LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DD0D173fl3^3 .^' ^'- V ,/' ,':^»i-. ' ^.a"" ■ /^ /% ■^ ' '^-^^ KT. lo./xm. >^ CONSTIT:IJ#I0N JTsrss' i\wt& cr^vv, V'^ ||wwr CONSTITUTION NATIONAL mm I EST^BI^ISHED 1)^60. PREAMBLE. The time has come when every good democra- tic and conservative citizen is imperatively called upon to take an active part in our National, State and Mvmicipal politics — and contribute time, la- bor and money, in an honest endeavor, to dispel the Fanaticism and Corruption which now threaten to poison the whole political atmosphere of our country. We believe that the present Avretched condi- tion of politics (particularly in our own State and in this City) is the natin-al result of years of indiference, on the i)art of the great mass of our best democratic citizens — merchants and farmers, professional men, mechanics and la- borers—who in their selfish attention to their own private affairs, have neglected their public duties, and allowed the management of our whole political system to be monopolized by de- signing and unworthy adventurers and sycho- phants, whose only aim is self agrandizement — whose only principle is power and plunder. AL-tiii^' under this hclicf. wx- have tunned an Association comprising all classes of our citi- zens, tlie Govermnent of which is beyond tlie con- trol of designing politicians. OUR ((B.IECT IS 1st —To engaire and enlist the acdrc sijnipathji and support of all good citizens and true national men. \^ho believe that the success of the Demo- cratic Party at this time is essential to the wel- fare and safety of our country. lid — To make a legitimate, honest and efficient use of all contributions to the Association — in forming co-operative organisations through- out the Citff^ State ?C[n\ Union, — and in publish- ing and disseminating sermons, speeches, sta- tistics, tracts, &c. which shall inculcate true national sentitnents and sound democratic ideas, in opposition to the false and dangerous doc- trines which arc now flooding our land. Md — To endorse and sustain worthy and compe- tent men for office in our City and State — and to refuse support or countenance to the un- worthy and incompetent. 4th — To establish, in a central location in this ( 'ity— a meeting and reading room, which shall (outain U'-wspapers tVoni every State of the Union, (and as far as possible from every coun- ty) and which shall be at the service of na- tional men from all parts of our common country when visiting" our City on business or pleasure. Deploring the conientiom and femh which have well nigh destroyed the Democratic party in this State, and repudiating allegiance to, or connec- tion with, any existing faction or xving, — we call upon every true-hearted Democrat to let "by- gones be bygones," and forgetting the divisions of the past, join with us in rallying under the banner of the Notional Democracy, for the Con- stitution, devoted to the Union, acknowledging: hut one Test — one Motto — '•KIOHT AND LAW. ■ AKTICLK I. This association shall be known and designa- ted as I he " Nati«mal Democratic Volunteers." ARTICLE IL Sw\ 1. The Legislative and Executive power of this association shall be vested in an Execu- tive council of 90 meml>ers. Sb«". 2. The Executive ("ouniil shall annually elect a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Trea- surer, a Secretary and one or more assistant Se- cretary's and a Sergeant at Arni<. Skc. o. 'J'here shall he an a.lvisory Coniniit- tee of Lhirty-three active meml>ers, who shall he entitled to sit at the meetings of the Executive ('ouncil, and present such plans and suggestions a,s they m.i\' consider likely to advance the inter- ests of the association. The majority of this ('ommitte, shall he chosen annually hy the Ex- ecutive Council, and suih mijority shall select the remainder. AR'ilCLK in. Skc. 1. It shall he the duty of the President, or in his ahsence, one of the Vice-President's, to preside at all meetings of this Association and Executive Council, and enforce a due observance of the Rules and Regulations. He shall appoint all Committees not otherwise provided for. and have the c-asting vote in case of a tie. AKTICI.E IV. Skc- 1 . It shall he the duty of the Secretary and his assistants to kee]i an accurate account of / the procee. lings of tiie association and council — issue all calls for meetings under direction of the President or his legal substitute— to notify all Committees of their appointment, and the sub- ject referred to them, and have their ])ooks always at the disposal of tlie Council. He shall conduct all tlie correspondence au- tliorizcl hy the association, keeping cojnes of the same, and shall take charge of all letters and p ipers addressed to the same. He shall also keep a Roll B )ok, containing the name and residence of each member, the date of his admissicm. expulsion or resignation, and shall notify all persons elected members of the association, of their election. ARTICLE y. Skc. 1. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the association, and deposit the same as di- rected by the Finance Committee of the Execu- tive Council. He shall pay no bills or drafts except those audited and signed by the Finance Committee, and he shall keep an account of all moneys received or expended, and present a bal- ance sheet thereof at every regular meeting of the Executive Council. All checks drawn by the 'lYeasurer, must be to the order of the Chainnan. of the Finance Committee. The Treasiirer shall give bcmds to the P^xeeutive t'ouncil in tlie sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, (S20,fKK)j for the faithful performance of his duties. AKTICIJ^ VI. Skc. 1 . The Sergeant at arms shall take charge of the Rooms of the association, and see that they are kept in order, and that no improper ]>ersons are admitted. He sliall expel any disorderly persons from the rooms, allow no members to leave during the meetings without permission of the presiding officer, and shall perform all otiier duties the Comicil may reasonably ask. AirilCLE VII. Skc. I The members of this associati(»n shall Ite Honorary, active or associate. Sec. '2. Any Eminent Democrat may be elect- ed an Honorary meml>er by the Executive Coun- cil. Skc. '-'». Any Democrat may become aji active member, on being approved by the Executive Council, signing the constitution and i>aying the annual subscription ; such subscription shall l>e Ten I)()llars, ($10,) payable yearly, in advance. 9 All inojiositions for menibershii) must be traiLS- mitted in writing to the Secretary at least one week previous to the meeting of the Executive Council, at which they shall be acted upcm. Skc. 4. Members of any organization which holds A ciiARTKR from this association may be- come associate members, entitled to the privi- lege of Eeading Room and library, by paying Twenty-tive cents quarterly, in advance. Sec. 5. If any person elected a member of this Association shall fail to sign the constitution and i)ay into the treasury his initiation fee. within two weeks after his election, his name shall be erased from the books. unU'ss excused by tbe Executive Council. AH'ncLK VIII. Sk<". 1. None but acti\e members shall be en- titled to vote or hold ottitc in the association. Section '2. No persim holding a Public Office or position by election, or api)ointment shall hereafter be eligible to a place in tbe Kxecutive Council. Sec. 8. Auy member (»f the Kxecutive ("oun- cil who hereafter liecomes a candidate or appli- ca!it for any public office or jtosition. shall re- 10 sign his seat within unv week lr(»ni tlir tiim- he ha8 heeome such candidate or ap|)licant — should he not resign within such period of time, tlie Couiuil shall declare his seat Vacant. ARTICLE IX. Skc. 1. If any office in this asse held on the 'I'ld day of Fehruarv, at 7h o'clock. P. M. Sec. 2. The E.xecutive Couneil shall meet on Tlnirsdav eveuinir <»1 each week. 11 8kc. o. 'rhirty-three mt'iuljeis shall constitute a (luoriim in the meetings of the active mem- hers of the Association. Sec. 4. one-third of the members of the Ex- ecutive Council shall constitute a quorum for tlie transacticn of business. Sec. 5. Special Meetings may be called l>y the President, at the request of ten members of the Council. ARTICLE XII. Skc. 1. The Executive Coiuicil shall have power to grant charters to all organizations which may desire to act in unison with this As- sociation. Such organization shall be represen- ted by one delegate, who shall (after being ap- proved by the Ex. Council,) be entitled to appear at tlie meetings of the Council without tue right TO VOTE. ARTICLE XIII. Sec. 1. Any member who shall be guilty of misconduct, or neglect of duty, or make public the transactions of the Executive Council, or pro- pose unworthy persons for membership (knowing them to be such,) may be saspended orexpelled, at 12 tin- option of thr Kxtcutiv.' ConiKil. Iiy a two- third vote ofnu'inhcrs jutsrut at a Hrmilar Mfft- AKTICLE Xl\'. Sec. 1. TIhmc shall be three prnnaiiriit (Jom- mittees, appointed by the Executive founeil. to Avit : An Executive Committee. A Finance Committee. A Membership Committfc. Whose duties shall he desi°v •* .r^-, *' A-^ I 1