\ (A3<^4 \^i'^ \ (A3<^4 \^i'^ 202 1 ^1364 opy 1 il¥lassacl)usetts ^octetp of tJ)e Cincinnati ©ttittxi. Committees! anb iWemljers! 1912 Sift 22 NOV 1912. iilassacbusetts ^ocietp of t\)t Ciminnatt (Officers for tt)e gear 1912=1913 President, Winslow Warrex. Vice-President, Thornton Kirkland Lothrop. Secretary, David Greene Haskins, Jr. 10 Tremont St., Boston. Treasurer, Horatio Appleton Lamb. 27 Kilby St., Boston. Assistant Secretary, Arthur Greene Everett. Assistant Treasurer, Robert Homans. ^taiiDing Committee 1882. John Collins Warren. 1900. Charles Eben Jackson. 1887. Charles Upham Bell. 1902. John Edward Winslow. *1893. Frederick Augustus Whitwell. 1906. William Frederick Jones. 1897. Moorfield Storey. 1908. William Amos Bancroft. 1897. Prentiss Cummings. 1911. Edward Abbot Chase. * 1900. Amory Appleton Lawrence. 1912. Charles Otis Lawton. JFinance Committee Prentiss Cummings. Arthur G. Everett. Charles W. Moseley. SDelegate^ to tfje Criennial fHeeting of 4Bmeval J>ocietp at 25altimorc, ;|Wap, 1914 Horatio A. Lamb. William F. Jones. David G. Haskins, Jr. Amory A. Lawrence. Prentiss Cummings. ^Iternate^ Charles E. Jackson. Col. William A. Hayes, 2nd. Arthur G. Everett, Judge Wade Gushing. Nathaniel W. Emerson. fUeml^ec of JttauDing Committee of 4Btntva\ J>ocietp Horatio A. L.vmb. • Deceased since July 4th. Ct)c Jttaeciacbusctte Sotictp of tt)c Ctntinnatt 1912 Dale of Admission. Address. 1879. Bailey, Walter Lang, Calcutta, India. (Balch, Bailey & Co., 92 State St., Boston.) Great-grandson of Capt. Adams Bailey, '2nd JMassachusetts Infantry. 1909. Baldwin, William Pynchon, 519 E. 42nd St., Chicago, Illinois. Great-grandson of Col. Jeduthan Baklwin, of Engineers. 1899. Bancroft, Brigadier General William Amos, late U. S. Volunteers. Major General, M. V. M., Retired. Cambridge. Grand-nephew of Lieut. Edmund Bancroft, 1.5th Massachusetts Infantry. (Rule of 1854. ) 1881. Baylies, Edmund Lincoln, .54 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Major Hodijah Baylies, Aide de Camp to General Washington. 1876. Bell, Charles Upham, Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court, Andover. Great-grandson of Lieut. Colonel Thomas Cogswell, 15th Massachusetts Infantry. 1907. Blake, James Henry, 18 Prentiss St., Cambridge. Great-grand nephew of Lieut. Edward Blake, Crane's Artillery. *1910. Blodget, William, Chestnut Hill, Boston. Great-grandson of Major William Blodget, Aide de Camp to Gen. Nathanael Greene. 1899. Bowles, Stephen Wallace, 61 E. 73d St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Lieut. Ralph Hart Bowles, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1902. Bowman, Frank, 366 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Great-great-grand nephew of Lieut. Samuel Bowman, 1st ISIassachusetts Infantry. 1912. Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr., Wellesley Hills. Gre.at-grandson of Lieut. GamaUel Bradford, 7th Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Bradford, Gershom, 640 Huntington Ave., Boston. Great-grandson of Col. Gamahel Bradford, 14th Massachusetts Infantry. 1896. Bradford, Robert Forbes, 23 Court St., Portsmouth, N. H. Great-great -grand nephew of Lieut. Andrew Bradford, 3d Massachusetts Infantry. 1908. Bryant, John, M. D., Cohasset. Great-great-grand nephew of Lieut. David Mason, Jr., Crane's Artillery. 1909. Bryant, William Sohier, 41 E. 33rd St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Capt. Lieut. John Bryant, Crane's Artillery. (Rule of 1854.) •Transferred from Rhode iHland Society. Cbe iHaeeacbtiBettfi Sotirtp of tbe Cintinnati Date of Admission. Address. 1902. BuUard, Harold Kendall, Milford. Great-grcat-grand nephew of Lieut. Asa BuUard, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1897. Casey, Edwin Augustus, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Great-grandson of Capt. Nathan Goodale, .5th Massachusetts Infantry. 1901. Chase, Rev. Edward Abbot, Beverly. Great-grandson of Capt. Stephen Abbot, Sth Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Claflin, William Bement, 9 East 69th St., New York, N. Y. Great -great-grandson of Lieut. Samuel Claflin, 9th Massachusetts Infantry. (Rule of 1S54.) 1909. Coolidge, Charles AUerton, 82 Marlboro St., Boston. Great-grand nephew of Lieut. Jeremiah Hill, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1882. Crocker, Lewis Cass, 8 Lafayette Park, East Lynn. Cireat-grandson of Capt. Joseph Crocker, .3rd Massachusetts lnfantr\-. 1880. Cummings, Prentiss, Brookline. Great-great grandson of Surgeon John Hart, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1895. Cashing, Wade, Judge, Court House, Cincinnati, Ohio. Great-grandson of Capt. Nathaniel Ciishing, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1901. Dana, Charles Stratton, 300 Berkeley St., Boston. Grand-nephew of Lieut. Benjamin Dana, 13th Massachusetts Infantry. 1880. Davis, Rear Admiral Charles Henry, United States Navy, Retired. 1705 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Capt.-Lieut. Constant Freeman, Crane's Artillery. 1896. Dearborn, William Henry, Orient, Long Island, New York. Great-granflson of Lieut. Colonel Henry Dearborn, 1st New Hampshire Infantry. 1906. Drew, Henry Jay Washburn, Wayland. Great-great-grandson of Major Seth Drew, 3rd Massachusetts Infantry. 1909. Edwards, Robert Seaver, 426 Railway Exchange, Portland, Oregon. Great-grandson of Lieut. Thomas Edwards, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. Judge Advocate. 1912. Emerson, William Key Bond, Rye, New York. Great-grandson of Capt. Nehemiah Emerson, 10th Massachusetts Infantr\'. 1898. Everett, Arthur Greene, Chestnut Hill Ave., Boston. Great-grandson of Capt. Francis Green, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1908. Gale, George Candee, Galesburg, III. Great-great-grandson of Lieut. Charles Selden, 4t.h Massachusetts Infantry. d)e jnaetiacbnBctte Stottctp of tbt C-tnttnnatt Dale oj Admission. Address. 1898. Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, Mail Building, Toronto, Canada. Great-grandson of Ensign Benjamin Gould, Tith Continental Infantry. (Rnle of 185-1. ) 1905. Greenough, Henry Vose, 23 Monmouth Court, Brookline. Great-great-grandson of Lieut. Colonel Elijah Vose, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1910. Griswold, Arthur Heywood, M. D., 108 Church St., Hartford, Conn. Great-grandson of Capt. Benjamin Heywood, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Hall, Arthur Floyd, 34 Evelyn Road, Everett. Great-grandson of Capt. -Lieut. James Hall, Crane's Artillery. 1876. Haskins, David Greene, .Jr., 10 Tremont St., Boston. Great-grandson of Lieut. Ebenezer Davis, 3rd Massachusetts Infantry. 1908. Hatch, George Stanley, West Medford. Great-grandson of Capt. John Hastings, 7th Massachusetts Infantry. 1910. Hayes, Lieut.-Col. William Allen, 2nd, 1st Corps Cadets, M.V.M. Retired. Cambridge. Great-grand nephew of Capt. Nathaniel Colt Allen, 7th Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Hill, John Philip, 712 Keyser Building, Baltimore, Maryland. Great-great-grandson of Capt. Ebenezer Bancroft. (Rule of 1854.) 1905. Hodge, Seth Evans, The Otis, Summit Ave., Seattle, Wash. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon James Thatcher, 9tli Massachusetts Infantry. 1909. Holden, Charles Edgar, Proctor, Vermont. Great-great-grandson of Capt. Aaron Holden, 7th Massachusetts Infantry. 1910. Holden, Edgar, M. D., Newark, New Jersey. Great-grandson of Lieut. John Holden, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1902. Holden, Rev. Louis Halsey, Utica, N. Y. Great-great-grandson of Lieut. Levi Holden, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1903. Homans, Robert, 158 Mt. Vernon St., Boston. Great-grandson of Surgeon John Homans, Sheldon's Light Dragoons. 1895. Hooker, Hiram Wilson, 45 Fayette St., Cambridge. Great-grandson of Lieut. Zibcon Hooker, "ith Massachusetts Infantry. 1890. Jackson, Charles Eben, Middletown, Conn. Grand-nejjhew of Ensign Charles Jackson, Sth Massachusetts Infantry. 1892. Jackson, Charles Leicester, 619 West Delavan Ave., Bufi'alo, N. Y. Great-grandson of Ensign Amasa Jackson, Sth Massachusetts Infantry. ([D|)e JflaeeatbtieiettK l>ocietp of tbe Cincinnati Dale of Admission. Address. 1906. Jackson, Daniel Dana, 930 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Great-grandson of Lieut. Daniel Jackson, Crane's Artillerj'. 1897. Jackson, Pcarsall Bradhnrst, Mackay & Co., 55 Wall St., New York,N. Y. Great-great- grandson of Capt. Simon Jackson, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1910. Jackson, Robert Nesmith, Middletown, Conn. Great-grandson of Col. Michael Jackson, 8th Massachusetts Infantry. 1884. Jones, William Frederick, 74 Orchard St., Jamaica Plain. Great-grand nephew of Lieut. WiUiam Moor, Crane's Artillery. 1000. Kendal, Henry Woodward, Newton. Great-grand nejjhew of Surgeon's Mate Samuel Woodward, Crane's Artillery. 1898. Knapp, James Herbert, 27 Salcombe St., Dorchester. Great-grandson of Major Moses Knapp, 5th Massachusetts Infantr>\ 1893. Lamb, Horatio Appleton, 27 Kilby St., Boston. Grandson of Lieut. Thomas Lamb, Jackson's Additional Continental Infantry. (Rule of 1854. ) 1905. Larned, Charles Pierpont, 25 Detroit Opera House Block, Detroit, Mich. Great-grandson of Capt. Simon Larned, 4th Massachusetts Infantry. *1888. Lawrence, Amory Appleton, 61 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Groat-grandson of Ensign Samuel Lawrence, 7th Continental Infantry. (Rule of 1854. ) 1901. Lawton, Alfred Willson, 1.35 William St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Surgeon's Mate WiUiam Laughton, 5th Massachusetts Infantry. 1879. Lawton, Charles Otis, 226 Huntington Ave., Boston. Great-grandson of Lieut. Hezekiah Ripley, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Lee, Thomas Amory, Topeka, Kansas. Great-great-grandson of Col. WilUam Raymond Lee of Lee's Additinal Continental. Infantry. 1910. Lincoln, Theodore, 66 Farwell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Great-great grandson of Major General Benjamin Lincoln. 1888. Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland, 27 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Great-grandson of Chaplain Samuel Kirkland. (Rule of 1854. ) 1900. Lovell, Mansfield, 112 Market St., San Francsico, Cal. Great-grand nephew of Cornet James Lovell, Lee's Legion. 'Deceased since July 4th. Ct)e J$la06ac!)ueett£t S>octetp of tbe C-tncinnati Date of Admission. Addres.i. 1911. Mason, Prof. James Frederick, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Gn^at-fsn'at (ji'aiidson of Capt. James Means, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1899. Maynard, Frank Hamilton, 420 Angell St., Providence, R. I. Great-grandson of Lieut. William Maynard, Invalid Regiment. 1897. McKesson, Joiin, 91 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Lieut. Colonel William Hidl, (i(h Massaehusetts Infantry, Adjutant General. 1904. Moody, George Lyman, 259 West 18th St., Erie, Pa. Great-grandson of Capt. Amos Cogswell, Stli Massachusetts Infantry. 1878. Moore, Rear Admiral Jolm White, C'hief Engineer, U. S. Navy, Retired, 59 South Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Grandson of Lieut. Benjamin Mooers, Hazen's Kegiment. 1911. Moseley, Charles William, Newburyport, Great-grand.son of Capt. Ebenezer Moseley, 3d Connect ieuf Infantry. (Rule of 1854.) 1890. Nelson, Rev. Henry Wells, D. D., Marshfield Hills. Grandson of Lieut. James Wells, 4th Massachusetts Infantr}'. 1905. Nichols, Charles Gilbert, 81 Water St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Lieut. Silas Morton, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1906. Oddie, Orville, Riverside, Conn. Great-grandson of Capt. Mason Wattles, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1872. Perry, Andrew Poladore, 76 Union St., Everett. Great-grandson of Ensign Africa Hamlin, 4th Massachusetts Infantry. 1887. Pickering, John, Salem. Great-granilson of Colonel Timothy Pickering, Quartermaster General. 1859. Pierce, Josiah, Care of Baring Brothers, London, England. Grandson of Lieut. Archelaus Lewis, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. (Rule of 1854.) 1889. Pierce, Kirk Dearborn, Hillsboro, N. H. Grandson of Lieut. Benjamin Pierce, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1910. Pope, Albert Linder, Hartford, Conn. Great-great-grandson of Capt. Frederick Pope, 16th Continental Infantry. (Rule of 1854. ) 1912. Pratt, James Frank, Adams and Market Sts., Chicago, 111. Great-grandson of Lieut. Joel Pratt, 4th Massachusetts Infantry. 1908. Rice, Nathan, 128 Paine St., Worcester. Great-grandson of Major Nathan Rice, 4th Massachusetts Infantry. Cbt i«lai3i6atl)ncfttt8 Sotiftp of tbr Cincinnati Date of Admission. Address. 1891. Richardson, William King, 300 Beacon St., Boston. Groat-grandson of Lieut. Joseph Lcland, 8th Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Rounds, Arthur Charles, 96 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Great-great grandson of Col. Thomas Nixon, 6t.h Massachusetts Infantry. 1892. Sanford, George Baylies, 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Lieut. Colonel David Cobb, 5th Massachusetts Infantry. 1881. Savage, William Henry, Harvard. Grandson of Capt. .Joseph Savage, Lamb's Artillery. 1906. Sawyer, Philip. 156 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Great-grandson of Ensign James Sawyer, 7th Massachusetts Infantry. 1905. Sever, Prof. George Francis, 7 West 43d St., New York, N. Y. Great-grand nephew of Ensign James Sever, 7th Massachusetts Infantry. 1884. Shaw, George Russell, 113 Newbury St., Boston. Great-grand nephew of Capt. Samuel Shaw, Crane's Artillery. 1905. Shute, Henry Leonard, Salem. Great-grandson of Surgeon Daniel Shute, 4th Massachusetts Infantry. 1883. Sikes, Henry Knox, Ridgeland, Miss. Great-grandson of Major General Henry Knox. 1897. Smith, Alfred Ethelbert, 34 Pine St., New York, N. Y. Great-great-grandson of Capt. Ebenezer Smith, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1905. Smith, Chandler, 237 Tompkins Ave., New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. Grandson of Capt. Henry Burbeck, Crane's Artillery. 1904. Smith, Frank, Dedham. Great-great-grandson of Capt. John Williams, 1st Mas.sachusetts Infantry. 1893. Smith, Gideon Stinson, Wayne, Maine. Grandson of Capt. Ebenezer Smith, 8th Massachusette Infantry. 1901. Smith, Henry Marston, 10 South 5th St., Richmond, Ya. Great-grandson of Capt. Silvanus Smith, 5th Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Soren, Jonathan Wales, Brookline. Great-grandson of Capt. John Johnston, Crane's Artillery. 1896. Storey, Moorfield, 53 State St., Boston. Great-grandson of Capt. William Storey, 8th Massachusetts Infantry. 1904. Storey, Richard Cutis, 53 State St., Boston. Great-great-grandson of Lieut. Benjamin Eaton, Crane's Artillery. 10 Cbe iHa00act)nciett6 S>ot(etp of t\)t Cincinnati Dale of Admission. Address. 1887. Story, Major General John Patten, U. S. Army, Retired, Los Angeles, Cal. Great-grand-nophow of Liput.-Col. John Story, Deputy Quarter-Master General. 1890. Sumner, Brioadier General Edwin Vose, U. S. Army, Retired, Bohemian Club, San Francisco, Cal. Great-grand-nephew of Major Job iSiininer, 3rd Massachusetts Infantrj'. 1893. Torrey, Charles Brandon, Spencer. Great-grandson of Lieut. \\'iniam Torrey, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. 1904. Townsend, Thomas Gerry, Southern R.R. Office, Washington, D. C. Great- great- grandson of Hospital Surgeon David Townsend. 1904. Tudor, Frederic, Needham. Great-grandson of Lieut. Colonel Willi;im Tudor, Henley's Additional Continental Infantry, Judge Advocate. 1885. Turner, George Henry, Norwell. Great -great-grandson of Capt. Jonatlian Turner, 5th Massachusetts Infantry. 1898. Tyler, Edward Royall, Villa Les Marguerites, Cimiez, Nice, France. Great-grandson of Major John Steele Tyler, Jackson's Additional Continental Infantry. (Rule of I8.54") 1910. Vose, Rufus Chandler, 2342 E. 19th St., Oakland, Cal. Great-great grandson of Col. Jcwepli Vose, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1876. Vose, Thomas Spear, Thomaston, Maine. Grandson of Capt. Thomas Vose, Crane's Artillery. 1871. Warren, John Collins, M. D., 58 Beacon St., Boston. Great-grand nephew of Major General Joseph \\'arren. (Rule of 1854, ) 1870. Warren, Winslow, Dedham. Grand nephew of Lieut. James Warren, Jr., Continental Navy. 1912. Weeks, William Holden, 789 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Great-great-grandson of Capt. Abel Holden, 6th Massachusetts Infantry. 1877. Wetmore, George Peabody, United States Senator, Newport, R. I. Grand-nephew of Ensign William Shepard, Jr., 4th Massachusetts Infantry. 1909. Whiting, Lieut. Deshler, U. S. A., 5th U. S. Infantry, Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. Great-great-grandson of Lieut. John Whiting, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. Crbt Jfla66atl)«6ctt6 Sotietp of tbe Cincinnati 11 Dale of Admission. Address. *1889. Whitwell, Frederick Augustus, 113 Marlboro St., Boston. Grandson of Surgeon Samuel Whitwell, 3rcl Massachusetts Infantry. 1889. Winslow, John Edward, 50 Gushing St., Cambridge. Great great-grandson of Capt. John Winslow, Crane's Artillery. 1901. Wolcott, Roger, 60 State St., Boston. Great-great-grandson of iVIajor General Oliver Wolcott of Connecticut (Rule of 1854. ) *1896. Wright, Frank Vernon, Salem. Great-grandson of Capt. Peter Dolliver, Jackson's Additional Continental Infantry. Total number 112. *Decea8ed since July 4th. 12 iE\)t Jfta66at|)U8rtt6 Sociftp of tlja Ctntinnati LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiwii 011 697 665 1 •^ jHemljerfi Clect tDt)o i)at)c not pet joincti tlyt ^octetp Date of Admission. Address. 1888. Nicholson, William Henry Drake, Great-grandson of Capt. Sanniel Nicholson, Continental Navy. 1890. Eaton, William Luther, 129 1st St., San Francisco, Cal. Great-grandson of Lieut. Park Holland, 5th Massachusetts Infantry. 1891. Eustis, William Grelaud, Great-grand nephew of Hospital Surgeon William Eustis. Henrietta, Texas. 1892. Peirce, Hamilton McKee, New Orleans, La. Great-great-grand nephew of Capt.-Lieut. John Peirce, Crane's Artillerj'. 1897. Maynard, Charles Warren, Maywood, Cook Co., 111. Grandson of Lieut. John Maynard, 3rd Massachusetts Infantry. 1908. Fiske, Timothy Kennard, Lexington. Grandson of Surgeon Joseph Fisk, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. 1908. Stoddard, Henry Farris, Welland, Ontario, Canada. Great-great-grand nephew of Capt. Joseph Thomas, Lamb's Artillery. 1909. Sargent, Winthrop William. Fresno, Cal. Great-great grandson of Capt. Winthrop Sargent, Crane's Artillery. 1912. Biirnham, Benjamin Lawrence, Wheatland, North Dakota. Great-grandson of Major John Burnham, .5tli Massachusetts Infantry. 1912. Jackson, Edward Quintard, Middletown, Conn. Great-grandson of Lieut. Ehenezer Jackson, Crane's Artillery. 1912. Lillie, John, Ivy Hall, Richmond, Co. Surrey, England. Grandson of Capt. John Lillie, Crane's Artillery. Aide de Camp to Gen. Knox. *1912. Perkins, Benjamin Abbott, Grandson of Major William Perkins, Crane's .\rtillery. 1912. Putnam, Rufus, Great-grandson of Brigadier Gen Rufus Putnam. Portland, Maine. Newark, Ohio. 1912. Worthen, Thacher Washburn, 67 Hudson St., New York, N. Y. Great-great-grand nephew of Lieut. Nathaniel Thacher, lith Massachusetts Infantry. Total number 14. 'Deceased since July 4th. LIBRARY OF CONGRES! 011 697 665 1 Hollinger pH 8J MOlRunFOS- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiHiiKiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiq 011 697 665 1 Hollinger pH S3 ma Rim F03.2193