , at St. Peter's Church, Hornsey, London, N. Ventilating, Heat- ing and Electrical Engineer. Has executed ventilating work in the Houses of Parliament and many other important public buildings in London, etc. Member of the Society of Model Engineers. Recreations : Scientific and Engineering Modelmaking and Clocks ; Photography. No children. Ad- dress : 69 Effingham road, Hornsev, London, N., England. (2) SIDNEY TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, December 12, 1875, at Shelton, Staffordshire, England. Educated at the City Guilds, Cowper street schools, London. England. Manufac- turers' Agent (for ladies' gloves) : Bradbury, Tomkinson & Co., 42A Noble street, London, E. C, England. Unmarried. Address: 45 Cavendish road, Harringay. London, N., Eng- land. (3) ARTHUR LESLIE TOMKINSON, b. March, 1878, at Burslem, Staffordshire, England ; d. a few months after birth, same place. (3) ELIZABETH TOMKINSON. b. Monday, May 5. 1851, at Tunstall. Staffordshire, England. Married Tuesday, May 5. 1874, Thomas George Foster, at Tunstall. Has a large fam- ilv. Address : 14 Bloor street, Y^orkville, Toronto, Canada. (4) HANNAH TOMKINSON. b. Tuesday, September 28, 1852. at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England. Buried at Tunstall. Married F. T. .Adams. Died without issue. (5) LOUISA TOMKINSON. b. Sunday, June 18, 1854, at Tun- stall, Staffordshire; d. Friday, October 17, 1879, same place. Buried at Tunstall. Never married. (6) ARTHUR TOMKINSON. b. Monday, May 18, 1857, at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England ; d. — lost at sea — Saturday. January 12. 1878. Officer on a mercantile ship. Never married. *NoTE. — Mr. Tomkinson has under construction, for his own use, a novel grandfather's clock, of elaborate mechanism, to run eight days without winding, which will chime on eight tubular bells every quarter of an hour, strike on a cathedral wire gong on the hour, and will play, just after the hour, six or eight melodies (one after each hour, until all are exhausted) on fifteen bells fitted in the top thereof. 71 (7) GEORGE FREDERICK TOMKINSON, b. Thursday, May 5, 1859, at Tunstall, Staffordshire, England; d. Wednesday, December 23, 1863, same place. t8) CHARLES TOMKINSON. b. , at Tunstall, Stafford- shire, England. Married. Engineer. Has issue. Last "heard of at Sandford Hill, Longton, Staffordshire, England. NOTES. TUNSTALL: This is a very busy market town. The in- habitants are almost entirely engaged in the manufacture of earthen- ware and in the iron business. Population about 19,492. BURSLEM : This is not a modern town, for it was known at the time the Domesday Book was compiled as Bulwardslem. In the time of the Stuarts it was called the Butter Pottery, because many butter pots were manufactured here. At the end of the 17th century the making of colored dishes, jugs, etc., was com- menced here. Clay articles were not introduced until even later. Josiah Wedgwood established his famous pottery at Burslem. Here, also, are the Wedgwood Memorial Schools and Museum. Popu- lation about 38,766. 73 BIRTHS. i MARRIAGES. DEATHS. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF JOSEPH TOMKINSON, BORN PREVIOUS TO 1779, PROBABLY IN CHESHIRE, ENGLAND. JOSEPH TOM KINSON was born 17 at died circa 1846, at Macclesfield, Cheshire. England, at the home of his daughter. Alary Ann Swindles (or Jepson). His grand- daughter, Sarah Landis (nee Tomkinson, November 2, 1840), re- members that, when a little girl, five or six years old. she saw him (at the time a very old man) while on a visit to her aunt Mary's home, in Macclesfield : and it was about the time of his death. Probably came from Cheshire, England. Alarried ( i ) Elizabeth Shakeshaft circa 1800; (2) Bailey ( ?), who died about the tune of the birth of Joseph Tomkinson's grandson. William Tom- kinson, in 1838. Issue: (i) Thomas (by the first marriage) and (2) Mary Ann (by the second marriage). Cabinetmaker. Wood- worker. Contractor for woodwork on buildings. ELIZABETH SHAKESHAFT* was born 17, at : died circa May. 1802 [since her son, Thomes Tomkinson, (born August 15, 1801 ) is said to have been but nine months old at the time of her death], probably at Middlewich, Cheshire. Eng- land. If she married at the average age of marriage [twenty to twenty-five years (?) ], and Thomas Tomkinson was born — say a year after her marriage, she was probably born circa 1775-1780. As- suming this to be the period of her birth, she was born in the age when cotton spinning was performed with the aid of the hand spinning-wheel. Pianoforte had been invented in Italy but sixty- five years before ; the French and Indian war, with its bloody and tlisastrous consequences, had taken place only twenty-one years before. She was eighteen years old at the time of the Reign of Terror. Robespierre and Marie Antoinette. George Washington was then in his forties, and the struggles of the Thirteen Original States for liberty were making a place in the history of the world. Descended from a French family. Probably came from Cheshire, England. Had at least a brother, Peter Shakeshaft, who died in Middlewich. Married Joseph Tomkinson circa 1800. the last year of the eighteenth centurv. (I) THOHAS TOMKINSON. born Saturday, August 15, 1801, at Salford. Lancashire. England: died (of apoplexy) Friday, .August 20. 1880. at No. 2039 East Sergeant street, Philadelphia, Pa. (the residence of his third son and fifth child. Joseph Tomkin- -son). Only son of Joseph Tomkinson and only child by his first wife, Elizabeth Shakeshaft. He spent his boyhood days in Mid- dlewich. Cheshire. England. Taught in a night-school when he was a young man. probably about twenty to twenty-three years old, since he married .Ann Hartley — one of his pupils — in 1824; another of his pupils being a farmer, who was forty years old. Married Sunday, July 4, 1824. in Eccles Church (Protestant Episcopal), Eccles, Lancashire. England. .Ann Hartley (b. Thursday. October *NoTE. — There is a reference to a family of Shakeshaft in Bardsley's English Surnames (p. 461) as follows: "Anne, daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth Shakeshaft, baptized December 6, 1744 (St. Ann's Register, Manchester)." 78 6. 1803, at Salford. Lancashire, England), daughter and eldest child of John Hartley (b. July 6, 1779) and Elizabeth Crossley (b. June 10, 1781), having become acquainted with her while with an "ice-sliding party." Thomas Tomkinson and his wife Ann and the children (with the exception of John, the eldest son, who had come over to Hamilton. Canada, five years and a half before) took passage in the sailing vessel "Tonawanda." which left Liverpool, Lancashire, on Friday, July 16, 1852 ; were forty-five days on the water — they use to say "six weeks and three days" — and "three days and three nights in a terrific stomi" ; and landed at Walnut street wharf, Philadelphia. Penna.. on Monday, August 30, 1852. John Tomkinson, the first emigrant, was then sick in Cincinnati, Ohio, and died five years ami a half later in Philadelphia, Pa. :\t this time, also, l"".lizabeth Shakoshaft, the first child, had been dead over twciit\-four years, having died in Altrincham, Cheshire, England; Elizabeth was in her twenty-sixth; John in his twenty- second; Thomas, junior, in his nineteenth; Joseph in his seven- teenth; William in his fifteenth, and Sarah Ann in her twelfth, year of age. Before the family came to America, they lived in Ellis street. Pendleton, and .Seddon street, Salford, both in Lancashire, England. P.uried in Mount Peace Cemetery, Thirty-first street and Lehigh avenue. Philadelphia, Pa., in lot \o. 346, sec. F, belonging to his third son and fiftli child, Joseph Tomkinson. It is thought that Thomas Tomkinson had no brothers. He had, however, a half-sister, Mary .\nn (daughter of his father's second marriage), who was twice married : first to David Swindles ; then to Richard Jepson ; and has left descendants in Australia. Had issue : Eliza- beth Shakeshaft, Elizabeth. John, Thomas, Joseph, William and Sarah .\nn. Woodworker. Teacher. Cabinetmaker. Joiner. Bookbinder. Note. — It will be observed that there are many curious and striking coincidences of circumstances in the family of Joseph Tomkinson, here mentioned, and in the various other families bear- ing the name of Tomkinson. For instance : Far back in the his- tory of many of the families of Tomkinson, the chief business seems to have been that of pottery manufacturing; and Sarah Landis remembers having heard her father, Thomas Tomkinson, remark that the ancestors of Joseph Tomkinson, here mentioned, were in that business many ages ago. .Mso observe that the most of the families originated in Cheshire ; that Elizabeth Shakeshaft died, and was probably buried there ; that Thomas Tomkinson spent his boyhood days there (in Middlewich) ; and that Elizabeth Shakeshaft Tomkinson died and was buried there (in Altrincham). It is quite probable that both Joseph Tomkinson and Elizabeth Shakeshaft came from Cheshire ; that soon after they were mar- ried, they went north into the next county (that of Lancaster) — 79 (1) ELIZABETH SHAKESHAFT TOHKINSON, b. Saturday, September 17, 1825, at Salford, Lancashire, England; d. Thursday, June 5, 1828, at Ahrincham, Cheshire, England. Buried probably at Altrincham, Cheshire. (2) ELIZABETH TOHKINSON, b. Friday, March 16, 1827, at Salford, Lancashire, England; d. Sunday, December 28, 1902, near Houston, Harris county, Texas. Married Richard Longbottom [b. Monday. June 4, 1827, at , Eng- land ; d. Saturday, Xovember 3, 1900, near Houston, Harris county, Texas; buried same place (Shoe Manufacturer)], second and youngest .son and sixth child of George Long- bottom and Abigail . Buried near Houston, Texas. Had issue: (1) Thomas, (2) Ann, (3) Abigail, (4) Abigail, (5 and 6) George and Richard (twins), (7) George, (8 and 9) Samuel and Sarah (twins), and (10) Charlotte. (1) THOMAS LOXGBOTTOM. b. Wednesday, November 23, 1853, at No. 1334 Oxford street, Philadelphia. Pa. Married Wednesday. March 31. 1875, .^nna Eliza Switzer (b. Thurs- day, March 17. 1853, at Philadelphia. Pa.), eldest daughter and secon'd child of Lewis Switzer and Wilhelmina Rodgers, at No. 2245 ( n. n. 2249) North Second street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. James Crowe, of Norris Square U. P. Church, Philadelphia. Shoe Merchant. Address: 129 N. Akard street, Dallas, Texas. Has issue: (i) LEWIS LONGBOTTOM, b. Saturday, April 15, 1876, at No. 2840 Kensington avenue. Philadelphia, Pa. .Agricul- turist. Ginner. (2) RICHARD LONGBOTTOM, b. Sunday, January 5, 1879, at No. 528 Auburn street, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Wed- nesday, June 13, 1900, Sarah Tierney (b. Sunday, December where Thomas Tomkinson and his seven children were bom; and that shortly afterwards they returned to Cheshire [for Thomas Tomkinson spent his boyhood days there ( in Middlewich)] , where both died: Elizabeth Shakeshaft, in Middlewich (where she died when Thomas Tomkinson was but nine months old) ; Joseph Tom- kinson, in Macclesfield (where his daughter lived). It will also be noted that some of the Tomkinsons originated in Staffordshire. Observe the number of clergymen in the family of Thomas Tom- kinson, of Knightley. Stafford, born circa 1620, and that of John Tomkinson, of Kiel. Stafford, born 1758. It is certainly both plau- sible and colorable to theorize, that the general family of Tom- kinson originated in Cheshire many ages ago; and that some moved north into the next county (that of Lancaster), while others went into the first county (that of Stafford) south. It is thought that others went to Australia. 8o 28, 1879, at Scranton, Pa.), third daughter and sixth child of Thomas Tieriuv and Sarah Burk, at No. Brown street, Ennis, Ellis county, Texas, by Rev. W. C. Rose. No children. Shoemaker. Address : 546 San Jacinto street, r^piinc Tcx3s (3) THOMAS LONGBOTTOM, b. Sunday, November 13, 1881, at No. 332 Stella avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. (4) ELIZABETH LONGBOTTOM, b. Tuesday, April 7. 1885, at No. 148 Sharpnac street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Known as "Bessie." Married Tuesday, July 16, 1901, George Alexander Elliott [b. Monday, January 10, 1881, in Dallas county. Texas (Agriculturist)], son and seventh child of .\lexandcr Elliott and Harriet Ann Ferguson, at residence of Martin Lively, Justice of the Peace, in Sowers, Dallas county, Texa.s. .-Vddress : Sowers, Texas. Has issue ; VVILHELMINA MAY ELLIOTT, b. Thursday, December 24, 1903, at Eagle Ford, Dallas county, Texas. Known as "Willie." (5) EDWIN LONGBOTTOM, b. Thursday, February 21, 1889, at No. 5369 Germantown avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. (6) WTLHELMINA MAY LONGBOTTOM, b. Tuesday, Octo- ber 16, 1894, at N. \V. cor. Lattinier and Julian streets, Dal- las, Dallas county, Texas. Known as "U'illie." (2) ANN LONGBOTTOM. b. Saturday, November 3, 1855, at No. street, Philadelphia, Pa. : d. (of meningitis) Friday, .\pril 15, 1870, at No. 2148 (n. n. 2152) North Second street, same place. Buried in L'nion Wesleyan Bu- rial Ground (inside of Hanover Street Burial Grounds), Hanover and East Thompson streets. Philadelphia. The records of the Union Wesleyan Burial Ground do not show any inunher or section of grave or lot. (3) ABIGAIL LONGBOTTOM, b. Thursday, September 24, 1857, at No. street. Philadelphia, Pa.; d. (from injuries sustained in a fall) circa 1858, on south side of Market street above Rose, same place. Buried in a Meth- odist churchyard (unknovyn). West Philadelphia. (4) ABIGAIL LONGBOTTOM, b. Sunday, May 29, 1859, on south side of Market street above Rose, Philadelphia, Pa. Married \Vednesday. February 19, 1879, John Henry Taylor [b. Tuesday, May 26, 1857, at North Dennisville, Cape May county, N. J. (Private Detective)], son [twin to William, and both next to Elizabeth (sixth child)] of Seth Henry Taylor and Elizabeth Smith, at No. 286 (n. n. 1935) East Cumberland street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. ' Jacob Dickerson, of Cumberland Street AI. E. Church, Phil- adelphia. .Address : 2050 East Birch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Had issue: 8l (i) HARRY TAYLOR, b. Thursday, December 2, 1880, at No. 2558 Collins street, Philadelphia, Pa.; d. Sunday, May 3, 1903, at No. 2123 East Monmouth street, same place. Bu- ried in East Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford avenue corner Dark Run lane, Frankford, Philadelphia, in lot No. 462, sec. 3, belonging to John Henry Taylor. (2) ELIZABETH TAYLOR, b. Wednesday, June 4, 1884, at No. 2155 Adams street, Philadelphia, Pa.; d. same day, same place. Buried in Union Wesleyan Burial Ground (inside of Hanover Street Burial Grounds), East Thompson street and Hanover, Philadelphia, in lot No. 142, grave 4. (3) WILBERT TAYLOR, b. Tuesday, January 31, 1888, at No. 2421 Frankford avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. (5) GEORGE LONGBOTTOM, b. Thursday, August 29, 1861, Federal Hill, Montgomery between Light and Charles streets, Baltimore, Maryland ; d. circa 1862, at Chester, Dela- ware county, Pa. Twin to Richard. Buried probably at Chester, Pa. (6) RICHARD LONGBOTTOM, b. Thursday, August 29, 1861, Federal Hill, Montgomery between Light and Charles streets, Baltimore, Maryland; said to have died the day of birth, same place. Twin to George. Buried probably in Baltimore, Md. (7) GEORGE LONGBOTTOM, b. Wednesday, June 29, 1864, at No. 2319 North Hope street, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Tuesday, June 5, 1888, at 4 P. M., Anna Maria Mays (b. Monday, July 5, 1869, at Philadelphia), fourth daughter and sixth child of Henry Mays and Margaret Vennal An- derson, in the Chapel of Protestant Episcopal Hospital, North Front street, corner of Lehigh avenue, Philadelphia, by Rev. Henry A. Hoyt. Shoemaker. Address : Chickasha, Chicka- saw county, Indian Territory. Has issue : GEORGE WASHINGTON MAYS LONGBOTTOM, b. Thursday, June 6, 1889, at No. 1217 West Somerset street, Philadelphia, Pa. (8) SAMUEL LONGBOTTOM, b. Saturday, November 9, 1867, at No. 2148 (n. n. 2152) North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Twin to Sarah. Married Mary Cecilia Murphey (b. Tuesday, March 9, 1869, at Wilmington, New Castle county, Del; d. Saturday, December 7, 1901, at No. 2758 North Martha street, Philadelphia ; buried in New Cathedral Cem- etery, Philadelphia), daughter and second child of Lewis Murphey and Catherine Home, at No. 43 Cooper street, Camden, N. J., by Rev. William H. Burrell (M. E. Church). Shoemaker. " Address : P. O. Box 540, Ennis, Ellis county, Texas. Has issue : (i) ALICE ELIZABETH LONGBOTTOM, b. Saturday, April 12, 1890, at No. 22 D street, Philadelphia, Pa. 82 (2) RICHARD LONGBOTTOM, b. Monday, November 30. 1891, at No. 3012 Frankford avenue, same place. (3) AGNES LONGBOTTOM, b. Saturday, July 8, 1893, at No. 2948 Frankford avenue, same place. (4) MARY LONGBOTTOM, b. Friday, September 10, 1897, at No. 2065 Ann street, same place. (5) SAIMUEL LONGBOTTOM, b. Sunday, May 28, 1899, at No. 2065 Ann street, same place. (6) ELIZABETH LONGBOTTOM, b. Saturday, August 24, 1 90 1, at No. 2066 East William street, same place. (9) SARAH LONGBOTTOM, b. Saturday, November 9, 1867, at No. 2148 (n. n. 2152) North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa.; d. (of convulsions) Sunday, September 13, 1868, same place. Twin to Samuel. Buried in Union Wesleyan Burial Ground (inside of Hanover Street Burial Grounds), Han- over street and East Thompson, Philadelphia. The records of the Union Wesleyan Burial Ground do not show any number or section of grave or lot. (10) CHARLOTTE LONGBOTTOM, b. Sunday, November 13, 1870, at No. 2148 (n. n. 2152) North Second street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Married Mathias Hugue [b. Thursday, March II, 1852, in Kiuth, canton of St. .Amarin, arrondissemont of Belfort, department of Haut-Rhin, France (Agriculturist)], son and eldest child of Mathias Hugue and Marie Angsel, in Houston, Texas. Address: Houston, Texas. Has issue: (i) RICHARD HUGUE, b. Saturday, February 6, 1897, near Houston, Harris county, Texas. (2) GEORGE HUGUE, b. Friday, March 29, 1901, same place. (3) MARIE HUGUE, b. Thursday, February 26, 1903, same place. (3) JOHN TOnKlNSON, b. Wednesday, March 24, 1830, at Salford, Lancashire, England ; d. Sunday, February 7, 1858, at No. O.xford street, Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at a school in Hope street, Salford. The first of the family to come to America. He came over about 1847, with his Sun- day-school teacher, Peter Planning, and went to Hamilton, Wentworth province, Canada. He celebrated his seventeenth birthday on his way over. This was about five years and a half before the rest of the family followed, in August, 1852. When the others landed at Philadelphia, he was sick in Cincinnati, Ohio; and died five years and a half later. Married (i) Sophia Wiehe, at Cincinnati, circa 1853. So- phia Tomkinson died and was buried, same place, circa 1855. Married (2) Saturday, October 25, 1856, Esther Ann Davis (b. Sunday, June 6, 1830, in Lancaster county, Pa.), fifth daughter and sixth child of Joseph Kenney Davis and Sarah Ann Ottie, at No. 1437 North Eighth street, Philada. , parsonage, by Rev. Isaac Cole, of North Bap- 83 tist Church, Philadelphia. Buried in Odd Fellows' Ceme- tery, North 22nd street, cor. Diamond, Philadelphia, in lot of H. M. S., 9th grave, west side. Cabinetmaker. Address of Mrs. Esther Ann MacKeigen : loio Reno street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Had issue : Clara and Olive Florence. (i) CLARA TOMKINSON, b. , who died in infancy circa 1855. Buried in Cincinnati, Ohio. [By first wife.] (2) OLIVE FLORENCE TOMKINSON. b. Monday, August 3, 1857, at No. 1332 Oxford street, Philadelphia, Pa.; d. Sun- day, July 20, 1902, at No. 530 Market street, Camden, Cam- den county, New Jersey. [By second wife.] Married (i) Sunday, October 13, 1878, Timothy Cook [b. in England circa 1848; d. Tuesday, January 19, 1886, at Philadelphia; buried in Evergreen Cemetery, l\It. Ephraim Pike, Camden, N. J., in lot No. 35, sec. F. (Dyer)], at No. 142 1 Otis street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. David W. Gordon, rector of Siloam M. E. Church, Philadelphia; (2) Wednes- day, May 12, 1886, George Frederick Morrell [b. Tuesday, June 16, 1840, at Westport, Digby province. Nova Scotia (Mariner: Merchant)], second son and second child of Ber- nard Morrell and Margaret McGray, at No. 524 Linden street, Camden, N. J., parsonage, by Rev. Isaac C. Wynn (of Baptist Church). Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Cam- den, N. J., in lot No. 35, sec. F. Had issue: Florence Knowles, Jessie Davis and George Norman. (1) FLORENCE KNOWLES COOK, b. Friday, August 29, 1879, at No. 2720 Harper street, Philadelphia. Married Wednesday, October 21, 1903, William Paine Norris [b. Saturday, February 21. 1874, at Jersey City, N. J. (member of the firm of Kafer & Norris, Plumbers)], son and eldest child of Charles Lane Norris and Annie Schuyler Paine, at No. 537 South Walnut street, West Chester, Pa., par- sonage, by Rev. William E. Needham, of First Baptist Church, West Chester, Pa. No children. Address: 39 Winona avenue, Norwood, Delaware countv. Pa. (2) JESSIE DAVIS MORRELL, b. Thursday, May 29, 1890, at No. 530 Market street, Camden, Camden county. New Jersey. (3) GEORGE NORMAN MORRELL, b. Friday, December 21, 1894, same place. (4) THOMAS TOriKINSON, b. Tuesday, September 17, 1833, at Salford, Lancashire, England ; d. Thursday, June 7, 1888, at No. 2409 (o. n. 908) Aramingo street, Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at a school in Hope street, Salford. Married Thursday, September 11, 1856, Susanna Featherman Dow- land (b. Wednesday, June i, 1831, in Chester county. Pa.), daughter and eldest child of Samuel Dowland and Sarah 84 Featherman, at No. 646 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, of Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Patternmaker. Buried in Green- wood Cemetery (Knights of Pythias), Asylum road, cor. of Arrott street, Frankford, Philadelphia, in lot No. 344, sec. S, div. 3, which had belonged to himself. Had issue : Thomas Spencer, Mary Helen, Eugene, Thomas Hartley, Susanna, Samuel, Ruth Elma and Spencer William. Ad- dress of Mrs. Susanna D. Tomkinson : 74 Alberta street, E. S., Camden, N. J. (i) THOMAS SPENCER TOMKINSON, b. Thursday, April i, 1858, at Tremont, Schuylkill county. Pa. ; d. (of cholera infantum) Monday, August 8, 1859, at No. 1525 Cabot street, Philadelphia, Pa. Buried in Monument Cemetery, North Broad street and Berks, Philadelphia, in lot No. 380, sec. A, grave 3, south, belonging to Mrs. Susanna Dowland Tom- kinson. (2) MARY HELEN TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, November 30, 1859, at No. 1525 Cabot street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar- ried (i) Wednesday, February 23, 1876, Walter Collins Peirce [b. circa 1857, at Philadelphia ; reported dead (drowned)], son of Captain John F. Peirce and Sarah Ann Hagney, at No. 835 (n. n. 2366) East Cumberland street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. James A. Marshall, of George Chandler Memorial (now Beacon) Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia; (2) Thursday, June 25, 1903, Wil- liam Baker Gamble [b. VVednesday, August 12, 1857, in a house located in the rear of what is now No. 5737 German- town avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia (Printer)], only son and second child of Washington Fish Gamble and Eliza- beth Bachman, at residence, No. 16 -Armat street, German- town, by Rev. Thomas S. Samson, of First Baptist Church of Germantown. Address: 16 Armat street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Had issue : Howard Spencer, Mary Helen and Harry Curriden Hagney. (1) HOWARD'SPENCER PEIRCE, b. Tuesday, August 7, 1877, at No. 326 Hamilton street, Camden, Camden county, New Jersey; d. (of croup) Sunday, December 9, 1877, at N. W. cor. Sepviva and Wrekin streets, Philadelphia. Buried in Kensington Methodist Episcopal Burial Ground (inside of Hanover Street Burial Grounds), East Thompson street and Hanover, Philadelphia. (2) MARY HELEN PEIRCE, b. Friday, November i, 1878, at N. W. cor. 20th and Hamilton streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Wednesday, April i, 1896, Albert Henry Roberts (b. Wednesday, October 4, 1871, at Phillipsburg, Warren county, N. J.), son of Henry Roberts and Mary Van 85 Zant ( ?) , in East Baptist Church, Hanover street above Girard avenue, Philadelphia, by Rev. Clarence H. Woolston. Address : i6 Armat street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Had issue : HARRY ROBERTS, b. Wednesday, October 27, 1897, at No, 2546 North Sartain street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. Sunday, May I, 1898, at No. 1858 Memphis street, Philadelphia. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery (Knights of Pythias), Frankford, Philadelphia, in lot No. 344, sec. S, div. 3, be- longing to Mrs. Susanna Dowland Tomkinson. (3) HARRY CURRIDEN PEIRCE, b. Friday, February 18, 1881, at No. 2557 North Commerce street. Philadelphia, Pa.; d. Sunday, May 24, 1885, at No. 2358 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Buried in Monument Cemetery, North Broad street and Berks, Philadelphia, in lot No. 380, sec. A, grave 3, south, belonging to Mrs. Susanna Dowland Tomkinson. (3) EUGENE TOMKINSON, b. Monday. May 13, 1861, at No. Passyunk avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. (of scarlet fever) Thursday, October 8, 1863, at No. 1221 North Third street, same place. Buried in Monument Cemetery, North Broad and Berks streets, Philadelphia, in lot No. 380, sec. A, grave 3, south, belonging to Mrs. Susanna Dowland Tomkinson. (4) THOMAS HARTLEY TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, March 29, 1863, at N. E. cor. Ninth and Auburn streets (neigh- borhood of Ninth street and Washington avenue), Philadel- phia, Pa. Married (i) Martha Stites Wallace (b. Saturday, September 8, i860, in Kensington, Philadelphia: d. Sunday, January 8, 1888, at No. 827 Almond street, Philadelphia; buried in Palmer Street Burial Ground, East Palmer street, corner of Memphis, Philadelphia, first grave south of that of Matthew W. \^anDusen, main drive, opposite vault), daughter and sixth child of John Miller Wallace and Cath- erine Sophia Hanes, at No. 1013 North Front street, Phil- adelphia, parsonage, by Rev. Samuel T. Kemble, of Front Street M. E. Church, Philadelphia; (2) Thursday, Decem- ber 31, 1896, Elizabeth Cline Moore (b. Tuesday, August 10, 1875, at ), daughter and eldest child of John Moore and. Elizabeth Cline, at N. W. cor. Dauphin and Tulip streets, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. Richard Turner, of Summerfield M. E. Church, Philadelphia ; (3) Sunday, May 29, 1898, Minnie Louise Morrell (b. Thursday, March 26, 1874, at Camden, N. J.), second daughter and second child of George Frederick Morrell (second husband of Olive Florence Tomkinson) by his second wife, Rebecca Llewellyn, at No. 2316 East Dauphin street, Philadelphia, par- sonage, by Rev. Forrest E. Dager, of Emanuel Reformed 86 Episcopal Church, Philadelphia. Patternmaker. Address: 729 Pearl street, Camden, N. J. Has issue: Clarence Thomas, Kate Grace. Robert Hartley and Edgar, (i) CLARENCE THOMAS TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, January 15, 1884. at No. 827 .-Mmond street. Philadelphia, Pa. [By first wife.] (2) KATE GRACE TOMKINSON, b. Saturday, June 5, 1886, at No. 827 Almond street. Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. Thursday, November 10, 1887, same place. Buried in Palmer Street Burial Ground, East Palmer street, cor. of Memphis, Phila- delphia, in the grave of her mother. [By first wife.] (3) ROBERT HARTLEY TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, October i, 1899, at No. 437 East Walter (now Flora) street, Philadelphia, Pa. [By third wife.] (4) EDGAR TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, April 19, 1903, at No. 2318 East Dauphin street, Philadelphia. Pa. [By third wife.] (5) SUSANNA TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, March 27, 1866, in Indian Queen Hotel, Beach and Marlborough streets, Phila- delphia, Pa. Married (i) Sunday, December 23, 1882, Charles Clark Richardson (b. Monday, July 25, 1853, in Lancashire, England), only son and second child of Charles Clark Richardson and Emeline , at N. E. cor. Sep- viva and Cumberland streets, Philadelphia, by Rev. Carroll Ghent, of Church of Christian Disciples, Philadelphia; (2) Wednesday, December 24. 1890, Joseph Henry LeFevre [b. Thursday, April 17, 1856, at Philadelphia (Woodworker)], fourth son and sixth child of Isaac LeFevre and Margaret Carver, at No. 743 Spruce street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. Alexander H. Boyle, of Protestant Episcopal Church; (3) Tuesday, August 27, 1901, Edward Ackly Hersperger [b. Monday, April 15, 1867, in Economy town- ship, Beaver county. Pa. (Civil Engineer and Surveyor)], seventh son and ninth child of Adam Hers])erger and Sarah Stratton, at No. 21 13 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. Charles H. Thomas, of Fiftieth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Address : Jarilla. New Mexico. Had issue : WILLIAM RICHARDSON, b. Monday, August 11, 1884, at N. W. cor. 20th and Hamilton street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. Wednesday, July i, 1885, on train coming up (between Egg Harbor City and Cedarbrook) from Atlantic City, N. J. Buried in Belvue Cemetery, East Tioga street, cor. of H street, Philadelphia, in lot No. 583, sec. B, grave 4, belonging to Charles Clark Richardson. 87 (6) SAMUEL TOMKINSON, b. Monday, August 2, 1869, at No. 1022 Richmond street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. (of haema- temery) Thursday, August 5, 1869, same place. Buried in Monument Cemetery, North Broad street, and Berks, Phila- delphia, in lot No. 380, sec. A, grave 3, south, belonging to Mrs. Susanna Dowland Tomkinson. (7) RUTH ELMA TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, August 9, 1871, at No. 1225 Ball street, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Wednesday, February 25, 1891, George Henry Hollings- worth [b. Saturday, December 5, 1863, at Camden, N. J. (Machinist)], only son and eldest child of Samuel Huston Hollingsworth and Esther Given Thomas, at No. 2409 Ara- mingo (now East Letterly) street, Philadelphia, the home of her mother, by Rev. Charles H. Bond, of Second Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church, Philadelphia. Address; 74 Alberta street, E. S., Camden, N. T. Has issue: (1) GERTRUDE ELMA HOLLINGSWORTH, b. Sunday, March 27, 1892, at No. 534 Grant street, Camden, Camden county. New Jersev. (2) RUTH IRENE HOLLINGSWORTH, b. Saturday, August 4, 1894, same place. (3) ESTHER HOLLINGSWORTH, b. Monday, March 28, 1898, at No. mo Cooper street, Camden, Camden county, New Jersey. (4) MARGUERITE HOLLINGSWORTH, b. Sunday, Decem- ber 28, 1902, at No. 74 Alberta street. East Side, Camden, Camden countv. New Tersev. (8) SPENCER WILLIAM TOM'KINSON. b. Saturday. October 30, 1875, at No. 837 Almond street, Philadelphia, Pa. En- listed as a seaman in Div. B. , ist Naval Battalion, National Guards of Pennsylvania, Monday, May 18, 1896. Enlisted as a private in Company B, 2nd Regt., N. G. P., Saturday, March 6, 1897, for three years ; honorably discharged Fri- day, May 13, 1898, on account of enlistment in United States service during the war between L^nited States and Spain. Enlisted as a private in Company B, 2nd Pennsyl- vania Infantry, Friday, May 13, 1898, at Mt. Gretna, Pa. ; on garrison duty at Mont Chanin. Delaware ; also on the guard of the Dupont powder mills, in that vicinity; partici- pated in no engagements. Mustered out of the L^nited States service Friday, October 28. 1898. Re-enlisted in Company B, 2nd Regiment, N. G. P., Monday, January 16, 1899, for three years ; re-enlisted Tuesday, May 20, 1902, for three years. Married Thursday, September 25, 1902, Maggie Genevieve Mohr (b. Monday, May 17, 1869, at Philadelphia, Pa.), widow of Augustus Henry Mohr, and daughter and third child of John Felix Fenner and Maria Livingston W. 88 Sweeney, at No. 21 13 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, Pa., parsonage, by Rev. Charles H. Thomas, of Fiftieth Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Iron Worker. Address : 244 East Montana street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Had issue : HOWARD SPENCER TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, August 30, 1903, at No. 425 West Ontario street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. Monday, November 30, 1903, same place. Buried in Green- wood Cemetery (Knights of Pythias), Asylum road, corner of Arrott street, Frankford, Philadelphia, in lot No. 344, sec. S, div. 3, belonging to Mrs. Susanna Dovvland Tomkinson. (5) JOSEPH tOHKiNSON, b. Wednesday, February 10, 1836, at Salford. Lancashire, England. Educated at St. Bartholo- mew's Episcopal School, Regent road, Salford. Came to America with the rest of the family in August, 1852, in his seventeenth year. At the beginning of the war between the North and South in the United States, he enlisted in the 20th Pennsylvania Militia, Col. William B. Thomas; but participated in no engagements. Married Thursday, March 6, 1862, Julia Adelaide Sandy (b. Monday, March 7, 1836, at Phila.), daughter and eldest child of William Gabriel Sandy and Sarah Berry, at No. 964 Hutchinson street, Philadelphia (residence), by Rev. Jonathan S. Willis, of Tabernacle Methodist Church, Philadelphia. Foundry- carpenter. Retired. Address: (between March and No- vember) 63 Franklin avenue. Ocean Grove, N. J.; (between November and March), 2230 Estaugh street, Tioga, Phila- delphia, Pa. Has issue : Joseph Thomas, Sarah Jane, Julia Ann, Charles Harry, Henry Tripple, Eliza Howell Berry, Frank Armstrong, Esther Gardinier, Edwin Rowsell and Samuel. (i) JOSEPH THOMAS TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, January 7, 1863, at No. 2148 (n. n. 2152) North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. Sunday, September 8, 1867, at No. 2705 Fisher street, same place. Buried in Mount Peace Ceme- tery, 31st street and Lehigh avenue, Philadelphia, in lot No. 346, sec. F, belonging to Toseph Tomkinson. (2) SARAH JANE TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, August 17, 1864, in Deposit, Broome county. New York ; d. Thursday, August 3. 1865, at N. E. cor. Venango and Lambert streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Buried in Ronaldson Cemetery, Ninth and Bainbridge streets, Philadelphia, in lot sec. i, south, 14 west, belonging to Marv J. Rowsell. (3) JULIA ANN TOMKINSON, b. Thursday, December 13, 1866, at No. 1020 Richmond street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar- ried Monday, June 28. 1897, John Sandy Stuckey [b. Thursday, July 21, 1859, at Philadelphia (Restaurateur)], 89 son and third child of Thomas William Stuckey and Mary Elizabeth Sandy, at No. 1748 North Twenty-ninth street, Philadelphia (residence), by Rev. C. Edgar Adamson, of Cumberland Street M. E. Church, Philadelphia. No children. Address: 1748 North Twenty-ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. (4) CHARLES HARRY TO.MKINSON, b. Friday, November 6, 1868, at No. 2039 (o. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Married Wednesday, June 18, 1890, Melvena Prickett (b. Friday, September 11, 1868, at Philadelphia), daughter and third child of James Ireland Prickett and Mary Harris Ireland, at No. 121 West Lehigh avenue, Phila- delphia, by Rev. John J. Timanus, of Cumberland Street M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Carpet Designer._ Address: 1 158 Glenwood avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Has issue: JOSEPH TOMKINSON, b. Monday, April 13, 1891, at No. 3010 North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. (•5) HENRY TRIPPLE TOMKINSON. b. Monday, December 5, 1870, at No. 2039 (o. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Married Thursday, December 10, 1891, Hannah Myers (b. Wednesday, March 22, 1871, at Yeadon. Eng- land), daughter and third child of Israel ]^Iyers and Re- becca Rhodes, at No. 43 Cooper street, Camden, N. J., par- sonage, by Rev. William H. Burrell (Methodist Episcopal Church). Heating Specialist. Address: Glenside, Pa. Has issue: Frank Beldon Test, Hannah May and William Henry. (i) FR.\Nk BELDON TEST TOMKINSON, b. Friday, Octo- ber 7, 1892, at No. 1923 North Fifth street. Philadelphia; d. Saturday, September 16. 1893. Buried in Mount Peace Cemetery, 31st and Lehigh avenue, Philadelphia, in lot No. 346, sec. F. belonging to Joseph Tomkinson. (2) HANNAH MAY TOMKINSON, b. Saturday, May 11, 1895, at No. 3050 North Orianna street, Philadelphia. Pa. (3) WILLIAM HENRY TOMKINSON. b. Sunday, January 31, 1897, on Third street and Tabor road [ist house on north side of Tabor road, east of Third street (Presbyterian Church now next to it on northeast comer)], Olney, Phila- delphia, Pa. (6) ELIZA HOWELL BERRY TOMKINSON. b. Saturday, August 10, 1872. at No. 2039 (o. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Philadelphia, Pa. Married \\'ednesday, August i, 1900, at 7.30 P. M., Martin Luther Lawrence [b. Thursday, January 9. 1862, at Cain, Salisbury township. Lancaster county. Pa. (Bookkeeper)], third son and fourth child of Samuel Wetson Lawrence and Caroline Cooper (a first cousin or cousin-german of J. Fenimore Cooper, the author), at No. 2020 East York street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by go Rev. Charles H. Rorer, of Cumberland Street M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Address: 2455 Natrona street, Philadelphia, Pa. Has issue: (1) FENIMORE COOPER LAWRENCE,* b. Friday, June 7, 1901, at No. 2455 Natrona street, Philadelphia, Pa. (2) JOHN DILLER LAWRENCE,* b. Monday, June 30, 1902, same place. (3) EDWINA MAY LAWRENCE,* b. Friday, May 27, 1904, same place. (7) FRANK ARMSTRONG TOMKINSON, b. Friday, January 2, 1874, at No. 2039 (o. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Married Friday, February 26, 1892, Mary Wunderlich (b. Saturday, August 8, 1874. at Philadelphia), daughter and eighth child of Jacob D. Wunderlich and Pau- line Hitner, at No. 43 Cooper street, Camden, N. J., parson- age, by Rev. William H. Burrell (Methodist Episcopal Church). Grocery Merchant. Address: 5225 Front street, Olney, Philadelphia, Pa. Has issue : Frank Raymond, Esther Gardinier. Pauline Hitner, Theodore Jacob, Florence \'^iolet and Julia .•\delaide. (i) FRANK RAYMOND TOMKINSON, b. Friday, December 23, 1892, at No. 2618 Emerald street, Philadelphia, Pa. (2) ESTHER GARDINIER TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, Sep- tember II, 1895, at No. 2937 North Frankford avenue, same d13.C6 (3) PAULINE HITNER TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, Janu- ary 20, 1897, at No. 5519 Bickley (now Palethorp) street, Olnev, Philadelphia, Pa. (4) THEODORE JACOB TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, October 30, 1900. at No. 5225 Front street, Olnev, Philadelphia, Pa. (5) FLORENCE VIOLET TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, Septenv ber 14, 1902, same place. (6) JULIA ADELAIDE TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, June i, 1904, same place. (8) ESTHER GARDINIER TOMKINSON, b. Friday, Septem- ber 8, 1876, at No. 2039 (o. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in Kindergarten at John Welsh School (public), corner of Fourth and Dauphin streets, Philadelphia, .\ddress : 2230 Estaugh street, Philadelphia, Pa. (9) EDWIN ROWSELL TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, November 3, 1878. at No. 2039 (o. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Married Wednesday, June 6, 1900, at noon, Sadie Keller Foulkrod (b. Saturday August 14, 1880, at Note. — Each of the above children is a first cousin twice re- moved of J. Fenimore Cooper, the author. Their father, Martin Luther Lawrence, being a first cousin once removed. 91 Bridesburg, Philadelphia, Pa.), daughter and second child of George Foulkrod and Mar>' Willing, at No. 1022 West Indiana avenue, Philadelphia, residence of George Foulkrod, by Rev. Charles H. Rorer, of Cumberland Street M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Publisher. Real Estate Broker. No children. Address : 2228 Estaugh street, Tioga, Philadel- phia, Pa. (10) SAMUEL TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, February 12, 1882, at No. 2039 (0. n. 342) East Sergeant street, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of 7th grade at Kenderton School (public), corner 15th and Ontario streets, Philadelphia. Recently passed an examination for Supervising Principal in the pub- lic schools of Philadelphia. Address : 2230 Estaugh street, Tioga, Philadelphia. Pa. (6) WILLIAn TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, March 28, 1838, at No. — Ellis street, Pendleton, Lancashire, England. Fourth and youngest son and sixth child of Thomas Tom- kinson and Ann Hartley. Educated at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal School, Regent road, Salford, Lancashire, Eng- land. Came to America with the rest of the family, and landed at Walnut street wharf, Philadelphia, Pa., on Mon- day, August 30, 1852. About 1854, in his sixteenth year, he shipped aboard the "Vanguard," bound for Liverpool. Upon landing at Liverpool, he went direct to Manchester, in Lancashire, where he resided, for awhile, with his aunt Rachel and Dr. John G. Butcher, at No. 12 Hanover street, Shudehill. While in England, he also visited his grandparents John and Elizabeth Hartley, at No. 5 (?) Seddon street, Salford, Lancashire; also his granduncle Benjamin Hartley, at Oldham, Lan- cashire; also his aunt Elizabeth Pickup, at No. — Sed- don street, Salford, Lancashire ; also his aunt Sarah Cauley, at Hulme, Lancashire : also his uncle Edmond Hartley, at Camdentown, London ; and also his uncle James Hartley, at Radcliife, or Bury. Lancashire. He was in England about a year, when his father sent for him to come back to America ; returning to Philadelphia, in his seventeenth year. He was twenty-three years old when the war broke out between the North and South in the United States; and enlisting at once, was mustered into service, as a private, on Wednesday, May 29. 1861, in 4th Pennsylvania Reserves (33rd Pennsylvania Regiment of the line), U. S. Vols., Com- pany G, Captain Thomas F. B. Tapper; the enlistment be- ing for three years; wounded (shot in the right leg) on Wednesday, September 17, 1862. at the battle of Antietam, in Maryland ; and discharged from service, on Friday, Janu- ary 30, 1863, upon a surgeon's certificate. After the battle «2 of Antietam, he lay two or three days in a trench before he was discovered ; and did not get into a hospital until over two weeks afterwards. He was taken, first to a private house at Boomsboro, Md. ; then to Hagerstown, also in Maryland ; then to Harrisburg, in Pennsylvania ; and finally to the Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia. He also enlisted in another regiment, the 2nd Coal (organized for emer- gency), Penna. Vols.; the enlistment being for only ninety days ; but this body participated in no engagement. Also enlisted in the 34th New Jersey corps. Company I, Captain William Otis Blood, U. S. Vols. ; enlisted as a 2nd sergeant, but acted as an orderly sergeant, while with this regiment. While with the 4th Pennsylvania Reserves, in Virginia, he was captured during a scouting expedition, and thrown into Libby prison, at Richmond, Va., where he was confined for probably four to six weeks, when he was finally exchanged. His first engagement was in the battle of Drainsville, Vir- ginia. After he partially recovered from his wound — afflict- ed at Antietam — he enlisted in the navy. He was probably about two years in the army and about two years in the navy during the Rebellion. Upon going into the navy, he went on the receiving ship Princeton, at Philadelphia ; from the Princeton he was transferred to the New Hampshire, at Port Royal, South Carolina : attached to the South Atlan- tic Blockade Squadron ; from the New Hampshire to the Memphis, also at Port Royal : attached, at first, to the South Atlantic Blockade Squadron ; afterwards to the West Gulf Squadron ; from the Memphis to the Grand Gulf : attached to the West Gulf Squadron ; and from the Grand Gulf to the sloop-of-war called the Portsmouth, at Galveston, Texas; also attached to the West Gulf Squadron. While on the Portsmouth he was rated as, and aboard the Memphis and the Grand Gulf he was, master-at-arms. He enlisted in the navy for a year; but went about seven months over his enlistment. It was while upon the Portsmouth, that he came into the Brooklyn navy yard at the close of the war. While with the 4th Pennsylvania Reserves, he fought in at least the following engagements and battles: Fair Oaks, Chickahominy, Gaines Mills, Malvern Hill, Bull Run (2nd), Fredericksburg, Bristow Station and Hatcher's Run — all in Virginia ; and South Mountain. Antietam, Poplar Springs and Monocacy — all in Maryland. In the 34th New Jersey, he fought in at least one battle : that of Paducah, Kentucky. .Aboard the Memphis, he participated in at least the follow- ing naval battles : Mobile Bay, .A-labama ; Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Ironfounder. Married (ist) Saturday, Septem- ber I, 1866, Sarah Elizabeth Pilgrim [b. at Philadelphia, Friday, 93 April 2, 1852; d. Monday, September 25, 1882, same place; (see note)] daughter and eldest child of William Godfrey Pil- grim and Alary Jane Moore, at No. 1236 North Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. (residence of Aquila Haines), by Aquila Haines, Alderman for the city and county of Philadelphia; (2nd) Friday, March 28, 1884, Amanda Naylor Mumbauer, b. at Philadelphia, Saturday, September i, 1838), daughter and eldest child of Joseph Naylor and Mary Holbert, and widow of Edward Mumbauer, at No. 511 Brown street, Phil- adelphia, Pa., parsonage, by Rev. James F. Powers, rector of Protestant Episcopal Church of the Advent, Philadel- phia. Had issue by Sarah Elizabeth Pilgrim: (i) Mary Jane and (2) Newton Powers; [stepdaughter, Laura Mum- bauer, only child of Edward Mumbauer and Amanda Nay- lor, who married Edward Bullock; and has two children: Emma and Elsie Bullock. J Address: 448 Olive street, Philadelphia, Pa. (1) MARY JANE TOMKINSON, b. Thursday, October 31, 1867, at No. 2019 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa.; d. Wednesday, July 25, 1883, at No. 815 Norris street, same place. Buried in North Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford avenue, corner Dark Run lane, Frankford, Philadelphia, in lot No. 591, sec. T, belonging to Mrs. Mary Jane Pilgrim. (2) NEWTON POWERS TO.MKINSON, b. Tuesday, Decem- ber 22, 1874, at No. 1429 North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. He enjoys the uncommon distinction of having been held, when a baby, in the arms of Sitting Bull, the famous warrior and Indian chief (of the Dacotas). The occasion arose in this way : During the Centennial Exposition in Phil- adelphia, in 1876, he, in the care of his father, William Tomkinson, happened to be near a carriage containing Sitting Bull and other Indians (who were visiting the exhibition in Philadelphia, on their way to the West, after a visit to the "Great White Father" in Washington), when that distin- guished warrior profifered to, and actually did, take the sub- ject of this sketch in his arms — but without a murmur. Educated in the public schools of Philadelphia, which he left Wednesday, April 25, 1888. Attended The Temple Col- lege of Philadelphia, Evening Department, Professional Course, Spring Term, 1891. Privately tutored in English, summer of 1891. Attended Prickett College of Commerce, Philadelphia, Monday, October 17, 1892 to Tuesday, Janu- ary 10, 1893. Entered the law office of Hood Gilpin, Es- quire, No. 615 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Monday, No- vember 25, 1889; and conceived the idea of studying law in the spring of 189 1. Took preliminary examinations for reg- istration as a student at law Saturday, December 14, 1895, 94 12-6 P. M. Registered as a student at law in the office of Hood Gilpin, Esquire, Monday, December 30, 1895 ; and filed papers in the Courts of Common Pleas and the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County. Took final examinations for admission to the Bar, October 24, 25 and 26, 1899. Admitted to practice in the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County, Saturday. November 25, iSgt) (just ten years after entering the law office of Hood CKipin, Esquire); in the Courts of Com- mon Pleas of Philadelphia County, Monday, November 27, 1899; in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Monday, April 14,1902; in all courts, on motion of Hood Gilpin, Esquire. Married Friday, August 8, 1902, between 6 and 6.30 P. M., Carrie Etta Avers (b. Thursday, February 20, 1873, at Walden, Orange county. New York), eighth and youngest daughter and eighth child of William Sans Ayers and Julia Weller, at No. 21 13 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. Charles II. Thomas, of Fiftieth Baptist Church, Seventh street and Susquehanna avenue, Philadelphia. Law- yer. Tutor in law. Address : 2624 North Bancroft street, Philadelphia. Has issue : BEATRICE ADELE TOMKINSON, b. Friday, September 30, 1904, at No. 2624 North Bancroft street, Philadelphia, Pa. (7) SARAH ANN TOMKINSON. b. Monday, November 2, 1840, at Pendleton. Lancashire, England. She remembers that, when a little ciiild, she saw Queen Victoria, who, at the time, was visiting Manchester. This was soon after Queen \'ictoria's accession to the throne. Married Isaac Landis (b. Friday, September 6, 1839, at Philadelphia), son and eldest child of Abraham Landis and Catharine Dennis, at No. 1409 Hanover street, Philadelphia, parsonage, by Rev. John G. Wilson (Presbyterian Church), Address: Has issue : THOMAS ISAAC LANDIS, b. Saturday, May 2, 1874, at No. Girard avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Thursday, April 18, 1895, Martha May Tees (b. Saturday, May 26, 1877, at Philadelphia), daughter and eldest child of Philip Brockway Tees and Jane Bevans, at No. 2304 East York street, Phila- delphia, parsonage, by Rev. Franklin P. Bender, rector of St. Michael's German Lutheran Church (General Council), Philadelphia, .\ddress : . Had issue : Thomas, Sarah Ann and Philip Tees. Note. — Sarah Elizabeth Pilgrim was a niece of James Pilgrim, the celebrated actor and playwright, about whom it is said, in "Brown's American Stage," published in 1870: "James Pilgrim made his first appearance at the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, in 1849, then under the management of the late William E. Burton, in the character of Paddy Miles, in his own farce of the "Limerick Boy," and established himself in public 95 favor. Since that period he has appeared with success in most of the large cities in the States, and his prohfic pen has furnished our stage with a number of highly successful pieces, which Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, Miss Maggie Mitchell, Miss Mary Devlin (afterwards Mrs. Edwin Booth), Mr. F. S. Chanfrau, the Flor- ences, and other eminent stars and artists have made specialties of, and which pieces still retain their position on the stage. In writing the successful comedy of "Irish Assurance and Yankee Modesty," he first introduced the features of the Irish boy and the Yankee girl to the American public. He is at present at the Front Street Theatre, Baltimore, Md." She was also a grandniece of Hugh Lindsay, the showman, about whom the said author in the same work wrote : "Hugh Lindsay — familiarly known as 'Old Hontz, the Clown' — was born in Philadelphia. April, 1804. First entered the show business, in 1819, with J. H. Myers and Lewis Mestayer, in Phila- delphia. Shortly afterwards entered the circus business. In 1828, he married Lydia Pauley. Died in Berks county, Pa." And a first cousin once removed of "Sam" Sanford, the old minstrel, about whom a daily newspaper had the following article the early part of this year ( 1904) : " 'SAM' SANFORD, OLD MINSTREL, DYING. 'Well-Known Philadelphian Had Reputation of Being Best "End Man on Stage. "Made His Debut Here. "Sam Sanford, the old minstrel, is dying. News comes from Brooklyn that he has suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, and is now lying in a helpless condition in St. Peter's Hospital, in that city. Sanford is in his 84th year. The physicians fear that his old age will count against him, and his complete recovery is despaired of. * * * There are not many in the younger set of Philadelphians living to-day who can recall Sanford and his glorious days of minstrelsy. To the present generation Sanford is perhaps totally unknown. He has been retired from the stage for many years, and has only appeared in recent years at benefit performances, where his aged figure added a touch of sentiment to the show, and brought back to the old timers the prosperous days of the burnt-cork artist and the circus clown. Though a native New Yorker, Sanford has always been identi- fied with the Philadelphia stage, and it is perhaps in this city that he is best known. He has played a prominent part in local stage history, and half a century ago his figure was a prominent one on Chestnut street. 96 San ford was born in New York, January i, 1821. * * * In his childhood he showed cleverness and ability as an entertainer, and a strong fondness for the footlights. After appearing vyith much success in New York at private theatricals he came to Phila- delphia and made his professional debut as a singer at Dan New- man's ball-room, as some playhouses were known in those days. He met with a flattering reception, and a short time later joined hands with his uncle, Hugh Lindsay, who was playing at Allentown and Reading. With his uncle, Sanford appeared as a comic singer. But in 1840, at the age of 19, Sanford adopted the profession in which he afterwards became so famous. He became a minstrel and for five years toured the East, winning laurels and dollars wherever he went. In 1845 Sanford went to England, being one of the first American entertainers to invade Europe, and there he repeated the success he scored in this country. On his return from England San- ford settled in Philadelphia, and on August i, 1853, opened the hall at Twelfth and Chestnut streets, which was known as Kor- ponay's ball-room. He remained here for some time, and at the end of another successful tour covering a period of three years he came back to Philadelphia and inaugurated the most memorable and successful run of minstrelsy ever given in this city. In 1857 San- ford gathered about him a company of tlie best minstrels to be found in the country and arranged to open at the 'Old Drury,' then under the management of 'Old Joe' Foster. A hitch occurred, and Sanford found himself without a playhouse. The old City Hall at Eighth and Chestnut streets had about that time been opened and Sanford succeeded in leasing the building for three weeks. He opened to an audience that literally packed the hall, and during the three weeks did a phenomenal business. In the later sixties he became affiliated with a circus, and for one season played the part of a clown. Minstrelsy, however, was his particular forte, and in 1870 he returned to the grand circle. Sam Sanford to-day holds the reputation of having been the best end man minstrelsy has ever produced. He remained on the stage up to his 70th year. * * * On his retirement he settled down to a quiet family life. * * * " Note. — Sam Sanford was the son of Richard Sanford and Mary Lindsay (sister of Jane Lindsay, the maternal grandmother of Sarah Elizabeth Pilgrim). .After Richard Sanford's . death, Marv Sanford married Thomas Coates, son of "Squire" Coates, for whom Coates street (now Fairmount avenue), Philadelphia, was named, and died four or five years ago at the age of 103 or 104 years. I have been informed that Sam Sanford was the first actor to impersonate the character of "Uncle Tom" in Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." N. P. T. 97 (i) THOMAS LANDIS, b. Thursday, April 29, 1897, at No. 2927 Rorer street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; d. Wednesday, July 7, 1897, same place. Buried in Belvue Cemetery, East Tioga street, corner of H, in sec. B, opposite lot No. 329. (2) SARAH ANN LANDIS, b. Monday, January 22, 1900, same place. (3) PHILIP TEES LANDIS, b. Monday, January 26, 1903, at No. 3130 Trenton avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. (2) MARY ANN TOMKINSON, b. (after May, 1802, the probable date of the death of Elizabeth Shakeshaft. Joseph Tomkinson's first wife), at , England; d. , at . Sister of the half- blood of Thomas Tomkinson (b. August 15, 1801). Married (i) David Swindles; (2) Richard Jepson. Lived in Mac- clesfield, Cheshire, England, circa 1846. It was at her home, here, that Joseph Tomkinson died about this time. After- wards lived in Patricroft, Lancashire. Had issue: Mary Ann (eldest), Sarah, Martha and Elizabeth (youngest). These children were all single when Thomas Tomkinson and his family emigrated to America in 1852. Descendants in Australia. (2) JANE TOMKINSON l' at ; d. , at Is thought to have been a sister of Joseph Tomkinson, who married Elizabeth Shakeshaft. She may have been a sister of Elizabeth Shakeshaft, since it is only known that she was an aunt of Thomas Tomkinson, and she may have been an aunt on either the paternal or maternal side. Married John Roberts. Descendants in Baltimore, Maryland. Had issue: Matthew, John, William and Jennie. HARTLEY PEDIGREE. JOHN HARTLEY was born July 6, 1779. at England ; d. Tuesday, June 18, 1844, at No. 5 ( ?) Seddon street, Salford, Lancashire, England. His death is well remembered by his granddaughter, Sarah Landis (nee Tomkinson), who was at the time almost four years old. and his grandson, William Tom- kinson, who was then just past his sixth year. At one time in the latter part of the eighteenth, or in the beginning of the nine- teenth, century, he kept a toll-gate at Regent Road Bridge that crosses the old river Irwell, Salford, Lancashire. The first "ha- penny" (half-penny) collected there was paid to him, and was after- wards exhibited in a museum in London. At different times he had the following toll-gates: Blackfriars, Cross Lane and Regent Road Bridge. Toll-gates were in those days bid for. He was born in the third year following that during which the first United States flag was used by Washington at Cambridge ; two years after the adoption of the national colors of United States of America by 08 Congress; four years after the battle of Bunker Hill and Lexing- ton : eight years after the birth of Sir Walter Scott ; ten years after the beginning of ]\Iadam du Barry's power in France; twenty-seven years after the new style of year had been introduced in England. He was just past two years old when Lord Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown ; four when the first balloon ascended from Lyons, France; ten at the beginning of the French Revolu- tion; fourteen at the time of the Reign of Terror, the power of Robespierre, the beheading of Louis XVL, and the execution of Marie Antoinette. Married Elizabeth ("Betty") Crossley (b. June ID, 1781). He had at least one brother, Benjamin Hartley, who owned silk and hosiery mills, and was at one time a local preacher, at Oldham, Lancashire, and who left issue. Had the following issue: Ann, Benjamin, Elizabeth, John. James, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Alice, Edmond and Rachel. Buried probably at Rochdale, Lancashire, England. Elizabeth Crossley is buried, probably at Rochdale. (.1) ANN HARTLEY, b. Thursday, October 6, 1803, at Salford, Lancashire, England; d. (of typhoid fever) Tuesday, Decem- ber II, 1866, at 9.53 P. M.. at No. 2148 (now 2152) North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Thomas Tomkin- son (b. August 15, 1801). Buried in Mount Peace Cemetery, 31st and Lehigh avenue, Philadelphia, in lot No. 346, sec. F, belonging to her third son and fifth child, Joseph Tom- kinson. Had issue: Elizabeth Shakeshaft, Elizabeth, John, Thomas, Joseph, William and Sarah Ann. (2) BENJAMIN HARTLEY, b. Thursday, February 7, 1805, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England. Police officer. Married. Had at least the following issue: Elizabeth, who died young, and Sarah. (3) ELIZABETH HARTLEY, b. Monday, March 2, 1807, prob- ably at Salford, Lancashire, England ; d. , probably same place. (4) JOHN HARTLEY, b. Tuesday, March 15, 1808, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England; d. circa 181 1 — run over by a horse and cart driven by an Irishman and killed while play- ing near the edge of the "flags" (pavement) in Salford, when but three years old. (5) JAMES HARTLEY, b. Friday, March 9, 1810, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England. Last heard of at Radcliffe, or Burv, Lancashire. (6) ELIZABETH FIARTLEY, b. Saturday, February 27, 1813, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England. Married Pickup, who was a pensioner of the British government, having served in the army. Last heard of at No. Sed- don street, Salford, Lancashire. Had at least a son, John Pickup, who enlisted in the British army, and went to Australia. 99 (7) MARY HARTLEY, b. Sunday, April 2, 1815, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England; d. (of consumption) Friday, August 30, 1833, at the home of her eldest sister, Ann (Mrs. Thomas Tomkinson), Manchester, Lancashire, having caught a cold while riding on the top of a stagecoach during a journey. (8) SARAH HARTLEY, b. Saturday, February i, 1817, proba- bly at Salford, Lancashire, England. Alarried George Cauley. Last heard of at Hulme, or Manchester, Lancashire- Had at least three children. (9) ALICE HARTLEY, b. Monday, June 28, 1819, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England. Married William Elkington. Joiner. Cabinet Maker. Last heard of at Hulme, Lan- cashire. Had issue. (10) EDMOND HARTLEY, b. Monday, April 30, 1821, proba- bly at Salford, Lancashire, England. At one time a super- intendent of The London & North Western Railroad, Eng- land. Last heard of at Camdentown, London. Married. Had at least the following children : John, Joseph and Au- gusta. John, the first child, married and had at least two children. (11) RACHEL HARTLEY, b. Thursday, May 29, 1823, probably at Salford, Lancashire, England. Married John G. Butcher, Physician. Last heard of, in 1853, at No. 12 Hanover street, Shudehill, Manchester, England. She had about eight or nine children, of whom Emily was the eldest. STATISTICS AND COINCIDENCES. [Calculated to September i, 1904 and based upon known rec- ords only.] Joseph Tomkinson i Known descendants of Joseph Tomkinson 99 Jane Tomkinson (Roberts) . i Known descendants of Jane Tomkinson (Roberts) 4 Known descendants of the parents of the above brother and sister 105 Males 56 Females 49 105 Known descendants of Joseph Tomkinson. Descendants in 2nd gen. (children) " " 3rd gen. (grandchildren) " " 4lh gen. (great-grandchildren) " " 5th gen. (great-great-grandchildren) " " 6th gen. (great-great-great-grantlchildren) 99, of whom 66 are living Living Males 35 Femalei 31 -^ 66 The above figures have since been changed by the birth of Beatrice Adele Tomkinson. daughter of Newton Powers Tomkin- 2, of whom oare iving II, *' " 3 " *' 33." 20 " " 51." 42 •• 2, ** " I IS Note. — The children of Mary Ann Tomkinson (Swindles: Jepson) and their descendants (being unknown) are not considered in estimating the number of living descendants of Joseph Tomkin- son. L.ofC. lOO son, on Friday, September 30, 1904. The number of known de- scendants of Joseph Tomkinson is now 100, of whom 56 are or were males and 50 are or were females ; or 106 known descendants of the parents of Joseph and Jane Tomkinson. There are now 67 living descendants of Joseph Tomkinson, of whom 35 are males and 32 females. Longest life: Thomas Tomkinson (b. August 15, 1801 ; d. Au- gust 20, 1880), 2nd gen., 79 years, 5 days. Shortest lives: Richard Longbottom (b. August 29, 1861), 4th gen.; Elizabeth Taylor (b. June 4, 1884), 5th gen.; each of whom is said to have died the day of birth. THIRD GENERATION. Longest life: Elizabeth Tomkinson (Longbottom), [b. March 16, 1827; d. December 28, 1902], 75 years, 9 months, 12 days. Shortest life: Elizabeth Shakeshaft Tomkinson (b. September 17, 1825; d. June 5, 1828), 2 years, 8 months, 19 days. Oldest living: Joseph Tomkinson (b. February 10, 1836), 68 years, 6 months 23 days. Youngest living: Sarah Ann Tomkinson (Landis), b. Nov. 2, 1840, 63 years, 10 months. Marriages : 6. First marriage : John Tomkinson, circa 1853. Last marriage: Sarah Ann Tomkinson, , William Tom- kinson, March 28, 1884. [But not for the first time.] Largest families: Elizabeth Tomkinson (Longbottom), 10 children, of whom 5 are living. [Said to have had twins on two other occasions, which would make 14 children in all.] Joseph Tomkinson, 10 children, of whom 8 are living. Smallest family: Sarah Ann Tomkinson (Landis), i child, who is living. First death : Elizabeth Shakeshaft Tomkinson, June 5, 1828. Last death: Elizabeth Tomkinson (Longbottom), December 28, 1902. United ages : 359 years and upwards. FOURTH GENERATION. Longest life: Thomas Longbottom (b. November 23, 1853), 50 years, 9 months, 9 days. Shortest life: Richard Longbottom (b. August 29, 1861), said to have died the day of birth. Oldest living: Thomas Longbottom (b. November 23, 1853). Youngest living: Samuel Tomkinson (b. February 12, 1882), 22 years, 6 months, 20 days. Marriages : 19. [This does not include a plurality of marriage by any person.] First marriage: Thomas Longbottom, March 31, 1875. lOI Last marriage: Spencer William Tomkinson, September 25, 1902, Mary Helen Tomkinson (Gamble), June 25, 1903. [But not for the first time.] Oldest person married : Thomas Longbottom, b. November 23, 1853- Youngest person married : Edwin Rowsell Tomkinson, b. No- vember 3, 1878. [m. June 6, 1900.] Largest families : Thomas Longbottom, 6 children, all of whom are living; Samuel Longbottom, 6 children, all of whom are living; Frank Armstrong Tomkinson, 6 children, all of whom are living. Smallest families: George Longbottom, i child, who is living; Charles Harry Tomkinson, i child, who is living; Susanna Tomkin- son (Hersperger), i child, who is dead. Childless : Julia Ann Tomkinson (Stuckey), Edwin Rowsell Tomkinson, Newton Powers Tomkinson.* *This fact should be omitted, since a child (Beatrice Adele Tomkinson) was born Friday. September 30, 1904. First death : Clara Tomkinson, circa 1855. Last death: Olive Florence Tomkinson (Morrell). July 20, 1902. [Only children of John Tomkinson, b. March 24, 1830.] United ages: 780 years and upwards. FIFTH GENERATION. Longest life: Lewis Longbottom (b. April 15, 1876), 28 years, 4 months, 17 days. Shortest life : Elizabeth Taylor (b. June 4, 1884) , said to have died the day of birth. Oldest living: Lewis Longbottom (b. April 15, 1876). Youngest living: Julia Adelaide Tomkinson (b. June i, 1904).* *She is not the youngest at the time these records go to print, as Beatrice Adele Tomkinson was bom September 30, 1904. Marriages: 4. First Marriage: Mar>' Helen Peirce (Roberts), April i, 1896. Last marriage: Florence Knowles Cook (Norris), October 21, 1903- Oldest person married : Richard Longbottom, b. January 5, 1879. [m. June 13, 1900.] Youngest person married: Elizabeth Longbottom (Elliott), b. April 7, 1885. [m. July 16, 1901.] Families: Mary Helen Peirce (Roberts), i child, who is dead; Elizabeth Longbottom (Elliott), i child, who is living. Childless: Richard Longbottom, Florence Knowles Cook (Norris). First death : Howard Spencer Peirce, December 9, 1877. Last death: Howard Spencer Tomkinson, November 30, 1903. United ages : 459 years and upwards. I02 SIXTH GENERATION. Harry Roberts, b. October 2.-J, 1897; d. May I, 1898. Wilhel- tnina May Elliott, b. December 24, 1903, who is living. United ages : i year, 4 months, and upwards. SUMMARY. Thomas Tomkinson, 2nd generation, Combined life in 3rd generation, " " " 4th generation, " " 5th generation, " " 6th generation, Total, 1678 Years. 79 and upwards 359 " « 780 " « 459 " « I " « Note. — The children of Mary Ann Tomkinson (Swindles; Jepson) and their descendants (being unknown) are not considered in estimating combined life. Not considering Mary Ann Tomkin- son (Swindles: Jepson) and her descendants and Clara Tomkin- son, whose records are unknown, the remaining ninety-four (94) descendants of Joseph Tomkinson were born, married, and died during the different months of the year and on the different days of the week as follows : January, February, March, April, May, *June, July. ♦August, September, October, November, December, . 94 32 25 Births : More occurred in .August than in any other month — about one-seventh. Marriages : More occurred in June than in any other month — about one-fifth. Deaths: More occurred in August than in any other month — about one-fifth. Note. — About one-seventh of these events happened during August. No. of Births. Marriages. Deaths. Events. 9 9 6 4 I II 8 3 II 7 2 1 10 7 2 3 12 7 *6 3 16 I 2 4 7 *I4 3 *5 *22 8 3 3 14 7 3 I II 12 2 14 8 4 2 14 Monday, 12 Tuesday, 9 ♦Wednesday, 14 Thursday, 13 Friday, IS * Saturday, *i6 * Sunday, IS 103 No. of Births. Marriages. Deaths. Events. I 2 IS 3 12 *I2 4 *30 7 7 27 3 2 20 2 I 19 4 *9 28 94 32 25 Births : More occurred on Saturday than on any other day of the week — about one-sixth. Marriages: More occurred on Wednesday than on any other day of the week — about one-third. Deaths: More occurred on Sunday than on any other day of the week — about one-third. Note. — One-fifth of these events happened on Wednesday. [Pkirality of marriage by any person inchided in the above tables ; but there are other marriages and deaths, which are not considered for want of necessary information.] The necessary changes in the above figures, caused by the birth of Beatrice Adele Tomkinson on Friday, Sept. 30, 1904, have since been made. Thomas Longbottom, born on Wednesday, married on Wednesday. Elizabeth Longbottom (Elliott), born on Tuesday, married on Tuesday. Olive Florence Tomkinson (Morrell), married on Sunday (ist time), died on Sunday. Thomas Tomkinson (3d gen.), married on Thursday, died on Thursday. Mary Helen Tomkinson* (Gamble), born on Wednesday, mar- ried on Wednesday (ist time). Thomas Hartley Tomkinson.f born on Sunday, married on Sunday (3d time). Ruth Elma Tomkinson (Hollingsworth), born on Wednesday, mar- ried on Wednesday. Susanna Tomkinson (Hersperger), born on Tuesday, married on Tuesday (3d time). Joseph Tomkinson (3d gen.),^ born on Wednesday, first child born on Wednesday. Newton Powers Tomkinson,] | married on Friday, first child bom on Friday. Frank Armstrong Tomkinson, born on Friday, married on Friday, first child born on Friday. Thomas Landis, married on Thursday, first child born on Thursday *Husband (2d) born on Wednesday. fTwo children bom on Sunday, t One other child born on Wednesday. 1 1 Noted since September i, 1904. io4i William Tomkinson, b. March 28, 1838; m. (2nd time) March 28, 1884. Thomas Tomkinson (3rd gen.), b. September 17, 1833; m. September 11, 1856. George Longbottom, b. June 29, 1864; m. June 5, 1888. Henry Tripple Tomkinson, b. December 5, 1870; m. December 10, 1891. Eliza Howell Berry Tomkinson (Lawrence), b. August 10, 1872; m. August I, 1900. Marv Helen Peirce (Roberts), b. November i, 1878; m. April I, 1896. ' Thomas Hartley Tomkinson, b. March 29, 1863; m. (3rd time). May 29, 1898. Susanna Tomkinson (Hersperger), b. March 27, 1866; m. (3rd time), August 27, 1901. Thomas Tomkinson (2nd gen.), b. August 15, 1801 ; d. August 20, 1880. Sarah Jane Tomkinson, b. August 17, 1864; d. August 3, 1865. Samuel Tomkinson, b. August 2, 1869 ; d. August 5, 1869. Howard Spencer Tomkinson, b. August 30, 1903; d. Novem- ber 30, 1903. Married by same minister : — Henry Tripple Tomkinson, Frank Armstrong Tomkinson, Samuel Longbottom, by Rev. William H. Burrell. Eliza Howell Berry Tomkinson, Edwin Rowsell Tomkinson, by Rev. Charles H. Rorer. Susanna Tomkinson (3rd time), Newton Powers Tomkinson, Spencer William Tomkinson. by Rev. Charles H. Thomas. The persons representing the first and last deaths in the 3rd generation were the eldest and second children of Thomas Tom- kinson of the 2nd generation, both named Elizabeth. The first and last deaths in the 4th generation were the only children of John Tomkinson, third child of Thomas Tomkinson of the 2nd generation. The persons representing the first and last deaths in the 5th generation were the eldest children of Mary Helen Tomkinson (the eldest) and Spencer William Tomkinson (the youngest), children of Thomas Tomkinson, fourth child of Thomas Tomkinson of the 2nd generation, both named Howard Spencer. Note. — Newton Powers Tomkinson entered the law offices of Hood Gilpin, Esq., on November 25. 1889, and was admitted to the Bar on November 25, 1899. The first case he had was against a man whose surname was Newton; the second against another wnose surname was Powers; both hearings before a magis- trate. Although he has since represented a Tomkinson (who, however, was not the third client), the coincidence is not complete. los BIRTHS. MARRIAGES. i DEATHS. GENEALOGY -OF THE- FAMILY OF JOSEPH TOMKINSON, BORN PREVIOUS TO 1798, IN STAFFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND. JOSEPH TOMKINSON, of Staffordshire, England, was born at ; d. circa 1845 (when his fourth son, Andrew Stevenson Tomkinson, was sixteen years old), at Hanley, near Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. Married Elizabeth Steven- son (b. , at ; d. , 1861, at Stoke-on-Trent), of Staffordshire. These Tomkinson and Stevenson families were pottery manufacturers; the Stevenson family being among the early potters of Staffordshire. Judging from her appearance in two daguerreotypes Elizabeth Stevenson Tomkinson must have been over eighty years old at the time of her death. Had issue : Henry, Joseph, James and Andrew Steven- son. (i) HENRY T0MK1N50N, b. Wednesday, April 28, 1819, at Stokes-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England ; d. , same place. Married Martha , (b. Thursday, November 12, 181 2, at ; d. , at ). He was a potter of large exper- ience. Was often sent by prominent manufacturers to foreigh countries to develop and manage new potteries; to Rome, to Greece (Athens), to Ireland, and to Bogota, Colombia, South America. He was manager of Tomkin- son & Co.'s pottery [in which his brother, Andrew Steven- son Tomkinson, Joseph Phillips and he were jointly inter- ested (the first being the principal owner)] at Stoke-on- Trent, Staffordshire, for five or more years. Had issue: Anne and Elizabeth. (1) ANNE TOMKINSON, b. , at (2) ELIZABETH TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, September 20, 1842. at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Married , William Edward Pollard (b. , at : d. Tuesday, September 21, 1875, at ; who was probablv of Cornish extraction, since "By Tre,'Pol and Pen Ye may know the Cornish men.") at Address : Blackpool, Lancashire, Eng- land. Has issue : Margaret Tomkinson and Florence Eliza- beth. (i) MARGARET TOMKINSON POLLARD, b. Wednesday. February 19, 1873, ^^ Burslem, Staffordshire, England. Came to America when six years old, and was adopted by her uncle, Andrew Stevenson Tomkinson. Married Wed- nesday, November 8, 1893, William Tyndale* (b. Sunday, August 28, 1859, at Manheim, Lancaster county. Pa. ; with firm of A. H. Wirz & Co., Manufacturers of Metal Goods, 917 Cherry street, Philadelphia), third son of Harold Tyn- dale and Annie Cartlidge, at No. 4718 Chester avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. (the home of Andrew Stevenson Tom- kinson), by Rev. James Stuart Dickson, pastor of Woodland no Presbyterian Church, Forty-second and Pine streets, Phila- delphia. Address : Cynwyd, Montgomery county, Pa. Has issue : (1) WILLIAM HAROLD TYXDALE, b. Thursday, September 6, 1894, at Media, Delaware countv. Pa. (2) MARGARET HILL TYxXDALE, b. Monday, November 16. 1896, at Philadelphia, Pa. (2) FLORENCE ELIZABETH POLLARD, b. Saturday, May 9, 1874. at Burslem. Staffordshire, England. L'nmarried Address : Blackpool, Lancashire, England. (2) JOSEPH TOriKINSON, b. Sunday, May 25, 1823, at Stoke on-Trent, Staffordshire, England ; d. Monday, January 23 1893, same place. Married Eliza Bennet ( b. Sunday April 18, 1824, at Stoke-on-Trent), at . Potter Had issue: Mary, Elizabeth, Andrew, Martha and Joseph (1) MARY TOMKINSON. b. Thursday, March 13, 1851, at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Married Charles Deakin (b. , at ), at . Address: Tunstall, Staffordshire, England Has issue : (i) ANDREW TOMKINSON DEAKIN, b. , at (2) MARTHA DE.\KIN. b. , at (3) JOSEPH DEAKIN. b. , at (4) HAROLD DEAKIN, b. , at (2) ELIZABETH TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, May 31, 1853, at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Unmarried. Ad- dress: Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. (3) ANDREW TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, February 11, 1855, at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Engiand ; d. Friday, May 23, 1902, at Birmingham, England. Married , 1878, Fanny Hope Newbold (b. , at ; d. May , 1902. at ), of Longton, Stafford- shire. Lived in Philadelphia for a short when he was employed by his uncle, Tomkinson. Lived at Birmingham, E Salesman (for groceries). Had issue: (i) MARGARET FANNY TOMKINSON, (2) ELLA ANNIE TOMKINSON, (3) LILLIAN HOPE TOMKINSON, (4) GEORGE COOPER TOMKINSON, (5) PATTIE TOMKINSON, t time in his youth, Andrew Stevenson ngland. Travelling b. , at b. , at b. , at b. , at b. , at *NoTE. — William Tyndale is a collateral descendant of William Tyndale, the early translator aiKi printer of the Bible. He is also a nephew of General Hector Tyndale. His maternal grandfather was Charles Cartlidge, of Sneyd Green, Burslem, Staffordshire, England, a practical potter and manufacturer, and founder of the Green Point (Long Island), New York, Porcelain Works in 1848. Ill (4) MARTHA TOMKINSON, b. Saturday, March 24, i860, at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Married Tuesday, March 13, 1883, Robert WilHam Reynolds (b. Sunday, March 13, 1859, at London, England; of the firm of Rey- nolds & Co., Music Publishers and Exporters, 13 Berners street, London, England), at Stoke-on-Trent. Xo children. .Address : 63 Parkhurst Road, London, England. (5j JOSEPH TOMKIXSOX, b. Friday, June 29, 1866, at Stoke- on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. L'nmarried. Address: Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. (3) JAMES TOMKINSON, b. , at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England; d. (at the age of 55 years), at Trenton. Xew Jersey. Married , Sarah English (b. .at ), at Potter. Private in the Royal Artillery ; detailed to the first Zulu war ; transferred to the Crimea ; was made a sergeant after the battle of Sebastopol ; lieutenant ist Xew Jersey Cavalry. Xo children. '(4)] ANDREW STEVENSON TOMKINSON, b. Wednesday, September 2, 1829, at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Eng- land. Came to .America in September, 1849, having crossed the Atlantic in the "Sea Queen" from Liverpool, and, after a rough voyage of sixty-three days, landed in Xew York. [Mr. Tomkinson kept a very interesting diary during this passage.] Upon his arrival in Xew York, he visited his maternal uncle, Joseph Stevenson. Xo. 270 Pearl street, with whom he resided for a short time. .Afterwards removed to Philadelphia, where he found employment with Benedict Dorsey & Son, 209 Xorth Third street, and remained with them about three years. Later, was employed by the firm of Tyndale & Mitchell, with whom he was identified for an- other period of three years. Finally, by George Hammers- ley, whom he succeeded in business, representing various pottery manufacturers of his native place and of Trenton, X. J., and Pittsburgh and Wheeling glassmakers. Also proprietor of china stores at 4th and Spruce streets and at 1813 Market street, Philadelphia. At one time interested in a pottery at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, which was managed by his eldest brother, Henry Tomkinson. Retired from business in 1897. Married ( i ) Thursday, February 17' 1853, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick (b. May , 1823, at Lam- bertville, Hunterdon county, Xew Jersey : d. Tuesday, Feb- ruary 24, 1874, at Philadelphia, Pa.), daughter of Andrew Kirkpatrick (son of Alexander Kirkpatrick, of Derry, Ire- land, linen manufacturer, and Margaret X'elson,* who set- *Mrs. Margaret Nelson Kirkpatrick bought a large tract of land at Latn- bertviile, N. J., with the intention of raising flax and making linen, but the ad- venture failed. Many of her family and descendants are buried in the old churchyard of the Lambertville Presbyterian Church. 112 tied at Lambertville, N. J., after her husband's death, having come to America in 1801) and Phillipa Githens (b. at The Meeting of the Waters, Vale of Avoca, daughter of Dean Arthur Githens, of the county of Wexford, Ireland, who had under his jurisdiction the parishes of Wexford, Wicklow, Carlow and Kildare, Ireland, and Elizabeth Sommerville), at First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, corner 7th and Locust streets, by Rev. Albert Barnes; (2) Sunday, November 18, 1866, Annie Kirkpatrick (b. Tuesday, Janu- ary 6, 1835, at Lambertville, Hunterdon county, New Jer- sey), sister of his first wife, at No. 4718 Chester avenue, Philadelphia, by Rev. Herman Duhring. [Andrew Steven- son Tomkinson does not recall any kindred outside of Staf- fordshire. He remembers, however, an uncle Hartley (see Hartley records herein), who was a ringer of chimes at the Hanley Church, Hanley. Staffordshire; his recollection be- ing that of going witli him on many occasions, when a child, to see him ring the chimes.] Has issue: Elizabeth, Mar- garet Skillman and Joseph, (i) ELIZABETH TOMKINSON, b. , 1854, at Phila- delphia, Pa. : d. in infancv, aged about 20 months. (2) MARGARET SKILLM.\N TOMKINSON, b. Monday, April 14, 1856, at Philadelphia, Pa. Married Wednesday, .April 30, 1884, William Haward Hill [b. Saturday, Decem- ber 13, 185 1, at Xorristown, Montgomery county. Pa. (Edi- tor of Morning News, Wilmington, Del.)], son of Henry C. Hill and Sarah Haward, at First Unitarian Church, loth and Locust streets, Philadelphia, by Rev. William H. Fur- ness. No children. Address : 501 West Fifth street, Wil- mington, Delaware. (3) JOSEPH TOMKINSON, b. Tuesday, November 17, 1857. at Philadelphia, Pa. After leaving school, he engaged in the glass business. Manager of National Glass Company, Philadelphia. Married Wednesday, April 20, 1887, Emilie Augusta Surgissonf (b. Sunday, January 17, 1858, at Rock- ville, Chester county. Pa.), third daughter of Dr. James Madison Surgisson and Anne Buchwalter, of Wheeling, West Virginia, at Christ Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Edward A. Foggo, rector. [Mrs. Joseph Tomkinson fMrs. Emilie A. Surgisson Tomkinson is a descendant of Francis Buchwalter, a political and religious refugee, who fled from Germany to this country in 1720. He was the earliest settler upon that tract of land where Phoenixville now stands, having bought 650 acres of land from David Lloyd. She is a great-granddaughter of Ruth Schbnholtz Buchwalter, who was distinguished in local history for bravery during the American Revolution. 113 graduated from The Woman's Medical College of Pennsyl- vania in 1886.] Address: Aldan, Delaware county, Pa. T-Tqc 15SUC * (i) EMILY SYDNEY TOMKINSON, b. Friday, June 22, 1888, at Philadelphia, Pa. (2) FRANCIS BUCHWALTER TOMKINSON. b. Tuesday, February 4, 1890, same place. (3) PHILIP kiRKPATRICK TOMKINSON, b. Saturday, Au- gust 29, 189 1, at Lansdowne, Delaware county, Pa. (4) ANNE ISABEL BUCHWALTER TOMKINSON, b. Satur- day, January 7, 1899. at Upper Darby township, Delaware county. Pa. [While the proof of this work was being corrected, the author received the following additional information regarding Henry and Joseph Tomkinson, sons of Joseph Tomkinson who married Elizabeth Stevenson.] HENRY TOMKINSON, the eldest son, d. Tuesday, October 23, 1683, aged 64 years. He married Martha Dayson, b. Thursday, November 12, 18 12, at Chelton, Staffordshire, England; d. Wednes- day, December 4, 1889, at No. i Mclntyre street, Burslem, Stafford- shire. He had three children: Sarah Ann (not "Anne", as the rec- ords herein indicate), Elizabeth and James Henry. (1) SARAH ANN TOMKINSON, b. Sunday, June 21, 1840, at North wood, Hanley, Staffordshire, England. Married May, 1863, William Valentine Bloor (d. Monday, January i, 1900), at St. Gregory's Church, Longton, Staffordshire. Address: 5 Ludwall road, Normacot, Longton, .Staffordshire, England. Has issue; Henry Tomkinson, Edgar Howe, Elizabeth Alice, Mary and Martha Isabella. (2) HENRY TOMKINSON BLOOR, b. Thursday, .September 21, 1865, at Newtown, Fenton, Staffordshire, England. Married September , 1880, Cissy Wareham at Dresden Church, Longton, Staffordshire. Potters' Printer. Address: 14 Berd- more street, Fenton, Staffordshire, England. (3) EDGAR HOWE BLOOR, b. Wednesday, September 2, 1868, at . Married November , 1893, Florence Huson at Congregational Church, Longton, Staffordshire. Clothing Club Manager. Address: 44 Edith street. West Bromwich, Staf- fordshire, England. Has issue: Florence Milicent and Edgar Wilfred. (1) FLORENCE MILICENT BLOOR, b. , 18^8, at No. Berdmore street, Fenton, Staffordshire, England. (2) EDGAR WILFRED BLOOR, b. ., 1904, at No. 44 Edith street. West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England. (3) ELIZABETH ALICE BLOOR, b. Friday, May 29, 1874, at Heron Cross, Fenton, Staffordshire. Married Sunday, January 114 26, 1902, William Walters (Estate and Commission Agent), widower, at Wesleyan Chapel, Longton, Staffordshire. Ad- dress: 16 Broade street, Fe'nton, Staffordshire, England. (4) MARY BLOOR, b. Tuesday, October 26, 1875, at Heron Cross, Fenton, Staffordshire, England. Married Sunday, May 31, 1903, Harry Smith (Commission Agent), at Wesleyan Chapel, Longton, Staffordshire. Address: iS Broade street, Fenton, .Staffordshire, England. (5) MARTHA ISABELLA BLOOR, b. Thursday, August 9, 1877, at Fenton, Staffordshire, England. Spinster. Pottery Deco- rator. Address: 5 Ludwall road, Normacot, Longton, Staf- fordshire, England. (2) ELIZABETH TOMKINSON, second daughter of Henry Tom- kinson (d. 1883) married William Edmund (not lidward) Pollard (b. Burnley, Lancashire, England) Thursday, May 9, 1872, at Shelton, Staffordshire. Mr. Pollard was a Solicitor's Clerk. He died at the age of 27 years. Her daughter, MARGARET TOMKINSON POLLARD, was born at No. 21 Borner street, Hanley (not Bursleni), Staffordshire. The other daughter, FLORENCE ELIZABETH POLLARD, was born Thursday, May 7 (not May 9), 1874, at Market Place, Burslem, Stafford- shire, England. (3) JAMES HENRY TOMKINSON, .son of Henry Tomkinson (d. 1883), was born Wednesday, .March 24, 1847 ; d. Wednes- day, September 4, 18^0. JOSEPH TOMKINSON, second son of Joseph Tomkinson who married Elizabeth Stevenson, was born in Hope street, Hanley, Staffordshire, England, 1823; d. Saturday, January 21 (not 23), 1893, in Liverpool road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. "5 BIRTHS. , MARRIAGES. DEATHS. "7 NOTES AND CLUES OF OTHER TOMKINSONS. [Preserved for future investigation.] Tomkinson, gentleman, of Harriets Hays, county of Staffordshire, England, married Elizabeth Hill, second daughter of Edward Hill (b. February, 1725), who married Margaret Per- kins, and granddaughter of Anthony Hill, Esq. (b. October 28, 1690), of Pepperhill, England. The records of this Hill family go back to the Hylls who were in Hill-Cromb, 27 Edward I. (1299). [See Hill, of Stallington Hall, in Burke's History of The Commoners.] Tomkinson, who was over 80 years old at the time of his death, had at least the following issue: Samuel, William, Jabez and Mary. Samuel Tomkinson died in .August, 1900, in his 85th year. His people lived in Liverpool and in different parts of Cheshire. In his early business life he was a banker in Liverpool. At one time (circa 1848) managing director of The North and South Wales Bank, Liverpool. Left Liverpool for Australia in 1848 to manage the affairs of The Bank of Australia. Manager of this bank for 30 years ( ?). During the years 1878-98 he was in Parlia- ment the most of the time. Married (i) into the Spool family of Worthington — a daughter of a well-known doctor. There were two daughters of this marriage, both having married army officers. One is still living, at Victoria, B. C. Married (2) Birch, of a well-known family in Cheshire, the head of which is Sir W , a member of the Balfour Ministry-. He had at least nine (9) children, of whom the eldest son is George Arnold Tom- kinson, Esq. (b. October, 1859), Lawyer, whose address is "Rus- settings," Westfield Park, Pinner, England. William Tomkinson, the brother of Samuel Tomkinson, at one time owned a radical paper. Lived at Caernarvon, North Wales. Died circa 1898, having left a large family. Bradford's Manchester Journal for October 9, 1841 records the fact that stone used in the erection of a chapel in Liverpool was from the quarry of Mr. Tomkinson, of Liverpool. There is a book entitled "Sarah Robinson, Agnes Weston, Mrs. Meredith (World's Workers)," by E. M. Tomkinson (Eng- lish). The family of Tomkinson (Thomas Tomkinson, Esq., of Knightley, Staffordshire, b. circa 1620, and his descendants) is ii8 mentioned at length in "Thomas Helsby's Ormerod's Cheshire," \'ol. 3, pp. 241. 244, 348, 349, 351, 357, 480 and 481. [Also refer to the Index.] Also "Ormerod's Cheshire and Lancashire Families." "Lieut. — Col. (brv. Col.) Henry Tomkinson, half pay, late 61 st Foot, 5th Dragoon Guards and ist Dns. (44 Green Street, W.), h. p. '96, Brt.-Col. '95, Lieut.-Col. '91." "Lieut. Edward Launcelot Tomkinson, Royal Navy, Karro- katta (Australia)." "Lieut. Wilfred Tomkinson, Royal Navy, Fame (China)." [The above information is to be found in Whitaker's Naval and Military Directory and Indian Army List for I9(X).] Lieut. H. A. Tomkinson. ist Royal Dragoons. [Query: Is this person Lieut. Col. Henry Tomkinson, referred to in Whitaker's Directory above?] 2nd Lieut. C. W. Tomkinson, Earl of Chester's Imperial Yoemanry. 2nd Lieut. H. Tomkinson, Queen's Own, Worcestershire Hussars. [Query: Are Lieut. H. A. Tomkinson and 2nd Lieut. C. W. Tomkinson the sons of Hon. Lieut.-Col. and Major James Tom- kinson (b. 1840) and grandsons of Lieut.-Col. William Tom- kinson (b. 1790) referred to in the records of Thomas Tomkinson (b. circa 1620), of Knightley, Staffordshire, as Henry Archdale Tomkinson and Charles William Tomkinson?] Mrs. E. Blackerhall Tomkinson, Nantwich. Cheshire, Eng. Mrs. Mary Tomkinson, I Hartington Street, Queen's Park Road. Handbridge, Cheshire, Eng. Mrs. Margaret Tomkinson (Provision Dealer), 38 Dock Street, Ellesmere. Cheshire, Eng. Joseph Tomkinson (Shopkeeper), 31 The Barony, Nantwich, Cheshire, Eng. Ambrose Tomkinson (Farmer), Kermincham, Congleton, Cheshire, Eng. Joseph Tomkinson, Twemlow, Crew. Cheshire, Eng. Edward George Henry Tom- kinson (Estate and Insur- ance Agent), 166 Edleston Road, Crew, Cheshire, Eng. John Tomkinson (Confectioner), 3 Woodchurch Road, West Side Oxton Road, • Oxton, Cheshire, Eng. Horatio Tomkinson, Holmes Chapel, Crew, Cheshire, Eng. 119 Frederick Charles Tomkinson, 53 Lea Road, Egremont, Cumberland, Eng. Miss Tomkinson, 45 Chestnut Grove, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, Eng. Miss Tomkinson, West Ward, Great Meots, Hoylake, S. W., Cheshire, Eng. Edward Tomkinson, 64 Beam Street, Nantwich, Cheshire, Eng. Frank Tomkinson (Horse DTr) Broomhall, Cheshire, Eng. William Tomkinson, Shawcroft Hall, Holmes Chapel, Crew, Cheshire, Eng. Tames Tomkinson, 19 Broad Street, Crewe, Cheshire, Eng. Walter Tomkinson (Shopk'p'r). 382 Station Road, Winsford, R. W. S., Cheshire, Eng. \Mlliam Henr\' Tomkinson (Plumber), 131 Welch Row, Chester, Eng. H. J. Tomkinson (Piano Deal- er and Tuner), 506 King Street, Wilmington, Del. I i INDEX. [Females indexed according to maiden name; marriage name in parenthesis.] A. Beaumont, John, Lord, 39. Bell, Charles Tomkinson, 63. Frederick Planner, 63. Robert Walter, 63. Walter, 63. William Henn,', 63. Bennet, . Eliza (Tomkinson), no. Bennie. Alice Annie. 61. David Gibson, 61. Benton, Mary Isabelle (Tom- kinson), 45. Berry, Sarah (Sandy), 88. Bertie. Montague, Earl of Lind- say, 39. Bevans, Jane (Tees). 94. Birch, ..'.., (Tomkinson), II7- Blackledge. Mary (Norreys), 40. Blair. Austin. Governor of Michigan, 37. Frederick Johnson, 37. Blessing, Johanna (Towne), 38. Booth, Edwin, 95. Margaret (Malkin), 69. Martha, 61. Brace, Arthur Craig, 37- Brocklebank, Betsy (Norris), Abingdon, Lord, 39. Adams, F. T., 70. Aggart, Hannah (Tomkinson), 69. ,69. Aldrich, Sarah (Tomkinson), 47- Obed, 47. Allen, Marilla Church (Tom- kinson), 45. Anderson, Margaret Vennal (Mays), 81. Angsel, Marie (Hugue), 82. Appelbee, Kate (Tomkinson), 70. Thomas, 70. Ashley, Charles, 62. Emma, 62. Eunice, 62. Fanny, 61. John, 61. Mary, 62. Samuel, 62. William, 62. Atkinson, Rev. Canon, 20. Henry Noel, 20. Ayers, Carrie Etta (Tomkin- son), 94. William Sans, 94. B. Bachman, Elizabeth (Gamble). 84. Bailey ( ?) (Tomkin- son), ^^. Bayley, Margaret (Tomkinson), 17- Mary (Tomkinson), 17. M thew, 17. 40. Brooke, Lucile Diana Mauntm (Tomkinson), 21. Sir Richard, 21. Major-Gen. Thomas, 21. Brown, .\rold William, 50. George R., 50. Browning, Mary (Towne), 38. Brjans, Rev. J. L., 21. Buchwalter, Anne (Surgisson), 112. 132 Bullock. Edward, 93. Elsie, 93. Emma, 93. Burk, Sarah (Tierney), 80. Bush, Grace Hunter, 36. Mildred Elizabeth, 36, 53. Samuel Claude, 36. Butcher, Emily, 99. Dr. John G., 91, 99. C. Calcutta, Bishop of, 18. Cartlidge, Annie (Tyndale), 109. Charles, 1 10. Cartwright, Eliza (Tomkinson), 69. Carver. Margaret (LeFevre),86 Cauley, George, 99. Chanfrau, F. S., 95. Chappell, Alzina Huldah (Tom- kinson), 46. Clarke, J. A., 23. Theodore, 41. 41- Cline. Elizabeth (Moore), 85. Coates. Squire, 96. Thomas, 96. Coleridge. Mary Rennell (Cot- ton-Jodrell), 19. William R.. 19. Cook. Florence Knowles (Nor- ris). 83, lOT. Timothy. 83. Cooper. Caroline (Lawrence). 89 T. Fenimore. 89, 90. John Hunter, 41. Robert McSherry, 41. Cotton, Very Rev. George, 17. Bishop George Edward Lynch. 18. Capt. Thomas D'Avenant, 18. Ursula Mary (Atkinson), 16, 20. Cotton-Jodrell, Dorothy Lynch, 19 • Col. Edward Thomas Dave- nant, 16, 19, 24. George Henry Coleridge, 19- Olive Harriet, 19. Coxe, Sarah, 40. Crosslev, Elizabeth (Hartley), 78,' 98. D. Dacre. Lord, 39. Mary (Norreys), 39. Darlington, Anne (Tomkinson), 17- John, 17. Davis. Esther Ann (Tomkin- son). 82. Joseph Kenney, 82. Sarah (Tomkinson). 35. Deakin, Andrew Tomkinson, no. Charles, no. Harold, no. Joseph, no. Martha, no. Dean of Chester, 17. declare, Gilbert, Earl of Clare, 39- Dennis. Catharine (Landis), 94. De Vere. Lady Jane, 39. Devlin, Mary (Booth), 95. Dorman. Dorothy (Towne), .38. Dowland. Samuel, 83. Susanna Featherman (Tom- kinson), 83. E. Earl, Mabel Alice (Tomkinson), 45, Earl of Aldborough, John. 3d, 18. of Berkshire, 39. of Burleigh, 22. 123 Earl of Clare, 39. of Derby, 22. of Dysart, Lyonel, 18. of Haddington, 24. of Lancaster, Henry, 39. of Lindsay, 39. of Oxford, 39. Egerton, Frances (Tarleton), 20. John, 20. Gen. Richard, 21. Eldridge, Sarah Ann (Tomkin- son), 41. William, 41. Elkington, William, 99. Elliott, Alexander, 80. George Alexander, 80. Wilhelmina [Willie] May, 80, 102. English, Sarah (Tomkinson), III. Ereneis, Alice (Norreys), 39. Estey, Isaac, 38. F. Farrington, Dorothy (Norreys), 39- Featherman, Sarah (Dowland), 84. Fenner, John Felix, 87. Maggie Genevieve (Tom- kinson), 87. Ferguson, Harriet Ann (Elli- ott), 80. Ferry, G— D., 18. Florence, , 95. Foster, Joseph, 96. Thomas George, 70. Foulkrod, George. 91. Sadie Keller (Tomkinson), 90. France, Thomas, 23. Gamble, Washington Fish, 84. William Baker, 84. Gilpin, Hood, 93, 94, 104. Githens, Dean Arthur, 112. Phillipa (Kirkpatrick), 112. Gore, Lucy (Tomkinson), 16, 21. Ralph, 21. Grigg, James, 29. Sarah (Tomkinson), 29. H. Hagney, Sarah Ann (Peirce), 84. Halliday, John Delap, 18. Hammersley, George, ill. Hanes, Catherine Sophia (Wal- lace), 85. Harrington, Perceval, 39. Hartley, Alice (Elkington). 98, 99. Ann (Tomkinson), 77, 78, 91. 98. 99- Augusta, 99. Benjamin, 91, 98. Edmond, 91, 98, 99. Elizabeth, 91, 98. James, 91, 98. John. 78, 91, 97, 98, 99. Joseph. 99. Mary, 98, 99. Rachel (Butcher), 91, 98. 99- Sarah (Cauley), 91, 98, 99. Hatton. Sir Christopher, 22. Haward. Sarah (Hill), 112. Hayhurst, Col. Charles-Hoskin- France, 23. Hay man. Laura Elizabeth (Tom- kinson), 42. Hendry, Mary (Tomkinson), 64. Hennessy, Sir John Pope, 20. Hersperger, Adam, 86. Edward Ackly, 86. Hescott, Donald Gray, 49. Rev. Howard John. 49. Heslor, Lovina (Tomkinson), 48. 124 Hill, Anthony, 117. Edward, 117. Elizabeth (Tomkinson), 117. Henry C, 112. William Haward, 112. Hillyard, George Walter, 20. Rev. Walter, 20. , 20. Hitner, Pauline (Wunderlich), 90. Hoare, Richard, 21. Holbert, Mary (Naylor), 93. Holford, Emily (Palmer), 20. George Peter, 20. Hollingsworth, Esther, 87. George Henry, 87. Gertrude Elma, 87. Marguerite, 87. Ruth Irene, 87. Samuel Huston, 87. Horn, Emma May. 37. Home. Catharine (Murphev). 81. Hoyt, Mary Virginia Wisler (Tomkinson), 42. Hugue. George, 82. Marie, 82. Mathias. 82. Richard, 82. Hunter, Catharine Maria, 36, 41. 52. Charles Francis, 36, 38. Grace Sally (James), 36, 52- 53. 55- ' Helen 36, 40. Helen Isabelle, 37. Helen Pauline, 36, 37. Joseph Tomkinson, 36, 38, 40, 52. Julia Beebe (Brace), 36, 37- 55- Martha Jane Scott, 36, 41, 52. Marv Alice (Blair), 36, 37, 53, 55, 56. Hunter, Mary Lushea [or Lus- tria] (Clarke), 36, 41, 52. Mary Margaret, 37. Maud Cornelia, 36, 37. Ralph Perry, 36, 38, 55. Ray Haldane, 37. Sarah Davis (Sweet), 36, 40, 52, 55- Theodore Clarke, 36, 37, 53, 55- Walter H., 36. Walter Sawyer, 36, 37. I. Ireland, Mary Harris (Prickett), 89. J. James, Frederick Harcourt, 36, 53- Grace Maria (Welch), 36, 53- Joseph Frederick, 36. Mary .Alice (Bush), 36, 53, 55- Maud Docia, 36, 37. Robert Pierson, 36, 37. Jaiiderell, William, 19. Jophson, Sir John, 39. Jepson. F.lizabeth, 97. Martha, 97. Mary Ann, 97. Richard, 78, 97. Sarah, 97. K. Kirkpatrick, Alexander, ill. Andrew, iii. Annie (Tomkinson), 112. Elizabeth (Tomkinson), III. L. Landis, Abraham, 94. Isaac, 94. Philip Tees, 94, 97. Sarah Ann, 94, 97. Thomas, 94, 103. Thomas Isaac, 94, 103. 125 Larkin, Agnes-Mary (Tolle- mache), i8. Metcalfe, i8. Lawrence, Edwina May, 90. Fenimore Cooper, 90. John Diller, 90. Martin Luther, 89, 90. Samuel Wetson, 89. Lees, Ralph, 69. Le Fevre, Isaac, 86. Joseph Henry, 86. Leigh, Ada, 64. Oliver, 64. Thomas, 64. Leinaar, Margaret (Wheeler), 47- Lindsay, Hugh, 95, 96. Mary (Coates-Sanford), 96. Llewellyn, Rebecca (Morrell), 85. Longbottom, Abigail, 79, 80. Abigail (Taylor), 79, 80. Agnes, 82. Alice Elizabeth, 81. Ann, 79, 80. Charlotte (Hugue), 79, 82, Edwin, 80. Elizabeth, 82. EHzabeth (Elliott), 80, loi, 103. George, 79, 81, loi, 104. George Washington Mays, 81. Lewis, 79, loi. Mary, 82. Richard, 79, 81, 82, 100, lOI. Samuel, 79, 81, 82, loi, 104. Sarah, 79, 82. Thomas, 79, 80, 100, loi, 103. Wilhelmina [Willie] May, 80. Loomis, Floyd Herbert, 48. James Herbert, 48. Lord Alvanley, 20. of Bostock, Osmerus, 23. Combermere, 17. Lovel, Francis, 39. Lovel, Francis, 39. Frideswide, 39. Low, Catharine (Thackwell), 20. Sir H., 20. Lowrie, Celenia (Tomkinsonj 47. Lyons.Edith Elizabeth (Brown), 50, 53. 56. Edny Elizabeth, 50. Grace Ethel, 50, 52. William, 50. Mc. McGray, Margaret (Morrell), 83. McNaughton, John, 40. M. iMacKeigen, Esther Ann (Davis), 83. Malkin, Sarah Jane (Tomkin- son), 69. William, 69. Mallette, Lewis, 41. Marble, Carrie Elizabeth (Tom- kinson), 49. Marsden, , (Tomkin- son), 17. Martin, Martha (Tomkinson), 61. Mays, Ann Maria (Longbot- tom), 81. Henry, 81. Mestayer, Lewis, 95. Mitchel, Maggie, 95. Mohr, Augustus Henry, 87. Molyneux, Joan, 39. Sir John, 39. Sir Thomas, 39. Moore, Elizabeth Cline (Tom- kinson), 85. Rev. Herbert, 22. John, 85. Mary Jane (Pilgrim), 93. 1*6 Morgan, Frances Ethel (Tom- kinson), 21. Hugh, 21. Morrell, Bernard, 83. George Frederick, 83, 85. George Norman, 83. Jessie Davis, 83. Minnie Louise (Tomkin- son), 85. Mumbauer, Edward, 93. Laura (Bullock), 93. Mumscll, Annie (Tomkinson), 49- Murphey, Mary Cecelia (Long- bottom), 81. Lewis, 81. Mvers, Hannah (Tomkinson), 89. Israel, 89. J. H.. 95- Mvett. Martha (Tomkinson), 35- N. Nash, Mary Ann (Tomkinson), 44- Naylor, Amanda (Tomkinson), 93- Joseph, 93. Nelson, Margaret, iii. Nesham, John, 17. Julia (Tomkinson), 17. Newbold, Fanny Hope (Tom- kinson), no. Norreys, Alain, 39. Sir Edward, 39. Elizabeth (Wraj), 39. Francis, Earl of Berkshire, 39- Henry, 39, 40. Sir Henry, 39, 40. John, 39. Lettice, 39. Lord, 39. Nicholas, 39, 40. Thomas, 39. Sir Thomas, 39. William, 39. Norris, Charles Lane, 83. Nicholas, 40. Sally Fowler (Towne), 38, 40. Samuel, 40. William Paine, 83. North, Dudley, 20. Sarah, 20. Norton, Lester Fay, 45, 53, 56. Thomas Lester, 45. Nourse, Francis, 38. O. Ottie, Sarah Ann (Davis), 82. Overslaugh, Peter, 44. Paine, Annie Schuyler (Norris), 83. Palmer, Emily trances (Tom- kinson), 20. Sir George Joseph, 20. Pauley, Lydia (Lindsay), 95. Parker, Hannah (Redford), 4^ Peirce, Ilarrv Curriden Hagney, 84, 85: Howard Spencer, 84, loi. Capt. John F., 84. Mary Helen (Roberts), 84, loi, 104. Walter Collins, 84. Penrose, Major Edward Raw- don, 20. Perkins, ^Ia^garet (Hill), 117. Philips, Harriet Sophia (Tom- kinson), 16, 18. Joseph, 109. Shakespear, 18. Pickup, John, 98. Pilgrim, James, 94. Sarah Elizabeth (Tomkin- son), 92, 93, 94, 96. William Godfrey, 93. Pollard, Florence Elizabeth, 109, no. Margaret Tomkinson (Tyn- dale), 109. William Edward, 109. 127 Porter, Lydia (Towne), 38. Potter, Melintha (Aldrich), 47. Potts, Betty (Tomkinson), 61. William, Mayor of Maccles- field, 61. Preston, Elizabeth (Norreys), 39- Prickett, James Ireland, 89. Melvena (Tomkinson), 89. R. Redford, Benjamin, 43. Julia Elizabeth (Tomkin- son), 43. Reynolds, Robert William, in. Rhodes, Rebecca (Myers), 89. Rich, Sir Henry, 18. Richardson, Charles Clark, 86. William, 86. Roberts, Albert Henry, 84. Harry, 85, 102. Henry, 84. Jennie, 97. John, 97. Matthew, 97. William, 97. Rodgers, Wilhelmina (Switzer), 79- Roundel!, Charles Savile, 18. Rev. Danson-R., 18. S. Sandy, Julia Adelaide (Tom- kinson), 88. Mary Elizabeth (Stuckev), 89. William Gabriel, 88. Sanford, Richard, 96. Samuel, 95, 96. Scott, William, 48. Sears, Oscar William, 48. Thelma Mary, 48. Shakeshaft, Elizabeth (Tom- kinson), 77, 78, 79, 97. Peter, -j-j. Sheldon, Susy (Swancott), 44. Slack, Flora Lasalle, 45. Slater, Amelia (Tomkinson), 62. Smith, Amy (Towne), 38. Elizabeth (Taylor), 80. Emma Pearl, 45. Sommerville, Elizabeth (Gith- ens), 112. Spool, 117- Springer, Rosetta Vorse (Tom- kinson), 44. Squires, Julia Pearle, 37. Stafford, Hattie (Tomkinson), 49. Stevenson, Elizabeth (Tomkm- son), 109. Joseph, III. Stonehouse, Annie (Tomkinson), 29. Matthew Porrit, 29. Stratford, Lady EHzabeth, 18. Stratton, Sarah (Hersperger), 86. Stuckey, John Sandy, 88. Thomas William, 89. Surgisson, Emilie Augusta (Tomkinson), 112. Dr. James Madison, 112. Swancott, David William, 44, 53- Mary Jennie (Overslaugh), 44, 53- Philip Benjamin, 44. Philip Stevens, 44. Sweeney, Marie Livingston W. (Fenner), 88. Sweet, Elizabeth (Cooper), 40, 41, 53> 55- Emma Charlotte (Mallette), 40, 53- 55- Jeffrey J., 40. Swindles, David, 78, 97. Elizabeth, 97. Martha, 97. Mary Ann, 97. Sarah, 97. 128 Switzer, Anna Eliza (Longbot- tom), 79. Lewis, 79. T. Tarleton, Gen. Sir Banastre, 20. Susan (Tomkinson), 20. Thomas, 20. Taylor, Elizabeth, 81, 100, 101. Harry, 81. John Henry, 80. Seth Henry, 80. Wilbert, 81. William, 80. Tees, Martha May (Landis), 94. Philip Brockway, 94. Thackwell, Edward Francis, 20. Ethel Maria, 20. Florence Mary, 20. Thackwell, Katherine Harriet (Penrose), 20. Capt. William de Wilton Roche, 20. Thomas, Esther Given (Hol- lingsworth), 87. Mary (Tomkinson), 62. Tierney, Sarah (Longbottom), 79- Thomas, 80. Timmins, E. Sutton, 22. Tinney, Lovina Elizabeth '(Sears), 48, 53. Lvdia M. (Loomis), 48, 53, ■56. Stephen Soper, 48. Tollemache, Rev. Algernon-Ed- ward, 18. Alice-Georgiana, 18. Major Henry-James, 18, 22, 23- Lady Jane, 18. John. 1st Lord, 17. John-Richard-Delap, 18. Julia - Elizabeth - .\nne (Roundell), 18. Wilbraham-Spencer, 17, 18, 22. Tomkinson, Addie Elvira (Hes- cott), 49, 53. Alice, 63. Alice (Bennie), 61. Almyra Elizabeth (Waite), 46, 52. Alzina Chappell, 46. Ambrose, 118. Amelia, 63. Andrew, no. Andrew Stevenson, 109, III, 112. Ann (Lees), 69. .^nna Maria, 16, 21. Anne, 16, 109. .\nne (Tollemache), 17, 18, 22. Anne Isabel, 113. .Vnnie, 63. .\nnie Allen, 64. .\rat>ella (Egerton), 16, 21. Arthur, 69, 70. Arthur Leslie, 69, 70. Barbara Elizabeth, 16, 21. Beatrice Adele, 94, ()g, 101, 103. Rev. Benjamin, 35, 44. 5'. 55- Benjamin Redford 43. Bertha Mae, 49. Carrie Elizabeth, 49, 53. Carrie Pearl, 49. Catherine, 16, 17, 62. Catherine C Cotton), 17. Charles, 29, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 71- Charles Cookman, 42, 53. Charles Harry, 88, 89, loi. Charles Hoyt, 42. Charles William, 16, 20, 118. 2d Lieut. C. W., 118. Charlotte (Thackwell), 16, 20. Chester James, 49. Christine, 29. Clara, 83, loi, loa. 129 Tomkinson, Clara Belle (Wheel- er), 46, 47, 52. Clarence Thomas, 86. Dora Sloane, 29. E. Blackerhall, 118. Edgar, 86. Edmund Roy, 45, 56. Edmund Scott, 48, 49, 52, Edmund Wright, 35, 48, 49. 51. 56. Edward, 16, 17, 119. Col. Edward, 18. Edward George Henry, 118. Lieut. Edward Launcelot, 118. Edward Philip, 16, 21. Edwin, 61, 62. Edwin Rowsell, 88, go. loi, 104. Edwina May, 90. Eliza Howell Berry (Law- rence), 88, 89, 104. Elizabeth, 17, 63, 64, 78. no, 112. Elizabeth (Bell). 63. Elizabeth (Foster). 69. 70. Elizabeth (Longbottom), 78, 79, 98, 100, 104. Elizabeth (Pollard). 109. Elizabeth Shakeshaft, 78, 79, 98, 100, 104. Ella Annie, no. Ellen Finn, 41, 43. Elsie, 49. E. M., 117. Emily, 63. Emily Sj'dney, 113. Essie Clara, 49. Esther (Lyons), 48, 50. Esther Gardinier, 88, 90. Eugene, 84, 85. Flora Esther, 46. Florence Violet, 90. Flossie Ann, 49. Frances Beatrix, 16, 21. Tomkinson, Frances Buchwalter, 113- Francis Martin, 29. Francis William, 16, 18. Frank, 119. Frank Armstrong, 88, 90, loi, 103, 104. Frank Beldon Test, 89. Frank Raymond, 90. Frederick, 63. Frederick Charles, 119. Geoffrey Stewart, 29. George Arnold, 117. George Cooper, no. George Frederick, 69, 71. Gerald, 29. Gertrude, 29. 2nd Lieut. H., 118. Lieut. H. A., 118. Hannah (Adams), 69, 70. Hannah May, 89. Harriet (Norton), 44, 45, 52. Henry, 16, 17, 21, 61, 109, III. Lieut. Col. Henry, 118. Rev. Henry, 17, 18. Henn,' Archdale. 16, 21, 118. Henr\' James, 16. HenrA' Richard. 16. 18, 24. Henry Tripple, 88, 89, 104. Herbert, 29, 63. H. J., 119. Horace Lessey, 42. Horatio. 118. Howard Spencer, 88, lOi, 104. Isabella, 3. 15, 50. Jabez, 117. James, t6, 17, 2T, 23, 24, 29, 61, 109, III, 119. Lieut. Col. James, 20, 24, it8. Rev. James. 17. James Edward, 16, 20. Jane (Roberts), 97, 99, lOO. 130 Tomkinson, Jeremiah, 67, 69. John, 29, 33, 35, 41, 43, so, 54, 55. 56, 59. 61, 64, 69, 78, 79, 82, 98, 100, lOI, 104, 118. Rev. John, 17. John Britton, 35, 48, 5i- Joseph, 35, 41, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55. 56. 61, 75, 77, 78, 79. 88, 89, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 107, 109,110, III, 112, 118. Joseph Samuel, 47. Joseph Thomas, 88. Joseph WilHam, 43. Joyce, 17. Joyce Beatrice, 16, 21. Julia (Rich), 16, 18. Julia Adelaide, 90, loi. Julia Ann CStuckey), 88, lOI. Julia Annie, 43. Julia Eva, 47, 48. Kate Grace. 86. Laura Mearns fMyrna], 42. Leo Benton, 45, 43. Lillian Hope, no. Louisa, 69. 70. Loyde Elmo, 50. Lucy Eloydia, 49. Mabel Parker, 43. Margaret, T18. Margfaret Fanny, no. Marearet Frances, t6, 21. Marsrarct Grosvenor, 29. Marsraret Skillman, 112. Maria (Hunter), 35, 51, 52, Marion. 29. Marjorie Smith. 45. Martha, 64. 60. Martha (Leiarh), 64. Martha (Reynolds), in. Martha Myett. 41, 43, 44. Mary. 48, 61, 117, 118. Tomkinson, Mary (Ashley), 61. Mary (Deakin), no. Mary (Tinney), 48. Mary Amanda, 49. Mary Ann, 46, 64. Mary Ann (Swindles-Jep- son), 77, 78, 97, 99, 102. Mary Ann Myett, 35, 48, 51- Mary Helen (Gamble), 84, loi, 103, 104. Mary Helen (Whitely), 62. Mary Jane, 93. Michael, 29. Michael, Mayor of Kidder- minster, 29. Nancy Nash (Swancott), 44. Newton Pow^ers, 93, 99, loi, 103, 104. Olive Florence (Morrell), 83, 85, loi, 103. Pattie, no. Paul Eldridge, 43. Pauline Hitner, 90. Percv Booth, 21, 69, 70. Peter, 61. Philip Kirkpatrick, 113. Raymond, 29. Reuben Nash, 44, 56. Richard. 35, 51. Robert, 62. Robert Edward, 16. 21. Robert Hartley, 86. Roscoe Spring-er, 45, 52, 53. Ruby Vorse, 45. Ruth Elma ' (Hollings- worth), 84, 87, 103. Samuel, 35, 56. 84. 87. 88, 91, 100, 104, 117. Capt. Samuel Davis, 35. 47, 51. 56. Samuel Raymond, 45, 53. Sarah, 29. Sarah Ann (Landis), TJ, 78, 94, 97, 98, 100. Sarah Jane, 88, 104. 13' Tomkinson, Sarah Maria, 41. 44, 46. Sarah MeHntha, 47, 51, 52, 56. Sibella Eliza (Bryans), 16, 21. Sidney, 69, 70. Sophia Anne (Cotton), 16, 18. Spencer William, 84, 87, loi, 104. Susan (Hoare), 16, 21. Susanna (Hersperger), 84, 86, loi, 103, 104. Theodore Jacob, 90. Rev. Theophilus Lessey, 41. Thomas, 15, 16, 17, 27, 29, 77, 78- 79. 83, 91. 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 117. Thomas Hartley, 84, 85, 103. 104. Thomas Spencer, 84. Turner Chappell, 46. Walter, 119. Walter Scott, 49. Warren, 49. Wilfred, 29. Lieut. Wilfred, 118. William, 16, 17, 20, 23, 35, 56, 61, 62. 63, 77, 78, 91, 93- 97. 98, 100, 104, 117, 119. Lieut. Col. William, 20, 21, 118. Rev. William Davis, 35, 46, 51, 52, 56. Rev. William Eldridge, 41, 42, 55- Dr. William Scott, 46. 47, 52. William Henry, 89, 119. "7. Towne. Amos, 38. Daniel, 38. Edmund, 38. Jacob, 38. John, 38. Towne, Joseph, 38. Mary (Estey), 38. Mary Butler (Tomkinson), 36, 38, 40- Rebecca (Nourse), 38. Capt. Samuel Pliny, 38. Sarah, 38. Susannah, 38. Thomas, 38. William, 38, 40. Trow, Anna (Towne), 38. Tyndale, Harold, 109. Gen. Hector, no. Margaret Hill, no. William, 109, no. William Harold, no. V. Van Zant, Marv (Roberts), 84. ^''o^ Schroder, Baron William, 24. W. Waite. Elihn. 46. Wallace. John Miller, 85. Wallace. ATartha Stites (Tom- kinson), 85. Walton. Mary. fi2. Wedsrwood. Josiah. 71. Welch. Dorothv .\nna. 37. 53. William Andrew. 36. ^^Mler. Tnlia T Avers V 04. \\''pttpnha11. Katherine TTom- kinsnnV T7. Thomas. 17. ^^^^peler. Bertha Elizabeth. 47. Fred Albert. 47. Harold Tomkinson. 47. Helen Florence. 47. 52. Lulu Belle. 47. Wilfred. 47. 53. AA'^hitelev. Charles, 62. Lewis. 62. Wiehe. Sophia rTomkinson>, 82. Wilhraham. Sir Ralph, 22. Richard Thomas, 22. 132 Williams, Barney, 95. Wray, William, 39. Lord, 39. Wiinderlich, Jacob D., 90. Margaret (Tomkinson), 39. Mary (Tomkinson), 90. Willing, Mary (Foulkrod), 91. Wood. John, 17. Y. Mary (Tomkinson), 17. Yates, Rev. William, 24. GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF- VARIOUS FAMILIES OF TOMKINSON. (1620 - 1904) By NEWTON POWERS TOMKINSON.