F 74 I .B14 I B17 Copy 1 No. 1 05. LIBRARY of Cape Cod HISTORY & GENEALOGY BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS » C. W. SWIFT, Publish«sr and Printer, Yarmouthport, Mass.: 1910. BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Rebound in June, 1847, per order Imp, A grant of a great lot to Wm of the Selectmen — Nathaniel Hinck- Dimock, &c, also an order bearing ley, Daniel Basset, Thomas Stetson, date 13th Jany 1641, Impouering Jr. — Ferdinand G. Keliey, town clerk. Thomas Lothrop and Barnard Lum- barde to be Land Measurers, to lay The 14th of Oct., 1649: out all ye lands which ye several In- Ordered by ye Inhabitants That habitants are to have laid out and to Henry Cob, Isaac Robinson, Thomas bound them with stakes sufficient Lothrop and Thomas Hinckley, do and to have Id per acre for ye up- peruse ye old Town Book and record land and 2d per acre for ye marsh such material useful orders, as they ye parties whose land is to be laid find therein into this book and ye out being to accompany ye measur- rest of ye old book to be cancelled ers. Also, under date ye, 20th of by them. 3d mo 1640 that no Inhabitant within At a meeting of ye inhabitants of the this Plautation shall make sale of town of Barnstable June 1736 — Then his house or any of his land, before ^■oted that ye old Town Book as to he hath offered it to ye inhabitants ye articles contained in ye same to and in case ye Plantation buy it, then lie of future use, be transcribed by to provide a purchaser whome ye ye Town Clerk into a new Book, to town shall approve of and if ye Town be procured by him with as much do not provide a chapman in two speed as conveniently may. months, he may sell to whome he Barnstable Town Book Anno 1736 will" bought pr. David Crocker, Town Also, an order bearing date ye 5th v^lerk. L. S. pretrium 3 12 of .January 1643 that ye Commons This 18th of Feb. 1658, at a meet- shall belong to ye present Inhabi- ing of Thomas Hinckley, Henry Cob, tants and to whom ye town shall see Isaac Robinson and Thomas Lothrop, fitt, which Inhabitants then on ree- fer perusing ye old town book and ord were as followeth on ye next recording such material, useful orders Leafe of this book, as they find therein into this Town The 28th July 1662, ordered that Book cancelling ye rest according to Thomas Hinckley Ensighn Bernard an order bearing date Octr 15, 1649. Lumbarde, Trustrum Hull, Thomas In perusing whereof, they find as Lothrop are empouered by ye Town followeth, viz, to attend ye coming of Mr Alden /^f BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS and Major Winslow about ye grant of our Enlargement at South Sea to make provision for them and to act with them as ye matter may re- quire and the Town to bear ye charges thereof as also to make ye best plea they can in any controver- sy that may arise between the In- dians and this town. At a town meeting the 3d of Octo- ber 1662 ordered and agreed by ye town that the sones of all ye present inhabi- tants shall successively be received as Inhabitants and Allowed equal Town Privileges In the Commons and such other Privileges as belong to the present Inhabitants as a Town- ship at ye day of their marriage or the age of Twenty four years which shall happen first and it is further agreed that these following.be admit- ted" Inhabitants, John Rowland James Cob Samll Fuller son of Samll Fuller Sr Daniel Stueart Jabez Lumbard Eduard Lewes Thomas Lumbard Thomas Ewer John Sergeant Samll Fuller son of Lefft Fuller Joseph Benjamin John Lewes John Crocker Caleb Lumbart Samll Bacon James Hamblin Samll Hicks .- Edward Coleman Samll Norman Nicholas Bonam 1666 Dolar Davis Jedediah Lumbart Samll Annable Nathaniel Goodspeed Samll Hinkley Joseph Hallet Meletiah Lothrop John Phinney ' the residue of said lands, being son and heir of Yarmo Sachem of ye about 34 acres which was left by South Sea in Barnstable late " de- Nepoyetum indisposed of being all the ceased, bargained & sold to Thomas ^^^^ "^ Banistable, he, Quason in Hinckley Senior for 28 shillings re- ^^'^y ^^J's claimed, ceived of him the tract of land sold The mark of John Quason BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS "Witness Francis Saugamore of possessed with, witliin tUis township, Nausiat the bounds of sd. Lands being pub- Sachemus of Saqutuckitt lickly Declared in the Town Meeting In presence of me Thomas Hink- and Approved shall be Recorded in ley. Assistant the Town Book to be ye Lands of "Memorandum each possessor tliereof & do by these That it afterwards appeared that presents Order and Declare, that the ye sd. John Quason was a Usurper Record thereof as aforesd, to be suf- and had no Right to yn Lande ficient security to claim hold and Re- above mentioned & did make satis- tain full and lawful Right, title and faction to Joseph Hollit & some oth- Interest to them and their heirs for ers to whom he sold some of those ever of all and every such parcel or Lands, the said Lands of right be- parcels of lands possessed by them longing unto ye aforementioned and Recorded as aforesaid" Aquanneton, alias Sarah, Daughter p. 23 11th of Feb, 1674, "To John and heir of sd Nepoyetum Otis, a parcel of Marsh" was con- Ita attest pi-eedict, firmed by the Examiners of titles ie" Thomas Hiukley Men appointed by ye town to Exam- "This 26th of June 1654, Henry Cob, ine evidences of Mens lands to be Abraham Blush, John Phinney, Wil- Recorded" — liam Crocker & Nathaniel Bacon p. 2.5 "Ordered that Thomas Hinck- were chosen by ye Town for Examin- ley, Mr. Gorham (John) John Davis ing evidence of land according to and James Lewes or ye major part Court order 10 of June 1654 of them be Impowered to buy a cer- "8th of January 1657 tain tract of land of Kenecompsitt Whereas the Inhabitants of this or whosoever else shall appear to town took into yr. Serious Consider- them to be the true proprietor there- ation the great trouble and confu- of the said land lying at South sea sion that hereafter may ensue for between Yannoth line & the lands want of recording such sundry parcel heretofore of Nicholas Davis & to or parcels of land, given and granted Lye for ye Towns Commons: ye to certain particular men, within this Town, being to pay ye purchase Township, for prevention of which thereof at a town meeting this 30th foresd Trouble & Confusion the sd of Nov. 1635 (?) Inhabitants have therefore at a full Probably error in copying date, as, town meeting ye day and year above on Oct 13 1675, Kineecompsit In- written, with full consent ordered dian of Mattakeese, in consideration and agreed as followeth viz. that of five pounds paid him by the above whatsoever parcel or parcels of named persons, as agents for the lands any man hath & is at present town of Barnstable a tract at South BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS sea, bounded on the East by the line siderably conveyancing of Yarmouth, south by Yanno's Har- At a town meeting on ye 5th of hour, west by Nicholas Davis' land April 1670 and north by land Yanno sold to "It is ordered by ye Town that all ye Barnstable. common meddow as yet undisposed acknowledged before me Thom- within this township shall: from time as Hinkley assistant to time, perpetually be & lye for Kenecompsit common to and for his ye common use of the present inhabi- mark tants whose names are hereunder re- (B) corded to ye sons of all ye aforemen- "In presence of tioned inhabitants successively as Joseph Lothrop they shall grow qualified According Sanill Hinkley to a former order bearing date 3d of At same date before same personal- Octoberl662 and to ye successors ly appeared Indian Ned of Saque- of such inhabitants as aforesd who tucket, & acknowledged relinquish- shall purchase and buy out ye whole Ing all his right, title and claim in & right of such respective Inhabitants unto sd. tract of land. The Inhabitants that are on record Many of first settlers sign by a as aforesaid, are as followeth, viz, mark — Thos Share, George Lewes, (1670) Joshua Lumberd Thomas Hinkley p.32 Mr Nathl Bacon June 30, 1685. Committees of Barn- Mr Thomas Walley Sr stable & Sandwich settled "center Mr Henry Cob Bounds", beginning at "a pretty bigg Mr John' Chipman Stone, set with one end in the Cap. Matthew Fuller ground" Lieut Joseph Lothrop April 20,1668 Kenecompsit, with Ensign Bernard Lumbart consent and approbation of Thomas Mr John Gorum Hinkley & Nathaniel Bacon, appoint- Anthony Annable ed thereunto by authority of court, John Cooper sold James Lewes blacksmith, Ed- Henry Bourn ward Lewes & .lohn Lewes a piece Austin Bearse of land at Mattakeese containing Thomas Share about 7 acres. Robert Sherley Oct 20, 1777. Monohoo, Indian sells James Hamlin Senr Rev. Thomas about 3 acres of land, Abraham Blish p. 36 acknowledged before T. H. as- William Crocker sistant who seems to have done con- Mr. Thomas Allin. 8 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS William Casly Thomas Lothrop. Roger Goodspeed Thomas Huckens John Scudder Mr Thomas Dexter John Davis John Thompson Ralph Jones Henry Taylor Robert Davis Nicholas Davis Robert Parker Samll Fuller Senr Peter Blossom Moses Rowley John Phinney Sr^ Thomas Lewes George Lewes -' Joshua Lumbart Sr James Lewes David Linnell John Jenkins Mr*'William Serjeant Barnabas Lothrop William Dexter James Claghorn John Rowland ' Edward Lewes James Hamlin Jr James Cob John Crocker Samll., son of Samll Fuller. Samll son of Capt Fuller Edward Coleman Thomas Lumbert Jabez Lumbert John Lewes Caleb Lumbart Samuel Norman Shobal Dimock Nathl FittsRandle Dollar Davis Saml Hinckley John Phinney Jr Nathll Goodspeed Jedediah Lumbard Samuel Allen Joseph Hallet John Otis Samuel Annable John Fuller Melatiah Lothrop William Troop Samuel Hous Edward Taylor Mark Ridley John Hinkley John Hamlin Job Crocker Josiah Crocker John Goodspeed ^Irs Lothrop wid Widow Lewes Widdow Lumbard The heirs of Mr Henry Bursley, Deed 23 Feb. 1670 John Huckens Nathl Bacon Bartholomew Hamblin Benjamin Lumbart 14th May 1674 Isaac Chapman (admitted in his Grandfather Wells' Right) 16th July 1674, were entered Joseph Blish James Gorum John Bursley Eleazer Hamlin . BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Cap. John Allyn John Davis Jr John Gorham 5 May 1677 Sam 11 Hinckley Junr Joseph Berse Benjamin Goodspeed Dec. 1678 John Fuller Junr Thomas Huckens Junr Israel Hamlin Joseph Crocker Eleazer Cob Samll Sergeant Samuel Bryant Richard Childs 18 May 1687 John Barker Admitted a Townsman 18 August Allyn Nichols Eleazer Crocker Joseph Bodfish 12 May 1682 Thomas Hinkley Ebenezer Goodspeed 23 May 1683. Samuel Cob & Jona- than Cob admitted Townsmen 14 Feb'y 1683 Mr Jonathan Russell, Jeremiah Bacon, Benjamin Lothrop, James Bearse & .Tames Coleman were admitted Townsmen Com. appointed to agree with John Davis Jr about his piece of swamp by ye Highway for a water- ing place for the neighboring cattle, by giving him other land in ex- change not above four or five acres. Doller Davis admitted Townsman. 1684 (Aug. 7) 7th Jan. 1684 John Glover do 13th May 1685, Samll Parker & In- crease Clap do 12 May 1687, Jedediah Jones, Sam- uel Lothrop, John Bacon, Benjamin Hinckley, Samll Baker & Matthew Fuller do. May 12 1691 Mr Samuel Annable, John Lewes, Samuel Allen do & Mr Samuel Baker, Jonathan Crocker, Alkin Nichols & Samuel Annable propounded freemen May 29, 1689 James Pain, Samll Lew- es, Eleazer Lewes, James Lewes, John Phinney, Edward Coleman, John Crocker, Thomas Jenkins, Bar- nabas Lothrop, ye son of Bar« nabas Lothrop, Thomas Fuller, Hen- ry Cob, Thomas Allyn, Joseph Smith, were admitted Townsmen. Aug 1689, Thomas Dimock, Josiah Davis, Joseph Davis ye son of Rob- ert Davis, and Joshua Lumbert Junr do Aug 26 do Elisha Pain & Jabez Ful- ler do Feb 19, 1689-90 John Dimmuck & Thoma^ Lumbard do May 15 1690 Benjn Davis propounded to be a Townsman and by silence ad- mitted thereto Sept 30 1691 Ebenezer Lewis Jan 14. 1691, John Lothrop, son of Mr Barnabas Lothrop, Thomas Blos- som, James Hamlin, Robert Clag- horn, Ebenezer Hamlin, Stephen ■ Dexter, Shubal Goreham, Phillips Dexter, & Thomas Parker, admitted , Townsmen Feb 4, Bernard Lumbart, Joseph 10 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Phinney, Jedediah Lumbart, Raly mons granted him also, about 4 Jones & Jonathan Linnel, do acres of "marsh meddow in some March 4, 1691, Isaac Taylor, Mat- convenient place" thew Jones. John Dunham, John 16th December 1702, Joseph Nichols Jssum, Shobal Goreham, do. admitted Townsman; Benj Good- April 6, 1692, John Jenkins ac- speed, son of Eben Goodspeed do: cepted do. At a town meeting ye 12th of May Oct. 28, 1696 "Ebenezer Phinney & 1682, Ensign Bernard Lumbart, Benjamin Lewes admitted Towns- Xathl Bacon, James Cob were made man" choice of by ye town to take notice Oct 30 "Thomas Phinney do. of ye. bounds between Yarmouth March 14, 1694-5 Thomas Phinny and this Town Jonathan Hamlin, & Thomas Bump and Elder John Chipman & Ensign do John Rowland & Serjeant John Ful- Aprli 11, 169.".. Shubal Claghorn, ler, to take of ye bounds between Thomas Crocker, Samll Crocker & Sandwich and this Town Hope Lothrop admitted Townsmen p 50 Com. appointed about water John Bodfish .Jr. Benjamin Lum- or wind mill 1684 wh. Gov. Hinkley, bart, Samll Phinney, Thomas Crock- Mr Barnabas Lothrop, Jeremiah Ba- er (son of Dea Job Crocker), Benja- con & Mr Samll Allen engage to min Fuller, Samuel Hamlin, Shobal build ie "a substantial Windmill and Howland,_ John Rowland, Nathll Ba- set -her up in some convenient place" con, entered Townsmen 17th of May p.,57 Jan 19, 1686 projected wind- 1700 mill on Cobb's Hill or "old M. H. Thomas Lothrop (son of Capt Hill Joseph Lothrop) Joseph Bodfish Jr, 24th June 1785. Barnabas Lothrop Jonathan Lewes (son of George Inpowered to act as their agent re- Lewis), Benjamin Berse, Enatred specting ye answer of ye Towns Pre- Townsman 12th of May 1702. sentment concerning Jones . River Isaac Hamlin do. 28th of May 1702 Bridge James Gorham & John Crocker (son Gov Hinckley and the same to act of Dea Job Crocker) do. 1704 as the Town's agents for ye search- Dec. 16th 1702, Joseph Nichols ad- ing of ye Court Records for ye find- mitted Townsman ing out ye Court grant of ye Town- Benjamin Goodspeed, son of Eben ship "& try to rectify any defect in Goodspeed do. " the same. Aug 13, 1663 (p,1301,"Mr. Thomas Feb. 11 1686-7 the whole concerns Walley was voted to be accepted as a of the mill left altogether to discre- townsman here amongst us" tion of Mr Barnabas Lothrop & Six acres of ground in the Com- Mr. Samuel Allin (p. 52) 11 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS do appears Joseph Lothrop was to Indian owners Clerk-1686 Feb. 25, 1690-1, voted to sell 40. Feb.1,1687 to grant 8 or 10 acres or 50 pounds worth of the Commons of upland at ye River by John Good- towards defraying expenses of send- speed's & ye benefit of ye stream if ing to England for a charter, & Na- he put up a fulling mill & full & nniel Bacon, Lieut James Lewis, Capt dress ye Town's cloth at reasonable Lothrop, Deacon Job Crocker, Mr prices, (see p. 59 for undertakers John Otis, Mr Samll Hinkley Senr of) & Lieut John Rowland a Com. "to March & April, 1686 County Road, effect the end aforesd" from Sandwich to Yarmouth was laid March 11 , confirmed that action out by a jury of 16 men — 40 feet — "& voted to venture about thirty wide pounds, for ye end aforesaid if there p. 55 Covenant of wind mill Com. were likelihood to effect j'e same." with Thomas Pain Senr of Eastham "At a Town Meeting Jan. 14, 1691, to build one — Feb. 16,1687 named for ye purpose "it was agreed June 1,1688. John Gorham, Jabez that seven men be now chosen as a Lumbert & Nathaniel Bacon chosen committee to determine" "to whom to be land measurers. and how much every mans right" in May 29, 1689, the Town voted that the common meddow is:" "and all ye common meddow belonging 'to such of j^e Inhabitants as judge them- ye Town be divided to them whom selves injured by such determination of risht it doth belong. they shall have liberty to choose June 1, 1688 Town granted to Lieut one Indifferent man and ye sd Com- James Lewes & Nathaniel Bacon all mittee another & they to choose a the Coman thatch; goose grass or third if they two agree not to make sedge yt. grows upon ye flats below a final determination of such right j^e beech between Huckens Creek & claimed by them or to have their Stony Cove Creek, so long as they liberty to try their title at law: ye maintain a sufficient pound for the sd Committee to have Respect in towns use their Determination to Common Equ- Febl9 1689-90. voted to chuse a ity & former orders of this Town as Com. of seven men to determine to much as may be." whom of right ye commons are to "The above written was chosen a be divided to clear vote in ye affirmative & their March 16.1689. Bernard Lumbart, was chosen Governour Hinkley, Capt aged about 82, deposed that abt. 20 Goreham, Mr, John Otis. Samll Hink- yrs last past Mr.Hinkley, Mr. Bacon ley, Samll Chipman, Eleazer Crock- & I\Ir Gorham were appointed by the er Mr.Barnabas Lothrop and John Town to soil lands in Bl. belonging Hinkley had each of them thirteen 12 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS votes apiece, so that ye two last men adjoining to ye land he bought of ye had an equal vote: at last there did Town before at ye same price pr appear two men that had not voted acre as that was, for his convenience as was said, which when they had jn building; but several persons did voted, there fell two votes more to protest against it & much dissatis- John Hinkley, so with them two fjed about, votes he had fifteen votes. It was put to vote for Mr.Russell Feb.4 1691. "Voted by ye Town to and Bartholomew Hamlin to have choose a new Committee of nine men three acres of land by ye land of & they or ye major part of them to Allin Nichols, but very few hands lift determine who have right in ye com- up & ye contrary vote being called mon marsh or meddow of this Tov/n no hands lift up as I saw. & what & how much shall be each "An Indian named Black Daniel had man's just rights therein according liberty to sell his lands to any of ye to ye former order that ye Committee inhabitants of this Town." of seven men were to do, bearing Mch 23-1792, "Mr Barnabas Loth- date Jan 14 1691 rop, James Gorham, Ensign Shobal The men were chosen for ye new Dimock & Lieut Jalnes Lewis were Committee, their names are as fol- chosen by ye town to manage ye af- loweth viz. Govemour Hinkley, En- fairs of ye Common Field. Respect- sign Shobal Dimock, Capt John Gore- ing such orders as may conduce to ham, Samll Hinkley Senr, Melatiah ye Common good of ye proprietors Lothrop, Mr. Barnabas Lothrop, Mr. thereof. John Otis & Lieut James Lewes & The orders made by whome were in ye choice of committee there was presented to the Court of Quarter Lieut. John Howland, Edward Lewes Sessions March 23,1603 & Confirm- and Eleazer Crocker that had an ed equal vote, being just 26 votes apiece Orders approved page 66— & the Town voted them all to joyn —providing for fences, for exclusion with ye eight men before named to of all but working cattle from March make up ye sd committee & so all ye lo to Oct. 15: impounding of beasts eleven men above mentioned to act improperly intruding: choice of hay- as a committee to accomplish ye end wards any — «B:c — aforesaid" March & April 1691. John Gor- March 4,1691 voted that Josias Da- ham, Nathl Bacon and John Otis vis & Henry Cob. or any body else sold several parcels of land (8) in should have liberty to purchase lands pursuance of the vote of the town to of ye Indians in ye Common Field" raise money to defray expenses of June 1, 1692 Town voted to sell procuring the Charter- John Phinney Jun. an acre of land Oct 15. 1666 John Phinney. for him- BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS self and others, brethren of the by ye late Committee bearing date Church of Barnstable, who some time ye 30th of January 1693-4, Im since invited Mr William Serjeant to Thomas Huckens, Feb.12,1693-4 Then have the benefit of his labors follow 55 others, among whom are amongst them sold sd Senjeant cer- Thomas Hinkley & Shubal Gorham. tain premises— 29th July 1696. Selectmen* shall pp. 79, 80 Kenecompsit, with con- notify those of Yarmouth they wd. sent of Thos. Hinkley & Nathaniel run the line as the bounds were for- Bacon, Guards, sells certain small merly fixed by the trees already parcels of land at Mattakeese. marked; "otherwise, they shall not January 30,1693 the Committee of act upon that account, we having en- eleven made their report not signed joyed it by these bounds neer about by G. Hinkley of division of Com- 50 years." mon Meddow — The ministry was al- *First time I find word "Select- lotted 6 acres, Thomas Higgins & 8 men" mentioned. or 4 others had 7: Mr Thos Hink- Dec. 16, 1696 voted that ":\Ir Otis ley (who heads the list) had 4: Shu- should have a piece of upland of bal Gorham, 1: T^athl Bacons heirs, forty foot square Lying at Rendez- 3: Cap. John Gorham, 4 John Otis, vous Creek." — "with liberty to erect in Rowley's right, 1: in his own right, a warehouse on ye same." "to remarin 5 — about 430 or 440 acres, to 161 per- to sd. Otis, his heirs and assigns, so sons or parties In their own right or long as it shall be improved for ye by purchase or successn above sd. namely to erect & contin- Feb.8 1793, voted "that all persons ue a warehouse." that are dissatisfied in reference to Page 89, proceedings (Octo 30,1696) what ye late Committee hath done as to arbitration in reference to the In order to ye division of ye com- shares of those dissatisfied with the mon marsh shall appear to ye Town proportion of common meddows as- Clerk and their enter their names as signed them by the Committee, un- parties agrieved that so they may der vote of Jan 14 1691, "which town have their remedy, which entry shall do explain to be that arbitrators so be made within fourteen days and chosen shall have power to confirm, all who shall neglect so to do, shall alter or amend as they shall see forever hereafter be without any cause; so that they shall proceed to remedy." (pp. 84-5) make a final settlement of the sd p. 86 "Here follows a list of ye Commons by way of division, The names of those persons that found aggrieved parties above made choice themselves aggrieved and unsatisfied of Major Mayhew of Edgartown and with ye division of ye Common the Committee above made choice of marsh or Meddow as it was divided Mr. Samuel Sprague of Marshfield 14 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS for to arbitrate and determine as appointed as the time of putting in above sd with all convenient speed claims before the arbitrators "about ye above. 10 of the clock at Melatiah Loth- Also, voted by the Town, by full con- rops house." Desired and voted that sent Esq. Lothrop, Mr Hinkley, Mr Otis Jan 12, 1696-7 voted that the and Mr. Daniel Parker should con- charge shall be paid by each pro- sider & draw up something to pro- prietor according to his several pro- pose and lay before ye Town in or- portion which shall be allowed by der to ye more ready carrying on of ye present arbitrators. Also, voted, ye work of dividing ye common med- that Squire Lothrop and Mr Otis dows": which find, signed by the ar- should take yo accoupt of ye above bitrators with schedule annexed of sd arbitration & to satisfy ye same proprietors & quantities on pages 90 and the Town to repay it to them & 91, under date of Jan 12, 1696 alias again. 1697, by which it is also provided Farther, it was unanimously voted that each and every male person that each proprietor of marsh should born within the town, (whether in the have free egress and regress to cut award named or not) if 24 years of grass, make hay and carry off the age or married, should receive one same, either for persons or teams, acre of meddow or marsh. And as it passing where least prejudicial to was supposed there would still remain owner of lots passed over, to whom a surplus of land, it should be divid- allowance shall be made for this ne- ed, according to the proportions cessity. specifically awarded. In this Divi- Feb 10, 1696-7 Com. of three men sion, Thos Hinckley has 5 acres in- to be chosen "to settle bounds be- stead of 4 as previously: twixt ye commons & particular mens Allotments to 192 persons or par- lotts of marsh or meddows where ties, in their own right or acquired they shall see occasion, according to through others, equity and Right without partiality. "Examined and Duly Compared with The Town then made choice of ye original & Entered ye 3 of Aug- Esq. Lothrop, Mr. Otis, & Daniel ust, 1697 per Samll Allyn Town Parker. Left Lowes added by vote Clerk." of Last of March, 1697; "voted to pp. 92 &93. Common Meddow & allow them three shillings per day Marsh to be laid out in lots of six while about said service. acres each, those on the best land Also to raise 20 pounds by vote to to be exactly six a — others to have defray the necessary charges in the enough more land to make theip matter. equal in value — Those who have just The 18th of February, 1697, was six acres to have his lot in severalty 15 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS — Others shall unite with neighbor or ie Barnabas Lothrop Esq Left Lewes, neighbors are Kinsfolk, the measiir- Daniel Parker & Mr. John Otis: ers •f the town to determine, who Town now determines there shall be shall be joined together as partners only one Committee, which shall both — accomodating those who have pref- set out lots & establish their bounds erences as much as possible. The and there were chosen at a town parcels shall be chosen by lot prepar- meeting held June 23, 1697, Capt ed in open town meeting. The lots Gorham, Mr Otis & Daniel Parker to be numbered from 1, the numbers as such Com. they to receive 5 shil- being written on separate slips of lings each per day paper to be drawn by some one meet Sept 30, 1697. Capt Gorham & Mr person. The persons to have lots James Hinckley chosen to determine shall be entered in a list made out "little nooks corners that may be by the measurers & the name and meet to allow those that have their lot drawn shall be entered In the marsh on ye South Sea, — town book. Each person (or group) And agreement made with Mr. to have his chioce according to his Otis to allow him Id per acre for turn by the number drawn. Where paying all the charges of lotting out parties cannot agree, the choice shall & recording the lots commons. be determined by the majority in in- p. 94 Division of "South Sea Med- terest. Where interests are equal or dow" — their signatures. for any cause no such decision shall p. 95 John Issams "Two acre right be made & in case of refusal or ne- of Marsh laid out to him at Oyster gleet to choose that person w^ho Island draws the number shall also choose p. 95 Record of 4 lots between Ful- the lot to go with it. After the lots ler's Creek & Scorton Creek of six acres are all laid out & num- p. 96 Record of 6 lots between bers drawn, one week's time shall Scorfon Creek & Eel Creek be allowed for inspection of lots and p. 96 Record of 6 lots between then, choice shall be made and enter- BoatCove Creek ^as Liberty granted by ye 179 persons receive shares, and it Town to several Indians who desired is added "There is fifty shares be- it of you to plant or sow & to dwell longing to personal Rights yet nndis- upon ye Island called Oyster Island posed of which ye Town then gave them "Whereas it is doubtful to us that Liberty so to do. Namely Paul Um- some house that we have entered for phry & his son, James Richard & tenements are on ye Commons & so Isaac Wampum & Joseph Peter & are excluded by ye Town Act from his son — To which grant and Liberty taking as such, we do therefore de- given from ye Town Mr. Daniel Par- termine notwithstanding sd entry ker then Declared his Dissent. that where they shall so appear on (W'e first learned from the records ye bounding men's lands, they shall that there were any Selectmen in be excluded, according to sd act. 1696, when instructions were given this 5 of March 1702-3. .John Gorham them about the bounds of Yarmouth.) Samll Allyn May 20th 1701, the bounds of Barn- Samll Hinkley stable & Sh were established & au- Daniel Parker thenticated by the signatures of Ebenezer Lewes James Gorham & Ebenezer Lewes, This above was truly recorded as it Selectmen of Bl, and William Bas- was given in by ye Committee for set, John Smith, Daniel Allyn, Se- yr end. As Attest Samll Allyn, lectmen of Sh Same day, line run Town Clerk ye 8th March 1702-3 to west* of same "with the help of 22 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Major John Thacher Esq. (p. 122) action of Trespass whereas he sd "At a Town Meeting. 5 of Feb. Lumbart improved it as ye Town's 1701. Then voted and given to old Consmons Ihe above sd action to be Mr Robinson by ye major part of ye herd & Tryed in ye next Inferiour Town then present one acre and Court In Barnstable as per sd writ half of marsh. may appear." 19th of March 1702, Voted to sub- "4 of May 1709 at a Town Meeting mit to arbitration the claim Samll orderly named & met. Coll: Gorham Annable makes to laud granted to chosen Moderator. James pain & Capt William Basset Then voted that ye Town gives full & Justice Stephen Skiff were chosen liberty for ye Proprietors of ye Med- arbitrators with power to choose a dow at Sandy Neck or any parcel third. "«&; Mr. Thomas Hinkley was of them to erect & put up a fence then chosen to manage ye matter at ye most convenient place at ye aforesd as ye Town's Agent,. Re- West End or Entry of sd Neck, specting abovesd premises, "Feb 16, across from ye meddow over to ye 1703 Voted that Annable shd have sea & continue ye same winter & 5 pounds in full satisfaction for his summer seven yrs. & untill it be claim. otherways ordered for ye preventing (P. 124) 22d May 1702. "Also, then horse Kind or neat cattle to go with- was voted Esq. Lothrop, Major Gor- in sd fence to fede ye Meddows or ham, Capt Otis & Mr. Thomas Hink- beech within ye same at any time of ley to renew or settle ye bounds be- ye year, nor tread ye beech, which tween ye Indians and this Town at heretofore hath proved very detri- Coatuit, Santuitt or elsewhere & to mental as by experience hath been use their prudence to act or do in found & that all Horse Kind & Cat- that affair for ye Town In Making tie found on sd neck within sd. fence. Compliance with sd Indians & sd shall be accounted Trespassers & . Town, to defi-ay the charges that dealt with as such, may arise thereupon & to begin upon This order was approbated by ye sd service ye second Tuesday of Sep- Court ye 19 of May 1709. Ordered tember ensuing In order to ye finish- that Agents of lands for school & the ing ye same. ^linistry should have "liberty to hire 16th December 1702. Mr. Thomas out sd lands for ye term of ten Hinkley & Mr. Daniel Parker made years for ye Towns use — choice of as agents for the Town to At a Town meeting ordered named defend their Right in ye land at for ye 9th of April 1712. Then was Strawberry Hill that .Joseph Hatch chosen for that day Coll. John Gor- layeth claim therunto which sd ham [131 Hatch arested Joshua Lumbart in an Then voted (it being proposed that 23 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS it is our duty to have two Meeting ye merchant at ye respective times Houses & two Ministers by divers of payment. Always provided that sd amongst us) that the Meeting be Mr. Russell do accept of sd yearly adjourned to this day three weeks payments for his sallary In full. In order to consider of sd proposals This to be made Known to Mr. Rus- and that there be some of ye neigh- sell by ye persons undersigned viz. hour Ministers and others desired to Mr. Daniel Parker, Serjeant John be present at ye Meeting & yt sd Baker, Lieut Lewes, Lieut Lothrop & matter be then fairly debated & .John Lewes heard & hear their advice thereon This voted by ye Town. & yt ye matter be determined by ye At a Town Meeting ye 17 of August vote of ye Town at ye same time, 1712, then was chosen for that Day all ye ordained Ministers in ye Deacon .Job Crocker Moderator. County that may be obtained to be Then voted by ye Town that Mr. present at sd Meeting & the Dea- Jonathan Russell have a suitable set- cons or any two of them to send to tlement granted him, which if he ac- them word for yt end. & Ensign cept he shall forthwith be ordain- Parker, John Lewes & John Jenkins ed as a minister to ye Church & to draw up something In answer to Town — but always that ye settling Col. Otis his proposal and ordaining of him shall be no ob- At ye Adjournment above mentioned struction to ye church and Town ye last of April 1712 Coll: John Gor- Either to ye Calling of another Min- ham was chosen Moderator for that ister to assist in this house or to be- day. At sd meeting being held by come two societys when we can adjournment to ye first of May when unanimously agree to either of them, we had ye advice of ye Reverend El- Farther agreed and voted that foras- ders then present with us then pursu- much as ye Town is not at present amt to sd advice did vote a concur- in a capacity to provide a real set- rence with ye Church, in ye choice of tlement for ye Minister's accomoda- Mr. Jonathan Russell to be their tion & use that instead thereof the Pastor & make choice of him to be Town do give to and allow to Mr ye Minister of ye Town & do also Jonathan Russell two hundred vote to give him 80 pounds to be an- pounds to be paid after ye rate of nually paid sd Mr Russell if he shall twenty pounds per year annually in continue here in sd work & take sd case he continue in ye work of ye work on him and as long as he shall Ministry among us so long: if not, so continue here in that work sd money long as he shall so continue to be to be paid in Province bills or other paid twenty pounds per year, the- money as it shall pass currant with money to be paid at such value as it 24 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS usually passes or in Province bills. 1647 (page 133 et sub) orders adopt- At a Town Meeting January 27, ed for building general fence from 1712-3 Coll. Otis chosen Moderator Coggins Pond ye pond by Thos. Hink- for that Day. ley's to Stony Cove — lanes to have Then voted that there be a Commit- gates at upper ends — Mr. Allyn, Gdd. tee of twelve men chosen to consider Sherley, .John Smith & Nathl Bacon ivhat is ye present Duty of this Town to be Heywards to see to fences & In respect of Two Meeting Houses impound cattle, hogs &c trespassing or Societys & to Consider what ye Hogs to be yoked — Cost of building &. settling two 13.5 Ministers may probably be & if It Heywards shall determine part of be thought Convenient to have two general fence to built by each pro- to consider where they shall stand prietor & make it if he does not, & how money shall be raised & ye charging twice as much for their la- growing charge defrayed & make Re- bour as it is ordinarily worth, or if port to ye Town. they cannot attend to it, may sura- The men chosen for sd Service are mon all the interessors in the general as under written. fence who shall assemble to do it & Coll. Otis, John Lewes, Deacon Chip- receive forfeit as aforesaid. Hey- man. Coll Gorham, Ensign John wards shall break up the general field Thacher, Ebenezer Goodspeed, John when the corn is gathered in previ- Jenkins, Mr. Samll Hinkley, John ous to which, the cattle shall not be Baker, Mr. John Bacon, James Cole- permitted therein unless in a suffi- man, John Phinney Jur cient enclosure or upder Keeper's Voted Mr. Daniel Parker Added care — under forfeit of 2 shillings for At a Town Meeting July 29 1713. each mans default. Heywards may Voted that Mr. .lohn Bacon, Lieut impound & receive the forfeit & Jos. Lothrop & Lieut Ebenezer half of it when any others shall im- Lewis be a Committee to have power pound. to bargain with Thomas Crocker Jr Heywards to inspect carefully and for such a piece of land as they shall frequently the fences in the season think necessary to enlarge ye bury- when the lyeth most exposed to dam- ing place & take care to get ye same age by cattle, for which they shall fenced in with ye whole burying receive a penny an acre besides the place in such convenient time as forfeit — Fence to be made by 16th they shall think fitt. of March 1647— "ye 7th of January— "It is (136) Dec. 22, 1657 "Whereas at a also granted that Isaac Robinson general meeting of ye several inter- shall have all ye marsh that lyeth essors in the General field, specified at ye end of his lot westerly. in an order dated ye, 28th of Feb, 25 ■>/ BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS 1647 they ye sd Inhabitants have tion of ye corn for this present year given full power to Mr. John Groome, & for so long time as until] ye Town Isaac Robinson, Nathaniel Eaton, shall take sonae other course therein Thomas Huckens & Thomas Hinkley & it was further ordered as an addi- to order all such things about ye gen- tion thereunto that what order or or- eral field as may conduce to ye gen- ders ye aforementioned five men or eral good of ye several interessors any three of them shall agree upon therein as aforesd — It is therefore Respecting ye said field, shall stand ordered by them according to ye in force till ye town make some other power given them as aforesd as fol- provision therein", loweth, viz. ■ This Com. on the 24th of May Fences to be made by Uth March in 1662, made rules, fixing 6d a rod as default of 3d per acre to be spent in a penalty for defective fence & twice general field & if not made four days the charge of making it after one after 10th March to be put up at day's notice: also, that the compen- double cost to interessors. Gates sation of Heywards shd. be 3 pounds at lanes to be maintained & assigned per an. and appointed Thos. Huckens, to different persons for that purpose. John Davis & .Tames Claghorn for Similar orders made Jan 25, 1652 & that year. JMarch 21, 1663 they March 20, 1653 (p. 137) chose Nathl Bacon, .James Lewes Dec. 22, 1656 order, reciting great and James Cob. damages by neglect to keep the Feb. 7, 1668 they chose Abraham fences up — that they shall be made Blush, James Lewes & James Cob by 1st of March, as proportioned by Heywards & Nathaniel Bacon, Thos. Henry Cob, Nathaniel Bacon, John Huckens, John Davis James Lewes Gorham, Thomas Huckens & George & James Cob, to take a view of ye Lewes proportions of fence & land belong- For six weeks after Indian harvest ing with the bounds, to be recorded the gates may be opened, but at no in the Town Book other time. p. 139 Feb 7, 1671— agreement of Dec. 22d 1656. John Phinney, Thos. Hinkley & Thos. Huckins Thos. Lothrop & George Lewes Com about proportion of fence &c, about for that year Coggins Pond & ye lane for protec- Resolved by ye Town this 21 of tion of General fields. May 1662 That Thos. Hinkley, Nathl Feb. 19, 1671. John Davis, James Bacon, Thos. Huckens, Joseph Loth- Lewes & James Cob & Kenecompsit rop & John Davis be empouered to to be Heywards & to report "defects'* make such orders Respecting ye gen- to Jedediah Lumbart, who is em- eral field as may be for ye preserva- pouered to act as ye Companes 26 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Treasurer to levy fines & give a true — Jabez Lumbart and Xatlianiel Ba- account thereof." con were chosen & appointed iiieasur- 14th April 1672, John Davis, James ers instead of j^e above named Tliom- Lewis & James Cob chosen Hey as Lothrop & Bernard Lumbart— & wards, James Lewis, Treasurer. the penny per acre is to be paid in Jan'y 16,1673 Abraham Blush, Thos Indian corn at 6d per bushel Lumbart & James Cob. Each Hay- Oct. 10, 1656. Mr Thomas Prince ward to have 20 shillings in Indian & Capt .Tames Cudworth having been Corn. Fines to be elected bye Com. ordered & requested by the Court to by warrant of distress. endeavor to issuing a controversy Feb. 26, 1679 Robt Davis, David Lin- between Mr. Thomas Dexter and & nel & Henry Taylor — some of ye neighborhood about a No cattle to be let in till Oct. highway over a marsh of Mr Dexter, 15th Gates not to be thrown open determined that those owning marsh till Nov. 5 annually & if any Yar- above it & using the way, should pay mouth horses or cattle are in before Mr. Dexter 6d per acre for its use in the Hay wards or any other may im- full recompense, shd make and re- pound them & have 5d of each owner pair the way forever in proportion to of such cattle or horses. the use each man made of it & shd Dec. 31, 1685 At a meeting of shut gates & bars after use to pre- proprietors of ye lands in ye common vent damage." fields voted that no cattle or beasts The names of those that are Interest- shall be baited therein before Oct. ed In Marsh that needs ye priviledge 15, except working cattle & then "on of sd way as foUowetb — Samll Hink- owners own land only" — ley .Jan 26. 1685 voted by Prop's that Peter Blossom Common fields shall be measured William Crocker Thos Hinkley next summer to ascertain the pro- Samll Fuller Robert Parker portion of each mans land & fence John Chipman Mr.Linnel belonging to it by men under oath Also, j^e. sd Mr. Thomas Prince and & any man who, after Oct, 15, shall Capt. Cudworth do allow ye sd foot put cattle therein in excess of his way laid out by ve jury over some proportionate right he shall pay for land of ye sd Thomas Dexters him- excess; " self likewise contented therewith. Thos. Lothrop, Bernard Lum- also ordered ye day and year afore- bart, John Gorham & Joseph Loth- said by ye sd Mr. Thomas Prince rop or any three of them, shall & Capt James Cudworth yt ye De- measure the land and apportion the termination of Bernard Lumbart fence, being allowed Id per acre. whre ye. bounds of mens upland and Feb. 13, 1686, at meeting of Prop's Marsh is Shall there be kept to ye 27 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS issuing of any controversy between to be painted in the same manner Mr. Thomas Dexter and any of ye as the house is - that stands near neighbourhood on that account. Jabez Howes in Yarmouth. Bearse et Finis — al. to own Vz pews, Hamblin the p. 144 Perambulation of bounds of other % (Except the ministers pew Yarmouth &Barnstable 24th May & to have $1100 (March 15, 1796) 1803, Farm formerly Job Gorhams (1.50) John Gallison sells the same to be taxed in B & Timothy Hal- piece of land on South side of the letts in Y. East Precinct in Barnstable to same Abner Taylor Seleictmen of persons as above (Bearse et al.) for Thomas Thacher Y church Eben Bacon Bl p. 193 Richard Lewis "We certify that Isaac Smith p. 145 do. of Sandwich 26 April 1826 of the Town of Barnstable is a mem- Lemuel Nye Selectmen ber of the religious society in the Asa Hinkley of B Town of Barnstable called Metho- Melatiah Bourne, Henry Lawrence, dists: dated this eleventh day of May Selectmen of Sh A.D.1812 Josiah Hinkley Town Clerk. Ebenezer Hinckley p. 146 James Fuller Perambulation of Mashpee & Bl, Committee, bounds, April 19, 1803 Received May 14th A.D. 1812 & is David Parker, George Miller, compared atest Guardians of Plantn Maspee Naler Crocker Town Clerk- Eben Bacon • Marriages Solemnized by Rev. Enoch Nathl Jenkins B] Pratt commencing Nov. 27, 1807 — to p. 147 Partition of fence May 17, 1823 (p. 194) 1793 Eben Bacon T Clerk. (p. 202) Nov 27, 1816. Ansel An- p. 148 Agreement by which Micah nable sells Isaiah L. Green pew — be- Hamblin agrees with Lemuel Bearse, ing wall pew on South side of North Eleazer Scudder & Elisha Blish to Meeting house in Bl. build a meeting house on the North (205) Feb. 1, 1805 Hannah Doane, of side of Phinneys lane, between Mr. Boston, sells V2 a pew in same to Joseph Phinneys & Mr Solomon Hezekiah Doane of Bl. Shipwright. Phinney dwelling house — to be 46ft. (207) Fence viewers assignment of long 38ft wide 2iy2ft high. Porch partition fence 1818 14ff sq. 21% ft high House to be (209) lathed & plastered — 42 pews — a neat Marriages by Revd Josiah Sturte- sounding board to be painted stone vant color — a gallery House & windows (213) sale July 15, 1822 of Ebenr 28 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Bacon's Vs pew in meeting house at Neck for the Proprietors «S: Inhabi- W. B. tants of said Town to pass and re- (219) sale of pew in Baptist M H. at pass as occasion may require. We Hyannis 1825 have also measured off the said 20 (246) sale of pew in M. E. M. H. rods from what we call common and 1826 ordinary high water mai'k from one subject to the following conditions end of the Neck to the other & set viz. that the pulpit of said meeting bounds and caused the same to be house shall be supplied by the An- recorded on the Town Book" nual Conference of the Methodist (288) Nov. 29, 1837 Bl & Yar Bounds Episcopal Church agreeable to the perambulated Jas :\Iatthews Saml rules of discipline. And the Metho- Thacher Ichabod Sherman Select dists in Barnstable may occasionally Yar. and exclusively occupy the aforesaid Henry Crocker Nathaniel Hinckley Meeting House for their Love Feasts Saml Pitcher selectmen of Bl. and all other church meetings for p. 291 their benefit." May 2, 1838 (Sandwich & Barnstable Naler Crocker Town Clerk, 1823 bounds perambulated) James N. Howland Town Clerk 182.5' Nathl Hinckley Danl Bassett Select- Josiah Hinckley Town Clerk 1826 men of Bl Calvin Stetson 1837 Jesse Boyden Jno. B. Dillingham se- Fredk Parker 1844 lectmen of Sh F. G. Kelley 1847. Dec. 13, 1838 Bl. & Mashpee do (260) Perambulation of boundary line N. H. D. B. as above of Bl & Mashpee May 18, 1826 Solomon Attaquin Moses Pockuett Naler Crocker Lemuel Nye* Sectmen selectmen of Mashpee of Bl Gideon Hawley Nymphas :\rars- (P. 293) "Return of names enrolled ton overseers of poor. in the Militia in 1840 First Company (26.5) Recital in deed of purchase of 229 2d 132:— 361 pew in 1st Unlversalist M. H. in Bl. whole number 368" of Props Jan. 15, 1831 1841 Return of Militia (P. 280) Three bills of sale of (P- 302) Do for 1842 whole no. en- ' horses and wagons 1837 rolled 275 (P. 284) July 1837. Chipman Hinck- Do for 1843 whole number enrolled ley, Nathaniel Gorham & Joseph 354 Bodfish reported to the town "that P- 314 Bill of Sale of Dry & other in 1714 & 1715, the Proprietors of goods- Sandy Neck laid out 20 rods from (317) Perambulation of B. & Y. common and ordinary high water Nov. 29 1842 mark upon the North side of Sandy Lothrop Davis, Seth Hallett Bl 29 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Jas. Matthews Ichabod Sherman Yar. & then was voted to allow him six (18) Do. Dec, 20, 1847 shillings ye day for his services: Jas. Matthews Sam. Thacher Y agreed on and ye. Mr. John Bacon Nathl Hinckley Arthur B. Marston & Mr Samll Hinkley did manifest selectmen Bl — yourselfs to be utterly against allow- Bl & Mashpee ing him that money: and desired to Bl & Sh give dissent &c." (Handwriting of Lothrop Davis Selectman Seth Hal- John Otis) lett 1S42 At sd. Town Meeting abovsd. then Charles C. Bearse Fredk Scudder was voted for Mr. Daniel Parker Lothrop Davis 1849 and I\Ir John Bacon agents for ye Daniel Bassett F. S. & C. C. B. 18.52 Town to look out for a schoolmaster Nathl Hinckley Jos. R. Hall, Ebenr to serve ye Town for ye year ensu- Bacon 1858 ing & to provide him at the Town's 1865 C. C. Bearse Chm of Selectmen Charge. Eben Bacon of Bd. Joseph R. Hall Dec. 1814 Dan'l Parker chosen rep- April 1871 Nathan Crocker Samuel resentative Snow ^ Left. Lewis, Left Lothrop, Ensin 1871 June 1 Andrew Lovell Simeon Baker Serj Jos Smith John Lewis, L. Ames Selectmen— Town Clerk Samll Allyn John Otis m. Mrs Mercy Bacon July Apr. 21, 1715 Col. John Otis Mod- 18, 1683 per Gov. Hinkley erator John Otis Town Clerk 1713 Town will join with Sandwich & Fal- In this year it was voted that inhts. mouth to give 20 pounds bounty for of each end of the Town shall meet every fuU grown wolf killed, together to select spots suitable for Col. Otis, Col Gorham. Esq Parker & the meeting houses when the town Lt. Lothrop shd take care of ye shd. think itself able to build. school house on Strawberry Hill- meeting to choose Jurymen for ye that it be not infringed or encroach- Superior Court, held March 18, 1713-4 ed upon. Col. Gorham Moderator Tithing men To give the widow of Mr. Russell elected — & clerk of ye Market 60 pounds Eben Lewis John Bacon John Lewis Sept 21, 1714 Town voted to pay selectmen. for sweeping ye meeting Hous 1:10 "At a Town Meeting orderly nam- May 12, 1715 Left Joseph Lothrop ed for ye choosing of Representative chosen Rep. & allowed 5s per day. for the ensuing year May 17, 1714, 1716. Daniel Parker, then was chosen to represent the Esq Parker chosen agent to defend Town at the General Court holden in presentment for not having a pound. Boston ensuing, Mr. Daniel Parker At a Town Meeting orderly warned 30 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS ye 6th Sept. 1715 voted bers— 20) For Mr. Russells Sallary for this At a Town Meeting ye 30th of Octo- year & settlement 100:0:0 ber 1716— "The return of the Coui- Allowed also for ye Widdow Russell mitty to the Town who sat in Baru- 30:0:0 stable the 26th of October. 1716. Then Towards supporting a School-master proposed by the Committy met to- &c 35:0:0 gether pursuant to a vote of the Toward ye Killing of wolves 30:0:0 town whether there is any thing of For Representative 20:0:0 necessity to be done by the town to For sweeping ye Meeting Hous 1:10:0 prevent further & future difficulties For the poor 9:0:0 as to our curcomstances relating to For repairing the ^Meeting Hous two meeting buses therein: an- 3:0:0 swered in the affirmative with una- For ye buring place — gate making — nimous consent & voted by ye 10:0 Town as sd Town meeting." voted James Hamlin, son of James March 20, 1777 Left Ebenr Lewis Hamlin be desired & empowered to Moderator look after the boys on Sabbath, to Selectmen Capt. Lot Joseph Smith prevent disorder— & John Baker Oct 13, 1715 Left Jos. Lothrop Mod- Barnstable Feb. 17^7. To either erator: "then voted at sd Town of the Constables of Barnstable greet- meeting to have two meeting houses, ing Feb 28. 1716 Col Otis Mod. voted You are directed & ordered to not to divide the Town by families so give notice to ye Inhabitants of this that each cd. determine place where Town that they meet together on meeting houses shd. be. Thursday next at ten o'clock in the John Gorham Jr. chosen grand juror, forenoon in said' day at the usual Mch 20, 1716, Colonl Gorham Mod— place: That then the Town's mind yn was chosen Mr. Jo Bacon, Mr. may be Known by their vote, Wheth- Joseph Smith & Mr Jo Thacher for er they will grant the divers propos- Selectmen &c. al hereafter mentioned by divers of 27th Oct. 1716, Col Otis Moderator, the inhabitants of sd Town "It was voted to choose a Committee That ye mind of the Town may be to lay before the town upon their Known whether or no they will grant consideration of the matters in debate the request of ye Inhabitants of ye what they judge might best conduce South side of ye Town that they may for ye peace & quietness of the Town have leave to build a Meeting House & the Committy then chosen were on ye South Side for carrying on ye Colonel Otis & Col John Gorham Publick Worship of God when they (last named, apparently of 20 mem- are able. 31 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS That their minds may be Known one, the same Committee to divide whether they will raise money to ye Town in order for each precinct build one more meeting house in said or Society to act for themselves. Town to be sett abt at ye West end That the Town make choice of a man of sd Town, as may be appointed by to look after the burying place and a Committee out of Town, and also repair any breaches as there may be to raise money to pay for ye meet- occasion. ing house already built in said Town That the Town choose a committee on condition it shall stand where it of wise, indifferent persons, to refer does and both houses be the Towns all our difficulties unto for a final and improved for public meeting deterrjoination viz. what number of Houses, and a minister forthwith meeting houses may be necessary called to preach in ye new meeting att present, and where they shall House. ■ stand or be placed— If they deter- That the Towns mind may be Known, mine more than one needfull And whether they will grant that the East whether it is necessary or advisable end of the Town may be a Precinct to divide the Town into precincts, to act by themselves, to extend from and if so then to do it for us. And Yarmouth line Westward to ye way to determine whether the new meet- that leads from James Lewis Dock ing house in this town built by par- up into ye woods by Nathaniel Ba- ticular persons shall be improved for con's and from the North Sea half a publick meeting house and upon way across ye land to South Sea re- what terms. And in case there be serving liberty for any that dwell occasion for more than one minister within sd bounds to attend ye Pub- then the sd gentlemen to give us lick worship elsewhere if they please their advice whether it best for ye in sd Town and to pay to such min- town to vote ye present minister to ister where they shall attend. have his choice which part of ye That the Town's mind may be Known Town to settle att or to leave the whether Mr. Russell our present min- Determination thereof to a Council of ister shall have liberty to make his ministers. — or to determine it by a choice which Society he will be of lott. Also whether the Town will and preach to, if we divide into two give leave to all those persons that or more. have been at ye charge to build ye That the town choose a Committee new meeting house, forthwich to call of indifferent men, who shall have a minister to preach ye Gospel in sd full power to determine whether it house on that condition that they will be best for us to have one, two that attend the publick worship there or more meeting houses, And if they shall at their own cost pay to sd determine it best to have more than minister a suitable maintenance and BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS not be released from paying same Col. Otis, Esq Parker, Capt Lothrop until ye town see cause to release — & Capt Bacon chosen committee t>o John Bacon dispose of old meeting house for the etal. Town when the West Precinct have May 16 1717, John Bacon chosen built their meetinghouse (p. 13 vol 2) Rep. 5th of May 1719 Cap. Jos Lothrop 2.5th September 1717 voted "Mr Gar- & 1726 ret's Killing a wolf 9 pounds 1720 & 1721 Shubal Gorham Rep March 4, 1718 Selectmen, Capt, 1722-172.5 Major S. G. John Bacon Left. John Thacher & 10th May 1722, Col. Otis appointed Serjeant Joseph Smith Chn of a Com. to see where house "Voted yt the" former act made for for the poor can best be erected^ the Incouragement of the Killing of 16 pounds raised for Rep. 50 pounds wolves is repealed and no more shall for school master &c. be paid by this town for the Killing Sept 8, 1723. Major Gorham & 2 of wolves till the Town see cause others appointed on part of town to otherwais to order" bring by arbitration to an issue the Then at abovesd Town meeting ye controversy with John Bacon Esq the return from ye General Court in Bos- title to land where stands the school ton of ye Towns settlement into two House at Strawberry Hill (?) & to two precincts was publicly read — fix boundaries & settle the suits — 13th May 1718 chose 3 selectmen to March 19, 1734 Ct of Sessions (John add to Mr. Bacon & Left Thacher Sturgis Clerk) approed bylaw that viz — Esq. Parker, Ensign Bacon & all male inhts 24 yrs. old or marled John Lewes shall kill 4 grown crows, blackbirds May 22 1718. Chose Capt Shubal or blue jays an. on penalty of 9d Gorham representative per head — except aged, infirm minis- 2 March 1719. voted to raise 120 ters & school-masters, pounds for settlement of a minister p. 60, 1735 Sheep shall from Dec. 1 when Mr. Russell is settled in one of to March 1 an. with redding, black- the two precincts ing or other colouring to distinguish voted to raise 60 pounds, 40 pounds them from strays. March 11, 1735 for 6 mos. salary of Mr. Russell & 40s encouragement for every wild 20 pounds for new minister cat & 20s every young one killed. Col. Otis, Esq. Parker, Capt Loth- 1736 p.63 Com to report on condi- rop, Dea. Chipman, Left Lewes, John tion of Great Bridge. Lewes, Left. Thacher & Capt Crock- June 30 1736 voted not to lay out a er com. to wait on Mi-. Russell and way from Dea Bacon's Gate to ye ask him to make choice wh. pre- Mill, because "the Town presume cinct he will go to to be minister of. they have had a Gate from sd Gate 33 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS to ye mill below Capt James Lewes ing or precinct he wd. go to preach Line out of mind." do. Town Clerk be put upon record &c. which is as to transcribe from old Town Book followeth "Whereas this Town is into new one such articles as now divided & become two precincts are likely to be of future use & 5 & have (by Committee chosen for yt pounds to be allowed him towards end) made aplication to me according transcribing. Jan. 6 1736. to have to the Town's vote to know what two grammar schools — but 11th presinct I would be minister of or March voted to proceed no farther preach to, I therefore by way of an- therein unless two Masters are al swer reply, yt though I was settled ready engaged. with so great unanimity both in At meeting March 2-5, 1736 at East Church & Town as yt neither pre- Meeting House "Deacon Baker chose cinct hath more reason to reject mee Moderator & disaccepted. Capt Loth- than I have to leave the whole and rop chose & disaccepted. Dr. Russell desire my disniissal, from them & chose Moderator & accepted." 1737-8 though on divers accounts it seems Dr. Russell chose Representative— most natural for me to abide in the Col. Shubael Gorham, Serg't Joseph precinct where I now am; yet since Smith David Crocker Esq Selectmen there is such a number who are so May 16, 1739, at meeting at East M prejudiced or disaffected and so sett H., Col. Gorham Moderator & chosen against my being there; as yt my life representative. is likely there to be rendered less "voted that Deacon Baker & Mr. Jos- comfortable to me & perhaps my eph Hamlin be appointed a Commit- ministry less profitable to them— to- tee to treat with Mr. Marston about gether with some other reasons yt a passage for alewives thro his dam, might be mentioned; presuming also view the premises & report to Town yt there is a very general if not uni- thereon" 1739 Marston 1st time versal desire in the West End yt I "Selectmen allowed for making rates should come to them; presuming like- A.D. 1739 viz. wise yt you will shortly be in a To Joseph Smith 7 days 2:2, readiness to receive mee; I think it To Deacon Davis 7 days 2:2 best for me to decline a settlement To David Crocker 8 days 2:8 i" ye East, and rather prefer a West- To sd Crocker for Expenses viz 22 ern Settlement if it may by any dinners at 2s 2:4 means comfortably to be obtained. 2 horses 7 days at Is 14 Wishing the Spirit, presence and 20 sheets paper 2s— 6d 2:6 blessing of Christ may be aforded At th^ mvn Meeting the 3d Septem- to both precincts, I subscribe yours ber 18l5r.then voted Mr. Russells in him JONATHAN RUSSELL choice which he made to which meet- Barnstable 34 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS April 23d 172n, Col. Otis Mdr. ask fOr term of Superior Court here Proposal made at sd. meeting by 1727 120 pounds to be raised for John Bacon Esq in the behalf of Town Charges. himself & Mr. Samuel Annable re- Name of James Otis first appears in lat'ing to the action now depending Town book Jan. 11, 1727 (drawn as in reference to their demands as to petty juror) iMch 15, 1728 surveyor a division of the Common meadows Oct. 31, on following Com., Jury man &c— as followeth July Court 1728 I If the Town will defray the Oct, 31, 1727 Major Shubael Gor- charges of the sd action which they ham was made chairman of a com of have been at hithertoo. That they 13 to prevent Indians, negroes & oth- the sd John Bacon & Samuel Anna- ers, disorderly persons, found often ble will bear their own cost & ex- in the night season; and frequenting pence that they have been out hereto, of publick houses after nine of ye 2d— That they will then withdraw clock in ye evening contrary to law- their appeal and prosecute ye matter March 15, 1728 voted to have but no further. 5 selectmen, Major Shubael Gorham 3th That Iff the major part of the -^lodr & Chn Bd Selectn. proprietors will subscribe & promise May 9, Col Shubael Gorham Mod & to forbear the continuing or prosecu- chosen Rape ting of any action of the like nature Town voted to take its part of the for ever, they will do the same. These 6000 pounds loan. Voted that the proposals were accepted by the Town Trustees shd. not let out less than 5 & the clerk was to take the vote and pounds nor more than 10 pounds the obtain as many signers as he can — first daj' — not more than 20 pounds, signed by 37 — Jno Otis, Sr & Jr. second, to any one man after the 2d Shubal Gorham & S. G. Jr. day to rise 10 pounds per day. To John Bacon occasionally Modera- loan on personal security; of a prin- ter cipal & security, both to be freehold- March 17, 1726 Col Otis Mod. Ma- ers; chose three trustees ie Col Shu- jor Shubal Gorhaiii chairman of Se- bael Gorham, Major John Thacher, lectmen (S) ^Ii'- David Crocker, who were to have Nathl Otis Town Clerk 1725-6 Id comn Voted, that the 4d per March 3, 1727 Major Shubal Gor- an. be pd to Province Treasurer & ham. Moderator Chm of Bd. of Sect- the 2d to Town Treasr men, of the Surveyors, Moderator 29th May 1728. A com, was ap- March 31 27 pointed to prevent encroachments on Capt John Otis Modr -at meeting lands "laid out for public & pious Jan, 11. 1727 uses." Sept, 21,1727 Rep instructed to Selectmen 1729 Col. Shubael Gor- 35 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS ham. Major John Thacher Capt. Jos- orders: 1731: Mr. Bourn and ib to eph Hinkley Dea Samll Chipman prepare proposal as to Province Lieut Joseph Smith Jas Otis survey- Treasurers Comn on Treasury — Re- or. Sylvanus Bourn in place of port. Vol 2 p. 42 — 1732 on Com. to John Otis deed, to manage the school consider cattle &c on Sandy Neck lot- Report p. 45 (refers to use of Saiidy Jan. 15, 1729 meeting to choose jury- Neck for whaling.) Aug. 15, 1732 men James Otis, Moderator — & on Com. March 7, 1729 meeting to choose ^f ^j^ qqi Gorham is Chm to pre- Town officers— adjourned to March vent disorders by Servants & others 27 p. 45 — of town to provide school- April 2 meeting to choose Jurymen master — 1733, fence viewer; on May 19 meeting to choose Reuresen- Com. to prevent trespasses on lot tative near middle of the Town laid out for June 11 meeting to choose Jurymen public and pious uses; on Com. to Oct, 14 meeting to choose Jurymen consider of sale of the School lot — Oct. 29 meeting for school and other Oct. 23d 1734, James Otis Esq. Com business on sundry matters Dec 29 meeting David Crocker chos- Jan. 9, 1735. Moderator: (p 64) of en Town Clerk in place of Nathl Com. to rebuild ye Great Bridge Otis — deceased — 9 Town meetings Oct 6, 1737, Moderator; Petition of. Mch 6, 1730 Col. Gorham Modr & Harwich & Towns below that Chn Selectmen March 3d 1737, of Com. to oppose in 3 Surveyors of West, among whom Gen Ct, the 2 Capt. John Otis Oct 6, 173C, Moderator; terms of C. 3 Surveyors of West among whom Ct. are to be held in Eastham. Col Shubael Gorham March 3, 1737 an. meeting — Expenses P. 38. 40 pounds due E. Precinct & 30 for trouble (3) Bourne lived there & many other occasions Capt. Lothrop, Major Thacher & Dea- March 12, 1739 James Otis, John con Baker, Com. to purchase a spot Otis Sylvanus Bourne, Col. Gorham of land for a burying place at the et al chosen Hogreeves- West end of the Town (p. 76) 1731 S. G. Chn Selectmen & Modera- March 30, 1742. Moderator tor 1741-2 on various committees — 1744 1732 S. G. Chn Selectmen & Modera- Towns Ag't about Benj Marston's tor petn to Ct Gen. Sessions abt way & James Otis bridge James Otis juryman 1727 — 8 — Sur- 1744. Selectman — also 1745, 1746-7- veyor, 1728; on com. to suppress dis- 8 1749 — 1760-1-2 — 1768-9 36 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Representative 1745, 1746-7-8 (all 80 Nathll Otis born ye 9 of April 1743 & polls") (1755 unanimously 70) 9-51— died ye 13 of April 1743 52 — 53 4-5 1756 — 1760-1-2- (cho- Oct. 20 1768. Col. Otis Moderator. sen May 12, but Ed. Bacon chosen .Joseph Otis Esq. (43 yrs.) was cho- Sep 20 following — probably Col, sen chm of agents for West Prect. Otis of the Council)" School District- 1767-8-9-70 — Elected to Council & on two committees. (170) "Com. to Keep ye West bury- March meeting - 24, 1772 at East ing place fenced & notfed — M. H. Col. .James Otis, moderator, Mch 23, 1747 Major .John Otis Mod- his son .Joseph was chosen select- erator at many meetings & on many man in his stead. Meeting was ad- Coms on 5 such at March meeting, journed to March 30 at West M. H. 1759 — Col. Otis still Moderater. "Voted 1761-2-3-4 was almost invariably Mod- to give the Hon. James Otis Esq. erator & on every important Com- Thanks for his good services he has mittee. First on Herring Brook done this Town" 45 years. He was fishery in 1741 — to 16 — 26 yrs. then of the Council, May 21, 1772 again in 11 again Moderator. & March 10, 1773 P. 210 "London Negro man, servant He had probably declined to be again to James Otis Esq and Bathsheba Selectman — Lowardy, an Indian, Dec'r 19, 1760 March meeting, March 8 1732, there Notice Entd & Pubd — were chosen — Vol 2, p. 307 "James Otis and Mary 8 petit jurymen for March Court Allyn, married by Mr. Elisha Wil- 6 jurymen for Superior Court liams of Wethersfield May the 14th Town Meeting March 9 chosen 1724 Their son James born 5th Fery 5 selectmen, 3 Constables, 4 Survey- 1724-5 Son Joseph born March 6th ors, 4 fence viewers 4 Tything men, 1725-6, Mercy 14 Sept. 1728 — 'Mary Town Treasurer, Clerk of the market 9th Sept 1730 Hannah — 31 July Sealer of Leather, Town clerk 7 Hog 1732, Nathaniel 9 July 1734 and died reeves. Com of 9 about Sandy Neck 13 January following— Nov. 29, 1732 (p. 47) Report as Martha born Oct. 9, 1736 died Nov. to division of schools in E. & W. 25 following Precincts — in each 1 year. When In Abigial, born 30 June 1738 died 31 E. P. school be Kept near M. H. 42 July 1738 weeks «S: new House of Thos. Had- Daughter Elizabeth Otis, born 1 Sept, daway 10 weeks — when in W. P. 1739: Son Samuel Allyn Otis, born near house of Mr. John Howland 33 Nov. 24, 1740 weeks near house of Benjamin Good- Sarah Otis born ye 11 of April 1742 speed Sr 14 w. 3 days & near house & died 5 of May, 1742 of James Lovel Jr 4 w 4 days — This 37 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS arrangement for 4 yrs. (Col. Gorham resigned or deed?) Mar. 13, 1733 Edwd Sturges chosen 1740 John Gorham, David Crocker, Constable & declined. Voted, that Robt Davis Selectn Selectmen summon him to give rea- 1740 1st mention of Cornelius Crock- son if any there be why he don't pay er (as Grand Juryman) his fine for not serving". 1741. S. Bourn Rep. 2d time at West Major Thacher, Serj't Smith David M. H. May 13 Crocker Selectmen (5 for some yrs) & 1742 S. Bourn Rep at East M. H. p. 49 "Schoolmaster be desired to June 24. refuse to entertain or instruct any Oct 19 to build house (for 30 child whose parent, master or guar- pounds) for Saml Phinneys use at dian does not provide proportionate West end as one of the poor of the share of wood or money to procure Town: house to be for Town's use it" from time to time." House, however. Town meetings sometimes held cost 41:8 in East & West meeting houses for March 11, 1741. Ebenezer Bacon specific purposes (see p. 49) Constable — John Otis Esq Town Mayy 23, 1733. Shubal Gorham ap- Treasurer several yrs. pointed to procure assent of Gen. Ct. Joseph Lothrop, James Otis, David to sale of lot reserved for support Crocker Esqs. Com to consider ex- of schools & proceeds to be invested pediency of Towns making a bridge on land security for same purpose across road near Mr. Benj. Mars- (53) Mch. 13, 1733. that common ton's mill on account of breach made marsh be improved towards support by the water from mill pond & also of Town's poor what slid, be done to promote pas- For several years Capt John Otis & sage 'of alewives above the dam, ac- Major John Thacher, moderators of cording to law. Town meetings — p. S6 charges of Town abt poor & (see page 46 — over for doings of ' sick Indians & Rep. for 1742 to mem- several yrs here entd there by mis- orialize Gen. Ct. for reimbursement take) over & security agst future charge Mch 12, 1739 Premium of 4d per Dec. 16, 1742 Benjn Marston, one of head on crows, jays & blackbirds 3 school agents killed by inhts of Bl. bet. 10 April & March 21, 1742 30 pounds to Clerk 10 June for transcribing records out of Old May 21, 1740 at West M. H. Col. Gor- Book. James Otis 3 pounds, John ham Representative On same page Sturges 4 pounds, Joseph Lothrop 3 entry of meeting 12th June 1740 at pounds for comparing the records. East M. H. when "Major Sylvanus 1743, Robert Davis Rep. by major Bourn Esq. chosen Representative" part of ye Electors present BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS 1743 p. 97. James Otis Chn of town er a man's bpinsr a non-eloctor is a reported scheme for school round the bar to his being chosen Town Town 4 yrs. 5 mos Troasr" voted NO. Dissent re- Dec. 17, 1744, Col John Thacher Mod- corded by order of :Moderator Col. erator Bourn, of Col. Otis, John Otis & 24 p. 102. others— Mch. 18, 1744 — voted that Benjamin Isaac Hinckley. Town Clerk — Blatchford's daughter be under ye .Jan. 4, 1750 William Lovell gives regulation of ye Selectmen as to a Town land for burying ground on Doctor — Jas. Otis Chairn South side on West side of way 17th May 174.5 Voted to remit cer- Northward of Jacob Lovell's home tain taxes to Ebeur Bacon, "late con- land — not signed though T. Clerk stable, as desperate." certified "Compared" Mch, 1747 — 10 s. for one yr. for "Informers of Deer, Pa,ckers of fish, every red fox killed, ears brot to Se- Surveyors of flax &c March 7, 1771, Selectmen James Otis ing to be over &c — 'V Nymphas IMarston Daniel Davis Jan 12, 1769. Poor house accepted. Constable Eli Phinney who refused John Crocker Jr put in charge of & was excused. 43 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Col. Otis & Bacon on a variety of P.M. at West M. H. when voted "to Corns add four more gentlemen to the Corn- Voted, that there may be a school mittee who are to take under con- house set up partly on the Highway sideration the request of a number against the Old Burying Place in of respectable freeholders &c and Barnstable on the North side of the report at May meeting. Then was way agreeable to what was inserted added for sd. purpose Mr. Eli Phin- in the Warrant. ney. Major Otis, Ebenezer Jenkins, Voted, to allow Mr. Josiah Crocker Capt. Eben Smith the sum of six pounds for his disap- Mch. 10, 1773 "Voted that Cornel- pointment in not keeping school six ius Crocker & Shearjashub Bourne weeks in the year 1769 have liberty to set up a chaise house p. 37 Agree't about bank for founda- on the meeting house hill in the East tion of Great Bridge Precinct sufficient for two chaises Nov 7, 1771 Town voted to raise with two horses tackled:" 285 pounds to pay Town's debts & May 1, 1773 Report of Com. ap- maintain the poor & one grammar pointed at March meeting was read schoolmaster " & accepted. Col. Otis Moderator Voted to have one common school on- voted that the aforesd report be for ly. Voted not to raise any bounty instructions to our present Represen- on crows &c. for the present^ tative March 24, 1772 & 1773— selectmen Voted that the Town Clerk deliver Daniel Davis Esq & Treasr Joseph an attested copy of the sd report to Otis Nymphas Marston Josiah Crock- sd Representative and that he cause er Town Clerk Col Otis Moderator the same to be printed in the pub- Ed. Bacon on important Com — to W. lick newspapers" M. H. Nymphas Marston 's account for re- March 10, 1773, "Voted that Col. pairing Bridge at Marston's mill (as Otis, Daniel Davis Esq Edv.-ard Ba- sole agent) allowed 15:4 con Esq Nymphas Marston Esq; Cor- (p. 51) Nov. 10 1773. Town voted nelius Crocker be a committee ' to not to accept report of Col. Otis, take under consideration the request Esqs. Marston, Bacon, Annable, Da- of a number of freeholders, (who vis, Elis Phinney, Maj. Otis, Joseph have set forth that our liberties are Bursley, Edmund Hinkley about man- encroached) our rights as stated by agement of schools — Reconsidered the Committee of Correspondence of its vote appropriating 133:6:8 for the Town of Boston and the infringe- schools, and "voted not to raise but ments of the same & make report at eighty pounds for the present year the adjournment of this meeting." for schooling but to procure two Meeting adjourned to 22d Mch at 2 grammar school masters. 44 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Voted to allow Mr. John Lewis Keep the same in their hands till fur- for Sunday serviee, it being the sum iher order of this Town & the Town of eighteen shillings and ten pence will indemnify sd. Constables." 18:10 ''The question being put whether the March 16, 1774 Col. Jas Otis Mod- town will purchase any small arms, erator it passed in the negative. Daniel Davis Joseph Otis Nymphas "The question being put whether the Marston selectmen Town will purchase any further sup- Town Treas, Daniel Davis ply of ammunition but what is al- Town Clerk Josiah Crocker ready provided, it passed in the nega- May 17, Col Otis Modr E. Bacon tive." Rep. "In respect to encouraging minute "Chequaquit" in Town Records, p. 58 men, the Town declined acting." Sept. 21, 1774 Col. Otis modera- ..^^ ^^^^^^ ^ Committee of Inspec- tor, Daniel Davis was chosen Repre- ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ association of the sentative & Hon. Jas. Otis, Major continental Congress be carried into Otis, Eli Phinney, Dr. Abner Hersey. Execution, so far as it respects Im- 1st time in office, Mr. Joseph Hallet p^rts & Exports only, the acting ac- were chosen a Com. to draw up in- wording to the serverel times fixed structions to him & report sd p. 60 ^^ ^^^ association, vol. 3. Report made Sept 26, 1774 (Public Papers) Com. to join with Corn's of other Towns to prevent disorders & of cor- respondence Oct 12 1774 Col Otis Mod. were James Otis Major Otis. "Voted to Refer the appropriation of Danl Davis, Dr Abner Hersev Messrs ^^^ County Congress' Resolves to Eli Phinney, Joseph Hallet & George "^xt March meeting. The Town Lewis to be chosen by papers and declined to send any person to the four to make a quorum Provincial Congress." Jan. 4 1775 Col Ed Bacon Mod. "At a Town meeting legally named voted not to pay taxes to Harrison & held at Barnstable on 24th day of Gray nor H'y Gardner till Town or- January 1775, the Hon. James Otis (jers. Elsq was chosen Moderator. Votd, to "voted, that the assessors make re- send a person to the Provincial Con- turn to Harrison Gray Esq as usual." gress to be held at Cambridge on "Voted, that the former constables Feb. next and Daniel Davis Esq was who have any money in their hands chosen for sd purpose." for a province tax which was made March 24, 1775 selectmen Daniel Da- before March 1774 that they shall vis & Town Treas. Joseph Otis Nym- 45 "Then were chosen for the above Purpose Col. James Otis, Col. Bacon, Esq. Davis, Esq. Marston & Major Otis. BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS phas Marston Avardens, Deer Reeves collected for a Province Tax, that &c. Josiah Crocker Town Clerk they collect & pay the same to Hen- "At a town meeting legally named & ry Gardner Esq. held on the 25th day of April A. D. That Capt Willn Taylor, Capt. James 1775 at the East Meeting house in Davis, & Daniel Davis Esq be a com- said Town, the Hon. James Otis Esq. mittee to confer with the Committees was chosen Moderator. The follow- of Yarmouth & Sandwich about set- Ing business was transacted, agreea- tling a post between here & Boston, ble. to the warrant on file. Voted, not to give Esq. Davis any in- Voted, To purchase a number of structions. small arms, to be disposed of as the Voted, not to add any person to the Town shall think proper. Provincial Congress" Voted, to purchase one hundred & Voted to allow John Crocker's ac- Twenty small arms. count for sundry supplies for the Voted, To raise money to purchase poor — 20:11:8 ammunition to be added to the Com- Thus endeth the business of the mon Stock" Day" Voted To raise the sum of three At a Town (Meeting) Legally named hundred pounds to purchase small & held at the West meeting house in arms and ammunition, to be dis- Barnstable on ye 25th day of May posed of as the Town shall think 1775 the Hon. James Otis Esq Mod- proper, erator — the following business was Voted that Daniel Davis Esq. Col. transacted, agreeable to the warrant Joseph Otis & Mr. Eli Phinney be on file. a Committee for to purchase arms Voted, to send two members to the & ammunition & hire the money for Provincial Congress to be held at the Town's use. Watertown on ye 31st of May instant Voted, To leave it to the discretion and Col. Joseph Otis & Daniel Davis of the above Committee about dis- Esq was chosen unanimously for said posing of the arms «6; ammunition. purpose. Voted, that three military watches be Voted, Thall persons refusing to at- settled in town, till further order of tend military watches be proceeded this Town, without any charge to the with agreeable to the law of this Town. province in that case made and pro- That the Military watches be un- vided. der the direction of the several Cap- At Town meeting in East M. H. tains, viz. James Davis, Ebenezer July 6, 1775 for the choice of Repre- Jenkins, Benjamin Lumbart. - sentative, the town voted to send Voted, that the Constables who have two, and Daniel Davis Esq. & Col. any money in their hands or to be Joseph Otis was chosen by the ma- 46 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS jor part of the electors present. 29 Nov, 1775 at East M. H. Danl Daniel Davis was chosen Moderator. Davis, Moderator — Voted, to choose a committee of Safe- Voted, to reconsider the votes that ty. and Capt William Taylor Deacon ^e passed last April for reissuing Jonathan Crocker, Messrs John Lewis the sum of three hundred pounds to Joseph Hallet Eli Phinney, John purchase arms & ammunition — To Crocker .Jr. and Samuel Crocker, make an addition to the town Stock were chosen for said purpose. of Powder — To purchas three & a Voted to choose a committee to half Barrels of Powder to be added draw up instructions for the Com- to the Town Stock & that the Se- mittee of safety and report to the lectmen do warehouse the same. Town immediately & the selectmen March 5, 1776, Selectmen Daniel Da- were chosen for said purpose. Voted vis & Treasurer, Nymphas Marston to excuse Daniel Davis Esq. from Ebenezer Jenkins. Josiah Crocker serving on said Committee and Capt. ^own Clerk Sturgis Gorham was chosen in his ^.^^^^ ^^^ to choose Wardens or Tyth- place. Committees report was ac- jj^^. j^^^j^ cepted ie. "That this Committee or "^^ ^ ^ ^ „ ,, r. ■ 4. ^. 1 Com. of Correspondence, Inspec- the major part of them be instructed ^. o c, ^ ^ -^ ^ / c., . , , , tion & Safety. Dea, Crocker. Saml to give passes to such -vessels as may ^ , ^ , ^ . ^.. t^, . . ^ ^, . -^ r, /T X X- N . Crocker John Lewis, Eli Phinney, come into this harbour (1st time) m ^ u tt ,, x ^ . ^ Joseph Hallet stress of weather or on business to go out again if said Committee safe Com. to state "grievances this for them to depart & also to give Town labour under in general, & why passes to such persons as shall want P^^i'sons are taken by an armed force to go out of the harbour of this Town ^"i choice in whose honor and fidel- consequences does to us appear ex- ity to this & the United States of tremely dangerous to the Constitu- America, as well as in his abilities, tional Mghts of any people who can ^'^ can place the strongest confi- still boast of any remaining free- dence" dom worth contending for — Recorded according to order, & Resolved f thly That it is the opin- compd attest ion of this Town that they cannot do Ebenr Bacon Town Clerk justice to this Country, to the natu- At a Town Meeting legally warned ral rights ol man, to themselves and ^ h^W at the West M. H. in Be. on posterity, at present proceed to the J'^ 3d day of Feb. A. D. 1778, Nym- choice of a representative in the Ph^s Marston Esq was chose Mode- room of Edward Bacon who is said rator. Then the Town proceeded to to be excluded for the present from a the business agreeable to the War- seat in the House of Representatives, ^'^nt on file. 59 BARNSTABLE TOWN RECORDS Voted, to chuse a Committee to take ^ut report in fact was given in at a into consideration the articles of Con- town meeting in East M. H, Feb. 23d federation & perpetual union be- 1778 - page 83 vol. 3. tween the United States of America, mem agreed on by the Hon. Continental ^^ .^^^^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^^i^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ g^ Congress and report at the adjourn- -^gg^ ^^^^^ .^.^^^ ^^^ promoting in- ment of this meeting dustry &c. Voted, that the above Committee con- „ ^ ^ ' „ ,„^„ , ^, ^ . ^ ' . „^ V, „ & of Sept. 28, 1768 whether Town sist of five. Then were chosen for . , ' ^ „ „, , T-, -n will send to meet Boston Com & c. said purpose, Edward Bacon Esq. Nymphas Marston Esq. Messrs Sam- ^^^^^^^^e both) uel Crocker, Joseph Davis and Thom- Instructions to D. Davis Sept. 2& as Crocker. ^'^^^ Voted to adjourn this meeting to the Instructions to Ed. Bacon May 10, annual meeting in March next. 1773 Look in Gazette for. 16 \mz LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 013 311 5 #