1123 T WISDOM i\- 1 > .--. 1 1 (. C!-](^. Tr)Pi.r F). Y^en]. rJOHN CALVIIn i.rwviii V PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. ^,r>^ ■ )^%^: GET WISDOM. DOUBLE ACROSTIC !^aol] ^tar|za is "^ra;g'ge(3. ii] a !!5flagie !^ar|3., ^r|(i (por|tair|8 a I[aivii]g (p?eir]. BY JOHN CALVIN BRIGHT. New IvEbanon, Ohio : PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1886. -'?> I Copyright, i8S6: By John Calvin Bright. EXPLANATIONS. 1. The Double Acrostic. — The first letter.s of all the lines read the same as the first line of each stanza. The last letters of all the lines read the same as the last line. 2. The Magic Band. — These expressions compose the Magic Band. 3. lyiviNG Gems.— In each stanza are words which, read in the order of their numbers, form sentences of great note and authority; and which will live until "Time shall be no longer." P R E FA C E »^0 Expecting Counsel, Courage Accurate And For Fortitude Entirely Ever Reading Remarkable, People »g^^ Wisdom." P^^haps, Reading: Reliable Examining Encouragement From For Accrue, A Can Endless Contest John Calvin Bright. Thanksgivhig ^ i8S6. DfiDlGASlON. DEDICATED TO ALL LOVERS OF WISDOM AND EDUCATION, BY THE AUTHOR. w SIGHT. *'Get Svisdom ^and educate. — Employ all thy heart and mind, That |/ruth may prevail ; that thou, Whilst combating with magic, Insidious trials — a Sure state of our earth sin-girt — Destroy their wrong influence. Open thine eyes with care. A Myriad things environ, And thy ^understanding and Nice scrutiny ask thee. — Bring, Devotedly, all to the Eternal Creator. Light Descends from His Hand, and how Unwearied the windows (I Call them) of the soul, address, Ask it to enter the mind. Thus well assisting thee to Educate and get wisdom. ^SOLOMOK. 5 GET WISDOM. SIGHT. Get wisdom and educate. — Exult with thy heart, for God Thine eyes hath unclosed, that thou, ^Without the least stint — magic Idea — enjo}^ with a Sweet transj^ort, the beauties tliat Deline His ^great -excellence. Oh, let thy living eyes — a Might they possess through all an Aberrant dark sphere attend — Neglect not the opening. Distinctly, of all that the Exterior world present ! Devotedly ^labor, show Unbending attention (I Charge thee) with thy active eyes, As thy bright days roll onward. That thou ^^hio chances lose to Educate and get wisdom. * Common Pkoverb. GET WISDOM. HEARING. Get wisdom and educate. — Exert thy quick ears, the grand Tel'phones of the mind, that thou Wilt richly enjo}^ classic Ideas, criteria Sure, harmonies grand and sweet, Delightful and valu'ble. Oh ! make thy tympanums — a Marvelous pair — entertain And use these great treasures, and Necessitate progress; cling Devoutly to all of the Essential instructions that Develop Hhyself ; and ^Mvuow Unless they are stamped deep (I Command) on th}" memorj^'s Accurate page, and there held Tightly, they'll never help to Educate and get wisdom. * Solon. 8 GET WISDOM. HEARING. Get wisdom and educate. — Exclude from thy *ears the word Traducent, profane. In lieu, Without a delay tragic, Immutable truth give a Swift welcome, conclusions Hhat Determine the right, and the Obvious principles a Man may with safety attain. Attentively ^hear all God Necessitates thee, to bring Deliverance from all the Emergencies *^He ^hath sent. Decide Ho ^hear ®Him, and show- Unfailing attachment (I Charge thee) to His Holy Books. And 'let thy memory aid Thee to complete the work — to Educate and get wisdom. *BlBI,E. GET WISDOM. TASTE. Get wisdom and educate. — Educe from the blessings God Throws into thy path, that thou Walk wisely, the hygi'nic, Invigorous strength, that a Strong body and mind can not Deceived be by sin ; because Onerous duties, and a Multitude, on th' uneven Ascent of thy life, demand Nice care. As, then, ev'rything Distributed by this sense Exerts a great power, let Discretion be used ; for how Unbending's the influ'nce, (I **Consider) this organ has. Advocate, then, to '^the 'end^ Truths hygienic, and so Educate and get wisdom. fCHILO. 10 gI':t wisdom. TASTE. Get wisdom and educate. — Extract from all climes such food That thee strength imparts, that thou Wilt have a pure soul, logic (I reason) result of a Supremacy over what Deranges the appetite. Oh ! -'^Houch ^lot, ^handle ^lot, a Mite, in the trials of an Aspiring and restless world, Not fully designed to bring Dei3ortment commendable. Examine with care all that Delighteth thy Haste and show- Unyielding submission (I Command thee) to all the laws As hygienic are held. Thus *not to check the work — to Educate and get wisdom. i= Bible. GET WISDOM. 11 SMELL. Get wisdom and educate. — Exceeding sweet odors, good, Transcendent, arise, that thou, With pleasure great, ecstatic, Inhale and enjoy them. A Strength has Hhy olfactor not? Deny to it none of the Odors refreshing that a Meet ^opportunity, then. Advances. Nay, more, thou should No pains, therefore, spare to bring Desirable fragrance — the Essential constituent — , Directly to thy use. *'Know Unusual prudence (I Charge thee) that the tempting fumes. As from the still they proceed, Tear not thy efforts down to Educate and get wisdom. =PlTTACUS. 12 GET WISDOM. SMELL. Get wisdom and educate. — Exclude from thy nostrils and Thy lungs, ev'rything that, thou, With efforts most heroic, ^In trying to * ^gather a Secure store of wisdom not Deficient in any place. Obviously impairs. (A Myriad duties of an Assuming fast age demand Nice care). As thou pass along Direct into Hhem the pure, Essential ambrosias that Delight all thy veins, bestow Unfeigned and great power (I Consider) for all thy works, ^ — Active and powerful and Tangible help and aid to Educate and get wisdom. * Common Chobus. , GET WISDOM. 13 FEELING. Get wisdom and educate. — Endeavor with all the grand Thread-work of sensation, thou, Within and throughout — antic, Invisible guardians ; yea, Swift messengers of the light. Destruction, and peace, and woe, Openly, secretly ; yea. Mighty detectors of ^men Assumptively good, and *bad, Neglecting not all to bring, Delivering it to the Extreme and *^most quiet part, Deceiving thee not ; how, how Unable the secrets (I Conclude) the great crowd of nerves 'Are to retain ; words, deeds, and Thoughts by them spread, received — to Educate and get wisdom. -"Bias. 14 GET WISDOM. FEELING. Get wisdom and educate. — Effect by this sense, '^-'' The Lord Though Servant of all," what thou Wilt fail with those. Eclectic, Intrinsic entwiner; a Secure and great power that Directs all the others ; the Obstacles by it moved ; a Mean for the labors which an Assuming, unprincipled, Nay, merciless world belong ! Detect and obtain by the Exact and quick nerves, all that Devotion to truth and law. Unfailingly brings thee — (I Cry) solid protection, bliss Actual, knowledge profound, Training remarkable. O, Educate and get wisdom. Of Christ. GKl' WISDOM. 15 ALL TH E SENSES. Get wisdom and educate. — Examine with care the world Throughout with these senses, thou,- With faculties these public. •^Impossible 't^is Ho plea, Secure any good, without Depending upon their use, Only, and wholly. Then a Mighty exertion, and an Assiduous effort lend ; No industry, -'^'nothing strong, Discreet be withheld ; that the Ecstatic enjoyments that Distinguish thee, and bestow Unusual profit (I Consider) in all thy ways, Answer success ; may reward Thee in thy diligence to Educate and get wisdom. * Periander. 16 GET WISDOM. ALL THE SENSES. Get wisdom and educate. — Elect by these senses and Triumphantly use, all thou Wilt need to meet sarcastic, Illusive temptation, — a Success in the business that Devolves, without doubt, on thee Of a * ^necessity. A Magical power, often. Abused, have these organs. And ^No virtue and ev'rything Devised, every *law and the Entire education that Distinguishes thee, but show, Undoubtedly, great skill (I Conclude) of these faculties. All thy great powers ^know(s), and Them all employ to help to Educate and get wisdom. CoHMOM Proverb. GET WISDOM. 17 THE TONGUE. Get wisdom and educate. — Extreme be thy watching and Thy care that, in prudence, thou, With all thy care tyrannic, CIs it ?) forget not to a "^ Sweet grace give to all thy thought Delivered. Let kindness, Hhe Only complete subdu'r, a Most entertaining trait, an Ability unsurpassed Ne'er fail thee impart and bring ; Dress all ^of thy words with care, Exceedingly good and great ; Dear * ^suretyship bestow, Unusual; cause swift (I Call) ^ruin to all thy foes ; And a *precurser be, and Truthful expositor to Educate and get wisdom. *Thales. 18 GET WISDOM, THE TONGUE. Get wisdom and educate. — ^Excess in thy speech *^avoid. Thy tongue, the great power thou Wield, worthily, dramatic Indeed, use. Distill with a Success, and in time, the light Devotion to truth, alone. Opens to ev'ry one, — a Magnetism which creates an Attractive, resistless, and Nutritious result. And strong Deductions from prem'ses the Expressions of which can not Denied be by none, thou blow, Until they're accepted. I Conclude, that harsh language shows Adamantean heart, and Thought not conducible to Educate and get wisdom. *Cleobulus. GET WISDOM. 19 WISDOM OR WEALTH. Get wisdom and educate. — Essay not to live for gold. Thy * ^millions may perish, thou Work slavishly ^for. Magic Intriguer is Wealth, and a Strange foe, proud and arrogant, Devoid of the finer, the Obvious feelings that a Man with the image of an Almighty Creator should, No doubt, have. Then, anything ^Defense may suggest, require, Expect, do hiot thou ®one ^cent Deny. *But with judgment show Unusual grace, great (I Call) draining ^for happiness. Actual, real ; and thus spend ^Tribute and principal to Educate and get wisdom. *PlCKNEY. 20 GET WISDOM. WISDOM OR WEALTH, Get wisdom and educate. — Extol far above thy gold, *^The traits that ennobles thou, Without fail. For dogmatic Is trust in thy *rnoney, a Shame, shame to thy spirit. Let Discretion control thy ^love. Obsequies claim all wealth. A Monument infinite, an Authentical sign ^of God, Necessitating all strong Deductions ®of truth to thee, Essential, 4s Wisdom that, Devoutly, inclines to bow, Until ''all Hhe '"evil (I Conclude) is without ^root. Thus, Actuated and controlled. Thou to thy work proceed to Educate and get wisdom. * Bible. GET WISDOM. 21 WISDOM OR FAME. Get wisdom and educate. — Excessive desire attend Thee all *the day long, that thou Win fame, so grand, elastic. I ask : ^have *Hve '^met such a Strong foe as Ambition ? that Demoniac, who, because Others do not bow in a Myriad contests of an Austere world, becomes enraged ! No ^enemy is so strong, Deceitful as envy, the Extract of ambition. It Destroys friendships sweet ; Hhey show, Unfailingly, that his (I Cry) touch paralyzes ^ours. ®Are we not ready to spend, * Thoroughly, all our time to Educate ^and get wisdom ? • Pebbt. 22 GET WISDOM. WISDOM OR FAME. Get wisdom and educate. — Emphatic attempts to hold Thyself from the height which thou Wilt be enticed, emphatic, I bid thee to make. For a Strong foe is Ambition that Dethrones all the race from the Opulence, Happiness, a ^Mighty Creator has in A state of Protection ! *And No * 'truth -is so strengthening, Discounted as this : That the Eternal Preserver that Directs both above, below, Until all that's faulty (I Call) ^will be perfected, says : "Ask thou for wisdom, by and Through it thou shalt ^prevail." O Educate and get wisdom. * Common Pbovebb. GET WISDOM. 23 EXAMPLES. Get wisdom and educate. — Examples of ^this the world Throughout her great record, thou Wilt find, hast made. Didactic ("It always will) labor, a Strong, earnest endeavor brought, Distinctly, to notice the Orators, statesmen, and a Mighty array of wise men — Analogists, poets, and Nice scholars in ev'rything. Devote all thy "summer, the Expanding resources, that Develop, ^propose Ho show. Unroll thy mind's strength, ^°if (*^I Charge thee) 4t ^out-^'line success. Ably *fight ^on, and work, and ^^Take sure swift courage, '^all to Educate and get wisdom. • Grant. 24 GET WISDOM. EXAMPLES. Get wisdom and educate. — Examples I still append, That courage essential thou Wilt have to proceed — logic Idea — to gain what a Sweet consciousness craves, with that Desire, *^first, which lives ^^of thee. Onerous duties, *first, a Multitude have performed in A week way — Hn ^peace. Attained None have without suffering Determined ^in ^war, all the Experience ^and delight Depainted ^in Wisdom's Law. Until, ^*countrymen, wrongs (I Command) removed from our "hearts Are, we should ask ^"the great God, To "His strength share, -first, last. O Educate and get wisdom. *0r Washington. ■& Get T^isdozn. Single copy, 1'\ !• uunceii copie?. ^ Seventy-five copiet), by mail. Money orders and \ stami 1 dress, , (Ml ' ( I \ , , .1(-1.,> ^ .^L\■|^ M()NT(it>MLin